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Expresiones en Ingls

As son as possible (ASAP) --------------------------------------- Lo antes possible

Ill get by------------------------------------------------------------ Ya me las apaar
Look away ---------------------------------------------------------- Apartar la vista
Brew /bru/ ---------------------------------------------------------- Cerveza
Belong to: Ixchen
Brew-up ------------------------------------------------------------- T
Trigueoros Fls
Hardly ever --------------------------------------------------------- Casi nunca
As for you----------------------------------------------------------- En cuanto a ti
What do you bet? -------------------------------------------------- Qu te apuestas?
Enjoy your meal /mil/!! ------------------------------------------- Que aproveche!!
To sign on----------------------------------------------------------- Apuntarse
How embarrassing /embrasing/ --------------------------------- Qu vergenza!!
You are a hopeless case ------------------------------------------- No tienes arreglo (una persona)
At the very top ----------------------------------------------------- Arriba del todo
Hands up!! ---------------------------------------------------------- Arriba las manos!!
As if by magic ------------------------------------------------------ Como por arte de magia
How revolting /rivltin/!! ----------------------------------------- Qu asco!!
What a pain!! ------------------------------------------------------- Qu fastidio!!
What a lousy /lausy/ life!! ---------------------------------------- Qu asco de vida!!
Thats the way I am ----------------------------------------------- Yo soy as/sta es mi forma de ser
Well said/done!! --------------------------------------------------- Bien dicho/hecho!!
And so on ----------------------------------------------------------- Y as sucesivamente
Its none of my, your, his... business ---------------------------- No es asunto mio, tuyo, suyo
To pay attention ---------------------------------------------------- Poner/prestar atencin
Even if ------------------------------------------------------------ Incluso si
At random ---------------------------------------------------------- Al azar
You are daydreaming --------------------------------------------- Ests en Babia
Dont talk nonsense!! --------------------------------------------- No digas tonteras!!
Good Lord!! -------------------------------------------------------- Qu brbaro!!
Thats enough /inf/!! --------------------------------------------- Basta (ya)!!
Drink it up ---------------------------------------------------------- Bbetelo todo
You drink like a fish----------------------------------------------- Bebes como un cosaco
Whats up with you? ---------------------------------------------- Qu te pasa?
That smells really good!! ----------------------------------------- Qu bien huele!!
Im stony broke ---------------------------------------------------- Estoy sin blanca
You and your big mouth!! ---------------------------------------- Qu bocaza eres!!
As drunk as a Lord ------------------------------------------------ Borracho como una cuba
No way!! ------------------------------------------------------------ Ni hablar!!
Nix!! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Ni hablar!!
Good day!! ---------------------------------------------------------- Buenas!!
Weather /uder/ you like it or not-------------------------------- Por las buenas o por las malas (te guste o no)
Youre asking for it ------------------------------------------------ Te las ests buscando
There is no doubt -------------------------------------------------- No cabe duda/no hay duda
More and more ----------------------------------------------------- Cada vez ms
Better and better --------------------------------------------------- Cada vez major
Worse and worse--------------------------------------------------- Cada vez peor
Less and less-------------------------------------------------------- Cada vez menos
Take it easy --------------------------------------------------------- Tmatelo con calma
Im tired of you!! -------------------------------------------------- Estoy cansado de ti!!
To face the music -------------------------------------------------- Dar la cara
It doesnt make sense---------------------------------------------- Carece de sentido

Expresiones en Ingls

Sweetheart!! -------------------------------------------------------- Cario mio!!

It so happens that ----------------------------------------------- Da la casualidad (de) que
What a coincidence!! ---------------------------------------------- Qu casualidad!!
Stop chattering!! --------------------------------------------------- Djate de chchara!!
Put it there!! -------------------------------------------------------- Ponlo hay!!
Up to a point -------------------------------------------------------- Hasta cierto punto
Move along!! ------------------------------------------------------- Circulen!!
How come? ------------------------------------------------------ Cmo es que?
As long as... -------------------------------------------------------- Con tal de que
To make life difficult for yourself... ----------------------------- Complicarse la vida
To have a clear conscience --------------------------------------- Tener la conciencia tranquila
To tell the truth ----------------------------------------------------- Confesar la verdad
How are things? ---------------------------------------------------- Cmo te va?
Otherwise ----------------------------------------------------------- De lo contrario
To come true ------------------------------------------------------- Hacerse realidad
From the heart ------------------------------------------------------ De todo corazn
Thats life!! --------------------------------------------------------- (As) Es la vida!!
Would you believe it? --------------------------------------------- Te lo puedes creer/te lo creeras?
How odd!! ---------------------------------------------------------- Qu raro!!
From time to time -------------------------------------------------- De vez en cuando
A few ---------------------------------------------------------------- Unos cuantos
Out of curiosity ---------------------------------------------------- Por curiosidad
I, you cant do anything right --------------------------------- No doy/das una
Lets say --------------------------------------------------------- Digamos
GAT people will say ---------------------------------------------- El qu diran
You dont say!! ---------------------------------------------------- No me digas!! (sarcasmo)
They say that... ----------------------------------------------------- Se dice que
By heart ------------------------------------------------------------- Al dedillo (saberse algo)
To find fault /folt/ with everything ------------------------------ Sacar defectos a todo
In self-defence ----------------------------------------------------- En defensa propia
In short -------------------------------------------------------------- En definitiva
To be in the lead /lid/ ---------------------------------------------- Llevar la delantera
Too often ------------------------------------------------------------ Demasiado a menudo
The rest -------------------------------------------------------------- Lo dems
All things considered /consider/ --------------------------------- Dentro de lo que cabe
Very soon ----------------------------------------------------------- Muy pronto
Its not fair /fear/!! ------------------------------------------------- No hay derecho!!
Sleep well!! --------------------------------------------------------- Que descanses!!
It all came out ------------------------------------------------------ Se descubri todo
Youre so untidy /ontidi/!! -------------------------------------- Eres un desordenado!!
Slow down!! -------------------------------------------------------- Despacio!!
To avert your eyes ------------------------------------------------- Desviar la Mirada
How thoughtful!! -------------------------------------------------- Qu detalle!!
During the daytime ------------------------------------------------ Durante el da
To get light --------------------------------------------------------- Hacerse de da
To get dark---------------------------------------------------------- Hacerse de noche
To get late----------------------------------------------------------- Hacerse tarde
In other words ------------------------------------------------------ Dicho de otra manera
No sooner said than done ----------------------------------------- Dicho y hecho
By far ---------------------------------------------------------------- Con diferencia

Expresiones en Ingls

Not a soul ----------------------------------------------------------- Ni Dios/ni un alma

Have a good time!! ------------------------------------------------ Que te diviertas!!
With a double meaning ------------------------------------------- Con doble sentido
To be a nobody ----------------------------------------------------- Ser un don nadie
Where on earth?---------------------------------------------------- Dnde demonios?
Which way? -------------------------------------------------------- Hacia dnde?
How do you get to? --------------------------------------------- Por dnde se va a?
Time for bed!! ------------------------------------------------------ A dormir!!
To sleep like a log ------------------------------------------------- Dormir como un lirn
And yet -------------------------------------------------------------- Y sin embargo
To start with -------------------------------------------------------- Para empezar
It serves /serfs/ you right!! ---------------------------------------- Te est bien empleado!!
To be well in ------------------------------------------------------- Estar enchufado
Stand up straight /streit/ ------------------------------------------- Enderzate!!
Congratulations on passing your exams!! ---------------------- Enhorabuena por los exmenes!!
Right!! --------------------------------------------------------------- Entendido!!
At that time --------------------------------------------------------- Por (aquel) entonces
I really envy you!! ------------------------------------------------- Te envidio!!
What a racket!! ----------------------------------------------------- Qu escndalo!!
In secret ------------------------------------------------------------- En secreto
Thats some neckline!! -------------------------------------------- Menudo escote!!
Get lost!! ------------------------------------------------------------ Largo!! Esfmate!! Pirdete!!
Thats right!! ------------------------------------------------------- Eso s!!
How awful /ful/!! ------------------------------------------------- Qu espanto!!
Let me in ------------------------------------------------------------ Djame entrar
Is David in? --------------------------------------------------------- Est David?
Thats all we need!! ----------------------------------------------- Lo que nos faltaba!!
Go for it, were behind you!! ------------------------------------- nimo, estamos contigo!!
To rack your brains ------------------------------------------------ Estrujarse la cabeza/los sesos
I cant help it ------------------------------------------------------- No lo puedo evitar
If I cant help it----------------------------------------------------- Si puedo evitarlo
Do you see what I mean? ----------------------------------------- Entiendes lo que quiero decir?
I thought it was strange ------------------------------------------- Ya me extraaba mi
Youre kidding!! --------------------------------------------------- Ests bromeando/de coa!!
So there!! ----------------------------------------------------------- Para que te fastidies!!
At the end of... ----------------------------------------------------- A finales de
Attention!! ---------------------------------------------------------- Firmes!!
To get your hopes up ---------------------------------------------- Hacerse/forjarse ilusiones
Its freezing /frising/!! --------------------------------------------- Hace un fro que pela!!
Joking apart --------------------------------------------------------- Bromas aparte
Beside himself, herself ----------------------------------------- Fuera de s
Hold on tight!! ----------------------------------------------------- Agrrate fuerte!! Resiste!!
By force ------------------------------------------------------------- A la fuerza
Stop messing about!! ---------------------------------------------- Djate de gaitas!!
To make trouble---------------------------------------------------- Hacer gamberradas/el gamberro
Whichever way I want -------------------------------------------- Como me de la gana
As a general rule --------------------------------------------------- Por lo general
Ordinary people ---------------------------------------------------- Gente normal y corriente
Out of the blue ----------------------------------------------------- De golpe y porrazo
In one go ------------------------------------------------------------ De un golpe

Expresiones en Ingls

How funny!! -------------------------------------------------------- Qu gracia!!

What do you do? --------------------------------------------------- Qu haces? (a qu te dedicas)
Daddys boy/girl --------------------------------------------------- Hijo/hija de pap
And proud of it!! --------------------------------------------------- (Y) A mucha honra!!
It was about time!! ------------------------------------------------- Ya era hora!!
Without trace ------------------------------------------------------- Sin dejar huella
What a swine /suain/ ---------------------------------------------- Qu cerdo!!
I havent a clue /klu/ ----------------------------------------------- No tengo ninguna pista/ni idea
The same to you!!-------------------------------------------------- Igualmente!!
Pigsty /pigstai/ ----------------------------------------------------- Pocilga
Of course I care!! -------------------------------------------------- Claro que me importa!!
I coundt care less ------------------------------------------------- Me importa un pepino
I get the feeling that -------------------------------------------- Me da la impresin de que...
On your own initiative /inchiatif/ ------------------------------- Por inicativa propia
What a nuisance /nsens/!! --------------------------------------- Qu inoportuno!!
Come on!! Dont keep me in suspense-------------------------- Qu intriga!! Cuntamelo ya
The other way round ---------------------------------------------- A la inversa
Come in!! ----------------------------------------------------------- Entra/d!!
In my, her, his opinion ----------------------------------------- A mi/su juicio (en mi/su opinin)
Just as... ------------------------------------------------------------- Tal como
Really close by ----------------------------------------------------- Al lado (cerca)
Whose /hu:s/ side are you on? ----------------------------------- De qu lado ests?
On the one hand... ------------------------------------------------- Por un lado
On the other hand...------------------------------------------------ Por otro lado
Its a long story /estry/ ------------------------------------------- Es largo de cotar
Clear /clier/ off!! --------------------------------------------------- Largo de aqu!!
In the distance /distans/ ------------------------------------------- A lo lejos
Dont try and be clever with me --------------------------------- No te pases de listo conmigo
If it hadnt been for him, her ---------------------------------- Si no llega a ser por l, ella...
To cry your (her, his...) eyes out --------------------------------- Llorar a lgrima tendida
Ej: She was crying her eyes out ---------------------------------- Estaba llorando a lgrima tendida
In the rain ----------------------------------------------------------- Bajo la lluvia
In style -------------------------------------------------------------- A todo lujo
To be miles away -------------------------------------------------- Estar en la luna
To come to light --------------------------------------------------- Salir a la luz (un secreto)
Touch wood!! ------------------------------------------------------ Toca madera!!
Every dark cloud has a silver lining ----------------------------- Por muy oscuro que parezca todo,
siempre existe un rallo de esperanza
The trouble is that... ----------------------------------------------- Lo malo es que
My way ------------------------------------------------------------- A mi manera
What a way to...! --------------------------------------------------- Qu manera de!!
Youre getting obsessed about it!! ------------------------------- Ests empezando a obsesionarte!!
At hand -------------------------------------------------------------- A mano (cerca)
Hand in hand ------------------------------------------------------- De la mano
Firm hand ----------------------------------------------------------- Mano dura
To keep fit ---------------------------------------------------------- Mantenerse en forma
How wonderful!! -------------------------------------------------- Qu maravilla!!
Against the clock -------------------------------------------------- A marchas forzadas
At top speed -------------------------------------------------------- A toda marcha
At full speed -------------------------------------------------------- A toda velocidad

Expresiones en Ingls

As I, you go along --------------------------------------------- Sobre la marcha

Ej: Do it as you go along ----------------------------------------- Hazlo sobre la marcha
Are you leaving already? ----------------------------------------- Te marchas/os marchais ya?
Hanging around ---------------------------------------------------- Pasando el rato
Out of everything -------------------------------------------------- Al margen
Ej: I want to keep myself out of everything -------------------- Quiero mantenerme al margen
Anyone else? ------------------------------------------------------- Alguien ms?
However much ----------------------------------------------------- Por ms que
What difference does it make? ----------------------------------- Qu ms da?
Berserk /besrk/ ---------------------------------------------------- Ponerse como loco (a 1000 por hora)
At most -------------------------------------------------------------- Como mximo/mucho
When I grow up ---------------------------------------------------- De mayor
Buy it for me ------------------------------------------------------- Cmpramelo
In the middle of ------------------------------------------------- En medio de/a mediados de
Around the middle of... ------------------------------------------- Hacia mediados de
In the middle of the morning/afternoon ------------------------- A media maana/tarde
To do the best ------------------------------------------------------ Hacer lo mejor posible (algo)
Get well soon!! ----------------------------------------------------- Que te mejores!!
You are pigheaded /pigred/ ------------------------------------- Eres un cabezota (testarudo)
To have something in mind -------------------------------------- Tener algo en mente
Dont lie to me!! --------------------------------------------------- No me mientas!!
That isnt true!! ---------------------------------------------------- Eso es mentira!!
Youre so lucky!! -------------------------------------------------- Menuda suerte tienes!!
How scary!! -------------------------------------------------------- Qu miedo!!
Mean while --------------------------------------------------------- Mientras tanto
In the meantime ---------------------------------------------------- Mientras tanto
Do as you please --------------------------------------------------- Haz lo que quieras
Whichever way you look at it ------------------------------------ Se mire como/por donde se mire
I dont mind -------------------------------------------------------- Me da lo mismo
Did you get wet? --------------------------------------------------- Te has mojado? (usos del to get)
If its no bother /bder/ ------------------------------------------- Si no es molestia
For the moment ---------------------------------------------------- De momento
For the time being ------------------------------------------------- Por el momento
What a pretty baby!!----------------------------------------------- Qu nio ms mono!!
Youve really got it made!! --------------------------------------- Qu bien te lo montas!!
What a cheek!! ----------------------------------------------------- Vaya/qu morro!!
Whats eating you? ------------------------------------------------ Qu mosca te ha picado?
Far from it ---------------------------------------------------------- Ni mucho menos
Background music ------------------------------------------------- Msica de fondo
None other than ------------------------------------------------- Nada ms y nada menos que (persona)
Rubbish /rbish/!! -------------------------------------------------- Tonteras!!
I dont feel like doing it ------------------------------------------- No me sale de las narices
Its only natural!! -------------------------------------------------- Es natural!!
Theres no need ---------------------------------------------------- No hay necesidad
Some bargain /bryen/ we got there!! --------------------------- Vaya negocio hemos hecho!!
Neither you or I speak English ----------------------------------- Ni t ni yo hablamos ingls
Ej: Neither her or him speak English---------------------------- Ni ella ni l hablan ingles
Not even ------------------------------------------------------------ Ni siquiera
Even if --------------------------------------------------------------- Ni aunque
I havent the slightest /dislaited/ --------------------------------- Ni idea

Expresiones en Ingls

Not another word -------------------------------------------------- Ni una palabra ms

Not another day ---------------------------------------------------- Ni un da ms
Neither am I -------------------------------------------------------- Ni yo (tampoco)
On behalf of somebody----------------------------------------- En nombre de alguien (David, Lisa)
Full name ----------------------------------------------------------- Nombre y apellidos
Between ourselves /auerslfs/ ------------------------------------ Entre nosotros (confidencialmente)
You can tell that... ------------------------------------------------- Se nota que
Nothing ever happens --------------------------------------------- Nunca pasa nada
Hardly ever --------------------------------------------------------- Casi nunca
Better than ever ---------------------------------------------------- Mejor que nunca
More than ever ----------------------------------------------------- Ms que nunca
Never ever ---------------------------------------------------------- Nunca jams
Never again --------------------------------------------------------- Nunca ms
Do as youre told!!------------------------------------------------- Obedece!!
What will you think of next!! ------------------------------------ Qu se te estar ocurriendo!!
Cab you think of anything else? --------------------------------- Se te ocurre algo?
All that glitters is not gold ---------------------------------------- No es oro todo lo que reluce
In the dark ---------------------------------------------------------- A oscuras
Be patient /peichent/!! --------------------------------------------- Paciencia!!
Youll pay for this!! ----------------------------------------------- Me las pagars!!
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush -------------------- Ms vale pjaro en mano que ciento volando
To have the last word --------------------------------------------- Tener la ltima palabra
On its own ---------------------------------------------------------- Beber solo
What a prospect /prospect/!! ------------------------------------- Menudo panorama!!
In your, her underwear ----------------------------------------- En paos menores
Wide open ---------------------------------------------------------- De par en par
Odds and evens ---------------------------------------------------- Pares y nones (juegos)
Heaven on earth ---------------------------------------------------- Paraiso terrenal
To end up ----------------------------------------------------------- Ir a parar
To be always on the go-------------------------------------------- No parar (estar siempre en la brecha)
Alright ducky!! ----------------------------------------------------- Vale amiguito!!
Non-stop ------------------------------------------------------------ Sin parar
I can hardly believe it!! ------------------------------------------- Parece mentira!!
It looks like rain/snow--------------------------------------------- Parece que va a llover/nevar
Walls /uols/ have ears --------------------------------------------- Las paredes oyen
Two by two --------------------------------------------------------- En parejas
To call somebody all the names under the sun -------------- Poner a parir a alguien
Whos calling? ----------------------------------------------------- De parte de quin? (por tlf)
Bit by bit ------------------------------------------------------------ Poco a poco
Passing by ---------------------------------------------------------- De pasada (ej: en un lugar)
Cool, calm and collected /colctid/ ------------------------------ Tranquilo, relajado
I couldnt care less about her, him, them -------------------- Paso de ella, l, ellos...
Whats the matter?------------------------------------------------- Cul es el problema? Qu pasa?
To make way (for sth, sb) ---------------------------------------- Abrir/dejar paso
On the way (its on my way) ------------------------------------- De paso (me pilla de camino)
To have a short break --------------------------------------------- Hacer una breve pausa
To play the fool ---------------------------------------------------- Hacer payasadas
From beginning to end -------------------------------------------- De principio a fin
Dont take it to heart ---------------------------------------------- No te lo tomes a pecho/a mal
Like mad ------------------------------------------------------------ Dale que te pego (insistentemente)

Expresiones en Ingls

To be right next to ------------------------------------------------- Estar pegado a (muy cerca)

To be broke --------------------------------------------------------- Estar pelado (sin dinero)
To risk your neck -------------------------------------------------- Jugarse el pellejo
Ej: Im risking my neck ------------------------------------------- Me estoy jugando el pellejo
Not to mince /mins/ your words --------------------------------- No tener pelos en la lengua
By the skin of your teeth ------------------------------------------ Por los pelos
To be stark naked /neiked/ ---------------------------------------- Estar en pelotas
To feel sorry for somebody ------------------------------------ Sentir pena por alguien
Its not worth it ----------------------------------------------------- No merece la pena
Death penalty /penalty/ ------------------------------------------- Pena de muerte
On second thoughts--------------------------------------------- Pensndolo mejor
Think it over -------------------------------------------------------- Pinsalo/pinsatelo (mejor)
You cant miss it --------------------------------------------------- No tiene perdida
Have you got the time, please? ---------------------------------- Tiene hora?
It will come in very handy ---------------------------------------- Puede servir
May I? ------------------------------------------------------------ Me permite/puedo?
What a stink!! ------------------------------------------------------ Qu peste hay!
He stinks!! ---------------------------------------------------------- Apesta!!
Ive got a bite /bait/!! ---------------------------------------------- Ha picado uno!! (pez)
Word for word ----------------------------------------------------- Al pie de la letra (estrictamente)
I bet you cant catch me!!----------------------------------------- A que no me pillas!!
I dont even think about that!! ----------------------------------- Eso ni me lo planteo!!
In broad /brod/ daylight ------------------------------------------- A plena luz del da
Shortly after -------------------------------------------------------- Poco despus
Just over ------------------------------------------------------------- Poco ms (de)
A little, a bit (ms coloquial) ------------------------------------- Un poco
Dont get cheeky /chky/ with me!! ----------------------------- No te pongas chulo conmigo!!
It was a close call!! ------------------------------------------------ Casi se la pegan!!
Ready, steady, go!! ------------------------------------------------ Preparados, listos, ya!!
Dont even think about going alone ----------------------------- Si pretendes ir sola, ni lo suees
You dont expect me to believe that, do you?------------------ No pretenders que me lo crea no?
Prince charming ---------------------------------------------------- Prncipe azul
The pros and cons ------------------------------------------------- Los pros y los contras
At knifepoint/gunpoint -------------------------------------------- A punta de navaja/pistola
What a good aim /eim/ Ive got!! ------------------------------- Qu puntera tengo!!
Down to the last detail /ditiol/ ---------------------------------- Hasta el ltimo detalle
Weak /uik/ point --------------------------------------------------- Punto dbil
Point of view /vi/ ------------------------------------------------- Punto de vista (opinin)
Full stop ------------------------------------------------------------- Punto final (terminar)
Dot dot dot ---------------------------------------------------------- Puntos suspensivos
New paragraph ----------------------------------------------------- Punto y aparte
Semicolon----------------------------------------------------------- Punto y coma
In his, her... own handwriting ------------------------------------ De puo y letra
The plain truth------------------------------------------------------ La pura verdad (enftico)
What courage /crech/!! ------------------------------------------ Qu valor!!
How annoying!! ---------------------------------------------------- Qu rabia!!
What? Speak up ---------------------------------------------------- Qu? Habla
How interesting /ntrestin/!! -------------------------------------- Qu interesante!!
What a lot of!! --------------------------------------------------- Qu de!! (mucha cantidad de algo)
What is it to me? --------------------------------------------------- Y a mi qu?

Expresiones en Ingls

In the middle of nowhere ----------------------------------------- En el quinto pino (perdidos)

Get out of the way!! ----------------------------------------------- Qutate del medio!!
Thats a great weight /weit/ off my mind ----------------------- Me he quitado un gran peso de encima
It really drives me mad -------------------------------------------- Me vuelve loco
To be going through a bad patch /pash/ ------------------------- Pasar una mala racha
On the radio -------------------------------------------------------- En/por la radio
On the air ----------------------------------------------------------- En directo
To take root --------------------------------------------------------- Echar raices (planta)
To the letter --------------------------------------------------------- A rajatabla
To beat about the bush -------------------------------------------- Andarse/irse por las ramas (hablando)
Without trace ------------------------------------------------------- Sin dejar rastro
To pass the time ---------------------------------------------------- Pasar el rato
The tooth fairy ----------------------------------------------------- El ratoncito prez
To go too far -------------------------------------------------------- Pasarse de la raya
To be right ---------------------------------------------------------- Llevar/tener razn
To be worng -------------------------------------------------------- No llevar/no tener razn
On the rebound ----------------------------------------------------- De rebote
Dont answer me back!! ------------------------------------------ A mi no me respondas!!
Shut up, and get on with it!! -------------------------------------- Hazlo sin rechistar!!
As far as I remember... -------------------------------------------- Que yo recuerde
Home straight /streit/ ---------------------------------------------- recta final
Straight on ---------------------------------------------------------- Todo recto
To turn out percetly------------------------------------------------ Salir redondo (una cosa muy bien)
It all boils down to...----------------------------------------------- Todo se reduce a
In order -------------------------------------------------------------- En regla (todo correcto)
To rebuild /ribld/ your life --------------------------------------- Rehacer la vida
Ej: You have to rebuild your life -------------------------------- Tienes que rehacer tu vida
What are you laughing /lfing/ at? ------------------------------ De qu te res?
To have no choice (but to...) ------------------------------------- No tener ms remedio que...
Ej: I have no choice but to do it ---------------------------------- No tengo ms remedio que hacerlo
And dont let it happen again!! ---------------------------------- Y que no se repita!!
I refused /rifisd/ to believe it ------------------------------------ Me resista a creelo
I wont answer for my actions!! --------------------------------- No respondo de m!!
In short -------------------------------------------------------------- En resumen
Everything is going wrong for me!! ----------------------------- Todo me est saliendo al revs!!
The three wise men ------------------------------------------------ Los reyes magos
How ridiculous /ridkiulus/!! ------------------------------------- Qu ridiculez!!
What a laugh!! ----------------------------------------------------- Qu risa!!
Blind /blain/ date--------------------------------------------------- Cita a ciegas
Bum /bam/ ---------------------------------------------------------- Vagabundo
Pace /peis/ of life -------------------------------------------------- Ritmo de vida
To have a good sense of rhythm /rdem/ ------------------------ Tener ritmo (bailar bien)
Ive been robbed /rabd/!! ----------------------------------------- Me han robado!!
Thats a rip-off!! --------------------------------------------------- Vaya robo!!
To fall down the stairs /esters/ ----------------------------------- Rodar escaleras abajo
To play hard to get------------------------------------------------- Hacerse de rogar
Ej: Dont play hard to get ----------------------------------------- No te hagas de rogar
To get red ----------------------------------------------------------- Ponerse rojo
What are you up to? ----------------------------------------------- Qu rollos te traes? (asunto)
Fling /flin/ ---------------------------------------------------------- Rollo (amoro)

Expresiones en Ingls

To break the ice ---------------------------------------------------- Romper el hielo

To go over the top ------------------------------------------------- Pasarse de la raya (persona)
Ej: Youre going over the top ------------------------------------ Te ests pasando de la raya
Bound /bund/ for ------------------------------------------------- (Con) rumbo a
There are rumours /rmors/ that ------------------------------ Se rumorea que
How should I know? ---------------------------------------------- Cmo iba yo a saberlo?
To get your own way ---------------------------------------------- Salirse con la suya
Ej: She got her own way ------------------------------------------ Se sali con la suya
Do you mean it? --------------------------------------------------- Lo dices en serio?
Are you serious /srius/? ------------------------------------------ Lo dices en serio?
Every man for himself!! ------------------------------------------ Slvese quien pueda!!
In cold blood /blod/ ------------------------------------------------ A sangre fra
To keep your cool ------------------------------------------------- Tener sangre fra
Safe and sound ----------------------------------------------------- Sano y salvo
In no time at all ---------------------------------------------------- En un santiamn
Its gone right out of my head ------------------------------------ Se me ha ido el santo al cielo
Ej: Its gone right out of your head ------------------------------ Se te ha ido el santo al cielo
And thats that!!---------------------------------------------------- Y ya est!! Y santas pascuas!!
A pack of lies ------------------------------------------------------- Una sarta de mentiras
Six out of ten ------------------------------------------------------- Seis de cada diez
Common sense ----------------------------------------------------- Sentido comn
Too right!! ---------------------------------------------------------- Demasiado correcto!!
Whats more? ------------------------------------------------------ Qu ms?
No matter how ----------------------------------------------------- No importa cmo
No matter what ----------------------------------------------------- No importa qu
No matter who ----------------------------------------------------- No importa quin
What do you use it for? ------------------------------------------- Para qu lo usas? (usos del for)
As usual ------------------------------------------------------------- Como siempre
As always ----------------------------------------------------------- Como siempre
The usual thing ----------------------------------------------------- Lo de siempre
At first glance /glans/---------------------------------------------- A primera vista
You didnt even phone me --------------------------------------- Ni siquiera me llamaste (usos del even)
From morning to night -------------------------------------------- De sol a sol
Not only but also --------------------------------------------- No solo sino tambin...
No chance /chans/ ------------------------------------------------- Olvdalo
Its all in the mind ------------------------------------------------- Todo est en la mente
Supposing -------------------------------------------------------- Supn/supongamos que
Like father like son ------------------------------------------------ De tal palo tal astilla
Dont be long ------------------------------------------------------- No tardes
Sooner or later------------------------------------------------------ Tarde o temprano
Pone for you, Dave ! --------------------------------------------- David, al telfono!!
Whats that got to do with it? ------------------------------------ Pero Eso qu tiene que ver?
Thats got nothing to do with it ---------------------------------- Eso no tiene nada que ver
Third time lucky --------------------------------------------------- A la tercera va la vencida
Soon afterwards ---------------------------------------------------- Al poco tiempo
In time --------------------------------------------------------------- Con el tiempo
In good time -------------------------------------------------------- A su momento
Hand ahoy!! -------------------------------------------------------- Tierra a la vista!!
Dry land ------------------------------------------------------------- Tierra firme
The Holy land ------------------------------------------------------ Tierra santa


Expresiones en Ingls

To throw /zru/ the towel /tuel/--------------------------------- Tirar la toalla

Above /abf/ all ---------------------------------------------------- Ante todo
For time looser ----------------------------------------------------- Cadena perpetua
For no particular /partkiular/ reason ---------------------------- Por ninguna razn en particular
Thats nonsense /nnsens/!! -------------------------------------- Eso son tonteras!!
To give somebody a ring --------------------------------------- Darle/pegar un toque a alguien (llamar)
Ej: I have to give her a ring--------------------------------------- Tengo que pegarle un toque (llamarla)
I cant hear anything----------------------------------------------- No oigo no torta
To wash your dirty /dri/ linen /linen/ in public -------------- Sacar (a relucir) los trapos sucios de alguien
Against the light --------------------------------------------------- Al trasluz
Its a deal /dal/!! --------------------------------------------------- Trato hecho!!
Not too bright /brait ----------------------------------------------- No eres (muy) demasiado listo
To be blind as a bat ------------------------------------------------ No ver tres en un burro
Tic tac toe /tu/ ---------------------------------------------------- Tres en raya
For a change /chinch/ -------------------------------------------- Para variar
Magic Wand /wund/ --------------------------------------------- Varita mgica
Who asked you to butt in? ---------------------------------------- Quin te ha dado vela en ste entierro?
Once and for all ---------------------------------------------------- De una vez por todas
Once upon /pon/ a time --------------------------------------- rase una vez
Exchange visit ------------------------------------------------------ Viaje de intercambio
Hows life? --------------------------------------------------------- Qu es de t vida?
Ive known her all my life ---------------------------------------- La conozco de toda la vida
For life -------------------------------------------------------------- Para toda la vida
Dirty old man------------------------------------------------------- Viejo verde
Come hell or high water ------------------------------------------ Contra viento y marea
To pay somebody a visit --------------------------------------- Hacer una visita (a alguien)
Thats not very original ------------------------------------------- Eso est ya muy visto
What a nice life you have!! --------------------------------------- Qu bien vives!!
So what? ------------------------------------------------------------ Y qu?
How absurd /absrd/!! -------------------------------------------- Qu disparate/absurdo!!
After all ------------------------------------------------------------- Despus de todo/al fin y al cabo
Again and again ---------------------------------------------------- Una y otra vez
Theres something in the air -------------------------------------- Se est tramando algo
Alive and kicking -------------------------------------------------- Vivito y coleando
Instead /instd/ ----------------------------------------------------- En vez de eso
All in all ------------------------------------------------------------- En conjunto
All the more -------------------------------------------------------- Tanto ms
All the better-------------------------------------------------------- Tanto mejor
Thats her all over ------------------------------------------------- Eso es muy propio de ella
Thats him all right ------------------------------------------------ Seguro que es l
Arm in arm (with somebody) ------------------------------------ Del brazo (de alguien)
Better late than never ---------------------------------------------- Ms vale tarde que nunca
Better safe than sorry ---------------------------------------------- Ms vale prevenir que curar
Its a blessing in disguise /disgis/ ------------------------------ No hay mal que por bien no venga
Body and soul ------------------------------------------------------ En cuerpo y alma
Break it up!! -------------------------------------------------------- Separaos!! (en una pelea)
Broadly /brdli/ speaking ----------------------------------------- Hablando en terminos generales
We can but hope, try ------------------------------------------- Slo nos queda esperar, intentar
That takes care of that --------------------------------------------- Eso zanja la cuestin
You gonna take it and you gonna like it ------------------------ Lo vas a probar y te va a gustar


Expresiones en Ingls

Here, catch!! -------------------------------------------------------- Toma!!

For certain /srten/ ------------------------------------------------- Con seguridad
Come what may ---------------------------------------------------- Pase lo que pase
On one condition--------------------------------------------------- Con una condicin
I cant cope with it ------------------------------------------------- No puedo ms
To the core /coar/ -------------------------------------------------- Hasta la mdula
From cover to cover ----------------------------------------------- De principio a fin
Its no use crying over spilt milk -------------------------------- A lo hecho, pecho
A crying shame ---------------------------------------------------- Una verdadera lstima
Dont you dare /dear/!! -------------------------------------------- Ni se te ocurra!!
How dare you!! ---------------------------------------------------- Cmo te atreves!!
Throughout my life ------------------------------------------------ A lo largo de mi vida
Day after day ------------------------------------------------------- Da tras da
Day by day---------------------------------------------------------- Da a da
These days ---------------------------------------------------------- Hoy en da
By degrees ---------------------------------------------------------- Poco a poco
It all depends ------------------------------------------------------- Depende
It makes all the difference ---------------------------------------- Lo cambia todo
It makes no difference--------------------------------------------- Da lo mismo
That will do!! ------------------------------------------------------- Ya est bien!!
What are you driving at? ------------------------------------------ Qu insinuas?
Drop everything!! -------------------------------------------------- Djalo todo!!
Every so often!! ---------------------------------------------------- Alguna que otra vez
Ever since ----------------------------------------------------------- Desde entonces
Before your very eyes --------------------------------------------- Delante de tus mismas narices
Facts and Figures /fgiurs/ ---------------------------------------- Pelos y seales
Without fail /feil/ -------------------------------------------------- Sin falta
Fair /feir/ play ------------------------------------------------------ Juego limpio
Fancy that!! --------------------------------------------------------- Quin lo iba a decir!!
Far and wide -------------------------------------------------------- Por muchas partes
Lie back ------------------------------------------------------------- Tmbate
In 10, 20seconds flat ------------------------------------------- En solo 10, 20 segundos
Free and easy ------------------------------------------------------- Relajado, informal
Im full up ---------------------------------------------------------- Estoy harto
Youre very full of yourself -------------------------------------- Ests hecho un creido
You know full well that ---------------------------------------- Sabes muy bien que
Dont give me that!! ----------------------------------------------- Te crees que soy tonto!!
Main deck----------------------------------------------------------- Cubierta principal
Is it all gone? ------------------------------------------------------- Se ha a acabado?
How is it going? --------------------------------------------------- Cmo te va?
Good for you!! ----------------------------------------------------- Bien por ti!!
Its great to see you again!!--------------------------------------- Qu alegra verte!!
Behave /bijeif/ yourself!! ----------------------------------------- Comprtate!!
Its anybodys guess ----------------------------------------------- Nadie lo sabe
The hard way ------------------------------------------------------- Por la va dificil
Dont hold your breath!! ------------------------------------------ Esprate sentado!!
I should hope not!! ------------------------------------------------ Faltara menos!!
How about it? ------------------------------------------------------ Qu te parece?
To have the idea that... -------------------------------------------- Tener la impresin de que
Thank you very much indeed!! ---------------------------------- Muchsimas gracias!!


Expresiones en Ingls

Did you indeed?---------------------------------------------------- De veras?

By itself ------------------------------------------------------------- Por s mismo
Keep it up!! --------------------------------------------------------- Dale!!
To kid yourself ----------------------------------------------------- Engaarse a uno mismo
Not that I know of ------------------------------------------------- No que yo sepa
Mark my words ---------------------------------------------------- Acurdate de lo que estoy diciendo
The great mass of... ------------------------------------------------ La inmensa mayora
A master scheme /skim/------------------------------------------- Un plan infalible
A matter of life and death----------------------------------------- Cuestin de vida o muerte
Not to mention ----------------------------------------------------- Por no hablar de
Mere /mier/ coincidence ------------------------------------------ Pura casualidad
In midweek --------------------------------------------------------- A mediados de semana
Thats more like it!! ----------------------------------------------- Eso es/as est mucho mejor!!
To get away with murder /mrder/ ------------------------------ Hacer lo que a uno le d la gana
You bet your life --------------------------------------------------- No te quepa la mayor duda
You betcha /bcha/ ------------------------------------------------ No te quepa la menor duda
I gave it to him, her...---------------------------------------------- Se la di con queso
Blow!! --------------------------------------------------------------- Largo!!
Im gonna beat it --------------------------------------------------- Me las piro
Give me some bread ----------------------------------------------- Dame dinero
Give some dough /dou/ ------------------------------------------- Dame pasta
Bobby socker ------------------------------------------------------- Niata colegiala
Lolly popper -------------------------------------------------------- Niata (ms ofensiva que la otra)
Give me some skin!! ---------------------------------------------- Chcala!!
Its up to you ------------------------------------------------------- Es asunto tuyo
I came across my friend ------------------------------------------- Me encontre a mi amigo/a
To make into ---------------------------------------------------- Convertir en
To put up with --------------------------------------------------- Aguantar/soportar
Ej: I dont know why I have to put up with you!! ------------- No s por qu tengo que aguantarte!!
To turn up ----------------------------------------------------------- Aparecer
So long as ----------------------------------------------------------- Siempre que/con tal que
But for --------------------------------------------------------------- De no ser por
So that --------------------------------------------------------------- Para que
As much as --------------------------------------------------------- A pesar de lo mucho que
What a rogue /rug/ he was!! -------------------------------------- Qu granuja era!!
Isnt it a pity!! ------------------------------------------------------ No es una pena!!
Your health!! ------------------------------------------------------- A tu salud!!
Selfsteen ------------------------------------------------------------ Amor propio
Remorse /rimors/ -------------------------------------------------- Remordimiento
Unable --------------------------------------------------------------- Incapaz
Selfish /slfish/ ----------------------------------------------------- Egosta
She can/cant be relied /rilaid/ on-------------------------------- Se puede/no se puede confiar en ella
I was told to come ------------------------------------------------- Me dijeron que viniera
Like a jack in the box --------------------------------------------- Estar al acecho/agazapado
To know me is to love me ---------------------------------------- Conocerme es amarme
To err is human, and to forgive divine -------------------------- Errar es humano y perdonar divino
May I come in? ---------------------------------------------------- Puedo entrar?
Id rather --------------------------------------------------------- Preferira
Excuse my saying so ------------------------------------------- Disculpe mi atrevimiento
People hearing without listening--------------------------------- Personas que oyen sin escuchar


Expresiones en Ingls

To be worth --------------------------------------------------------- Merecer la pena

Ej: She doesnt worth it ------------------------------------------- (Ella) no merece la pena
To have a chat ------------------------------------------------------ Charlar
To have a cold ------------------------------------------------------ Estar resfriado
To have a day off -------------------------------------------------- Tener un da libre
To have a look ----------------------------------------------------- Echar un vistazo
We need/neednt hurry -------------------------------------------- Tenemos/no tenemos que darnos prisa
It may be true ------------------------------------------------------- Puede que sea verdad
It might be true ----------------------------------------------------- Podra ser verdad
You may be right -------------------------------------------------- Puede que tengas razn
You might be right------------------------------------------------- Podra ser que tuvieras razn
I will go and so my girlfriend ------------------------------------ Ir y mi novia tambin
Now and then------------------------------------------------------- De vez en cuando
The last will be first, and the first last --------------------------- Los ltimos sern los primeros
Shall I tell her? ----------------------------------------------------- Crees que se lo debo decir?
If I should ever be rich -------------------------------------------- Si por casualidad me hiciera rico
Something is wrong ----------------------------------------------- Algo va mal
How should I know? ---------------------------------------------- Cmo iba yo a saberlo?
Is there anybody missing? ---------------------------------------- Falta alguien?
Im right, arentt I? ------------------------------------------------ Tengo razn, verdad?
How are you getting on? ------------------------------------------ Cmo te va?
You are one track minded /maindid/ ---------------------------- Solo piensas en lo mismo
You have a great future behind you ----------------------------- Tienes un gran futuro(sarcasmo)
Do I make myself clear? ------------------------------------------ Me he expresado con claridad?
Stand up and see for yourself ------------------------------------ Incorporate y compruebalo t mismo
Im going to be as forthcoming as I can be --------------------- Intentar serte totalmente sincero
He calls himself Neo-------------------------------------------- Se hace llamar Neo
Wether you want to or not ---------------------------------------- Te guste o no
Get in ---------------------------------------------------------------- Sube
You have to trust /trast/ me --------------------------------------- Confa en mi
Lift up your shirt --------------------------------------------------- Levantate la camisa
Tuck /toc/ your shirt in -------------------------------------------- Ponte la camisa por dentro
Freeze!! ------------------------------------------------------------- Quieto!!
She got out ---------------------------------------------------------- Ha escapado
Its your, her fault ----------------------------------------------- La culpa es tuya, de ella
I brought you here to warn you ---------------------------------- Te he hecho venir para avisarte
Just as I did --------------------------------------------------------- Igual que hize yo
If you want it to ------------------------------------------------- Si quieres (Ej: comiendo)
Whack /uak/ -------------------------------------------------------- Destrozado, machacado
Youre right on time ----------------------------------------------- Llegas muy puntual
Make yourself at home -------------------------------------------- Ests es tu casa
Let me give you one piece fo advice ---------------------------- Deja que te de un consejo
You could say that ------------------------------------------------- Podras decirlo/se puede decir as
Destiny -------------------------------------------------------------- Destino (se puede cambiar)
Fate ------------------------------------------------------------------ Destino (no se puede cambiar)
Almost /omoust/ --------------------------------------------------- Casi
Buckle /bakol/ your seat belt ------------------------------------- Abrchate el cinturn
Rest ------------------------------------------------------------------ Descansa
This will feel a little weird /uierd/ ------------------------------- Te sentirs algo raro
Hes gonna pop ---------------------------------------------------- Se le ha ido la olla


Expresiones en Ingls

I owe /ou/ you an apology ---------------------------------------- Creo que te debo una disculpa
As she saw fit ------------------------------------------------------ Como a ella le pareci
Get some rest ------------------------------------------------------- Descansa un poco
We gotta get to it!!------------------------------------------------- Manos a la obra!!
Yoy have to let it all go ------------------------------------------- Pasa de todo
Quiet /cuayet/ ------------------------------------------------------ Silencio
What a mind job!! ------------------------------------------------- Menudo lo mental!!
Not quite what you were expecting, right? --------------------- No soy lo que te esperabas verdad?
Dont give it another thought ------------------------------------ No pienses ms en ello
In spite of ----------------------------------------------------------- A pesar de
Next to -------------------------------------------------------------- Al lado de
Opposite------------------------------------------------------------- Frente a
Throughout --------------------------------------------------------- Por todo
Unlike --------------------------------------------------------------- Diferente a
At a guess ----------------------------------------------------------- Aproximdamente
Al last --------------------------------------------------------------- Por fin
At least /list/ -------------------------------------------------------- Por lo menos
At once -------------------------------------------------------------- En seguida
At present ----------------------------------------------------------- Actualmente
In a way ------------------------------------------------------------- En cierto modo
In tears -------------------------------------------------------------- Llorando
In the long run ------------------------------------------------------ A la larga
On second thoughts------------------------------------------------ Pensandolo mejor
On the other hand -------------------------------------------------- Por otra parte
As deaf as a post --------------------------------------------------- Ms sordo que una tapia
As mad as a hatter ------------------------------------------------- Ms loco que una cabra
As ugly /ogly/ as sin ----------------------------------------------- Ms feo que picio
As old as the hills -------------------------------------------------- Ms viejo que Matusaln
As obstinate as a mule /miul/------------------------------------- Ms terco que una mula
Every now and then ----------------------------------------------- De vez en cuando
Every so often ------------------------------------------------------ Alguna que otra vez
Gaudy /godi/ -------------------------------------------------------- Algo raro llamativo, raro, extrao
Down and under --------------------------------------------------- Demacrado, sin afeitar, duchar
Plenty of ------------------------------------------------------------ De sobra
Everywhere --------------------------------------------------------- En todas partes/por todas partes
Somewhere --------------------------------------------------------- En algn lugar/algn lugar
Heck=Hell ---------------------------------------------------------- Infierno
Fumble /fmbol/=Fuck -------------------------------------------- Joder
Nowhere ------------------------------------------------------------ Ningn lugar/sitio
Somehow ----------------------------------------------------------- De alguna manera
Wherever------------------------------------------------------------ Dondequiera que
Between you and me ---------------------------------------------- Entre t y yo
Its no use crying -------------------------------------------------- De nada sirve llorar
I dislike her doing it ----------------------------------------------- Me desagrada que lo haga
You ought /ot/ to be ashamed of yourself!! -------------------- Deberas avergonzarte de ti mismo!!
They used to tease each other ------------------------------------ Solan meterse el uno con el otro
Shame on you!! ---------------------------------------------------- Deberas avergonzarte!!
I do appreciate /aprchieit/ you being round-------------------- Aprecio de verdad que ests a mi lado
Dont speak to me like that!! ------------------------------------- A mi no me hables as!!
Take the second left/right ----------------------------------------- Toma la siguiente a la izquierda/derecha


Expresiones en Ingls

Please speak louder ------------------------------------------------ Por favor habla ms alto

You be quiet!! ------------------------------------------------------ Que te ests quieto!!
Deaf and mute /miut/ ---------------------------------------------- Sordomudo
Deaf and dumb ----------------------------------------------------- Sordomudo (se usa ms...)
He did it behind my back ----------------------------------------- Lo hizo a mis espaldas
From bad to worse ------------------------------------------------- De mal en peor
To take the bait /beit/ ---------------------------------------------- Tragar el anzuelo
To bear /bear/ in mind --------------------------------------------- Tener presente
To bear witness ---------------------------------------------------- Dar testimonio
To beat a retreat /retrit/ -------------------------------------------- Emprender la retirada
Get to the point!! --------------------------------------------------- Ve al grano!!
To become angry -------------------------------------------------- Ponerse furioso, enojarse
What has become of Lisa? ---------------------------------------- Qu ha sido de Lisa?
Below zero /zirou/ ------------------------------------------------- Bajo cero
Beside the point ---------------------------------------------------- Que no viene al caso
The best part of ---------------------------------------------------- La mejor parte de
To make the best of------------------------------------------------ Sacar el mejor partido de
Beware!! ------------------------------------------------------------ Cuidado!!
Birth rate ------------------------------------------------------------ Natalidad
Bosom friend ------------------------------------------------------- Amiga/amigo ntimo
In a brown study --------------------------------------------------- Absorto en sus pensamientos
Im seriously /sriosly/ speaking --------------------------------- Hablo en serio
Mind your own business ------------------------------------------ No se meta en lo que no le importa
One by one---------------------------------------------------------- De uno en uno
All aboard /abord/!! ----------------------------------------------- Viajeros al tren!!
Thats above me!! ------------------------------------------------- Es superior a mis fuerzas!!
To keep abrest of the times --------------------------------------- Estar al da
Depending upon /opon/ her--------------------------------------- Segn ella
Acording to her ---------------------------------------------------- Segn ella
To take into account /akaunt/ ------------------------------------ Tener en cuenta
To account for ------------------------------------------------------ Responder de, dar cuenta de
To acquit /akuit/ oneself well ------------------------------------ Portarse bien, quedar bien
Ej: You have to acquit yourself well ---------------------------- Tienes que portarte bien
Across the way ----------------------------------------------------- Enfrente, en la acera de enfrente
In the act /at/ -------------------------------------------------------- In fraganti
To take action ------------------------------------------------------ Tomar medidas
Free will ------------------------------------------------------------- Libre albedrio
Ship ahoy!! --------------------------------------------------------- Ah del barco!!
First aid /eid/ ------------------------------------------------------- Primeros auxilios
For all I know ------------------------------------------------------ Que yo sepa
Bread and butter --------------------------------------------------- Pan con mantequilla
At any cost ---------------------------------------------------------- A toda costa
To put on trial /traial/ ---------------------------------------------- Poner a prueba
The Arabian /areibian/ Nights------------------------------------ Las Mil y una Noches
I think, therefore I exist ------------------------------------------- Pienso, luego existo
Around the corner ------------------------------------------------- A la vuelta de la esquina
As you please------------------------------------------------------- Como usted guste
Talk away ----------------------------------------------------------- Hable, diga usted lo que quiera
He made a snafu --------------------------------------------------- Hizo una cagada
He blew /blu/ it ----------------------------------------------------- La cag


Expresiones en Ingls

Deep breath --------------------------------------------------------- Respira hondo

For Gods sake ----------------------------------------------------- Por lo que ms quieras
No sweat ------------------------------------------------------------ Tranqui
Dont screw up ----------------------------------------------------- No la cages
You wont win me back ------------------------------------------ Jams me recuperars
You better leave off bothering me ------------------------------- No me agobies
Enough monkey business ----------------------------------------- Djate de chorradas
You of all people should know ---------------------------------- Deberas saber mejor que nadie
Groom --------------------------------------------------------------- Novio (que va a casarse)
Bride ----------------------------------------------------------------- Novia (que va a casarse)
Cramps -------------------------------------------------------------- Agujetas
Copy that ------------------------------------------------------------ Recibido
Soothing------------------------------------------------------------- Relajante
Task ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tarea
Youd do that for me? --------------------------------------------- Haras eso por m?
Snit ------------------------------------------------------------------ Bronca
To walk off --------------------------------------------------------- Abandonar
Its not entirely about that ---------------------------------------- No se trata de eso exclusivamente
If everything goes to plan ----------------------------------------- Si el plan sigue su curso
Weakness ----------------------------------------------------------- Debilidad
Tip ------------------------------------------------------------------- Consejo, propina
He doesnt fool around -------------------------------------------- No se anda con tonteras
Vague /veis/ -------------------------------------------------------- Impreciso
Mistress ------------------------------------------------------------- Amante
I want to get on with my life ------------------------------------- Quiero seguir con mi vida
All goes well, were a go ----------------------------------------- Todo va bien, luz verde
Were in deep shit ------------------------------------------------- La hemos cagado
Better yet ------------------------------------------------------------ O mejor, mejor an
Doughnut /dunot/ ------------------------------------------------- Donut, patoso
Hawk ---------------------------------------------------------------- Halcn
Turn that off -------------------------------------------------------- Apaga eso
This is not your call ----------------------------------------------- La decision no es tuya
You up for it? ------------------------------------------------------ Tu te vez capaz?
Hes got to like you------------------------------------------------ Tienes que caerle bien
How you been?----------------------------------------------------- Cmo ests?
Never better -------------------------------------------------------- Como nunca
Shall you gonna tell me? ------------------------------------------ Me lo vas a contar?
Or should I say no and get it over with? ------------------------ O te digo ya que no y acabamos?
Wall-to-wall -------------------------------------------------------- Moqueta, de pared a pared
Guys like as dont change ---------------------------------------- Los tipos como nosotros no cambian
Sloppy --------------------------------------------------------------- Chapucero
Quit conning me --------------------------------------------------- No me lies
Youre either in or out -------------------------------------------- Te apuntas o no
Youre pretty trusting --------------------------------------------- Confa muy pronto
Can you get the check, please ------------------------------------ La cuenta, por favor
Not as often as Id like -------------------------------------------- No tanto como quisiera
Check it out --------------------------------------------------------- Date un garbeo
Ill look into it ------------------------------------------------------ Me lo pensar
Sober ---------------------------------------------------------------- Sobrio
To be on the line --------------------------------------------------- Jugarsela


Expresiones en Ingls

No hard feelings --------------------------------------------------- Sin rencores

Block ---------------------------------------------------------------- Manzana (de una ciudad)
Bad news first ------------------------------------------------------ Primero las malas noticias
Heres where it gets tricky ---------------------------------------- Aqu la cosa se complica
To counterfeit /cunterfit/ ---------------------------------------- Falsificar
Its a piece of cake ------------------------------------------------- Es pan comido
Groundhog ---------------------------------------------------------- Topo
To nest -------------------------------------------------------------- Anidar
You do the math --------------------------------------------------- Haced el clculo
Bud /bod/ ----------------------------------------------------------- Chaval
Pal ------------------------------------------------------------------- Colega
How do I look? ----------------------------------------------------- Qu tal estoy? (ej, con un vestido)
Maiden -------------------------------------------------------------- Soltera
To get even --------------------------------------------------------- Ajustar las cuentas
To get back --------------------------------------------------------- Vengarse
I didnt know you had it in you ---------------------------------- No saba que fueras capaz
You havent got it in you ----------------------------------------- No eres capaz
Youre off the hook------------------------------------------------ Ests libre de culpa
To mock ------------------------------------------------------------- Burlarse
I have a soft spot for you ----------------------------------------- Me cae usted bien (a pesar de todo)
Youre out of your depth ----------------------------------------- Esto le queda grande
Im not leaving here empty handed ----------------------------- No me ir con las manos vacas
Let it be so ---------------------------------------------------------- Que as sea
Youre running low on gas --------------------------------------- Tienes poca gasolina, no estas muy animado
The closest any man has come ----------------------------------- Lo ms cerca que ha estado nadie
You guys are pros /prous/ ---------------------------------------- Sois profesionales
Sorry to bother you ------------------------------------------------ Perdona las molestias
You guys!! ---------------------------------------------------------- Chicos!!
He muscled /msold/ me out ------------------------------------- Me sac a patadas
And then hell go to work on you ------------------------------- Y luego os torturar
Twins ---------------------------------------------------------------- Gemelos
Chaps hang on your knickers /nkers/ --------------------------- Colegas apretaos los machos
They wasnt expecting that shit!! -------------------------------- Eso no se lo esperaban!!
The Amazing ------------------------------------------------------- El increble...
Grimreaper---------------------------------------------------------- La muerte (s, la de la guadaa...)
She blows my mind ----------------------------------------------- Me vuelve loco
Be right with you -------------------------------------------------- En seguida estoy contigo
By jove /youf/!! ---------------------------------------------------- Por Jupiter!!
Its over my shoulders--------------------------------------------- Me resvala (me da igual)
John Doe /dou/ ----------------------------------------------------- Don nadie
Cannon fodder ----------------------------------------------------- Carne de can
Asides from --------------------------------------------------------- Adems de
Top dog ------------------------------------------------------------- Jefazo, el lder
Flim flam ----------------------------------------------------------- Timo, estafa
Flim flam man------------------------------------------------------ Estafador, timador
To kick the bucket /bokit/ ---------------------------------------- Estirar la pata (morirse)
Expos--------------------------------------------------------------- Secreto (algo que te puede desacreditar)
Magsmand ---------------------------------------------------------- Chorizo (ladrn)
A mere /mier/ cypher /zaifer/ ------------------------------------ Un cero a la izquierda
Keep clear of her!! ------------------------------------------------- No te acerques a ella!!


Expresiones en Ingls

On the contrary /kntreri/ ----------------------------------------- Al contrario

I have a sweet tooth ----------------------------------------------- Soy goloso
Everything is right and dandy ------------------------------------ Todo est bien
Fore and aft --------------------------------------------------------- De popa a proa
Once in a while ---------------------------------------------------- De vez en cuando
He ripped the shirt of me ----------------------------------------- Me dej sin blanca
Lets get down to it!! ---------------------------------------------- Manos a la obra!!
Blabber mouth ----------------------------------------------------- Chivato
Thats yakety /yakeri/ yak!! -------------------------------------- Todo eso son chorradas!!
Twerp /tuerp/ ------------------------------------------------------- Persona despreciable
Ajar /ayor/ ---------------------------------------------------------- Entornada, entreabierta
Gloat /glout/ -------------------------------------------------------- Mirar, recrearse malignamente
To run amuck /amok/---------------------------------------------- Enloquecer, desbocarse
Knucklehead /nkolhed/ ------------------------------------------ Cabeza hueca
Nip ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mordisco, pellizco
Little nip ------------------------------------------------------------ Mordisquito, pellizquito
Nipple /nipol/ ------------------------------------------------------- Pezn
Well go rain or shine --------------------------------------------- Iremos haga el tiempo que haga
As tough as cobs --------------------------------------------------- Como bestias
Im here at my own request -------------------------------------- Estoy aqu por voluntad propia
A smart lad coming to me ---------------------------------------- Me ha llegado un chico listo (listillo)
How will I be getting there? -------------------------------------- Cmo llegar hasta all?
Hes the foulest man Ive ever met ------------------------- Es el hombre ms puerco que he conocido nunca
There aint nothing here ------------------------------------------ Aqu no hay nada
Everybodys run off ----------------------------------------------- Todo el mundo se las ha pirado
Not at the moment ------------------------------------------------- No de momento
Things being as they are ------------------------------------------ Tal como estn las cosas
Im sick of it -------------------------------------------------------- Estoy harto
His mind is gone --------------------------------------------------- Est loco, chiflado
Eager ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ansioso
Bogeyman ---------------------------------------------------------- El coco
Im speaking in half-truths --------------------------------------- Estoy hablando medias verdades
Hes like Louis /lui/ the lip --------------------------------------- Es un sopln, chivato
Wily /buli/ --------------------------------------------------------- Muy listo, (no sabe nada el to)
Im holding back --------------------------------------------------- Estoy callando algo
I hope Ive not overstepped my bounds---------------------- Espero no haberme metido donde no me llaman
Lass ------------------------------------------------------------------ Muchacha, chica (en Escocia)
Checking up on current events /ivnts/? ------------------------ Ponindote al da?
You just got out? --------------------------------------------------- Ya has salido?
I just became a citizen again ------------------------------------- Ahora soy un ciudadano honrado
Stick to cash -------------------------------------------------------- A tocateja
Dude! ---------------------------------------------------------------- To!
Deal to the left ----------------------------------------------------- Reparte por la izquierda
Hit me --------------------------------------------------------------- Carta (pedir carta)
Call ------------------------------------------------------------------ Los veo (cartas)
I fold ----------------------------------------------------------------- Paso (cartas)
If thats cool with you --------------------------------------------- Si te parece bien
What do you do for a living? ------------------------------------- A qu se dedica?
If you dont mind me asking ------------------------------------- Si me permite la pregunta
Why would I mind you asking?---------------------------------- Por qu no iba a permitrsela?


Expresiones en Ingls

Ive come to talk business ---------------------------------------- Vengo a hablar de negocios

Its good timing ---------------------------------------------------- Ms vale llegar a tiempo
Riddle /rdol/ ------------------------------------------------------- Adivinanza
UIT the aid of the original text ----------------------------------- Con la ayuda del texto original
Dont you get dizzy standing over there?----------------------- No se marea estando hay?
What is it you want from me? ------------------------------------ Qu quiere de m?
Binding /Binding/ ------------------------------------------------ Encuadernacin, unin
It doesnt appear /apier/ to be ------------------------------------ No lo parece
It doesnt seem like it --------------------------------------------- No lo parece
Kosher /Kusher/ -------------------------------------------------- Autntico
Hence the size of the check--------------------------------------- De hay el tamao del cheque
Illegal /ilgol/ ------------------------------------------------------- Ilegal
I have the utmost faith in you ------------------------------------ Tengo una fe ciega en usted
It would be very helpful ------------------------------------------ Me ayudara mucho
Kind of -------------------------------------------------------------- Algo as
He paid a great deal of money fot it ----------------------------- Pag mucho dinero por l
So I gather ---------------------------------------------------------- Eso he oido
Are you serious /srius/? ------------------------------------------ Lo dice en serio?
He was a Trifle /trifol/ eccentric-------------------------------- Era algo excntrico
Insane---------------------------------------------------------------- Demente
He shut /shat/ himself up in here -------------------------------- Se encerraba aqu
Maid ----------------------------------------------------------------- Criada
Mate ----------------------------------------------------------------- To o ta (England)
Thus let the line shine --------------------------------------------- Hgase la luz
So Im off to Europe ---------------------------------------------- As que me voy a Europa
Its got to be worth a million ------------------------------------- Debe de valer una millonada
I make a living ----------------------------------------------------- Me gano la vida
Like a drink? ------------------------------------------------------- Quiere una copa?
Pick up -------------------------------------------------------------- Cgelo (ej, tlf)
Phone booth -------------------------------------------------------- Cabina de telfonos
Youve never let me down --------------------------------------- Hasta ahora nunca me habas defraudado
Skill ------------------------------------------------------------------ Habilidad
Craftsmanship ------------------------------------------------------ Artesana
Type faces ---------------------------------------------------------- Caracteres (tipografa)
Very perceptive /persptif/ of you ------------------------------- Muy perspicaz
Stake ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hoguera
I wouldnt be surprised-------------------------------------------- No me sorprendera
Ancient /einchent/ civilizations ---------------------------------- Civilizaciones antiguas
To wither ------------------------------------------------------------ Marchitarse
Damp ---------------------------------------------------------------- Humedad
Bumper -------------------------------------------------------------- Parachoques
And bumping into people unexpectedly ------------------------ Y encontrarme con gente inesperadamente
Youve been traveling long? ------------------------------------- Llevas mucho viajando?
You could call it that ---------------------------------------------- Podra llamarse as
Lobby /labi/ --------------------------------------------------------- Hall (hotel)
To brick up --------------------------------------------------------- Tapiar
To wind up---------------------------------------------------------- Dar cuerda (ej, a un reloj)
Dont bother -------------------------------------------------------- No te molestes
Its coming to my attention --------------------------------------- Me he dado cuenta
I could easily wind up the same way ---------------------------- Podra acabar igual


Expresiones en Ingls

Keep an eye on her ------------------------------------------------ Viglala

Someones playing a game with me ----------------------------- Alguien est jugando conmigo
Appointment-------------------------------------------------------- Cita
Ive heard a great deal about you -------------------------------- He odo hablar mucho sobre usted
You dont know what youre getting yourself into ------------ No sabe dnde se est metiendo
How stupid o me!! ------------------------------------------------- Qu estpido he sido!!
I should have guessed / known!!--------------------------------- Debera haberlo adivinado / sabido!!
Im sorry if I troubled you ---------------------------------------- Siento haberle molestado
Before Its too late ------------------------------------------------- Antes de que sea demasiado tarde
You should be more careful -------------------------------------- Deberas tener ms cuidado
I need a favor /fivor/ --------------------------------------------- Necesito un favor
Are you feeling all right? ----------------------------------------- Se encuentra bien?
Ive felt better ------------------------------------------------------ He estado mejor
I havent thanked you --------------------------------------------- No te he dado las gracias
Its about time ------------------------------------------------------ Ya es hora
What do you make of it? ------------------------------------------ Qu le parece?
To swear ------------------------------------------------------------ Jurar
Hes swearing ------------------------------------------------------ Mal hablado (que dice muchos tacos)
To throw out -------------------------------------------------------- Echar (ej, de casa)
To throw up--------------------------------------------------------- Vomitar
A kind of peace offering ------------------------------------------ Una especie de ofrenda de paz
I was foolish -------------------------------------------------------- Fu un ingenuo, un tonto
Get on with it ------------------------------------------------------- Vaya al grano
Take as long as you need ----------------------------------------- Tmese todo el tiempo que quiera
You took the words out of my mouth --------------------------- Me ha quitado las palabras de la boca
They tore /tuor/ out the door ------------------------------------- Arrancaron la puerta
Good thinking ------------------------------------------------------ Bien pensado
In double-quick time ---------------------------------------------- Con rapidez
You should know better by now --------------------------------- Ya deberas saberlo
I owe you one ------------------------------------------------------ Le debo una
Dont be so picky -------------------------------------------------- No seas quejica
Trade ---------------------------------------------------------------- Oficio, intercambio
To be spoken well of ---------------------------------------------- Que hablen bien de uno
Disastrous /disster/ ----------------------------------------------- Desastre, desastroso
It does keep the wolf from the door ----------------------------- Me ayuda a no pasar hambre
Sort to speak of ---------------------------------------------------- Por decirlo as
I saw him as plain as I see you now ----------------------------- Le vi tan claro como le veo a usted ahora
Love at first sight -------------------------------------------------- Amor a primera vista
Nor would I have ----------------------------------------------- Ni habra
If possible ----------------------------------------------------------- Si es posible
You truly believe in the Devil? ---------------------------------- De verdad cree en el Diablo?
Devote /divut/ ----------------------------------------------------- Dedicar
For the sake --------------------------------------------------------- Por causa
This very same book ---------------------------------------------- Este mismo libro
The black arts ------------------------------------------------------ Magia negra
To worship ---------------------------------------------------------- Adorar
Besides -------------------------------------------------------------- Adems, a parte de
Over ----------------------------------------------------------------- Acabado
Overt /ouvrt/ ------------------------------------------------------ Encubierto
Unbeliever ---------------------------------------------------------- Incrdulo, infiel


Expresiones en Ingls

He always refused ------------------------------------------------- Siempre se ha negado

Penniless ------------------------------------------------------------ En la ruina
Funny you should say that ---------------------------------------- Es curioso que diga eso
Youve outstayed your welcome -------------------------------- Mi hospitalidad se acaba aqu
Wolves in sheeps clothing -------------------------------------- Lobos disfrazados de oveja
Some people lack vision ------------------------------------------ A algunos les falta ambicin
How to draw out the bluff /blof/ --------------------------------- Como aguantar un farol
Thats a very handsome bet -------------------------------------- Una apuesta respetable
And I will raise you another 500 of my own ------------------- Y subo otros 500
To raise-------------------------------------------------------------- Resucitar
Keep him on the leash--------------------------------------------- Mantenlo a raya
Guys, you do what you like -------------------------------------- Chicos, haced lo que querais
Hes trying to buy his way out of his bluff --------------------- Intenta aprobecharse de su farol
Thanks for the tip on bluffing ------------------------------------ Gracias por el consejo de aguantarle el farol
Clink ----------------------------------------------------------------- Trullo (crcel)
Painful memory ---------------------------------------------------- Recuerdo doloroso
Id hang on to that ------------------------------------------------- Yo lo conservara
Its a good investment --------------------------------------------- Es una buena inversin
Yes, or thereabouts ------------------------------------------------ S, aproximadamente
Valuable /vliubol/ ------------------------------------------------ Valioso
Im sure you wouldnt want to rush things --------------------- Seguro que no quieren precipitarse
I could tke it off your hands -------------------------------------- Podra quitarselo de las manos
Who isnt in our business? --------------------------------------- Y quin no, en ste negocio?
Youd stoop to anything ------------------------------------------ Haras lo que fuera
Just got off the phone with her ----------------------------------- Acabo de hablar por telfono con ella
He thought he had that deal sewed /sud/ up -------------------- Crea que tenia cerrado el trarto
He said you queered /kuierd/ his pitch -------------------------- Dice que se lo has fastidiado
Queer /kuier/ ------------------------------------------------------- Mariquita
Closet queer /kuier/ ------------------------------------------------ Mariquita que no ha salido del armario
Lets face it --------------------------------------------------------- Seamos sinceros
For my childrens sake -------------------------------------------- Por el bien de mis hijos
Did I snore /snor/? ------------------------------------------------- He roncado?
Hes one of those men who stab their friends in the back ---- De los k dan pualadas traperas a sus amigos
Your kind seldom does-------------------------------------------- Los de su clase no suelen tener
That makes two of us ---------------------------------------------- Ya somos dos
Your friendship dont concern me in the least ----------------- Tu amistad no me interesa en lo ms mnimo
I came here to do some business, not shoot the breeze ------- He venido a hacer negocios, no a pasar el rato
You dont like me, do you? -------------------------------------- No le caigo bien, verdad?
May I took a look?------------------------------------------------- Puedo echar un vistazo?
The supreme masterpiece ----------------------------------------- La obra maestra
Youre familiar with it? ------------------------------------------- Lo conoce?
You know your business ------------------------------------------ Sabe de lo que habla
Where did you get it? --------------------------------------------- De dnde lo ha sacado?
That remains /rimeins/ to be seen-------------------------------- Eso est por ver
The jerk isnt worth it --------------------------------------------- El gilipollas no merece la pena
Vote of confidence ------------------------------------------------ Voto de confianza
It was worth a try -------------------------------------------------- Vala la pena intentarlo
Are you done? ------------------------------------------------------ Has acabado?
With itchy trigger fingers ----------------------------------------- Con ganas de disparar
Things could be worse -------------------------------------------- Podra ser peor


Expresiones en Ingls

Partner --------------------------------------------------------------- Socio

Lets get something straight /streit/------------------------------ Vamos a dejar algo claro
I quit ----------------------------------------------------------------- Me largo
Birds o a feather /fdor/ flock together ------------------------- Dios los cra y ellos se juntan
Id advise you to take this more seriously /sriusly/ ----------- Tmese esto ms en serio
Thats the point ---------------------------------------------------- En efecto
Sack ----------------------------------------------------------------- Saco
Im good at this ---------------------------------------------------- Esto se me da bien
Besides you? ------------------------------------------------------- Aparte de t?
Trick ----------------------------------------------------------------- Trampa
Piece of cake ------------------------------------------------------- Chupado
It could be double that -------------------------------------------- Tardariamos el doble
Not even God knows what youre doing ----------------------- Ni Dios sabe lo que haces
Stop yelling at me!!------------------------------------------------ No me grites!!
I got a bad headache /hrek/ -------------------------------------- Me duele la cabeza
Outta the way------------------------------------------------------- Abrid paso
Fire truck ------------------------------------------------------------ Camin de bomberos
Slow down ---------------------------------------------------------- Ms despacio
Kinda like ----------------------------------------------------------- Es como
I cover your ass ---------------------------------------------------- Te cubro el culo
Trust me ------------------------------------------------------------- Hazme caso
Miracle /mracol/ -------------------------------------------------- Milagro
Something just doesnt add up ----------------------------------- Algo no encaja
Something just doesnt mesh -------------------------------------
Other half ----------------------------------------------------------- Media naranja
Report --------------------------------------------------------------- Informe
It rings a bell ------------------------------------------------------- Me suena
Almost certainly /crtenly/ --------------------------------------- Cai seguro
Plot ------------------------------------------------------------------ Trama
They are plotting something-------------------------------------- Estn tramando algo
The plot thickens--------------------------------------------------- La cosa se complica
Dont ever let people use you ------------------------------------ No dejes que te utilizen
If you get caught /cot/ --------------------------------------------- Si te pillan
Get on outta here --------------------------------------------------- Largaos de aqu, largo de aqu
Not to get too personal -------------------------------------------- No quiero meterme en sus asuntos
You got a secret admirer ------------------------------------------ Tienes un admirador secreto
Im gonna try and get his attention ------------------------------ Voy a intentar llamar su atencin
Nut /nat/ ------------------------------------------------------------- Loco
It looks like it ------------------------------------------------------- Eso parece
Very cool stuff /estaff/ -------------------------------------------- De primera
Pigeon /pllun/ ------------------------------------------------------ Paloma
Shell get over it --------------------------------------------------- Ya se le pasar (ej, cabreo)
I went to some trouble -------------------------------------------- Me costo trabajo
Well-laid /leid/ plan ----------------------------------------------- Magnfico plan
That was unpleasant /amplsan/ --------------------------------- Ha sido muy desagradable
Dont let it happen again ------------------------------------------ Que no vuelva a ocurrir
Chiding /chaiding/ ------------------------------------------------- Regaina
Fucking wackor /vekor/ ------------------------------------------- Chalado
Bone head ----------------------------------------------------------- Chalado
Calm yourself ------------------------------------------------------ Clmate


Expresiones en Ingls

Ive been little down----------------------------------------------- He estado un poco deprimido

You look half-dead ------------------------------------------------ Pareces medio muerto
Hotter than a match head ----------------------------------------- Esto est que arde
Despite the heat ---------------------------------------------------- A pesar de la presin (Psicolgica)
Kitty ----------------------------------------------------------------- Ta (mujer)
The traffic jam from hell ------------------------------------------ Atasco de mil demonios
Big bang ------------------------------------------------------------ Explosin
You look like shit -------------------------------------------------- Ests hecho una mierda
Where did we leave off with that roster /rster/? -------------- Dnde nos habamos quedado?
Put Lisa on it ----------------------------------------------------- Que se ocupe Lisa (de ello)
Coming up on it ---------------------------------------------------- Estamos llegando
The backup --------------------------------------------------------- Los refuerzos
Are you kidding me? ---------------------------------------------- Ests de coa?
What is all this about? --------------------------------------------- De que va todo esto?
Its nice to be needed /nrid/ -------------------------------------- Es agradable que te necesiten
Hangover------------------------------------------------------------ Resaca
Ill pick you up at 10 ---------------------------------------------- Te recoger a las 10
Take your time ----------------------------------------------------- Tmatelo con calma, tmate tu tiempo
Dumpster------------------------------------------------------------ Basurero
To undertake ------------------------------------------------------- Emprender (viaje)
Were behind ------------------------------------------------------- Vamos retrasados
Its a wild goose chase -------------------------------------------- Esto es buscar una aguja en un pajar
Butterfinger --------------------------------------------------------- Manos de plastilina
May he rest in peace----------------------------------------------- Que descanse en paz
You almost gave me a heart attack ------------------------------ Por poco me das un infarto
Heist ----------------------------------------------------------------- Atraco
I should have seem it coming a mile away --------------------- Deb haberme dado cuenta
Truck ---------------------------------------------------------------- Camin
Take the next turn-off --------------------------------------------- Coge la prxima salida (ej, autova)
Basement------------------------------------------------------------ Stano
Booby trap ---------------------------------------------------------- Trampa (solo en una bomba)
Were gonna need a miracle -------------------------------------- Vamos a necesitar un milagro
Keep your fingers crossed ---------------------------------------- Cruza los dedos
Sue /si/ me--------------------------------------------------------- Demndame
Dont be no hero --------------------------------------------------- No te hagaz el heroe
Must be your lucky day ------------------------------------------- Debe de ser tu da de suerte
She didnt stick around too long --------------------------------- No aguanto demasiado
You laugh at other peoples misfortunes ----------------------- Te ries de las desgracias ajenas
No rush -------------------------------------------------------------- Sin prisas
Between now and then -------------------------------------------- Hasta entonces
They bought it ----------------------------------------------------- Se lo han tragado
Shift ----------------------------------------------------------------- Turno
He swallowed /sualou/ it, hook, line and sinker --------------- Se lo trago todo
To piss off ---------------------------------------------------------- Cabrear
Shes pissed at you ------------------------------------------------ Est cabreada contigo
Stubborn /stobern/ ------------------------------------------------ Testarudo/a
Steam ---------------------------------------------------------------- Vapor
Did I come at a bad time? ---------------------------------------- Llego en mal momento?
Thug /zog/ ---------------------------------------------------------- Matn
Into a cocked hat --------------------------------------------------- Patas arriba


Expresiones en Ingls

You barely made it ------------------------------------------------ Por poco no lo consigue

Jug ------------------------------------------------------------------- Garrafa
Im out of shape ---------------------------------------------------- No estoy en forma
Go ahead and grab it ---------------------------------------------- Ve y cgela
How do I turn this thing off? ------------------------------------- Cmo apago sto?
Scale /skiol/ ------------------------------------------------------- Bscula
Racist /risist/ ------------------------------------------------------ Racista
Nigger-hating------------------------------------------------------- Racista
Jerk-off!! ------------------------------------------------------------ Djate de rollos!!
I got a bad hangover ----------------------------------------------- Tengo Resaca
Rim ------------------------------------------------------------------ Borde /de algo/
You want me to roll over? ---------------------------------------- Quieres que me quede cruzado de brazos?
Cab ------------------------------------------------------------------ Taxi
Cabby---------------------------------------------------------------- Taxista
As far as Im concerned ------------------------------------------- En lo que a mi respecta
That aint right!! --------------------------------------------------- No es justo!!
Inmate --------------------------------------------------------------- Recluso
You aint telling me what to do ---------------------------------- No me digas lo que tengo que hacer
Get away from me!! ----------------------------------------------- Aljate de m!!
Times up ----------------------------------------------------------- Se acabo el tiempo
You could really use a shower ----------------------------------- Le vendra bien una ducha
Trial /triol/ --------------------------------------------------------- Juicio
The people united, will never be defeated ---------------------- El pueblo unido jams ser vencido
Hang on ------------------------------------------------------------- Aguanta, resiste
Appeal /apol/ ------------------------------------------------------ Recurso (en un juicio)
Theres nothing to hang on to ------------------------------------ No hay nada por lo que aguantar
Im not gonna be a weight hanging around your neck -------- No pienso ser una carga para ti
Well, then youre a weight around mine ------------------------ Pues t si lo eres para mi
Embittered /embterd/ with life ---------------------------------- Amargado de la vida
There was room in my head for only one word ---------------- En mi cabeza solo haba lugar para 1 palabra
Make it two --------------------------------------------------------- Que sean dos (ej, en un bar)
You got a boy around? -------------------------------------------- Tienes novio?
Ill be right up ------------------------------------------------------ Ahora subo
From that moment on --------------------------------------------- A partir de entonces
I decided /disired/ to take control of my life ------------------ Decid coger las riendas de mi vida
I gave up all the worthless luxuries /lxoris/ ------------------- Prescind de todos los lujos intiles
Fags ------------------------------------------------------------------ Mariconadas
Ive spent almost half my time on this earth ------------------- He pasado casi la mitad de mi vida
Did you get any sleep? -------------------------------------------- Has dormido?
To feel sorry for ---------------------------------------------------- Sentir compasin
Neighborhood ------------------------------------------------------ Barrio, vecindario
Be seated /sred/---------------------------------------------------- Sientate, pueden sentarse
Aware --------------------------------------------------------------- Consciente
All rise -------------------------------------------------------------- Todos en pie
Lightly--------------------------------------------------------------- A la ligera
Menace /mnes/ ---------------------------------------------------- Amenaza
Its our duty /diri/ ------------------------------------------------ Es nuestro deber
Prizefighter --------------------------------------------------------- Boxeador profesional
Hatred /hitrid/ ----------------------------------------------------- Odio
Skill ------------------------------------------------------------------ Destreza


Expresiones en Ingls

To covet ------------------------------------------------------------- Acumular

This court is in recess /rises/ ------------------------------------- Se levanta la sesin
Come a long way -------------------------------------------------- Hemos recorrido un largo camino
You think that was an accident? --------------------------------- Crees que fue una casualidad?
Thats no accident ------------------------------------------------- No es una casualidad
Me neither ---------------------------------------------------------- Yo tampoco
He who has risen /risen/ from the dead ------------------------- El que resucito de entre los muertos
Chapter -------------------------------------------------------------- Captulo
Verse ---------------------------------------------------------------- Versculo
I wish to God ------------------------------------------------------- Ojal
To deserve ---------------------------------------------------------- Merecer
Gunman ------------------------------------------------------------- Pistolero
Burglary /brglery/ ------------------------------------------------ Robo
Kinda /kainda/ makes you wonder, doesnt it? ---------------- Que curioso no?
I was told to get you ----------------------------------------------- Vengo a buscarle
Shit happens every day-------------------------------------------- Ocurren desgracias a diario
Key witness --------------------------------------------------------- Testigo clave
You dont know shit ----------------------------------------------- No sabes una mierda
You gotta understand---------------------------------------------- Entiende esto
A fellow by the name of David ---------------------------------- Un tipo llamado David
To pass away ------------------------------------------------------- Morir
Cruiser /cruser/ ----------------------------------------------------- Coche patrulla
Yes, Its my handwriting ----------------------------------------- Si, es mi letra
Catch-22 ------------------------------------------------------------ Callejn sin salida, crculo vicioso
You stay strong ---------------------------------------------------- Mantente fuerte
So that ------------------------------------------------------------ Para que
I understand the choice before you? ----------------------------- Entiende la eleccin a la que se enfrenta?
Forefathers ---------------------------------------------------------- Antepasados
The kindest thing -------------------------------------------------- Lo ms agradable
Childhood ----------------------------------------------------------- Infancia
Run-down town ---------------------------------------------------- Pueblo de mala muerte
You have to handle /handle/ yourself --------------------------- Tienes que desenvolverte solo
Go for a swim ------------------------------------------------------ Date un bao
Isnt that pretty?---------------------------------------------------- A que es bonito?
What have we got here? ------------------------------------------ Qu tenemos aqu?
Water falls ---------------------------------------------------------- Cascada
Youll be making speeches (spiches) --------------------------- Estars hablando por los codos
When I get through with you ------------------------------------- Cuando acabe contigo
And so you stabbed him ------------------------------------------ Asi que le apualastes
Sunshine ------------------------------------------------------------ Amiguito
I am going to see to it personally -------------------------------- Me voy a encargar de ello personalmente
So be it -------------------------------------------------------------- Que as sea
It dont seem right ------------------------------------------------- No me parece bien
You should be here backing me up ------------------------------ Deberas quedarte a apoyarme
Time life ------------------------------------------------------------ Cadena perpetua
You all right? ------------------------------------------------------- Ests bien?
Are you nuts /nats/? ----------------------------------------------- Ests loco?
Champ --------------------------------------------------------------- Campen
Dont bullshit me -------------------------------------------------- No me engaes
Didnt realize it was you ------------------------------------------ No saba que eras t


Expresiones en Ingls

Any two will do? -------------------------------------------------- Dos cualesquiera?

To make out -------------------------------------------------------- Reconocer
It dont fit ----------------------------------------------------------- No cuela
Pool ------------------------------------------------------------------ Charco, billar
To come to blame -------------------------------------------------- Culpar
It wont be over ---------------------------------------------------- No habr acabado
I dont think you do see ------------------------------------------- No creo que lo entienda
I a need a smoke --------------------------------------------------- Necesito un cigarro
You dont want to piss me off today ---------------------------- Hoy no me cabrees
Dim ------------------------------------------------------------------ Penumbra
Without any warning ---------------------------------------------- Sin previo aviso
In dimness ---------------------------------------------------------- En la penumbra
Hobo /houbo/ ------------------------------------------------------- Vagabundo
I have to focus on the facts --------------------------------------- Me centro en los hechos
Theyll turn on you ------------------------------------------------ Te traicionarn
Dont you turn your back on me --------------------------------- No me des las espalda
Rightfully belongs to you ----------------------------------------- Por derecho te pertenece
Collect call to anyone from Mr. Villazn ----------------------- Llamada a cobro revertido del seor Villazn
Yes, Ill accept the charges /chryes/ --------------------------- Si, acepto la llamada
To blink ------------------------------------------------------------- Parpadear
Blinky --------------------------------------------------------------- Cegato
Journalist /jrnalist/ ------------------------------------------------ Periodista
To some degree ---------------------------------------------------- En cierta forma
Nobody lasts -------------------------------------------------------- Nadie dura mucho
With all due respect ----------------------------------------------- Con todo el respeto
How'd they take it? ------------------------------------------------ Cmo se lo tomaron?
Ton ------------------------------------------------------------------ Tonelada
I aint walking away from you ----------------------------------- No te abandonar
Just bury /bri/ me ------------------------------------------------- Entierrame
We gotta hang on!! ------------------------------------------------ Tenemos que resistir!!
I take the blame ---------------------------------------------------- Asumo la culpa
Dont put the blame on me --------------------------------------- No me eches la culpa
Im not to blame --------------------------------------------------- Yo no tengo la culpa
Whos to blame? --------------------------------------------------- Quin tiene la culpa?
To wither ------------------------------------------------------------ Marchitar
Thats not right ----------------------------------------------------- No es justo
Jury /llri/ ----------------------------------------------------------- Jurado
Jailor /jilor/ -------------------------------------------------------- Funcionario de prisiones
Guilty /glty/ -------------------------------------------------------- Culpable
U.S. Dollar ---------------------------------------------------------- Dlar americano
Thats cool ---------------------------------------------------------- Genial
Warmth-------------------------------------------------------------- Calor humano
Heartfelt ------------------------------------------------------------- Sincero
To be in lockup ---------------------------------------------------- Estar incomunicado
Dont ever get used to --------------------------------------------- Jams te acostumbras a
You got a lot of guts /gats/ --------------------------------------- Tienes agallas
To fix up ------------------------------------------------------------ Arreglar
Frankly -------------------------------------------------------------- Francamente
Youre guilty as hell ----------------------------------------------- Eres culpable al 100 %
To transcend -------------------------------------------------------- Superar


Expresiones en Ingls

I guess so------------------------------------------------------------ Supongo que s

I guess I do --------------------------------------------------------- Supongo que s
We seek your headman ------------------------------------------- Buscamos a vuestro jefe
Void ----------------------------------------------------------------- Vacio/a
Mist ------------------------------------------------------------------ Bruma
Fog ------------------------------------------------------------------- Niebla
What thing would affect them so? ------------------------------- Qu puede afectarles de ese modo?
To melt -------------------------------------------------------------- Desaparacer
To face -------------------------------------------------------------- Enfrentarse
Hell need some amazing luck ----------------------------------- Va a necesitar mucha suerte
A hate from old times --------------------------------------------- Un ser del pasado
Your fate is fixed -------------------------------------------------- Tu destino est escrito
You appear none the worse for wear ---------------------------- No has salido mal parado
You complain much ----------------------------------------------- Te quejas mucho
Filth ------------------------------------------------------------------ Porquera
Claw ----------------------------------------------------------------- Garra
Pole ------------------------------------------------------------------ Palo
Sep your teeth together-------------------------------------------- Mantn la boca cerrada
Stifle /stfol/ for your racket -------------------------------------- No alborotes
Cliff ------------------------------------------------------------------ Acantilado
Farmer --------------------------------------------------------------- Campesino
Merciful /mrsiful/------------------------------------------------- Misericordioso
Lair /lar/ ----------------------------------------------------------- Guarida
Is there a choice? -------------------------------------------------- Hay otra opcin?
Step closer ---------------------------------------------------------- Acercate
Chieftain /chftain/ ------------------------------------------------- Jefe
Why seek you me?------------------------------------------------- Por qu me buscas?
Token ---------------------------------------------------------------- Prenda
Horns ---------------------------------------------------------------- Cuernos
Ive run about as far as I care to --------------------------------- He llegado hasta donde he podido
Not through the night, hell die ---------------------------------- No pasar de sta noche, morir
The story of his deeds --------------------------------------------- La historia de sus hazaas
He grips his sword /suord/ ---------------------------------------- Se aferra a su espada
As long as he lives ------------------------------------------------- Mientras el viva
Well soon find out if he was right ------------------------------ Pronto sabremos si tena razn
To beg --------------------------------------------------------------- Rogar
For all we ought to have thought and have not thought ------ Por todo lo que debimos pensar y no pensamos
All we ought to have said and have not said ------------------- Por todo lo que debimos decir y no dijimos
All we ought to have done and have not done ----------------- Por todo lo que debimos hacer y no hicimos
They bid me take my place among them ----------------------- Me piden que vaya a acompaarlos
Lo there do I see my father -------------------------------------- All veo a mi padre
The line of my people --------------------------------------------- El linaje de mi pueblo
Its over ------------------------------------------------------------- Se acab
Ill be in your debt ------------------------------------------------- Estar en deuda contigo
To whimper --------------------------------------------------------- Lloriquear, gimotear
Who are you making it out with? -------------------------------- Con quin te lo ests haciendo?
The handwriting is in the wall ----------------------------------- Est escrito, no se puede cambiar
Felon ---------------------------------------------------------------- Convicto
Dilly ----------------------------------------------------------------- Bobo
Hit man -------------------------------------------------------------- Asesino a sueldo


Expresiones en Ingls

Shit hit the fan ------------------------------------------------------ La mierda ha salpicado a todos

Grave /grif/ -------------------------------------------------------- Tumba
G-Man --------------------------------------------------------------- Federal (FBI)
Im gonna give birth to a cop ------------------------------------ Ir a cagar
Mouthpiece --------------------------------------------------------- Abogado
You gonna get burned --------------------------------------------- Te van a quemar
His time will go ---------------------------------------------------- Ya le llegar la hora
Sadly ---------------------------------------------------------------- Desgraciadamente
Hes cleverer than I thought -------------------------------------- Es ms listo de lo que pensaba
Bent ------------------------------------------------------------------ Empeado
My historys a little hazy ----------------------------------------- La historia no es mi fuerte
There is no rose without thorns ---------------------------------- En todo lo bueno hay algo malo, etc...
We shall know son enough --------------------------------------- Pronto lo sabremos
Archers -------------------------------------------------------------- Arqueros
We seem to be almost there -------------------------------------- Ya casi hemos llegado
It has been too long ------------------------------------------------ Ha pasado demasiado tiempo
Can I count on you? ----------------------------------------------- Puedo contar contigo?
No ones earned it more ------------------------------------------ Nadie se lo merece tanto como t
I may call on you before long ------------------------------------ Tal vez no tarde mucho en llamarte
Let us pretend that ------------------------------------------------- Hagamos como si
You sent for me ---------------------------------------------------- Me llamastes
With all my heart -------------------------------------------------- De todo corazn
Loyalty -------------------------------------------------------------- Lealtad
Embrace ------------------------------------------------------------- Abrzame
It was not always so ----------------------------------------------- No siempre ha sido as
Upset ---------------------------------------------------------------- Preocupado
You were never any good at it ----------------------------------- Nunca se te dio bien
What is it in me you hate so much? ----------------------------- Qu hay en m que tanto odias?
I need your counsel /knsol/ -------------------------------------- Necesito tu consejo


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