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Español 1
• Daily/Weekly vocabulary quizzes:
Entrees, vegetables, fruits, drinks, utensils,
food preparation, and other restaurant
related words.

• Comprehension: Use of vocabulary

Oral discussion, written activities, electronic
games, oral read a-loud.
Electronic Portfolio-Power Point
• 5 Sentences expressing what you like to eat.
• 10 Sentences expressing what you do eat on a regular basis.
Use “cada día”.
• 10 Sentences expressing what your family eats on a regular
• 10 More Sentences, all combined, using the following verbs
with a food or food related noun and all 10 subject pronouns:
1)preparar 2) cocinar 3) comer 4) compartir
5) llevar 6) dividir 7) cortar 8) comprar 9)gozar
10) tratar 11) preferir (e>ie)
• 5 Sentences expressing what you should eat to be healthy
Mi Historia de Comida
A mí me gusta comer el pollo asado.
Me gusta comer también las papas asadas.
Me gusta comer vegetales.
Me gusta comer el helado de chocolate.
Y me gusta más el pastel de melocotones.
Para beber, yo tomo mucha leche.
Además, yo como mucho los perros calientes.
¡Yo no como muchos vegetales!
Al final, para el postre, yo gozo
mucho el helado de chocolate.
El Horario: Por la Mañana,
mediodía, y por la noche
Por la mañana yo como una banana y
cereal. Por el mediodía yo trato comida
diferente como espagueti de lata.
También mi mamá prepara
hamburguesas con papas fritas. Por la
noche, ceno con carne de res y una
patata del horno.
En el desayuno-for breakfast
El Cereal-Cereal
El desayuno-Breakfast
Los Huevos-Eggs
El pan-bread
El Pan Tostado
El Plátano-Los Plátanos
Las Bananas-Bananas
La Salchicha
Los Huevos y El Tocino
El Yogur
En el almuerzo
La ensalada
La ensalada de frutas
Las fresas
Las galletas y la leche
La hamburguesa con queso
El Jamón
La manzana
La naranja
Las papas fritas
El Perrito Caliente
La Pizza
El Ratón y el queso
El Sándwich de jamón y queso
El sándwich de……

jamón ¿……………?

Verduras-Vegetales Verdes
La sopa de verduras
Sopa de…..



El agua
El café
El jugo de manzana
El jugo de naranja
El refresco
El té
El té helado
Beber-to drink
Ella bebe
Beber-To Drink
• Yo bebo • Nosotros
• Tú bebes
• Vosotros bebéis
• Él bebe • Ellos beben
• Ella bebe • Ellas beben
• Usted bebe • Ustedes beben
Comer-To Eat

Él come la
Comer-To Eat
• Yo como • Nosotros comemos
• Tú comes • Vosotros coméis
• Ellos comen
• Él come
• Ellas comen
• Ella come
• Ustedes comen
• Usted come
Compartir-To Share
• Yo comparto • Nosotros
• compartimos
Tú compartes
• Vosotros compartís
• Él comparte
• Ellos comparten
• Ella comparte
• Ellas comparten
• Usted comparte • Ustedes comparten
La Cena-Dinner-Supper
El bistec-Beefsteak
La Carne-Meat
El Pescado-Fish
El Pollo-Chicken
La Cebolla-Onion
Los Guisantes-Peas
Las Judías Verdes-Green Beans
La Lechuga-Lettuce
Las Papas-Potatoes

Los Tomatoes-Tomatoes
Las Uvas-Grapes
Las Zanahorias-Carrots
El Arroz-Rice
Los Cereales-Grains
Los Espaguetis-Spaghetti
Las Grasas-Fats-Oils for Cooking
La Mantequilla-Butter
El Helado-Ice Cream
Los Pasteles-Pastries
Las Bebidas-Beverages
¡Yo Tengo Hambre!
I Am Hungry! (I have hunger!)
Tengo Sed.
I am thirsty. (I have thirsty.)
Caminar-To Walk
Hacer Ejercicios-To Exercise
Hacer-To do exercises, etc.

Yo hago ejercisios. Nosotros hacemos…..

Tú haces ejercisios. Vosotros hacéis…..
Él hace ejercisios. Ellos hacen…..
Ella hace ejercisios. Ellas hacen…..
Usted hace ejercisios. Ustedes hacen
Levantar pesas-to lift weights
Para la salud-for one’s health

Él come
para la
Para mantener la salud-to maintain
one’s health

Ella nada
por la
la salud.
Cultural Note #1:

Chocolate (The item and material)

Chocolate originated in South America, where it was
made from Cococa beans (native to the Cacao tree).

Chocolate (The word)

In 1604 A.D, the Nahuatl word "xococ" came into place
-- it meant "bitter" and "water." Soon after came the
Nahuatl word "xocolatl," with a similar meaning ("bitter"
and "water"). In 1780, the spanish word "Chocolate"
came about, to define the sweet modern taste we
know to be chocolate today.
Cultural Note #2:

The sweet potato originated in Central America and

the warm parts of South America. Baked beans
originated in the American colonies. Tomatoes
originated in the Andes Mountains.

The potato is a native of the highlands of Ecuador and

Peru. Even today it can be found there growing wild.
When the Spaniards came to Peru, they found the
potato and brought it back with them to Spain early in
the sixteenth century. From Spain it spread all over
Europe and became very popular.
Can you name other foods that
originated in the Americas?
3rd Quarter Electronic Portfolio Options:
Due Date for All: 10 March – B-Day & 11 March A-Day Classes
Choose 3 of the following topics to develop from your 3 rd quarter vocabulary, sentences, verbs, and activities:

1.Create a “board-game” to teach the class and to help them review material from chapters 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B.
Instructions can be written in English, but the board and all other parts must be in Spanish. The instructions
should be presented electronically via PowerPoint.

2.Construct a poster with at least 20 vocabulary words and place them on “la pirámide nutritiva”. This may also
be constructed electronically with a computer application.

3.Write a dialogue asking questions and responding to questions concerning food and beverages. Ask questions
and answer them concerning preferences, likes, and what one should eat or not eat (or drink) to maintain good
health. A total of 10 questions and 10 complete answers are required.

4.Create your own imaginary restaurant, name it, and present a menu with all food options: el desayuno, el
almuerzo, la cena. You must have at least 10 food items per meal for a total of 30 words and at least 5
beverages per meal for a total of 15 beverages. This may also be constructed electronically with a computer

5.Translate a Spanish recipe into English and prepare it. Bring the prepared recipe to class for us to eat on the
day all work is due. Present electronically via PowerPoint the Spanish recipe and the English recipe so that you
may share the information.

6. Research in English foods that originally came from the “New World”. Write a 5 paragraph essay telling about
who, what, when, where, and how these foods were brought to Europe. Coordinate with Señora Hooker and
present via PowerPoint.

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