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Me llamo Rebeca Barandiarn Piedra y soy tu profesora de ingls de 2 de Bachillerato. Espero verte en clase porque es la mejor manera de aprender la asignatura, pero si no te es posible asistir a ellas puedes hacer consultas telefnicas o venir a las tutoras individuales. Puedes apuntarte a Correspondencia y mandarme ejercicios y redacciones para corregir. Lo importante es que empieces a estudiar inmediatamente, sobre todo si hace tiempo que no estudias ingls y no tienes una buena base en la asignatura. Elige entre cualquiera de mis horas de tutora individual que te resulte cmoda para venir a hacerme consultas aunque no se corresponda con la hora de tutora individual de tu curso. Si tienes el ingls de 1 pendiente recuerda que debes darle prioridad sobre 2. Tienes la ventaja de que el programa de 1 y 2 son casi idnticos, slo que en 2 se ven algunos temas con ms profundidad y el nivel de lectura y redaccin son ms altos. Recuerda siempre que estoy aqu para ayudarte, pero tienes que pedir ayuda.

El material utilizado es el libro de texto Looking Forward 2, publicado por Macmillan-Heinemann. No es obligatorio comprar el Workbook que acompaa al libro, pero s necesario si quieres practicar ms la gramtica que vamos aprendiendo. En ese caso haces los ejercicios y me los traes o me los mandas para que te los corrija. Es fundamental ver en qu se cometen los errores para poder progresar. Si vienes a clase es imprescindible tener el libro porque en clase hacemos y corregimos los ejercicios de gramtica y vocabulario. Pero si no puedes venir a clase y tienes un libro de texto de ingls de 2 reciente, puedes usarlo para estudiar la asignatura, aunque no coincidan en el vocabulario y en cosas concretas como los mismos phrasal verbs. Aunque no todos los alumnos de 2 hacen la Selectividad, es importante hacer prcticas de comprensin de lectura y redaccin, porque en todos los exmenes hay un ejercicio que sigue el modelo de los exmenes de Selectividad. El libro de texto tiene una lectura en cada unidad y propone temas de redaccin relacionados con los temas que trata cada lectura. Si quieres modelos de ejercicios de Selectividad los puedes encontrar en Internet o si no me los pides, me los haces y te los devuelvo corregidos.

IES CALDERN DE LA BARCA - Departamento de Ingls 2 de Bachillerato Distancia - Curso 2009-10


1 EVALUACIN: Unidad 1: (1 quincena) o o o o o Usos del infinitivo y el gerundio. Used to, be used to, get used to. Phrasal verbs. Vocabulario de la casa. Redaccin: escribir un texto de opinin.

Unidad 2: (2 quincena) o o o o o o Pretrito perfecto simple y continuo. Usos. Pluscuamperfecto simple. Contraste entre estos tiempos verbales y el pasado simple. Prefer, would prefer y would rather. Redaccin: escribir un texto narrativo. Conectores de tiempo y finalidad.

Unidad 3: (3 quincena) o Will, be going to, presente continuo con valor de futuro y when + presente simple. o Sufijos de nombres y adjetivos. o Conectores: addition, reason, consequence, opinin. o Redaccin: escribir un texto de opinion.

Unidad 4: (4 quincena). o o o o o Condicionales: primero, segundo y tercer condicional. I wish / If only. Verbos con preposicin. Vocabulario sobre los estudios y la universidad. Redaccin: escribir cartas.

2 EVALUACIN: Unidad 5: (1 quincena) o o o o o La voz pasiva. Usos. Have / get something done. Prefijos. Conectores y expresiones de contraste. Redaccin: escribir un texto argumentativo (a favor o en contra) 2

IES CALDERN DE LA BARCA Departamento de Ingls 2 de Bachillerato Distancia Curso 2009-10

Unidad 6: (2 quincena) o Verbos modales auxiliares de obligacin, prohibicin y consejo en presente. o Verbos seguidos de adjetivos. o Expresiones idiomticas coloquiales.

Unidad 7: (1 semana) o Repaso de conectores. o Sinnimos. o Redaccin: escribir una crtica o resea cinematogrfica.

Unidad 8: (ltima quincena). o Estilo indirecto: pasar oraciones enunciativas, interrogativas y de imperativo de estilo directo a estilo indirecto. o Redaccin: escribir un resumen de un texto.

3 EVALUACIN: Unidad 9: (1 y 2 quincenas) o Oraciones de relativo: defining y non-defining. o So, such, too, enough. o El orden de los adjetivos. Repaso del curso y prctica de ejercicios de Selectividad (3 semanas).


Hay un examen escrito por evaluacin, cada uno con su correspondiente recuperacin. Cada evaluacin incluye toda la materia de la anterior, de modo que la 3 evaluacin es un examen global de la asignatura. Quien apruebe la 3 tiene aprobado el curso, y en caso de suspender, tiene el examen final que le valdr como recuperacin de todo el curso. Si quiere, el alumno puede presentarse directamente a la 3 evaluacin, y si la aprueba, tiene el curso aprobado. En caso de suspender, tiene el examen final para
IES CALDERN DE LA BARCA Departamento de Ingls 2 de Bachillerato Distancia Curso 2009-10

recuperarlo. septiembre.

De no aprobar en junio, hay un examen global similar en

Todos los exmenes siguen el mismo formato, una prueba escrita que consta de dos partes: Un ejercicio de comprensin de lectura siguiendo el modelo de Selectividad: preguntas sobre la lectura, vocabulario, gramtica y redaccin (entre 100 y 150 palabras, es decir, 10-15 lneas aproximadamente). Un examen de gramtica con ejercicios como los que aparecen en el libro de texto y del Workbook. Recuerda que cada evaluacin incluye la gramtica estudiada desde el principo.

La nota de la evaluacin es la media de las dos partes del examen. Hay que alcanzar 5 puntos de un total de 10 para aprobar.

A continuacin vers un modelo de examen, en este caso de la 3 Evaluacin o Evaluacin final.

IES CALDERN DE LA BARCA Departamento de Ingls 2 de Bachillerato Distancia Curso 2009-10



TOO MUCH TELEVISION A new study suggests that the amount of television young children watch may be directly related to attention problems later in school. They may even suffer a condition known as Attention Deficit Disorder or A.D.D. Experts say that A.D.D. involves an over-stimulation of young developing brains and teachers say many children in the United States are showing signs of the disorder. Some education researchers have believed for years that watching television at a very young age could change the normal development of the brain. For example, they say that children who watch a lot of television are not able to sit and read for an extended period of time, show less ability to listen, pay attention, as well as engage in independent problem solving. This new study tested the idea that television watching by very young children is linked to attention problems by the age of seven. The findings reported that every hour pre-schoolers watch television increases their chances by about ten percent of developing attention deficit problems later in life. For example, children who watched three hours a day were thirty percent more likely to have attention problems than those who watched no television. One of the researchers said there are other reasons why children should not watch television. Earlier studies have linked it with children becoming too fat and too aggressive. Other experts say the new study is important, but more work needs to be done to confirm the results and better explain the cause and effect.

1. Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE. (2 puntos) a. It seems that the Attention Deficit Disorder appears when childrens brains are not stimulated.


The new study examined the effect of TV on attention problems in teenagers.

2. In our own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions. (2 p.) a. According to the new study, how can watching a lot of television affect childrens behaviour?

b. Why didnt earlier research encourage the habit of watching television?

IES CALDERN DE LA BARCA Departamento de Ingls 2 de Bachillerato Distancia Curso 2009-10

3. Find the words in the text that mean. (1 punto) a. quantity (paragraph 1) b. symptoms (paragraph 1) c. examined (paragraph 2) d. previous (paragraph 3) 4. Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets when given. (2 puntos) a. Thirty years ago, scientists .............................(begin) to study the link ......................... aggressive behaviour and television watching. b. How ................... do you go to the cinema? I usually go once ........ month. c. Switch ............. the TV now, the news .....................(be) about to start. Complete the following sentence to report what was said: d. What will you do when you finish your homework? He asked the girl........

5. Write about 100 to 150 words on one of the following topics. (3 puntos) a. Which are your favourite TV programmes? Describe them and explain why you like them. b. Do you think the government should control TV programmes? Discuss.

IES CALDERN DE LA BARCA Departamento de Ingls 2 de Bachillerato Distancia Curso 2009-10

1. CONDITIONALS. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb in brackets. (8 pts.) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. If I were very tall, I .................................................................(become) a basketball player. If you .....................................(be) cold, switch the air-conditioner off. If the lifeguard had arrived sooner, he ...........................................................(save) the boys life. If we .........................................................(go) to Rome last year, wed have seen the Colosseum You ...................................................................(not like) it if I did the same thing to you. If you ...............................................(give) me a box, Ill pack the books. If I had taken my umbrella, we ...........................................................................(not get) wet. There ..................................................(be) fewer accidents if drivers were more considerate.

2. CHOOSE the correct alternative in each sentence. (5 puntos) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. He took his computer to the shop to have it repair / repaired. He went out despite / whereas the rain. Theyve been here since / for yesterday. Youd better finding / find yourself some new friends. They looked careful / carefully at the picture. You mustnt to drink / drink if you drive. Doctor, you need come / to come quickly. She was such a / so rich woman. They werent early enough / enough early to get the tickets. She had money enough / enough money to go to the cinema.

3. Write the following sentences in REPORTED SPEECH. (8 puntos) a. b. c. d. She said, Im thinking of changing jobs next year. I have to do my homework now, Penny said to her friend. Open your eyes and dont talk, Helen told her boyfriend. Have you made a cake for dinner tonight? she asked him.

4. VERB TENSES. Write the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets. (14 puntos) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. He .................................................(read) last night when she ....................................... (interrupt). She always ....................................(drink) milk, but today she ......................................(drink) tea. your exercises yet? I...................................... (go) to a concert tonight. Ive already bought the tickets. Look! I ...................................................(cut) my finger. Id rather you ..............................................(go) with me. He ......................................................................(write) six novels since 1999. As soon as this class .................................................(finish), Ill go home. They think their party ...................................................(win) the next elections.

IES CALDERN DE LA BARCA Departamento de Ingls 2 de Bachillerato Distancia Curso 2009-10

j. k. l.

I decided yesterday that I ..............................................................(drink) less coffee from now on. I wish I .............................................(have) more money. When the next train comes, I..................................................(get) on it. (8 puntos)

5. Write the following sentences in the PASSIVE. a. b. c. d. Shakespeare wrote these poems.

They will show their guests some photographs of their trip. Their guests..... They clean the hotel rooms every day. They have put her in prison for life. She........

6. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate RELATIVE pronoun. OMIT it when possible. (10 puntos) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. My uncle ................... is a doctor lives in Asturias. Her house, ..................... is quite comfortable, needs redecorating. Mike is going to Italy, .................... is his favourite country. This is the best restaurant...................... I know. The boy to ................. I sent a note is smiling at me. The girl ................... you are going out with is very attractive. We live in a city ........................ new restaurants open every day. What is the address of the woman .................... dog bit ours? He came too late, .................... is typical of him. Freddie Mercury, ................. was a famous singer, died in 1992.

7. Write the appropriate PREPOSITION or PARTICLE. (5 puntos) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. I really like you, Jane. Will you go ........... ........... me? Watch ........... ...........that car or youll crash! I always laugh ............ the funny things you say. She got married ............ a handsome boy. I dont agree ........... you. It depends ............... of the weather. Wait .......... me! Dont go! Do you ever dream ............. me? I wrote .......... you three times but you never answered. The teacher spoke .............. the students.

8. Fill in the gaps with the INFINITIVE or GERUND of the verbs in brackets. (8 puntos) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Did you remember ...............................................(post) the letter? I cant get used to ...............................................(live) without a dog. They want to go ..............................................(run) tomorrow. Would you mind ............................................(take) my mother to the station? You go to the garden .........................................(get) fresh air. I enjoy ..................................................(listen) to all types of music. Its boring ...............................................(sit) at home all day. Carol is looking forward to ...............................................(hear) from you.

IES CALDERN DE LA BARCA Departamento de Ingls 2 de Bachillerato Distancia Curso 2009-10

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