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Renacimiento tradicional y cultural yoruba

Este sitio está dedicado a mostrar la rica historia yoruba y reflexionar profundamente sobre los conflictos inherentes
a nuestra vasta historia.

El Pasado Aare Ona Kakanfo de Yorubalandia

oloolutof 24 de noviembre de 2014 Sin categorizar

Aare Ona Kakanfo era un título otorgado al generalísimo, el general

de guerra durante el antiguo Imperio Oyo.

Un Aare Ona Kakanfo lideraría batallas, pelearía guerras, movilizaría

y entrenaría a "soldados" y conquistaría a los enemigos.

Are Ona Kakanfo fue creado para frenar los excesos y frecuentes
incursiones de Ibaribas en territorios Yoruba. Durante ese tiempo,
Ibaribas estaba aterrorizando a la nación yoruba y, cuando el
entonces Alaafin se dio cuenta de la naturaleza gigantesca del
problema, creó el título de Are Ona Kakanfo. Su deber era velar por
la patria con la ayuda de comandantes adjuntos que contaban con
un ejército especial.

El título de Aare Ona Kakanfo fue introducido hace cientos de años

en el país yoruba por el rey Ajagbo, quien gobernó hace más de 700
años. Ajagbo, como príncipe, formó parte de muchas expediciones
militares para repeler a los invasores, y creció como un guerrero,
mientras cultivaba ideas sobre la mejor manera de lidiar con la
agresión militar contra su reino-estado. Uno de los resultados
directos de sus ideas cuando se convirtió en Alaafin fue la creación
del cargo y título de Aare Ona Kakanfo, que significa Mariscal de
campo o Generalísimo de los ejércitos de Alaafin.

La introducción del título fue informada por la necesidad de

fortalecer el antiguo ejército precolonial del antiguo Imperio Oyo
que en un momento podía presumir de más de 100.000 jinetes.
Nació gemelo y tan sorprendente era el parecido entre él y su
hermano Ajampati que a menudo se confundía al uno con el otro, y
muy a menudo se rendían honores reales a este último como a su
hermano. Ajagbo también fue un príncipe guerrero: envió varias
expediciones. Alaafin Ajagbo tuvo la visión de organizar y construir
el sistema militar que hizo grandes contribuciones a la civilización
del mundo.

Para ser el Are Ona Kakanfo, debes ser un gran guerrero y muy
valiente. La creación del título detuvo la invasión de Yorubaland por
parte de agresores externos. El Are Ona Kakanfo era tan poderoso e
invencible que lucharía en varias guerras al mismo tiempo.

Alaafin Ajagbo desarrolló un sistema de gobierno que fue citado por

haber contribuido a la civilización humana y esto le dio a Yoruba un
lugar de honor en la comunidad de naciones. Fue el primero en
introducir una formación militar que vio el surgimiento del
Generalísimo de las fuerzas Yoruba. Cuando nombró a su amigo
Kokoro Igangan de Iwoye-Ile, quien era un estratega militar, como el
primer Aare Ona Kakanfo, ese es el Generalísimo del Ejército

La madre de Alaafin Ajagbo provenía de Iwere-Ile y la advertencia

que dio en la instalación del primer Aare Ona-Kakanfo fue que bajo
ninguna condición Aare debe hacer la guerra contra Iwere-Ile.
Cualquier Kankanfo que lo intente lo hace bajo su propio riesgo.
Otra severa advertencia que dio Oba Ajagbo fue que ningún Kakanfo
debería hacer la guerra o traicionar a Alaafin, quien es su benefactor.
Hacerlo equivaldrá a morderse el dedo que alimentó al Kakanfo y un
final espantoso le espera a cualquier Kakanfo que lo intente. En la
historia, dos Kakanfos habían intentado atacar el Alaafin y
terminaron como lo pronunció Ajagbo. Eran Kakanfo Afonja de
Ilorin, que atacó a Alaafin Aole Arogangan, y Kakanfo Kurunmi de
Ijaye, que atacó a Alaafin Adelu Agunloye en el presente
asentamiento de Oyo.

El reinado de Ajagbo fue muy largo, probablemente el más largo al

servicio de Alaafin. La historia cuenta que reinó durante unos 140
años. Como se dijo anteriormente, Alaafin Ajagbo Mogun-n-leti era
un rey muy poderoso y belicoso, y conquistó a muchas personas en
Occidente, incluidos los Popos y los Sabes (en la república de Benin).
Destruyó Iweme en el país Popo. Se dice que envió cuatro
expediciones a la vez; bajo Basorun, Agbakin, Kankafo y Asipa. No es
de extrañar, anhelaba un generalísimo para toda la nación yoruba.

Kakanfo, creado por Alaafin Ajagbo, es similar a un mariscal de

campo y se le otorga al mejor soldado y táctico del momento. Creó
setenta rangos en la formación militar yoruba; Dieciséis en la
División Superior y Cincuenta y cuatro en el Cuadro Inferior. Los
rangos/títulos de los comandantes de campo incluyen Bashorun,
Balogun, Jagun, Agba-Akin, Akogun, Olorogun, Oluogun, AareAgo y
muchos más. Alaafin Ajagbo también introdujo el sistema de
gabinete alrededor de 1640 en la constitución de los yoruba.

En tiempos recientes, la selección parece haber sido informada por

otras consideraciones, la principal de las cuales es la aceptabilidad
del líder entre una gran parte de la gente del suroeste y que dicho
líder sea aceptado como un liderazgo yoruba digno por otras
nacionalidades en Nigeria. .

Sus predecesores, desde Ajaka, que sucedió a Sango (el dios del
trueno), hasta Aganju, Kori, Oluaso, Onigbogi, Eguguojo y Orompoto
hasta Abipa y Obalokun, sufrieron incesantes ataques de los estados
vecinos. Después de crear el título de Kakanfo, confirió al poseedor
el mando de todas sus fuerzas, fuera de la ciudad de Oyo. Para la
defensa de la ciudad y los alrededores de Alaafin y Oyo, Ajagbo creó
una fuerza metropolitana que puso bajo el mando de Bashorun.

Los procedimientos y convenciones instituidos por Ajagbo y

fomentados por los sucesivos Alaafins probablemente fueron los
responsables de las místicas que rodearon el cargo y el título. En la
instalación, el rito principal que debe realizarse es la administración
de doscientas una (201) incisiones en el Kakanfo-designado. La
incisión se llama gbere, en yoruba, principalmente pequeños cortes
hechos con una navaja, desde la frente hacia atrás hasta la cintura.
Cada una de las 201 incisiones se frota con 201 preparaciones de
hierbas diferentes que se espera lleven el coraje y la valentía de los
Kakanfo a niveles sobrehumanos. Después de las incisiones, el
Kakanfo es "coronado" con un tocado especialmente hecho, que solo
él usa. Es, en Yoruba, llamado el Ojijiko.

Después de la instalación, Kakanfo deja Oyo, la ciudad de Alaafin por

su propio dominio; está prohibido que Kakanfo y Alaafin vivan
juntos en el mismo pueblo. Además, se requiere que Kakanfo haga la
guerra contra cualquier pueblo y territorio a instancias de Alaafin, y
se espera que gane o devuelva un cadáver.

Las circunstancias de la muerte de algunos Kakanfo del pasado

probablemente reforzaron la creencia de que hay una maldición
sobre el título; esto puede no ser así. De los 14 poseedores del título
hasta el momento, los primeros 12, desde Kokoro Gangan de Iwoye
hasta Momodu Obadoke Latoosa de Ibadan, eran comandantes
puramente militares. De estos, tres libraron guerras que impactaron
significativamente la historia del pueblo yoruba. Estos fueron
Kurunmi de Ijaye, Afonja de Ilorin y Obadoke Latoosa de Ibadan.

Los dos siguientes, Samuel Ladoke Akintola y Moshood Kasimawo

Olawale Abiola eran civiles; el título había retrocedido al pedestal
honorario después de los efectos de la colonización, el
establecimiento del gobierno indirecto y la creación de instituciones
militares de estilo occidental.

El hombre de valor se pondrá el traje eterno y recibirá el bastón de

guerra 'invencible', que son las insignias del antiguo título. Otras
insignias, que se llevará a casa, son el Ojijiko, un gorro hecho con las
plumas rojas de la cola del loro, con un saliente por detrás que llega
hasta la cintura; un delantal de piel de leopardo, una piel de
leopardo para sentarse siempre, y el asiso o coleta.

El Iku BabaYeye derramará sus bendiciones reales sobre el nuevo

Generalísimo en la sagrada ceremonia, que será coordinada por los
Oyomesi, los Esos, Ilaris, los miembros de los Ogboni, Osugbo y
Awo'pa. El evento histórico será presenciado por monarcas,
estadistas, políticos, altos funcionarios gubernamentales, capitanes
de la industria, líderes de grupos de autodeterminación y grupos de
mujeres y jóvenes.

En tiempos de paz, el Aare Ona Kankanfo es un título honorífico

otorgado a hombres valientes dignos del honor. Su jefatura de los
Esos palidece en el simbolismo. Todavía es venerado como el
Comandante. Pero, no hay una fuerza militar yoruba más

El Alaafin es el único gobernante tradicional en Yorubaland que

tiene el poder y la autoridad para otorgar el título. Su elección y
decisión no están sujetas a debate. Son incuestionables. El derecho
exclusivo puede colocar al muy reverenciado monarca en una
posición innegable y envidiable como Rey de los Yorubas, para
envidia de aquellos obsa que se hacen pasar por sus rivales.

En el extinto Imperio Oyo, los Basorun u Osorun y sus colegas

Agbakin, Samu, Alapinin, Laguna, Akiniku y Asipa, heredaron sus
títulos por nacimiento. Pero, el eminente historiador y sacerdote,
Samuel Johnson, describió el título de Aare Ona Kankanfo como
“una recompensa solo al mérito”. Solo los guerreros valientes eran
elegibles y se los consideraba capaces de resistir en las batallas. “Es
un título similar al de un mariscal de campo, y se le otorga al mejor
soldado y táctico del momento”, escribió.

La génesis del título Aare Ona Kakanfo.

El título de Are Ona Kakanfo fue creado para frenar los excesos y
frecuentes incursiones de Ibaribas en territorios yoruba. Durante ese
tiempo, Ibaribas estaba aterrorizando a la nación yoruba y, cuando
el entonces Alaafin se dio cuenta de la naturaleza gigantesca del
problema, creó el título de Are Ona Kakanfo. Su deber era velar por
la patria con la ayuda de comandantes adjuntos que contaban con
un ejército especial.

Los criterios para la selección del titular.

To be the Are Ona Kakanfo, you must be a great warrior and very
courageous. The creation of the title stopped the invasion of
Yorubaland by external aggressors. The Are Ona Kakanfo was so
powerful and invincible that he would fight several wars at the same
time. He never lost any battle. Due to his power, the Alaafin would
not allow him to live in the same town with him. The Aare Ona
Kakanfo normally lives in a commercial city.

The selection involves several rituals and there have been

speculations that the last two Kakanfos did not complete the ritual
circles. Samuel Johnson in his book treatise on the Kakanfo stated
that the Kakanfos are always shaved, but the hair on the inoculated
part is allowed to grow long, and when plaited, forms a tuft or sort of
pigtail, adding that Kakanfos are generally ‘very stubborn and

They have been more or less troublesome, due to the effect of the
ingredients they were inoculated with. In war they carry no weapon
but a weapon known as the King’s invincible staff.’ It is generally
understood that they are to give way to no one not even to the King,
their master. Hence, Kakanfos are never created in the capital but in
any other town in the Kingdom.

Kakanfo is akin to a field marshal and is conferred upon the greatest

soldier and tactician of the day. ‘By virtue of his office he is to go to
war once in 3 years to whatever place the King named, and dead or
alive, to return home a victor, or be brought home a corpse within
three months. Kakanfo usually has certain ensigns: The Ojijiko, and
a cap made of the red feathers of the parrots tail, with a projection
behind reaching as far down as the waist, an apron of leopards skin,
and a leopard skin to sit on always the Asiso or pigtail and the Staff

the following are the list of the past Fourteen Aare Ona Kakanfo
(from archive) that had been:

1. Kokoro igangan of Iwoye-Ketu,

2. Oyatope of Iwoye,

3. Oyabi of Ajase,

4. Adeta of Jabata,

5. Oku of Jabata,

6. Afonja l’aiya l’oko of ilorin,

7. Toyeje of Ogbomoso,

8. Edun of Gbogan,

9. Amepo of Abemo,

10. Kurumi of Ijaye,

11. Ojo Aburumaku of Ogbomoso (son of Toyeje)

12. Latoosa of Ibadan

13. Ladoke Akintola of Ogbomosho (the premier of western region

during the first republic.

14. MKO Abiola of Abeokuta.

15. Gani Adams of Arigidi-Akoko


Kakanfo Ojo Aburumaku had no war to fight. He fomented a civil

war in his native Ogbomoso which he then had a good sport of
putting down with severity. Afterall, he was Aare Onakakanfo, the
Supreme head of the Esos, the 70 military commanders who make
the Yoruba warrior caste.

“Eso Ikoyi won kii gbofa leyin

iwaju ni won fii gbota”.

Agba Ikoyi to gbojo iku toree gbalu.

Ikoyi Eso, arogun yo.

Kakanfo Kurumi was even more spectacular. He insisted that the

Aremo must die with the Alaafin according to tradition. The truth
was that he had been part of an earlier conference in which that
convention was abolished. To enforce his desire, he made war on the
rest of Oyo kingdom from his garrison city in Ijaye. His reputation as
a warrior was legendary. He is portrayed in art as a no-nonsense
nimble wit with a commanding presence. Aare Kurumi npe o, o
londifa. Bifa ba fore ti Aare o ba fore nko? There was no excuse for
refusing a call from the generalissimo. In a surgical commando
strike, Ibadan special forces attacked at night his troops in Iseyin
and wiped out the entire rear brigade.

All of Kurumi’s five children who were company commanders died

in that attack. Like his name, Aare Kurumi was ruined by death,
indeed. I-k –u-r-u-m-i. Kirunmis death was a mystery and it remains
an interesting debate amongst Yoruba historians till date. Many
assumes he committed suicide out of shame and frustration by
plunging into River Ose while some assumed he was killed by
invading enemies and buried by River Ose. Yet, some claimed he was
killed and brought home for burial, while a few section claimed he
had no burial site.

It must be acknowledged though that a few of the kakanfos had

glorious tenures. Oyabi was based in the garrison town of Jabata. He
kept off the internal strife of the kingdom with the wily Osorun Gaa
killing the Alaafins in quick succession until the reign of Adegoolu
who linked up with the military to destroy the prime minister. The
Eso were lead into the city like Caesar did across the Rubicon River
and Basorun Gaa was killed by Oyabi. Oyabi from Ajase lived long
and he was very loyal to Alaafin and the Oyo Empire. 

In Ibadan, the new city full of promise where Kakanfo Obadoke

Latoosa had taken up residence, the scourge of the notorious slave
dealer, Efunsetan Aniwura, was ended by the Aare Ona kakanfo.
However, even he Latoosa was victim of the mystique of the office of
supreme commander. Latoosa was confronted by a palace coup and
in very dramatic circumstances, he committed suicide. He had a
notorious slave according to history, who grew increasingly
disrespectful of the generals. Latoosa did not curb this behaviour
until the deputy commander, Balogun Ibikunle was insulted by the
slave. Ibikunle could not believe his eyes when Latoosa asked the
slave to state his side of the case like two equals squabbling.
Ibikunle simply beheaded the idiot there and then.

Latoosa then asked Ibikunle if he was ready to take the sceptre of

office, to which Ibikunle answered in the affirmative. There was no
negative response from the other commanders present. Latoosa had
overrated his own popularity. Depicted as an overbearing and
brutally magnificent warrior who went about like a masquerade, he
was stunned by the turn of events and swallowed poison. He simply
laid down and covered himself like one in sleep. Oyabi from Ajase
lived very long and he was very loyal to Alaafin and Oyo empire.
These and more are the intriguing story of Aare in the then old Oyo

Aare Afonja

oloolutof November 24, 2014 Uncategorized

Published by oloolutof
Urbanologist, Geographer, Traditionalist and Oral historian. ​I am a versatile,
personable, computer literate and goal – driven achiever. I have good
communication skill with ability to interact at different levels. I am self –
motivated, can easily assimilate new ideals and quite adaptive to work in different
environments. Studied in University of Jos, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife
and University of Calabar. View more posts

29 thoughts on “The Past Aare Ona Kakanfo

of Yorubaland”

napoleon olubunmi
November 28, 2014 at 2:56 pm

I’m in love with becoming an Aare Onakakanfo but I had that people from my area I.e.
Ekiti, Ondo and Edo don’t become one. why? If becoming one is not forbidden for my
people which means I can become one, what is the procedure?
 Liked by 1 person

March 31, 2020 at 7:15 pm

Gani Adams is from Ondo

 Like

October 12, 2021 at 7:17 am

We have one in one Ondo state and he is the current Aare Ona-Kakanfo GANI
ADAMS of Arigidi Akoko

 Liked by 1 person

Aare Olushola
October 25, 2017 at 9:08 pm

If the aforementioned stories of Aare Ona kakanfo is as mentioned,then what war did
Aare Ona kakanfo Abiola from Abeokuta fought that makes him qualify to be Aare? I
want to also know the list of war Gani Adam have fought to make him become Aare
ona Kakanfo

 Liked by 1 person

October 25, 2017 at 11:25 pm
The title is honorary now that the Yorubas are not at war. Starting from Akintola,
Abiola to Gani….their choice as Aare has been solely based on political and
traditional clout. These three modern day Aares are nonetheless field Marshalls in
their various chosen field of life.

 Liked by 1 person

October 26, 2017 at 7:03 am

The title is honorary now that the Yorubas are not at war. Starting from Akintola,
Abiola to Gani….their choice as Aare has been solely based on political and
traditional clout. These three modern day Aares are nonetheless field Marshalls in
their various chosen field of life.

 Liked by 1 person

January 24, 2018 at 8:12 pm

Its highly unlikely you’ll know what war Gani has fought to date, there is what is
called secrecy in what the likes of Gani does. Anyway, he is/was an OPC leader, if
you know what it entails and demands, you’ll know he does indeed have some Aare
qualities unlike Abiola who had nothing and should never have been an Aare.

 Liked by 1 person

June 5, 2019 at 7:00 am

Did u recall chief Abiola had two warrior staff, Basorun Ibadan, and aare
onakakanfo of Yoruba land. So remember wen Gen Babagida said he is going to
b first aare to run from war, he immediately bored plane and landed on dt
day. Abiola is a warrior

 Liked by 1 person

July 15, 2019 at 11:21 pm

Dont forget Gani Adams is a leader of OPC till date you can look at it from that

 Liked by 1 person

Aare Olushola
October 26, 2017 at 10:55 pm

Even its politicise,there are qualified people who can deter any aggressive from
Yoruba enemies or don’t you know there is?someone like me will never and ever
count on OPC because there are no time they helped issue than to add more. Go to
Ikorodu and see what Onyabo are doing see how they effectively conduct there
operation without any of their member involved him or herself in criminal activities
such as raping,rubbery,stealing etc, They are very obedient to the rule of law of their
land and also respect the law of the federation. Does that applicable to OPC?the
answer is obvious,then if no it would authenticate me to question Alafin why he
chooses Sir Ganiyu Adams as Aare Ona kakanfo

 Liked by 1 person

Aare Olushola
October 26, 2017 at 11:00 pm

If you can not disappear and reappear you are not qualify to be Aare Ona kakanfo

 Liked by 1 person

October 27, 2017 at 8:52 am
That was then. It’s no longer a criteria now. Thank you

 Liked by 1 person

Aare Olushola
December 21, 2017 at 10:22 pm

Alright sir, thank

 Like

January 24, 2018 at 8:20 pm

But, sir. i am guessing you still need to be as hot as our forefathers back in those
days to even be considered for a title such as the Aare. Leading the OPC does
mean Aare Gani does at least have loads of stuff in his armoury. I actually do
think if he had to disappear and reappear he wouldn’t have any trouble doing so

 Like

Olu Dare
May 26, 2020 at 1:13 am

That was then oo,se in this world of CCTV camera or what???if you disappeared
that camera will surely catch you …lol

 Liked by 1 person

January 12, 2018 at 10:34 am
Aside Oyo Alaafin, Iragberi and Gbongon both in Osun state are the two other towns
that can conferred the title

 Liked by 1 person

January 19, 2018 at 6:08 pm

God bless you sir. You really help us to know certain facts in
Yoruba history

 Liked by 1 person

January 20, 2018 at 11:20 pm

why is ogunmola not on the list? i learned he was the one that dethroned kurumi.

 Liked by 1 person

January 20, 2018 at 11:26 pm

Ogunmola was never an Aare. He only led ibadan warriors to Kurumi at the
instance of Alaafin.

 Like

February 22, 2018 at 10:01 pm
thanks sir,
A friend told me that if Aare meet any king from this south west, the monarch will
have to hail him as loogun o! and aare will remain standing and say oluwa mi. is that
not disrespectfull?

 Liked by 1 person

Saminu sodiq akanni

May 24, 2018 at 4:16 am

Oyabi,the third Aare OnaKakanfo is not from Ajase PR where you said he was
from.confirm the township of A are Oyabi very well and re- upgrade the story.Oyabi is
from Ofiki Iluku,Oyo state

 Liked by 1 person

May 24, 2018 at 7:27 am

Thank you. The exact correction will be made. We appreciate your inputs

 Like

June 13, 2018 at 9:14 pm

This is true history behide the legend.
Aare kunrumi left ijaye with two son and one grandson with three ijaye warriors and
two slave… Aare Kunrumi died and burried with two slave. Yoruba ni bi omo ba gbo
itan, ogbo aroba aroba baba itan…watch out for more true history of Aare Kunrumi..

 Liked by 1 person
Adabale Olamide
July 3, 2018 at 11:16 am

I still hold my position that the last Aare Ona Kakanfo after Ojo Aburumaru (Son of
Toyeje Akanni) who was Latoosa from Ibadan, there is no essence or relevance of
appointing any other Aare Ona Kakanfo.

 Like

January 16, 2019 at 9:53 am

the author narration about ibikune and ltoosa was not correct. Ibikunle oloke
agbagbase was the commander of Ibadan til 1864 while basorun Ogunmola whom
Lattosa was his captain ws the deputy to Ibikunle
the event in question was between Seriki Iyapo son of Ibikunle and latoosa

 Liked by 1 person

February 19, 2019 at 11:41 am

His predecessors, from Ajaka, who succeeded Sango (the god of thunder), to Aganju,
Kori, Oluaso, Onigbogi, Eguguojo, and Orompoto to Abipa and Obalokun, all suffered
incessant attacks by neighbouring states.

 Like

January 15, 2020 at 4:31 pm

We are not at war and beside slaves trading is over, so why still appointing persons to
occupy the position
 Liked by 1 person

Vin Cent
April 9, 2020 at 12:35 am

The picture in this articles looks like that of Eleepo, the Ibadan warrior.

 Liked by 1 person

Philip oluwayemi ojo

May 16, 2020 at 8:55 am

I love this story cause no body never tell all this one since the day I was born good

 Liked by 1 person

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