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11/9/2019 ClickFunnels ™ - Sin fines de lucro

ClickFunnels: Permitir a las personas hacer crecer sus empresas a través de embudos de ventas

T y l e r  e s t á  c o n s t r u y e n d o  s u  o r g a n i z a c i ó n  s i n

 n e s  d e  l u c r o ,

¡ I G U A L  Q U E  T Ú !  

¡Escuche su historia ahora, luego obtenga su cuenta de prueba gratuita para ClickFunnels hoy!

** Los testimonios que se muestran son experiencias reales de usuarios que pagan de
ClickFunnels. Sus resultados no son típicos y su experiencia variará en función de su
esfuerzo, educación, modelo de negocio y fuerzas del mercado más allá de nuestro control.
Tenga en cuenta que ClickFunnels no es una oportunidad de negocio . ClickFunnels es un
creador de sitios web y embudos que ayudaayuda a las empresas a vender sus productos y
servicios en línea. No hacemos reclamos de ganancias ni reclamos de retorno de la
inversión, y usted no pued
puedee recuperar su din
ero. **

 C o m i e n c e  s u  p r u e b a  G R A T U I T A  d e  1 4  d í a s  
R e g í s t r e s e  p a r a  s u  p r u e b a  g r a t u i t a  h o y !

Cree mi cuenta de ClickFunnels ahora >>

D é j a m e  m o s t r a r t e  p o r  q u é  l o s  l í d e r e s  o r i e n t a d o s  p o r  l a

m i s i ó n

I g u a l  q u e  t ú

A c t u a l m e n t e  e s t á n  a b a n d o n a n d o  s u s  s i t i o s

w e b  p a r a  C l i c k f u n n e l s  . . . 1/43

11/9/2019 ClickFunnels ™ - Sin fines de lucro

D é j a m e  m o s t r a r t e  p o r  q u é  d e c e n a s  d e  m i l e s

d e  e m p r e n d e d o r e s  A l  i g u a l  q u e  a c t u a l m e n t e

e s t á s  a b a n d o n a n d o  s u s  s i t i o s  w e b  p o r

C l i c k f u n n e l s  . . .

Pero primero, permítame compartir con usted una historia rápida que lo ayudará a comprender qué es
un embudo de ventas y, lo que es más importante, por qué USTED necesita uno.
De: Russell Brunson
RE : ¿ClickFunnels funciona para organizaciones sin nes de lucro?

Si estás aquí, entonces es probable que estés tratando de obtener NUEVA conciencia y nanciación para
tu organización sin nes de lucro ... ¿Estoy en lo cierto?

P e r o ,  ¿ s a b í a  u s t e d  q u e  u n a  d e  c a d a  d o s  p e r s o n a s

q u e  t r a b a j a n  e n  l a  r e c a u d a c i ó n  d e  f o n d o s  e s t á

p l a n e a n d o  a c t i v a m e n t e  S A L I R ? 


Es difícil culparlos ...

La mayoría de las organizaciones sin nes de lucro confían en recibir subvenciones del gobierno o
corporaciones ...

O dedicaron horas extraordinarias a los eventos de recaudación de fondos ... esperando y rezando para
que sus seguidores se presenten y donen ...

O, comparten su misión (y cómo involucrarse) en su sitio web ... y comienzan el juego de espera.

Si lo construyes, vendrán ... ¿verdad?

Desafortunadamente para la mayoría de las organizaciones sin nes de lucro como usted, a menudo no
es cierto. 2/43

11/9/2019 ClickFunnels ™ - Sin fines de lucro

Pero esa ni siquiera es la peor parte ...

Probablemente comenzó su organización sin nes de lucro como parte de una misión más grande ...

Querías crear un movimiento y transformar el mundo a tu manera especial ...

... pero ¿cómo puede suceder eso si su organización, organización benéca o fundación nunca tienen la
oportunidad de ayudar a las personas a las que fueron destinadas?

M u c h a s  l u c h a s  t r a d i c i o n a l e s  s i n   n e s  d e  l u c r o

a l c a n z a n  s u s  m e t a s  d e   n a n c i a m i e n t o  d e

m a n e r a  s o s t e n i b l e  . . .

(Esa es la raón po...)

Una de las principales razones por las que las organizaciones sin nes de lucro luchan para obtener la
nanciación que necesitan año tras año es porque no saben cómo comunicar su causa a las personas
CORRECTAS que desean donar o participar.

Enviar cartas a donantes potenciales estratégicos LIMITA severamente a quién puede llegar ... pero el alto
costo de la publicidad y los eventos de recaudación de fondos pueden agotar su presupuesto ... ¿verdad?
Es la trampa 22 la que mata a muchas organizaciones sin nes de lucro:

Necesita donantes y conciencia para poder crear FINANCIACIÓN para su misión ...

¡Pero terminas gastando todo tu dinero en publicidad y recaudación de fondos para obtener nuevos

Enoc la pen de mión de dóla se core en:

" ¿ C ó m o  p u e d e  g e n e r a r  n u e v o s  d o n a n t e s  y

p a r t i c i p a c i ó n  . . .  y ,  s i n  e m b a r g o ,

¿ T o d a v í a  t i e n e  d i n e r o  s o b r a n t e  e n  s u

P R E S U P U E S T O  p a r a  e j e c u t a r  s u 3/43

11/9/2019 ClickFunnels ™ - Sin fines de lucro

m i s i ó n ?

Para ayudar a responder esa pregunta, permítame compartir primero una historia rápida que lo
ayudará a comprender qué es un embudo de ventas y, lo que es más importante, por qué USTED
necesita uno:

¿ S a b í a  q u e  l o s  s i t i o s  w e b  s o n  b á s i c a m e n t e   u n

f o l l e t o  d i g i t a l  l l a m a t i v o ? 

(Sí, incluso el elegante en el que probablemente arrojaste algo de efectivo decente ...)

Probablemente eres una persona de ventas decente ... ¿verdad? (... especialmente porque
compartes tu historia y misión con tantas personas y grupos)

PERO, su sitio web no lo es. :(

Lo que signica...

Incluso si eres bueno para crear conciencia y el deseo de involucrarte, una vez que los empujas al
"departamento de anti-ventas" (AKA - tu sitio web) y se van, eso es todo ...

Se fueron. (junto con sus posibilidades de convertirlos en voluntarios o donantes).


Proporciona información a nivel de supercie (como un folleto) sin ninguna guía o botones que les
indique dónde ir a continuación.

Si no saben a dónde ir, abandonarán su sitio , y NO tiene forma de seguirlos.

¡Mire este video para ver cómo los embudos de ventas pueden funcionar para su empresa!

¿Pero las organizaciones sin nes de lucro que tienen más éxito? 4/43

11/9/2019 ClickFunnels ™ - Sin fines de lucro

Se dan cuenta de que si quieren hacerlo en línea y hacer que las personas participen o donen,
no pueden vender desde un sitio web plano.

Y  t ú  t a m p o c o  p u e d e s .

En cambio, debe tomar a sus posibles donantes de la mano y guiarlos a través de cada paso
del proceso de donación ... (como si estuviera junto a ellos en persona).

Es como un "embudo" digital, donde sus visitantes entran en la parte superior ...

... y las donaciones salen del fondo.

E s t o  e s  l o  q u e  l l a m a m o s  A

" E m b u d o  d e  v e n t a s  . . . "  

 C o m i e n c e  s u  p r u e b a  G R A T U I T A  d e  1 4  d í a s  
¡ R e g í s t r e s e  p a r a  s u  p r u e b a  g r a t u i t a !

Cree mi cuenta de ClickFunnels ahora >>

Si quieres....

 Generar nuevo conocimiento

conocimiento ... (más allá de sus participantes “habituales” y donantes)
 Compartir su mensaje con individuos y grupos que quieren ayudar ...
 C rear una misión sostenible ...

D e b e  e v o l u c i o n a r  d e  s u s  m é t o d o s  s i n  c o n e x i ó n

p a r a  q u e  s u  o r g a n i z a c i ó n  s i n   n e s  d e  l u c r o

s o b r e v i v a  . . .

Si confía en su sitio web o subvenciones para obtener fondos ...

O si cuenta con un puñado de personas CLAVE para hacer su gran donación año tras año ...
.. .

... entonces no tienes una organización sin nes de lucro sólida y sostenible, y no puedes tener el
impacto en los demás que deseas.

La verdad es que puede generar fácilmente NUEVOS fondos y participación con consistencia ...

... si se hace de la manera correcta.

De hecho, Tyler está utilizando un embudo de ventas muy simple para FINANCIAR COMPLETAMENTE su
campamento para niños sin nes de lucro con un año de anticipación. 5/43

11/9/2019 ClickFunnels ™ - Sin fines de lucro

** Los testimonios que se muestran son experiencias reales de usuarios que pagan de ClickFunnels. Sus resultados no son típicos y su experiencia variará en función de su
esfuerzo, educación, modelo de negocio y fuerzas del mercado más allá de nuestro control. Tenga en cuenta que ClickFunnels no es una oportunidad de negocio.
ClickFunnels es un creador de sitios web y embudos que ayuda a las empresas a vender sus productos y servicios en línea. No hacemos reclamos de ganancias ni reclamos
de retorno de la inversión, y usted no puede recuperar su dinero. **

¡Este es el embudo de ventas de ClickFunnels que Tyler usa actualmente para LLENAR su campamento de verano con niños con un año de

A s í  e s  c o m o  s e  j u e g a  e l  j u e g o  d e

e m b u d o  . . .

-  e l  v i e j o  c a m i n o  -

Con la antigua forma de recaudar fondos, fácilmente podría gastar MILES de dólares solo para organizar
un evento de caridad con 300-400 personas (como una gala o una cena benéca y una subasta

Entre los costos de las invitaciones enviadas por correo, la restauración, el espacio para eventos y el
entretenimiento, ya ha DURADO más de $ 7,000 o más del presupuesto de su misión, solo para atraer a
las personas a que se presenten y donen. 6/43

11/9/2019 ClickFunnels ™ - Sin fines de lucro


- la nueva forma -
Con la nueva forma, puede enviar a las personas a un simple embudo de donación donde reciben
paquetes de bonicación o regalos por diferentes niveles
ni veles de donación.

Puede gastar una décima parte del dinero en anuncios y reunir 500 clientes potenciales para invitar a
otros eventos, o enviar correos electrónicos para actualizarlos en su misión.

Incluso si solo el 10% de ellos hizo un compromiso MUY pequeño de $ 20 / mes , ya ha DOBLADO su
inversión publicitaria y ha creado FINANCIACIÓN MENSUAL RECURRENTE para su misión, ¡SIN costos
adicionales ni mano de obra!

A diferencia
embudo de unlimitado
no está evento por
de caridad que las
la geografía o lapersonas tienen
capacidad de unque programar
espacio y viajar para
para eventos, por loasistir, su
que puede
atraer tantos donantes potenciales a través de su embudo como desee. 7/43

11/9/2019 ClickFunnels ™ - Sin fines de lucro

Así que aquí está la pregunta crítica ...

quepudiera transmitir
quieran ayudar ...constantemente su mensaje apublicitario)
(SIN reducir su presupuesto NUEVAS personas
... inspiradas por su misión y

¿ C u á n t a s  n u e v a s  d o n a c i o n e s  p o d r í a s  r e c i b i r  c a d a  d í a ? 8/43

11/9/2019 ClickFunnels ™ - Sin fines de lucro

P e r o  e l  p r o b l e m a  e s  . . . 

¿ C ó m o  s e  c o n s t r u y e  u n

E m b u d o  d e

v e n t a s ?

Y  c ó m o  l o  h a c e s  s i n :

B 󰁵 󰁴  T 󰁨 󰁥  P 󰁲 󰁯 󰁢 󰁬 󰁥 󰁭  I 󰁳 . . .  H o w  d o  y o u  b u i l d  a  s a l e s

f u n n e l ?

A n d  H o w  D o  Y o u  D o  I t  W i t h o u t :

Contratar programadores caros ...

Tratando de pegar 10+ sistemas ...
O gastando una fortuna ...
¿ S o l o  p a r a  c r e a r  u n  e m b u d o  d e  v e n t a s  s i m p l e ?

Si alguna vez intentó construir un embudo

embudo de ventas en línea, probablemente tenía 1 de 2
opciones ...

Opción n. ° 1: contratar un equipo de programadores

Opción # 2: inténtalo tú mismo 9/43

11/9/2019 ClickFunnels ™ - Sin fines de lucro

Y no importa qué opción elijas, después de todo lo dicho y hecho, terminarás contratando ... o deseando
haberlo hecho.
¿La peor parte? No importa con qué opción trabaje, es difícil unir to
das las piezas de software separadas y
hacer que funcionen juntas, solo para crear UN embudo de ventas simple ...

" ¿ A l g u n a  v e z  t e  h a s  s e n t i d o  e s p o s a d o

c o m o  u n a  o r g a n i z a c i ó n  s i n   n e s  d e  l u c r o

. . . 

¿O simplemente no puedo juntar todas las piezas correctas? "

Sabes de lo que estoy hablando .

Tienes una idea para la misión o la causa que deseas impactar ...

Ves la visión ...

¡Sabes exactamente lo que necesitas hacer !

Sabes cómo esta COSA cambiará el mundo ...

Y  e n t o n c e s . . .

E s t a s  a t o r a d o . . .
Esto es lo que probablemente te está pasando ... (mira este video) 10/43

11/9/2019 ClickFunnels ™ - Sin fines de lucro

T e  a t r a p a r o n  . . .

No sabes cómo codicar.

No sabes cómo diseñar.
Sí, las personas tecnológicas que contrataste te retienen como rehén para ayudarte ...

Y la trampa del dinero de tener que pagar demasiado dinero por algo que ni siquiera sabes funcionará
o no ...
Y, sin embargo, de alguna manera, las cosas que crees que deberían ser TAN simples ... cosas que solo
deberían tomar unos minutos ...

De alguna manera se convierten en horas, y luego en días y luego semanas.

Con cada día que pasa, la construcción de su organización sin nes de lucro se vuelve cada vez más tenue
hasta que un día desaparece ...

E s t a  e s  u n a  d e  l a s  G R A N D E S  r a z o n e s  p o r  l a s  q u e  t a n t o s

d i r e c t o r e s  s i n   n e s  d e  l u c r o  y  g e r e n t e s  d e  r e c a u d a c i ó n  d e

f o n d o s

S A L I R  . . .  o  F A L L O

P a r a  a l c a n z a r  s u  o b j e t i v o  d e

 n a n c i a c i ó n  p a r a  e l  a ñ o .

Tampoco tienen el embudo de ventas o donaciones adecuado para generar un ujo constante de
donantes ...

O tienen dicultades para poner en marcha un embudo en línea .

Per... 11/43

11/9/2019 ClickFunnels ™ - Sin fines de lucro

 ¿Y si pudiera despedir a su equipo de marketing y diseñadores de sitios web , y

recuperar el poder en su propio negocio?
 ¿Qué pasa si usted no tiene que tratar con el aprendizaje de una sola línea de código?
 ¿Qué pasa si usted podría construir y poner en marcha todo un embudo de ventas en
cuestión de minutos , por lo que puede generar más conciencia para su causa, y atraer a
nuevas personas que están interesadas en dar?
 What if you could FIRE your team of programmers, and take back the power in your own business?
 What if you didn’t have to deal with learning a single line of code?
 What if you could build and launch an entire sales funnel in just MINUTES, so that you can generate more
awareness for your cause, and attract new people who are interested in GIVING?

Q u i e r o  p r e s e n t a r t e  a  . . .

Lo que dijo un miembro de ClickFunnels ... Después de probar otros 6

sistemas, antes
antes de tirarlos TODOS
TODOS por ClickF
unnels ...

Mire este video para ver cómo reducir la cantidad de tiempo, el estrés y la ansiedad y el sufrimiento detrás del
teclado para que solo pueda lidiar con lo que importa ... Enviar su mensaje al mercado. 12/43

11/9/2019 ClickFunnels ™ - Sin fines de lucro

S í ,  C l i c k F u n n e l s  f u e  c r e a d o  p a r a  q u e

l í d e r e s  s i n   n e s  d e  l u c r o  c o m o  t ú  . . .

... que no son programadores

... que no saben diseñar
... que no desean aprender una sola línea de código
¡Puede crear fácilmente páginas dentro de un embudo de ventas que están
probadas para convertir!

E s  e l  a t a j o  p a r a  c o n s t r u i r  t o d o  s u  e m b u d o  d e

g e n e r a c i ó n  d e  l e a d s  y  v e n t a s 

¡ E n  t a n  s o l o  1 5  m i n u t o s  !

Aquí hay historias de otros miembros de ClickFunnels que están construyendo sus
negocios sin nes de lucro ¡COMO USTED!

Estudio de caso n. ° 1:
James Hightshoe
¡El embudo de James Hightshoe
H ightshoe atrajo suciente visibilidad y ofrendas para establecer su nueva iglesia!

Estudio de caso # 2:
Elizabeth Shores
¡Elizabeth Shores recaudó fondos sucientes con UN embudo para llevar agua limpia a las aldeas
africanas! 13/43

11/9/2019 ClickFunnels ™ - Sin fines de lucro

Estudio de caso 3:
Carlos Morales
¡El embudo de Carlos Morales genera fondos y voluntarios para
p ara llevar esperanza y sostenibilidad a un
barrio empobrecido de Nueva Jersey!

** Los testimonios que se muestran son experiencias reales de usuarios que pagan de
ClickFunnels. Sus resultados no son típicos y su experiencia variará en función de su
esfuerzo, educación, modelo de negocio y fuerzas del mercado más allá de nuestro control.
Tenga en cuenta que ClickFunnels no es una oportunidad de negocio. ClickFunnels es un
creador de sitios web y embudos que ayuda a las empresas a vender sus productos y
servicios en línea. No hacemos reclamos de ganancias ni reclamos de retorno de la
inversión, y usted no puede recuperar su dinero. **

 C o m i e n c e  s u  p r u e b a  G R A T U I T A  d e  1 4  d í a s  
R e g í s t r e s e  p a r a  u n a  p r u e b a  g r a t u i t a  h o y !

Cree mi cuenta de ClickFunnels ahora >> 14/43

11/9/2019 ClickFunnels ™ - Sin fines de lucro

ClickFunnels actualme
nte está ayudando a organizaciones sin nes de lucro como
la suya a aumentar los fondos y hacer crecer su misión ...

L a  ú n i c a  p r e g u n t a  e s  . . .

¿ E r e s  t ú  e l

s i g u i e n t e ?

D é j a m e  m o s t r a r t e  l a  S I M P L I C I D A D  d e  c ó m o

f u n c i o n a  C l i c k F u n n e l s  . . . 

Paso 1:
Elige tu embudo de ventas 15/43

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Primero, elige el tipo de embudo de ventas que está prediseñado para ayudarte a generar conciencia
y nanciación ... 16/43

11/9/2019 ClickFunnels ™ - Sin fines de lucro

Paso 2:
Elija el diseño de la página
Luego, elige el estilo de diseño de página que más te guste ...

Obtenga más información sobre los cientos de plantillas de embudo gratuitas disponibles para usted aquí

Paso 3:
Modicar la página
Por último, ¡es hora de hacer que cada página sea suya! Utilice nuestro editor de estilo FÁCIL
"arrastrar y soltar" para agregar, eliminar o reorganizar rápidamente cualquier elemento en su página
hasta que se vea de la manera deseada ...

Then, simply
make your replace
funnel theLearn
LIVE! elements
morewith your
about howown
to branding (like your
create beautiful logo, designs
custom video, etc.) and you’re
in minutes withready
our to
Etison Editor here >> 17/43

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Step #4:
Setup Your Membership Area 18/43

11/9/2019 ClickFunnels ™ - Sin fines de lucro

With ClickFunnels, you don’t need a separate Membership site software! If your product or service
requires access to any type of content or training (courses, videos, etc.), you
yo u can upload everything inside
a protected members area.

Pick your favorite Membership Area page, and then add in any training or content you want. You can
unlock all the content at once, or set it up to drip 1 training at a time!

Step #5:
Setup Your Followup Funnels
Make following up with your potential donors a breeze with our advanced “Actionetics” system.

Simply choose which form of communication you want (email, FB message, etc…), create your message,
and send it out (or schedule it to be delivered at the time you want)!

Learn more about how to create high-converting Follow-Up funnels in minutes with Actionetics here >> 19/43

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Y e s ,  I n  A s  L i t t l e  A s  1 0  M i n u t e s ,  Y o u  C a n

C r e a t e  W h a t  M a y  H a v e  T a k e n  Y o u r  T e c h

T e a m  W e e k s  T o  D o . . .

It Gives You The Power You Need To Turn Your

Ideas Into Reality...
Oh, and in case you were wondering, when you use ClickFunnels, not only can you get rid of your tech

or the hours and hours of trying to gure it all out...

...You can also kiss your website, shopping cart and email autoresponders goodbye too!
(Is it ok if we over-deliver?)

Even if you're not ready for all that now, I'm too excited to keep this a secret...

Yes, ClickFunnels Gives You EVERYTHING You Need To Market,

Sell, AND Deliver Your Products Online...
A l l  I n  O n e  C o n v e n i e n t  S p o t . . .

It's like taking a huge chest of 300 dierent tools...and having ONE supertool that does ALL the stu all the
other tools did, but for a fraction of the cost!

You seriously can't miss out on this.

But don’t take our word for it…

Unless your business is where you want it to be and you're able to execute all your ideas and quickly turn
them into protable ventures...
Then I want you to sign up for a FREE 2-week trial today,
today, and see for yourself how simple it is to create
funnels that are as good at selling your product as you are...even if you're no good at selling or you've
never built a website or sales funnel ever before! 20/43

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 S t a r t  Y o u r  F R E E  1 4  D a y  T r i a l   S i g n - U p  F o r  Y o u r  F r e e  T r i a l

T o d a y !

Create My ClickFunnels Account Now >>

C a n  y o u  s e e  h o w  f r e e i n g  t h i s  i s  f o r  A

N o n p r o  t ?  

Because ClickFunnels is so easy and simple to use:

 You don’t need to rely on a marketing agency...

 You don’t need to hire an entire tech team…
 You don’t need to worry about the potential funding you may be losing every day that you
aren’t generating donors online.

" which
...How do I know ut Rsales
funnel will work best
for Reaching NEW People Who Want To Donate Or
Get Involved?”
As a non-prot, there’s a ton of funnels that you can use to create a new, expanding network...and turn
them into inspired donors!

In fact, by default inside of your ClickFunnels account, you can choose from 22 DIFFERENT TYPES OF
SALES FUNNELS that are pre-designed to convert (that you can add into your account with a single click of
a mouse!
Here are a few of the funnels you can choose from:

 Squeeze Page Funnel

 Daily Deal Funnel
 Reverse Squeeze Page Funnel 21/43

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 Invisible Funnel
 Lead Magnet Funnel
 Webinar Funnel
 Bridge Funnel
 Auto Webinar Funnel
 Survey Funnel
 Product Launch Funnel
 Application Funnel

 Hero Funnel

Ask Campaign
 Homepage Funnel
 2-Step Tripwire Funnel
 Cancellation Funnel
 Video Sales Letter Funnel
 Storefront Funnel
 Sale Letter Funnel
 Summit Funnel
 Membership Funnel
 Live Demo Funnel

Each of these are designed to help you in dierent ways:

 Some of our funnels help you build your list of prospects...

 Some can help you generate targeted donor "leads"...
 Some can help you increase your donation conversion...

BUT - There are 3 KEY Funnels that are being used most by non-prots like you...

" G e t  T h e s e  3  ' S e c r e t '  F u n n e l s

S p e c i  c a l l y  D e s i g n s  F o r

N o n - P r o  t s

When You Signup For Your FREE Trial Today!"

When you get started with your FREE 14-Day Trial today, I’ll include a special FREE training that reveals
each of the 3 KEY Funnels (in detail)...and how you can apply each of these 3 funnels directly to your
specic organization in order to sustain (and grow) your mission.

Secret Funnel #1

Secret Funnel #2 22/43

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Secret Funnel #3

 S t a r t  Y o u r  F R E E  1 4  D a y  T r i a l   S i g n - U p  F o r  Y o u r  F r e e  T r i a l

T o d a y !

Create My ClickFunnels Account Now >>

Here’s a sample of what you’ll get access to with your 14-

Day Free Trial...

The Etison Page Editor

A simple ‘drag n drop’ editor that allows you to easily design pages...but powerful enough that you can create anything you want!

ClickFunnels Sales Funnel Builder

You can build over 22 types of funnels to generate leads, make sales, one-click upsells, webinars and more! You can create up to 20 funnels,
have 100 pages, and 20K visitors per month inside this account!

Conversion Template Library 23/43

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Build funnels from templates that are optimized for conversion. (Or, there’s even a funnel “marketplace” where you can choose to get full funnels
from amazing designers as well.)

Conversion 'Elements'
ClickFunnels has all the “ingredients”
ClickFunnels “ingredients” that increases urgency or maximizes lead and sales conversion - (such as countdown clocks, order
bumps, digital table rush, etc.)

Good To Great Mobile Optimization

By default, all of our pages are instantly mobile...but inside of our editor, it’s incredibly
incredibly easy to get AMAZING optimization. No matter what
device your customer is on, your funnel will look awesome!

Split Test Optimizer

Run true A/B split tests to determine which page will give you the biggest increase in your conversions!

One-Click Shopping Cart

Our cart was created for maximum conversion. Instantly generate
generate MORE sales by adding our patent-pend
ing two-step order forms, order form
bumps, one-click upsells/downsells, and more!

Smart Conversion Automation

Retrieve potential customers who entered into your funnel, but didn’t become a BUYER.

Follow-up with them using targeted email sequences or webinars that bring your customer back! You can customize your message based on
their individual behavior and actions throughout your funnel (if they show up, if they stayed to the end, if they abandoned the cart early, etc…)

Customer Membership with Drip Content

Host your courses, trainings, and content for your members inside our protected membership area.

You can customize your members site to look the way you want! You can provide immediate access to ALL of your content, or trainings can be
dripped to your members one at a time!

Conversion Stats Cockpit

Get all the reports and stats you need in one easy-to-read you can quickly check the “health
“health”” of your funnel.

At a glance, your data and analytics will show you what’s working, what’s not, and where your biggest opportunities to increase conversions are!

BackPack Aliate Platform 24/43

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Create, track, and manage your aliate army who markets your products FOR you!

You can easily add an aliate program onto ANY of your product pages.

UNLIMITED Sales Funnels!

With Actionetics MD upgrade, you get EVERYTHING inside of ClickFunnels, PLUS you get the unlimited account (unlimited # of funnels and
visitors each month!)

Lead Scoring (Action Scores)

Imagine being able to know how much each lead is worth to you. Inside Actionetics MD, we’ll actually “GRADE” your contacts! For every
potential customer that comes through your funnel, we’ll give them an Action Score (based on an algorithm of their behaviors and actions). Get
Lead Scoring on your rst 10K contacts for FREE with Actionetics MD.

Smart Lists
Create a very specic, highly-ltered list of people based on their actions or behaviors so that you can create a broadcast message that speaks
to them with pinpoint precision. Or, use a follow-up sequence to reconnect and bring them back!

Multi-Dimensional Marketing
All of your contacts behave differently, and spend time in different places throughout the day...right?

That’s why Actionetics MD is set up to market to your contacts in a MULTITUDE of ways. Using just one cohesive system, you can push
messages to your contacts through email, social media, direct mail, retargeting ads, desktop/mobile, and inside your funnel.

Follow Up Funnels
This is Marketing Automation made easy! Most of your audience won’t buy the rst time you make an offer. In fact, it takes the average
customer 7 interactions before they BUY.

Create follow-up funnels that reconnects with and wins back your customers, using email sequences, retargeting,
retargeting, webinars, and more!

Email Push Messenger

Create incredible looking emails that push straight to the inbox of your subscribers! Send broadcast emails to your contacts, or schedule
automated follow-up sequences during “time windows” when they are likely to open. If they don’t open, you can automatically reschedule
another email to be sent using a different subject line.

Social Push Messenger

This delivers your broadcast or follow-up messages right into the social inboxes of your subscribers! (This currently works with Facebook, and
we’ll be adding in other social networks as they open up.) 25/43

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Retargeting Push Messenger

Create retargeting messages that push directly into your customer audiences on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. You can even segment
your audience based on WHERE they left your funnel, and craft a specic message that shows how they can take the next step.

Desktop/Mobile Push Messenger

Your subscribers won't ALWAYS be on social media, or scrolling through their email inbox. But, they'll be near their phone, or on one of 100
Billion other sites reading blogs or articles, shopping, gaming, or surng cool sites that they’re interested in. Use desktop and mobile messages
that y into their browsers (and onto their phones) and reach them no matter what they’re doing.

Funnel Push Messenger

If you want to do a special promotion, you can push messages directly into the pages inside your funnel. This works GREAT for daily specials,
coupon codes, last minute reminders for product launch windows that are about to expire, etc...

Smart Email Analytics

See the data behind every email that gets sent out. Get real-time reporting on your opens and clicks, as well as how much income the individual
email has generated for you!

B u t  E v e n  M O R E  I m p o r t a n t  T h a n  W h a t  Y o u ’ l l  G E T … 

I s  W h a t  Y o u ’ l l  B e  A b l e  T o  G E T  R I D  O F …  

ClickFunnels is your sales funnel 'supertool' that can help you build your business online.

That means you'll be able to get RID OF your...

 Landing Page Software

 Membership Site Software
 Split Test Software
 Shopping Cart
 Email Autoresponders
 Text Message Autoresponders
 Automated Webinar

 Aliate Software
 Photoshop
 Wordpress
 Your Website Hosting
 Programmers
 Designers
 Web Masters 26/43

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 ...and so much more!

"I've been building out my new funnel inside of Clickfunnels, and after doing it, the idea of using anything
else is daunting to me." - Liz Benny

C a n  y o u  s e e  w h y  t h i s  c a n  b e  s o

o v e r w h e l m i n g  f o r  m o s t  p e o p l e ?

Yet, with ClickFunnels, you can do ALL of these things inside of ONE simple to use "shortcut software" that
literally makes this process SO simple, that anyone on your team (even NON-techies) can do it! 27/43

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Y e s ,  C l i c k F u n n e l s  H a s  T h e  T o o l s  Y o u  N e e d  T o  G e n e r a t e  N E W

A w a r e n e s s  A n d  F u n d i n g  F o r  Y o u r  M i s s i o n . . .

a l l  o n  O N E  e a s y - t o - u s e  p l a t f o r m !

Now, I know that you've seen some cool stu, and there are literally DOZENS of other awesome things I
could show you inside of ClickFunnels that will help you to grow your organization...

But my goal isn't to 'SELL' you ClickFunnels, because today I wanted to make you a very special oer
where you can try ClickFunnels on me... for FREE!
Yes, that means you can get your own ClickFunnels account today for free, and play with everything for
the next 14 days, and put us to the test.

If we don't completely simplify your life, and help you to FINALLY have sales funnels that convert,
convert, then
let us know anytime in that 14 day window (heck, you can even bypass us and just cancel from inside of
the dashboard) and you won't be billed anything.

But, before you get started, I wanted to give you a few things to help improve your shot at success. Let me
show you:

Sign Up For Your FREE 14-Day FREE Trial of ClickFunnels, and

G e t  T h e s e  4  A m a z i n g  B O N U S E S ! 

Here Are 4 Gifts To Help You Succeed When You Signup For The
ClickFunnels FREE Trial Today!

B o n u s  # 1 :

T h e  3  " F a s t  F u n n e l "  T e m p l a t e s !

Why waste time reinventing the wheel?

There’s NO need to create your funnels from scratch!

I’m going to share with you the SAME TOP 3 Funnel Templates that you’ll need most to grow your
organization. 28/43

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With just 1 click of a button, ALL the pages and templates for these 3 “Fast Funnels” will be INSTANTLY
shared with you, and will show up inside your new ClickFunnels trial account.

I’m a BIG fan of anything that simplies my business, saves me time, or creates a shortcut…which is why
these Fast-Funnel Templates are so helpful (especially if you’re just starting out).

B o n u s  # 2 :

S p e c i a l  W e b c l a s s  T r a i n i n g !

After 2,039,482 Funnels…

And 70,728 Split Tests…

I want to share with you EXACTLY what we’ve learned (new research).

This training is called:

“ 3  S i m p l e  T w e a k s  O u r  T o p  M e m b e r s  U s e  T o 

B o o s t  S a l e s  B y  U p  T o  5 4 0 % …

… W i t h o u t  D r i v i n g  A n y  E x t r a  T r a f  c ! ” 29/43

11/9/2019 ClickFunnels ™ - Sin fines de lucro

This is hands-down one of the most important trainings I’ve ever given as an Entrepreneur.

In this training, I reveal the 3 critical business-multiplier secrets:

 SECRET #1: How to instantly outspend your competitors

competitors and ethically steal ALL
potential customers in your market.
 SECRET #2: After processing $477,411,717 in revenue, we are shocked that
98.3% came from the SAME 3 simple funnels.
 SECRET #3: The secret (almost "backwards") trac source that fuels ALL of the
TOP 100 funnels..

B o n u s  # 3 :

F u n n e l  H a c k e r ’ s  C o o k B o o k

( D i g i t a l  V e r s i o n )

If you can read and follow a basic recipe, you have the ability to quickly build ANY sales funnel you want!

If you’re just getting started with building sales funnels, this is going to be a major help!

I’ve designed this book so it reads like a regular cookbook…

Want to build a webinar funnel? There’s an exact recipe for that...

Want to build a VSL funnel? There’s a recipe for that…

(Keep in mind, I’m GIVING you 3 pre-built funnel templates that you can use for your Nonprot... but this
cookbook will be a staple resource if you want to create funnels of your own from scratch.)

This book provides you with:

 22 online funnel recipes
 The page recipes that are needed to go into each funnel (and the correct order each page
should be in), and 30/43

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 All the elements - or “ingredients” - that need to be included on each page

This book is 10 years of funnel-building knowledge compressed down into 1 easy-to-follow cookbook.

B o n u s  # 4 :

F u n n e l  H a c k e r ’ s  C o o k B o o k

V i d e o  T r a i n i n g  S e r i e s

Get ready for a 3-hour “deep dive” into Funnel Strategy! Each of the 3 training videos acts as a walk-
through and companion to the Funnel Hacker’s Cookbook:

V i d e o  # 1 :

F u n n e l  S t r a t e g y 

This training breaks down (in a SIMPLIFIED way) everything you need to understand how funnels actually

I’ll show you (with my cool “Lego” technique) how funnels work:

 The structure...
 The strategy
 The elements (or ingredients) that go inside a funnel…
 And how all of the pieces of your funnel ts together.

V i d e o  # 2 :

P a g e

R e c i p e s 31/43

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Inside this training, I’ll show you how the dierent pages of your funnel will connect and work together.
You’ll learn:

 What the elements are that need to go into each page…

 What the highest converting pages look like…
 And, how each page within your funnel works…

V i d e o  # 3 :

F u n n e l  R e c i p e s

This is where we combine the rst 2 trainings! I’ll be sharing what pages go into each of the dierent
funnel recipes.

(This is where all the pieces of the 3-part video training come together and really start to make sense!)
I’ll train you on ALL 22 funnel types,
types, and the individual pages you’ll need for each one.

 S t a r t  Y o u r  F R E E  1 4  D a y  T r i a l   S i g n - U p  F o r  Y o u r  F r e e  T r i a l

T o d a y !

Create My ClickFunnels Account Now >> 32/43

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C a n  Y o u  S e e  W h y  S o  M a n y  P e o p l e  A r e

M o v i n g  T h e i r  B u s i n e s s e s

I n t o  C l i c k F u n n e l s ?

C a n  Y o u  S e e  W h y  S o  M a n y  P e o p l e  J u s t  L i k e  Y o u

A r e  m o v i n g  t h e i r  N o n P r o  t s  i n t o  C l i c k F u n n e l s ?

15 Year Old Was Able To Use ClickFunnels To Take Over His Parent's Business! 33/43

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Uses ClickFunnels To Generate New Leads For His Coaching Business!

Local Painter Uses ClickFunnels To Get More Painting Clients!

Local Gym Owner Uses Funnels To Fill His Gyms With Members! 34/43

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eCommerce Sellers Leaving Amazon For Funnels!

Expanded my reach and impact around the world! 35/43

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Funnels Work For Getting Leads For People In B2B!

Launched A Funnel In 30 Minutes WITHOUT A Programmer! 36/43

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**Testimonials shown are real experiences from paying users of ClickFunnels. Their results are not typical and your experience
will vary based upon your eort, education, business model, and market forces beyond our control. Please note that
ClickFunnels is not a business opportunity. ClickFunnels is a website and funnel builder that helps businesses sell their
products and services online. We make no earnings claims or return on investment claims, and you may not make your money

 S t a r t  Y o u r  F R E E  1 4  D a y  T r i a l   S i g n - U p  F o r  Y o u r  F r e e  T r i a l

T o d a y !

Create My ClickFunnels Account Now >>

A s  Y o u  C a n  S e e . . .  C l i c k F u n n e l s  I s  H e l p i n g  P e o p l e  A r o u n d

T h e  W o r l d . . .

T h e  Q u e s t i o n  I s ,

A r e  Y O U  N e x t ?

A s  Y o u  C a n  S e e . . .  C l i c k F u n n e l s  H a s  A l r e a d y  H e l p e d

C o u n t l e s s  P e o p l e  A r o u n d  T h e  W o r l d . . .

T 󰁨 󰁥  Q 󰁵 󰁥 󰁳 󰁴 󰁩 󰁯 󰁮  I 󰁳 ,  A r e  Y O U  N e x t ?

Like I mentioned before, you can signup now for a FREE 14 day trial and see if ClickFunnels is for you!
Oh, and in case you're wondering...

“Ok Russell…all this free stu… What’s the catch?”

There is NO CATCH!
But there IS a very specic reason why I’m doing this...

A few reasons, actually:

 It’s one of the best ways I can think of to give back and contribute. I rmly believe that in order
to keep growing in business, at a certain point, the student must become the teacher, and help others
who are on the same journey.
 ClickFunnels needs to be USED in order to fully grasp how it can help simplify and grow your non-
prot online. You wouldn’t dream of buying a car without rst taking it for a test drive to see what it
can do (and if it’s the right t), right? 37/43

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I've tried to give you EVERY reason to say YES,

YES, but now it is YOUR choice.

So, which one’s it gonna’ be?

I’m giving you the incredibly simple, easy, cheap and quick way to switch over to the side of life where
worries are few and fun is a-plenty!

Make no mistake. Your decision whether to take the free trial or not does not aect me or my lifestyle one

I won’t live any dierently than I do now. My life won’t change one lick if you decide against coming on
board with us.

But…YOUR LIFE could change dramatically when you take advantage of this rare opportunity to start on
my shoulders - and get everything you need to make it rain.

You’ve already paid your dues in life, and now it’s YOUR TIME to get the payback!

I f  y o u  d o  n o t h i n g . . .

n o t h i n g  h a p p e n s .

T i m e  I s  O f  T h e  E s s e n c e . . .

If you've made it this far, you’ve already taken a gigantic step forward. 38/43

11/9/2019 ClickFunnels ™ - Sin fines de lucro

The next step?


And this is the clear line that separates winners from the losers.

Action is the real key to making it big in this world full of dreamers and armchair mystics.

- Anyone can say they want riches.

- Anyone can set goals
goals for riches.
- Anyone can dream of riches.
But the rewards come only to those who actually DO SOMETHING, not talk about doing something.

You can elect to grab the riches within your reach now, or continue living your life as usual.

I think the choice is clear.

D o  Y o u  H a v e  A  G u a r a n t e e ?

Of course. :)

I guarantee that you'll LOVE ClickFunnels...

and if for some reason you decide later that you don't want to be a member anymore, then we'll happily
cancel your account without any penalties or fees.

We don't believe in any long term contracts so you can come and go as you please.

S o ,  a r e  y o u  e x c i t e d  a b o u t

C l i c k F u n n e l s  y e t ?  : )  39/43

11/9/2019 ClickFunnels ™ - Sin fines de lucro

If so, then NOW is the time to take action!

H e r e ' s  w h a t  y o u  n e e d  t o  d o  r i g h t  n o w :

 S t a r t  Y o u r  F R E E  1 4  D a y  T r i a l   S i g n - U p  F o r  Y o u r  F r e e  T r i a l

T o d a y !

Create My ClickFunnels Account Now >>

Let Me Show You Everything You'll Get Today When You

Join ClickFunnels Today!

E v e r y t h i n g  Y o u  G e t  W i t h  Y o u r  F R E E

T R I A L  T o d a y !

 ClickFunne
ls - Smart Funnel Builder ($2,997/yr Value)
 Etison Editor - Simple Webpage Creation ($1,997/yr Value)

 Backpack - Easy Aliate System ($997/yr Value)

 Actionetics - Follow-Up Funnels ($4,997/yr Value)

BONUS: 3 “Fast Funnel” Templates ($149 Value)

BONUS: Special Webclass Training
BONUS: Funnel Hacker’s Cookbook (Digital)
BONUS: Funnel Cookbook 3-Part Video Training Series
 ClickFunnels Member Community

Total Value: $11,137 / Year

Get Started Today For: 40/43

11/9/2019 ClickFunnels ™ - Sin fines de lucro

 S t a r t  Y o u r
 F R E E  1 4  D a y  T r i a l   S i g n - U p  F o r  Y o u r  F r e e

T r i a l  T o d a y !

Create My ClickFunnels Account Now >>

From here it's just nalizing the details. Click on the button above, pick what subscription plan you want to
be on, and we can nally get started!

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and watch the training video and I look forward to hearing
from you soon!


Rusl Brun
P.S. 30 days from now you can be nothing more than 30 days older or screeching o to the wildest ride of
your life using funnels to grow your company. You choose.

H e r e  A r e  A  F e w  O t h e r  F A Q s  W e  G e t  A  L o t :

 Do I have to pay for updates?

No! We give constant updates to our software, add new templates and you get it all for FREE! Because ClickFunnels is
on the cloud, when we make an update or add new feature, they automatically show up in your account!

 Are my
my funnels secure?
Yes! Secure is our top priority, and we built ClickFunnels from the ground up to make sure your funnels, subscribers,
and members area are secure. You don't have to worry about staying up-to-date with "plugins" that can easily be

 How long are your contracts?

There are NO long term contracts or commitments. You can use ClickFunnels month to month, and cancel at any
time you'd like!

 If I have questions,
questions, is there someone
someone I can talk to? 41/43

11/9/2019 ClickFunnels ™ - Sin fines de lucro

Yes! We have a rst class support team who can answer your questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Just click on
the "support" link on the bottom of any of our pages or go to

 If I cancel my ClickFunnels
ClickFunnels account, will
will I lose my data?
As with most "software-as-a-service" platforms, when you cancel your account, your data will become inaccessible,
but don't worry, before canceling you have the opportunity to download csv les of your contacts and members or
"pause" your account and we'll keep everything backed up waiting so you can come back again later!

 Can I integrate my favorite autoresponders

autoresponders / shopping carts into ClickFunnels?
Yes, while we suggest that most people only use ClickFunnels to run your company, we also know that some of you
have your own favorite tools you've used in the past, so we integrate with most of the top service providers to make
your funnel building process even more fun!
 Do I have to
to install anything?
No! We created ClickFunnels so you wouldn't have to have a whole I.T. department to run your website! Just login,
start clicking, and you can build all of the pages in your funnel from the members area!

 Can you handle the load?

Yes! Because ClickFunnels is hosted on the largest public cloud cluster in the world (powered by Amazon and backed
up by CloudFlare Security + CDN) we have virtually
vir tually unlimited ability to scale in real time. Whether you send 100
visitors or 100,000+ today, it won't slow us down!

 Who owns the data

data / content / subscribers?
You do! Any content (including your users) is 100% owned by you. ClickFunnels doesn't have permission to use that
content or contact your users for any reason. ClickFunnels is just a tool for YOU to deliver YOUR content!

 Can I host the pages myself?

No, we're a hosted, "software-as-a-service" platform. We do this so that we can make sure you get all of the updates,
new features, and so your funnels won't break. You can also export the html from any of your pages, as well as your
contacts anytime you'd like...

 If I don't
don't like ClickFunnels,
ClickFunnels, how do I cancel?
Simply login to your account, click on your account settings and click "cancel my account". No need to call, email, or
talk to anyone!

 S t a r t  Y o u r  F R E E  1 4  D a y  T r i a l   S i g n - U p  F o r  Y o u r  F r e e  T r i a l

T o d a y !

Create My ClickFunnels Account Now >>



Meet The Team

Origin Story

What is ClickFunnels?

What is Etison Editor?

What is Actionetics? 42/43

11/9/2019 ClickFunnels ™ - Sin fines de lucro

What is Backpack?

ClickFunnels Blog


Ocial Facebook Group

Support Chat


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