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Learning Task 2. Everyday Emotions and Decisions written, video and images.

Paso 1: Después de ver el siguiente video

v=EHxVzjjrvMYLinks to an external site.
seleccione seis (6) momentos de su rutina diaria en la que realiza una actividad específica
en presente simple. y exprese que emoción experimenta en cada una de ellas.
El escrito debe contener oraciones completas que incluyan el pronombre personal, verbo y
la respectiva emoción.
1. I get out of bed: I get out of bed, thank God and greet sheram

2. I take a bath: I take a bath, a hot shower at 6 a.m.

3. I get dressed: I put on my jeans, shoes and t-shirt.

4. I do my daily skin care routine: I apply my rose toner, my aloe vera gel and
finally I apply the wax for dark circles.

5. I do my hair: I detangle my hair, I use the straightener to reduce the frizz and
I apply oil to the ends to be almost ready.

6. I go out to work: I am already ready, with a good attitude to go to the supermarket,

there I work.

Paso 2: Grábese en un video mientras se describe usando acciones de la rutina diaria

del paso 1. El vídeo debe tener una duración de NO menos de 1 minuto y no más de 2
Paso 3: Por último, busque seis (6) imágenes donde se observen personas - animales o
cosas, realizando diferentes actividades. Seleccionadas las seis (6) imágenes, describa en
una oración completa la actividad que se esté realizando en cada una de las imágenes.
Asegúrese de incluir el mayor número de pronombres personales y/o sujetos y el presente
progresivo en cada una de las oraciones.
The dog's name is Dante, he is eating, he has been hospitalized for several
days and he is hungry.

She plays with her doll, her parents bought it in the morning, she is happy.
Pedro is turning 9 years old, his parents are celebrating him with family and

he is reading a book of magical adventures.

She is caressing her baby.

She is in a photo shoot for a motorcycle magazine, she is a model and also loves motorcycles.

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