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Actividad de aprendizaje 11

Evidencia 7: Compliance with foreign law


Alexander Pinilla Pabón


Xavier Alfonso Rodríguez

Servicio Nacional De Aprendizaje SENA

Tecnólogo En Negociación Internacional


Modalidad Virtual

Bogota D.C 2020


Evidencia 7: compliance with foreign law

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Desarrolle esta evidencia teniendo en cuenta los siguientes pasos:
 Lea y analice el texto que encuentra a continuación:

 Elabore un vocabulario como mínimo de 10 términos técnicos en inglés, con su respectivo

significado en español.

 Foreing Customs laws:(Leyes Aduaneras)Impuestos generales de

importación,exportación y las demás leyes,ordenamientos aplicables,según sea el caso de
entrada o salida de mercancías a un territorio nacional.

 Tariff Classification:(Clasificacion Atancelaria),Es el sistema por el cual todas las

mercaderías son objeto de clasificación en la Nomenclatura Arancelaria correspondiente,
con base en el Sistema Armonizado de Clasificacion y Codificacion de Mercancias,de tal
modo que todad y cada una de ellas pueden ser clasificadas debidamente en alguna partida
arancelaria, con su correspondiente arancel de importación y exportación.

 Tariff Rate:(Tasa Arancelari), Impuesto o gravamen que se aplica solo a los bienes que
son importados o exportados.

 Customs Duties:(Derechos Arancelarios), Conjunto de normas de derecho público,

gravamen que deben soportar las mercancías cuando siendo objeto de comercio entre dos
países, atraviesan la frontera.

 Anti-Dumping Duties:(Derechos Antidumping), Es una medida de defensa comercial que

se lleva a cabo cuando un sumistrador extranjero practica u ofrece precios inferiores a los
que aplica en su propio país.

 Letters of the Credit:(Carta de Credito), Es un medio de pago que emite una entidad
solvente, generalmente es un banco, la carta de crédito es muy independiente del contrato
que dio su origen.

 Tax Authorities:(Autoridades Fiscales).Son los representantes del poder público, los

cuales se encargan, o pueden recaudar impuestos e imponer multas y sanciones en materia

 Value-Added Taxes:(Impuesto al Valor Agregado), El IVA es una carga fiscal sobre el

consumo, es decir financiado por el consumidor como un impuesto regresivo, aplicado en
muchos países.
 Import Licenses:(Licencias de Importacion), Procedimiento Administrativo que requiere
la presentación de una solicitud al órgano administrativo el cual sea pertinente, como
condion previa para poder efectuar la importación de mercancías.

 Exchange control systems:(Sistema de Control de Cambios), El control de cambios

tiende a impedir que se dé la libre convertibilidad entre la moneda nacional y la extranjera.

2 Elabore un resumen del texto utilizando los diferentes tipos de oración

Compliance whith Foreing law

When exporting, every American US company must know and understand the laws that
may influence its export. Therefore, it is the duty of the exporter not only to trust the
information that can be obtained from the client, but also to know and investigate the
current foreign legislation.
Incorrect information can have serious monetary consequences when importing the product
or the sale is not profitable. Therefore, it is important to know the following requirements:

1. Buy better the American equivalent: since the laws of the foreign government dictate
regulations that grant special and preferential treatment to the products of your own
country, therefore, it is very necessary and mandatory to always check if the products in
the sale process are in those regulations.

2. Specialized laws: some of these regulations in the United States regulate each and
every one of the products manufactured before entering into an agreement or business
of sale, quotation or delivery dates to a client.

3. Standards in the industry: identify all the requirements required to manufacture the
product before shipment, given the directives that the European community has put on
some products, such as toys, machinery, electronic devices, among others. In the event
that the product does not meet the minimum requirements, it is possible that seizures or
extremes are generated that could damage operating profits.
Quality bodies such as ISO are increasingly important for European sales, it is
necessary to rely on entities that contain or group the rules of foreign governments for
each product.

4. Foreign customs laws: there are countries in which they have rules such as the
quantity of products that enter your country, the tariffs according to the tariff
classification, the anti-dumping confirmation, among others.
If these rules are violated, fines such as twice the value of the investigation (France),
five times the value of this (India) or confiscations as in China can be produced, so in
the slightest doubt that is obtained in the Export An administrative decision is sought
from the foreign customs agency, a process that, although it delays the production and
delivery of the merchandise, is very beneficial for both parties.

5. Government contracting: any type of sale that is made to a government agency this
involves procedures,
Special processes and documents, although they may also qualify for exemptions in
customs duties or import licenses
6. Foreign exchange controls and import licenses: some countries limit the amount of
money that can be used to purchase foreign products, it is important to determine if
there is an exchange control system and, if necessary, in the country to which you are
going to export and the conditions to obtain those licenses

7. Value Added Tax: These taxes are applied to imported merchandise, so customs duties
plus value added must be paid. When the importer marks and resells the products, he
will collect the tax from the buyer, which he must remit to the tax authorities after
taking a credit for the taxes owed for the importation.

3 Grave el audio en inglés, con el resumen elaborado en el punto anterior

4 Identifique y clasifique las frases en sus diferentes tipos

 Declarative Sentences
every American US company must know and understand the laws that may
influence its export.

 Conditional sentences
If these rules are violated, weekends may occur.

 Imperative sentences
It is necessary to be able to identify the minimum standards required in the
manufacture of the product before shipment.
It is necessary to have clear requirements

5 Elabore un grafico con el cual explique los diferentes ejemplos de cumplimiento

Leyes extranjeras,utilizando las preposiciones de lugar.



Carry out the export

procedures Generate different
Make the different Compliance with the Genetate non-tariff
personally or hire a types of comercial
types of payment in required technical requirements
customs agents,with and export
export taxes and quality standards
experience in the documentation

Security Certifications

Correct Labeling of the

Sanitary Controls
Correct Labeling of the

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