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celebrates the Hispanic Heritage Month with the

Jos Mara Arguedas Centenary Conference Jos Mar a Arguedas Centenary Conference
October 28-29, 2011

8:30 - 9:00 Connelly Center Lounge Registration, coffee, pastry Bryn Mawr Room Panel 1 THE FOXES AS ENIGMA, THE FOXES AS CHAOS Moderator: Mara Gladys Vallieres, Villanova University Intertextulidad en El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo Blanca Aranda, University of Oregon La muerte del autor. Barthes y Arguedas Zachary Hayes, Villanova University Genette, Arguedas, y los zorros: una aproximacin paratextual Nasser Meerkhan, Villanova University Dilogo de zorros, entre la oralidad y escritura en El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo Ericka Herbias, State University of New York at Stony Brook 9:00 10:30 Haverford Room Panel 2 SOUND AND MUSIC IN THE ARGUEDIAN NOVEL Moderator: Carlos Trujillo, Villanova University A Millennial Palimpsest: Musical Quechua Poetry in the works of Jos Mara Arguedas Rebecca Carte, Georgia State University Listening to the Rivers Song: Reflections on Music and Sound in Arguedas Deep Rivers. Kevin Ryan, Villanova University La sonoridad de la naturaleza y la fuerza del huayno: Las voces de abajo en Los ros profundos. ngel Daz, Temple University Jos Mara Arguedas, un escritor de las aguas Alex Salinas Arandia, Erskine College 9:00 10:30 Rosemont Room Panel 3 LOS MODELOS LITERARIOS DE ARGUEDAS Moderator: Adriana Merino, Villanova University Puente sobre el mundo. La renovacin espiritual de Ernesto en Los ros profundos Jsica Bonelli Guantay, Villanova University "Padrecito, no me ensucie" la representacin del catolicismo en Los ros profundos Gabriela Bornancini, Villanova University Los ros profundos: una aproximacin bajtiniana Mara Jos Calzado Saavedra, Villanova University El internado: punto de encuentro entre Mario Vargas Llosa y Jos Mara Arguedas
Arguedas conference 1

9:00 10:30

David Franco, Villanova University 10:30 11:00 11:00 -12:00 Coffee break Connelly Center Cinema ANDEAN GUITAR MUSIC by Edgar Zrate and Fredy Roncalla Opening Remarks: Mercedes Juli, Chair, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures Falvey Library EXHIBIT AND RECEPTION hosted by Joseph Lucia, Director, Falvey Library Book presentation by authors Rev. Kail C. Ellis, OSA, Vice President for Academic Affairs greets the participants Cinema Roundtable Discussion: PERUVIAN PERSPECTIVES OF THE ARGUEDIAN OEUVRE Moderator: Silvia Nagy-Zekmi, Villanova University Participants: Sergio R. Franco, Temple University; Fernando Rivera Daz, Tulane University; Ulises Zevallos Aguilar, Ohio State University Adele Lindenmeyr, Dean of Graduate Studies greets the participants Bryn Mawr room Panel 4 KEYS TO ANDEAN IDENTITY Moderator: Carlos Yushimito, Brown University El huayno en la ciudad: la msica andina como modelo cultural en El Sexto. Jorge Coronado, Northwestern University La guitarra de Cmac como smbolo del fracaso en El Sexto. Jack Martnez, University of Connecticut Msicos, indios/andinos, nmadas, migrantes, mitimaes, transulturadoes conquistando al ciber y otros espacios. Carlos Mamani, Gannon University La historia de la violencia y la violencia de la historia: la influencia de la literatura colonial en la literatura indigenista actual Marie Elise Escalante, University of Pennsylvania 4:00-5:30 Haverford room Panel 5 TODAS LAS SANGRES Moderator: Joseph Robertson, Villanova University Mestizaje: Promise or Compromise? Priscilla Archibald, Roosevelt University Todas las sangres: Arguedas y la construccin de la identidad hbrida peruana. Perla Gamboa, Pacific Lutheran University Desencuentros entre un zorro de arriba y un zorro de abajo: Jos Mara Arguedas y Sebastin Salazar Bondy Jaime Vargas Luna, University of Wisconsin Chaos and Beyond: El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo. Lynn Walford, Louisana State University

12:00 2:30

2:30 4:00

4:00- 5:30


Coffee break
Arguedas conference 2


Cinema DANZA DE TIJERAS. Los Chancas del Per Jean Ann Linney, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences greets the participants Cinema Lobby INFORMAL RECEPTION hosted by Silvia Nagy-Zekmi


8:30 - 9:00

Connelly Center Lounge Registration, coffee, pastry Bryn Mawr room Panel 6 RELECTURAS: JOSE MARIA ARGUEDAS Y OTROS AUTORES ANDINOS Moderator: Roger Santivez, Rutgers University El espectculo quechua como texto bilinge en Los ros profundos. Julio Noriega, Knox College Camina el autor Felipe Guamn Poma de Ayala y Ukhun riq maykuna kaypipas maypipas: una lectura multifocal de Los ros profundos. Fredy Roncalla, Editor, Blog Hawansuyo Breve introduccin a la poesa de Jos Mara Arguedas en base a tres poemas emblemticos. Roger Santivez, Rutgers University Clorinda Matto de Turner y Jos Mara Arguedas. Edgar Zrate, Public Education, Ithaca, NY.



Haverford room Panel 7 RECEPTION AND CRITICAL EVALUATION OF THE ARGUEDIAN OEUVRE Moderator: Christian Formoso, State University of New York at Stony Brook Arguedas y Vargas Llosa: la torre de Babel. Ricardo Gutirrez Mouat, Emory University La recepcin de Jos Mara Arguedas en los Andes bolivianos Elizabeth Monasterios, University of Pittsburgh Jos Mara Arguedas y Violeta Parra Juan Armando Epple, University of Oregon The Solitude of Masculinity in Jos Mara Arguedas Works John Landreau, The College of New Jersey

10:30 10:45 11:00-12:30

Break Cinema Roundtable discussion: JOSE MARIA ARGUEDAS POETRY Moderator: Julio Noriega, Knox College Participants: Maureen Ahern, Ohio State University, Gladys Ilarregui, University of Delaware; Consuelo Hernndez, American University, Alita Kelley, Penn State University Lowell Gustafson, Associate Dean for Humanities and Social Sciences will greet the participants East Lounge, Dougherty Hall
Arguedas conference 3

12:30 3:00

Luncheon KEYNOTE ADDRESS: PEDRO LASTRA Introducing the keynote speaker: Luis Chang Boldrini, Embassy of Peru. 3:00 5:00 Cinema SOY ANDINA film screening presented by director, Mitchell Teplitsky DANCE PERFORMANCE by Cynthia Paniagua Presidents Lounge CLOSING RECEPTION hosted by the Embassy of Peru. Satya Pattnayak, Director of Latin American Studies, greets the participants.

5:00 6:30

Organiized by the Romance Languages and Liiteratures Department Organ zed by the Romance Languages and L teratures Department
Our heartfelt thanks go to our SPONSORS at VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY
Bookstore College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Concentration in Writing and Rhetorics Program Cultural Studies Program Department of English Falvey Library Institute of Global and Interdisciplinary Studies Honors Program Latin American Studies Program Office of Graduate Studies Office of International Studies Office for the Mission and Ministry Office of Multicultural Affairs Office of Student Development Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

AlDa Spanish Language Newspaper Embassy of Peru Grateful thanks to Mercedes Juli, the Chair and the colleagues of the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures for their unwavering support, to Joanne Quinn and Gina McFadden of Falvey Library, Louise Griffin of Connelly Center, to Bonnie Marinelli and Kawang Shockley of the Catering service, to Vice Perkins of the Bookstore, to Brian Sirak of the Center for Instructional Technologies, to Anne-Marie Joyce and Toni Cicala of the Department of Romance Language and Literatures, and the graduate students of the Hispanic Studies Program for their generous help. Special thanks to Jsica Bonelli Guantay, Ana Gabriela Bornancini, Maria Jos Calzado Saavedra, Javier Carrasco Valenzuela, David Franco, Nasser Meerkhan, Rosemary Moroney, and Paula Plastic.

Arguedas conference 4

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