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Pronombres Pronombres Adjetivos Pronombres Pronombres

personales objeto posesivos posesivos reflexivos
I (Yo) Me (a mi) My (Mi-mis) Mine (Mio) Myself

You (Tú) You (a ti) Your (Tu-tus) Yours (Tuyo) Yourself

He (Él) Him (a él) His (Su-sus) His (Suyo) Himself

She (Ella) Her (a ella) Her (Su-sus) Hers (Suyo) Herself

It (Ello) Its (a ello) Its (Su-sus) Its (Suyo) Itself

We (Nosotros) Us (a nosotros) Our (Nuestro/s) Ours (Nuestro) Ourselves

You (Vosotros) You (a vosotros) Your (Vuestros/s) Yours (Vuestro) Yourselves

They (Ellos) Them ( a ellos) Their (Sus) Theirs (Suyo) Themselves

Singular Plural
THIS: este, esta, esto THESE: estos, estas
THAT: ese, esa, eso, aquel, aquella, aquello THOSE: esos, esas, aquellos, aquellas


Presente Pasado

Singular THERE IS: hay THERE WAS: había

Plural THERE ARE: hay THERE WERE: había


Sustantivos Adjetivos Verbos Adverbios
-ism -ent -en -ly (-mente)
-ance -ant -ate
-ness -ful -ize
-ion -ic -ify
-ment -less
-ty -ive
-age -ous
-ship -al
-ee -able
-er -ible
-or -ed
-ist -ing

- Cuando nos referimos a un objeto por primera vez. Ex: I have ordered a table.
- Cuando nos referimos a un objeto en general y no a algo específico. Ex: I am going to buy a

- Cuando nos referimos a un objeto que ya ha sido mencionado con anterioridad. Ex: I have
received the table that I ordered last week.
- Cuando nos referimos a un objeto o persona específica. Ex: I am going to the mountain bike
- Con instrumentos musicales. Ex: the violin, the trumpet, the piano…
- Con puntos geográficos. Ex: the mountain, the beach, the forest…
- Para el transporte público. Ex: the underground, the bus, the train… (Excepción: a taxi, a car)
- Organismos públicos. Ex: the police, the council…
- Grupos de personas. The rich, the poor, the deaf (sordos), the blind (ciegos)…

- Cuando hablamos de clases en general (sustantivos en plural). Children, people, cats, mice…
- Cuando hablamos de periodos de tiempo. Last week…
- Cosas que sean incontables. Nature…
- University, school, home, work, prison…

1. SOME/ANY: Ambos se usan con sustantivos CONTABLES e INCONTABLES
 Oraciones afirmativas. Se utiliza para decir que hay algo.
- There are some oranges (contable)
- There is some milk (incontable)
 Oraciones interrogativas. Se utiliza para ofrecer algo.
- Would you like some milk?

 ANY:
 Oraciones negativas. Se utiliza para decir que no hay algo
- There aren’t any oranges (contable)
- There isn’t any milk (incontable)
 Oraciones interrogativas. Se utiliza para preguntar si queda algo
- Are there any oranges?
- Is there any milk?


 MUCH / HOW MUCH: Con nombres incontables
- There is much water
- How much water is there?
 MANY / HOW MANY: Con nombres contables
- There are many tables
- How many tables are there?


 FEW: Contables. Tiene una connotación negativa. Expresa que no queda lo suficiente.
 A FEW: Contables. Tiene una connotación positiva. Expresa que queda poco pero lo
- There are few oranges, not enough for an orange juice
- There are a few oranges, but I can make an orange juice

 LITTLE: Incontables. Tiene una connotación negativa. Expresa que no queda lo suficiente.
 A LITTLE: Tiene una connotación positiva. Expresa que queda poco pero lo suficiente.
- I have got Little money, not enough for a return train ticket
- I have got a little money, but enough for a return train ticket

Horas Partes del día Días de la semana y días
- At seven o’clock - In the morning concretos
- In the afternoon - On Sundays
Ciertos momentos del día
- In the evening - On Monday morning
- At night - On my birthday
- At noon/midday Meses y años
- On a weekday
- At midnight - In June
- At sunrise/sunset - In 2019 Día concreto del mes
- At bedtime - On June 10
Estaciones del año
- At lunchtime
- In the spring Vacaciones
- At the weekend
- At weekend (fines de semana) - In the summer - On holidays
- In the fall/autumn - On a holiday
Festividades - In the winter
- At New Year
Para las décadas
- In the 1990s: en los 90

Direción + código postal Países y ciudades Superficies
- At 45576 Mohedas de la - In Spain, in Madrid - On the table
Jara Espacios cerrados - On the wall
Lugares comunes o específicos - In the kitchen Para decir dónde vivimos
- At home - In a hospital - On Campillo street
- At the university of Madrid Lugares abiertos con límites Medios de transporte
definidos - On a train
- In the park - On a bus
- In the garden Excepción: in a car, in a taxi


In/Inside: dentro Behind: detrás
On: encima de Besides/next to: junto a
At: en Outside: fuera
Far (away) from: lejos de Opposite: en el lado opuesto
Near: cerca On top of: arriba del todo
Under/below: debajo In the middle of: en el medio
Over: sobre In back of: detrás (fuera del coche)
Above: encima (sin tocar) In the back of: detrás (dentro del coche)
Around: alrededor In front of: delante (fuera del coche)
Between: entre medias In the front of: delante (dentro del coche)

Into (Inside): dentro Onto (over): sobre
Out of: fuera de Off: fuera
Across: cruzando Along: a lo largo
Up: arriba Past: pasar
Through: a traves Against: contra
Down: abajo

 TOO: Se utiliza siempre delante de los adjetivos o adverbios. Significa “demasiado”.
- Too + adjective/adverb
He is too old
- Too + adjective/adverb + to-infinitive
John is too old to join the army
- Too many/Too much + noun
Too much food
- Too … for somebody/something
This bacon is too salty for me
- Too … for somebody/something + to-infinitive
This house is too small for us to live in

 ENOUGH: Se utiliza siempre después de los adjetivos o adverbios. Significa “lo suficientemente”
o “lo bastante”.
- Adjective/adverb + enough
Big enough
- Enough + noun
Enough carrots
- Enough … for somebody/something
The engagement ring wasn’t expensive enough for her
- Enough… for somebody/something + to-infinitive
It’s late enough for us to stop work

Wh Traducción How Traducción
What? ¿Qué? How? ¿Cómo?
Where? ¿Dónde? How long? ¿Cómo de largo? Presente perfecto simple y continuo
Which? ¿Cuál? How far? ¿Cómo de lejos?
When? ¿Cuándo? How often? ¿Con qué frecencia? Presente simple
Why? ¿Por qué? How much? ¿Cómo de mucho?
Who? ¿Quién? How many? ¿Cómo de mucho?
Whose? ¿De quién?

Utilizamos las relative clauses con la finalidad de unir dos oraciones en una, para ello utilizamos
los pronombres relativos.
Proporcionan información extra, la cual va a Los utilizamos para dar información esencial
aparecer siempre entre comas. Si eliminamos sobre algo o alguien. Dicha información no
esta información la oración sigue teniendo puede ser omitida. No se utilizan comas y en
sentido. algunos casos a diferencias de las non-
defining, podemos omitir los pronombres
Brad Pitt, who is my favourite actor, is coming to
Spain this weekend
The boy who is over there is my brother
Brad Pitt is coming to Spain this weekend
The boy who is over there is my brother
Which: objetos o animales Who: personas
That: objetos o animales Which: objetos o animales
When: tiempo That: personas
Where: lugar When: tiempo
Whose: pertenencias Where: lugar
Whose: pertenencias  Nunca se puede omitir

There’s the girl. I was telling you about her

There’s the girl who I was telling you about ___

1º comparador + verbo + less + adjetivo+ than + 2º comparador
Juan is less happy than Pedro

1º comparador + verbo + as + adjetivo+ as + 2º comparador
Juan is as happy as Pedro

- Cuando el adjetivo tiene 1 o 2 sílabas.
1º comparador + verbo + adjetivo –er + than + 2º comparador
Fast  Faster than
Small  Smaller than

- Cuando el adjetivo tiene 2 sílabas o más.

1º comparador + verbo+ more + adjetivo + than + 2º comparador.
Beautiful  more beautiful than
Intelligent  more intelligent than

- Cuando el adjetivo tiene 1 o 2 sílabas.
Sujeto + is/are + the + adjetivo –est + complemento
Juan is the tallest in the classroom.

- Cuando el adjetivo tiene 2 sílabas o más.

Sujeto + is/are + the most + adjetivo + complemento
New York is the most beautiful city in the world.

Adjetivos irregulares
Adjetivo Comparativo Superlativo
Good Better than The best
Bad Worse than The worst
Far Futher than The furthest

1. Si estudio inglés, aprobaré el examen.
2. Si estudiada inglés, aprobaría el examen.
3. Si hubiera estudiado inglés, habría aprobado el examen.

0- Condicional cero
(If/when) + sujeto + present simple + sujeto + present simple

Ex: If you put water in the freezer, it freezes. Si pones agua en el congelador, se congela.
Indica verdades generalizadas, hechos científicos y hábitos.

1- Primer condicional
If + sujeto + present simple + sujeto + (will/may/should/can) + infinitive

Ex: If I study hard, I will pass the exam.

Indica acciones o situaciones que muy probablemente sucedan en el futuro.
 Podemos sustituir if por:
- Unless: a menos que  Unless you read the instructions, you won’t know how it works
- As long as: siempre y cuando  As long as you wear helmet, you will be safe
- Provided/providing: mientras que  Providing you get good marks, I will buy the doll

2- Segundo condicional

If + sujeto + past simple + sujeto + (would/could/might) + infinitive

Ex: If I won the lottery, I would buy a big house.

Indica situaciones que son improbables que sucedan.

3- Tercer condicional

If + sujeto + past perfect simple + sujeto + would have + -ed o 3º columna

Ex: If I had studied hard, I would have passed the exam

Se usa para hablar de arrepentimiento, situaciones que no han sucedido y me imagino qué
hubiera pasado de haber sucedido.

If + sujeto + pasado perfecto simple o continuo + sujeto + (would, could o might) + inf

If I hadn’t traveled Russia last year, I wouldn’t be married with Julia now
Si yo no hubiera viajado a Rusia el año pasado, yo no estaría casado con Julia ahora
o Hechos hipotéticos que imaginamos fueron diferentes en el pasado y por lo tanto hubieran
alterado el presente. (would + infinitivo).

If + sujeto + pasado simple o continuo + sujeto + would have+ 3º columna o –ed

If I knew you had the same book, I wouldn’t have bought it

Si yo hubiera sabido que tú tenías el mismo libro, yo no lo hubiera comprado
o Hechos hipotéticos (normalmente quejas) que conectan el pasado con el resultado presente
(pasado simple).

1. Should
Should I need your help, I will pone you.
If I need your help, I will phone you.

2. Were
Were I you, I would study harder.
If I were you, I would study harder.

 If I were elected, I would change the law  Were I to elected, I would change the law.

3. Had
Had I studied harder, I would have passed the exam.
If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.

TO BE + participio (-ed o 3º columna)

Present simple Is/are + 3º columna o -ed
Present continuous Is /are being + 3º columna o -ed
Present perfect simple Has/have been + 3º columna o -ed
Past simple Was/were + 3º columna o -ed
Past continuous Was/were being + 3º columna o -ed
Past perfect simple Had been + 3º columna o -ed
Future simple Will be + 3º columna o -ed
Future be going to Is/are going to be + 3º columna o -ed
Modal verbs Can be + 3º columna o -ed
Modals perfects Can have been + 3º columna o -ed
Have to Has/have to be + 3º columna o -ed

La voz pasiva se utiliza en textos formales y en redacciones que requieren un carácter formal.
1- El agente de la oración activa pasa a sujeto e la pasiva.
2- Nos fijamos en el verbo de la oración activa y en la oración activa ponemos el verbo TO BE en
el mismo tiempo verbal seguido del verbo en pasado participio (3ºcolumna o –ed).
3- Introducimos el agente que es el sujeto de la oración activa precedido por preposición by.
* Si el agente de la pasiva es un pronombre personal o indefinido se omite.

Past simple
Active: My brother broke the window
Passive: The window was broken by my brother

1- Escribimos las questions word en el caso de que las haya.
2- Escribimos el auxiliar que puede ser verbo TO BE, WILL o HAVE.
3- Escribimos el sujeto que va a ser el agente de la oración activa.
4- Escribimos el verbo principal en 3º columna o –ed
5- Añadimos complementos si los hay y el agente que va a ser el sujeto de la activa.

Active: Do they open shops at 9:00?

Passive: Are shops opened at 9:00?

Active: Will you receive the box tomorrow?

Passive: Will the box be received tomorrow?

Active: Have you finish the project?

Passive: Have the project been finished?

La utilizamos para expresar un juicio, pensamiento u opinión dicho de forma general por
diferentes personas. Podemos diferenciar dos estructuras diferentes:
Active: People say that he is crazy
Passive: It is said that he is crazy

Podemos utilizar diferentes tiempos verbales:

Present simple  Is said
Past simple  Was said
Past continuous  Was being said
It + + that + Objeto …
Present perfect simple Has been said
Past perfect simple  Had been said
Future simple  Will be said

Active: People said that she didn’t tell the truth
Passive: It was said that she didn’t tell the truth

Active: People have believed that I didn’t do my exam

Passive: It has been believe that I didn’t do my exam

Active: People will think that I am crazy

Passive: It will be thought that I am crazy

Active: People had thought that he wasn’t old enough to go to the disco
Passive: It had been thought that he wasn’t old enough to go to the disco

Active: People say that he is crazy
Passive: He is said to be crazy
Passive: He is said to have been crazy

Present simple  Is said

Past simple  Was said
Past continuous  Was being said
S to + infinitive Complementos
Present perfect simple Has been said
Past perfect simple  Had been said
Future simple  Will be said

Present simple  Is said

Past simple  Was said
Past continuous  Was being said to have + 3º
S Complementos
Present perfect simple Has been said columna o -ed
Past perfect simple  Had been said
Future simple  Will be said

La utilizamos para explicar que alguien ha hecho algo en nuestro lugar, es decir, que hemos
pagado por un servicio concreto; para ello utilizamos el verbo “have” o “get”.
Present simple He paints the house He has the house painted
Present continuous He is painting the house He is having the house painted
Present perfecto simple He has painted the house He has had the house painted
Present perfect continuous He has been painting the house He has been having the house painted
Past simple He painted the house He has the house painted
Past continuous He was painting the house He was having the house painted
Past perfect simple He had painted the house He had had the house painted
Past perfect continuous He had been painting the house He had been having the house painted
Future simple He will paint the house He will have the house painted
Future continuous He will be painting the house He will be having the house painted
Infinitive He must paint the house He must have the house painted
Going to They are going to clean I am going to have cleaned

1. They are repairing our roof at the moment.
We are having our roof repaired at the moment

2. They are going to fit a stereo in my car

I am going to have a stereo fit in my car

3. Someone cleans Sue’s flat once a week

Sue has her flat cleaned once a week

4. Did the dentist check your teeth yesterday?

Had you have your teeth checked yesterday?

5. Will the hairdresser do you her?

Will you have your hair done?

6. Had the mechanic repaired your car?

Had you have your car repaired?

7. Was the designer decorating house yesterday afternoon?

Were you having your house decorated yesterday afternoon?

8. Will the doctor be checking wrist tomorrow morning?

Will you have your wrist being checked tomorrow morning?

Must: leyes y normas
Have to: tareas que tenemos que hacer
Obligación Don’t have to: ausencia de obligación
* En ocasiones utilizo must cuando quiero enfatizar que algo es muy necesario o que
urge que lo haga y have to cuando la obligación es impuesta por otra persona.

Prohibición Musn’t: leyes o normas. You musn’t smoke in a hospital.

Need to: cosas que necesito. I need to wear glasses for reading.
Don’t need to: ausencia de necesidad. I don’t need to wear glasses for reading.

Should: cosas que debo hacer. You should go to the doctor.

Consejo Shouldn’t: cosas que no debo hacer. You shouldn’t smoke so much.
Ought to: The police ought to protect the rights of the citizens.

Must: It's snowing, so it must be very cold outside.


Might: It might rain.

o posibilidad
May: más posible.
▪ Presente: Be able to:
Habilidad Could: I could play the guitar
▪ Pasado Was able to: I was able to make the car work
▪ Future Will be able to:
Can: más informal.
Pedir permiso May: May, I come it?
Could: Could I use your pen, please?

MODALS PERFECT + HAVE + 3º columna o -ed

Must have You must have done your homework (Deberías haber hecho tus deberes)

Musn’t have

Needn’t have You needn’t have done this exercices. (No era necesario que hicieras esos ejercicios)

Should have You should have studied harder. (Deberías haber estudiado más)

Shouldn’t have You shouldn’t have lent him your car. (No deberías haberle dejado tu coche)

Might have

May have She may have missed the train. ( Es probable que ella haya perdiso el tren)

Could have You could have come with us. (Podías haber venido con nosotros)

Lo utilizamos para decir lo que alguien ha dicho. Se utiliza para expresar órdenes, sugerencias,
preguntas, para pedir disculpas, para quejas…
Normalmente se utiliza con los verbos SAY, TELL o ASK pero también se puede utilizar con otros
John said: “It is quite hot today”
John said that it was hoy that day

Direct speech Indirect speech

Present simple Past simple
Present continuous Past continuous
Present perfect simple Past perfect simple
Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous
Past simple Past perfect simple
Past continuous Past perfect continuous
Past perfect simple No cambia
Past perfect continuous No cambia
Future simple (Will + infinitive) Would + infinitive
Future continuous Future continuous
Future perfect Future perfect
Conditional Conditional
Can Could
May Might
Must Must

Direct speech Indirect speech

Now Then / in that moment
Today That day
Tonight That night
Yesterday The previous day / The day before
The day before yesterday Two days before
Tomorrow The following day / The day after/the next day
The day after tomorrow In two days’ time / Two days after
Next week / month / year… The following week /The week after
Last week / month / year… The previous week / The week before
A week / month / year ago A week / month / year before
Here There
This That
These Those

Yes/no questions
Sujeto + asked + if + sujeto (2) + verbo + complementos
Mery asked “Have you seen the accident?
Mery asked (me) if I had been seen the accident

Sujeto + asked + WH-questions + sujeto (2) + verbo + complementos
Mery asked “Where do you live?
Mery asked (me) where I lived


Lo utilizamos para dar órdenes, amenazas, avisos, sugerir algo y para expresar que estamos o no
de acuerdo.

1. Infinitivo
Sujeto + reporting verbs + to + infinitive + complementos
She said “I will take you to town
She offered to take me to town
Verbos que van con esta estructura: Agree, demand, guarantee, hope, offer, promise, propose,
swear, threaten, volunteer
Sujeto + reporting verbs + objeto (persona) + to + infinitive + complementos
I said “Don’t forget to send this letter Peter”
I reminded Peter to send that letter
Verbos que van con esta estructura: Advice, ask, beg, command, compel, encourage, entreat,
expect, forbid, implore, instruct, invite, order, permit, persuade, recommend, remind, request, tell,
urge, warn.

2. Gerundio
Lo utilizamos para pedir disculpas, acusar a alguien de algo, hacer sugerencias…
Reporting verbs + -ing
Suggest, stop, admit, deny, mention, propose, look forward
She said: “I didn’t do that”
She denied doing that
Reporting verbs + preposicion + -ing
Accuse (of), congratulate (on), forgive (for), prevent (from), stop (from), suspect (of), thank (for),
worn (against)
She said “I am late”
She apologized for being late

1- Después de un adjetivo. The new computer is really easy to use.
2- Siempre va detrás de los verbos:
Afford: permitirse Expect: esperar Mean: significar Tell: decir
Agree: acordar Fail: fallar Offer: ofrecer Want: querer
Appear: aparecer Help: ayudar (sin to) Plan: planificar Wish: desear
Arrange: organizar Hesitate: dudar Prepare: preparar Would like
Beg: suplicar Hope: esperar Pretend: fingir Would love
Choose: escoger Learn: aprender Promise: prometer Would prefer
Decide: decidir Manage: gestionar Refuse: rechazar


1. Como sujeto de la oración. Cycling is good for your health.
2. Después de una preposición. I did my homework before going out.
3. Siempre va detrás de los verbos:
Admit: admitir Deny: negar Mind: preocuparse
Advise: Dislike: no gustar Miss: fallar, irse
Allow: Enjoy: disfrutar Permit: permitar
Avoid: evitar Fancy: presumir Practise: practicar
Can’t help: no soporto Finish: terminar Suggest: sugerir
Can’t stand: no soporto Keep: guardar Waste time/money: perder tiempo/dinero
4. Verbos con preposición seguidos de gerundio:
Accuse of Blame for Dream about/of Look forward to
Agree of Care for Feel like Object to
Apologize for Carry on Forgive for Think of
Ask about Complain about Give up Succeed in
Believe in Concentrate on Insist on Use for
Be used to Depend on Keep on

Verbos que pueden ir seguidos de gerundio o infinitivo y significan lo mismo:

Attempt: intentar Cannot bear: no soporto Hate: odiar Prefer: preferir
Begin: empezar Cease: parar Intend: intentar Start: empezar
Bother: molestar Continue: continuar Love: amar

Gerund and infinitive
Verbos con diferente significado
 See
Gerundio: Veo parte de la acción.
I saw the plane landing
Infinitivo: Veo la acción completa.
I saw the planet land
 Forget
Gerundio: Situación dramática difícil de olvidar.
I will never forget seeing the house burning out with people inside.
Infinitivo: Algo que he olvidado hacer.
I forgot to pone my grandmother
 Remember
Gerundio: Recuerdo una acción que he hecho.
I remember locking the door
Infinitivo: Me dan una orden y yo la cumplo.
I remember to lock the door
 Go on
Gerundio: Continuar físicamente hacienda algo.
Althouhgt I was exhausted I wet on running
Infinitivo: Año tras año continúo haciendo algo
She won a medal when she was 9 years old then when she grew up she went on to win
more medals
 Mean
Gerundio: Significar, conllevar.
If we want to catch the 1º train in the morning it will mean getting up at 5 am
Infinitivo: tener la intención.
I didn’t mean to hurt you
 Stop
Gerundio: abandonar, dejar.
I stopped smoking five years ago
Infinitivo: parar físicamente.
Let’s stop to have a break
 Try
Gerundio: solución
Have you try taking it to a mechanic?
Infinitiovo: intentar hacer algo
I have been trying to fix my car all the morning

 However: sin embargo (muy formal)
Introduce una oración que contrasta con la anterior. Si va en el medio de una oración va entre
comas pero también puede ir al principio o al final. Tiene que ir antes una oración.
Maria was ill. However, she went to school.
Maria went to school, however, she was ill.

 Althought: aunque, a pesar de que (informal)

Se utiliza para enfatizar el contraste con la información anterior. Puede ir seguido de un sujeto.
Althouhgt she was ill, Maria went to school.
Maria went to school, although, she was ill.

 Even though: aunque, a pesar de que (informal)

Even though she felt very ill, Maria went to school.

 Though: aunque, a pesar de que (muy informal)

Sirve para hacer contraste y siempre va al final de la oración. Siempre va una coma delante.
Maria went to school. She was ill, though.

 In spite of: a pesar de + (that fact that/ verbo -ing/ sustantivo) + clause (oración)
In spite of the fact that she was ill she went to school
In spite of being ill she went to school
In spite of her illness, Maria went to school

 Despite: a pesar de + (verbo -ing/sustantivo o pronombre)

Despite being ill, Maria went to school
Despite her illness, Maria went to school

 But: pero
Va siempre en medio de la oración y sin comas.
Maria felt ill but she went to school

 Yet: pero
Maria felt ill yet she went to school

 While/whereas: mientras
While/whereas some experts the Government to win the election, most believe that the opposition
will win.

Sujeto + prefer + ING o TO INF + TO ING

Lo usamos para expresar preferencias (acciones que realizamos habitualmente).

Ex: She prefers drinking tea to drinking coffee

Sujeto + would prefer + TO INF + rather than + INF

Lo usamos para expresar una preferencia acerca de una posible acción futura.
Ex: I would prefer to go to the cinema rather than stay at home watching TV

Sujeto + would rather + INF
Lo usamos para expresar una preferencia acerca de una posible acción futura.
Ex: I would rather work days tan nights

Sujeto + would rather + past perfect

Lo usamos para lamentarnos de una acción pasada (3º condicional)

Ex: I would rather I had travelled an my own

Se utiliza para enfatizar una oración

1. Present simple/ past simple

Adverbio + DO/DID + sujeto + verbo principal
Never did he consider he might be discovered
TO BO: Rarely is she at home.

2. Present perfect/ past perfect

Adverbio + HAVE/HAS/HAD + sujeto + verbo principal (3º columna o -ed)
Hardly had I started speaking when he interrupted me

3. Con 2 auxiliares
Adverbio + 1º auxiliar (HAD)+ sujeto + 2º auxiliar (BEEN)+ verbo principal (3º columna o -ed)
Never had I been introduced to so many people


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