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Qigong Therapy for Cancer in China

Chen, Yeung
Qigong Therapy for Cancer in China

Exploratory Studies of Qigong

Therapy for Cancer in China

Kevin Chen, PhD, MPH, and Raphael Yeung, BA

Los autores revisaron más de 50 estudios sobre la terapia personas sin experiencia en qigong consideren que todos
qigong para el cáncer en China, en 3 categorías: estudios los qigong son iguales. De hecho, existen miles de formas
clínicos en pacientes con cáncer, estudios in vitro en células diferentes de qigong en China, y la mayoría de ellas no se
cancerosas preparadas en laboratorio y estudios in vivo en diseñaron para curar enfermedades existentes sino, más
animales infectados con cáncer. La mayoría de los estudios
bien, para utilizarse como ejercicio profiláctico y/o
clínicos consistían en la observación de pacientes con cáncer
meditativo. Aunque la mayoría de los estilos de qigong
que practicaban qigong por sí mismos. Aunque no se
encontraron ensayos clínicos doble ciego entre los estudios de aportan beneficios para la salud, el qigong médico es un
pacientes, muchos tenían un control. Los grupos de qigong área pequeña y especializada del qigong que se ha
mostraron más mejoría o tuvieron una mejor tasa de desarrollado específicamente para el tratamiento y la cura
supervivencia que los métodos convencionales por sí solos. de enfermedades.
Los estudios in vitro informan del efecto inhibidor de la El qigong médico se refiere a las formas de qigong
emisión de qi sobre el crecimiento del cáncer, y los estudios in utilizadas por los profesionales de la MTC con énfasis en
vivo constatan que los grupos tratados con qigong han el uso de la energía vital (qi) para diagnosticar y controlar
reducido significativamente el crecimiento tumoral o han o eliminar enfermedades, así como para prevenir su
prolongado la supervivencia de los animales infectados con aparición. El qigong es principalmente un método de
cáncer. Sin embargo, hay mucho margen de mejora en estos
autoformación que incluye la emisión de qi o terapia de
estudios, y algunos requieren replicación para verificar los
qigong externa (EQT). La EQT siempre ha formado parte
hallazgos. La terapia Qigong es un a menudo olvidada por la
medicina y la investigación convencionales. la medicina y la de la práctica médica del qigong como un elemento más
investigación convencionales, pero nuestra revisión sugiere en el esfuerzo por ayudar a los demás a recuperar la salud.
como complemento del tratamiento convencional del cáncer. También existen diferencias entre el entrenamiento
convencional contra el cáncer. interno de qigong y la EQT en la historia y el desarrollo
del qigong médico. El entrenamiento interno de qigong se
refiere a la práctica o cultivo de qigong por uno mismo
para lograr una salud óptima tanto para la mente como
Qigong (pronunciado "che gông") es un término general
para el cuerpo. Se trata de un componente fundamental
que engloba una gran variedad de ejercicios y terapias
de la práctica del qigong médico. EQT se refiere al
energéticas tradicionales chinas. No existe una definición
proceso por el cual un practicante de qigong dirige su
coherente de qigong en el ámbito académico debido a su
intención, o emite su energía qi, para ayudar a otros a
amplia cobertura. En general, se considera que el qigong
romper los bloqueos de qi e inducir al qi enfermo a
es el método o proceso de autoentrenamiento mediante el
abandonar el cuerpo para aliviar el dolor, abatir la
cultivo del qi (energía vital) y el yi (conciencia o
enfermedad y equilibrar el flujo de qi. La mayor parte de
intención) para alcanzar el estado óptimo tanto del cuerpo
la investigación sobre la terapia de qigong para pacientes
como de la mente.1La medicina tradicional china (MTC)
con cáncer ha consistido en enseñar a los pacientes a
postula la existencia de una energía sutil (qi) que circula
practicar qigong (entrenamiento interno de qigong),
por todo el cuerpo humano. Cuando se fortalece o
mientras que la mayor parte de la investigación sobre la
equilibra, puede mejorar la salud y evitar o ralentizar el
terapia de qigong para el cáncer en animales o células de
avance de las enfermedades. La MTC considera que la
cultivo ha consistido en EQT.
enfermedad o el dolor son el resultado de un bloqueo del
qi o de un desequilibrio de la energía qi en el cuerpo.
Todas las terapias de la MTC-hierbas, acupuntura, Qigong y tratamiento del cáncer
Aunque puede haber algunos casos de recuperación del
masajes, dieta y qigong- se basan en esta filosofía y
perspectiva de la salud humana. cáncer reportados en muchas formas de qigong, la
En general se sabe que la práctica del qigong es beneficiosa mayoría de las escuelas o clínicas de qigong en China
para la salud humana y puede prevenir enfermedades. Sin
embargo, es menos conocido, incluso en China, que el
qigong puede ser una forma eficaz de tratar diversas 345
enfermedades, incluido el cáncer. Es muy común que las
Chen, Yeung

generalmente no aceptan abiertamente pacientes con la atención de muchos científicos en China. ¿Puede la práctica
cáncer debido a su alta tasa de mortalidad. Por ejemplo, del qigong tener realmente efectos terapéuticos contra el
se ha informado de que la mayor instalación médica de cáncer? Es bien sabido que algunos pacientes de cáncer
qigong de China -Huaxia Zhi-Neng Qigong Center- ha pueden experimentar remisiones espontáneas sin ninguna
optado por no admitir más pacientes con cáncer después terapia. ¿Cómo distinguir las remisiones espontáneas de las
de que un paciente de cáncer muriera en sus inducidas por el qigong? ¿El tratamiento con qigong es un
instalaciones. Sin embargo, dos formas de qigong en mero placebo o realmente tiene un efecto terapéutico?
China han desafiado públicamente al cáncer: Guo-Lin
New Qigong y Chinese Taiji Five-Element Qigong. Debido a consideraciones de efectos psicológicos y otras
Guo Lin, una enferma de cáncer en fase terminal que limitaciones, la mayor parte de la investigación sistemática
atribuye su recuperación a la práctica del qigong en los sobre la terapia qigong para el cáncer se ha centrado en el
años setenta, creó Guo-Lin New Qigong. Guo empezó a estudio in vitro de diferentes células cancerosas o en el estudio
enseñar esta forma de qigong a varios enfermos de cáncer in vivo en el que se inyectaron células cancerosas en un animal
de todo el país. Se dice que muchos de ellos lograron la vivo para observar el efecto inhibidor de la terapia qigong. La
remisión completa del cáncer tras practicar Guo-Lin mayoría de los estudios clínicos de pacientes han sido
qigong. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los practicantes de observaciones de casos por parte de profesionales médicos; no
Guo-Lin qigong han utilizado el qigong principalmente se han encontrado ensayos clínicos doble ciego en la literatura.
como terapia complementaria a los tratamientos En un intento por comprender cómo afecta la terapia qigong al
convencionales u otras terapias.2Por lo tanto, su eficacia tratamiento del cáncer, este estudio revisó más de 50 estudios
terapéutica no se ha establecido suficientemente como de investigación (excluidos los informes de casos) centrados en
terapia independiente, y no ha sido plenamente la terapia qigong para tratar el cáncer. Todos estos estudios se
reconocida por los médicos occidentales.El Qigong de los realizaron en los últimos 20 años y se publicaron en China.
Cinco Elementos Taiji fue fundado por Binhui He en Estos estudios se dividen en 3 categorías diferentes: estudio
respuesta al hecho de que la medicina moderna no clínico en pacientes humanos con cáncer, estudio in vitro de
conseguía curar muchas enfermedades crónicas y de que células cancerosas con EQT y estudio in vivo (animal) de
muchos de los fármacos utilizados para tratarlas tenían células cancerosas con EQT. Se espera que esta revisión
efectos secundarios negativos a largo plazo. La Sociedad interese a más científicos en esta terapia ancestral y que, como
China de la Ciencia del Qigong nombró a He director del resultado, se lleven a cabo más investigaciones bien diseñadas
Centro de Investigación del Qigong contra el Cáncer en sobre el efecto terapéutico de la terapia qigong para el cáncer y
1993, tras descubrir en los medios de comunicación que otras enfermedades crónicas.
pacientes con cáncer en fase avanzada se habían
recuperado completamente practicando esta forma de Métodos
qigong en solitario, sin ninguna otra terapia. A Esta revisión preliminar utiliza dos fuentes principales de
continuación, inició la exploración clínica formal de la literatura: (1) la Base de Datos de Qigong del Instituto de
terapia anticancerígena qigong en su centro de formación Qigong,8 que tiene más de 1600 resúmenes y artículos de varias
de qigong. Muchos pacientes con cáncer en fase avanzada actas de conferencias y publicaciones; y (2) las publicaciones
(la mayoría de los cuales fueron rechazados por los accesibles en chino, incluyendo algunas actas de conferencias
hospitales debido a la falta de cualquier tratamiento en chino. Aunque no existe ninguna revista académica
médico existente disponible en una etapa tan avanzada) dedicada específicamente a la investigación del qigong, hay
participaron en el entrenamiento intensivo de qigong muchos trabajos de investigación recopilados (volúmenes
médico de He. La mayoría de estos pacientes editados), así como revistas y publicaciones específicas, que
consiguieron una mejora significativa de su salud a corto publican estudios de investigación relacionados con el qigong.
plazo y/o la recuperación del cáncer sólo con la práctica La mayor parte de esta literatura nunca se ha publicado en
del qigong. Además, una gran proporción de estos inglés. Aunque hay numerosas publicaciones sobre qigong y
pacientes se libraron del cáncer en los últimos 5 a 9 cáncer en chino, pocas se adhieren realmente a las normas
años.3,4 En una reunión oficial de evaluación celebrada en académicas occidentales con respecto al diseño de la
1996 por el gobierno chino, eruditos y expertos chinos en investigación y el formato de presentación de informes.
medicina y ciencia examinaron una serie de casos de Algunas no fueron escritas para intercambios académicos o
cáncer y los resultados de la investigación científica con documentación. En consecuencia, los informes de datos
Taiji Five-Element Qigong. Afirmaron el efecto positivo incompletos fueron un problema en esta revisión. Con el fin de
del qigong de los cinco elementos y concluyeron en su aprovechar al máximo la bibliografía publicada para futuras
evaluación que era "una forma eficaz de tratar el investigaciones en este ámbito, utilizamos los 3 criterios
cáncer".5-7 siguientes para seleccionar los estudios que se incluirían en esta
Investigación sobre Qigong revisión: (1) debe ser un estudio de investigación con
Terapia contra el cáncer recopilación sistemática de datos con el propósito de
Los informes de los medios de comunicación sobre la comprender la mejoría clínica o las diferencias significativas
recuperación del cáncer mediante el qigong han captado
Qigong Therapy for Cancer in China

entre un grupo de qigong y uno que no practica qigong, no Sun y Zhao11, del Hospital Guang-An-Men de la Academia de
simplemente informes de casos o testimonios de pacientes MTC, realizaron un estudio clínico sobre diversos cánceres
sobre la recuperación del cáncer; (2) debe involucrar a las avanzados. De los 123 pacientes, con una edad media de 47 años,
células específicas de cáncer o carcinoma con resultados 60 eran hombres y 63 mujeres; a todos se les diagnosticó
cuantificables, no simplemente una exploración sobre el patológicamente un tumor maligno, 70 en estadio III y 53 en
mecanismo de la terapia qigong con medios biológicos o estadio IV. El grupo de qigong (n=97) fue tratado con fármacos
suposiciones generales de la terapia qigong para el cáncer, o convencionales más ejercicio de qigong (2 horas diarias durante 3
(3) debe ser una investigación clínica con una descripción del meses), mientras que el grupo de control (n=30) fue tratado sólo
tumor de base identificable o identificación del cáncer y con los mismos fármacos. Al final del tratamiento, los
resultados compatibles, no simplemente un estudio de investigadores observaron que, en el grupo de qigong más
resultados oscuros. fármacos, el 82% recuperó la fuerza, el 63% mejoró el apetito y el
33% no tuvo diarrea ni defecación irregular, mientras que las tasas
del grupo de control fueron del 10%, el 10% y el 6%,
Principales resultados de la investigación
respectivamente (p < 0,01). También descubrieron que el 50,5%
del grupo de qigong ganó más de 3 kg de peso corporal en
Estudios clínicos en pacientes humanos comparación con el 13,3% del grupo de control; sólo el 5,4% del
Estudios clínicos de pacientes humanosSe han realizado grupo de qigong perdió más de 3 kg, mientras que el 30% perdió
varios estudios clínicos sobre la terapia qigong para pacientes peso en el grupo de control (P < 0,01). Los análisis de sangre de
con cáncer. La mayoría de los artículos de investigación los 2 grupos indicaron que en el grupo tratado con qigong, el
publicados en China sobre pacientes con cáncer se han índice fagocítico medio de los macrófagos aumentó del resultado
basado en estudios observacionales, algunos sin un control comprobado anteriormente de 34,7% ± 8,9% a 47,0% ± 8,2%
compatible. Se revisó un total de 21 estudios clínicos, con un después del tratamiento (un aumento del 35%); los índices
número de observaciones que oscilaba entre 42 y 1883. Una fagocíticos fueron de 0,45 ± 0,11 y 0,63 ± 0,13, respectivamente,
gran proporción de las publicaciones se basaban en estudios antes y después de la terapia. El índice fagocítico medio en el
clínicos que utilizaban Guo-Lin New Qigong con una grupo de control no se elevó, sino que disminuyó un 7,8%; los
combinación de otras terapias. Aunque en la bibliografía índices fagocíticos pasaron de 0,63 ± 0,18 antes de la terapia a 0,50
sobre qigong no se encontró ningún ensayo clínico doble ± 0,14 después de la terapia. Además, el 24% de los pacientes del
ciego en medicina convencional, muchos de los estudios sí grupo de qigong tenían una eritrosedimentación normal y el 21%
contaban con un grupo de control. La tabla 1 presenta el tenían una función hepática normal; sin embargo, los que tenían
resumen de estos estudios. A continuación se presentan una eritrosedimentación y una función hepática normales
descripciones resumidas más detalladas de algunos de estos constituían sólo el 10% y el 6,7% del grupo de control,
estudios. respectivamente. En resumen, los resultados sugieren que la
Posiblemente, la mayor observación clínica de la terapia terapia qigong tiene algún efecto beneficioso en la mejora de los
qigong para el tratamiento del cáncer se llevó a cabo en el síntomas, la mejora del apetito, el fortalecimiento de la
Beijing Miyun Capital Tumor Hospital por Zhang y sus constitución y el aumento de la capacidad de autocuración.
colegas, 9que combinaron la terapia qigong de autocontrol Fu et al12 de la Universidad Médica de Henan observaron a 186
(una forma modificada de Guo-Lin qigong) con otros pacientes posquirúrgicos de adenocarcinoma cardíaco (155
métodos convencionales en el tratamiento de 1648 pacientes hombres y 31 mujeres; edad media = 59,8 ± 8,8 años) durante un
con diversos tipos de cáncer durante un periodo de 8 años. período de 3 años. Entre ellos, el 7,5% se encontraba en el estadio
Este estudio documentó una mejora significativa en el 32,4% I, el 24,7% en el II y el 67,8% en el III de diversos
de los pacientes y cierta eficacia en el 59,2% de los pacientes; adenocarcinomas cardíacos; el 44,5% presentaba metástasis
sólo el 8,4% informó de que no había tenido ningún efecto. linfáticas. Los pacientes fueron asignados aleatoriamente a 4
Más de 500 pacientes con cáncer sobrevivieron 5 años o más grupos de tratamiento: sólo cirugía (control; n=48), sólo
(> 30%). Se trata de un resultado mucho mejor que el de quimioterapia (n=42), sólo terapia herbal china (n=46) y qigong
otros hospitales oncológicos de China que no han combinado más terapia herbal (n=50). Esta última requería que los pacientes
la terapia qigong en sus planes de tratamiento. Aunque practicaran qigong específico todos los días durante un periodo de
Zhang et al también recogieron muchos datos sobre la salud tiempo determinado. La quimioterapia postoperatoria fue el
física de los pacientes, la mejora de las funciones protocolo estándar de etopósido, doxorrubicina y cisplatino
inmunológicas y otros indicadores biológicos, no se utilizó ni (EAP), 2 ciclos en el primer año, 2 ciclos en el segundo año y 1
recogió ningún control en esta observación basada en el ciclo en el tercer año. Después de más de 5 años de estudio de
hospital, lo que hace menos posible discernir lo bien que la seguimiento, Fu et al descubrieron que las tasas de supervivencia a
terapia qigong beneficia a los pacientes con cáncer en 1, 3 y 5 años para el grupo de control (sólo quirúrgico) fueron del
comparación con otras terapias. La tabla 2 presenta los 80,1%, 36,5% y 20,8%; para el grupo de quimioterapia fueron del
resultados de los principales indicadores inmunológicos 85,7%, 45,2% y 25,1%; para el grupo de hierbas fueron del 84,5%,
entre 30 pacientes con cáncer antes y después de la terapia de
qigong.10 Estos datos proporcionan una idea de cómo El texto continúa en la página 352
funciona el qigong para los pacientes con cáncer. 347

Table 1. Reviews of Clinical Studies of Qigong Therapy for Cancer Patients*

Chen, Yeung
Author, N Con Type of Cancer Method Results Note
Year trol

Cai et al 1883 N Various types After practicing Guo-Lin qigong for 2 months, blood Most patients showed remarkable improvements in these
20 and stages of sample drawn on each patient for analysis, such as categories: immune function improved after qigong practice,
cancer RBC and WBC count, IgG, IgA and IgM levels, NK especially WBC, CD20, IL-2 and NK activities (P < .01); 40.8%
cells and different CD cells counts were measured. patients reported improvement in sleep; and 36.8% reported
improvement in appetite.

Cong et al 120 N Late-stage Chinese herbal compound (Tian-xian capsule), After the combination therapy, significant reduction in physical
1997 61 esopharyngeal chemotherapy and radiotherapy, plus Guo-Lin style symptoms (P < .01). The 5-year survival rate is 37.5%, and
cancer qigong were combined to treat cancer patients. A medium survival period 2-3 years; compared to only 16-20%
number of physical symptoms were checked before survival rate in 5 years, 17 months for the med. survival period
and after treatment. previously.

Feng, 1994 21 202 N Various cancers, Patients receive qigong treatment from qigong The number of patients with improved symptoms were 123, No qigong form
eg esophageal, master, 1-2 hours per treatment, treated between 15- specified.
60.9% of the total, 78 patients show no improvement (38.6%)
brain tumor, and 30 times. Before treatment the patients were led by
and only 1 patients showed worsened symptoms (0.5%).
others qigong master to practice qigong for 30 min.

Fu et al 186 Y Cardiac adeno- Patients were randomly assigned into 4 treatment Survival rates in year 1, 3 & 5 were: Surgical only: 80.1%, The herbs and
1996 12 carcinoma group: surgical only (control), post-surgical 37.5%, 20.8%; Chemo: 85.7%, 45.2%, & 25.1%; Herbal: 84.5%, their combination
chemotherapy (EAP); herbal, and herbal + qigong. 43.5% & 26.1%; qigong + herbal: 86%, 64% & 36%; P < 0.01 not explained.
Mean age = 59.8 ± 8.8 yr. b/n group 1 & 4 in year 3 and 5.

Huang 136 N Various types of Guo-Lin qigong was used to improve the cancer After qigong practice, the spirometer showed increase in the tidal
1996 2 cancer patients patients’ lung function and microcirculation. capacity of the lung. Respiration rate increased 36.79% and
Spirometer was used to measure the tidal volume of “minute ventilatory volume” increased 128.1%. The number of
the lung, and nail-fold microcirculation was also capillary loops in nail-fold increased and length of loops
studied. prolonged.
Kui et al 42 N Various types of Practicing “Lotus Qigong” (by master Xian Ming 27 cases (65%) of tumor elimination, 15 cases (35%) of tumor Only a short-term
1996 (31f tumors and Zeng) for 3 months, with periodical external qi reduction have been reported. An overall of 100% effective rate result was
11m) cancer adjustment. The sizes of tumor were compared after was claimed on all patients studied. reported.
Luo et al 80 Y Various types of Patients randomly assigned to qigong (1) chemo (2) After 60 days group 1 had a significant rise in WBC, RBC and
1988 15 (48m cancer patients and qigong + chemo groups (3). Compared the level serum hemoglobin after treatment (P < .01), while group 2 had
32f) of RBC, WBC, serum hemoglobin and T- significant lowering (P < .01). Group 3 had elevation of serum

lymphocyte in pre- and post treatment. “Vital Gate” hemoglobin, RBC and platelet count (P < .01), WBC levels
qigong was used. remained the same.
Sun & Zhao 123 Y Various cancers Drug + qigong (n = 97) vs. drug only (control, n = 30) After 3 months, 82% patients in qigong group regained strength, Well-controlled
1988 group. Similar drugs in both groups. All patients in 63% improved appetite and 33.3% free from diarrhea or study.
stage III or IV. Symptoms, signs, body weight and defection, compared with control 10%, 10%, & 6% (P < .001).
immune indices were recorded before and after 50.5% in qigong group gained body weight by 3+ kg, 5.4% lost
treatment. 3+ kg, compared to 13.3% and 30% respectively in control.
Qigong group reported increased immune indices while control
Wang et al 62 Y Various cancers Middle to advanced-stage cancer patients were 29 of 32 in chemo + qigong group had improved health with Incomplete
1993 16 randomly assigned to two groups: Chemo + qigong stable WBC count. 12 cases in chemo only group reported conclusion, and
(32) and chemo only (30, control). The chemo + worse health with more symptoms and declined WBC ( less than unspecified
qigong group practiced qigong in addition to the 4 × 109/L). Curative effect of +chemo.+ qigong group, amount of time
chemotherapy. compared with the chemo. only group, is much better (P < .05). for treatment.
Wang 104 Y Various cancers 46 patients were studied for protein levels (AAG, Some sugar protein (AAT & AAG) showed a dramatic drop after
1988 17 (esophagus, AAT and CER) before/after qigong (6 to 24 qigong (P < .001). But CER increased after treatment (P > .05).
stomach, lung months). 58 patients for studying cell immune LAI decreased (P < .01) while ANAE increased after qigong
cancer etc.) function (LAI and ANAE) before and after qigong. practice (P < .05)
Wong 345 N Breast, lung, Guolin qigong practitioners were studied for effects After qigong practice, the effective rate for breast cancer (n = 93) No control for
1988 63 colon and naso- after qigong practice. The effect was measured by is 83.6%; lung cancer (n = 115) 75.1%; colon cancer (N = 72) comparison.
pharyngeal body strength (increased appetite, improved sleep, 68.2%; and nasopharyngeal cancer, 64.4%. Most practitioners

Qigong Therapy for Cancer in China

cancer less health problem); normalized blood counts; less also reported fewer symptoms or even remission of other health-
side effects of chemo or radiotherapy and character related problems.
of lump/tumors
Xu et al 229 Y Various cancers Measured the Cu-Zn SOD activities and levels in the After qigong practice, the Cu-Zn SOD activity in RBC is Form of qigong
1990 19 RBC in 229 patients (124 in qigong, 105 in control 399.7" 48.3 µg/gHb vs. 356.8 ± 22.3 µg/gHb without practicing was not
group) with cancer by color immunological plate qigong (P < .001). Qigong practice raised the Cu-Zn SOD explained.
reaction with enzyme. activity.
Xu et al 272 Y Various cancers Five groups: 1. healthy people with qigong (72); 2. The value of mean ± SD of ANAE determination of the 1st group The effect of
198818 healthy people w/o qigong (50); 3. people who keep was 74.9 ± 11.6%, vs. 65.6 ± 8.9% for 2 group (P < .01). The
qigong on T-
bees (50); 4. Cancer patients with qigong (50); 5. 4th group was 69.2 ± 12.8% vs. 42.8 ± 7.1% for 5th group lymphocyte levels
cancer patients w/o qigong. All cancer confirmed by both in normal
(P < .01). The 3 group (a special control) was 76.8 ± 11.1%.

pathological biopsy. Blood sample drawn from each people and cancer
person to test T-lymphoctyte level by ANAE (alpha- patients.
napthyl acetate esterase staining).

Table 1. (continued)

Chen, Yeung
Xu 1989 80 N Various cancers A randomized trial to study humoral immunity; The value of ANAE in normal individuals doing qigong was No control to
et al 64 serum IgG, IgA and IgM cellular immunity; LAI; 74.9%, vs. only 65.5% for those not doing qigong (P < .001). compare.
active E rosette formation and ANAE before and The avg. value of LAI for cancer patients before qigong 72.6%,
after qigong. vs. 52.2% after qigong. (P < .01). Active E rosette also
improved from before qigong 24.1% to 29.7% after qigong.
Ye et al 98 Y Various cancers A randomized trial with 3 groups: normal control UDS rate after 3-month treatment: Normal pre: 76.9± 14.0, post Relatively small
1992 14 (34), chemo. group (32) and Guo Lin qigong (33). 76.6 ± 14.6; Cancer control, pre 27.5 ± 17.4*; Post: 7.1 ± 17.6*; group.
The rate of unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS, Cancer with qigong, pre 27.5 ± 15.8*; post: 42.1 ± 18.5**;
excision repair) was measured before and after the (*P < .001 compared to normal **P < .01 compared ± to cancer
treatment. control ).
Yu et al 30 N Various cancer Chemotactic movement, phagocytic rate, Chemotactic movement (distance) A=1.75 ± 0.53mm vs P = 2.35±
1993 10 cells from bacteriocidal function of neutrophils measured by 00.77mm (P < .01).Chemotactic inex: A = 2.09 ± 0.55 vs. P =
human patients nbt positive rate, lymphocyte transformation rate of 2.83 ± 0.95 (P < .01). Phagocytic rate A = 32.5 ± 9.2%, P = 51.3 ±
the patient’s immune system were measured before 12.2% (P < .01). Bacteriocidal function-nbt positive rate: A=
and after qigong practice (A = before and P = after). 23.1 ± 6.9%, P = 40.2 ± 10.8% (P < .001). Lymphocyte
Chemotaxis of neutrophils measured by agar plate transformation rate: A = 5 4.4% ± 14.9% vs P = 64.5 ± 10.3% (P <
method. .01)
Zhang 1,648 N Various cancers Self-control qigong + conventional therapies to treat 32.4% achieved significant improvement, 59.2% showed some The largest
1995 9 advanced cancer patients for 8 years. Comprehensive effectiveness, only 8.4% no effect. Some late-stage patients reported tumor
physical health and immune functions were reported complete tumor remission, 5 yr survival rate more than hospital study
measured for improvement. 30%. Patients’ C3b rate of red blood cells, the lymphocyte with qigong
transformation and phagocytic function all had significant without control.
improvement (P < .01).

Zhang et al 106 N Various cancer A self-control qigong treatment (modified Guo-Lin Red blood cell, prior: X ± SD = 8.4 ± 4.68; post 12.4 ± 3.93 Small study
1996 65 cases qigong) for all cancer patients assessed by pre and (P < .001). Red blood cell immune mixture floral loop rate: group.
post measures of immune indicators and physical prior: 10.9 ± 4.6, post: 6.4 ± 2.7 (P < .001). Reversion of
lymphocyte rate: Pre 54.3 ± 14.9; post: 64.5 ± 10.3 (P < .01).
Also, patients’ symptoms were relieved after practice and size of
tumors decreased.
Zhang et al 48 N Various cancers Practice of Guo Lin Qigong, immune functions and After practicing qigong, majority had increased immune No control to
1995 the symptoms associated with cancer are measured. functions, less symptoms, better health, more energy, and some compare.
weight gain, etc.
Zhao & Bian 122 Y Various cancers Hospital cancer patients treated by Intelligence After 22 days of treatment, many patients showed curative effect
1993 67 Qigong (IQG) practice—22 days of training class, in reducing symptoms and pain associated with cancers, whether

plus external qi treatment. Among them 71 patients benign or malignant. No statistical difference in curative effect
had benign tumors, 51 malignant cancers, among between qigong alone and qigong plus other comprehensive
those with cancer 25 never took other therapy therapies.
(qigong alone).
Zheng et al 100 Y Various cancers, 100 various late-stage cancer patients participated in After qigong treatment, the 1- and 5-year survival rates were 83%

1990 13 including liver, qigong therapy and their 1 and 5 year survival rate and 17% for lung cancer patients ( 7% for control in 5 years);
lung and compared with the control group (no qigong 83% and 23% for stomach cancer patients (control was 7% in 5
stomach treatment). years). Median survival period for liver cancer patients was 20.7
months in qigong group, in comparison with 3.5 months in
control group (P < .01)

*Randomization was not mentioned in most studies unless otherwise specified.

Qigong Therapy for Cancer in China

Chen, Yeung

Table 2. Changes of Immune Indicators Among 30 Cancer Patients After Qigong Therapy
Immune Indicator Before After P Value
Chemotactic movement (distance) by agar plate method 1.75 ± 0.53 mm 2.35 ± 0.77 mm < .01
Phagocytosis of neutrophils by India ink phagocytic test–phagocytic rate 32.5% ± 9.2% 51.3% ± 12.2% < .01
Nbt-positive rate (bactericidal function of neutrophils) 23.1% ± 6.9% 40.2% ± 10.8% < .001
Lymphocyte transformation rate 54.3% ± 14.9% 64.5% ± 10.3% < .01
C3b rosette rate of red blood cells 8.4% ± 4.7% 12.4% ± 3.9% < .001

43.5%, and 26.1%; and for the qigong-plus-herb

group were 86.0%, 64.0%, and 36.0%, respectively. 100

The differences between the qigong-plus-herb group 90

and the control group were statistically significant (P < 80

Surgery Alone
.01) (Figure 1). The median survival period was 30

Survival Rate(%)
60 Post-Surgery
months for the control group, 36 and 36.5 months for Chemotherapy
50 Post-Surgery Herbal
chemotherapy and herbal groups, and 48 months for
qigong-plus-herb group. Unfortunately, the herbs and Post-Surgery
30 Qigong+ Herbal
their combination were not specified in the report.
13 20
Zheng et al of the Shanghai Qigong Institute
applied a comprehensive qigong therapy (qigong
technique not specified) to 100 various late-stage can- 1 2 3
cer patients and compared their survival rate with Year(s)

those who had other therapies but no qigong therapy

in the same hospital. They found that 1- and 5-year sur- Figure 1 One, 3-, and 5-year survival rates under various types of
cancer treatment. Data from Fu et al.12
vival rates were 83% and 17% for lung cancer patients
(the control was 7% in 5 years) and 83% and 23% for
stomach cancer patients (the control was 12% in 5 at stage I or stage II of the disease and who had previ-
years). The median survival period for liver cancer ously received radiation or chemotherapy. The
patients was 20.7 months in qigong group compared patients were randomly assigned to qigong (n = 30),
to with 3.5 months in the control group (P < .01). chemo (n = 25), or qigong-plus-chemo (n = 25) groups.
Huang reports that a study at Jiangxi Medical School The counts of red blood cells (RBCs), white blood
also applied qigong with conventional therapy to 20 cells (WBCs), serum hemoglobin and T-lymphocytes
cancer patients and reported much better 3- and 5- were measured pre- and posttreatment. Vital gate
year survival rates among these patients (80% and qigong was used in this study. After 60 days of treat-
45%) compared to the average of similar patients in ment, only the qigong group had a significant rise in
that hospital (65% and 34%). WBCs, RBCs, and serum hemoglobin (P < .01),
Ye et al of the Shanghai Qigong Institute studied whereas the results of the control group were signifi-
the effect of qigong exercise on unscheduled DNA cantly reduced (P < .01). In the qigong-plus-chemo
synthesis (UDS) of peripheral blood lymphocytes in a group, the patients had an elevation in serum hemo-
clinical trial of 65 various cancer patients, plus a nor- globin, RBCs, and platelet count (P < .01), but WBC
mal control. The cancer patients were randomly levels remained the same. A similar finding was
assigned into either qigong (n = 33) or chemotherapy reported by Wang et al16 in their trial of 60 late-stage
(control) group (n = 32) after surgery. After baseline cancer patients: 29 of the 32 patients in the chemo-
measures were taken, the qigong group practiced plus-qigong group had improved health and a stable
Guo-Lin qigong for 3 months before the follow-up WBC count, whereas 12 of 30 patients in the chemo-
measurements were taken. Table 3 presents the results only group reported worse health with more symp-
of UDS rates before and after the treatment. The toms, and all controls reported a decline in WBCs (less
qigong group had significant improvement in their than 4 × 109/L) (P < .05).
DNA repair rate (P < .001), whereas the control At the Teaching Hospital of Nanjing College of
(chemo) group had no change. Although both cancer TCM, Wang17 explored the antitumor mechanism of
groups had a lower UDS rate than a normal group, the qigong therapy in a study of 104 different cancer
UDS rate of the qigong group was significantly higher patients (mainly comprising esophageal, stomach,
than that of the control group after the 3-month treat- rectal, and lung cancer). These patients were taught to
ment period (P < .01). practice qigong during their inpatient care, and con-
Luo et al of the Zhejiang Institute of TCM con- tinued doing so after surgery and leaving the hospital.
ducted a clinical trial with 80 cancer patients who were The duration of qigong practice ranged from 6 to 24


Qigong Therapy for Cancer in China

Table 3. Effect of Qigong Therapy on the Unscheduled DNA Synthesis (UDS) of Cancer Patients
UDS Rate (%)
Group n Mean Age Before 3 Months Later
Normal control 34 36.3 ± 10.6 76.9 ± 14.1 76.6 ± 14.6
Cancer control 32 48.5 ± 12.0 27.5 ± 17.4* 27.1 ± 17.7*
Cancer with qigong 33 48.2 ± 9.4 27.5 ± 15.6* 42.1 ± 18.5†

*P < .001 compared to normal control.

P < .01 compared to cancer group and before treatment.

months before the follow-up exam. The levels of the physical health among 1883 cancer patients after prac-
proteins α1-acid glycoprotein (AAG), α1-antitrypsin ticing Guo-Lin qigong. After practicing Guo-Lin
(AAT), and ceruplasmin (CER) were studied among qigong for 2 months, a blood sample was drawn from
46 patients, and the cell immune function (leukocyte each patient; the RBC and WBC count, immune pro-
adherence inhibition [LAI] and α-napthyl acetate tein IgG, IgA, and IgM levels, natural killer (NK) cells,
esterase [ANAE]) was studied among 58 patients and different cluster designation (CD) cell counts
before and after qigong. Results are summarized in were measured. Cai et al reported that most patients
Table 4. The study showed that the proteins (AAT and showed remarkable improvements in these categories
AAG) dropped dramatically after qigong (P < .01) but and that their immunity levels were raised after qigong
that CER increased after qigong treatment (P > .05). practice, especially WBC, CD20, interleukin-2 (IL-2),
As to immune indicators, LAI decreased (P < .01) and NK activities (P < .01). In addition, 40.8% patients
whereas ANAE increased after qigong practice (P < reported improvement in sleep and 36.8% reported
.05). In general, the qigong practice improved the improvement in appetite.
cancer patients’ immune function toward the direc- Among the clinical studies reviewed, although
tion of normal levels. some lacked a valid control group, it seems that there
Xu and colleagues18 at the Jiangsu Provincial Insti- is a consistent tendency that the group treated with
tute of TCM conducted a series of studies to explore qigong therapy in combination with conventional
the mechanism of qigong antitumor therapy. In one of methods had more significant improvement and/or a
the studies, subjects were divided into 5 groups: (1) better survival rate than the group treated with con-
healthy people using qigong (n = 72), (2) healthy peo- ventional methods alone. Some studies reported com-
ple not using qigong (n = 50), (3) beekeepers (n = 50), plete remission from late-stage cancer or metastasized
(4) cancer patients using qigong (n = 50), and (5) can- cancer, which is considered an impossible result
cer patients not using qigong. All of the malignant through the use of conventional medicine alone.
tumors were identified and confirmed by pathological More extensive reviews of in vitro and in vivo studies of
biopsy. A blood sample was drawn from each person to qigong therapy for cancer may change our stereotype
test his or her T-lymphocyte level by ANAE staining. of this ancient energy therapy.
The ANAE determination (x ± SD) in the first group
was 74.9% ± 11.6% versus 65.6% ± 8.9% in the second In Vitro Studies With EQT
group (P < .01), and in the fourth group was 69.2% ± To effectively exclude the potential psychological ef-
12.8% versus 42.8% ± 7.1% for the fifth group (P < fect of qigong therapy in cancer treatment, scientists
.01). The third group (a special control group) was in China have paid special attention to the in vitro
76.8% ± 11.1%. The people who had practiced qigong study of various cancer cells with the application of ex-
(whether they were healthy or a cancer patient) had ternal qigong therapy in order to understand how
significantly higher levels of ANAE than those who did qigong treats various cancers. The typical in vitro study
not. In another study, Xu et al19 measured the copper- has involved randomly dividing the laboratory-
zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu-Zn SOD) activities in prepared cancer cells or other cultures into different
RBCs among 229 cancer patients (124 in qigong, 105 groups with at least 1 group being treated with exter-
in control group) by color immunological plate reac- nal qi by a qigong healer, plus 1 or 2 control groups.
tion to the enzyme. They reported that qigong prac- Sometimes, 1 group was treated by sham qigong (per-
tice raised the Cu-Zn SOD activity: after practicing son without qigong training but simulating qigong
qigong, the Cu-Zn SOD activity in RBCs is 399.758 ± .3 movement) for the same amount of time. The cancer
µg/gHb versus 356.82 ± 2.3 µg/gHb without practic- cells being studied varied tremendously, including hu-
ing qigong (P < .001). man breast cancer (BC) cell lines, erythroleukemia
Recently, Cai et al20 of Shanghai Fangyi Hospital (K562), promyelocytic leukemia, nasopharynglioma,
reported changes in the immune indicators and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (CNE-2), SGC-7901 gas-


Chen, Yeung

Table 4. Comparison of Cellular Immune Function in Cancer Patients Before and After Qigong Therapy
Indicator Normal Reference Pretreatment Posttreatment Improvement
Protein content (n = 46)
AAG 40.7 ± 10.6 mg 48.9 ± 8.5 mg 36.6 ± 15.4 mg P < .01
AAT 187.6 ± 15.9 mg 204.4 ± 61.4 mg 179.3 ± 47.7 mg P < .01
CER 21.6 ± 2.98 mg 29.3 ± 7.7 mg 34.4 ± 12.4 mg P > .05
T-cell function (n = 58)
LAI 42.0% ± 9.8% 75.3% ± 12.3% 62.4% ± 9.5% P < .01
ANAE 68.8% ± 10.3% 39.4% ± 2.9% 47.1% ± 4.4% P < .01

AAG = α1-acid glycoprotein, AAT = α1-antitrypsin, CER = ceruplasmin, LAI = leukocyte adherence inhibition, ANAE = α-napthyl acetate

tric adenocarcinoma, spleen cells of mice, lung tumor external qi can inhibit the cell growth and DNA syn-
cell line (LA-795), and so on. Table 5 presents some thesis of the CNE-2 cells. Cao et al of the Cancer
major findings of these studies. Institute at Sun Yat-Sen University of Medicine repli-
Feng and colleagues21-23 at the Chinese Immunol- cated Chen et al’s findings on the inhibitory effect of
ogy Research Center (Beijing) is one of the first EQT on CNE-2 growth. They compared the number
research groups to conduct studies on the effects of of CNE-2 cells cloned after 3 types of treatment—EQT
the emitted qi by qigong on human carcinoma cells. only, gamma (G) ray only, and EQ + G ray—and found
They used the techniques of tissue culture, that the number of cells cloned in the G ray + EQT cul-
cytogenetics, and electron microscope to study the tures was 9.2 ± 2.5, significantly lower than the G ray
effect of external qi on HeLa cells and SGC-7901 cultures (15.8 ± 2.4; P < .001). The kinetic study
human gastric adenocarcinoma cells. They repeated showed that the number of cells cloned in the EQT
the same HeLa cell experiment 20 times under identi- cultures was 16.5 ± 2.2, close to the level of G ray cul-
cal conditions (treatment sample exposed to external tures, but that it had started to increase after 48 hours,
qi for 20 minutes) and found that the survival rate of whereas the G ray cultures continued to decline after
the HeLa cells in the qigong cultures was on average 48 to 96 hours of cultivation.
69.3% of that of control cultures; that is, 30.7% of the Guan et al28 of the Guangzhou College of TCM
cells were killed in the 20-minute exposure to external used similar techniques—[ H]-TdR incorporation
qi. The electron microscope showed that degenera- and tissue culture—to study the effect of EQT on the
tion and swelling took place in some of the cells growth of human lymphocytes and tumor cells
exposed to emitted qi. The experiment with human (erythroleukemia, K562). They found that the same
gastric adenocarcinoma cells was repeated 41 times external qi had different effects on the 2 kinds of cells.
under the same condition (1-hour exposure to exter- The EQT promoted the growth of normal human lym-
nal qi by a qigong master), in which the average sur- phocytes (counts per minute [cpm] = 6032.4 4 ± 937.0
vival rate of the SGC-7901 cells was 74.9% of that of in the qigong-treated cultures and 3970.4 ± 3722.7 in
controls; that is, the average destruction rate was the control cultures; P < .05) but inhibited the growth
25.02% (P < .01). The total abnormality rate of the of K562 cells (cpm = 9340.8 in the qigong group vs
chromosomes in the qigong cultures (5.39%) was sig- 10760.2 in the control group; P < .01). Yu et al of the
nificantly higher than that in the control cultures First Central Hospital of Tianjing also used [ H]-TdR
(1.40%). incorporation and tissue culture methods to study a
Chen and colleagues24 of the Zhongshan University malignant mouse lung tumor cell line (LA-795) and
of Medicine have been involved in many studies in this normal cells (L-929) in mice and found that the malig-
area. In one of their studies, a qigong practitioner was nant cells were markedly destroyed or killed after
invited to emit external qi toward the human CNE-2 exposure to EQT. Compared to the control group, the
cell line to observe the cell growth inhibition and kill rates in 2 EQT groups (n = 6 each) are 26% ± 6.9%
(3H)-thymidine ([3H]-TdR) incorporation inhibi- and 21% ± 8.5% (P < 0.01 in both studies), whereas the
tion. Compared to the nontreatment control, the normal cells that had undergone the same treatment
inhibitory rates for CNE-2 growth in 4 separate qigong remained intact.
experiments were 43%, 33%, 60%, and 36% (P < .05) At the Shanghai Institute of TCM, Chen30 studied
(Figure 2). The [3H]-TdR incorporation inhibitory the effect of EQT on the human liver cancer cell line
rates in 6 different experiments of external qi ranged (BEL-7402) and lung cancer cells (SPC-A1). Levels of
from 22% to 53% (P < .01). Chen et al subsequently adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and alpha-fetoprotein
repeated this line of both in vitro and in vivo research
and had similar findings.25,26 These data suggest that text continued on p 358



Table 5. Reviews of In Vitro Studies of External Qigong (EQ) Therapy for Cancer*

Author, Year N Control Study subject Method Results Note

Cao et al 96 Y Human carcinoma CNE-2 cells planted in 96-well plates (50 cells The mean # cells cloned (x- ± SD) in the G-ray + EQ Provide some foundation
1993 cell line (CNE-2) each) were divided into 4 groups: control, 2Gy group were 9.2 ± 2.5, much lower than the G-ray alone for combining qigong and
Gamma ray only, EQ only, and EQ+ G-ray. radiation as an effective
group (15.8 ± 2.4; P < .001). The kinetic study showed
After 2 days of cultivation, the number of cells way for inhibiting tumor
that # cells cloned in EQ group were 16.5 ± 2.2, close to
cloned (> 8 cells under an inverted growth. NBM
the level of G-ray group, but started increasing after 48
microscope) was observed and counted.
hours, while the G-ray group continue declining after 48
to 96 hours of cultivation.
Cao et al Y IL-2, IFN-r, LT The mice in EQ group received qi for 30 min The IL-2 in control was 71.5 ± 22.3 µml, lower than EQ NBM
1988 32 from spleen cells a day on day 1, 3, 5, 7. On day 10, mice were group (125.6 ± 32.5 µml; P < .01). The titer of IFN-r in
of C57BL mice (6) killed to make spleen cell suspensions for
EQ group was 460 ± 257.4 mml, higher than control
inducing lymphokines by incubation to
(166 ± 61.8 µml; P < .01). The LT activity was also
determine the IL-2, titer of IFN-r and LT
enhanced in EQ group (74.2 ± 16.8 µml), as compared to
control group (61.1 ± 6.2 µ ml; P < .05).
Chen et al Y Human The effect of EQ on CNE-2 cell line growth The growth inhibition rates in 4 experiments yielded Length of study and qigong
1990 24 nasopharynegal inhibition rate and [3H]-TdR incorporation 43% (P < .05), 33% (P < .05), 60 % (P < .01) and 36% type not specified. NBM

Qigong Therapy for Cancer in China

carcinoma (NPC) inhibition was observed by comparing the (P < .05) respectively. The [ 3 H]-TdR incorporation
cell line (CNE-2) results before and after EQ treatment. inhibition rates in 6 experiments yielded 30% (P < .01),
22% (P < .01), 35% (P < .001), 30% (P < .001), 53%
(P < .001), and 39% ( P < .01), respectively.
Chen et al Y Human liver Level of ATP and AFP of the cancer cells Compared with control, the level of ATP in EQ group This study suggests that EQ
1996 30 cancer cell line (BEL-7402 and SPC-A1) were measured 24 increased after qigong treatment. Also, the AFP level in may reverse the formation
(BEL-7402) and hours after EQ treatment to determine the EQ group decreased. Repeated experiments confirmed and growth of cancer cells.
adenocarcinoma activity of the cancer cell lines in comparison the similar results for EQ effect: AFP levels decreased. NBM
(SPC-A1) cell line with before and control group.
Chen et al Y CNE-2 cell line CNE-2 cell lines were randomly divided into 3 EQ showed inhibition of cell proliferation. The Studied various rate such as
1996 26 groups: control, EQ and sham groups inhibitory rates in treatment group and imitation group growth rate, DNA
(blinded). Indices include trypan-blue staining were 46% and 9% in the first exp., 48.1% and 7.6% in synthesis, cell anchorage,
resistance, [3H]-TdR, culturing in soft-agar and the 2nd exp. respectively. Also comparing the control etc. Like others, qigong
agglutination by PHA techniques. The effects group with the treatment group, there is a significant mechanism not illustrated.

Table 5. (continued)

Chen, Yeung
of EQ on growth rate, DNA synthesis, difference (P < .01), but the control group compared
anchorage-independent growth and with the imitation showed no significant
agglutination of cells were assessed. differences (P > .05)
Chen Y Human pulmonary SPC-A-1 cell lines were inoculated in soft Compared with the control, EQ group showed some Provides strong foundation
1992 63 adenocarcinoma agar culture test. After 3 days of EQ at 3 cm changes, such as the vacuolated cytoplasm increased, for the application of
(SPC-A-1) cell line away for 20 min each time, 2 times a day for some light points cytoplasm and nucleus, cell membrane qigong in clinical therapy
11 times. Cell lines were examined under broke down, cell nucleus disappeared, and many cells for lung cancer. NBM
electron microscope in comparison with sham swelled and died. The SPC-A-1 in EQ group lost the
treated groups characteristics of cancer cell.
Chen Y Human liver EQ was applied to BEL-7402 and SPC-A1 The cancer cell-specific label factor AFP showed NBM
1992 31 cancer (BEL- cancer cells to demonstrate the occurrence of increase after EQ. ADH activity increased and ALD
7402) and lung cancer cell reversibility. activity decreased. ATP content in cancer cell also
adenocarcinoma raised while conA-mediated cancer cell agglutination
cell (SPC-A1) degree decreased after EQ treatment.
Feng et al Y SGC-7901 gastric SGC-7901 cancer cells were treated by EQ for The survival rate of the Hale cells after EQ was 100%, Detailed graphs and data in
1988 22 adenocarcinoma 20 to 60 min. to examine the kill rates of EQ compared with the survival rate of control, 69.3%. The the paper. NBM
cells and Hale cells and to measure survival rates. Experiments survival rate of cancer cells in EQ was 75% that in the
were repeated 20 to 41 times under identical control (P < .01). The abnormality rate of number of
conditions. chromosomes in cancer cells was 5.4% in EQ, compared
to 1.4% in control (P < .01)
Feng et al Y Human stomach Isolated NK cells from blood and NK cells Killing rate of adenocarcinoma cell: EQ only 36.6%, Qigong type not specified.
1990 adenocarcinoma combined with EQ were used to kill NK cell 39.8%, EQ + NK cell 81.6% (P < .01). NBM
cells adenocarcinoma cells of stomach cultivated

out of the body using density gradient method

Guan et al Y Normal human The effect of EQ on the growth condition in External qi helped to promote growth of normal human NBM
1989 28 lymphocytes and vitro of normal human lymphocytes and K562 lymphocytes (66% more than control, P < .05) while
erythroleukemia tumor cells was studied by measurement of inhibited the K562 tumor cells (less growth in EQ).
(K562) cells [ H]-TdR and tissue culture technique is used.
Hu et al 12 Y Human 6 bottles with 5 ml liquid 2x107/ml HL-60 The mean of terminal granulocytic differentiation of Form of qigong not
1989 promyelocytic cells received EQ treatment 2 times/day for 3 promyelocytic leukemia cell in EQ group is 57.3 mentioned. NBM
leukemia cell line, days. The other 6 control bottles incubated compared with control mean = 31.2. (n = 10, t = 4.5; P <
(HL-60) the same way without EQ. .01). Further details given.
Shen et al 22 Y Human liver ICR nude mice were used to measure the NK The mean weight of tumor: control 1.55 ± 0.44 g vs EQ Form of qigong not
1990 34 cancer cell (BEL- cell activity and tumor inhibition rate. The 0.43 ± 0.1g. Inhibitory rate 72.3%. NK cell activity: mentioned. NBM
7402) mice were divided randomly into 2 groups: control 39.7 ± 14.7%, vs 64.1 ± 21.7% for EQ. The NK

EQ and control. All mice were injected with cell activity for EQ group increased 1.61 fold. Repeat
BEL-7402 cancer cell line into the axilla. EQ experiment shows the tumor inhibition rate 65.5% and
group received qi 30 min a day for 24 days. NK cell activity increased by 2.32 fold, respectively.
All mice were autopsied after 4 weeks.
Xu & Xin 20 Y S-180 cells 20 mice were divided into 2 groups: exp. (10 ) The avg. tumor weight for the exp. group is 1.3 ± 0.11g, Form of qigong not
1992 69 and control group (10). All mice injected with vs 2.54 ± 0.14g for control (P < .01). The tumor size mentioned. NBM
0.2 ml of S-180 tumors (106 cells/ml) and for exp. group 1.97 ± 0.16 cm2 vs 3.86 ± 0.18 cm2,
exp. group received EQ twice a day, 20 min P < .01. The appearance of the tumor for the exp. group
each for 20 days. Mice were then autopsied looks “healthier” than the control. The color is more
and the tumor weight is measured. reddish and the tumor size is smaller than the control.
Ye et al 10x Y Human peripheral A comparison trial: qigong master, qigong EQ by qigong practitioners caused significant changes in NBM
1988 50 50 blood lymphocytes exercisers and non-qigong persons were tested surface markers of lymphocytes, 41/50 (82%) and 35/50
for their potential of emitting qi for either (70%) respectively (P < .05); and coincident rate of
“nourishing” or “killing” the lymphocytes thinking “nourishing” or “killing” in these two groups
cells. The changing function of lymphocytes, were 34/50 (68%) and 22/50 (44%) (P < .01). Non-
coincident rate of thinking “nourishing” or qigong persons caused little change of the above
“killing” rate in two group were measured. indicators, 2/50 (4%); P < .001 compared to qi group.
Yu et al 24 Y Malignant mouse Cell culture were prepared and divided into After EQ exposure the malignant cells were markedly Qigong affects and kills
1990 29 lung tumor cell the EQ and control group. EQ applied to the destroyed or killed. Compared with control, the killing malignant cells without
line (LA-795) and cell culture at 4 cm away for 5 or 8 sec. for 2 rates in 2 EQ groups (n = 6 each) are 26% ± 6.9 and harming the normal cells.

Qigong Therapy for Cancer in China

normal cell (L- times. The killing rate is then measured by 21% ± 8.5 (both with P < .01). The normal cell NBM
929) various methods (electron microscopy, [3H]- undergone the same treatment remained intact.
TdR etc) after 48 and 65 hours.

*Randomization not mentioned in most studies unless otherwise specified. NBM = no blinding mentioned.
Chen, Yeung

polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to determine the

100% levels of β-PPT-I. The technician who did the extrac-
tion and counted the cell growth was blinded to the
plate identity. The results showed no significant differ-
60% Control
ence between the controls (the sham-treated, incuba-
Qigong tor, and room temperature plates). However, there
40% was a consistent and obvious downward trend among
20% the BC cells treated by qigong. Except for the BC-
T47D cells, qigong-treated cells have a consistently
0% lower cell growth rate than any other groups.
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4
Compared to sham-treated cells, the closest control in
this design, in all 8 observations (4 different BC cells in
Figure 2 Inhibitory effect of external qigong therapy on nasopha-
ryngeal carcinoma-2 cells. Data from Chen et al.24
2 separate trials), the qigong-treated cells had the
slowest growth. This could have occurred by chance
only at P = .0038 in a cumulative binomial probability
distribution. Figure 3 presents the result of 4 treat-
ments for BC-HT-20 cells in 2 separate trials. Unfortu-
(AFP) of the cancer cells were measured 24 hours nately, a follow-up study 5 months later with the same
after EQT (40 minutes in 2 treatments) to determine qigong healer did not replicate these results due to
the activity of the cancer cell lines as compared to their laboratory contamination.
activity after sham treatment. Compared to the sham- Other similar in vitro studies of EQT on cancer cells
treated control group, the level of ATP in the EQT include that of Cao et al on the effect of EQT on IL-2,
group increased significantly after EQT. Meanwhile, interferon-r (IFN-r), and lymphocyte transformation
the AFP levels in the EQT group decreased. Repeated from spleen cells of C57BL mice; Hu et al on the
experiments confirmed similar results for EQT effect: effect of EQT on human promyelocytic leukemia cell
AFP levels decreased.32 Examination under the elec- line (HL-60); and Ye et al on EQT killing rate of
tron microscope found that compared to the sham human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Due to limita-
control, the EQT group had some visible changes, tions in space, we will not discuss these in vitro studies
such as increase in cytoplasmic vacuolation, some in detail. In short, most of the published in vitro stud-
light points in the cytoplasm and the nucleus, cell ies have used a design similar to that reported above,
membrane broke degeneration, disappearance of cell and demonstrated a significant inhibitory effect of
nucleus, and cell swelling and death. In general, the external qigong on the growth of the studied cancer
SPC-A1 in the EQT group lost the characteristics of a cells in comparison to control and sham-treated cells.
cancer cell. This strongly suggests that the effect of qigong therapy
Recently, we conducted a pilot study to explore the for cancer is not purely psychological.
effects of EQT on the expression of preprotachykinin-
I (PPT-I, an immune/hematopoietic modulator In Vivo Studies of
gene) expression in 4 types of BC cells by inviting a Qigong Therapy for Cancer
Chinese qigong healer to work with us. In our study, 4 The in vivo studies of qigong therapy for cancer treat-
BC cell lines (BC-123, BC 125, BC-HT-20, and BC- ment are more sophisticated and more closely resem-
T47D) were grown to confluence in four 6-well plates, ble those of human application. The typical study of
1 plate for each treatment condition: external qigong this type involved the injection of tumors or cancerous
treatment, sham treatment, incubator control, and cells into mice or rats, then randomly dividing the ex-
room temperature control. The Chinese qigong perimental animals into various groups with 1 group
healer emitted qi directly to the cell culture plates for being treated by qigong for a set period of time. The
10 minutes. The incubator control plate was kept in an control group could be either nontreatment or sham
incubator in the lab, and the room temperature plate treatment. The major results of these studies were con-
was left on a lab bench in the same lab. The sham treat- centrated on the survival rate of the animals them-
ment was performed by an individual who had no selves or the rate of tumor size reduction. The
training in qigong but, rather, imitated the move- summary findings from 18 published in vivo studies
ments of the qigong healer. After the designed treat- are presented in Table 6. In general, most studies re-
ment, all plates were reincubated for 16 hours. Total ported that the qigong-treated group had significantly
RNA was extracted by using the standard procedure reduced tumor growth and/or longer survival lives
and used in quantitative reverse transcriptase- among the cancer-infected animals.


Qigong Therapy for Cancer in China

Count of Molecules of total RNA spleens. Blood samples were obtained, lymphocyte
120 suspensions were prepared, and the activities of NK
100 cells and killer (K) cells were measured. Li et al found
80 that the tumor growth in EQT groups was significantly
Trial 1
60 slower than that in the control (P < .05); the NK
Trial 2
40 cell and K cell activities in the normal control and the
20 EQT groups were significantly higher than in the
0 tumor control group (see Table 7).
Control 1 Control 2 Sham Qigong Qian et al examined the effect of external qi on
Treatment cancer growth, metastasis, and survival time of the
host. Tumor models were formed in 114 mice by trans-
Figure 3 Effect of external qigong therapy on preprotachykinin-I
expression of BC-HT-20 cells (10-minute exposure). plantation of U27 or MO4 cells into their subcutane-
ous tissues. The tumor-infected mice were randomly
divided into 2 treatment groups for 3 separate studies:
qigong group (exposed to external qi 10 to 30 minutes
One of the largest studies of this type was con- daily for a period of time) and control group (no treat-
ducted at Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical College ment). In study 1, mice in both groups were sacrificed
by Zhao and colleagues, who chose gliomas in mice on day 20 after the transplantation. The average
(G422, a very stable and malignant tumor model) as the tumor volume in the qigong group was significantly
experimental model and conducted a total of 25 trials lower than that in the control group (2.25 ± 5.35 vs
or studies. Each trial had a treatment and a control 6.32 ± 10.02 cm3; P < .001). In study 2, the mice were
group. Zhao et al used 11 qigong healers, 2 nonqigong sacrificed on day 23 and all axillary lymph nodes and
practitioners, and 494 mice with induced gliomas. In the lungs were taken out individually to be examined
most trials, the mice were transplanted with gliomas histopathologically for metastasis. The metastatic rate
before they were randomly assigned into either in the qigong group was significantly lower than that
qigong treatment or a control group. The mice were in the control group (1/16 vs 6/15; P < .05). In study 3,
sacrificed around 12 days after the transplantation in the mice were allowed to live out their lives and the
order to remove the tumors for various examinations. time of death was recorded for each. The average sur-
Among the 25 separate studies, they observed an vival time in the qigong groups (n = 10) was signifi-
inhibitory effect on the qigong group in 16 (64%). Of cantly longer than that in the control group (35.4 vs
these, 11 had an inhibitory rate greater than 20% 30.5 days; P < .01). The same authors performed simi-
whereas 4 had an inhibitory rate greater than 40%. lar studies in different settings, and all reached the
However, in 8 of the 25 studies, the qigong-treated same conclusion.38,39
group had a larger tumor than the nontreatment con- To explore the effect of external qigong emission
trol, including 5 studies with qigong healers and 3 with on transplanted hepatic cancer in mice, Chen and
nonqigong practitioners. The studies with increased colleagues at the Zhongshan University of Medicine
tumor growth usually had a shorter period of time investigated the anticancer efficacy of external qi from
being exposed to external qi (3 to 10 minute a day a master of Chinese Taiji Five-Element Qigong on
instead of 60 minutes a day in other studies) and a dif- transplanted liver cancer in mice. Thirty mice that had
ferent style of qigong (different healers or nonprac- been injected with hepatocarcinoma were randomly
titioners). This result suggests that not all qigong can assigned to 3 groups: control (no treatment), sham (a
produce the same inhibitory effect on tumors and that nonqigong person imitating the qigong master’s
the amount of time exposed to qigong may play a sig- movement), or qigong (treated by a qigong master).
nificant role in the healing (dosage effect). The qigong treatment involved the qigong master
Using funds from the Chinese National Science emitting EQT toward the mice at a distance of 10 to 15
Foundation, Li and colleagues of the Xiyuan Hospi- cm for 10 minutes from day 3 of transplantation, every
tal of the China Academy of TCM examined the effect other day, for a total of 4 sessions. The mice were then
of EQT on the gliomas in mice (G422) treated with sacrificed on day 10 or 11. The liver cancer was sepa-
EQT. In their studies, tumor-implanted mice were rated out, measured, and weighed in a blind fashion.
divided into 4 groups: normal control, tumor control The results of 3 repeated experiments of this descrip-
(no treatment), EQ 1 (once a day), and EQ 2 (once tion are presented in Figure 4. Compared to the con-
every other day). Eight different qigong healers emit- trol group, the tumor growth inhibitory rates of the
ted EQT to different mice 10 minutes daily or every qigong-treated group were 70.3%, 79.7%, and 78.7%,
other day. After 11 days of qigong treatment, mice respectively (P < .0001). The inhibitory rates of the
were sacrificed in order to weigh the lymph nodes and
text continued on p 364



Table 6. Reviews of In Vivo Studies of External Qigong (EQ) Therapy for Cancer in Animals*

Chen, Yeung
Author, Year N control Type of Cancer Method Results Note

Cao et al 12 Y C57BL mice After injecting melanoma cells into C57BL mice tails, Emitted qi decreased B16 melanoma pulmonary NBM
1988 43 inoculated with the exp. group received qigong to observe the rate of metastases nodules in the exp. group (40.18 ± 11.93),
B16 melanoma inhibition and survival time. Lungs were later compared to control (87.4 ±15.53) (P < .01). The survival
tumor cells harvested to measure the number of metastatic tumor
period of the qigong mice (31.4 ± 5.27 days) was much
nodules on the lung surfaces.
longer than control (21.4 ± 2.7 days) (P < .01) Tumor
nodule sizes also reduced.
Chen et al 90 Y Human 30 mice injected with hepatocarcinoma were randomly The TGI rates of EQ group were 70.3%, 79.7%, and 78.7% The study won a
1997 40 hepatocarcin- assigned in 3 groups: control, sham and real EQ. EQ respectively (P < .0001) in 3 studies with the same design. national scientific
oma trans- group exposed to qi 10 mins a day for 4 days. Mice The TGI rates of sham group were 9.5%, 2.6%, and 2.5% research award in
planted in mice were sacrificed 72 hrs after treatment to isolated the respectively (P > .05). Electron microscopy showed the 1996.
tumor. Tumor growth inhibitory (TGI) rate was morphological changes in tumor cells among EQ groups:
estimated in comparison with the tumor weight of decreased cell volume, nuclear condensation, nuclear
control group. The same design was repeated 3 times. fragmentation, decreased ratio of nucleus and cytoplasm.
Chu & Jiang 88 Y C57BL mice After induction with urethane (1 mg/g of body weight), The lung tumor induction: experimental group 87.5%, vs NBM
1989 44 with lung tumor mice were randomly divided into 2 groups: control (48) control group 100% (P < .05). The mean lung tumor
and exp. group (40; exposed to qigong music for 2 number in the exp. group was 2.73 ± 2.18 per mouse;
hr/day, 6 day/week for 4 months). The tumor control number was 4.35 ± 2.61 per mouse (P < .01).
induction and mean tumor number were measured

before and after treatment.

Feng Zhao ? Y DBA mice with After injection with L1210 cells (0.2 mL, 4.7-31 million The avg. value of L1210 cells in the control group is NBM
1988 45 L1210 cells of cells/mL) into the abdominal area, the mice were 200 × 0.5 million cells, while in the exp. group is 66.5 × 0.5
leukemia randomly divided into 2 groups: Qigong and control. million cells (P < .01). The number of L1210 cells injected
In a period of 10 days, the qigong group received into mice was remarkably reduced after external qi, and qi
external qigong for 10-40 min. daily before sacrifice. could inhibit L1210 cells in mice.
The number of L1210 cells was counted.
Feng et al 20 Y Sarcoma cells in Mice divided into control, EQ only and EQ + herb Compared to the control, the tumor suppression rate for the Herbal combination
1996 46 Kunming groups. 3.8 × 10 6 sarcoma cells were injected in the qigong + herb is 37.6%, and 28.6% for qigong only group. and the form of
species mice inguinal regions of the mice. After 14 days of EQ and The % of phagocytosis in the control is 11.5 ± 4.3, qigong are not
herb treatment mice were autopsied. The tumor size, compared with 19.0 ± 6.4 in the qigong only group and specified. NBM
tumor suppression rate, and phagocytic rate are

determined. 19.0 ± 7.3 in the qi + herbs. (P < .01).

Lei et al 32 Y Ascitic To examine the anti-tumor effect of external qi (EQ) After EQ or CY treatment, the average tumor weight of Medical school study
1991 41 + Sarcoma-180 and cyclophosphomide (CY), and their effect on the EAC was 1.79g for control, but 0.91g for EQ, 0.47g for published in
30 and Ehrlich NK activity, macrophage mediated tumor cytolysis CY, and 0.35g for CY+EQ (P < .01). The tumor growth academic journal.
ascites (MTC) activity and interleukin-2 (IL-2) production inhibitory rate of S-180 TBM was 65.7% for EQ group and NBM
carcinoma in level. Mice were injected with 0.1ml (3 × 107 cells/mL) 90.3% for CY+EQ (P < .01). The NK activity for EQ only
NIH mice tumor cells into the right axillary region, and then is 17.4 ± 7.1; 20.1 ± 5.7 for CY+EQ, vs 8.4 ± 3.7% for
divided randomly into CY group (injection of CY daily control (P < .01). MTC activity for CY+EQ is 11.0
at 40mg/kg), control group, qigong only group (EQ ± 5.6%, vs 23.1 ± 7.33% for control. IL-2 levels were 0.34
twice a day), and CY + EQ group.
± 0.03 vs 0.30 ± 0.02% for control (P < .01).
Li et al 24 Y Mice implanted Tumor-implanted mice were divided into 4 groups: The tumor growth in EQ groups was significant slower EQ may have anti-
1990 36 + with G-422 normal control, tumor control, EQ 1, and EQ 2. Eight than control (P < .05). The NK cell activities in normal tumor immunological
29 neuroglioma different qigong healers emitted qi to different mice control, tumor control and EQ 1 + 2 groups were (x– ± SD): surveillance in
cells once a day. After 11 days of qigong treatment, mice 62.1 ± 23.3, 54.8 ± 17.0, 66.0 ± 14.2 and 68.8 ± 21.6 organism. NBM
were sacrificed to weigh the lymph-node and spleen.
respectively. NK cell activities for 4 groups are 18.1 ± 5.7,
Blood samples obtained, lymphocytes suspension
12.2 ± 10.8, 47.5 ± 21.9 and 19.7 ± 16.5 respectively.
prepared, and activities of NK and K cells measured.
Lin et al ? Y Mammary Tumor tissue and cell suspensions are inoculated into The inhibitory rates of tumor weight related to three exp. NBM
198947 (MA37) & lung mice subcutaneously. Inbred mice TA2, T739, and results of the mice mammary adenocarcinoma are 58.1%,
adenocarcinoma T615 are used. Treatment group received EQ for 15 to 51%, and 44 %, respectively. The inhibitory rates for lung

Qigong Therapy for Cancer in China

of mice 20 days, 30 min. per day. Control group received no adenocarcinoma in 2 experiments are 34.7% and 23.8%,
EQ treatment. respectively.
Lu et al 16, Y Mice with H22 Mice with tumor strain were divided into EQ and Body weight, abdominal width, ascites volume and liver Detailed measures on
1996 8/8 ascites liver control group: exp group treated with EQ for 7-10 weight in EQ decreased by 43.5% (P < .05), 15.7% liver size, weight and
cancer days, then measured the difference in tumor size. The (P < 0.02), 38.4% (P < .05) and 24.6% (P < .01). Death rate tumor inhibition rate.
body weight, abdominal width, ascites volume, and of ascites cancer cells of mice treated with EQ was 2.47 ± but relatively small
liver weight of the group were measured. Also 0.56, and those not treated by EQ was 1.85 ± 0.74, and the study group. NBM
measured: the death rate, tumor inhibition rate. inhibition rate was 33.5%. Mice treated by EQ lived 3.5
days longer.
Lu et al ? N Tumor- Mice of ICR strain were exposed to qigong field After exposure to qi field, the tumor cells in mice were Similar findings in
1990 71 erythrocyte (group qigong lecture) for 7 days, and then analyzed adhered by red cells, and the % of rosette-forming were human study as well.
rosette for their body weight and tumor formation rate. Tumor increased from 5.67 ± 3.75 to 11.06 ± 5.25 in day 2, and to NBM
cells were pretreated with fresh serum. A comparison 27.8 ± 3.6 in day 7 (P < .01). The weights of the mice were
of before and after the exposure. reduced. The % of tumor cells not pretreated with serum

Table 6. (continued)

Chen, Yeung
was decreased from 63.2% to 27.6% (P < .01).

Qian & Shen 17, Y Mice with MO4 Mice with MO4 were randomly divided into the EQ In exp. 1 and 2, the volume of the intra-abdominal tumors Detailed data not
1993 38 17, tumor cells. and control group. Three experiments were done by were different between EQ and control group (P < .01), provided. NBM
and injecting mice with the MO4 cells in all groups; the but the survival period and the volumes of the body ascites
20 length of survival time was measured. did not differ significantly. In exp. 3, the survival period
and avg. tumor volume per day had a significant diff.
between EQ and control (P = .02 for survival, P = .01 for
tumor volume). But the end volume of the tumor did not
differ significantly (P = .15).
Qian et al 114 Y Mice implanted Mice were implanted U27 or MO4 tumor cells into In exp. 1, the avg. tumor volume of EQ group was Qi may inhibit the
1993 37 with U27 or armpit, then divided randomly into treatment group- significantly lower than control (2.25 ± 5.4 cm3 vs 6.32 ± tumor growth and
MO4 tumor treated with EQ everyday (20 or 33 days) or no 10.0 cm3; P < .001). In exp. 2, the metastatic rate of the prolong survival
cells treatment (control). In exp. 1, the mice were examined lymph nodes in EQ group (1/16) was significantly lower time. NBM
for their tumor volumes. In exp. 2, on 33 rd day the mice than the control (6/15) (P < .05). In exp. 3, the avg.
were killed and axillary nodes and lungs were taken out survival time (35.4 days) of mice in EQ group was longer
and examined histopathologically. In exp. 3 the mice than the control (30.5 days) (P = .002).
of both groups died, and their survival time after
transplantation was calculated.
Qian et al 31 Y U27 cancer in Mice with transplanted U27 cancer were divided into EQ group had only 1 lymph node metastasis (1/16), 2 NBM
1998 39 mice EQ and control group. EQ group received qigong 10- lung metastasis (2/16), and the avg. tumor volume 1.82
30 min. per day; and both groups were then autopsied cm3. In control group, 6 had lymph node metastasis (6/15)
for analysis on day 23 or day 33. and 3 had lung metastasis (3/15), and the avg. tumor
volume 6.75 cm3 (P < .01).

Shao et al 30 Y S180 sarcoma Light and electronic microscopy used to observe mice In the EQ-treated mice sarcoma, the avg. diameters of cells Length of qigong
1990 48 cells implanted with implanted S180 sarcoma treated with qigong. and nuclei, the ratio of nucleus to cytoplasm and the application was not
into mice Changes in the number of nucleolus organizing regions number of tumor cells division phase and Ag-NOR counts given. NBM
(NOR) in the sarcoma were investigated using the in the nuclei all were much less than those in the control
argyrophil (Ag-NOR) technique. group (P < .001).
Zhang et al Y Anti-tumor The immunosuppressed mice induced by cyclopho- After the treatment, the thymus index of CY group was CY suppressed
1990 42 lymphokines in sphamide (CY) were randomly divided into 3 2.30 ± 0.42, the control 3.91 ± 0.57 and the CY + EQ 2.97 ± immune function of
immuno- groups: CY group, CY+EQ and control group. CY + 0.54. The splenocyte spontaneous proliferation rate in mice, but qigong
suppressed mice EQ group received qigong for 20-25min a day for 8 control and CY group is low, the cpm values were 3062.5 appeared to alleviate
days. On day 8, splenocyte suspensions (5 × 10 6/mL) and 3294.0 respectively; the CY + EQ group was higher, the suppression.
were made into several parallel portions for inducing 7261.7 ± 3744.2 (P < .05). IL-2 activity of CY group NBM
IL-2, IFN-r, and LT. Thymus index and splenocyte

natural proliferation rate were observed. was lower than control (P < .025), but CY+ EQ group is
higher than CY or control group (P < .001).
Zhao et al 494 Y Gliomas of mice Mice induced with gliomas were divided randomly into After applying EQ by 13 masters, 64% (16 groups, 160) of Not all qigong
199135 EQ and control group. A total of 25 trials were run the mice shrank in gliomata size, but 32% (8 groups) masters can produce
with 13 qigong masters applying their EQ to reduce the actually had bigger gliomata than the control group. In the same result on
size of gliomata. The immune functions of mice were EQ group the WBC count, lymphocyte count, the weight tumor. NBM
examined and compared. of spleen, and function of lymphocytes all had positive
changes (statistically significant – see text for details).
Zhao et al 20 Y Ascitic cancer In exp. 1, ascitic fluid was aspirated from mice that had In exp. 1, the control group’s survival rate of cancer cells is Both cellular and
198872 cells (EAC) been transplanted with EAC for 7 days. Then the fluid higher than the EQ group. The number of cancer cells animal study is done
injected in mice was divided into control and EQ group (qigong 1 hr a diminished in the EQ was about 20%, 6.6 times as high as to verify the qigong
with ascitic day). The remaining cells were stained in trypan blue that in the control (P < .01). In exp. 2, EQ group showed results. NBM
cancer fluids (after 12 and 24 hrs) so as to count survival. In exp. 2, significant drop in cancer cell concentration number,
20 mice injected with EAC fluid (27 × 106 cells/mL) and 1612.2 × 10 8, compared to 2639.9 × 10 8 in the control
divided into 4 groups. 3 EQ groups received qi for 20 group (P < .01).
min/day for 7 days. Mice were then sacrificed for
ascitic fluid cell count.
Zhou et al 80 Y The EAC tumor Mice were divided randomly into 6 groups and Qigong prolonged the survival time (89%) of the mice Qigong may increase
1990 cells separated into 3 exps. The effect of EQ (1) on survival with EAC tumor. It also increased the number of the levels of SOD
time of EAC tumor model in mice, (2) on peripheral T peripheral T-lymphocyte mice with EAC tumor. SOD and number of T

Qigong Therapy for Cancer in China

lymphocyte cell quantities and (3) on SOD level in level in mice with EAC tumor increased markedly lymphocyte cells in
mice. All 3 exps. have control groups. Mice were (318.4 ± 41µ/mL) as compared to control (249.0 ± mouse blood. NBM
injected with tumor cells and EQ was administered 50 31µ/mL).
ft away from the mice.

*Randomization not mentioned in most studies unless otherwise specified. NBM = no binding mentioned.
Chen, Yeung

Table 7. Natural Killer Cell and Killer Cell Activities Among 4 Groups of Mice With Gliomas, Measured by Hemoglobin-Enzyme
Release Assay Method
Group n Natural Killer Cell Activities Killer Cell Activities
Normal control 6 62.1 ± 23.2 18.2 ± 5.7
Tumor control 6 54.8 ± 17.0 12.2 ± 10.8
Qigong 1 6 66.0 ± 14.2 47.5 ± 21.9*
Qigong 2 6 68.9 ± 21.6 19.7 ± 16.5

*P < .01 compared to tumor control group.

sham-treated group were 9.5%, 2.6%, and 2.5%,

respectively (P > .05). Morphological alterations in 2
qigong-treated mice include decreased cell volume of
most cancer cells; nuclear condensation; nuclear frag- 1.5
mentation; decreased ratio of nucleus and cytoplasm;
swollen mitochondria with poorly organized mito- 1
chondrial cristae, some vacuolated; and many
apoptotic bodies in extracellular space. These results 0.5
indicate that Chinese Taiji Five-Element Qigong
inhibited the growth of transplanted hepatocarci-
noma in mice. Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
In addition to the consideration of psychological
effect in qigong therapy, a major problem in the previ- Figure 4 Inhibitory effects of external qigong therapy on hepato-
carcinoma in mice. Data from Chen et al.40
ous qigong research has been reproducibility. Many
qigong healers could not effectively repeat what they
did in a prior study, which raised concern about the
reliability, and sometimes the validity, of the effects or study, CY-induced immunosuppressed mice were ran-
differences observed in qigong research. The Chen domly divided into CY, CY + EQT, and control groups.
et al study achieved very good stability and repro- The CY + EQT group received qigong for 20 minutes a
day for 8 days. Splenocyte suspensions (5 × 10 /mL)
ducibility. The 3 separate experiments showed very
similar results, which demonstrated the inhibitory were then made into several parallel portions for
potential of qigong therapy on cancer. inducing IL-2, IFN-r, and lymphocyte transformation.
Lei and colleagues at Tongji Medical University After the treatment, the thymus index of the CY group
examined the in vivo antitumor effect of EQT on the was 2.30 ± 0.42, of the control group was 3.91 ± 0.57,
immunologic functions of tumor-bearing mice and of the CY + EQT group was 2.97 ± 0.54. The
(TBM). They investigated the effects of both EQT and splenocyte spontaneous proliferation rate in the con-
cyclophosphamide (CY) on splenic NK activities, trol and CY groups was low (3062.5 and 3294.0, respec-
macrophage-mediated tumor cytolysis (MTC) activity, tively), but the CY + EQT group was as high as 7261.7
and IL-2 production level of different groups of TBM. (P < .05). IL-2 activity of the CY group was lower than
The TBM inoculated with Ehrlich ascites tumor that of the control group (P < .025), but of the CY
(EAC) or sarcoma-180 (S-180) were randomly divided + EQT group was higher than that of the CY and con-
into 4 groups: tumor control, qigong only, CY only, trol groups (P < .001).
and CY plus qigong. The qigong group was exposed to There are many similar in vivo studies in the litera-
EQT twice a day for 2 weeks, and the CY group was ture. For example, Feng and colleagues investigated
injected with CY daily at 40 mg/kg. The results show the inhibitory effects of EQT on L1210 cells of leuke-
that EQT had significant tumor growth inhibition rate mia and sarcoma cells in mice. Cao et al at Second Mili-
in both models (Table 8). The NK activity was 17.4% ± tary Medical College and Chu et al at the Shanghai
7.1% for EQT only, 20.1% ± 5.7% for CY plus EQT, and Cancer Institute examined the effect of EQT on B16
8.4% ± 3.7% for control (P < .01). The MTC activity for melanoma tumor cells and lung cancer cells in C57BL
CY plus EQ was 11.0% ± 5.6% versus 23.1% ± 7.3% for mice. Lin et al at Tianjin Medical College explored the
control (P < .01). IL-2 levels were 0.34% ± 0.03% for effect of EQT on mammary (MA37) and lung
EQT versus 0.30% ± 0.02% for control (P < .01). adenocarcinoma in mice. Shao et al at Nanjing Navy
A similar in vivo study of the effects of EQT and che- Medical School studied the effect of EQT on S-180
motherapy on antitumor lymphokines was done by cells implanted in mice. Zhou et al at First Military
Zhang et al at the Beijing College of TCM. In this Medical College examined the effect of EQT on EAC


Qigong Therapy for Cancer in China

Table 8. Inhibitory Effects of External Qigong Therapy (EQT) and/or Cyclophosphamide (CY) on the Tumor Growth of Ehrlich
Ascites Carcinoma (EAC) or Ascitic Sarcoma-180 (S-180) in Tumor-Bearing Mice
EAC = S-180
Average Tumor Tumor Growth Average Tumor Tumor Growth
Treatment Group n Weight (g) Inhibition Rate (%) n Weight (g) Inhibition Rate (%)
I. Control 8 1.79 8 3.50
II. Qigong only 8 0.91 49.2 8 1.20 65.7
III. CY 8 0.47 73.7 7 0.65 81.4
IV. CY + qigong 8 0.35 80.4 7 0.34 90.3

I vs II, P < .01; III vs IV, P < .05.

tumor model in mice in 3 separate trials. All were well- more research scientists interested in this area.
designed in vivo studies with valid controls, and each However, some studies have also offered scientific ex-
reported a significant inhibitory effect or prolonged planation for the results that touch on some of the
survival time from EQT among tumor-bearing mice. mechanisms of qigong therapy for cancer. We are
planning a separate review specifically on this topic,
Discussion and Conclusion especially on how qigong therapy might affect the hu-
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the man immune system. The following is an outline of
United States. Half of all men and one third of all the major scientific findings on the possible mecha-
women in the United States will develop cancer dur- nisms of qigong therapy for cancer.
ing their lifetimes. Most current treatments for cancer
are effective in controlling the symptoms or prolong- Qigong therapy may improve immune functions. The
ing patients’ lives to varying degrees, but all come with human body has a powerful immune system, but most
significant drawbacks, including toxicity, costs, and cancer patients experience some form of immune
potential harm to both mental and immune function. deficiency that makes it possible for cancer cells to out-
Therefore, an effective nonpharmacological therapy live normal cells, and that leads to numerous clinical
for cancer with less cost and no side effects could have problems and reduces quality of life. Many research
a major impact on cancer treatment. Qigong therapy studies suggest that qigong therapy and/or qigong
from TCM shows promise in treating cancer, and pre- practice may help cancer patients improve their
liminary studies report immediate improvement with- immune function. For example, Feng et al22 found
out side effects, even recording complete remission in that external qi from the qigong healer could enhance
patients who engaged in ongoing practice of the phagocytosis of peritoneal macrophages and
qigong.7,49 This form of medicine involving energy has increase the activity of acid phosphatase. From their
the potential to become a powerful alternative to, or clinical studies of cancer patients, Zhang9 reported
complementary therapy for, the conventional treat- that qigong practice significantly increased cancer
ment of cancer. However, there is a need for better- patients’ C3b rate of red blood cells, the rate of lym-
designed clinical trials that systematically apply this phocyte transformation, and phagocytosis. Studies
therapy in human patients to determine its efficacy and showed that increases in NK cells and many other
applicability so that more people can benefit from it. components of the immune system can significantly
It is true that there is room for improvement in reduce the chances of infection or tumor growth.20,23
these preliminary studies, and the studies in general Some studies also reported the rise in the level of
need to be replicated by more laboratories and clinics T lymphocytes with enhanced immune function after
in order to verify their findings. Nonetheless, it is not qigong. Other components of the immune sys-
hard to draw a general picture that qigong therapy for tem, such as the activity of macrophages and bacteri-
cancer treatment deserves further study. Unfortu- cidal functions of neutrophils, also improved as the
nately, this is an area that is often neglected by main- patients practiced qigong and/or received qi from a
stream medicine and research. A deeper understand- qigong master.52 Given the fact that most conventional
ing of this mode of therapy is required for it to become cancer therapies tend to damage or destroy the
more widely accepted in the medical community. patient’s immune functions, which in turn reduces
overall capability of self-recovery, the indication of
Possible Mechanisms improvement in the immune system from qigong
Most of the studies we reviewed have simply attempted therapy warrants further in-depth research.
to prove a principle: that qigong therapy for cancer
could be effective, and that it is more than just a psy- Qigong therapy may increase the microcirculation func-
chological effect. This is an important first step to get tions. Microcirculation refers to the blood circulation


Chen, Yeung

between microartery and microvein (capillary). functions of one’s body. There is not yet enough
Qigong practice has been reported to improve the research or data to sufficiently document these effects.
practitioner’s microcirculation, changing the viscosity According to TCM, qigong may work to benefit the
of blood, increasing elasticity of blood vessels, and practitioners through 3 different channels. (1)
controlling the concentration of platelet. One study in Increased qi flow strikes against the location of illness
this area measured the skin temperature before and such as a tumor. According to TCM, good health is the
during qigong practice and found an increase in back result of a free-flowing, well-balanced qi (energy) sys-
surface temperature and greater infrared radiation tem, whereas sickness and pain are the results of qi
from the palm. Another study reported significant blockage or unbalanced energy in certain areas of the
increase in microcirculation of nail wrinkles among 19 body. Once the supply of qi to the cells becomes
subjects, from a mean of 8.2 lines/mm prior to qigong blocked, blood flow to that area will change, the cells
to 12.6 lines/mm after qigong (P < .001). It was con- or related organs might start to malfunction, and dis-
cluded that qigong therapy could adjust the ease or pain may occur. One possible mechanism of
microcirculation function to an optimal state by accel- qigong therapy for pain relief and symptom reduction
erating blood flow, raising the skin temperature, and is through motivating qi and energy within the body,
increasing the number of micro blood vessels, which breaking the qi blockage, and balancing the energy
in turn increases the oxygen and blood supplies to the system. From a research perspective, the in vitro stud-
tissues and cells, strengthens the metabolism, and ies suggest that qi energy may have a direct inhibitory
changes the pathological state to a normal physiologi- effect on tumor growth, or even kill cancer cells. (2)
cal state to achieve the antitumor effect or maximize Cultivation of Yi (consciousness and intention) and
the efficacy of chemotherapy. Huang2 also reported the emphasis of “empty mind without desire” in
increased microcirculation of lung among cancer qigong practice may help the practitioners to
patients who practiced Guo-Lin qigong. strengthen the power of their intention and to release
suppressed emotions and/or mental disturbances. It
Qigong therapy may raise the pain threshold. In the early is said that qigong training of the mind (or intention)
1980s, psychologists in China started to explore the helps practitioners to release themselves from the
possibility of qigong therapy raising the pain thresh- “socialized self ” (the source of all stress) and return
old, and they achieved some positive findings. For them to the “original self.” The source of cancers
example, Wang et al at the China Academy of Science could be related to some mental/emotional distur-
tested the pain threshold of different locations on the bances and social pressures (such as ongoing stress)
body among 59 cancer patients and found that the that over time lead to a malfunction of the immune
pain threshold at the right inner joint increased from system. Qigong practice may lead to the release of
122.2 g before to 164.07 g during qigong practice (P < these mental/emotional disturbances or twists, which
.01) and the pain threshold at the left inner joint may be the real source of the cancer in the first place.
increased from 100.0 g to 125.76 g during qigong prac- This may also help patients tolerate the ongoing stress
tice. Zhang and colleagues at Zhong Shan Medical related to their disease or its conventional treatments.
University also reported the analgesic effect of exter- (3) Qigong may rapidly reveal or uncover the body’s
nal qi in a placebo-controlled study and found that potential self-healing capability, including the
EQT could increase human skin pain threshold, mea- increased immune functions (as described above), the
sured by the method of potassium-mediated pain. self-repair capability, and the self-regeneration capa-
Yang et al reported the analgesic effect of emitted qi bility. For example, the relaxed and tranquil state
on rats, decreasing the probability of a purely psycho- achieved during qigong practice can relieve stress,
logical effect on pain. build up vital energy, and rapidly increase the body’s
immune function. We have observed some patients of
Many other explanations with regard to the interac- qigong therapy who have completely recovered from
tion between the qi (vital energy) and the physical multiple, complicated diseases or symptoms in a short
body have not been completely verified by research. period of time without any medications. There are
Qigong’s therapeutic properties may also lie in its reg- reports of regenerated lost physical parts, such as new
ulation of the respiratory system, the metabolic sys- hair growth and new tooth growth among adults and
tem, activity of the cerebral cortex, the central nervous seniors. In this sense, qigong therapy has challenged
system, and the cardiovascular system, as well as its the current medical practice’s tendency to depend on
effect in correcting abnormal reactions of the organs, the use of pharmaceutical drugs that treat a specific
the massaging effect on the organs of the abdominal symptom only with many known and unknown side
cavity, and its effect on self-control over the physical effects.


Qigong Therapy for Cancer in China

Problems and Limitations growth in the treatment group compared to the con-
Although qigong may be one of the most powerful al- trol group, possibly due to their lack of proper
ternatives for traditional Western medicine and ther- technique in the emission of qi. To add to this com-
apy on cancer treatment, current research geared plexity, many “qigong masters” claim their form of
toward qigong and its therapeutic effect may have qigong is superior to others in terms of the therapeu-
many deficiencies and limitations. To recognize these tic effect. Without any physical or biological measure-
problems is a necessary step of more in-depth investi- ment of qi and its effects, and the lack of general inter-
gation into qigong therapy. est in understanding the qigong effect from the
Lack of a sophisticated research design and com- research community, it is extremely difficult to mea-
patible control groups undermines the results of many sure effectiveness or success of one type of qigong over
clinical studies. Observational studies are a good first another. Many studies of qigong therapy for cancer
step to interest more doctors and scientists to focus on did not specify what forms of qigong were used and
this therapy, but they are not enough to determine the how they differed from each other, making the reviews
actual effectiveness of qigong therapy for different and evaluations even more problematic. Therefore, it
types of cancer. Although traditional double-blind is necessary to pay more attention to what type and for-
clinical trials may be difficult to apply to qigong study mat of qigong is used during the treatment and
due to a lack of a compatible sham qigong, in reality a explore the common and/or various mechanisms for
reasonably large sample size with a compatible control different kinds of qigong.
is crucial for examining such an alternative therapy. If one plans to conduct research on external
For any scientific study of a new therapy or treat- qigong therapy for cancer, one should be prepared to
ment, a large amount of time and resources are experience some failures in the beginning. Not all
needed for an accurate account of effectiveness, dose researchers have had positive findings in their qigong
response, and side effects. However, most studies of explorations. First, it is hard to locate a qualified
qigong therapy have been done by Chinese scientists qigong healer to collaborate in research, as there are
who were confronted with the problems that come many more well-meaning but ineffective “masters” or
with a lack of support and resources. Some studies unqualified qigong practitioners than practitioners
were actually conducted by qigong practitioners or with real and testable ability. Even if one obtains some
amateurs, and some studies were simple minded and positive findings with the right healer(s), it may not be
very preliminary due to lack of experience and/or possible to repeat the same result even with the same
support from health care professionals. Although well healer, as the results of each study are highly related to
intentioned, these studies have often attracted criti- a variety of factors such as the presence of others, the
cism with regard to their quality and reliability. environment, the healer’s subjective feeling, and phys-
Qigong therapy is a practice that uses qi, the vital ical and psychological well-being. When discussing
energy of the body, to treat diseases and maintain external qi therapy, we are talking about the effect of
one’s health. Although the physical existence of qi is concentrating human intention and subtle energy,
still under debate in Western medicine, like acupunc- which may vary tremendously as different elements
ture, it is widely accepted by qigong practitioners that come into play. Many of the published studies were the
qi is a form of energy that circulates through the result of perseverance after a number of failures or
“meridian” and that any blockage of the qi flow in a insignificant effects in the previous (unpublished)
particular area of the body is considered the point studies. We found some reports on the absence of an
where the disease has originated. The qigong practi- effect from external qigong therapy in the literature.57
tioner may use his qigong to break the qi blockage so It is a great challenge to conduct high-quality research
as to relieve the pain or disease. However, the mecha- on qigong therapy, especially without support in fund-
nism of how qi works and its interactions with the body ing and resources.
remain mostly unknown. Although some research has
explored its mechanism, there is no general consen- Conclusions
sus on qi and how qigong works, which is a major The very existence of human subtle energy has been a
obstacle for health professionals to make use of this challenge for modern medicine and modern science
seemingly effective therapy. in general, since we have no effective means to mea-
As previously pointed out, qigong comes in many sure it and we know nothing more than simple obser-
forms, and not all qigong forms are effective in treat- vations of various phenomena so far. Therefore, the
ing cancer; nor can all “qigong masters” effectively general tendency of the scientific community has
emit external qi for cancer study. As reported in Zhao been to ignore its existence, sometimes labeling it as
et al,35 some qigong healers produced more tumor placebo effect and avoiding any study of it. However,


Chen, Yeung

the therapeutic effect of this subtle energy on cancer 6. Huang JB. There is a bright future for qigong anti-cancer
therapy—a speech at the assessment conference of Taiji Five-
may change this tendency. Much evidence suggests Element Qigong anti-cancer therapy [in Chinese]. China
that qigong therapy for cancer is more than just a psy- Qigong Sci. 1997;6:5.
chological effect. Studies on qigong and its curative ef- 7. Zhang PY. The experts confirmed the achievement of qigong
fect on cancer have demonstrated consistent results anti-cancer therapy: Chinese Taiji Five-Element Qigong is one
of effective means to defeat cancer [in Chinese]. China Qigong
for its inhibitory effect on cancer growth and metasta-
Sci. 1997;3:8-10.
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There is much room for improvement in these 10. Yu Y, Zhang RM, Huang XQ, Guo YR, Cao W. Effects of self-
studies, and some need to be replicated by more labo- controlling qigong therapy on the immune function of cancer
ratories and clinics in order to verify the findings. patients. Presented at: Second World Conference for Aca-
demic Exchange of Medical Qigong; Sep 1993; Beijing, China.
Additionally, qigong therapy is an area that is often
11. Sun QZ, Zhao L. Clinical observation of qigong as a therapeu-
neglected by mainstream medicine and research. Our tic aid for advanced cancer patients. Presented at: First World
review suggests that this therapy be seriously exam- Conference for Academic Exchange of Medical Qigong; Oct
ined and be considered as an important supplement 1988; Beijing, China.
to the conventional treatment of cancer and other 12. Fu JZ, Fu SL, Qin JT. Effect of qigong and anticancer body-
building herbs on the prognosis of postoperative patients with
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Chinese scientists are not alone in proving the ther- ence on Medical Qigong; Sep 1996; Beijing, China.
apeutic effect of human subtle energy in cancer treat- 13. Zheng RR, et al. Observation of 100 cases with comprehensive
ment. Fahrion and Norris,58 Bengston and Krinsley59 qigong therapy for treating later-stage cancer [in Chinese].
in the United States, and Sherstnev and Gruden in
60 World Qigong. 1990;3:19.
14. Ye M, Wang Y, Mao CX, Zhang RH. The effect of qigong exer-
Russia have all independently verified the inhibitory cise on unscheduled DNA synthesis of the peripheral blood
effect of human subtle energy on tumor growth. lymphocytes of cancer patients. Presented at: Fourth Interna-
Hopefully, more scientists around the world will follow tional Symposium on Qigong; 1992; Shanghai, China.
their steps and put their efforts together in this chal- 15. Luo S, Tong T, et al. Effects of vital gate qigong on malignant
tumor. Presented at: First World Conference for Academic
lenging area.
Exchange of Medical Qigong; Sep 1988; Beijing, China.
Although qigong research poses difficulties and 16. Wang SH, Wang BR, Shao MY, Li ZQ. Clinical study of the rou-
problems in explanation and replication, qigong ther- tine treatment of cancer coordinated by qigong. Presented at:
apy can provide an invaluable alternative to modern Second World Conference for Academic Exchange of Medical
Western medicine. Unlike other alternative medi- Qigong; Sep 1993; Beijing, China.
17. Wang JM. On the antitumor mechanism of qigong. Presented
cines, which are only able to cope with symptoms, at: First World Conference for Academic Exchange of Medical
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health system. Our review suggests that qigong ther- 18. Xu HF, Wang GM, Xue HN, Zhang CM. An observation of T-
apy may actually stop and prevent cancer growth, and lymphocytes by ANAE staining in the clinical application of
Qigong. Presented at: First World Conference for Academic
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the same time. We hope that more studies and 19. Xu HF, Xue HL, Zhang CJ. Study of effects and mechanisms of
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20. Cai GH, Zhang Y, Zhu QH, Zhang GS, Yuan ZP, Zhou P. The
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