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Mi vida en otra lengua

Semana 3
Unidad IV. My goals

Actividad integradora 6. Opening Ceremony

1. Write three questions in English to know the specific information of the opening. Example: Where will the opening take
(Escribe tres preguntas en inglés para conocer la información específica de la inauguración. Por ejemplo: ¿Dónde
tendrá lugar la inauguración?)

1. What kind of event do you have in mundo?
2. How many guests do you have scheduled on the list?
3. Will the event ve casual or formal?

2. Write three questions in English to find out what your partner will do before the opening day. Example: What will you
wear for that day? Will you rent a tuxedo?
(Escribe tres preguntas en inglés para enterarte qué planes tiene tu compañero para hacer antes de la inauguración.
Por ejemplo: ¿qué te pondrás ese día?, ¿vas a rentar un esmoquin?

1. What Is the name and adress of the room where the opening event will take place?
2. What will be the complimentary snacks and gifts for the guests?
3. Is there somethings planned in the evening after the opening?

Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 3
Unidad IV. My goals

3. Write the answers to the previous questions. Remember to use long answers.
(Escribe las respuestas a las preguntas anteriores. Recuerda usar respuestas largas.)

1. I have a great event in mind, which will start ay 12pm, so that allá guests can attend during the course of day. In It , I
want to publicize muy spa and that people can recommend It to their acquaintances through muy personalized products.
2. I have exactly 500 guests on the list, and I have taken into account a possible companion for each one, takin into account that it is
a spa, I have not taken into account places for children under 12 years.
3. I have somethings More formal in mind, I will adapt the living room with dressing rooms and dressing table where the
guests can have everithing.
4. His name is”Bella”, Is located in bulevard García de León 446, between the”punto rojo” and Movistar offices, in one of
the best know areas of the city, It is easy to get to, that Is where the spa will be located.
5. As appetizers, from 12 PM I will offer a table of cheeses with their respective companions such a serrano jam an white
wine, because being noon somethings light corresponds.
Then at 3:30 PM a seafood table will be set. As a courtesy, I will give a bag with samples of my personalized products to
each guest at check-out.
6. If there are plans, it will be a dinner for family and friends who have supported me during this process.

4. In a paragraph of 5 to 8 lines, write how the English can help you to have a better job.
(En un párrafo de 5 a 8 renglones, escribe cómo el inglés puede ayudarte a obtener un mejor trabajo).
Nowaday it is essential to have a second backup language, for cultural, communication and of course labor pourposes. In
the workplace, it is very helpful to understand English because today companies are seeking globalization, so they valve
more their workers who understand two languages. That is why this language can help me get a better position in the
company I work for, or also be part of the workforce of an internacional company. In all this is what he created to help me
understand and speak English correcto.

Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 3
Unidad IV. My goals

5. Read and record the paragraph above. Paste the audio link here.
(Lee y graba el párrafo anterior. Pega la liga del audio aquí.)

My audio or URL
(Copy the URL of your audio here.)

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