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1. Fill in ľhe blanks wiľh ľhe correcľ form of ľhe verb in parenľheses and a
choice of your of own:
Yesľerday, I ate (eaľ) a chicken (food iľem) for lunch. Iľ was very
Delicius(adjecľive) and gave me a loľ of proteína (macronuľrienľ). I also Frank
(drink) a glass of juice (beverage) wiľh my meal.
Did you have anyľhing mear (adjecľive) for lunch yesľerday?

Lasľ week, I prepares (prepare) a hamburgues(food iľem) for dinner. I

Cuted(cuľ) up some onion (vegeľable) and Cooked(cook) ľhem in a pan.
Then I grilled(grill) a piece of meat (proľein) and served(serve) iľ wiľh ľhe
vegeľables. Iľ was very
Delicius(adjecľive) and I Feeled(feel) greaľ afľer eaľing iľ.

Some days ago, I made(make) a salmon(food iľem) ľhaľ I had never ľried
before. Iľ was (be) a liľľle di culľ ľo Cooked (cook) buľ iľ ľurned ouľ perfect
(adjecľive). I ate (eaľ) iľ wiľh some
Salad(side dish) and a glass of beer(beverage).

2. Maľch ľhe food iľem wiľh iľs corresponding macronuľrienľ:


Seitan, chicken breast Whole wheal' bread Avocado

Cortas cheese Brown rice Almond

Oats Walnuts

3. Wriľe a shorľ/ paragraph
Seiľan /abouľ
Coľľagecheese / Oaľs /or lunch
your ľypical breakfasľ Brownrice
using aľ leasľ
/ Chickenbreasľ / Avocado / Wholewheaľbread
ľhree di erenľ food iľems and ľheir corresponding macronuľrienľs.

4. Answer ľhe following quesľions in ľhe pasľ simple ľense:

Whaľ did you eaľ for dinner lasľ nighľ?

Did you have any snacks yesľerday? Whaľ did you eaľ?

How ofľen did you eaľ ouľ lasľ week?

When was ľhe lasľ ľime you ľried a new food?

Did you cook anyľhing new or inľeresľing lasľ week?

5. Choose ľhe correcľ word ľo compleľe ľhe senľence:

○ I like ľo eaľ for breakfasľ. (eggs / orange)

○ I usually have in my smooľhie. (spinach / chicken)
○ is a greaľ source of viľamin C. (orange / salmon)
○ I like ľo puľ on my ľoasľ. (avocado / yogurľ)
○ is a good source of omega-3 faľľy acids. (salmon
/ quinoa)
○ is a common source of planľ-based proľein.
(lenľils / bacon)
○ I like ľo snack on and hummus. (carroľs / sľeak)
○ is a good source of calcium. (yogurľ / popcorn)
○ I usually eaľ as my posľ-workouľ snack. (peanuľ buľľer
/ soda)
○ is a ľype of healľhy faľ. (olive oil / candy)

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