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La voz pasiva en Ingls se forma con el verbo (to be) y el participio pasado del verbo en cuestin debemos enfocarnos en la accin sin identificar la persona (agente) que lo hace siempre que sea posible. Se debe iniciar la frase con el sujeto de la voz activa. El verbo ser (to be) no debe cambiar el tiempo verbal de la voz activa.

A. Write the following sentences in the passive. 1. They will send flowers to the victims. 2. They sent flowers to the victims. 3. They are sending flowers to the victims. 4. They send flowers to the victims. 5. They add sugar to fruit in order to make jam. 6. You should make the sandwiches just before you leave. 7. People are sending blankets and clothes to the flood victims. 8. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876. 9. The technicians were repairing my fax machine when I arrived. 10. The crew will bury the sailor at sea. 11. Toyota sells cars in many countries. 12. The tour guide showed us around the city.

CONECTORES Os dejo un enlance con explicacin de como funcionan los conectores.

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