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Alguna vez has tenido que asistir a reuniones en ingls por causas laborales y te

has visto cohibido/a a la hora de contribuir porque no estabas seguro/a de tu nivel

de ingls o de conocer la frmula apropiada?
Si necesitas saber cmo interrumpir de manera educada, hacer un resumen al
final de la reunin o dar tu punto de vista, este post te va a ayudar.
Al final del post te dejo el enlace de descargas donde te podrs descargar en PDF
esta lista sper til de expresiones en ingls para las reunionesas siempre la
puedes llevar contigo ;-).
Nota: Cuando decimos la Presidencia, nos referimos a la persona que preside la

Interrumpir una reunin por parte de la Presidencia

Ok, Peter, if I could just quickly interrupt you there

(Ok, Peter, si me permites interrumpirte un momento con eso)
Dave, sorry to interrupt but Id like to hear some other views on this.
(Dave, siento interrumpirte pero me gustara escuchar otras opiniones al
If I could just stop you there for a second.
(Permteme interrumpirte un segundo)

Interrumpir una reunin por parte de los participantes


Can I share an idea?

(Puedo compartir una idea?)
I would like to add something.
(Me gustara aadir algo.)
Can I add
(Puedo aadir )
I dont mean to interrupt, but
(No quisiera interrumpir, pero )
Excuse me, Id like to say something.
(Disculpen, me gustara decir algo.)
Sorry to hold the meeting up, but
(Perdn por interrumpir, pero antes de seguir avanzando me gustara )


Wait, what about_____

(Espera, qu tal si_____?)
One quick thing
(Una cosa rpida)
Just let me say
(Slo djeme decir)
Just one thing
(Slo una cosa )
Can I say something?
(Puedo decir algo?)
Just a minute
(Solo un minuto)

Id like to make a point.

(Me gustara hacer una aclaracin.)
Can I come in here?
(Puedo opinar una cosa sobre eso?)
Do you mind if I just come in here?
(Te importa si aado una cosa sobre esto?)
Could I interrupt you for a moment?
(Podra interrumpirte un segundo?)
May I just add something here?
(Me permites aadir algo aqu?)
While were on the subject, Id like to say
(Mientras estamos en el tema, me gustara decir)
I do feel quite strongly that
(Considero totalmente que )

Para pedir una aclaracin

Would you mind clarifying this point?

(Te importara aclarar este punto?)
Sorry, but could you outline the main points again?
(Perdona, pero podras resumir los puntos principales de nuevo?)
Im not sure I understood your point about
(No estoy seguro de haber entendido tu punto sobre)
Sorry, could you repeat that please?
(Lo siento, podras repetirlo por favor?)

Impedir una interrupcin la Presidencia

Just a moment, Pauline. Ill come back to you in a minute.

(Un momento, Pauline, ya vuelvo contigo en un minuto.)
One at a time, please.
(De uno en uno, por favor.)
Please let her finish what she was saying.
(Por favor, deja que termine lo que estaba diciendo.)

Impedir una interrupcin los participantes

Actually, if you could just let me finish

(De hecho, si me permites terminar lo que estaba diciendo )
Just let me finish, if you wouldnt mind
(Solo djame terminar, si no te importa )
Actually, Ive nearly finished
(En realidad, ya casi estoy terminando)

Mantener la reunin en el tiempo previsto

Were running out of time.

(Nos estamos quedando sin tiempo.)
Unfortunately, we dont have any more time to spend on this issue.
(Por desgracia, no tenemos ms tiempo para dedicar a este tema.)
Ok, everyone, were almost out of time.
(Ok, todo el mundo, casi se nos est acabando el tiempo.)

We are getting really behind schedule.

(Nos estamos retrasando mucho con respecto al planning.)

Resumir el debate

Can you go into further detail on this please?

(Puedes entrar en ms detalles sobre esto, por favor?)
Im not sure if Ive fully understood the main points here
(No estoy seguro de si he entendido plenamente los puntos principales aqu )
Could you summarize the main points of this discussion, please?
(Podras resumir los puntos principales de esta discusin, por favor?)
Would you mind summing up what youve just said?
(Te importara resumir lo que acabas de decir?)
So, in a nutshell, what youre saying is
(As, que en pocas palabras, lo que ests diciendo es )

Cerrar una reunin

We have to bring this to a close.

(Tenemos que cerrar este tema.)
I think weve covered everything.
(Creo que lo hemos cubierto todo.)
I dont think theres anything else left.
(No creo que nos quede ningn tema ms por discutir.)
Ok. Thats everything on the agenda.
(Ok. Eso es todo en la orden del da.)
Does anyone have anything else before we finish?
(Alguien tiene otra cosa que aadir antes de terminar?)
Is there any other business?
(Hay algn otro tema?)
Are there any final questions?
(Hay alguna ltima pregunta?)
Ok. Lets finish there. Thank you all for coming and Ill see you again the
next week.
(Ok, vamos a terminar aqu. Gracias a todos por venir y os ver de nuevo la
prxima semana.)
Its getting late. Lets call it a day.
(Se est haciendo tarde. Demos la reunin por terminada.)

Instar a que se tome una decisin

I really would like a decision before we close the meeting.

(Realmente me gustara tener una decisin tomada antes de acabar la reunin.)
Can we come to a decision before we leave?
(Podemos llegar a una decisin antes de que nos vayamos?)
Are we all ready to make a decision?
(Estamos todos listos para tomar una decisin?)

Asignar y confirmar tareas

John, youre going the report on

(John, te encargars del informe sobre )

Maria, youll get the data and email it to me before the end of the week?
(Mara, te encargars de obtener los datos y envirmelos por correo
electrnico antes de que se acabe la semana?)
Olivia, youll sort out the arrangements for the next meeting?
(Olivia, organizars los preparativos para la prxima reunin?)

Organizar la prxima reunin

Lets set a time for our next meeting.

(Pongamos una fecha para nuestra prxima reunin.)
Is tomorrow a convenient day for our next meeting?
(Os vendra bien que nuestra prxima reunin tuviera lugar maana?)
Ill confirm the date and location of our next meeting by email.
(Voy a confirmar la fecha y sitio de nuestra prxima reunin por correo
Ill email you the time of our next meeting.
(Te voy a enviar por correo electrnico la fecha de nuestra prxima reunin.)

roductividad: Frases en ingls tiles para usar

en el trabajo
4 de enero de 2014

La comunicacin en un idioma que no es el nativo exige un nivel de simplicidad an mayor al

habitual a la hora de comunicarte. Y la simplicidad, de por s, no es cosa fcil.
Sin embargo, en el trabajo me he dado cuenta que la mayora de los correos o llamadas suelen
seguir un cierto patrn: hacer seguimiento de algo, pedir ayuda, preguntar dudas, responder
inquietudes. En el idioma que sea, hay ciertos patrones.
Y donde hay un patrn, hay una oportunidad de optimizar el proceso. Por eso me hice un listado
de frases de uso frecuente para comunicarme en la Torre de Babel que a veces es mi da a da.
La intencin de este listado es agilizar la redaccin de correos o documentos que contienen esos
patrones y reducir las confusiones causadas por frases muy elaboradas o momentos donde tienes
que enviar un email en 5 segundos o el mundo explotar. No viene a reemplazar ningn
curso de ingls ni te hace bilingue en 5 minutos, es slo una ayuda para invertir
tiempo en lo que realmente importa.
Si tienes tambin algunas frases tpicas para estos casos, por favor, comprtela!

Here we go:
Para destacar algo: I want to point out As I pointed out
En resumen: to sum-up to summarise
Interrumpir a alguien:
May I have a word?
If I may, I think
Excuse me for interrupting.
May I come in here?

Dar tu opinin:
I (really) feel that
In my opinion
The way I see things
If you ask me, I tend to think that
Pedir tu opinin:
Do you (really) think that
(name of participant) can we get your input?
How do you feel about?
Mostrar entendimiento a lo que opinan otros:
I never thought about it that way before.
Good point!
I get your point.
I see what you mean.
Estar de acuerdo con alguien:
Thats (exactly) the way I feel.
I have to agree with (name of participant).
Estar en desacuerdo con alguien:
Up to a point I agree with you, but
(Im afraid) I cant agree
Dar una recomendacin o sugerencia:
We should
Why dont you.
How/What about
I suggest/recommend that
Clarificar un punto:
Have I made that clear?
Do you see what Im getting at?
Let me put this another way
Id just like to repeat that
Pedir que te repitan de nuevo una frase o explicacin:
I didnt catch that. Could you repeat that, please?
I missed that. Could you say it again, please?
Could you run that by me one more time?
Pedir que te expliquen algo con ms detalle:

Im afraid I dont quite understand what your are getting at.

Could you explain to me how that is going to work?
I dont see what you mean. Could we have some more details, please?
Pedir feedback:
What do you think about this proposal?
Would you like to add anything, (name of participant)?
Has anyone else got anything to contribute?
Are there any more comments?
Mantener una reunin dentro del tiempo estimado:
Well, that seems to be all the time we have today.
Please be brief.
Im afraid weve run out of time.
Im afraid thats outside the scope of this meeting.
Lets get back on track, why dont we?
Thats not really why were here today.
Why dont we return to the main focus of todays meeting.
Well have to leave that to another time.
Were beginning to lose sight of the main point.
Keep to the point, please.
I think wed better leave that for another meeting.
Hacer seguimiento por escrito de un documento:
Hi [name of person],
Im just following up on the draft I sent you. Have you had a chance to review it? If not, is there
someone else who can? I need to have sign-off by [date] if were going to get these printed in
time for the [event].
Solicitar una reunin:
(formal situations)
I would like to arrange an appointment to discuss.
Please would you indicate a suitable time and place to meet?
Would it be possible to meet on (date) at your / our offices to discuss?
Can we meet (up) to talk about?
Sugerir una fecha/hora para reunirse:
Would Tuesday suit you?
Would you be available on Tuesday?
What about?
Lets say
Indicar que no estamos disponibles en ese momento:

Unfortunately, I will be away on business during the week of July 6 11, so I will be unable to
meet you then. However, if you were available in the following week, I would be glad to arrange a
meeting with you.
I will be out of the office on Wednesday and Thursday, but I will be available on Friday afternoon.
Para cancelar una reunin:
Unfortunately, due to some unforeseen business, I will be unable to keep our appointment for
tomorrow afternoon.
Would it be possible to arrange another time later in the week?
Im afraid that I have to cancel our meeting on Wednesday, as something unexpected has come
Would you be free to meet early next week?
Pedir confirmacin de disponibilidad:
Please confirm if this date and time is suitable / convenient for you. (neutral)
Can you let me know if this is OK for you? (informal)
Te recomiendo que consultes estas pginas, de all saqu este listado y encontrars ms ejemplos: Useful English for running a business meeting.

Effective business writing

Letters and emails: Formulating the content
Formulating the content
I would be grateful if you would send me some information on

I would be interested to find out more about



your products / your services / your offers.

Please could you send me

a brochure / a catalog / your current price list?




I would be grateful if you would

Would you / Could you please

It would be great if you would






Please could you send me a quote for

I would be grateful if you could send me a quote for the following:

I am pleased to confirm that

I just wanted to

confirm the meeting / our appointment


Please find attached



Please find enclosed








I would like to express my sincere thanks for

I am deeply grateful for

Thanks very much for

I would like to wish you a very happy

birthday / anniversary
I am writing to send you my warmest congratulations on

your promotion /anniversary / new venture / new job.

I wish you all the best for

your retirement / new job.

You are warmly invited to

I would be delighted if you would join us / me for

Would you like to










I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you in person.

Would you like to get together for lunch / coffee / dinner to discuss this in

When are you free this week?

It would be great if we could arrange to meet sometime. When are you



I (deeply) regret to inform you that

Unfortunately we have no choice but to


Your product / your service regretably did not meet my expectations.

I am (deeply) disspointed in

I regret that I must call your attention to

I would be grateful if you could look into this.


Please accept my sincere apologies for

the misunderstanding / the mistake.

I apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause / have caused.

I am very sorry about

Sorry about

the mix up / misunderstanding / mistake.

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