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and fill in the gaps.

Accountant: The financial statements of a company are the most important documents
that a company produces. Investors ___CREDITORES_1; banks, customers — everybody
reads the statements. The accounts show what a company does with its money, how
_PROFITA____ 2 it is, and also how risk-worthy And you can see warning signs for the
future. Our _STOCK___3 depend on properly prepared accounts.

Trader: l agree that the accounts of the companies have a lot of information, but it's very
hard to understand it all. In my job, I need to know the __FINANCIAL SITUACION_ 4 of a
company. People interested in the stock exchanges IS _RELY_5 experts like me. But there
are also many other _____SOUR_______ 6 of information. As for the accounting
rules, they don't interest me, or anyone else, at all. That's s ___STUF____ 7 for the

Investor: All those numbers, and I haven't _____GOT___ a ____CLUE__ 8 what they all
mean. Pages and pages of them, and apparently they are often only 'estimates', or
they can be _INTERPRETE_______ 9 in one of many ways. What's the __POIN_____ 10
when the accountants _____THEMSETF________ 11 can't agree on how to show the
numbers? Most of us need a lot more information and knowledge about a company than
what we get in the accounts.

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