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One Love: U2 desde dentro

Analisis de la banda de rock U2

• Intro
• Irlanda
• Espiritualidad
• Estrategia
• Comunidad
• Imagen
• Corazón
• Creatividad
• Opinión

Espiritualidad, cristianismo e influencia

influencia de la biblia
“Rechazo la religión, la idea de la religión, cuando crea conflictos entre dos personas.
Hay una confusión entre la religión y la espiritualidad.
espiritualidad. La música siempre ha sido
espiritual” Bono, Best (Octubre 1984
No es ninguna sorpresa que Bono opinara de este manera sobre la religión y la
espiritualidad. !u pa"s, Irlanda, estaba divido por una con#rontación #ratricida entre
católicos $ protestante% &na luc'a sin sentido ue Bono 'a re#le)ado en multitud de
canciones, siendo la m*s conocida, !unda$ Blood$ !unda$%
En cuanto a la República de Irlanda, el país es en un 96% católico romano y el resto
es protestante. +o sorprendente es ue
ue cinco octavos de los padres
padres de los miembros de
& eran protestantes%
-ero antes de entrar en m*s detalles, lo primero ue deber"amos 'acer es entender la
dierencia entre Religión y espiritualidad, para comprender las palabras de Bono%
.eamos sus de#iniciones/

Bono besando su rosario

1% 0atura
lezaa $ condici
ón de espir
% Cualidad
Cualidad de las cosas
cosas espirituali
zadass o reducida
reducidass a la cond
iciónn de eclesi*stic

“La religión puede ser el enemigo de Dios. A menudo es lo ue pasa cuando Dios,
como !l"is, ha de#ado el edificio” Bono on Bono/ Conversations it' 2ic'3a ssa$as
1% Con)unto
Con)unto de creencia
creenciass o dogmas
dogmas acerca
acerca de la divinidad,
divinidad, de sentimie
ntos de
veneración $ temor 'acia ella, de normas morales para la conducta individual $
social $ de pr*cticas rituales, principalmente la oración $ el sacri#icio para darle
% .irtud ue mueve
mueve a dar a 7ios el culto
culto debid

Claramente est*n relacionadas pero no son los mismo% +a religión es un con)unto de

creencias sobre un ser divino $ la espiritualidad es m*s bien una actitud ue puede estar
o no relacionada con 7ios, puede tratarse solo de un sentimiento de creencia en ue 'a$
algo m*s, sea lo ue sea, $ no necesariamente tiene ue ser un !er 7ivino%
En cuanto a los componentes
componentes de &, desde el principio 'ubo  miembros
declaradamente cristianos/ Bono, dam $ +arr$% dam, sin embargo, a pesar de ser
cre$ente, $ en palabras del propio 'e Edge “era e$tremadamente negati"o hacia
cualuier organización religiosa o cualuier cosa espiritual. Adam pensa%a ue era
peligroso y una ofensa real& 'ino unun d(a a mi y di#o, “)*ue
“)*ue estas haciendo+ !stas
haciendo esto por ono. -o eres tu. reo ue la percepción de Adam fue ueue a tra"/s
de su fuerte personalidad, ono esta%a con"irtiendo al grupo en una %anda cristiana, y
a /l le aterra%a esa idea” Edge, & por & (Octubre 55:

U2, October y Shalom

&e !ge se reiere a que a principios de los a'os (), primero Bono y luego, *arry y
!dge, se unieron al grupo cristiano de lectura de la biblia +&alom $ dam, ue
asistió a alguna reunión, se dio cuenta en seguida ue no estaba en la misma ;sintonia;
ue los dem*s% Esta implicación de  de los cuatro
cuatro componentes de la banda
banda en este
carism*tico grupo, se re#le)o en su segundo *lbum de estudio, ctober, <el *lbum
cristiano de &= $ llevo a la banda al borde la ruptura debido al con#licto moral ue se
les planteo/ "!ra compatible -ios con pertenecer a una banda de Roc$ 'e Edge
estuvo a punto de pensar ue no, $ as" se lo di)o personalmente
personalmente a Bono, estando a punto
los dos de de)ar la banda%
“0upongo ue fue la primera "ez ue pens/ 1!spera, 2uiz3s esta gente es menos
esta%le de lo ue yo pensa%a45 mientras, yo pensa%a en este punto, ue la música y la
espiritualidad esta%an en la misma p3gina. -o lo "e(a como un conflicto” dam
cla$ton sobre la crisis de #e de & a principios delos a>os 85, 2o)o (?ulio 556
-aul 2c@uinness, ue tambiAn conoc"a la dudas de sus c'icos, tampoco entend"a la
nueva postura ue estaba adoptando% inalmente decidieron continuar con & $ de)ar
!'alom% ue los dem*s amigos de Bono en +$mpton .illage 'ubieran de)ado este
grupo cristiano con anterioridad, a$udo muc'o a la banda a tomar su decisión/
“6aul esta%a in"olucrado, al igual ue Adam& !l argumento
ar gumento de 6aul, al final, era
mantener la %anda en marcha. !stu"e encantado de continuar. ono, creo, podr(a
ha%er ido por otro camino. 7omamos la decisión
decis ión correcta” con#iesa +arr$ a la revista
2o)o (?ulio 556
*a tensión religiosa que &abía dentro de la banda quedo plasmada en ctober, un
/lbum de 01 2introspecti3o4 en contraposición a Boy que es 2inmediato y directo4.
*a creciente religiosidad de 01, pro3ocada en parte por +&alom, est/ presente por
todo el disco. -or e)emplo, la canción <ire
< ire<< esta inspirada en el +ibro de las
revelaciones $ el segundo advenimiento,
advenimiento, el apocalipsis (tambiAn encontramos
re#erencias en omorro, Dit' a !'out $ October/

+os 4 )inetes del apocalipsis

alling, calling the sun is %urning %lac8

alling, calling, it5s %eating on my %ac8
9ith a fire
9ith a fire.
alling, calling, the moon is running red
alling, calling, it5s pulling me instead
9ith a fire, fire.
O @loria
@loriaFF con su coro en +at"n ue proviene del @loria in EGcelsis 7eoF/ @loria in
te 7omine H @loria eGultateF ( @loria a ti, !e>orH @loria, eGaltaleF% ace re#erencia al
!almo 5/ (in te 7omine, speravi%
Bono tiene muy claro de donde 3iene su inspiración para la letra de las canciones
de 015
“!scri%ir canciones "iene de un lugar diferente. La música es el lengua#e del esp(ritu.
reo ue las ideas y las pala%ras son la escusa de la gente ue escri%e canciones para
permitir ue nuestro corazón y nuestro esp(ritu corran li%res. !so es cuando la magia
sucede” Bono, +os ngeles imes (gosto de 554
En la actualidad $ viAndolo con 5 a>os de perspectiva, los miembros de & $a tienen
las cosas muc'o m*s claras/
“Larry, ono y tu fuisteis todos miem%ros del grupo de oración cristiano 0halom
durante los primeros tiempos de :;. )0igues siendo religioso+
7oda"(a tengo una "ida espiritual, pero no soy un fan de la religión per se. 0a%es, !n lo
ue creo, es mucho m3s ue con lo ue aca%e llegando.
llegando. -o es una doctrina ue
ue este
conectada a ninguna iglesia o grupo religioso. !s algo mucho m3s personal.
)!st3n creciendo tus hi#os en el catolicismo+
&7/cnicamente s(, pero de nue"o, no estoy a fa"or de presentar algo ue creo ue muy
personal de una manera fundamental.
fundamental. reo ue es algo ue le llega a todo el mundo,
cuando alcanza una cierta edad, te das cuenta por ti mismo. 0a%es, 0on católicos por
su educación, pero realmente decidir3n por ellos mismos en ue
ue creen cuando se hagan
mayores.” Edge% ot -ress magazine (7iciembre de 55
Influencia de la Biblia en U2
*a inluencia de la biblia en la discograía de 01, no solo se 3e en ctober. Es
palpable en todos
todos sus *lbumes%
*lbumes% Estos son algunos
algunos e)emplos en
en los ue podemos
podemos leer
como Bono se 'a inspirado en pasa)es b"blicos para componer la letra de las canciones
de & (uente J& Bible re#erences/
re#erences /

'e ?os'ua ree

1%  Celebration,
Celebration , letra/ I believe in t'e alls o# ?eric'oHI believe t'e$;re coming
donF% ?osue :/5  Entonces el pueblo gritó, $ los sacerdotes tocaron las
bocinasK $ aconteció
aconteció ue cuando
cuando el pueblo 'ubo
'ubo o"do el sonido
sonido de la bocina,
gritó con gran vocer"o, $ el muro se derrumbó% El pueblo subió luego a la
ciudad, cada uno derec'o 'acia adelante, $ la tomaronF%
% !econds
!econds, , letra/ +i3e a t'ie# in t'e nig'tF% 1 esalonicenses 6/ -orue
vosotros sabAis per#ectamente ue el d"a del !e>or vendr* as" como ladrón en la
% +i3e  !ong,
!ong , letra/  ne 'eart is 'at I need L O' @od, ma3e it bleedF%
Ezeuiel :/: Os darA corazón nuevo, $ pondrA esp"ritu nuevo dentro de
vosotrosK $ uitarA de vuestra carne el corazón de piedra, $ os darA un corazón
de carneF%
4% I Dill olloF/
olloF/ Bono 'ace re#erencia a Mut 1/1:/ Mespondió Mut/ 0o me
ruegues ue te de)e, $ me aparte de tiK porue a dondeuiera ue tN #ueres, irA
$o, $ dondeuiera ue vivieres, vivirA% u pueblo ser* mi pueblo, $ tu 7ios mi
6% -ride (In 'e 0ame O# +ove,+ove , letra/ One man betra$ed it' a 3issF% +ucas
/48 Entonces ?esNs le di)o/ ?udas, con un beso entregas al i)o del
:% 45
/ se basa en el salmo nQ 45 de la biblia%
R% !unda$ Blood$ !unda$F
!unda$ F +etra renc'es dug it'in our 'earts, nd mot'ers,
c'ildren, brot'ers, sisters torn apartF (2ateo 15/6/ -orue 'e venido para
poner en disensión
disensión al 'ombre contra
contra su padre, a la 'i)a contra su madre,
madre, $ a la
nuera contra su suegraF
8% 'e &n#orgettable ire,
ire , letra/ nd i# t'e mountains s'ould crumble or
disappear into t'e sea% !almos 4:/ -or tanto, no temeremos, aunue la tierra
sea removida, S se traspasen los montes al corazón del marF%
9% Bullet 'e Blue !3$,!3$ , letra/ ?acob restled t'e angel L nd t'e angel as
overcomeF% @enesis /6 S cuando el varón vio ue no pod"a con Al, tocó en
el sitio del enca)e de su muslo, $ se desco$untó el muslo de ?acob mientras con
Al luc'aba%F
15% I !till aven;t ound D'at I;m +oo3ing orF letra FI 'ave spo3en it' t'e
tongue o# angelsF (1 Corintios 1/1/ !i $o 'ablase lenguas 'umanas $
angAlicas, $ no tengo amor, vengo a ser como metal ue resuena, o c"mbalo ue
11% Dit' Or Dit'out SouFSouF +etra !ee t'e t'orn tist in $our sideF (  Corintios
1/R/ S para ue la grandeza de las revelaciones no me eGaltase
desmedidamente, me #ue dado un agui)ón en mi carne, un mensa)ero de !atan*s
ue me abo#etee, para ue no me enaltezca sobremaneraF
1% El titulo
titulo del *lbum
*lbum &e os&ua ree esta inspirado en el *rbol de ?osuA/ +os
mormones dieron su nombre vulgar a este *rbol (Succa brevi#olia a mediados
del siglo TIT% &n grupo de esta secta cristiana norteamericana se encontró por
primera vez con elel *rbol en el desierto
desierto de 2o)ave tras cruzar
cruzar el r"o Colorado% !u
peculiar aspecto
aspecto les recordó a la #igura
#igura del patriarca b"blico
b"blico ?osuA pidiendo
pidiendo la
a$uda de 7ios con las manos 'acia el cielo%

-ortada de ll 'at Sou Can;t +eave Be'ind

1% 'e l$,

l$, letra/ +ove e s'ine li3e a burning star L De;re #alling #rom t'e
s3$ tonig'tF% +ucas 15/18 S les di)o/ So ve"a a !atan*s caer del cielo como un
14% Beauti#ul 7a$F%
7a$F% +etra !ee t'e bird it' t'e lea# in 'er mout'F (@Anesis 8/15
8/11/ Esperó aNn otros siete d"as, $ volvió a enviar la paloma #uera del arcaF,
S la paloma volvió a Al a la 'ora de la tardeK $ 'e au" ue tra"a
tr a"a una 'o)a de
olivo en el picoK $ entendió 0oA ue las aguas se 'ab"an retirado de sobre la
+etra #ter t'e #lood all t'e colours came outF (@Anesis 9/1 9/1/FS di)o
7ios/ Esta es la se>al del pacto ue $o establezco entre m" $ vosotros $ todo ser
viviente ue est* con vosotros, por siglos perpetuos/F 2i arco 'e puesto en las
nubes, el cual ser* por se>al del pacto entre m" $ la tierra%F
16% +a portada
portada del
del *lbum 7ll &at 8ou #an4t *ea3e Be&ind , aparece un
vers"culo b"blico codi#icado ? /U, en uno de los carteles del aeropuerto/ 'ace
re#erencia al vers"culo  del capitulo  de ?eremias, ue 'ablade la
Mestauración de la prosperidad de ?erusalAn/ Clama a m", $ $o te responderA, $
te ense>arA cosas grandes $ ocultas ue tN no conocesF%
1:% .ertigo
, letra/ ll o# t'is can be $ours L )ust give me 'at I ant L and no
one gets 'urtF% +ucas4/R !i tN postrado me adorares, todos ser*n tu$osF%

La espiritualidad de los álbumes de U2

ctober es 3erdaderamente el /lbum espiritual por ecelencia de 01. +a banda
estaba mu$ implicada con el grupo !'alom $ eso se noto en el discoV pr*cticamente
podemos 'ablar
'ablar de Moc3 Cristiano%
Cristiano% -ero a lo largo de toda su carrera, la espiritualidad
no 'a abandonado nunca a &%
+o ue s" es cierto, es ue durante los *lbumes :ar $ &e 0norgettable ;ire, &
parece ue se distancia de su <cristianismo;% !e trato, tal vez ,de una <reacción alArgica;
a los problemas ue tuvieron con !'alom $ un intento de ue la prensa no les encasillara
como una banda cristiana, algo no demasiado positivo en auellos tiempos%
En el a>o 1994, 'e Edge le di)o a ?o'n Daters (Mace o# ngels, p*gina 1:6/
“6ro%a%lemente nosotros, en este punto, hemos desilusionado profundamente a
muchos cristianos, porue lo ue perci%o como li%ertad, ellos lo perci%en como una
completa decadencia y autoindulgencia”
7urante la Apoca de &e os&ua ree, el grupo $ especialmente Bono se encontró
verdaderamente #ascinado por Estados &nidos, un pa"s pro#undamente cre$ente% +a
banda declaraba ue odav"a no 'ab"a encontrado lo ue estaban buscandoF lo ue #ue
tomado por muc'os cristianos como una perdida de #e de la banda% odo lo contrario/
& estaban encontr*ndose a si mismo, $ su #e en sus creencias $ en ellos mismos era
m*s grande ue nunca% & se <busco; en Estados &nidos% S all" encontró la #igura del
predicador, mu$ eGtendida en ese pa"s $ concretamente a los televangelistas/
“Lo ue siempre me ha a%urrido de los fundamentalismos es ue parece ue estan
preocupados por los m3s o%"ios pecados <&= -o pod(a entender porue la misma
gente nunca se pregunta%a por los profundos y sigilosos pro%lemas del esp(ritu del
hom%re como la falta de superioridad moral, los cr(ticos, la a"aricia institucional, la
a"aricia corporati"a <&= reemos ue han pisoteado lo m3s precioso de todo> Dios es
amor <&= !st3n sacando a la gente #o"en de Dios, especialmente a la gente #o"en ue
ya no admiten ue son cristianos <&= As( ue es interesante estar en Am/rica en estos
momentos. somos fans y cr(ticos, listos para decirles lo me#or y lo peor de 7he ?oshua
7ree” Bono en Bono on Bono/ Conversations it' 2ic'3a ssa$as (556, paginas
-osteriormente, durante la gira <oo =W 'e Outside Broadcast en la dAcada de los 95,
Bono se trans#ormar"a en <'e 2irror Ball 2an;, una clara parodia de estos
teleevangelistas mericanos%
Con 7c&tung Baby, la banda pareció ale)arse de#initivamente de sus ra"ces cristianas%
-arec"a ue el pecado 'ab"a entrado en &% Indiscutiblemente, la imagen <mesi*nica; de
& en 'e ?os'ua ree $ Mattle and um, 'ab"a cambiado radicalmente% Bono, dam,
+arr$ $ Edge abrazaron de#initivamente su estatus como estrellas de roc3%
+as canciones segu"an teniendo <mensa)e;, solo ue, 'ab"a cambiado el <envoltorio;% &n
buen e)emplo es la canción <&ntil 'e End O# 'e Dorld< ue trata de la traición%
cuando compuso la canción, Bono se estaba le$endo el libro de Brendan Xennell$
Boo3 o# ?udasF $, sin duda, ?udas encarna per#ectamente la traición% Esta escrita desde
el punto de vista de ?udas Iscariote, uno de los apóstoles de ?esNs, ue #ue el ue le
traiciono revelando a los miembros del !anedr"n el lugar donde pod"an capturar a su
2aestro sin problemas, tal como 'ab"a anunciado el propio ?esNs durante la Yltima
*a inluencia de la biblia seguía presente en 01>
Con el *lbum ?op, & siguió )ugando al despiste, pero de nuevo nos encontramos con
canciones como I# @od Dill !end is ngels donde “Dios ha descolgado su tel/fono,
nena. )ontestar(a si pudiera+” o 2o#o donde Bono estaba intentando “uscando la
sal"ación de mi alma” o “%uscando al ni@o ?esus en la %asura”%
& $a no eran predicadores al uso, pero su mensa)e segu"a teniendo muc'a #uerza%
ambiAn 'a$ ue destacar el pro#undo contenido espiritual que adquirió el /lbum 7ll
&at 8ou #an4t *ea3e Be&ind despuAs de los atentados del 11 de !eptiembre de 551
en 0ueva Sor3/
“ucha de la tem3tica y la am%ientación de A7BL parec(a tener m3s sentido ahora.
-o creo ue ellas cam%iaran. Las cosas o%"ias como 1-eC Bor85 a una canción so%re
la depresión como “0tuc8 in a moment Bou an5t et Eut Ef”, canciones so%re
5soltar5 a las personas ue uno no uiere ue se "ayan, todo eso realmente parec(a
conectarse” Bono% 0iall !to3es, 2atter o# +i#e and 7eat'F% ot -ress nnual 55,
diciembre 551%
2ientras otras bandas cancelaban su giras por Estados &nidos despuAs de los atentados
del 11 de !eptiembre en 0ueva Sor3, & decidió seguir adelante $ continuar con la
tercera manga de Elevation our% Cada canción de & parec"a tener un signi#icado
relacionado con los atentados% +a sensación de comunidad con los #ans se intensi#ico en
cada uno de los conciertos% & estaban convencido de ue pod"an a$udar, ue pod"an
aportar su granito de arena para superar la tragedia $ para ello cada canción de & se
trans#ormo pr*cticamente en una plegaria por los #allecidos en los atentados%
+os conciertos en 0ueva Sor3 en el 2adison !uare @arden #ueron especialmente
emocionantes% 7urante el tercer concierto, Bono invito a 65 bomberos de la ciudad a
subir al escenario para recibir los aplausos de sus conciudadanos%
*a canción 2Ne@ 8or2 se con3irtió en un alegato de Bono al mundo5 A!sta es mi
ciudadC !sta es mi genteC
S en Do@ to -ismantle an 7tomic Bomb, 7dam, el miembro menos espiritual de
01, realiEo una declaraciones sorprendentes en la re3ista Blender5 A7ll Because
 8ouF podría tratarse de -ios. -ero no es esta la canción de & ue llama m*s la
atención por su re#erencia eGplicita a la religión% Sa'e' es la canción% Sa'e' , es
segNn la Biblia, el nombre propio de 7ios, revelado a 2oisAs en la visión de la zarza
ardiente% !e trata de un 'imno moderno, una plegaria, una canción de pro#undo
compromiso $ obediencia%

Bono y el apa !uan ablo II

Bono $ el -apa ?uan -ablo II

El  de septiembre de 1999, tuvo lugar un 'ec'o signi#icativo en la vida de Bono% !l

?apa uan ?ablo II le concedió una audiencia Gunto a otros representantes de
2ubilee 1)))H Bob Jeldo, Kuincy ones, erey +ac&s>, el mo3imiento que
luc&o contra la cancelación de la deuda al tercer mundo, en su residencia de
3erano cerca de Roma.
En este tipo de recepciones se acostumbra a llevar detalles para agradecer la
oportunidad% Bono le regalo al -apa un libro de poes"a del poeta irlandAs !eamus
eane$ (El -apa, le regalo a Bono un rosario, ue 'emos podido ver a Bono en
numerosos conciertos% -ero ?uan -ablo II parec"a m*s interesado en las ga#as estilo 'e
l$ ue llevaba Bono%
“As( ue le pregunt/ si las uer(a. Fl no sólo asintió, sino ue se las puso y sonrió de
manera picara. Gue un gran momento por un montón de razones, y una de ellas fue,
1'amos a estar en la primera p3gina de todos los periódicos5 -o me refiero a m(, sino a
nuestros pro%lemas. 0a%(a lo ue una imagen del papa con gafas de sol i%a a
ristemente, los periódicos no llegaron a publicar la imagen del -apa con las ga#as de
“Los cortesanos del 'aticano no tienen el mismo sentido del humor ue el pont(fice.
6od(an imaginar las camisetas. ?am3s "eremos esas fotos”.
inalmente, si pudimos ver esas #otos en el libro 7o zobaczenia  ra)uF, publicado
por rturo 2ari, #otógra#o del -apa )uan -ablo II%
"KuL opina Bono del ?apa uan ?ablo II$
“!l 6apa ?uan 6a%lo  era un com%atiente calle#ero y un astuto defensor de los po%res
del mundo. 0in /l #amas ha%r(amos cancelado completamente la deuda de los ;I
pa(ses. !n rlanda, un montón de gente esta%a muy disgustado por su fracaso en
a%razar la anticoncepción como una necesidad, no sólo para la "ida moderna, sino
para la "ida de los po%res en Jfrica y otros lugares donde /l tra%a#a de manera muy
dura para ayudar. 0a%(a ue sus con"icciones eran muy reales, y he aprendido a
respetar las posiciones conser"adoras ue yo no comparto. Fl ten(a unos o#os
tra"iesos, a la "ez ue piadosos. 0i la glesia atólica es el glam roc8 de la religión,
este chico era el m3s "i"o de los artistas”% uente/ Bono recalls ponti##;s a##ection #or
t'e poor L and cool sunglasses

U2 y su relaci"n con el cristianismo

“*ue los miem%ros de la %anda se hayan distanciado de la glesia por muchas razones
a tra"/s de los a@os, por supuesto, agregó com%usti%le al fuego de los esc/pticos. *u/
la %anda haya sido infle$i%le en cuanto a no ha%lar con la prensa cristiana, no ha
ayudado mucho. 6ero en los primeros tiempos cuando si ha%la%an con la prensa
cristiana, muchas "eces pusieron en su %oca pala%ras ue ellos no ha%(an dicho, y se
sintieron usados y a%usados. !l mundo cristiano e"ang/lico pareció reclamar a :;
como una propiedad y, por tanto, los miem%ros hallaron ue su fe esta%a definida y
e$plicada por las re"istas en "ez de por ellos mismos. Alinearse con la prensa cristiana
ha%r(a encasillado su fe y su arte, los ha%r(a forzado a entrar en el molde de las
e$pectati"as de los dem3s y reducido el enfoue y el alcance de la influencia de la
%anda” !teve !toc3man, &, El -eregrina)e espiritualF, pagina 1:%
Bono, a pesar de ser cristiano, siempre &a tenido una dura opinión sobre algunas
de las cosas que 3eía tanto en el cristianismo como en la Iglesia #atólica. !iempre
'a$ ue tener en cuenta ue el pa"s donde nació, Irlanda, 'a su#rido muc'o por la luc'a
#ratricida entre católicos $
.*! not telling you%

;&( $o%?

.*! ust not%

;&( s&o1'd %&#% +e so,e%&"$ (o16*e $o% 3"''"$ %o s&#*e?

. don*t "now !any people that would want the world to "now% . !ight tell you, $ut . *! not
telling them.

o16!e see$ P*"$/e '"!e5 Ho3 do (o1 -ee' #+o1% %&e se@1#' )'#(#/%"$ &e does

. find it funny, ery funny% . get off on it% 1laughs2

A*e (o1 %e,)%ed %o do #$(%&"$ '"4e %&#%? I ,e#$. %&#% 4"$d o- se@1#' &1,o* "s %&e
4"$d o- %&"$ )eo)'e 3o1'd $e!e* e@)e/% -*o, U25

=o% . always go $a#" to the i!age of fil!!a"ers% . find that !a"es things #learer% So!e
people !a"e !oies, and there is a #ertain "ind of !oie they ! a"e, $e#ause that*s the!,
whether it*s (lt!an or S#orsese or )oppola%%%% :e*e $een trying to get people to dan#e to
(po#alypse =ow%

o1 see U2 #s ,o*e '"4e Co))o'#. o* S/o*sese555

Deah, and . thin" Prin#e would $e !ore li"e, u!!! Bus$y Ber"eleyL

O* e$ R1sse''?

Gen 'ussellE That is what . !ean% Prin#e is the Gen 'ussell of !usi#% ($solutelyE

T&e 6s e$e*#%"o$ /e'e+*#%ed +o%& se@ #$d d*1s #s '"+e*#%"$5 No3#d#(s %&e*e
&#s +ee$ # 'o% o- +#s&"$ o- +o%& #s e!"'5 o1 )*ese$% # -#"*'( /&#s%e ",#e5

:e don*t%

I$ %&e ,o!"e 3e $e!e* e!e$ see (o1 %#4e # d*"$45 ;e $e!e* see (o1 do"$ d*1s5555

The idea that we would hide the drin" fro! the #a!era is idioti# $eyond $elief% .t*s another
#li#hA that redundant !inds throw at 2% Dou present a #haste i!age% <h godE
Do (o1 '"4e +e"$ "$%o@"/#%ed?

1aises a finger2 *Tis $etter to $e drun" on the spirit howeer, a $ottle of a#" ;aniel*s is

so!eti!es handier%

Do (o1 e!e* -"$d "$%o@"/#$%s. "$/'1d"$ )s(/&ede'"/s. /*e#%"!e'( 1se-1'?

. a! already on drugs% . a! the sort of person who needs to ta"e drugs to !a"e !e nor!al%
1laughs2 . hae eperi!ented% =o, . don*t thin" that it is so!ething that eery$ody has to

do, one, ust to $e alie, or two, to write great songs%

I do$6% ,e#$ 9&#!e %o59 B1% do (o1 &#!e # )os"%"!e #%%"%1de %o3#*ds d*1s?

.*! not going to tell you that . hae a positie attitude towards people who are hurting
the!seles% ;rug a$use is a ery negatie thing%

Do (o1 +e'"e!e %&e*e "s s1/& # %&"$ #s d*1 1se #s o))osed %o #+1se?

. do $eliee there #ould $e%

I$ (o1* o3$ '"-e. &#!e (o1 e@)e*"e$/ed 555

. don*t want to tal" a$out that% .*ll gie you ust one ea!ple of why it would $e irresponsi$le
for !e to answer your 8uestion in a #ertain way/ .*e written so !any songs using heroin as
an i!age, it !ight $e interesting for !e to tell you that, say, .*e had eperien#es with the
drug heroin% .t !ight $e interesting for !e to do it, and to own up to it%

.f it were !is#onstrued, so!e$ody who, for whateer reason, respe#ts !e, that !ight lead
the! to get into it% <G% .f . $e#a!e addi#ted to heroin, . #an afford the trappings% . #an
afford the Betty Cord #lini#% . #an afford to hae !y $lood #hanged% . #an afford the trappings
of $eing an addi#t% But there is so!e guy who lies in a ro o! in ;u$lin who can't. (nd
no$ody gies a shit a$out his addi#tionE

So it is highly irresponsi$le for ro#" *n* roll people to perpetuate the myth of drug addi#tion%
<ne of the things that . get a good feeling that 2 has done is to $rea" open the !ythology
of ro#" *n* roll% The !ythology that wearing a safety pin in your nose !eans you*re a re$el%
Shaing your head does not !ean you*re a re$el%

o16*e s#("$ %&ose %*#))"$s &#!e $o%&"$ %o do 3"%& %&e %*1e *e+e''"o1s so1' o-
*o/4 #$d *o''5555
Deah, the re$ellious soul% The !ythology of lie fast, die young perpetrated $y ri#h ro#" *n*
roll stars sickens !e% . ust want to throw up on these $astardsE That*s $e#ause in our #ity,
;u$lin )ity, .*e seen the pla#e truly raaged $y drug addi#tion% People seriously fu#"ed up,
and people inspired $y this idea of liing #lose to the edge%

2*s 143 (l$u! :ar, in#luded Sunday Bloody Sunday, a thunderous anthe! against
.reland*s se#tarian iolen#e, and =ew Dear*s ;ay, the #ele$ration of Poland*s Solidarity% .t
was 2*s first &P to go gold in the nited States% Bono and the $and intended the re#ord as a
star" de#laration for !ilitant pa#ifis!, and against nationalis!% But it so!eti!es see!ed to
eploit the ery passions it was de#rying% <n tour, Bono too" to trotting around the stage
waing a !assie white flag to a !artial $eat% <ne early 2 $ooster wrote that the great
personal fury of their first &Ps had gien way to literal $ut sin#ere sloganeering %%% hapless,
dated, agitpop% 7e wasn*t alone% Det in Bono*s eyes, the $and was ust ahead of its ti!e,
oi#ing the spirit of &ie (id $efore Bo$ +eldof had seen its gli!!er%

I$ => (o1 #$d (o1* 3"-e. A'". 3o*4ed -o* se!e$ 3ee4s "$ E%&"o)"# o$ #$
ed1/#%"o$#' *e'"e- )*o:e/%5 ;&#% )*e/")"%#%ed %&#%?

ust got #arried away with !yself, and our inole!ent with &ie (id% . thought &ie (id was
an etraordinary thingE .t see!ed we were, at one ti!e, al!ost the only oi#e tal"ing a$out
this idea/ that ro#" *n* roll #ould $e a fo r#e for so#ial #hange, in reality, as well as in #on#ept%
This was two, three years $efore &ie (id, when we were !a"ing the :ar &P, and it was
so!ething we $elieed for a while% . had #onersations with people, fro! Sting to Bo$ +eldof
to #riti#s who found it al!ost a laugha$le idea, that in the *40s people #ould still really
$eliee that%

Bo$ +eldof was into pop !usi#% That*s the great irony of &ie (id% That proed to !e that
+od has su#h a sense of hu!or, this idea of +eldof a#tually refuting his own argu!ent% 7e
really was the !an who said, Pop !usi# is pop !usi#/ $ee$opaloola% .t*s great, and let*s
ust enoy it for that% That a little round thing with a hole in it #ould sae lies !ust hae
$een an etraordinary reelation to hi!%

. truly thin" that with the :ar al$u!, . and others reali>ed that ro#" *n* roll didn*t ust h ae
to $e a parody of itself%

o1 s#"d %&e 9;#*9 #'+1, 3#s 9so,e%&"$ 3e +e'"e!ed -o* # 3&"'e59 C#$ (o1
e@)'#"$ %&#%?
pla#ard the songs a $it% . too" up that idea on the &ar &P, and . thin" it was a turning point,
not ust for 2, $ut in *40s !usi#% (nd . a! pissed off that the &P is not so re#ogni>ed%
1laughs2 +od% .s this !aniaL .t !ight $e%

Ad#, C'#(%o$ s#"d %&#% *"&% #-%e* (o1* L"!e A"d )e*-o*,#$/e. %&e +#$d 3#$%ed %o
)#/4 "% "$5 T&e( 3e*e #'' so 1)se% 3"%& %&e )e*-o*,#$/e5555

:e were ery desperate, and depressed $y it% The feeling was that . had ust shot 2 in the
head in front of a $illion iewers% 1laughs2 %%% .n retrospe#t, we feel it was alid% But at the
ti!e, we felt . had ta"en a real ris", and we didn*t "now if people would get it%

See, .*! a songwriter first, a singer se#ond, and a perfor!er third% But so!eti!es the
perfor!er is the strongest side% <nstage . often try to find a way to epress a song other
than the way . sing it% That*s pro$a$ly through haing a li!ited oi#e% =ot $eing a great
singer, or een a ery good one at ti!es, . would loo" for other ways% That*s why . used
those white flags/ this idea of a flag drained of all #olor, the idea of surrender% .f there was
any flag worth flying, that was it%

.n the #ase of &ie (id, . wanted so!e way to ! a"e the feeling that people felt there isual/
a sy!$ol% So when . saw this (fri#an girl in the audien#e, she was shouting and shouting at
!e, #alling and #alling %%% . ust i!pulsiely u!ped or fell oer into this pit% She was $eing
#rushed, and $ashed around a $it, and . ust pulled her out% By holding onto this person, .
felt li"e . was holding onto the whole audien#e% .t felt li"e holding onto eeryone% .t see!s,
in hindsight, that eeryone wat#hing it felt that% .t a#tually was that for so!e reason%

.t*s a ris"y $usiness% .*e thrown dru!s off the stage, pushed oer P( sta#"s, $urned ele#tri#
guitars% . find !yself resorting to these things% (nd . "now now that it*s pure inse#urity
a$out !y a$ility as a singer%

;&#% do (o1 -"$d "$"%es %&e )o'"%"/#' ",#"$#%"o$ o- (o1* #1d"e$/e?

:ell, . always hate the !essage idea% Dou feel li"e a post!an, you "now, deliering all these

. thin" the *40s hae $een a $light, #ulturally and so#iopoliti#ally% (nd you*re right% . thin"
2, we*re one of the $est things a$out the*40s% 1laughs2 (nd .*! personally e!$arrassed
that we*re the $and of the *40s% . t*s not su#h a great #o!pli!ent% 1laughs2 7oweer, we*ll
see what we #an do with the *0s%
:hat happened in the *90s $ut wasn*t ad!itted to, was, it $e#a!e #lear how redundant the
politi#al ideologies of $oth the &eft and the 'ight were% They no longer !ade sense% .t
$e#a!e #learN that Marist&eninis!, this ideology inented to deal with the .ndustrial
'eolution, whi#h is worlds ago, een though it had $een reinterpreted, #annot $e applied,
and #ertainly isn*t worth giing or ta"ing a life for% :o rst of all, al!ost, were the li$erals, in
the !iddle%

People are loo"ing for an epression, $e#ause eery$ody, eery person that has a fa!ily
thin"s a$out what they*re going to $ring a #hild into% -eryone wal"ing along a #oastline
wonders, will it $e here in ten yearsL People hae wor"ed for ten years in #ollege, paying
fees, and they wonder if they*ll hae a o$ in 1 0 years% The answer to that has $een to wor"
with $lin"ers on, and to $e $etter than the guy sitting net to yo u in #ollege, and if you*re
not $etter, #heatE (nd fu#"ing $lindfold your opponent%

There are people ust loo"ing around, and they "now there !ust $e a fo#us% (nd they*re
loo"ing at the ;e!o#rati# party, and they don*t see anything% They ust see white walls%
So!ething inside the! says, This doesn*t !a"e sense% They loo" to the ' ight, and the
gospel of greed, and they #an*t sto!a#h it% They !ight $e a$le to% .f they*e got a few "ids,
they !ight hae to% But generally, the ro#" *n* roll audien#e is 16, 2F, 30% They haen*t,
than" +od, !ade their !ind up% That*s why it*s su#h an e#iting ti!e/ ro#" *n* roll%

So they*re loo"ing oer here, and oer there% They ust don*t "now% They ust don*t "now%
(nd the !usi# you turn on is proof that no$ody "nows% .t*s ust a noise to drown out
unanswered 8uestions% Dou ust drown it out% The Beastie Boys* :e*e got to fight for our
right to partyE  an a!using line% . appre#iate it, $ut it was not seen as ironi# as, .
presu!e, it was intended% Deah, we*e got to fight for that right, alright% That is the anthe!
of the *40sE

A*e (o1 s#("$ %&#% 3&#% /#)%1*es (o1* -#$s6 )o'"%"/#' ",#"$#%"o$s "s s)e#4"$ %o
%&ose do1+%s %&e( &#!e?

. thin" it*s at least owning up to the!% :e*re ery #lear, and it*s ery dear in our !u si# that
we don*t hae any answers% But that the 8uestions are at least worth as"ing% . Still 7aen*t
Cound :hat .*! &oo"ing Cor% 7ow !u#h !ore dear #an you !a"e itL

o1 s#"d (o1 se$se # s&"-% o- ,ood "$ %&"s /o1$%*(. %&#% -o* # -e3 ,o,e$%s U26s
s1+:e/% ,#%%e* 3#s /e$%*#' %o %&e %",es. +1% ,#( $o% +e $o35 I- U2 *e#''( "s o$ %&e
o1%s"de ##"$. does "% 1)se% (o1?
. thin" !oods ust shift, #hange, and #o!e around% <n o ne leel, . a! aghast% . was reading
an interiew with (rthur Miller, who said that after growing up in the ;epression and #o!ing
$a#" fro! :orld :ar .., haing seen those sights of ho rror and deastation, he neer
thought it would get to the point in (!eri#a where people would wal" past the "ind of
ho!elessness .*e seen in &os (ngeles% 7e #ouldn*t i!agine that in (!eri#a% (nd that is
where we are right now in (!eri#a%

o1 %&"$4 )eo)'e #*e e%%"$ $1,+?

That is the word . would use% (nd . thin" they need a really strong sti!ulus%%%% .t ust see!s
that a pinpri#" will no longer pier#e% They need a sho#" treat!ent%

Do (o1 see # d"--e*e$% 4"$d o- )o'"%"/s #$d /o$s/"o1s$ess e,e*"$ "$ %&e 6>s?

. thin" we*e lower to sin" $efore people will say, :e #an*t go any further% . thin" (!eri#a
is liing on $orrowed ti!e% . thin" you*e $orrowed the !oney to put off this day when
you*re going to hae to reali>e/ )orporations don*t need people to wor" for the! any!ore%
Ma#hines don*t as" for wage raises% (nd they haen*t figured out how they*re going to, on
one leel, proide #onsu!ers, and, on the other, not hae wor" for any$ody% This 8uestion
has $een put off, $ut it will hae to $e answered% There is so!ething around the #orner %%%


=o% .t #ould $e really good%%%% :e need to drea! new drea!s% (nd . thin" ro#" *n* roll is at
least a #han#e to drea! those drea!s%

C#$ %&ose d*e#,s. /#$ *e/o*ds. /#$ ,1s"/ *e#''( /&#''e$e e$%*e$/&ed )o3e*?

. don*t "now% . don*t thin" so% .t #an effe#t #hange% .t #an $e a #atalyst for #hange%


.t #an $e a oi#e of dissent% . thin" . )an*t +et =oN Satisfa#tion is a ery great politi#al
song% . really do% .t*s li"e/ :hen .*! driin* in ! y #ar O and that !an #o!es o n the radio O
and he*s tellin* !e !ore and !ore O a$out so!e useless infor!ation O supposed to fire !y
i!agination% 7oweer, a lot of !usi# is selling the sa!e thing as aderts do right now%

U2 does$6% see, %o %#/4'e %&e 4"$d o- )o'"%"/s %&#% ,"&% %*1'( %*o1+'e o* #'"e$#%e
%&e"* -#$s5 I$ %&e -"', (o1 o o$ #+o1% #)#*%&e"d #$d %&e$ #s4. 9A, I +1"$
(o1?9 :1s% #+o1% e!e*(o$e "$ %&e US "s o))osed %o #)#*%&e"d5 e% (o1 $e!e* s)e#4
o1% o$ "ss1es '"4e #+o*%"o$. Is*#e' #$d %&e P#'es%"$"#$s. %&e de#%& )e$#'%(. AIDS.
<ealt!" nations, as <ell as t!e orld BanM and t!e 7nternational @onetar" /und, to erase
t!e public debt o D2 o t!e <orldWs poorest countries, most o t!em in rica. B" <iping
Z3D0 billion rom t!eir booMs, t!ese countries <ould be ree to spend mone" on !ealt! care
and education, rat!er t!an pa" do<n t!e principal on loans loated b" corrupt and
sometimes long?gone go#ernments. 8e !a#e squee$ed t!ese countries to t!e point <!ere
t!eir !ealt! s"stems are absolutel" unable to unction,8 sa"s ;ere" =ac!s, t!e Car#ard
economist <!o negotiated a debt?relie pacMage or Boli#ia in 1H. 8Education s"stems are
broMen do<n, and t!ereWs a lot o deat! associated <it! t!e collapse o public !ealt! and t!e
lacM o access to medicine. 7 donWt t!inM an" merican <ants t!at.8
&!oug! Bono Mne< t!e basics o debt relie, !e consulted <it! =ac!s <!en !e began !is
unoicial tenure as a ;ubilee ambassador. 8Ce ga#e a call and said !eWd liMe to meet and
talM about oreign debts,8 sa"s =ac!s. 8nd !e said to bring a conser#ati#e colleague <it!
me, because !e <anted to !ear t!e ot!er side.8 rmed <it! !is quicM grad?sc!ool tutorial on
debt relie, Bono began using !is ame to lobb" politicians, e#en t!ose <!o ma" not !a#e
Mno<n e'actl" <!o !e <as. 87Wll ne#er orget one da" during m" dministration,8 sa"s
ormer 9resident Bill linton, 8[&reasur"\ =ecretar" [La<rence\ =ummers comes in to m"
oice and sa"s, W6ou Mno<, some gu" )ust came in to see me in )eans and a & s!irt, and !e
)ust !ad one name, but !e sure <as smart. %o "ou Mno< an"t!ing about !imKW8
Last "ear ;ubilee 2000 <as renamed %rop t!e %ebt, and Bono sta"ed on as t!e groupWs
most persuasi#e and !ig!?proile spoMesman. Ce ounded %&, <!ic! !e !opes to
oiciall" launc! in mid?@arc!, as a #e!icle to e'pand !is rican agenda to include s!ort?
term economic aid, lo<ered trade embargoes and mone" to ig!t aids, in return or
democrac", accountabilit" and transparenc" in go#ernments across t!at continent. 87 Mno<
!o< absurd it is to !a#e a rocM star talM about t!e orld Cealt! Argani$ation or debt re lie
or C7XI7%= in rica,8 Bono sa"s. But !e also Mno<s t!at no one else <it! !is Mind o
access to media and mone" !as taMen on t!e )ob. 7n an eort to Meep t!e discussion serious
and a#oid t!e appearance o being )ust anot!er rocMer against bad t!ings, !e rerains rom
treating rica as an emotional issue. 8e donWt argue compassion,8 !e sa"s. Cis argument
is pragmatic, not preac!". 8e put it in t!e most crass terms possibleT <e argue it as a
inancial and securit" issue or merica ... &!ere are potentiall" anot!er 10 g!anistans in
rica, and it is c!eaper b" a actor o 100 to pre#ent t!e ires rom !appening t!an to put
t!em out.8
&!e %& genda is loosel" modeled on t!e @ars!all 9lan, <!ic! pro#ided Europeans
<it! oreign assistance, debt cancellation and trade incenti#es to rebuild t!eir economies
ater orld ar 77, so t!at t!e" could act as a bul<arM against =o#iet e'pansion. !en
Bono met <it! olin 9o<ell in ;anuar" 2001, !e broug!t a git, a signed note rom >eorge
. @ars!all, anot!er militar" man turned =ecretar" o =tate. &!e rocM star turns l"rical
<!en talMing about t!e @ars!all 9lan: 86ou still ind people m" parentsW age in Europe <!o
talM about t!e @ars!all 9lan. &!at <as <!ere Europe elt t!e grace o merica, in a <a"
more t!an )ust stepping in <it! its militar" mig!t.8 Bono <ants !is #ision or rica to be as
eecti#e and as enduring or uture generations as t!e @ars!all 9lan <as or earlier ones.
8an <e do somet!ing t!at people <ill be proud o in generationsK8 !e asMs.
t 1:30 a.m., e'actl" i#e !ours ater !is bra#ura =uper Bo<l s!o<, Bono is e'ercising t!e
rocM starWs undamental rig!t to be ridiculous. t a celebrator" post?game dinner in t!e
/renc! uarter <it! !is band mates, t!e U2 management team and actress s!le" ;udd -an
old riend, !e t!ro<s bacM some red <ine, tells a e< stories about /ranM =inatra, lea#es a
rambling cell?p!one message or ;uddWs !usband gentl" inorming !im t!at !is <ie !as
been Midnapped b" a rocM band, and t!en sneaMs o to t!e bat!room or a cigarette. -Bono
t!inMs t!e rest o U2 doesnWt Mno< !e smoMesT t!e" Mno<. ter 1D minutes, guitarist t!e
Edge, <!o adopts a Mind, paternalistic role to<ard !is c!ild!ood riend and band mate,
glances to<ard t!e bat!room and sa"s ner#ousl", 8BonoWs allergic to red <ine.8 =ure
enoug!, Bono !as passed out on t!e bat!room loor. U2Ws deput" manager, =!eila oc!e, is
unconcerned and continues sipping !er drinM. 8CeWs probabl" )ust taMing a nap. CeWs an
e'cellent napper,8 s!e sa"s.
 e< minutes later, Bono emerges rumpled but rene<ed. s !e e'its t!e restaurant and
maMes !is <a" t!roug! t!e mob on Bourbon =treet, !e t!ro<s !is !ands in t!e air and
screams to no one in particular, 8o, 7 <ill not do t!e snaMe dance or "ou58
Bono is in ull rocM?star mode, and !e !as good reason to sa#or t!e moment. U2 nearl"
called it quits a e< "ears ago. ter putting out 9op, t!e irst dud o t!eir 10?album career,
in 1G, t!e band membersVall in t!eir F0s, all <it! relations!ips, side interests and more
mone" t!an t!e" could e#er spendV!ad to decide <!et!er t!ere <as a compelling reason to
continue being a band. 8!" are "ou still aroundK8 asMs t!e Edge r!etoricall". 86ou Mno<,
"ou made some great records. But <!" are "ou still maMing recordsK 9art o <!at <e
decided is t!at <e !ad a sense or belie t!at <e can still maMe t!e album o t!e "ear.8
An ll &!at 6ou anWt Lea#e Be!ind, <!ic! !as recei#ed eig!t >ramm" nominations,
including one or lbum o t!e 6earVU2 dispensed <it! t!e drum loops and %;s it !ad
to"ed <it! on 9op and got bacM to t!e !ard business o <riting big, straig!tor<ard songs.
L"ricall", Bono <as struggling <it! !is at!erWs terminal illness -!is at!er Bob Ce<son died
o cancer last "ear, but speciicit" can be t!e plague o pop. =ongs liMe Ane, !ere t!e
=treets Ca#e o ame, =ta" -/ara<a", =o lose and alM An rom ll &!at 6ou anWt
Lea#e Be!ind ac!ie#e t!e impossibleVbecoming meaningul to millions o peopleV
precisel" because t!e" are beautiull" #ague. 8Bono did somet!ing recentl" t!at !e probabl"
s!ouldnWt !a#e done,8 sa"s drummer Larr" @ullen ;r. 8Ce did a booM as a a#or or a riend
o !is in 7reland t!at We'plainedW all t!e l"rics. 7 t!inM t!at <as a mistaMe because one o t!e
most #aluable t!ings about !is l"rics is t!at "ou can adapt t!em to an" particular situation.8
7t turns out t!at millions o listeners adapted ll &!at 6ou anWt Lea#e Be!ind to cope <it!
t!e trauma o =ept. 11. ter t!e lead single, Beautiul %a", <on t!ree a<ards at last "earWs
>ramm"sVprompting Bono to declare immodestl", 8[eWre\ reappl"ing or t!e )ob. !at
)obK &!e best band in t!e <orld )ob8Vt!e album slo<l" sanM on t!e Billboard &op 200
album c!art, bottoming out at 10 in ugust 2001. But in t!e mont!s ater I11, as people
looMed or comort, escape or bot!, t!e album picMed up momentum, rising as !ig! as 2D
ater t!e =uper Bo<l, in its HGt! <eeM o release. &!e album is not prescient, )ust elastic. An
alM An, t!e albumWs best tracM, Bono sings, 87 Mno< it ac!esI nd "our !eart it breaMsI
nd "ou can onl" taMe so muc!I alM on.8 nd on 9eace on Eart!, !e mourns, 8=icM o
sorro<I 7Wm sicM o t!e painI 7Wm sicM o !earing again and againI &!at t!ereWs gonna be
peace on Eart!.8
U2Ws Ele#ation tour, <!ic! pla"ed in e'cess o 100 sold?out nig!ts to more t!an 2 million
people in 2001, also tooM on a completel" dierent eel ater =ept. 11. 8&!ere <as anger,
rage, patriotism, sadness,8 sa"s @ullen ;r. 8E#er"t!ing became rig!teningl" e'treme.8 7n
recognition o t!e traged", U2 began pro)ecting t!e names o allen members o t!e e<
6orM it" police and ire departments and t!e #ictims o t!e our atal lig!ts on screens and
arena <alls <!ile t!e" pla"ed Ane. 87 !a#e to sa" 7 <asnWt sure about it at irst,8 sa"s bassist
dam la"ton. 87t seemed liMe <e <ere reall" pus!ing a button. But Bono is a prett" unique
indi#idual, and !eWs got great )udgment. CeWs able to perorm open?!eart surger" and $ap
people <it! a bit o brain surger" at t!e same time.8
U2 incorporated t!e names into t!eir !al?time set at t!e =uper Bo<l -pro)ecting t!em
during t!e songs @LS and !ere t!e =treets Ca#e o ame. 7t <as not a political
statement, )ust an emotional one. B" design, it said not!ing in particular and "et some!o<
con#e"ed somet!ing proound. 7t <as e'actl" t!e Mind o soaring, impossible moment Bono
belie#es U2 e'ists to ac!ie#e. andering around e< Arleans ater t!e game, Bono reli#ed
eac! o t!e setWs 11 minutes in somet!ing close to real time. 87 !ope it pla"ed <ell on
tele#ision, because it eltVa!5Vit elt )ust ama$ing.8
&!e bu$$ o impossible moments is <!at rocM stars li#e or, but itWs impractical or a
political ad#ocate. &<o <eeMs ater t!e =uper Bo<l perormance, Bono is in Los ngeles to
accept a Z100,000 donation rom t!e Entertainment 7ndustr" /oundation or %&. Ce
calls a meeting on t!e porc! o !is suite at t!e !ateau @armont <it! @ic!ael =tipe,
uinc" ;ones, Bobb" =!ri#er -t!e record?producing and und?raising son o =argent and
Eunice Senned" =!ri#er and ;amie %rummond, %&Ws director. 7tWs a ne<?ideas meeting,
and Bono !opes to tap some o t!e music industr"Ws s!arpest p!ilant!ropic minds to raise
public a<areness or %&Ws core issues. 8%onWt send mone". 6ou alread" !a#e,8 announces
=tipe, tr"ing out cop" or a debt?relie mass?mailing postcard. &!e room lo#es it.
!ile =tipe scribbles a<a", ;ones <onders aloud <!ic! part o t!e %& gendaV
dropping t!e debt, maMing trade rules more ad#antageous or poor countries or getting
more unding or aids drugs and !ealt! careVBono <ants t!e <orld to ocus on. 87 t!inM
"ouW#e got too man" issues. &!atWs !o< <e ble< it beore,8 sa"s ;ones, <!o raised mone" or
amine relie in 1D as part o U= or rica. 8mericans donWt Mno< about ]]]ing
9!iladelp!ia, let alone rica. &rade is some #er" sop!isticated politics. 6ou !a#e to
particulari$e t!e drama or t!em. 6ouW#e got to !a#e a melod" line.8
BonoWs not so sure.
&!e meeting breaMs up <!en Bono lea#es or a p!oto s!oot. %ri#ing across Los ngeles, !e
discusses ;onesW notion o a melod" line. 8!at <eWre all on about is: rica. =e#ent"
percent o t!e problem o C7XI7%= is in rica. eWre talMing about t!e continent bursting
into lames <!ile <e stand around <it! <atering cans. &!atWs our one idea. But t!e closer
"ou get to t!e polic"maMers, "ou need speciicit", and "ou need to Mno< <!at "ouWre talMing
about. 7Wd go in and talM about debt relie, debt relie, debt relie, and people <ould sa", WBut
t!atWs onl" part o t!e picture !ere.W8
t F1, Bono sa"s, !e !as gi#en up on music as a political orce. Ce belie#es ! is <orM
negotiating in political bacM rooms is more #ital and eecti#e t!an singing in sold?out
stadiums. 89oetr" maMes not!ing !appen,8 t!e poet .C. uden once <rote, and Bono
<istull" agrees. 87Wm tired o dreaming. 7Wm into doing at t!e moment. 7tWs, liMe, letWs onl"
!a#e goals t!at <e can go ater. U2 is about t!e impossible. 9olitics is t!e art o t!e possible.
&!e"Wre #er" dierent, and 7Wm resigned to t!at no<. @usicWs t!e t!ing t!at stopped me rom
alling asleep in t!e comort o m" reedom. 7 learned about =out! merica rom listening
to t!e las!. 7 learned about =ituationism rom t!e =e' 9istols. But t!atWs a long <a" rom
budget caps and dealing <it! a ongress t!at is suspicious o aid because it !as been so
@usic does maMe a dierence in one <a"T it s<a"s people emotionall". But or Bono t!at is
no longer enoug!: 8!en "ou sing, "ou maMe people #ulnerable to c!ange in t!eir li#es.
6ou maMe "oursel #ulnerable to c!ange in "our lie. But in t!e end, "ouW#e got to become
t!e c!ange "ou <ant to see in t!e <orld. 7Wm actuall" not a #er" good e'ample o t!atV7Wm
too selis!, and t!e rig!t to be ridiculous is somet!ing 7 !old too dearVbut still, 7 Mno< itWs
I)ith reporting b( Ben4amin Nugent>Ne5 +ork
U2!HE58 9#:UE 1#;E/!5E/ <= 8<C.
B( 0a vi d 'l ot <
-pdated Friday, Ja. 25, 2002, at //2/ #M E

Cor the past two years, 2 has $een enoying a !ira#ulous run% (fter its disastrous *0s
flirtation with irony, the .rish 8uartet returned to the swaddling #o!fort of earnestness at
ust the right !o!ent% 2*s 2000 al$u! !ll %hat /ou 6an't eave BehindQa throw$a#" to the
sweeping righteous loe of %he #oshua %ree and %he 7nforgettable ireQwas raed $y #riti#s,
hit =o% 1 in !ore than 30 #ountries, and #ontinues to throw off huge singles% Sin#e Sept% 11,
their supersin#erity has $een in parti#ularly high de!and% Bono or#hestrated the allstar
re!a"e of Marin +aye*s :hat*s +oing <n, pro#eeds going for Sept% 11 th relief% (nd $oth
:al" <n, off !ll %hat /ou 6an't eave Behind, and the old hit <ne hae $e#o!e Sept% 11 th
.n ;e#e!$er, 2 finished one of the !ost profita$le #on#ert tours in ro#" history, was
na!ed +pin*s Band of the Dear and olling +tone readers* (rtist of the Dear% =et !onth
pro!ises !ore glory% The $and is no!inated for eight +ra!!ysQ!ore than any artistQand
will al!ost #ertainly win a handful at the Ce$% 29 #ere!ony% (nd net wee"end, 2 headlines
the Super Bowl halfti!e show, a gig for 400 !illion iewers%
2 has now $een good longer than any other i!portant $and in history% The 'olling Stones
hae $een around foreer, $ut their #reatie period lasted only 1F years% The Beatles
i!ploded after a de#ade% 2Qthe sa!e lineup of Bono, the -dge, (da! )layton, and &arry
MullenQhas $een !a"ing a##lai!ed al$u!s sin#e 140*s Boy%

The $and*s a#hiee!ents depend on two neat tri#"s% Cirst, BonoQthe pu$li# fa#e of 2Qhas
a genius for #ognitie dissonan#e% 7e is the upstairs, downstairs "ing of ro#"/ 7e
si!ultaneously inflates hi!self into the !ost grandiose, arrogant, selfrighteous ro#" star
and deflates hi!self with self!o#"ery and ! odesty% 7e des#ri$es 2 as reapplying for the
position of $est $and in the world #alls the $and !agi# and etraordinary announ#es
on attle 9 :um that (ll . hae is a red guitar, three #hords, and the truth and insists that
:e*e always $een a$out !ore than !usi#% :e*re a$out spirituality% :e*re a$out the world
we lie in%
But Bono #ounters eery #lai! of godliness $y throwing a pie in his own fa#e% (s"ed $y an
interiewer if he is a pioneer, he de#lares that he is one of the inentors of the !ullet% The
$and !o#"ed the!seles on %he +impsons% Bono #heerfully disses his own politi#al a#tiis!/
The only thing worse than a ro#" star is a ro#" star with a #ons#ien#e%
Both stan#es are sin#ere, and it is a ery winning #o!$ination% The worshipful fans adore the
earnest grandiosity and sing along as Bono #lai!s trans#enden#e% ( 2 #on#ert is one of the
few pla#es on the planet where intelligent people wae #igarette lighters without irony% .n
those !o!ents when you want to $eliee that ro#" !usi# is so!ething $igger than
entertain!entQand who doesn*t haen*t su#h !o!entsLQ2 offers ealted nourish!ent%
%hey're about more than music, man. %hey're about spirituality. %hey are the unforgettable


But 2*s self#ons#iousness ino#ulates the! against #riti#s, who #an find no point of atta#"%
.f you ridi#ule Bono for his po!posity, he will not only laugh at the o"e, $ut will twist the
"nife deeper in his own #hest% They are grand spe#ta#le, $ut with a win" for those who are
loo"ing for one% The #o!$ination of selfi!portant grandeur and selfdepre#ating hu!or is
e#eptionally rare, espe#ially a!ong #ele$rities% Many popular !usi#ians hae one or the
other ?al!ost always the selfi!portant grandeur@% The few that hae $othQthe 'olling
Stones, the Beatles, and -lton ohn are at the top of the short listQ#an surie greatness
and don*t get destroyed $y their pretensions ?as did hu!orless sorts su#h as the ;oors,
+uns =* 'oses, &ed Jeppelin R@%
2*s other tri#" is to pretend that it is a politi#al ro#" $and% .t*s true that 2 is politi#ally
pro!is#uous% The liner notes for !ll %hat /ou 6an eave Behind, for ea!ple, endorse
(!nesty .nternational, +reenpea#e, the #harity :ar )hild, the u$ilee 2000 de$trelief
#a!paign, freedo! for Bur!a, and usti#e in Sierra &eone% (nd that*s ust one al$u!% 2*s
roster of #ause songs in#ludes/ Sunday Bloody Sunday ?one of !any a$out .reland*s
trou$les@ Se#onds ?nu#lear war@ The nforgetta$le Cire ?also nu#lear war@ Pride ?.n
the =a!e of &oe@ ?Martin &uther Ging r%@ M&G ?also Martin &uther Ging r%@ Bullet the
Blue S"y ?%S% )entral (!eri#a poli#y@ and so on%
.t*s also true that Bono is e#eptionally politi#al off stage% But 2 has duped their fans into
$elieing their !usi# is politi#al% Bono de#lares that his songs are a$out this or that #ause,
$ut no fan #ould eer "now that f ro! listening% )onsider this typi#al passage fro! :al"
<n, supposedly a$out Bur!ese de!o#ra#y a#tiist (ung San Suu Gyi% :hat has it to do w ith
Bur!aL . adore Pride ?.n the =a!e of &oe@ as !u#h as anyone, $ut . defy anyo ne to
eplain what it tea#hes a$out Martin &uther Ging r%
2 is perhaps the world*s aguest $and% .f a 2 song isn*t written in the first person, it is
penned to an unna!ed, indistin#t you% .nstead of stories or wordplay, they rely solely on
fu>>y i!agery% . opened the liner notes to !ll %hat /ou ... and wrote down the first three
lines . read/ See the #anyons $ro"en $y #louds . and . in the s"y ( !an ta"es a ro#"et
ship into the s"ies% )lassi# 2 ha>eQs"ies, ro#"ets, #louds, #anyons% ;oesn*t anyone hae a
na!eL There are neer any a#tual people in 2 songs, neer any #hara#ters% ?)o!pare 2
to the narratie spe#ifi#ity of Bo$ ;ylan or Bru#e Springsteen%@ This agueness drains 2*s
lyri#s of any #ontent/ .t is i!possi$le to think a$out a 2 song% <ne in#ludes depressing
lines li"e :e hurt ea#h otherO Then we do it again and Dou say loe is a te!ple% R Dou as"
!e to enterO But then you !a"e !e #rawlQyet this hasn*t stopped fans fro! turning it into
a Sept% 11 anthe!% .f it is politi#al !usi#, it is for the Bo$ Gerreys o f the world, for fol"s who
see! full of great, $ut totally in#hoate, ideas%
2*s !usi#Qespe#ially the -dge*s soaring guitarsQsupports this lyri#al agueness% Their
songs are gorgeous and !aesti#, $ut they produ#e only a single ?though wonderful@
e!otion/ a "ind of loely swelling of the soul% ?Cor a sa!ple of this in its purest for!, listen
to this snat#h of . Still 7aen*t Cound :hat .*! &oo"ing Cor%@
This is the 2 parado% Bono and )o% are #onstantly dedi#ating songs to spe#ifi# #auses,
ehorting their fans to thin" and a#t in the world% Det their !usi# does ea#tly the opposite
of what it intends% Politi#s is the pro#ess of #hanneling the heart into thought and a#tion%
2*s !usi# de#lares that the heart is all that !atters%

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