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 Identifico conectores en una situación de habla para comprender su sentido.
 Identifico personas, situaciones, lugares y el tema en conversaciones sencillas.
 Identifico palabras claves del texto que me permiten comprender su sentido

Los conectores o conjunciones son palabras que usamos para

LINKING WORDS unir dos o más frases o dos palabras dentro de la misma
oración. Los conectores son de: Addition, contrast,
sequence, cause and effect

 Adición: Se emplean para añadir ideas. Los tres primeros significan “además” o
“es más“. Entre los más usados están:

moreover, furthermore, besides, in addition to, not only… but also(no solo sino que
también/incluso), and — y

Los conectores de secuencia en inglés indican una sucesión, ya sea lógica o cronológica
entre dos o más sucesos.
Estos conectores de secuencia indican el orden en el tiempo en que sucede un hecho
respecto a otro, indicando su orden de sucesión, o bien, indicando si algo sucedió antes
de lo que ocurre en el momento en que se habla. Algunos de los más usados son:

Then — luego, a continuación

Before considering — antes de examinar, antes de considerar
After — después, a continuación
First — primero, primeramente
In the second instance — en Segundo lugar
Second — segundo
Last — En ultimo lugar
Meanwhile — mientras tanto
Finally — finalmente
Next to — siguiendo a, a continuación
Just — apenas, tan luego, justo
to begin with — comenzando con, empezando con
immediately — inmediatamente

In our last year vacation, we went to Acapulco. Firstly, we went to the airport to buy
our tickets. In there we have some trouble, one lady got really crazy for losing her
flight. As soon as the situation was under control, we bought our tickets for our flight,
it leave in three hours, so we had to wait. Meanwhile we went to eat something in the
town. We arrive to the airport half an hour before our flight left. Next we went to the
customs, and a while later we stand ready to get up the stairs. Just when we were
aboarding, someone yelled “Bomb!” and everyone get off the plane. It was just a false
alarm and finally we left an hour later.

En nuestra vacaciones el año pasado, fuimos a Acapulco. Primeramente fuimos al

aeropuerto a comprar los boletos. Ahí hubo un problema porque una señora se puso como
loca porque perdió su vuelo. Tan pronto como todo estuvo bajo control, compramos los
boletos para un vuelo tres horas después, así que tuvimos que esperar. Mientras
tanto fuimos a comer al centro. Llegamos nuevamente al aeropuerto media hora antes
de que saliera nuestro vuelo. A continuación pasamos a la aduana y un rato
después estábamos listos para subir las escaleras. Apenas habíamos abordado, alguien
grito “¡Una bomba!” y todos bajamos del avión. Solo fue una falsa alarma y finalmente
salimos una hora tarde.

Causa: because/ because of (porque)

Therefore(por lo tanto/entonces)
Since (puesto/ ya que)
as a result of, as a consecuence (por eso/como resultado/como consecuencia)
in order to (para / con tal de)

I don’t like going to the beach in the summer because it’s always crowded. As a
result,sometimes people are sitting very close. Therefore, you can listen to their
conversations. You can even smell their sunscreen lotion. In order to avoid the crowd,
I go to the beach after 6pm.


Develop the next activities for practicing the linking words uses.

To Write a short paragraph about Bogota city.


Select the best option to complete the sentences before.

1. The new supermarket is so much cheaper than the one in John Street. -
__________, they do free home deliveries too.

A. However B. On the whole C. Furthermore

2. Australia has some beautiful parts of the country. __________, they also have a
lot of dangerous animals.

A. Though B. However C. Despite

3. _______ the high risk involved, many scientists chase tornadoes so they can
study them more closely.

A. But B. Though C. Despite

4. __________ television can be educational, I think it's better to read a book.

A. On the other hand B. Even though C. However

5. So you can see there are both advantages and disadvantages of the new system for
organising the timetable. ___________. I would say it would be better to stick with
the current system.

A. On the whole B. And C. Lastly

6. __________ the rain and the high winds, they never went camping.

A. Because B. Due to C. Despite

7. This new computer has a better monitor. Its memory is twice as large as the
current one and we can use the internet with it. ________ its software will make our
job so much easier.

A. Finally B. However C. In short

8. Saline speaks in class when we are trying to work. She shouts out to other students
when it is not necessary and when she does ask me a question, it is doubtlessly a
stupid one just to get some attention. ______________ she is a very disruptive
presence in the class. I'm sorry Mr. Philicott.

A. Furthermore B. And C. In short

Select one of the best linking Word from the box to complete the exorcise

Actually, although, but, consequently, despite, namely,

on the contrary, so, such as, in addition.

1. Aircraft engines are well mainted _____________ accidents are unavoidable.

2. _________________ the number of tourists visiting our country may fall

next year, we expect better spending rates.

3. There are plenty of inappropriate solutions to the current economic

crisis, _______________ cutting down on public investments.

4. We have bought a new flat. __________________ , we cannot afford to go

on holiday this summer.

5. They are very poor. ____________ , they don’t have a cent in the bank.

6. The play was very boring ______________ we left after the first act.

7. He has to take photos of the places he visits. ________________ , he’s

keeping a diary of his journey.

8. Not everybody thinks the building is ugly. _________________, some people

say it looks marvellous.

9. Some companies, ___________ our own, think that employees’ well-being in

the work place is key to success.

10. ______________ being famous, she is not arrogant at all.

Describe the growth process of a plant. Use the linking words


Una las dos columnas según considere apropiado. No una con líneas. Use colores
para señalar las parejas.

1. On the one hand, it's expensive a. because of the strong wind.

to go on holiday at this time of
the year.
b. As a result, they have suspended my
licence for a month.
2. The plane couldn't take off

c. Actually, I am a bit of a shopaholic

3. We can't come to the party
d. she went to see the play

4. In spite of all the bad reviews,

e. As a result, many workers will lose
their jobs.

5. I was driving too fast when the

police stopped me. f. you are perfectly able to do a
presentation in English.
6. They turned down the volume

g. On the other hand, we need a break.

7. Although you don't think so,

h. because we don't have anybody to
8. There has been a drastic
budget cut.
i. As a matter of fact, he is my best friend
9. He is a friend of mine.

10. I love shopping

j. so that the baby could sleep



Please, do not take photos a. At the park
to the animals with flash. b. At the beach
c. At the zoo

a. At the library
1. not write do
Please, on not
the take b. At the music store
2. . books please.
potos to the c. At the restaurant
animals with flash

Please, put your 3D a. In the classroom

glasses here. b. At the cinema
3. c. In the playground

a. At church
Ten lemons for 3$. b. At the supermarket
c. At the hospital
4. .

Refrigerate after a. On a yogurt

b. On a t-shirt
c. On a ball

Please, use gloves a. At the office

when cooking. b. In the bathroom
c. At the restaurant

Not food or drinks a. At the museum

7. b. At the soccer game
c. At the Candy shop

No checks or credit a. At the library

cards accepted b. At the store
c. At church

Los modales son verbos que modifican a otros verbos. Los
modales más comunes son:

 Can/ Could
 Would
 Must
Observe que todos los sujetos tienen la misma forma del modal.

Forma Positiva
Sujeto + Modal + Verbo + Objeto(s)

He can play the piano.
I must leave soon.

Forma Negativa
Sujeto + Modal + Not + Verbo + Objeto(s)

They can't visit next week.
You couldn't go to that horror film.

Forma Interrogativa
Modal + Sujeto + Verbo + Objeto(s)

Can you help me?
What would I do?


Expresar una Habilidad con 'Can'

'Can' es usado para decir habilidades.

I can speak five languages. (Puedo hablar cinco idiomas.)
We can work late tonight if you need us. (Podemos trabajar hasta tarde esta
noche si nos necesitas.)
Bill and Tom can’t help you. (Bill y Tom no pueden ayudarte.)
He can speak Japanese.
Can you play golf?


El verbo 'COULD' Expresa poca probabilidad o condicionalidad. Significa: podría,

pude, podía, pudiera de acuerdo con el contexto: I could dance if I could practice


Affirmative sentences

You could be wrong (podrías estar equivocado).

This new plan could be risk (este nuevo plan podría ser muy riesgoso)

Negative sentences
I couldn`t see very clearly. (Yo no pude/podría ver muy claramente)
Mrs. Jones couldn't stand the smell. (La señora Jones no pudo/podría soportar el

Interrogative sentences

Could you open the window? (¿Pudiste/podrías abrir la ventana?)

Could they escape? (¿Pudieron/podrían escapar?)

Could + have

You could have told me you weren't at home! ¡Podrías haberme dicho que no estabas
en casa!)
It could have been worse (Pudo/podría haber sido peor)


'WOULD' es el pasado de will en algunos casos y verbo auxiliar en otros. Convierte en

potencial al verbo que le sigue y va seguido del verbo en forma base. Ejemplos:

I would go - iría
I would eat - comería
I would be - sería / estaría
I would have - tendría / habría

Affirmative sentences

I would go to the party (Yo iría a la fiesta)

You would feel better (Te sentirías mejor)

Negative sentences

We wouldn't spend all the money (No gastaríamos todo el dinero)

I wouldn't do that (Yo no haría eso)


Would he give Patty a diamond ring? (¿Él le daría a Patty un anillo de diamantes?)

Would you mind? (¿Te importaría?)


I would have picked you up (Yo te habría pasado a buscar)

We wouldn't have had enough time (No habríamos tenido tiempo suficiente)


El verbo 'MUST' expresa una prohibición u obligación fuerte así como cierta certeza:
I must go. She must be crazy. En español significa debo, debo de.


We must be at the airport at three o'clock. (Debemos estar en el aeropuerto a las

tres) Everybody must wear a uniform (Todos deben usar uniforme)


You must not talk to strangers (No debes hablar con extraños)

We mustn't make noise (No debemos hacer ruido)

Must we do everything today? (¿Debemos hacer todo hoy?)

Must you go so soon? (¿Debes irte tan pronto?)


I must have fallen asleep (Debo de haberme quedado dormido).

Sally must have forgotten about the meeting. (Sally debe de haberse olvidado de la


Complete la actividad usando:


Example: What can a monkey do? A monkey can climb trees.
What can’t a monkey do? A monkey can’t fly.

1a. What can a lion do? ___________________________

1b. What can’t a lion do? ___________________________
2a. What can an ant do? ___________________________
2b. What can’t an ant do? ___________________________
3a. What can a giraffe do? ___________________________
3b. What can’t a giraffe do? ___________________________
4a. What can a pig do? ___________________________
4b. What can’t a pig do? ___________________________
5a. What can a eagle do? ___________________________
5b. What can’t a eagle do? ___________________________


1. Write about what people could and couldn't do 200 years ago. Tenga en cuenta
las imágenes

use a computer write with a feather watch TV

go to school by horse and cart

1. What could people do 200 years ago?

People could______________________________________________________
People could_____________________________________________________

2. What couldn't they do 200 years ago?

People couldn’t _________________________________________________
People couldn`t _________________________________________________



1. Would / a / Goku /like / pizza/ to /eat


2. some / Bob / like / would / wáter / to /drink


3. would / a Homer / like to / sándwich / eat


4. a / Garfield / like / cake / would / to / eat


5. Wimpy / a / would / like hamburger / to / eat



Complete the spaces with Must or mustn’t

1. She is ill, so she ______________ see the doctor

2. This is a secret. You _______________ tell anybody

3. You ______________ eat fruit and vegetables.

4. you _____________ turn right.



The "Old Man of the Mountain" was not really an old man, but a rock formation that
resembled the face of an old man in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. The
natural formation was at least 40 feet high and 25 feet wide. It became such a symbol
of the state of New Hampshire, that "he" was featured on the back of the state's
quarter in the year 2000. Old Man of the Mountain was also honoured on a United
States Postage Stamp in 1955.
The old man, however, did not last forever. On May 3, 2003, he crumbled to the ground,
despite efforts made by the state of New Hampshire to keep him atop the mountain
for the last 75 years! People were so sad that some placed flowers at the base of his

1. Why did dome peolpe place flowers at the base of the mountain? make the área more colorful.
b. They were happy to see the old man of the mountain.
c. because they were sad that the old man of the mountain crumbled to the
d.mostly because thet saw other people doing it
2. What does “ resembled” mean in the sentence below?: the “ old man of the
mountain” was not really an old man, but a rock formation that resembled the
face of an old man in the mountains of new Hampshire”.
a. Hurt c. Crumbled from
b. Felt like d. Looked like
3. What happened first?
a. The old man of the mountain was honoured on a postge stamp
b. The old man of the mountain was honoured on the nwe Hampshire state
c. The old man of the mountain crumbled to the ground.
d. Peolpe cried.
4. The old man of the mountain was…
a. A real person.
b. A symbol of the state of new Hampshire
c. Never really on the mountain.
d. Remover from the mountain by park rangers

5. To the state of new Hampshire, the old man the mountain was…
a. Important. c. Unimportant.
b. Unknowm d. Boring.
6. What is the height of the old man of the mountain?
a. At least 20 feet high.
b. At least 24 feet high.
c. At least 40 feet high.
d. At least 70 feet high.
7. When was this momument honred in a US postage stamp?
a. In 2000. c. In 2003.
b. In 1955. d. The next doesn’t say it.

• Individually, choose one of the most important event in your life. Then complete the chart
below using as much information as possible.

Event name:




How is started?

Other relevant elements (music, food)


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