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activity 6
Performed by: Jesus Fraga Torres.

Facilitator: Azahalia Berenice Santana Pool

Estudent team 4

Group: M7C3G42-060

Date: March 30, 2023

Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 3
Unidad IV. My goals

Actividad integradora 6. Opening Ceremony

1. Write three questions in English to know the specific information of the opening. Example: Where will the opening take place?
(Escribe tres preguntas en inglés para conocer la información específica de la inauguración. Por ejemplo: ¿Dónde tendrá lugar la

1. In which city will the opening ceremony take place?
2. There will be overcooked people at the inauguration?
3. There will be a musical orchestra entertaining the ceremony?

2. Write three questions in English to find out what your partner will do before the opening day. Example: What will you wear for that
day? Will you rent a tuxedo?
(Escribe tres preguntas en inglés para enterarte qué planes tiene tu compañero para hacer antes de la inauguración. Por ejemplo:
¿qué te pondrás ese día?, ¿vas a rentar un esmoquin?

1. Will you leave work early to go to the opening ceremony?
2. Will you go to the opening ceremony in fancy clothes?
3. Will you bring your car or take the suburban train?

3. Write the answers to the previous questions. Remember to use long answers.
(Escribe las respuestas a las preguntas anteriores. Recuerda usar respuestas largas.)

1. The inauguration ceremony will be in the city of Pachuca on May 19 at 8:00 p.m. in the Gran Foro hall.
2. The ceremony will be attended by great personalities from the artistic, political and intellectual fields.
3. The ceremony will have the appreciable presence of the Hidalgo State Symphony Orchestra, who will delight attendees
Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 3
Unidad IV. My goals

with a repertoire of classical music.

4. I will leave two hours before work so that I have time to go home and change my outfit to attend the ceremony.
5. I will attend the ceremony with a very elegant outfit according to the occasion that will attract the attention of all
6. I will attend the ceremony in my car, only before I go to fill it with gasoline, I hope I don't find traffic in the city.

4. In a paragraph of 5 to 8 lines, write how the English can help you to have a better job.
(En un párrafo de 5 a 8 renglones, escribe cómo el inglés puede ayudarte a obtener un mejor trabajo).
The English language will help me grow professionally, since it will open doors for me that I had never thought could open, it
will allow me to have a better economic remuneration in my work, currently I earn a lower salary than I could obtain, I will
master the English language, additionally It will help me to be able to communicate with people of another nationality and in
the future I will be able to travel and maybe I can have a job in a travel agency, a corporation or a sales agency where I can
interact with clients who are fluent in English this could help me improve considerably my income and why not, in the future
to be able to reside or work abroad.

5. Read and record the paragraph above. Paste the audio link here.
(Lee y graba el párrafo anterior. Pega la liga del audio aquí.)

My audio or URL
(Copy the URL of your audio here.)

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