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1/7/2020 Cake Batter Chocolate Chip Cookies | Sally's Baking Addiction

Pastel Batido De Galletas De Chocolate

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 4.7 de 25 valoraciones
Tiempo de preparación: 2 horas, 15 minutos. Tiempo de cocción: 10 minutos.
Tiempo total: 3 horas Rendimiento: 24-30 galletas

Estas galletas de chispas de chocolate son un cruce entre deliciosas galletas de chispas de chocolate horneadas y pastel
de funfetti relleno de espolvoreado. Si te gustan las galletas con chispas de chocolate y te gusta la masa para pasteles,
¡te encantarán estas galletas suaves y masticables!

1 y 1/4 taza ( 160 g ) de harina para todo uso ( cuchara y nivelada )
1 y 1/4 taza ( 190 g ) de mezcla de pastel en caja amarilla o vainilla (no toda la caja y solo necesita la mezcla SECA ) *
1/2 cucharadita de bicarbonato de sodio
1/2 cucharadita de sal
3/4 de taza (1,5 barras o 170 g ) de mantequilla sin sal , suavizada a temperatura ambiente
1/2 taza ( 100 g ) de azúcar granulada
1/2 taza ( 100 g ) de azúcar morena clara empacada
1 huevo a temperatura ambiente
1 y 1/2 cucharaditas de extracto puro de vainilla
1 taza ( 180 g ) de chispas de chocolate (usé 1/2 taza de chispas de chocolate blanco y 1/2 taza de chocolate semi-
1/2 taza ( 80 g ) de chispas


1 En un tazón grande, tamice la harina, la mezcla para pastel, la sal y el bicarbonato de sodio. Dejar de lado.
2 Usando una batidora de mano o una batidora de pie con accesorio de paleta, bata la mantequilla ablandada y ambos
azúcares a velocidad media hasta que quede suave. Agregue el huevo y mezcle a fuego alto hasta que se combine,
aproximadamente 1 minuto. Raspe los lados y el fondo del tazón según sea necesario. Agregue la vainilla y bata a
fuego alto hasta que se combine. Agregue la mezcla de harina a los ingredientes húmedos y mezcle a velocidad
media-baja hasta que se combinen. Agregue las chispas de chocolate y espolvorea. Mezcle a temperatura baja hasta
que los complementos se hayan distribuido uniformemente.
3 Cover tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate dough for at least 2 hours, or up to 3-4 days. This step is mandatory. The
dough is fairly sticky, so chilling the dough is required in order to avoid the cookies from spreading too much. If you chill
longer than 2 hours, make sure you roll the cookie dough into balls after the 2 hour mark. Place dough balls on a plate,
cover tightly, and store in the refrigerator until ready to bake. You may also freeze the balls at this point for up to 3
months. (Then bake as directed adding 1 minute to the bake time without thawing.)
4 Once dough has been chilled, preheat oven to 350°F (177°C). Line two large cookie sheets with parchment paper or
silicone baking mats (always recommended for cookies).
5 Scoop rounded balls of the cold dough onto an ungreased baking sheet, use about 1.5 Tablespoons of cookie dough
per cookie. Shape your cookie dough balls to be “taller” than they are wide, as pictured above. Press a few chocolate 1/2
1/7/2020 Cake Batter Chocolate Chip Cookies | Sally's Baking Addiction

chips into the tops of the cookie dough balls, if desired. That makes a pretty cookie. Make sure to keep dough chilled
when working in batches.
6 Bake the cookies for 10-12 minutes until edges are slightly browned. Mine take 10 minutes exactly. The centers will still
appear very soft, but the cookies will set as they cool. You can also press a few more chips into the tops of the cookies
at this point (the chips will melt down and stick from the warm cookies).
7 Allow the cookies to cool on the baking sheet for 4 minutes and transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

1 Make Ahead & Freezing Instructions: Cookies stay fresh covered at room temperature for up to 1 week. You can
make the cookie dough and chill it in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. Allow to come to room temperature and
continue with step 4. Baked cookies freeze well – up to three months. Unbaked cookie dough balls freeze well – up
to three months. Bake frozen cookie dough balls for an extra minute, no need to thaw.

2 Cake Mix: You can use funfetti cake mix and leave out the sprinkles called for in this recipe. I usually use vanilla
cake mix. Remember, you only need 1 and 1/4 cups of dry mix. Not the whole box. Gluten free cake mix is not

3 Be sure to check out my top 5 cookie baking tips AND these are my 10 must-have cookie baking tools.

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