Está en la página 1de 178

10/8/2020 SIS 2.

Reutilización y recuperación de conjuntos de culatas de cilindros {1100, 1101,

1103, 1104, 1105, 1106, 1108, 1109, 1115, 1117, 1121, 1124, 1125} (SEBF8162)

SMCS - 1100,1101,1103,1104,1105,1106,1108,1109,1115,1117,1121,1124,1125 i08073217

Productos Caterpillar
Todos los motores Cat

Revisión Resumen de cambios en SEBF8162
Se agregaron nuevos prefijos de números de serie para la introducción de
nuevos productos (NPI)
Se agregaron los números de pieza a la tabla 12. Se agregó el gráfico sobre la
42 tabla 58, valores reparados. Tabla 10 C11 / C13 separada de C15-C18, valores
Se agregaron insertos de asiento de válvula de gran tamaño y 3 números de
pieza para 3600 Diesel.
Se agregaron nuevos prefijos de números de serie para la introducción de
40 nuevos productos (NPI), 22 números de pieza y el grosor mínimo de la cabeza
del cilindro C175 no refrigerado por agua.
información combinada de SEBF2119, SEBF8061, SEBF8106, SEBF8129,
SEBF8155, SEBF8218, SEBF8229, SEBF8270, SEBF8281, SEBF8373,
39 SEBF8374, SEBF8375, SEBF8376, SEBF8382, SEBF8737, SEBF8819,
SEBF9006, SEBF9045, SEBF9137, SEBF9182, SEBF9193, SEBF9237,
SEBF9313, añadido 61 referencias y 66 ilustraciones pixeladas reparadas.

tabla 1

© 2020 Caterpillar Todos los derechos reservados. Esta guía es para uso exclusivo de los
distribuidores Cat. El uso no autorizado de este documento o los procesos patentados que
contiene sin permiso puede ser una violación de la ley de propiedad intelectual.

La información contenida en este documento se considera Caterpillar: Confidential


Esta guía de reutilización y recuperación contiene la información necesaria para permitir que
un distribuidor establezca un programa de reutilización de piezas. La información de
reutilización y recuperación permite a los distribuidores y clientes de Caterpillar beneficiarse de
las reducciones de costos. Se ha hecho todo lo posible para proporcionar la información más
actualizada que conoce Caterpillar. La mejora continua y el avance del diseño del producto
pueden haber causado cambios en su producto que no están incluidos en esta publicación.
Esta guía de reutilización y recuperación debe usarse con la información técnica más reciente
disponible de Caterpillar.

For technical questions when using this document, work with your Dealer Technical
Communicator (TC). To report suspected errors, inaccuracies, or suggestions regarding the
document, submit a form for feedback in the Service Information System (SIS Web) interface.

Canceled Part Numbers and Replaced Part

This document may not include canceled part numbers and replaced part numbers. Use NPR
on SIS for information about canceled part numbers and replaced part numbers. NPR will
provide the current part numbers for replaced parts.

Important Safety Information

Illustration 1 g02139237 1/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Trabajar de forma segura. La mayoría de los accidentes que involucran la operación, el

mantenimiento y la reparación del producto son causados por no observar las reglas o
precauciones básicas de seguridad. A menudo, un accidente puede evitarse reconociendo
situaciones potencialmente peligrosas antes de que ocurra. Una persona debe estar alerta a
los peligros potenciales. Esta persona también debe tener la capacitación, las habilidades y las
herramientas necesarias para realizar estas funciones correctamente. Las precauciones y
advertencias de seguridad se proporcionan en estas instrucciones y en el producto. Si no se
tienen en cuenta estas advertencias de peligro, usted u otras personas podrían sufrir lesiones
corporales o la muerte. Caterpillar no puede anticipar todas las posibles circunstancias que
puedan implicar un peligro potencial. Por lo tanto, las advertencias de esta publicación y las
advertencias que se encuentran en el producto no las incluyen todas. Si una herramienta, un
procedimiento, un método de trabajo, o se utiliza una técnica de operación no recomendada
por Caterpillar, asegúrese de que sea seguro para usted y para otras personas. Asegúrese de
que el producto no se dañe o que el producto no se vuelva inseguro por la operación,
lubricación, mantenimiento o los procedimientos de reparación que se utilizan.

El funcionamiento, la lubricación, el mantenimiento o la

reparación inadecuados de este producto pueden ser peligrosos
y provocar lesiones o la muerte.

No opere ni realice ninguna lubricación, mantenimiento o

reparación de este producto hasta que haya leído y
comprendido la información de operación, lubricación,
mantenimiento y reparación.

Las precauciones y advertencias de seguridad se proporcionan en este manual y en el

producto. Si no se tienen en cuenta estas advertencias de peligro, usted u otras personas
podrían sufrir lesiones corporales o la muerte.

Los peligros se identifican mediante el símbolo de alerta de seguridad seguido de una palabra
de advertencia como peligro, advertencia o precaución. El símbolo de alerta de seguridad
"ADVERTENCIA" se muestra a continuación.

Ilustración 2 g00008666

Este símbolo de alerta de seguridad significa:

¡Presta atención!

¡Conviértete alerta!

Su seguridad está involucrada.

El mensaje que aparece debajo del símbolo de alerta de seguridad explica el peligro.

Las operaciones que pueden causar daños al producto se identifican mediante etiquetas de
"AVISO" en el producto y en esta publicación.

Caterpillar no puede anticipar todas las posibles circunstancias que puedan implicar un
peligro potencial. La información de seguridad de este documento y la información de
seguridad de la máquina no son exhaustivas. Determine que las herramientas, los
procedimientos, los métodos de trabajo y las técnicas operativas son seguros.
Determine que los procedimientos de operación, lubricación, mantenimiento y
reparación no dañarán la máquina. Además, debe determinar que los procedimientos de
operación, lubricación, mantenimiento y reparación no harán que la máquina sea

La información, las especificaciones y las ilustraciones que existen en esta guía se basan en
información que estaba disponible en el momento de la publicación. Las especificaciones,
pares, presiones, medidas, ajustes, ilustraciones y otros elementos pueden cambiar en
cualquier momento. Estos cambios pueden afectar el servicio que se le da al producto.
Obtenga la información completa y más actualizada antes de comenzar cualquier trabajo. Los
distribuidores Caterpillar pueden proporcionar la información más actualizada.

Resumen 2/178
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This guideline gives the measurements and salvage specifications for the inspection of a used
or reconditioned cylinder head that can be used again. It also contains information to rebuild a
cylinder head. Two suggested layouts for the area of rebuild for cylinder heads and a flow chart
is provided to illustrate the recommended steps in the process for the rebuild.

If a cylinder head meets the specifications in this guideline and other applicable guidelines,
then the head assembly can be expected to give normal performance in the same application
until the next overhaul.

Before reusing a cylinder head, check for leaks, cracks, and flatness. All cylinder head
components must meet the recommended specifications in the guideline before being reused.

This guideline should be used with the specific guidelines that are listed in the Reference

When the cylinder head will not be inspected within 1 hour, the cylinder head should be coated
with a rust or corrosion inhibitor or coated with clean engine oil.

Note: This guideline covers the inspection of valve seats and replacing the valve seats. Some
valve seats cannot be machined. Refer to Table 59 to determine if a valve seat can be
machined. Specialized manufacturing processes were used on these parts. Machining
these parts will significantly decrease the life of the engine.

Las especificaciones de recesión y proyección de la válvula
incluidas en esta guía son para medir el desgaste de culatas de
cilindros recién fabricadas. Debido a los múltiples pasos de
mecanizado y la combinación de tolerancias en las culatas
reconstruidas, algunas cabezas reconstruidas (REMAN o
reconstrucciones de concesionarios) pueden no cumplir con las
especificaciones de recesión y proyección de la válvula que se
encuentran en este documento.

Cartas de servicio y boletines de información


Las cartas de servicio y los boletines de información técnica
más recientes relacionados con este componente deben
revisarse antes de comenzar a trabajar. A menudo, las cartas de
servicio y los boletines de información técnica contienen
actualizaciones en los procedimientos de reparación, piezas e
información de seguridad que pertenecen a las piezas o
componentes que se reparan.

Numero de
Tool Operating Manual, "Using the 143-2099 Sleeve Replacement Tool Group
on 3114, 3116, and 3126 Engines"
Tool Operating Manual, "188-3922 Broken Exhaust Bolt and Stud Removal
Group for 3114, 3116, 3126, 3126B, 3176, 3176B, C-10, and C12 Engines"
Service Magazine, "Cylinder Head Water Directors No Longer Needed In Direct
Injection Engines "
SEBF8002 Reuse and Salvage, "Reuse & Salvage for Valvetrain Components"
Reuse and Salvage Guideline, "General Salvage and Reconditioning
SEBF8187 Reuse and Salvage, "Standardized Parts Marking Procedures"
Reuse and Salvage, "Inspection and Reuse of Critical Fasteners Used in All
SEBF8302 Reuse and Salvage, "Reuse Specifications for 3600 Combustion Gaskets"

SEBF8882 Reuse and Salvage, "Using Lock-N-Stitch Procedures for Casting Repair" 3/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

SEHS9031 Special Instructions, "Storage Procedure for Caterpillar Products"

SEHS9120 Special Instructions, "Using the 4C-4462 Sleeve Replacement Tool"
Special Instructions, "Using 9U-6860 Tool Group to Replace Unit Injector
Special Instructions, "Using the 6V-7770 Valve Guide Kit and 6V-7755 Spring
Seat Guide"
SEHS9498 Special Instructions, "Using the 9U-5383 Vacuum Tester"
Special Instructions, "Instructions For The Use Of 5P-6518 Fixture Group -
Parts Reusability"
SMHS7072 Special Instructions, "Use of 6V-4805 Valve Seat Extractor Tool Group"
Special Instructions, "Using 5P-0733 Tool Group for Bridge Dowel Repair -
3400 Engines"
Instrucciones especiales, "Reutilización y recuperación de componentes del
tren de válvulas"
Instrucciones especiales, "Uso del juego de herramientas 6V-7770 y el
adaptador 6V-7755"
Instrucciones especiales, "Uso del grupo de extracción de espárragos de
escape 6V-9050"

Tabla 2

Herramientas y equipo

No seguir el procedimiento recomendado o las herramientas
especificadas que se requieren para el procedimiento podría
resultar en daños a los componentes.

Para evitar daños en los componentes, siga el procedimiento

recomendado utilizando las herramientas recomendadas.

Herramientas y equipo

Número de pieza Descripción

1D-4720 4K-0367 Tuerca 5 / 8-11 NC
1P-0510 Conductor
1P-1855 Alicates para anillos de retención
1P-3042 Grifo
1S-0258 Martillo (punta blanda)
1U-5230 Bomba de mano
1U-6685 Grupo de herramientas de guía y asiento de válvula
1U-8869 Indicador de carátula
1U-9168 Collar de guía de válvula
1U-9169 Conductor de guía de válvula
1U-9170 Conductor de asiento de válvula
3P-1565 Abrazadera de pinza
3P-1568 Indicador de carátula
4C-3845 Muela
4C-4462 Grupo de herramientas de reparación
4C-5552 Cepillo de gran diámetro
4C-5590 Compuesto antiagarrotamiento
4C-5593 Compuesto antiagarrotamiento
4C-4707 Medidor de reloj
4C-4709 Muela
4C-4710 Llave piloto
4C-4711 Tocador de diamantes
4C-4804 Aceite penetrante
4C-8624 Ánima
4C-8629 Ánima 

4C-8719 Caña 4/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

4C-8769 Conductor de asiento de válvula

4C-9442 Linterna
4C-9507 Compuesto de retención
4C-9734 Manómetro de guía de válvula
5P-1729 Buje guía de válvula
5P-2396 Cojinete
5P-3413 Sellador de tuberías
5P-3536 Manómetro de guía de válvula
5P-4156 Base del indicador
5P-4160 Punto de contacto del indicador
5P-6518 Accesorio indicador de cuadrante
5P-7324 Enchufe
5P-7333 Herramienta de reparacion
5P-8400 Soporte de elevación
5P-8700 Soporte de elevación
5P-9718 Soporte 178,0 mm (7,00 pulgadas)
5P-9709 Disco abrasivo 127,0 mm (5,00 pulgadas)
5S-1330 Compresor de resorte de válvula
6V-0087 Grupo de manómetros de vástago de válvula
6V-2010 Piedra de pulido
6V-2012 Medidor de profundidad micrométrico
6V-2032 Adaptador
6V-2033 Cepillo
6V-2034 Adaptador de micrómetro
6V-4197 Base de la amoladora
6V-4198 Amoladora
6V-4801 Piedra de vestir
6V-4802 Muela
6V-4805 Herramienta de extracción de asiento de válvula
6V-4876 Lubricante
6V-6640 Sellador
6V-7047 Cilindro hidráulico
6V-7058 Calibre macho
6V-7059 Micrómetro
6V-7068 Manómetro de guía de válvula
6V-7097 Manómetro de guía de válvula
6V-7098 Manómetro de guía de válvula
6V-7926 Indicador de carátula
6V-9050 Grupo de eliminación de pernos
7B-0337 Placa superficial
7M-3975 Conductor de guía de válvula
8C-8422 Sellador
8H-8581 Calibre de espesores
8S-3158 Calibre de espesores
8S-2257 Lupa de ojo
8S-3158 Calibre indicador
8T-2674 Conductor de asiento de válvula
8T-2676 Conductor de guía de válvula
8T-2781 Pedestal de soporte de guía de válvula
8T-2998 Lubricante
8T-3096 Grifo de mano
8T-5096 Grupo de indicadores de carátula
9S-3263 Compuesto de bloqueo de roscas
9S-9087 Gabinete de herramientas 

9U-5096 Montaje del puente 5/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

9U-5099 Grupo de extractores de asientos

9U-5383 Probador de vacío
9U-6895 Conductor de guía de válvula
9U-6399 Medidor de instalación de guía de válvula
9U-6401 Calibre de desgaste de la guía de la válvula
9U-6460 Collar guía
9U-6860 Herramienta de manga de inyector
9U-6891 Grupo de herramientas del inyector
9U-6894 Collar guía
9U-6895 Conductor de guía de válvula
9U-6897 Conductor de asiento de válvula
9U-6898 Conductor de asiento de válvula
9U-7237 Extensión del cepillo
9U-7244 Cepillo final
124-2946 Soporte de elevación como
124-9057 Collar guía
130-1449 Extractor de asiento de válvula
131-8362 Escariador
134-5506 Piloto
134-5507 Piloto
134-5508 Piloto
138-7573 Soporte de enlace
138-7575 Soporte de enlace
143-2099 Grupo de herramientas de reemplazo de manguitos
147-1642 Calibre de ángulo
147-1643 Calibre de ángulo
147-2285 Manómetro de válvula
151-0968 Taladro inalambrico
151-4832 Ensamblaje del removedor - Manga
151-8689 Plantilla de sello
162-5791 Toallas de tienda
163-3951 Medios explosivos
166-7441 Herramienta de extracción de asiento de válvula
173-5524 Collar guía
187-6273 Herramienta de reparacion
188-3922 Herramienta de extracción de pernos y pernos de escape rotos
222-3061 Taladro de aire
222-3071 Amoladora angular
222-3074 Amoladora de ruedas
222-3121 Aceite penetrante
Microscopio, bolsillo
263-7184 Kit de detección de grietas
283-0052 Conductor de guía de válvula
284-1503 Collar de guía de válvula
288-4209 Toalla de papel
316-1496 Cilindro hidráulico
359-4208 Herramienta de extracción de inserto de válvula
359-4286 Ensamblaje de pinza
359-4287 Barra de remolque
361-0074 Lado inferior
362-4253 Kit de micrómetro de profundidad
362-9108 Insertar asiento de válvula-herramienta
364-3081 Guía de instalación
366-5728 Conductor de guía de válvula 6/178
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367-9109 Calibrador digital

384-2802 Piloto
384-2804 Grupo de calibre indicador
386-3364 Regla de borde recto
415-4055 Grupo de herramientas ultrasónicas
420-5317 Cribbing adecuado
Calibrador digital
423-4373 0,0 - 203,2 mm
(0,00 - 8,00 pulgadas)
Micrómetro, externo
25 mm (1 pulgada)
441-0714 Probador de primavera
459-0184 Grupo de lámparas UV
Micrómetro, exterior
0,00 - 4,00 pulgadas
Micrómetro, exterior de
2,00 a 6,00 pulgadas
Micrometer, Outside
473-8691 50.8 - 152.4 mm
(2.00 - 6.00 inch)
Micrometer, Outside
152.4 - 304.8 mm (6.00 - 12.00 inch)
482-0188 Valve Guide Stop Collar
482-0189 Valve Guide Driver
482-0190 Valve Guide Finish Reamer
483-7533 Valve Guide Stop Collar
483-7534 Valve Guide Reamer
533-1152 Broken Exhaust Bolt and Stud Removal Plate (C6.6 Drill Guide)
533-1153 Broken Exhaust Bolt and Stud Removal Plate (C4.4 Drill Guide)
533-1155 Broken Exhaust Bolt and Stud Removal Tool Group (C7.1 Drill Guide)
FT-0806 Bench
FT-1656 Thickness Gauge
FT-1674 Plug Gauge
FT-1741 Valve Stem Protector
FT-1753 Vacuum Tester
FT-1766 Adapter
- Plug Gauges
- Hydraulic Press
- Valve Guide Removal Tool
- 90° holding block with a collet
- Loctite 242

Tabla 3

Replacement Parts
Consult the applicable Parts Identification manual for your engine.

Cuando se requieren piezas de repuesto para este producto,

Caterpillar recomienda utilizar piezas de repuesto Caterpillar o
piezas con especificaciones equivalentes que incluyen, entre
otras, las dimensiones físicas, el tipo, la resistencia y el

No prestar atención a esta advertencia puede provocar fallas

prematuras, daños al producto, lesiones personales o la muerte.

Procedimiento estandarizado de marcado de

piezas  7/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Referencia: SEBF8187 Directrices de reutilización y recuperación, "Procedimientos

estandarizados de marcado de piezas".

El código es un estándar de Cat y se utiliza para registrar el historial de un componente. El

código identificará el número de reconstrucciones y las horas en el momento de cada
reconstrucción. Esta información es importante y debe tenerse en cuenta para cualquier
decisión de reutilización de un componente.

Asegúrese de que la marca no esté cubierta por una pieza de acoplamiento. Utilice un
rotulador de metal para marcar el código en el componente.

No utilice punzones de sellos de numeración para marcar los
componentes internos. El impacto de golpear el sello provocará
un aumento de tensión anormal. El aumento de tensión
adicional puede causar una falla prematura de la pieza.

Ilustración 3 g06124077
NO use punzones de numeración para marcar componentes internos.
El procedimiento para marcar componentes es un estándar Cat. Este código es útil cuando la
máquina se vende en un territorio diferente después de la primera reconstrucción. Durante una
revisión, el código anterior de una parte nunca debe eliminarse.

Ejemplo 1

Ilustración 4 g03856853
Ejemplo típico
La ilustración 4 muestra el código (1-15). El primer número (1) indica que el engranaje se
había reconstruido una vez. El segundo número (15) indica que había 15.000 horas en el
equipo en el momento de la reconstrucción.

Ejemplo 2

Ilustración 5 g03856857

Ejemplo típico 8/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

La Ilustración 5 muestra el código (1-12) y el código (2-10). El código (2-10) representa la

información de la segunda reconstrucción. El primer número (2) indica que el equipo se había
reconstruido dos veces. El segundo número (10) indica que se acumularon 10,000 horas en el
equipo entre la primera y la segunda reconstrucción.

Nota: Sume la primera y la segunda horas de reconstrucción para obtener el número total de
horas del equipo de la Ilustración 5. En este ejemplo, el equipo tiene un total de 22 000 horas.

Diseños recomendados para la tienda

A well designed shop area contributes to more efficient rebuilds. Two suggested layouts for the
shop have been provided in this guideline. Choose the layout for rebuilding that best suits your

The area for the rebuild should accommodate the staging of the parts while the cylinder head
components are being processed. Enough space should be available to rebuild the cylinder
head without any interference. The area should have access from a jib crane to provide an
effective way of moving the components.

Illustration 6 g01271598 9/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 7 g01271599

Flow Chart for the Rebuild

Illustration 8 g06277244
This flow chart provides a quick reference to the steps for rebuilding a cylinder head. For
detailed information, refer to "Process for Rebuilding Cylinder Heads" section.

Process for Rebuilding Cylinder Heads

El área del taller para el desmontaje debe ubicarse junto al área de limpieza general. Ubicar el
área para el desmontaje junto al área de limpieza reducirá el esfuerzo de transportar las piezas
desmontadas al área de limpieza. El área de desmontaje y el área de limpieza deben estar 10/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

separadas del área de reconstrucción por una pared para evitar la contaminación de las partes

Ilustración 9 g01271643
(1) La barra de elevación está instalada.
(2) Cinta que cubre los puertos de escape.

Ilustración 10 g01271645
La barra de elevación está instalada en un motor 3500.

Ilustración 11 g01271646
Especificaciones de la barra de elevación para un motor 3500

1. Retire la culata del motor.

Efficiency in the process for rebuilding a cylinder head begins with the removal of the
head or heads from the engine. The cylinder heads can be removed in groups on engines
with multiple cylinder heads such as the 3500 Series Engines if a lifting bar is fabricated.
It is more efficient to remove multiple cylinder heads simultaneously instead of removing
each head individually. Reconditioning cylinder heads in groups is more efficient than
reconditioning cylinder heads individually.

Retire la culata con los colectores de escape, colectores de admisión y codos para
reducir el tiempo total de reconstrucción del motor. Todo el conjunto se puede desmontar
y reacondicionar mientras se reacondiciona el motor. Este procedimiento permitirá
sincronizar el reacondicionamiento del conjunto de la culata con el reacondicionamiento
del motor para que todas las piezas puedan estar listas para el montaje del motor al
mismo tiempo. 11/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Antes de la limpieza previa, retire o proteja cualquier
componente que pueda dañarse con la solución limpiadora.

2. Limpiar la culata.
Utilice un gabinete de lavado con rociador caliente para eliminar la suciedad, el aceite y
la grasa de la culata.

La lavadora debe tener la opción de lavado automático y la opción de lavado manual.

Las soluciones cáusticas son eficaces para limpiar las partes ferrosas. No utilice
soluciones cáusticas para limpiar las partes no ferrosas. Para estas piezas se deben
utilizar jabones seguros para el aluminio.

La lavadora debe contener una mesa giratoria. El ciclo automático lavará la mayor parte
de la solución de jabón al final del ciclo. La opción para el lavado manual es necesaria
para lavar manualmente las piezas después de que se completa el lavado automático.

3. Inspeccione la culata de cilindros.

Inspeccione visualmente la culata de cilindros en busca de defectos obvios que hagan
que la pieza de fundición sea desechada o reemplazada.

Ilustración 12 g01271660
(1) Gabinete de herramientas 9S-9087
(2) Banco FT-0806

Ilustración 13 g01271662
Banco de trabajo ajustable para culatas 12/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Ilustración 14 g01271663
Banco de trabajo ajustable para culatas que se pueden fabricar

4. Desmontar la culata de cilindros.

El desmontaje requiere la extracción de todos los componentes de la fundición de la
culata de cilindros. Consulte el Manual de servicio específico para conocer las
herramientas y los procedimientos necesarios para esta operación.

El desmontaje debe realizarse en un banco de trabajo a una altura cómoda. El área de

trabajo debe ser lo suficientemente grande para acomodar las culatas de cilindros
cuando se quitan las culatas en grupos. Asegúrese de que el área de trabajo tenga
suficiente espacio para desmontar las culatas de cilindros sin interferencias.

Utilice un banco de trabajo que permita rotar la culata durante el proceso de

reconstrucción. El banco de trabajo para reconstruir culatas de cilindros debe estar
equipado con suministro de aire, estantes para herramientas y gabinetes para todas las
herramientas y piezas necesarias. Se recomiendan el gabinete de herramientas 9S-
9087 y el banco FT-0806 .

Se recomiendan luces de techo y luces locales. Estas luces proporcionan suficiente

fuente de luz para inspeccionar visualmente la culata y los componentes. Las luces del
techo y las luces locales evitan las áreas sombreadas. Las luces fluorescentes sobre el
banco de trabajo también proporcionan la iluminación necesaria para la inspección de la
mayoría de los componentes.

Ilustración 15 g01276782

5. Retire las juntas del colector de escape.

Es posible que sea necesario pulir o pulir con abrasivo para quitar las juntas del colector
de escape y el carbón pesado de la culata. Las altas temperaturas dificultan la limpieza
de algunas zonas de la culata. Limpiar estas áreas antes del lavado a menudo elimina el
exceso de ciclos en la lavadora y la contaminación de los componentes más adelante en
el proceso de reconstrucción.

Ilustración 16 g01271670
Cesta típica para limpiar piezas pequeñas 13/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Ilustración 17 g01271671
Cesta típica para limpiar piezas pequeñas

Ilustración 18 g01271672
Cesta típica para limpiar piezas pequeñas que se pueden utilizar en un lavado a alta presión

6. Separe las piezas en cestas de alambre que se pueden colocar en un gabinete de lavado
con rociador caliente o en un tanque de solvente mientras se desmonta la culata.
Estas cestas se pueden utilizar en sistemas de limpieza de alta presión o sistemas de
limpieza de baja presión. Elija una canasta que se adapte a la aplicación.

The most effective baskets allow each part to have the direct impact of the cleaning
solution. Direct impact of the cleaning solution eliminates a second cycle of cleaning.
Baskets should be transported with a crane rather than a lift truck to reduce time of
transport, labor, and space in the shop.

Illustration 19 g01271682
Design of a fixture for cleaning valves 14/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 20 g01271684
Valves in the fixture

a. Clean all the components.

Components of the cylinder head such as the valves, valve lifters, valve springs,
keepers, valve rotators, and other parts can be cleaned in a separate system from
the cylinder head casting. Clean these parts prior to inspection to allow easier
identification of defects unless obvious defects are visible.

Los accesorios de limpieza se pueden diseñar para que funcionen con equipos de
limpieza que resulten en una limpieza más eficiente y una mejor calidad de

Hay varios equipos diferentes disponibles para limpiar piezas pequeñas.

b. Inspeccione cada pieza para ver si es reutilizable.

Se deben inspeccionar las válvulas, resortes de válvula, elevadores y rotadores.

c. Muele las válvulas para determinar la reutilización.

Todas las válvulas deben estar rectificadas para asegurar un asiento adecuado
entre la válvula y el inserto.

Ilustración 21 g01271920
Rejilla para la culata que cabe en una arandela

Ilustración 22 g01271921 15/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Cremallera con culata

Ilustración 23 g01271924
Cuna para la culata con soporte para lavadora

7. Limpie la pieza fundida de la culata de cilindros en un gabinete de lavado por aspersión

Nota: Las lavadoras más efectivas para limpiar culatas de cilindros son los gabinetes de
lavado con rociado caliente.

8. Retire las juntas y los depósitos de carbón de la culata.

Retire las juntas y los sellos de las juntas inmediatamente después del lavado.
Normalmente, las juntas se aflojarán del lavado. La limpieza abrasiva quitará las juntas.
Las juntas se pueden quitar fácilmente si se raspan inmediatamente después del ciclo de

Es posible que los depósitos de carbón deban eliminarse a mano después del primer
ciclo de limpieza. Entonces puede ser necesario un segundo ciclo de limpieza para
enjuagar los depósitos de carbón restantes.

Enjuague los pasajes internos. Sople los pasajes internos y las cavidades ciegas.
Aplique un inhibidor de óxido en la culata después del enjuague.

Ilustración 24 g01271962
Probador de presión de cabeza de cilindro Serdi SPT1500

9. Inspeccione y verifique la fundición de la culata de cilindros.

Make sure that the cylinder head meets the specifications for thickness and criteria for
reusability in the specific reusability guideline for the cylinder head.

Pressure test the cylinder head casting for internal cracks when the cylinder head is
tested for integrity. The operating conditions and temperatures of a cylinder head need to
be simulated during the pressure test in a heated tank under pressure. Steel plates must
be fabricated to cover the openings in the head during testing. Gaskets, seals, and fittings
are needed to connect the air supply.

El tanque debe ser lo suficientemente grande para contener la culata más grande que se
probará. Las dimensiones de la Tabla 4 son dimensiones de referencia para el tanque
para los modelos de motor correspondientes. El agua del tanque debe calentarse a una
temperatura de 82 ° C (180,0 ° F) . Se requiere un suministro de aire mínimo de 415 kPa
(60.0 psi) para la prueba. 16/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Nota: Las dimensiones de la Tabla 4 no son dimensiones de reacondicionamiento para

culatas de cilindros. Utilice las dimensiones para determinar el tamaño correcto de un
tanque para la prueba de presión.

Dimensiones de las culatas

Modelo Longitud Anchura Altura

1273,0 mm 740,0 mm 595,0 mm
(50 pulgadas) (29 pulgadas) (23,4 pulgadas)
387,0 mm 344.0 mm 325.0 mm
(15,2 pulgadas) (13.5 inch) (12.8 inch)
109.0 mm 146.0 mm 179.0 mm
(4.3 inch) (5.7 inch) (7.0 inch)
848 mm 305 mm 158 mm
(33.4 inch) (12.0 inch) (6.2 inch)
871 mm 345 mm 163 mm
C9 2007
(34.3 inch) (13.6 inch) (6.4 inch)
C9 890 mm 300 mm 130 mm
C-9 (35.0 inch) (11.8 inch) (5.1 inch)
C-10 972 mm 320 mm 105 mm
C-12 (38.3 inch) (12.5 inch) (4.1 inch)
997 mm 395 mm 165 mm
(39.3 inch) (15.6 inch) (6.5 inch)
972 mm 397 mm 165 mm
(38.3 inch) (15.6 inch) (6.5 inch)
C16 1118 mm 360 mm 250 mm
C-16 (44.0 inch) (14.2 inch) (9.8 inch)
C27 1185 mm 455 mm 250 mm
C32 (46.7 inch) (18.0 inch) (9.8 inch)
1185 mm 320 mm 114 mm
(46.7 inch) (12.5 inch) (4.5 inch)
430.0 mm 300.0 mm 208.0 mm
(16.93 inch) (11.81 inch) (8.19 inch)
478 mm 216 mm 85 mm
(18.8 inch) (8.5 inch) (3.3 inch)
343 mm 205 mm 100 mm
(13.5 inch) (8.0 inch) (3.9 inch)
590 mm 252 mm 105 mm
(23.2 inch) (9.9 inch) (4.1 inch)
840 mm 252 mm 105 mm
(33.0 inch) (9.9 inch) (4.1 inch)
840 mm 252 mm 105 mm
(33.0 inch) (9.9 inch) (4.1 inch)
848 mm 285 mm 160 mm
(33.4 inch) (11.2 inch) (6.3 inch)
632 mm 290 mm 140 mm
(24.9 inch) (11.4 inch) (5.5 inch)
972 mm 320 mm 130 mm
(38.3 inch) (12.6 inch) (5.1 inch)
972 mm 320 mm 130 mm
(38.3 inch) (12.6 inch) (5.1 inch)
632 mm 290 mm 140 mm
(24.9 inch) (11.4 inch) (5.5 inch)
632 mm 290 mm 140 mm
(24.9 inch) (11.4 inch) (5.5 inch)
662 mm 350 mm 100 mm
(26.1 inch) (13.8 inch) (3.9 inch)
960 mm 375 mm 100 mm
(37.8 inch) (14.8 inch) (3.9 inch)
662 mm 330 mm 100 mm
(26.1 inch) (13.0 inch) (3.9 inch)
960 mm 350 mm 100 mm
(37.8 inch) (13.8 inch) (3.9 inch) 17/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

3306B 662 mm 350 mm 100 mm
3306BH (26,1 pulgadas) (13,8 pulgadas) (3,9 pulgadas)
1118 mm 368 mm 114 mm
(44,0 pulgadas) (14,5 pulgadas) (4,5 pulgadas)
1118 mm 345 mm 250 mm
(44,0 pulgadas) (13,6 pulgadas) (9,8 pulgadas)
1118 mm 368 mm 114 mm
(44,0 pulgadas) (14,5 pulgadas) (4,5 pulgadas)
845 mm 320 mm 114 mm
(33,3 pulgadas) (12,6 pulgadas) (4,5 pulgadas)
3412C 1185 mm 320 mm 114 mm
3412D (46,7 pulgadas) (12,6 pulgadas) (4,5 pulgadas)
1118 mm 345 mm 250 mm
(44,0 pulgadas) (13,6 pulgadas) (9,8 pulgadas)
268 mm 408 mm 145 mm
(10,6 pulgadas) (16,0 pulgadas) (5,7 pulgadas)
3512 268 mm 455 mm 145 mm
G3512 (10,6 pulgadas) (18,0 pulgadas) (5,7 pulgadas)
3512B 268 mm 408 mm 145 mm
3512C (10,6 pulgadas) (16,0 pulgadas) (5,7 pulgadas)
268 mm 455 mm 145 mm
(10,6 pulgadas) (18,0 pulgadas) (5,7 pulgadas)
3516B 268 mm 408 mm 145 mm
3516C (10,6 pulgadas) (16,0 pulgadas) (5,7 pulgadas)
268 mm 408 mm 145 mm
(10,6 pulgadas) (16,0 pulgadas) (5,7 pulgadas)
750 mm 420 mm 280 mm
(29,5 pulgadas) (16,5 pulgadas) (11,0 pulgadas)
750 mm 420 mm 280 mm
(29,5 pulgadas) (16,5 pulgadas) (11,0 pulgadas)
750 mm 420 mm 280 mm
(29,5 pulgadas) (16,5 pulgadas) (11,0 pulgadas)
750 mm 420 mm 280 mm
(29,5 pulgadas) (16,5 pulgadas) (11,0 pulgadas)
615 mm 420 mm 280 mm
(24,2 pulgadas) (16,5 pulgadas) (11,0 pulgadas)

Cuadro 4

Procedimiento para la prueba de presión

Si el motor contiene una camisa de agua, un paso de combustible o un paso de aceite, la
camisa de agua, el paso de combustible y el paso de aceite deben comprobarse por separado.

1. Caliente el agua del tanque a una temperatura mínima de 82 ° C (180,0 ° F) .

2. Cubra las aberturas de la culata de cilindros con una placa de acero y sellos o juntas.

3. Coloque un accesorio en la placa para conectar el suministro de aire.

4. Utilice un montacargas y un elevador para sumergir la culata de cilindros en el tanque de

modo que el nivel del agua cubra todas las superficies.

5. Aplique una presión de aire constante de 415 kPa (60,0 psi) como mínimo a la culata
sumergida durante una hora.

6. Observe la culata sumergida en busca de signos de burbujas de aire durante la prueba

de una hora.
Nota: Si no se observan burbujas de aire durante la prueba, la culata no tiene fugas

7. Cubra la culata con un anticorrosivo para evitar que se oxide. 18/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

8. Inspeccione las válvulas, las inserciones del asiento de la válvula y las guías de la

Ilustración 25 g06277267
Extractor hidráulico fabricado para insertos de asiento de válvula

Ilustración 26 g01272411
Tirando de un inserto de asiento de válvula con un extractor fabricado

9. Remove the valve seat inserts from the cylinder head.

10. Inspect the valve seat inserts for reusability. If the valve seat insert is cracked or
damaged, replace the valve seat insert.
Note: A damaged valve seat insert may cause engine failure.

11. Install the valve seat inserts into the cylinder head.

Illustration 27 g01272433
Serdi 100 Valve Seat and Guide Cutting Machine

12. Machine the valve seat inserts or the bores for the valve seat inserts.
Note: Some valve seats cannot be machined. Specialized manufacturing processes
were used on these parts. Machining these parts will significantly decrease the life
of the engine.

Cutting tools for the valve seats are more effective than grinding in several ways. Cutters
are faster and more accurate than grinding stones. Cutters maintain the dimensions
longer. However, cutters are more expensive. 19/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Stones for grinding wear every time of use. Stones for grinding periodically need to be
shaped resulting in additional labor for each job and one more step for error. Grinding
produces dust and debris which adds more contamination to the process of

The cylinder head must be protected from corrosion, external damage, and dirt after
cleaning if the cylinder head is stored.

13. Assemble the cylinder head.

Assemble the cylinder head after all necessary parts were replaced and all components
were thoroughly inspected, tested, cleaned, and salvaged.

14. Measure the projection of the valve.

15. Perform a vacuum test on the valve seats.

The vacuum test will identify a good seal between the valve and the valve seat. The
cylinder head must be assembled before the vacuum test can be performed.

Procedure to Pressure Test the Cylinder Head on

3600, G3600, and C280 Engines
The head must be checked for cracks after everything has been removed from the head. A
fabricated plate can be made to block the water passages during the air test. The air pressure
should be set to 300 kPa (43.5 psi). It is not necessary to remove the valve guides, or the
bridge dowels during the testing procedure.

Illustration 28 g01939054
Refer to Table 5 for the descriptions of callouts.

Required Part for Pressure Testing a Cylinder Head

Callout Quantity Description

1 1 Combustion surface plate
2 1 Junta de goma para placa de superficie de combustión
3 4 Perno, rosca de 3 / 4-10 por 343 mm (13,5 pulgadas) de largo
4 4 Espaciador
5 4 Tuerca, rosca 3 / 4-10
6 1 Placa de entrada de aire
7 1 Junta de goma para placa de entrada de aire
8 3 Perno, rosca de 3 / 8-16 por 32 mm (1,3 pulgadas)
9 3 Arandela plana Orificio de 9,6 mm (0,38 pulgadas) de diámetro
10 1 Conexión para el aire de la tienda

Table 5

1. Fabrique las piezas que se muestran en las ilustraciones 29 a 33. 20/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Ilustración 29 g01939853
Placa de superficie de combustión de acero dulce

Ilustración 30 g01940401
Junta de goma para placa de superficie de combustión.

Ilustración 31 g01940637
Espaciador para perno

Ilustración 32 g01940756
Placa de entrada de aire 21/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Ilustración 33 g01940776
Junta de goma para placa de entrada de aire

2. Instale los pernos (3) a través de la placa (1) y la junta de goma (2). Coloque la placa (1)
sobre una superficie plana.

3. Baje la culata sobre los pernos hasta que la superficie inferior de la culata quede plana
contra la junta de goma. Centre la cabeza en la placa y la junta.

4. Instale espaciadores (4) y tuercas (5) en la superficie superior del cabezal.

5. Apriete cuatro tuercas (5) para sellar la superficie de combustión inferior.

6. Instale la junta de goma (7), la placa de entrada de aire (6), los pernos (8) y las arandelas
planas (9) en el puerto de salida de agua en la superficie superior de la culata de

7. Apriete tres pernos (8) para sellar la placa de entrada de aire.

8. Instale el accesorio en la placa de entrada de aire y conecte la manguera para el aire del

9. La presión de aire recomendada es 300 kPa (43,5 psi) .

10. Baje la culata en un tanque de agua. Busque signos de una fuga. Se debe tener cuidado
para asegurarse de que los signos de burbujas de aire no provengan de una junta o
conexión de aire con fugas.

11. Elimine toda el agua de las superficies internas y externas de la culata. Si va a

almacenar la cabeza, cubra todas las superficies con una capa de antioxidante. Es
importante proteger la superficie inferior del cabezal y la superficie superior del tren de
válvulas de la oxidación o daños.

Piezas de repuesto
Consulte el manual de identificación de piezas correspondiente a su motor.

Cuando se requieren piezas de repuesto para este producto,

Caterpillar recomienda utilizar piezas de repuesto Caterpillar o
piezas con especificaciones equivalentes que incluyen, entre
otras, las dimensiones físicas, el tipo, la resistencia y el

No prestar atención a esta advertencia puede provocar fallas

prematuras, daños al producto, lesiones personales o la muerte.

Procedimientos generales
Utilice las siguientes pautas cuando inspeccione y reacondicione una culata de cilindros.

Clean the cylinder head. Remove the gasket material.

Measure the cylinder head thickness.

Measure the flatness of the combustion area.

Inspect the combustion area for cracks or leaks.

Check the combustion area for damage and/or erosion.

Inspect the valve seats, and valve guides for damage. 22/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Recondition the components that are requiring salvage and replace the parts that do not
meet the guidelines.

Measure the projection and the recession of the valves.

After you have assembled the cylinder head, you will need to run a vacuum test of the
valves for the correct sealing.

Protect the head against storage or shipping damage.


Illustration 34 g06229689
(1) Bloqueo
(2) Rotocoil
(3) Resorte externo
(4) Resorte interno
(5) Sello de la chaqueta
(6) Asiento del resorte
(7) Guía
(8) Válvula

Ilustración 35 g01955530
Nomenclatura para el motor 3200
(1) Puerto de admisión
(2) Superficie de la junta de la tapa de la válvula
(3) Asiento del resorte de la válvula
(4) Poste para la guía de la válvula
(5) Cara del puerto de escape
(6) Puerto de escape
(7 ) Inserto de asiento de válvula
(8) Área de combustión
(9) Cara del puerto de admisión 23/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Ilustración 36 g01955731
Nomenclatura para el motor 3400 excepto 3406E
(1) Puerto de admisión
(2) Superficie de la junta de la tapa de la válvula
(3) Asiento del resorte de la válvula
(4) Poste para la guía de la válvula
(5) Cara del puerto de escape
(6) Puerto de escape
(7) Inserto del asiento de la válvula
(8) Área de combustión
(9) Cara del puerto de admisión
(10) Pasador del puente

Ilustración 37 g06189548
Nomenclatura para el motor 3500
(1) Bloqueo
(2) Rotocoil
(3) Resorte exterior
(4) Resorte interior
(5) Arandela
(6) Guía
(7) Cabeza
(8) Válvula

Ilustración 38 g01936936
Nomenclatura para el motor 3500
(1) Puerto de admisión (lado delantero o derecho)
(2) Superficie de la junta de la tapa de la válvula
(4) Guía de la válvula
(6) Puerto de escape (lado trasero o izquierdo)
(8) Área de combustión
(10) Puente pasador
(11) Orificio del elevador de rodillos 24/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Ilustración 39 g06176173
Nomenclatura de la culata del cilindro C175
(1) Puerto de admisión
(2) Superficie de la junta de la tapa de válvulas
(4) Guía de la válvula
(6) Puerto de escape

Factores de reacondicionamiento
Utilice la información que se encuentra a continuación para conocer los factores sobre
problemas comunes que pueden ocurrir al reacondicionar la culata.

La relación de compresión es el factor crítico que debe tenerse en cuenta cuando se

reacondiciona la culata. La relación de compresión aumenta a medida que se retira el
material de la culata.

Para una erosión menor de 0,28 mm (0,011 pulgadas) que se encuentra en la superficie
de la culata de cilindros, afeite el área o vuelva a allanar el área. En todos los siguientes
procedimientos de reacondicionamiento, retire el material mínimo necesario para realizar
la reparación.

Para encontrar la cantidad de desgaste, se puede hacer una comparación entre la

medición de una pieza desgastada y las especificaciones de una pieza nueva. Una pieza
desgastada puede ser segura de usar si se puede hacer una estimación del resto de la
vida útil de la pieza. Si esta estimación muestra que se espera una vida útil corta,
reemplace esa pieza.

Valve stems with diameters below the minimum or valve guides with diameters above the
maximum can be used if the clearance specification is determined by subtracting the “use
again minimum stem diameter” from the “use again valve guide diameter”.

Several factors affect the amount of material that can be removed from the surface of a
component. The factors for removing material are the backlash for the gear drive of the
cam, projections of the valves, flatness, and surface texture. Measure these areas and
the dimension for minimum thickness of the cylinder head whenever you recondition the
block and the mating surface of the head.

Note: Dimensions for the thickness of the head assume that no material has been removed
from the rail of the valve cover and the centerline of the crankshaft has not been raised. Adjust
the specifications accordingly if machining has already occurred.

Cleaning the Cylinder Head and Removing the


Personal injury can result from working with cleaning solvent.

Because of the volatile nature of many cleaning solvents,

extreme caution must be exercised when using them. If unsure
about a particular cleaning fluid, refer to the manufacturer's
instructions and directions.

Always wear protective clothing and eye protection when

working with cleaning solvents. 25/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Use one of these methods to clean the cylinder head. Remove all oil, dirt, and carbon from the
cylinder head casting. If the initial cleaning of the engine has been performed, the time for
cleaning of the cylinder head will be reduced considerably.

Shot blasting is not a Caterpillar recommended cleaning
procedure. Shot blasting can cause shot to become lodged in
internal passages. If all the shot material is not removed after
cleaning with this method, the shot can become dislodged after
reconditioning and move into the lubrication and injection
systems. The result can be serious damage to the engine.

Dip Tank
Use a hot caustic solution to clean the cylinder head in a dip tank with a platform that oscillates.

Hot Spray Wash Cabinet

Coloque la culata en su posición de modo que los puertos de escape y el área de combustión
estén alineados con el flujo de alta presión de las boquillas. El aerosol debe ir directamente a
los puertos y la cara del cilindro para eliminar todo el carbón.

Si se utiliza una solución de limpieza cáustica, las mangas y los
sellos de los inyectores de latón pueden dañarse. Si estas
piezas no se van a reemplazar en una culata, se debe usar una
solución de limpieza suave.

Retirar la junta

Tenga cuidado para evitar respirar el polvo que se puede

generar al manipular cualquier material de fricción,
independientemente de que el material contenga asbesto o no.
Si se inhala el polvo, el polvo puede ser peligroso para su salud.

Use un dispositivo respiratorio protector adecuado cuando

manipule material de fricción.

Humedezca el material de la junta para una extracción más limpia y fácil. Para que la
extracción de las juntas sea más fácil y segura, coloque la culata en un tanque caliente o en un
gabinete de lavado con rociador caliente. Una solución de limpieza caliente suavizará el
material de la junta para que las piezas grandes se puedan quitar con la mano y el material de
la junta se pueda quitar fácilmente con un raspador o una amoladora. Sin embargo, si se deja
secar el material de la junta húmeda, el material de la junta puede endurecerse en la pieza.

Hay factores específicos para el reacondicionamiento de la culata del G3600. La superficie

sobre la que se debe inspeccionar minuciosamente la junta de los asientos de la precámara.
Esta área es propensa a tener fugas sin un reacondicionamiento adecuado.

Use una espátula para raspar la mayor parte de la junta. Se prefiere raspar a los discos de
lijado. Esta preferencia se debe a la cantidad de contaminantes en el aire que son creados por
los discos. Los discos para reacondicionamiento de metales que están montados en una
herramienta neumática se pueden usar para quitar el material de la junta que no se puede
quitar con la mano.


AVISO 26/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Si se usa el disco de reacondicionamiento de metal para quitar

el material de la junta, se debe tener cuidado para evitar la
remoción de cualquier metal. Si se usa durante demasiado
tiempo en un área pequeña, el disco puede eliminar tanto metal
que las superficies de sellado podrían verse afectadas.

Se puede usar un disco para reacondicionamiento de metales que está montado en una
herramienta neumática para quitar el material de la junta que no se puede quitar a mano.

Ilustración 40 g01276547
Quitar la junta esmerilando

Cuando utiliza este método, la velocidad del disco es importante. Se obtendrán los mejores
resultados si el disco está plano sobre la superficie y se usa solo el peso de la herramienta
neumática como presión hacia abajo. No ejerza demasiada presión hacia abajo ni opere el
disco en el borde, ya que la almohadilla puede separarse del soporte. La velocidad del disco
debe establecerse entre 3500 y 4500 rpm para el disco abrasivo 5P-9709 y 10,000 rpm para el
disco abrasivo 6V-0185 . Si el disco para reacondicionamiento de metales se utiliza para quitar
el material de la junta, tenga cuidado de no quitar ningún metal de la culata.

Ilustración 41 g06176191
Discos y soporte
(12) Soporte 6V-0186 ( 127 mm (5,0 pulgadas) )
(13) Soporte 5P-9718 ( 178 mm (7,0 pulgadas) )
(14) Discos 6V-0185 ( 127 mm (5,0 pulgadas) )
(15 ) 5P-9709 Discos ( 178 mm (7,0 pulgadas) )

Protección después de la limpieza

Si la fundición se almacena antes de realizar una reparación, la culata debe protegerse de la
corrosión y los daños externos después de la limpieza.

Inspección visual de la culata del cilindro

Fundición de culata
Inspect the cylinder head for visible damage. The following examples of damage were taken
from 3200 and 3400 Engines and the examples also apply to all engines. 27/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 42 g01277373
The damage to the cylinder head is at the seal between the valve cover and the head.


The cylinder head can be used again after the burr has been removed.

Illustration 43 g01277404
Cylinder head is badly damaged in the seat area of the bolt. This area must have a flat surface and complete contact
with a bolt.


The cylinder head can be used again after damage is repaired.

Illustration 44 g01277417

Cylinder head is badly damaged in the seat area of the bolt. This area must have a flat surface
and complete contact with a bolt or a mating surface.


The cylinder head can be used again after damage is repaired.

The part can be used again after the hole has been repaired using Lock-N-Stitch. For complete
information on Lock-N-Stitch, refer to Reuse and Salvage Guideline, SEBF8882, "Using Lock-
N-Stitch Procedures for Casting Repair".

Inspecting the Combustion Area for Damage

from Erosion
Make a visual inspection of the combustion area to check for damage and erosion. Erosion in
these areas will have a negative effect on engine operation: 28/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 45 g06176233
Inspect the indicated areas for damage and erosion.
(16) Fire ring
(17) Seat area
(18) The area between the hole of the injector nozzle and the valve seat. Erosion in other areas should not affect
engine operation.

Illustration 46 g01296874
Minor pitting or erosion


Illustration 47 g01296931
Foreign material caused this damage. The valve seats must be replaced.

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Illustration 48 g01296968
Erosion across the fire ring
The cylinder head can be used again after the surface has been machined and all erosion is removed. The part must
still be within the reusable specifications.


Illustration 49 g01296991
Damage across the fire ring
The cylinder head can be used again after the surface has been machined to remove all damage.


Illustration 50 g01297021
Concentrated area of erosion
The cylinder head can be used again if a channel is ground out to remove erosion.

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Illustration 51 g01297085
A small amount of erosion


Illustration 52 g01297091
Bad erosion around the area of the valve seat.


Illustration 53 g01297298
Engine failure caused this damage.


The flow of coolant through the engine is known for causing erosion. This example is shown in
Illustration 52. The erosion will not damage the engine if the coolant does not go from the
coolant passage to any of the following:

Fire ring in the combustion chamber

Oil passages

Bolt holes

Outside of the engine 31/178
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Illustration 54 g01297592
Erosion that is caused from the flow of coolant
(16) Fire ring
(19) Outer surface
(20) Coolant passage
(21) Oil passage
(22) Erosion must not extend beyond this area.
(23) Bolt hole
Para las juntas de culata tradicionales, si la distancia entre la erosión y cualquier característica
que se especifica en la Ilustración 54 es inferior a 4,0 mm (0,16 pulgadas) , no vuelva a utilizar
la culata. Use la pieza nuevamente solo si se ha eliminado la erosión para dejar un área de
sellado mínima de 4.0 mm (0.16 pulgadas) .

Ilustración 55 g06176240
Junta "MLS" de acero de varias capas
Las flechas indican una capa elevada de la junta. La erosión no puede entrar en contacto con esta área.

Tenga en cuenta el área de sellado de la junta "MLS". El sello es creado por el área elevada de
la junta. Cualquier erosión o una superficie irregular podría crear un mal sellado.

Ilustración 56 g01297863
La erosión es aceptable en las áreas (24) y (25). La erosión no es aceptable en el área (26). Esta foto muestra una
erosión aceptable y la cabeza se puede usar nuevamente.
(24) Paso de refrigerante y diámetro interior de la junta tórica
(25) Sello y diámetro exterior de la junta tórica
(26) Sello y junta

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Ilustración 57 g06176243
La erosión no es aceptable en el área (27).
Solo reutilice la culata de cilindros si la erosión se ha mecanizado en el área (27). Esa área está en el punto de
contacto entre la junta tórica o el sello y la culata.


La Ilustración 56 y la Ilustración 57 muestran la ubicación de las juntas tóricas o sellos

alrededor de los orificios de los conductos de refrigerante. La erosión no dañará el motor entre
estas áreas.

La erosión no es aceptable en el punto de contacto entre la junta tórica o el sello y la culata. Si

se produce alguna erosión, entonces se debe mecanizar el área de combustión.

Erosión del orificio del elevador para motores 3500

Ilustración 58 g06275759
La erosión del orificio del elevador está permitida si la trayectoria de erosión está
contenida dentro de la Zona A y no supera los 0,5 mm (0,01969 pulgadas)

Orificio del elevador para motores 3500

Gritar Dimensión
(UNA) 5,0 mm (0,19685 pulgadas)
(SI) 5,0 mm (0,19685 pulgadas)
(C) 31,0 mm (1,22047 pulgadas) MAX

Tabla 6

Reutilización de culatas de cilindros en

motores C9, C-9 y 3176 con daños en la punta
del inyector
All the heads shown that in the photos have been milled to near minimum thickness to remove
as much damage as possible. The damage that remains is inside the gasket sealing area. This
area is shown by the black circle drawn on the head.

Heads with damage in the fire ring seat area after machining should not be used again.

Identification Stamp and Nomenclature  33/178
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Cylinder heads that are reworked by the criteria in this guideline should be stamped with a
dealer-selected stamp in area (1) shown in Illustration 59. This stamp will identify the cylinder
heads as having injector tip damage and not casting porosity. Caterpillar Reman heads will be
stamped with a 6 mm (0.24 inch) upper case "M".

Illustration 59 g06277285
(1) Reworked C9 cylinder heads have identification stamp in this area.

Illustration 60 g06277292
(2) Reworked 3176 cylinder heads have identification stamp in this area.
(3) Fly cut area between intake valves

Illustration 61 g06277299
Minimal damage on surface of deck and in valve port (angled area above valve insert)

Use again 34/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 62 g06277300
More areas of damage on surface of deck

Use again

Illustration 63 g06277307
Heavy damage to surfaces that extend into the valve ports

Do not use again

Illustration 64 g02350589
Heavy damage to surfaces that extend into the valve ports and damage to the fly cut between the intake valves

Do not use again 35/178
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Illustration 65 g06277312
Heavy damage to surface of deck and valve ports

Do not use again

Illustration 66 g06277317
Deep gouges in surface and gouges that extend into valve port.

Do not use again

Inspection of the Combustion on 3600, G3600,

C280 Engines

Illustration 67 g01937034
Cylinder head combustion surface
Inspect the surface between dimensions (A) and (B) in Illustration 67 for signs of pitting,
erosion, or other damage. The area between (A) and (B) must be smooth, free of nicks,
gouges, and/or any damage that may result in incorrect seal ring sealing.

Note: Tooling 151-8689 Seal Template can be used to quickly define the area between
dimension (A) and (B). 36/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 68 g03236258
Tooling 151-8689 Seal Template

1. Place a 151-8689 Seal Template on the cylinder head. Align the center locator on the
template with the hole for the injector on the cylinder head.

2. Use a marker to mark the inside diameter and the outside diameter of the template on the
surface of the cylinder head.

3. Remove the template for the seal.

Nota: El espesor de la culata de cilindros debe comprobarse de nuevo si se reacondiciona la


Especificaciones para superficie de combustión

380,00 ± 1,00 mm
Dimensión (A)
(14,961 ± 0,040 pulgadas)
330,00 ± 1,00 mm
Dimensión (B)
(12,992 ± 0,040 pulgadas)
406,0 mm
Ancho de superficie (mínimo)
(16,00 pulgadas)
3,2 µm
Textura de la superficie (máxima) excepto dentro de (A) y (B)
(125 µ pulgadas)
1,6 µm
Textura de la superficie (máxima) entre (A) y (B)
(63 µ pulgadas)
0,1 por 100 mm
Planitud (máxima) excepto dentro de (A) y (B)
(0,004 por 4 pulgadas)
0,05 mm
Planitud (máxima) entre (A) y (B)
(0,002 pulgadas)

Tabla 7

Inspección de hilo
Realice una inspección visual de todos los orificios roscados en busca de roscas dañadas y
pernos o espárragos rotos.

Ilustración 69 g01298139
Hilos dañados
La pieza se puede volver a utilizar después de que se haya reparado el orificio con Lock-N-Stitch. Para obtener
información completa sobre Lock-N-Stitch, consulte la Guía de reutilización y recuperación, SEBF8882, "Uso de los
procedimientos de Lock-N-Stitch para la reparación de fundición".

10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Herramienta de extracción de pernos y espárragos de

El grupo de herramientas de extracción de pernos y espárragos de escape 188-3922 ,
533-1152 , 533-1153 y 533-1152 , cuando se atornilla a la culata de cilindros, ubicará con
precisión el centro del espárrago o perno roto. Esta herramienta permite perforar pernos o
espárragos rotos sin dañar las roscas existentes en la culata. Este grupo de herramientas es
similar al Grupo de extracción de espárragos 6V-9050 excepto que está diseñado para reparar
pernos y espárragos del colector de escape métrico.

La herramienta 188-3922 se puede utilizar en culatas de cilindros de motores 3114, 3116,

3126, 3126B, 3176, 3176B, C-10 y C-12.

La herramienta 533-1152 se puede utilizar en culatas de cilindros de motores C6.6.

La herramienta 533-1153 se puede utilizar en culatas de cilindros de motores C4.4.

La herramienta 533-1155 se puede utilizar en culatas de cilindros de motores C7.1.

Consulte el Manual de funcionamiento de la herramienta NEHS0787, "188-3922 Grupo de

extracción de pernos y pernos de escape rotos para motores 3114, 3116, 3126, 3126B, 3176,
3176B, C-10 y C12" para obtener más información.

La herramienta 6V-9050 se puede utilizar en culatas de cilindros de motores C-15, C-16,

C18, C27, C32, 3100, 3200, 3300 y 3400.

Consulte la Instrucción especial SMHS8297, "Uso del grupo de extracción de espárragos de

escape 6V-9050" para obtener más información.

Métodos de detección de grietas

Regardless of which crack detection method is used, it is
important that the instructions furnished with the detection
equipment are followed closely when checking any component.
Failure to do so may cause inaccurate results or may cause
injury to the operator and/or surroundings.

Crack detection methods or Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) are utilized for examining
components for cracks without damaging the component. Visual inspection (VT), Liquid
Penetrant Testing (PT), Magnetic Particle Inspection (MT), Ultrasonic Testing (UT),
Radiographic Testing (RT) and Eddy-Current Testing (ET) are recommended methods. There
may be more than one acceptable crack detection method for the inspection of a given part,
though the liquid penetrant is the most versatile. For example, the liquid penetrant method can
be used when inspecting smooth machined components such as shafts, gear teeth, and
splines, but using the Wet Magnetic Particle Inspection is more accurate. Refer to Table 8 for
advantages and disadvantages and Table 9 for standards and requirements for these NDT

Crack Inspection Method Advantages vs. Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages
- Least expensive
Visual - Detects most damaging - Limited to surface-only defects
Surface defects - Requires inspectors to have broad knowledge of
Inspection - Immediate results welding and fabrication inch addition to non-
(VT) - Minimum part destructive testing
- Inexpensive
Liquid - Minimal training - Least sensitive
Penetrant - Portable - Detects surface cracks only
(PT) - Works on nonmagnetic - Rough or porous surfaces interfere with test
- Portable
Dry Magnetic - Fast/Immediate Results
- Works on magnetic material only
Particle - Detects surface and
- Less sensitive than Wet Magnetic Particle
(MT) subsurface
discontinuities 38/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

- More sensitive than

Wet - Requires Power for Light
Liquid Penetrant
Magnetic - Works on magnetic parts only
- Detects subsurface as
Particle - Liquid composition and agitation must be
much as 0.13 mm
(MT) monitored
(0.005 inch)
- Most sensitive
- Detects deep material
defects - Most expensive
- Immediate results - Requires operator training and certification
Testing (UT)
- Wide range of materials - Surface must be accessible to probe
and thickness can be
- Surface and near
surface flaws detectable - Difficult to interpret
-Moderate - Only for metals
speed/Immediate results -Rough surfaces interfere with test
Testing (ET)
-Sensitive too small - Surface must be accessible to probe
-Detects surface and
internal flaws - Not for porous materials
Radiographic - Minimum part - Radiation protection needed
Testing (RT) preparation - Defect able to be detected is limited to 2% of
- Can inspect hidden thickness

Table 8

Applicable Crack Detection Standards

Inspection Acceptance
Standard Personnel
Method Criteria
EN-ISO 9712 - Level 2
Visual Surface EN-ISO 5817 EN-ISO 5817 - Level B
Inspection (VT) AWS D1.1 AWS D1.1 - Table 6.1
1A Level 2
EN-ISO 9712 - Level 2
Liquid Penetrant EN-ISO 3452 EN-ISO 23277
Testing (PT) ASTM E165 AWS - D1.1
1A Level 2
EN-ISO 9712 - Level 2
Magnetic Particle EN-ISO 17638 EN-ISO 23278 - Level 1
Testing (MT) ASTM E709 AWS D1.1 - Table 6.1
1A Level 2
EN-ISO 11666 Technique
EN-ISO 17640 - EN-ISO 9712 - Level 2
Ultrasonic Testing 2 - Level 2
(UT) AWS D1.1 - Class A -
AWS D1.1 1A Level 2
Table 6.3
EN-ISO 9712 - Level 2
Eddy-Current Testing EN-ISO 15549
(ET) ASTM E426
1A Level 2
EN-ISO 9712 - Level 2
Radiographic Testing EN-ISO 5579
1A Level 2

Table 9

Visual Surface Inspection (VT)

Illustration 70 g06085008 39/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Example of Visual Inspection Tools

(A) Flashlight or adequate light source
(B) Magnifying eye loupe
(C) Tape measure or other measuring device
(D) Inspection mirror
(E) Weld size inspection gauges
Components and welds that are to be inspected using PT, MT, or UT shall first be subject to
Visual Surface Inspection (VT). Visual Inspection is often the most cost-effective inspection
method and requires little equipment as seen in Illustration 70. It is suggested that at a
minimum personnel performing Visual Inspection are either trained to a company standard or
have sufficient experience and knowledge regarding the components being inspected. It is also
suggested that personnel performing visual inspections take some type of eyesight test

Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT)

Personal injury can result from improper handling of chemicals.

Make sure you use all the necessary protective equipment

required to do the job.

Make sure that you read and understand all directions and
hazards described on the labels and material safety data sheet
of any chemical that is used.

Observe all safety precautions recommended by the chemical

manufacturer for handling, storage, and disposal of chemicals.

Materials and Equipment Required

Refer to Tooling and Equipment Table 3 for part numbers.

Cleaner: Removes dirt before dye application and dissolves the penetrant making
possible to wipe the surface clean.

Penetrant: This solution is highly visible, and will seep into openings at the surface of a
part with capillary action.

Developer: Provides a blotting action, bringing the penetrant out of the discontinuities and
providing a contrasting background to increase the visibility of the penetrant indications.

Wire Brush: Removes dirt and paint.

Cloth or Wipes: Use with cleaner and for other miscellaneous uses.

1. Preclean inspection area. Spray on cleaner / remover to loosen any scale, dirt, or any oil.
Wipe the area to inspect with a solvent dampened cloth to remove remaining dirt and
allow the area to dry.

Illustration 71 g01298464

2. Apply penetrant by spraying to the entire area to be examined. Allow 10 to 15 minutes for
penetrant to soak. After the penetrant has been allowed to soak, remove the excess
penetrant with clean, dry wipe.  40/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

3. The last traces of penetrant should be removed with the cleaner solvent dampened cloth
or wipe. Allow the area to dry thoroughly.

4. Antes de usar el revelador, asegúrese de que esté bien mezclado agitando la lata.
Sosteniendo la lata aproximadamente a 203.20 - 304.80 mm (8.00 - 12.00 pulgadas) de
la pieza, aplique una capa delgada y uniforme de revelador sobre el área que se
inspecciona. Unas pocas capas delgadas son un mejor método de aplicación que una
capa gruesa.

5. Deje que el revelador se seque por completo durante 10 a 15 minutos antes de

inspeccionarlo en busca de grietas. Los defectos se mostrarán como líneas rojas en el
fondo del revelador blanco. Limpiar la zona de aplicación del revelador con disolvente

Ilustración 72 g01298518
Utilice una luz negra para comprobar las inserciones del asiento de la válvula.

Ilustración 73 g01298740
El tinte penetrará en las grietas.

6. Verifique la superficie con una lámpara ultravioleta 459-0184 . Esta lámpara resaltará la
ubicación de las grietas o daños.

Ilustración 74 g01298757
Las grietas comienzan en la cámara de precombustión o en el orificio del adaptador de inyección directa. La longitud
de la grieta en el área de combustión no debe ser superior a 6,35 mm (0,250 pulgadas) . La grieta no debe tener
más de tres hilos de profundidad. Utilice el método de tinte penetrante para encontrar la profundidad de las grietas.
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Las siguientes ilustraciones muestran ejemplos de grietas que constituirían el reemplazo de la


Ilustración 75 g01298781
Grieta en el orificio de la boquilla (motor 3200)


Ilustración 76 g01299782
La grieta entra en el asiento de la válvula. Si la grieta no entra en el escariado del área del asiento de la válvula, se
puede salvar la cabeza. Consulte la Guía de reutilización y recuperación, SEBF8374, "Especificaciones para
conjuntos de culata de cilindros Motores 3200".


Ilustración 77 g01298740
Grietas entre los asientos de las válvulas (motores 3200 y 3400)

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Ilustración 78 g01299804
Grietas entre la cámara de precombustión o el orificio del adaptador de inyección directa y los asientos de las
válvulas (motor 3400).


Ilustración 79 g01299842
Grietas entre el orificio del tapón del núcleo y el orificio de la guía de la válvula en la plataforma superior (motor


Prueba de partículas magnéticas secas (MT)

Materiales y equipo necesarios
Consulte la Tabla 3 de herramientas y equipos para conocer los números de pieza.

Ilustración 80 g06085930
(A) Indicaciones mostradas por pruebas de partículas magnéticas.
(B) Yugo electromagnético típico.
(C) Bulbo de polvo seco. 43/178
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Ilustración 81 g01299867
Un electroimán en forma de yugo que busca grietas.

1. El polvo magnético seco deberá ser de alta permeabilidad y baja retención y de tamaños
y formas adecuados para producir indicaciones de partículas magnéticas. El polvo debe
ser de un color que proporcione un contraste adecuado con el fondo de la superficie que
se inspecciona.

2. Las partículas magnéticas secas deben almacenarse en contenedores adecuados para

resistir la contaminación como humedad, grasa, aceite, partículas no magnéticas como
arena y calor excesivo. Los contaminantes se manifestarán en forma de cambio de color
de partículas y aglomeración de partículas. El grado de contaminación determinará el
uso posterior del polvo.

3. El polvo magnético seco se probará de acuerdo con la Sección 18 de ASTM E709

(Evaluación del rendimiento / sensibilidad del sistema) cuando no esté funcionando.

4. El equipo debe incluir un yugo electromagnético en forma de "U" hecho de material

magnético altamente permeable, que tiene una bobina enrollada alrededor del yugo. Esta
bobina transporta una corriente magnetizante para imponer un campo magnético
longitudinal localizado en la pieza. La fuerza de magnetización del yugo está relacionada
con la fuerza electromagnética y se puede probar determinando la potencia de elevación
de una placa de acero. El yugo debe tener una fuerza de elevación de al menos 4,5 kg
(10 libras) .

5. Revise el soplador de polvo seco de forma rutinaria para asegurarse de que el aerosol
sea una capa ligera, uniforme y similar al polvo de las partículas magnéticas secas. El
soplador también debe tener la fuerza suficiente para eliminar el exceso de partículas sin
alterar aquellas partículas que son evidencia de indicaciones.

6. Todo el equipo deberá inspeccionarse como mínimo una vez al año o cuando la precisión
sea cuestionable.

1. Asegúrese de que la superficie a inspeccionar esté seca y libre de aceite, grasa, arena,
óxido suelto, escamas, pintura y otros contaminantes.

2. Aplique el campo magnético usando el yugo contra las caras y el diámetro interior de
cada agujero.

3. Aplique simultáneamente el polvo seco con el soplador de polvo seco.

4. Quite el exceso de polvo soplando ligeramente las partículas secas.

5. Continúe por toda la circunferencia de cada orificio. Coloque el yugo dos veces en cada
área a 1,57 rad (90 °) para asegurarse de que se creen múltiples direcciones del campo
magnético. 44/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Ilustración 82 g01300124

6. Inspeccione el área en busca de grietas. Si hay una grieta entre los brazos del yugo, el
polvo magnético entrará en la grieta. La grieta aparecerá como una línea de partículas
Observe las partículas y observe si aparecen grupos de partículas que revelen una

7. Registre el tamaño y la forma de las discontinuidades o indicaciones encontradas.

Prueba de partículas magnéticas húmedas (MT)

Materiales y equipamiento
Consulte la Tabla 3 de herramientas y equipos para conocer los números de pieza.

Ilustración 83 g06085937
(A) Indicaciones mostradas por pruebas de partículas magnéticas.
(B) Yugo electromagnético típico.
(D) Lámpara UV utilizada en el proceso de inspección de partículas magnéticas húmedas.

Ilustración 84 g06003178
Tubo de centrífuga en forma de pera

1. Las partículas magnéticas húmedas son fluorescentes y están suspendidas en un

vehículo en una concentración determinada que permitirá la aplicación a la superficie de
prueba mediante pulverización.

2. Concentración:

a. La concentración de las partículas magnéticas en suspensión será la especificada

por el fabricante y se comprobará mediante mediciones del volumen de 45/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0


b. Concentrations are determined by measuring the settling volume by using an ASTM

pear shaped centrifuge tube with a 1 mL (0.034 oz) stem with 0.05 mL (0.0017 oz)
1.0 mL (0.034 oz) divisions, refer to Illustration 84. Before sampling, the suspension
shall be thoroughly mixed to assure suspension of all particles, which could have
settled. A 100 mL (3.40 oz) sample of the suspension shall be taken and allowed to
settle for 30 minutes. The settling volume should be between 0.1 mL (0.0034 oz)
and 0.25 mL (0.0085 oz) in a 100 mL (3.40 oz) sample.

c. Wet magnetic particles may be suspended in a low viscosity oil or conditioned


d. The oil shall have the following characteristics:

Low viscosity not to exceed 50 mSt (5.0 cSt) at any temperature at which the
vehicle is to be used.

Low inherent fluorescence and be non-reactive.

e. The conditioning agents used in the conditioned water shall have the following

Impart good wetting characteristics and good dispersion.

Minimize foaming and be non-corrosive.

Low viscosity shall not exceed a maximum viscosity of 50 mSt (5.0 cSt) at
38° C (100° F).

Non-fluorescent, non-reactive, and odorless.

Alkalinity shall not exceed a pH of 10.5.

3. Equipment should include a "U" shaped electromagnetic yoke made from highly
permeable magnetic material, which has a coil wound around the yoke. This coil carries a
magnetizing current to impose a localized longitudinal magnetic field into the part. The
magnetizing force of the yoke is related to the electromagnetic strength and can be tested
by determining the lifting power of a steel plate. The yoke shall have a lifting force of at
least 4.5 kg (10 lbs).

1. Ensure surface to be inspected is dry and free from oil, grease, sand, loose rust, mil
scale, paint, and any other contaminants.

2. Apply the magnetic field using the yoke against the surface in the area to be inspected.

3. For case hardened and ground surfaces:

Due to the sensitivity required to locate the grinding cracks, inspection of case
hardened and ground surfaces require that the yoke is applied so that the magnetic
field is 1.57 rad (90°) to the expected direction of the indications. Also, due to the
increased sensitivity resulting when the yoke is energized, the yoke is not moved
until the evaluation is completed in the first direction. An AC yoke shall be used.

4. Visually inspect for indications of discontinuities using the proper illumination.

5. Record the size and shape of any discontinuities found.

Ultrasonic Testing (UT)

Note: Crack depth cannot be accurately determined by UT, only full depth cracking can be
consistently determined. For cracks that are not full depth, an indication of a partial depth
cracks can be detected by an experienced technician.

Todo el personal involucrado en pruebas ultrasónicas debe
estar calificado al Nivel 2 de acuerdo con los estándares
establecidos en la Tabla 9.

Consulte la Tabla 3 de herramientas y equipos para conocer los números de pieza. 46/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

1. La prueba ultrasónica (UT) es un método de prueba no destructiva (NDT) que utiliza

ondas de pulso ultrasónicas cortas (con frecuencias de 0,1-15 MHz hasta 50 MHz) para
detectar el grosor del objeto. La prueba ultrasónica consiste en un transductor de
ultrasonido conectado a una máquina de diagnóstico y pasado sobre el objeto que se

2. Hay dos métodos para recibir la forma de onda de ultrasonido del transductor: reflexión y

a. Reflexión: los pulsos ultrasónicos salen del transductor y viajan por todo el espesor
del material. Cuando las ondas sonoras se propagan a un objeto que se está
probando, las ondas regresan al transductor cuando se descubre una
discontinuidad a lo largo de la trayectoria sónica. Estas ondas continúan y se
reflejan desde la superficie posterior del material para proyectar el grosor del

b. Atenuación: un transmisor envía ultrasonido a través de una superficie, y un

receptor separado detecta la cantidad que lo ha alcanzado en otra superficie
después de viajar a través del medio. Cualquier discontinuidad u otras condiciones
dentro del medio reducirán la cantidad de sonido transmitido, revelando la
presencia de las imperfecciones.

Prueba de corrientes de Foucault (ET)

Todo el personal involucrado en las pruebas de corrientes de
Foucault debe estar calificado al Nivel 2 de acuerdo con los
estándares establecidos en la Tabla 9.

Ilustración 85 g06090873
Prueba de corrientes de Foucault
La prueba de corrientes parásitas (ET) es un método de pruebas no destructivas (NDT) en el
que se induce el flujo de corrientes parásitas en el objeto de prueba. Los cambios en el flujo
causados por variaciones en la muestra se reflejan en una bobina o bobinas cercanas para su
posterior análisis mediante la instrumentación y técnicas adecuadas. Las principales
aplicaciones de las pruebas de corrientes inducidas son la inspección de superficies y las
inspecciones de tuberías.

Pruebas radiográficas (RT)

Nota: PRECAUCIÓN : Este proceso es peligroso. Solo se debe designar personal calificado y
equipo de prueba para realizar este tipo de prueba.

AVISO 47/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Todo el personal involucrado en las pruebas radiográficas debe

estar calificado al Nivel 2 de acuerdo con los estándares
establecidos en la Tabla 9.

Ilustración 86 g06090892
Pruebas radiográficas
Radiographic Testing (RT) is a Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) method in which short
wavelength of electromagnetic radiation is used to penetrate materials to find hidden
discontinuities such as cracks. In radiographic testing, the test object is placed between the
radiation source and the film, or x-ray detector. The electromagnetic radiation will penetrate the
thickness of the test object and, when all the way through, will project onto the film any
indications that have been in the path of the radiation waves.

Lock-N-Stitch Full Torque Threaded Inserts

Illustration 87 g01042620
If a bolt hole contains cracked threads or stripped threads, Lock-N-Stitch Full Torque Threaded
Inserts should be used. The cracks must be no deeper than 6.4 mm (0.25 inch) down the
counterbore of the bolt hole. The cracks cannot run into the cylinders. The cracks must only run
into water jackets. The number of cracks per hole does not matter. Mark all bad holes with a
paint pen.

The procedure utilizes Lock-N-Stitch products that were introduced in Reuse and Salvage
Guideline, SEBF8882, "Using Lock-N-Stitch Procedures for Casting Repair". Full Torque
Thread Insert Kits are used to repair the cracked bolt holes and stripped bolt holes. The
threaded inserts and the parts that accompany the threaded inserts are included in
FFB5SP010K Full Torque Thread Insert Kit from LOCK-N-STITCH. These parts can be ordered
through LOCK-N-STITCH. This kit is not stocked by Caterpillar. Refer to Reuse and Salvage
Guideline, SEBF8882, "Using Lock-N-Stitch Procedures for Casting Repair" for other LOCK-N-
STITCH parts that are stocked by Caterpillar.

Installing a Threaded Insert can be done in a short amount of time. Installing a Threaded Insert 

will increase the strength of the threads. 48/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

For more information or questions concerning LOCK-N-STITCH, contact LOCK-N-STITCH. For

a complete catalog of products, contact LOCK-N-STITCH. See for more
repair procedures, training, and catalogs.

1015 S. Soderquist Rd.
Turlock, CA 95380
(209) 632-2345
(800) 736-8261

Measurement Requirements

Precise measurements shall be made when the
component and measurement equipment are at 20°
(68° F). Measurements shall be made after both the
component and measurement equipment have had
sufficient time to soak at 20° (68° F). This will ensure
that both the surface and core of the material is at the
same temperature.

Cylinder Head Thickness

Before the cylinder head can be reused, the cylinder head thickness must be measured.

The cylinder head can be machined to remove any damage. At the time of this publication,
some cylinder heads must remain within factory specifications. Refer to the Tables for
specifications for the minimum thickness of the cylinder head. The cylinder head must be within
the minimum thickness specifications to comply with the regulations on emissions. If the
thickness of the head is beyond the minimum thickness, the head can be reconditioned by
utilizing thermal spray.

Note: An alternative solution will be provided in the future for the engines that must remain
within factory specifications.

If the head surface requires reconditioning, the surface must be built up utilizing metal spray so
the cylinder head thickness will be maintained at the original specifications. Refer to "Thermal
Spray Procedures for Cylinder Head" for more information.

Illustration 88 is of a C7 cylinder head, but is illustrative of where to measure for C7 through

C32 cylinder heads.

The thickness of the cylinder head is measured from the valve spring base to the combustion
surface. The valve spring base makes for a good datum for measuring cylinder head thickness
because it receives minimum wear through the engine life. Also the valve spring base remains
unchanged during cylinder head salvage such as machining and/or metal spray procedures.

C7 through C32 Cylinder Heads

Illustration 88 g03843866
Medición de la base del resorte de la válvula a la cara de combustión
(A) Espesor de la cabeza del cilindro

Culatas de cilindro C175  49/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Nota: Si la cara de combustión se mecaniza por debajo de 207,85 mm (8,18305 pulg.) ,

Se debe quitar una cantidad igual de material de las cavidades del asiento de la válvula
para mantener el espacio entre la válvula y el pistón. Consulte la Tabla 10 para conocer
el espesor mínimo de la culata de cilindros.

Ilustración 89 g06229711
(A) Espesor de la culata

Culatas de cilindro 3044, 3046, 3064 y 3066

Ilustración 90 g06277328
Sección transversal de la culata

3114, 3116 y 3126 Culatas de cilindros

Ilustración 91 g01324622
Culatas de cilindros anteriores 50/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Ilustración 92 g06277333
Sección transversal de la culata de las culatas posteriores
(1) Camisa
(A) Espesor de la culata
Consulte el Manual de funcionamiento de la herramienta, NEHS0675, "Uso del grupo de
herramientas de reemplazo de manguito 143-2099 en motores 3114, 3116 y 3126".

Culatas de cilindros 3176 y 3196

Ilustración 93 g06277337
Sección transversal de la culata
(1) Camisa
(A) Espesor de la culata nueva

3400 Culatas de cilindro

Ilustración 94 g01456775

3406E, 3456 Culatas de cilindro 51/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Ilustración 95 g06277341
(A) Espesor de la culata

3500 culatas de cilindro

Nota: El material se puede quitar de la culata sin volver a colocar las válvulas si el
grosor de la culata es de al menos 141,62 mm (5,57558 pulgadas) . Cuando el grosor de
la culata de cilindros es menor que el grosor mínimo de la culata de cilindros, las
válvulas deben volver a colocarse para lograr la recesión adecuada de la válvula. Estas
dimensiones se enumeran en la Tabla 10.

Ilustración 96 g01632454
(A) Espesor mínimo de la culata

3600, G3600, C280 Culatas de cilindro

Ilustración 97 g06175819
(A) Espesor mínimo de la culata

Especificaciones para el espesor de la culata del cilindro

Espesor mínimo de la culata del

Modelo Espesor de la culata (A)
cilindro 52/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

111,25 mm 110,99 mm
(4,37991 pulgadas) (4,36968 pulgadas)
127,00 ± 0,08 mm 125.56 mm
(5,00 ± 0,00315 pulgadas) (4.94330 inch)
D342 136.72 ± 0.06 mm 134.70 mm
G342 (5.38267 ± 0.00236 inch) (5.30314 inch)
D343 167.64 ± 0.05 mm 167.49 mm
G343 (6.59999 ± 0.00197 inch) (6.59408 inch)
D348 109.22 ± 0.10 mm 108.96 mm
G348 (4.29999 ± 0.00394 inch) (4.28976 inch)
D353 146.11 ± 0.06 mm 144.27 mm
G353 (5.75235 ± 0.00236 inch) (5.67991 inch)
D398 179.45 ± 0.10 mm 178.05 mm
G398 (7.06495 ± 0.00394 inch) (7.00983 inch)
100.95 mm
C4.4 N/A
(3.974 inch)
150.8 mm
C4.4 (Tier 4) N/A
(5.9370 inch)
C6.6 and
94.80 mm
C7.1(Elect) N/A
(3.732 inch)
(Tier 2/3)
C7.1 (Mech)
N/A 117.95 mm (4.644 inch)
(Tier 0/2/3)
C7.1 (Tier 4) N/A 150.8 mm (5.937 inch)
110.5 ± 0.25 mm 110.00 mm
(4.350 ± 0.010 inch)(1) (4.33 inch)
130.00 ± 0.15 mm 129.60 mm
(5.118 ± 0.006 inch) (5.102 inch)
158.00 ± 0.15 mm 157.60 mm
(6.221 ± 0.006 inch) (6.205 inch)
163.0 mm 162.6 mm
(6.41731 inch) (6.40156 inch)
105.00 ± 0.15 mm 104.35 mm
(4.134 ± 0.006 inch) (4.108 inch)
120.00 ± 0.15 mm 119.50 mm
(4.724 ± 0.006 inch) (4.70472 inch)
C16 120.00 ± 0.15 mm 119.50 mm
C-16 (4.724 ± 0.006 inch) (4.70472 inch)
C27 120.00 ± 0.15 mm 119.50 mm
C32 (4.724 ± 0.006 inch) (4.70472 inch)
C-30 112.78 ± 0.25 mm 111.51 mm
C-32 (4.440 ± 0.001 inch) (4.390 inch)
Minimum Thickness of the Cylinder
207.85 mm
(8.1831 inch)
Absolute Minimum Thickness for Non
208.00 mm Water-Cooled Cylinder Head -
C175 Machining of Valve Seat Pocket
(8.189 inch)
Refer to "Valve Seat Inserts for C175
Engines" section for valve seat pocket
207.5 mm
(8.16928 inch)
3044 85.00 ± 0.10 mm 84.90 mm
3046 (3.347 ± 0.004 inch) (3.343 inch) 53/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

103.59 mm 102.48 mm
(4.07834 inch) (4.03464 inch)
103.59 mm 102.79 mm
(4.07834 inch) (4.04684 inch)
3064 95.00 ± 0.10 mm 94.90 mm
3066 (3.740 ± 0.004 inch) (3.736 inch)
103.00 ± 0.20 mm
102,55 mm
3114 (4.055 ± 0.008 inch)
(4,037 pulgadas) (3)
3116 Early Model
3126 158,00 ± 0,20 mm 157,55 mm
(6,220 ± 0,008 pulgadas) (6,202 pulgadas) (3)
3176 105,00 ± 0,15 mm 104,35 mm
3196 (4,134 ± 0,006 pulgadas) (4,108 pulgadas)
96,14 ± 0,15 mm 95,86 mm
3204 DI
(3,78503 ± 0,00591 pulgadas) (3,77401 pulgadas)
95,0 ± 0,13 mm 94,59 mm
3204 PC
(3,74015 ± 0,00512 pulgadas) (3,72401 pulgadas)
96,14 ± 0,15 mm 95,86 mm
(3,78503 ± 0,00591 pulgadas) (3,77401 pulgadas)

3306 98,89 mm
(3,893 pulgadas) (4) 98,51
100,03 ± 0,76 mm
(3,938 ± 0,030 pulgadas)
DI (3,878 pulgadas) 148-2138

112,78 ± 0,25 mm 111,51 mm
(4,440 ± 0,010 pulgadas) (4,390 pulgadas)
125,00 ± 0,25 mm 123,72 mm
G3406 (4,921 ± 0,010 pulgadas) (4,871 pulgadas)
G3412 112,78 ± 0,25 mm 111,51 mm
(4,440 ± 0,010 pulgadas) (4,390 pulgadas)
3406E 120,00 ± 0,15 mm 119,45 mm
3456 (4,724 ± 0,006 pulgadas) (4,703 pulgadas)
141,0 mm
3500 142,00 ± 0,15 mm (5,55 pulgadas)
G3500 (5,591 ± 0,006 pulgadas) 141,5 mm
(5,5709 pulgadas) (5)
3600, G3600, 280,00 mm 279,00 mm
C280 (11,024 pulgadas) (10,984 pulgadas)

Tabla 10
(2) Medido desde la base del asiento de la válvula de admisión.
La proyección máxima permitida de la boquilla de inyección de combustible debajo de la cara de la culata de
(3) cilindros después de la repavimentación no debe exceder los 4,45 mm (0,17520 pulgadas).
(4) Se permite una remoción máxima de 0.25 mm (0.010 pulgadas) para la repavimentación.
(5) Para el número de pieza 7N-8866
Para los números de pieza 269-0040 y 315-2630

Planitud de la superficie
Mantenga las especificaciones originales para todos los conjuntos de culatas durante el

Nota: Los factores críticos que deben tenerse en cuenta durante el reacondicionamiento del
bloque de cilindros y la culata de cilindros, las relaciones de compresión y la holgura entre la
válvula y el pistón. La relación de compresión aumenta cuando se retira material del bloque de
cilindros. 54/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Ilustración 98 g01300274
Medición de la planitud de la superficie total (motor 3200)

Ilustración 99 g01300282
Medición de la planitud de la superficie total (motor 3400)

La planitud de la culata se puede medir utilizando una regla y una galga de espesores. Se
muestra en la Ilustración 98 y la Ilustración 99. Se requiere una regla para medir la planitud
total de la superficie. Se debe usar una regla para medir un área pequeña.

Ilustración 100 g01456778

Mida la planitud del área de combustión en la culata. Utilice una regla y una galga de
espesores para medir la planitud. Mida la superficie en dos posiciones transversalmente y
mida la superficie en dos posiciones a lo largo.

Ilustración 101 g06229716

(B) Diámetro de la cámara de combustión

Ilustración 102 g06189553 55/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Planitud de la superficie para 3500

(B) Diámetro de la cámara de combustión
(C) Superficie de la culata del cilindro
(D) Superficie de la cámara de combustión

Especificaciones para la planitud de la culata del cilindro

Planitud de la
Planitud de la
Diámetro de la superficie de Especificaciones
superficie de la Textura de la
cámara de la de ondulación de
Modelo cabeza del superficie de
combustión cámara de la superficie de
cilindro sellado
(B) combustión sellado.
The overall flatness
is 0.13 mm
(0.005 inch)
3.2 µm
D318 N/A 0.05 mm N/A N/A
(125.98 µinch) Ra Max
(0.002 inch) for any
150 mm (5.9 inch)
The overall flatness
is 0.13 mm
(0.005 inch)
3.2 µm
D320 N/A 0.05 mm N/A N/A
(125.98 µinch) Ra Max
(0.002 inch) for any
150 mm (5.9 inch)
The overall flatness
is 0.13 mm
(0.005 inch)
D342 3.2 µm
N/A 0.05 mm N/A N/A
G342 (125.98 µinch) Ra Max
(0.002 inch) for any
150 mm (5.9 inch)
The overall flatness
is 0.13 mm
(0.005 inch)
D343 3.2 µm
N/A 0.05 mm N/A N/A
G343 (125.98 µinch) Ra Max
(0.002 inch) for any
150 mm (5.9 inch)
The overall flatness
is 0.13 mm
(0.005 inch)
D348 3.2 µm
N/A 0.05 mm N/A N/A
G348 (125.98 µinch) Ra Max
(0.002 inch) for any
150 mm (5.9 inch)
The overall flatness
is 0.13 mm
(0.005 inch)
D353 3.2 µm
N/A 0.05 mm N/A N/A
G353 (125.98 µinch) Ra Max
(0.002 inch) for any
150 mm (5.9 inch)
The overall flatness
is 0.13 mm
(0.005 inch)
D398 3.2 µm
N/A 0.05 mm N/A N/A
G398 (125.98 µinch) Ra Max
(0.002 inch) for any
150 mm (5.9 inch)
The overall flatness
is 0.13 mm
(0.005 inch) 0.5 - 1.6 µm
Height - 0.0125 mm
C7 N/A 0.05 mm N/A (19.6850 - 62.9921µinch)
(0.00049 inch) per
(0.002 inch) for any Ra Max
5.0 mm (0.20 inch)
150 mm (5.9 inch)
of spacing(2)
La planitud total es Altura mínima de
de 0,15 mm ondulación
(0,006 pulgadas)
C9 3,2 µm : 0,0125 mm
0,05 mm (125,98 µ pulgadas) Ra (0,00049 pulgadas)
C-9 N/A N/A
(0,002 pulgadas)
C9.3 Máx. por 5,0 mm
para cualquier
(0,20 pulgadas) de
tramo de 150 mm
(5,9 pulgadas) espacio (2) 56/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

La planitud total es Altura mínima de

de 0,15 mm ondulación
(0,006 pulgadas) 3,2 µm : 0,0125 mm
0,05 mm (125,98 µ pulgadas) Ra (0,00049 pulgadas)
C-12 N/A N/A
(0,002 pulgadas) por 5,0 mm
C12 Máx.
para cualquier (0,20 pulgadas) de
tramo de 150 mm
(5,9 pulgadas) espacio (2)

La planitud total es Altura mínima de

de 0,15 mm ondulación
(0,006 pulgadas)
C11 3,2 µm : 0,0125 mm
0,05 mm (125,98 µ pulgadas) Ra (0,00049 pulgadas)
C13 N/A N/A
(0,002 pulgadas)
C-13 Máx. por 5,0 mm
para cualquier
(0,20 pulgadas) de
tramo de 150 mm
(5,9 pulgadas) espacio (2)

La planitud total es Altura mínima de

de 0,15 mm ondulación
C15 (0,006 pulgadas)
3,2 µm : 0,0125 mm
C-15 0,05 mm
N/A N/A (125,98 µ pulgadas) Ra (0,00049 pulgadas)
C18 (0,002 pulgadas)
Máx. por 5,0 mm
C-18 para cualquier
(0,20 pulgadas) de
tramo de 150 mm
(5,9 pulgadas) espacio (2)

La planitud total es Altura mínima de

de 0,15 mm ondulación
(0,006 pulgadas) 3,2 µm : 0,0125 mm
C16 0,05 mm (125,98 µ pulgadas) Ra (0,00049 pulgadas)
C-16 (0,002 pulgadas)
Máx. por 5,0 mm
para cualquier
(0,20 pulgadas) de
tramo de 150 mm
(5,9 pulgadas) espacio (2)

La planitud total es Altura mínima de

de 0,15 mm ondulación
(0,006 pulgadas) 1,6 µm : 0,0125 mm
C27 0,05 mm (62,9921 µpulgadas) Ra (0,00049 pulgadas)
C32 (0,002 pulgadas)
Máx. por 5,0 mm
para cualquier
(0,20 pulgadas) de
tramo de 150 mm
(5,9 pulgadas) espacio (2)

La planitud total es Altura mínima de

de 0,15 mm ondulación
(0,006 pulgadas)
3,2 µm : 0,0125 mm
C-30 0,05 mm
N/A N/A (125,98 µ pulgadas) Ra (0,00049 pulgadas)
C-32 (0,002 pulgadas)
Máx. por 5,0 mm
para cualquier
(0,20 pulgadas) de
tramo de 150 mm
(5,9 pulgadas) espacio (2)

0,05 mm
(0,002 pulgadas) 3,2 µm
201,4 ± 0,3 mm (125,98 µ pulgadas) Ra
C175 para cualquier N/A N/A
(7,93 ± 0,02 pulgadas)
tramo de 150 mm Máx.
(5,9 pulgadas)
La planitud total es
de 0,20 mm
(0,008 pulgadas)
0,05 mm 3,2 µm
3044 (125,98 µ pulgadas) Ra
N/A (0,002 pulgadas) N/A N/A
para cualquier Máx.
tramo de
150,00 mm
(5,91 pulgadas)
La planitud total es
de 0,15 mm
(0,006 pulgadas)
0,05 mm 3,2 µm
3054 N/A (0,002 pulgadas) N/A (125,98 µ pulgadas) Ra N/A
para cualquier Máx.
tramo de
150,00 mm
(5,91 pulgadas)
La planitud total es
de 0,25 mm
(0,00984 pulgadas) 3,2 µm
0,05 mm
3056 N/A N/A (125,98 µ pulgadas) Ra N/A
(0,002 pulgadas)
para cualquier Máx.
tramo de 150 mm
(5,9 pulgadas) 57/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

La planitud total es
de 0,20 mm
(0,008 pulgadas)
0,05 mm 3,2 µm
N/A (0,002 pulgadas) N/A (125,98 µ pulgadas) Ra N/A
para cualquier Máx.
tramo de
150,00 mm
(5,91 pulgadas)
La planitud total es
de 0,15 mm
(0,006 pulgadas)
3114 0,05 mm 3,2 µm
3116 N/A (0,002 pulgadas) N/A (125,98 µ pulgadas) Ra N/A
3126 para cualquier Máx.
tramo de
150,00 mm
(5,91 pulgadas)
La planitud total es
de 0,30 mm
(0,01181 pulgadas)
0,05 mm 3,2 µm
N/A (0,002 pulgadas) N/A (125,98 µ pulgadas) Ra N/A
para cualquier Máx.
tramo de
150,00 mm
(5,91 pulgadas)
La planitud total es
de 0,15 mm
(0,006 pulgadas)
3204 DI 0,05 mm 3,2 µm
3204 PC N/A (0,002 pulgadas) N/A (125,98 µ pulgadas) Ra N/A
3208 para cualquier Máx.
tramo de
150,00 mm
(5,91 pulgadas)
3304 0,10 mm
(0,004 pulgadas) en
3306 total
3,2 µm
G3306 N/A 0,05 mm N/A (125,98 µ pulgadas) Ra N/A
(0,002 pulgadas) Máx.
DI para cualquier
tramo de 150 mm
PC (6,0 pulgadas)
The overall flatness
is 0.13 mm
3406 (0.005 inch).
3.2 µm
3408 N/A 0.05 mm N/A N/A
(125.98 µinch) Ra Max
3412 (0.002 inch) for any
150 mm (6.0 inch)
The overall flatness
is 0.13 mm
G3406 (0.005 inch).
3.2 µm
G3408 N/A 0.05 mm N/A N/A
(125.98 µinch) Ra Max
G3412 (0.002 inch) for any
150 mm (6.0 inch)
0.26 mm
(0.010 inch) overall
3406E 0.05 mm 3.2 µm
3456 (0.002 inch) for any (125.98 3,2
µmRa Max
150 mm (6.0 inch)
The overall
spanflatness Altura mínima de
is 0.10 mm (125,98 µ pulgadas) Ra ondulación
(0.00394 inch). 0,05 mm Longitud o corte de : 0,0125 mm
205.0 mm (8.07 inch) (0,002 pulgadas) muestreo de rugosidad - (0,00049 pulgadas)
0.05 mm (1)
2,54 mm por 5,0 mm
(0.002 inch) for any (0,10000 pulgadas) (0,20 pulgadas) de
150 mm (6 inch) Rugosidad espacio (2)
span media Altura
a valle - 19,0 µm
(748,03 µ pulgadas) Rz

3600 N/A La planitud total es N/A 1,6 µm Lay circular

de 0,10 mm (62,9921 µpulgadas) Ra
(0,00394 pulgadas) Máx.

0,05 mm
(0 002 pulgadas) 58/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0
(0,002 pulgadas)
para cualquier
tramo de 150 mm
(6 pulgadas)

Cuadro 11
Esto está dentro de un área que está delimitada por un diámetro exterior de 205,0 mm (8,07 pulgadas) y un
(2) diámetro interior de 190,0 mm (7,48 pulgadas) alrededor del centro de la culata del cilindro.
Para un espaciado de ondulación menor de 5,0 mm (0,20 pulgadas), utilice una altura de ondulación máxima de
0,00254 por mm (0,00010 por pulgada) de espacio.

Distorsión admisible para culatas de cilindros

C4.4, C6.6 y C7.1

Ilustración 103 g06277552

Ejemplo típico de un motor C4.4

Ilustración 104 g06277555

Ejemplo típico de un motor C6.6

Ilustración 105 g06277562

Ejemplo típico de un motor C7.1

1. La deformación máxima de la culata de cilindros se da en la Tabla 12.

Distorsión máxima permitida 59/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

0,03 mm
Ancho (A) (0,00118 pulgadas) ,
0,08 mm (0,0032 pulgadas) para C4.4 Tier 4 y C7.1
0,05 mm
Longitud (B) (0,00197 pulgadas) ,
0,08 mm (0,0032 pulgadas) para C4.4 Tier 4 y C7.1
0,05 mm
Línea diagonal (C) (0,00197 pulgadas) ,
0,08 mm (0,0032 pulgadas) para C4.4 Tier 4 y C7.1

Cuadro 12

Promedio ≤ .15 µm
(5.905512 µpulgadas)
Textura superficial de la culata
Máx. ≤ 0.20 µm
(7.874016 µpulgadas)

Cuadro 13

Mecanizado de la cara de combustión de la

culata del cilindro C175 con equipo Rottler
Como muchas operaciones de mecanizado de motores, hay más de un método que se puede
utilizar para obtener resultados. Su concesionario puede poseer una variedad de herramientas
de mecanizado que son capaces de realizar la operación de mecanizado. Dependiendo de la
máquina herramienta en particular, la operación de mecanizado puede ser más o menos
automatizada. Esta sección describe las cuatro máquinas Rottler más utilizadas. Otras
máquinas, configuraciones y métodos son alternativas viables que podrían usarse si los
descritos aquí no están disponibles.

Para el programa de usuario, preguntas o más información y un catálogo completo de

productos, comuníquese con:

8029 Sur número 200 de la calle
Kent, WA 98032
(253) 872-7050
(800) 452-7050

Insertos de corte
El uso de las plaquitas de corte correctas es fundamental para obtener los resultados de
acabado deseados. Si se utilizan insertos incorrectos, no se podrán alcanzar los estándares de

6303B CBN redondo

Este es un buen inserto de uso general que es más económico de usar. Es redondo y se
puede utilizar por ambos lados. Si se indexa cuidadosamente, habrá hasta 36 filos de corte por

6303V Octagon CBN

Este es un excelente inserto que maximizará la planitud de la superficie y al mismo tiempo.

Hay 16 filos por plaquita, 8 filos por lado.

Sistema de fijación
Hay dos principios básicos de fijación que se utilizan para fijar las culatas de cilindros al volver
a maquinar la superficie de combustión. Cada uno tiene sus beneficios. 60/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Ilustración 106 g06319048

Ejemplo de mesa de nivelación universal 7209M

Mesa de nivelación universal 7209M

Rottler fabrica este sistema de fijación y ha sido el estándar durante muchos años en la
industria de la remanufactura. Tiene tres beneficios principales:

Puede colocar una gran variedad de piezas de trabajo. No solo culatas, sino colectores y
otras piezas de trabajo difíciles de sujetar.

El ajuste de dos ejes facilita la alineación de la superficie que se debe cortar con el eje
de la máquina herramienta.

Si el objetivo es hacer que la nueva superficie sea lo más paralela posible a la antigua,
este es el mejor método a utilizar. Un ejemplo en el que esto sería deseable sería con
culatas de cilindros de levas en cabeza.

Parallels de soporte

Este sistema de fijación consta de dos simples paralelos. En algunos casos, se requiere un
paralelo grande en lugar de dos. La culata se coloca en la parte superior de los paralelos y se
sujeta en su lugar con abrazaderas de pie u otros dispositivos. Este es un sistema aceptable
cuando se mecanizan culatas donde la superficie de fijación de la culata es paralela a la
superficie de combustión que se va a recubrir o recortar. En términos generales, el uso de este
sistema garantizará que la superficie a cortar sea paralela a la superficie en el lado opuesto de
la cabeza.

Máquina herramienta y cabezales de corte

Existe una amplia variedad de máquinas herramienta que son capaces de realizar esta
operación de mecanizado de superficies en culatas de cilindros C175. A continuación se
muestran varios modelos que están disponibles en Rottler Mfg. A continuación se muestra una
breve descripción de cada uno.

F60 - Serie

Ilustración 107 g06319808

Ejemplo de máquina F69A

Hay varios modelos de esta máquina. Son centros de mecanizado de uso general que se
utilizan comúnmente para mecanizar bloques de motor de tamaño automotriz y tienen la
capacidad de mecanizar la culata C175. Una vez fijada la culata, esta máquina puede sondear
y retirar el material automáticamente. 61/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Ilustración 108 g06319063

Ejemplo de cabezal cortador de moscas 650-2-8F de 14 ”de diámetro

Utilice el cabezal cortador de moscas 650-2-8F de 14 ”de diámetro opcional con esta máquina.

F70 - Serie

Ilustración 109 g06319811

Ejemplo de máquina F70

Esta máquina está diseñada para una amplia variedad de trabajos de reacondicionamiento de
motores. Esta máquina tiene la capacidad de mecanizar una culata de cilindros C175. Una vez
fijada la culata, esta máquina puede sondear y retirar el material automáticamente.

Ilustración 110 g06319063

Ejemplo de cabezal cortador de moscas 650-2-8F de 14 ”de diámetro

Utilice el cabezal cortador de moscas 650-2-8F de 14 ”de diámetro opcional con esta máquina.

S80 - Serie 62/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Ilustración 111 g06319852

Ejemplo de máquina S86A

Hay dos modelos. El S85 y S86. Estas son máquinas básicas que se utilizan para operaciones
de "superficie", por ejemplo, no pueden perforar cilindros. Son sencillos de usar. Son
excelentes máquinas para operaciones de pavimentación de producción o para trabajos de
bajo volumen y gran variedad. Si el requisito es simplemente colocar una nueva superficie
plana en una pieza de trabajo, estas son las máquinas más simples de usar.

Utilice el cabezal de corte de mosca estándar que viene instalado en esta máquina.

F103 / 4/5

Ilustración 112 g06319854

Ejemplo de máquina F105

Estas máquinas están diseñadas para una amplia variedad de trabajos de reconstrucción de
motores. Tienen capacidad para mecanizar una culata C175. Una vez fijada la culata, estas
máquinas pueden sondear y retirar el material automáticamente. Estas máquinas fueron
precedidas por la Serie F90.

Ilustración 113 g06319070

Ejemplo de cabezal cortador de moscas 6294T de 18 ”de diámetro

Use el cabezal cortador de moscas de 18 ”de diámetro opcional 6294T con esta máquina.

F107 / 9

Ilustración 114 g06319856

Ejemplo de máquina F109

Estas máquinas están diseñadas para una amplia variedad de trabajos de reconstrucción de
motores. Tienen capacidad para mecanizar una culata C175. Una vez fijada la culata, estas
máquinas pueden sondear y retirar el material automáticamente. 63/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Ilustración 115 g06319070

Ejemplo de cabezal cortador de moscas 6294T de 18 ”de diámetro

Use el cabezal cortador de moscas de 18 ”de diámetro opcional 6294T con esta máquina.

Utilice el cabezal de corte de mosca 10115 de 18 ”de diámetro si la máquina tiene el eje
opcional HSK80.

El proceso de corte

Independientemente del tipo de máquina que se utilice para el proceso de corte real, los
parámetros de corte básicos son los mismos.

Todos los cabezales de corte tienen la capacidad de sostener dos plaquitas, una en cada

Nota: Para los propósitos del proceso de corte, es importante usar solo un inserto. No
utilice dos insertos. Un inserto de corte proporcionará la textura de superficie más
consistente y confiable.

Utilice las RPM del eje y la velocidad de alimentación especificadas para la máquina en
particular que se esté utilizando. Consulte la Tabla 15. Tenga en cuenta que la velocidad de
avance por revolución varía según la plaquita de corte que se utilice. La intención de
mecanizar la culata de cilindros C175 es poner una nueva superficie en la plataforma de fuego.
La cantidad de material necesario para hacer una nueva superficie dependerá del estado de la
superficie anterior. En términos generales, la profundidad de corte debe estar entre 0,05 mm
(0,00197 pulgadas) y 0,15 mm (0,00591 pulgadas) . Retire la menor cantidad de material para
reducir la posibilidad de que la culata no cumpla con la dimensión de espesor total mínima.

Procedimiento de instalación
Herramientas y componentes de máquina requeridos por Rottler para la culata del
cilindro C175
Modelos de máquinas
Componentes y herramientas de la S80 con cabezal F103 F107
F60 F70
máquina de corte estándar / 4/5 / 9
Mesa de nivelación universal 7209M X X X X X
7152A Nivel de doble eje X X X X X
Insertos de corte de CBN redondo 6303B o
CBN octágono 6303V
650-3-37 Kit de abrazadera de dedo del pie X X X X X
N/ N/
6370Y Ranuras en T paralelas de 10 ” N/A X X
11114 Paralelos con ranura en T de 16 " X X N/A X X
N/ N/ N/
6370M Soporte paralelo de 18 ” N/A X
650-2-8F Cabezal cortador de moscas de 14 N/ N/
”de diámetro (1) A A
6294T Cabezal cortador de moscas de 18 ”de N/ N/ N/
diámetro (1) A A A
10115 Cabezal cortador de moscas de 18 ”de N/ N/ N/
diámetro (1) A A A
Sonda inalámbrica 650-3-59Y con Rottler N/
650-3-59C Stub Stylus A
Sonda inalámbrica 10110 con Rottler 650-3- N/ N/ N/
59C Stub Stylus A A A
502-12-7B Sonda digital de excentricidad o

medidor de cuadrante de precisión 64/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Cuadro 14
No utilice dos insertos. Un inserto de corte proporcionará la textura de superficie más consistente y confiable.

Realice estos pasos solo como configuración inicial

1. Asegúrese de que la plataforma de la máquina esté limpia y libre de desechos.

Ilustración 116 g06319579

Ejemplo de mesa de nivelación 7209M colocada en el S80.

Ilustración 117 g06319581

Ejemplo de paralelos de 16 "y mesa de nivelación 7209M colocados en el F60 / 70

Ilustración 118 g06319583

Ejemplo de paralelos de 10 ", 16" y mesa de nivelación 7209M colocada en el F103 / 4/5. 65/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Ilustración 119 g06319585

Ejemplo de paralelos de 10 ", 16", 18 "y mesa de nivelación 7209M colocados en el F107 / 9.

2. Dependiendo de la máquina, coloque paralelos o la mesa de nivelación Rottler 7209M en

la plataforma de la máquina, ancle sin apretar y ajuste la posición para asegurar un
contacto completo y plano, consulte la Tabla 14 para conocer los paralelos de soporte

3. Dependiendo de la máquina, utilice uno de los siguientes métodos para nivelar la mesa
de nivelación Rottler 7209M:

Coloque Rottler 7152A Dual Axis Level en la mesa, alineado con los ejes X e Y, y
ajuste la mesa hasta que las burbujas estén centradas con precisión

Conecte una sonda de descentramiento digital o un indicador de cuadrante al eje y

recorra la mesa en las direcciones X e Y, ajustando la mesa hasta que los valores
sean iguales en ambas direcciones

Ilustración 120 g06319590

4. Coloque la culata del cilindro C175, con el lado de combustión hacia arriba, en la mesa
niveladora y use el juego de abrazadera de pie 650-3-37 como se muestra en la imagen
para asegurar la cabeza a la mesa.

Velocidad de Velocidad de
Modelo RPM
alimentación alimentación
de del Profundidad del corte
6303B 6303V
máquina husillo
CBN redondo Octagon CBN
0,38 mm 0,25 mm 0,05 - 0,15 mm
F60 750
(0,01496 pulgadas) (0,00984 pulgadas) (0,00197 - 0,00591 pulgadas)
0,38 mm 0,25 mm 0,05 - 0,15 mm
F70 750
(0,01496 pulgadas) (0,00984 pulgadas) (0,00197 - 0,00591 pulgadas)
0,38 mm 0,25 mm 0,05 - 0,15 mm
S80 750
(0,01496 pulgadas) (0,00984 pulgadas) (0,00197 - 0,00591 pulgadas)
F103 / 0,38 mm 0,25 mm 0,05 - 0,15 mm
4/5 (0,01496 pulgadas) (0,00984 pulgadas) (0,00197 - 0,00591 pulgadas)
0,38 mm 0,25 mm 0,05 - 0,15 mm
F107 / 9 600
(0,01496 pulgadas) (0,00984 pulgadas) (0,00197 - 0,00591 pulgadas)

Mesa 15 66/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Si se mecaniza para mantener el paralelismo entre las caras

de la culata de cilindros
1. Inserte la sonda inalámbrica con el estilete corto 650-3-59C en el eje de la máquina y
ejecute la verificación Go-No-Go en la culata montada. Consulte la Tabla 14 para
conocer la sonda inalámbrica correcta.

2. Cambie la herramienta a la cabeza del cortador volador, con UN inserto instalado. No

utilice dos insertos. Un inserto de corte proporcionará la textura de superficie más
consistente y confiable. Consulte la Tabla 14 para conocer el cabezal correcto del
cortador de moscas.

3. Configure la posición del husillo de la máquina para permitir que la cortadora pase por
todo el ancho de la culata del cilindro.

4. Consulte la Tabla 15 para conocer las velocidades, avances y profundidad de corte de la


5. Inicie el husillo y avance y deje que el cortador pase completamente sobre la culata de

Si se mecaniza para eliminar la cantidad mínima de material

del cabezal existente
1. Inserte la sonda inalámbrica con el estilete corto 650-3-59C en el eje de la máquina y
ejecute la verificación Go-No-Go en la culata montada. Consulte la Tabla 14 para
conocer la sonda inalámbrica correcta.

2. Cambie la herramienta a la cabeza del cortador volador, con UN inserto instalado. No

utilice dos insertos. Un inserto de corte proporcionará la textura de superficie más
consistente y confiable. Consulte la Tabla 14 para conocer el cabezal correcto del
cortador de moscas.

3. Configure la posición del husillo de la máquina para permitir que la cortadora pase por
todo el ancho de la culata del cilindro.

4. Consulte la Tabla 15 para conocer las velocidades, avances y profundidad de corte de la


5. Inicie el husillo y avance y deje que el cortador pase completamente sobre la culata de

Culatas de cilindros con orificios de árbol de

Dimensiones de las culatas con orificios del árbol de levas

New Camshaft
Número de Outside Inside
Bore in the
pieza del Bearing Diameter Bearing Diameter
Cylinder Head
90.985 ± 0.020 mm 91.100 ± 0.020 mm 88.09 ± 0.02 mm
(3.5821 ± 0.0008 inch) (3.5866 ± 0.0008 inch) (3.46810 ± 0.00079 inch)
217-0751 91.224 ± 0.020 mm 91.339 ± 0.020 mm 88.212 ± 0.02 mm
oversize (3.5915 ± 0.0008 inch) (3.5960 ± 0.0008 inch) (3.47291 ± 0.00079 inch)
217-0752 91.732 ± 0.020 mm 91.847 ± 0.020 mm 88.467 ± 0.02 mm
oversize (3.6115 ± 0.0008 inch) (3.6160 ± 0.0008 inch) (3.48295 ± 0.00079 inch)
261-3429 92.748 ± 0.020 mm 92.863 ± 0.020 mm 88.974 ± 0.02 mm
oversize (3.6515 ± 0.0008 inch) (3.6560 ± 0.0008 inch) (3.50291 ± 0.00079 inch)
261-3430 92.24 ± 0.020 mm 92.355 ± 0.020 mm 88.72 ± 0.02 mm
oversize (3.6315 ± 0.0008 inch) (3.6360 ± 0.0008 inch) (3.49291 ± 0.00079 inch)

Tabla 16

Bridge Dowel for 3400 Engines

Check the bridge dowels for movement by using the following procedure.

1. Use a torque wrench and MAC AST 100 7/16 inch tool.

2. Set the torque wrench at 13.6 N·m (10.00 lb ft). 67/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 121 g06277575

Inspect the bridge dowels for movement.

3. Grip the bridge dowel and turn the torque wrench. The bridge dowel should not rotate at
13.6 N·m (10.00 lb ft).

If there is movement, repair the hole with the 5P-7333 Repair Tool and the 5P-7324 Plug. Refer
to Special Instruction, SMHS7072, "Use of the 5P-7333 Repair Tool for Bridge Dowel Repair".

Precombustion Chambers and Direct Injection

Nozzle Adapter for 3400 Engines

Illustration 122 g06309676

Precombustion chamber nomenclature.
(1) Injector Inlet
(2) O-ring Groove
(3) Nozzle Seat
(4) Gasket Face
(5) Chamber Outlet
(6) Injector Outlet

Illustration 123 g06309680

Direct Injection Nozzle Adapter nomenclature.
(1) Injector Inlet
(2) O-ring Groove
(3) Nozzle Seat
(4) Gasket Face
(5) Chamber Outlet
(6) Injector Outlet
Visually inspect precombustion chambers and direct injection nozzle adapters. Refer to
Illustrations 84, that have pitting (small holes in the surface) or other surface damage, can be
used again.

Pitting, which can be caused by high heat during combustion or when coolant comes in contact
with the body of the precombustion chamber or adapter, is permissible, according to its location
and amount. For example, heavy pitting on the main body between the O-ring groove and the 68/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

gasket face of the adapter is acceptable if it has not worn completely through. Similarly, pitting
in the O-ring groove is acceptable if 70% or more of the groove on the inlet side shows no
signs of pitting. Pitting on the gasket face is acceptable only in the outer 10% of the radius
0.64 - 0.76 mm (0.02520 - 0.02992 inch).

Visual Inspection

Illustration 124 g06309694

Pitting on the surface between the O-ring groove and gasket face (area (A).
Use Again - if the pitting has not worn through. The pitting can be heavier than shown in
this photo and still be used again.

Illustration 125 g06309993

Example of pitting extending into the top 70% (B) of the O-ring groove of a precombustion chamber.

Do Not Use Again

Illustration 126 g06309995

Example of pitting extending into the top 70% (B) of the O-ring groove of a direct injection adapter.

Do Not Use Again 69/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 127 g06310002

Example of pitting extending into the top 70% (B) of the O-ring groove of a precombustion chamber.

Use Again

If pitting is a major problem, be sure to correct the reason for
pitting. It is important to maintain the cooling system correctly
and at regular intervals.

Illustration 128 g06310007

Example of pitting extending into the top 10% of the outer radius of the gasket face.
Do Not Use Again

Illustration 129 g06310010

Example of pitting that has not extended beyond 10% of the outer radius of the outer radius of the gasket face of a
precombustion chamber.

Use Again 70/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 130 g06310013

Example of pitting that has not extended beyond 10% of the outer radius of the outer radius of the gasket face of a
direct injection adapter.

Use Again

Illustration 131 g06310020

A small nick on the precombustion chamber splines.

Use Again - if sharp edges can be smooth with a 6V-2010 Polishing Stone or file.
(Splines are not needed for correct engine operation. It is needed for manufacturing
purposes only.)

Nicks, Cracks, and Other Surface Damage

Check for cracks on the threaded section of the precombustion chamber and direct injection
nozzle adapters. Cracks are not acceptable.

Illustration 132 g06310022

Damage is light and limited mainly to the lower half of the threads.
(C) Upper half of threads
(D) Lower half of threads

Use Again - only if the damage threads can be repaired using a thread file.

Heavy damage on upper half (C) of the threads is also not acceptable. If the damage is light
and limited to the lower half (D) of the threads, the threads can be repaired using a thread
restorer (thread file). 71/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Only light damage is permissible in upper half (C) of the
threads. The upper threads are the most important because they
help prevent combustion gases from reaching the seal area.

Note: Both the precombustion chamber and direct injection nozzle adapters have 12 threads
per inch.

Measurement of Precombustion Chamber Outlet

Illustration 133 g06310026

Use the correct size plug gauge to measure the chamber outlet diameter.
Use the correct size plug gauge to measure the chamber outlet diameter (Illustration 84.). If the
plug gauge slides into the opening, do not use the precombustion chamber again. Be sure the
plug gauge and the precombustion chamber are at the same temperature, within ± 3°C (5°F),
when checking the outlet diameter.

Precombustion Chamber Specifications

Outlet Diameters Thread Size

Part New Diameter

(2) Maximum "Use Diameter Threads Maximum Erosion
Number Again Diameter (inches Per of Gasket Face (1)
0.051 mm (1)
only) Inch
(0.00201 inch)
8.38 mm 8.68 mm 0.64 mm
2P-0484 7/8 12
(0.32992 inch) (0.34173 inch) (0.02520 inch)
9.40 mm 9.70 mm 0.64 mm
2P-1816 1 12
(0.37008 inch) (0.38189 inch) (0.02520 inch)
7.16 mm 7.47 mm 0.64 mm
3S-5445 7/8 12
(0.28189 inch) (0.29409 inch) (0.02520 inch)
10.69 mm
10.90 mm 0.64 mm
4N-3714 (0.42087 inch) 7/8 12
(3) (0.42913 inch) (3) (0.02520 inch)

5.71 mm 6.02 mm 0.64 mm

5S-1820 7/8 12
(0.22480 inch) (0.23701 inch) (0.02520 inch)
6.35 mm 6.65 mm 0.64 mm
5S-1822 7/8 12
(0.25000 inch) (0.26181 inch) (0.02520 inch)
6.35 mm 6.65 mm 0.64 mm
5S-1823 7/8 12
(0.25000 inch) (0.26181 inch) (0.02520 inch)
6.65 mm 6.96 mm 0.64 mm
5S-1824 7/8 12
(0.26181 inch) (0.27402 inch) (0.02520 inch)
6.65 mm 6.96 mm 0.64 mm
5S-1825 7/8 12
(0.26181 inch) (0.27402 inch) (0.02520 inch)
7.16 mm 7.47 mm 0.64 mm
5S-1826 7/8 12
(0.28189 inch) (0.29409 inch) (0.02520 inch)
7.16 mm 7.47 mm 0.64 mm
5S-1827 7/8 12
(0.28189 inch) (0.29409 inch) (0.02520 inch)
5.71 mm 6.02 mm 0.64 mm
5S-1831 3/4 12
(0.22480 inch) (0.23701 inch) (0.02520 inch)
5.71 mm 6.02 mm 0.64 mm
5S-1832 3/4 12
(0.22480 inch) (0.23701 inch) (0.02520 inch) 72/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

6.35 mm 6.65 mm 0.64 mm

5S-1833 3/4 12
(0.25000 inch) (0.26181 inch) (0.02520 inch)
7.16 mm 7.47 mm 0.64 mm
5S-1836 3/4 12
(0.28189 inch) (0.29409 inch) (0.02520 inch)
9.91 mm 10.20 mm 0.64 mm
5S-4131 7/8 12
(0.39016 inch) (0.40157 inch) (0.02520 inch)
7.16 mm 7.47 mm 0.64 mm
5S-6795 7/8 12
(0.28189 inch) (0.29409 inch) (0.02520 inch)
8.74 mm 9.04 mm 0.64 mm
5S-9608 7/8 12
(0.34409 inch) (0.35590 inch) (0.02520 inch)
10.69 mm 10.90 mm 0.64 mm
6N-6969 1 12
(0.42087 inch) (0.42913 inch) (0.02520 inch)
10.16 mm 10.46 mm 0.64 mm
7M-6848 1 12
(0.40000 inch) (0.41181 inch) (0.02520 inch)
10.16 mm 10.46 mm 0.64 mm
7S-5787 1 12
(0.40000 inch) (0.41181 inch) (0.02520 inch)
9.91 mm 10.20 mm 0.64 mm
8S-1523 7/8 12
(0.39016 inch) (0.40157 inch) (0.02520 inch)
10.16 mm 10.46 mm 0.64 mm
8S-3617 1 12
(0.40000 inch) (0.41181 inch) (0.02520 inch)
7.49 mm 7.79 mm 0.64 mm
8S-3970 7/8 12
(0.29488 inch) (0.30669 inch) (0.02520 inch)
10.69 mm 10.90 mm 0.64 mm
9S-6743 1 12
(0.42087 inch) (0.42913 inch) (0.02520 inch)
7.92 mm 8.23 mm 0.64 mm
9S-8679 7/8 12
(0.31181 inch) (0.32402 inch) (0.02520 inch)

Table 17
(2) Approximately 10% of the gasket face radius. Refer to Illustrations 84, 84, and 84.
If the Maximum "Use Again" Diameter exceeds the specifications, the part can be drilled to the next size diameter
(3) and restamped with a new part number. Do not install this part into an engine which requires the former part.
Outlet diameters are precombustion chambers only not direct injection nozzle adapters.

Precombustion and Direct Injection Adapter

Seats for 3400 Engines
Visually inspect the seat for the adapter. The seat needs to be repaired if the seat is pitted or
damaged. Refer to Special Instruction, SMHS8276, "Repair of Precombustion Chamber and
Direct Injection Adapter Seating Surfaces" for procedures to recondition the seat. FT-1766
Adapter will be needed to recondition the seat.

Chamfer (A) at the threads for the adapter must be remachined to 1.50 ± 0.50 mm
(0.060 ± 0.020 inch) by 30 degrees. For the cylinder heads on diesel engines, the maximum
removal of stock from the seat is 0.38 mm (0.015 inch). The minimum dimension from the seat
to the combustion area is 16.89 mm (0.665 inch). For the cylinder heads on gas engines, the
maximum removal of stock from the seat is 0.35 mm (0.014 inch). The minimum dimension
from the seat to the combustion area is 10.37 mm (0.408 inch).

Illustration 134 g01528760

(A) Chamfer 1.50 ± 0.50 mm (0.060 ± 0.020 inch) by 30 degrees
(B) Minimum thickness
(6) Combustion area
(10) Top deck
(11) Seat for the adapter 73/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 135 g06277636

Visually inspect the seat for damage. The cylinder head in this illustration was cut for photographic purposes.

Use the cylinder head again.

0372118-0373118-0372Installation of
118-0372, and 118-0373 Oversize Water
Water directors are used in the cylinder heads of some engines. These water directors improve
the cooling of the heads by directing cooling water to specific locations in the head. To function
properly, the orientation and the installation depth of the water director in the head is important.

Through normal wear, the water director bore can become oversized or eroded which can
reduce the press fit of the water director.

Previously, the only salvage technique has been to build up the bore with weld or Belzona®. A
more cost effective solution is to install an oversize water director.

Illustration 136 g06310280

Water director puller. 74/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 137 g06310283

Water director driver.

The removal and installation tooling for water directors must be fabricated. One puller and four
drivers are required to repair all the different cylinder heads that use water directors. Fabricate
the tooling, using the dimensions shown in Illustrations 136and 137.

Water Director Driver Dimensions

(A) (B) (C)
2.50 mm
(0.09843 inch)
2 N/A
16.235 ± 0.025 mm 18.925 ± 0.125 mm
(0.63917 ± 0.00098 inch) (0.74508 ± 0.00492 inch) 5.3 mm
(0.20866 inch)
7.1 mm
(0.27953 inch)

Table 18

1. Check the water director for signs of movement within the bore.

2. Make sure that the alignment notch in the water director is in line with the "V" stamped in
the head.

3. Make sure that the water director is tight in the bore. If the water director has moved or is
loose in the bore, the bore should be machined, and an oversize water director installed

If a water director shows signs of movement, remove it using a water director puller as shown
in Illustration 136. Water directors that do not show signs of having moved and fit tightly in the
bore, do not need to be replaced

To use oversize water directors, the bores in the head must be machined.

Specifications for Installing Oversize Water Directors

Part Number for
Standard Size Water 5H-7071 1S-3062
Bore Diameter (A) for
19.02 ± 0.03 mm 19.012 ± 0.038 mm
Standard Water
(0.74882 ± 0.00118 inch) (0.74850 ± 0.00150 inch)
Part Number for
Oversize Size Water 118-0372 118-0373
Bore Diameter (A) for
19.774 ± 0.038 mm 19.782 ± 0.038 mm
Oversize Water
(0.77850 ± 0.00150 inch) (0.77882 ± 0.00150 inch)

Table 19

1. Machine the bore to the oversize dimension shown in Table  75/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

2. Thoroughly clean the head, and remove all machining debris.


Illustration 138 g06310326

Water director installed in head with counterbore. Always install the water director flush with top of counterbore, using
driver number 2.
(A) Bore diameter

Illustration 139 g06310330

Water director installed in head without counterbore.
(A) Bore diameter
(B) Installation depth
There are two types of water director bores, with or without counterbores. The two designs are
shown in Illustrations 138 and 139. Some engine models may have both designs, depending
on the engine configuration.

For the head to be properly cooled, the water director must be installed properly.

1. Install the water director with the notch aligned with the "V" stamped in the head.

2. Use the correct driver to ensure that the water director is installed to the proper depth.
Note: When there is a counterbore, the director is installed flush with the bottom of the
counterbore, using driver number 2. If no counterbore is present, install the water director
to the correct depth.

3. After the water director is installed, make sure that the water director notch is still in line
with the "V" stamped in the head.

4. Check the installation depth.

Sleeves for the Injectors of Cylinder Heads

A stainless steel sleeve is used between each unit injector and the cylinder head casting. The
injector sleeve is used to seat the injector. The injector sleeve is also used to seal the injector
into the casting. The injector sleeves are reusable unless the sleeves become damaged.

Refer to the Disassembly and Assembly for your machine to find the tooling that is used to
remove a unit injector sleeve. Refer to the Disassembly and Assembly for your machine for
Disassembly and Assembly information.

Inspect the inside surface of the sleeves for cracks, pitting, erosion, and other visual damage.
Sleeves should be replaced during the general overhaul of the cylinder head with high hours.

NOTICE 76/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

When reaming the injector seat area, be careful not to damage

the surface. Do not drop the reamer onto the seat, or apply too
much downward pressure with the tool because it may create
radial lines on the sealing surface of the sleeve. Radial lines will
cause poor sealing between the sleeve cone and the injector tip,
which may result in fuel leakage into the cylinder, or
combustion pressure leakage into the fuel.

Check the area at the bottom of the valve seat for normal wear. If the valve seat appears worn
or distorted slightly, the sleeve must be replaced. Check the guide for Disassembly and
Assembly for the procedures and the lists for tooling.

Clean the seat of injector sleeves with the appropriate size nylon bristle brush, solvent, and a
lint free cloth.

Injector Sleeves

Illustration 140 g06277638

Injector Sleeve
(1) O-ring Seals
(2) Location for clean engine oil
(3) Injector Sleeve
(4) Location for 4C-9507 Retaining Compound
Stainless steel injector sleeves (3) with O-rings (1) are used between each unit injector and the
cylinder head casting. The injector sleeves seal coolant within the head. The injector sleeves
will not usually need to be replaced. The three O-rings should be replaced when the head is
removed for reworking the valves or if the head is placed into a hot tank for cleaning.

Before you install the injector sleeves (3), 4C-9507 Retaining Compound should be applied to
area (4). Clean engine oil should be applied to area (2). Use the 9U-6891 Injector Tool Group
and a suitable hammer to install the injector sleeve (3) into the cylinder head.

Injector Sleeves for C175 Engines

Inspection of Injector Sleeve
The seat and threads must be free of any debris.

The seat must not have any visible burs, burns, etc. around the surface. DO NOT REUSE

After cleaning injector sleeve seat, there should be a continuous shiny band 360° around
the seat surface and have no visual defects. Refer to Illustration 141. 77/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 141 g06231160

Example of cleaned continuous shiny band 360° around the seat surface.

Illustration 142 g06231194

Example of damaged seat surface.
If damage is still present, DO NOT REUSE.

Illustration 143 g06231168

Example of bur (A) on sleeve seat.
If bur is still present, DO NOT REUSE. 78/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 144 g06231169

Example of burn (B) on sleeve seat.
If burn is still present, DO NOT REUSE.

Illustration 145 g06231171

Example of burn (B) on sleeve seat.
If burn is still present, DO NOT REUSE.

Injector Sleeves for 3114, 3116, and 3126

Illustration 146 g06277641

The arrow above indicates the injector sleeve. (A) is the O-ring.

Illustration 147 g02720383

Illustration 147 is an example of a Stainless Steel Injector Sleeve. Notice the grooves (B) on the outside of the sleeve
that holds the sleeve in place.
The O-rings (A) should be replaced when the head is removed for reworking the valves or if the
head is placed into a hot tank for cleaning. Lubricate the new O-rings with clean engine oil
before assembly. Apply Loctite 242 to the bore in the cylinder head for diameter (C) of the
injector sleeve prior to assembly.

Check the area at the bottom of the seat for normal wear. If the seat appears worn or distorted
slightly, the sleeve must be replaced. The seat can be refinished with a 4C-8719 Shank and
131-8362 Reamer. Use the reamer for machining the seat of the injector to ensure a tight seal
when the sleeve is assembled. If machining does not clean up the damaged seat, the sleeve
must be replaced. 79/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Refer to Tool Operating Manual, NEHS0675, "Using the 143-2099 Sleeve Replacement Tool
Group on 3114, 3116, and 3126 Engines".

Stainless Steel Injector Sleeve

Illustration 148 g03679584

Illustration 147 and illustration 147 are both examples of stainless steel injector sleeves. Notice that the inside of the
sleeve is smooth when installed.
Use 151-4832 tooling to remove stainless steel injector sleeves. A stainless steel injector
sleeve can be told apart from bronze swaged sleeves by looking at the top of the inside of the
sleeve when installed. The stainless steel sleeve will be smooth on the inside while the bronze
sleeves will have two grooves because of them being swaged into place during installation. The
Tool Operating Manual, NEHS0675, "Using the 143-2099 Sleeve Replacement Tool Group on
3114, 3116, and 3126 Engines" provides instructions on how to properly remove the Bronze
Swaged Injector Sleeves.

Bronze Swaged Injector Sleeve

Illustration 149 g03679596

Illustration 149 is an example of a Bronze Swaged Injector Sleeve. Notice that the inside of the sleeve is initially
straight, but are then is Swaged into place during installation.
Use the 143-2099 Tooling to remove Bronze Swaged Injector Sleeves. An installed bronze
injector sleeve is differentiated from stainless steel sleeves by the grooves at the top of the
sleeve due to the sleeve being Swaged into place during installation. The Tool Operating
Manual, NEHS0675, "Using the 143-2099 Sleeve Replacement Tool Group on 3114, 3116, and
3126 Engines" provides instructions on how to properly remove the Bronze Swaged Injector

Injector Sleeves for 3176, and 3196 80/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

The seat can be refinished with a 9U-6860 Injector Sleeve Tool. Use the reamer for machining
the seat of the injector to ensure a tight seal when the sleeve is assembled. If machining does
not clean up the damaged seat, the sleeve must be replaced.

Refer to Special Instruction, SEHS9246, "Using 9U-6860 Injector Sleeve Tool to Replace Unit
Injector Sleeves" for more information.

Valve Guides
Valve guides must be measured for installed height and inside bore diameter.

Do not use any valve guides with obvious damage. Do not use
valve guides with wear that is beyond the specifications that are
provided. Loose or damaged valve guides must be removed and
new valve guides must be installed. Correct any conditions that
could have caused the original damage or wear.

Valve Guide Measurement Tools

Dimensions Which
Dimensions and Engines inch Which Gauge (Green End) is
Gauge (Red End) Is Used to Check Worn Used to Check New
Valve or Knurled Value
4C-9734 8.08 mm (0.318 inch) (3114, 3116) 8.035 mm (0.316 inch)
7.92 mm (0.312 inch), 9.52 mm (0.375), and 12.7 mm (0.500 inch) (D379, D398,
D399, G379, G398, G399, C7 through C32, 3176 and 3196)
9.55 mm (0.376 inch) [1673, 1693, 1100, Series,
3100 Series, 3204 3208, 3304, 3306, D330C, 9.5 mm (0.374 inch), 1100
6V-7058 D333C, D342, D343, D346, D348, D349, D353, Series, 3100 Series, 3204
D379, D398, D399, 137.2 (5.4 inch) Bore 90 degree and 3208
9.54 mm (0.3755 inch) (3406, 3408, 3412, 3508,
6V-7068 3512, 3516, 9.65 mm (0.38 inch) Intake and Exhaust 9.460 mm (0.3725 inch)
6V-7895 12.775 mm (0.503 inch) (D379, D398, D399) N/A
16.059 x 50.8 mm
9U-6399 16.003 x 175 mm (0.630 x 6.9 inch) (Go) (0.6322 x 2.0 inch) (No-
16.209 x 50.8 mm
9U-6401 16.106 x 50.8 mm (0.634 x 2.0 inch) (Go) (0.6381 x 2.0 inch) (No-
12.672 mm (0.498 inch) (3508, 3512, 3516) 12.594 mm (0.4958 inch)
261-3687 12.7 mm (0.5 inch) (3500 Engines - Exhaust valves

Table 20

This section shows the tools for inspecting valve guides in Caterpillar engines. Valve guides
must be measured for installed height from the top deck and the inside bore diameter. Refer to
the appropriate. Refer to the appropriate Disassembly and Assembly Manual for removal and
installation instructions for the valve guides.

Note: Do not reuse any valve guide with obvious damage. Do not use a valve guide if the wear
exceeds the permitted allowance according to available specifications. Loose valve guides or
damaged valve guides must be removed and new valve guides must be installed. Correct any
condition that could have caused the original damage or wear. The valve guide will not require
any machining after installation. 81/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 150 g01300432

5P-3536 Valve Guide Gauge

Illustration 151 g01300451

Typical plug gauge

Illustration 152 g01300601

Measure the diameter of the bore.

Illustration 153 g01300692

The end of the plug gauge must not go into the bore of the valve guide more than 19.0 mm (0.75 inch).

Measure both ends of each valve guide. The measurement should be taken 19.0 mm
(0.75 inch) from each end of the bore. If the valve guide is counterbored, measurements must
be taken in this area. If plug gauges are used, the end of the gauge should not extend into the
valve guide more than 19.0 mm (0.75 inch). If the measurement of the valve guide exceeds the
dimension, then the valve guide is worn beyond the allowable dimension for reusability.

Note: Do not force the plug gauge or turn the plug gauge into the guide of the bore. 

Doing so will damage the gauge. 82/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

The specifications of installed height for valve guides in all current Caterpillar cylinder heads
can be measured with a 6V-2012 Micrometer Depth Gauge. The dial caliper, and the 8H-8581
Feeler Gauge are also needed.

The inside diameter of the valve guide can be measured with tools such as a 5P-3536 Valve
Guide Gauge, 6V-7058 Plug Gauge, and 6V-7068 Valve Guide Gauge. The rest of the tooling
available is in Table 20, along with their corresponding engines. There are different tools for the
different sizes of valve guides.

Inspection for Valve Guides

Illustration 154 g01667479

Type 1 for C7 through C32
Height to the top of the valve guide
(B) The installed height for the valve guide

Illustration 155 g01668733

Type 2 for C7 through C32
Height from the top of the head to the square shoulder that is just below the top of the valve guide
(B) The installed height for the valve guide

Illustration 156 g01668114

Type 3 for C7 through C32
Height to the top of the valve guide
(B) The installed height for the valve guide 83/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 157 g06229841

C175 Cylinder Heads

Illustration 158 g06277648

3126B Cylinder Heads

Illustration 159 g06277651

Using a Depth Micrometer 84/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 160 g06277655

(B) Height of an installed valve guide

Valve Guides for D Models, and 1404 Engines

Dimensions for the Valve Guides for D Models, and 1404 Engines
Installed Valve Guide
Model Maximum Bore
Intake Exhaust Height
9.550 mm 9.550 mm
1404 N/A
(0.37598 inch) (0.37598 inch)
11.201 mm 11.201 mm 44.45 mm
(0.44098 inch) (0.44098 inch) (1.75000 inch)
9.575 mm 9.575 mm 33.3 ± 0.5 mm
(0.37697 inch) (0.37697 inch) (1.31102 ± 0.01969 inch)
9.550 mm 9.550 mm
D342 (0.37598 inch) (0.37598 inch) 42.93 mm
G342 12.775 mm 12.775 mm (1.69015 inch)
(0.50295 inch) (0.50295 inch)
D343 9.550 mm 9.550 mm (1)
G343 (0.37598 inch) (0.37598 inch)
9.550 mm 9.550 mm
169390° V8 N/A
(0.37598 inch) (0.37598 inch)
D346 9.550 mm 9.550 mm 26.21 ± 0.51 mm
G346 (0.37598 inch) (0.37598 inch) (1.03189 ± 0.02008 inch)(2)
D348 9.550 mm 9.550 mm (3)
G348 (0.37598 inch) (0.37598 inch)
D349 9.550 mm 9.550 mm
G349 (0.37598 inch) (0.37598 inch)
9.550 mm 9.550 mm
D353 (0.37598 inch) (0.37598 inch)
G353 12.775 mm 12.775 mm
(0.50295 inch) (0.50295 inch)
G379 9.550 mm 9.550 mm
D398 (0.37598 inch) (0.37598 inch)
G398 12.775 mm 12.775 mm
D399 (0.50295 inch) (0.50295 inch)

Table 21
The height of the valve guide as measured from the bottom of the counterbore is 30.28 mm
(2) (1.19212 inch).
(3) Measure from bottom of counterbore.
Valve guide "with shoulder" to be installed flush with the bottom of the counterbore. Valve guide "without shoulder"
to be installed to 26.21 mm
(1.03189 inch) as measured from the top surface of the cylinder head.

Valve Guides for C4.4, C6.6, and C7.1

Illustration 161 g06277658

INTAKE valve guide (A). EXHAUST valve guide (B) for C4.4 engines. 85/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 162 g06277673

INTAKE valve guide (A). EXHAUST valve guide (B) for C6.6 engines.

Illustration 163 g03773000

INTAKE valve guide (A). EXHAUST valve guide (B) for C7.1 engines.
This procedure details the steps necessary to salvage the cylinder heads in the C4.4, C6.6 and
C7.1 engines. This procedure will involve the machining of the cylinder head for the installation
of new valve guides and valve seat inserts. The machining procedures in this document only
apply to cylinder heads that have the valve guides cast into the cylinder head.

New valve guide inserts can be used if the valve guide bore in the cylinder head is worn
beyond specifications. Each valve seat insert bore diameter should be measured with a dial
indicator to find the centerline position for machining the valve guide bore. The valve guide
parent bore should be machined to a positional tolerance of 0.10 mm (0.004 inch) to the
centerline. Use the following procedure to install new valve guide inserts.

Note: This step is to be used on cylinder heads that do not have separate valve guides
installed into the cylinder head. Only cylinder heads with the valve guide that is cast into
the cylinder head should use this machining procedure.

Illustration 164 g06277675

1. Machine the cylinder head to the specifications found in the following table.
Specifications for C4.4, C6.6, and C7.1

Item Description Value

15.0 mm
(H) Diameter of Counterbore (0.59 inch) - 15.5 mm
(0.61 inch) 86/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

11.4 mm
(I) Diameter of Chamfer (0.45 inch) - 11.6 mm
(0.46 inch)
(J) Total Chamfer Angle 90 Degrees
Maximum Radius of
(K) Radius 0.6 mm
(0.024 inch)
66.75 mm
Bottom of Counterbore to Bottom of Cylinder
(L) (2.628 inch) - 67.25 mm
(2.648 inch)
10.000 mm
(M) Hole Diameter (0.3937 inch) - 10.022 mm
(0.3946 inch)

Table 22

Valve Guide Part Number


Table 23

Illustration 165 g06277677

2. Install the new valve guides. Machine the EXHAUST valve guide to the dimensions that
are shown in the following table.
Exhaust Valve Guide Dimensions for C4.4, C6.6, and C7.1

Item Description Value

0.4 mm
N Max Radius
(0.02 inch)
38.25 mm
O Depth (1.506 inch) to 38.75 mm
(1.526 inch)
7 mm
P Diameter (0.28 inch) to 7.5 mm
(0.30 inch)

Table 24 87/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 166 g06277681

3. Install new valve seat inserts (R), as shown.

4. Obtain a suitable reamer and cutter assembly. The valve guides will be reamed using one
Cutting Speeds and Feed Rates for Valve Guides for C4.4, C6.6, and

Cutting Speed Feed Rate

Tool Type
(M/min) (mm/rev)
Single Flute Solid Carbide 30-40 0.18 - 0.21
Single Adjustable Carbide Blade 40-50 0.20 - 0.25
Single Adjustable Pitch Circle Diameter 0.20 - 0.25 or 0.10 -
40-50 or 60-70
(PCD) Blade 0.20

Table 25

Additional Valve Guide Related Tooling for C7.1 Engines

Description Usage Notes
Installs valve guide to height of 12.65 mm (0.49803 inch).
Valve Guide 482-
Uses the 482-0190 Reamer to finish installed valve guide to
Stop Collar 0188
correct ID of 9.0 mm (0.35433 inch).
Installs new valve guides with internal diameter of 8.0 mm
Valve Guide 482- (0.31496 inch) before reaming. Uses the 482-0190 Reamer to
Driver 0189 finish the installed valve guide to correct ID of 9.0 mm
(0.35433 inch).
Valve Guide
Finish Finishes the 335-6264 Valve Guide to the proper diameter.
Installs valve guide to height of 11.0 mm (0.43307 inch). Uses
Valve Guide 483-
the 385-8470 Reamer to finish the installed valve guide to
Stop Collar 7533
correct ID of 7.0 mm (0.27559 inch).
Installs new valve guides with an internal diameter of 6.5 mm
Valve Guide 483- (0.25590 inch) before reaming. Uses the 385-8470 Reamer to
Reamer 7534 finish the installed valve guide to correct ID of 7.0 mm
(0.27559 inch).

Table 26

Valve Guide Bore

5.97 mm (0.235 inch) to 5.99 mm (0.236 inch)
Diameter of Valve Guide
9.000 mm (0.3543 inch) to 9.022 mm (0.3552 inch)
Bore (Q)
(C7.1 Tier 2/3 Mech)
1.6 µm (62.99213 µinch) Maximum
Surface Texture of Valve
0.8 µm (31.49606 µinch) Maximum (C7.1 Tier 2/3
Guide Bore

Table 27 88/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

5. Install the reamer into the valve guide. Carefully turn the handle in a clockwise direction.
Gradually move the reamer into the valve guide until the valve guide. Lubricant is not

6. Clean the cylinder head. The following table lists the maximum contaminant levels for the
cylinder head after the machining process.
Contaminant Levels

Maximum Maximum
Particulate Maximum Particulate
Maximum Particulate
Size in any Maximum Maximum Particle Size in any
Particle Size in any
Direction Particle Particle Weight Direction
Weight Direction
Feature (micro Weight Weight C7.1 (micro
C7.1 (micro
meters) C4.4 C6.6 (Tier 2/3 meters)
(Tier 4) meters)
C6.6 and engines engines Mech) C7.1 (Tier
Engines C7.1 (Tier
C4.4 Engines 2/3 Mech)
4) Engines
engines Engines
Top face
push rod
glow plug
holes, oil
500 40 60 48 1000 60 500
drains, all
and the
oil feed
Total inlet
ports and
- 40 60 48 1000 60 -
- 40 60 48 1000 60 -
- 10 15 - - 15 -
including 1000 x
housing 1500 100 150 90 1000 y 150 500
for water 500 z
bores and
fuel 1200 10 10 N/A N/A 10 1200
Fire Face
1200 x
and Valve
N/A N/A N/A 10 500 y N/A N/A
150 z
Filtration Level - 30 micrometers

Table 28 89/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 167 g06277687

Typical example for C4.4 and C6.6 engines.

Illustration 168 g03774048

Typical example for C7.1 engines.

7. Inspect the gasket surface (E) and all threaded holes of the cylinder head for wear or
damage. Inspect the pads (D) for the rocker shaft for wear or damage.
The cylinder head should be pressure tested to 200 kPa (29 psi).

Illustration 169 g06277688

8. Install a new plug (F) for the fuel return galley.

Illustration 170 g03780534

9. Install a new plug (N) in the return fuel galley.

The method of fitting the Avdel® plug is similar to that used for a pop-rivet. The plug must be
fitted using the appropriate Avdel® air-tool and the correct 10.0 mm (0.39370 inch) jaw set.

Note: The plug should be fitted dry, no sealant or locking compound applied. The is to avoid
contamination of the fuel return system.

Place the plug in the jaws of the air-tool. insert into the bore and activate the trigger on the tool.
This should pull the steel pin and wedge into the aluminum plug body until the correct force is 

achieved to snap off the steel pin. 90/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

The finished plug installation should be fully seated inside the bore and not protruding from the
face of the head. If the plug protrudes from the head, brackets and other mounting hardware
will not mount correctly.

Installing Valve Guides for C4.4, C6.6, and 7.1 Cylinder Heads
Note: The following parts are needed to replace the valve guides.

Illustration 171 g06277692

Typical example

1. Use a suitable press to remove the valve guides (H) from the cylinder head. There are 16
valve guides for C4.4 and 24 valves guides for C6.6, and C7.1 (H) per cylinder head.

Illustration 172 g06277696

Typical example

2. Use a suitable press to install new valve guides (H) to dimension (J). The guide must be
reamed to size (K).
Note: The valve guides should be machined after all components are installed.

Dimensions for Valve Guides (C4.4 Tier 4), C6.6 and C7.1
Height of 10.75 mm (0.4232 inch) to 11.25 mm (0.4429 inch). Surface Texture is
1.6 µm (62.99213 µinch) Ra Maximum
(K) Diameter of 7.007 mm (0.2759 inch) to 7.020 mm (0.2764 inch)

Table 29

Valve Guides for C7 through C32

Dimensions for the Valve Guides for C7 through C32  91/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Valve Maximum Bore (B) Installed

Comment Type
Guide Diameter Height
9.584 mm 22.0 ± 0.5 mm
100-8150 N/A 2
(0.3773 inch) (0.87 ± 0.02 inch)
0.51 mm
9.585 mm 35.0 ± 0.5 mm
122-0447 (0.0201 inch) 1
(0.3774 inch) (1.38 ± 0.02 inch)
9.584 mm 35.0 ± 0.5 mm
122-7375 N/A 1
(0.3773 inch) (1.38 ± 0.02 inch)
0.13 mm
9.585 mm 35.0 ± 0.5 mm
122-8612 (0.005 inch) 1
(0.3774 inch) (1.38 ± 0.02 inch)
8.143 mm 23.0 ± 0.5 mm
140-9670 N/A 1
(0.3206 inch) (0.91 ± 0.02 inch)
9.594 mm 22.0 ± 0.5 mm
144-2904 N/A 2
(0.3777 inch) (0.87 ± 0.02 inch)
9.594 mm 17.8 ± 0.5 mm
147-8220 N/A 1
(0.3777 inch) (0.70 ± 0.02 inch)
9.584 mm 32.26 ± 0.76 mm
173-7188 N/A 1
(0.3773 inch) (1.270 ± 0.030 inch)
0.13 mm
9.596 mm 17.8 ± 0.5 mm
187-8278 (0.0051 inch) 1
(0.3778 inch) (0.70 ± 0.02 inch)
0.51 mm
9.595 mm 17.8 ± 0.5 mm
187-8279 (0.0201 inch) 1
(0.3778 inch) (0.70 ± 0.02 inch)
0.13 mm
8.145 mm 23.0 ± 0.5 mm
187-8280 (0.0051 inch) 1
(0.3207 inch) (0.91 ± 0.02 inch)
0.51 mm
8.144 mm 23.0 ± 0.5 mm
187-8281 (0.0201 inch) 1
(0.3206 inch) (0.91 ± 0.02 inch)
0.13 mm
9.590 mm 12.0 ± 0.5 mm
203-3237 (0.0051 inch) 1
(0.3776 inch) (0.47 ± 0.02 inch)
0.51 mm
9.590 mm 12.0 ± 0.5 mm
203-3238 (0.0201 inch) 1
(0.3776 inch) (0.47 ± 0.02 inch)
9.590 mm 22.0 ± 0.5 mm
224-3124 N/A 1
(0.3776 inch) (0.87 ± 0.02 inch)
0.13 mm
8.143 mm 12.0 ± 0.5 mm
254-3941 (0.0051 inch) 1
(0.3206 inch) (0.47 ± 0.02 inch)
0.51 mm
8.143 mm 12.0 ± 0.5 mm
254-3942 (0.0201 inch) 1
(0.3206 inch) (0.47 ± 0.02 inch)
8.143 mm 48.4 ± 0.5 mm
255-8665 2007 3
(0.3206 inch) (1.91 ± 0.02 inch)
9.590 mm 22.0 ± 0.5 mm
259-2186 N/A 2
(0.3776 inch) (0.87 ± 0.02 inch)
8.143 mm 12.0 ± 0.5 mm
259-5829 N/A 1
(0.3206 inch) (0.47 ± 0.02 inch)
9.590 mm 12.0 ± 0.5 mm
260-4856 N/A 1
(0.3776 inch) (0.47 ± 0.02 inch)
9.590 mm 20.0 ± 0.05 mm
268-2953 N/A 2
(0.3776 inch) (0.787 ± 0.002 inch)
9.590 mm 22.0 ± 0.5 mm
277-9775 N/A N/A
(0.3776 inch) (0.87 ± 0.02 inch)
9.584 mm 35.0 ± 0.5 mm
376-6566 N/A 1
(0.3773 inch) (1.38 ± 0.02 inch)

Table 30

Valve Guides for C175 Engines

Specifications for C175 Valve Guides

Part Numbers Installed Height Bore Diameter of

Bore in the Head
of Valve of the Valve INSTALLED Valve
for the Guide
Guide Guide  92/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

22.000 ± 0.013 mm
Valve Guide
(0.8661 ± 0.0005 inch)
22.254 ± 0.013 mm 42.00 ± 0.50 mm 12.626 ± 0.020 mm
Valve Guide (0.25-
(0.8761 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.654 ± 0.020 inch) (0.4971 ± 0.0008 inch)
22.508 ± 0.013 mm
Valve Guide (0.50-
(0.8861 ± 0.0005 inch)

Table 31

Valve Guides for 3044, 3046, 3064, and 3066 Engines

Dimensions for 3044, 3046, 3064, and 3066 Valve Guides

Sales Model 3044, 3046 3064, 3066

The bore of the inlet valve guide that is 8.080 ± 0.015 mm 8.070 ± 0.015 mm
installed in the cylinder head (0.3181 ± 0.0006 inch) (0.3177 ± 0.0006 inch)
The maximum bore of the inlet valve guide 8.150 mm 8.150 mm
that is installed in the cylinder head (0.3209 inch) (0.3209 inch)
The bore of the exhaust valve guide that is 8.097 ± 0.017 mm 8.087 ± 0.017 mm
installed in the cylinder head (0.3188 ± 0.0007 inch) (0.3184 ± 0.0007 inch)
The maximum bore of the exhaust valve 8.200 mm 8.200 mm
guide that is installed in the cylinder head (0.3228 inch) (0.3228 inch)
11.50 ± 0.10 mm 17.00 ± 0.30 mm
The height of installed valve guides (B)
(0.453 ± 0.004 inch) (0.669 ± 0.012 inch)

Table 32

Installation of the Valve Guides

For removal of valve guides, use the 4C-6366 Valve Guide Driver. Install the valve guides with
the 4C-6370 Installer Tool. Refer to the service manual for Disassembly and Assembly Manual
for removal and installation instructions of the valve guides.

Illustration 173 g06277915

Valve guides that are being removed from the cylinder head by using the appropriate tooling

Valve Guides for 3054, and 3056 Engines

Note: When new valve guides are installed, new valves and new valve seat inserts must be
installed. The valve guides and the valve seat inserts are supplied as partially finished parts.
The unfinished valve guides and unfinished valve seat inserts are installed in the cylinder head.
Then, the guides and inserts are cut and reamed in one operation with special tooling. This
procedure ensures the concentricity of the valve seat to the valve guide to create a seal that is
tight. Refer to the Disassembly and Assembly Manual for removal and installation procedures

Dimensions for the Intake and Exhaust Valve Guides for 3054, and 3056

Description Dimension
9.51 to 9.56 mm
Inside Diameter
(0.37441 to 0.37638 inch)
15.90 to 15.91 mm
Outside Diameter
(0.62598 to 0.62638 inch)
15.87 to 15.89 mm
Bore diameter in cylinder head for valve guide
(0.62480 to 0.62559 inch)
0.03 to 0.07 mm
Interference fit of valve guide in cylinder head
(0.00118 to 0.00276 inch) 93/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

57.94 mm
Overall length for inlet valve guide
(2.28110 inch)
61.10 mm
Overall length for exhaust valve guide
(2.40551 inch)
15.10 mm
Projection of valve guide above valve spring recess
(0.59449 inch)
0.02 to 0.10 mm
Clearance of inlet valve in valve guide
(0.00079 to 0.00394 inch)
0.13 mm
Maximum permissible clearance of inlet valve in valve guide
(0.00512 inch)
0.05 to 0.13 mm
Clearance of exhaust valve in valve guide
(0.00197 to 0.00512 inch)
0.15 mm
Maximum permissible clearance of exhaust valve in valve guide
(0.00591 inch)
Minimum 1.28 mm
(0.05039 inch)
Valve depth below the cylinder head face
Maximum 1.60 mm
(0.06299 inch)
1.85 mm
Service wear limit
(0.07283 inch)
Inlet 0.20 mm
(0.00787 inch)
Valve Lash
Exhaust 0.45 mm
(0.01772 inch)

Table 33

Valve Guides for 3114, 3116, 3126 Engines

Dimensions for the Valve Guides for 3114, 3116, 3126 Engines

Description Dimension
Installed Valve Guide Bore 8.054 ± 0.026 mm
New (0.3171 ± 0.0010 inch)
Installed Valve Guide Bore 8.130 mm
Used Maximum (0.3201 inch)(1)
23.000 ± 0.500 mm
Height of Installed Valve Guide (B)
(0.9055 ± 0.0197 inch)
23.000 ± 0.500 mm
Height of Installed Intake Valve Guide (C) on 3126B Cylinder Heads
(0.9055 ± 0.0197 inch)
Height of Installed Exhaust Valve Guide (D) on 3126B Cylinder 17.8 ± 0.5 mm
Heads (measured to the shoulder of the valve guide) (0.70 ± 0.02 inch)

Table 34
Valve guides should not be reused if the measurement of the bore is greater than 8.130 mm (0.3201 inch). The
valve and the guide must have a combined difference less than 0.10 mm (0.004 inch).

Valve Guides for 3176, 3196 Engines

Note: Do not reuse the valve guide if the measurement of the bore is greater than 9.538 mm
(0.3755 inch). Do not use a valve and a guide that has a measured difference of 0.10 mm
(0.004 inch). Replacement is required if the gauge is inserted to a depth that is greater than
19.0 mm (0.75 inch).

Use a 1U-9169 Valve Guide Driver and a Guide Collar that corresponds to the guide to install
valve guides to the appropriate height of the valve guide. 94/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 174 g06277920

Pointed valve guide
(B) Height to the shoulder of valve guide

Use a 9U-6460 Guide Collar to install pointed valve guides. The 9U-6460 Guide Collar will
install the valve guide to a height of 22.0 ± 0.5 mm (0.87 ± 0.020 inch) to the shoulder.

Illustration 175 g06277928

Flat valve guide
(B) Height of valve guide

Use a 1U-9168 Valve Guide Collar to install flat valve guides. The 1U-9168 Valve Guide Collar
will install the valve guide to a height of 28.0 ± 0.5 mm (1.10 ± 0.02 inch).

Dimensions for the Valve Guides for 3176, 3196 Engines

Description Dimension
Installed Valve Guide Bore 9.484 ± 0.026 mm
New (0.3734 ± 0.0010 inch)
Installed Valve Guide Bore 9.538 mm
Used Maximum (0.3755 inch)
28.00 ± 0.05 mm
Height of Installed Valve Guide (B)(1)
(1.102 ± 0.002 inch)
22.00 ± 0.05 mm
Height of Installed Valve Guide from shoulder (B)(2)
(0.866 ± 0.002 inch)

Table 35
(2) Flat valve guide
Pointed valve guide

Valve Guides for 1100, 3100, 3204, and 3208 Engines

Dimensions for the Valve Guides for 1100, 3100, 3204, and 3208 Engines
Installed Valve Guide
Model Maximum Bore
Intake Exhaust Height
3100 9.550 mm 9.550 mm
3204 (0.37598 inch) (0.37598 inch) 20.19 mm
3208 (0.79488 inch)

Table 36  95/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Valve Guides for 3300 Engines

Installed Valve Guide Max. Bore for 3300 Engines

Intake Exhaust
9.581 mm 9.581 mm
(0.3772 inch) (0.3772 inch)

Table 37

Installed Valve Guide Height for 3300 Engines

Part Number Height

22.22 ± 0.25 mm
Former 8N-6796 Valve Guide.
(0.87480 ± 0.00984 inch)
16.22 ± 0.25 mm
Current 8N-6796 Valve Guide.
(0.63858 ± 0.00984 inch)

Table 38

Valve Guides for 3400 Engines

If the valve guides are removed from the cylinder head, use 9U-6895 Valve Guide Driver to
remove the valve guides. New valve guides should then be installed in the cylinder head. There
are two types of valve guides that are used in 3400 Engines. Use 9U-6895 Valve Guide Driver
and 5P-2396 Bushing to install the straight valve guides in the diesel engines. Use 9U-6895
Valve Guide Driver and 124-9057 Guide Collar to install the stepped valve guides in the diesel
engines. Use 9U-6895 Valve Guide Driver to install the valve guides in the gas engines. Refer
to Illustrations 176 and 177 for the types of valve guides. The bore in the cylinder head for the
valve guide should be lubricated with SAE 15W-40 engine oil before installing the valve guides.

Illustration 176 g01461628

Straight valve guide

Illustration 177 g01461631

Stepped valve guide

The valve guides must be measured for the installed height and the inside bore diameter.

Use 6V-2012 Depth Micrometer to measure the height of the installed valve guide (B). Refer to
Table 39 or Table 40 for the correct height. 96/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Use 5P-3536 Valve Guide Gauge to measure the inside diameter of the valve guide. The
correct probe is 9.525 mm (0.3750 inch). This probe has a usable range of 0.38 mm
(0.015 inch).

6V-7068 Valve Guide Gauge is also available for use as a quick go/no-go gauge. If the larger
end of the tooling fits in farther than 19.0 mm (0.75 inch), the valve guide must be replaced.

Illustration 178 g01461950

(B) Height of an installed valve guide

Specifications for the Valve Guides on 3400 Engines

Diesel Engines

Bore for an
Engine Maximum Bore for Height of an Installed
Installed Valve
Model Installed Valve Guide valve guide (B)
27.2 ± 0.8 mm
(1.07 ± 0.03 inch)(1)
32.26 ± 0.76 mm
9.487 ± 0.020 mm 9.560 mm (1.270 ± 0.030 inch)(2)
(0.3735 ± 0.0008 inch) (0.3764 inch)
3408 32.26 ± 0.76 mm
3412 (1.270 ± 0.030 inch)(2)

Table 39
(2) Stepped valve guide
Straight valve guide

Specifications for the Valve Guide on 3400 Engines

Gas Engines

Bore for an Installed Maximum Bore for Height of an installed

Valve Guide Installed Valve Guide valve guide (B)
24.0 ± 0.8 mm
(0.94 ± 0.03 inch)
9.487 ± 0.025 mm 9.560 mm 26.0 ± 0.8 mm
(0.3735 ± 0.0010 inch) (0.3764 inch) (1.02 ± 0.03 inch)
32.26 ± 0.76 mm
(1.270 ± 0.030 inch)

Table 40

Note: Do not reuse a valve guide if the measurement of the bore is greater than 9.560 mm
(0.3764 inch). Do not reuse a valve and valve guide if the difference between the valve stem
diameter and the inner diameter of the valve guide is 0.13 mm (0.005 inch).

Valve Guides for 3406E, 3456 Engines

If the valve guides are removed from the cylinder head, use 9U-6895 Valve Guide Driver to
remove the valve guides. New valve guides should then be installed in the cylinder head. Use
9U-6895 Valve Guide Driver and 9U-6894 Guide Collar to install the valve guides. The bore in
the cylinder head for the valve guide should be lubricated with SAE 15W-40 engine oil before
installing the valve guides.

Specifications for the Valve Guide on 3406E, 3456 Engines

Bore for an
Engine Maximum Bore for Height of an installed
Installed Valve
Installed Valve Guide valve guide (B)  97/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

9.484 ± 0.013 mm 9.560 mm 35.0 ± 0.5 mm

(0.3734 ± 0.0005 inch) (0.3764 inch) (1.38 ± 0.02 inch)
9.484 ± 0.013 mm 9.560 mm 35.0 ± 0.5 mm
(0.3734 ± 0.0005 inch) (0.3764 inch) (1.38 ± 0.02 inch)

Table 41

Note: Do not reuse a valve guide if the measurement of the bore is greater than 9.560 mm
(0.3764 inch). Do not reuse a valve and valve guide if the difference between the valve stem
diameter and the inner diameter of the valve guide is 0.13 mm (0.005 inch).

Oversized valve guides are also available. The oversized valve guides must have the valve
guide bore of the cylinder head machined oversized.

Illustration 179 g06277951

Cylinder Head Bore Dimensions on 3406E, 3456 Engines

Valve Guide Size Bore Size (C) in the Cylinder Head for the Valve
(OD) Guide
15.970 ± 0.013 mm
Standard Size
(0.6287 ± 0.0005 inch)
0.13 mm 16.097 ± 0.013 mm
(0.005 inch) Oversized (0.6337 ± 0.0005 inch)
0.51 mm 16.478 ± 0.013 mm
(0.020 inch) Oversized (0.6487 ± 0.0005 inch)

Table 42

Precision Valve Guides for 3500 Engines

Precision machined valve guides and inserts for the valve seats are used in all 3500 engines.
These parts will improve the concentricity of the valve and concentricity of the valve seat in the
cylinder head. These parts will improve the quality of cylinder heads that are rebuilt in the field.

Valve guides with oversize outside diameters are available to replace the standard parts. These
parts are 0.127 mm (0.0050 inch), 0.254 mm (0.0100 inch), 0.381 mm (0.0150 inch), and
0.508 mm (0.0200 inch) oversize outer diameter.

Illustration 180 g06189568

Guides for 3500
(F) Height to the top of the valve guides from the top of the head

Specifications for the Valve Guides for 3500 Engines 98/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Installed Height of
Intake or Numbers of Bore in the Head
Size the Valve Guide
Exhaust Valve for the Guide
133-9306 17.473 ± 0.008 mm
449-7117 (0.6879 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.127 mm 17.6 ± 0.008 mm
(0.0050 inch) (0.6929 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.254 mm 17.727 ± 0.008 mm
Intake 273-3554
(0.0100 inch) (0.6979 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.381 mm 301-9248 17.854 ± 0.008 mm
(0.0150 inch) 320-7710 (0.7029 ± 0.0003 inch) 26.000 ± 1.000 mm
0.508 mm 149-1982 17.981 ± 0.008 mm (1.0236 ± 0.0394 inch)
(0.0200 inch) 320-7711 (0.7079 ± 0.0003 inch)
197-6995 17.473 ± 0.008 mm
449-7118 (0.6879 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.127 mm 17.6 ± 0.008 mm
Exhaust 276-3875
(0.0050 inch) (0.6929 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.254 mm 17.727 ± 0.008 mm
(0.0100 inch) (0.6979 ± 0.0003 inch)
17.473 ± 0.008 mm
Standard 191-6766
(0.6879 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.254 mm 17.727 ± 0.008 mm
Intake 206-1544
(0.0100 inch) (0.6979 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.508 mm 17.981 ± 0.008 mm
(0.0200 inch) (0.7079 ± 0.0003 inch)
17.473 ± 0.008 mm
Standard 206-1541
(0.6879 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.254 mm 17.727 ± 0.008 mm 26.000 ± 1.000 mm
Exhaust 206-1542
(0.0100 inch) (0.6979 ± 0.0003 inch) (1.0236 ± 0.0394 inch)
0.508 mm 17.981 ± 0.008 mm
(0.0200 inch) (0.7079 ± 0.0003 inch)
17.473 ± 0.008 mm
Standard 255-0897
(0.6879 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.254 mm 17.727 ± 0.008 mm
Exhaust 255-1261
(0.0100 inch) (0.6979 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.508 mm 17.981 ± 0.008 mm
(0.0200 inch) (0.7079 ± 0.0003 inch)
17.473 ± 0.008 mm
Standard 191-6766
(0.6879 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.127 mm 17.600 ± 0.008 mm
(0.0050 inch) (0.6929 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.254 mm 17.727 ± 0.008 mm
(0.0100 inch) (0.6979 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.508 mm 17.981 ± 0.008 mm
(0.0200 inch) (0.7079 ± 0.0003 inch) 26.000 ± 0.5 mm
17.473 ± 0.008 mm (1.0236 ± 0.0197 inch)
Standard 336-1338
(0.6879 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.127 mm 17.600 ± 0.008 mm
(0.0050 inch) (0.6929 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.254 mm 17.727 ± 0.008 mm
(0.0100 inch) (0.6979 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.508 mm 17.981 ± 0.008 mm
(0.0200 inch) (0.7079 ± 0.0003 inch)

Table 43

Installation and Removal of the Valve Guides for G3500

Remove all oil, dirt, and carbon from the cylinder head casting.

Clean the mounting surface of the cylinder head with a 5P-9718 Disc Pad. The pneumatic tool
must be 3500 rpm to 4500 rpm. The method and the speed of the disc are critical to the
performance of the disc. The best results will be obtained if the disc is flat to the surface. Only
the weight of the tool should be used as downward pressure. Do not use the edge of the disc
because the disc may come off the holder. Do not use the disc for long periods of time in one
area. Metal can be removed if the disc is used in one area for too long. 99/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 181 g02150205

This cylinder head has siloxane deposits from a landfill environment.

Illustration 182 g06277972

Remove all dirt and debris from the combustion surface and the valve seat insert bore. The
insert removal tool will not seat properly if there is any remaining debris in the insert bore.

When cleaning the ports, do so while the old seat is still in place.

Required Tooling

Part Number Part Description

7M-3975 Valve Guide Driver

Table 44

1. Place the cylinder head upside-down in a hydraulic press.

2. Clean the surface of the valve guide that contacts the valve guide driver. This will prevent
harmful debris from traveling through the bore for the valve guide.

Illustration 183 g02157991

3. Install 7M-3975 Valve Guide Driver into a valve guide. 100/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

4. Press the valve guides out of the cylinder head. Repeat this process for the remaining
three valve guides.
Note: Do not use a hammer to remove the valve guides.

Illustration 184 g02192018

235-9751 Drive Adapter As

Illustration 185 g02194699

(2) Spark Plug Adapter
Use the 235-9751 Drive Adapter As to remove the spark plug adapter. Remove and replace the
gasket and the o-ring.

The adapter threads should be inspected for any damage. If the threads have any damage or
wear, the adapter should be replaced.

Illustration 186 g06277993

Stiff bristle brush for cleaning bores

1. Clean the bores for the valve guides with a stiff bristle brush. Spray 222-3123 Penetrating
Oil in the bores before inserting the brush. The bores for the valve guides should be
cleaned with a clean shop towel after using the brush. The towel will remove any
remaining debris.

2. Position the cylinder head in the upright position. 101/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 187 g02201893

The guide should have at least 63.0 mm (2.48 inch) length of coating from the bottom of the guide.

Illustration 188 g02203414

3. Lubricate the outside of each valve guide and the bore in the head with clean engine oil
prior to installation.
Note: The entire bore should be coated in oil.

Illustration 189 g02201993

(7) 364-3081 Installation Guide

Illustration 190 g02202313 102/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

4. Place the 364-3081 Install Guide on the cylinder head as shown in Illustration 189. Make
sure that 191-6766 Valve Guides are installed in the intake ports of the cylinder head.
Make sure that 366-1338 Valve Guides are installed in the exhaust ports of the cylinder
For oversize valve guides part numbers and information on the bore size in the cylinder
head for oversize valve guides, refer to Table 45.

Specifications for the Valve Guides on G3500 Engines

Number Intake Installed Height of
Numbers Bore in the Head
of the or Size the Valve Guide
of Valve for the Guide
Cylinder Exhaust (F)
17.473 ± 0.008 mm
Intake Standard 9Y-1847
(0.6879 ± 0.0003 inch)
4P-6571 7N-1819 17.473 ± 0.008 mm
Intake Standard
7C-3471 130-2613 (0.6879 ± 0.0003 inch)
128-1141 17.473 ± 0.008 mm
Intake Standard 184-5495 26.00 ± 1.00 mm
144-6409 (0.6879 ± 0.0003 inch)
191-6766 (1.0236 ± 0.0394 inch)
206-1554 7W-9487 17.473 ± 0.008 mm
229-9942 Exhaust Standard
9Y-1846 (0.6879 ± 0.0003 inch)
17.473 ± 0.008 mm
Exhaust Standard 184-5494
(0.6879 ± 0.0003 inch)
184-5495 17.473 ± 0.008 mm
191-6766 (0.6879 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.13 mm 17.600 ± 0.008 mm
(0.0051 inch) (0.6929 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.254 mm 17.727 ± 0.008 mm
(0.0100 inch) (0.6979 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.508 mm 17.981 ± 0.008 mm
(0.0200 inch) (0.7079 ± 0.0003 inch)
184-5494 17.473 ± 0.008 mm
366-1338 (0.6879 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.13 mm 17.600 ± 0.008 mm 26.000 ± 0.5 mm
315-2630 322-3661
(0.0051 inch) (0.6929 ± 0.0003 inch) (1.0236 ± 0.0197 inch)
418-9804 Exhaust
0.254 mm 17.727 ± 0.008 mm
(0.0100 inch) (0.6979 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.508 mm 17.981 ± 0.008 mm
(0.0200 inch) (0.7079 ± 0.0003 inch)
184-5494 17.473 ± 0.008 mm
366-1338 (0.6879 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.254 mm 17.727 ± 0.008 mm
Exhaust 366-1339
(0.0100 inch) (0.6979 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.508 mm 17.981 ± 0.008 mm
(0.0200 inch) (0.7079 ± 0.0003 inch)
17.473 ± 0.008 mm
Standard 191-6766
(0.6879 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.254 mm 17.727 ± 0.008 mm 26.00 ± 1.00 mm
Intake 206-1544
(0.0100 inch) (0.6979 ± 0.0003 inch) (1.0236 ± 0.0394 inch)
0.508 mm 17.981 ± 0.008 mm
(0.0200 inch) (0.7079 ± 0.0003 inch)
17.473 ± 0.008 mm
Standard 255-0897
(0.6879 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.254 mm 17.727 ± 0.008 mm 26.00 ± 1.00 mm
242-5328 Exhaust 255-1261
(0.0100 inch) (0.6979 ± 0.0003 inch) (1.0236 ± 0.0394 inch)
0.508 mm 17.981 ± 0.008 mm
(0.0200 inch) (0.7079 ± 0.0003 inch)
17.473 ± 0.008 mm
Standard 206-1541
(0.68791 ± 0.0003 inch)
0.254 mm 17.727 ± 0.008 mm 26.00 ± 1.00 mm
Exhaust 206-1542
(0.0100 inch) (0.6979 ± 0.0003 inch) (1.0236 ± 0.0394 inch)
0.508 mm 17.981 ± 0.008 mm
(0.0200 inch) (0.7079 ± 0.0003 inch)

Table 45 103/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 191 g02202376

(8) 366-5728 Valve Guide Driver

5. Insert the 366-5728 Valve Guide Driver (8) in the valve guide.

Illustration 192 g02202546

6. Press the valve guide into the cylinder head. The valve guide is at the correct depth when
the valve guide driver contacts the 364-3081 Installation Guide. The valve guides should
be pressed in with one smooth stroke. Use an electrohydraulic press to install the valve
Note: Do not use a manual hydraulic press.

Illustration 193 g02215035

7. Insert valves into the valve guides. If the valve does not move freely in the valve guide,
repeat this step with another valve. If the second valve does not move freely in the valve
guide, the valve guide must be removed and replaced.

When installing the valves in the heads during assembly, repeat Step 7 to assure that the valve
being installed passes freely in the guide. Once a guide and valve have been checked, keep
the valve matched to the guide in which it was test fit. If for any reason a valve is removed from
the head during assembly, this step must be performed to assure that the valve and guide have
proper clearance. 104/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 194 g06278058

Pilot Wrench

Illustration 195 g02476049


Illustration 196 g02476601

Dial Indicator 105/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 197 g02477237

Illustration 198 g02477356

1. Insert the pilot into the pilot wrench.

Illustration 199 g02477441

2. Insert the pilot in the dial gauge.

Illustration 200 g02477516 106/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 201 g02478266

1. Insert the pilot into the valve guide.

2. Tighten the pilot wrench.

Note: To prevent damage to the tooling or the valve guide, the pilot wrench only needs to
be lightly tightened by hand.

Illustration 202 g06278081

3. Place the tip on the face of the valve seat and zero out the dial indicator.

4. Rotate the tip around the face of the valve seat.

Illustration 203 g02155320

5. Measure the runout of the valve seat insert. The valve guide to seat runout should be no
more than 0.05 mm (0.002 inch). A valve seat dial indicator from Hall Toledo was used in
Illustration 203.
If runout is more than 0.05 mm (0.002 inch) remove the valve guide and install a new
one. After installation, measure the runout again. If the runout is still excessive, replace
the seat and measure the runout. If the runout is still excessive, the bores for the valve
seat and guide should be checked and the head should be replaced.

Note: No guide or valve seat insert should ever be reused after being removed from the
head. 107/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Valve Guides for 3600, G3600, C280 Engines

Valve guides should be drilled as much as possible before being removed. If this is not done,
small cracks may appear in the cylinder head casting as a result. After installation, check the
dimensions of the valve guides to make sure that the guides meet the specifications for new
valve guides.

To remove the bridge dowels, use the 9U-5099 Valve Seat Puller to remove the bridge dowels
and dowel plugs from the cylinder head casting. Replace the bridge dowels by following the
specifications for minimum height.

Initial Inspection
1. Inspect the valve guides for wear, cracks, erosion, or other damage.

Illustration 204 g01941500

2. Use the valve guide gauge to measure the inside diameter of the valve guide.

3. Remove excessively worn valve guides with one of the following methods.

There are three different methods for removal of valve guides.

Note: Drill the inside diameter of the guide. This will ease the process of removing the valve
guide. This will also eliminate damage to the bore of the guide.

Illustration 205 g01941573

1. Remove the valve guides with the valve guide driver and a hammer.
Note: Be careful not to strike the highly finished surface of the cylinder head with the
hammer during removal of the valve guides.

Illustration 206 g01941818 108/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

2. The valve guides may also be removed with a hydraulic press and the valve guide driver.

Illustration 207 g01941953

(11) Puller assembly
(12) Puller rod assembly
(13) Nut
(14) Hand pump
(15) Pedestal

The tooling that is used to install valve guides into the cylinder head must produce consistent

1. Put clean engine oil on the outside diameter of the valve guide before installation. The
guides can also be frozen to −70° C (−94.0° F). Installation will be easier if the guides are

2. Install four valve guides until the guides extend 18.00 mm (0.709 inch) to 22.00 mm
(0.866 inch) above the top surface of the cylinder head. Use either of the methods shown
in Illustrations 208,209, and 210.

3. If the valve guides were frozen prior to installation, the guides should be allowed to return
to room temperature before measuring critical specifications.

4. After installing the valve guides into the head casting, measure the inside diameter with
the valve guide gauge.

Note: After installation, the valve guide must pass the specified load test.

Illustration 208 g01943948

(11) Valve guide driver 109/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 209 g01943970

Illustration 210 g01944259

(11) Puller assembly
(12) Puller rod assembly
(13) Nut
(14) Hand pump
(16) Expander bridge assembly

Illustration 211 g06175874

Valve Guide Specifications. Refer to Table 46 for the reuse specifications.

Valve Guide Specifications for 3600, G3600, C280 Engines

Dimensions 7C-2424
16.209 mm
Maximum Allowable ID at bottom (A)(1)
(0.6380 inch)
170.00 ± 1.00 mm
Length (B)
(6.693 ± 0.040 inch)
16.106 mm
Maximum Allowable ID at top (C)(2)
(0.6340 inch)
26.040 ± 0.010 mm
OUTSIDE diameter (D)
(1.0252 ± 0.0004 inch)
16.055 ± 0.013 mm
Unassembled INSIDE diameter (E)
(0.6321 ± 0.0005 inch)
16.003 mm
Assembled inside diameter (E)(3) (0.6300 inch) to 16.059 mm
(0.6322 inch)
18.00 mm
Assembled Height (0.709 inch) to 22.00 mm
(0.866 inch)

Table 46
As measured from the bottom of the valve guide bore when assembled in the head casting. Maximum depth
(2) allowed 19.0 mm (0.75 inch).
As measured from the top of the valve guide bore when assembled in the head casting. Maximum depth allowed
(3) 19.0 mm (0.75 inch).
Measure the bore 45.0 mm (1.77 inch) from the bottom of the cylinder head. This is the surface where the casting
press fit reduces the inside diameter of the valve guide.

Valve Guide & Seat Bore for C7 through C32 Engines

Specifications for the Cylinder Head for C7 through C32 Engines

Part Number Bore for the Valve Guide Bore for the Valve Seat 110/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

45.949 ± 0.025 mm
17.473 ± 0.013 mm (1.8090 ± 0.0010 inch)
(0.6879 ± 0.0005 inch) Exhaust
42.774 ± 0.025 mm
(1.6840 ± 0.0010 inch)
45.961 ± 0.013 mm
15.970 ± 0.013 mm (1.8095 ± 0.0005 inch)
(0.6287 ± 0.0005 inch) Exhaust
43.320 ± 0.025 mm
(1.7055 ± 0.0010 inch)
227-5951 Intake Intake
259-8305 13.000 ± 0.013 mm 41.931 ± 0.013 mm
278-3490 (0.5118 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.6508 ± 0.0005 inch)
280-7503 Exhaust Exhaust
314-4183 15.970 ± 0.013 mm 45.931 ± 0.013 mm
314-4184 (0.6287 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.8083 ± 0.0005 inch)
201-2180 37.000 ± 0.015 mm
255-4961 15.970 ± 0.013 mm (1.4567 ± 0.0006 inch)
311-7226 (0.6287 ± 0.0005 inch) Exhaust
311-7228 37.500 ± 0.015 mm
(1.4764 ± 0.0006 inch)
40.000 ± 0.015 mm
241-8392 15.970 ± 0.013 mm (1.5748 ± 0.0006 inch)
252-8438 (0.6287 ± 0.0005 inch) Exhaust
37.500 ± 0.015 mm
(1.4764 ± 0.0006 inch)
42.5 ± 0.015 mm
311-7218 13.000 ± 0.013 mm (1.67323 ± 0.00059 inch)
328-7475 (0.5118 ± 0.0005 inch) Exhaust
39 ± 0.015 mm
(1.5354 ± 0.0006 inch)
Intake Intake
13.000 ± 0.013 mm 40.000 ± 0.015 mm
311-7229 (0.5118 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.5748 ± 0.0006 inch)
332-3619 Exhaust Exhaust
15.970 ± 0.013 mm 37.500 ± 0.015 mm
(0.6287 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.4764 ± 0.0006 inch)
Intake Intake
13.000 ± 0.013 mm 42.5 ± 0.015 mm
(0.5118 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.67323 ± 0.00059 inch)
Exhaust Exhaust
15.970 ± 0.013 mm 39.0 ± 0.015 mm
(0.6287 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.53543 ± 0.00059 inch)
Intake Intake
13.000 ± 0.013 mm 41.931 ± 0.013 mm
(0.5118 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.6508 ± 0.0005 inch)
Exhaust Exhaust
13.000 ± 0.013 mm 45.931 ± 0.013 mm
(0.5118 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.8083 ± 0.0005 inch) 111/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

47.950 ± 0.025 mm
15.970 ± 0.013 mm (1.8878 ± 0.0010 inch)
(0.6287 ± 0.0005 inch) Exhaust
42.774 ± 0.025 mm
(1.6840 ± 0.0010 inch)

Table 47

Valve Seals and Retainers

Components may vary. Check the following originally installed components:

Valve type

Type of seal

Type of retainer

Other components

Illustration 212 g02721295

Old style valve guide seals

Illustration 213 g06278157

New style valve guide seals
Note: Refer to the Service Manual for removal and installation procedures. Also refer to the
current parts manual for the current configuration for valve seals in a particular application. 112/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 214 g06278159

Valve retainers with polished surfaces

Valve Seats
This section contains specifications of reusability for valve seats which are used in Caterpillar
engines. Valve guide bores must be measured for the diameter of the valve guide bore.

If the thickness of the head is machined beyond factory specifications, the valve seats must
also be machined. Machine the surface of the insert so the same amount of material is
removed from the head and the insert to maintain the proper projection of the valve. After the
head has been machined, the sealing angle must be within like-new specifications.

Illustration 215 g06176254

Machining the valve seat to like-new specifications after machining the head

Never use any kind of hammer to push the valve seat into the head. Installation of the valve
seat insert requires a careful technique. The valve seat inserts are installed in a counterbore in
the cylinder head under a press fit. Care must be taken with valve seat inserts. The inserts
must be properly seated in the counterbore. The insert must be in full contact with the bottom of
the counterbore. The inserts are chilled on dry ice before installation. Frost may build up on the
bottom of the insert. This frost may not allow the insert to seat properly. Installation frequently
involves hammering of the insert, which does not allow the valve seat insert to seat properly.
The best results have been obtained by installing the valve seat insert at room temperature
with steady hydraulic pressure.

The initial firing of the engine will seat an improperly seated precision insert. The only impact
from an improperly placed precision insert is a reduction in lash for the valve.

An insert that is machined after installation that does not seat properly will cause problems. The
insert will be machined when the insert is not fully seated. When the valve seat insert seats
properly, there will be an improper seating face. Elevated wear rates will occur and the valve
may fail.

Valve Seat Inserts for D & G Model Engine

Specifications for Valve Seat Angle for D & G Model Engines
Diesel Gas
Intake Exhaust Intake Exhaust
D318 45° ± 0.5° 45° ± 0.5° N/A N/A
D320 30° ± 1° 30° ± 1° N/A N/A
45° ± 0.25° 45° ± 0.25° 45° ± 0.25° 45° ± 0.25°
G342 113/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

45° ± 0.25° 45° ± 0.25° N/A N/A
45° ± 0.25° 45° ± 0.25° N/A N/A
30° ± 0.25° 30° ± 0.25° 30° ± 0.25° 30° ± 0.25°

Table 48

Removal, Machining, and Installation of the Valve

Seats Inserts for C4.4, C6.6, and C7.1 Engines

Illustration 216 g06278166

Remove the valve seat inserts. Check the bore diameters and the bore depths for the valve
seat inserts. Oversized valve seat inserts are not available currently. If the bore diameters or
the bore depths are not within specifications, the cylinder head must be replaced.

Bore Diameters and Bore Depths in the Cylinder Head for the Valve Seat
Inserts for C4.4 (Tier 2/3) Engines

Item Dimension
8.735 mm
(H) Depth of Bore for Intake Insert (0.3438 inch) to 8.865 mm
(0.3490 inch)
7.975 mm
(G) Depth of Bore for Exhaust Insert (0.3139 inch) to 8.105 mm
(0.3190 inch)
35.000 mm
(J) Diameter of Bore for Intake Insert (1.3779 inch) to 35.025 mm
(1.3789 inch)
33.500 mm
(I) Diameter of Bore for Exhaust Insert (1.3188 inch) to 33.525 mm
(1.3198 inch)

Table 49

Bore Diameters and Bore Depths in the Cylinder Head for the Valve Seat
Inserts for C4.4 (Tier 4) Engines

Item Dimension
8.735 mm
(H) Depth of Bore for Intake Insert (0.34390 inch) to 8.865 mm
(0.34902 inch) 114/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

9.435 mm
(G) Depth of Bore for Exhaust Insert (0.37146 inch) to 9.565 mm
(0.37657 inch)
36.930 mm
(J) Diameter of Bore for Intake Insert (1.45393 inch) to 36.955 mm
(1.45492 inch)
34.930 mm
(I) Diameter of Bore for Exhaust Insert (1.37519 inch) to 34.955 mm
(1.37618 inch)

Table 50

Bore Diameters and Bore Depths in the Cylinder Head for the Valve Seat
Inserts for C7.1 Engines (Tier 2/3 Mechanical)

Item Dimension
10.32 mm
(H) Depth of Bore for Intake Insert (0.406 inch) to 10.52 mm
(0.414 inch)
9.94 mm
(G) Depth of Bore for Exhaust Insert (0.39134 inch) to 10.14 mm
(0.39921 inch)
47.820 mm
(J) Diameter of Bore for Intake Insert (1.8827 inch) to 47.845 mm
(1.8837 inch)
42.420 mm
(I) Diameter of Bore for Exhaust Insert (1.6701 inch) to 42.445 mm
(1.6711 inch)

Table 51

Bore Diameters and Bore Depths in the Cylinder Head for the Valve Seat
Inserts for C7.1 Engines (Tier 4)

Item Dimension
8.735 mm
(H) Depth of Bore for Intake Insert (0.3438 inch) to 8.865 mm
(0.3490 inch)
9.435 mm
(G) Depth of Bore for Exhaust Insert (0.3715 inch) to 9.565 mm
(0.3766 inch)
36.930 mm
(J) Diameter of Bore for Intake Insert (1.4539 inch) to 36.955 mm
(1.4549 inch)
34.930 mm
(I) Diameter of Bore for Exhaust Insert (1.3752 inch) to 34.955 mm
(1.3762 inch)

Table 52


Illustration 217 g06277681 115/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Valve Seat Insert Part Numbers for C4.4, C6.6, and C7.1 Engines
Exhaust Valve Seat Insert 377-0400
Intake Valve Seat Insert 377-0399

Table 53

Obtain a suitable cutter assembly. The valve seats will be cut using one operation. Set the
blades of the cutters to the diameter of the valve seat to be cut, using the proper angle. Refer
to the following tables for cutting speeds, tooling, and diameters.

Tooling, Cutting Speeds and Feed Rates for Valve Seat Inserts for C4.4,
C6.6, and C7.1 Engines

Tool Type Cutting Speed (M/min) Feed Rate (mm/rev)

Carbide 70-90 0.10 to 0.12
Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN) > 150 or 50-70 0.05 to 0.08 or 0.15 to 0.18

Table 54

Valve Seat Angles for C4.4, C6.6, and C7.1 Engines

89 degrees to 89.30 degrees total angle
Exhaust Valve Seat Angle (S) 120.65 degrees to 120.75 total angle (C7.1 Tier 2/3
119 degrees to 119.3 degrees total angle
Intake Valve Seat Angle (S) 112.16 degrees to 120.66 degrees total angle (C7.1 Tier
2/3 Mech)
Surface Texture for Valve Seat 3.2 µm
Angles (125.9843 µinch) max
Concentricity of Valve Seats 0.05 mm (0.002 inch) max TIR

Table 55

1. Install the cutter assembly into the valve seat. Carefully turn the handle in a clockwise
direction. Lubricant is not necessary.
Note: The valve seats have a hardened finish. Grinding compound must not be used or
damage may result to the valve seats.

2. Continue to turn the handle in a clockwise direction to cut the valve seat. Remove only
the minimum amount of material.

3. When the valve seat is cut, remove the reamer and cutter assembly. Clean any debris
after the machining procedure.

A tool must be fabricated for installation of the valve seat inserts. Use the following information
for fabricating the installation tool.

Illustration 218 g06278174

Dimensions for the Valve Seat Insert Installation Tool  116/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Fabricate a tool to the following dimensions used to press in the valve seats.

Valve Seat Insert Installation Tool Specifications for C4.4

Dimension Value
(A) As Required
(B) As Required
25 mm
(0.98 inch)
4 mm
(0.16 inch)
(E) Intake 30 Degrees
Tier 2/3
Tier 2/3 Exhaust 45 degrees
(E) Intake 60 Degrees
Tier 4
Tier 4 Exhaust 45 degrees
Intake 35 mm
(1.37795 inch)
Exhaust 33 mm
(1.29921 inch)
Intake 33 mm
(1.29921 inch)
Exhaust 32 mm
(1.26 inch)

Table 56

Valve Seat Insert Installation Tool for C6.6 and C7.1

Dimension Value
(A) As Required
(B) As Required
25 mm
(0.98 inch)
4 mm
(0.16 inch)
Intake 41 Degrees
(E) Tier 2/3
Exhaust 30 degrees
Intake 60 Degrees
(E) Tier 4
Exhaust 45 degrees
Intake 43 mm
(1.69 inch)
(F) Tier 2/3
Exhaust 40 mm
(1.57 inch)
Intake 33 mm
(1.29921 inch)
(F) Tier 4
Exhaust 32 mm
(1.26 inch)
Intake 35 mm
(1.37795 inch)
(G) Tier 4
Exhaust 33 mm
(1.29921 inch)

Table 57

Use the Tooling to press the valve seats into the cylinder head. 117/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 219 g03779928

Exhuast Valve Seat Specifications for C4.4, C6.6, and C7.1 Engines
3.00 mm
(L) (0.1181 inch) to 3.010 mm
(0.1185 inch)
(M) 89-89.30' (Total Angle)
Intake Valve Seat Specifications for C4.4, C6.6, and C7.1 Engines
3.370 mm
(L) (0.1327 inch) to 3.380 mm
(0.1331 inch)
(M) 119-119.30' (Total Angle)

Table 58

Installation of the Valve Seats Inserts for C7 through

C32 Engines
Replace the valve seat inserts when machining cannot be performed. Refer to the service
manual for disassembly and assembly for the removal and installation instructions of valve seat
inserts. Refer to the "Replacing Valve Seats Inserts for C7 through C32" section of this
guideline for the proper procedure to replace a valve seat.

Note: Some valve seats cannot be machined. Refer to Table 59 to determine if a valve
seat can be machined. Specialized manufacturing processes were used on these parts.
Machining these parts will significantly decrease the life of the engine.

Some C7 engines are experiencing corrosion on the 217-5213
Valve Seat Insert and the 155-9504 Valve Seat Insert.

If corrosion is found on 217-5213 Valve Seat Inserts, replace

the valve seat inserts with 272-9813 Valve Seat Inserts. The
272-9813 Valve Seat Inserts are made from an alloy that is
corrosion resistant.

If corrosion is found on 155-9504 Valve Seat Inserts, replace

the valve seat inserts with 278-0453 Valve Seats. The 278-
0453 Valve Seats are made from an alloy that is more corrosion

Part numbers are etched on the outer surface of the valve seat

The 278-0453 Valve Seats and 272-9813 Valve Seat Inserts

are pre-finished. Pre-finished valve seat inserts do not require
any additional machining in the cylinder head.

Illustration 220 g01667504

(C) Depth of the bore for the valve seat
(D) Valve seat insert outside diameter
(E) Valve seat insert inside diameter
(F) Sealing angle of the valve seat insert
Specifications for Valve Seat Inserts for C7 through C32 Engines

Depth of the Bore Sealing

Valve Outside Diameter
Comment for the Valve Seat Inside Diameter (E) angle
Seat (D)
(C) (F) 118/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

13.01 ± 0.10 mm 42.850 ± 0.013 mm 36.5 ± 0.5 mm 44.75° ±

1W-5283 Exhaust
(0.512 ± 0.004 inch) (1.6870 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.44 ± 0.02 inch) 0.50°
13.01 ± 0.10 mm 46.025 ± 0.013 mm 39.1 ± 0.5 mm 30.25° ±
4N-5893 Intake
(0.512 ± 0.004 inch) (1.8120 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.54 ± 0.02 inch) 0.50°
14.10 ± 0.10 mm 43.400 ± 0.015 mm 36.00 ± 0.13 mm 44.75° ±
133-7030 Exhaust
(0.555 ± 0.004 inch) (1.7087 ± 0.0006 inch) (1.417 ± 0.005 inch) 0.50°
14.10 ± 0.06 mm 43.400 ± 0.015 mm 36.00 ± 0.13 mm 44.75° ±
138-2005 Exhaust
(0.555 ± 0.002 inch) (1.7087 ± 0.0006 inch) (1.417 ± 0.005 inch) 0.25°
15.00 ± 0.06 mm 46.025 ± 0.013 mm 39.1 ± 0.5 mm 29.75° ±
138-2006 Intake
(0.591 ± 0.002 inch) (1.8120 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.54 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
11.55 ± 0.06 mm 46.000 ± 0.013 mm 39.50 ± 0.50 mm 45.50° ±
147-8218 Exhaust
(0.455 ± 0.002 inch) (1.8110 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.560 ± 0.020 inch) 0.25°
13.90 ± 0.05 mm 42.840 ± 0.013 mm 36.5 ± 0.5 mm 44.75° ±
152-7582 Exhaust
(0.547 ± 0.002 inch) (1.6866 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.44 ± 0.02 inch) 0.50°
10.00 ± 0.05 mm 42.000 ± 0.013 mm 35.80 ± 0.13 mm 30.25° ±
155-9504 Intake
(0.394 ± 0.002 inch) (1.6535 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.409 ± 0.005 inch) 0.25°
0.76 mm
13.90 ± 0.05 mm 43.602 ± 0.013 mm 36.5 ± 0.5 mm 44.75° ±
167-0642 (0.030 inch)
(0.547 ± 0.002 inch) (1.7166 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.44 ± 0.02 inch) 0.50°
0.76 mm
14.00 ± 0.05 mm 48.787 ± 0.013 mm 41.0 ± 0.5 mm 30.25° ±
167-0643 (0.030 inch)
(0.551 ± 0.002 inch) (1.9207 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.61 ± 0.02 inch) 0.50°
0.51 mm
13.90 ± 0.05 mm 43.348 ± 0.013 mm 36.5 ± 0.5 mm 44.75° ±
170-4737 (0.020 inch)
(0.547 ± 0.002 inch) (1.7066 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.44 ± 0.02 inch) 0.50°
0.51 mm
14.00 ± 0.05 mm 48.533 ± 0.013 mm 41.0 ± 0.5 mm 30.25° ±
170-4738 (0.020 inch)
(0.551 ± 0.002 inch) (1.9107 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.61 ± 0.02 inch) 0.50°
14.00 ± 0.05 mm 48.025 ± 0.013 mm 41.0 ± 0.5 mm 30.25° ±
175-3617 Intake
(0.551 ± 0.002 inch) (1.8907 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.61 ± 0.02 inch) 0.50°
12.00 ± 0.06 mm 37.060 ± 0.013 mm 30.8 ± 0.5 mm 25.00° ±
176-7688 Intake
(0.472 ± 0.002 inch) (1.4591 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.21 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
13.50 ± 0.05 mm 37.560 ± 0.013 mm 31.0 ± 0.5 mm 45.00° ±
176-7690 Exhaust
(0.532 ± 0.002 inch) (1.4787 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.22 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
14.10 ± 0.06 mm 43.390 ± 0.013 mm 36.0 ± 0.5 mm 44.75° ±
179-9453 Exhaust
(0.555 ± 0.002 inch) (1.7083 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.42 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
15.00 ± 0.06 mm 46.025 ± 0.013 mm 39.1 ± 0.5 mm 29.75° ±
179-9454(1) Intake
(0.591 ± 0.002 inch) (1.8120 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.54 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
10.40 ± 0.06 mm 37.560 ± 0.013 mm 31.0 ± 0.5 mm 45.00° ±
212-8917 Exhaust
(0.409 ± 0.002 inch) (1.4787 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.22 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
9.51 ± 0.06 mm 37.060 ± 0.013 mm 30.8 ± 0.5 mm 25.00° ±
212-8918 Exhaust
(0.374 ± 0.002 inch) (1.4591 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.21 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
9.00 ± 0.06 mm 42.000 ± 0.013 mm 35.80 ± 0.13 mm 30.25° ±
217-5213 Intake
(0.354 ± 0.0024 inch) (1.6535 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.409 ± 0.005 inch) 0.25°
11.30 ± 0.06 mm 42.390 ± 0.015 mm 36.0 ± 0.5 mm 44.75° ±
224-1270 Exhaust
(0.4449 ± 0.0024 inch) (1.6689 ± 0.0006 inch) (1.42 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
12.63 ± 0.06 mm 45.525 ± 0.013 mm 39.1 ± 0.5 mm 29.75° ±
224-2410(1) Intake
(0.497 ± 0.002 inch) (1.7923 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.54 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
14.00 ± 0.08 mm 48.025 ± 0.013 mm 41.0 ± 0.5 mm 30.25° ±
224-3983(1) Intake
(0.551 ± 0.003 inch) (1.8907 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.61 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
13.90 ± 0.06 mm 42.840 ± 0.013 mm 36.5 ± 0.5 mm 45.25° ±
226-5561(1) Exhaust
(0.547 ± 0.002 inch) (1.6866 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.44 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
11.55 ± 0.06 mm 46.000 ± 0.013 mm 39.50 ± 0.50 mm 45.50° ±
232-1285 Exhaust
(0.455 ± 0.002 inch) (1.8110 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.560 ± 0.020 inch) 0.25°
9.30 ± 0.06 mm 40.060 ± 0.013 mm 34.0 ± 0.5 mm 30.25° ±
241-8388 Intake
(0.366 ± 0.002 inch) (1.5772 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.34 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
0.51 mm 12.63 ± 0.06 mm 46.035 ± 0.013 mm 39.1 ± 0.5 mm 29.75° ±
(0.020 inch) (0.497 ± 0.002 inch) (1.81240 ± 0.00051 inch) (1.54 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
0.51 mm 11.30 ± 0.06 mm 42.900 ± 0.015 mm 36.0 ± 0.5 mm 44.75° ±
(0.020 inch) (0.4449 ± 0.0024 inch) (1.68897 ± 0.00059 inch) (1.42 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
9.30 ± 0.05 mm 42.560 ± 0.013 mm 36.50 ± 0.50 mm 30.25° ±
255-8666 Intake
(0.366 ± 0.002 inch) (1.6756 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.440 ± 0.020 inch) 0.25°
12.63 ± 0.06 mm 45.525 ± 0.013 mm 39.1 ± 0.5 mm 29.75° ±
260-4855(1) Intake
(0.497 ± 0.002 inch) (1.7923 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.54 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
10.40 ± 0.05 mm 39.060 ± 0.013 mm 32.5 ± 0.5 mm 45° ± 

262-2959 Exhaust
(0.409 ± 0.002 inch) (1.5378 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.28 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25° 119/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

9.00 ± 0.06 mm 42.000 ± 0.013 mm 35.80 ± 0.13 mm 30.25° ±

264-6157 Intake
(0.354 ± 0.0024 inch) (1.6535 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.409 ± 0.005 inch) 0.25°
9.00 ± 0.06 mm 42.000 ± 0.013 mm 35.80 ± 0.13 mm 30.25° ±
272-9813(1) Intake
(0.354 ± 0.0024 inch) (1.6535 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.409 ± 0.005 inch) 0.25°
14.00 ± 0.08 mm 48.025 ± 0.013 mm 41.0 ± 0.5 mm 30.25° ±
280-3979(1) Intake
(0.551 ± 0.003 inch) (1.8907 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.61 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
0.51 mm 14.00 ± 0.08 mm 48.535 ± 0.013 mm 41.0 ± 0.5 mm 30.25° ±
(0.020 inch) (0.551 ± 0.003 inch) (1.91082 ± 0.00051 inch) (1.61 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
0.76 mm 14.00 ± 0.08 mm 48.785 ± 0.013 mm 41.0 ± 0.5 mm 30.25° ±
(0.030 inch) (0.551 ± 0.003 inch) (1.92067 ± 0.00051 inch) (1.61 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
0.51 mm 13.90 ± 0.06 mm 43.350 ± 0.013 mm 36.5 ± 0.5 mm 45.25° ±
(0.020 inch) (0.547 ± 0.002 inch) (1.70669 ± 0.00051 inch) (1.44 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
0.76 mm 13.90 ± 0.06 mm 43.6000 ± 0.013 mm 36.5 ± 0.5 mm 45.25° ±
(0.030 inch) (0.547 ± 0.002 inch) (1.71653 ± 0.00051 inch) (1.44 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
11.30 ± 0.06 mm 42.85 ± 0.013 mm 36.0 ± 0.5 mm 45.25° ±
300-3565 Exhaust
(0.4449 ± 0.0024 inch) (1.68700 ± 0.00051 inch) (1.42 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
11.30 ± 0.06 mm 42.390 ± 0.015 mm 36.0 ± 0.5 mm 44.75° ±
300-3566 Exhaust
(0.4449 ± 0.0024 inch) (1.6689 ± 0.0006 inch) (1.42 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
Intake 12.63 ± 0.06 mm 45.525 ± 0.013 mm 39.1 ± 0.5 mm 29.75° ±
Short (0.497 ± 0.002 inch) (1.7923 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.54 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
0.13 mm 12.63 ± 0.06 mm 45.655 ± 0.013 mm 39.1 ± 0.5 mm 29.75° ±
(0.00512 inch) (0.497 ± 0.002 inch) (1.79744 ± 0.00051 inch) (1.54 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
12.63 ± 0.06 mm 45.655 ± 0.013 mm 39.1 ± 0.5 mm 29.75° ±
314-3057 0.13 mm
(0.497 ± 0.002 inch) (1.79744 ± 0.00051 inch) (1.54 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
(0.00512 inch)
0.26 mm 12.63 ± 0.06 mm 45.785 ± 0.013 mm 39.1 ± 0.5 mm 29.75° ±
(0.01024 inch) (0.497 ± 0.002 inch) (1.80256 ± 0.00051 inch) (1.54 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
12.63 ± 0.06 mm 45.785 ± 0.013 mm 39.1 ± 0.5 mm 29.75° ±
314-3060 0.51 mm
(0.497 ± 0.002 inch) (1.80256 ± 0.00051 inch) (1.54 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
(0.020 inch)
12.63 ± 0.06 mm 46.035 ± 0.013 mm 39.1 ± 0.5 mm 29.75° ±
314-3061 0.51 mm
(0.497 ± 0.002 inch) (1.81240 ± 0.00051 inch) (1.54 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
(0.020 inch)
Intake 14.00 ± 0.08 mm 48.025 ± 0.013 mm 41.0 ± 0.5 mm 30.25° ±
Short (0.551 ± 0.003 inch) (1.8907 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.61 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
0.13 mm 14.00 ± 0.08 mm 48.155 ± 0.013 mm 41.0 ± 0.5 mm 30.25° ±
(0.00512 inch) (0.551 ± 0.003 inch) (1.89586 ± 0.00051 inch) (1.61 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
14.00 ± 0.08 mm 48.155 ± 0.013 mm 41.0 ± 0.5 mm 30.25° ±
314-3065 0.13 mm
(0.551 ± 0.003 inch) (1.89586 ± 0.00051 inch) (1.61 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
(0.00512 inch)
0.26 mm 14.00 ± 0.08 mm 48.285 ± 0.013 mm 41.0 ± 0.5 mm 30.25° ±
(0.01024 inch) (0.551 ± 0.003 inch) (1.90098 ± 0.00051 inch) (1.61 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
14.00 ± 0.08 mm 48.285 ± 0.013 mm 41.0 ± 0.5 mm 30.25° ±
314-3067 0.26 mm
(0.551 ± 0.003 inch) (1.90098 ± 0.00051 inch) (1.61 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
(0.01024 inch)
0.51 mm 14.00 ± 0.08 mm 48.535 ± 0.013 mm 41.0 ± 0.5 mm 30.25° ±
(0.020 inch)
(0.551 ± 0.003 inch) (1.91082 ± 0.00051 inch) (1.61 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25° 120/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

14.00 ± 0.08 mm 48.535 ± 0.013 mm 41.0 ± 0.5 mm 30.25° ±
314-3069 0.51 mm
(0.551 ± 0.003 inch) (1.91082 ± 0.00051 inch) (1.61 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
(0.020 inch)
0.13 mm 10.40 ± 0.06 mm 37.69 ± 0.013 mm 31.0 ± 0.5 mm 45° ±
(0.00512 inch) (0.409 ± 0.002 inch) (1.48386 ± 0.00051 inch) (1.22047 ± 0.01969 inch) 0.25°
0.25 mm 10.40 ± 0.06 mm 37.82 ± 0.013 mm 31.0 ± 0.5 mm 45° ±
(0.00984 inch) (0.409 ± 0.002 inch) (1.48897 ± 0.00051 inch) (1.22047 ± 0.01969 inch) 0.25°
0.13 mm 10.40 ± 0.06 mm 40.19 ± 0.013 mm 34.0 ± 0.5 mm 30.25° ±
(0.00512 inch) (0.409 ± 0.002 inch) (1.58228 ± 0.00051 inch) (1.33858 ± 0.01969 inch) 0.25°
0.25 mm 10.40 ± 0.06 mm 40.32 ± 0.013 mm 34.0 ± 0.5 mm 30.25° ±
(0.00984 inch) (0.409 ± 0.002 inch) (1.58740 ± 0.00051 inch) (1.33858 ± 0.01969 inch) 0.25°
0.13 mm 12.63 ± 0.06 mm 45.655 ± 0.013 mm 39.1 ± 0.5 mm 29.75° ±
(0.00512 inch) (0.497 ± 0.002 inch) (1.79744 ± 0.00051 inch) (1.53937 ± 0.01969 inch) 0.25°
0.26 mm 12.63 ± 0.06 mm 45.915 ± 0.013 mm 39.1 ± 0.5 mm 29.75° ±
(0.01024 inch) (0.497 ± 0.002 inch) (1.80767 ± 0.00051 inch) (1.53937 ± 0.01969 inch) 0.25°
0.51 mm 12.63 ± 0.06 mm 46.425 ± 0.013 mm 39.1 ± 0.5 mm 29.75° ±
(0.020 inch) (0.497 ± 0.002 inch) (1.82775 ± 0.00051 inch) (1.53937 ± 0.01969 inch) 0.25°
0.13 mm 11.30 ± 0.06 mm 42.52 ± 0.015 mm 36.0 ± 0.5 mm 44.75° ±
(0.00512 inch) (0.4449 ± 0.0024 inch) (1.67401 ± 0.00059 inch) (1.42 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°
0.26 mm 11.30 ± 0.06 mm 42.65 ± 0.015 mm 36.0 ± 0.5 mm 44.75° ±
(0.01024 inch) (0.4449 ± 0.0024 inch) (1.67913 ± 0.00059 inch) (1.42 ± 0.02 inch) 0.25°

Table 59
Do not machine the valve seat. Specialized manufacturing processes were used on this part. Machining will
significantly decrease the life of the engine.

Replacing Valve Seats Inserts for C7 through C32

Use this section to determine the procedure to be used to replace valve inserts. More options
will be added in the future.

Note: The circular runout between the valve seat and the valve guide must be within 0.08 mm
(0.003 inch).

Note: If your engine is a marine engine, do not machine the inserts for the Intake. You must
use the original inserts. You must machine the depth of the bore for the valve seat. Remove the
same amount of material from the bottom of the bore as the amount of material from the head.

Replacements for Valve Seat Inserts on C7

Machining the Valve Seat
Condition of the Head Seat Comment
155-9504 Machine the surface of the insert
The head has been machined.
Intake so that the same amount of
The bore of the head does not N/A
147-8218 material is removed from the head
have damage.
Exhaust and the insert.
0.13 mm Machine the surface of the insert
187-8285 (0.005 inch) so that the same amount of
The head has been machined.
Intake oversize material is removed from the head
The bore of the head has
187-8282 0.13 mm and the insert. Enlarge the bore
Exhaust (0.005 inch) diameter by 0.13 mm
oversize (0.005 inch). 121/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

0.26 mm Machine the surface of the insert

The head has been machined. 187-8286 (0.010 inch) so that the same amount of
The bore of the head has Intake oversize material is removed from the head
damage and an oversized 187-8283 0.26 mm and the insert. Enlarge the bore
insert has already been used. Exhaust (0.010 inch) diameter by 0.51 mm
oversize (0.020 inch).
0.51 mm Machine the surface of the insert
The head has been machined. 187-8287 (0.020 inch) so that the same amount of
The bore of the head has Intake oversize material is removed from the head
damage and an oversized 187-8284 0.51 mm and the insert. Enlarge the bore
insert has already been used. Exhaust (0.020 inch) diameter by 0.51 mm
oversize (0.020 inch).

Table 60

Replacements for Valve Seat Inserts on C9 and C-9

Condition of the
Seat Comment Machining the Valve Seat Insert
The head has been 241-8388
Machine the surface of the insert so that
machined. The bore of Intake
N/A the same amount of material is removed
the head does not have 212-8917
from the head and the insert.
damage. Exhaust
0.51 mm
254-3946 (0.020 inch) Machine the surface of the insert so that
The head has been
Intake oversize the same amount of material is removed
machined. The bore of
254-3947 0.51 mm from the head and the insert. Enlarge the
the head has damage.
Exhaust (0.020 inch) bore diameter by 0.51 mm (0.020 inch).

Table 61

Replacements for Valve Seat Inserts on C15, C16, C18, C27, and C32

Machining the Valve
Condition of the Head Seat Comment
Seat Insert
The thickness of the head is within 224-3983(1)
like-new dimensions. See Table 10 Intake
N/A Do not machine the insert.
for specifications. The bore of the 226-5561
head does not have damage. Exhaust
Machine the sealing angle
The head has been machined 175-3617
of the insert so that the
beyond factory specifications. The Intake
N/A same amount of material is
bore of the head does not have 226-5561
removed from the head and
damage. Exhaust
the insert.
Machine the sealing angle
0.51 mm
of the insert so that the
170-4738 (0.020 inch)
The head has been machined same amount of material is
Intake oversize
beyond factory specifications. The removed from the head and
170-4737 0.51 mm
bore of the head has damage. the insert. Enlarge the bore
Exhaust (0.020 inch)
diameter by 0.51 mm
(0.020 inch).
Machine the sealing angle
0.76 mm
The head has been machined of the insert so that the
167-0643 (0.030 inch)
beyond factory specifications. The same amount of material is
Intake oversize
bore of the head has damage and removed from the head and
167-0642 0.76 mm
an oversized insert has already the insert. Enlarge the bore
Exhaust (0.030 inch)
been used. diameter by 0.76 mm
(0.030 inch).

Table 62
Do not machine the valve seat. Specialized manufacturing processes were used on this part. Machining will
significantly decrease the life of the engine.

Valve Seat Inserts for C175 Engines

The C-175 engines use two types of cylinder heads, depending on the application. Engines that
are used in generator sets use cylinder heads with water-cooled valve seat inserts (A).
Generally, engines that are in machines use cylinder heads with conventional non-water cooled
valve seat inserts (B). The exception is some 793F Off-Highway Trucks S/N:B7B100-118 that
used water-cooled valve seat inserts. 122/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 221 g06229695

Water-Cooled Valve Seat Inserts

Illustration 222 g06229698

Conventional Non Water-Cooled Valve Seat Inserts

Do not rework valve inserts. If the insert does not meet
dimensional specifications, then the insert must be replaced.

Illustration 223 g01961623

Sealing face on the different types of valve seat inserts
(H) Height of allowed wear of the sealing face
Use the following chart to determine the maximum height of allowed wear of the sealing face
on the valve seat insert. The maximum height of allowed wear is provided in the following chart
with the corresponding valve. The maximum height of allowed wear is found from the 123/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

corresponding valves outer diameter of the sealing face and the valve seats inserts inner
diameter of the sealing face. The angle of the valve must meet the specifications in Table 63 to
ensure proper sealing.

Maximum Height of Allowed Wear of the Sealing Face on the Valve Seat
Insert for C175 Engines
2.5 mm
(0.10 inch)

Table 63

Conventional Valve Seat Inserts

Conventional valve seat inserts can be replaced at overhaul. If the valve seat bore is damaged,
then the bore can be machined oversized. Oversized seats and dimensions are listed in Table
64. Machine the bore according to the specifications given in Table 64 .

Illustration 224 g01961841

(J) Outside diameter of the valve seat insert
(K) Sealing angle for the valve seat insert

Specifications of the Conventional Valve Seat Insert for C175 Engines

Valve Seat Outside diameter of the valve Sealing angle for the valve
Insert seat insert (J) seat insert (K)
Inlet Valve Seat Insert
Ø 62.100 ± 0.013 mm
(2.4449 ± 0.0005 inch)
Valve Seat Insert
Valve Seat Insert Ø 62.354 ± 0.013 mm 20° ± 0.25°
(0.25-MM OS, (2.4549 ± 0.0005 inch)
393-6471 Valve
Seat Insert Ø 62.609 ± 0.013 mm
(0.51-MM OS, (2.4649 ± 0.0005 inch)
Exhaust Valve Seat Insert
331-3688 Valve
Seat Insert 45° ± 0.25°
(Standard) Ø 61.120 ± 0.013 mm
542-1884 (2.4063 ± 0.0005 inch)
Valve Seat Insert 30° ± 0.2°
393-6468 Valve 45° ± 0.25°
Seat Insert Ø 61.374 ± 0.013 mm
(0.25-MM OS, (2.4163 ± 0.0005 inch)
EXHAUST) 124/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

393-6469 Valve
Seat Insert Ø 61.629 ± 0.013 mm
(0.51-MM OS, (2.4263 ± 0.0005 inch)

Table 64

Illustration 225 g06424629

Conventional valve seat inserts
(L) Depth of the Bore for the Valve Seat
(M) Surface Texture of the Bore for the Valve Seat
(N) Diameter of the Bore for the Valve Seat Insert
(P) Radius for the Valve Seat Bore

The runnout of the valve seat bore center to guide bore center
must be less than 0.04 mm (0.002 inch).

Note: The C175 cylinder head has different-sized intake and exhaust seat bores. Take note of
the bore location and size prior to machining.

Note: If the combustion face is machined below 207.85 mm (8.18305 inch), an equal
amount of material must be removed from the valve seat pockets to maintain the valve
to piston clearance. Refer to Table 115 for minimum thickness of the cylinder head.

Dimensions for the Bore in the Cylinder Head for the Valve Seat Insert for C175 Engines

Intake Depth of the Texture of Diameter of the
Part Radius for the Valve
or Bore for the the Bore for Bore for the Valve
Number Seat Bore (P)
Exhaust Valve Seat (L) the Valve Seat Insert (N)
Seat (M)
Ø 62.000 ± 0.015 mm
(2.4409 ± 0.0006 inch)
< 3.5 mm 0.254 mm Oversize
16.00 ± 0.15 mm R 0.5 ± 0.1 mm
Intake (137.7953 inch) Ø 62.254 ± 0.015 mm
(0.630 ± 0.006 inch) (0.01969 ± 0.00394 inch)
Ra (2.4509 ± 0.0006 inch)
0.508 mm Oversize
328-7082 Ø 62.508 ± 0.015 mm
345-8447 (2.4609 ± 0.0006 inch)
515-8766 Standard
517-4407 Ø 61.000 ± 0.015 mm
(2.4016 ± 0.0006 inch)
< 3.5 mm 0.254 mm Oversize
16.00 ± 0.15 mm R 0.5 ± 0.1 mm
Exhaust (137.7953 inch) Ø 61.254 ± 0.015 mm
(0.630 ± 0.006 inch) (0.01969 ± 0.00394 inch)
Ra (2.4116 ± 0.0006 inch)
0.508 mm Oversize
Ø 61.508 ± 0.015 mm
(2.4216 ± 0.0006 inch)

Table 65

Water-Cooled Valve Seat Inserts

Do not reuse water-cooled valve seat inserts.  125/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 226 g01969318

Water-cooled insert
(K) Sealing angle for the valve seat insert
(N) Upper diameter of the valve seat insert
(P) Lower diameter of the valve seat insert

Specifications of the Water-Cooled Valve Seat Insert for C175 Engines

Inlet Valve Seat Inserts
Upper Diameter of the Lower Diameter of the Sealing Angle for the
Valve Seat Insert (N) Valve Seat Insert (P) Valve Seat Insert (K)
Ø 67.150 ± 0.013 mm Ø 60.635 ± 0.013 mm
333-9179 20° ± 0.25°
(2.6437 ± 0.0005 inch) (2.3872 ± 0.0005 inch)
Exhaust Valve Seat Inserts
Ø 66.900 ± 0.013 mm Ø 60.385 ± 0.013 mm
333-9180 45° ± 0.25°
(2.6339 ± 0.0005 inch) (2.3774 ± 0.0005 inch)

Table 66

Illustration 227 g06229845

(M) Depth of the lower bore for the valve seat insert
(Q) Diameter of the upper bore for the valve seat insert
(R) Diameter of the lower bore for the valve seat insert
(S) Depth of the upper bore for the valve seat insert

Dimensions for the Bore in the Cylinder Head for the Valve Seat Insert for C175

Depth of the Diameter of the Diameter of the Depth of the

Lower Bore for Upper Bore for the Lower Bore for the Upper Bore for
the Valve Seat Valve Seat Insert Valve Seat Insert the Valve Seat
(M) (Q) (R) (S)
Ø 36.03 ± 0.15 mm Ø 66.995 ± 0.020 mm Ø 60.495 ± 0.020 mm 14.03 ± 0.15 mm
(1.419 ± 0.006 inch) (2.6376 ± 0.0006 inch) (2.3817 ± 0.0008 inch) (0.553 ± 0.006 inch)

Ø 36.63 ± 0.30 mm Ø 66.745 ± 0.020 mm
(1.442 ± 0.012 inch) (2.6278 ± 0.0008 inch)
Ø 60.245 ± 0.020 mm 14.63 ± 0.15 mm
(2.3719 ± 0.0008 inch) (0.576 ± 0.006 inch)  126/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Table 67

Valve Seat Inserts for 3044, 3046, 3064, and 3066


Illustration 228 g06278422

Valve seat insert
(Q) Depth of the Bore for the Valve Seat Insert
(R) Valve Seat Insert Inside Diameter
(S) Valve Seat Insert Outside Diameter
(T) Sealing Angle of the Valve Seat Insert

Specifications for Valve Seat Inserts for 3044, 3046, 3064, and 3066 Engines

3044, 3046 3064, 3066

Description Intake Exhaust Intake Exhaust

Depth of the
Bore for the 5.00 mm 5.00 mm 6.60 mm 6.60 mm
Valve Seat (0.197 inch) (0.197 inch) (0.260 inch) (0.260 inch)
Insert (Q)
Valve Seat
38.00 mm 31.00 mm 40.00 mm 39.00 mm
Insert Inside
(1.496 inch) (1.221 inch) (1.575 inch) (1.535 inch)
Diameter (R)
Valve Seat
46.012 ± 0.012 mm 37.012 ± 0.012 mm 48.012 ± 0.012 mm 39.012 ± 0.012 mm
Insert Outside
(1.8115 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.4572 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.8902 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.5359 ± 0.0005 inch)
Diameter (S)
Sealing Angle
of the Valve
60 60 60 60
Seat Insert

Table 68

Valve Seat Inserts for 3054, and 3056 Engines

Illustration 229 g06272356

Refer to Table 69 for dimensions of the valve seat insert.
(A) Depth of bore of valve seat
(B) Diameter of bore of valve seat insert
(C) Maximum radius 127/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 230 g06272361

Refer to Table 69 and Table 71 for dimensions of the valve seat insert.
(D) Angle of valve seat insert
(E) Dimension of chamfer
(F) Angle of chamfer
Note: When a new valve seat insert is installed, a new valve and valve guide must be installed.
Refer to the Disassembly and Assembly for removal and installation procedures.

Specifications for 3054, and 3056 Engines

Description Intake Exhaust

7.19 to 7.32 mm 9.52 to 9.65 mm
Depth of bore of valve seat (A)
(0.28307 to 0.28819 inch) (0.37480 to 0.37992 inch)
Diameter of bore of valve seat insert 51.22 to 51.24 mm 42.62 to 42.65 mm
(B) (2.01653 to 2.01732 inch) (1.67795 to 1.67913 inch)
0.38 mm
Maximum radius (C)
(0.01496 inch)
Angle of valve seat with 46° valve
seats (D)
Angle of valve seat with 31° valve
seats (D)
0.9 to 1.3 mm
Dimension of chamfer (E)
(0.03543 to 0.05118 inch)
Angle of chamfer (F) 30°

Table 69

Valve Seat Inserts for 3114, 3116, 3126 Engines

The valve seat inserts should be replaced when the width of the valve seat or the face of the
valve head cannot be machined to the correct specification. Refer to the appropriate Service
Manual for your engine application for removal and installation instructions of valve seat

Some 3126B engines are experiencing corrosion on the 217-
5213 Valve Seat Insert and the 155-9504 Valve Seat Insert.

If corrosion is found on 217-5213 Valve Seat Inserts, replace

the valve seat inserts with 272-9813 Valve Seat Inserts. The
272-9813 Valve Seat Inserts are made from an alloy that is
corrosion resistant.

If corrosion is found on 155-9504 Valve Seat Inserts, replace

the valve seat inserts with 278-0453 Valve Seats. The 278-
0453 Valve Seats are made from an alloy that is more corrosion

Part numbers are etched on the outer surface of the valve seat

The 278-0453 Valve Seats and 272-9813 Valve Seat Inserts

are pre-finished. Pre-finished valve seat inserts do not require
any additional machining in the cylinder head.

Machine the seat face of the insert after the inserts are installed to be sure of the following: 128/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Flatness of the seat

Angle of the seat

Alignment of the seat

Illustration 231 g06278428

Refer to Table 69 and Table 71 for dimensions of the valve seat insert.
(C) Diameter of bore of valve seat insert
(D) Inside diameter of valve seat insert
(E) Angle of valve seat insert
(F) Depth of bore of valve seat
(G) Outside diameter of face of seat insert

Early Model
Specifications for 3114, 3116, 3126 Engines

Intake Exhaust
7W-8065 1W-2713
43.29 ± 0.13 mm 37.00 ± 0.13 mm
Inside diameter of valve seat insert (D)
(1.704 ± 0.005 inch) (1.457 ± 0.005 inch)
49.931 ± .013 mm 42.931 ± .013 mm
Diameter of bore of valve seat insert (C)
(1.9658 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.6903 ± 0.0005 inch)
Angle of valve seat insert (E) 30.25° ± 0.50° 45.50° ± 0.50°
10.00 ± 0.13 mm 10.00 ± 0.13 mm
Depth of bore of valve seat (F)
(0.394 ± 0.005 inch) (0.394 ± 0.005 inch)
Outside diameter of face of seat insert (G) 48.0 mm 40.4 mm
(1.89 inch) (1.59 inch)

Table 70
The seat insert should not be reused if the outside diameter is greater than specifications.

HEUI Model
Specifications for 3114, 3116, 3126 Engines

Intake Exhaust
217-5213 147-8218
35.80 ± 0.13 mm 39.50 ± 0.13 mm
Inside diameter of valve seat insert (D)
(1.409 ± 0.005 inch) (1.555 ± 0.005 inch)
42.000 ± 0.013 mm 46.000 ± 0.013 mm
Diameter of bore of valve seat insert (C)
(1.6535 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.8110 ± 0.0005 inch)
Angle of valve seat insert (E) 30.25° ± 0.25° 45.5° ± 0.25°
5.50 ± 0.05 mm 6.05 ± 0.05 mm
Depth of bore of valve seat (F)
(0.217 ± 0.002 inch) (0.238 ± 0.002 inch)
Outside diameter of face of seat insert (G) 37.351 mm 40.8 mm
(1.4705 inch) (1.61 inch)

Table 71
The seat insert should not be reused if the outside diameter is greater than specifications.

Valve Seat Inserts for 3176, 3196 Engines

Use the 166-7441 Valve Seat Extractor Tool to remove the valve seat.

Refer to Special Instruction, SMHS7935, "Use of 6V-4805 Valve Seat Extractor Tool Group" for
additional information. 129/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Note: The 6V-4805 Valve Seat Extractor Tool Group has been replaced by the 166-7441 Valve
Seat Extractor Tool.

Conduct further inspection of the bores after the removal of the valve seat.

Lower the temperature of the seats before installation. The temperature of the valve seat
should not exceed −60 °C (−76.0 °F).

Use the 1U-9170 Valve Seat Driver to install the valve seat.

Note: Make sure that the projection of the valve is correct. Make sure that the depth of the
valve seat is correct and that the valve seat is fully inserted into the bore.

Machine the seat face of the insert after the inserts are installed to be sure of the following:

Flatness of the seat

Angle of the seat

Alignment of the seat to the valve guide

Correct valve recession

Illustration 232 g02419839

Refer to Table 72 and Table 73 for dimensions of valve seat.
(A) Depth of valve seat bore
(C) Diameter of valve seat bore
(B) Inside diameter of valve seat
(D) Sealing angle of valve seat

Dimensions of Inlet Valve Seat in 3176 and 3196 Engines

Part Depth of valve angle of Diameter of valve
diameter of
Number seat bore (A) valve seat seat bore (C)
valve seat (B)
15.27 ± 0.20 mm 30.00° ±
(0.601 ± 0.008 inch) 1.00°
138-1999 46.025 ± 0.013 mm 39.1 ± 0.5 mm
15.27 ± 0.11 mm 29.75° ± (1.8120 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.54 ± 0.02 inch)
(0.601 ± 0.004 inch) 0.25°

Table 72

Dimensions of Exhaust Valve Seat in 3176 and 3196 Engines

Part Depth of valve Diameter of valve Inside diameter
of valve
Number seat bore (A) seat bore (C) of valve seat (B)
14.60 ± 0.20 mm 45.00° ±
(0.575 ± 0.008 inch) 1.00°
133-6997 43.4 ± 0.015 mm 36.00 ± 0.13 mm
179-9453 (1.71 ± 0.0006 inch) (1.417 ± 0.005 inch)
14.60 ± 0.11 mm 44.75° ±
(0.575 ± 0.004 inch) 0.25°

14.27 ± 0.11 mm
(0.5618 ± 0.0043 inch)
29.75° ±
46.025 ± 0.013 mm
(1.8120 ± 0.0005 inch)
39.1 ± 0.5 mm
(1.54 ± 0.02 inch) 130/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Table 73

Valve Seat for 3200 Engines

Use this procedure to remove erosion or cracks between the valve seat and injector nozzle
hole only in 3200 Engines. Use a 6V-4168 Air Grinder with a 6V-4802 Stone. A 6V-4801
Dressing Stone is needed to make the edges of the 6V-4802 Stone round.

1. Grind channel, but do not grind into the bottom of the valve seat area.

2. Make the edges of the 6V-4802 Stone round before grinding the head.

3. Channel specifications for crack removal.

Maximum depth 3.2 mm (0.12598 inch).

Maximum width 4.8 mm (0.18898 inch).

Minimum radius 1.6 mm (0.06299 inch).

Do not damage the bottom of the valve seat area with the stone.
If the crack extends into the valve seat area, the cylinder head
cannot be reused.

Illustration 233 g06278434

(A) Valve Seat Angle

Intake Exhaust
3204 30.5° ± 0.5° 45.5° ± 0.5°
3208 30.5° ± 0.5° 45.5° ± 0.5°

Table 74

Valve Seat Depth for 3208 Engines Only

Two gauges are used to measure the depth of valve seats on 3208 Engines Only. Use a 6V-
7098 Gauge for intake valves and a 6V-7097 Gauge for exhaust valves.

1. Place the small diameter end of gauge into the valve guide, making sure gauge is seated
on the face of the valve.

2. Use straight edge to check the depth of the seat.

3. If gauge surface is below the bottom surface of the straight edge, the seat is too deep.

4. If gauge surface is above the bottom of the straight edge, the seat is too high and must
be ground again.

5. If the straight edge is between faces and, the seat is positioned correctly.

Valve Seat Inserts for 3300 Engines 131/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 234 g06278434

(A) Valve Seat Angle

Valve Seat Angle (A) for 3304 and 3306 Engines

Diesel Gas
Intake Exhaust Intake Exhaust
29.25° ± 0.5° 30.25° ± 0.5° 30.0° ± 0.5° 30.0° ± 0.5°

Table 75

The valve seat inserts have an interference fit of 0.076 mm (0.003 inch) with the cylinder head.
Use the following information when using oversized valve seat inserts.

Illustration 235 g06278442

Valve Seat Insert Bore Diameters in Cylinder Head for 3300 Engines

Valve Exhaust
Seat Intake Bore Exhaust Bore Lead in Intake Bore Exhaust Bore
Chamfer (B) in
Insert Depth (A) Depth (C) Angle Diameter (F) Diameter (G)
Type (E)
Standard .76 ± 0.25 mm
12.28 ± 0.13 mm 12.28 ± 0.13 mm 25 +/- 51.956 ± 0.030 mm 50.813 ± 0.030 mm
Size (0.030 ± 0.010 inch) 30 +/- 2°
(0.483 ± 0.005 inch) (0.483 ± 0.005 inch) 2° (2.0455 ± 0.0012 inch) (2.0005 ± 0.0012 inch)
Inserts by 45°
0.13 mm .76 ± 0.25 mm
12.28 ± 0.13 mm 12.28 ± 0.13 mm 25 +/- 52.086 ± 0.030 mm 50.943 ± 0.030 mm
(0.005 in) (0.030 ± 0.010 in) 30 +/- 2°
(0.483 ± 0.005 in) (0.483 ± 0.005 inch) 2° (2.0506 ± 0.0012 inch) (2.0056 ± 0.0012 inch)
Oversized by 45°
0.25 mm .76 ± 0.25 mm
12.28 ± 0.13 mm 12.28 ± 0.13 mm 25 +/- 52.206 ± 0.030 mm 51.063 ± 0.030 mm
(0.010 inch) (0.030 ± 0.010 inch) 30 +/- 2°
(0.483 ± 0.005 inch) (0.483 ± 0.005 in) 2° (2.0554 ± 0.0012 in) (2.0104 ± 0.0012 in)
Oversized by 45°
0.51 mm .76 ± 0.25 mm
12.28 ± 0.13 mm 12.28 ± 0.13 mm 25 +/- 52.466 ± 0.030 mm 51.323 ± 0.030 mm
(0.020 inch) (0.030 ± 0.010 inch) 30 +/- 2°
(0.483 ± 0.005 inch) (0.483 ± 0.005 inch) 2° (2.0656 ± 0.0012 inch) (2.0206 ± 0.00118 inch)
Oversized by 45°
0.76 mm .76 ± 0.25 mm
12.28 ± 0.13 mm 12.28± 0.13 mm 25 +/- 52.716 ± 0.030 mm 51.573 ± 0.030 mm
(0.030 inch) (0.030 ± 0.010 inch) 30 +/- 2°
(0.483 ± 0.005 inch) (0.483 ± 0.005 inch) 2° (2.0754 ± 0.0012 inch) (2.0304 ± 0.0012 inch)
Oversized by 45°

Table 76

Valve Seat Inserts for 3400 Engines  132/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

The valve seat inserts should be replaced when the width of the valve seat or the valve head to
the cylinder head face cannot be machined to the correct specification. Use 166-7441 Valve
Seat Extractor Tool to remove the valve seat inserts. Refer to Special Instruction, SMHS7935,
"Use of 6V-4805 Valve Seat Extractor Tool" to remove the valve seat inserts.

After the inserts are installed, grind the seat face of the insert to ensure the following:

The face of the insert is flat.

The insert has the correct angle.

The insert is in alignment with the bore of the valve guide.

Note: If the valve seat insert is premachined, the insert does not need to be ground after
installation into the cylinder head.

Refer to Table 79 or Table 80 for the correct dimensions.

When the valve seat insert is ground, refer to Table 79 or Table 80 for the minimum finished
width of the valve seat (G). The maximum width of the valve seat is the intersection of the
ground face with the bore of the insert in the cylinder head.

Illustration 236 g01478243

Oversized valve seat inserts are available for use in 3400 Series Engines. These inserts
provide increased serviceability of the cylinder head. When these inserts are used, the bore in
the cylinder head must be machined to the correct size to achieve the correct press fit of the
valve seat insert. Refer to Table 77 or Table 78 for the dimensions to machine the cylinder

Oversized Valve Seat Inserts for 3400 Engines

Diesel Engines

Oversize Bore for Inlet Seat in Bore for Exhaust Seat in

Dimension Cylinder Head Cylinder Head
0.13 mm 46.076 ± 0.025 mm
(0.005 inch) (1.8140 ± 0.0010 inch)
0.25 mm 46.203 ± 0.025 mm
(0.010 inch) (1.8190 ± 0.0010 inch)
0.51 mm 46.457 ± 0.025 mm 43.282 ± 0.025 mm
(0.020 inch) (1.8290 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.7040 ± 0.0010 inch)
0.76 mm 46.711 ± 0.025 mm 43.536 ± 0.025 mm
(0.030 inch) (1.8390 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.7140 ± 0.0010 inch)

Table 77

Oversized Valve Seat Inserts for 3400 Engines

Gas Engines

Oversize Bore for Inlet Seat in Bore for Exhaust Seat in

Dimension Cylinder Head Cylinder Head
0.127 mm 46.076 ± 0.025 mm 42.901 ± 0.025 mm
(0.0050 inch) (1.8140 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.6890 ± 0.0010 inch)
0.254 mm 46.203 ± 0.025 mm 43.028 ± 0.025 mm
(0.0100 inch) (1.8190 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.6940 ± 0.0010 inch)
0.381 mm 46.330 ± 0.025 mm 43.155 ± 0.025 mm
(0.0150 inch) (1.8240 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.6990 ± 0.0010 inch)
0.508 mm 46.457 ± 0.025 mm 43.282 ± 0.025 mm
(0.0200 inch) (1.8290 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.7040 ± 0.0010 inch)
0.762 mm 46.711 ± 0.025 mm 43.536 ± 0.025 mm 

(0.0300 inch) (1.8390 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.7140 ± 0.0010 inch) 133/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Table 78

Specifications for the Valve Seat Insert for 3400 Engines

Diesel Engines

Depth of the Inside of
Bore diameter in Outside diameter Minimum width of
Part bore in head for diameter of valve
head for valve of valve seat the valve seat
Number valve seat insert valve seat seat
seat insert (D) insert insert (G)
(C) insert (E) insert
115-2358 13.01 ± 0.15 mm 45.949 ± 0.025 mm 46.025 ± 0.013 mm 39.1 ± 0.3 mm 30 ± 1 2.286 ± 0.635 mm
Inlet (0.512 ± 0.006 inch) (1.8090 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.8120 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.54 ± 0.01 inch) degree (0.0900 ± 0.0250 inch)
30.25 ±
4N-5893 13.01 ± 0.15 mm 45.949 ± 0.025 mm 46.025 ± 0.013 mm 39.1 ± 0.5 mm 2.286 ± 0.635 mm
Inlet (0.512 ± 0.006 inch) (1.8090 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.8120 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.54 ± 0.02 inch) (0.0900 ± 0.0250 inch)
1W-5283 13.01 ± 0.15 mm 42.774 ± 0.025 mm 42.850 ± 0.013 mm 36.5 ± 0.5 mm 45 ± 1 1.524 ± 0.508 mm
Exhaust (0.512 ± 0.006 inch) (1.6840 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.6870 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.44 ± 0.02 inch) degree (0.0600 ± 0.0200 inch)

Table 79

Specifications for the Valve Seat Insert for 3400 Engines

Gas Engines

Depth of the of
Bore diameter in Outside diameter Inside diameter Minimum width of
Part bore in head for valve
head for valve of valve seat of valve seat the valve seat
Number valve seat insert seat
seat insert (D) insert insert (E) insert (G)
(C) insert
20.25 ±
214-3286 11.48 ± 0.10 mm 45.949 ± 0.025 mm 46.025 ± 0.015 mm 39.10 ± 0.25 mm
0.50 N/A(1)
Inlet (0.452 ± 0.004 inch) (1.8090 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.8120 ± 0.0006 inch) (1.539 ± 0.010 inch)
20.25 ±
122-7352 13.01 ± 0.15 mm 45.949 ± 0.025 mm 46.025 ± 0.013 mm 39.10 ± 0.25 mm 3.0 ± 0.5 mm
Inlet (0.512 ± 0.006 inch) (1.8090 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.8120 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.539 ± 0.010 inch) (0.12 ± 0.02 inch)
20.25 ±
6I-4019 13.01 ± 0.15 mm 45.949 ± 0.025 mm 46.025 ± 0.013 mm 39.10 ± 0.25 mm 3.0 ± 0.5 mm
Inlet (0.512 ± 0.006 inch) (1.8090 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.8120 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.539 ± 0.010 inch) (0.12 ± 0.02 inch)
30.25 ±
4N-5893 13.01 ± 0.15 mm 45.949 ± 0.025 mm 46.025 ± 0.013 mm 39.1 ± 0.5 mm 2.286 ± 0.635 mm
Inlet (0.512 ± 0.006 inch) (1.8090 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.8120 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.54 ± 0.02 inch) (0.0900 ± 0.0250 inch)
20.25 ±
212-0938 11.48 ± 0.10 mm 42.774 ± 0.025 mm 42.850 ± 0.015 mm 33.50 ± 0.25 mm
0.25 N/A(1)
Exhaust (0.452 ± 0.004 inch) (1.6840 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.6870 ± 0.0006 inch) (1.319 ± 0.010 inch)
20.25 ±
212-0936 11.48 ± 0.10 mm 42.774 ± 0.025 mm 42.840 ± 0.015 mm 33.50 ± 0.25 mm
0.25 N/A(1)
Exhaust (0.452 ± 0.004 inch) (1.6840 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.6866 ± 0.0006 inch) (1.319 ± 0.010 inch)
20.25 ±
198-6529 13.01 ± 0.15 mm 42.774 ± 0.025 mm 42.840 ± 0.013 mm 35.71 ± 0.25 mm 3.1 ± 0.5 mm
Exhaust (0.512 ± 0.006 inch) (1.6840 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.6866 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.406 ± 0.010 inch) (0.12 ± 0.02 inch)
20.25 ±
118-4715 13.01 ± 0.15 mm 42.774 ± 0.025 mm 42.850 ± 0.013 mm 35.71 ± 0.25 mm 3.1 ± 0.5 mm
Exhaust (0.512 ± 0.006 inch) (1.6840 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.6870 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.406 ± 0.010 inch) (0.12 ± 0.02 inch)
30.25 ±
4W-4325 13.01 ± 0.15 mm 42.774 ± 0.025 mm 42.850 ± 0.013 mm 35.71 ± 0.25 mm 2.970 ± 0.508 mm
Exhaust (0.512 ± 0.006 inch) (1.6840 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.6870 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.406 ± 0.010 inch) (0.1169 ± 0.0200 inch)
1W-5283 13.01 ± 0.15 mm 42.774 ± 0.025 mm 42.850 ± 0.013 mm 36.5 ± 0.5 mm 45 ± 1 1.524 ± 0.508 mm
Exhaust (0.512 ± 0.006 inch) (1.6840 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.6870 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.44 ± 0.02 inch) degree (0.0600 ± 0.0200 inch)

Table 80
Premachined Insert

Valve Seat Inserts for 3406E, 3456 Engines

The valve seat inserts should be replaced when the width of the valve seat cannot be
machined to the correct specification. Use 166-7441 Valve Seat Extractor Tool to remove the
valve seat inserts. Refer to Special Instruction, SMHS7935, "Use of 6V-4805 Valve Seat
Extractor Tool Group" to remove the valve seat inserts. 134/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Use 9U-6897 Valve Seat Driver to install the valve seat inserts for the inlet valves. Use 9U-
6898 Valve Seat Driver to install the valve seat inserts for the exhaust valves. After the inserts
are installed, grind the seat face of the insert to ensure the following:

The face of the insert is flat.

The insert has the correct angle.

The insert is in alignment with the bore of the valve guide.

Note: If the valve seat insert is premachined, the insert does not need to be ground after
installation into the cylinder head.

Refer to Table 82 for the correct dimensions.

When the valve seat is ground, refer to Table 82 for the minimum finished width of the valve
seat (G). The maximum width of the valve seat is the intersection of the ground face with the
bore of the insert in the cylinder head.

Illustration 237 g01402505

Oversized valve seat inserts are available for use in 3406E Engines and 3456 Engines. These
inserts provide increased serviceability of the cylinder head. When these inserts are used, the
bore in the cylinder head must be machined to the correct size to achieve the correct press fit
of the valve seat insert. Refer to Table 81 for the dimensions to machine the cylinder head.

Shortened valve seat inserts are available for use in 3406E Engines and 3456 Engines. These
inserts can be used to replace the 224-3983 Seat Insert and the oversized inserts for the 224-
3983 Seat Insert.

Oversized Valve Seat Inserts for 3406E, 3456 Engines

Oversize Bore for Inlet Seat in Bore for Exhaust Seat in

Dimension Cylinder Head Cylinder Head
0.13 mm 48.08 ± 0.025 mm
(0.0051 inch) (1.8929 ± 0.0010 inch)
0.26 mm 48.21 ± 0.025 mm
(0.0102 inch) (1.8980 ± 0.0010 inch)
0.51 mm 48.46 ± 0.025 mm 43.284 ± 0.025 mm
(0.0201 inch) (1.9079 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.7041 ± 0.0010 inch)
0.76 mm 43.534 ± 0.025 mm
(0.0299 inch) (1.7139 ± 0.0010 inch)

Table 81

Specifications for the Valve Seat Insert for 3406E, 3456 Engines
Depth of the bore Bore diameter in Inside diameter of
Part Outside diameter of valve Minimum width of the
in head for valve head for valve seat valve seat insert
Number valve seat insert seat valve seat insert (G)
seat insert (C) insert (D) (E)
108-5912 14.00 ± 0.05 mm 47.950 ± 0.025 mm 48.025 ± 0.013 mm 41.00 ± 0.13 mm 30 ± 1 2.334 mm
Inlet (0.551 ± 0.002 inch) (1.8878 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.8907 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.614 ± 0.005 inch) degree (0.0919 inch)
152-8379 14.00 ± 0.05 mm 47.950 ± 0.025 mm 48.025 ± 0.013 mm 41.00 ± 0.13 mm 30 ± 1 2.334 mm
Inlet (0.551 ± 0.002 inch) (1.8878 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.8907 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.614 ± 0.005 inch) degree (0.0919 inch)
175-3617 14.00 ± 0.05 mm 47.950 ± 0.025 mm 48.025 ± 0.013 mm 41.0 ± 0.5 mm 30 ± 1 2.334 mm
Inlet (0.551 ± 0.002 inch) (1.8878 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.8907 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.61 ± 0.02 inch) degree (0.0919 inch)
30.25 ±
224-3983 14.00 ± 0.05 mm 47.950 ± 0.025 mm 48.025 ± 0.013 mm 41.0 ± 0.5 mm 2.377 mm
Inlet (0.551 ± 0.002 inch) (1.8878 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.8907 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.61 ± 0.02 inch)
degree 
(0.0936 inch)  135/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

30.25 ±
314-3063 14.00 ± 0.05 mm 47.950 ± 0.025 mm 48.025 ± 0.013 mm 41.0 ± 0.5 mm 2.377 mm
Inlet(1) (0.551 ± 0.002 inch) (1.8878 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.8907 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.61 ± 0.02 inch) (0.0936 inch)
30.25 ±
314-3065 14.00 ± 0.05 mm 48.08 ± 0.025 mm 48.155 ± 0.013 mm 41.0 ± 0.5 mm 2.377 mm
(0.551 ± 0.002 inch) (1.893 ± 0.001 inch) (1.8959 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.61 ± 0.02 inch) (0.0936 inch)
30.25 ±
314-3067 14.00 ± 0.05 mm 48.21 ± 0.025 mm 48.285 ± 0.013 mm 41.0 ± 0.5 mm 2.377 mm
Inlet(1) (0.551 ± 0.002 inch) (1.898 ± 0.001 inch) (1.9010 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.61 ± 0.02 inch) (0.0936 inch)
30.25 ±
314-3069 14.00 ± 0.05 mm 48.460 ± 0.025 mm 48.535 ± 0.013 mm 41.0 ± 0.5 mm 2.377 mm
(0.551 ± 0.002 inch) (1.9079 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.9108 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.61 ± 0.02 inch) (0.0936 inch)
1W-5283 13.90 ± 0.05 mm 42.774 ± 0.025 mm 42.850 ± 0.013 mm 36.5 ± 0.5 mm 45 ± 1 1.524 ± 0.508 mm
Exhaust (0.547 ± 0.002 inch) (1.6840 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.6870 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.44 ± 0.02 inch) degree (0.0600 ± 0.0200 inch)
152-7582 13.90 ± 0.05 mm 42.774 ± 0.025 mm 42.840 ± 0.013 mm 36.5 ± 0.5 mm 45 ± 1 1.507 mm
Exhaust (0.547 ± 0.002 inch) (1.6840 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.6866 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.44 ± 0.02 inch) degree (0.0593 inch)
45.25 ±
226-5561 13.90 ± 0.05 mm 42.774 ± 0.025 mm 42.840 ± 0.013 mm 36.5 ± 0.5 mm 1.508 mm
Exhaust (0.547 ± 0.002 inch) (1.6840 ± 0.0010 inch) (1.6866 ± 0.0005 inch) (1.44 ± 0.02 inch) (0.0594 inch)

Table 82
0.55 mm (0.0217 inch) shortened insert

Valve Seat Inserts for 3500 Engines

The prefinished inserts should not be ground to correct the
valve projection. Excessive valve projection indicates that the
insert is not seated or the material was not cleaned from the
bottom of the counterbore.

Part Numbers for Valve Seat Inserts for 3500 Engines

Valve Seat Inserts for Intake Exhaust Valve Seat Inserts

130-2607 183-8809 130-2608 289-9745
130-2607 130-2608
257-9166 266-8718(1) 266-8721(2)

Table 83
(2) Low Swirl.
2.0 Swirl.

Oversize Valve Seat Inserts for 3500 Engines

0.254 mm 0.508 mm 0.762 mm 1.016 mm
(0.0100 inch) (0.0200 inch) (0.03000 inch) (0.04000 inch)
Oversize Valve Oversize Valve Oversize Valve Oversize Valve
Seats Seats Seats Seats
130-2607 N/A 149-1981 N/A N/A
130-2608 N/A 166-5945 N/A N/A
183-8809 N/A N/A N/A N/A
191-6760 206-1546 206-1547 322-3658 N/A
203-0843 322-3659
561-0493 322-3660
257-9166 257-9168 257-9169 311-4018 N/A
266-8718 266-8719 266-8720 N/A N/A
266-8721 266-8722 266-8723 N/A 206-4444
521-4489 521-4490 N/A N/A
308-7100 322-3659 322-3660 N/A N/A
430-8761 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Table 84  136/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 238 g06189664

Detail views of the width of the sealing face of 3500 valve seat inserts.
(M) Width of the sealing face for 308-7100 Valve Seat Insert
(N) Width of the sealing face for 130-2607 Valve Seat Insert and 183-8809 Valve Seat Insert
(P) Width of the sealing face for 266-8718 Valve Seat Insert and 266-8721 Valve Seat Insert
(R) Width of the sealing face for 130-2608 Valve Seat Insert and 289-9745 Valve Seat Insert
(S) Width of the sealing face for 191-6760 Valve Seat Insert and 257-9166 Valve Seat

Use the following chart to determine the maximum width of the sealing face of the valve seat
insert. The maximum width of the sealing face of the valve seat insert is given in the following
chart with the corresponding valve. The maximum width is found from the corresponding
valve's outer diameter of the sealing face and the valve seats insert's inner diameter of the
sealing face. The angle of the valve must be greater than the angle of the valve seat insert to
ensure proper sealing.

Maximum Width of the Valve Seat Insert's Sealing Face for 3500 Engines
Valve Seat Insert Max Width
130-2607 3.4904 mm
183-8809 (0.1374 inch)

1.8970 mm
(0.0747 inch)
266-8718 2.9804 mm
266-8721 (0.1173 inch)

130-2608 2.6640 mm
289-9745 (0.1049 inch)

191-6760 2.4066 mm
430-8761 (0.0947 inch)
3.5000 mm
(0.1378 inch)

Table 85 137/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 239 g06189668

Refer to Table 86 for dimensions of the valve seat inserts and identification.

Specifications of the Valve Seat Insert for 3500 Engines

Inlet Valve Seat Inserts

Sealing Angle For the

Valve Seat Insert Valve Seat Insert Outside
Valve Seat
Part Number Diameter (T)
Insert (U)
60.627 ± 0.015 mm
456-0780 70° ± 0.25°
(2.3869 ± 0.0006 inch)
60.627 ± 0.015 mm
183-8809 69.75° ± 0.25°
(2.3869 ± 0.0006 inch)
60.640 ± .015 mm
257-9166 69.75° ± 0.25°
(2.3874 ± 0.0006 inch)
60.640 ± .015 mm
266-8718(1) 69.75° ± 0.25°
(2.3874 ± 0.0006 inch)
60.640 ± .015 mm
266-8721(2) 69.75° ± 0.25°
(2.3874 ± 0.0006 inch)
Exhaust Valve Seat Inserts
130-2608 60.119 ± 0.015 mm
45° ± 0.25°
289-9745 (2.3669 ± 0.0006 inch)
60.132 ± 0.015 mm
191-6760 69.75° ± 0.25°
(2.3674 ± 0.0006 inch)
60.117 ± 0.013 mm
430-8761 69.75° ± 1°
(2.36681 ± 0.00051 inch)

Table 86
(2) Low Swirl.
2.0 Swirl.

Illustration 240 g06189678

Inner diameter and depth of the bore for the valve seat inserts for the cylinder head.
(V) Depth of the bore for valve seat inserts.
(W) Diameter of the bore for the valve seat insert

Dimensions for the Bore in the Cylinder Head for the Valve Seat Insert for 3500 Engines

Inside diameter of Bore for 0.254 mm Bore for 0.508 mm
Head Intake Depth of the
the bore for the (0.0100 inch) (0.0200 inch)
Assembly or bore for the
valve seat insert oversize valve oversize valve
Part Exhaust valve seat (V)
(W) seats (W) seats (W)
7E-5861 14.00 ± 0.15 mm 60.508 ± 0.025 mm 60.762 ± .025 mm 61.016 ± .025 mm
7E-8760 Intake
(0.551 ± 0.006 inch) (2.3822 ± 0.0010 inch) (2.3922 ± 0.0010 inch) (2.4022 ± 0.0010 inch)
172-0836 14.00 ± 0.15 mm 60.000 ± 0.025 mm 60.254 ± .025 mm 60.508 ± 0.025 mm
295-2047 (0.551 ± 0.006 inch) (2.3622 ± 0.0010 inch) (2.3722 ± 0.0010 inch) (2.3822 ± 0.0010 inch)

4P-6571 16.00 ± 0.15 mm 60.508 ± .025 mm 60.762 ± .025 mm 61.016 ± .025 mm

101-1175 (0.630 ± 0.006 inch) (2.3822 ± 0.0010 inch) (2.3922 ± 0.0010 inch) (2.4022 ± 0.0010 inch)
144-6409 

145-3215 138/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

290-1351 16.00 ± 0.15 mm 60.000 ± 0.025 mm 60.254 ± .025 mm 60.508 ± 0.025 mm
313-7169 (0.630 ± 0.006 inch) (2.3622 ± 0.0010 inch) (2.3722 ± 0.0010 inch) (2.3822 ± 0.0010 inch)

Table 87

Specifications of Cylinder Heads with V Seat Insert

Illustration 241 g01436450

Cross Section view of the bore for Cylinder Heads with V Seat Insert.
(W) Upper bore of the head for the valve seat insert.
(X) Lower bore of the head for the valve seat insert.

Dimensions for the Bore of the Cylinder Heads with V Seat Insert

Bore at location
Size Bore at location (X)
60.000 ± 0.025 mm 55.000 ± 0.025 mm
(2.3622 ± 0.0010 inch) (2.1654 ± 0.0010 inch)
0.254 mm
60.254 ± 0.025 mm 55.254 ± 0.025 mm
(0.0100 inch) oversize valve seat
(2.3722 ± 0.0010 inch) (2.1753 ± 0.0010 inch)
0.508 mm
60.508 ± 0.025 mm 55.508 ± 0.025 mm
(0.0200 inch) oversize valve seat
(2.3822 ± 0.0010 inch) (2.1853 ± 0.0010 inch)

Table 88 139/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 242 g06189709

Illustration 243 g06189712

Water-cooled valve seat insert for 269-0040 Cylinder Head and the 315-2630 Cylinder Head
(Y) Upper Diameter
(Z) Lower Diameter

Dimensions for the Inlet and Exhaust Valve Seat Insert for Cylinder Heads
with V Seat Insert

Valve Seat Upper Diameter Lower Diameter Sealing Angle

Insert (Y) (Z) (U)
308-7100 60.115 ± 0.015 mm 55.108 ± 0.015 mm
561-0493 (2.3667 ± 0.0006 inch) (2.1696 ± 0.0006 inch)
0.254 mm 60.369 ± 0.015 mm 55.362 ± 0.015 mm
20.25° ± 0.25°
(0.0100 inch) (2.3767 ± 0.0006 inch) (2.1796 ± 0.0006 inch)
0.254 mm 60.623 ± 0.015 mm 55.616 ± 0.015 mm
(0.0100 inch) (2.3867 ± 0.0006 inch) (2.1896 ± 0.0006 inch)

Table 89

Contact Area for the Valve and Valve Seat

In the past, cylinder heads could be rebuilt so that the insert for the valve seat contacts the
sealing face of the valve head at the middle of the sealing face of the valve. Then, the 3500
engine was introduced. Currently, the traditional sealing area for the valve moved to a location
that was close to the edge of the valve. More recently, premachined inserts for the seat and
precision valve guides have moved the sealing area. This distance is now at 0.51 mm
(0.020 inch) to 1.02 mm (0.040 inch) from the outside diameter of the valve head. New,
premachined valve seat inserts may be installed during the rebuild of a cylinder head. Do not
machine the sealing faces of the inserts or grind the sealing faces of the inserts. Modern
manufacturing processes make machining after installation unnecessary.

1. Freeze the insert to −60 °C (−76 °F). 140/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

2. Install the insert with a hammer and a drive plate. Make sure that the insert is fully seated
in the counterbore.

3. After installation, use a 0.038 mm (0.0015 inch) feeler gauge to ensure that the insert is in
contact with the bottom of the counterbore for the cylinder head. If the gauge goes into a
gap under the insert, reseat the insert.

Premachined Valve Seat Inserts

Premachined valve seat inserts are used on all gas and diesel 3500 engines except for the
G3500A landfill applications. Do not machine premachined valve seat inserts. These parts will
improve the concentricity of the valve and valve seat in the cylinder head. This will also improve
the quality of cylinder heads that are rebuilt in the field.

Illustration 244 g06189713

Typical cylinder head assembly

(15) Valve seat insert for the exhaust valve

(16) Valve seat insert for the intake valve

The valve seat inserts are similar in size. Make sure that the
correct insert is placed in the appropriate counterbore. Damage
can be caused to the head and damage could be caused to the

Specifications for the Machinable Valve Seats for the 3500 Gas

Illustration 245 g06189716

Valve seats for the 3500 Gas engine
See Illustration 254 and Illustration 255 for details about Area (AA).

Installation and Removal of the Water-Cooled Valve Seat

Inserts for G3500 Engines 141/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 246 g02149060

Illustration 247 g02149112

1. Insert the insert removal tool into the bore of the valve seat.

Illustration 248 g02149197

2. Slide the plate to lock the insert removal tool in place.

3. Activate the hydraulic pump to remove the valve seat. 142/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 249 g02149745

4. Lift the insert removal tool off the cylinder head.

Illustration 250 g02149771

5. Slide the plate to unlock the insert removal tool.

Illustration 251 g02149872

6. Slide the insert and the collets back.

Illustration 252 g02150002

7. Remove the insert.

Cleaning the Internal Passages

Clean the cylinder head thoroughly after disassembly. The fastest method to clean a cylinder
head is to soak it in a hot caustic acid solution. The hot caustic acid should be in a tank with a
platform that oscillates. The cylinder heads can also be soaked in a carbon remover. A cabinet
washer is also acceptable for removing carbon. 143/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

After the cylinder head has been cleaned, use a flashlight to inspect the bores in the cylinder
head. Inspect the bores of the valve guides and valve seat inserts for signs of cavitation,
scratches, or any other type of damage.

If the bores in the cylinder head show signs of cavitation, replace the cylinder head.

If the bores in the cylinder head have scratches that travel from the coolant passage through
the press fit areas, replace the cylinder head.

If the scratches travel around the circumference of the press fit areas, use 5P-1720 Seal Pick
to inspect the scratches. If the scratches can be felt, replace the cylinder head.

Replace the cylinder head if there is any damage that will reduce the amount of press fit
between the valve seat insert and the cylinder head.

Measure the bores in the cylinder head for the valve seats. If the bores need to be machined
oversize, refer to Table 90.

Illustration 253 g02157274

(A) Smaller Outside Diameter
(B) Larger Outside Diameter

Diameters for Valve Seats and Bores for G3500 Engines

Bore in Cylinder Bore in Cylinder

Outside Diameter Outside Diameter
Size Seat Head for Valve Head for Valve
(A) (B)
Seat Insert (A) Seat Insert (B)
55.108 ± 0.015 mm 60.115 ± 0.015 mm 55.000 ± 0.025 mm 60.000 ± 0.025 mm
Standard 308-7100
(2.1696 ± 0.0006 inch) (2.3667 ± 0.0006 inch) (2.1654 ± 0.0010 inch) (2.3622 ± 0.0010 inch)
Oversize 1
0.25 mm 55.362 ± 0.015 mm 60.369 ± 0.015 mm 55.254 ± 0.025 mm 60.254 ± 0.025 mm
(0.010 inch) (2.1796 ± 0.0006 inch) (2.3767 ± 0.0006 inch) (2.1754 ± 0.0010 inch) (2.3722 ± 0.0010 inch)
Oversize 2
0.51 mm 55.616 ± 0.015 mm 60.623 ± 0.015 mm 55.508 ± 0.025 mm 60.508 ± 0.025 mm
(0.020 inch) (2.1896 ± 0.0006 inch) (2.3867 ± 0.0006 inch) (2.1854 ± 0.0010 inch) (2.3822 ± 0.0010 inch)

Table 90

Specifications for the Valve Seats for the Standard Gas Engine 144/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 254 g06189717

Detail (AA) from Illustration 245 of double angle valve seats for intake valves and exhaust valves.

Specifications for the valve seats for G3500A Cylinder Heads for Landfill
Two Angles

Item Intake Valve and Exhaust Valve

(AB) 20.25 ± 0.25 degrees
(AC) 10.0 ± 0.5 degrees
52.0 mm
(2.05 inch) gauge diameter
55.8 mm
(2.20 inch) gauge diameter
0.6 ± 0.05 mm
(0.02 ± 0.002 inch)
5.3 ± 0.10 mm
(0.21 ± 0.004 inch)
(17) Gauge Plane

Table 91

Runout of the 20.25° angle is 0.065 mm (0.0026 inch) maximum relative to the centerline of the
valve guide bore in the cylinder head.

Specifications for the Valve Seat for the G3500A Landfill Gas

Illustration 255 g01910533

Specifications for the Valve Seats on the Cylinder Head for the G3500A
Landfill Applications
Three Angles

Item Intake and Exhaust

(AB) 60.00 ± 0.50 degrees
(AC) 20.25 ± 0.50 degrees
52.0 mm
(2.05 inch) gauge diameter
55.8 mm
(2.20 inch) gauge diameter
0.61 ± 0.05 mm
(0.024 ± 0.002 inch)
5.3 ± 0.10 mm
(0.21 ± 0.004 inch)
49.00 ± 0.15 mm
(1.929 ± 0.006 inch) diameter
54.0 mm
(2.13 inch)
(AK) 15.00 ± 0.50 degrees
(17) Gauge Plane

Table 92

Installation of the Valve Seat Inserts 145/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Note: Make sure that there is no residue from prior retaining compound before installing the
valve seat inserts.

1. Clean the valve seat inserts and the cylinder head. The components must meet the ISO
16/13 specifications for cleanliness. The components must be assembled in a clean

2. Reduce the temperature of the valve seat inserts to −20 °C (−4.0 °F).
Note: The valve seat inserts must be placed in the freezer for approximately 8 hours.

Illustration 256 g02196094

(3) Lower press fit
(4) Upper press fit
(5) Circumferential coolant passage

Illustration 257 g02196834

Cross section view of the bore for the valve seat insert.
(3) Lower press fit
(4) Upper press fit
(5) Circumferential coolant passage

3. Apply a thin layer of 4C-9507 Retaining Compound to area (3) and area (4) of the bores
in the cylinder head.

Illustration 258 g02196964

Cross section view of the cylinder head
(6) Bottom of first counterbore
(C) Gap between valve seat insert and bottom of the bore 146/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 259 g02150960

4. Remove one of the valve seat inserts from the freezer. Locate the valve seat insert on the
installation tool.
Note: The valve seat must be installed within 30 seconds of removal from the
freezer. This will prevent the seat from warming prior to installation.

Illustration 260 g02151016

Illustration 261 g06278509

5. Place the insert and tool into the bore in the head.
Note: Visually inspect the valve seat insert to verify that the valve seat insert is seated
properly into the bore.

6. Use a hydraulic press and the insert installation tool to install the valve seat insert into the
cylinder head.
Note: Do not use a hammer to install the valve seat insert. The impact from a hammer
will damage the valve seat insert.

Note: A typical force of 35586 N (8000 lb) to 44482 N (10000 lb) is required to press in
the inserts. The pressure gauge will increase rapidly when the valve seat insert is seated.

Note: The bottom of the valve seat insert does not contact the bottom of the bore. The
bottom of the upper press fit will contact the bottom of the first counterbore in the cylinder 

head. There will be a gap of approximately 0.50 mm (0.020 inch) between the bottom of 147/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

the valve seat insert and the bottom of the bore. Refer to Illustration 258.

Note: The freezer and the press should be close to each other to keep the valve seat
inserts from increasing in temperature. Only remove one valve seat insert from the
freezer at a time.

If a pressure gauge is being used, force will need to be converted into pressure.

Calculate the piston area with the use of the following equation:

Calculation of the Piston Area for the Cylinder

Piston Area = 3.1416 × Cylinder Diameter2 ÷ 4

Calculating the Piston Area for the Cylinder

Hydraulic Cylinder Diameter = 34.80 mm (1.370 inch)
Example 3.1416 × 34.80 mm2 ÷ 4 = 951.15 mm2
Example 3.1416 × (1.370 inch)2 ÷ 4 = (1.474 inch)2

Table 93

Calculate the pressure. Use the calculation for the area of the piston and applied force with the
following equation:

Calculation of Pressure
Pressure = Applied Force ÷ Cylinder's Piston Area

Example of a Calculation for Pressure

Load = 10000 N (2250.0 lb)
Piston Area = 951.15 mm2 (1.474 inch2)
10,000 ÷ 951.06 = 10,515 kPa
(2250) ÷ (1.474) = (1527 psi)

Table 94

Valve Seat Inserts for 3600, G3600, C280 Engines

The surface of the prechamber seat needs to be resurfaced during a rebuild. Use 187-6273
Repair Tool. Follow the instructions in Tool Operating Manual, NEHS0790. The maximum
amount that can be removed is 0.05 mm (0.002 inch).

If the valve seat inserts are not reusable, the seats need to be removed and replaced with new
seats. To replace the seat with an insert that is a standard size, the dimension of the bore for a
standard insert must meet the specification of 97.000 ± 0.025 mm (3.8189 ± 0.0001 inch)
throughout the entire depth of the bore. Heavy fuel cylinder heads have a bore diameter for the
insert of 108.5 ± 0.025 mm (4.27 ± 0.0010 inch). If the bore of the seat is within specifications,
then a new insert can be pressed in using the procedure that involves freezing the insert. The
insert should be ground to the final specification for the valve seat angle. The valve and the
face of the insert should be checked.

To remove the valve seat insert on some earlier cylinder heads, a relief must be ground at the
bottom of the insert. The relief should be ground in the area where the insert contacts the head
casting. This relief will allow the 9U-5099 Seat Puller to engage the bottom edge of the insert.

It is not recommended to remove or replace the water-cooled prechamber insert for the G3600.
If the insert appears to be damaged in any way, a remanufactured head must be used. 148/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 262 g01944673

Grinding the relief in the head casting for the 9U-5099 Seat Puller Group
(17) 6V-4198 Grinder group
(18) 6V-4802 Grinding wheel

Illustration 263 g01944700

(C) 4.0 mm (0.16 inch)
(D) 83.0 mm (3.27 inch)

Remove the valve seat insert from the head casting.

Note: Heat may be required to remove the water-cooled exhaust valve seat insert. Applying a
weld bead to the inside diameter of the insert will also assist with removal.

Illustration 264 g01944749

(11) Puller assembly
(19) Seat puller group

Oversized Valve Seat Inserts

Oversized valve seat inserts are available for use in 3600 series diesel engines. The new
inserts provide increased serviceability of the cylinder head. Caterpillar Reman cylinder heads
may contain these valve seat inserts.

Illustration 265 g06456266

Non-water cooled valve seat insert

Specifications Of Non-Water Cooled Valve Seat Inserts

Oversize Valve Installed Original

Part Seat Usage Concentricity Part
Number Angle (TIR) Number
30.75° 1.00 mm 0.07 mm
(0.03937 inch) (0.00276 inch)
Intake 160-5769
0.50 mm
(0.01969 inch)

1.00 mm Exhaust 160-5770 

(0.03937 inch) 149/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

0.50 mm
(0.01969 inch)
203-9568 1.00 mm
272-5886 (0.03937 inch)
20.5° Intake 171-3992
0.50 mm
(0.01969 inch)

Table 95

Illustration 266 g06456273

Water cooled valve seat insert

Specifications Of Water-Cooled Valve Seat Inserts

Oversize Valve Installed Original

Part Seat Usage Concentricity Part
Number Angle (TIR) Number
183-5079 1.00 mm 0.08 mm
301-3043 (0.03937 inch) (0.00315 inch)
183-5080 0.50 mm 0.80 mm
301-3042 (0.01969 inch) (0.03150 inch)
1.00 mm 0.08 mm
183-5081 173-8386
(0.03937 inch) (0.00315 inch)
0.50 mm 0.80 mm
183-5082 173-8386
(0.01969 inch) (0.03150 inch)

Table 96

Oversized machining of the bore for the valve seat insert in the cylinder head is required. Since
the valve guides act as pilots for the tool that machines the bores,Caterpillar recommends
installing new valve guides in the head before machining the bore for the insert.

Illustration 267 g06456284

Note: TIR (A) is the total indicator reading of the bore (A) for the insert, which is measured off
the valve guides.

Machining Specifications For Non-Water Cooled Inserts

Part Number Dimension A TIR A

183-5075 Ø 98.0 ± 0.025 mm (3.85826 ± 0.00098 inch) 0.04 mm (0.00157 inch)
183-5076 Ø 97.50 ± 0.025 mm (3.83858 ± 0.00098 inch)
183-5077 Ø 98.0 ± 0.025 mm (3.85826 ± 0.00098 inch)
183-5078 Ø 97.50 ± 0.025 mm (3.83858 ± 0.00098 inch)
203-9566 Ø 97.50 ± 0.025 mm (3.83858 ± 0.00098 inch)  150/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Ø 98.0 ± 0.025 mm (3.85826 ± 0.00098 inch)

Table 97

Illustration 268 g06456320

Note: TIR (B) is the total indicator reading of the bore (B) for the insert. To measure TIR (B),
first measure TIR (C) and record TIR (C). Then measure TIR (B) and record TIR (B) without
moving the valve guide pilot. The difference of TIR (C) to TIR (B) at any given location must be
less than 0.03 mm (0.0012 inch).

Note: TIR (C) is the total indicator reading of bore (C) for the insert, which is measured off the
valve guide.

Machining Specifications For Water-Cooled Inserts

Dimension B TIR B Dimension C TIR C
183-5079 Ø 94.50 ± 0.025 mm
301-3043 (3.72047 ± 0.00098 inch)
183-5080 Ø 94.00 ± 0.025 mm
301-3042 (3.70078 ± 0.00098 inch) 0.03 0.03 mm Ø109.50 ± 0.025 mm 0.04 mm
Ø 94.50 ± 0.025 mm (0.00118 inch) (4.31102 ± 0.00098 inch) (0.00157 inch)
(3.72047 ± 0.00098 inch)
Ø 94.00 ± 0.025 mm
(3.70078 ± 0.00098 inch)

Table 98

The valve seat inserts have premachined valve seat faces. If the inserts are installed correctly,
and if the bore in the cylinder head has been machined properly, the inserts do not require
grinding, machining, or lapping after installation.

The interface between the valve and the valve seat insert must always be checked after a
cylinder head has been rebuilt. The valve should contact the valve seat insert around the entire
circumference of the valve face. The valve should contact the valve seat insert at the outer
diameter of the valve face. The interface can be verified with toolmaker ink or with the FT-1741
Vacuum Test Group. If the valve does not seal properly with the valve seat insert, the valve can
be damaged during operation. A poor seal can result if the insert bore or the sealing face of the
valve seat insert is not concentric with the valve guide, or if the valve is bent.

Valve Seat Insert Grinding

Note: For G3600 valve seat inserts that are not prefinished, the seat face angle should be
20.5° ± 0.15°. Prefinished valve seat inserts do not require grinding.. Protrusion of the
valve must be within the specification if the valve seats are ground. 151/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 269 g06175864

Valve seat insert dimensions. Refer to Table 99 for the reuse specifications.

Valve Seat Insert specifications for 3600, G3600, C280 Engines

7C-2423 (Intake)
7W-9779 (Exhaust)
24.00 ± 0.15 mm
Valve Seat Bore Depth (L)
(0.945 ± 0.006 inch)
97.195 ± 0.015 mm
Valve Seat Insert Diameter (M)
(3.8266 ± 0.0006 inch)
97.000 ± 0.025 mm
Valve Seat Insert Bore Diameter (M)
(3.8189 ± 0.0010 inch)
Valve Seat Insert Angle (N) 30.25 ± 0.50 degrees
0.50 mm
Maximum Valve Recess (P) (0.020 inch) above to 2.00 mm
(0.079 inch) below
0.15 mm
Maximum Valve Seat Runout
(0.006 inch)
63.5 cm
Maximum Vacuum
(25.0 inch) Hg
12.7 cm
Maximum Allowable Vacuum Loss in 10 seconds
(5.0 inch) Hg

Table 99

Illustration 270 g06175869

Valve Seat Specification Guide. Refer to Table 100 for the reuse specifications.

Valve Seat Insert Specifications (Heavy Fuel) for 3600, G3600, C280

Dimensions 4P-3078 Exhaust

108.700 ± 0.015 mm
Valve Seat Insert Diameter (R)
(4.2795 ± 0.0006 inch)
93.650 ± 0.015 mm
Valve Seat Insert Diameter (S)
(3.6870 ± 0.0006 inch)
108.500 ± 0.025 mm
Valve Seat Insert Bore Diameter (R)
(4.2717 ± 0.0010 inch)

Valve Seat Insert Bore Diameter (S)

93.500 ± 0.025 mm 

(3.6811 ± 0.0010 inch) 152/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

40.00 ± 0.25 mm
Valve Seat Insert Bore Depth (T)
(1.575 ± 0.010 inch)
20.00 ± 0.15 mm
Valve Seat Insert Bore Depth (U)
(0.787 ± 0.006 inch)
Valve Seat Insert Angle (V) 30.25 ± 0.25 degrees
7.00 mm
Maximum Valve Recess (W)
(0.276 inch)
Maximum Valve Seat Runout N/A
Minimum Vacuum N/A
Maximum Allowable Vacuum Loss in 10 seconds N/A

Table 100

Grinding Equipment
The valve seat grinder in this guideline has an eccentric motion with a feed control for the
micrometer. Eccentric grinding is the simultaneous application of two rotary motions to a
grinding wheel. Eccentric grinding results in point contact grinding. Material will be removed
from the high spots and hard spots of the valve seat first. No side pressure or spring action will
be exerted on the pilot. Side pressure and spring action can cause inaccuracies in the valve

Grinding Wheels
It is important to dress the grinding wheel during grinding operation. Material from the valve
seat insert becomes embedded in the wheel, resulting in excessive grinding times and incorrect
ground seats.

Illustration 271 g01945859

Minimum dressing limits for reusing the wheel
(E) Minimum Thickness

A small amount of the wheel will be removed each time the wheel is dressed. Replace the
wheel when the thickness reaches 8.0 mm (0.31 inch). Vibration of the wheel can occur if a
wheel becomes too thin. This results in an unacceptable seat face and this also prevents the
full 360 degrees of contact to the face. This also prevents the vacuum seal that is

Illustration 272 g01945791

(22) Valve seat grinder
(23) Grinding wheel
(24) Diamond dresser

Before doing any finish grinding, it is necessary to match the valve seat grinder to the specified
valve seat angle. This can be completed by using the 147-2285 Valve Gauge.  153/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Grinding Procedure

Illustration 273 g01946226

(25) Pilot
(26) Pilot Wrench

1. Select the correct diameter of pilot. Install the pilot wrench onto the correct pilot. Insert the
pilot into the valve guide bore.
Note: The pilot should have a snug fit in the bore of the valve guide. This will eliminate
movement of the pilot during the grinding operation. Movement of the pilot can cause
damage to the cylinder head, the pilot, and the grinder.

Illustration 274 g01946340

2. Remove the pilot wrench.

Illustration 275 g01946376

Dial gauge (27) installed on pilot

3. If the valve seat requires grinding, proceed with the following steps:

a. Mark the area or areas requiring the most stock removal.

b. Mark the seat face every 30 degrees with a black felt pen. This will provide a visual
inspection of the progress for seat face grinding.

c. When the black markings have disappeared, the surface of the valve seat face has
been ground 360 degrees.

d. Remove dial indicator from the pilot. 154/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 276 g01946596

Positioning the grinder on the pilot

4. Carefully install the seat grinder onto the shaft of the pilot.
Note: Do not drop the grinder on the valve seat. Damage to the wheel of the grinder and
the head may occur.

Illustration 277 g01946790

5. While the seat grinder is resting on the surface of the valve seat, loosen the setscrew.
This will allow the center positioning rod to touch the top of the pilot shaft. Tighten the
setscrew to provide a positive stop for the micrometer adjustment.

Illustration 278 g01946809

Adjust height of the wheel with the micrometer adjustment.
(29) Micrometer adjustment

6. Use the micrometer adjustment to back the wheel away from the valve seat face. Rotate
the wheel by hand 360 degrees. Adjust the wheel upward until the wheel no longer
touches the seat face at any point. 155/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 279 g01947013

Install the magnetic base and the post to support the grinder.
(30) Post
(31) Magnetic base

7. Install the 8S-2329 Magnetic Base and the 8S-2327 Post. This allows the operator to
leave the grinder and to perform other operations. Place a piece of rubber tubing on the
upright shaft. This will eliminate vibration during the grinding operation. Lift the seat
grinder up approximately 12.0 mm (0.47 inch) and turn on the grinder. Lower the grinder
until the positioning rod engages the top of the pilot shaft. At this point, the grinding wheel
should not be touching the seat face.

Illustration 280 g01947062

8. Adjust the micrometer by one click at a time until the wheel barely touches the seat face.
This can be felt by placing a finger against the handle on the side of the grinder. You can
feel when the wheel has finished grinding. Allow the grinder to spark out for 2 to 3
minutes. Then raise the grinder to check the seat face for 360 degrees of contact.
Observe the black marks on the seat face. Repeat the adjustment. Spark out the grinder
until the marks have been removed from the entire surface. Remove the grinder carefully
when the job is finished.

Illustration 281 g01947102

9. Install the dial gauge. Sweep the face of the seat 360 degrees to check the Total Indicator
Runout (TIR). TIR should be 0.10 mm (0.004 inch). Repeat the grinding and checking
procedures until the TIR is within the specification. Always allow the wheel to spark out
before a measurement is taken. 156/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 282 g01947113

10. After the recommended TIR is reached, install the pilot wrench onto the pilot. Use a slight
twisting motion to unseat the pilot. Remove the pilot from the bore.

Illustration 283 g01947177

11. Apply a light coat of Prussian Blue on the 147-1642 Gauge seat face. Install the gauge
into the valve guide bore until the gauge is approximately 25.4 mm (1.00 inch) from the
valve seat face. Allow the gauge to drop onto the valve seat face. Use one finger to
slightly push down on the head of the gauge and rotate the gauge 15 to 30 degrees.
Remove the gauge and check the contact pattern on the valve seat face. If the seat is
machined correctly, the line contact will be at the top edge of the insert with contact for
the full 360 degrees. If the line contact is not at the top edge, it is necessary to adjust the
angle by adjusting the dresser, redressing the wheel, and regrinding the seat.

12. Apply a light coat of Prussian Blue on the 147-1642 Gauge seat face. Install the gauge
into the valve guide bore until the gauge is approximately 25.4 mm (1.00 inch) from the
valve seat face. Allow the gauge to drop onto the valve seat face. Use one finger to
slightly push down on the head of the gauge and rotate the gauge 15 to 30 degrees.
Remove the gauge and check the contact pattern on the valve seat face. If the seat is
machined correctly, the line contact will be at the bottom edge of the seat insert.

Illustration 284 g01947221

Illustration 285 g01947228

(F) Projection of the valve  157/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

13. Install the valve in the original position. Measure the projection of the valve in relation to
the surface of the cylinder head. A depth micrometer or a straight edge with a thickness
gauge can be used to measure the projection of the valve. The maximum valve recess is
2.00 mm (0.079 inch). The maximum projection of the valve is 0.50 mm (0.020 inch).

14. Check the projection of the valve to make sure that the valve is within the specification. It
may be necessary to grind the valve again to obtain this dimension. If the valve cannot be
ground anymore, the valve will have to be replaced.

Inspect the counterbores of valve seat inserts before installing the inserts. The counterbores
should be clean. The counterbores should be free of raised burrs that are caused by the insert
removal tool. The bottom of the counterbore must be flat in order for the insert to make 360
degrees of contact.

Illustration 286 g06278515

(A) Heavy fuel insert
(B) Standard Insert

Caterpillar currently has two types of inserts. The water-cooled insert is used in exhaust ports
in heavy fuel applications. The water-cooled inserts require a special counterbore in the
cylinder head. The standard insert is used in inlet ports for all applications and in exhaust ports
of distillate fuel applications.

Installing Water-Cooled Inserts

Note: This method is also applicable to a standard insert.

1. Make sure that the valve seat insert is at room temperature prior to installation. Do not
freeze water-cooled inserts.

2. Before installing the water-cooled insert, apply 6V-1541 Quick Cure Primer to the outside
diameter of the insert. Then apply 9S-3265 Retaining Compound over the primer.

3. Install the insert using the water-cooled insert seat driver and the hydraulic press. Press
the insert to the bottom of the counterbore in the cylinder head casting.

Illustration 287 g01944818

Installing a water-cooled insert
(20) Insert driver  158/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Installing Standard Inserts

Note: The standard valve seat insert can be installed by using either method.

1. Lower the temperature of the standard insert to −60° C (−76.0° F).

2. Put clean engine oil on the outside diameter and the radius at the bottom of the insert.

3. Install the standard insert using 8T-2674 Standard Insert Driver and a hammer. Install the
insert to the bottom of the counterbore in the cylinder head casting.

Note: Excessive pounding may cause the insert to bounce off the bottom of the counterbore.
Use a 0.038 mm (0.0015 inch) feeler gauge to make sure that the insert is in contact with the
bottom of the counterbore.

Illustration 288 g01945093

Installing a standard insert
(21) Standard insert seat driver

Reconditioning Factors
Determining the projection of the valve and the recession of the valve through a measurement
is no guarantee that the valves and valve seats have been correctly reconditioned. The
following criteria will help to determine the reusability of both valves and valve seats.

1. The wide valve seats do not cause problems with valves. The outer diameter of the
finished seat insert can be larger than the diameter of the valve head. This should not
cause any problems.

2. While the width of the seat will vary with the engine model, the width of the finished insert
must be at least 1.0 mm (0.04 inch) for good valve life. There is no need for an upper limit
on the width of the seat.

3. Grind the finished surface of the valve seat after the valve seat inserts have been
installed into the head. Grinding the seat insert correctly is essential to valve life. This
process is not necessary on recent 3500 Heads with premachined inserts.

4. Contacting the valve seat insert to the sealing face of the valve head at the middle of the
sealing face of the valve was an acceptable practice for rebuilding cylinder heads. With
the introduction of the 3500 Engine, the traditional sealing area moved closer to the edge
of the valve head. Premachined seat inserts and precision valve guides moved the
sealing area to 0.51 to 1.02 mm (0.020 to 0.040 inch) from the outer dimension of the
valve head. Do not grind the sealing faces of the inserts if new premachined valve seat
inserts are installed during the rebuild of a head. The components do not need to be
machined after installation due to the precise manufacturing process.

5. If the seat face cannot be ground without grinding into the head, replace the insert. Do not
grind the head under any circumstance.

6. Never use a valve with less than the specified minimum thickness of lip.

7. Heads that have been resurfaced may require the bores of the inserts to be machined to
a deeper dimension. This will ensure the correct location of the insert in relation to the

8. Valve seat inserts should not extend above the surface of the head. Recessing the inserts
0.25 mm (0.010 inch) below the surface is a good habit.

9. Lapping valves and lapping seat inserts is not recommended or necessary if the correct
angles of the valve seat are maintained during the process of resurfacing the valves and
valve seats. 159/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Reconditioning Factors for D330, D330C,

D333B, D333, D333B, D333C, D334, D336,
1673, 1674, and 1676
114.30 mm (4.5 inch), 120.65 mm (4.75 inch),
137.16 mm (5.4 inch) Bore Engines
On all overhead cam engines, backlash for the cam drive gear is the critical factor for cylinder
head reconditioning. The backlash must be larger than 0.038 mm (0.00150 inch).

Reconditioning Factors for D330C, D333C,

D334, 1673, and 1674
146.05 mm (5.75 inch), 158.75 mm (6.25 inch) Bore
Correct valve projection dimensions will help prevent piston contact.

Note: If the centerline of the crankshaft bore has been raised from its original location, it affects
cylinder height dimensions. This is similar to removing material from the head surface. There
must still be a minimum of 0.030 mm (0.00118 inch) of backlash in the cam drive gear after the
head is assembled. If the top of the cylinder block has been machined and the crankshaft
centerline also is raised, it will be almost impossible to maintain the correct minimum backlash.

Reconditioning Factors for C15 through C32

After machining the head, the Exhaust valve seats must be machined in place to achieve the
proper projection of the valve. Use a standard replacement valve seat only if the bore for the
Exhaust valve is undamaged. If the bore for the Exhaust valve is damaged, the bore must be
rebored and an oversized valve seat must be used.

Some valve seats cannot be machined. Specialized
manufacturing processes were used on these parts.
Machining these parts will significantly decrease the
life of the engine.

Some inlet seats cannot be machined under any circumstance. Caterpillar uses specialized
manufacturing techniques on inlet valve seats of some engine models. If the thickness of the
head has been machined beyond factory specifications, do not machine these inlet seats.
These inlet seats must be replaced with seats that can be machined.

Illustration 289 g06176262

Finding the pin location by using a probe

To keep the valve guide and the valve seat concentric, use a dial indicator and a tapered pilot
pin to find the center line of the valve guide. 160/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Oversized seats are available if the head has been damaged. If an oversized insert has already
been installed, second oversized inserts are available for certain models. If an oversized seat
will be used, use either a probe or a dial indicator to keep the valve guide and the valve seat

1. If an oversize valve seat will be used, locate the center of the valve guide with a gauge

2. Find the center of the tapered pilot pin as close as possible to the valve guide.

3. Use a dial indicator to find the center of the tapered pilot pin.

4. Machine the bore for the valve seat in the location that is concentric with the valve guide.

The tapered pins are supplied with the grinder for the valve seat. If the tapered pilot pins need
to be purchased, contact the supplier for your valve seat grinder.

Reconditioning Factors for 1100, 3100, and

3200 Engines
On 1100, 3100, 3200 direct injection engines, head thickness is measured from the combustion
surface to the top of the nozzle seat through the nozzle bore. On (precombustion chamber)
3204 Engines, the head thickness is measured from the top of the valve spring seat to the
combustion surface.

Reconditioning Factors for G3600 Engines

There are specific factors for reconditioning the G3600 cylinder head. The surface on which the
gasket for the prechamber seats must be thoroughly inspected. This area is prone to leaks
without proper reconditioning.

Water-Cooled Prechamber Insert for G3600

The insert is located at the center of the cylinder head to help cool the prechamber
assembly. This insert should not be removed or repaired. A remanufactured cylinder head
is required if the insert is damaged in any way.

The angle of the face on intake and exhaust valve seats is 20°.

The exhaust valves are not water cooled.

A new design of the cylinder head contains prefinished intake and exhaust valve seat
inserts. The premachined inserts do not require a final grinding operation if the inserts are
used with the correct cylinder head.

Valve Recession and Projection

After the cylinder head has been reconditioned, the cylinder head must be measured for the
recession of the valves or the projection of the valve. The recession and projection of the valve
is measured from the combustion area of the cylinder head to the valve head when the valve is
closed. Increased valve recession or decreased valve projection can be caused by wear of the
valve face or wear of the sealing surface on the insert.

Note: The minimum dimension means that the valve is recessed into the cylinder head. The
maximum dimension means that the valve is projecting from the cylinder head.

Illustration 290 g01953705

(B) Valve Recession

A positive value for the recession of a valve represents a recessed valve as it relates to the 

cylinder head surface. The valve head is below the surface. 161/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 291 g01954044

(C) Projection of the Valve


Illustration 292 g06229850

The recession of the valve is being measured with a depth micrometer.

Illustration 293 g01954142

6V-7926 Indicator Group
(29) 3P-1565 Collet Clamp
(30) 8S-3158 Indicator
(31) 5P-4156 Indicator Base
The valve recession can be measured by using any of the following tools.

1. 6V-7926 Indicator Group

a. 8S-3158 Indicator

b. 3P-1565 Collet Clamp

c. 5P-4165 Indicator Base

2. 6V-2012 Micrometer Depth Gauge Group

3. 8H-8581 Feeler Gauge and a 386-3364 Straight Edge.

Measurement Procedure  162/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Take these measurements after the valves are installed in the head.

1. Before starting this procedure, set the gauge to zero.

a. Place the indicator on a flat surface.

b. Move the dial face, and align the hand of the gauge to the zero mark.

c. Tighten the lock on the dial face.

2. Take the measurements and record the measurements on all valves.

a. For a recessed valve, set the gauge on surface of the head and over the center of
the valve. Record the measurement.

b. For a projected valve, set the gauge on top of the valve. The tip of the indicator
should be on the surface of the head. Record the measurement.

3. If the measurements do not meet the required specifications, refer to the section
"Correcting the Excessive Projection of the Valves".

The excessive projection of valves can cause the head of the valve to contact the piston during
normal engine operation.

Correcting the Excessive Projection of the Valves

There are two ways to correct a valve that exceeds the maximum dimension of projection.

1. Material can be ground from the sealing angle of the seat insert and the valve face.

2. The seat insert can be recessed farther into the counterbore.

Note: For example, if 0.25 mm (.010 inch) has been removed from the bottom of the head, the
counterbore can be recessed 0.25 mm (.010 inch).

Note: If a valve exceeds the maximum recessed dimension, the valve position is too deep. To
correct this condition, either a new valve must be installed. Replacing the valve seat may also
be necessary.

The minimum and the maximum dimensions for intake and exhaust valves are listed in Table
115. The table lists the dimensions for the following minimum permissible recession or
projection, maximum recession or projection, and maximum recession for reusability. The
maximum recession for reusability applies when the cylinder head has been machined or the
valve has been ground. For the minimum recession for reusability, refer to the minimum
permissible recession. A valve that projects too far can contact the piston during normal engine
operation. A valve that is recessed too much will not adjust. A valve that is recessed too much
will create the following conditions:

Binding in the guide

Abnormal wear

Poor engine performance

The prefinished inserts should not be ground to correct the
valve projection. Excessive valve projection indicates that the
insert is not seated or the material was not cleaned from the
bottom of the counterbore.

Valve Projection for D & G Models Cylinder Heads

Exhaust Intake

Valve Valve
Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum
Part Part
Projection Projection Projection Projection
Number Number
2.390 mm 1.080 mm 2.390 mm 1.080 mm
4F-0212 6H-3026
(0.09409 inch) (0.04252 inch) (0.09409 inch) (0.04252 inch)
1M-0982 2.810 mm 1.380 mm 2.990 mm 1.560 mm
2M-7727 (0.11063 inch) (0.05433 inch) (0.11772 inch) (0.06142 inch) 163/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

9M-4163 3.50 mm 2.30 mm 3.49 mm 2.04 mm

8N-3724 (0.13780 inch) (0.09055 inch) (0.13740 inch) (0.08031 inch)
3.50 mm 2.30 mm 2W-2621 3.49 mm 2.04 mm
(0.13780 inch) (0.09055 inch) 247-6892 (0.13740 inch) (0.08031 inch)
3.07 mm 1.840 mm 3.07 mm 1.840 mm
1S-2903 2S-8143
(0.12087 inch) (0.07244 inch) (0.12087 inch) (0.07244 inch)
3.00 mm 1.670 mm 3.00 mm 1.670 mm
8N-3737 7H-6891
(0.11811 inch) (0.06575 inch) (0.11811 inch) (0.06575 inch)
8H-1994 3.47 mm 2.24 mm 1W-1818 4.94 mm 3.60 mm
1W-1819 (0.13661 inch) (0.08819 inch) 8H-1993 (0.19449 inch) (0.14173 inch)
3.48 mm 1.910 mm 1N-4885 3.48 mm 1.910 mm
(0.13701 inch) (0.07520 inch) 1N-4886 (0.13701 inch) (0.07520 inch)
2W-3211 4.470 mm 3.00 mm 4.470 mm 3.18 mm
8N-3723 (0.17598 inch) (0.11811 inch) (0.17598 inch) (0.12520 inch)

Table 101

Recession of the Cylinder Head Valve for C7 through C32 Engines

Part Minimum Valve Maximum Valve

Number Recess Recess
Intake 157-7129
1.09 mm 1.71 mm
(0.043 inch) (0.067 inch)
1.19 mm 1.81 mm
(0.047 inch) (0.0713 inch)
1.18 mm 1.8 mm
(0.046 inch) (0.071 inch)
255-8676 1.19 mm 1.81 mm
490-1723 (0.047 inch) (0.0713 inch)
Exhaust 490-1728
188-3122 2.79 mm 3.41 mm
490-1721 (0.110 inch) (0.134 inch)
157-0672 2.19 mm 2.81 mm
192-9213 (0.086 inch) (0.111 inch)
157-0671 1.09 mm 1.71 mm
133-7029 (0.043 inch) (0.067 inch)

252-7802 2.59 mm 3.21 mm

224-3028 (0.102 inch) (0.126 inch)

224-3030 1.34 mm 1.76 mm

248-1467 (0.053 inch) (0.069 inch)
490-7198 2.17 mm 2.83 mm
153-7023 (0.085 inch) (0.111 inch)
464-4668 1.19 mm 1.81 mm
153-7024 (0.047 inch) (0.071 inch)

Table 102

Recession of the Cylinder Head Valve for C175 Engines

Valve Max Recession

2.268 ± 0.35 mm
(0.0893 ± 0.0138 inch)

2.268 ± 0.33 mm
(0.0893 ± 0.0130 inch) 164/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Table 103

Illustration 294 g01201427

See Table 104 for specifications for the valve.
(H) Width of the valve seat
(J) Valve Margin
(K) Valve Recess
(L) Valve Seat Angle

Specifications for 3044, 3046, 3064, 3066 Engines

3044, 3046 3064, 3066
Description Intake Exhaust Intake Exhaust
Width of the
1.40 ± 0.14 mm 1.40 ± 0.14 mm 1.40 ± 0.20 mm 1.40 ± 0.14 mm
valve seat
(0.055 ± 0.006 inch) (0.055 ± 0.006 inch) (0.055 ± 0.008 inch) (0.055 ± 0.006 inch)
Valve 0.40 ± 0.10 mm 0.50 ± 0.10 mm 0.40 ± 0.10 mm 0.50 ± 0.10 mm
Recess (K) (0.016 ± 0.004 inch) (0.020 ± 0.004 inch) (0.016 ± 0.004 inch) (0.020 ± 0.004 inch)
Valve Seat
30° 30° 30° 30°
Angle (L)

Table 104

Illustration 295 g02419820

Width of valve seat (F)
Refer to Table 105 and Table 106 for specifications.
(R) Minimum width of finished seat

Specifications for Intake Valves Recession on 3176, and 3196 Engines

Minimum Maximum distance from Minimum distance from

Part width of head of valve to cylinder head of valve to cylinder
Number finished seat head face head face
(F) closed valve closed valve
124-2692 0.762 mm −3.81 mm −2.10 mm
136-4336 (0.0300 inch) (−0.150 inch)(1) (−0.083 inch)(1)

Table 105
Recessed projection of valve

Specifications for Exhaust Valves Recession on 3176, and 3196 Engines 165/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Minimum Maximum distance from Minimum distance from

Part width of head of valve to cylinder head of valve to cylinder
Number finished seat head face head face
(F) closed valve closed valve
124-2693 0.762 mm −2.83 mm −1.10 mm
133-3550 (0.0300 inch) (−0.111 inch)(1) (−0.043 inch)(1)

Table 106
Recessed projection of valve

Specifications for Intake Valves Recession on 3114, and 3116 Engines

Maximum distance from head of Minimum distance from head of

valve to cylinder head face valve to cylinder head face
closed valve closed valve
−2.05 mm −1.13 mm
(−0.08071 inch) (−0.04449 inch)

Table 107

Specifications for Exhaust Valves Recession on 3114, and 3116 Engines

Maximum distance from head of Minimum distance from head of

valve to cylinder head face valve to cylinder head face
closed valve closed valve
2.22 mm −1.51 mm
(0.08740 inch) (−0.05945 inch)

Table 108

Valve Projection for 3200 Cylinder Heads

Exhaust Intake

Valve Maximum Minimum Valve Maximum Minimum

Part No. Projection Projection Part No. Projection Projection
1.31 mm 0.20 mm 1.6 mm -0.05 mm
9N-0185 9N-0180
(0.05157 inch) (0.00787 inch) (0.06299 inch) (-0.00197 inch)
-1.50 mm -2.83 mm -0.87 mm -2.40 mm
9N-5125 9L-7682
(-0.05906 inch) (-0.11142 inch) (-0.03425 inch) (-0.09449 inch)

Table 109

Valve Projection for 3300 Cylinder Heads

Model Configuration Intake Exhaust Head Assembly

2.43 mm 2.43 mm
PCNA 8N-1454
(0.096 inch) (0.096 inch)
2.69 mm 2.69 mm
DI 7C-4004
(0.106 inch) (0.106 inch)
2.69 mm 2.69 mm
PCT 8N-1454
(0.106 inch) (0.106 inch)
2.69 mm 2.69 mm
SI 7W-8304
(0.106 inch) (0.106 inch)
2.69 mm 2.69 mm
DI 7C-4006
(0.106 inch) (0.106 inch)
2.69 mm 2.69 mm
SI 7W-8306
3306 (0.106 inch) (0.106 inch)
G3306 2.43 mm 2.43 mm
PCNA 8N-1446
(0.096 inch) (0.096 inch)
2.02 mm 2.11 mm
DIT 7C-4006
(0.079 inch) (0.083 inch)

Table 110

Valve Projection for 3300 Cylinder Heads

Exhaust Intake 166/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Valve Maximum Minimum Valve Maximum Minimum

Part No. Projection2 Projection2 Part No. Projection2 Projection2
2.98 mm 1.44 mm 3.51 mm 1.97 mm
5S-6449 5S-6452
(0.117 inch) (0.057 inch) (0.138 inch) (0.078 inch)
−0.81 mm −2.10 mm −0.03 mm −1.31 mm
6N-9916 (−0.032 inch) (−0.083 inch) 2W-2620 (−0.001 inch) (−0.052 inch)
8N-0875 3.26 mm 1.97 mm 3.51 mm 2.22 mm
2W-2877 (0.128 inch) (0.078 inch) (0.138 inch) (0.087 inch)
2.98 mm 1.69 mm 3.51 mm 2.22 mm
7W-7491 7W-7490
(0.117 inch) (0.067 inch) (0.138 inch) (0.087 inch)
−0.81 mm −2.10 mm −0.03 mm −1.31 mm
6N-9916 (−0.032 inch) (−0.083 inch) 2W-2620 (−0.001 inch) (−0.052 inch)
2.98 mm 1.69 mm 3.51 mm 2.22 mm
7W-7491 7W-7490
(0.117 inch) (0.067 inch) (0.138 inch) (0.087 inch)
2.98 mm 1.44 mm 3.51 mm 1.97 mm
5S-6449 5S-6452
(0.117 inch) (0.057 inch) (0.138 inch) (0.078 inch)
−1.38 mm −2.67 mm −0.68 mm −1.96 mm
148-7455 (−0.054 inch) (−0.105 inch) 100-7860 (−0.027 inch) (−0.077 inch)

Table 111

Recession of the Cylinder Head Valve for 3400

Diesel Engines

Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum

Part Number
Valve Recess Valve Recess Valve Recess Valve Recess
of the Valve
New New Reusability Reusability
164-2543 1.11 mm −0.10 mm 2.14 mm −0.10 mm
Inlet (0.044 inch) (−0.004 inch) (0.084 inch) (−0.004 inch)
122-0322 1.11 mm −0.10 mm 1.98 mm −0.10 mm
Inlet (0.044 inch) (−0.004 inch) (0.078 inch) (−0.004 inch)
115-2368 1.11 mm −0.10 mm 1.98 mm −0.10 mm
Inlet (0.044 inch) (−0.004 inch) (0.078 inch) (−0.004 inch)
164-2542 1.04 mm −0.22 mm 2.41 mm −0.22 mm
Exhaust (0.041 inch) (−0.009 inch) (0.095 inch) (−0.009 inch)
122-0321 1.04 mm −0.22 mm 2.41 mm −0.22 mm
Exhaust (0.041 inch) (−0.009 inch) (0.095 inch) (−0.009 inch)
115-2367 1.04 mm −0.22 mm 2.41 mm −0.22 mm
Exhaust (0.041 inch) (−0.009 inch) (0.095 inch) (−0.009 inch)

Table 112

Recession of the Cylinder Head Valve for 3400

Gas Engines

Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum

Part Number
Valve Recess Valve Recess Valve Recess Valve Recess
of the Valve
New New Reusability Reusability
212-0932 0.82 mm 0.10 mm 1.37 mm 0.10 mm
Inlet (0.032 inch) (0.004 inch) (0.054 inch) (0.004 inch)
122-0322 1.11 mm −0.10 mm 1.98 mm −0.10 mm
Inlet (0.044 inch) (−0.004 inch) (0.078 inch) (−0.004 inch)
122-7353 1.06 mm −0.16 mm 1.86 mm −0.16 mm
Inlet (0.042 inch) (−0.006 inch) (0.073 inch) (−0.006 inch)
4W-5374 1.11 mm −0.25 mm 1.91 mm −0.25 mm
Inlet (0.044 inch) (−0.010 inch) (0.075 inch) (−0.010 inch)
311-7555 −0.09 mm −0.79 mm 0.90 mm −0.79 mm
Exhaust (−0.004 inch) (−0.031 inch) (0.035 inch) (−0.031 inch)
122-0321 1.04 mm −0.22 mm 2.41 mm −0.22 mm
Exhaust (0.041 inch) (−0.009 inch) (0.095 inch) (−0.009 inch)
212-0933 1.01 mm 0.31 mm 1.56 mm 0.31 mm
Exhaust (0.040 inch) (0.012 inch) (0.061 inch) (0.012 inch)
101-8314 1.06 mm −0.16 mm 1.64 mm −0.16 mm
Exhaust (0.042 inch) (−0.006 inch) (0.065 inch) (−0.006 inch)
100-4639 0.06 mm −1.16 mm 1.05 mm −1.16 mm

Exhaust (0.002 inch) (−0.046 inch) (0.041 inch) (−0.046 inch) 167/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

2W-2443 1.30 mm 0.07 mm 2.10 mm 0.07 mm

Exhaust (0.051 inch) (0.003 inch) (0.083 inch) (0.003 inch)

Table 113

Recession of the Cylinder Head Valve for 3406E, 3456 Engines

Maximum Maximum Minimum
Part Number of Valve
Valve Recess Valve Recess Valve Recess
the Valve Recess
New Reusability Reusability
153-7023 2.83 mm 2.17 mm 3.88 mm 2.17 mm
Inlet (0.111 inch) (0.085 inch) (0.153 inch) (0.085 inch)
3.38 mm 2.72 mm 4.43 mm 2.72 mm
Inlet with shortened
(0.133 inch) (0.107 inch) (0.174 inch) (0.107 inch)
valve seat insert
153-7024 1.81 mm 1.19 mm 3.12 mm 1.19 mm
Exhaust (0.071 inch) (0.047 inch) (0.123 inch) (0.047 inch)
152-8380 2.86 mm 1.86 mm 3.64 mm 1.86 mm
Inlet (0.113 inch) (0.073 inch) (0.143 inch) (0.073 inch)
152-7585 3.55 mm 2.75 mm 4.86 mm 2.75 mm
Exhaust (0.140 inch) (0.108 inch) (0.191 inch) (0.108 inch)

Table 114

Recession of the Cylinder Head Valve for 3500 Engines

Part Intake Valves Exhaust Valves

Number Maximum Maximum
of Minimum Maximum Recession Minimum Maximum Recession
Cylinder Recession Recession for Recession Recession for
Head Reusability Reusability
0.080 mm 0.920 mm 2.010 mm 0.100 mm 0.900 mm 2.590 mm
(0.0031 inch) (0.0362 inch) (0.0791 inch) (0.0039 inch) (0.0354 inch) (0.1020 inch)
145-3215 2.008 mm 2.920 mm 4.010 mm 2.100 mm 2.900 mm 4.590 mm
154-1612 (0.0819 inch) (0.1150 inch) (0.1579 inch) (0.0827 inch) (0.1142 inch) (0.1807 inch)
+0.155 mm -0.654 mm 2.031 mm +0.155 mm -0.654 mm 2.031 mm
(+0.00610 inch) (-0.0258 inch) (0.0800 inch) (+0.00610 inch) (-0.0258 inch) (0.0800 inch)
269-0040 +0.115 mm -0.685 mm 1.860 mm +0.115 mm -0.685 mm 1.860 mm
315-2630 (+0.0045 inch) (-0.0270 inch) (0.0732 inch) (+0.0045 inch) (-0.0270 inch) (0.0732 inch)

Table 115

Vacuum Test for Valves

Testing the valves by vacuum in a cylinder head is used to identify a poor seal between the
valve and the valve seat. This procedure should be performed after a cylinder head has been
reconditioned. The cylinder head must be assembled before the vacuum test.

Note: The procedure for the vacuum test should only be used to identify leakage between the
valve and the valve seat. This test procedure should only be used if the leakage is out of the
acceptable specification.

An unavoidable minor amount of leakage between the valve and the valve seat is permissible.
It is impractical to use the vacuum test to identify minor leaks between the valve and the valve 

seat. The following specifications and equipment can be used to identify the gross leak. Any 168/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

combination of valve and valve seat that does not maintain 40 cm Hg (16.0 inch Mercury) or
more is considered to be a gross leak.

Equipment and Tooling

Illustration 296 g01303479

9U-5383 Vacuum Tester
The 9U-5383 Vacuum Tester consists of a hand-held vacuum pump and connecting parts. Most
Caterpillar engines will work with the set of eight adapters that can be fabricated from the
drawing of the fabricated tool FT-1741 Vacuum Tester. For a complete list of all parts and
fabricated dimensions, request a drawing of the FT-1741 Vacuum Tester.

Test Procedure
The 9U-5383 Vacuum Tester is suitable for use when a vacuum test of 46 cm Hg
(18 inch Mercury) or less is required. For complete information on the vacuum tester, refer to
Special Instruction, SEHS9498, "Using the 9U-5383 Vacuum Tester".

The gauge has detected a leak if a drop in vacuum occurs. An adjustment screw is provided on
the top of the tool to vary the sensitivity of the gauge. To check valve seats for leaks, the
adjustment screw must be set for maximum sensitivity. When a constant vacuum of 46 cm Hg
(18 inch Mercury) is applied for 15 seconds, the vacuum should not drop below 41 cm Hg
(16 inch Mercury). A gauge reading of less than 41 cm Hg (16 inch Mercury) can have enough
magnitude to affect valve life.

1. Plug in the inlet for the vacuum, and pull out the trigger for the air supply.

2. Back out the adjustment screw until maximum vacuum is attained. The maximum reading
should be less than 38 cm Hg (15 inch Mercury).

3. Turn the adjustment screw inward until a drop in vacuum of 2.5 cm Hg (1 inch Mercury)
occurs. The minimum adjusted set point is now 35.5 cm Hg (14.0 inch Mercury).

4. Tighten the nylon jam nut to prevent any air leaks from giving a false leakage reading.

5. After adjusting the screw for sensitivity has been adjusted, attach the correct adapter to
the vacuum tester.

6. Place the adapter over the valve to be tested.

7. Hold the trigger for the air supply in the open position for a minimum of 15 seconds.
Note: Make sure that the adapter is in full contact with the combustion area of the
cylinder head.

8. The seal between the valve and the valve seat is not acceptable if the gauge indicates a
reading less than the Test Specification in Table 116. The Maximum Capability of the Gun
determines the Test Specification that should be applied.

9. Apply slight pressure with a press the top of the valve stem and test again.

10. If the gauge still indicates a low reading, the valve must be removed and the sealing
surfaces must be inspected. Grinding or lapping the valve seat or the valve face again
might also be necessary.

Specifications for Testing by Vacuum

Adjusted Test
Capability of
Set Point Specification
the Gun

53 cm Hg (21 inch Mercury) 51 cm Hg (20 inch Mercury)

42 cm Hg
(16.5 inch Mercury) 169/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

52 cm Hg 49.5cm Hg
41 cm Hg (16 inch Mercury)
(20.5 inch Mercury) (19.5 inch Mercury)
51 cm Hg (20 inch Mercury) 48 cm Hg (19 inch Mercury) 41 cm Hg (16 inch Mercury)
49.5 cm Hg 47 cm Hg 39 cm Hg
(19.5 inch Mercury) (18.5 inch Mercury) (15.5 inch Mercury)
48 cm Hg (19 inch Mercury) 46 cm Hg (18 inch Mercury) 38 cm Hg (15 inch Mercury)
47 cm Hg 44.5 cm Hg 37 cm Hg
(18.5 inch Mercury) (17.5 inch Mercury) (14.5 inch Mercury)
35.5 cm Hg
46 cm Hg (18 inch Mercury) 43 cm Hg (17 inch Mercury)
(14.0 inch Mercury)
44.5 cm Hg 42 cm Hg 35.5 cm Hg
(17.5 inch Mercury) (16.5 inch Mercury) (14.0 inch Mercury)
43 cm Hg (17 inch Mercury) 41 cm Hg (16 inch Mercury) 33 cm Hg (13 inch Mercury)
42 cm Hg 39 cm Hg 32 cm Hg
(16.5 inch Mercury) (15.5 inch Mercury) (12.5 inch Mercury)
32 cm Hg
41 cm Hg (16 inch Mercury) 38 cm Hg (15 inch Mercury)
(12.5 inch Mercury)
39.4 cm Hg 37 cm Hg 30.5 cm Hg
(15.5 inch Mercury) (14.5 inch Mercury) (12.0 inch Mercury)
35.5 cm Hg
38 cm Hg (15 inch Mercury) 29 cm Hg (11.5 inch Mercury)
(14.0 inch Mercury)

Table 116

Probable Causes of Leaks

Incorrect texture of valve face or contact area of the valve seat

The valve seat is improperly installed or the valve seat is not seated in the head (Incorrect
Total Indicator Readout).

Damaged valve face

Debris between valve face and valve seat

Damaged contact area of the valve seat

Bent valve

Cracked valve face or valve seat

Reusing Cylinder Head Bolts for 3500

3500 cylinder head bolts may be reused for a maximum of five standard rebuilds. The cylinder
head bolts must be inspected for cracks and wear during each rebuild. For the inspection
procedure, refer to Reuse And Salvage Guideline, SEBF8301, "Inspection and Reuse of
Critical Fasteners Used in All Engines".

Reworking Cylinder Head Bolt Holes for 3500

This procedure machines a radius around the edges of the surface for combustion of the three
bolt holes for the cylinder head. Cracks can originate from these three holes as a result of high
operating temperatures. Machining a radius around these holes can greatly reduce the
potential for cracks. These cracks could lead to failure of the cylinder head.

This procedure can only be used on heads that do not have cracks. If cracks are present, the
cracks will appear on the combustion side of the head. The cracks will radiate outward from the
bolt hole. If cracks are found anywhere in the cylinder head, the cylinder head must not be
used again.

Hole Location for the Cylinder Head Bolt 170/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 297 g06189556

The location of the three bolt holes that should be reworked.
(10) Top position
(11) Middle position
(12) Lower position


Illustration 298 g06189557

Profile of the holes to be reworked
(13) Radius
Machine a 1.9 ± .3 mm (0.07 ± 0.01 inch) radius at location (13).

Illustration 299 g01298672

The enlarged section of radius at location (14) Refer to Illustration 298.

(C) 23.25 mm (0.915 inch) maximum

(D) 0.5 mm (0.02 inch)

(E) 1.9 ± 0.3 mm (0.07 ± 0.01 inch) radius

(14) Remove the area of the crosshatch by using a 4C-8624 mandrel.

Rework Procedure
1. Put 4C-3845 Grinding Wheel in the chuck of the air drill or in the chuck of the electric drill.

2. Operate the drill at full rated speed and lightly insert the mounted point into the bolt hole.

3. Apply a steady pressure that is equal to two times the weight of the drill for one and one
half to two seconds. This should create a 0.5 mm (0.02 inch) chamfer on the edge of the 

bolt hole. 171/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

4. Ensure that the chamfered diameter is not larger than 23.25 mm (0.915 inch) (C).

5. Repeat this procedure for each bolt hole.

Note: The bolt hole at the middle position may already have a chamfered diameter on
some cylinder heads. This diameter may be larger than 23.25 mm (0.915 inch) (C). Do
not add an extra chamfer to this hole. Polish the hole with the reconditioning tool that is
described in the following procedure:

6. After all the holes have been reworked to have smooth corners put 4C-8629 Mandrel and
4C-8624 Mandrel in the drill.

7. Operate the drill in a clockwise direction at full rated speed. Insert the drill halfway into the
bolt hole. Apply light pressure to the chamfered edge of the hole. Steadily increase the
pressure to flex the arms of the drill into the hole.

8. Insert the drill and remove the drill from each hole several times. Continue to perform this
procedure until the edges of the chamfers are removed, and a smooth radius and a
polished radius is formed.

9. Clean the cylinder head thoroughly before putting the cylinder head back into service.

Inspection and Repair Procedure for the

Saddle of the Rocker Arm Shaft in C15, C16,
C18, 3406E, C27, C32, and 3456 Engines
Inspection Procedure
1. Fix the indicator and the surface probe to the 90° holding block. Find the area that is
unworn between the saddle of the rocker shaft and the rocker arm shaft. Remove the
burrs by lightly filing the edges at the top of the saddle on the rocker shaft. Set the
indicator on the milled face of the head over the saddle of the rocker shaft. Locate the
lowest point of the saddle by moving the block back and forth. Ensure that the block is
perpendicular to the axis of the camshaft. Zero the indicator. Move the indicator back and
forth to recheck the zero. If necessary, reset the indicator to zero.

2. When the indicator is reset move the indicator to the worn portion of the saddle of the
rocker shaft at the end of the rocker arm shaft. Again, move the block back and forth to
make sure that the block is perpendicular to the axis of the camshaft. Record the lowest
negative number as the maximum amount of wear. The lowest number will be the lowest

3. Repeat the procedure to measure the worn portion of the saddle at both edges of the
support for the center of the rocker arm shaft, and the worn portion of the saddle at the
opposite end of the rocker arm shaft.

Illustration 300 g06278535

Places to measure 172/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Illustration 301 g06278533

Move the gauge back and forth to zero the gauge and measure the wear step.

Illustration 302 g06241147

Callout (B) shows a maximum of 3 mm (0.118 inch) is allowed around the bolt hole.
Note: If the rocker arm shaft saddle has a wear step of 0.10160 mm (0.004 inch) or more the
head must be repaired by skim cutting the saddle area using a 40.0 ± 0.12 mm
(1.57480 ± 0.00472 inch) ball mill.

The maximum allowable depth from the flats on both sides of the rocker valley to the bottom of
the rocker valley is 12.702 mm (0.50008 inch).

Illustration 303 g06241135 173/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

While using a coordinate measuring machine measurement, (C) should be a minimum of 86.66 mm (3.41180 inch).
For proper measurement of (C) use surface (D) and not surface (E)

Thermal Spray Procedures for Cylinder Head

Part Description
Base Metal Cast Iron
ACERT: 196-254 BHN
Hardness C27 and C32: Brinell 3.8 - 4.3 mm (0.15 - 0.17 inch)
C175: 170-230 BHN

Table 117

Arc Spray Equipment and Procedure

ACERT: 1.6 µm (63 µinch)
Maximum Surface C27 and C32: Brinell 1.6 µm (63 µinch)
Texture C175: 0.8 µm (32 µinch)
MHI 3044-3066 - (-)
Reason for
Wear, erosion, head dimension under minimum due to rework
Mating Part
Contact Area & Head gasket
Arc Spray
SmartArcby Oerlikon Metco, TAFA 8830 MHU, or TAFA 8835 MHU
Equipment Type
Wire TAFA 60T Wire Top Coat, TAFA 75B Bond Coat
Finish Thickness 0.25 ± 0.38 mm (0.010 ± 0.015 inch)
Machine 0.64 mm (0.025 inch) Grind 0.51 mm (0.020 inch)
Spray Angle 90°
Substrate Pre-
Heat 66.0° C (150° F) Do not direct arc on area to be sprayed
148.0° C (300° F)
During Spraying
Not to Exceed
Auxiliary Cooling Filtered shop air
Undercut and grit blast
If the entire head gasket-mating surface is to be arc sprayed, some shops
prefer to pre-grind the head. Remove any major damage. Allowing for a
minimum 0.25 mm (0.010 inch) coating, reduces technique dependency
in producing an even coating and reduces material cost and finish
grinding time.
Milling Machine
Cutting Tool
Blast Media
Pressure Type Only (Aluminum Oxide Grit)
Standard head and block grinder
Norton 32A 46-H8VBE
A low spot ONLY repair should not be considered unless at least
Remarks 0.05 - 0.08 mm (0.002 - 0.003 inch) can be removed from the head
thickness during the finishing operation.

Table 118

Arc Spray Procedure
Clean Part Degrease in hot Aluminum safe cleaner
If the entire head gasket-mating surface is to be arc sprayed,
some shops prefer to pre-grind the head. Remove any major
Undercut damage. Allowing for a minimum 0.25 mm (0.010 inch) coating,
reduces technique dependency in producing an even coating and 

reduces material cost and finish grinding time. 174/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

All edges must have at least 0.79 -1.58 mm (0.031 - 0.062 inch)
Remove Oxide Use fiber flap brush or Clean/strip disc
Clean Spray
Commercial degreaser
Mask for Grit
Use rubber or metal mask
Grit Blast
Pressure type only
Grit Type and
20 mesh aluminum oxide
Blast Air
690 kPa (100.0 psi)
Blast Nozzle to
51 mm to 150 mm (2.0 inch to 6.0 inch)
Work Distance
Remove Blast
Make sure that surface is clean
Mask for Metal
Anti-Bond or Blue Layout Dye
Metal Spray
Equipment Smart Arc byOerlikon Metco TAFA
275 kPa (40 psi)
415 kPa (60 psi) 415 kPa (60 psi)
Arc Load
30V 30V
Amps 125 Amps 150 Amps
Gun to Work
Distance 128 mm (5.0 inch) 128 mm (5.0 inch)
Rate/Bond 0.038 mm (0.0015 inch)/pass 0.038 mm (0.0015 inch)/pass
275 kPa (40 psi)
415 kPa (60 psi) 415 kPa (60 psi)
Arc Load
30V 31V
Amps 150 Amps 175 Amps
Gun to Work
Distance 76 mm (3.0 inch) 76 mm (3.0 inch)
Rate/Build 0.038 mm (0.0015 inch)/pass 0.038 mm (0.0015 inch)/pass
91.4 SMPM (300.00 SFPM)
Speed of Part
Traverse Rate
12.2 SMPM (40.00 SFPM)
of Gun
Gun Fixturing
Machine mount or hand held
Head and block grinder, milling machine
Rotation 50 SMPM (150 SFPM)
Rotation 75 SMPM (250 SFPM)
Coolant Oil base synthetic - 40:1 ratio
Traverse Speed 0.30 mm (0.012 inch) 175/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Depth of Rough
0.51 mm (0.020 inch)
Depth of Finish
0.25 mm (0.010 inch)

Table 119

- METCO Anti-Bond should be applied at least 76 mm (3.0 inch) wide around the blasted area.

- The valve seat areas, casting relief areas, and dowel pin holes can be masked with METCO
Anti-Bond, silicon rubber, bulk ceramic fiber, or a combination of these materials.

- Grind coating back to base on edges where possible.

- Pressure flush head with high-pressure water and wash to remove all grit.

Flame Spray Equipment and Procedure

ACERT: 1.6 µm (63 µinch)
Maximum C27 and C32: Brinell 1.6 µm (63 µinch)
Surface Texture C175: 0.8 µm (32 µinch)
MHI 3044-3066 - (-)
Reason for
Wear, erosion, head dimension under due to rework
Mating Part
Contact Area & Head gasket
Metco Equipment
6P-II by Oerlikon Metco
Metco Material Metco 453
Finish Thickness 0.25 ± 0.38 mm (0.010 ± 0.015 inch)
Machine 0.64 mm (0.025 inch) Grind 0.51 mm (0.020 inch)
Spray Angle 90°
Substrate Pre-
Heat 66.0° C (150° F) Do not direct flame on area to be sprayed
148° C (300° F)
During Spraying
Not to Exceed
Auxiliary Cooling If desired
Lathe or headstock/tailstock arrangement, rotary turntable
91.4 SMPM (300.00 SFPM)
Grit Blast
If the entire head gasket-mating surface is to be arc sprayed, some shops
prefer to pre-grind the head. Remove any major damage. Allowing for a
minimum 0.25 mm (0.010 inch) coating, reduces technique dependency in
producing an even coating and reduces material cost and finish grinding
Finishing Method Machine
Norton 23A 30E12VBEP or SGL abrasive HSA24F13-VKP
Milling machine or Lathe
Equipment Type
Sandvik 310-K-10 LNCK, C2, 883 Carboloy, or equivalent
Cutter Grade
A low spot ONLY repair should not be considered unless at least
Remarks 0.05 - 0.08 mm (0.002 - 0.003 inch) can be removed from the head
thickness during the finishing operation.

Table 120

Flame Spray Check

Process (6P) List
Clean Part Degrease in hot caustic solution 176/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

If the entire head gasket-mating surface is to be arc sprayed,

some shops prefer to pre-grind the head. Remove any major
Undercut damage. Allowing for a minimum 0.25 mm (0.010 inch) coating,
reduces technique dependency in producing an even coating
and reduces material cost and finish grinding time.
All edges must have at least 0.79 -1.58 mm (0.031 - 0.062 inch)
Remove Oxide Use fiber flap brush or Clean/strip disc
Clean Spray Area Metco cleaning solvent or equivalent
Mask for Blast Duct tape
Blast Equipment Pressure type only
Grit Type and
24 mesh aluminum oxide
Blast Air Pressure 690 kPa (100.0 psi)
Blast Nozzle to
51 mm to 150 mm (2.0 inch to 6.0 inch)
Work Distance
Remove Blast
Remove mask, make sure that surface is clean
Mask for Spray Metco Antibond or blue layout dye
Spray Equipment
6P-II Hand Held Thermo Spray System by Oerlikon Metco
Auxiliary Cooling If desired
Nozzle 6P-7CA-K "K" Nozzle
6P-3/Cooling air 140 - 170 kPa (20.0 - 25.0 psi)
Oxygen Pressure 210 kPa (30.0 psi)
Oxygen Flow 1190 L/h (42.0 cfh)
Fuel Gas
100 kPa (15.0 psi)
Fuel Gas Flow 1415 L/h (50.0 cfh)
Carrier Gas
380 kPa (55.0 psi)
Carrier Gas Flow 1050 L/h (37.0 cfh)
Spray Rate/Build
5.5 kg (12.00 lb) per hour or 90 gr (3.2 oz) per minute
Gun to Work
230 mm (9.0 inch)
Rotation Speed of
91.4 SMPM (300.00 SFPM)
Traverse Rate of
15.24 SMPM (50.00 SFPM)
Gun Fixturing
Machine mount or hand held
0.10 mm to 0.15 mm (0.004 inch to 0.006 inch) per pass
Head or block grinder, milling machine
91.4 SMPM (300.00 SFPM)
Traverse Speed 0.05 mm (0.002 inch) to 0.10 mm (0.004 inch) per revolution
Depth of Rough 0.03 mm (0.001 inch) to 0.05 mm (0.002 inch), 0.25 mm
Cut (0.010 inch) to 0.38 mm (0.015 inch)
Depth of Finish 0.03 mm (0.001 inch), 0.13 mm (0.005 inch) to 0.25 mm
Cut (0.010 inch)
Additional Finish
Emery cloth for desired finish

Table 121

- METCO Anti-Bond should be applied at least 76 mm (3.0 inch) wide around the blasted area.

- The valve seat areas, casting relief areas, and dowel pin holes can be masked with METCO
Anti-Bond, silicon rubber, bulk ceramic fiber, or a combination of these materials.

- Grind coating back to base on edges where possible.

- Pressure flush head with high-pressure water and wash to remove all grit. 177/178
10/8/2020 SIS 2.0

Storage Procedures
Proper protection of the cylinder head from corrosion is important. Corrosion will start in as little
as one hour after the cylinder head has been cleaned.

When the cylinder head will not be inspected for one hour or less the cylinder head should be
coated with a rust or corrosion inhibitor or coated with clean engine oil. The cylinder head
should be individually wrapped to prevent contamination, and the cylinder head should be
stored in a protected area to avoid damage. See Illustration 304.

When the cylinder head will not be inspected in two days or more the cylinder head should be
coated with a rust or corrosion inhibitor or coated with clean engine oil and the cylinder head
should be placed in a container which is clean and structurally solid. The container should be
covered or wrapped in plastic to prevent damage and contamination to the cylinder head. See
Illustration 305.

Refer to SEHS9031Special Instruction, "Storage Procedure for Caterpillar Products" for more

Illustration 304 g06278538

Example of protection for a component that is stored for a shorter term

Illustration 305 g06278539

Example of protection for a component that is stored for a longer period 178/178

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