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-para hablar de acciones habituales o rutinas : we go to school every day (vamos a la escuela todos los días)
-para hablar de hechos generales o científicos: Water boils at 100º C (el agua hierve a 100º C)
-con stative verbs: this cake tastes good (este pastel tiene buen sabor)
-para hablar de horarios y programas: the train leaves at 5.30 pm (el tren sale a las 5:30 de la tarde)

VERBOS TO BE Y TO HAVE (dos excepciones a la regla que se va a ver):

TO BE(ser o estar) TO HAVE (tener)

I am I am not Am I…? I have I have not Have I…?
You are You are not Are you…? You have You have not Have you…?
He/She/It is He/She/It is not Is he/she/it…? He/She/It has He/She/It has not Has he/she/it…?
We are We are not Are we…? We have We have not Have we…?
You are You are not Are you…? You have You have not Have you…?
They are They are not Are they…? They have They have not Have they…?

FORMACIÓN DEL PRESENTE SIMPLE DE TODOS LOS DEMÁS VERBOS: ejemplo con el verbo “ to play” (jugar):

I play I don’t play Do I play…? Yes, I do No, I don’t
You play You don’t play Do you play…? Yes, you do No, you don’t
He/She/It plays He/She/It doesn’t play Does He/She/It play…? Yes, He/She/It does No, He/She/It doesn’t
We play We don’t play Do we play…? Yes, we are No, we don’t
You play You don’t play Do you play…? Yes, you are No, you don’t
They play They don’t play Do they play…? Yes, they are No, they don’t

En la F.A:
-Se forma la F.A poniendo la forma base (el infinitivo sin “to”) en todas las personas menos la 3ª persona del singular a la que hay
que añadir una “s”.
-Para los verbos que acaban en “o”, “ss”, “x”, “sh”, “ch”, se añade “es”: he goes, he dresses, he teaches…
-Para los verbos que acaban en “consonante + y”, hay que cambiar la “y” por una “i” y añadir “es”: he tries, she studies…
-Para los verbos que acaban en “vocal + y”, no hay ningún cambio, sigue la regla: he plays, she buys…
En la F.N:
-Se pone “don’t” delante del verbo salvo para la 3ª persona del singular que hay que poner “doesn’t”. NO HAY QUE TOCAR AL
En la F.I:
-Se forma poniendo: Do/Does + sujeto + verbo en la forma base.

ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY (adverbios de frecuencia):


Always: siempre
Los adverbios de frecuencia se colocan entre el sujeto y del
Usually: habitualmente, generalmente verbo.
Often: a menudo Ej: I seldom watch TV (apenas veo la televisión)

Sometimes: a veces Pero hay que tener cuidado, si se usa el verbo “to be”, dicho
adverbio se coloca detrás del verbo.
Rarely: rara vez Ej: Jake is always nice (Jake siempre es simpático)
Seldom: apenas
Si queremos hacer preguntas con un adverbio de frecuencia:
Hardly ever: casi nunca Do/Does+sujeto+adverbio+forma base+complementos.
Ej:Do you always have breakfast?
Never: nunca

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TIME EXPRESSIONS (expresiones de tiempo):


Once a day/week/month/year: une vez al día, a la semana, al

mes, al año
Twice a day/week/month/year: dos veces al día, a la semana, al Indican con que frecuencia se suele hacer ciertas acciones
mes, al año habituales

Three times a day/week/month/year: tres veces al día, a la Se colocan al final de la frase y a veces al principio
semana, al mes, al año
Four times a day/week/month/year: cuatro veces al día, a la Ej: She studies English three times a week (ella estudia inglés
semana, al mes, al año etc… tres veces a la semana)
Every morning/afternoon/night: todas las mañanas, tardes,
All the time: todo el tiempo
Very often: muy a menudo
Every day: todos los días
In the morning/afternoon/evening: por la mañana, tarde, noche
On Monday, Tuesday…: el lunes,martes….
On Mondays, Tuesday…: los lunes, martes…
At the weekend/at the weekends: el fin de semana, los fines de
At seven o’clock: a las 7 en punto
In January, February…: en enero, febrero…

QUESTIONS WORDS ( palabras interrogativas):


What: qué o cuál?

What time: qué hora/a qué hora? Son palabras que se colocan al principio de las preguntas y
sirven para preguntar. Pero no todas las preguntas las llevan.
What colour: qué color?
What nationality: qué nacionalidad?
Which: cuál?
En el caso de que se tenga que utilizar:
Where: dónde?
Interrogativo + do/does + sujeto + forma base + demás
When: cuándo? complementos
Who: quién? Ej: Where do you live?
Who…for: para quién? Ej: How often do you go to the cinema?
Who…with: con quién?
Why: por qué?
How: cómo? Cuidado: Para saber si se usa WHAT o bien WHICH:
How old: qué edad? Usamos WHAT cuando tenemos muchas opciones para elegir y
How tall: cuánto alto? WHICH cuando el número de elecciones es limitado o
How often: con qué frecuencia?
How long: cuánto tiempo?
How far: cómo de lejos?
How much: cuánto/a? (con incontables)
How many: cuántos/as (con contables)
Whose: de quién?

Página 2

Como indican más un estado que una acción, se usan casi siempre en presente simple. Están relacionados con:
-las emociones y los sentimientos: dislike (disgustar), hate (odiar), hope (esperar), like (gustar), love (encantar), want (querer algo),
prefer (preferir)
-el pensamiento y la opinión: believe (creer), forget (olvidar), guess (adivinar), know (saber), remember (acordarse), think (pensar),
understand (comprender)
-la percepción y los sentidos: feel (sentir/se), hear (oir, escuchar), see (ver), smell (oler), taste (saber), touch (tocar)
-los precios y las medidas: cost (costar, valer), weigh (pesar), measure (medir)
-la posesión: belong (pertenecer), have (tener)


1.Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

-The English drink tea. -The Earth moves around the Sun.
-Spring begins on March 21st -Simon collects stamps.
-Every morning, he works in the garden. -We usually meet Maria at the tennis club.
-On Saturdays, my neighbour washes his car. - You use a computer to make exercises.
-Your father reads the Observer every Sunday. -The kids hurry to open their presents.
-They often wait for her. -Bill plays the piano with his daughter.
-The cat often tries to catch a bird -I write to my English friends every week.
-Betty likes animals. -Roberto does the shopping every morning.
-They want to sell their house. - Every morning, the bird sings.
-It usually snows here in the winter. -Judith walks to school every day.
-I like a big breakfast every morning. -I often look for my glasses.
-The film starts very early. -The pupils always listen to their teacher.
-He swims every morning. -She always wears a hat.
-They always open the window at night. -We go to the pictures every Saturday evening.
-Chris goes on holiday every year. - We have dinner at 8 on weekdays.
-You drive very fast. -You travel to Rome once a month.
-These Young children learn very quickly - María and Silvia tidy their room twice a week.
-Dad smokes a cigar after lunch. -On Sundays, I play sport with my cousin.
-The Parkers spend the summer in the Caribbean islands. -In the morning, I call to my best friend in order to go
together to school.
-People suffer from stress.
-I hardly ever go to disco.
-Mr. Thompson resides at 1015 Greenway Avenue.
-William reads a book three times a week.
-It snows a lot in Sweden.
-She wants to marry Jack.
-Tom visits her mother every Friday.
-My sister prefers some tea.
-Stella returns to the office at 12:30.
-He spends his Sunday afternoons watching tv.
-William washes his car every morning after having
breakfast. -I love football.
-Mary hates listening to music. -Mary and her familly hate going to the mountains.
-Claire gets up at 7:30. -The shops open at nine o’clock.
-Water freezes at 0ºC. -Julie drinks tea very often.
My mother and I take an hour for lunch. -It takes me an hour to go to school.

Página 3

2.Give a question for the underlined words.

-The car costs around 7,000 pounds.

-I speak to my English teacher every day.
-I go to France at Christmas.
-He has an English lesson at 6 o’clock in the afternoon.
- We have a problem.
-Helen is 26 years old.
-His eyes are brown.
-He goes to school at a quarter to nine.
-María is 1metre 70.
-The Amazon is the longest river in Brazil.(pocos)
-I use my car every day
- He goes to school at nine o’clock.
- Carol’s party is great.
-It’s David’s car.
-He likes rock and roll.
-Roberto and Lidia are French.
-I want to buy a dress.
-I study a lot because I want to pass the exam.
-Studying English is easy.
-She lives in Motril with her boyfriend.
-I have two brothers.Raul and Sergio.
-His name is Sebastián.
-It takes him twenty minutes to go to work.
-The station is about two kilometres from here.
-Mount Everest is nearly 9000 metres.
-My new camera is blue.
-This house is big.
-It’s a small size.
-She gets up at 6 o’clock every morning.
-Alberto and Juan play football in the park.
- Alberto and Juan play football in the park.
-My favourite Singer is Bono.
-I never clean my bedroom.
- We live with my parents.
-I see my best friend on Saturdays.
-The meal is 10 euros.
- My cousin likes going to the cinema.
-My favourite sport is tennis.
-My party is on 6th May.
-We brush our teeth three times a day.
-This dog is mine.
-I read this book because my aunt offers me it.

Página 4

-I have one hundred books in my bookcase.

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