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“Empirical Research on University Social Responsibility”


1. ¿Cuál es el papel de la implementación de la USR (University social responsibility)
en las universidades?

El papel de la USR, es que las instituciones de educación superior asuman un

compromiso activo y responsable con la sociedad en la que se insertan. USR se basa en
la premisa de que las universidades no solo deben cumplir su función tradicional de
generar conocimiento y formar profesionales, sino también contribuir al desarrollo
social, económico y ambiental de su entorno.
1. What is the role of the implementation of USR (University social responsibility) in
The role of the USR is that higher education institutions assume an active commitment
and responsible with the society in which they are inserted. USR is based on the premise
that universities must not only fulfill their traditional function of generating knowledge
and training professionals, but also contribute to the social, economic and
environmental development of their environment.

2. ¿Cuáles son las principales prioridades de las universidades en Responsabilidad


Las principales prioridades de las universidades en USR son la educación y formación

integral, que implica promover valores, solidaridad, respeto, ética, entre otros, también
tiene como objetivo vincularse con la comunidad ya que la prioridad es promover la
participación activa de la comunidad universitaria en proyectos y programas que
beneficien a la sociedad en general, y también promover la investigación en un abordaje
de los problemas socioambientales.

2. What are the main priorities of universities in Social Responsibility?

The main priorities of universities in USR are comprehensive education and training,
which involves promoting values, solidarity, respect, ethics, among others, also aims to
link with the community since the priority is to promote the active participation of the
university community in projects and programs that benefit society in general, and also
promote research in an approach to socio-environmental problems.
3. Explica ¿Qué es el Responsabilidad Social Universitaria, importancia y cuáles son los
roles y actividades que se realizan?

La Responsabilidad Social Universitaria es una gestión ética que se presenta como una
estrategia consistente, una acción confiable y una respuesta eficaz que emplean las
universidades para formar ciudadanos más conscientes y responsables con su entorno,
comprometidos a solucionar diversos problemas asociados a temas sociales, económicos
y ambientales de su comunidad, región y país. Asimismo, estos, son programas de
sostenibilidad universitaria que existen con la finalidad de encontrar un equilibrio en el
bienestar y desarrollo mutuo de las universidades, comunidades universitarias y
sociedades, por ello procuran en gestionar roles como: Gestión ética y ambiental de la
institución, formación de ciudadanos cívicos y solidarios, producción y difusión de
conocimientos socialmente útiles, participación activa y comprometida con el desarrollo
humano sostenible, entre otros; y están inmersos a través de la ejecución de actividades
que se centran específicamente en la docencia e educación, investigación e
conocimiento, gestión interna y externa y participación comunitaria.

3. Explain What is University Social Responsibility, importance and what are the roles
and activities performed?

University Social Responsibility (USR) is an ethical management that is presented as a

consistent strategy, a reliable action and an effective response that universities use to
form more aware and responsible citizens with their environment, committed to solving
various problems associated with their community, region and country. Likewise, these
are university sustainability programs that exist in order to find a balance in the well-
being and mutual development of universities, university communities and societies, so
they try to manage roles such as: Ethical and environmental management of the
institution, training of civic and supportive citizens, production and dissemination of
socially useful knowledge, active participation and commitment to sustainable human
development, among others; and are immersed through the execution of activities that
focus specifically on teaching and education, research and knowledge, internal and
external management and community participation.
4. ¿Por qué razones los estudiantes universitarios hacen trabajo de responsabilidad

4. For what reasons do university students do social responsibility work?

"University social responsibility requires, from a holistic perspective, articulating the

different parts of the institution in a project of social promotion of ethical principles and
equitable and sustainable social development, of production and transmission of
responsible knowledge, and of training professionals and citizens who are also
responsible." (Vallaeys & Conde, 2019).


1. Los estudiantes universitarios son parte de una organización (universidad) y son

partidarios en realizar acciones de trabajo colaborativo con la finalidad de ayudar
voluntariamente a su comunidad, generando una relación de doble vía y beneficio

2. A través de la USR, la comunidad universitaria promueve la igualdad y la cohesión

social como un principio ético y una razón fundamental para la existencia de las
universidades en función de la sociedad.

3. Las universidades tienen la responsabilidad de ser agentes de cambio social y

promover el desarrollo sostenible, por lo que, es necesario la participación activa de la
sociedad y alumnos universitarios, para lograr obtener un impacto e cambio en el
entorno que se presente y a la vez valoren lo que realmente ofrece la responsabilidad

"La responsabilidad social universitaria requiere, desde una perspectiva holística,

articular las diferentes partes de la institución en un proyecto de promoción social de
principios éticos y desarrollo social equitativo y sostenible, de producción y transmisión
de conocimiento responsable, y de formación de profesionales y ciudadanos que
también sean responsables". (Vallaeys & Conde, 2019).

1. University students are part of an organization (university) and are supporters in

carrying out collaborative work actions in order to voluntarily help their community,
generating a two-way relationship and mutual benefit.
2. Through the USR, the university community promotes equality and social cohesion
as an ethical principle and a fundamental reason for the existence of universities in
function of society.

3. Universities have the responsibility to be agents of social change and promote

sustainable development, so it is necessary the active participation of society and
university students, to achieve an impact and change in the environment that is
presented and at the same time value what social responsibility really offers.

"University social responsibility requires, from a holistic perspective, articulating the

different parts of the institution in a project of social promotion of ethical principles and
equitable and sustainable social development, of production and transmission of
responsible knowledge, and of training professionals and citizens who are also
responsible." (Vallaeys & Conde, 2019).


5. ¿Cuál es su postura crítica del caso leído? Para sustentar tu respuesta a favor o en
contra debe basarse obligatoriamente en dos fuentes de información, una de repositorios
confiables de Material didáctico de apoyo al estudiante internet y una de la base de
datos de la USS (citar en estilo APA / VANCOUVER según corresponda).

De acuerdo con lo leído, mi postura es a favor de la Responsabilidad Social

Universitaria, ya que favorece al desarrollo y progreso mutuo de las comunidades
universitarias, la sociedad en general y en si a las universidades. Además, estas motivan
a las universidades a que se involucren y contribuyan a generar nuevas estrategias, roles
y actividades para proteger y restablecer el medio ambiente y autodesarrollo social, a
través de la participación de una sociedad envuelta de problemas sociales, económicos,
políticos y ambientales. A través de una buena educación y actividades integradoras
formaran a estudiantes con el propósito de ser futuros profesionales éticos y
comprometidos a ser parte de diferentes programas, talleres, campañas, entre otras, con
la finalidad de buscar una estrategia de solución de bien común, que ayude a la
reconstrucción de todos los entes inmersos.
Asimismo, Vallaeys (2019) opina que el objetivo de la URS es lograr un desarrollo
sostenible y duradero en los campos social y ambiental. No es solo una práctica de
responsabilidad, respondiendo a situaciones sociales repentinas, sino una
responsabilidad activa, promoviendo la participación, la innovación y la mejora
continua de la práctica. También señalan que una organización socialmente responsable
debe ser capaz de controlar los estándares de calidad de sus operaciones internas y
externas, estas últimas relacionadas con el impacto social que desarrolla. Además, debe
hacer de la participación en el desarrollo de los intereses comunes una tarea permanente
(Solano, 2018).

Según el autor Rodríguez de Sousa et al., (2021) sostiene que la USR se puede definir
como el compromiso de una universidad con la sociedad, y en función de características
que tienen problemas y necesidades en diversas sociedades. El propósito de la RSU es
lograr el bien común y contribuir al bienestar del entorno en el que se desenvuelve. Para
ello, la universidad trabaja con los agentes que la componen: profesores, estudiantes,
administradores y otros. Cada uno de estos agentes contribuye a la ejecución de
actividades y proyectos de interés común, según su competencia y nivel de preparación.
En este sentido, USR ya no es un acto altruista o voluntario específico, sino un apoyo
mutuo que se establece entre la universidad y la sociedad (pp. 270-275).

5. What is your critical stance of the case read? To support your answer for or against, it
must be based on two sources of information, one from reliable repositories of Internet
student support material and one from the USS database (cite in APA / VANCOUVER
style as appropriate).

According to what I have read, my position is in favor of University Social

Responsibility, since it favors the development and mutual progress of university
communities, society in general and universities themselves. In addition, they motivate
universities to get involved and contribute to generate new strategies, roles and
activities to protect and restore the environment and social self-development, through
the participation of a society involved in social, economic, political and environmental
problems. Through a good education and integrative activities, they will train students
with the purpose of being future ethical professionals and committed to being part of
different programs, workshops, campaigns, among others, in order to seek a strategy of
solution of common good, which helps the reconstruction of all the entities immersed.

Likewise, Vallaeys et al., (2019) believes that the objective of the URS is to
achieve sustainable and lasting development in the social and environmental fields. It is
not only a practice of responsibility, responding to sudden social situations, but an
active responsibility, promoting participation, innovation and continuous improvement
of the practice. They also point out that a socially responsible organization must be able
to control the quality standards of its internal and external operations, the latter related
to the social impact it develops. In addition, it must make participation in the
development of common interests a permanent task (Conde, 2019).

According to the author Rodríguez de Sousa et al., (2021) argues that the USR
can be defined as the commitment of a university with society, based on characteristics
that have the problems and needs in various societies. The purpose of MSW is to
achieve the common good and contribute to the well-being of the environment in which
it operates. For this, the university works with the agents that compose it: professors,
students, administrators and others. Each of these actors contributes to the
implementation of activities and projects of common interest, according to their
competence and level of preparation. In this sense, USR is no longer a specific altruistic
or voluntary act, but a mutual support that is established between the university and
society (pp. 270-275).

6. ¿Cuál es la reflexión final del caso propuesto?

La responsabilidad social universitaria parte de la responsabilidad social y de la

proyección social, y plantea propuestas de bienestar para toda sociedad y su espacio de
desarrollo. Sin embargo, RSU también, se basa en un enfoque responsable de la
universidad y la sociedad, contribuyendo y resolviendo los problemas sociales como
parte de la universidad. Por lo cual, la RSU es reconocida como un agente social de
cambio a través del cual la comunidad universitaria se involucra en acciones de trabajo
colaborativo con la sociedad, generando relaciones de doble vía y beneficio mutuo.
Estas acciones responden a las demandas de la sociedad sobre la Universidad como un
ente social que se desarrolla centrándose en los problemas sociales en lugar de eludirlas.
1. What is the role of the implementation of USR (University social responsibility)
in universities?

The role of the USR is that higher education institutions assume an active commitment
and responsible with the society in which they are inserted. USR is based on the premise
that universities must not only fulfill their traditional function of generating knowledge
and training professionals, but also contribute to the social, economic and
environmental development of their environment.

2. What are the main priorities of universities in Social Responsibility?

The main priorities of universities in USR are comprehensive education and training,
which involves promoting values, solidarity, respect, ethics, among others, also aims to
link with the community since the priority is to promote the active participation of the
university community in projects and programs that benefit society in general, and also
promote research in an approach to socio-environmental problems.

3. Explain What is University Social Responsibility, importance and what are the
roles and activities performed?

University Social Responsibility (USR) is an ethical management that is presented as a

consistent strategy, a reliable action and an effective response that universities use to
form more aware and responsible citizens with their environment, committed to solving
various problems associated with their community, region and country. Likewise, these
are university sustainability programs that exist in order to find a balance in the well-
being and mutual development of universities, university communities and societies, so
they try to manage roles such as: Ethical and environmental management of the
institution, training of civic and supportive citizens, production and dissemination of
socially useful knowledge, active participation and commitment to sustainable human
development, among others; and are immersed through the execution of activities that
focus specifically on teaching and education, research and knowledge, internal and
external management and community participation.

4. For what reasons do university students do social responsibility work?

1. University students are part of an organization (university) and are supporters in
carrying out collaborative work actions in order to voluntarily help their community,
generating a two-way relationship and mutual benefit.

2. Through the USR, the university community promotes equality and social cohesion
as an ethical principle and a fundamental reason for the existence of universities in
function of society.

3. Universities have the responsibility to be agents of social change and promote

sustainable development, so it is necessary the active participation of society and
university students, to achieve an impact and change in the environment that is
presented and at the same time value what social responsibility really offers.

5. What is your critical stance of the case read? To support your answer for or
against, it must be based on two sources of information, one from reliable
repositories of Internet student support material and one from the USS database
(cite in APA / VANCOUVER style as appropriate).

According to what I have read, my position is in favor of University Social

Responsibility, since it favors the development and mutual progress of university
communities, society in general and universities themselves. In addition, they motivate
universities to get involved and contribute to generate new strategies, roles and
activities to protect and restore the environment and social self-development, through
the participation of a society involved in social, economic, political and environmental
problems. Through a good education and integrative activities, they will train students
with the purpose of being future ethical professionals and committed to being part of
different programs, workshops, campaigns, among others, in order to seek a strategy of
solution of common good, which helps the reconstruction of all the entities immersed.

Likewise, Vallaeys et al., (2019) believes that the objective of the URS is to achieve
sustainable and lasting development in the social and environmental fields. It is not only
a practice of responsibility, responding to sudden social situations, but an active
responsibility, promoting participation, innovation and continuous improvement of the
practice. They also point out that a socially responsible organization must be able to
control the quality standards of its internal and external operations, the latter related to
the social impact it develops. In addition, it must make participation in the development
of common interests a permanent task (Conde, 2019).

"University social responsibility requires, from a holistic perspective, articulating the

different parts of the institution in a project of social promotion of ethical principles and
equitable and sustainable social development, of production and transmission of
responsible knowledge, and of training professionals and citizens who are also
responsible." (Vallaeys & Conde, 2019).

According to the author Rodríguez de Sousa et al., (2021) argues that the USR can be
defined as the commitment of a university with society, based on characteristics that
have the problems and needs in various societies. The purpose of MSW is to achieve the
common good and contribute to the well-being of the environment in which it operates.
For this, the university works with the agents that compose it: professors, students,
administrators and others. Each of these actors contributes to the implementation of
activities and projects of common interest, according to their competence and level of
preparation. In this sense, USR is no longer a specific altruistic or voluntary act, but a
mutual support that is established between the university and society (pp. 270-275).

6. What is the final reflection of the proposed case?

University social responsibility is based on social responsibility and social projection,

and proposes welfare proposals for every society and its development space. However,
RSU is also based on a responsible approach to the university and society, contributing
to and solving social problems as part of the university. Therefore, the USR is
recognized as a social agent of change through which the university community is
involved in collaborative work actions with society, generating two-way relationships
and mutual benefit. These actions respond to society's demands on the University as a
social entity that develops by focusing on social problems instead of avoiding them
(Valencia ,2020, pp. 10-15).

Rodrigues de Sousa, J., Stradiotto, E., Binotto, E. and Holland, L. (2021), "University
social responsibility: perceptions and advances", Social Responsibility Journal, Vol. 17
No. 2, pp. 263-281. Emerald Insight.

Conde Vera, Ana Rocio (2019). Role of University Social Responsibility in basic
teacher training [BACHELOR's DEGREE]. PUCP repository.

Valencia Y., Juan E. (2020). University social responsibility in three public universities
in Peru, 2019. Management and Educational Quality. USS Repository.

María Matilde Schwalb, María Ángela Prialé and François Vallaeys (2019). University
Social Responsibility Guide. The Management of the URS. University of the Pacific

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