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WHO Classification of Tumours * 5th Edition

Head and Neck Tumours

Tumores de cabeza y cuello (5ª ed.) 2022

 1. Prólogos e introducciones
 2. Cavidad nasal, senos paranasales y base del cráneo
 3. Nasofaringe
 4. Hipofaringe, laringe, tráquea y espacio parafaríngeo
 5. Glándula salival
 6. Cavidad bucal y lengua móvil
 7. Orofaringe (base de la lengua, amígdalas, adenoides)
 8. Tumores óseos odontogénicos y maxilofaciales
 9. Tumores del oído
 10. Tumores de tejidos blandos
 11. Proliferaciones y neoplasias hematolinfoides
 12. Tumores melanocíticos
 13. Tumores y lesiones similares a tumores del cuello y ganglios linfáticos
 14. Tumores de células germinales
 15. Metástasis
 16. Neoplasias neuroendocrinas y paragangliomas
 17. Síndromes genéticos tumorales
1. Prólogos e introducciones
Clasificación de tumores de la OMS: Consejo editorial
Miembros expertos: Tumores de cabeza y cuello
Obispo, Justin A.
Chan, John KC
Gale, Nina
Helliwell, Tim
Hyrcza, Martín D.
Lewis Jr., James S.
Loney, Elizabeth L.
Mehrotra, Ravi
Méte, Ozgur
Müller, Susan
Nosé, Vania
Odell, Edward W.
Skálova, Alena
Tilakaratne, Wanninayake M.
Wenig, Bruce M.

Miembros permanentes
Cree, Ian A. (Presidente del Consejo Editorial)
Denton, Erika RE
Campo, Andrés S.
Gil, Anthony J.
Hodge, Jenelle
Khoury, José D.
Lax, Sigurd F.
Lázar, Alejandro J.
Moch, Holger
Rous, Brian
Srigley, John R.
Tan, Puay Hoon
Thompson, Lester DR
Tsuzuki, Toyonori
Washington, María K.

* Los miembros permanentes marcados con un asterisco también sirvieron como miembros expertos para este
Cómo citar este volumen
Citando la versión en línea (actualmente en "beta", es decir, en línea antes de la impresión)
Volumen completo

Consejo Editorial de la Clasificación de Tumores de la OMS. Tumores de cabeza y cuello [Internet; versión beta
antes de la impresión]. Lyon (Francia): Agencia Internacional para la Investigación del Cáncer; 2022 [citado AAAA
Mmm D]. (Serie de clasificación de tumores de la OMS, 5.ª ed.; vol. 9). Disponible en:
Sección de entidad individual

Autor AB, Autor CD, Autor EF, et al. Título de la sección. En: Consejo editorial de clasificación de tumores de la
OMS. Tumores de cabeza y cuello [Internet; versión beta antes de la impresión]. Lyon (Francia): Agencia
Internacional para la Investigación del Cáncer; 2022 [citado AAAA Mmm D]. (Serie de clasificación de tumores de
la OMS, 5.ª ed.; vol. 9). Disponible en:
Citando la versión impresa (próximamente)
Volumen completo

Consejo Editorial de la Clasificación de Tumores de la OMS. Tumores de cabeza y cuello. Lyon (Francia): Agencia
Internacional para la Investigación del Cáncer; próximo. (Serie de clasificación de tumores de la OMS, 5.ª ed.;
vol. 9).

ChapterEditor AB, ChapterEditor CD, ChapterEditor EF, et al., editores. Capítulo XX: Título del capítulo. En:
Consejo editorial de clasificación de tumores de la OMS. Tumores de cabeza y cuello. Lyon (Francia): Agencia
Internacional para la Investigación del Cáncer; próximo. . (Serie de clasificación de tumores de la OMS, 5.ª ed.;
vol. 9).
Sección de entidad individual

Autor AB, Autor CD, Autor EF, et al. Título de la sección. En: Consejo editorial de clasificación de tumores de la
OMS. Tumores de cabeza y cuello. Lyon (Francia): Agencia Internacional para la Investigación del
Cáncer; próximo. . (Serie de clasificación de tumores de la OMS, 5.ª ed.; vol. 9).

Prólogo con cambios del libro, incluidas correcciones

La Clasificación de Tumores de la OMS, publicada como una serie de libros (también conocidos como Libros
Azules de la OMS) y ahora como un sitio web (, es una herramienta
esencial para estandarizar la práctica de diagnóstico en todo el mundo. También sirve como vehículo para llevar
la investigación del cáncer a la práctica. Los criterios y estándares diagnósticos que componen la clasificación
están sustentados en evidencia evaluada y debatida por expertos en la materia. Cerca de 200 autores y editores
participan en la producción de cada libro, y dedican su tiempo libremente a esta tarea. Estoy muy agradecido por
su ayuda; es un esfuerzo de equipo notable.
Este noveno volumen de la quinta edición de los Libros Azules de la OMS, al igual que los ocho anteriores, ha
sido dirigido por el Consejo Editorial de la Clasificación de Tumores de la OMS, compuesto por miembros expertos
y permanentes. Los miembros permanentes, que han sido designados por organizaciones de patología, son el
equivalente de los editores de series de ediciones anteriores. Los miembros expertos de cada volumen,
equivalentes a los editores de volumen de ediciones anteriores, se seleccionan sobre la base de un análisis
bibliométrico informado y el asesoramiento de los miembros permanentes. El proceso de diagnóstico es cada vez
más multidisciplinario, y estamos encantados de que varios expertos clínicos y de radiología se hayan unido a
nosotros para abordar necesidades específicas.
El cambio más notorio en el formato de los libros en la quinta edición es que los tipos de tumores comunes a
múltiples sistemas se tratan juntos, por lo que hay capítulos separados sobre tumores mesenquimatosos, tumores
melanocíticos, tumores hematolinfoides y tumores neuroendocrinos. También hay un capítulo sobre síndromes
tumorales genéticos. Los trastornos genéticos son cada vez más importantes para el diagnóstico en pacientes
individuales, y el estudio de estos trastornos sin duda ha informado nuestra comprensión de la biología y el
comportamiento de los tumores durante la última década.
Hemos intentado adoptar un enfoque más sistemático de la naturaleza multifacética de la clasificación de
tumores; cada tipo de tumor se describe sobre la base de su localización, características clínicas, epidemiología,
etiología, patogenia, histopatología, patología molecular diagnóstica, estadificación y pronóstico y
predicción. También hemos incluido información sobre el aspecto macroscópico y citológico, así como criterios
diagnósticos imprescindibles y deseables. Este enfoque modular y estandarizado facilita que los libros estén
accesibles en línea, pero también nos permite llamar la atención sobre áreas en las que hay poca información y
donde aún quedan importantes lagunas en nuestro conocimiento por resolver.
La organización del contenido de los Libros Azules de la OMS ahora sigue la progresión normal de benigno a
maligno: una ruptura con la cuarta edición, pero que esperamos sea bienvenida.
Los volúmenes aún están organizados por sitio anatómico (aparato digestivo, mama, tejido blando y hueso, etc.),
y cada tipo de tumor se enumera dentro de una clasificación taxonómica jerárquica que sigue el formato a
continuación, lo que ayuda a estructurar los libros de manera sistemática. :
Sitio: por ejemplo, cabeza y cuello
Categoría: p. ej., nasofaringe
Familia (clase): por ejemplo, carcinomas
Tipo: por ejemplo, carcinoma nasofaríngeo
Subtipo: por ejemplo, carcinoma de células escamosas no queratinizante
La cuestión de si un tipo de tumor dado representa una entidad distinta en lugar de un subtipo continúa
preocupando a los patólogos y es el tema de muchas publicaciones en la literatura. Seguimos lidiando con este
problema caso por caso, pero creemos que hay reglas inherentes que se pueden aplicar. Por ejemplo, los tumores
en los que múltiples patrones histológicos contienen mutaciones troncales compartidas son claramente del mismo
tipo, a pesar de las diferencias en su apariencia. Igualmente, la heterogeneidad genética dentro del mismo tipo
de tumor puede tener implicaciones para el tratamiento. Un pequeño cambio en la terminología en la quinta
edición es que el término "variante" en referencia a un tipo específico de tumor ha sido reemplazado por completo
por "subtipo", en un esfuerzo por diferenciar más claramente este significado del de "variante" en referencia a una
alteración genética.
Otro cambio importante en esta edición de la serie Clasificación de tumores de la OMS es la conversión del
recuento mitótico del denominador tradicional de HPF a un área definida expresada en mm 2 . Esto sirve para
estandarizar el área real sobre la que se enumeran las mitosis, porque diferentes microscopios tienen campos de
alta potencia de diferentes tamaños { 34079071 }. Este cambio también será útil para cualquier persona que
informe utilizando sistemas digitales.
Trabajamos continuamente para mejorar la consistencia y los estándares dentro de la clasificación. Además de
haber pasado al Sistema Internacional de Unidades (SI) para todos los recuentos mitóticos, hemos estandarizado
la nomenclatura genómica utilizando la notación de la Sociedad de Variación del Genoma Humano (HGVS). Para
el SNC y algunos otros tumores, la mutación de los genes de las histonas es de particular importancia, y hemos
incorporado la nomenclatura más reciente para garantizar que las variantes de la secuencia de las histonas
tengan una descripción inequívoca en la clasificación. También hemos estandarizado aún más nuestro uso de
unidades de longitud, adoptando la convención utilizada por la Colaboración internacional sobre informes de
cáncer ( y el Royal College of Pathologists del Reino Unido (https://www., por lo que el tamaño de los tumores ahora se da exclusivamente en milímetros (mm) en lugar de
centímetros (cm). Esto es más claro, en nuestra opinión, y evita el uso de puntos decimales, una fuente común
de errores médicos.
Los Libros Azules de la OMS son muy apreciados por los patólogos y cada vez son más importantes para los
profesionales de otras disciplinas clínicas involucradas en el tratamiento del cáncer, así como para los
investigadores. El consejo editorial y yo ciertamente esperamos que la serie continúe satisfaciendo la necesidad
de estándares en diagnóstico y para facilitar la traducción de la investigación diagnóstica a la práctica en todo el
mundo. Es particularmente importante que los cánceres se sigan clasificando y diagnosticando según los mismos
estándares a nivel internacional para que los pacientes puedan beneficiarse de los ensayos clínicos
multicéntricos, así como de los resultados de los ensayos locales realizados en diferentes continentes.

Dr. Ian A. Cree

Jefe, Programa de Clasificación de Tumores de la OMS
Agencia Internacional para la Investigación sobre el Cáncer
febrero 2022
Versión beta del sitio web
La versión beta de este volumen se ha cargado para permitir el acceso anticipado a la comunidad de clasificación
de tumores en línea de la OMS. El contenido puede cambiar durante la edición posterior y la revisión de las
pruebas del libro. El libro se publicará en 2022.
Se pueden agregar comentarios utilizando la herramienta de comentarios dentro de las secciones
individuales. Esperamos que le resulte útil tener esta información pronto y que disfrute usando el sitio web.
Diferencias entre la web y el libro impreso
El contenido del libro impreso y el de este sitio web se derivan de la misma base de datos, por lo que verá los
mismos encabezados en línea que en el libro, y el texto es idéntico (excepto por algunas correcciones menores;
consulte los corrigenda abajo). Las principales diferencias están en las cifras. Para que sean lo suficientemente
grandes como para mostrarse en todos los formatos, todas las imágenes se muestran como paneles individuales
en línea, incluso si se presentan como figuras compuestas con múltiples paneles en el libro. Si hace clic en las
imágenes en el menú de figuras en el lado derecho de cada página en línea, esto debería ser obvio. No encontrará
las imágenes completas de las diapositivas en el libro impreso, pero al hacer clic en las imágenes en miniatura
en el menú de figuras en línea se abrirá una nueva ventana que le permitirá moverse por las figuras y acercarlas
o alejarlas con el mouse o el trackpad. Es lo más parecido a mirar por un microscopio y da contexto a las
características descritas en el texto. También encontrará que hacer clic en las referencias, que se citan en el texto
en línea por sus identificaciones únicas de PubMed, lo lleva directamente al resumen del artículo citado en
Las clasificaciones evolucionan, al igual que el sitio web, con más hipervínculos planificados para facilitar la
navegación entre el texto y las figuras relevantes. También esperamos agregar más imágenes de diapositivas
completas y alentamos a los lectores con excelentes ejemplos a enviar imágenes de diapositivas completas para
su consideración: si los editores están de acuerdo, podemos agregarlas.
materiales de terceros
Si desea reutilizar material de este trabajo que se atribuye a un tercero, como figuras, tablas o recuadros, es su
responsabilidad determinar si se necesita permiso para esa reutilización y obtener el permiso del titular de los
derechos de autor (consulte el información de origen incluida para cada figura, tabla y recuadro). El riesgo de
reclamaciones resultantes de la infracción de cualquier componente de propiedad de terceros en el trabajo recae
únicamente en el usuario.
Descargos de responsabilidad generales
Las denominaciones empleadas y la presentación del material en esta publicación no implican la expresión de
opinión alguna por parte de la OMS o de los organismos contribuyentes en relación con la condición jurídica de
ningún país, territorio, ciudad o zona, o de sus autoridades, o sobre la delimitación de sus fronteras o límites. Las
líneas punteadas y discontinuas en los mapas representan líneas fronterizas aproximadas sobre las que puede
que todavía no haya un acuerdo total. La mención de empresas específicas o de productos de determinados
fabricantes no implica que la OMS o los organismos contribuyentes los aprueben o recomienden de preferencia
a otros de naturaleza similar que no se mencionan. Salvo error u omisión, los nombres de los productos propios
se distinguen por letras mayúsculas iniciales. La OMS ha tomado todas las precauciones razonables para verificar
la información contenida en esta publicación. Sin embargo, el material publicado se distribuye sin garantía de
ningún tipo, ya sea expresa o implícita. La responsabilidad de la interpretación y el uso del material recae en el
lector. En ningún caso la OMS o los organismos contribuyentes serán responsables de los daños derivados de
su uso.
Nada en este sitio web o cualquier material se interpretará, implícita o explícitamente, como que contiene algún
consejo médico. Los materiales contenidos en el sitio web no pretenden sustituir el consejo, diagnóstico o
tratamiento médico profesional, ni servir como base para la toma de decisiones médicas.
corrección de errores
Los errores categorizados como menores serán corregidos en el sitio web; los errores moderados se considerarán
internos y se pueden remitir al Consejo Editorial de Clasificación de Tumores de la OMS para cambios en una
actualización provisional; los errores graves serán considerados en la próxima edición.

Codificación ICD-O de tumores de cabeza y cuello

Para ser agregado
El tracto nasosinusal (que incluye la cavidad nasal, los senos paranasales y la base del cráneo) siempre ha sido una región anatómica en la que se puede
desarrollar una notable diversidad de neoplasias. Es debido a esta amplia cobertura que una clasificación taxonómica debe estar muy enfocada para incluir
entidades que se desarrollan exclusivamente en estos sitios (es decir, neuroblastoma olfatorio) o se desarrollan en cualquier parte de la cabeza y el cuello,
pero representan una proporción significativa de la enfermedad en este sitio. ubicación. Además, algunas entidades se consideran en este capítulo porque
son candidatas potenciales en el diagnóstico diferencial con otras lesiones y deben mencionarse. Como tal, el carcinoma de células escamosas se incluye en
este capítulo, pero solo los tipos queratinizantes y no queratinizantes que predominan en esta región, mientras que los subtipos (acantolítico, adenoide,
basaloide, de células fusiformes, papilar, verrugoso, adenoescamoso, carcinoma cuniculatum), que rara vez ocurren en el tracto sinonasal, se tratan con
más detalle en otros capítulos (laringe, cavidad oral, nasofaringe y orofaringe). Una de las diferencias más significativas entre los 4th y 5thediciones es la
cobertura exclusiva en sus propios capítulos de los tumores de tejidos blandos, proliferaciones y neoplasias hematolinfoides, tumores melanocíticos,
tumores metastásicos de cabeza y cuello y, más significativamente, neoplasias neuroendocrinas (incluido el paraganglioma). En consecuencia, aparte del
neuroblastoma olfatorio, los tumores neuroendocrinos y los carcinomas neuroendocrinos (tipos de células pequeñas y células grandes) no se tratan en
este capítulo más que en el contexto del diagnóstico diferencial. Los tumores óseos, incluidas las lesiones fibroóseas, ocurren en el tracto sinonasal, pero
se tratan en el capítulo de tumores óseos odontogénicos y maxilofaciales, donde es más probable que la superposición histológica y el centrado del tumor
sean problemáticos. Siempre hay excepciones a las reglas, y así, para los tumores que se desarrollan exclusivamente (glomangiopericitoma sinonasal,

Las nuevas entidades en esta edición incluyen el carcinoma sinonasal multifenotípico relacionado con el VPH (incluido provisionalmente como carcinoma
relacionado con el VPH con características adenoides quísticas en la 4.ª edición) y el carcinoma sinonasal con deficiencia del complejo SWI/SNF (incluido
provisionalmente como carcinoma sinonasal con deficiencia de SMARCB1). en el 4toedición). Los carcinomas sinonasales deficientes en el complejo
SWI/SNF son un grupo de tumores definidos por la inactivación de uno de los genes del complejo SWI/SNF e incluyen el carcinoma sinonasal deficiente en
SMARCB1, el adenocarcinoma sinonasal deficiente en SMARCB1 y el carcinoma sinonasal deficiente en SMARCA4. Un subconjunto de
teratocarcinosarcomas también presenta pérdida de SMARCA4, pero se consideran por separado debido a las características histológicas únicas del tumor
y porque la pérdida de SMARCA4 no siempre está presente. Entidades en desarrollo y emergentes incluyen el IDH- tumores malignos sinonasales mutantes,
neoplasias del tracto sinonasal de alto grado actualmente clasificadas predominantemente como carcinoma indiferenciado sinonasal pero también a veces
como carcinoma neuroendocrino, adenocarcinoma sinonasal o incluso neuroblastoma olfatorio. En ediciones futuras, es posible que estos tumores se
clasifiquen mejor por separado como tumores malignos sinonasales con mutación IDH { 34265800 }. De manera similar, el carcinoma DEK :: AFF2 es una
categoría emergente actualmente cubierta como un subtipo de carcinoma de células escamosas no queratinizante, que a veces muestra una apariencia
histológica engañosamente suave { 33002918 ; 34049316 ; 34108636 }. Con experiencia adicional DEK:: El carcinoma AFF2 puede reconocerse como una
entidad distinta. Se han identificado algunas fusiones y mutaciones específicas en adenocarcinomas sinonasales de tipo no intestinal, pero estas
alteraciones aún no están lo suficientemente bien definidas como para justificar una categorización separada. En el contexto del acceso global a nivel
mundial a ciertas modalidades de prueba (inmunohistoquímica y estudios genéticos), los tumores del tracto nasosinusal en su mayor parte todavía se
definen por sus características histológicas, utilizando pruebas auxiliares para acotar el diagnóstico cuando es necesario para diferencias en el tratamiento
y pronóstico.

Las mejoras en los estudios de imagen siguen guiando el diagnóstico y el tratamiento. Es decir, por primera vez, esta edición de la clasificación incluyó a un
radiólogo como miembro del equipo de redacción para incorporar los hallazgos de imágenes pertinentes en la clasificación como un enfoque
multidisciplinario para el diagnóstico significativo y el manejo del paciente.

Editor responsable

 Lester DR Thompson


 Elizabeth L Loney

Autor responsable

 Justin A. Obispo
Hamartoma adenomatoide epitelial respiratorio
Definición Patogénesis subtipo de REAH. Sin embargo, además del
El hamartoma adenomatoide epitelial Se informó un aumento de la pérdida alélica componente glandular (menos prominente
respiratorio (REAH) es un crecimiento fraccional (31 %), lo que plantea la que el presente en los REAH), los
excesivo de glándulas ciliadas de tamaño posibilidad de que la REAH sea una hamartomas CORE tienen una mezcla de
mediano derivadas del epitelio superficial neoplasia en lugar de un hamartoma trabéculas cartilaginosas u óseas que están
rodeadas por una membrana basal { 17122514 }. Otros estudios han explorado íntimamente asociadas con la proliferación
engrosada. la naturaleza clonal de los hamartomas glandular
Codificación CIE-O sinonasales (REAH, hamartoma { 15627453 ; 25992017 ; 26601559 ; 26669
Ninguna seromucinoso o combinados) { 31698004 }, 890 ; 31428496 }. Se puede encontrar un
Codificación CIE-11 pero sin documentar un origen clonal para espectro de diferenciación condro-ósea, con
Ninguna los REAH puros. Los mastocitos productores algunos casos que manifiestan un
Terminología relacionada de triptasa y la expresión de mesénquima de apariencia inmadura en el
No recomendado : hamartoma glandular metaloproteinasas se han propuesto en el que las placas cartilaginosas muestran un
subtipo(s) desarrollo de REAH { 24121171 }. fenómeno zonal que se asemeja a la
Hamartoma del epitelio respiratorio Aspecto macroscópico osificación endocondral en el desarrollo del
condroóseo (CORE) Los REAH son polipoides o exofíticos con esqueleto fetal hasta casos con trabéculas
una consistencia gomosa, de color blanco óseas bien desarrolladas en un estroma
Localización canela a marrón rojizo, hasta 60 mm en su mixoide a fibroso.
La mayoría ocurre en la cavidad nasal, dimensión mayor { 31690100 }.
particularmente en el tabique posterior y las Histoquímica: PAS destaca la membrana
hendiduras olfatorias Histopatología basal engrosada.
{ 7639474 ; 23883815 ; 31690100 }, a veces La REAH consiste en una proliferación
involucrando secundariamente el laberinto polipoide de glándulas ramificadas de Inmunohistoquímica: el epitelio de REAH
etmoidal { 24121171 }. Los sitios menos tamaño mediano, alargadas a redondeadas, se tiñe con CK7, MUC4 y CK8/18, pero no con
comunes incluyen la pared nasal lateral, el que se expanden desde la superficie del CK5/6, CK20, CDX2 o SATB2
meato medio y los cornetes, mientras que es epitelio hacia abajo en el estroma. Están { 31698004 }. La capa basal está intacta y se
raro en la nasofaringe, el seno maxilar o separados por cantidades variables de tiñe con proteína p63, p40 o S100, sin el
frontal. Las lesiones bilaterales no son estroma edematoso o fibroso, generalmente componente de glándula pequeña
infrecuentes { 7639474 ; 31690100 }. con inflamación crónica. El epitelio es { 24121171 }. No hay ninguna asociación
Características clínicas pseudoestratificado, de tipo ciliado, EBV { 24667091 }.
Los pacientes pueden presentar obstrucción frecuentemente con metaplasia mucinosa
nasal (más comúnmente), anosmia, dolor de que puede ser extensa dando como Diagnóstico diferencial: el diagnóstico
cabeza y epistaxis, a menudo con resultado glándulas dilatadas por la diferencial incluye un pólipo inflamatorio,
rinosinusitis crónica de larga duración. mucina. El epitelio puede ser atrófico, con papiloma invertido, sarcoma sinonasal
una apariencia aplanada en las limitadas bifenotípico y adenocarcinoma sinonasal de
Imágenes: los estudios de imágenes pueden capas celulares. Las glándulas suelen estar tipo no intestinal de bajo grado.
demostrar la expansión de la hendidura rodeadas por una membrana basal Citología
olfativa sin erosión ósea engrosada y brillantemente eosinofílica No realizado
{ 7639474 ; 23179654 ; 23883815 ; 316901 { 7639474}. A menudo hay una proliferación Diagnóstico de patología molecular
00 }. limitada de pequeñas glándulas Ninguna
seromucinosas entre o brotando del final de Criterios diagnósticos esenciales y
Epidemiología las glándulas REAH típicas. En grandes deseables
Predominantemente afectados son adultos, cantidades, estos pueden producir un Esencial : origen epitelial
con predominio masculino. Afecta a hamartoma con características combinadas superficial; glándulas ciliadas; capa basal
pacientes de un amplio rango de edad, con de REAH y hamartoma seromucinoso retenida; membrana basal
una mediana de presentación en la sexta { 21618016 }. Los hallazgos asociados engrosada; desplazando elementos
década { 7639474 ; 23883815 ; 32208747 }. incluyen hiperplasia o metaplasia escamosa normales
Etiología del epitelio superficial o antecedentes de Puesta en escena
rinosinusitis crónica y pólipos. La REAH No aplica
La REAH comúnmente surge en asociación puede estar aislada o rara vez asociada con Pronóstico y predicción
con alergias y trastornos inflamatorios de papiloma sinonasal invertido o tumor La recurrencia es rara después de una
los senos paranasales, lo que sugiere una fibroso solitario { 7639474 }. escisión completa
relación con la enfermedad atópica del { 7639474 ; 23883815 ; 24121171 }
compartimento central { 32208747 }. Subtipo : el hamartoma del epitelio
respiratorio condroóseo (CORE) es un

Diagnóstico: Hamartoma adenomatoide epitelial respiratorio Diagnóstico: Hamartoma adenomatoide epitelial respiratorio
Leyenda: Masa polipoide constituida por glándulas alargadas Leyenda: Es frecuente una marcada hialinización estromal con
u ovoides, que descienden desde la superficie. aplanamiento del epitelio.
Fuente: Martín Bullock Fuente: Martín Bullock
Diagnóstico: Hamartoma adenomatoide epitelial respiratorio
Leyenda: Las glándulas están revestidas por epitelio ciliado con células
mucinosas, envueltas por estroma hialinizado grueso. Hay una inflamación
crónica intermedia.
Fuente: Martín Bullock

Hamartoma seromucinoso
Definición { 19207945 ; 20922408 ; 21618016 ; 24817 mioepiteliales/basales están ausentes o solo
El hamartoma seromucinoso (SH) es una 677 }. están presentes focalmente { 22392408},
proliferación benigna de pequeñas pero la lámina basal alrededor de los túbulos
glándulas eosinofílicas que surgen en el Etiología es perceptible. Los túbulos pueden verse
tracto sinonasal. Desconocido entre los elementos óseos nativos, pero no se
Codificación CIE-O observa una verdadera infiltración
Ninguna Patogénesis destructiva. No se identifican patrones
Codificación CIE-11 Un caso albergaba una fusión del arquitectónicos complejos, como
Ninguna gen EGFR :: ZNF267 , y otro caso mostró crecimiento exofítico, arquitectura papilar o
Terminología relacionada monoclonalidad mediante el ensayo de fusión de glándulas.
No recomendado: adenosis microglandular inactivación del cromosoma X del receptor Las glándulas pequeñas de SH a veces se
de la nariz; hamartoma de andrógenos humanos, lo que respalda la combinan con estructuras quísticas
glandular; hamartoma seroso hipótesis de un proceso neoplásico revestidas por epitelio respiratorio y células
subtipo(s) { 31698004 }. El ADN mitocondrial reveló basales positivas para p63, más
Ninguna una tasa de mutación ligeramente mayor características del hamartoma
principalmente en la heteroplasmia, lo que adenomatoide epitelial
Localización concuerda con una neoplasia benigna respiratorio. También existen formas
SH surge en la cavidad nasal y los senos { 20922408 }. mixtas.
paranasales, típicamente en el tabique nasal Citología
posterior y la nasofaringe { 29594917 }. Aspecto macroscópico No clínicamente relevante
SH se presenta como una masa polipoide, Diagnóstico de patología molecular
Características clínicas que varía de 4 a 60 mm { 19207945 }. No clínicamente relevante
Los síntomas más comunes son obstrucción Criterios diagnósticos esenciales y
nasal, rinorrea purulenta y epistaxis Histopatología deseables
{ 29380040 ; 30407294 }. Endoscópicament SH es una lesión polipoide revestida por Esencial: proliferación monótona de
e, generalmente se observa una lesión epitelio ciliado respiratorio, con muchas pequeños túbulos sin atipia; células
papilomatosa, a veces con pólipos nasales glándulas eosinofílicas pequeñas en el mioepiteliales/basales
inflamatorios concurrentes { 21618016 }. estroma, que se asemeja a la adenosis ausentes/raras; lámina basal
microglandular de la mama discernible; sin patrón infiltrativo; sin
Imágenes: SH está bien definido y es { 19207945 ; 20922408 ; 21618016 ; 24817 arquitectura papilar ni fusión glandular.
homogéneo tanto en CT como en MRI 677 }. SH muestra una distribución lobulillar Puesta en escena
{ 30765377 }. u horizontal, sin crecimiento infiltrante. Los No aplica
túbulos son pequeños, uniformes y pueden Pronóstico y predicción
Epidemiología contener un material eosinofílico Las recurrencias son raras después de la
SH es raro. Tiene una distribución equitativa amorfo; están revestidos por células escisión completa { 19207945 }
por sexo, con un amplio rango de edad (11- cuboidales epiteliales con núcleos pequeños,
86 años) en la presentación sin mitosis. Las células

Diagnóstico: Hamartoma seromucinoso Diagnóstico: Hamartoma seromucinoso

Leyenda: La lesión es polipoide y contiene muchas glándulas Leyenda: Las glándulas son pequeñas, eosinofílicas, uniformes y
pequeñas en el estroma con una distribución horizontal/lobulillar. pueden contener un material eosinofílico amorfo; se distingue la
Fuente: Andrea Ambrosini-Spaltro lámina basal alrededor de los túbulos.
Fuente: Andrea Ambrosini-Spaltro
Diagnóstico: Hamartoma seromucinoso
Leyenda: Las glándulas son inmunoreactivas para S100.
Fuente: Andrea Ambrosini-Spaltra

Hamartoma condromesenquimatoso nasal

Definición { 9537469 ; 25117604 ; 31620849 ; 318713 aneurismático
El hamartoma condromesenquimatoso 36 }. { 9537469 ; 15129948 ; 16253025 ; 208228
nasal (NCMH, por sus siglas en inglés) es un 16 }. Puede verse una proliferación
tumor benigno del tracto nasosinusal Epidemiología fibroósea con huesecillos o trabéculas de
mesenquimatoso compuesto por quistes Menos del 1% de los pacientes con blastoma hueso inmaduro (entretejido)
revestidos por epitelio respiratorio asociado pleuropulmonar tienen NCMH { 11231491 }. Pueden observarse papiloma
con nódulos de cartílago y un estroma de { 20822816 }. Hay un amplio rango de edad, sinonasal y rinosinusitis crónica
células fusiformes mixoides variables. pero la mayoría de los pacientes tienen concurrentes.
Codificación CIE-O menos de 1 año (media: 10 años). Hay un
Ninguna predominio masculino. Inmunohistoquímica: el cartílago se resalta
Codificación CIE-11 con proteína S100 o inmunohistoquímica
2E90.6 Neoplasia benigna de nasofaringe y Etiología SOX9, mientras que SMA resalta los
hamartoma mesenquimatoso XH2P15 NCMH está asociado con variantes miofibroblastos del estroma
Terminología relacionada patogénicas { 16253025 ; 11231491 }.
No recomendado: hamartoma de DICER1 { 20822816 ; 22356457 }.
condroide; hamartoma Diagnóstico diferencial: el diagnóstico
nasal; mesenquimoma congénito Patogénesis diferencial incluye hamartomas del tracto
subtipo(s) Al igual que otras neoplasias en el síndrome sinonasal, sarcoma sinonasal bifenotípico y
Ninguna de DICER1, NCMH muestra mutaciones rabdomiosarcoma embrionario (que se
bialélicas, de pérdida de función y de sentido puede ver en el síndrome DICER1).
Localización erróneo en la RNasa IIIb en DICER1 . Se Citología
Con frecuencia bilateral (~25%), los espera que esta combinación de mutaciones No clínicamente relevante
tumores involucran los senos paranasales altere la expresión de miARN importantes Diagnóstico de patología molecular
(principalmente etmoides) y la cavidad para regular el ciclo celular y limitar la Cuando se diagnostica NCMH , se sugiere la
nasal, a veces con extensión a la base del diferenciación prueba genética de línea germinal DICER1
cráneo { 9537469 ; 20822816 ; 26138824 }. { 20822816 ; 24909177 ; 29343557 ; 31620 { 29343557 }.
849 }. Criterios diagnósticos esenciales y
Características clínicas deseables
Los síntomas son inespecíficos, con una Aspecto macroscópico Esencial: quistes revestidos por epitelio
masa identificada Masas polipoides, carnosas de partes respiratorio asociados con nódulos de
{ 9537469 ; 16253025 ; 20822816 ; 251186 blandas cartílago inmaduro a maduro dentro de un
36 ; 26138824 }. Los pacientes pueden tener estroma blando de células fusiformes
antecedentes de otras neoplasias asociadas Histopatología Deseable: variantes patogénicas bialélicas de
con variantes patogénicas La NCMH se compone de quistes epiteliales DICER1 en casos seleccionados
de DICER1 { 20822816 ; 24761742 ; 25118 revestidos por epitelio respiratorio asociado Puesta en escena
636 ; 25356068 }. con nódulos de cartílago inmaduro a maduro No aplica
con un borde de células fusiformes en un Pronóstico y predicción
Imágenes: los estudios de imágenes estroma laxo, mixoide a células Las recurrencias locales pueden ocurrir con
muestran una masa heterogénea de tejido fusiformes. Se pueden ver células gigantes una escisión incompleta (alrededor del 25
blando compleja, sólida y quística, focales similares a osteoclastos en el %) { 9537469 ; 26138824 ; 28385583 }. Se
calcificación frecuente y erosión ósea estroma cerca de los espacios llenos de ha informado una rara transformación
asociada eritrocitos que se asemejan a un quiste óseo maligna { 23348387 }.
Papiloma sinonasal, tipo invertido
Definición a 1,5 casos por 100 000 personas-año; las ISP es una neoplasia epitelial no invasiva con
El papiloma nasosinusal invertido (ISP) es tasas de incidencia informadas son más altas crecimiento predominantemente endófito
una neoplasia epitelial benigna del epitelio en las poblaciones caucásicas que en las { 4323842 ; 8189990}. Los tumores se
nasosinusal derivado del ectodermo que asiáticas componen de nidos y/o cintas de epitelio
muestra un crecimiento invertido no { 7837917 ; 8876075 ; 19401051 ; 2451937 escamoso inmaduro hiperplásico (antiguo
destructivo en el estroma. 6 }. Ocurre típicamente en adultos mayores epitelio de transición) dentro del estroma
Codificación CIE-O (incidencia máxima en la sexta década ), pero hipocelular edematoso. Los nidos son
8121/1 Papiloma sinonasal, tipo invertido rara vez se observa en niños; hay una redondeados con una membrana basal
Codificación CIE-11 marcada predilección por los hombres intacta. La inflamación neutrofílica
2F00.Y & XH7YQ5 Otra neoplasia benigna (proporción hombre-mujer intraepitelial transmigratoria prominente es
especificada del oído medio o sistema aproximadamente 3-5:1) un rasgo característico. Las células
respiratorio y papiloma de células { 2184302 ; 4323842 ; 7877417 ; 8189990 } cilíndricas mucosas o ciliadas mezcladas
escamosas, invertida . dispersas pueden estar presentes
Etiología superficialmente, y los cambios irritativos
Terminología relacionada ISP puede estar asociado con varias pueden incluir un aumento de la maduración
No recomendado : papiloma de Schneider exposiciones ocupacionales y/o escamosa, queratosis suprayacente y/o
invertido; inversión del papiloma; papiloma industriales; sin embargo, su relación con la fibrosis subyacente. Los ISP relacionados
endófito exposición al humo del tabaco sigue siendo con el VPH de bajo riesgo pueden tener un
subtipo(s) incierta epitelio engrosado con células similares a
Ninguna { 2184302 ; 6715979 ; 8908257 ; 20109321 coilocitos, cambio de células claras y
}. Considerando que los estudios históricos binucleación; y crecimiento verrucoide con
Localización documentaron el ADN del VPH (subtipos de afectación limitada del estroma subepitelial
El ISP generalmente involucra la pared alto y bajo riesgo) en subconjuntos de ISP y subyacente { 31743131 }. Los papilomas
lateral de la cavidad nasal y/o los senos carcinomas sinonasales asociados con ISP raros tienen características superpuestas de
paranasales (más comúnmente etmoidal o { 2823523 ; 7478645 ; 23161522 ; 2325348 papiloma invertido y oncocítico
maxilar); raramente puede ocurrir en el 9 }, los análisis modernos de hibridación in { 30916792 }.
tabique nasal situ (ISH) de ARN de ISP y carcinomas
{ 2184302 ; 4323842 ; 7436854 ; 7877417 ; sinonasales asociados a ISP han demostrado La displasia epitelial es poco común en ISP y
8189990 ; 31743131 }. ISP rara vez una falta constante de transcritos de VPH puede manifestarse en formas
involucra el saco lagrimal, el oído medio, la E6/E7 de alto riesgo, a pesar de la presencia queratinizantes y/o no queratinizantes
nasofaringe y/o la faringe de transcritos de VPH E6/E7 de bajo riesgo { 4323842 ; 24519376 }. La displasia
{ 8189990 ; 8615588 ; 10214788 ; 3402146 en un subconjunto de los casos epitelial queratinizante es similar a la
4 }. {28181187 ; 31743131 }. Además, los observada en la cavidad oral o la laringe y
estudios de perfiles moleculares puede incluir hiperqueratosis,
Características clínicas demostraron mutaciones dismaduración escamosa, pleomorfismo y/o
Los pacientes con ISP generalmente somáticas de EGFR en hasta el 88 % de los aumento de la actividad mitótica. La
presentan obstrucción nasal unilateral y carcinomas de senos paranasales asociados displasia epitelial no queratinizante puede
también pueden manifestarse con rinorrea, con ISP y en el 77 % parecerse al NKSCC e incluir pérdida de la
epistaxis, dolor facial/presión sinusal, dolor { 25931286 ; 30916792 ; 31743131 }. La inflamación neutrofílica intraepitelial
de cabeza, anosmia y/o epífora gran mayoría de las mutaciones transmigratoria, morfología basaloide,
{ 2184302 ; 4323842 ; 7877417 ; 8189990 } de EGFR son indeles que conservan el marco atipia citológica notoria y/o aumento de la
. en el exón 20, aunque las mutaciones en el actividad mitótica. Si bien no existe un
exón 6 o 19 ocurren en un pequeño sistema de clasificación de consenso para la
Imágenes: los estudios de imágenes subconjunto { 25931286 ; 33203919 }. Las displasia en ISP, es importante reconocer e
documentan una masa centrada alrededor mutaciones somáticas de EGFR y la infección informar la displasia/carcinoma grave in
del meato medio, a menudo con por VPH de bajo riesgo se excluyen situ cuando está presente { 24519376 }.
remodelación ósea mutuamente en los carcinomas de seno
{ 18416970 ; 18499786 ; 19216815}. Las nasal asociados con ISP y ISP, lo que sugiere Diagnóstico diferencial: Dadas las claras
imágenes no son definitivas para ISP, pero que son mecanismos oncogénicos diferencias en la etiología y el
hay una serie de características que son alternativos esenciales comportamiento clínico, el diagnóstico
altamente sugestivas, que incluyen: origen { 29145573 ; 31743131 }. diferencial más importante para ISP es
de la pared lateral de la cavidad nasal (con NKSCC. Aunque ambos tumores pueden
osteítis focal asociada en este sitio en la TC), Patogénesis mostrar un patrón de crecimiento endófito,
forma lobulada, 'cerebriforme' (columnar) Las mutaciones del punto de acceso el NKSCC frecuentemente tiene una
patrón en T2W y MRI T1W poscontraste, oncogénico en los exones 19 o 20 apariencia basaloide, pleomorfismo notorio
realce de meseta en las curvas de tiempo- de EGFR estimulan el crecimiento tumoral y/o actividad mitótica; mitosis
intensidad (pico temprano y señal alta a través de la actividad constitutiva de EGFR atípicas; crecimiento predominantemente
sostenida) y valores de ADC relativamente y la activación posterior de las vías MAPK y exofítico; y/o ausencia de inflamación
altos en consonancia con la enfermedad PI3K/AKT { 21764376 }. En los ISP neutrofílica intraepitelial
benigna. La ISP generalmente causa asociados con el VPH, la infección por VPH transmigratoria. Además, mientras que
adelgazamiento y remodelación ósea en la de bajo riesgo es transcripcionalmente NKSCC a menudo es positivo para HPV de
TC, pero en ocasiones puede ser localmente activa y genera las transcripciones E6 y E7 alto riesgo por RNA ISH para transcripciones
agresiva. La combinación de realce correspondientes { 31743131 }. La de HPV E6/E7 de alto riesgo, ISP es
cilíndrico y ausencia de erosión ósea progresión maligna de ISP a carcinoma consistentemente negativo
permite diferenciar con confianza la IP de los sinonasal se asocia con alteraciones { 28181187 ; 31743131 }.
tumores malignos de los senos paranasales perjudiciales Citología
{ 15586802 ; 29987980 }. de TP53 y/o CDKN2A { 33203919 }. No clínicamente relevante
Diagnóstico de patología molecular
Epidemiología Aspecto macroscópico Ninguna
ISP comprende 47-73% de todos los ISP tiene una apariencia macroscópica Criterios diagnósticos esenciales y
papilomas sinonasales polipoide con una superficie cerebriforme deseables
{ 4323842 ; 6370825 ; 7668940 ; 8238761 } contorneada y típicamente demuestra una Esencial : crecimiento predominantemente
. Aunque ISP es el tipo más común de SP, amplia unión a la mucosa subyacente endófito no destructivo; cintas/nidos de
todavía es relativamente poco común en { 8189990 ; 13938966 }. epitelio escamoso inmaduro
general, con una incidencia estimada de 0,2 Histopatología
hiperplásico; Inflamación neutrofílica con técnicas no endoscópicas); localización carcinomas nasosinusales asociados con ISP
intraepitelial transmigratoria. anatómica del tumor (mayor para tumores son carcinomas de células escamosas
de seno maxilar frontal y anterior); y estadio queratinizantes o no queratinizantes; sin
de Krouse (mayor para tumores T3 frente a embargo, se han informado otros tipos de
Puesta en escena T2) neoplasias malignas, incluido el carcinoma
No hay clasificación TNM de la Unión para el { 16500448 ; 22253070 ; 28973390 ; 31777 indiferenciado { 29070275 }. Aunque rara
Control Internacional del Cáncer (UICC), 289 }. Según un gran estudio multicéntrico y vez se han informado carcinomas
pero el sistema de estadificación clínica de un metanálisis, la tasa de recurrencia mucoepidermoides asociados con ISP, es
Krouse (T1-T4) clasifica ISP por ubicación general estimada para ISP es 12-16% probable que representen carcinomas
anatómica, extensión del tumor y presencia { 22253070 ; 28973390 }. adenoescamosos { 24519376 }. La
de malignidad concurrente { 10852514 }. exposición al humo del cigarrillo es un factor
La transformación maligna, ya sea de riesgo para la progresión maligna de ISP
Pronóstico y predicción sincrónica o metacrónica, se desarrolla a una { 23619620}, y la evidencia reciente sugiere
Las tasas de recurrencia informadas varían tasa de alrededor del 2-4 % según grandes que la infección por VPH de bajo riesgo en
ampliamente para ISP, particularmente estudios longitudinales y multicéntricos ISP puede estar asociada con un mayor
cuando se consideran cohortes históricas, y { 22253070 ; 24519376 } en lugar de las riesgo de progresión maligna
dependen de una serie de factores clínicos, tasas más altas informadas por los centros { 29145573 ; 31743131 }.
que incluyen: abordaje quirúrgico (mayor de referencia. La gran mayoría de los
Papiloma sinonasal, tipo oncocítico
Definición OSP comprende 3-19% de todos los característicos. La displasia epitelial es
El papiloma nasosinusal oncocítico (OSP) papilomas sinonasales poco común en OSP pero puede
es una neoplasia epitelial benigna del { 4323842 ; 8238761 ; 23595801 }, con manifestarse como aumento de la atipia
epitelio nasosinusal derivado una incidencia estimada de 0,05 casos por nuclear y/o actividad mitótica
ectodérmicamente que muestra epitelio 100.000 personas años { 7837917 }. Por lo { 8238761 ; 2321700 ; 34021464 }.
cuboidal a cilíndrico oncocítico multicapa. general, ocurren en adultos mayores Citología
Codificación CIE-O (incidencia máxima en la No clínicamente relevante
8121/1 Papiloma sinonasal, tipo oncocítico sexta y séptima décadas ), son raros en Diagnóstico de patología molecular
Codificación CIE-11 pacientes menores de 30 años y tienen Ninguna
2F00.Y & XH17Q9 Otra neoplasia benigna una distribución de sexo igual Criterios diagnósticos esenciales y
especificada del oído medio o sistema { 23595801 ; 31890872 }. deseables
respiratorio y papiloma, NOS Etiología Esencial : patrón de crecimiento mixto
Terminología relacionada No hay factores de riesgo confirmados. La exofítico y endófito; células oncocíticas
No recomendado : papiloma oncocítico de infección por el virus del papiloma humano con morfología cuboide a
Schneider; papiloma de células (VPH) no es un factor etiológico columnar; microquistes intraepiteliales con
cilíndricas; papiloma de células { 7837916 ; 29145573 }. mucina y/o microabscesos neutrofílicos.
columnares; Papiloma de Ringertz Patogénesis Puesta en escena
subtipo(s) Las mutaciones del punto de acceso Ninguna
Ninguna oncogénico en los exones 2 o 3 Pronóstico y predicción
Localización de KRAS estimulan el crecimiento tumoral Las tasas de recurrencia notificadas varían
OSP involucra la pared lateral de la a través de la actividad constitutiva de ampliamente, del 6 al 40 % de los tumores
cavidad nasal y/o los senos paranasales KRAS y la activación aguas abajo de las en estudios grandes con seguimiento a
(más comúnmente el seno maxilar) y rara vías MAPK y PI3K/AKT largo plazo, y estas diferencias observadas
vez también puede involucrar otros sitios { 17428555 ; 32203683 }. La progresión probablemente tengan un origen
de la cabeza y el cuello, incluido el oído maligna de OSP a carcinoma sinonasal se multifactorial, incluida la ubicación
medio asocia con mutaciones nocivas anatómica del tumor (más alta para los
{ 4323842 ; 6370825 ; 8615588 ; 2359580 en TP53 y CDKN2A { 33203919 }. tumores de los senos paranasales) y el
1 ; 31890872 ; 34021464 }. Aspecto macroscópico enfoque quirúrgico (más alto para los
Características clínicas OSP tiene una apariencia macroscópica tumores del seno paranasal). con técnicas
Los pacientes con OSP típicamente papilar y/o polipoide; los tumores pueden no endoscópicas)
presentan obstrucción nasal unilateral y ser muy grandes (>100 mm) pero { 23595801 ; 31890872 }.
también pueden manifestarse con rinorrea, normalmente miden menos de 50 mm
epistaxis y/o anosmia { 6370825 }. La transformación maligna, ya sea
{ 6370825 ; 23595801 }. Histopatología sincrónica o metacrónica, ocurre en el 3-
La OSP es una neoplasia epitelial papilar 17% de OSP
Imágenes: los estudios de imágenes no invasiva con crecimiento exofítico y { 8238761 ; 12172247 ; 23595801 }; la
documentan una masa centrada alrededor endofítico mixto gran mayoría de estos tumores son
del meato medio, a menudo con { 4323842 ; 6370825 }. Los tumores se carcinomas de células escamosas
remodelación ósea componen de múltiples capas de células queratinizantes o no queratinizantes; sin
{ 23595801 ; 28861190 ; 29987980 }. OS cuboidales a columnares con abundante embargo, rara vez se informaron otros
P parece similar al papiloma sinonasal citoplasma oncocítico, núcleos levemente tipos de neoplasias malignas, incluidos
invertido en las imágenes, pero los agrandados e irregulares pero ubicados en adenocarcinoma, carcinoma de células
estudios han mostrado tres características el centro y nucléolos pequeños; Puede pequeñas y carcinoma indiferenciado
distintivas que pueden ser útiles: señal alta haber células cilíndricas mucosas o { 11570918 ; 29879069 }. Aunque se han
T1W; múltiples focos quísticos ciliadas mezcladas dispersas en la informado carcinomas mucoepidermoides
mucinosos; y falta de osteítis focal superficie. La inflamación neutrofílica asociados con OSP { 8238761 }, según los
{ 29987980 }. intraepitelial es común, mientras que los criterios contemporáneos, lo más probable
Epidemiología microquistes con mucina y/o los es que representen carcinomas
microabscesos neutrofílicos son adenoescamoso.
Papiloma sinonasal, tipo exofítico
Definición masiva. La endoscopia ayuda a definir el comunes. La queratinización superficial
El papiloma exofítico sinonasal (ESP) es sitio y la extensión de la enfermedad, pero está ausente o es escasa, a menos que se
una neoplasia epitelial benigna del tracto las imágenes no son necesarias. irrite por un traumatismo o se seque por el
sinonasal compuesta de frondas papilares aire. Las mitosis son raras y no atípicas. A
anchas con núcleos fibrovasculares Epidemiología menos que esté infectado o irritado, el
delicados cubiertos por un epitelio Estos tumores son de 2 a 10 veces más estroma contiene pocas células
multicapa en maduración. comunes en hombres que en mujeres, y inflamatorias. El cambio maligno en el
Codificación CIE-O generalmente ocurren en personas de 20 papiloma exofítico es extremadamente
8121/0 Papiloma sinonasal, tipo exofítico a 50 años (rango: 2 a 87 años) raro { 3957337 ; 11236954 }.
Codificación CIE-11 { 3957337 ; 23883810 }.
2F00.Y & XH0TP8 Otra neoplasia benigna Diagnóstico diferencial: los papilomas
especificada del oído medio o sistema Etiología exofíticos deben distinguirse del papiloma
respiratorio y papiloma sinonasal, La mayoría de estos tumores albergan escamoso queratinizante cutáneo, que son
exofítico virus del papiloma humano de bajo riesgo mucho más comunes en el vestíbulo nasal,
(en su mayoría tipos 6 y 11) SP invertida, y del carcinoma papilar de
Terminología relacionada { 7837916 ; 23161522 }. células escamosas.
No recomendado : papiloma de Schneider, Citología
tipo exofítico; papiloma Patogénesis No clínicamente relevante
fungiforme; papiloma evertido; papiloma Desconocido Diagnóstico de patología molecular
de células de transición; papiloma Ninguna
septal; Tumor de Ringertz. Aspecto macroscópico Criterios diagnósticos esenciales y
subtipo(s) Ninguna. Los tumores se presentan como deseables
Localización crecimientos papilares o verrugosos, Esencial : crecimiento proliferativo,
ESP generalmente surgen en el tabique grises, rosados o tostados unidos al exofítico y papilar; revestido por un epitelio
nasal anterior inferior tabique nasal por una base relativamente de tipo sinonasal de múltiples capas; sin
{ 7837917 ; 29341451 }. A medida que ancha. Varían en tamaño hasta unos 20 displasia escamosa de alto grado; sin
aumentan de tamaño, pueden afectar mm. crecimiento infiltrativo invertido o
secundariamente a la pared nasal lateral, destructivo
pero rara vez se originan allí. La afectación Histopatología Puesta en escena
de los senos paranasales es Los ESP están compuestos por frondas No aplica
extremadamente rara. Las lesiones papilares con núcleos fibrovasculares Pronóstico y predicción
bilaterales son excepcionales cubiertos por un epitelio multicapa Las tasas de recurrencia local son del 22 al
{ 7837917 ; 29341451 }. proliferativo de 5 a 20 células de 50%, asociadas con una escisión
espesor. El epitelio varía de escamoso a inadecuada { 3957337 ; 7837917 }. La
Características clínicas columnar pseudoestratificado ciliado transformación maligna es
Los síntomas de presentación típicos (respiratorio), o puede ser de transición excepcionalmente rara
incluyen epistaxis y obstrucción nasal entre los dos. Los mucocitos dispersos y { 24519376 ; 26261100 }.
unilateral causada por una lesión los neutrófilos intraepiteliales son


Carcinoma de células escamosas queratinizante

Definición 8071/3 Carcinoma de células escamosas, escamosas de senos accesorios y
El carcinoma de células escamosas queratinizante, SAI carcinoma de células escamosas
queratinizante sinonasal (KSCC) es una Codificación CIE-11 queratinizante, SAI
neoplasia maligna epitelial que se origina 2C20.4 y XH4CR9 Carcinoma de células
en el epitelio superficial con diferenciación escamosas de cavidad nasal y carcinoma Terminología relacionada
escamosa y producción de queratina. de células escamosas queratinizante, SAI No recomendado : carcinoma de células
Codificación CIE-O 2C22.1 y XH4CR9 Carcinoma de células escamosas NOS; carcinoma de células
escamosas convencional; carcinoma crónica de los senos paranasales se se identifican pancitoqueratina, p40, p63 y
epidermoide considera un factor predisponente. CK5/6.
Carcinoma papilar de células Patogénesis Diagnóstico diferencial : el diagnóstico
escamosas; carcinoma El KSCC se origina en la mucosa sinonasal diferencial primario es con papiloma
verrugoso; carcinoma escamoso de a partir de áreas de metaplasia escamosa sinonasal, sialometaplasia necrotizante,
células fusiformes; carcinoma de células preexistente. Alrededor del 60% de los hiperplasia pseudoepiteliomatosa,
escamosas acantolítico; carcinoma KSCC que surgen de papilomas invertidos hiperplasia verrugosa, mientras que otras
adenoescamoso; carcinoma cuniculado. se presentan sincrónicamente neoplasias de células fusiformes se
{ 24519376 ; 26830402 }. Aparte del considerarían en la categoría de
Localización KSCC-papiloma ex sinonasal, la displasia carcinoma de células escamosas de
El antro maxilar, la pared nasal lateral y los escamosa/carcinoma in situ es poco células fusiformes.
senos esfenoidales son los sitios más común en la mucosa adyacente.
comúnmente afectados, mientras que el Citología
tabique nasal, el piso nasal y los senos El panorama genómico de KSCC está Los frotis muestran abundantes células
frontales y esfenoidales son menos poco definido, con informes fusiformes, poligonales y de renacuajo
frecuentes. KSCC es la malignidad más de mutaciones de TP53 , alteraciones de dispersas, que muestran diversos grados
común del vestíbulo nasal { 19475548 }. la expresión de p53, inestabilidad de de queratinización con citoplasma azul
microsatélites, aberraciones claro denso (tinción de Giemsa) u
cromosómicas { 32490686 }, mutaciones orangofílico (tinción de Pap), así como
Características clínicas de EGFR { 30117182 } y alteraciones fragmentos de tejido relativamente
Los pacientes presentan obstrucción nasal en PTEN , CDKN2A y KMT2D { 285724 cohesivo de células similares con
inespecífica, dolor facial, rinorrea y 59 }. Aproximadamente el 20% de los citoplasma denso bien definido. Los
epistaxis { 26830402 }. Los tumores KSCC sinonasales albergan una mutación núcleos varían desde varias etapas de
crecen por extensión local, infiltrando las de EGFR , y la mayoría de ellos están picnosis en las células queratinizadas
estructuras vecinas { 26830402 }. Las asociados con papiloma invertido hasta núcleos grandes más abiertos, a
metástasis en los ganglios linfáticos son { 29145573 ; 30117182 ; 32868526}. La menudo ubicados en el centro, con
raras. alta inestabilidad de microsatélites es muy cromatina gruesa y nucléolos
rara. Sinonasal KSCC es mucho menos prominentes. A menudo hay una gran
Imágenes: los estudios de imágenes probable que albergue una infección por cantidad de restos queratinosos en el
demuestran una masa agresiva de VPH de alto riesgo que NKSCC fondo, con o sin reacción granulomatosa
densidad de tejido blando con márgenes { 31743130 }. { 12704690 }.
mal definidos, irregulares a espiculados, a Diagnóstico de patología molecular
menudo con destrucción ósea y Aspecto macroscópico No clínicamente relevante
documentación de enfermedad No específico, similar a KSCC en otros Criterios diagnósticos esenciales y
metastásica o tumores primarios sitios. deseables
multifocales Esencial: células epiteliales malignas con
{ 17893591 ; 23777920 ; 24393570 ; 2492 diferenciación escamosa y queratinización
9443 ; 26054571 }.
Histopatología Deseable: positividad para inmunotinción
Epidemiología El KSCC muestra proliferaciones p40 (en casos seleccionados)
KSCC representa hasta el 45-50% de los infiltrativas de células epiteliales malignas Puesta en escena
tumores malignos del tracto sinonasal con diferenciación escamosa en forma de La estadificación se realiza de acuerdo con
{ 22127982 ; 26228792 ; 31143568 ; 3258 citoplasma eosinófilo vítreo, puentes la clasificación TNM de la Unión para el
2473 }. El KSCC predomina en los intercelulares y producción frecuente de Control Internacional del Cáncer (UICC).
hombres (proporción hombre-mujer 2:1) y queratina. El grado de diferenciación, el Pronóstico y predicción
la mayoría surge en pacientes mayores de pleomorfismo celular y la actividad mitótica Si bien la incidencia está disminuyendo,
50 años representan tres grados las tasas de supervivencia general (SG) a
{ 22127982 ; 26228792 ; 31143568 ; 3258 (bien/moderadamente/pobremente los 5 años son de alrededor del 50 %
2473 }. diferenciados). El KSCC bien diferenciado { 23674262 ; 23775607 ; 32582473 }. La
es poco común. Los KSCC supervivencia relativa (RS) a los 5 años
Etiología moderadamente o pobremente para los pacientes con KSCC de la cavidad
Los riesgos laborales explican algunos diferenciados constituyen la mayoría. Los nasal es del 74,5 % en comparación con el
riesgos de KSCC, así como el predominio tipos especiales, como el carcinoma 35 % para el KSCC del seno maxilar y
masculino. Las exposiciones prolongadas papilar, verrugoso, de células fusiformes, etmoidal y <30 % para el KSCC frontal y
al níquel, cromo, arsénico, formaldehído, acantolítico, adenoescamoso y carcinoma esfenoidal { 32582473 }. Si bien los
humos de soldadura, polvo de cuero, cuniculatum, constituyen cada uno un tumores con expresión de PD-L1 muestran
pegamentos y varios compuestos pequeño porcentaje de los tumores (y se mejores resultados para la orofaringe, la
relacionados con textiles se atribuyen a la analizan más extensamente en las cavidad oral y la laringe { 32490686 }, los
tumorigénesis en hasta un 30 % secciones de laringe). estudios en KSCC sinonasal aún están en
{ 32582473 }. Se ha documentado una curso { 29356178 ; 31190998 }.
clara asociación entre el KSCC y el Inmunohistoquímica : rara vez se requiere
tabaquismo { 26830402 }. La inflamación inmunohistoquímica, pero generalmente
Carcinoma de células escamosas no queratinizante
Definición valores promedio de ADC de tumor sólido 9316 ; 34108636 } que probablemente
El carcinoma de células escamosas no de 0,95 x 10-3 mm2/s representan conductores oncogénicos.
queratinizante (NKSCC) es una neoplasia { 23762617 ; 29211048 }.
maligna epitelial de origen en la superficie Aspecto macroscópico
sinonasal que muestra evidencia Epidemiología Los tumores pueden ser endófitos o
histológica e inmunohistoquímica de NKSCC representa el 20-48% de SCC exofíticos y tienen una superficie friable de
diferenciación escamosa pero sinonasal, reconociendo la superposición color blanco tostado con hemorragia y
queratinización mínima o nula. histórica con patrones papilares y necrosis. Los tumores suelen ser grandes
Codificación CIE-O basaloides y voluminosos.
8072/3 Carcinoma de células escamosas, { 16160480 ; 23095507 ; 24030745 ; 2683
no queratinizante, SAI 0402 }. Los tumores surgen con mayor
Codificación CIE-11 frecuencia entre la sexta y la séptima
2C20.4 y XH6705 Carcinoma de células década y afectan a los hombres con más Histopatología
escamosas de cavidad nasal y carcinoma frecuencia que a las mujeres El NKSCC está dispuesto en nidos, lóbulos
de células escamosas de células grandes, { 393432 ; 5410316 ; 16160480 ; 2309550 o cintas expansivos que muestran un
no queratinizante, SAI 7 }. patrón de invasión de empuje con una
2C22.1 y XH6705 Carcinoma de células interfaz estromal suave y una respuesta
escamosas de senos accesorios y Etiología desmoplásica asociada mínima a pesar de
Carcinoma de células escamosas, células Al igual que otros SCC sinonasales, un crecimiento a menudo profundo y
grandes, no queratinizante, NOS NKSCC tiene una asociación débil con el destructivo. Un subconjunto muestra una
Terminología relacionada consumo de tabaco { 24935016 }. El virus arquitectura predominantemente papilar
No recomendado: carcinoma de del papiloma humano (VPH) de alto riesgo con crecimiento superficial extenso (a
Schneider, carcinoma de células de está implicado en el 20-62% de todos los veces completo) y colonización del epitelio
transición, carcinoma de células SCC sinonasales en América del Norte y de superficie plana adyacente
cilíndricas. Europa y en el 7-21% en { 19745700 ; 26830402}. El crecimiento
subtipo(s) Asia. Específicamente, el 36-58 % de los invasivo, como se define clásicamente
carcinoma de células escamosas asociado NKSCC están asociados con el VPH para SCC en otros sitios anatómicos, no es
con HPV; DEK :: Carcinoma AFF2 { 16160480 ; 19365846 ; 23095507 ; 2403 necesario en tumores formadores de
0745 ; 24338611 ; 26229021 ; 28271500 ; masa. Las células tumorales tienen una
Localización 31743130 ; 32149447 ; 32683856 ; 3336 relación nuclear a citoplasmática alta, una
El NKSCC sinonasal surge más 4396 }. HPV16 es relativamente menos capa basal columnar con empalizada
comúnmente en la cavidad nasal o en los común en el tracto sinonasal que en la periférica, una capa superficial más
senos maxilares orofaringe, representando el 41-82% de aplanada y carecen de queratinización
{ 5014917 ; 22127982 ; 23674262 ; 23775 los casos asociados con HPV significativa. La atipia citológica es muy
607 }. { 23095507 ; 26229021 ; 32683856 ; 3323 variable, desde mínima hasta pronunciada,
2848 }. Solo se han notificado casos raros pero no se aplica clasificación. Las tasas
de NKSCC positivos para EBV mitóticas también varían ampliamente y en
Características clínicas { 7661287 }, y aproximadamente el 15 % ocasiones se puede observar necrosis.
Los pacientes presentan un efecto de de los carcinomas ex-papiloma sinonasal
masa, que incluye obstrucción nasal, son NKSCC { 11904343 ; 24519376 }. Subtipos : el SCC asociado con el VPH es
epistaxis y dolor. Los tumores de los senos un subtipo de NKSCC sinonasal definido
paranasales se presentan en un estadio Patogénesis por la presencia de VPH
más alto que los tumores de la cavidad Los fundamentos moleculares del NKSCC transcripcionalmente activo de alto
nasal { 22127982 ; 23674262 }. sinonasal no se han caracterizado riesgo. La mayoría de estos tumores
exhaustivamente, aunque los muestran una morfología NKSCC clásica,
Imágenes: los estudios de imágenes no secuenciados muestran perfiles aunque una minoría de los carcinomas
pueden diferenciar con precisión los SCC moleculares similares a otros SCC de sinonasales asociados con el VPH
no queratinizantes de los queratinizantes cabeza y cuello representan subtipos queratinizantes,
y, en ambos casos, demuestran una lesión { 20848437 ; 24935016 ; 25712460 ; 3174 basaloides o adenoescamosos
agresiva de los tejidos blandos con 3130 ; 32868526 }. La actividad { 16160480 ; 23095507 ; 24030745 ; 2433
destrucción ósea de las paredes de los transcripcional se identifica en NKSCC 8611 ; 26229021 ; 33364396 }.
senos adyacentes, que con mayor asociado al VPH a través de la
frecuencia surge del seno maxilar, seguido sobreexpresión de p16 combinada con El carcinoma DEK::AFF2 es un subtipo
de las celdillas etmoidales y la cavidad positividad de PCR o hibridación in situ de emergente de NKSCC definido por
nasal. Como muchos presentan en un ARN, lo que confirma el virus fusiones recurrentes
estadio avanzado se observa con oncogénicamente relevante de DEK :: AFF2 { 31011208 ; 32366754 ;
frecuencia invasión de la órbita, fosa { 23095507 ; 24030745 ; 26229021 ; 2818 33002918 ; 34108636 }. Muestran un
infratemporal y base del cráneo. Una 1187 }. Se ha demostrado que casi la crecimiento exofítico y endófito complejo,
combinación de CT y MRI posteriores al mitad de los NKSCC negativos para el con frondas papilares anchas y lóbulos
contraste es útil para delinear con VPH albergan fusiones recurrentes entre anastomosados revestidos por epitelio de
precisión la extensión del tumor a través el DEKgen en el cromosoma 6p22.3 y el transición con citoplasma anfofílico a
del hueso y los tejidos blandos. La gen AFF2 en el cromosoma Xq28 eosinofílico. La presencia de núcleos
necrosis intratumoral se observa { 31011208 ; 32366754 ; 33002918 ; 3404 redondeados a ovalados llamativamente
comúnmente en lesiones más grandes con monótonos, descohesión superficial o
intraepitelial y neutrófilos o linfocitos que pueden superponerse con papilomas { 21805120 ; 23095507 ; 27392929 ; 3267
infiltran el tumor con frecuencia pueden benignos debido a la citología blanda, pero 1903 }. Las fusiones DEK :: AFF2 se
ayudar a diferenciarlos de otros muestran interfaces estromales más pueden confirmar mediante secuenciación
NKSCC. DEK::AFF2el carcinoma muestra irregulares y una arquitectura compleja. El de ARN o hibridación in situ fluorescente
una superposición morfológica sustancial carcinoma sinusal multifenotípico separada de DEK .
con tumores informados como carcinoma relacionado con el VPH muestra áreas Criterios diagnósticos esenciales y
papilar sinonasal (Schneiderian) de bajo basaloides similares al NKSCC, pero deseables
grado también demuestra diferenciación ductal Esencial: evidencia morfológica y/o
{ 25634744 ; 28639124 ; 30269519 ; 3147 y/o mioepitelial. Varios otros tumores inmunohistoquímica de diferenciación
3940 ; 33539575 ; 34041710 }, y datos nasosinusales con diferenciación escamosa; queratinización nula o
recientes sugieren que muchos, si no la escamosa ahora se consideran entidades mínima; exclusión activa de imitadores,
mayoría, de estos tumores también distintas, incluido el carcinoma NUT, el como el carcinoma NUT, el carcinoma
albergan sarcoma de Ewing tipo adamantinoma y el sinonasal deficiente en SMARCB1 y el
fusiones DEK::AFF2 { 34108636 }. carcinoma nasosinusal con deficiencia de sarcoma de Ewing tipo adamantinoma
SMARCB1. Otros carcinomas de senos Puesta en escena
Inmunohistoquímica: NKSCC es paranasales carecen de diferenciación La estadificación se realiza de acuerdo con
difusamente positivo para citoqueratinas, escamosa por inmunohistoquímica, pero la clasificación TNM de la Unión para el
en particular cócteles de alto peso son tumores únicos, como el carcinoma de Control Internacional del Cáncer (UICC).
molecular como CK5/6 y senos paranasales indiferenciado, el Pronóstico y predicción
CK34βe12/CK903, y para p63 y p40 carcinoma neuroendocrino y el carcinoma Aunque se desconocen los resultados
{ 19077909 ; 24114197 }. Son negativos de senos paranasales con deficiencia de específicos del NKSCC, el SCC sinonasal
para sinaptofisina, cromogranina, INSM1, SMARCA4. en general tiene una supervivencia a los 5
proteína S100, NUT y CD99 con Citología años de aproximadamente el 60 %
SMARCB1 (INI1) y SMARCA4 (BRG1) Los frotis muestran láminas { 393432 ; 20001493 ; 22127982 ; 236742
intactos predominantemente grandes y fragmentos 62 ; 23775607 }. Si bien los estudios de
{ 10091761 ; 25007146 ; 26034869 ; 2943 de tejido que consisten en células con una sola institución y de grandes bases de
8167 32520761}. citoplasma denso bien definido, sin datos a menudo han mostrado un mejor
queratinización, con núcleos pleomórficos pronóstico en los tumores asociados con el
Diagnóstico diferencial: aunque algunos grandes con cromatina gruesa y uno o más VPH, el beneficio no se ha traducido en la
NKSCC se clasificaron históricamente nucléolos pleomórficos prominentes. En el práctica clínica
como SCC basaloide, esta variante debe fondo se observan necrosis y restos { 16160480 ; 19365846 ; 23095507 ; 2403
restringirse a tumores con arquitectura queratinosos variables. 0745 ; 24338611 ; 26229021 ; 28271500 ;
anidada, depósito prominente de la Diagnóstico de patología molecular 28859244 ; 31743130 ; 31886908 ; 3214
membrana basal y Si bien no se recomienda la prueba de 9447 ; 32476435 ; 32683856 ; 33364396 }
comedonecrosis. Mientras que el VPH de rutina en el NKSCC sinonasal, en . En una experiencia limitada, los
crecimiento invertido en NKSCC puede ocasiones puede ser útil para fines de carcinomas DEK :: AFF2 mostraron una
recordar al papiloma invertido, el papiloma diagnóstico. Si se utilizan, se deben recurrencia local frecuente y el 25 % de los
benigno sincrónico o metacrónico definitivo realizar pruebas específicas de VPH, como pacientes murió a causa de la enfermedad
debe estar presente para una designación hibridación in situ o PCR, porque p16 tiene { 34049316 }.
de carcinoma ex- poca especificidad en tumores
papiloma. DEK :: AFF2 los carcinomas nasosinusales
Carcinoma de NUT
Definición { 32149149 ; 33231320 }. Los NC a
El carcinoma NUT (NC) es una neoplasia Etiología menudo se tiñen para CD34, lo que puede
maligna epitelial con una apariencia Desconocido conducir a un diagnóstico erróneo de
monótona definida genéticamente por un leucemia aguda { 15483023 }. La
reordenamiento del gen de la proteína expresión de Ki67 es alta.
nuclear en testículos ( NUTM1) .
Codificación CIE-O Patogénesis Diagnóstico diferencial: la NC debe
8023/3 Carcinoma NUT considerarse en el diagnóstico diferencial
Codificación CIE-11 La NC se caracteriza por la translocación de los carcinomas poco diferenciados de
2C20 y XH1YY4 Neoplasias malignas de cromosómica y la fusión cabeza y cuello, incluidos el carcinoma de
la cavidad nasal y carcinoma no del gen NUTM1 a BRD4 (t(15;19)(q14;p células escamosas poco diferenciado, el
diferenciado, SAI 2C22 y XH1YY4 13.1) (en el 78 %), genes que codifican carcinoma sinusal indiferenciado y el
Neoplasias malignas de los senos proteínas que interactúan con BRD4, carcinoma sinusal con deficiencia del
accesorios y carcinoma no diferenciado, como BRD3 (9q34.2) (15 complejo SWI/SNF
SAI %), NSD3 (8p11.23) (6 %) y otros { 18391746 ; 19561446 ; 25007146 ; 2829
( ZNF532 , ZNF592 ) (2 %), o genes no 1122 }, junto con sarcoma de Ewing
Terminología relacionada identificados (7 %) convencional/similar a adamantinoma,
No recomendado : Proteína nuclear en { 12543779 ; 17934517 ; 24875858 ; 2848 carcinomas neuroendocrinos y
carcinoma testicular; Carcinoma de línea 4033 ; 30139738 }. (Consulte la neuroblastoma olfatorio
media NUT; NUT -carcinoma Figura #23791 #23791 ) Las { 15483023 ; 26034869 }.
reorganizado; t(15;19) oncoproteínas de fusión NUT, más Citología
carcinoma; carcinoma con translocación comúnmente BRD4-NUT, actúan como Los frotis suelen aparecer hipercelulares
t(15;19); carcinoma positivo t(15;19) impulsores únicos de NC que funcionan con un gran número de núcleos redondos
agresivo; carcinoma letal de línea bloqueando la diferenciación y u ovalados con células de tamaño
media; Carcinoma de línea media de niños manteniendo la proliferación intermedio con una relación N:C alta y un
y adultos jóvenes { 12543779 ; 17934517 ; 24736545 ; 2487 borde estrecho de citoplasma. Los núcleos
con reordenamiento NUT . 5858 }. son monomórficos con cromatina pálida,
subtipo(s) Aspecto macroscópico fina y uniformemente dispersa y pequeños
Ninguna. NC se presenta como una masa exofítica, nucléolos discretos. Ocasionalmente
Localización ulcerada y necrótica { 11571733 }. pueden estar presentes pequeños
Los sitios primarios de cabeza y cuello fragmentos de tejido sincitial con moldeado
constituyen alrededor del 40 % de las NC Histopatología nuclear que se asemeja a la diferenciación
{ 32328562 }. La mayoría de los casos de NC típicamente muestra láminas y nidos neuroendocrina, y las mitosis son
cabeza y cuello afectan el tracto sinonasal de células indiferenciadas de tamaño prominentes. En el fondo granular se
(57 %), la nasofaringe (6 %) o las glándulas pequeño a intermedio con una apariencia observan restos considerables de
salivales mayores (4 %) monomórfica. Las células tienen núcleos cariorrexia y linfocitos
{ 27509377 ; 29649019 ; 32077054 }. Los de tamaño uniforme con contornos variables. Generalmente no se ve la
casos raros involucran la órbita, la faringe irregulares, cromatina vesicular y diferenciación escamosa
o la laringe nucleolos prominentes. El citoplasma varía { 19795508 ; 21210877 ; 27338676 ; 2740
{ 20352379 ; 22896655 ; 24892275 ; 2750 de eosinofílico pálido a basófilo. Un rasgo 0194 }.
9377 ; 27926786 ; 31900183 }. característico del patrón de crecimiento en Diagnóstico de patología molecular
forma de hoja es el espaciamiento Se requiere la demostración del
Características clínicas uniforme de las células, a menudo con reordenamiento de NUTM1 , por ejemplo,
Los pacientes con NC presentan síntomas separación entre las células y la falta de mediante inmunotinción positiva para la
causados por una masa de rápido moldeado nuclear. Hay actividad mitótica expresión de NUT nuclear en >50 % de los
crecimiento. En el tracto sinonasal, esto se enérgica y con frecuencia hay núcleos que logra una especificidad del
manifiesta como obstrucción nasal, dolor, necrosis. Los NC muestran focos bruscos 100 % y una sensibilidad del 87 %
dolor de cabeza, epistaxis y secreción característicos de queratinización en { 19363441 }. En los casos restantes,
nasal, mientras que pueden verse aproximadamente un tercio de los casos puede ser necesario el análisis
síntomas oculares (proptosis, diplopía) { 32328562 }. No se observa citogenético, la hibridación in situ, la PCR
{ 22534723 ; 30640313 }. NC diferenciación glandular definitiva, pero de transcripción inversa o la secuenciación
comúnmente se propaga por invasión puede ocurrir diferenciación de próxima generación
local, metástasis linfática y hematógena mesenquimatosa, tanto en sitios primarios { 29356724 ; 30139738 ; 30723300 }.
{ 22896655 ; 27509377 ; 31903701 ; 3232 como metastásicos Criterios diagnósticos esenciales y
8562 }. En el 33 %, NC se presenta con { 19561446 ; 29079177}. Las deseables
metástasis en los ganglios linfáticos del características histológicas por sí solas no Esencial : demostración del
cuello y en el 13 % con metástasis a son específicas de NC. reordenamiento
distancia { 27509377 }. Las metástasis de NUTM1 (inmunohistoquímica o
óseas se observan temprano y la Inmunohistoquímica: NC es positivo técnica molecular) en una neoplasia
diseminación multiorgánica se observa para la proteína NUT (generalmente en un maligna epitelioide monótona e
más adelante en el curso de la enfermedad patrón nuclear moteado) en el 87% de los indiferenciada
{ 11571733 ; 22033856; 29079177 }. casos usando un anticuerpo NUT
monoclonal altamente específico Deseable (en casos seleccionados) :
Imágenes: los estudios de imágenes { 19363441 }. Con la excepción de la demostración del gen asociado de
revelan una invasión destructiva local tinción débil en algunos tumores de células fusión NUTM1 relacionado con NC para
extensa en las estructuras vecinas, como germinales, la tinción con este anticuerpo distinguir el carcinoma NUT de otras
el hueso, el seno, la órbita o el cerebro es altamente específica para NC neoplasias raras reorganizadas
{ 22534723 ; 30640313 ; 31903701 }. { 19363441 }. Las citoqueratinas son en NUTM1 de origen cutáneo o óseo/tejido
positivas en su mayoría, aunque un blando
Epidemiología subconjunto son negativas Puesta en escena
Se informa que NC representa hasta el 18 { 21210877 }. La mayoría de los casos La estadificación está de acuerdo con la
% de los carcinomas pobremente muestran tinción nuclear para p63, sin clasificación TNM de la Unión para el
diferenciados del tracto aerodigestivo embargo, la tinción de p40 es menos Control Internacional del Cáncer (UICC)
superior y aproximadamente el 1 % de consistente y no es un marcador confiable Pronóstico y predicción
todos los carcinomas de cabeza y cuello de NC u otras neoplasias malignas NC es un cáncer extremadamente
{ 15483023 ; 18391746 ; 31903701 }. Los reorganizadas en NUTM1 agresivo, con una mediana de
sexos se ven igualmente afectados en un más raras { 24114197 ; 32981612}. Los supervivencia de 6,5 meses en todos los
rango de edad muy amplio pero con una NC ocasionales pueden teñirse para subconjuntos moleculares y sitios
mediana de 24 años cromogranina, sinaptofisina o TTF-1, pero anatómicos { 32328562 }. Los pacientes
{ 15483023 ; 18391746 ; 22017582 ; 3232 estos solo se han informado en primarios de cabeza y cuello con fusiones que
8562 }. torácicos, no de cabeza y cuello no son BRD4::NUTM1 ( BRD3- o NSD3-
NUTM1 , mediana de supervivencia supervivencia general, 10 meses), metástasis pero no se correlaciona
general, 36,5 meses) tienen una independientemente de extensión de la significativamente con la edad o el sexo
supervivencia significativamente mejor enfermedad metastásica en la { 32328562 }.
que aquellos con presentación. La supervivencia general es
fusiones BRD4::NUTM1 (mediana de significativamente menor en presencia de

Carcinoma sinonasal deficiente en complejo SWI/SNF (SMARCB1 y SMARCA4)

Definición Los senos paranasales, especialmente el carcinoma deficiente en SMARCB1 es raro
Los carcinomas sinonasales deficientes en etmoides, se ven afectados con mayor { 24832165 ; 25007146 ; 28291122 }, con
SWI/SNF son malignidades epiteliales frecuencia por carcinomas con deficiencia incluso menos casos de adenocarcinoma
poco diferenciadas o indiferenciadas de SMARCB1, mientras que el deficiente en SMARCB1 y carcinoma
definidas por la pérdida de una subunidad adenocarcinoma con deficiencia de deficiente en SMARCA4
del complejo SWI/SNF (ya sea SMARCB1 SMARCB1 y el carcinoma con deficiencia { 29166820 ; 31468350 ; 31934917 }. Los
o SMARCA4) sin características de SMARCA4 afectan predominantemente carcinomas deficientes en SMARCB1
histológicas que permitan la clasificación a la cavidad nasal y, con menor frecuencia, afectan a pacientes de entre 11 y 89 años
en otra entidad específica. a sitios contiguos o múltiples con un pico en la sexta década. El
Codificación CIE-O { 28291122 ; 31468350 ; 31934917 }. carcinoma deficiente en SMARCA4 ocurre
8020/3 Carcinoma de senos paranasales a una mediana de edad más baja de 44
deficiente en SMARCB1 Características clínicas años (rango, 20-67). Los carcinomas
Codificación CIE-11 La mayoría de los pacientes presentan deficientes en el complejo SWI/SNF
2C20 y XH1YY4 Neoplasias malignas de enfermedad localmente avanzada (T4), afectan predominantemente a los hombres
la cavidad nasal y carcinoma no incluida la afectación de la órbita y la base { 28291122 ; 31934917 }.
diferenciado, SAI 2C22 y XH1YY4 del cráneo. Los síntomas son inespecíficos Etiología
Neoplasias malignas de los senos (obstrucción nasal, sinusitis, epistaxis y Desconocido
accesorios y carcinoma no diferenciado, dolor de cabeza) y están relacionados con Patogénesis
SAI la obstrucción de las cavidades sinusales La inactivación del gen del complejo
con frecuentes complicaciones orbitarias SWI/SNF respectivo representa el evento
{ 28291122 ; 30120966 ; 31468350 ; 3193 impulsor central y probablemente la única
4917 }. alteración genética en estos tumores
Terminología relacionada { 28291122 ; 31468350 ; 31934917 ; 3281
Aceptable: carcinoma sinusal Imágenes: los estudios de imágenes 8509 }. Para los carcinomas deficientes en
indiferenciado deficiente en documentan una invasión extensa, a SMARCB1, la FISH detecta deleciones
SMARCB1; Carcinoma nasosinusal menudo en estructuras cercanas bialélicas (homocigotas)
indiferenciado deficiente en SMARCA4. { 28291122 }. del gen SMARCB1 en dos tercios de los
subtipo(s) casos { 28291122 }. Se han detectado
Carcinoma sinonasal deficiente en Epidemiología mutaciones del
SMARCB1; adenocarcinoma sinonasal Los carcinomas deficientes en el complejo gen SMARCB1 inactivantes mediante
deficiente en SMARCB1; Carcinoma SWI/SNF comprenden del 1 al 3 % de los secuenciación, pero la sensibilidad de los
nasosinusal deficiente en SMARCA4. carcinomas de seno nasal y del 3 al 20 % paneles NGS para detectar las deleciones
de los tumores diagnosticados como no está clara. Para los carcinomas
Localización carcinoma de seno nasal indiferenciado deficientes en SMARCA4, la inactivación
(SNUC) { 24832165 ; 25007146 }. El bialélica de SMARCA4 es la
consecuencia de mutaciones de pérdida Los carcinomas con deficiencia de
de función (principalmente truncamiento) SMARCA4 son histológicamente Diagnóstico diferencial : aunque algunos
{28084339 }. La pérdida de subunidades indiferenciados, compuestos por grandes teratocarcinosarcomas sinonasales son
SWI/SNF adicionales (principalmente células anaplásicas epitelioides en nidos y deficientes en SMARCA4, se distinguen
SMARCA2) se observa en algunos casos trabéculas que recuerdan al carcinoma del carcinoma con deficiencia de
{ 28291122 ; 31934917 }. Estos tumores indiferenciado sinonasal. Las células SMARCA4 por la presencia de elementos
carecen de rabdoides y basaloides se encuentran con tumorales sarcomatoides y teratoides.
mutaciones IDH características de menos frecuencia. Histológicamente Citología
muchos carcinomas indiferenciados carecen de diferenciación escamosa y Los frotis celulares muestran láminas
sinonasales glandular. Pueden verse rosetas abortivas. débilmente cohesivas de células
{ 28493366 ; 28084339 ; 31186531 ; 3193 epitelioides poligonales o plasmocitoides
4917 }. Inmunohistoquímica: relativamente monomórficas con núcleos
Aspecto macroscópico Carcinomas con deficiencia de SMARCB1: redondos u ovalados grandes, nucléolo
Los carcinomas deficientes en el complejo las células tumorales son positivas con único pequeño, pseudoinclusiones
SWI/SNF se presentan como masas pancitoqueratinas (97 %) y de forma nucleares ocasionales y citoplasma
blandas, frágiles y necróticas difusamente variable con CK5 (64 %), p63 o p40 (55 %) granular excéntrico. Hay células más
infiltrantes con un componente polipoide y CK7 (48 %). Puede ocurrir expresión de grandes ocasionales con núcleos
variable asociado con ulceración extensa y marcador neuroendocrino focal y débil (8- grandes. Se observan figuras mitóticas y
necrosis. 18%) { 28291122 ; 30120966 }. Se necrosis de fondo, pero no hay matriz
requiere la pérdida completa de SMARCB1 estromal, diferenciación escamosa o
Histopatología (INI1); rara vez se observa pérdida glandular { 27177850 ; 29797680 }.
Los carcinomas con deficiencia de conjunta de SMARCA2, pero no de Diagnóstico de patología molecular
SMARCB1 muestran una morfología de SMARCA4 { 25007146 ; 28291122 }. Irrelevante
células monomórficas predominantemente Criterios diagnósticos esenciales y
basaloides (60 %) o Adenocarcinoma deficiente en SMARCB1: deseables
plasmocitoides/rabdoides (33 %). En los Por inmunohistoquímica, además de Esencial : ubicación del tracto
casos basaloides, pueden estar presentes pérdida de SMARCB1, se observa sinonasal; carcinoma indiferenciado con
células rabdoides, pero por lo general son expresión de CK7 (83%) y p40 variable pérdida de SMARCB1(INI1) o SMARCA4
focales. La formación de husos celulares (33%), CK20 (25%) y CDX2 (27%) (BRG1) pero sin características de otras
es rara. Las células escamosas { 31468350 }. Se observa una reactividad entidades; Se requiere una formación
inequívocas, las características variable con los marcadores tumorales del inequívoca de glándulas (y/o
glandulares prominentes y la displasia saco vitelino independientemente de la características similares a las de un tumor
epitelial superficial están ausentes. La presencia o ausencia de focos en el saco vitelino) para el subtipo de
diseminación superficial secundaria difusa manifiestamente similares a tumores del adenocarcinoma
o pagetoide puede simular displasia y saco vitelino { 31468350 }.
carcinoma in situ. Deseable : presencia de células
Carcinomas con deficiencia de SMARCA4: rabdoides; características de saco vitelino
El adenocarcinoma deficiente en estos tumores carecen de diferenciación para la variante de adenocarcinoma
SMARCB1 muestra predominantemente escamosa y glandular por IHC. Las células Puesta en escena
un patrón celular tumorales son reactivas con La estadificación se realiza de acuerdo con
oncocitoide/plasmocitoide con formación pancitoqueratina y rara vez con CK7, pero la clasificación TNM de la Unión para el
prominente de glándulas (túbulos bien negativas con CK5, p40 y p16. Se observa Control Internacional del Cáncer (UICC).
formados, mucina intracelular y/o reactividad focal con sinaptofisina (90%), Pronóstico y predicción
intraluminal). Diferentes patrones de cromogranina-A (40%) y CD56 (60%). La Los carcinomas nasosinusales deficientes
tumores del saco vitelino se ven pérdida de SMARCA4 (BRG1) es en el complejo SWI/SNF son muy
focalmente en 25% de los casos y rara vez definitoria, rara vez se acompaña de agresivos y más de la mitad de los
pueden ser el patrón predominante. Las pérdida conjunta de SMARCA2, pero se pacientes mueren en 2 años. La
células tumorales son uniformemente de retiene SMARCB1 mortalidad parece más alta para los casos
alto grado con pleomorfismo nuclear { 31934917 ; 33663878 }. con deficiencia de SMARCA4 en
grave, actividad mitótica intensa y focos de No se ha informado asociación viral (virus comparación con otros
necrosis tumoral { 31468350 }. del papiloma humano y virus de Epstein- { 28291122 ; 31934917 }.
Barr). La inmunohistoquímica NUT es
consistentemente negativa.
Carcinoma linfoepitelial sinonasal
Definición como una entidad distinta del carcinoma Sinonasal LEC está fuertemente asociado
El carcinoma linfoepitelial (LEC) es un nasofaríngeo (NPC) { 11859210 }. con la infección por el virus de Epstein-Barr
carcinoma de apariencia indiferenciada Características clínicas (EBV), especialmente en áreas endémicas
que surge dentro del tracto sinonasal y Los pacientes suelen tener obstrucción { 7661287 ; 11780191 ; 11859210 }.
muestra un infiltrado de células nasal, secreción nasal sanguinolenta, Patogénesis
linfoplasmocíticas no neoplásicas hinchazón facial y/o dolor Desconocido
prominente asociado, fuertemente { 11859210 ; 19135324 ; 29995775 }. Un Aspecto macroscópico
asociado con el virus de Epstein-Barr. tumor avanzado con invasión de la base LEC sinonasal se presenta con una masa
Codificación CIE-O del cráneo puede causar parálisis de irregular o polipoide que puede tener
8082/3 Carcinoma linfoepitelial nervios craneales superficies erosionadas y hemorrágicas
Codificación CIE-11 { 11859210 ; 25804344 }. { 21698444 ; 22078847 }.
2C20.4 y XH1E40 Carcinoma de células Histopatología
escamosas de cavidad nasal y carcinoma Imágenes: los estudios de imágenes Los tumores están compuestos por
linfoepitelial 2C22.1 y XH1E40 Carcinoma documentan el sitio y la extensión del sincitios de células grandes dispuestas en
de células escamosas de senos tumor lóbulos, nidos, trabéculas o cordones, y
accesorios y carcinoma linfoepitelial { 25525589 ; 29995775 ; 32998538 }. asociados a un rico infiltrado
Epidemiología linfoplasmocitario que puede ser florido
Terminología relacionada Los tumores son más comunes en oscureciendo las células tumorales. Las
No recomendado : carcinoma tipo hombres (proporción hombre:mujer de 2- células malignas suelen tener núcleos
linfoepitelioma; carcinoma indiferenciado 3:1) en su quinta a séptima décadas grandes y redondos, cromatina vesicular,
de tipo nasofaríngeo sinonasal primario (mediana de 58 años) nucleolos prominentes y bordes celulares
subtipo(s) { 11780191 ; 11859210 ; 25804344 }, con mal definidos (un patrón
Ninguna mayor incidencia en pacientes étnicos de sincitial); ocasionalmente se pueden
Localización regiones donde NPC tiene una alta encontrar células tumorales en espiral. La
LEC afecta la cavidad nasal y menos prevalencia, es decir, el sudeste asiático necrosis o queratinización suele estar
comúnmente los senos paranasales { 7661287 ; 11780191 ; 11859210 }. ausente
{ 11780191 ; 21698444 ; 29995775 }. La Etiología { 11859210 ; 21698444 ; 25804344 }. En
ubicación del tracto sinonasal define LEC algunos casos se pueden observar
tabiques fibrosos gruesos que separan deficiente en SMARCB1, carcinoma NUT, linfoplasmocitario; inmunorreactividad de
islas tumorales. Puede haber depósitos de carcinoma neuroendocrino, melanoma, citoqueratina; exclusión de primario
amiloide extracelular. linfoma y sarcoma pleomórfico nasofaríngeo/orofaríngeo
indiferenciado, entre otros. Deseable : EBER hibridación in situ
Inmunohistoquímica : las células Citología (especialmente en casos endémicos)
tumorales son positivas para Los frotis muestran fragmentos de tejido Puesta en escena
citoqueratinas y, por lo general, positivas irregulares de células epiteliales con La estadificación se realiza de acuerdo con
para marcadores escamosos como p40, citoplasma fusiforme o epidermoide que la clasificación TNM de la Unión para el
p63 y CK5/6, mientras que negativas para puede estar mal definido y núcleos Control Internacional del Cáncer (UICC).
marcadores neuroendocrinos, linfoides y grandes muy pleomórficos, en un fondo Pronóstico y predicción
melanocíticos. p16 suele ser negativo o linfoplasmocitario a menudo prominente y LEC sinonasal parece metastatizar a los
irregular y débil { 25804344 }. Los LEC oscuro. Los linfocitos pueden infiltrarse en ganglios linfáticos cervicales (15-25 %) con
sinonasales suelen ser reactivos para el el epitelio. El componente epitelial se menos frecuencia que NPC { 19135324 },
ARN pequeño codificado por EBV (EBER) parece al carcinoma nasofaríngeo no mientras que las metástasis a distancia
mediante hibridación in situ queratinizante. son excepcionales
{ 11780191 ; 11859210 ; 25804344 } pero Diagnóstico de patología molecular { 11859210 ; 29995775 }. El pronóstico de
en casos raros puede ser EBER negativo La mayoría de los casos demostrarán EBV LEC sinonasal es favorable incluso con
{ 19135324 ; 21698444 }. por hibridación in situ. metástasis en los ganglios linfáticos
Criterios diagnósticos esenciales y cervicales; pero los datos de supervivencia
Diagnóstico diferencial : los tumores deben deseables están limitados por la rareza de la
separarse del carcinoma indiferenciado Esencial: racimos sincitiales de células enfermedad { 21698444 ; 25804344 }.
sinonasal, carcinoma nasofaríngeo, indiferenciadas, grandes y apiñadas en
carcinoma orofaríngeo, carcinoma íntima relación con el infiltrado

Carcinoma indiferenciado sinonasal

Definición Terminología relacionada { 19283847 ; 22460731 ; 24421248 ; 3073
El carcinoma indiferenciado sinonasal Ninguna 3906 }.
(SNUC) es un tumor epitelial maligno sin subtipo(s) Características clínicas
ninguna línea identificable de Ninguna Los síntomas de presentación comunes
diferenciación (que incluye escamoso, Localización son obstrucción nasal, sinusitis, epistaxis
glandular y neuroendocrino) y es un Los SNUC se presentan con mayor y/o dolor de cabeza
diagnóstico de exclusión. frecuencia como masas muy grandes que { 23663264 ; 30733906 }. Con afectación
Codificación CIE-O involucran múltiples sitios del tracto orbitaria, los pacientes pueden
8020/3 Carcinoma indiferenciado de seno sinonasal, con un sitio exacto de origen experimentar diplopía u otros síntomas
nasal difícil de determinar. { 23663264 }. Hasta visuales, proptosis e inflamación
Codificación CIE-11 el 60 % muestra invasión de estructuras periorbitaria { 23663264 }.
2C20 y XH1YY4 Neoplasias malignas de adyacentes, incluido el vértice orbitario, la
la cavidad nasal y carcinoma no base del cráneo y el cerebro Imágenes: los tumores destructivos con
diferenciado, SAI 2C22 y XH1YY4 { 22460731 }. A pesar del gran tamaño del márgenes mal definidos se ven
Neoplasias malignas de los senos tumor primario, las metástasis radiográficamente { 9015077 }.
accesorios y carcinoma no diferenciado, ganglionares son poco comunes y ocurren
SAI en el 10-30 % de los casos
Epidemiología morfología de alto grado, SNUC tiene una Citología
El SNUC es raro y representa alrededor apariencia característicamente uniforme Los frotis son hipercelulares y muestran
del 3-5 % de todos los carcinomas con tamaño y forma nuclear relativamente predominantemente células aisladas
sinonasales { 24935016 }. La mediana de consistentes. Por definición, no hay dispersas y fragmentos de tejido cohesivo
edad de los pacientes es de 50 a 60 años, diferenciación escamosa o glandular y no dispersos con núcleos despojados y
con un amplio rango de edad afectado hay displasia escamosa superficial. desnudos y restos necróticos en el
{ 22460731 ; 25844294 }. Los tumores fondo. Las células tumorales son de
surgen con más frecuencia en los hombres Inmunohistoquímica: Por tamaño intermedio con una relación N:C
(60-70%) { 22460731 ; 25844294 }. inmunohistoquímica, la SNUC es positiva alta, una pequeña cantidad de citoplasma
Etiología para citoqueratinas (pan-citoqueratina, mal definido y núcleos pleomórficos
Desconocido AE1/AE3, CAM5.2, OSCAR y CK18) y grandes irregulares que pueden aparecer
Patogénesis ocasionalmente para CK7. En particular, moldeados y aplastados y tienen nucléolos
Las mutaciones del punto de acceso CK5/6 y p40 son negativos, mientras que fácilmente identificables. Hay vacuolas
IDH2 se identifican en un subconjunto se puede observar una reactividad de p63 intracitoplasmáticas frecuentes que
significativo (33-85 %) no específica en parches incluyen células en anillo de sello, pero la
{ 28084339 ; 28493366 ; 29683816 ; 3187 { 25017972 }. Mientras que SNUC puede mucina está ausente. Se observan figuras
6581 }. IDH2 p.R172S es el más mostrar una reactividad de sinaptofisina y mitóticas ocasionales y abundantes restos
común; otros incluyen p.R172M, p.R172T, cromogranina muy focal o irregular de cariorrexia { 18285258 }.
p.R172G o p.R172K. En raras { 11176064 ; 19283847 }, pero las Diagnóstico de patología molecular
ocasiones, se informan mutaciones características histológicas del carcinoma Aunque las mutaciones de IDH definen
de IDH1 { 29683816 }. El SNUC mutante neuroendocrino están ausentes. Los un subconjunto de SNUC, no se requiere
en IDH demuestra un fenotipo marcadores específicos de diferenciación, identificación para el diagnóstico.
hipermetilador, y los estudios de perfiles incluidos CD45, proteína S100, SOX10 y Criterios diagnósticos esenciales y
basados en la metilación del ADN desmina, son negativos . SNUC puede deseables
muestran que las neoplasias mostrar positividad para p16, sin embargo, Esencial: tumor de alto grado con células
malignas sinonasales mutantes en IDH esto no refleja una infección por VPH de tumorales positivas para citoqueratina; sin
constituyen un grupo distinto de los tipos alto riesgo transcripcionalmente activa evidencia histológica e
de tumores de tipo { 21805120 ; 24421248}. La inmunohistoquímica de ninguna línea
salvaje IDH- { 31186531}. Dada la variada inmunohistoquímica para IDH1/2 específica de diferenciación; todos los
sensibilidad y especificidad para la específica de mutación imitadores histológicos (ver arriba)
inmunohistoquímica de IDH1/2 mutante, (anticuerpos IDH mutantes monoclonales excluidos
los métodos basados en secuenciación y multiespecíficos ) identifica una
son más confiables para proporción de SNUC Deseable: verificación del estado
identificar SNUC mutante de IDH. con mutaciones IDH , incluida la mayoría mutacional de IDH (en casos
Aspecto macroscópico con R172S, aunque carece de seleccionados)
Los tumores suelen ser grandes (>40 mm) sensibilidad para la gama completa Puesta en escena
en el momento de la presentación y de mutaciones IDH { 29683816 ; 302064 La estadificación se realiza de acuerdo con
muestran un aspecto endoscópico 11 ; 33017591 }. Actualmente, no se la clasificación TNM de la Unión para el
fungoso. reconocen diferencias morfológicas o Control Internacional del Cáncer (UICC).
Histopatología inmunohistoquímicas entre los SNUC que Pronóstico y predicción
El SNUC se compone de láminas, lóbulos, son mutantes en IDH o de tipo salvaje SNUC es una neoplasia maligna altamente
nidos y trabéculas de células malignas con { 28493366 ; 29683816 ; 31876581 }. agresiva con un mal pronóstico
núcleos redondos agrandados, cantidades { 22460731 }. El análisis de datos SEER
variables de citoplasma y bordes celulares Diagnóstico diferencial: el diagnóstico reveló una mediana de supervivencia
bien definidos. Los núcleos de las células diferencial para SNUC es amplio y, como general de 22,1 meses y tasas de
tumorales son hipercromáticos o diagnóstico de exclusión, se deben excluir supervivencia a 3, 5 y 10 años de 44,3 %,
vesiculares, con cromatina abierta a otras entidades con una evaluación 34,9 % y 31,3 %, respectivamente
vesicular y nucleolos histológica e inmunohistoquímica { 22460731 ; 25844294 }. Las mutaciones
prominentes. Algunos ejemplos pueden exhaustiva, dirigida a excluir escamoso, de IDH2 se han asociado con una mejor
aparecer basaloides con células tumorales glandular, neuroendocrino, salival, olfativo, supervivencia específica de la enfermedad
que tienen proporciones nucleares a neuroendocrino, melanocítico y { 31876581 }.
citoplásmicas más altas. A pesar de su hematolinfoide. diferenciación.
Definición teratoideo; blastoma; neuroblastoma linfáticos cervicales { 6322958 }, pero
El teratocarcinosarcoma (TCS) es una olfatorio mixto-craneofaringioma pueden ocurrir metástasis a distancia
neoplasia maligna del tracto nasosinusal subtipo(s) { 20015764 ; 23462185 }.
con elementos mixtos epiteliales, Ninguna Epidemiología
mesenquimales y neuroepiteliales Localización El teratocarcinosarcoma tiende a afectar a
primitivos. La mayoría de los casos de TCS se adultos con una mediana de edad de 50
Codificación CIE-O centran en la cara superior de la cavidad años; aproximadamente el 80% de los
9081/3 Teratocarcinosarcoma nasal, con extensión frecuente a los senos casos ocurren en hombres
Codificación CIE-11 etmoidales, maxilares o esfenoidales { 18559724 ; 32954838 }.
2C20.Y y XH2RK1 Otra neoplasia maligna { 18559724 ; 6322958 }. Etiología
especificada de cavidad nasal y Características clínicas No se conocen factores de riesgo ni
carcinosarcoma embrionario Los síntomas de presentación son el asociaciones de síndrome de
resultado de un efecto de masa, que predisposición tumoral.
Terminología relacionada incluye obstrucción nasal, epistaxis y dolor Patogénesis
No recomendado : teratoma de cabeza, y por lo general son de corta Se han documentado alteraciones
maligno; teratocarcinoma; carcinosarcoma duración { 18559724 }. Rara vez se recurrentes del controlador molecular, en
observan metástasis en los ganglios particular la inactivación bialélica
de SMARCA4 y la activación de la maduración neuronal posterior a la sarcomas cuando no todos los
mutación CTNNB1 { 28725522 ; 3252076 quimioterapia { 20596986 }. componentes son muestreados. La
1 }. inmunohistoquímica para SMARCA4 o ß-
Aspecto macroscópico Inmunohistoquímica: El inmunoperfil de catenina puede apoyar el diagnóstico en
Por lo general, los tumores tienen un TCS corresponde a sus elementos estos casos. El carcinoma sinonasal
aspecto hemorrágico variable de color constituyentes, con fuerte positividad deficiente en SMARCA4 puede
marrón grisáceo carnoso a marrón rojizo constante para citoqueratina en elementos superponerse con TCS en muestras
con áreas de necrosis. epiteliales y positividad débil en elementos limitadas, pero con frecuencia muestra un
Histopatología neuroepiteliales, reactividad para desmina patrón de células rabdoides o epitelioides
El TCS está compuesto por elementos en elementos rabdomiosarcomatosos (que de células grandes que está ausente en
mixtos epiteliales, mesenquimales y solo pueden identificarse TCS { 31934917 }.
neuroepiteliales. Los componentes inmunohistoquímicamente), tinción para Citología
epiteliales pueden incluir tanto epitelio CK5/6, p63 , y p40 en componentes No clínicamente relevante
escamoso, que puede ser queratinizante o escamosos, y expresión de marcadores Diagnóstico de patología molecular
no queratinizante, como estructuras neuroendocrinos sinaptofisina, No clínicamente relevante
glandulares, que pueden ser simples o cromogranina-A e INSM1 en elementos Criterios diagnósticos esenciales y
estratificadas y pueden incluir células neuroepiteliales deseables
mucinosas o ciliadas. Con frecuencia, los { 23462185 ; 29438167 }. Los marcadores Esencial : ubicación del tracto
elementos escamosos y glandulares de derivación de células germinales, sinonasal; mezcla de elementos
tienen un aspecto de células claras, que incluidos PLAP, SALL4, alfa-fetoproteína y epiteliales, mesenquimales y
recuerda a los tejidos fetales. Los hCG son negativos neuroepiteliales primitivos
componentes mesenquimales se { 6322958 ; 9670829}. Aproximadamente
componen con mayor frecuencia de el 80 % de los casos muestran algún grado Deseable: aspecto de células claras de
fascículos hipercelulares anónimos de de pérdida de SMARCA4 (BRG1), con tipo fetal en los componentes
células fusiformes, pero se pueden pérdida completa hasta en el 70 % de los epiteliales; Pérdida de SMARCA4 y/o
observar áreas de diferenciación casos { 32520761 }. Un subconjunto de expresión de ß-catenina nuclear (en casos
manifiesta de músculo liso, casos muestra una localización nuclear seleccionados)
rabdomioblástica, adipocítica, aberrante de ß-catenina { 28725522 }. Puesta en escena
cartilaginosa u osteoblástica. Tanto el La estadificación está de acuerdo con la
componente epitelial como el Diagnóstico diferencial: la mezcla de clasificación TNM de la Unión para el
mesenquimatoso pueden mostrar atipia varios elementos de tejido en TCS es única Control Internacional del Cáncer (UICC)
citológica variable, que va desde para el diagnóstico, pero puede mostrar Pronóstico y predicción
apariencias relativamente blandas hasta superposición con una amplia gama de El TCS es un tumor agresivo que muestra
manifiestamente otros tumores sinonasales, incluidos recurrencias locales frecuentes dentro de
malignas.18559724 ; 23462185 ; 3252076 neuroblastoma olfatorio, carcinoma de los primeros 2 años { 20156370 }. Sin
1 }. En algunos casos, el componente células escamosas, adenocarcinoma, embargo, la supervivencia a 5 años más
neuroepitelial primitivo puede sufrir una carcinomas neuroendocrinos y varios reciente es >50 % { 32954838 }.
Carcinoma sinonasal multifenotípico relacionado con el VPH
Definition Most patients present with obstruction and solid sheets, lobules, and cribriform nests
Human papillomavirus (HPV)-related epistaxis. Tumours are nearly always as basaloid cells, reminiscent of solid
multiphenotypic sinonasal carcinoma localized to the sinonasal tract at adenoid cystic carcinoma. The salivary
(HMSC) is an epithelial neoplasm presentation gland-type features are supported by the
exhibiting features of both surface- and { 23598962 ; 28035703 ; 28664668 ; 2887 presence of both ductal and myoepithelial
minor salivary gland-derived elements, 7065 ; 30527234 }. components. The myoepithelial cells are
harbouring transcriptionally active HPV. Epidemiology typically basaloid with varying degrees of
ICD-O coding HMSC typically affects adults (mean age, spindling, plasmacytoid, or clear cell
None 54 years), with a slight female change within a myxohyaline stroma, while
ICD-11 coding predominance the scattered ducts, variable in number and
2C20 & XH1YY4 Malignant neoplasms of { 23598962 ; 28035703 ; 28664668 ; 2887 sometimes subtle, are more eosinophilic.
nasal cavity & Carcinoma, 7065 ; 30527234 }. Occasionally, these dual components are
undifferentiated, NOS 2C22 & Etiology arranged as an inner luminal ductal layer
XH1YY4 Malignant neoplasms By definition, HMSC harbours high-risk surrounded by an outer peripheral layer of
of acessory sinuses & Carcinoma, HPV, most commonly type 33 (about 80%), cleared myoepithelial cells, resembling
undifferentiated, NOS and occasionally types 35, 16, 52, 56, or 82 epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma.
{ 30259271 ; 30527234 ; 31571045 ; 3215 Squamous differentiation often takes the
Related terminology 9863 }. As HPV16 is uncommon, HPV form of high-grade squamous dysplasia of
Acceptable: HPV- assays must include other types, especially the surface epithelium. Less frequently, the
associated multiphenotypic sinonasal type 33. MYB rearrangements are not invasive component can demonstrate
carcinoma identified by FISH { 28877065 }. Origin areas of overt squamous differentiation
Not recommended: HPV-related from a terminal excretory duct at its with keratin production. Bizarre
carcinoma with adenoid cystic-like features transition with surface epithelium may pleomorphism, sarcomatoid
Subtype(s) explain mixed lines of phenotypic transformation, and heterologous
None differentiation { 30527234 }. cartilaginous differentiation is rare. HMSC
Localization Pathogenesis typically exhibits high-grade cellular
The vast majority of HMSC affect the nasal Unknown features in addition to a high mitotic index
cavity (89%) with predilection for the Macroscopic appearance and tumour necrosis. Bone invasion is
turbinate, with or without concurrent HMSC grossly appears as a tan-white, common, but perineural or lymphovascular
paranasal sinus involvement. Rare cases often polypoid mass. invasion are not.
affect the sinuses exclusively Histopathology
{ 23598962 ; 28035703 ; 28664668 ; 2887 "Multiphenotypic” refers to multiple lines of Immunohistochemistry: HMSC usually
7065 ; 30527234 }. cellular differentiation encountered in any exhibits both ductal and myoepithelial
Clinical features single HMSC. Tumours typically grow in differentiation which can be demonstrated
by immunostaining for p40, p63, SMA, and direct HPV-specific testing. Furthermore, cells; high-risk HPV by HPV-specific assay
calponin (myoepithelial), CD117 (ducts), HMSC does not harbour the MYB, MYBL1, (not p16 alone); myoepithelial
and S100 protein and SOX10 (both cell and/or NFIB fusions that characterize most differentiation by immunohistochemistry
types). MYB immunohistochemistry and adenoid cystic carcinomas. In contrast to Desirable: sinonasal tract location; ductal
MYB RNA in situ hybridization are also squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), basaloid differentiation; overlying squamous
usually positive, despite the lack SCC, and adenosquamous carcinoma, dysplasia
of MYB rearrangements HMSC shows myoepithelial differentiation Staging
{ 30027386 ; 33165092 }. HMSC is by histology and immunohistochemistry, Staging is according to the Union for
positive for p16 and high-risk HPV by direct recognizing SOX10 may be coexpressed in International Cancer Control (UICC) TNM
HPV assays such as RNA in situ basaloid SCC { 30498968 }. classification
hybridization. A negative p16 helps Cytology Prognosis and prediction
exclude the tumour, but a positive p16 Not yet reported in cytopathology literature HMSC has paradoxically indolent behavior
immunohistochemistry is a poor HPV Diagnostic molecular pathology despite a typically high-grade histologic
surrogate in this tumour { 32671903 }. High-risk HPV must be demonstrated by in appearance. Local recurrences are
situ hybridization or PCR-based common (~ one-third), including some late
Differential Diagnosis: Unlike true adenoid techniques, specifically to include type 33. recurrences, while distant metastases are
cystic carcinomas, HMSC is restricted to Essential and desirable diagnostic rare (5%)
the sinonasal tract in all reported cases, is criteria { 30027386 ; 30527234 ; 31737465 }. Reg
often associated with surface squamous Essential: mixed ductal and myoepithelial ional spread and tumour-related death are
dysplasia, and harbors HPV, requiring carcinoma composed of basaloid-type not yet reported.

Intestinal-type sinonasal adenocarcinoma

Definition Etiology infiltrate the submucosa and bone and may
Intestinal-type adenocarcinoma (ITAC) is a An occupational etiology is identified with show perineural invasion. Stromal tissues
gland-forming malignant epithelial exposure to wood dusts, especially from are loose and fibrovascular, often
neoplasm of the sinonasal tract hardwood species such as oak and beech, containing abundant chronic inflammation.
morphologically similar to primary intestinal and also leather dusts, with often They consist of proliferations of dysplastic
adenocarcinoma. prolonged exposure (>30 years) and a long columnar cells with interspersed goblet
ICD-O coding latency (>40 years) { 19885670 }. Other cells, forming papillae and glands. Paneth
8144/3 Intestinal-type adenocarcinoma associated occupational exposures cells and endocrine cells are also present
ICD-11 coding suggested include textile manufacturing to varying proportions. Differentiation
2C20.0 & XH0349 Adenocarcinoma of and exposure to cork, chrome, nickel, varies from very well-differentiated to
nasal cavity & Adenocarcinoma, intestinal formaldehyde, solvents, tannins, and poorly-differentiated tumours classified as
type 2C22.0 & XH0349 Adenocarcinoma pesticides papillary, colonic, and solid, or mixed. Well-
of accessory sinuses & Adenocarcinoma, { 19885670 ; 20870420 ; 23441309 ; 2588 differentiated ITACs predominately show a
intestinal type 5319 ; 26976946 ; 27040559 ; 27747921 ; papillary or tubulopapillary architecture and
33072596 }. consist of elongated outgrowths lined by
Related terminology Pathogenesis atypical intestinal-type cells. Sometimes
Not recommended: colloid-type ITAC is thought to develop through atypia may be difficult to appreciate, but
adenocarcinoma; colonic-type intestinal metaplasia of the nuclear changes that appear at least
adenocarcinoma; enteric-type sinonasal epithelium, observed adjacent to “adenomatous” are the rule. Nuclei are
adenocarcinoma invasive ITAC { 21559194 ; 25431194 }. cigar-shaped, hyperchromatic and
Subtype(s) Chronic inflammation, possibly induced by enlarged. As ITACs become poorly
None occupational agents, is thought to play an differentiated, tubular and papillary
Localization important role in the structures are replaced by nested,
ITAC is thought to originate from the pathogenesis { 18186150 }. The molecular cribriform, and solid growths. Mitotic
olfactory cleft { 18085026 }, and most mechanisms of tumour development are figures are frequent, and central
cases are localized in the ethmoid sinus or beginning to be explained. The genetic comedonecrosis is usually present. A
nasal cavity. The maxillary sinus is affected alterations in ITAC are partially similar to minority of cases (20-25%) show abundant
in a minority of cases, usually in patients those observed in colorectal mucus, resulting in two different growth
without occupational exposure. ITAC adenocarcinoma { 33051725 }. TP53 is the patterns: alveolar spaces partially lined by
invades the osseous structures and may most frequently mutated gene (40-50%) and containing glands or strips of
spread to other sinuses, orbit and skull { 12673679 ; 19950227 ; 22575263 }, attenuated epithelium rich in goblet cells,
base. Bilateral extension is seen in about while APC, KRAS, and BRAF mutations with the strips suspended like ribbons
10% of are present in a minor subset within mucus lakes and sometimes form
cases { 18085026 ; 18176354 ; 20665741 { 16906516 ; 22459936 ; 23055340 ; 2433 small cribriform structures; or, less
}. 8245 ; 33051725 }. High levels of EGFR commonly, mucous lakes containing signet
Clinical features expression and gene amplification are ring cells. Some tumours have a mixed
Presentation includes unilateral nasal reported in a subset growth pattern, appearing both
obstruction, epistaxis, and rhinorrhea. { 19213595 ; 23055340 }, while papillary/tubular and mucinous.
Patients with advanced stage tumours overexpression of MET { 24913906 } and
present with pain, exophthalmos, diplopia, nuclear ß-catenin expression are Histochemistry: Histochemical stains show
headache, and facial contour changes frequently present intracytoplasmic, intraluminal and/or
{ 18176354 ; 18560862 }. Anosmia is an { 15452164 ; 22125792 }. NGS has extracellular mucicarmine and diastase-
initial symptom in a subset { 19541776 }. identified recurrent somatic sequence resistant, PAS-positive material.
Imaging: Imaging studies shows a poorly in PIK3CA, APC, ATM, KRAS, NF1, LRP1 Immunohistochemistry: Neoplastic cells
defined, enhancing sinonasal tract mass, B, BRCA1, ERBB3, CTNNB1, NOTCH2 a express pancytokeratins, are variably CK7
and is used to document destructive nd CDKN2A { 33500480 }. These variants and CEA reactive and mostly CK20-
extension into orbit or skull base mainly affected PI3K, MAPK/ERK, WNT positive. ITACs are also positive for CDX2,
{ 17893591 ; 2368169 }. and DNA repair signaling pathways villin, MUC2 and SATB2
Epidemiology { 33500480 }. { 15175880 ; 15333652 ; 27258560 }. In
Geographic regional incidence variation is Macroscopic appearance addition, there is variable expression of
noted { 24138871 }, with Europe reporting ITACs appear as large, polypoid, papillary neuroendocrine markers
0.24 in males and 0.04 in females per or nodular lesions. They are friable, { 25294889 ; 20614280 }.
100,000 person-years { 29114957 }, sometimes hemorrhagic, or uncommonly
whereas the United States of America gelatinous or mucoid. Differential Diagnosis: The differential
reports 4.4 per 100,000 person-years Histopathology diagnosis between ITAC and sinonasal
{ 29205085 }. Males are affected much ITACs show a morphologic spectrum non-intestinal type adenocarcinomas is
more frequently than females. The peak similar to gastrointestinal primary made on morphologic grounds, aided by
age is in the fifth and sixth decades. adenocarcinomas. They extensively immunohistochemistry. Metastatic
gastrointestinal tumours must be excluded and solid structures; exclude respectively){ 18176354 ; 20665741 ; 253
by clinical and/or imaging findings. gastrointestinal primary metastasis 32183 ; 25753257 }. Stage is more
Mucoepidermoid and adenosquamous significant than tumour grade or type
carcinomas show squamous Desirable: abundant extracellular or { 19885670 ; 24596075 ; 25332183 ; 2704
differentiation, lacking in ITAC. A mucocele intracellular mucus; immunolabelling for 0559 ; 27165676 ; 28963820 ; 29205085 }
lacks pleomorphism, necrosis and brisk markers of intestinal differentiation (in . Still, well differentiated papillary ITAC
mitotic activity. selected cases) tends to have an indolent behavior, while
Cytology Staging mucinous and poorly differentiated
Primary tumours are not usually aspirated, Staging is according to the Union for tumours have poorer outcomes
but smears of cervical lymph node or International Cancer Control (UICC) TNM { 21668475 ; 26040823 }. Tumour budding
distant metastases show large stripped classification seems to be an adverse prognostic factor
nuclei, columnar and sometimes signet Prognosis and prediction in ITAC { 31980958 }. By comparative
ring cells with prominent mucin vacuoles Sinonasal ITAC is a high-grade genomic hybridization, subgroups of ITAC
seen singly or in small tissue fragments in malignancy, with frequent local with distinct genetic signatures and copy
a background of a variable amount of recurrences (30-60%), associated with a number alterations and clinical outcomes
mucin and granular necrotic debris poor prognosis when there is skull base, independent from disease stage or
{ 21710644 }. The features are diagnostic orbit, and/or dural invasion histological subtype, have been identified
of adenocarcinoma but ancillary tests on { 18176354 , 27040559 ; 28067974 }. { 28963820 }. The median time to
cell blocks are required. Additional negative prognostic factors are recurrence is 25-30 months
Diagnostic molecular pathology local recurrence, distant metastases and { 18176354 ; 20665741 }. The 5-year
Not clinically relevant positive surgical margins survival rate is 50-84% and the 10-year
Essential and desirable diagnostic { 18176354 ; 20665741 ; 26040823 ; 2806 survival rate is 30-50%
criteria 7974 }. Lymph node and distant { 18176354 ; 20665741 ; 25332183 ; 2604
Essential: atypical intestinal-type columnar metastases are infrequently detected (1- 0823 ; 27040559 ; 27165676 }.
cells forming papillae, tubules, or cribriform 5% and 5-10% of the patients,
Adenocarcinoma sinonasal de tipo no intestinal
Definición { 7083137 ; 12808566 ; 19011560 }, Los SNAC de HG muestran mucha más
El adenocarcinoma sinonasal de tipo no afectando a un amplio rango de edad (9 a diversidad en su histología
intestinal (SNAC) es una neoplasia 89 años), con un pico en la 6ª década. Los { 7083137 ; 21677536 }. Muchos tienen un
maligna formadora de glándulas del tracto SNAC de HG son raros, afectan a los crecimiento predominantemente sólido
sinonasal que carece de características de hombres con más frecuencia y ocurren en con estructuras glandulares ocasionales
tipo intestinal o características de un amplio rango de edad con un pico y/o mucocitos individuales. Algunos tienen
entidades tumorales específicas de las similar { 7083137 ; 21677536 }. un crecimiento anidado y se infiltran
glándulas salivales. Etiología destructivamente en el hueso. Se
Codificación CIE-O Desconocido para LG SNAC. Los SNAC observan numerosas figuras mitóticas con
8140/3 Adenocarcinoma, NOS de HG raros se han asociado con VPH de necrosis (células individuales y
Codificación CIE-11 alto riesgo o papilomas sinonasales confluentes)
2C20.0 & XH74S1 Adenocarcinoma de { 21677536 }. La exposición a
cavidad nasal & Adenocarcinoma, NOS carcinógenos como la madera u otros Subtipo : los SNAC ocasionales se
2C22.0 & XH74S1 Adenocarcinoma de polvos y solventes puede estar relacionada componen predominantemente de células
senos paranasales & Adenocarcinoma, con el desarrollo de algunos HG SNAC claras, que recuerdan al carcinoma de
NOS { 18176354 ; 27681565 }. células renales
Terminología relacionada Patogénesis { 20614326 ; 26299508 ; 28032289 ; 3315
No recomendado : adenocarcinoma del Algunos LG SNAC albergan fusiones, 2820 }. Estos tumores se conocen como
túbulo terminal; adenocarcinoma como ETV6- adenocarcinomas similares a células
tubulopapilar de bajo NTRK3/RET { 28719468 ; 29683817 ; 30 renales sinonasales. Los tumores están
grado; adenocarcinoma de bajo 666415 ; 31698004 }, mientras que otros compuestos por células claras ricas en
grado; adenocarcinoma seromucinoso tienen mutaciones CTNNB1 { 30302299 glucógeno, monomorfas, cuboidales o
subtipo(s) }. Se han informado columnares, que carecen de producción de
Adenocarcinoma de seno nasal similar a mutaciones raras de BRAF { 24338245 }, mucina. El citoplasma celular puede ser
células renales mientras que no se observan mutaciones cristalino o ligeramente eosinofílico. Las
Localización de KRAS . Los fundamentos moleculares inclusiones intranucleares son
La mayoría de los SNAC de bajo grado de HG SNAC aún se desconocen. comunes. La invasión perineural, la
(LG) (64 %) surgen en la cavidad nasal Aspecto macroscópico invasión linfovascular, la necrosis y el
(con frecuencia en el cornete medio) y el Los SNAC no intestinales pueden aparecer pleomorfismo grave están ausentes, y la
20 % surgen en el seno etmoidal rojos y polipoides o similares a frambuesas impresión histológica general es la de una
{ 7083137 ; 19011560 }. Los tumores y firmes { 3977770 }. neoplasia de bajo grado.
restantes afectan los otros senos Histopatología
paranasales individuales o se expanden Los tumores se separan histológicamente Histoquímica: en la mayoría de los SNAC,
para involucrar múltiples por grado: bajo grado (LG) y alto grado se puede identificar mucina intraluminal o
subsitios. Aproximadamente la mitad de (HG). material que da una reacción positiva
todos los SNAC de alto grado (HG) están resistente a la diastasa con ácido
localmente avanzados en la presentación Los LG SNAC tienen características peryódico de Schiff (PAS). En los SNAC de
e involucran múltiples sitios del tracto predominantemente papilares y/o HG, pueden estar presentes células con
sinonasal { 7083137 ; 21677536 }. tubulares (glandulares) con un crecimiento mucina intracitoplasmática o positividad
Características clínicas complejo, incluidas glándulas espalda con para PAS resistente a la diastasa.
La mayoría de los pacientes con LG SNAC espalda (cribriformes) con poco estroma
presentan obstrucción intermedio Inmunohistoquímica : los tumores
{ 12808566 ; 12827515 } y, con menor { 7083137 ; 19011560 ; 3977770 }. Una expresan citoqueratinas (típicamente CK7
frecuencia, epistaxis y dolor. Los pacientes sola capa de células epiteliales cúbicas a y con poca frecuencia CK20 focal)
con HG SNAC presentan obstrucción, columnares mucinosas uniformes recubre { 21677536 }. Los antígenos escamosos
epistaxis, dolor, deformidad y proptosis las estructuras. Estas células tienen como el p40 normalmente no se expresan
{ 7083137 }. citoplasma eosinofílico y núcleos o se expresan solo focalmente
uniformes ubicados en la base. Las figuras { 12827515 }. Los marcadores de
Imágenes: en las imágenes, los LG SNAC mitóticas son raras y no se observa diferenciación intestinal, como CDX2,
se presentan como masas sólidas que necrosis. Puede haber un crecimiento SATB2 y MUC2, pueden estar presentes
llenan la cavidad nasal y/o los senos invasivo, incluso dentro de la submucosa y focalmente, pero generalmente están
paranasales. Los HG SNAC muestran una dentro del hueso. A veces se ven ausentes.
apariencia más destructiva, con calcosferitas y mórulas escamosas { 15252308 ; 21677536 ; 27258560 }. Las
compromiso óseo y extensión directa a la { 7083137 ; 30302299 }. Los tumores células tumorales también pueden
órbita y la base del cráneo. ocasionales tienen glándulas más expresar las proteínas DOG1, SOX10 y
Epidemiología dilatadas { 3977770 ; 12808566}. S100 { 25690258 }. Los SNAC de HG
Los LG SNAC son poco comunes, sin pueden expresar antígenos
predilección por sexo neuroendocrinos focalmente
{ 21677536 }. El adenocarcinoma similar a características sean similares a las del Aproximadamente el 25% de los LG SNAC
las células renales expresa CAIX y CD10, adenocarcinoma de tipo intestinal. recurren, mientras que solo el 6% de los
pero no expresa PAX8 ni el marcador de Diagnóstico de patología molecular pacientes mueren a causa de sus tumores,
carcinoma de células renales No clínicamente relevante generalmente debido a la falta de control
{ 26299508}. La expresión de la proteína Criterios diagnósticos esenciales y local
reparadora de ß-catenina y desajustes es deseables { 7083137 ; 19011560 ; 12808566 }. A los
de tipo salvaje en HG SNAC { 15492756 } Esencial : malignidad del tracto pacientes con SNAC de HG les va peor
aunque un subconjunto de LG SNAC (a nasosinusal formador de glándulas sin { 7083137 }, y la mayoría muere a causa
menudo tubulares con mórulas fenotipo intestinal o características de una de la enfermedad en 5 años. Los SNAC de
escamosas) mostrará localización nuclear neoplasia de glándula salival específica HG ocasionales metastatizan local y
de ß-catenina { 30302299 }. Puede verse Puesta en escena distalmente. Los casos notificados de
una sobreexpresión de p53 { 12827515 }. La estadificación está de acuerdo con la adenocarcinoma similar a células renales
Citología clasificación TNM de la Unión para el no han recidivado ni metastatizado
Aún no reportado en la literatura de Control Internacional del Cáncer (UICC) { 20614326 ; 26299508 ; 28032289 ; 3315
citopatología. Se espera que las Pronóstico y predicción 2820 }.


Angiofibroma del tracto sinonasal

Definición El angiofibroma sinonasal es raro, con una muestran áreas de necrosis y material
El angiofibroma del tracto nasosinusal es incidencia de 3,7 casos por millón de extraño intravascular. Los tumores
una neoplasia fibrovascular localmente población en riesgo tratados con bloqueadores de los
agresiva y variablemente celular. { 17364367 ; 22588045 ; 23483486 }. El receptores de andrógenos son
Codificación CIE-O tumor se desarrolla exclusivamente en hipocelulares con un aumento del
9160/0 Angiofibroma, NOS varones adolescentes y jóvenes colágeno estromal { 1318484 }.
Codificación CIE-11 { 4355257 ; 6312826 ; 23483486 ; 285082
2F00.Y & XA43C9 & XA43C9 & XH1JJ2 72 }, y si se identifican en mujeres, deben Inmunohistoquímica: mediante
Otras neoplasias benignas especificadas evaluarse para feminización testicular. inmunohistoquímica, las células del
del oído medio o sistema respiratorio y Etiología estroma muestran una fuerte expresión
cavidad nasal y senos accesorios y La dependencia hormonal se correlaciona nuclear del receptor de andrógenos y ß-
angiofibroma, NOS con el crecimiento tumoral al inicio de la catenina, mientras que los marcadores
pubertad y una fuerte expresión del vasculares resaltan los vasos y la SMA tiñe
Terminología relacionada receptor de andrógenos las paredes vasculares del músculo liso
No recomendado : angiofibroma, { 4355257 ; 6312826 ; 9831211 ; 2850827 { 9831211 ; 11238055 ; 28508272 }. EBV
angiofibroma nasofaríngeo juvenil 2 }. y HHV8 están ausentes { 20614308 }.
subtipo(s) Patogénesis Citología
Ninguna Se observan mutaciones somáticas en el No clínicamente relevante
Localización gen que codifica la ß-catenina ( CTNNB1 ) Diagnóstico de patología molecular
Los tumores surgen de la pared en el 75 % de los tumores, aunque la No clínicamente relevante
posterolateral del techo de la cavidad nasal localización nuclear inmunohistoquímica Criterios diagnósticos esenciales y
o de la nasofaringe lateral de la ß-catenina se observa en la mayoría deseables
{ 4355257 ; 22588045 ; 23483486 }. de los tumores { 11238055 }. Estos Imprescindible: paciente varón; ubicación
Características clínicas hallazgos y el aumento de la incidencia en de la cavidad nasal
La tríada clásica de obstrucción nasal, pacientes con poliposis adenomatosa posterior/nasofaringe; numerosos tipos y
epistaxis y masa sinusal/nasofaríngea se familiar (FAP) respaldan la importancia de tamaños de vasos, algunos con paredes
observa en muchos pacientes, a menudo la señalización Wnt aberrante como un musculares; fibroblastos estromales
durante una duración prolongada de los evento central en estos tumores estrellados con estroma colagenizado
síntomas { 23483486 ; 24381014 }. La { 26572152 }. Se ha documentado la variable
biopsia está contraindicada debido al ganancia de cromosoma X y la pérdida de Deseable: en casos seleccionados,
sangrado potencialmente profuso. Con la cromosoma Y { 12883689 ; 14647927 }. inmunorreactividad en núcleos de células
progresión del tumor, se pueden observar Aspecto macroscópico estromales con ß-catenina y receptor de
deformidades faciales, sordera, diplopía y Tumores polipoides a lobulados que van andrógenos
proptosis { 4355257 ; 22588045 }. hasta 220 mm, con un promedio de 40 mm. Puesta en escena
Histopatología Los sistemas de estadificación clínica y
Imágenes: estudios de imágenes Hay numerosos vasos sanguíneos de radiográfica se utilizan para guiar el
{ 2538688 ; 6087710 ; 8630204 ; 1655094 varios tamaños, desde capilares en forma tratamiento y determinar el riesgo de
9 ; 20566910 ; 24381014 }, revelan una de hendidura hasta vasos irregularmente recurrencia
masa de tejido blando muy vascularizada, dilatados y ramificados. Las paredes { 6087710 ; 20566910 ; 2538688 ; 863020
a menudo con vacíos de flujo interno en la vasculares pueden ser delgadas o 4 ; 16550949 ; 24381014 }.
resonancia magnética T2W, que engrosadas focal o continuamente y Pronóstico y predicción
generalmente involucra y ensancha la fosa musculares. No se identifica tejido elástico El curso se caracteriza por recurrencia en
pterigopalatina con arqueamiento anterior en los vasos excepto en las arterias de 5-25% de los casos, a veces múltiples
de la pared posterior del antro maxilar alimentación. El estroma está compuesto { 23483486 ; 24381014 ; 23553370 }. El
adyacente (signo de Holman-Miller, por células fibroblásticas bipolares o pronóstico depende del tamaño y la
considerado patognomónico) estrelladas con núcleos voluminosos, extensión del tumor y de la compleción de
{ 4355257 ; 22588045 }. Puede verse vesiculares, fusiformes y nucléolos la resección quirúrgica
destrucción ósea y extensión intracraneal indistintos. Pueden verse células gigantes { 20566910 ; 21572079 }. Se han
{ 4355257 ; 21572079 ; 23483486 ; 23553 estromales estrelladas multinucleadas informado ejemplos raros de
370}. La angiografía preoperatoria y la aisladas. Las mitosis son discretas. La transformación sarcomatosa después de la
embolización a menudo se realizan para celularidad del estroma varía de suelta y radiación { 6312826 }. La regresión
reducir la hemorragia intraoperatoria edematosa a densamente espontánea después de la pubertad puede
{ 21819885 }. colagenizada. Los mastocitos son ocurrir raramente { 6312826 }.
Epidemiología comunes. Los tumores embolizados
Glomangiopericitoma sinonasal

Definición No recomendado: hemangiopericitoma de asociación con osteomalacia oncogénica

El glomangiopericitoma es un tumor de tipo sinonasal; hemangiopericitoma grave
partes blandas de los senos paranasales sinonasal; miopericitoma intranasal. { 8774921 ; 11195105 ; 22430770 ; 24917
que muestra diferenciación mioide subtipo(s) 914 ; 28497509 }.
perivascular, generalmente asociado Ninguna
con mutaciones en CTNNB1 . Localización Imágenes: los estudios de imágenes
Codificación CIE-O La afectación unilateral de la cavidad nasal muestran una masa polipoidea destructiva
8824/0 Miopericitoma (cornete y tabique) es más común (<5% a menudo acompañada de erosión ósea,
Codificación CIE-11 bilateral) con extensión frecuente a los frecuentemente con sinusitis concurrente
2F00.Y & XA43C9 & XA3523 & XH2HE9 senos paranasales (generalmente senos { 12766577 ; 21552026 ; 21656202 ; 3180
Otra neoplasia benigna especificada del etmoidales y maxilares); infrecuente 6599 }.
oído medio o sistema respiratorio y afectación aislada de los senos Epidemiología
cavidad nasal y senos paranasales y paranasales { 970369 ; 1540341 Los glomangiopericitomas comprenden
miopericitoma ; 8774921 ; 12766577 ; 28497509 }. aproximadamente el 1% de todas las
Características clínicas neoplasias del tracto sinonasal
La mayoría de los pacientes presentan { 12766577 }. Identificado desde la
Terminología relacionada obstrucción nasal y/o epistaxis y otros infancia hasta la vejez, hay un pico en las
hallazgos inespecíficos décadas 6 y 7. Hay una ligera predilección
{ 970369 ; 1540341 femenina
; 8774921 ; 12766577 }. Existe una rara
{ 970369 ; 2389815 ; 8774921 ; 12766577 fasciculares, estoriformes, en espiral, Diagnóstico diferencial : varios tumores de
; 28497509 }. reticulares y de tipo meningotelial. Las células fusiformes se consideran en el
Etiología células tumorales muestran una diagnóstico diferencial, pero se distinguen
Desconocido disposición sincitial de células fusiformes a más comúnmente de los tumores del
Patogénesis ovoides que contienen núcleos de músculo liso, el tumor fibroso solitario, el
Los impulsores moleculares clave son extremos romos con cromatina nuclear meningioma, el schwannoma, el sarcoma
mutaciones sin sentido recurrentes dentro gruesa y citoplasma ligeramente sinonasal bifenotípico, la fibromatosis de
del exón 3 de CTNNB1 , que consisten en eosinofílico a claro. Hay una red vascular tipo desmoide y el sarcoma sinovial por
sustituciones somáticas de un solo compleja y ramificada de vasos en forma histomorfología y una inmunohistoquímica
nucleótido que se agrupan en las de cuerno de ciervo, del tamaño de un pertinente. panel.
posiciones 32 a 45 (más comúnmente en capilar a grandes patulosos, de paredes Citología
el codón 33) de la región de fosforilación ß delgadas, con una hialinización No clínicamente relevante
de la serina quinasa-3 del glucógeno periteliomatosa característica. Se Diagnóstico de patología molecular
(GSK3ß). La región afectada corresponde observan figuras mitóticas limitadas sin Las mutaciones en el
al sitio de reconocimiento del complejo de formas atípicas y pleomorfismo nuclear gen CTNNB1 pueden ayudar en el
destrucción de ß-catenina, que previene la leve, pero sin necrosis tumoral. Eritrocitos diagnóstico, aunque rara vez son
fosforilación de ß-catenina y la extravasados, mastocitos, y los eosinófilos necesarias
degradación proteosomal, lo que lleva a se ven en casi todos los tumores. En raras { 25431235 ; 25482924 ; 26645457 ; 2732
una translocación nuclear aberrante y ocasiones, se informan células gigantes 5236 }
acumulación de ß-catenina. La tumorales, cambios lipomatosos, Criterios diagnósticos esenciales y
subsiguiente regulación al alza hematopoyesis extramedular y tumores de deseables
de CCND1 y la sobreexpresión de ciclina colisión (tumor fibroso solitario, hamartoma Esencial: sincitio ovoide a fusiforme de
D1 finalmente conducen a la activación adenomatoide epitelial respiratorio) células de tipo mioides dentro de un
oncogénica {12766577 ; 24807787 }. Los pólipos estroma ricamente vascularizado
{ 25431235 ; 25482924 ; 29736797 ; 3020 sinonasales inflamatorios concurrentes Deseable: hialinización
6803 ; 30739805}. Los tumores carecen están frecuentemente presentes. Los periteliomatosa; eritrocitos, mastocitos y
de: NAB2 :: fusión STAT6 de tumor casos raros muestran pleomorfismo eosinófilos extravasados; en casos
fibroso solitario { 24030747 }, MIR143 :: nuclear profundo, mitosis atípicas y seleccionados, actinas,
fusión NOTCH de tumor glómico aumentadas, y necrosis tumoral, que son inmunorreactividad de ß-catenina nuclear,
{ 23999936 } y fusiones GLI1 o características asociadas con el con ausencia de STAT6, proteína S100,
amplificación de tumores de tejido blando comportamiento agresivo SOX10 y citoqueratinas
alterados por GLI1 { 970369 ; 8774921 ; 11360312 ; 1552931 Puesta en escena
{ 15111311 ; 15555571 ; 31934916 }. 9 ; 28497509 }. No aplica
Aspecto macroscópico Pronóstico y predicción
Los tumores intactos son masas Inmunohistoquímica : los análisis Considerado un tumor muy indolente,
polipoides, no translúcidas, blandas, inmunohistoquímicos demuestran una especialmente en pacientes <60 años de
edematosas y carnosas, de color rojo fuerte inmunorreactividad de las células edad { 28497509 }, se observan
carnoso a rosa grisáceo. Las superficies tumorales con actinas (SMA > MSA), β- recurrencias en el 20 %, a menudo debido
cortadas tienen un aspecto esponjoso o catenina nuclear, LEF1, ciclina D1 y factor a una escisión incompleta
sólido con áreas edematosas y/o XIIIa. No se observa tinción significativa { 970369 ; 1540341
hemorrágicas. Los tumores varían hasta para CD31, ERG, D2-40, factor VIIIRAg, ; 2389815 ; 8774921 ; 12766577 ; 220211
140 mm, pero en promedio 30 mm pancitoqueratina, STAT6, desmina, 53 ; 28497509 }. La recurrencia local
{ 1540341 ; 12766577 ; 28497509 }. proteína S100, SOX10, CD117 y SATB2 tardía (>10 años) sugiere un seguimiento
Histopatología { 2389815 ; 8774921 ; 11360312 ; 127665 clínico prolongado. Las características que
Los tumores no están encapsulados pero 77 ; 16362413 ; 24030747 ; 24807787 ; 2 sugieren un comportamiento agresivo
están bien delimitados dentro de la 4977739 ; 25482924 ; 25873501 ; 284975 incluyen tamaño tumoral > 50 mm,
submucosa separados de un epitelio 09 ; 28614212 ; 29282671 ; 29736797 ; 3 invasión ósea destructiva, extensión
superficial generalmente intacto por una 0739805 ; 31399905 }. CD34 está intracraneal, pleomorfismo nuclear
zona libre de tumores. La proliferación presente de forma variable, depende del profundo, > 4 mitosis/2 mm 2 y necrosis
celular difusa y sin patrón borra los clon (ausente con el clon My10) tumoral
elementos normales de la submucosa, { 12766577 ; 31399905 }. { 970369 ; 8774921 ; 11360312; 1276657
aunque pueden identificarse patrones 7 ; 15529319 }.
Sarcoma sinonasal bifenotípico
Definición Los pacientes son adultos con una edad focal cuando está presente, y puede estar
El sarcoma sinonasal bifenotípico (BSNS) media de 53 años (rango 24-85 años) asociada con socios de genes de fusión
es una neoplasia maligna de células { 22301502 ; 30829729 }. Hay un específicos { 26371783 }. Los focos de
fusiformes blandas que muestra un predominio femenino notable epitelio respiratorio hiperplásico suelen
fenotipo neural y miogénico, que afecta { 30109475 }. quedar atrapados dentro del tumor. La
exclusivamente al tracto sinonasal y Etiología infiltración del hueso es común. La
generalmente asociado con Desconocido actividad mitótica es constantemente baja,
el reordenamiento de PAX3 . Patogénesis en su mayoría por debajo de 2/mm 2. No
Codificación CIE-O BSNS está asociado con fusiones de hay necrosis. Las áreas fibrosas
9045/3 Sarcoma sinonasal bifenotípico genes conductores recurrentes, con mayor hipocelulares y los vasos de paredes
Codificación CIE-11 frecuencia PAX3::MAML3 (60%) delgadas similares a los
2C20.Y & XH4UM7 Neoplasias malignas { 27454570 }. Los socios 3' alternativos hemangiopericitomas son comunes
de cavidad nasal y sarcoma SAI incluyen NCOA1, { 29863547 }.
NCOA2, FOXO1 y WWTR1 { 26355893
Terminología relacionada ; 26371783 ; 27454570 ; 30829729 }. La Inmunohistoquímica : los BSNS son
No recomendado : sarcoma sinonasal de fusión desregula la expresión de factores consistentemente positivos para la
bajo grado con características neurales y implicados en el desarrollo neuronal, en proteína S100, aunque el grado de tinción
miogénicas particular NTRK3 { 24859338 }. La puede ser heterogéneo. SOX10 siempre
subtipo(s) translocación puede estar desequilibrada es negativo. SMA es consistentemente
Ninguna { 29863547 }. positivo. Desmin se expresa en la mitad a
Localización Aspecto macroscópico dos tercios de los casos { 27137987 }. La
El BSNS se desarrolla principalmente en la Masa firme inespecífica de color blanco tinción de MYOD1 y miogenina es
cavidad nasal y el seno etmoidal, pero tostado. Los tumores suelen ser grandes, inconsistente y típicamente parcheada o
cualquier sitio del tracto sinonasal puede con un tamaño medio de 40 mm focal cuando es positiva. La mayoría de los
estar involucrado { 22301502 ; 30829729 }. casos muestran tinción PAX3 nuclear
{ 22301502 ; 30829729 }. BSNS a menudo Histopatología (usando el clon 274212) { 29863547 }. La
desarrolla infiltración locorregional, El BSNS no está encapsulado, con un tinción de Pan-TRK es común, así como la
incluida la lámina papirácea, la base crecimiento infiltrante compuesto por expresión nuclear focal de ß-catenina
anterior del cráneo, la placa cribosa, la células fusiformes que forman fascículos { 27137987 ; 29566950 }. Se ha informado
órbita y el cerebro de mediano a largo, a menudo con un reactividad ocasional con calponina,
{ 30015731 ; 31966535 }. patrón en espiga. Los BSNS son en su GFAP, citoqueratinas y CD34
Características clínicas mayoría densamente celulares con { 29863547 }.
El BSNS puede causar obstrucción nasal, núcleos superpuestos, aunque pueden
dolor, epistaxis, rinorrea o mucocele. La mostrar variaciones en la densidad Diagnóstico diferencial : las entidades en
infiltración regional puede causar diplopía celular. Las células tumorales son el diagnóstico diferencial se resumen en
o hemorragia cerebral uniformes y albergan núcleos ovoides u (ver #26185 Tabla #26185 ), los
{ 30015731 ; 31966535 ; 32991500 }. Los ondulados con cromatina fina salpicada de principales imitadores son el sarcoma
huesos afectados muestran cambios nucléolos pequeños o discretos. El sinovial, el schwannoma celular y el
mixtos líticos y escleróticos en las citoplasma tiende a ser escaso y hamartoma adenomatoide epitelial
imágenes { 31637290 }. pálidamente eosinofílico. La diferenciación respiratorio.
Epidemiología rabdomioblástica es rara y típicamente Citología
No clínicamente relevante 3715240 }. No se detecta fusión en una Puesta en escena
Diagnóstico de patología molecular minoría de casos. La estadificación es de acuerdo con la
La hibridación fluorescente in situ con la Criterios diagnósticos esenciales y clasificación TNM de la Unión para el
sonda de separación PAX3 es útil para deseables Control Internacional del Cáncer (UICC),
confirmar el diagnóstico { 27454570 }. Los Esencial: proliferación monótona de sarcomas de tejidos blandos de cabeza y
fallos técnicos están relacionados células fusiformes con arquitectura cuello
principalmente con la descalcificación, y la fascicular con densidad celular Pronóstico y predicción
secuenciación de última generación tiene variablemente alta; reactividad para la Las recurrencias locales se observan en
la ventaja de detectar todos los genes de proteína S100 y marcadores miogénicos un tercio a la mitad de los casos
fusión posibles. Un tumor de cabeza y (más comúnmente SMA) { 33813901 } y pueden ocurrir años
cuello posiblemente relacionado con una después del diagnóstico inicial
morfología similar muestra Deseable: confirmación { 30015731 }. No se han reportado
una fusión RREB1/MKL2 { 29266774 ; 3 de reordenamiento de PAX3 en casos metástasis a distancia.


Definición Etiología Inmunohistoquímica: las células

Tumor óseo maligno primario con células En raras ocasiones, existe un rasgo neoplásicas son fuertemente
neoplásicas que recapitulan la autosómico dominante resultante de la inmunoreactivas con citoqueratina, EMA y
diferenciación notocordal. duplicación en tándem brachyury (TBXT), con proteína S100
Codificación CIE-O de TBXT (brachyury) { 24990759 } o en el variable, CEA y GFAP
9370/3 Cordoma convencional contexto de la esclerosis tuberosa con { 7922977 ; 23588366 ; 24554551 }.
9370/3 Cordoma pobremente diferenciado alteraciones de la línea germinal
9372/3 Cordoma desdiferenciado en TSC1 o TSC2 { 15236319 ; 28498973 Diagnóstico diferencial: los tumores se
Codificación CIE-11 }. distinguen del condrosarcoma, el
2C20.Y y XH9GH0 Neoplasias malignas Patogénesis carcinoma, el meningioma y los tumores
de la cavidad nasal y cordoma, SAI La expresión aberrante de TBXT está mioepiteliales.
2C20.Y y XH17D8 Neoplasias malignas implicada en la patogenia de los cordomas Citología
de la cavidad nasal y cordoma { 16538613 ; 22847733 ; 27102572 ; 2902 Los frotis suelen ser celulares con
condroide 2C20.Y y XH7303 Neoplasias 6114 ; 29237806 ; 32855205 }, dando pequeñas células poligonales a alargadas
malignas de la cavidad nasal y cordoma como resultado la expresión de con citoplasma granular azulado (Giemsa)
desdiferenciado braquiuria. Las alteraciones y núcleos redondos y anodinos incrustados
de PBRM1/SETD2 , miembros en abundante matriz condro-mixoide
Terminología relacionada del complejo SWI/SNF , representan los magenta (tinción de
Ninguna eventos más comunes (en un 16 %) en los Romanowsky). También están presentes
subtipo(s) cordomas de la base del cráneo, junto con células más grandes con abundante
Cordoma convencional; cordoma la deleción homocigótica citoplasma finamente vacuolado y núcleos
pobremente diferenciado; cordoma de CDKN2A { 33536423 ; 31916407 }. En redondos similares que se asemejan a las
desdiferenciado; cordoma condroide el cordoma pobremente diferenciado, hay células fisalíferas
Localización una deleción homocigótica { 12685190 ; 24554551 }. Pueden verse
Aproximadamente el 30% presente en la de SMARCB1 con pérdida de la expresión células binucleadas y multinucleadas y
base del cráneo y la columna móvil de proteínas { 27067307 }. mitosis ocasionales.
superior { 11227920 ; 21184634 }. Aspecto macroscópico Diagnóstico de patología molecular
Características clínicas Masa gelatinosa, sólida, lobulillar y No relevante para el diagnóstico
Se notan dolor, una lesión de masa y destructora de huesos que se expande Criterios diagnósticos esenciales y
déficits neurológicos. hacia los tejidos blandos. deseables
Histopatología Esencial : tumor óseo por imagen; lóbulos
Imágenes: los tumores expanden el hueso Los cordomas convencionales exhiben de células epitelioides grandes incrustadas
como grandes masas líticas destructivas lóbulos separados por tabiques fibrosos, en matriz mixoide/condroide
en la línea media. En la resonancia compuestos de células epitelioides Deseable : expresión de braquiuria y
magnética, hay pérdida de grasa en la grandes con citoplasma burbujeante citoqueratina; Pérdida de SMARCB1 en
médula ósea (señal T1W alta), incrustadas en una matriz mixoide o subtipo pobremente
reemplazada por material de señal condroide como cordones o nidos de diferenciado; braquiuria no expresada en
intermedia en T1W que es hiperintenso en células. el componente desdiferenciado
T2W y muestra realce variable después del Puesta en escena
contraste Subtipos : el cordoma condroide La estadificación se realiza de acuerdo con
{ 15480648 ; 22920610 ; 28184416 }. representa un subtipo compuesto la clasificación TNM de la Unión para el
Epidemiología predominantemente por matriz Control Internacional del Cáncer (UICC),
La incidencia es de 0,08 casos por 100.000 extracelular similar al cartílago hialino. con referencia específica a los protocolos
años-persona; raro en pacientes de raza El subtipo pobremente diferenciado está de sarcoma óseo
negra { 32342333 }. Los hombres son más compuesto por células epitelioides sólidas Pronóstico y predicción
comúnmente afectados. Todas las edades con áreas de morfología rabdoide y La mediana de supervivencia general es
se ven afectadas, pero los niños/adultos pérdida de inmunorreactividad SMARCB1. de 7 años para el cordoma convencional,
jóvenes presentan con mayor frecuencia El cordoma desdiferenciado es un tumor mientras que es menos favorable para los
tumores craneocervicales. Los tumores bifásico en el que el componente subtipos desdiferenciados y pobremente
poco diferenciados generalmente se desdiferenciado suele presentar diferenciados
presentan en niños, rara vez mayores de características de sarcoma de alto grado. { 27067307 ; 29361006 ; 29483606 ; 3152
30 años { 29483606 }. 8536 }.
Ameloblastoma sinonasal

Definición intraóseo impide el diagnóstico de SA carcinoma de células basales de la piel y

El ameloblastoma sinonasal (SA) es una { 9477098 }. carcinoma de células escamosas
neoplasia odontogénica epitelial Epidemiología basaloides. El craneofaringioma es
extragnática del tracto sinonasal benigna Muy raro, con una fuerte predilección por separable con correlación
pero localmente agresiva compuesta por los machos que afecta a adultos en la 6ª clinicorradiográfica.
y 7ª
células similares a ameloblastos y retículo décadas de la vida, notablemente Citología
estrellado. mayores que sus homólogos gnáticos Los informes son escasos en la región
Codificación CIE-O { 9477098 ; 29846904 }. sinonasal, pero en la mandíbula, los frotis
9310/0 Ameloblastoma, NOS Etiología hipercelulares muestran fragmentos de
Codificación CIE-11 Desconocido tejido de pequeñas células basaloides con
2E83.0 y XH1SV4 Tumores osteogénicos Patogénesis núcleos redondos hipercromáticos y
benignos de hueso o cartílago articular del Si bien no se ha estudiado en tumores del empalizada periférica, y distintas células
cráneo o la cara y ameloblastoma, SAI tracto sinonasal, en los tumores de más grandes con cromatina más
Terminología relacionada mandíbula las mutaciones activadoras abierta. Puede haber fragmentos
Ninguna de BRAF son las más comunes, seguidas estromales ocasionales con células
subtipo(s) de las mutaciones RAS mutuamente fusiformes con núcleos alargados y
Ninguna excluyentes { 24374844 ; 24859340 ; 249 abundante citoplasma claro
Localización 93163 ; 30216733 }, siendo SMO una { 9250285 }. No se ven cristales de
SA afecta la cavidad nasal (tabique, pared mutación concurrente común queratina y colesterol { 32841532 }.
lateral), los senos paranasales o ambos { 24859340 ; 24993163 }. Diagnóstico de patología molecular
{ 9477098 ; 23243540 }. Aspecto macroscópico Ninguna
Características clínicas La superficie de corte es sólida con Criterios diagnósticos esenciales y
Los pacientes comúnmente presentan cambios quísticos limitados deseables
obstrucción nasal y/o epistaxis { 9477098 ; 29846904 }. Esencial: localización sinonasal; exclusión
{ 9477098 }. Con progresión tumoral, Histopatología radiográfica del origen de la
extensión al vestíbulo nasal SA es una neoplasia epitelial basaloide mandíbula; epitelio de tipo ameloblástico
{ 3927244 ; 22507424 } o se puede comúnmente dispuesta en un patrón con material similar al retículo estrellado
desarrollar una deformidad orbitofacial plexiforme o folicular, con un componente central
{ 3927244 ; 9477098 }. similar a un retículo estrellado dispuesto de Puesta en escena
forma laxa en el centro. Empalizada de No aplica
Imágenes: los estudios de imágenes células periféricas con polaridad inversa y Pronóstico y predicción
revelan una apariencia sólida en lugar de vacuolización subnuclear. Se puede La morbilidad depende del tamaño y los
multiquística, con paredes óseas sinusales identificar la continuidad epitelial sitios de extensión del tumor. Pueden
remodeladas y/o destruidas superficial directa { 9477098 }. ocurrir recurrencias locales, pero no se
{ 22507424 }. La evidencia radiográfica de informan metástasis a distancia
un componente óseo alveolar maxilar Diagnóstico diferencial: esto incluye { 9477098 }.
neoplasias de las glándulas salivales,
Craneofaringioma adamantinomatoso
Definición Patogénesis cambios degenerativos (fibrosis,
El craneofaringioma adamantinomatoso es Si bien no se ha estudiado en sitios del calcificación) son comunes y puede haber
un tumor epitelial escamoso sólido y tracto sinonasal, se propone que el una reacción xantogranulomatosa al
quístico mixto con retículo estrellado y craneofaringioma surge de elementos material del quiste roto. El
queratina "húmeda" (células fantasma). Es celulares relacionados con la bolsa de craneofaringioma adamantinomatoso se
raro en el tracto sinonasal. Rathke/conducto hipofisario considera grado 1 del SNC de la OMS. La
Codificación CIE-O { 31699993 }. Expresión de β-catenina progresión maligna es extremadamente
9351/1 Craneofaringioma oncogénica en precursores embrionarios rara
adamantinomatoso tempranos y en poblaciones de células { 17592268 ; 24978859 ; 28290422 ; 3178
Codificación CIE-11 madre SOX2+ de la pituitaria impulsan la 5438}, que se asemeja al carcinoma de
2E83.0 y XH15X9 Tumores osteogénicos formación de tumores que se asemejan a células escamosas y al carcinoma de
benignos de hueso o cartílago articular del craneofaringioma adamantinomatoso células fantasma ameloblásticas u
cráneo o la cara y craneofaringioma { 21636786 ; 24094324 }. Además, las odontogénicas { 17592268 ; 31661068 }.
adamantinomatoso células madre SOX2+ pueden contribuir a
la formación de verticilos epiteliales con β- Inmunohistoquímica : el
Terminología relacionada catenina localizada en el núcleo. Los craneofaringioma adamantinomatoso
Ninguna verticilos son senescentes y actúan como muestra acumulación nuclear de β-
subtipo(s) centros de señalización locales a través de catenina espacialmente restringida a
Ninguna la síntesis y secreción de numerosos pequeños verticilos epiteliales y se
Localización factores de crecimiento (p. ej., SHH, EGF, encuentra solo en un pequeño porcentaje
El craneofaringioma adamantinomatoso FGF, TGFβ, BMP) y citocinas y de células
puede surgir en cualquier parte del canal quimiocinas inflamatorias (p. ej., IL1, IL6) { 15891929 ; 17221204 ; 28069929 ; 2950
craneofaríngeo, con raras presentaciones { 17221204 ; 22349813; 27562488 ; 2918 9940 ; 32125720 }.
en la nasofaringe o el tracto sinonasal 0744 ; 29509940 ; 29541918 ; 32453714 }
{ 2200325 ; 22018920 ; 21255479 ; 24605 . Estos verticilos epiteliales son análogos Diagnóstico diferencial : el diagnóstico
317 ; 25758284 ; 26623237 ; 26636252 ; al nudo del esmalte, un centro de diferencial incluye craneofaringioma
27554305 ; 27908738 ; 31699993 }. Esta señalización crítico que controla la papilar, xantogranuloma, quiste de
sección se refiere a los tumores de los morfogénesis de los dientes hendidura de Rathke, quistes
senos paranasales; Los tumores selares { 29541918 ; 32453714 } e implican la epidermoides y dermoides,
se tratan en otros volúmenes [[PAED5]] señalización paracrina en la formación de ameloblastoma y teratocarcinosarcoma.
[[CNS5]]. tumores { 27562488 }. Los paralelismos Citología
Características clínicas histológicos y moleculares con los tumores No clínicamente relevante, aunque las
El craneofaringioma infraselar dentro del odontogénicos sugieren células de origen apariencias han sido reportadas
tracto nasosinusal se presenta con similares y mecanismos patogénicos intraoperatoriamente
hallazgos clínicos inespecíficos, diferentes similares { 6196702 ; 9067743 } y explicar { 15717747 ; 21630481 ; 33477138 }
a las cefaleas, cambios visuales y déficit la presencia ocasional de dientes en el Diagnóstico de patología molecular
endocrinos de los tumores intra o craneofaringioma adamantinomatoso No clínicamente relevante
supraselares { 24571758 }. Criterios diagnósticos esenciales y
{ 2200325 ; 22018920 ; 21255479 ; 24605 Aspecto macroscópico deseables
317 ; 25758284 ; 26623237 ; 26636252 ; Los craneofaringiomas son sólidos y Esencial : epitelio escamoso no
27554305 ; 27908738 ; 31699993 }. quísticos. El líquido del quiste es de color queratinizante benigno; retículo
marrón verdoso oscuro, a menudo descrito estrellado; queratina húmeda
Imágenes: los hallazgos de imágenes como "aceite de maquinaria o de
demuestran masas quísticas con cárter". Con frecuencia están calcificados. Deseable : inmunorreactividad nuclear
calcificación prominente y paredes que Histopatología para β-catenina (en casos seleccionados)
realzan el contraste Los tumores consisten en epitelio Puesta en escena
{ 3183117 ; 3392286 ; 21255479 ; 266232 dispuesto en cordones, lóbulos, cintas, Irrelevante
37 ; 31699993 }. verticilos nodulares y trabéculas Pronóstico y predicción
Epidemiología irregulares. La empalizada basal es La supervivencia general es excelente,
Los tumores del tracto sinonasal son prominente, y son comunes los nódulos de pero la extensión de la enfermedad y si se
excepcionalmente raros, con tumores células escamosas fantasmales eliminó por completo, combinados con la
informados en todas las edades sin anucleares denominadas "queratina edad del paciente, contribuyen al resultado
predilección por sexo húmeda". Las áreas microquísticas sueltas informado
{ 2200325 ; 22018920 ; 22735773 ; 21255 del retículo estrellado a menudo se { 12134929 ; 15670196 ; 16216361 ; 1835
479 ; 24605317 ; 25758284 ; 26623237 ; entremezclan entre la queratina húmeda y 2781 ; 22645511 ; 25375987 }. La
26636252 ; 27554305 ; 27908738 }. áreas más densamente dispuestas del transformación maligna no se informa en
Etiología epitelio tumoral. Los quistes a menudo los tumores del tracto sinonasal.
Desconocido están revestidos por epitelio aplanado. Los
Meningioma del tracto sinonasal, oído y hueso temporal

Definición meningiomas extracraneales primarios células están dispuestas en lobulillos,

El meningioma es una neoplasia de las son raros y comprenden el 0,2 % de las verticilos y fascículos de células
células del casquete neoplasias del tracto nasosinusal primario epitelioides a fusiformes. Tienen
meningotelial/aracnoideo. { 10800982 } y el 2 % de todos los proporciones de núcleo a citoplasma de
Codificación CIE-O meningiomas. Los meningiomas bajas a intermedias, con citoplasma
9530/0 Meningioma, NOS sinonasales representan levemente eosinofílico a opaco que rodea
Codificación CIE-11 aproximadamente una cuarta parte de núcleos redondos a ovalados, blandos y
2F00.Y & XH11P5 & XA43C9 & XH11P5 todos los meningiomas extracraneales regulares. Los núcleos tienen cromatina
Otras neoplasias benignas especificadas primarios { 19644540 }. Los meningiomas nuclear delicada, nucleolos pequeños y
del oído medio o sistema respiratorio & en cabeza y cuello muestran un ligero frecuentes espacios claros intranucleares
cavidad nasal & senos accesorios & predominio femenino (1,2:1), con un pico y pseudoinclusiones citoplasmáticas
Meningioma , NOS de incidencia en la 5ª década de la vida. Sin { 10800982}. Los cuerpos de psammoma
embargo, existe un amplio rango de edad están ocasionalmente presentes y pueden
(9-90 años), con mujeres que se presentan ser extensos. Existen numerosos subtipos
Terminología relacionada alrededor de una década más tarde que histológicos de meningioma
Ninguna los hombres (49 vs. 37 años) [[MENINGIOMA DEL SNC5]], pero el
subtipo(s) { 8285520 ; 10800982 ; 10919384 ; 12640 meningioma meningotelial representa la
Meningioma meningotelial (más común) 104 ; 19644540 ; 22078714 ; 23326015 ; gran mayoría, mientras que
Para otros subtipos, consulte [[WHO 24650749 ; 25560515 ; 25744347 }. ocasionalmente se observan subtipos
CNS5]] Etiología psamomatosos, de transición,
Localización Al igual que los meningiomas metaplásicos, fibroblásticos y atípicos. La
Los meningiomas de la cabeza y el cuello intracraneales, la exposición a la radiación mayoría de los tumores en el tracto
surgen más comúnmente por extensión ionizante es un factor etiológico potencial nasosinusal corresponden a lesiones de
directa de una lesión intracraneal, pero { 2104554 ; 8988089 ; 10800982 }, con un grado 1 de la OMS del SNC
pueden ocurrir ectópicamente dentro del largo período de latencia, especialmente { 9414189 ; 10223247 ; 10800982 ; 29682
tracto sinonasal (la cavidad nasal con más en pacientes muy jóvenes o con una alta 381 }. La asociación del grado con el
frecuencia que los senos paranasales) o el dosis de radiación pronóstico no está clara en los tumores de
oído/hueso temporal sin ninguna conexión { 23816298 ; 28339329 }. Las hormonas cabeza y cuello.
perceptible con el sistema nervioso central pueden desempeñar un papel, ya que
(SNC). ) existe una mayor incidencia en mujeres en Inmunohistoquímica : los meningiomas
{ 10800982 ; 10919384 ; 12640104 ; 1613 edad reproductiva y en aquellas que usan suelen reaccionar
4320 ; 19644540 ; 25560515 ; 26191274 ; terapia de reemplazo hormonal. Los inmunohistoquímicamente con el antígeno
28739401 }. La exclusión de un primario receptores hormonales se expresan en los de membrana epitelial (EMA, a menudo
intracraneal debe documentarse antes de tumores, especialmente el receptor de débil y focal), el receptor de somatostatina
diagnosticar un meningioma ectópico. La progesterona; sin embargo, un papel 2a (SSTR2A) y MUC4
multifocalidad está comúnmente presente causal es difícil de probar { 24393170 ; 26195322 ; 26722517 ; 3011
y los tumores son más frecuentes del lado { 7861224 ; 8587697 ; 11108890 ; 253351 2770 ; 33014821 }. Algunas variantes
izquierdo 65}. Hay varias predisposiciones pueden expresar citoqueratinas, CD34 o
{ 2104554 ; 6478422; 10800982 ; 196445 genéticas, más comúnmente proteína S100
40 }. En raras ocasiones, llegan a estos neurofibromatosis tipo 2 (NF2). { 2648875 ; 19644540 ; 23326015 ; 25724
sitios a través de metástasis de un tumor Patogénesis 000 ; 25744347 ; 28340171 }. Aunque
intracraneal. Los meningiomas se derivan de las células variables, los receptores de progesterona
Características clínicas del casquete aracnoideo. Se postula que suelen ser positivos en los meningiomas
Los síntomas son inespecíficos y suelen los meningiomas extracraneales se de grado 1
estar presentes durante años (media de 5 desarrollan a partir de células aracnoideas { 7861224 ; 10800982 ; 11079777 }. Un
años, hasta 15 años). Estos son en las vainas proximales de los nervios índice de proliferación Ki-67 puede ayudar
secundarios a efectos de masa e incluyen craneales/espinales y los vasos en la clasificación { 9610708 ; 19644540 }.
obstrucción nasal y epistaxis por lesiones sanguíneos donde emergen a través de los
de la cavidad nasal agujeros del cráneo, a partir de células del Diagnóstico diferencial : en muestras
{ 2104554 ; 6435426 ; 6478422 ; 1080098 casquete aracnoideo desplazadas que se pequeñas, la calidad meningotelial y
2 } y pérdida de audición, tinnitus, otitis desprenden o quedan atrapadas durante el verticilada de la proliferación puede ser
media, dolor, dolores de cabeza, mareos y desarrollo embriológico en una ubicación difícil de detectar, lo que plantea un
vértigo por lesiones del oído/hueso extracraneal, a partir de un evento diagnóstico diferencial que incluye tumores
temporal traumático o hipertensión cerebral que epitelioides y fusiformes. Las lesiones que
{ 19644540 ; 22494527 ; 24650749 }. desplaza las células de la tapa, o de contienen cuerpos de psammoma también
células mesenquimatosas pueden presentar un desafío
Imágenes: los estudios de imágenes indiferenciadas/multipotenciales diagnóstico. ( #24737 Tabla #24737 )
documentan la extensión, la ubicación y la { 6478422 ; 10800982 ; 17690614 ; 19644 contiene características clínicas,
afectación intracraneal del tumor. Esto es 540 }. histológicas e inmunohistoquímicas de
importante para los meningiomas Aspecto macroscópico entidades que pueden confundirse con
con configuración en placa . Las Los meningiomas varían hasta 80 mm, con meningioma.
tomografías computarizadas (TC) un promedio de 30 mm. Los tumores Citología
muestran una masa hiperdensa en suelen ser polipoides y están cubiertos por Los frotis muestran fragmentos de tejido
comparación con el tejido cerebral. La epitelio intacto. La insinuación ósea suele cohesivo de células grandes con
resonancia magnética (RM) muestra un estar presente, ya sea ectópica o por abundante citoplasma delicado que puede
realce uniforme del tumor. Se pueden ver extensión directa de un primario extraerse y adherirse ampliamente a las
calcificaciones. La invasión ósea suele ir intracraneal. Los tumores son de firmes a células adyacentes, con núcleos ovalados
acompañada de hiperostosis gomosos con superficies de corte que muestran cromatina fina a gruesa,
{ 1749851 ; 7862283 ; 7998492 ; 1080098 granulares y arenosas relacionadas con nucleolos pequeños y pseudoinclusiones
2 ; 19934984 ; 20079153 ; 21600866 ; 22 cuerpos de psammoma o hueso atrapado. intranucleares dispersas. Los verticilos
406780 ; 25681214}. Las exploraciones Histopatología pueden ser prominentes en las
marcadas con radiofármacos de medicina Las células neoplásicas suelen estar preparaciones táctiles intraoperatorias y
nuclear pueden identificar meningiomas íntimamente mezcladas con un epitelio pueden verse calcificaciones de
incidentales { 27399848 ; 31040748 }. superficial escamoso metaplásico o psammoma. Se pueden observar cambios
Epidemiología respiratorio intacto. Las células tienen un degenerativos con núcleos más grandes
Alrededor del 20% de los meningiomas aspecto infiltrante, serpenteando alrededor con cromatina manchada e inclusiones, y
intracraneales se extienden más allá de la de las glándulas mucosas menores nativas un citoplasma considerable [Zarka MA,
cavidad craneal (órbita, oído medio, tracto y dentro de los intersticios óseos. El hueso Moes GS. Capítulo 11, en Practical
sinonasal, piel) remodelado puede mostrar numerosos Cytopathology: a diagnostic approach to
{ 4752462 ; 25560515 ; 26881652 }. Los osteoclastos en la unión con el tumor. Las FNAB, editado por Field AS, Zarka
MA. Elsevier. Filadelfia. 2017 ISBN: 978- Deseable: inmunorreactividad con EMA años en el momento de la presentación
1-4160-5769-7]. y/o SSTR2a; falta de marcadores tienen más probabilidades de desarrollar
Diagnóstico de patología molecular melanocíticos y hematolinfoides recurrencia y/o morir con la
Ninguna Puesta en escena enfermedad. Los tumores que tienen
Criterios diagnósticos esenciales y No aplica necrosis tienen una supervivencia general
deseables Pronóstico y predicción del paciente más corta en comparación
Esencial : células epitelioides La mayoría de los meningiomas son con los que no la tienen. Los tumores con
meningoteliales o verticiladas con bajas tumores indolentes de crecimiento un índice de proliferación más alto (>4
proporciones de núcleo a lento. Dadas las dificultades para obtener mitosis/2 mm 2 ) tienen una supervivencia
citoplasma; cromatina nuclear delicada en una escisión completa en esta región, las a 10 años más baja que los tumores con
núcleos redondos, a menudo con recurrencias son comunes (alrededor del un índice de proliferación más bajo. El
inclusiones citoplasmáticas intranucleares 30%) mejor predictor de supervivencia
{ 6478422 ; 10223247 ; 10800982 }. Las específica de la enfermedad es la
mujeres y los pacientes mayores de 40 recurrencia { 10800982 ; 19644540 }.
Neuroblastoma olfatorio
Definición (nervus terminalis) se incluyen en las áreas de secreción inadecuada de hormona
de origen propuestas. Los tumores antidiurética) son raros { 24170477 }.
El neuroblastoma olfatorio (ONB) es una ectópicos dentro de los senos
neoplasia neuroectodérmica maligna paranasales, excluyendo el etmoides, son Imágenes: la resonancia magnética es
derivada del neuroepitelio olfatorio extremadamente raros (excepto en los mejor que la tomografía computarizada
sensorial especializado. tumores recurrentes) y un diagnóstico de para delinear la extensión sinonasal,
Codificación CIE-O exclusión sin afectación de la placa cribosa orbital y/o intracraneal, siendo esta última
9522/3 Neuroblastoma olfatorio { 11904342 ; 20596981 }. un hallazgo común. ONB muestra ávido
Codificación CIE-11 Características clínicas realce homogéneo con contraste. La
2C20.3 Neuroblastoma olfatorio La obstrucción nasal es el síntoma más erosión ósea se demuestra mejor
Terminología relacionada común. Otras manifestaciones de la mediante TC, con una evaluación
No recomendado : enfermedad local incluyen epistaxis, cuidadosa de la erosión de la lámina
estesioneuroblastoma; estesioneurocitom secreción nasal y/o dolor. Los síntomas papirácea, la lámina cribosa y la fóvea
a; estesioneuroepitelioma; tumor de también pueden deberse a la invasión de etmoidal. Son característicos los quistes
placoda olfativa estructuras adyacentes: anosmia (debido a tumorales periféricos y las calcificaciones
subtipo(s) la extensión a la lámina cribosa); dolor, moteadas. Dado que la mayoría de los
Ninguna proptosis, diplopía, lagrimeo excesivo (con ONB expresan receptores de
Localización extensión orbitaria); dolor de oído y otitis somatostatina, las exploraciones con
La distribución anatómica de ONB se limita media (obstrucción de la trompa de radionucleótidos (indio in-111
a la lámina cribosa, el cornete superior Eustaquio); cefalea frontal (invasión del pentreteotida (OctreoScan)
(concha) y la mitad superior del tabique seno frontal). Los síndromes { 16470879 ; 29807052 } o galio Ga-68-
nasal. El órgano de Jacobson (órgano paraneoplásicos (hormona DOTATATE PET-CT
vomeronasal), el ganglio esfenopalatino, la adrenocorticotrófica ectópica o síndrome { 16470879 ; 32796449 } pueden
placoda olfativa y el ganglio de Loci
documentar enfermedad y/o mucosa suprayacente en algunos Ninguna
recurrencia/metástasis. casos. Pueden observarse calcificaciones Criterios diagnósticos esenciales y
Epidemiología (similares a concreciones o deseables
La ONB tiene una incidencia estimada de psamomatosas), con menor frecuencia a Esencial : tumor que se origina y se centra
0,04 casos por cada 100 000 personas y medida que aumenta el grado. Pigmento alrededor de la lámina cribosa del seno
representa aproximadamente el 3 % de de melanina, células ganglionares, etmoidal; tumor de células redondas
todos los tumores de los senos rabdomioblastos, diferenciación pequeñas con patrón lobulado y
paranasales { 9252701 }. Los pacientes divergente como islas de epitelio cantidades variables de
tienen entre 2 y 90 años de edad, con un verdadero (perlas escamosas, formación neuropilo; expresión de marcadores
pico en la de glándulas), cambio de células claras e neuroendocrinos y presencia de células
5ª y 6ª décadas { 9252701 ; 17372086 ; 2151 incluso tumores metastásicos pueden sustentaculares positivas a proteína S100
8449 }. Los hombres se ven afectados un encontrarse ocasionalmente en ONB (en casos seleccionados).
poco más a menudo que las mujeres {2494800 ; 12353137 ; 19700942 ; 21915 Puesta en escena
(1,2:1); no se ha informado de raza o 707 ; 32661671 }. Se han propuesto varios sistemas de
predilección familiar { 30194694 }. estadificación sin un sistema
Etiología Clasificación : el sistema de clasificación universalmente aceptado. El sistema
Desconocido más utilizado fue desarrollado por Hyams Kadish se usa más comúnmente
Patogénesis et al. [[Hyams VJ, Batsakis JG, Michaels L. { 1260676 }, pero solo clasifica la
El ONB parece ser de origen neuronal o de Tumores de las vías respiratorias enfermedad local; divide los tumores que
la cresta neural (los filamentos neurales superiores y del oído. Washington, DC: involucran solo la cavidad nasal (Kadish
están presentes en las células tumorales Instituto de Patología de las Fuerzas A), se extienden hacia los senos
{ 7201076 }), y el análisis molecular Armadas, 1988; p240-8]]. Este esquema paranasales (Kadish B) y se extienden
sugiere que el ONB se deriva de células captura el espectro de maduración de ONB más allá de los senos paranasales (Kadish
epiteliales olfativas progenitoras o y lo divide en cuatro grados que van desde C) { 1260676 } (consulte la Tabla
inmaduras bien (I, II) hasta menos diferenciado (III, IV) 1A). Morita modificó el sistema Kadish
{ 8583243 ; 15272537 ; 24065686 }). Los según la arquitectura del tumor, { 8492845}, designando la categoría D
estudios completos de perfiles genéticos pleomorfismo, presencia de matriz como aquellos tumores con metástasis
sugieren que ONB es genéticamente una neurofibrilar y rosetas, actividad mitótica, (enfermedad ganglionar regional y
entidad heterogénea. Si bien las presencia de necrosis y presencia de metástasis a distancia) (ver Tabla 1B). El
mutaciones somáticas recurrentes de alta calcificaciones. Se informa la validación de sistema de clasificación de Dulguerov
frecuencia son poco comunes, los este esquema de calificación de pronóstico separa a los pacientes con y sin
subconjuntos de casos albergan { 23266076 ; 24668054 ; 25416317 ; 2535 enfermedad del seno esfenoidal, así como
mutaciones que 6502 }. también diferencia entre aquellos con
involucran TP53 , PIK3CA , NF1 y CDKN2 extensión intracraneal y/u orbitaria de
A { 28495808 }. FGFR3 y CCND1 se Inmunohistoquímica: el perfil aquellos con invasión del parénquima
informan alteraciones o ampliaciones del inmunohistoquímico típico incluye tinción cerebral, mientras considera los ganglios
número de copias { 28775129 }. Las difusa para marcadores neuroendocrinos linfáticos y las metástasis a distancia por
deleciones que involucran distrofina convencionales y reactividad de la proteína separado (Tabla 1C) { 1495347 }. El
( DMD ) sugieren un papel funcional para S100 en un patrón típico de células sistema de Biller se basa en tumores con
los genes que causan distrofias sustentaculares. Hasta un tercio de ONB extensión al cerebro que son susceptibles
musculares hereditarias en ONB puede reaccionar focalmente para de cirugía y aquellos que no lo son, al
{ 30575736 }. Se han propuesto pancitoqueratina mismo tiempo que segrega aquellos con
clasificaciones de subtipos basadas en { 11904342 ; 21792956 }. En raras ganglios linfáticos y metástasis a distancia
moléculas, pero actualmente no se usan ocasiones, los casos pueden ser más (Tabla 1D) { 2233084 }. El sistema de
ampliamente { 29730775 ; 30332658 }. difusamente positivos con estructuras estadificación TNM para los tumores de los
Aspecto macroscópico epiteliales, borrando la distinción entre senos paranasales se puede aplicar
La ONB suele ser una masa unilateral, ONB y carcinoma neuroendocrino o potencialmente { 20180029}, pero el
polipoide, brillante, blanda, rojo grisácea, adenocarcinoma no intestinal comportamiento biológicamente único de
con una mucosa intacta; la superficie de { 28168398 }. El índice de proliferación Ki- ONB en comparación con otros tumores
corte es gris-tostada a rosa-roja e 67 es variable y está asociado al grado sinonasales hace que los sistemas de
hipervascularizada. Los tumores van { 11904342 ; 20596981 ; 31306501 }. Rar clasificación mencionados anteriormente
desde < 10 mm hasta grandes masas que a reactividad de desmina o miogenina se sean más pronósticos.
afectan la cavidad nasal y la región observa en ONB con diferenciación Pronóstico y predicción
intracraneal. Los tumores con frecuencia rabdomioblástica {25757816 }. El receptor Más allá del estadio, el grado histológico
se expanden hacia los senos paranasales de somatostatina 2 (SSTR2) se expresa es una herramienta esencial en el
adyacentes, las órbitas y la bóveda craneal consistentemente en ONB, lo que sugiere pronóstico y manejo
{ 20596981 }. un papel para la imagen y la terapia { 23266076 ; 23312882 ; 24083125 ; 2480
Histopatología basadas en análogos de somatostatina en 6334 }, con el grado Hyams como predictor
La ONB de bajo grado forma nidos, lóbulos esta enfermedad { 33929681 }. preciso de metástasis y supervivencia
o láminas de células submucosas, general { 31251848 }. Se observó
claramente delimitadas, a menudo Diagnóstico diferencial: el diagnóstico metástasis en el cuello en el 18 % de los
separadas por un estroma ricamente diferencial incluye muchos tumores casos de ONB de alto grado frente al 8 %
vascularizado. Las células son uniformes, pequeños de células redondas azules en el de los casos de ONB de bajo grado. Se
con cromatina nuclear “sal y tracto sinonasal, que deben excluirse observó metástasis a distancia en el 21 %
pimienta”. ONB se caracteriza por activamente debido a las diferencias de de los tumores de alto grado frente al 9 %
citoplasma fibrilar y procesos neuronales manejo únicas. de los tumores de bajo grado. Los
interdigitados (neuropil), creados por un Citología pacientes con ONB de bajo grado de
sincitio de células. Se pueden observar Los frotis son hipercelulares con Hyams tuvieron tasas de supervivencia
rosetas de Flexner-Wintersteiner y abundantes núcleos desnudos, células general a los 5 y 10 años del 81 % y el 64
pseudorosetas de Homer Wright. Los individuales con una alta relación N:C y un %, respectivamente, en comparación con
tumores de alto grado muestran un patrón número variable de rosetas de Homer- el 61 % y el 41 %, respectivamente, para
de crecimiento más laminar con pérdida de Wright con citoplasma fibrilar y neurópilo los tumores de alto grado de Hyams.
células sustentaculares, mayor en el centro y un anillo de núcleos
pleomorfismo nuclear, aumento de la redondos con contornos generalmente
actividad mitótica y necrosis tumoral. Las suaves, cromatina finamente granular y
rosetas por sí solas no son diagnósticas de nucléolos discretos. Se pueden ver
ONB, aunque las pseudorosetas de Homer "cuerpos azules" paranucleares en la
Wright con neuropilo son casi tinción de Giemsa, en la que se ve mal el
patognomónicas en la cavidad nasal. La neuropilo. Algunos casos muestran mayor
tasa mitótica puede ser variable, pero pleomorfismo nuclear y mitosis. La
suele ser baja. El tumor in situ dentro de la necrosis suele estar ausente
mucosa especializada rara vez se ve en el { 16456848 ; 18285258 ; 21485026 }.
material clínico, aunque identificado en la Diagnóstico de patología molecular
The nasopharynx is the narrow tubular passage behind the nasal cavity. Since the nasopharynx is in close proximity to many different anatomic
structures, tumours arising in the adjacent sites can also present clinically as a nasopharyngeal mass, for example, chordoma arising in the clivus. In
some cases, it can be difficult to ascertain whether tumour arises in the nasopharynx or the nasal cavity

The most common tumour of the nasopharynx is nasopharyngeal carcinoma, which is remarkable for the striking geographic differences in its
incidence as well as the near consistent association with Epstein-Barr virus. In addition, a broad range of neoplasms can arise in the nasopharynx,
from epithelial to lymphoid, mesenchymal and neuroendocrine. Rarely, tumours derived from embryonic remnants either entrapped in their normal
pathway of ascent or descent (ectopic pituitary tumour, craniopharyngioma) can occur.

In this 5th edition of WHO Classification of Head and Neck Tumours, tumours not unique to the nasopharynx are covered in the respective generic
chapters, including salivary gland tumours, soft tissue tumours, haematolymphoid neoplasms, melanocytic tumours and neuroendocrine
neoplasms. As a result, only a few entities are covered in the chapter on tumours of the nasopharynx:

Hairy polyp Salivary gland anlage tumour Low grade nasopharyngeal papillary adenocarcinoma Nasopharyngeal carcinoma

Changes compared with the 4th edition series

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, including the subtypes, remains unchanged compared with the previous edition. The main advances are the increase in
knowledge on the molecular genetics of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and adoption of the updated staging system: 8th edition of the Union for
International Cancer Control (UICC)/ American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) TNM staging system { 26588425 } [[Lee AWM, Lydiatt WM,
Colevas D, Glastonbury CM, Le QTX, O’Sullivan B, Weber RS and Shah JP. Nasopharynx. In: AJCC Cancer Staging Manual. 8th Edition. Springer,
pp103-111, 2017.]]

Nasopharyngeal papillary adenocarcinoma has been renamed “low grade nasopharyngeal papillary adenocarcinoma” to emphasize the bland
morphology as well as lack of aggressive behaviour. Salivary gland-type tumours occurring in the nasopharynx, such as adenoid cystic carcinoma,
are covered in the chapter on salivary gland tumours. Ectopic pituitary adenoma is covered in the chapter on neuroendocrine neoplasms and
paraganglioma, under the designation “ectopic or invasive PitNET/adenoma”. Craniopharyngioma is described in the chapter on nasal cavity,
paranasal sinuses and skull base, under the designation “adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma”. Chordoma, which typically occurs in the clivus
(skull base), is also covered in the same chapter. Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma is covered in the chapter on nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and
skull base, as “sinonasal tract angiofibroma”.

Haematolymphoid tumours are covered in the chapter on haematolymphoid neoplasms. Nasopharyngeal lymphomas account for 2.5% of all
extranodal non-Hodgkin lymphomas { 5007387 } and about 15% of all head and neck lymphomas { 20538427 ; 22471466 ; 23041160 }. Diffuse large
B-cell lymphoma is the most common type { 11400243 ; 19919708 ; 22471466 ; 23041160 }. NK and T-cell lymphomas occur at a higher frequency
in Asia compared to western countries, accounting for almost half of all cases in some series { 1607151 ; 9440725 }. Other lymphoma types, such as
Burkitt lymphoma, Follicular lymphoma, Mantle cell lymphoma, Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of MALT, and T-lymphoblastic lymphoma
may rarely affect the nasopharynx. Solitary extraosseous plasmacytoma and extramedullary myeloid sarcoma can also occur in the nasopharynx.

Responsible Editor: Wanninayake M. Tilakaratne
Responsible Author: John K.C. Chan

Benign and borderline lesions

Hairy polyp
Definition { 8861486 ; 9738766 ; 24771213 ; 307026 with fat attenuation and the presence of a
Hairy polyp is a benign polypoid lesion of 04 }. fibrovascular stalk { 25939422 }.
the nasopharynx containing both Clinical features Epidemiology
ectodermal and mesodermal elements. The clinical presentation varies depending Hairy polyp is rare with an incidence rate of
ICD-O coding on the size, location, and mobility of the 1/40,000 live births. It mostly occurs in
None lesion. The symptoms include respiratory neonates and young children and is
ICD-11 coding obstruction, stridor, cough, dyspnea, extremely rare in adults. It has a female
2E90.6 Benign neoplasm of nasopharynx feeding and swallowing difficulty, predilection with a female to male ratio of
Related terminology hypersalivation, and vomiting. Rarely, hairy 6:1
Not recommended: Dermoid polyp; teratoid polyp is associated with other congenital { 8861486 ; 24771213 ; 30702604 ; 33762
polyp; naso(oro)pharyngeal choristoma abnormalities such as branchial arch 553 }.
Subtype(s) anomalies, cleft palate, or Dandy-Walker Etiology
None syndrome Unknown.
Localization { 2074566 ; 2286505 ; 19720255 ; 267466 Pathogenesis
Most hairy polyps (60%) arise in the lateral 07 ; 33762553 }. Hairy polyp is a manifestation of rare
wall of the nasopharynx, but they can also developmental abnormalities. It may be
occur in the oropharynx, palate, tongue, lip, Imaging: Preoperative imaging with CT derived from multifunctional tissue with
and middle ear scan often shows a smooth polypoid mass differentiating potentiality forming a
choristoma; or it may occur due to including hair follicles and sebaceous units. Diagnostic molecular pathology
malformation of the first and the second The ectodermal layer overlies various Not clinically relevant
branchial arch combinations of mesodermal tissue. Essential and desirable diagnostic
{ 15069572 ; 30702604 ; 32911888 }. Fibroadipose tissue is uniformly present, criteria
Macroscopic appearance but cartilage, bone, and/or skeletal or Essential: polypoid structure with
Grossly, the hairy polyp is a long, smooth muscle is also commonly found ectodermal outer layer resembling skin,
cylindrical structure and the external { 30702604 }. Rarely, meningothelial, covering mesodermal tissue; no
surface resembles skin. Cut surfaces are minor salivary gland, or odontogenic endodermal tissue should be present
solid without cystic change { 30702604 }. elements may be observed Staging
Histopathology { 7614207 ; 33723758 }. Endodermal Not relevant
Hairy polyps are covered by an ectodermal tissue has not been reported as a Prognosis and prediction
layer characterized by keratinizing component of hairy polyp. Surgical excision is curative in the majority
squamous epithelium with Cytology of cases { 26829696 }.
underlying associated adnexal structures, Not clinically relevant

Salivary gland anlage tumour

{ 7402665 ; 8279626 ; 15656947 ; 190256
Definition 57 ; 19112069 ; 19289716 ; 20704478 ; 2 Immunohistochemistry: The myoepithelial
Salivary gland anlage tumour is a 1391752 ; 22896937 ; 25149159 }. The nature of the stromal cells is confirmed by
predominantly infantile nasopharyngeal affected patients are infants (diagnosed by positive immunohistochemistry for
lesion with biphasic squamoid epithelial 3 months of age) and there is a male cytokeratins and smooth muscle actin.
and myoepithelial components continuous predilection. A case suspected to have Cytology
with the surface epithelium, resembling developed in utero has been reported Cytologic examination is rarely required,
developing salivary gland. { 25149159 }. but if done, may reveal cohesive clusters,
ICD-O coding Etiology some with duct-like structures, of uniform
None Unknown cells with small oval nuclei, inconspicuous
ICD-11 coding Pathogenesis nucleoli, and sparse cytoplasm with
2E90.6 Benign neoplasm of nasopharynx Whole exome sequencing of 3 cases indistinct borders. A component of
Related terminology showed no plausible driver mutations metaplastic squamous epithelium may be
Not recommended: congenital { 30598408 }, suggestive of a possible present { 9181318 }.
pleomorphic adenoma hamartomatous origin for these tumours. Diagnostic molecular pathology
Subtype(s) Macroscopic appearance Not relevant
None A polypoid to pedunculated smooth tan- Essential and desirable diagnostic
Localization brown mass with solid to microcystic cut criteria
Salivary gland anlage tumours occur in the surface { 15656947 }. Essential: polypoid lesion with complex
posterior nasal septum or posterior Histopathology network of ducts and solid-
nasopharyngeal wall. Salivary gland anlage tumour is cystic squamous nests, showing continuity
Clinical features characterized by a complex network of with surface squamous epithelium;
Patients present with feeding difficulty and tubules and ducts. Submucosal ducts and hypocellular to cellular spindle cell stroma
respiratory distress due to nasal airway solid and cystic squamous nests with
obstruction { 15656947 }. Before birth, variable keratinization are continuous with Desirable: spindly cells positive for
salivary gland anlage tumour may be the surface squamous epithelium. The cytokeratins and smooth-muscle actin
associated with polyhydramnios subepithelial stroma tends to be Staging
{ 25149159 }. hypocellular, with more cellular stromal Not relevant
Epidemiology nodules in the center of the polyp. Cellular Prognosis and prediction
Approximately 40 examples of salivary atypia and mitoses are absent No recurrences after excision were
gland anlage tumour have been reported { 15656947 }. reported.
Low grade nasopharyngeal papillary adenocarcinoma
Definition Pathogenesis thyroglobulin and PAX8 are negative
Low-grade nasopharyngeal papillary ROS1::GOPC fusion reported in one case { 16084450 ; 28601658 ; 33546077 }.
adenocarcinoma is a surface-derived { 33546077 }. EBERs, p16, p40/p63, S100 protein and
malignant glandular neoplasm showing Macroscopic appearance BRAF p.V600E are negative
predominant papillary architecture and Exophytic, papillary or cauliflower-like { 21424532 ; 28601658 ; 32438756 }. Ki67
indolent behaviour. lesion with soft to gritty consistency, staining consistently shows a low
ICD-O coding measuring from a few millimeters to 40 proliferation index (<5%).
8260/3 Low-grade nasopharyngeal mm.
papillary adenocarcinoma Histopathology Differential Diagnosis: The absence of
ICD-11 coding This is an unencapsulated neoplasm with thyroglobulin and PAX8, and transition
2B6B.Y & XH6LV9 Other specified papillary and glandular growth patterns. from surface epithelium to carcinoma allow
malignant neoplasms of nasopharynx & The papillae are complex with arborization for differentiation from papillary thyroid
Papillary adenocarcinoma, NOS and fibrovascular cores. Complex (back-to- carcinoma. The complexity of papillary and
back) glandular and cribriform/microcystic glandular growth, and extensive
Related terminology architecture are present. The cells vary in involvement of the submucosa would
Acceptable: nasopharyngeal papillary appearance from pseudostratified differentiate the tumour from papilloma.
adenocarcinoma columnar to cuboidal. The nuclei are round Cytology
Not recommended: thyroid-like low-grade to oval with vesicular to optically clear There are no reports of this rare tumour in
nasopharyngeal papillary adenocarcinoma chromatin, indistinct nucleoli, and the cytopathology literature.
Subtype(s) eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mild to moderate Diagnostic molecular pathology
None nuclear pleomorphism is seen. Scattered None
Localization mitotic figures can be seen, but atypical Essential and desirable diagnostic
The tumour may occur anywhere in the mitoses are not present. Squamous criteria
nasopharynx but most often involves the differentiation { 28601658 } and prominent Essential: complex papillary and glandular
posterior nasopharyngeal wall { 2462370 }, spindle cell component have been reported growth with infiltration of the submucosa;
the roof of the nasopharynx and posterior { 21424532 ; 32438756 }. Psammoma low-grade cytology
margin of the nasal septum { 33603472 }. bodies may be present. This tumour has an Desirable: transition from surface
Clinical features infiltrative growth into the submucosa. epithelium to tumour; TTF-1 positive and
The most common symptoms are nasal Transition from surface epithelium to absence of thyroglobulin and PAX8
obstruction { 2462370 } and blood stained carcinoma may be present supporting Staging
rhinorrhea { 33603472 }. primary nasopharyngeal origin TNM system as published by the
Epidemiology { 2462370 }. UICC/AJCC 8th edition
The tumour shows no gender predilection, Prognosis and prediction
and occurs over a wide age range from first Immunohistochemistry: Diffuse Surgical excision is the treatment of choice
to eighth decades of immunoreactivity is seen for and is curative { 2462370 }. This slow
life.{ 2462370 ; 33603472 } cytokeratins and EMA. Thyroid growing tumour has a potential to recur if
Etiology transcription factor 1 staining is positive incompletely excised. Metastatic disease
Unknown (including spindle and squamous cells) but has not been reported.
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Definition level is valuable for adapting subsequent is the primary risk factor for NK-NPCs
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a treatment { 15190138 ; 31477699 }. { 18768504 }.
malignant mucosal epithelial neoplasm Circulating EBV DNA assay is useful for In general, NPC incidence rates have been
usually showing evidence of squamous surveillance and early detection of disease falling in the recent years, an observation
differentiation. relapse, particularly distant metastasis. attributed to favourable trends in lifestyle
ICD-O coding and environmental factors including
8071/3 Squamous cell carcinoma, Imaging: MRI is widely preferred as the tobacco control in reducing keratinizing
keratinizing, NOS imaging modality of choice in the NPC, and changing diet and
8072/3 Squamous cell carcinoma, non- assessment and staging of NPC due to its socioeconomic development in reducing
keratinizing, NOS superior soft tissue resolution and ability to NK-NPC
8083/3 Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma visualize perineural extension, bone { 26828135 ; 31178151 ; 33849968 }.
ICD-11 coding marrow involvement and intracranial Decline in mortality rates are due to
2B6B.0 & XH6705 Squamous cell spread. 18F-FDG-positron emission advances in diagnostics and
carcinoma of nasopharynx & Squamous tomography (PET)/CT is highly sensitive in chemoradiotherapy strategies
cell carcinoma, keratinizing, NOS detecting distant metastases, small lymph { 26828135 ; 28224615 ; 31178151 }.
2B6B.0 & XH4CR9 Squamous cell node metastases, and local However, several studies report an
carcinoma of nasopharynx & Squamous residual/recurrent disease increase in NK-NPC in low-risk populations
cell carcinoma, nonkeratinizing, NOS { 19816641 ; 20190244 }. { 23089459 ; 31524955 }.
2B6B.0 & XH3GS1 Squamous cell Epidemiology Etiology
NPC is considered a rare malignancy in undefined
carcinoma of nasopharynx & Basaloid
most parts of the world, comprising an
squamous cell carcinoma Pathogenesis
estimated 133,500 new cases and 80,000
deaths in the year 2020, or about 0.7% and Apart from inherited factors, interplay
Related terminology
0.8% of the respective global cancer between EBV infection and acquired
Not recommended: lymphoepithelioma-like
incidence and mortality burden genetic alterations contributes to tumour
carcinoma, lymphoepithelial carcinoma
{ 33538338 ; 33818764 } [[Ferlay J, Ervik initiation, promotion and progression
M, Lam F, et al. Global Cancer { 28893937 ; 31521748 }. Deletions on 3p
Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma
Observatory: Cancer Today. 2021. and 9p appear to be early events in NPC,
(NK-NPC); Keratinizing squamous cell (accessed being found in most dysplastic lesions,
carcinoma (K-NPC); Basaloid squamous
28/04/21 2021)]]. Age-adjusted incidence even prior to EBV infection
cell carcinoma
rates tend to be less than 1-2 per 100 000, { 11034072 ; 12397655 }. Inactivation of
although in several regions, rates are much key tumour suppressor genes in these
The commonest site of origin is the lateral
higher, including several provinces in chromosomal loci (p16/CDKN2A on
wall of the nasopharynx, especially the
southern China (Guangdong, Zhejiang) chromosome 9p21.3 and TGFBR2 on
fossa of Rosenmuller, followed by the
and among Inuit populations in Alaska and chromosome 3p24.1) are shown to
superior posterior wall.
Canada (Yukon, Nunavut). NPC occurs predispose nasopharyngeal epithelial cells
Clinical features
with moderately raised incidence in certain to persistent EBV latent infection initiating
Majority of patients present with
populations in northern Africa (Algeria, malignant transformation and clonal
locoregionally advanced disease. The
Tunisia), and in south-east Asia (Malaysia, expansion { 23161911 ; 34234122 }.
commonest presentation is a painless
the Philippines and Thailand) { 29122009 } Expression of EBV-encoded latent proteins
enlarging upper neck mass (up to 70%);
[[Bray F, Colombet M, Mery L, et al. Cancer (EBNA1, LMP1, LMP2) and noncoding
the first echelon includes the
Incidence in Five Continents, Vol. XI RNAs (EBERs, miR-BARTs) targets
retropharyngeal node and jugulodigastric
(electronic version). Lyon: International multiple cancer hallmarks including
Agency for Research on Cancer. Available inflammation, immune evasion, genomic
{ 2211261 ; 6190547 ; 10213566 ; 118473
from:, accessed [date]. : instability, cell proliferation and cell
85 }. Nearly half of patients complain of
IARC; 2017]]. survival, driving progression of NK-NPC
symptoms related to the presence of a
The aetiology of NPC has been described { 31521748 }. EBV infection also facilitates
mass in the nasopharynx, such as blood-
as enigmatic, with viral, environmental, and epigenetic changes such as global
stained postnasal drip, epistaxis and nasal
genetic components { 17035381 }. While hypermethylation of the NPC genome
obstruction. Aural symptoms related to
EBV is considered a critical step in disease { 22245473 ; 25924914 ; 31235597 ; 315
Eustachian tube blockage include tinnitus,
progression, only a fraction of infected 21748 }. Genomic sequencing reveals
hearing impairment and serous otitis
cases develop NPC { 9705682 }. Persons distinctive mutational signatures
media. More advanced cases may present
migrating from high- to low-risk countries associated with high APOBEC3 activity,
with headache due to skull base infiltration,
retain NPC incidence rates intermediate DNA mismatch repair and homologous
and facial numbness and diplopia due to
between those native to their host country recombination repair deficiencies,
fifth and sixth cranial nerve involvement.
and their country of origin, implicating roles evidencing viral driven genomic instability
Approximately 5% of patients already have
for both environmental and host (genetic) during pathogenesis
distant metastasis at the time of diagnosis,
factors, possibly interacting with EBV. { 24952746 ; 27647909 ; 28098136 }. In
the commonest sites being bone, lung,
Much of the current understanding of the addition to the prevalent deletions
liver, and distant lymph nodes { 8640688 }.
underlying risk determinants of NPC, of p16/CDKN2A (43%) which disrupt cell
In endemic areas, 1% of patients with NPC
including the role of a nitrosamine-rich diet, cycle regulation, acquired genetic
present with dermatomyositis
has arisen from studies based on alterations activating NF-kB pathways
{ 2921149 ; 7576478 }.
individuals from populations at high to (TRAF3, CYLD, NFKBIA, NLRC5, LTBR,
intermediate risk BIRC2/3) are commonly found in NK-NPC
Serology: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
{ 1855886 ; 8174667 ; 17035381 }. The (63%). Along with expression of viral
serology is positive in most patients with
age-incidence curves in such populations, oncoprotein LMP1 (26-33%), genomic
NK-NPC { 3025351 }. IgA antibody against
the vast majority of which are of the aberrations underpin constitutive activation
EBV viral capsid antigen and IgG/IgA
nonkeratinizing subtype, exhibit a single of NF-kB signaling in almost all NK-NPCs,
against EBV early antigens are commonly
peak with decline observed at around 50 resulting in induction of various
used diagnostic tools, with detection rates
years { 18768504 }, compatible with either chemokines/cytokines for its distinct pro-
of 69–93% { 11526145 ; 12740922 }.
viral or carcinogenic exposure early in life inflammatory phenotype
Elevated levels of circulating EBV DNA or
(such as preserved foods), or an { 28098136 ; 34234122 }. NPC cells
RNA, using techniques to detect BamHI-W
exhaustion of the pool of genetically successfully escape from the host innate
region of the EBV genome, EBV-encoded
susceptible individuals { 19329819 }. In and adaptive immune responses in a highly
small RNAs (EBERs) or EBNA1 in plasma
contrast, in most low-risk populations, the inflammatory tumour microenvironment
or serum, can be demonstrated in 85-96%
age-incidence curves exhibit a small peak through either viral gene products or
of patients
at ages 15-24, with rates steadily acquired genetic alterations. Multiple
{ 10096545 ; 10741733 ; 11352952 ; 1245
increasing to a second peak at 65-74 somatic changes reported including
0734 ; 31527689 }. Not only is pre-
years, and decreasing thereafter. K-NPCs inactivating alterations of TRAF3,
treatment level useful as an independent
are predominantly associated with alcohol CYLD and type I interferon gene cluster,
prognostic factor, post-treatment response
and cigarette consumption, whereas EBV along with expression of EBV-encoded
LMP1, dysregulating TLR3/RIG1-IRF3 { 1717637 ; 3791157 ; 8630949 ; 1189345 macronucleoli can be seen. Occasional
pathway, and suppressing viral-induced 3 }. Desmoplastic stromal reaction is cases show features of nonkeratinizing
innate immunity. Somatic gene alterations uncommon. In approximately, 10% of squamous cell carcinoma. The diagnosis
disrupting antigen presentation cases, interspersed intra- or extracellular can be confirmed by immunostaining for
mechanisms (MHC class I: NLRC5, HLA- small spherical amyloid globules are cytokeratins and in situ hybridization for
A, HLA-B; MHC class II: CIITA) contribute present { 6706312 }. Other uncommon EBER using cell block sections.
to impair T-cell based adaptive immunity in features include formation of papillary Diagnostic molecular pathology
up to 30% of NK-NPCs { 34234122 }. In fronds, clear cell change, intracytoplasmic Positive in-situ hybridization for EBERs
addition, acquired genomic events hyaline globules, accumulation of may aid in confirming the diagnosis of
commonly alter the chromatin modification extracellular oedema fluid NPC, in particular for specimens obtained
machinery (41%; e.g. KMT2C, KMT2D, or mucosubstances, focal glandular from metastatic sites.
EP300, BAP1) as well as PI3K/MAPK differentiation, and focal presence of Essential and desirable diagnostic
(49%; e.g. PTEN, PIK3CA, NRAS), intracytoplasmic mucin criteria
NOTCH (20%; e.g. NOTCH1, MAML2) and { 10975941 ; 11145255 ; 24323539 ; 3052 Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma
TGFB pathways (24%; e.g. TGFBR2). 3510 ; 30822626 }. Essential: infiltrative poorly differentiated
Unlike other head and neck Cervical lymph node metastases show carcinoma; usually limited evidence of
cancers, TP53 mutations are uncommon neoplastic cells forming sheets, irregular squamous differentiation
in primary tumours (10-20%) but are islands, strands or dispersed cells. Isolated Desirable: immunoreactivity for pan-
enriched in advanced disease and neoplastic cells may display Reed– cytokeratin and positive labeling for EBERs
recurrences. Sternberg cell–like features in a mixed (in problematic biopsies).
Macroscopic appearance inflammatory background, mimicking
The tumour can produce a smooth bulge, a Hodgkin lymphoma { 83286 ; 7104977 }. Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma
discrete raised nodule with or without Epithelioid granulomas (sometimes Essential: infiltrative squamous cell
surface ulceration, or a frankly infiltrative necrotizing) are present in up to 20% of carcinoma with overt keratinization
exophytic mass. In up to 8% of cases, no cases { 83286 }. Rarely, the metastatic
grossly visible tumour is identified tumour is completely or partially cystic, Basaloid-squamous cell carcinoma
{ 21636837 }. simulating metastasis from oropharyngeal Essential: invasive high-grade basaloid
Histopathology carcinoma. carcinoma with nested growth pattern and
Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma frequent comedonecrosis
(NK-NPC) Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma (K- Squamous cell carcinoma component in
NK-NPC is the commonest subtype of NPC) the form of abrupt keratinization in the
NPC. Nasopharyngeal biopsies vary in K-NPC is an invasive carcinoma showing basaloid nests, conventional invasive
appearance from the presence of a frank obvious squamous differentiation, with squamous cell carcinoma or
tumour with surface ulceration to subtle prominent intercellular bridges and/or dysplasia/carcinoma in-situ in surface
involvement of the submucosa beneath an various degrees of keratinization, often epithelium
intact surface epithelium. The accompanied by a desmoplastic stroma, Desirable: variable myxoid to hyaline
tumour exhibits a variety of architectural similar to conventional keratinizing stroma
patterns, frequently within the same squamous cell carcinoma at other head Staging
tumour, ranging from solid sheets to and neck sites. K-NPC can arise de novo The 8th edition of the Union for
irregular islands, trabeculae, and isolated or as a radiation-associated carcinoma International Cancer Control (UICC)/
discohesive cells intimately intermingled occurring many years after radiation American Joint Committee on Cancer
with variable numbers of lymphocytes and therapy for NK-NPC (AJCC) TNM staging system is used
plasma cells. { 10685638 ; 19142643 }. { 26588425 } [[AJCC/UICC TNM8]]. NPC
Classification into undifferentiated and patients in Asian centers show the
differentiated subtypes has no clinical or Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma following tumour stage distribution: stage I
prognostic value.The undifferentiated Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma, 4%, stage II 20%, stage III 35%, stage IV;
subtype are composed of large neoplastic morphologically identical to analogous 41% { 26588425 }.
cells with a syncytial appearance, round to tumours more commonly occurring in other Prognosis and prediction
oval vesicular nuclei, and large central head and neck sites, has infrequently been The stage of presentation is the most
nucleoli. The neoplastic cells often appear reported in the nasopharynx important prognostic factor. The validation
crowded or even overlapping. They { 83286 ; 1384369 ; 1542993 ; 8625035 ; study for the current 8th Edition
generally have scanty amphophilic to 10983946 ; 11190760 }. EBV may be AJCC/UICC Staging System showed that
eosinophilic cytoplasm. Small foci of positive, especially in high-incidence ethnic the 5-year overall survival for Stage I was
primitive squamous differentiation, where groups { 8625035 ; 11190760 }. 98%, Stage II 92%, Stage III 83% and
groups of tumour cells exhibit more distinct Stage IVA 71% { 26588425 }.
cell borders and a greater amount of lightly Immunohistochemistry and in-situ Prognosis depends on multiple factors
eosinophilic cytoplasm are noted. The hybridization: NPC shows strong including tumour, host and treatment-
malignant cells may be spindly, showing immunostaining for pan-cytokeratin, and related factors [[Lee AWM, Ng WT, Le QT,
fascicular, whorling or reticulated growth usually for high-molecular-weight Chan ATC, Chan JYW, Sze
patterns. The less common differentiated cytokeratins and p40/p63. They often show HCK. Nasopharynx. In: The UICC Manual
subtype exhibits cellular stratification and patchy expression of low-molecular-weight of Clinical
pavementing, often with a plexiform cytokeratins, EMA and desmoglein-3. CK7 Oncology. 9th edition. O’Sullivan B
growth, reminiscent of urothelial and CK20 are negative { 12459626 }. In- (ed). Wiley Blackwell, pp 512-523, 2015]].
carcinoma. Compared to neoplastic cells of situ hybridization for EBV (EBERs) is Significant tumour factors include
the undifferentiated subtype, the cells are positive in practically all cases of NK-NPC, histological type, gross tumour volume and
often slightly smaller, cell borders are but shows variable results in K-NPC and EBV DNA. Incorporation of pre-treatment
better defined, nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio is basaloid-squamous cell carcinoma. Post- plasma EBV DNA can refine TNM staging
lower, nuclei are more chromatin-rich, and radiation K-NPC is EBV negative. for NK-NPC, especially for segregating
nucleoli are usually smaller. Vague Cytology poor-risk subgroups among patients with
intercellular bridges may be focally Smears of involved lymph nodes and other early stages { 30192385 }; this may spare
identified, and keratinized cells may rarely metastatic sites are cellular and show a low-risk Stage II patients of unnecessary
be present. variable number of irregular crowded tissue chemotherapy. Significant host factors
The density of lymphocytes and plasma fragments and plentiful single cells, in a include age, sex, performance status, co-
cells within the tumour is highly variable. background of plentiful stripped nuclei, morbidities (particularly for elderly
When abundant, the inflammatory cells lymphocytes and plasma cells with patients), anemia and lactate
break up the nests and sheets of tumour apoptotic debris. The tumour cells have dehydrogenase level { 21925925 }.
cells into tiny clusters and/or single cells, high N:C ratio and the cytoplasm is pale Treatment-related factors affect the
making it difficult to recognise the epithelial and poorly defined in the tissue fragments ultimate survival. Radiotherapy using the
nature of the neoplasm. The term { 2543172 ; 12451563 ; 12508177 }. The best available conformal technique to
“lymphoepithelial carcinoma” may be nuclei are moderately pleomorphic and deliver the cancericidal dose with minimal
applied for such cases. Some cases may hyperchromatic (Giemsa stain) or vesicular late damage of adjacent normal structures
demonstrate abundant eosinophils, (Pap stain) with prominent single nucleoli. is fundamental. Addition of optimal
neutrophils, or epithelioid granulomas Scattered large stripped nuclei with sequence and dose of chemotherapy is
needed for all Stage III-IVA and high-risk locoregional control
Stage II patients for eradication of micro- { 29153464 ; 31276776 ; 33405943 ; 3357
metastasis as well as potentiation of 1626 }
Tumours of the hypopharynx, larynx and trachea most often originate in the covering epithelium, i.e., squamous cell or respiratory epithelium. The
primary focus of the content are therefore these entities. Compared to the previous edition, tumours not specifically unique to this site are transferred
to corresponding chapters (salivary gland tumours to Chapter 4, soft tissue tumours to Chapter 8, haematolymphoid neoplasms to Chapter 9,
melanoma to Chapter 10, and neuroendocrine tumours to Chapter 12), with the exceptions of cartilage tumours. For all listed tumours, particular
attention is paid to practical application of histomorphology, with important differential diagnoses and prognostic factors. Aetiology and updated genetic
changes are comprehensively reviewed.

Benign tumours are represented only by the most frequent: squamous papilloma. Precursor lesions, usually referred to as dysplasia/squamous
intraepithelial lesions, are discussed as a spectrum of histomorphologic changes carrying a risk of eventual cancer development. Classification of
these lesions remains a challenging and controversial topic. In this chapter, as in the previous edition, 2-3 tiered system of low-grade and high-grade
dysplasia and carcinoma in situ is proposed. NANOG, a stem cell precursor marker marker, has recently emerged as a new potential diagnostic and
prognostic marker for these lesions { 31484317 ; 32041418 }. Further, the risk of malignant transformation of laryngeal leukoplakic lesions was
reported to be statistically significantly associated with melanoma-associated antigens (MAGE-A) expression by immunohistochemical staining and
real-time RT-PCR { 30936424 }. The central part of the chapter is occupied by the conventional squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), together with several
subtypes (verrucous, papillary, spindle cell, basaloid, adenosquamous and lymphoepithelial). All entities have specific morphological, genetic, and
prognostic characteristics in comparison to the conventional SCC.

Finally, metastatic tumours were included in earlier editions of the classification, but this edition includes all metastatic disease to the head and neck
in a new chapter (Chapter 15) with a comprehensive table outlining the most common metastatic tumours in specific anatomic locations in the head
and neck.


Responsible Editor: Bruce M Wenig

Responsible Author: Nina Gale
Co-Author(s): Lester D.R. Thompson, Tim Helliwell

Precursor lesions
Squamous papilloma and papillomatosis
Definition followed by transmission to the false cords, Squamous papillomatosis is more common
Squamous papilloma and papillomatosis epiglottis, subglottic area, hypopharynx, in children and is the most aggressive form
are benign exophytic squamous epithelial and nasopharynx. Rarely (in 1–3% of of the disease, with 25% of cases
tumours with fibrovascular cores, usually cases), the papillomatosis may extend into presenting during infancy
associated with low risk HPV6 or HPV11 the lower respiratory tract (trachea, bronchi { 12975271 ; 14631175 }. There is no sex
infection. and pulmonary parenchyma) which is predominance in children, but in adult
ICD-O coding associated with high mortality patients there is a male-to-female ratio of
8052/0 Squamous papilloma { 18281102 ; 20553530 ; 24367938 }. 3:2 { 8189980 ; 18496162 ; 25419846 }.
8060/0 Squamous cell papillomatosis Clinical features Although the disease is rare, morbidity is
ICD-11 coding The presentation includes progressive notoriously high, compromising functions
2F00.Y & XA2RH5 & XH50T2 Other hoarseness, stridor and obstructive airway such as vocalization, swallowing, and
specified benign neoplasm of middle ear symptoms associated with growths of breathing { 15514560 ; 18281102 }.
or respiratory system & larynx & exophytic lesions within the larynx. Etiology
Squamous papilloma Epidemiology HPV 6 and 11 are the most frequent
2F00.Y & XA2RH5 & XH50N3 Other Squamous papilloma is the most common genotypes (seen in 90% of cases)
specified benign neoplasm of middle ear benign epithelial tumour of the associated with squamous papillomatosis
or respiratory system & larynx & larynx. Squamous papillomatosis is as well as solitary papillomas
characterized by multiple contiguous, { 7812515 ; 15514560 }. Integration of low-
Squamous papillomatosis 2F00.1 &
locally recurrent florid squamous risk HPV types into the cell genome is an
XA2RH5 & XH50N3 Recurrent respiratory
papillomas, although solitary lesions early and common event in the etiology of
papillomatosis & larynx & Squamous present infrequently. Squamous juvenile and adult recurrent laryngeal
papillomatosis papillomatosis is a rare disease involving papillomas { 22052184 }. A minority of
the respiratory tract that occurs in both cases (4–5%) have coinfection with
Related terminology children and adults. The true incidence and genotypes HPV 6 and 11, and fewer cases
Acceptable: squamous cell papilloma; prevalence of squamous papillomatosis (3-4%) with other HPV genotypes (e.g. 16,
recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP); are uncertain. The best projected 31, 33, 35, and 39) { 15514560 }. The
laryngeal papillomatosis estimates of annual incidence are 4.3 modes of HPV transmission include sexual
Not recommended: juvenile cases per 100 000 children and contact, non-sexual contact, and maternal
papillomatosis; adult papillomatosis approximately 1.8 cases per 100 000 contact (direct or indirect) { 21600804 }.
Subtype(s) adults { 18496162 ; 25999724 }. The Most neonatal HPV infection occurs by
None bimodal age distribution demonstrates the vertical transmission at birth { 20553530 }.
Localization first peak in children aged < 5 years A triad of factors (first-born child, vaginal
The distribution of squamous (juvenile cases) and the second peak in delivery, and maternal age < 20 years)
papillomatosis follows a predictable patients aged 20–40 years (adult cases) has been noted to correlate with squamous
pattern, with the tumours occurring at sites { 25999724 ; 23204170 }. The age of onset papillomatosis in children { 1309932 }. An
where ciliated and squamous epithelium is of squamous papillomatosis has a trimodal active maternal genital HPV infection at the
juxtaposed. The papillomatosis usually distribution with peaks around the ages of time of delivery increases exposure to a
involves the vocal cords and ventricles, 7, 35 and 64 years { 26460806 }. significant viral load, with a high risk for
transmitting infection The histological monitoring of squamous { 18496162 ; 21526134 ; 23641321 ; 249
{ 20553530 ; 21600804 }. Although papillomatosis is necessary at every 18765 }. Similiar findings were detected
caesarean section provides a lower risk of surgical procedure for the early detection of in a large cohort study of RRP patients
transmission it is not completely protective potentially risky epithelial changes. (163) identified progression to high-grade
against infection. In adults, the mode of dysplasia and SCC in 21.5% and 4.3%,
viral transmission remains unclear; Immunohistochemsitry: respectively { 33289174 }.
transmission during sexual contact and Immunohistochemical staining is
reactivation of a slow-progressing latent unnecessary in the diagnosis but tumour Some studies have found the HPV11
infection from childhood have been cells are positive for cytokeratins and genotype to be the most important risk
suggested p40/p63, and negative for p16. In factor for an aggressive clinical course, but
{ 21526134 ; 24764146 ; 24918765 }. The situ hybridization (ISH) for high-risk HPV is this finding has not been consistently
unpredictable clinical course of squamous negative. Ki67 and p53 are of limited utility. replicated { 15514560 ; 25419846 }.
papillomatosis suggests possible host- HPV11 is more closely associated with a
specific genetic and immunological factors Differential Diagnosis: The differential younger age at diagnosis { 15514560 } and
involving dysregulation of T-lymphocyte diagnosis may includes high-grade patient age at onset may be prognostic in
activity { 32210959 }. Differences in HPV- dysplasia with papillary or verrucoid the pediatric population { 18509465 }.
specific immune response have been features, and papillary squamous cell Children diagnosed at < 3 years of age are
demonstrated between patients with carcinoma. Differentiation can be made on 3.6 times as likely to have more than four
squamous papillomatosis and controls the architectural features of papillomas and surgeries per year as are children
{ 20553528 ; 24367938 ; 24449512 ; 2599 their bland cytology. diagnosed at an older age
9724 }. Cytology { 12975271 ; 25419846 }. In adults, both
Pathogenesis Not clinically relevant HPV11 and an observation time >10 years
HPV are double-stranded DNA viruses, Diagnostic molecular pathology have been found to be associated with an
differentiated by the genetic sequence of Specific HPV genotyping is not aggressive clinical course { 25419846 }. A
the outer capsid protein L1. The virons diagnostically required { 25419846 }, but in retrospective sequence analysis of HPV in
replicate within the nuclei of infected host situ hybridization (ISH) can distinguish squamous papillomatosis showed no
cells { 15187189 }. More than 40 types between episomal or integrated patterns evidence of strain replacement in 95% of
affect mucosal epithelium, separated into { 25419846 }. Papilloma recurrence in cases during a median follow-up of 4 years,
nononcogenic (i.e., HPV 6 and 11) and paediatric patients may be more with one case having 22 years of follow-up
oncogenic types (i.e., HPV 16 and 18). attributable to HPV integration { 23204170 }. These findings indicate that
Viral infection occurs at the basal { 22052184 }. the frequent recurrence of squamous
epithelium, frequently in zones of the body Essential and desirable diagnostic papillomatosis is a consequence of the
lined by squamous epithelium with a criteria long-term persistence of the initial HPV
squamo-columnar transition. The Essential: exophytic multilayered benign genome variant. Whether disease severity
transcripts initiated at major viral promoter squamous cell proliferation; central correlates with specific HPV variants has
sites in oncogenic types are not seen in fibrovascular cores supporting epithelial yet to be determined, but some initial
nononcogenic types. proliferation reports suggest that there may be
Macroscopic appearance Desirable: isolated koilocytes; low-risk significance
These tumours are intraluminal exophytic, HPV type (in selected cases) { 23473839 ; 24291228 ; 25391185 ; 256
sessile, or pedunculated masses with Staging 34317 }.
bosselated surfaces. The papillomas often Not relevant.
grow along the airway as a friable cluster Prognosis and prediction The quadrivalent and nonvalent vaccines
and bleed easily with minor trauma. The clinical course of squamous for HPV protect against the most common
Histopathology papillomatosis is unpredictable and ranges HPV genotypes (6/11) associated with
Squamous papillomas have a complex, from complete remission, to relatively squamous papillomatosis. The effect of this
thin fibrovascular core covered by stable lesions, to an aggressive clinical vaccine on HPV infection has resulted in a
hyperplastic squamous epithelium. course of rapidly progressive recurrences reported decreased incidence of
Parabasal cell hyperplasia is often seen requiring surgical intervention, and squamous papillomatosis especially where
involving the lower half of the epithelium. potentially life-threatening respiratory vaccination is a national mandate
Pronounced to subtle koilocytic features obstruction { 25999724 ; 29136168 }. Additional study
are seen in the upper layers of the { 18496162 ; 24291228 ; 20553530 }. A revealed that the quadrivalent HPV vaccine
epithelium. Mitotic features present along variety of antivirals and antiangiogenics as HPV 6, 11, 16, and 18 favorably influence
the basal to medial aspect of the adjuvant therapy have not been curative. the course of squamous papillomatosis in
epithelium. Premature keratinization of Early data suggests promising results for patients with the rapid growth of the
individual epithelial cells contributes to a adjuvant immunotherapy and therapeutic papillomas. It significantly prolongs the
disorganized appearance. Surface HPV vaccination { 33869767 }. Malignant intervals between the surgical procedures
keratinization is minimal. HPV-induced transformation of squamous papillomatosis and reduces the number of procedures
cytologic atypia is well-recognized. High- into squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is needed in the majority of patients
grade dysplasia is uncommon and if it reported in 1–4% of cases and occurs { 24964770 }.
occurs it is typically seen in recurrent primarily in the setting of irradiation,
disease years after the initial presentation. smoking, or another promoter
Laryngeal and hypopharyngeal epithelial dysplasia
Definition incidence elsewhere in the world is dysplasia { 32141027 ; 32329013 }, it has
A spectrum of architectural and cytological unknown. been suggested to use a unified
changes of the squamous epithelium of Etiology terminology including dysplasia/SIL, with
laryngeal, hypopharyngeal and tracheal The principal risk factor for laryngeal either a 2- or 3-tiered grading system
mucosa, caused by an accumulation of dysplasia is cigarette smoking, especially (Table 1) (see#26045 #26045). A
genetic alterations, associated with an in combination with alcohol abuse disadvantage of the 2-tiered system of
increased risk of progression to invasive { 16372991 ; 16945612 }. grading is a wide category of high grade
squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Gastroesophageal reflux disease has been dysplasia/SIL (moderate, severe and CIS),
ICD-O coding suggested as possible risk factor which can be potentially resolved by
8077/0 Squamous intraepithelial { 12569600 ; 23794281 ; 25810702 }. introducing CIS as the third category.
neoplasia, low grade High-risk human papillomavirus plays a
8077/2 Squamous intraepithelial minor role in laryngeal dysplasia Lesions previously classified as moderate
neoplasia, high grade development; rare reported cases showed dysplasia have shown a higher risk of
8070/2 Squamous cell carcinoma in situ, positivity for HPV 16/18 RNA in-situ malignant transformation, which supports
NOS hybridization and occurred concurrently their inclusion in the high grade
ICD-11 coding with invasive SCC dysplasia/SIL category { 26268427 }.
2F00.Y & XA2RH5 & XH4611 Other { 21573490 ; 24127203 ; 24609302 ; 2749 Although grading laryngeal dysplasia is to
specified benign neoplasm of middle ear 2445 }. a certain degree subjective, it remains the
or respiratory system & larynx & Pathogenesis most important prognostic factor for the
Squamous intraepithelial neoplasia, grade Pre-neoplastic cells are frequently biological behaviour of disease, helping the
I aneuploid { 12973674 ; 15201498 } with clinicians to offer appropriate treatment
chromosomal changes/LOH accumulating { 11119129 ; 20857246 ; 21499237 }. The
Related terminology at 9p21 (likely targeting CDKN2A), 17p13 diagnosis of laryngeal dysplasia should
Squamous intraepithelial lesion (SIL) (TP53), 3p26 and 3p14 { 7738713 }. Other follow a multidisciplinary approach and
Subtype(s) molecular alterations consistently detected pathologists should discuss with their
Low grade dysplasia include Cyclin D1 overexpression clinicians which system optimizes the
High grade dysplasia - basaloid type and { 19139013 }, and telomerase activity treatment decisions of their specific patient
large, spinous cell type reactivation populations { 33058010 }.
Carcinoma in situ (CIS) { 13679446 ; 15375434 ; 22463766 }.
Localization Macroscopic appearance Morphological features of each grade of
Dysplasia can occur anywhere in the Laryngeal dysplasia does not have a dysplasia are described in Table 2
larynx, although most frequently along one characteristic macroscopic appearance. (see#26046 #26046). Epithelium in
or, less frequently, both vocal cords. The Patients may present with leukoplakia laryngeal dysplasia/SIL is usually
commissures, hypopharynx and trachea (white patch), erythroplakia (red patch), thickened, but may be normal, or rarely
are rarely involved leukoerythroplakia or chronic laryngitis. It atrophic. It may be keratinizing or non-
{ 24595419 ; 22348834 ; 24295655 }. can be a localized or diffuse, flat or an keratinizing; the presence of a surface
Clinical features exophytic lesion. Macroscopic appearance keratinization is not considered to be an
Symptoms and signs are non-specific and does not carry any microscopic important prognostic factor { 28060368 }.
vary according to the site and size of the connotation { 24595419 }. The basement membrane is preserved.
lesion. In the glottis, symptoms of Narrow band imaging, applying narrow- The subepithelial stroma may show
dysplasia include voice change and band spectrum optical filters to enhance inflammation, but there is no
hoarseness, while in the supraglottis and the visualization of mucosal and desmoplastic stromal reaction
subglottis, dysplasia is usually submucosal blood vessels, may provide { 12138247 ; 15712177 }.
asymptomatic { 33051798 }. useful information: the lack of
Epidemiology perpendicular vascular patterns suggests a Immunohistochemistry: Reliable markers
Dysplasia is mostly seen in adults and benign lesion, while irregularities of with diagnostic and prognostic value are
affects men more often than women, with a capillary loops and narrow-angled lacking. Some studies suggested the
ratio as high as 4.6:1 { 18752537 }. This perpendicular vascular patterns points to a potential usage of p53, p16, Ki-67, EGFR,
disparity is especially evident after the 6th high grade lesion or SCC cytokeratin 19 and MAGE-A, but they are
decade. The annual incidence of laryngeal { 20459558 ; 32112142 }. currently not recommended for dysplasia
keratosis in the United States has been Histopathology classification { 30936424 ; 32329013 }.
reported as 10.2 and 2.1 lesions per Several classifications have been devised A stem cell marker NANOG has recently
100,000 males and females, respectively; to represent the spectrum of histological emerged as a potential diagnostic and
between 1988 and 2012, 3169 cases of changes and their relation to biological prognostic marker in dysplasia of the head
glottic CIS were reported in the 18-registry behaviour and neck
SEER database { 16731030 ; 19432960 ; 21108746 ; 2468 { 28894270 ; 31484317 ; 32041418 ; 3364
{ 1791144 ; 26481178 }. The annual 9850 ; 29729029 }. In recent reviews of 3897 }. Studies have shown that there is no
classification systems of laryngeal immunohistochemical expression of
NANOG in the normal mucosa, weak Expression of members of the melanoma- studies showed overlapping confidence
expression in low grade dysplasia, and associated antigens A family is reported to intervals { 25654369 ; 26268427 }. A
strong expression in high grade dysplasia, predict malignant transformation in retrospective follow-up study
CIS and SCC. The marked difference in precursor lesions { 30936424 }. demonstrated a highly significant
intensity between low- and high grade Essential and desirable diagnostic difference in the risk of malignant
dysplasia indicates a potential diagnostic criteria progression between low- and high grade
use of NANOG, enabling a distinction Essential: full-thickness, properly oriented dysplasia, ranging from 1.6 to 12.5%,
between reactive lesions and low grade biopsy; appropriate cytological and respectively { 24689850 }. Certain high
dysplasia, and between low and high grade architectural abnormalities, preserved grade dysplasias (i.e., CIS) have been
dysplasia on the other. However, it does basement membrane associated with an increased progression
not distinguish between high grade Staging to invasive growth (40%) and may require
dysplasia and CIS. Dysplasia has no staging system; CIS is more extensive surgery or radiation
Cytology classified as Tis according to the 8th edition therapy, depending on specific site
Cytology is not an appropriate method for of the TNM classification. (anterior commissure) and risk factors
diagnosing and grading dysplasia. Prognosis and prediction (alcohol, tobacco)
Diagnostic molecular pathology The risk of malignant transformation { 22229875 ; 24595419 }.
None of the molecular changes is currently increases with the degree of laryngeal
of diagnostic or prognostic utility. dysplasia. However, some follow-up
Squamous cell carcinomas
Conventional squamous cell carcinoma
Definition be staged at the same time. MRI is increasing the risk of developing LSCC
Conventional squamous cell carcinoma is increasingly used however as a problem- { 22296360 ; 28331336 }. GSTT1 null
a malignant epithelial tumour with solving tool to assess the presence of genotype is associated with laryngeal
squamous differentiation originating from laryngeal cartilage invasion. cancer risk in Asians { 24879623 }. In
the surface lining epithelium. Hypopharyngeal cancer may also be laryngeal SCC COSMIC mutational
ICD-O coding imaged with CT, but MRI is considered by signature 4 (characterized by a high
8070/3 Squamous cell carcinoma, NOS many to be the superior modality due to frequency of C>A-G>T- transversions) is
ICD-11 coding better soft tissue resolution, especially in prominent. This signature is similar to that
2B6C.0 Squamous cell carcinoma of the evaluation of retropharyngeal and produced by benzo[α]pyrene exposure in
pyriform sinus prevertebral tumour extension. cells in vitro and suggests that it arises from
2B6D.0 Squamous cell carcinoma of Epidemiology misreplication of DNA damage (adducts)
hypopharynx and variants Laryngeal cancer affects more than formed by carcinogens of tobacco smoke
2C23.10 Squamous cell carcinoma of 1,000,000 individuals worldwide with more { 27811275 ; 30236628 }. The contribution
larynx, glottis than 200,000 new cases every year of high-risk HPV is marginal in
2C23.20 Squamous cell carcinoma of { 30496104 }. It is the second most conventional LSCC { 22360821 ; 2565258
larynx, supraglottis common respiratory tract cancer 5 ; 32683856 }. Hypopharyngeal cancer is
2C23.30 Squamous cell carcinoma of { 31912902 } and accounts for 25% of head also associated with alcohol and tobacco
larynx, subglottis and neck cancers { 32209823 }. From 1990 smoking { 12560383 }.
2C24.1 Squamous cell carcinoma of to 2017 the yearly age-standardized Gastroesophageal/laryngopharyngeal
trachea incidence of laryngeal cancer decreased reflux is an independent risk factor for
Related terminology with great variations among regions (more development of LSCC
Not recommended: epidermoid carcinoma than 4/100,000 in central Europe and the { 30366155 ; 32841763 }. Pepsin is
Subtype(s) Caribbean vs. less than 1/100,000 in considered the etiological agent
Subtypes are covered in separate sections Andean Latin America) { 31511035 }. It { 32734742 }. Its relationship with
- please see sections to accounts for 0.6% of cancers (1.1% in men hypopharyngeal carcinoma has not been
Localization and 0.3% in women) { 31912902 } and confirmed in large series
Most affected subsite varies in different peaks at 65 years of age { 32194301 }. { 23703970 ; 26451875 ; 32841763 }.
geographic areas. Two thirds of cases in The incidence of hypopharyngeal Tracheal SCC is also associated with
the US are glottic, whereas 3/4 of the cases carcinoma is less than 1/100,000 a smoking { 8153914 }.
in Poland are supraglottic. Subglottis is year. The overall median age at diagnosis Pathogenesis
less commonly affected is 62.1 years, for men 61.8 years, and for LSCC develops as the result of multiple
{ 4683046 ; 11489367 }. Most women 64 years.{ 31505992 }. Carcinoma genetic alterations leading to chromosomal
hypopharyngeal tumours develop in the of the pyriform sinus and posterior instability and aneuploidy. Microsatellite
pyriform sinus. Most tracheal SCC pharyngeal wall occur in men whereas instability is rare in LSCC
originate in the intrathoracic segment carcinoma of post-cricoid area is more { 14499693 ; 21980613 }. Laryngeal and
{ 8153914 ; 16427548 ; 18331654 }. common in women in association with hypopharyngeal carcinomas have more
Clinical features sideropenic dysphagia { 12560383 }. copy number alterations than oral cancers
Hoarseness is the rule for glottic tumours Tracheal tumours are the rarest. Tracheal { 22740888 }. More than 50% of tumours
and is also common for supraglottic SCC shows no gender predilection and harbor p53 mutations
lesions, usually along with a sore throat occur at a mean age of 64.8 { 18094376 }. CDKN2A is frequently
{ 10687946 }. Dyspnea is the most years { 8153914 }. inactivated in LSCC. Although EGFR
common presenting symptom for subglottic Etiology expression is the rule in head and neck
and tracheal tumours Laryngeal SCC (LSCC) is strongly SCC, including laryngeal and
{ 10839493 ; 16427548 ; 18331654 }. associated with cigarette smoking in a hypopharyngeal tumours, up to 40%
Hypopharyngeal tumours cause dysphagia dose-dependent manner regarding express EGFRvIII, leading to a relative
and odynophagia. One quarter of the cases frequency, duration, and number of pack- inability of blocking mAbs to down-regulate
present with a neck mass { 11320826 }. years as well as with high-frequency this receptor { 21352589 }. Addition of
Distant metastases are twice as common alcohol intake. Smoking and alcohol EGFR inhibitors in laryngeal and
in hypopharyngeal than in laryngeal drinking have synergistic effects. A mean hypopharyngeal cancer treatments does
tumours (20% vs 9%) risk reduction of 2/3 is seen after 10 years not modifies overall survival
{ 20399703 ; 28650113 }. of quitting smoking { 33587969 }. PIK3CA mutations occur
{ 17505073 ; 31178212 }. Glutathione S- with low frequency
Imaging: Post-contrast CT is the most transferases are involved in phase II { 22994622 ; 25631445 } but could predict
commonly used imaging modality to xenobiotic metabolism and provide response to PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibitor
evaluate laryngeal cancer as it avoids protection against oxidative stress. The null therapy { 21216929 }. miRNAs (e.g. Let-7
breathing and swallowing artefact often phenotype of GSTM1 results in inability to family, miRNA-7, and miRNA-206) and
seen on MRI. It also permits the thorax to detoxify tobacco-related carcinogens long non-coding RNAs may have a role in
the pathogenesis of LSCC laryngectomy after radiotherapy failure uniform appearing cells. NUT translocation
{ 22645613 ; 32456271 ; 26079642 ; 3133 { 33418958 }. can be proven by immunohistochemistry,
6999 }. usually in a speckled nuclear pattern, by
Macroscopic appearance Tumour infiltrating lymphocytes are strong FISH or RT-PCR { 29623469 }. The
Tumours can grow in exophytic, prognostic factors for both overall survival differential diagnosis may also include
endophytic or in combinations of these and disease-free survival, showing better neuroendocrine neoplasms. These can be
patterns. They are white and firm and clinical outcome regardless of method of identified immunohistochemically with
ulceration is common. Supraglottic assessment { 33925205 }. neuroendocrine markers (chromogranin,
tumours tend to grow up and forward, synaptophysin, INSM1); CD56 should not
invading the prelaryngeal space. Invasion Metastatic SCC: Histopathologic analysis be considered as evidence of
of the different laryngeal subsites of neck dissections of clinically node- neuroendocrine differentiation if it is the
sometimes makes it difficult to determine negative patients reveals occult only positive “neuroendocrine” marker.
the origin. Some glottic carcinomas grow metastases in 20% of cases. Occult Additional differential diagnostic
upwards and may cross the lateral metastases are more frequent in possibilities are melanoma, which can be
ventricles (known as “transglottic” supraglottic than in glottic tumours, and in distinguished from poorly differentiated
carcinomas, although “transglottic” is not a advanced (T3-T4) tumours compared to SCC by the expression of S-100, HMB-45
site itself). Pyriform sinus carcinomas localized tumours (T1-T2) { 32608245 }. and melan-A, lymphomas by the presence
frequently invade ipsilateral aryepiglottic of the common leucocyte antigen and
fold or vocal cords. Extranodal extension is defined as markers of B and T- cells differentiation,
Histopathology extension of metastatic tumour (tumour and adenosquamous carcinoma by the
Tumour cells grow in irregular nests with present within the confines of a lymph node presence of glands and mucin secretion
evidence of stromal invasion. Squamous and extending through the lymph node within the tumour cells.
differentiation, is seen as keratinization capsule) into the surrounding connective Cytology
with keratin pearls and/or presence of tissue, with or without stromal reaction Ultrasound-guided FNAB can provide
intercellular bridges. Tumour nests can [[DOl 10.1007/978-3-319-40618-3, ISBN accurate diagnoses of the primary
show maturation: cells are larger at the 978-3-319-40617-6 ISBN 978-3-319- squamous cell carcinoma avoiding general
center whereas proliferative activity 40618-3 (eBook), American Joint anesthesia and direct laryngoscopic biopsy
accumulates at the edges. Cell Committee on Cancer, Cancer staging complications or to minimize the risk of
pleomorphism is variable and used for manual 8th edition]]. unplanned tracheostomy
grading. The stroma shows desmoplastic { 30686768 ; 33289361 }. The usually
reaction with newly formed extracellular keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma can
matrix deposition and a variable Immunohistochemistry: Immunohistochem also be diagnosed in cervical lymph node
inflammatory lymphoplasmacytic ically, SCCs are usually positive for metastases, although some cases may
response. Tumour growth at the invasive cytokeratins (e.g. AE1/AE3, CK5, CK5/6, yield extensive keratinous debris.
front can be expansive, with large cohesive CK14, and CK19) and show nuclear Diagnostic molecular pathology
tumour nests, or infiltrative, with small positivity for p63 and p40. CK7, CK20, Not required
irregular nests or single cells. Presence of NUT-protein, CEA, neuroendocrine Essential and desirable diagnostic
nests composed of up to four cells is called markers, CD-117, and TTF-1 should be criteria
“budding”, but is not included as a criterion negative { 24418859 }. Essential: tumour with evidence of stromal
for grading of differentiation { 28548122 }. invasion and squamous differentiation
Tumours are traditionally graded according Differential Diagnosis: This includes other Staging follows the Union for International
to their similarity to normal squamous malignant neoplasms with different Cancer control TNM classification of
epithelium in three (well, moderately, and prognostic significance { 28364287 }, as malignant tumours 8th edition.
poorly) or four (well, moderately, poorly well as benign conditions such as
and undifferentiated) categories, loosely pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia and Prognosis and prediction
following Broders’ criteria. Roughly, necrotizing sialometaplasia. The five-year survival of laryngeal cancer
grading is made according to nucleus to is 60.3% in US. Site of origin carries
cytoplasm ratio, nuclear morphology, Pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia prognostic value: glottic tumours show
mitotic count and severity of atypia, stromal consists of deep, irregular tongues of 77% survival at five years, supraglottic
reaction, and keratinization. Well squamous epithelium mimicking infiltration 46%, and subglottic 53%. These figures
differentiated tumours resemble normal but lacking cytologic atypia and abnormal are related to tumour stage, as most glottic
epithelium, making the diagnosis of mitoses. It can be associated with specific tumours are localized at diagnosis,
malignancy sometimes more difficult. diseases such as tuberculosis or other whereas supraglottic tumours show more
Poorly/undifferentiated tumours may be atypical infections frequent regional dissemination due to their
difficult to identify as squamous { 30251032 ; 31522522 } or an underlying richer lymphatic drainage. Nodal status is
{ 27342593 }. Jakobson proposed an granular cell tumour the single most significant prognostic
improved grading system including mode { 28783989 ; 32099640 }. In necrotizing indicator { 32128433 }. Nodal metastases
and stage of invasion, vascular invasion, sialometaplasia deep nests of glandular with extranodal extension are associated
and lymphoplasmacytic response origin undergo squamous metaplasia; this with worse outcomes compared with node
{ 4725642 }. Although there is may also elicit reactive negative or node positive without
interobserver variation, grading retains pseudoepitheliomatous extranodal extension { 33193882 }. Lymph
prognostic significance hyperplasia { 19482450 ; 30966809 }. node ratio, calculated as the number of
{ 19034903 ; 30500292 }. positive lymph nodes divided by the lymph
Well-differentiated keratinizing and non- node yield removed through neck
Perineural invasion affects survival after keratinizing SCC must be distinguished dissection is a valuable prognostic factor
salvage surgery for laryngeal cancer from verrucous carcinoma (VC) and for hypopharyngeal and laryngeal tumours
{ 28681422 } as the perineural plane is a papillary SCC. The former lacks atypias, { 32471483 }. Stage by stage, prognosis in
preferential pathway for spread. It is which are always present in conventional different locations is quite similar
defined as tumour in close proximity to SCC, while the latter is characterized by { 29947111 }. Anterior commissure
nerve and involving at least one third of its papillae formation which is not the involvement in T1 glottic tumours is a
circumference, or tumour cells within any of predominant feature in conventional SCC. negative prognostic factor for local
the three layers of the nerve sheath recurrence { 31721216 }.
{ 19484787 }, but there is large variability Poorly differentiated SCC has a great
on how to detect and describe it spectrum of differential diagnostic Tumour grading shows controversial
{ 27140176 }. possibilities. p16 overexpression should results regarding prognosis: whereas a
not be considered a surrogate for HPV significant prognostic value is reported
Lymphovascular invasion (and surgical infection in contrast to oropharyngeal and { 19034903 }, prognosis in early-stage
resection margin status) is associated with sinonasal carcinomas laryngeal cancers depends on non-glottic
poor overall survival, disease specific { 25652585 ; 25688737 }. NUT carcinoma location and T2 (vs T1) stage, but not on
survival and disease-free survival among shows an abrupt transition between histological grade { 32487468 }. Tumour
patients undergoing salvage total undifferentiated areas and squamous budding predicts distant metastasis and
differentiation and is comprised of rather survival { 30475254 ; 31328847 }.
Interobserver variation is the major and extent of local spread, and regional
problem in histological grading. A histologic PD-L1 positive tumours show better overall lymph node involvement { 12560383 }.
risk model composed of worst pattern of survival. Immune checkpoint inhibitor Although overall prognosis for
invasion and lymphocytic host response therapy improves survival in recurrent or hypopharyngeal carcinomas is worse than
(both at advancing tumour edge), and metastatic SCC in PD-L1 positive tumours, for laryngeal tumours, an improvement in
perineural invasion correlates with local both in Combined Positive Score (CPS)≥ 1 survival has been noted over the past 2
recurrence and overall survival and CPS≥ 20 { 31674884 ; 31679945 }. decades { 25220657 }. Submucosal
{ 20414102 }. To date there is insufficient spread is asymmetric: larger caudally than
evidence to include these parameters in Adequate surgical margins for glottic laterally, with the shortest spread in the
the core dataset for pathology reporting cancers are usually limited to 1-2 mm upper direction. This asymmetry could
{ 30500292 }. because in early stage disease, the impact predispose to inadequate margins. Radial
of inadequate margins does not result in clearance less than 1 mm is a prognostic
Patient gender carries different mortality. worse local control or overall survival factor for overall survival, disease-free
The prevalence of laryngeal cancer is 25% { 30027440 ; 32601821 }. In advanced survival, and local recurrence-free survival
of head and neck cancers for both men and laryngeal cancers there are major { 32601821 }.
women, but it causes 28% of head and differences in local control between
neck cancer mortality among men and only positive (cut through) and negative (either Tracheal SCC has a cumulative survival of
12% among women { 32209823 }. Mortality close – less than 5 mm- or clear – five or 48% after one year but only 25% after five
is also lower for younger (<40 y) patients more mm-) surgical margins { 32601821 }. years { 8153914 }.
{ 31380154 }. Patients with comorbidities
have a worse prognosis The most important prognostic markers in
{ 29756307 ; 31747406 }. hypopharyngeal carcinomas are the size
Verrucous carcinoma
to 90% of patients are Caucasian these latter features should still be termed
Definition { 11443616 }. Primarily studied in the invasive ("hybrid VC" or "invasive well
Verrucous carcinoma (VC) is a well- United States, it is difficult to identify global differentiated SCC with verrucous
differentiated non-metastasizing distribution and trends. Data suggests features"). The morphology of overtly
squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), that has rates are decreasing over time invasive tumour arising in VC usually has
a spiky keratinised surface and specific { 26124268 }. identical features to conventional SCC.
architecture, lacks cytologic features of Etiology
malignancy and is characterized by slow Studies show that VC is associated with Differential Diagnosis: The differential
lateral spread and pushing invasion below smoking similar to conventional diagnosis includes verrucous hyperplasia,
the level of the adjacent epithelium. SCC { 9596216 ; 11443616 }. Although which is identical but lacks invasion below
ICD-O coding early studies suggested an association the level of the adjacent normal epithelium.
8051/3 Verrucous carcinoma, NOS with high risk HPV, more recent studies Invasive well-differentiated SCC has more
ICD-11 coding using p16 plus HPV specific testing and atypia, with frank nuclear hyperchromasia
2B6C.0 & XH5PM0 Squamous cell using HPV E6/E7 mRNA detection have and pleomorphism, pencilliform,
carcinoma of piriform sinus & Verrucous shown conclusively that VC is not hyperchromatic basal nuclei, and irregular
carcinoma, NOS 2B6D.0 & XH5PM0 associated with transcriptionally-active and infiltrative growth with stromal reaction.
Squamous cell carcinoma of hypopharynx HPV { 22684225 ; 24071016 ; 24350715 }. Florid pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia
and variants & Verrucous carcinoma, NOS Pathogenesis can be in the differential diagnosis, but this
2C23.10 & XH5PM0 Squamous cell VC has similar losses in will lack the dense, glassy eosinophilic
carcinoma of larynx, glottis & Verrucous microsatellite markers compared with well- cytoplasm and bulbous rete, and will have
differentiated, conventional more inflammation, either acute or giant
carcinoma, NOS
SCC { 15371945 }. cell/granulomatous, depending on the
2C23.20 & XH5PM0 Squamous cell
Macroscopic appearance etiology.
carcinoma of larynx, supraglottis & VC presents as a fungating, exophytic, tan Cytology
Verrucous carcinoma, NOS 2C23.30 & to white, broad-based tumour with a Not clinically relevant
XH5PM0 Squamous cell carcinoma of granular, shaggy surface. Cut surfaces are Diagnostic molecular pathology
larynx, subglottis & Verrucous carcinoma, firm and tan to white with clefts and very No proven molecular markers exist for use
NOS well defined margins { 9570624 }. in VC patients. HPV is not of etiologic or
2C24.1 & XH5PM0 Squamous cell Histopathology prognostic significance
carcinoma of trachea & Verrucous Classic VC consists of thickened, { 22684225 ; 24071016 ; 24350715 }.
carcinoma, NOS undulating, crowded projections and Essential and desirable diagnostic
invaginations of well-differentiated criteria
Related terminology squamous epithelium. There are from one Essential: acanthotic, hyperkeratotic and
Acceptable: Verrucous carcinoma; Hybrid to several layers of basal cells and an undulating bland squamous epithelium;
verrucous carcinoma (for invasive extremely expanded spinous layer smooth interface with the stroma; keratotic
squamous cell carcinoma arising in with cells with extremely prominent, crypts; mitoses limited to basal/parabasal
verrucous carcinoma) densely eosinophilic cytoplasm often layers; pushing invasion below the level of
Not recommended: Ackerman's tumour described as "glassy" { 7417957 }. There is the surrounding normal epithelium
Subtype(s) marked surface keratinization and Desirable: dense lymphoplasmacytic
Hybrid verrucous carcinoma intraepithelial microabscesses submucosal chronic inflammation;
Localization and Candida superinfection may be "glassy", eosinophilic cytoplasm
The larynx is the second most common site present. Mitoses are rare and confined to Staging
of VC in the head and neck after the oral the basal and parabasal cell layers Staging uses the Union for International
cavity. Most (~85%) involve the true cords { 27484231 }. The "invasion' in VC is Cancer Control (UICC) system and is the
{ 7417957 ; 27484231 }, but they may arise through massive expansion of the number same as for conventional laryngeal SCC.
exclusively in the supraglottis, subglottis, of cells and their volume in the existing Prognosis and prediction
hypopharynx { 11443616 }, or trachea squamous epithelium with preservation of VC is locally destructive through pushing
{ 24558176 }. the basement membrane. Thus, the invasion and expansive growth. It does not
Clinical features "invasive" areas of tumour have well- metastasize and has better prognosis than
The most common symptoms are defined, pushing borders with no stromal does conventional SCC, with reported 5-
hoarseness (90%) and dyspnea (10%) desmoplasia, although a dense year survival rates of 85–95%
{ 27484231 ; 9596216 ; 9570624 }. Most lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory infiltrate { 27484231 ; 31914052 }. Patients are best
patients present with Stage I disease is usually present. By definition, VC treated with primary surgery
{ 11443616 }, and radiographic features extends below the level of the surrounding { 9578870 } although primary radiotherapy
are similar, stage for stage, to conventional epithelium, and this may be difficult to may also be effective { 28364287 }. VC
SCC. assess on biopsy specimens. VC should with dysplasia appears to have a similar
Epidemiology have no more than mild/low grade cytologic clinical course as classical VC, but
VC is more common in men (M:F ratio 12- atypia. While severe/high grade dysplasia conventional SCC arising in VC has the
14:1) and presents at ~60 years of age and limited carcinoma arising within VC potential for metastasis and should be
{ 27484231 }. Laryngeal VC accounts for may not necessarily result in worse treated as conventional SCC.
<1% of all head and neck carcinomas. Up outcomes { 24071016 }, tumours having
Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma

Definition { 3770734 ; 20614328 ; 23765951 ; 2415 formations and a jigsaw puzzle-like or

Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma (BSCC) 8536 }. pseudo-cribriform appearance. Foci of
is a distinctive form of squamous cell Clinical features clear cell change are common. The mitotic
carcinoma (SCC) characterized by Signs and symptoms vary by site, and rate is high, with frequent apoptotic cells
prominent basaloid morphology, include hemoptysis, dysphagia, neck and comedo necroses. Some cases show
squamous differentiation, and aggressive mass, cough, hoarseness, and otalgia. marked pleomorphism, while others
behavior. Patients often present at high-stage, with appear more monotonous. Most BSCCs
ICD-O coding frequent lymph node and occasional also exhibit overt squamous differentiation,
8083/3 Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma distant metastases in the form of either a component of
ICD-11 coding { 20614328 ; 23765951 ; 24158536 }. conventional SCC (often intimately and
2B6C.0 & XH3GS1 Squamous cell Epidemiology abruptly associated with the basaloid
carcinoma of piriform sinus & Basaloid BSCC is rare. It tends to affect older areas) or dysplasia/carcinoma-in-situ of the
squamous cell carcinoma 2B6D.0 & patients (27-88 years, median 63), with a overlying epithelium.
XH3GS1 Squamous cell carcinoma of striking predilection for white men (80%)
hypopharynx and variants & Basaloid { 20614328 ; 23765951 ; 24158536 }. Immunohistochemistry: BSCC is diffusely
squamous cell carcinoma Etiology positive for squamous markers like p40,
2C23.10 & XH3GS1 Squamous cell Laryngeal and hypopharyngeal BSCC is p63, and CK5/6, and negative for
strongly linked to smoking and alcohol neuroendocrine markers (synaptophysin,
carcinoma of larynx, glottis & Basaloid
consumption.{ 3770734 ; 20614328 ; 237 chromogranin, INSM1), SMA,
squamous cell carcinoma
65951 ; 24158536 }.Typically, high risk S100 and TTF-1
2C23.20 & XH3GS1 Squamous cell HPV is not found in in laryngeal and { 18284937 ; 28528398 }. It is also
carcinoma of larynx, supraglottis & hypopharyngeal frequently positive for SOX10, CD117, and
Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma BSCC cases.{ 18496144 ; 20236687 }. MYB, which are often unexpected and can
2C23.30 & XH3GS1 Squamous cell Pathogenesis result in diagnostic pitfalls
carcinoma of larynx, subglottis & Basaloid Unknown { 14681323 ; 21572406 ; 30498968 }.
squamous cell carcinoma Macroscopic appearance
2C24.1 & XH3GS1 Squamous cell BSCC has a nonspecific gross appearance Differential Diagnosis: BSCC is
carcinoma of trachea & Basaloid of a tan-white, firm, poorly-defined distinguished from high-grade
squamous cell carcinoma endophytic, frequently ulcerated and/or neuroendocrine carcinoma by its diffuse
necrotic mass { 20614328 }. squamous marker expression (e.g., p40,
Related terminology Histopathology CK5/6) and lack of neuroendocrine marker
None BSCC is characterized by a prominent (synaptophysin, chromogranin, INSM1)
Subtype(s) basaloid component consisting of primitive- and TTF-1 staining. Adenoid cystic
None appearing cells with high carcinoma lacks overt squamous
Localization nuclear:cytoplasmic ratios growing as solid differentiation, exhibits some degree of true
Most cases arise in the larynx, particularly nests and lobules with frequent peripheral ducts and myoepithelial differentiation by
the supraglottis, while the hypopharynx palisading. Myxoid to hyaline stromal immunohistochemistry (e.g., SMA,
(pyriform sinus) and trachea are less matrix is often deposited in and between calponin, S100), is less diffusely positive
commonly involved tumour nests resulting in duct-like for p40, and usually harbors a fusion
in MYB, MYBL1 and/or NFIB. SOX10, Numerous mitotic figures are present and differentiation by histology and/or
CD117 and MYB immunostains are not the background is frequently necrotic. immunohistochemistry
helpful in this differential diagnosis. NUT Single keratinized cells are a helpful clue, Desirable: high-grade histologic features,
carcinoma may look similar, but is positive but keratinization is often scarce or absent myxoid to hyaline stromal alterations
for NUT protein immunohistochemistry. { 1542993 ; 19582815 ; 22102491 }. Staging
Some HPV-related oropharyngeal SCC Fragments of irregular magenta (Giemsa Staging uses the Union for International
demonstrate prominent basaloid features, stain) basement membrane material can Cancer Control (UICC) system
but behave much more indolently and be present, and the differential diagnosis Prognosis and prediction
should be separated from BSCC includes adenoid cystic carcinoma with its BSCC is traditionally regarded as an
{ 18496144 }. Accordingly, HPV testing lesser degree of nuclear atypia and more aggressive type of hypopharyngeal and
must be performed on a rounded sharply demarcated basement laryngeal SCC, with most studies finding
laryngeal/hypopharyngeal BSCC that also membrane material { 19582815 }. higher rates of nodal metastasis and
involves the oropharynx. Diagnostic molecular pathology distant metastasis, and worse overall
Cytology Not well defined. High-risk HPV is not and disease-free survival when compared
Smears show variably-sized, tightly typically found in to conventional SCC. Some recent studies,
cohesive tissue fragments made up of laryngeal/hypopharyngeal BSCC however, have disputed the notion that
basaloid cells with high N:C ratio, round to { 3770734 ; 20236687 }. BSCC behaves differently when matched
oval small to medium sized hyperchromatic Essential and desirable diagnostic stage-for-stage
nuclei, granular chromatin, single small criteria { 20614328 ; 23765951 ; 24158536 }.
nucleoli and scant cytoplasm with a Essential: tumour with prominent basaloid Studies that include more indolent HPV-
tendency to molding and apoptotic debris. morphology, presence of squamous positive oropharyngeal cases in their
Single cells in variable number can be differentiation and absence of cohorts are difficult to interpret.
seen. Chromatinic smearing is not seen. neuroendocrine or myoepithelial

Papillary squamous cell carcinoma

Definition carcinoma of larynx, supraglottis & Other symptoms can include dysphagia,
Papillary squamous cell carcinoma (PSCC) Papillary squamous cell carcinoma sore throat, cough, and hemoptysis.
grows exophytically with papillary fronds 2C23.30 & XH0UU4 Squamous cell
covered by a malignant stratified carcinoma of larynx, subglottis Papillary Imaging: This should be performed as per
squamous epithelium or with immature squamous cell carcinoma 2C24.1 & conventional laryngeal SCC and may
basaloid cells with minimal or no XH6S97 Squamous cell carcinoma of demonstrate an exophytic soft tissue
maturation. trachea & Papillary squamous cell lesion.
ICD-O coding Epidemiology
8052/3 Papillary squamous cell carcinoma Tumours are much more common in men
ICD-11 coding Related terminology and usually are identified in or after the
2B6C.0 & XH6S97 Squamous cell None sixth decade of life (10229599).
carcinoma of pyriform sinus & Papillary Subtype(s) Etiology
squamous cell carcinoma None Tumours are related to tobacco and
2B6D.0 & XH6S97 Squamous cell Localization alcohol consumption and high-risk human
carcinoma of hypopharynx and variants & Tumours can occur throughout the larynx papillomavirus infection at ratios similar to
Papillary squamous cell carcinoma and hypopharyx. The majority are glottic, other non-keratinizing squamous cell
2C23.10 & XH0UU4 Squamous cell supraglottic, and transglottic { 10229599 }. carcinomas from the head and neck at the
Clinical features various subsites { 10229599 ; 18387989 ;
carcinoma of larynx, glottis & Papillary
Patients with laryngeal tumours most often 19745700 }.
squamous cell carcinoma
present with hoarseness { 10229599 }. Pathogenesis
2C23.20 & XH0UU4 Squamous cell
The tumours are believed to arise through Intracellular keratinization or dyskeratosis Not clinically relevant
multi-step squamous metaplasia and may be present, however, surface Diagnostic molecular pathology
dysplasia { 15371945 ; 24878013 }. keratosis is most often not seen. The Not relevant
Macroscopic appearance papillary fronds have fibrovascular cores Essential and desirable diagnostic
Tumours have a grossly papillary that usually contain lymphocytes criteria
appearance and lack grossly evident and plasma cells. The invasive component, Essential: tumours are exophytic and
keratinization { 10862019 }. They are when identified will have infiltrating, composed predominantly of papillary
typically friable and soft and vary in size. irregular nests of squamous epithelium fronds covered by a non-keratinizing
Histopathology morphologically identical to most non- malignant stratified squamous epithelium
Tumours are composed of numerous keratinizing SCC. or in the keratinizing type by high-grade
complex papillary and filiform structures atypia
extending in all planes which often renders Immunohistochemistry: Typical block-like Desirable: stromal infiltration
the assessment of true tissue invasion p16 expression is seen with tumours Staging
difficult { 16468420 }. The papillary fronds secondary to high-risk human Staging is performed as is typical for
are covered with a stratified squamous papillomavirus, especially in the non- conventional SCC at the site.
epithelium, which has overt features of keratinizing type, although testing by Prognosis and prediction
malignancy, replete with lack of maturation, immunostaining is not currently Tumours behave, stage for stage, similar to
increased nuclear to cytoplasmic ratios, recommended { 19745700 }. or slightly better than conventional SCC at
nuclear irregularities and numerous mitotic the site { 18387989 }. Because of their
figures located throughout the entire Differential Diagnosis: Tumours must be exophytic growth, they may be more likely
thickness of the epithelium. These distinguished from verrucous carcinoma, a to present at an early stage. Given the
morphological features are related to non- tumour that typically has surface infrequency of high-risk human
keratinizing type of PSCC. The keratinizing keratinization and lack the atypia seen with papillomavirus at many sites within the
type shows papillae covered with high- papillary squamous cell carcinoma. upper aerodigestive tract, it is
grade keratinizing Laryngeal papillomas usually lack the unclear whether infection affects prognosis
dysplasia { 28060368 }. Koilocytic change cytologic atypia of PSCC. at sites outside of the oropharynx
is sometimes noted { 10229599 }. Cytology { 19745700 }.

Spindle cell squamous carcinoma

Definition 2B6D.0 & XH6D80 Squamous cell carcinoma of larynx, supraglottis &
Spindle cell squamous carcinoma (SCSC) carcinoma of piriform sinus & Squamous Squamous cell carcinoma, spindle cell
is composed of spindle and/or epithelioid cell carcinoma, spindle cell 2B6D.0 & 2C23.30 & XH6D80 Squamous cell
pleomorphic cells, usually associated with XH6D80 Squamous cell carcinoma of carcinoma of larynx, subglottis &
intraepithelial dysplasia and/or invasive hypopharynx and variants & Squamous Squamous cell carcinoma, spindle cell
conventional squamous cell carcinoma. cell carcinoma, spindle cell 2C24.1 & XH6D80 Squamous cell
ICD-O coding 2C23.10 & XH6D80 Squamous cell carcinoma of trachea & Squamous cell
8074/3 Squamous cell carcinoma, spindle
carcinoma of larynx, glottis & Squamous carcinoma, spindle cell
cell carcinoma, spindle cell
ICD-11 coding Related terminology
2C23.20 & XH6D80 Squamous cell
Acceptable: spindle cell carcinoma; hypercellular and arranged in a diversity of rearrangements
sarcomatoid carcinoma patterns (fascicular, storiform, cartwheel). involving ALK, ROS1 and NTRK3,
Not recommended: Hypocellular variants with increased which have not been described in SCSC
carcinosarcoma; pseudosarcoma stromal collagenization exist. Surface { 26647767 }.
Subtype(s) ulceration is common, and most tumours Cytology
None contained a certain degree of acute/chronic Cellularity may be low and shows spindle
Localization inflammation. The spindle cell component cells with variable pleomorphism
The larynx is the most common site for generally predominates; however, some sometimes admixed with epithelioid
SCSC, followed by the oral cavity, tumours exhibit a biphasic morphology squamous cells showing varying degrees
sinonasal tract, oropharynx, nasopharynx secondary to the presence of a of keratinization with dense well defined
and lastly the hypopharynx differentiated SCC component. The latter cytoplasm and large hyperchromatic
{ 28591732 ; 33135805 }. In the larynx, can be in form of intraepithelial dysplasia pleomorphic nuclei { 19582815 }. The
three quarters of cases involve the glottis and/or invasive conventional SCC. spindle cells can be seen singly with poorly
{ 9018257 ; 11812937 }. Heterologous differentiation occurs in up to defined cytoplasm and hyperchromatic
Clinical features 7% of cases and includes oval to in some cases large nuclei with
Hoarseness is a common symptom. An osseocartilaginous and rhabdomyoblastic large nucleoli. Multinucleation may be seen
exophytic firm mass limited to the vocal elements and the differential diagnosis in the
cords is usually seen on a laryngoscopy { 8494107 ; 11812937 ; 23054954 ; 33982 absence of the more characteristic
exam { 9018257 ; 11812937 }. 148 }. keratinized squamous cells can include a
sarcoma or melanoma.
Imaging: Imaging is as per conventional Immunohistochemistry: SCSC shows Diagnostic molecular pathology
SCC, most often with post-contrast CT. variable reactivity for cytokeratin in 48-83% Not relevant
Epidemiology of cases Essential and desirable diagnostic
SCSCC represents less than 1% of all { 2430474 ; 2437812 ; 2482058 ; 9191000 criteria
laryngeal malignancies, occur across a ; 11812937 ; 12170089 ; 24418859 }. Essential: mucosa-based tumour with a
wide age range, has a peak incidence in Immunoreactivity for p63 and p40 often malignant spindle cell component
the 5th and 6th decade, and shows a mirrors the reactivity of cytokeratin; Desirable: polypoid tumour; intraepithelial
strikingly male predisposition however, in some occasions they are only dysplasia; invasive conventional
{ 11812937 ; 25994520 ; 33526270 }. positive markers { 15976812 ; 24418859 }. SCC; immunoreactivity for cytokeratin
Etiology SCSC is consistently positive for vimentin and/or p63/p40
Tobacco and alcohol abuse are strongly and may express other mesenchymal Staging
associated with SCSC. Radiation history markers, particularly smooth muscle actin TNM classification of the larynx or pharynx
has been reported in subset of patients { 11812937 ; 20730609 ; 33982148 }. SC by the UICC
{ 11812937 }. Regardless of location, SC exhibits a wide range of Ki-67 labeling Prognosis and prediction
identifying high-risk HPV in SCSC is rare and a low proliferation index can be Majority of laryngeal SCSC present as T1
{ 23536041 ; 24418859 }. observed { 33982148 }. tumours (62.1%), when compared to 10%
Pathogenesis in the hypopharynx
SCSC is an epithelial malignancy that has Differential diagnosis: Granulation tissue { 25994520 ; 31608238 }. In the larynx the
undergone epithelial–mesenchymal with reactive stromal changes, particularly disease‐specific survival at 10 years is
transition after radiotherapy, can be distinguished 57.9% and is comparable to conventional
{ 2482058 ; 18712413 ; 19381684 ; 2123 from SCSC by the lack of p40 reactivity SCC. Glottic location confers a survival
7487 }. { 24418859 }. Laryngeal sarcomas are benefit due to early detection
Macroscopic appearance extremely rare and the most common one { 11812937 ; 24634155 ; 25994520 }. The
Usually a grossly polypoid tumour is chondrosarcoma { 33686585 }. disease‐specific overall survival at 10
{ 11812937 }. Therefore, in absence of cytokeratin and years of hypopharyngeal SCSC is 8% and
Histopathology p63/p40 reactivity, a mucosa-based is significantly lower than conventional
The histological hallmark of SCSC is the malignant spindle cell neoplasm is a SCSC SCC { 31608238 }. Tumours with a
presence of a spindle cell proliferation at a until proven otherwise. In such cases conventional SCC component appear to
mucosa-based site. The spindle cells careful evaluation of the overlying and have a better prognosis { 33982148 }.
usually show overt pleomorphism, adjacent mucosa is necessary and may Radiotherapy-induced tumours have a
hyperchromasia, and increased mitotic identify intraepithelial dysplasia. worse prognosis than those arising de
activity. In rare occasions the SCSC can Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour (IMT) novo { 11812937 }.
exhibit bland cytomorphology, and tumour can occur in the larynx and most commonly
cells can have an epithelioid pleomorphic affect the glottis { 8635024 }. IMT is
morphology. Most tumours are characterized by various gene
Adenosquamous carcinoma
Definition abuse probably play an important role in architecture and benign cytomorphology of
Adenosquamous carcinoma (ASC) is a the pathogenesis of ASC, similarly to other the glandular cells. Basaloid SCC shows
biphasic malignant tumour that arises from subtypes of the conventional SCC peripheral palisading and lacks glandular
the surface epithelium and shows { 15186272 }. differentiation { 28153131 }. Necrotizing
squamous and glandular differentiation. Macroscopic appearance sialometaplasia, rarely seen in the larynx,
ICD-O coding Most ASC present as glottic or supraglottic retains the lobular architecture of the
8560/3 Adenosquamous carcinoma exophytic or polypoid masses (median seromucous glands (despite being
ICD-11 coding size: 40 mm) or as mucosal induration or replaced by squamous metaplasia) and
2B6D.Y & XH7873 Other specified ulceration, similar to SCC { 26452061 }. may be associated with ischaemic necrosis
malignant neoplasms of piriform sinus & Histopathology of the acini, chronic inflammation, and
Adenosquamous carcinoma 2B6D.Y & ASC has a biphasic morphology showing pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia of the
XH7873 Other specified malignant squamous and glandular differentiation. overlying squamous epithelium. Superficial
neoplasms of hypopharynx & The squamous carcinoma is generally biopsies may be misdiagnosed as SCC as
Adenosquamous carcinoma 2C23.1Y & superficial, associated with dysplasia of the the glandular component tends to be
XH7873 Other specified malignant surface epithelium and may show deeper.
keratinization including keratin pearls while Cytology
neoplasms of larynx, glottis &
the adenocarcinoma tends to be deeper Reports of lesions in the H&N region are
Adenosquamous carcinoma 2C23.2Y &
and consists of cribriform and scant, but metastases may show features
XH7873 Other specified malignant tubuloglandular structures. Mucus cells of predominantly keratinizing or non-
neoplasms of larynx, supraglottis & may be present. The two components are keratinizing SCC with a lesser glandular
Adenosquamous carcinoma 2C23.3Y & distinct, separate or intermixed. Areas of component { 19582815 }.
XH7873 Other specified malignant transition and an undifferentiated basaloid Diagnostic molecular pathology
neoplasms of larynx, subglottis & or clear cell component may be seen Importance
Adenosquamous carcinoma { 28153131 }. Necrosis, mitoses, and of CRTC1::MAML2 translocation was
2C24.Y & XH7873 Other specified vascular and perineural invasion are found to be important in distinguishing ASC
malignant neoplasms of trachea & frequent. Metastatic ASC may display one from MEC. MAML2 translocation excludes
Adenosquamous carcinoma or both components. the diagnosis of ASC while negativity does
not necessarily exclude MEC, especially
Related terminology Special stains: periodic acid–Schiff (PAS), the high-grade MEC { 26255977 }.
None Alcian blue, and mucicarmine may Essential and desirable diagnostic
Subtype(s) demonstrate intraluminal (or rarely, criteria
None intracytoplasmic) mucin. Essential: biphasic tumour with squamous
Localization and glandular components that are
The larynx is the most frequently affected Immunohistochemistry: The tumour shows distinctly recognized adjacent to each other
site in the head and neck { 26255977 } shows p63 expression in the squamous on H&E examination
followed by oral, pharyngeal and sinonasal component; carcinoembryonic antigen and Desirable: evidence of origin from surface
mucosa { 21305368 ; 28412233 }. low-molecular-weight cytokeratin epithelium e.g. squamous dysplasia. Mucin
Clinical features (CAM5.2) in the adenocarcinomatous production
Clinical symptoms are similar to SCC and component. CK7 and high-molecular- Staging
include hoarseness, sore throat, weight cytokeratin may be seen in both Similar to SCC
dysphagia, haemoptysis and/or neck mass components { 24698420 }. CK20 is usually Prognosis and prediction
{ 28364287 }. negative { 24338588 }. Since CK7 may be ASC is more aggressive than conventional
Epidemiology focally expressed in head and neck SCC, SCC, presenting at an advanced stage with
ASC is rare and affects men two to four the diagnosis requires the presence of involvement of lymph nodes in 40% and
times more frequently than women without distinct squamous and distant metastases in 10% of cases
any race predilection. The peak incidence adenocarcinomatous components { 26452061 }. Despite surgery and
is in the seventh and eighth decade of life adjacent to each other on H&E. adjuvant chemo- and radiotherapy,
(median 66 years, range 43 to 88 years) tumours frequently recur and metastasize
{ 26255977 ; 26452061 ; 28412233 }. Differential Diagnosis: This includes { 1007912 ; 15186272 }. The median
Etiology mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC), and survival is less than 3 years and 5-year
As with SCC, smoking and alcohol variants of SCC, e.g. adenoid, survival rate ranges from 30% to 50%
consumption are likely predisposing factors conventional and basaloid SCC invading { 26255977 ; 26452061 }. Advanced age
{ 12019485 }. An association with HPV has submucous seromucinous glands. and stage and large tumour size are
been reported in ASC of the oropharynx Distinction from MEC is important because associated with decreased survival
and nasal cavity but not larynx and ASC has a worse prognosis { 28412233 }. HPV-associated ASC in the
hypopharynx { 21305368 }. (see #25099Table #25099). oropharynx appear to have a better
Pathogenesis Demonstration of intracytoplasmic mucin prognosis similar to HPV-associated SCC
Little is known about etiopathogenesis of and carcinoembryonic antigen helps to { 21305368 }.
the ASC, mainly due to it's rarity and lack distinguish ASC from adenoid SCC. SCC
of larger, controlled studies { 21305368 }. invading or entrapping seromucinous
However, cigarette smoking and alcohol glands is differentiated by lobular
Lymphoepithelial carcinoma of the larynx
Definition LEC occurs more frequently in the larynx Histopathology
Lymphoepithelial carcinoma (LEC) is a (usually supraglottis) than hypopharynx LEC is defined by its resemblance to
poorly differentiated form of squamous cell (piriform sinus), with only rare tracheal undifferentiated nasopharyngeal
carcinoma characterized by its involvement carcinoma: sheet-like or nested
morphologic similarity to the non- { 2361396 ; 17592428 ; 17593478 ; 32867 architecture with syncytial growth, a
keratinizing, undifferentiated form of 094 }. prominent lymphoplasmacytic cell infiltrate,
nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Clinical features and tumour cells with vesicular chromatin
ICD-O coding Patients present with hoarseness, neck and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures and
8082/3 Lymphoepithelial carcinoma mass, dysphonia, dysphagia, neck pain, apoptotic cells are common. LEC can be
ICD-11 coding and/or hemoptysis pure or mixed with conventional squamous
2B6C.0 & XH1E40 Squamous cell { 8912827 ; 9692636 ; 25804344 ; 328670 cell carcinoma either in the invasive tumour
carcinoma of piriform sinus & 94 }. or the surface epithelium (i.e., carcinoma-
Lymphoepithelial carcinoma 2B6D.0 & Epidemiology in-situ).
XH1E40 Squamous cell carcinoma of LEC of the larynx, hypopharynx, and
hypopharynx and variants & trachea is rare, with fewer than 50 reported Immunohistochemistry: LEC is diffusely
Lymphoepithelial carcinoma 2C23.10 & cases. There is a marked male positive for pan-cytokeratin, and usually
XH1E40 Squamous cell carcinoma of predominance, and it affects older patients positive for squamous markers like CK5/6
(mean, 62 years). Unlike nasopharyngeal and p40/p63.
larynx, glottis & Lymphoepithelial
carcinoma which most frequently affects
Asians, laryngeal LEC usually occurs in Differential Diagnosis: LEC is
2C23.20 & XH1E40 Squamous cell Caucasians distinguished from large cell lymphoma
carcinoma of larynx, supraglottis & { 421357 ; 2361396 ; 4033331 ; 8912827 ; and melanoma by its positivity for pan-
Lymphoepithelial carcinoma 2C23.30 & 9692636 ; 9419099 ; 17593478 ; 175924 cytokeratin and lack of staining
XH1E40 Squamous cell carcinoma of 28 ; 25804344 ; 26043818 ; 26316257 }. with lymphoid markers (e.g., CD45, CD30,
larynx, subglottis & Lymphoepithelial Etiology CD20) and melanoma markers (e.g.,
carcinoma 2C24.1 & XH1E40 Squamous Laryngeal/hypopharyngeal LEC is SOX10, S100, HMB45),
cell carcinoma of trachea & associated with smoking and alcohol respectively. Absence of EBV helps
Lymphoepithelial carcinoma consumption exclude spread from the nasopharynx.
{ 8912827 ; 9692636 ; 25804344 }. Only Cytology
Related terminology rare cases are EBV-positive, but a subset Not clinically relevant
Not recommended: lymphoepithelial-like harbour high-risk HPV Diagnostic molecular pathology
carcinoma; lymphoepithelioma; { 9419099 ; 25804344 ; 26043818 ; 3055 LEC are almost always negative for EBV,
lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma; 2415 }. but a subset harbours high-risk HPV
undifferentiated carcinoma of the Pathogenesis { 8912827 ; 9419099 ; 25804344 ; 26043
nasopharyngeal type; undifferentiated LEC frequently harbours p53 mutations. 818 ; 30552415 }.
carcinoma with lymphoid stroma. Macroscopic appearance Essential and desirable diagnostic
Subtype(s) LEC appears as a nonspecific white, tan, criteria
None or pink mass that may be endophytic or
Localization polypoid { 8912827 }.
Essential: tumour with syncytial growth; Staging { 26316257 ; 32867094 }. Regional lymph
inflammatory infiltrate; vesicular chromatin; Staging uses the Union for International node metastasis occurs in 50-75% with
prominent nucleoli Cancer Control (UICC) system. distant metastasis in 20-25%
Desirable: positive for pan-keratin and Prognosis and prediction { 8912827 ; 32867094 }.
squamous markers (e.g., p40, CK5/6); Laryngeal LEC has a five-year disease-
exclude direct extension or metastasis specific survival of approximately 65%

Mesenchymal tumours unique to the hypopharynx, larynx, trachea and

parapharyngeal space

Laryngeal cartilaginous tumours

Definition { 9041812 ; 12131151 ; 15167045 ; 25183 Epidemiology
Chondroma is a benign mesenchymal 187 ; 25960446 }; epiglottis is rarely Cartilaginous tumours account for 0.2-
tumour of laryngeal hyaline cartilage. affected { 12131151 ; 28822621 }. 0.5% of all laryngeal tumours, with
Chondrosarcoma is a malignant Clinical features chondrosarcomas, the most common
mesenchymal tumour of laryngeal hyaline Both tumours grow slowly, producing an laryngeal sarcoma, being significantly
cartilage. endolaryngeal mass, with symptoms being more common than chondromas
ICD-O coding tumour site and size dependent. Slowly { 9041812 ; 15290669 ; 18607979 ; 24213
9220/0 Chondroma progressive hoarseness, dyspnoea, 203 ; 24474667 ; 25183187 ; 31256243 ;
9220/3 Chondrosarcoma dysphagia, and stridor are usually present. 33686585 }. Chondromas occur across a
ICD-11 coding Thyroid cartilage tumours may be a wide patient age range (24–79 years;
2E90.6 & XH0NS4 Benign neoplasm of palpable mass median 56 years), with a male-to-female
nasopharynx and Chondroma, NOS { 12131151 ; 15167045 ; 25183187 }. ratio of 2:1 { 9041812 }. Chondrosarcomas
2B6B.Y & XH8J23 Other specified develop in slightly older patients, with a
malignant neoplasms of nasopharynx & Imaging: High resolution contrast wide patient age range (25–91 years;
Chondrosarcoma, NOS enhanced CT on laryngeal median 62 years), with a male-to-female
chondrosarcoma shows ring-like, arc, or ratio of 3.2:1
Related terminology “popcorn” calcifications within an { 9041812 ; 12131151 ; 24474667 ; 25183
None expansile, bulky, destructive 187 ; 27291822 }. Chondrosarcomas are
Subtype(s) intracartilaginous mass below an intact significantly more common in whites than
Clear cell mucosal surface. The tumour frequently in blacks (7:1) { 15167045 }.
chondrosarcoma; Dedifferentiated expands outward into the perilaryngeal soft Etiology
chondrosarcoma tissues. MR shows a hyperintense mass on The etiology is unknown, with several
Localization T2 fat suppressed STIR protocol hypotheses: disordered ossification of
Cricoid cartilage is the most common site { 8456728 ; 10609482 ; 12131151 ; 15167 hyaline cartilage in areas of muscle
(about 70%) for laryngeal cartilaginous 045 ; 18495402 }. FDG-PET may help with insertion { 15167045 }; ischaemic changes
tumours, followed by the thyroid, arytenoid, tumour grading, metastasis detection, and in chondroma leading to malignant
and tracheal cartilages local recurrence assessment { 25183187 }. transformation { 12131151 }. Other
possible predisposing factors are 2068 ; 26718693 ; 28965627 ; 29160138 }
radiotherapy, polytetrafluoroethylene . Mesenchymal
(Teflon) injection, and repeated laryngeal chondrosarcoma (separately discussed in
trauma { 1913528 ; 2721410 ; 25183187 }. mesenchymal chondrosarcoma),
Pathogenesis is an extremely rare malignancy of the
Isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 and 2 larynx with a biphasic small round blue cell
(IDH1 and IDH2) gene mutations are proliferation associated with islands of
commonly seen in central-type differentiated hyaline cartilage
chondrosarcomas, but detected in only { 8958297 ; 28060373 }.
12% of laryngotracheal cases tested,
suggesting an alternate tumourigenesis in Immunohistochemistry: IHC is rarely
laryngeal tumours { 30296521 }. necessary, but the chondroid cells are
Macroscopic appearance immunoreactive with S100 protein, SOX9,
Both tumours present as smooth, and D2-40, while negative for keratin and
lobulated, submucosal masses with an EMA
intact mucosa. The cut surfaces are glassy, { 10555005 ; 17021752 ; 19194275 ; 2294
firm, white, or grey. Chondromas are <20 4296 }.
mm in greatest dimension, while
chondrosarcomas are up to 120 mm Differential Diagnosis: The major
(median: 35 mm). Dedifferentiated differential is between chondroma and
chondrosarcomas have foci with a fleshy using a size cutoff of >20 mm suggested to
appearance favor chondrosarcoma. However, in
{ 9041812 ; 12131151 ; 12160266 ; 15290 incisional biopsy or needle samples,
669 }. distinction may be difficult. Some low-
Histopathology grade chondrosarcomas of the larynx may
Chondromas show mature hyaline better be diagnosed as an atypical
cartilage histologically resembling normal cartilaginous neoplasm as utilized in other
cartilage and are hypocellular, with evenly sites { 18852676 }, but without supporting
distributed, bland-looking tumour cells in evidence for laryngeal tumours specifically,
an abundant basophilic matrix. this terminology is not advocated.
Chondrocytes have small, uniform, single Chondrometaplasia usually shows multiple
nuclei surrounded by eosinophilic elastic cartilage nodules affecting the vocal
cytoplasm, with only one cell per lacuna. cord that blend into the adjacent stroma
Cellular pleomorphism, mitoses, and { 29202349 }. A spindle cell squamous
binucleated chondrocytes are absent. carcinoma may have heterologous benign
Scattered foci of calcification and or malignant cartilage elements, but the
ossification may be seen. cartilage is set within a malignant spindled
epithelial cell population { 11812937 }.
Chondrosarcomas show a gradient of Cytology
increased cellularity, pleomorphism, Not clinically relevant
multinucleation, and mitoses, features Diagnostic molecular pathology
used in tumour grading. Most laryngeal Not clinically relevant
chondrosarcomas are low-grade (grade 1), Essential and desirable diagnostic
showing a pattern of lobular disarray and criteria
destructive invasion of native cartilage and Chondroma
bone, with tumour lobules permeating and Essential: lobular cartilaginous tumour
entrapping pre-existing bone trabeculae. without pleomorphism, destructive growth,
The cellularity is higher than chondromas, and/or binucleation
with binucleation, slight nuclear Desirable: Tumour size < 20 mm
pleomorphism, and nuclear Chondrosarcoma
hyperchromasia. Moderately differentiated Essential: malignant cartilaginous
(grade 2) tumours show a higher degree of neoplasm with lobular cluster disarray with
cellularity and nuclear pleomorphism than destructive invasion of native cartilage
do grade 1 tumours, and may have and/or bone; increased cellularity with
scattered mitoses. The myxoid pattern binucleation, nuclear pleomorphism, and
{ 12131151 ; 23032857 } shows a "string of nuclear hyperchromasia
pearls"-like pattern of neoplastic cells in a Desirable: imaging findings of an
myxoid background. High-grade (grade 3) expansile, destructive intracartilaginous
tumours have high cellularity; significant mass, usually with ring-like, arc or
multinucleation, nuclear pleomorphism, “popcorn” calcifications
and hyperchromasia; tumour necrosis; and Staging
increased mitoses. High-grade Staging is according to the Union for
chondrosarcomas are rare, accounting for International Cancer Control (UICC) TNM
only about 5% of all laryngeal classification for head and neck sarcomas
chondrosarcomas { 12131151 }. (chondrosarcoma).
Ossification and calcification can be seen Prognosis and prediction
in all tumour grades The 1-year, 5-year, and 10-year disease-
{ 9041812 ; 12131151 ; 15167045 }. specific survival rates for laryngeal
chondrosarcoma are 97%, 90%, and 85%,
Subtypes: These are rare in the larynx. respectively, although the local recurrence
Clear cell chondrosarcoma shows a sharp rate is relatively high (18–50%), usually
transition of conventional chondrosarcoma due to incomplete resection
to a proliferation of tightly-packed, large { 12131151 ; 24474667 ; 27291822 }.
polygonal clear tumour cells with distinct Tumour location, grade, subtype, and
cellular membranes but lacking typical, therapy do not seem to influence outcome
dense chondroid matrix (other than possibly for dedifferentiated
{ 11458227 ; 11859213 ; 24499430 ; 2471 tumours) { 15024362 ; 27291822 }, which
5432 ; 30181407 }. encourages conservative, function-
Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma shows a preserving surgery as primary treatment
biphasic appearance with well- { 12131151 ; 15290669 ; 24700301 }.
differentiated chondrosarcoma juxtaposed Distant metastases are exceedingly rare
to a high-grade non-cartilaginous sarcoma { 24213203 }.
{ 12131151 ; 12160266 ; 15024362 ; 2422
The major and minor salivary glands are affected by a remarkable diversity of neoplasms. The reclassification of salivary gland tumours has seen
unparalleled changes in recent years. Compared with tumours of other organs/systems, salivary gland neoplasms display one of the highest
morphologic, phenotypic, and genotypic diversity encountered in any single-organ system. Given the number of already existing entities which show
considerable overlap of histologic and immunohistochemical features between different salivary gland neoplasms, only very well documented new
entities have been accepted in this edition. Reported tumours and different morphologies lacking consensus support and validation by independent
investigators have not been included. This approach resulted in inclusion of microsecretory adenocarcinoma and sclerosing microcystic
adenocarcinoma as the new malignant tumour entities; and keratocystoma, intercalated duct adenoma, and striated duct adenoma as new benign
tumour entities. Further, the neoplastic nature of sclerosing polycystic adenoma moved the lesion from a non-neoplastic epithelial lesion (WHO 2017)
into the benign neoplasm category.

Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) is an emerging entity comprising duct-centric tumours with low-grade mucinous morphology; they
share with mucinous adenocarcinoma (MA) frequent AKT1 mutations. It is still not established if IPMN should be classified separately or within the
MA spectrum as a potential precursor { 29738361 ; 31219819 ; 31505033 }.

Molecular testing of salivary gland tumours for differential diagnostic accuracy and appropriate clinical management has become routine in many
developed countries { 29076877 ; 27523965 }. Since the lWHO 2017 edition, molecular data has become widely reported, with many salivary gland
neoplasms shown to harbour tumour-specific rearrangements (Table #28682). The most common molecular alterations were included in the definition
of the following entities: mucoepidermoid carcinoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma, secretory carcinoma, polymorphous adenocarcinoma, hyalinizing
clear cell carcinoma, mucinous adenocarcinoma, and microsecretory adenocarcinoma.

Cytological findings have been included in most sections, in recognition of the importance of fine needle aspiration (FNA) as an initial diagnostic
approach, with the Milan system recommended [[Faquin WC and Rossi ED, eds. Milan System for Reporting Salivary Gland Cytopathology ]]. While
FNA has emerged as the mainstay of the diagnostic workup of salivary gland-type tumours, needle core biopsies are still performed occasionally,
especially after nondiagnostic aspirates. While offering more architectural information than FNAs, most core biopsies do not allow for assessment of
the interface between the tumour and the surrounding tissues and thus, are insufficient to distinguish between neoplasms (i.e., myoepithelioma vs
myoepithelial carcinoma). Only full resected specimens allow for diagnostic clarity in such cases.

The histologic grading of salivary gland carcinomas has been shown to be an independent predictor of behaviour and plays a role in optimizing
therapy. Still, most salivary gland carcinomas have an intrinsic biologic behaviour, and attempted application of a universal grading scheme is not
recommended { 21169736 }. Carcinoma types for which validated grading systems exist include adenoid cystic carcinoma, mucoepidermoid
carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma, not otherwise specified { 30500293 }. High-grade transformation (HGT) has been shown to be an important concept
of tumour progression in salivary gland carcinomas { 33825717 }. The importance of this phenomenon is that tumours demonstrating HGT show an
aggressive clinical course that deviates significantly from the usual behaviour for a given tumour type. HGT is included in the description of appropriate
The following controversial issues remain:

Are intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) and mucinous adenocarcinoma related; are they part of a single spectrum; is IPMN a precursor
or preneoplastic condition? Is IPMN related to ductal papilloma? Further work and clarification are needed. Clarification around intraductal
carcinoma, given recent data showing the myoepithelial layer is part of the tumour and so these may be biphasic neoplasms rather than truly in-situ
neoplasms { 33086236 }, and how to classify the tumour if invasion is noted. There is no consensus about the existence of oncocytic carcinoma.
Oncocytic appearance is a common change encountered in many different salivary gland tumours. In the past, carcinomas consisting entirely of
oncocytes were frequently diagnosed as oncocytic carcinoma. Molecular studies have now shown many such tumours to be oncocytic variants of
other salivary carcinomas. As such, it is unclear if oncocytic carcinoma exist as an independent entity. For this reason, it has been included in the
emerging entity chapter. It is not clear whether the sarcomatous component of salivary gland carcinosarcoma represents a true sarcoma or an
epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in the carcinomatous component. For this edition, it has remained as a separate entity.

Non-neoplastic epithelial lesions

Nodular oncocytic hyperplasia

Definition gland, rarely seen in the submandibular Etiology

Nonneoplastic salivary gland lesion gland { 2361662 ; 28411376 ; 28247227 }. Although the inciting factor is unknown the
characterised by unencapsulated nodular Clinical features oncocytic phenotype is associated with
proliferations of epithelial oncocytes and/or Patients with NOH present as a palpable accumulation of aberrant mitochondria and
clear cells. painless mass, often present for years mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations
ICD-O coding { 2361662 ; 28411376 }. { 20732299 ; 24614700 }.
None Pathogenesis
ICD-11 coding Imaging: Imaging studies show loss of Unknown
DA04.1 Hypertrophy of salivary gland normal architecture, usually with multiple Macroscopic appearance
Related terminology nodules of various sizes, but is not NOH displays multiple brown well
Acceptable: multifocal nodular oncocytic diagnostic { 18272563 }. circumscribed but uncapsulated nodules.
hyperplasia, nodular oncocytosis, clear cell Epidemiology A partly encapsulated larger mass may
oncocytosis NOH comprises < 1% of salivary tumours indicate an oncocytoma arising in NOH
Subtype(s) but accounts for approximately 7% of { 18357950 }.
None bilateral salivary lesions Histopathology
Localization { 17718138 ; 21689893 }. Peak incidence NOH consists of irregularly shaped
Nodular oncocytic hyperplasia (NOH) is is in the 5th and 6th decades with a slight unencapsulated nodules of oncocytes in
almost exclusively found in the parotid female predilection { 28247227 }. solid to tubulotrabecular patterns
distributed throughout salivary { 33002921 }. Negativity for SOX10, S100 Diagnostic molecular pathology
parenchyma and PLAG1 rearrangement helps Not relevant
{ 2361662 ; 17718138 ; 21689893 }. Lobul distinguish from pleomorphic adenoma and Essential and desirable diagnostic
ar architecture is preserved. Clear cell myoepithelioma with oncocytic metaplasia criteria
change is frequent and can form small { 32673681 }. Essential: circumscribed but uncapsulated
satellite foci that mimic invasive clear cell Cytology nodules of oncocytic and/or clear cells
tumours. Unifocality and encapsulation can Smears are hypocellular with small to Desirable: multifocal occurrence
separate NOH from oncocytoma. medium tissue fragments of oncocytic Staging
Entrapped normal acini, ducts, and cells, with well defined cytoplasmic Not relevant
adipocytes within nodules and non- margins and coarsely granular dense Prognosis and prediction
perivascular p63 positive basal cells cytoplasm, in a clean background, NOH is a nonneoplastic lesion and
distinguish NOH from acinic cell carcinoma although these features overlap with recurrence is rare, although it is frequently
or metastatic renal cell carcinoma oncocytoma, which cannot be multifocal and bilateral. Clear cell change
{ 19646823 ; 20614263 }. distinguished from NOH, and the oncocytic may indicate increased risk for recurrence
cells seen in Warthin’s tumour, although { 2031528 }. Malignant transformation has
Differential Diagnosis: Absence that has lymphoid cells in a dense not been reported.
of MAML2 rearrangement can rule proteinaceous granular background
out oncocytic mucoepidermoid carcinoma { 28411376 }.
Lymphoepithelial sialadenitis
Definition Histopathology Immunohistochemistry: A keratin stain can
Lymphoepithelial sialadenitis is a chronic, Early lesions show minor to moderate be helpful for pattern analysis of preserved
systemic, lymphocytic autoimmune degree of T-cell-dominated periductal glandular architecture including frequency
inflammation of salivary glands causing lymphocytic infiltration, rarely with reactive and distribution of lymphoepithelial lesions
acinar parenchymal atrophy and formation follicles, usually without lymphoepithelial { 8917715 ; 10335942 }.
of lymphoepithelial lesions. lesions, typically encountered in minor Immunohistological staining for
ICD-O coding labial glands, taken for diagnostic purpose kappa/lambda light chains or, alternatively,
None of suspected Sjögren disease in situ hybridization detecting
ICD-11 coding { 16891656 }. A positive “focus score“ is corresponding mRNA, may demonstrate
2E91.1 Benign lymphoepithelial lesion of defined as at least one dense, periductal their polyclonal nature in lymphoepithelial
salivary gland aggregate of more than 50 lymphocytes, sialadenitis, while molecular evidence of B-
representing a histological criterion within a cell monoclonality may occur, but in the
Related terminology diagnostic score { 12006334 ; 27789466 }. absence of further histological evidence
Not recommended: benign Focus score is calculated as the number of does not necessarily represent a malignant
lymphoepithelial lesion; myoepithelial lymphocytic foci per 4 mm2. Cases with transformation. There is no association
sialadenitis; Mikulicz disease ductal dilatation, predominantly diffuse with EBV { 9894474 ; 17978770 }.
Subtype(s) lymphocytic infiltration, and fibrosis,
None however, rather represent non-specific, for Differential Diagnosis: Sclerosis,
Localization example traumatic or obstructive obliterative phlebitis, and numerous IgG4-
Typically, all salivary (and other mucosal) sialadenitis of minor/labial glands. positive plasma cells, as seen in IgG4-
glands are affected, with minor glands associated sialadenitis of submandibular
mostly microscopically without Advanced lesions typically manifest as glands, are absent { 21438912 }. HIV-
enlargement, while parotid glands often tumourous enlargement of parotid (rarely associated cystic lymphoepithelial lesion is
show bilateral enlargement. submandibular or lacrimal) glands. They histologically similar but is characterized by
Clinical features show intense, B-cell dominated, bizarre, enlarged follicles and massive
Clinical symptoms of sicca-syndrome (dry lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates with cystically dilated lymphoepithelial lesions
mouth, dry eye), frequently associated with preserved lobular architecture, variable, { 2122582 ; 8917715 }. Salivary
bilateral parotid swelling. often massive degree of parenchymal lymphoepithelial carcinoma may show
Epidemiology atrophy, multiple reactive follicles, and irregular lymphoepithelial lesions in lobular
Patients are predominantly females multiple, densely aggregated, partly cystic arrangement, but represents a bluntly
(female-to-male ratio 4:1) in their 6th-7th lymphoepithelial lesions. The infiltrating neoplasia with increased
decade. pathognomonic lymphoepithelial lesions proliferation, cellular atypia, and presence
Etiology (“islands“) consist of a netlike proliferation of EBV in a significant subset of cases
Multiglandular lymphoepithelial sialadenitis of basaloid ductal cells and permeating (B- { 32462279 }. Clinical information is usually
is usually a histological correlate of the cell) lymphocytes indispensable for correct differential
autoimmune Sjögren disease, { 9894474 ; 10335942 ; 16891656 ; 17978 diagnosis.
characterized by progressive mucosal 770 }. Monocytoid B-cells typically Cytology
sicca-syndrome, either as isolated constitute narrow, bright halos around Smears are cellular with a mixed lymphoid
disease or in combination with other lymphoepithelial lesions, while intensely population including lymphocytes, larger
autoimmune diseases, most frequently expanded and confluent halos might lymphoid cells, dendritic cells and tingible
rheumatoid arthritis. The etiology is unclear indicate progression to extranodal marginal body macrophages from germinal centers,
{ 10335942 ; 17978770 }. zone lymphoma (MALT lymphoma; see and plasma cells, along with a small
Pathogenesis chapter Plasma cells may be number of cohesive ductal tissue
Not clinically relevant frequent. fragments infiltrated by lymphocytes
Macroscopic appearance { 28411376 }. The epithelial cells may
Not clinically relevant show squamous metaplasia. Lymphoma
with its often more homogeneous lymphoid Essential and desirable diagnostic The degree of lymphocytic infiltration,
population, and metastatic squamous cell criteria parenchymal atrophy, and corresponding
carcinoma with its necrosis and more Essential: dense benign lymphocytic clinical sicca-syndrome is usually slowly
prominent nuclear pleomorphism are the infiltrate, in salivary glands, with progressive, lacking theurapeutic options.
differential diagnosis. lymphoepithelial lesions Approximately 4% progress to marginal
Diagnostic molecular pathology Staging zone (MALT) lymphoma, mostly unilateral
None None in parotid glands.
Prognosis and prediction
Benign epithelial tumours
Pleomorfic Adenoma

Definition minor salivary glands PAs may present 5th and 6th decades and slight female
Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) is a benign with dysphagia, airway obstruction, or predilection { 26382619 ; 28249655 }.
epithelial tumour characterized by obstructive sleep apnea { 19926180 }. Metastasizing PA is a rare subtype
cytomorphological and architectural Recurrent PAs present as multinodular indistinguishable from the primary tumour,
diversity with an admixture of ductal and disease in the surgical bed or surrounding but with biopsy-proven metastasis
myoepithelial cells usually embedded in a soft tissues { 25289881 }. Malignant { 1384375 ; 31094927 }. The mean age of
chondromyxoid or fibrous stromal transformation can be suggested by rapid presentation is 49.5 years and the mean
component. growth and facial nerve symptoms. interval between primary tumour diagnosis
ICD-O coding Metastasizing PA is a rare subtype that and metastatic disease is 14.9 years
8940/0 Pleomorphic adenoma occurs after multiple recurrences and must (range 0–51) { 1384375 ; 25958295 }. It
8940/3 Metastasizing pleomorphic be distinguished from malignancy. often occurs after multiple recurrences
adenoma Metastases are most commonly seen in { 25958295 }.
ICD-11 coding bone, lung, and neck lymph nodes Etiology
2E91 & XA5T23 & XH2KC1 Benign { 1384375 ; 25958295 ; 31094927 }. The etiology is unknown, but radiation
neoplasms of major salivary glands & exposure and estrogen / progesterone
salivary gland apparatus & pleomorphic Imaging: MR imaging of PA demonstrates have been suggested as risk
adenoma a number of typical features: lobulated factors { 9611101 ; 28249655 ; 33247629
tumour with well-defined margins, }.
Related terminology extremely T2W hyperintense, intermediate Pathogenesis
Acceptable: pleomorphic signal on T1W and avidly enhance PAs harbour recurrent translocations or
salivary adenoma; benign mixed tumour following intravenous contrast. PAs have intrachromosomal rearrangements
Subtype(s) high ADC valves on Diffusion Weighted resulting in gene fusions
Metastasizing pleomorphic Imaging (DWI) of around 1.6. On involving PLAG1 on 8q12 (>50%)
adenoma; oncocytic pleomorphic ultrasound, PAs are hypoechoic with or HMGA2 on 12q14.3 (10-15%)
adenoma through-transmission, have lobulated well- { 23821214 }. Six recurrent fusion partner
Localization defined margins and demonstrate internal genes for PLAG1 have been
Most PAs arise in the parotid gland (~70- vascularity. Use of doppler imaging is reported: CTNNB1, FGFR1, LIFR,
80%), followed by oral cavity and mandatory to avoid mislabeling them as CHCHD7, TCEA1, NFIB,
submandibular gland cysts. Although these features are BOC, while HMGA2 fuses with one of four
{ 3744850 ; 4009321 ; 19926180 ; 263826 characteristic of PA they are also seen in recurrent fusion partners: NFIB, WIF1,
19 ; 28249655 ; 33044721 }. In the oral other pathology and cytology/ histology is FHIT,
cavity, the palate is the most common required to confirm the diagnosis TMTC2 { 9020842 ; 9525740 ; 10029085 ;
location { 33044721 }. Rare locations { 32943368 }. 18828159 ; 31094927 ; 32654217 ; 3371
include: sinonasal tract, skull base, Epidemiology 0800 }. Oncocytic PAs have been shown to
external auditory canal, larynx PA is the most common salivary gland contain PLAG1 gene fusions with GEM,
{ 9282462 ; 9339807 ; 15104293 ; 25712 neoplasm worldwide, accounting for 50- CHCHD7, NFT3,
714 ; 30122650 }. 70% of all salivary gland tumours FBXO32, and C1orf116 { 32673681 }.
Clinical features { 18620785 ; 19951834 ; 26382619 ; 2721 Concurrent or
Generally PA presents as a slowly growing 7890 ; 28249655 ; 33044721 }. With an isolated HMGA2 amplification have also
painless mass. Deep parotid lobe tumours estimated incidence of 4.2-4.9 per 100,000 been reported { 18828159 ; 34324456 }.
present as parapharyngeal space masses; person-years, PAs occur across a wide Metastasizing PA is said to arise from
parotid tail tumours as level II neck lesions; age range with a peak incidence in the embolism of benign tumour cells.
Macroscopic appearance and chondromyxoid morphology contained Cytology
Tumours are well-circumscribed with within residual salivary gland or soft tissues Usually highly cellular smears show
smooth, lobular or bosselated borders. The { 15720991 ; 25289881 }. The term variable amounts of the characteristic
cut surface may be tan, chondroid white, or 'atypical PA' has been used to describe fibrillary matrix, admixed with myoepithelial
gelatinous. Cystic changes, hemorrhage tumours with a features suggestive of cells, that can be polygonal, plasmacytoid,
and infarction can occur. malignancy but insufficient for a diagnosis spindled, clear or round with bland round to
Histopathology of carcinoma ex-PA (CXPA). Careful oval nuclei, and ductal cells { 8732648 }.
The histological hallmark of PA is its microscopic evaluation and extensive The myoepithelial cells can be seen in the
morphological diversity derived from an sampling is necessary in such cases stroma, and merge into the epithelial
admixture of bilayered ducts, myoepithelial { 8782203 }. component. When the diagnostic fibrillary
cells, and stroma. PAs are well delineated stroma is scant, the differential diagnosis
and/or encapsulated. The capsule may be Metastasizing PA is histologically and from adenoid cystic carcinoma can be
absent in minor salivary gland and molecularly indistinguishable from a difficult, and squamous metaplasia can
chondromyxoid-predominant PAs. benign tumour at a primary location raise the possibility of high grade
The ductal and myoepithelial cells are { 1384375 ; 31094927 }. No histologic or mucoepidermoid carcinoma with its high
commonly arranged in bilayered tubular molecular features can reliably predict grade nuclei, but is rare in adenoid cystic
structures with the myoepithelial cells metastasis { 25958295 }. carcinomas { 8960024 ; 32767837 }.
melting with the stroma. The cellular Diagnostic molecular pathology
phenotype, particularly of the myoepithelial The oncocytic subtype is mainly composed Not applicable
cells, is broad and includes epithelioid, of cells with abundant eosinophilic granular Essential and desirable diagnostic
basaloid, stellate, spindled, clear cell, cytoplasm { 10394890 }. criteria
oncocytic and plasmacytoid morphology. Essential: admixture of bilayered ducts,
The stroma can be mucoid, myxoid, Immunohistochemistry: PLAG1 { 2879689 myoepithelial cells, and
hyalinized, chondroid, osseous or 9 }, and HMGA2 { 28463429 }, chondromyxoid/fibrous stroma in the
lipomatous. The proportion of the three respectively, are emerging as sensitive, absence of invasion and malignant
components vary in each tumour; and one and specific IHC markers for pleomorphic cytomorphological features
element may predominate. adenoma. Desirable: PLAG1 or HMGA2 alterations
Chondromyxoid-predominant stroma-rich Immunoexpression of S100 and SOX10 (in variants or diagnostically challenging
lesions with few cellular structures, can helps to differentiate oncocytic PA from cases)
mimic true cartilaginous neoplasms. In other oncocytic tumours { 32673681 }. Staging
cellular PAs the ductal and/or the Not applicable
myoepithelial cells are dominant over the Differential diagnosis: PAs can show Prognosis and prediction
stromal elements. Despite the increased squamous metaplasia and mucocytes, and Complete surgical resection is curative and
cellularity, invasion is absent and mimic squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) or the treatment of choice. Recurrences occur
immunohistochemical markers can mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) in 2.9%-6.7% of cases, mostly secondary
highlight the biphasic nature of the tumour { 9736432 }. PA can be distinguished from to rupture and incomplete tumour
{ 33368685 }. Non-neoplastic acini SCC by the absence of infiltrative growth, excision { 15720991 ; 26382619 ; 282496
merging at the periphery, marked pleomorphism, and increased 55 }. The overall rate of malignant
capsular bosselation, pseudopodia, mitoses; and separated from MEC by the transformation is difficult to assess since
satellite nodules, multinodular growth are identification of well-formed keratin pearls, many CXPA are diagnosed without a prior
not indicators of malignancy presence of myoepithelial differentiation, clinical history of a PA { 24804831 }. In
{ 11802025 ; 17252593 ; 19898859 ; 3336 and absence of MAML2 rearrangements recurrent PAs, the rate of malignant
8685 }. Intravascular tumour cells, possibly { 24121173 }. PA can exhibit cribriform transformation is around 3%
artifactually displaced during biopsy, architecture mimicking adenoid cystic { 26382619 ; 28249655 }. Out of 51 cases
should not be interpreted as carcinoma, and areas of compact biphasic of metastasizing PA with reported survival
angioinvasion { 9253625 ; 23073326 }. tubular structures reminiscent of epithelial- data, 9 (17.6%) died secondary to the
Bizarre tumour cells (ancient atypia) can be myoepithelial carcinoma disease and 41 (80.4%) were alive at 1-
observed; and infarct-type necrosis can { 33368685 }. Myoepithelial carcinoma is year. Multiple metastases appear to confer
occur after biopsy often cytologically bland and may therefore a poor prognosis { 25958295 }.
{ 7800377 ; 10594846 ; 10629137 }. be under-recognized as malignant and
Most recurrent PAs exhibit multiple misclassified as a myoepithelial-rich PA
discrete round nodules of variable sizes { 30789358 }.
Basal Cell Adenoma
Definition CTNNB1 alterations are often present, basal cell adenocarcinoma (BCAC) by the
Basal cell adenoma (BCA) is a benign usually in tubulotrabecular BCA absence of invasion.
biphasic salivary gland neoplasm { 27259009 ; 29224720 ; 29496310 ; 3352 Cytology
composed of basaloid and luminal cells, 6221 }. CYLD1 alterations are also Smears are usually markedly cellular with
and often containing basement membrane common, more so with membranous small sheets and round, trabecular or solid
material. BCA { 29463883 ; 33526221 }. tissue fragments consisting of
ICD-O coding Macroscopic appearance monomorphic small basaloid cells, with
8147/0 Basal cell adenoma BCAs are solitary and well-circumscribed, scant cytoplasm and frequent naked nuclei
ICD-11 coding (range: 2–55 mm) { 25141971 }, the in the clean background with stripped
2E91.Z & XH60D1 Benign neoplasm of membranous type may be multifocal. They round nuclei showing uniform fine
major salivary glands, unspecified & basal show a homogenous solid grey texture, hyperchromasia { 11575660 }. A dense
cell adenoma although cystic change is not uncommon thin layer of hyaline stroma most typically
{ 22978388 }. surrounds the basaloid tissue fragments
Related terminology Histopathology and interdigitates the cells peripherally,
Not recommended: monomorphic BCAs are encapsulated or well and small rounded droplets of stroma may
adenoma; dermal analogue tumour circumscribed and show tubulotrabecular, be seen, but no myxofibrillary stroma is
Subtype(s) cribriform, membranous or solid growth. A seen. Squamoid and sebaceous features
Membranous basal cell adenoma subset shows a distinct spindled S100- may be seen focally { 8701930 }.
Localization positive “myoepithelial cell-derived stromal Separating BCA from BCAC is difficult on
BCAs are largely restricted to major component” { 3528058 ; 26337214 }. The FNAB, and the differential diagnosis from
salivary glands, especially to the parotid tumour shows peripheral palisading of dark adenoid cystic carcinoma is not always
gland (>80%) cells with luminal paler cells and ducts. possible, and the term 'basaloid neoplasm'
{ 4009321 ; 11890618 ; 19951834 ; 27769 Nuclei are vesicular is often appropriate.
738 ; 30528989 ; 33526221 }. { 19454360 ; 22978388 ; 24206768 ; 2514 Diagnostic molecular pathology
Clinical features 1971 ; 26045798 }. A lipomatous subtype None
BCA usually presents as a well defined, is described { 31869766 }. Essential and desirable diagnostic
mobile solitary mass { 33526221 }, though criteria
syndromic cases may be multiple and Immunohistochemistry: Epithelial and Essential: noninvasive; biphasic basaloid
associated with dermal cylindromas or myoepithelial markers highlight the dual morphology; peripheral palisading
trichoepitheliomas { 19455704 }. cell composition { 23209336 ; 24299520 }. Desirable: dual population
Epidemiology Coexpression of nuclear β-catenin and immunophenotype; nuclear beta-catenin
BCA account for ~1-4% of all salivary gland LEF-1 is detected in reactivity
tumours BCAs { 21323741 ; 25497834 ; 27259009 Staging
{ 4009321 ; 11890618 ; 19951834 ; 27769 ; 29224720 }. Not applicable
738 ; 30528989 ; 33526221 }, presenting Prognosis and prediction
more frequently in the 6th-7th decades with Differential Diagnosis: BCAs are Recurrence rates are low (<2%); except for
a slight female predilection. distinguished from cellular pleomorphic the membranous subtype (~25%).
Etiology adenoma by their basaloid appearance, Malignant transformation can
Some BCAs occur in the setting of peripheral palisading and lack of blending occur { 9198102 }, more frequently with the
familial/multiple cylindromatosis with associated myoepithelial type stroma membranous subtype { 1872522 }.
syndromes { 12023583 ; 33526221 }. { 28060371 }. BCA are differentiated from
Warthin tumour
Definition Etiology
Warthin tumour is a benign salivary gland Warthin tumours, especially when bilateral, Differential Diagnosis: The main
tumour composed of oncocytic epithelial have been linked strongly to cigarette differential diagnosis of the metaplastic WT
cells lining ductal, papillary and cystic smoking subtype is Warthin-like mucoepidermoid
structures in a lymphoid stroma. { 8678050 ; 17050316 ; 18361448 }. Other carcinoma; however, Warthin tumours
ICD-O coding suggested risk factors include radiation lack MAML2 gene rearrangement
8561/0 Warthin tumour exposure in atomic bomb survivors { 24121173 ; 32222825 }.
ICD-11 coding { 9118025 }, and autoimmune diseases Cytology
2E91.Z & XA5T23 & XH9ZB2 Benign { 9288224 ; 25814196 }, especially Smears show a characteristic triad of small
neoplasm of major salivary glands, thyroiditis. Some studies have suggested a cohesive sheets of oncocytes, with
unspecified & salivary gland apparatus & role for IgG4 { 24565204 } and various abundant granular cytoplasm, well defined
Adenolymphoma viruses, but this is still unproven cytoplasmic margins and central rounded
{ 29224806 }. nuclei with a prominent single nucleolus, as
Related terminology Pathogenesis well as, numerous lymphocytes and a
Not recommended: adenolymphoma; Warthin tumour probably arises from lesser number of larger lymphoid cells, and
papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum; salivary ductal inclusions in parotid lymph granular background debris { 9099541 }.
cystadenolymphoma nodes { 23868565 ; 32865726 }. Clonality The proportion of the 3 components can
Subtype(s) studies have suggested a non-neoplastic vary. Diagnostic challenges occur when
Infarcted/metaplastic Warthin tumour nature { 11112212 ; 15861216 }. there are metaplastic changes including
Localization Macroscopic appearance squamous and mucinous metaplasia
Tumours are almost exclusively restricted Most are well-circumscribed spherical-oval raising a differential diagnosis with
to parotid glands, especially the inferior masses, 20 - 50 mm in diameter, although mucoepidermoid carcinoma, which lacks
pole, and peri-parotid lymph nodes one example measured 200 mm tissue fragments of bland oncocytic cells,
{ 9578258 ; 8431414 }; fewer than 1% are { 31742077 }. Solid areas and multiple but may have a cystic background and a
found in the deep lobe { 28013343 }. cysts with papillary projections are lymphoid component
Tumours are multifocal in 12-20% of apparent on cut surface. { 9285198 ; 32767837 }.
patients, either synchronously or Histopathology Diagnostic molecular pathology
metachronously, and are bilateral in 5-17% Warthin tumour (WT) is composed of Not directly relevant, but absence
{ 11755819 ; 17050316 }. They may be varying proportions of papillary-cystic of MAML2 alteration can exclude
associated with other salivary tumour types structures lined by bilayered oncocytic mucoepidermoid carcinoma { 24121173 }.
{ 2917323 ; 32331963 }. epithelial cells, surrounded by a lymphoid Essential and desirable diagnostic
Clinical features stroma including germinal centres. The criteria
Patients present with painless, slow- epithelial component comprises inner Essential: circumscribed mass with spaces
growing and fluctuant swellings. Pain or columnar and outer cuboidal cells. Limited lined by papillary bilayered oncocytic cells;
facial nerve palsy may occur in metaplastic foci of squamous, mucous, ciliated and lymphoid stroma.
/ infarcted variants { 2743609 ; 3458128 }. sebaceous cells can be present. Staging
Not applicable
Imaging: Characteristic imaging findings Subtype: In infarcted/metaplastic subtype Prognosis and prediction
include multifocality, parotid tail location, of WT the bilayered epithelium is replaced Complete surgical excision with an
cystic change, and avidity on PET CT by squamous metaplastic epithelium with adequate margin is usually curative
{ 25523505 }. no atypia. Mucinous metaplasia may also { 25543869 }. Uncommon local
Epidemiology be present recurrences are probably due to multifocal
Warthin tumour accounts for 5-20% of all { 24121173 ; 10583558 }. Infarcted/metapl tumours or inadequate excision
salivary tumours, except in black Africans astic subtype which may follow FNA or { 18550337 }. Malignant transformation in
where it is rare { 24455085 }. The mean trauma, show areas of necrosis, in which a Warthin tumour is rare; a few examples
age at diagnosis is 62 (range 12-92) ghost papillary architecture may be have been reported of both epithelial
{ 6304434 }. The male to female ratio has discerned (highlighted with reticulin { 7965888 ; 11026102 ; 11683932 ; 15455
shifted in Europe and North America from staining). There is usually marked 232 ; 21877991 ; 29627151 } and
10:1 in 1953 { 6304434 } to almost equal squamous (less often, mucinous) lymphoid neoplasms
nowadays { 3458128 }; however, a 2018 metaplasia and a stromal reaction, { 16045788 ; 26119391 ; 26169920 }
study found the 10:1 ratio remains true in including granuloma formation
China { 29627151 }. { 2743609 ; 10583558 ; 10631719 }.
Definition A history of radiotherapy or long-term carcinoma
Oncocytoma is a benign encapsulated radiation exposure has been reported { 24771139 }. MAML2 rearrangement
neoplasm composed of large epithelial { 2031528 }. The oncocytic phenotype is helps distinguishing oncocytic
cells with abundant eosinophilic granular associated with mitochondrial (mtDNA) mucoepidermoid carcinoma { 33002921 }.
cytoplasm due to accumulation of mutations { 12087334 ; 20732299 }. SOX10 and S100 protein immunopositivity,
mitochondria. Pathogenesis and PLAG1 gene rearrangement
ICD-O coding Oncocytoma may arise in background of distinguishes pleomorphic adenoma and
8290/0 Oncocytoma multinodular oncocytic hyperplasia. myoepithelioma with extensive oncocytic
ICD-11 coding Macroscopic appearance metaplasia { 32673681 }.
2E91.1 & XH9Z86 Benign neoplasm of Usually small, single and lobulated well- Cytology
other specified major salivary glands & circumscribed brownish tumours with or The smears of oncocytoma are
Oxyphilic adenoma without cystic component and/or central indistinguishable from nodular oncocytic
fibrosis. hyperplasia { 31051720 }. The nuclei tend
Related terminology Histopathology to be round and with prominent nucleoli.
Acceptable: oncocytic adenoma, oxyphilic Oncocytomas are well-circumscribed Acinic cell carcinoma can be distinguished
adenoma tumours consisting of oncocytes with by the finely vacuolated cytoplasm that is
Subtype(s) abundant eosinophilic granular often lost in smears. DOG1, p63 and S100
Clear cell oncocytoma cytoplasm, arranged in nests and sheets, panel on FNA cell blocks is useful in
Localization separated by a thin fibrovascular stroma. differential diagnosis { 31051720 }.
Over 80% of cases occur in the parotid, The nuclei are uniform, vesicular and Diagnostic molecular pathology
approximately 10% in the submandibular centrally placed, with prominent single Not relevant
gland, and the rest in minor salivary glands nucleoli. Dark cells with pyknotic nuclei, Essential and desirable diagnostic
and sublingual gland likely representing degenerated criteria
{ 2031528 ; 2361662 ; 8940996 ; 1208733 oncocytes are present. Tumours lack Essential: circumscribed mass composed
4 }. entrapped normal parenchyma. of large oncocytic epithelial cells; lack of
Clinical features entrapped normal parenchyma
Symptoms depend on anatomical location. Subtype: Clear cell oncocytoma-Presence Desirable: basal cells positive for p63,
Usually presents as a unilateral painless of glycogen and fixation artefacts cause absence of SOX10, S100
swelling. clear change { 3402976 }. Staging
Epidemiology Not relevant
Oncocytomas represent fewer than 1.5% Immunohistochemstry and Differential Prognosis and prediction
of salivary gland tumours. Incidence peak Diagnosis: The presence of p63 positive Oncocytomas do not recur if completely
is in the 7th decade of life, with no gender basal cells excludes metastatic renal cell resected. Malignant transformation is
predilection { 2031528 ; 2361662 }. carcinoma and acinic cell carcinoma exceedingly rare { 31209701 }.
Tumours may be multifocal and bilateral { 20614263 ; 19646823 }. Absence of
{ 2917323 ; 18357950 ; 22627459 } PAX2 and/or PAX8 expression favours
Etiology oncocytoma over metastatic renal
Salivary Gland Myoepithelioma
Definition Pathogenesis carcinoma (MECA)
Myoepithelioma (ME) is a benign salivary A few cases show EWSR1- { 25970687 ; 30789358 }. The
gland neoplasm that is composed almost rearrangements without correlation with characteristic basaloid biphasic pattern,
exclusively of myoepithelial cells and the histological patterns peripheral palisading, and minimal to
stroma they produce. { 28648935 }. NTF3::PLAG1, FBXO32::PL absent myxoid stroma of basal cell
ICD-O coding AG1, and GEM::PLAG1 fusions have been adenoma help to separate it from ME.
8982/0 Myoepithelioma detected in oncocytic ME { 32673681 }. Monomorphic histology and rare or absent
ICD-11 coding Macroscopic appearance ductal structures in ME differentiate it from
2E91.1 & XH3CQ8 Benign neoplasm of Tumour is solid, well-circumscribed, and pleomorphic adenoma
other specified major salivary glands & exhibits tan to yellow glistening cut { 19926180 ; 33231965 }. Differentiation
myoepithelioma surfaces. from soft tissue ME may be difficult given
Histopathology overlapping histological features and the
Related terminology ME shows well-circumscribed and often presence of PLAG1 gene rearrangements
Not recommended: myoepithelial cell encapsulated borders. The myoepithelial in both { 23630011 }.
tumour; myoepithelial adenoma cells can be spindled, epithelioid, Cytology
Subtype(s) plasmacytoid, clear or in variable Smears show variable cellularity with
None combinations thereof spindled, epithelioid, clear or plasmacytoid
Localization { 25970687 ; 30665928 }, and may be bland myoepithelial cells as a single cell
Most MEs occur in the parotid gland arranged in nested, cord-like, trabeculated, type or mixed types in loosely cohesive
followed by the palate, and less commonly or reticular patterns. The stroma can be tissue fragments with strands of hyaline
in submandibular gland { 33231965 }. myxoid, collagenous, or vascular. stroma or as single cells. There is no
Clinical features Abundant intracellular mucin is a rare myxofibrillary stroma. Necrosis and nuclear
The tumour usually presents as a painless reported finding atypia suggest MECA, but due to the
slow-growing mass. { 23821216 ; 24595421 ; 28614209 } and inability to assess tumour invasion, it is
Epidemiology oncocytic changes may be found. impossible to differentiate ME from MECA
ME comprises 1.5% of all salivary gland Encapsulation is uncommon in the minor on cytopathology { 25970687 }.
tumours. It constitutes 2.2% and 5.7% of salivary gland tumours. Diagnostic molecular pathology
major and minor salivary gland tumours, Detection of PLAG1 rearrangement by
respectively. The patient age ranges from Immunohistochemistry: ME is positive for cytogenetics or other methods can be
9 to 85 years (mean age is 44 years). keratins, S100, SOX10, and myoepithelial helpful { 28648935 ; 32673681 }.
Males and females are equally affected markers such as p63, calponin, and SMA. Essential and desirable diagnostic
{ 1325089 ; 2423468 ; 2982059 ; 6277451 criteria
; 7557900 ; 8734420 ; 11269218 }. Differential Diagnosis: The tumour’s well- Essential: almost exclusive myoepithelial
Etiology defined borders and lack of an invasive differentiation and absence of invasion
Unknown growth distinguish ME from myoepithelial
Desirable: tumour encapsulation (except in Prognosis and prediction transformation to MECA has been reported
minor salivary glands) ME is a benign tumour that shows a low but seems to be extremely rare
Staging recurrence rate. The tumour is treated by { 8882360 ; 10843278 }.
Not applicable complete surgical resection. Malignant

Canalicular Adenoma
Definition { 2845326 ; 7549761 ; 6281711 ; 9038559 Laminated microliths are frequently
Canalicular adenoma is a benign salivary ; 9563662 ; 10426199 ; 10769568 ; 1697 present { 10583574 ; 25141970 }. Mitoses
gland neoplasm of monomorphous 9373 ; 25141970 ; 22769409 }. There is a are limited. Rare hybrid or collision
epithelial cells arranged in anastomosing 1.7:1 female to male ratio tumours have been reported { 8776422 }.
cords within a loose, vascularized stroma. { 6366687 ; 25141970 }, with a wide age
ICD-O coding range (33–91 years), but a peak in the Immunohistochemistry: The cells are
8149/0 Canalicular adenoma 7th decade. immunoreactive for pancytokeratin, CK7,
ICD-11 coding Etiology S100 protein, SOX10, and CD117, but
2E91.Z & XH1TD7 Benign neoplasm of Unknown nonreactive with DOG1, desmin, and
major salivary glands, unspecified & Pathogenesis actins { 7534898 ; 10458827 ; 11337269 ;
Canalicular adenoma Unknown 12447671 ; 12738950 ; 15153875 ; 25141
Macroscopic appearance 970 }. There is a characteristic linear
Related terminology Tumours range from 2 to 30 mm. They are peripheral GFAP immunoreactivity
Not recommended: canalicular tumour; well circumscribed, often cystic, showing { 20614277 ; 25141970 }.
canalicular mixed tumour; monomorphic light yellow to tan to brown translucent
adenoma, canalicular type; cystic nodules { 25141970 }. Differential Diagnosis: The entities include
adenoma; adenomatosis of accessory Histopathology include basal cell adenoma, polymorphous
salivary glands Tumours have a bosselated or lobulated adenocarcinoma, adenoid cystic
Subtype(s) periphery, occasionally multifocal. The carcinoma, reticulated myoepithelioma,
None tumour cells are relatively monotonous, selected odontogenic tumours, and skin
Localization high cuboidal to columnar, and arranged in basal cell carcinoma.
Canalicular adenomas occur in the upper 1-2 cell layers. These layers anastomose Cytology
lip (80%), followed by buccal to create a lattice of cords, canaliculi, Not clinically relevant
mucosa, lower lip, hard and soft palate tubules, and/or strands. Papillary Diagnostic molecular pathology
{ 25141970 }. projections into cystic spaces are common. None
Clinical features The cell ribbons frequently abut one Essential and desirable diagnostic
Patients present with a slowly growing, another (“beading”) with knots of cells criteria
mobile, painless, non-ulcerated mass joining parallel rows Essential: minor salivary gland location;
{ 25141970 }. Multifocal tumours are seen { 6366687 ; 25141970 }. The nuclei appear monotonous, isomorphic syncytium of
in 9% of cases pseudostratified. Intraluminal squamoid cuboidal to columnar cells anastomosing in
{ 6281711 ; 8555146 ; 10102598 ; 159449 morules may be seen in the canals. The a lattice of cords and canaliculi; no
78 }. nuclei are round to oval with coarse basal/myoepithelial layer
Epidemiology chromatin. There is a syncytial appearance Staging
Canalicular adenoma accounts for < 1% of to the cells. There is no basal or Not applicable
all salivary gland tumours myoepithelial layer. The stroma is sparse, Prognosis and prediction
{ 16053874 ; 17825603 } and 4-6% of all loose, fibrillary, and oedematous,
benign minor salivary gland neoplasms sometimes containing histiocytes.
Complete conservative removal is best,
although multifocality may suggest
recurrence { 25141970 }.
Cystadenoma of Salivary Gland

Definition Not well understood. Three tumours (two Differential diagnosis: Cystadenoma
Cystadenoma is a rare predominantly oncocytic) with genetic data lacked should be distinguished from other
multicystic benign epithelial salivary gland mutations papillary ductal proliferations by
neoplasm that is lined by proliferative in BRAF, AKT1, PIK3CA, HRAS, KRAS established criteria { 33526223 }.
epithelium with variable papillary and GNAS { 31505033 }. Immunohistochemistry may help to
architecture and frequent oncocytic Macroscopic appearance exclude macrocystic secretory carcinoma
cytology. Tumours vary from unilocular to (S100+, SOX10+, mammaglobin+,
ICD-O coding multilocular with variably sized cystic MUC4+) and intercalated-type intraductal
8440/0 Cystadenoma spaces. Their lining varies from flat and carcinoma (S100+, SOX10+,
ICD-11 coding smooth to granular-papillary lining. The mammaglobin+) { 31464708 ; 32931030 }.
2E91.Z & XH5RJ2 Benign neoplasm of cysts contents vary based on the Mucinous subtype has organoid epithelium
major salivary glands, unspecified & predominant epithelial type, ranging from lacking irregularly distributed intermediate
Cystadenoma, NOS watery to thick mucoid and epidermoid cells and distorted mucous
{ 25547059 ; 25861198 }. cell component seen in purely cystic
Related terminology Histopathology mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Not recommended: cystic duct adenoma; Cystadenomas are well circumscribed but { 25861198 ; 27278378 }.
intraductal papillary hyperplasia non-encapsulated with entrapment of
Subtype(s) salivary tissue at the periphery. Up to 20% Cytology
Papillary cystadenoma; oncocytic of cases are unicystic. The cysts are Not described
cystadenoma; mucinous cystadenoma variably sized and lined by epithelial cells Diagnostic molecular pathology
Localization of different types with variable papillary Not directly relevant. However, testing can
Cystadenomas seem equally distributed configuration. The lining epithelium shows exclude other cystic tumour entities
between major and minor salivary glands. an admixture of columnar, cuboidal and (i.e. ETV6 for secretory
Almost half of cases originate in the oncocytic cells in variable combinations. carcinoma, NR4A3 for acinic cell
parotid, followed by minor glands of the lip Mucinous, squamous, apocrine and carcinoma, and MAML2 for
and buccal mucosa { 25547059 }. ciliated epithelia are uncommon. mucoepidermoid carcinoma).
Clinical features Cystadenomas lack cytological atypia, Essential and desirable diagnostic
Cystadenomas present as slowly growing mitotic activity and invasive growth. They criteria
painless nodules or masses. Minor salivary also lack complex arborizing and Essential: uni- or multicystic non-invasive
gland tumours are covered by smooth hierarchical papillary tufting of intercalated- bland neoplasm with oncocytic or mixed
mucosa, frequently mimicking mucocele. type intraductal carcinoma and other epithelial lining. No lymphoid stroma.
Major salivary gland tumours are clinically entities { 31162284 }. Exclusion of other cystic salivary gland
not distinguishable from other indolent tumours
cystic salivary gland lesions { 25547059 }. Subtypes: Papillary oncocytic subtype Desirable: oncocytic cells and variable
Epidemiology closely mimics lymphocyte-poor Warthin other-type cells, variable papillary
Cystadenomas represent 1-4% of all tumour. Purely or predominantly mucinous component, demonstrable basal cell layer
salivary gland neoplasms. Women are and squamous subtypes are rare. Staging
more frequently affected than men with a Not applicable
mean age in the 5th to 7th decade of life Immunohistochemistry: The lining cells Prognosis and prediction
{ 25547059 }. show a simple luminal phenotype Cystadenoma is cured by simple excision.
Etiology (CK8/18+), supported by a p63+ basal cell Recurrence is rare. Rare cases of invasive
None layer { 23217538 }. S100 and SOX10 are carcinoma originating from cystadenoma
Pathogenesis usually absent or only focally expressed. has been reported
{ 15847390 ; 11097376 }.
Ductal Papillomas

Definition Preferential sites are intraoral minor Etiology

Ductal papillomas (DPs) are salivary glands, with lower lip, buccal Unknown
benign epithelial neoplasms arising from mucosa and palate being the most frequent Pathogenesis
the main excretory salivary ducts. { 11458248 ; 33526223 ; 31209701 }. HPV DNA was detected in only one case
ICD-O coding Rare DPs affect the parotid or unusual { 18774261 ; 28329525 }. No genetic
8503/0 Intraductal papilloma sites { 32744904 ; 29768362 }. changes were identified { 31505033 }.
ICD-11 coding Clinical features Relation with trauma has been reported
2E91.Z & XA5T23 & XH4LZ4 Benign DPs present as slowly growing, painless { 24455058 }.
neoplasm of major salivary glands, submucosal or as polypoid intra-oral Macroscopic appearance
unspecified & salivary gland apparatus & lesion. Duration of symptoms range from a DPs appear as cystic nodules, not
Intraductal papilloma few weeks to several years exceeding 15 mm { 11458248 }.
{ 11458248 ; 11458248 ; 26583524 }. Histopathology
Related terminology Epidemiology DP may be described as intraductal
Acceptable: intraductal papilloma (IP); DPs constitute about 0.3% of oral salivary papilloma (IP) or inverted ductal papilloma
inverted ductal papilloma (IDP) gland tumours { 33526223 }. They usually (IDP) according to the growth pattern
Subtype(s) affect adults, with no gender predilection { 11458248 ; 31209701 ; 33526223 }. IPs
None { 11555769 ; 12121243 ; 17598121 }. are usually located at the ostia of the
Localization Rare paediatric cases have been reported salivary excretory ducts, presenting as a
{ 11458248 ; 33526223 ; 31209701 }. unicystic lesion with well defined borders,
and filled with papillary projections. { 33526223 } such as mucinous Not relevant
Papillae are lined by columnar cells, adenocarcinoma { 29738361 } Essential and desirable diagnostic
intermingled with rare mucoid cells. IDP is and mucoepidermoid carcinoma. criteria
an unencapsulated, endophytic epithelial Presence of branching papillae, lined Essential: IP is a unicystic lesion with
tumour with well defined borders and a by numerous pale gastric-like cells, favours internal papillae, lined by columnar cells
central opening that is frequently in contact mucinous adenocarcinoma. Atypia, lacking atypia
with the surface mucosa. It is composed of invasive borders and the presence Desirable: IDP is a lesion with well
mucinous and nonkeratinizing squamous of MAML2 fusion favour the diagnosis of delineated borders and endophytic growth,
cells. No atypia is seen, and mitoses are mucoepidermoid carcinoma. composed of squamous and mucoid cells,
rare { 11555769 ; 12121243 ; 17598121 }. Cytology devoid of atypia
Rarely reported cases show smears with Staging
Immunohistochemistry: This is of little help papillary tissue fragments and sheets of Not relevant
in the diagnosis. ductal or oncocytic columnar cells with Prognosis and prediction
bland nuclei, and histiocytes in the DPs are benign, cured by complete
Differential Diagnosis: The entities include background { 10349381 ; 10578993 }. surgical excision { 11458248 }.
other salivary gland papillary lesions Diagnostic molecular pathology

Sialadenoma Papilliferum

Definition Clinical features { 5353939 ; 28887760 ; 31473937 ; 33712

Sialadenoma papilliferum (SP) is a SP usually presents as a raised sessile or 056 }.
polypoid neoplasm with both exophytic and pedunculated mucosal Histopathology
inward papillary proliferation of mucosal lesion { 33712056 }. SP is characterized by the presence of
and salivary ductal epithelium. Epidemiology both exophytic surface squamous and
ICD-O coding SP is rare and tends to occur in older endophytic ductal papillary proliferation.
8406/0 Sialadenoma papilliferum adults. The age ranges between 2 to 91 The exophytic squamous proliferation is
ICD-11 coding years with a median age of 62 years directly contiguous with submucosal
2E91.Z & XH65F9 Benign neoplasm of { 5353939 ; 28887760 ; 31473937 }. Males salivary gland ductal epithelium which
unspecified major salivary glands are more commonly affected { 33712056 }. shows endophytic papillary infoldings and
& Sialadenoma papilliferum Etiology cystic-like spaces
Unknown. { 5353939 ; 28887760 ; 31505033 }. The
Related terminology Pathogenesis ductal epithelium has biphasic pattern with
None BRAF p.V600E mutation has been luminal cuboidal or columnar cells and
Subtype(s) reported in SP { 31473937 ; 33443864 }. basally located basal cells { 28887760 }.
None Macroscopic appearance The ductal luminal cells may show
Localization SP is typically polypoid with a papillary oncocytic metaplasia
Most SPs occur in the hard palate followed surface and well-circumscribed margins. { 31473937 ; 33712056 }. Cases with
by buccal mucosa. Other sites include soft The size is usually less than 10 mm, and endophytic ductal proliferation
palate, tongue, mouth floor, parotid gland, grossly visible cystic spaces might be with BRAF mutation but no exophytic
bronchus, and esophagus visible on cut section component are called SP-like intraductal
{ 33443864 ; 33712056 }. papillary tumours { 31505033 }.
Differential Diagnosis: The presence of a Essential and desirable diagnostic
Immunohistochemistry: The ductal cells typical exophytic and endophytic growth criteria
are positive for CK7 and SOX10; the basal pattern can distinguish SP from other Essential: surface exophytic mucosal
cells are positive for p63. The exophytic salivary duct papillary tumours including squamous proliferation and submucosal
squamous cells are positive for p63, CK13, squamous cell papilloma, ductal papilloma, ductal cystic-like spaces
and may focally be positive for CK7 or cystadenoma. Lack of invasion and Desirable: evidence of BRAF p.V600E
{ 8887080 ; 31473937 ; 33712056 }. overt atypia distinguishes SP from mutation
Positive immunohistochemistry adenosquamous carcinoma. Staging
for BRAF p.V600E staining can be seen in Cytology Not applicable
both squamous and ductal components of Not reported in cytopathological literature Prognosis and prediction
SP { 31505033 ; 33712056 }. Diagnostic molecular pathology Surgical removal is curative for SP.
BRAF p.V600E mutation by PCR or other Recurrence and malignant transformation
methods may be helpful are very rare { 33712056 }.

{ 20032620 ; 24000514 ; 33257384 } ; ratio of 4:3 and there may be a slight
Definition lacrimal and minor salivary gland tumours female preference for non-sebaceous
A benign salivary gland tumour consisting have been reported lymphadenomas { 21892186 }.
of a proliferation of ductal or sebaceous { 12076329 ; 29460186 }. Non-sebaceous Etiology
epithelial cells forming nests within a lymphadenomas frequently occur in parotid Unknown
reactive lymphoid background. gland or peri-parotid tissue Pathogenesis
ICD-O coding { 24944675 ; 29460186 ; 32926569 }. Unknown
8563/0 Lymphadenoma Clinical features Macroscopic appearance
ICD-11 coding Patients present with a slowly growing Sebaceous lymphadenomas are slightly
2E91.Z & XH7J33 Benign neoplasm of painless mass of a few months to several larger than non-sebaceous
major salivary glands, unspecified & years duration { 24944675 }. lymphadenomas, 29 mm (range, 10 – 60
Epidemiology mm) and 15 mm (range, 6–50 mm),
Lymphadenomas represent 0.1% of respectively. They are typically well-
Related terminology salivary gland neoplasms and less than circumscribed to encapsulated with grey-
None 0.5% of salivary gland adenomas white / tan-yellow / solid or multicystic cut
Subtype(s) { 21892186 }. Sebaceous type is more surface { 29460186 }.
Sebaceous lymphadenoma; non- common. Patient age range is 10 to 78 Histopathology
sebaceous lymphadenoma years (median: 59 years) { 21892186 }. Sebaceous lymphadenomas are well-
Localization Non-sebaceous lymphadenomas tend to circumscribed, variably macro-or-
Most sebaceous lymphadenomas occur in affect younger patients including children microcystic. They are composed of variably
the parotid/periparotid area or { 12383217 ; 18329584 ; 19138644 ; 2051 sized ducts, with foci of sebaceous
submandibular gland 2641 ; 23426964 }. Sebaceous differentiation in a benign lymphoid
lymphadenomas have a male-to-female background containing reactive lymphoid
follicles with germinal centers <10%. P16 is positive in sebaceous Not applicable
{ 12383217 ; 21892186 ; 29850339 ; 3296 lymphadenoma; HPV, EBV, and HHV-8 Essential and desirable diagnostic
0941 }. Pleomorphism and cytological are negative { 21892186 }. criteria
atypia are minimal; necrosis and mitoses Essential: lymphadenoma, sebaceous
are uncommon. Squamous differentiation Differential Diagnosis: Absence of subtype: epithelial nests/ducts, sebaceous
and oncocytic metaplasia may be seen invasion, extensive epidermoid islands, cells/nests, benign lymphoid background
{ 16878064 ; 20032620 }. Histiocytes and MAML2 gene rearrangement help to lymphadenoma, non-sebaceous
and/or foreign-body giant cells, from distinguish lymphadenomas from Warthin- subtype: epithelial nests/ducts in a benign
sebum leakage, are common like variant of mucoepidermoid carcinoma lymphoid background
{ 12383217 ; 21892186 ; 32960941 }. { 32960941 }. Desirable: well-defined capsule
Non-sebaceous lymphadenomas are Cytology Staging
similar but without sebaceous Smears are cellular showing 3-D tissue Not applicable
cells { 12383217 ; 21892186 ; 32960941 }. fragments which may be glandular or solid Prognosis and prediction
composed of bland basaloid or columnar These are benign tumours, which do not
cells, with lymphocytes and histiocytes in a recur if completely excised. Malignant
Immunohistochemistry: Sebocytes stain proteinaceous background transformation is exceptionally rare and
for p63, EMA, adipophilin, and perilipin. { 19670220 ; 31967730 ; 32926569 }. has been reported in the sebaceous,
Basal cells are positive for CK 5/6 and p63; Sebaceous differentiation with abundant basaloid and lymphoid components
luminal epithelial cells are positive for CK7, finely vacuolated microvesicular cytoplasm { 12913846 ; 6704903 ; 21892186 ; 31967
CK18, and CK19 { 17431672 ; 21892186 }. and central nuclei is not prominent. 730 }.
Lymphocytes are polytypic. Ki67 index is Diagnostic molecular pathology

Sebaceous Adenoma

Definition frequently with areas of cystic change and 2E91.Z & XH1NC5 Benign neoplasm of
Sebaceous adenoma is a benign, well- squamous differentiation. major salivary glands, unspecified &
circumscribed tumour composed of ICD-O coding sebaceous adenoma
irregularly sized and shaped nests of 8410/0 Sebaceous adenoma
sebaceous cells without cytologic atypia, ICD-11 coding Related terminology
None These tumours range in size from 4 to 60 Smears are moderately cellular with tissue
Subtype(s) mm in greatest dimension. They are fragments consisting of large epithelial
None commonly encapsulated or sharply cells with abundant foamy, finely granular
Localization circumscribed, varying in color from or finely vacuolated ‘sebaceous’ cytoplasm
Approximately 60% arise in the major grayish-white to pinkish-white to yellow or and centrally located bland round nuclei
salivary glands, typically the parotid gland yellowish-gray { 6704903 }. with slightly irregular nuclear contours and
and 40% in the oral cavity, frequently the Histopathology inconspicuous nucleoli
buccal mucosa { 22430772 }. Tumours are composed of closely { 19670220 ; 31967730 ; 32926569 }.
Clinical features associated dilated or microcystic salivary Basaloid cells, squamous cells and
Patients usually present with a painless ducts with foci of prominent sebaceous lymphocytes can be present, as well as
mass. differentiation, often with areas of histiocytes. Oncocytes are not seen.
Epidemiology squamous change. Atypia and Necrosis, nuclear atypia and mitotic figures
Sebaceous adenoma is rare, accounting pleomorphism are minimal; invasion of are absent { 7880973 ; 19697727 }.
for 0.1% of all salivary gland neoplasms surrounding tissues is not found. Diagnostic molecular pathology
and slightly less than 0.5% of all Sebaceous glands vary markedly in Not clinically relevant
adenomas. More than 30 cases have been tortuosity and size; they are frequently Essential and desirable diagnostic
reported { 31209701 }. Mean age at initial embedded in fibrous stroma. Marked criteria
clinical presentation is in the 6th decade oncocytic metaplasia may be found and Essential: numerous closely packed
(range, 22–90 years) with a male-to-female histiocytes and/or foreign body giant cells, sebaceous glands with minimal or no
ratio of 4:3 { 22430772 ; 31209701 }. due to extravasated sebum can be seen atypia
Etiology focally. Lymphoid infiltrates and follicles, Staging
Unknown cytologic atypia, necrosis, and mitoses are Not relevant
Pathogenesis not compatible with a diagnosis of Prognosis and prediction
Unknown sebaceous adenoma The tumours do not recur after complete
Macroscopic appearance { 6704903 ; 22430772 }. excision.
Intercalated Duct Adenoma and Hyperplasia

Definition (e.g., basal cell adenoma, epithelial- and hyperplasias when blending with
Intercalated duct adenoma and myoepithelial carcinoma) adjacent acini { 19542868 }.
hyperplasia are benign salivary ductal { 10971702 ; 19542868 ; 24299520 ; 2549
proliferations resembling bi-layered 7834 }. Differential Diagnosis: If well
(epithelial and myoepithelial) intercalated Epidemiology circumscribed, it should be distinguished
ducts. Rarely reported from striated duct adenoma (which lacks
ICD-O coding { 7868091 ; 10971702 ; 11174600 ; 12072 myoepithelial cells)
None 816 ; 19542868 ; 22271513 ; 22460810 ; { 19542868 ; 21054495 }.
ICD-11 coding 24299520 ; 25497834 }, there is a female- Cytology
2E91.Z Benign neoplasm of unspecified to-male ratio of 3:2, occurring in middle age Smears show cohesive large tissue
major salivary glands (mean 52 years). fragments of epithelial cells with high N:C
Related terminology Etiology ratio and bland oval nuclei, with admixed
Not recommended: adenomatous ductal Unknown thin stromal strands { 26477034 }.
proliferation Pathogenesis Diagnostic molecular pathology
Subtype(s) Unknown Not clinically relevant
None Macroscopic appearance Essential and desirable diagnostic
Localization Rarely detected macroscopically, most criteria
The majority (85%) of cases arise in the lesions are < 5 mm { 19542868 }. Essential: monotonous proliferation of
parotid gland followed by the Histopathology cuboidal ductal cells surrounded by
submandibular gland (11%), and the oral Intercalated duct lesions manifest as a myoepithelial cells, sometimes with acinic
cavity (4%) nodular, occasionally multinodular, cells
{ 7868091 ; 10971702 ; 11174600 ; 12072 proliferation of cuboidal ductal cells with Staging
816 ; 19542868 ; 22271513 ; 22460810 ; attenuated myoepithelial cells, sometimes Not applicable
25497834 }. containing acinic cells. Intercalated duct Prognosis and prediction
Clinical features lesions are subdivided into adenomas, Most are incidental lesions, with an
Most cases are incidental, concurrently when well circumscribed or encapsulated, excellent prognosis
identified with other salivary gland lesions
Striated Duct Adenoma

Definition SDA can involve both the major and minor SDA present as solid masses with a yellow
Striated duct adenoma (SDA) is a benign salivary glands, with a predominance in the cut surface.
salivary gland tumour composed of ducts parotid { 21054495 ; 28440555 }. Histopathology
resembling normal striated ducts lined by a Clinical features SDA are well-circumscribed and
single layer of luminal cells with minimal SDA presents as a painless mass encapsulated. They are composed of
intervening stroma. { 21054495 ; 28440555 }. small, closely spaced ducts with minimal
ICD-O coding Epidemiology intervening stroma. Small cysts can also be
None SDA are rare tumours. Those described seen. The tumour may be highly vascular,
ICD-11 coding have been in adults (range 47-78 years) and some contain “staghorn” blood
2E91.Z Benign neoplasm of unspecified with a slight female predominance vessels. The ducts are lined by a single
major salivary glands { 21054495 ; 28440555 }. layer of columnar cells with eosinophilic
Related terminology Etiology cytoplasm, unlike intercalated duct lesions
Not recommended: ductal adenoma Unknown { 19542868 }. Occasionally, the luminal
Subtype(s) Pathogenesis spaces may contain eosinophilic material
None Unknown reminiscent of colloid, as well as red blood
Localization Macroscopic appearance cells. Some cases show hyalinization and
may mimic oncocytoma with oncocytosis.
Occasional cases will show striated duct only. Markers of thyroid differentiation such Essential and desirable diagnostic
hyperplasia of the background parotid. The as TTF-1 and thyroglobulin are negative criteria
duct caliber is comparable to normal { 21054495 }. Essential: closely spaced ducts with
striated ducts. Fat cells may be focally or minimal intervening stroma lined by a
diffusely present { 9071732 ; 21054495 }. Differential Diagnosis: SDA do not show single layer of eosinophilic luminal cells
chondromyxoid stroma or any other matrix. Desirable: absence of myoepithelial cells
Immunohistochemistry: SDA are strongly They also do not show morphologically by immunohistochemistry
positive for keratins including CK7 and visible bilayering { 21054495 }. They do not Staging
CK5/6, the latter showing basal layer have the deeply eosinophilic cytoplasm Not applicable
accentuation. Most tumours show strong characteristic of oncocytoma. Prognosis and prediction
nuclear and cytoplasmic staining for S100 Cytology SDAs do not recur based on the limited
(unlike oncocytoma). In contrast, calponin, Not reported in cytopathological literature cases reported to date and also do not
SMA, smooth muscle myosin heavy chain, Diagnostic molecular pathology metastasize { 21054495 ; 28440555 }.
and p63 highlight isolated abluminal cells Not relevant

Sclerosing polycystic adenoma

Definition 2E91.Z Benign neoplasm of unspecified gland involvement

Sclerosing polycystic adenoma (SPA) is a major salivary glands { 16434888 ; 17150380 ; 20549092 ; 2061
circumscribed salivary gland neoplasm Related terminology 4339 ; 23465282 ; 23552085 ; 34510113 }
composed of large acinar cells with brightly Not recommended: sclerosing polycystic .
eosinophilic intracytoplasmic granules, and adenosis Clinical features
variable ductal components, including Subtype(s) Slow-growing, painless mass. Rarely
foamy, vacuolated, and apocrine cells. None multifocal
ICD-O coding Localization { 16434888 ; 21286874 ; 24636837 }.
None The majority (80%) arise in the parotid Epidemiology
ICD-11 coding gland, with occasional SPA is rare { 16434888 }, with a mean age
sinonasal, submandibular, and lacrimal at presentation of 40 years (range 7-84)
and a slight female predominance cylindrical, or apocrine, foamy, or oncocytic cytoplasm and round nuclei,
{ 28614209 }. vacuolated epithelium, embedded in a sheets of apocrine-type epithelium and
Etiology sclerotic collagenous stroma with focal histiocytic cells in a proteinaceus
Rare cases associated with lymphoid aggregates background. The coexistence of different
polycystic/dysgenetic disease { 28060365 ; 28614209 ; 33526220 }. The cell types in a single sheet is helpful
{ 32031136 } and Cowden syndrome hallmark of SPA are acini containing large { 17580340 ; 19937766 ; 28060365 }.
{ 34410594 }. brightly eosinophilic cytoplasmic Diagnostic molecular pathology
Pathogenesis granules/globules. SPA often display solid, None
Originally regarded as cribriform, and micropapillary proliferations Essential and desirable diagnostic
pseudoneoplastic { 8554105 ; 11942573 }, with variable degrees of cytological atypia, criteria
monoclonality was demonstrated by surrounded by myoepithelial cells, Essential: mixtures of ductal and
polymorphism of human androgen receptor resembling intraductal carcinoma myoepithelial cells, with acinar cells
assay { 16861963 }. Consistent mutations { 23821217 }. SPA is rarely associated with containing large hypereosinophilic
in the PI3 kinase pathway, most invasive carcinoma cytoplasmic granules
frequently PTEN, confirm its neoplastic { 24584973 ; 34410594 ; 34510113 }. Desirable: apocrine metaplasia and
nature and suggest links with apocrine intraductal proliferation creating
intraductal carcinoma and salivary duct Immunohistochemistry: Each cellular resemblance to low-grade ductal
carcinoma component demonstrates its expected carcinoma in situ
{ 31605313 ; 31989433 ; 33526220 ; 3441 immunophenotype: SOX10 in ductules, Staging
0594 ; 34510113 }. myoepithelial cells and acini; SMA, p40, Not applicable
Macroscopic appearance calponin are seen in myoepithelial cells; Prognosis and prediction
Well-circumscribed, often encapsulated apocrine cells react with AR and GCDFP- There is local recurrence in 10% of
nodule, 10-120 mm (mean 30 mm). The cut 15. There is frequent loss of PTEN in ductal incompletely excised or multifocal cases
section is partially solid and cystic. and acinar, but not in myoepithelial cells { 8554105 ; 11942573 ; 23821217 ; 24595
Histopathology { 31605313 ; 34410594 }. 421 ; 33526220 }. Rare invasive
SPA is characterized by a cystic and Cytology carcinoma ex-SPA have been reported
multilobular pattern, composed of variably Smears show a mix of flat cohesive sheets { 24584973 ; 34510113 }.
sized and shaped ducts lined by flattened, of epithelial cells with variably granular

Definition shows a multilocular cystic lesion filled with Immunohistochemistry: Immunostaining

Keratocystoma is a benign salivary gland a keratin-like substance. for S100 protein, SMA, and calponin is
tumour characterized by multicystic Histopathology negative.
spaces, lined by stratified squamous The tumour consists mainly of multiple
epithelium, containing keratotic lamellae cysts containing keratotic lamellae. Differential diagnosis: The entities include
and focal solid epithelial nests. Stratified squamous epithelium lines the primary and metastatic squamous cell
ICD-O coding cystic spaces and shows a parakeratotic or carcinoma, mucoepidermoid carcinoma,
None orthokeratotic surface, usually without a metaplastic Warthin tumor, and necrotizing
ICD-11 coding granular cell layer. The stratification of the sialometaplasia. The absence of necrosis,
2E91.Z Benign neoplasm of unspecified epithelium is oriented regularly from the invasion, and cytologic atypia weighs
major salivary glands outer basal to the inner keratotic cell layers. against a malignancy.
Related terminology Focally, the outer layer demonstrates bud- Cytology
None like protrusions, but no skin appendages Not reported in cytopathological literature.
Subtype(s) are seen. In some areas, solid squamous Diagnostic molecular pathology
None cell islands, with sharply defined margins, Not clinically relevant
Localization are surrounded by collagenous stroma. Essential and desirable diagnostic
All reported tumours arose in the parotid The solid areas of squamous cell nests are criteria
gland. localized partly within the parenchyma of Essential: multicystic structures containing
Clinical features the parotid gland adjacent to an excretory keratinized lamellae. Bland stratified
The tumour manifests as a painless, slowly duct, and should not be interpreted as squamous epithelial lining without a
growing mass in the parotid gland. invasive growth. Transformation from granular layer
Epidemiology parotid ductal epithelium to neoplastic Desirable: presence of sharply defined
The patients range from 8- to 49-years- cells, through a squamous-metaplasia-like solid squamous cell islands
old { 10335947 ; 12218219 ; 20702483 ; 2 process, may be present. Staging
2218263 ; 25960022 ; 31230813 }. Cells of the neoplastic squamous Not applicable
Etiology epithelium have uniform, bland nuclei and Prognosis and prediction
Unknown abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. There is The tumours behave in a benign manner,
Pathogenesis no oncocytic or mucous cell differentiation with no recurrence after excision or
Unknown or a myxochondroid component. Foci of subtotal parotidectomy.
Macroscopic appearance foreign body reaction against keratin and a
A maximum dimension of the tumour dense lymphoid infiltration may be evident.
ranges from 13 to 40 mm. The cut surface

Malignant epithelial tumours

Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma

Definition 2B67.Y & XH1J36 Other specified other or unspecified parts of mouth &
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) is a malignant neoplasms of parotid gland & Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
malignant salivary gland neoplasm Mucoepidermoid carcinoma 2B68.2 &
characterized by mucous, intermediate and XH1J36 Other specified malignant Related terminology
epidermoid (squamoid) tumour cells neoplasms of submandibular or sublingual Not recommended: mucoepidermoid
forming cystic and solid growth patterns, gland & Mucoepidermoid carcinoma tumour
usually associated 2B65.Z & XH1J36 Malignant neoplasms Subtype(s)
with MAML2 rearrangement. Central intraosseous mucoepidermoid
of palate, unspecified & Mucoepidermoid
ICD-O coding tumour
8430/3 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma Localization
ICD-11 coding 2B66& X H1J36 Malignant neoplasms of
Approximately half of MECs occur in major present. Significant keratinization is fragments with intermediate cells with
salivary glands, predominantly in the exceptional. Cell populations with clear, relatively dense cytoplasm, and polygonal,
parotid gland, followed by the columnar or oncocytic cells may be epidermoid (squamoid) cells which are
submandibular and the sublingual gland. present, and occasionally they large with moderate to copious dense
Intraorally, the most frequent site is the predominate. Sclerosing { 29169286 }, cytoplasm { 9258615 }. The mucinous cells
palate followed by the buccal mucosa and clear cell { 26297211 }, oncocytic can resemble goblet cells with bland round
other sites { 33248902 }. Rare central { 33002921 }, Warthin-like nuclei and abundant granular to finely
MECs occur in the mandible or the maxilla { 26457352 ; 28877061 }, ciliated vacuolated eccentric cytoplasm, or
{ 29198377 }. { 28877061 }, spindle cell { 28637362 } glandular cells with single vacuoles in
Clinical features and mucoacinar { 34091485 } patterns of which mucin droplets can be seen. Well
MEC usually presents as a firm and fixed MEC have been described. differentiated MEC with mucinous cells in
tumour but occasional tumours may be intermediate cell sheets can be diagnosed
largely cystic with only minor solid areas. Subtype: Central mucoepidermoid confidently, but these tumours often show
Tumours situated below an intact oral carcinoma is a location-specific cystic degeneration and smears may show
surface epithelium may have a bluish intraosseous subtype { 29198377 }. only a mucinous or granular proteinaceous
appearance and mimic vascular lesions or background with a variable number of
mucocele. Largely cystic tumours may Grading: MECs are graded into three histiocyte-like mucinous cells, raising a
present diagnostic problems on imaging grades using a variety of grading systems differential diagnosis with mucocele-like
and fine needle aspiration. { 1544111 ; 9529011 ; 11420454 ; 250407 lesions: any salivary gland FNAB yielding
Epidemiology 72 }. Low grade MECs are usually mucin must be considered atypical. In
MEC is reported as the most frequent circumscribed, partly cystic and contain intermediate and high-grade MEC, the
salivary malignancy in North America, groups of mucous cells. Intermediate grade number of mucinous cells decreases, the
many European countries, and Brazil. MECs generally have more solid areas, number of intermediate and squamoid cells
Reported annual incidence of MEC in while high grade neoplasms are solid with increase, and nuclear enlargement,
Britain and Japan is 0.2-0.4 cases/100.000 fewer mucous cells, and may display hyperchromasia and pleomorphism and
population nuclear pleomorphism, mitotic figures, larger nucleoli become more prominent.
{ 19861510 ; 23103239 ; 31027324 ; 311 necrosis, and perineurial, lymphovascular Necrosis can be associated with high
74233 }. MEC patients have a wide age or bony invasion. Clinicopathological grade lesions. FNAB cytopathology
range from childhood to elderly age, with a studies report that patients with low and attempts to grade as only low and high
mean age of 45 years and a female intermediate grade MECs have similar grade. Lymphocytes may be prominent.
predilection of 1.1-1.5:1 { 30772619 }. clinical outcomes Very occasional focal partial keratinization
Etiology { 25040772 ; 31021855 ; 32035991 ; 3343 may be present in some cases but
Increased occurrence of childhood MEC 7665 }, favouring the use of two histological extensive keratinization is not seen and if
has been reported after nuclear disasters grades instead of three. AFIP grading present in a high grade lesion, is in keeping
and chemotherapy { 30772619 }. evaluates five histological features which with squamous cell carcinoma.
Pathogenesis may enhance grading reproducibility but Diagnostic molecular pathology
Most MECs harbour a tumour type-specific some tumours graded as low-grade may Among salivary
translocation at t(11;19)(q21;p13) behave more aggressively tumours, CRTC1::MAML2 fusion gene is
expressing CRTC1::MAML2 fusion gene { 1544111 ; 9529011 }. Brandwein grading specific for MEC and useful in diagnostic
{ 20588178 ; 23018873 ; 32860299 }. evaluates many histological features and workups. FISH result positive
Rare cases display a t(11;15)(q21;q26) tends to “upgrade” MECs compared with for MAML2 rearrangement should be
translocation with CRTC3::MAML2 fusion AFIP { 11420454 }. Memorial Sloan validated by MAML2 polymerase chain
{ 19749740 } or a highly unusual Kettering (MSK) grading evaluates reaction or next generation sequencing.
t(6;22)(p21;q12) translocation tumours qualitatively based on Essential and desirable diagnostic
with EWSR1::POU5F1 fusion predominance of their features but many criteria
{ 18338330 }. The CRTC1::MAML2 fusion criteria are not well-defined { 25040772 }. Essential: mucous cells; intermediate
is seen in most low and intermediate grade cells; squamoid cells
and some high grade tumours. Low grade Immunohistochemistry: Immunohistochem Desirable: MAML2 rearrangement in
MECs show negligible copy number ical p63 or p40 expression in absence of selected cases
variation { 23018873 } and few somatic S100 protein/SOX10 staining may help to Staging
mutations, such differentiate MEC from other salivary Staging is according to the Union for
as TP53 and POU6F2 { 27340278 }. tumours { 23054955 }. International Cancer Control (UICC) TNM
Macroscopic appearance classification.
MECs are usually firm or soft, partly cystic Differential Diagnosis: The entities in the Prognosis and prediction
to solid masses with circumscribed or differential diagnosis of low grade MEC Decreased overall and disease-free
infiltrative borders, occasionally a large include mucocele, necrotizing survival in MEC is associated with
cyst predominates. sialometaplasia, sclerosing sialadenitis advanced stage, advanced age, male sex,
Histopathology with mucous metaplasia, pleomorphic high histologic grade and positive resection
MEC is characterized by mucous (mucin- adenoma and Warthin tumour with margin { 33248902 ; 33437665 }. Lack
producing), intermediate and squamoid oncocytic or squamous metaplasia, of CRTC1::MAML2 fusion is associated
cells. Architectural configurations include sclerosing polycystic adenoma, and with worse survival, however, fusion
cystic and solid areas where proportions of secretory carcinoma. High grade MEC negative tumours may actually represent
tumour cell types vary widely. Cystic must be distinguished from carcinoma ex other high grade non-mucoepidermoid
spaces are partly lined by mucous cells pleomorphic adenoma, poorly carcinomas
with abundant mucinous cytoplasm and differentiated SCC, adenosquamous { 23018873 ; 31021855 ; 32860299 ; 3423
peripherally situated nuclei, and they carcinoma, salivary duct carcinoma and 1055 }. The 5-year overall survival rates of
display intracytoplasmic mucicarmine or metastatic carcinomas. low, intermediate, and high grade MEC are
periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining with Cytology reported as 90%, 86% and 55%,
diastase resistance. Intermediate cells are MEC produce variably cellular smears respectively { 33248902 ; 33437665 }.
often the most frequent cell type in showing varying numbers of mucinous
tumours. Extracellular mucin may be cells, admixed in sheets and tissue
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma

Definition None
Adenoid cystic carcinoma (AdCC) is an Subtype(s) Imaging: AdCC usually presents as an ill-
invasive carcinoma composed of epithelial None defined mass { 30546932 }.
and myoepithelial neoplastic cells arranged Localization Epidemiology
in tubular, cribriform, and solid patterns Approximately 60% of AdCCs occur in the The annual incidence of AdCC is 1-
associated with basophilic matrix and major and 30% in the minor salivary glands 2/100,000 { 22294420 ; 32691231 }. It is
reduplicated basement membrane { 26476712 }. The parotid, submandibular, one of the most common salivary
material, often associated with MYB, and minor glands of the palate are the malignancies, accounting for 25% of all
MYBL1, or NFIB rearrangement. predominant sites primary salivary carcinomas { 32691231 }.
ICD-O coding { 23706387 ; 26476712 }. The median patient age at diagnosis is
8200/3 Adenoid cystic carcinoma Clinical features approximately 60 years. AdCC is slightly
ICD-11 coding Patients usually present with a swelling or more common in females
2B68.0 & XH4302 Malignant neoplasms of a slow-growing mass. Neural symptoms { 22294420 ; 19861510 }.
major salivary glands, NOS & Adenoid like pain, numbness, and paresthesia are Etiology
cystic carcinoma commonly reported { 25943783 }. Lymph Germline mutations
2B65.Y & XH4302 Other specified node involvement is uncommon, but in BRCA1/2 { 25257187 } and DNA
malignant neoplasm of palate & Adenoid in AdCC with high-grade transformation double-strand repair genes { 31483290 }
cystic carcinoma (AdCC-HGT), the clinical course tends to may increase the risk of salivary
2B68.2 & XH4302 Other specified be accelerated, with a high propensity for gland AdCC.
malignant neoplasms of submandibular or lymph node metastasis { 26895332 }. Pathogenesis
sublingual glands & Adenoid cystic Distant metastases are frequent, most The genomic hallmark of AdCC is t(6;9) or
carcinoma commonly to the lungs, followed by bone, t(8;9) translocations, resulting
Related terminology liver, and brain { 32613404 ; 32629365 }. in MYB::NFIB and MYBL1::NFIB fusions,
respectively AdCC with high-grade transformation salivary gland neoplasms can be difficult in
{ 3015376 ; 19841262 ; 26631070 ; 26631 shows a pleomorphic, mitotically active the absence of the typical cribriform pattern
609 }. The former alteration is found in high-grade carcinoma component, typically and stromal matrix particularly the stromal
>50% of cases and the latter in a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma or balls, and the predominance of sheets of
approximately 5% of cases anaplastic carcinoma basaloid cells in the solid subtype. These
{ 28594149 }. MYB::MYBL1 activation due { 26895332 ; 27605055 ; 33825717 }. The cases raise differential diagnoses with
to gene fusion or other mechanisms is a high-grade component is negative for pleomorphic adenomas and basal cell
key event in AdCC pathogenesis myoepithelial markers adenomas and should be regarded as
{ 26829750 ; 28954282 ; 31877778 ; 3200 { 18059225 ; 33825717 }. atypical or suspicious for malignancy. High
1675 }. Losses of 1p, 6q, and 15q are Generally, AdCCs with >30% solid nuclear grade can occur and be associated
associated with high-grade tumours, and component pursue a more aggressive with mitoses and necrosis. Romanowsky-
loss of 14q is exclusively seen in low-grade clinical course Giemsa type stains highlight the
tumours { 22505352 ; 29619555 }. Next- { 20596994 ; 25456010 ; 33377247 }. In characteristic discrete spheres and
generation sequencing identified mutations recent studies, the presence of any solid branching tubules of the acellular magenta
in genes in the FGF-IGF-PI3K, chromatin- tumour component has been emphasized matrix { 9218901 }.
remodeling, and NOTCH signaling as an objective high-grade tumour marker Diagnostic molecular pathology
pathways { 25456010 ; 33377247 }. Demonstration
{ 23685749 ; 23778141 ; 31483290 }. of MYB/MYBL1 rearrangements or gene
Macroscopic appearance Immunohistochemistry: Pan-cytokeratin is fusions by FISH or other methods can help
AdCC typically presents as a poorly strongly positive in ductal cells and weakly establish a diagnosis of AdCC
circumscribed, tan, gray or white, firm positive in myoepithelial cells. CK7 and KIT Essential and desirable diagnostic
solid mass. Necrosis and/or haemorrhage (CD117) are typically positive in ductal criteria
are rare, their presence may indicate a cells { 16140564 }, whereas p63, p40, Essential: hyperchromatic, angulated
high-grade tumour. calponin, and alpha-smooth muscle actin nuclei, mixture of tubular, cribriform, and
Histopathology are positive in myoepithelial cells. solid patterns associated with basophilic
AdCC consists of two main cell types, MYB protein overexpression is matrix and reduplicated basement
ductal and myoepithelial cells. The former common AdCC, but its diagnostic value is membrane material.
cell type has eosinophilic cytoplasm and limited by its suboptimal Desirable: Perineural
uniform round nuclei, and the latter has specificity { 21572406 ; 27491495 ; 28727 invasion; demonstration
clear cytoplasm and hyperchromatic 172 ; 30027386 ; 32661670 }. of MYB or MYBL1 rearrangements in
angular nuclei. Mitotic figures are selected cases
infrequent. Perineural invasion is a Differential Diagnosis: The main salivary Staging
hallmark of AdCC. gland tumours to be distinguished from Staging follows the 8th edition of the Union
AdCC shows three growth patterns, AdCC include pleomorphic adenoma, for International Cancer Control (UICC)
tubular, cribriform, and solid { 20596994 }. polymorphous adenocarcinoma, epithelial- TNM classification
The tubular pattern consists of well-formed myoepithelial carcinoma, and basal cell Prognosis and prediction
ducts and tubules lined with luminal ductal adenoma/adenocarcinoma. Since AdCC AdCC is characterized by a prolonged
and abluminal myoepithelial cells. The often shows mild cytological atypia and a clinical course, with frequent local
cribriform pattern, which is most frequent, cribriform pattern, the distinction from recurrences, late onset of metastases and
is characterized by nests of tumour cells benign tumours with a cribriform pattern, fatal outcome. Overall survival and
with microcystic-like spaces, filled with especially the cribriform variant of basal recurrence-free survival rates at 10 years
hyaline or basophilic mucoid material. cell adenoma, is critical { 31970840 }. are approximately 50% and 60%,
The spaces are pseudocysts contiguous Cytology respectively { 26476712 ; 32691231 }.
with the tumour stroma. The solid pattern is AdCC show usually highly cellular smears Factors influencing survival include patient
characterized by tumour sheets composed with cohesive tissue fragments that form age, tumour site, tumour grade, TNM
of basaloid cells lacking tubular or sheets or show tubular, complex or stage, surgical margins, and NOTCH1
cribriform formations. Combinations of cribriform architecture containing hard mutational status
these growth patterns are common. edged balls of stroma. These tissue { 23784851 ; 29858025 ; 32613404 }. The
Identification of both pseudocysts and true fragments consist of uniform, high N/C ratio median overall survival after diagnosis of
glandular lumina is usually required to basaloid cells with oval to angulated and distant metastasis is 36 months
make the diagnosis. hyperchromatic nuclei. Atypia is generally { 23706387 }.
mild and the distinction from other basaloid
Acinic Cell Carcinoma
Well-circumscribed to variably lobulated, in a granular background with plentiful
Definition unencapsulated or variably pseudo- stripped round nuclei. The cells are
Acinic cell carcinoma is a salivary gland encapsulated, solid to variably cystic. polygonal with eccentric round to oval
carcinoma exhibiting serous acinar and Infiltrative growth more common in high- nuclei, usually small but occasionally larger
lacking mucinous differentiation grade tumours. nucleoli and abundant eccentric, delicate,
ICD-O coding Histopathology finely vacuolated cytoplasm, best seen in
8550/3 Acinic cell carcinoma The tumour exhibits solid, microcystic, Romanowsky-Giemsa type stains. The
ICD-11 coding follicular, to less commonly papillary-cystic Papanicolaou stain may show coarse
2B68.2 & XH3PG9 Other specified architectures, often with a prominent basophilic cytoplasmic zymogen granules
malignant neoplasms of submandibular or lymphoid stroma. Neoplastic cells are { 9360047 }. Cystic degeneration can
sublingual glands & Acinic cell heterogeneous with the most common cell occur, but mitoses and necrosis are usually
adenocarcinoma type being the serous acinar cell which absent. There is no association with normal
Related terminology features PAS-positive, diastase-resistant ‘grape-like’ acinar architecture or ducts.
Acceptable: acinic cell adenocarcinoma basophilic cytoplasmic zymogen granules, Lymphoid cells can be prominent raising a
Subtype(s) with variable intercalated duct-type, differential diagnosis with Warthin tumour,
None nonspecific glandular, vacuolated, and also with metastatic carcinoma in a
Localization oncocytic, and rarely clear cells. lymph node.
90-95% of cases arise in the parotid gland. Cytoplasmic borders are ill-defined and Diagnostic molecular pathology
The remainder involve intraoral sites, nuclei are small and peripherally placed Typically not needed. However,
submandibular gland, and exceptionally { 6861091 ; 26685679 ; 31812438 }. High- demonstrating NR4A subfamily
the sinonasal tract grade (HG) tumours exhibit, in addition to rearrangements or positive
{ 23681074 ; 26685679 }. conventional areas, a component of high- immunohistochemistry for NR4A3 or
Clinical features grade adenocarcinoma (with variable NR4A2 may be confirmatory in challenging
Patients typically present with slow- cribriform, solid, trabecular growth cases.
growing, painless masses. High-grade patterns) or poorly- Essential and desirable diagnostic
tumours may be rapidly growing and fixed differentiated/undifferentiated criteria
to adjacent structures with facial nerve carcinoma. AciCC HGT feature nuclear Essential: salivary gland carcinoma with
paralysis. enlargement and pleomorphism, coarse serous acinar differentiation.
Epidemiology chromatin, necrosis, increased mitotic Desirable: nuclear staining for
Acinic cell carcinoma represents 10% of all activity and Ki-67 index, and more frequent NR4A3/NOR-1 or NR4A2/Nurr1 or
salivary gland malignancies and up to perineural and lymphovascular invasion. molecular demonstration
18.7% of parotid carcinomas. It is the Increased expression of cyclin-D1 and of NR4A3 rearrangement (in selected
second most common salivary gland membranous beta-catenin have been cases)
malignancy in children described Staging
{ 26685679 ; 33734517 }. It occurs over a { 19461506 ; 26245749 ; 31812438 }. UICC 8th ed
wide age range (average age: 47.7 – 52) Prognosis and prediction
{ 22301503 ; 26685679 }. Acinic cell Immunohistochemistry: Acinic cell AciCCs with a complete fibrous
carcinoma with high-grade transformation carcinoma cells express SOX10 and pseudocapsule, diffuse, dense lymphoid
(AciCC-HGT) occurs on average two DOG1, and are negative for p40/p63, stroma and microcystic growth pattern
decades later than conventional examples. mammaglobin and S100 protein, however have superior outcomes { 9158708 }. The
Female to male ratio is 1.5:1 S100 may label intercalated cells mean 5- and 10-year survival rates are
{ 19461506 ; 23754708 ; 26245749 ; 2668 { 22460810 ; 23558573 }. Nuclear staining approximately 95 - 97.15% and 83 -
5679 }. for NR4A3/NOR-1 or NR4A2/Nurr1 have 93.81%, respectively
Etiology been identified in 98% and 2% of cases, { 1985714 ; 23754708 ; 26685679 }. Dista
Unknown respectively { 31094928 ; 32341238 }. The nt metastasis drops the survival to about
Pathogenesis sensitivity and specificity of 22% and occurs in about 20% of cases
The majority of cases harbour a immunohistochemistry for NR4A3 are { 26685679 }. 72.7% of 22 patients with
t(4;9)(q13;q31) rearrangement that places 94.4% and 99%, respectively AciCC-HGT were dead at a median time of
the active enhancer regions of the { 31094928 ; 31414988 ; 32341238 ; 3241 2.9 years { 26245749 }. Local recurrence
secretory Ca-binding phosphoprotein 6209 ; 32809265 ; 32910350 ; 33152819 ; rates are approximately 35% and 80% and
(SCPP) gene cluster upstream of 33959239 }. lymph node metastases occur in about
the NR4A3/NOR-1 gene resulting in Cytology 10% and 50% of conventional and high-
upregulation of NR4A3 via enhancer The usually highly cellular smears show grade tumours, respectively
hijacking irregular loosely cohesive sheets and { 19461506 ; 22301503 ; 23681074 ; 2624
{ 30664630 ; 31094928 ; 32341238 }. tissue fragments with a variable 5749 ; 27623207 }.
Macroscopic appearance microacinar architecture and occasional
association with thin branching capillaries,
Secretory Carcinoma

Definition metastasis, and a poor prognosis round-to-oval nuclei with finely granular
Secretory carcinoma (SC) is a monophasic { 24145651 ; 25503077 ; 26089091 ; 2878 chromatin and distinctive centrally located
salivary carcinoma composed of cells with 1197 }. nucleoli. The pale pink cytoplasm is
abundant eosinophilic or bubbly granular to vacuolated. Cellular atypia is
secretions, arranged in microcystic, Imaging: SC typically shows a well- usually mild and mitoses are rare.
tubular, and solid structures. It is usually defined, predominantly cystic lesion with
characterized by a specific rearrangement solid papillary projections, and low Histochemistry: Abundant eosinophilic to
of the ETV6 or RET gene, and incidence of associated pathological lymph bubbly secretions are positive for periodic
harbours ETV6::NTRK3 or ETV6::RET fus nodes. Cystic areas are usually T1W acid-Schiff (PAS, before and after diastase
ion in most cases. hyperintense or have a fluid-fluid level digestion) and Alcian-blue. Unlike acinic
ICD-O coding including a T1W hyperintense area. It has cell carcinoma, SC does not show true
8502/3 Secretory carcinoma also been suggested that haemosiderin PAS-positive secretory zymogen
ICD-11 coding deposition on MRI may help differentiate cytoplasmic granules.
2B67.Y & XH44J4 Other specified SC from acinic cell carcinoma
malignant neoplasms of parotid gland & { 29493279 ; 30186957 ; 32642018 }. Immunohistochemistry: SCs are positive
Secretory carcinoma Epidemiology for cytokeratin CK7, S100 protein, SOX10,
2B68.2 & XH44J4 Other specified SC usually presents in adults with a mean vimentin, and mammaglobin, and negative
malignant neoplasms of submandibular or patient age of 46.5 (range 10-86 years) and for p63, p40, NR4A3, and DOG1
sublingual glands & Secretory carcinoma an equal sex distribution { 20410810 ; 25078757 ; 25456394 }.
2B65.Y & XH44J4 Other specified { 20410810 ; 21989350 ; 23459839 ; 238
21207 ; 25078757 }. Differential diagnosis: In contrast to SC,
malignant neoplasm of palate & Secretory
Etiology acinic cell carcinomas demonstrate intense
carcinoma 2B60 & XH44J4 Malignant
No known causative factors have been apical membranous staining for DOG1
neoplasms of the lip & Secretory identified. around lumina and variable cytoplasmic
carcinoma Pathogenesis positivity in most cases { 22460810 }.
2B66.Y & XH44J4 Other specified Most cases of SC harbour a characteristic Cytology
malignant neoplasms of other or chromosomal translocation, t(12;15) The moderately cellular smears show
unspecified parts of mouth & Secretory (p13;q25) resulting in loosely cohesive sheets and papillary or
carcinoma an ETV6::NTRK3 fusion { 20410810 }. cribriform tissue fragments and dispersed
Small subset of cases demonstrates cells in a usually mucinous background,
Related terminology divergent molecular findings with although in some cases
Acceptable: mammary analogue secretory alternate ETV6::RET { 25651470 ; 264921 hemosiderophages and blood may be
carcinoma 82 ; 29076873 }, ETV6::MET { 29683815 } seen. The cells show low to moderate N:C
Subtype(s) , ETV6::MAML3 { 30130630 }, ratio, abundant finely granular or
None and VIM::RET { 32675658 } fusions. vacuolated cytoplasm, with some cells
Localization Macroscopic appearance resembling signet ring cells with large
The most common site of occurrence is the Grossly, SC has a rubbery, tan cut surface. vacuoles indenting the nuclei, and uniform
parotid gland followed by the oral cavity The tumours are generally well- round to oval nuclei with fine chromatin,
and submandibular gland circumscribed and may have a prominent distinct single nucleoli and mild atypia
{ 20410810 ; 21989350 ; 23821207 ; 250 cystic component { 23042752 ; 23225548 ; 24585770 ; 2873
78757 }. In the oral cavity, the lip, soft { 23459839 ; 25503077 ; 31464708 }. 8326 ; 30599505 ; 30942913 }.
palate, and buccal mucosa are the most Histopathology Diagnostic molecular pathology
commonly affected subsites SC is usually well circumscribed but not Approximately 90% of SC harbour a
{ 23459839 ; 23681074 }. Rare cases encapsulated. The tumours have a characteristic chromosomal
originating from minor salivary glands of lobulated growth pattern separated by rearrangement, t(12;15) (p13;q25)
sinonasal mucosa have been reported fibrous septa, and are composed of resulting in an ETV6::NTRK3 fusion
{ 25828788 ; 28980201 ; 29543674 }. microcystic/solid, tubular, follicular, and { 20410810 }. Small subset of cases
Clinical features papillary-cystic structures with distinctive demonstrate divergent molecular findings
SC most commonly presents as a painless luminal secretions. It may have an with
slowly growing mass infiltrative pattern with occasional alternate ETV6::RET { 25651470 ; 264921
{ 20410810 ; 28781197 ; 30592355 }. SC perineural invasion and may show 82 ; 29076873 }, ETV6::MET { 29683815 }
with high grade transformation is abundant fibrosclerotic stroma with , ETV6::MAML3 { 30130630 },
associated with an aggressive clinical prominent, thick hyalinized septae. Some and VIM::RET { 32675658 } gene fusions.
behavior, a high propensity for cervical SC show macrocystic morphology. The Essential and desirable diagnostic
lymph node metastasis, risk of distant tumour cells have low grade vesicular criteria
Essential: single cell type with vacuolated According to TNM classification in 3077 ; 29909898 }. Clinical stage and high
colloid-like secretory material; no zymogen AJCC 8th ed grade transformation are the main adverse
cytoplasmic granules; IHC positivity for Prognosis and prediction prognostic factors
S100 protein, SOX10, and mammaglobin; SC is usually an indolent salivary gland { 24145651 ; 25503077 ; 26089091 ; 2878
lack of IHC staining for p40 and/or p63 malignancy. Lymph node metastases are 1197 }. There are no current predictive
Desirable: ETV6 or RET rearrangement reported in as many as 25% of cases biomarkers in SC, but translocation status
demonstrated by FISH, RNA sequencing, { 23775296 ; 25078757 ; 25456394 ; 3059 itself may be a predictive marker with the
or PCR 2355 } but distant metastases are rare ongoing development of selective Trk
Staging { 22372712 ; 25456394 ; 25078757 ; 2550 inhibitors { 26884591 ; 32223935 }.
Microsecretory Adenocarcinoma
the MEF2C gene (5q14.3) (usually ETV6::NTRK3). Polymorphous
Definition with SS18 (18q11.2) adenocarcinoma shows more architectural
Microsecretory adenocarcinoma (MSA) is Macroscopic appearance diversity and different genetic alterations
a low-grade malignancy with an MSA grossly appears to be a non- (mutations or rearrangements of PRKD1,
intercalated duct-like phenotype ulcerated, well-circumscribed mass. They 2 or 3). Adenoid cystic carcinoma has two
and MEF2C::SS18 fusion. average 11 mm (range, 6 to 30 mm). cell populations, is far more infiltrative, and
ICD-O coding Histopathology harbors rearrangements
None MSA has very consistent morphologic of MYB, MYBL1 and/or NFIB. Sclerosing
ICD-11 coding features: (1) a microcystic-predominant microcystic adenocarcinoma is less cellular
2B66.Y Other specified malignant growth pattern with occasional cribriform with more stroma, more cord-like growth,
neoplasms of other and unspecified parts structures or cords; (2) uniform intercalated and a subtly biphasic tumour population.
of mouth duct-like tumour cells with attenuated Cytology
2B65.Y Other specified malignant eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm; (3) Not reported in cytopathological literature
neoplasm of palate monotonous oval hyperchromatic nuclei Diagnostic molecular pathology
Related terminology with indistinct nucleoli; (4) abundant MEF2C::SS18 fusion can be demonstrated
None basophilic luminal secretions; (5) a variably by RNA sequencing, RT-PCR,
Subtype(s) cellular fibromyxoid stroma; and (6) or SS18 break apart FISH
None rounded borders with subtle infiltrative { 31094920 ; 32687666 ; 33394377 ; 339
Localization growth into nearby skeletal muscle, fat, or 82215 }.
Almost all MSA have arisen in the oral minor salivary glands. Occasionally MSA is Essential and desirable diagnostic
cavity, with palate and buccal mucosa as accompanied by pseudoepitheliomatous criteria
the most frequently affected subsites. A hyperplasia, tumour-associated lymphoid Essential: microcystic-predominant growth
single case has involved the parotid gland proliferation, or metaplastic bone pattern, bluish secretions, fibromyxoid
{ 31094920 ; 32687666 ; 33982215 }. formation. Perineural invasion is rare, stroma, monotonous tumour cells,
Clinical features necrosis is absent, and mitotic rates are positivity for S100 and p63 but not p40 or
Patients present with a painless, slow- low. mammaglobin
growing mass.
Epidemiology Immunohistochemistry: MSA has a Desirable: SS18 rearrangement
Fewer than 30 cases have been reported. consistent immunophenotype. It is positive demonstrated by FISH, RNA sequencing,
Mean age is 49.5 years (range 17-83) with for S100, SOX10, and p63, and negative or PCR
a slight female predominance for p40, mammaglobin, and calponin. Staging
{ 31094920 ; 32687666 ; 33982215 }. Occasional cases are focally SMA-positive. TNM system as published by UICC
Etiology Prognosis and prediction
Unknown Differential diagnosis: Secretory No reported cases of recurrence or
Pathogenesis carcinoma has more abundant cytoplasm, metastasis
MSA is characterized by chromosomal pink secretions, mammaglobin positivity,
rearrangement and fusion of and harbors different fusions
Polymorphous Adenocarcinoma
Acceptable: polymorphous low-grade smooth borders with a T2W hypointense
Definition adenocarcinoma; cribriform fibrous capsule and progressive
Polymorphous adenocarcinoma, adenocarcinoma of tongue/salivary gland enhancement pattern. Imaging is used to
conventional (PAC) is a malignant Subtype(s) assess local tumour extent and identify
epithelial tumour characterized by Polymorphous adenocarcinoma, potential metastatic lymph
cytological uniformity, morphological conventional subtype nodes{ 31312967 }.
diversity, an infiltrative growth pattern, and Polymorphous adenocarcinoma, Epidemiology
is usually associated with alterations cribriform subtype (cribriform PAC is the second most common intraoral
in PRDK gene family. adenocarcinoma of the salivary glands; salivary gland carcinoma { 2845326 }
Polymorphous adenocarcinoma, cribriform CASG) with an annual incidence rate of 0.051 per
(cribriform adenocarcinoma of the salivary Localization 100,000 { 18327037 }. The female-to-male
glands; CASG) is characterized by Over 95% of PAC involves minor ratio is about 2:1
predominant papillary and glomeruloid salivary glands or seromucous glands of { 10421256 ; 11023093 ; 25877006 ; 2745
growth pattern, clear nuclei, and the upper aerodigestive tract. The palate is 4943 }. The patient age ranges from 16-94
common PRDK1, PRKD2, the most common site years, with a mean in the 60s
or PRKD3 fusions. { 10421256 ; 11023093 ; 20403856 ; 2587 { 10421256 ; 11023093 ; 25877006 ; 2745
ICD-O coding 7006 ; 27016011 ; 27454943 }. Other 4943 }.
8525/3 Polymorphous adenocarcinoma sites include buccal mucosa, retromolar Etiology
ICD-11 coding trigone, floor of mouth, and sinonasal Unknown.
2B61 & XH5SD5 Malignant neoplasm of tract/nasopharynx Pathogenesis
base of tongue & Polymorphous { 10421256 ; 11023093 ; 20403856 ; 2587 Pathogenic alterations of the PRKD gene
adenocarcinoma 7006 ; 27016011 ; 27454943 }. CASG are family are highly prevalent. Approximately
localized mostly in the tongue, other site 70-89% of PACs and 0-20% of CASGs
2B65.Y & XH5SD5 Other specified include the soft palate, retromolar buccal harbour PRKD1 p.Glu710Asp activating
malignant neoplasm of palate & mucosa, tonsils, and upper lip hotspot mutations, whereas 70-94% of
Polymorphous adenocarcinoma { 28614209 }. Less than 5% of cases affect CASGs and 6-11% of PACs contain
2B67.Y & XH5SD5 Other specified major salivary glands rearrangement of one of
malignant neoplasms of parotid gland & { 24942367 ; 27454943 ; 31492931 }. the PRKD1, PRKD2 or PRKD3
Polymorphous adenocarcinoma Clinical features genes { 24942367 ; 25240283 ; 31492931
PACs typically present as a slowly-growing ; 31917707 }.
2B6A.Y & XH5SD5 Other specified painless mass of variable duration Macroscopic appearance
malignant neoplasms of oropharynx & { 10421256 }. Very few PACs, conventional PACs often present as firm, solid,
Polymorphous adenocarcinoma subtype present with a lymph node unencapsulated, yellow/tan, ovoid
2B6B.Y & XH5SD5 Other specified metastasis { 31917707 }, but cervical submucosal masses { 10421256 }.
malignant neoplasms of nasopharynx & lymph node metastases are common in Papillary-cystic tumours, particularly in
Polymorphous adenocarcinoma CASG CASG, may have gross cystic change and
2B6D.Y & XH5SD5 Other specified { 21716087 ; 23821209 ; 28614209 ; 3191 haemorrhage.
malignant neoplasms of hypopharynx & 7707 }. Histopathology
Polymorphous adenocarcinoma PAC, the conventional subtype is typically
Related terminology Imaging: PAC has nonspecific imaging an unencapsulated submucosal mass. The
features, including occasional invasion / tumours are characterized by cytological
erosion of adjacent bone, but otherwise uniformity, histological diversity, and an
infiltrative growth pattern. Neoplastic cells clefting is typically observed. CASG is Detection of PRKD1 p.Glu710Asp hotspot
are uniform in shape, with scant cytoplasm, associated with a propensity to base of mutation or translocation of one of
bland oval nuclei, open chromatin, tongue location, higher risk of lymph node the PRKD1, PRKD2 or PRKD3 genes is
occasional small nucleoli and nuclear metastasis, and higher frequency highly specific for the diagnosis of PAC
grooves. A prominent feature is the wide of PRKD gene rearrangement { 29266837 }.
variation of architectural patterns including { 21716087 ; 24942367 ; 31492931 }. Essential and desirable diagnostic
single file, fascicular, trabecular, tubular, criteria
microcystic, solid and rarely papillary- Immunohistochemistry: PAC is Essential: cytologic uniformity,
cystic. A streaming or eddy-like formations immunoreactive for cytokeratins (e.g. CK7, architectural diversity, and infiltrative
can be present at the peripheral boundary in 100% of cases) { 17593078 } and S100 border
of the tumour. Foci of oncocytic, clear, protein (97% to 100%) Desirable: Immunopositivity for
squamous, apocrine, or mucous cells and { 9675591 ; 27454943 }. Staining for p63 is S100. PRKD1 hotspot (PAC conventional
microcalcifications can be observed. reported in 78% to 100% of cases, subtype) mutation or translocation
Tumour stroma can be myxoid, mucinous whereas p40 is typically negative; this of PRKD1, PRKD2 or PRKD3 genes
or hyalinized. Perineural involvement is pattern is helpful in the differential CASG) in selected cases
frequent, being seen in approximately two diagnosis { 27454943 }. Other positive Staging
thirds of cases, often with a targetoid immunomarkers include mammaglobin TNM system as published by UICC
pattern. This pattern is also observed (67% to 100%), CD117 (60%), CEA (54%), Prognosis and prediction
around vessels. High-grade transformation GFAP (15%), MSA (13%), and EMA (12%) The overall prognosis of PAC is excellent
characterized by marked nuclear atypia, { 9675591 ; 12118104 ; 18084258 ; 23773 with a 10-year disease specific survival of
mitotic activity and prominent necrosis, has 480 ; 25040635 }. 94 to 99%
been reported in PAC Cytology { 10421256 ; 20403856 ; 25229805 ; 2587
{ 12207787 ; 29594833 }. Due to their intra-oral location, PAC are 7006 ; 27016011 }. The rate of local
rarely sampled by FNAB, and are rarely recurrence and regional metastasis ranges
PAC, cribriform seen in metastases to neck lymph nodes. from 5 to 33%, and from 9 to 15%
subtype/cribriform adenocarcinoma of If accessible, smears shows uniform respectively
salivary gland (CASG) was initially polygonal, moderately sized tumour cells { 10421256 ; 25229805 ; 25877006 ; 2745
reported at the base of tongue with relatively dense cytoplasm and round 4943 }. Rare cases of distant metastases
{ 10583573 } and later in other minor to oval nuclei, forming pseudopapillary, have been reported
salivary gland sites { 21716087 } and the tubular and irregular solid tissue fragments, { 20403856 ; 25877006 ; 27454943 }.
parotid gland { 31917707 }. CASG is and may show small acini and some dense Factors that are associated with high risk of
considered as a separate entity by some hyalinised stroma { 32421929 }. regional metastasis and/or an unfavorable
authors Occasional nuclear grooves and small prognosis include high-grade
{ 10583573 ; 21712087 ; 23821209 }; or a metachromatic globules may be seen, and transformation { 20403856 }, cribriform
subtype within the PAC morphological misinterpretation as papillary thyroid variant/CASG histology
spectrum by others { 31917707 }. CASG is carcinoma is a rare pitfall. The differential { 21716087 }, PRKD gene fusion
characterized by a multinodular growth diagnosis is with pleomorphic adenomas, { 31492931 }, 30% cribriform and 10%
pattern separated by fibrous septa, which have fibrillary stroma, and adenoid papillary architecture { 27454943 },
relatively uniform solid, cribriform and cystic carcinoma with its usual cribriform necrosis, extrapalatal and hard palate site,
microcystic architecture, and optically clear architecture. angiolymphatic and bone invasion, and/or
nuclei. Glomeruloid and papillary Diagnostic molecular pathology perineural infiltration around large nerves
structures, peripheral palisading and { 29761209 }.
Hyalinizing Clear Cell Carcinoma

Definition Subtype(s) Cervical lymph node and distant

Hyalinizing clear cell carcinoma (HCCC) is None metastases are uncommon
a carcinoma composed of clear and Localization { 17213438 ; 26600962 }.
eosinophilic cells in a variably hyalinized Most HCCCs arise from oral minor salivary Epidemiology
stroma, usually associated glands in locations, including soft palate, HCCC is quoted as having equal sex
with EWSR1 rearrangement. tongue, floor of mouth, lips, buccal distribution, although a slight female
ICD-O coding mucosa, retromolar trigone, and gingival predominance was seen { 21484932 }. The
8310/3 Hyalinizing clear cell carcinoma sites { 7506496 ; 21484932 ; 27898192 }. tumour develops in adults with a median
ICD-11 coding A minority develop in other sites including age at diagnosis of 56 years (range 23-87
2B61 & XH6L02 Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx, nasopharynx, parotid, years)
base of tongue & Clear cell carcinoma, sinonasal tract, larynx, and hypopharynx { 7506496 ; 21484932 ; 27898192 }.
NOS { 7506496 ; 21484932 ; 27898192 }. Clear Etiology
2B65.Y & XH6L02 Other specified cell odontogenic carcinoma is Unknown
malignant neoplasm of palate & Clear cell morphologically and genetically similar and Pathogenesis
carcinoma, NOS arises within the gnathic bones Most HCCCs harbor a translocation
2B67.Y & XH6L02 Other specified { 23715163 }. involving EWSR1 and ATF1 which
malignant neoplasms of parotid gland & Clinical features typically results in a fusion
Clear cell carcinoma, NOS Most HCCCs present with localized between EWSR1 exon 11 and ATF1 exon
2B6A.Y & XH6L02 Other specified swelling. The overlying mucosa may be 3 { 21484932 }. Other fusions
malignant neoplasms of oropharynx & ulcerated. Pain and symptoms associated (EWSR1 exon 15 and ATF1 exon
Clear cell carcinoma, NOS with cranial nerve involvement are rare 5; EWSR1::CREM) have been described
2B6B.Y & XH6L02 Other specified { 23821218 }. { 29975250 ; 32816231 }.
malignant neoplasms of nasopharynx & Macroscopic appearance
Clear cell carcinoma, NOS Imaging: Typical findings are a well- Tumours range from 4 - 50 mm. The cut
2B6D.Y & XH6L02 Other specified defined lesion, usually in the oral cavity or surface is white-tan and solid. The tumour
malignant neoplasms of hypopharynx & tongue base, with smooth margins, hypo-to is well circumscribed but unencapsulated.
Clear cell carcinoma, NOS iso-echoic on ultrasound. It is Gross invasion into surrounding structures
Related terminology homogeneous, T2W hyperintense and may be seen
Acceptable: clear cell carcinoma enhances uniformly on CT and MRI. { 21484932 ; 23821218 ; 27898192 }.
Histopathology Mucicarmine highlights intracellular mucin some cases metachromatic stroma
HCCC is composed of clear or eosinophilic { 23821218 }. { 26715185 }.
cells. Despite its name, tumours composed Diagnostic molecular pathology
entirely of clear cells are rare and some Immunohistochemistry: The tumour cells Demonstration of an EWSR1 fusion gene
completely lack clear cells. The tumour is express epithelial markers including CK7, is helpful in selected cases
arranged in nests, cords, and trabeculae. CK19, CK14, CAM5.2, and EMA. They Essential and desirable diagnostic
Ducts and small cysts may be seen. also usually express p63, p40 and CK5/6, criteria
Squamous differentiation and mucocytes supporting squamous differentiation. Essential: nests, cords, and trabeculae of
are common Myoepithelial markers including S100 clear and/or eosinophilic cells in a
{ 1706299 ; 7506496 ; 18980290 ; 20596 protein, MSA, SMA, and calponin are hyalinized stroma
970 ; 21484932 ; 23821218 }. Increased negative Desirable: EWSR1 fusion in selected
mitoses, marked atypia, and necrosis are { 1706299 ; 7506496 ; 18980290 ; 205969 cases
rare and when seen, represent high-grade 70 ; 21484932 ; 23821218 }. Some Staging
transformation (HGT) tumours express p16 which can be a Staging is according to the Union for
{ 22350795 ; 33825717 }. diagnostic dilemma when the tumour International Cancer Control (UICC) TNM
HCCCs are unencapsulated with cells arises in the oropharynx; however they lack classification
infiltrating the surrounding tissues, transcriptionally active HPV { 29076874 }. Prognosis and prediction
particularly skeletal muscle. Tumours HCCC are slow growing with a good
arising in the oral cavity may connect with Differential Diagnosis: The entities include prognosis. The 5-year rate of local
the overlying epithelium and show a clear cell mucoepidermoid carcinoma, recurrence, lymph node metastasis, and
pagetoid pattern of spread. Perineural epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma, distant metastasis is 19%, 3%, and 2%,
invasion is seen in about half of cases. The myoepithelial carcinoma, oncocytoma, respectively { 27898192 }. Locoregional
stroma ranges from densely hyalinized myoepithelioma, and metastatic clear cell recurrence may be associated with
basement membrane-like to desmoplastic carcinoma, with distinction sometimes incomplete resection and/or perineural
or fibrocellular, and the juxtaposition of requiring molecular studies. invasion. Cases with HGT have been
these two stroma types is largely Cytology described, with distant metastases
pathognomonic for HCCC. This lesion is rarely sampled by FNAB, and identified { 22350795 ; 33825717 }. Death
shows large cells with clear to eosinophilic from disease is rarely reported
Histochemistry: The clear cells are PAS cytoplasm, distinct cell borders and round { 14747068 }.
positive and diastase sensitive. nuclei lacking prominent nucleoli, and in
Basal Cell Adenocarcinoma
{ 8734419 ; 33526221 ; 17178498 ; 25555
Definition 241 }. There is no sex predilection. Differential Diagnosis: Presence of
Basal cell adenocarcinoma (BCAC) is a Etiology peripheral palisading and focal squamous
malignant infiltrative basaloid salivary Some BCACs (~15%) occur in the setting metaplasia can help to
gland tumour composed of a mixture of of familial/multiple cylindromatosis separate BCAC from adenoid cystic
basal and ductal cells. syndromes { 12023583 }. Most carcinoma. BCAC is distinguished from
ICD-O coding BCACs arise de novo, but a few develop BCA by infiltration, necrosis and mitoses
8147/3 Basal cell adenocarcinoma from preexisting basal cell adenoma (BCA) (especially when >4 per 2mm2)
ICD-11 coding { 2769045 ; 3977010 ; 9198102 ; 2732719 { 9452259 }.
2B67.Z & XH9SA7 Malignant neoplasms 2 }. Cytology
of parotid gland, unspecified & Basal cell Pathogenesis BCAC shows very similar cytopathological
BCAC may show a complex genetic profile features to BCA (see BCA). Squamoid and
{ 27259009 ; 27224988 }. A subset sebaceous features may be seen focally
Related terminology shows CYLD or CTNNB1 alterations helping to distinguish BCAC from adenoid
Not recommended: carcinoma ex- { 12023583 ; 29496310 ; 29463883 ; 3005 cystic carcinoma { 8701930 }, but
monomorphic adenoma, malignant dermal 3869 } differentiating BCA from BCAC and from
analogue tumour Macroscopic appearance adenoid cystic carcinoma is not always
Subtype(s) BCACs typically range from 20-40 mm possible, and the term 'basaloid neoplasm'
None { 26451535 ; 33526221 } and present as a is often appropriate.
Localization firm, unencapsulated, tan masses. Diagnostic molecular pathology
Most BCACs occur in the parotid gland Histopathology None
(>90%) BCACs show tubulo-trabecular, Essential and desirable diagnostic
{ 2326038 ; 8734419 ; 17178498 ; 255552 membranous or solid growth with the latter criteria
41 }. two patterns predominating. Tumour nests Essential: invasive growth; basaloid
Clinical features show peripheral palisading of dark cells morphology; peripheral palisading with
BCAC usually presents as a slow-growing with paler cells and centrally located ducts. paler inner cells and ducts; dual population
nodule in the parotid gland. Syndromic Squamous and sebaceous elements may immunophenotype
cases may also have multiple skin adnexal be seen. Nuclei are vesicular. ~25% show Staging
tumours perineural and vascular invasion; UICC
{ 2326038 ; 2827601 ; 9726688 ; 1945570 anaplasia is rare. Prognosis and prediction
4 }. Local recurrence rates are about 37%
Epidemiology Immunohistochemistry: Epithelial and { 8952553 } but complete surgical excision
BCAC accounts for less than 3% of myoepithelial markers highlights the dual with clear margins is curative in >90% of
malignant salivary tumours cell composition of BCAC. Nuclear β- the cases. Regional lymph node and
{ 8734419 ; 17178498 ; 25555241 }. Most catenin immunoexpression is present in a distant metastasis and disease related
affected patients are in their 6th-7th subset of BCACs death are rare (<10%). Age and T
decades { 24143938 ; 27259009 ; 29224720 ; 2949 categorization are key prognosticators
6310 ; 30053869 }. { 26451535 }.

Intraductal Carcinoma

Definition IDC arises predominantly in the parotid Unknown

Intraductal carcinoma (IDC) is a salivary gland Pathogenesis
gland malignancy characterized by { 6298331 ; 15252310 ; 29443014 ; 29574 Intercalated duct IDC usually
papillary, cribriform, and solid 881 ; 30045065 ; 31162284 }, with has NCOA4::RET,
proliferations that are entirely or uncommon involvement of intraparotid rarely STRN::ALK, TUT1::ETV5,
predominantly intraductal lymph nodes or KIAA217::RET; some are fusion-
ICD-O coding { 15252310 ; 21442195 ; 32661669 }, negative { 29443014 ; 31162284 ; 32661
8500/2 Intraductal carcinoma submandibular gland { 15252310 }, and 669 }. The oncocytic type may
ICD-11 coding oral cavity { 6298331 ; 15043319 }. harbour TRIM33::RET, NCOA4::RET,
B67.Z & XH4V32 Malignant neoplasms of Clinical features or BRAF p.V600E mutations; some have
parotid gland, unspecified & Ductal Patients present with longstanding no alterations { 29574881 ; 33135196 }.
carcinoma in situ, NOS painless swellings. IDC are indolent Mixed intercalated duct-apocrine
2E60.0 Carcinoma in situ of lip, oral cavity neoplasms, but rare cases of invasive IDC usually harbours TRIM27::RET,
or pharynx carcinoma ex IDC were occasionally NCOA4::RET { 30045065 ; 3
Related terminology reported { 29443014 ; 31162284 }. 1162284 }. Purely apocrine IDC harbours
Acceptable: intercalated duct carcinoma Epidemiology multiple mutations
Not recommended: low-grade cribriform IDC is rare, and involves adults of wide age (e.g., HRAS, PIK3CA, TP53), some are
cystadenocarcinoma; low-grade salivary range (25-93 years) with an even sex fusion-negative { 29443014 ; 33086236 }
duct carcinoma; ductal carcinoma distribution or harbour TRIM27::RET fusion
Subtype(s) { 6298331 ; 15252310 ; 21442195 ; 29443 { 30045065 }. One study reported that
Intercalated duct IDC; apocrine IDC; 014 ; 29574881 ; 31162284 ; 32661669 ; myoepithelial and ductal cells of IDC
oncocytic IDC; mixed IDC 33526215 }. harbour the same fusion { 33086236 }.
Localization Etiology Macroscopic appearance
IDC is well-circumscribed and variably Immunohistochemistry: Intercalated duct Diagnostic molecular pathology
solid and cystic, measuring up to 46 mm and oncocytic IDCs are positive for S100, Demonstration of molecular alteration can
(mean 14 mm). SOX10, and mammaglobin, but negative assist in diagnosis. Routine break apart
Histopathology for AR and GCDFP-15, while apocrine FISH is often falsely negative in IDC
All subtypes of IDC display rounded cysts IDC has the opposite staining pattern. with NCOA4/RET, which is a tight inversion
and lobules, with variable solid, cribriform, Mixed IDC shows mixed immunoprofiles of due to an intrachromosomal
micropapillary, and Roman bridge-type the components present. Myoepithelial rearrangement
ductal proliferations, surrounded by a cells of IDC are consistently positive for { 29443014 ; 30045065 ; 33086236 }.
continuous, flattened layer of myoepithelial p40/p63, CK14, SMA, and calponin. Essential and desirable diagnostic
cells. The ductal cells vary with each criteria
subtype. Differential Diagnosis: Intraductal Essential: rounded lobules of ductal
proliferations seen in carcinoma-ex- neoplastic cells; surrounded by a rim of
Subtypes: Intercalated duct IDC has small pleomorphic adenoma and sclerosing myoepithelial cells; ductal cells positive for
amphophilic-to-eosinophilic cells with oval polycystic adenoma are distinguished by S100, SOX10, and mammaglobin and/or
nuclei. Apocrine IDC has large cells with their background elements AR
bubbly eosinophilic cytoplasm (chondromyxoid stroma and acinar cells, Desirable: cystic component; identification
with snouting and decapitation secretions. respectively). Cystadenoma lacks a of RET fusion (intercalated duct, oncocytic,
Oncocytic IDC has cells with abundant, fenestrated or cribriform appearance and mixed IDC) BRAF p.V600E mutation
granular eosinophilic cytoplasm and round the complete layer of myoepithelial cells. (oncocytic IDC), or PI3 kinase pathway
nuclei with prominent nucleoli, while mixed Mucoepidermoid carcinoma, secretory mutations (apocrine IDC) in selected cases
IDC shows hybrid features. carcinoma, and salivary duct carcinoma do Staging
Intercalated duct and oncocytic IDC exhibit not have a complete circumferential layer IDC is currently regarded as in situ disease
low-grade features and low mitotic rates, of myoepithelial cells, and in epithelial- by UICC staging. Staging of invasive
while IDCs with apocrine components can myoepithelial carcinoma the myoepithelial carcinoma ex IDC according to the
be low- or high-grade. Background often cells are larger and much more prominent. UICC TNM classification.
shows degenerative changes (fibrosis, Cytology Prognosis and prediction
inflammation, cholesterol clefts, Low-grade IDCs exhibit populations of both Pure IDC of all types behave indolently
haemorrhage). Frank invasive growth with mildly atypical ductal cells and smaller following complete excision.
loss of myoepithelial cells can occasionally myoepithelial cells with a clean Frankly invasive carcinomas ex-IDC can
be seen in all types of background, while high-grade apocrine behave aggressively
IDC { 29443014 ; 31162284 }. IDC has large, pleomorphic ductal cells { 29443014 ; 31162284 }.
and necrosis { 31749241 ; 34597458 }.
Salivary Duct Carcinoma

Definition Most tumours involve major salivary glands SDC has a distinct male predilection with
Salivary duct carcinoma (SDC) is an { 12524620 ; 15900577 ; 23606370 }. peak incidence in the fifth to seventh
aggressive carcinoma resembling Clinical features decades of life { 25871467 ; 31764219 }.
mammary ductal carcinoma, most typically SDC presents as a rapidly growing tumour, Etiology
with apocrine (immuno)phenotype. with facial nerve palsy, pain, and cervical None
ICD-O coding lymphadenopathy. If arising from PA, a Pathogenesis
8500/3 Salivary duct carcinoma rapid increase in size of a longstanding Androgen receptor (AR) copy-number gain
ICD-11 coding pre-existing mass is common. and splice variants have been reported
2E60.0 Carcinoma in situ of lip, oral cavity { 25316813 }. The most frequent genetic
or pharynx Imaging: On cross-sectional imaging alterations are mutations in TP53 (55%),
Related terminology SDC most commonly presents as an ill- HRAS (23%), PIK3CA (23%), amplification
None defined, infiltrative salivary gland mass of ERBB2 (35%)
Subtype(s) with frequent calcification and { 27103403 }, PTEN deletion, and BRAF
Sarcomatoid necrosis. Foci of marked hypointensity on mutations
Mucin-rich T2-weighted MR images may be a useful { 25723113 ; 29416736 ; 32421944 }. PLA
Micropapillary radiological feature to suggest the G1 or HMGA2 rearrangements, markers of
Basal-like diagnosis { 22307272 }. pre-existing PA, are identified in about half
Oncocytic Epidemiology of
Localization SDCs { 23738717 ; 25439740 ; 27379604
}. A small subset of SDC than apocrine cytoplasm Often markedly cellular smears show
harbors ALK { 30946933 ; 33871952 } { 22882517 ; 23821208 }. Oncocytic SDC irregular crowded tissue fragments that
and ETV6::NTRK3 fusions { 32124419 }. is defined by abundant granular may show a cribriform architecture and
Macroscopic appearance eosinophilic cytoplasm { 23821208 }. SDC consist of large polygonal cells showing
SDCs are infiltrative, firm, tan-white with rhabdoid like features contains usually well defined cytoplasm, pleomorphic
masses, frequently involving adjacent dyscohesive ovoid cells with eccentric nuclei, prominent nuceloli and plentiful
structures and may contain well-defined nuclei; immunohistochemically, the mitoses, in a necrotic background,
nodules of pre-existing PA. rhabdoid cells are cytokeratin positive and resembling Grade 3 carcinoma, no special
Histopathology negative for myoepithelial markers type of breast
SDCs display complex solid, cribriform, { 33538422 }. The current definition of SDC { 9812225 ; 18528886 ; 32421944 }.
and papillary-cystic architecture with subtypes does not include an universally Diagnostic molecular pathology
frequent comedonecrosis { 4301301 }. The agreed on minimal threshold for variant Because systemic therapies targeting
cells have large pleomorphic nuclei with morphology. All subtypes are commonly androgen receptor, ERRB2 amplification,
coarse chromatin and prominent nucleoli, accompanied by areas of conventional phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase (PI3K)
and abundant eosinophilic, typically SDC. pathway, including mutations
apocrine cytoplasm of PIK3CA and phosphatase and tensin
{ 25723113 ; 25871467 }. Lymphovascular Immunohistochemistry: AR is expressed in homolog (PTEN) loss, and BRAF p.V600E
and perineural invasion are common about 90% of SDCs, indicative of apocrine are being investigated, molecular
{ 31764219 }. A hyalinized nodule of a pre- immunophenotype { 9831198 ; 22882517 ; investigation may be warranted
existing PA may be present. Rarely, 24553861 ; 25871467 ; 28938615 ; 2949 { 31437521 ; 32717621 ; 33526216 }.
SDC may be purely in situ { 18983607 }. 2965 }. Diffuse and strong Essential and desirable diagnostic
immunoreactivity for ERBB2/HER2 is criteria
Subtypes: The sarcomatoid subtype of identified in about one-third of SDCs Essential: high-grade carcinoma, most
SDC contains areas of highly atypical { 28938615 ; 29492965 ; 32421944 ; 3352 typically with apocrine features
spindle cells, occasionally with foci of 6216 }. Cytokeratin 7 is consistently Desirable: AR expression
heterologous differentiation (e.g., osteoid positive, while S100 and SOX-10 is Staging
production) { 10685635 ; 15806515 }. In negative. Staining for p63 may help to TNM system as published by UICC / AJCC
the mucin–rich SDC there are significant identify the intraductal component by Prognosis and prediction
pools of extracellular mucin highlighting basal/myoepithelial cells SDC is the most aggressive salivary
{ 12883239 ; 22431183 }. The surrounding neoplastic cells. tumour, with most patients presenting with
micropapillary SDC includes small tumour regional lymph node or distant
nests, without fibrovascular cores, with Differential Diagnosis: This includes other metastases { 23606370 ; 25871467 ; 2949
prominent retraction from adjacent stroma, salivary carcinomas with high-grade 2965 } and disease progression within 3-5
and “inside-out” pattern of EMA transformation years
immunostaining { 23821208 }. Basal- { 23821210 ; 25871467 ; 33825717 }. { 15900577 ; 23606370 ; 25916947 ; 3176
like SDC is characterized by a less Cytology 4219 }.
abundant and more amphophilic rather
Myoepithelial Carcinoma

Definition skin, liver, bone and brain) occur { 25581728 }. The presence of PA
Myoepithelial carcinoma (MECA) is a { 28153562 ; 32804766 }. and tumour necrosis correlate with worse
malignant salivary neoplasm that is almost Epidemiology outcome { 25970687 }.
exclusively composed of myoepithelial MECA is under-recognized. It may present
cells and has an invasive growth. at any age and has no sex predilection Immunohistochemistry: MECA
ICD-O coding { 25970687 ; 28739497 }. expresses cytokeratins, SOX10, S100, and
8982/3 Myoepithelial carcinoma Etiology myoepithelial markers such as SMA,
ICD-11 coding Unknown calponin, and p63/p40
2B67.Y & XH43E6 Other specified Pathogenesis { 9762928 ; 20338616 ; 25970687 ; 30789
malignant neoplasms of parotid gland & PLAG1 fusions are identified in over 50% 358 }.
Myoepithelial carcinoma of both de novo and MECA ex-PA with
2B65.Y & XH43E6 Other specified different fusion partner genes, Differential Diagnosis: MECA is often
malignant neoplasms of palate & including FGFR1, TGFBR3, and others cytologically bland and may therefore be
Myoepithelial carcinoma { 29084941 ; 33027073 }. HMGA2 and E under-recognized as malignant and
2B68.2 & XH43E6 Other specified WSR1 fusions are detected in small misclassified as a myoepithelial-rich PA
malignant neoplasms of submandibular or subsets of tumours { 30789358 }.
sublingual glands & Myoepithelial { 29084941 ; 33526224 }. EWSR1 rearran Cytology
carcinoma gement without fusion may be present in In cytological specimens MECA shows a
clear mixture of spindle, plasmacytoid, and
Related terminology cell MECA { 25581728 ; 33027073 }. epithelioid cells. MECA cannot be
Not recommended: malignant Macroscopic appearance distinguished from cellular PA on cytology
myoepithelioma The tumour is typically unencapsulated, { 11836700 ; 30789358 }.
Subtype(s) and has a gray to tan-white cut Diagnostic molecular pathology
None surfaces. Hemorrhage, necrosis, and Not clinically relevant
Localization cystic change may occur. Essential and desirable diagnostic
Most tumours occur in the parotid gland Histopathology criteria
followed by the palate, and the MECA may arise de novo or within a Essential: myoepithelial differentiation and
submandibular gland preexisting pleomorphic adenoma (PA) ) invasive growth
{ 25970687 ; 33027073 }. and is the second most common histologic Desirable: zonal pattern with hypercellular
Clinical features subtype of carcinoma ex-PA periphery and hypocellular center
Patients often present with a painless { 20338616 ; 25970687 }. It exhibits Staging
mass, sometimes with recent rapid growth diverse morphologies with different cell TNM system
{ 25970687 ; 28739497 }. types (spindle, epithelioid, plasmacytoid, Prognosis and prediction
vacuolated, and clear) and architectures MECA has a diverse clinical behavior but is
Imaging: Cross-sectional imaging shows (solid, trabecular, and reticular) relatively aggressive even when it is
an irregular, lobulated, ill-defined, { 8732339 ; 9762928 ; 24446021 }. The intracapsular or minimally invasive MECA
heterogeneously enhancing salivary gland stroma can be myxoid, myxochondroid, or ex-PA
mass, with avid FDG uptake on PET-CT. hyalinized. The uniform cellular { 20338616 ; 25970687 ; 30789358 }. The
Lesions are often T1W and T2W myoepithelial proliferation with risks of local recurrence and distant
hypointense on MRI and some the multinodular pattern and the transition metastasis are 35% and 22%, respectively
demonstrate punctate calcification on CT. from peripheral hypercellular zones to { 30789358 }. MECA seems to have a
Imaging is used to assess the primary central hypocellular areas are propensity to distant rather than lymph
tumour and presence of lymph node and characteristic and help to differentiate node metastasis
distant metastases (including to lungs, MECA from PA { 30789358 }. Focal duct- { 25636455 ; 25896567 ; 25970687 ; 3078
like or squamous differentiation may 9358 }.
Epithelial-Myoepithelial Carcinoma
intermediate signal on T1W and T2W and component varies from single-layered to
Definition enhance heterogeneously. Biopsy is multilayered or even solid. The nuclear
Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma (EMC) required to differentiate them from other atypia is mild to moderate. There are
is a salivary gland malignancy low-grade salivary gland masses several histologic variations, including
characterized by biphasic tubular { 17939852 }. cribriform, basaloid, sebaceous,
structures, usually composed of tightly Epidemiology apocrine/oncocytic, and double-clear
coupled inner ductal and prominent outer EMC is an uncommon neoplasm, appearances, and squamous
myoepithelial cells. accounting for 1% of all salivary gland differentiation
ICD-O coding tumours { 17197918 }. It mostly occurs in { 17197918 ; 18425042 ; 19492889 ; 2242
8562/3 Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma the sixth and seventh decades, with a slight 7262 ; 23821213 ; 29135517 }. High-grade
ICD-11 coding female predilection. transformation rarely occurs
2B67.Y & XH9JP2 Other specified Etiology { 10335939 ; 20679885 ; 23821210 ; 3382
malignant neoplasms of parotid gland & A small subset arises in association with 5717 }.
intercalated duct hyperplasia { 19542868 }.
Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma
EMC may also arise in a preexisting Immunohistochemistry: The luminal
2B68.2 & XH9JP2 Other specified
pleomorphic adenoma cells are positive for CK7, whereas
malignant neoplasms of submandibular or { 17197918 ; 29135520 ; 30994537 }. abluminal cells are usually positive for
sublingual glands & Epithelial- Pathogenesis SMA, calponin, and p63/p40
myoepithelial carcinoma A significant number of EMCs { 17197918 ; 33526226 }. Diffuse and
harbor HRAS mutations, most commonly membranous/cytoplasmic RAS Q61R
Related terminology at the codon 61 expression is observed in 65% of EMCs
None { 24277618 ; 26053092 ; 29135520 ; 3099 { 33481388 }.
Subtype(s) 4537 }.
None Macroscopic appearance Differential Diagnosis: The entities include
Localization The mean tumour size is 30 mm other salivary gland tumours with biphasic
Majority of EMCs develop in the parotid { 33526226 }. The cut surface shows a or/and clear cell morphology, such as
gland; the remainder affect the other major white-tan, nodular, firm mass. Cystic adenoid cystic carcinoma, basal cell
or minor salivary glands, sinonasal tract, changes may be noted adenocarcinoma, pleomorphic adenoma,
and bronchus { 8322454 ; 17197918 }. { 17197918 ; 33526226 }. myoepithelial carcinoma, and clear cell
Clinical features Histopathology carcinoma { 33526226 }.
EMC usually presents as a slow-growing EMC generally exhibits multinodular Cytology
painless mass. Lymphadenopathy is rare. invasive growth. The histological hallmark Aspirates classically show 3D clusters with
is a biphasic arrangement of inner (luminal) a dual epithelial and myoepithelial cell
Imaging: Features are non-specific but eosinophilic ductal epithelial cells and outer population { 9839128 ; 12619100 }.
lesions are frequently slow-growing and (abluminal), often clear myoepithelial cells Diagnostic molecular pathology
fairly well-defined on CT and MRI, { 4340536 ; 6950345 }. The myoepithelial
The assessment of HRAS mutations is prominent, and usually clear, myoepithelial and distant metastases are rare. High-
useful for diagnosing EMC in discrimination cells grade transformation is clearly a poor
from mimics { 30994537 ; 33526226 }. Staging prognosticator
Essential and desirable diagnostic TNM { 10335939 ; 20679885 ; 23821210 ; 3382
criteria Prognosis and prediction 5717 }. Other adverse features include
Essential: usually multinodular invasive EMC has a favorable prognosis size, necrosis, angiolymphatic invasion,
growth; at least partly with a dual { 26195572 ; 30127663 ; 33526226 } but and margin status
arrangement of inner ductal cells and outer occasionally recurs locally; lymph node { 8322454 ; 17197918 ; 20679885 }.
Mucinous Adenocarcinoma
MA has peak incidence in the eighth Differential Diagnosis: To diagnose MA,
Definition decade with relatively equal sex other mucin-producing salivary carcinomas
Mucinous adenocarcinoma (MA) is a distribution must be excluded, including mucin-rich
primary salivary carcinoma that displays { 20738418 ; 33739781 ; 8944036 }. mucoepidermoid carcinoma
prominent intracellular and/or extracellular Etiology (epidermoid/intermediate cells; p63/p40+),
mucin, lacks diagnostic features of other No risk factors are established. mucinous and rhabdoid variants of salivary
tumour types, and is usually associated Pathogenesis duct carcinoma (apocrine cytology; AR+),
with AKT1 alterations MA has recurrent AKT1 p.E17K mutation, and mucinous/secretory pattern of
ICD-O coding usually accompanied by TP53 mutations myoepithelial carcinoma (nested/corded
8480/3 Mucinous adenocarcinoma { 33739781 }. pattern; S100, calponin, or SMA+).
ICD-11 coding Macroscopic appearance Metastasis from gastrointestinal,
2B66.Y & XH1S75 Other specified Tumours are solid or cystic with a pancreaticobiliary, or lung
malignant neoplasms of other or gelatinous cut surface. adenocarcinomas should be ruled out
Histopathology clinically.
unspecified parts of mouth & Mucinous
MA is defined by abundant intracellular Cytology
and/or extracellular mucin production in Not reported in cytopathology literature
multiple forms, including goblet cell-like Diagnostic molecular pathology
Related terminology
vacuoles, apical caps, foveolar-type Identification of AKT1 p.E17K mutation can
Not recommended: papillary
cytoplasmic droplets, or stromal pools. support the diagnosis
cystadenocarcinoma; mucinous
Tumours show variable papillary, colloid, or Essential and desirable diagnostic
cystadenocarcinoma; mucin-producing
signet ring architecture, with 40% criteria
adenopapillary carcinoma; colloid
displaying mixed patterns Essential: abundant intracellular or
carcinoma; signet-ring carcinoma
{ 3178562 ; 12425848 ; 20738418 ; 33739 extracellular mucin, CK7+, CK20-, no
781 }. Most tumours display complex or features of other mucin-producing salivary
Localization simple papillary fronds projecting into neoplasms
cystic spaces. Colloid pattern is second Desirable: A finding of AKT1 p.E17K
MA is most common in intraoral minor
most common, with tumour nests mutation can support the diagnosis
salivary glands
suspended in mucin pools. Discohesive Staging
{ 8944036 ; 20738418 ; 33739781 }.
signet ring cells are rarely seen. Cytologic AJCC/UICC TNM staging for the
Clinical features
atypia varies widely. appropriate anatomic site can be applied
Most patients have painless masses or
Prognosis and prediction
swellings. Nodal metastases are
Immunohistochemistry: MA is positive for While papillary-predominant tumours are
occasionally seen at presentation
CK7 and negative for CK20, CDX2, p63, generally indolent, dominant colloid or
{ 19037659 ; 26908552 }.
Epidemiology p40, TTF1, S100, calponin, SMA, and AR signet-ring patterns are associated with
{ 12425848 ; 33739781 }. recurrence and metastases
{ 8944036 ; 19037659 ; 26908552 }.
Sclerosing Microcystic Adenocarcinoma

Definition Etiology and the peripheral myoepithelial cell

Sclerosing microcystic adenocarcinoma Unknown population expresses p40/p63, S100,
(SMA) is an indolent infiltrative salivary Pathogenesis smooth muscle actin and calponin
carcinoma composed of a biphasic Whole exome sequencing revealed { 29398516 ; 29987694 ; 33526218 }
population of ductal and myoepithelial cells moderate mutational burden and putative CD117 is negative
embedded in a dense collagenous stroma, loss of function mutations in CDK11B, but (27233253; 29987694 }. Low proliferation
similar to microcystic adnexal carcinoma. absence of mutations including cyclin indices are seen by Ki67 (MIB1) staining.
ICD-O coding dependent kinase inhibitor 2A (CDKN2A)
None and cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2B Differential Diagnosis: The biphasic cell
ICD-11 coding (CDKN2B) { 33109575 }, TP53 and JAK1 population, bland cytology,
2B66.Z & XH17P2 Malignant neoplasms of genes { 31857679 }. immunoreactive staining pattern and lack
other or unspecified parts of mouth, Macroscopic appearance of keratinization are helpful features in
unspecified & Microcystic adnexal Gross examination of the surgical resection differentiation from squamous cell
carcinoma specimen revealed an ill-defined white-tan carcinoma, polymorphous
Related terminology submucosal mass in a single case report adenocarcinoma, adenoid cystic
Acceptable: Microcystic adnexal { 29987694 }. carcinoma, mucoepidermoid carcinoma
carcinoma of the tongue; sclerosing sweat Histopathology and clear cell carcinoma.
duct-like carcinoma; syringomatous SMA is characterized by deeply infiltrative Cytology
adenocarcinoma ducts/tubules, strands/cords, nests, and Not reported in cytopathology literature
Subtype(s) rarely single cells embedded in densely Diagnostic molecular pathology
None collagenous stroma. The tumour is Not clinically relevant
Localization composed of a biphasic cell population Essential and desirable diagnostic
SMA arises from intraoral minor salivary including luminal lining bland appearing criteria
glands in sites including tongue, lip ductal cells with round to oval, monotonous Essential: infiltrative low-grade
mucosa, floor of mouth and buccal mucosa nuclei, evenly dispersed adenocarcinoma embedded in dense
{ 27233253 ; 33526218 }, a single case chromatin, occasional nucleoli, and sclerotic stroma; biphasic cell population
was reported in the nasopharynx eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. Ductal with an attenuated myoepithelial cell layer
{ 27233253 }. lining cells are peripherally surrounded by Desirable: perineural invasion
Clinical features flattened myoepithelial cells. Mitotic figures Staging
Patients most commonly present with a are not conspicuous. Perineural invasion is TNM system as published by UICC
painless mass or swelling; less common commonly seen and apposition to and/or Prognosis and prediction
symptoms include dysphagia { 8551161 }, invasion of minor salivary glands can be Surgical excision is the treatment of choice.
numbness { 29987694 }, and diplopia seen. Adjunctive radiotherapy may be used in
{ 27233253 }. margin positive excision
Epidemiology Histochemistry: Mucicarmine positive { 29987694 }. SMA has a uniformly good
SMA is more common in women than men luminal eosinophilic globular secretory outcome without locoregional recurrence
occurring from 5th to 8th decades (mean, 56 material is seen. or distant metastases
years) { 29987694 ; 33526218 }.
{ 2368175 ; 8551161 ; 29987694 ; 331095 Immunohistochemistry: Duct lining cells
75 }. are positive for pancytokeratin and CK7
Carcinoma Ex Pleomorphic Adenoma
metastases are commonly found confined within the PA capsule; in situ
Definition { 34161740 }. intracapsular when the malignant tumour
Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma Epidemiology cells replace the ductal cells while retaining
(CXPA) is an epithelial and/or CXPA comprises 3.6% of all salivary gland an intact myoepithelial layer; 2) minimally
myoepithelial malignancy that arises in tumours and 12% of all salivary gland invasive: when the carcinoma invades < 4
association with a primary or recurrent malignancies { 24804831 }. It occurs in the - 6 mm beyond the PA borders; and 3)
pleomorphic adenoma (PA). setting of a recurrent PA in about 12% of invasive: when the invasion beyond the PA
ICD-O coding the cases. Patients present in their 6th - capsule measures ≥6mm.
8941/3 Carcinoma ex pleomorphic 7th decades. The tumour is slightly more Additionally, the histologic type of the
adenoma common in women malignant component should be reported.
ICD-11 coding { 22014054 ; 24804831 ; 25439740 }. The carcinoma component can be of any
2B67 & XH42V2 Malignant neoplasms of Etiology type but the most common is salivary duct
parotid gland & Carcinoma ex Unknown carcinoma, followed by myoepithelial
Pathogenesis carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma, NOS
pleomorphic adenoma
About two thirds of CXPA { 26934566 ; 29135520 ; 32749544 }.
Related terminology displays PLAG1 or HMGA2 rearrangemen Carcinosarcoma is a rare aggressive
Acceptable: carcinoma ex benign mixed ts and/or amplification, markers of pre- tumour that is composed of malignant
tumour existing PA. Additionally, tumours may epithelial and sarcomatous components
Subtype(s) exhibit the following markers of and can arise in association with a PA
None progression to carcinoma: mutations { 31291005 ; 32814949 }.
Localization of TP53, HRAS, PIK3CA, amplification
Most CXPA arise in the parotid gland, but of MYC, Differential Diagnosis: Myoepithelial
they may originate from the submandibular and/or EGFR { 11839563 ; 15920557 ; 18 carcinoma and epithelial-myoepithelial
gland or minor salivary glands 828159 ; 24468654 ; 27379604 }. carcinoma ex PA can mimic cellular PA
{ 6322732 ; 20338616 ; 21744105 ; 22022 Macroscopic appearance especially when intracapsular or minimally
178 ; 22014054 ; 33728082 }. Tumour sizes range from 10 to 250 mm invasive. The invasive multinodular pattern
Clinical features { 6322732 ; 11431714 }. Grossly, the helps to differentiate these tumours from
The typical clinical presentation is that of a tumour is often poorly demarcated and PA.
long-standing painless mass with recent may show a gross residual PA component
rapid progression, or of previous diagnosis which occasionally exhibits a well- Immunohistochemistry: Expression
of a PA. Occasionally, the tumour may be circumscribed encapsulated sclerotic of PLAG1 and HMGA2 may help to identify
asymptomatic { 21744105 }. Facial nerve nodule { 11431714 ; 20338616 }. the PA component
palsy, pain, or skin ulceration may occur Histopathology { 23958548 ; 27473265 ; 28796899 }.
{ 20338616 }. In most cases, the carcinoma component Staining for AR may be indicative
comprises > 50% of the tumour of salivary duct carcinoma ex PA
Imaging: The majority present as an { 11431714 }. The PA component, which { 27334835 ; 33405400 }.
irregular, lobular and heterogeneously may have variable cellularity, can be Cytology
enhancing mass with uneven margins on intermixed with the carcinoma or appears FNAB smears can show poorly
CT and MRI. Internal calcification is as a discrete nodule (often hyalinized or differentiated adenocarcinoma or salivary
regarded as a specific sign for this tumour. rarely entirely sclerotic). CXPA can be sub- duct carcinoma, or other salivary gland
Cervical lymph node and distant classified based on the extent of invasion carcinomas including mucoepidermoid,
beyond the PA borders into: 1) adenoid cystic carcinoma and
intracapsular: when the carcinoma is carcinosarcoma, or the FNAB may show
pleomorphic adenoma, depending on existing PA, and can assist in diagnosis of Most CXPA are aggressive showing up to
sampling. It is uncommon that both CXPA. 70% local and distant recurrences. The 5-
components are identified, and necrosis in Essential and desirable diagnostic year survival ranges from 25% to 75%
an otherwise pleomorphic adenoma may criteria { 11431714 ; 20338616 ; 22014054 ; 2480
be the only clue apart from previous history Essential: evidence of a pre-existing PA 4831 ; 31471126 }. Invasive CXPA has
of a longstanding mass or previous biopsy clinically or histologically with a carcinoma worse outcomes compared to intracapsular
{ 9723598 ; 10450099 ; 31675185 ; 33528 (epithelial and/or myoepithelial) and minimally invasive CXPA
074 }. Staging { 11431714 ; 20338616 ; 22014054 ; 2480
Diagnostic molecular pathology Staging is according to the Union for 4831 ; 28353089 }. Large size ( > 40 mm),
PLAG1 or HMGA2 rearrangements International Cancer Control (UICC) TNM multiple positive lymph nodes, and distant
detected by FISH serve as a marker of pre- classification metastasis have been reported to increase
Prognosis and prediction the mortality risk { 31471126 }.
Carcinosarcoma of the Salivary Glands

Definition Approximately half of the cases develop and especially to distinguish

Salivary carcinosarcoma is characterized from a pre-existent PA carcinosarcoma from other malignancies
by variable combination of malignant { 3014420 ; 11197153 }. On the other with high-grade transformation
epithelial and sarcomatous tumour hand, it has been shown that some { 2422810 ; 8380049 ; 22847723 }.
components, which may develop from a carcinosarcomas arise de Cytology
preexistent pleomorphic adenoma (PA) or novo { 2422810 ; 8380049 }. Few Scattered irregular tissue fragments of
de novo. cases occurred after radiotherapy large epithelial cells with abundant
ICD-O coding { 8035132 }. cytoplasm, large pleomorphic
8980/3 Carcinosarcoma Pathogenesis hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent
ICD-11 coding Molecular alterations are heterogeneous nucleoli are present along with occasional
2B67.Y & XH2W45 Other specified and not diagnostic. giant cells and spindle cells showing
malignant neoplasms of parotid gland & Macroscopic appearance atypical nuclei in a background of necrosis.
Carcinosarcoma, NOS They are predominantly large, infiltrating The epithelial component can show
2B68.2 Other specified malignant tumours (up to 50-100 mm, average size squamoid features { 29281871 }.
neoplasms of submandibular or sublingual 39 mm), frequently with necrosis and Diagnostic molecular pathology
glands & Carcinosarcoma, NOS haemorrhage. A smaller, often sclerotic Not relevant
Related terminology nodule may represent a preexistent PA. Essential and desirable diagnostic
Not recommended: (true) malignant mixed Histopathology criteria
tumour The carcinomatous component is most Essential: combined salivary tumour with
Subtype(s) commonly a squamous cell carcinoma or malignant epithelial and mesenchymal
None adenocarcinoma, while the most common component; exclude sarcomatoid subtypes
Localization sarcomatous component is a of other salivary gland malignancies
Most cases of carcinosarcoma manifest in chondrosarcoma { 8380049 }. The Staging
major salivary glands (parotid 70%, sarcomatous components frequently TNM system as published by UICC
submandibular 19%), while minor gland dominate. Approximately half of the Prognosis and prediction
occurrences are rare { 8380049 }. tumours show a pre-existing, often Prognosis is poor with high frequency of
Clinical features sclerotic PA, usually with a carcinomatous, local recurrence and lymphatic and
Carcinosarcoma are typically rapidly rarely sarcomatous intracapsular hematogenous spread. The largest series
growing, large, and infiltrative tumours. component. Pure intracapsular showed mortality of 50% and mean
Epidemiology carcinosarcoma ex PA is very rare survival of 3.6 years
The mean age at presentation is 58 years { 2422810 }. { 3014420 ; 8380049 }. Most cases have
(range, 14–87 years). No sex been reported as case reports with
predominance was shown { 8380049 }. Immunohistochemistry: IHC is insufficient clinical follow-up
Etiology recommended to characterize the usually { 11197153 ; 17630097 ; 22847723 }.
heterologous sarcomatous component,
Sebaceous Adenocarcinoma

Definition 93 years) { 22430772 ; 25848361 }.

Sebaceous adenocarcinoma is a malignant Tumours are slightly more common in Differential Diagnosis: This includes other
tumour composed mainly of neoplastic females { 29856905 }. Rare cases are salivary carcinomas with dense lymphoid
sebaceous cells. associated with Muir Torre syndrome reaction and sebaceous differentiation
ICD-O coding { 26577210 ; 29856905 }. { 8108090 }.
8410/3 Sebaceous adenocarcinoma Etiology Cytology
ICD-11 coding Sebaceous adenocarcinoma associated In a background of plentiful mature
2B67.Y & XH4VR2 Other specified with Muir–Torre syndrome (MIM number: lymphocytes, small epithelial tissue
malignant neoplasms of parotid gland & 158320) shows microsatellite instability fragments are present consisting of large
Sebaceous carcinoma and loss of expression of a DNA mismatch cells resembling sebaceous cells, with
2B68.2 & XH4VR2 Malignant neoplasms repair genes MLH1, MSH2, and MSH6; abundant finely to coarsely vacuolated
of submandibular or sublingual gland & these findings are not usually seen in cytoplasm and usually bland round nuclei
Sebaceous carcinoma sporadic sebaceous adenocarcinoma with single conspicuous nucleoli. There is
2B66.Y & XH4VR2 Other specified { 26577210 ; 26959146 ; 28681210 ; 2985 a second population of basaloid cells.
6905 ; 32907843 }. Some sebaceous cells are reported to
malignant neoplasms of other or
Pathogenesis show malignant nuclei { 12913846 }, but
unspecified parts of mouth & Sebaceous
Unknown others report that the adenocarcinoma
carcinoma Macroscopic appearance shows similar features to sebaceous
Tumour sizes range from 6 to 95 mm and adenoma { 12913846 ; 31967730 }.
Related terminology
are frequently well-circumscribed or Diagnostic molecular pathology
Acceptable: sebaceous carcinoma
partially encapsulated with pushing or Loss of MSH2 expression is uncommon
locally infiltrating margins. Cut surfaces are and may characterize tumours in Muir
yellow, tan-white, grey-white, white, or pale Torre syndrome { 26577210 ; 29856905 }.
pink { 22430772 }. Essential and desirable diagnostic
Most arise in parotid (~70%) but may occur
Histopathology criteria
in sublingual, submandibular
The tumours are composed of invasive, Essential: invasive neoplastic sebaceous
{ 22430772 ; 29856905 } or minor glands
multiple, variably sized nests and/or sheets cells of varying maturity
{ 30116646 }.
with hyperchromatic nuclei, abundant clear Desirable: tumour necrosis
Clinical features
vacuolated to eosinophilic cytoplasm, and Staging
Patients present with painful masses,
mild to marked cellular pleomorphism. According to UICC TNM8 staging
varying degrees of facial nerve paralysis,
Necrosis is frequent. Perineural invasion is guidance.
and occasional skin fixation. Rare patients
noted in ~20% of cases; vascular invasion Prognosis and prediction
present with tumour metastasis (head/neck
is rare. Oncocytes and foreign-body giant Tumours may recur and rarely
or lung), or a non-tender mass
cells are rare { 22430772 }. A lymphocytic metastasize. The 5-year overall survival
{ 22430772 }.
infiltrate is commonly present. rate is 62%, lower than sebaceous
adenocarcinoma of skin or orbit (84.5%)
Sebaceous adenocarcinoma is rare and
Immunohistochemistry: Sebaceous/basal { 22430772 }. Oral tumours may have a
presents two peak incidences: third and
epithelial cells are positive for CK5/6, CK7, better prognosis with short term follow-up
seventh/eighth decades (range 6–
CK14, and EMA { 21778832 }. { 15599352 }.
Lymphoepithelial Carcinoma

Definition and sinonasal cavities (see non-endemic regions LEC only represents
Lymphoepithelial carcinoma (LEC) is a Sinonasal lymphoepithelial carcinoma). 0.3-0.7% of malignancies
morphologically undifferentiated Clinical features { 17825603 ; 26547125 }. Wide age range
carcinoma with an associated prominent, Patients present with a mass of varying is affected with median 46 years; non-
nonneoplastic lymphoplasmacytic cell duration; pain (~5%) and nerve findings endemic patients tend to be a decade
infiltrate. (~2.5%) are rare older. No sex predilection is noted
ICD-O coding { 9241068 ; 9253628 ; 15389474 }. { 7825444 ; 16554915 ; 17306504 ; 19810
8082/3 Lymphoepithelial carcinoma Cervical lymphadenopathy is noted in 095 ; 26547125 }.
ICD-11 coding ~17% of cases. Most patients Etiology
2B67.Y & XH1E40 Other specified show evidence of Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) EBV is the major etiologic factor, more
malignant neoplasms of parotid gland & infection (i.e. IgA antibodies to viral capsid prominent in endemic populations.
Lymphoepithelial carcinoma antigen), occasionally preceding actual Pathogenesis
2B68.2 & XH1E40 Other specified tumour presentation EBV related LEC pathogenesis in salivary
malignant neoplasms of submandibular or { 1646614 ; 3759075 }. gland is presumed
sublingual glands & Lymphoepithelial { 1334414 ; 1646614 ; 1651284 ; 2820863
carcinoma Imaging: CT and MRI may show a ; 5018596 ; 7825444 ; 7944902 ; 798267
homogeneous, enhancing soft tissue 2 ; 8756359 ; 9253628 ; 17306504 ; 2471
Related terminology lesion with lobulated shape and relatively 5369 }. Human immunodeficiency virus
None well-defined margins. However, up to 50% infection imparts increased risk
Subtype(s) may be heterogeneous, particularly those { 19810095 }. Some cases arise in the
None which have metastasised to intra or extra- setting of lymphoepithelial sialadenitis
Localization glandular lymph nodes { 28707954 }. { 6882273 ; 18251590 }.
LEC arise mainly in major salivary glands Epidemiology Macroscopic appearance
(>90%) with parotid gland (>75%) In some ethnic groups (Inuit, southern Tumours are unencapsulated with a
predominating Chinese, Japanese, northern Africans, and lobulated, firm, tan-white cut surface, and
{ 26547125 ; 32462279 ; 33447549 ; 335 Mongolians) vary from well demarcated to infiltrative
26225 }, as well in larynx (see { 1334414 ; 1651284 ; 8543624 ; 8600040 { 16554915 ; 25804344 ; 26547125 ; 3352
Lymphoepithelial carcinoma of the larynx) ; 8756359 ; 9241068 } prevalence ranges 6225 }.
from 3.6-92% of malignant tumours, but in Histopathology
Histologic features of LEC are essentially Cellular smears show syncytial tissue Essential: undifferentiated morphology
identical to non-keratinizing fragments of markedly atypical with lymphoid stroma; exclusion of other
nasopharyngeal carcinoma, namely, nests undifferentiated epithelial cells and spindle tumours with associated lymphoid
of large anaplastic carcinoma cells within a cells with high grade vesicular nuclei and proliferation; exclusion of metastasis
lymphoid stroma. Variant basaloid prominent nucleoli in a lymphoplasmacytic Desirable: EBER positivity
morphology has been described, showing background, that may largely obscure the Staging
a sclerotic stroma, limited lymphoid tissue, epithelial component, along with TNM system as published by UICC
and angulated cord or “syringoma-like” necrosis. The features raises a differential Prognosis and prediction
nests { 22926973 }. The adjacent diagnosis of high grade mucoepidermoid Five year survival is ~81%
parenchyma often shows a carcinoma and sinonasal lymphoepithelial { 8902573 ; 9241068 ; 15389474 ; 24715
lymphoepithelial sialadenitis carcinoma and non keratinizing 369 ; 25804344 ; 26547125 }. Nodal
{ 17306504 ; 18251590 ; 25804344 }. nasopharyngeal carcinoma. disease is present in ~17%; distant
{ 16554915 ; 31042496 }. metastases are uncommon (~6%)
Differential Diagnosis: LEC must be Diagnostic molecular pathology { 1646614 ; 3294429 ; 6763017 ; 1538947
distinguished from large cell In situ hybridization for Epstein Barr 4 ; 16554915 ; 24715369 ; 26547125 } but
undifferentiated carcinoma, encoding RNA (EBER) is critical to more frequent in endemic areas
and metastasis from establishing EBV status { 26547125 }. The latter is a key
nasopharynx { 25804344 }. Essential and desirable diagnostic prognosticator.
Cytology criteria
Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Definition Pathogenesis carcinomas show cohesive tissue

Primary salivary squamous cell carcinoma Wnt/β-catenin signaling demonstrated in fragments and dispersed spindle,
(SCC) is a malignant epithelial neoplasm rapidly growing, aggressive salivary gland polygonal and tadpole cells showing
with exclusive squamous differentiation. SCC { 26928905 }. varying degrees of keratinization with
The diagnosis can only be established after Macroscopic appearance dense light blue (Giemsa stain) or
the exclusion of metastatic SCC. Most tumours are firm and infiltrative. orangophilic (Pap stain) well defined
ICD-O coding Histopathology cytoplasm. Nuclei can show pyknosis in the
8070/3 Squamous cell carcinoma, NOS SCC is an infiltrating well- to moderately- keratinized cells or larger central nuclei
ICD-11 coding differentiated carcinoma with associated with coarse chromatin and prominent
2B67.1 Squamous cell carcinoma of desmoplasia. Intracellular keratin, keratin nucleoli. Keratinous debris can be
parotid gland pearl formation and intercellular bridges prominent in the background. Poorly
2B68.1 Squamous cell carcinoma of are seen. Less often, the tumour is poorly- keratinizing carcinomas show
submandibular or sublingual gland differentiated and may include spindle- predominantly large sheets and tissue
shaped (sarcomatoid) cells. Acantholytic fragments consisting of cells with well-
Related terminology (adenoid) features may uncommonly be defined dense but nonkeratinized
None present. Invasion includes infiltration of cytoplasm with large central pleomorphic
Subtype(s) salivary gland parenchyma, extraglandular nuclei with coarse chromatin and one or
None fibroconnective tissues, neurotropism, more large and pleomorphic nucleoli.
Localization lymphovascular and/or osseous invasion. Necrosis may be present in the
Approximately 80% of cases occur in Direct invasion and/or metastasis to background. Primary squamous cell
parotid gland with the remainder primarily intraparotid lymph nodes may be present. carcinoma in the salivary gland cannot be
of submandibular Salivary duct changes may include distinguished on FNAB or CNB or even
gland { 3667298 ; 33282162 }. squamous metaplasia and/or dysplasia, excision from a metastatic carcinoma. The
Clinical features and transition from normal to dysplastic clinical history is crucially important, and
Patient presentations include a mass (with duct epithelium to squamous cell the presence of prominent lymphoid
or without pain) and facial nerve palsy carcinoma may occasionally be identified. material intermingled with the carcinoma
{ 1642829 } may suggest a metastasis.
Epidemiology Immunohistochemistry: SCC are Diagnostic molecular pathology
Primary salivary SCC is very immunoreactive for cytokeratins and Not clinically relevant
rare { 33282162 }, while majority of p63/p40; negative for androgen receptor, Essential and desirable diagnostic
reported cases are cutaneous SCC with S100 protein, mammaglobin and DOG1. criteria
secondary invasion or metastasis to SCC may over-express p16 but are Essential: Absence of any history of other
salivary gland negative for high-risk human primary SCC
{ 170839 ; 1642829 ; 3823246 ; 10622505 papillomavirus RNA. Desirable: Presence of sialodochal
; 16475198 ; 24339135 ; 33282162 }. dysplasia
SCC is more common in men than in Differential Diagnosis: SCC must be Staging
women; and it occurs mostly in 7th-8th distinguished from high-grade TNM system as published by UICC.
decades of life. transformation of adenoid cystic carcinoma Prognosis and prediction
Etiology with squamoid pattern { 18059225 }. The prognosis and predictive factors are
Radiotherapy is associated with increased Lack of mucous and intermediate cells and unknown due to rarity. Overall survival
risk of developing SCC presence of keratinization are most helpful (OS) of 50% at 5 years { 1642829 } and
{ 6689907 ; 3667298 } with a median time in differentiating SCC from a median disease free survival of 13 months
to development of 15.5 years { 6689907 } mucoepidermoid carcinoma { 21243374 }. were reported { 33282162 }.
and range of 7 to 32 years { 889197 }. SCC Cytology
may arise independent of prior Smears vary depending on the degree of
radiotherapy { 1642829 }. keratinization. Keratinized squamous cell
Definition 617 }. Elevated alfa-feto protein has been basaloid epithelial cells, separated by
Sialoblastoma is a malignant primitive reported { 16049999 }. dense fibrous stroma. Tumour cells have
salivary gland neoplasm with resemblance indistinct cell borders, scant cytoplasm,
to salivary gland anlage structures. Imaging: This lesion is usually diagnosed with a high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio and
ICD-O coding in the neonatal period but is occasionally round to oval vesicular nuclei with
8974/1 Sialoblastoma seen on antenatal imaging. MRI may show occasional nucleoli. In addition,
ICD-11 coding a mass, hypointense to brain on T1W and differentiated budding ducts lined by
2B67.Z Malignant neoplasms of parotid mildly hyperintense on T2W, containing cuboidal to columnar epithelium with
gland, unspecified foci of haemorrhage and necrosis. intraluminal basophilic secretions or a
2B68.Z Malignant neoplasms of Heterogeneous, weak post-contrast cribriform pattern may be present.
submandibular or sublingual glands, enhancement is described, as is invasion Peripheral nuclear palisading is
unspecified of adjacent structures including bone and occasionally present. Tumour cells may
Related terminology muscle { 15278323 ; 19237343 }. exhibit apoptosis, necrosis, and nuclear
Not recommended: embryoma, basaloid Epidemiology pleomorphism, with increased mitoses.
adenocarcinoma, congenital basal cell The vast majority of tumours are identified Sialoblastoma is not graded.
adenoma, congenital hybrid basal cell at birth or within the few months of life, with
adenoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma only rare reports in adults. There is no sex Immunohistochemistry: Tumours are
Subtype(s) predilection { 24163547 ; 29728174 }. reactive with SOX10, p63, β catenin, and
None Etiology variably with cytokeratins (including CK5/6,
Localization None CK7 and CK19), S100, SMA, CD117, and
Two thirds of tumours arise in the parotid Pathogenesis calponin { 32695659 }.
gland, followed by submandibular gland, The tumour may originate from retained
with only rare reports in minor salivary blastema cells rather than basal reserve Differential Diagnosis: The primitive
gland cells { 27284424 }. histologic features and the patients' young
{ 17178498 ; 17638426 ; 24163547 ; 2728 Macroscopic appearance age help to differentiate sialoblastoma from
4424 ; 31257547 }. Tumours are lobulated, well defined, other basaloid salivary gland tumours such
Clinical features encapsulated or may show infiltration to as basal cell adenoma/adenocarcinoma,
Patients present with painless face the surrounding tissue. The cut surface is adenoid cystic carcinoma and
swelling, with rare cases showing nerve usually gray or yellow and solid. Tumours adamantinoma-like Ewing sarcoma
involvement or skin ulceration range from 15 mm to 150 mm in size. Focal { 11210851 ; 18926196 ; 27327192 ; 2972
{ 1965332 ; 10078927 ; 14674095 ; 16818 hemorrhage or necrosis may be present 8174 ; 30285997 ; 32695659 }.
073 ; 24163547 }. Other tumours may be { 3029739 ; 3211816 ; 3725707 }. Cytology
coexistent (nevi and hepatoblastoma) Histopathology Highly cellular smears show cohesive
{ 9159361 ; 10890938 ; 16049999 ; 16514 Sialoblastoma typically exhibits solid tissue fragments of basaloid cells with
organoid nests composed of primitive scant cytoplasm, round to oval vesicular
nuclei and occasional inconspicuous Essential and desirable diagnostic metastases are seen in about 15%
nucleoli, and may contain ductal cells and criteria { 27368441 }. Death from disease is rare
dense metachromatic, magenta hyaline Essential: primitive, solid, organoid nests, { 11090328 ; 16818073 ; 24163547 ; 2736
globular material with smooth rounded basaloid epithelial cells with vesicular 8441 ; 29728174 ; 31257547 }. A less
outlines. The features raise a differential chromatin, and cuboidal to columnar ductal aggressive behaviour is suggested for
diagnosis with basaloid adenomas, cells tumours in the submandibular gland versus
adenoid cystic carcinoma and cellular Desirable: dividing fibrous stroma and other anatomic sites. Histologic
pleomorphic adenomas peripheral palisading features associated with a worse prognosis
{ 14674095 ; 26214398 }. FNAB in Staging include tumour necrosis and increased
paediatric age groups requires careful TNM system as published by UICC mitotic count and/or high Ki-67 proliferation
planning. Prognosis and prediction index.
Diagnostic molecular pathology Local recurrence is seen in about a third of
Not relevant patients, while regional and distant
Salivary Carcinoma, NOS and Emerging Entities
buccal mucosa, and lips densely cellular stroma. Tumour cells can
Definition { 8944036 ; 17577550 }. be cuboidal, columnar, polygonal, clear,
Salivary gland carcinoma, NOS (not Clinical features mucinous, oncocytoid, or plasmacytoid.
otherwise specified) represents a Patients with tumours of major glands Ductal and glandular structures are
heterogeneous spectrum of carcinomas usually present with asymptomatic solitary predominant in low- and intermediate-
forming epithelial, ductal and/or glandular firm or cystic masses. Occasionally, they grade tumours, but less frequent in high-
structures, representing a diagnosis of may be painful. Tumours in the palate often grade tumours { 15578883 ; 16673121 }.
exclusion, specifically exclusive of ulcerate and may erode bony structures Proof of an intraductal component supports
otherwise defined salivary gland carcinoma { 7125074 }. salivary origin { 16673121 }.
entities. Epidemiology
ICD-O coding Due to repeated morphogenetic Subtypes: These include oncocytic
8140/3 Adenocarcinoma, NOS identification of new types of salivary { 8944036 ; 20738418 } and intestinal-type
ICD-11 coding adenocarcinoma { 27233253 ; 31094920 }, { 19695679 ; 21948243 ; 23108630 },
2B67.Z Malignant neoplasms of parotid the entity adenocarcinoma, NOS, now which can be positive for CK20 and CDX2.
gland, unspecified accounts for only 5-10% of salivary gland
2B68.Z Malignant neoplasms of carcinomas { 7125074 ; 21612974 }. The Immunohistochemistry: IHC is helpful in
submandibular or sublingual glands, average age is 58 years with a wide age distinguishing adenocarcinoma, NOS, from
unspecified range { 12167424 ; 21612974 }. They are acinic cell carcinoma (NR4A3, DOG1)
2B60.Z Malignant neoplasms of lip, extremely rare in children. { 12608654 }, tumours with myoepithelial /
unspecified Etiology basal-cell composition (calponin, CK5/6,
2B65.Z Malignant neoplasms of palate, Unknown p63), and metastatic adenocarcinoma
unspecified Pathogenesis (site-specific markers) { 14976534 }.
2B66.Z Malignant neoplasms of other or Unknown
unspecified parts of mouth, unspecified Macroscopic appearance Differential Diagnosis: For the diagnosis of
Related terminology Tumours may be partly circumscribed, but adenocarcinoma, NOS, to be rendered,
Not recommended: unclassified usually have an irregular and infiltrative other primary carcinoma types must be
adenocarcinoma; ductal adenocarcinoma; appearance. The cut surface is commonly excluded, including salivary duct
(papillary) cystadenocarcinoma tan or yellow, sometimes with areas of carcinoma, mucoepidermoid carcinoma,
Subtype(s) necrosis and hemorrhage. polymorphous adenocarcinoma, and high-
Oncocytic adenocarcinoma; intestinal-type Histopathology grade transformation of other types of
adenocarcinoma Tumours display a wide range of ductal or salivary carcinoma { 14976534 }. Tumours
Localization glandular proliferation with or without a with significant mucinous differentiation
More than 50% arise in the parotid gland cystic component or necrosis. There is an may be better regarded as mucinous
{ 7125074 ; 8944036 ; 21612974 }, 40% in architectural variety of growth patterns, adenocarcinoma.
minor glands, most often in the hard palate, including small confluent nests or cords, Cytology
large islands, and often assosciated
Smears show adenocarcinoma with Essential and desirable diagnostic { 7125074 ; 27166875 }. High-grade
usually high grade nuclei in a necrotic criteria adenocarcinoma, NOS is an aggressive
background, and lack features of other Salivary carcinoma lacking morphological, malignancy. A study reported 15-year
salivary gland carcinomas, resulting in a immunohistochemical, and molecular survival rates for low-, intermediate-, and
differential diagnosis of metastases from features of other salivary carcinomas. high-grade tumours of 54%, 31%, and 3%,
colon and lung. Oncocytic and intestinal Exclusion of metastasis is mandatory. respectively { 7125074 }. Survival of
types are recognized { 7125074 }. Staging adenocarcinoma with a significant cystic
Diagnostic molecular pathology TNM system as published by UICC. component is more favourable { 8944036 }.
Molecular alterations are heterogeneous Prognosis and prediction The reports of intestinal-type
and not diagnostic { 27334835 }. Prognosis is influenced by location, adenocarcinoma suggest an aggressive
histological grade, and clinical stage behaviour { 19695679 ; 23108630 }.

Mesenchymal tumours specific to the salivary glands


Definition Conventional lipomas (see section glands, the mean age of ten cases was
Neoplastic lipomatous proliferation within predominate in parotid glands (≥80%), 46.1 years (range: 11-71 years) with a
salivary glands with oncocytic (oncocytic while sialolipoma and oncocytic 2.3:1 female to male ratio { 33187016 }.
lipoadenoma) or non-oncocytic lipoadenoma manifest in 50% in minor Etiology
(sialolipoma) epithelial component. glands and in 40% in parotid glands Unknown
ICD-O coding { 11135044 ; 20952301 ; 23401010 ; 3318 Pathogenesis
None 7016 }. In the oral cavity, the lower lip and Unknown
ICD-11 coding tongue are the most common locations Macroscopic appearance
2E91.0 & XH8P28 Benign neoplasm of { 33187016 }. Well-circumscribed tumours measuring on
parotid gland & Lipoadenoma Clinical features average 30-40 mm.
2E90.3 & XH8P28 Benign neoplasm of Patients typically present with an Histopathology
other or unspecified parts of mouth & asymptomatic swelling of slow growth. Combined lipoepithelial salivary lesions
Lipoadenoma Salivary gland location is verified by comprise a spectrum of morphological
Related terminology radiological or intraoperative localization variants from sialolipoma to oncocytic
Acceptable: Lipoadenoma and/or histological demonstration of a rim lipoadenoma. Sialolipoma combines
Not recommended: adenolipoma, of salivary parenchyma lobules of salivary parenchyma within
oncocytic sialolipoma { 11135044 ; 23232852 ; 23401010 }. dominating and evenly interspersed
Subtype(s) Epidemiology adipose tissue, rarely with focal sebaceous
Oncocytic lipoadenoma The mean age at presentation regardless differentiation, usually devoid of oncocytic
Localization of site is 51.5 years, with equal male to epithelium. The term sialolipoma indicates
female ratio { 19347375 }. In minor salivary that the adipocytic component is regarded
as neoplastic
{ 11135044 ; 20952301 ; 23232852 ; 3318
7016 }.

Subtype: The rare oncocytic

lipoadenoma subtype typically
demonstrates predominance of epithelial
elements with a varying oncocytic
component, reminiscent of oncocytoma. A
minor sebaceous component may occur.
The term oncocytic lipoadenoma indicates
that the oncocytic/epithelial component is
regarded as neoplastic { 23232852 }.

Differential Diagnosis: The entities include

extrasalivary lipomatous tumours (see
Chapter 8) and epithelial salivary tumours
with lipomatous metaplasia, especially
pleomorphic adenoma/myoepithelioma
{ 11787848 }, and a fatty replacement
(lipomatosis) in atrophic salivary
parenchyma secondary to chronic
inflammation or old age
{ 11135044 ; 23232852 }.
Cytological preparations may show mature
adipocytic and salivary epithelial elements
in varying proportion
Diagnostic molecular pathology
Not relevant
Essential and desirable diagnostic
Essential: lipoma with benign salivary
epithelial components
Prognosis and prediction
There are no reported recurrences. All
types are cured by excision.
The oral cavity and mobile tongue tumour Tumours. Lyon, France: IARC distinct and anatomically the condition is
classification shares similarities to the Press, 2005 ISBN:9283224175]] extraoral. It has therefore been removed
previous WHO edition but with evolving { 29606637 ; 30887394 } [[Odell E, Kujan from the list of OPMD, though its
molecular discoveries along with O, Warnakulasuriya S, Sloan P. Oral significance in lip cancer is not in dispute.
immunohistochemical advances, Diseases 2021]]. A three-tiered grading
classification of oral mucosal diseases system of OED is maintained with Due to increased characterization and to
continues to be refined. acknowledgement that defining dysplasia be consistent with classification at other
in this manner oversimplifies the inherent body sites, HPV-associated dysplasia
The chapter now includes a section on difficulties of grading. (HPVOED) has been classified as a
non-neoplastic Lesions. Necrotizing separate entity from conventional OED
sialometaplasia is included, chiefly to The clinical and histologic features of { 28407985 }. Despite strong p16
highlight the clinical and histological proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL) immunoexpression in HPVOED,
features of this reactive, self-limiting entity have been better defined and updated incomplete data exists to recommend this
as it may mimic squamous cell and salivary since the last edition { 33415517 }. The as a surrogate marker for HPV infection in
carcinoma { 19415943 }. The condition subtle histologic features of early PVL the oral cavity { 32573035 }.
forms a mass lesion almost exclusively in which may easily be overlooked, are
the oral cavity so that it is covered here presented along with the panoply of Both carcinoma cuniculatum and
rather than with salivary gland tumours. histologic findings in all stages of PVL. A verrucous carcinoma are described
Multifocal epithelial hyperplasia has been section on oral submucous fibrosis is separately from conventional oral
moved to this section in view of the clinical added with a description of histology and squamous cell carcinoma on the basis of
behaviour of spontaneous regression clinical significance, since it is such an distinctive presentation, histopatholoigcal
{ 33501985 }. Melanoacanthoma is important OPMD in some parts of the appearances and behaviour. The oral
another new entity in this edition as the world. Three conditions have been cavity is the most common location in the
clinical and histologic presentation needs removed from the table of OPMD. Candida head and neck for both these entities
to be distinguished from oral mucosal infection is frequent in dysplastic { 11443616 ; 30607347 }.
melanoma { 27398186 }. epithelium and infection is more frequent
with higher grade but no good evidence Under tumours of uncertain histogenesis,
The epithelial tumours section is organized has emerged that candida is an ectomesenchymal chondromyxoid tumour
by tumour behaviour with squamous cell independent risk factor for malignant has been updated since the previous
carcinoma discussed last. Oral potentially transformation. Syphilis remains endemic edition to reflect the molecular findings of
malignant disorders and oral epithelial in many regions of the world { 30116697 } a RREB1-MRTFB gene fusion in 90% of
dysplasia (OED) have been expanded to but syphilitic leukoplakia in tertiary syphilis cases { 29912715 }. The anterior dorsal
reflect advances in clinical, histological, appears extremely rare. A risk of oral tongue is still the most prevalent site, but
and molecular findings. Dysplasia grading carcinoma in syphilis has remained additional cases have been identified in the
of OED continues to be contentious, with { 8082966 } but syphilitic leukoplakia palate and mandible.
different grading applied in different appears to have all but disappeared. Its
regions of the world. The criteria for status as an OPMD was considered to be The previous edition included various soft
grading OED have been updated and largely of historical interest in the 2005 tissue neoplasms in this chapter that are
include additional architectural features edition and so it has been removed from now included in the soft tissue tumour
that alone may confer a diagnosis of the list of OPMD. Actinic keratosis is the chapter. Oral melanoma now appears in
dysplasia [[Barnes, L , Eveson, JW , key condition predisposing to lip vermilion the melanocytic tumours chapter and
Reichart, P , Sidransky, D , eds. Pathology squamous carcinoma. It has been included intraoral salivary gland lesions are included
and Genetics of Head and Neck Tumours. in previous classifications primarily in the salivary gland chapter.
Kleihues, P , Sobin, LH , series eds. World because ICD coding groups lip and oral
Health Organization Classification of cavity together. However, its aetiology is
Non-neoplastic lesions
Necrotising Sialometaplasia
Definition mm, which can clinically mimic a inflammation may comingle. Recognition is
Necrotising sialometaplasia is a reactive, malignancy { 30776173 }. Most cases are most challenging when lobular
self-limiting, inflammatory condition of asymptomatic; complaints of a burning preservation is poor, or when
salivary glands usually resulting in necrosis sensation, mild pain, or numbness are pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia of
or degeneration of salivary acini, and occasional { 1923419 }. intact, overlying mucosa merges with
ductal squamous metaplasia. Epidemiology ductal squamous metaplasia, simulating
ICD-O coding Typically presents in the fourth decade of squamous carcinoma
None life with a male predilection { 1923419 }. { 4716764 ; 19415943 }. Differential
ICD-11 coding Etiology diagnosis should include subacute
DA04 Diseases of salivary glands Uncertain. Likely associated with trauma, necrotising sialadenitis
Related terminology vascular compromise, and/or hypoxia { 10807718 ; 17142073 }.
Not recommended: Adenometaplasia { 23837804 }. Cytology
Subtype(s) Pathogenesis Not relevant
None Vascular compromise leading to ischemic Diagnostic molecular pathology
Localization infarction of seromucous glands and Not relevant
The most common location is the subsequent regeneration { 12049830 }. Essential and desirable diagnostic
posterolateral hard palate, but it can occur Macroscopic appearance criteria
in other minor salivary sites including Ulcer ranging from 10-15 mm in diameter Essential: Preservation of
tongue, oral floor, minor lacrimal glands, { 1923419 } lobular architecture with squamous
the upper airway, proximal esophagus, Histopathology metaplasia of ducts and acini
trachea, and Pre-existing salivary lobular architecture is Desirable: Infarction/necrosis of acini;
bronchi { 1923419 ; 3083385 ; 7741108 ; usually preserved { 19415943 }. Early pseudopepitheliomatous hyperplasia
19948640 ; 23793784 ; 24863247 ; 26634 lesions display acinar infarction/necrosis Staging
609 }. Major salivary gland involvement is accompanied by mucus Not relevant
rare. spillage. Ulceration varies. As lesions Prognosis and prediction
Clinical features mature, involved ducts and acini undergo Heals spontaneously in 6-10 weeks, but
The classic palatal presentation is a single squamous metaplasia. Generally, healing may take as long as 6 months.
lateral ulcer near the junction of the hard cytologic features remain bland Close follow-up is needed to ensure proper
and soft palate. Bilateral or metachronous but keratinocytic regenerative atypia with healing. If healing does not occur, or if the
lesions may rarely occur. Swelling is typical mitotic activity may be present. Remnants lesion recurs, repeat biopsy is indicated to
and may precede the development of a of ductal cells, interspersed mucocytes, rule out neoplasia or vasculopathy
crater-like ulcer ranging in size from 10 - 15 granulation reaction, and stromal subacute { 4716764 ; 22921832 }
Multifocal Epithelial Hyperplasia
Definition Epidemiology edges on teeth, explaining the clinical
Multifocal epithelial hyperplasia (MEH) is a MEH is not limited to specific ethnic groups distribution of the oral lesions.
benign squamous epithelial proliferation or geographical regions. It occurs in
caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). children and adolescents, but has not been Macroscopic appearance
reported under 2 years of age. Adults are Thickened epithelium with a cobblestone
ICD-O coding infrequently affected. A male to female appearance.
None ratio of 3:4 is reported. Household
transmission is common { 33501985 }. Histopathology
ICD-11 coding MEH shows prominent exophytic
1E82.0 Focal epithelial hyperplasia of the Etiology acanthosis, broad and confluent rete ridges
oral mucous membranes MEH is caused predominantly by HPV and normal epithelial maturation. A
subtypes 13 and 32, although other papillary surface architecture is
Related terminology genotypes have also been detected infrequently present. Occasional
Acceptable: Heck's disease { 33501985 }. Polymerase chain reaction keratinocytes with fragmented nuclei that
Not recommended: focal epithelial and DNA or RNA in situ hybridisation for may mimick a mitotic figure (“mitosoid
hyperplasia HPV 13 and HPV 32 is positive bodies”) are present in the upper
{ 23061874 ; 31473371 }. epithelium, a viral cytopathic nuclear effect.
Subtype(s) Risk factors: Low socio-economic status, Occasional koilocytes can be present
None malnutrition and overcrowded living within the superficial epithelial layers
conditions are significant contributing { 23061874 ; 33501985 }. HPV subtypes
Localization 13 and 32 do not cause functional
factors { 33501985 } that could explain the
The lesions predominantly affect the inactivation of the RB gene, therefore p16
striking epidemiological differences
borders and tip of the tongue, the buccal immunohistochemistry has no diagnostic
between developed and developing
mucosa along the occlusal plane and the value.
countries. Household spread of HPV 13
lips. The lower labial mucosa is more
through saliva and sharing of contaminated
frequently affected than the upper labial Cytology
objects has been reported { 21697033 }.
mucosa. When lesions involve the lip Not clinically relevant
Medical conditions that lead to
vermilion, they do not extend to perioral { 23061874 ; 33501985 }.
immunosuppression are also associated
skin. The keratinized hard palate and
with MEH. The condition is not transmitted
gingiva, floor of mouth and soft palate are Diagnostic molecular pathology
during vaginal birth or sexually transmitted
rarely affected { 23061874 }. Routine detection of HPV in MEH is rarely
since HPV 13 and 32 have not been
reported in the genital mucosa to date required { 23061874 }.
Clinical features
Patients with MEH usually present with { 23061874 }.
Essential and desirable diagnostic
multiple, painless, sessile, smooth- Genetic factors: HLA-DR4 (DRB1*0404)
surfaced papules that are similar in colour has been associated with genetic
Essential: sessile or occasionally
to adjacent mucosa susceptibility to the disease
papilloma-like lesion; cobblestone
(papulonodular presentation). Early { 15492185 ; 19165615 }.
surface appearance; acanthotic
lesions can grow to measure 10 mm in epithelium, with mitosoid bodies in the
diameter. They can coalesce to form upper epithelium.
Social conditions play an important role
cobblestone plaques with increased
and are likely related to poor nutrition,
keratinisation. In the uncommon Staging
which in turn leads to cellular
papillomatous presentation, the papules Not relevant
immunodeficiency during child growth.
have a rough pebbly surface { 23061874 }.
Infection with HPV 13 or 32, depending on Prognosis and prediction
Individual lesions are well-demarcated and
tissue-site specificity and combined with Most patients experience spontaneous
tend to flatten when the mucosa is
local trauma, causes multiple papillomas regression when reaching puberty or with
extended, a helpful distinguishing feature. { 19165615 ; 23061874 }. Trauma is improved living conditions { 33501985 }.
exacerbated by poor dental status, sharp
Oral Melanoacanthoma

Definition multifocal lesions in a minority of cases exocytosis of lymphocytes may also be

Oral melanoacanthoma is a non-neoplastic { 19254138 ; 27398186 }. seen { 12544093 }. Melanin deposition in
process, which is distinct from the Epidemiology the basal layer is frequent. Langerhan cells
neoplastic cutaneous melanoacanthoma. It Melanoacanthoma occurs most frequently may also be prominent. Nuclear
is characterized by a dual proliferation of in people with higher natural levels of skin pleomorphism, hyperchromatism, or
epidermal and melanocytic cells with a pigmentation. Females are more nesting of melanocytes is not present
characteristic clinical profile of rapid initial commonly affected. Ages affected range { 19254138 }. Immunohistochemistry with
growth but indolent behaviour. from childhood to the elderly with average S-100 protein, HMB-45, or Melan A
ICD-O coding presentation in the third to fifth decades highlight dendritic melanocytes
None { 12544093 ; 19254138 ; 27398186 }. { 19254138 ; 23356913 }. Mucosal
ICD-11 coding Etiology melanoma is the most important differential
2E90.3 Benign neoplasm of other or Although the etiology is unknown, multiple diagnosis { 27398186 }.
unspecified parts of mouth reactive factors have been proposed Cytology
Related terminology including chronic trauma and reactions to Not clinically relevant
Acceptable: melanoacanthosis oral care products such as toothpaste or Diagnostic molecular pathology
Subtype(s) mouthwash { 27398186 }. Oral Not clinically relevant
None melanoacanthoma has been rarely Essential and desirable diagnostic
Localization reported in association with Laugier- criteria
The buccal mucosa is affected in Hunziker syndrome and Addison’s disease Essential: dendritic melanocyte
approximately half of the cases, although it { 29450847 ; 28658350 }. proliferation high in the epithelium;
may occur on any oral mucosal surface Pathogenesis spongiosis; absence of atypia and invasion
including palate, gingiva/alveolar mucosa, Although the pathogenesis is not proven, it of melanocytic nests
labial mucosa, or tongue is thought that chronic or acute trauma may Desirable: epithelial acanthosis; melanin
{ 19254138 ; 27398186 }. stimulate melanocyte proliferation in oral deposition at basal layer
Clinical features melanoacanthoma in up to 75% of cases Staging
Patients with melanoacanthoma present { 27398186 }. Not relevant
with a rapidly growing, pigmented lesion Macroscopic appearance Prognosis and prediction
which is usually smooth but can be slightly Pigmented mucosal tissue Oral melanoacanthoma frequently
raised in appearance Histopathology regresses after biopsy, even with
{ 19254138 ; 12544093 }. It is most Epithelial and melanocytic proliferation with incomplete removal
frequently asymptomatic, but mild acanthosis and dendritic melanocytes are { 32856618 ; 12544093 ; 23356913 }.
symptoms such as pain, itching or burning present throughout the epithelium. Malignant transformation has not been
have been described { 12544093 }. Spongiosis and submucosal chronic described.
Unifocal lesions are most common, with inflammatory infiltrate are noted and
Epithelial tumours
Squamous Papillomas
Definition or florid lesions that may be difficult to Pathogenesis
Squamous papilloma is a benign, well- distinguish from condyloma acuminatum HPV-induced proliferation of squamous
demarcated, exophytic neoplasm with and multifocal epithelial hyperplasia. In epithelial cells with altered
finger-like surface projections or such cases, lesions with overlapping maturation. HPV low risk IHC have yielded
cauliflower-like morphology. clinical appearance may be referred to as variable findings where 4% to 41% of
ICD-O coding ‘benign HPV-associated oral lesions’ cases showed intranuclear staining in the
8052/0 Squamous papilloma { 29480634 }. Patients on long-term highly upper epithelial layers { 30828618 }.
ICD-11 coding active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) also Negative cases may be due to a low level
2E90.3 & XH50T2 Benign neoplasm of have increased number of HPV associated of detectable viral antigen expression
other or unspecified parts of mouth & oral lesions { 23278731 }. { 25598510 }. HPV DNA ISH labels nuclei
Squamous cell papilloma, NOS Epidemiology of upper epithelial layers in both koilocytic
Related terminology Squamous papillomas are common and and non-koilocytic cells
Acceptable: squamous cell papilloma can occur at any age from childhood to { 1648192 ; 24703405 }.
Subtype(s) elderly, although they are found most Macroscopic appearance
Condyloma acuminatum frequently in adults, with a mean age in the Exophytic, pedunculated, or sessile
Verruca vulgaris 4th to 5th decades with no sex predilection papillary epithelial projections.
Localization { 6154913 ; 24655529 ; 25598510 }. Histopathology
Any site in the oral cavity may be involved, Etiology Squamous papilloma is an exophytic
but the soft and hard palate, tongue, lips HPV is the most important etiologic factor, papillary proliferation of hyperplastic
and gingiva are most commonly affected and studies have shown an association stratified squamous epithelium with a
{ 6154913 ; 25598510 }. with HPV 6 and 11 { 18354839 }. There is narrow branching core of fibrovascular
Clinical features no association with high-risk, carcinogenic connective tissue with dilated capillaries
Most lesions are less than 10 mm in HPV types { 28639061 ; 31352627 }. The { 25598510 ; 30693456 }. The papillary
diameter, pedunculated, white with a reported prevalence of low-risk HPV DNA projections may be pointed or round
rough, ‘cauliflower-like’ or ‘finger-like’ in oral squamous cell papillomas varies { 2836773 }. The majority of lesions show
surface. Larger lesions up to 20 mm are considerably, with some of this variability parakeratosis, but orthokeratotic or non-
rarely seen, but these are still well-defined attributable to technical differences, the keratinized lesions may be seen
and regular in shape. Sessile lesions are characteristics of the HPV life cycle and the { 6154913 }. The sessile type generally
less common, and may be pink in colour presence of nonpathogenic or passenger lacks the finger-like projections imparting a
{ 6154913 ; 25598510 }. HPV in normal oral mucosa in a small blunted cauliflower appearance. The
Squamous papilloma is usually a solitary, percentage of individuals stratified squamous epithelium shows
well-defined lesion and the occurrence of { 25598510 ; 29909908 ; 30693456 }. Stu orderly maturation, with no signs of
two or more lesions simultaneously is rare dies that used DNA in-situ hybridisation dysplasia { 24703405 }. Koilocytes are
{ 25598510 }. The clinical differential have reported the presence of HPV DNA in infrequent in squamous papillomas
diagnosis includes verruca vulgaris, 13% - 62% of squamous papillomas compared to verruca vulgaris and
condyloma acuminatum, verruciform { 1648192 ; 1648194 }. Studies that used condyloma acuminatum. Basal cell
xanthoma and giant cell fibroma the more sensitive technique of PCR hyperplasia with mild nuclear atypia and
{ 30693456 }. Immunocompromised (polymerase chain reaction) reported increased mitotic activity may be present
individuals, particularly HIV-AIDS prevalence rates between 21% and 68% but can be attributed to HPV induced
individuals frequently present with multiple { 7552864 ; 31352627 }.
hyperplasia, or trauma or inflammation spinous layer are present but epithelial Cytology
{ 6154913 ; 25598510 ; 25749203 }. maturation is maintained. Not relevant
Condyloma acuminatum exhibits an There can be histologic overlap between Diagnostic molecular pathology
exophytic broad based growth of the benign papillomatous lesions of the oral Not relevant
acanthotic stratified squamous epithelium cavity. Squamous papillomas that are Essential and desirable diagnostic
with bulbous rete that may interconnect sessile and show koilocytes in the upper criteria
{ 30693456 }. The papillary fronds are spinous layers may be difficult to Essential: exophytic, pedunculated or
more blunted than squamous papillomas differentiate from verruca vulgaris and sessile, papillary architecture; epithelial
with invagination of the parakeratin that fills condyloma acuminatum hyperplasia: para/orthokeratosis;
the crypts between the { 11323946 ; 30693456 }. More fibrovascular cores; no evidence of
papillae. Koilocytes are usually present in importantly, squamous papilloma should dysplasia
the upper spinous layer. be distinguished from dysplastic papillary Desirable: superficial koilocytes
Verruca vulgaris is uncommon epithelial proliferations and verrucous Staging
intraorally, and the histologic features are dysplastic Not relevant
identical to the cutaneous verruca vulgaris lesions { 24703405 ; 30693456 }. Clinical Prognosis and prediction
with a papillary architecture and extensive information of an irregular shaped lesion > Treatment is simple excision and
keratinization { 25749203 ; 30693456 }. At 10 mm in size with the histologic finding of recurrence is rare
the periphery of the lesion the rete ridges dysplasia should raise the suspicion of { 25598510 ; 31232385 }.
are inwardly facing. Coarse keratohyalin atypical papillary, potentially malignant Immunocompromised patients may require
granules and koilocytic change in the upper lesions arising in the setting of proliferative multiple excisions, cryotherapy
verrucous leukoplakia. and/or immunomodulatory agents.
Oral potentially malignant disorders & oral epithelial dysplasia
Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders
Definition OPMDs can involve any intraoral depressed, red patch of the oral mucosa
Oral potentially malignant disorders site. Lesions presenting on the and is less common than leukoplakia.
(OPMDs) is a heterogenous group of lateral/ventral tongue and floor of mouth Erythroleukoplakia or speckled leukoplakia
clinically-defined conditions associated are more closely associated with cancer has both an erythroplakia and leukoplakia
with a variable risk of progression to oral progression { 30887394 }. component. Erythroplakia is much less
squamous carcinoma. Most produce Clinical features common than leukoplakia but is much
clinically visible lesions. Specific individual definitions are published more likely to be associated with high-
ICD-O coding { 33128420 }. Most high-risk OPMDs form grade dysplasia or carcinoma (>90%)
8077/0 Low-grade squamous red, white or speckled lesions. { 30887394 }. Diagnosis of the common
intraepithelial lesion 'Leukoplakia' is a clinical term used to OPMDs is partly by exclusion and
8077/2 High-grade squamous describe white plaque of questionable risk therefore usually requires biopsy.
intraepithelial lesion after having excluded other known Epidemiology
ICD-11 coding diseases. Leukoplakia varies in thickness, Oral leukoplakia is considered to be the
None and its surface ranges from flat, thin, most common OPMD and the mean global
Related terminology uniform and homogeneous in color, to prevalence of leukoplakia ranges from 1-
Acceptable: epithelial precursor lesion granular, fissured, nodular or verrucous, 4% however a much higher prevalence is
Not recommended: precancerous lesion; the latter types having a higher risk. reported in south-eastern Asia
precancerous condition Erythroplakia is defined as a red patch that { 29738071 }. In contrast, erythroplakia is
Subtype(s) cannot be characterized clinically or rare with prevalence <0.1% { 29480616 }.
See table 1 pathologically as another definable lesions. Leukoplakia is more common in men but
Localization Erythroplakia is a thin, or slightly women have a higher malignant
transformation risk { 33606345 }. erythematous, or pigmented macules, 1.56% { 31803979 }. Both a large lesion
Advanced age also is associated with an papules, or verrucous plaques, which can size and erythroleukoplakia are associated
increased risk of cancer development. coalesce. with increased potential for cancer
Features of oral submucous fibrosis, Histopathology { 16316774 }. The status of lichen planus
proliferative verrucous leukoplakia and The histopathological features vary as potentially malignant is generally
HPV-associated dysplasia are given in between OPMDs. In most OPMD the risk is accepted but the degree of risk remains a
their separate sections. Prevalence data considered to relate to the presence and matter of controversy despite many
are given in Table 2. degree of oral epithelial dysplasia, ranging studies. Lack of definitive clinical and
Etiology from minimal to severe. However, some histological diagnostic criteria and overlap
Tobacco (smoked and smokeless), and to OPMD, particularly proliferative verrucous in histological features between lichen
a lesser degree alcohol abuse, are strongly leukoplakia and leukoplakia with a planus and dysplasia confound analysis.
associated with most OPMD. The use of verrucous architecture have minimal Wide variation in risk is reported, higher in
areca nut, with or without tobacco causes dysplastic changes for their risk of disease lacking typical features,
submucous fibrosis. However, for malignant transformation. sometimes called lichenoid lesions
proliferative verrucous leukoplakia and Cytology { 17112770 ; 33616234 }. The early stages
many cases of OPMD, there is no tobacco Not clinically relevant of proliferative verrucous leukoplakia
association and the etiopathogenesis is Diagnostic molecular pathology resemble lichen planus both clinically and
unknown, though genetic, oral microbiome, Not clinically relevant histologically (33185900} and it may be
immunity or other undiscovered factors Essential and desirable diagnostic impossible to differentiate oral lichen
may play a role { 31803979 }. HPV- criteria planus and mild dysplasia in some
associated oral dysplasia is rare and Individual diagnostic criteria are published patients, though the distinction may
covered separately. separately { 33128420 }. become possible with
Pathogenesis Staging time { 27401683 ; 28060366 }. Similar
The pathogenesis varies between OPMDs Not relevant uncertainty surrounds lupus
{ 33128420 }. Prognosis and prediction erythematosus inside the oral cavity, as
Macroscopic appearance The transformation risk in most OPMDs is opposed to on the lip vermilion border
The appearance varies low. A metanalysis of leukoplakia found a { 33128420 }.
between OPMD but most present as white, mean global annual transformation rate of

Oral Epithelial Dysplasia

Definition 8077/0 Low-grade squamous Subtype(s)
Oral epithelial dysplasia (OED) is a intraepithelial lesion None
spectrum of architectural and cytological 8077/2 High-grade squamous Localization
epithelial changes resulting from intraepithelial lesion OED can involve any intraoral site, but its
accumulation of genetic alterations, usually ICD-11 coding presence on the lateral/ ventral tongue,
arising in a range of oral potentially None retromolar area, and floor of mouth is
malignant disorders (OPMD), and Related terminology associated with higher risk of malignant
indicating a risk of malignant Acceptable: epithelial precursor lesions transformation than at other sites
transformation to squamous cell carcinoma Not recommended: intraepithelial { 30887394 }. Gingiva and buccal mucosa
(SCC). neoplasia; squamous intraepithelial are other frequently affected sites. The
ICD-O coding lesions; carcinoma in situ hard palate is rarely affected.
Clinical features higher grade lesions, with mild dysplasia Cytology
OED itself has no clinical meaning or characterised by cytological atypia limited Not clinically relevant
consistent presentation and its clinical to the basal third, moderate dysplasia by Diagnostic molecular pathology
features vary widely depending on the extension to the middle third, and severe Not clinically relevant
OPMD. Erythroplakia and dysplasia by extending to the upper Essential and desirable diagnostic
erythroleukoplakia are the presentations third. However, defining dysplasia grade criteria
most likely to be associated with dysplasia only in this manner oversimplifies the Essential: Cytological or architectural
or carcinoma (>90%), on biopsy or complexity of grading. Cytological atypia atypia; nuclear hyperchromasia; high N:C
subsequently { 30887394 }. confined to the basal third may be ratios
Epidemiology sufficient for a diagnosis of severe Staging
Most OED arise in OPMD, each of which dysplasia depending on individual features Not relevant
have distinct epidemiological features. The present, particularly bulbous rete Prognosis and prediction
prevalence of the various OPMDs is processes, budding and disorganisation of Not all OED progress to malignancy (3-
reported separately { 29738071 }. basal cells, and marked cytological 50%)
Etiology atypia. { 2939631 ; 19455705 ; 2939631 9; 31860
Most OEDs are associated with tobacco 085 } and results of studies on prognostic
(smoked and smokeless), or areca nut, It has long been recognized value of dysplasia grade are ambivalent
alone or in combination, or to a lesser that many OED have a lichenoid immune { 804458 ; 14720191 ; 23761273 }. OPMD
degree, alcohol abuse, but for many cases response composed of a lymphohistiocytic s without evidence of OED can progress to
of OED the band-like infiltrate with T-cell mediated SCC. The predictive value of OED grading
etiopathogenesis remains unknown epithelial cell destruction plays a significant role in stratifying
{ 29606637 ; 31803979 }. { 3862044 ; 28060366 ; 33415517 }. This malignant transformation risk. Although the
Pathogenesis histopathological finding can be confused absence of OED does not preclude
OED is associated with the progressive with oral lichen planus in which the malignant transformation { 31860085 }, a
accumulation of genetic and presence of dysplasia is an exclusion higher grade of OED is significantly
epigenetic changes including LOH/copy criterion associated with both earlier and higher risk
number alterations, hypermethylation, { 27401683 ; 29606637 ; 30887394 }. of malignant transformation
changes in RNA molecule expression More difficult to assess is dysplasia { 19455705 ; 2939631 9; 31803979 ; 3244
(mRNA and miRNA), and somatic grading when primarily architectural 7493 }. A recent population-based cohort
mutations. These lead to chromosomal and features of OED are present in the study that included more than 1,800
genomic instability at an early stage absence of or with minimal cytological patients showed that the overall hazard
{ 33577101 }. atypia. This combination is commonly ratios for malignant transformation
Macroscopic appearance found in papillary and verrucous lesions increased significantly with the grade of
Varied appearance depending on the { 29606637 ; 33415517 }. Carcinoma in dysplasia, the overall hazard ratios being
OPMD. situ in the oral cavity is considered 4.9 and 15.8 for mild dysplasia and severe
Histopathology synonymous with severe dysplasia but the dysplasia, respectively { 31860085 }. This
OED comprises changes resulting from term is not recommended. and other data { 34418233 }support a
abnormal proliferation, maturation, and three-grade system to both differentiate
differentiation of epithelial cells While OED is considered to be an indicator lesions with different risks of transformation
{ 21501232 ; 31090138 ; 32447493 }. of malignant transformation there are and estimate time to transformation. The
Table (see #25434Table #25434) lists the important caveats to its clinical use. It has presence of low grades of OPMD carry a
architectural and cytological disturbances variable observer reproducibility (intra- and very long-term risk of malignant
that are used to diagnose OED. Individually inter-observer) { 26216170 ; 32516857 }. transformation, extending for at least 18
these features are relatively non-specific, Consensus grading after review by more years { 31860085 ; 34418233 } apparently
but the number and combination of than one pathologist may enhance not reducing with time { 33038723 }. There
features, which vary between OPMDs, diagnostic reliability are no established biomarkers to aid
indicates epithelial dysplasia. OED can be { 21499237 ; 26216170 ; 23761273 }. To dysplasia grading or malignant
diagnosed on the basis of architectural or improve reproducibility, some authors transformation prediction though DNA
cytological features alone. Traditionally advocate a binary system (low grade to ploidy and loss of heterozygosity assays
OED is divided into three grades of severity high grade) for dysplasia grading have shown promising results
and judging the number of thirds affected is { 18251935 ; 23217539 }, but this still { 33577101 }.
one factor in assigning grade. Architectural requires additional validation against
and cytological atypia usually increases in malignant transformation.
Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia
Definition Not Initial lesions in PVL patients are often
Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL) is recommended: atypical verrucoid epithelia indistinguishable from oral lichen planus
a clinico-pathological variant of oral l proliferation; atypical verrucous and homogeneous oral
leukoplakia that is multifocal, persistent hyperplasia; papillary or verrucous leukoplakias, forming smooth to
and progressive with a high rate of hyperkeratosis with dysplasia fissured/verruciform or verrucous white or
recurrence, and a high risk of progression mixed white and red patches usually
to squamous cell carcinoma. Subtype(s) without
None ulceration { 31630872 ; 33415517 }.
ICD-O coding Multiple non-contiguous lesions or single
None Localization lesion > 40 mm involving one site; or single
Gingiva and alveolar ridge are the most lesion > 30 mm involving contiguous sites
ICD-11 coding frequently involved sites followed by the are characteristic { 29337414 }. Thick,
DA01.00 Leukoplakia buccal mucosa, tongue verrucoid marginal gingival leukoplakias
{ 28209441 ; 31990082 ; that encircle the tooth especially when
Related terminology 33185900} and hard palate multifocal, are characteristic of PVL
Acceptable: proliferative leukoplakia, { 24471527 ; 31630872 }. { 32725623 }.
proliferative multifocal leukoplakia
Clinical features Epidemiology
PVL occurs predominantly in elderly readily underdiagnosed as hyperkeratosis Not relevant
women with no racial predilection without dysplasia or lichen planus. These
and mean age of 66.8 years gradually develop the typical verrucous Diagnostic molecular pathology
{ 28209441 ; 29337414 }. morphology. None
Corrugated hyperkeratotic lesions exhibit
Etiology verruco-papillary or disproportionate flat Essential and desirable diagnostic
Unknown. PVL does not seem to be hyper ortho-/parakeratosis with minimal or criteria
correlated with the major risk factors for no dysplasia. Skip areas of normal to Essential:
oral carcinoma including tobacco (smoked abnormal to normal is a common finding. A - Clinical presentation consistent with PVL
and smokeless), alcohol abuse, and areca sharp abrupt transition from adjacent - Early lesions: premature keratinisation,
nut/betel quid chewing { 24471527 }. There unaffected normal epithelium is usually minimal cytological atypia
is no apparent etiologic association seen. - Later lesions: verrucous, nodular or bulky
between PVL and HPV, Epstein-Barr virus Proliferative bulky epithelial lesions architecture; variable dysplasia.
or Candida albicans demonstrate atypical, hyperkeratotic Desirable:
{ 24115154 ; 29427033 ; 30190088 }. epithelial architecture with/without - Lichenoid host response
dysplasia. Both an exophytic and
Pathogenesis endophytic growth pattern can be present Staging
Unknown. Like other dysplastic lesions, and the epithelium shows bulbous rete Not relevant
tissue in PVL lesions show loss of pegs that sometimes coalesce.
heterozygosity and DNA ploidy anomalies Prognosis and prediction
At all stages of PVL, lymphocytic infiltration
{ 30190088 }. PVL is best managed by active patient
in the epithelial-stromal interface can be
surveillance with biopsy when clinically
mistaken for lichen planus: intact basal
Macroscopic appearance indicated
cells and/or dysplasia preclude(s) that
White mucosa, ranging from flat { 26044786 ; 29606637 ; 31074011 }.
diagnosis { 29606637 ; 30887394 }. A
to thickened, sometimes with a corrugated Laser ablation, surgical excision, and
strict, stepwise histopathologic continuum
surface or exophytic nodules. radiotherapy are associated with high
from the corrugated hyperkeratotic to the
recurrence rate and are often ineffective
proliferative epithelial stages and
Histopathology { 26044786 ; 28209441 }. Disease
progression to malignancy does not always
Early lesions of PVL are unremarkable flat progression is unpredictable. A systematic
keratoses with architectural features that review of 17 studies reported progression
(see #24428Table #24428){ 29606637 ; 3
may be atypical, possibly premature to malignancy in 43.87% (95% CI = 31.93–
3415517 }.
keratinisation, sharp lateral margins, 56.13) of PVL cases { 34009718 }.
increased keratin and no cytological atypia; Cytology
Submucous Fibrosis

Definition ICD-11 coding None

Oral submucous fibrosis (OSF) is a DA02.2 Oral submucous fibrosis Localization
chronic, insidious disease characterized by Related terminology Involves the oral cavity, oropharynx and
progressive fibrosis of submucosal tissues Not recommended: atrophia idiopathica may extend to the upper third of the
of the oral cavity and the oropharynx with a (trophica) mucosae oris; idiopathic esophagus { 16311067 }.
risk of transformation to SCC. scleroderma of the mouth; idiopathic Clinical features
ICD-O coding palatal fibrosis, and sclerosing stomatitis Fibrous banding in the buccal mucosae, lip,
None Subtype(s) or palate leads to progressive limitation of
mouth opening. Associated features The main pathological change in OSF is complete replacement of loose connective
include burning mouth, depapillation of the the increased accumulation of type 1 tissue (areolar and reticular tissue) by
tongue, blanching, and leathery mucosa collagen within the subepithelial tissues. fibrous tissue. Attempts have been made to
{ 31915073 }. Clinical grades are Decreased levels of matrix classify OSF into histopathological stages
described with varying severity (see metalloproteinases and increased but different parts of the oral mucosa can
table #25763) amounts of tissue inhibitors of matrix be affected to varying degrees, so that
Epidemiology metalloproteinases have been reported histopathological grading may not be
OSF is exclusively described among { 22385081 }. Polyphenols of areca nut representative
populations in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, such as flavonoids, catechin and tannins { 5224185 ; 16091118 ; 19409103 ; 31915
Nepal, Taiwan and among the Pacific cause collagen fibres to crosslink, and 073 }.
Islanders, but case reports have been thereby make them resistant to Cytology
described from Hunan and Hainan degradation by collagenase. Lysyl oxidase Not clinically relevant
provinces in Southern China, South (LOX), encoded by the LOX gene is Diagnostic molecular pathology
Vietnam, Thailand and among migrants upregulated { 10426196 }. Cytokines such None
from the Indian subcontinent to Europe, as TGF- β, induce transdifferentiation of Essential and desirable diagnostic
USA and South and East Africa [[DOI fibroblasts into myofibroblasts criteria
(BOOK) : 10.1007/978-2-319-14911-0, { 23284772 }. αγβ6-dependent TGF- β1 Essential: palpable fibrous bands in the
DOI (CHAPTER) : 10.1007/978-2-319- activation is also implicated oral mucosa, subepithelial hyalinisation
14911-0_8 Warnakulasuriya S, Tilakaratne { 26076896 ; 21171082 }. and fibrosis
WM, Kerr AR, Contemporary Oral Macroscopic appearance Desirable: Limitation of mouth opening,
Oncology; Biology, Epidemiology, Etiology Leathery mucosal texture and pale whitish fibrosis extending to muscle; loss of tongue
and Prevention, Oral Submucous fibrosis, mucosa, loss of lingual papillae. papillae; epithelial atrophy
pp329-354, 2017 AG Switzerland, Springer Histopathology Staging
Nature]]. A systematic review found A spectrum of histopathological changes is Staging is based on clinical features and
OSF to be a prevalent OPMD worldwide evident from early to advanced stage histopathology. Clinical stages are based
(4.96%; 95% CI = 2.28-8.62) with { 15078487 ; 19409103 ; 31205385 ; 3131 on mouth opening (>35mm; 20-35mm and
significant differences between 0693 ; 33008091 }. Initially the <20 mm), presence of an
populations { 29738071 }. epithelium is hyperplastic and OPMD (leukoplakia, erythroplakia,
Etiology subsequently progresses to marked proliferative verrucous hyperplasia) and
International Agency for Research on atrophy with loss of rete ridges. Epithelial transformation to carcinoma { 21382138 }.
Cancer (IARC) has evaluated that areca dysplasia starts to appear unpredictably Prognosis and prediction
nut is the main etiological factor with progression of the disease. Budding Oral submucous fibrosis is a fertile
for OSF { 15635762 }. The relative risk rete morphology is a very early dysplastic background for squamous carcinoma,
(RR) estimates for OSF reported in case- feature. Changes in the submucosa at developing in 4.2% (CI: 2.7%-5.6%) of
control studies among areca nut chewers early stage are minimal with slightly patients and cases with oral epithelial
from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and increased vascularity, inflammatory dysplasia have a higher potential for
Taiwan ranged from 1.8 to 172 infiltrate, and increased fibrillar collagen malignant transformation compared to
{ 27422417 }. Arecoline, a principal and collagen fiber bundles with cases without dysplasia { 33205543 }.
alkaloid in areca nut has been shown to interspersed fibroblasts. Later the collagen There are no established molecular
induce fibroblastic proliferation and becomes homogeneous, starting predictive markers. LOH in genes within
increased collagen formation superficially with juxta-epithelial the 13 q14-q33, hypoxia, and reactive
{ 15946178 ; 16311067 ; 27289264 } hyalinization. Advanced cases show loss of oxygen species (ROS) may have some
[[TLO Monograph 128 IARC 978-92-832- vascularity, hyalinization of collagen, predictive value for transformation
0195-3 ]]. dense fibrosis extending to underlying { 18221327 ; 27289264 }.
Pathogenesis tissues with muscle degeneration and
HPV-Associated Dysplasia
Definition high-risk HPV with a risk of progression to Related terminology
Human papillomavirus associated oral squamous cell carcinoma. Not recommended: HPV-associated
epithelial dysplasia (HPVOED) is ICD-O coding squamous intraepithelial neoplasia,
characterized by distinctive viral cytopathic None koilocytic dysplasia, oral Bowen disease,
changes caused by transcriptionally active ICD-11 coding oral bowenoid papulosis
None Subtype(s)
None The epithelial surface is covered by a presence of high-risk HPV distinguishes
Localization brightly eosinophilic layer of parakeratin in HPVOED from conventional OED, flat
The ventral/lateral tongue and floor of most cases although orthokeratosis may warts, and multifocal epithelial hyperplasia
mouth are the commonest sites followed be seen. There are marked architectural { 23599160 ; 25749203 }.
by buccal mucosa. Palatal mucosa, gingiva and cytological changes of dysplasia Cytology
and labial mucosa are less commonly characterized by a monotonous population Not clinically relevant.
affected of keratinocytes exhibiting basaloid Diagnostic molecular pathology
{ 28799537 ; 31617604 ; 32632179 }. morphology and a high Strong and diffuse nuclear and cytoplasmic
Clinical features nuclear:cytoplasmic ratio. Some cases p16 IHC expression in the presence of
Patients with HPVOED generally present show pleomorphic cells and koilocytes may OED with viral cytopathic changes should
as a white, red/white, or red patch, usually be be supported by testing for high-risk HPV
flat and demarcated but sometimes slightly present superficially { 28799537 ; 319026 by DNA or RNA in situ hybridisation, or
raised or 64 ; 28407985 ; 31617604 }. Two types of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
nodular { 28799537 ; 31617604 }. cells are characteristic for HPV cytopathic { 28407985 ; 28799537 ; 30100997 ; 3190
Epidemiology effect: karyorrhectic cells with condensed 2664 }. Standard consensus PCR alone
There is a male predilection (M:F=6:1) with coarse chromatin that resemble cells in without strong p16 reaction and supportive
a peak in the sixth decade and a wide age mitosis, with a peri-cellular halo resulting histopathologic criteria is insufficient for the
range from loss of attachment to adjacent cells, diagnosis of HPVOED { 32573035 }.
{ 23522647 ; 28799537 ; 31617604 ; 3190 and apoptotic cells with dense eosinophilic Essential and desirable diagnostic
2664 ; 32632179 }. cytoplasm that in initial stages contain criteria
Etiology residual chromatin Essential: Dysplasia with
Epithelial infection by high-risk HPV { 28799537 ; 31902664 }. There is a prominent karyorrhectic/apoptotic cells;
subtypes, usually type 16, though others continuum between these two cell types. presence of high-risk HPV
may be detected The specificity of karyorrhectic and Desirable: Strong p16 IHC expression
{ 28799537 ; 28407985 ; 32573035 }. In apoptotic keratinocytes as a surrogate for exceeding half epithelial thickness,
limited series, most patients are tobacco HPVOED increases with greater number of excluding keratin; evidence of E6/7
smokers { 28799537 } and some are such cells { 28407985 ; 30100997 }. transcription
immunosuppressed. Staging
Pathogenesis Immunohistochemistry: Although there is None
Unclear in this context but assumed to strong and diffuse nuclear and cytoplasmic Prognosis and prediction
follow pathways causing cervical dysplasia positivity for p16 by immunohistochemistry Based on limited data, development of
through transcription of E6/7, p53 (IHC), in a continuous band ("block invasive squamous cell carcinoma occurs
degradation and p16 overexpression positivity"), often sharply demarcated from in 5% to 15% of cases
{ 12525422 }. Lesions vary, some show the adjacent non-dysplastic epithelium, this { 28799537 ; 28407985 }. To date, there is
viral integration through downregulation of is not yet validated for diagnosis in this no validated grading criteria to predict
HPVE2 { 30100997 } and others express setting { 31617604 }. Most studies suggest transformation. In the interim, it is
HPVE4 and L1 indicating possible that positivity in more than 50% of the recommended that HPVOED should be
productive infection { 31617604 }. epithelial thickness, excluding the keratin graded and managed similar to
Apolipoprotein B enzyme catalytic subunit- layer, suggests HPV-associated dysplasia conventional OED pending further
like protein-3B (APOBEC3B)-associated however, studies have not defined evidence. In general, such HPVOEDs are
mutagenesis has also been implicated in threshold for p16 interpretation amenable to surgical excision. The role of
its pathogenesis { 32632179 }. { 31617604 }. prophylactic vaccination in the
Macroscopic appearance management of HPVOED is unknown.
None Differential Diagnosis: The combination of
Histopathology dysplasia, viral cytopathic changes, and
Squamous Cell Carcinomas
Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Definition mucosa { 33128420 }. A thorough visual { 34050426 ; 30887394 } Most OSCC are
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is a and tactile oral cavity examination remains genetically unstable and characterized by
malignant neoplasm arising from the the most effective method of screening. significant chromosomal alterations and
mucosal epithelium of the oral cavity and Several adjuncts to aid clinical inspection high somatic mutation burden.
showing variable squamous have been developed, but all have less Chromosomal losses at 3p, 8p, 9p, and
differentiation. than ideal sensitivity and specificity for 17p with gains at 3q, 5p, 8q and 11q are
routine clinical application reproducibly observed
ICD-O coding { 26021841 ; 26946204 ; 29080605 ; 2895 { 25631445 ; 26247464 }. Several large
8071/3 Squamous cell carcinoma 8308 }. scale sequencing studies have defined the
mutational landscape for OSCC with
ICD-11 coding Epidemiology somatic mutations being observed in a
2B6E.0 Squamous cell carcinoma of other Worldwide, oral cancer (including the lips) number of genes including TP53,
or ill-defined sites in the lip, oral cavity or is the 16th most common cancer, CDKN2A, FAT1, NOTCH1, KMT2D,
pharynx accounting for over 377,000 cases per CASP8, AJUBA, NSD1, HLA-A, TGFBR2,
annum, with males comprising 70% of USP9X, MLL4, HRAS, UNC13C, ARID2
Related terminology cases { 33538338 }. However, these and TRPM3
None overall figures obscure marked variation in { 21798897 ; 21798893 ; 25631445 ; 2429
incidence and mortality worldwide 2195 ; 23619168 ; 28435450 }.
Subtype(s) { 33967531 }. The highest estimated
Spindle cell; basaloid; acantholytic; incidence has been reported in Melanesia Macroscopic appearance
adenosquamous; papillary; (Males ASR 22.2/per 100,000; Females OSCC's are exophytic and/or endophytic,
lymphoepithelial ASR 14.6 per 100,000) and South-Central often ulcerated, firm, indurated tumours,
Asia (Males ASR 13.3 per 100,000; with a tan or white cut surface.
Female ASR 4.6 per 100,000). In India and
OSCC can arise from any oral mucosal Histopathology
Thailand, the ratio is reversed with a
site. In European populations, the most Most cancers in the oral cavity and mobile
male:female ratios of 1:2 and 1:1.5
commonly affected sites are lateral/ventral tongue are conventional keratinizing SCC.
respectively { 24289546 }. On the other
tongue, floor of mouth, posterior buccal However, other subtypes can rarely occur
hand, reported incidence rates in Western
mucosa and gingiva/alveolar mucosa (See Table 1 #25606. Well-differentiated
Africa are much lower (ASR of 2.0 per
{ 19563504 ; 24813775 }. In South-Central neoplasms contain large nests, cords and
100,000 or less for both genders. Trends in
Asia, OSCC most commonly affects the islands of cells with pink cytoplasm,
incidence are variable, with marked
buccal mucosa because of the prevalence prominent intercellular bridging, with round,
reduction in lip cancers in the past decade,
of areca nut/betel quid habit { 29242026 }. often hyperchromatic, nuclei. Squamous
and whilst overall oral cavity cancer rates
are reducing in males, this is not the case pearls and dyskeratotic cells are also
Clinical features
in all populations, including India and the prominent. Higher grade neoplasms may
Patients with OSCCs may be completely
UK. Furthermore, modest increases in demonstrate marked nuclear and cellular
asymptomatic, particularly at early stage,
incidence rates in females have been pleomorphism, nuclear hyperchromasia,
whereas advanced tumours are associated
reported in many populations { 24289546 }. mitotic figures (including atypical forms),
with pain, alteration in sensation, restriction
Age standardised rates of mortality have and small islands or individuals cells can
of tongue movement or swallowing
remained constant over many decades be observed at the invasive
{ 20400366 }. OSCCs may appear as
{ 32067418 }. The highest cumulative risk front. Desmoplastic stroma with various
white, red, or mixed, flat/nodular/mass
of mortality has been reported in Melanesia degrees of inflammation can be found
lesions of varying size. When present,
and South-Central Asian populations around invading tumour cell nests and
advanced ulcers often have a raised and
{ 33538338 }. A worldwide increase in the islands. Perineural and lymphovascular
rolled margin, however early OSCC can
incidence of oral tongue cancer, invasion may occur, generally in poorly
manifest as deceptively innocent
particularly in individuals <45 years of age differentiated high-grade tumours.
appearing lesions. Other clinical findings
has been reported { 27696557 }. Adjacent mucosal epithelium may show
may include tissue fixation and induration,
various grades of dysplasia. Grading alone
mobility of teeth, trismus, bone destruction
Etiology does not correlate well with prognosis.
and pathological fracture, dependent on
undefined However, a number of specific features
the localization of the neoplasm
may have important biologic relevance
{ 20400366 }. An unknown proportion of Pathogenesis (See Table 2 #25609).
OSCC arise in oral potentially malignant The majority OSCC arise in areas of pre-
disorders, probably the majority, though existing epithelial dysplasia or preceded by Immunohistochemistry: In less-
OSCC may arise in clinically normal oral potentially malignant disorders differentiated OSCC,
immunohistochemical confirmation of Staging perineural and lymphovascular invasion,
epithelial differentiation using Staging is according to the Union for and bone invasion (See Table 2 #25609).
keratins such as AE1/AE3, or squamous International Cancer Control In addition, anatomical invasive depth
differentiation using CK5/6, p63 and p40 (UICC)/American Joint Committee on (invading to intrinsic muscles) is an
may be needed { 24418859 }. Cancer (AJCC) TNM classification, 8th independent predictive factor for delayed
Edition. cervical lymph node metastasis after partial
Cytology glossectomy for patients with clinically
Although confirmatory evaluation Prognosis and prediction node-negative tongue squamous cell
by histology of incisional or excisional Conventional OSCC is aggressive with a carcinoma { 27186852 }. Narrow tumour
biopsy of intraoral carcinomas remains the propensity for local invasion and early bed margins < 4 mm { 23271033 } and
gold standard, brush cytology may be lymph node metastasis. The most high grade dysplasia at the mucosal
helpful for screening and the diagnosis of significant prognostic factors are tumour margins have been reported to correlate
early OSCC { 28833675 ; 31752196 }. size, depth of invasion, nodal status and with local recurrence { 11896817 }.
Fine needle aspiration biopsy is useful for distant metastases. Stage at diagnosis and Surgical clearance taken from margins of
evaluating lymph node metastases. oral cancer mortality varies by site of the main resection specimen predicts local
cancer, with low stage at diagnosis in lip control better than sampling from the
Diagnostic molecular pathology cancers and highest mortality in tongue tumour bed
Not clinically relevant. cancers { 30652378 }. Conventional { 26225798 ; 26225798 ; 31174238 ; 3091
histologic grading corresponds poorly with 2991 }. Positive lymph nodes, and
Essential and desirable diagnostic clinical outcomes { 15644773 }. particularly extracapsular spread into the
criteria Histological factors associated with a adjacent tissue { 32918710 }, and
Essential: Infiltrating malignant epithelial worse prognosis include a non-cohesive involvement of levels IV and V correlate
cells with squamous differentiation pattern of invasion, tumour budding, with adverse outcome
Verrucous Carcinoma

Definition oral cavity, buccal mucosa, gingiva and Little is known about pathogenesis of VC,
Verrucous carcinoma (VC) is a well- tongue are most frequently involved but it’s molecular signature appears distinct
differentiated non- { 28850720 }. from other oral SCC { 26014678 }. Gene
metastasizing squamous cell carcinoma Clinical features expression
(SCC), that has a warty keratinised surface VC presents as a slowly growing, and { 22690848 ; 22225903 ; 28621315 ; 2512
and specific architecture, lacks substantial slightly exophytic white tumour. VC may 6189 } and differentiation markers
cytologic features of malignancy and is erode bones and can cause extensive { 22374724 } differ from SCC of the same
characterized by slow lateral spread and destruction if left untreated. head and neck sites.
pushing invasion. Epidemiology Macroscopic appearance
ICD-O coding VC is rare, accounting for 2-16% of oral VC presents as a broad-based exophytic
8051/3 Verrucous carcinoma, NOS carcinomas { 20396919 }. It occurs tumour with a warty, white or red surface,
ICD-11 coding predominantly in older people, usually in depending on the amount of keratinization.
2B66.0 & XH5PM0 Squamous cell the sixth decade or later, with a strong male On cut surface, it is firm, tan to white, and
carcinoma of other or unspecified parts of predominance. may show keratin-filled clefts and a flat
mouth & Verrucous carcinoma, NOS Etiology well-defined pushing interface with
Related terminology VC has been etiologically related to the use underlying tissue.
Not recommended: Ackerman tumour; of chewing tobacco or snuff. The habitual Histopathology
verrucous hyperplasia use of areca nut/betel quid chew has VC consists of a broad-based well
Subtype(s) been implicated in the high incidence of differentiated exophytic and endophytic
None oral VC in India { 8002153 }. VC is not squamous epithelial proliferation with
Localization associated with HPV infection marked surface keratinization and keratin
Oral mucosa is the most common site for { 22684225 ; 24071016 ; 24350715 }. plugging. VC invades the stroma evenly
VC, accounting for 50-75% of all VC cases Pathogenesis with well-defined pushing borders,
in the head and neck { 11443616 } In the extending below the level of adjacent
epithelium that may be difficult to visualize the wider spectrum of dysplastic verrucous Desirable: examination of the whole
on small biopsies. The thickened, bulbous lesions { 33415517 }. Lack of substantial tumour to exclude SCC
rete often coalesce. A sharply defined atypia distinguishes VC from conventional Staging
stroma-epithelial interface is generally and papillary SCCs. VC is characterized by Staging is according to the Union for
seen often associated with a a high frequency of initial misdiagnosis International Cancer Control
lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory response { 9570624 ; 21494762 }. A full-thickness (UICC)/American Joint Committee on
{ 30671763 }. VC lacks substantial biopsy with adjacent normal epithelium Cancer (AJCC) TNM classification of the
cytologic features of malignancy. Surface with sufficient stroma to evaluate for lip and oral cavity , 8th Edition.
ulceration is uncommon and raises the pattern of invasion, and thorough sampling Prognosis and prediction
concern for conventional of the specimen is needed to make the VC has an excellent prognosis; the overall
SCC { 24071016 }. diagnosis of VC and to rule out co-existing five-year survival rate is 77-86 %
SCC { 24223590 ; 25767335 ; 26225050 ; { 28850720 ; 11443616 ; 18620896 }.
Differential Diagnosis: This includes 27865210 }. Surgery is treatment of choice; irradiation
conventional, and papillary SCCs and Cytology is less effective but is accepted as an
condyloma acuminatum. Epithelial down Not clinically relevant. appropriate treatment for some VC
growth extending deeper than the adjacent Diagnostic molecular pathology { 7715385 ; 9231170 ; 11443616 ; 204936
normal epithelium distinguishes VC from Not clinically relevant 21 }. VC may be a precursor to SCC, and
dysplastic lesions with a verrucous Essential and desirable diagnostic 20% of oral cavity VC contain
morphology, but there are intermediate criteria concomitant SCC { 6732584 }.
lesions that are difficult to classify Essential: broad-based well differentiated Carcinomas with both patterns behave as
{ 24223590 }. The term verrucous epithelial proliferation with marked papillary SCC. VC with focal dysplasia and/or
hyperplasia has been used for some of parakeratosis and keratin plugging minimal invasive SCC less than or equal to
these lesions, but such lesions lack clear extending below the level of adjacent 2 mm in depth do not adversely affect
diagnostic criteria { 24223590 } appear epithelium outcomes and should be treated as VC
dysplastic rather than hyperplastic and Full-thickness biopsy to assess invasion; { 24947053 }.
harbour copy number variation and carry a no to minimal cytologic atypia; pushing
risk of malignant transformation even border without deep invasive growth
{ 29377391 }, suggesting they are part of
Carcinoma Cuniculatum

Definition and/or the slow-growing nature of this

Carcinoma cuniculatum (CC) is a rare well- tumour. Differential Diagnosis: Non-representative
differentiated locally destructive non- sampling may lead to misdiagnosis as
metastasizing squamous cell carcinoma Imaging: On mucoperiosteal sites, CC cystic well-differentiated squamous cell
type characterized by a burrowing invasive presents radiologically as an osteolytic carcinoma, verrucous carcinoma,
pattern, keratin-containing crypts and lesion with a poorly-defined moth-eaten osteomyelitis, odontogenic keratocyst,
minimal cytological atypia. outline { 30607347 }. Sequestration may orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst or
ICD-O coding be evident { 21862267 }. abscess { 30607347 }.
8071/3 Squamous cell carcinoma Epidemiology Cytology
ICD-11 coding CC presents most commonly in the Not clinically relevant
2B6E.0 Squamous cell carcinoma of other seventh and eight decades. There is no Diagnostic molecular pathology
or ill-defined sites in the lip, oral cavity or gender predilection. None
pharynx Etiology Essential and desirable diagnostic
Related terminology None criteria
Not recommended: epithelioma Pathogenesis Essential: correlation with imaging, well-
cuniculatum Pathogenic mechanisms are unknown and differentiated heavily keratinizing
Subtype(s) there is no association with HPV squamous epithelium; mild atypia;
None { 12424455 ; 19625845 ; 21643820 }. labyrinthine burrowing cohesive invasive
Localization Macroscopic appearance pattern
The gingivo-alveolar complex of the Predominantly endophytic with a white to Desirable: keratin microabscesses;
mandible is the commonest site, followed yellow-white appearance. Infiltrative stromal neutrophils; microsequestra; bone
by that of the maxilla. The tongue, buccal keratin-filled crypts may be seen. invasion on mucoperiosteal sites
mucosa and lower lip are rarely affected Histopathology Staging
{ 30607347 }. CC is characterized by a Staging according to Union for
Clinical features primarily endophytic growth pattern of a International Cancer control TNM
Pain, swelling, mucosal ulceration, tooth burrowing labyrinthine network of well- classification of malignant tumours
mobility and induration are common differentiated squamous epithelium 8th edition.
{ 30607347 }. The presence of sequestra forming interconnecting keratin-filled crypts Prognosis and prediction
or yellow keratinaceous discharge from communicating with the surface. A minor Prognosis is excellent following complete
oral or cutaneous fistulae may lead to exophytic component may be present. excision. Local recurrence is uncommon
misdiagnosis as osteomyelitis or abscess There is no more than mild cytological after correct preoperative diagnosis and no
{ 21862267 ; 24035112 ; 25443811 }. atypia. Intraepithelial and stromal metastases develop despite multiple
Longstanding symptoms in some neutrophils are abundant, often with keratin interventions { 30607347 }. There are no
individuals may reflect diagnostic delay microbscesses. Microsequestra are known predictive factors.
frequently associated with bone invasion.
Tumours of Uncertain Histogénesis
Congenital Granular Cell Epulis
to 200 mm, although occasional tumours Firm soft tissue mass with a pedunculated
Definition measuring 900 mm have been reported. base. The cut surface is typically tan-
Congenital granular cell epulis (CGCE) is Larger lesions may interfere with feeding yellow, homogeneous, and smooth
a rare benign lesion occurring on the and, to a lesser extent, respiration. The { 18424116 ; 30888637 }.
alveolar ridge of the newborn, composed of mass may sometimes be detected on Histopathology
sheets of cells with abundant granular ultrasonography from gestational week 26 A well-circumscribed lesion composed of
cytoplasm. { 26034711 }. sheets and nests of tightly packed
ICD-O coding Epidemiology polygonal cells with abundant granular
None Newborns are affected with an estimated cytoplasm and well-delineated cell
ICD-11 coding incidence of 0.0006% { 20130770 } and a membranes. Nuclei are eccentric and dark
KC23 Neonatal disorders of the oral female:male ratio of 7.7:1 [[Karpal Singh with inconspicuous nucleoli without
mucosa Sohal, Jeremiah Robert Moshy, Sira mitosis. Thin-walled vessels are distributed
Related terminology Stanslaus Owibingire, Ruhi Ameen throughout the lesion. The overlying
Acceptable: congenital epulis, congenital Kashmiri. Congenital Granular Cell Epulis: epithelium is atrophic without rete ridges.
epulis of the newborn, congenital gingival A Systematic Review of Cases from 2000- In addition, inflammation, odontogenic
granular cell tumor, Neumann tumor. 2017. Archives of Dentistry and Oral epithelial rests, fibrosis and spindle cells
Not recommended: Congenital granular Health. 2018; 1(1): 56-65]]. may present.
cell myoblastoma Etiology
Subtype(s) The etiology is unknown. CGCT develops Immunohistochemistry: The granular cells
None primarily during third trimester of are positive for vimentin, NSE, laminin and
Localization pregnancy with no relation to any risk PAS diastase resistant, while negative for
Most lesions arise on the maxillary anterior factors such as premature delivery, muscle markers and S100. Histiocytic
alveolar process, with a maternal age, or pregnancy status [[Karpal markers are variably positive { 19205739 }.
maxillary:mandibular ratio of 2-3:1. Up to Singh Sohal, Jeremiah Robert Moshy, Sira Rare cases exhibit S100 positivity
20% are multifocal and rare extra-alveolar Stanslaus Owibingire, Ruhi Ameen { 8355095 ; 25783372 }.
involvement has been reported Kashmiri. Congenital Granular Cell Epulis:
{ 17577543 ; 26712684 }, [[Karpal Singh A Systematic Review of Cases from 2000- Differential Diagnosis: The entities include
Sohal, Jeremiah Robert Moshy, Sira 2017. Archives of Dentistry and Oral granular cell tumor, which shows S100
Stanslaus Owibingire, Ruhi Ameen Health. 2018; 1(1): 56-65]]. positivity and most frequently occurs on the
Kashmiri. Congenital Granular Cell Epulis: Pathogenesis dorsal tongue { 8355095 ; 21393037 }.
A Systematic Review of Cases from 2000- The pathogenesis is unknown,but thought Cytology
2017. Archives of Dentistry and Oral to result from a degenerative metabolic Not relevant
Health. 2018; 1(1): 56-65; 8355095]]. process affecting mesenchymal stem cells Diagnostic molecular pathology
Clinical features { 6264813 ; 17577543 ; 19205730 }. None
Patients present with pedunculated soft Macroscopic appearance Essential and desirable diagnostic
tissue mass with size ranging from <10mm criteria
Essential: soft lump on maxillary or is indicated, if the tumour interferes with
mandibular alveolar ridge; neonatal Staging feeding or respiration. Recurrence is not
presentation; None reported, even with incomplete excision.
sheets and nests of polygonal cells with Prognosis and prediction { 8355095 ; 19205730 ; 25783372 }.
eosinophilic, granular cytoplasm If progressive enlargement is not observed
Desirable: attenuated to atrophic stratified after birth, spontaneous regression may
squamous epithelium of uniform thickness; occur, and such lesions should be followed
negative reaction for S100 protein. up without excision. Conservative excision

Granular Cell Tumour

None GCT can present at any age, but most
Definition Localization occur in the 4th-6th decades with a
Granular cell tumour (GCT) is a benign GCT occurs in any subcutaneous or female:male ratio of 3:1
neuroectodermal tumour composed of submucosal site, but of oral cases around { 31898368 ; 32189915 }.
large, round to oval cells with abundant and 85% arise in the tongue Etiology
distinctly eosinophilic granular cytoplasm. { 27918739 ; 31898368 }. Unknown
ICD-O coding Clinical features Pathogenesis
9580/0 Granular cell tumour, NOS Patients with GCT present with a non- Sporadic oral GCT do not contain the
9580/3 Granular cell tumour, malignant tender, slowly enlarging, sessile mucosal PTPN11 and PTEN mutations
ICD-11 coding to yellowish coloured submucosal mass, { 29097601 } associated with granular cell
2E90.1 Benign neoplasm of tongue usually <10 mm but can reach up to 20 mm tumors in LEOPARD and Noonan
Related terminology in diameter. Multifocal tumours occur syndrome
Not recommended: Abrikossoff's tumor, infrequently { 19054014 ; 20537083 ; 22915371 } and
granular cell myoblastoma, granular cell { 29661274 ; 32089415 ; 33253647 }. PTEN hamartoma tumour syndrome
schwannoma. Epidemiology { 12833416 }. Whole-exome sequencing
Subtype(s) has revealed either mutations in the
genes ATP6AP1, ATP6AP2 and ATP6V1 50% of cases { 19192059 ; 33085297 } immunohistochemistry
A, components of the vaculolar APTase (V- raising a risk of erroneous diagnosis of { 26637199 ; 32089415 }.
ATPase) complex squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in Cytology
{ 30166553 ; 33289181 } or mutations in superficial biopsies. Criteria for malignancy Smears are usually cellular with sheets of
genes for in GCT include at least 3 of the following: large cells with usually central, round to
endosomal/lysosomal/autophagosomal nuclear pleomorphism, cell spindling, mildly pleomorphic nuclei and abundant
networks { 33289181 }. Overexpression of mitotic activity >2/2mm 2, prominent granular cytoplasm and a small number of
transcription factor E3 (TFE3) is observed nucleoli, high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio, single cells often resembling histiocytes in
in skin lesions, but not in oral tumours and necrosis. Cases with 1-2 criteria are a granular background.
{ 31788112 }. classified as atypical { 669341 }. Diagnostic molecular pathology
Macroscopic appearance None
Pale tan to yellowish white homogeneous Immunohistochemistry: The tumour cells Essential and desirable diagnostic
submucosal nodule on cut surface are immunoreactive for S100 protein, criteria
{ 26637199 ; 32189915 }. CD57, SOX10, inhibin, and calretinin. Essential: granular cells
Histopathology CD68 highlights the cytoplasmic granules Desirable: PEH, S100+
GCT is an unencapsulated tumour composed of lysosomes Staging
composed of large polygonal cells with { 26162589 ; 26637199 ; 29329562 }. A Not relevant
abundant eosinophilic granular cytoplasm rare non-neural GCT subtype is S100 Prognosis and prediction
and small, round nuclei in the subepithelial protein negative, shows cell spindling, Recurrence is rare following excision even
tissue. GCTs can grow in a syncytial mitotic activity, rich vascularity, and when incompletely excised
pattern or arranged in sheets surrounding absence of PEH. Both subtypes are { 31898368 ; 19192059 ; 33085297 ; 2966
and replacing muscle fascicles or nerves. NKI/C3 positive { 27709427 }. 1274 }. Malignant GCT is associated with
Occasionally, GCTs may be granular cell metastases and poor survival
poor with extensive fibrosis. Differential Diagnosis: GCT is relatively { 24669168 }.
Pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia (PEH) characteristic but differential diagnosis of
of the overlying mucosa is observed in 25- other granular cell lesions is aided by
Ectomesenchymal Chondromyxoid Tumour

Definition Pathogenesis binucleation, and pseudonuclear

Ectomesenchymal chondromyxoid tumour Approximately 90% of tumours are defined inclusions may be identified. Mitotic activity
(EMCMT) is a mesenchymal neoplasm by fusion is usually inconspicuous. The intervening
characterized by spindle-polygonal cells of RREB1 to MRTFB (formerly MKL2). Thi stroma may be myxoid to collagenous, and
within myxoid-collagenous stroma and s fusion product has molecular pleiotropy focally hyaline
usually harbouring and is not disease specific as it has been { 7726361 ; 25404177 ; 29912715 }.
a RREB1::MRTFB gene fusion. reported in other tumours, including
ICD-O coding biphenotypic sinonasal sarcoma Immunohistochemistry: IHCreveals polyph
8982/0 Ectomesenchymal chondromyxoid { 33715240 }, mediastinal mesenchymal enotypic differentiation. Most tumours have
tumour neoplasms { 31991003 }, and diffuse expression of glial fibrillary acidic
ICD-11 coding oropharyngeal sarcoma { 29266774 }. A protein. Other stains such as S100,
None minority may have alternate molecular desmin, smooth muscle actin, myogenin,
Related terminology drivers, CD56, CD57, keratin, and epithelial
Not recommended: reticulated myxoid including EWSR1 { 27010880 ; 29912715 membrane antigen are typically patchy and
tumour }. weak { 7726361 ; 29912715 }.
Subtype(s) Macroscopic appearance Cytology
None Tumours are generally circumscribed, Clinically not relevant
Localization lobulated, and range from 5 - 30 mm in Diagnostic molecular pathology
EMCMT occurs in the tongue, particularly diameter { 7726361 ; 29912715 }. On cut The presence of a RREB1::MRTFB gene
in the anterior dorsal aspect section they may be grey, tan and/or yellow fusion, in the appropriate context, may be
{ 7726361 ; 25404177 ; 27010880 ; 29912 { 7726361 }. diagnostically helpful.
715 }. Less common locations include Histopathology Essential and desirable diagnostic
palate { 22769404 ; 29491357 } and EMCMTs have a broad morphological criteria
mandible { 32372271 }. spectrum. They are frequently Essential: sheets, cords and/or reticular
Clinical features multilobulated and comprised of cells arrangement of spindle-stellate to
Patients with EMCMT have a slow growing arranged in sheets, fascicles, and/or polygonal cells; variable stroma that may
painless mass, with a duration ranging reticular patterns. Less commonly they be myxoid, hyaline or collagenous
from months to years { 7726361 }. may be microcystic-cystic, or papillary Desirable: consistent
Epidemiology { 7726361 ; 29912715 }.The margins are immunohistochemistry
There are fewer than 100 reported cases in well demarcated but usually Staging
the English literature. EMCMT occur over a unencapsulated with incorporation of Not clinically relevant.
broad age range, but most commonly in surrounding muscle fibres at the periphery Prognosis and prediction
young adults. There is no sex predilection. { 7726361 ; 25404177 ; 29912715 }. The Most tumours have an indolent clinical
{ 7726361 ; 25404177 ; 27010880 ; 29912 cells range from spindle-stellate to course, with occasional local recurrence
715 }. polygonal, with variable eosinophilic { 7726361 ; 19716722 }. Rarely tumours
Etiology cytoplasm with round to ovoid, and may be locally aggressive { 32372271 }.
Unknown monomorphic nuclei. Occasional atypia,
Melanotic Neuroectodermal Tumour of Infancy

Definition { 15290671 ; 25936939 ; 29275074 ; 3017 negative for other melanoma markers.
Melanotic neuroectodermal tumour of 0777 ; 31295620 }. Rarely, membranous expression of CD99,
infancy (MNTI) is a biphasic tumour of Etiology focal rhabdomyoblastic, and glial
small neuroblast-like cells and larger Unknown. differentiation may be seen
melanin-producing epithelial cells. Pathogenesis { 15290671 ; 17378694 ; 1847607 ; 29275
ICD-O coding MNTI is thought to be of neural crest cell 074 }.
9363/0 Melanotic neuroectodermal tumour origin and pathogenesis is unknown
of infancy { 30170777 }. MNTI shows morphologic Differential diagnosis: This includes other
ICD-11 coding similarity to melanotic medulloblastoma malignant “small round blue” cell tumours,
2D42 & XH6C72 Malignant neoplasms of and more recently, has been shown to usually with worse prognoses, such as
ill-defined sites & Melanotic share DNA methylation profile with high Ewing sarcoma, rhadomyosarcoma and
neuroectodermal tumour grade medulloblastoma (MB G3) despite lymphoma. However, these alternatives
Related terminology its low grade behaviour lack the characteristic biphasic melanin-
Not recommended: melanotic progonoma; { 31953575 ; 33572349 }. Germline producing keratin-positive epithelial cells
retinal anlage tumour. mutations in CDKN2A and BRAF p.V600E and the synaptophysin-positive neuroblast-
Subtype(s) mutation are also reported like cells.
None { 26122804 ; 27519597 }. Cytology
Localization Macroscopic appearance Smears are cellular with discrete, biphasic
More than 90% of MNTI occur in the Tumours are pigmented and populations of tumour cells comprising
craniofacial bones, most commonly firm, unencapsulated and lobulated without monomorphic small cells with scant
affecting maxilla (>60%), followed by skull necrosis or ulceration. The mean size is 30 cytoplasm and round nuclei with fine
(~15%), and mandible mm but may be up to 200 mm, with larger chromatin, and large epithelioid cells with
(~8%) { 15290671 ; 25936939 ; 2927507 tumours in the skull vesicular nuclei and intracytoplasmic
4 ; 31295620 }. Rarely, tumours develop in { 25936939 ; 28291424 ; 30170777 ; 3129 melanin pigment
the genital tract, trunk, and extremities 5620 }. { 14648795 ; 26173836 ; 29027726 }.
{ 14648795 ; 25936939 ; 28812465 }. Histopathology Diagnostic molecular pathology
Clinical features Tumour cells are arranged in alveolar Not clinically relevant
Typically, patients present with a sessile, nests, cords, and trabeculae, infiltrating Essential and desirable diagnostic
painless, rapidly enlarging mass in the into dense vascularized, fibrocollagenous criteria
upper alveolus, causing facial deformity stroma. Melanotic epithelial cells typically Essential:Biphasic small neuroblast-like
and feeding disruption. The mass is usually surround small neuroblast-like cells, and cells and large, melanotic epithelial cells
bluish-black due to its melanin content. may form tubuloglandular structures arranged in lobules separated by
Some tumours produce circulating { 15290671 }. The small cells may rarely fibrocollagenous stroma
vanillylmandelic acid (34%) and alpha- produce a neurofibrillary matrix Desirable:Age less than one year, jaw
fetoprotein { 29275074 }. The tumour frequently location, bone destruction, epithelial cells
{ 25936939 ; 29275074 ; 30170777 }. destructively infiltrates bone and contains positive for keratin and HMB45
entrapped odontogenic tissue. Mitoses Staging
Imaging and necrosis are generally absent. Not clinically relevant
Imaging shows destruction of cortical bone Prognosis and prediction
with entrapment of developing tooth buds, Immunohistochemistry MNTI is a rapidly growing, locally
extension into the sinus, nasal cavity or Seldom necessary for diagnosis. Both destructive, paradoxically low grade,
orbit { 20080455 }. small and large tumour cells express tumour of uncertain malignant potential.
Epidemiology vimentin and synaptophysin, but are Approximately 20-30% of tumours
This rare tumour usually affects infants typically negative for chromogranin, recur, usually within 6 months
between 3 and 6 months of age, although neurofilaments, S100 protein, and desmin. { 15290671 ; 29275074 ; 30170777 ; 3039
it has been diagnosed in utero, at birth, in The large cells co-express pancytokeratin, 0348 ; 30871849 }, especially in patients
older children, and adults. There is a slight HMB45 and Melan-A, confirming dual younger than 5 months of age at diagnosis
male predilection epithelial and melanocytic features, but are { 25936939 ; 30170777 }. Approximately
2% of MNTI behave in a malignant fashion Predictive factors are not well defined affecting the skull, have a worse prognosis
with metastases of the neuroblast-like { 29275074 } but larger tumours, usually { 28291424 ; 31295620 }.
cells, and results in death { 30170777 }.
The oropharynx, an anatomic site rich in entirely specific ICCR, UICC, and AJCC Squamous papilloma (discussed in larynx
lymphoid tissue and harbouring the staging systems have been developed for [see section] and oral cavity [see
anatomically unique reticulated tonsillar them { 28128848 }. These distinctions section]), pleomorphic adenoma
crypt epithelium, is one of the major head render the pathologist and p16/HPV testing and other salivary gland tumours
and neck sites of viral-related critical in routine practice. To acknowledge (discussed in salivary gland [see section
carcinogenesis. The vast majority of this unique and extremely important]), and extranodal lymphomas and
oropharyngeal malignancies are tumour type, while drawing a clear haematopoietic tumours that develop in
squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and distinction from SCC of the oral cavity, Waldeyer’s ring (discussed in section 9).
almost all SCC subtypes occur larynx, nasopharynx, and sinonasal tract, Neuroendocrine neoplasms (especially
here { 27035614 }. It is now well the 4th edition of the World Health carcinomas), many HPV-associated, are
established that a high fraction of all SCC, Organization Tumour Classification of discussed in the respective
particularly in the United States, Canada, Head and Neck Tumours book created a neuroendocrine neoplasms sections (see
and parts of Northern Europe (but also to a separate chapter for oropharynx, retained section 12). Finally, a new section is
lesser extent in most of the rest of the in the current edition (topographically included on tonsillar hamartomas, a rare
world) are driven by transcriptionally-active including tonsils, base of tongue, soft cause of tonsillar tumour, and presented as
high risk human papillomavirus palate, uvula, and posterior wall). part of the differential diagnosis.
(HPV) { 26823521 }. There is uniform Several topics are not duplicated in this
agreement on the prognostic benefit of chapter, even though they develop in the
positive HPV status in these patients and oropharynx with some regularity.
Benign oropharyngeal lesions
Hamartomatous polyps

Definition Epidemiology lymphocytes can be seen. The stroma is

Lesions associated with the palatine tonsils Hamartomas are rare, accounting for 2% or variable and may consists of fibrous and
composed of a haphazard proliferation of less of all tonsillar tumours. lymphoid tissue. Adipose tissue and
elements that are normally found in the Lymphangiomatous polyps comprise the muscle may also be seen in lesions
oropharynx. overwhelming majority of lesions. Even termed fibrolipomatous polyp
lesions with predominance of lymphoid { 11048808 }.
ICD-O coding tissue (lymphoid polyp) and those with
None prominent adipose tissue (fibrolipomatous Cytology
polyp) are thought to potentially belong to Not applicable
ICD-11 coding the overall spectrum of lymphangiomatous
DB35.3 Hamartomatous polyp polyps. The age range of those affected is Diagnostic molecular pathology
broad, ages 3 to 63 years (median 25.5 Not applicable
Related terminology years) with equal sex predilection
Acceptable: Lymphangiectatic fibrous { 11048808 ; 29392063 ; 21562903 }. Essential and desirable diagnostic
polyp; Fibrovascular polyp; Polypoid criteria
lymphangioma; Papillary lymphoid Etiology Essential: polypoid tumour of the palatine
polyp; Benign hamartomatous Unknown tonsils; submucosal proliferation of lymph-
polyp; Lymphangiectatic fibrolipomatous vascular channels,
polyp Pathogenesis containing proteinaceous fluid with
Not recommended: Tonsillar lipoma Unknown lymphocytes, in a background of lymphoid
or connective tissue
Subtype(s) Macroscopic appearance
None Polypoid, often pedunculated, mucosal Staging
surfaced mass. The size is variable, Not applicable
Localization ranging from very small to up to 80 mm
Palatine tonsil { 11048808 ; 21562903 }. Prognosis and prediction
Recurrence is rare after surgical treatment.
Clinical features Histopathology However, without treatment, the airway
Patients with hamartomatous polyp may The lymphangiomatous polyp has may become critically obstructed
complain of dysphagia, sore throat, globus, numerous small to medium-sized { 11048808 }.
or obstructive symptoms. Lesions may be dilated vascular channels
present for weeks to years. The entity containing proteinaceous fluid with
appears as a unilateral polypoid mass and lymphocytes. The overlying mucosa is
may be clinically worrisome for generally intact, displaying respiratory or
a neoplasm { 11048808 ; 29163996 ; 313 squamous epithelium without dysplasia.
04780 }. Small collections of intraepithelial
Epithelial tumours
Squamous cell carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma, HPV-associated
55-58 years and closing the age gap with cells display high nuclear to cytoplasmic
Definition HPV-independent ratios, oval to spindled nuclei, syncytial
HPV-associated oropharyngeal squamous OPSCC { 29710071 ; 29710393 }. cytoplasm (indistinct cell borders) without
cell carcinoma (OPSCC) is caused by Etiology intercellular bridges, and usually lack
transcriptionally-active high-risk HPV and HPV-associated OPSCC is caused by significant cytoplasmic keratinization.
usually arises from the tonsillar crypts. high-risk HPV with type 16 responsible for These cellular features are termed
ICD-O coding aproximately 90% of all cases nonkeratinizing SCC. Histologic grading
8085/3 Squamous cell carcinoma, HPV- { 33232848 }. Sexual behavior is an has been shown to lack prognostic utility
associated established risk factor, with lifetime number and is not advocated. Some tumours may
ICD-11 coding of oral sex partners as the most strongly show nuclear anaplasia or
2B6A.0 Squamous cell carcinoma of associated factor multinucleation { 22743286 ; 31552619 }.
oropharynx & XH0EJ7 Squamous cell { 17494927 ; 20022926 ; 26351338 }. The morphologic spectrum of HPV-
carcinoma, HPV positive Individuals with HPV-associated OPSCC associated OPSCC also includes subtypes
Related terminology are less likely than patients with HPV- with papillary { 23797720 },
Acceptable: HPV-positive SCC; HPV- independent OPSCC to be smokers (see adenosquamous { 21305368 }, ciliated
related SCC; p16-positive SCC Table #26602). However, a history of { 26457358 }, lymphoepithelial
Subtype(s) tobacco smoking is present in 60 to 75% of (undifferentiated) { 20421782 },
Non-keratinizing; keratinizing; papillary; patients, and about 25% of patients are sarcomatoid/ spindle cell { 24418859 }, and
adenosquamous; ciliated; active smokers at presentation. Tobacco basaloid features { 18496144 }. The clinical
lymphoepithelial; sarcomatoid/spindle cell; smoking is associated with significantly behaviour of these subtypes mirrors that of
basaloid higher oral HPV prevalence and thus may HPV-associated OPSCC with typical
Localization play a role in the progression from oral HPV morphology. HPV-associated high grade
HPV-associated OPSCC arises from the infection to OPSCC { 25291584 }. neuroendocrine carcinomas (i.e. small and
tonsillar-bearing regions of the oropharynx Pathogenesis large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma) can
(i.e. lingual and palatine tonsils) where it HPV oncoproteins E6 and E7 inactivate the arise in the oropharynx, sometimes in
takes origin from the specialized squamous p53 and Rb by targeting them for protein association with an HPV-associated SCC
epithelium lining the tonsillar crypts degradation. The role of other viral { 26735857 ; 29556964 ; 31093350 }.
{ 28877058 }. oncoproteins such as E5 is less clear, but Despite the presence of HPV,
Clinical features they may play a role in escaping neuroendocrine carcinomas have
Patients may present with clinical signs immunosurveillance { 29854832 }. aggressive clinical behavior necessitating
related to local tumour effects, but most Macroscopic appearance distinction from HPV-associated OPSCC
present with small primary tumours that The appearance of primary tumours is (see section 12.1.2). Recognition of a high
have metastasized to upper and mid- highly variable, ranging from small and grade neuroendocrine component is
jugular chain lymph nodes (levels II and III). imperceptible to occasionally large and facilitated by immunohistochemistry
Painless cervical lymphadenopathy is the bulky. Lymph node metastases are often showing absent or diminished expression
most common presentation { 24652023 }. large and cystic. of the squamous markers p63 and p40 and
HPV-associated OPSCC imaging differs Histopathology positive expression of neuroendocrine
from HPV-independent in that primary The histologic progression through the markers (synaptophysin, chromogranin,
tumours are more commonly enhancing sequential stages of surface dysplasia INSM1).
and exophytic with well-defined margins. culminating in carcinoma in situ and Cytology
They also more commonly present invasive growth that characterize HPV- Aspirates of metastatic lesions are seen as
with multiple positive nodes and the independent SCC is not evident for HPV- cohesive clusters and loose aggregates of
metastases are more commonly cystic associated OPSCC. Instead, tumours cells with scant cytoplasm and
(see originate from the tonsillar crypts and hyperchromatic nuclei without prominent
Table #26602) { 18383529 ; 23660291 }. infiltrate beneath the surface epithelium, nucleoli. A cystic component
Epidemiology growing as nests and lobules often with of inflammatory cells and keratinized
The global incidence of HPV- central necrosis. Invasive growth may not debris is common. Due to cystic
associated OPSCC has risen over the past elicit a desmoplastic stromal reaction, and degeneration and possibly fixation effects
four decades, particularly in North America since the reticulated tonsillar crypt in cytology preparations. p16
and Northern Europe. Patients with HPV- epithelium is a poor barrier to spread, immunostaining of cell blocks is not always
associated OPSCC are typically male SCC adjacent to organized lymphoid tissue reliable for determining HPV status of the
(male-to-female ratio of 4:1), white, and of can metastasize despite appearing tumour. { 26764038 ; 30846180 }.
higher socioeconomic status. Over time, histologically only “in situ”. The tumour Diagnostic molecular pathology
the prevalence of HPV in OPSCC has been nests tend to be surrounded by a lymphoid Diffuse (nuclear and cytoplasmic)
increasing among older adults causing an stroma that may permeate the tumour immunohistochemical staining for p16 that
upward shift in the median patient age to lobules. In the typical tumour, the tumour is of moderate to strong intensity is a highly
reliable surrogate marker for high-risk Essential and desirable diagnostic used { 30500294 }. OPSCC staging is
HPV,and is widely advocated as a criteria predicated upon p16/HPV status.
standalone test for determining HPV status Essential: SCC (usually nonkeratinizing); Prognosis and prediction
of primary and metastatic SCCs of must be positive for high-risk HPV as HPV-associated OPSCC patients
oropharyngeal origin { 29251996 }. In determined by surrogate marker p16 have significantly better survival outcomes
some scenarios, direct HPV detection immunohistochemistry alone (70% nuclear than those with HPV-independent OPSCC.
assays such as RNA/DNA in and cytoplasmic cutoff) or by p16 (see #26602Table #26602) Approximately
situ hybridization and/or PCR may be immunohistochemistry plus HPV-specific 20% of patients suffer disease recurrence
appropriate, as when required by clinical testing after treatment with 3 and 5 year overall
trials, in low overall HPV-attributable Desirable: p40/p63 (positive) and survival rates of 86% and 80%,
fraction geographic regions, when p16 neuroendocrine marker (negative) respectively { 26936027 }. The favorable
immunostaining is equivocal, or when there immunohistochemistry (in selected cases) prognosis may be tempered by the adverse
is a discrepancy between p16 staining and Staging effects of active cigarette smoking
morphology (e.g. p16 positive keratinizing The Union for International Cancer Control { 18270337 ; 20530316 }.
SCC) { 22180304 }. (UICC) or AJCC staging systems may be
Squamous cell carcinoma, HPV-independent

Definition Subtype(s) Patients typically present with pain/sore

HPV-independent oropharyngeal Keratinizing; verrucous; basaloid, papillary; throat, dysphagia and/or a neck mass
squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) is a spindle cell/sarcomatoid; adenosquamous; { 28304083 ; 29161981 }.
type of OPSCC that lacks transcriptionally- lymphoepithelial
active HPV. Epidemiology
Localization Patients are slightly older and less likely to
ICD-O coding HPV-independent OPSCC is more be male and white compared to HPV-
8086/3 Squamous cell carcinoma, HPV- common in tonsillar than non-tonsillar sites positive OPSCC { 28304083 }. Recent
independent but represents a much greater fraction of data indicates that the age differences
non-tonsillar OPSCC because HPV- between HPV-independent and HPV-
ICD-11 coding associated tumours predominate in associated OPSCC may be decreasing
2B6A.0 & XA4J67 & XH4CR9 Squamous tonsillar tissue { 29710393 ; 31026209 }.
cell carcinoma of oropharynx & Squamous { 23342257 ; 28877058 ; 29161981 }. Mos
cell carcinoma, keratinising, NOS t non-tonsillar tumours are located in the Etiology
soft palate. HPV-independent OPSCC is caused by
Related terminology tobacco and alcohol use, which have a
Acceptable: HPV-negative or p16-negative Clinical features synergistic effect. See also discussion in
squamous cell carcinoma section 5.1.3 (oral cavity).
Pathogenesis graded as well, moderately or poorly- Essential and desirable diagnostic
Accumulation of DNA damage in surface differentiated based on their resemblance criteria
mucosa from exposure to to normal squamous epithelium. Well- Essential: squamous cell carcinoma
carcinogens, mainly from tobacco and differentiated OPSCC may be difficult to (usually keratinizing); HPV status must
alcohol use. TP53 is commonly mutated distinguish from benign mucosa, whereas be negative (p16 negativity, using 70%
(see sections 3 and 5). Hypoxia signatures poorly-differentiated OPSCC may require nuclear and cytoplasmic cutoff, is an
may be increased compared to HPV- immunohistochemistry (p40/p63 and acceptable surrogate)
independent SCC at other head and neck cytokeratin 5/6) to confirm squamous
sites { 33725617 }. epithelial origin { 24418859 }. Staging
UICC T-staging is similar for HPV-
Macroscopic appearance Cytology independent and HPV-associated OPSCC
Primary tumours are larger (higher T- Smears of neck metastases show except that T4 is subdivided into T4a and
stage) and nodal disease burden is lower keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma with T4b for HPV-independent OPSCC only.
than for HPV-positive polygonal to spindle to tadpole cells HPV-independent OPSCC nodal staging is
OPSCC { 28304083 }. showing dense sky blue (Giemsa stain) to the same as for oral cavity and
dark green to orangophilic (Pap stain) larynx/hypopharynx cancers (see sections
Histopathology cytoplasm. Considerable keratinized 3 and 5).
Most tumours exhibit keratinizing debris and necrosis is usually present with
morphology { 16504868 ; 20596971 }. As a granulomatous inflammatory reaction in Prognosis and prediction
such, tumour nests are infiltrative and some cases Occasional cases have The 3-year overall and progression-free
angulated, and often surrounded by features that overlap with nonkeratinizing survival rates are 55-60% and 40-45%,
prominent stromal desmoplasia. The cells squamous cell carcinoma. respectively { 20530316 }. The number of
are polygonal with distinct cell positive lymph nodes and presence
borders. Squamous maturation including Diagnostic molecular pathology of extranodal extension may be prognostic
keratinization and intercellular bridges are Transcriptionally-active HPV is absent. { 33508706 ; 33595897 }.
usually present. Other squamous cell p16 is typically not overexpressed but can
carcinoma subtypes are rare (see section be positive in a small subset
3 for description). Tumours are traditionally { 29438466 ; 33450095 ; 33739785 }.
The principles of the classification of sarcomas. PTCH1 and Shh pathway the BRAF mutations found in other
individual odontogenic cysts, odontogenic alterations are associated with ameloblastomas, though data is limited
tumours and tumours of the jaws are odontogenic keratocyst and and preliminary, and the nuclear beta-
unchanged from previous editions but ameloblastoma. Wnt pathway signalling is catenin immunostaining is consistent with
there has been a major reorganisation. The implicated in odontoma formation and its ghost cell differentiation and may
classification follows the new WHO mutations in the CTNNB1 (beta-catenin) suggest a relationship with the ghost cell
structure in which more aggressive lesions gene are associated with ghost cell tumour group. A small number of cases
appear at the end of each section. New differentiation in cysts and benign and with a high proliferative fraction and
definitions of what should constitute an malignant neoplasms. FOS rearrangement aggressive behaviour are difficult to
entity and subtype have required several and c-FOS overexpression in distinguish from ghost cell odontogenic
changes and the bone related lesions have cementoblastoma confirm its relationship carcinoma and ameloblastic carcinoma
been more logically divided into fibro- with osteoblastoma. MAPK/ERK pathway with ghost cells. Further reporting and
osseous tumours and dysplasias, benign activation may drive odontogenic myxoma. molecular analysis of this and similar
and malignant neoplasms. However, the role in pathogenesis in each entities is encouraged to clarify their
The relatively short time since the last of these changes remains to be elucidated. relationships and classification.
classification results in only one completely Though such changes are often associated The reclassification of ameloblastic fibro-
novel entity being included. However, with neoplasia or malignancy in other odontoma as a developing odontoma was
several other conditions that have been tissues, most of these pathways are key to a contentious change in the previous
established in the literature for long periods odontogenesis { 9392510 ; 26589925 } classification. Sufficient molecular data has
are new to the classification. The rationale and may act in a context specific manner. not yet accrued to clarify the situation and
for adding these conditions varies. Some, Oncogene and tumour suppressor gene so the classification has remained
as in the cysts, are for completeness of alterations continue to raise the possibility unchanged pending further evidence. The
classification. Others are included to that some odontogenic cysts and change in 2017 was made because the
prevent misdiagnosis as conditions with hamartomas might be neoplasms. In the literature suggested that many developing
different treatment or clinical implications. absence of a molecular definition of odontomas were misdiagnosed as
For some, the intention has been to neoplasia and in recognition of this ameloblastic fibro-odontoma, risking
propose consensus definitions and clear situation in other benign conditions patient harm through overtreatment. While
diagnostic criteria because the descriptions { 27059373 }, the classification has been the existence of a neoplastic ameloblastic
in the literature are heterogeneous. maintained based on progressive growth fibro-odontoma was not disputed, it was
Though consensus has been achieved on pattern and metastasis. As an example, the thought to be very rare and it was felt that
these diagnostic criteria they must be status of odontogenic keratocyst remains the great majority of lesions with an
regarded as proposals to be tested and contentious but is molecularly similar to ameloblastic fibro-odontoma histological
may need to be adapted in future other conditions with alterations in appearance were destined to mature into
classifications. Differentiating these poorly oncogenes or tumour suppressor genes odontomas. Molecular analysis suggests
defined lesions will be critical in selecting that promote growth but fail to cause a these intermediate lesions are mixed, with
them for molecular analysis and neoplastic phenotype, such as fibrous some lesions previously diagnosed as
interpreting the data. dysplasia caused by GNAS1 mutation, ameloblastic fibrodentinoma or
Since the last edition, there has been a simple bone cyst with NFATC2 fusion and ameloblastic fibro-odontoma
marked increase in the availability of adenomatoid odontogenic tumour bearing BRAF p.V600E mutation.
molecular data. Although these data have with KRAS mutation. However, any histological differences
clarified the relationships between different between mutation positive and negative
lesions it is not yet detailed enough to Odontogenic tumours lesions has not been defined and it remains
dictate changes to the classification. Only It has not proved possible to clarify the difficult or impossible to differentiate these
one lesion in this section is defined by its complex overlap between lesions variously possible entities from the much commoner
molecular change, the rhabdomyosarcoma termed amyloid-rich subtype of developing odontomas on histological
with TFCP2 rearrangement { 29758589 }. odontogenic fibroma, non-calcifying variant grounds alone. Review of the literature for
Characteristic molecular changes are of calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour, the classification suggest that a significant
present in several bone and odontogenic and their Langerhans cell-rich variants. number of lesions published as
tumours but are not defining criteria. Though some features favour classification ameloblastic fibroma are also developing
The common hotspot mutations found in as odontogenic fibroma, both potential odontomas and it seems likely that
other human neoplasms do not seem to be parent entities lack defined molecular reclassification including some
present in the odontogenic cysts and markers to allow a definitive classification ameloblastic fibromas may be required in
tumours, reflecting the fact that many are to be made. the future. In the meantime, the
hamartomas, benign or low grade The new classification principles have requirement is that, without evidence to
malignant neoplasms. However, some required the addition of the descriptor change it, the classification must remain
common themes are emerging ‘conventional’ to ameloblastoma because unchanged.
{ 28797453 ; 32035859 }. Dysregulated this is not a grouping of subtypes and must No changes have been made to the
MAPK signalling, caused be distinguished from other ameloblastoma classification of the malignant odontogenic
by BRAF p.V600E mutation is a likely entities. The term ‘solid/multicystic’ tumours, retaining the simplified structure
driver for ameloblastoma and is found in previously performed this function but was from the previous edition. Odontogenic
conventional, unicystic and peripheral removed in the 2017 classification and is carcinoma with dentinoid { 25409850 } has
subtypes and many ameloblastic now replaced by ‘conventional’ to follow not been included because of possible
carcinomas. BRAF mutations seem WHO practice in other 5th edition overlap with other carcinomas and the
common to other epithelial and mixed classifications. aggressive end of the behaviour spectrum
odontogenic tumours that have The adenoid ameloblastoma { 26297394 } of adenoid ameloblastoma. The possibility
ameloblastic differentiation. They can be has been accepted as an entity in the of clear cell carcinoma with dentinoid has
found in both the epithelial and category of benign odontogenic tumours. It been removed due to lack of evidence of
mesenchymal component of ameloblastic has been recognised for several decades relationship to clear cell odontogenic
fibroma and lesions previously classified as and has a distinctive appearance but there carcinoma. Odontogenic carcinosarcoma
ameloblastic fibrodentinoma and fibro- is variation in the diagnostic criteria in the remains contentious and extremely rare.
odontoma and in the mesenchymal literature and lack of clarity about its Confusion over its status as an entity has
component of some odontogenic behaviour. This lesion may lack centred around whether a specific line of
sarcoma differentiation must be present. marked expansion { 32315206 }. Very variety of causes
Since none is present in odontogenic early data has identified GDD1 mutation in including CDC73 (HRPT2) { 16458039 }
sarcomas this condition cannot apply and one family, distinct from the mutation found or GDD1 mutation or deregulation of the
the entity has been retained, accepting its in gnathodiaphyseal dysplasia and its Wnt pathway { 29239811 }. The number of
extreme rarity. associated cemento-ossifying fibromas, entities, clinical features, localisation and
but suggesting a related pathogenesis. classification of this group may have to be
Giant cell lesions and bone cysts One further reason for defining the familial reconsidered in the light of molecular
Since the last classification it has been type as a separate subtype is to better evidence, which is not yet well enough
found that the central giant cell granuloma define familial gigantiform cementoma. defined to justify changes. Both the
is driven by MAPK pathway activation This controversial and extremely rare psammomatoid ossifying fibroma and
caused by mutation in one of several genes disorder has been retained in the juvenile trabecular ossifying fibroma
{ 31705763 }. Somewhat surprisingly, classification separate from florid cemento- appear to have a distinct molecular
peripheral giant cell granuloma harbours osseous dysplasia and syndromes with pathogenesis, though based on limited
the same changes despite its limited multiple cemento-ossifying fibromas, data.
growth potential and occasional pending molecular characterisation. The term juvenile has been removed from
spontaneous involution. Both are retained Segmental odontomaxillary dysplasia the psammomatoid ossifying fibroma
as separate entities in view of the differing { 21684782 } is a relatively well-defined because the age range is broad with peak
presentation, growth pattern and condition that may be underdiagnosed and incidence in the 2nd to 4th decades. The
treatment. In line with the classification of is prone to misdiagnosis as fibrous juvenile trabecular ossifying fibroma
bone and soft tissue tumours, the concept dysplasia. For this reason, it is included in retains its juvenile descriptor. Although the
of secondary aneurysmal bone cyst is now the classification for the first time. literature includes many cases in older
replaced by one of cystic haemorrhagic patients, stricter diagnostic criteria suggest
degeneration, because the cystic change Benign maxillofacial bone and cartilage this remains a lesion that arises primarily in
frequently found associated with fibro- tumours children.
osseous lesions of the jaw lack In the previous classification the cemento-
the USP6 rearrangement and are ossifying fibroma was grouped with the Malignant maxillofacial bone and cartilage
unrelated to the aneurysmal bone cyst. juvenile trabecular ossifying fibroma and tumours
juvenile psammomatoid ossifying fibroma The only completely novel entity in the
Fibro-osseous tumours and dysplasias as three subtypes of an ossifying fibroma classification is rhabdomyosarcoma
The fibro-osseous lesions have long been entity. An additional paragraph noted its defined by TFCP2 rearrangement
an area of diagnostic difficulty, caused odontogenic nature in the benign { 29758589 }. This rhabdomyosarcoma
primarily by the fact that it has been mesenchymal odontogenic tumours. In the has a predilection for craniofacial bones. Its
considered impossible to differentiate them current classification, changes to the variable morphology includes epithelioid
on histological grounds alone. The current definition of entity and subtype have and spindle cells with a confusing
classification attempts to differentiate these abolished the category of ossifying immunoprofile of positive reaction for
lesions more clearly, but it must be fibroma, making it necessary for cemento- cytokeratins, sometimes p63 and ALK
appreciated that the clinical presentation, ossifying fibroma to take its place in the together with desmin, myogenin and
radiographic appearance and growth benign mesenchymal odontogenic tumour MyoD1 and occasionally S100. Though the
pattern are essential factors in diagnosis. section. appearances are suggestive in routine
Molecular analysis of the fibro-osseous Early molecular evidence suggests that stains, it is recommended that the
lesions is in its early stages and does not cemento-ossifying fibromas are diagnosis is confirmed by molecular
yet define any entity. This classification heterogeneous { 34173971 ; 34188021 } methods as this entity may be easily
introduces the subtype of familial florid making it possible that reclassification may confused with completely unrelated
cemento-osseous dysplasia based on its be required in future. Lesions resembling malignant neoplasms.
earlier age of onset and frequency of cemento-ossifying fibroma can arise from a
Radicular Cyst
Definition There may be a history of dental pain or with a characteristic arcading pattern.
Radicular cyst (RC) is an inflammatory abscess. Hyaline (Rushton) bodies, mucous (goblet)
odontogenic cyst associated with the root cells or small areas of keratinization are not
of a non-vital tooth Imaging: RC form a round or oval, well- uncommon { 27957265 ; 25859536 }. The
demarcated, corticated radiolucency, wall is composed of inflamed fibrous tissue,
ICD-O coding usually 10-20 mm diameter, occasionally often with foamy histiocytes. Deposits of
None larger. Residual cysts are found at a site of cholesterol crystals (clefts) with foreign
previous tooth extraction. body giant cells are often seen and may
ICD-11 coding form luminal nodules. Residual, and long-
DA09.8 Radicular cyst Epidemiology standing cysts are less inflamed and have
RC is the most common jaw cyst, a more regular thin epithelium.
Related terminology accounting for about 60% of all
Acceptable: periapical cyst; apical cyst odontogenic cysts. There is a peak Cytology
Not recommended: (Apical) periodontal incidence in the 4th and 5th decades and a Smears of aspirated cysts may show
cyst; inflammatory dental cyst; dental cyst slight male predilection squamous cells but more commonly show
{ 16918602 ; 21850702 }. degenerative cyst fluid with cholesterol
Subtype(s) clefts and debris.
Residual cyst (residual radicular cyst) is a Etiology
RC that is retained in the jaw after removal Caused by chronic inflammation at the Diagnostic molecular pathology
of the causative tooth. apex of a non-vital tooth, following pulp Not clinically relevant
necrosis, usually due to dental caries.
Localization Essential and desirable diagnostic
RC are located at the apex of a tooth root, Pathogenesis criteria
or on the lateral aspect of the Inflammation stimulates cell rests of Essential: Non-vital tooth; cyst lined by
root associated with a lateral root canal. Malassez to proliferate and form a cystic non-keratinising epithelium.
The most common site is the anterior cavity that enlarges as a result of osmotic
maxilla, where 40-50% arise, followed by pressure, causing peripheral bone Staging
the lower molar resorption. Not relevant
area { 16918602 ; 21850702 }.
Macroscopic appearance Prognosis and prediction
Clinical features Usually a sac-like cystic mass. Extraction of the causative tooth or root
RC are always associated with a non-vital canal treatment remove the cause and
tooth. Patients may complain of swelling, Histopathology enucleation of the cyst is rarely followed by
but RC are often symptomless and found RC is lined by non-keratinized stratified recurrence { 17931389 }. Residual cyst
incidentally on radiological investigation. squamous epithelium, that is proliferative may follow extraction alone.
Inflammatory Collateral Cysts
If removed intact, the cyst appears as a
Definition Imaging: ICC appear as corticated sac-like mass attached to the buccal or
Inflammatory collateral cysts (ICC) are radiolucencies overlying the buccal or distobuccal aspect of the coronal one third
inflammatory cysts on the buccal or distobuccal aspect of the tooth. The lamina of the tooth root
distobuccal aspect of the roots of partially dura is intact, and the follicular space Histopathology
or recently erupted teeth. surrounding a partially erupted tooth is Indistinguishable from radicular cyst. An
ICD-O coding normal { 12180213 }. inflamed wall lined by hyperplastic non-
None MBBC may extend to the lower border of keratinised epithelium. Cholesterol
ICD-11 coding the mandible { 15128056 }, and often show deposition and foamy histiocytes are
DA05.Y Other specified cysts of oral or a periosteal reaction with laminated new common. The cyst may be open and
facial-neck region bone formation continuous with the pericoronal or gingival
Related terminology Epidemiology tissues.
Acceptable: mandibular infected buccal ICC comprise about 5% of odontogenic Cytology
cyst; inflammatory paradental cyst cysts and are more common (70%) in Not relevant
Subtype(s) males. The average age is 30 years for PC Diagnostic molecular pathology
Paradental cyst (PC); Mandibular buccal and 9 years (first molar) or 17 years Not relevant
bifurcation cyst (MBBC) (second molar) for MBBC Essential and desirable diagnostic
Localization { 1065342 ; 15128056 }. criteria
PC comprise 60% of all ICC and are found Etiology Essential: associated with partially or
on the distobuccal aspect of mandibular Inflammation in the pericoronal tissues. recently erupted vital tooth; radiolucency
third molars. MBBC (35%) are found on the Cyst formation may be exacerbated by distinct from dental follicle; intact lamina
buccal aspect of mandibular first or second food impaction or by an enamel projection dura; non keratinised epithelium
molars and are often bilateral (up to 25%). on the buccal aspect of the tooth Staging
Rare cases of ICC (4%) arise at other sites { 1065342 ; 12180213 }. Not relevant
{ 15128056 ; 2760852 }. Pathogenesis Prognosis and prediction
Clinical features ICC are “pocket” cysts caused by dilation Cysts are enucleated. Third molars
PC are associated with chronic of the pericoronal tissues and lined by associated with PC are removed. Molars
pericoronitis but are often symptomless at sulcular or junctional epithelium derived associated with MBBC can be conserved
presentation. MBBC may be infected with from the reduced enamel and usually erupt normally.
pain, tenderness and suppuration. The epithelium { 1065342 ; 26116019 }.
tooth is vital and often tilted buccally with Macroscopic appearance
deep periodontal pockets.
Surgical Ciliated Cyst
least partially surrounded by a corticated mucous secretion. In this respect some
Definition margin. Occasional large lesions in the regard the lesion as a type of mucous
Surgical ciliated cyst is a benign cyst maxilla may fill the sinus or be multilocular retention cyst { 3466125 }.
caused by the traumatic implantation, { 3466125 ; 6936541 }. Macroscopic appearance
usually surgical, of respiratory epithelium in Epidemiology Lesions are often fragmented, but show a
the gnathic bones. Surgical ciliated cysts are rare cyst wall of variable thickness. The lumen
ICD-O coding { 27478654 ; 31093791 }. There is no may contain mucinous material.
None gender predilection and the most common Histopathology
ICD-11 coding age range is the 5th to 6th decades. The cyst is lined by pseudostratified ciliated
DA05.Y Other specified cysts of oral or Etiology columnar (respiratory-type) epithelium.
facial-neck region Cysts develop from entrapped sinus or Areas of squamous metaplasia or simple
Related terminology nasal mucosa in the jaw bones following cuboidal cells may be seen { 3125266 }.
Acceptable: surgical ciliated cyst of the trauma or surgery. These inciting factors Mucous (goblet) cells are common. The
maxilla; postoperative maxillary cyst (if include, but are not limited to Caldwell-Luc cyst wall is composed of loose fibrous
maxillary location); (Respiratory) or Le Fort I procedures, sinus surgery, connective tissue, which may be inflamed.
implantation cyst maxillary fracture, midface osteotomy Areas of subepithelial fibrosis or
Subtype(s) or traumatic tooth extraction hyalinisation are frequent
None { 11887151 ; 15953915 ; 25109584 }. Ma { 3143772 ; 3466125 }.
Localization ndibular cases are generally caused by Cytology
The gnathic bones, most common in implantation of sinus epithelium by Not relevant
posterior maxilla { 6936541 ; 12524623 }. contaminated instruments, or, transfer of Diagnostic molecular pathology
Very rare in the mandible. epithelium with Not relevant
Clinical features autologous nasal osteocartilagenous Essential and desirable diagnostic
Surgical ciliated cysts may be grafts for chin augmentation criteria
asymptomatic or present with swelling, { 11887151 ; 15953915 ; 25109584 ; 330 Essential: a history of previous surgery;
pain or tenderness 96262 }.The cyst usually develops after a radiolucent well demarcated cyst;
{ 3143772 ; 27478654 }. long latent period, the reported delay being respiratory epithelial lining
up to 20 years after the causative surgery Staging
Imaging: Radiographs show a well- { 27478654 }. Not relevant
demarcated unilocular radiolucency of the Pathogenesis Prognosis and prediction
jaws. Approximately 60% of cases are at It is thought that the implanted epithelium Treatment is simple enucleation and
forms a cyst cavity due to persistent recurrences are rare.
Nasopalatine Duct Cyst
Definition there are other reasons for loss of vitality, About 90% of NDCs are lined by non-
Nasopalatine duct cyst (NDC) is a adjacent teeth are vital with intact lamina keratinised stratified squamous epithelium,
developmental non-odontogenic cyst dura. Radiographic superimposition of the with focal cuboidal, columnar, or
arising in the incisive canal. anterior nasal spine often produces ciliated areas. About half contain
a characteristic heart or pear shape respiratory epithelium, but less
ICD-O coding radiolucency in occlusal view. Diagnosis than 10% are lined entirely by it
None requires a size greater than 6mm, the { 1995816 ; 29248496 }. Cysts with
diameter of the normal incisive canal respiratory-type epithelium tend to be more
ICD-11 coding { 1995816 }, slightly more in older patients superiorly placed in the incisive canal
DA05.1 Developmental nonodontogenic { 31640721 }. { 18587308 }. The cyst wall contains
cysts of oral region prominent neurovascular bundles and
Epidemiology occasionally mucous glands or cartilage.
Related terminology Fewer than 5% of all cysts of the jaws are
Acceptable: Incisive canal cyst NDC, but it accounts for as many as 80% Cytology
of all non-odontogenic cysts Smears of aspirated cysts show
Subtype(s) { 8170660 ; 16827841 }. It occurs most degenerative cyst fluid with debris and
None frequently in patients aged 30–60 years, macrophages some of which contain
with a male-to-female ratio of about 3:1 hemosiderin. Epithelium is absent or
{ 29248496 }. scant.However these findings are non-
NDCs present in the midline of the anterior
hard palate. Etiology
NDC is categorised as a developmental Diagnostic molecular pathology
Clinical features
cyst and arises from respiratory and Not relevant
Most NDCs present as sessile swellings
squamous epithelial vestigial remnants of
posterior to the maxillary incisors or may be Essential and desirable diagnostic
an embryonic nasopalatine duct present in
entirely asymptomatic. More deeply sited criteria
some individuals { 27860365 }.
cysts present as a swelling on the labial Essential: epicentre at incisive canal; lining
alveolus or bulging into the nasal floor Pathogenesis of non-keratinised squamous or respiratory
{ 23285406 ; 29248496 }. Rarely, a NDC In one third of cases, inflammation from epithelium.
will develop within the soft tissue of the non-vital teeth or periodontal ligament may Desirable: neurovascular bundle in the cyst
incisive papilla. Typical diameter is 10 - 20 be a factor by stimulating the epithelial wall.
mm but they may reach several remnants to
centimetres proliferate { 18587308 ; 25579059 }. Staging
{ 1995816 ; 18587308 ; 25579059 }. Not relevant
Macroscopic appearance
Imaging: Radiology shows a corticated, Fibrous curettings and cyst lining Prognosis and prediction
symmetrical radiolucency in the anterior NDCs do not normally recur after
hard palate between the roots of the Histopathology enucleation
incisors, which may be displaced. Unless
Gingival Cysts
Definition circumscribed nodule of the attached without rete ridges. Plaque-like thickenings
Gingival cysts are developmental gingivae, sometimes with a bluish-grey that protrude into the lumen or the
odontogenic cysts arising in attached translucent appearance. Radiographs are connective tissue wall and clear cells are
gingiva or alveolar ridge mucoperiosteum not helpful to detect GCA, despite usually present. The connective tissue wall
of adults or infants. occasional superficial erosion of the may contain islands of epithelium
underlying alveolar bone. Gingival cysts of resembling the epithelial plaques. GCIs are
ICD-O coding the infant (GCI) present as small (< 2 mm) rarely biopsied but are lined by thin
None white nodules on the alveolar mucosa and keratinized epithelium that may have a
are often multiple { 14155470 }. connection to the surface epithelium.
ICD-11 coding
DA05.0 Developmental odontogenic cysts Epidemiology Cytology
GCA accounts for less than 0.5% of Not relevant
Related terminology odontogenic cysts { 30758760 }. The
Acceptable: Gingival cyst of the newborn; majority of the patients are in the fifth and Diagnostic molecular pathology
Bohn's nodules (in infants) sixth decades of life Not relevant
Not recommended:Bohn’s nodules, { 12146543 ; 29156092 ; 30758760 }. GCI
Alveolar cyst is found in as many as 90% of neonates, Essential and desirable diagnostic
but is rare after the age of 3 months criteria
Subtype(s) { 6679627 }. Essential:
None Gingival cysts of adults: site in attached
Etiology gingiva; thin epithelial lining
Localization Unknown Gingival cysts of infants: site in alveolar
In adults, most cysts arise in the gingiva of ridge; patient age less than 3 months
the mandibular premolar/canine region Pathogenesis
{ 26233969 ; 29156092 } or less frequently Unknown Staging
in anterior maxillary gingiva, almost always None
on the buccal aspect of the alveolus. In Macroscopic appearance
infants, the cysts occur anywhere on the Nodular mucosa with smooth surface, Prognosis and prediction
edentulous alveolar ridge of the mandible whitish or translucent. GCA do not recur after
or maxilla { 6172766 ; 4506677 }. conservative excision
Histopathology { 29156092 }. GCIs rupture or involute
Clinical features GCA is lined by a thin, flat or cuboidal and resolve spontaneously.
Gingival cyst of the adult (GCA) usually squamous epithelium 1-3 cells thick
forms a single, painless, well-

Dentigerous Cyst
Definition Subtype(s) a child, usually a deciduous first molar
A developmental odontogenic cyst of the Eruption cyst { 28160586 }.
jaws surrounding the crown of an Localization Clinical features
unerupted tooth, the lining attached to the Dentigerous cysts develop most frequently Most dentigerous cyst are small and
cementoenamel junction. on third molars and maxillary canines, but asymptomatic and discovered on routine
ICD-O coding any unerupted tooth or odontoma may be dental radiographs or when investigating
None affected the failure of a tooth to erupt. Larger cysts
ICD-11 coding { 23278191 ; 28153133 ; 30175860 ; 3185 cause expansion of the jaw and may reach
DA05.0 Developmental odontogenic cysts 8303 }. An eruption cyst is a superficial several centimetres in diameter. Infection,
Related terminology dentigerous cyst over an erupting tooth in generally associated with oral
Acceptable: Follicular cyst
communication, may result in symptoms of between reduced enamel epithelium and Differential Diagnosis: Inflamed
pain and swelling. the crown of a tooth dentigerous cysts show hyperplasia and
{ 28060370 ; 28153133 ; 30175860 }. thickening of the lining epithelium and often
Imaging: Radiographically, the cyst forms a Pathogenesis foamy macrophages and cholesterol clefts
well-defined, unilocular radiolucency with a Unknown. Dentigerous cyst does not associated with foreign body giant cells
corticated border. Large cysts may appear harbour the BRAF p.V600E mutations { 23278191 ; 30175860 }, and come to
pseudolocular, expand the jaw or displace found in ameloblastomas resemble radicular cysts
or resorb adjacent teeth. The cyst is { 27084044 ; 33443847 }. histopathologically.
closely associated with the crown of an Macroscopic appearance Cytology
unerupted tooth and appears to Fibrous, tan, friable cyst wall and extracted Not clinically relevant
originate from its cemento- tooth. While the relationship to tooth is Diagnostic molecular pathology
enamel junction, though the cyst may usually lost with extraction of the None
surround the tooth crown, lie lateral to it or associated tooth, adherent tags of cyst Essential and desirable diagnostic
surround parts of the root in lining often remain at the cemento-enamel criteria
addition, depending on direction of junction. Essential: well-defined radiolucency
enlargement { 23278191 ; 28153133 ; 30 Histopathology associated with the crown of an unerupted
175860 ; 31858303 ; 33881736 } The dentigerous cyst has a thin, non- tooth; epithelium and cyst wall attached to
Epidemiology keratinized stratified squamous epithelial the cementoenamel junction of unerupted
The most common developmental cyst of lining, often bilaminar in areas. Cuboidal, tooth
the jaws, representing about 25% of all jaw columnar and ciliated cells may be present, Staging
cysts. The age range is broad (5-83 years) as can mucous or sebaceous metaplasia None
with a peak incidence in the second and { 16050487 ; 23278191 ; 28060370 }. Prognosis and prediction
third decade. There is a gender Hyaline (Rushton) bodies and focal Dentigerous cyst does not recur after
predilection with men affected 1.7 times keratinisation may also occur enucleation and removal of the associated
more frequently than women { 25210349 ; 25859536 }. When not unerupted tooth. Decompression prior to
{ 23278191 ; 28153133 ; 30175860 ; 3185 inflammed, the cyst wall is composed of enucleation may be indicated for large
8303 }. loose, often myxoid, fibrous connective lesions { 28579245 }.
Etiology tissue and may contain occasional
A developmental cyst, the dentigerous odontogenic epithelial rests { 23278191 }.
cyst, develops by the accumulation of fluid

Orthokeratinized Odontogenic Cyst

Definition DA05.0 Developmental odontogenic cysts Most OOC (80%) are found in the mandible
Orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst (OOC) and 65% in the angle/ramus region
is a developmental cyst lined by { 6166916 ; 20121617 ; 21062939 }.
orthokeratinized stratified squamous Related terminology
epithelium Not recommended: Orthokeratinized Clinical features
variant of odontogenic keratocyst OOC usually presents as a painless
ICD-O coding swelling { 20121617 ; 21062939 } but
None Subtype(s) many are incidental findings during
None radiographic examination. Rare cases of
ICD-11 coding multiple or bilateral OOC have been
Localization reported, but there is no evidence of any
association with the naevoid basal cell Pathogenesis lining { 18022486 }. Microcysts may be
carcinoma (Gorlin) syndrome OOC is a developmental cyst that most seen in the wall in 5% of
{ 24737103 ; 31119532 }. likely arises from remnants of dental lamina cases { 6166916 ; 9568510 }.
{ 9568510 }.
Imaging: OOC are well-demarcated, Cytology
spherical unilocular radiolucent lesions, Macroscopic appearance Examination of an aspirate may show
often with a corticated margin. Occasional The pathologist usually receives multiple lamellae and fragments of orthokeratin.
cases (less than 10%) are fragments of cyst wall. The contents are
multilocular { 21062939 }. Up to 70% of all cream or yellow coloured with a cheesy or Diagnostic molecular pathology
lesions are associated with an impacted buttery texture. Not relevant
tooth, with a radiological similarity to
dentigerous cyst{ 20121617 }. Histopathology Essential and desirable diagnostic
OOC is lined by thin regular criteria
Epidemiology orthokeratinized stratified squamous Essential: site tooth bearing areas of jaw;
OOC is rare and comprises about 1% or epithelium with a prominent granular cell thin, regular epithelial lining with
less of odontogenic cysts layer and inconspicuous or low cuboidal orthokeratinization
{ 32868122 ; 30758760 }, arising over a basal cells. It is heavily keratinized, often Desirable: prominent granular cell layer.
wide age range with an average of about with lamellae of keratin filling the lumen. Flat basal cells
35 years and a peak in the third and fourth The wall is fibrous and may show areas of
decades. About 65% occur in males inflammation. There may be Staging
{ 6166916 ; 20121617 ; 21062939 }. parakeratinized or non-keratinized areas, Not relevant
but these form a small part of the lining and
Etiology are often associated with Prognosis and prediction
Unknown inflammation { 6166916 }. Rare examples Recurrence is rare (less than 5%) following
include sebaceous glands in the enucleation { 21062939 }.

Lateral Periodontal Cyst and Botryoid Odontogenic Cyst

Definition Imaging: LPC is a well demarcated, often Histopathology
Lateral periodontal cyst (LPC) is a corticated unilocular radiolucency closely LPC has an uninflamed fibrous wall lined
developmental odontogenic cyst lined by related to the lateral surface of the root of by a thin, non-keratinized squamous or
non-keratinized epithelium with an erupted tooth { 6935584 }. Cortical bone cuboidal epithelium 1-3 cells thick. Focal,
characteristic thickenings. expansion and perforation may be evident whorled, plaque-like epithelial thickenings
Botryoid odontogenic cyst (BOC) is a less on cone beam imaging in half of are present, identical to those found less
common multilocular subtype of LPC. cases. Tooth roots are almost never frequently in gingival cyst of the adult.
ICD-O coding resorbed. Most lesions are smaller than 10 Clear cells are often found in the
None mm in size. BOC has a multilocular thickenings { 28153133 }. BOC is
ICD-11 coding appearance. multilocular with the same appearances
DA05.0 Developmental odontogenic cysts Epidemiology { 20952285 }.
Related terminology LPCs and BOCs are rare, accounting for Cytology
None less than 1% of odontogenic cysts Not relevant
Subtype(s) { 1501155 ; 30758760 }. The majority Diagnostic molecular pathology
Botryoid odontogenic cyst (BOC) present in the fifth to seventh decades of Not relevant
Localization life { 29156092 } with a male Essential and desirable diagnostic
LPC and BOC arise mainly in the preponderance { 29156092 }. criteria
mandibular canine‐premolar alveolar Etiology Essential: site on the lateral aspect or
bone, accounting for 70% and 85% Unknown between the roots of vital erupted teeth;
respectively, most of the remainder arise in Pathogenesis characteristic whorled epithelial plaques;
the maxilla { 26233969 ; 29156092 }. LPC and BOC are developmental and multilocular (BOC only).
Multifocal occurrence has been reported. thought to arise from odontogenic epithelial Staging
Clinical features rests of dental lamina, reduced enamel None
LPC and BOC are asymptomatic in almost epithelium or rests of Malassez. Prognosis and prediction
90% of the cases and usually identified Macroscopic appearance Recurrence of LPC is exceedingly rare
incidentally on radiographs. They cause Intact LPC presents as a small, tan, soft after enucleation. BOC recurs after
buccal alveolar bone expansion in 50% of tissue cystic sac containing clear fluid. enucleation in almost 22% of cases and
cases { 29156092 }. BOC is multilocular. The luminal surface of additional treatment may be indicated for
both may show focal thickenings recurrent BOC { 29156092 }.
{ 28153133 }.
Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst
Definition extraosseous with a predilection for the COC has mutations in CTNNB1, which
Calcifying odontogenic cyst (COC) is a anterior mandibular gingiva { 27669959 }. encodes β catenin, shared
developmental odontogenic cyst Clinical features with adamantinomatous
characterized histologically by ghost cells, Most patients are asymptomatic, though craniopharyngioma and pilomatrixoma
which often calcify. intrabony lesions typically cause cortical { 10192393 ; 27158066 ; 30598409 } and
ICD-O coding expansion. Extraosseous lesions present implicating the Wnt pathway
None as submucosal swellings { 14578169 ; 28658279 }. No other
ICD-11 coding { 29738629 ; 33591801 }. pathogenic mutations in other oncogenes
DA05.0 & XH3R33 Developmental or tumor suppressor genes were detected
odontogenic cysts & Calcifying Imaging: COCs generally form well- in a 50 gene panel { 27158066 }. Wnt is
odontogenic cyst defined unilocular lesions, about a third also involved in odontomas, with which
Related terminology uniformly radiolucent and the remainder a COC is often associated. It is not yet known
Acceptable: calcifying cystic odontogenic mixed radiolucency. Cortical expansion is whether the mutations cause a replication
tumor, gorlin cyst common { 29738629 ; 33591801 }. error phenotype.
Subtype(s) Epidemiology Macroscopic appearance
None COC shows a worldwide distribution Cystic cavity architecturally unless the cyst
Localization { 29738629 } but is rare, accounting for is curetted.
COC usually arise in the tooth bearing less than 1% of odontogenic cysts Histopathology
segments of the jaws, almost equally in the { 16918602 }. There is no gender Unilocular cyst with a stratified epithelial
maxilla and mandible. In the maxilla there predilection and peak incidence in the lining of varying thickness, often loose
is a strong predilection for the anterior second and third decades. resembling stellate reticulum and with
segments while mandibular lesions are Etiology palisaded and hyperchromatic columnar
more evenly distributed Unknown ameloblast-like basal cells. Cysts may
{ 2005490 ; 18221328 ; 29738629 }. Pathogenesis show intraluminal and/or mural epithelial
Approximately 10% of cases are proliferation producing ameloblastoma-like
areas. Ghost cells are characteristic, characteristic, ghost cells form in other Essential and desirable diagnostic
rounded or stacked flattened odontogenic tumours and do not alone criteria
pale eosinophilic cells within the epithelium justify a diagnosis of COC. COCs can Essential: cystic architecture; numerous
with distinct outlines and occur with odontomas or other mixed ghost cells
karyolysis resulting in a 'ghost like odontogenic tumours { 15472661 }. Desirable: palisaded hyperchromatic basal
appearance'. These are variable in cells; dentinoid
morphology and number, and often calcify. Differential Diagnosis: Includes Staging
Masses of ghost cells often pass into the dentinogenic ghost cell tumour None
connective tissue of the cyst wall, eliciting { 27669959 } and ghost cell odontogenic Prognosis and prediction
a foreign body reaction and inducing carcinoma. COCs are treated by conservative surgical
dentinoid (dentine-like matrix or Cytology removal, enucleation and/or curettage. A
mineralised tissue without tubular Not clinically relevant systematic review reported an 8%
structure) Diagnostic molecular pathology recurrence rate { 29738629 }.
{ 2005490 ; 18221328 }. Though Not clinically relevant

Glandular Odontogenic Cyst

Definition reach a large size and cross the midline in lateral periodontal cyst. Cuboidal or low
Glandular odontogenic cyst (GOC) is a the mandible { 12775659 ; 28744957 }. columnar cells on the luminal surface
developmental cyst in which the epithelial (“hobnail” cells) are found in all cases.
lining resembles glandular tissue. Epidemiology Other typical features include intraepithelial
GOC comprise less than 0.5% of microcysts, apocrine metaplasia, clear
ICD-O coding odontogenic cysts { 16918602 }. There is cells, papillary projections (tufting), cilia
None no gender predilection. The average age at and mucous cells
presentation is about 50 years with a peak { 16043383 ; 21915706 ; 28744957 }. Not
ICD-11 coding in the 5th to 7th decades { 28744957 }. all features are present in every case and
DA05.0 Developmental odontogenic cysts a higher number of features allows more
Etiology confident diagnosis { 21915706 }.
Related terminology Unknown
Not recommended: sialo-odontogenic cyst; Differential Diagnosis: GOC may show
mucoepidermoid odontogenic cyst Pathogenesis similar features to central mucoepidermoid
GOC is a developmental cyst thought to carcinoma (CMEC) and this must be
Subtype(s) arise from cell rests of the dental considered in the differential
None lamina. No pathogenic mutations were diagnosis { 21915706 ; 18248589 }.
detected in a panel of 50 oncogenes and
Localization tumour suppressor genes screened by Cytology
GOC arises in tooth-bearing areas of the next-generation sequencing { 28866361 }. Not clinically relevant
jaws, about 75% of cases in the mandible.
Mandibular and maxillary lesions have a Macroscopic appearance Diagnostic molecular pathology
propensity for the anterior regions. Often multicystic or lobular. The cyst wall GOC is generally considered to be
may have thickenings or papillary negative for MAML2 gene rearrangements
Clinical features projections. { 24647913 }. However, recent studies
GOC usually presents as a slowly
have shown rearrangements in lesions that
expanding painless swelling. Histopathology meet the histological criteria for GOC.
GOC are often multilocular cysts and are These lesions may have been CMEC at the
Imaging: GOC are well-defined corticated lined by epithelium of variable thickness outset, but it raises the possibility that
unilocular or multilocular radiolucencies. from a thin layer of flattened squamous or some CMEC might develop from a pre-
Tooth displacement or root resorption is cuboidal cells to stratified squamous existing GOC and MAML2 rearrangement
seen in up to 25% of cases. Lesions may epithelium, often with whorled epithelial studies must be interpreted with
thickenings, or plaques similar to those in caution { 29121421 }.
Essential and desirable diagnostic - lining of variable thickness with epithelial Staging
criteria thickenings, plaques or papillary None
Essential: projections;
- Radiolucent cystic lesion of tooth-bearing - luminal columnar or cuboidal ("hobnail") Prognosis and prediction
area of the jaw; cells; GOCs, especially large and multilocular
- Often multilocular - microcysts or duct-like structures; lesions, recur after enucleation in about
- mucous or clear cells. 22% of cases { 15789313 ; 28744957 }.

Odontogenic Keratocyst
Definition often results from mutation of the PTCH1 OKCs arise from remnants of the dental
The odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) is a gene. Syndromic OKCs are typically lamina. The most notable molecular finding
developmental odontogenic cyst that is multiple and occur in younger patients in OKCs are frequent mutations of the
characterized histologically by a thin { 2442330 }. Occasionally OKCs can tumour suppressor gene PTCH1(9q22.3-
parakeratinzed stratified squamous arise extraosseously in the gingiva where q31), in syndromic and up to 80% of
epithelial lining with palisaded and they can be distinguished from gingival sporadic
hyperchromatic basal cells and clinically by cysts because of their distinct histologic OKCs { 8528259 ; 21270459 ; 31162759 }
a tendency to recur after treatment. features { 18812605 }. . A next generation sequencing panel for
ICD-O coding the members of the sonic hedgehog
None Imaging: OKCs form well-circumscribed pathway reported an inactivating mutation
ICD-11 coding radiolucencies with just over half showing rate of 93% with biallelic inactivation in
DA05.0 Developmental odontogenic cysts cortication in the border. Approximately 80% { 25458233 }. Other genetic
Related terminology three quarters are unilocular and one alterations including mutations
Acceptable: keratocystic odontogenic quarter multilocular. Most show at least in PTCH2, NUFU and BRAF p.V600E
tumour some cortical expansion have also been reported, but at a much
Subtype(s) radiographically but tend to grow anteriorly lower frequency and not always confirmed
None and posteriorly initially, producing only { 25458233 ; 31987674 ; 29272070 } and
Localization minor expansion for their total length. Root sequencing showed no pathogenic
OKCs are unique to the jaws with a resorption is occasionally observed. changes in commonly mutated oncogenes
mandible:maxilla incidence ratio of 4:1. Approximately 35% are associated with and tumor suppressor genes { 29272070 }.
There is a strong predilection for the unerupted teeth { 21159911 }. These findings
posterior mandible and ramus Epidemiology indicate constitutive activation of SHH
{ 1065842 ; 16918602 ; 21159911 }. OKCs are the third most commonly signaling plays a major role in OKC
Clinical features diagnosed odontogenic cyst and they have pathogenesis, raising the possibility
Most patients are asymptomatic and just a worldwide distribution { 21159911 }. They of treatment with small molecule inhibitors
under half have detectable swelling. occur in all ages but show a strong peak in of SHH signalling { 30610186 }. The
OKCs' insidious growth pattern produces the second or third decade and a second possible role of fibroblasts in OKC fibrous
large cysts at diagnosis with significant smaller peak in the elderly. There is a slight capsules in promoting or regulating cyst
bony destruction but minimal bone male predominance growth via interaction with epithelial cells
expansion { 1065842 ; 11068078 ; 16918602 ; 21159 has also been reported
{ 1065842 ; 11068078 ; 16918602 ; 2115 911 ; 21850702 }. { 24972872 ; 24581331 }.
9911 ; 21850702 }. Pathologic fracture is Etiology Macroscopic appearance
often a risk. OKCs are a component of the Unknown OKCs are architecturally cystic unless
nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome Pathogenesis submitted as multiple smaller curetted
which is autosomal dominant and most
fragments. The lumen may contain syndromic OKCs { 2441019 }. OKCs have possible malignant neoplasms that may
yellowish-white thick keratin. an increased proliferative capacity as mimic OKCs.
Histopathology evidenced by increased mitoses and other Essential and desirable diagnostic
The histological features of OKC are indices of cell proliferation { 32733563 }. A criteria
diagnostic, unlike commoner odontogenic controversial “solid” variant of OKC has Essential: site in jaws; stratified squamous
cysts. The cyst is lined by a thin stratified been reported but care must be taken to epithelial lining with surface
squamous epithelium approximately 4-8 distinguish this from keratin-producing parakeratin; palisaded hyperchromatic
cells thick, typically without rete ridges. The ameloblastoma and well differentiated basal cells.
surface typically shows corrugation with squamous cell carcinoma { 14720200 }. Staging
parakeratin; a small proportion shows focal Odontogenic carcinoma can arise rarely None
orthokeratosis. The characteristic basal from the epithelial lining of OKCs and this Prognosis and prediction
cells are hyperchromatic, palisaded, and should be considered if solid areas have OKCs have a risk of recurrence following
range from cuboidal to columnar with some developed. OKC treated by traditional enucleation, between 20-30%
limited reverse nuclear polarity but rarely decompression before enucleation though a wide range is reported
subnuclear vacuolization. Cysts are usually develop metaplastic changes and lose { 11077375 ; 29264656 ; 30795995 }. Thi
uninflamed but when they are secondarily their unique diagnostic features s risk can be much reduced by more
inflamed the inflammatory reaction induces { 12796876 }. aggressive or adjunctive treatment
metaplastic change in the epithelium and Cytology including curettage, resection, peripheral
these characteristic features are lost. Non- Smears show polygonal anucleate ostectomy, cryotherapy or chemical
specific changes can be seen including squamous cells with well defined cautery of the cavity, and excision of the
cholesterol deposition, Rushton bodies, cytoplasmic margins, squamous cells with overlying mucosa. Prior to definitive
mucous or sebaceous cells and even pyknotic nuclei and fragments of cystectomy, many cysts are
cartilage in the wall of the cyst keratinous debris that may appear lamellar decompressed/marsupialized. This has led
{ 264648 ; 11598579 }. Some OKCs { 31951108 ; 31110417 ; 24648668 }. to a significantly diminished recurrence
display basal budding with small rounded Diagnostic molecular pathology rate { 29264656 ; 26003518 }. Recurrence
rete ridges. Many also have remnants of Molecular analysis is not normally required rates are comparable for syndromic and
dental lamina and microcysts in their walls but finding PTCH1 mutations may help in nonsyndromic OKCs { 20115971 }.
and this tends to be more prominent in differentiating ambiguous cystic lesions or
Benign epithelial odontogenic tumours
Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumour
Definition displacement and root resorption have structures, which when frequent produce
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour (AOT) is been reported and two-thirds of cases the adenomatoid or gland-like appearance.
a benign encapsulated epithelial exhibit discrete radiopaque foci In some tumours, the duct-like spaces can
odontogenic tumour that contains rosette { 17617830 ; 18088735 ; 30256456 ; 3268 be inconspicuous. Between the epithelial
or duct-like structures and has an indolent 0811 }. The peripheral variant may cause cells and in the center of the rosette-like
behaviour. superficial erosion of the underlying structures, eosinophilic amorphous
alveolar bone. secretory material similar to enamel matrix
ICD-O coding is present { 18088735 }. Anastomosing
9300/0 Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour Epidemiology strands of epithelial cells in a plexiform
AOT accounts for less than 10% of pattern are often present and more
ICD-11 coding odontogenic tumours. Two-thirds of cases prominent at the periphery. Small foci of
2E83.0 & XH2SD0 Benign osteogenic occur in females. Although AOTs have calcification, dentinoid matrix and
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of been reported over a wide age range, more hemorrhage are variably seen
skull or face & Adenomatoid odontogenic than 80% are diagnosed in the second and { 18088735 ; 32680811 }. AOTs may
tumour third decades contain cysts lined by nonkeratinizing
2E83.1 & XH2SD0 Benign osteogenic { 17617830 ; 18088735 ; 30256456 }. stratified epithelium, resembling a
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of dentigerous cyst when AOT develops in a
lower jaw & Adenomatoid odontogenic Etiology dental follicle { 32680811 }.
tumour Unknown. Multiple AOTs can occur in
patients with Schimmelpenning syndrome Differential Diagnosis: AOT-like areas have
Related terminology (OMIM#163200) { 17366580 ; 31402313 }, been recognized within other odontogenic
None caused by postzygotic RAS mutations tumours, including odontomas,
{ 22683711 }. adenomatoid odontogenic hamartoma,
adenomatoid dentinoma, and adenoid
None Pathogenesis ameloblastoma
KRAS p.G12V and p.G12R mutations are { 9768421 ; 16476044 ; 26297394 } and
Localization detected in approximately 70% of sporadic
AOT appears almost exclusively within the AOT may contain areas resembling
AOT and are independent of the calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour
jawbones with two-thirds of cases in the clinicopathological features
maxilla, most commonly in the anterior with clear cells { 15695124 }. These
{ 26979257 ; 30643167 }. MAPK pathway histological overlaps makes radiological
regions.Three quarters of cases are activation occurs in AOT irrespective
associated with an unerupted permanent and clinical correlation essential for
of KRAS mutations definitive diagnosis.
tooth, usually the maxillary canine, and { 30294831 ; 30643167 }. Additionally,
expand the follicle. The rarer peripheral copy number loss at 6p15 and 7p15.3 has Cytology
variant occurs mainly in the anterior been detected in one AOT { 26979257 }. Not relevant
maxillary gingiva { 30256456 }. No other mutations in oncogenes or tumour
suppressor genes have been detected in Diagnostic molecular pathology
Clinical features AOTs { 26979257 }. Not relevant
Most cases are asymptomatic and all have
limited growth potential. Large AOTs Macroscopic appearance Essential and desirable diagnostic
present as bony-hard swellings with Most AOTs are smooth, rounded, criteria
cortical expansion but not perforation. symmetrical masses with a firm Essential: site in alveolar processes of
Peripheral AOTs appear as small gingival consistency{ 19686935 }. On cut surface, jaws; epithelial nodular structure; rosettes
nodules { 18088735 }. the lesions present a brownish or yellowish of spindled to columnar epithelial cells;
colour and range from solid to cystic growth duct-like structures; minimal stroma
Imaging: AOTs arising in a tooth follicle patterns. Follicular AOTs may be removed Desirable: encapsulation; young patient;
form well-defined, unilocular with the affected tooth. association with tooth follicle
radiolucencies around or alongside the
crown of an unerupted tooth, often Histopathology Staging
extending apically past the AOTs are encapsulated and contain None
cementoenamel variably sized nodules of spindle, cuboidal
junction. Extrafollicular AOT appears as a and columnar epithelial odontogenic cells Prognosis and prediction
unilocular radiolucency located between, with minimal stroma{ 19686935 }. Within AOT has almost no risk of recurrence
above or superimposed upon the roots of the nodules are rosette or duct-like following conservative enucleatio
erupted teeth { 19686935 }. Tooth
Squamous Odontogenic Tumour
Definition None Imaging: SOT typically presents as a
Squamous odontogenic tumour (SOT) is a triangular or semicircular unilocular
benign, slow-growing epithelial Subtype(s) radiolucency with well-defined borders
odontogenic tumour with squamous None along one or more tooth roots. Cortication
differentiation. of margins is variable. Root displacement
Localization is common but root resorption is rare.
ICD-O coding SOT affects the tooth-bearing parts of the Cortical bone perforation is seen in less
9312/0 Squamous odontogenic tumour jaws. Most are solitary lesions with a common multilocular and aggressive
predilection for the anterior maxilla and lesions.
ICD-11 coding posterior mandible. Multifocal and
2E83.0 & XH4PV9 Benign osteogenic peripheral SOT have been reported Epidemiology
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of { 2674829 ; 8515987 ; 27632187 }. The mean age at diagnosis is 34.8 years,
skull or face & Squamous odontogenic with an almost equal prevalence in men
tumour Clinical features and women { 29311021 ; 32717216 }.
2E83.1 & XH4PV9 Benign osteogenic SOT usually present as an asymptomatic Multifocal SOT tend to present in a younger
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of swelling, a minority are associated with age group and show marked predilection
lower jaw & Squamous odontogenic pain, tenderness, mobility of teeth or bone for African Americans { 27632187 }.
tumour expansion.
Related terminology
Unknown but a familial incidence has been have a tendency for cystic degeneration, Diagnostic molecular pathology
reported { 2674829 ; 33246182 }. individual cell keratinization, and Not relevant
calcification. Mucous metaplasia,
Pathogenesis sebaceous differentiation and ghost cell- Essential and desirable diagnostic
A role for NOTCH receptors and their like areas may be present as minor criteria
ligands in the cytodifferentiation of SOT is changes { 27632187 ; 32717216 }. SOT Essential: location in tooth bearing areas of
proposed { 20554499 } and mutations in does not exhibit peripheral palisading, jaw; closely packed islands of cytologically
the ameloblastin gene (AMBN) have been reverse nuclear polarity, cellular atypia or bland epithelium; uniform squamous
found { 15288841 }. pleomorphism. differentiation without significant
keratinisation; no peripheral palisading and
Macroscopic appearance Differential Diagnosis: The entities should stellate reticulum
Most SOT are submitted as tan-gray or include acanthomatous and desmoplastic
brown curettings of soft tissue. ameloblastoma, and well-differentiated Staging
squamous cell carcinoma. SOT-like None
Histopathology proliferation of epithelium may develop in
SOT comprises variably sized and shaped the lining of odontogenic cysts and is a Prognosis and prediction
islands of cytologically bland well- close histological mimic of SOT { 285403 }. Unifocal SOT rarely recurs
differentiated squamous epithelium in a after conservative surgery. Multifocal or
fibrous or myxoid stroma. The peripheral Cytology recurring SOT, especially of the maxilla,
cells of the islands are flat to cuboidal with Not clinically relevant may require a more radical approach.
very infrequent mitoses. The central cells

Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumour

Definition Tooth-bearing areas of the jaws, incidence in males and females
Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour approximately 60% in the mandible with a { 28601296 }.
(CEOT) is a benign epithelial odontogenic predilection for the body. Over 85% of The clear cell variant arises in a slightly
tumour characterised by amyloid, which CEOT arise centrally, the remainder at older patient population, with a female
may calcify. adjacent extraosseous sites { 28601296 }. predominance.
ICD-O coding Clinical features Etiology
9340/0 Calcifying epithelial odontogenic Many CEOT are asymptomatic, larger Unknown
tumour examples cause slow growing localised Pathogenesis
ICD-11 coding expansion of the jaw and tooth mobility. Unknown. Mutations in tumour suppressor
2E83.0 & XH4PT4 Benign osteogenic genes PTEN and CDKN2A and
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of Imaging: Radiographically, 75% of oncogenes JAK3 and MET { 29127140 },
skull or face & Calcifying epithelial CEOT have mixed radiodensity, but the and in ameloblastin (AMBN)
odontogenic tumour extent of calcification increases with age. { 19661317 ; 24118390 }
2E83.1 & XH4PT4 Benign osteogenic 30% of CEOT appear multilocular and and PTCH1 { 20371205 } have been
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of around half have cortical perforation. reported in CEOT.
lower jaw & Calcifying epithelial Cortication is variable. About half of cases Macroscopic appearance
odontogenic tumour are associated with an unerupted tooth. On Lesions are solid with variable calcification
Related terminology CT scan, the lesion has diffuse high and, rarely, cystic spaces.
Acceptable: Pindborg tumour attenuation. On MRI scan, the lesion is Histopathology
Subtype(s) hyperintense on T1 weighted images and The histological features are
Clear cell calcifying epithelial odontogenic hypointense in T2 weighted images variable. There are clear cell,
tumour; cystic/microcystic calcifying { 10864713 }. cystic/microcystic and non-
epithelial odontogenic tumour; non- Epidemiology calcifying/Langerhans cell rich histological
calcifying / Langerhans cell–rich calcifying Central lesions occur across a wide age subtypes. Lesions with mixed CEOT and
epithelial odontogenic tumour range (8-83 years) with maximum adenomatoid odontogenic tumour (AOT)
Localization incidence in the 4th decade and equal
features should be classified as CEOT { 29164474 }. The natural history of clinical/site and radiological findings.
AOT subtypes. these variants is not known. { 31951108 }
Most CEOT comprise sheets, cords or The non-calcifying/Langerhans cell-rich Diagnostic molecular pathology
nests of polyhedral epithelial cells with subtype is an area of diagnostic EWSR1/ATF1 gene rearrangements may
distinct cell borders and prominent uncertainty, with morphological and aid differentiation of the clear cell variant of
intercellular bridges. Nuclear molecular features suggesting it is a CEOT from clear cell odontogenic
pleomorphism may be present, and subtype of odontogenic fibroma rather than carcinoma { 23715163 }.
sometimes extreme, but mitoses are very CEOT { 30291007 }. Whilst the lack of Essential and desirable diagnostic
rare. Classical CEOT contain deposits of calcification could reflect relative criteria
amorphous lightly eosinophilic amyloid immaturity of the lesions, this subtype Essential:
composed of ameloblast-associated appears to be distinct, as they often contain Radiology - unilocular (more common) or
proteins including Odontogenic significant numbers of Langerhans cells. multilocular lesion, which may be
Ameloblast-associated protein (ODAM). Some cases have other features of radiolucent or of mixed radiodensity.
This stains with congo red and CEOT focally but the majority consist of Histological features - sheets, islands and
is birefringent on polarization. The amyloid small, scattered islands of epithelium in a cords of polyhedral cells with distinct cell
may calcify forming large masses or collagenous and amyloid-rich background, borders, very few or no mitoses; amyloid
small round concentric densely resembling the amyloid-rich subtype of present.
basophilic calcifications with Liesegang odontogenic fibroma Desirable: prominent intercellular
rings. CEOT may extend into adjacent { 30291007 ; 33737014 }. bridges; nuclear and cellular
medullary spaces in an infiltrative pattern Cytology pleomorphism
worrying for malignancy. Foci resembling Smears are paucicellular with scattered Staging
CEOT may be found in odontomas and the tissue fragments of mildly pleomorphic None
follicles of unerupted teeth. squamous cells with abundant eosinophilic Prognosis and prediction
(Pap stain) amorphous material and often The recurrence rate is about 13% and
Subtypes: The clear cell subtype contains plentiful concentric calcifications in a cystic varies with treatment modality, being much
a variable proportion of cells with PAS- or bloody background higher in those treated by curettage
positive, diastase labile glycogen { 16334032 ; 17017443 }. Nuclear { 28601296 }. No histological parameters
accumulation. Stains for mucins are pleomorphism may result in a misleading predict recurrence. Malignant
negative. Most also contain areas of more suggestion of a malignant neoplasm. The transformation develops rarely
conventional CEOT role of FNAB cytopathology is contentious { 33744097 }. The non-
{ 28601296 ; 32642935 }. Macro- and with some arguing it assists in calcifying/Langerhans cell-rich subtype
microcystic variants have been reported, distinguishing benign from malignant behaves as odontogenic fibroma with
some with areas of focal pseudo glandular lesions and often specific diagnoses in the minimal or no risk of recurrence
change in an otherwise conventional jaw when working in concert with { 30291007 }.
Ameloblastoma, Unicystic
Definition decade { 3150441 ; 29858565 }, slightly Essential and desirable diagnostic
Unicystic ameloblastoma (UAM) is an more frequently in males. criteria
intraosseous ameloblastoma with a single Essential: single cyst; ameloblastoma-like
cyst cavity. Etiology epithelial lining
Unknown Desirable: detection of luminal and mural
ICD-O coding extension for subtype diagnosis
9310/0 Ameloblastoma, unicystic Pathogenesis
UAM is probably caused by dysregulated Staging
ICD-11 coding MAPK signaling pathways, None
2E83.0 & XH1SV4 Benign osteogenic with BRAF p.V600E the most common
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of activating mutation in all subtypes Prognosis and prediction
skull or face & Ameloblastoma, NOS { 27084044 ; 30216733 }. SMO mutation Up to 30% of UAM may recur after
2E83.1 & XH1SV4 Benign osteogenic activating the Hedgehog pathway also enucleation { 16782308 }, as definitive
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of occurs { 30216733 }. diagnosis prior to initial treatment is not
lower jaw & Ameloblastoma, NOS possible. Conservative
Macroscopic appearance marsupialisation followed by enucleation is
Related terminology UAM is a single cyst. Substantial proposed for luminal and intraluminal
None extensions of the lining epithelium may fill UAM but carries risk of recurrence,
the lumen. demanding long-term follow up
Subtype(s) { 12089689 ; 31562035 }.
Luminal; Intra-luminal; Mural Histopathology Mural UAM appears to be intermediate
Single cyst lined by epithelium with between UAM and conventional
Localization palisaded columnar basal layer with ameloblastoma. A diagnosis of mural
Most UAMs develop in the posterior body reverse polarity and stellate reticulum-like UAM might require consideration of more
of mandible and ramus upper layers in most of the lining extensive surgery as for conventional
{ 3150441 ; 9861335 ; 29858565 }. constitutes the luminal subtype. Additional ameloblastoma, depending on size, extent
plexiform epithelial masses may extend of intra-mural proliferation and radiological
Clinical features into the lumen only, constituting the intra- findings { 12089689 ; 33403703 }. Howev
UAM is usually an asymptomatic jaw luminal type. Additional islands of er, accurate diagnosis often only follows
swelling. epithelium extending into the wall definitive removal, allowing a period of
Imaging: Most UAM are unilocular, well- constitute the mural subtype { 9861335 }. follow up to confirm recurrence before
demarcated radiolucencies, often Extensive sampling is required for accurate more aggressive
accompanied by unerupted teeth, definition of subtype. Similar but focal treatment. BRAF p.V600E
frequently mandibular third molars changes may be seen in dentigerous mutation confers a lower rate of recurrence
{ 6587306 ; 9861335 }. Root resorption and radicular cysts, especially in areas of than other MAPK-pathway-related
and cortical bone perforation are often inflammation. mutations
present { 11688034 }.
{ 24993163 ; 29388014 ; 30216733 } and
Cytology may be a better predictor than division into
Epidemiology Not clinically relevant
UAM accounts for 5-22% of all unicystic and conventional
ameloblastomas { 9861335 }. Patients types { 33403703 }. Mutation status of all
Diagnostic molecular pathology
with UAM associated with impacted teeth UAM subtypes is similar. Early data
BRAF p.V600E immunohistochemistry and
have a mean age of 16 years; those without suggests BRAF-targeted therapy is
genetic testing have potential but are not
of 35 years { 9861335 }. Approximately effective in mutation-positive
yet validated for
50% of cases are diagnosed in the second UAM { 34599642 } and
diagnosis { 30216733 ; 33377543 }.
conventional ameloblastoma { 27209484 }.
Ameloblastoma, Extraosseous/Peripheral
Definition 40 ; 29680843 }; the lingual aspect of the Macroscopic appearance
Extraosseous ameloblastoma (EA) is the alveolar ridge is often involved. A firm to somewhat spongy mucosal mass,
soft tissue counterpart of intraosseous solid or with tiny cystic spaces
ameloblastoma. Clinical features { 11120479 ; 29680843 }.
EA is an asymptomatic, slow-growing, firm
ICD-O coding epulis with mean diameter < 20 mm Histopathology
9310/0 Ameloblastoma, { 11120479 ; 29680843 }. Histopathological features and growth
extraosseous/peripheral patterns are as conventional
Imaging: On imaging, superficial erosion of ameloblastoma { 11120479 }.
ICD-11 coding the underlying bone may be seen, but a
2E83.0 & XH1SV4 Benign osteogenic central component precludes a diagnosis Immunohistochemistry: Ber-EP4
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of of EA. expression on immunohistochemistry may
skull or face & Ameloblastoma, NOS aid in distinguishing intraoral basal cell
2E83.1 & XH1SV4 Benign osteogenic Epidemiology carcinoma from EA { 29247621 }.
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of EA accounts for up to 10% of all
lower jaw & Ameloblastoma, NOS ameloblastomas { 11120479 }. The mean Differential Diagnosis: The differential
patient age is 52 years (range 9 to 92 diagnosis includes peripheral odontogenic
years), with 64% of cases occurring during fibroma, peripheral squamous odontogenic
Related terminology the fifth to seventh decades { 11120479 }. tumour, odontogenic gingival epithelial
Not recommended: soft tissue The male-to-female ratio is 1.4:1 hamartoma, and intraoral basal cell
ameloblastoma, ameloblastoma of { 11120479 }; however, a greater male carcinoma { 11120479 }.
mucosal origin, ameloblastoma of the predilection has been reported in some
gingiva Asian series { 11120479 ; 29680843 }. Cytology
Not clinically relevant.
Subtype(s) Etiology
None Like other ameloblastomas, EA is probably Diagnostic molecular pathology
caused by dysregulated MAPK signaling Not relevant
Localization pathways.
EA occurs only in soft tissues overlying Essential and desirable diagnostic
tooth-bearing areas or edentulous ridges of Pathogenesis criteria
the jaws, with a mandible:maxilla ratio BRAF p.V600E mutation has been Essential: Site in gingiva or edentulous
of 1.6:1 to 3.3:1 reported in 10 of 16 peripheral alveolar mucosa; no intraosseous
{ 11120479 ; 8683419 ; 3295656 ; 168278 ameloblastoma cases component; histopathologic features as
40 }. The most frequent subsites are { 28658279 ; 29388014 ; 30811720 ; 3323 conventional
the mandibular premolar and maxillary 1757 ; 33827932 }, with NRAS p.Q61R
molar regions occurring as an alternative in 1 of 3 cases Staging
{ 3295656 ; 8683419 ; 11120479 ; 168278 { 28658279 }. Not applicable
Prognosis and prediction after conservative supraperiosteal excision recommended. Malignant transformation is
EA has a more indolent behaviour than range from 9% to 20%, although some may exceedingly rare { 8426721 }.
conventional ameloblastoma { 11120479 }. result from incomplete removal
Recurrence rates { 33162201 } and long-term follow-up is

Ameloblastoma, Conventional
Definition architecture, content, size, expansion and mutation { 24859340 ; 24993163 }. Epige
Ameloblastoma (AM) is a benign but locally cortical perforation more accurately netic factors are largely unknown, but
infiltrative epithelial odontogenic { 26166034 ; 29791200 }. Impacted teeth mutational signatures in mandibular AM
neoplasm of the jawbones characterised are associated with 18% of AM appear to correlate with smoking
by ameloblast-like cells and stellate { 33403703 }. { 30917298 }.
reticulum. Bone formation in desmoplastic
AMs may producing a fine Macroscopic appearance
ICD-O coding honeycomb mixed radiolucent appearance AM range from solid and yellowish-white to
9310/0 Ameloblastoma, NOS resembling a fibro-osseous lesion multicystic tumours with little intervening
{ 31810564 }. solid tissue. { 4812754 }. AM may extend
ICD-11 coding into adjacent cancellous bone.
2E83.0 & XH1SV4 Benign osteogenic Epidemiology
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of Excluding odontomas, AM is the most Histopathology
skull or face & Ameloblastoma, NOS common odontogenic neoplasm in all In the commonest histological subtype, the
2E83.1 & XH1SV4 Benign osteogenic ethnic groups, representing approximately follicular subtype, there are islands of
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of 1% of all head and neck neoplasms in epithelium resembling the epithelial
lower jaw & Ameloblastoma, NOS Europe and the USA, probably with the component of the enamel organ in a fibrous
highest incidence in African and Afro- stroma. Peripheral cells are columnar-to-
Related terminology Caribbean populations { 21781186 }. The cuboidal (ameloblast-like), with
Acceptable: solid/multicystic incidence of AM is approximately 0.5 new hyperchromatic nuclei arranged in a
ameloblastoma cases/1,000,000 population worldwide and palisading pattern with reverse polarity,
Not recommended: classic intraosseous there is no gender predilection. The peak and often subnuclear vacuolation
ameloblastoma incidence of diagnosis is in the fourth and { 5458275 ; 30036443 }. The central
fifth decades of life, with a patient age epithelium is reminiscent of stellate
Subtype(s) range of 8–92 years reticulum, with loosely arranged angular
Follicular; plexiform; acanthomatous; { 16916667 ; 20549076 ; 22157674 }. The cells and often undergoes cystic change.
granular cell; basal cell; desmoplastic diagnosis is generally made at a somewhat The second commonest subtype is the
lower age in women, especially in plexiform, composed of anastomosing
Localization strands of ameloblastomatous epithelium
populations of African heritage
Up to 87% of AM arise in the mandible, with an inconspicuous stellate reticulum,
{ 25350592 }. For BRAF p.V600E-mutant
predominantly in the posterior molar area less prominent ameloblast-like cells and
cases, the reported mean patient age at
{ 30614154 ; 33403703 }. Maxillary AMs cyst-like degeneration in the stroma rather
diagnosis is about 34 years, compared with
are usually posteriorly sited. The exception than the epithelium. Mitoses are usually
about 54 years for BRAF wild-type cases
is the desmoplastic subtype, which has an scattered but posterior maxillary
{ 24993163 }.
almost equal jaw distribution and a ameloblastoma may have high cellularity
preponderance for the anterior regions Etiology and frequent mitoses.
{ 31810564 }. Extremely rarely, AMs are Unknown. Several other subtypes are recognised
also found in the sino-nasal region { 22157674 }. The acanthomatous subtype
{ 29846904 }. Pathogenesis has squamous differentiation centrally in
AM is caused by dysregulated MAPK and islands but maintains the reverse
Clinical features Hedgehog signaling pathways, probably in polarization of the nuclei in peripheral
AM presents as a painless, slow-growing SOX2-positive dental epithelial stem columnar cells. In the granular cell subtype
mass that, if untreated, reaches a large cells/ameloblast progenitor cells the central epithelium develops abundant
size, displaces and loosens teeth, expands { 20978072 ; 20978073 ; 24057668 ; 2414 eosinophilic granular cytoplasm. The basal
and perforates the cortices, may cause 8099 ; 25398365 }. BRAF p.V600E cell subtype comprises islands and strands
paraesthesia and ultimately mutation is the most common activating of basaloid cells with scanty cytoplasm and
causes disfigurement and risks adjacent mutation in the MAPK pathway, followed peripheral palisading, reminiscent of basal
vital structures { 28142213 ; 26505234 }. by mutually exclusive mutations in RAS cell carcinoma { 27272180 }. The
genes (KRAS, NRAS, HRAS) desmoplastic subtype has more widely
Imaging: On two-dimensional radiographs, and FGFR2 { 24374844 ; 24859340 ; 249 dispersed islands with a spiky
AM usually presents as a multilocular 93163 ; 30216733 }. Dysregulation of the outline, cuboidal to flat peripheral cells and
radiolucency showing soap-bubble or Hedgehog signaling pathway may central spindle shaped cells in a densely
honeycomb patterns (72%) and well- participate, especially in maxillary AMs, collagenous stroma, sometimes
defined corticated margins (54%) where mutatiom of SMO is the most with osteoplasia. Many AM contain more
{ 33403703 }. Three-dimensional imaging frequent mutation to co-occur with the than one histological subtypes
(preferably contrast-enhanced computed MAPK pathway { 12570061 }.
tomography) reveals internal bony
Cytology Staging { 7633291 }. Mandibular tumours are more
Not clinically relevant None likely to harbour BRAF p.V600E mutation
and the mutation is associated with later
Diagnostic molecular pathology Prognosis and prediction recurrence than wild type
BRAF p.V600E mutation AM recurs if inadequately removed. The AM { 24374844 ; 24859340 ; 24993163 ; 3
immunohistochemistry and genetic testing standard of care is complete excision with 0216733 }. Furthermore,
have potential but are not yet validated for negative margins { 30036443 }, single versus multiple mutations and
diagnosis { 24993163 ; 30216733 }. irrespective of the histopathological geographic regions also seem to stratify
subtype { 19297131 }. This requires patients for recurrence risk { 29388014 }.
Essential and desirable diagnostic removal of a bone margin of at least BRAF inhibitor treatment has been
criteria 10mm beyond the radiographic margin to proposed, alone or in combination with
Essential: location in jaws; islands/strands ensure removal of AM MAPK/ERK kinase (MEK) inhibitors
of odontogenic epithelium bounded by permeating medullary bone, usually a { 24749150 ; 25425580 ; 33231757 ; 3373
cuboidal/columnar cells with palisaded, segmental resection, mandibulectomy or 7992 }. Early data shows effectiveness in
hyperchromatic nuclei; reverse polarity maxillectomy, depending on size selected cases { 34599642 } and in
(less marked in plexiform pattern); loose { 27272180 }. More conservative surgery disseminated AM { 25475564 }.
central epithelium resembling stellate has a high recurrence rate (60–80%) and
reticulum; no cytological atypia long follow-up (1-2 decades) is mandatory
Adenoid Ameloblastoma
Definition cortical perforation, root resorption and Predominantly multicystic with solid zones
Adenoid ameloblastoma (AA) is an paranasal sinus involvement may occur and variable hard tissue.
epithelial odontogenic neoplasm { 29799420 } [[Sonone A, Hande A, Histopathology
characterized by cribriform architecture Chaudhary M, Bonde R, Sheorain A, Agni AA is characterized by a partly cribriform
and duct-like structures. Dentinoid is often N. doi:10.1111/j.1752-248X.2010.01109.x, arrangement of basal ameloblast-like cells
present. Journal: Oral Surgery (ISSN:1752-2471), demonstrating reversed nuclear polarity
ICD-O coding Volume 4 pages 77-81, 2011]]. and a minor component of suprabasal
9300/0 Adenoid ameloblastoma Epidemiology stellate reticulum-like epithelium. Basal
ICD-11 coding Incidence peaks in the 4th decade with cells may be multi-layered with transition to
2E83.0 & XH1SV4 Benign osteogenic slight male predilection (M:F=1.3:1) but a round or ovoid morphology. Distinctive
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of with wide age range of 15-82 years features are duct-like structures formed by
skull or face & Ameloblastoma, NOS { 34282559 }. Most AA have occurred in cuboidal to columnar cells, some of which
2E83.1 & XH1SV4 Benign osteogenic South America and Asia. contain mucin, and focal whorled cellular
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of Etiology condensations reminiscent of morules.
lower jaw & Ameloblastoma, NOS Unknown Two-thirds of cases contain varying
Related terminology Pathogenesis amounts of dentinoid. Clear cells are often
Acceptable: Adenoid ameloblastoma with BRAF p.V600E mutation, typical of other closely associated with dentinoid and
dentinoid ameloblastomas, appears absent based ghost-cell keratinization may be a minor
Subtype(s) on limited data [[E. A. Bilodeau and R. feature.
None R. Seethala. Adenoid ameloblastoma: a
Localization series of 5 Immunohistochemistry: There is variable
No site predilection defined cases. DOI: staining for CK14, CK19, p40, p16 and
Clinical features 2019.02.196, Journal: Oral Surg Oral Med p53. CK7 is weak to negative { 29799420 }.
Usually a painless swelling, mean diameter Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. Volume Nuclear β-catenin positivity co-localises
40 mm { 26297394 }, sometimes with pain 128, page e78, 2019]]; { 34549835 }, as with morules and Ki-67 indices are usually
and paraesthesia { 31925581 }. are the the KRAS p.G12V and KRAS high { 26297394 ; 29449727 } [[E.
p.G12R mutations typical of adenomatoid A. Bilodeau and R. R. Seethala. Adenoid
Imaging: Most AA are radiolucent and odontogenic tumour { 34549835 }. ameloblastoma: a series of 5
unilocular with well-defined boundaries, but Macroscopic appearance cases. DOI:
multilocularity, internal mineralisation, 2019.02.196, Journal: Oral Surg Oral Med
Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. Volume odontogenic carcinoma with dentinoid are None
128, page e78, 2019]]. not yet defined { 26297394 }. Prognosis and prediction
Cytology AA is locally infiltrative with a recurrence
Differential Diagnosis: There are Not clinically relevant rate of up to 70%
overlapping histomorphologic features with Diagnostic molecular pathology { 15529131 ; 20596984 ; 22923903 ; 2629
adenomatoid odontogenic tumour and Not clinically relevant 7394 ; 34282559 }. Cytological atypia,
dentinogenic ghost cell tumour but AA is Essential and desirable diagnostic hypercellularity, p53 positivity, and high Ki-
distinguished by the combination of criteria 67 counts are associated with recurrence
cribriform pattern, duct-like structures, Essential: Ameloblastoma-like component; but the borderline with carcinoma
whorls/morules and dentinoid. Lack duct-like structures; { 25409850 } is not yet defined.
of EWSR1 rearrangement aids exclusion whorls/morules; cribriform architecture.
of clear cell odontogenic carcinoma when Desirable: Dentinoid, clear cells, focal
clear cells are prominent. Criteria to ghost-cell keratinisation.
distinguish aggressive AA from Staging

Metastasizing Ameloblastoma
Definition Localization Epidemiology
Metastasizing ameloblastoma (MA) is an The primary tumour develops more Incidence data is only available combined
ameloblastoma that has metastasized frequently in the mandible than in the with ameloblastic carcinoma, which is more
despite benign histopathological maxilla { 32659412 ; 33394372 }. The common, with combined annual
appearance. most common sites of metastasis are the cumulative incidence of 1.79 per 10 million
ICD-O coding lungs followed by cervical lymph nodes persons per year { 25692490 }. MA has a
9310/3 Ameloblastoma, metastasizing { 33394372 }, with distant metastasis in mean age at diagnosis of 45 years and a
ICD-11 coding approximately 68% of MAs { 32659412 }. slight male predominance
2E83.0 & XH96J9 Benign osteogenic Infrequently reported metastatic sites { 32659412 ; 33394372 }.
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of include bone, brain, liver, and pericardium Etiology
skull or face & Ameloblastoma, { 15891309 ; 24152624 ; 29747056 ; 3077 MA harbours BRAF p.V600E mutation as
metastasizing 5320 ; 33394372 }. conventional ameloblastoma { 25475564 }.
2E83.1 & XH96J9 Benign osteogenic Clinical features Risk factors for metastasis include large
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of Symptoms vary by site; some patients are size, rapid enlargement, protracted clinical
lower jaw & Ameloblastoma, metastasizing asymptomatic. Pulmonary metastases course, inadequate removal, and multiple
Related terminology may cause dry cough, hemoptysis, and recurrences at the primary site
Acceptable: benign metastasizing dyspnea { 28944145 ; 32132332 }. { 32659412 }.
ameloblastoma Metastasis may be diagnosed concurrently Pathogenesis
Not recommended: malignant with the primary tumour or after a variable, Metastasis may result from
ameloblastoma; malignant often long, latent period (range 0 to 45 haematogenous spread during surgical
adamantinoma; metastatic years; mean 11 years) treatment of the primary { 32659412 }.
ameloblastoma; atypical ameloblastoma { 20970910 ; 33394372 }. Metastases Alternatively, metastasis could be driven by
Subtype(s) retain the benign ameloblastoma growth additional genetic alterations without
None pattern. histopathologic changes { 32659412 } but
no putative molecular markers of peripheral palisading, and distinct larger atypia or features of malignancy in primary
metastatic behavior have been identified cells with larger cells with more open tumour and metastasis.
{ 31169204 }. chromatin, similar to ameloblastoma. Staging
Macroscopic appearance Nuclei tend to be larger and more None
Features are identical to those of pleomorphic, with a tendency to molding Prognosis and prediction
conventional ameloblastoma. and a high mitotic rate. There may be MA has overall mean survival of 5 years on
Histopathology occasional stromal fragments with spindle systematic review { 33394372 }. Surgery is
MA exhibits identical histopathological cells with elongated nuclei and abundant the mainstay of treatment; radiotherapy
features to conventional ameloblastoma, clear cytoplasm { 9250285 }. and chemotherapy have no proven benefit
with no specific features predicting Diagnostic molecular pathology { 21459020 ; 32659412 }. BRAF-
metastasis. Among reported MA cases, the Not relevant targeted therapy has been reported in
plexiform histological pattern is most Essential and desirable diagnostic limited cases
common { 20970910 ; 33394372 }. criteria { 25475564 ; 31340860 }. Recurrence
Cytology Essential: Benign occurs in about one-fourth of cases and is
Hypercellular smears show tissue conventional ameloblastoma in primary associated with increased mortality
fragments of small basaloid cells with tumour and metastasis; no cytological { 32659412 }.


Definition resorb teeth and prevent their eruption. 4315 }, but many small odontomas are
Odontomas are mixed odontogenic Odontomas as large as 80 mm in diameter treated outside hospital or left untreated.
hamartomas that mature from soft tissue can be encountered Etiology
to predominantly dental hard tissues with a { 15663443 ; 23479585 }. Odontomas Unknown
small amount of residual odontogenic occasionally erupt or suffer trauma and Genetic factors: Multiple odontomas arise
epithelium and ectomesenchyme. may become infected. Odontomas may be in odontoma-dysphagia (MIM #164330),
ICD-O coding multiple. Schimmelpenning-Feuerstein-Mims
9280/0 Odontoma, NOS (MIM #163200), familial adenomatous
ICD-11 coding Imaging: Radiographically, polyposis (MIM #175100) and
2E83.0 Benign osteogenic tumours of bone developing odontomas are predominantly encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis
or articular cartilage of skull or face & radiolucent with a corticated periphery, (MIM #613001) syndromes.
Odontoma, NOS sometimes with small radiopacities. Small Pathogenesis
2E83.1 Benign osteogenic tumours of bone lesions resemble a developing tooth crypt. WNT/β-catenin pathway activation in
or articular cartilage of lower jaw & With maturation, CxO slowly develops embryonic SOX-2 positive dental stem
Odontoma, NOS irregular disorganised masses of calcified cells can drive odontoma formation
Related terminology material of enamel and { 26411543 ; 30862786 }.
None dentine radiodensity. CdO develops into Odontoma does not harbour BRAF
Subtype(s) tooth-like structures of varying size and p.V600E mutation
Complex odontoma (CxO); Compound shape. Mixed patterns may occur. { 32966885 ; 32939809 }
odontoma (CdO) Both types retain a narrow peripheral unlike ameloblastic fibroma
Localization radiolucent zone with a smooth or lobular { 24993163 ; 26306423 ; 32939809 ; 3296
CxOs develop mainly in the posterior body outline. 6885 } and histopathologically similar
of the mandible, CdOs in the anterior Epidemiology lesions, previously classified as
maxilla { 21840103 ; 27678223 }. Among referral series of odontogenic ameloblastic fibro-odontoma
Clinical features tumours, odontoma is the second most (AFO){ 26306423 ; 32939809 ; 32966885
Asymptomatic slow-growing lesions, often common lesion, frequently occurring in the } and ameloblastic fibro-dentinoma
associated with unerupted teeth. The second and third decades, without distinct (AFD){ 24993163 ; 32966885 }.
diameter is typically 10-30 mm but larger gender predilection Macroscopic appearance
lesions expand the jaws, displace and { 21840103 ; 22439972 ; 30448231 ; 3268
CxO comprises amorphous masses of Developing odontomas are initially soft of odontoma, or are a mixture of
dentine and enamel, CdO comprises tissue, mostly dental papilla-like with developing odontomas and ameloblastic
multiple tooth-like structures of varying prominent epithelial strands and there may fibromas.
size. Both may be surrounded by capsule- be limited or no evidence of dental hard Odontomas are occasionally the origin of
like soft tissue with a smooth surface. tissue induction. They resemble cysts of dentigerous type.
Histopathology ameloblastic fibroma closely and may be Cytology
CxO consists of a disorganized mass of difficult to differentiate Not clinically relevant
mature tubular dentine intermixed with histologically. Lesions previously Diagnostic molecular pathology
rounded zones of enamel matrix where diagnosed as AFD and AFO also resemble None
enamel has been lost on decalcification, ameloblastic fibroma with less prominent Essential and desirable diagnostic
with areas of dental pulp and and less well organised induction of dental criteria
cementum. CdO contains multiple hard tissue matrix or hard tissue than in Complex odontoma
rudimentary teeth exhibiting dentin and odontomas. Radiographic appearance, Essential: consistent
enamel matrix. Dentine in odontomas patient age and lesion size may help radiographic features; conglomerate mass
usually shows some irregularity of tubule distinguish these lesions { 33991318 }. of enamel and dentin.
structure. A variable amount of loose AFD and AFO were previously classified as Desirable: dental pulp, cementum
connective tissue and capsule may be developing odontomas. However, a Compound odontoma
present resembling dental papilla or follicle. proportion of both AFD Essential: consistent
These may contain varying amounts of { 24993163 ; 32966885 } and fewer AFO radiographic features; multiple, small
immature odontogenic epithelium in { 26306423 ; 32939809 ; 32966885 } tooth-like structures
islands and strands harbour BRAF p.V600E mutation Staging
{ 21840103 ; 27678223 }. These epithelial suggesting a relationship with ameloblastic None
residues may be prominent and may fibroma, rather than with odontomas, which Prognosis and prediction
contain ghost cells, granular cells and other lack this mutation. Histological and Odontomas do not recur after enucleation,
features resembling other odontogenic molecular overlap make it unclear whether though recurrence may follow incomplete
tumours, but these are hamartomatous and AFD and AFO are separate entities, removal of growing lesions { 15663443 }.
of no significance. intermediate lesions with a spectrum of
behaviour that ultimately result in formation
Primordial Odontogenic Tumour
Definition Etiology CD138 have been demonstrated in several
Primordial odontogenic tumour (POT) is Unknown. No mutations were identified in cases. Ki67 index is low (<5%). The
composed of variably cellular fibrous tissue 151 cancer- and 42 odontogenesis- epithelial component is positive for pan-
with areas similar to dental papilla, associated genes in 3 POT by next- cytokeratins (AE1/AE3), CK5 and CK14,
surrounded by epithelium resembling the generation sequencing { 29908099 }. whereas cytokeratin 19 is usually
internal epithelium of the enamel organ. Pathogenesis expressed by columnar cells. Amelogenin,
ICD-O coding The expression profile of dentinogenesis- ameloblastin and dentin
None associated genes suggests inhibition of sialophosphoprotein (DSPP) have also
ICD-11 coding dentin formation. No been detected. Other markers are variably
2E83.1 & XH43L1 Benign osteogenic BRAF p.V600E mutations were found expressed
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of { 29908099 }. { 24807692 ; 28390134 ; 28543986 ; 2909
lower jaw & Odontogenic tumour, benign Macroscopic appearance 0496 ; 29908099 }.
Related terminology Solid, well-circumscribed
None sometimes multilobulated whitish mass. Differential Diagnosis: POT resembles a
Subtype(s) The crown of a tooth may be embedded, mesenchymal proliferation very similar to
None but is easily detached { 24807692 }. the dental papilla of a developing tooth.
Localization Histopathology Cytology
POT arises in the tooth-bearing segments POT comprises loose or myxoid fibrous Not clinically relevant
of the jaw, between two and three tissue containing variable numbers of Diagnostic molecular pathology
times more frequently in mandible than fusiform and stellate fibroblasts and areas Not relevant
maxilla. with the appearance of cellular Essential and desirable diagnostic
Clinical features odontogenic mesenchyme. The periphery criteria
Most cases are asymptomatic. Some is covered by a single layer of columnar or Essential: mass of myxoid dental papilla-
POTs produce marked cortical expansion. cuboidal epithelium, with scant superficial like tissue; entire periphery covered by
layers of stellate reticulum-like cells columnar or cuboidal enamel epithelium
Imaging: Well-defined radiolucency partially enclosed by a thin fibrous capsule. Desirable: focal stellate reticulum-like cells
associated with unerupted teeth, most Epithelial cords may appear to be within externally; lobular clefted surface
commonly the mandibular third molar, the lesion as a result of lobular infolding. Staging
producing an apparent pericoronal Extracellular concentric mineralized None
radiolucency. POT may displace and structures within the epithelium have been Prognosis and prediction
resorb roots of adjacent teeth reported, but there is no evidence of POT does not recur after conservative
{ 32040459 }. odontoblastic differentiation or mature excision { 32040459 ; 32593436 ; 329818
Epidemiology dentine. 67 ; 33079412 ; 33433252 }.
The age range is 2-19 years (mean: 11.4
years) with a slight male predilection Immunohistochemistry: Mesenchymal
{ 32040459 ; 32593436 ; 32981867 ; 3307 cells are positive for vimentin and
9412 ; 33433252 }. subepithelial expression of CD34 and
Ameloblastic Fibroma
Definition Subtype(s) lesions with mean diameter 50 mm. Larger
Ameloblastic fibroma (AF) is a rare, benign, None lesions are multilocular. AFs are usually
mixed odontogenic tumour comprising associated with unerupted and displaced
cellular mesenchymal tissue resembling Localization teeth (80%), most frequently the first or
dental papilla and an epithelial component AFs are 3 times more frequent in the second permanent molars. Cortical
resembling early developing enamel organ, mandible than maxilla perforation and tooth root resorption occur
without dental hard tissue or matrix. { 24055148 ; 28776760 }. Posterior in a minority (22%) { 28776760 }.
mandible is the most common location, the
ICD-O coding incisors-canine region being infrequent in Epidemiology
9330/0 Ameloblastic fibroma both jaws, though large lesions (~10%) can AF accounts for up to 2% of all odontogenic
occupy up to a jawbone quadrant. tumours { 22082131 ; 23766099 }. The
ICD-11 coding mean patient age is 15 years (range 7
2E83.0 & XH06Y3 Benign osteogenic Clinical features weeks to 61 years)
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of Most AFs are slow-growing and eventually { 24055148 ; 28776760 }, with 80% in
skull or face & Ameloblastic fibroma cause asymptomatic jawbone expansion patients younger than 22 years
2E83.1 & XH06Y3 Benign osteogenic (78%). Rare cases range from an { 24055148 }. The male-to-female ratio is
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of incidental radiological finding to large 1.4:1.
lower jaw & Ameloblastic fibroma enough to cause facial deformity
{ 24055148 ; 28776760 }. Etiology
Related terminology Unknown.
None Imaging: Radiographically, AFs are well-
defined and corticated, unilocular (60%) Pathogenesis
AF has been considered a neoplasm of enamel organ. A collagenous capsule may Diagnostic molecular pathology
both epithelial and mesenchymal be present. No dental hard tissue is Diagnostic relevance of BRAF mutation is
components. AF harbours BRAF p.V600E normally present but extensive sampling not yet defined, but would appear useful to
mutation in 46% of cases may reveal small foci. exclude developing odontoma in selected
{ 24993163 ; 26306423 ; 32939809 ; 3296 Based on histopathological features alone, cases.
6885 }, usually limited to the mesenchymal it may not possible to distinguish between
component and only occasionally in both the neoplastic AF and early-stage Essential and desirable diagnostic
components { 32966885 }. hamartomatous odontomas before they criteria
This mutation is also detected in cases differentiate and mature Essential: Consistent
previously classified as ameloblastic fibro- { 24055148 ; 23001451 }. In general, AF radiographic features; bland hypercellular,
odontoma (AFO) (34%) lacks architectural organisation and is dental papilla-like mesenchyme; dispersed
{ 26306423 ; 32939809 ; 32966885 } and more evenly and densely hypercellular. bilaminar strands of cuboidal or columnar
ameloblastic fibro-dentinoma(AFD)(60%) Lesions previously diagnosed as AFD and odontogenic epithelium
{ 24993163 ; 32966885 } suggesting that AFO are histologically intermediate
at least some may be related to AF or between AF and odontomas and have Staging
other BRAF-mutated odontogenic previously been classified as developing None
tumours. While mutations at other stages of odontoma. The status of these
oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes tumours has been debated for decades Prognosis and prediction
have not been detected { 32966885 }, AF and the current classification as odontoma AF does not recur after
shows allelic loss at 17p13 { 22082131 }. is not consistent with BRAF p.V600E meticulous enucleation, applied to small,
mutation, occasional cases with locally asymptomatic tumours in young patients
Macroscopic appearance aggressive biological behaviour, large size { 9231165 ; 24055148 }. Recurrence
A solid tumour, well circumscribed slightly and recurrence that appear neoplastic occurs in 19% of cases with more
myxoid mass with a smooth outer surface. { 27563600 }. AFD and AFO resemble AF conservative removal
but with additional induction of dental hard { 28776760 }. Extensive, destructive and
Histopathology tissue matrix (AFD) or dentine and enamel recurrent tumours should be treated
The mesenchymal component is myxoid (AFO). It is unclear whether these radically. BRAF-targeted inhibitors for
and evenly hypercellular and resembles intermediate lesions are a mixture of selected cases are not yet assessed. Long
the dental papilla of the tooth bud. The odontomas and AFs with hard tissue term follow-up is required.
epithelial component forms long narrow induction, or form a spectrum of behaviour Sarcomatous transformation is rare, but
cords and strands of bilaminar cuboidal to and currently this cannot be resolved 24% of ameloblastic fibrosarcoma arise in
columnar palisaded cells with occasional histopathologically. benign AF or recurrent AF
thickenings. These may contain a minor { 28776760 }. Carcinosarcoma develops
component of stellate reticulum-like tissue, Cytology even more rarely { 17395065 }.
resembling the follicular stage of the Not clinically relevant

Dentinogenic Ghost Cell Tumour

Definition stroma. Both the ghost cells and dentinoid 2E83.0 & XH12N4 Benign osteogenic
Dentinogenic ghost cell tumour (DGCT) is may mineralise. tumours of bone or articular cartilage of
a benign but locally infiltrative odontogenic skull or face & Dentinogenic ghost cell
tumour characterized by ameloblastoma- ICD-O coding tumour
like sheets and islands of epithelium with 9302/0 Dentinogenic ghost cell tumour 2E83.1 & XH12N4 Benign osteogenic
prominent ghost cell keratinization tumours of bone or articular cartilage of
and varying amounts of dentinoid in the ICD-11 coding
lower jaw & Dentinogenic ghost cell Etiology and to a lesser degree that of the ghost
tumour Unknown cells, define the radiological features of the
tumour. The relative amounts of
Related terminology Pathogenesis ameloblastomatous epithelium, ghost cells
Not recommended: calcifying ghost cell BRAF p.V600E mutation, found in other and dentinoid material vary from tumour to
odontogenic tumour; (epithelial) ameloblastoma-like odontogenic tumours, tumour. In general, mitotic figures are
odontogenic ghost cell is absent from DGCT scarce, but cellular pleomorphism can be
tumour; dentinoameloblastoma; { 31987674 }. CTNNB1 gene (beta- present, however, it should not be
solid/neoplastic variant of calcifying catenin) has been associated with interpreted as evidence of malignant
odontogenic cyst calcifying odontogenic cysts and ghost cell transformation. The proliferation fraction on
keratinisation but the status of DGCT is Ki-67 immunohistochemistry ranges
Subtype(s) unclear { 17178501 ; 29575443 }. from 2% to 29%.
Macroscopic appearance Immunohistochemistry:
Localization DGCT are solid and friable with variable Immunohistochemical stains with
DGCT arises with almost equal incidence amounts of mineralisation, focal areas of cytokeratin CK14 and CK19 highlight the
in the mandible and maxilla, with a hemorrhage and occasional small cysts. epithelial component { 30911844 }.
predilection for the posterior region in both Cortical plates may be perforated.
jaws { 26341683 ; 29738629 }. Up to 25% Differential Diagnosis: This includes
of all DGCTs are peripheral, located in the Histopathology calcifying odontogenic cyst, adenoid
gingiva or alveolar ridge mucosa DGCT are composed of nests, islands and ameloblastoma, ghost cell carcinoma and
{ 18221328 ; 27669959 ; 29738629 }. sheets of odontogenic epithelium the poorly defined odontogenic carcinoma
resembling conventional ameloblastoma, with dentinoid { 25409850 }.
Clinical features with cuboidal to columnar hyperchromatic
DGCT presents as a slow growing basal cells that have reverse nuclear Cytology
tumour with cortical expansion and polarity at least focally { 26341683 }. Not clinically relevant
occasional cortical perforation Tissue resembling stellate reticulum
{ 26341683 ; 29738629 }. Mean diameter usually lies centrally in islands and Diagnostic molecular pathology
at presentation is 40 mm, but occasional may undergo cystic degeneration. Not clinically relevant
DGCT reach 100 mm and cause gross Frequently, nests or “eddies” of basaloid
facial deformity { 29753697 }. Mild pain can cells are observed within the cellular areas, Essential and desirable diagnostic
be present. Peripheral DGCT presents as and occasional aggregates of clear cells criteria
a gingival nodule. may be present. DGCT is characterised Essential: solid tumour; conventional
by epithelial cells with aberrant ghost cell ameloblastoma-like epithelium; ghost cells;
Imaging: Radiographically, the majority of keratinization, forming large rounded or dentinoid
DGCT are unilocular, well-defined, mixed stacked flattened cells with homogeneous, Desirable: scarce mitotic figures; mild
radiolucent tumours, about a quarter pale, eosinophilic cytoplasm with a pale or cellular pleomorphism possible in a
appear multilocular and about one-third clear central hole where the nucleus is minority
have focally irregular or poorly defined missing. The number of ghost cells is
borders { 26341683 ; 29738629 }. Tooth variable, ranging from scattered individual Staging
displacement and root resorption are cells to small clusters and to large masses None
frequent in larger tumours. A few cases but they are a prominent feature and ghost
have been reported in association with cells can replace the epithelial islands Prognosis and prediction
odontoma { 18221328 ; 26341683 }. entirely. Ghost cells often undergo DGCT has a recurrence rate of up to 73%
mineralisation. Clusters of ghost following conservative surgery
Epidemiology cells frequently pass into the fibrous (enucleation or curettage) and 33%
DGCT is rare, and the second most connective tissue where they may induce a following radical surgery (marginal or
common of the ghost cell-rich odontogenic foreign body reaction. Dentinoid material is segmental resection), occurring from 1 to
tumours, all of which have a predilection for frequent and characteristic, especially in 20 years after treatment. Long-term follow-
Asian males { 18221328 ; 29738629 }. In close association with the epithelial up is recommended. It is unclear whether
Asia, DGCT comprised 0.3%-0.5% of all component { 30911844 }. The dentinoid multiple recurrences might be associated
odontogenic tumours forms irregular eosinophilic masses that with malignant transformation in view of
{ 17156974 ; 22439972 }. Males are often entrap individual or groups of other histologically similar entities in the
almost twice as frequently affected as epithelial cells and ghost differential diagnosis.
females { 26341683 ; 29738629 }. Mean cells. Mineralisation of dentinoid is Peripheral DGCTs have a much more
age at presentation is between 40 and 47 frequent and may be followed by indolent behaviour and rarely recur
years (range > 1 year – 84 years) and most remodelling to produce a mixed dentinoid after conservative excision
cases are diagnosed between the 3rd and and bone-like { 18221328 ; 19716497 }.
5th decades { 26341683 ; 29738629 }. appearance. Mineralisation of dentinoid,
Odontogenic Fibroma
Definition maxillary central odontogenic fibromas Unknown
Odontogenic fibroma is a neoplasm of occur anterior to the first molar while
mature fibrous or fibromyxoid connective slightly more than half of mandibular Macroscopic appearance
tissue with variable amounts of inactive- tumours are found posterior to the first Consistency varies from soft to firm
appearing odontogenic epithelium, with or molar { 32988809 }. depending on the collagen content. Internal
without associated mineralisations. mineralisations may produce a “gritty”
Clinical features consistency on section.
ICD-O coding Small odontogenic fibromas (OdF) are
9321/0 Odontogenic fibroma, NOS usually asymptomatic while larger tumours Histopathology
present with localised swelling, loosening OdFs are composed of moderately cellular
ICD-11 coding of teeth and associated pain. OdF on the bland fibrous tissue with moderate to
2E83.0 & XH1MT3 Benign osteogenic anterior maxillary alveolus often have dense collagen content, accompanied by
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of a characteristic depression rather than varying amounts of dispersed inactive-
skull and upper face & Odontogenic expansion. appearing odontogenic epithelial nests and
fibroma, NOS cords, sometimes completely absent.
2E83.1 & XH1MT3 Benign osteogenic Imaging: Small OdF typically present as There may be minor hard tissue formation
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of well-defined corticated radiolucencies in the form of mineralised dentinoid or
lower jaw & Odontogenic fibroma, NOS closely associated with roots of erupted round dense basophilic cementum-like
teeth. Larger tumours may have a mineralisations, both associated with the
Related terminology multilocular appearance and produce odontogenic epithelium.
Acceptable: central odontogenic fibroma divergence or resorption of associated Several rare subtypes of central
Not recommended: central tooth roots. Around 10% of tumours have a odontogenic fibroma have been described.
odontogenic fibroma WHO/non-WHO mixed radiolucent-radiopaque appearance OdF, amyloid subtype is characterised by
types { 32988809 }. amyloid deposits with Langerhans cells
often present in the epithelial elements
Subtype(s) Epidemiology { 30291007 }. This subtype accounts for
Odontogenic fibroma, amyloid subtype Central OdFs are more common in females approximately 16% of all cases
Odontogenic fibroma, granular cell subtype (2.2:1) and develop over a wide age range { 32988809 }. These non-calcifying
Hybrid odontogenic fibroma with central with a mean at presentation of 34 years Langerhans cell-rich lesions have also
giant cell granuloma { 32988809 }. been considered to be part of the spectrum
of calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour
Localization Etiology and their correct classification remains
Although conflicting results have been Unknown unclear. The site, gender predilection and
reported, the maxilla appears slightly more biological behaviour of this subtype
frequently affected { 32988809 }. Most Pathogenesis
resemble better those of the OdF challenging because of epithelial Cytology
{ 30291007 ; 33737014 }. neurotropism of benign odontogenic Not clinically relevant.
OdF, granular cell subtype is composed of epithelium in OdF { 25270252 }. Small
granular cells with variable amounts of radiolucent lesions surrounding the crowns Diagnostic molecular pathology
odontogenic epithelium and accounts for of impacted teeth showing histological Not clinically relevant.
around 5% of lesions. Completely granular features of OdF should be diagnosed as
central odontogenic fibromas are hyperplastic dental follicles and are not Essential and desirable diagnostic
sometimes referred to as a granular cell neoplasms. The peripheral odontogenic criteria
odontogenic tumour but are best regarded fibroma (POF) arises extraosseously on Essential: site in tooth bearing segments of
as a subtype of odontogenic the gingiva, usually anteriorly, and shares the jaws; well-defined lesion radiologically;
fibroma { 32988809 }. some histological features and the name bland fibrous connective tissue of varying
OdF, ossifying subtype, demonstrating with OdF { 20674403 }, but there is little cellularity
odontogenic fibroma components evidence that POF are neoplastic Desirable: Odontogenic epithelial nests or
intermingled with ossifying fibroma like { 6576600 } and they appear unrelated to cords
tissue has also been reported intraosseous OdF. POF are much
{ 21751042 ; 32988809 }. commoner than OdF with a similar female Staging
OdF with hybrid features of giant cell predominance with a peak incidence in the None
granuloma and odontogenic fibroma second to fourth decades of life
Prognosis and prediction
{ 9067742 ; 21751042 ; 32988809 } have { 21751042 }. POF are treated by surgical
OdF almost never recur after enucleation
been described. excision. A recurrence rate of up to 50%
and curettage.
has been reported { 20674403 }, but this is
Differential Diagnosis: This should include almost abolished if excision extends to
sclerosing odontogenic carcinoma. This periodontal ligament.
shows infiltration but diagnosis can be

Definition CB develops on the apical third of a tooth with the periodontal ligament is usually
Cementoblastoma (CB) is a benign root, most frequently in the posterior present { 11925541 }.
odontogenic neoplasm that forms a mandible, usually on the permanent first Epidemiology
rounded mass of cementum on the root of molar. Teeth in the mandibular premolar At around 3% of all odontogenic tumours,
a tooth. and maxillary molar regions are the second CB is a relatively rare tumour. There is a
ICD-O coding most frequently affected. Involvement of wide age range, with highest frequency in
9273/0 Cementoblastoma deciduous teeth is rare. the second and third decades. Males and
ICD-11 coding Clinical features females are equally affected
2E83.0 & XH4VL1 Benign osteogenic CB causes a slow-growing { 11925541 ; 28869132 ; 32684315 }.
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of characteristically painful expansion of the Etiology
skull or face & Cementoblastoma, benign jaw. The associated tooth is vital in about Unknown
2E83.1 & XH4VL1 Benign osteogenic 80% of cases. Root resorption occurs in Pathogenesis
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of around two thirds of cases. Cortical bone Cementoblastoma
lower jaw & Cementoblastoma, benign perforation and tooth displacement are rare harbours FOS rearrangement and shows
Related terminology { 11925541 ; 28869132 }. c-FOS overexpression { 33653978 },
Acceptable: benign cementoblastoma features in common with osteoid osteoma
Not recommended: true cementoma; Imaging: Radiographically, there is a well- and osteotoblastoma { 31490237 } with
cementoma defined circumscribed radio-opaque or which it shares histological similarity. FOS
Subtype(s) mixed-density mass expanding from the would be expected to affect maturation and
None root of the associated tooth. A proliferation of cementoblasts in the same
Localization characteristic radiolucent rim continuous way as osteoblasts, but cementoblastoma
appears to have a more indolent growth trabeculae of newly formed matrix, often Essential: mass fused to a tooth root;
pattern than osteoblastoma. associated with plump cementoblasts and densely mineralised; radiating peripheral
Macroscopic appearance cementoclasts and vascular immature matrix; plump cementoblasts; no fibro-
Calcified mass, usually 20 - 30 mm in fibrous tissue. osseous component.
diameter, adherent to and fused with a Staging
tooth root. Differential Diagnosis: This should include None
Histopathology cemento-osseous dysplasia. Prognosis and prediction
CB resembles osteoblastoma Cytology CB does not usually recur after extraction
histologically. The bulk of the lesion is Not clinically relevant of the associated tooth and curettage.
composed of a mass of dense cellular Diagnostic molecular pathology Recurrence follows incomplete removal or
cementum resembling bone, often with Not clinically relevant attempted conservation of the tooth
prominent reversal lines, fused with the Essential and desirable diagnostic { 11925541 }.
resorbed surface of the tooth root. At the criteria
periphery there are radiating finger-like

Cemento-Ossifying Fibroma
Definition Acceptable: Ossifying fibroma, Clinical features
The cemento-ossifying fibroma (COF) is a conventional type COF typically causes painless jaw
benign odontogenic fibro-osseous Not recommended: Cementifying fibroma; expansion. Growth is slow but COF can
neoplasm arising in the jaws ossifying fibroma; ossifying-odontogenic reach a considerable size if left untreated
and characterised by production of bone fibroma; periodontoma { 22776732 ; 26614954 ; 31950477 }.
and cementum-like calcifications in a Subtype(s) Most patients have a solitary lesion but rare
fibrous stroma. None cases of multiple lesions can arise
ICD-O coding Localization sporadically or as a component of the
9274/0 Cemento-ossifying fibroma The mandible is involved much more hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumour
ICD-11 coding frequently than the maxilla, with a syndrome, a rare autosomal dominant
2E83.0 & XH52T0 Benign osteogenic predilection for the mandibular premolar disorder characterized by parathyroid
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of and molar region adenoma or carcinoma and bilateral kidney
skull or face & Cemento-ossifying fibroma { 22776732 ; 31950477 ; 3864113 }. Whet cysts, hamartomas, or Wilms
2E83.1 & XH52T0 Benign osteogenic her non-odontogenic lesions of a similar tumours. COFs are present in 30% of
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of histology that arise in craniofacial bones patients with this syndrome
lower jaw & Cemento-ossifying fibroma outside the jaws are related is unclear { 12434154 ; 24678936 }.
Related terminology { 34173971 }.
Imaging: Radiographs show a well-defined 7 and 12 but with considerable contain ossicles like
corticated radiolucency in early stages. heterogeneity { 34188021 }. psammomatoid ossifying fibroma as a
Variable degrees of central opacification COF in gnathodiaphyseal dysplasia minor feature.
develop with time, some COF becoming (OMIM #166260) accompany long bone COF in syndromes have features as non-
densely sclerotic, but all retain an fragility and cortical thickening of tubular syndromic COF. COF in
unmineralised periphery bones { 11547842 } caused gnathodiaphyseal dysplasia are at the
{ 22776732 ; 3864113 }. Mandibular by GDD1 (TMEM16E or ANO5) mutations. more fibrous end of the spectrum with
lesions may cause characteristic These mutations are different from those in predominantly basophilic rounded islands
downward bowing of the inferior border. familial cemento- and droplets of acellular
Maxillary lesions may displace the sinus osseous dysplasia { 28176803 ; 23047743 bone { 4014312 ; 11547842 ; 25409854 }.
floor { 27387498 }. Other findings include ; 27216912 }.
cortical thinning, tooth displacement, and In addition, gene transcription studies have Differential Diagnosis: This includes fibrous
root resorption { 22776732 ; 29157551 }. implicated deregulation of the Wnt/β- dysplasia, which has a more uniform
Epidemiology catenin pathway in the molecular woven or lamellar architecture but may
COF occurs over a broad age range, with pathogenesis of COF { 29239811 } and a contain islands of basophilic bone and, in
a peak in the 3rd to 4th decade, and has a number of other probably non-pathogenic the jaws, show osteoblast rimming.
female predilection (F:M as high as 5:1) genetic changes have been detected However the sharp demarcation of
{ 25409854 ; 27387498 ; 31950477 ; 3387 { 24664543 ; 29239811 }. COF and cortical expansion rather than
8496 }. The tumour arises in Caucasians Macroscopic appearance replacement distinguish it from fibrous
primarily, followed by patients of African Single rounded mass or multiple large dysplasia. Histologically COF also
descent { 27387498 }. pieces of bony tissue, with some smooth resembles focal cemento-
Etiology surfaces { 33878496 }. osseous dysplasia and COF-like
COF is presumed to be odontogenic in Histopathology expansion may occur in florid cemento-
origin based on its almost exclusive COF consists of variable proportions of osseous dysplasia, particularly its familial
location in tooth-bearing areas of the jaws fibrous and mineralised tissue, more form.
{ 34184157 } and variable production of heavily mineralised centrally and with It should be noted that the so-called
dense cementum-like bone, though the a thin fibrous capsule or well demarcated peripheral ossifying fibroma is not regarded
latter is not specific to COF or other types margin from surrounding normal as an extraosseous ossifying fibroma, but
of ossifying fibromas { 5212309 }. bone. The fibroblastic stroma may have an unrelated reactive gingival hyperplasia
areas of hypercellularity and show nuclear with mineralisation that shows only some
Genetic factors: COF, often multiple and in hyperchromasia but no pleomorphism and histological similarity to neoplastic
young patients, are a feature mitoses are infrequent { 31950477 }. cemento-ossifying fibromas
of hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumour Stromal vascularity is generally low. { 2926546 ; 30693455 }.
syndrome (MIM: 145001) A fibro-osseous appearance of Cytology
{ 12434154 ; 23453027 } condensation of woven bone from stroma Not clinically relevant.
and gnathodiaphyseal dysplasia (MIM: must be present at least Diagnostic molecular pathology
166260) focally. COF exhibits considerable None for sporadic COF. Syndromic forms
{ 4014312 ; 11547842 ; 25409854 }. variation in the amount and type of can be identified clinically or
Pathogenesis mineralisation, even within a single lesion. by CDC73 (HRPT2) mutations in COF or
Inactivating mutations in the tumour Woven to lamellar bone, osteoid, and other tissues {12434154, 16458039,
suppressor gene CDC73 (HRPT2) have dense acellular or 27658992, 33505612}. COF does not
been identified in a few sporadic cases of paucicellular basophilic rounded exhibit the GNAS mutations seen in fibrous
COF { 16458039 } and mutations in this cementum-like calcifications may all be dysplasia.
gene are the underlying cause of present { 25409854 }, the last forming Essential and desirable diagnostic
hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumour syndrome round droplets, irregular bulbous, and fine criteria
(OMIM #145001) brush-stroke forms { 31950477 }. The bony Essential: location in tooth bearing region
{ 12434154 ; 23453027 }. CDC73 encodes trabeculae may form thick anastomosing of jaws; benign fibro-osseous histology;
parafibromin, which exerts antiproliferative strands or fuse into large sheets centrally. well demarcated
activity via interaction with cyclin D1 Osteoblastic rimming is frequent and there Desirable: slow continuous growth
{ 23453027 }. Because CDC73 mutations is bone remodelling in the lesion with Staging
occur in only some COF, they may play a infrequent osteoclasts None
role in tumour progression rather then in { 33878496 }. Haemorrhagic cystic Prognosis and prediction
initiation { 23453027 }. Assessment of degeneration resembling aneurysmal bone COF is usually treated by enucleation and
hotspot mutation in 50 oncogenes and cyst formation occurs rarely curettage as it shells out readily and recurs
tumour suppressor genes by next- { 33878496 ; 34184157 }. Histological rarely { 27311848 }. There is a single
generation sequencing did not reveal any features alone are not diagnostic and areas reported case of possible malignant
pathogenic variants in the COF resembling COF may be seen in transformation {25741469, 31062892}.
evaluated { 29239811 }. COF show copy psammomatoid and less frequently in
number variation, mostly on chromosomes trabecular ossifying fibroma, and COF may
Odontogenic Myxoma
Definition region of the jaw. Immunohistochemistry does not aid
Odontogenic myxoma is a benign { 12435020 ; 22442596 }. Fine straight diagnosis.
neoplasm histologically resembling internal trabeculation is characteristic
odontogenic ectomesenchyme and { 17507265 }. Odontogenic myxoma of the Differential Diagnosis: The most significant
characterized by sparse spindle or stellate maxilla is less frequent and has a tendency differential diagnosis for OM is dental
cells in a myxoid stroma. to spread to the maxillary sinus follicle or developing dental papilla, which
{ 29683236 }. Root displacement and are histologically identical but clinically and
ICD-O coding resorption may occur, but as late features. radiographically distinct { 28508997 }.
9320/0 Odontogenic myxoma Myxoid neurofibroma may have
Epidemiology overlapping histology but will generally
ICD-11 coding OM accounts for <10% of all odontogenic show positive immunohistochemical
2E83.0 & XH48L4 Benign osteogenic tumours and is the third most frequent after staining for S100 protein { 28508997 }.
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of odontoma and ameloblastoma Other differential diagnoses include
skull or face & Odontogenic myxoma { 16916667 ; 17996487 ; 23965450 ; 2593 chondromyxoid fibroma, odontogenic
2E83.1 & XH48L4 Benign osteogenic 7364 }. OM affects mostly young adults fibroma, or low-grade myxofibrosarcoma,
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of between the second and third decades of particularly in OM with a more collagenized
lower jaw & Odontogenic myxoma life, but with wide age range { 28469823 }. stroma { 28508997 }.
In many studies, odontogenic myxoma is
as much as twice as common in females as Cytology
Related terminology males, but not in all populations Not clinically relevant
Acceptable: Odontogenic fibromyxoma { 17507265 ; 17996487 ; 32048275 }.
Diagnostic molecular pathology
Subtype(s) Etiology Not relevant
None Unknown.
Essential and desirable diagnostic
Localization Pathogenesis criteria
Odontogenic myxoma (OM) arises in the Unknown. No pathogenic mutations were Essential: arising in tooth-bearing
jaws { 21266837 ; 31551163 }. Two thirds found in 50 oncogenes and tumour segments of jaws; myxoid stroma with
of OMs are located in the mandible and one suppressor genes commonly mutated in variable collagenization; sparse stellate or
third in the maxilla { 17996487 }, usually in human cancers { 28597929 }. OMs spindle shaped cells
relation to a tooth, typically a premolar or show MAPK/ERK pathway activation and Desirable: scattered inactive odontogenic
molar { 17149953 }. Maxillary lesions tend inhibition may reduce tumour growth rests
to obliterate the maxillary sinuses as an { 31713744 }. OM is not associated with
early feature, and expansion is an early Carney syndrome { 21444236 }, but has Staging
and consistent feature. Rare cases have been reported occasionally with Gardner None
been reported to occur extraosseously in syndrome, nevoid basal cell carcinoma
the gingiva { 23722914 }. syndrome, and tuberous sclerosis Prognosis and prediction
{ 24163866 ; 27994429 ; 30531170 }. Lack of capsule and permeative spread
Clinical features produce uncertainty over extent, and
OM is characterized by insidious and Macroscopic appearance account for recurrence rates for OM
oligosymptomatic slow permeative growth, Unencapsulated gelatinous white-grey ranging from 10 to 43% { 31551163 }. It is
causing bone destruction, expansion loose tissue { 32506377 }. unclear whether recurrence increases with
{ 17149953 ; 19027311 }, mobility or more conservative treatment methods
absence of tooth, eventual cortical Histopathology { 31551163 ; 32048275 }. OM in the
perforation and soft tissue infiltration OM is composed of predominantly loose maxilla appear to be more likely to recur
{ 21180454 ; 21624835 }. On palpation, myxoid stroma with a sparse population of than mandibular lesions
OM is firm in consistency and not tender stellate to spindle cells. Small inactive rests { 31551163 }. MAPK/ERK pathway
{ 30967732 }. of odontogenic epithelium are present in a inhibition may have potential to reduce
small minority of OM and are few in number tumour growth { 31713744 }. If malignant
Imaging: Radiographically OMs { 29683236 }. The tumour is generally transformation is possible in odontogenic
are unilocular or multilocular unencapsulated with permeative spread in myxoma, it is exceedingly rare and may
radiolucencies with defined or diffuse medullary bone { 32048275 }. Lesions with represent misdiagnosis of low grade
borders, better defined by CT or MRI more collagenous stroma are often myxoid malignancies { 10992937 }.
{ 23972779 }. Unilocular OM are more referred to as odontogenic fibromyxomas.
frequent in children and in the anterior
Sclerosing Odontogenic Carcinoma
Definition have been asymptomatic with only a few A dense, fibrocollagenous sclerotic stroma
Sclerosing odontogenic carcinoma (SOC) mandibular examples characterized is the hallmark of SOC, and contains
is a primary intraosseous carcinoma of the by paraesthesia. malignant epithelial cells forming single-file
jaws with bland cytology, markedly thin cords, strands, small nests and
sclerotic stroma and local aggressive Imaging: Radiographically, SOC is a poorly infrequent islands of more epidermoid cells
infiltration, but no metastatic potential. defined radiolucency with cortical bone { 18753945 }. Only mild cellular atypia has
ICD-O coding destruction and occasional tooth mobility. been observed in most cases. SOC are
9270/3 Sclerosing odontogenic carcinoma Tumour extension beyond radiographic infiltrative and lack encapsulation.
ICD-11 coding margins has been reported in many cases. Perineural or intraneural invasion is
2B5J & XH4M89 Malignant miscellaneous Epidemiology frequently seen but lymphovascular
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of There is a very slight female predilection invasion is rare. Mitotic activity has been
other or unspecified sites & Odontogenic with age at diagnosis ranging from 31 to 73 inconspicuous and necrosis is rare. Mucus-
tumour, malignant years with the majority of cases arising in negative clear cells may be present but
Related terminology the 5th to 7th decades glandular differentiation has also been
None { 33715971 }. SOC may be under reported
Subtype(s) recognized or have been described under { 33715971 }. Calcifications including,
None another name { 21418400 }. cementum-like bone, bone or dentinoid
Localization Etiology have been observed in half of the cases.
Most cases have affected the posterior Unknown
mandible. Maxillary SOC tend to lie Pathogenesis Immunohistochemistry: There is no
anteriorly. Unknown specific immunohistochemical marker for
Clinical features Macroscopic appearance SOC. The epithelial component
SOC presents as swelling which Dense fibrous tissue fragments is highlighted by CK 5/6, CK14, CK19 and
occasionally grows rapidly. Most cases Histopathology p63.
Cytology Desirable: mild atypia; Prognosis and prediction
Not clinically relevant perineural/intraneural infiltration often Prognosis up to now has been excellent
Diagnostic molecular pathology prominent with only local recurrence in a few cases
All cases studied have been negative Staging despite perineural invasion. No metastasis
for EWSR1 rearrangement. While there is no defined UICC staging has been reported.
Essential and desirable diagnostic guidance, the use of International
criteria Collaboration on Cancer Reporting
Essential: thin cords and nests of minimum data set reporting is encouraged
epithelium; sclerotic stroma { 30500289 }.

Ameloblastic Carcinoma
Definition { 19800270 ; 26768075 ; 31444935 }. { 25854168 ; 26306423 ; 30889301 } and
Ameloblastic carcinoma (AC) is a primary Rarely, AC is associated with 100% { 33176823 } of AC.
odontogenic carcinoma histologically hypercalcemia of malignancy Macroscopic appearance
resembling ameloblastoma. { 11113817 }. Solid mass, irregular borders, limited cystic
ICD-O coding change {20841465, 26238174}.
9270/3 Ameloblastic carcinoma Imaging: Contrast-enhanced CT shows a Histopathology
ICD-11 coding poorly defined expanding lesion with AC resembles ameloblastoma and has
2B5J & XH4M89 Malignant miscellaneous medullary and cortical bone destruction variable features of malignancy. The
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of { 19800270 }. MRI delineates soft tissue or architecture ranges from ameloblastoma-
other or unspecified sites & Odontogenic marrow extension. Moderate 18- like follicular or plexiform patterns to solid,
tumour, malignant fluorodeoxyglucose uptake on PET-CT is compact sheets of basaloid epithelium or
Related terminology used to detect metastasis anastomosing strands with loss of stellate
Not recommended: malignant { 20841465 ; 25436009 }. reticulum. Peripheral palisading, nuclear
ameloblastoma; dedifferentiated Epidemiology reverse polarity and stellate reticulum must
ameloblastoma AC accounts for ≤2% of all odontogenic be evident, at least focally. The threshold
Subtype(s) tumours for diagnosis of malignancy is poorly
None { 15660091 ; 17156974 ; 30448231 }, and defined but AC usually show some of: at
Localization 30% of malignant odontogenic tumours least moderate cellular or nuclear atypia,
Intraosseous jaw carcinoma with { 22385300 }. A wide age range is affected increased mitotic activity, increased
mandibular predilection, usually posteriorly with a median age of 49 years { 28600599 } nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio,
{ 28600599 ; 26768075 ; 31444935 }. with male predilection hyperchromatic vesicular nuclei, crowding
Most AC arise de novo but there may be { 17448710 ; 25013517 ; 28600599 }. of basal cells and expansion of the basal
pre-existing ameloblastoma Etiology cell compartment with disordered polarity
{ 6366686 ; 17368379 ; 25436009 }. Unknown. Some develop in longstanding and expansion of atypical cells into
Extraosseous AC is extremely rare untreated ameloblastoma { 26768075 }, or stellate reticulum. Central necrosis in
{ 11120479 }. locally recurrent ameloblastoma after islands is a helpful finding, but may be
Clinical features surgery and/or irradiation subtle and apoptotic. Extension into
Jaw or orofacial swelling, sometimes with { 6366686 ; 24906942 ; 11113817 }. mucosa or medullary space infiltration do
pain Pathogenesis not distinguish benign ameloblastoma from
and paraesthesia { 28600599 ; 31444935 BRAF p.V600E mutations have been AC. Increased mitotic activity or Ki67
} and later with tooth mobility, extension reported in between 25-40% proliferative fraction cannot define AC and
into oral mucosa and trismus emphasis is placed on identifying a
combination of architectural and cell/sarcomatoid squamous cell While there is no defined UICC staging
cytomorphologic abnormalities. carcinoma, carcinosarcoma and other guidance, the use of International
Minor differentiation patterns spindle cell malignancies Collaboration on Cancer Reporting
include squamous, clear cell and spindle { 26238174 ; 30928327 }. AC with clear- minimum data set reporting is encouraged
cell pseudosarcomatous. Combinations cell features must be separated from clear { 30500289 }.
are possible and these features vary in cell odontogenic carcinoma { 23715163 }. Prognosis and prediction
extent A primary intraosseous carcinoma lacking Radical surgical resection is the treatment
{ 17448710 ; 19800270 ; 24906942 ; 2719 ameloblastoma features may be better of choice, with radiotherapy for non-
5964 ; 30928327 }. Dispersed invasion categorised as primary intraosseous surgical candidates, recurrent/metastatic
and perineural infiltration are uncommon in carcinoma. disease and/or inadequate surgical
AC { 27195964 ; 30500289 ; 33176823 } in Cytology margins { 30393089 ; 26796877 }. AC
contrast to other odontogenic malignant There are scant references in the literature. recurs locally in ≤40%
neoplasms { 18753945 ; 23715163 }. FNAB may detect possible metastasis in { 19800270 ; 25436009 } and metastases
Benign ameloblastoma may be present as known cases { 20841465 }. to cervical nodes in ≤13% of patients
a precursor lesion Diagnostic molecular pathology { 28600599 ; 30509051 ; 33176823 }.
{ 23099227 ; 24906942 }. BRAF p.V600E mutation Distant metastasis develops in a third,
{ 25854168 ; 33176823 } most commonly in lung, followed by brain,
Immunohistochemistry: Relative to and TP53 mutation { 24906942 } are of liver and bone { 17942338 ; 28600599 },
ameloblastoma, AC shows expression of undefined diagnostic reducing prognosis
p53 { 27195964 }, SMA and SOX2 value. EWSR1 translocation indicates { 19800270 ; 31444935 }. The 5-year
{ 19150605 ; 24603057 } but these are not clear cell odontogenic carcinoma rather overall survival rate is 70%, better after
validated as arbiters of malignancy. than AC with clear cell phenotype complete surgical resection { 28600599 }.
{ 23715163 }. Origin in benign precursor
Differential Diagnosis: This includes benign Essential and desirable diagnostic { 6366686 ; 17368379 ; 25436009 } and
ameloblastoma, especially maxillary criteria histopathological patterns do not affect
examples that can show high Essential: histological resemblance to clinical course { 29362117 }. Novel
cellularity. Basaloid AC must be ameloblastoma; cytological atypia treatment considerations include proton
separated from basal cell ameloblastoma, Desirable: intraosseous jaw beam therapy { 30240599 }, and BRAF
basaloid squamous cell carcinoma and tumour; tumour targeted agents { 26796877 }.
adamantinoma-like Ewing tumour necrosis, BRAF mutation (in subset);
{ 26034869 ; 31895100 }. AC with spindle associated ameloblastoma precursor
cell changes warrants exclusion of spindle Staging
Clear Cell Odontogenic Carcinoma
Definition EWSR1 rearrangements have been gnathic neoplasms, including other
Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma (COdC) reported in over 80% of cases odontogenic tumours (clear cell calcifying
is an odontogenic carcinoma characterized { 23715163 }. ATF is the most common epithelial odontogenic tumour, amyloid-rich
by sheets, nests, or cords of clear cells in a fusion partner, less central odontogenic fibroma), salivary
fibrocellular or hyalinized stroma. frequently CREB1 and CREM { 23715163 tumours, both metastatic and intraosseous
ICD-O coding ; 30047065 ; 33616852 }. Clear cell primary (mucoepidermoid carcinoma, clear
9341/3 Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma odontogenic carcinomas are cell carcinoma, epithelial-
ICD-11 coding morphologically and myoepithelial carcinoma), and
2B5J & XH5DZ4 Malignant miscellaneous immunohistochemically similar to salivary metastatic neoplasms (renal cell
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of clear cell carcinoma, which carcinoma, melanoma) { 32642935 }.
other or unspecified sites & Clear cell share EWSR1 translocation, suggesting a Odontogenic carcinoma with dentinoid has
odontogenic carcinoma common pathogenesis { 21484932 }. overlapping morphologic features, some
Macroscopic appearance cases having a clear cell phenotype but
Related terminology Intraosseous tumour with these form dentinoid and appear to be a
Not recommended: clear cell homogeneous, tan-white cut surface, distinct entity { 25409850 }.
odontogenic tumour; clear cell indistinct borders and sometimes soft Cytology
ameloblastoma tissue extension. Not clinically relevant
Subtype(s) Histopathology Diagnostic molecular pathology
None COdC are composed of lobular sheets, EWSR1 rearrangement facilitates
Localization nests, or trabeculae of monomorphic, diagnosis, but is precluded by
All develop in the jaws, three quarters of polygonal cells with clear to slightly specimen decalcification.
cases in the mandible, most frequently in eosinophilic cytoplasm and eccentric Essential and desirable diagnostic
the posterior body and lower ramus nuclei embedded in a hyalinised or criteria
{ 31482399 }. fibrocellular stroma { 4077550 }. Peripheral Essential: location in jaws; prominent clear
Clinical features palisading may or may not be present, and cell phenotype; infiltrative margin
The clinical manifestations are non-specific the tumour may have a heterogeneous Desirable: EWSR1 translocation
with destructive jaw swelling, with or appearance with areas of more basaloid Staging
without pain, paraesthesia and tooth epithelium without cytoplasmic clearing. While there is no defined UICC staging
mobility, later with ulceration to the The clear cells are negative for mucin, but guidance, the use of International
mucosa. Less commonly, patients develop they are PAS-positive and diastase- Collaboration on Cancer Reporting
lymphadenopathy (19%) or distant sensitive, indicating glycogen. The mitotic minimum data set reporting is encouraged
metastases (11%). index is low and some COdC are bland and { 30500289 }.
relatively indolent. Necrosis and Prognosis and prediction
Imaging: Radiographically, COdC are angiolymphatic invasion are uncommon, Primary management is complete surgical
expansile, ill-defined radiolucencies often but perineural invasion is reported in one- resection. The role of adjuvant therapy is
exhibiting tooth root resorption third of tumours { 21290202 }. not clearly defined. Prognosis is variable
{ 31482399 }. with a local recurrence rate of nearly 40%
Epidemiology Immunohistochemistry: Clear cell { 31482399 }. Metastases have been
Over 100 cases of clear cell odontogenic carcinomas are positive for reported to cervical lymph nodes, but
odontogenic carcinoma have been cytokeratins (AE1/3, CK5/6, CK19), p63, uncommonly to the lungs and bone and
reported in the literature with a mean age and EMA, but they are negative for may occur after many years.
at presentation of 53 years and with 63% of myoepithelial markers (SMA, calponin, Approximately 11% of patients succumb to
cases in females { 31227275 }. S100 protein) { 21290202 ; 31482399 }. the disease { 31227275 }.
Unknown Differential Diagnosis: The differential
Pathogenesis diagnosis includes other clear cell-rich
Ghost Cell Odontogenic Carcinoma
Definition Imaging: GCOC typically present as a catenin pathway, have also been reported
Ghost cell odontogenic carcinoma (GCOC) poorly demarcated radiolucency, in half of in one case of GCOC { 26173781 }, in
is an odontogenic carcinoma with ghost cases associated with internal similarity with odontogenic carcinoma with
cells and sometimes dentinoid deposition. mineralisation. Root resorption and dentinoid { 31606421 }. Additional
ICD-O coding displacement are common. mutations in genes in the SHH and ATM
9302/3 Ghost cell odontogenic carcinoma Epidemiology pathways and loss of RB1, FHIT, PTEN,
ICD-11 coding GCOC is a rare tumour with less than 50 ATM and CHEK2 gene regions are
2B5J & XH2BX2 Malignant miscellaneous cases reported, of which about half reported, amongst other
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of occurred in Asian patients { 30746377 }. changes { 26173781 }.
other or unspecified sites & Ghost cell GCOC is more common in men than Macroscopic appearance
odontogenic carcinoma women (3.2:1). It can arise at any age, with Appearances vary from solid to multicystic,
Related terminology a peak incidence in patients aged 30- 60 often with a gritty consistency on section.
Not recommended: dentinogenic ghost cell years and a range from 10 to 89 years Histopathology
carcinoma; malignant calcifying ghost cell { 30746377 }. The histological features are those of
odontogenic tumour; malignant calcifying Etiology DGCT and calcifying odontogenic cyst
odontogenic cyst; calcifying ghost cell Unknown (COC) with cytological evidence of
odontogenic carcinoma Pathogenesis malignancy. The main component is
Subtype(s) GCOC may arise de novo or arise in a odontogenic epithelial sheets, islands and
None calcifying odontogenic cyst (COC) or a strands resembling an ameloblastoma with
Localization dentinogenic ghost cell tumour (DGCT) palisaded columnar hyperchromatic basal
GCOC arises within the jaws and is almost benign precursor cells with reverse polarity, at least focally,
twice as common in the maxilla as the { 18221328 ; 33245488 }. and additional aberrant keratinization as
mandible. The ramus and molar area are Mutation of CTNNB1 (β-catenin) has been ghost cells. Ghost cells may mineralise.
the most affected region in the mandible reported in GCOC { 26500725 }, similar to The ghost cells may be dispersed, isolated
{ 29738629 ; 30746377 }. that found in other tumours with ghost cells or present in clusters
Clinical features and/or dentinoid material and clear cells, { 18221328 ; 30746377 }. In higher grade
GCOC may present with non-specific signs including odontogenic carcinoma with lesions the malignant epithelial cells are
and symptoms suggestive of malignancy, dentinoid { 31606421 }, dentinogenic ghost basaloid or non-descript and
including pain, swelling, ulceration, tooth cell tumour (DGCT) { 17178501 } and ameloblastoma-like features may be
mobility and paraesthesia. Soft tissue calcifying cystic odontogenic tumours absent. Dentinoid may be present adjacent
infiltration may be present { 30746377 }. { 14578169 ; 27158066 }. Notably, to the epithelial cells. The amount of
mutations in APC, also part of the WNT/β- dentinoid and ghost cells are variable.
Evidence of malignancy includes mitotic odontogenic carcinoma with dentinoid While there is no defined UICC staging
activity, pleomorphism, hyperchromatism, { 25409850 }. It is possible these entities guidance, the use of International
necrosis and an infiltrative growth pattern. are related and differentiating criteria are Collaboration on Cancer Reporting
Benign precursor COC or DGCT may be not well defined. minimum data set reporting is encouraged
present. Cytology { 30500289 }.
Not clinically relevant Prognosis and prediction
Differential Diagnosis: GCOC should be Diagnostic molecular pathology Complete surgical excision is the treatment
differentiated from similar but benign Not clinically relevant of choice. The aggressive nature of GCOC
odontogenic tumours, including DGCT and Essential and desirable diagnostic is reflected by a high recurrence rate of
COC and other odontogenic tumours that criteria about 63% reported in 44 patients. Distant
may contain ghost cells as a minor Essential: poorly demarcated lesion metastases developed in three patients
component, such as ameloblastoma and radiologically; ameloblastoma-like and nine patients died { 29738629 }. Long-
adenoid ameloblastoma. The diagnosis of epithelium; prominent ghost cells; term follow-up is required.
GCOC requires cytological evidence of cytological evidence of malignancy
malignancy which is not present in these Desirable: mixed radiolucency; root
other tumours. There is histological overlap resorption; dentinoid formation
with adenoid ameloblastoma and Staging
Primary Intraosseous Carcinoma, NOS
Definition teeth, non-healing extraction sites, labial or Differential Diagnosis: Peripheral
Primary intraosseous carcinoma NOS facial paraesthesia and pathologic palisading or plexiform patterns may occur,
(PIOC) is a central jaw carcinoma that fractures. Approximately 40% of patients but if prominent suggest ameloblastic
cannot be categorized as any other type of have metastasis at the time of presentation carcinoma. Imaging, histopathology and
carcinoma and derives from { 11448352 }. clinical information are essential to exclude
odontogenic cysts, rests of odontogenic metastasis, which is considerably more
epithelium, the reduced enamel epithelium Imaging: Poorly defined osteolytic common, other malignant odontogenic
surrounding impacted teeth or other benign area with or without tooth root resorption tumours, mucosal and sinonasal primary
precursors. and cortical erosion. There may be carcinomas invading bone and
ICD-O coding radiological evidence of a benign precursor intraosseous salivary gland cancers.
9270/3 Primary intraosseous carcinoma, and PIOC arising in cysts may produce Cytology
NOS multilocular or scalloped radiolucency. Not clinically relevant
ICD-11 coding Epidemiology Diagnostic molecular pathology
2B5J & XH4M89 Malignant miscellaneous POIC is rare and data is mostly in case None
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of reports. A systemic review identified 257 Essential and desirable diagnostic
other or unspecified sites & Odontogenic reported cases in 2020, the majority criteria
tumour, malignant apparently arising from odontogenic cysts, Essential: site in jaws; destructive central
Related terminology more frequently residual and radicular jaw lesion; absence of a communication
Not recommended: Primary intraosseous cysts and less often dentigerous and with the surface mucosa or antrum;
squamous cell carcinoma, cystogenic odontogenic keratocysts { 33044723 }. exclusion of metastatic disease by staging
type; Primary intraosseous squamous cell There is a male predilection of 2:1 and the and immunohistochemistry
carcinoma, solid type; Primary intra- mean age at diagnosis is 55-60 years, Desirable: CK19 positive on
alveolar epidermoid carcinoma; Primary though a wide age range is described, with immunohistochemistry; historic
odontogenic carcinoma occasional cases in young patients. radiological evidence of
Subtype(s) Etiology odontogenic precursor
None Unknown Staging
Localization Pathogenesis While there is no defined UICC staging
PIOC is more frequent in the posterior Those that arise in odontogenic cysts may guidance, the use of International
body and ramus of the mandible and, less be preceded by dysplasia. Collaboration on Cancer Reporting
often, in the anterior maxilla. Cases arising Macroscopic appearance minimum data set reporting is encouraged
in cysts are more frequent in the Non-specific unless a cyst or other { 30500289 }.
mandible. Intraosseous origin must be precursor is present. Prognosis and prediction
established for diagnosis, Histopathology Prognosis is generally poor. Outcomes are
excluding extension of gingival or alveolar PIOC are squamous carcinomas, similar to stage IV oral squamous cell
squamous cell carcinoma or antral comprising islands and small nests of carcinoma with overall five year survival of
carcinoma into the jaws atypical squamous epithelium with prickle around 45%, Radical resection with neck
{ 22290811 }. Metastases must be cells and minimal keratinisation. dissection is the most frequent treatment,
excluded. In the mandible these Cytological atypia ranges from quite bland with adjunctive radiotherapy providing a
usually localise below the inferior alveolar to severe. Most PIOCs are moderately benefit. Recurrence is frequent (up to 60%)
nerve, in contrast to PIOC which develops differentiated and necrosis is rare. and is associated with poor outcome.
above it { 22290834 }. Distant metastasis is rare but typically to
Clinical features Immunohistochemistry: CK19 positivity on the lung. Cases arising in cysts have a
PIOC may be asymptomatic, discovered immunohistochemistry supports an more prolonged clinical course, but 5 year
incidentally on radiographs with or without odontogenic epithelial origin, but has low survival is around 40%. If dysplasia is
tooth root resorption and cortical erosion. specificity. found incidentally in a cyst after
More advanced lesions are characterized enucleation, close follow up is appropriate.
by painful cortical expansion, loosening of
Odontogenic Carcinosarcoma
Definition incidence is defined though the mean age reactivity to desmin and muscle specific
Odontogenic carcinosarcoma (OCS) is a of female patients is significantly lower than actin { 30554629 }.
malignant mixed odontogenic tumour in males. Males are affected twice as
which the epithelial component as well as frequently as females { 30220320 }. Differential Diagnosis: This must exclude a
the ectomesenchymal component show Etiology malignant epithelial odontogenic tumour
features of malignancy. Unknown with a spindle cell component of epithelial
ICD-O coding Pathogenesis origin, such as ameloblastic carcinoma, a
9342/3 Odontogenic carcinosarcoma Most cases have been associated with a significant diagnostic pitfall { 30928327 }.
ICD-11 coding previously existing odontogenic neoplasm, Formation of matrix or hard tissue in an
2B5J & XH4LP1 Malignant miscellaneous often ameloblastic fibroma or ameloblastic odontogenic carcinoma does not
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of fibrosarcoma { 17395065 ; 30220320 }. necessarily indicate sarcoma
other or unspecified sites & Odontogenic Macroscopic appearance { 11903826 ; 25409850 }.
carcinosarcoma The neoplasm is often tan, lobulated and Cytology
Related terminology fleshy { 17395065 ; 21195529 }. Not clinically relevant
Not recommended: Malignant Histopathology Diagnostic molecular pathology
odontogenic mixed tumour; ameloblastic Histopathological features are based on Not relevant
carcinosarcoma few cases, but resemble ameloblastic Essential and desirable diagnostic
Subtype(s) fibroma or fibrosarcoma. Both the epithelial criteria
None and ectomesenchymal components must Essential: origin in tooth bearing segment
Localization show convincing cytologic features of of jaws; carcinoma and sarcoma
All cases have involved the posterior malignancy. The epithelial component components; Significant cytologic atypia in
mandible, with one equivocal case in the ranges from fine strands to larger islands, both components; exclusion of spindle cell
maxilla { 1987921 ; 30554629 }. often with peripheral palisading. The carcinoma.
Clinical features ectomesenchymal component is Desirable: evidence of pre-
Most patients present with pain and hypercellular with cytologic atypia. existing odontogenic tumour
swelling and mean tumour diameter at Mesenchymal hard tissues such as Staging
diagnosis of approximately 60 mm. dentinoid, bone and cartilage may be While there is no defined UICC staging
Paresthesia or anesthesia has also been produced but the histological appearances guidance, the use of International
reported. are not required to mimic osteosarcoma or Collaboration on Cancer Reporting
other defined sarcomas. Both components minimum data set reporting is encouraged
Imaging: Radiographically, most patients show a high mitotic index and Ki-67 { 30500289 }.
present with highly destructive poorly proliferative fraction Prognosis and prediction
marginated radiolucencies. Cortical { 17395065 ; 30554629 }. The treatment of choice is wide surgical
perforation is common, followed by soft excision. Almost two thirds of patients
tissue extension { 26131431 }. Immunohistochemsitry: The epithelial suffer recurrence and just over 40%
Epidemiology component reacts to a variety of metastasis, most often to lung. Disease
Cases have been reported from Japan, cytokeratins, particularly CK19. The associated mortality is about 50%
Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, S Korea, France, ectomesenchymal component is invariably { 30220320 }.
Germany, Brazil and the USA. No age vimentin positive but may also show
Odontogenic Sarcomas
Definition displacement, impaction, and root component is characterized by
The odontogenic sarcomas (OSs) are a resorption also are possible { 28776760 }. hypercellularity, varying degrees of
group of malignant mixed odontogenic Epidemiology cytologic atypia, and increased mitotic
neoplasms in which only the Only about 100 cases have been reported activity { 21074695 ; 28492759 }. In
ectomesenchymal component shows { 28776760 ; 32508466 }. Males are approximately 10% of cases,
microscopic features of malignancy. affected about 1.5 times more frequently dysplastic dentine with or without enamel
ICD-O coding than females. The average age at matrix is produced (ameloblastic fibro-
9330/3 Ameloblastic fibrosarcoma diagnosis is in the upper third decade dentinosarcoma or ameloblastic fibro-
ICD-11 coding { 25921823 ; 28776760 }. odontosarcoma).
2B5J & XH0XD5 Malignant miscellaneous Etiology Cytology
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of Unknown. However, over half OSs arise Not clinically relevant
other or unspecified sites & Ameloblastic from malignant transformation of a pre- Diagnostic molecular pathology
fibrosarcoma existing benign neoplasm, such as The mutations identified (see
Related terminology ameloblastic fibroma. pathogenesis) are not yet clinically
None Pathogenesis relevant.
Subtype(s) OSs have BRAF p.V600E activating Essential and desirable diagnostic
Ameloblastic fibrosarcoma; ameloblastic mutations { 31899815 } in the criteria
fibrodentinosarcoma; ameloblastic fibro- mesenchymal component { 32966885 }. Essential: origin in tooth bearing segment
odontosarcoma Single cases have of jaws; mixed odontogenic
Localization shown NRAS p.Gln61Lys mutation neoplasm; cytologically bland epithelial
Approximately 75-80% arise in the (mutually exclusive with BRAF p.V600E component; cytologically malignant
mandible with a predilection for the mutation), and EGFR exon 20 ectomesenchymal component
posterior region { 28492759 ; 32508466 }. insertions, MDM2 amplification, or Desirable: evidence of benign precursor
Clinical features aneuploidy Staging
Patients present with locally aggressive { 7614208 ; 31899815 ; 33867182 }. While there is no defined UICC staging
expansile lesions, with or without Macroscopic appearance guidance, the use of International
pain. Many OSs arise from malignant Not reported. Collaboration on Cancer Reporting
transformation of a benign precursor. Histopathology minimum data set reporting is encouraged
OSs contain an epithelial and { 30500289 }.
Imaging: Early lesions may appear benign ectomesenchymal component. The Prognosis and prediction
radiographically, features reflecting a epithelial component is cytologically bland Most cases are treated by surgical
benign precursor. However, with time the and benign. It varies considerably in resection with an overall recurrence rate of
lesion typically develops ill-defined margins quantity and morphology, ranging from thin 35% and 21% disease-related mortality
with cortical destruction. Most lesions are dental lamina-like strands to larger islands { 28776760 }. Metastases are usually
unilocular or multilocular radiolucencies, of odontogenic epithelium with peripheral distant but affect less than 5% of cases
but are occasionally mixed cells showing nuclear palisading and { 32508466 }.
radiolucent/opaque reverse polarity but not stellate reticulum.
{ 19150219 ; 28776760 }. Tooth The malignant ectomesenchymal
Central Giant Cell Granuloma
Definition Etiology osteoclast multinucleate giant cells in a
Central giant cell granuloma (CGCG) is a Unknown vascular background, with haemorrhage
localized, benign but sometimes and haemosiderin pigment. The lesion may
aggressive osteolytic jaw lesion consisting Genetic factors have a lobular architecture, lobules
of a proliferation of osteoclasts in Multiple giant cell lesions occur in separated by fibrous septa that may
a mononuclear and fibrous vascular syndromes, including neurofibromatosis contain thin osteoid and woven bone. The
stroma. type 1, osteoglophonic dysplasia, Noonan, giant cells in CGCGs show reactivity to
ICD-O coding cardiofaciocutaneous, oculoectodermal, osteoclast and macrophage markers
None LEOPARD, Schimmelpenning-Feuerstein- { 18581286 ; 21029180 ; 25409853 }. The
ICD-11 coding Mims and Jaffe–Campanacci, most of mononuclear stromal cells are the
DA01.20 Giant cell granuloma, central which are caused by MAPK-pathway gene proliferating component and mitoses may
mutations { 31705763 }. be readily found.
Related terminology Pathogenesis
Not recommended: Central giant cell CGCG arise from osteoclast precursors in Differential Diagnosis: This includes
lesion; reparative giant cell granuloma the mononuclear stroma, induced cherubism in young patients and cystic
Subtype(s) by RANKL, VEGF and b-FGF. The last haemorrhagic degeneration producing an
None amplifies the resorptive action of aneurysmal bone cyst-like appearance in
Localization parathyroid hormone. fibro-osseous lesions. Brown tumour of
CGCG develops almost exclusively in the Sporadic CGCG have low tumour mutation hyperparathyroidism is a close histological
jaws and is more frequent in the anterior burden, lack fusions { 30385747 } and are mimic only definitively excluded by
mandible. driven by mutually exclusive somatic serology.
Clinical features mutations in KRAS (more often affecting Cytology
CGCGs generally present as well-defined, codon 12), FGFR1 (either p.C381R or Mononuclear and osteoclast-type
asymptomatic, slow p.N330I) and TRPV4 (p.M713V/I) that multinucleate giant cells, hemosiderin
growing, expansile radiolucencies. A occur in 70% of cases leading to MAPK- pigment.
minority of lesions are aggressive and may pathway activation Diagnostic molecular pathology
exhibit rapid growth, root resorption, tooth { 30385747 }. TRPV4 codes a polymodal None
displacement, cortical perforation and Ca2+ permeable channel and is mutated in Essential and desirable diagnostic
recurrence after curettage hereditary channelopathies characterized criteria
{ 3462363 ; 12378481 }. by peripheral nervous system and skeletal Essential: located in jaws; clustered
changes. Recently, CGCG have been osteoclast giant cells; haemorrhage;
Imaging: Corticated unilocular or described as one feature of a polysystemic spindle cell stroma
multilocular radiolucency, sometimes with syndrome due to Desirable: lobular structure
fine honeycomb or wispy trabecular germline TRPV4 mutation, expanding the Staging
opacity. Cortical expansion often spectrum of TRPV4 channelopathies None
prominent, with perforation. Tooth root { 33685999 }. Unlike giant cell lesions of Prognosis and prediction
resorption infrequent. MRI is helpful in long bones, H3F3A mutations are not Most CGCGs do not recur after thorough
delineating soft tissue involvement and present { 25442495 ; 30385747 }. curettage. A more radical surgical
multicentricity can be verified with fusion Macroscopic appearance approach may be necessary for aggressive
PET/CT scan. CGCG have a fleshy, reddish-brown, or recurrent lesions. To limit the extent of
Epidemiology haemorrhagic appearance. resection of large lesions, intralesional or
The incidence of CGCG is 1.1 per million in Histopathology systemic pharmacological agents such as
Europe { 15350025 }. Most cases occur in CGCG is an unencapsulated proliferation corticosteroids, calcitonin, interferon or
females and in patients aged < 30 years of mononuclear spindle-shaped and denosumab may be considered, but the
{ 29751369 }. polygonal cells intermingled with effects are inconsistent { 29751369 }.
Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma
Definition Clinical features Similar to the central giant cell granuloma,
Peripheral giant cell granuloma (PGCG) is A sessile or pedunculated lump with a about 70% of PGCG
a reactive localized proliferation of smooth, ulcerated or nodular surface and harbour KRAS mutations, mainly in
mononuclear cells and osteoclasts in a often a characteristic red, maroon or purple codons 146 and 12, and 10% have FGFR1
vascular stroma located in the soft tissues colour. PGCG may reach several p.C381R or FGFR1 p.N330I mutations
of gingiva or alveolar ridge mucosa. centimetres in diameter and erosion of the { 30385747 }. Notably, when associated
ICD-O coding underlying bone is found in almost one- with dental implants, PGCG also
None third of cases { 17428697 ; 25240995 }. harbours KRAS mutations { 31758745 }.
ICD-11 coding MAPK pathway activation is observed in
DA0D.Y Other specified disorders of Imaging: Radiographic assessment should PGCG irrespective of the presence of
gingival or edentulous alveolar ridge exclude a central giant cell granuloma mutations { 30385747 }.
Epidemiology Macroscopic appearance
Related terminology Unknown. PGCG is the commonest oral Fleshy red-brown tissue due to vascularity
Acceptable: Giant cell epulis giant cell lesion. PGCG is more prevalent and haemorrhage. When formalin-fixed it
Not recommended: Peripheral reparative in women than in men (1.2:1) and arises has a solid consistency with dark brown
giant cell granuloma over a wide age distribution. coloration.
Subtype(s) Etiology Histopathology
None Local irritation of the mucoperiosteum or PGCG resembles central giant cell
Localization the coronal part of the periodontal ligament granuloma, with an unencapsulated
PGCG arises in the gingiva or alveolar by dental calculus, plaque deposits, proliferation of mononuclear spindle
ridge, more commonly of the mandible than retained tooth roots or other chronic shaped and polygonal cells with osteoclast
maxilla irritation. multinucleate cells in a vascular loose
{ 29569293 ; 25240995 ; 17428697 }. Pathogenesis fibrous tissue. Foci of haemorrhage,
haemosiderin pigment and scattered Essential and desirable diagnostic Staging
deposits of immature bone are criteria None
frequent. An inflammatory component of Essential: located on gingiva or alveolar Prognosis and prediction
fibrous or pyogenic granuloma-like ridge; cellular mononuclear stroma; Recurrence after conservative surgical
hyperplasia may be present reflecting local clustered osteoclasts; haemorrhage; no removal may be 16%. Curettage to
irritant causes. origin from underlying intraosseous giant periodontal ligament or peripheral
Cytology cell granuloma osteotomy reduce recurrence, especially
Not clinically relevant Desirable: exclusion of when underlying bone is eroded
Diagnostic molecular pathology hyperparathyroidism (very rarely { 29569293 }. Any source of irritation
None associated with localised lesions) should be removed.

Definition appearance of putti children or 'cherubs' in { 10364527 ; 10364528 }, have been
Cherubism is a rare autosomal dominant Renaissance paintings. Females are identified in about 90% of cases of
inherited bone disorder characterized by usually more severely affected. Tooth cherubism { 32620450 }. The majority of
symmetrical expansion of the maxilla and displacement and impaction, root mutations occur in exon 9, within a proline-
mandible by an osteoclast-like giant cell resorption and agenesis are typical. Partial rich sequence 6 amino acids long
rich lesion. or complete regression occurs by { 11381256 }.
ICD-O coding adulthood { 25409853 }. Pathogenesis
None Association with odontogenic tumours is The SH3BP2 mutations result in excessive
ICD-11 coding reported { 28721660 }. generation of abnormally large osteoclasts
LD24.22 Cherubism with constitutive activity { 30236129 }.
Imaging: Radiologically, affected bones Macroscopic appearance
Related terminology show a symmetrical well-defined Similar to other giant cell lesions, red and
Not recommended: Familial fibrous radiolucent/hypodense, multilocular ‘soap haemorrhagic tissue with areas of cystic
dysplasia; juvenile fibrous dysplasia bubble’ like appearance with thinned cortex change.
Subtype(s) { 32620450 }. The fibrous tissue is Histopathology
None progressively replaced by new bone, The microscopic features are not specific
Localization leading to sclerosis. and resemble those of other giant cell-rich
Both jaws are affected bilaterally, with the Epidemiology lesions of the jaws, including giant cell
mandible more commonly affected than the The incidence is unknown. Two thirds of granuloma, giant cell lesions in Noonan
maxilla { 23298620 }. cases are familial with complete and Jaffe Campanacci syndromes
Clinical features penetrance in males, 60-70% penetrance { 31705763 }, and brown tumour of
Slow, symmetrical expansion of the jaws in females and variable expressivity; the hyperparathyroidism. Typically, abnormally
develops in early childhood, usually before others arise as de novo germline large multinucleate osteoclast-like giant
the age of 6 years. Maxillary expansion in alterations { 32620450 ; 28644570 }. cells lie in a monotonous loose or
severe cases may cause orbital Etiology oedematous spindle cell stroma with
displacement with scleral exposure, Autosomal dominant SH3BP2 mutations, eosinophilic cuff-like perivascular deposits
producing the characteristic facial located on chromosome 4p16.3 { 25409853 }.
Cytology Essential: only posterior jaws affected; Prognosis and prediction
Not clinically relevant bilateral symmetrical lesions; giant cell Most cases regress after puberty, but some
Diagnostic molecular pathology lesions on histology show continued growth with little
Not relevant Desirable: detection of SH3BP2 germline regression. Surgery should be performed
Essential and desirable diagnostic mutation. only in severe cases, where it will provide
criteria Staging a functional benefit { 23298620 }.
Not relevant

Aneurysmal Bone Cyst

Definition compartmentalizing the lesion. CT and Haemorrhagic spongy tissue comprising
Aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) is a cystic or MRI studies may demonstrate multiple cysts separated by fibrous septa of
multicystic, expansile, osteolytic neoplasm characteristic fluid levels, sometimes with various thickness. Solid areas may be
composed of blood-filled sinusoidal spaces perforation of the cortex and extension to present and a rare completely solid form of
lined by fibrous septa that contain adjacent soft tissue { 31950466 }. ABC is recognized.
osteoclast-type giant cells. Epidemiology Histopathology
ICD-O coding ABC is rare with an estimated annual ABC is composed of blood filled or empty
9260/0 Aneurysmal bone cyst. incidence of approximately 0.15 per million sinusoidal spaces lined by macrophages
ICD-11 coding { 10379320 }, 1.5% of which arise in the and bland fibroblasts that are separated by
FB80.6 & XH23E0 Aneurysmal bone cyst jaws. All age groups are affected but over fibrous septa containing scattered
& Aneurysmal bone cyst 80% occur in younger patients usually multinucleate osteoclastic giant cells.
Related terminology during the first two decades of life. Both Woven bone in septa can appear
Not recommended: Primary aneurysmal genders are equally affected, however, a prominently basophilic and has been
bone cyst; secondary aneurysmal bone male predilection has been reported in referred to as “blue-bone” and this is
cyst ABCs of the jaws { 24931106 }. characteristic if present, but not diagnostic.
Subtype(s) Etiology The solid variant can feature cellular areas,
None Unknown. that can be mitotically active, and few
Localization Pathogenesis inconspicuous cystic spaces.
Over 60% of jaw ABCs occur in the Fusion of USP6 and CDH11 is seen in
mandible, usually posteriorly. Maxillary 70% of cases { 15509545 }, affecting the Differential Diagnosis: The entities include
lesions have a more uniform anatomic stromal fibroblast population only. Other ABC-like cystic
distribution. Other sites in the craniofacial fusion partners include CNBP, COL1A1, haemorrhagic degeneration in a range of
complex can be affected { 31950466 }. CTNNB1, EIF1, FOSL2, OMD, other neoplasms including osteoblastoma,
Clinical features PAFAH1B1, RUNX2, SEC31A, SPARC, fibrous dysplasia, cemento-ossifying
ABC presents as an enlargement of the STAT3, fibroma, other fibro-osseous lesions and
jaw that is frequently painful. Teeth remain THRAP3, and USP9X { 30582658 }. Fusi osteosarcoma.
vital, however, tooth mobility and on with any partner leads to upregulation Cytology
displacement are common. ABCs can of USP6. The biologic consequence of In a recent study in long bone ABC,
cause root resorption. Maxillary tumours these genetic fusions is the upregulation of concordance of fine needle aspiration
can extend to the sinuses and nose, and the USP6-coding region that regulates cytology and diagnostic biopsy was
orbital involvement can lead to several cellular processes such as approximately 42% { 33181515 }.
exophthalmos. intracellular trafficking, matrix degradation Diagnostic molecular pathology
and cell transformation Translocation involving the USP6 and
Imaging: Radiographically, there is a well- { 31950466 ; 32011035 }. USP several 5' partners including CDH11.
delineated, unilocular or multilocular translocation is not present in jaw giant cell Helpful in diagnosis of the solid variant.
radiolucency, characteristically markedly granuloma { 24742829 }. Essential and desirable diagnostic
expansile. Computed tomography (CT) Macroscopic appearance criteria
imaging may show bone septa
Essential: compatible radiological features; Staging for large destructive tumors { 16755186 }.
multicystic; fibrous septa with None The recurrence rate is approximately 10%
haemorrhage and osteoclasts Prognosis and prediction with soft tissue extension.
Desirable: woven bone in There is a risk of recurrence after curettage
septa; USP6 gene rearrangement and en bloc resection may be necessary

Simple Bone Cyst

Definition The vast majority of cases are Histopathology
Simple bone cyst (SBC) is an intraosseous asymptomatic and discovered on routine SBC has no epithelial lining and samples
cystic cavity lined by a fibrous membrane examination. Expansion is unusual contain nondescript thin strips of loosely
without epithelium, either empty or and limited. collagenous or myxoid connective tissue
containing blood, serous or with thin lace-like fragments of immature
serosanguinous fluid Imaging: Radiographically SBC are well- bone at the periphery. Haemosiderin,
ICD-O coding delineated unilocular radiolucencies that cholesterol and sparse osteoclasts may be
None 'scallop' between the roots of associated present. Spiky needle-like collagen fibres
ICD-11 coding vital teeth (9503460; 26850870). may lie peripherally and can become
FB80.5 Solitary bone cyst. Multilocular presentation is rare and densely mineralised, a useful diagnostic
Related terminology typically only present in larger feature when biopsy tissue is sparse
Acceptable: Solitary bone cyst lesions. Cortical perforation, displacement { 22034879 }.
Not recommended: Traumatic bone cyst; of teeth or root resorption are not observed Cytology
haemorrhagic bone cyst; unicameral bone and expansion is rare. Not clinically relevant.
cyst Epidemiology Diagnostic molecular pathology
Subtype(s) SBCs are found predominantly in patients None
Cystic haemorrhagic degeneration in florid in their 2nd and 3rd decades, with no gender Essential and desirable diagnostic
cemento-osseous dysplasia has been differences { 30792085 }. criteria
termed SBC and may account for up to a Etiology Essential: typical radiological features;
third of apparent jaw SBCs { 17448841 } Unknown empty of fluid filled cavity at operation.
but the age group is older and shows a Pathogenesis Staging
female predilection { 21217632 } and these Over half of SBC in the peripheral skeleton None
cysts are typically more expansile and may have been shown to harbour Prognosis and prediction
recur after treatment. Such cysts are either FUS::NFATC2 or EWSR1::NFATC2 Healing is induced by bleeding following
probably not conventional SBC but fusion { 32991339 ; 33316098 }, one of surgical exploration and curettage
mutational status is not defined. the genetic changes seen in round cell { 26850870 }. Occasional spontaneous
Localization sarcoma with EWSR1::non-ETS fusions healing is reported
The mandible is most frequently affected { 34081036 }. Jaw SBC have not yet been { 26850870 ; 12058266 }. Occasional
with a predilection for the body (30792085). analysed. cases recur.
Bilateral or multiple SBCs are fairly Macroscopic appearance
frequent (30792085; 9503460). Sparse scrapings of fibrous tissue with
Clinical features bone fragments.
Fibro-osseous tumours and displasias
Cemento-Osseous Dysplasia
Definition { 32565263 ; 29267533 }. FFCOD, almost lesions become radiodense with lobulated
Cemento-osseous dysplasia (COD) is a exclusively, has the distribution dense mineralisation
non-neoplastic fibro-osseous lesion of FCOD { 32315206 }. { 32565263 ; 29267533 }. FocCOD is more
arising only in the tooth-bearing areas of Clinical features variable { 9394387 }.
the jaws . COD are usually asymptomatic, non- Epidemiology
ICD-O coding expansile lesions associated with the roots COD is the most common benign fibro-
None of vital teeth. Some cases of FocCOD and osseous lesion of the jaws with strong
ICD-11 coding up to 25% of FCOD may expand the jaw, predilection for middle-aged women
DA07.3 Disturbances in tooth either directly or following cyst formation, { 25409854 ; 33878496 }, most commonly
formation, Florid cemento-osseous sometimes markedly African and African-American females, but
dysplasia 2E83.1 Benign osteogenic { 27161103 }.FocCOD, FCOD and FFCOD with significant incidence in Asian
tumours of bone or articular cartilage of are prone to develop osteomyelitis in their { 24326826 } and Caucasian { 32565263 }
lower jaw & Periapical cemento-osseous late sclerotic stage, with pain and females. FFCOD has less marked racial
dysplasia of lower jaw discharge { 27161103 ; 27422424 }. COD and sex predilection { 32315206 }.
may remain in edentulous jaw after tooth Etiology
Related terminology extraction. FFCOD has earlier age of onset Unknown
Not recommended: Osseous dysplasia; than FCOD, often affecting tooth eruption Pathogenesis
cemental dysplasia; cementoma and is prone to marked expansion, usually Unknown for PCOD, FocCOD and FCOD.
Subtype(s) in the anterior mandible but sometimes One family with FFCOD have been shown
Periapical cemento-osseous dysplasia multifocal { 32315206 } leading to to carry a mutation in the Anoctamin 5
(PCOD); Focal cemento-osseous confusion with familial gigantiform gene (ANO5) that is proposed to
dysplasia (FocCOD); Florid cemento- cementoma. destabilise this transmembrane ion
osseous dysplasia (FCOD); Familial channel { 30996299 }. The mutated locus
florid cemento-osseous dysplasia Imaging: Radiographic features are is distinct from that in
(FFCOD). characteristic and often diagnostic. The gnathodiaphyseal dysplasia, in which there
Localization early stage of all subtypes of COD produce are multiple cemento-ossifying fibromas
PCOD predominantly involves the well-defined periapical radiolucencies { 27068316 }.
periapical bone of the anterior mandibular continuous with periodontal ligament, Macroscopic appearance
teeth, FocCOD a single, usually posterior enlarging slowly before Multiple variably sized, gritty fragments of
mandibular tooth and FCOD involves developing internal, usually central, haemorrhagic bone and soft tissue.
multiple tooth-bearing quadrants radiopacities and patchy sclerosis beyond Histopathology
a well-defined radiolucent rim. Later,
All COD subtypes exhibit identical sclerotic masses with limited stroma Essential and desirable diagnostic
microscopic features dependant on the { 9377196 ; 30887390 ; 32565263 ; 33878 criteria
degree of maturation. There are varying 496 }. Essential: radiological features are almost
proportions of osteoid and woven bone, always diagnostic
mature lamellar bone and rounded, Differential Diagnosis: Approximately 10% Staging
densely basophilic cementum-like of cases may develop expansile cystic None
mineralizations in a cellular fibrous degeneration resembling solitary bone cyst Prognosis and prediction
connective tissue stroma of loosely { 21683027 }, usually in the mandible in Radiological diagnosis is usual, with
arranged collagen and prominently dilated, late disease. Expansile areas in periodic follow-up for expansion, cyst
thin-walled vessels. Osteoblastic rimming FFCOD may be difficult to distinguish from formation and osteomyelitis.
is rare. There is often focal high cellularity. cemento-ossifying fibroma { 32315206 } if Surgical intervention indicated exclusively
Maturing lesions show increasing the background disease is not appreciated. for symptomatic cases
calcification with often prominent reversal Cytology { 32565263 ; 27422424 } as osteomyelitis
lines and reduced vascularity. Late stage Not clinically relevant is a common complication. Cysts may
lesions are characterised by coalescence Diagnostic molecular pathology recur following surgery.
of calcified tissue to form hypocellular, Not relevant
Segmental Odontomaxillary Dysplasia
Definition retained primary molars beyond the normal Bone trephine or sample with tooth
Segmental odontomaxillary dysplasia time of exfoliation, enamel and dentine fragments.
(SOD) is a non-hereditary unilateral hypoplasia and altered tooth shape and Histopathology
developmental disorder characterized by size. Facial manifestations, often subtle, Gingival biopsies may reveal fibrous
segmental maxillary and soft tissue include hypertrichosis, hyper- or hyperplasia with occasional dystrophic
enlargement with dento-osseous hypopigmentation including Becker nevus, calcifications. Bone biopsies reveal
abnormalities and occasionally increased frequency of melanocytic nevi, irregular bone spicules with multiple
homolateral cutaneous manifestations. erythema, and lip clefting accentuated reversal lines. The bone
ICD-O coding { 29389339 ; 32893658 }. appears inert, without osteoblastic or
None There is ill-defined overlap of features with osteoclastic activity and histological
ICD-11 coding some related presentations and features are probably the end stage of a
DA07.3 Disturbances in tooth formation syndromes including hemimaxillofacial much earlier developmental process.
Related terminology dysplasia { 3477765 } and External root resorption of teeth with
None hemimaxillofacial enlargement, asymmetry dysplastic dentin and fibrosis of the pulp
Subtype(s) of the face, tooth abnormalities, and skin have been described { 29389339 }.
None findings (HATS syndrome) { 25372264 }. Cytology
Localization Not relevant
Unilateral maxillary enlargement, almost Imaging: Panoramic and periapical Diagnostic molecular pathology
equally right or left, in the premolar/molar radiographs show a poorly defined area of Not clinically relevant
region of the maxilla. abnormal bone, often with a characteristic Essential and desirable diagnostic
Clinical features vertical trabeculation, and coarse criteria
Painless maxillary buccal and palatal radiopacities. Essential: Localised swelling; soft tissues,
enlargement, usually in the first or second Epidemiology bone and teeth abnormal; characteristic
decades, with failure of tooth eruption and SOD is rare and slightly more frequent in radiographic features
dental abnormalities clinically and males. Desirable: Inert bone histologically with
radiographically. Enlargement appears Etiology defects of tooth formation (only if fibrous
stable and non-progressive, starting in Unknown, proposed causes include dysplasia requires exclusion)
childhood and continuing until puberty. prenatal trauma, endocrine abnormalities Staging
There is frequently associated fibrous and bacterial or viral infection. None
gingival hyperplasia { 2371053 }. The Pathogenesis Prognosis and prediction
maxillary overgrowth extends to the sinus, The possibility that SOD shows slow or minimal enlargement
reducing its somatic PIK3CA or ACTB mutations until puberty. Surgery may be required for
volume radiographically { 11027387 }. contribute to the overgrowth has been cosmetic and functional purposes.
Dental abnormalities include missing raised { 32500425 }.
permanent teeth, usually premolars, Macroscopic appearance
Fibrous Dysplasia
Definition radiopaque over time, merging almost rimming and lamellar differentiation as it
Fibrous dysplasia (FD) is a genetically imperceptibly with unaffected bone at matures. Cartilage may form, but is rare in
based disorder of bone growth in which the periphery. Abnormal bone extends the jaws { 8734416 }.
bone is replaced by abnormal bone and around tooth roots with minimal
fibrous tissue. displacement. The lesions of FD are Differential Diagnosis: Histological
ICD-O coding characteristically described as having a appearances are characteristic but not
8818/0 Fibrous dysplasia ground-glass or fingerprint appearance in completely specific and
ICD-11 coding the late stage differential diagnosis includes other jaw
FB80.0 Fibrous dysplasia of bone. { 14697371 ; 30887390 ; 31196103 }. fibro-osseous lesions including juvenile
Related terminology Epidemiology trabecular, psammomatoid and cemento-
Acceptable: Craniofacial fibrous dysplasia FD is an uncommon disease and is usually ossifying fibromas, cemento-
(extending across more than one bone) diagnosed in children and young adults. osseous dysplasias and, in small
Subtype(s) The monostotic form accounts for 80% to specimens, aneurysmal bone cyst or giant
Monostotic FD; polyostotic FD; craniofacial 85% of all cases and shows no gender cell lesions. Low grade central
FD predilection. Polyostotic FD is more osteosarcoma may resemble FD closely
Localization frequent in females { 14697371 }. but is rare in the jaws { 20975343 }.
Monostotic FD disease affects a Etiology Cytology
single bone (term not usually employed for Genetic factors Not clinically relevant
the maxilla or facial bones) while FD occurs with endocrinopathies Diagnostic molecular pathology
polyostotic FD affects multiple bones. The in McCune-Albright syndrome Definitive diagnosis of FD requires
term craniofacial FD applies { 8336219 ; 22981804 } and with myxomas detection of somatic GNAS mutation, by
when multiple adjacent bones in the in Mazabraud syndrome { 29030278 }. next generation or Sanger sequencing
craniofacial region are affected, extending Pathogenesis { 31196103 } or mutation-specific
across suture lines. The craniofacial bones Fibrous dysplasia is caused by postzygotic restriction enzyme digest PCR
are affected most commonly, typically activating missense mutations in { 17493233 }.
involved in approximately 10% of patients the GNAS gene (20q13.32), which Essential and desirable diagnostic
with monostotic FD and in up to 100% with encodes the alpha subunit of the criteria
polyostotic FD. Maxilla and paranasal stimulatory G protein (Gsα) Essential: clinical, radiological, and
regions are more frequently affected than { 22245114 }. The result is arrest of histomorphological correlation; bone
mandible { 22981804 }. differentiation of proliferating cells of replaced by fibrous tissue and woven bone
Clinical features osteoblastic lineage to mature osteoblasts Desirable: GNAS mutation analysis
Patients generally present with painless { 29282319 }. Staging
swelling of bones or disease may be Macroscopic appearance Not relevant
detected incidentally. FD of the jaws Sample type depends on sampling Prognosis and prediction
causes oro-facial asymmetry. Tooth method. Lesional bone resembles normal FD follows a benign course and growth
eruption is normal and teeth remain aligned bone, but may be compressible and is gritty reduces in adulthood. Treatment is focused
but with arch distortion as the jaw expands. on sectioning { 30887390 }. on preventing function loss from
Tooth structure is normal. Maxillary FD Histopathology complications such as optic neuropathy or
may cause nasal obstruction and chronic A lesion consists of bone with hearing loss, and minimizing
sinusitis. Skull base FD may compress variable amounts of fibrous tissue. The disfigurement, pathologic fracture risk, and
cranial nerves resulting in visual fibrous component is composed of spindle pain { 27493082 ; 31196103 }.
impairment or hearing loss. Growth of cells without atypia which can be quite Hypophosphatemia may be used to
FD tends to slow or stop with skeletal cellular but becomes less so and more measure activity and extent of skeletal
maturation. Survey for extent and possible fibrous with age. Mitoses are uncommon lesions { 31196103 }. FD carries a low risk
syndromic association may be but small numbers may be observed in of sarcomatous transformation and the
necessary { 31196103 }. In McCune- children. The bone is woven in nature and development of cystic
Albright syndrome, cafe-au-lait skin forms irregular curvilinear trabeculae, haemorrhagic degeneration resembling
pigmentation and endocrine abnormalities commonly likened to Chinese characters or aneurysmal bone cyst and giant cell
are present { 18489744 }. C, S and Y-shaped trabeculae, which are lesions { 32619461 }. FD patients taking
not rimmed by osteoblasts. The immature bisphosphonates have an elevated risk of
Imaging: The radiologic appearance varies bone merges almost imperceptibly with the medication related osteonecrosis of the jaw
with the stage of development and age of surrounding lamellar bone and it may be { 27493082 ; 31196103 }.
the patient. Early lesions may appear difficult to distinguish lesional from non-
radiolucent gradually becoming more lesional bone. Jaw FD develops osteoblast
Juvenile Trabecular Ossifying Fibroma
Definition Histopathology
Juvenile trabecular ossifying fibroma Imaging: Radiographic examination Unencapsulated tumour with elongate
(JTOF) is a benign fibro-osseous shows a well-defined radiolucency strands, trabeculae and sheets of osteoid
neoplasm, characterised by trabeculae of or mixed radiolucent-radiopaque lesion densely rimmed by osteoblasts and in
cellular osteoid and woven bone, rapid often with focal cortication a fibroblastic stroma { 25409854 }. Newly
growth, and a predilection for the jaws of { 31285096 ; 33878496 }. The formed osteoid blends imperceptibly with
children and adolescents. radiolucency is more often unilocular than the surrounding stroma. Over time, the
ICD-O coding multilocular { 31285096 }. Tooth osteoid strands undergo central
None displacement occurs in over half of cases mineralization to form anastomosing
ICD-11 coding { 31285096 }. Less frequent findings trabeculae of woven bone. The stroma
LD24.2Y & XH6M86 Other specified bone include cortical perforation and tooth root exhibits zones of variable cellularity, often
diseases with disorganised development of resorption { 31285096 }. hypercellular, and scattered aggregates of
skeletal components & Ossifying fibroma Epidemiology osteoclastic giant cells are usually evident.
Related terminology JTOF is rare { 31950477 } and arises
Acceptable: Trabecular ossifying fibroma; predominantly in children and adolescents Differential Diagnosis: Appearance may be
trabecular juvenile ossifying fibroma. (mean 11.3 years), with <20% of cases worrisome for osteosarcoma. Garland-like,
Not recommended: Juvenile (active or affecting individuals older than 15 years curvilinear strands of oedema,
aggressive) ossifying fibroma. { 31285096 ; 31950477 }. However, haemorrhage, osteoclasts, and
Subtype(s) variation in diagnosis may distort the age pseudocystic degeneration form the
None distribution and most characteristic brown curvilinear strands
Localization typical JTOF probably arise before the age seen macroscopically in JTOF; this feature
JTOF predominantly affects the jaws, with of 10 years. There is no sex predilection has not been noted in cemento-ossifying or
almost equal distribution between the { 31285096 ; 31950477 }. psammomatoid ossifying fibromas
maxilla and mandible Etiology { 23052375 }. Haemorrhagic cystic
{ 11925539 ; 31285096 }. There is Unknown. degeneration may resemble aneurysmal
variation in diagnosis, and it is not clear Pathogenesis bone cyst
whether JTOF in extragnathic craniofacial MDM2 and RASAL1 amplification have { 22104705 ; 23305772 ; 31285096 }. A
bones { 31285096 } is the same entity. been detected in 7 of 10 trabecular woven bone pattern may be
Clinical features JTOFs { 24925056 }. seen in other types of cemento-ossifying
Usually painless jaw expansion with rapid Macroscopic appearance fibroma and other fibro-osseous lesions;
growth and tooth displacement Yellowish white, gritty fragments of variable this feature alone, is insufficient for
{ 23052375 ; 31285096 }. Maxillary size or an intact tumour mass; the cut diagnosis.
lesions may cause nasal obstruction and surface may exhibit brown curvilinear Cytology
epistaxis { 25409854 }. strands { 25409854 ; 23052375 }. Not clinically relevant
Diagnostic molecular pathology Desirable: site in jaws while avoiding surgical disfigurement
Not relevant Staging { 31285096 }. JTOF may attain a large size
Essential and desirable diagnostic None { 34184157 } but, malignant transformation
criteria Prognosis and prediction has not been reported
Essential: onset in childhood or Approximately 21% of cases recur { 25409854 ; 26740351 ; 29027609 }.
adolescence; rapid expansion; well { 31285096 }, from 4% following resection
demarcated radiographically; very cellular to 53% following enucleation or curettage.
benign fibro-osseous lesion Enucleation plus curettage or peripheral
with prominent osteoid ostectomy may mitigate recurrence risk

Psammomatoid Ossifying Fibroma

Definition Localization radiolucent, later developing ground-glass
Psammomatoid ossifying fibroma (PsOF) PsOF arises in the jaws and craniofacial opacification with central radiolucency,
is a benign fibro-osseous neoplasm of the bones, 90% occurring around the homogeneous ground-glass opacification
craniofacial skeleton characterised paranasal sinuses and orbit or discrete calcifications
histologically by spherical ossicles. { 8630892 ; 1843064 ; 11925539 ; 312850 { 25457891 ; 26740351 ; 31950477 }. The
ICD-O coding 96 }. radiolucent component is more often
None Clinical features unilocular than multilocular { 31285096 }.
ICD-11 coding Usually asymptomatic, rapidly enlarging There may be tooth displacement, cortical
LD24.2Y & XH6M86 Other specified bone bony swelling, although pain is possible thinning or perforation, and intracranial
diseases with disorganised development of { 31285096 }. Additional findings may extension { 1843064 ; 31285096 }.
skeletal components & Ossifying fibroma include nasal obstruction, epistaxis, Epidemiology
Related terminology proptosis, and visual disturbance PsOF is rare { 31950477 }. Peak incidence
Acceptable: Juvenile psammomatoid depending on site is in the second to fourth decades with a
ossifying fibroma { 26740351 ; 31950477 }. broad range
Not recommended: Juvenile (active or { 11925539 ; 25409854 ; 31285096 } and
aggressive) ossifying fibroma Imaging: Radiographically a well- male:female ratio approximately 1.4:1
Subtype(s) defined mass with variable opacification, { 31285096 }.
None early lesions being predominantly Etiology
Unknown psammomatoid, the ossicles are much Cytology has not been shown to be
Pathogenesis larger than psammoma bodies, not as specific.
Breakpoints at Xq26 and 2q33 with sharply defined and not lamellar. Mitotic Diagnostic molecular pathology
reciprocal translocation or insertion were figures may be seen occasionally, and None
reported in 3 apparent PsOF (reported as multinucleated giant cells are an infrequent Essential and desirable diagnostic
'cemento-ossifying fibromas of the orbit') finding. criteria
{ 8625058 }. MDM2 and RASAL1 amplific Essential: well-
ation was present in 2 of 3 Differential Diagnosis: The small densely demarcated radiographically; site in
cases { 24925056 }. basophilic cementum-like droplet craniofacial bone or jaw; benign fibro-
Macroscopic appearance calcifications in cemento-ossifying fibroma osseous lesion histologically; predominant
Large, intact bone pieces with a yellow, (COF) are more similar to psammoma ossicle pattern
gritty cut surface bodies than the ossicles in Desirable: onset in the second to fourth
{ 1843064 ; 25409854 ; 33878496 }. PsOF { 1843064 } and should not lead to decades
Histopathology misdiagnosis of COF as a Staging
An unencapsulated lesion containing PsOF. PsOF may contain minority areas of None
multiple spherical ossicles in a more typical fibro-osseous architecture Prognosis and prediction
hypercellular stroma of bland ovoid and with woven bone trabeculae and dense PsOF recurs in approximately 30% of
spindle cells. The spherules are usually basophilic bone. Secondary cases following surgical excision
small and relatively uniform with osteoid changes include myxoid change and { 1843064 ; 31285096 } but no
rims and wispy eosinophilic collagen fibres haemorrhagic cystic degeneration features predict recurrence. Malignant
at the periphery and no osteoblastic resembling aneurysmal bone cyst transformation has not been reported
rimming { 33878496 }. Ossicles fuse { 11925539 ; 30090219 ; 31285096 }. { 25409854 ; 32257561 }.
together in late disease, forming lumpy Cytology
trabeculae. Although described as

Familial Gigantiform Cementoma

Definition None 2E83.1 & XH6W94 Benign osteogenic
Familial gigantiform cementoma (FGC) is a ICD-11 coding tumours of bone or articular cartilage of
rare benign fibro-osseous lesion of the 2E83.0 & XH6W94 Benign osteogenic lower jaw & Gigantiform cementoma
jaws, characterised by early onset and tumours of bone or articular cartilage of Related terminology
multifocal grossly expansile growth. skull or face & Gigantiform cementoma Acceptable: gigantiform cementoma
ICD-O coding
Not recommended: florid osseous cross the structures, which may be surrounded by
dysplasia, expansive osseous dysplasia midline { 11312460 ; 21830054 ; 2540985 radiating Sharpey fibers as visualized
Subtype(s) 4 }. Features of cemento- under polarized light { 25409854 }.
None osseous dysplasia should be absent. Cytology
Localization Epidemiology Not clinically relevant
Disease affects the jaws, with multifocal FGC is extremely rare { 26945411 }. Onset Diagnostic molecular pathology
involvement in two to four quadrants is in early childhood, with continuous None
{ 25409854 }. growth into early adulthood { 25409854 }. Essential and desirable diagnostic
Clinical features Cases have been described in various criteria
There is rapidly progressive, painless countries, with 55% from Asia. Essential: onset in childhood or
expansion, resulting in significant Etiology adolescence; multifocal/multiquadrant
deformity, orbital distortion and possible Unknown. Autosomal dominant inheritance involvement; very marked expansion;
airway compromise with a high level of penetrance and variable benign fibro-osseous histology
{ 10077086 ; 11312460 ; 25409854 }. expressivity { 25409854 } is proposed; analogous to cemento-ossifying fibroma
Many cases of florid cemento- other cases are sporadic Desirable: rapid progression followed by
osseous dysplasia have been diagnosed { 11312460 ; 25284619 }. slower growth later in life; family history
as FGC, particularly cases of the familial Pathogenesis Staging
form { 32315206 }, but the degree of Unknown None
expansion is usually less marked and Macroscopic appearance Prognosis and prediction
patients are generally older { 27161103 }. Lobular mineralized masses { 22378756 }. Surgical management is complicated
Presentations of Histopathology by extensive disease and rapid regrowth,
gnathodiaphyseal dysplasia and large The histopathologic features are similar to complete resection is often not practical
cemento-ossifying fibromas are also often those of cemento-ossifying fibroma and { 26945411 }. Surgical recontouring or
mistaken for FGC. other fibro-osseous lesions. Immature partial excision typically results in regrowth,
bony trabeculae and cementum-like which may occur at an accelerated rate.
Imaging: Radiographic examination shows calcifications are seen within a Although the condition is characterized by
well-defined, markedly hypercellular fibroblastic stroma. The a rapidly progressive growth phase,
expansile radiolucencies with cementum-like calcifications appear as spontaneous stabilization may occur later
associated calcifications; lesions often hypocellular, spheroidal to curvilinear in life { 25284619 }.


Definition slow growing swelling, facial distortion or Macroscopic appearance
Benign bone forming neoplasm consisting altered dental occlusion. Sinus/orbital Bony mass, surface osteomas may be
of mature bone, restricted almost tumours may present with headache or widely pedunculated to underlying
exclusively to the jaws and craniofacial pain { 21820784 ; 26044223 }. bone. Central osteomas merge with
bones. surrounding intramedullary bone.
ICD-O coding Imaging: Osteomas are dense Histopathology
9180/0 Osteoma radiopacities with well-defined margins. Osteomas are composed mostly of
ICD-11 coding Epidemiology lamellar bone, compact or trabecular, in
2E83.Z & XH4818 Benign osteogenic Osteomas occur over a wide age range but which osteoblasts and osteoclasts are
tumours of unspecified site & Osteoma mostly in the 3rd to 5th decades, with an usually inconspicuous. Some contain
NOS equal gender distribution osteoblastoma-like areas that are thought
Related terminology { 25663319 ; 26044223 }. to represent a reactive remodelling process
Not recommended: Exostosis Etiology and do not imply more aggressive
Subtype(s) Unknown behaviour { 19792048 }. Up to 40% of
Surface (periosteal) and central sinus/orbital osteomas contain such areas
(endosteal) subtypes. Genetic factors { 25663319 }. Fibro-osseous lesions,
Localization Osteomas may be a manifestation of sclerosing osteomyelitis and ossification in
In the jaws, the mandible is more often Gardners syndrome, an autosomal a fibrous epulis may all mimic an osteoma
affected than the maxilla { 18154576 }. dominant disorder associated with a { 26044223 }.
Sinuses are a site of predilection, most germline mutation in the APC gene
commonly the frontal sinus followed by the { 31070935 } and may be the first Central (endosteal) subtype of osteoma
other sinuses { 21820784 ; 25663319 }. manifestation. are also known as bone islands. Unlike
Clinical features Pathogenesis surface osteomas, bone islands arise more
Central osteomas are often asymptomatic Unknown, osteomas have a simple frequently in long bones and are a mixture
while surface osteomas may present with a karyotype { 31741049 }. of hamartomas and true neoplasms. Rare
extra-osseous osteoma occurs in soft Not clinically relevant None
tissue { 26044223 }. Osteomas in Essential and desirable diagnostic Prognosis and prediction
Gardner's syndrome often arise criteria Growth is slow. Resection is performed for
near the mandibular angle and may be Essential: compatible radiological features; symptomatic osteomas; recurrence is
multiple. surface origin (surface type); mature unusual { 18154576 ; 21820784 }.
Cytology lamellar bone, solid cortical or medullary
Not clinically relevant patterns
Diagnostic molecular pathology Staging

Definition Bony mass, sessile or pedunculated, with
Osteochondroma is a benign neoplasm Imaging: Uneven enlargement or a cartilage cap.
forming a bony projection with a protrusion from the condyle Histopathology
cartilaginous cap, with continuity between radiographically { 22727110 ; 28110943 }, Osteochondroma is a cartilage capped
the marrow cavity of the tumour unlike the diffuse condylar enlargement bony projection from the external bone
and underlying bone. of condylar hyperplasia. surface showing cortical and
ICD-O coding Epidemiology medullary continuity with the parent bone.
9210/0 Osteochondroma Osteochondroma of the jaw manifests in There is a surface layer of fibrous tissue, a
ICD-11 coding the 2nd to 4th decades, slightly older than at middle layer that mimics growth plate
2E83.Y & XH5Y87 Benign osteogenic other sites, and unlike other sites, often cartilage with endochondral ossification,
tumour of other specified site & continues to grow slowly after puberty merging with underlying mature trabecular
Osteochondroma { 7629631 }. A slight female predominance bone { 28110943 ; 31842965 }. Binucleate
Related terminology is seen { 21367506 }. cells, nodularity and cystic/ mucoid
Not Etiology changes may be seen, but neither mitoses
recommended: Osteochondromatous exo Trauma may be an aetiologic factor and nor marked pleomorphism { 22555180 }.
stosis rarely prior radiotherapy{ 21367506 }.
Subtype(s) Pathogenesis Differential Diagnosis: While a
None Homozygous deletions of the EXT1 gene cartilaginous cap above 20mm in thickness
Localization are associated with sporadic in adults must raise the suspicion of
Osteochondromas are rare in the osteochondromas, supporting a neoplastic secondary chondrosarcoma, occurrence in
craniofacial bones, usually involving the rather than developmental condition the facial bones is very rare { 33622860 }.
mandibular condyle and coronoid process { 33622860 }. Germline mutations of EXT- Criteria for histologic distinction from
{ 22727110 }. 1 and EXT-2 are associated with condylar hyperplasia are poorly defined
Clinical features Hereditary Multiple { 28110943 ; 31842965 }.
Craniofacial osteochondromas often cause Osteochondroma(HME)/Multiple Osteocho Cytology
swelling, asymmetry, trismus and TMJ ndroma (MO) syndrome but the facial Not clinically relevant
dysfunction { 21367506 ; 22727110 }, but bones are not Diagnostic molecular pathology
may be chance radiographic findings. usually affected { 18271966 ; 33622860 }. Not clinically relevant
Osteochondromas may be multiple, but Macroscopic appearance Essential and desirable diagnostic
multiple lesions usually affect long bones. criteria
Essential: pedunculated or broad based Staging Recurrence following excision is rare,
bony exostosis; cartilaginous cap with Not applicable unless incompletely removed
growth plate-like architecture; continuity Prognosis and prediction { 22727110 ; 33622860 }.
with underlying bone cortex and marrow

Definition sometimes more aggressive and may osteoblasts may appear larger and
Osteoblastoma is a benign but aggressive mimic malignancy { 21181315 }. epithelioid but this does not indicate a
bone forming tumour with large osteoblasts Epidemiology clinically aggressive course. A tumour size
forming sheets and prominent osteoblastic A rare tumour that occurs mostly in the greater than 40mm and an anatomic site
rimming on woven bone, and greater than 2nd to 3rd decades with a slight female that makes removal difficult are better
20mm in diameter. predominance, unlike long bone lesions predictors of aggressive clinical behaviour
ICD-O coding { 17052641 }. { 21181315 ; 25409851 }
9200/1 Osteoblastoma, NOS Etiology
ICD-11 coding Unknown Differential Diagnosis: This includes
2E83.Z & XH4316 Benign osteogenic Pathogenesis osteoid osteoma in a lesion less than 20
tumour of unspecified site & Recurrent rearrangement of FOS or, less mm in diameter.
Osteoblastoma NOS frequently, FOSB define osteoblastoma Cytology
Related terminology and osteoid osteoma { 29858576 } and are Not clinically relevant
None found in cementoblastoma, suggesting a Diagnostic molecular pathology
Subtype(s) pathogenic relationship { 33653978 }. The translocations of FOS and
None Macroscopic appearance FOSB identified in osteoblastoma are
Localization Curettings of red to tan tissue reflecting extremely rare in osteosarcoma, and FOS
10% of osteoblastomas are found in the vascularity. If resected, bone immunohistochemistry may be a helpful
craniofacial bones, most often in the body expansion with well defined borders is diagnostic tool in this setting, but only if
of the mandible. They may be intra- typical { 8119712 }. there has been short decalcification
osseous or periosteal { 16129654 }. Histopathology { 31768625 }.
Clinical features Osteoblastoma is composed of Essential and desirable diagnostic
Osteoblastoma may be asymptomatic or anastomosing trabeculae of bone and criteria
present with localised swelling and pain osteoid, rimmed by plump osteoblasts, Essential: well demarcated radiologically;
{ 17052641 }. sometimes with densely mineralised 20mm diameter or larger; bone tumour
foci and set in a loose richly vascular trabeculae of woven bone; prominent
Imaging: Radiographs show a fibrous stroma. Mitoses are rare plump osteoblasts; vascular stroma.
circumscribed round to oval lesion varying { 16129654 }. Lack of nuclear atypia, Staging
from radiolucent to radio-opaque, usually permeative growth into surrounding bone None
without a sclerotic border or periosteal and atypical mitoses distinguish Prognosis and prediction
reaction, 20mm or greater { 17052641 }. osteoblastoma from osteosarcoma Recurrence may follow curettage or
The clinical and radiologic appearance is { 8119712 }. In some cases, the incomplete removal { 25409851 }.
Definition haemorrhagic degeneration may produce frequent. Tumours harbouring mutations in
Chondroblastoma is a benign tumour of aneurysmal bone cyst-like changes with the H3-3A or H3-3B gene resulting in
bone composed of chondroblasts forming fluid levels on MRI { 6470260 ; 10471886 }. expression of H3 p.K37M (K36M) mutant
sheets and islands of eosinophilic Epidemiology protein, show consistent
chondroid matrix, with or without chicken- Chondroblastomas of the head and neck nuclear immunoreactivity with a mutant-
wire calcifications. region are rare with about 100 cases specific antibody K36M
ICD-O coding reported in the literature { 32603862 }. { 26844533 ; 33779999 }.
9230/0 Chondroblastoma, NOS While most chondroblastomas occur in the
ICD-11 coding second decade of life, patients with skull Differential Diagnosis: This includes
2E82.Z & XH4NK2 Benign osteogenic tumours are slightly older, presenting in aneurysmal bone cyst, clear cell
tumour of unspecified site & their third or fourth decade of life chondrosarcoma, chondromyxoid fibroma
Chondroblastoma NOS { 20614285 }. A slight male predominance and Langerhans cell histiocytosis.
Related terminology (1.3:1) has been reported for temporal Cytology
None chondroblastomas { 32603862 }. Not clinically relevant.
Subtype(s) Etiology Diagnostic molecular pathology
None Unknown Detection of the H3-3B:c.110A>T p.K37M
Localization Pathogenesis (K36M) mutation is highly specific for
Chondroblastomas (CB) involve H3-3A and H3-3B mutations drive chondroblastoma
predominantly the epiphyseal area of long chondroblastoma, with the H3- { 26457357 ; 33779999 }, and may be
bones. When in the head and neck, CB are 3B:c.110A>T p.Lys37Met (K36M) mutation useful in selected cases.
located mainly around the being most common Essential and desirable diagnostic
temporomandibular joint and the { 24162739 ; 27174990 ; 33779999 }. criteria
squamous part of the temporal bone Macroscopic appearance Essential: sheets of chondroblasts;
{ 15875910 ; 21504272 }. Well-defined lesions with a thin sclerotic scattered osteoclast; eosinophilic
Clinical features rim and a soft to gritty consistency. chondroid matrix.
The most frequent clinical symptom is pain Haemorrhagic areas may be present. Desirable: fine network of 'chicken-
while hearing loss, tinnitus and vertigo may Histopathology wire' calcification; histone H3 mutation or
be present when tumours are located in the The tumour cells are uniform, eosinophilic H3 p.Lys37Met (K36M) immunopositivity
temporal bone, and trismus if around the and polygonal with well-defined borders Staging
temporomandibular joint and nuclear grooves. The cells are None
{ 15875910 ; 20614285 }. intermingled with an amorphous Prognosis and prediction
eosinophilic matrix with osteoclast-like Up to 50% of cases recur, metastasis has
Imaging: Chondroblastomas of the giant cells and varying amounts of been reported only rarely (<1% of cases)
temporal bone have a well-demarcated, 'chicken- { 3604981 }.
lobulated radiolucent appearance with foci wire' calcification { 5051664 ; 14880556 }.
of calcifications { 15875910 }. Cystic Cystic haemorrhagic degeneration is
Chondromyxoid Fibroma
Definition mineralization occurs in approximately uncommon { 9596266 }. In approximately
Chondromyxoid fibroma (CMF) is a benign 10% and is usually focal { 9596266 }. 10% of cases, cystic
lobulated chondroid neoplasm with a zonal A subset of craniofacial CMFs develop on haemorrhagic degeneration produces
architecture composed of chondroid, the surface of bone { 29324473 }. aneurysmal bone cyst-like changes
myxoid and myofibroblastic areas. Epidemiology { 9596266 }.
ICD-O coding CMF is rare and 5% of all cases involve
9241/0 Chondromyxoid fibroma craniofacial bones Immunohistochemistry: IHC is typically not
ICD-11 coding { 9596266 ; 20614285 }. required. CMF shows variable staining with
2E82.Z & XH89S0 Benign osteogenic Etiology SMA, S100, EMA, and SOX9, and is
tumour of unspecified site & Unknown negative for cytokeratins and GFAP
Chondromyxoid fibroma Pathogenesis { 2263591 ; 19801163 ; 29324473 }.
Related terminology The majority of CMFs harbour a Cytology
None recombination of the glutamate receptor Not clinically relevant.
Subtype(s) gene (GRM1) with several 5′ partner Diagnostic molecular pathology
None genes, which represent strong promoters, Not usually needed for diagnosis. If
Localization leading to high GRM1 expression. This is required, upregulation of GRM1
Most craniofacial CMFs occur in the jaw considered the driver event for expression can help distinguish CMF from
and sinonasal bones, but any craniofacial approximately 90% of CMFs { 24658000 }. its mimics { 24658000 }.
bone can be affected GRM1 expression is absent or very low in Essential and desirable diagnostic
{ 9540086 ; 9596266 ; 12946671 ; 146148 other cartilaginous tumours { 24658000 }. criteria
77 ; 16165913 ; 21544896 ; 26929898 ; 2 Macroscopic appearance Essential: Lobulated lesion; zonal
9324473 }. Lobular grey white tumour with smooth distribution of spindled and stellate cells;
Clinical features surface. chondromyxoid matrix; condensation of
Depending on the site, there may be Histopathology lesional cells at the periphery of lobules,
tinnitus, visual disturbances, headaches, CMF consists of a lobular proliferation of admixed with multinucleate giant cells.
hearing loss, and sinonasal congestion spindled and stellate cells with abundant Staging
{ 9596266 ; 26929898 ; 31754576 ; 32209 eosinophilic cytoplasm and a None
521 }. chondromyxoid background { 9596266 }. Prognosis and prediction
The lobules show a hypocellular center and The prognosis is excellent, even for
Imaging: Radiographically, craniofacial a hypercellular periphery with intermingled recurrent tumours. Recurrence is more
CMFs are similar in appearance to CMFs osteoclast-like giant cells. In a third of common in craniofacial CMFs, due to
in other locations. They are primarily lytic, cases there are scattered coarse challenges obtaining clear surgical margins
often with a sclerotic rim and frequently calcifications but hyaline cartilage is only { 20614285 ; 25217119 ; 26929898 ; 2932
demonstrate cortical thinning or erosion occasionally seen { 9596266 }. Cytologic 4473 }.
{ 9596266 ; 20614285 }. Matrix atypia may occur, however, mitoses are
Desmoplastic Fibroma of Bone
Definition include pain (15%), trismus with limited
Desmoplastic fibroma of bone (DFB) is a mouth opening (11%), mobile teeth (7%), Genetic factors
locally aggressive infection (3%), and bleeding (3%) DFB occurs in tuberous sclerosis, more
fibroblastic/myofibroblastic tumour { 16360612 ; 25113037 ; 27816276 ; 3221 commonly involving the maxilla (60%)
composed of benign spindle cells 5029 ; 33204607 }. { 15619647 ; 31078508 }.
embedded in a collagenous background, Pathogenesis
mimicking desmoid-type fibromatosis. Imaging: Radiography shows a well- Unknown
ICD-O coding defined radiolucency without Macroscopic appearance
8823/1 Desmoplastic fibroma mineralization, either unilocular or Firm white tumour with coarse whirled
ICD-11 coding multilocular, with pushing borders, architecture, focal myxoid areas and no
2F7B & XH6YK5 Neoplasms of uncertain expansion, cortical erosion, tooth necrosis. Soft tissue extension may be
behaviour of bone and articular cartilage & displacement and root resorption, often present.
Desmoplastic fibroma with soft tissue extension Histopathology
Related terminology { 16360612 ; 25113037 ; 27816276 ; 3221 DFB is composed of uniform benign
Not recommended: Desmoid tumour of 5029 ; 33204607 }. spindle cells with slender tapering nuclei,
bone; fibromatosis of jaw Epidemiology arranged in intertwining fascicles, without
Subtype(s) DFB presents over a wide age range (0.5 atypia or pleomorphism and only rare
None to 70 years) mitoses. The cells often have indistinct
Localization { 16360612 ; 25113037 ; 27816276 ; 3221 cytoplasmic borders that blend with
The jaws are a site of predilection. In 5029 ; 33204607 }, with 35% occurring in adjacent collagen, which can become
the jaws, 82% of DFB affect the mandible, the 1st decade, and almost 70% before keloid-like. Myxoid areas, cysts and
70% the posterior body and angle age 30 years, mean age at diagnosis 20 osteoclasts are present rarely. Thin-walled
{ 16360612 ; 25113037 ; 27816276 ; 3221 years. DFB in the jaws is slightly more vessels interposed between spindle cell
5029 ; 33204607 }. The remainder involve common in females (M:F 1:1.3), and in fascicles may be present. Due to the
the maxilla, usually anteriorly. non-Hispanic Caucasians (51%), infiltrative margin, entrapped residual bone
Clinical features compared with those of African origin trabeculae may be present.
Most individuals (66%) present with (24%), Hispanics (16%) and Asians (9%).
asymptomatic swelling or facial Etiology Immunohistochemistry: DFBs express
asymmetry. Other signs and symptoms Unknown vimentin (92%), smooth muscle actin
(80%), muscle specific actin (63%), S100 (TFCP2 rearrangement), and pleomorphism; dense collagenous
(7%), and have low Ki-67 expression myoepithelial tumours (S100, background; exclusion of alternative
{ 16360612 ; 25113037 ; 27816276 ; 3221 CAM5.2; EWSR1 rearrangement, INI1 los fibrous tumours.
5029 ; 33204607 }. Almost all DFBs lack s). Staging
nuclear ß-catenin expression, only two Cytology None
cases with CTNNB1 mutation have been Not clinically relevant Prognosis and prediction
positive. Diagnostic molecular pathology DFB frequently recurs after curettage
Only a few DFB have (31%) or enucleation (25%)
Differential Diagnosis: This is by exclusion activating CTNNB1 point mutations { 16360612 ; 25113037 ; 27816276 ; 3221
of desmoid tumour (nuclear ß- { 16153468 ; 31838586 ; 31901437 }, in 5029 ; 33204607 }. Recurrence after
catenin; CTNNB1 or APC mutation), fibrou contrast to DF of soft tissue, in which up to resection is approximately 10%
s dysplasia (GNAS mutation), low-grade 75% have nuclear ß-catenin expression and chemotherapy may be considered if
fibrosarcoma, low-grade central and somatic CTNNB1 or excision is not feasible. Radiotherapy is not
osteosarcoma (MDM2, CDK4, SATB2), constitutional APC mutations. recommended.
low-grade myofibroblastic sarcoma (SMA, Essential and desirable diagnostic
desmin, nuclear ß-catenin), synovial criteria
sarcoma (TLE1; SS18 rearrangement), Essential: intraosseous site; benign spindle
spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma of jaw cell lesion; no cytologic atypia or


Osteosarcoma of the Jaw
Definition Conventional osteosarcoma; small cell The most frequent clinical manifestation is
Osteosarcoma constitutes a group of osteosarcoma; telangiectatic local swelling, which can be associated
malignant bone neoplasms in which the osteosarcoma; low-grade central with pain and ulceration. Other signs
cells produce immature bone. osteosarcoma; parosteal osteosarcoma; include loosening of the adjacent teeth and
ICD-O coding periosteal osteosarcoma; high-grade pathological fracture
9180/3 Osteosarcoma, NOS surface osteosarcoma; radiation-induced { 30608407 ; 31154837 ;}.
9187/3 Low-grade central osteosarcoma osteosarcoma
9192/3 Parosteal osteosarcoma Localization Imaging: Presentation depends on the
9193/3 Periosteal osteosarcoma Conventional osteosarcoma most amount of mineralized matrix formed by the
9194/3 High-grade surface osteosarcoma commonly arises in the metaphysis of long tumour. Most osteosarcomas present as
ICD-11 coding bones but the fourth most common site of mixed radiolucent and sclerotic tumours,
2B51.0 Osteosarcoma of bone or articular origin is the jawbones (particularly the high-grade lesions show osteodestructive
cartilage of jaw mandible), accounting for about 6% of growth, aggressive periosteal reactions
Related terminology cases. However, any craniofacial bone can (Codman triangle, sunburst appearance)
None be involved { 24035127 ; 24246156 }. and soft tissue extension. Widening of the
Subtype(s) Clinical features periodontal ligament space of the involved
teeth due to tumour infiltration may be
observed. CT scans are particularly useful Conventional osteosarcoma is defined by might aid in distinguishing low-grade
for assisting biopsy and staging. MRI is highly atypical cells producing an immature osteosarcoma from benign fibro-osseous
important for assessing the intraosseous and often lace-like neoplastic osteoid. The mimics { 20601938 ; 21336260 }. SATB2
tumour extension and soft-tissue extent of matrix can vary significantly, immunohistochemistry may be helpful
involvement { 31642708 }. ranging from focal, immature osteoid to useful to detect osteoblastic differentiation
Epidemiology heavily mineralized sclerotic bone. The but despite sensitivity it is not completely
Osteosarcoma is rare, with an overall tumours generally show an aggressive and specific { 26644288 ; 27465835 }.
annual incidence of approximately 4- osteodestructive growth Cytology
5 cases per million population. The permeating marrow spaces. As a result, Although there are some studies showing
jawbones account for approximately 6% of pre-existing trabeculae become entrapped the utility of FNAC in osteosarcomas,
cases and remarkably, patients are by tumour infiltrates and neoplastic bone. biopsy is the gold standard method for
usually 10–20 years older than those The periosteum forms a rigid barrier for diagnosis { 26229255 }.
developing osteosarcoma in the tumour permeation and may remain as a Diagnostic molecular pathology
extragnathic sites. There is no gender pseudocapsule around some tumours that Not clinically relevant
predilection have destroyed the cortex. Frequently, Essential and desirable diagnostic
{ 24246156 ; 25811167 ; 28109463 }. fibroblastic components and / or neoplastic criteria
Etiology cartilage can also be found, and the Essential: consistent imaging features;
Unknown. Risk factors include local predominant matrix defines the tumours as tumour cells producing immature and often
radiotherapy osteoblastic, chondroblastic, and lace-like neoplastic osteoid;
{ 20219593 ; 33184778 ; 32343457 }, a fibroblastic type. Chondroblastic permeative invasion; entrapment of host
history of retinoblastoma, or underlying osteosarcoma is proportionally more bone
Paget's disease of bone (osteitis common in the jaw bones and can Desirable: Necrosis; atypical mitosis;
deformans) { 12570058 }. histologically mimic chondrosarcoma, pleomorphism; high cellularity
which is far less frequent in the Staging
Genetic factors maxillofacial bones AJCC/UICC staging system is used for
Osteosarcoma is associated with Li– { 6573939 ; 30608407 }. Gnathic craniofacial osteosarcoma, based on
Fraumeni syndrome, Werner syndrome, osteosarcoma less commonly shows a tumour grade, size and regional and
Bloom syndrome and Rothmund-Thomson pleomorphic high-grade morphology distant metastasis. Other systems based
syndrome but the jaws seem exceptionally although cytologic atypia is nevertheless on anatomic location, intra- versus
rarely involved { 32959210 }. present, but often subtle. Jaw tumours are extracompartmental, the MSTS system
Pathogenesis often well delineated and show a cambium- and the less known Spanier system based
The pathogenesis and cell of origin of like proliferative cell layer at the periphery on periosteal breach are not commonly
osteosarcoma are unknown. Few recurrent of the lesion. Small-cell and telangiectatic used in jaws, although the latter parameter
mutations have been described and variants have been reported but are is prognostically significant { 28195881 }.
include TP53 and RB1 as the most exceptionally rare. Prognosis and prediction
commonly mutated genes. The hallmark of Osteosarcomas of the jaws metastasize far
osteosarcoma is chromosomal instability Periosteal subtypes generally demonstrate less frequently (in 6–21% of cases), and
resulting in highly complex chromosomal a predominant chondroblastic later in the course of disease, than do their
aneuploidy and both inter- and differentiation, with intermediate-grade peripheral counterparts. These
intratumoural heterogeneity. It is most atypia but are exceedingly rare in the head prognostically favourable characteristics
likely caused by chromoanagenesis and neck region. are restricted to tumours of the jaws.
(chromothripsis / chromoplexy) following Extragnathic osteosarcomas of the skull or
an unknown trigger, likely involving Low grade medullary and parosteal facial bones behave as aggressively as
chromosome segregation errors during cell subtypes generally demonstrate more tumours of the peripheral skeleton.
division. Some genes such subtle atypia; mitotic activity can be scarce. Histological grade of malignancy, and
as MDM2, CDK4, RAS and TUG1 in They consist of either irregular or stage of the disease are the most important
addition to RNAs as ZEB2-AS1, CircECE1, interlacing bone trabeculae embedded in a prognostic factors. Surgical resection with
Circ0085539 have been implicated. fibroblastic stroma with only minimal clear margins is the treatment of choice.
Germline mutations in different RECQ atypia. The stromal component can Low-grade osteosarcomas can be cured by
helicases underlie Werner, Bloom and predominate and is of low to moderate complete resection without additional
Rothmund Thomson syndromes conferring cellularity. treatment modalities. The role of
an increased risk of developing (neo)adjuvant treatment for
osteosarcoma Giant cell rich osteosarcoma is a osteosarcomas of the jawbones is
{ 20196171 ; 26248895 ; 33747256 ; 3384 morphologic subtype that should be kept in controversial. However, a recent meta-
1645 }. mind and distinguished from other giant analysis showed that chemotherapy might
Macroscopic appearance cell rich lesions affecting the jaws. improve survival in patients with positive
Depending on the type, amount, and margins, high-grade tumours, and
mineralization of the lesional matrix, Chemotherapy-related changes can mask recurrent tumours
osteosarcoma can present with tan-white original tumour morphology and extent and { 6573939 ; 12237918 ; 17467326 ; 19382
and solid or a softer more grey, glistening include frankly necrotic tumour, partly 187 ; 21288615 ; 23131392 ; 24246156 ;
cut surface. Areas of haemorrhage, degenerate cells, a framework of tumour 30608407 ; 30706580 }.
necrosis, and cystic change are frequently osteoid and chondroid matrix with empty The prognosis for osteosarcoma
observed. lacunae, interlacing trabeculae of reactive secondary to Paget's disease or irradiation
Histopathology bone and loose sparsely cellular is much worse [[Flanagan, bridge and
Conventional osteosarcoma is the most collagenous tissue with scattered O'Donnell. Secondary osteosarcoma, page
common and aggressive subtype, whereas capillaries and chronic inflammatory cells. 419- 421in WHO classification of tumours
periosteal osteosarcoma is of intermediate fifth edition soft tissue and bone tumours]].
grade and low-grade central and parosteal Immunohistochemistry: Positive staining
osteosarcomas are low-grade subtypes. with antibodies against MDM2 and CDK4
Chondrosarcoma Family
Definition especially in the jawbones, requiring a
Conventional chondrosarcoma is a Genetic factors thorough search to exclude small foci of
malignant bone neoplasm that produces Chondrosarcomas in the maxillofacial neoplastic osteoid formation. Accordingly,
cartilaginous matrix. skeleton as manifestations of Ollier a diagnosis of maxillofacial
ICD-O coding disease and Maffucci syndrome with chondrosarcoma should not be made
9220/3 Chondrosarcoma, grade 2 malignant transformation are exceedingly solely on a core needle biopsy. The high-
9220/3 Chondrosarcoma, grade 3 rare { 7573751 }. grade component of dedifferentiated
ICD-11 coding Pathogenesis chondrosarcoma most frequently
2B50.Z & XH6LT5 Chondrosarcoma of Conventional, periosteal and resembles undifferentiated pleomorphic
bone and articular cartilage of unspecified dedifferentiated chondrosarcomas, but sarcoma, but can vary. Clear cell
sites & Chondrosarcoma, grade 2 not clear cell chondrosarcoma, harbour chondrosarcoma shows lobules of cells
2B50.Z & XH0Y34 Chondrosarcoma of somatic mutations in the isocitrate with abundant pale (attributable to
bone and articular cartilage of unspecified dehydrogenase genes type 1 and 2 glycogen) or slightly eosinophilic cytoplasm
sites & Chondrosarcoma, grade 3 (IDH1, IDH2) and frequently includes woven bone
Related terminology { 21598255 ; 23598960 ; 25432631 }. formation. In the temporomandibular joint,
None Macroscopic appearance synovial chondromatosis should be ruled
Subtype(s) Lobular tumour with a glistening blue-grey out, especially when the lesion shows the
Conventional (grade 1; grade 2- or white, solid cut surface. The typical multinodular architecture and lacks
3); Periosteal; Dedifferentiated; Clear cell. dedifferentiated subtype also shows a infiltrative growth.
Localization fleshy component.
Conventional chondrosarcoma affects the Histopathology Immunohistochemistry: Has limited
maxilla and the nasal septum more Chondrosarcoma generally has a lobular diagnostic value, the tumor cells usually
frequently than the mandible, but may morphology and osteodestructive growth stain for S-100 protein, SOX9, ERG, and
occur in any maxillofacial bone with entrapment of pre-existing trabecular podoplanin { 18820665 }.
{ 8635057 ; 10862026 }. bone and/or cortical permeation. Well- Cytology
Clinical features differentiated tumours resemble hyaline Not clinically relevant
Symptoms are non-specific and depend cartilage with oval to polygonal cells in Diagnostic molecular pathology
upon location. Involvement of the nose can lacunar spaces surrounded by basophilic Detection of IDH1/2 mutations can be
result in nasal obstruction. At other sites matrix. The nuclei are small and uniform, helpful in distinguishing conventional,
asymptomatic or painful swelling is the with round to oval outlines and evenly periosteal and dedifferentiated
most common presentation { 24213203 }. distributed dense chromatin. With chondrosarcoma from chondroblastic
increasing grade, the nucleoli become osteosarcoma in selected cases but is
Imaging: Osteolytic tumour, ranging from discernible due to open chromatin. Nuclear generally not required
well defined to aggressive destruction atypia, increased cellularity with irregular { 21598255 ; 23598960 }. Detection of
with varying opacity producing stippled distribution, decreased volume of IDH1/2 mutation may be less likely in
pattern or irregular masses best seen on cytoplasm, myxoid background, and chondrosarcomas of facial skeleton, whilst
CT. Dedifferentiation may produce a mitoses are also associated with higher the skull base tumours reportedly have a
purely lytic area or soft tissue tumour grade { 890662 }. higher detection rate { 30296521 }.
extension best localised on MRI. Essential and desirable diagnostic
Chondrosarcoma has a high T2-weighted Subtypes: Conventional chondrosarcoma criteria
signal intensity. is a malignant bone neoplasm that arises in Essential: consistent imaging features;
Epidemiology the medullary cavity and produces tumour with cartilaginous matrix; entrapped
Maxillo-facial chondrosarcoma is almost cartilaginous matrix. Periosteal pre-existing bone; lack of neoplastic bone
exclusively of conventional type, and chondrosarcoma develops on the surface or osteoid formation
accounts for only approximately 3-4% of all of bone. Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma Staging
chondrosarcomas shows abrupt transition into a high-grade, AJCC/UICC staging system may be used
{ 8635057 ; 27042949 }[[ISBN 1-881041- non-cartilaginous sarcoma. Clear cell for craniofacial chondrosarcoma
93-X; Unni KK, Inwards CY, Bridge JA, chondrosarcoma is a low-grade { 24213203 } and at this site tumours are of
Kindblom LG, and Wold LE; AFIP atlas of malignancy of lobules of cells with lower stage and grade than peripheral
tumor pathology, fourth series, fascicle 2; abundant clear cytoplasm. chondrosarcomas { 27042949 }.
Tumors of the Bones and Joints; Chapter Prognosis and prediction
4: Cartilaginous Lesions; pp. 37-118; 2005 Differential Diagnosis: Since chondromas Surgical resection is the treatment of
ARP Press, Silver Spring, Maryland, in the maxillofacial bones are exceptionally choice in the maxillofacial bones.
USA]]. All age groups can be affected with rare, tumours with pure cartilaginous Histologic grade and complete resection
a slight predilection for middle-aged men differentiation should always be considered are the most important prognostic factors.
{ 10862026 }. to be chondrosarcoma until proven The prognosis of dedifferentiated
Etiology otherwise. Chondroblastic osteosarcoma chondrosarcoma is usually poor.
Unknown is far more common than chondrosarcoma,
Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma
Definition Epidemiology been suggested to be highly specific and
Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma (MCS) is a MCS comprise 2-10% of all there may be aberrant muscle marker
high-grade, biphasic malignant chondrosarcomas and 20-30% arise in the expression.
cartilaginous neoplasm characterized by head and neck { 14416919 }. Peak Cytology
sheets of small blue round to spindle- incidence is in the third decade (age range Small cells with high nuclear-to-cytoplasm
shaped cells interspersed with lobules of 7 and 80 years). There is no sex ratio, singly and in clumps in a basophilic
hyaline cartilage. predilection { 25529371 ; 26975384 }. extracellular matrix.
ICD-O coding Etiology Diagnostic molecular pathology
9240/3 Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma. Unknown HEY1::NCOA2 recurrent translocation is
ICD-11 coding Pathogenesis present in almost all MCS
2B50.Z & XH8X47 Chondrosarcoma of Almost all cases harbour a { 22034177 ; 23252872 }, IRF2BP2::CDX1
bone and articular cartilage of unspecified specific HEY1::NCOA2 fusion gene, much is reported much more rarely
sites & Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma more rarely IRF2BP2::CDX1. Small cell { 23185413 }. IDH1 or IDH2 mutations do
Related terminology areas show TP53 loss, Rb pathway not occur { 21598255 ; 24680178 }.
None alterations and homozygous loss Essential and desirable diagnostic
Subtype(s) of CDKN2A { 22674453 ; 23415961 }. criteria
None Macroscopic appearance Essential: prominent primitive component
Localization Gray, gray-white or pink tumour, soft, firm of round-to-spindled cells punctated with
The most common sites in the head and or hard with nodules of cartilage and bone. islands of mature cartilage
neck are the jaws, mandible more Histopathology Desirable: HEY1::NCOA2 fusion in
frequently, followed by the MCS has a characteristic biphasic pattern. diagnostically challenging cases
skull { 3697943 ; 6825046 ; 6861090 ; 15 Large areas are composed of small, Staging
233236 ; 17681487 ; 29582189 }. Within uniform, round to spindle-shaped cells, None
the sinonasal tract, the maxillary sinus is which resemble those of Ewing sarcoma, Prognosis and prediction
most commonly affected, followed by often with a perivascular arrangement and MCS has a high local recurrence rate with
ethmoid and nasal cavity { 12792311 }. hemangiopericytoma-like pattern, necrosis metastasis after a long disease free
Clinical features and frequent mitoses. Admixed lobules of interval. MCS in general has 5 and 10-year
Patients present with swelling, pain, and highly differentiated cartilage may be survival rates of 51 and 43% respectively,
possible pathological fracture. limited or extensive and can exhibit depending on the site, surgical
calcification and immature ossification. resectability, type and duration of therapy
Imaging: An aggressive lytic and { 26975384 }. Jaw tumors generally have a
destructive mass is seen radiologically, Immunohistochemistry: IHC shows better prognosis
sometimes with soft tissue extension and positivity for membranous CD99, and { 6402853 ; 6825046 ; 13883114 }.
calcifications. nuclear SOX9. NKX3-1 { 31972596 } has
Rhabdomyosarcoma with TFCP2 Rearrangement
Definition Most TFCP2-RMS arise in bone, less TFCP2-RMS affect young adults (median
Rhabdomyosarcoma frequently in soft tissue age 25 years, range 11-86 years)
with TFCP2 rearrangement (TFCP2-RMS) { 31383960 ; 33382123 }. There is a { 31383960 ; 33382123 }. 30% of cases
is a high grade rhabdomyosarcoma, striking predilection for craniofacial bones, arise in patients less than 18 years old.
characterised by fusion in decreasing order of frequency the Males and females are equally affected.
of TFCP2 to EWSR-1 or FUS. mandible, maxilla and skull bones, from Etiology
ICD-O coding where TFCP2-RMS commonly infiltrates Unknown
8900/3 Rhabdomyosarcoma, NOS into the soft tissues of the mouth, nose and Pathogenesis
ICD-11 coding the neck. TFCP2-RMS are defined
2B66.Y & XH0GA1 Other specified Clinical features by TFCP2 rearrangement, fused in 5’
malignant neoplasms of other and Large rapidly growing swelling with pain either to FUS or EWSR1, producing
unspecified parts of mouth & and signs related to compression. Tumour expression profiles distinct from other
Rhabdomyosarcoma, NOS size varies widely with median diameter rhabdomyosarcomas { 29431183 }. The
60mm { 31383960 }. translocation may be unbalanced. TFCP2,
Related terminology located in 12q13.12, encodes the Late
None Imaging: Imaging shows large, ill-defined, Simian Virus 40 factor (LSF) transcription
Subtype(s) infiltrating and destructive masses, factor which regulates the expression of an
None commonly centered on bones and invading enzyme involved in the regulation of DNA
Localization soft tissue.
synthesis { 8157699 }. The with ALK upregulation at transcript and Immunohistochemistry: Virtually all cases
breakpoint occurs in 5’ of exon 2 protein levels. These alterations may lead are positive for cytokeratins AE1/E3 and
of TFCP2, preserving the DNA-binding to ALK activation through alternative desmin. All, by definition, express
domain of the protein { 29431183 }. transcription initiation { 26444240 }. myogenin and/or MYOD1, MYOD1 being
TFCP2-RMS harbour complex, commonly Macroscopic appearance more sensitive. There is occasional
aneuploid genomic profiles Non-specific, solid, white-grey tumour with expression of p63, CK7, SATB2, P53,
{ 29758589 ; 30477883 } with multiple necrosis. CD30, CD4, S100 protein, caldesmon and
copy number alterations across their Histopathology smooth muscle actin and INI-1 expression
genomes. Homozygous deletions TFCP2-RMS are usually biphasic with is
of CDKN2A are present in virtually all spindle cell and epithelioid areas in solid retained { 29758589 ; 32504289 ; 325565
cases. TERT overexpression has been sheets or fascicles with scant 62 ;}.
observed { 29758589 ; 29431183 }. accompanying stroma. More rarely,
Occasional alterations TFCP2-RMS are purely epitheloid, spindle Differential Diagnosis: Particularly in older
include MDM2 amplification { 31383960 }, or round cell. Tumour nuclei are adults, this includes metastastic carcinoma
mutations of TP53 { 33382123 } large, displaying brisk mitotic activity and due to keratin expression and epithelioid
and chromotrypsis in 1p and 3p dotted with conspicuous nucleoli. Overall, features { 30948206 }. Alveolar
{ 29758589 ; 30477883 }. Intragenic tumour nuclei are monotonous but may RMS commonly expresses cytokeratins
deletions of ALK are present in roughly half show focal hyperchromatism and and ALK but harbours FOXO1 fusions.
of cases, preserving the kinase domain of pleomorphism. Necrosis is common. Triton tumour or anaplastic lymphoma may
the protein, and correlate be suspected when S100 is positive,
especially if purely epithelioid. Sarcomas Desirable: location in bone; TFCP2 14 months but follow-up data are limited
with PATZ1 fusions are rare and have rearrangement or typical { 31383960 ; 33382123 }.
variable appearance and often express immunophenotype with co-expression of Most TFCP2-RMS recur after surgery
myogenin, MYOD1 and S100 but are AE1/E3 and ALK and progress despite aggressive
associated with PATZ1 translocations. Staging multimodal therapy. There has been
Cytology None insufficient time to evaluate specific
No data available Prognosis and prediction chemotherapy regimens
Diagnostic molecular pathology TFCP2-RMS are aggressive and { 31383960 ; 32556562 }. ALK inhibitors
The diagnosis should be confirmed by associated with poor outcome, presenting have proved ineffective alone, but have
molecular testing using FISH with a break- at a locally advanced stage with bone and some effect
apart probe for TFCP2 or by sequencing. soft tissue destruction with irradiation { 31470995 ; 31965718 }.
Essential and desirable diagnostic { 31383960 ; 33382123 }. Distant
criteria metastasis is present at diagnosis or
Essential: high grade epithelioid, spindle follow-up in 65% of cases, usually to bone,
cell or mixed tumour; MYOD1 or myogenin lungs or lymph nodes
expression { 31383960 }. Estimated median survival is
PANK, difusa

MYOD1, nuclear difusa

ALK, fuerte expresión


The ear is comprised of three terminology and expanded for this edition, is considered a
distinct definitions. Meningioma has SCC subtype).
regions/compartments, includin been combined with other The tumour formerly classified
g the external ear, the middle extraneuraxial sites, and as “middle ear adenoma” is also
ear/temporal bone, and the inner included in the sinonasal tract a controversial tumour. This
ear. The classification of ear section. Aggressive papillary tumour has been referred to as
tumours remains similar to the tumour (APT) included in the carcinoid tumour { 16148713 }
prior edition yet is evolving previous edition is included and neuroendocrine adenoma of
based on emerging molecular within middle ear the middle ear { 12011260 }.
discoveries linked to adenocarcinoma, although it Given their predominant
histomorphology and remains controversial whether it neuroendocrine features, the
immunohistochemistry. is an independent tumour or a designation of middle ear
The most common tumour of the subtype of endolymphatic sac neuroendocrine tumour
external ear region is the tumor (ELST). APT arises in the (MeNET) has been proposed in
(cutaneous) squamous cell middle ear without involvement line with recent WHO
carcinoma (SCC). Site specific of the apical petrous temporal neuroendocrine terminology
external canal neoplasms bone and, therefore, unrelated to harmonization across all
develop from ceruminal glands ELST { 18633929 ; 32940914 }. anatomic sites { 30140036 }. A
and include ceruminous APTs may represent a recent publication { 34041698 }
adenoma and ceruminous heterogenous spectrum of identified tumours composed of
adenocarcinoma, both including distinct tumours unified under cells comparable to normal
salivary gland type neoplasms the designation APT with intestinal L cells resembling
(e.g., ceruminous pleomorphic histologic, immunohistochemical hindgut NETs, proposed middle
adenoma, ceruminous adenoid and molecular alterations ear NET and recommend
cystic carcinoma, and (MKRN1::BRAF fusion) classification within the broader
ceruminous mucoepidermoid distinctly different from middle category of neuroendocrine
carcinoma). Tumour-like ear neuroendocrine tumour neoplasms. Previous studies
conditions that enter into the (MeNET) and ELST proposed admixtures of
differential diagnosis have been { 32940914 }. The epithelial non-neuroendocrine
included (such as emerging DEK::AFF2 carcinom elements, making them possibly
chondrodermatitis nodular a represents a distinct mixed neuroendocrine and non-
chronica helicis and auricular nonkeratinizing SCC which may neuroendocrine neoplasms
pseudocyst). Exostosis affect the middle ear/temporal (MiNENs), but diffuse INSM1-
(osteoma) has been added due bone { 32366754 } but is more immunoreactivity suggests a
to the unique findings within the common in the sinonasal tract single cell type. Given their site
external auditory canal. { 33002918 }, and shows specificity, however, the tumour
Selected tumours of the middle histologic features of SCC (thus, has been catalogued within this
and inner ear have new section for this edition.
Chondrodermatitis Nodularis Chronic Helicis
Definition arranged and converging on a central hyperkeratotic crust is usually present,
Chondrodermatitis nodularis chronica rounded lump { 29926164 ; 30775149 }. surrounded by acanthotic epithelium often
helicis (CNCH) is a non-neoplastic Epidemiology with acute inflammation. An inverted
inflammatory degenerative process of the CNCH is a relatively common external ear funnel-shaped defect is present in the
external ear characterized by necrobiotic skin lesion dermis, with the collagen underlying the
changes in the dermis and perichondrium. { 13079290 ; 17524165 ; 27399947 }, crater appearing homogeneous and
ICD-O coding more common in males than females eosinophilic, admixed with fibrin. There is
None (~2:1) superficial cartilage erosion with loss of
ICD-11 coding { 17524165 ; 21276202 ; 24206803 ; 2739 cartilage basophilia, associated with
AA12 Chondrodermatitis nodularis 9947 }. Most patients are in the 7th decade fibrosis and chondrocyte dropout causing
{ 13079290 ; 17524165 ; 21276202 ; 2420 smudgy cartilage degeneration. Rarely,
Related terminology 6803 ; 27399947 }. Young patients may devitalized cartilage may extruded through
Acceptable: chondrodermatitis nodularis have an underlying systemic disease the crater.
helicis causing ischemic necrobiosis
Not recommended: Winkler disease, { 15811116 }. Differential Diagnosis: CNCH is very
chondrodermatitis chronica auriculae Etiology commonly confused clinically with skin
Subtype(s) Exposure to sunlight or cold predispose neoplasms (squamous or basal cell
None { 24206803 }. carcinoma), and rarely with relapsing
Localization Pathogenesis polychondritis or granuloma annulare.
The helix is affected twice as often as the Dermal microtrauma (helmets, headsets, Cytology
antihelix, but any part of the auricle may be actinic damage, frostbite) combined with Not clinically relevant
affected { 17524165 ; 27399947 }, with the the relatively tenuous aural vascularity Diagnostic molecular pathology
right > left { 19413613 ; 29805936 } leads to None
{ 13079290 ; 13124280 ; 21276202 ; 2420 subepidermal injury, and with reduced Essential and desirable diagnostic
6803 }. repair capacity and collagen degeneration criteria
Clinical features in the elderly, the lesion becomes Essential: cup-shaped crater with necrotic
Patients present clinically with an intensely persistent { 13079290 ; 15811116 }. debris and fibrin extending to involve the
painful nodule, usually nocturnal and Systemic diseases associated with superficial cartilage
magnified by any ear pressure microangiopathy may predispose Staging
{ 13079290 ; 13124280 ; 21276202 ; 2420 individuals to CNCH Not applicable
6803 ; 30505787 }. CNCH begins as a { 13079290 ; 15811116 ; 21276202 }. Prognosis and prediction
reddish, round, indurated nodule which Macroscopic appearance Recurrences (up to 35%) usually develop
develops a central crater containing crust- A small central crater containing necrotic within a year
like to horny material, with material, usually between 4 - 15 mm. { 15149500 ; 19116517 ; 24684884 ; 2739
atrophic adjacent skin. Drainage of Histopathology 9947 }.
purulent material is common. Dermoscopy A central cup-shaped crater is filled with
shows a global configuration (daisy necrotic debris, fibrin, and a variable
pattern) of thick white lines, radially number of inflammatory cells. A para- and
Cystic Chondromalacia
Definition increased incidence is reported in Chinese associated with a rim of fibrous tissue or
Cystic chondromalacia is a degenerative patients, though reported in all ethnic granulation tissue with plump fibroblasts.
pseudocystic lesion of the auricular groups Mucoid material, hemosiderin deposits,
cartilaginous plate. { 1556479 ; 3083365 ; 5904038 ; 6508627 granulation tissue, and fibrosis are variably
ICD-O coding ; 15068513 ; 23575386 ; 30564784 }. present dependent on lesion duration or
None Etiology prior procedure
ICD-11 coding Undefined, possibilities include ischemic { 1556479 ; 3755327 ; 5904038 ; 6508627
AA41.Y Other specified acquired deformity necrosis (related to repetitive minor ; 12619465 ; 15235361 ; 30470633 ; 255
of pinna & benign idiopathic cystic trauma), abnormal release of lysosomal 36139 ; 25255358 }.
chondromalacia of the pinna enzymes by chondrocytes, and an
Related terminology embryologic fusion defect { 3755327 }. Differential Diagnosis: The differential
Acceptable: auricular pseudocyst Trauma may be accounted for from contact includes relapsing polychondritis,
Not recommended: auricular seroma; sports, movement disorders (such as chondrodermatitis nodularis chronica
otoseroma; intracartilaginous cyst; [Friedreich] ataxia, spasticity or helicis, and traumatic perichondritis.
auricular endochondral pseudocyst. dyskinesia), or earphone or cellphone use Cytology
Subtype(s) { 1556479 ; 3755327 ; 5904038 ; 6508627 Fine needle aspiration is sometimes
None. ; 15068513 ; 23473281 ; 26693094 }. performed, showing acellular smears of
Localization Pathogenesis granular proteinaceous material
Ear helix, scaphoid fossa, concha, or Interleukin-1 (IL-1), a mediator of { 10945913 }. Fluid LDH levels may be
triangular fossa { 30470633 }. inflammation, induces IL-6 (stimulates supportive in the correct clinical setting
Clinical features chondrocyte proliferation) and stimulates { 30921629 }.
Patients usually present with a unilateral, proteases and prostaglandin E2 production Diagnostic molecular pathology
fusiform, painless, slightly fluctuant by chondrocytes, leading to decreased None
swelling extracellular matrix formation, and thus Essential and desirable diagnostic
{ 1556479 ; 3755327 ; 5904038 ; 6508627 may contribute to intracartilaginous cleft criteria
; 15068513 }; rare bilateral lesions may be development { 15341921 ; 21178846 }. Essential: Central ear cartilage
asynchronous Lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes are degenerated with spectrum of
{ 2354120 ; 3083365 ; 6508627 ; 1506851 elevated compared to autogenous blood haemorrhage, granulation tissue, and
3 }. Lesions present rapidly (<12 weeks), { 23575386 } suggesting disrupted fibrosis
lacking overlying skin changes. A rare cartilage origin { 23575386 ; 26693094 }. Staging
association with atopic eczema is reported, Macroscopic appearance Not performed
perhaps related to rubbing or repeated Lesions range up to 40 mm (mean 20 mm). Prognosis and prediction
microtrauma { 2354120 }. Unroofing procedures may show a central Cosmetic concerns often prompt
Epidemiology intracartilaginous cleft. Incision or therapeutic intervention, while avoiding
Auricular pseudocyst tends to be more aspiration may yield viscous, clear to olive- infection, auricular chondritis and further
common in young males (mean, 35 years), oil coloured fluid { 3755327 ; 15235361 }. deformity. Recurrence is seen in around 1-
with a 9:1 male:female ratio, although Histopathology 5% { 15068513 }.
either sex and all ages may be affected The cartilaginous plate contains a central
{ 1556479 ; 3755327 ; 5904038 ; 6508627 cleft without epithelium (“pseudocyst”). The
; 15068513 ; 30564784 ; 30921629 }. An contour of the cleft may be irregular,
Exostosis (Osteoma) of the Ear
Definition usually present as bilateral, broad-based Chronic irritation due to cold temperature,
Slowly progressive benign growth of bony convex thickenings of cortical bone, medial water, pH and physical irritants leads to
cortex secondary to chronic to the isthmus. This is in comparison with vasodilatation, inflammation and
irritation { 13904891 }. EAC osteoma which is usually unilateral, stimulation of osteoblastic activity leading
ICD-O coding may be pedunculated and originates in the to bone formation { 13904891 }.
9180/0 Osteoma, NOS lateral half of the EAC. Macroscopic appearance
ICD-11 coding Epidemiology Exostosis appear as broad-based bony
AA40.Y Other specified acquired deformity Exostosis of the EAC affects 6.3 per 1000 proliferation resembling normal bone
of external auditory canal & Osteoma individuals { 12075223 }. The frequency is cortex; though in most instances
Related terminology higher in those with regular aquatic pathologists receive multiple fragments.
None exposure such as surfers, divers, Histopathology
Subtype(s) swimmers, kayakers and other maritime Histologically, exostosis are composed of
None activities { 30521295 ; 32033062 }. lamellar bone. Anastomosing trabeculae
Localization Exostosis of the EAC has been identified in are present with interspersed vascular
Bony cortex of the external auditory canal prehistoric man and is used tissues { 31070935 }. Of note, marrow
(EAC) { 30521295 } and rarely the middle anthropologically to identify cultures with spaces are absent.
ear { 16243740 }. aquatic lifestyle { 27834109 }. On the other Cytology
Clinical features hand, exostosis of middle ear is extremely Not relevant
Patients with exostoses of the EAC and rare and has been described in dry/desert Diagnostic molecular pathology
middle ear are generally asymptomatic but areas in both modern and ancient societies Not relevant
can present with conductive hearing loss { 16243740 }. Essential and desirable diagnostic
{ 21310100 ; 25087466 }. Patients with Etiology criteria
exostosis of the EAC can present with Exostosis most likely to occur due to Essential: Normal/mature appearing
recurrent otitis externa, otalgia and chronic irritation of the bone, particularly in lamellar bony cortex in the appropriate
cerumen impaction the EAC where the cutaneous lining is very radiologic context.
{ 21310100 }. Exostosis or bone spurs thin. The incidence is proportional to Staging
arising in the external auditory canal (EAC) frequency and duration of irritant exposure Not applicable
are also called Surfers’ Ear { 30521295 }. { 25772761 }. Multiple osteomas may be Prognosis and prediction
associated with Gardner's syndrome Exostosis of the EAC and the middle ear
Imaging: EAC exostoses are best { 31070935 }. are benign lesions usually managed
assessed on high resolution CT and Pathogenesis conservatively with good outcome.
Ceruminous Adenoma
Definition (12 to 85 years), with a peak in the metaplastic elements
Benign neoplasm of apocrine cerumen 6th decade { 2545327 ; 7517760 ; 10349387 ; 163986
producing glands of external auditory canal { 6243462 ; 6300574 ; 15104293 }. 81 ; 18314029 ; 24908278 }.
(EAC). Etiology Ceruminous syringocystadenoma
ICD-O coding Unknown papilliferum shows papillary projections
8420/0 Ceruminous adenoma Pathogenesis lined by a dual cell population, with a
ICD-11 coding Unknown variably dense stromal plasma cell infiltrate
2F00.Y & XH7AL8 Other specified benign Macroscopic appearance { 15104293 ; 16168591 ; 28490727 }.
neoplasm of middle ear or respiratory Unilateral polypoid grey skin covered 10 -
system & Ceruminous adenoma 40 mm mass Immunohistochemistry: Neoplastic cells
Related terminology { 6243462 ; 6300574 ; 15104293 }. react strongly and diffusely with
Not recommended: Ceruminoma; Histopathology pancytokeratin; luminal cells express CK7,
ceruminomata; adenoma ceruminalis; Ceruminous adenomas are circumscribed, EMA, and CD117; basal cells express
cylindroma; eccrine cylindroma; aural usually unencapsulated and lacking myoepithelial/basal cell markers
hidradenoma invasion. Surface pagetoid-type extension, { 2545327 ; 15104293 ; 22623086 }.
Subtype(s) ulceration, and pseudoepitheliomatous GATA3 is usually positive in luminal or
Ceruminous pleomorphic adenoma; hyperplasia { 6402199 } may be seen. apocrine cells.
ceruminous syringocystadenoma They are predominantly glandular, often
papilliferum with cystic change, and extending into the Differential Diagnosis: The most important
Localization surrounding stroma. Solid, back-to-back differential is ceruminous adenocarcinoma;
Tumours arise from dermal ceruminal glands, and papillary patterns may be exclude direct extension of salivary gland
glands confined to the outer half of the identified. A dual cell population tumours; paraganglioma and middle ear
EAC. Direct extension of pleomorphic (inner/luminal epithelial cells and outer neuroendocrine tumour is distinctive.
adenoma from adjacent structures should basal/myoepithelial cells) is bland, with Cytology
be excluded { 15104293 ; 21792797 }. low-moderate cellularity. Luminal cells are Not clinically relevant
Clinical features cuboidal to columnar, with ample Diagnostic molecular pathology
Symptoms include an outer EAC mass with eosinophilic cytoplasm, showing apical Not performed
intact tympanic membrane, conductive snouting (apocrine). Isolated tumour cells Essential and desirable diagnostic
hearing loss, otorrhea or discharge and show cytoplasmic golden-yellow/brown criteria
otalgia pigment granules. Myoepithelial cells are Essential: Lateral EAC location;
{ 6243462 ; 6300574 ; 14102073 ; 151042 often spindled with cleared cytoplasm. low/moderately cellular bland glandular
93 }. Imaging identifies an EAC soft tissue Mitoses may be increased (up to 4 per 2 proliferation of biphasic population; luminal
density mass and excludes direct mm2), especially around ulceration or apocrine morphology with decapitation.
extension from adjacent sites previous trauma/biopsy. Atypical mitoses Desirable: Cytoplasmic golden-yellow-
{ 16168591 ; 23351401 }. and comedonecrosis are absent. brown pigment granules
Epidemiology Concurrent cholesteatoma may occur. Staging
Ceruminous adenoma represents <1% of Not performed
all primary ear neoplasms Subtypes: Tumours with chondromyxoid Prognosis and prediction
{ 6243462 ; 6300574 ; 15104293 }, with an stroma represent ceruminous pleomorphic
equal sex distribution and wide age range adenoma { 32443830 }, often with
Recurrences develop when incompletely
excised { 6243462 ; 6300574 ; 15104293,
P63 Ck5.6
Ceruminous Adenocarcinoma
Definition Histopathology luminal epithelial cells subtended by
Malignant epithelial neoplasm derived from Histologically, tumours are separated into basal/myoepithelial cells
ceruminous apocrine-type glands of the ceruminous adenocarcinoma, not { 1789146 ; 7690238 ; 20596983 ; 226230
external auditory canal (EAC). otherwise specified (NOS), adenoid cystic 86 }. CerMEC will also show CEA(m) in the
ICD-O coding carcinoma (CerAdCC) and glandular component. Neuroendocrine
8420/3 Ceruminous adenocarcinoma mucoepidermoid carcinoma (CerMEC) markers are non-reactive.
ICD-11 coding { 1328435 ; 6291744 ; 20596983 },
2D40 Adenocarcinoma of unspecified site with CerAdCC the most common Differential Diagnosis: It is imperative to
Related terminology { 198620 ; 6096419 ; 6291744 ; 6300574 ; exclude direct extension from salivary
Not recommended: ceruminoma; 7745330 ; 20596983 }. Tumours show gland primary tumours, as management
cylindroma. destructive infiltration into the surrounding and outcome will be different. Generally,
Subtype(s) soft tissues, while bone and cartilage separation from benign ceruminous
Ceruminous adenoid cystic carcinoma invasion is less common. Pagetoid spread neoplasms is most significant, while
(CerAdCC); Ceruminous mucoepidermoid into the surface epithelium may be seen. selected skin adnexal primaries and
carcinoma (CerMEC) Perineural and lymphovascular invasion metastatic neoplasms may occasionally
Localization and comedonecrosis are exclusive to enter the differential.
Tumours are unilateral, identified lateral to carcinoma. The tumours are cellular, with Cytology
the bony-cartilaginous junction of the EAC, tumour subtype determined by Not clinically relevant, with only rare single
although temporal bone invasion may be architectural and cytological features. cases reported.
seen { 20596983 }. Direct extension from Ceruminous adenocarcinoma, NOS shows Diagnostic molecular pathology
adjacent organs (parotid gland) must be solid and cystic patterns, with easily None
excluded. identified pleomorphism in cells arranged Essential and desirable diagnostic
Clinical features in back-to-back gland formations with criteria
Patients present with otalgia, an EAC irregular lumina. Papillary structures are Essential: External auditory canal origin;
mass, and hearing changes most uncommon. The neoplastic cells are low destructive infiltration by
commonly, with fullness, discharge, and columnar to cuboidal with an increased malignant glandular cells associated with
bleeding less frequently nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio, variable benign ceruminous glands
{ 1328435 ; 5021609 ; 6096419 ; 6243462 amounts of eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm Staging
; 6291744 ; 6300574 ; 14102073 ; 20596 with frequent cytoplasmic extensions, Without standardized staging, ICCR
983 ; 23453117 ; 26954854 }. Perineural snouts or blebs (apocrine differentiation). minimum data set reporting is encouraged
invasion is common in CerAdCC, but not The nuclei are oval, hyperchromatic to { 30500288 } [[Thompson LDR, Gupta R,
uniformly associated with otalgia vesicular with easily identified nucleoli. Sandison A, Wenig BM. (2018) Ear and
{ 32389593 }. Ceroid pigment granules are absent in Temporal Bone Tumours, Histopathology
carcinoma Reporting Guide, 1st edition. International
Imaging: Imaging studies are encouraged { 5021609 ; 6243462 ; 20596983 }. There Collaboration on Cancer Reporting;
to exclude direct extension from adjacent may be desmoplastic stroma at the Sydney, Australia. ISBN: 978-1-925687-
sites and help define the extent of the advancing edge. Mitotic figures, including 22-4]].
tumour { 6291744 ; 20596983 }. atypical forms, are frequent. Prognosis and prediction
Epidemiology CerAdCC demonstrates a perforated or There is a significant recurrence risk (up to
Representing <1% of all ear neoplasms cribriform, sieve-like, tubular-trabecular 50% usually within 3 years) and distant
{ 6291744 ; 20596983 }, ceruminous (cylinder), and solid architecture. The metastatic disease potential
adenocarcinomas are more common than cribriform pattern has ovoid spaces filled { 6300574 ; 20596983 ; 23318008 ; 23453
ceruminous adenomas with blue glycosaminoglycan material or 117 ; 26954854 ; 27040415 ; 32389593 }.
{ 6291744 ; 198620 ; 6243462 ; 6300574 ; eosinophilic replicated basement Tumours with positive margins, skull base
5021609 ; 1328435 ; 15104293 }, membrane material. An epithelial-stromal or brain invasion, solid pattern CerAdCC,
presenting on average about a decade clefting artifact aids in the diagnosis and distant metastases behave poorly
earlier. Overall, there is a slight female { 20596983 }. The neoplastic basaloid cells { 1328435 ; 6291744 ; 6243462 ; 6300574
predominance with most patients contain roughly peg-shaped nuclei with ; 7745330 ; 18677277 ; 20596983 ; 2331
presenting in the sixth decade (range 21- coarse to heavy granular chromatin. The 8008 ; 26954854 }. Overall survival is
92 years) cytoplasm is scant about 50% at 5 years
{ 6243462 ; 6291744 ; 6300574 ; 1410207 { 198620 ; 4371368 ; 6243462 ; 6291744 } { 1328435 ; 20596983 ; 23453117 ; 26954
3 ; 20596983 ; 23453117 ; 26954854 ; 32 . Small duct-like lumen lined by small 854 }. Higher stage tumours { 30500288 }
389593 }. cuboidal cells are noted. have a much lower overall survival (5-year
Etiology CerMEC is histologically identical to MEC, survival of 30%) compared to 85% for
Unknown showing intermingled epidermoid and stage 1 tumours { 23453117 }. Regional
Pathogenesis transitional cells metastatic disease is low { 27040415 }.
Unknown with mucocytes { 1328435 ; 20596983 ; 23 When metastatic disease develops, it is
Macroscopic appearance 318008 }. usually to lungs and liver
Tumours are polypoid, firm, solid, nodular { 198620 ; 6096419 ; 6291744 ; 6300574
masses often with superficial ulceration. Immunohistochemistry: IHC may aid in ; 7745330 }.
Overall, tumours are small (mean, 15 mm) highlighting the biphasic nature of the
{ 20596983 }. tumours, which at least focally have inner
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the External Auditory Canal
Definition The genetic profile is complex with
A carcinoma showing squamous Imaging: High resolution CT of chromosomal arms 3q, 5p and 8q
differentiation arising from the keratinising the temporal bone and contrast enhanced amplification; 3p
squamous epithelium lining the external MRI are complimentary modalities in the deletions; TP53, CDKN2a, NOTCH and F
auditory canal (EAC). preoperative assessment of EAC SCC AT alterations, similar to SCC at other sites
{ 27639864 }. CT allows detection of bone { 32500594 }. Solar UV damage may be
ICD-O coding erosion and delineates the surgical seen in pinna SCC. Genetic alterations
8070/3 Squamous cell carcinoma, NOS anatomy whilst MRI demonstrates the from carcinogens like tobacco, alcohol, and
extent of soft tissue, intracranial and nodal viral aetiologies are not seen.
ICD-11 coding involvement. PET-CT is also useful in the
2C31 & XA1RS6 & XH0945 Squamous detection of nodal involvement, distant Macroscopic appearance
carcinoma of skin of head and neck metastases and to monitor for residual / Ulceration of an EAC mass is common
recurrent disease.
Related terminology Histopathology
None Epidemiology The morphologic appearance and
EAC SCC affects 1.6/1 million individuals, immunohistochemical profile is similar to
Subtype(s) accounting for 0.2% of head and neck SCCs of other cutaneous sites. Carcinoma
None malignancies { 10912706 ; 23845289 }. It in situ may be seen in the adjacent
presents in the 6th-7th decades with equal epithelium, while concurrent sinonasal-
Localization type papilloma may also be noted.
sex distribution { 4842612 ; 33568243 }.
Origin within the EAC instead of extension Cholesteatoma and chronic otitis may be
from adjacent pinna or periauricular skin Etiology seen in some cases
sites { 30069837 ; 32311775 }. Associated with long standing chronic { 10828803 ; 31130732 }. Most tumours
suppurative otitis media and irradiation are well-differentiated and keratinizing
Clinical features
{ 18948828 ; 21765382 ; 31890889 }. { 23507994 ; 23845289 ; 25401454 ; 2565
Chronic otorrhea, otalgia, bleeding,
Rarely, sinonasal-like papillomata may 4948 ; 28858932 }. Poorly differentiated,
hearing loss, otitis externa or otitis media,
transform into SCC non-keratinising tumours may be seen.
and facial palsy are nonspecific symptoms
{ 22470050 ; 25564042 ; 31890383 ; 3402
{ 33216374 }, an EAC mass, while rare, is
1464 }. Immunohistochemistry: Immunoreactivity
more suggestive of the diagnosis
with pancytokeratins, p40, p63, and CK5/6
{ 11734117 ; 22926989 ; 30069837 }. Pathogenesis
is useful in separating the tumours from Cytology UICC TNM staging for head and neck
other lesions in the differential diagnosis. Not clinically relevant cutaneous SCC, although modifications
are suggested { 30500288 }.
Differential Diagnosis: Distinction from Diagnostic molecular pathology
cholesteatoma, pseudoepitheliomatous None Prognosis and prediction
hyperplasia, cutaneous basal cell These tumours are locally aggressive with
carcinoma and cutaneous melanoma is Essential and desirable diagnostic nodal metastases. Factors like large
important. Direct extension to the EAC criteria tumour size, depth of invasion >8 mm,
from a SCC of the pinna or another nearby Essential: infiltrating squamous lymphovascular or perineural involvement,
cutaneous site should be excluded. proliferation with architectural and cytologic incomplete resection, and nodal
Documenting direct extension from the features of carcinoma. Keratin production metastases portend a poor prognosis
salivary gland, nasopharynx or sinonasal may or may not be present. Origin from the { 19381105 ; 23845289 ; 24843224 ; 305
tract tumours is important for management. pinna should be excluded. 00288 ; 32367152 ; 33216374 }.
In poorly differentiated non-keratinizing Desirable: immunohistochemical
tumours, translocation driven tumours confirmation of squamous lineage will be
(BRD4::NUTM1, DEK::AFF2, useful in poorly differentiated tumours.
EWSR1::FLI1, EWSR1::ERG) should be
considered { 32366754 }. Staging


Definition traditionally regarded as a middle ear 97 ; 3054069 6"> 3054069 6 }. Several
Otosclerosis is usually an inherited disease, although inner ear involvement is gene loci on different chromosomes have
disturbance in bone metabolism affecting recognized with sensorineural hearing been identified, but without an established
the otic capsule (or bony labyrinth) of the loss, tinnitus, and vertigo { 30540696 }. causal link { 24215213 ; 30968248 }.
inner ear. Otoscopy may reveal circumscribed Although unclear, measles virus has been
reddening on the promontory identified with inflammation postulated as a
ICD-O coding { 32215901 }. trigger { 3054069 ; 18235207 }. Oestrogen
None deficiency may cause otosclerosis in
Imaging: Demineralised otospongiotic menopausal women and hormone
ICD-11 coding bone adjacent to the cochlea and anterior replacement has been shown to improve
AB33 Otosclerosis to the stapes footplate is identified on CT symptoms { 26276418 }. Worsening of
scan { 32215901 }. symptoms during pregnancy has been
Related terminology reported { 3054069 6"> 3054069 6 }.
Acceptable: localised bone dysplasia Epidemiology Studies investigating autoimmune causes,
Clinical otosclerosis mainly affects HLA association, and role of inflammation
Subtype(s) Caucasians (prevalence 0.3-0.4%) have been inconclusive and contradictory.
Clinical otosclerosis; histological { 11568664 } with a reported incidence in
otosclerosis White Europeans of 0.1-2.1% { 30540696 } Pathogenesis
while it is rare in Africans and Asians (0.03- Unknown
0.1%). Incidence in Japanese and South
Bony changes can occur at many locations Macroscopic appearance
American populations is half that of
in the inner ear. Plaques of softer, more Otosclerosis is rarely biopsied. Specimens
Caucasians { 19318139 }. It accounts for
vascular bone replace endochondral bone comprise all or part of stapes bone, which
up to 9% of all hearing loss and 22% of
of the otic capsule, mainly located anterior may show plaque tissue in the anterior
conductive hearing loss. Prevalence of
to the oval window and on stapes footplate footplate.
histological otosclerosis in large autopsy
(80%), at the round window (30%),
series is 8-11%. Age at presentation is
pericochlear (21%) and anterior part of Histopathology
variable, typically in the 3rd decade (range
internal auditory canal (19%) { 26276418 }. Histologically active and inactive/sclerotic
1st-6th decade)
{ 5298472 ; 2692453 ; 14414297 }. The areas are seen. Active areas
Clinical features (otospongiosis) have zones of active bone
Otosclerosis is one of the commonest disease is more often diagnosed in females
than males (F:M 2:1) resorption composed of spongy immature
causes of conductive hearing loss (when bone with numerous enlarged plump
involvement of the annular ligament of the { 2825424 ; 16985478 ; 30540696 }.
osteoblasts, osteoclastic giant cells, and
stapes causes fixation) { 20195188 }, dilated vascular marrow spaces containing
although patients may have sensorineural cellular connective tissue { 20195188 }.
It is considered an autosomal dominant
(with involvement of cochlea and part of Otospongiotic bone contrasts with the well-
disease with variable penetrance (average
the labyrinth) or mixed hearing loss. It is developed lamellar bone beneath the outer
40%), a family history is reported in up to
usually bilateral (80%), although with initial periosteum, endochondral middle layer,
70% cases
asymmetrical hearing loss in one ear and endosteal layer of the otic capsule. A
{ 5298472 ; 9102432 ; 13242969 ; 144142
before the other is affected. It is
sharply demarcated edge between normal Not clinically relevant Staging
and otosclerotic bone is a prominent Not performed
feature. Otosclerotic bone sometimes Diagnostic molecular pathology
reaches the endosteum of the cochlear None Prognosis and prediction
capsule. Sometimes it may lead to a Stapedectomy with prosthetic implant aids
fibrous reaction deep to the spiral ligament. Essential and desirable diagnostic criteria with hearing restoration, although
Essential: Well demarcated plaques of progressive loss is seen in untreated
Cytology immature bone from middle ear cases.

Definition { 28059056 }. Petrosal involvement can Congenital cholesteatoma develops
Cholesteatoma is a non-neoplastic but result in facial paralysis, vertigo, diplopia, medial to an intact tympanic membrane
destructive, middle ear accumulation of and blurred vision { 31876216 }. from persistent embryonic epithelial rests
keratinising stratified squamous epithelium that proliferate { 30069838 ; 27171804 }.
and keratinous debris with fibrosis and an Imaging: Imaging studies (CT and Inferred to form via multiple mechanisms,
inflammatory reaction. diffusion-weighted, - especially non- acquired cholesteatoma results from
echoplanar MRI) are complimentary traumatic or iatrogenic tympanic
ICD-O coding studies that demonstrate a nonenhancing membrane perforation and subsequent
None soft tissue mass in Prussak space with migration of squamous epithelium into the
scutum erosion (about 80% of cases) or an middle ear. Retraction pockets caused by
ICD-11 coding erosive mass in the posterior negative pressure in the middle ear and
AB12 Cholesteatoma of middle ear mesotympanum, medial to the ossicles subsequent accumulation of desquamated
(about 15%). Involvement of ossicles, keratin results in cholesteatoma
Related terminology tegmen tympani, mastoid or facial nerve { 25866816 ; 11078064 }. Metaplastic
None canal may be seen. Importantly, transformation of middle ear mucosa into
surrounding granulation tissue may keratinizing epithelium is another
enhance suggested pathway to development
Congenital cholesteatoma; acquired
{ 28969854 ; 28634512 ; 10845037 }. { 25123251 }.
Epidemiology Pathogenesis
Worldwide incidence approaches 5 million Congenital cholesteatoma is thought to
Congenital cholesteatomas unilaterally
cases, in decline due to widespread use of develop from the epidermoid formation,
arise in the middle ear medial to an intact
ventilation tubes { 21739009 ; 25866816 }. persistent embryonic epithelial rests.
tympanic membrane in the anterio-superior
Reported annual incidence is 3-14 per Pathogenesis of acquired cholesteatoma is
quadrant closely followed by the posterior-
100,000 children and 9.2 per 100,000 incomplete, with the most widely accepted
superior quadrant { 31955213 }. Acquired
adults, with male to female ratio 1.4:1 theory being that of tympanic membrane
forms present in a posterior
{ 10478597 ; 12835944 }. Caucasians retraction into the middle ear space,
mesotympanic or posterior
show the highest prevalence while the resulting in accumulation of desquamated
epitympanic location { 26747599 }.
lowest prevalence is in Inuit, Native keratin with trapped bacteria leading to
Bilateral disease is rare. External auditory
American, and Asian populations infection, increased inflammation and
canal presentation is reported, but more
{ 20360335 }. Patients with syndromes release of cytokines that results in
likely represents a distinctly different entity:
involving dysmorphic ears and/or cleft epithelial
keratosis obturans
palate, develop cholesteatoma proliferation { 17097438 ; 17697435 ; 194
{ 25422282 ; 23235551 ; 21839307 }.
disproportionately more often than the 67409 ; 2926259 }.
Clinical features general population
{ 23860365 ; 23931986 ; 25151219 ; 289 Macroscopic appearance
Patients present with unrelenting or
41966 }. When intact, there is a white, ovoid,
recurrent foul-smelling otorrhea, and
compressible mass surrounded by a thin
tinnitus with progressive hearing
Etiology wall. Disrupted lesions show an irregular,
impairment (due to eroded ossicles)
shaggy friable surface with edematous
edges. Spilled sac contents display flaky, keratin. Haemorrhage, hemosiderin laden Staging
greasy or cheese-like keratinaceous debris macrophages, and when ruptured, a Clinical staging reflects severity, difficulty
{ 30069838 }. foreign body giant-cell reaction are noted of complete excision, and restoration of
{ 30069838 }. normal function.
Histopathology Stage I – Cholesteatoma localized in the
Keratinising stratified squamous Differential Diagnosis: Separation from primary site such as attic or tympanic cavity
epithelium, granulation tissue, and cholesterol granuloma, otic polyp, and Stage II – Involvement of 2 or more sites
keratinaceous debris characterized as squamous cell carcinoma is generally Stage III – Cholesteatoma with extracranial
perimatrix, matrix, and cystic contents are straight forward. complications or pathologic conditions
noted. The peripheral perimatrix consists of Stage IV – Cholesteatoma with intracranial
granulation tissue with the subepithelial Cytology complications { 28059056 }.
area consisting of cellular, thickened, Not clinically relevant
dense fibrous connective tissue. The Prognosis and prediction
epithelial matrix consists of keratinizing, Diagnostic molecular pathology Long term follow-up is necessary as
cytologically bland, thin to atrophic None recurrences are common { 28953605 },
stratified squamous epithelium arranged in especially with ossicular involvement or
convoluted formations, lacking rete ridges, Essential and desirable diagnostic mastoid bone disease
and showing a prominent granular cell criteria { 28543174 ; 24882923 ; 27565391 ; 2827
layer with abundant keratohyaline Essential: Keratinising squamous 4504 }.
granules. Cystic contents are comprised of epithelium with keratin debris, prominent
abundant layers of laminated, free-flowing granular layer, and inflammation
or aggregated, desquamated, anucleate Desirable: Origin from the middle ear
Middle Ear Papilloma
Definition frequently confirming concurrent sinonasal membrane. Intraepithelial microcysts
A benign surface epithelial neoplasm tract disease containing macrophages, mucin, and cell
defined by its resemblance to { 20875193 ; 21817933 ; 26698908 ; 2976 debris are present, along with
sinonasal papilloma showing a 4790 ; 22565660 ; 25564042 ; 34021464 } transepithelial inflammatory cells. Tumour
multilayered epithelium with mucocytes . cells lack pleomorphism, tumour necrosis,
and transmigrating neutrophils, separated atypical mitoses, and bone destruction.
into three distinct subtypes. Epidemiology Mitotic figures are usually easily identified.
TBSP is very rare. There is an equal sex Marked pleomorphism, tumour necrosis,
ICD-O coding distribution and a broad age range (19-81, destructive infiltration of bone, and atypical
8140/0 Middle ear papilloma median 56 years) at presentation mitoses are features of malignant
{ 34021464 }. When exclusively TBSP transformation to squamous cell
ICD-11 coding disease, females are more commonly carcinoma, identified in about a third of
2F00.Z & XH3DV3 Benign neoplasm of affected, but patients are less likely to patients { 34021464 }.
middle ear or respiratory system, develop carcinoma (19% versus 50%) Tall, columnar stratified cells with abundant
unspecified & Adenoma, NOS compared to patients with concurrent oncocytically altered cytoplasm are seen in
sinonasal tract disease. Males develop the rare oncocytic papilloma category.
Related terminology carcinoma at a 1.7:1 ratio versus females
Not recommended: Schneiderian { 34021464 }. Differential Diagnosis: Tumours must be
papilloma; papilloma; transitional separated from middle ear neuroendocrine
papilloma; fungiform papilloma; Etiology tumour, cholesteatoma, and squamous cell
eosinophilic papilloma In a few reported cases, low risk human carcinoma.
papillomavirus (HPV) is identified
Subtype(s) { 19863319 ; 20073603 ; 25724573 }. Cytology
Inverted sinonasal-type papilloma; Not clinically relevant
oncocytic sinonasal-type papilloma; Pathogenesis
exophytic sinonasal-type papilloma. Embryologically, Schneiderian membrane Diagnostic molecular pathology
derived epithelium lines the tympanic Not clinically relevant
Localization cavity and eustachian tube. Whether
Most temporal bone sinonasal-type primary or secondary, tumour development Essential and desirable diagnostic
papilloma (TBSP) are identified unilaterally may be viral or by another mechanism. criteria
in the middle ear, but external auditory Neither EGFR nor KRAS mutations have Essential: multilayered transitional
canal (EAC), mastoid bone, eustachian been documented in TBSP epithelial proliferation with transepithelial
tube, and skull base are commonly { 29145573 ; 27234382 }. Emerging data inflammatory cells, lacking pleomorphism,
concurrently affected suggests oncocytic-type papilloma may be necrosis and increased mitotic figures.
{ 8615588 ; 11802052 ; 12759269 ; 12737 distinct { 32940914 }. In rare cases,
292 ; 25959041 ; 31428494 ; 34021464 }. transcriptionally active high risk HPV is Staging
About 50% of patients show concurrent detected { 25724573 ; 20981655 }. Not performed
sinonasal tract / nasopharyngeal
involvement. Must be distinguished from Macroscopic appearance Prognosis and prediction
cutaneous-type papilloma { 20596973 }. Lesions are fragmented, multi-lobulated, There is a very high (80%) local recurrence
grape-like, or polypoid masses within and risk, along with a significant malignant
Clinical features often filling the middle ear. Although transformation risk (33%), the latter
Patients present with hearing loss, physically exophytic, the majority are especially when concurrent sinonasal tract
otorrhea, a mass, otalgia, tinnitus and otitis inverted type histologically. papilloma/carcinoma is identified
media, while nerve symptoms (motor or { 34021464 }. About 10% of patients die of
sensory) are also reported. Tympanic Histopathology disease
membrane rupture is frequent and The vast majority are the inverted subtype, { 11802052 ; 23306579 ; 26698908 ; 3402
concurrent eustachian tube involvement is showing a markedly thick, inverted 1464 }. Radical rather than conservative
common { 34021464 }. (endophytic) growth of nonkeratinizing treatment is associated with lower risk of
transitional cells. The inverted areas are local recurrence.
Imaging: Imaging studies document contained by an intact basement
disease extent for surgical planning, while
Vestibular Schwannoma
Definition Ancient schwannoma; cellular involved, mass effect, and/or tumour
A benign peripheral nerve sheath tumour schwannoma; epithelioid schwannoma; progression, usually combined. The
arising from the eighth cranial nerve microcystic/reticular schwannoma majority of patients (>90%) present with
composed nearly entirely of differentiated Localization ipsilateral sensorineural hearing loss,
neoplastic Schwann cells. Vestibular or acoustic schwannoma (AS) frequently unrecognized by the patients.
ICD-O coding derives from the vestibular division of the Other symptoms include vertigo, loss of
9560/0 Schwannoma, NOS 8th cranial (vestibulocochlear) nerve balance (66%) and asymmetric tinnitus
ICD-11 coding { 33826821 }, and accounts for >90% of (70%) { 8971818 ; 9007856 }. Facial
2F00.Y & XH98Z3 Other specified benign cerebellopontine angle (CPA) tumours, numbness, pain, hydrocephalus and
neoplasm of middle ear or respiratory with cochlear division tumours uncommon. cerebellar tonsil herniation are rare, usually
system & Schwannoma,NOS Bilateral tumours strongly associate seen in longstanding, large tumours
Related terminology with neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) { 8971818 ; 9007856 ; 20844798 ; 200429
Acceptable: Acoustic neuroma { 19545378 ; 19652604 }. 05 }. Multiple schwannomas are a feature
Not recommended: neurilemmoma; Clinical features of neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2)
neurioma The majority of acoustic schwannomas are and schwannomatosis. In contrast to
Subtype(s) unilateral, but when bilateral, it defines NF2 NF2, schwannomatosis is not associated
{ 19652604 ; 33445724 }. Symptoms with vestibular schwannomas
relate to the specific nerve-branch { 22210082 }.
merlin (schwannomin) expression, the immunoreactivity
Imaging: Imaging studies must be protein product of the NF2 gene located at { 22495377 ; 25724000 }.
performed to document tumour size, 22q12 { 9403715 }. The types of mutation
location, and extent, usually showing a in the NF2 gene appear to affect disease Differential Diagnosis: Separation from
funnel-shaped widening of the internal severity and mortality { 33445724 }. meningioma, neurofibroma, solitary fibrous
auditory canal (IAC) Inactivating mutations have been detected tumour, and paraganglioma is usually
{ 29764781 ; 29764780 ; 31469788 ; 3150 in 50-75% of sporadic cases straight forward.
4802 ; 32234257 }. { 8889506 ; 23921927 ; 26360373 ; 28409 Cytology
Epidemiology 725 }. Squash preparations are typically cellular
AS is the most common tumour occurring Macroscopic appearance with cohesive syncytial fragments of
at the cerebellopontine angle, with a Size is variable, with most <15 mm spindle cells. Within the fragments, variably
incidence 1/100,000 person years showing a globular to mushroom shaped wavy and bent tumour cell nuclei with
incidence, lowest in blacks and highest in mass, frequently attached to the nerve with tapered edges and fibrillary cytoplasm are
Chinese patients a smooth surface. Stretched nerve may be seen { 2677811 ; 22297471 ; 17922589 }.
{ 14967754 ; 16443943 ; 24786799 ; 3003 seen on the surface. Sectioned tumours Diagnostic molecular pathology
2646 }, with an increased incidence over reveal firm, light tan glistening tissue, cystic Not routinely performed
time, reflecting improved imaging, spaces, white/yellow areas and/or patchy Essential and desirable diagnostic
improved kindred screening, and more haemorrhage. criteria
rigorous protocols for unilateral hear loss Histopathology Essential: Tumour arising from 8th cranial
investigation { 31504802 ; 33826821 }. Tumours are encapsulated, showing nerve; dense spindled cell areas with
Patients commonly present in the fifth to compact hypercellular Antoni A areas with loose hypocellular myxoid areas; spindled
sixth decades of life, but generally <30 occasional nuclear palisading, alternating cells with buckled, elongated, fusiform
years when NF2 associated. Females are with loosely arranged Antoni B foci. nuclei, occasionally palisaded
affected slightly more often than males Cellular zones demonstrate spindled cells Desirable: S100 protein/SOX10 in selected
{ 28441508 ; 28045630 ; 29315189 ; 3003 with modest eosinophilic cytoplasm, no cases.
2646 ; 31504802 }. discernible cell borders, and elongated Staging
Etiology tapered to buckled nuclei. Microcystic to Not applicable for tumour classification, but
Exposure to ionising radiation may reticular areas may be seen. Mitoses are clinical tumour staging may be useful in
increase the risk of tumour development inconspicuous. Perivascular hyalinization management { 29204572 }.
{ 3173432 }, with conflicting data about is characteristic. Extensive, multifocal Prognosis and prediction
occupational or recreational exposure to longitudinal nerve involvement is a clue to Indolent tumours, recurrence may develop
loud noise over extended periods NF2 association { 18422762 ; 28365909 }. in up to 10%, often due to incomplete
{ 23725662 ; 24786799 ; 26996581 ; 2736 Ancient change shows scattered, atypical removal. Long term sequelae include
213 ; 28213724 }. Mutations in tumour pleomorphic often hyperchromatic nuclei. meningitis, facial nerve paralysis, bilateral
suppressor gene NF2 (somatic or Cellular schwannoma shows more closely hearing loss, and vestibular dysfunction,
germline) are common. packed cells with occasional mitoses. higher in patients >65 years
Pathogenesis { 9092842 ; 9092841 ; 8971819 ; 9007856
There is a causal relationship between Immunohistochemistry: There is strong ; 31129783 ; 33826821 }.
schwannoma tumourigenesis and loss of diffuse S100 protein and SOX10
Middle Ear Neuroendocrine Tumour (MeNET)
Definition Imaging: CT and MRI delineate extent and hyperchromatic nuclei rarely contain
Middle ear neuroendocrine tumour tumour location, including ossicular chain nucleoli. The tumours show many patterns
(MeNET) is a neoplasm arising from the involvement that infiltrate the stroma, including a
middle ear mucosa showing epithelial and { 12011260 ; 11214650 ; 28680503 }. glandular configuration in a fibrous stroma,
neuroendocrine differentiation. Functional imaging (such back-to-back, pseudorosette, trabecular,
as 68Ga DOTATATE) targets somatostatin and sheet-like patterns, along with
ICD-O coding receptors (especially SSTR2 and SSTR5 discohesive single cell infiltration; many
8249/3 Neuroendocrine tumour located on the tumour cell membrane) have prominent swirling of tumour cell
which can be used for detection or follow- ribbons. Mucins can be demonstrated
ICD-11 coding up monitoring within the gland lumen. Some tumours
2C21.Y & XH8DS0 Other specified { 15709214 ; 17515757 ; 33273780 ; 3000 show significant nuclear pleomorphism and
malignant neoplasm of middle ear & 1283 }. increased mitotic activity.
Neuroendocrine tumour, NOS
Epidemiology Immunohistochemistry: The neoplastic
Related terminology Accounting for <2% of all middle ear cells co-express keratins (AE1/AE3,
Not recommended: middle ear adenoma, tumours, both sexes are equally affected, Cam5.2) and neuroendocrine markers
neuroendocrine adenoma of the middle most commonly the fifth decade, but over a (synaptophysin, chromogranin) along with
ear, carcinoid tumour, adenomatous broad age range transcription factors INSM1, islet-1 (ISL1)
tumour of the middle ear, adenocarcinoid, { 12011260 ; 19303146 ; 22623086 ; 2476 and SATB2; they may co-express CDX2
amphicrine tumour 6278 ; 30001283 ; 34041698 }. and GATA3 focally but are negative for
TTF1. The most common hormones
Subtype(s) Etiology produced are glucagon, pancreatic
None Unknown polypeptide, and PYY, but serotonin is also
Localization expressed { 12011260 ; 24766278 ; 29438
Pathogenesis 167 ; 34041698 }. Current studies
Any part of the middle ear may be affected Still under investigation, there is evidence
with extension into the mastoid, eustachian suggest a single cell rather than a dual cell
of origin from L-cells within the middle ear proliferation as traditionally identified, with
tube, or external auditory canal via mucosa { 1031337 ; 12011260 ; 3404169
ruptured tympanic membrane no myoepithelial cells
8 }. { 22623086 ; 34041698 }. The Ki67
{ 12011260 ; 22623086 ; 24766278 ; 3000
1283 ; 34041698 }. labelling index is usually low (<2%), but
Macroscopic appearance
reported >20%, the latter correlating with
The tumour is white, grey, or red-brown,
Clinical features aggressive behaviour, suggesting grading
with soft or rubbery consistency. It is
Symptoms include hearing changes, similar to all neuroendocrine tumours: G1,
unencapsulated, frequently entrapping and
fullness or ear pressure, and tinnitus. G2, and G3 { 30140036 ; 34041698 }, with
destroying the ossicles { 12011260 }.
Otoscopy usually reveals a gray-white or cutoffs under investigation.
fibrotic mass behind an intact tympanic Histopathology
membrane { 12011260 ; 22623086 ; 2476 Cytology
Tumours exhibit cuboidal to columnar cells
6278 ; 30001283 ; 34041698 }. Rarely clinically applied, but reported
with distinct cell borders and eosinophilic
{ 29731914 ; 33044790 }.
cytoplasm. The small central
Diagnostic molecular pathology None, but expert-derived proposals have About 15-20% of patients develop
Not clinically relevant. been introduced recurrence
{ 30001283 ; 30500288 }[[Thompson { 12011260 ; 28547535 ; 33605503 },
Essential and desirable diagnostic LDR, Gupta R, Sandison A, Wenig BM. specifically when the ossicles remain. In
criteria (2018) Ear and Temporal Bone Tumours, well documented, non-manipulated, non-
Essential: A middle ear epithelial neoplasm Histopathology Reporting Guide, 1st irradiated tumours primarily of the middle
arranged in variable patterns, with edition. International Collaboration on ear, metastasis is very rare and may
neuroendocrine differentiation. Cancer Reporting; Sydney, Australia. involve cervical nodes, bone, and liver
Desirable: Epithelial and neuroendocrine ISBN: 978-1-925687-22-4]]. { 22777694 ; 28547535 ; 33044790 ; 3404
immunoreactivity. 1698 }, more frequent with a high Ki-67
Prognosis and prediction proliferation index.


Endolymphatic Sac tumour
Definition tumours are nearly always VHLS- patients. These findings support genetic
Endolymphatic sac tumour (ELST) is an associated { 29482989 }. testing in all patients with ELSTs
epithelial neoplasm associated with the { 20351605 ; 20495761 ; 21451430 ; 2565
endolymphatic sac/duct, often Clinical features 0230 ; 25867206 } and all VHLS patients
demonstrating an association with von Ipsilateral progressive hearing loss, should be radiographically screened for
Hippel-Lindau syndrome (VHLS). tinnitus, facial nerve palsy, and vertigo are ELSTs
common presenting findings { 15035284 ; 15190140 ; 23070752 }.
ICD-O coding { 15796386 ; 21451430 ; 23070752 ; 2565 There is a wide age range at presentation
8140/3 Endolymphatic sac tumour 0230 ; 25867206 ; 29482989 ; 30291511 ; (10 to 88 years), but the majority are
32068496 }. A long symptom duration (4 between 30 and 40 years, although
ICD-11 coding years) suggests slow tumour growth younger in VHLS patients { 30291511 }.
2C21.Y & XH85C2 Other specified { 2804921 ; 7630290 ; 14710902 ; 150352 There is a female to male ratio of 1.6:1
malignant neoplasm of middle ear & 84 ; 23070752 ; 30291511 }. { 2804921 ; 15035284 ; 15190140 ; 23070
Endolymphatic sac tumour 752 ; 30291511 }.
Imaging: Comprehensive evaluation
Related terminology includes a combination of MRI and CT. T1- Etiology
Not recommended: papillary weighted MRI shows a hyperintense Germline mutations of the VHL tumour
endolymphatic sac tumour; aggressive (hypervascular) heterogeneous mass, suppressor gene are usually detected in
papillary adenoma; aggressive papillary while CT shows a permeative, destructive, these patients, although sporadic cases
middle-ear tumour; low grade papillary multilocular lytic lesion centered on the may lack such abnormalities
adenomatous tumour of temporal bone; endolymphatic { 11085513 ; 15035285 ; 18423895 }.
endolymphatic sac papillary tumour; low sac { 9051037 ; 11942507 ; 15190140 ; 1 Somatic and germline mutation analysis of
grade papillary adenocarcinoma; 5796386 ; 17544692 ; 17991063 ; 203516 ELSTs has been performed, with many
endolymphatic sac carcinoma; low grade 05 ; 21167761 ; 22367728 ; 30466638 ; 3 VHL mutations and allelic deletions
carcinoma 1197530 ; 32068496 }. identified
{ 9214679 ; 10932304 ; 11085513 ; 15796
Subtype(s) Epidemiology 386 ; 16322231 ; 20351605 ; 20495761 ;
None. Data from the International ELST Registry 20850701 }.
{ 25867206 } show a 3.6% prevelance of
Localization ELSTs in VHLS. VHL germline mutations Pathogenesis
ELST are believed to arise in association were identified in 39% of apparently VHLS is an autosomal-dominant inherited
with the endolymphatic sac/duct sporadic ELSTs, showing ELSTs are the disease, caused by germline mutations in
{ 16322231 ; 20614260 }. Bilateral initial presentation of VHLS in 32% of the tumour suppressor gene VHL (3p25).
When inherited, a second mutation { 2804921 ; 7936748 ; 9145719 ; 1677847 Not clinically relevant
affecting the wild-type allele will result in a 7 ; 18423895 ; 20614260 ; 21167761 ; 30
cell with no functional VHL protein, at risk 291511 }. Pleomorphism, increased mitotic Diagnostic molecular pathology
for tumour development figures, and necrosis are inconspicuous. None
{ 16322231 ; 20151405 ; 21386872 }.
Immunohistochemistry: The neoplastic Essential and desirable diagnostic
Macroscopic appearance cells are positive for pancytokeratin, CK7, criteria
Tumours range from millimeters up to 100 HIF-1α, EMA, GLUT1, CAIX Essential: Endolymphatic sac/duct location
mm (mean 30 mm), usually larger in older (membranous), and PAX-8 (nuclear), with Simple, coarse, broad interdigitation
patients. Tumours are unencapsulated, limited S100 protein, GFAP, and vimentin, papillary projections lined by low cuboidal
destructive lesions, with bone invasion and and negative for TTF-1, thyroglobulin, to columnar epithelial cells with clear or
remodeling PSA, CD10, P504S, p63, synaptophysin, slightly eosinophilic cytoplasm surrounding
{ 7936748 ; 20614260 ; 30291511 }. GATA3, and RCC round nuclei with coarse chromatin
{ 7630290 ; 7936748 ; 9023246 ; 1145500 Desirable: In selected cases, reactivity with
Histopathology 7 ; 15035285 ; 16778477 ; 18423895 ; 30 pancytokeratin, CAIX and PAX8, while
The tumours are papillary and/or cystic, 291511 }. non-reactive with TTF1, GATA3, and RCC
commonly with bone “invasion” or
remodeling. A single layer of low cuboidal Differential Diagnosis: The major Staging
to columnar epithelial cells are arranged in differential diagnoses include metastatic Not applicable.
simple, coarse, broad interdigitating clear cell renal cell carcinoma (CCRCC),
papillary projections with fibrovascular Prognosis and prediction
papillary or follicular thyroid carcinoma,
cores, showing limited branching, found The prognosis is dependent on the extent
along with choroid plexus papilloma,
within cystic spaces. Cystic spaces contain of the disease, with recurrences common
papillary ependymoma, papillary
serum, secretions, and/or erythrocytes. when incompletely excised. Metastases
meningioma, paraganglioma and middle
Fibrosis may be present. The acinar are not reported
ear mixed epithelial neuroendocrine
spaces filled with inspissated material with { 15354011 ; 17315832 ; 17544692 ; 2145
tumour { 25944396 ; 30291511 }.
similarity to thyroid colloid. The cytoplasm 1430 ; 22367728 ; 23685713 ; 24662627 ;
Metastatic CCRCC, especially when in a
is ample, clear, vacuolated with indistinct 25650230 ; 29923043 ; 32068496 }.
VHLS-associated patient, can be quite
cell membranes. The nuclei are uniformly Overall outcome is often dependent on
challenging, but immunohistochemistry
small, round, and hyperchromatic with other stigmata of VHLS
studies aid in distinction { 30291511 }.
coarse nuclear chromatin and small { 2804921 ; 16778477 }.
nucleoli Cytology
Middle Ear Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Definition { 25932267 ; 31890889 }. Viral etiology Diagnostic molecular pathology
A carcinoma showing squamous and genetic alterations (such Not clinically performed
differentiation arising from metaplastic as DEK::AFF2) have been described
squamous epithelium lining the middle ear. { 21493437 ; 32366754 }. Essential and desirable diagnostic
ICD-O coding Pathogenesis Essential: Infiltrating squamous epithelial
8070/3 Squamous cell carcinoma, NOS Unknown proliferation with malignant cytological and
architectural features with or without
ICD-11 coding Macroscopic appearance keratin production; clinical exclusion of
2C21.1 Squamous cell carcinoma of Late presentation is common with tumour direct extension from adjacent sites.
middle ear filling the middle ear and extending into
mastoid air spaces Staging
Related terminology { 15925819 ; 24121777 ; 25081186 ; 264 Staging is according to the Union for
Not recommended: epidermoid carcinoma 72473 ; 28692593 }. International Cancer Control (UICC) TNM
classification for head and neck cutaneous
Subtype(s) Histopathology SCC, although expert-derived
None The histologic features and modifications are suggested
immunohistochemical profile are similar to { 30500288 }[[Thompson LDR, Gupta R,
Localization SCC at other sites, with pleomorphic Sandison A, Wenig BM. (2018) Ear and
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) arising epithelial cells arranged in sheets with Temporal Bone Tumours, Histopathology
primarily in the middle ear (MeSCC) is rare. pavemented appearance, increased Reporting Guide, 1st edition. International
Direct extension from SCC of the pinna, nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio, and Collaboration on Cancer Reporting;
nasopharynx, and/or the sinonasal tract is coarse nuclear chromatin. Most tumours Sydney, Australia. ISBN: 978-1-925687-
more common, but not herein discussed are keratinising and well to moderately 22-4]].
{ 32366754 }. differentiated. Non-keratinising tumours
may be EBV-associated or harbour genetic Prognosis and prediction
Clinical features alterations (such Prognosis is generally poor due to
Presenting findings include hearing loss, as DEK::AFF2 rearrangements) advanced disease at presentation and
otorrhoea, otalgia, bleeding, tinnitus, { 21493437 ; 32366754 ; 34049316 }. delayed diagnosis { 31890889 }. Outcome
vertigo, and facial nerve palsy is related to stage at presentation
{ 20513031 ; 26472473 ; 23553471 ; 2412 Immunohistochemistry: Immunoreactivity { 23507994 } and reported 5 year survival
1777 ; 28692593 }. for pancytokeratin, p40, p63, and CK5/6 is is between 25% for high volume disease
noted. and 83% for low volume disease
{ 23202152 ; 23553471 ; 24121777 ; 244
MeSCC affects approximately 1 per 6
Differential Diagnosis: Direct extension 92135 ; 26472473 }. Direct intracranial
million individuals
from external ear, nasopharynx, or extension carries a poor prognosis. Nodal
{ 19373882 ; 25081186 ; 26472473 ; 2869
sinonasal tract tumours should be metastases are uncommon, affecting
2593 }. Mean age at presentation is 60
excluded with clinical and radiological levels 2 and 3 neck lymph nodes when
years (range 21-89 years) with equal sex
correlation, with EBER, NUT identified { 20513031 }, while distant
immunohistochemistry, or molecular metastases are rare.
{ 15925819 ; 20513031 ; 24121777 }.
testing for genetic rearrangements aiding
MeSCC is rarely bilateral
{ 10077254 ; 11667995 }.
classification { 21493437 ; 28060373 ; 340
Etiology 49316 ; 34108636 }.
Predisposing factors include chronic otitis
media and irradiation
Not clinically relevant
Middle Ear Adenocarcinoma
Definition ICD-11 coding category); aggressive papillary tumour
Middle ear adenocarcinoma is a locally 2C21.0 Adenocarcinoma of middle ear (APT) of middle ear
aggressive primary epithelial malignancy
arising from the middle ear showing Subtype(s)
glandular differentiation. Related terminology None
Acceptable: papillary adenocarcinoma of
ICD-O coding middle ear; low grade adenocarcinoma Localization
None Not recommended: Endolymphatic sac The tumour extensively fills the middle ear
tumour (ELST) (distinct tumour and/or tympanic cavity, expanding into the
petrous bone apex, sometimes involving models of histologically similar tumours principle differential consideration.
the cerebellopontine angle and cerebellum showed EGFR mutations { 26027747 }. Metastatic carcinomas (lung, thyroid,
{ 18633929 }. Oncocytic and papillary tumours have been colon) should be excluded.
reported to have MKRN1::BRAF fusion
Clinical features { 32940914 }. Cytology
Reported mostly as case reports Not clinically relevant
{ 8692411 ; 11307613 ; 14738614 ; 17167 Macroscopic appearance
601 ; 18633929 ; 32940914 }, symptoms The middle ear cleft and mastoid air cells Diagnostic molecular pathology
are often of a long duration and non- are usually filled with a bone destructive Not diagnostically useful
specific including hearing loss, otalgia, tumour.
vestibular dysfunction, and Essential and desirable diagnostic
otorrhoea. Association with von Hippel- Histopathology criteria
Lindau (VHL) syndrome should be Tumours show a cystic-papillary glandular Essential: imaging confirmation of middle
determined. pattern with complex architecture including ear localization; bone destructive
papillae lying loosely or infiltrating fibrous adenocarcinoma, often with papillary
Epidemiology connective tissue. The papillae are usually growth; exclusion of metastases.
The age range at presentation is broad (16- lined by a single layer of low cuboidal to
55 years; median 33 years; mean 34 columnar epithelial cells with uniform Staging
years), but due to long symptom duration, nuclei, eosinophilic cytoplasm, and Without standardized staging, ICCR
onset age may be younger. Females are indistinct cell borders. Thyroid follicle-like minimum data set reporting is encouraged
affected slightly more often than males areas may be present similar to those seen { 30500288 }[[Thompson LDR, Gupta R,
{ 8692411 ; 11307613 ; 14738614 ; 17167 in endolymphatic sac tumour. Oncocytic, Sandison A, Wenig BM. (2018) Ear and
601 ; 18633929 ; 32940914 }. Isolated mucinous, polymorphous Temporal Bone Tumours, Histopathology
cases have been associated with adenocarcinoma, and even salivary duct Reporting Guide, 1st edition. International
VHL syndrome. carcinoma-like appearances suggest a Collaboration on Cancer Reporting;
wide morphologic spectrum in these Sydney, Australia. ISBN: 978-1-925687-
Etiology tumours { 32940914 ; 34097084 }. 22-4]].
Immunohistochemistry and Differential Prognosis and prediction
Pathogenesis Diagnosis: Tumour cells are positive for Prognosis depends on the size of the
VHL mutations have been described in CK7 and EMA, and sometimes S100 lesion at presentation and the adequacy of
association with aggressive papillary protein. PAX8 and carbonic anhydrase IX the surgical excision.
tumours involving middle ear but that (CAIX) are negative, opposite to ELST
involved the endolymphatic sac. Mouse { 30291511 ; 32940914 }, which is the
diagnostic information in one aetiological, pathogenetic,
Many different soft tissue chapter for all relevant head and diagnostic, and prognostic
tumours arise in the soft tissues neck sites. Selected tumours information on each neoplasm.
and mucosa-covered surfaces of specific to, or most often found in Where appropriate, information
the head and neck region. Some specific sites, are covered in specific to head and neck
mesenchymal neoplasms more site-specific chapters (see Table neoplasms is emphasised. The
commonly arise in other parts of 1). Most of the bone lesions are classification remains primarily
the body, some such as spindle presented in the Odontogenic morphological but
cell lipoma, have a predilection and Maxillofacial Bone Tumours immunocytochemistry and other
for the head and neck region, chapter (Chapter 7). molecular techniques are often
while others are unique to The 5th edition of the WHO useful to confirm a diagnosis
specific head and neck sites. Classification of Tumours of Soft (e.g. solitary fibrous tumour) or
The most significant change Tissue and Bone [cross-ref to to resolve a differential
from the 4th edition of the website] provides a more diagnosis. Molecular techniques
classification is to remove most detailed account of each soft are increasingly valuable to
soft tissue tumours from each tissue tumour. In this chapter, identify targets for specific
anatomical site and collate the the authors provide the key treatments.
Lipoma Family
Definition Unknown. component with intermingled or confluent
Lipomas are a family of benign Pathogenesis capillary-size vessels frequently
mesenchymal tumours composed HMGA2 rearrangements are associated associated with fibrin microthrombi.
predominantly of adipocytes admixed with with conventional lipoma Intramuscular lipoma shows infiltrating
other cellular constituents and include { 10747931 ; 15593017 ; 28139834 }. Rb1 mature adipocytes within skeletal muscle
conventional lipoma, spindle cell deletion is detected in the majority of with frequent thick-walled vessels.
lipoma/pleomorphic lipoma, dysplastic spindle cell/pleomorphic lipoma Degenerative-related changes have
lipoma, fibrolipoma, chondrolipoma, { 12494468 }. Dysplastic lipoma resulted in misclassification of submucosal
angiolipoma and intramuscular lipoma. harbours Rb1 deletions and a subset of lingual lipomas as atypical lipomatous
ICD-O coding cases occur post-retinoblastoma tumors, but all lack MDM2 amplification
8850/0 Lipoma, NOS { 28807343 ; 30001242 }. A vascular { 29748845 }. Rare (low-fat) tumours may
ICD-11 coding anomaly is considered the underlying lack adipocytes.
2E80.0 Lipoma mechanism in intramuscular lipoma and Cytology
Related terminology may explain its tendency to recur. The smears from SCL show a mixture of
None. Macroscopic appearance adipocytes and uniform spindle cells often
Subtype(s) Lipomas are well circumscribed and set in a myxoid stroma. Fragments of
None. encapsulated with a yellowish cut-surface. brightly eosinophilic collagen fibres are
Localization Intramuscular and facial skin lipomas may present. PL shows multinucleated giant
Conventional lipoma in the head and neck show infiltrating borders { 25219904 }. SCL cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and a
is less common than at many other body is variably yellow, greyish-white, and moderate amount of cytoplasm
sites and rarely involves intraoral, myxoid, depending on the proportion of the {11748578 }.
hypopharyngeal or laryngeal sites constituent elements. Diagnostic molecular pathology
{ 32851988 }. The buccal mucosa, lower lip Histopathology MDM2 assessment may rule out atypical
and tongue are the most commonly Conventional lipoma displays adipocytes lipomatous tumors in traumatized lesions
affected sites { 32851988 ; 31041916 }. lacking atypia. { 29748845 }.
Spindle cell/pleomorphic and dysplastic Spindle cell lipoma and pleomorphic Demonstration of loss of RB1 can be
lipomas mainly occur in the posterior neck, lipoma (SCL/PL) represent the helpful in selected cases to confirm
and less frequently in the oral cavity, scalp morphological spectrum of a single SCL/PL{ 12494468 ; 21563233 }.
and face { 31291740 }. Dysplastic lipoma neoplasm. Spindle cell lipoma (SCL) is a Essential and desirable diagnostic
occurs preferentially in upper back, benign adipocytic tumour composed of criteria
shoulders, and posterior neck variable amounts of mature adipocytes, Essential: Neoplasm composed either
{ 30001242 }. bland spindle cells, and ropey collagen. exclusively of mature adipocytes or
Clinical features Pleomorphic lipoma (PL) also contains combined with stromal elements.
Lipoma typically presents as a slowly pleomorphic and multinucleated floret-like Desirable: absence of MDM2 amplification
growing asymptomatic, circumscribed giant cells { 25319950 }. Mitoses are rare (traumatized and atypical-looking lesions).
mass less than 5cm diameter but single atypical-looking mitoses may be Staging
{ 21447447 }; some cases are associated present as well as lipoblasts Not relevant.
with lipomatosis { 18644522 ; 19192164 }. { 28546131 ; 28843712 }. Skeletal muscle Prognosis and prediction
Occasionally, multiple lesions of SCL/PL involvement is seen in 36% of facial spindle Lipomas are cured by simple excision.
are seen; these cases may be familial cell lipomas { 25219904 }. Recurrence is rare. Non-destructive
{ 9422314 ; 12522375 }. 15% of dysplastic Dysplastic lipoma shows striking recurrence has been reported in 15-20%
lipomas are multifocal and occasionally anisocytosis of adipocytes but little or no dysplastic lipomas following non-radical
they occur post-retinoblastoma atypia. They lack the stromal component resection. Malignant transformation has
{ 28807343 ; 30001242 }. and atypical pleomorphic cells of spindle not been observed.
Epidemiology cell/pleomorphic lipomas { 30001242 }. SCL/PL is a benign tumour that is
Lipomas are more common in men than Fibrolipoma combines mature fat cells with adequately treated with conservative
women. They occur in all age groups but prominent intermingled paucicellular excision. Local recurrence is rare, even
most commonly in the 5th-6th decades of collagenous component. Chondrolipoma is with incomplete resection
life and are rare in children { 24800932 }. characterized by foci of mature cartilage. { 1192370 ; 7459800 ; 998247 }.
Etiology Angiolipoma contain a variable vascular
Liposarcoma Family
Definition (PLS); and myxoid pleomorphic 2F7C & XH0RW4 Neoplasms of uncertain
Liposarcomas are a heterogeneous group liposarcoma (MPLS). behaviour of connective or other soft tissue
of malignant adipocytic neoplasms with ICD-O coding & Atypical lipomatous tumour
type-dependent features and include 8850/1 Atypical lipomatous tumour 2B5H & XH7Y61 Well-differentiated
atypical lipomatous tumour/well- 8851/3 Liposarcoma, well-differentiated, lipomatous tumour, primary site &
differentiated LS (ALT/WD-LS); NOS Liposarcoma, well-differentiated
dedifferentiated liposarcoma (DD-LS); 8858/3 Dedifferentiated liposarcoma 2B59 & XH1C03 Liposarcoma, primary site
myxoid/round cell liposarcoma 8852/3 Myxoid liposarcoma & Dedifferentiated liposarcoma
(MLS/RCLS); pleomorphic liposarcoma 8854/3 Pleomorphic liposarcoma
ICD-11 coding
2B59.Y & XH3EL0 Liposarcoma, other Liposarcomas form (multi)nodular fatty Diagnostic molecular pathology
specified primary site & Myxoid (ALT/WD LS) or grey-white firm tumours ALT/WD/DD-LS: MDM2 amplification
liposarcoma with a variable fatty component (DDLS, MLS/RCLS: FUS/EWSR1-DDIT3 fusions
2B59.Y & XH25R1 Liposarcoma, other PLS, ASCLT/APLT). Myxoid/gelatinous ASCLT/APLT, MPLS, PLS: RB1 deletion
specified primary site & Pleomorphic areas can be observed in all lesions. Essential and desirable diagnostic
liposarcoma Necrotic areas are mainly found in high- criteria
2B59.Y & XH3EL0 & XH25R1 grade lesions { 31950475 }. Essential:
Liposarcoma, other specified primary site & Histopathology ALT/WD-LS: atypical stromal cells in
Myxoid liposarcoma & Pleomorphic ALT/WD-LS consists of atypical adipocytes irregular septa, adipocytes may show
liposarcoma with enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei. (subtle) atypia
Related terminology Irregular septa contain atypical stromal DD-LS: non-adipogenic sarcoma and
Not recommended: atypical lipoma, cells with hyperchromatic nuclei. Lipoblasts atypical fat cells
lipoma-like liposarcoma (for ALT/WD-LS); may be present { 12379747 }. MDM2 and MLS: prelipoblasts (round or spindle cells)
pleomorphic myxoid liposarcoma (for CDK4 provide strong and lipoblasts, chicken-wire vasculature,
MPLS) immunohistochemical support for the myxoid background; round cell
Subtype(s) diagnosis { 22301498 } hypercellular areas >5% in high-grade
None DD-LS: variable, spindle cell sarcomatous lesions
Localization pattern often combined with a WD-LS PLS: pleomorphic lipoblasts in an
80% liposarcomas in this site involve the component. Lipoblastic, rhabdomyoblastic otherwise high-grade sarcoma “NOS”
subcutaneous connective tissue of the or osteogenic differentiation may occur ASCLT/APLT: spindle cell/pleomorphic
face, neck, and scalp { 23728920 }. MLS { 12379747 ; 22301498 ; 24457460 ; 3195 lipoma morphology with atypia of stromal
may metastasize to unusual sites, 0475 }. cells and fat cells including lipoblasts
including the head and neck region MLS are arranged in lobules consisting of MPLS: mixed features of PLS and MLS.
{ 22473934 } a variable number of pre-lipoblasts and Desirable: appropriate
Clinical features lipoblasts in a myxoid background with a immunocytochemistry or molecular
Patients often present with a mass. characteristic plexiform capillary features (selected cases)
Symptoms are site- and size-dependent network. Adipocytes may be present. The Staging
{ 12379747 }. lobules often show peripheral Not clinically relevant in ALT/WD and
Epidemiology condensation of primitive cells. High grade ASCLT/APLT. For other subtypes the
Liposarcomas comprise 2-9% of MLS show >5% solid sheets of American Joint Committee on Cancer
sarcomas in the head and neck. The mean undifferentiated mainly round (AJCC) and Union for International Cancer
age is 60 years. Males (76%) outnumber cells { 31950475 }. DDIT3 Control (UICC) TNM systems can be
females and white people (>80%) the immunohistochemistry is a surrogate applied.
blacks and asians. The most common marker for the fusion gene { 33465826 }. Prognosis and prediction
subtype is ALT/WD-LS, followed by PLS is a high-grade sarcoma defined by Liposarcomas of the head and neck are
myxoid, pleomorphic and the presence of atypical lipoblasts in an usually early stage and low-grade.
dedifferentiated LS { 23728920 }. otherwise high-grade sarcoma with spindle Survival is significantly better for
Etiology cell- and/or epithelioid cell features. A liposarcoma of the head and neck than
Unknown dedifferentiated liposarcoma may be other sites { 23728920 }. However,
Pathogenesis excluded by expression of MDM2/CDK4 or prognosis depends on subtype and
WD-LS/DD-LS: amplified sequences of amplification of MDM2. RB can be absent localization.
12q14-15, including MDM2, TSPAN31, { 31950475 }. ALT/WD-LS: may recur if incompletely
HMGA2, CDK4, YEATS4, CPM, FRS2, MPLS shows mixed features of MLS and excised { 24800932 }.
STAT6 { 31501988 ; 24457460 }. PLS with atypical and bland looking ASCLT/APLT: recurrence is rare
MLS: the driver mutation is FUS- lipoblasts, variable pleomorphic stromal { 33782225 ; 27879715 }.
DDIT3 or EWSR1- cells and myxoid matrix and less DD-LS: often recurs and shows metastatic
DDIT3 { 7566973 ; 8637704 }. vascularity { 31501988 ; 19194281 }. potential in a small subset { 24800932 }
PLS: complex numerical chromosome ASCLT/APLT shows additional to classical MLS: recurrence and metastatic disease
aberrations, including loss features of spindle cell and pleomorphic depends on grade. Most tumours behave
of RB1, P53 and NF1 { 31501988 }. lipoma, atypical stromal and fat cells as low-grade sarcomas. When
MPLS: complex numerical chromosome including lipoblasts. Infiltration into the metastasized, the outcome is worse
aberrations, including loss of RB1; surrounding tissues occurs variably { 22190864 }
mutations in KMT2D { 26647907 }. { 27879515 ; 28877053 ; 33782225 } PLS, MPLS: often aggressive behavior
ASCLT/APLT: deletion/losses of 13q14, Cytology with metastases and fatal outcome
including RB1, RCBTB2, Cytological features of the subtypes of { 24800932 ; 31501988 ; 31950475 }.
DLEU1 and ITM2B { 31501988 }. liposarcoma reflect their histological Superficial lesions often have a good
Macroscopic appearance composition { 19899126 }. prognosis { 31950475 }
Nodular Fasciitis
Definition Epidemiology variably myxoid with microcystic stromal
Nodular fasciitis (NOF) is a transient Up to 25% of NOF occur in the head and changes or fibrous, sometimes with
neoplasm typically found in subcutaneous neck region, affecting all age groups with a keloidal collagen. There are extravasated
tissue, composed of bland myofibroblasts, peak incidence in the third and fourth erythrocytes, lymphocytes, and osteoclast-
and usually decades. There is no sex predilection. like giant cells. Small vessels may be
harbouring USP6 rearrangements. Intravascular and cranial fasciitis are rare. numerous, occasionally resembling
ICD-O coding Cranial fasciitis develops predominantly in granulation tissue. Extension into adjacent
8828/0 Nodular fasciitis infants aged <2 years, more commonly in structures may be present
ICD-11 coding boys { 31950474 ; 6462780 }. { 1928550 ; 6462780 ; 31950474 }.
FB51.2 & XH5LM1 Pseudosarcomatous Etiology Lesional cells express SMA and MSA;
fibromatosis & Nodular fasciitis. Unknown. focal desmin positivity is occasionally
Related terminology Pathogenesis found { 1928550 ; 31950474 }.
Not recommended: pseudosarcomatous The identification of recurrent USP6 gene Cytology
fasciitis. rearrangements as driver mutations has Bland spindle cells with unipolar
Subtype(s) established the clonal neoplastic nature curved/bipolar processes, lacking relevant
Intravascular fasciitis; cranial fasciitis { 12550774 ; 21826056 ; 28752842 }. atypia. A tissue culture–like appearance
Localization Several fusion partners lead by promotor and myxoid stroma can be appreciated
NOF typically develops in the subcutis; switch to transcriptional activation of USP6. { 30311731 }.
dermal and deep localization is rare. Any Activated pathways include NF-kB, Wnt- Diagnostic molecular pathology
anatomical site can be involved, including catenin, JAK1-STAT3 { 32635781 }. In selected cases, USP6 rearrangement
face, neck, oral cavity, orbit, parotid and See additional information in STB5. may confirm the diagnosis { 28752842 }.
ear. Intravascular fasciitis occurs in small Macroscopic appearance Essential and desirable diagnostic
to medium-sized vessels NOF is unencapsulated and circumscribed criteria
{ 6462780 ; 20716998 ; 19469872 ; 31950 or infiltrative. The cut surface varies from Essential: bland myofibroblastic
474 ; 20716998 ; 27686647 ; 33000481 }. myxoid to fibrous, occasionally with central proliferation with tissue culture–like growth
Clinical features cystic change { 31950474 }. pattern.
Nodular fasciitis grows rapidly and usually Histopathology Desirable: assessment
has a preoperative duration of not more NOF (including subtypes) is composed of of USP6 rearrangement in selected cases
than 2–3 months. It usually measures plump, spindle-shaped cells lacking Staging
≤ 3 cm on excision { 31950474 }. nuclear pleomorphism. Mitotic figures may Not clinically relevant.
Extension into adjacent structures does not be plentiful without atypical forms. There is Prognosis and prediction
exclude the diagnosis typically a tissue culture–like architecture. Recurrence is rare. Metastatic disease is
{ 32192385 ; 9923933 ; 27686647 ; 31950 Cellular areas often show a storiform exceptional { 31950474 ; 27113271 }.
474 }. growth pattern. The stroma may be
Desmoid Fibromatosis
Definition children { 31950474 ; 31059930 ; 279881 Cytology
Desmoid fibromatosis is a locally 99 }. Patients have a median age of 37– FNA shows clusters of fibroblasts without
aggressive, non-metastasizing 39 years. The disease is more common in atypia.
myofibroblastic neoplasm with infiltrative women than men. Diagnostic molecular pathology
growth and propensity for local recurrence. Etiology The finding of hot spot somatic mutations
ICD-O coding There are multiple causes including in exon3 of CTNNB1 may be helpful in
8821/1 Desmoid-type fibromatosis genetic events and external factors such as small biopsies or in selected cases if
ICD-11 coding trauma { 31950474 }. morphology is inconclusive { 31950474 }.
2F7C & XH13Z3 Neoplasms of uncertain Pathogenesis Essential and desirable diagnostic
behaviour of connective or other soft tissue Desmoid fibromatosis derives from criteria
& Desmoid-type fibromatosis (aggressive mesenchymal progenitor cells. Mutations Essential: long fascicles of monomorphic
fibromatosis) in CTNNB1 or less myofibroblasts with small tapered nuclei
2F7C & XH6116 Neoplasms of uncertain frequently APC, stabilize beta- and inconspicuous cytoplasm
behaviour of connective or other soft tissue catenin which activates the Wnt/APC/beta- Desirable: Nuclear expression of beta-
& Abdominal (mesenteric) fibromatosis catenin pathway { 29705714 ; 20841474 }. catenin; CTNNB1 hot spot or alternatively
Related terminology Macroscopic appearance APC mutation
Acceptable: Aggressive/deep fibromatosis; Fibromatosis forms a poorly Staging
desmoid tumour delineated, firm, grey-white lesion with a Not applicable.
Subtype(s) coarse trabecular cut surface Prognosis and prediction
Extra-abdominal desmoid { 24206198 ; 31950474 }. The course is variable and unpredictable
Localization Histopathology with progression, stable disease and
Soft tissues of the neck/mandibular region Neoplasms are infiltrative and composed of spontaneous regression. An individual
are commonly involved. Less frequently ill-defined long fascicles of uniform approach is mandatory. A wait and see
affected are the scalp, face, paranasal myofibroblasts with slender, tapering, policy is advocated in asymptomatic
sinuses, nasopharynx, oral cavity and stellate-shaped or oval nuclei with an open patients. Systemic treatments comprise
larynx { 31950474 ; 31059930 }. chromatin. Mitotic figures are variably antihormonal or non-steroidal anti-
Multifocality may be seen { 29705714 }. present and often scarce. There is inflammatory therapies, tyrosine kinase
Clinical features inconspicuous cytoplasm. The background inhibitors and chemotherapy. Recurrence
Patients usually report no pain. Lesions is most often collagenous, sometimes after surgery does not correlate with
can be large (> 5 cm) and become showing coarse bundles, but can be also margin status. The question of whether
symptomatic by forming a mass and from strikingly myxoid blurring the classical tumours harbouring CTNNB1 pSer45Phe
invasion of bone, nerves and vasculature architecture. Parallel with the fascicles are mutations are associated with a greater
{ 31950474 ; 24206198 ; 31059930 }. small vessels with perivascular oedema. risk for local recurrence is controversial
Epidemiology Immunohistochemically, SMA and nuclear { 31950474 ; 29705714 ; 31059930 ; 3200
Fibromatosis of the head and neck is rare, beta catenin are variably expressed, with 4793 }.
comprising up to 15% of all extra- the latter showing ~80% positivity
abdominal desmoids in adults and 35% in { 31950474 ; 29705714 ; 24206198 }.


Solitary Fibrous Tumour

Definition discharge for sinonasal tumours sinonasal tract sites (50 mm)
Solitary fibrous tumour is a { 29282671 }; hoarseness, foreign body { 20614325 ; 32529350 ; 23413243 ; 2928
fibroblastic tumour characterized by a sensation, breathing difficulty and voice 2671 ; 22002440 }.
prominent, branching, thin-walled, dilated changes for laryngeal lesions Histopathology
(staghorn) vasculature most commonly { 20614325 }. Paraneoplastic syndrome SFT are nonencapsulated masses
associated with NAB2- has been reported { 16025074 }. containing a patternless distribution of
STAT6 rearrangement. Computed tomography shows well- hypo- and hypercellular areas,
ICD-O coding circumscribed tumours that strongly intermingled with loose to dense keloid-like
8815/0 Solitary fibrous tumour, benign enhance with contrast. Tumours show collagen. Sheets of uniform, bland,
8815/1 Solitary fibrous tumour, NOS enhancement with gadolinium contrast on syncytial spindled cells are separated by
8815/3 Solitary fibrous tumour, malignant T1-weighted magnetic resonance dilated, angulated vascular spaces.
ICD-11 coding { 17337142 ; 23413243 }. Mitoses, while uncommon, aid in risk
2F7C & XH7E62 Neoplasms of uncertain Epidemiology stratification. Myxoid change, fibrosis, and
behaviour of connective or other soft tissue About 15% of SFT develop in the head and interstitial mast cells may be seen.
& Solitary fibrous tumour NOS neck Biologically aggressive features include
2B5Y & XH1HP3 Other specified malignant { 11920476 ; 26924782 ; 31206727 }. Mal increased cellularity, infiltrative borders,
mesenchymal neoplasms & Solitary fibrous es are affected more often (M:F 6:1) for marked pleomorphism, necrosis, and
tumour, malignant. laryngeal tumours, with an equal sex increased mitoses
Related terminology distribution and a broad age range at { 26924782 ; 28838212 ; 31206727 ; 3252
Acceptable: Extrapleural solitary fibrous presentation (20-80 years; median ~ 50 9350 }.
tumour years) for other sites The lipomatous subtype contains mature
Not recommended: Fibrous { 22002440 ; 29282671 ; 32529350 ; 3120 adipocytes; the giant cell-rich subtype has
mesothelioma; haemangiopericytoma; 6727 }. tumour giant cells; both of these types are
giant cell angiofibroma, benign solitary Etiology rare in the head and neck { 28877055 }.
fibrous tumour; glomangiopericytoma Unknown. Cells show nuclear reactivity with STAT6,
Subtype(s) Pathogenesis a highly specific and sensitive marker
Lipomatous solitary fibrous tumour; giant SFT almost always show a { 24030747 ; 24625420 ; 24977739 ; 2587
cell–rich solitary fibrous tumour recurrent NAB2::STAT6 gene fusion 3501 ; 26811389 }, along with CD34, bcl-2
Localization { 24513261 ; 24807787 }. The NGFI-A and CD99. Desmin, S100 protein, SOX10,
These occur most commonly in the orbit, binding protein 2 (NAB2) fuses with signal actins, and ß-catenin are usually negative
followed by nasal cavity alone (~50%) transducer and activator of transcription { 32529350 ; 29282671 ; 22002440 ; 2497
and/or paranasal sinuses, however any 6 (STAT6) as a result of a paracentric 7739 ; 25873501 ; 29282671 }. STAT6
site including salivary glands, larynx and inversion at chromosomal region 12q13. and CD34 may be lost in malignant
oral cavity may be affected Macroscopic appearance tumours { 27189111 ; 30623305 }.
{ 26924782 ; 31206727 ; 28838212 ; 3252 In cavities, there is usually a polypoid, firm- Within sinonasal tract, the differential
9350 ; 29282671 ; 22002440 ; 20614325 ; fibrous and gray-white mass, possibly diagnosis includes glomangiopericytoma,
28877055 ; 26026772 }. attached by a stalk. In soft tissue, the same peripheral nerve sheath tumours,
Clinical features firm masses are circumscribed, leiomyoma, desmoid-type fibromatosis,
Patients with an SFT usually present with a but unencapsulated if benign. Malignant and biphenotypic sinonasal sarcoma;
painless, slow growing mass. There may tumours tend to be infiltrative and may within salivary gland, orbit, and oral cavity:
be visual changes, pain, and proptosis for have necrosis. The median size is smallest myoepithelioma, pleomorphic adenoma,
orbital tumours { 32529350 }; obstructive for larynx (25 mm), intermediate for and nodular fasciitis.
symptoms, epistaxis, headaches, and salivary gland (40 mm), and largest for Cytology
Smears are cellular with loosely cohesive Essential and desirable diagnostic features (age, size, cellularity, mitoses,
clusters around blood vessels or dispersed criteria necrosis, pleomorphism) can predict
cells with bare nuclei Essential: spindled to ovoid cells arranged aggressive behavior
{ 32686237 ; 15192959 }. Round, oval and around a branching and hyalinized { 22575866 ; 26924782 ; 28731041 ; 2883
spindled cells have scant cytoplasm with vasculature; variable stromal collagen 8212 }, although only one is optimized for
isomorphic ovoid nuclei { 15192959 }. deposition; nuclear STAT6 expression by orbital tumours { 32529350 }, and none for
Wispy collagenous stroma may be immunohistochemistry. other head and neck sites. Recurrences
identified Desirable: demonstration of NAB2- are seen (<10%) often with positive
{ 32686237 ; 15192959 ; 28469319 }. STAT6 gene fusion (in selected cases). margins { 29282671 }, and metastases are
Diagnostic molecular pathology Staging rare. Secondary TERT promoter mutations
As FISH is difficult to interpret due to the Multivariable risk stratification models are and TP53 deletions or mutations
small size of the inversion, STAT6 used instead of staging { 22026427 ; 26022454 ; 29985536 } may
immunohistochemistry { 31206727 ; 32529350 }. be associated with more aggressive
and NAB2::STAT6 fusion analysis Prognosis and prediction disease. Lungs, bones, and liver are the
are more reliable The majority are benign. Multiple risk most frequent sites for metastasis.
{ 24030747 ; 30623305 }. models with variable clinicopathologic

Low Grade Myofibroblastic Sarcoma

Definition Patients can be affected at any age with a rule out this tumour type
Low-grade myofibroblastic sarcoma is a median of 42 years { 9777985 ; 15173943 ; 31950474 ; 17711
rarely metastasizing mesenchymal { 33302922 ; 9777985 ; 15173943 }. 447 }.
neoplasm, often having fibromatosis-like Etiology At the ultrastructural level, the neoplastic
features, which tends to arise in the head Unknown. cells are spindle-shaped, with oval often
and neck region. Pathogenesis indented nuclei. The cytoplasm contains
ICD-O coding Complex genetic aberrations have been numerous endoplasmic reticulum cisternae
8825/3 Low-grade myofibroblastic identified, however the pathogenesis and subplasmalemmal bundles of actin
sarcoma is unknown { 10362810 ; 31950474 }. filaments, with or without focal densities,
ICD-11 coding Macroscopic appearance sometimes associated with
2B53.Y & XH2668 Other specified The tumours are poorly marginated, grey- subplasmalemmal attachment plaques.
fibroblastic or myofibroblastic tumour, white and firm with a fibrous cut-surface Pinocytic vesicles and fibronexus junctions
primary site & low-grade myofibroblastic { 9777985 }. are present in some cases
sarcoma. Histopathology { 15764578 ; 16612972 }.
Related terminology The pattern is that of a cellular, Cytology
Acceptable: Myofibrosarcoma fibromatosis-like or fibrosarcoma-like Not clinically relevant.
Subtype(s) lesion composed of fascicles or broad Diagnostic molecular pathology
None sheets of cells, with or without focal Not clinically relevant. { 31950474 }.
Localization herringbone or storiform arrangement. Essential and desirable diagnostic
The most common site is the tongue, Checkerboard-like infiltration of the criteria
followed by the larynx and gingiva adjacent skeletal muscle is a key Essential: diffusely infiltrative growth, often
{ 33302922 }. Rarely these tumours arise diagnostic feature. The atypical between skeletal muscle fibres; cellular
in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. myofibroblastic cells have enlarged fascicles of spindle cells with pale
They are mostly deeply seated, however, tapered hyperchromatic nuclei and a scant eosinophilic cytoplasm; at least focally
an origin in subcutaneous and submucosal or moderate amount of cytoplasm. Mitotic moderate nuclear atypia; variable
sites does not exclude the diagnosis. figures are variably present. The expression of SMA and/or desmin.
Origin in the bone, notably gnathic bones, background can be collagenous or myxoid. Staging
can occur Transformation into high-grade sarcoma Not clinically relevant.
{ 31950474 ; 33302922 ; 9777985 ; 15173 has been reported Prognosis and prediction
943 ; 24132324 }. { 9777985 ; 24132324 ; 15173943 }. There Local recurrences are common, but
Clinical features is a myofibroblastic immunophenotype metastatic spread to lung, soft tissue and
Patients present with a slowly growing showing variable expression of SMA, bone, often after a long interval, occurs
painless mass. The average tumour size is desmin, calponin, and CD34. H-caldesmon rarely { 9777985 }.
40 mm { 9777985 ; 33302922 }. is reported to be focally expressed in few
Epidemiology cases. Expression of beta-catenin does not
Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumour
Definition Etiology IMT should not be confused with vocal cord
Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour (IMT) Unknown. polyp { 26276782 ; 31215130 }. IgG4-
is a distinctive, rarely metastasizing Pathogenesis expressing plasma cell infiltration in IMT is
neoplasm composed of myofibroblastic Up to 60% of tumours have an anaplastic usually much lower than in IgG4-related
and fibroblastic spindle cells accompanied lymphoma kinase (ALK) gene (2p23) disease
by an inflammatory infiltrate of plasma rearrangement with a wide variety of fusion { 19718789 ; 26469330 ; 30451733 }.
cells, lymphocytes, and/or eosinophils. partners. Among head and neck Cytology
ICD-O coding IMTs, ALK fusion with TIMP3 has been The cytology of IMT features bland spindle
8825/1 Inflammatory myofibroblastic most commonly detected, cells with oval nuclei and small nucleoli,
tumour and ROS1 fusion can be rarely seen with ganglion-like cells possible, in a
ICD-11 coding { 31215130 ; 34001695 }. background of lymphocytes and plasma
2B53.Y & XH66Z0 Other specified Macroscopic appearance cells { 20730898 ; 27087029 }.
fibroblastic or myofibroblastic tumour, The tumours are usually < 50 mm, firm and Diagnostic molecular pathology
primary site & Myofibroblastic tumour NOS fleshy with a tan-white, whorled to myxoid Molecular assays for ALK, ROS1 and
Related terminology cut surface, occasionally showing other gene rearrangements may be used,
Not recommended: Inflammatory haemorrhage and calcification. particularly if targeted therapy is being
pseudotumour. Histopathology considered
Subtype(s) Tumours are submucosal and may be { 26647767 ; 30002191 ; 31690781 }.
None. ulcerated, ranging from circumscribed to Essential and desirable diagnostic
Localization infiltrative. Three principal patterns may co- criteria
Approximately 15-25% of IMTs develop in exist: a myxoid fasciitis or granulation Essential:
the head and neck tissue-like pattern, a hypercellular spindle Loose or compact fascicular proliferation of
{ 7611533 ; 31690781 }, most commonly cell pattern, and a hypocellular fibrous spindle cells with myofibroblastic
the larynx (true vocal cords), sinonasal (fibromatosis-like) pattern differentiation, fibrous or myxoid stroma,
tract (maxillary sinus), and oral cavity { 7611533 ; 17414097 ; 31950474 }. The and associated chronic inflammatory cell
{ 26276782 ; 24756612 ; 22014665 ; 1802 myofibroblasts have eosinophilic infiltrate.
2129 ; 8635024 ; 26276782 ; 24756612 }. cytoplasm and vesicular, open chromatin Desirable:
Other sites include trachea, pharynx, orbit, with several small nucleoli. A ganglion-like Demonstration of ALK or ROS1 expression
skull base, salivary glands, neck, and skin appearance, intranuclear cytoplasmic by immunohistochemistry; rearrangement
{ 7611533 ; 21042957 ; 31690781 }. inclusions, or granular cell change may be of ALK or other implicated receptor
Clinical features seen. The spindle cells are associated with tyrosine kinases by molecular methods (in
Patients with laryngeal tumours present variable inflammatory infiltrate and selected cases).
with hoarseness and dysphonia fibromyxoid stroma. Necrosis is infrequent. Staging
{ 18022129 ; 8635024 }, whereas those Mitotic activity is variable but generally low, Not clinically relevant.
with sinonasal and skull base tumours without atypical forms Prognosis and prediction
experience nasal obstruction, pain, visual { 7611533 ; 24756612 ; 17414097 }. The natural history of IMT is variable.
changes, and cranial nerve palsies By immunohistochemistry, most head and Laryngeal IMTs generally follow a benign
{ 24756612 }. Constitutional symptoms are neck IMTs, especially in patients <40 years course
uncommon of age, express ALK, correlating { 18022129 ; 8635024 ; 26276782 }, while
{ 22014665 ; 30410939 ; 31950474 ; 2475 with ALK gene rearrangements sinonasal and oral cavity IMTs are more
6612 }. { 26469330 ; 26647767 ; 27443585 }. RO aggressive
Imaging shows a non-specific lobulated S1 may show cytoplasmic reactivity { 21042957 ; 29643133 ; 24756612 }.
soft tissue mass with variable calcification, in ROS1-rearranged IMT Overall, approximately 25% of IMTs recur,
post-contrast enhancement, and local { 26647767 ; 25612511 }. The spindle cells related to anatomic site and resectability
invasion generally show a patchy, variably intense { 24756612 ; 27443585 ; 30410939 ; 7611
{ 22974570 ; 24756612 ; 30410939 ; 2715 reactivity for SMA, MSA, calponin, and 533 }. Distant metastases are rare (<5%)
3788 }. desmin, with focal keratin reactivity in 30% and may be associated with ALK-negative
Epidemiology of cases { 7611533 ; 31950474 }. IMT. Death from disease is unusual (about
A wide age range of patients is affected (0 The pathologic differential diagnosis of IMT 10%), but reliable prognostic indicators are
to 81 years). Head and neck IMTs is broad and depends on the predominant lacking { 17414097 }. Targeted therapies
commonly affect adults histologic pattern and site. In particular, (i.e., ALK inhibitors) may improve outcome
{ 26276782 ; 24756612 ; 27443585 ; 3041 distinction from spindle cell squamous cell { 28787259 ; 29286567 ; 31690781 }.
0939 ; 31690781 }. No consistent sex carcinoma (SCC) is crucial; finding areas of
predilection is observed squamous dysplasia or differentiated
{ 21042957 ; 22014665 }. SCC is helpful { 33723761 }. Laryngeal

Definition Capillary haemangioma; cavernous mass is seen in the sinonasal tract
Haemangioma is a benign vascular haemangioma; lobular capillary { 7435775 ; 10827405 ; 16539297 ; 16859
neoplasm. haemangioma. 060 ; 17478135 ; 19203815 ; 20417014 ;
ICD-O coding Localization 23184353 ; 25207171 ; 28153757 ; 28389
9120/0 Haemangioma, NOS The oral cavity (gingiva and lips) and 160 ; 29019747 ; 29977856 }. A
ICD-11 coding sinonasal tract (anterior septum) mucosa compressible mass is noted in major
2E81.0Y & XH5AW4 Other specified are the most commonly affected head and salivary gland tumours
neoplastic haemangioma & Haemangioma neck sites { 25439553 ; 22503446 ; 21766313 ; 1111
NOS { 1595597 ; 1642875 ; 6307911 ; 7435775 5277 }.
Related terminology ; 11685962 ; 16955784 ; 17478135 ; 192 Imaging studies show an intensely
Acceptable: Lobular capillary 03815 ; 20417014 ; 23184353 ; 30673134 enhancing tumour surrounded by a
haemangioma; capillary haemangioma; }, with rare reports in other organ sites hypoattenuated peripheral rim, often with
cavernous haemangioma { 29106877 ; 11115277 ; 25439553 ; 2250 remodelling
Not recommended: Pyogenic granuloma, 3446 ; 21766313 ; 22503446 ; 21766313 } { 1642875 ; 20007721 ; 23703148 }.
pregnancy epulis, histiocytoid . Epidemiology
haemangioma, epithelioid haemangioma. Clinical features Mucosal haemangiomas account for about
Subtype(s) Oral lesions present as a solitary, red 10% of head and neck haemangiomas and
haemorrhagic papule, while unilateral about 25% of non-epithelial sinonasal tract
epistaxis and/or an obstructive painless neoplasms
{ 4362952 ; 7435775 ; 16955784 ; 231843 { 16955784 ; 23184353 }. Gross receptors { 16955784 ; 1497117 ; 231843
53 }. Haemangiomas occur in patients of appearances range from a diffuse flat 53 }. HHV8 is negative.
all ages with a median of 40 years. mass to a bulging, polypoid nodule. The Tumours should be distinguished from
Incidence peaks in boys and adolescent lesions are soft, often with secondary granulation tissue, reactive or malformative
males, and pregnant women. surface changes vascular polyps, papillary endothelial
Haemangiomas of the head and neck { 9425482 ; 4362952 ; 6307911 ; 1642875 hyperplasia, glomus tumour, angiofibroma,
account for about 7% of all benign tumours ; 7435775 }. glomangiopericytoma, lymphoma and
in children. The sex distribution is equal in Histopathology angiosarcoma.
patients aged >40 years Haemangiomas of the sinonasal tract are Cytology
{ 9425482 ; 4362952 ; 6307911 ; 1642875 primarily divided into capillary and Not clinically relevant.
; 7435775 ; 23184353 }. Salivary gland cavernous types. Other variants are Diagnostic molecular pathology
haemangiomas almost exclusively develop reported rarely Not clinically relevant.
in neonates and children, with females { 1642875 ; 7435775 ; 16955784 ; 149711 Essential and desirable diagnostic
affected more frequently than males (~2:1) 7 ; 23184353 }. criteria
{ 8419878 ; 11115277 ; 29106877 ; 25439 Lobular capillary haemangioma is a For LCH
553 ; 22503446 ; 21766313 }. circumscribed proliferation of capillaries Essential: polypoid, lobular, circumscribed
Etiology with plump endothelial cells surrounded by anastomosing network of capillaries with
Lobular capillary haemangioma is pericytes in a fibromyxoid stroma, plump endothelial cells and often a
associated with mucosal injury, hormonal arranged in one or more lobules which may proliferation of pericytes in a fibromyxoid
factors (pregnancy and oral contraceptive show high cellularity. Each lobule has a stroma arranged in one or more lobules.
use){ 21745433 ; 22713445 ; 16955784 ; large central vein surrounded by small Desirable: In selected cases, vascular
30628110 }, and selective BRAF inhibitors capillaries, with an overlying collarette of immunohistochemistry markers.
{ 25251629 ; 27116335 }. epithelium (often ulcerated or atrophic). Staging
Pathogenesis Mitoses are often identified and lack atypia. Not relevant.
The pathogenesis is unknown for head and Cavernous haemangiomas are composed Prognosis and prediction
neck tumours. Nevertheless, the of multiple, large cystic, thin-walled, blood- Multiple recurrences (up to 45%) are more
hypothesis that infantile filled spaces lined by endothelial cells and common in children, and may develop if the
(congenital) haemangiomas are proposed separated by scant connective tissue lesional bed is not completely eradicated
to originate from ectopic placenta cells stroma and may be considered as vascular { 17478135 ; 23184353 }. Spontaneous
recently has been supported by their malformations. regression is documented in pediatric and
abundant expression of the C19MC cluster The neoplastic cells show CD34, CD31, post-partum patients
of miRNA genes { 22374805 ; 27660822 }. ERG, FLI-1, and factor VIII- { 22852124 ; 23075363 ; 23184353 ; 2518
Macroscopic appearance RAg immunopositivity, with variable 1659 ; 27144115 ; 27271813 ; 29019747 ;
The mean size is <15 mm but examples as expression of estrogen and progesterone 29215342 ; 30319828 ; 30673134 }.
large as 80 mm have been reported
Epithelioid Haemangioma
Definition Epidemiology endothelial cells creates a bumpy or
Epithelioid haemangioma is a benign These lesions develop over a broad age tombstone-like appearance.
vascular neoplasm of well formed blood distribution with a peak in the 4th decade Lymphocytes and eosinophils are
vessels with plump, epithelioid endothelial without a sex predilection invariably present, but to a variable degree.
cells, a variable eosinophil infiltrate. It is { 7364594 ; 23845664 ; 24676051 ; 26685 Mitotic figures are inconspicuous. Atypical
often associated 720 ; 26135557 }. tumours are infiltrative, solid, with an
with FOS and FOSB fusions. Etiology increased cellularity, tumour necrosis and
ICD-O coding Vessel damage or trauma are suggested less spaces, but are rare in the head and
9125/0 Epithelioid haemangioma as etiologic factors for cutaneous lesions, neck { 25043949 }. Immunohistochemical
ICD-11 coding while molecular alterations are detected in expression of FOSB may be seen (about
2E81.0Y & XH10T4 Other specified soft tissue tumours { 26135557 }. 50% of cases) even when the gene fusion
neoplastic haemangioma & Epithelioid Pathogenesis is absent { 28009608 ; 29527734 }.
haemangioma Chromosomal translocations leading Cytology
Related terminology to FOS or FOSB rearrangements drive Not clinically relevant, although reported
Not recommended: angiolymphoid tumourigenesis in a significant proportion { 12685201 }.
hyperplasia with eosinophilia; histiocytoid of Diagnostic molecular pathology
hemangioma. tumours { 25043949 ; 26173738 ; 261355 Not clinically relevant.
Subtype(s) 57 ; 29150442 }. Essential and desirable diagnostic
Cellular epithelioid hemangioma; atypical Macroscopic appearance criteria
epithelioid haemangioma. They form pale pink to red-brown nodules, Essential: lobular architecture with
Localization sometimes coalescing into plaques. vasoformation; lining endothelial cells are
Sites involved include the cutaneous and Histopathology epithelioid, with eosinophilic cytoplasm;
superficial soft tissues of the forehead, There is a circumscribed, nodular to lobular loose stroma, often with eosinophils.
preauricular region and scalp proliferation of variably sized vessels lined Desirable: demonstration
{ 4008683 ; 22015125 ; 26135557 ; 26685 by distinctive, plump epithelioid endothelial of FOS or FOSB rearrangements or
720 ; 29266025 }. cells. The vessels may show a gradient of expression in selected cases.
Clinical features maturation towards the periphery, ranging Staging
Epithelioid hemangiomas form slowly from lobular to irregular distribution. The Not clinically relevant.
growing indolent erythematous-violaceous endothelial cells are epithelioid with Prognosis and prediction
nodules, often pruritic or painful abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, often Tumours may show loco-regional growth
{ 30277937 }, and are multifocal in about with intracytoplasmic vacuoles (blister { 24676051 ; 26685720 }.
15% of cases { 26685720 ; 29266025 }. cells). The hobnailed monolayer of
Definition life. Symptoms are related to size and lumina post trauma. Communication with
Lymphangioma is a benign vascular lesion perturbation of surrounding structures the venous system is sometimes seen. The
composed of a localized collection of { 22420724 ; 30819600 }. endothelial cells show expression of CD31
dilated lymphatic channels. Epidemiology and rarely CD34 { 11048808 }. They also
ICD-O coding Lymphangiomas are relatively uncommon express D2-40 (against podoplanin),
9170/0 Lymphangioma, NOS and usually diagnosed in infancy and early Prox1, VEGFR-3 and Lyve1
9173/0 Cystic lymphangioma childhood. However, there is a broad age { 19098468 ; 24283866 ; 22420724 }. The
ICD-11 coding range walls of the lymphatic vessels and/or the
LA90.12 & XH9MR8 Lymphatic { 30677207 ; 22658544 ; 30819600 }. surrounding layer show expression of
malformations of certain specified sites & Etiology smooth muscle actin
Lymphangioma These lesions are caused by { 11048808 ; 21605441 }.
Related terminology developmental errors in the vascular Cytology
Acceptable: cystic hygroma, vascular system due to mosaic somatic mutations Aspiration produces lymphocyte rich yellow
malformation; lymphatic malformation, arising during embryogenesis, or more fluid { 30819600 }.
lymphangiomatous polyps. rarely germ-line mutations { 31950476 }. Diagnostic molecular pathology
Subtype(s) Pathogenesis Mutational analysis for PIK3CA in selected
Microcystic, macrocystic (depends on cyst Activating mutations result in hyperactive cases may be helpful.
diameter, cut-off 10 mm) and mixed PI3K/AKT signaling, mainly Essential and desirable diagnostic
{ 30819600 } in PIK3CA { 22658544 ; 21793738 ; 31950 criteria
Localization 476 }. Essential: Variably sized mainly thin-walled
While the skin and subcutaneous tissue of Macroscopic appearance lymphatic channels often with aggregates
the head and neck region is the most Lesions are sponge-like and not always of lymphocytes.
common localization for lymphangiomas, delineated. They can be pedunculated or, Desirable: Expression of vascular markers
they are only occasionally reported in the more rarely, sessile. and D2-40.
oral cavity and salivary glands. Intraoral Histopathology Staging
lymphangiomas arise on the dorsum of the Variably sized, irregular, thin-walled fluid- Not relevant.
tongue, followed by palate, buccal mucosa, filled spaces are lined by lymphatic Prognosis and prediction
gingival and lips { 31823215 }. endothelium and surrounded by a stroma Lymphangiomas are benign, but because
Clinical features of fibrous, smooth muscle and adipose of their propensity for involvement of
Clinical behaviour varies with erratic tissue along with lymphocytes deeper tissue planes, recurrence after
growth, progression, or even spontaneous { 22420724 }. Red blood cells and surgical resection may occur { 22420724 }.
regression during the first two decades of organized thrombi may be seen in the

Epithelioid Haemangioendothelioma
Definition 2B5Y & XH9GF8 Other specified malignant These are rare tumours of the head and
Epithelioid haemangioendothelioma (EHE) mesenchymal neoplasms & Epithelioid neck region arising typically in soft tissue of
is a malignant fusion-gene associated haemangioendothelioma the neck, oral cavity, salivary glands or
neoplasm composed of epithelioid Related terminology bone
endothelial cells in a myxohyaline stroma. Not recommended: malignant epithelioid { 24986479 ; 26298095 ; 16301153 ; 2158
ICD-O coding haemangioendothelioma 4898 ; 10846129 }.
9133/3 Epithelioid Subtype(s) Clinical features
haemangioendothelioma, NOS EHE with WWTR1::CAMTA1 fusion Patients present with a slowly growing
ICD-11 coding EHE with YAP1::TFE3 fusion mass, sometimes painful due to vascular
Localization occlusion. Other symptoms are site- and
size-dependent. There is a propensity for arranged in short cords and strands in a cytoplasm and scant mitotic figures
lymph node metastases myxohyaline stroma { 33776722 }. They { 32797671 }.
{ 31950476 ; 31463731 ; 26298095 ; 1630 show abundant hyaline cytoplasm with Diagnostic molecular pathology
1153 }. subtle intracytoplasmic lumina. Striking Molecular identification of
Epidemiology nuclear atypia is seen in approximately the WWTR1::CAMTA1 or YAP1::TFE3 fus
Age ranges from childhood to the elderly, 30% of tumours. Mitotic activity is usually ion may be helpful in selected cases.
with young to middle aged adults being low. Multicellular vascular channels are Essential and desirable diagnostic
mainly affected sometimes present and may be more criteria
{ 22420724 ; 24986479 ; 31950476 ; 3146 prominent in YAP1::TFE3 associated Essential: infiltrative lesion composed of
3731 }. lesions. Immunohistochemically, CD31 strands, cords, and nests of bland looking
Etiology and ERG are consistently expressed. epithelioid, spindle and histiocytoid cells
Unknown CAMTA1 and TFE3 are expressed with typical glassy cytoplasm and subtle
Pathogenesis corresponding to the fusion genes intracytoplasmic lumina in myxohyaline
As a specific driver mutation, { 7093931 ; 23737213 ; 21584898 ; 24986 background
the WWTR1::CAMTA1 fusion gene due to 479 ; 31950476 ; 31463731 }. Desirable: immunohistochemical positivity
a chromosomal translocation Differential diagnoses are extensive and for CD31, ERG and CAMTA or TFE3
t(1;3)(p36;q25) occurs in most include epithelioid haemangioma, Staging
EHE {11342784, 21584898, 21885404, epithelioid angiosarcoma, myoepithelial According to the UICC and American Joint
25961935}. Rare cases display tumours, sclerosing epitheloid Commitee on Cancer (AJCC) TNM staging
a YAP1::TFE3 fusion due to a fibrosarcoma, epithelioid sarcoma, systems.
t(X;11)(p11;q13) translocation carcinomas, pseudomyogenic Prognosis and prediction
{ 23737213 ; 24986479 }. haemangioendothelioma, chordoma, Clinical behaviour and prognosis depend
Macroscopic appearance chondrosarcoma, extraskeletal myxoid on the primary site. Most cases behave in
These tumours form a (multi)nodular mass chondrosarcoma an indolent manner, but there is a risk of
typically showing a pale, solid cut surface, { 7093931 ; 31950476 ; 31463731 ; 24986 metastatic disease and a significant
sometimes with haemorrhage 479 }. mortality rate (up to 45%)
{ 24986479 ; 26298095 ; 31950476 }. Cytology { 31950476 ; 31463731 }.
Histopathology Cytological examination may show clusters
Bland looking epithelioid-, spindle- and of epithelioid and spindle cells with round
histiocytoid-appearing endothelial cells are to ovoid nuclei, occasional vacuolated


Kaposi Sarcoma
Definition Classic indolent KS; endemic African KS; KS forms multiple reddish to purple
Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is a locally AIDS-associated KS; iatrogenic KS. macules that progress to plaques or
aggressive vascular endothelial Localization nodules, which may ulcerate.
proliferation associated with human Within the head and neck, the oral cavity is Epidemiology
herpesvirus 8 (HHV8). the most common site for AIDS-associated Oral KS is the most common tumour
ICD-O coding KS, while 70% of patients with cutaneous identified in HIV/AIDS patients
9140/3 Kaposi sarcoma KS also have oral lesions. Oral lesions are { 21644423 ; 23008762 }, highest in males
ICD-11 coding the initial site of infection in 20% of cases, who have sex with males (MSM)
2B57.Z & XH36A5 Kaposi sarcoma of affecting the hard palate more commonly { 32862546 }. While KS can develop at any
unspecified primary site & Kaposi sarcoma than gingiva or tongue stage of HIV infection, it is more common
Related terminology { 21644423 ; 23008762 }. Involvement of in advanced immunosuppression
Not recommended: angiosarcoma other head and neck sites is rare { 11423260 ; 25709361 ; 26261737 }, with
multiplex; granuloma multiplex { 10030245 ; 10618601 ; 16496108 ; 1860 a 500-fold elevated risk of KS in HIV
haemorrhagicum. 5999 ; 27178524 ; 29508130 }. patients over the general population
Subtype(s) Clinical features { 32051269 }. AIDS-associated KS
develops in the 4th or 5th decades and is spaces with extravasated erythrocytes and Not clinically relevant, although reported
seen in primarily HIV-positive MSM, a lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. The plaque { 22807383 }.
especially in North American and stage demonstrates an increased vascular Diagnostic molecular pathology
European countries, while African and proliferation along with tumour cell Not clinically relevant.
Chinese patients do not show a similar spindling and prominent intra- and Essential and desirable diagnostic
male predominance extracellular hyaline globules. The criteria
{ 22807383 ; 21644423 ; 23008762 ; 194 advanced nodular stage comprises of Essential: proliferation of small slit-like
04695 ; 32862546 }. unencapsulated infiltrating fascicles of vessels lined by mildly atypical cells with
Etiology spindle cells with atypia and easily surrounding bland spindle cells;
HHV8 is found in KS endothelial cells in all identified mitoses. Rare histologic variants extravasated erythrocytes and
disease forms { 7997879 ; 7700310 }. include solid, lymphangioma-like, lymphoplasmacytic patchy infiltrates.
Pathogenesis telangiectatic, desmoplastic, Desirable: hyaline globules; nuclear HHV8
A serological correlation exists between lymphangiectatic, ecchymotic, and expression by immunohistochemistry in
HHV-8 infection and KS, with infection anaplastic selected cases.
required but insufficient for disease { 19839366 ; 23312917 ; 24034072 }. Staging
induction, which develops by a complex Nearly all cases show a strong and diffuse Not relevant.
interplay of genetic, immunological, and nuclear HHV8 reaction Prognosis and prediction
environmental factors { 11474291 ; 14990970 ; 15023037 ; 1849 Prognosis is immune status dependent.
{ 11423257 ; 11536246 }. 4611 ; 19874352 ; 22314185 ; 22372906 } Combined HAART and systemic
Macroscopic appearance . chemotherapy improves morbidity and
KS forms purplish, haemorrhagic nodules, The differential diagnosis includes lobular mortality { 15280789 }. Intralesional
frequently coalesced. See STB5 for capillary hemangioma, Kaposiform therapies do not seem to affect disease
additional clinical details. haemangioendothelioma, angiosarcoma, course { 25345840 }.
Histopathology and spindle cell carcinoma, all of which are
Early lesions are characterised by a subtle HHV8 negative.
proliferation of small, slit-like vascular Cytology

Definition develop most commonly in the elderly (oral Extensive hemorrhage and clot formation
Angiosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm cavity) and patients in the 5th decade may obscure the tumour.
that variably recapitulates the (sinonasal tract). Tumours express CD31, in a typical cell
morphological and immunohistochemical Etiology membranous fashion, and ERG, while
features of endothelial cells. Rarely, radiation or environmental CD34, FLI1, D2-40 and actin are
ICD-O coding exposure to vinyl chloride and coal dust inconsistently expressed. Focal keratin
9120/3 Angiosarcoma have been associated with these tumours expression (particularly in the epithelioid
ICD-11 coding {3294314, 28723012}. pattern) can be misleading and suggest
2B56.Y & XH6264 Angiosarcoma, other Also, telangiectasia, trauma, and chronic carcinoma
specified primary site & oedema have been considered as possible { 21959309 ; 33964187 ; 12640107 }
Haemangiosarcoma etiologic factors { 25698587 ; 12360047 }. Cutaneous angiosarcoma can look rather
Related terminology Pathogenesis bland and thus may be mistaken for a
Not recommended: epithelioid Angiosarcomas are a genetically benign vascular tumour { 29766535 };
haemangioendothelioma, malignant heterogeneous group of tumours, mucosal melanoma, spindled squamous
haemangioendothelioma, malignant often incorporating mutations affecting the cell carcinoma and myoepithelial
angioendothelioma, MAPK pathway carcinoma must also be
haemangiosarcoma and (KRAS, HRAS, NRAS, BRAF, MAPK1, an considered. Grading is not applied to
haemangioblastoma . d NF1) { 26440310 }. sinonasal angiosarcoma.
Subtype(s) Macroscopic appearance Cytology
None. The tumours can be as large as 80 mm Not clinically relevant.
Localization (mean 39 mm); paranasal sinus tumours Diagnostic molecular pathology
The oral cavity and nasal cavity/maxillary are typically larger than sinonasal cavity No identified genetic findings aid in
sinus are the most frequently tumours (68 vs. 22 mm). The tumours are diagnosis at present.
affectedmucosal sites in the head and neck nodular to polypoid, soft, friable, purple to Essential and desirable diagnostic
region, most commonly with a single site of red, and often ulcerated, with associated criteria
disease { 20614274 ; 3294314 ; 11520569 haemorrhage and necrosis Essential: Anastomosing vascular spaces
; 28478092 }. { 20614274 ; 9630175 ; 12640107 }. lined by atypical endothelial cells;
Clinical features Histopathology infiltrative growth; endothelial
Presenting signs and symptoms are non- Angiosarcomas develop below an intact, multilayering; marked nuclear atypia; brisk
specific and usually of short duration uninvolved epithelium, with vasoformative mitotic activity.
(mean ∼10 months). For sinonasal neoplastic cells expanding into soft tissue Desirable: expression of endothelial
tumours, common symptoms are recurrent and bone, frequently accompanied by markers (preferably CD31 and ERG) by
epistaxis and obstruction { 20614274 } necrosis, haemorrhage and secondary immunohistochemistry.
along with nasal discharge, enlarging ulceration . The tortuous, irregular, freely Staging
mass, sinusitis, epiphora, pain, diplopia, anastomosing vascular channels can Staging is not applied to these tumours.
and headaches { 17987727 }. Infiltration create cleft-like spaces, rudimentary Prognosis and prediction
often leads to invasion of vital structures vessels, capillary-sized vessels, as well as Recurrences occur in ~40% of cases and
and bone erosion. On T2-weighted MRI, cavernous spaces filled with erythrocytes the overall survival rate is ~60%
tumours show contrast enhancement or a and lined by plump, enlarged, atypical, { 25698587 }. Old age, metastatic disease
bright signal. Angiography reveals tumour spindled or epithelioid endothelial cells and poor performance status are predictors
extent and feeder vessel(s) which may protruding into the vascular spaces in of poor outcome. Metastatic spread occurs
facilitate pre-surgical embolization multiple layers or papillae. The nuclei are most commonly to the lung, liver, spleen,
{ 20614274 }. Lymph node and distant enlarged and pleomorphic with heavy and bone (marrow). Specific etiologic
metastasis are uncommon at initial chromatin distribution, irregular nuclear factors may be associated with shorter
presentation. contours, and prominent nucleoli. Mitoses, survival { 17987727 }.
Epidemiology including atypical forms, are easily
A male predominance of the tumours has identified {20614274, 17987727}.
been noted { 28723012 }. Tumours

CD34 CD31
Definición Etiología carece de las fusiones de los
Neoplasia mesenquimatosa benigna de Desconocido genes ETV6::NTRK3 y LMNA::NTRK1 qu
células mioides perivasculares que forma Patogénesis e se encuentran en el fibrosarcoma infantil
un espectro con el miopericitoma. Las mutaciones de PDGFRB somáticas y { 10895816 ; 26863915 }. Las fusiones
Codificación CIE-O de la línea germinal son responsables del SRF::RELA se detectan en un subconjunto
8824/0 Miopericitoma miofibroma/tosis familiar y solitario, de miofibroma celular pero no en el
Codificación CIE-11 respectivamente { 28505006 ; 27776010 }. miofibroma convencional { 28248815 }.
2E84.Y & XH0953 Tumor fibrogénico o Aspecto macroscópico Criterios diagnósticos esenciales y
miofibrogénico benigno de otros sitios El miofibroma forma un nódulo violáceo deseables
especificados y miofibroma dérmico o subcutáneo bien delimitado pero Esencial: haces alternantes de células
Terminología relacionada no encapsulado (de uno a varios primitivas redondeadas a gordas teñidas
No recomendado : fibromatosis centímetros) con consistencia firme y de oscuro y células mioides eosinofílicas
generalizada congénita fibrosa. maduras asociadas con vasos
subtipo(s) Histopatología prominentes de paredes delgadas
miofibroma infantil; miofibromatosis Crecimiento bifásico de haces alternos de similares a pericitomas, proliferaciones
infantil; miofibroma solitario; miofibroma células primitivas basófilas pequeñas nodulares de la mioíntima (bolas
adulto. redondeadas a fusiformes y células vasculares) dentro de un estroma
Localización mioides eosinofílicas asociadas con vasos mixohialino.
La cabeza y el cuello, las extremidades prominentes de paredes delgadas Deseable (en casos seleccionados):
superiores, el tronco y, rara vez, los tejidos similares a pericitomas con frecuentes mutaciones de PDGFRB en
blandos profundos y los huesos son los proliferaciones nodulares de la mioíntima miopericitoma y miofibroma; SRF::
principales sitios afectados por los (bolas vasculares) Fusiones del gen RELA en miofibroma
miofibromas { 22486319 }. La afectación { 16330949 ; 9591720 ; 8067513 }. El celular/atípico.
visceral generalizada caracteriza la forma estroma es característicamente Puesta en escena
generalizada. mixohialino y puede mostrar necrosis y No clínicamente relevante.
Características clínicas calcificación de tipo isquémico. La Pronóstico y predicción
El miofibroma se presenta como un actividad mitótica es baja, pero pueden El miofibroma no reaparece después de la
pequeño nódulo violáceo dérmico o encontrarse lesiones muy activas escisión. La forma generalizada suele ser
subcutáneo superficial bien circunscrito mitóticamente. Faltan mitosis atípicas. Las fatal debido a la extensa afectación
pero no encapsulado de <10 mm a varios células neoplásicas expresan actina de visceral y las limitadas posibilidades
centímetros de tamaño { 22486319 }. Se músculo liso alfa, pero no hay h-caldesmon quirúrgicas. La histología atípica
reconocen tres escenarios o solo es positivo focalmente. Desmin es (celularidad aumentada, alta actividad
clinicopatológicos: solitario, multicéntrico y negativo. mitótica, ausencia de nódulos mioides,
generalizado. La enfermedad multicéntrica Citología bordes infiltrantes, crecimiento
afecta más comúnmente a las mujeres. No clínicamente relevante. intravascular, invasión perineural,
Epidemiología Diagnóstico de patología molecular atrapamiento de nervios) no parece influir
El miofibroma puede estar presente al La identificación de mutaciones de negativamente en el resultado en ausencia
nacer, aparecer en los primeros 2 años de PDGFRB somáticas o de la línea de mitosis atípicas y atipia citológica
vida o surgir en adultos con predominio germinal puede ser útil en casos { 24921644 }.
masculino. seleccionados. La miofibromatosis infantil
Definition angioleiomyoma and retroperitoneal leiomyomas { 2222326
Leiomyoma is a benign tumour with { 26047608 ; 12653572 ; 24384850 }. 6 ; 28591699 }.
smooth muscle differentiation. Clinical features Macroscopic appearance
Angioleiomyoma shows, in addition, At most sites tumours cause soft tissue Leiomyomas are polypoid, nodular, and
vascular differentiation. swellings, while mucosal lesions may usually sharply demarcated, with a white to
ICD-O coding cause nasal or airway obstruction, bleeding tan trabecular cut surface covered by a
8890/0 Leiomyoma NOS and rarely pain capsule or normal mucosa { 30885006 }.
ICD-11 coding { 26047608 ; 12653572 ; 24384850 }. Histopathology
2E86.1 Leiomyoma of other or unspecified Epidemiology Leiomyomas are subepithelial with
sites Only about 1% of all leiomyomas are infrequent mucosal ulceration. Bland,
Related terminology located in the head and neck region spindled tumour cells are arranged in
Unacceptable: myoma. { 24250094 }. Of these, about 12 - 15% intersecting fascicles. Cells are oval to
Subtype(s) present as elongate with cigar-shaped nuclei, without
Angioleiomyoma. angioleiomyomas { 26047608 ; 1122481 ; atypia and with eosinophillic fibrillary
Localization 12653572 ; 24250094 }. Adults are cytoplasm. Mitoses are absent to sparse.
The most common sites for leiomyoma in most often affected with an equal sex Angioleiomyoma, the most common
the head and neck region are the oral distribution. smooth muscle tumour in the head and
cavity (lips, tongue, buccal mucosa, Etiology neck region, shows a prominent
palate), sinonasal tract, and mandible Unknown. vasculature surrounded by smooth muscle
{ 24250094 ; 26094018 ; 26682845 }. Pathogenesis cells intimately associated with vessels
They are extraordinarily rare in the There is no evidence that leiomyomas of { 24384850 }. Calcification, ossification,
sinonasal tract predominantly with the head and neck region share the driver fatty metaplasia, or
involvement of the nasal cavity and more mutations myxohyaline degeneration may be seen,
rarely of the paranasal sinuses. In the (MED12, HMGA2 rearrangements) seen in probably indicating longstanding lesions. A
sinonasal tract they mostly present as genital fatty component is more common in males
and older patients. While having a smooth
muscle component, angioleiomyoma is Cytology mitoses and lacking nuclear atypia and
formally classified as a pericytic Not clinically relevant. necrosis.
(perivascular) tumour (see STB5). Diagnostic molecular pathology Staging
Immunohistochemically, lesions express No known markers of genetic relevance. Not clinically relevant.
smooth muscle markers (alpha-SMA, Essential and desirable diagnostic Prognosis and prediction
MSA, desmin, and caldesmon) but are criteria Leiomyomas have an excellent prognosis.
negative for HMB45, SOX10, and S100 Essential: Tumour with smooth muscle
{ 26047608 ; 12653572 ; 24111893 }. differentiation with very rare or absent
EBV-Associated Smooth Muscle Tumour
Definition or other disease/events causing mitotic activity can be seen; necrosis is
EBV-associated smooth muscle tumour is immunodeficiency prior the emergence uncommon except in HIV-positive patients.
a tumour with smooth muscle of the tumour. Dysphonia, hoarseness, By immunohistochemistry, tumour cells are
differentiation that is associated with EBV dyspnea, cough and pain may result from positive for SMA, h-caldesmon, and
infection in the setting of airway narrowing. smooth muscle myosin heavy chain.
immunosuppression. Epidemiology Strong nuclear positivity of EBV-
ICD-O coding The age range is wide (8 to 59 years), with encoded RNA (EBER) by in situ
8897/1 Smooth muscle tumour of uncertain no sex predilection, and tends to occur in hybridization allows distinction from other
malignant potential patients with Asian ethnicity SMA-expressing tumours { 25027306 }.
ICD-11 coding { 33891274 }. Patients with primary Cytology
2F7Y&XH00B4 Neoplasms of uncertain (inherited) immunodeficiency tend to be Not clinically relevant
behaviour of other specified site & Smooth children { 30120720 ; 29535735 }. Diagnostic molecular pathology
muscle tumour NOS Etiology Demonstration of EBV infection usually
Related terminology The etiology involves EBV infection in the by EBER in situ hybridization.
Not recommended: Smooth muscle setting of T-lymphocyte Essential and desirable diagnostic
tumour in immunocompromised patient immunosuppression. criteria
Subtype(s) Pathogenesis Essential: clinical history of
None Mechanisms of the role of EBV infection in immunosuppression; tumour with smooth
Localization tumourigenesis are not fully understood. muscle differentiation; evidence of EBV
EBV-associated smooth muscle tumour in The EBV type III latency pattern is infection
the head and neck region is very rare, suggested to be involved, with activation of Staging
occurring in the larynx, oropharynx and the mTOR/AKT pathway Not clinically relevant.
eye/orbit more frequently than the nasal { 19706821 ; 23682851 }. Prognosis and prediction
cavity Macroscopic appearance EBV-associated smooth muscle tumour
{ 30120720 ; 20690046 ; 33891274 }. Laryngeal mucosal tumours are polypoid. shows indolent behaviour and can be
Some patients show multifocal disease Histopathology removed conservatively without radical
throughout the body, thought to result from The tumour comprises intersecting resection. Prognosis is mainly dependent
independent monoclonal events related fascicles of spindle cells with ample on the immune condition of the patient.
to EBV infection rather than from eosinophilic cytoplasm and blunt ended Some posttransplant cases respond to
metastasis { 16330945 }. nuclei. Some tumours also reduced immunosuppression.
Clinical features contain epithelioid cells with open nuclear
Patients usually have had kidney chromatin in box-shaped to oval nuclei
transplantation, HIV infection, malnutrition, { 33891274 }. Nuclear atypia or increased

Smooth Muscle Tumour of Uncertain Malignant Potential

Definition Rare examples of smooth muscle tumour STUMP typically form an ulcerated
Smooth muscle tumours of uncertain of uncertain/undetermined malignant submucosal mass with a fleshy pale-tan
malignant potential (STUMPs) show potential (STUMP) have been reported in appearance.
morphological features that exceed criteria the sinonasal tract Histopathology
for leiomyoma or its subtypes, yet are { 12653572 ; 27879303 }, but leiomyoma These tumours form interlacing fascicles
insufficient for a diagnosis of and leiomyosarcoma are much more and bundles of smooth muscle cells with
leiomyosarcoma, and behave in a common { 2242259 ; 29270859 }. blunt-ended nuclei and ample eosinophilic
malignant fashion in only a minority of Clinical features cytoplasm, show slightly increased
cases. Sinonasal tumours present with nasal cellularity, mild to moderate pleomorphism
ICD-O coding obstruction and facial pain. and a mitotic count of ≤ 4 per 2
8897/1 Smooth muscle tumour of uncertain Epidemiology mm2 { 12653572 ; 27879303 }. Tumour
malignant potential Limited to single case reports, patients with cells blend with the musculature of the
ICD-11 coding STUMP range from 20 – 44 years, with tunica media of vessels
2F7Y & XH00B4 Neoplasms of uncertain males and females affected { 12653572 }. Erosion or invasion of
behaviour of other specified site & Smooth { 12653572 ; 27879303 }. surrounding bone or cartilage may be
muscle tumour NOS Etiology present { 12653572 }. Isolated
Related terminology Unknown. pleomorphism is generally seen
None. Pathogenesis in symplastic leiomyoma { 12401830 }.
Subtype(s) Unknown for Head and Neck tumour sites Immunocytochemistry is positive for SMA,
None. specifically. MSA, and desmin, with no nuclear
Localization Macroscopic appearance
expression of ß-catenin, HMB45, SOX10, usually sufficient to make the distinction cellularity, mitotic count of ≤ 4 per 2 mm2;
S100 protein or keratins { 27137987 }. from sarcoma. no tumour necrosis.
The differential diagnosis includes Cytology Desirable: desmin, SMA, and/or
leiomyoma, leiomyosarcoma(LMS), Not clinically relevant. caldesmon (in selected cases).
biphenotypic sinonasal sarcoma, Diagnostic molecular pathology Staging
glomangiopericytoma, peripheral nerve Not clinically relevant. Not performed.
sheath tumour, PEComa and meningioma. Essential and desirable diagnostic Prognosis and prediction
The modest cellularity, moderate criteria STUMP, in contrast to leiomyoma, are
pleomorphism and lower mitotic count is Essential: Smooth muscle tumour with mild more likely to recur
to moderate pleomorphism, increased locally { 12653572 ; 27879303 }.

KI67 - ACL

Definition Fraumeni, retinoblastoma) are commonly lost, and tumours do not
Leiomyosarcoma (LMS) is a malignant predisposing factors express EBER
neoplasm composed of cells showing { 20803265 ; 21837677 ; 23674091 ; 2922 { 2242259 ; 23434173 ; 29270859 }. The
smooth muscle differentiation. 0301 ; 29270859 }. Sinonasal LMS may differential diagnosis is primarily with
ICD-O coding arise after radiotherapy { 29395283 }. leiomyoma, smooth muscle tumours of
8890/3 Leiomyosarcoma, NOS Pathogenesis uncertain malignant potential, biphenotypic
ICD-11 coding Specific evaluation of head and neck LMS sinonasal sarcoma, perivascular
2B58.Y & XH7ED4 Leiomyosarcoma, other is limited { 8431912 }, but LMS show epithelioid cell tumour, spindle cell
specified primary site & Leiomyosarcoma extensive genomic instability, with near- squamous cell carcinoma, malignant
NOS universal inactivation peripheral nerve sheath tumour, and
2B58.Z & XH7ED4 Leiomyosarcoma, of TP53 and RB1 { 21125665 ; 26692951 ; metastatic tumours.
unspecified primary site & 29100075 ; 29321523 }. Head and
Leiomyosarcoma NOS neck LMS do not show the driver mutations Cytology
Related terminology of MED12 seen in genital Plump spindled cells with cigar-shaped
None leiomyosarcoma { 22768200 }. nuclei, fibrillar granular cytoplasm with
Subtype(s) Macroscopic appearance perinuclear vacuoles, atypia and possibly
None. Tumours are polypoid, firm to fleshy, mitoses may be seen in FNA smears
Localization usually poorly defined and { 21325797 ; 29395283 ; 31043260 }.
Subcutaneous and deep neck soft tissues unencapsulated. Cut sections show Diagnostic molecular pathology
are involved more frequently than a whorled and whitish or tan-grey Not clinically relevant.
mucosal locations; of the latter sinonasal appearance with areas of haemorrhage, Essential and desirable diagnostic
tract and oral cavity are the most cystic degeneration, and necrosis criteria
commonly { 23434173 ; 29270859 }. Essential: fascicles of eosinophilic spindled
affected { 23434173 ; 12653572 }. Organ Histopathology cells with blunt-ended nuclei with variable
specific cases are LMS are composed of spindle cells pleomorphism and mitoses.
rare { 21729441 ; 23434173 ; 24220466 ; arranged in compact interlacing fascicles. Desirable: immunolabelling for SMA,
29395283 }. Tumour nuclei are oval to elongated (cigar- desmin and/or caldesmon (in selected
Clinical features shaped) and frequently blunt-ended, with cases).
Symptoms are those of a mass a perinuclear vacuole compressing the Staging
lesion { 23434173 ; 29270859 }. nucleus. Atypia varies, with enlarged nuclei Staging is according to the Union for
Metastatic LMS to the head and neck are and hyperchromasia, and sometimes International Cancer Control (UICC) TNM
rare { 23434173 ; 2242259 ; 27015437 }. obvious nucleoli. Cytoplasm is eosinophilic classification for sarcoma.
Epidemiology or clear. An epithelioid cytomorphology is Prognosis and prediction
Primary head and neck LMS are very rare, rarely seen. Osteoclastic and pleomorphic Prognosis is often poor (20% 5-year overall
representing 0.01% of all tumours giant cells may occur. Tumours may have survival) due to late presentation and
{ 2242259 ; 12653572 ; 23434173 ; 29270 a myxoid background and scattered difficulties achieving tumour-free margins
859 ; 29588301 }. There is an equal sex inflammatory cells, and rarely show { 16369174 ; 29270859 }. High grade
distribution over a wide age range (20 to 86 dystrophic or psammomatous calcification. tumours have a worse survival than low
years), most commonly in the 5th to Mitotic activity is usually brisk (>4 MF/2 grade tumours (53% vs. 88%)
6th decades mm2) and comedo necrosis is common { 22777866 }. Distant metastasis, often to
{ 2242259 ; 12653572 ; 23434173 ; 29270 { 12653572 ; 2242259 ; 29270859 }. High the lungs, occurs in up to 50%, often after
859 }. grade transformation may be present. a prolonged interval
Etiology Neoplastic cells show strong reactivity with { 16369174 ; 23434173 ; 29270859 }.
Radiation exposure, immunosuppression SMA, desmin and h-
and tumour predisposition syndromes (Li- caldesmon { 29270859 }. RB1 is



Definition female ratio is 3:1. The median age of FRM FRM can be confused with embryonal
Rhabdomyoma is a benign soft tissue is 4.5 years, ranging from congenital to 60 rhabdomyosarcoma. Features
neoplasm showing skeletal muscle years; the male-female ratio is 5:3 favouring FRM are superficial location,
differentiation. { 31950473 ; 8319954 ; 8505039 }. circumscription without infiltrative margins,
ICD-O coding Etiology lack of cellular atypia, absence of a
8900/0 Rhabdomyoma, NOS Some cases are syndrome-related (FRM: cambium layer, and paucity of mitotic
ICD-11 coding nevoid basal cell carcinoma; ARM: Birt- figures
2E86.2 & XH8WG9 Rhabdomyoma & Hogg-Dubé syndrome) { 19421668 ; 31950473 ; 8319954 }.
Rhabdomyoma NOS { 16294371 ; 29744825 }. Cytology
2E86.2 & XH4729 Rhabdomyoma & Fetal Pathogenesis ARM shows large polygonal cells with
rhabdomyoma Mutations in the sonic hedgehog pathway abundant eosinophilic or vacuolated
2E86.2 & XH4BG5 Rhabdomyoma & Adult genes are often involved cytoplasm and peripherally located
rhabdomyoma { 23780909 ; 16294371 }. The FLCN gene nuclei { 29131558 ; 21053579 }. In FRM
Related terminology can be altered in some cases { 29744825 }. bland spindle cells and rhabdomyoblasts
Not recommended: extracardiac Macroscopic appearance with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm are
rhabdomyoma; rhabdomyomatous ARMs are circumscribed, lobulated, soft seen { 19421668 }
hamartoma and tan to red-brown with a fleshy cut Diagnostic molecular pathology
Subtype(s) surface. FRMs are circumscribed, soft, Not clinically relevant.
Adult type (ARM), fetal type (FRM) grey-white with a glistening cut surface. Essential and desirable diagnostic
Localization The median tumour size for both is 30 mm criteria
ARM and FRM arise predominantly in the { 8505039 ; 8319954 }. Essential:
head and neck with parapharyngeal space, Histopathology ARM: large polygonal cells with
salivary glands, larynx, mouth and soft ARM is composed of large polygonal cells eosinophilic cytoplasm and round centrally
tissue of the neck most commonly affected having abundant eosinophilic, granular or or peripherally located nuclei with nucleoli.
{ 31950473 }. vacuolated cytoplasm (spider cells) with FRM: rhabdomyoblasts in different stages
Clinical features focal cross striation or crystalline (rod-like without atypia and few mitotic figures.
Patients usually present with a slowly or "jack-straw-like") inclusions. The small, Staging
growing mass, but rapid growth does not round nuclei are centrally or peripherally Not clinically relevant.
exclude the diagnosis { 31950473 }. ARM located with vesicular chromatin and Prognosis and prediction
may be distinct nucleoli { 8505039 ; 31950473 }. Recommended treatment is complete
multifocal { 2974590 ; 32773112 ; 850503 FRM shows excision. Recurrence is often attributed to
9 }. Symptoms are site dependent and immature rhabdomyoblasts including incomplete removal. There is no metastatic
include hoarseness, airway obstruction primitive round to spindle cells and potential
and dysphagia { 31950473 }. myotube-like rhabdomyoblasts { 19421668 ; 31950473 ; 8505039 }.
Epidemiology with eosinophilic cytoplasm and cross-
The age range of ARM patients is broad striations set in a myxoid matrix
with a median age of 60 years; the male- { 8319954 }.

Rhabdomyosarcoma Family
Definition Epidemiology ERMS typically shows linear aggregates of
Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is a family of Approximately 35-40% of all RMS are tumour cells close to the
malignant mesenchymal tumours with located in the head and neck { 20718921 }, mucosa (cambium layer), with a cellularity
skeletal muscle differentiation and includes and RMS is the most common gradient
embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (ERMS); sinonasal sarcoma { 666648 ; 9724344 ; 17443282 ; 1898567
alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (ARMS); { 7838548 ; 12110339 ; 23743294 ; 25186 6 ; 26646016 }.
pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma; spindle 315 ; 28875443 }. See STB5 for additional ARMS:
cell/sclerosing rhabdomyosarcoma details. ARMS typically shows fibrovascular septa
(Sp/ScRMS). separating cellular nests of small sized
Etiology monomorphic round cells with scant
ICD-O coding ERMS (but not other subtypes) is cytoplasm, which tend to coalesce in the
8900/3 Rhabdomyosarcoma, NOS associated with radiation and several centre with a dyscohesive periphery. The
8910/3 Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma tumour predisposition syndromes solid variant lacks fibrovascular septa, with
8912/3 Spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma { 20186103 ; 27345568 ; 27617148 ; 3169 sheets of tumour cells
8920/3 Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma 7451 ; 33372952 }. { 28521080 ; 24113309 ; 25186315 ; 1600
8901/3 Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma 6807 ; 28875443 }.
Pathogenesis Sp/ScRMS:
ICD-11 coding Most ARMS harbour a PAX3 or Sp/ScRMS consists of a fasciculated
2B55.0 & XH0GA1 Rhabdomyosarcoma of PAX7::FOXO1 fusion { 8098985 ; 818707 proliferation of spindle cells with elongated
the oral cavity or pharynx & 0 ; 8275086 }. PAX3 and PAX7 are nuclei and pale indistinct cytoplasm, with
Rhabdomyosarcoma, NOS transcription factors with essential roles in interspersed spindled or polygonal
2B55.0 & XH83G1 Rhabdomyosarcoma of myogenesis { 26424495 }, with fusion rhabdomyoblasts with abundant, brightly
the oral cavity or pharynx & Embryonal proteins activating many downstream eosinophilic cytoplasm { 31950473 }.
rhabdomyosarcoma, NOS target genes, The skeletal muscle–specific proteins
2B55.0 & XH7099 Rhabdomyosarcoma of including MET, ALK, MYCN, and MYOD1 myogenin (MYF4) and MYOD1 are variably
the oral cavity or pharynx & Alveolar { 8643596 ; 20663909 ; 30617281 }. Less expressed both within and between
rhabdomyosarcoma common fusions tumours, the proportion of positive cells
2B55.0 & XH7NM2 Rhabdomyosarcoma of include PAX3 with FOXO4, NCOA1, reflecting the degree of differentiation
the oral cavity or pharynx & Spindle cell and FGFR1 { 12183429 ; 21666686 ; 244 { 16861966 }. Occasional expression of
rhabdomyosarcoma 36047 }. Sp/ScRMS separate into three keratin, neuroendocrine markers, S-100
2B55.0 & XH5SX9 Rhabdomyosarcoma of genetic protein and ALK may be observed
the oral cavity or pharynx & Pleomorphic groups: NCOA2 and/or VGLL2 rearrange { 2455782 ; 16006807 ; 18973919 ; 23307
rhabdomyosarcoma, NOS ment; MYOD1 mutation; no identifiable 059 ; 28875443 ; 33382123 }. A panel of
genetic alteration markers is essential to avoid misdiagnosis.
Related terminology { 23463663 ; 30181563 }. Skull/mandibular The major differential diagnoses depend
Not recommended: myosarcoma; intraosseous SpRMS shows EWSR1 on pattern of tumour, while metastatic
malignant rhabdomyoma or FUS::TFCP2 { 33382123 }. Up to 50% tumours must be excluded { 18606509 }.
ERMS have RAS pathway mutations Fetal rhabdomyoma, Ewing sarcoma,
Subtype(s) { 30617281 }. haematolymphoid tumours, melanoma,
carcinoma, and neuroendocrine tumours
Macroscopic appearance must be excluded.
Localization Tumours are usually polypoid, fleshy,
Within the head and neck Refer to section for details of
gelatinous to firm, poorly circumscribed Intraosseous rhabdomyosarcoma
(excluding parameningeal disease), RMS and infiltrative masses
affects the orbit/eyelid, nasopharynx, ear with EWSR1 or FUS::TFCP2 fusion.
{ 10420698 ; 25267746 }. Necrosis and
and temporal bone, and sinonasal tract in haemorrhage may be seen. Botryoid Cytology
order of frequency, recognizing differences ERMS shows multiple grape-like polypoid Smears are highly cellular with primitive
in histologic type and age at presentation masses. Mastoid tumours tend to be uniform, round, spindled, and stellate cells
{ 1247965 ; 17346806 ; 23743294 ; 28875 smaller (< 30 mm) than extremity with scattered rhabdomyoblasts,
443 ; 30055718 }. counterparts. sometimes in a tigroid background
Clinical features { 16680771 ; 17636492 ; 24599626 }.
Diagnosis is often delayed as symptoms ERMS: Diagnostic molecular pathology
are non-specific. Metastatic disease is ERMS shows primitive round to spindle PAX3, PAX7, NCOA2,
frequently present at diagnosis (25-30%) cells, with scant cytoplasm and or VGLL2 rearrangement
{ 28521080 }. hyperchromatic nuclei, and may have and MYOD1 mutation (in selected cases).
scattered rhabdomyoblasts. Botryoid
Essential and desirable diagnostic Staging is via the Intergroup rate of 40–45%)
criteria Rhabdomyosarcoma Study Group (IRSG) { 25186315 ; 22777866 ; 16025051 ; 2887
Essential: stratification, as head and neck sites are 5443 }. Age and tumour stage (most adult
ERMS: primitive round to spindle cell precluded from UICC and AJCC staging patients are stage IV at presentation) are
morphology protocols the most important risk factors, with
ARMS: monomorphic primitive-appearing { 9724344 ; 15059650 ; 18521303 }. children and females having a better
round cells dyscohesively arranged in a outcome than adults or males
nested to solid pattern Prognosis and prediction { 31456361 ; 23743294 ; 23424037 }.
Sp/ScRMS: spindled morphology Risk stratification predictive of outcome Fusion-positive ARMS patients have a
with/without sclerotic collagenous matrix has been addressed with worse outcome than fusion negative ARMS
Desirable (in selected cases): surgicopathological staging and fusion- and ERMS, with a worse prognosis
Rhabdomyoblasts; postive based classification (IRSG grouping for PAX3- versus PAX7-FOXO1 fusions
immunohistochemistry for system) { 24326270 ; 30617281 ; 30373318 ; 2352
Myogenin/MYOD1; detection of supporting { 24326270 ; 30617281 ; 30373318 }. 6739 ; 20351326 ; 22454413 ; 22447499 ;
genetic alterations Overall, RMS are considered systemic 28035744 ; 31456361 }.
disease, with specific sites showing a
Staging relatively poor prognosis (5-year survival
aberrante MIOGENINA


Definition uncommon { 19349148 }. Case reports Etiology
Chondroma is a benign soft tissue describe lesions in the preauricular region Unknown
neoplasm, unrelated to bone or synovium, and auricle { 24653926 ; 22844293 }, Pathogenesis
and composed of chondrocytes that cheek { 15955665 ; 8229872 }, parotid Cytogenetic analyses reveal several
produce hyaline or myxoid cartilage. gland { 16487372 }, lip { 29115679 }, different aberrations, including
ICD-O coding tongue rearrangements of 12q13-q15 and trisomy
9220/0 Chondroma, NOS { 30845089 ; 15617977 ; 6590720 }, neck 5, and in a set of tumours with
ICD-11 coding and parapharyngeal space rearrangements of 12q13-q15, a truncated
2E89.1 & XH0NS4 Benign tumours of { 8587816 ; 17008056 } and dura or full-length HMGA2 transcript was found
uncertain differentiation, soft tissue & { 25250651 }. { 8402563 ; 10748295 ; 11793371 ; 14614
Chondroma NOS. Clinical features 053 ; 25250651 }. In about 50% of the
Related terminology These are painless firm slowly growing cases, FN1 gene rearrangements were
Acceptable: chondroma of soft parts; masses { 26297064 }. Lesions have a high reported, with FGFR1 and FGFR2 as
extraskeletal chondroma signal on T2 weighted MRI. There may be fusion partners { 31273315 }.
Subtype(s) ring like or spiculated calcification. Macroscopic appearance
Chondroblastoma-like soft tissue Epidemiology Lesions are well-circumscribed, solid
chondroma Patients are usually middle-aged (average: nodular masses, 10-20 mm in size, with
Localization 34.5 years), and males are affected more grey blue, sometimes myxoid cut surface.
These tumours usually arise in the hands frequently than females (M:F ratio: 1.5:1) Histopathology
and feet (80%). Origin in head and neck is { 76505 }.
Chondromas for nodular tumours which chondrocytes showing grooved or cleaved Not clinically relevant.
are sometimes thinly nuclei and individual cell calcification Essential and desirable diagnostic
encapsulated, composed of mature { 11342780 }. Mitoses are few or absent. criteria
hyaline or myxoid cartilage, with lobules Cytology Essential: soft tissue mass composed of
delineated by fibrous septate. Cartilage Cytology is rarely performed. Smears may nodules of cartilage; hyaline or myxoid
may be hypercellular and the usually small, show variably sized clusters and single matrix that may calcify; cytologically bland
hyperchromatic nuclei may be large with cells in a myxofibrillary matrix. Nuclei are chondrocytes; few mitoses
coarse chromatin, small nucleoli and up to oval to spindled with moderate variation in Staging
moderate pleomorphism. Calcification or size, finely dispersed chromatin and small, Not clinically relevant
endochondral ossification may occur. indistinct nucleoli. Cytoplasm may be Prognosis and prediction
Degenerative changes include fibrosis, abundant and vacuolated and cell margins These are benign tumours with no
mucinous change and cyst formation indistinct. No multinucleation or mitoses recurrence after complete excision.
{ 24653926 }. The chondroblastoma – like are seen { 11213511 }.
subtype is hypercellular with epithelioid Diagnostic molecular pathology


Definition 2F24 & XH87J5 Benign cutaneous Neurofibromas most commonly affect the
Neurofibroma is a benign peripheral nerve neoplasms of neural or nerve sheath origin skin but deep neck lesions are seen
sheath tumour consisting of differentiated & Neurofibroma NOS (carotid space, brachial plexus,
Schwann cells, fibroblasts, perineurial-like Related terminology posterior/paraspinal). Any head and neck
cells, and residual interspersed axons set None site may be affected
in a fibromyxoid matrix. Subtype(s) { 25503638 ; 27402223 ; 24315214 ; 2360
ICD-O coding Ancient neurofibroma; cellular 1771 ; 7127260 }. Intraorally, the tongue is
9540/0 Neurofibroma, NOS neurofibroma; plexiform neurofibroma; the most common location
ICD-11 coding atypical neurofibroma { 25654048 ; 33196600 ; 31675118 ; 3159
2F38 & XH87J5 Benign neoplasm of other Localization 8201 ; 31111316 ; 29931661 ; 25503638 }
or unspecified sites & neurofibroma NOS . Diffuse neurofibromas arise in skin and
subcutis, and plexiform neurofibromas biologic potential are usually seen in the highlights entrapped axons
superficially or deep along nerves with the NF1 setting and are strongly associated { 22420725 ; 22495377 ; 22327363 }.
orbitotemporal region most commonly with deletions The differential diagnoses include
affected { 33196600 }. of CDKN2A/CDKN2B { 21987445 ; 26857 schwannoma, traumatic neuroma,
Clinical features 854 ; 30722027 ; 29774626 }. palisaded encapsulated neuroma,
Patients present with a slowly growing, Macroscopic appearance mucosal neuroma of MEN, desmoplastic
often circumscribed and sometimes painful Lesions are nodular with a tan-white, melanoma and dermatofibrosarcoma
mass. Motor or sensory symptoms develop glistening cut surface. Occasionally, an protuberans (when superficially located)
when major nerve trunks are affected. associated nerve can be identified { 22327363 }.
Disfigurement and compression of vital { 22327363 ; 22420725 }. Plexiform Increased mitotic figures, increased
structures may be seen. Multiple and neurofibromas show a complex, tortuous cellularity, and pleomorphism may suggest
plexiform neurofibromas are frequently and convoluted shape { 33723760 }. malignant transformation { 33588442 }.
associated with neurofibromatosis type 1 Diffuse neurofibromas are plaque-like Cytology
(NF1) { 22606860 ; 9267819 ; 22420725 }. lesions { 22327363 }. FNA specimens are often paucicellular due
Epidemiology Histopathology to the collagen matrix, but a mucin-rich
About 15% of neurofibromas arise in the Neurofibromas are localized intra- and/or background and small spindled cells with
head and neck region extraneural. They are most often nodular thin wavy nuclei can aid in diagnosis
{ 33196600 ; 33723760 }. It is the most and uncommonly diffuse or plexiform. { 10459049 ; 21938166 }.
common benign peripheral nerve sheath Lesions are non-encapsulated and Diagnostic molecular pathology
tumour affecting patients of all ages, but characterized by random distribution of There is no established role for molecular
most commonly in the second to fourth spindly cells in a myxoid to collagenous analyses in NF.
decade stroma. Nuclei are wavy and tapered. The Essential and desirable diagnostic
{ 22420725 ; 22327363 ; 33196600 }. All cytoplasm is inconspicuous. Mitotic figures criteria
ethnic groups are affected without a sex are usually absent. Entrapped ganglion Essential: non-encapsulated low cellularity
predilection { 25654048 }. Plexiform cells may also be seen. The collagen spindle cell neoplasm associated with
neurofibroma, specifically in NF1 patients, bundles resemble shredded carrots. Mast variably fibromyxoid background with
presents in childhood cells are frequently found shredded-carrot-like collagen
{ 33196600 ; 33723760 }. { 22327363 ; 33723760 ; 33588442 }. Desirable: expression of S100, SOX10,
Etiology Diffuse neurofibromas show Meissnerian CD34, EMA, neurofilament protein in
Unknown corpuscles and can entrap preexistent appropriate cell population (in selected
Pathogenesis structures { 22327363 }. cases)
Inactivating mutations of the tumour Plexiform neurofibroma shows Staging
suppressor NF1 encoding neurofibromin involvement of several cross-sections of none
are the sole recurring abnormality identified peripheral nerve fascicles surrounded by Prognosis and prediction
in the Schwann cell population perineurium in a localized area. Tumours are consistently benign, but
{ 22420725 ; 33723760 }, recognizing that Immunohistochemically, neurofibromas neurofibromas in NF1 patients have a
microenvironmental factors also play a role show a heterogeneous and variable potential for malignant transformation
in tumour development expression of S100 protein and SOX10, { 22327363 ; 23036231 ; 25929351 ; 2242
{ 30728335 ; 29596064 ; 27171146 }. interspersed with fibroblasts or perineurial 0725 }
Specific criteria for atypical NF/atypical cells positive with CD34 and EMA,
neurofibromatous neoplasm of uncertain respectively. Neurofilament protein

Definition vestibular schwannomas), meningiomas, characterized by epithelioid cells arranged
Schwannoma is a nerve sheath tumour ependymomas, and low-grade gliomas in trabeculae, loose nodules and cohesive
composed entirely or nearly entirely of { 33723760 }. nests in collagenous, myxohyaline or
differentiated neoplastic Schwann cells. Schwannomatosis is characterized by myxoid stroma. Degenerative features and
ICD-O coding spinal and peripheral schwannomas and mitoses may be present { 1746681 }
9560/0 Schwannoma, NOS meningiomas usually without vestibular Diffuse immunoreactivity for S-100 protein
ICD-11 coding schwannomas { 33723760 ; 26848914 }, and SOX10 is usual
2F38 & XH98Z3 Benign neoplasm of other usually sporadic (up to 85%), but also { 9267819 ; 22420725 ; 22495377 ; 22327
or unspecified sites & Schwannoma inherited { 33588442 }. 363 ; 25724000 }. Absence of INI1 is
(neurilemmoma). Pathogenesis observed in 40% of epithelioid
Related terminology NF2 inactivating mutation is the most schwannomas and a mosaic staining
Not recommended: Neurilemmoma, common genetic finding in sporadic or pattern is typical for schwannomatosis
neurinoma familial schwannomas { 33588442 }. { 28368924 ; 33723760 }. EMA outlines
Subtype(s) Schwannomatosis is associated perineurial cells peripherally and
Ancient schwannoma; cellular with SMARCB1 neurofilament protein may highlight
schwannoma; plexiform schwannoma; (INI1) and LZTR1 mutations { 33723760 }. entrapped axons at the periphery. CD34 is
epithelioid schwannoma; microcystic Macroscopic appearance usually positive only in subcapsular and
reticular schwannoma Lesions are nodular with a tan-white, septal areas { 33588442 }.
Localization glistening cut surface ranging up to 75 mm. The differential diagnosis includes nodular
Extracranial, non-vestibular schwannoma Occasionally, an associated nerve can be fasciitis, neurofibroma, solitary fibrous
arise anywhere in head and neck region. identified tumour, (angio)leiomyoma, desmoid-type
Intraorally, the tongue is most commonly { 22327363 ; 22420725 ; 24384632 }. fibromatosis, meningioma,
affected Plexiform schwannomas glomangiopericytoma, biphenotypic
{ 22606860 ; 25654048 ; 24384632 ; 3148 appear tortuous to convoluted sinonasal sarcoma, mucosal melanoma,
5983 }. { 33723760 }. solitary circumscribed neuroma, mucosal
Clinical features Histopathology neuroma of MEN, malignant peripheral
Patients present with a slowly growing Schwannomas are commonly well nerve sheath tumour, synovial sarcoma,
sometimes painful mass. Other signs circumscribed, encapsulated, spindle cell spindled squamous cell carcinoma, and
depend largely on size, nerve of origin, and tumours, occasionally encroaching on leiomyosarcoma
localization adjacent structures. Most show compact { 9267819 ; 11073336 ; 22002440 ; 25472
{ 22606860 ; 7127260 ; 9267819 ; 224207 hypercellular Antoni A areas with 697 ; 19644540 }.
25 ; 33723760 }. CT and MRI show occasional typical nuclear palisading Cytology
unilateral, well circumscribed, expansile, (degenerative/ancient change), (Verocay Aspirate smears are typically cellular with
oval, round or fusiform tumours, with bodies), alternating with loosely arranged cohesive syncytial fragments of bland
mottled central lucency and peripheral myxoid Antoni B foci. The elongated spindle cells. Within the fragments, variably
post-contrast enhancement, often with slightly polymorphic spindle cells possess wavy/convoluted nuclei with tapered edges
cystic changes. Bone erosion and oval, tapered or buckled nuclei and poorly and fibrillary cytoplasm are seen.
remodeling is occasionally present defined eosinophilic cytoplasm. Degenerative atypia may be present
{ 7127260 ; 22621416 ; 22954739 ; 24717 Intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions, { 17277622 ; 23737794 ; 29413661 ; 3045
879 }. nuclear pleomorphism, and mitoses may 7183 ; 30620436 ; 31043260 }.
Epidemiology exist. Antoni B zones contain a cobweb-like Diagnostic molecular pathology
Up to 40% of schwannomas occur in the network of cell processes together with Not clinically relevant.
head and neck { 33723760 ; 24384632 }. lipid-laden histiocytes and thick-walled, Essential and desirable diagnostic
The majority of cases affect adults in hyalinized blood vessels. criteria
their second to fifth decades, with equal Microcystic/reticular changes may be seen. Essential: Hypercellular spindled cell areas
sex incidence { 9267819 ; 24384632 }. Peripheral lymphoid aggregates are and loose hypocellular myxoid areas;
Etiology common { 9267819 ; 22327363 }. spindle cells with buckled, elongated,
Most lesions are sporadic The cellular variant shows predominantly fusiform nuclei, occasionally palisaded
{ 22327363 ; 22606860 }. Multiple and hypercellular Antoni A pattern, forming long Desirable: Hyalinized blood vessel walls;
plexiform schwannomas fascicles. Mitotic activity and necrosis may S100 protein/SOX10 in selected cases
suggest association with be present { 9267819 }. Staging
neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) or Plexiform schwannomas have a thin Not clinically relevant.
schwannomatosis { 33723760 }. fibrous capsule and an intraneural Prognosis and prediction
NF2 is an autosomal dominant genetic multinodular/plexiform architecture. Cell Schwannomas are benign. Multifocality
condition caused by mutations in morphology resembles classical may mimic recurrence or malignancy
the NF2 tumour suppressor gene schwannomas { 33723760 }. { 22327363 ; 9267819 ; 22420725 ; 22606
characterized by development of Epithelioid schwannomas are 860 ; 24384632 }.
schwannomas (including bilateral (multi)nodular and encapsulated, and


Definition with the exception of TN. Many but not all The size of TN varies while SCN, PROS-
Neuromas comprise a diverse group of TN are painful, all other neuromas are neuromas are small smooth nodules.
peripheral nerve sheath tumors, some asymptomatic. Multiple mucosal Histopathology
reactive and hyperplastic, that include neuromas unrelated to MEN2B and TN: Disorganized Schwann cell fascicles
Traumatic neuroma (TN); Solitary PROS have been described { 26708403 }. surrounded by perineurium sprouting from
circumscribed neuroma (SCN); MEN2B- Epidemiology severed nerve { 30011306 }.
mucosal neuroma; Oral TN: Middle aged adults, more frequent in SCN: Fungating, round, multinodular or
pseudoperineurioma (OPP); and PIK3CA- females. plexiform in the superficial dermis/lamina
related overgrowth spectrum (PROS) SCN: 5th-7th decades of life, twice more propria characterized by intersecting
associated neuromas (PIK3CA-neuroma). common in men. Schwann cell fascicles with nerve axons
ICD-O coding OPP: Young females. frequently revealing cracking artifact
9570/0 Solitary circumscribed neuroma Mucosal neuromas: Usually the first sign in { 20237984 }.
ICD-11 coding MEN2B and in PIK3CA-orofacial OPP: Nerve fascicles showing complete or
2F24 & XH90Y8 Benign cutaneous overgrowth. incomplete perineurium featuring thin,
neoplasms of neural or nerve sheath origin Etiology internally located, perineurial cell pseudo-
& Solitary circumscribed neuroma TN are the result of accidental or iatrogenic onion bulbs { 23645379 }.
8C12.5 Traumatic neuroma, not otherwise nerve injury or amputation. Although PIK3CA-neuroma. Enlarged nerves with
specified considered hyperplastic lesions, trauma frequently hyperplastic perineurium
2F7A.0 MEN2B-mucosal neuroma maybe a possible cause for oral SCN while or OPP. May share features with MEN2B
8C4Y & XH4UE6 Other specified disorders cutaneous lesions have been associated necessitating clinicopathologic correlation
of nerve root, plexus or peripheral nerves & with acne. MEN2B- and PIK3CA-related { 28665924 ; 32770747 }.
Neuroma, NOS neuromas are caused by Cytology
LD2C & XH4UE6 Overgrowth syndromes germline RET and Not described.
& Neuroma, NOS somatic PIK3CA mutations, Diagnostic molecular pathology
Related terminology respectively. Solitary OPP are considered PIK3CA variants in the majority of PIK3CA-
Acceptable: (Solitary circumscribed the result of trauma. Multiple OPP can be associated neuromas.
neuroma) Palisaded encapsulated encountered in PROS. Essential and desirable diagnostic
neuroma Pathogenesis criteria
Not recommended: (Traumatic neuroma) TN: Exuberant proliferation of disorganized TN: Haphazardly arranged nerve fascicles
Amputation neuroma peripheral nerve fascicles as part of nerve SCN: Fungating, multilobular/plexiform
Subtype(s) regeneration after nerve injury circumscribed, partially encapsulated
None SCN: Intraneural fascicular Schwann cell fascicular proliferation
Localization proliferation OPP: Pseudo-onion bulbs
TN occurs in areas of nerve injury including MEN2B- and PIK3CA-neuromas: PIK3CA-neuromas: Enlarged nerves,
bones. SCN frequently affects facial skin Enlargement of peripheral nerve bundles thickened perineurium and OPP
and palate/gingiva. Most OPP occur on the as part of RET germ and PIK3CA somatic Staging
tongue. PIK3CA-neuromas affect tongue, mutations, respectively. Not clinically relevant.
lips and cheek. OPP: Perineurial proliferation as part of Prognosis and prediction
Clinical features apparent nerve injury or nerve enlargement The prognosis is excellent for all types
Single (TN, SCN) or multiple (PIK3CA- as seen in PROS described.
neuroma; rarely in SCN) nodules, < 10 mm Macroscopic appearance
Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumour
Definition MPNSTs have complex karyotypes and not associated with NF1 and rarely arises
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour frequent, concurrent inactivating mutations ex-schwannoma { 25602794 }. Unlike
(MPNST) is a malignant spindle cell involving three conventional MPNST, epithelioid
neoplasm with limited Schwannian pathways: NF1, CDKN2A/CDKN2B, and MPNST shows strong and diffuse staining
differentiation, often arising from a PRC2 core components (EED or SUZ12) for S100 and SOX10, with retained
peripheral nerve, from a pre-existing { 25240281 ; 25119042 ; 25305755 ; 3072 H3K27me3 and loss of SMARCB1
benign nerve sheath tumour, or in a patient 2027 }. Up to 80% of high-grade MPNSTs expression { 30864974 }.
with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). exhibit complete loss of PRC2 activity and Cytology
ICD-O coding complete loss of H3K27me3 by Not clinically relevant.
9540/3 Malignant peripheral nerve sheath immunohistochemistry Diagnostic molecular pathology
tumour, NOS { 26645727 ; 25240281 ; 26585554 }. In diagnostically challenging cases, DNA
ICD-11 coding methylation profiling can identify a specific
2B5E & XH2XP8 Malignant nerve sheath Epithelioid MPNSTs are molecularly tumour signature of MPNST { 33479225 }.
tumour of peripheral nerves or autonomic distinct, characterized by Other supporting molecular data include
nervous system, primary site & Malignant frequent SMARCB1 gene inactivation mutations in NF1 and SUZ12 or EED.
peripheral nerve sheath tumour { 30864974 }. Essential and desirable diagnostic
2B5E & XH4V81 Malignant nerve sheath Macroscopic appearance criteria
tumour of peripheral nerves or autonomic Most MPNSTs are >50 mm. Intraneural Essential:
nervous system, primary site & Malignant tumours show fusiform enlargement of the -Spindle cell sarcoma with fascicular
peripheral nerve sheath tumour, epithelioid involved nerve. MPNST shows a tan-white, growth, alternating hypercellular and
2B5E & XH2VV8 Malignant nerve sheath fleshy cut surface, often with haemorrhage hypocellular areas, and tapered or buckled
tumour of peripheral nerves or autonomic and necrosis. nuclei
nervous system, primary site & Malignant Histopathology -Epithelioid MPNST: epithelioid
peripheral nerve sheath tumour with MPNST shows interlacing fascicles of morphology and diffuse positivity for S-100
rhabdomyoblastic differentiation spindle-shaped cells, often with alternating and SOX10
Related terminology hypercellular and hypocellular areas. A Desirable:
Not recommended: malignant haemangiopericytoma-like vascular -Association with a pre-existing large
schwannoma; neurofibrosarcoma; pattern is characteristic, and denser nerve, neurofibroma, NF1, or radiation
neurogenic sarcoma. perivascular growth is common. There are -Variable positivity for S-100, SOX10, or
Subtype(s) often areas of geographical necrosis and GFAP
Epithelioid MPNST high mitotic activity. Nuclei are -Loss of H3K27me3 by
Localization hyperchromatic and spindled to serpentine, immunohistochemistry
The head and neck region is the second while the cytoplasm is pale and -Epithelioid MPNST: Loss of SMARCB1
most common location after the trunk and eosinophilic. Occasional cases show expression
extremities { 27158754 ; 3082508 }, most prominent pleomorphism. Approximately Staging
commonly in the soft tissue of the neck 15% of MPNSTs show heterologous These tumours are staged using
{ 24685259 ; 28762137 }. differentiation, which may be the UICC TNM system.
Clinical features rhabdomyoblastic ("Triton tumour"), Prognosis and prediction
MPNSTs typically present between 20-50 osseous, cartilaginous, or vascular, as well MPNST shows aggressive behavior with
years of age, with younger ages for NF1- as epithelial (glandular or squamous). poor prognosis. For head and neck
associated tumours. Patients present with MPNST show limited staining for S100 MPNST, 2 and 5-year disease-specific
an enlarging mass that may be (<50% of tumours), SOX10 (<70%), and survival are 50% and 30%, respectively
painful. MPNST arising within a nerve is GFAP (20–30%) { 23929265 }. Complete { 28762137 }. Adverse prognostic factors
often associated with neuropathic loss of staining for H3K27me3 is seen in include tumour size > 50 mm, local
symptoms. 50-80% of all MPNSTs, with loss being recurrence, positive surgical margins, and
Epidemiology more frequent in high-grade and radiation- high-grade morphology (including Triton
MPNST is rare, accounting for 5-10% of all induced tumour). NF1-associated and radiation-
soft tissue sarcomas in the head and neck MPNST { 28776579 ; 26645727 ; 2658555 induced MPNST are associated with 5-
{ 30779403 }. 4 ; 29482987 }. year survivals of approximately 35% and
Etiology Epithelioid MPNST is composed of lobules 23%, respectively
Subsets are associated with radiation of epithelioid cells with abundant { 27158754 ; 31078939 }. Epithelioid
(~10%) { 7377756 } or NF1 (~50%). eosinophilic cytoplasm, sometimes MPNST are less aggressive { 25602794 }.
Pathogenesis embedded in an abundant myxoid or
hyalinized stroma { 1746681 }. It is


Phosphaturic Mesenchymal Tumour
Definition have been reported may induce epithelial (odontogenic)
Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumours { 14707860 ; 31301876 ; 30206408 }. proliferation { 30206408 ; 32049812 }.
(PMTs) are distinctive neoplasms that Tumours affect middle-aged adults with Exceptionally rare malignant PMT show
cause tumour-induced osteomalacia (TIO), equal gender distribution and are rarely cytologic anaplasia, increased mitotic rate
usually through production of fibroblast detected in children or the elderly and necrosis, usually with a sarcomatous
growth factor-23 (FGF23). { 31301876 ; 28614212 ; 26009620 }. appearance { 14707860 ; 26759148 }.
ICD-O coding Etiology The immunophenotype of PMT is non-
8990/0 Phosphaturic mesenchymal Unknown specific, including variable expression of
tumour, NOS Pathogenesis CD56, ERG1, SATB2, SSTR2A, CD99,
ICD-11 coding PMTs cause TIO through production of and D2-40. Chromogenic insitu
2F7C & XH9T96 Neoplasms of uncertain phosphatonins, most often FGF23. FGF23 hybridization for FGF23 mRNA is much
behaviour of connective or other soft tissue inhibits renal reabsorption of phosphates more sensitive and specific than FGF23
& Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumour, inducing phosphaturia, immunohistochemistry
benign hypophosphatemia, and TIO. Binding of { 25025444 ; 31301876 ; 14707860 ; 2861
2F7C & XH3B27 Neoplasms of uncertain FGF23 to its receptor, fibroblast growth 4212 ; 30206408 ; 26464698 ; 24060005 ;
behaviour of connective or other soft tissue factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) activates 28858396 } (see Table 2 #24514).
& Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumour, signalling pathways that upregulate FGF23 Cytology
malignant production in an autocrine/paracrine loop Not relevant.
Related terminology which potentially drives PMT Diagnostic molecular pathology
Acceptable: Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumourigenesis. FN1::FGFR1 or infrequently FN1::FGF1 fu
tumour, mixed connective tissue type { 25319834 ; 27443518 ; 31301876 }. sions are identified in > 50% cases and are
Subtype(s) Roughly 50% of PMTs harbour fibronectin confirmatory but not essential for diagnosis
Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumour, 1 FN1::FGFR1 fusions, or less { 33151412 ; 27443518 ; 25319834 ; 3130
malignant often, FN1::FGF1 fusion 1876 ; 31792355 }.
Localization { 25319834 ; 27443518 }. Upregulation of Essential and desirable diagnostic
PMTs may arise in any soft tissue or Klotho expression may underly the criteria
osseous location { 14707860 }. After the pathogenesis of fusion-negative tumours Essential: Clinicopathologic constellation
appendicular skeleton, the head and neck { 31792355 }. ‘Non-phosphaturic’ PMT are of a bland spindle cell tumour with
region is the second most common site; likely found earlier or produce less FGF23 basophilic, smudgy matrix, with /or without
about half the cases arising in the { 31301876 ; 27443518 ; 29514106 }. grungy calcification, and /or vascularized
paranasal sinuses, followed in Macroscopic appearance stroma, along with clinical evidence of
frequency by the mandible and maxilla; PMTs usually are non-descript soft tissue phosphate wasting and /or osteomalacia
uncommon sites are the floor of mouth, or bone masses. Some may be calcified, that is reversed by complete removal of the
pharynx, larynx, tongue, and temporal haemorrhagic or contain fat tumour.
bone { 14707860 ; 28614212 }. Desirable: FGF23 overexpression in
{ 31301876 ; 31505461 ; 30206408 }. Histopathology tissues or elevated levels in the serum (in
Clinical features Classical PMTs are composed of bland, selected cases).
Most PMT are small lesions and patients ovoid, spindle to stellate cells embedded in Staging
commonly present with a long history a richly vascularized stroma and contain Not clinically relevant
of muscle weakness, fatigue, bone pain the pathognomonic basophilic, smudgy Prognosis and prediction
and progressive fractures matrix with ‘grungy’ or ‘flocculent’ The vast majority of PMTs are clinically and
{ 33151412 ; 28450684 }. Radionuclide calcification histologically benign. Complete tumour
scans (especially 68Ga-DOTATATE { 14707860 ; 28614212 ; 31301876 } (See excision brings dramatic resolution of
PET/CT) are useful in detecting occult Table 1 #24513). Head and neck PMTs osteomalacia { 14707860 ; 30206408 }.
PMTs { 33709632 }. Rare ‘non- tend to contain adipose tissue, show Exceptionally rare instances of malignant
phosphaturic’ PMTs are also reported. minimal/absent calcified matrix, are more PMT may metastasize and cause
{ 31301876 ; 29514106 }. myoid (particularly sinonasal), and contain death. FGFR1 fusions may be a potential
Epidemiology prominent thick-walled blood vessels marker for targeted use of FGFR1-3
PMTs are exceedingly rare; the true { 14707860 ; 28614212 }. Alveolar PMT inhibitors { 32905668 }
incidence is unknown. Less than 500 cases
Definition radiographic images demonstrate a mass, { 8116795 ; 8334970 ; 6302014 }.
Myxoma is a benign myofibroblastic often well delimited. Sinonasal tract Epithelial basaloid buds from the surface
proliferation within an extensively myxoid tumours may show an intraosseous, may be seen. Odontogenic epithelium is
ground substance without other epithelial unilocular/multilocular radiolucency absent in sinonasal tract tumors
or mesenchymal (nerve sheath) elements { 6302014 ; 21168253 ; 21938690 ; 24429 { 24429059 ; 30484069 }.
and not affecting gnathic bone. 059 ; 15364495 ; 15701983 ; 27398121 ; Immunohistochemistry is non-contributory,
ICD-O coding 30484069 ; 31032655 }. with variable SMA and nuclear ß-catenin
8840/0 Myxoma, NOS Epidemiology reactivity { 30484069 ; 21624835 }.
ICD-11 coding Myxomas are rare, reported most In the differential diagnosis, angiomyxoma
2E90.6 & XH6Q84 Benign neoplasm of commonly in children, although all ages is a unique entity (CD34 reactive), and
nasopharynx & Myxoma, NOS may be affected, with an equal sex odontogenic myxomas are separated
Related terminology distribution based on anatomic tumour centering. Aural
Not recommended: peripheral odontogenic { 8116795 ; 8334970 ; 6302014 ; 1536449 polyp and myxoid laryngeal polyp may
myxoma 5 ; 21168253 ; 21880053 ; 22306211 ; 24 have some histologic overlap, but also
Subtype(s) 429059 ; 21624835 ; 15701983 ; 2691516 have inflammatory components.
None 2 ; 30484069 ; 32525735 ; 33829881 }. Cytology
Localization Etiology Not clinically relevant.
Myxomas affect the periauricular soft Carney complex, if present, is commonly Diagnostic molecular pathology
tissues (external auditory canal), sinonasal associated with germline inactivating Not clinically relevant.
tract, and larynx mutations in the PRKAR1A gene, and Essential and desirable diagnostic
{ 8116795 ; 22306211 ; 8334970 ; 219386 shows myxomas, spotty pigmentation, criteria
90 ; 25606843 ; 26915162 ; 29988276 ; 3 endocrine overactivity, and schwannoma Essential: Circumscribed myxoid mass
1032655 }. They appear to arise in the soft { 7640202 ; 8116795 ; 16267413 }. with scattered stellate and spindled cells in
tissue but may expand to involve adjacent Pathogenesis a capillary rich-myxoid matrix; not arising in
bone. When multiple myxomas are present Unknown gnathic bones.
(skin of the external ear canal, eyelids), Macroscopic appearance Desirable: nuclear ß-catenin staining (in
Carney complex may be present Tumours show a gray-white, glistening selected cases).
{ 7640202 ; 8116795 ; 16267413 }. surface with gelatinous to firm consistency. Staging
See section for Odontogenic They range up to 50 mm, but are usually < Not clinically relevant.
myxoma. 20 mm { 8116795 }. Prognosis and prediction
Clinical features Histopathology These lesions are benign, but recurrence
Myxoma manifests as a slow-growing site- Myxomas are circumscribed, but are common
specific swelling { 8116795 ; 22306211 }. unencapsulated, composed of a loose { 7640202 ; 8116795 ; 30484069 ; 216248
Symptoms may be related to local tumour hypocellular proliferation of spindled, 35 ; 24429059 ; 6302014 }. External
extension into adjacent structures (middle stellate or round cells within a myxoid auditory canal tumours should provoke
ear, palate, orbit, and/or nasal cavity) stroma containing arciform thin blood screening for Carney complex
{ 8116795 ; 8334970 ; 16267413 ; 192212 vessels and scattered fine collagen bands. { 7640202 ; 16267413 ; 22306211 }.
55 ; 22306211 ; 26915162 ; 32066550 ; 3 Pleomorphism, mitotic figures, and tumor
2525735 ; 33829881 }. Endoscopic and necrosis are absent
Extraskeletal Myxoid Chondrosarcoma
Definition Pathogenesis Aspirates may comprise whitish fluid.
Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma Molecular characterization of the t(9;22) Smears may be cellular or paucicellular
(EMC) is an aggressive malignant and t(9;17) variant translocation with myxo-chondroid background matrix.
mesenchymal tumour of uncertain show NR4A3 gene fusions with Two cell populations are observed oval
differentiation, characterised either EWSR1 at 22q12.2 or TAF15 at and spindled occurring singly or in cords
by NR4A3 gene rearrangement, abundant 17q12 and clusters, with pale blue cytoplasm +/-
myxoid matrix, multilobular architecture, { 10602520 ; 8634690 ; 10602519 ; 10537 nuclear grooves and small inclusions.
and uniform cells arranged in cords, 274 }. The NR4A3 fusions, present in Multinucleated cells may be present.
clusters, and reticular networks. Despite > 90% of EMCs Differential diagnosis includes other ‘round
the name, there is no evidence of { 15998372 ; 12378528 ; 12598313 }, are blue cell tumours’ including
cartilaginous differentiation. specific to EMC and may therefore be rhabdomyosarcoma, synovial sarcoma
ICD-O coding considered a hallmark of this disease. See and Ewings.{ 30407856 }
9231/3 Extraskeletal myxoid STB5 for additional details. Diagnostic molecular pathology
chondrosarcoma Macroscopic appearance Identification of the NR4A3 gene
ICD-11 coding EMC forms well circumscribed, lobulated, rearrangement may be helpful in selected
2B5F.2 & XH9344 Sarcoma, not elsewhere thinly encapsulated tumours, with soft to cases.
classified of other specified sites & Myxoid rubbery, tan / white cut surface +/- Essential and desirable diagnostic
chondrosarcoma microcalcifications and haemorrhage criteria
Related terminology { 4261659 }. Essential: Multilobular tumour; generally
Acceptable: NR4A3-rearranged myxoid Histopathology bland cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm
sarcoma (provisional) EMC is multinodular with fibrous septa disposed in strands or cords in a
Subtype(s) forming hypocellular lobules with abundant predominantly myxoid stroma.
None. pale-blue myxoid or chondromyxoid matrix. Desirable: NR4A3 rearrangement (in
Localization Well-formed hyaline cartilage is virtually selected cases)
Most common head and neck sites are never seen and the stroma is strikingly Staging
orbit, intracranial and sinonasal tract. Orbit hypovascular. Characteristically cells form The American Joint Committee on Cancer
is the third most common site after cords, small clusters, and complex (AJCC) or Union for International Cancer
meninges and lower extremities. Case trabecular or cribriform arrays. They Control (UICC) TNM system may be used.
reports describe tumours in eyelid, contain modest amounts of deeply Prognosis and prediction
parapharyngeal space and buccal space eosinophilic to vacuolated cytoplasm and EMC is associated with longterm overall
{ 29381948 ; 31909032 }. uniform round / oval nuclei; delicate survivals of 82-90% 5-year, 65-70% 10-
Clinical features elongated cytoplasmic processes are year and 58% 15 -year in large
Patients may present with an enlarging common. Chromatin is evenly distributed, retrospective series
deep seated soft tissue mass associated often with a small, inconspicuous { 18951519 ; 10366145 }. However, there
with pain, diplopia or headache. nucleolus. Mitoses are infrequent. Some is a high rate of distant metastases and
Intracranial tumours may cause symptoms tumours have prominent rhabdoid death from disease. Lung metastases are
related to raised intracranial pressure. cytoplasmic inclusions. Rare cases are common at presentation in high grade
Epidemiology hypercellular with decreased myxoid matrix tumours.{ 18951519 ; 10366145 ; 145106
EMC is rare (<1% of all soft tissue and higher-grade, often epithelioid 2 ; 1451062 } Poor prognostic indicators
sarcomas). The male to female ratio is 2:1 cytomorphology. include older age at presentation, large
and it usually affects adults in 4th-5th S100 positive in up to 20% of cases and tumour size and proximal location
decades. Orbital EMC is extremely rare KIT (CD117, c-KIT) positive in up to 30%. { 10366145 , 10955458 }. Adverse
{ 27162461 }. Few cases are described in Synaptophysin and NSE may be histology includes increased cellularity and
the paediatric age group { 28638563 }. positive { 10895826 ; 11679947 ; 109554 pleomorphism { 9781944 ; 10469211 } and
Intracranial EMC have been reported to 58 }. Tumours with rhabdoid features are rhabdoid cells { 10955458 ; 11493979 }.
show a female predominance (M:F 1: 3) often negative for SMARCB1 (INI1). Worse outcomes are associated with
and a slightly younger age at presentation Tumours are very rarely keratin positive variant non-EWSR1 gene fusions rather
(median 39 years) { 29381948 }. and are negative for GFAP and muscle than with EWSR1-NR4A3 { 24746215 }.
Etiology markers.
Unknown Cytology
Synovial Sarcoma
Definition higher metastatic potential than or NEDD4 are very rare
Synovial sarcoma (SS) is a spindle cell conventional SS. { 32559641 }. Tumour mutational burden is
sarcoma showing variable epithelial Clinical features usually low in these tumours { 32387103 }.
differentiation and characterised by a Patients with synovial sarcomas present Nevertheless, further driver mutations
specific SS18::SSX1, with palpable, deep-seated swellings, with may accompany clonal evolution of
SSX2 or SSX4 fusion gene. or without pain or tenderness. synovial sarcomas { 33436720 }.
ICD-O coding Epidemiology Macroscopic appearance
9040/3 Synovial sarcoma, NOS Synovial sarcoma may occur at any age, Lesions are yellow or grey to white, and
ICD-11 coding with 70% affecting patients less than 50 well-circumscribed when slow growing.
2B5A.Y & XH9B22 Synovial sarcoma, years. SS are the most common non- Histopathology
other specified primary site & Synovial rhabdomyosarcoma soft-tissue sarcomas Several monophasic histopathologic
sarcoma NOS in children and young adults patterns (i.e. spindle-cell,
Related terminology { 19514087 ; 24633301 ; 33791777 }. calcifying/ossifying, myxoid, and poorly
Not recommended: Synovial cell sarcoma; Etiology differentiated) and biphasic patterns with
synovioma. Etiologic factors have not been identified, glandular or solid epithelial cell nests can
Subtype(s) although exceptionally an association with be distinguished. Rarely, an overwhelming
Synovial sarcoma, monophasic; synovial prior radiotherapy has been reported (>90 %) epithelial glandular component
sarcoma, biphasic; synovial sarcoma, { 29336183 }. mimicking adenocarcinoma with only rare,
poorly differentiated Pathogenesis spindled areas has been described
Localization In nearly all cases, a specific chromosomal { 33819897 }. Poorly differentiated tumours
Most SS arise in the deep soft tissue of the translocation t(X;18)(p11;q11) acts as may contain areas with frequent mitoses
extremities; 7% occur in the head and neck driver mutation leading to formation of and necrosis.
region { 19514087 }. Poorly differentiated a SS18::SSX1 or SSX2 fusion genes. This TLE1 nuclear immunoreactivity has been
SS most often arises in deep soft tissue of translocation has not been found in any noted in as many as 95% of cases.
extremities, although this subtype can be other human neoplasm Variable positivity for CD99, BCL2, and
seen at a wide range of anatomic sites { 25614489 }. Molecular CD56 as well as patchy to focal reactivity
including head and neck; these have variants involving SSX4, SS18L1, with epithelial markers, cytokeratins (CK7),
and BerEP4 is found. The tumours are Diagnostic molecular pathology Staging
usually negative for S100 and WT1. Two Molecular identification of the fusion gene The American Joint Committee on Cancer
newly developed is recommended to avoid misdiagnosis of (AJCC) or Union for International Cancer
antibodies, SS18::SSX fusion-specific the tumor as metastatic adenocarcinoma, Control (UICC) TNM system may be used.
antibody (E9X9V, reactive against the other sarcomas displaying epithelial Prognosis and prediction
breakpoint) as well as an SSX-specific differentiation, or a carcinoma with a SS may metastasise to lungs, bone and
antibody (E5A2C, reactive against the SSX sarcomatous component, all of which regional lymph nodes. The prognosis
C-terminus) show strong diffuse nuclear require different clinical management depends mainly on staging, grading,
staining with high sensitivity and specificity { 33819897 }. resectability, use of radiation therapy, site
(>95%) in SS { 32141887 }. Essential and desirable diagnostic of primary tumour, and presence of
Cytology criteria metastases
Synovial sarcoma (SS) can only be Essential: Biphasic pattern: contains both { 15364967 ; 18997619 ; 20716627 }.
suggested in cytology with certainty when epithelial and spindle components, that Tumours with > 20% poorly differentiated
it presents with a biphasic pattern. may merge or be distinct. Monophasic areas show more aggressive behaviour
Monophasic SS is a diagnostic pattern: pure epithelial pattern is rare; pure { 9888710 }. In a small subset of synovial
consideration when a uniform spindle cell spindle cell pattern contains sheets of sarcomas, targetable BRAF p.V600E
population is present, characterized by spindle cells with dark chromatin and scant mutations have been described
bipolar or fusiform nuclei with fine granular cytoplasm. { 32238877 }.
chromatin and scant cytoplasm Desirable: Keratin immunoreactivity;
{ 14696140 }. demonstration of t(X;18)(p11;q11).
GLI1-altered Soft Tissue Tumour
Definition is ACTB::GLI1, vimentin these tumours show variable,
GLI1-altered soft tissue tumour is a with PTCH1::GLI1, MALAT1::GLI1, often in a patchy/focal or weak distribution,
mesenchymal neoplasm, of uncertain and DERA::GLI1 representing rare events immunoreactivity for smooth muscle actin,
histogenesis, characterized by an { 15111311 ; 31189998 ; 31934916 ; 3306 S100, CD10, CD56, CD99, and epithelial
epithelioid morphology 7875 }. Various GLI1 exons have been membrane antigen
and GLI1 alterations. reported as breakpoints { 15111311 ; 29309307 ; 26980027 ; 3118
ICD-O coding { 15111311 ; 29309307 }. 9998 ; 31934916 ; 32132020 }. Focal
None Macroscopic appearance expression of h-caldesmon, and keratin
ICD-11 coding Tumours range from 8 to ≥ 100 mm but has been reported
Not available tend to be smaller in the head and neck { 31567194 ; 31189998 }. Tumours are
Related terminology region. They are generally circumscribed generally negative for SOX10, HMB45,
Acceptable: epithelioid neoplasm with and, on cut section, are white-yellow, GFAP, CD34 and p63
GLI1 rearrangement fleshy, and may be solid and/or cystic { 29309307 ; 31189998 }. The lack of
Not recommended: haemangiopericytoma { 15111311 ; 29309307 ; 31567194 ; 3306 expression of chromogranin and
of tongue; pericytoma with t(7;12) 7875 ; 32132020 }. synaptophysin { 31934916 } may assist in
Subtype(s) Histopathology distinction from neuroendocrine
None Morphologically there is a spectrum of neoplasms. Tumours
Localization architectural and cytologic findings. with GLI1 amplification often have
Tumours may involve soft tissue, bone, or Tumours are frequently multilobulated, with concomitant overexpression of CDK4,
viscera. Approximately 40% occur in the margins that may be well demarcated or MDM2 and STAT6 { 31934916 }.
head and neck, most arising in the tongue infiltrative { 15111311 }. Architecturally the Cytology
with less common locations including cells are generally arranged in nests and Not clinically relevant.
submandibular gland and soft tissues of sheets; occasionally they may have Diagnostic molecular pathology
the neck fascicles, pseudorosettes, cords and/or The presence of a GLI1-rearrangement or
{ 15111311 ; 29309307 ; 31189998 ; 3193 reticular patterns amplification, in the appropriate clinical and
4916 }. { 15111311 ; 29309307 ; 31189998 ; 3193 histomorphology context, is diagnostically
Clinical features 4916 }. The cells are small-medium and helpful. GLI1-rearrangement is not
Patients typically present with a slow range from epithelioid to ovoid to spindled, disease-defining and has been reported in
growing painless mass with variable eosinophilic to clear plexiform fibromyxoma { 27101025 } and
{ 8163277 ; 31567194 }. cytoplasm gastroblastoma { 28731043 }.
Epidemiology { 29309307 ; 26980027 ; 31189998 }. The Essential and desirable diagnostic
This is a rare tumour occurring over a nuclei are round to ovoid and relatively criteria
broad age range, but most commonly monomorphic, with pin-point nucleoli; Essential: Nests and sheets of epithelioid-
presenting in young adults (median 37, mitotic activity is variable, ranging from 0 - ovoid cells; prominent capillary
range 1 to 83 years). There is no overt sex 5 per vasculature; and, monomorphic round-
predilection { 15111311 ; 31934916 }. mm2 { 29309307 ; 31189998 ; 31934916 }. ovoid nuclei.
Etiology A prominent capillary-sized vasculature is Desirable: Demonstration of GLI1-
Unknown. often present. The intervening stroma may rearrangement, or amplification.
Pathogenesis be focally myxoid or hyalinized Staging
GLI1-altered soft tissue tumours have a { 15111311 ; 29309307 ; 31189998 ; 3193 Not clinically relevant.
heterogeneous molecular pathogenesis, 4916 }. Protrusion into vascular spaces is Prognosis and prediction
and can be broadly divided into two groups. common { 15111311 ; 31934916 }. Most tumours pursue an indolent clinical
About two thirds of cases are defined by Necrosis is rarely encountered course when completely excised. A subset
gene fusions { 15111311 }. The remaining { 31934916 }. The morphology and is complicated by local or distant
third arise from amplification ultrastructural findings are suggestive of recurrence. Distant metastasis has been
involving GLI1, often with co-amplification pericytic differentiation { 15111311 }, but reported in approximately 20% of cases
of neighboring genes { 31189998 }. this is not entirely supported by and includes spread to lung, lymph node,
Tumours with GLI1-rearrangment can be immunohistochemistry. soft tissue and bone, and brain
further subdivided based on their fusion These neoplasms lack a consistent { 29309307 ; 31189998 ; 31567194 ; 3193
partner. The most common fusion product immunophenotype. While positive for 4916 }.

Undifferentiated Sarcoma
Definition and soft tissue of the neck Tumors present as multilobulated gray-
Undifferentiated sarcoma is a { 12778019 ; 25186315 ; 18853446 ; 2381 white, fleshy masses. Cut surface often
heterogenous group of neoplasms without 2657 ; 28629789 }. They are usually shows hemorrhagic, myxoid, and/or
any identifiable line of differentiation as subcutaneous or submucosal, but necrotic changes
analysed by currently available techniques. occasionally arise in bone { 12778019 }. { 207408 ; 23812657 ; 28629789 }.
ICD-O coding Clinical features Histopathology
8805/3 Undifferentiated sarcoma There are no characteristic clinical Tumors are composed of an admixture of
ICD-11 coding features, although rapid growth is common. spindle, epithelioid and pleomorphic cells
2B5F.2 & XH73J4 Sarcoma, not elsewhere Rarely, regional or distant metastases are set in a variably collagenized extracellular
classified of other specified sites & Giant reported{ 12778019 }. matrix. Cellularity varies. Pleomorphism,
cell sarcoma Epidemiology frequent mitotic figures including atypical
2B5F.2 & XH0947 Sarcoma, not elsewhere Undifferentiated sarcoma occurs in adults forms, histiocyte-like cells, and foamy cells,
classified of other specified sites & without sex predilection. Because of as well as giant tumor cells with enlarged,
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma reporting differences, the incidence cannot polylobulated nuclei are commonly
2B5F.2 & XH6HY6 Sarcoma, not be reliably determined observed. Areas of tumor necrosis are
elsewhere classified of other specified sites { 18343096 ; 25186315 ; 18853446 ; 2381 often seen. Specific features of known
& Undifferentiated sarcoma 2657 ; 28629789 }. tumor types are absent. The three
2B5F.2 & XH85G7 Sarcoma, not Etiology subtypes listed above probably represent
elsewhere classified of other specified sites While unknown in most tumors, radiation is histological patterns, rather than distinctive
& Small cell sarcoma a risk factor { 12778019 ; 18853446 }. subtypes.
Related terminology Pathogenesis Immunohistochemically, there may be
Not acceptable: Malignant fibrous Undifferentiated sarcoma shows extensive limited smooth muscle actin reactivity, but
histiocytoma. and complex genetic aberrations h-caldesmon, desmin, S100 protein, and
Subtype(s) { 30889380 ; 20217954 }. Genomic epithelial markers are not expressed.
Spindle cell sarcoma, undifferentiated; profiling may reveal that some seemingly Histiocytic antigens don't aid interpretation.
pleomorphic sarcoma, undifferentiated; undifferentiated sarcomas can be Undifferentiated sarcoma is a diagnosis of
round cell sarcoma, undifferentiated classified more specifically exclusion. All other potential mimics should
Localization { 19290004 ; 15221942 ; 12640106 ; 2141 be ruled out, including
Lesions arise in the sinonasal tract, upper 2072 }. See [[STB5]] for additional details. rhabdomyosarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, lipo
aerodigestive system, parotid gland region Macroscopic appearance sarcoma, malignant peripheral nerve
sheath tumor, high-grade Essential and desirable diagnostic Prognosis and prediction
myxofibrosarcoma, high-grade criteria Patients are reported with intermediate
osteosarcoma, other distinctly Essential: pleomorphic high-grade survival of 60% to 70%
characterized round cell sarcomas morphology; exclusion of other entities { 1624288 ; 25186315 }. Previous
carcinoma, melanoma and lymphoma Desirable: absence of distinctive molecular radiation is reported as an adverse
{ 20217954 }. aberrations (in selected cases) prognostic factor for disease-free survival
Cytology Staging { 18853446 }.
Not clinically relevant. Staging is according to the Union for
Diagnostic molecular pathology International Cancer Control (UICC) TNM
None. classification.


Ewing Sarcoma
Definition reported to date involve the head and neck, ETS gene family, most commonly
Ewing sarcoma is a primitive small round including salivary glands, thyroid gland, including FLI1, ERG, ETV1, ETV4,
cell sarcoma defined by fusions involving and sinonasal tract or FEV { 3163261 ; 8022439 ; 8162068 ; 7
members of the FET and ETS gene { 26034869 ; 30285997 ; 31950471 }. 700648 ; 8834175 ; 9121764 ; 12907633 ;
families. Clinical features 17620387 }. These genes encode
ICD-O coding Patients with Ewing sarcoma present with transcription factors contributing to
9364/3 Ewing sarcoma a palpable mass or mass effect, including oncogenic transformation via widespread
ICD-11 coding pain, swelling, bleeding, or pathologic gene activation and repression
2B52.3 Ewing sarcoma of soft tissue fracture. { 27246176 }.
2B52.Y Ewing sarcoma of bone and Epidemiology Macroscopic appearance
articular cartilage of other specified sites Approximately 50% of head and neck Ewing sarcoma specimens are solid with a
Related terminology Ewing sarcoma arise in patients <18 and soft, fleshy gray-white cut surface.
Not recommended: primitive 85% in the first 4 decades of life, with a Histopathology
neuroectodermal tumour, peripheral slight male predominance similar to other Ewing sarcoma is composed of
neuroectodermal tumour sites outside the head and neck hypercellular sheets and nests of uniform
Subtype(s) { 28056517 ; 31774563 } small round cells with a scant amount of
Adamantinoma-like Ewing sarcoma Etiology eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm, indistinct
Localization Ewing sarcoma generally arises cytoplasmic borders, and occasional
Overall, 1-9% of Ewing sarcomas arise in sporadically, and no risk factors are known. rosette formation. Tumour nuclei are
head and neck sites, of which Pathogenesis generally round to oval with delicate
approximately 40% involve skull and facial Ewing sarcomas arise as a result of stippled chromatin and inconspicuous
bones, 30% are centered in soft tissue, and reciprocal translocations between nucleoli. A subset of cases, known as
9% affect the mandible members of the FET gene family, atypical Ewing sarcoma, can show larger
{ 19841575 ; 28056517 }. However, most predominantly cells with hyperchromatic, angulated
cases of the adamantinoma-like variant encompassing EWSR1 or FUS, and the
nuclei, coarse chromatin, and prominent Ewing sarcoma overlaps with many head Small round cell morphology
nucleoli. and neck small round blue cell tumours, Membranous CD99 expression
Adamantinoma-like Ewing sarcoma is a including olfactory neuroblastoma,
subtype of Ewing sarcoma that shows malignant melanoma, lymphoma, and Desirable:
lobulated architecture, peripheral various carcinomas. A broad Molecular confirmation
palisading, and myxoid to hyalinized immunohistochemical panel including of EWSR1 or FUS rearrangement
stroma; there is consistent CD99 or NKX2.2 can facilitate the correct Staging
immunohistochemical evidence of diagnosis although molecular confirmation AJCC/UICC TNM staging for the
squamous differentiation although keratin is frequently necessary. Although less appropriate anatomic site can be applied.
pearls are not seen in every case. common in the head and neck, tumours Prognosis and prediction
previously known as Ewing-like sarcomas, 5 year survival is 70% for localized disease
Immunohistochemistry including those but just 30% with metastases at
Ewing sarcoma consistently shows diffuse with CIC and BCOR fusions, should also presentation { 26304893 }. Tumours in the
membranous positivity for CD99 and be ruled out via immunohistochemistry and head and neck have better survival
nuclear positivity for NKX2.2 molecular studies compared to other sites, probably as they
{ 1848471 ; 29661713 ; 26847175 }. While { 28337592 ; 28777154 }. are smaller and have a lower metastatic
NKX2.2 is the more specific marker overall, Cytology rate { 28056517 }. 100% necrosis after
it stains several mimics in the head and Fine-needle aspirates demonstrate a chemotherapy is associated with better
neck, particularly tumours with hypercellular population of monotonous survival { 27482030 }.
neuroendocrine differentiation round cells frequently including a mix of
{ 28616785 }. FLI1 and ERG are smaller and larger cells and occasionally
expressed in cases with corresponding showing rosette formation { 22180234 }
gene fusions, although their specificity is Diagnostic molecular pathology
limited Genetic confirmation is recommended for
{ 11117787 ; 19841938 ; 22766791 }. diagnosis in the head and neck given the
Neuroendocrine marker positivity can be overlap with other small round blue cell
seen in 50% of Ewing sarcoma, and 30% tumours. 85-90% of cases show
show some cytokeratin expression t(11;22)(q24;q12) resulting
{ 33610950 ; 16006796 }. The in EWSR1::FLI1 fusion { 3163261 } and 5-
adamantinoma-like variant of Ewing 10% of cases show t(21;22)(q22;q12)
sarcoma consistently demonstrates diffuse resulting in EWSR1::ERG fusion
cytokeratin, p63, and p40 positivity { 10561219 }.
{ 16006796 }. Essential and desirable diagnostic
Differential diagnosis Essential:

difuso P40

With the abundance of lymph lymphoma, and extranodal The majority of lymphomas of
nodes and other lymphoid NK/T-cell lymphoma. the head and neck are of B-cell
structures, including those of the This chapter starts with a lineage { 14631680 }.
Waldeyer ring, in the head and number of reactive Differential diagnostic
neck, it is not surprising that this haematolymphoid lesions and considerations for these should
anatomic region is one of the related disorders that may mimic rest on combinations of
most common sites where nodal haematolymphoid neoplasia. morphologic and
and extranodal EBV-positive mucocutaneous immunophenotypic findings,
haematolymphoid neoplasms ulcer is now regarded as a self- often diverging on the basis of
are first detected in adults as limited lymphoproliferative whether the neoplastic cells are
well as children disorder that arises in small/intermediate in size or
{ 26107683 ; 34388659 ; 31187 immunocompromised large. For tumours that do not fall
530 }. While many such individuals. A new entity in this group, the possibility that
neoplasms are systemic, some included in this category is IgG4- they may be myeloid sarcoma,
have a strong predilection to related disease, which often extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma,
arise primarily in the head and presents in this region of the T lymphoblastic
neck region. Of these, we note in body. Listing IgG4-related leukaemia/lymphoma, or any of
particular paediatric-type disease in this volume is the rare histiocytic or dendritic
follicular lymphoma, large B-cell anticipated to help standardize cell tumours should be
lymphoma with IRF4 its diagnostic criteria worldwide. entertained.
rearrangement, plasmablastic
Reactive Lymphoid Hyperplasia
Definition arthritis { 17064872 }), and diseases of macrophages may also be
Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia is a non- unknown etiology (e.g. IgG4-related present. Occasional reactive lymphoid
neoplastic proliferation of lymphoid tissue disease { 20061932 }), histiocytic proliferations may show clonal B-
in nodal or extranodal sites. necrotizing lymphadenitis [Kikuchi- cell populations by flow cytometry and
ICD-O coding Fujimoto disease] { 3217625 }, Kawasaki should be interpreted with caution
None disease { 25882057 ; 23020240 }, Kimura { 15080297 }.
ICD-11 coding disease { 8936520 ; 15087670 }, and Diagnostic molecular pathology
MA01.Z Enlarged lymph nodes, atypical marginal zone hyperplasia of Occasional cases may show such
unspecified mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue distortion of normal architecture or
Related terminology { 15256428 ; 26794707 ; 21956819 }). cytologic atypia as to raise the question of
None Pathogenesis lymphoma. In such cases, gene
Subtype(s) Exposure to the inciting agent causes rearrangement studies can be useful to
None reactive changes in lymphoid tissue or show absence of a clonal B- or T-cell
Localization mucosa. population. EBV+ mucocutaneous ulcer
Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia may involve Macroscopic appearance can show B- and/or T-cell gene
cervical lymph nodes, Waldeyer's ring, Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia produces rearrangements, and the results should be
salivary glands, and/or mucosal surfaces. enlarged lymph nodes, expanded interpreted in the context of other
Localization may vary by etiology. extranodal lymphoid tissue or ulceration. In clinicopathologic features.
Clinical features salivary glands, small or large cysts may Genetic techniques can assist with
Patients present with lymphadenopathy, form due to ductal obstruction. identification of certain infectious agents
enlarged tonsils or salivary glands, and/or Histopathology { 29594802 }.
mucosal ulceration. Symptoms vary by Depending on the etiology and disease Essential and desirable diagnostic
cause. Manifestations may be more severe phase, lymphoid tissue may show follicular criteria
in immunodeficient patients. hyperplasia, paracortical hyperplasia, Essential:
Epidemiology monocytoid B-cell hyperplasia, Reactive lymphoid tissue changes with no
Varies by underlying disease (See immunoblastic reaction, granuloma evidence of lymphoma or other neoplasm.
Table #24644). formation (caseous or non-necrotizing), Desirable:
Etiology and/or suppurative inflammation. Certain Identification of an infectious agent by
Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia and reactive conditions, especially infectious immunohistochemistry, special stains,
lymphadenitis in the head and neck can be mononucleosis { 22627742 }, Kikuchi- microbiology culture or molecular
caused by viruses (EBV Fujimoto disease { 3217625 }, and atypical techniques; or, recognition of an underlying
{ 31347374 ; 30773381 ; 20154586 }, marginal zone hyperplasia { 15256428 }, autoimmune disease, immunodeficiency or
CMV { 30773381 ; 26857321 }, can mimic lymphoma. EBV+ other disease by clinical or laboratory
HSV { 27905140 }, HIV mucocutaneous ulcer is a neoplastic rather criteria.
{ 31060959 ; 32171271 }), bacteria than reactive lesion, but is an important Staging
(Bartonella henselae { 26551620 }, differential diagnosis for reactive lymphoid Not clinically relevant.
pyogenic bacteria hyperplasia and lymphoma { 20154586 }. Prognosis and prediction
{ 29594802 ; 30626342 ; 26857321 }), Cytology Outcome is dependent on the underlying
mycobacteria Aspiration biopsies of reactive lymphoid disease and available therapy, but most
{ 31060959 ; 32171271 ; 31002716 ; 2959 proliferations show a mixture of lymphoid cases due to infection resolve
4802 }), autoimmune diseases (systemic cells, mimicking the reactive germinal spontaneously or respond to antibiotics.
lupus erythematosus) { 8853165 }, Sjögren centre, including immunoblasts and normal Outcome in patients with autoimmune
syndrome { 11130833 }, rheumatoid appearing lymphocytes. Tingible body diseases or immunodeficiency is variable.
EBV+ Mucocutaneous Ulcer
Definition systemic symptoms, lymphadenopathy, rearrangements may be present
EBV+ mucocutaneous ulcer (EBVMCU) is hepatosplenomegaly, or bone marrow { 20154586 }.
a self-limiting lymphoproliferative disorder involvement Macroscopic appearance
with a polymorphous lymphoid infiltrate { 20154586 ; 19889052 ; 22769419 ; 2500 EBVMCU causes a shallow ulcer without
including Hodgkin-like cells that typically 7145 ; 28395107 ; 30418184 ; 32561847 ; mass formation.
involves mucosal and cutaneous sites in 33739792 }. Multifocal lesions within one Histopathology
immunocompromised patients. anatomic region may be present in a Mucosal and cutaneous lesions show well-
ICD-O coding subset of patients circumscribed ulcers at the base of which
None { 20154586 ; 30418184 }. is a polymorphous infiltrate ranging from
ICD-11 coding Epidemiology small to large lymphoid cells, variable
ME60.Z & XH3SG2 Skin lesion of The incidence of EBVMCU is unknown. It numbers of immunoblasts, plasma cells,
unspecified nature & EBV positive typically occurs in immunosuppressed and Hodgkin-like cells. Vascular
mucocutaneous ulcer patients including in the elderly and destruction, thrombosis and necrosis is
Related terminology secondary to autoimmune, iatrogenic, HIV, often prominent; the overlying epithelium
None and posttransplant settings may show pseudoepitheliomatous
Subtype(s) { 20154586 ; 19889052 ; 22769419 ; 2500 hyperplasia
None 7145 ; 28395107 ; 30418184 ; 32561847 ; { 20154586 ; 25007145 ; 28395107 ; 1988
Localization 33739792 ; 22236092 ; 24334644 }. 9052 ; 22236092 ; 30082493 ; 30418184 ;
EBVMCU involves mucosal sites including Etiology 32561847 }. Small cell infiltrates
oral mucosa, tonsils, palate, EBV is present is all cases and likely predominate in some cases { 33739792 }.
gastrointestinal tract, and skin etiologically associated. Immunohistochemistry shows a mixture of
{ 20154586 ; 19889052 ; 22769419 ; 2500 Pathogenesis CD20- and CD3-positive lymphoid cells.
7145 ; 28395107 ; 30418184 ; 32561847 ; The pathogenesis is not well understood CD30 is commonly expressed whereas
33739792 }. Rarely, regional lymph nodes and is likely related to alterations in CD15 is rare. CD8 T-cells may
may be involved { 20154586 ; 28395107 }. cytotoxic T-cell repertoire and functionality predominate in some cases. Small T-cells
Clinical features in response to EBV in immunosuppressed typically form a boundary with uninvolved
Well-circumscribed, often painful ulcers in patients. IGH gene rearrangements are adjacent tissue
mucosal or cutaneous sites without detected in 50% of cases; rare TCR gene
{ 20154586 ; 25007145 ; 28395107 ; 3041 Cytology Staging may be necessary to separate
8184 }. Cytologic features show a polymorphous EBVMCU from EBV-positive large B-cell
The differential diagnosis includes EBV- lymphoid infiltrate with necrosis. and Hodgkin lymphomas.
positive diffuse large B-cell and classic Diagnostic molecular pathology Prognosis and prediction
Hodgkin lymphomas. The circumscription None Majority of cases regress spontaneously or
and localization of EBVMCU is easily Essential and desirable diagnostic respond to withdrawal of
distinguished from lymphomas although criteria immunosuppression (if feasible) or
the diagnosis may be challenging in small Essential: Well-circumscribed ulcer in localized therapy. Occasional cases may
or needle core biopsies. mucosal and cutaneous sites. have a relapsing and remitting course
{ 20154586 ; 25007145 ; 28395107 ; 3008 Desirable: Demonstration of EBV infection, without progression
2493 ; 30418184 ; 32561847 ; 33739792 } for instance by EBER. { 20154586 ; 25007145 ; 28395107 ; 2276
. Staging 9419 ; 19889052 ; 24456137 }.


IgG4-Related Disease
Definition { 30612117 ; 27658185 ; 26686205 ; 3339 Imaging
IgG4-related disease (IgG4RD) is a 2765 ; 33167472 ; 25204708 ; 24115385 } Imaging studies are useful to confirm the
systemic, immune-mediated and mass- Clinical features primary site of the disease and to detect
forming lesion characterized by IgG4+ cell- The presentation is subacute. Fatigue and multiorgan involvement. 18F-FDG avidity
rich lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, storiform weight loss are common but fever is may reflect disease activity { 33516733 }.
fibrosis, obliterative phlebitis, and typically unusual. Pre-existing allergic symptoms Epidemiology
elevated serum IgG4. are common. Clinical manifestations in the IgG4RD is uncommon, typically affecting
ICD-O coding head and neck region include mass lesions patients in late adulthood (fifth and sixth
None (submandibular mass) and localized decades) with a male to female ratio of
ICD-11 coding effects in the affected sites such as nasal 1.6:1 for the head and neck region and 4:1
4A43.0 IgG4 related disease obstruction, facial swelling, pain, epistaxis, for other sites. Pediatric cases exist but are
Related terminology destruction of nasal structures, dysphonia, rare { 32546500 ; 27012661 }. No
Not recommended: IgG4-related dyspnea, stridor, hearing loss, vestibular environmental or racial factors have been
autoimmune disease; IgG4-related dysfunction and headache found.
sclerosing disease; Kuttner tumour; { 26194097 ; 26686205 ; 33192112 ; 3316 Etiology
pseudotumour 7472 ; 33325728 ; 24682733 }. IgG4RD is associated with chronic antigen
Subtype(s) Serum IgG4 is elevated in the majority of stimulation by self (annexin A11, laminin-
None cases, which may correlate with the 511, galectin-3, prohibitin) or unidentified
Localization number of organs involved and disease antigens in genetically susceptible
IgG4RD affects single or multiple organs activity, but is not very specific for IgG4RD. individuals with impaired immunologic
simultaneously or metachronously (Table Tests for serum IgG4 to IgG ratio and tolerance
1). In the head and neck region, the orbit IgG4/IgG RNA ratio may perform better { 29852256 ; 28765476 ; 30089633 ; 2593
and submandibular salivary gland are most { 32546500 ; 24651618 ; 22536256 ; 3255 2630 ; 31104539 ; 30081155 }.
frequently affected, followed by cervical 2502 }. Mild peripheral eosinophilia and Pathogenesis
lymph nodes, skin and soft tissue. Upper elevation of IgE, ESR, antinuclear Recent studies suggest that chronic
aerodigestive tract (sinonasal area, oral antibodies, positive rheumatoid factor, and antigen stimulation and a breach of
cavity, laryngopharyngeal mucosa), ear, hypocomplementemia are common, but immune tolerance leads to oligoclonal
skull base and thyroid can be affected. disease-specific markers such as ANCA, expansion of circulating plasmablasts and
SSA, SSB and dDNA are negative. CD4+ cytotoxic T cells. Increased follicular
helper T2 cells promote periductal fibrosis, dense Essential:
plasmablast differentiation, IgG4 isotype lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, reactive Lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate with
switching, and contribute to germinal lymphoid follicles and eosinophilic infiltrate. increased IgG4+ cells (Table 1) and
center formation in the affected sites Focal involvement of the gland is the norm. IgG4+/IgG+ ratio >40% with storiform
{ 28166682 ; 24815737 ; 27411315 }. The lobular architecture is accentuated by fibrosis
CD4+ cytotoxic T cells, IgG4+ fibrosis of the interlobular septa. Exclusion of known entities such as ANCA-
plasmablasts and the locally recruited M2 Lesions in the upper aerodigestive tract associated vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis,
macrophages in the affected sites express show a mucosa expanded with IgG4+ cell- multicentric Castleman disease, Rosai-
profibrotic cytokines leading to fibroblastic rich lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and Dorfman disease, inflammatory
activation and collagen production storiform fibrosis, but obliterative phlebitis myofibroblastic tumour, chronic infection.
{ 32939060 }. IgG4 probably plays an anti- is uncommon. Destruction of the Desirable:
inflammatory role as an unsuccessful surrounding bone is common and Obliterative phlebitis
attempt to dampen the aberrant immune perineural extension can be seen Clinically compatible features: IgG4RD in
response. { 21546462 }. Inner ear lesions can result other body sites, elevated serum IgG4 and
Macroscopic appearance from extension of middle ear disease or response to steroid/rituximab
The involved salivary gland shows a involvement by skull base pachymeningitis Staging
lobulated tan cut surface. Mucosal lesions { 33325728 ; 31841234 }. Not relevant
in the upper aerodigestive tract feature an Eosinophilic angiocentric fibrosis is a rare Prognosis and prediction
exophytic granular or nodular mass usually entity characterized by eosinophilic IgG4RD follows a remitting and relapsing
with an intact surface. vasculitis, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and course. Although highly responsive to
Histopathology concentric perivascular stromal fibrosis steroids, it can result in organ dysfunction
Lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate rich in IgG4+ { 25065665 ; 30289267 }. Some cases and even death if not properly diagnosed
plasma cells and storiform fibrosis are show increased IgG4+ plasma cells and and treated
cardinal features of IgG4RD, where the serum IgG4 { 21502911 ; 32342944 }. { 25155229 ; 26453089 ; 17414116 }.
former often predominates in the early Whether it may represent an IgG4RD is still Localized disease such as IgG4-related
“inflammatory phase” of the disease and controversial because of its lack of sialadenitis may be controlled by surgery
the latter in the late “fibrotic phase”. response to steroid and inconsistent with or without steroids. Multi-organ
Elevation of both the number of IgG4+ cells elevation of IgG4+/IgG+ cells ratio in the disease, high baseline IgG4, IgE and
(Table #24693) and ratio (IgG4+/IgG+ reported cases { 33064012 ; 27281484 }. peripheral eosinophilia are risk factors for
>40%) is required to render this feature Cytology relapse. Maintenance therapy with
specific { 22596100 }. Obliterative phlebitis Fine needle aspirate of lesions involved by steroids, immunomodulators and biological
is characterized by occlusion of the venous IgG4RD are usually low to moderately agents like rituximab has been advocated
lumen by a fibroinflammatory infiltrate, but cellular. In the salivary gland, there may be { 33689549 }. Increased incidence of
this feature is less frequently encountered scattered ductal structures, often malignancy, including carcinoma and
in the head and neck region enveloped by collagen bundles, paucity or lymphoma, has been observed in patients
{ 23068303 ; 21107087 }. Necrosis, absence of acini, and isolated fragments of with IgG4RD
abscess, neutrophilic infiltration, fibrous stroma in a background rich in a { 25155229 ; 31872350 ; 26472416 ; 3218
necrotizing vasculitis and granulomas are lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate 8869 ; 28544157 }, but the causal
uncommon in IgG4RD. However, { 11791589 ; 27666423 }. relationship with cancer is still controversial
perifollicular granulomas may be seen Diagnostic molecular pathology { 25881845 ; 24492683 ; 32552502 }.
{ 32889888 }. Not clinically relevant.
The salivary gland lesions are non- Essential and desirable diagnostic
circumscribed, with patchy atrophy of acini, criteria


Extramedullary Myeloid Sarcoma
Definition and extracellular matrix interactions are Cytology
Myeloid sarcoma is an extramedullary suggested as being involved { 32033262 }. Wright-Giemsa or Diff-Quik touch imprints
tumor mass composed of myeloid blasts Pathogenesis or smears highlight cytoplasmic granules in
and often maturing myeloid elements that Myeloid sarcoma involving the head and maturing neoplastic cells { 31051716 }.
effaces tissue architecture. neck region shares cytogenetic and Auer rods, or morphologic features of
ICD-O coding molecular abnormalities with AML, such as myelodysplasia in the background may be
9930/3 Myeloid sarcoma monosomy 7, t(8;21), identified. Unstained touch imprints can be
ICD-11 coding inv(16), KMT2A rearrangement assessed by traditional cytochemistry
2A60.39 & XH3l40 Myeloid sarcoma & and NPM1 mutation methods for myeloperoxidase and
Myeloid sarcoma { 23530613 ; 28574302 ; 31682773 }. esterases.
Related terminology Macroscopic appearance Diagnostic molecular pathology
Obsolete: chloroma; Not recommended: Involved organs are commonly enlarged, Detection of myeloid sarcoma is equivalent
granulocytic or monocytic sarcoma have a fish-flesh cut surface, and may to a diagnosis of AML
Subtype(s) appear green when the neoplastic cells { 26185307 ; 31682773 }. Comprehensive
None exhibit granulocytic maturation and evaluation that includes conventional
Localization express myeloperoxidase. cytogenetic analysis and molecular
Myeloid sarcoma in the head and neck Histopathology assessment for translocations and gene
region is rare, occurring in 0.1-1% of Myeloid sarcoma forms a mass that mutations is needed for correct
patients with AML, and accounting for 5- diffusely replaces tissue architecture. A classification and planning therapy.
10% of all cases of myeloid sarcoma single file pattern is common, particularly Essential and desirable diagnostic
{ 17170724 ; 23530613 ; 25213180 }. Any for cases with monocytic differentiation. criteria
site in this region can be involved, but the Mitotic figures are often numerous. The Essential: effacement of tissue architecture
oral cavity is most common { 23530613 }. neoplastic cells have thin nuclear by a mass composed of myeloid blasts,
Clinical features membranes, fine (blastic) chromatin, and with or without maturing elements, that are
Most often patients have a history or usually pinpoint nucleoli. Tumours with positive for multiple granulocytic and/or
coexistent evidence of acute granulocytic differentiation often show a monocytic markers.
myeloid leukemia (AML), or less often subset of partially mature neoplastic cells Desirable: cytogenetic and molecular
other myeloid neoplasms. Rarely, with eosinophilic cytoplasm (e.g. analysis (essential for de novo myeloid
myeloid sarcoma is the initial manifestation eosinophilic myelocytes sarcoma).
of disease. Patients may present with a and metamyelocytes). Tumours with Staging
mass, painful throat, bleeding from nose or monocytic differentiation often have a Evaluation of peripheral blood and bone
mouth, jaw pain, or disturbed vision. subset of cells with folded nuclei (e.g. marrow for AML or other myeloid
Epidemiology promonocytes). neoplasms (e.g. MDS, MPN, MDS/MPN) is
The epidemiological features are similar to Immunophenotypic analysis using flow mandatory.
patients who develop de novo AML, or cytometry and/or immunohistochemistry Prognosis and prediction
patients who develop a blast phase of an shows that the neoplastic cells are often Patients with myeloid sarcoma require
underlying myelodysplastic syndrome positive for CD11c, CD13, CD33, CD34 AML-type therapy, guided by targets
(MDS), myeloproliferative neoplasm (often absent in immature monocytes), identified by cytogenetic and molecular
(MPN), or CD43, CD68, CD117 (KIT), analysis. Prognosis is similar to AML
myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative myeloperoxidase and lysozyme patients without evidence of
neoplasm (MDS/MPN). { 17170724 ; 23530613 ; 26185307 }. myeloid sarcoma { 29043233 }. Patients
Etiology CD4, CD19 (cases with t(8;21)), CD56, who present with
The etiology is similar to that of AML. The CD99, CD123, CD163 (more mature isolated myeloid sarcoma appear to have
specific reasons for presentation as an neoplastic cells) and TdT (often weak or a better prognosis
extramedullary mass are unknown, but only in a subset of cells) can be expressed { 18623376 ; 25213180 }. Long-term
adhesion molecules (e.g. integrin alpha 7) in subsets of cases remission has been achieved in a subset of
{ 17170724 ; 26185307 }. patients { 29043233 }.
CD68 granulocítica

Extranodal Marginal Zone Lymphoma of Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT Lymphoma)
Definition adnexa and salivary gland MALT of TNFAIP3 (A20) (negative regulator of
Extranodal marginal zone lymphoma of lymphoma is 1.4 and 0.9-1.0 per 1,000,000 NFκB) are described, mainly in
mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue person-years in the United States, translocation-negative MALT lymphomas
(MALT lymphoma) is an indolent mature B- respectively; it is lower for other head-and- { 19006194 ; 19907439 }.
cell neoplasm with architectural and neck sites { 24417667 }. Mutated TBL1XR1 and GPR34 are
cytological features similar to reactive Etiology common in salivary MALT
mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues MALT lymphoma often arises in lymphomas; TET2, TNFRSF14 and PIK3C
occurring in certain extranodal sites. association with chronic antigenic D are commonly mutated in thyroid MALT
ICD-O coding stimulation related to infection or lymphomas
9699/3 Extranodal marginal zone autoimmune disorder. Patients with { 29674500 ; 30065018 }. MYD88 L265P
lymphoma Sjögren syndrome have a 5-20 fold mutation is rare in MALT lymphoma and
ICD-11 coding increased risk of developing lymphoma should raise the possibility of
2A85.3 Extranodal marginal zone B-cell { 25316606 ; 18984412 }. Hepatitis C lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma, particularly
lymphoma, primary site excluding stomach infection may be a predisposing factor in in cases with marrow involvement and
or skin some salivary gland { 17071937 } and serum M-component
Related terminology ocular adnexal MALT lymphomas, { 22944768 ; 22808296 ; 28682481 }.
Acceptable: MALT lymphoma, extranodal especially in Italy { 32088088 }. Chlamydia Macroscopic appearance
marginal zone lymphoma (EMZL) psittaci is reported as a possible etiologic Tumors are non-circumscribed, firm and
Subtype(s) agent in some series of ocular adnexal tan-colored. Interspersed cysts formed by
None lymphoma { 15100336 }, but not in others dilated ducts are common in salivary gland
Localization { 17454602 }. Small numbers of MALT MALT lymphoma.
Head and neck MALT lymphoma most lymphoma cases arise in association with Histopathology
frequently affects ocular adnexa (60%) and IgG4-related disease MALT lymphomas are composed of small
salivary glands (30-40%), and less { 18580683 ; 11717546 ; 29285637 }. lymphocytes and marginal zone cells with
commonly, thyroid (2%) { 31757436 }. Hashimoto thyroiditis is associated with a small-to-medium-sized, slightly irregular
Involvement of Waldeyer's ring 40-80 fold increased risk of thyroid nuclei, smooth chromatin and pale
{ 12712477 ; 18234544 }, oral cavity lymphoma { 10800981 }. Occasional cytoplasm { 31912792 }. Monocytoid cells
{ 18158571 ; 17604660 }, laryngeal MALT lymphomas occur in with abundant pale cytoplasm are
larynx { 33198051 }, and sinonasal tract patients with autoimmune disease sometimes present and are conspicuous in
{ 26094364 ; 16320028 ; 19378323 ; 1055 { 25280040 }. Rare MALT lymphomas salivary gland MALT lymphomas.
5004 } is rare. arise in iatrogenically immunosuppressed Occasional large lymphoid cells are
Clinical features patients { 29957733 }. interspersed. Plasmacytic differentiation
Most patients present with painless Pathogenesis occurs in one-third of cases, sometimes
enlarging masses. Salivary gland lesions Chronic inflammation leads to with Dutcher bodies, and infrequently with
occasionally cause pain or facial nerve development of clonal B-cell populations amyloid deposition
paralysis. Thyroid MALT lymphomas that may acquire additional genetic { 22180478 ; 18158571 }. Remnants of
present with a neck mass which can cause abnormalities and progress to overt reactive follicles are common, sometimes
dysphagia, dyspnea or hoarseness lymphoma with follicular colonization. Well-formed
{ 31584614 }. Laryngeal tumors may cause { 20408860 ; 25316606 ; 29674500 ; 3006 lymphoepithelial lesions are commonly
hoarseness and cough 5018 }. found in salivary gland and thyroid MALT
{ 33198051 ; 25280040 }. B symptoms are Immunoglobulin heavy (IGH) and light lymphomas, and occasionally in lacrimal
rare. (IGL) chain genes are clonally rearranged, gland MALT lymphomas. In Waldeyer's
Epidemiology and show mutated variable regions. ring, a diagnosis of MALT lymphoma may
The head and neck region is the second Genetic changes vary by site; they result in be difficult to establish because crypt
most common primary site for MALT NFκB activation. Trisomy 3 and 18 are epithelium is normally heavily infiltrated by
lymphoma, after the gastrointestinal tract. common in head and neck MALT lymphoid cells.
Most patients are middle-aged and older lymphomas { 17052360 }. A subset of Neoplastic cells express B-lineage markers
adults (median age, 7th decade), with a cases shows (CD20, CD22, PAX5), usually IgM,
slight female preponderance among ocular t(14;18)(q32;q21)(IGH/MALT1). occasionally IgG or IgA, and rarely IgD.
adnexal lymphoma cases { 17255761 }. t(11;18)(q21;q21)(BIRC3/MALT1) is found They are typically negative for CD5, CD10,
Salivary gland MALT lymphoma and in MALT lymphomas in some sites, but BCL6, CD23, cyclin D1, SOX11, and EBV
thyroid MALT lymphoma have a female is rare in head and neck MALT lymphomas (except for rare EBV+ cases in
predominance (male:female ratio, 1:2 to { 15356642 ; 18158571 }. Approximately immunosuppressed patients)
1:3){ 24417667 }, due to associations with half of thyroidal MALT lymphomas harbor { 29957733 }. IRTA1, a marker of marginal
Sjögren syndrome t(3;14)(p14.1;q32)/FOXP1-IGH, but this zone cell differentiation, is positive in the
{ 24733777 ; 21075560 ; 21867583 } and translocation is rare to absent outside the majority of cases { 22716304 }. Expression
Hashimoto thyroiditis { 31584614 }, thyroid. Inactivating mutations, deletions of CD43 or TBX21 (T-bet) on B-cells,
respectively. The incidence rate of ocular and promoter hypermethylation demonstration of immunoglobulin light
chain monotypia by B cells (usually by flow Fine needle aspiration biopsy, when Most lymphomas are localized at
cytometry) or, in cases with plasmacytic combined with flow cytometry, can be a presentation { 24521680 }. Lymph nodes
differentiation, in plasma cells, can aid in valuable tool in establishing a diagnosis. and other extranodal sites may be involved
the diagnosis of lymphoma. Salivary gland Diagnostic molecular pathology { 31733094 ; 17255761 }.
MALT lymphomas frequently express Immunoglobulin heavy (IGH) chain genes Lymphoid neoplasms are staged according
stereotypic B-cell receptors are clonally rearranged. to the Lugano classification, which has
{ 32182401 ; 28682481 }, often with Essential and desirable diagnostic been adopted by the eighth edition of the
rheumatoid factor activity { 32182401 }. A criteria Union for International Cancer Control
small subset of MALT lymphomas (<4%) Essential: (UICC) TNM classification.
that express CD5 may be associated with Architectural effacement or distortion by a Prognosis and prediction
more widespread disease and more small B-cell proliferation lacking CD5 or Spread to lymph nodes and other MALT
aggressive behavior CD10 expression. sites is not uncommon, but death due to
{ 17255761 ; 11697516 ; 22406370 }. Foci Desirable: lymphoma is rare
of solid or sheet-like growth of large B- Demonstration of monotypic lymphoid { 21075560 ; 24733777 }. Ferry JA, Fung
cells, unassociated with follicular dendritic and/or plasma cells (or clonally-rearranged CY, Lucarelli MJ et al. Ocular adnexal
cell meshworks, represent progression to immunoglobulin genes), lymphoepithelial lymphoma: Long-term outcome, patterns of
diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. lesions, and remnants of underlying failure and prognostic factors in 174
Differential diagnosis includes other B-cell reactive lymphoid follicles. patients. J Hematopathol 2021;14:41-
lymphomas and reactive hyperplasia, Presence of lymphoepithelial sialadenitis 52} Prognosis is more favorable with
including atypical marginal zone (LESA) and/or Sjögren syndrome in localized disease and low-risk MALT
hyperplasia (see section salivary gland cases, and of Hashimoto Lymphoma International Prognostic Index{ 15256428 }. thyroiditis in thyroid cases. (MALT-IPI) score { 31733094 }. Large cell
Cytology MYD88 wild-type. transformation is associated with more
Staging aggressive behavior { 10577857 }.


Mantle Cell Lymphoma

Definition Pathogenesis The neoplastic B cells of MCL are typically
Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is a B-cell The t(11;14)(q13;q32) resulting in cyclin D1 positive for surface immunoglobulin, pan B-
neoplasm usually composed of overexpression is thought to be a founding cell antigens, CD5, BCL-2, cyclin D1 and
monomorphic small irregular lymphoid or early event { 33783838 }. Cyclin D1 SOX11, and negative for CD10, CD23,
cells that express monotypic drives the cell cycle at the G1 to S phase CD200, BCL-6, and LEF-1
immunoglobulin, B-cell antigens and transition. Rare cyclin D1-negative cases { 16173960 ; 31054894 }. A small minority
usually CD5. Over 95% of cases carry may have CCND2 or of cases lack CD5, or express CD10 and/or
t(11;14)(q13;q32) involving IGH and rarely CCND3 translocations, partnered BCL6 { 33528622 }. A few cases lack
CCND1 resulting in cyclin D1 with IGH, IGK or IGL { 23255553 ; 305381 expression of cyclin D1 or SOX11, but not
overexpression. 35 }. Conventional cytogenetic analysis both { 16123218 ; 17934069 }. Cyclin D1-
ICD-O coding has shown many additional abnormalities negative MCL cases have a similar
9673/3 Mantle cell lymphoma and a complex karyotype in most MCL immunophenotype, including SOX11
ICD-11 coding cases { 11764078 }. MCL also shows expression { 23255553 }.
2A85.5 Mantle cell lymphoma numerous copy number changes Cytology
Related terminology { 32584970 }. MYC rearrangements occur In conventional cases, smears show
Not recommended: Centrocytic lymphoma in a small subset of cases and are likely monomorphic small lymphoid cells often
Subtype(s) late events in pathogenesis associated with epithelioid histiocytes.
None { 32273477 ; 33528622 }. The most Diagnostic molecular pathology
Localization common gene mutations in MCL CCND1::IGH rearrangment, t(11;14)(q13;
MCL most often involves lymph nodes, but involve ATM (40-75%), TP53 (20- q32), is characteristic of MCL and is found
extranodal involvement occurs commonly. 40%), CDKN2A (20-30%), KMT2D (15%) in >95% of cases.
The head and neck region is the second and NOTCH1/2 (5-15%) { 32598477 }. In Essential and desirable diagnostic
most common extranodal site involved by sum, these many abnormalities impair the criteria
MCL, in about 2-4% of patients cell cycle, apoptosis and DNA repair Essential: Typical morphologic features
{ 23341329 }. Waldeyer ring, most often { 33783838 }. with consistent immunophenotype,
the tonsils, is the most frequent site, but Macroscopic appearance including expression of cyclin D1 and/or
MCL also involves the nasopharynx, orbital MCL has a fish-flesh cut surface. SOX11.
region, salivary glands and skin of the head Histopathology Desirable: t(11;14)(q13;q32) CCND1::IGH,
and neck { 24851070 ; 34137303 }. About MCL most often shows a diffuse pattern CCND2 or CCND3 rearrangement.
40% of patients with head and neck (~75%), but vaguely nodular (~25%) and Staging
involvement have stage I or II disease rarely pure mantle zone (~1%) patterns Lymphomas are staged according to the
{ 23341329 }. occur { 16173960 }. In conventional MCL, Lugano classification, which has been
Clinical features the lymphoma cells are uniform and small adopted by the 8th edition of the Union for
Patients may present with pain or difficulty with irregular nuclear contours. Intermixed International Cancer Control (UICC) TNM
in swallowing due to a mass. Orbital and single epithelioid histiocytes are seen in classification { 25113753 }.
skin lesions may present with a nodule. about 75% of cases, and “naked” germinal Prognosis and prediction
Epidemiology centers can be present. Aggressive The MCL International Prognostic Index
The incidence of MCL is 0.5 cases per variants of MCL represent 15-20% of (MIPI) is used to predict prognosis
100,000 person-years { 21945518 }. MCL cases. Blastoid variants are composed of { 26926679 }. The tumour proliferation rate,
is most common in older adults with a intermediate-size cells with immature most easily assessed by Ki-67, is the most
median age in the seventh decade. The chromatin and a high mitotic rate mimicking important pathologic predictor of prognosis
male-to-female ratio is 2-3 to 1 lymphoblasts. Pleomorphic variants are and is often added to the MIPI
{ 18615506 ; 21945518 ; 24763513 }. composed of intermediate-size and large { 26926679 ; 33783838 }
Etiology cells with more prominent nucleoli
Unknown mimicking, in part, large cell lymphoma.


Follicular Lymphoma
Definition recent years { 31548815 }. The highest Involved tissues have a fish-flesh
Follicular lymphoma (FL) is a neoplasm incidence rates are reported in the USA appearance which may be vaguely
composed of a mixture of centrocytes and and Western Europe; the incidence is nodular.
centroblasts that usually has a follicular lower in developing countries compared Histopathology
growth pattern (at least a partially). with developed countries { 27354024 }. FL Typical FL cases show numerous and
ICD-O coding affects predominantly adults, with a median crowded follicles of uniform size consisting
9690/3 Follicular lymphoma age of 65 years. The incidence is similar in of centrocytes and centroblasts. These
ICD-11 coding men and women. FL is 2-3 times more follicles lack a starry sky pattern or
2A80.Z Follicular lymphoma, unspecified common in White populations as compared polarization. Rare cases exhibit a
Related terminology with Black populations { 32586570 }. predominantly diffuse pattern of growth but
None Etiology these are usually encountered in inguinal
Subtype(s) Lifestyle and occupational risk factors have lymph nodes. FL are graded according to
None been associated with higher risk of FL the number of large transformed cells
Localization { 25174024 }. (centroblasts) per area by counting at least
Typical FL in the head and neck region is Pathogenesis ten different neoplastic follicles at high
most often seen in older individuals and FL is thought to derive from FL-like B-cells power [[LYM4+]]. In grades 1 and 2 FL
usually involves cervical lymph nodes and that undergo the cases, the number of centroblasts is <90
Waldeyer ring { 9704731 }. Rarely, FL can t(14;18)(q32;q21) BCL2 rearrangement in per mm2 (<150 per 10 high power fields,
involve salivary glands, the ocular adnexal the bone marrow and circulate in the blood where each field is 0.159 mm2 in area).
region and other locations { 17043145 }. These circulating B cells are Cases with more than 90 centroblasts per
{ 9704731 ; 11583402 ; 17786716 ; 16984 long-lived due to BCL2 overexpression. mm2 are grade 3A, if centrocytes are still
613 }. The circulating t(14;18) BCL2 rearranged present. Purely follicular FL 3B cases
Clinical features B-cells undergo several passages through consist exclusively of centroblasts and are
Most patients present with painless the germinal center, where they acquire rare. If a diffuse growth pattern is present
enlarging lymph nodes or masses (see additional genetic hits via somatic in addition, these cases should be
table #26080). hypermutation eventually leading to FL classified as diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Epidemiology { 25384217 }. Localized and systemic FL (DLBCL) with grade 3B follicular
FL accounts for about 20-30% of all differ in their gene expression profiles component.
lymphomas { 32586570 } and the { 31697802 }. As a rule, the tumour cells are positive for
incidence of this disease has increased in Macroscopic appearance CD20 and germinal centre markers such
as CD10, BCL6, LMO2 and HGAL. BCL2 a characteristic mutation pattern involving The Lugano system is used to stage FL
is expressed in 85% of FL 1/2 and 60% of genes such { 25113753 }.
FL3A. FL3B is more often negative for as KMT2D, TNFRSF14, CREBBP, Prognosis and prediction
CD10 and BCL2 and may co-express and EZH2. In FL 3A, the frequency of the Stage and the FL International Prognostic
MUM1. The proliferation index in typical FL t(14;18) is lower (60%). BCL6 may be Index (FLIPI) are major prognostic
grades 1 and 2 is low, but FL3 may show rearranged in BCL2 translocation positive determinants. More recently, gene
high Ki67 indices up to 70-100% or negative cases. FL 3B is often negative expression profiling and the establishment
{ 11986240 }. for the BCL2 gene translocation but may of clinicogenetic risk models have proved
See table for differential diagnosis #26080. show BCL6 rearrangement { 21659362 }. useful in the prognostication of patients
Cytology Essential and desirable diagnostic { 29475724 ; 26256760 }.
Smears show a mixture of centrocytes and criteria Tumour grade has some prognostic
centroblasts. Ancillary studies can be Essential: Presence of an atypical impact. FL grades 1, 2 and 3A are clinically
performed on FNA fluid specimens or cell lymphoid proliferation of follicular center indolent whereas FL grade 3B often
blocks. cells with a matching immunophenotype exhibits more aggressive behaviour and
Diagnostic molecular pathology and/or genotype. usually requires DLBCL-like
FL involving head and neck lymph nodes Desirable: Follicular pattern chemotherapy.
or tonsils in systemic disease harbours the Staging
t(14;18)(q32;q21) in 85% of cases and has

Paediatric-type Follicular Lymphoma
Definition uncommonly MAPK1 or RRAS { 2732510 positive in most cases and has been
Pediatric-type follicular lymphoma (PTFL) 4 ; 28533310 }. TNFRSF14 is mutated in proposed as a useful marker to distinguish
is a neoplasm that usually occurs in ~50% of cases, and IRF8 p.K66R occurs PTFL from reactive follicular hyperplasia
children and young adults, most often in about 15% of cases and may be specific { 31686194 }. BCL-2 is negative or weakly
involving head and neck lymph nodes, and for PTFL { 28533310 }. Mutations of and variably positive in 40-50% of PTFL
which has distinctive morphologic, chromatin modifying genes usually present cases. Ki-67 is usually above 30%.
immunophenotypic and genetic features. in common FL, such Cytology
Cases of PTFL genetically differ from as KMT2D, CREBB and EZH2, are Smears show sheets of intermediate-size
common follicular lymphoma in that they infrequent in PTFL cells with blastoid nuclear features and/or
have a high frequency of MAPK pathway { 27325104 ; 28533310 }. PFTL centroblasts.
gene alterations and lack BCL2, BCL6, MYC, Diagnostic molecular pathology
lack BCL2 rearrangements. or IRF4 rearrangements PTFL cases carry clonal immunoglobulin
ICD-O coding (22855608; 27325104 ; 28533310 }. heavy chain and light
9690/3 Paediatric-type follicular lymphoma Macroscopic appearance chain rearrangements, and no evidence of
ICD-11 coding The involved nodes show a fish-flesh cut clonal T-cell receptor gene
2A80.4 Paediatric type follicular lymphoma surface. rearrangements.
Related terminology Histopathology Essential and desirable diagnostic
None Lymph node architecture is partially or criteria
Subtype(s) completely replaced by large expansile Essential: Follicular pattern, expression of
None follicles of lymphoma that may be round or germinal center B-cell antigens, absence of
Localization serpiginous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma or
Usually, lymph nodes of the head and neck { 22855608 ; 27325104 ; 31686194 }. disseminated disease; monotypic B-cell
region are involved { 22855608 }. Lymph These follicles often have a prominent population by flow cytometry or monoclonal
nodes from other non-head and neck sites starry sky pattern and may be surrounded immunoglobulin gene rearrangement
can be involved, but much less often by under-developed mantle zones, or shown by PCR analysis.
{ 27325104 ; 31686194 }. mantle zones may be absent. The follicles Desirable: MAPK pathway gene mutations
Clinical features are usually composed of intermediate-size (usually MAP2K1)
Patients present with isolated, cells with blastoid features and multiple and TNFRSF14 mutations.
asymptomatic lymphadenopathy. As nucleoli. A subset of PTFL cases have
currently defined, disseminated disease typical centroblasts. Mitotic figures are Staging
excludes a diagnosis of PTFL. usually numerous. As currently defined, The Lugano system is used to stage
Epidemiology areas of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma lymphomas and has been adopted by the
Patients are usually children or young exclude a diagnosis of PTFL. Union for International Cancer Control
adults with a median age in the second Flow cytometry immunophenotypic studies (UICC) TNM classification { 25113753 }.
decade. There is a marked male show a monotypic B-cell population, CD10 Patients with PTFL present with localized
predominance of > 10:1. PTFL can occur positive and negative for CD5. disease.
in adults. Immunohistochemical analysis shows Prognosis and prediction
Etiology that these neoplasms express pan B-cell Most patients achieve complete remission
There are no known risk factors markers (e.g. CD20, PAX-5) and germinal following surgical excision of the involved
Pathogenesis center B-cell associated markers including lymph node and additional therapy is not
Mutations in MAPK pathway genes occur CD10, BCL-6, LMO2, stathmin and LLT-1, required.
in about 50% of cases; and are negative for T-cell antigens
usually MAP2K1 but { 22855608 ; 31686194 }. FOXP1 is

Large B-Cell Lymphoma with IRF4 Rearrangement
Definition 2A81.Y & XH6SU8 Other specified diffuse Most patients present with localized lymph
Large B-cell lymphoma large B-cell lymphomas & Large B-cell node or tonsillar enlargement (stage I/II) in
with IRF4 rearrangement (LBCL-IRF4) is a lymphoma with IRF4 rearrangement the head and neck region. Systemic (“B”)
de novo large B-cell lymphoma with a symptoms are present in a minority of
follicular, follicular and diffuse or purely Related terminology patients { 32239695 }.
diffuse growth pattern characterized by None
strong expression of IRF4/MUM1 and, in Epidemiology
most cases, associated with Subtype(s) LBCL-IRF4 is rare. Although there is a
an IRF4 rearrangement to an None wide age range from 4 to 79 years, the
immunoglobulin gene partner (IGH, IGK, median age at presentation is in the
IGL). Localization 2nd decade, and LBCL-IRF4 is more
Most cases of LBCL-IRF4 arise in frequently encountered in patients aged
ICD-O coding Waldeyer ring or head and neck lymph <18 years. Males and females are affected
9698/3 Large B-cell lymphoma with IRF4 nodes. Less commonly, the neoplasm can almost equally { 21487109 ; 32239695 }.
rearrangement present in the gastrointestinal tract.
ICD-11 coding Clinical features Unknown.
Pathogenesis blastoid morphology. Mitotic figures are Essential and desirable diagnostic
A translocation involving IRF4, usually often infrequent and tingible body criteria
partnered with IGH, is the hallmark of macrophages are usually lacking Essential:
LBCL-IRF4. LBCL-IRF4 has a gene { 32452165 }. Large B-cell lymphoma with mature B-cell
expression profile distinct from diffuse The neoplastic cells are mature B-cells, immunophenotype and strong uniform
large B-cell lymphoma of activated B-cell or positive for CD20, CD79a and expression of both BCL6 and
germinal centre B-cell types. There is PAX5. BCL6 is positive, IRF4/MUM1 is IRF4. IRF4 rearrangement by FISH
overexpression of both IRF4 and BCL6, as strongly expressed and staining for If IRF4 rearrangement cannot be
well as NFkB target genes, indicating BLIMP1/PRDM1 is negative demonstrated, the diagnosis can be
disruption of BCL6-IRF4- { 21487109 }. Positivity for CD10 and established only if typical pathological
PRDM1 pathways BCL2 is variable but usually present in features are present in the appropriate
{ 21487109 ; 31738823 }. Recurrent about half of cases clinical setting (children or young adults,
mutations of BCL6, usually in the IRF4- { 21487109 }. Approximately 30% of localized disease, head and neck or
binding site, and IRF4 mutations, as well LBCL-IRF4 are positive for CD5 intestinal region)
as mutations of NFkB-related genes such { 31738823 }. These neoplasms usually Desirable:
as CARD11, CD79B and MYD88 are have a high proliferation index. Absence of BCL2 and MYC gene
found { 21487109 ; 31738823 }. Copy rearrangements.
number alterations include loss of Cytology
17p13/TP53 and gains of chromosomes 7 Not clinically relevant. Staging
and 11q { 23073988 }. The Lugano system for staging of
Diagnostic molecular pathology lymphomas is used { 25113753 }.
Macroscopic appearance Conventional cytogenetic analysis shows
These lymphomas produce a firm fleshy t(6;14)(p25.3;q32)/IGH-IRF4 or Prognosis and prediction
homogeneous mass. possibly IGK (chromosome 2p12) Patients are treated with combination
or IGL (chromosome 22q11) immunochemotherapy, plus or minus local
Histopathology partners. IRF4 rearrangements can be radiotherapy, with a favourable outcome
LBCL-IRF4 may present with a follicular, identified by FISH in most, but not all { 21487109 ; 32239695 }. A small number
follicular and diffuse, or entirely diffuse cases. In 10% of cases, the of patients have been reported who had
growth pattern; most cases are at least rearrangement is cryptic and undetectable tonsillar LBCL-IRF4 with purely follicular
partially diffuse. When follicular, the using commercially available break apart disease and tonsillectomy alone resulted in
neoplastic follicles are large, expansile, FISH probes { 31738823 }. complete and sustained remission.
devoid of mantle zones and closely Rearrangements involving BCL6 may be Currently, however, there is insufficient
packed. The neoplastic lymphoid cells identified but evidence for de-escalation of treatment for
have centroblastic morphology or, less not BCL2 or MYC rearrangements patients with this disease { 23108024 }.
frequently, are of intermediate-size with { 21487109 ; 31738823 }.


Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
Definition However, DLBCL involving the thyroid and FOXP1. About 25-50% of cases are
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma not gland is more common in women of GCB type usually positive for CD10,
otherwise specified (DLBCL) is a diffuse { 17429099 ; 24273125 }. BCL-6, LMO2 or GCET1
proliferation of neoplastic large B lymphoid Etiology { 22700993 ; 28772206 }. In situ
cells. The etiology is largely unknown. In salivary hybridization for Epstein-Barr virus
ICD-O coding and thyroid glands, DLBCL is often encoded RNA (EBER) is negative. Large
9680/3 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma NOS preceded by extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma with IRF4 rearrangement
ICD-11 coding lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid should be considered, especially if the
2A81.Z Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma tissue, associated with the autoimmune lymphoma cells are positive for
NOS diseases Sjogren syndrome and MUM1/IRF4 and CD10.
Related terminology Hashimoto thyroiditis, respectively Cytology
None { 22367111 ; 32153241 }. Cytologic preparations typically show
Subtype(s) Pathogenesis sheets of large, discohesive cells with
None DLBCL is biologically heterogeneous, and lymphoid morphology that may be
Localization gene expression profiling can divide cases associated with necrosis.
About 60% of head and into germinal-centre B-cell (GCB), Diagnostic molecular pathology
neck DLBCL cases involve lymph nodes; activated B-cell (ABC) and unclassified Molecular studies are not usually
many of these patients have systemic subtypes. More recent studies of required for diagnosis. Monoclonal
disease. About 40% of DLBCL cases are DLBCL using high throughput methods to immunoglobulin gene rearrangements are
localized to head and neck, with nearly assess gene expression, copy number usually present, and T-cell receptor genes
even split in terms of lymph node and alterations and gene mutations have are germline.
extranodal involvement. Any extranodal shown activation of various cellular Essential and desirable diagnostic
site may be involved. Waldeyer ring, pathways { 31648986 } and several criteria
particularly palatine tonsil, is the most genetic subtypes of DLBCL have been Essential: head and neck region; diffuse
common site { 26113048 ; 28772206 }. proposed { 32289277 ; 33249557 }. proliferation of large malignant lymphoid
DLBCL is the most common type of Molecular studies focused on DLBCL of cells; B-cell lineage.
lymphoma involving the head and neck the head and neck are few. Translocations Staging
region that occur in nodal DLBCL, such as those The Lugano system is used to stage
{ 22700993 ; 26118762 ; 28772206 }. involving MYC, BCL2 and BCL6, also lymphomas and has been adopted by the
Clinical features occur in head and neck DLBCL, more Union for International Cancer Control
Patients with DLBCL at any site often commonly in nodal cases. (UICC) TNM classification { 25113753 }.
present with a mass. Site-specific Macroscopic appearance Most patients with extranodal DLBCL of
symptoms include altered vision, sinus or DLBCL often forms a soft fish-flesh the head and neck present with stage IE
nasal cavity obstruction (often mimicking mass. Necrosis may be visible. disease; some patients have involvement
upper respiratory infection), Histopathology of regional lymph nodes (stage II).
oropharyngeal ulcer with or without pain or Head and neck DLBCL is composed Prognosis and prediction
bleeding, enlarged tonsil(s) or hoarseness. of centroblasts or, less Patients are treated with systemic
A subset of patients has B-type symptoms. often, immunoblasts arranged in a diffuse immunochemotherapy, often with involved-
Epidemiology pattern. Some aggressive neoplasms field radiotherapy
Lymphomas represent about 5-10% of all exhibit a starry-sky pattern. Mitotic figures { 17429099 ; 31793408 }. Clinical stage
malignant neoplasms that involve the head are common. Coagulative necrosis may be and the International Prognostic Index are
and neck, and DLBCL is the most common present. useful for assessing prognosis. Patients
type of lymphoma. DLBCL can involve Immunophenotypic studies show that with extranodal DLBCL of the head and
nodal or extranodal sites. Waldeyer ring, DLBCL cells are positive for pan B-cell neck have a better prognosis than patients
particularly palatine tonsil, is the most antigens and negative for pan T-cell with solely nodal disease or those
common site { 26113048 ; 28772206 }. antigens. Ki-67 often shows a high with extranodal DLBCL at other sites
Most patients are in the sixth or seventh proliferation index ranging from 60-90%. { 24273125 ; 29861074 }.
decade of life, and the male-to-female ratio About 50-75% of cases are of non-
in most studies is 1.2-1.6 to 1 { 28772206 }. GCB type, usually positive for MUM1/IRF4
MUM1-IRF4 +.
CD10 -


Burkitt Lymphoma
Definition Localization Patients with BL commonly present with
Burkitt lymphoma (BL) is an aggressive B- In endemic BL, jaws and other facial bones extranodal disease, a high tumour burden
cell neoplasm composed of uniform, are involved in 50-70% of patients and a short duration of symptoms
intermediate-size cells with multiple small { 2358947 ; 31115699 }. Sporadic BL can { 31229156 ; 31115699 ; 32144513 }. BL
nucleoli, basophilic cytoplasm, high involve the orbit, Waldeyer ring, gingiva can destroy bones (shown by imaging
proliferation index, and a high (90-95%) and the thyroid gland studies) and compress nearby structures.
frequency of MYC translocations. { 12560151 ; 27257042 }. Site-specific symptoms include altered
Currently there is no gold standard for Immunodeficiency-associated BL most vision, nasal obstruction, enlarged
diagnosis, and a multiparametric approach often involves lymph nodes, and tonsil(s), dental/jaw pain often with loss of
to diagnosis is needed. uncommonly involves the parotid or thyroid teeth, thyroid gland mass
ICD-O coding glands. Sporadic and immunodeficiency- { 2358947 ; 31115699 ; 32144513 }. BL
9687/3 Burkitt lymphoma, NOS associated BL uncommonly involve facial patients uncommonly present with
ICD-11 coding bones. Patients with all BL subtypes are at lymphadenopathy; lymph node
2A85.6 & XH3FE9 Burkitt lymphoma, high-risk for involvement of the central involvement is most common in
including Burkitt leukaemia & Mature B-cell nervous system. Sporadic and immunodeficiency-associated BL patients.
lymphomas immunodeficiency-associated BL patients Generalized B-type symptoms occur in a
Related terminology can present with acute leukaemia; this subset of patients.
Acceptable: Burkitt cell leukaemia (9826/3) occurrence is rare in endemic BL Epidemiology
Subtype(s) patients. The incidence of endemic BL is 30-60
Endemic BL; sporadic BL; Clinical features cases per million persons
immunodeficiency-associated BL { 22260300 ; 2374749 }. Most patients are
children, with a median age between 4 and tonic BCR signaling { 24492847 }. These lack MYC translocations. Conventional
7 years. Boys are affected more often then mutations are nearly mutually exclusive cytogenetic or molecular methods may
girls, in a 3 to 1 ratio. Sporadic BL occurs with EBV infection suggesting a dual "miss" some cases that truly
in industrialized nations and is much less mechanism of BL pathogenesis: mutational carry MYC translocations. Cryptic
common than endemic BL, with an versus viral driven { 26468873 }. Gene insertions of MYC into IGH have been
incidence of 1-3 cases per million persons expression and microRNA profiling have described { 31073073 }. Alternative
{ 22260300 ; 2374749 }. The male-to- shown similarities between BL subtypes mechanisms that
female ratio is 3-4 to 1. Patients with and have shown that BL cases differ from dysregulate MYC likely occur in a small
sporadic BL are usually younger adults, other lymphoma types subset of cases { 31748534 }. BL cases,
with a median age of 25-40 years. The { 21701491 ; 21245480 ; 26113842 }. regardless of subtype, have similar gene
incidence of immunodeficiency-associated Macroscopic appearance expression and microRNA profiles
BL is 200-250 cases per million The gross specimen often shows a mass. { 21701491 ; 30617194 }. Next generation
{ 22260300 ; 32735838 }. The male to The cut surface has a fish-flesh sequencing has shown mutations
female ratio is 4-5 to 1. Human appearance. Necrosis is common of ID3 and TCF3 that activate B-cell
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is and hemorrhage can be present. The receptor signaling in 70% of sporadic BL
the most common cause of neoplasm can surround contiguous lymph { 24492847 }. Mutations
immunodeficiency in BL patients nodes. of CCND3, TP53, RHOA, SMARCA4 and
{ 32735838 }. Histopathology ARID1A occur in 10-40% of sporadic BL
Etiology The morphologic features of BL subtypes cases. EBV-positive BL cases have fewer
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is present in are similar. Normal structures are replaced mutations.
>95% of endemic BL cases by a diffuse proliferation of lymphoma cells; Essential and desirable diagnostic
{ 15685227 ; 22260300 }. These a starry-sky pattern is very common. The criteria
neoplasms are also linked to holoendemic lymphoma cells are monomorphic, Essential: Intermediate-size lymphoma
malaria implicating a role intermediate (medium)-size cells with 2-4 cells, germinal center B-cell lineage, high
for Plasmodium falciparum infection basophilic nucleoli. The cells have proliferation (Ki-67) index, absence (or
{ 26276629 } . Other infectious moderate, basophilic cytoplasm that often minimal expression) of Bcl-2.
agents (e.g. HIV, Arboviruses) may play a squares off with the cytoplasm of other Desirable: MYC translocation, starry-sky
role via chronic antigenic stimulation and cells ("cookie cutter" appearance). pattern
extrinsic activation of B-cell receptor Apoptosis is common and often marked. Staging
signaling { 26712879 }. Germline DNA Coagulative necrosis is common. Rare The predominantly extranodal distribution
genetic variants in TCF4 and CHD8 have cases are associated with a prominent of BL makes Ann Arbor staging
been identified in endemic BL patients in granulomatous reaction { 33948980 }. suboptimal. The system proposed by
East Africa { 33051549 }. Using traditional The lymphoma cells are of B-cell lineage, Murphy and revised in 2015 is used
detection methods such as in situ positive for monotypic light chain, IgM, pan routinely for children { 25940716 }.
hybridization for EBV small encoded RNA B-cell antigens, CD10, CD38, CD81, and Prognosis and prediction
(EBER), EBV can be detected in 20-30% of Bcl-6, and are negative for pan T-cell The prognosis of patients with sporadic BL,
sporadic and 20-40% of antigens, CD23, CD44, CD138, LMO2 and if treated with immunochemotherapy, is
immunodeficiency-associated BL cases TdT. Bcl-2 is usually negative, but rarely excellent. The overall survival rate
(see below). Using more sensitive focally and/or weakly positive approaches 90% in children and 60-70% in
techniques, however, up to 67% of { 21718280 }. MYC is positive in >90% of adults
sporadic and immunodeficiency- cells in most cases and the proliferation { 31229156 ; 32144513 ; 33502927 }. A
associated BL cases may be positive for index is high, with Ki-67 90-95% recently proposed BL International
EBV { 32483241 }. { 29954940 }. Prognostic Index subdivides patients into
Pathogenesis Cytology low-, intermediate- and high-risk groups
All subtypes of BL carry MYC Smears show intermediate-size lymphoma with overall survival of 96%, 76% and 59%,
translocations which likely occur as cells often associated with many apoptotic respectively { 33502927 }. The prognosis
mistakes in immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy cells. In Romanowsky stains, many of endemic BL patients has been less
chain switching or Ig variable region gene cytoplasmic vacuoles are present. good, in part because of inadequate
somatic hypermutation { 26712879 }. EBV Diagnostic molecular pathology resources { 29769263 ; 32841337 }.
may be essential early in BL pathogenesis MYC/8q24 translocations occur in 90-95% Results have improved following
by allowing B-cells with genetic defects to of BL cases. The introduction of more intensive regimens in
evade apoptosis, but the virus may be t(8;14)(q24;q32) MYC::IGH occurs in 80% African nations. Patients with HIV-
subsequently lost (“hit and run”) with the of cases, and associated BL can be successfully treated
acquisition of stable (epi)genetic changes t(2;8)(p12;q24) IGK::MYC and with immunochemotherapy if HIV infection
by the lymphoma cells. The presence t(8;22)(q24;q11) MYC::IGL occur in 20% of is controlled { 31229156 ; 32735838 }.
of ID3 and TCF4 mutations in BL result in cases. 5-10% of cases of BL
Definition ICD-11 coding Solitary extraosseous plasmacytoma
Solitary plasmacytoma is a localized, mass 2A83.2 & XH4BL1 Solitary plasmacytoma (SEP) typically infiltrates the mucosal
forming intramedullary or extramedullary & Plasmacytoma NOS tissues of the upper respiratory tract
tumour composed of monoclonal plasma Related terminology (nasopharynx, nasal cavity, paranasal
cells without evidence of plasma cell Acceptable: Extramedullary sinuses, oropharynx, larynx, and oral
myeloma or additional plasma cell plasmacytoma; plasmacytoma of bone cavity{ 10357398 ; 15586381 }, while
tumours. Subtype(s) solitary bony lesions affect the
ICD-O coding None mandibular marrow-rich areas (body,
9731/3 Plasmacytoma of bone Localization angle, ramus) more than the maxilla
{ 22134311 }. Cervical lymph node scant vascularized stroma, hemorrhagic differentiation (e.g., mucosa-associated
dissemination occurs in about 15% areas { 7675768 ; 6180279 }, and, in a few lymphoid tissue marginal zone lymphoma,
{ 11190797 }. cases, amyloid or immunoglobulin lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma), the finding
Clinical features deposits. For solitary bone plasmacytoma of aggregates of small B lymphocytes,
SEP typically present as a soft tissue mass and SEP, clonal plasma cells can be clonal B cells (if flow cytometry is
(80%){ 9852535 }, followed by airway classified based on their mature and performed), remnants of germinal centers
obstruction (35%), epistaxis (35%), local immature features. Immature plasma cells and expression of IgM favor B-cell
pain (20%), proptosis (15%), nasal (plasmablastic or anaplastic features) lymphoma.
discharge (10%), and cranial nerve palsy usually exhibit a higher Cytology
(5%). Jaw and teeth pain, teeth migration nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio, dispersed Cytology specimens may include plasma
and swelling are seen in solitary bony chromatin, often with prominent nucleoli, cells with variable degrees of immaturity
lesions { 9117760 }. Approximately 20% of more abundant cytoplasm, and a hof and anaplasia.
the patients have a detectable, low quantity region. Diagnostic molecular pathology
monoclonal serum or urine paraprotein (M The immunophenotype is similar to other Pathogenesis and genetic features appear
protein), most commonly IgA plasma cell neoplasms with CD38, CD138, to be similar to other plasma cell
{ 10629591 ; 12780789 ; 15009059 }. and MUM1 positivity and can be neoplasms but have not been extensively
Multifocal bone involvement is absent by differentiated from reactive plasma cells by studied in head and neck sites. Molecular
imaging studies light chain restriction. Occasionally, they subtyping follows that for multiple
{ 19421229 ; 8315427 ; 21757591 }. may display CD20 positivity with negativity myeloma { 23368088 ; 18326524 ; 208801
Epidemiology for most B-cell markers. Rare positive 15 }.
About 80% of all SEP arise in the head and staining for cytokeratin and EMA is Essential and desirable diagnostic
neck; SEP accounts for 4% of all non- reported { 1469918 }, potentially leading to criteria
epithelial tumors in the head and neck misdiagnosis of carcinoma. Unlike solitary Essential:
{ 10357398 }. Males are more often bone plasmacytoma and plasma cell Mass-forming infiltrate of plasma cells,
affected. Peak incidence is around the myeloma, SEP usually lacks Cyclin D1 which may exhibit variable degrees of
sixth decade of life expression and shows a weaker positivity immaturity and anaplasia
{ 6180279 ; 12780789 ; 10357398 ; 98525 for CD56 { 15586381 }. MIB1 proliferation Immunohistochemical demonstration of
35 }. Rare cases have been reported in a index is usually low and if elevated, may light chain restriction
post-transplant setting { 19762536 }. help in predicting a more aggressive No evidence of plasma cell myeloma or
Etiology course { 25842207 }. plasma cell lesions elsewhere
Etiology is unknown, although in 10% of Differential diagnosis Staging
SEP cases, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has Large B cell lymphoma, carcinoma, Thorough staging is required to rule out
been detected in immunocompetent melanoma, extramedullary myeloid evidence of other plasmacytomas or
patients sarcoma, and olfactory neuroblastoma can plasma cell myeloma.
{ 7675768 ; 25556356 ; 16308165 }. be challenging to distinguish from cases of Prognosis and prediction
Pathogenesis moderately immature SEP. In EBV-positive About 25% of patients experience local
Pathogenesis and genetic features appear plasmacytoma, it is mandatory to exclude recurrence or spread to regional lymph
to be similar to other plasma cell plasmablastic lymphoma which has a high nodes { 1272069 }. Many patients have a
neoplasms but have not been extensively Ki67 proliferative index (often >60%) relatively indolent course, and a ten-year
studied in head and neck sites { 25193957 } and is usually associated with disease-free survival rate is about 70%
{ 23368088 ; 18326524 ; 20880115 }. an immunocompromised state. When a { 12780789 ; 12057071 }. Possible EBV-
Macroscopic appearance clear distinction may be difficult, a driven transformation of plasmacytoma into
SEP form soft, gelatinous, tan to yellow descriptive diagnosis such as plasmablastic lymphoma has been
and sometimes hemorrhagic soft-tissue plasmablastic neoplasm, indeterminate reported { 25193957 }. About 10% of
masses. between plasmablastic lymphoma and patients progress to plasma cell myeloma
Histopathology anaplastic plasmacytoma is allowed. In the { 10357398 ; 25439696 }.
SEP shows a subepithelial diffuse infiltrate differential diagnosis between SEP and
of neoplastic plasma cells combined with a lymphomas with extensive plasma cell


Plasmablastic Lymphoma
Definition { 9028965 ; 15166665 ; 16327436 ; 92425 (25%). In situ hybridization for EBER is
Plasmablastic lymphoma (PBL) is an 74 }. commonly observed (60-75%).
aggressive large B-cell lymphoma Pathogenesis
composed of a diffuse proliferation of large PBL seems to originate from a terminally Differential diagnosis
cells resembling immunoblasts or differentiated B-cell that has switched to a Key features distinguishing between PBL
plasmablasts, lacking mature B-cell plasma cell program. MYC rearrangement and plasma cell neoplasms are the clinical
markers and expressing plasma cell is detected in 50%, and these cases are presentation, high proliferation index and
differentiation antigens. commonly associated with EBV infection EBV positivity in the former. Possible
ICD-O coding (74%) { 23599149 ; 20962620 }. PBL has transformation of plasmacytoma into
9735/3 Plasmablastic lymphoma a mutational profile that differs from that of plasmablastic lymphoma has been
ICD-11 coding diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of ABC hypothesized to be triggered by EBV
2A81.2 Plasmablastic lymphoma subtype and multiple myeloma with reactivation, and this event demands a
Related terminology frequent mutations in genes of the MAPK precise diagnosis { 25193957 }. When a
None (25-50%) (NRAS, KRAS) and JAK-STAT clear distinction may be difficult, a
Subtype(s) (40%) (STAT3, JAK2, SOCS1) signaling descriptive diagnosis such as
None pathways plasmablastic neoplasm, indeterminate
Localization { 27687004 ; 33225311 ; 33951889 }. The between plasmablastic lymphoma and
The most frequent site of involvement in miRNA expression profile of PBL has anaplastic plasmacytoma can be used.
the head and neck region is the oral cavity, revealed a number of EBV-encoded The key feature to discriminate PBL from
although cases in the nasal and respiratory miRNA that suppress transcription of large B-cell lymphomas, like diffuse large
sinuses have been reported. The tumour suppressor genes (PTEN, PBX2) B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) with
gastrointestinal tract, soft tissues, skin, and lipid metabolism controller genes plasmablastic features and EBV+ DLBCL,
bone, and lung are rare extranodal sites (PPARGC1A, PLIN2/adipophilin) NOS is essentially the maintenance of the
that may be encountered. Nodal suggesting a pathogenetic role of EBV- B-cell program, namely strong expression
presentations are reported (<10%) more encoded miRNA in lymphomagenesis of of CD20, CD79a, and PAX5 in the latter.
frequently in post-transplant settings (30%) EBV positive cases { 29296171 }. EBV The cohesive growth, “starry sky pattern”
{ 12786898 ; 15166665 ; 16327436 ; 9242 positive PBL have molecular properties and high proliferation index can suggest
574 }. and pathogenetic mechanisms distinct Burkitt lymphoma, but PBL can be
Clinical features from EBV negative PBL, similar to what is distinguished by CD20 and PAX5
A tumour mass in the oral cavity is the most observed in other lymphoma types negativity.
common presentation. However, patients { 28419429 ; 31403034 ; 26468873 }. Cytology
usually show advanced-stage disease at Macroscopic appearance No literature has been published.
diagnosis. Disseminated disease is seen in Involved organs replaced by masses with a Diagnostic molecular pathology
75% of HIV-positive, 50% of post- fish-flesh appearance, often associated There are no specific diagnostic molecular
transplant patients, and 25% of patients with areas of haemorrhage and necrosis. tests.
without apparent immunodeficiency Histopathology Essential and desirable diagnostic
{ 15166665 ; 25636338 }. Some cases in PBL may display a variety of morphological criteria
HIV–positive patients may have features. Monomorphic PBL shows diffuse, Essential:
overlapping features with multiple cohesive sheets of large cells most Lymphoma with immunoblastic or
myeloma such as lytic bone lesions and resembling immunoblasts with plasmablastic morphology
paraprotein { 20348882 }. inconspicuous plasmacytic features and Immunophenotypic features of terminal B-
Epidemiology sometimes with “starry sky” pattern. Some cell differentiation (loss of conventional B-
PBL is an uncommon type of large B-cell cases may have cells with more overt cell markers; expression of plasma cell
lymphoma that occurs predominantly in plasmacytic differentiation showing round markers)
adults with increased frequency in eccentric nuclei, coarser chromatin, ample Lack of ALK expression
immunocompromised states (e.g., HIV cytoplasm, and para-nuclear hof. Areas of HHV8 negativity
infection, post-transplant patients, geographic necrosis are seen with low Staging
autoimmune diseases, and numbers of tumour-infiltrating T cells. The predominantly extranodal distribution
immunosenescence) PBL shows a terminally differentiated B- and high stage at presentation of PL
{ 17944927 ; 9028965 ; 22958176 }. cell/plasma cell phenotype (CD38+, makes Lugano staging suboptimal.
Etiology CD138+, IRF4/MUM1+) without Prognosis and prediction
In HIV-positive and post-transplant expression of common B-cell markers Overall survival is short (6-11 months),
patients, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), with a (CD45, CD20, PAX5), although CD79a despite therapeutic intervention.The
latency type I and occasional LMP1 positivity is reported in 40% presence of MYC translocation has
expression, is frequently observed { 25636338 ; 20418245 ; 23599149 }. In been associated with an inferior prognosis
{ 25636338 }. By definition, HHV8 is absent oral cavity PBL, CD56 is usually negative, { 25636338 ; 24832164 }.
but in other sites it is frequently positive


CD20 KI67


T-Lymphoblastic Leukaemia/Lymphoma
Definition Cortical; medullary; early thymic precursor 6585702 }. T-LBL accounts for 1-2% of
T-lymphoblastic leukaemia/lymphoma (T- (ETP) ALL/LBL (see Table #25340). non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL)
ALL/LBL) is a neoplasm of precursor T Localization overall. It is the second most common
lymphocytes. T-ALL/LBL occurs in the mediastinum, paediatric NHL in children and
ICD-O coding lymph nodes, and rarely extranodal sites adolescents, comprising 15-20% of
9837/3 T-lymphoblastic such as orbit, tonsils or nasopharynx, etc. paediatric NHL cases
leukaemia/lymphoma Clinical features { 26991119 ; 16173961 } and 85-90% of
ICD-11 coding Patients with anterior mediastinal (thymic) lymphoblastic lymphomas. T-ALL
2A71 & XH7T28 Precursor T- masses present with dyspnea, superior represents approximately 15% of
lymphoblastic neoplasms & Precursor T- vena cava syndrome, and pleural and/or paediatric ALL and 25% of adult ALL
cell lymphoblastic leukaemia pericardial effusions { 31567129 }. [[Borowitz M, Chan J, Bene M, Arber D. T
Related terminology Epidemiology lymphoblastic leukaemia/lymphoma In:
Not recommended: Precursor T- T-ALL/LBL mostly affects children and Swerdlow S, Campo E, Harris N, et al., eds.
lymphoblastic leukaemia/lymphoma young adults, less often older adults. The WHO Classification Tumours of
Subtype(s) male:female ratio is 2.5- Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues.
3:1.{ 26991119 ; 16173961 ; 31567129 ; 2 updated 4th ed. Lyon: IARC; 2017:209-
12.]]. Most patients in the USA are white, Neoplastic cells variably express T-cell- myeloperoxidase, without strongly
but Asians and blacks are also affected associated markers (CD1a, CD2, CD3, expressed B-lineage markers.
{ 26991119 }. CD5, CD7), CD10, CD34, CD43, CD45, Desirable:
Etiology and CD99 and usually express TdT. CD33 Demonstration of monoclonal TCR
Unknown and CD117 are detectable in a subset of rearrangement; abnormal
Pathogenesis cases. TdT is absent in 3-4% of cases at cytogenetic or/and mutational profiles
T-ALL/LBL shows diverse genetic changes diagnosis { 23702731 }. CD79a is consistent with those of T-ALL/LBL.
{ 23023710 }. The karyotype is abnormal in expressed in 12% of cases. Staging
~60% of cases, with structural and { 21451365 } Lymphoblasts can be While staging is not typically used for risk
numerical changes, including CD4+/CD8+ (double-positive), CD4-/CD8- stratification of T-ALL/LBL, almost all
translocations and partial losses of (double-negative) or positive for CD4 or patients have stage III or IV disease
chromosomes and others CD8 only. Surface CD3+ cases usually { 10627444 ; 26585702 } using Lugano or
{ 21689091 ; 31567129 }. Translocations express TCRαβ, and rarely Murphy staging { 7414342 }. Bone marrow
often involve TCR genes (35-50%) TCRγδ.{ 31567129 } Ki67 is high (often involvement is common and central
(TCRα/δ at 14q11, TCRß at 7q34, TCRγ at >90%). The immunophenotype simulates nervous system involvement occurs in 5-
7p14) stages of intrathymic T-cell differentiation. 10% cases
{ 21112032 ; 18691165 ; 26276771 }, or { 31567129 ; 28538509 ; 21112032 ; 7564 { 10627444 ; 28427520 ; 16173961 }.
less commonly MLL (KMT2A) 526 } T-LBL has a more mature Staging requires history; physical
and ABL1 genes { 27451956 }. The (cortical) immunophenotype than T-ALL, examination; laboratory and imaging
del(9p21)/CDKN2A/2B is seen in 60-70% with some overlap (see studies. Ancillary testing such as flow
of cases, causing cell cycle disruption. Table #25340). { 22994934 }. cytometry, karyotyping and molecular
At the molecular level, NOTCH1 mutation Lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia of genetic analysis may be required to assess
is most common (~60% of cases, natural killer type (NK-ALL/LBL) peripheral blood, CSF and bone marrow
targeting MYC), followed (provisional entity), like T-ALL/LBL, involvement { 26991119 ; 28427520 }.
by FBXW7 mutation (~30%, negative expresses CD3 epsilon (CD3-ε) and is Although arbitrary, marrow involvement
regulator of NOTCH1) { 33467425 }. Other therefore CD3+ by IHC. NK-ALL/LBL lacks of ≥25% is usually used as threshold to
common mutations include PHF6 (~ 20% clonal TCR rearrangement. diagnose T-ALL { 7414342 }.
of cases), PTEN (~15% of The differential diagnosis includes indolent Prognosis and prediction
cases), LEF1 (~10%) and ILR7 (~10% T-lymphoblastic proliferation (iT-LBP), a T-ALL/LBL is treated with ALL-type
of cases). Mutations typically associated rare self-limited disorder characterized by intensive chemotherapy; high-risk
with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), such a polyclonal proliferation of TdT+ T cells, patients receive allogeneic stem cell
as FLT3-ITD, EZH2, RAS and usually small in size, distorting but not transplantation { 28427520 }. Complete
RUNX1 have been described more in ETP- obliterating normal remission rate is 76–93%. 5-year event-
ALL/LBL architecture.{ 10435569 ; 11224614 ; 246 free survival is 75-90% in paediatric
{ 26276771 ; 26991119 ; 21112032 }. 18611 ; 23574769 }. iT-LBP usually patients but 50-70% in older patients.
Mutations unique to T-LBL involve PAPPA, involves head and neck sites and rarely Relapse occurs in one-third of patients and
NFIL3 and ZNF91 { 25160903 }. occurs in association with Castleman predicts a poor outcome
Genetic and epigenetic changes lead to disease, follicular dendritic cell sarcoma { 26991119 ; 10627444 ; 26585702 }. ETP
activation of NOTCH, JAK-STAT and/or and other ALL-LBL is still considered an aggressive
PI3-AKT-mTOR pathways neoplasms.{ 23574769 ; 23060347 ; 3022 disease in adult patients
{ 31570389 ; 33152759 ; 21112032 ; 1869 2603 ; 29143359 }. LMO2 is usually { 26991119 ; 26747249 ; 28605290 }.
1165 ; 26216196 ; 28872614 ; 33227818 } positive in T-ALL/LBL but negative in iT- Minimal measurable disease (MMD)
Macroscopic appearance LBP. { 32526041 } detectable post-induction/consolidation is
Not relevant Cytology a significant risk factor for relapse
Histopathology Lymphoblasts are typically agranular, with { 28427520 ; 26679753 }. Mutations
Normal architecture is typically effaced by delicate chromatin, round or notched of NOTCH1/FBXW7 combined with wild-
a diffuse proliferation of medium-sized nuclei, and occasionally vacuolated type RAS /PTEN is associated with a
neoplastic cells with round to convoluted cytoplasm.{ 31567129 } favorable outcome
nuclei, fine chromatin, small or absent Diagnostic molecular pathology { 29051182 ; 24166518 }. Activation of
nucleoli and scant cytoplasm, with frequent TCR ß and/or γ chain genes are almost PI3K and MLL (KMT2) disruption
mitoses, often with tingible body always clonally rearranged; concurrent predict an
macrophages imparting a starry-sky clonal IGH is found in up to about 20% of unfavourable outcome. Targeted therapy
pattern.{ 31567129 ; 26991119 } Large cases.{ 19147408 ; 10419594 ; 10361104 modulating NOTCH‐, PI3K‐Akt‐mTOR‐,
cells showing prominent nucleoli may be } JAK‐STAT‐ and MAPK‐pathways and
seen. { 21451365 } Cases with Essential and desirable diagnostic immunotherapy may prove
rearrangement of PDGFRA, criteria valuable. Mortality is associated
PDGFRB or FGFR, or PCM1-JAK2, often Essential: with tumour progression, complications of
associated with eosinophilia, are classified Diffuse proliferation of T- therapy, and rarely, second malignancies
separately. lineage lymphoblasts; negative for { 10627444 ; 26585702 }.

KI67 90% CD1a

Primary Mucosal CD30-Positive T-Cell Lymphoproliferative Disorder
Definition been described in the nasopharynx, age in the sixth decade of life
CD30-positive T-cell lymphoproliferative conjunctiva, and orbit { 22388754 ; 24332333 }.
disorder (TLPD) is a neoplastic { 8833302 ; 22388754 ; 8332573 ; 243323 Etiology
proliferation of large, CD30-positive T cells 33 }. The etiology is unknown. Presentation
arising in the oral cavity or occasionally Clinical features following dental implants has been
other mucosal sites in the head and neck. Patients with CD30-positive TLPD typically reported { 26261101 }.
This entity constitutes a clinicopathological present with a mass lesion, often with Pathogenesis
spectrum of lymphoproliferative lesions, ulceration. Spontaneous regression may Clonal T-cell receptor gene
analogous to the spectrum observed in occur { 9415340 }. Clinical history and rearrangements have been detected in
primary cutaneous CD30-positive TLPD. staging are important for excluding most cases { 22388754 ; 24332333 }.
ICD-O coding secondary involvement by a systemic Occasional cases carry rearrangements
9718/3 Primary mucosal CD30-positive T- lymphoma. of DUSP22 on 6p25.3, similar to the
cell lymphoproliferative disorder Patients with both mucosal and skin rearrangements observed in some primary
ICD-11 coding involvement should be classified as cutaneous CD30-positive TLPDs and ALK-
Not available mucosal involvement by primary negative anaplastic large cell lymphomas
Related terminology cutaneous CD30-positive TLPD { 22388754 }.
None { 22388754 ; 24749749 ; 33269496 }. Macroscopic appearance
Subtype(s) Epidemiology The tumour typically appears as a nodule,
None There is a male predominance, with a mucosal ulceration, or both { 24332333 }.
Localization male-to-female ratio of 2:1. The disorder Histopathology
The proliferation typically occurs in the oral primarily affects adults, with a mean patient Primary mucosal CD30-positive TLPD
cavity or tongue, but similar lesions have demonstrates a morphological spectrum
similar to that observed in primary perforin) are often expressed, and EMA Strong and uniform staining for CD30
cutaneous cases. The neoplastic cells are may be positive. CD56, ALK, and EBV are Demonstration of T-lineage
large atypical lymphoid cells with negative { 24332333 }. The EBV-positive markers and/or molecular evidence of T-
pleomorphic nuclei and abundant cases that have been reported in children cell clonality
cytoplasm. Cells resembling the hallmark most likely represent chronic active EBV Exclusion of systemic lymphoma
cells of anaplastic large cell lymphoma infection instead { 26420252 }. Staging
often are seen. Most cases show a diffuse This disorder must be distinguished from Patients should have disease limited to the
or sheet-like growth pattern. A mixed reactive inflammatory conditions of the oral presenting mucosal site (stage IE by
inflammatory background may be present, cavity and from secondary involvement by Lugano staging). Clinical staging is
including areas with prominent eosinophils systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma. essential to exclude mucosal involvement
or neutrophils Cytology by systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma
{ 14750239 ; 22388754 ; 24332333 }. The cytological features have not been { 22388754 }.
Some cases of traumatic ulcerative described. Prognosis and prediction
granuloma with stromal eosinophilia may Diagnostic molecular pathology Most cases show complete resolution with
represent the indolent end of the spectrum T-cell receptor gene rearrangement local therapy (excision with or without
of CD30-positive TLPD { 16938660 }. studies may be helpful in establishing radiotherapy), with or without the addition
By definition, CD30 is positive, and staining clonality { 22388754 ; 24332333 }. of systemic chemotherapy
is strong and uniform. The large lymphoid Essential and desirable diagnostic { 18387994 ; 22388754 ; 24332333 }.
cells typically show a T-cell phenotype, but criteria Occasional cases show spontaneous
often demonstrate loss of one or more Essential: regression.
pan–T-cell antigens. CD4 is expressed Infiltrate of large, atypical, pleomorphic
more frequently than CD8. Cytotoxic lymphoid cells in a mucosal site
markers (i.e. TIA1, granzyme B, and Variable inflammatory background

Extranodal NK/T-Cell Lymphoma

Definition ICD-11 coding immunoproliferative lesion; angiocentric
Extranodal NK/T cell lymphoma (formerly 2A90.6 Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma lymphoma
nasal-type) is an EBV-associated NK or Related terminology Subtype(s)
cytotoxic T-cell lymphoma occurring in Not recommended: Lethal midline Nasal lymphoma, involving the nasal
an extranodal site. granuloma; malignant midline reticulosis; and/or paranasal region; extranasal
ICD-O coding polymorphic reticulosis; angiocentric lymphoma, arising from the skin,
9719/3 Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma gastrointestinal tract, testis, or soft tissue
Localization which harbours tumour suppressor genes, perforin. A minority of cases can be surface
About 85% of ENKTL occur in the upper including PRDM1, PTPRK, and FOXO3 CD3+, CD8+, or CD56-. T cell receptor
aerodigestive tract with the nasal cavity { 19194464 ; 21690554 ; 25612622 }. antigen is usually negative and frequently
being the most common site of involvement Recurrent mutations identified in ENKTL lost even in T-lineage ENKTL
{ 16380410 ; 23232851 ; 24438142 ; 2555 include those of STAT3, JAK3, BCOR, { 25554090 ; 27015135 }. Therapeutic
4090 }. ARID1A, TP53, targets including CD30, PDL-1, and CD38
Clinical features MGA and DDX3X { 11733360 ; 22705984 are commonly expressed
Most patients present with nasal ; 25980440 ; 26192917 }. Deregulation of { 29052238 ; 26770954 ; 31653980 ; 276
obstruction, epistaxis, and necrotizing signaling pathways and genes (NF- 96202 ; 32766875 ; 28188133 ; 2586594
lesions of the nose or hard palate. κB, BIRC5, MYC, RUNX3, AURKA, 3}
Extensive inflammation associated with a EZH2 and PD-L1), epigenetic alterations
tumour results in periorbital edema, and miRNAs deregulation have been Differential diagnosis
proptosis, and diplopia. identified EBV-negative extranodal cytotoxic T cell
Epidemiology { 21052088 ; 21294123 ; 21610143 ; 2192 lymphoma should be diagnosed as PTCL.
ENKTL affects adults with a median age of 1041 ; 23529930 ; 23963825 ; 25760809 ; NOS. Nodal cytotoxic T cell lymphoma
43-53 years and male predominance 27737703 ; 28119527 ; 28349165 ; 2938 with EBV association is diagnosed as EBV-
{ 21854649 ; 32105608 ; 32658985 ; 3289 6059 ; 30299211 ; 32183952 }. Recently, positive nodal PTCL. See [[LYM5]] for
1786 }. The disease rarely affects children three ENKTL molecular subtypes have additional details of differential diagnosis.
and adolescents { 26712870 }. The been proposed. TSIM-subtype is Cytology
prevalence of ENKTL varies depending on associated with JAK/STAT activation, NK- ENKTL rarely presents in effusion and
ethnicity and geographic location. ENKTL origin and PD-L1 overexpression. MB- shows anaplastic tumour cells with fine to
accounts for 0.7%–17% of malignant subtype shows MYC overexpression and coarse azurophilic granules { 32020785 }.
lymphoma cases in East Asian countries poor outcome, while HEA-subtype is Diagnostic molecular pathology
{ 18251781 ; 20806229 ; 21854649 ; 2966 characterized by epigenetic changes, NF- EBER in situ hybridization reveals EBV
1730 ; 30311404 } and for 0.5-7.8% in κB activation and T-cell origin infection in virtually all tumour cells. The T
central and south American countries { 32183952 }. cell receptor gene is clonal in up to 40% of
{ 22263570 ; 23086753 }, but less than Macroscopic appearance cases
0.1% of US populations Not applicable { 15195017 ; 22314189 ; 27015135 }.
{ 19029440 ; 27618563 ; 27778143 }. Histopathology Essential and desirable diagnostic
Etiology ENKTL exhibits polymorphous infiltration of criteria
The etiology of ENKTL is poorly neoplastic cells mixed with inflammatory Essential:
understood other than its association with cells. The cytomorphology of tumour cells Extranodal location; EBV positivity in
EBV exposure. Epidemiologic data varies and they are most often composed cytotoxic T- or NK tumour cells
suggest that genetic or environmental of medium sized cells or mixture of small Staging
factors predispose some individuals to the and large lymphocytes with Most patients present with Lugano stages I
disease. GWAS study in an Asian hyperchromatic and irregular nuclei. and II (76%) { 32066865 ; 33054461 }.
population identified SNPs, on IL18RAP Angiocentric growth and extensive Prognosis and prediction
(rs13015714) on chromosome 2q12.1, necrosis of tumour tissue are found in most The 5-year overall survival rate of nasal
HLA-DRB1 (rs9271588) on chromosome cases of ENKTL. In the nasal cavity, lymphoma and extranasal lymphoma is
6p21.3, and HLA-DPB1 (rs9277378) on tumours are often accompanied by 54% and 34% respectively
chromosome 6 that were associated with pseudoepitheliomatous proliferation of { 26873565 ; 32105608 ; 33054461 }.
an increased risk of ENKTL overlying squamous mucosa. Patients above 60 years, stage III or IV
{ 27470079 ; 31879220 }. Cellular lineage of tumour cells is either NK disease, distant lymph-node involvement,
Pathogenesis or T cell and extranasal lymphoma, and a higher
ENKTL demonstrates complex genomic { 25554090 ; 23232851 ; 22314189 }. The level of circulating EBV-DNA, have a
alterations; the most consistently detected typical immunophenotype of ENKTL is significantly worse prognosis
chromosomal aberration is deletion of CD20-, sCD3-, cCD3-+, CD4-, CD5-, CD8- { 26873565 ; 32105608 ; 33718104 }.
6q21-25 , and CD56+, and expression of cytotoxic
{ 16049916 ; 19965620 ; 29097495 } molecules such as TIA-1, granzyme B and

CD56 CD3

Hodgkin Lymphoma
Definition immunophenotype termed Hodgkin/Reed- ICD-O coding
Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) is a clonal, Sternberg (H/RS) cells in classic HL (CHL) 9650/3 Hodgkin lymphoma, NOS
malignant lymphoproliferation derived from and LP cells in nodular lymphocyte- 9663/3 Classic Hodgkin lymphoma,
germinal center B cells, in which a minority predominant HL (NLPHL) reside in a mixed nodular sclerosis
of neoplastic cells with characteristic inflammatory background.
9652/3 Classic Hodgkin lymphoma, mixed frequent history of thyroiditis dominated by T cells, except for
cellularity { 20564093 ; 16258502 }. lymphocyte rich CHL which exhibits small
9651/3 Classic Hodgkin lymphoma, Etiology B cells in a nodular arrangement
lymphocyte-rich The etiology of HL is unknown, but 20% to { 10961891 ; 30407610 }.
9653/3 Classic Hodgkin lymphoma, almost 100% of cases of CHL are NLPHL is characterized by rare, large
lymphocyte depletion associated with Epstein Barr-virus (EBV) atypical LP cells with
9659/3 Hodgkin lymphoma, nodular { 8836402 ; 33686198 }. frequently lobulated nuclei in a background
lymphocyte-predominant type Pathogenesis of small lymphocytes usually arranged in a
ICD-11 coding H/RS cells are germinal-centre B cells with macronodular fashion { 30407610 }. LP
2B30.1Z Classical Hodgkin lymphoma, somatically hypermutated IG genes, cells in NLPHL show a retained B cell
unspecified absence of immunoglobulin expression, program and express CD20, CD79a, and B
2B30.10 Nodular sclerosis classical and lack of a B cell gene expression cell transcription factors PAX5, Oct-2,
Hodgkin lymphoma programme, whereas LP cells retain their B BOB.1 and MEF2B, and variably EMA. The
2B30.11 Lymphocyte-rich classical cell phenotype background usually is dominated by small
Hodgkin lymphoma { 10637266 ; 12393731 ; 27496304 }. B cells. LP cells are rosetted by
2B30.12 Mixed cellularity classical Hodgkin H/RS cells show constitutive activation of PD1+/CD57+ follicular T helper cells
lymphoma NF-κB and other pro-tumourigenic { 30407610 }.
2B30.13 Lymphocyte depleted classical signaling pathways and produce a variety Differential diagnosis:
Hodgkin lymphoma of cytokines and chemokines responsible H/RS-like cells can occur in a variety of
2B30.0 Nodular lymphocyte predominant for the inflammatory infiltrate and NHL and reactive conditions. In Waldeyer
Hodgkin lymphoma generation of a protective ring, infectious mononucleosis and EBV-
Related terminology microenvironment associated mucocutaneous ulcer are
Acceptable: Hodgkin disease { 21368758 ; 21483001 ; 27496304 }. important differential diagnoses of EBV+
Subtype(s) Macroscopic appearance CHL { 29518976 }. NLPHL needs to be
Classic HL: CHL nodular sclerosis may show gross distinguished from lymphocyte rich CHL
- Nodular sclerosis - Mixed cellularity - nodularity and fibrotic bands, whereas and small B cell lymphomas
Lymphocyte-rich - Lymphocyte depletion other subtypes exhibit a whitish, { 10961891 ; 30407610 }.
homogeneous cut surface. Cytology
HL, nodular lymphocyte predominant type Histopathology FNA specimens show H/RS or LP cells,
Localization The main feature of CHL is the presence of respectively in a mixed inflammatory
HL is usually a node-based disease. Less characteristic H/RS cells and variants in a background, but primary diagnosis
than 1% of cases involve extranodal sites mixed inflammatory infiltrate. The cellular requires a tissue biopsy { 11842377 }.
in the head and neck region composition of the background varies Diagnostic molecular pathology
{ 20564093 ; 7503365 ; 15981804 ; 33478 depending on the subtype { 27496304 }. Molecular studies are not required and of
377 }. Most commonly, Waldeyer ring is Classic RS cells are bi- or multinucleate limited diagnostic use.
affected, including nasopharynx and large cells with nuclei with open chromatin Essential and desirable diagnostic
tonsils, frequently associated with cervical and large, eosinophilic nucleoli. The criteria
lymphadenopathy. HL in the parotid usually mononuclear variant is called a Hodgkin Essential:
arises from intraparotid lymph nodes cell. In nodular sclerosis CHL, the lacunar CHL: H/RS cells with typical
{ 25929348 }. HL rarely occurs in the cell is characterized by clear halos immunophenotype (CD30+, CD15+/-,
thyroid gland { 20564093 ; 16258502 }. surrounding the frequently lobulated nuclei PAX5+ (weak), CD20-/+, ALK-) in an
Clinical features with less prominent nucleoli. CHL in appropriate inflammatory background.
Waldeyer ring involvement often causes Waldeyer ring shows a higher frequency of NLPHL: LP cells with preserved B cell
local symptoms including difficulties in mixed cellularity and lymphocyte rich phenotype in a usually nodular background
swallowing or obstructed nasal respiration subtypes as compared to primary nodal with rosetting of CD57+/PD1+ T cells.
{ 12373352 }. Less than 20% of patients disease Staging
with HL manifesting at these sites have B { 7503365 ; 15981804 ; 20564093 }. H/RS The Lugano staging system is accepted by
symptoms. cells in CHL express CD30 and CD15 in the UICC for TNM classification.
Epidemiology almost 100% and 75-85% of cases, Prognosis and prediction
HL accounts for 15-25% of malignant respectively. They are positive for MUM1 With modern therapy regimens, 80-90% of
lymphomas, with NLPHL representing 3- and weakly express PAX5, whereas other patients with HL can be cured
8% of all HL. HL overall shows slight male B cell markers are either negative or { 29194581 }. Stage according to the
preponderance, more marked (2.4:1) for weakly positive in occasional tumor cells. Lugano classification is the most important
NLPHL { 8922237 ; 10071266 }. Thyroid LMP1 is expressed in EBV+ cases. The predictor of outcome { 25113753 }.
CHL shows a female predominance and background lymphoid population is

OCT-2 CD20



Juvenile Xanthogranuloma
Definition extremities is generally asymptomatic and evolves
Juvenile xanthogranuloma (JXG) is a { 12717244 ; 15613853 ; 32468628 }. from a raised, pink to darker brown lesion
clonal infiltrate of non-Langerhans cell Solitary extra-cutaneous JXG are rare with with progressive flattening. JXG may
histiocytes with a favorable outcome 40-50% being localized in HN, mostly eye disappear within months or years
except in uncommon cases with systemic and ocular adnexa (iris, conjunctiva, eyelid, with scarring or anetoderma
dissemination. choroid, orbit), oral cavity (gingival, buccal { 12717244 ; 15613853 ; 32468628 }. In
ICD-O coding mucosa, midline hard palate) nasal cavity adults, lesions are large, solitary, and
9749/1 Juvenile xanthogranuloma and paranasal sinuses, subglottis, and ear persistent { 16319479 }. Solitary
ICD-11 coding { 12717244 ; 26744443 ; 26189188 }. ocular JXG and those associated with skin
2B31.0 Juvenile xanthogranuloma Solitary spinal or intracranial JXG (mostly lesions (reported in less than 0.4% of
Related terminology extra-axial, in the skull base) or within cutaneous JXG) are generally unilateral
Acceptable: Xanthogranuloma; solitary skeletal muscles, are rare { 8609257 ; 26189188 ; 29488239 }. CNS
xanthogranuloma { 25281434 ; 29488239 ; 26744443 }. JXG can cause seizures, hydrocephalus or
Subtype(s) Systemic JXG shows multivisceral diabetes insipidus (in case of pituitary
None involvement { 16462582 ; 19515049 }. involvement) { 8765620 ; 12717244 ; 1561
Localization Clinical features 3853 }. JXG arising within the upper
JXG are generally confined to the skin, with Cutaneous JXG is a papulo-nodular lesion, respiratory tract or oral cavity may appear
a predilection for head and neck (HN) measuring from 5-10 mm up to 100 mm as a verrucous, pedunculated or fibroma-
(42%), upper trunk, and proximal { 7577591 ; 12717244 ; 29488239 }. JXG like lesion.
Epidemiology identified in few cases, suggest a role epithelioid fibrous histiocytoma, while lack
JXG is a rare disease typical of young of PI3K pathway in JXG pathogenesis of
children. The incidence is unknown and is { 25202140 ; 26637772 }. BRAF characteristic follicolosebaceous induction
probably underestimated. According to p.V600E mutations recently described in , peripheral entrapment of collagen and
Kiel’s tumour registry, JXG represent 0.5% systemic JXG with CNS involvement, raise haemosiderin deposits exclude a lipidized
of all paediatric tumours the possibility that this group fibrous histiocytoma.
{ 12717244 ; 32468628 }. About 5% of might represent variants of Erdheim- "Benign cephalic histiocytosis" is a rare
patients show multiple cutaneous lesions Chester disease { 31685033 }. JXG in self-healing asymptomatic papular
{ 12717244 }. Systemic JXG occurs in <5% monozygotic twins suggests genetic eruption predominantly in the head and
of cases transmission { 21091658 ; 31768065 }. neck of young children, histologically and
{ 12717244 ; 15613853 ; 32468628 }. Macroscopic appearance immunohistochemically undistinguishable
More than 90% of JXG arise within the first JXG appears as a pale yellow-tan, dome- from JXG { 15613853 ; 23551579 }.
year of life (20% are congenital) and show shaped lesion. Early lesions appear as Cytology
a predilection for males (male:female ratio pink macules. Cytology is rarely performed. Smears show
1.4:1) { 15613853 }. JXG in adults is Histopathology mononuclear or multinucleated histiocytes
rare. JXG may be present in 13-15% of JXG are non-encapsulated, well with reniform/oval nuclei intermixed with
patients affected by neurofibromatosis 1 circumscribed lesions centered in the variable numbers of lymphocytes,
{ 15078345 }. A higher prevalence of papillary dermis, with extension into neutrophils, and eosinophils. Giant Touton
juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia in NF1 subcutis in larger lesions. Overlying skin cells or foreign body cells may be present.
patients affected by JXG is debated may ulcerate. The infiltrate is composed In older lesions fibroblasts are also seen
{ 7632061 ; 28189268 }. JXG is also of histiocytes intermixed with variable { 21491610 }.
reported in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome numbers of lymphocytes, eosinophils, Diagnostic molecular pathology
{ 23152840 }. plasma cells, neutrophils, and mast cells. none
Etiology Dilated vascular channels may be Essential and desirable diagnostic
Unknown present.The histological features may criteria
Pathogenesis vary according to the temporal evolution. In Essential:
Pathogenetic mechanisms in JXG are early lesions small oval- Histiocytes intermixed with variable
poorly understood. Rare cases with mixed spindle histiocytes with eosinophilic numbers of inflammatory cells.
LCH and JXG phenotype suggest cytoplasm predominate, whereas large Positivity of histiocytes for CD4 and
a common cell(s) of origin, similar to LCH xanthomatous histiocytes and CD68/CD163 and negativity for
and ECD multinucleated Touton giant cells, CD1a/langerin.
{ 28566492 ; 28512190 }. Expression of characterized by foamy cytoplasm and Desirable:
fascin and coagulation factor XIIIa support multiple nuclei in a ring-like arrangement Touton giant cells
a histogenetic link with dermal are more frequent in older JXG. Mitoses Staging
macrophages { 17786242 ; 34620874 }. R may be seen { 12717244 ; 24582118 }. Not relevant.
ecent studies suggest a pathogenetic role Histiocytes are positive for CD68, CD163, Prognosis and prediction
of the MAPK/ERK pathway. Activating factor XIIIa, CD4, CD14 and fascin. CD1a JXG has an excellent prognosis and may
mutations of NRAS, KRAS, ARAF, and langerin are negative; S-100 protein is resolve spontaneously. Ocular JXG may
MAP2K1 and a RNF11::BRAF fusion have often negative but may show variable light be complicated by glaucoma, uveitis and
been reported in 7 out of 12 systemic JXG staining. blindness. JXG in the CNS and systemic
{ 28752840 }. Further somatic activating Differential diagnosis: JXG may behave aggressively with an
mutations including CSF-1R (in 10%) or Early JXG with rare xanthomatous cells are overall mortality rate of 5–10% in systemic
NTRK1 fusions (in 12%) and, less differentiated from Langherans’ cell JXG
frequently, mutations in CSF-3R, KIT, ALK, histiocytosis by negative immunostaining { 12717244 ; 26637774 ; 32383820 }.
MET, JAK3, RAF1, as well as RAF fusions for S100 and CD1a. In older children,
have been reported in 55 JXG (20 in HN) negative staining for ALK differentiates
{ 31768065 }. PIK3CD mutations, JXG from ALK-related histiocytosis and
Factor Xllla

Erdheim Chester Disease
Definition bones is characteristic of ECD and 2931 }. Patients with involvement of
Erdheim-Chester disease (ECD) is a presents in 80-95% of cases (#25581). maxilla/mandible may show tooth loss
systemic histiocytic neoplasm Perinephric (55-65%) and periaortic (50- { 33582038 }, while sinus involvement may
characterized by multi-organ proliferation 80%) infiltrations are also frequent. mimic chronic sinusitis with thickening of
of mature histiocytes in a background of ECD involvement of the head and neck the walls of paranasal sinuses and facial
fibrosis. is characterized by xanthelasma-like pain. Orbital lesions may present as
ICD-O coding lesions (#25583) around the eyes, face, exophthalmos or diploplia { 30337283 }.
9749/3 Erdheim–Chester disease and neck (33%), uni- or bilateral orbital Underlying clonal haematopoiesis or overt
ICD-11 coding infiltration (30%), and sclerosis of facial myeloid neoplasms (mostly chronic
2B31.Y & XH1VJ3 Other specified sinuses (~47% by imaging studies) myelomonocytic leukaemia) can be
histiocytic or dendritic cell neoplasms & (#25581). Rare cases with intraoral present in as many as 42.5% and 15.8% of
Erdheim–Chester disease involvement have been described in the cases, respectively
Related terminology course of the disease process rather than { 28679734 ; 31221777 ; 31624111 ; 3147
Not recommended: Lipogranulomatosis; at initial 5353 ; 33067622 }. Those patients
lipoid granulomatosis; lipid (cholesterol) presentation { 29192649 ; 29097410 ; 291 associated with clonal haematopoiesis
granulomatosis; polyostotic sclerosing 88284 ; 28553668 ; 33582038 }. and/or myeloid neoplasms present at older
histiocytosis Clinical features age than those without. ECD can be
Subtype(s) Symptoms are variable depending on site associated with Langerhans cell
None. and extent of multisystem involvement. histiocytosis or Rosai–Dorfman disease,
Localization Patients mostly present with lower as well as autoimmune diseases
ECD is a multisystem disease and can extremity bone pain and fatigue. ECD can { 24894769 ; 26966089 ; 30923093 ; 3112
affect virtually any organ system but the manifest with multisystem involvement with 3032 }.
lymph nodes, spleen, and liver are cerebellar signs, diabetes insipidus, Epidemiology
generally spared panhypopituitarism, pulmonary and ECD is a rare but probably an
{ 32187362 ; 28553668 ; 29396850 ; 3147 cardiac disease, urinary tract obstruction, underdiagnosed disease. It is a disease of
2931 } (#26435). Bilateral symmetric and retroperitoneal fibrosis middle-aged adults (a mean age of ~50
osteosclerosis of the lower extremity long { 32187362 ; 28553668 ; 29396850 ; 3147 years) with an age range of 15–80 years at
diagnosis and a male predominance surface of lesions may be yellow in Diagnostic molecular pathology
(~70%) appearance. Demonstration of a corroborating genomic
{ 32187362 ; 28553668 ; 29396850 ; 3147 Histopathology alteration may aid in diagnosis and
2931 ; 29192649 }. It is extremely rare in The infiltrate is composed of histiocytes treatment (#26437). A BRAF p.Val600Glu
children, in whom it is frequently with foamy and/or eosinophilic cytoplasm mutation is present in 50–60% of cases of
associated with Langerhans cell admixed with chronic inflammatory cells ECD { 22879539 ; 26566875 ; 29192649 ;
histiocytosis and marked fibrosis. The 31768065 }. Patients
{ 19755920 ; 26466952 ; 30265230 }. lesional histiocytes may be sparse and without BRAF p.Val600Glu frequently
Etiology may have distorted shapes. Eosinophils have other mutations mostly
ECD is a clonal neoplastic disorder with no are rare to absent. Touton giant cells can on MAP2K1, KRAS,
known genetic predisposition be seen but are not always present or NRAS { 22879539 ; 26566875 ; 291926
{ 22879539 ; 26566875 ; 29192649 ; 3176 { 29192649 }. 49 ; 31768065 }. BRAF indels or BRAF fus
8065 } although, an underlying clonal Histologic features of ECD xanthelasma- ions may also be present, which may
hematopoiesis has been described in over like lesions can closely resemble classic require RNA sequencing in patients without
two-thirds of the cases, a much higher rate xanthelasma. ECD xanthelasma-like point mutations in kinases { 31768065 }. It
than reported in the general population lesions infiltrate the reticular dermis more should be noted that mutant allele
{ 33067622 }. frequently, display more multinucleated frequency is low (< 5%) in a quarter of
Pathogenesis and Touton giant cells, and show less cases, which may pose a diagnostic
Gain-of-function alterations activating extensive fibrosis than classic xanthelasma difficulty { 30262559 }.
mostly the mitogen-activated protein lesions { 26785805 ; 29192649 }. Essential and desirable diagnostic
kinase (MAPK) pathway and cell- Immunohistochemistry: criteria
proliferation related pathways other than The immunophenotype is non-specific with Essential: Collections of histiocytes with
MAPK have been identified in nearly all the expression of CD163, CD68, CD14, bland cytologic features, foamy and/or
cases FXIIIa, and CD4. CD1a and eosinophilic cytoplasm, and non-
{ 22879539 ; 26566875 ; 29192649 ; 3026 Langerin (CD207) stains are consistently Langerhans cell phenotype in the
2559 ; 31768065 } (See table #26437). negative. There is variable staining for appropriate clinical and radiological
Additionally, a characteristic cytokine S100 protein in up to one third of the cases context.
signature responsible for local activation although extensive expression is not seen Desirable: Corroborating genetic
and recruitment of histiocytes has been { 29192649 }. Immunostaining with alteration.
identified { 21205927 }. BRAF p.V600E antibody for the detection Staging
of BRAF p.Val600Glu mutation can be Not relevant.
Functional studies have shown that some useful, although some cases showing Prognosis and prediction
cases derive from haematopoietic/myeloid discordant results with the molecular Most patients require systemic therapy.
progenitors { 28566492 }. The high techniques have been reported Traditionally, drugs such as peginterferon
frequency of myeloid neoplasms and clonal { 29192649 }. Histiocytes are positive for and cladribine have been used as initial
haematopoiesis associated with phospho-ERK in most cases thus treatments. However, in recent years,
ECD further support the clonal myeloid confirming activation of the MAPK pathway alterations have been
origin in at least a proportion of ECD MAPK pathway, however this staining is recognized and targeted therapies with
patients. A model with sequential sensitive to fixation conditions and may kinase inhibitors are used more frequently
acquisition of driver mutations leading to have false negativity. { 29396850 ; 22300602 ; 32187362 }.
development of ECD and myeloid Cytology Recent studies reported a 43–100%
neoplasms from underlying clonal Cytology samples are mostly of low response rate and almost no disease
haematopoiesis has been proposed. cellularity due to associated fibrosis. They progression with the use of BRAF and/or
However, ECD can occur irrespective of may show bland MEK inhibitors
the presence of clonal haematopoiesis foamy histiocytes including occasional { 30867592 ; 28667012 ; 29188284 }.
{ 33067622 ; 29192649 ; 28679734 ; 3162 binucleated and Prognosis depends on site and extent of
4111 }. multinucleated cells without the involvement. CNS involvement and
Macroscopic appearance grooves admixed with chronic multisystemic disease are poor prognostic
Most of the samples obtained for diagnosis inflammatory cells. However, the diagnosis factors { 21239701 }.
correspond to biopsies of skin or bone. of ECD typically requires a biopsy of
They are usually firm and sclerotic. Cut involved tissues { 22279491 ; 23447119 }.

CD163 CD1a CD163

Rosai-Dorfman Disease
Definition The pathogenesis is incompletely { 30323237 ; 31172509 }.
Rosai-Dorfman disease (RDD) is a understood. A subset of cases (~50%) RDD histiocytes are weakly positive or
histiocytic disease with characteristic carries gene mutations in the MAPK/ERK negative for histiocyte-associated antigens
morphology, S-100 protein positivity, and pathway and appears to be neoplastic such as CD4, CD11c, CD68 and CD163
often genetic mutations in the mitogen- { 28664935 ; 29720485 }. { 28664935 }, and are negative for CD1A,
activated protein kinase/extracellular Macroscopic appearance CD207/langerin and pan B-cell and T-cell
signal-related kinase (MAPK/ERK) Lymph nodes are enlarged and matted antigens. Background small lymphocytes
pathway. often forming multinodular masses. represent a mixture of T- and B-cells.
ICD-O coding Histopathology Plasma cells are polytypic and IgG4-
9749/3 Rosai–Dorfman disease Lymph nodes show expanded sinuses positive cells can be numerous.
ICD-11 coding filled by large histiocytes with plate-like Cytology
EK92 Histiocytoses of uncertain malignant cytoplasm containing central Aspiration smears show many
potential hypochromatic nuclei and distinct, round lymphocytes, plasma cells and
Related terminology nucleoli. The histiocytes usually show large histiocytes often with emperipolesis.
Acceptable: Destombes-Rosai-Dorfman emperipolesis manifested by multiple small Diagnostic molecular pathology
disease; sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphocytes within the histiocyte Up to 50% of RDD cases have mutations in
lymphadenopathy cytoplasm. Between sinuses the lymph the MAPK/ERK pathway,
Subtype(s) node contains many small lymphocytes including KRAS, NRAS, MAP2K1, ARAF,
None and plasma cells. At low power CSF1R and rarely BRAF V600E
Localization magnification, the impression is that of light { 28664935 ; 29720485 ; 31172509 ; 3260
RDD most often involves lymph nodes, and dark zones or a striated appearance. 1132 }.
particularly in the cervical region. About 30- Neutrophils and less Essential and desirable diagnostic
40% of patients have extranodal disease. often microabscesses can be present. criteria
In the head and neck, the nasal cavity, Fibrosis can be marked imparting a Essential: Large histiocytes with
paranasal sinuses, orbit and oral cavity are storiform pattern. Cytologic atypia, characteristic morphology; S100 protein
most commonly involved. Less common multinucleation and mitoses are positive.
sites include the salivary glands, soft uncommon. Eosinophils are absent. Desirable: Emperipolesis; MAPK/ERK
tissues and facial bones { 8491488 }. In lymph nodes, rare RDD cases can be pathway mutations
Clinical features associated with lymphoma of various types
Most patients present with painless, slow { 30323237 }. Lymphoma-associated Staging
growing lymphadenopathy or RDD is usually small and focally involves No staging system has been developed.
an extranodal mass. About one third of lymph nodes. Most patients have unilateral or bilateral
patients have B-type symptoms. At extranodal sites, the striated low lymphadenopathy or localized extranodal
Epidemiology appearance is less common disease.
RDD has a worldwide distribution. The and emperipolesis can be rare or absent. Prognosis and prediction
median age of patients is in the third The mixed inflammatory infiltrate including Most patients have asymptomatic disease
decade with a wide age range { 2180012 }. plasma cells, lymphocytes, and and observation is adequate. About 50% of
In the United States, there are about 100 neutrophils, with variable numbers of patients undergo complete resolution. A
new cases/year { 29720485 }. The disease histiocytes, can make the diagnosis of subset of patients has persistent disease or
affects all races but is more common in RDD challenging. Entities in the differential RDD can relapse, requiring therapy that
African Americans. diagnosis of extranodal RDD include may include complete excision, radiation
Etiology infectious processes, IgG4-related therapy or chemotherapy. In this patient
Etiology is unknown, but at least a subset sclerosing diseases, and other histiocytic subset, MEK (encoded by MAP2K1)
of cases appears to be disorders. inhibitors may be helpful. Rare RDD
neoplastic. Assessment of the human The histiocytes of RDD are strongly patients have familial disease. Workup to
androgen receptor gene (HUMARA) in a positive for S100 protein and OCT2 exclude H syndrome (SLC29A3 mutation)
small number of cases has shown that { 2180012 ; 28664935 ; 33177341 }. or autoimmune lymphoproliferative
RDD is polyclonal { 8547085 }. The histiocytes are also commonly positive syndrome (TNFRSF6 mutation) may be
Pathogenesis for p-ERK or cyclin D1 indicating activation indicated { 20140240 }.
of the MAP/ERK pathway


Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis

Definition multisystem LCH, cutaneous lesions may dendritic processes { 12121233 }. The
Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a precede visceral compromise characteristic milieu includes variable
clonal neoplastic proliferation of myeloid { 25200852 ; 29164473 }. numbers of eosinophils, histiocytes,
dendritic cells expressing LC phenotype. Epidemiology neutrophils, small lymphocytes, and
ICD-O coding The annual incidence in children and adults plasma cells { 12121233 }. Occasionally,
9751/1 Langerhans cell histiocytosis, NOS is about 5 and 1-2 cases/1 million eosinophilic microabscesses with
9751/3 Langerhans cell histiocytosis, population, respectively { 18260117 }. central necrosis are found. LCH cells
disseminated The M:F ratio is 1.2:1 { 30157397 }. The predominate in early lesions but decrease
ICD-11 coding disease is more common among European in late lesions, with increased foamy
2B31.2 & XH1J18 Langerhans cell descendants and Hispanics. LCH can macrophages and fibrosis. The
histiocytosis & Langerhans cell be associated with Erdheim–Chester ultrastructural hallmark is the cytoplasmic
histiocytosis NOS. Disease { 26966089 }. Birbeck granule (200–400 nm long and 33
Related terminology Etiology nm wide, with a tennis-racket shape and a
Not recommended: Langerhans cell Unknown. zipper-like appearance) { 12121233 }. LCH
granulomatosis; histiocytosis X; Pathogenesis cells express CD1a, CD207/langerin,
eosinophilic granuloma; Hand–Schüller– The cell of origin is closer to a myeloid S100, CD68, and HLA-DR { 30157397 }.
Christian disease; Letterer–Siwe disease. dendritic cell than to an epidermal LC The BRAF p.Val600Glu mutation can be
Subtype(s) { 20220088 }. MAPK pathway mutations at identified by a specific antibody
Single-system Langerhans cell a pluripotent haematopoietic, tissue- { 28219109 ; 30923995 }. Rare cases
histiocytosis, with one organ/system restricted, or local precursor level might associated with follicular lymphoma or B-
involved (unifocal or multifocal); give rise to multisystem, multifocal, or or T-lymphoblastic leukaemia are
multisystem Langerhans cell histiocytosis, unifocal LCH, respectively { 30157397 }. considered a transdifferentiation
with two or more organs/systems involved These mutations may favour tissue-site phenomenon and behave more
Localization accumulation via disrupted cell migration aggressively
Single-system LCH of the head and neck and apoptosis inhibition { 29263218 }. Rare { 23759932 ; 15925822 ; 19642834 }.
affects the cranial and facial bones, skin, familial cases are reported { 11452942 }. Cytology
gingiva, or cervical lymph nodes. In multi- About 30% of cases show clonal IGH, IGK, LCH cell clusters are diagnostic, but
system LCH, other organs (liver, spleen, and/or T-cell receptor gene caution is needed in lymph nodes because
and/or bone-marrow) are also involved rearrangements { 20551822 }. paracortical dendritic/LCs are
{ 25200852 ; 29164473 }. Macroscopic appearance indistinguishable from sinus-based LCH
Clinical features Not clinically relevant. cells.
Unifocal LCH preferentially affects older Histopathology Diagnostic molecular pathology
children and adults, multifocal LCH young Diagnostic LCH cells are oval (10–15 μm In > 85% of cases, MAPK-pathway gene
children, and multisystem LCH infants. diameter) with grooved, folded, indented, mutations are recorded, affecting BRAF or
Oral lesions represent the commonest or lobed nuclei, fine chromatin, alternatively MAP2K1 or much more
manifestation, mainly in the form of an inconspicuous nucleoli, and thin nuclear rarely ARAF. ERBB3, NRAS,
intra-osseous ill-defined unilocular membranes { 12121233 }. Nuclear atypia and KRAS mutations can also occur in
radiolucency with gingival involvement and is minimal, but mitotic activity is variable adults { 30157397 }.
tooth mobility. Diabetes insipidus occurs in (like the Ki-67 index) and can be high Essential and desirable diagnostic
case of hypothalamic pituitary without atypical forms { 12121233 }. The criteria
involvement. Other findings include facial cytoplasm is moderately abundant, slightly Essential: Typical LC morphology; CD1a,
swelling and cervical lymphadenopathy. In eosinophilic, and devoid of S100, and CD207 (langerin) positivity
Desirable: Detection of MAPK-pathway with prolonged therapy resistance to first-line therapy and
mutations. { 23589673 ; 12376981 ; 11496348 ; 3015 neurodegenerative CNS
Staging 7397 }. Progression from unifocal to LCH { 24638167 ; 27382093 }. In
Based on the subtypes ± risk-organ multisystem LCH can occur, most previously diagnosed LCH patients
involvement. commonly in infants with hypothalamic- with BRAF p.Val600Glu mutation,
Prognosis and prediction pituitary involvement. Multisystem LCH can additional lesions with BRAF–positive,
Stage is a more important prognosticator be complicated by macrophage activation CD1a/CD207-negative histiocytes may still
than age at presentation, with ≥ 99% syndrome represent active disease { 28194436 }.
survival for unifocal disease and < 20% { 11910507 }. BRAF p.Val600Glu mutation
mortality in risk-organ multisystem LCH correlates with increased relapse-risk,

Follicular Dendritic Cell Sarcoma
Definition Pathogenesis CD20 are typically negative.
Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma (FDCS) is Non-neoplastic FDC are derived from { 11796841 ; 18774654 ; 21836499 ; 2731
a tumour exhibiting phenotypic features of common perivascular progenitors (i.e. 8412 ; 32547956 }.
mesenchymal FDCs. vascular mural cells) rather than Cytology
ICD-O coding hematopoietic precursors The cells borders are indistinct even on
9758/3 Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma { 26966089 }. A hyperplasia–dysplasia– smears. Cell block preparation with
ICD-11 coding neoplasia model of FDC proliferation has immunohistochemical staining is essential.
2B31.5 Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma been proposed for the link between Diagnostic molecular pathology
Related terminology hyaline-vascular Castleman disease and A small percentage of cases have
Not recommended: Follicular dendritic cell FDCS. The shared clonality and demonstrated BRAF p.V600E mutations
tumour overexpression of EGFR in the dysplastic { 24720374 } but other MAPK pathway
Subtype(s) FDCs and FDCS provides further evidence mutations are uncommon
EBV-positive inflammatory follicular that the two conditions are related { 23888072 ; 28695297 }.
dendritic cell (FDC) sarcoma { 14562277 ; 23755890 }. Essential and desirable diagnostic
Localization Macroscopic appearance criteria
The majority of cases in the head and neck The tumours are solitary, circumscribed Essential: Spindled to ovoid cells arranged
are isolated and extranodal, involving the masses with a fleshy cut surface. Areas of in fascicular, whorled, or storiform patterns
palatine tonsil, nasopharynx, haemorrhage and necrosis may be with expression of one or more FDC
parapharyngeal space, soft and hard present. Average sizes in the head and markers by immunohistochemistry.
palate, retromolar trigone neck are 40 - 50 mm { 25917851 }. Desirable: Comprehensive molecular
{ 25831474 ; 23755890 }. Less frequently, Histopathology analysis and EGFR expression.
FDCS involves cervical lymph nodes In both nodal and extranodal sites, Staging
{ 25831474 ; 27318412 }. The EBV- FDCS shows a pushing invasion, Not relevant.
positive inflammatory follicular dendritic composed of spindled to ovoid cells Prognosis and prediction
cell sarcoma occurs with near exclusivity in arranged in fascicular, whorled, or FDCS is a low- to intermediate-grade
the liver and spleen { 24966952 } storiform patterns, accompanied by an malignancy with a local recurrence rate of
[[DIG5]] with rare head and neck examples admixture of small lymphocytes or 28-40% and a distant metastasis rate of
{ 33264138 }. aggregates around blood vessels. The >25% { 9010103 ; 25917851 ; 23684177 }.
Clinical features background matrix ranges from myxoid to The overall survival is (91%, 2-years; 81%,
Patients with nodal tumours typically densely hyaline. The tumour cells have a 5-years) and disease-specific survival
present with slow growing neck masses, moderate amount of pale eosinophilic rates (64%, 2-years; 34%, 5-years). The
asymptomatic or painful. In the Waldeyer cytoplasm and indistinct cell borders, documented mortality rate for FDCS was
ring, there may be intraoral swelling or imparting a syncytial appearance. The 16.7% based on 42 cases { 9010103 }.
dysphagia. Systemic symptoms are rare nuclei have vesicular or granular finely Surgery is potentially curative for early-
but may include fever, weight loss, and dispersed chromatin, small distinct stage disease, but late recurrence and
fatigue. Most patients (80–90%) have nucleoli, and a smooth nuclear membrane. metastasis can occur many years after
localized disease at presentation Nuclear pseudoinclusions, binucleated initial presentation { 10931467 }. Ligand-
{ 23684177 ; 25831474 }. (Reed-Sternberg-like), and multinucleated dependent EGFR activation, along
Epidemiology cells are seen. The mitotic rate is usually with expression of the inhibitory immune
FDCS accounts for < 1% of all head and 0–10 mitoses per mm2. High-grade nuclear receptor PD-1 and its ligands PD-L1 and
neck tumours, with no gender predilection. pleomorphism/anaplasia, atypical mitoses, PD-L2, could be potential therapeutic
While occurring in all ages (9-90), the and coagulative necrosis are uncommon. targets along with tyrosine kinase inhibitors
median age is typically in the late 4th to Extranodal tumours may cause diagnostic in exceptional cases
5th decade { 23755890 ; 25831474 } with confusion with other head/neck tumours, { 23888072 ; 26298731 ; 28130401 ; 2869
exceptional paediatric cases histiocytic tumours, lymphomas, and 5297 }.
{ 23684177 }. sarcomas { 32547956 }. Expression of The lung, liver, and lymph nodes are
Etiology a FDC marker is essential for diagnosis but common sites of metastasis { 23684177 }.
No true risk factors or genetic can be variably lost or only focally positive; A simple, risk stratification was developed
predisposition exists. Association with a broad immunohistochemical panel based on tumour size and histology
hyaline-vascular Castleman disease is should include CD21, CD23, CD35, including: Low risk (16% of local
estimated in a minority (7.5-15%) clusterin, CXCL13 (focal cytoplasmic/Golgi recurrence, size < 50 mm, low- or high-
{ 11422494 ; 8172326 ; 18596475 ; 27318 dot-like pattern), while NGFR grade histology), intermediate risk (46% of
412 }. A loose association with (p75NTR /CD271), and podoplanin (D2-40) local recurrence, size ≥50 mm, low-grade
autoimmunity has been noted in case are also expressed. Exceptionally, the cells histology), and high risk (73% of
reports, including paraneoplastic can be variably positive for cytokeratin, recurrence, ≥50 mm, high-grade histology)
pemphigus with or without myasthenia EMA, TTF1, fascin, S100, CD4, CD68, { 20503450 }. Other proposed poor
gravis { 23755890 }. CD14 and CD30. Cytokeratin, ALK, CD3, prognostic factors include disseminated
disease, extensive necrosis, high mitotic { 9010103 ; 20503450 ; 22772431 ; 2375
count (>2 mitoses per mm2), and significant 5890 ; 25310210 ; 25917851 }.
nuclear pleomorphism

CD35 CD21
Mucosal melanoma arising in the biologically distinct from both melanoma (BRAF, NRAS, NF1),
sinonasal region, oral cavity and cutaneous and uveal are much less common, with
larynx are combined and melanomas. Mucosal only 28% of head and neck
presented in this chapter on melanomas of the head and mucosal melanomas showing
melanocytic tumours rather than neck harbor distinct genetic any of these mutations
separated based on anatomic alterations characterized by { 28325255 ; 31655118 }.
site as described in the previous numerous chromosomal Knowledge of the mutational
edition. structural aberrations and copy landscape of head and neck
Rare compared to cutaneous number alterations. The mucosal melanoma is evolving,
melanoma, head and neck common MAPK activating and potential therapeutic targets
mucosal melanomas are mutations seen in cutaneous are being identified.
Mucosal Melanoma
Definition the liver. Lesions may be hypervascular on of involvement with contiguous or
Mucosal melanoma (MM) is a malignant CT in the arterial phase and hypodense in separate, single or clusters of
neoplasm of mucosal melanocytes. the portal phase. Rim enhancement and intraepithelial malignant melanocytes. A
ICD-O coding central necrosis is common. High signal is lentiginous growth pattern is more common
8720/3 Mucosal melanoma often noted on non-contrast T1W liver MRI. in oral MM.
8746/3 Mucosal lentiginous melanoma When combined with dedicated CT, PET- As many as 50% of sinonasal MM are
8721/3 Nodular melanoma CT is 98% sensitive and 94% specific for amelanotic resulting in a broad differential
8720/3 Malignant melanoma, NOS detecting metastatic melanoma, sites diagnosis that includes small blue cell
ICD-11 coding normally being FDG avid { 17641374 }. tumours (olfactory neuroblastoma, Ewing
2C11.2 & XH4846 Other specified Epidemiology sarcoma and rhabdomyosarcoma), high-
malignant neoplasms of other or ill-defined Head and neck MM represent less than 1% grade carcinomas (sinonasal
digestive organs & Malignant melanoma of all melanomas and affect the sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma, poorly
NOS and oral mucosa more frequently that other differentiated squamous cell carcinoma,
2C11.2 & XH5QP3 Other specified mucosal sites { 25242350 }. MM constitute NUT carcinoma, SMARCB1-deficient
malignant neoplasms of other or ill-defined about 4% of all sinonasal tumours and carcinoma), neuroendocrine carcinomas,
digestive organs & Mucosal lentiginous 0.26% of all oral malignancies diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, myeloma
melanoma { 22024859 ; 20198705 ; 18675580 }. and epithelioid sarcoma. Tumours with
2C11.2 & XH4QG5 Other specified Tumours affect older adults with a peak predominantly spindle cell morphology
malignant neoplasms of other or ill-defined incidence in the seventh decade and are must be differentiated from various spindle
digestive organs & Nodular melanoma rare in the first three decades of life cell carcinoma and sarcomas.
Related terminology { 31670075 ; 26753505 }. Predilection for Desmoplastic melanoma affects the
None sex or race have not been conclusively epidermis adjacent to the oral cavity
Subtype(s) demonstrated mucosa, usually lip, and nasal vestibule
Desmoplastic mucosal melanoma; { 32057276 ; 28092366 ; 31670075 ; 2524 where exposure to sun occurs. The
mucosal lentiginous melanoma 2350 }. tumours usually are comprised of
Localization Etiology amelanotic spindle cells in a collagenous
About 80% of head and neck MM involve MM are biologically distinct from cutaneous matrix which may be paucicellular and
the nasal cavity or septum, and maxillary melanomas with no definitive precursor slightly atypical and may not show mitosis,
sinus { 31670075 }. In the oral cavity, most lesions but may be associated with necrosis and lymphovascular invasion or
cases arise on the maxillary gingiva and mucosal melanosis { 26399561 }. There is express melanocytic markers but
palate { 26753505 }. Tumours arising in no known correlation with exposure to frequently show perineural invasion
other paranasal sinuses, pharynx and environmental carcinogens, e.g. tobacco, { 30312883 }. Presence of junctional
larynx are rare { 28325255 ; 25242350 }. chemicals, or viruses activity in the overlying epithelium may aid
Clinical features { 28092366 ; 28325255 }. in their distinction from other low grade
Sinonasal MM present with non-specific Pathogenesis spindle cell tumours { 15054741 }. In the
symptoms simulating inflammatory The genomic landscape of MM is distinct absence of an epithelial component and
conditions which can delay diagnosis for from cutaneous and uveal melanomas melanin pigment in a biopsy an adequate
months and sometimes years. Symptoms { 31655118 ; 31358010 ; 31320640 ; 2514 panel of immunohistochemical markers are
include nasal obstruction, sinus 7369 }. Compared to cutaneous necessary { 32068045 ; 30312883 }.
congestion, rhinorrhea including melanomas, MM lack the UV-signature, Immunohistochemistry is essential to
melanorrhea and epistaxis. Endoscopy have a significantly lower somatic diagnose amelanotic tumours. S100
shows a polypoid fleshy or pigmented mutational burden, and show higher rates protein and melanocytic markers (HMB45,
mass. Oral MM is often asymptomatic, with of KIT mutations but a lower prevalence tyrosinase, melan-A (MART1), MITF, and
dark brown to black macules, plaques or of NRAS and BRAF mutations SOX10) show variable sensitivity
nodules { 26753505 }. Some patients have (Table #25622) depending on tumour cell morphology with
a long history of mucosal melanosis. { 31655118 ; 31320640 ; 25147369 ; 2386 robust expression in
Ulceration is common. Laryngeal MM may 0532 }. Mutational profiles vary even epithelioid/undifferentiated cells and weak
present with hoarseness or breathing across mucosal and focal expression in spindled
problems. Lymph node and distant subsites { 31320640 ; 31655118 ; 282967 cells { 11395556 ; 12717245 }. Individual
metastases at presentation may be seen in 13 }. More recent studies show co- markers can be negative and if melanoma
approximately 20% and 10% of cases mutations of NF1 and KIT { 28296713 }, is suspected a single marker should not be
respectively { 31670075 }. mRNA splice factor SF3B1 alterations relied on for screening purposes.
Imaging { 31655118 }, and cell cycle aberrations Cytology
Radiologic imaging reveals the extent of { 31358010 }. Fine needle aspiration cytology, frequently
invasion of the primary tumour, including Macroscopic appearance obtained from metastatic sites, show
destruction of cartilage and bone, orbital Sinonasal MM are polypoid, exophytic features similar to cutaneous melanomas,
and intracranial extension. It also nodules that may be tan-grey firm to friable e.g. large discohesive epithelioid or
demonstrates lymph node and distant or deeply pigmented. Oral MM tend to be spindled cells with or without melanin
metastases for staging purposes pigmented flat lesions. Surface ulceration pigment.
{ 21295201 ; 10720207 }. is frequent. Diagnostic molecular pathology
A combination of CT and MRI is used to Histopathology Although low yield, a minor subset will have
assess the primary tumour- CT Tumour cells are polymorphic, displaying a targetable molecular alteration by
demonstrates bone erosion and is useful spindled, epithelioid, plasmacytoid or molecular evaluation.
for surgical planning. MRI better rhabdoid, round, clear and undifferentiated Essential and desirable diagnostic
differentiates tumour from retained cells, often within the same tumour. criteria
secretions and demonstrates intracranial Epithelioid tumour cells show amphophilic Essential: Highly atypical or
and intraorbital invasion more effectively. hyaline cytoplasm and atypical nuclei with undifferentiated malignant cells
MRI with contrast is the modality of choice high N:C ratio and prominent demonstrating melanocytic differentiation
to detect cerebral metastases with higher macronucleoli arranged in solid sheet-like (melanin-producing or expressing
sensitivity and specificity than contrasted or nested growth patterns. Spindled tumour melanocytic markers by
enhanced CT. cells form intersecting fascicles. Invasive immunohistochemistry) involving the
With regards to nodal metastases, these MM is primarily submucosal but can invade submucosa in the absence of any evidence
are frequently T1W hyperintense and low the underlying bone and cartilage. Mitoses of metastasis from a cutaneous primary.
signal on T2W, unlike metastases from are readily apparent and often atypical. Desirable: Pagetoid or lentiginous
other primaries. Melanin content reduces Necrosis and discohesion frequently lead involvement of epithelium. Evidence of
T1 relaxation times, leading to T1W high to a pseudopapillary or peritheliomatous melanin production.
signal. Following contrast heterogeneous pattern. Pseudoalveolar pattern has been Staging
enhancement is often noted. described { 26753505 }. Lymphovascular All head and neck mucosal MM are T3–4
CT is the modality of choice for detecting and perineural invasion are common. The and stage III-IV in both the UICC
distant metastases. The lungs and pleura intact respiratory or squamous epithelium and AJCC 8TH ed.
are most frequently affected, followed by may show a pagetoid or lentiginous pattern Prognosis and prediction
The 5 year overall survival of head and better outcome than tumours involving survival { 27043023 }. In a small number of
neck MM ranges from 20% to 50% paranasal sinuses cases targeted and immunotherapy appear
{ 24548569 ; 31670075 ; 28325255 }. { 31670075 ; 31077407 }. Cutaneous to be promising { 31172258 }.
Large tumour size and advanced age and melanoma prognostic factors (e.g. Clark
stage including distant metastasis portend level of invasion and Breslow tumour
poor prognosis. { 24548569 ; 31077407 }. thickness) do not apply. Surgical resection
MM of the oral and nasal cavity tend to be remains the mainstay of therapy. Adjuvant
localized (T3) and resectable and have radiotherapy improves local control but not

SOX10 S100 S100


The neck is divided into the has been added to this section. Among such carcinomas of
anterior and posterior triangles Heterotopia-associated unknown primary include
by the sternocleidomastoid carcinoma, an entity introduced oropharyngeal HPV-related
muscle. The contents of the neck in the prior edition, primarily carcinomas, oropharyngeal
include lymph nodes, soft relates to papillary thyroid neuroendocrine carcinomas,
tissues, vascular/lymphatic carcinoma arising in associated { 21997688 ; 22301491 ; 30468
structures, and nerves. with heterotopic thyroid tissue in 701 } and nasopharyngeal EBV-
Excluding cutaneous the neck, the latter associated related carcinomas. Pathologists
lesions/neoplasms, owing to the with thyroglossal duct cyst. A should have an understanding of
various tissue types, the neck is less well recognized the topographic anatomy of the
host to a wide variety of primary phenomenon is the intranodal cervical neck lymph node
nonneoplastic lesions and origin of salivary gland lesions / sites/levels (see
primary neoplasms. The neoplasms (benign and figure #28797) as well as an
spectrum of hematolymphoid malignant) wholly without understanding of lymphatic
and mesenchymal neoplasms involvement of the salivary gland drainage from site specific
are beyond the scope of this parenchyma. mucosal sites of the head and
section. This section will focus neck as providing a possible clue
on select tumours and tumour- The most common malignancies to identifying the primary source
like lesions. Noteworthy is the of the neck are metastases from for the metastasis
biphenotypic branchioma primary head and neck cancers (Table #26425). It is equally
previously referred to as ectopic in particular squamous cell imperative that clinicians provide
hamartomatous thymoma. The carcinoma and melanoma or, exact localization of the involved
inclusion of lymphoepithelial cyst less commonly, from non-head nodes as opposed to “neck
as an independent entity and neck primary cancers. mass” in order to assist the
separate from branchial cleft However, the head and neck pathologist in determining the
cysts or HIV-related or HIV- may harbour a small clinically origin for the metastasis.
unrelated cystic lesions of the occult primary carcinoma with
parotid gland, is debatable, but numerous positive neck nodes.
Definition Imaging: CT and MRI images of a plunging be seen in the surrounding wall or the
Ranula is a pseudocyst that develops from ranula may demonstrate extension of the adjacent salivary gland.
extravasation of mucin, typically located in lesion into the submandibular space (tail
the floor of mouth adjacent to the sign) { 31334858 }. Differential Diagnosis: The entities include
sublingual gland. mucoepidermoid carcinoma, dermoid cyst,
Epidemiology thyroglossal duct cyst, branchial cleft cyst,
ICD-O coding Ranulas are rare and have a frequency of and a vascular malformation. The
None 0.2 cases per 1000 persons. The lesions presence of mucin and the absence of an
affect patients of any age but are more epithelial lining help to differentiate ranula
ICD-11 coding common in teenagers and young adults. from other cystic and vascular lesions
DA04.5 Mucocele of salivary gland No gender predilection has been reported { 15356464 ; 22038368 ; 32809690 }.
{ 12618979 ; 32809690 }.
Related terminology Cytology
Mucocele, retention cyst, mucus Etiology Not clinically relevant
extravasation The most common etiology is trauma to the
sublingual gland, which is a spontaneous Diagnostic molecular pathology
Subtype(s) secretor that produces a continuous flow of Not relevant
Simple or oral ranula and plunging or mucin
cervical ranula { 15356464 ; 20054853 ; 22038368 ; 3280 Essential and desirable diagnostic
{ 15356464 ; 22038368 ; 32109322 ; 3280 9690 }. An association between ranulas criteria
9690 }. and primary Sjögren syndrome has been Essential: cyst-like structure containing
reported mucin surrounded by a fibrous or
Localization { 28964279 ; 31141241 ; 32803681 }. granulation tissue, without an epithelial
Ranula typically occurs in the lateral side of lining
the floor of mouth in association with an Pathogenesis Desirable: imaging: Extension of the lesion
excretory duct of the sublingual gland. The Not relevant into the submandibular space (tail sign)
plunging type of ranula passes around the
posterior border of the mylohyoid muscle or Macroscopic appearance
through a hiatus in the muscle The lesion appears as a blue and fluctuant Staging
{ 15356464 ; 20054853 ; 22038368 ; 3280 dome-shaped mass that resembles a frog’s Not relevant
9690 }. underbelly. It ranges from 1 to 40 mm in
size { 3343879 ; 32809690 }. Prognosis and prediction
Clinical features Both simple and plunging ranulas are
Simple ranula presents as a painless mass Histopathology treated by complete surgical excision of the
in the floor of the mouth whereas a Ranula is a cyst-like structure consisting of gland with the removal of the adjacent
plunging ranula presents as a neck mucin surrounded by fibroconnective or traumatized salivary duct. Recurrence may
swelling. Ranulas are mostly unilateral and granulation tissue that frequently contains occur due to inadequate excision
unifocal but can cross the midline histiocytes devoid of an epithelial { 15635557 ; 20594633 ; 21757145 ; 3208
{ 15356464 ; 22038368 ; 32109322 ; 3280 lining. Thrombi and blood-filled vessels can 7991 }.
9690 }.

Lymphoepithelial Cyst
Definition Acceptable: benign lymphoepithelial cyst, Clinical features
Lymphoepithelial cyst is a descriptive term HIV-related sialadenitis In immunocompetent individuals,
for a benign acquired epithelial-lined cystic lymphoepithelial cysts present as a
lesion associated with dense lymphoid Subtype(s) unilateral painless mass. Patients with HIV
stroma. None infection may develop bilateral disease
{ 3393663 ; 31456841 }.
ICD-O coding Localization
None Lymphoepithelial cysts affect multiple Imaging: Imaging is useful to confirm their
locations, including the parotid, angle of simple cystic nature and delineate their
ICD-11 coding mandible, lateral neck, and oral cavity, anatomical location. Lymphoepithelial
DA05.Y Lymphoepithelial cyst of mouth particularly the floor of the mouth cysts appear as well-circumscribed T2W
{ 13608417 ; 28936296 }. hyperintense and T1W low signal lesions
Related terminology on MRI, which may demonstrate thin
peripheral enhancement following Macroscopic appearance academic. Cystic salivary gland neoplasms
contrast. On ultrasound, lesions are hypo/ Lesions may be unilocular or with tumour associated lymphoid
an-echoic with well-defined margins. In multilocular with mean size of 25 mm proliferation (TALP) can mimic a
HIV-related cases, enlarged adenoidal { 29491615 }. lymphoepithelial cyst.
tissue and cervical lymph nodes are also
often noted. Histopathology Cytology
Lymphoepithelial cyst is a dilated cystic Smears show a mixed lymphoid population
Epidemiology structure lined by squamous epithelium and rare benign epithelial elements in a
Lymphoepithelial cyst arise over a broad with variable degrees of maturation and/or background of proteinaceous fluid
age range with peak in 4th-5th decade columnar epithelium. The epithelium lacks { 2294703 ; 10450101 ; 12357495 }.
{ 7535539 ; 9496829 ; 20303054 }. It has cytomorphological evidence of
classically been described in AIDS and is malignancy. The cyst wall exhibits a dense Diagnostic molecular pathology
reported to occur in up to 6% and 10% of lymphoid infiltrate with well-developed Not relevant
HIV-positive adults and children, lymphoid follicles, and the epithelium is
respectively { 1407984 ; 3393663 }. Cystic commonly permeated by lymphocytes. In Essential and desirable diagnostic
lesions with similar morphology also occur the setting of AIDS and Sjogren syndrome, criteria
in middle-aged immunocompetent the background parenchyma may show Essential: dilated cystic structure; benign
individuals and patients with Sjogren features of lymphoepithelial sialadenitis epithelial lining; dense lymphoid stroma in
syndrome { 10335942 ; 31456841 }. (LESA). In HIV-positive patients, cyst wall
immunoreactivity for the HIV-1 major-core
Etiology protein (p24) can be seen in follicular Staging
The etiology is unclear. It has been dendritic cells and interfollicular Not relevant
postulated that lymphoepithelial cysts arise multinucleated giant cells within the
from epithelial inclusions located in intra- Prognosis and prediction
lymphoid stroma adjacent to the cyst
and/or periparotid lymph nodes that Surgical management is curative for
{ 8394048 ; 28963391 }.
subsequently undergo cystic dilatation due isolated lesions, while cysts in the setting
to obstruction { 3393663 ; 6809660 }. of AIDS resolve with highly active
Differential Diagnosis: Branchial cleft cysts
antiretroviral therapy (HAART) or
and isolated lymphoepithelial cysts have
Pathogenesis radiotherapy
striking overlapping morphology. Since
Unknown { 21237435 ; 23532713 ; 31456841 }.
both lesions have a benign clinical course,
the distinction between them is merely

Branchial Cleft Cyst

Definition Patients present with a painless mass in Macroscopic appearance
Branchial cleft cyst is a developmental the neck, which may acutely increase in A cyst with smooth surface lining
anomaly that arises from the first, second, size after an upper respiratory tract containing brown mucoid material
third or fourth pharyngeal clefts that infection { 16616308 ; 22494467 }. { 25421295 }.
clinically manifests as a lateral neck mass. Bilateral branchial cleft cysts may be
associated with branchio-oto-renal Histopathology
ICD-O coding syndrome { 29500469 }. Branchial cleft cyst is usually unilocular and
None lined with stratified squamous epithelium
Epidemiology lacking cytomorphological evidence of
ICD-11 coding Branchial cleft cysts are equally common in malignancy. Columnar respiratory
A05.Y Other specified cysts of oral or males and females with a bimodal age epithelial lining may be seen. Lymphoid
facial-neck region & Branchial cleft cyst distribution that peaks during early tissue is typically present in the cyst wall. In
childhood and later between the third and inflamed or ruptured cysts, an admixture of
Related terminology fifth decades of life acute inflammatory cells, fibrosis and
None { 16616308 ; 21680029 ; 22494467 }. granulation tissue may predominate.
Second branchial cleft cysts are most
Subtype(s) common (>95%), while the remainder are Differential Diagnosis: Importantly, the
None rare. differential diagnosis of branchial cleft cyst
includes a cystic lymph node metastasis
Localization Etiology from an HPV-associated squamous cell
Location depends on the branchial cleft of The most common theory proposes that carcinoma (SCC), particularly for patients
origin. The most common location is the branchial cleft cysts derive from incomplete over the age of 40
second branchial cleft, along the anterior involution of branchial cleft structures { 18383529 ; 26457358 ; 29983308 }. In
surface of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, during embryogenesis this setting, p16 should be interpreted with
lateral to the carotid space, and posterior to { 1529135 ; 16616308 }. caution, as 30-40% of branchial cleft cysts
the submandibular gland { 9925396 }.
overexpress this marker
Pathogenesis { 19365840 ; 20004950 }. In such
Clinical features Unknown situations, more specific high risk-HPV
testing (PCR-based assay or RNA in-situ
hybridization) should be performed, as high Aspirates may show acute inflammatory Staging
risk-HPV is not an established etiology of cells and macrophages admixed with Not relevant
these cysts mature squamous cells { 22507494 }.
{ 19365840 ; 20004950 ; 29764277 }. Prognosis and prediction
Notably, most tumours previously reported Diagnostic molecular pathology Surgical excision is curative. Incomplete
as carcinoma arising in branchial cleft cysts Not relevant resection may lead to recurrence and
represent cystic metastasis of HPV-related unresected cysts have a risk for infection
SCC { 23328541 }. Essential and desirable diagnostic { 17346566 }. There is essentially no risk of
criteria carcinomatous transformation
Cytology Essential: lateral neck location + bland { 23328541 }.
cytomorphology + negative HPV status

Thyroglossal Duct Cyst

Definition Clinical features laryngectomy specimens demonstrate
Persistence and cystic dilatation of the Patients generally present with a mobile, TGD remnants { 850454 }. There is a wide
thyroglossal duct in the anterior neck, midline, infrahyoid, painless neck mass age range (0.8-87.0 years), with a median
commonly midline that moves upward with swallowing age of 32 years { 27161104 ; 23676810 },
{ 19248939 ; 21237423 ; 22338239 ; 2716 but with bimodal peaks in the first and fifth
ICD-O coding 1104 }. An associated skin fistula (about decades
None 10% of patients) is twice as common in { 21237423 ; 23458940 ; 27161104 }.
paediatric as adult patients There is an equal sex distribution overall,
ICD-11 coding { 19248939 ; 22338239 ; 27161104 }. A although slightly more common in males in
DA05.Y Other specified cysts of oral or malignancy may be identified in about 3% paediatric patients and in females in adults
facial-neck region & Thyroglossal cyst { 1745980 ; 9121176 ; 11510730 ; 233186 { 21237423 ; 23676810 ; 24332664 ; 2557
45 ; 27161104 }. 7275 ; 27161104 }. In patients with
Related terminology carcinoma, females are more frequently
None Imaging: By imaging, a midline round or affected (F:M, 2.3:1), with a mean age at
elongated cystic lesion, sometimes with presentation of 40 years
irregular walls, septae and solid { 11510730 ; 21453651 ; 23318645 ; 2445
components, may expand into or destroy 7400 ; 27704385 ; 28322121 }, although
Localization the hyoid bone paediatric patients can be affected
The majority (> 95%) of thyroglossal duct { 22338239 ; 23689821 ; 30717638 ; 3072 { 12764621 ; 27704385 ; 28293858 }.
cysts (TGDC) occur in the midline neck at 5193 }. The amount of thyroid follicular
tissue is usually insufficient to be detected Etiology
or just below (75% infrahyoid) the level of
on radioisotope studies. Nodular soft tissue The etiology is unknown.
hyoid bone, with 2-4% just at the tongue
base excrescences may suggest carcinoma.
{ 22192899 ; 23458940 ; 27161104 }. The thyroglossal duct (TGD) is an
Rarely, TGDC may be seen within the embryonic developmental structure whose
About 2.23/100,000 general population
thyroid gland (pyramidal lobe; isthmus) remnant remains anywhere along the
have TGDC, representing 60-70% of
{ 9731820 }. The lateral (nonmidline) neck thyroid anlage migration pathway from the
congenital neck cysts { 27161104 }.
cases are usually displaced by recurrent tongue foramen cecum to a final
Further, in adult patients undergoing neck
infections or prior surgery { 27161104 }. pretracheal position. Normal involution
ultrasound, 0.9% were noted to have a
TGDC { 30467213 }, while 7% of adult between 7-10 weeks gestation may
anomalously persist, with dilatation accounting for > 95% of malignancies containing thyroid follicular cells. Smears
resulting in a TGDC { 1745980 ; 11510730 ; 19565286 ; 21453 obtained from firm, fixed lesions may show
{ 27161104 ; 25577275 ; 23689821 ; 1772 651 ; 23318645 ; 25577275 ; 27704385 ; nuclear features of PTC when malignancy
0342 ; 7169333 }. 27161104 ; 28322121 ; 28293858 }, with is concurrently present
other carcinoma types rarely detected { 25577275 ; 27704385 ; 27161104 }.
Macroscopic appearance { 9413065 ; 21512669 }. Soft tissue
A smooth-walled cystic structure includes involvement is common (60%). Some Diagnostic molecular pathology
clear, mucinous fluid to purulent material patients may show concurrent malignancy Not clinically relevant.
when secondarily infected. The size ranges in thyroidectomies performed as part of
from 2 - 85 mm (median 25 mm), with cysts management Essential and desirable diagnostic
smaller in paediatric than adult patients { 19565286 ; 21453651 ; 24457400 ; 2557 criteria
{ 18314017 ; 27161104 }. 7275 ; 27704385 ; 27161104 ; 30091370 } Essential: Perihyoidal location.
. C-cell-derived tumours are not identified Desirable: Midline lesion; respiratory or
Histopathology due to origin from ultimobranchial squamous lined cyst with associated
There is an epithelial-lined cyst adjacent to apparatus which is not seen in lingual- thyroid follicular epithelium.
the hyoid bone, containing respiratory or based foramen cecum lesions
squamous epithelium alone, or a mixture of { 27161104 ; 28536894 }. Staging
both (50% of cases show both), with Not applicable.
squamous epithelium alone more common Differential Diagnosis: The differential
in inflamed cases { 27161104 }. Some Prognosis and prediction
diagnosis includes epidermal inclusion
cases lack an epithelial lining. Cysts Recurrence is higher in patients with
cyst, dermoid cyst, branchial cleft cyst,
rupture frequently (65%) inciting fibrosis, infected cysts as well as those not
bronchogenic cyst, cervical thymic cyst,
with histiocytes, cholesterol clefts, and managed by a Sistrunk procedure, with
and metastatic PTC, which can usually be
foreign body giant cell reaction. Thyroid perihyoidal TGD remnants result in
separated based on anatomic site of
follicular epithelium, commonly localized in persistent clinical disease
involvement, imaging findings, and
the cyst wall as several mm of tissue, is { 30194760 ; 30388395 ; 23331819 ; 1716
pertinent histologic features.
identified in about 70% 5669 }. Infection, rupture, haemorrhage,
{ 27161104 ; 11404612 }. Mucoserous Cytology and fistula formation are recognized
salivary gland tissue (15%) and cartilage Smears from TGDCs are often complications
(<1%) may also be identified. nondiagnostic, with a low cellularity with { 19248939 ; 22249624 ; 23676810 ; 2433
Malignant neoplasms are identified in more inflammatory cells than epithelial 2664 ; 29521676 ; 30388395 }. When
about 3% of TGDC cells carcinoma is identified, outcome is
{ 1745980 ; 25577275 ; 27704385 ; 27161 { 12049106 ; 19248939 ; 22277268 ; 2557 excellent, although staging is not presently
104 ; 28293858 ; 29938764 }, with 7275 ; 27161104 }. The epithelial cells are required for extrathyroidal sites
papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) usually squamous or respiratory, seldom { 19565286 ; 27161104 ; 32042395.
Dermoid and Teratoid Cysts
Definition reveal a well-defined lesion classically structures are present in the underlying
A dermoid cyst is a developmental cystic containing intracystic corpuscles (the “sack connective tissues and possibly attached
lesion composed of ectodermal and of marbles” sign); hypodense on CT, to the cyst wall, and may include hair
mesodermal tissues, typically including hyperintense on T1W and low signal on follicles, or sebaceous, eccrine or apocrine
epidermis-like squamous epithelium and T2W MRI scans due to lipid content. glandular elements. Teratoid cyst includes
cutaneous adnexal structures. A teratoid Occasionally these “marbles” may be endodermal tissues, to potentially include
cyst includes endodermal tissues. calcified. Such imaging features permit gastrointestinal or respiratory epithelium,
ICD-O coding differentiation from simple cystic lesions in or glandular tissues to include pancreatic
None these anatomical sites (e.g. ranula) or salivary tissue.
ICD-11 coding { 21918039 }. Cytology
DA05.Y Other specified cysts of oral or Epidemiology May contain desquamated anucleated and
facial-neck region & Dermoid cyst of mouth Equivocal gender predilection, possible nucleated squamous epithelial cells and
Related terminology slight female preponderance. Often keratin debris { 10352915 }.
Acceptable: dermoid, cystic dermoid, cystic present since birth, approximately 70% Diagnostic molecular pathology
teratoma diagnosed before the age of 5 years Not relevant
Subtype(s) { 25439551 ; 30466230 }. Essential and desirable diagnostic
None Etiology criteria
Localization Developmental cystic lesion. No reported Essential:
Approximately 7% of all dermoid cysts genetic etiology. Dermoid cyst: squamous epithelial-lined
found in the head and neck region Pathogenesis cystic lesion with associated adnexal
{ 32884763 }. Most commonly periorbital, Most commonly due to entrapped structures, to possibly include hair follicles
also orbital, ear, dorsum of nose, floor of ectoderm and mesoderm along planes of and glandular elements (sebaceous,
mouth/submental region, mid-neck. embryonic fusion. eccrine, and/or apocrine)
Clinical features Macroscopic appearance Teratoid cyst: same as above, but including
Patients present with a non-specific, firm, Cystic lesion up to 120 mm in dimension, endodermal tissues such as respiratory or
palpable mass. They may present with a commonly filled with keratinaceous debris gastrointestinal mucosa
cutaneous pit secreting sebaceous { 32884763 }. Staging
material and protruding hair follicles. Histopathology Not relevant
Dermoid cyst wall composed of Prognosis and prediction
Imaging: Imaging studies are keratinized, epidermis-like squamous Complete surgical excision. Recurrence is
recommended to rule out osseous epithelium. Abundant desquamated keratin unusual.
or intracranial extension. In the floor of or hair follicles may be noted within the
mouth / submandibular region imaging may cystic lumen. Cutaneous adnexal
Definition Few cases have been studied, with NGS epithelial and spindled cell components,
Branchioma is a benign neoplasm analysis revealing a hotspot mutation there are delicate spindly stromal cells with
composed of an admixture of spindled in HRAS (pGln61Lys) without other known small nuclei and scanty cytoplasm. Rarely,
cells, epithelial islands, and adipocytes, fusions carcinoma may develop in the epithelial
generally affecting the lower anterior neck. (specifically PLAG1 rearrangement) in one component, but is generally contained
ICD-O coding case { 23339366 ; 32026292 }. The tumour macroscopically
None is considered to arise from misplaced { 8130171 ; 8857650 ; 32026292 }.
ICD-11 coding branchial pouch derivatives, containing
XH0707 Ectopic hamartomatous thymoma tissues from two primordial layers Immunohistochemistry: The epithelial
(name to be changed) (mesoderm and endoderm: biphasic) component is immunoreactive for
Related terminology { 32026292 }. The branchial apparatus pancytokeratin; the squamoid islands are
Acceptable: biphenotypic branchioma embryologically gives rise to a very also positive for CK5/6, p63 and p40. The
Not recommended: ectopic complex and coordinated development of plump spindly cells are positive for
hamartomatous thymoma; branchial the neck structures, including fat, pancytokeratin, CK5/6, p63, p40 and
anlage mixed tumour; thymic anlage myoepithelial and epithelial cells, smooth-muscle actin, indicating
tumour supporting a branchial origin. myoepithelial differentiation
Subtype(s) Macroscopic appearance { 1693594 ; 12390415 ; 15371953 ; 16640
None A lobular to multilobular mass, ranging in 545 ; 17574947 ; 27428736 ; 28879635 ;
Localization size from 14 to 190 mm (mean, 50 mm) 32026292 }. The delicate spindly cells are
Principally affects the lower anterior neck, { 32026292 }. It shows grey-white to yellow negative for pancytokeratin and positive for
proximate to supra-sternoclavicular area solid cut surfaces. CD34.
{ 15371953 ; 27428736 ; 28879635 ; 2999 Histopathology Cytology
5801 ; 32026292 }, rarely presternal Typically well circumscribed or Not clinically relevant, although reported
{ 9720942 ; 26763841 }. encapsulated, there is a haphazard { 10097715 ; 17718153 }.
Clinical features proliferation of spindled cells, epithelial Diagnostic molecular pathology
Patients present with a slow-growing islands and adipocytes, in variable Not clinically relevant
subfascial supra-sternoclavicular swelling, proportions. The epithelial cells form non- Essential and desirable diagnostic
most commonly, left sided more often than keratinizing squamoid islands, criteria
right sided anastomosing cords, cysts, or glandular Essential:
{ 6742312 ; 1693594 ; 2050369 ; 1537195 structures. The glands are often - Solitary, well circumscribed mass located
3 ; 27428736 ; 28879635 ; 29995801 ; 32 surrounded by myoepithelial cells. Skin in suprasternoclavicular area.
026292 }. adnexal differentiation (including - Haphazard proliferation of benign
Epidemiology sebaceous, eccrine, and apocrine spindled cells, epithelial islands, and
This very rare tumour is identified in a wide elements) may occur { 17574947 }. Plump adipocytes, in the absence of primitive
age range (19 – 89 years, median 40 spindled cells show fascicular, storiform or elements.
years), more common in males than lattice-like growth, often merging into the Staging
females epithelial component. They possess bland- Not performed
(3.4:1){ 6742312 ; 1693594 ; 2050369 ; 15 looking elongated nuclei and light-staining Prognosis and prediction
371953 ; 27194678 ; 27428736 ; 288796 cytoplasm. Myoid features may Recurrence is rare
35 ; 29995801 ; 32026292 }. occasionally be prominent { 6742312 ; 15371953 ; 26617926 ; 28879
Etiology { 2076891 ; 8496655 }. Fat cells 635 ; 32026292 }. Even with supervening
Unknown are haphazardly present, sometimes carcinoma component, death from disease
Pathogenesis associated with lymphocytes. Among the has not been reported.
Heterotopia-Associated Carcinoma
Definition Heterotopia-associated carcinomas arise same morphologic features as primary
Heterotopia-associated carcinoma is a from malpositioned embryologic remnants, carcinomas. For heterotopia-associated
primary malignant epithelial neoplasm but the cause is unknown. thyroid carcinomas, there is a higher risk of
arising from histologically normal, Pathogenesis a false-negative result due to aspiration of
congenitally displaced tissue, most Unknown paucicellular cyst fluid only
commonly thyroid and salivary tissue. Macroscopic appearance { 27161104 ; 28322121 }.
ICD-O coding Average tumour size is 10 - 40 mm, Diagnostic molecular pathology
8010/3 Heterotopia-associated carcinoma although some tumours grow to larger The most common mutation reported in
ICD-11 coding sizes thyroglossal duct cyst PTC
2D42 & XH26N1 Malignant neoplasms of { 27704385 ; 28322121 ; 33177745 }. is BRAF p.V600E { 24777145 }.
ill-defined sites & Heterotopia-associated Histopathology Heterotopic mucoepidermoid carcinomas
carcinoma The most common carcinoma arising from harbor MAML2 rearrangements, similar to
Related terminology heterotopic thyroid tissue is papillary their orthotopic counterparts { 21590088 }.
Not recommended: ectopia-associated thyroid carcinoma (PTC), with rare reports Salivary intraductal carcinomas arising
carcinoma, choristoma-associated of follicular, Hürthle cell, or squamous cell within intraparotid lymph nodes
carcinoma, accessory tissue-associated carcinoma { 28322121 }. Heterotopia- harbor RET and ALK rearrangements
carcinoma, primary intranodal carcinoma associated PTC demonstrates identical { 32661669 }.
Subtype(s) nuclear features to those seen in primary Essential and desirable diagnostic
Thyroid carcinoma thyroid tumours. Architecture may be criteria
Salivary carcinoma papillary or follicular, and the tumour may Essential: carcinoma arising in a known
Localization proliferate into the lumen of a cyst or location for heterotopic tissue + clinical
Heterotopia-associated thyroid carcinomas infiltrate into the surrounding tissue and/or pathologic exclusion of a prior or
arise in the midline anterior neck, along the { 27704385 }. concurrent orthotopic carcinoma
path of the thyroglossal duct from the Desirable: adjacent benign heterotopic
tongue to the pyramidal thyroid Heterotopia-associated salivary tissue
{ 21752893 }. Heterotopia-associated carcinomas display the same morphologic Staging
salivary carcinomas most commonly arise features as their orthotopic counterparts. No formal staging criteria exist for
in intraparotid, periparotid, and cervical To differentiate from orthotopic carcinomas heterotopia-associated carcinoma.
lymph nodes or at extranodal sites along with tumour-associated lymphoid Prognosis and prediction
the sternocleidomastoid muscle proliferation (TALP), heterotopia- The prognosis of heterotopia-associated
{ 1710048 ; 15742261 }. However, associated salivary carcinomas arising in papillary thyroid carcinoma is excellent,
thorough radiographic and/or pathologic lymph nodes should be separate from the with a recurrence rate of <5% and mortality
evaluation is necessary to exclude an salivary gland and confined to nodal tissue rate of <1% for surgically treated
unusual presentation of an orthotopic with a subcapsular sinus or hilum thyroglossal duct carcinoma
primary neoplasm or a metastasis { 33177745 }. Mucoepidermoid and acinic { 28322121 }. Metastases to lateral
{ 26691539 }. cell carcinoma are the most frequent cervical lymph nodes are seen in 10-20%
Clinical features heterotopia-associated salivary of patients { 28322121 }. Synchronous
Most patients present with an carcinomas { 1710048 ; 15742261 }. A primary thyroid carcinomas are identified in
asymptomatic neck mass, with rare subset of salivary intraductal carcinomas 25-35% of patients, comparable to the
patients reporting pain or dysphagia arising within intraparotid lymph nodes has incidence reported for occult incidental
{ 28322121 }. also been described { 32661669 }. thyroid carcinomas in autopsy studies
Epidemiology { 11870661 ; 9121176 }. Age ≥ 45 and soft
Heterotopia-associated carcinomas are For both heterotopia-associated thyroid tissue infiltration are associated with
rare. Approximately 1-3% of thyroglossal and salivary carcinomas, identification of increased risk of locoregional recurrence
duct cysts develop carcinoma, occurring adjacent non-neoplastic heterotopic tissue { 27704385 }. Squamous cell carcinoma
more commonly in women (female-to-male supports the diagnosis but is not always arising in a thyroglossal duct cyst is rare
ratio: 2-3:1) and spanning a wide age present. and associated with a worse prognosis
range (9-83 years), with an average age of { 29623203 }.
39 Differential Diagnosis: For differential
{ 9121176 ; 27704385 ; 28322121 }. Hete diagnosis of heterotopia-associated For heterotopia-associated salivary
rotopia-associated salivary carcinomas papillary thyroid carcinomas, high-grade histopathology is
also demonstrate a wide age range (7-81 carcinoma (see Table #26577) associated with a more aggressive clinical
years) with a female predominance seen in For differential diagnosis of heterotopia- course { 7260848 ; 15742261 }.
acinic cell carcinoma associated salivary carcinoma (see Metastases to cervical lymph nodes are
{ 1710048 ; 33177745 }. Table #26578) predominantly seen in high-grade
Etiology Cytology carcinomas or low-grade tumours with
Fine needle aspiration of carcinomas high-grade transformation
arising in heterotopic tissue shows the { 1710048 ; 33177745 }.
Squamous Carcinoma of Unknown Primary Site
Definition Approximately 5–10 % of head and neck signature mutations indicate sun-induced
Squamous carcinoma of unknown primary cancers present as CUP. DNA damage, characterized by a
(CUP) is clinical term that refers to a { 10799723 ; 12957453 ; 16698706 ; 3061 preponderance of C→T substitutions at
sqamous carcinoma metastatic to cervical 6785 }. With recent advances, after clinical, dipyrimidine sites, including CC→TT
lymph nodes with no evident primary site. radiographic, surgical and pathological { 25354245 }, The identification of UV-
evaluation the primary site is found in the signature mutations in CUP indicates a
ICD-O coding head and neck region in over 90% of these skin primary and has been reported in
8010/6 Carcinoma, metastatic, NOS cases, and the oropharynx is the most metastatic cutaneous SCC and
common location of the primary tumour polyomavirus-negative MCC
ICD-11 coding { 12684829 ; 19718744 ; 20737490 ; 2285 { 30684551 ; 30986802 }. Polymorphous
2D4Z Unspecified malignant neoplasms of 5133 ; 23345170 ; 24812081 }. adenocarcinomas with PRKD1/2/3 gene
ill-defined or unspecified sites Conversely, a neck mass is the most rearrangements have a higher risk of nodal
common (44%) initial symptom of an metastasis { 31492931 }.
Related terminology oropharyngeal HPV-associated squamous
Not recommended: branchial cleft cyst cell carcinoma (SCC) { 24652023 }. In Macroscopic appearance
carcinoma; branchiogenic carcinoma areas where EBV infection is endemic, the Cystic lymph node metastases frequently
nasopharynx is a common primary site correlate with an oropharyngeal primary
Subtype(s) site { 18383529 }.
{ 11933178 }. Patients affected with
metastatic cutaneous head and neck SCC
have an unknown index lesion in about one Histopathology
Localization For Carcinoma of unknown primary.
Metastases to the neck are determined by quarter of cases { 16783833 ; 18849863 }.
The percentage of unknown primary Morphological diagnostic approach to CUP
lymphatic drainage; therefore, the location in the head and neck (see Table #26365).
of a positive lymph node may indicate the tumour ("true" CUP) where the primary is
site of origin { 11754505 }. For Carcinoma not identified following extensive
endoscopic evaluation, represents less The non-keratinizing morphology
of unknown primary, expected pattern of characteristic of HPV-associated SCC is
lymph node metastasis, “first echelon”, in than 3% of suspected
CUP { 10799723 ; 17657782 ; 33244460 the most common pattern encountered in
the head and neck (see Table CUP { 22211374 }. A subset of tumours
##26364). CUP most commonly affects }.
can have ciliated or columnar
upper jugular lymph nodes (level II), which features{ 26457358 ; 26411881 }.
suggests an oropharyngeal primary Metastatic extra-oropharyngeal mucosal
HR-HPV is a common driver of tumours
{ 9886695 ; 10799723 }. Most metastases and cutaneous SCCs typically
presenting as CUP, and EBV plays an
to supraclavicular nodes arise from non- show keratinizing morphology.
etiological role in a subset of cases
head and neck sites (e.g. Thorax, Undifferentiated (lymphoepithelial-like)
{ 11933178 ; 20737490 ; 22855133 ; 233
abdomen). morphology is strongly associated with
45170 ; 24812081 }.
EBV-related nasopharyngeal carcinomas
Clinical features
Pathogenesis but can be seen in HPV-associated
The cardinal sign in most patients (>90%)
Human papillomaviruses (HPV) and carcinomas { 11933178 ; 20421782 }.
affected with CUP is a neck mass/swelling
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) are Neuroendocrine neoplasms presenting as
{ 10799723 ; 12684829 }.
provable carcinogenic factors and CUP are rare. For well-differentiated
Epidemiology represent a significant etiologic component neuroendocrine tumours with
of CUP { 33244460 }. Ultraviolet (UV)- immunoreactivity for calcitonin but normal
serum levels, the supraglottic larynx should specimen as lymphoid or metastatic Essential and desirable diagnostic
be examined for possible occult primary carcinoma. The cytomorphology of CUP criteria
{ 3056608 }. If high grade neuroendocrine mirrors that of tumours of known primary Essential (True CUP): p16 and EBER
carcinoma is encountered, an sites, and it is important to correlate the negativity, and no primary site identified
oropharyngeal HPV-associated location of the tumour in the head and neck after extensive diagnostic work-up and
neuroendocrine carcinoma or a Merkel cell region (see Table #26365) and the clinical clinical history
carcinoma (MCC) should be suspected. history and findings. Possible primary sites Desirable (if test is available): lack of UV-
Salivary gland adenocarcinomas rarely especially for supraclavicular lymph nodes signature mutations
present as CUP, with the notable exception include lung, breast and ovary and other
of the cribriform variant of polymorphous sites. Staging
adenocarcinoma { 10583573 }. Non-head The UICC/TNM classification of Unknown
and neck adenocarcinomas may have Diagnostic molecular pathology Primary
heterogeneous morphology and require HR-HPV testing should be routinely
immunohistochemical evaluation to identify performed in CUP with SCC, Prognosis and prediction
the site of origin. undifferentiated and neuroendocrine HPV positivity is associated with improved
morphology { 29251996 ; 30188786 }. p16 overall and disease-specific survival
Cytology is a very sensitive surrogate marker of HR- in CUP { 20737490 ; 25369118 }.
Fine needle aspiration biopsy of a neck HPV; however, 20% of cutaneous head
mass suspected of being a metastasis is and neck SCC are p16 positive
the first diagnostic approach to CUP, and { 30640756 }. Additional specific HR-HPV
is usually performed under ultrasound testing (PCR-based assay or RNA in-situ
guidance or following ultrasound and other hybridization) should be performed to
imaging assessment. It is essential for the confirm HPV status in tumours located
proceduralist to provide material for cell outside levels II/III and/or with keratinizing
block preparation for morphology { 30188786 }. EBV-encoded
immunohistochemistry and potentially for small RNA (EBER) probe is useful in
molecular studies, and this may take identifying EBV-related nasopharyngeal
several passes ideally performed with rapid carcinomas in metastatic lymph nodes
on site evaluation to facilitate triaging of the { 12622545 }.

masa en cabeza y cuello
Definition Imaging demonstrates a heterogeneous papillae with a large central vessel,
Teratoma in the head and neck is a germ cystic and solid mass with variable protruding into a cystic space surrounded
cell tumour defined by the presence of amounts of fat and calcifications, which by tumour cells (Schiller–Duval bodies).
mature or immature tissues derived from all may suggest the diagnosis Choriocarcinoma, embryonal carcinoma,
three germ cell layers. Extragonadal { 31640397 ; 23975485 ; 23009771 ; 2131 and seminoma are exceptionally rare
malignant germ cell tumours encompass a 9013 }. { 35073631 ; 33128732 ; 1690172 ; 90789
spectrum of malignant germ cell Epidemiology 42 ; 2982716 }.
neoplasms identical to those occurring in Teratomas of the head and neck account
the gonads. for a small proportion of teratomas overall,
ICD-O coding while malignant germ cell tumours are Immunohistochemistry
9080/0 Mature teratoma exceptionally uncommon Immunohistochemistry is usually
9080/3 Immature teratoma { 26881568 ; 18937314 ; 1690172 ; 29827 unnecessary for diagnosis, with the various
9084/3 Teratoma with somatic-type 16 }. The majority of teratomas occur in teratoma components displaying staining
malignancy neonates and older infants, while the characteristics of their constituent tissues.
9064/3 Germinoma majority of malignant germ cell tumours Yolk sac tumours are reactive with AFP,
9070/3 Embryonal carcinoma develop in adults, although paediatric SALL4 (while negative for OCT3/4),
9071/3 Yolk sac tumour patients may be affected. There is no sex glypican-3, LIN28 and pankeratins, with
9100/3 Choriocarcinoma bias focal co-expression of CDX2 and GATA3 in
9085/3 Mixed germ cell tumour { 35073631 ; 33128732 ; 18937314 ; 9078 many cases
ICD-11 coding 942 ; 1690172 ; 2982716 }. { 29753846 ; 26772394 ; 19365862 ; 1708
2E90.6 & XH83G5 Benign neoplasm of Etiology 402 }, while choriocarcinoma is positive
nasopharynx & Teratoma, NOS Unknown with ß-HCG { 33128732 }.
2E90.6 & XH1E13 Benign neoplasm of Pathogenesis
nasopharynx & Germinoma Unknown
2E90.6 & XH8MB9 Benign neoplasm of Macroscopic appearance Differential diagnosis
nasopharynx & Embryonal carcinoma, Tumours generally have a smooth but SMARCB1-deficient carcinomas (including
NOS lobulated exterior and a heterogeneous, adenocarcinoma) in the sinonasal tract
2E90.6 & XH09W7 Benign neoplasm of multiloculated solid to cystic cut surface, may show yolk sac differentiation, but are
nasopharynx & Yolk sac tumour containing variable amounts of serous, considered within the spectrum of SWI-
2E90.6 & XH8PK7 Benign neoplasm of mucinous, glairy or haemorrhagic fluid. SNF complex-deficient sinonasal
nasopharynx & Choriocarcinoma, NOS Tumours measure up to 70 mm carcinomas
2E90.6 & XH2PS1 Benign neoplasm of { 9078942 ; 2982716 }. { 35257325 ; 33824593 ; 34420180 ; 3146
nasopharynx & Mixed germ cell tumour Histopathology 8350 }. Teratocarcinosarcoma may show
Related terminology Teratomas are defined by the presence of SALL4 and ß-catenin immunoreactivity, but
Acceptable: Benign teratoma, immature organoid mature or immature tissues from shows distinct histologic features of
teratoma all embryonic germ cell layers, including malignant squamous or glandular tissues
Subtype(s) endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm. along with mesenchymal and primitive
None Tumours display multiple cystic spaces neural elements, shown to be SMARCA4-
Localization lined by a variety of epithelial types, deficient { 34106411 ; 32520761 }. Limited
Head and neck teratomas and malignant including simple or stratified squamous sampling may result in misdiagnosis
germ cell tumours are exceptionally rare, epithelium, often associated with skin depending on which component(s) may be
described in the sinonasal tract (maxillary adnexal structures, pseudostratified and sampled. Metastatic disease to the head
sinus and nasal cavity) and nasopharynx ciliated respiratory epithelium, mucin- and neck from a distant primary site must
most frequently producing intestinal epithelium, and be considered and excluded
{ 27437234 ; 26881568 ; 23975485 ; 1859 transitional epithelium. Teratomas may { 21119432 }. Teratocarcinoma is covered
8836 ; 17902152 ; 9251738 ; 9078942 ; 2 also contain a significant component of in section
982716 } Rarely reported sites include the neural tissue, encompassing both mature Cytology
oral cavity, oropharynx, ear and temporal glial elements, retinal anlage, choroid Fine needle aspiration is rarely performed,
bone, neck, and salivary gland plexus or immature neuroectodermal but may contain only cyst contents or be
{ 31620699 ; 33128732 ; 29113273 ; 2256 tissue composed of small to medium-sized interpreted as “insufficient” with only
0784 ; 18937314 ; 18302061 ; 12953777 ; cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and scant normal elements seem (mature teratoma).
9251738 ; 9078942 ; 1399316 ; 1690172 fibrillary cytoplasm arranged in sheets and Diagnostic molecular pathology
}. rosettes. When the latter is predominant, Not clinically relevant
Clinical features immature teratoma is diagnosed Essential and desirable diagnostic
Both tumours generally present as mass { 1690172 }. A variety of mesenchymal criteria
lesions, with additional symptoms elements including skeletal muscle, Essential:
referrable to the site affected, including smooth muscle, cartilage, and bone can be - Involvement of a head and neck site
nasal obstruction and facial deformity identified. Solid organ parenchyma - Teratoma: proliferation of tissue from all
{ 1690172 ; 2982716 }. Associations including pancreatic, liver, or lung tissue is three germ layers; usually mature tissues,
include stillbirth, prematurity, fetal rare. but foci of immature neuroectodermal
malpresentation and maternal tissues may be seen
polyhydramnios for teratomas Carcinomas may be seen as a somatic - Malignant germ cell tumour: yolk sac
{ 1690172 ; 2982716 }. Congenital malignancy in a teratoma tumour most common
abnormalities may be concurrently present. { 31442873 ; 3511885 }, referred to as - Exclusion of SMARCB1-deficient
Aicardi and Dandy Walker syndromes have teratoma with malignant transformation. carcinomas in the sinonasal tract and
been associated with head and neck yolk teratocarcinosarcoma
sac tumours { 31640397 ; 9715538 }. The most common head and neck
Serum alpha-fetoprotein or ß-HCG levels malignant extragonadal germ cell tumour is Desirable: Exclusion of primary in another
may be elevated, particularly the former for yolk sac tumour, which recapitulates site
yolk sac tumours { 9853671 }. Teratomas embryonic yolk sac of the gonads with a Staging
may undergo malignant transformation reticular/microcystic pattern or the classical Not available
{ 21319013 l 2982716 }. round or elongated tumour cell–lined Prognosis and prediction
Teratomas can cause death due to airway { 35073631 ; 31620699 ; 31442873 ; 1830
compression and impaired development of 2061 ; 1690172 ; 9078942 ; 2982716 },
other vital structures. There is a poor although syndrome association and
outcome of malignant germ cell tumours multimodality therapies may yield a better
irrespective of site outcome { 31640397 }.
Definition synchronously or metachronously being initial discovery of the primary tumour
Metastatic tumours are neoplasms that possible { 11602931 }. { 27844410 ; 30273434 ; 27218239 }.
involve various head and neck sites as a in the Ear, the petrous apex is most ‘‘True’’ carcinoma of unknown primary
result of lymphatic or vascular spread from commonly affected (1/3 of cases), followed (CUP) accounts for 1–2% of head and neck
non-contiguous primary malignancies. by internal auditory canal, mastoid, middle cancers { 25804376 }.
Haematolymphoid tumours are excluded ear, and external auditory canal Neck lymph node metastases mostly
by definition. { 1869438 ; 1919860 ; 1991061 ; 2995524 originate from head and neck sites
; 4328134 ; 4938079 ; 7964154 ; 889257 { 23870760 }; cystic nodal metastasis
ICD-O coding 6 ; 9509102 ; 10680873 ; 11945183 ; 157 predicts tonsil, tongue base, or thyroid
None 68802 ; 18754073 ; 24077267 ; 26545469 primary { 25804376 ; 12478648 }.
; 26545474 ; 29909612 }. Metastatic CUP is more common in older
ICD-11 coding Mucosal involvement is more common patients (55-65 years) and men
2D60.0 Malignant neoplasm metastasis in in Larynx metastases; spread to laryngeal { 22034046 }. Breast and lung carcinoma
lymph nodes of head, face or neck cartilages is usually to ossified areas appear in supraclavicular nodes
{ 26743607 }. { 10208667 ; 27844410 }; pelvic/intra-
Related terminology Metastases to Maxillofacial bones involve abdominal metastases favor Virchow’s
None the mandible (molar area) three or more node { 7646330 }. Less common
times more often than the maxilla; both carcinomas include cervix, esophagus,
jaws are affected in 5% of cases ovary, and pancreas { 10208667 }.
{ 7815371 ; 17138711 ; 25409855 ; 23798 Oral cavity metastases (1% of all oral
Localization 834 ; 19304027 }. malignancies) { 18061527 } are the
Neck metastases are to cervical lymph sentinel event in about one third
Clinical features { 23646853 ; 25409855 }. Tumour type is
nodes; soft tissues metastases rarely
Clinical presentation is highly variable and gender dependent: breast, kidney and skin
occur, particularly for non-epithelial
dependent on anatomic subsite involved. carcinoma in women, and lung carcinoma
neoplasms. The most common squamous
Most metastatic deposits present as a in men { 27891304 ; 31570205 } with most
cell carcinoma metastases to the neck
mass. Neck nodes/soft tissue: painful and patients in 6th - 7th decades { 18061527 }.
depend on anatomic site: level II from
non-painful, single or multiple, solid and/or Tongue metastases are from lung and
oropharynx; and level III from larynx.
cystic masses. renal cell tumours { 27891304 }.
Upper/mid neck node metastases arise
Oral cavity: exophytic, ulcerated and non- SG metastases range from 4% to 24% of
from other head and neck primary sites;
ulcerated, asymptomatic or symptomatic SG tumours { 28001329 }, are increasing
lower neck metastases are from
mass with swelling, pain, bleeding, { 22281605 ; 28872155 } and affect males
infraclavicular primary tumours. Virchow
toothache, and altered tooth mobility, predominantly. Parotid metastases arise
node (left supraclavicular) receives
numbness with bone involvement and from cutaneous head/neck malignancies:
metastases from abdominal and pelvic
halitosis { 31146958 }. Metastases are an squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma,
malignancies { 7646330 }. Thyroid
inflammatory mimic when associated with Merkel cell carcinoma, and basal cell
carcinomas metastasize to the central
dental implants carcinoma
compartment before the lateral cervical
{ 22670251 ; 23646853 ; 27720649 }. { 3562340 ; 28534378 ; 33544379 };
nodes { 23148663 }. Local extension by
SG: pre-auricular, facial, or submandibular melanoma is second only to squamous
metastatic malignancy occurs most often
mass, facial pain, trismus, tenderness, carcinoma { 17141071 ; 28872155 }. Less
with lymph node deposits originating from
numbness, and facial nerve paralysis common metastases include sebaceous
a variety of cancers where extranodal
{ 12820326 ; 20091686 ; 26245749 }. carcinoma { 25521100 }, and carcinomas
extension is a known adverse prognostic
Pharynx: swelling, dysphagia, nasal of the lung, breast, kidney, stomach,
factor { 12570052 }.
obstruction, tonsillitis, sinusitis, post-nasal nasopharynx, and prostate
Oral Cavity metastases are almost equal
drip, pain, cranial nerve motor deficits { 9578259 ; 19186459 ; 25129420 ; 26416
between oral soft tissues and jaw bones
{ 32728442 }, and asphyxiation 080 ; 29212872 ; 29449729 }.
{ 31570205 }. Tooth-bearing gingiva is
{ 21841958 }. About 1% of Pharyngeal malignancies are
most commonly involved, although any
Sinonasal tract: nasal obstruction, metastases
subsite can be affected
headache, epistaxis, facial pain, visual { 668170 ; 20596975 ; 23110013 },
{ 18061527 ; 23646853 ; 27891304 ; 315
disturbances, facial swelling, and cranial typically associated with disseminated
70205 }.
nerve deficits. disease { 17331151 ; 20596975 }, and
Major salivary glands (SG) metastases
Ear/temporal bone: hearing loss, facial affect middle aged adults { 20596975 }.
involve the parotid most commonly
palsy and/or ear pain { 21854691 }, Sinonasal tract metastasis is rare
{ 16444748 ; 17113505 ; 29549903 } with
haemorrhage or compression of adjacent { 22705221 ; 27218239 }, higher in elderly
other sites rarely involved { 20596975 }. A
structures patients, and slightly more common in
high percentage of metastases are to intra-
{ 379358 ; 2019918 ; 9509102 ; 11945183 males. Renal cell carcinoma is common
and periglandular lymph nodes rather than
}, Collet-Sicard syndrome (paralysis of IX- followed by carcinomas of lung, breast,
glandular parenchyma.
XII cranial nerves) prostate and thyroid
In Nasopharynx the posterior
{ 7407020 ; 15885949 ; 16929891 }. { 11602931 ; 20596975 ; 27649110 ; 3027
nasopharyngeal wall and fossa of
Incidental detection in one-third during 3434 }. Metastatic hepatocellular
Rosenmüller are affected
primary tumour staging. carcinoma and gastrointestinal
{ 23924557 ; 26541404 ; 32728442 }.
Larynx: dysphonia, persistent cough, adenocarcinoma are common in certain
Pharynx metastases are mostly to base of
difficulty swallowing, haemoptysis, and countries like Taiwan { 31010194 }.
tongue and palatine tonsils
sore throat. Metastases to the Ear/temporal bone are
{ 668170 ; 20596975 }, and usually on the
Maxillofacial bones: pain (70%), rare (< 2%), increase to 20% in autopsy
left { 668170 } although bilateral cases
paresthesia, swelling, exophytic growth studies { 379358 }, and include breast,
occur { 1624294 ; 17657505 }.
and mobile teeth uterine carcinoma in females, and prostate
Sinonasal tract metastases frequently
{ 7815371 ; 17138711 ; 25409855 }. adenocarcinoma in males
involve maxillary sinus followed by
sphenoid, ethmoid and frontal sinuses, with { 1869438 ; 1919860 ; 1991061 ; 2995524
Epidemiology ; 4328134 ; 4938079 ; 7964154 ; 889257
involvement of multiple paranasal sites Head/neck metastases may occur after a 6 ; 9509102 ; 10680873 ; 11945183 ; 157
short or prolonged interval (years) after
68802 ; 18754073 ; 24077267 ; 26545469 endoscopy triage and diagnostic tool. This is
; 26545474 ; 29909612 }. { 443718 ; 8730375 ; 17657505 }. particularly true for salivary gland, lymph
Metastases are < 0.5% As the most common cause of head and node, and soft tissue masses
of Laryngeal malignancies, increase with neck metastases, squamous carcinoma is { 7646330 ; 17041956 ; 24935698 ; 25656
increasing age and are twice as common in a multi-step process caused by genomic 853 ; 28001329 ; 28032725 ; 28371507 ;
males. Melanoma is followed by instability secondary to variety of key 33017519 }. Because of high sensitivity
carcinomas of kidney, lung, breast, colon, genetic pathways leading to epithelial (83-97%) and specificity (91-100%) for
and prostate. Metastatic sarcoma is dysplasia followed by penetration of an diagnosis of metastatic lesions
exceptionally rare epithelial basement membrane, and { 18528906 ; 22034046 ; 30488579 }, FNA
{ 3655540 ; 20596975 ; 21500157 ; 26743 invasion of the angiolymphatic system thus is often recommended as the initial
607 ; 30119910 }. Breast carcinoma is the empowering malignant cells with the ability diagnostic modality { 22034046 }. A false
most common malignancy to metastasize of metastatic dissemination negative rate (up to 42%) may be seen with
to maxillofacial bones (<1% of head /neck { 33243986 ; 34353444 ; 34518141 }. cystic lesions { 22034046 }. Cytologic
metastatic bone disease) followed by Tumour dissemination seems to depend on features are dependent on tumour type.
metastatic lung, colorectal, and renal both pre-existing lymphatics and Ancillary studies (immunohistochemistry,
cancers lymphangiogenesis within the tumour or at in situ hybridization, and molecular
{ 7815371 ; 17138711 ; 25409855 }. the tumour periphery { 17160713 }. analysis) can frequently be performed from
FNA specimens
Etiology Macroscopic appearance { 24478259 ; 28727266 ; 30600323 ; 3250
Human papillomaviruses (HPV) and Metastases range from microscopic to 7626 }.
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) are large clinically evident masses. They may
provable carcinogenic factors and be single or multiple, ulcerated, solid or Diagnostic molecular pathology
represent a significant etiologic component cystic or both, and possess variable Selective molecular testing may confirm
of CUP { 33244460 }. Of these, HPV- necrosis, haemorrhage and/or calcification specific tumour types.
associated oropharyngeal cancer is the { 18383529 ; 31145296 }.
predominant viral-induced head and neck Essential and desirable diagnostic
cancer in North America and much of Histopathology criteria
Europe { 34066342 ; 31893516 }. EBV Correlation with clinical, imaging, and Essential: Malignant neoplasm at region
infection exists in 100% of nonkeratinizing serologic findings is generally required that is distant from a primary tumour site.
nasopharyngeal carcinomas and is widely along with tumour histopathology for Desirable: Known primary tumour; clinical,
predominant in southern China definitive diagnosis. Histopathology imaging, and serologic correlation (in
{ 28893937 }. A statistically significant frequently mirrors the primary tumour selected cases).
association exists between hepatitis C phenotype; grade progression may occur.
virus (HCV) infection and cancers of the Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma, Staging
oral cavity, and oropharynx, and larynx adenocarcinoma and melanoma are most Stage according to the UICC TNM
{ 32599500 }. frequent. Selective and targeted classification for the primary site.
immunohistochemistry may be required to
Pathogenesis support a specific phenotype, or origin from Prognosis and prediction
Pathways of metastatic spread include a specific anatomic site (see Metastatic disease, particularly with extra-
haematogenous dissemination via the Table #27219). High-grade transformation nodal extension
pulmonary circulation or via the (dedifferentiation) is a component of some { 2030629 ; 12570052 ; 26514096 ; 31077
paravertebral plexus of Batson, bypassing neoplasms producing metastases whose 394 } is indicative of high clinical stage,
the lungs { 17857618 }. Lymphatic spread histopathology differs from the primary poor prognosis, and generally reduced
is either by anterograde, or in the case of tumour survival
the palatine tonsil that lacks afferent { 21876843 ; 23821210 ; 26245749 }. { 12244407 ; 15805872 ; 20592390 ; 2059
vessels, retrograde flow { 443718 }. 6975 ; 20596978 ; 23646853 ; 26743607 }
Another possible route is direct Cytology .
implantation following local trauma Fine needle aspiration (FNA) functions as
associated with instrumentation e.g a highly accurate, efficient, cost efficient




























The 5th edition of the WHO Immunohistochemical and Ki67 proliferation index in
classification of the head and biomarkers that are useful in the predicting metastasis is
neck neuroendocrine neoplasms diagnostic workup of NENs are highlighted. The significant
(NEN) has been revised to discussed in each section. Given proportion of head and neck
reflect both the WHO/IARC the complexity of NENs, it is region germline disease is linked
unified terminology framework often insufficient to classify a to pathogenic variants in
{ 30140036 } as well as progress tumour with chromogranin and the SDH genes { 29299512 }.
made in diagnostic biomarkers. synaptophysin alone. The The paraganglioma section
The upper aerodigestive tract importance of keratin particularly expands on the role
and salivary gland NENs are immunohistochemistry and of molecular
discussed as a group, immunohistochemical immunohistochemistry, which
but invasive/ectopic pituitary confirmation of diffuse can be used as screening tools
neuroendocrine tumour neuroendocrine differentiation, to predict the pathogenetic basis
(PitNET)/pituitary adenoma, including the emerging role of of paragangliomas including
Merkel cell carcinoma, and INSM1 transcription factor, is SDHB (SDHx-related
paraganglioma are each emphasized in the diagnostic pathogenesis), alpha-inhibin
presented in separate sections workup of NECs. (including SDHx- and VHL-
given their distinct clinical and The current WHO classification related pseudohypoxia pathway)
pathological characteristics. of PitNETs/pituitary adenomas { 33826547 }, and carbonic
Previously classified as middle requires routine use of anhydrase IX (VHL-related
ear adenoma, middle ear transcription factors (PIT1, SF1, pseudohypoxia pathway)
neuroendocrine tumour TPIT, GATA3, and ER-alpha) { 23257898 ; 31383958 ; 33826
(MeNET) is formerly recognized and antibodies against 547 }.
as a NEN { 34041698 }, but adenohypophysial hormones as Routine HPV testing in NECs is
discussed in the Ear chapter well as other biomarkers not recommended due to lack of
given its unique anatomic including but not limited to proven prognostic benefit. The
considerations. keratins. GATA3 expression role of p53 and
In this new classification, the alone should not be used to Rb immunohistochemistry is
term neuroendocrine carcinoma confirm PitNETs/pituitary discussed in the distinction
(NEC) is applied only to poorly adenomas since GATA3 is also between NET and NEC,
differentiated NENs including expressed in various other especially G3 NET from NEC.
small cell and large cell NECs. neoplasms including Further work is ongoing to
Neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) paragangliomas, the latter determine whether IDH2-
represent well-differentiated potentially arising from mutated tumours are unique or
epithelial NENs, and are dispersed paraganglia that are represent a common pathway in
assigned to three proliferative closely aligned with components several high grade poorly
tumour grades (G1, G2, G3) of the autonomous nervous differentiated malignancies of
(see Table #28634). Importantly system. The use of tyrosine the
at present, the G3 NET category hydroxylase may help sinonasal tract { 31934917 ; 342
remains provisional. G2 distinguish paraganglioma in a 65800 }.
NETs may exhibit necrosis keratin-negative NEN Merkel cell carcinoma is a high-
and/or 2-10 mitoses per { 27529763 }. grade cutaneous NEC that is
2mm2 while G1 NETs lack Paraganglioma is the most distinguished from other NECs.
necrosis and have <2 mitoses heritable human neoplasm, with The role of MCPyV-positivity
per 2mm2. The Ki67 proliferation the reported rate of at least 40% and/or other
index for NETs is generally genetic predisposition and a high immunohistochemical features
<20% { 22082601 ; 26830400 }, probability of supportive of Merkel cell
but optimal Ki67 cut-off level for synchronous/metachronous carcinoma is discussed.
the biologic distinction between multifocal disease
G1 and G2 NETs remains to be { 28162975 ; 33433885 }. The
determined { 34401980 }. value of molecular biomarkers
Neuroendocrine Tumour
Definition PET/CT) are useful in the identification of nuclei with the typical “salt-and-pepper”
Neuroendocrine tumours are well laryngeal or thyroid origin { 32765421 }. appearance that is characteristic of most
differentiated epithelial neuroendocrine Exceptionally, presentation may be NETs. They usually underlie the mucosa;
neoplasms that arise in the upper attributed to hormone excess syndromes ulceration may develop. The stroma is
aerodigestive tract and salivary glands. such as carcinoid syndrome { 2692106 }. usually highly vascular but may be fibrotic
or hyalinized. Pleomorphism is not
ICD-O coding Imaging generally seen. Grade 2 NETs exhibit
8240/3 Neuroendocrine tumour, NOS Structural imaging studies (CT and MRI) necrosis (often punctate or coagulative)
8240/3 Neuroendocrine tumour, grade 1 are often used to delineate extent and and/or 2-10 mitoses per 2mm2; in contrast
8249/3 Neuroendocrine tumour, grade 2 tumour location of NETs; however, grade 1 NETs lack necrosis and have <2
8249/3 Neuroendocrine tumour, grade 3 functional imaging studies (e.g., Ga68- mitoses per 2mm2. The Ki67 proliferation
DOTA PET/CT) that target somatostatin index is generally <20%
ICD-11 coding receptors located on the tumour cell { 22082601 ; 26830400 ; 34401980 }. The
2B6B.Y & XH9LV8 Other specified membrane are particularly useful in optimal Ki67 level for the distinction
malignant neoplasms of nasopharynx & localizing, staging and follow-up of these between grade 1 and grade 2 NETs
Neuroendocrine tumour, grade 1 tumours { 32765421 }. remains to be determined, although
2B6B.Y & XH51K1 Other specified certainly suggested { 34401980 }. NETs
malignant neoplasms of nasopharynx & Epidemiology with Grade 3 proliferative features remain
Neuroendocrine tumour, grade 2 Nasal cavity and Paranasal sinuses: NETs to be defined in the upper aerodigestive
2B6B.Y & XH5QW8 Other specified account for about 4% of sinonasal NENs tract and salivary glands.
malignant neoplasms of nasopharynx & { 29103747 }, representing only about 3%
Neuroendocrine tumour, grade 3 of sinonasal tumours. The age at diagnosis These tumours show diffuse nuclear
ranges from 13 to 83 years. There is no sex INSM1 immunopositivity { 29438167 } and
Related terminology predilection. cytoplasmic synaptophysin and
Acceptable: Well differentiated Larynx: Neuroendocrine neoplasms are chromogranin-A staining. They are positive
neuroendocrine tumour the second most common laryngeal tumour for keratins including CK7/8 and CAM5.2.
Not recommended: Carcinoid tumour, after squamous cell carcinomas There is very limited data on their
typical carcinoid tumour, atypical carcinoid { 29557536 ; 31033507 ; 34401980 }. transcription factor and hormone profiles.
tumour, well-differentiated neuroendocrine Grade 2 NET (atypical carcinoid) is the Particularly some laryngeal NETs are
carcinoma, moderately differentiated most frequent followed by NEC and Grade known to express serotonin, calcitonin and
neuroendocrine carcinoma, 1 NET (typical carcinoid) is the least carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) that is
neuroendocrine carcinoma common identified with a monoclonal antibody
{ 25674282 ; 29557536 ; 31033507 ; 344 { 12071530 ; 29557536 ; 32765421 }.
Subtype(s) 01980 }. The accuracy of these statistics, TTF1 expression is often negative but may
None however, is questionable given the be focal and weak { 15098009 }. MeNETs
changing diagnostic terminologies express SATB2 { 34041698 } and ISL1
{ 19536850 ; 31033507 ; 34401980 }. (islet-1) { 24766278 }, and often have
Neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) arise
Laryngeal NETs are more frequent in predominant L-cell differentiation
from the cells of the dispersed
males in their 6th and 7th decades with a (immunoreactive for pancreatic
neuroendocrine system that are found in
male-to-female ratio of 2.4:1 { 34401980 }. polypeptide, peptide-YY, glucagon or
respiratory mucosa of the nasal cavity,
Middle ear: NETs are very rare neoplasms glucagon-like peptides)
paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx,
in the middle ear. They are discussed in { 34041698 ; 12011260 ; 7599794 }.
oropharynx and larynx. They also rarely
chapter MeNETs are TTF1-negative but variable
occur in salivary glands
Salivary gland: NETs are exceptionally CDX2, GATA3 and PSAP expression can
{ 22614165 ; 23456649 ; 27610258 } and
rare in the salivary glands; they are be identified { 34041698 }. Unlike poorly
the oral cavity { 10484121 ; 22359135 ;}.
reported without a sex bias in the parotid differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas,
Sinonasal NETs are usually within the
and submandibular glands NETs do not show aberrant expression of
ethmoid sinus, nasal cavity, and maxillary
{ 16999063 ; 22614165 ; 23456649 ; 276 p53 and Rb
10258 ; 28635990 }. { 22082601 ; 22699626 ; 27392929 ; 344
{ 25727332 ; 26041714 ; 29427030 ;}. N
ETs also arise from the middle ear mucosa 01980 }. The routine use of Ki67 is
Etiology encouraged; it is particularly helpful in the
(MeNET) { 34041698 }. No etiologic factors have been identified to diagnostic workup of all small biopsy
date. Smoking has been implicated in the specimens with crush artifact to avoid
Clinical features
etiology of laryngeal NENs { 31033507 } overdiagnosis of high-grade NECs.
Nasopharyngeal NETs present with
but this seems to apply mainly to the more
obstruction and epistaxis. Paranasal sinus
aggressive neuroendocrine carcinomas Exceptional cases can be mixed
tumours cause headache and obstructive
and grade 2 NETs neuroendocrine and nonneuroendocrine
symptoms { 26830400 }. Middle ear
{ 19536850 ; 19883182 ; 25351497 ; 305 tumours (MiNENs) in the nasal cavity
tumours give rise to unilateral conductive
6608 }. There is no well-established { 32138448 } and larynx { 19930775 }.
hearing loss, pain and/or discharge; facial
association with HPV in these tumours Occasional tumours may have oncocytic or
nerve paralysis suggests aggressive local
{ 18617341 ; 22699626 ; 26886629 ; 310 mucinous features, and can simulate other
invasion. Laryngeal tumours may cause
33507 }. neoplasms. The presence of large nests
hoarseness, dysphonia, sore throat, and
hemoptysis { 29557536 }, while some are resembling “zellballen” may prompt
Pathogenesis consideration of paraganglioma (see
asymptomatic and detected incidentally Unknown
during laryngoscopy or intubation for section The differential diagnosis
unrelated reasons. Salivary gland NETs includes medullary thyroid carcinoma in the
Macroscopic appearance
present as a mass larynx, PitNET in the nasopharynx and
Macroscopically, NETs present as
{ 22614165 ; 23456649 ; 27610258 }. sinuses, and paraganglioma in any location
polypoid, nodular, pedunculated, exophytic
Metastases to lymph nodes may present { 28338500 ; 28009611 }. Low grade
masses that may ulcerate
as a neck mass. Rarely, elevated serum olfactory neuroblastoma { 26830400 } and
calcitonin levels due to calcitonin secretion Histopathology lymphoma should also be considered
from laryngeal NETs can occur These tumours are well differentiated { 25992139 }; other lesions such as
{ 8236510 ; 32765421 } and requires epithelial neoplasms composed of cords, primitive neuroectodermal tumours, Ewing
distinction from medullary thyroid trabecula or small nests of neuroendocrine sarcoma, desmoplastic round cell tumour,
carcinoma. In such situations, functional cells with ample granular pale acidophilic NUT carcinoma, sinonasal undifferentiated
imaging studies (e.g., Ga68-DOTA cytoplasm and relatively monotonous carcinoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma,
nonkeratinizing carcinoma, and basaloid Desirable: dissection is not routinely performed.
carcinoma are more likely to be confused Ki67 proliferation index No abnormal p53 Laryngeal tumours formerly classified as
with high-grade NECs staining and no loss of Rb (in selected atypical carcinoids or moderately
{ 26830400 ; 31415081 }. cases with Ki67 >20%) differentiated NEC (currently Grade 2 NET)
present with advanced disease in about
Cytology Staging 20-30% of cases and about 60% of cases
Not clinically relevant Site specific AJCC/UICC TNM staging 8th recur. Treatment includes surgical
edition resection with neck dissection followed by
Diagnostic molecular pathology adjuvant chemo- and/or radiotherapy when
None Prognosis and prediction there are regional lymph node metastases.
The prognosis of these tumours is variable Chemoradiotherapy alone does not appear
Essential and desirable diagnostic as with other NETs and especially difficult to be effective { 19536850 }. In a meta-
criteria to determine because of their rarity. Low- analysis of 436 reported cases published in
Essential: grade laryngeal NETs have a reported 5- 2015, the 5-year DFS and OS were 52.8%
Well-differentiated neuroendocrine year survival of approximately 80% after and 46%, respectively { 24596175 }.
neoplasm with immunohistochemical conservative surgical resection Delayed recurrences are documented
evidence of neuroendocrine differentiation { 12071530 }; however, distant metastasis { 28635990 }. Nevertheless, the existing
Positivity for at least one keratin Arising in has been described, frequently involving data should be interpreted with caution
the upper aerodigestive tract and/or the liver { 24013480 }. Lymph node given the diagnostic heterogeneity
salivary gland metastases are infrequent, therefore neck previously applied in these tumours.




Ectopic or Invasive PitNET/Adenoma

Definition Subtypes of pituitary neuroendocrine sinusitis, rhinorrhea, and headache
A well differentiated pituitary tumours (PitNETs) are outlined in Table 1. { 22430769 ; 28009611 }. Laboratory
neuroendocrine tumour composed of investigation for elevated pituitary
adenohypophysial cells occuring within the Localization hormones, with and without stimulation or
sinonasal tract. Invasion into the sinonasal tract from the suppression testing informs functional
sella is much more common than truly status as part of classification. Inherited or
ICD-O coding ectopic PitNETs { 28009611 ; 29434339 }. syndrome association may require
8272/3 Pituitary neuroendocrine tumour, Ectopic PitNETs arise in the sphenoid investigation
NOS / pituitary adenoma, NOS sinus or upper nasopharynx { 19153518 ; 19407507 ; 19945022 }.
8272/3 Metastatic PitNET/adenoma, NOS { 22430769 ; 28009611 ; 10773251 ; 1527
4075 ; 3017137 } and less frequently in the Imaging
ICD-11 coding ethmoid sinus and nasal bridge Preoperative imaging studies determine
2B6B.Y & XH5RH2 Other specified { 22430769 }. tumour size and extent, and exclude direct
malignant neoplasms of nasopharynx & extension from the sella, a common
Pituitary adenoma, ectopic Clinical features occurrence { 28009611 }. Gallium 68
Symptoms may be attributed to DOTATATE positron emission tomography
Related terminology endocrinopathies, to mass effect, or both. shows increased uptake { 30797906 }.
Acceptable: Ectopic PitNET; ectopic Cushing syndrome, acromegaly, or
pituitary adenoma; invasive PitNET; amenorrhea/galactorrhea are the most Epidemiology
invasive pituitary adenoma common endocrine manifestations Neuroendocrine tumours of the sinonasal
{ 8550790 ; 12114673 ; 12170097 ; 12611 tract comprise about 3% of all sinonasal
Subtype(s) 618 }. Mass effects include obstruction,
tract tumours, and PitNETs account for a Cells may have densely or sparsely hypothalamic neurocytoma, sinonasal
significant proportion, especially those of granulated cytoplasm according to the undifferentiated carcinoma,
the sphenoid sinus tumour type (see Table), explaining the teratocarcinosarcoma, primary sinonasal
{ 10773251 ; 15274075 ; 22430769 }, variable histological tinctorial qualities. well differentiated neuroendocrine tumour,
recognizing that direct extension is much Nuclei tend to be bland with regularly melanoma, meningioma, metastatic
more common than ectopic disease. In this distributed chromatin. Mitotic activity is in tumours, and even rhabdomyosarcoma
group, patients present over a broad age generally low. The presence of extensive { 28060373 ; 30217041 ; 30379651 }.
range (2–84 years) with the majority in the cellular pleomorphism, brisk mitotic Many sinonasal tract tumours may co-
6th decade; females are affected slightly activity, lymphatic or vascular invasion, express neuroendocrine markers,
more often than males (1.3:1) atypical mitoses, and necrosis is not typical including sinonasal adenocarcinomas,
{ 22430769 ; 28009611 }. and should prompt consideration of sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma, and
alternate diagnoses. Calcification or melanoma, among others, but morphologic
Etiology ossification is rare, occurring in occasional features with specific biomarker reactivity
The majority of PitNETs occur sporadically lactotroph and thyrotroph tumours. is required for this distinction.
{ 1977759 }. A minority of tumours is Infiltration of bone/cartilage is common and
associated with familial predisposition minor mucoserous glands may be Cytology
syndromes, implicating specific germline surrounded or displaced by tumours. In cytologic preparations, PitNETs exhibit
mutations in the development of these hypercellularity and a homogeneous
tumours Hormone immunohistochemistry alone can appearance. Due to a relative lack of
{ 25905184 ; 32201880 ; 31658440 }. be misleading due to nonspecific or stroma compared to normal, the cells
diffusion-type staining; therefore, the use of of tumours do not aggregate in large
Pathogenesis stains for pituitary transcription factors numbers and are seen predominantly as
Among sporadic tumours, the most along with hormone profiling is required to individual cells and small clusters. Papillary
common recurrent somatic mutations that ensure accurate tumour characterization formations may be seen. These tumours
drive tumorigenesis affect the GNAS gene { 32813227 }. These tumours frequently cannot be distinguished from other NETs
in up to 40% of somatotroph tumours have trapped non-tumourous elements that without immunohistochemistry.
{ 17514647 ; 1977758 ; 2549426 }, and can complicate interpretation { 32813227 },
the USP8 and USP48 genes in further emphasizing the importance of Diagnostic molecular pathology
approximately 50% of corticotroph tumours thorough assessment. The distinction of Not clinically relevant
{ 25485838 ; 25675982 ; 25942478 ; 2657 multiple synchronous PitNETs of distinct
8638 ; 28505279 ; 28982703 ; 29957855 ; lineages requires the use of transcription Essential and desirable diagnostic
31222332 ; 30093687 }. Novel mutations factors { 30215160 }. For these reasons, criteria
associated with sporadic tumours include the current WHO classification of PitNETs Essential:
CABLES1 { 26695862 ; 28533356 } in requires routine use of transcription factors Epithelial well differentiated
corticotroph tumours, and ATRX or TP53 (PIT1, SF1, TPIT, GATA3, and ER-alpha) neuroendocrine neoplasm (NET)
{ 18026859 ; 33106857 } in metastatic and antibodies against adenohypophysial Immunohistochemical confirmation of
PitNETs. Apart from these rare events, hormones (ACTH, GH, PRL, beta-TSH, adenohypophysial differentiation using
recurrent molecular alterations have not beta-LH, beta-FSH and alpha-subunit of pituitary transcription factors and
been identified and instead epigenetic glycoprotein hormones) as well as other hormones
alterations may be relevant to biomarkers including but not limited to
tumourigenesis keratins (e.g., CAM5.2, CK8/18) Desirable:
{ 20060434 ; 28711607 ; 29396598 ; 3113 { 29453601 ; 32813227 ; 34017065 ; 2943 CAM5.2 or CK8/18 Ki67 proliferation index
9150 ; 16873443 ; 18544619 }. 4339 } (see Table) [[ENDO5]]. Similar to
Chromosomal alterations are common, Staging
other NETs, the Ki67 proliferation index
which is unusual for tumours with largely There is no formal staging system that has
should be assessed using either manual
indolent behaviour { 28486603 }. been universally applied for pituitary/sellar
counting or automated image analysis
neoplasms and any proposals would not
nuclear algorithms
Macroscopic appearance apply to ectopic tumours. However, by
{ 29434339 ; 34017065 }. When metastatic
Ectopic PitNETs range in size from 8 to 80 definition dellar tumours presented as a
disease occurs, the term metastatic PitNET
mm (mean 35 mm) sinonasal mass would have a high stage
is preferred; the use of “adenoma” and
{ 3017137 ; 22430769 ; 28009611 }. classification using the Knosp classification
“carcinoma” creates a problem since most
Generally removed as fragments, they { 8232800 }.
patients present with an initial primary
have no specific gross features. There are no pathology-standardized
tumour and the development of
reporting templates yet endorsed by
metastases would require a change in the
Histopathology international pathology organizations. A
initial diagnosis { 34017065 } [[ENDO5]].
PitNETs are generally monomorphic, with pathology reporting template for pituitary
There is no single morphological feature or
cells arranged in a variety of histologic tumours was introduced in 2011
biomarker that can accurately predict
patterns, including diffuse, glandular, { 21526962 } followed by the European
metastatic spread
papillary, and trabecular arrangements. Pituitary Pathology Group proposal in 2019
{ 34017065 ; 22822048 ; 33433883 }.
Cytologically, tumour cells may be { 31578606 }.
There is also no widely accepted grading
acidophilic, basophilic, or chromophobic;
system for PitNETs. Prognosis and prediction
however, these tinctorial characteristics
are nonspecific. PitNETs reflect their PitNETs continue to grow without
The distinction of PitNETs from other intervention and those with hormone
derivation from six adenohypophysial cell
tumours and detailed histological subtyping hypersecretion cause medical
types with multiple variants of each. Some
of a PitNET based on transcription factor complications that can be lethal.Prognosis
PitNETs are composed of less
lineage, cell type, and in some instances, is dependent on tumour subtype and
differentiated cells, such as acidophil stem
subtype as determined by other response to therapy { 24144285 }.
cell and immature PIT1 lineage tumours
characteristics are clinically critical since Recurrences may develop and are more
(formerly known as silent subtype 3
accurate classification provides risk likely when incompletely excised initially
adenomas, or poorly differentiated PIT1
stratification and predicts differential { 7857023 ; 19945022 ; 22430769 }.
lineage PitNETs)
response to therapies Complete tumour resection is challenging
{ 26743473 ; 28766057 }. Null cell tumours
{ 34017065 ; 32813227 ; 26177314 ; 2414 given tumour location. Exceptionally,
fail to demonstrate evidence of
4285 ; 29434339 }. metastatic behaviour may be seen
differentiation into SF1, TPIT or PIT1
lineage { 3095506 ; 7857023 ; 12170097 ; 268918
The differential diagnosis includes 65 }.
{ 31401793 ; 29434339 ; 25403448 }.
paraganglioma, olfactory neuroblastoma,
SF1 y GATA3 diferenciación
de gonadotropos PROLACTINA



Small Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma
Definition Clinical features involvement in SCNEC, although HPV16
Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma Symptoms depend on site of origin. In the likely remains the prevalent genotype
(SCNEC) is a poorly differentiated (high- larynx, patients frequently present with { 21997688 ; 23095507 ; 31550725,
grade) neuroendocrine carcinoma hoarseness or dysphagia. Sinonasal 33232848}. With the exception of rare
composed of epithelial cells with scant tumours often show mass effect with nasal SCNEC that arise ex pleomorphic
cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nuclei, finely obstruction or epistaxis. 50-70% of all adenoma {22736150,33741286}, most
granular chromatin, inconspicuous SCNEC have regional or distant salivary gland tumours previously
nucleoli, high mitotic count, and frequent metastasis at the time of presentation classified as SCNEC carry Merkel cell
necrosis. { 1653928 ; 27938993 ; 31437725 }. polyomavirus or UV-signature mutations
Paraneoplastic syndromes rarely occur and are best classified as metastatic
ICD-O coding { 17727081 }. Merkel cell carcinoma
8041/3 Small cell carcinoma { 22204708 ; 25457888 ; 30986802 }.
8045/3 Combined small cell carcinoma Epidemiology
SCNEC comprises 40-50% of laryngeal Pathogenesis
ICD-11 coding neuroendocrine neoplasms The molecular basis of laryngeal,
2C23.1Y & XH0YB0 Other specified { 24596175 ; 26183520 }. Prevalence in oropharyngeal, and oral SCNEC have not
malignant neoplasms of larynx, glottis & the sinonasal tract is not well-established. been fully evaluated.
Small cell carcinoma, NOS Laryngeal SCNEC has a mean age of 59- Immunohistochemistry demonstrates
62 years and a male-to-female ratio of 1.6- consistent RB1 loss and p53
Related terminology 3.4:1 overexpression, similar to lung SCNEC
Acceptable: Neuroendocrine carcinoma, { 6299507 ; 24596175 ; 27859290 ; 3143 { 27392929 ; 22082601 ; 33433884 }. RNA
small cell type; poorly differentiated 7725 }, while sinonasal SCNEC has a in-situ hybridization highlights
neuroendocrine carcinoma, small cell type mean age of 51-58 and a male-to-female transcriptional activity in HPV-associated
Not recommended: oat cell carcinoma; ratio of 1-2.2:1 SCNEC, suggesting that viral oncoproteins
small cell undifferentiated carcinoma; { 9712424 ; 16526967 ; 26880574 ; 27859 drive these neoplasms { 29556964 }.
grade III neuroendocrine carcinoma; high 290 ; 27938993 }. Emerging molecular data in sinonasal
grade neuroendocrine neoplasm SCNEC suggests that they arise along
Etiology unique pathways with
Subtype(s) Risk factors correspond to anatomic site. recurrent ARID1A mutations { 31186531 }.
None More than 90% of laryngeal SCNEC are Although some sinonasal tumours with
associated with tobacco use, but this immunohistochemical SMARCA4 loss
Localization association is not strong in the sinonasal have small cell morphology and express
Approximately 60% of head and neck tract { 31437725 ; 25992139 }. The neuroendocrine markers, such tumours are
SCNEC arise in the larynx, the majority in majority of oropharyngeal SCNEC are now regarded as SMARCA4-deficient
the supraglottis { 27859290 }. 35% occur in positive for high-risk HPV, although sinonasal carcinoma rather than SCNEC
the sinonasal tract, most frequently patients often have smoking history as well { 31934917 }.
affecting the nasal cavity { 21997688 ; 22301491 }. A subset of
{ 26880574 ; 27859290 }. Less than 5% sinonasal SCNEC also harbour high-risk Macroscopic appearance
involve the oropharynx, oral cavity, HPV { 23095507 ; 26229021 }. There is a SCNEC are generally large and highly
nasopharynx, or major salivary glands disproportionate incidence of HPV18 infiltrative and form fleshy submucosal
{ 20659699 ; 26258144 ; 27859290 }.
masses with frequent ulceration and specific enolase) is discouraged, and one powdery salt and pepper chromatin with
necrosis. has to interpret them in conjunction with background crush artifact and necrotic
diffuse INSM1 or diffuse synaptophysin debris { 30468701 ; 30475447 }.
Histopathology and chromogranin-A expression. TTF1 is
SCNEC grows in sheets and nests, with positive in a subset of cases { 10976695 }. Diagnostic molecular pathology
occasional trabeculae, peripheral The role of Ki67 for grading head and neck Molecular testing is not needed for
palisading, or rosettes. Tumour cells are SCNEC is not well-established, but most diagnosis of SCNEC. Routine high risk
usually smaller than the diameter of three have a Ki67 index of >20%, and often HPV RNA in situ hybridization testing is not
lymphocytes with scant cytoplasm and >70% { 22082601 ; 22699626 }. Abnormal recommended { 27392929 ; 29251996 }.
indistinct cellular borders. They have large p53 expression { 22082601 ; 27392929 }
hyperchromatic nuclei, finely granular to and global Rb loss { 27392929 } are Essential and desirable diagnostic
stippled chromatin, and absent or common. p16 is often overexpressed in criteria
inconspicuous nucleoli with frequent SCNEC regardless of HPV status Essential:
nuclear moulding. The mitotic count is >10 { 27392929 ; 29251996 }. High grade carcinoma with minimal
mitoses per 2mm2 but is often much higher cytoplasm, hyperchromatic molded nuclei,
with numerous apoptotic bodies and Differential diagnosis: finely granular chromatin, and
necrosis. Crush artifact with extravasated In all sites, SCNEC displays histologic inconspicuous nucleoli >10 mitoses per 2
DNA coating blood vessels (Azzopardi overlap with large cell neuroendocrine mm2 Immunohistochemical evidence of
phenomenon) is also common. carcinoma (abundant cytoplasm/prominent diffuse neuroendocrine differentiation
Approximately 5% of laryngeal SCNEC but nucleoli), well differentiated Immunohistochemical reactivity at least for
up to 80% of oropharyngeal SCNEC occur neuroendocrine tumours with crush artifact one cytokeratin
in combination with another histology, (<10 mitoses per 2mm 2 and <20% Ki67
usually squamous cell carcinoma with no aberrant p53 and Rb expression), Desirable:
{ 24596175 ; 21997688 } basaloid squamous cell carcinoma Cell size smaller than diameter of three
(squamous pearls/surface dysplasia and lymphocytes Prominent apoptotic bodies
Immunohistochemistry: p63/p40 positive; lacking diffuse INSM1), and necrosis Paranuclear dot-like
SCNEC should be positive for cytokeratin, and solid adenoid cystic carcinoma cytokeratin reactivity Ki67 proliferation
particularly low-molecular weight cocktails (neuroendocrine marker negative). index >20%, and often >70%
such as CAM5.2 and frequently in a Sinonasal SCNEC should be distinguished
perinuclear dot-like distribution immunohistochemically from many small Staging
{ 9712424 ; 20090218 }. The expression of round blue cell tumours, including olfactory AJCC/UICC TNM staging for the
first-generation neuroendocrine neuroblastoma (cytokeratin negative), appropriate anatomic site can be applied.
differentiation markers (e.g., lymphoma (CD45 positive), melanoma
synaptophysin and chromogranin-A) may Prognosis and prediction
(S100/SOX10 positive),
be variable with dot-like staining pattern In the larynx, up to 90% of SCNEC develop
rhabdomyosarcoma (desmin/myogenin
{ 9712424 ; 27529763 }. For this reason, distant metastases, and 5-year survival is
positive), Ewing sarcoma (CD99/NKX2.2
the use of second-generation 5-20%
positive), NUT carcinoma (NUT1 positive),
neuroendocrine differentiation biomarker, { 1653928 ; 22082601 ; 24596175 }.
SMARCB1-deficient sinonasal carcinoma
especially the INSM1 (nuclear transcription Sinonasal SCNEC have better outcomes,
(SMARCB1 loss), SMARCA4-deficient
factor that regulates neuroendocrine with 5-year survival of 40-50%
sinonasal carcinoma (SMARCA4 loss),
differentiation), has been shown to be { 26880574 ; 27859290 ; 27938993 ;}.
and sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma
useful in the diagnostic workup of Regardless of site, lower stage tumours
(neuroendocrine marker negative).
neoplasms with variable synaptophysin are associated with longer survival
and/or focal/absent chromogranin-A Cytology { 26183520 ; 27859290 }. HPV-related
expression Fine-needle aspiration specimens show pathogenesis does not improve prognosis
{ 29438167 ; 32813226 ; 31857137 ; 3378 hypercellular sheets of small round blue in SCNEC { 23095507 ; 26229021 }.
6701 }. The use of non-specific biomarkers cells with nuclear molding, numerous
alone (e.g., CD56, CD57 and neuron- mitotic figures and apoptotic bodies, and


Large Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma

Definition { 20589486 ; 22082601 ; 26735857 ; 3143 to speckled chromatin, often with a single
Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma 7725 ; 34401980 }. prominent nucleolus. The mitotic rate is
(LCNEC) is a poorly differentiated >10 mitoses per 2mm 2 but is
neuroendocrine carcinoma composed of Etiology generally much higher.
cells with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, Risk factors for LCNEC are also dependent
vesicular chromatin and prominent on site of origin. Laryngeal LCNEC are Immunohistochemistry
nucleoli. associated with tobacco use in more than LCNEC should be positive for cytokeratin,
90% of cases { 24596175 }. A subset of particularly low-molecular weight cocktails
ICD-O coding oropharyngeal and sinonasal LCNEC such as CAM5.2. The expression of first-
8013/3 Large cell neuroendocrine harbour high-risk HPV, although most generation neuroendocrine differentiation
carcinoma patients also have smoking history markers (e.g., synaptophysin and
{ 26735857 }. Rare cases of chromogranin-A) may be variable with a
ICD-11 coding nasopharyngeal LCNEC are EBV positive dot-like staining pattern
2C23.1Y & XH0NL5 Other specified { 26064748 ; 29302900 }. { 20589486 ; 22718848 ; 27529763 }. For
malignant neoplasms of larynx, glottis & this reason, the use of second-generation
Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma Pathogenesis neuroendocrine differentiation biomarkers,
The pathogenesis of LCNEC in the larynx, especially INSM1, has been shown to be
Related terminology oral cavity, and hypopharynx is not well- useful in the diagnostic workup of
Acceptable: Poorly differentiated established. By immunohistochemistry, neoplasms with variable synaptophysin
neuroendocrine carcinoma, large cell type; tumours show frequent loss of RB1 and and/or focal/absent chromogranin-A
Neuroendocrine carcinoma, large cell type p53 overexpression, raising parallels to a expression
Not recommended: grade III subset of lung LCNEC { 29438167 ; 31186531 ; 31857137 ; 3281
neuroendocrine carcinoma; large cell NET; { 22082601 ; 22718848 ; 27392929 ; 3343 3226 ; 33786701 }. The use of non-specific
high grade neuroendocrine neoplasm 3884 }. In oropharyngeal and sinonasal biomarkers alone (e.g., CD56, CD57, and
LCNEC where HPV is detected, RNA in- neuron-specific enolase) is discouraged.
Subtype(s) situ hybridization confirms transcriptionally TTF1 expression is present in a minority of
None active virus, suggesting a driver role for cases { 22718848 }, and focal positivity for
viral oncoproteins { 26735857 }. In the p63 or p40 can be seen { 22718848 }. The
Localization sinonasal tract, a significant proportion of
LCNEC occur with similar frequency in the role of Ki67 for grading is not well-
LCNEC have recurrent IDH2 mutations established, but LCNEC have a Ki67 index
larynx, oropharynx, and sinonasal tract similar to those frequently seen in
{ 22024350 ; 26735857 }. In the larynx, of >20%, and often >50%
sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma { 22082601 ; 34401980 }. Abnormal p53
more than 80% of LCNEC arise in the (SNUC). They also share a global
supraglottis { 24596175 ; 20589486 }. expression { 22082601 ; 27392929 } and
methylation phenotype and pathway global Rb loss { 27392929 ; 34401980 }
Additional tumours are rarely reported in activation profile with SNUC, raising the
the hypopharynx, nasopharynx, and can occur. p16 may be overexpressed in
possibility IDH2-mutated LCNEC and LCNEC regardless of HR HPV status
salivary glands SNUC represent a phenotypic spectrum of
{ 10824928 ; 15882834 ; 22718848 }. { 27392929 }.
a single entity
{ 28493366 ; 30332658 ; 31186531 ; 3426 Differential diagnosis
Clinical features
5800 }. While large cell morphology and In all sites, LCNEC can show morphologic
Presenting symptoms correspond to
positivity for neuroendocrine markers is overlap with small cell neuroendocrine
anatomic site. In the larynx or oropharynx,
also seen in a subset of sinonasal tumours carcinoma, basaloid and non-keratinizing
patients often demonstrate hoarseness or
that show immunohistochemical loss of squamous cell carcinoma, and solid
dysphagia. Sinonasal tract tumours
SMARCA4, these tumours are now adenoid cystic carcinoma. In the sinonasal
frequently cause mass effect including
included within the spectrum of SWI/SNF tract, it should also be distinguished from
nasal obstruction, epistaxis, or anosmia.
complex-deficient sinonasal carcinoma olfactory neuroblastoma, NUT carcinoma,
Regional or distant metastasis are
rather than LCNEC { 31934917 }. and SWI/SNF complex deficient sinonasal
identified at presentation in 60-80% of
laryngeal LCNEC carcinomas. LCNEC can be distinguished
Macroscopic appearance from SNUC, but IDH2-mutant tumours in
{ 20589486 ; 24596175 ; 31437725 ; 344 LCNEC are generally large and highly
01980 }. both categories may represent a
infiltrative and form fleshy submucosal phenotypic spectrum, which can be
masses with frequent ulceration and recognized by mutant IDH2
necrosis. immunohistochemistry
LCNEC are uncommon laryngeal
neoplasms { 29683816 ; 30206411 ; 31186531 ; 3301
{ 24596175 ; 26183520 ; 34401980 }. The 7591 }.
LCNEC shows nested, organoid, or
exact prevalence of LCNEC in the trabecular growth, with frequent peripheral
sinonasal tract is difficult to determine Cytology
palisading, rosette formation, and central, Fine needle aspiration of LCNEC shows
because of variable terminology, but they comedo-pattern necrosis. The tumour cells
are relatively rare. Across head and neck hypercellular smears composed of large
are generally larger than the diameter of 3 cells with ample cytoplasm, large nuclei,
sites, LCNEC has a median age of 60-64 lymphocytes and have abundant
years and a male-to-female ratio of 1.5-4:1 and vesicular chromatin with frequent large
eosinophilic cytoplasm. Nuclei have coarse nucleoli { 30475447 }.
Diagnostic molecular pathology mm2 Immunohistochemical evidence of Prognosis and prediction
Routine high risk HPV RNA in situ diffuse neuroendocrine differentiation Laryngeal LCNEC has a poor prognosis
hybridization testing is not recommended Positive at least for one cytokeratin with 5-year survival of 10-15%
{ 27392929 ; 29251996 }. { 20589486 ; 22082601 ; 24596175 ; 266
Desirable 11246 }. Outcomes in sinonasal LCNEC
Essential and desirable diagnostic Peripheral palisading, rosette formation, or are unclear overall, although the subgroup
criteria comedo-pattern necrosis Ki67 proliferation with IDH2 mutations have similar
Essential: index >20% and often much higher prognosis to IDH2 mutated SNUC with a 3-
High grade malignancy with nested, year survival of 53% { 31186531 }. HPV
organoid, or trabecular growth of Staging positivity is not associated with improved
neuroendocrine-type cells with abundant AJCC/UICC TNM staging for the prognosis in LCNEC { 26735857 }. The
cytoplasm and round nuclei with appropriate anatomic site can be applied. prognostic implications of EBV positive
prominent nucleoli >10 mitoses / 2 LCNEC is not yet clear.



Merkel Cell Carcinoma
Definition lymphohistiocytic inflammatory infiltrate. - Rapidly growing skin lesion
Merkel cell carcinoma is a high-grade Intraepidermal MCC is rare - Highly cellular dermal malignancy
primary cutaneous neuroendocrine { 27198511 ; 28802497 }. Tumour cells composed of cells with round to oval nuclei,
carcinoma. with scant cytoplasm, round to oval nuclei, and finely granular chromatin
ICD-O coding and finely granular chromatin are arranged - Immunohistochemistry - cytokeratin (e.g.
8247/3 Merkel cell carcinoma as sheets, cords and trabeculae. Mitotic CK20) positive with dot-like perinuclear
ICD-11 coding figures and apoptotic bodies are common. staining and markers of neuroendocrine
2C34 & XH81N8 Cutaneous Tumour cells are usually intermediate in differentiation
neuroendocrine carcinoma & Merkel cell size, but large cell and small cell
carcinoma morphologies may occur Desirable:
Related terminology { 28802497 ; 29556962 }. MCC may show Expression of B-cell markers
Not recommended: Primary divergent differentiation, most commonly and/or MCPyV may be helpful in the
neuroendocrine carcinoma of skin glandular distinction from other NECs.
Subtype(s) { 8751563 ; 23530585 ; 25699980 }, Staging
none squamous The 8th edition of the AJCC TNM system
Localization { 9810922 ; 19609205 ; 19702685 ; 214 forms the basis for MCC staging
Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) most 53956 ; 23664542 ; 23530585 ; 265412 { 27198511 }.
commonly arises on sun-exposed sites. A 73 }, and less commonly sarcomatoid or Prognosis and prediction
review of 14,414 MCC patients neuroblastic { 28802497 }. Distinct foci of Five-year overall survival (OS) rates are
demonstrated that 43% of cases invasive SCC or SCCIS, found in up to ~51% for those with localized disease, 35%
developed on the head/neck { 27198511 }. 15%, may represent collision phenomenon for patients with regional lymph node
Clinical features rather than transdifferentiation metastases, and 14% when distant
MCC presents as a rapidly-growing often { 30417062 }. metastases are present. In node-negative
violaceous papule or nodule. The broad patients, T-stage robustly predicts 5-year
clinical differential diagnosis includes basal Immunohistochemistry OS: 55.8% (pT1); 41.1% (pT2/pT3) and
cell and squamous cell carcinoma, Immunohistochemical studies are 31.8% (pT4) { 27198511 }, though recent
lymphoma, atypical fibroxanthoma and essential to confirm the diagnosis of MCC. data suggests survival rates are
melanoma. The majority (65%) of patients The most specific marker is cytokeratin 20 substantially higher { 32103415 }. Clinically
present with disease localized to the skin, (CK20) which highlights most MCCs evident lymph node metastases have
26% with regional lymph node metastases, (around 88%) worse prognosis than clinically occult
and 8% with distant metastases { 9042291 ; 10027519 ; 11175640 ; 11127 lymph node involvement { 27198511 }, and
{ 27198511 }. 923 ; 16625069 ; 30067951 ; 31201352 } the pattern and extent of SLN involvement
Epidemiology with characteristic perinuclear dots. MCCs are additional prognostic factors
MCC most commonly affects older, white, show neuroendocrine differentiation, { 27166398 ; 31094923 }. Patients with
non-Hispanic men. A population-based including synaptophysin (92%), clinically evident regional lymph node
survey of 11,028 cases from 21 countries chromogranin-A (84%), and CD56 (88%). disease without a known primary MCC are
showed highest rates in Australia, New Neurofilament (NF) is expressed in ~80% distinguished from patients with a known
Zealand and United States { 29533867 }. of MCCs. Immunohistochemical detection primary MCC (Stage IIIA versus IIIB) and
MCC incidence per million has increased of MCPyV LT (CM2B4) is sensitive (88%) have a better prognosis
significantly in the United States from 1.5 and specific (94%) { 27815175 }. A subset { 22030017 ; 23182060 ; 23835211 }.
cases (1986) to 4.4 cases (2001) to 7.9 of MCPyV-negative MCC demonstrate
cases in 2011 divergent immunophenotypic findings Additional prognostic features of the
{ 15611998 ; 26215243 ; 29102486 }. (TTF1 positivity or negativity for NF and/or primary tumour include tumour thickness,
Etiology CK20) { 30067951 ; 31201352 }.CK20- pattern of growth, lymphovascular
Risk factors for MCC development include negative MCCs may be diagnosed by NF- invasion, and tumour infiltrating
male sex, old age, chronic sun exposure, positivity and TTF-1 negativity; MCPyV lymphocytes, all of which are
and immunosuppression. Merkel cell staining has limited sensitivity for CK20- independently associated with patient
polyomavirus (MCPyV) infection and UV- negative tumours { 25394777 }. A meta- survival
induced mutagenesis reflect two distinct analysis identified frequent PAX5 (around { 18798233 ; 21422430 ; 22467679 ; 2716
etiologies of MCC. Asymptomatic MCPyV 90%), terminal deoxynucleotidyl 6398 }. The pattern of SLN involvement
infection occurs early in life, with transferase (TdT) (around 65%), and and the extent of disease burden in
seropositivity rates of 60-70% CD117 (63%) in MCC { 28693804 }. the SLN are additional prognostic factors
{ 28893943 }. SATB2 is also expressed in MCCs in MCC { 27166398 ; 31094923 }.
Pathogenesis { 30349028 ; 31233624 }. Expression of B-
Clonally integrated McPyV expresses the cell markers is associated with MCPyV MCPyV-positive MCCs have improved
viral oncoproteins large T-antigen (LT) and { 32134459 }. These are all important survival compared to MCPyV-negative
small T-antigen pitfalls since detection of these biomarkers MCCs
{ 25681708 ; 28802497 ; 29072302 ; 30 and MCPyV can assist the distinction of { 19535775 ; 21642382 ; 22261808 ; 2279
417062 ;} and is responsible for 60-80% of MCCs from other neuroendocrine 5182 ; 27815175 ; 28763479 }, although
cases { 18202256 ; 27815175 }. Truncated carcinomas { 30349028 }. controversial { 21422430 ; 22882157 },
LT binds and inactivates retinoblastoma Cytology and MCPyV status does not predict
(Rb) protein allowing cell cycle Fine needle aspiration typically reveals a survival independently of stage
progression. Virus-negative MCC cellular proliferation of malignant cells with { 27815175 }. p63 expression correlates
possesses a significantly higher mutational crush artifact. The tumor cells contain with shorter survival in MCC
burden than MCPyV-positive MCC, scant cytoplasm, variable nuclear size and { 17599745 ; 21765392 ; 22795182 ; 247
predominantly UV-signature mutations shape, finely granular chromatin, indistinct 46200 }, but not independently of stage
affecting TP53, RB1, and NOTCH family nucleoli, and frequent nuclear moulding { 24225752 }. Ki67 labeling index ≥55%
members { 24678011 }. { 32696301 } and TERT methylation
{ 26215243 ; 26238782 ; 26655088 ; 2662 Diagnostic molecular pathology (mhTERT) { 33909215 } were associated
7015 ; 31399473 }. MCPyV-positive MCCs Molecular studies are not typically used in with bad prognosis.
predominate in high ambient UV areas, diagnosing MCC, although viral gene
whereas MCPyV-negative MCCs expression and UV-signature mutation Integrity of the host immune system is both
predominate in low exposure areas detection have enabled distinction from a risk factor and prognostic factor in MCC
{ 30417062 }. histologic mimickers { 10609948 ; 11853800 ; 18280333 ; 221
Macroscopic appearance { 30986802 ; 32445471 }. 20659 }. Immunocompromised patients
none Immunohistochemical detection of MCPyV have a worse survival compared to
Histopathology LT (CM2B4) is sensitive (88%) and specific immunocompetent patients { 23190897 }.
Scanning magnification shows a densely (94%) { 27815175 }. Increased expression of immune related
cellular dermal malignancy with frequent Essential and desirable diagnostic genes such
extension into the subcutis, infiltrative or criteria as CD8A and granzyme genes and higher
pushing borders, and variably dense Essential: levels of tumor-infiltrative CD8+ T-cells
independently correlate with longer decreased expression of immune markers genes including UBE2C correlated with
survival including granzyme and IDO1 correlated shorter survival { 33547200 }.
{ 21422430 ; 22467679 ; 27166398 }. with shorter survival, whereas in MCPyV-
Further, in MCPyV-positive MCCs, negative MCCs, expression of several



Head and neck paraganglioma
Definition paraganglia with mixed sympathetic and elevated metanephrine/epinephrine levels
Head and neck paragangliomas are well parasympathetic innervation { 11889402 }. usually indicate a concurrent sympathetic
differentiated non-epithelial neoplasms Tumours develop around the carotid body paraganglioma/pheochromocytoma
derived from paraganglion cells of the (40-60%), middle ear (jugulotympanic; { 29299512 }. Increasingly, tumours are
autonomic nervous system. 30%), vagal nerve trunk in or near the discovered by screening families with
nodose ganglion (10%), sympathetic chain known genetic predisposition syndromes
ICD-O coding (4%), and rarely in larynx, thyroid gland, (see Chapter Table 1). These
8692/3 Head and neck paraganglioma parathyroid gland, mandible, parotid gland, patients require lifelong surveillance and
nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses, sella management tailored to specific
ICD-11 coding turcica, orbit, and clivus genotypes.
2D12.Y & XH5LK3 Other specified { 9236830 ; 20237987 ; 28299533 ; 30217 Paragangliomas are detected with the
malignant neoplasms of other endocrine 041 }. Bilateral/multifocal paragangliomas highest sensitivity by PET/CT
glands or related structures & account for 10-40% { 29204718 }; 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT is
Parasympathetic paraganglioma { 28321772 ; 29299512 }. most commonly available in North America
and other methods utilize 68Ga-DOTATOC
Related terminology Clinical features PET/CT or 68Ga-DOTANOC. This
Acceptable: Paraganglioma; SDH- Carotid body paragangliomas present as technique has the added advantage of
deficient paraganglioma asymptomatic mass lesions. Middle ear predicting efficacy of somatostatin-based
Not recommended: glomus tumour; carotid paragangliomas present with pulsatile therapies including medical therapy
body tumour; glomus caroticum; glomus tinnitus, hearing abnormalities, or a { 25554089 } and Peptide Receptor
jugulare; glomus tympanicum; sensation of aural fullness. Large or Radionuclide Therapy (PRRT). Other
chemodectoma infiltrative tumours and most vagal techniques (131I-labelled meta-
paragangliomas are associated with iodobenzylguanidine [MIBG]; somatostatin
Subtype(s) cranial nerve symptoms { 28321772 }. receptor scintigraphy with 111In-
Composite paraganglioma Horner’s syndrome and first bite syndrome pentreotide) have significant limitations,
are associated with sympathetic although useful if other studies are
paragangliomas. Only about 4% of head unavailable
Tumours are typically associated with the
and neck paragangliomas are { 14602858 ; 18632829 ; 19190077 ; 2239
vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves.
biochemically functional, producing 9235 }. 18FDG-PET/CT is not very sensitive
Although “parasympathetic” and “head and
predominantly dopamine and/or 3- for sporadic disease but is valuable in
neck” are generally considered synonyms,
methoxytyramine. Occasionally patients with SDHB-related disease
head and neck lesions may include
norepinephrine or normetanephrine is { 25873086 }.
sympathetic paragangliomas associated
with the cervical sympathetic chains
{ 17400487 ; 19328652 ; 22431860 ; 235 Epidemiology
{ 11400237 ; 16782577 ; 20310044 ; 2465
26121 ; 24119888 ; 31168271 }, but
2566 ; 33100776 } or arise from
Paragangliomas represent less than 0.5% haemorrhage, especially after pre- Merkel cell carcinoma, and
of head and neck tumours with an operative embolization, the latter frequently rhabdomyosarcoma may also be
estimated annual incidence of 1 in 30,000– employed in head and neck sites. considerations.
100,000 { 29299512 }. They can occur Negativity for keratins distinguishes
from childhood to old age, with a mean age Histopathology paragangliomas from most but not all
at presentation in the 6th decade Tumours exhibit a variably present epithelial neuroendocrine neoplasms
{ 29299512 }. In contrast to sympathetic zellballen architecture composed of chief { 33098891 }. While GATA3 is a useful
counterparts, there is a definite female cells with abundant pale eosinophilic biomarker of paragangliomas, it is also
predominance (female:male 1.7:1) cytoplasm with slightly to moderately expressed in normal and neoplastic
{ 11701678 ; 19223516 }. Paediatric cases atypical nuclei, and peripherally located parathyroid and pituitary
are rare, reported in the teenage years, sustentacular cells, usually difficult to { 24145643 ; 27529763 ; 30217041 ; 3219
with 9-23% of paragangliomas affecting the detect in H&E sections. The stroma is 3825 ; 32303954 }. Paragangliomas can
head and neck in this population highly vascular. Mitotic figures are usually also express peptide hormones including
{ 32432211 ; 32491270 }. rare. calcitonin
Composite paraganglioma, composed of { 27529763 ; 28493102 ; 29744727 }.
Etiology paraganglioma admixed with While medullary thyroid carcinomas can
Paragangliomas have a hereditary ganglioneuroma, is at most exceptionally also focally stain for tyrosine hydroxylase,
predisposition in at least 40% of patients, rare in the head and neck. they are typically negative for GATA3 and
approaching 85% of patients of all ages positive for monoclonal CEA and TTF1
tested in some series { 29299512 }. Chief cells in head and neck { 28493102 ; 29744727 }. Sustentacular
Consequently, there is a high probability of paragangliomas usually show nuclear cells identified by S100 or SOX10
synchronous or metachronous multicentric staining for the transcription factors { 32548761 } are not specific for
paragangliomas, which may be confined to insulinoma associated protein-1 (INSM1) paraganglioma { 27529763 ; 32632839 }.
the head and neck or occasionally include and GATA3{ 29438167 ; 32813226 },
sympathetic paragangliomas and while cytoplasmic functional markers of Cytology
phaeochromocytomas neuroendocrine differentiation including Fine needle aspiration biopsy is generally
{ 15774781 ; 29299512 }. synaptophysin, and chromogranin A are not advocated due to potential
highly variable. The catecholamine- complications, but if inadvertently sampled,
Pathogenesis synthesizing enzymes tyrosine smears usually contain blood and isolated
Genetic factors hydroxylase and dopamine β-hydroxylase tumour cells or groups forming rosettes.
The most common germline mutation in are expressed in approximately 30% and The cells are often large, polygonal, ovoid
patients with head and neck 10%, respectively, of head and neck or elongated. The abundant
paragangliomas is in SDHD (47%), paragangliomas { 25677368 ; 34743284 }. granular/dense cytoplasm appears
followed by SDHB (30%), A recent study showed choline eosinophilic on H&E and pale on PAP
and SDHC (16%) acetyltransferase (an enzyme involved in stain. The nuclei are centrally or
{ 29299512 }. SDHD mutation is acetylcholine synthesis) expression eccentrically located and show variation in
associated predominantly with single or virtually in all head and neck size and shape. Intra-nuclear cytoplasmic
multifocal tumours in the head and neck, paragangliomas even in the absence of inclusions may be seen. Pleomorphic
whereas SDHB mutation is more often expression for catecholamine-synthesizing nuclei, prominent nucleoli, clumped
associated with thoracoabdominal tumours enzymes { 34743284 }. However, the chromatin, intra-nuclear inclusions, and
{ 22584701 }. Paragangliomas in the head specificity of this biomarker remains to be granular cytoplasm may cause
and neck are rarely associated with validated in additional studies. Chief cells misdiagnosis. Cell block material can be
mutations of VHL, RET, are usually nonreactive for keratins used for immunohistochemistry to aid in
or NF1 { 22584701 }. A rare, syndromic but { 33098891 }. Sustentacular cells express diagnosis
non-hereditary association is Carney triad, S100 protein, SOX10, and uncommonly { 10945911 ; 20715670 ; 31168271 }.
where most cases show down-regulation of GFAP { 32548761 }. Loss of reactivity for
SDH through site-specific hyper- SDHB is associated with mutations Diagnostic molecular pathology
methylation of the SDHC gene of SDHA, SDHB, SDHC, SDHD, Not clinically relevant
{ 24859990 ; 25540324 }. and SDHAF2 { 19576851 }. Alpha-inhibin
is expressed in pseudohypoxic tumours Essential and desirable diagnostic
Risk factors (including SDHx-related and VHL-related criteria
For carotid body paragangliomas in types) { 33826547 } and CAIX is expressed Essential:
particular, tumour incidence is increased strongly in VHL-associated tumours Nested/zellballen pattern; round,
and the female predominance in some { 23257898 ; 31383958 ; 33826547 }. hyperchromatic nuclei with stippled
populations living at high altitudes, Paragangliomas express somatostatin chromatin Confirmation of keratin-
probably reflecting effects of hypoxia as a receptors (SSTR) { 14602858 }, and SDH- negativity and positivity for
phenotypic modifier in patients with SDHD deficient paragangliomas have been neuroendocrine differentiation markers
{ 12811540 ; 29681642 } or SDHB reported to demonstrate stronger staining Desirable:
{ 20592014 } mutations. An association for SSTR2A and SSTR3 { 19936639 }. GATA3 expression Positivity for one of the
with congenital cyanotic heart disease has catecholamine-synthesizing enzymes
also been reported { 26961564 }. While the Differential diagnosis (e.g., tyrosine hydroxylase, dopamine β-
SDHD mutation can be transmitted by Numerous primary and metastatic tumours hydroxylase) SDHB
either a male or female carrier, tumours comprise the differential diagnosis in head immunohistochemistry or relevant genetic
usually occur only after paternal and neck regions, including epithelial evaluation to exclude hereditary risk (as
transmission, causing skipped generations neuroendocrine neoplasms of the larynx available)
{ 26067997 }. { 28247224 }, parathyroids { 27406876 },
pituitary { 30217041 }, middle ear and Staging
Macroscopic appearance temporal bone, and thyroid gland
Head and neck paragangliomas are (medullary thyroid carcinoma)
typically encapsulated, pink to tan, firm { 28493102 }. Olfactory neuroblastoma,
nodules. There may be areas of
No TNM system as published by AJCC or of metastasis for those in the carotid body hereditary mutation
UICC for head and neck paragangliomas, and 2% in the middle ear { 28321772 }. of SDHB { 24169168 ; 31194233 }.
but ICCR and other expert-initiated Although few or no metastases are However locally invasive tumours can have
reporting guidelines have been introduced reported in paediatric patients short term a very aggressive course if unresectable
{ 24476517 ; 32407815 }. { 32432211 }, they can occur after many { 32548761 }. Familial cases require
years, especially in patients harbouring lifelong surveillance to evaluate for
Prognosis and prediction germline SDHB mutations multicentric disease.
Head and neck paragangliomas have low { 24169168 ; 31194233 }. The main
metastatic potential, with only a 4-6% risk putative risk factor for metastasis is

S100 S100



It has been recognized that medulloblastomas, related to a malignancy and early cancer
hereditary factors can contribute constitutional pathogenic screening { 26975628 }.
to the development of tumours variation (PV) of a gene in the Although cancers of the head
involving the head and neck for Sonic Hedgehog pathway and neck region are uncommon,
over 100 years. Clinically (PTCH1 or SUFU) the diagnosis of multicentric
recognizable tumour- { 8326488 ; 31725470 }. head and neck squamous cell
predisposing syndromes have Odontogenic keratocyst carcinoma (HNSCC)
been more widely recognized screening should begin at age 2 particularly, occurring in the
during the last decades due to with annual orthopantogram larynx, the pharynx and the oral
the rapidly increasing use of beginning around age 8 cavity can be seen in Li-
sequencing of DNA in both for PTCH1 PV carriers only Fraumeni syndrome
diagnostic pathology and clinical { 28620006 ; 30826393 }. { 27328919 ; 11120478 }. While
genetics. What appears to be a Brooke-Spiegler syndrome or this syndrome has many tumour
sporadic tumour is becoming familial cylindromatosis associations, this chapter is
less often so with more intense or CYLD cutaneous syndrome is focused on head and neck
investigation and more often an inherited autosomal dominant tumours.
new syndromes and tumours disease characterized by The most common solid cancer
associated with these multiple spiradenomas, in Fanconi Anemia (FA) patients
syndromes are being reported. cylindromas, is also head and neck squamous
The 5th edition of the WHO spiradenocylindromas and cell carcinoma (HNSCC).
classification of the Head and trichoepitheliomas and salivary Compared to the general
Neck Tumours has a newly gland tumours. Salivary gland population, risk of HNSCC in FA
created section dedicated to involvement by basal cell is increased by 500- to 800-fold
heritable syndromes with tumors adenoma, membranous-type and the diagnosis of HNSCC
in the head and neck region { 33526221 } is characteristic of often precedes the diagnosis of
(listed in the table #28600). This this syndrome. This tumour FA { 22504776 }. FA-HNSCC
initiative was needed to better involves primarily the parotid frequently occur as multifocal
understand the tumours, gland. These tumours are disease, preceded by oral
diseases, and associated usually bilateral/multicentric and potentially malignant disorders
syndromes, as well as establish well-circumscribed. presenting as lichenoid keratosis
recommendations for monitoring Genodermatosis affecting skin or leukoplakia.
and treating these patients. and mucosa of the head and Patients with a familial
As an example, middle ear neck have been well adenomatous polyposis, which
endolymphatic sac tumour characterized { 26975628 }. is characterized by over 100
(ELST) is a well-recognized PTEN hamartoma tumor adenomatous colorectal polyps,
tumour associated with von syndrome caused by mutation of may present also multiple
Hippel Lindau syndrome (VHLS) the phosphatase and tensin extracolonic manifestations, as
in over a third of the cases. Data homolog (PTEN) gene, includes Gardner syndrome
from the “International ELST Cowden syndrome as the variant. Desmoid tumors may
Registry “ { 25867206 } show a principal PTEN-related disorder. arise in soft tissue of the head
prevalence of ELST of 3.6% in This syndrome is characterized and neck, but may also originate
VHL. VHL germline mutations by multiple neoplasms and in the maxillary sinus,
were present in almost 40% of hamartomas, mucosal nasopharynx, and oral cavity
ELSTs, with an apparent papillomatosis, and skin lesions, { 27387679 }. Other features
sporadic presentation. These as trichilemmomas. Multiple involving the head and neck are
findings support genetic testing trichilemmomas are clinically osteomas
in all patients with ELSTs significant sign of CS. The most { 19157925 ; 22010067 } and
{ 20351605 }. distinctive and peculiar facial supernumerary teeth.
Gorlin syndrome/Naevoid basal features of CS consist of multiple Manifestations of tuberous
cell carcinoma syndrome is a small and keratotic papules sclerosis in the head and neck
cancer predisposition syndrome concentrated around the are predominantly cutaneous
associated with basal cell orifices. Early recognition of and oral. Angiofibroma has a
carcinomas, odontogenic these skin lesions may help with predilection for the face typically
keratocysts and diagnosing an underlying arising in the centrofacial cheek
areas, nasolabial folds and chin paragangliomas, with jaw of known predisposing genetic
{ 30246432 }. Oral tumours (hyperparathyroidism- variants among patients with
manifestations are frequent and jaw tumor syndrome), with oral tumours of the head and neck.
specifically include mucosa leukoplakia The identification of syndromes
angiofibromas in the anterior (dyskeratosis congenita), and has made possible identification
gingiva, lips, tongue, and palate oropharyngeal carcinoma of at-risk individuals in affected
and dental enamel pits loss on (Bloom syndrome) are described families, who can then be offered
the incisal border and tooth wear in detail. genetic counseling. Information
are also observed Pathologists have a very on underlying genetic variants
{ 24310804 ; 30246432 }. important role in recognizing can also have an important
Neurofibromatosis type 1 is tumours of the head and neck impact on the choice of therapy
recognized in patients with tumours associated with the and surveillance
orbitofacial neurofibromas and heritable syndromes addressed guidelines. Virtually all of these
numerous neurofibromas at in this section. Pathologists disorders have now been
other sites. This syndrome is must be aware of the characterized at the molecular
now described in the head and morphologic features associated level; patients with these
neck book focusing on the head with distinct syndromes that disorders may also require
and neck pathology findings. should prompt consideration of distinct forms of therapy and
Other important syndromes with germline screening. The routine personalized follow-up.
involvement of the head and use of NGS will undoubtedly
neck, as familial continue to widen the spectrum

Naevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma (Gorlin) Syndrome

Definition genetic testing is often required to establish entire PTCH1 coding region, with no
Naevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome the diagnosis { 30826393 }. Radiation mutational hotspots { 8981943 }. Missense
(NBCCS) is a complex multi-organ exposure induces multiple basal cell mutations cluster in a highly conserved
syndrome caused by germline sequence carcinomas of the skin as well as various region (the sterol-sensing domain), and
variants in genes involved in the hedgehog other tumour types (e.g. meningioma) particularly in transmembrane domain
signalling pathway (most { 9010431 ; 33125361 }. Rare examples of 4. SUFU pathogenetic variants are only
commonly PTCH1). The most common odontogenic myxoma have also been detected in 5-6% of tested probands, and
head and neck pathology finding is reported { 24163866 }. are mostly truncating { 25403219 }. It has
odontogenic keratocyst (OKC). Epidemiology been estimated that a high proportion (14–
ICD-O coding The syndromic prevalence has been 81%) of cases are the result of new
MIM numbering: estimated between 1:31,000 and pathogenetic variants
#109400 1:256,000 { 27054559 }. The overall { 8326488 ; 3547011 ; 8042673 ; 9415689
ICD-11 coding prevalence ofodontogenic keratocyst }.
LD2D.4 Gorlin syndrome (OKC) in NBCCS is 66-86% Pathogenesis
Related terminology { 8326488 ; 8042673 ; 9096761 ; 2224678 The PTCH1 gene encodes a 12-
Acceptable: Gorlin syndrome; Gorlin–Goltz 5 } but OKCs have an age-dependent transmembrane protein expressed on
syndrome, onset and by the age of 40, the prevalence many progenitor cell types. It functions as
Not recommended: Basal cell naevus is reported to be 91% { 8326488 }. Cysts a receptor for members of the secreted
syndrome (BCNS); Fifth phacomatosis commonly arise at a relatively early age hedgehog protein family of signalling
Subtype(s) with mean age of onset estimated at 15.5 molecules (SHH, IHH, and DHH)
None. years { 8042673 } but they may occur { 8906794 ; 8906787 }. PTCH1 controls
Localization much later in life { 8326488 }. another transmembrane protein, SMO
Skin - BCCs, sebaceous cysts; Jaw - Some differences have been noted { 8906787 ; 9278137 }. In the absence of
odontogenic keratocyst (OKC); Bone - between sporadic and syndromic OKCs, ligand, PTCH1 inhibits the activity of SMO
congenital anomalies; Brain - such as a higher frequency of epithelial { 8906787 ; 9278137 }. Hedgehog
macrocephaly, falx calcification, rests/islands and microcysts in the cyst signalling takes place in the primary cilium
medulloblastoma; as well as eyelid, cleft wall { 2441019 }. However, these can also { 25172843 }. Binding of hedgehog
lip/palate and ovarian fibromas. occur in non-syndromic cysts and do not proteins to PTCH1 can relieve its inhibition
Clinical features represent diagnostic criteria for syndromic of SMO, allowing its translocation to the tip
The most frequent manifestations of cysts. of the primary cilium, which results in the
NBCCS are multiple basal cell carcinomas, Etiology activation and translocation of GLI
as well as odontogenic keratocyst NBCCS results from inactivating germline transcription factors into the cell nucleus
(OKC) of the jaw. In one study, basal cell sequence variants in PTCH1 on 9q22 and transcription of a set of specific target
carcinomas and odontogenic keratocyst { 8681379 ; 8658145 }, its genes controlling the survival,
were found together in > 90% of affected paralog PTCH2 on 1p34 in rare cases differentiation, and proliferation of
individuals by 40 years of age { 8326488 }. { 18285427 ; 23479190 }, or progenitor cells. SUFU has been found to
Other major diagnostic criteria include the SUFU gene on 10q24 directly interact with GLI proteins and is a
calcification of the falx cerebri, palmar and { 25403219 }. However, patients with negative regulator of hedgehog signaling
plantar pits, and bifid or fused ribs germline SUFU mutation do not develop { 10564661 }. The inactivation
{ 9096761 ; 8042673 } (Table). Clinical odontogenic keratocyst (OKC), with most of PTCH or SUFU genes lead to
features manifest at different times of OKCs associated with PTCH1 inactivation pathological activation of the SHH
life. Macrocephaly and rib anomalies can instead { 29356994 ; 31725470 }. signaling pathway.
be detected at birth, while Numerous PTCH1 germline pathogenetic Macroscopic appearance
medulloblastoma typically develops within sequence variants have been reported Same features as sporadic counterparts.
the first 3 years of life. OKCs are not { 25131638 ; 16419085 }, although Histopathology
usually evident before 8 years of age, while variants were historically detected in only All subtypes of basal cell carcinoma
basal cell carcinomas are usually found 10 50-60% of cases { 16088933 }. That including the pigmented variant can be
years later { 25131638 }. In one series of detection rate has increased significantly seen. NBCCS-associated OKCs resemble
50 children with OKCs, 36% were (up to 93%) due to recent testing advances sporadic counterparts.
associated with NBCCS and over half of { 25131638 }. The mostly truncating Cytology
those had no known family history; as such mutations are distributed over the Not applicable.
Diagnostic molecular pathology detection of a germline condition is Not relevant.
A comprehensive mutational analysis of important in tumour treatment planning, Prognosis and prediction
the PTCH1 and SUFU genes by DNA e.g., avoiding radiation therapy The life expectancy of NBCCS patients at
sequencing and search for { 19276247 ; 29186568 ; 33125361 } 73.4 years is only slightly reduced from
deletions/duplications by appropriate Essential and desirable diagnostic unaffected populations when compared
methods (e.g. MLPA, targeted array-based criteria with other genetic tumour syndromes;
analysis) is able to identify most NBCCS- Major and minor diagnostic criteria are however, there is considerable impact on
related germline pathogenetic variants depicted in the Table. The diagnosis of quality of life { 22362873 }. Surveillance
{ 20301330 }. To detect more complex NBCCS requires two major and one minor guidelines are well-established
alterations, additional analysis at the diagnostic criterion or one major and three { 28620006 }. For SUFU pathogenetic
transcript level is occasionally necessary. minor diagnostic criteria variant carriers, these include a
Despite testing advances, { 8326488 ; 20301330 }. recommendation for repeated brain MRI
no PTCH1 or SUFU pathogenetic variant In cases with inconclusive clinical screening for medulloblastoma
is identified in 15%-27% of index cases presentation, identification of a development within the first five years of
{ 28596197 }. heterozygous germline pathogenic variant life { 28620006 }.
Genetic counselling should be offered to of PTCH1 or SUFU is required.
NBCCS patients and their families. The Staging

Neurofibromatosis (NF1)
Definition Localization Individual plexiform neurofibromas have
Neurofibromatosis type 1 is an autosomal Neurofibromatosis type 1 affects many variable growth rates, which may remain
dominant disorder caused by a pathogenic different cell types and tissues in the body, stable over time, but exhibit the highest
germline variant of predominantly localizing to central and growth potential during infancy and
the NF1 (neurofibromin) gene. peripheral nervous system sites. childhood. A subset of plexiform
ICD-O coding Clinical features neurofibromas transform into atypical
MIM numbering 162200 Neurofibromatosis Multiple café-au-lait macules are usually neurofibroma/ANNUBP (atypical
type 1; NF1 present at birth, and increase in number neurofibromatous neoplasms of uncertain
ICD-11 coding during the first two years of life. Skinfold biological potential), which are associated
LD2D.10 Neurofibromatosis type 1 freckling in the axillary, inguinal, and with an increased risk to progress to high-
Related terminology submammary regions occurs in >80% of grade malignant peripheral nerve sheath
Not recommended: Von Recklinghausen adults with NF1. Lisch nodules and skinfold tumour (MPNST)
disease; peripheral neurofibromatosis freckling are usually detectable before { 28551330 ; 21987445 }. Specific bone
Subtype(s) puberty. Cutaneous neurofibromas abnormalities include severe scoliosis,
Mosaic neurofibromatosis type 1, including typically develop during puberty and are sphenoid wing dysplasia, non-ossifying
segmental neurofibromatosis type 1; identified in >85% of adults { 28230061 }, fibromas, and congenital tibial bowing.
Spinal neurofibromatosis; In contrast, plexiform neurofibromas are Progressive tibial bowing can result in
Neurofibromatosis-Noonan syndrome; considered congenital, developing in 30– pathological fracture, with the development
17q11.2 microdeletion syndrome 50% of children with NF1 { 28230061 }. of pseudarthrosis { 18248783 }. Other
neoplasms observed at increased ons { 21987445 ; 30722027 ; 18984156 }. Similar to sporadic counterparts.
frequency are optic pathway MPNSTs frequently show additional Diagnostic molecular pathology
glioma/pilocytic astrocytoma (OPG) and aberrations of genes encoding Although no mutational hotspots have
other gliomas { 32300062 }, juvenile components of the PRC2 complex, and to been identified, a pathogenic NF1 variant
myelomonocytic leukemia, a lesser extent, TP53 genes is detected in 95% of people with NF1
rhabdomyosarcoma, glomus tumours of { 25119042 ; 25240281 ; 25305755 }. In { 10862084 }. Nonsense, frameshift, and
the digits, gastrointestinal stromal tumours, both neurofibromas and OPGs, murine splice-site mutations, small insertions,
pheochromocytoma, breast cancer in studies have revealed that non-neoplastic small deletions or small duplications all
females, and duodenal neuroendocrine (stromal) cells with a result in NF1 inactivation.
tumours (somatostatinomas) { 19410195 }. heterozygous NF1 mutation, including Essential and desirable diagnostic
Orbitofacial neurofibromas mast cells, macrophages, neurons, T cells, criteria
Orbitofacial neurofibromatosis type 1 and microglia, are critical for Essential: A clinical diagnosis of NF1
(OFNF) has been historically studied as a tumourigenesis and continued growth. requires the presence of at least two of the
clinical variant of NF1 { 22193879 }. Novel NF1 mutations associated with following features:
Orbitofacial NFs is often characterized by orbitofacial neurofibromatosis have been (1) Six or more CALs (> 5 mm diameter in
progressive, large disfiguring tumours detected in some Chinese families, as well children, > 15 mm in adults) (2) Two or
involving orbit and periorbital tissues and as more severe ocular phenotypes in more neurofibromas of any type or one
associated with remodeling of adjacent successive generations (e.g. anticipation) plexiform neurofibroma (3) Axillary/inguinal
skull bones. Recurrence after excision is { 31533651 }. Differential promoter freckling (4) Optic pathway glioma (OPG)
relatively high, but tumour growth may methylation and expression of (5) Two or more iris hamartomas (Lisch
stabilize as the individual ages. the HOX family genes has also been nodules) (6) Distinctive bony abnormality
Epidemiology reported in orbitofacial neurofibroma (tibial dysplasia, pseudarthrosis, orbital
NF1 has a birth incidence of approximately developing in NF1 patients when dysplasia) (7) First-degree relative with
1 per 3000 { 25354145 }. compared to neurofibromas developing at NF1 (by the above criteria).
Etiology other sites { 32366326 }. Recently these criteria have been revised
NF1 is caused by heterozygous pathogenic Macroscopic appearance to include genetic testing and other
variants in the NF1 gene, encoding See individual tumours. common but newly recognized features,
neurofibromin Histopathology particularly choroidal abnormalities
{ 2134734 ; 2114220 ; 1694727 }. Half of Nerve sheath tumours in NF1 are { 34012067 }. It must be highlighted that
the individuals with NF1 have unaffected predominantly neurofibromas, which some of these clinical features may be
parents and represent de novo mutations. resemble their sporadic counterparts. Cells seen in other genetic syndromes including
Pathogenesis of the hematopoietic lineage, including Legius syndrome (OMIM #641331),
Neurofibromin primarily functions as a histiocytes and mast cells are also Noonan syndrome and constitutive
GTPase activating protein (GAP) for encountered, which contribute to the mismatch repair deficiency (CMMRD)
the RAS proto-oncogene { 8499945 }. The tumour microenvironment { 28001089 }. { 30415209 }, making molecular analysis of
EVH1-domain of SPRED1 (the protein Recently proposed criteria for ANNUBP the NF1 gene increasingly more important
implicated in Legius syndrome) binds to (atypical neurofibromatous neoplasms of for diagnostic purposes
neurofibromin on both sides of the GAP- undetermined biological potential) are used { 19920235 ; 25074460 ; 26337637 }.
related domain and recruits neurofibromin to describe premalignant or potentially Staging
to the membrane where it can accelerate early malignant changes in neurofibromas, Staging for NF1-associated MPNSTs is
RAS inactivation and include at least two of the following: identical to that utilized for sporadic
{ 22751498 ; 26635368 ; 27313208 }. cytological atypia, hypercellularity, loss of counterparts.
Most NF1 clinical features, including café- neurofibroma architecture, and increased Prognosis and prediction
au-lait macules, bony abnormalities, and mitotic rate (< 1.5 mitoses/mm 2, equating Individuals often have a shortened life
benign tumours result from complete loss to 3 mitoses/10 HPF of 0.51 mm in span, mainly due to malignant disease and
of neurofibromin function diameter and 0.20 mm2 in area stroke
(biallelic NF1 inactivation), leading to { 28551330 }). Most MPNSTs in individuals { 25354145 ; 21694737 ; 11283797 }. The
increased RAS and RAS effector with NF1 are high-grade malignant spindle standard mortality ratio for many
(MEK/ERK or AKT/mTOR) signaling. cell neoplasms with brisk mitotic activity complications is higher in women under the
Atypical neurofibromas/ANNUBP harbour and necrosis, which either develop in a pre- age of 50 { 25354145 }. Genetic
additional genetic alterations, including existing plexiform neurofibroma or arise de counselling is recommended, and includes
loss novo. the possibility of prenatal
of CDKN2A/CDKN2B and SMARCA2 regi Cytology and/or preimplantation genetic testing.
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis with Gardner Syndrome
Definition The bulk of FAP manifestations are 100% risk of colorectal adenocarcinoma by
Classic familial adenomatous polyposis colorectal, with gastric and duodenal 45 years of age { 18194984 }.
(FAP) is an autosomal dominant syndrome polyps also common. Desmoid tumours Attenuated FAP is distinguished from
caused by pathogenic APC mutations, mostly occur in the small bowel mesentery, classic FAP by fewer (1–100) colorectal
characterized by >100 adenomatous abdominal wall, extremities or less adenomas and a slightly reduced risk
colorectal polyps. More than 70% develop frequently in the head and neck, mostly (80%) and later onset (56 years) of
multiple extracolonic manifestations that arising in soft tissue { 975005 ; 8154779 }, colorectal cancer
define the Gardner syndrome subtype. but also the maxillary sinus, nasopharynx, { 16461775 ; 20105204 }.
ICD-O coding and oral cavity. Most FAP patients develop duodenal
MIM numbering: Less frequent extraintestinal malignancies adenomas, mostly in the periampullary
# 175100 Familial adenomatous polyposis involve the thyroid, biliary tree, pancreas, region and distal duodenum.
ICD-11 coding liver, and brain. Frequent benign The most common head and neck
2B90.Y Other specific malignant extraintestinal features involve bone manifestations are desmoid-type
neoplasms of colon (osteomas) and dental structures fibromatosis, thyroid carcinoma, osteomas,
Related terminology (supernumerary teeth and odontomas). and dental anomalies.
Acceptable: Gardner syndrome. Clinical features Desmoid-type fibromatosis, a locally
Not recommended: Turcot syndrome. Classic FAP is characterized by numerous infiltrative, non-metastasizing
Subtype(s) (usually >100 sometimes thousands) (myo)fibroblast neoplasm, occurs in 10-
Attenuated familial adenomatous adenomatous polyps of the large intestine, 15%, mostly in the small intestinal
polyposis. usually occurring in the second decade of mesentery, abdominal wall, extremities or
Localization life. Without colectomy there is a near less frequently head and neck soft tissues,
where it may cause an enlarging painless
neck mass, nasal obstruction or epistaxis Up to 30% of FAP-associated desmoids { 21455198 ; 29239041 }. PAX8 is absent
in the sinonasal tract, facial deformity, occur in children in half of tumours and focal in the
proptosis, or dysphagia. The risk of { 975005 ; 24206198 ; 23331794 ; 242909 others { 34019236 }. Morulae are positive
desmoid-type fibromatosis in FAP is 52 }; there is no sex predilection and for keratin 5 and CD5 and negative for p63,
increased by prior surgery and syndromic desmoids may be multifocal. p40, TTF1, and PAX8
certain APC mutations { 27387679 }. Etiology { 29239041 ; 34019236 }.
Although it has no metastatic potential, it FAP is a Mendelian autosomal dominant Cytology
can cause severe morbidity syndrome caused by germline variants in Not relevant
{ 10732754 ; 9014661 }. the APC gene (chromosome 5q22.2) that Diagnostic molecular pathology
Multiple osteomas occur due to germline result in a truncated or absent APC protein. APC mutation is the tumour-initiating event
APC mutations in 50-90% patients Disease severity varies with mutational for most colorectal adenomas { 8861899 }.
{ 19157925 }. Such osteomas increase in position in the APC gene Similarly, FAP-associated desmoid
size over time. They are benign neoplasms { 10470088 ; 12057910 ; 20105204 }. tumours are caused by APC rather
composed of mature cortical or cancellous Desmoid tumours are associated with than CTNNB1 mutation, the latter being
lamellar bone, mostly in the craniofacial germline mutations in APC involving more common in sporadic counterparts;
bones, most commonly the mandible codons 1310–2011 in the mid- to C- nevertheless, they also show nuclear beta
{ 18602294 }. They often present as a terminal portion of the encoded protein catenin immunoreactivity secondary to
painless swelling on the bone surface, { 26179480 }. WNT pathway activation { 22419028 }.
although they may be asymptomatic APC acts as a classic tumour suppressor Germline testing and genetic counselling
{ 22010067 }. Radiographically osteomas gene and a tumour phenotype arises when for possible FAP with Gardner
form a well-demarcated radiopaque mass the non-mutant allele is spontaneously lost syndrome should be considered for
on the cortical surface (<20 mm). or mutated as a somatic event. patients with head and neck desmoids
The thyroid carcinomas are usually Pathogenesis driven by APC inactivation.
multifocal and bilateral in this syndrome The classic APC protein isoform is Essential and desirable diagnostic
and are specifically of the 2843 amino acids long (amongst other criteria
cribriform morular thyroid carcinoma isoforms), and regulates WNT signalling. Presence of >100 colorectal adenomas
type { 29239041 ; 21455198 ; 20878367 } Normal APC restrains colorectal epithelial indicates diagnosis of classic FAP. Given
. The cribriform component is cell proliferation through its role as a the phenotypic variability of FAP, several
usually admixed with morulae and in some scaffold protein that binds critical other polyposis conditions can have near-
there is a cribriform-predominant components that tag (by phosphorylation identical features. The essential molecular
architecture { 29239041 ; 29785019 ; 340 and ubiquitination) the WNT effector criterion is the presence of a pathogenic
19236 } protein β-catenin for proteasomal germline (constitutional) APC mutation.
Multifocal odontomas or supernumerary destruction { 10733430 }. With APC protein Staging
teeth may occur. Odontomas can occur in truncation (or absence), the loss of critical FAP and Gardner syndrome tumours are
any tooth-bearing area, and are mixed APC functions (especially its binding of the staged in the same way as equivalent
epithelial and mesenchymal tumour-like AXIN and β-catenin proteins) results in sporadic tumours at each site.
hamartomatous malformations, composed greatly impaired degradation of β-catenin Prognosis and prediction
of dental hard and soft tissues, that can be with nuclear translocation and upregulation Management of tumours is guided by their
either compound odontomas mainly of WNT signalling { 23589686 }. clinical presentation and severity.
located in the anterior maxilla, or complex Macroscopic appearance Colorectal screening by endoscopy and
odontomas mostly in the posterior FAP and Gardner-associated lesions chemoprevention are in use
mandible or anterior maxilla. grossly resemble their sporadic { 28674119 ; 22122775 ; 26315524 }.
FAP is associated with an increase in risk counterparts. Colectomy is often required to prevent the
of carcinoma of the thyroid (~15%, Histopathology development of colorectal
cribriform morular thyroid carcinoma) The histopathology of FAP and Gardner- adenocarcinoma. Upper gastrointestinal
{ 34019236 }, hepatobiliary tree and associated lesions is indistinguishable from endoscopy is guided by the Spigelman
pancreas, childhood hepatoblastoma (1%), sporadic counterparts with exceptions of stage of duodenal polyposis
adrenocortical adenomas thyroid carcinoma. Thyroid tumours are { 2571019 ; 15951555 }. In addition,
/adenocarcinomas, medulloblastoma those of the cribriform morular thyroid screening for extraintestinal manifestations
(<1%) and rarely, adamantinomatous carcinoma type, which is characteristic for is recommended { 28674119 ; 25645574 }.
craniopharyngioma. this syndrome Desmoid tumours generally have a good
Epidemiology { 18948764 ; 20966648 ; 21455198 ; 2923 prognosis { 25434922 }; however, positive
FAP prevalence is 1 in 8000–10,000. It 9041 ; 34019236 ; 29785019 }. The surgical margins and young age are
affects males and females equally and cribriform component is positive for TTF1, associated with recurrence
accounts for <1% of all colorectal cancers nuclear beta- { 20085516 ; 23913621 ; 25341748 }.
{ 18194984 }. catenin strong immunopositivity and are
negative negative for thyroglobulin

CK5, CD5 + y p63,

p40, TTF-1 y Pax8 -
CD5 + B-Catenina


Brooke-Spiegler and Related Syndromes

Definition variably sized (mostly 5 - 30 mm) skin- More than one hundred CYLD mutations
Brooke-Spiegler syndrome is an inherited colored, reddish or blue nodules. have been reported. Most mutations
autosomal dominant disease characterized Trichoepitheliomas are bilateral small (2 - (~50%) are frameshift, (~25%), nonsense
by multiple spiradenomas, cylindromas, 10 mm), often confluent, skin-colored (~15%), missense, and (~10%) putative
spiradenocylindromas and papules. Cutaneous tumours demonstrate splice-site and are predicted to result in
trichoepitheliomas (cribriform growth throughout life, and their number truncated proteins. Most mutations involve
trichoblastomas), and with salivary gland increases with age. Rapid growth, exons 9-20, whereas exons 4–8 are spared
involvement by basal cell ulceration and bleeding, especially in older { 20132422 ; 20502185 }. Other rare
adenoma, membranous-type. patients usually indicate malignant mechanisms include large deletions
ICD-O coding transformation, especially for cylindroma, in CYLD and mutations in intronic
MIM numbering: spiradenoma and sequences leading to intronic
#605041 spiradenocylindroma (around 5% - 10% of exonization { 19668078 ; 25347032 }.
ICD-11 coding cases). Parotid neoplasms present as a Cutaneous neoplasms demonstrate a large
2F22 Benign neoplasms of epidermal freely movable mass usually measuring spectrum of somatic mutations
appendages between 5 - 50 mm in diameter. Multifocal representing both loss of heterozygosity
Related terminology unilateral involvement of the parotid gland (LOH) and sequence alterations
Acceptable: Familial as well as bilateral metachronous and in CYLD { 26861065 }.
cylindromatosis; CYLD cutaneous synchronous parotid neoplasms can be Macroscopic appearance
syndrome; multiple familial seen. Facial nerve paralyses or visual Benign cutaneous and salivary gland
trichoepithelioma; alterations are rare tumours are usually circumscribed, non-
Not recommended: turban tumours; skin- { 19194280 ; 19730223 ; 23249834 }. encapsulated, ovoid to round nodules with
salivary gland tumour diathesis Epidemiology smooth surface. In larger lesions
Subtype(s) BSS and MFT are rare, but the exact (especially spiradenomas), the cut surface
Multiple familial trichoepithelioma incidence is unknown. About 1-2% of may show foci of haemorrhage and cystic
Localization patients with BSS develop salivary gland change { 22978388 }.
Spiradenoma, cylindroma and tumours, whereas patients with MFT Basal cell adenoma, membranous type,
spiradenocylindroma mainly involve the appear to have skin lesions only. present in Brooke Spiegler syndrome are
skin of the head and neck area. Cutaneous tumours usually occur around usually multicentric and bilateral. These
Trichoepitheliomas predominantly affect puberty, whereas salivary gland tumours have a solid homogeneous tan cut
the nasolabial folds. Salivary gland involvement is usually seen after the age of surface { 25141971 }.
tumours mostly occur in the parotid gland 40 years { 23249834 }. Histopathology
(membranous type of basal cell adenoma), Etiology Salivary gland involvement in this
whereas submandibular glands are rarely Germline heterozygous pathogenic syndrome is characterized by the presence
affected { 19455704 }. Extremely rare is sequence variant in CYLD in a proband of multicentric basal cell adenoma,
the occurrence of mammary cylindroma with multiple skin tumours and basal cell which appears identical to cutaneous
{ 15252315 }. adenoma, membranous-type cylindroma. These tumours are usually
A phenotypic variant of BSS is multiple { 31093340 ; 32298062 }. bilateral/multicentric, well-circumscribed,
familial trichoepitheliomas (MFT, OMIM Pathogenesis and characteristically of the membranous-
601606) characterized by the development Most patients (80-85% with the classical type growth pattern. The tumour nests
of trichoepitheliomas without other tumours BSS phenotype and 40-50% the MFT show the characteristic peripheral
{ 19730223 ; 23249834 }. phenotype) harbour germline sequence palisading of dark cells, with paler cells
Clinical features variants in the CYLD gene, a tumour located more centrally within these nests.
Spiradenomas, cylindromas and suppressor gene, located on chromosome The cells have a vesicular nuclei. The cells
spiradenocylindromas occur as multiple 16q12-q13 nests are separated by dense hyaline
(dozens to hundreds), often coalescing, { 10835629 ; 26329847 ; 16922728 }. stroma { 19455704 ; 28060371 }. By
immunohistochemistry, both epithelial and cylindroma and spiradenoma that either multiple skin tumours (multiple inherited
myoepithelial markers are present closely intermingled or sharply segregated. and histologically
{ 23209336 ; 24206768 }. The ratio between spiradenomatous and confirmed cutaneous cylindromas, spirade
Basal cell adenoma, membranous- cylindromatous components varies among nomas, spiradenocylindromas and/or trich
type, are distinguished from cellular cases. oepitheliomas);
pleomorphic adenomas by their consistent Malignant neoplasms evolving from AND/OR
basaloid appearance, peripheral cutaneous tumours include low-grade and Identification of a germline heterozygous
palisading, and the presence of thick high-grade lesions with a basaloid pathogenic variant in CYLD by molecular
hyaline basement membranes. Basal cell morphology resembling salivary gland genetic testing.
adenomas are distinguished from basal basal cell adenocarcinomas. Less common
cell adenocarcinoma by the absence of are adenocarcinoma, not otherwise Desirable:
invasion { 25141971 }. specified, and sarcomatoid (metaplastic) The syndrome should be suspected with a
Spiradenoma, cylindroma and carcinoma { 19633533 ; 22588548 }. salivary gland multicentric basal cell
spiradenocylindroma are related tumours, Cytology adenoma, membranous-type, in a patient
usually well-demarcated, multinodular or Basal cell adenoma, membranous type, is with single cylindroma, trichoepithelioma or
uninodular, with regular or somewhat composed by monomorphic small basaloid spiradenoma. Cases with few such lesions
pushing borders. Spiradenoma is cells with scant cytoplasm with clean (up to 4) are usually sporadic and not
composed of small basaloid cells arranged background and with a dense hyaline associated with a germline CYLD mutation
in a trabecular, reticular or solid fashion stroma. { 22588548 }.
intermixed with paler cells and Diagnostic molecular pathology Staging
lymphocytes; an integral component of the Identification of germline heterozygous Not clinically relevant.
tumour. A few tubular structures are often pathogenic variant in CYLD. Offspring of Prognosis and prediction
present. Droplets of PAS-positive hyaline an individual have a 50% chance of Salivary gland basal cell adenoma,
basal membrane material can be seen. inheriting the variant { 32298062 }. No membranous type is
Cylindroma in most cases displays a jigsaw genotype-phenotype correlations with benign. Spiradenoma, cylindroma,
puzzle (mosaic-like) arrangement of respect to the severity of the disease, the spiradenocylindroma are benign lesions.
islands of basaloid cells surrounded by possibility of malignant transformation, and Malignant tumours developing from these
variably thickened eosinophilic basement development of extracutaneous lesions neoplasms may show local aggressive
membrane material. The peripheral cells has been found { 15854031 }. growth or distant metastases. Because of
often show palisading and are usually Essential and desirable diagnostic their rarity and microscopic heterogeneity
darker compared to centrally located cells. criteria the exact prognosis is unknown.
Intratumoural lymphocytes are absent or Essential:
are very few in number. The diagnosis of Brooke-Spiegler
Spiradenocylindroma combines areas of syndrome is established in a proband with

Cowden Syndrome
Definition derived from any of the three germ layers, 615108 Cowden syndrome 5
Cowden syndrome (CS) is an autosomal with cancer predisposition. 615109 Cowden syndrome 6
dominant disorder characterized by ICD-O coding 616858 Cowden syndrome 7
multiple hamartomas involving organs 158350 Cowden syndrome 1 ICD-11 coding
615107 Cowden syndrome 4 LD2D.Y Cowden syndrome
Related terminology patients. The most distinctive and peculiar Inactivation of the second copy of the gene
Acceptable: PTEN hamartoma tumour facial features of CS consist of multiple allows deregulation of the AKT pathway.
syndrome; Cowden disease; multiple small and keratotic papules concentrated Macroscopic appearance
hamartoma syndrome. around the orifices. A trichilemmoma is Mucosal papillomas present as small
Subtype(s) rarely a sporadic feature, and the literature smooth whitish papules, that often
PTEN hamartoma tumour syndrome regularly reports numerous lesions at coalesce resulting in characteristic
(PHTS) is a heterogeneous group of presentation in individuals with a clinical cobblestone appearance on the lips,
disorders with autosomal dominant and/or genetic diagnosis { 24136893 }. gingiva, buccal or tongue mucosa.
inheritance, caused by germline mutation Consequently, trichilemmoma is a clinically Presence of a fissured tongue is also
of the PTEN gene. PHTS also includes significant sign of CS when seen in considered a characteristic feature of CS
Bannayan–Riley–Ruvalcaba syndrome multiplicity (at least ≥ 3), but at least one { 26975628 ; 27889943 ; 24560406 }.
and Proteus syndrome. However, most lesion should be biopsy-proven given the Histopathology
cases of PHTS correspond to CS, and the difficulty with clinical diagnosis. Early Oral papillomas are histologically non-
terms “PHTS” and “CS” are often used recognition of these skin lesions may help specific and indistinguishable from irritation
interchangeably { 19668082 }. on diagnosing an underlying malignancy fibroma. They are composed of fibrous
Localization and early cancer screening { 26975628 }. connective tissue, that may contain some
Oral papillomas are a major diagnostic Epidemiology dilated blood vessels and inflammatory
criterion for CS and are present in virtually The prevalence has been estimated at infiltrate, lined by hyperplastic non-
all CS patients. Papillomas are usually about 1 case per 200 000–250 000 keratinizing squamous epithelium. The skin
present on the lips but also common on the individuals in a European population. This lesions and other tumours associated with
tongue, buccal mucosa (Figure 1A) and may be an underestimate given the Cowden syndrome lose PTEN staining by
gingivae. Mucocutaneous neuromas have difficulty in diagnosing this syndrome immunohistochemistry { 30730313 }.
also been reported in CS patients. Facial { 10234502 }. Clinically, trichilemmomas are often
trichilemmomas are a major diagnostic Etiology indistinguishable from other verrucous skin
criterion of CS. Trichilemmomas are CS is an autosomal dominant disorder with lesions and therefore histopathological
typically multiple and found in the central age-related penetrance and variable confirmation is necessary.
portion of the face, around the eyes, nose, expression. Germline mutation in PTEN Trichilemmomas are typically associated
mouth and forehead (10q23.3) is found in about 85% of CS pre-existing hair follicles and characterized
{ 26975628 ; 27889943 ; 24560406 }. cases, as well as in subsets of other PHTS by thickening of the follicular infundibulum,
Clinical features disorders (in 65% of Bannayan–Riley– with superficial hypergranulosis and
CS is characterized by mucocutaneous Ruvalcaba syndrome cases, 20% of hyperkeratosis and focal trichilemmal
lesions (multiple facial trichilemmomas, Proteus syndrome cases, and 50% of differentiation. Tricholemmomas can be
acral keratoses, papillomatous papules, Proteus-like syndrome cases) difficult to distinguish from basal cell
and mucosal lesions are considered { 19668082 ; 18794875 ; 9140396 ; 86730 carcinoma with trichilemmal differentiation
pathognomonic), an increased cancer risk, 88 }. Individualized risk calculation may aid and the surface of trichilemmoma may be
benign hamartomatous overgrowth of assessment of a patient’s risk of carrying a indistinguishable from verruca vulgaris.
tissues (including gastrointestinal germline PTEN mutation based on clinical Cytology
polyposis), and macrocephaly (Table features { 21194675 }. Not clinically relevant
1 #25223) { 24136893 ; 26975628 }. Germline succinate dehydrogenase Diagnostic molecular pathology
Diffuse oesophageal glycogenic mutations have been found in about 5% of Not clinically relevant
acanthosis in combination with colonic PTEN mutation–negative CS / CS-like Essential and desirable diagnostic
polyposis may be diagnostic of CS individuals and are associated with criteria
{ 21437855 ; 23238744 }. Cancer risk is increased frequencies of breast, thyroid, The International Cowden Consortium
relatively broad, with risk of breast, thyroid, and renal cancers beyond those conferred (ICC) operational diagnostic criteria are
endometrial, renal cell, and colon cancers; by germline PTEN mutation { 18678321 }. listed in Table 1 #25223.
melanoma; and other cancers (Table Pathogenesis Staging
2 #25224) { 20301661 }. PTEN is a virtually ubiquitously expressed Not clinically relevant
Trichilemmomas present in the central tumour suppressor and a dual-specificity Prognosis and prediction
portion of the face, including the eyes, lipid and protein phosphatase that Patients with PHTS are at increased risk of
nose, mouth, and forehead and regulates cell proliferation, cell migration, several types of cancer, and interval
mucocutaneous papillomatous papules are and apoptosis through inhibition of AKT via screening is recommended (Table 2)
one of the first signs of the disease. Facial the PI3K/AKT pathway { 23613428 }. { 22252256 ; 23613428 ; 23335809 }.
lesions occur in the majority of
Familial Paraganglioma Syndromes
Definition sensitive indium-labeled somatostatin. tumors that lack SDHB immunoreactivity,
A group of inherited cancer syndromes Cluster 2 tumours can be imaged with 18F- loss of SDHA staining identifies patients
characterized by the presence of DOPA PET/CT or Iobeguane with SDHA mutations
paragangliomas. (metaiodobenzylguanidine; 123I-MIBG). { 16103922 ; 21752896 }. VHL-associated
ICD-O coding Epidemiology tumors have membranous positivity for
See table #27513 Overall, ~40% of paragangliomas are CAIX. Tumors of the pseudohypoxic types
ICD-11 coding hereditary. Younger age at presentation, express inhibin. Fumarate hydratase (FH)
Not available multiple tumors, and extra-adrenal tumors mutations are characterised by loss of
Related terminology are significantly associated with the expression of FH, which is highly specific
Familial paraganglioma- presence of a germline mutation but imperfectly sensitive, and aberrant
pheochromocytoma syndromes; hereditary { 12000816 }. expression of 2-succinocysteine (2SC)
paraganglioma-pheochromocytoma Etiology which is highly sensitive but imperfectly
syndromes; hereditary The etiology is attributed to inheritance of specific { 24334767 }.
pheochromocytoma-paraganglioma genetic alterations that predispose to Cytology
Subtype(s) tumour development Cytological diagnosis of paragangliomas is
Familial paraganglioma syndromes are { 28162975 ; 29239044 }. challenging, but use of
shown in table #27513 Pathogenesis immunohistochemistry may assist in the
Localization See Table diagnosis and in determination of familial
Parasympathetic- Macroscopic appearance disease { 29575826 }.
derived paragangliomas commonly arise Familial paragangliomas are often Diagnostic molecular pathology
in the head-and-neck region, including in multifocal. Adrenal disease in patients with Genetic testing is required to confirm the
the carotid body and along cervical MEN2 is often bilateral and grossly mutation responsible for the disease
branches of the glossopharyngeal and multinodular. Essential and desirable diagnostic
vagus nerves { 24642075 }. Histopathology criteria
Familial paragangliomas may be The morphology of most Essential: The presence of more than one
multifocal; they occur anywhere in the familial paragangliomas overlaps that of paraganglioma in a kindred or individual or
body. Sympathetic-derived sporadic paragangliomas. Some features confirmed germline mutation in a
paragangliomas are usually intra-adrenal may be suggestive of genetic susceptibility gene.
(phaeochromocytoma) or retroperitoneal, predisposition. Some SDHx-associated Desirable: Loss of SDHB immunoreactivity
para-aortic, inferior mesenteric artery and sympathetic paragangliomas consist of has a high predictive value for SDHB,
above the aortic bifurcation. monotonous cells with vacuolated SDHC, or SDHD mutations.
Clinical features eosinophilic cytoplasm Staging
Clinical manifestations may be caused by { 31789631 }. Some have a distinct While the 8th edition of the AJCC TNM
catecholamine excess and/or mass effects. pseudorosette pattern { 24659481 }. staging system is applied to
In the head and neck, mass effects SDHx-related paragangliomas from the pheochromocytomas and sympathetic
predominate. head and neck usually have small cells paragangliomas, no TNM system is
Symptoms of adrenaline/noradrenaline with clear cytoplasm. Unlike sporadic published for extra-adrenal
excess include sweating, palpitation and paragangliomas, SDHx-associated paragangliomas in the head and neck. The
anxiety; signs include hypertension and tumours are rarely associated with a ICCR and other expert-initiated reporting
tachycardia. These are generally spindled morphology or densely granular guidelines have been introduced
associated with sympathetic cytoplasm { 31789631 }. VHL-associated { 24476517 ; 32407815 }.
paragangliomas. Parasympathetic tumors may have clear cells with Prognosis and prediction
paragangliomas may secrete dopamine vacuolated cytoplasm and stromal edema Most paragangliomas can be surgically
with minimal clinical manifestations and { 2114747 }. resected; however, large tumours and
others, mainly those of the head-and-neck, Immunohistochemistry localizes some head and neck tumour locations may
are non-secretory. There is strong neuroendocrine markers nuclear INSM1 preclude complete excision. Familial
genotype-phenotype correlation in and cytoplasmic synaptophysin and lesions are often multifocal; the
catecholamine profile. Tumors chromogranin in tumour cells. S100 and presentations may be asynchronous,
with pseudohypoxic pathogenesis are SOX10 highlight sustentacular cells. mimicking metastasis. Catecholamine
Cluster 1 that tends to be clinically silent Paragangliomas express nuclear GATA3 profile, SDHB mutation and
and non-secretory or dopamine-secreting; and cytoplasmic tyrosine hydroxylase. somatic ATRX or TERT promoter
Cluster 2 comprises tumours with kinase Most paragangliomas are immuno- mutations increase risk of metastasis
signaling and rare pheochromocytomas negative for cytokeratins { 31442521 }. {30301828, 31705439}. Five-year overall
with WNT-pathway activation that are Loss of SDHB immunoreactivity in tumor survival in patients with metastatic
usually functional. cells with granular cytoplasmic staining of paraganglioma ranges from 50-70%
Cluster 1 tumours express somatostatin stromal cells supports the diagnosis of { 28746746 }.
receptors and are well visualized SDHx disease
with 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT or the less { 16103922 ; 20236688 ; 19576851 }; in



Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2

Definition 162300 Multiple endocrine neoplasia, type Froboese syndrome, mucosal neuroma
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 2B syndrome, Farndon syndrome
(MEN2) is an autosomal dominant tumour ICD-11 coding Subtype(s)
syndrome caused by activating mutations 2F7A.0 Multiple polyglandular tumours Multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 2A
in the RET proto-oncogene. Related terminology Multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 2B
ICD-O coding Acceptable: MEN2 syndrome (formerly MEN3)
MIM numbering Not recommended: Sipple syndrome, Localization
171400 Multiple endocrine neoplasia, type multiple endocrine neoplasia type 3 Medullary thyroid carcinoma, which is the
2A (MEN3), Gorlin syndrome, Wagenmann- hallmark of this disorder, involves the
thyroid gland, and specifically arises most some studies have shown a slight female Parathyroid proliferations occur in 15-30%
often at the junction of the upper third and predominance. of individuals with MEN2A, but are not
lower two-thirds of the lateral lobes of the Etiology seen in MEN2B. They have been
gland. The disease begins as microscopic Monoallelic gain-of-function germline classified as adenomas and so called
proliferations (classified as nodular C cell mutations of RET. A negative family history “hyperplasia” when there is multiglandular
hyperplasia) in this location, usually does not exclude germline disease, as the disease that is more likely multiple
bilaterally, and progresses to multifocal disorder can skip generations or be neoplasms involving single or multiple
invasive carcinoma. misdiagnosed. glands.
Parathyroid proliferations arise in the MEN2B is more often due to a de novo Mucosal neuromas in MEN2B can involve
parathyroid glands beside and below the germline mutation. the oropharynx, lips, and eyelids with the
thyroid in the neck. They are bilateral in Pathogenesis addition of thickened corneal nerves, and
70% of patients. The RET proto-oncogene encodes a ganglioneuromatosis of the GI tract with
Mucosal neuromas in MEN 2B can involve tyrosine kinase receptor which is activated neuroma or diffuse ganglioneuromatosis
the oropharynx, lips, and eyelids with the by glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor { 4957444 ; 5660196 ; 11356339 ; 888058
addition of thickened corneal nerves, and (GDNF) family ligands bound to GFRas 1 }.
ganglioneuromatosis of the GI tract with (GDNF family receptor alphas) Cytology
neuroma or diffuse { 32816064 }. Intracellular RET signalling is Not applicable
ganglioneuromatosis. Cutaneous lichen needed for the development of the enteric Diagnostic molecular pathology
amyloidosis involves the skin of chest. nervous system, kidney and urinary tract Identification of a pathogenic germline
Clinical features { 32816064 }. mutation in the RET gene
The disorder has several variants. MEN2A MEN2A mutations mainly alter cysteines of Essential and desirable diagnostic
is the classical form, characterized by the codons 609, 611, 618, 620 (exon 10) or criteria
development of medullary thyroid 634 (exon 11) of the extracellular domain Essential: documented pathogenic
carcinoma (MTC) often associated with { 8918855 ; 21552134 ; 7907913 }. RET sequence variant of the RET gene and/or
pheochromocytoma and/or parathyroid p.C634R is the most frequent mutation and medullary thyroid carcinoma associated
proliferations. MEN2B, originally called is associated with the classical triad of with any of the other features of MEN2.
MEN3, is a rare subtype characterized by MTC, PCC and hyperparathyroidism. Desirable: C cell hyperplasia
a highly aggressive early-onset MTC FMTC mutations do not affect cysteines in Staging
associated with a high risk of exons 8, 13,14 and 15 or codons 609-620. There is no uniformly accepted syndrome-
pheochromocytoma, oral and intestinal The p.A883T mutation only induced MTC specific staging system for
ganglioneuromas, and a Marfanoid body in a family in a homozygous setting only. In MEN2. Malignant neoplasms associated
habitus. about 2% of MEN2 patients, no mutation in with this syndrome generally follow cancer
Medullary thyroid carcinoma usually the RET proto-oncogene can be detected staging suggested by UICC/AJCC criteria
presents as neck mass(es); occasional { 20516206 }. [[Amin MB, Edge SB, Greene FL, et al.
patients complain of diarrhea and flushing The vast majority of MEN2B patients editors. AJCC Cancer Staging Manual. 8th
caused by calcitonin excess. Rarer carries the RET p.M918T mutation in the ed. Switzerland: Springer, 2017]].
presentations are due to kinase domain leading to a constitutive Prognosis and prediction
pheochromocytoma. Patients with auto-phosphorylation. RET p.A883P is Prognosis in MEN2 is determined by MTC
Hisrschsprung’s disease present in found in 2-3% of MEN2B patients and is superior to that of sporadic MTC with
childhood with constipation, diarrhea, { 9360560 }. 10-year survival rates depending on
vomiting and abdominal Macroscopic appearance disease stage, currently at 100%, 93%,
distention. Patients with MEN2B have a Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) in this 71% and 21% for stage I, II, III, and IV,
marfanoid habitus and ganglioneuromas disorder is typically bilateral and respectively { 9578814 }. The mutation risk
may be seen on oral examination. multicentric. The cut surface of the tumours profile has led to recommendations for
Increasingly MEN2 is being diagnosed is white to yellow and homogeneous. prophylactic thyroidectomy in mutation
early due to genetic screening of known Mucosal neuromas in MEN 2B can involve carriers in MEN2 families, with surgery
kindreds. the oropharynx, lips, and eyelids. performed before age 1 for the highest risk
Epidemiology Histopathology group, before age 5 for those in the high
The prevalence of MEN2 (all subtypes) is Medullary thyroid carcinoma in MEN2 risk group of codon 634 mutations in
about 1/30,000 population. The incidence appears histologically indistinguishable MEN2A and after 10 years for those in the
of MEN2A is about 1/1,973,500 persons; from sporadic MTC, but familial cases are moderate risk group
MEN2B is much lower, at 1/38,750,000 more often multifocal, bilateral, and { 25810047 ; 28609830 }.
persons. There is no gender predilection; associated with C cell hyperplasia.

Hyperparathyroidism Jaw Tumour Syndrome

Definition MIM numbering Hyperparathyroidism 2 with jaw tumours
Hyperparathyroidism jaw tumour (HPTJT) 145001 Hyperparathyroidism jaw tumour (HRPT2)
syndrome is an autosomal dominant syndrome; HPTJT
disorder caused by pathogenic germline Subtype(s)
sequence variants variants or deletions ICD-11 coding None
in CDC73. It is characterised 5A51.0 Primary hyperparathyroidism
predominantly by parathyroid adenoma Localization
and carcinoma, with a lower incidence of Related terminology In most kindreds, parathyroid tumours are
fibro-osseous jaw lesions. Acceptable: CDC73-related disorder the only feature
Not recommended: Familial cystic { 19529956 ; 18436011 ; 29324469 }. Jaw
ICD-O coding parathyroid adenomatosis; tumours are relatively uncommon, being
found in as few as 2.5% to 20% of proportion of female patients have been ‘parafibromin-deficient’ { 29324469 }.
known CDC73 mutation carriers reported to have some form of uterine There are morphological clues to a
{ 25444225 ; 19529956 ; 18436011 ; 2302 pathology { 25444225 ; 30452964 }. These parafibromin-deficient parathyroid tumour
9104 ; 18755853 ; 29324469 ; 33505612 ; are usually lesions which are also very including a sheet-like (rather than acinar)
32590342 }. Clinically significant renal and common in the general community – growth pattern, eosinophilic cytoplasm,
uterine tumours occur at increased particularly benign leiomyomas, but also perinuclear cytoplasmic clearing, nuclear
incidence, but are rare endometrial hyperplasias, polyps, enlargement occasionally with
{ 25444225 ; 30452964 ; 15606373 ; 2645 adenomyosis or adenofibromas, which multinucleation and a distinctive arborizing
0137 ; 32590342 }. may represent incidental findings in vasculature often with staghorn vessels
patients under surveillance { 32468209 ; 29324469 }. Cystic change
Clinical features { 18755853 ; 25444225 ; 30452964 }. was originally described as a common
Primary hyperparathyroidism is the usual However a small number of uterine feature { 12434154 }, but may be found in
presentation of HPTJT syndrome. adenosarcomas (otherwise a rare less than half of the parathyroid tumours
Contrasting with other forms of hereditary pathology) have been reported { 18436011 ; 29324469 }. Loss of
hyperparathyroidism where multi-gland { 25444225 }, and adenosarcomas also immunohistochemical expression of
involvement is very common, a single arise in mouse models of CDC73 mutation parafibromin is usually seen in
adenoma or carcinoma is found in 60 to suggesting a causal relationship and parafibromin-deficient parathyroid tumours
80% at presentation supporting an increased risk { 28288139 }. { 24402736 ; 29324469 ; 16931959 ; 1901
{ 32468209 ; 31929790 }. Metachronous 7757 ; 30923346 }. It is emphasized that
tumours occur during long term follow up Epidemiology for a tumour to be considered parafibromin-
(decades) in the majority of patients in HPTJT syndrome is a rare cause of deficient, there should be completely
many series hyperparathyroidism and it has been absent nuclear staining in all neoplastic
{ 18436011 ; 2123361 ; 25444225 ; 19529 estimated that only 0.19% of unselected cells, in the presence of preserved nuclear
956 }. In addition to family history, clinical parathyroid tumours are associated with expression in non-neoplastic cells which
clues to the diagnosis of HPTJT syndrome CDC73 mutation { 29324469 }. In contrast act as an internal positive control
include young age of onset (particularly if < to sporadic hyperparathyroidism, there is { 16931959 ; 29324469 ; 30923346 }.
40 years), very large tumours, cystic an equal gender distribution for both the Interpreted in this way loss of nuclear
change, markedly elevated serum PTH parathyroid and jaw tumours expression of parafibromin is highly
levels and severe hypercalcemia { 29324469 ; 33505612 }. The median age specific but not completely sensitive for
{ 18755853 ; 19529956 ; 23293331 ; 2932 at presentation with either biallelic CDC73 inactivation. The
4469 ; 28674121 }. Parathyroid carcinoma hyperparathyroidism or jaw tumours is the significance of absent nucleolar expression
is extremely rare outside the setting of third to fourth decade (reported range 7 to of parafibromin with preserved expression
germline or somatic CDC73 mutation, 66 years for the parathyroid tumours, and elsewhere in the nucleus is uncertain, but
whereas the lifetime risk of parathyroid 10 to 66 years for the jaw tumours) some authors have suggested this pattern
carcinoma in HPTJT syndrome may be as { 33505612 ; 23293331 ; 25444225 ; 2165 is also associated with CDC73 mutation
high as 15% 2691 ; 25444225 ; 29324469 ; 33505612 } { 30903444 ; 21221636 ; 29626276 ; 2932
{ 12434154 ; 25444225 ; 19529956 ; 1843 . The estimated penetrance of primary 4469 ; 30923346 }. Because
6011 ; 23293331 ; 29324469 }. Therefore hyperparathyroidism in non-index mutation some CDC73 point mutations may be
the possibility of HPTJT syndrome should carriers increase from 8% at 25 years, to associated with preserved parafibromin
be considered in all patients with 53% at 50 years, and 75% at 70 years; expression, positive staining for
parathyroid carcinoma even in the absence whilst the penetrance of any manifestation parafibromin in parathyroid neoplasms
of a family history is 11% at 25 years, 65% at 50 years, and does not exclude the diagnosis of HPT-JT
{ 16931959 ; 24402736 ; 29324469 }. In 83% at 70 years { 29040582 }. { 19017757 ; 16931959 ; 21240254 ; 2544
fact up to 30% of patients with apparently 4225 }. In most cases aberrant diffuse
sporadic parathyroid carcinomas have Etiology strong expression of PGP9.5 may serve as
pathogenic germline sequence variants HPTJT syndrome is caused by an adjunct to increase sensitivity, but on its
variants or deletions in CDC73 indicating heterozygous pathogenic germline own PGP9.5 overexpression lacks
previously undiagnosed HPTJT syndrome sequence variants variants or deletions in specificity for biallelic CDC73 inactivation
{ 15531515 ; 14585940 ; 29324469 }. The the CDC73 gene (previously known as { 19017757 ; 24402736 ; 24081804 }.
jaw tumours arise more often in the HRPT2), a 17 exon gene which maps to Although biallelic somatic-only mutations
mandible than the maxilla and about 15% 1q25-q31 and encodes the 531 amino acid do occur; as many as two thirds of all
are multiple protein parafibromin parafibromin-deficient parathyroid tumours
{ 3856818 ; 11294964 ; 24678936 ; 33505 { 7717405 ; 24402736 ; 12434154 ; 16931 appear to be associated with pathogenic
612 }. They are commonly incidental 959 }. germline variants { 29324469 }. Therefore
findings on imaging where they present as the identification of a parafibromin-deficient
a well-demarcated, usually radiolucent and Pathogenesis parathyroid tumour is considered an
unilocular lesions CDC73 is ubiquitously expressed in most indication for genetic testing at any age and
{ 24678936 ; 16458039 }. They may tissues and functions as a bona fide tumour irrespective of family history { 29324469 }.
present as an enlarging mass that suppressor gene. A somatic second hit is
interrupts dentition. Although clinically usually, but not always, able to be The diagnosis of parathyroid carcinoma in
benign, they show a variable rate of growth demonstrated in neoplasms arising in the HPTJT syndrome is based on the standard
and are usually slowly progressive. setting of HPTJT syndrome criteria of unequivocal local invasion,
The incidence of { 12434154 ; 24402736 ; 16989776 }. vascular space invasion, and/or metastasis
germline CDC73 mutations in patients with Parafibromin is a critical component of the { 32687943 }. Given the known high risk of
clinically sporadic ossifying fibromas has polymerase-associated factor 1 complex malignancy, it has been argued that a
not been extensively studied. It is likely to (PAF1C) that binds to RNA polymerase II lower threshold for invasive growth should
be very low given that even somatic and controls transcription be applied in parafibromin-deficient
only CDC73 mutations are only found in up { 11294964 ; 25388829 ; 29142233 }. parathyroid tumours
to 5% { 27658992 }. Older reports { 24402736 ; 29324469 ; 24081804 }.
suggested that a significant proportion of Macroscopic appearance
Although terminology is not uniform, the
HPTJT patients develop renal pathology, Compared to sporadic parathyroid
jaw tumours are usually classified as
predominantly simple cysts, but also tumours, parafibromin deficient parathyroid
ossifying fibromas
adenomas, Wilms tumours, and mixed tumours are usually larger. In one study the
{ 24678936 ; 16458039 ; 33505612 }.
epithelial and stromal tumours (MESTs) median weight was 1.84 g (range 0.231 g
They are composed of a relatively
{ 23293331 ; 25444225 ; 10770180 ; 3045 to 14 g) { 29324469 }. Like sporadic
avascular cellular fibroblast-rich stroma
2964 }. However simple cysts are not parathyroid carcinomas, carcinomas
sometimes with a prominent storiform
uncommon in the general population and in arising in the setting of HPTJT syndrome
pattern admixed with bony trabeculae
practice clinically significant renal may appear to be stuck down or adherent
and/or cementum-like spherules. The
pathology is very rare, being absent from to other structures { 29324469 }.
histological appearance is quite different
many large series from osteitis fibrosa cystica (so called
{ 19529956 ; 18436011 ; 23029104 ; 2471
Parathyroid tumours associated with ‘brown tumours’) associated with sporadic
6902 ; 21652691 ; 18755853 ; 29324469 } primary hyperparathyroidism with which
biallelic CDC73 mutation/inactivation (with
. Similarly, historically a significant they may be confused clinically
or without a germline mutation) are termed
{ 24678936 ; 16458039 }. In contrast to the over-represented Lifelong surveillance is indicated for all
parathyroid tumours, parafibromin { 20052758 ; 23489357 ; 23293331 ; 2932 HPTJT patients. This is primarily because
immunohistochemistry does not appear to 4469 }. The majority of coding alterations of the risk of parathyroid adenoma and
be effective in identifying HPTJT-related are frameshift, nonsense and splice site carcinoma { 29324469 } but also because
ossifying fibromas { 24402736 }. Being mutations which are predicted to encode a of the risk of jaw lesions and much lower
rare, the renal and uterine pathologies are truncated protein risk of gynaecological or renal pathology.
less well described { 11294964 ; 24340015 ; 25959515 ; 2329 The jaw lesions are benign, but may be
{ 23293331 ; 25444225 ; 10770180 ; 1952 3331 }. Up to 35% of germline variants locally infiltrative and recur
9956 ; 18436011 ; 23029104 ; 24716902 ; in CDC73 are large scale deletions and { 3856818 ; 11294964 }. The optimal
21652691 ; 18755853 ; 25444225 }. may not be detected unless specifically surgical approach to patients with HPTJT
Interestingly an HPTJT kindred with three sought with MLPA or other dedicated syndrome related hyperparathyroidism is
family members with mixed epithelial and studies { 23293331 ; 29324469 }. debated and it is unclear whether to offer
stromal tumour (MEST) of the kidney was Unidentified deletions or mutations in the subtotal parathyroidectomy
recently reported { 30452964 } and, promoter, UTRs, or introns may account for { 25444225 ; 18436011 } or selective
together with uterine adenosarcoma the small proportion of otherwise typical parathyroidectomy when there is clear
{ 25444225 ; 15606373 }, these relatively HPTJT cases for which no mutations are localization to one gland
rare histologies may be a clue to the identified { 20052758 ; 20026646 }. { 19529956 ; 19529956 ; 31929790 }. The
diagnosis. Recently it has been suggested that high majority of non-infiltrative parafibromin
impact mutations in CDC73 (defined as deficient parathyroid tumour/adenomas
Cytology those that cause conformational disruption are cured by surgery. Parafibromin
As the parathyroid tumours are often very or loss of expression and always impact deficient parathyroid carcinomas may be at
large, they occasionally undergo fine the C-terminal domain of parafibromin) are increased risk of recurrence and
needle aspiration biopsy if mistaken associated with a significantly higher risk of metastasis compared to non-CDC73
clinically for thyroid lesions. parathyroid carcinoma and jaw tumours, related carcinomas
despite a similar risk of { 16931959 ; 24402736 ; 24081804 ; 2932
Diagnostic molecular pathology hyperparathyroidism to low impact 4469 }. Whilst it is a very rare event, it is
There are no true hotspots in CDC73, mutations { 32590342 }. worth noting that there are isolated case
although mutations in exons 1, 2 and 7 are reports of unequivocally histologically
over- Essential and desirable diagnostic benign parafibromin deficient parathyroid
represented.{ 20052758 ; 23489357 ; 232 criteria tumours which have metastasized
93331 ; 29324469 }. The majority of coding Essential: Demonstration of a germline { 18436011 ; 21899683 ; 24402736 ; 2408
alterations are frameshift, nonsense and pathologenic variant in CDC73 1804 ; 29324469 }. However the incidence
splice site mutations which are predicted to OR of metastasis by an otherwise benign
encode a truncated protein The presence of multiple histologically parafibromin deficient parathyroid tumour
{ 11294964 ; 24340015 ; 25959515 ; 2329 confirmed parafibromin deficient is very low – estimated be significantly less
3331 }. Up to 35% of germline variants neoplasms in an individual or kindred than 4% { 29324469 }, and far exceeded by
in CDC73 are large scale deletions and the risk of a new primary tumour in a
may not be detected unless specifically Staging different gland during long term follow up
sought with MLPA or other dedicated Staging of the individual tumours is based { 19529956 ; 25444225 ; 29324469 ; 1843
studies { 23293331 ; 29324469 }. on the UICC/AJCC systems. 6011 ; 19169472 }.
There are no true hotspots in CDC73,
although mutations in exons 1, 2 and 7 are Prognosis and prediction

Li Fraumeni syndrome
Definition Cancer; 2019. Version R20, July 2019. altered cells { 11099028 }. Under normal
An autosomal dominant cancer Available from:]] conditions, the p53 protein is maintained at
predisposition syndrome caused by { 27328919 }. low levels as a result of rapid turnover
germline variants of the TP53 gene. Etiology mediated by MDM2, its main negative
ICD-O coding LFS is caused by germline sequence regulator { 28254861 }. Cells from
MIM numbering variants of the TP53 gene individuals with LFS exhibit genomic
#151623 Li–Fraumeni syndrome; LFS { 1978757 ; 2259385 }. A broad spectrum instability, telomere dysfunction, and
ICD-11 coding of mutations involving the coding regions of spontaneous immortalization
None the gene has been found in families with { 23587008 }. Mutant p53 isoforms vary in
Related terminology LFS, but 20–40% of individuals with LFS their abilities to inhibit wildtype p53 in a
Not recommended: sarcoma family and the majority of families with Li– dominant negative fashion
syndrome of Li and Fraumeni Fraumeni–like syndrome lack detectable { 12826609 ; 17311302 }. Some even
Subtype(s) mutations { 14583457 ; 12619118 }. The exhibit overt oncogenic qualities, although
None lack of 100% concordance this gain-of-function mechanism is poorly
Localization between TP53 mutations and the classic understood { 30224644 }.
LFS is associated with cancers of the LFS phenotype may be explained in Macroscopic appearance
breast, soft tissue, bone, brain, adrenal several ways, including posttranslational Not clinically relevant
glands, and female genital tract. Reported alterations, complete deletion, the effects Histopathology
cases in the IARC LFS database with of modifier genes, and alterations of other Most tumours are squamous cell
respect to the head and neck region, genes influencing the phenotype carcinomas, particularly, occurring in the
involved the larynx, the parotid gland, the generated by the presence of specific larynx, the pharynx and the oral cavity
nasal cavity and the nasopharynx; oral germline alterations { 21779515 }. { 27328919 ; 11120478 }. Various
cancer may also occur. Mutations may occur at specific hotspot sarcomas appear to be the most common
Clinical features codons that either interfere with DNA head and neck malignancies in pediatric
LFS is characterized by the early onset of binding or disrupt the structure of the LFS patients. In particular,
a broad spectrum of cancers and a high binding surface, thus interfering with its rhabdomyosarcoma, mandibular
lifetime cancer risk. Breast and ability to modulate the transcription of osteosarcoma, synovial cell sarcoma and
adrenocortical carcinomas, brain tumours target genes { 20182602 }. Missense pleomorphic myxoid liposarcoma have
(particularly choroid plexus carcinoma), mutations lead to a codon change, posing been reported { 33971750 ; 32959210 }.
leukaemia, and soft tissue and bone challenges to the functional interpretation Cytology
sarcomas are considered to be the core of new variants { 23161690 }. Further Tumour cytopathology is similar to
tumours, which constitute about 70% of mutations may occur outside the DNA- sporadic counterparts.
LFS-related neoplasms { 29076966 }. binding domain and include Diagnostic molecular pathology
Cancers of the head and neck region are rearrangements and deletions Guidelines for the selection of candidates
very uncommon. The expanded clinical { 27984644 }. Future studies with novel for TP53 germline testing have recently
definition allows a broader recognition of sequencing technologies such as next- been updated (see Box #16235).
individuals and families with LFS (see generation sequencing may be able to Essential and desirable diagnostic
Box #16235) { 26014290 ; 32457520 }. uncover a higher number of mutations criteria
Epidemiology in TP53, as well as in other genes in LFS Essential: pathogenic germline mutation
Head and neck and larynx tumours are and Li–Fraumeni–like syndrome in TP53; appropriate family history.
very rare, accounting for 0.31% and 0.12% { 28509937 }. Staging
of cases, respectively (8 and 3 of Pathogenesis Staging is performed according to the
2591 included tumours, respectively) in The activation of TP53, one of the most affected organ sites.
version R20 (July 2019) of the prominent tumour suppressors, leads to Prognosis and prediction
IARC TP53 Database [[IARC TP53 protective cellular processes including cell- Prognosis and therapy varies with tumour
Database [Internet]. Lyon (France): cycle arrest, apoptosis, and senescence to types encountered.
International Agency for Research on prevent the propagation of genetically

Fanconi Anaemia
Definition FA is the most common hereditary cancer Afrikaners, and Tunisians have the highest
Fanconi anaemia (FA) is a heterogeneous syndrome, described first by the Swish carrier frequency (1 in 80-90) due to
disorder resulting from germline sequence paediatrician Guido Fanconi in 1927 founder effects and isolation
variants in one of the 22 genes involved in { 12525534 }. FA is characterized by { 12525534 ; 33679882 }. FANC-A is the
DNA repair and maintenance of genomic cellular hypersensitivity to DNA cross- most common type accounting 65% of all
stability. It is characterized by cellular linking agents, physical abnormalities, FA cases, followed by FANC-C (12%),
hypersensitivity to DNA cross-linking bone marrow failure and an increased risk FANC-G (8%) (Table 1 #24688)
agents, physical abnormalities, bone for haematologic and solid malignancies { 29254745 }. The most common solid
marrow failure and an increased risk for { 20507306 ; 12525534 }. cancer in FA patients is head and neck
haematologic and solid malignancies. The clinical manifestations of FA are squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC)
ICD-O coding pleotropic without genotype-phenotype { 12525204 ; 22504776 ; 15331448 ; 1883
MIM numbering: correlation { 12525534 }. FA is 1513 }, the risk of which is increased by
#227650 FANCA characterized by premature aging, short 500 - 800 fold
ICD-11 coding stature, microcephaly, hypoplastic thumb, { 12525204 ; 15331448 ; 18831513 ; 225
None multiorgan disorders, cutaneous 04776 ; 23558727 ; 26567103 }.
Related terminology pigmentation, hearing loss and intellectual Etiology
Not recommended: Fanconi disability { 12525534 }. FA patients present FA is a heterogeneous genetic
Pancytopenia/FANC with progressive bone marrow failure and a chromosomal instability disorder resulting
Subtype(s) predisposition to haematologic and solid from pathogenic inactivating germline
FANC Complementation groups A-W/ FA malignancies sequence variants of one of the 22 genes
Type A-W { 12525534 ; 12393516 ; 25307146 }. FA involved in DNA repair and maintenance of
Localization patients with bone marrow failure are genomic stability
Malignancies of upper digestive and treated with allogenic haematopoietic stem { 29254745 ; 16675878 ; 26593718 }. The
urogenital tracts; myeloid leukaemia; cell transplantation (aHSCT) majority of FA subtypes have autosomal-
breast cancer only in FANCD1/BRCA2, { 24144640 }. recessive inheritance except for the FANC-
FANCS/BRCA1 and FANCN/PALB2. The Epidemiology B and FANC-R with the X-linked and
most common solid cancer in Fanconi FA is a rare inherited disorder with a autosomal-dominant modes of inheritance,
anaemia (FA) patients is head and neck prevalence of 3 cases per million with a respectively { 29254745 }.
squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). carrier frequency of 1 in 300 in Europe and Pathogenesis
Clinical features the United States { 12525534 }. Some Proteins encoded by FA genes orchestrate
ethnic groups such as Ashkenazi Jews, a common signaling pathway (FA-BRCA)
that is critical for inter-strand DNA crosslink FA gene mutations in non-haematopoietic The diagnosis of FA is established in a
(ICL) repair and genomic stabilization tissue (mosaicism) { 32480311 }. In these proband by diepoxybutane (DEB) or
{ 29254745 ; 16675878 ; 26593718 }. Incr patients, the diagnosis of HNSCC often mitomycin (MMC) induced formation of tri-
eased risk for HNSCC among FA patients precedes the diagnosis of and quadri-radial figures in chromosome
is not linked to any specific FA genotype FA { 22504776 ; 32480311 }. FA-HNSCC spreads of FA patients’ lymphocytes.
{ 32480311 }. Defective DNA damage frequently occur as multifocal disease, Molecular testing options include single
response predisposes FA patients to preceded by oral potentially malignant gene testing, a multi-gene panel testing
HNSCC { 25307146 }. Increased risk for disorders (OMPD) presenting as lichenoid and a more comprehensive genomic
HNSCCs among FA occurs without keratosis or leukoplakia sequencing if serial single gene and multi-
exposure to tobacco and alcohol { 25662766 ; 26276748 ; 29481998 } (Fig gene panel analyses fail to confirm a
{ 15331448 ; 26567103 }. Oral human ure 1 #24686). FA-OPMDs have a higher diagnosis of a patient with clinical features
papilloma virus (HPV) prevalence was risk for malignant transformation than of FA .
higher in FA patients compared to their those of general population { 29481998 }. Essential and desirable diagnostic
unaffected family members and unrelated FA-OPMDs must be biopsied and kept criteria
controls { 33803570 }. However, the under close surveillance, even if they have Please see table #31915
etiologic role for HPV in FA-HNSCC low-risk clinical appearance. Staging
remains unproven Macroscopic appearance Not relevant
{ 23558727 ; 15735012 }. FA patients with None Prognosis and prediction
aHSCT have a higher risk of HNSCC Histopathology FA-HNSCCs have an aggressive biologic
compared to non-transplanted FA patients Typical histological features of FA- and behaviour characterized by poor survival
which is attributed to the conditioning sporadic-HNSCC are similar. FA-HNSCC and high relapse rates
regimen and the occurrence of chronic oral frequently present as poorly differentiated { 26484938 ; 32480311 } . FA patients
graft-versus-host disease with epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition exhibit higher rates of toxicity for radiation
{ 22504776 }. Some FA patients have and exhibit higher proportion of cancer and chemotherapy due to DNA repair
reversion of genomic duplication to the wild stem cells (Figure 2 #24687) defects and hence, surgery remains the
type allele in the hematopoietic tissue { 21138479 ; 25340704 } . preferred treatment of choice for FA-
leading to spontaneous correction of bone Cytology HNSCC { 26484938 ; 32480311 }.
marrow failure { 32480311 }. These FA See HNSCC and other tumour types for
patients are still at risk for solid specific details.
malignancies by harbouring the bi-allelic Diagnostic molecular pathology

Dyskeratosis Congenita
Definition (watering eyes). Bone marrow failure seen trafficking. RTEL1 (regulator of telomere
Dyskeratosis congenita is an inherited in the second decade in 90% of cases. The elongation helicase 1) and STN1 involve in
syndrome due to defective telomere patients have an increased risk of telomere replication. PARN (poly(A)-
maintenance characterized by a triad of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and specific ribonuclease) involves in the
oral leukoplakia, nail dystrophy, and neck; upper aerodigestive tract cancers control of mRNA stability.
reticulate hyperpigmentation. (esophageal carcinoma, gastric Macroscopic appearance
ICD-O coding adenocarcinoma); and hematologic Not relevant
MIM numbering: malignancy including myelodysplasia, Histopathology
#127550, Dyskeratosis congenita acute myelogenous leukaemia, and Cutaneous findings are nonspecific
autosomal dominant 1, DKCA1; Hodgkin disease. comprising of epidermal atrophy, dermal
#613989, Dyskeratosis congenita Epidemiology telangiectasia and pigment incontinence
autosomal dominant 2; DKCA2 The prevalence is approximately 1 in { 26089061 }.
#613990, Dyskeratosis congenita 1,000,000. Cytology
autosomal dominant 3; DKCA3 Etiology Not relevant
#224230, Dyskeratosis congenita Dyskeratosis congenita is caused by Diagnostic molecular pathology
autosomal recessive 1, DKCB1; germline mutations in genes important in Clinical diagnosis may be confirmed by
#613987, Dyskeratosis telomere biology. Inheritance is most telomere length testing. Testing of
congenita autosomal recessive 2, DKCB2; commonly X-linked recessive (DKC1). peripheral blood leukocytes shows the
#613988, Dyskeratosis Other modes of inheritance include telomere lengths to be below the first
congenita autosomal recessive 3; DKCB3 autosomal dominant (TERC, percentile { 19327580 }. Sequencing of
#615190, Dyskeratosis TINF2 mutations), autosomal recessive affected genes may be helpful in
congenita autosomal recessive 5; DKCB5 (NOP10, NHP2, WRAP53, CTC1), confirming the exact diagnosis.
#616353, Dyskeratosis autosomal dominant or recessive (TERT). Essential and desirable diagnostic
congenita autosomal recessive 6; DKCB6 De novo / sporadic can occur with TERF1 criteria
#305000, Dyskeratosis congenita X- interacting nuclear factor 2 gene (TINF2) Essential:
linked, DKCX; { 30047419 ; 33482595 }. Demonstration of telomere shortening in
ICD-11 coding Pathogenesis peripheral blood; clinical findings in the
3A70.0 Congenital aplastic anaemia Telomeres are noncoding sequences at skin, nail or mouth.
(includes Dyskeratosis congenita) chromosome ends. Telomerase adds Desirable:
Related terminology repeat nucleotides to 3’end of DNA after Demonstration of mutations of affected
Zinsser-Engman-Cole syndrome, replication, to prevent shortening of genes such as DKC1, TERC, TERT, and
Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson syndrome, Revesz telomeres with each cell division. A number others.
syndrome of genes has been implicated in Staging
Subtype(s) dyskeratosis congenital, most commonly Not relevant
Autosomal dominant dyskeratosis defect in DKC1 which encodes dyskerin Prognosis and prediction
congenita (DKCA) protein necessary for telomere The prognosis varies depending on both
Autosomal recessive dyskeratosis maintenance. Without dyskerin, telomeres genetic and environmental factors.
congenita (DKCB) progressively shorten which causes Patients with mild form of the disease can
X-linked dyskeratosis congenita (DKCX), cellular apoptosis or senescence, DNA present with one or more clinical features;
Zinsser-Engman-Cole syndrome replication problems and replicative whereas, others can develop bone marrow
Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson syndrome senescence failure by 20 years of age. By the age of 40,
Revesz syndrome { 33482595 ; 19327580 ; 17785587 ; 2000 40% of the patients experience bone
Localization 8900 }. For telomere marrow failure.
The disease involves the skin as elongation DKC1 (dyskeratosis congenita
hyperpigmentation, the nail as dystrophy, 1, dyskerin), TERC (telomerase RNA
and oral mucosa as leukoplakia. component), TERT (telomerase reverse
Clinical features transcriptase), NOP10 (NOP10
Clinical features are characterized by a ribonucleoprotein) and NHP2 (NHP2
triad of oral leukoplakia (80%), nail ribonucleoprotein) encode components of
dystrophy (90%), and reticulate the telomerase complex
hyperpigmentation/poikiloderma (80-90%) responsible. DKC1 is the most commonly
(see table #27193). Oral leukoplakia is involved gene. For telomere
most commonly seen on the tongue. Signs protection, TINF2 (TERF1 interacting
of dystrophic nails, typically longitudinal nuclear factor 2) and ACD (adrenocortical
ridging, are seen at the ages of 5-13 years dysplasia homolog) encode components of
{ 19327580 }. Reticular hyperpigmentation the shelterin complex. For recruitment and
is typically fine, lace-like pattern frequently docking of telomerase on to the
on the face, upper trunk, and upper arms. telomere CTC1 (CST telomere
Other mucocutaneous findings include maintenance complex component 1)
adermatoglyphia (no finger prints), palmo- encodes part of the CST
plantar hyperkeratosis, early graying, scalp complex. WRAP53 (WD repeat containing
or eyelash hair loss, and epiphora antisense to TP53) involves in telomere
Ataxia Telangiectasia
Definition patients { 19535770 ; 22345219, of hereditary breast, ovarian and
Ataxia-Telangiectasia (AT) is an autosomal 30549301}. pancreatic cancer
recessive disorder caused by pathogenic Epidemiology { 22585167 ; 33471991 }.
germline homozygous or compound AT has a birth incidence of approximately Macroscopic appearance
heterozygous variants of the ATM gene. 1 per 1 per 40,000-100,000 { 33194896 }. Resembles sporadic tumour types.
ICD-O coding The disorder is encountered in all Histopathology
MIM numbering geographic locations with variable Resemble the sporadic counterparts.
208900 Ataxia-Telangiectasia; AT prevalence. Cytology
ICD-11 coding Etiology See sporadic tumour types.
4A01.31 DNA repair defects other than AT is caused by homozygous pathogenic Diagnostic molecular pathology
combined T-cell or B-cell gene variants involving the ATM gene Relevant to head and neck squamous cell
immunodeficiencies located in chromosome region 11q22.3. In carcinoma (HNSCC), deletions near or
Related terminology a small proportion of cases mutations involving the ATM have been reported in
Not recommended: Louis-Bar Syndrome in MRE11A in chromosome region 11q21 subsets of HNSCC { 9829743 }. In one
Subtype(s) are associated with variant AT-like study, hypermethylation of
Variant Ataxia-Telangiectasia disorder. the ATM promoter was detected in 25% of
Localization Pathogenesis HNSCC { 14744748 } which was
Neurologic manifestations and conjunctival The ATM gene is large, comprising 66 associated with decreased expression in
telangiectasias are important features of exons and pathogenic mutations are vitro in cell lines. In a targeted sequencing
the disorder. Haematolymphoid and solid scattered throughout the gene with no study, putative somatic pathogenic variants
malignancies involve a variety of anatomic distinct hotspots { 12552559 }. Most were detected in 6/10 (60%) high risk
compartments, including the head and germline mutations are truncating and cutaneous HNSCC { 28984303 }.
neck region. result in classic phenotypes. Missense and Essential and desirable diagnostic
Clinical features in-frame mutations associated with criteria
Patients develop progressive cerebellar residual protein levels may account for Essential:
ataxia associated with cerebellar milder phenotypes denoted as variant - Characteristic neurologic (ataxia,
degeneration in early childhood, AT. ATM encodes a ~ 300 kDa cerebellar degeneration) and non-
telangiectases in sun exposed areas serine/threonine protein kinase with neurologic manifestations
(bulbar conjunctiva, bridge of nose), other sequence homology to PI3K family but (telangiectasias), which may be absent in
progressive neurologic symptoms, DNA repair functions. It is a nuclear protein young children.
immunosuppression with deficiency of that plays an important role in the repair of - Elevated alpha-fetoprotein in serum
cellular immunity, recurrent sinopulmonary double stranded chromosome breaks. (>95% of patients)
infections, hypogonadism, insulin Affected patients demonstrate - Decreased immunoglobulins (IgA and
resistance and malignancies. Lymphoid hypersensitivity to ionizing irradiation. IgE, selective IgG subtypes), lymphopenia
neoplasms of the B and T-cell lineage Activated ATM protein monomers are - Increased chromosome breakage after
predominate in AT patients { 31537806 }, recruited to areas of DNA damage. The exposure of blood cells to x-rays
and may present in the head and neck, MRN (MRE11A/RAD50/NBS1) complex is - Pathogenic ATM germline mutation
including involvement of the Waldeyer ring. required for optimal activation of ATM to Staging
Myeloid neoplasms are distinctly areas of double-stranded DNA breaks, See individual tumour types.
uncommon. Other solid tumors developing while several protein kinases (e.g., CHK2) Prognosis and prediction
in these patients may involve brain, and p53 key substrates are phosphorylated The lifetime risk of malignancy in AT
gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, by ATM. Other functions of ATM include patients is ~25%. Cancer and respiratory
parotid gland { 11764097 } and liver. regulation of cell cycle, apoptosis, telomere insufficiency are leading causes of death in
Variant AT is associated with milder maintenance, response to oxidative stress, these patients.
disease and protracted manifestations mitochondrial homeostasis, and insulin
often identified in adulthood. signaling. Heterozygous ATM pathogenic
Telangiectasias are often absent in these variant carriers account for a small fraction
Bloom Syndrome
Definition immune system abnormalities (often replication and increased chromosomal
Bloom syndrome is an autosomal low IgM and IgA levels) leading to recurrent rearrangements and breakages, leading to
recessive chromosomal breakage infections of the upper respiratory tract, genetic instability and predisposing to
syndrome with distinct clinical features and ears, and lungs during infancy and are at cancer { 33736941 }.
the development of tumours greater-than-normal risk of chronic Macroscopic appearance
including oropharyngeal carcinoma. obstructive lung disease and diabetes None specific.
ICD-O coding mellitus resembling the adult-onset type. In Histopathology
MIM numbering: addition, they are 150-300 times more See tumour types involved.
#210900 Bloom syndrome, BS. likely to develop cancers than normal Cytology
ICD-11 coding individuals (66% solid tumours, 33% See tumour types involved.
4A01.31 DNA repair defects other than leukaemia/lymphoma). Colorectal cancer Diagnostic molecular pathology
combined T-cell or B-cell is the most common tumour in the BS When BS is clinically suspected, detection
immunodeficiencies registry (29 cases), followed by skin (24 of biallelic pathogenic variants in
Related terminology cases), breast and oropharyngeal cancer the BLM gene and/or identification of
Bloom-Torre-Machacek syndrome; (24 cases each) { 17407155 }. increased frequency of sister-chromatid
Congenital teleangectatic erythema Epidemiology exchanges on specialized cytogenetic
Subtype(s) BS, first described in New York City in 1954 studies may help establishing the
None by dermatologist David Bloom, is extremely diagnosis.
Localization rare, with about 283 cases reported to the Essential and desirable diagnostic
None Bloom Syndrome Registry { 17407155 }. criteria
Clinical features While the overall prevalence is unknown, in Essential:
The most prominent and constant physical the Ashkenazi Jewish population it is - Clinical features including small size, and
feature is the small size, (height, weight estimated at approximately 1/48,000 distinctive facial features.
and head size). Also common are lack of births. A founder mutation, known - BLM mutation
subcutaneous fat tissue, and a rash most as BLMash is present in approximately 1 in Staging
commonly on cheeks and nose, usually 100 persons of Ashkenazi Jewish None
first appearing during infancy after sun background. There are also founder Prognosis and prediction
exposure { 28846287 }. High pitched voice mutations in the Slavic and Hispanic Cancer and related complications are the
and distinctive facial features (long narrow populations. leading cause of death, on average
face, prominent nose and ears, small lower Etiology occurring in the third decade of life
jaw) can be observed. Most affected Caused by mutations in the BLM gene { 20301572 }. Sun exposure to the face
individuals have normal intellectual on15q26.1. which encodes for a member of and other exposed areas, particularly in
ability. Men tend to be the RecQ family of DNA helicases. infancy and early childhood, should be
infertile (azoospermia and oligospermia) Pathogenesis avoided and exposure to ionizing radiation
while women may be fertile but often have Loss of BLM function results in should be minimized. Cancer screening
early menopause. BS individuals have mild accumulation of errors during DNA
and surveillance are recommended
{ 18359209 }.

Von-Hippel Lindau
Definition manifestations often begin with decreased clear, vacuolated with indistinct cell
An autosomal dominant tumour syndrome visual acuity { 31095066 }. Cerebellar membranes. The nuclei are uniformly
caused by inactivating mutations in ataxia and spinal cord compression result small, round, and hyperchromatic with
the VHL gene. from haemangioblastomas. Obstructive coarse nuclear chromatin and small
ICD-O coding features include outflow interruptions along nucleoli
MIM numbering the pancreatico-biliary or more commonly { 2804921 ; 7936748 ; 9145719 ; 1677847
193300 Von Hippel–Lindau syndrome; the genitourinary tracts from expanding 7 ; 18423895 ; 20614260 ; 21167761 ; 30
VHLS cysts or renal cell carcinomas. Hormone 291511 }. Pleomorphism, increased mitotic
ICD-11 coding excess symptoms are caused by figures, and necrosis are inconspicuous.
None pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma or Immunohistochemistry: The neoplastic
Related terminology pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours cells are positive for pancytokeratin, CK7,
Von Hippel Lindau (VHL) disease. { 32606780 ; 31368132 ; 17122523 }. HIF-1α, EMA, GLUT1, CAIX
Subtype(s) Epidemiology (membranous), and PAX-8 (nuclear), with
VHL types 1, 2A, 2B, and 2C (Table 1) VHL syndrome has an incidence of 1 in limited S100 protein, GFAP, and vimentin,
Localization 36,000 births. Data from the International and negative for TTF-1, thyroglobulin,
Ears. Data from the International ELST ELST Registry { 25867206 } show a 3.6% PSA, CD10, P504S, p63, synaptophysin,
Registry { 5867206 "> 2 5867206 } show a prevelance of ELSTs in GATA3, and RCC
3.6% prevelance of ELSTs in VHLS. VHL germline mutations were { 7630290 ; 7936748 ; 9023246 ; 1145500
VHLS. VHL germline mutations were identified in 39% of apparently sporadic 7 ; 15035285 ; 16778477 ; 18423895 ; 30
identified in 39% of apparently sporadic ELSTs, showing ELSTs are the initial 291511 }.
ELSTs, showing ELSTs are the initial presentation of VHLS in 32% of patients. Haemangioblastomas are circumscribed,
presentation of VHLS in 32% of patients. These findings support genetic testing in all often associated with a pseudocyst, and
These findings support genetic testing in all patients with ELSTs composed of variable proliferations of
patients with ELSTs { 20351605 ; 20495761 ; 21451430 ; 2565 abundant mature vasculature thought to be
{ 20351605 ; 20495761 ; 21451430 ; 2565 0230 ; 25867206 } and all VHLS patients reactive and the neoplastic “stromal” cell
0230 ; 5867206 "> 2 5867206 } and all should be radiographically screened for component of haemangioblast progenitor
VHLS patients should be radiographically ELSTs cells { 23400300 ; 9158701 }, There are
screened for ELSTs { 15035284 ; 15190140 ; 23070752 }. two morphologic variants. Cellular
{ 15035284 ; 15190140 ; 23070752 }. En There is a wide age range at presentation (epithelioid) haemangioblastomas have
dolymphatic sac tumours are bilateral in (10 to 88 years), but the majority are prominent, larger, epithelioid “stromal” cells
30% of the VHL cases between 30 and 40 years, although with clear cytoplasm that may be clustered
{ 9145719 ; 5867206 }. younger in VHLS patients { 30291511 }. in groups. The more common, and usually
Central nervous system (CNS) There is a female to male ratio of 1.6:1 smaller, vascular-rich reticular
haemangioblastomas (80% of patients) { 2804921 ; 15035284 ; 15190140 ; 23070 (mesenchymal)
occur in cerebellum, spinal cord and 752 ; 30291511 }. haemangioblastomas have abundant
brainstem, but also rarely supratentorial Etiology vascularity and few scattered “stromal”
brain { 23400300 ; 12546356 }. Germline mutations in the VHL gene that cells {16281910, 16949923}.
Ocular manifestations are expected in inactivate the VHL protein. Germline Paragangliomas in patients with VHL may
roughly half of VHL patients. Retinal mutations of the VHL tumour suppressor have a thick fibrous or vascular capsule
haemangioblastomas (85%) Retinal gene are usually detected in the patients and myxoid, edematous, or hyalinized
capillary haemangioblastomas are the with endolymphatic sac tumour. Somatic stroma. The tumour cells have clear
most commonly observed tumours in VHL and germline mutation analysis of ELSTs vacuolated cytoplasm
and are often the initial manifestation of the has been performed, with many VHL { 3592062 ; 12114747 }, and lack hyaline
disease mutations and allelic deletions identified globules { 12114747 }. CAIX is usually
{ 17057815 ; 28972023 ; 31588386 }, are { 9214679 ; 10932304 ; 11085513 ; 15796 positive with a membranous staining
often multiple and are bilateral in about 386 ; 16322231 ; 20351605 ; 20495761 ; pattern; they also can express alpha-
50% { 33720516 }. 20850701 }. inhibin { 23257898 ; 31383958 }.
Kidney cysts (>70%) and renal cell Pathogenesis Renal pathology ranges from benign cysts
carcinomas (40%) are usually multiple and Type 1 VHL is associated with large to multifocal, bilateral clear cell RCCs
bilateral { 8929948 ; 2274658 }. deletion or truncation mutations of the VHL { 31332543 }; clear cell papillary-like RCC
Adrenal/paraganglia. Adrenal gene that generally yield a protein with very has also been reported
pheochromocytomas (30%) and/or little or no biological activity. Type 2 is { 31332543 ; 26559379 }.
extraadrenal paragangliomas, rare usually due to missense mutations that The pancreas in VHL exhibits multiple
{ 10458336 }. result in a protein with limited activity. pancreatic cysts, pancreatic
Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours, cysts Somatic second hits of the wildtype allele cystadenomas, neuroendocrine tumours
and serous cystadenomas (>90%) inactivate the VHL protein in various and islet abnormalities
{ 11040195 ; 19238077 ; 22659535 ; 9665 tissues. { 15299200 ; 28697137 }. Distinctive
483 ; 19238077 }. Macroscopic appearance features of NETs include nuclear atypia,
Duodenum, ampulla and gall bladder/cystic The unique features of all VHL-associated clear cell change, oncocytic cytology and
duct NETs develop in a minority lesions are their multiplicity, bilaterality and hypervascularity { 15299200 } and they
{ 23913169 ; 11688471 ; 2379881 }. striking bright yellow appearance may be cystic{ 28697137 }. Precursor
Reproductive organs. Epididymal papillary attributable to lipid accumulation lesions resembling MEN1 include islet
cystadenomas (60% of males) are often { 17877533 ; 27247714 ; 3592062 }. dysplasia, microtumours and peliosis
bilateral { 20367315 }; they occur rarely in Histopathology { 15299200 } Pancreatic NETs also
the broad ligament and mesosalpinx in Ear Endolymphatic Sac Tumours: The express inhibin { 23913169 }.
women { 22317868 ; 20157715 } tumours are papillary and/or cystic, Neuroendocrine tumours of the duodenum,
Other. Occasionally, commonly with bone remodeling. A single ampulla, cystic duct, and gallbladder
haemangioblastomas develop in layer of low cuboidal to columnar cells are resemble sporadic tumours but also
peripheral nerves { 15350042 ; 22133049 } arranged in simple, coarse, broad express inhibin { 23913169 ; 11688471 }.
or extraneural tissues interdigitating papillary projections with Papillary Cystadenoma of the Epididymis
{ 22544391 ; 24145646 ; 17895756 ; 1898 fibrovascular cores, showing limited are associated with multifocal “epithelial
683 }. branching, found within cystic spaces. tumourlets” { 16841375 }. The cyst lining
Clinical features Cystic spaces contain serum, secretions, has intracystic papillary projections with
Clinical presentations include neurologic, and/or erythrocytes. Fibrosis may be fibrovascular cores and bland epithelial
obstructive, and hormone excess present. The acinar spaces filled with cells with glycogen-rich clear cytoplasm
conditions. Hearing loss results from inspissated material with similarity to showing reverse polarity
endolymphatic sac tumours. Neurologic thyroid colloid. The cytoplasm is ample, { 33673939 ; 20367315 ; 24441657 }. The
tumour cells are positive for CAIX Desirable: haemangioblastomas of retina prompted some groups to offer
{ 33673939 ; 24441657 } and/or CNS and any other associated modifications that may address this
Papillary Cystadenoma of the Mesosalpinx neoplasm in the absence of a pathogenic inherent weakness { 30306741 }.
and Broad Ligament in females resembles mutation in the VHL gene Prognosis and prediction
papillary cystadenoma of the epididymis in Staging The prognosis for patients with VHL
males. They are more benign than There is no uniformly accepted syndrome- depends on the lesion(s) that develop in
sporadic cases { 22296276 ; 22296276 }. specific staging system for VHL. Malignant each individual patient and
Cytology neoplasms associated with this syndrome kindred. Outcome is improved by
Not applicable generally follow cancer staging suggested screening that allows earlier detection of
Diagnostic molecular pathology by UICC/AJCC criteria {Amin MB, Edge malignancies. Guidelines for clinical
Pathogenic germline mutation in SB, Greene FL, et al. editors. AJCC surveillance have been published
the VHL gene Cancer Staging Manual. 8th ed. { 24355456 ; 28620007 }.
Essential and desirable diagnostic Switzerland: Springer, 2017}. It is
criteria recognized, however, that neoplastic
Essential: documented pathogenetic components of this syndrome may not be
variant of the VHL gene and manifestation sufficiently separated from a prognostic
of any associated neoplasm(s). standpoint. Such limitations have
Tuberous Sclerosis Syndrome
Definition forehead or scalp. Oral manifestations are and transmits signals downstream to
Tuberous sclerosis is an autosomal frequent and specifically include coordinate multiple cellular processes,
dominant genetic disorder resulting from a angiofibromas and dental enamel pits. including cell proliferation and cell size
pathogenic variant of theTSC1 (Ch 9q34) Angiofibromas are more common in the { 26893383 ; 2889832 ; 1303246 ; 980997
or TSC2 (Ch 16p13) genes. The disorder is anterior gingiva, lips, tongue, and palate. 3 }. The heterodimer complex negatively
characterized by a variety of hamartomas Dental enamel loss on the incisal border regulates the mTOR pathway
and benign neoplasms affecting many and tooth wear are also observed { 16288294 ; 12172555 ; 12271141 }. The
organ systems, including skin, soft tissues, {24310804, 32644893, 21055980}. understanding of the basic mechanism of
CNS, heart, kidneys and lungs. Epidemiology mTOR pathway activation in tuberous
ICD-O coding The disorder affects 25,000–40,000 sclerosis lesions has led to the use of
MIM number: 191100 Tuberous sclerosis individuals in the USA and about 1–2 mTOR inhibitors in the treatment of
1; TSC1 613254 Tuberous sclerosis 2; million individuals worldwide, with an manifestations of tuberous sclerosis.
TSC2 estimated prevalence of 1 case per 6000– Macroscopic appearance
ICD-11 coding 10,000 live births and a population Not relevant.
LD2D.2 Tuberous sclerosis prevalence of around 1 in 20,000 Histopathology
Related terminology { 24053982 }. Angiofibromas form well circumscribed
None. Etiology nodules composed of bland oval cells, with
Subtype(s) Most tuberous sclerosis cases (~60%) delicate collagen deposition and evenly
Tuberous sclerosis 1; TSC1 Tuberous result from sporadic (de novo) germline distributed small to medium sized vessels
sclerosis 2; TSC2 mutations in TSC1 or TSC2 { 2918523 }. { 27140177 }. Fibrous cephalic plaques are
Localization In affected kindreds, the disease follows an characterized by thickened collagen
Major manifestations include cutaneous autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance, bundles with a decrease or absence of
angiofibromas, shagreen patches, with high penetrance but considerable elastic fibers. They may have dilated
subungual fibromas, cardiac phenotypic variability { 7670658 }. vessels resembling angiofibromas
rhabdomyomas, pulmonary Pathogenesis { 29258863 }
lymphangioleiomyomatosis, and renal TSC1 gene The TSC1 gene maps to Cytology
angiomyolipomas. Central nervous system chromosome region 9q34 { 2889832 } and Not relevant.
involvement is characterized by cortical contains 23 exons { 9242607 }. Diagnostic molecular pathology
tubers, white matter glioneuronal The TSC1 encoded protein is hamartin In the revised diagnostic criteria, a
hamartomas, subependymal nodules, and (MW 130 kDa) which is strongly expressed pathogenic germline variant
subependymal giant cell astrocytomas in brain, kidney, and heart { 10349994 }. of TSC1 or TSC2 is an independent
(SEGAs). The most common TSC1 mutations are diagnostic criterion and is sufficient for a
Clinical features small deletions and nonsense mutations definitive diagnosis of Tuberous Sclerosis
Cardiac rhabdomyomas are often a (each accounting for ~30% of all mutations { 24053983 ; 24053983 }. Genetic testing
presenting feature of tuberous sclerosis in in the gene) { 11030407 ; 10227394 }. is recommended for family members of an
newborns and infants aged < 2 years, and Virtually all mutations result in a truncated affected patient, especially in infants, and
more than half of cardiac rhabdomyomas gene product. Large deletions of the TSC1 may also be offered as
are associated with tuberous sclerosis. gene are rare. a preimplantation or prenatal test.
Cutaneous manifestations include TSC2 gene The TSC2 gene maps to Essential and desirable diagnostic
hypomelanotic nodules, evident from birth, chromosome region 16p13.3 { 1303246 } criteria
facial angiofibromas, shagreen patches, and contains 42 exons. Diagnostic clinical and genetic criteria are
ungual/subungual fibromas, renal The TSC2 transcript shows widespread summarized in Table 1 #32378.
angiomyolipomas, renal cysts, and expression in many tissues, including the Staging
lymphangioleiomyomatosis. It is important brain and other organs affected in tuberous Not relevant.
to highlight that the individual phenotypic sclerosis. Tuberin is the protein product Prognosis and prediction
features of tuberous sclerosis can also (MW 180 kDA) and bears significant Tuberous sclerosis tends to shorten
occur sporadically. homology with the catalytic domain lifespan slightly when compared with non-
Head and Neck of RAP1GAP, a member of the RAS family. syndromic Caucasian controls { 1861550 }.
Manifestations Manifestations of tuberous The mutational spectrum of TSC2 is wider The most common causes of death in the
sclerosis in the head and neck are than that of TSC1, including large second decade of life are brain tumours
predominantly cutaneous and oral. deletions, missense and splice junction and status epilepticus, followed by renal
Angiofibroma has a predilection for the mutations abnormalities { 24053982 ; 27935023 }. In
face and are benign neoplasms typically { 9863590 ; 11112665 ; 10205261 }. Large patients aged > 40 years of age, mortality
arising in the centrofacial cheek areas, deletions in the TSC2 gene may extend is most commonly associated with renal
nasolabial folds and chin { 30246432 }. into the adjacent PKD1 gene, with a complications or
Other non-neoplastic cutaneous resulting phenotype of tuberous sclerosis lymphangioleiomyomatosis.
manifestations include shagreen patches and polycystic kidney disease
and poliosis, i.e. patches of white hair { 17185137 ; 10227394 }.
involving the scalp or eyelids. Fibrous Tuberin and hamartin form a heterodimeric
cephalic plaques appear as rubbery or firm complex that integrates growth factor and
red-brown plaques typically involving the stress signals from the PI3K/AKT pathway

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