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Corre, Corre
Informant/Performer: Source:
Manuela Longoria Library of Congress AFS 2607 A4
Brownsville, Texas, 1 939 Collected by John and Ruby Lomax

œ œ œJ œ œ œ œ ™ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ™
Andante q. = 96
b 3
&b b 8 œ

Al co - rre, co - rre, ven jun - to_a mí, Da - me_el a - bra - zo que te pe - dí.

(be - si - to)
b œ™ œ œ œ œ œ œ™
&b b J œ œ nœ œ œ
¡ Ven, ven, [jó - ven] que - ri - da! ¡ Ven, ven, ha - cia las flo - res!
(ven jun - to_a mí! )

& b b œ™ œ™ bœ œ œ œ œ œ™
œ œ œ œ œ™
¡ Ven, ven, a mis a - mo - res! ¡ Ven, ven, a_ha - cer - me fe - liz!

Transcribed by Arwen Lawrence

Spanish Text English Translation

Al corre, corre, ven junto a mí, Running, running, come close to me.
Dame el abrazo (besito)* que te pedí. Give me the hug (kiss)* that I asked you for.

¡ Ven, ven, jóven querida! Come, come, young beloved!

¡ Ven, ven, hacía las flores! (ven junto a mí! ) Come, come, to the flowers! (come close to me! )
¡ Ven, ven, a mis amores! Come, come, with your love!
¡ Ven, ven, a hacerme feliz! Come, come, to make me happy!

* text of second verse in parentheses

Suggested Activity
Sing song to gather or greet children, replacing "jóven" with the name of a child, or a title like maestra
(teacher), madre (mother), padre (father), tía (aunt), abuelo (grandfather), gato (cat). Use hand gestures
such as hands running on thighs for "al corre corre," inviting for "ven," hug or kiss for "abrazo" or
"besito," open to flowers for "flores," hands on heart for "amores," and hands on face for "feliz."


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