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Evidencia 7: Compliance with foreign law

 Conformity assessment – Evaluación de la conformidad: Es la actividad que

respalda que una organización, producto, proceso o servicio cumple con los
requisitos definidos en normas o especificaciones técnicas.

 Tariff classification – Clasificación arancelaria: Es un proceso que consiste

en asignar un código numérico creado por la Organización Mundial de Aduanas
a las mercancías, su objetivo es identificar las mercancías que se importan y

 Performance bonds – Fianzas de cumplimiento: Es una obligación accesoria,

en virtud de la cual una o más personas responden de una obligación ajena,
comprometiéndose con el acreedor a cumplirla en todo o parte, si el deudor
principal no la cumple.

 Tariff rate - Tasa arancelaria: Impuesto o gravamen que se aplica solo a los
bienes que son importados o exportados.

 Customs duties - Derechos arancelarios: Son impuestos o tributos que se

aplican a los bienes que se comercian internacionalmente, se trata de una
restricción o barrera al comercio internacional.

 Public competitive – Licitación pública competitiva: Las licitaciones públicas

pueden ser presenciales, electrónicas o mixtas.

 Import license - Licencia de importación: Es el acto administrativo mediante

el cual se otorga autorización a las importaciones de mercancías del régimen de
licencia previa, la cual constituye el documento soporte para presentar la
declaración de importación ante la autoridad aduanera.

 Agreement to sell - Acuerdo para vender: Es un tipo de contrato de bienes

inmuebles en el que el titular de una propiedad le da a un agente inmobiliario o
corredor el mandato de encontrar a un comprador para su propiedad.

 Amount of customs - Derecho de aduanas: Son todos los derechos,

emolumentos, impuestos, contribuciones, tasas, gravámenes y todo pago que se
fije o exija sobre la importación o exportación de mercancías a territorio
nacional o fuera de él.

 Countertrade - Comercio de compensación: Es un concepto colectivo que

denota varios métodos de ligar dos transacciones de exportación, una desde el
país del exportador y otra desde el país del importador.
Compliance with foreign Law
Before exporting to a foreign territory or even determining to sell to a buyer in a foreign
territory, a US organization should be aware of any foreign laws that it may influence.
Information about foreign laws can often be obtained from the buyer or supplier to
which the US company intends to sell. Although if the information given by the client
or distributor is incorrect, the exporter can pay dearly for having relied only on the
buyer's advice.
Misinformation about foreign laws may be in the import ban of the exporter's product,
or it may mean that the buyer cannot resell the product. To confirm your buyer's
orientation with third parties, integrated lawyers, banks, or government agencies, to feel
sure that you correctly understand the requirements of foreign law.

Industry standards
Foreign manufacturers and trade associations often promulgate industry standards that
are signed into law or require compliance to sell successfully there. It may be necessary
to identify such standards even before the manufacture of the product that the company
intends to sell for export or to modify the product before shipment. One type of foreign
safety standard that is becoming important is the 'CE' marking required for the
importation of certain products into the European Community. Products that do not
comply with these directives are subject to seizure and the imposition of fines.
For some products, however, the manufacturer is required to contract with an authorized
independent certification service company to perform conformity assessment. ISO 9000
quality standards are becoming more and more important for European sales. The
National Technical Information Service,, the Department of Agriculture's
Foreign Agricultural Service,, and the American National Standards
Institute,, which maintains more than 100,000 product standards around
the world.

Foreign customs laws

It is especially important to confirm that no anti-dumping, countervailing or other
special customs duties are imposed on the products. These tariffs are typically much
higher than regular ad valorem tariffs and can be applied to products imported into the
country even if the seller was not subject to the original AD investigation. Some
countries, such as Ethiopia, Belarus, Cambodia, Yugoslavia, Kazakhstan, Lebanon,
Liberia, Saudi Arabia, and Ukraine, do not fully adhere to the GATT Valuation Code
and may assess tariffs on fair market value instead of invoice price . If the buyer will
provide items used in the production of goods, such as tools, dies, molds, raw materials,
or engineering or development services, to the seller, the importer of record may be
required to pay customs duties on such items, and the seller will be may require you to
identify such items on your commercial invoices.
See Appendix K for a list of foreign customs agency websites and tariff information. In
any case, when there is doubt about the correct classification or valuation of the
merchandise, tariff rate or existence of aid, the importer can request an administrative
resolution from the foreign customs agency. This will usually take some time, and the
seller and buyer may need to adjust their production and delivery plans accordingly.
Government contracting

Buy American equivalent

Sales to foreign governments, government agencies or partially government-owned
private companies often involve specialized procedures and documentation. Public
tenders and compliance with invitations to bid and procurement regulations, such as the
provision of bid guarantees, compliance, standby letters of credit, and numerous
certifications, are normally required. Pasted commissions are prohibited. Government
purchases may qualify for extensions of customs duties, quotas or import licences,
barter or countertrade may be necessary.

Exchange controls and import licenses

Unlike the United States, many of the world's nations have exchange control systems
designed to limit the amount of their currency that can be used to purchase foreign
goods. These nations require an import license from a central bank or government for
customers in that country to pay for imported products. For a US exporter who wishes
to receive a payment, it is necessary to determine if there is an exchange control and if
an import license is needed in the foreign country, what period of time is necessary to
obtain the license and the conditions that must be met. fulfill more documentation that
they must provide in order to obtain the license.

Value – added taxes

Many countries impose a value tax that is added to the production and distribution
stages, these taxes are applied to imported goods, so the importer, in addition to paying
customs duties, must pay a value tax. added, at the customs value plus duties. When the
importer marks and resells the merchandise, he will collect the tax from the buyer, who
must send it to the tax authorities with prior accreditation of the taxes owed on
importation, the amount of the impulse to added value can be significant since it is
generally higher than the taxes. to sales and whether the product can be competitively
priced in the foreign market is a matter of analysis.

Specialized laws
Foreign countries enact specialized laws that prohibit the importation of certain
products except in compliance with said laws, in the US there are many special laws
that regulate the national sale and importation of a wide variety of products. Some laws
regulate all products that are manufactured in the US, others do not apply to products
that are manufactured for export. In any case the United States, foreign countries often
have special laws that affect certain products or classes of products and the existence of
such regulation must be determined prior to manufacturing before entering into a sales
agreement and even before quoting prices or delivery dates to a customer.
Declarative sentence
Every American company must know the laws that can influence its export

Imperative sentence
It is necessary to have clear requirements
It is necessary to be able to identify the minimum standards required in the manufacture
of the product before shipment

Conditional sentence
If these rules are violated, fines may occur


carry out corresponding negotiation with the buyer

Generate commercial and

export documentation

Perform export
processing personally or
hire a costume

Security certifications
Generate no - tariff
requirements Sanitary controls

Make payment of export

Compliance with technical

standards required

Generate export

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