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Pasado simple
AFFIRMATIVE S + V(ed>reg) S+ V(irrg) NEGATIVE S + ddidnt + V INTERROGATIVE (Wh-) did + S + V? SHORT ANSWERS AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Yes, S + did No, S + didnt

AFFIRMATIVE afirmativo To play jugar

(regular verb)

To go ir
(irregular verb)

Examples I played basketball

yo jugaba al baloncesto

I played
yo jugu/jugaba

I went
yo fui/iba

you played
t juegas/jugabas

you went
t fuiste/ibas

you went to the park on Sundays

t ibas al parque los domingos

he played
l jug/jugaba

he went
l fue/iba

he played in the street

l jug en la calle

she played
ella jug/jugaba

she went
ella fue/iba

she went to school by car

ella fue al colegio en coche

it played
jug/jugaba a

it went

it played in the park

jug en el parque

we played
nosotros-as jugamos/jugbamos

we went
nosotros-as fuimos/bamos

we went to school at nine oclock

nosotros-as bamos al colegio a las nueve

you played
vosotros-as jugasteis/jugabais

you went
vosotros-as fuisteis/ibais

you played football on Saturdays

vosotros-as jugabais al ftbol los sbados

they played
ellos-as jugaron/jugaban

they went
ellos-as fueron/iban

they went to the sports centre

ellos-as fueron al polideportivo

Creado y elaborado por Manuel Snchez del Valle

NEGATIVE negativo To play jugar

(regular verb)

To go ir (irregular verb) I didnt go

yo no fui/iba

Examples I didnt play basketball

yo no jugaba al baloncesto

I didnt play
yo no jugu/jugaba

you didnt play

t no juegas/jugabas

you didnt go
t no fuiste/ibas

you didnt go to the park on Sundays

t no ibas al parque los domingos

he didnt play
l no jug/jugaba

he didnt go
l no fue/iba

he didnt play in the street

l no jug en la calle

she didnt play

ella no jug/jugaba

she didnt go
ella no fue/iba

she didnt go to school by car

ella no fue al colegio en coche

it didnt play
no jug/jugaba a

it didnt go didnt go
no fue/iba

it didnt play in the park

no jug en el parque

we didnt play
nosotros-as no jugamos/jugbamos

we didnt go
nosotros-as no fuimos/bamos

we didnt go to school at nine oclock

nosotros-as no bamos al colegio a las nueve

you didnt play

vosotros-as no jugasteis/jugabais

you didnt go
vosotros-as no fuisteis/ibais

you didnt play football on Saturdays

vosotros-as no jugabais al ftbol los sbados

they didnt play

ellos-as no jugaron/jugaban

they didnt go
ellos-as no fueron/iban

they didnt go to the sports centre

ellos-as no fueron al polideportivo

Creado y elaborado por Manuel Snchez del Valle

To play jugar Did I play?

Yo jugu/jugaba?

YES/NO QUESTIONS preguntas para responder s o no To go ir Short answers respuestas cortas Did I go? Yes, you did No, you didnt
Yo fui/iba? S No

Did you play?

T jugaste/jugabas?

Did you go?

T fuiste/ibas?

Yes, I did

No, I didnt

Did he play?
l jug/jugaba?

Did he go?
l fue/iba?

Yes, he did

No, he didnt

Did she play?

Ella jug/jugaba?

Did she go?

Ella fue/iba?

Yes, she did


No, she didnt


Did it play?

Did it go?

Yes, it did

No, it didnt

Did we play?
Nosotros-as jugamos/jugbamos?

Did we go?
Nosotros-as fuimos/bamos?

Yes, you did


No, you didnt


Did you play?

Vosotros-as jugasteis/jugabais?

Did you go?

Vosotros-as fuisteis/ibais?

Yes, we did

No, we didnt

Ddi they play?

Ellos-as jugaron/jugaban?

Did they go?

Ellos-as fueron/iban?

Yes, they did


No, they didnt


Creado y elaborado por Manuel Snchez del Valle

YES/NO QUESTIONS preguntas para responder s o no Examples Did I play basketball?

Yo jugu al baloncesto? ejemplos

Yes, you did


No, you didnt


Did you go to the park on Sundays?

T ibas al parquet los domingos?

Yes, I did

No, I didnt

Did he play in the street?

l jug en la calle?

Yes, he did

No, he didnt

Did she go to school by car?

Ella fue al colegio en coche?

Yes, she did


No, she didnt


Did it play in the park?

Jug en el parque?

Yes, it did

No, it didnt

Did we go to school at nine oclock?

Nosotros-as bamos al colegio a las nueve?

Yes, you did


No, you didnt


Did you play football on Saturdays?

Vosotros-as jugabais al ftbol los sbados?

Yes, we did

No, we didnt

Did they go to the sports centre?

Ellos-as fueron al polideportivo?

Yes, they did


No, they didnt


WH- QUESTIONS preguntas para no responder s o no Examples

Dnde ibas t los viernes? Yo iba al cine en la ciudad ejemplos

Where did you go on Fridays? I went to the cinema in the city. What did she like? She liked apples.
Qu le gustaba a ella? A ella le gustaban las manzanas.

Creado y elaborado por Manuel Snchez del Valle

TIPOS DE VERBOS PARA LA FORMACIN DEL PASADO VERBOS REGULARES 1. Son aquellos que forman su pasado Y Para formarlo la participio de la misma forma. norma bsica es work - work+ed worked aadirle una ed al jump - jump+ed jumped final del verbo. 2. Excepcin 1. Forman su pasado dance - dance+d danced Verbos que terminan en e aadindole slo close - close+d closed una -d 3. Excepcin 2. Forman su pasado carry - carry+i+ed carried Verbos que terminan en -y sustituyendo la y study study+i+ed studied por i seguida de -ed 3. Excepcin 3. Forman su pasado Verbos que terminan en consonante+ duplicando la ltima vocal+ consonante consonante seguida de -ed. Las stop - stopped excepciones son los verbos que acaban en -y, -w, -x VERBOS IRREGULARES 1. No forman su pasado y participio Forman su pasado cost cost aadindole ed la forma base del coincidiendo con su cut - cut verbo. forma base o siendo go - went una forma distinta a fly - flew la base
Creado y elaborado por Manuel Snchez del Valle

PRONUNCIACIN DE LA TERMINACIN -ED EN LOS VERBOS REGULARES 1.Aunque siempre se escribe de la misma manera, esta terminacin tiene tres open opened - /upnd/ pronunciaciones distintas. La work worked - /w:kt/ pronunciacin de la terminacin -ed wait waited /weitid/ depende de como se pronuncia, y no de como se escribe, el verbo en su forma de infinitivo. 2. Se pronuncia /d/ cuando el verbo en su try tried - /traid/ forma de infinitivo acaba en vocal live lived - /livd/ o consonante sonora. open opened - /upnd/ 3. Se pronuncia /t/ cuando el verbo, en su infinitivo acaba en consonante sorda. 4. Se pronuncia /id/ cuando el verbo en su forma de infinitivo acaba en /t/ o /d/. work stop wait start decide worked stopped waited started decided /w:kt/ /stopt/ /weitid/ /st:tid/ /disaidid/

Creado y elaborado por Manuel Snchez del Valle

USOS DEL SIMPLE PAST TENSE 1. La accin comenz y finaliz en el pasado. Aunque no I saw her yesterday
se mencione el tiempo especfico en el que se realiz la accin, se desprende del contexto. 2. Pueden enumerarse una serie de acciones terminadas en el pasado. 3. Duracin en el pasado. La accin comenz y termin, pero se indica la duracin a travs de expresiones como: for two years, for five minutes, all day, all year, etc. 4. Hbitos en el pasado. El Pasado Simple puede ser usado tambin para describir un hbito el cual termin en el pasado. Puede tener el mismo significado de "used to" (sola). Para dejar claro que estamos refirindonos a un hbito, se suelen usar expresiones aadidas como adverbios de frecuencia (always, often, usually, never, when I was) etc. 5. Hechos pasados o generalizaciones. 6. Frases con when (cuando) las cuales necesitan de otras frase para completar la oracin. Sin ellas no tendra significado completo. 7. Los adverbios se colocan delante del verbo; con el verbo to be, se sitan detrs: always, only, never, just, etc.
(yo la v ayer)

Last year, I wrote a book

(el ao pasado escrib un libro)

I ate early, walked the dog and played football

(com temprano, pase al perro y jugu al ftbol)

I lived in England for three years

(viv en Inglaterra durante tres aos)

Juan studied French for five years

(Juan studi francs durante cinco aos)

I studied English when I was a young

(yo estudiaba ingls cuando era joven)

He never played basketball

(l nunca jugaba al baloncesto)

People drove without safety belts before

(la gente conduca antes sin cinturn de seguridad)

She opened the door when I said her name

(ella abri la puerta cuando dije su nombre)

I just called to say goodbye

(slo llam para decir adis)

Creado y elaborado por Manuel Snchez del Valle

English Abandon Absolve Abuse Accelerate Accept Accustom Acquire Add Admire Adore Advance Advise Agree Amount Announce Answer Appear Approach Arrange Ask Astonish Attempt Attract Bathe Believe Blame Call Cash Change Claim Clear Close Comb

REGULAR VERBS (lista) Spanish English Abandonar Abolish Absolver Absorb Injuriar Accede Acelerar Accent Aceptar Accuse Acostumbrar Achieve Adquirir Act Sumar Address Admirar Admit Adorar Adorn Avanzar Advertise Aconsejar Affirm Acceder Allow Ascender/cantidad Amuse Anunciar Annoy Contestar Apologize Aparecer Appoint Acercarse Approve Arreglar Arrive Preguntar Assure Asombrar Attack Intentar Attend Atraer Avoid Baarse Beg Creer Belong Culpar Book Llamar Carry Cobrar Cease Cambiar Check Reclamar Clean Aclarar, limpiar Climb Cerrar Collect Peinar Combine

Spanish Abolir Absorber Acceder Acentuar Acusar Llevar a cabo Actuar Dirigir Admitir Adornar Anunciar Afirmar Permitir Divertir Molestar Excusarse Nombrar Aprobar Llegar Asegurar Atacar Asistir Evitar Rogar, pedir Pertenecer Reservar Llevar Cesar Comprobar Limpiar Trepar Recoger Combinar

Creado y elaborado por Manuel Snchez del Valle

English Command Compare Compose Consider Contain Copy Cough Cover Crown Damage Dawn Decide Defend Desire Destroy Develop Devour Dislike Divide Drop Earn Employ Encourage Enjoy Establish Evoke Expect Explode Express Fail Fetch Finish Fit Float

REGULAR VERBS (lista) Spanish English Mandar Commit Comparar Complain Componer Conceal Considerar Consist Contener Continue Copiar Correct Toser Count Cubrir Cross Coronar Cry Daar Dance Amanecer Deceive Decidir Declare Defender Deliver Desear Despise Destruir Detach Desarrollar Devote Devorar Discover Desaprobar Disturb Dividir Drag Dejar caer Dry Ganar Elect Emplear Enclose Animar End Disfrutar Enter Establecer Esteem Evocar Exchange Esperar Explain Estallar Expose Expresar Extract Fallar Fear Ir por Fill Acabar Fish Ajustar Fix Flotar Fold

Spanish Cometer Quejarse Ocultar Consistir Continuar Corregir Contar Cruzar Gritar, llorar Bailar Engaar Declarar Entregar Despreciar Separar Dedicar Descubrir Perturbar Arrastrar Secar Elegir Incluir Terminar Entrar Estimar Cambiar Explicar Exponer Extraer Temer Llenar Pescar Fijar Doblar

Creado y elaborado por Manuel Snchez del Valle

English Follow Gain Gather Grant Guard Handle Happen Heat Hire Hunt Imagine Import Improve Increase Intend Invite Join Jump Kick Kiss Land Laugh Like Live Love Maintain Measure Mention Name Notice Obey Oblige Offer Order

REGULAR VERBS (lista) Spanish English Seguir Found Ganar Gamble Recoger Govern Conceder Greet Guardar Guess Manejar Hang Suceder Hate Calentar Help Alquilar Hope Cazar Hurry Imaginar Imply Importar Impress Mejorar Include Aumentar Inquire Proponerse Invent Invitar Iron Unir Joke Saltar Justify Cocear Kill Besar Knock Aterrizar Last Rer Lie Gustar Listen Vivir Look Amar Lower Mantener Marry Medir Mend Mencionar Move Nombrar Note Notar, darse cuenta Number Obedecer Oblige Obligar Occupy Ofrecer Open Ordenar Organize

Spanish Fundar Jugar Gobernar Saludar Adivinar Ahorcar Odiar Ayudar Esperar Apresurarse Implicar Impresionar Incluir Averiguar Inventar Planchar Bromear Justificar Matar Golpear Durar Mentir Escuchar Mirar Bajar Casarse Componer Mover Notar Numerar Obligar Ocupar Abrir Organizar

Creado y elaborado por Manuel Snchez del Valle

English Pack Pass Place Please Practise Prepare Produce Propose Punish Rain Receive Refuse Remain Remind Rent Repeat Report Require Return Sail Seem Shout Smile Sound Stop Suffer Suppose Talk Taste Touch Thank Translate Trouble Try

REGULAR VERBS (lista) Spanish English Empaquetar Paint Pasar Permit Colocar Play Agradar Possess Practicar Prefer Preparar Present Producir Promise Proponer Pull Castigar Push Llover Reach Recibir Refer Rehusar Relieve Permanecer Remember Recordar Remove Arrendar Repair Repetir Reply Informar Request Requerir Rest Volver Rush Navegar Save Parecer Sharpen Gritar Sign Sonrer Smoke Sonar Start Parar Study Sufrir Suggest Suponer Surprise Hablar Tame Probar Tire Tocar Test Agradecer Tie Traducir Travel Molestar Trust Probar Turn

Spanish Pintar Permitir Jugar Poseer Preferir Presentar Prometer Tirar de Empujar Alcanzar Referir Aliviar Recordar Quitar Reparar Replicar Suplicar, requerir Descansar Precipitarse Ahorrar Afilar Firmar Fumar Empezar Estudiar Sugerir Sorprender Domesticar Cansar Probar Atar Viajar Confiar Girar

Creado y elaborado por Manuel Snchez del Valle

English Unite Vary Wait Want Watch Wish Worry

REGULAR VERBS (lista) Spanish English Unir Use Variar Visit Esperar Walk Querer Wash Vigilar Weigh Desear Work Preocuparse Wound

Spanish Usar Visitar Andar Lavar Pesar Trabajar Herir

Creado y elaborado por Manuel Snchez del Valle

INFINITIVE arise awake be/ am, are, is bear beat become begin bend bet bind bid bite bleed blow break breed bring broadcast build burn burst buy cast catch come cost cut choose cling creep deal dig (lista) PAST PARTICIPLE arose arisen awoke awoken was / were been bore borne / born beat beaten became become began begun bent bent bet bet bound bound bid bid bit bitten bled bled blew blown broke broken bred bred brought brought broadcast broadcast built built burnt /burned burnt / burned burst burst bought bought cast cast caught caught came come cost cost cut cut chose chosen clung clung crept crept dealt dealt dug dug SPANISH
surgir, levantarse

despertarse ser / estar

soportar, dar a luz

golpear llegar a ser empezar doblar apostar

atar, encuadernar

pujar morder sangrar soplar romper criar traer llevar radiar edificar quemar reventar comprar arrojar coger venir costar cortar elegir agarrarse arrastrarse tratar cavar

Creado y elaborado por Manuel Snchez del Valle

INFINITIVE do (does) draw dream drink drive eat fall feed feel fight find flee fly forbid forget forgive freeze get give go (goes) grow grind hang have hear hide hit hold hurt keep know kneel knit lay PAST did drew drank drove ate fell fed felt fought found fled flew forbade forgot forgave froze got gave went grew ground hung had heard hid hit held hurt kept knew knelt knit laid (lista) PARTICIPLE done drawn
dreamt / dreamed

dreamt / dreamed

drunk driven eaten fallen fed felt fought found fled flown forbidden forgotten forgiven frozen got / gotten given gone grown ground hung had heard hidden hit held hurt kept known knelt knit laid

SPANISH hacer dibujar soar beber conducir comer caer alimentar sentir luchar encontrar huir volar prohibir olvidar perdonar helar obtener dar ir crecer moler colgar haber o tener oir ocultar golpear agarrar celebrar herir conservar saber conocer arrodillarse hacer punto poner

Creado y elaborado por Manuel Snchez del Valle

INFINITIVE lead lean leap learn leave lend let lie light lose make mean meet mistake overcome pay put read ride ring rise run say see seek sell send set sew shake shear shine shoot show PAST led leant leapt
learnt / learned

(lista) PARTICIPLE led leant leapt

learnt / learned

left lent let lay lit lost made meant met mistook overcame paid put read rode rang rose ran said saw sought sold sent set sewed shook shore shone shot showed

left lent let lain lit lost made meant met mistaken overcome paid put read ridden rung risen run said seen sought sold sent set sewed / sewn shaken shorn shone shot shown

SPANISH conducir apoyarse brincar aprender dejar prestar permitir echarse encender perder hacer significar encontrar equivocar vencer pagar poner leer montar llamar levantarse correr decir ver buscar vender enviar poner(se) coser sacudir esquilar brillar disparar mostrar

Creado y elaborado por Manuel Snchez del Valle

INFINITIVE shrink shut sing sink sit sleep slide smell sow speak speed spell spend spill spin spit split spoil spread spring stand steal stick sting stink stride strike swear sweat sweep swell swim swing take (lista) PAST PARTICIPLE shrank shrunk shut shut sang sung sank sunk sat sat slept slept slid slid smelt smelt sowed sowed / sown spoke spoken sped sped spelt spelt spent spent spilt / spilled spilt / spilled spun spun spat spat split split spoilt / spoiled spoilt / spoiled spread spread sprang sprung stood stood stole stolen stuck stuck stung stung stank/stunk stunk strode stridden struck struck swore sworn sweat sweat swept swept swelled swollen swam swum swung swung took taken SPANISH encogerse cerrar cantar hundir sentarse dormir resbalar oler sembrar hablar acelerar deletrear gastar derramar hilar escupir
hender / partir / rajar

estropear extender saltar estar en pie robar pegar engomar picar apestar dar zancadas golpear jurar sudar barrer hinchar nadar columpiarse coger

Creado y elaborado por Manuel Snchez del Valle

INFINITIVE teach tear tell think throw thrust tread understand undergo undertake wake wear weave weep wet win wind withdraw wring write PAST taught tore told thought threw thrust trod understood underwent undertook woke wore wove wept wet won wound withdrew wrung wrote (lista) PARTICIPLE taught torn told thought thrown thrust trodden understood undergone undertaken woken worn woven wept wet won wound withdrawn wrung written SPANISH ensear rasgar decir pensar arrojar tirar introducir pisar, hollar entender sufrir emprender despertarse llevar puesto tejer llorar mojar ganar enrollar retirarse torcer escribir

Creado y elaborado por Manuel Snchez del Valle

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