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Learn that every human being has rights and that these serve to protect us from injustice
and help us live better in society.

★ start the project askings students what is a right then read the following definition:

Rights are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement; that is, rights

are the fundamental normative rules about what is allowed of people or owed to

people according to some legal system, social convention, or ethical theory. Rights

are of essential importance in such disciplines as law and ethics, especially theories

of justice and deontology.

After they are clear about what a right is, I will socialize about 19 family rights and as

a final activity I will ask each one to choose a right and explain its importance.

1. Derecho a una vida libre de violencia.

2. Derecho a la participación y representación de sus miembros.

3. Derecho a un trabajo digno e ingresos justos.

4. Derecho a la salud plena y a la seguridad social.

5. Derecho a la educación con igualdad de oportunidades, garantizando los

derechos a la asequibilidad, adaptabilidad, accesibilidad y aceptabilidad, en

condiciones de universalidad, equidad, calidad y gratuidad.

6. Derecho a la recreación, cultura y deporte.

7. Derecho a la honra, dignidad e intimidad.

8. Derecho de igualdad.

9. Derecho a la armonía y unidad.

10. Derecho a recibir protección y asistencia social cuando sus derechos sean

vulnerados o amenazados.

11. Derecho a vivir en entornos seguros y dignos.

12. Derecho a decidir libre y responsablemente el número de hijos.

13. Derecho a la orientación y asesoría en el afianzamiento de la relación de pareja.

14. Respeto y libertad en la formación de los hijos de acuerdo a sus principios y


15. Derecho al respeto recíproco entre los miembros de la familia.

16. Derecho a la protección del patrimonio familiar.

17. Derecho a una alimentación que supla sus necesidades básicas.

18. Derecho al bienestar físico, mental y emocional.

19. Derecho a recibir apoyo del Estado y la Sociedad para el cuidado y atención de

personas adultas mayores.

GOAL Learn that the environment is being destroyed by us and we must be aware that this
damage will affect us a lot if we do not do something soon.

★ Project a video showing the importance of caring for our environment by

planting trees. This project will be carried out in the following way, with the plastic

bottles that are daily in the school. We will cut them in half and we will make the

containers to plant the trees. This activity will be carried out with each group. After it

has germinated each student will take it home and in the company of their parents

they will plant it in a great place so that they can grow and help the planet and we will

create awareness about how simple and easy we can do to help our planet.

GOAL indicator
The students realize that free time is a resource that they often have but that they must
learn how to use it correctly.


learn what free time is and how they can take advantage of it.

★ Ask the students what free time is about and how we can use it wisely. After
listening to their answers I will talk to them about the importance of using free time.

Finally each student has to write in their notebook what way he or she uses or would

use his/ her free time. After listening to some answers we will make a poster with

some activities they wrote.

Learn to play a musical instrument

Learn a language

Learn to cook

write a book or story

learn sign language

Play board-games

Read books

Read reports and world news

Learn to draw

Model figures in clay or cold porcelain



Solve puzzles and sudokus

practicing any sport


understand that each person is different therefore we must learn to respect those differences
in addition to respecting those differences you strengthen friendly ties.

Through this activity, it will promote and strengthen identity, interpersonal

relationships between children through a juice called ruleta, which each time it is

turned will teach a value related to democracy, respect and tolerance.


understand that each person is different therefore we must learn to respect those differences
in addition to respecting those differences you strengthen friendly ties.

Project a video which explains how we should protect our bodies from a

young age in order to avoid any type of sexual abuse, as well as

understanding when to do it.


GOAL Learn that traffic signals were created to help and protect all people and that it is
important that each of them comply with them for the good of society.

Build a road zone on the fields with different traffic signals such as traffic lights, pairs,

zebras, turn right, no turning, among others, use some to make a cardboard car to

simulate that we are on the road and how we should act. The next link will show in

crystal clear way what this project is going to be carried out.

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