Está en la página 1de 22

By Teacher Heidimar Montes

My name is _____________________

El sonido representado con /z/ se

refiere a las letras th combinadas
en el Inglés, y se pronuncia como
la z española.
Recuerda que al
pronunciar las letras y y
r, debes hacerlo con

Spanish English Pronunciation

To be Polite
Por favor. Please. /pliis/
Gracias. Thanks! /Zenks/
Te agradezco. Thank you! /zen kiu/
De nada. You’re welcome. /iór uélcom/
Permiso. Excuse me. /eckskiusmi/
¿Puedo entrar? May I come in? /mei ái comin/
¿Puedo ir al baño? May I go to the bathroom? /mei ai gou tu de bazroom/
¿Puedo ir a tomar agua? May I go to drink water? /mei ai gou tu drink guárer/
¿Puedo salir? Can I go out? /ken ai gou aut/
¿Puedes repetir? Can you repeat? /ken iú ripit/
¿Cómo se deletrea – How do you spell – pronounce /jau du iu spel – pronáuns__/
pronuncia __? __?
¿Cómo se dice __ en Inglés? How do you say __ in English? /jau du iú sei __ in english/
Tengo una pregunta – duda. I have a question – doubt. /ai jav a cuechion - daut/
¿Puedes prestarme el __? May I borrow the __ ? /mei ái borrou de __/
Spanish English Pronunciation
Hola. Hey! /jei/
Hola. Hi! /jai/
Hola. Hello! /jelóu/
Buenos días. Good morning! /gud mórnin/
Buenas tardes. Good afternoon! /gud afternún/
Buenas noches. Good evening! /gud ívnin/
¿Cómo estás? How are you? /jau ar iú/
¿Cómo te va? How is it going? /jau is it goin/
Yo estoy bien - excelente - I am fine – excellent - great! /ái am fain – ekselent . greit/
Estoy muy bien, gracias. ¿Y tú? I’m fine, thanks. And you? /áim fain, zenks. En iú/
No estoy muy bien. I’m not so good. /áim not sou gud/
Chao. Bye-bye! /babái/
Chao. Bye! /bái/
Adiós. Good bye! /gud bái/
Buenas noches. Good night! /gud nait/
Cuídate. Take care. /teikér/
Nos vemos luego – la próxima See you later – next class – next /sii iú leirer – necks clas – necks
clase – la próxima semana. week. güik/
Ten un buen día. Have a good day. /jav a gud dei/

A ei - B bi - C si - D di - E i - F ef - G yi
H éich - I ái - J yéi - K kéi - L el - M em - N en
O óu - P pi - Q kiú - R ar - S es - T ti - U iú
V vi - W dábliu - X ex - Y uái - Z dsi
Practice Activities

1 Complete the conversation

2 Create aconversation

Hello. Good __________!

___. ___________ morning!

How ______ you?

I ___ fine. ________you. And


___ am ________. Thanks!

Well, _______ bye!

______! See _______ next class.

Take ______!
Los artículos the, a y an son palabras que definen al objeto y le dan género y
/o número… El artículo the, significa el, la, los y las, mientras que los
artículos a y an significan un o una; a se usa con palabras que comiencen con
sonido consonántico y an se usa con palabras que comienzan con sonido
vocálico. Ejemplos:
The eraser. The staplers. The board. The notebooks.
A pencil. A ruler. An eraser.

Spanish English Pronunciation

Lápiz. Pencil. /pénsol/
Sacapuntas. Sharpener. /sharpener/
Borrador. Eraser. /iréisor/
Color. Color. /cólor/
Marcador. Marker. /márker/
Lapicero. Pen. /pen/
Resaltador. Highlighter. /jailáirer/
Engrapadora. Stapler. /steiplor/
Pega. Glue. /glu/
Tijeras. Scissors. /sísors/
Cuaderno. Notebook. /nóutbuk/
Libro. Book. /buk/
Regla. Ruler. /rúler/
Cartuchera. Pencilcase. /pénsolkeis/
Bolso. Bag. /bag/
Corrector. Liquidpaper. /Lícuidpeiper/
Hoja de papel. Sheet of paper. /shírof péiper/
Clip. Paper clip. /péiper clip/
Carpeta. Folder. /fólder/
Spanish English Pronunciation
Puerta. Door. /dor/
Ventana. Window. /güíndou/
Pared. Wall. /güál/
Techo. Ceiling. /sílin/
Piso. Floor. /flor/
Mesa. Table. /téibol/
Silla. Chair. /cheer/
Escritorio. Desk. /desk/
Pizarra. Board. /boord/
Proyector multimedia. Media Proyector. /mídia proyector/
Papelera. Trash can. /trashkan/
Reloj. Clock. /clok/
Maestro. Teacher. /tícher/
Profesor. Professor. /profésor/
Estudiante. Student. /stiudent/

This is a liquidpaper.

That is an eraser.
/dis/ /dat/

These are folders.

Those are chairs.

/diisz/ /dóus/
Practice Activities

1 Answer the questions

Create sentences with
the following words What’s it?
and pictures It’s a pencil.

THIS What’s it?

__________________________________ It’s a ____________________.
What’s it?
It’s an ____________________.
__________________________________ What’s it?
It’s _____ ____________________.

THESE What’s it?

__________________________________ It’s _____ ____________________.
What’s it?
_______ _____ ____________________.
__________________________________ What’s it?
_______ _____ ____________________.

What are they?

They are staplers.

What are they?

They are ____________________.

What are they?

They _____ ____________________.

What are they?

_______ _____ ____________________.

Singular Plural
There is a ruler. There are (some) rulers.
/der is/ /der ar/

There isn’t any ruler. There aren’t any rulers.

/der isent/ /der arent/

Is there a ruler? Are there any rulers?

Yes, there is. Yes, there are.
No, there isn’t. No, there aren’t.
Nouns that end with Nouns that end with Nouns that end with
x, o, s, h, z: consontant + y: other letters
+es. y + ies. +s.
Ex.: Boxes Ex.: Sharpeners
Tomatoes Ex.: Activity -> Activities Tables
Buses City -> Cities Bags
Quizzes * Story -> Stories Clocks


/in/ /on/ /ónder/ /nekcs tú/ /bijáin/ /níar/


/far/ /amon/ /akros/ /in front of/ /bituín/
N English Pronunciation
100 One /uán jondred/
N English Pronunciation
200 Two /tchu jondred/
0 Zero /dsirou/
1 One /uán/ 350 Three /zri jondred an fifti/
2 Two /tchu/ hundred and
3 Three /zri/
438 Four /foor jondred and
4 Four /foor/ hundred and zirti eit/
5 Five /faiv/ thirty-eight
1.000 One /uán zousan/
6 Six /sicks/
7 Seven /seven/
6.000 Six thousand /sick zousan/
8 Eight /eit/
8.974 Eight /eit zousan nain
9 Nine /nain/ thousand jondred and seventi
nine foor/
10 Ten /ten/ hundred and
11 Eleven /ileven/ seventy-four

12 Twelve /tuelv/ 10.000 Ten /ten zousan/

13 Thirteen /zirtín/
100.000 One /uán jondred
14 Fourteen /foortín/ hundred zousan/
15 Fifteen /fiftín/
1.000.000 One million /Uán milion/
16 Sixteen /sickstín/
17 Seventeen /seventín/
18 Eighteen /eitín/
19 Nineteen /naintín/ /jao meni/
20 twenty /tuénti/
How many glues are there?
There are two glues.
21 Twenty-one /tuéiti uán/
32 Thrity-two /zerti tú/
43 Forty-three /forti zri/
54 Fifty-four /fifti foor/
65 Sixty-five /sicksti faiv/
76 Seventy-six /seventi sicks/
87 Eighty-seven /eiti seven/
98 Ninety-eight /nainti eit/
Practice Activities

Describe the following pictures using there be,

prepositions of tme and pluralization rules.

There is one glue next to the ruler, there

are seven crayons in the
______________________ ______________________
N English Pronunciation
30th Thirtieth /zirtiez/
N English Pronunciation 31st Thrity-first /zirtyferst/

1st First /ferst/

2nd Second /secon/
3rd Third /zird/
4th Fourth /forz/
English Pronunciation
5th Fifth /fifz/
Sunday /sóndei/
6th Sixth /sickz/
Monday /mándei/
7th Seventh /sevenz/
Tuesday /tiúsdei/
8th Eighth /eiz/
Wednesday /güénsdei/
9th Ninth /nainz/
Thursday /zursdei/
10th Tenth /tenz/
Friday /fraidei/
11th Eleventh /ilevenz/
Saturday /sarurdei/
12th Twelfth /tuelz/
13th Thirteenth /zirtínz/
14th fourteenth /forténz/
15th Fifteenth /fiftínz/
16th Sixteenth /sixtínz/ English Pronunciation
17th Seventeenth /seventínz/ January /yénuari/

8th Eighteenth /eitínz/ February /fébruari/

19th Nineteenth /naintínz/ March /march/

20th Twentieth /tuentiez/ April /éiprol/

21st twenty-first /tuentiferst/ May /mei/
22nd Twenty-second /tuentisecon/ June /jun/
23rd Twenty-third /tuentizir/ July /julái/
24th Twenty-fourth /tuentiforz/ August /ógost/

25th Twenty-fifth /tuentifiz/ September /septémber/

26th Twenty-sixth /tuentisixz/ October /octóuber/

27th Twenty-seventh /tuentisevenz/ November /nouvémber/

28th Twenty-eighth /tuentieiz/ December /decémber/

29th Twenty-ninth /tuentinainz/


When is your birthday?

/güen is iór brdei/
My birthday is on November first (1°). This year it is/was on Friday
/mai brdei is on novémber férst. Dis íar is /güos on fráidei/

When were you born?

/güen güer iú born/
I was born on November first (1°) in nineteen ninety-six (1996).
/ái güos born on novémber férst in naintín naintisíx/

Practice Activities

1 Answer the following questions according to the date.

January _________________________
When is S M T W T F S _________________________
your _________________________
birthday? _________________________

1975 -August _________________________

When were S M T W T F S
you born? _________________________
Teacher Doctor Engineer Nurse Musician
/tícher/ /dóctor/ /inyeníer/ /nòrs/ /miusishian/

Lawyer Actor Actress Taxi driver Tailor

/lóyer/ /´áctor/ /áctris/ /taxi dráiver/ /téilor/

Firefighter Journalist Butcher Singer Secretary

/fáierfairer/ /iórnalist/ /bácher/ /singuer/ /secrétari/

Student Police Officer Veterinarian Mechanic Baker

/stiudent/ /polís ófiser/ /veterinarian/ /mecánic/ /béiker/

Shop Keeper Cook Cashier Accountant Worker

/shap kiper/ /cocinero/ /cashíer/ /acountant/ /worker/
Personal Pronouns
Yo I /ái/

Tú - Ustedes You /iú/

Nosotros We /güi/

Ellos – Ellas - They /déi/

Él He /jí/

Ella She /shi/

Eso (animal o It /et/


Pronunciation Examples:
/ai am – aim/ I am a student.
/iú ar –iúur/ You are a teacher.
/ji is – jis/ He is an actor.
/shi is – shis/ She is a veterinarian.
/it – its/ It is a dog.
/güí ar – güíiiar/ We are mechanics.
/déi ar – déiiir/ They are firefighters.
/iú ar –iúur/ You are engineers.
/ai am not – aim not/
/iú ar not – iú arent/
/ji is not- ji isent/
/shi is not- shi isent/
/it is not- it isent/
/güi ar not- güi arent/
/déi ar not – déi arent/
/iú ar not – iú arent/

Are you a student?
I am not a student. +Yes, I am.
You aren’t a teacher. -No, I am not.
He isn’t an actor.
Is she a teacher?
She isn’t a veterinarian. +Yes, she is.
It isn’t a dog. -No, she isn’t.
We aren’t mechanics.
They aren’t firefighters. Are they lawyers?
You aren’t engineers. +Yes, they are.
-No, they aren’t.
Practice Activities

1 Answer the following questions

Is he a ? Is he a ? Is he a ?
___, ___ ______. ___, ___ ______. ___, ___ ______.

What does he do? What does he do? What does he do?

___ ___ ______. ___ ___ ______. ___ ___ ______.

Is he a ? Is he a ? Is he a ?
___, ___ ______. ___, ___ ______. ___, ___ ______.

What does he do? What does he do? What does he do?

___ ___ ______. ___ ___ ______. ___ ___ ______.

Is he a ? Is he a ? Is he a ?
___, ___ ______. ___, ___ ______. ___, ___ ______.

What does he do? What does he do? What does he do?

___ ___ ______. ___ ___ ______. ___ ___ ______.
/cánara/ /aryentína/ /bajamas/ /barbarous/

/bolivia/ /bradsil/ /chile/ /colómbia/

/costa rica/ /kíuba/ /domínican repóblic/ /ecuador/

/el salvador/ /guaremala/ /jéiri/ /jondíuras/

/trinidad an tobagou/ /íunaired steits/ /íurigüai/ /venesuela/

/nicaragua/ /pánama/ /páraguai/ /perú/

/mécksicou/ /croéishia/ /yermani/ /fréns/

/chéck repúblic/ /írali/ /róshia/ /iunáirer kindom/

/tórki/ /spein/ /nederlens/ /airland/

Possessive Adjectives
Mi My /mái/

Tu / su Your /iór/

Nuestros Our /áur/

Sus (de ellos Their /déier/

o ellas)
Su (de él) His /jis/

Su (de ella) Her /jer/

Su (de animal Its /its/

o cosa)

dónde cuál

Where are you from? What’s your nationality?

/güer/ /güats/
I am from Venezuela. I’m Venezuelan.

Where is she from? What’s her nationality?

She is from Colombia. She’s Colombian.

Where are they from? What’s their nationality?

They are from Brazil. They’re Brazilian.

Are you from Spain? Is she Argentinean?

Yes, I am. Yes, she is.
No, I’m not. No, she isn’t.

Are we Guatemalan?
Yes, we are. No, we aren’t
Practice Activities

1 Answer the following questions

Where are you from? What’s your nationality?

_____________________ _____________________

Where is Shakira from? What’s her nationality?

_____________________ _____________________

Where are The Beatles from? What’s their nationality?

_____________________ _____________________

Are you from Canada? _____________________

Is Madonna American? _____________________

Are we Guatemalan? _____________________

Is Lionel Messi from the United States? _____________________

Are Jonas Brothers from Japan? _____________________

Am I Mexican? _____________________
Spanish English Pronunciation
¿Cuál es tu nombre? What’s your name? /guáts iór neim/
Mi nombre es __. My name is __. /mai neim is/
¿Qué edad tienes? How old are you? /jau óuld ar iú/
Tengo __ años de edad. I am – I’m __ years old. /ái am – áim __ iérs óuld/
¿De dónde eres? Where are you form? /güér are iú from/
Soy de __. I am – I’m from__. /ái am – áim from __/
¿Dónde vives? Where do you live? /güér du iú liv/
Vivo en __ I live in __ . /ái liv in __/
¿Cuál es tu __ favorito? What’s your favorite __? /güáts iór féivorit __/
Mi __ favorito es __. My favorite __ is __. /mái féivorit __ is/

Red Orange Yellow Green Blue

/red/ /óranch/ /iélou/ /griin/ /blu/

Purple Pink Black White Grey

/pórpol/ /pink/ /blak/ /güait/ /grei/

Brown Silver Golden Turquoise Mustard

/bráun/ /silver/ /golden/ /turcóis/ /móstar/

Fucsia Beige Red wine Peach Violet

/fiushia/ /beish/ /red güain/ /pich/ /vaiolet/
English Pronunciation English Pronunciation
Parents /pérens/ Son /son/
Mother /móder/ Daughter /dórer/
Mom /mam/ Grandson /granson/
Mommy /mámi/ Granddaughter /grandórer/
Father /fáder/ Sister /sister/
Dad /daad/ Brother /bróder/
Daddy /dari/ Aunt /ent/
Grandparents /granpárens/ Uncle /óncol/
Grandmother /granmóder/ Cousin /cásin/
Grandma /gránma/ Niece /niiis/
Grandfather /granfáder/ Nephew /nefiu/
Grandpa /granpa/ Wife //üaif/
Husband /jósban/
They are my grandparents. She is my mother.
Their names are Karlo and Joanne Her name is Caronlin

He is my father. This is me.

His name is Robert My name is Anne.

Practice Activities

Write an autobiography.
Include all the information about you and your family.


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