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COMD 3420 Storytelling For Creatives

Assignment 3
Sound Effects Story
Due: Thursday 3/2/23 at 6pm

Download the files for this assignment here:

Complete Parts 1 and 2.

Part 1
Use only the provided sound effects from the link above to edit an audio only story (ie.
do not use your own sound effects). There are no visuals, only sound effects. The length
should be between 1 – 2 minutes. There must be a conflict in your story.

The sound effects provided in the link above are organized into various folders –
animals, cars, walking, etc. A minimum of two different sound effects must be used from
each folder. In other words, you can repeat the same sound effect as many times as
you’d like, but that only counts as one sound effect used from that folder.

How to submit this assignment?

Save your Adobe Premiere file and include your name (SFX Story_last name). This is
called a “project file.” It should have an extension similar to .prproj at the end of it. Email
this project file along with this document to:

Do not export your project into a mp4 or mov file and send that, I only need your project
file. I will then open the file to see your project and what SFX you’ve used. If you have
questions, let me know.

Part 2
1 – Your name:

2 – What is your story about?

3 – What is the conflict in your story?

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