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Beethoven sonata Pathetica

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Las sonatas de Beethoveen: N8 Opus 13 Pattica (Parte 1)

El ao 1798 fu una fecha memorable en la historia de las sonatas

beethovenianas, pues en el fueron compuestas o concludas nada menos que
siete de esas composiciones incluyendo las tres de violn y piano, Ops 12. Si,
como es lo ms probable, la magnfica sptima naci en los primeros meses del
ao mencionado, la creacin de la clebre Pattica sigui inmediatamente a esa
tercera sonata del opus 10. Pero la publicacin de ambas fue separada por un
ao largo, pues la obra 13 no se anunci por el editor hasta 18 de diciembre de
1799, apareciendo entre las dos sonatas el trio para piano, clarinete y violoncelo,
Op. 11, y las tres indicadas sonatas de violn, Op. 12, dedicadas a Salieri, de quien
el gran maestro reciba an lecciones de estilo vocal.

Desde el momento en que se public la Pattica adquiri fama, siendo la primera

obra de Beethoven que se populariz rpidamente, a lo que contribuy, tal vez su
ttulo sugerente, nico ideado por el autor, pues Claro de luna, la Aurora y la
Appasionata, que siempre han sido tan popalares como aquella, fueron as
tituladas por el capricho ajeno. Mucho se ha comentado el referido ttulo Op. 13,
recordndose que el adjetivo pattico expresa pasin, desde luego, pero pasin
atormentada, dolorosa profunda, capaz de conmover intensamente. La opinin
ms exacta, a nuestro juicio, es la de Reinecke, con la que coinciden otras
muchas. Dicho compositor v profesor alemn afirma que a ese calificativo de
pattica responde solamente el primer tiempo. Realmente, en el sereno y plcido
adagio el pathos desaparece por completo, fuera de algn acento pasajero y en
el rond, si se recuerda algunos instantes, se halla muy atenuado y suavizado,
casi hasta la amabilidad. Asimismo, es cierto que numerosas composiciones o
fragmentos de ellas entre las escritas por el autor ofrecen un carcter todava
mucho ms pattico que el primer tiempo de esta sonata, aunque Beethoven no
las especificara con tal ttulo.

La primera edicin de la octava sonata para piano apareci con el siguiente

epgrafe y dedicatoria: Grande Sonate pathtique, pour le Clavecin or Piano-forte,
compose et ddie a Son Altesse Mongseigneur le Prince Charles de
Lichnowsky, par Louis Van Beethoven. Oeuvre 13. Joseph Eder am Graben.
La sonata Pattica de Beethoven (Parte 2)

El ltimo nombre era el del editor de la obra y el de Lichnowsky corresponda al

prncipe, gran amateur y mecenas generoso, cuyo palacio de Viena se hallaba
frecuentado por los hombres ms eminentes de las artes. Sus conciertos
semanales tenan fama en todo el imperio por la calidad de la msica que en ellos
se escuchaba y de los instrumentistas que tomaban parte. Lichnowsky fu uno de
los grandes y ms fieles amigos que Beethoven tuvo desde su juventud, llegando
en su afecto y admiracin por el compositor a alojarlo en su propio palacio durante
algn tiempo. En agradecimiento a dicho personaje, al cual ya dedicara Beethoven
su opus 1, le dedic tambin esta sonata y otras importante obras posteriores,
como la segunda sinfona.

De tal modo, Beethoven, quien comenz su carrera recogiendo brillantemente la

herencia de sus ilustres predecesores, seal muy pronto orientaciones futuras
con su genio creador, pues ya en la Sonata Pattica, escrita probablemente, antes
de cumplir 28 aos, se muestra un indicio, el primer intento de unidad cclica, a
base de un motivo cclico, clula temtica generatriz de la composicin. De esta
iniciativa genial, explotada y desarrollada ms tarde notablemente por diversos
maestros modernos (Franck, especialmente) dara despus Beethoven otras
pruebas an mucho ms admirables y decisivas. Ese motivo bsico de la Pattica
es un diseo ascendente formado por cuatro notas (sol, do, re, mi bemol), las
cuales engendran varios de los temas principales o se encuentran contenidas en
ellos de modo sugerente. dIndy, quien no concede a la msica de esta obra
especial importancia entre otras de sus contemporneas, reconoce que su
arquitectura es extraordinaria en su poca. >> Ir a la parte 3.

Diciembre 12th, 2005 at 11:38 pm

[...] El ao 1798 fu una fecha memorable en la historia de las sonatas
beethovenianas, pues en el fueron compuestas o concludas nada menos que
siete de esas composiciones incluyendo las tres de violn y piano, Ops 12. Si,
como es lo ms probable, la magnfica sptima naci en los primeros meses del
ao mencionado, la creacin de la clebre Pattica sigui inmediatamente a esa
tercera sonata del opus 10. Pero la publicacin de ambas fue separada por un
ao largo, pues la obra 13 no se anunci por el editor hasta 18 de diciembre de
1799, apareciendo entre las dos sonatas el trio para piano, clarinete y violoncelo,
Op. 11, y las tres indicadas sonatas de violn, Op. 12, dedicadas a Salieri, de quien
el gran maestro reciba an lecciones de estilo vocal. Desde el momento en que
se public la Pattica adquiri fama, siendo la primera obra de Beethoven que se
populariz rpidamente, a lo que contribuy, tal vez su ttulo sugerente, nico
ideado por el autor, pues Claro de luna, la Aurora y la Appasionata, que siempre
han sido tan popalares como aquella, fueron as tituladas por el capricho ajeno.
Mucho se ha comentado el referido ttulo Op. 13, recordndose que el adjetivo
pattico expresa pasin, desde luego, pero pasin atormentada, dolorosa
profunda, capaz de conmover intensamente. La opinin ms exacta, a nuestro
juicio, es la de Reinecke, con la que coinciden otras muchas. Dicho compositor v
profesor alemn afirma que a ese calificativo de pattica responde solamente el
primer tiempo. Realmente, en el sereno y plcido adagio el pathos desaparece
por completo, fuera de algn acento pasajero y en el rond, si se recuerda algunos
instantes, se halla muy atenuado y suavizado, casi hasta la amabilidad. Asimismo,
es cierto que numerosas composiciones o fragmentos de ellas entre las escritas
por el autor ofrecen un carcter todava mucho ms pattico que el primer tiempo
de esta sonata, aunque Beethoven no las especificara con tal ttulo. La primera
edicin de la octava sonata para piano apareci con el siguiente epgrafe y
dedicatoria: Grande Sonate pathtique, pour le Clavecin or Piano-forte, compose
et ddie a Son Altesse Mongseigneur le Prince Charles de Lichnowsky, par Louis
Van Beethoven. Oeuvre 13. Joseph Eder am Graben. >> Ir a la parte 2. [...]

La sonata Patetica de Beethoven (parte 3)

He aqu el anlisis de los tres tiempos que integran la sonata, sobre las bases de


La estructura del primer tiempo en cuyo espritu se advierte alguna analoga con el
primero del cuarteto Op. 18, N. 4, en do menor, ofrece una novedad interesante.
En las antiguas composiciones del tipo de sonata era muy frecuente escribir una
introduccin lenta al primer alegro. Luego se ha hecho as algunas veces por los
maestros modernos, y Beethoven la escribi igualmente en otras sonatas de piano
y en varios cuartetos y sinfonas. Esta introduccin de la Pattica es un digno
antecedente de la presentada por la ltima sonata Op. 111, asimismo en do
menor. Pero la interesante novedad de esta introduccin del Op. 13 consiste en
que ya no se trata, como se ha dicho, del prtico amplio y solemne que abre la
pgina, sino de un fragmento que se entremezcla con el allegro, reapareciendo en
su cuerpo mismo y fundiendo en l su contenido temtico.

El carcter de este grave es eminentemente pattico y trgico, lleno de pasin

contenida, profunda, sombra y doliente. En compasillo muy lento (medido en 8/8,
a un 66 de corchea), de un fuerte acorde perfecto de tnica se desprende, piano,
el tema inicial procedente de esa clula a que hicimos referencia. Sus fragmentos
peridicos, entrecortados, son precedidos en el segundo y tercer comps por un
vigoroso y brusco salto de octava en el bajo, sobre cuya nota superior caen,
pesadamente, acordes de 7a. disminuda. El tema concluye modulando, con un
rpido rasgo sobre cadencia perfecta, al tono relativo mayor. Sobre acordes
repetidos (semicorcheas), la mano derecha reproduce en octavas el diseo inicial,
que de mi bemol oscila hacia re mayor y cuyas suplicantes reapariciones son
brutalmente respondidas por fortsimos y fieros acordes, siempre sobre el rudo y
caracterstico ritmo determinado por los puntillos. En la cuarta y quinta entrada del
dibujo meldico se estrecha y modifica, ascendiendo cromticamente como una
aspiracin quejumbrosa. Ligeros: floreos en la regin aguda, que semejan
estremecimientos de la fragmentada meloda conducen (tras la 4a. y 6a. de do
menor) a una rapidsima escala cromtica descendente, que se precipita sobre la
sptima dominante, para concluir con un doble salto meldico de 7a. disminuda
(caldern) y enlazarse por la sensible al allegro.

Empieza el tiempo rpido (binario, 144, blanca), tambin ea la tnica, con un tema
impetuoso y rudo, armnico y rtmico, que asciende en dobles notas sobre un
trmolo pedal, medido en figuracin de corcheas. La sncopa de blanca que se
produce al repetirse ms agudo el diseo, y el fugaz cambio de modalidad
determinado por las dos sextas consecutivas, aumentan la rudeza y violencia del
motivo. Sobre el mismo tema se desarrolla el episodio de transicin, dirigindose
hacia la dominante. Entonces se desprenden enrgicoss arpegios descendentes,
como rfagas de pasin (agitato, escribe Blow), respondidas por el rumor
profundo del trmolo. La armona marcha de la dominante hacia el sexto grado,
para modular a si bemol, dominante del relativo mayor, en el que parece fuera a
presentarse el segundo tema. Pero al modular a mi bemol menor la persistencia
del color oscuro, ensombrece ms an la tonalidad, principiando tambin en
menor el segundo tema, el cual es muy extenso, y consta de tres secciones. La
primera contiene su inflexin armnica en la regin media, batida en negras
(terceras) sobre el si bemol pedal.

Diciembre 22nd, 2005 at 4:59 pm

[...] De tal modo, Beethoven, quien comenz su carrera recogiendo brillantemente
la herencia de sus ilustres predecesores, seal muy pronto orientaciones futuras
con su genio creador, pues ya en la Sonata Pattica, escrita probablemente, antes
de cumplir 28 aos, se muestra un indicio, el primer intento de unidad cclica, a
base de un motivo cclico, clula temtica generatriz de la composicin. De esta
iniciativa genial, explotada y desarrollada ms tarde notablemente por diversos
maestros modernos (Franck, especialmente) dara despus Beethoven otras
pruebas an mucho ms admirables y decisivas. Ese motivo bsico de la Pattica
es un diseo ascendente formado por cuatro notas (sol, do, re, mi bemol), las
cuales engendran varios de los temas principales o se encuentran contenidas en
ellos de modo sugerente. dIndy, quien no concede a la msica de esta obra
especial importancia entre otras de sus contemporneas, reconoce que su
arquitectura es extraordinaria en su poca. >> Ir a la parte 3. [...]
List of compositions by Carl Czerny
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Main article: Carl CzernyContents [hide]
1 By opus number
2 Probably without opus
3 Czerny's arrangements, editing projects, etc.
4 References

By opus number
Op. 1, Variations Concertantes for Pianoforte and Violin on a theme by Krumpholz
Op. 2, Brilliant Rondeau on Cavatine de Carafa quatre mains
Op. 3, Brilliant Fantasy and Variations on "Romance of Blangini" with Accompanied
two Violas, Alto, and Violincello (Double Bass ad lib.)
Op. 4, Le Souvenir, Variations
Op. 5, Grand Rondeau No. 1, in C
Op. 6, Waltz or Exercises
Op. 7, Sonata No. 1 in A(published by Artaria) (1810) [1]
Op. 8, Amicitiae, Andantino with Variations
Op. 9, Brilliant Variations and easy (Theme favorite)
Op. 10, Brilliant Grand Sonata in C minor, for four hands
Op. 11, Brilliant Divertissement, for four hands
Op. 12, Variations (Trauer-Walzer D. 365 No . 2 by F. Schubert) Solo and Duet
Op. 13, Sonata No. 2 in A minor [2] (published by Diabelli)
Op. 14, Brilliant Variations on an Austrian Waltz
Op. 15, Recreation for the Carnival, Brilliant Choice of Waltz and easy; two books
Op. 16, Introduction and Variations on "O cara memoria," with Vcello. Acct. ad lib.
Op. 17, Brilliant Rondo on a favorite Menuet of C. Kreutzer (also has the title:
Fantaisie de A. Delaseurie sur un air suisse - recorded with this title on the label
Ars, and in score - see the Katalog des Deutschen Musikarchivs.) - for six hands at
one piano [1]
Op. 18, Brilliant Grande Polonaise with an accompaniment for a second Pianoforte,
or for a Quartett, both ad lib.
Op. 19, Variations of a Barcarole favorite
Op. 20, Introduction and Variations on a Marche favorite della Donna del Lago
Op. 21, Introductions and Variations on a Cav.(cavalry?) Favorite "Sorte
Op. 22, Rondino No. 1 on "Cara attendimi," with Quartett Accompaniments ad lib.
Op. 23, Brilliant Rondo No. 2, for 4 hands, in G
Op. 24, Presto caratteristico, Duet in A minor
Op. 25, Brilliant Variations on "Ah come nancondere" for 4 hands
Op. 26, Rondo quasi Capriccio, in E
Op. 27, Fantasy in B
Op. 28, Grand Concerto in F, with Orchestral accompaniments
Op. 29, Rondino No. 2 on a Theme de l'Opera Corradino
Op. 30, Rondino No. 3 on a Theme de l'Opera Armida
Op. 31, 3 Fugues
No. 1 Fugue in F
No. 2 Fugue in E minor
No. 3 Fugue in C
Op. 32, New Year's gifts, 24 Waltzes
Op. 33, La Ricordanza, Variazioni sopra un Tema di Rode
Op. 34, Duet for the Pianoforte for 4 hands, according to the first Trio of Mayseder
Op. 35, Waltz di Bravura
Op. 36, Impromptus on Brilliant Variations on Cotillon de Ballet Arsena
Op. 37, Fantasy followed by a Romance varied
Op. 38, First Grand Potpourri Concerto for two Pianoforte for 6 hands
Op. 39, Rondino No. 4 on a Theme by Fesca
Op. 40, Brilliant Variations on Ballet La Danseuse d'Arthere, for 4 hands
Op. 41, Rondino No. 5 on a Theme by Beethoven
Op. 42, Rondino No. 6 on an original Theme
Op. 43, Brilliant Divertissement No. 2 on a Cav. "Aure felice," for 4 hands
Op. 44, Romance of Beethoven arranged as a Brilliant Rondo, for 4 hands
Op. 45, Charms of Baden, Rondo Pastoral
Op. 46, Variations on a Bohemian Air
Op. 47, Grand Exercise in bravura in the form of Brilliant Rondo
Op. 48, "Die Schiffende," Song with Pianoforte, accompanied words by Holtz
Op. 49, Two Brilliant Sonatinas
No. 1 Sonatina in C
No. 2 Sonatina in F
Op. 50, Two Brilliant Sonatinas for 4 hands
No. 1 Sonatina in G
No. 2 Sonatina in C
Op. 51, Two Brilliant Sonatinas, for Pianoforte and Violin
No. 1 Sonatina in B
No. 2 Sonatina in G
Op. 52, Variations in an easy style on the Air from Die Fee aus Frankreich
Op. 53, Rondoletto scherzando in C
Op. 54, Brilliant and Characteristic Overture in B minor, for 4 hands [1]
Op. 55, Charms of Friendship, Theme of Beethoven
Op. 56, Introduction and Variations on the first Galoppe
Op. 57, Grande Sonata No. 3, in F minor (published by Peters) (1824) [1]
Op. 58, Legerrazza e Bravura, Brilliant Rondo, with Quartett accompaniment
Op. 59, Introduction and Brilliant Variations on a Rondo and Marche favorite of
Op. 60, Einleitung: Variations and Rondo on C. M. von Weber's Hunting Chorus
from Euryanthe, with Orchestral Accompaniments (Wien : S.A. Steiner, 1824) [3]
Op. 61, Preludes, Cadences, and a short Fantasia in a brilliant style
Op. 62, Caprice and Variations on "An Alexis" by Himmel
Op. 63, Brilliant and easy Toccatine on Tarrantelle of the Ballet Die Fee und der
Op. 64, Fantasy in the modern style on Potpourri
Op. 65, Sonata No. 4 in G (published by Kistner)
Op. 66, Rondo and Waltz in C
Op. 67, Concert Variations followed by a Hunting Rondo on the walk of the Ballet,
Barbe Bleu, for 4 hands
Op. 68, Passionate Rondo
Op. 69, Allegretto grazioso sopra un Tema de Ballo, Barbe Bleu
Op. 70, Romance for Pianoforte, in D
Op. 71, Brilliant Nocturne for "Das waren mir selige Tage," for 4 hands
Op. 72, 2 Nice Rondos
No. 1 Nice Rondo in C
No. 2 Nice Rondo in G
Op. 73, Variations on "Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser," for piano with quartet or
orchestral accompaniments (1824[4])
Op. 74, Brilliant Rondoletto in E
Op. 75, 3 Grand Allegros
No. 1 Grand Allegro in G
No. 2 Grand Allegro in B minor
No. 3 Grand Allegro in A
Op. 76, Sonata No. 5 in E (published by Diabelli according to the list on page 2 of
opus 730)
Op. 77, "God save the King," with Variations
Op. 78, Concerto for Fortepiano and Orchestra, in C
Op. 79, 3 Grand Marches, solo and duet
No. 1 Grand Marche in C
No. 2 Grand Marche in D
No. 3 Grand Marche in E
Op. 80, Introduction and 7 Variations, Concerto for Pianoforte, and Flute (or Violin)
Op. 81, Variations on Marche Anglais
Op. 82, Grand Exercise for Pianoforte, in F minor
Op. 83, Romance from W. Scott's "Fraulein vorn See" for a Voice with Pianoforte
Op. 84, Grand Potpourri No. 2 for 6 hands
Op. 85, 3 Polonaises
Op. 87, Introduction et variations faciles pour le pianoforte quatre mains sur un
walse de Mr. le Comte de Gallenberg (Leipzig : H.A. Probst, 1825) [3]
Op. 88, Septime rondino pour le piano-forte : sur un motif de l'opra Elisa e
Claudio de Mercadante (Hannover, C. Bachmann, 1825) [3]
Op. 90, Six rondeaux mignons: pour le piano-forte quatre mains, l'usage des
elves avancs (Hannover, C. Bachmann, 1826) [3]
Op. 91, Variations sur lair allemand "Es ritten drei Reiter zum Thore hinaus,
Op. 92, Toccata ou exercice pour la pianoforte in C major modern republication
Op. 95, Notturno brillant (in E major, for piano, violin, viola, violoncello, flute,
clarinet, horn, bassoon, and double bass) (recorded on cpo. In NYPL)
Op. 101, Grand march for four hands at one piano, composed for the Coronation of
the Empress Caroline of Austria. Published by J. Balls of London around 1826.
Op. 104, Trois Sonatines faciles et brillantes pour le pianoforte seul ou avec
accomp: d'un violon et violoncelle ad libitum (from the searchable archive of the
Altenberg Trio site)
Op. 105, Trio no. 1 in E for piano, violin, and horn (or cello) (CATNYP) (recorded
on Signum)
Op. 111, Zwei Romanzen fr Klavier zu drei Hnden (CATNYP) (part of a larger
Decameron Musicale? [1])
Op. 114, Valse varie pour le piano-forte.
Op. 116, Rondeau brillant (for four hands, I believe.)
Op. 118, Grande polonaise brillante pour le piano-forte (with string quartet ad
libitum, according to Chez Richault edition at U. Michigan libraries.)
Op. 119, Sonate militaire et brillante pour le pianoforte 4 mains avec
accompagnement de violon et violoncelle ad libitum, compose lusage des
lves avancs. (1826) ([2])
Op. 120, Sonate sentimentale pour le pianoforte quatre mains. (1826) ([3])
Op. 121, Sonate pastorale. (Also for piano four-hands, 1826.) ([4])
Op. 124, Sonate fr das Pianoforte. (No. 6 in D minor.) (Zurich: Ngeli, 1840s) [3]
Op. 126, Grande serenade concertante for clarinet, horn, violoncello, and piano.
Op. 127, Rondino sur un thme favori de l'opera Le maon d'Auber. For piano
quartet. (Vienna, Diabelli & Co.) [3] [6]
Op. 129, Duo concertant : in G-Dur, fr Flte oder Violoncello und Klavier
(recording and two new editions at NYPL)
Op. 131, Fantaisie lgante ou Potpourri brillant sur les thmes favoris de lpra:
La dame blanche : comp. pour le pianoforte [1]
Op. 132, Variations brillantes sur le Duo favori "Dpchons, travaillons = Ohne
Rast, angefasst" de l'Opra: Le Maon <Der Maurer und der Schlosser> [de Daniel
Franois Esprit Auber] pour le Piano-Forte 4 mains. [7]
Op. 136, Sonatinas for piano four hands (Canadian National Library has no. 4)
Op. 137, Allegro affetuoso for piano four hands (British Library) (pub. CF Peters
around 1827.)
Op. 139, tudes (bungstcke, or 31 Easy Exercises)
Op. 142, Ouverture, orkest, nr.1, op.142. In C minor. (At the Hague.)
Op. 143, Seventh Piano Sonata in E minor (published by Kistner of Leipzig.
Reference included in the list of piano sonatas incorporated in the score to piano
sonata no. 11, opus 730)
Op. 144, Grande fantaisie en forme de sonate, sonata no. 8 in E, for piano
(Koninklijke Bibliotheek in the Hague has a modern score of this, published 2004.)
Op. 145, Grande fantaisie en forme de sonate, sonata no. 9 in B minor (Richault,
Op. 146, Marcia funbre sulla morte di Luigi van Beethoven per il piano-forte solo.
Op. 148, First piano quartet (Premier grand quatuor pour le piano-forte, violon,
viola et violoncelle, Peters of Leipzig, pub. 1827; at Frankfurt University Library.)
Op. 149, Rondoletto concertant: in F-dur fr Pianoforte, Flte und Violoncello ad
Op. 150, Trois polonaises sentimentales (1970 repub. at Canadian National
Op. 152, Grand exercice (pub. by Ant. diabelli u.C. of Vienna) (LOC)
Op. 153, Concerto for piano four-hands and orchestra in C major (recording at
CATNYP on Koch-Schwann. Earlier Desto recording listed at LoC though no
longer in holdings.)
Op. 155, Exsulta filia Sion : Offertorium pastorale : fr vierstimmigen gemischten
Chor, Streicher, 2 Oboen oder Klarinetten, 2 Trompeten, Pauken und Orgel, 2
Hrner ad lib.
Op. 156, Belohnung der fleissigen Jugend : drei Sonatinen fr's Piano-Forte (at the
Hague). At least no. 2 is either for piano duet or is so arranged in its current
modern edition [8]
Op. 158 Three sonatines for four-hands.
Op. 160 Introduction, variations and polacca after a theme from Bellini's Il Pirata for
piano and orchestra. (from the British Library's catalog. Published by Diabelli in
Vienna around 1831.)
Op. 163, Six sonatinas, piano (CATNYP)
Op. 166, Trio no. 2 in A for piano and strings (CATNYP) (pub. about 1830)
(Allegro; Scherzo: Molto Allegro - Trio (umoristico); Adagio sostenuto in D - attacca
Allo agitato in A minor - attacca - Allegretto piacevole in A major. [9]
Op. 173, Trio no. 3 in E (Troisime Grand Trio) for piano and strings (Altenberg
Op. 175, Fantaisie-Rondo d'aprs l'Adelaide de Beethoven : pour le piano forte
Op. 176, Great sonata in F minor for piano duet
Op. 177, Two fugues for string quintet. [7]
Op. 178, Grande sonate in F minor for piano 4-hands [7]
Op. 196, Introduction, variations et rondo sur la cavatine (Or che son vicino a te)
de Nicolini, pour le piano-forte avec accompagnement de deux violons, alto et
violoncelle [6]
Op. 197, Variations brillantes pour un pianoforte 6 manis concertantes (on a
theme from Bellini's opera Norma) [6])
Op. 200, A systematic introduction to improvisation on the pianoforte. [6]
Op. 202, Introduction, variations brillantes et rondeau de chasse [7]
Op. 204, Divertissement de concert, piano, orchestra (or: Divertissement de
concert; ou, Adagio, variations et rondeau, pour le piano-forte avec
accompagnement d'orchestre) (Ponti's recording and five parts from about 1833 at
Op. 209, Divertissement [1]
Op. 210, Concertino for piano (and strings, flute, 2 oboes or clarinets, 2 bassoons,
2 horns, 2 trumpets and drums (ad libitum).) (Published by Haslinger of Vienna in
the 1850s)
Op. 211 Deux Trios brillans pour pianoforte, violon et violoncelle (misspelling from
the published score. Diabelli, Vienna, about 1835.) (Altenberg trio site. Also in
Frankfurt University Library.)
Op. 212 Six Grand Potpourris for piano trio (Altenberg site)
Op. 213 Andante und rondo in C (LoC) for orchestra (?) published by Haslinger
about 1833.
Op. 214 Piano Concerto in A minor.
Op. 220 Brilliant variations for the piano forte on the favorite tyrolienne in Rossini's
celebrated opera Guillaume Tell (published in London: Goulding & D'almaine,
[entre 1825 et 1832]
Op. 222, Impromptu brillant en [sic] non difficile pour le piano forte sur un pastorale
de l'opra Guillaume Tell
Op. 224 Deux Quatuors Brilliants (for piano quartet) (Deux quatuore brillans pour
piano-forte, violon, alte et violoncelle)
Op. 226, Fantaisie in F minor for piano duet : Allegro con spiritoso; Andantino;
Scherzo; Presto; Allegro: Tempo I
Op. 227, Rondeau brillant op. 227 : fr Klavier zu 6 Hnden (Source: Katalog des
Deutschen Musikarchivs)
Op. 229, L'Ecole de la Vlocit ( Probably a typo for
opus 299, which does have this description.)
Op. 229, Divertissement militaire : fr Klavier zu 6 Hnden (Conflicting - one or
another source may have a typo in its source-material or simply in its catalog.
Source: Katalog des Deutschen Musikarchivs
Op. 230, Quartet for four pianos in C (Quatuor concertant fr vier Piano-Forte ber
mehrere beliebte Melodien. Diabelli, Vienna, 1830. Score at Frankfurt University
Library.) [6] (In one movement in several connected sections. [10])
Op. 231, Rondeaux mignons faciles et brillants sur divers motifs favoris : pour le
Op. 233, Rondo brillant
Op. 247, periodic collection of operatic fantasies (the first two on Bellini operas, the
third on Meyerbeer's Robert le Diable, reaching at least 54 numbers)
Op. 248 Introduction et variations concertantes sur un air tirolienne for horn or cello
and piano [7]
Op. 249 Variations sur la valse Charmante : de Jean Strauss, le duc de Reichstadt
vari pour le piano forte.
Op. 254 Grand rondeau brillant pour le pianoforte 4 mains.
Op. 256, Fantasia concertante, fr Klavier, Flte und Violoncello in G major
(CATNYP, National Library of Canada)
Op. 259, Grand rondeau militaire et brillant. For piano four-hands. (H. Helmuth in
Halle, around 1833?) (British Library)
Op. 261, 125 exercises. (Passagen-bungen, piano. Pub. by Schirmer in 1896 and
possibly earlier.)
Op. 262, Three piano quartets. (Trois quatuors brillans et non difficiles pour le
pianoforte, violon, alto et violoncello. Hoffmeister of Leipzig, about 1832. Frankfurt
University Library.)
Op. 268, Piano sonata no. 10 Grande sonate d'tude in B (CATNYP, Canadian
National Library. Recorded in 1984 on Spectrum by Vivien Harvey Slater.)
Op. 280, Grandes variations brillantes, sur une marche anglaise : pour le
pianoforte avec accompagnement dorchestre ou de quatuor, (ad libitum.) (Pub. by
Artaria in Vienna around 1832.) (British Library has parts.)
Op. 289, Piano trio no. 4 in A minor (recorded on Signum. Published by Simrock in
1834, in Frankfurt University Library.)
Op. 295, Grand Trio No. 4 Air from I Montechi e Capuletti with Variations for one
piano, 6 hands.
Op. 297, Brilliant Variations on a Theme from Bellini's Norma for Piano 6 Hands
Op. 299, cole de velocit
Op. 314, Grande polonaise brillante prcds dune introduction pour le pianoforte
et violon concertane. (Simrock, Bonn, 1840s.) (LOC)
Op. 316, Dix petits rondeaux doigts pour le piano; ou, amusemens utiles et
agrables sur des motifs favoris, pour la jeunesse. (CATNYP. Published 1830s)
Op. 317, Introduction, theme and variations for piano on an original theme (pub. by
Schuberth of Leipzig in the 1830s. In Frankfurt University Library.)
Op. 321, Rondo brillant for four-hand piano. (in a library in Frankfurt.)
Op. 323, l'Allegresse, Rondo for the piano. (published by Schuberth of Leipzig
around 1850.)
Op. 325, 3 fantasie eleganti : dall'Elisir d'amore di Donizetti (CATNYP)
Op. 326, Trois thmes favoris de l'opra Zampa de Hrold : varis pour le piano
Op. 333: no. 2 - Variations sur un motif de l'opera La somnambule de Bellini
Op. 335, the School of Legato and Staccato (Die Schule des Legato und Staccato -
new edition published by Peters in Leipzig available)
Op. 337, tudes ( Tgliche Studien ) (CATNYP)
Op. 339, Drey brillante Fantasien ber die beliebtesten Motive aus Franz
Schubert's Werken : fr Pianoforte und Physharmonica, oder 2 Pianoforte (or horn
and piano) (NYPL has on microform)
Op. 344, Trois rondino's non difficiles : sur des motifs favoris de l'opra Lestocq de
Auber : pour le piano-forte
Op. 345, Fantasia for piano in D minor (National Library of Canada) (republished
Op. 356, Variations brillantes sur un thme italien favori : pour le piano-forte, op.
356 = Vien qu Dorina bella = Komm, liebe holde Kleine (CLP)
Op. 365, School of Virtuosos (Schule des Virtuosen)
Op. 372, Six galops en forme de rondeaux : sur des motifs favoris
Op. 373, Ten brilliant rondos founded on favorite Italian airs; composed and arr. for
2 performers on the piano forte. (CATNYP)
Op. 374, Three Rondos faciles et brillants : for flute or violin and piano (in C, D and
G major) [7]
Op. 377, Fantasy and Variations on Persiani's Ines de Castro. (from the couplings
to a recording of the first sonata made in 1975 by Hilde Somer.)
Op. 380, Exercise of scales in thirds in all major & minor keys : for the pianoforte.
Op. 385, Rcrations de la jeunesse : douze rondeaux instructifs & agrables : sur
des thmes modernes et favoris : pour le piano
Op. 390, Three sonatinas for violin and piano. (Published by Diabelli in Vienna in
1838. In Frankfurt University Library. No. 3 in F at the King's Library at the Hague.)
Op. 399, Die Schule der linken Hand auf dem Piano-Forte, oder: 10 grosse
Op. 400, School of Fugue-Playing ([7])
Op. 401, Divertissement sur les motifs les plus favoris de l'opra La juive de
Halvy. (The Hague)
Op. 402, Le petit artiste au salon musical : six morceaux faciles sur des thmes
favoris : pour le piano
Op. 409, tudes speciales: 50 grandi studi di perfezionamento per piano forte
(pub. Milano : Gio. Canti ; in the 1800s)
Op. 410, Six sonatines faciles et doigtes : pour le piano-forte
Op. 419, Huit rondinos agrables et brillans sur des motifs les plus favoris. (Bonn,
N. Simrock (1836?)) [3]
Op. 420, Sixty lessons : arranged in an easy and progressive manner for the piano
forte : to facilitate the progress of young scholars, with fingerings to each lesson.
(New York: Firth & Hall (1830s?)) [3]
Op. 426, Rondeau sentimental sur l'air favori: isle of beauty, fare thee well: pour le
pianoforte. [1]
Op. 433, tudes prparatoires et progressives pour le Piano pour servir au
dveloppement du mcanisme et de l'expression Des Pianistes Avancs. [1]
Op. 438, Les progrs du jeune pianiste; huit thmes favoris varis, composs pour
le piano l'usage des jeunes lves avancs. (CATNYP)
Op. 448, Caprice et variations brillantes : sur le thme: Versr potr le lagrime de
l'opra: Torquato Tasso de Donizetti (at the Hague)
Op. 453, 110 easy and progressive exercises, for pianoforte.
Op. 455, National airs (CATNYP)
Op. 460, Rondo lgant sr l'air favori: "Wo der Wiese grnes Band" de l'opra:
Des Adlers Horst de Glser : pour le pianoforte [1]
Op. 463, Theater-Bibliothek : fr die Jugend
Op. 484, Rondino grazioso ou Impromptu brillant sur un thme italien favori : pour
le piano. (At the library at the Hague.)
Op. 486, Rondino brillant sur la valse Le bal des artistes de Strauss. (Paris,
Schonenberger. 1830s?) [3]
Op. 490, Introduction et variations brillantes : sur le galop favori de l'opra Lucia de
Lammermoor de Donizetti (at the library at the Hague)
Op. 493, Fantaisie brillante on themes from the opera The Marriage of Figaro
Op. 495, Etudes progressives et brillantes. [11]
Op. 496, Rondino sur la walse favorite de La reine Victoria. [11]
Op. 500, Complete theoretical and practical piano forte school, from the first the highest...state of cultivation... (CATNYP)
Op. 505, Six rondeaux instructifs et agrables pianoforte composs et doigts
l'usage des lves avans et de la jeunesse [1]
Op. 553, Sechs tgliche Oktav-Uebungen in fortschreitender Schwierigkeit (Six
Octave Studies in Progressive Difficulty) fr das Pianoforte (CATNYP)
Op. 565, Velocity Studies (LoC)
Op. 583, Douze rondeaux amusants et instructifs pour le pianoforte quatre
mains, sur des thmes les plus favoris des opras franais et italiens. (Bronsvic, G.
M. Meyer, jr., 1840s.) (LoC)
Op. 593, XII rondino's faciles et doigts pour le piano sur des motifs favoris de
Mozart et Rossini (Canadian National Library)
Op. 599, tudes, (Erster Wiener Lehrmeister im Pianofortespiel ) (CATNYP)
Op. 603, Preludes and Fugues for Organ with Obligatory Pedal (1836) ([8])
Op. 606, 18 petits rondeaux & variations sur des mlodies populaires allemandes
[musique] Deutsche Voklsgesnge : pour le piano pour faciliter les progrs des
lves avancs (Canadian National Library)
Op. 607, Prludes Et Fugues Pour L'orgue Avec Pdale Oblige en la mineur
(1838) ([9]) (CLP)
Op. 609. Les deux surs, 18 rondinos for piano four-hands. [11] (Simrock edition
at Library of Congress has title 24 airs populaires en rondeaux composs et
doigts par Ch. Czerny.)
Op. 618. Douze rondeaux amusans : pour le pianoforte quatre mains : sur des
thmes allemands et italiens. [11]
Op. 625. Productions de salon. (Fantasies for piano and violin on various themes
by Donizetti, composed with Leon Herz - his opp. 13-18.)
Op. 627, 12 Preludes for Organ, Harmonium or Piano ([10])
Op. 636, 24 studii della piccola velocita per pianoforte... (German title from edition
at Library of Congress - Vorschule zur Fingerfertigkeit auf dem Pianoforte.)
Op. 638, Belle Viennoise, rondoletto brillant su Anna, polka favorite de Strauss,
pour piano (pub. Philadelphia, A. Fiot, 196 Chestnut st., Importer of music &
musical instruments; New York, W. Dubois, 315 Broadway ca. 1850 )
Op. 684, Aufmunterung zum Fleiss: 24 unterhaltende bungstcke [fr das
Pianoforte] / Carl Czerny.
Op. 686, Grande sonate pour piano et violon (pub. 1842) (Breitkopf & Hrtel no.
6676, their publication may be of later date.)
Op. 698, 20 Voluntaries (Preludes) for Organ with obligatory pedal )
Op. 699, tudes, (Kunst der Fingerfertigkeit ) (CATNYP)
Op. 718, 24 tudes, (Etden fr die linke Hand ) (CATNYP)
Op. 726, Salve Regina : offertorio per coro con accompagnamento di due violini,
viole, violoncello e basso, un flauto, due clarinetti, due fagotti e due corni ed anche
con accompagnamento di organo o pianoforte.
Op. 730, Piano Sonata no. 11 in D , compose et ddi Monsieur le Baron de
Lannoy(Hslinger edition of 1843 is at IMSLP)[2] (inside front page has a list of the
first 11 sonatas)
Op. 735. Terzen-bung und Etude fr die Linke Hand. [11] (Three etudes for the
left hand alone.)
Op. 740, tudes, (Kunst der Fingerfertigkeit ) (The Art of Finger Dexterity)
Op. 741. Les trois amateurs: fantaisies brillantes: six mains pour le piano.
Op. 751, Studies, piano duet (CATNYP)
Op. 758. Rondos on Motives from Wagner Operas
Op. 773. Le dbut du jeune pianiste: 6 rondinos pour le pianoforte.) [11]
Op. 776. Impromptu Fugue for Pianoforte.
Op. 777, 24 Exercises for the Five Fingers.
Op. 779, L'infatigable : grand tude de vlocit pour le piano. (Recently
republished by Eulenburg in Zurich, Edition Eulenburg in New York, 1977.) [7]
Op. 780, Symphony no. 1 in C minor "Grand Symphony"
Op. 781, Symphony no. 2 (of 6) in D major [11]
Op. 788, Sonate im Style des Domenico Scarlatti fr das Pianoforte.
Op. 794, Le Plaisir Du Jeune Pianiste : aprs les premires Leons ; Choix de
cent-soixante petites Rcrations en formes d' Airs, Fantaisies, Rondolettos,
Transcriptions, Chansons sans Paroles, Danses, Scherzos, Variations, etc. etc.
Sur Les Mlodies Les Plus Favorites [1]
Op. 802, Exercices pratiques des doigts. (a new edition published by Heugel of
Paris in 1923.) (LoC)
Op. 803, Vierzig leichte Tonstcke in fortschreitender Ordnung : fr Anfnger im
Pianofortespiel ; als erstes Hlfsmittel zur Frderung des Notenlesens, der
Fingerfertigkeit und des Vortrags
Op. 821, tudes, ( Achttaktige bungen ) (160 Eight-Measure Studies) (CATNYP)
Op. 822, Gradus ad Parnassum; collection de grands exercises de tout genre dans
le style lgant et dans le style svre, pour le piano. (CATNYP)
Op. 823, "The Little Pianist"
Op. 824, Praktische Taktschule = (Ecole pratique de la mesure) fr Pianoforte zu 4
Op. 825, Amusement des jeunes amateurs, petites et brillantes recreations en
forme de rondos & variations pour piano composs par Charles Czerny, Op. 825 ;
(1) Elfin Waltz, (2) National Schottisch, (3) Montecchi E Capuletti, (4) Puritani,
Polacca, (5) Aurora Waltz, (6) Zapateado, (7) Russian Hymn, (8) Magic Flute, (9)
Wm. Tell, (10) Don Juan, (11) Petit Tambour, (12) Carnaval De Venise
Op. 834, Die hhere Stufe der Virtuositt : neue Folge der Schule der Gelufigkeit
fr das Pianoforte (Queens College, Miami University, Sydney University Library in
Australia, Harvard have this. The firm of Litolff in Braunschweig published this in
the 19th century.)
Op. 841, 15 rondinos for solo piano on beloved themes. [1]
Op. 848, Nouveaux Exercises Journalier [6]
Op. 849, 30 tudes (Studies of Mechanism) (LoC), introduction to op. 299
Op. 856, The Pianist in the Classical Style (Preludes and Fugues)
Op. 861, Studies for Left hand

Probably without opus
Symphony in D (1814) (Allegro molto quasi presto - Adagio quasi andante in F -
Scherzo: Molto presto in D minor - Allegro molto in D) [12]
Symphony no. 5 in E (1845) (published Leipzig : MVMC, 2001, c1997)
Symphony no. 6 in G minor (according to Records International, his last symphony)
Nonet (1850) (Recorded on MDG by the Consortium Classicum)
Andante e polacca for horn and piano. Referred to as op. posth. with a recording
(that of Barry Tuckwell and Daniel Blumenthal made for Etcetera in 1992).
Beatus vir : for SATB voices, a cappella (published by New York : Lawson-Gould
Music Publishers ; Miami, Fla. : Warner Bros. Publications [distributor], 2001.)
There is, according to a Canadian Broadcasting recording, a "Grand sonata" for
violin and piano written in 1807 in A major recorded which may or may not be that
which was published in 1842.
Many string quartets (over 20?)
String quartet in C minor edited by Bernhard Pauler from Sources/Manuscript and
published by Amadeus-Verlag, Winterthur in 2006 [7][13]
String quartet no. 20 in C major, 1849 in parts is at Library of Congress
Also [11]
From the Altenberg trio site - several unpublished piano trios.

A catalog was published in 1834 of "Carl Czerny's smmtliche Original-
Compositionen von opus 1 bis 300" by Diabelli. (The National Library of Canada
owns a copy. This is not a combined score of the 300 works, but a list, possibly
with incipits - main themes/first lines/first few bars - of each.)

Czerny's arrangements, editing projects, etc.
Bach keyboard works (some edited, some arranged, a solo keyboard partita into a
flute and piano work, for example)
Beethoven symphonies and overtures, sonatas for piano, for violin and for cello
(including an arrangement for cello of the "Kreutzer" sonata by Czerny), and
chamber works for larger ensembles
Haydn symphonies
Mozart symphonies among other works (Deutsche Tnze)
Operas by Donizetti and others
The Complete Music of FERENC LISZT for Solo Piano
Recorded by Leslie Howard

Ferenc Liszt, 1856

Portrait by Wilhelm Kaulbach

The final volume of Leslie Howard's complete Liszt piano music recordings has now been issued.

The following statistics may be of interest:

The recordings fill 95 CDs (including the 'bonus' disc in Vol 53B containing the spurious 'Sophie
Menter' Concerto).
There are 1377 separate tracks of music.
The total playing time is over 117 hours - that is, nearly five days continuous playing time.
The longest single piece is De Profundis in Volume 53b (over 36 minutes); the shortest is the Album
Leaf: Lyon Prlude (only five seconds).
Mr Howard has played over sixteen thousand pages of music. We estimate that this totals over
twelve miles of printed music and the total number of notes to be something between nine and ten

The index has been amended to include the two supplementary volumes reflecting new discoveries
from research into manuscript holdings.

Below is a list of all the known piano works of Ferenc (Franz) Liszt, with details of all of the recordings
in the complete series.

Liszt used several languages to title his works, sometimes even using more than one language when
publishing a single piece (e.g. 'Weihnachtsbaum' and 'L'Arbre de Nol'). In the list below only one has
been used.

The order of the listing is based on that of the Searle Catalogue (hence the 'S' numbers). Humphrey
Searle (1915-1982) compiled his catalogue of the complete works of Liszt for 'Grove V', published in
1954. The catalogue was also published the same year in his own book The Music of Liszt. Searle
up-dated the list for 'The New Grove', published in 1980. After Searle's death, Sharon Winklhofer up-
dated it again for the separate Grove publication, 'The Early Romantics - I'. On each occasion some
numbers were changed and others added. (New pieces by the composer are constantly coming to

A new thematic catalogue with a revised list by Leslie Howard and Michael Short will be published by
Pendragon Press (USA) in the not-too-distant future. Leslie Howard's concise version will appear in
his new book, The Music of Liszt, to be published by Yale University Press by the end of 1998. This
list also adds new numbers, and re-numbers quite a few pieces. This is the version being used by the
Gramophone Catalogue, The Library of Congress, and by the Hyperion complete recording, and is
the one shown here. (Because of later adjustments to the list, one or two of the discs issued earlier in
the series show discrepant numbers in the accompanying booklets.)

The pieces marked 'Score not accessible at present' usually means that the manuscript is owned by
a private individual unwilling to relinquish it for inspection or recording.
The Australian pianist Leslie Howard is currently the president of the British Liszt Society and holds
numerous international awards for his dedication to Liszt's music. His recordings of this music
represents the biggest recording project ever undertaken by a solo artist.

There is a Liszt Society which regularly publishes a Newsletter containing news and information. The
Society does not have a Web page at present but it does have an email address. If you wish to find
out more about the Society please write to:

S30 Responsorien und Antiphonen [5 sets]

Volume 46: 'Meditations', CDA67161/2

S136 Douze tudes [opus 6, 1826 version]

Volume 26: 'The Young Liszt', CDA66771/2

S137 Douze Grandes tudes [1837 version]

Volume 34: 'Douze Grandes tudes', CDA66973

S138 Mazeppa [intermediate version]

Volume 48: 'The Complete Paganini tudes', CDA67193

S139 Douze tudes d'excution transcendante [final version]

Volume 4: 'Transcendental Studies', CDA66357

S140 tudes d'excution transcendante d'aprs Paganini [first version] [6 pieces]

S141 Grandes tudes de Paganini [second version] [6 pieces]
Volume 48: 'The Complete Paganini tudes', CDA67193

S142 tude de perfectionnement [Ab Irato first version]

Volume 34: 'Douze Grandes tudes', CDA66973

S143 Ab Irato [second version]

S144 Trois tudes de concert - [Il Lamento, La Leggierezza, Un Sospiro]
Volume 38: 'Les Prludes', CDA67015

S144/3bis [Two further cadenzas for Un Sospiro]

Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S145 Zwei Konzertetden - [Waldesrauschen, Gnomenreigen]

Volume 38: 'Les Prludes', CDA67015

S146 Technische Studien [in 13 books of exercises - excerpts only]

Sprnge mit der Tremolo-Begleitung (No 62)
Volume 48: 'The Complete Paganini tudes', CDA67193

S147 Variation sur une valse de Diabelli

S147a Five Variations on a theme from Mhul's Joseph [attributed to Liszt but actually by Franz
Xaver Mozart]
S148 Huit Variations [on an original theme]
S149 Seven Brilliant Variations on a theme by Rossini
S150 Impromptu brillant sur des thmes de Rossini et Spontini
S151 Allegro di bravura
S152 Rondo di bravura
Volume 26: 'The Young Liszt', CDA66771/2

S152a Piano piece in E flat [score inaccessible at present]

S153 Scherzo [in G minor]

Volume 26: 'The Young Liszt', CDA66771/2

S153a Marche funbre [1827]

S153b Grand Solo caractristique d'apropos une chansonette de Panseron [= S754a] [score
inaccessible at present]

S154 Harmonies potiques et religieuses [Pense des morts, first version]

Volume 7: 'Harmonies Potiques et Religieuses', CDA66421/2

S155 Apparitions [3 pieces]

Volume 26: 'The Young Liszt', CDA66771/2

S156 Album d'un voyageur [19 pieces in 3 books]

Volume 20: 'Album d'un Voyageur', CDA66601/2

S156a Trois morceaux suisses

Volume 39: 'Premire Anne de Plerinage', CDA67026

S156/ Le lac de Wallenstadt [intermediate version]

2a/bis Volume 55: 'Grand Fantaisie de Bravoure sur La Clochette', CDA67408/10

S157 Fantaisie romantique sur deux mlodies suisses

Volume 20: 'Album d'un Voyageur', CDA66601/2

S157a Sposalizio [draft version]

Volume 51: 'Paralipomnes', CDA67233/4

S157b Il penseroso [first version]

S157c Canzonetta del Salvator Rosa [first version]
Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S158 Tre Sonetti del Petrarca [first version]

Volume 21: 'Soires Musicales - Soires Italiennes', CDA66661/2
S158a Paralipomnes la Divina Commedia [Dante Sonata, original 2-movement version]
S158b Prologomnes la Divina Commedia [Dante Sonata, second version]
Volume 51: 'Paralipomnes', CDA67233/4

S158c Adagio in C major [Dante Sonata albumleaf]

Volume 4: 'Transcendental Studies', CDA66357

S158c Aprs une lecture du Dante - Fantasia quasi Sonata [third version]
Volume 51: 'Paralipomnes', CDA67233/4

S159 Venezia e Napoli [first set] [4 pieces]

Volume 21: 'Soires Musicales - Soires Italiennes', CDA66661/2

S160 Annes de plerinage I [9 pieces]

Volume 39: 'Premire Anne de Plerinage', CDA67026

S160/4bis Au bord d'une source [Sgambati coda]

S161 Annes de plerinage II [7 pieces]
S162 Venezia e Napoli [second set] [3 pieces]
Volume 43: 'Deuxime Anne de Plerinage', CDA67107

S162a/1 Den Schutz-Engeln (Angelus!) [first draft]

S162a/2 Angelus! [second draft]
S162a/3 Angelus! Prire l'ange gardien [third draft]
S162a/4 Angelus! Prire l'ange gardien [fourth draft]
S162b Den Cypressen der Villa d'Este - Thrnodie II [first draft]
S162c Sunt lacrymae rerum [first version]
Volume 55: 'Grand Fantaisie de Bravoure sur La Clochette', CDA67408/10

S162a/1bis Aux anges gardiens (Den Schtz-Engeln) [second draft of first version of Angelus!]
S162d Sunt lacrymae rerum [intermediate version]
S162f Postludium - Nachspiel - Sursum corda! [first version of Sursum corda]
(supplement) New Liszt Discoveries, CDA67346

S162d En mmoire de Maximilian I [Marche funbre, first version]

Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S163 Annes de plerinage III [7 pieces]

Volume 12: 'Troisime Anne de Plerinage', CDA66448

S163a Album-Leaf: Andantino in E flat [incomplete]

Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S163a/1 Album Leaf in F sharp minor

(supplement) New Liszt Discoveries, CDA67346

S163b Album-Leaf [Ah vous dirai-je, maman]

S163c Album-Leaf in C minor [Pressburg]
S163d Album-Leaf in E major [Leipzig]
Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S164 Feuille d'album No. 1 [in E]

Volume 26: 'The Young Liszt', CDA66771/2

S164a Album Leaf in E major [Vienna]

S164b Album Leaf in E flat [Leipzig]
S164c Album-Leaf: Exeter Preludio
S164d Album-Leaf in E major [Detmold]
S164e Album-Leaf: Magyar
S164f Album-Leaf in A minor [Rkczi-Marsch]
S164g Album-Leaf: Berlin Preludio
Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S164e/2 Album-Leaf: Magyar in B flat minor

S164h Album-Leaf in D major
S164j Album-Leaf: Preludio
(supplement) New Discoveries - 2, CDA67455

S165 Feuilles d'album [in A flat]

Volume 26: 'The Young Liszt', CDA66771/2

S166 Albumblatt in Walzerform

Volume 1: 'Liszt's Waltzes', CDA66201

S166a Album Leaf in E major

S166b Album-Leaf in A flat [Portugal]
S166c Album-Leaf in A flat
S166d Album-Leaf: Lyon Prlude
S166e Album-Leaf: Prlude omnitonique
S166f Album-Leaf: Braunschweig Preludio
S166g Album-Leaf: Serenade
S166h Album-Leaf: Andante religioso
Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S166k Album Leaf in A major: Friska

(supplement) New Liszt Discoveries, CDA67346

S166l Album-Leaf in A flat major

(supplement) New Discoveries - 2, CDA67455

S166m/1 Lilie
S166m/2 Hry
S166m/3 Mazurek
S166m/4 Krakowiak
S166n Album-Leaf Freudvoll und leidvoll, [0'51]
(supplement) New Liszt Discoveries, CDA67346

S167 Feuille d'album No. 2 [in A minor] [Die Zelle in Nonnenwerth, third version]
Volume 26: 'The Young Liszt', CDA66771/2

S167a [catalogue error; see Strauss/Tausig introduction and coda]

S167b Miniatur Lieder [score not accessible at present]

S167c Album-Leaf [from the Agnus Dei of the Missa Solennis, S9] [Poco adagio aus der Graner
S167d Album-Leaf [from the symphonic poem Orpheus, S98]
S167e Album-Leaf [from the symphonic poem Die Ideale, S106]
Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S167f Album Leaf in G major [Dante-Symphony progression]

(supplement) New Liszt Discoveries, CDA67346

S167h Album-Leaf
(supplement) New Discoveries - 2, CDA67455

S168i lgie sur des motifs de Prince Louis Ferdinand [first version]
Volume 37: 'Tanzmomente and other rare German and Austrian transcriptions', CDA67004

S168ii lgie sur des motifs de Prince Louis Ferdinand [second version]
Volume 4: 'Transcendental Studies', CDA66357

S168a [catalogue error; same as S395]

S168b Penses Nocturne

(supplement) New Discoveries - 2, CDA67455

S169 Romance [O pourquoi donc]

Volume 25: 'The Canticle of the Sun', CDA66694

S170 Ballade No. 1 [Le chant du crois]

Volume 2: 'Ballades, Legends & Polonaises', CDA66301

S170a Ballade No 2 [first draft]

Volume 40: 'Gaudeamus igitur', CDA67034

S171 Ballade No. 2

Volume 2: 'Ballades, Legends & Polonaises', CDA66301

S171a Consolations [first versions: No. 3 a different work]

Volume 36: 'Excelsior! and other rare original works', CDA66995
S171b Album Leaf or Consolation No 1

S171c Prire de l'enfant son reveil [first version]

S171d Prlude [Prludes et Harmonies potiques et religieuses; first version]
Volume 47: 'Litanies de Marie', CDA67187

S171d Prludes et Harmonies potiques et religieuses [8 pieces from 18456 in the N5

(supplement) New Discoveries - 2, CDA67455

S171e Litanies de Marie [first version]

Volume 47: 'Litanies de Marie', CDA67187

S172 Consolations [6 pieces]

Volume 9: 'Sonata, Elegies & Consolations', CDA66429

S172a Harmonies potiques et religieuses [The 1847 cycle; 8 pieces]

Volume 47: 'Litanies de Marie', CDA67187

S172a/3&4 Hymne du matin; Hymne de la nuit [formerly S173a]

S172a/2 Invocation [early version of S173/1; formerly S173b]
S173 Harmonies potiques et religieuses [10 pieces]
Volume 7: 'Harmonies Potiques et Religieuses', CDA66421/2

S174i Berceuse [first version]

Volume 26: 'The Young Liszt', CDA66771/2

S174ii Berceuse [second version]

S175/1 Lgende No. 1: St Franois d'Assise
S175/2 Lgende No. 2: St Franois de Paule
Volume 2: 'Ballades, Legends & Polonaises', CDA66301

S175/2bis Lgende No. 2 [simplified version]

Volume 55: 'Grand Fantaisie de Bravoure sur La Clochette', CDA67408/10

S175a Grand solo de concert [Grosses Konzertsolo, first version]

Volume 51: 'Paralipomnes', CDA67233/4

S176 Grosses Konzertsolo

Volume 3: 'Konzertsolo & Odes Funbres', CDA66302

S177 Scherzo und Marsch

Volume 28: 'Dances and Marches', CDA66811/2

S178 Sonate
Volume 9: 'Sonata, Elegies & Consolations', CDA66429
S179 'Weinen, Klagen' Praeludium
S180 'Weinen, Klagen' Variationen
Volume 3: 'Konzertsolo & Odes Funbres', CDA66302

S181 Sarabande und Chaconne aus Handels Almira

Volume 6: 'Liszt at the Opera - I', CDA66371/2

S182 Ave Maria - Die Glocken von Rom

S183/1 Alleluia
S183/2 Ave Maria d'Arcadelt
S184 Urbi et Orbi
S185 Vexilla regis prodeunt
Volume 7: 'Harmonies Potiques et Religieuses', CDA66421/2

S185a Weihnachtsbaum [12 pieces] [first version]

Volume 51: 'Paralipomnes', CDA67233/4

S186 Weihnachtsbaum [12 pieces]

Volume 8: 'Christmas Tree & Via Crucis', CDA66388

S187 Sancta Dorothea

Volume 7: 'Harmonies Potiques et Religieuses', CDA66421/2

S187a Resignazione [first version]

Volume 11: 'The Late Pieces', CDA66445

S187b Resignazione [second version]

Volume 25: 'The Canticle of the Sun', CDA66694

S188 In festo transfigurationis

Volume 11: 'The Late Pieces', CDA66445

S189 Piano piece in A flat [No. 1]

Volume 2: 'Ballades, Legends & Polonaises', CDA66301

S189a/1 Piano piece in A flat [No. 2]

S189a/2 Piano piece in D flat
Volume 26: 'The Young Liszt', CDA66771/2

S190 Un portrait en musique de la Marquise de Blocqueville

Volume 10: 'The Hexamron', CDA66433

S191i Nocturne [early version of Impromptu]

Volume 40: 'Gaudeamus igitur', CDA67034

S191ii Impromptu
Volume 2: 'Ballades, Legends & Polonaises', CDA66301

S192 Fnf Klavierstcke [including Sospiri!]

S193 Klavierstck [in F sharp major]
S194 Mosonyis Grabgeleit
S195 Dem Andenken Petfis
Volume 11: 'The Late Pieces', CDA66445

S195a Schlummerlied im Grabe [Premire lgie, first version]

Volume 36: 'Excelsior! and other rare original works', CDA66995

S196 Premire lgie

Volume 9: 'Sonata, Elegies & Consolations', CDA66429

S196a Entwurf der Ramann-Elegie [Zweite Elegie, first draft]

Volume 36: 'Excelsior! and other rare original works', CDA66995

S197 Zweite Elegie No. 2

Volume 9: 'Sonata, Elegies & Consolations', CDA66429

S197a Toccata
Volume 11: 'The Late Pieces', CDA66445

S197b National Hymne - Kaiser Wilhelm!

Volume 36: 'Excelsior! and other rare original works', CDA66995

S198 Wiegenlied
S199 Nuages gris
Volume 11: 'The Late Pieces', CDA66445

S199a La lugubre gondola [the first Venice manuscript]

(supplement) New Liszt Discoveries, CDA67346

S200/1 La lugubre gondola I

S200/2 La lugubre gondola II
S201 R. W. - Venezia
S202 Am Grabe Richard Wagners
S203 Schlaflos [in 2 versions]
S204 Recueillement [Bellini in Memoriam]
Volume 11: 'The Late Pieces', CDA66445

S205 Historische ungarische Bildnisse [7 pieces]

Volume 12: 'Troisime Anne de Plerinage', CDA66448

S205a Historische ungarische Bildnisse [revised order and conclusion]

Volume 55: 'Grand Fantaisie de Bravoure sur La Clochette', CDA67408/10
S206 Trauervorspiel und Trauermarsch
S207 En rve
Volume 11: 'The Late Pieces', CDA66445

S207a Prlude la Polka de Borodine [and Borodin's Polka]

Volume 35: 'Arabesques', CDA66984

S208 Unstern
Volume 11: 'The Late Pieces', CDA66445

S208a Waltz in A major

Volume 26: 'The Young Liszt', CDA66771/2

S209 Grande valse di bravura [first version]

S209a Waltz in E flat [from S209]

Volume 26: 'The Young Liszt', CDA66771/2

S210 Valse mlancolique [first version]

S210a Valse mlancolique [intermediate version]
Volume 55: 'Grand Fantaisie de Bravoure sur La Clochette', CDA67408/10

S210b Valse [in A major]

Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S211 Lndler [in A flat major]

Volume 1: 'Liszt's Waltzes', CDA66201

S211a Lndler [in D major]

Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S212i Petite valse favorite [first version]

Volume 55: 'Grand Fantaisie de Bravoure sur La Clochette', CDA67408/10

S212ii Petite valse favorite [second version]

Volume 28: 'Dances and Marches', CDA66811/2

S212b Mariotte
Volume 4: 'Transcendental Studies', CDA66357

S213 Valse-Impromptu
Volume 1: 'Liszt's Waltzes', CDA66201

S213a Valse-Impromptu [with later additions]

Volume 55: 'Grand Fantaisie de Bravoure sur La Clochette', CDA67408/10

S214/1 Valse de bravoure [second version] [3 Valses-Caprices No 1]

S214/2 Valse mlancolique [second version] [3 Valses-Caprices No 2]
Volume 1: 'Liszt's Waltzes', CDA66201

S214/3 Valse de concert sur deux motifs de Lucia et Parisina [Donizetti] [second version] [3 Valses-
Caprices No 3]
Volume 30: 'Liszt at the Opera - III', CDA66861/2

S214a Carousel de Madame P.-N.

Volume 11: 'The Late Pieces', CDA66445

S215 Valses oublies [Nos. 1-4]

Volume 1: 'Liszt's Waltzes', CDA66201

S215/3a Valse oublie No. 3 [alternative conclusion]

Volume 55: 'Grand Fantaisie de Bravoure sur La Clochette', CDA67408/10

S215a Dritter Mephisto-Walzer [first draft]

Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S216 Dritter Mephisto-Walzer

S216a Bagatelle sans tonalit
Volume 1: 'Liszt's Waltzes', CDA66201

S216b Vierter Mephisto-Walzer [first version]

Volume 55: 'Grand Fantaisie de Bravoure sur La Clochette', CDA67408/10

S217 Mephisto Polka

Volume 28: 'Dances and Marches', CDA66811/2

S217i Mephisto Polka

Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S218 Galop [in A minor]

S219 Grand galop chromatique
Volume 28: 'Dances and Marches', CDA66811/2

S219bis Grand galop chromatique [simplified version]

Volume 55: 'Grand Fantaisie de Bravoure sur La Clochette', CDA67408/10

S220 Galop de bal

Volume 26: 'The Young Liszt', CDA66771/2

S221 Mazurka brillante

Volume 28: 'Dances and Marches', CDA66811/2

S221a Mazurka in F minor [not by Liszt?]

Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7
S222 [catalogue error; same as S212]

S223 Deux Polonaises [in C minor; E major]

Volume 2: 'Ballades, Legends & Polonaises', CDA66301

S224 Csrds macabre

S225/1 Csrds
S225/2 Csrds obstin
S226 Festvorspiel
Volume 28: 'Dances and Marches', CDA66811/2

S226a Marche funbre

Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S227 Goethe Festmarsch [first version]

Volume 40: 'Gaudeamus igitur', CDA67034

S228 Huldigungsmarsch
Volume 28: 'Dances and Marches', CDA66811/2

S228i Huldigungsmarsch [first version]

Volume 55: 'Grand Fantaisie de Bravoure sur La Clochette', CDA67408/10

S229 Vom Fels zum Meer

Volume 28: 'Dances and Marches', CDA66811/2

S229a Ungarischer Marsch in B flat major

(supplement) New Discoveries - 2, CDA67455

S230 Blow-Marsch
S230a Festpolonaise
S231 Heroischer Marsch in ungarischem Stil
Volume 28: 'Dances and Marches', CDA66811/2

S232 Ungarischer Sturmmarsch [first version]

Volume 40: 'Gaudeamus igitur', CDA67034

S233 Ungarischer Geschwindmarsch

S233a Siegesmarsch
Volume 28: 'Dances and Marches', CDA66811/2

S233b Marche hongroise [in E flat minor]

Volume 26: 'The Young Liszt', CDA66771/2

S233c [catalogue error; same as S385a]

S234 Hussitenlied
S235 God Save the Queen
Volume 27: 'Fantasies on National Songs and Anthems', CDA66787

S236/1 Faribolo pasteur

S236/2 Chanson du Barn
Volume 20: 'Album d'un Voyageur', CDA66601/2

S237 La Marseillaise
S238 La cloche sonne
S239 Vive Henri IV
Volume 27: 'Fantasies on National Songs and Anthems', CDA66787

S240 Gaudeamus igitur paraphrase

Volume 40: 'Gaudeamus igitur', CDA67034

S240ii Gaudeamus igitur [second version]

Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S241 Hungarian Recruiting Songs 'Zum Andenken' [by Fy & Bihari]

Volume 26: 'The Young Liszt', CDA66771/2

S241a Ungarische Romanzero

Volume 52: 'Ungarischer Romanzero', CDA67235

S241b Magyar tempo

Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S242 Magyar Dalok; Magyar Rapszdik [21 pieces]

Volume 29: 'Magyar Dalok & Magyar Rapszdik', CDA66851/2

S242/13bis Rkczi-Marsch [S242/13, simplified version]

S242/22 Pester Carneval [early version of S244/9]

Volume 29: 'Magyar Dalok & Magyar Rapszdik', CDA66851/2

S242a Rkczi-Marsch [first version]

S243 Ungarische National-Melodien [3 pieces]
Volume 27: 'Fantasies on National Songs and Anthems', CDA66787

S243a Clbre mlodie hongroise

(supplement) New Liszt Discoveries, CDA67346

S243bis Ungarische National-Melodien [simplified version]

Volume 51: 'Paralipomnes', CDA67233/4

S244 Rapsodies hongroises

/1 Rapsodie hongroise I, in E major
/2 Rapsodie hongroise II, in C sharp minor/F sharp major [with cadenza for Toni Raab]
/3 Rapsodie hongroise III, in B flat minor
/4 Rapsodie hongroise IV, in E flat major
/5 Rapsodie hongroise V - Hrode-lgiaque, in E minor
/6 Rapsodie hongroise VI, in D flat major/B flat major
/7 Rapsodie hongroise VII, in D minor
/8 Rapsodie hongroise VIII, in F sharp minor
/9 Rapsodie hongroise IX - Le carnaval de Pest, in E flat major
/10 Rapsodie hongroise X, in E major
/11 Rapsodie hongroise XI, in A minor/F sharp major
/12 Rapsodie hongroise XII, in C sharp minor/D flat major
/13 Rapsodie hongroise XIII, in A minor
/14 Rapsodie hongroise XIV, in F major
/15 Rapsodie hongroise XV - Rkczi-Marsch, in A minor
/16ii Rapsodie hongroise XVI, in A minor [second version]
/17 Rapsodie [hongroise] XVII, in D minor
/18iii Rapsodie [hongroise] XVIII, in F sharp minor [with final version of coda]
/19 Rapsodie [hongroise] XIX [d'aprs les Csrds nobles de K. Abranyi, sr.], in D minor
Volume 57: Rapsodies Hongroises

S244 Rapsodies hongroises [alternative versions]

/2bis Rapsodie hongroise II [alternative text]
/10bis Rapsodie hongroise X [alternative text], S244/10bis
/15bis Rapsodie hongroise XV [alternative text], S244/15bis
/16i Magyar Rapszdia [Rapsodie hongroise XVI, first version], S244/16i
/18i Rapsodie hongroise XVIII [with first version of coda], S244/18i
/18ii Rapsodie hongroise XVIII [with second version of coda], S244/18ii
Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S244a Rkczi-Marsch [from orchestral version]

Volume 28: 'Dances and Marches', CDA66811/2

S244b Rkczi-Marsch [simplified version of S244a]

Volume 55: 'Grand Fantaisie de Bravoure sur La Clochette', CDA67408/10

S244c Rkczi-Marsch [popular version]

Volume 35: 'Arabesques', CDA66984

S245 Fnf ungarische Volkslieder [Abranyi]

S246 Puszta-Wehmut
Volume 12: 'Troisime Anne de Plerinage', CDA66448

S247 [catalogue error; same as S252a]

S248/1 Canzona napolitana [first version]

S248/2 Canzona napolitana [second version]
S249 Glanes de Woronince [3 pieces]
Volume 27: 'Fantasies on National Songs and Anthems', CDA66787

S249a Mlodie polonaise [short draft]

Volume 55: 'Grand Fantaisie de Bravoure sur La Clochette', CDA67408/10

S249b Dumka
S249c Air cosaque
Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S250/1 Le rossignol [Alyabyev] [Arabesque No 1] [second version]

S250/2 Chanson bohmienne [Arabesque No 2]
Volume 35: 'Arabesques', CDA66984

S250a Le rossignol [Alyabyev] [first version]

Volume 40: 'Gaudeamus igitur', CDA67034

S251 Abschied
Volume 11: 'The Late Pieces', CDA66445

S252 El contrabandista [Garcia]

S252a/1 La romanesca [first version]
S252a/2 La romanesca [second version]
S253 Fantasie ber spanische Weisen
S254 Rapsodie espagnole
Volume 45: 'Rapsodie espagnole', CDA67145

S262 Ora pro nobis

S265 Gebet
Volume 25: 'The Canticle of the Sun', CDA66694

S383a Virag dl [Abranyi]

S384 Mazurka [Amateur de St. Petersburg]
Volume 35: 'Arabesques', CDA66984

S384a Tiszntuli szp leny Variations [anonymous] [as yet untraced] [not by Liszt?]

S385i Souvenir de La fiance [Auber] [first version]

Volume 54: 'Liszt at the Opera - VI', CDA67406/7

S385ii Souvenir de La fiance [Auber] [second version, same as No 1 with cuts]

S385iii Souvenir de La fiance [Auber] [third version]

Volume 50: 'Liszt at the Opera - V', CDA67231/2

S385a Tyrolean Melody [Auber]

Volume 42: 'Liszt at the Opera - IV', CDA67101/2
S386i Tarantella di bravura - La muette de Portici [Masaniello] [Auber]
Volume 50: 'Liszt at the Opera - V', CDA67231/2

S386ii Tarantella di bravura - [version for Sophie Menter]

Volume 42: 'Liszt at the Opera - IV', CDA67101/2

S387 Two Pieces on themes from Auber's Masaniello

S387a Piece on an unknown theme
Volume 6: 'Liszt at the Opera - I', CDA66371/2

S388 Capriccio alla turca [Beethoven's 'Ruins of Athens']

S388a Marche turque [Beethoven]
Volume 18: 'Liszt at the Theatre', CDA66575

S388b Fantasie ber Beethovens Ruinen von Athen [first version]

Volume 44: 'Early Beethoven Transcriptions', CDA67111/3

S389 Fantasie ber Beethovens Ruinen von Athen [second version]

Volume 18: 'Liszt at the Theatre', CDA66575

S389a Cadenza to the first movement of Beethoven's Concerto No. 3

Volume 44: 'Early Beethoven Transcriptions', CDA67111/3

S390 Rminiscences des Puritains [Bellini]

Volume 42: 'Liszt at the Opera - IV', CDA67101/2

S390ii Rminiscences des Puritains [Bellini] [second version]

Volume 54: 'Liszt at the Opera - VI', CDA67406/7

S391 I Puritani - Introduction and Polonaise [Bellini]

Volume 42: 'Liszt at the Opera - IV', CDA67101/2

S392 Hexamron [with Thalberg, Herz, Pixis, Czerny Chopin]

Volume 10: 'The Hexamron', CDA66433

S393i Fantaisie sur des motifs de l'opra La Sonnambula [Bellini] [first version]
Volume 54: 'Liszt at the Opera - VI', CDA67406/7

S393ii Fantaisie sur des motifs de l'opra La Sonnambula [Bellini] [second version]
Volume 50: 'Liszt at the Opera - V', CDA67231/2

S393iii Grosse Konzert-Fantasie aus der Oper Sonnambula [Bellini] [third version]
Volume 42: 'Liszt at the Opera - IV', CDA67101/2

S394 Rminiscences de Norma [Bellini]

Volume 6: 'Liszt at the Opera - I', CDA66371/2
S395 L'Ide fixe [first version]
Volume 5: 'Saint-Sans, Chopin & Berlioz Transcriptions', CDA66346

L'Ide fixe second version = introduction to Marche au supplice, S470a

S396 Bndiction et serment [Berlioz's 'Benvenuto Cellini']

S397 Rminiscences de Lucia de Lammermoor [Donizetti]
S398 Marche et cavatine [Donizetti's Lucia]
Volume 6: 'Liszt at the Opera - I', CDA66371/2

S399 Nuits d't Pausilippe [3 pieces] [Donizetti]

Volume 21: 'Soires Musicales - Soires Italiennes', CDA66661/2

S399a Lucrezia Borgia - Grande fantaisie [Lucrezia Borgia II - first version]

Volume 50: 'Liszt at the Opera - V', CDA67231/2

S400/1 Rminiscences de Lucrezia Borgia I [Donizetti]

S400/2 Rminiscences de Lucrezia Borgia II [second version]
Volume 42: 'Liszt at the Opera - IV', CDA67101/2

S400a Spirto gentil [Donizetti's 'La Favorite']

Volume 17: 'Liszt at the Opera - II', CDA66571/2

S401 Valse a capriccio [Donizetti] [first version] [second = S214/3]

Volume 54: 'Liszt at the Opera - VI', CDA67406/7

S402 Marche funbre [Donizetti's Dom Sbastien]

Volume 17: 'Liszt at the Opera - II', CDA66571/2

S403 Marche pour le Sultan Abdul Medjid-Khan [Giuseppe Donizetti]

Volume 40: 'Gaudeamus igitur', CDA67034

S403bis Marche pour le Sultan Abdul Medjid-Khan [simplified version]

Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S404 Halloh! [Duke Ernst's 'Tony']

Volume 6: 'Liszt at the Opera - I', CDA66371/2

S405 Schwanengesang und Marsch [Erkel's Hunyadi Lszlo]

Volume 30: 'Liszt at the Opera - III', CDA66861/2

S405a Psztor Lakodalmus Variations - Mlodies hongroises [Festetics, elaborations by Liszt]

Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S406/1 Tscherkessenmarsch [Glinka's Ruslan i Lyudmila] [first version]

Volume 54: 'Liszt at the Opera - VI', CDA67406/7
S406/2 Tscherkessenmarsch [Glinka's Ruslan i Lyudmila] [second version]
S407 Valse de l'opra Faust [Gounod]
Volume 6: 'Liszt at the Opera - I', CDA66371/2

S408 Les sabennes Gounod's 'Reine de Saba']

Volume 17: 'Liszt at the Opera - II', CDA66571/2

S409 Les adieux [Gounod's 'Romeo et Juliet]'

Volume 30: 'Liszt at the Opera - III', CDA66861/2

S409a Rminiscences de La Juive [Halvy]

Volume 50: 'Liszt at the Opera - V', CDA67231/2

S410 Hochzeitmarsch und Elfenreigen [Mendelssohn]

Volume 18: 'Liszt at the Theatre', CDA66575

S411 Soires italiennes [6 pieces] [Mercadante]

Volume 21: 'Soires Musicales - Soires Italiennes', CDA66661/2

S412i Rminiscences des Huguenots - Grande fantaisie dramatique [Meyerbeer] [first version]
Volume 50: 'Liszt at the Opera - V', CDA67231/2

S412ii Rminiscences des Huguenots - Grande fantaisie dramatique [Meyerbeer] [second version]
Volume 42: 'Liszt at the Opera - IV', CDA67101/2
Volume 54: 'Liszt at the Opera - VI', CDA67406/7

S412a Rminiscences de Robert le Diable - Cavatine [Meyerbeer]

S413 Rminiscences de Robert le Diable - Valse infernale [Meyerbeer]
Volume 30: 'Liszt at the Opera - III', CDA66861/2

S414/1 Illustrations du Prophte I [Meyerbeer]

S414/2 Illustrations du Prophte II
S414/3 Illustrations du Prophte III
S414/4 Illustrations du Prophte IV [for 4 hands] [= S624]
Volume 17: 'Liszt at the Opera - II', CDA66571/2

S415/1 Illustrations de l'Africaine I [Meyerbeer]

S415/2 Illustrations de l'Africaine II
Volume 6: 'Liszt at the Opera - I', CDA66371/2

S416 Le moine [Meyerbeer]

Volume 24: 'Beethoven and Hummel Septets', CDA66761/2

S417 Fantaisie sur l'opra hongrois Szp Ilonka [Mosonyi]

Volume 17: 'Liszt at the Opera - II', CDA66571/2
S418 Rminiscences de Don Juan [Mozart]
Volume 6: 'Liszt at the Opera - I', CDA66371/2

S419 Divertissement sur la cavatine 'I frequenti palpiti' [Pacini's Niobe]

Volume 50: 'Liszt at the Opera - V', CDA67231/2

S420 Fantaisie sur La Clochette [Paganini]

Volume 55: 'Grand Fantaisie de Bravoure sur La Clochette', CDA67408/10

S421/1 Andante finale [Raff's 'Knig Alfred']

S421/2 Marsch [Raff's 'Knig Alfred']
Volume 42: 'Liszt at the Opera - IV', CDA67101/2

S421a Introduction et Variations [Rossini's 'Siege of Corinth' - Introduction only]

Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S422 Premire grande fantaisie [Rossini's Soires musicales]

Volume 21: 'Soires Musicales - Soires Italiennes', CDA66661/2

S422i La serenate e l'orgia - Premire grande fantaisie [Rossini's Soires musicales] [first version]
Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S423 Deuxime grande fantaisie [Soires musicales]

S424 Soires musicales [12 pieces] [Rossini]
Volume 21: 'Soires Musicales - Soires Italiennes', CDA66661/2

S425 Mlodies hongroises [3 pieces] [Schubert]

Volume 31: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - I', CDA66951/3

S425a Mlodies hongroises [Schubert] [revised versions]

Volume 32: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - II', CDA66954/6

S425/2ii Marche hongroise [Schubert] [Lucca edition]

Volume 31: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - I', CDA66951/3

S425/2iii Marche hongroise [Schubert] [Richault edition]

Volume 32: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - II', CDA66954/6

S425/2iv Marche hongroise [Schubert] [Sophie Menter version]

Volume 31: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - I', CDA66951/3

S425/2v Marche hongroise [Schubert] ['Troisime dition']

Volume 32: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - II', CDA66954/6

S425/2vi Marche hongroise [Schubert] ['Troisime dition', alternative text]

Volume 33: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - III', CDA66957/9
S426 Schuberts Mrsche [3 pieces]
S426a Marche militaire [Schubert]
S427 Soires de Vienne - 9 Valses-caprices [Schubert]
S427/6ii Soires de Vienne No. 6 [Schubert] [Sophie Menter version]
Volume 31: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - I', CDA66951/3

S427/6iii Soires de Vienne No. 6 [Schubert] [second edition]

Volume 33: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - III', CDA66957/9

S428 Feuille morte [Soriano]

Volume 45: 'Rapsodie espagnole', CDA67145

S429 Polonaise [Tchaikovsky's Eugene Onegin]

Volume 6: 'Liszt at the Opera - I', CDA66371/2

S430 Valse de concert [Vgh]

Volume 35: 'Arabesques', CDA66984

S431i Salve Maria de Jrusalem [Verdi's 'I Lombardi'] [first version]

S431ii Salve Maria de Jrusalem [Verdi's 'I Lombardi'] [second version]
Volume 42: 'Liszt at the Opera - IV', CDA67101/2

S431a Ernani - Premire paraphrase de concert [Verdi]

Volume 54: 'Liszt at the Opera - VI', CDA67406/7

S432 Ernani - Paraphrase de concert [No. 2]

S433 Miserere du Trovatore [Verdi]
S434 Rigoletto - Paraphrase de concert [Verdi]
Volume 30: 'Liszt at the Opera - III', CDA66861/2

S435 Don Carlos Coro e Marcia funebre [Verdi]

Volume 42: 'Liszt at the Opera - IV', CDA67101/2

S436 Ada Danza sacra e duetto finale [Verdi]

Volume 6: 'Liszt at the Opera - I', CDA66371/2

S437 Agnus Dei [Verdi's Requiem]

Volume 24: 'Beethoven and Hummel Septets', CDA66761/2

S438 Rminiscences de Boccanegra [Verdi]

S439 Phantasiestck ber Motive aus Rienzi [Wagner]
Volume 30: 'Liszt at the Opera - III', CDA66861/2

S440 Spinnerlied [Wagner's 'Der fliegende Hollnder']

S441 Ballade [Der fliegende Hollnder]
Volume 17: 'Liszt at the Opera - II', CDA66571/2
S442 Ouvertre zu R. Wagners Tannhuser
Volume 54: 'Liszt at the Opera - VI', CDA67406/7

S443i Pilgerchor [Wagner's 'Tannhuser'] [first version]

Volume 17: 'Liszt at the Opera - II', CDA66571/2

S443ii Pilgerchor [Wagner's 'Tannhuser'] [second version]

Volume 42: 'Liszt at the Opera - IV', CDA67101/2

S444 O du mein holder Abendstern [Tannhuser]

Volume 17: 'Liszt at the Opera - II', CDA66571/2

S445/1 Einzug der Gste auf der Wartburg [Tannhuser]

Volume 50: 'Liszt at the Opera - V', CDA67231/2

S445/2 Elsas Brautzug zum Mnster [Wagner's 'Lohengrin']

S446/1 Aus Lohengrin Festspiel und Brautlied [second version]
Volume 30: 'Liszt at the Opera - III', CDA66861/2

S446/1i Aus Lohengrin I [first version]

Volume 50: 'Liszt at the Opera - V', CDA67231/2

S446/2 Aus Lohengrin II: Elsas Traum

S446/3 Aus Lohengrin III: Lohengrins Verweis an Elsa
Volume 30: 'Liszt at the Opera - III', CDA66861/2

S447 Isoldens Liebestod [Wagner's 'Tristan']

Volume 6: 'Liszt at the Opera - I', CDA66371/2

S448 Am stillen Herd [Wagner's 'Die Meistersinger']

Volume 42: 'Liszt at the Opera - IV', CDA67101/2

S449 Walhall [Wagner's 'Der Ring des Nibelungen']

S450 Feierlicher Marsch zum heiligen Graal aus Parsifal [Wagner]
Volume 17: 'Liszt at the Opera - II', CDA66571/2

S451 Freischtz-Fantasie [Weber]

Volume 54: 'Liszt at the Opera - VI', CDA67406/7

S452 Leyer und Schwert [Weber]

Volume 24: 'Beethoven and Hummel Septets', CDA66761/2

S453 Einsam bin ich [Weber's 'La Preciosa']

Volume 18: 'Liszt at the Theatre', CDA66575

S454 Schlummerlied mit Arabesken [Weber]

Volume 24: 'Beethoven and Hummel Septets', CDA66761/2
S455 Polonaise brillante [Weber]
Volume 49: 'Weber and Schubert Transcriptions', CDA67203

S456 Valse d'Adle [Zichy]

Volume 35: 'Arabesques', CDA66984

S457 [catalogue error; no work with this number]

S458 Fantasy on Il Giuramento [Mercadante]

Volume 54: 'Liszt at the Opera - VI', CDA67406/7

S459 [catalogue error; same as S387]

S460 Kavallerie-Geschwindmarsch [anonymous] [score as yet untraced]

S461i A la chapelle Sixtine [Allegri Mozart] [first version]

Volume 51: 'Paralipomnes', CDA67233/4

S461ii A la chapelle Sixtine [Allegri Mozart] [second version]

Volume 13: 'A la Chapelle Sixtine', CDA66438

S461a Ave verum corpus [Mozart] [from S461]

Volume 24: 'Beethoven and Hummel Septets', CDA66761/2

S462 Sechs Praeludien und Fugen fr orgel [Bach]

Volume 13: 'A la Chapelle Sixtine', CDA66438

S463i Orgel-Fantasie und Fuge in G-moll [Bach] [first version]

Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S463ii Orgel-Fantasie und Fuge in G-moll [Bach] [second version]

Volume 13: 'A la Chapelle Sixtine', CDA66438

S463a Symphonie No. 5 [Beethoven] [first version]

S463b Symphonie No. 6 [Beethoven] [first version]
S463c Symphonie No. 6 [Beethoven] [second version] [alternative 5th movement]
S463d Symphonie No. 7 [Beethoven] [first version, with the fragment of Beethoven's own
S463e Marche funbre [Beethoven's Eroica Symphony, first version]
Volume 44: 'Early Beethoven Transcriptions', CDA67111/3

S464/1 Symphonie No. 1 [Beethoven]

S464/2 Symphonie No. 2 [Beethoven]
S464/3 Symphonie No. 3 - Hroque [Beethoven]
S464/4 Symphonie No. 4 [Beethoven]
S464/5 Symphonie No. 5 [Beethoven] [second version]
S464/6 Symphonie Pastorale [No. 6] [Beethoven] [third version]
S464/7 Symphonie No. 7 [Beethoven] [second version]
S464/8 Symphonie No. 8 [Beethoven]
S464/9 Symphonie No. 9 [Beethoven]
Volume 22: 'The Beethoven Symphonies', CDA66671/5

S465 Grand Septuor [Beethoven]

Volume 24: 'Beethoven and Hummel Septets', CDA66761/2

S466a Adelade [Beethoven] [first version]

S466b Adelade [Beethoven] [second version]
Volume 44: 'Early Beethoven Transcriptions', CDA67111/3

S466 Adelade [Beethoven] [third version]

S467 Sechs Geistliche Lieder [Beethoven]
S468 Sechs Lieder von Goethe [Beethoven]
S469 An die ferne Geliebte - Liederkreis [Beethoven] [6 songs]
Volume 15: 'Songs without words', CDA66481/2

S470 Symphonie Fantastique [Berlioz]

Volume 10: 'The Hexamron', CDA66433

S470a/1 Introduction - L'ide fixe [Berlioz] [second version]

S470a/2 Marche au supplice de la Sinfonie fantastique [Berlioz] [second version]
Volume 44: 'Early Beethoven Transcriptions', CDA67111/3

S471 Ouverture Les Francs-Juges [Berlioz]

Volume 5: 'Saint-Sans, Chopin & Berlioz Transcriptions', CDA66346

S472 Harold en Italie [with viola] [Berlioz]

Volume 23: 'Harold en Italie', CDA66683

S473 Marche des plerins [Harold en Italie]

S474 Ouverture Le Roi Lear [Berlioz]
S475 Valse des Sylphes [Berlioz]
Volume 5: 'Saint-Sans, Chopin & Berlioz Transcriptions', CDA66346

S476 [catalogue error; vocal score 'Esmralda by Bertin. Not for piano solo and not by Liszt]

S477 [catalogue error; excerpt from S476]

S477a [catalogue error; excerpts from S476]

S478i Russischer Galopp [Bulhakov] [first version]

Volume 40: 'Gaudeamus igitur', CDA67034

S478ii Russischer Galopp [Bulhakov] [second version]

Volume 35: 'Arabesques', CDA66984

S479 Tanto gentile e tanto onesta [Blow]

Volume 37: 'Tanzmomente and other rare German and Austrian transcriptions', CDA67004

S480 Six Chants polonais [Chopin]

Volume 5: 'Saint-Sans, Chopin & Berlioz Transcriptions', CDA66346

S480/5ii Mes joies (Chopin) (Moja pieszczotka, second version)

Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S481 Zigeunerpolka [Conradi]

Volume 37: 'Tanzmomente and other rare German and Austrian transcriptions', CDA67004

S482 Tarantella [Cui]

S483 Tarantella [Dargomizhky]
Volume 35: 'Arabesques', CDA66984

S484 Bunte Reihe [25 pieces] [David]

Volume 16: 'Bunte Reihe', CDA66506

S485 Drei Lieder [Dessauer]

Volume 15: 'Songs without words', CDA66481/2

S485a [catalogue error; vocal score of a cantata by Draeseke;]

S485b Die Grberinsel [Duke Ernst]

Volume 37: 'Tanzmomente and other rare German and Austrian transcriptions', CDA67004

S486 Szzat und Hymnus [Egressy and Erkel]

Volume 27: 'Fantasies on National Songs and Anthems', CDA66787

S487 Spanisches Stndchen [Festetics]

Volume 35: 'Arabesques', CDA66984

S488 Er ist gekommen [Franz]

S489 Zwlf Lieder [actually 13] [Franz]
Volume 15: 'Songs without words', CDA66481/2

S490 Liebesszene und Fortunas Kugel [Goldschmidt]

Volume 24: 'Beethoven and Hummel Septets', CDA66761/2

S491 Hymne Sainte Ccile [Gounod]

Volume 23: 'Harold en Italie', CDA66683

S492 Tanzmomente [Herbeck] [9 pieces]

Volume 37: 'Tanzmomente and other rare German and Austrian transcriptions', CDA67004
S493 Grosses Septett opus 74 von J. N. Hummel
Volume 24: 'Beethoven and Hummel Septets', CDA66761/2

S494i Lse, Himmel, meine Seele [Lassen] [first version]

S494ii Lse, Himmel, meine Seele [Lassen] [second version]
S495 Ich weil' in tiefer Einsamkeit [Lassen]
Volume 37: 'Tanzmomente and other rare German and Austrian transcriptions', CDA67004

S496 Hebbel's Nibelungen & Goethe's 'Faust' [5 pieces] [Lassen]

S497 Intermezzo [Lassen's 'ber allen Zauber Liebe']
Volume 18: 'Liszt at the Theatre', CDA66575

S498 Drei Lieder [Lessman's 'Tannhuser']

Volume 37: 'Tanzmomente and other rare German and Austrian transcriptions', CDA67004

S498a Drei Stcke aus der heilige Elisabeth

S498b Zwei Orchesterstcke aus Christus
Volume 14: 'Christus, St Elisabeth & St Stanislaus', CDA66466

S498c San Francesco - Preludio

S499 Cantico del Sol
Volume 25: 'The Canticle of the Sun', CDA66694

S500 Excelsior! - Preludio

Volume 36: 'Excelsior! and other rare original works', CDA66995

S501 Benedictus und Offertorium [Missa Coronationalis]

Volume 7: 'Harmonies Potiques et Religieuses', CDA66421/2

S502 Weihnachtslied
Volume 8: 'Christmas Tree & Via Crucis', CDA66388

S503 Slavimo Slavno Slaveni!

S504i Ave Maria [in D]
S504ii Ave Maria [in D flat]
Volume 7: 'Harmonies Potiques et Religieuses', CDA66421/2

S504a Via Crucis

S504b Chorle [11 pieces]
Volume 8: 'Christmas Tree & Via Crucis', CDA66388

S505 Zum Haus des Herrn

S506 Ave maris stella
S506a O Roma nobilis
Volume 7: 'Harmonies Potiques et Religieuses', CDA66421/2
S507 Klavierstck aus der Bonn Beethoven-Cantata
Volume 26: 'The Young Liszt', CDA66771/2

S507a Schnitterchor [Pastorale - Schnitterchor (Prometheus)] [first version]

Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S508 Pastorale - Schnitterchor

Volume 18: 'Liszt at the Theatre', CDA66575

S509 Gaudeamus igitur - Humoreske

Volume 40: 'Gaudeamus igitur', CDA67034

S510 Marche hroque

Volume 28: 'Dances and Marches', CDA66811/2

S511 Geharnischte Lieder [3 pieces]

Volume 36: 'Excelsior! and other rare original works', CDA66995

S511a Les Prludes

Volume 38: 'Les Prludes', CDA67015

S511b Orpheus (Pome symphonique No 4)

S511c Mazeppa [Pome symphonique No 6]
S511d Festklnge [Pome symphonique No 7]
Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S511e Hungaria (Pome symphonique No 9)

Volume 55: 'Grand Fantaisie de Bravoure sur La Clochette', CDA67408/10

S512 Von der Wiege bis zum Grabe

Volume 25: 'The Canticle of the Sun', CDA66694

S513 Gretchen
Volume 9: 'Sonata, Elegies & Consolations', CDA66429

S513a Der nchtliche Zug

S514 Erster Mephisto-Walzer - Der Tanz in der Dorfschenke [original version]
Volume 38: 'Les Prludes', CDA67015

S514a Erster Mephisto-Walzer [with later additions]

S515 Zweiter Mephisto-Walzer
Volume 1: 'Liszt's Waltzes', CDA66201

S516 Les Morts [Trois odes funbres No 1]

S516a La notte [Trois odes funbres No 2]
S517 Le triomphe funbre du Tasse [Trois odes funbres No 3]
Volume 3: 'Konzertsolo & Odes Funbres', CDA66302
S518 Salve Polonia
S519 Deux Polonaises de St Stanislaus
Volume 14: 'Christus, St Elisabeth & St Stanislaus', CDA66466

S520 Knstlerfestzug
Volume 28: 'Dances and Marches', CDA66811/2

S520i Knstlerfestzug [first version]

Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S521 Goethe Festmarsch [second version]

S522 Zweite Festmarsch [Duke Ernst's 'Diana von Solange']
S523 Ungarischer Marsch zur Krnungsfeier
S524 Ungarischer Sturmmarsch ['second version]
Volume 28: 'Dances and Marches', CDA66811/2

S524a Concerto sans orchestre

(supplement) New Discoveries - 2, CDA67455

S525 Totentanz
Volume 9: 'Sonata, Elegies & Consolations', CDA66429

S526 Epithalam
S527 Romance oublie
Volume 11: 'The Late Pieces', CDA66445

S527bis Romance oublie [short draft]

Volume 51: 'Paralipomnes', CDA67233/4

S528 [catalogue error; same as S230a]

S529i Praeludium und Fuge BACH [first version]

Volume 51: 'Paralipomnes', CDA67233/4

S529ii Fantasie und Fuge BACH [second version]

Volume 3: 'Konzertsolo & Odes Funbres', CDA66302

S530 L'Hymne du Pape

Volume 7: 'Harmonies Potiques et Religieuses', CDA66421/2

S531 Buch der Lieder I [6 pieces]

S532 Die Loreley [second version]
Volume 19: 'Liebestrume and the Songbooks', CDA66593

S533 Il m'aimait tant

Volume 25: 'The Canticle of the Sun', CDA66694
S534i Die Zelle in Nonnenwerth [first version]
Volume 51: 'Paralipomnes', CDA67233/4

S534bis/1 Die Zelle in Nonnenwerth [second version]

S534bis/2 Die Zelle in Nonnenwerth [second version, ossia]
Volume 36: 'Excelsior! and other rare original works', CDA66995

(Die Zelle in Nonnenwerth, third version = S167)

S534ter Die Zelle in Nonnenwerth [fourth version]

Volume 25: 'The Canticle of the Sun', CDA66694

S535-40 Buch der Lieder II [6 pieces]

Volume 19: 'Liebestrume and the Songbooks', CDA66593

S540a Gestorben war ich [Liebestrume No 2, first version]

Volume 26: 'The Young Liszt', CDA66771/2

S540a O lieb, so lang du lieben kannst! [draft of Liebestrume No 3]

(supplement) New Discoveries - 2, CDA67455

S541 Liebestrume [3 pieces]

Volume 19: 'Liebestrume and the Songbooks', CDA66593

S542i Weimars Volkslied [No. 1 in C major]

S542ii Weimars Volkslied [No. 2 in F major]
Volume 36: 'Excelsior! and other rare original works', CDA66995

S542a Ich liebe dich

Volume 25: 'The Canticle of the Sun', CDA66694

S542b Fanfare zur Enthllung des Carl-Augusts Monument

Volume 36: 'Excelsior! and other rare original works', CDA66995

S543 Ungarns Gott

Volume 11: 'The Late Pieces', CDA66445

S543bis Ungarns Gott [left-hand version]

Volume 12: 'Troisime Anne de Plerinage', CDA66448

S544 Ungarisches Knigslied

Volume 11: 'The Late Pieces', CDA66445

S545 Ave Maria [in G]

Volume 7: 'Harmonies Potiques et Religieuses', CDA66421/2
S546 Der blinde Snger [solo version]
Volume 11: 'The Late Pieces', CDA66445

S547 Sieben Lieder [Mendelssohn]

Volume 15: 'Songs without words', CDA66481/2

S548 Wasserfahrt; Der Jger Abschied [Mendelssohn]

Volume 24: 'Beethoven and Hummel Septets', CDA66761/2

S549 Festmarsch [Meyerbeer]

Volume 23: 'Harold en Italie', CDA66683

S550 Aus Mozarts Requiem [Confutatis; Lacrimosa]

Volume 24: 'Beethoven and Hummel Septets', CDA66761/2

S551 Una stella amica [Pezzini]

Volume 40: 'Gaudeamus igitur', CDA67034

S551a Einleitung und Coda zu Raffs Walzer in Des-dur [opus 54/1]

Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S552 Ouverture Guillaume Tell [Rossini]

Volume 50: 'Liszt at the Opera - V', CDA67231/2

S552a Caritas [nach Rossini] [La charit, first version]

S552b La carit [Rossini] [La charit, simplified version]
Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S553 Deux Transcriptions [Cujus animam; La charit] [Rossini]

Volume 24: 'Beethoven and Hummel Septets', CDA66761/2

S554 Zwei Lieder [Rubinstein] O, wenn es doch immer so bliebe; Der Asra
Volume 15: 'Songs without words', CDA66481/2

S554a Einleitung und Coda zu Rubinsteins tude in C-dur [sur des notes fausses, 1868]
Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S555 Danse macabre [Saint-Sans]

Volume 5: 'Saint-Sans, Chopin & Berlioz Transcriptions', CDA66346

S556i Die Rose [Schubert] [first version]

Volume 31: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - I', CDA66951/3

S556i/bis Die Rose [Schubert] [intermediate version]

Volume 49: 'Weber and Schubert Transcriptions', CDA67203

S556ii Die Rose [Schubert] [second version]

S557 Lob der Trnen [Schubert]
Volume 33: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - III', CDA66957/9

S557a Erlknig [first version] [Schubert]

Volume 31: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - I', CDA66951/3

S557b Meeresstille [first version] [Schubert]

Volume 33: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - III', CDA66957/9

S557b/bis Meeresstille [first version, ossia] [Schubert]

S557c Frhlingsglaube [first version] [Schubert]
Volume 32: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - II', CDA66954/6

S557d Ave Maria [first version] [Schubert]

Volume 31: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - I', CDA66951/3

S558 12 Lieder [Schubert]

S558/5bis Meeresstille [S558/5, ossia] [Schubert]
S558bis 12 Lieder [revised versions of Nos. 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 11] [Schubert]
Volume 33: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - III', CDA66957/9

S559 Der Gondelfahrer [Schubert]

S559a Srnade [Stndchen, first version] [Schubert]
Volume 31: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - I', CDA66951/3

S560 Schwanengesang [14 pieces] [Schubert]

Volume 32: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - II', CDA66954/6

S560bis Schwanengesang [alternative versions] [Schubert]

Volume 33: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - III', CDA66957/9

S560/7a Stndchen [Lina Ramann version] [Schubert]

S561 Winterreise [12 pieces] [Schubert]
Volume 32: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - II', CDA66954/6

S561bis Winterreise [alternative versions of Nos. 2, 3, 7, 10, 11] [Schubert]

S561/2a Die Nebensonnen - Albumblatt [Schubert]
Volume 33: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - III', CDA66957/9

S562 Geistliche Lieder [4 pieces] [Schubert]

Volume 32: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - II', CDA66954/6

S562/3bis Die Gestirne [alternative version] [Schubert]

Volume 33: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - III', CDA66957/9

S563 Sechs Melodien [1 by Weyrauch; 2-6 by Schubert]

Volume 32: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - II', CDA66954/6
S563/6bis Die Forelle [first version, alternative text] [Schubert]
Volume 33: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - III', CDA66957/9

S564 Die Forelle [second version] [Schubert]

S565 Six Mlodies favorites de La belle meunire [6 pieces] [Schubert]
Volume 32: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - II', CDA66954/6

S565bis Mllerlieder [revised versions] [Schubert]

Volume 33: 'The Schubert Transcriptions - III', CDA66957/9

S565a Grosse Fantasie in C-dur [arrangement of Schubert 'Wandererfantasie']

S565b/1 Impromptu in E flat major [Schubert]
S565b/2 Impromptu in G flat major [Schubert]
Volume 49: 'Weber and Schubert Transcriptions', CDA67203

S566 Widmung [Schumann]

Volume 15: 'Songs without words', CDA66481/2

S566a Widmung [Schumann] [short draft]

Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S567 An den Sonnenschein; Rotes Rslein [Schumann]

S568 Frhlingsnacht [Schumann]
S569 Zehn Lieder von Robert und Clara Schumann
S570 Provenalisches Minnelied [Schumann]
Volume 15: 'Songs without words', CDA66481/2

S570a Einleitung und Coda zu Smetanas Polka [de salon, opus 7/1]
Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S571 Die Rose [Spohr's 'Zemire und Azor']

Volume 17: 'Liszt at the Opera - II', CDA66571/2

S571a Einleitung und Schlutakte zu Tausigs 3. Valse-Caprice [Wahlstimmen, opus 250 [Johann
Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S572 Revive Szegedin [Szabady/Massenet]

S573 Bevezets s magyar indul [Szchnyi]
Volume 35: 'Arabesques', CDA66984

S573a Seconda mazurka variata [Tirindelli]

Volume 40: 'Gaudeamus igitur', CDA67034

S574 Ouverture Oberon [Weber]

Volume 30: 'Liszt at the Opera - III', CDA66861/2
S575 Ouverture Der Freischtz [Weber]
Volume 6: 'Liszt at the Opera - I', CDA66371/2

S576 Jubelouverture [Weber]

S576a Konzertstck [Weber]
Volume 49: 'Weber and Schubert Transcriptions', CDA67203

S577/1 Lyubila ya [Wielhorsky] [first version]

Volume 40: 'Gaudeamus igitur', CDA67034

S577/2 Lyubila ya [Wielhorsky] [second version]

Volume 35: 'Arabesques', CDA66984

S669/1 Salve Regina

S669/2 Ave maris stella [6/4 version]
Volume 25: 'The Canticle of the Sun', CDA66694

S670 Rosario [3 pieces]

Volume 36: 'Excelsior! and other rare original works', CDA66995

S674a O sacrum convivium [2 versions]

Volume 25: 'The Canticle of the Sun', CDA66694
also, from the chamber music:
S132 Romance oublie [with viola] [see also Harold in Italy, S472]
Volume 23: 'Harold en Italie', CDA66683
also, from the music for piano duet:
S256 Prlude [2 hands] la Polka de Borodine [4 hands]
Volume 35: 'Arabesques', CDA66984

S624 Fantasie und Fuge 'Ad nos, ad salutarem undam'

Volume 17: 'Liszt at the Opera - II', CDA66571/2

S634a Song of the two armed men 'Der, welcher wandelt dieser Strasse' [Mozart's 'Die
Volume 42: 'Liszt at the Opera - IV', CDA67101/2
S346 Lenore
S348 Der traurige Mnch
S349 A holt klt szerelme
S350 Slyepoi [Der blinde Snger]
S686 Helges Treue [Draeseke]
Volume 41: 'The Recitations with Piano', CDA67045

S688a St. Stanislaus fragment [Library of Congress]

S692b Anfang einer Jugendsonate
S692c Allegro maestoso [tude in F sharp major?]
S692d Rkczi-Marsch [first version, simplified]
S692e Winzerchor [Prometheus]
Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S693 Deux Marches dans le genre hongrois [formerly 'Two pieces in Hungarian style': No 1 in D
minor (completed by Howard); No 2 in B flat minor [completed by Howard]
Volume 52: 'Ungarischer Romanzero', CDA67235

S693a Zwei Stcke aus der heiligen Elisabeth

Volume 55: 'Grand Fantaisie de Bravoure sur La Clochette', CDA67408/10

S694 Fantasie ber englische Themen [performing version by Howard]

S695 Morceau en fa majeur
S695d Petite valse [Nachspiel zu den drei vergessenen Walzer] [completed by Howard]
Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S695b Zigeuner-Epos
(supplement) New Liszt Discoveries, CDA67346

S696 Vierter Mephisto-Walzer [completed by Howard]

Volume 1: 'Liszt's Waltzes', CDA66201

S697 Fantasie ber Themen aus Figaro und Don Giovanni [Mozart] [completed by Howard]
Volume 30: 'Liszt at the Opera - III', CDA66861/2

S698 La Mandragore - Ballade de l'opra Jean de Nivelle de L. Delibes

Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7

S700a Variations sur Le Carnaval de Venise (Paganini)

S700i Grand Fantaisie (Variations) sur des thmes de Paganini [first version; completed by Mez]
S700ii Grand Fantaisie (Variations) sur des thmes de Paganini [second version; completed by
Volume 55: 'Grand Fantaisie de Bravoure sur La Clochette', CDA67408/10

S701b Marie-Pome
S701c Andante sensibilissimo
S701d Melodie in Dorische Tonart
S701e Dante fragment
S701f Glasgow fragment
S701g Polnisch - sketch
S701h/1 Operatic aria - and sketched variation
S701h/2 Valse infernale [Meyerbeer] - theme
S701j Harmonie nach Rossini's Carit [La charit]
S701k Korrekturblatt [to an earlier version of La lugubre gondola]
Volume 56: Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments, CDA67414/7
Smetana: Polka, opus 7 no. 1
Raff: Waltz in A flat
S167a Ruhig [introduction and coda to Strauss/Tausig Wahlstimmen]
Rubinstein: tude 'sur des notes fausses'


Schubert: Wanderer Fantasy
Schubert: Impromptus and Moments musicaux
S120 Grande Fantaisie Symphonique 'Lelio'
S121 Maldiction [with string orchestra]
S122 Fantasie ber Beethovens Ruinen von Athen
Volume 53a: 'Music for Piano and Orchestra - 1', CDA67401/2

S123 Fantasie ber ungarische Volksmelodien

Volume 53b: 'Music for Piano and Orchestra - 2', CDA67403/4

S124 Concerto No. 1 in E flat major [final version]

Volume 53a: 'Music for Piano and Orchestra - 1', CDA67401/2

S125 Concerto No. 2 in A major [final version]

Volume 53b: 'Music for Piano and Orchestra - 2', CDA67403/4

S125a Concerto [No. 3] in E flat [op. posth.] [Howard edition]

Volume 53a: 'Music for Piano and Orchestra - 1', CDA67401/2

S126i Totentanz [Busoni's 'De Profundis' version]

Volume 53b: 'Music for Piano and Orchestra - 2', CDA67403/4

S126ii Totentanz [final version]

S365 Grand solo de concert [prepared by Howard]
Volume 53a: 'Music for Piano and Orchestra - 1', CDA67401/2

S365a Concerto pathtique [No. 4] in E minor [Liszt/Reuss version]

Volume 53b: 'Music for Piano and Orchestra - 2', CDA67403/4

S365b Hexamron [orchestration completed by Howard]

Volume 53a: 'Music for Piano and Orchestra - 1', CDA67401/2

S366 Wanderer-Fantasie [Schubert]

Volume 53b: 'Music for Piano and Orchestra - 2', CDA67403/4

S367 Polonaise brillante [Weber]

Volume 53a: 'Music for Piano and Orchestra - 1', CDA67401/2
S691 De Profundis - Psaume instrumental
Volume 53b: 'Music for Piano and Orchestra - 2', CDA67403/4

S254 Rapsodie espagnole [orchestrated by Busoni]

S714 Ungarische Zigeunerweisen [Sophie Menter]

Volume 53b: 'Music for Piano and Orchestra - 2', CDA67403/4

There are also various earlier versions and fragments yet to be assembled from unpublished sources,
including fragments [early sonata, Marie-Pome; tude in F sharp; Exeter; Operatic fragment;
'Orpheus' fragment; 'Die Ideale' fragment, etc.]
Friedrich W. Chrysander (1826-1901)
Informacin del editor:
G.F. Hndel's Werke: Ausgabe der Deutschen Hndelgesellschaft (1858-94, 1902)
Deutsche Hndelgesellschaft, 1870. Plate H.W. 33.
Public Domain

George Frideric Handel - Complete Works EditionContenidos [ocultar]

1 G.F. Hndel's Werke: Ausgabe der Deutschen Hndelgesellschaft
2 Editors
3 Publishers
4 Template
5 Contents

5.1 Band 1: Susanna : Oratorium.

5.2 Band 2: Klavierstcke.
5.3 Band 3: Acis und Galatea : Pastoral.
5.4 Band 4: Herakles : Oratorium.
5.5 Band 5: Athalia : Oratorium.
5.6 Band 6: L'allegro, il pensieroso, ed il moderato : Oratorium.
5.7 Band 7: Semele : Oratorium.
5.8 Band 8: Theodora : Oratorium.
5.9 Band 9: Passion nach dem Evang. Johannes.
5.10 Band 10: Samson : Oratorium.
5.11 Band 11: Trauerhymne auf den Tod der Knigin Karoline.
5.12 Band 12: Alexanders Fest oder Die Macht der Tonkunst.
5.13 Band 13: Saul : Oratorium.
5.14 Band 14: Krnungshymnen fr Knig Georg II.
5.15 Band 15: Passion nach B. H. Brockes.
5.16 Band 16: Israel in Aegypten : Oratorium.
5.17 Band 17: Josua.
5.18 Band 18: Die Wahl des Herakles.
5.19 Band 19: Belsazar : Oratorium.
5.20 Band 20: Sieg der Zeit und Wahrheit : Oratorium.
5.21 Band 21: Instrumental-Concerte.
5.22 Band 22: Judas Maccabus : Oratorium.
5.23 Band 23: Ccilien-Ode.
5.24 Band 24: Il trionfo del tempo e della verit.
5.25 Band 25: Dettinger Te Deum.
5.26 Band 26: Salomo.
5.27 Band 27: Kammermusik.
5.28 Band 28: Zwlf Orgel-Concerte mit Orchester-Begleitung.
5.29 Band 29: Debora : Oratorium.
5.30 Band 30: Zwlf groe Concerte.
5.31 Band 31: Utrechter Te Deum und Jubilate.
5.32 Band 32: Italienische Duette und Trios.
5.33 Band 32a: Italienische Duette und Trios. - 2., vervollstndigte Ausg.
5.34 Band 33: Alexander Balus : Oratorium.
5.35 Band 34: Psalmen : Bd. 1.
5.36 Band 35: Psalmen : Bd. 2.
5.37 Band 36: Psalmen : Bd. 3.
5.38 Band 37: Drei Te Deum ; D-Dur, B-Dur, A-Dur.
5.39 Band 38: Lateinische Kirchenmusik.
5.40 Band 39: La resurrezione : Oratorio.
5.41 Band 40: Esther : Oratorium ; 1. Bearb. 1720.
5.42 Band 41: Esther : Oratorium ; 2. Bearb. 1732.
5.43 Band 42: Joseph : Oratorium.
5.44 Band 43: Gelegenheits-Oratorium.
5.45 Band 44: Jephtha : Oratorium.
5.46 Band 44a: Das Autograph des Oratoriums Jephtha.
5.47 Band 45: Der Messias : Oratorium.
5.48 Band 45a: Das Autograph des Oratoriums Messias.
5.49 Band 46a: Ode fr den Geburtstag der Knigin Anna.
5.50 Band 46b: Musikalische Scenen zu dem englischen Drama Alceste.
5.51 Band 47: Wassermusik, Feuerwerksmusik, Concerte und Doppelconcerte fr groes Orchester.
5.52 Band 48: Sammlung verschiedener Instrumental-Werke fr Orgel und Klavier, Orchester- und
5.53 Band 49: Not Published
5.54 Band 50: Cantate a voce sola e basso : libro primo.
5.55 Band 51: Cantate a voce sola e basso : libro secondo.
5.56 Band 52a: Italienische Kantaten mit Instrumentalbegleitung. 1. Bd., Nr. 1-15.
5.57 Band 52b: Italienische Kantaten mit Instrumentalbegleitung. 2. Bd., Nr. 16-28.
5.58 Band 53: Aci, Galatea, e Polifemo : serenata.
5.59 Band 54: Il Parnasso in Festa : serenata.
5.60 Band 55: Almira : opera.
5.61 Band 56: Rodrigo : opera.
5.62 Band 57: Agrippina : opera.
5.63 Band 58: Rinaldo : opera.
5.64 Band 58a: Rinaldo : opera. - 2. Ausg. in 2 Bearbeitungen.
5.65 Band 59: Il pastor fido : opera. - Versione primo.
5.66 Band 60: Teseo : opera.
5.67 Band 61: Silla : opera.
5.68 Band 62: Amadigi : opera.
5.69 Band 63: Radamisto : opera.
5.70 Band 64: Muzio Scevola : opera ; atto terzo.
5.71 Band 65: Floridante : opera.
5.72 Band 66: Ottone : opera.
5.73 Band 67: Flavio : opera.
5.74 Band 68: Giulio Cesare.
5.75 Band 69: Tamerlano : opera.
5.76 Band 70: Rodelinda : opera.
5.77 Band 71: Scipione : opera.
5.78 Band 72: Alessandro : opera.
5.79 Band 73: Admeto : opera.
5.80 Band 74: Riccardo : opera.
5.81 Band 75: Siroe : opera.
5.82 Band 76: Tolomeo : opera.
5.83 Band 77: Lotario : opera.
5.84 Band 78: Partenope : opera.
5.85 Band 79: Poro : opera.
5.86 Band 80: Ezio : opera.
5.87 Band 81: Sosarme : opera.
5.88 Band 82: Orlando : opera.
5.89 Band 83: Arianna : opera.
5.90 Band 84: Il pastor fido : terpsicore, prologo e la seconda versione dell opera.
5.91 Band 85: Ariodante : opera.
5.92 Band 86: Alcina : opera.
5.93 Band 87: Atalanta : opera.
5.94 Band 88: Giustino : opera.
5.95 Band 89: Arminio : opera.
5.96 Band 90: Berenice : opera.
5.97 Band 91: Faramondo : opera.
5.98 Band 92: Serse : opera.
5.99 Band 93: Imeneo : opera.
5.100 Band 94: Deidamia : opera.
5.101 Band Supplement 1: Magnificat / D. Erba. Fr d. dt. Hndelgesellschaft hrsg. von Friedric
5.102 Band Supplement 2: Te Deum / Francesco Antonio Urio. Fr die dt. Hndelgesellschaft hrsg.
5.103 Band Supplement 3: Serenata / von Alessandro Stradella. Fr d. dt. Hndelgesellschaft hrs
5.104 Band Supplement 4: Fnf italienische Duette / von Giovanni Carlo Maria Clari. Fr die dt.
5.105 Band Supplement 5: Componimenti musicali : per il cembalo / von Gottlieb Muffat. Fr die
5.106 Band Supplement 6: Octavia / von Reinhard Keiser. Fr die dt. Hndelgesellschaft hrsg. Vo

G.F. Hndel's Werke: Ausgabe der Deutschen Hndelgesellschaft

Friedrich W. Chrysander (1826-1901)
Max Seiffert (1868-1948)

First Issued 1858-1894, 1902. 96 volumes plus 6 supplements.

Deutsche Hndelgesellschaft (Friedrich W. Chrysander)
Breitkopf & Hrtel only co-published vols. 1-18, Chrysander published the remainder himself. Even
so, all of the engraving and printing (stich und druck) was apparently done at Breitkopf's huge Leipzig
Reprint - Ridgewood, NJ: Gregg Press, 1965.
Reprint (selections)
New York, Miami: Edwin F. Kalmus, 1933 - present
Detroit (Madison): Lucks Music Library, 1950s - present
Mineola: Dover Publications, 1980s - present

Band 1: Susanna : Oratorium.
Susanna : Oratorium. - 1858.
Band 2: Klavierstcke.
Klavierstcke. - 1858.
Band 3: Acis und Galatea : Pastoral.
Acis und Galatea : Pastoral. - 1858.
Band 4: Herakles : Oratorium.
Herakles : Oratorium. - 1859.
Band 5: Athalia : Oratorium.
Athalia : Oratorium. - 1859.
Band 6: L'allegro, il pensieroso, ed il moderato : Oratorium.
L'allegro, il pensieroso, ed il moderato : Oratorium. - 1859.
Band 7: Semele : Oratorium.
Semele : Oratorium. - 1860.
Band 8: Theodora : Oratorium.
Theodora : Oratorium. - 1860.
Band 9: Passion nach dem Evang. Johannes.
Passion nach dem Evang. Johannes. - 1860.
Band 10: Samson : Oratorium.
Samson : Oratorium. - 1861.
Band 11: Trauerhymne auf den Tod der Knigin Karoline.
Trauerhymne auf den Tod der Knigin Karoline. - 1861.
Band 12: Alexanders Fest oder Die Macht der Tonkunst.
Alexanders Fest oder Die Macht der Tonkunst. - 1861.
Band 13: Saul : Oratorium.
Saul : Oratorium. - 1862.
Band 14: Krnungshymnen fr Knig Georg II.
Krnungshymnen fr Knig Georg II. - 1863.
Band 15: Passion nach B. H. Brockes.
Passion nach B. H. Brockes. - 1863.
Band 16: Israel in Aegypten : Oratorium.
Israel in Aegypten : Oratorium. - 1863.
Band 17: Josua.
Josua. - 1863.
Band 18: Die Wahl des Herakles.
Die Wahl des Herakles. - 1863.
Band 19: Belsazar : Oratorium.
Belsazar : Oratorium. - 1864.
Band 20: Sieg der Zeit und Wahrheit : Oratorium.
Sieg der Zeit und Wahrheit : Oratorium. - 1864.
Band 21: Instrumental-Concerte.
Instrumental-Concerte. - 1864.
Band 22: Judas Maccabus : Oratorium.
Judas Maccabus : Oratorium. - 1865.
Band 23: Ccilien-Ode.
Ccilien-Ode. - 1865.
Band 24: Il trionfo del tempo e della verit.
Il trionfo del tempo e della verit. - 1865.
Band 25: Dettinger Te Deum.
Dettinger Te Deum. - 1865.
Band 26: Salomo.
Salomo. - 1866.
Band 27: Kammermusik.
Kammermusik. - 1879.
Band 28: Zwlf Orgel-Concerte mit Orchester-Begleitung.
Zwlf Orgel-Concerte mit Orchester-Begleitung. - 1868.
Band 29: Debora : Oratorium.
Debora : Oratorium. - 1869.
Band 30: Zwlf groe Concerte.
Zwlf groe Concerte. - 1870.
Band 31: Utrechter Te Deum und Jubilate.
Te Deum. - 1870.
Jubilate. - 1870.
Band 32: Italienische Duette und Trios.
Italienische Duette und Trios. - 1870.
Band 32a: Italienische Duette und Trios. - 2., vervollstndigte Ausg.
Italienische Duette und Trios. - 2., vervollstndigte Ausg. - 1880.
Band 33: Alexander Balus : Oratorium.
Alexander Balus : Oratorium. - 1870.
Band 34: Psalmen : Bd. 1.
Psalmen : Bd. 1. - 1871.
Band 35: Psalmen : Bd. 2.
Psalmen : Bd. 2. - 1871.
Band 36: Psalmen : Bd. 3.
Psalmen : Bd. 3. - 1872.
Band 37: Drei Te Deum ; D-Dur, B-Dur, A-Dur.
Drei Te Deum ; D-Dur, B-Dur, A-Dur. - 1872.
Band 38: Lateinische Kirchenmusik.
Lateinische Kirchenmusik. - 1872.
Band 39: La resurrezione : Oratorio.
La resurrezione : Oratorio. - 1878.
Band 40: Esther : Oratorium ; 1. Bearb. 1720.
Esther : Oratorium ; 1. Bearb. 1720. - 1882.
Band 41: Esther : Oratorium ; 2. Bearb. 1732.
Esther : Oratorium ; 2. Bearb. 1732. - 1882.
Band 42: Joseph : Oratorium.
Joseph : Oratorium. - 1883.
Band 43: Gelegenheits-Oratorium.
Gelegenheits-Oratorium. - 1884.
Band 44: Jephtha : Oratorium.
Jephtha : Oratorium. - 1886.
Band 44a: Das Autograph des Oratoriums Jephtha.
Das Autograph des Oratoriums Jephtha. - 1885.
Band 45: Der Messias : Oratorium.
Der Messias : Oratorium. - 1902.
Band 45a: Das Autograph des Oratoriums Messias.
Das Autograph des Oratoriums Messias. - 1892.
Band 46a: Ode fr den Geburtstag der Knigin Anna.
Ode fr den Geburtstag der Knigin Anna. - 1887.
Band 46b: Musikalische Scenen zu dem englischen Drama Alceste.
Musikalische Scenen zu dem englischen Drama Alceste. - 1887.
Band 47: Wassermusik, Feuerwerksmusik, Concerte und Doppelconcerte fr groes Orchester.
Wassermusik, Feuerwerksmusik, Concerte und Doppelconcerte fr groes Orchester. - 1886.
Band 48: Sammlung verschiedener Instrumental-Werke fr Orgel und Klavier, Orchester- und
Sammlung verschiedener Instrumental-Werke fr Orgel und Klavier, Orchester- und Kammer-Musik. -
Band 49: Not Published
Not Published
Band 50: Cantate a voce sola e basso : libro primo.
Cantate a voce sola e basso : libro primo. - 1887.
Band 51: Cantate a voce sola e basso : libro secondo.
Cantate a voce sola e basso : libro secondo. - 1887.
Band 52a: Italienische Kantaten mit Instrumentalbegleitung. 1. Bd., Nr. 1-15.
Italienische Kantaten mit Instrumentalbegleitung. 1. Bd., Nr. 1-15. - 1888.
Band 52b: Italienische Kantaten mit Instrumentalbegleitung. 2. Bd., Nr. 16-28.
Italienische Kantaten mit Instrumentalbegleitung. 2. Bd., Nr. 16-28. - 1889.
Band 53: Aci, Galatea, e Polifemo : serenata.
Aci, Galatea, e Polifemo : serenata. - 1892.
Band 54: Il Parnasso in Festa : serenata.
Il Parnasso in Festa : serenata. - 1878.
Band 55: Almira : opera.
Almira : opera. - 1873.
Band 56: Rodrigo : opera.
Rodrigo : opera. - 1873.
Band 57: Agrippina : opera.
Agrippina : opera. - 1874.
Band 58: Rinaldo : opera.
Rinaldo : opera. - 1874.
Band 58a: Rinaldo : opera. - 2. Ausg. in 2 Bearbeitungen.
Rinaldo : opera. - 2. Ausg. in 2 Bearbeitungen. - 1894.
Band 59: Il pastor fido : opera. - Versione primo.
Il pastor fido : opera. - Versione primo. - 1876.
Band 60: Teseo : opera.
Teseo : opera. - 1874.
Band 61: Silla : opera.
Silla : opera. - 1875.
Band 62: Amadigi : opera.
Amadigi : opera. - 1874.
Band 63: Radamisto : opera.
Radamisto : opera. - 1875.
Band 64: Muzio Scevola : opera ; atto terzo.
Muzio Scevola : opera ; atto terzo. - 1874.
Band 65: Floridante : opera.
Floridante : opera. - 1876.
Band 66: Ottone : opera.
Ottone : opera. - 1881.
Band 67: Flavio : opera.
Flavio : opera. - 1875.
Band 68: Giulio Cesare.
Giulio Cesare. - 1875.
Band 69: Tamerlano : opera.
Tamerlano : opera. - 1876.
Band 70: Rodelinda : opera.
Rodelinda : opera. - 1876.
Band 71: Scipione : opera.
Scipione : opera. - 1877.
Band 72: Alessandro : opera.
Alessandro : opera. - 1877.
Band 73: Admeto : opera.
Admeto : opera. - 1877.
Band 74: Riccardo : opera.
Riccardo : opera. - 1877.
Band 75: Siroe : opera.
Siroe : opera. - 1878.
Band 76: Tolomeo : opera.
Tolomeo : opera. - 1878.
Band 77: Lotario : opera.
Lotario : opera. - 1879.
Band 78: Partenope : opera.
Partenope : opera. - 1879.
Band 79: Poro : opera.
Poro : opera. - 1880.
Band 80: Ezio : opera.
Ezio : opera. - 1880.
Band 81: Sosarme : opera.
Sosarme : opera. - 1880.
Band 82: Orlando : opera.
Orlando : opera. - 1881.
Band 83: Arianna : opera.
Arianna : opera. - 1881.
Band 84: Il pastor fido : terpsicore, prologo e la seconda versione dell opera.
Il pastor fido : terpsicore, prologo e la seconda versione dell opera. - 1890.
Band 85: Ariodante : opera.
Ariodante : opera. - 1881.
Band 86: Alcina : opera.
Alcina : opera. - 1868.
Band 87: Atalanta : opera.
Atalanta : opera. - 1882.
Band 88: Giustino : opera.
Giustino : opera. - 1883.
Band 89: Arminio : opera.
Arminio : opera. - 1882.
Band 90: Berenice : opera.
Berenice : opera. - 1883.
Band 91: Faramondo : opera.
Faramondo : opera. - 1884.
Band 92: Serse : opera.
Serse : opera. - 1884.
Band 93: Imeneo : opera.
Imeneo : opera. - 1885.
Band 94: Deidamia : opera.
Deidamia : opera. - 1885.
Band Supplement 1: Magnificat / D. Erba. Fr d. dt. Hndelgesellschaft hrsg. von Friedric
Supplemente Bd. 1, Magnificat / D. Erba. Fr d. dt. Hndelgesellschaft hrsg. von Friedric - 1888.
Band Supplement 2: Te Deum / Francesco Antonio Urio. Fr die dt. Hndelgesellschaft hrsg.
Supplemente Bd. 2, Te Deum / Francesco Antonio Urio. Fr die dt. Hndelgesellschaft hrsg. - 1902.
Band Supplement 3: Serenata / von Alessandro Stradella. Fr d. dt. Hndelgesellschaft hrs
Supplemente Bd. 3, Serenata / von Alessandro Stradella. Fr d. dt. Hndelgesellschaft hrs - 1888.
Band Supplement 4: Fnf italienische Duette / von Giovanni Carlo Maria Clari. Fr die dt.
Supplemente Bd. 4, Fnf italienische Duette / von Giovanni Carlo Maria Clari. Fr die dt. - 1892.
Band Supplement 5: Componimenti musicali : per il cembalo / von Gottlieb Muffat. Fr die
Supplemente Bd. 5, Componimenti musicali : per il cembalo / von Gottlieb Muffat. Fr die - 1896.
Band Supplement 6: Octavia / von Reinhard Keiser. Fr die dt. Hndelgesellschaft hrsg. vo
Supplemente Bd. 6, Octavia / von Reinhard Keiser. Fr die dt. Hndelgesellschaft hrsg. vo - 1902.

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