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Residencia de Campo
Tijuana Baja California, Mexico.

Design Office / Oficina de diseño

Ing. Jesus Germán Torres Gutierrez
Cédula Profesional 4642430
Blvd. Justo Sierra y Paseo De Los Pinos
# 1201 Local 16, Mexicali, B. C. C.P. 21230

Oficina: (686) 2521422 Celular: (686)1821403





ALCANCES/SCOPE ............................................................................................................. 2
1.1. CIMENTACIÓN/FOUNDATION .............................................................................. 2
1.2. ESTRUCTURA/MAIN STRUCTURE ....................................................................... 3
2. REGLAMENTOS DE DISEÑO/BUILDING CODES ....................................................... 4
3. MATERIALES/MATERIALS ............................................................................................. 5
4. CARGAS MUERTAS/DEAD LOADS............................................................................... 6
5. CARGAS VIVAS/LIVE LOADS ........................................................................................ 7
6. CARGAS ACCIDENTALES / ENVIRONMENTAL LOADS ............................................... 9
6.1 SISMO / EARTHQUAKE LOADS ............................................................................. 9
6.2 ANALISIS SISMICO /SEISMIC ANALISYS .......................................................... 11
7. MÉTODOS DE CÁLCULO/CALCULATIONS METHODS ........................................... 20
8. COMBINACIONES DE CARGA/COMBINATIONS OF LOADS .................................. 21
9. DEFORMACIONES/DISPLACEMENTS ........................................................................ 23
10. RESUMEN DE DISEÑO / DESIGN SUMMARY........................................................ 24
11. CIMENTACION / FOUNDATION ............................................................................... 61


Este documento establece los parámetros y consideraciones generales para el

análisis y diseño estructural de la Casa de Campo, a construirse en la ciudad de
Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico.



De acuerdo con la información arquitectónica proporcionada por el cliente y

tomando en cuenta una capacidad de carga de 10 ton/m2, la cimentación de la
estructura será del tipo superficial y se compondrá de zapatas aisaldas para las
columnas de concreto.

Profundidad de desplante= -600mm desde el NPT (Variable)



El sistema de Entrepiso consiste en el sistema losa acero (Steel Deck) soportado

por vigas secundarias y trabes metálicas como soporte principal, tanto las vigas
secundarias como las principales se anclan a los muros mediante castillos de
concreto con las varillas embebidas en las dalas de desplante, las vigas
secundarias se encuentran articuladas en sus extremos y se diseñaron como
secion compuesta, es decir la capa a compresión del concreto trabaja en conjunto
con las vigas de acero, para esto se colocaron pernos de cortante.


2.0 RLEEBC / local code: diciembre 1998 y NTC para el RLEEBC / local code.
2.1 American Concrete Institute (ACI)
Building Code Requeriments for Reinforced Concrete. (ACI 318 S-14).
2.2 American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM).
(a) Varillas de refuerzo / rebars: ASTM A-615, A616.
(b) Malla de alambre soldado / wire mesh: ASTM A-185, A-497.
(c) Sujetadores estandar / standar bolts: ASTM A-307.
(d) Tornillos de alta resistencia / high strength bolt: ASTM A-325.
(e) Electrodos para soldadura / welding electrodes: ASTM A-233.
2.3 American Welding Society (AWS)
(a) Structural Welding Code – Reinforcing Steel (AWS D1.4.89)
2.4 American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC 360-10)
Manual of Steel Construction – Load and Resistence Factor Design (LRFD)
14th Edition 2011, Chicago, Illinois.
2.5 Manual de Diseño de obras civiles – Diseño por viento y diseño por sismo /
wind and earthquake - Comisión Federal de Electricidad – CFE-2015.
2.6 Instituto Mexicano de la Construcción en Acero (IMCA).
Manual de Construcción en Acero – 5a edición.
2.7 Portland Cement Association (PCA).
Concrete Floors on Ground, 2001.
2.8 American society of civil engineers.
Minimum Desing Loads for Building and others structures ASCE/SEI 7-10

2.9 North Amercian Specification for the design of colf-formed steel structural
Members AISI / CANACERO S136-16


Acero en perfiles estructurales:

- IR, ASTM A-992: fy= 3,515 kg/cm²
- ZF, CF, ASTM A-570: fy= 3,515 kg/cm²
- OR, OC, HSS, ASTM A-500 Gr. B: fy= 3,235 kg/cm2
- OS, LI, ASTM A-36: fy= 2,530 kg/cm2
- Placa base, ASTM A-36: fy= 2,530 kg/cm2
- Placa lisa, ASTM A-36: fy= 2,530 kg/cm2
- Placa para clips, t <= 1/8”, ASTM A-36: fy= 2,530 kg/cm2
- Placa para clips, t > 1/8”, ASTM A-36: fy= 2,530 kg/cm2
- Anclas OS, ASTM A-36: fy= 2,530 kg/cm2

Electrodos para soldadura:

- E60XX ASTM A-233: fy= 4,218 kg/cm2
- E70XX ASTM A-233: fy= 4,921 kg/cm2

Acero de refuerzo en elementos de concreto:

Para varillas tipo corrugada con diámetro >= #3 (3/8”) fy= 4,200 kg/cm²
Para varillas tipo lisa con diámetro < #3 (3/8”) fy= 2,300 kg/cm²
Malla electrosoldada tipo corrugada ASTM A-185 fy= 5,000 kg/cm2
Varilla corrugada de alta resistencia fy= 6,000 kg/cm2

Concreto en cimentación f’c= 250 kg/cm2

Tornillos normales, ASTM A-307: Para conexión de largueros y elementos


Tornillos de alta resistencia, ASTM A-325: Para conexión de elementos principales

de la estructura. (De tensión controlada para diámetro >= 5/8”)

Tuercas, Acero ASTM F-436, ASTM 563, Gr. A-307 DH



Peso volumétrico de los materiales:

Concreto armado: 2.40 ton/m3
Concreto simple: 2.20 ton/m3
Acero estructural: 7.85 ton/m3

Las cargas muertas comprenden aquellas que son de caracter permanente, como
el peso propio, instalaciones, acabados, etc.

Carga muerta (peso propio) ………………………………………..Por cálculo

Carga muerta entrepiso (Steel Deck)……………. 346 kg/m2
Carga muerta cubierta (Triplay)………………………..40 kg/m2


Las cargas vivas comprenden los valores especificados en los códigos de diseño y
las correspondientes a la cubierta.

Para la definición del valor correspondiente a carga viva sobre la cubierta se toma
el valor indicado en la tabla 6.1 del Capítulo 6 CARGAS VIVAS.

A. La carga viva máxima Wm se deberá emplear para diseño estructural por

fuerzas gravitacionales y para calcular asentamientos inmediatos en suelos,
así como el diseño estructural de los cimientos ante cargas gravitacionales.

B. La carga instantánea Wa se deberá usar para diseño sísmico y por viento y

cuando se revisen distribuciones de cargas más desfavorables que la
uniformemente repartida sobre toda el área.

C. La carga media W se deberá emplear en el cálculo de asentamientos

diferidos y para el cálculo de flechas diferidas;

D. Cuando el efecto de la carga viva sea favorable para la estabilidad de la

estructura, como en el caso de problemas de flotación volteo y de succión
por viento, su intensidad se considerará nula sobre toda el área, a menos
que pueda justificarse otro valor acorde con la definición de la sección 2.2
de este Reglamento.



Para el análisis sísmico de la estructura se utilizó el método dinámico y se realizó

un análisis de segundo orden (p-delta). De acuerdo con la Reglamentación local el
proyecto se localiza en la Zona Sísmica C.

De acuerdo con la zonificiacion del reglamento local el terreno es tipo II, por lo
que se determina el valor del coeficiente sísmico de la tabla B 3.2


Seismic analysis
Modal analysis


Node Mass X Mass Y Mass Z MMI.xx MMI.yy MMI.zz

[Ton] [Ton] [Ton] [Ton*m2] [Ton*m2] [Ton*m2]
63 1.70 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00
76 1.70 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00
86 1.70 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00
97 1.70 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00
98 1.70 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00
105 1.70 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00
115 1.70 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00
129 1.70 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00
135 1.70 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00
136 1.70 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00
137 1.70 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00
138 1.70 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00
180 1.70 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00
181 1.70 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00
183 1.70 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00
185 1.70 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00
186 1.70 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00
187 1.70 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00
410 104.29 0.00 104.29 0.00 3782.87 0.00
414 1.70 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00


1 36.32 0.17298
2 44.65 0.14073
3 52.27 0.12022
4 55.64 0.11292
5 60.16 0.10444
6 63.12 0.09955
7 66.87 0.09396
8 71.12 0.08834
9 74.63 0.08419
10 82.35 0.07630


Modal participation
MODE Part.X Part.Y Part.Z Rot.X Rot.Y Rot.Z
1 0.03 0.00 28.43 0.00 0.19 0.00
2 65.64 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.28 0.00
3 0.70 0.00 43.07 0.00 8.86 0.00

4 1.70 0.00 15.16 0.00 4.42 0.00

5 18.87 0.00 2.41 0.00 9.93 0.00
6 8.74 0.00 3.13 0.00 13.93 0.00
7 1.14 0.00 2.71 0.00 7.90 0.00
8 0.33 0.00 0.85 0.00 4.87 0.00
9 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.14 0.00
10 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.03 0.00
TOTAL: 97.16 0.00 96.04 0.00 50.54 0.00


DOF Total mass

TX 13.94
TY 0.00
TZ 13.94
RX 0.00
RY 386.01
RZ 0.00


T[Sec] a/g
0.00000 0.16
0.01000 0.17
0.02000 0.18
0.03000 0.19
0.04000 0.20
0.05000 0.22
0.06000 0.23
0.07000 0.24
0.08000 0.25
0.09000 0.26
0.10000 0.27
0.20000 0.38
0.30000 0.38
0.40000 0.38
0.50000 0.38
0.60000 0.38
0.70000 0.38
0.80000 0.38
0.90000 0.38
1.00000 0.38
1.10000 0.33
1.20000 0.30
1.30000 0.27
1.40000 0.24
1.50000 0.22
1.60000 0.20
1.70000 0.19
1.80000 0.17
1.90000 0.16
2.00000 0.15
2.10000 0.14
2.20000 0.13
2.30000 0.13
2.40000 0.12
2.50000 0.11
2.60000 0.11
2.70000 0.10

2.80000 0.10
2.90000 0.09
3.00000 0.09

Condition = Eqx=Eqx
Scale Factor = 1.10
Damping factor = 5.00


[RAD/SEC] [SEC] [m/Sec2]
1 36.32 0.17298 3.78
2 44.65 0.14073 3.39
3 52.27 0.12022 3.15
4 55.64 0.11292 3.06
5 60.16 0.10444 2.96
6 63.12 0.09955 2.91
7 66.87 0.09396 2.84
8 71.12 0.08834 2.77
9 74.63 0.08419 2.72
10 82.35 0.07630 2.63

Condition = Eqz=Eqz
Scale Factor = 1.10
Damping factor = 5.00


[RAD/SEC] [SEC] [m/Sec2]
1 36.32 0.17298 3.78
2 44.65 0.14073 3.39
3 52.27 0.12022 3.15
4 55.64 0.11292 3.06
5 60.16 0.10444 2.96
6 63.12 0.09955 2.91
7 66.87 0.09396 2.84
8 71.12 0.08834 2.77
9 74.63 0.08419 2.72
10 82.35 0.07630 2.63


Normalized displacements to Phi*M*Phi=1

Modal shapes : 1
W = 36.32 [RAD/SEC] PERIOD = 0.17298 [SEC]


Node Trans.X Trans.Y Trans.Z Rot.X Rot.Y Rot.Z

[phi] [phi] [phi] [phiRot] [phiRot] [phiRot]
63 4.71E-03 1.03E-02 1.29E-01 1.24E-02 -5.92E-02 1.85E-02
76 -2.05E-02 -3.27E-03 1.33E-01 1.53E-02 -1.43E-01 1.02E-03
86 8.56E-03 2.34E-02 3.50E-01 6.37E-02 2.19E-01 -1.93E-03
97 1.11E-02 3.57E-03 1.05E-01 2.75E-03 6.44E-03 -8.39E-03
98 1.94E-03 -9.48E-04 1.04E-01 1.07E-03 -1.57E-04 2.90E-03
105 -2.82E-02 7.64E-04 1.04E-01 1.96E-03 3.95E-03 4.32E-03
115 -1.83E-02 -2.63E-03 1.04E-01 2.18E-03 -1.71E-02 6.57E-03
129 -1.77E-02 -1.83E-03 1.05E+00 3.32E-01 1.85E-01 -2.46E-03
135 -2.83E-03 -9.60E-04 1.08E-01 1.03E-03 1.95E-02 3.82E-03
136 -3.06E-02 5.47E-04 1.08E-01 3.01E-03 -1.03E-02 3.48E-03
137 -2.67E-03 -1.47E-02 3.38E-01 2.91E-01 1.37E-01 6.53E-03
138 -2.96E-02 -9.57E-03 2.79E-01 1.87E-01 1.88E-01 -1.64E-04
180 2.63E-03 -5.37E-02 7.81E-01 7.25E-01 -1.94E-01 -4.91E-03
181 -8.48E-04 -3.02E-02 9.07E-01 7.91E-01 2.10E-01 6.15E-03
183 -3.02E-02 8.03E-04 1.18E+00 1.89E-01 1.08E-01 -1.86E-03
185 -3.19E-02 6.31E-03 1.02E+00 2.54E-01 -2.15E-01 -1.78E-05
186 -3.31E-02 -1.43E-03 1.42E-01 1.25E-02 -2.41E-01 2.51E-03
187 5.09E-03 -1.02E-02 1.46E-01 1.30E-02 -2.49E-01 -1.24E-02
410 -2.53E-03 0.00E+00 6.98E-02 0.00E+00 -2.22E-03 0.00E+00
414 -9.05E-03 4.39E-04 1.04E-01 -2.85E-03 -9.30E-03 3.19E-03

Modal shapes : 2
W = 44.65 [RAD/SEC] PERIOD = 0.14073 [SEC]


Node Trans.X Trans.Y Trans.Z Rot.X Rot.Y Rot.Z

[phi] [phi] [phi] [phiRot] [phiRot] [phiRot]
63 1.66E-01 2.34E-03 2.68E-02 3.11E-03 -1.86E-02 -4.79E-03
76 2.43E-01 1.69E-03 2.75E-02 1.32E-03 -1.44E-02 -1.75E-02
86 1.63E-01 -2.60E-03 9.27E-03 2.32E-03 1.55E-02 -9.91E-03
97 1.63E-01 -4.41E-04 -2.57E-02 -3.25E-04 -2.95E-03 -5.43E-03
98 2.39E-01 -2.19E-03 -2.57E-02 1.21E-03 1.14E-01 -1.67E-02
105 6.19E-01 -1.46E-02 -2.39E-02 -8.77E-06 -1.08E-01 -7.44E-02
115 2.36E-01 -1.30E-03 -2.33E-02 -1.79E-03 -5.49E-02 -2.10E-02
129 2.35E-01 2.35E-03 -2.23E-02 2.88E-03 2.79E-02 -8.55E-03
135 2.59E-01 -1.93E-03 -2.65E-02 2.07E-03 6.56E-02 -1.24E-02
136 6.99E-01 -1.25E-02 -2.62E-02 1.51E-03 1.61E-02 -5.58E-02
137 2.56E-01 3.22E-02 -4.06E-02 2.14E-02 9.61E-03 1.13E-03
138 6.91E-01 1.44E-01 6.94E-03 6.64E-05 -8.88E-03 -1.56E-02
180 2.54E-01 9.19E-04 5.81E-02 6.16E-02 -1.31E-03 -8.24E-04
181 2.54E-01 -1.50E-04 3.62E-02 3.81E-02 1.57E-02 1.31E-03
183 6.82E-01 8.15E-02 3.31E-02 3.02E-02 2.08E-02 1.49E-02
185 6.80E-01 3.32E-02 8.18E-02 4.79E-02 -1.89E-03 8.57E-03
186 6.80E-01 6.92E-03 3.69E-02 3.79E-03 -9.72E-03 -5.09E-03
187 2.55E-01 4.18E-03 3.19E-02 4.82E-03 -1.56E-02 -7.71E-03
410 1.59E-01 0.00E+00 2.62E-03 0.00E+00 2.69E-03 0.00E+00
414 8.91E-01 -7.24E-03 -2.49E-02 2.49E-03 1.01E-01 -3.85E-02


Modal shapes : 3
W = 52.27 [RAD/SEC] PERIOD = 0.12022 [SEC]


Node Trans.X Trans.Y Trans.Z Rot.X Rot.Y Rot.Z

[phi] [phi] [phi] [phiRot] [phiRot] [phiRot]
63 1.23E-01 -2.57E-03 1.39E-01 -3.80E-04 4.58E-02 -1.96E-02
76 -7.52E-02 1.91E-03 1.39E-01 6.34E-03 1.12E-01 4.88E-03
86 1.19E-01 -4.15E-03 1.40E-01 -1.46E-02 -1.40E-01 1.26E-02
97 1.21E-01 1.59E-02 4.66E-01 2.50E-02 -1.09E-02 -7.77E-03
98 8.80E-02 2.55E-04 4.63E-01 -3.34E-03 -2.53E-02 -3.64E-03
105 -3.87E-02 2.48E-03 4.62E-01 -4.46E-03 -4.23E-02 3.35E-03
115 -7.80E-02 -1.49E-02 4.64E-01 2.42E-02 4.54E-04 7.87E-03
129 -7.55E-02 -3.53E-03 -2.13E-01 -1.79E-01 -2.00E-01 -2.67E-03
135 9.74E-02 1.86E-03 5.15E-01 1.28E-02 1.33E-02 2.84E-04
136 -4.40E-02 1.14E-03 5.16E-01 7.79E-03 1.55E-02 -2.18E-04
137 9.79E-02 1.99E-03 6.25E-01 4.79E-01 -1.24E-01 -1.86E-03
138 -4.50E-02 -9.78E-04 6.53E-01 5.32E-01 -1.44E-01 2.11E-03
180 9.44E-02 3.77E-02 -4.16E-01 -6.36E-01 6.66E-02 2.86E-03
181 9.74E-02 1.35E-02 -1.33E-01 -3.59E-01 -2.88E-01 -9.26E-03
183 -4.44E-02 -8.42E-03 -2.77E-01 -5.39E-02 -2.38E-01 2.09E-03
185 -4.22E-02 -1.39E-02 -6.79E-01 -4.25E-01 8.90E-02 -2.38E-04
186 -4.07E-02 -4.50E-03 1.59E-01 3.82E-02 2.64E-01 -8.36E-04
187 9.21E-02 3.69E-03 1.44E-01 4.78E-03 2.66E-01 7.39E-03
410 2.11E-02 0.00E+00 1.71E-01 0.00E+00 -1.51E-02 0.00E+00
414 6.29E-02 -3.57E-05 4.62E-01 -7.46E-03 -2.55E-02 -2.51E-04

Modal shapes : 4
W = 55.64 [RAD/SEC] PERIOD = 0.11292 [SEC]


Node Trans.X Trans.Y Trans.Z Rot.X Rot.Y Rot.Z

[phi] [phi] [phi] [phiRot] [phiRot] [phiRot]
63 1.12E-01 -2.18E-02 -3.80E-01 -3.74E-02 7.17E-02 -1.03E-02
76 -2.50E-02 1.10E-02 -3.91E-01 -4.93E-02 1.15E-01 2.95E-03
86 1.10E-01 1.07E-02 4.85E-02 2.77E-02 3.84E-02 2.20E-02
97 1.15E-01 2.10E-03 -4.12E-02 1.35E-04 2.30E-02 -1.76E-02
98 1.11E-01 -4.35E-03 -4.12E-02 1.24E-03 7.19E-03 -4.40E-03
105 -8.57E-02 2.57E-03 -4.17E-02 -3.87E-04 -5.29E-03 1.66E-02
115 -2.66E-02 -1.32E-03 -4.24E-02 -5.00E-04 2.01E-03 1.20E-02
129 -2.40E-02 6.77E-04 7.60E-01 3.21E-01 -1.27E-01 -9.02E-03
135 1.25E-01 -4.88E-03 -4.52E-02 -2.68E-03 5.01E-02 -9.71E-04
136 -1.04E-01 2.08E-03 -4.57E-02 -1.67E-03 -1.59E-02 1.23E-02
137 1.25E-01 -8.98E-03 4.37E-01 6.12E-01 1.35E-01 2.69E-03
138 -1.03E-01 -3.34E-02 3.01E-01 3.92E-01 2.30E-01 4.69E-03
180 1.26E-01 3.32E-02 -7.85E-01 -7.16E-01 -3.38E-01 -3.42E-03
181 1.27E-01 -4.34E-03 3.80E-01 5.41E-01 -1.92E-01 -1.33E-02
183 -1.03E-01 -2.52E-02 8.88E-01 2.93E-01 -3.77E-01 6.61E-04
185 -1.01E-01 -3.02E-02 -1.09E+00 -9.73E-01 -2.88E-01 -2.79E-03
186 -9.78E-02 -2.14E-03 -4.81E-01 -1.49E-01 2.61E-01 -6.90E-03
187 1.24E-01 1.70E-02 -4.55E-01 -5.77E-02 2.99E-01 1.67E-03
410 3.81E-02 0.00E+00 -1.19E-01 0.00E+00 -1.07E-02 0.00E+00
414 6.56E-02 -1.03E-03 -4.14E-02 -4.89E-04 -5.73E-02 5.15E-03

Modal shapes : 5

W = 60.16 [RAD/SEC] PERIOD = 0.10444 [SEC]


Node Trans.X Trans.Y Trans.Z Rot.X Rot.Y Rot.Z

[phi] [phi] [phi] [phiRot] [phiRot] [phiRot]
63 2.82E-01 1.86E-03 -1.46E-01 -4.94E-03 -7.62E-02 2.12E-03
76 3.60E-02 -3.69E-03 -1.48E-01 -8.06E-03 -1.14E-01 -6.50E-04
86 2.83E-01 -9.43E-03 -5.00E-02 -7.60E-03 -6.44E-03 -3.04E-02
97 2.86E-01 5.00E-04 1.27E-01 7.15E-03 -1.29E-02 -1.09E-03
98 3.10E-01 -7.88E-03 1.27E-01 -1.40E-03 -1.33E-01 -2.02E-02
105 -3.52E-01 1.91E-02 1.25E-01 -3.32E-03 7.18E-02 7.34E-02
115 4.19E-02 -2.12E-04 1.25E-01 7.53E-03 4.17E-02 1.07E-03
129 4.10E-02 -1.97E-03 -2.64E-01 -9.93E-02 9.08E-02 2.53E-03
135 3.63E-01 -8.60E-03 1.39E-01 -3.73E-03 -1.73E-01 -2.08E-02
136 -4.42E-01 1.72E-02 1.39E-01 -5.73E-03 -9.14E-02 5.59E-02
137 3.59E-01 1.80E-02 -2.73E-01 -4.34E-01 -7.49E-02 -2.87E-03
138 -4.33E-01 -1.35E-01 -2.53E-01 -3.26E-01 -9.91E-02 1.55E-02
180 3.60E-01 -1.79E-02 4.40E-01 5.75E-01 1.01E-01 -4.29E-03
181 3.58E-01 -4.96E-03 -1.36E-01 -1.53E-01 1.69E-01 1.23E-03
183 -4.23E-01 -6.15E-02 -3.74E-01 -1.81E-01 2.49E-01 -1.90E-02
185 -4.24E-01 -9.08E-03 7.52E-01 7.19E-01 6.04E-02 -1.94E-03
186 -4.27E-01 -6.93E-03 -1.80E-01 -4.47E-02 -3.48E-01 1.05E-02
187 3.65E-01 1.11E-02 -1.59E-01 -2.96E-03 -3.54E-01 -2.34E-02
410 1.51E-01 0.00E+00 -5.63E-02 0.00E+00 -1.60E-02 0.00E+00
414 -4.68E-01 3.76E-03 1.26E-01 -6.12E-03 -1.68E-01 2.44E-02

Modal shapes : 6
W = 63.12 [RAD/SEC] PERIOD = 0.09955 [SEC]


Node Trans.X Trans.Y Trans.Z Rot.X Rot.Y Rot.Z

[phi] [phi] [phi] [phiRot] [phiRot] [phiRot]
63 1.48E-02 5.43E-03 2.23E-01 1.33E-02 7.77E-02 -1.05E-02
76 2.81E-01 -1.64E-03 2.28E-01 2.21E-02 1.23E-01 -1.73E-02
86 1.49E-02 -1.74E-03 -2.25E-03 -5.16E-03 -5.64E-03 4.42E-03
97 1.69E-02 -7.60E-03 -1.77E-01 -1.34E-02 6.07E-02 -1.60E-03
98 5.01E-03 4.14E-04 -1.75E-01 2.72E-03 -2.90E-01 6.08E-03
105 -5.57E-03 5.46E-03 -1.77E-01 5.62E-03 3.77E-01 2.21E-02
115 2.85E-01 4.41E-03 -1.77E-01 -1.19E-02 2.72E-02 -8.64E-03
129 2.82E-01 1.40E-03 2.51E-01 8.58E-02 -5.30E-02 -1.79E-02
135 1.04E-02 -1.49E-03 -2.02E-01 -9.14E-03 -9.27E-02 -2.56E-03
136 -1.42E-02 4.90E-03 -2.04E-01 -5.70E-04 1.56E-01 1.30E-02
137 1.16E-02 -1.65E-02 3.27E-02 5.74E-02 9.86E-02 -2.98E-04
138 -1.16E-02 -5.07E-02 2.98E-03 3.68E-02 8.17E-02 5.57E-03
180 1.18E-02 1.49E-02 -2.53E-01 -3.87E-01 -3.16E-02 2.73E-03
181 1.30E-02 5.92E-03 -3.16E-03 8.90E-03 -7.55E-02 -6.63E-03
183 -8.85E-03 -2.87E-02 2.29E-01 1.65E-02 -1.54E-01 -6.09E-03
185 -6.19E-03 -2.35E-02 -5.28E-01 -5.76E-01 9.34E-04 -1.86E-03
186 -3.75E-03 -7.05E-03 2.82E-01 9.84E-02 2.88E-01 -3.11E-03
187 1.04E-02 -6.19E-03 2.55E-01 2.23E-02 2.87E-01 7.98E-03
410 1.15E-01 0.00E+00 7.13E-02 0.00E+00 1.90E-02 0.00E+00
414 -1.63E+00 4.69E-03 -1.76E-01 8.00E-04 -2.63E-03 1.02E-02

Modal shapes : 7
W = 66.87 [RAD/SEC] PERIOD = 0.09396 [SEC]


Node Trans.X Trans.Y Trans.Z Rot.X Rot.Y Rot.Z

[phi] [phi] [phi] [phiRot] [phiRot] [phiRot]
63 3.36E-02 -8.84E-03 -2.31E-01 -1.66E-02 -7.98E-02 7.48E-03
76 -1.08E-01 7.68E-03 -2.37E-01 -2.82E-02 -1.12E-01 2.29E-04
86 3.50E-02 5.46E-03 3.28E-03 9.33E-03 2.18E-02 3.85E-04
97 3.78E-02 9.72E-03 1.40E-01 1.40E-02 -3.24E-03 -1.73E-03
98 -1.38E-01 1.07E-02 1.39E-01 -3.84E-03 -2.95E-01 1.46E-02
105 4.16E-01 -2.30E-02 1.36E-01 -5.28E-03 2.67E-01 -8.83E-02
115 -1.13E-01 -1.26E-02 1.40E-01 1.36E-02 -1.12E-01 3.43E-03
129 -1.13E-01 -3.34E-03 -3.12E-01 -9.82E-02 2.04E-02 2.12E-03
135 -1.65E-01 1.23E-02 1.74E-01 1.22E-02 -5.76E-02 9.06E-03
136 5.50E-01 -2.40E-02 1.74E-01 1.51E-02 2.65E-01 -7.79E-02
137 -1.62E-01 -1.14E-02 2.90E-01 3.99E-01 -1.95E-02 3.25E-03
138 5.38E-01 1.61E-01 5.36E-01 7.05E-01 -1.97E-01 -2.28E-02
180 -1.58E-01 -1.47E-02 1.43E-01 2.64E-01 2.27E-02 2.16E-03
181 -1.60E-01 -5.83E-04 1.15E-01 1.72E-01 -5.05E-02 3.31E-03
183 5.29E-01 9.34E-02 -2.07E-01 8.17E-02 6.42E-02 1.28E-02
185 5.26E-01 5.31E-02 4.46E-01 5.56E-01 -1.75E-02 3.29E-03
186 5.26E-01 2.35E-02 -3.03E-01 -1.29E-01 -2.53E-01 -1.08E-02
187 -1.58E-01 -5.88E-03 -2.72E-01 -3.49E-02 -2.51E-01 6.57E-03
410 -4.64E-02 0.00E+00 -7.43E-02 0.00E+00 -1.43E-02 0.00E+00
414 -1.37E+00 -4.47E-03 1.37E-01 5.05E-03 1.74E-01 -3.51E-02

Modal shapes : 8
W = 71.12 [RAD/SEC] PERIOD = 0.08834 [SEC]


Node Trans.X Trans.Y Trans.Z Rot.X Rot.Y Rot.Z

[phi] [phi] [phi] [phiRot] [phiRot] [phiRot]
63 -4.32E-02 3.26E-03 2.50E-02 5.47E-03 -3.41E-03 3.21E-03
76 1.03E-01 -3.41E-03 2.66E-02 7.51E-03 -2.55E-02 -7.54E-03
86 -4.24E-02 2.43E-02 3.80E-02 3.16E-02 -2.30E-02 3.16E-02
97 -3.66E-02 -1.96E-03 -2.63E-01 -1.53E-02 1.19E-01 -3.40E-02
98 1.85E-02 -5.78E-03 -2.62E-01 5.78E-03 1.15E-01 6.54E-03
105 -1.50E-01 1.21E-02 -2.60E-01 6.85E-03 -2.21E-02 2.75E-02
115 9.84E-02 2.38E-03 -2.61E-01 -1.44E-02 1.94E-01 2.83E-02
129 1.04E-01 -1.40E-02 -5.31E-01 -1.86E-01 -1.02E-01 -2.03E-02
135 1.26E-02 -7.17E-03 -2.92E-01 -7.96E-03 3.09E-01 1.67E-02
136 -1.92E-01 1.33E-02 -2.92E-01 -7.76E-03 2.64E-01 1.46E-02
137 1.74E-02 -3.86E-02 1.30E+00 1.86E+00 -5.67E-02 1.73E-03
138 -1.94E-01 -2.63E-02 1.43E+00 2.10E+00 -1.08E-01 5.09E-03
180 1.92E-02 -6.74E-03 4.53E-02 7.51E-02 1.72E-01 -1.02E-03
181 1.97E-02 -1.31E-02 1.72E-01 2.28E-01 -3.20E-01 -8.19E-03
183 -1.91E-01 -2.61E-03 -4.56E-01 1.09E-01 -1.25E-01 -4.97E-03
185 -1.92E-01 1.18E-02 4.45E-01 6.34E-01 1.09E-01 4.55E-03
186 -1.95E-01 -4.17E-03 3.31E-02 1.45E-02 -1.11E-01 1.14E-02
187 1.94E-02 -5.03E-04 4.01E-02 1.53E-02 -1.44E-01 -4.02E-03
410 2.83E-02 0.00E+00 -4.33E-02 0.00E+00 1.12E-02 0.00E+00
414 3.21E-01 2.25E-03 -2.61E-01 -1.07E-04 -7.92E-02 1.54E-02

Modal shapes : 9
W = 74.63 [RAD/SEC] PERIOD = 0.08419 [SEC]


Node Trans.X Trans.Y Trans.Z Rot.X Rot.Y Rot.Z

[phi] [phi] [phi] [phiRot] [phiRot] [phiRot]
63 9.15E-03 9.24E-03 5.34E-02 1.51E-02 -8.98E-02 5.62E-03

76 -1.40E-02 -5.51E-03 5.74E-02 1.49E-02 -6.23E-02 2.69E-03

86 1.17E-02 -2.33E-02 -6.20E-01 -1.48E-01 -4.19E-01 -2.55E-02
97 1.12E-02 4.20E-03 1.52E-02 4.53E-03 5.66E-02 -7.61E-03
98 -2.11E-02 1.01E-03 1.39E-02 -6.46E-04 9.10E-03 5.85E-03
105 2.73E-02 -5.60E-03 1.22E-02 -2.95E-03 5.72E-03 -5.15E-04
115 -1.15E-02 -2.84E-03 1.20E-02 3.29E-03 -2.73E-02 1.86E-03
129 -1.17E-02 1.03E-02 8.10E-01 3.56E-01 -4.56E-02 -6.66E-03
135 -2.96E-02 1.50E-03 2.64E-02 5.07E-03 2.05E-01 1.16E-02
136 3.40E-02 -6.64E-03 2.47E-02 3.29E-03 -3.60E-02 1.03E-03
137 -2.55E-02 -9.74E-03 7.71E-01 1.14E+00 -3.74E-01 -1.04E-02
138 3.44E-02 -1.78E-02 -3.50E-02 -1.53E-01 6.10E-02 5.43E-03
180 -3.03E-02 -2.45E-02 8.59E-01 1.14E+00 1.62E-01 2.13E-03
181 -3.06E-02 2.44E-02 -1.79E+00 -1.79E+00 3.29E-01 1.36E-02
183 3.53E-02 -4.01E-02 2.42E-01 -8.28E-01 -3.48E-01 1.72E-03
185 3.79E-02 -2.95E-02 -1.59E-01 -5.36E-01 3.49E-01 -9.60E-03
186 3.93E-02 -8.63E-04 1.18E-01 1.09E-01 -2.22E-01 -7.49E-03
187 -2.71E-02 -6.36E-03 7.28E-02 7.95E-03 -1.44E-01 -2.13E-03
410 -1.23E-03 0.00E+00 -2.55E-02 0.00E+00 -1.87E-03 0.00E+00
414 1.41E-05 -2.91E-03 1.30E-02 1.65E-03 7.07E-03 -2.40E-03

Modal shapes : 10
W = 82.35 [RAD/SEC] PERIOD = 0.07630 [SEC]


Node Trans.X Trans.Y Trans.Z Rot.X Rot.Y Rot.Z

[phi] [phi] [phi] [phiRot] [phiRot] [phiRot]
63 -8.45E-03 5.42E-03 -3.76E-02 -2.75E-04 -9.38E-02 3.38E-02
76 -7.69E-03 4.80E-04 -4.10E-02 -5.42E-03 1.23E-01 -2.95E-03
86 -2.47E-04 1.73E-02 2.41E-01 7.71E-02 1.87E-01 -1.88E-02
97 9.45E-04 -2.09E-03 -2.83E-02 -3.77E-03 -9.60E-03 8.99E-05
98 1.76E-02 -1.66E-03 -2.76E-02 1.17E-03 -3.69E-03 -1.68E-03
105 -1.27E-02 3.92E-03 -2.66E-02 2.31E-03 7.99E-04 -3.50E-03
115 -1.11E-02 2.34E-03 -2.65E-02 -3.39E-03 2.50E-02 1.70E-03
129 -1.02E-02 -1.61E-02 -8.66E-01 -3.92E-01 -1.11E-01 6.93E-03
135 2.04E-02 -2.06E-03 -3.70E-02 -3.09E-03 -3.90E-02 -2.38E-03
136 -1.26E-02 4.81E-03 -3.66E-02 -2.86E-03 3.61E-02 -4.62E-03
137 1.91E-02 -2.44E-03 -9.98E-02 -1.20E-01 1.17E-01 4.92E-03
138 -1.35E-02 2.52E-02 9.67E-02 2.08E-01 -1.62E-02 -9.26E-03
180 2.69E-02 -8.97E-02 1.74E+00 2.05E+00 -1.75E-01 -6.47E-03
181 1.97E-02 -3.15E-02 4.69E-01 2.70E-01 -4.27E-02 1.39E-02
183 -1.73E-02 5.82E-02 3.36E-01 1.88E+00 9.70E-02 1.92E-03
185 -1.78E-02 1.93E-02 -1.24E+00 -6.38E-01 4.85E-02 9.44E-03
186 -1.67E-02 4.44E-03 1.22E-02 1.20E-01 -1.88E-01 8.81E-03
187 3.21E-02 -7.31E-03 -8.47E-02 -5.67E-02 4.12E-02 -1.88E-02
410 -5.01E-04 0.00E+00 -1.01E-02 0.00E+00 -8.25E-04 0.00E+00
414 -8.93E-03 1.42E-03 -2.71E-02 -1.10E-03 -7.75E-03 -9.91E-04


Condition : Eqx=Eqx
Shear [Ton] Moment [Kg*cm]
Mode In X In Z Mxx Mzz Myy
1 -0.02 0.49 219492.60 6951.06 -501441.20
2 -31.04 -0.48 -210962.40 1.137799E07 -1.940392E07
3 -0.31 -2.41 -681744.40 92992.77 2997713.00
4 -0.73 2.17 550440.80 183500.30 -1070816.00
5 -7.80 2.78 516688.00 1531894.00 -1920813.00
6 -3.54 -2.12 -299794.10 603130.50 -3508280.00
7 -0.45 -0.70 -46851.14 -5916.40 -468180.10

8 -0.13 0.20 -23845.35 -4900.91 -524273.70

9 0.00 0.00 -176.82 -30.07 1299.73
10 0.00 0.00 577.36 -2.63 204.07
Modal comb. 34.36 2.90 717532.00 1.183618E07 2.022749E07

Condition : Eqz=Eqz
Shear [Ton] Moment [Kg*cm]
Mode In X In Z Mxx Mzz Myy
1 0.49 -14.96 -6689552.00 -211849.90 1.52826E07
2 -0.48 -0.01 -3270.38 176384.00 -300803.50
3 -2.41 -18.91 -5342328.00 728715.70 2.349087E07
4 2.17 -6.47 -1642312.00 -547497.00 3194918.00
5 2.78 -0.99 -184532.40 -547107.70 686008.10
6 -2.12 -1.27 -179302.20 360723.10 -2098248.00
7 -0.70 -1.07 -72170.34 -9113.73 -721193.20
8 0.20 -0.33 38243.17 7860.07 840830.20
9 0.00 -0.09 -5215.32 -887.03 38336.29
10 0.00 -0.01 5734.34 -26.13 2026.80
Modal comb. 2.90 30.16 9833508.00 722381.00 3.064956E07


El diseño estructural de los elementos se elabora mediante el programa de calculo

RAM ELEMENTS basado en un modelo 3D de la estructura, en el mismo modelo se
realiza en análisis estructural.

Se realizan análisis del modelo representativo de los elementos de la estructura de

la nave (Modelo 3D), bajo las cargas a las cuales se verá sometida la misma,
considerando las combinaciones de carga establecidas en el código de diseño
vigente según sea el caso con lo cual se obtendrán elementos mecánicos
factorizados para el diseño correspondiente de los elementos estructurales que
conforman la estructura.

Para el caso de los elementos de concreto reforzado, se realizan modelos de

análisis representativos de los elementos de los cuales se componen, tales como
muros, trabes, losas de piso, y en base a ello y considerando las combinaciones de
carga establecidas en el código de diseño vigente según sea el caso se obtendrán
elementos mecánicos factorizados para el diseño correspondiente de los elementos


De acuerdo a lo establecido en el apartado de combinaciones de carga del ASCE

Standard ASCE/SEI 7-10, se tiene lo siguiente:

Cargas muertas (CM):

- Peso de elementos de cubierta
- Peso de elementos estructurales
- Peso de instalaciones (Inst.)

Cargas vivas
- Carga viva sobre cubierta (CV)

Cargas accidentales
- Cargas por efecto del sismo (Sx, Sy)
- Cargas por efecto del viento (W0°, W90°, W-0°, W-90°)
- Cargas por efecto de granizo (Granizo)

Las cargas accidentales de sismo y viento, se considera que no actúan de manera

simultánea, es decir se tienen combinaciones correspondientes para cada tipo de
carga accidental.

En el caso del sismo se considera la acción del 100% en una dirección y el 30% en
la dirección normal a esta.

En el caso del viento, se debe considerar una combinación de carga para la

incidencia del mismo sobre la estructura en cada uno de sus lados (0°, 90°, -0°, -

Combinaciones básicas para diseño/Basic design combination loads


1. 1.4 [CM + Inst.]

2. 1.2 [CM + Inst.] + 1.6[CV] + 0.5 [Granizo]
3. 1.2 [CM + Inst.] + 1.6[Granizo] + 0.5 Viento
4. 1.2 [CM + Inst.] + 1.0 [Viento] + 0.5[CV] + 0.5[Granizo]
5. 1.2 [CM + Inst.] + 1.0 [Sismo] + 0.5[CV] + 0.2[Granizo]
6. 0.9 [CM + Inst.] + 1.0 [Viento]
7. 0.9 [CM + Inst.] + 1.0 [Sismo]

Para los casos de combinación con cargas de efecto de sismo y viento,

respectivamente, se generarán combinaciones adicionales para cada dirección ya
sea para Sx ó Sy con sus combinaciones respectivas y una para cada incidencia de
viento W0°, W-0°, W90° y W-90°.

En el caso de que se requiera incluir el efecto del empuje activo del suelo o de
alguna sobrecarga se añadirá y se le aplicará un factor de 1.6 cuando su efecto se
añade al del efecto primario de las cargas, con un factor de 0.9 cuando el efecto
del empuje activo resiste el efecto primario de las cargas.

Estados límite de servicio/Serviceability limit state

Para el caso de estados límite de servicio, se requiere realizar las siguientes


1. Revisión de desplazamientos verticales ante el efecto combinado de las cargas

gravitacionales muerta y viva.
2. Revisión de desplazamientos y distorsiones horizontales ante el efecto de cargas
accidentales de viento y sismo.
3. Revisión de esfuerzos transmitidos al suelo en la cimentación, ante el efecto
combinado de cargas verticales gravitacionales y cargas horizontales accidentales

Combinaciones básicas para estado de servicio/Basic service combination loads

1. 1.0 [CM + Inst.]

2. 1.0 [CM + Inst.] + 1.0 [CV]
3. 1.0 [CM + Inst.] + 1.0 [Granizo]
4. 1.0 [CM + Inst.] + 0.75 [CV] + 0.75 [Granizo]
5. 1.0 [CM + Inst.] + [0.6 [Viento] ó 0.7 [Sismo]]
6a. 1.0 [CM + Inst.] + 0.75 [CV] + 0.75 [0.6 Viento] + 0.75 [Granizo]
6b. 1.0 [CM + Inst.] + 0.75 [CV] + 0.75 [0.7 Sismo] + 0.75 [Granizo]
7. 0.6 [CM + Inst.] + 0.6 [Viento]
8. 0.6 [CM + Inst.] + 0.7 [Sismo]


L/360 Trabes y vigas de entrepiso / Mezzanine Beams

L/180 Trabes y vigas de cubierta / Roof Beams

L/250 (0.004) Desplazamiento horizontal del edificio por estado límite de servicio

L/66 (0.015) Desplazamiento horizontal del edificio por estado límite de colapso

En donde L, es el claro o longitud entre apoyos del elemento.



Description Section Member Ctrl Eq. Ratio Status Reference

C-02a HSS_SQR 4X4X1_8 67 D2 at 100.00% 0.44 OK Eq. H1-1a
CR-01 W 10X12 361 D8 at 100.00% 0.09 OK Eq. H1-1b
V-01 W 14X22 14 D2 at 100.00% 0.22 OK Sec. F1
W 14X26 31 D2 at 100.00% 0.63 OK Sec. F1
V-02 W 18X65 196 D2 at 17.19% 0.06 OK Eq. H1-1b
VS-01 W 10X12 37 D2 at 50.00% 0.52 OK Sec. F1
W 14X26 23 D2 at 50.00% 0.55 OK Sec. F1

Steel Code Check

Report: Comprehensive

Members: Hot-rolled
Design code: AISC 360-2010 LRFD

Member : 67 (C-02a)
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: HSS_SQR 4X4X1_8 (US)


a = 0.102 [m] Height

b = 0.102 [m] Width
T = 0.003 [m] Thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [m2] 0.001
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [m4] 1.83E-06 1.83E-06
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [m4] 1.83E-06 1.83E-06
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [m] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [m] 0.040 0.040
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [m] 0.040 0.040
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [m4] 2.88E-06
Section warping constant. (Cw) [m6] 0.000
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [m] 0.000 0.000

Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [m3] 3.61E-05 3.61E-05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [m3] 3.61E-05 3.61E-05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [m3] 3.61E-05 3.61E-05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [m3] 3.61E-05 3.61E-05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [m3] 4.26E-05 4.26E-05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [m3] 4.26E-05 4.26E-05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [m] 0.057
Area for shear (Aw) [m2] 5.47E-04 5.47E-04
Torsional constant. (C) [m3] 5.73E-05

Material : A500 GrB rectangular

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [Kg/cm2] 3234.10
Tensile strength (Fu): [Kg/cm2] 4077.78
Elasticity Modulus (E): [Kg/cm2] 2038891.00
Shear modulus for steel (G): [Kg/cm2] 784188.90


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 2.65

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
2.65 2.65

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
2.65 2.65 2.65 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 33.24 [Ton] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference

Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [Ton] 33.24 Eq. Sec. D2

Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [Ton] 36.93 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.32
Capacity : 24.76 [Ton] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 7.95 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 75.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 31.48
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.15 T.B4.1(a)-6
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [Ton] 24.76 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 2.65
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 66.17 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [Kg/cm2] 4595.67 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [cm2] 11.42 T.B4.1(a)-6
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [Kg/cm2] 2408.99 Eq. E3-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [Ton] 27.51 Eq. E3-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.32
Capacity : 24.76 [Ton] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 7.95 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 75.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 31.48
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.15 T.B4.1(a)-6
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [Ton] 24.76 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 2.65
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 66.17 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [Kg/cm2] 4595.67 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [cm2] 11.42 T.B4.1(a)-6
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [Kg/cm2] 2408.99 Eq. E3-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [Ton] 27.51 Eq. E3-1


Bending about major axis, M33


Ratio : 0.12
Capacity :114926.30 [Kg*cm] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand :-14024.54 [Kg*cm] Ctrl Eq. : D8 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 31.48
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 35.15 T.B4.1(b)-17
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 28.12 T.B4.1(b)-17
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 31.48
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 143.12 T.B4.1(b)-19
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 60.76 T.B4.1(b)-19
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 124014.00 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [Kg*cm] 137793.40 Eq. F7-1
Factored compression flange local buckling strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 114926.30 Sec. F1
Flange local buckling (Mn) [Kg*cm] 127695.90 Eq. F7-1,
Eq. F7-2

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.05
Capacity :114926.30 [Kg*cm] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 6050.83 [Kg*cm] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 31.48
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 35.15 T.B4.1(b)-17
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 28.12 T.B4.1(b)-17
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 31.48
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 143.12 T.B4.1(b)-19
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 60.76 T.B4.1(b)-19
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 124014.00 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [Kg*cm] 137793.40 Eq. F7-1
Factored compression flange local buckling strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 114926.30 Sec. F1
Flange local buckling (Mn) [Kg*cm] 127695.90 Eq. F7-1,
Eq. F7-2


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 9.55 [Ton] Reference : Sec. G1
Demand : -0.08 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 75.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference

Factored shear capacity(Vn) [Ton] 9.55 Sec. G1

Web slenderness (w) -- 31.48 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [cm2] 5.47
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G5
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [Ton] 10.61 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 9.55 [Ton] Reference : Sec. G1
Demand : -0.11 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [Ton] 9.55 Sec. G1
Web slenderness (w) -- 31.48 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [cm2] 5.47
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 5.00 Sec. G5
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [Ton] 10.61 Eq. G2-1



Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 99983.40 [Kg*cm] Reference : Eq. H3-1
Demand : 1102.29 [Kg*cm] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 25.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored torsion capacity(Tn) [Kg*cm] 99983.40 Eq. H3-1
Critical torsional buckling stress (Fcr) [Kg/cm2] 1940.46 Eq. H3-3
Nominal torsion capacity (Tn) [Kg*cm] 111092.70 Eq. H3-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.44
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1a

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.44 Eq. H1-1a
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [Kg*cm] -9067.42
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [Kg*cm] 114926.30 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [Kg*cm] 6050.83
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [Kg*cm] 114926.30 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [Ton] 7.94
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [Ton] 24.76 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension


Ratio : 0.16
Ctrl Eq. : D8 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [Kg*cm] -14024.54
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [Kg*cm] 114926.30 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [Kg*cm] 4549.65
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [Kg*cm] 114926.30 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [Ton] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [Ton] 33.24 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined torsion, flexure, shear and axial compression

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined torsion, flexure, shear and axial tension

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 361 (CR-01)

Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: W 10X12 (US)


bf = 0.101 [m] Width

d = 0.251 [m] Depth
k = 0.013 [m] Distance k
k1 = 0.014 [m] Distance k1
tf = 0.005 [m] Flange thickness
tw = 0.005 [m] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [m2] 0.002
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [m4] 2.24E-05 9.07E-07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [m4] 2.24E-05 9.07E-07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [m] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [m] 0.099 0.020
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [m] 0.099 0.020
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [m4] 2.28E-08
Section warping constant. (Cw) [m6] 1.37E-08
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [m] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [m3] 1.79E-04 1.80E-05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [m3] 1.79E-04 1.80E-05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [m3] 1.79E-04 1.80E-05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [m3] 1.79E-04 1.80E-05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [m3] 2.06E-04 2.85E-05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [m3] 2.06E-04 2.85E-05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [m] 0.101
Area for shear (Aw) [m2] 0.001 0.001
Torsional constant. (C) [m3] 3.63E-06

Material : A992 Gr50

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [Kg/cm2] 3515.33
Tensile strength (Fu): [Kg/cm2] 4569.93
Elasticity Modulus (E): [Kg/cm2] 2038891.00
Shear modulus for steel (G): [Kg/cm2] 784188.90


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 3.00

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
3.00 3.00

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
3.00 3.00 3.00 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 72.26 [Ton] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.07 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [Ton] 72.26 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [Ton] 80.29 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 62.75 [Ton] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 0.72 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 9.43
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.49 T.B4.1(a)-1
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 46.58
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88 T.B4.1(a)-5
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [Ton] 62.75 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 3.00
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 30.30 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [Kg/cm2] 21922.89 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [cm2] 21.10 T.B4.1(a)-1,
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.92 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.92 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [Kg/cm2] 3052.80 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [Ton] 69.72 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.04
Capacity : 16.01 [Ton] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 0.72 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 9.43
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.49 T.B4.1(a)-1
Stiffened element classification -- Slender

Stiffened element slenderness () -- 46.58

Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88 T.B4.1(a)-5
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [Ton] 16.01 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 3.00
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 150.51 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [Kg/cm2] 888.33 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [cm2] 22.84 T.B4.1(a)-1,
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [Kg/cm2] 779.06 Eq. E7-3
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [Ton] 17.79 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [Ton] 35.59 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 3.00
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-11,
Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [Kg/cm2] 2077.86 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [Kg/cm2] 2077.86 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [cm2] 22.84 T.B4.1(a)-1,
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [Kg/cm2] 1731.57 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [Ton] 39.55 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.02
Capacity :395130.10 [Kg*cm] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -9502.93 [Kg*cm] Ctrl Eq. : D8 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 9.43
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.08 T.B4.1(b)-10
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15 T.B4.1(b)-10
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 46.58
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27 T.B4.1(b)-15
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55 T.B4.1(b)-15
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 653251.20 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [Kg*cm] 725834.70 Eq. F2-1
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 395130.10 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 0.84 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [m] 0.02 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 2.45 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 1.40 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [Kg/cm2] 2457.93 Eq. F2-4
Nominal lateral-torsional buckling moment strength (Mn) [Kg*cm] 439033.40 Eq. F2-3
Factored compression flange local buckling strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 648471.80 Sec. F1

Flange local buckling (Mn) [Kg*cm] 720524.20 Eq. F3-1


Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.05
Capacity : 89278.08 [Kg*cm] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : -4342.25 [Kg*cm] Ctrl Eq. : D8 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 9.43
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.08 T.B4.1(b)-10
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15 T.B4.1(b)-10
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 46.58
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27 T.B4.1(b)-15
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55 T.B4.1(b)-15
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 90210.88 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [Kg*cm] 100234.30 Eq. F6-1
Factored compression flange local buckling strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 89278.08 Sec. F1
Flange local buckling (Mn) [Kg*cm] 99197.86 Eq. F6-1,
Eq. F6-2


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 20.33 [Ton] Reference : Sec. G1
Demand : 0.03 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D8 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [Ton] 20.33 Sec. G1
Web slenderness (w) -- 9.43 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [cm2] 10.71
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [Ton] 22.59 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 25.58 [Ton] Reference : Sec. G2.1(a)
Demand : -0.06 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [Ton] 25.58 Sec. G2.1(a)
Web slenderness (w) -- 46.58 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [cm2] 12.13
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Sec.
G2.1(a), Eq. G2-2
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [Ton] 25.58 Eq. G2-1



Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.09
Ctrl Eq. : D8 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.09 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [Kg*cm] -9502.93
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [Kg*cm] 395130.10 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [Kg*cm] -4342.25
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [Kg*cm] 89278.08 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [Ton] 0.70
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [Ton] 16.01 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.07
Ctrl Eq. : D8 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [Kg*cm] -9502.93
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [Kg*cm] 395130.10 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [Kg*cm] -4342.25
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [Kg*cm] 89278.08 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [Ton] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [Ton] 72.26 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 14 (V-01)
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: W 14X22 (US)


bf = 0.127 [m] Width

d = 0.348 [m] Depth
k = 0.019 [m] Distance k
k1 = 0.019 [m] Distance k1
tf = 0.009 [m] Flange thickness
tw = 0.006 [m] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [m2] 0.004
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [m4] 8.28E-05 2.91E-06
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [m4] 8.28E-05 2.91E-06
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [m] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [m] 0.141 0.026
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [m] 0.141 0.026
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [m4] 8.66E-08
Section warping constant. (Cw) [m6] 8.43E-08
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [m] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [m3] 4.75E-04 4.59E-05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [m3] 4.75E-04 4.59E-05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [m3] 4.75E-04 4.59E-05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [m3] 4.75E-04 4.59E-05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [m3] 5.44E-04 7.19E-05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [m3] 5.44E-04 7.19E-05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [m] 0.143
Area for shear (Aw) [m2] 0.002 0.002
Torsional constant. (C) [m3] 8.78E-06

Material : A992 Gr50

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [Kg/cm2] 3515.33
Tensile strength (Fu): [Kg/cm2] 4569.93
Elasticity Modulus (E): [Kg/cm2] 2038891.00
Shear modulus for steel (G): [Kg/cm2] 784188.90


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 4.92

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
4.92 4.92

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)

4.92 4.92 4.92 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 132.47 [Ton] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [Ton] 132.47 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [Ton] 147.19 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 109.69 [Ton] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 0.00 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 7.46
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.49 T.B4.1(a)-1
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 53.17
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88 T.B4.1(a)-5
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [Ton] 109.69 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 4.92
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 34.98 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [Kg/cm2] 16445.21 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [cm2] 37.57 T.B4.1(a)-1,
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.90 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.90 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [Kg/cm2] 2910.83 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [Ton] 121.88 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22


Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 19.12 [Ton] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 0.00 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 7.46
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.49 T.B4.1(a)-1
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 53.17
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88 T.B4.1(a)-5
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [Ton] 19.12 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 4.92
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 186.51 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [Kg/cm2] 578.47 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [cm2] 41.87 T.B4.1(a)-1,
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [Kg/cm2] 507.32 Eq. E7-3
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [Ton] 21.24 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [Ton] 53.10 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 4.92
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-11,
Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [Kg/cm2] 1609.31 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [Kg/cm2] 1609.31 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [cm2] 41.87 T.B4.1(a)-1,
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [Kg/cm2] 1408.98 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [Ton] 59.00 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.22
Capacity :1225240.00 [Kg*cm] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand :-270040.50 [Kg*cm] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 7.46
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.08 T.B4.1(b)-10
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15 T.B4.1(b)-10
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 53.17
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27 T.B4.1(b)-15

Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55 T.B4.1(b)-15

Factored yielding strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 1721265.00 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [Kg*cm] 1912517.00 Eq. F2-1
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 1225240.00 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 1.12 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [m] 0.03 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 3.18 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 2.35 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [Kg/cm2] 2864.70 Eq. F2-4
Nominal lateral-torsional buckling moment strength (Mn) [Kg*cm] 1361378.00 Eq. F2-3

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity :227601.00 [Kg*cm] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.00 [Kg*cm] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 7.46
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.08 T.B4.1(b)-10
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15 T.B4.1(b)-10
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 53.17
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27 T.B4.1(b)-15
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55 T.B4.1(b)-15
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 227601.00 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [Kg*cm] 252890.00 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 41.03 [Ton] Reference : Sec. G1
Demand : 0.00 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [Ton] 41.03 Sec. G1
Web slenderness (w) -- 7.46 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [cm2] 21.61
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [Ton] 45.59 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.11
Capacity : 42.86 [Ton] Reference : Sec. G2.1(a)
Demand : 4.53 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference

Factored shear capacity(Vn) [Ton] 42.86 Sec. G2.1(a)
Web slenderness (w) -- 53.17 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [cm2] 20.32
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Sec.
G2.1(a), Eq. G2-2
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [Ton] 42.86 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.22
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.22 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [Kg*cm] -270040.50
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [Kg*cm] 1225240.00 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [Kg*cm] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [Kg*cm] 227601.00 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [Ton] 0.00
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [Ton] 19.12 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.22
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [Kg*cm] -270040.50
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [Kg*cm] 1225240.00 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [Kg*cm] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [Kg*cm] 227601.00 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [Ton] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [Ton] 132.47 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 31 (V-01)
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: W 14X26 (US)


bf = 0.128 [m] Width

d = 0.353 [m] Depth
k = 0.021 [m] Distance k
k1 = 0.019 [m] Distance k1
tf = 0.011 [m] Flange thickness
tw = 0.006 [m] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [m2] 0.005
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [m4] 1.02E-04 3.71E-06
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [m4] 1.02E-04 3.71E-06
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [m] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [m] 0.143 0.027
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [m] 0.143 0.027
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [m4] 1.49E-07
Section warping constant. (Cw) [m6] 1.09E-07
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [m] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [m3] 5.78E-04 5.82E-05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [m3] 5.78E-04 5.82E-05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [m3] 5.78E-04 5.82E-05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [m3] 5.78E-04 5.82E-05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [m3] 6.59E-04 9.08E-05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [m3] 6.59E-04 9.08E-05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [m] 0.146
Area for shear (Aw) [m2] 0.003 0.002
Torsional constant. (C) [m3] 1.26E-05

Material : A992 Gr50

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [Kg/cm2] 3515.33
Tensile strength (Fu): [Kg/cm2] 4569.93
Elasticity Modulus (E): [Kg/cm2] 2038891.00
Shear modulus for steel (G): [Kg/cm2] 784188.90


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 5.75

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom

5.75 5.75

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
5.75 5.75 5.75 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 156.96 [Ton] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [Ton] 156.96 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [Ton] 174.41 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 131.26 [Ton] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 0.00 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 5.99
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.49 T.B4.1(a)-1
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 48.08
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88 T.B4.1(a)-5
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [Ton] 131.26 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 5.75
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 40.11 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [Kg/cm2] 12510.23 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [cm2] 46.30 T.B4.1(a)-1,

Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.93 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.93 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [Kg/cm2] 2939.60 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [Ton] 145.84 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 17.82 [Ton] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 0.00 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 5.99
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.49 T.B4.1(a)-1
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 48.08
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88 T.B4.1(a)-5
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [Ton] 17.82 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 5.75
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 210.31 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [Kg/cm2] 454.96 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [cm2] 49.61 T.B4.1(a)-1,
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [Kg/cm2] 399.00 Eq. E7-3
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [Ton] 19.80 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [Ton] 67.12 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 5.75
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-11,
Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [Kg/cm2] 1731.99 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [Kg/cm2] 1731.99 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [cm2] 49.61 T.B4.1(a)-1,
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [Kg/cm2] 1503.24 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [Ton] 74.58 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.63
Capacity :1480505.00 [Kg*cm] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand :-929360.10 [Kg*cm] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact

Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 5.99

Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.08 T.B4.1(b)-10
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15 T.B4.1(b)-10
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 48.08
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27 T.B4.1(b)-15
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55 T.B4.1(b)-15
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 2084182.00 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [Kg*cm] 2315758.00 Eq. F2-1
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 1480505.00 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 1.16 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [m] 0.03 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 3.38 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 2.56 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [Kg/cm2] 2843.75 Eq. F2-4
Nominal lateral-torsional buckling moment strength (Mn) [Kg*cm] 1645005.00 Eq. F2-3

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity :287223.20 [Kg*cm] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.00 [Kg*cm] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 5.99
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.08 T.B4.1(b)-10
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15 T.B4.1(b)-10
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 48.08
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27 T.B4.1(b)-15
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55 T.B4.1(b)-15
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 287223.20 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [Kg*cm] 319136.80 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 51.80 [Ton] Reference : Sec. G1
Demand : 0.00 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [Ton] 51.80 Sec. G1
Web slenderness (w) -- 5.99 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [cm2] 27.29
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [Ton] 57.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.18
Capacity : 48.17 [Ton] Reference : Sec. G2.1(a)
Demand : -8.81 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [Ton] 48.17 Sec. G2.1(a)
Web slenderness (w) -- 48.08 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [cm2] 22.84
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Sec.
G2.1(a), Eq. G2-2
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [Ton] 48.17 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.63
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.63 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [Kg*cm] -929360.10
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [Kg*cm] 1480505.00 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [Kg*cm] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [Kg*cm] 287223.20 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [Ton] 0.00
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [Ton] 17.82 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.63
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [Kg*cm] -929360.10
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [Kg*cm] 1480505.00 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [Kg*cm] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [Kg*cm] 287223.20 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [Ton] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [Ton] 156.96 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 196 (V-02)

Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: W 18X65 (US)


bf = 0.193 [m] Width

d = 0.467 [m] Depth
k = 0.029 [m] Distance k
k1 = 0.022 [m] Distance k1
tf = 0.019 [m] Flange thickness
tw = 0.011 [m] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [m2] 0.012
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [m4] 4.45E-04 2.28E-05
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [m4] 4.45E-04 2.28E-05
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [m] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [m] 0.190 0.043
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [m] 0.190 0.043
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [m4] 1.14E-06
Section warping constant. (Cw) [m6] 1.14E-06
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [m] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [m3] 0.002 2.36E-04
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [m3] 0.002 2.36E-04
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [m3] 0.002 2.36E-04
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [m3] 0.002 2.36E-04
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [m3] 0.002 3.69E-04
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [m3] 0.002 3.69E-04
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [m] 0.195
Area for shear (Aw) [m2] 0.007 0.005
Torsional constant. (C) [m3] 5.84E-05

Material : A992 Gr50

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [Kg/cm2] 3515.33
Tensile strength (Fu): [Kg/cm2] 4569.93
Elasticity Modulus (E): [Kg/cm2] 2038891.00
Shear modulus for steel (G): [Kg/cm2] 784188.90


Description Unit Value


Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 8.50

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
8.50 8.50

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
8.50 8.50 8.50 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.02
Capacity : 389.86 [Ton] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 7.67 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 94.27%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [Ton] 389.86 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [Ton] 433.18 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 336.85 [Ton] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 0.69 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 94.27%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 5.06
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.49 T.B4.1(a)-1
Stiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 35.78
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88 T.B4.1(a)-5

Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [Ton] 336.85 Sec. E1

Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 8.50
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 44.71 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [Kg/cm2] 10066.39 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [cm2] 123.23 T.B4.1(a)-1,
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [Kg/cm2] 3037.30 Eq. E3-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [Ton] 374.27 Eq. E3-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.01
Capacity : 50.14 [Ton] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 0.69 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D12 at 94.27%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 5.06
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.49 T.B4.1(a)-1
Stiffened element classification -- Non slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 35.78
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88 T.B4.1(a)-5
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [Ton] 50.14 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 8.50
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 197.57 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [Kg/cm2] 515.55 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [cm2] 123.23 T.B4.1(a)-1,
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [Kg/cm2] 452.14 Eq. E3-3
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [Ton] 55.71 Eq. E3-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [Ton] 220.44 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 8.50
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-11,
Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [Kg/cm2] 2580.65 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [Kg/cm2] 2580.65 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [cm2] 123.23 T.B4.1(a)-1,
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [Kg/cm2] 1987.72 Eq. E3-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [Ton] 244.94 Eq. E4-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.05

Capacity :5088301.00 [Kg*cm] Reference : Sec. F1

Demand :269176.30 [Kg*cm] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 17.19%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 5.06
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.08 T.B4.1(b)-10
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15 T.B4.1(b)-10
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 35.78
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27 T.B4.1(b)-15
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55 T.B4.1(b)-15
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 6895430.00 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [Kg*cm] 7661588.00 Eq. F2-1
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 5088301.00 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 1.82 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [m] 0.05 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 5.73 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 2.04 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [Kg/cm2] 2948.79 Eq. F2-4
Nominal lateral-torsional buckling moment strength (Mn) [Kg*cm] 5653668.00 Eq. F2-3

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.03
Capacity :1166520.00 [Kg*cm] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand :-31263.85 [Kg*cm] Ctrl Eq. : D9 at 65.63%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 5.06
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.08 T.B4.1(b)-10
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15 T.B4.1(b)-10
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 35.78
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27 T.B4.1(b)-15
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55 T.B4.1(b)-15
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 1166520.00 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [Kg*cm] 1296133.00 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 139.49 [Ton] Reference : Sec. G1
Demand : 0.15 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D9 at 77.08%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference

Factored shear capacity(Vn) [Ton] 139.49 Sec. G1

Web slenderness (w) -- 5.06 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [cm2] 73.48
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [Ton] 154.99 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.02
Capacity : 112.67 [Ton] Reference : Sec. G2.1(a)
Demand : 2.04 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D8 at 53.13%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [Ton] 112.67 Sec. G2.1(a)
Web slenderness (w) -- 35.78 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [cm2] 53.42
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Sec.
G2.1(a), Eq. G2-2
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [Ton] 112.67 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.05
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 17.19% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.05 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [Kg*cm] 269176.30
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [Kg*cm] 5088301.00 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [Kg*cm] -2025.05
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [Kg*cm] 1166520.00 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [Ton] 0.00
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [Ton] 50.14 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.06
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 17.19% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [Kg*cm] 269176.30
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [Kg*cm] 5088301.00 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [Kg*cm] -2025.05
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [Kg*cm] 1166520.00 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [Ton] 2.11
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [Ton] 389.86 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis


Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 37 (VS-01)
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: W 10X12 (US)


bf = 0.101 [m] Width

d = 0.251 [m] Depth
k = 0.013 [m] Distance k
k1 = 0.014 [m] Distance k1
tf = 0.005 [m] Flange thickness
tw = 0.005 [m] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [m2] 0.002
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [m4] 2.24E-05 9.07E-07
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [m4] 2.24E-05 9.07E-07
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [m] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [m] 0.099 0.020
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [m] 0.099 0.020
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [m4] 2.28E-08
Section warping constant. (Cw) [m6] 1.37E-08
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [m] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [m3] 1.79E-04 1.80E-05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [m3] 1.79E-04 1.80E-05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [m3] 1.79E-04 1.80E-05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [m3] 1.79E-04 1.80E-05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [m3] 2.06E-04 2.85E-05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [m3] 2.06E-04 2.85E-05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [m] 0.101
Area for shear (Aw) [m2] 0.001 0.001
Torsional constant. (C) [m3] 3.63E-06

Material : A992 Gr50

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [Kg/cm2] 3515.33

Tensile strength (Fu): [Kg/cm2] 4569.93

Elasticity Modulus (E): [Kg/cm2] 2038891.00
Shear modulus for steel (G): [Kg/cm2] 784188.90


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 3.08

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
3.08 3.08

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
3.08 3.08 3.08 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 72.26 [Ton] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [Ton] 72.26 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [Ton] 80.29 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 62.58 [Ton] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 0.00 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference

Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 9.43
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.49 T.B4.1(a)-1
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 46.58
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88 T.B4.1(a)-5
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [Ton] 62.58 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 3.08
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 31.10 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [Kg/cm2] 20798.82 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [cm2] 21.12 T.B4.1(a)-1,
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.92 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.92 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [Kg/cm2] 3044.32 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [Ton] 69.53 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 15.19 [Ton] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 0.00 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 9.43
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.49 T.B4.1(a)-1
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 46.58
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88 T.B4.1(a)-5
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [Ton] 15.19 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 3.08
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 154.52 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [Kg/cm2] 842.78 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [cm2] 22.84 T.B4.1(a)-1,
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [Kg/cm2] 739.12 Eq. E7-3
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [Ton] 16.88 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [Ton] 34.76 Sec. E4
Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L11) [m] 3.08
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-11,
Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [Kg/cm2] 2010.61 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [Kg/cm2] 2010.61 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [cm2] 22.84 T.B4.1(a)-1,
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [Kg/cm2] 1691.04 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [Ton] 38.62 Eq. E7-1



Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.52
Capacity :307184.50 [Kg*cm] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand :158720.60 [Kg*cm] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 50.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 9.43
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.08 T.B4.1(b)-10
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15 T.B4.1(b)-10
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 46.58
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27 T.B4.1(b)-15
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55 T.B4.1(b)-15
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 653251.20 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [Kg*cm] 725834.70 Eq. F2-1
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 307184.50 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 0.84 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [m] 0.02 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 2.45 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 1.14 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [Kg/cm2] 1910.86 Eq. F2-4
Nominal lateral-torsional buckling moment strength (Mn) [Kg*cm] 341316.10 Eq. F2-3
Factored compression flange local buckling strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 648471.80 Sec. F1
Flange local buckling (Mn) [Kg*cm] 720524.20 Eq. F3-1

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 89278.08 [Kg*cm] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.00 [Kg*cm] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Noncompact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 9.43
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.08 T.B4.1(b)-10
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15 T.B4.1(b)-10
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 46.58
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27 T.B4.1(b)-15
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55 T.B4.1(b)-15
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 90210.88 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [Kg*cm] 100234.30 Eq. F6-1
Factored compression flange local buckling strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 89278.08 Sec. F1
Flange local buckling (Mn) [Kg*cm] 99197.86 Eq. F6-1,
Eq. F6-2


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 20.33 [Ton] Reference : Sec. G1
Demand : 0.00 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [Ton] 20.33 Sec. G1
Web slenderness (w) -- 9.43 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [cm2] 10.71
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [Ton] 22.59 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.08
Capacity : 25.58 [Ton] Reference : Sec. G2.1(a)
Demand : 2.06 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [Ton] 25.58 Sec. G2.1(a)
Web slenderness (w) -- 46.58 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [cm2] 12.13
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Sec.
G2.1(a), Eq. G2-2
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [Ton] 25.58 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.52
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 50.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.52 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [Kg*cm] 158720.60
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [Kg*cm] 307184.50 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [Kg*cm] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [Kg*cm] 89278.08 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [Ton] 0.00
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [Ton] 15.19 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.52
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 50.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b


Intermediate results Unit Value Reference

Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [Kg*cm] 158720.60
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [Kg*cm] 307184.50 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [Kg*cm] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [Kg*cm] 89278.08 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [Ton] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [Ton] 72.26 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Member : 23 (VS-01)
Design status : OK

Section information
Section name: W 14X26 (US)


bf = 0.128 [m] Width

d = 0.353 [m] Depth
k = 0.021 [m] Distance k
k1 = 0.019 [m] Distance k1
tf = 0.011 [m] Flange thickness
tw = 0.006 [m] Web thickness

Section properties Unit Major axis Minor axis
Gross area of the section. (Ag) [m2] 0.005
Moment of Inertia (local axes) (I) [m4] 1.02E-04 3.71E-06
Moment of Inertia (principal axes) (I') [m4] 1.02E-04 3.71E-06
Bending constant for moments (principal axis) (J') [m] 0.000 0.000
Radius of gyration (local axes) (r) [m] 0.143 0.027
Radius of gyration (principal axes) (r') [m] 0.143 0.027
Saint-Venant torsion constant. (J) [m4] 1.49E-07
Section warping constant. (Cw) [m6] 1.09E-07
Distance from centroid to shear center (principal axis) (xo,yo) [m] 0.000 0.000
Top elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Ssup) [m3] 5.78E-04 5.82E-05
Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (local axis) (Sinf) [m3] 5.78E-04 5.82E-05
Top elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'sup) [m3] 5.78E-04 5.82E-05

Bottom elastic section modulus of the section (principal axis) (S'inf) [m3] 5.78E-04 5.82E-05
Plastic section modulus (local axis) (Z) [m3] 6.59E-04 9.08E-05
Plastic section modulus (principal axis) (Z') [m3] 6.59E-04 9.08E-05
Polar radius of gyration. (ro) [m] 0.146
Area for shear (Aw) [m2] 0.003 0.002
Torsional constant. (C) [m3] 1.26E-05

Material : A992 Gr50

Properties Unit Value

Yield stress (Fy): [Kg/cm2] 3515.33
Tensile strength (Fu): [Kg/cm2] 4569.93
Elasticity Modulus (E): [Kg/cm2] 2038891.00
Shear modulus for steel (G): [Kg/cm2] 784188.90


Description Unit Value

Length for tension slenderness ratio (L) [m] 4.92

Distance between member lateral bracing points

Length (Lb) [m]
Top Bottom
4.92 4.92

Laterally unbraced length

Length [m] Effective length factor
Major axis(L33) Minor axis(L22) Torsional axis(Lt) Major axis(K33) Minor axis(K22) Torsional axis(Kt)
4.92 4.92 4.92 1.0 1.0 1.0

Additional assumptions
Continuous lateral torsional restraint No
Tension field action No
Continuous flexural torsional restraint No
Effective length factor value type None
Major axis frame type Sway
Minor axis frame type Sway



Axial tension

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 156.96 [Ton] Reference : Eq. Sec. D2
Demand : 0.00 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored axial tension capacity(Pn) [Ton] 156.96 Eq. Sec. D2
Nominal axial tension capacity (Pn) [Ton] 174.41 Eq. D2-1


Compression in the major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 134.62 [Ton] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 0.00 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 5.99
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.49 T.B4.1(a)-1
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 48.08
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88 T.B4.1(a)-5
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn33) [Ton] 134.62 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K33) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L33) [m] 4.92
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)33) -- 34.32 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe33) [Kg/cm2] 17087.19 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs33) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [cm2] 46.09 T.B4.1(a)-1,
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa33) -- 0.93 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q33) -- 0.93 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr33) [Kg/cm2] 3014.90 Eq. E7-2
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn33) [Ton] 149.58 Eq. E7-1

Compression in the minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 24.33 [Ton] Reference : Sec. E1
Demand : 0.00 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Non slender
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 5.99
Unstiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 13.49 T.B4.1(a)-1
Stiffened element classification -- Slender
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 48.08
Stiffened element limiting slenderness (r) -- 35.88 T.B4.1(a)-5
Factored flexural buckling strength(Pn22) [Ton] 24.33 Sec. E1
Effective length factor (K22) -- 1.00
Unbraced length (L22) [m] 4.92
Effective slenderness ((KL/r)22) -- 179.95 Eq. E3-4
Elastic critical buckling stress (Fe22) [Kg/cm2] 621.42 Eq. E3-4
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs22) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [cm2] 49.61 T.B4.1(a)-1,
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa22) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q22) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for flexural buckling (Fcr22) [Kg/cm2] 544.98 Eq. E7-3
Nominal flexural buckling strength (Pn22) [Ton] 27.04 Eq. E7-1
Factored torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength(Pn11) [Ton] 74.13 Sec. E4

Effective length factor (K11) -- 1.00

Unbraced length (L11) [m] 4.92
Flexural constant (H) -- 1.00 Eq. E4-11,
Eq. E4-10
Torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress (Fe11) [Kg/cm2] 1961.14 Eq. E4-4
Elastic torsional buckling stress (Fez) [Kg/cm2] 1961.14 Eq. E4-9
Reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements (Qs11) -- 1.00
Effective area of the cross section based on the effective width (A... [cm2] 49.61 T.B4.1(a)-1,
Reduction factor for slender stiffened elements (Qa11) -- 1.00 Eq. E7-16
Full reduction factor for slender elements (Q11) -- 1.00 Sec. E7
Critical stress for torsional or flexural-torsional buckling (Fcr11) [Kg/cm2] 1660.11 Eq. E7-2
Nominal torsional or flexural-torsional buckling strength (Pn11) [Ton] 82.36 Eq. E7-1


Bending about major axis, M33

Ratio : 0.55
Capacity :817788.30 [Kg*cm] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand :448178.30 [Kg*cm] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 50.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 5.99
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.08 T.B4.1(b)-10
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15 T.B4.1(b)-10
Stiffened element classification -- Compact
Stiffened element slenderness () -- 48.08
Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27 T.B4.1(b)-15
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55 T.B4.1(b)-15
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 2084182.00 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [Kg*cm] 2315758.00 Eq. F2-1
Factored lateral-torsional buckling strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 817788.30 Sec. F1
Limiting laterally unbraced length for yielding (Lp) [m] 1.16 Eq. F2-5
Effective radius of gyration used in the determination of Lr (rts) [m] 0.03 Eq. F2-7
Lateral-torsional factor (c) -- 1.00 Eq. F2-8a
Limiting laterally unbraced length for inelastic lateral-torsional bucklin... [m] 3.38 Eq. F2-6
Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor (Cb) -- 1.14 Eq. F1-1
Critical stress (Fcr) [Kg/cm2] 1570.81 Eq. F2-4
Nominal lateral-torsional buckling moment strength (Mn) [Kg*cm] 908653.70 Eq. F2-3

Bending about minor axis, M22

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity :287223.20 [Kg*cm] Reference : Sec. F1
Demand : 0.00 [Kg*cm] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Section classification
Unstiffened element classification -- Compact
Unstiffened element slenderness () -- 5.99
Limiting slenderness for noncompact unstiffened element (r) -- 24.08 T.B4.1(b)-10
Limiting slenderness for compact unstiffened element (p) -- 9.15 T.B4.1(b)-10
Stiffened element classification -- Compact

Stiffened element slenderness () -- 48.08

Limiting slenderness for noncompact stiffened element (r) -- 137.27 T.B4.1(b)-15
Limiting slenderness for compact stiffened element (p) -- 90.55 T.B4.1(b)-15
Factored yielding strength(Mn) [Kg*cm] 287223.20 Sec. F1
Yielding (Mn) [Kg*cm] 319136.80 Eq. F6-1


Shear in major axis 33

Ratio : 0.00
Capacity : 51.80 [Ton] Reference : Sec. G1
Demand : 0.00 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D1 at 0.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [Ton] 51.80 Sec. G1
Web slenderness (w) -- 5.99 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [cm2] 27.29
Web buckling coefficient (kv) -- 1.20 Sec. G7
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Eq. G2-3
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [Ton] 57.56 Eq. G2-1

Shear in minor axis 22

Ratio : 0.08
Capacity : 48.17 [Ton] Reference : Sec. G2.1(a)
Demand : -3.64 [Ton] Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 100.00%

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Factored shear capacity(Vn) [Ton] 48.17 Sec. G2.1(a)
Web slenderness (w) -- 48.08 Sec. G2
Shear area (Aw) [cm2] 22.84
Web buckling coefficient (Cv) -- 1.00 Sec.
G2.1(a), Eq. G2-2
Nominal shear strength (Vn) [Ton] 48.17 Eq. G2-1


Combined flexure and axial compression

Ratio : 0.55
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 50.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Interaction of flexure and axial force -- 0.55 Eq. H1-1b
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [Kg*cm] 448178.30
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [Kg*cm] 817788.30 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [Kg*cm] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [Kg*cm] 287223.20 Sec. F1
Required axial compressive strength (Pr) [Ton] 0.00
Available axial compressive strength (Pc) [Ton] 24.33 Sec. E1

Combined flexure and axial tension

Ratio : 0.55
Ctrl Eq. : D2 at 50.00% Reference : Eq. H1-1b

Intermediate results Unit Value Reference
Required flexural strength about strong axis (Mr33) [Kg*cm] 448178.30
Available flexural strength about strong axis (Mc33) [Kg*cm] 817788.30 Sec. F1
Required flexural strength about weak axis (Mr22) [Kg*cm] 0.00
Available flexural strength about weak axis (Mc22) [Kg*cm] 287223.20 Sec. F1
Required axial tensile strength (Pr) [Ton] 0.00
Available axial tensile strength (Pc) [Ton] 156.96 Eq. Sec. D2

Combined flexure and axial compression about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :

Combined flexure and axial tension about local axis

Ratio : N/A
Ctrl Eq. : -- Reference :


Design Results
Reinforced Concrete Footings


Global status : OK
Design Code : ACI 318-2005
Footing type : Combined
Column type : Concrete


Length : 3.80 [m]

Width : 2.00 [m]
Thickness : 0.40 [m]
Base depth : 0.60 [m]
Base area : 7.60 [m2]
Footing volume : 3.04 [m3]

Column length 1 : 0.41 [m]

Column width 1 : 0.41 [m]

Column length 2 : 0.41 [m]

Column width 2 : 0.41 [m]

Distance between columns : 3.00 [m]

Column location relative to footing g.c. : Centered

Concrete, f'c : 250.00 [Kg/cm2] Steel, fy : 4200.00 [Kg/cm2]
Concrete type : Normal Epoxy coated : No
Concrete elasticity modulus : 221359.00 [Kg/... Steel elasticity modulus : 2100000.00 [Kg...
Unit weight : 2.40 [Ton/m3]

Modulus of subgrade reaction : 3150.00 [Ton/m3]
Unit weight (wet) : 1.75 [Ton/m3]

Footing reinforcement
Free cover : 0.08 [m]
Maximum Rho/Rho balanced ratio : 0.75
Bottom reinforcement // to L (xx) : 9-#5 @ 0.23m
Top reinforcement // to L (xx) : 9-#5 @ 0.23m
Bottom reinforcement // to B (zz) : 4-#5 @ 0.25m (Zone 1)
Bottom reinforcement // to B (zz) : 9-#5 @ 0.26m (Zone 2)
Bottom reinforcement // to B (zz) : 4-#5 @ 0.25m (Zone 3)

Dowel bar size

Rebar 1 : 8-#6
Free cover : 0.03 [m]
Development length calculated : in tension
Bars number // to x axis : 3
Bars number // to z axis : 3
Stirrups : #3 @ 0.20m
Legs number // to x axis : 2
Legs number // to z axis : 2

Rebar 2 : 8-#6
Free cover : 0.03 [m]
Development length calculated : in tension
Bars number // to x axis : 3
Bars number // to z axis : 3
Stirrups : #3 @ 0.20m
Legs number // to x axis : 2
Legs number // to z axis : 2

Load conditions to be included in design

Service loads:
S1 : DL
S2 : DL+LL
S3 : DL+Gr
S4 : DL+0.75LL+0.75Gr
S5 : DL+0.6Wx
S6 : DL+0.6Wz
S7 : DL+0.7Eqx
S8 : DL+0.7Eqz
S9 : DL+0.75LL+0.45Wx+0.75Gr
S10 : DL+0.75LL+0.45Wz+0.75Gr
S11 : DL+0.75LL+0.525Eqx+0.75Gr
S12 : DL+0.75LL+0.525Eqz+0.75Gr
S13 : 0.6DL+0.6Wx
S14 : 0.6DL+0.6Wz
S15 : 0.6DL+0.7Eqx
S16 : 0.6DL+0.7Eqz
Design strength loads:
D1 : 1.4DL
D2 : 1.2DL+1.6LL+0.5Gr
D3 : 1.2DL+0.5LL+1.6Gr
D4 : 1.2DL+0.5Wx+1.6Gr

D5 : 1.2DL+0.5Wz+1.6Gr
D6 : 1.2DL+0.5LL+Wx+0.5Gr
D7 : 1.2DL+0.5LL+Wz+0.5Gr
D8 : 1.2DL+0.5LL+Eqx+0.2Gr
D9 : 1.2DL+0.5LL+Eqz+0.2Gr
D10 : 0.9DL+Wx
D11 : 0.9DL+Wz
D12 : 0.9DL+Eqx
D13 : 0.9DL+Eqz


Condition Footing Node Column Axial Mxx Mzz Vx Vz

[Ton] [Kg*cm] [Kg*cm] [Ton] [Ton]
DL 1 25 1 13.45 11430.29 -12619.60 -0.21 -0.21
LL 1 25 1 2.20 -4944.70 -6364.67 -0.10 0.02
Gr 1 25 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Wx 1 25 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Wz 1 25 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Eqx 1 25 1 0.31 -289763.10 -16435.15 -0.12 -2.49
Eqz 1 25 1 5.02 -88343.54 -241423.40 -1.78 -0.79
DL 1 27 2 19.33 11980.72 -14453.02 -0.24 -0.22
LL 1 27 2 4.37 -4245.10 -7322.85 -0.12 0.01
Gr 1 27 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Wx 1 27 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Wz 1 27 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Eqx 1 27 2 0.62 -294002.00 -18044.65 -0.15 -2.52
Eqz 1 27 2 4.31 -45042.81 -266621.90 -2.17 -0.37


Status : OK

Soil.Foundation interaction

Allowable stress : 1E04 [Kg/m2]

Min. safety factor for sliding : 1.25
Min. safety factor for overturning : 1.25

Controlling condition : S11 - 1

Condition qmean qmax max Area in compression Overturning FS

Footing [Kg/m2] [Kg/m2] [cm] [m2] (%) FSx FSz slip
S11 - 1 6.34E03 9.21E03 0.293 7.60 100 28.54 8.59 5.39


Factor  : 0.90
Min rebar ratio : 0.00200

Development length
Axis Pos. ld lhd Dist1 Dist2
[m] [m] [m] [m]
zz Bot. 0.57 0.20 0.72 0.72
xx Bot. 0.57 0.20 0.12 0.12
xx Top 0.57 0.15 0.12 0.12

Axis Pos. Condition Mu *Mn Asreq Asprov Asreq/Asprov Mu/(*Mn)

Footing [Kg*cm] [Kg*cm] [m2] [m2]
zz Top D9 - 1 -1423153.00 -2062754.00 0.00 0.00 0.684 0.690
zz Bot. D13 - 1 116635.80 2062754.00 0.00 0.00 0.376 0.057
Zone 1 xx Top D1 - 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000
Zone 1 xx Bot. D9 - 1 416874.30 867363.10 0.00 0.00 0.845 0.481
Zone 2 xx Top D1 - 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000
Zone 2 xx Bot. D1 - 1 0.00 1957917.00 0.00 0.00 0.938 0.000
Zone 3 xx Top D1 - 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000
Zone 3 xx Bot. D2 - 1 565381.40 867363.10 0.00 0.00 0.845 0.652


Factor  : 0.75
Shear area (plane zz) : 0.62 [m2]
Shear area (plane xx) : 1.13 [m2]

Plane Condition Vu Vc Vu/(*Vn)

Footing [Ton] [Ton]
xy D9 - 1 13.21 94.37 0.187
yz D9 - 1 16.05 52.33 0.409

Punching shear

Factor  : 0.75
Perimeter of critical section (b... : 2.85 [m]
Punching shear area : 0.87 [m2]
Perimeter of critical section (b... : 2.85 [m]
Punching shear area : 0.87 [m2]

Column Condition Vu Vc Vu/(*Vn)

Footing [Ton] [Ton]
column 1 D9 - 1 19.10 145.52 0.175
column 2 D9 - 1 25.89 145.52 0.237


* Soil under the footing is considered elastic and homogeneous. A linear soil pressure variation is assumed.

* The required flexural reinforcement considers at least the minimum reinforcement

* The design bending moment is calculated at the critical sections located at the support faces

* Only rectangular footings with uniform sections and rectangular columns are considered.

* The nominal shear strength is calculated in critical sections located at a distance d from the support face

* The punching shear strength is calculated in a perimetral section located at a distance d/2 from the support faces

* Transverse reinforcement is not considered in footings

* Values shown in red are not in compliance with a provision of the code

*qprom = Mean compression pressure on soil.

*qmax = Maximum compression pressure on soil.

*max = maximum total settlement (considering an elastic soil modeled by the subgrade reaction modulus).

* Mn = Nominal moment strength

* Mu/(*Mn) = Strength ratio.

* Vn = Nominal shear or punchure force (for footings Vn=Vc).

* Vu/(*Vn) = Shear or punching shear strength ratio.

_______________________________FIN DEL REPORTE________________________

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