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-Ricardo Carhuas Llicahua
-Arturo Miguel Manrique Huanca
-Brandon Aldair Ocoruro Centeno

Arequipa - 2023
A.Cronograma de actividades:

Fecha Actividades Responsable

09-01-23 - Designación de proyecto - Docente a cargo

Recomendaciones e

11-01-23 - Reunión presencial con todos los - Todos los

integrantes del grupo, integrantes
- Tema para trabajar (el guanaco)
- Reparto de actividades

14-01-23 - Entrega de actividades al - Arturo Miguel

coordinador de grupo (Ricardo Manrique Huanca
Carhuas) - Brandon Aldair
Ocoruro Centeno
16-01-23 - Preparación de diapositivas y - Todos los
coordinar detalles del video por integrantes

B. Temas y / o actividades a desarrollar en la exposición:

1. ¿Qué es el Guanaco?
En este tema da a conocer al animal del cual se está investigando para así comprender
mejor el tema.
2. Habitad del guanaco
Es importante recalcar que este animalito no solo se encuentra en Perú si no también en:
Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay y en Ecuador se le considera extinto.

3.características del guanaco

Se da a conocer algunas de las virtudes del animal lo cual lo diferencia de otros animales
parecidos a ellos, por otra parte, también nombramos medidas proporcionales del animal ya
que su altura varía según el lugar donde se encuentren.

4. Conservación del guanaco

Como evitar que “EL GUANACO” llegue a extinguirse.

5. Los peligros que acechan al guanaco

Mostramos cuales son los peligros que están llevando al guanaco a una inminente
C. Fotografías sugeridas

para la presentación:
D. Texto borrador de los temas a exponerse:
The guanaco
Described by Charles Darwin (father of the theory of evolution the best-known naturalist)
described the guanaco "Lama guanicoe" as the South American camel, a species of artiodactyl
mammal of the family Camelidae (this category groups camels and dromedaries) typical of South

What is Guanaco?
It is an autochthonous animal; it has a development in its totally adequate and natural habitat
means that it does not need to administer any medical substance for its survival.

The guanaco is a wild animal, they live in groups of 4 to 20 females and a male with his
chulengos (juvenile guanacos) delimit their territory through accumulations of feces.
-It is a herbivorous animal feeds on leaves of shrubs, cacti, mosses and lichens as an adaptation
in its diet some of the foods already mentioned may have thorns or be very difficult to grab the
guanaco has the upper lip split that allows it to hold and thus cut the vegetables (a curious fact is
that the fact that it does not cut or pluck the plants this allows them to regenerate quickly.)

Guanaco habitat
-The terrains where they live are scrub steppes and mountainous regions, they are characterized
by tolerating temperature changes since they developed a physiological adaptation (by adjusting
the position of its body the guanaco can open or close thermal windows – areas of thin wool –
and thus manages to regulate the amount of exposed skin and reduce heat loss)
-Migrate from high to low areas depending on the season
Characteristics of the guanaco
It also has an amazing digestive system both to take advantage of this type of vegetables with
high cellulose content and to drink large amounts of salt water. -The guanacos have three
stomachs, they do not have nails but a pair of nails and a pad that covers the sole of the foot; Its
neck and legs are long and its fur a wool of different shades (depending on the area of the body)

Qualities of defense – reproduction

It has great vision due to its large eyes with long and thick eyelashes that protect it from dust,
which help it to visualize its predators the fox and the puma; Before a sign of danger the guanaco
can achieve more than 60km / h, and has an ease to easily climb and descend steep slopes, move
in sandy or stony terrain
-To reproduce the female remains pregnant for 11 months other forms of defense are spitting,
kicking until they even bite their predators. -Has a calm temperament unless in danger -It has a
life span of about 20 years in its natural habitat and in zoos or farms it has an average of 30 years

Conservation of the guanaco

- Implement a community protection zone of the guanaco to reduce conflicts with agriculture,
conserve wild biodiversity and scenic beauty generating opportunities for the development of
ecotourism as a sustainable economic activity
a) Recovery and conservation of guanaco’s populations in the community, through the
implementation of good management practices
. b) Delimitation of strategic areas prioritized for guanaco conservation.
c) Strengthening community capacities for the sustainable management of the guanaco and
biodiversity conservation, through training and internships.
The dangers that threaten the guanaco
-hunting, habitat loss and the incorporation of livestock that ends up being competition when
looking for food.
- The species has as main predators the puma and the culpeo fox, but these do not represent
great danger to the global population. Threats arising from human activities are habitat
degradation and hunting. 

E. Link del video: (PEGAR EL LINK)

- El estudiante tiene la opción de usar cualquier servidor para subir su video
- El estudiante debe habilitar accesos para que el video sea visible por el
- Presentación y exposición del video con una duración mínima
de 8 a 10 minutos.
- Participación de todos los integrantes con CÁMARA Y MICRÓFONO
- Cargar el video en la fecha indicada.

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