Está en la página 1de 14

Admitió haber hecho trampa en el


En general, el médico recomendó

aconsejar [ 9 ]
beber leche desnatada.

permitir [ 9 ] Irlanda no permite fumar en los bares.

anticipar Anticipé llegar tarde.

agradecer Aprecié que me ayudara.

evitar Evitó hablar con ella.

comenzar [ 14 ] Empecé a aprender chino.

no puedo No soporta tener tanta

soportar [ 14 ] responsabilidad.

no puedo ayudar No puede evitar hablar tan alto.

No me veo pagando tanto dinero por

no puedo ver
un coche.

no puedo No soporta que ella fume en la oficina.

soportar [ 14 ]

El gobierno dejó de brindar atención

cesar [ 14 ]
médica gratuita.

completo Completó la renovación de la casa.

considerar Consideró mudarse a Nueva York.

continuar [ 14 ] Continuó hablando.

El abogado la defendió haciendo tales


demora Se retrasó en hacer sus impuestos.

denegar Negó haber cometido el crimen.

despreciar Odia levantarse temprano.

conversar Hablamos de trabajar en la empresa.

No le gusta trabajar después de las

cinco de la tarde.

no me importa No me importa ayudarte.

Teme levantarse a las cinco de la

pavor [ 13 ]

Fomenta el consumo de alimentos

animar [ 9 ]

disfrutar Disfrutamos del senderismo.

terminar [ 13 ] Terminó de hacer su tarea.

olvidar [ 13 ] Olvidé darte mi libro.

odio [ 14 ] Odio limpiar el baño.

imaginar Se imagina trabajando allí algún día.

El trabajo implica viajar a Japón una

vez al mes.

mantener Ella seguía interrumpiéndome.

como [ 14 ] A ella le gusta escuchar música.

amor [ 14 ] Amo nadar.

mencionar Mencionó haber ido a esa


¿Te importaría esperar aquí unos


extrañar Extraña vivir cerca de la playa.

necesitar [ 13 ] El acuario necesita limpieza.

negligencia [ 14 ] A veces descuida hacer sus deberes.

California no permite fumar en los

permiso [ 9 ]

posponer Pospuso su regreso a París.

práctica Practicó cantando la canción.

preferir [ 14 ] Prefiere sentarse al fondo del cine.

proponer [ 14 ] Le propuse almorzar en la playa.

salir [ 13 ] Dejó de preocuparse por el problema.

Tom recordó haber usado su tarjeta

de crédito en la tienda.

recordar Recordó haber vivido en Kenia.

recomendar Tony recomendó tomar el tren.

arrepentirse [ 13 ] Ella se arrepintió de haber dicho eso.

Recuerdo haberle dicho la dirección

recuerda [ 13 ]

Denunció que ella había robado el

El certificado requiere completar dos
requerir [ 9 ]

A Nick le molestaba que Debbie

resentirse de
estuviera allí.

resistir Se resistió a pedir ayuda.

riesgo Se arriesgó a ser atrapado.

empezar [ 14 ] Empezó a estudiar más duro.

detener [ 13 ] Dejó de trabajar a las 5 en punto.

sugerir Sugirieron quedarse en el hotel.

tolerar Toleré que ella hablara.

Sam intentó abrir la cerradura con un

prueba [ 13 ]

entender Entiendo que haya renunciado.

impulso [ 9 ] Instan a reciclar botellas y papel

9 = verb followed by a gerund OR a noun + an infinitive

13 = verb followed by a gerund OR an infinitive with a difference in meaning
14 = verb followed by a gerund OR an infinitive with little difference in meaning
admit He admitted cheating on the test.

The doctor generally advised drinking

advise [9]
low-fat milk.

allow [9] Ireland doesn't allow smoking in bars.

anticipate I anticipated arriving late.

appreciate I appreciated her helping me.

avoid He avoided talking to her.

begin [14] I began learning Chinese.

He can't bear having so much

can't bear [14]

can't help He can't help talking so loudly.

I can't see paying so much money for a

can't see

can't stand He can't stand her smoking in the office.


The government ceased providing free

cease [14]

complete He completed renovating the house.

consider She considered moving to New York.

continue [14] He continued talking.

The lawyer defended her making such


delay He delayed doing his taxes.

deny He denied committing the crime.

despise She despises waking up early.

discuss We discussed working at the company.

dislike She dislikes working after 5 PM.

don't mind I don't mind helping you.

dread [13] She dreads getting up at 5 AM.

encourage [9] He encourages eating healthy foods.

enjoy We enjoy hiking.

finish [13] He finished doing his homework.

forget [13] I forgot giving you my book.

hate [14] I hate cleaning the bathroom.

imagine He imagines working there one day.

The job involves traveling to Japan once

a month.

keep She kept interrupting me.

like [14] She likes listening to music.

love [14] I love swimming.

mention He mentioned going to that college.

Do you mind waiting here for a few


miss She misses living near the beach.

need [13] The aquarium needs cleaning.

Sometimes she neglects doing her

neglect [14]

California does not permit smoking in

permit [9]

postpone He postponed returning to Paris.

practice She practiced singing the song.

He prefers sitting at the back of the movie

prefer [14]

propose [14] I proposed having lunch at the beach.

quit [13] She quit worrying about the problem.

Tom recalled using his credit card at the


recollect She recollected living in Kenya.

recommend Tony recommended taking the train.

regret [13] She regretted saying that.

remember I remember telling her the address

[13] yesterday.

report He reported her stealing the money.

The certificate requires completing two

require [9]

resent Nick resented Debbie's being there.

resist He resisted asking for help.

risk He risked being caught.

start [14] He started studying harder.

stop [13] She stopped working at 5 o'clock.

suggest They suggested staying at the hotel.

tolerate I tolerated her talking.

Sam tried opening the lock with a
try [13]

understand I understand his quitting.

urge [9] They urge recycling bottles and paper.

Verb infinitive

aceptar Tom accedió a ayudarme.

aparecer Su salud parecía mejorar.

Naomi hizo arreglos para quedarse

con su prima en Miami.

preguntar [ 8 ] Ella pidió irse.

comenzar [ 13 ] Empezó a hablar.

no puedo soportar No puede soportar estar solo.

[ 14 ]

no puedo soportar Nancy no soporta trabajar hasta

[ 14 ] tarde.

No le importa participar en la

El gobierno dejó de proporcionar

cesar [ 14 ]
atención sanitaria gratuita.

elige [ 8 ] Elegí ayudar.

afirmar Ella afirmó ser una princesa.

continuar [ 14 ] Ella continuó hablando.

decidir Decidimos ir a Hawaii.

demanda Exigió hablar con el señor Harris.

merecer Merece ir a la cárcel.

Me da miedo pensar lo que podría

pavor [ 13 ]

esperar [ 8 ] Esperan llegar temprano.

No logró conseguir suficiente

fallar dinero para pagar el nuevo

olvidar [ 13 ] Olvidé cerrar la puerta cuando salí.

obtener (tener ¡Debbie irá al concierto la próxima

permiso) semana! ¿Por qué no puedo?

Ella estaba en el banco cuando lo


odio [ 14 ] Odia lavar los platos.

dudar Dudó en contarme el problema.

Espero comenzar la universidad

este año.

Tenemos la intención de visitarte la

próxima primavera.

Aprendí a hablar japonés cuando

era niño.

como [ 14 ] A Samantha le gusta leer.

amor [ 14 ] Nos encanta bucear.

administrar Logró abrir la puerta sin la llave.

necesidad [ 8 , 13 ] Necesito estudiar.

Se olvidó de decirme la fecha de la

negligencia [ 14 ]

Frank se ofreció a llevarnos al


Planeamos ir a Europa este


preferir [ 14 ] Prefiere comer a las 7 de la tarde.

Se prepararon para hacer la

preparar [ 8 ]

pretender El niño fingió ser un monstruo.

promesa [ 8 ] Ella prometió dejar de fumar.

proponer [ 14 ] Drew propuso pagar el viaje.

El guardia se negó a dejarles entrar

al edificio.

Lamento informarle que su solicitud

arrepentirse [ 13 ]
fue rechazada.

¿Recordaste cerrar la puerta con

recuerda [ 13 ]
llave cuando te fuiste?

parecer Nancy parecía decepcionada.

Marge empezó a hablar muy

empezar [ 13 ]

jurar Ella juró decir la verdad.

tender Suele ser un poco tímido.

amenazar [ 8 ] Amenazó con irse para siempre.

Mary intentó levantar la mesa, pero

prueba [ 13 ]
pesaba demasiado.

voto Prometió vengarse.

Esperó para comprar una entrada

de cine.

quiero [ 8 ] Quiero estudiar español.

deseo [ 8 ] Deseo quedarme.

quisiera [ 8 ] Nos gustaría empezar ahora.

(que significa
"deseo" o "querer")

Melanie anhela viajar a algún lugar


8 = verb followed by an infinitive OR an optional noun + an infinitive

13 = verb followed by a gerund OR an infinitive with a difference in meaning
14 = verb followed by a gerund OR an infinitive with little difference in meaning
agree Tom agreed to help me.

appear His health appeared to be better.

Naomi arranged to stay with her

cousin in Miami.

ask [8] She asked to leave.

begin [13] He began to talk.

can't bear [14] He can't bear to be alone.

can't stand [14] Nancy can't stand to work the late


He doesn't care to participate in the


The government ceased to provide

cease [14]
free healthcare.

choose [8] I chose to help.

claim She claimed to be a princess.

continue [14] She continued to talk.

decide We decided to go to Hawaii.

demand He demanded to speak to Mr. Harris.

deserve He deserves to go to jail.

dread [13] I dread to think what might happen.

expect [8] They expect to arrive early.

He failed to get enough money to

pay for the new project.

forget [13] I forgot to lock the door when I left.

Debbie gets to go to the concert next

get (be allowed to)
week! Why can't I?

She happened to be at the bank

when it was robbed.

hate [14] He hates to clean dishes.

hesitate She hesitated to tell me the problem.

hope I hope to begin college this year.

intend We intend to visit you next spring.

I learned to speak Japanese when I

was a kid.

like [14] Samantha likes to read.

love [14] We love to scuba dive.

He managed to open the door

without the key.

need [8,13] I need to study.

She neglected to tell me the date of

neglect [14]
the meeting.

Frank offered to drive us to the


We plan to go to Europe this


prefer [14] He prefers to eat at 7 PM.

prepare [8] They prepared to take the test.

pretend The child pretended to be a monster.

promise [8] She promised to stop smoking.

propose [14] Drew proposed to pay for the trip.

The guard refused to let them enter

the building.

regret [13] I regret to inform you that your

application was rejected.

Did you remember to lock the door

remember [13]
when you left?

seem Nancy seemed to be disappointed.

start [13] Marge started to talk really fast.

swear She swore to tell the truth.

tend He tends to be a little shy.

threaten [8] He threatened to leave forever.

Mary tried to lift the table, but it was

try [13]
too heavy.

vow He vowed to get revenge.

wait She waited to buy a movie ticket.

want [8] I want to study Spanish.

wish [8] I wish to stay.

would like [8] We would like to start now.

(meaning "wish" or

Melanie yearns to travel somewhere


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