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Lesson Plan

I. General Data
I.1. I.E : Fe y Alegría # 38
I.2. Grade : 5°” C” y “D”
I.3. Area : Ingles
I.4. Date : April
I.5. Time : 5 hours
I.6. Teacher’s name : Mercy Arana Diaz


” GOAL: “Recognizing actions about our childhood “.


LEE DIVERSOS TIPOS DE  Obtiene información del texto escrito en  Identifica información
TEXTOS EN INGLÉS COMO inglés explícita, relevante,
LENGUA EXTRANJERA complementaria.


CRITERIO DE EVALUACION  Identifica información sobre eventos pasados de manera coherente en ingles
a través de texto escritos.

TRANSVERSAL Los estudiantes demuestran solidaridad con sus compañeros en toda situación en la
Enfoque de orientación al que padecen dificultades que rebasan sus posibilidades de afrontarlas.
bien común
Los docentes identifican, valoran y destacan continuamente actos espontáneos de los
estudiantes en beneficio de otros, dirigidos a procurar o restaurar su bienestar en
situaciones que lo requieran.

COMPETENCIA  Gestiona su aprendizaje de manera autónoma:

TRANSVERSAL Gestiona su aprendizaje de manera autónoma al darse cuenta lo que debe aprender a
distinguir lo sencillo o complejo de una tarea, y por ende define metas personales
respaldándose en sus potencialidades. Comprende que debe organizarse lo más
específicamente posible y que lo planteado incluya las mejores estrategias,
procedimientos, recursos que le permitan realizar una tarea basado en sus
experiencias. Monitorea de manera permanente sus avances respecto a las metas de
aprendizaje previamente establecidas al evaluar el proceso de realización de la tarea y
realiza ajustes considerando los aportes de otros grupos de trabajo mostrando
disposición a los posibles cambios.


 La docente propone la dinámica de ahorcado (hangman). Paralelamente dibuja líneas
Motivación punteadas para la palabra childhood . Los estudiantes tienen que adivinar que letra debe
ir en cada línea punteada. Cuando no mencionen ninguna letra,la docente tiene que seguir
dibujando al hombre ahorcado por partes
B Conocimiento  La idea es adivinar el tema eje de la lección y repasar deletreo.
E s
G previos
I 40mi
N problematizac n
N ión
I  Promueve la participación a través de las preguntas What do you remember about your
G childhood? What comes to your mind? Se fomenta lluvia de ideas. Ejemplo: games,
vacations, family, friends, toys, pets. Con las palabras mencionadas, elabora preguntas:

 What games did you play? I played hide and seek

 What did you do on vacation? I studied Maths, I practiced Karate, etc

 Cada estudiante recibe una hoja de aplicación con 4 ejercicios (ver anexo 1) trabajan
 Los estudiantes desarrollan ejercicio 2 individualmente. Completan los espacios en
Gestión y blanco con las palabras indicadas relacionándolas con las memorias de su niñez.
P seguimiento  Los estudiantes se unen nuevamente en pares para conversar sobre sus respuestas.
 Modela las interacciones: I remember when I was a child, My favorite game was …I
R del
remember my favorite pet was…
O desarrollo de
 Para completar el ejercicio 3, los estudiantes deberán pasear alrededor del aula y 155
C los
entrevistar a sus compañeros siguiendo la guía de preguntas y escribir el nombre de la min
E aprendizajes persona que respondió positivamente. Ejemplo: Student A: Did you wear braces when
S esperados. you were a child? Student B: Yes, I did/no, I didn’t
S (técnicas y  La docente pregunta de manera conjunta: Who wore braces as a child? Los estudiantes
actividades) voluntariamente responden: Julia and Alberto wore braces, etc.
 Los estudiantes reciben hoja de aplicación para trabajar comprensión de lectura (ver
anexo 2)
 Propone verificar las respuestas de manera global.
 15. Retroalimentación: Elabora un cuadro de doble entrada en la
E  pizarra y pregunta a los estudiantes los verbos que han observado
N  clasificando en 2 grupos: verbos regulares e irregulares en el contexto del
 tiempo pasado.
D 30
Evaluacion  16. En conjunto responden la docente refuerza con breve explicación.
I min
N  17. Metacognición: El/la docente plantea una pregunta por grupo. Did you have a mobile
G phone when you were a child? Do you have good memories of your childhood?

Hojas de trabajo / Marcadores / Tablero / Papel tapiz / Diccionario

APRIL, 2024
Mercy Arana Diaz
English Teacher
“Recognize actions
about our childhood”.
1. Anexo 1



1. Complete the word map. Add two more words to each category.e



Cartoons Games Pets

Hide and seek




Jump rope

Soccer ball
Climb trees Memories
Bicycle Hobbies

Comic books



2. What things do you remember from your childhood? Share with the class.

a. a toy: f. a good friend:

b. a pet: g. a place:
c. a game: h. food:
d. a hobby: i. clothes:
e. a song: j. a cartoon:

4. Make the following questions and report the name of your classmate.

1. Did you wear braces as a child?

2. Did you go to a farm on vacations?

3. Did you collect objects?

4. Did you play marbles?

5. Did you watch cartoons on TV?

6. Did you have stuffed animals as a child?

7. Were you a good student as a child?

8. Do you still have your favorite toy?

3. What things do you remember from your childhood? Share with the class.

f. a toy: k. a good friend:

g. a pet: l. a place:
h. a game: m. food:
i. a hobby: n. clothes:
j. a song: o. a cartoon:

5. Make the following questions and report the name of your classmate.

1. Did you wear braces as a child?

2. Did you go to a farm on vacations?

3. Did you collect objects?

4. Did you play marbles?

5. Did you watch cartoons on TV?

6. Did you have stuffed animals as a child?

7. Were you a good student as a child?

8. Do you still have your favorite toy?

Anexo 2


Paola Durán: When I was I child I used to go

to my grandparents’ farm every summer.
This is my best memory. All my cousins and
I met there. It was amazing. I all year for this
trip. We went to the river and played in
grandma’s yard. We ate the delicious food she
made. At night, grandpa told us scary stories
and played soccer and climbed the trees
with us. We played hide and seek in the
evening and went to bed late. Grandma
cooked delicious deserts for all of us. I really
miss those summers…now we are all grown
up. We don’t go to the farm very often.

 What a great story! I remember going to my grandparents’ farm too. I
remember I liked to wake up early to hear the birds and to feel the
smell of fresh coffee in Grandma’s kitchen. I can’t forget how happy I
was at that time! Sandra.

 Yeah, I remember going for long walks in the countryside with Grandpa. I
guess I was only eight or nine years old. When it was cold, my grandma
made chicken soup and I still remember the wonderful smell… great
memories! Carlos

 I also visited my grandparents. But we didn’t go in the summer. We

went for Christmas. This was the best time of the year. Grandma, my aunts
and my mother cooked the Christmas dinner. We still visit them. Scary: terrifying Miss:
To regret the absence
 I didn’t go to my grandparents’ farm in the summer. I stayed home with my
brothers and my best memory is when we opened our first video game Grown up: adults
Super Mario. We played day and night and my mom was not very happy Wake up: opposite of
about it. Diego

I. Read the text and answer the questions:

a. What does Paola remember about her grandma?

b. Who did she meet in her grandparents’ farm?
c. What does Paola remember about her grandpa?
d. What games did Paola play?
e. How often does she go to the farm now?

2. Complete each sentence with one word:

a. Carlos’s memory is from when he was years old.

b. Diego remembers playing .
c. Sandra enjoyed the in her grandmother’s kitchen.
d. Sofía says her Grandma made with __________.
e. Paola heard from her Grandpa.

3. How many people have memories connected with…?

a. Food ________
b. Games ________
c. Places ________
d. Relatives ________

4. Complete the chart with the verbs from the reading. Place them in the right column


meet met wait waited
went play
did climb
made cook
wore like

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