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-para decir lo que está pasando en el momento de hablar: I’m speaking with my brother (estoy hablando con mi hermano)
-para expresar acciones prolongadas que están ocurriendo en un presente más amplio: I’m learning Italian this year (estoy
aprendiendo italiano este año)
-para hablar de cosas que vamos a hacer en un futuro próximo y que se hará con toda seguridad porque lo hemos fijado de
antemano: I’m meeting Martin tonight (me voy a encontrar con Martin esta noche)

FORMACIÓN DEL PRESENTE CONTINUO: ejemplo con el verbo “to play”: jugar.

I’m playing I ‘m not playing Am I playing…? Yes, I am No, I am not
You are playing You aren’tplaying Are you playing…? Yes, you are No, you are not
He/She/It is playing He/She/It isn’t playing Is He/She/It playing…? Yes, He/She/It is No, He/She/It is not
We are playing We aren’t playing Are we playing…? Yes, we are No, we are not
You are playing You aren’t playing Are you playing…? Yes, you are No, you are not
They are playing They aren’t playing Are they playing…? Yes, they are No, they are not

En la F.A:
Se forma la F.A con el verbo “to be” en presente + un verbo al que añadimos “ing” siguiendo estas reglas ortográficas:
-a la mayoría de los verbos, se les añade “ing”.
-si termina en e muda, ésta desaparece: ride  riding
-si termina por y, se mantiene: study  studying
-si es de una sílaba y acaba en vocal+consonante, ésta se dobla, pero no la dobla si acaba en “w” o “x”: run  running,
Show  showing.
-si es bisílabo, y se pronuncia como palabra llana y se acaba por “l” o “p”, se dobla esas consonantes: travel  travelling,
Kidnap  kidnapping
-si acaba por “ie”, hay que cambiar esas dos letras por “y” y añadir “ing”: die dying.
En la F.N:
-Es lo mismo que en la forma afirmativa, lo único es poner el verbo “to be” en forma negativa.
En la F.I:
-Se forma de la misma manera que para la forma afirmativa, lo único es que hay que invertir el sujeto con el verbo “to be”.

TIME EXPRESSIONS (expresiones de tiempo):


Now: ahora
Right now: ahora mismo
Estas expresiones se colocan al principio o final de la frase
At the momento: en este momento
Ej: I’ m writing at the momento (estoy escribiendo en este
Today: hoy
At present: actualmente
This week/month/year: esta semana, este mes, este año… Se puede colocar expresiones como: “look!” (mira), “listen!”
(escucha) para dar a comprender que está ocurriendo ahora.
These days: estos días
Ej: Look! María is playing football (mira! María está jugando al

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Tonight:esta noche
Tomorrow: mañana
Se pueden utilizar estas expresiones para expresar acciones que
This afternoon: esta tarde van a ocurrir en un futuro próximo.
Next Sunday/week/month: el domingo/semana/mes que viene
Ej: I’m seeing the doctor this afternoon (esta tarde veré al
After tomorrow: pasado mañana médico)

QUESTIONS WORDS ( palabras interrogativas):


What: qué o cuál? Son palabras que se colocan al principio de las preguntas y
sirven para preguntar. Pero no todas las preguntas las llevan.
Where: dónde?
When: cuándo?
Who: quién?
En el caso de que se tenga que utilizar:
Who…for: para quién?
Interrogativo + “to be” en presente + sujeto + verbo con ing +
Who…with: con quién? demás complementos.
Why: por qué?
How: cómo? Ej: What are you doing? (¿Qué estás haciendo)
How many: cuántos/as (con contables)

Estos verbos no pueden casi nunca estar en presente continuo:
-las emociones y los sentimientos: dislike (disgustar), hate (odiar), hope (esperar), like (gustar), love (encantar), want (querer algo),
prefer (preferir)
-el pensamiento y la opinión: believe (creer), forget (olvidar), guess (adivinar), know (saber), remember (acordarse), think (pensar),
understand (comprender)
-la percepción y los sentidos: feel (sentir/se), hear (oir, escuchar), see (ver), smell (oler), taste (saber), touch (tocar)
-los precios y las medidas: cost (costar, valer), weigh (pesar), measure (medir)
-la posesión: belong (pertenecer), have (tener)


1.Make the following sentences negative and interrogative

- I’m drinking some tea. -It’s raining now.

-The population in the world is increasing very fast. -I’m looking at the bird in the tree.
-He is having a shower now. -We are leaving tomorrow.
-You are working hard. -Look! Jenny is going to London.
-He is working in the garden. -The children are helping their parents.
-At the moment, my neighbour is washing his car. -He is swimming with his brother.
-Your father is Reading the Observer. -They are opening the window because it’s hot.
-They are waiting for her. -Chris is playing the clarinet.
-The cat is trying to catch a bird. -You are driving very fast.

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-The Webbs are watching TV. - The birds are singing.

-Dad is smoking a cigar. -Judith is having breakfast.
-Grandfather is having a rest. -I’m looking for my glasses.
-The cat is lying on your bed. -The pupils are listening to their teacher.
-She is visiting her boyfriend tonight. -She is wearing a hat.
-It is snowing a lot in Sweden. -We are going to the pictures after tomorrow.
-I’m learning an English lesson. - I can’t do this now. We are having dinner.
-Stella is returning to the office. -You are travelling to Rome.
-William is telling the truth. - María and Silvia are tidying their room right now.
-Mary is wearing a black dress. - I’m playing sport with my cousin.
-Claire is getting better. - I’m calling to my best friend in order to go together to
-Mum is talking on the pone right now.
-I’ m dancing in the disco.
My mother and I are speaking with my father.
-William is reading a book in the living-room.
-The teacher is explaining something.
-The actors are Reading the story at the moment.
-Simon is walking in the street with his friends.
-The dog is playing with the ball.
-We are meeting Maria at the tennis club this afternoon.
-He is listening to this CD.
- You are using my computer now.
-Wendy is sitting in the library now.
-The kids are crying at the moment.
-I’m using that pen.
-Listen!Bill is playing the piano with his daughter.
-The teacher is helping you now.
-I’m writing to my English friends.
-Julie is having sándwiches and hamburgers.
-Roberto is doing the ironing.
-My parents are singing.

2.Give a question for the underlined words.

-they are building a house.
-I’m speaking to my English teacher.
-I’m going to Rome tomorrow.
-He is having an English lesson this afternoon.
- We are buying this book because we need it.
-Sting is singing on the radio
-He is going to France with his girlfriend.
-Paul is organizing the party.
-I’m seeing my son right now.
-Alberto and Juan are playing football in the park.
-You are telling the truth.
-Fred is coming tonight.
-My brother is working now.
-He is eating vegetables because her mother prepared them.
-Don’t make noise! Elisa and María are studying for an exam.
-I’m using my computer.
-This year, she is learning French.
-I’m beginning to enjoy my job now.
-You are trying to learn English.

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