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DANE No. 12300100157 NIT: 812002135-0

y formación
Montería – Córdoba

Con acreditación de calidad y desarrollo según resolución N° 7781 de 6 de septiembre de 2010 del MEN


GRADE 8th_____


STUDENT: _________________________

FECHA: Octubre 13 - Noviembre 13


1. Cada ejercicio tiene su explicación al comienzo. Por favor lee atentamente.

2. Debes enviar el trabajo resuelto hasta el 13 DE NOVIEMBRE DEL 2020 a más tardar.
3. Debes subir tu trabajo a Google Classroom únicamente.
4. No olvides que debes escribir tu nombre completo y grado en el asunto de ese correo. Es
importante que lo hagas.
5. También debes escribir tu nombre completo en la portada de este trabajo.
6. No dudes en preguntar, cualquier duda que tengas (durante el horario laboral de tu
profesor). Pero primero lee cuidadosamente y sigue los ejemplos.
1. Lee el vocabulario sobre el dinero y encuentra su significado en inglés y
español (usa tu diccionario)

 Bank
 Bill
 Cash
 Credit card
 Coin
 Currency
 Economy
 Money
 Rich
 Pay
 Price
 Purse
 Salary
 Wealth

Meaning in English Meaning in Spanish

2. Encuentra las palabras en la sopa de letras (vocabulario sobre el dinero)
3. Lee atentamente la historia de Julia y sus primos. Luego, resalta las
palabras desconocidas y búscales su significado.

Children would never learn to manage their money

Every month, Julia and her cousins would go for the big family meal at their

grandparents' house. They would always wait excitedly for the moment their

grandfather would give them a few coins, "so you can buy yourself

something." Then all the children would run off to buy chewing gum, lollies, or

wine gums. The grandparents, aunts, uncles, and parents commented that,

behaving like this, the children would never learn to manage their money.

So they proposed a special test, in which the children would have to show,

over the course of a year, just what they could manage to get with those

few coins.

4. Vuelve a leer la historia de Julia y sus primos. Luego, responde las

siguientes preguntas.

A. Why do Julia and her cousins like to go to their grandparent’s house?

B. How do children spend their money?

C. What do you propose for children to save money?

5. Completa la canción con las palabras que están en la cajita.

Price x3 / Money x2 / Right / Paying / Smile / Tired / Music / World

/ Buy / Sing / Cash / Everybody / cha-ching cha-ching

OK, Coconut man, Moonheads, and me

You ready?

Seems like everybody's got a _______

I wonder how they sleep at night
When the sale comes first
And the truth comes second
Just stop for a minute and ______
Why is everybody so serious
Acting so damn mysterious
Got shades on your eyes
And your heels so high
That you can't even have a good time

Everybody look to the left

Everybody look to the ______
Can you feel that yeah
We're _________ with love tonight
It's not about the money money money
We don't need your money _______________
We just wanna make the world dance
Forget about the _______ tag
Ain't about the uh cha-ching cha-ching
Ain't about the yeah b-bling b-bling
Wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag

We need to take it back in time

When ________ made us all unite
And it wasn't low blows and video hoes
Am I the only the one getting __________
Why is everybody so obsessed
Money can't ______ us happiness
Can we all slow down and enjoy right now
Guarantee we'll be feeling alright

_________ look to the left

Everybody look to the right
Can you feel that yeah
We're paying with love tonight
It's not about the money money money
We don't need your money money money
We just wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag
Ain't about the uh cha-ching cha-ching
Ain't about the yeah b-bling b-bling
Wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag

Well keep the price tag

And take the __________ back
Just give me six strings
And a half stack
And you can, can keep the cars
Leave me the garage
And all I, yes all I need are keys and guitars
And guess what, in thirty seconds I'm leaving to Mars
Yeah we leaping across these undefeatable odds
It's like this man, you can't put a ________ on the life
We do this for the love so we fight and sacrifice every night
So we ain't gonna stumble and fall never
Waiting to see us in a sign of defeat uh uh
So we gonna keep everyone moving they feet
So bring back the beat and then everyone _______
It's not about the money

It's not about the money money money

We don't need your money money money
We just wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag
Ain't about the uh cha-ching cha-ching
Ain't about the yeah b-bling b-bling
Wanna make the _________ dance
Forget about the price tag

It's not about the money money money

We don't need your money money money
We just wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag
Ain't about the uh ________________
Ain't about the yeah b-bling b-bling
Wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag
6. Escriba en ingles el nombre de cada uno de los siguientes productos.

____________________________ _________________________

____________________________ _______________________


7. Escribe el nombre del producto al lado de su respectivo eslogan.

 Slogan: a short easily remembered phrase, especially one used

to advertise an idea or a product

 Eslogan: una frase corta y fácil de recordar, especialmente una

que se usa para publicitar una idea o un producto

Addidas / Mcdonals / LG / Apple / Coca-cola / Nike

Slogan Product

Just do it!

I’m lovin’ it

Open happiness Coca-cola

Think different

Life’s good

Impossible is nothing

8. Mira estos productos a continuación y usa tu imaginación para

darle un nombre y un eslogan. Además, piensa y escribe que

beneficios que estos productos podrían ofrecerle a los clientes.


Name: sweet popcorn

Slagn: You have to try it

Benefits: These popcorns are different from the rest, because they good

for children’s health and they have a sweet flavor

Name: Name:

Slang: Slang

Benefits: Benefits:

9. Escoge la respuesta correcta

a) Nothing is more important than keeping your own customers


 Client

 Clienteles

 Clients

b) What does the “slang” means?

 Name of a product

 Short phrase used to advertise a product

 The picture of a product

c) Marketing is important, because

 It is good for people

 It maintains the companies’ reputation

 It Is an effective way of engaging clients

d) Market and products should be…

 Together

 Separate

 Broken
10. Lee y completa los espacios en blanco usando las palabras del word

bank. Puedes dar clic en el link para ver y escuchar el video si asi lo



Economically / culturally / international / technology / environment /
political systems / well-being / buying / selling / communications / transport
/ world / goods / services / internet / email / integrated

What is globalization?

Globalization is the term used to describe the way countries are becoming

more interconnected both _________________ and __________________.

Globalization is an _________________ process driven by trade,

investment, ______________ and finance. This process has an effect on

the ________________, on culture, on ____________________, on

_____________ development and prosperity and on human physically

______________ in societies around the world. Globalization is not new

though for thousands of years, people and later corporations have been

__________ and __________ to each other in lands at great distances, one

such example is the thin silk road across central Asia that connected China

and Europe during the middle ages; but what exactly drives globalization?

Over the past 20 years, there have been significant developments in both

_______________ and transport technologies. The introduction of

specialized bulk carries and container ships has helped to reduce the cost of

____________ and greatly increase the volume of ___________ trade.

Recent developments in communications technology especially the

development of the ____________ and ____________ enable anywhere on

earth to have access and distribute vast among of information. The

production and distribution of ____________ and ____________ is

increasing dominated by very large companies known as transnational

corporations (TNC’s) the business links of TNC’s create a more

___________ world economy, decisions made in one country can affect

people in other parts of the world. International trade has given countries

access to goods and services they are unable to produce themselves or can

obtain more cheaply from other places.

11. Descifra y escribe correctamente los siguientes adjetivos y resáltalos

en el texto de “What is globalization?”

 D L R O W: __________________

 T N E E N I R T: _______________________

 O N I T E R T I N A L N A: ___________________________

 M E N T R I E O V N: _______________________

 T E D G R A T E I N: ________________________

 L Y G O H N E T C O: ____________________________

 L L L Y C T U U R A: __________________________

 B I Y U N G: ___________________
12. Con tus propias palabras, escribe un párrafo corto en ingles donde

menciones la importancia de la globalización. Puedes buscar más

información en libros, internet o preguntándole a tus padres.


Globalization is important, because is about the interconnectedness of

people and businesses across the world that eventually leads to global

cultural, political and economic integration. It is the ability to move and

communicate easily with others all over the world in order to conduct

business and communicate internationally.

Your paragraph:







13. Encuentras las palabras relacionadas con Social Networks en la

siguiente sopa de letras

14. Long time ago and today
Hay muchas cosas que las personas usaban hace mucho tiempo, pero que ya no
utilizamos hoy en día porque tenemos una tecnología muy avanzada. ¿Puedes
identificar que objetos se utilizaron hace tiempo y cuales utilizamos actualmente?

Modern Devices Old Devices

15. Escribe un párrafo corto donde expreses tu

opinión sobre la siguiente afirmación:

As technology advances, there has been a shift in how people obtain information.
People used to exclusively obtain information by reading from paper, but now
consumers also peruse internet articles on cell phone screens or computer
monitors and purchase books using e-readers.
16. Identifica los verbos regulares e irregulares de la siguiente tabla y
clasifícalos en las casillas.



Lee la primera oración en su forma presente, luego escribe la misma oración en su

forma pasada. Escoge el verbo correcto correspondiente a cada oración que se
encuentra en la casilla.
Present tense: The children play at recess time.
Past tense: Yesterday, the children played at recess time.

1. We depend on the car to get from home to school.

We _________________ on the car to get from home to school, but now we ride


bus to school.

2. “Hand your homework in,” said the teacher to her students.

The students _________________ in their homework to the teacher.

3. I chase the ball across the field.

I _________________ the ball across the field.

4. Did you ask to go to the park?

Yes, I _________________ to go to the park.

5. Let’s walk around the lake.

We _________________ around the lake.

18. Escribe Was o Were dependiendo el caso en cada oración.

1. Olive ________ at school yesterday

2. They _________ at the toy shop

3. We __________ at the hotel

4. Megan and Simon __________ at te swimming pool

5. I ___________ in the park yesterday

6. You ___________ tired on Sunday


2. Escribe Wasn’t o Weren’t dependiendo el caso en cada oración.

1. She _____________ at the café on Monday

2. I _______________at the museum on Tuesday

3. Yuliza _______________ at he hospital on Friday

4. Nadim _________ at the market yesterday

5. You ___________ at the hotel on Thursday

3. Escribe preguntas y respuestas cortas con Was y Were

1. _______ you at the cinema? Yes, I ___________________________

2. _______they at the go_kart track? No, they ___________________

3. _________Robin at the beach yesterday? No, he ________________

4. __________ Olive and Megan at the restaurant? Yes, they


5. __________ you in the school yesterday? No, I


19. Escribe un párrafo en el que hables sobre tus vacaciones pasadas en inglés.

Utiliza verbos en su forma pasada.

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