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4/8/22, 10:44 Estonia está construyendo AI Gov Stack



Estonia está construyendo AI Gov Stack

Los científicos de datos en la nación báltica están creando un depósito de código de software que proporciona elementos básicos para los servicios digitales

9 Karl Flinders, reportero jefe y editor sénior de EMEA

Publicado: 01 Ago 2022 11:26
Estonia está desarrollando los componentes de inteligencia artificial (IA) que pueden sustentar los servicios gubernamentales digitales y los está
compartiendo con el mundo a través de su "AI Gov Stack".

Los componentes de software de código abierto reutilizables basados ​en IA están disponibles para organizaciones del sector público y privado en
cualquier lugar.

La nación báltica se ha convertido en líder en gobierno digital. Su sistema de identidad digital ciudadana ha hecho posible mover los servicios
gubernamentales en línea y personalizarlos.

Su trabajo para desarrollar y lanzar un asistente digital de IA para servicios gubernamentales, conocido como Bürokratt , que usa IA para brindar a
los ciudadanos un apoyo personalizado cuando usan los servicios gubernamentales, ha hecho que el país abra nuevos caminos en tecnología.

Desde la capacidad de presentar declaraciones de impuestos en línea hasta los servicios proactivos que contactan a los ciudadanos para ofrecer un
servicio antes de que se den cuenta de que lo necesitan, Estonia ha puesto lo digital en el centro de su sociedad.

Now the country is bringing together all its expertise to create a repository of software code that provides the building blocks for digital government
services and is making them available to governments across the world, as well as businesses.

“The underlying idea is that we are building an AI government stack that can be used by other governments and companies,” Ott Velsberg, the
Estonian government’s chief data officer, told Computer Weekly.

“One of my core principles is that if we develop different components, we make sure others can use it. It is not about competition with other countries,
but providing citizens and businesses with the best services possible.” 1/3
4/8/22, 10:44 Estonia está construyendo AI Gov Stack
The initiative comes on the back of the launch of Bürokratt, which Velsberg’s team is currently implementing in several government agencies, and the
development team hopes to implement it in 10 different agencies by the end of this year.

In June, the first public service available through Bürokratt was developed. Velsberg said it started off with simple use cases, with the first service
related to personalising weather information for people. “It was an easy one to start with, just to see how it works,”  he said.

But while Burokratt is the Estonian team’s flagship data science project, it is just one of many, Velsberg added.

Read more about IT in Estonia

IT professionals from all over the world are being lured to Estonia through a government recruitment campaign.

The UK and Estonian governments launch a TechLink programme to share best practice and innovations.

The Estonian government is working on a project to allow citizens to ask Siri, Alexa or almost any other virtual digital assistant to interact with government
departments on their behalf.

Siim Sikkut is one of a generation of tech-native Estonians who is turning his knowledge and experience to transforming government services.

“We are working in different areas related to making government AI-led, including using data-enhancing technologies as well as things like image
recognition,” he said.

Another project is looking at the potential to create a database containing data about all citizens, apart from information that can identify them. This
could be used by government and business to help them to shape services, based on data about the population.

The team uses public funds, including money from the European Union (EU), to run projects. But Estonia doesn’t want to do it all on its own and is
seeking partners in the IT community, both businesses and individuals, to join its mission to transform global services.

For example, its development teams are working with the European branch of Microsoft to develop various base components that are fundamental to
how Bürokratt functions. “The solutions we develop with Microsoft are reusable for everyone and the whole development is completely open, so
everyone can see how it is being done,” said Velsberg.

Components that can be used as part of services include a central administration, external networks monitoring, and distributed messaging

“We are doing quite innovative work that Microsoft is interested in, so we joined them,” said Velsberg. “This stuff is available to everyone anyway and
the whole initiative is like an international research project.”

Dijo que hay mucho interés en el trabajo que se está realizando desde diferentes países, empresas del sector privado y agencias gubernamentales.
“Por ejemplo, en realidad estamos trabajando con agencias de la UE para ver cómo podemos hacer que Bürokratt sea transfronterizo, brindando
información a personas de Estonia y más allá”.

Velsberg dijo que AI Gov Stack ha lanzado hasta ahora 26 componentes básicos de IA de código abierto para servicios, con muchos más por venir.

m Lea más sobre TI para el gobierno y el sector público

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