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Docente / Contenidos: Lizeht Vásquez

Diseño y Diagramación: Máximo A. Méndez

Prepared by Professor Lizeht Vasquez. Rights reserved

It is prohibited to reproduce this material (total or partial)
Derechos Reservados 2013. Unnatec
Nombres y Apellidos



Universidad Nacional Tecnológica - UNNATEC

La Innovación
de la Esperanza
os grandes movimientos de la historia se han basado en el poder del ser humano.
Son los individuos y los equipos los que inyectan innovación a las organizaciones,
quienes producen los grandes cambios que revolucionan el mundo. Arquímedes
decía: “Dame un punto de apoyo y moveré el mundo”, para enseñar que la palanca es
capaz de multiplicar la fuerza y levantar cualquier objeto por muy pesado que sea,
siempre que se tenga un punto de apoyo apropiado. Cuando alguien combina la energía
y la inteligencia en el nivel correcto, estas le pueden generar una fuerza poderosa que
catapulta de manera innovadora los nuevos paradigmas de la creatividad humana.

Nuestra función como institución de educación superior es precisamente esa: facilitar a

nuestros estudiantes la palanca y el punto de apoyo para la innovación de la esperanza.
Necesitamos una vía poderosa para enfrentar los grandes desafíos que agobian a nuestra
sociedad, traducidos en la pobreza y la coerción social. La pobreza no es creada por la
gente pobre, sino por el sistema que hemos establecido, las instituciones que diseñamos
y los conceptos que formulamos. Vivimos tiempos difíciles, pero cuando la crisis llega
a su nivel más profundo, entonces estos agravantes deprimen la condición humana.
Sin embargo, a pesar de la adversidad, podemos descubrir grandes oportunidades para
mejorar el bienestar de nuestro entorno.

Para esto, en la UNNATEC adoptamos un nuevo sistema de educación presencial y a

distancia que le brindará las facilidades y el entorno de aprendizaje más idóneo para
el desarrollo de sus competencias personales y profesionales, y le permitirá lograr
su superación e inserción en el mercado laboral. Usted podrá estudiar, sin dejar de
trabajar, y generar las entradas que le ayudarán a completar sus estudios. Así, podrá
elevar su nivel de ingresos con una carrera profesional o técnica. Esta institución ha
diseñado para usted una metodología innovadora y práctica, con la facilidad de todos
los recursos necesarios para su aprendizaje, desde el uso de esta guía instruccional,
la mediación de los tutores en los encuentros presenciales, las tutorías presenciales y
a distancia, hasta el uso del aula virtual, las bibliotecas digitales y las redes sociales.

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Todo ser humano ha venido a este mundo proveído de capacidades innatas, no solo
para su desarrollo personal, sino también para contribuir a la generación de riquezas
y bienestar del mundo donde vivimos. Usted puede develar el inmenso potencial que
está oculto en su interior y mostrar la inquebrantable fe que lo caracteriza como ser
humano, que no nació para sufrir la pobreza material o espiritual, sino para prosperar
y triunfar en la vida. Esto es parte de nuestra misión, acompañarlo a recorrer este
camino en el proceso de su formación, para que logre mejores resultados, con valor
agregado, y que usted sea una inspiración personal para alcanzar la realidad que todos
deseamos, “innovando la esperanza para vivir una vida digna y próspera”.

Ramona Reinoso de Reyes (Doña Cielo) / Presidenta del Consejo Directivo

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El Nuevo
de la Educación
a Distancia
ienvenidos al sistema de educación a distancia en su modalidad semipresencial
y virtual de la UNNATEC. Usted es un estudiante del siglo XXI y debe estar
preparado para afrontar los grandes desafíos de la globalización y de la sociedad
del conocimiento, y desarrollar las competencias personales y profesionales que lo
acrediten como un individuo competente y eficiente.

El propósito de esta guía instruccional es guiarlo y a la vez acompañarlo en el proceso

de su propio aprendizaje. Este instrumento es suficiente en sí mismo y lo llevará a
usted, paso a paso, por el camino de la construcción de su propio conocimiento. Con esta
guía podrá realizar sus actividades de estudio, investigaciones y prácticas de cada eje
temático de la asignatura.

Nuestra propuesta metodológica para el uso de esta guía se centra en tres aspectos
relevantes. Desde la perspectiva pedagógica, adoptamos el pensamiento constructivista
como eje fundamental para fomentar el pensamiento crítico y creativo en la aplicación
del conocimiento; desde una perspectiva comunicacional, para fomentar la dialéctica y la
ética comunicativa del quehacer humano; y desde la perspectiva tecnológica, para crear
los ambientes propicios de aprendizaje apoyados en las tecnologías de la información
y comunicación. La articulación de la pedagogía, la comunicación y la tecnología, nos
permite utilizar métodos y recursos útiles al momento de forjar las competencias
requeridas en el currículo. Estas estrategias se basan en los postulados teóricos del
profesor Reuven Feuerstein, quien favorece el desarrollo de los procesos mentales y
las funciones cognitivas que están implícitos en las actividades educativas y en la vida

Esta guía está diseñada con objetivos claros que puedan ser entendidos y logrados a
través de su trabajo como estudiante de una manera efectiva, que le permitirá desarrollar

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las competencias definidas sin pérdida de tiempo ni de recursos valiosos. Los recursos
empleados en la guía, le permitirán fijar claramente los conceptos, manejar un nuevo
vocabulario, elaborar mapas conceptuales y diarios de doble entrada, interactuar con
sus compañeros para discutir temas de relevancia y conectarse a múltiples enlaces de
informaciones y de personalidades en el aula virtual y en las redes sociales. Una vez
realizadas todas las actividades de trabajo, tanto de la guía instruccional como del aula
virtual, usted estará en capacidad de ser evaluado y valorado con una alta calidad en el
conocimiento de su área de estudio.

Espero que con esta nueva manera de lograr los aprendizajes, podamos hacer juntos un
ejercicio, no solamente teórico, sino moderno y pragmático que nos permita ser mejores
seres humanos y mejores profesionales.

Ing. Luis Paulino Marte / Rector

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ING – 104



1.1 Objective .................................................................................................................16

1.2 Vocabulary. Activities for fun. Activities that are obligations...............................16
1.3 Grammar: The Modals auxiliary (should, would, could, can, might, may, to have
-for obligations...............................................................................................................17
1.3.1 Affirmative statements..............................................................................18
1.3.2 Negative statements..................................................................................18
1.3.3 Questions: Yes / No questions - Information questions.............................19
1.4 Vocabulary: Planning Vacation...............................................................................20
1.5 Grammar. Future with “will”.................................................................................21
1.5.1 Affirmative statements..............................................................................22
1.5.2 Negative statements................................................................................22
1.5.3 Questions: Yes / No questions - Information questions...........................23
1.6 Grammar: Future with “will” vs. Future with “going to”........................................24



2.1 Objective...................................................................................................................32
2.2 Vocabulary: Shopping in a Mall...............................................................................32
2.3 Grammar: Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns....................................33
2.4 Grammar: Indefinite Pronouns................................................................................33
2.5 Vocabulary: Adjectives and their opposite...............................................................34
2.6 Grammar: The Comparative and the Superlative of Adjectives.............................35
2.6.1 The comparative of adjectives.....................................................................35
2.6.2 The superlative of adjectives.....................................................................36
2.7 Grammar: Direct and Indirect Objects...................................................................37
2.7.1 Direct Objects.............................................................................................37

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2.7.2 Indirect Object...........................................................................................38

2.8 Grammar: The Determiners “A little” and “A few” ...............................................38
2.7 Grammar: Verbs + infinitive. Verbs + Gerund......................................................38


SOMETHING HAS HAPPENED.....................................................................47

3.1 Objective:..................................................................................................................48
3.2 Vocabulary: Some activities.....................................................................................48
3.3 Grammar: Past Progressive Tense..........................................................................48
3.3.1 Affirmative statements...............................................................................49
3.3.2 Negative statements...................................................................................49
3.3.3 Questions: Yes / No questions - Information questions............................50
3.4 Grammar: Present Perfect Tense............................................................................51
3.4.1 List of some Regular and Irregular verbs..................................................52
3.4.2 Affirmative statements .............................................................................52
3.4.3 Negative statements...................................................................................52
3.4.4 Questions: Yes / No questions - Information questions.............................52

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Orientaciones muy importantes

Antes de iniciar cada unidad del programa, recomendamos leer detalladamente

las siguientes pautas:

1- Lee con atención la introducción de cada unidad, aquí se te explica el contenido de

la misma.

2- Interpreta correctamente el objetivo general de la asignatura, de esta manera sabrás

con certeza a dónde queremos llegar.

3- Identifica los objetivos específicos de cada eje temático en los documentos,

presentaciones, actividades, etc., con el objetivo fundamental de alcanzar mejores
resultados de formación académica y profesional.

4- Visualiza detenidamente el plan de estudio, el orden y la jerarquía de los ejes

temáticos y su relación con el tema de la unidad a estudiar, así logras no perder la
secuencia de lo que has leído.

5- Usa todos los elementos que conoces de contenidos aprendidos anteriormente en otras
asignaturas y confecciona tus propios resúmenes, comentarios, glosario de términos,
reseñas, etc.; analízalos y preséntaselos al resto del grupo y a tu profesor en clases.

6- Analiza con detenimiento los planteamientos de los diferentes autores que tendrás
al alcance en el Aula Virtual, aplicando tu propia experiencia para interpretarlos
debidamente. De esta forma estarás en mejores condiciones de comparar, comprender
y actualizar esa información con la realidad más cercana a ti.

7- Reorganiza el tiempo, logrando disponer del necesario para tu formación, evitando

que la premura afecte la concentración necesaria en lo que haces. Siempre trata de
aprovechar el tiempo indicado para realizar las actividades.

8- Comprueba tu propio nivel de aprendizaje realizando las actividades propuestas en

cada eje temático y que aparecen al final de cada una de las unidades de estudio.

9- Refresca y mantén vigente cada competencia a desarrollar, como utilidad necesaria

para tu evaluación.

10- Consulta el glosario, visualiza los videos y participa en los foros de discusión del
Aula Virtual.

11- Cumple con las horas establecidas para cada unidad.

12- Ante cualquier dificultad, comunícate con tu profesor por cualquiera de las vías

Adelante, tú puedes!!!

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THEME OF UNIT I Activities for Fun/Leisure Vs. Activities that are obligations.
Expressing ability, possibility, probability, suggestion, advice, habit,
permission, obligation. Talking about the future, planning vacations.

1. General Objective Learn to hold a simple English conversation based on activities for fun and
obligations and to plan for the future.

2. Specific Objectives • Talk about leisure activities and activities for obligations
• Express ability, possibility, probability, suggestion, advice, habit,
permission, obligation.
• Talk about vacations.
• Talk about future plans.

3. Main Themes • Leisure activities vs. activities for obligation.

• The Modals.
• Planning vacations.
• Future with “will”.
• Future with “will” vs. Future with “going to.
• Shopping in a Mall.
• Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns.

4. Vocabulary and • Leisure activities vs. activities for obligation.

Concepts • Planning vacations.

5. Competences • Take over a simple English conversation based on activities for fun/
pleasure and those activities that are obligations.
• Show control of grammar structuring the auxiliary modal and the future
with “will” and “going to” in affirmative, negative and question statements.
• Talk about h vacations and places for shopping.

6. Mental Operations Structuring affirmative, negative and questions statement based on jobs,
activities for fun and activities that are obligations, using the auxiliary modal.
Structuring affirmative, negative and question statement, using the future
with will and going to.


7. Video Content Use the video sounds in virtual room base on pronunciation of vocabulary.

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8. Discussion forum Sign in to virtual room and participate at the unit forum as well as chat

Resources Dictionary.

9. Writing Activities Written exercises through virtual room.

WORKING HOURS Hours of attendance: 04

Hours at distance: 16

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nnatec’s student should know the basic rules of the English language,
looking forward his/her ability to hold a simple English conversation
based on activities for fun/leisure vs. activities that are obligations.
The learner will also hold some conversations with regard planning
vacations for the future.

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UNIT I – Activities for fun/leisure vs. Activities that are obligations. Expressing ability,
posibility, probability, suggestion, advice, habit, permission, obligation. Talking about
the future, planning vacations.

1.1 Objective

Learn to hold a simple English conversation based on activities for fun and those
activities that are obligations

1.2 Vocabulary. Activities for fun. Activities that are obligations

Activities for fun: All kind of activities that help someone to enjoy in those cases
in which there is a particular and voluntary interest, especially when the person is
looking for pleasure, enjoyment and leisure. Those activities that are neither working
nor essential chores, and can be recreational.

Activities that are obligations: All kinds of professional, social and familiar
activities that should be done or accomplished. It could be for legal imposition or moral

The distinction between leisure activities and mandatory is not limited and depends
on each person, so studying, cooking, or working as musician could be fun for someone
and work for others, depending on the utility and eventual profit. A fun activity can
be used in motivating and productive activities.

For Fun (pleasure) Obligations (because you have to)

To Go for a walk To Work

To Go for a drive To Study
To Go dancing To Babysit or take care of a baby
To Go shopping To Wash the dishes
To Go to an amusement park To Clean one’s room
To Play video games To Take out the garbage
To Visit my home town To Do the laundry
To Climb the mountain To Cook dinner
To Play chess To Help parents
To Watch TV To Go to church
To Go to the movie To Do homework
To Surf the internet To Participate in a meeting
Your idea ______________ Your idea ______________

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E.g. I am planning to travel to Orlando city next summer so, I might visit Disney

Tomorrow I have to work; I must participate in a meeting.

1.3 Grammar: The Modals auxiliary (should, would, could, can, might, may, to
have -for obligations-.

The modals are auxiliary verbs that modify the meaning of the main verb by suggesting
possibility, probability, necessity, permission, obligation, prohibition, requesting,
ability, habit, etc. The most common modals are: May, Might, Could, Can, Should,
Must, Would, Ought, Have to, will. These verbs are used with the principal or
main verb to form affirmative, negative or questions. It means that they ALWAYS
accompanied a principal verb. The most basic and simple explanation of use is as

a) Ability (can and could)

They are used when we want to express one´s skill or ability.

E.g. He could climb the mountain
They can play videogames

b) Probability or probability (can, could, must)

When we want to express how certain we are that something happens, at any time in
the past, present or future. These modal verbs are also called “modal of deduction, or
modal of certainty, or modal of speculation

E.g. Tomorrow is Monday, so I must participate in the planning meeting.

Now I am driving to the beach, I could meet Fred because he usually surf every

c) Obligation, prohibition and Advice (Must, Should, Ought to, Have to)

They are used when we want to express that something is necessary or unnecessary to
take action and when we want to give advice.

E.g. People must work to survive in life

We should stop smoking and drinking alcohol

d) Permission or requesting (can, could, may, might)

We can use them when we want to give or ask for permission and when we want to
express that one is allowed to do something.
E.g. Could I watch your TV?
We may not go to the movie tonight

e) Habits (will, would)

We can use these modals to express about habits or thing we usually do either in the
present or in the past
E.g. When you lived in Jarabacoa, you would often climb the mountain.
Stephanie will always be late!

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1.3.1 – Affirmative statements

When forming affirmative statements with modal verbs or auxiliaries, the variables
below should be taken into a count:

Modal Verb or Modal

Noun or pronoun
(Person, animal or
Auxiliary Rest of the sentence
Main Verb (The information
thing who performs (The modifier):
(The action) given)
the action) May, Might, Could, Can,
Should, Must, Would,
Ought, Have to, Will


1.3.2 – Negative statements

When forming negative statements with modal verbs or auxiliaries, the variables
below should be taken into a count:

Modal Verb NOT

Noun or or Modal Contraction Rest
pronoun Auxiliary (See some of the
(Person, animal (The modifier): modal sentence
or thing who May, Might, auxiliary (The
performs the negative Main Verb information
Could, Can,
action) form (The action) given)
Should, Must,
Would, Ought, below)
Have to, Will


Note: With the modal auxiliary “to have” you might use the auxiliary “to do”. e.g. I do
not have to clean the house today.

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Some Modal Auxiliary Negative form with Contraction

Can + not = Can´t

Could + not = Couldn´t
Would + not = Wouldn´t
Have to + not = Don´t have to
May + not = Mayn´t
Might + not = Mightn´t
Should + not = Shouldn´t
Ought + not = oughtn’t
Must + not = Mustn´t

1.3.3 – Questions: Yes / No questions - Information questions

There are two types of questions:

a) Yes/no Question: The type of question in which the answer is weather “yes” or “No”.
When forming “yes/no question” with modal verbs or auxiliaries, the variables below
should be taken into a count:

Modal Verb or Modal

Noun or pronoun
Auxiliary (Person, animal or
Rest of the sentence
Main Verb (The information
(The modifier): thing who performs (The action) given)
May, Might, Could, Can, the action)
Should, Must, Would,
Ought, Have to, Will


Short answers:

Yes, he must
No, he mustn´t

b) Information question: The type of question that pursue informative response. It

responds to the question words (what, where, which, who, how, when, etc.). When
forming “information question” in the simple present with others verb (not verb to be)
the variables below should be taken into a count:

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Question Modal Verb

Word (QW) or Modal Noun or Rest
What = thing Auxiliary pronoun of the
Where = place (The modifier): (Person, sentence
Who = person animal or (The
May, Might,
When = time
thing who Main Verb information
Which = thing Could, Can,
perform the (The action) given)
How (different Should, Must,
uses) Would, Ought, action)
Have to, Will


1.4 Vocabulary: Planning Vacation.

The Vacations for you!

• Planning your vacation:

Stay Home
Travel Abroad
Go To The Beach What are you going to do on your vacation?
Climb a Mountain
See a Car Race
Your idea ________
• Save Money How much are you going to spend?
• Time long How long are you going to be away?
• Kind of place:
Quit What kind of vacation place do you want?
First Class

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• Travel/Fly/Go to a distance place (Thailand, What kind of distance place are you going to go
Brazil, Haiti, Spain, Peru, Orlando, Africa, off?
• Confirm the weather:
Cold, hot, rainy, snowing, cloudy, windy, par- How will be the weather like?
tially cloudy/sunny
• According to season: What seasons will it be?
Summer, Spring, Fall or Autumn, Winter
• Things that are need:
Travel Books
Credit Card
Coat What are you going to need to go on vacation?
Running Shoes
Bathing Suit
Your idea ______

1.5 Grammar. Future with “will”

The future applies to a type of verbal tense that expresses an action that is not produced
at the time of the statement. It means that the time is coming. In English language
you might refer to the future with “going to” (planning) and “will” (predicting).

The future with “will” can be used to express:

a) Predictions about the future, it means, to express unplanned or uncertain activities.

(e.g. It will rain today)

b) Spontaneous decisions (e.g. she will go bed)

c) Promises to someone (e.g. I promised I will go to the party tonight)

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d) Voluntary Action , it means, offers to do for someone else (e.g. He will help you with
the luggage)

e) Reply to someone else’s complaint or request for help (e.g. Sure. They will support
you with the computer)

f) Request that someone help us or volunteer to do something for us (e.g. Will you help
us with the math homework?)

“Will” is an auxiliary that modifies de main verb in a sentence to refer to the future.
It is conjugated as followed:


I will
You will
He will
She will
It will Main verb
We will
You will
They will

1.5.1 – Affirmative statements

When forming affirmative statements in the future with “will” the variables below
should be taken into a count:

Noun or pronoun
(Person, animal or
Auxiliary Rest of the sentence
Main Verb (The information
thing who performs Verb
(The action) given)
the action) (Will)


1.5.2 – Negative statements

When forming negative statements in the future with “will” the variables below should
be taken into a count:

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Noun or Rest
pronoun of the
(Person, animal NOT sentence
or thing who Auxiliary Contraction (The
performs the verb Will not = Main Verb information
action) (Will) won´t (The action) given)


1.5.3 – Questions: Yes / No questions - Information questions

There are two types of questions:

c) Yes/no Question: The type of question in which the answer is weather ¨ yes ¨ or ¨No¨.
When forming ¨yes/no question¨ in the future with “will” the variables below should
be taken into a count:

Noun or pronoun
Auxiliary (Person, animal or
Rest of the sentence
Main Verb (The information
Verb thing who performs (The action) given)
(Will) the action)


Short answers:

Yes, she will

No, she will not

d) Information question: The type of question that pursue informative response. It

responds to the question words (what, where, which, who, how, when, etc.). When
forming ¨information question¨ in the future with “will” the variables below should be
taken into a count:

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Word (QW) Noun or Rest
What = thing pronoun of the
Where = place (Person, sentence
Who = person animal or (The
When = time
thing who Main Verb information
Which = thing
perform the (The action) given)
How (different Auxiliary
uses) action)


1.6 Grammar. Future with “will” vs. Future with “going to”

Future with “will” Future with “going to”

• Use the future with “will to express a Vol- • Use the future with going to talk about actions
untary Action. A voluntary action is one the that are planned for the near future. It expresses
speaker offers to do for someone else. the idea that a person intends to do something in
the future. It does not matter whether the plan is
• Future with “Will” is often used to respond to realistic or not.
someone else’s complaint or request for help.
• Use time expression to talk about the future.
• Use future with “will” when we request that
someone help us or volunteer to do some- • Form the future with going to with the auxiliary
thing for us. “to be + going to + verb”.

• Future with “Will” is usually used in promises.

• This future is form with auxiliary “will” to

modify the principal verb in a sentence.

E.g. Next winter, I am going to travel to Brazil.

The weather is getting wet and cold. I will take my raining coat.
Are you planning to go to the movie? Wait for me, I will go with you!

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Names and Last Names: ______________________________________________________

Registration Number: _________________

Professor: __________________________________________________________

Main Theme: Activities for Fun/Leisure Vs. Activities that are obligations.
Expressing ability, possibility, probability, suggestion, advice, habit, permission,
obligation. Talking about the future, planning vacations.

I- Insert the suitable modal verb.

a. Tomorrow is holiday and we are planning to go to the beach. I ______buy some snacks
and Jack will get some beverage, what ______ you have?
b. Karla, Let us go dancing tonight! I am sorry, I _______. I _________study for the exam.
c. I have nothing in the fridge. Fred ______ to the supermarket.
d. ______ you help Maryland?
e. Nancy ______climb a mountain when she was eleven, now she _______.
f. Her oldest sister ______go to work, so, Fernanda _____take care of her nephew.
g. _____ I speak to the doctor_
h. We _______ pay taxes fees to go to BocaChica´s beach.
i. My mother is sick, I _____ to clean the house.
j. I have a terrible backache, I _____not going climbing

II- Change underlined statements into Information questions.

a. We could not go to the movie last night, it was raining.

b. They can speak English but They can not speak German.

c. The production is late; Licelot has to work on Sunday.

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d. He is the Human Resources Manager, he must participate at the meeting

e. Steven is off tonight, he would love to go dancing with the group

f. I accept your invitation but I have to be home before midnight.

g. Today is holiday, We should do something.

h. Fred and Patricia must go shopping today.

i. Joseph must improve his ability to install the machines.

III- Choose the correct verb “will” or “going to” for the following sentences
a. We ________ (have) fun on the trip
b. Is she going climbing the mountain? Wait for me. I ________ (go) with you Next I ________
(buy) a big suitcase at the mall
c. Christmas time, he _______________ (travel) to New York to visit his family.
d. It looks like getting cold, I______________ (take) my coat!
e. You __________(need) a sweeter in the mountain
f. Kilsayris and Stephanie _________ (not/study) English next year. Kilsayris ___________
(study) French and Stephanie ___________ (travel) to study medicine.
g. Joanny ________skate in the winter
h. Mrs Simons, those bags seem quite heavy. I ___________ (help) you carry them.
i. He ______(arrive) tomorrow morning
j. Peter _______(visit) Tahiland and Malaysia

IV. Change each affirmative statement according to the command with a


a. The weather will be sunny and warm (information question)

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b. Andrea must work until the end of the day. (yes/no question)

c. Look at those black clouds. I think it will rain (negative statement)

d. I am going to the movie tonight (information question)

e. I will phone you as soon as I arrive home! (negative statement)

f. She should go dancing tomorrow (yes/no question)

g. I am going to visit my best friend next summer (information question)

h. Raysa will lend me some money (negative statement)

i. I have to do the laundry today (yes/no question)

j. Mike probably live in Spain next year.

III- Giving explanation. You can use Spanish language.

a. Give a brief explanation of the modals.

b. Explain the difference among Future with “will” and “going to”

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THEME OF UNIT II Shopping in a mall/adjectives to compare and degree.

1. General Objective Learn to hold a simple English conversation based on going shopping in a
mall and to compare and degree adjectives.

2. Specific Objectives • Talk about shopping in a mall.

• Qualify expressing comparisons and degrees.
• Structure and use of indefinite pronouns, direct and indirect objects and
determiners “a little” and “a Few”.
• Structure and use of verbs with an infinitive or/and a gerund.

3. Main Themes • Shopping in a mall.

• Indefinite pronouns.
• Adjective, comparisons and degrees.
• Direct and indirect objects, determiners “a little” and “a Few”.
• Verbs + infinitive. Verbs + Gerund.

4. Vocabulary and • Shopping in a mall.

Concepts • Adjective and their opposites.

5. Competences • Take over a simple English conversation based on going shopping in a
mall and to qualify adjective by comparing or degrading.

• Show control of grammar comparing and degrading adjective; structuring

and using indefinite pronouns; direct and indirect objects, determiners “a
little” and “a few”; forming verbs with infinitive or gerund.

6. Mental Operations How to compare and degrade adjectives.

Structuring and using indefinite pronouns; direct and indirect objects,
determiners “a little” and “a few”; forming verbs with infinitive or gerund.


7. Video Content Use the video sounds in virtual room base on pronunciation of vocabulary.

8. Discussion forum Sign in to virtual room and participate of the unit forum as well as chat

9. Resources Dictionary.

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10. Writing Activities Written exercises and virtual room.

WORKING HOURS Hours of attendance: 04

Hours at distance: 16

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nnatec’s student should know the basic rules of the english language,
looking forward his/her ability to hold a simple English conversation
based on going shopping and to qualifying adjectives by comparing
and degrading.. The learner will also learn how to use and structure direct
and indirect object, indefinite pronoun, determiners and form sentences
with verb by adding an infinite or/and gerund.

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2.1 - Objective

Learn to hold a simple English conversation based on going shopping in a mall and to
compare and degree adjectives.

2.2 - Vocabulary: Shopping in a Mall.

A shopping mall is one or more buildings forming a series of shops or places to buy,
to have fun, to eat, etc. they are interconnected with walkways and allow visitors
to experience an easy place where to find everything someone needs. Its structure
includes parking area and a big and modern indoor.

Places To do

• Department store (men, per- • To buy for someone

fume, women, shoes, makeup, • To buy for yourself
accessories, departments) • To go to the movie What do you do?
• Shoes Store • To pay some services
• Boutique • To eat in a restaurant
• Food Area • To enjoy with your children
• Different floors (On this floor, • To go dancing
on 2nd floor, on 7th floor)
• Supermarket Offers
• Communication company
• Bank Services • It’s a bargain Is there any offer?
• Children area • On sales
• Toys store • 30% off
• Movie • Buy a gold ring, get a free
• Discotheque bracelet
• Jewelry store (rings, bracelets,
earrings necklaces, watches, etc) When someone buy needs:
• Accessories store (sunglasses,
purse, umbrella, wallet, scarves,) • Sizes (small, medium, large, What size sweater do you
• Make up store extra large, extra small) wear?
• Perfume store
• Women store • Name of brand (Gucci, Lacoste,
• Man store Sara, Aldo, etc)
• Taxi services
• Game area • Plan your shopping Where can I buy?
• Your idea ________________

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2.3 - Grammar: Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns

a) An adjective modifies or describe a noun in a sentence. The possessive adjective

tells who owns or possesses something.

E.g. My mother and I went shopping this morning (“My” describe mother)

b) The pronoun takes the place of a noun. The possessive pronoun tells who owns or
possesses something.

E.g. My mother and I went shopping this morning. My mother bought two t-shirt for
both. Hers is white and mine is blue (“hers and mine” take the places of nouns).

Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns

My Mine
Your Yours
His His
Her Hers
Its It
Our Ours
Your Yours
their Theirs

E.g. This is my dress E.g. This is mine

Those are her shoes That are hers
Who´s shirts are this? It is my shirt Whose hat is this? It is mine

2.4 Grammar: Indefinite Pronouns

An indefinite pronoun is a pronoun (substitute a noun) that enunciates unspecified

persons or things. The most commons are:

1) To refer to person: Someone or somebody, anyone, nobody or no one.

2) To refer to thing: Something, anything, nothing.

The main uses are as follow:

˃ Use someone and somebody for referring to persons in positive or affirmative


E.g. Somebody in the Shoes Store gave me a 10% discount

˃ Use no one and nobody for referring to person in negative statements.

E.g. No one knew where the game area is in the mall

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˃ Use anybody and anyone for referring to person in negative statements and

E.g. Is there anybody at the discotheque in the morning?

There was not anyone at discotheque in the morning

˃ Use something for referring to things in positive or affirmative statements

E.g. There was something wrong with the bill at the supermarket

˃ Use nothing for referring to things in negative statements

E.g. I was inside the store when the thief stole the women bag, but I saw nothing.

˃ Use anything for referring to things in negative statements and questions.

E.g. Is there anything to to drink in the food area?

2.5 Vocabulary: Adjectives and their opposite.

Adjectives are words that describe or modify a person or thing in a sentence.

E.g. Large streets are bored

They are happy

Note: Look at that the adjective large modifies the noun streets, and the adjective
happy modifies the pronoun they.

The adjectives have a contrary form or action as detail in the following box:

Adjective - Opposite

Alike (similar) - Different Hungry - Satisfied

Angry - Content Intelligent - Stupid
Awake – Asleep Joyful – Sorrowful
Beautiful (nice, pretty, handsome) - Ugly Left - Right
Big – Small Long - Short
Black – white Loose – Tight
Cheap – Expensive Modern – Antique
Clever - Fool Narrow - Wide
Complete – Incomplete Next - Last
Dark - Bright (light) Old – New (thing)
Early – Late Old - Young (person)

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Elegant - Badly dressed Open - closed

Empty – Full Present – Absent
False - True Rich – Poor
Famous – Unknown Safe – Dangerous
Fantastic - Horrible Short - Long
Fat - thin. Slow – Fast
Fine - Bad. Small - Big
Foolish - Silly. Smart - dull
Forward – Backward Soft - Hard
Friendly - Unfriendly Sour - Sweet
Front – Back Strong - weak
Good - Bad Tall (long) - Short.
Happy - Sad Upward = Downward
Hard – Soft Warm - Cool
Heavy - Light Wild (fierce) – Domestic (tame)
High – Low Wrong - Right
Hot - Cold

E.g. Lacoste brand is expensive, Cactus is cheeper.

2.6 Grammar: The Comparative and the Superlative of Adjectives

The comparative form of an adjective compares two people or things or more and the
superlative compare one person or thing with members that conform a group. The
comparative and the superlative use different form to structure themselves.

2.6.1 The comparative of adjectives

˃ Use comparative to compare more than two things.

E.g. Comparing Malls and Department Stores.

˃ Use “er” for monosyllable and disyllable adjective ending in e.

E.g. Nice - nicer

˃ Use “ier” for monosyllable and disyllable adjectives ending in y.

E.g. Pretty – prettier.

˃ Double the consonant with monosyllable adjective with one vowel followed by
one consonant.

E.g. Big – bigger

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Hot – hotter.

˃ Use “more” with adjectives with three syllables

E.g. Intelligent – more intelligent

Popular – more popular

Dangerous – more dangerous.

˃ Some irregulars adjectives

E.g. good – better

Bad – worse

˃ Use “than” after the comparative adjectives.

E.g. The Malls are bigger than the Departments Stores

2.6.2 The superlative of adjectives

˃ Use superlative to give the greatest grade to someone or something

E.g. Amazon river is large, Nilo river is large as well.

˃ Use the article “the” before the superlative adjectives

E.g. The smartest

˃ Use “est” for monosyllable and disyllable adjectives ending in e

E.g. Nice – the nicest

˃ Use “iest” for monosyllable and disyllable adjectives ending in y

E.g. Pretty – the prettiest

˃ Double the consonant with adjectives with one vowel followed by one consonant

E.g. Big – the biggest

hot – the hottest.

˃ Use “the most” with adjectives with three syllable

E.g. Intelligent – the most intelligent

Popular – the most popular

Dangerous – the most dangerous

˃ Some irregulars adjectives

E.g. good – the best

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bad – the worst

E.g. Amazon is the largest in the world.

2.7 Grammar: Direct and Indirect Objects.

An object is a noun or pronoun that gives meaning to the subject and verb in a sentence
and it follows the subject and the verb. One sentence can have one or more objects.
There are two types of objects: The Direct and the Indirect object. For easier use, it
is desirable to replace the name of an object with a pronoun or object pronoun. The
object pronouns are listed below:

Pronouns Object Pronouns

I Me
You You
He Him
She Her
It It
We Us
You You
They Them

Note: Use propositional for objects pronouns

For + me, you, him, her, us, you, them
To + me, you, him, her, us, you, them

2.7.1 Direct Objects

The direct object is a noun (person or thing) that receives the action of the verb. It
answers the question “what?” or “whom?” with regard the subject is referring.

E.g. My mother bought two t-shirts

(“Two t-shirts” receives the action of the verb “bought”)

This security gay works at the mall

(“Mall” receives the action of the verb “work”)

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2.7.2 Indirect Object

˃ An indirect object precedes the direct object and tells to whom or for whom the action
of the verb is done and who is receiving the direct object. There must be a direct object
to have an indirect object. Indirect objects are usually found with verbs of giving or
communicating like give, bring, tell, show, take, or offer.

˃ An indirect object is always a noun or pronoun which is not part of a prepositional


˃ If a preposition is used, then the word becomes the object of that preposition, as in
the following, where to and for are prepositions and man and yourself are their objects:

E.g. She gave her daughter some bags = She gave her some bags

(Who received the bags? Her)

The security gay from the mall talked to my mother =The security gay from the mall
talked to her

(My mother receives the action of the verb “talk”)

2.8 Grammar: The Determiners “A little” and “A few”

The expressions “a little” and “a few” determine the quantity one is referring to. They
preceded by indefinite article “in/an” and both means “some or enough”.

a) Use “a few” to refer to countable nouns to quantify in positive way

E.g. James bough some CDs to the party

b) Use “a little” to refer to uncountable nouns to quantify in positive way

E.g. My mother and I ate a little ice cream in the food area

2.7 Grammar: Verbs + infinitive. Verbs + Gerund

Sometimes English language speaking seems to be quite difficult in those cases in

which the speaker should have two substantive verbs (one followed by the other), so it
is important to understand how to manage the issue. There is a possibility that:

˃ The first verb should be followed by an infinitive verb (second verb)

˃ The first verb should be followed by a gerund (second verb)

˃ The first verb should be followed by an infinite or gerund irrespectively (second verb)

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When we are speaking we can use the following rules depending on the context:

Verbs followed by infinitive Verbs followed by Gerund Verbs followed by infinitive or

only only infinitive

Agree Appreciate Can’t stand

Choose Avoid Continue
Decide Can’t help Like
Hope Dislike Love
Learn Enjoy Prefer
Need (not) mind Start
Plan Feel like Try
Prepare Finish
Seem Imagine
Want Keep
Would like suggest

E.g. I need to visit the mall´s game area to plan my kid´s birthday party

They dislike getting the escalator to the 3rd floor

She loves to walk through the big hall or she loves walking through the bill hall

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Names and Last Names: ______________________________________________________

Registration Number: _________________

Professor: __________________________________________________________

Main Theme: Shopping in a mall/Adjectives to compare and Degree.

I- Complete with the correct possessive adjectives or pronouns.

a. My friend Mary has some new accessories, ________old ones were stolen last week.
b. Is it ________ (she) pants size? Absolutely, it is _________
c. They hate when someone touches __________ sunglass.
d. We are planning to go to the department store to buy some stuff. What can we bring to
_______ parents? Let us buy some sweaters for ________
e. Fred, Are these ________ pants? Yes, they are _________
f. I am preparing ________suitcase; I can bring Julie some jewelry for _______graduation.
g. I got a 30% discount for __________ new car
h. Do you like to shop? Yes, I love ________!
i. I am looking for a pair of white shoes for ________ uncle. Sure, we can get one for _______
j. Tommy is planning to visit _______grandparents next week. Yes, they will love to
welcome __________

II- Complete with the correct indefinite pronoun

a. There is not ___________________ in the shoes store. I think it is closed.

b. Our holiday was perfect._____________ were at the beach.
c. Lucy did not buy _______________ for her new chicken.
d. I am going dancing tonight, _______________is invited.
e. Fredesvinda wants to go to the concert but ___________ has invited her yet.
f. Today is holiday, is there ____________ in the office?

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g. My mother wants to bring ____________to me from the store.

h. I do not have money to buy __________ for her birthday.
i. Look I have found information of_____________ important in the human being history
j. My earring was on the desk, __________took them.

III- Write proper opposite adjective.

a. The opposite of a ‘long pants’ is a _______________pants

b. The opposite of a ‘fat uncle’ is a__________________uncle.
c. The opposite of a ‘heavy bag’ is a________________ bag.
d. The opposite of a ‘hard decision’ is a ___________decision.
e. The opposite of a ‘dark store is a____________________ store
f. The opposite of ‘wet clothes’ is _________________ clothes.
g. The opposite of a ‘fast plane’ is a _____________________ plane.
h. The opposite of a ‘long vacation’ is a _______________ vacation.
i. The opposite of a ‘hot drink’ is a _______________________ drink.
j. The opposite of sweet fruit is_____________________________fruit.

IV- Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).

a. My vacation was (wonderful) __________________________ than yours.

b. This shoes store has (good) __________________________discount than the clothe one.
c. This is the (interesting) ______________________ country I have ever visited.
d. Old cars keep (long) ________________ than new one.
e. Which is the (dangerous) __________________________ place in Santo Domingo?
f. A holiday by the sea is (good)__________________________________ than a holiday in the
g. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive)__________________________ than a beer.
h. Which mall is in the (rich) ________________________ place in Santo Domingo?
i. The weather this summer is even (bad) ____________ than last summer.
j. He bought the (cheep) _____________________________shoes in the store

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V- Complete with the correct direct or indirect objet.

a. Did you send Joseph the itinerary? - Yes, I sent__________ to ________

b. Tomorrow I am traveling to Trinidad y Tobago on vacation and I have not pre-check in
yet. Sam, can you do __________ for _________
c. Why don’t we bring them some sandwiches? - You can bring __________ to __________
but they will not it ___________
d. Has Rosy seen these photos? - Yes, I have already shown ___________ to _________
e. Please, give me your telephone number to call you as soon as you arrive to Orlando. -
Sorry. I can’t give___________ to __________ .
f. Will you write Martha an e-mail? - I think I should write ____________ as soon as possible.
g. Have you gone to the new mall? - No, I haven’t. Please, tell ______________ about
h. Did you give her the present? - No, she wasn’t at home. But I will give __________
i. I want to buy some new clothe and shoes at the Stadium mall tomorrow; can you help
__________ to buy _________?
j. I want to take a photo, but I did not bring my camera, could you take ___________ for

VI- Using previous exercises, identify whether is direct object (DO) or Indirect
Object (ID)

a. ____________________________________
b. ____________________________________
c. ____________________________________
d. ____________________________________
e. ____________________________________
f. ____________________________________
g. ____________________________________
h. ____________________________________

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i. ____________________________________
j. ____________________________________

VII- Write the correct form of verb (infinitive or gerund or both)

a. Dan dislikes______________ (watch) science fiction movies.

b. Cheryl suggested____________ (select) a movie after work.
c. I want _________________ (go back) to my hometown on vacation. Maybe I can plan it
for the next year.
d. When did you start _____________ (travel)?
e. He asked_____________ (talk) to the store manager.
f. I have never imagine __________ (be) in Japan for a long vacation
g. Debbie plans ___________ (travel) abroad next year.
h. If he needs________________ (work) late, he’s going to get fired!
i. I agreed Jack _________ (take) his cat with him to the beach
j. He started _______(love) since 2 years ago.

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THEME OF UNIT III Ongoing Past Activities. Expressing that Something Has Happened.

1. General Objective Learn how to express ongoing past activities and actions that have
happened in the past.

2. Specific Objectives • Express ongoing activities in the past

• Express actions that have happened in the past

3. Main Themes • Past progressive tense

• Present perfect tense

4. Vocabulary and • Some activities

Concepts • Leisure activities and sport
• Regular and irregular verb in past participle
5. Competences • Take over a simple English conversation in the past progressive tense
• Take over a simple English conversation in the present perfect tense
• Show control of grammar structuring in the past progressive and present
perfect tense.

6. Mental Operations Structuring adjectives to describe people, thing and animals. Forming
affirmative, negative and questions statement in the past progressive and
present perfect tense.

7. Video Content Use the video sounds in virtual room base on pronunciation of vocabulary.

8. Discussion forum Sign in to virtual room and participate of the unit forum as well as chat

9. Resources Dictionary.

10. Writing Activities Written exercises and virtual room.

WORKING HOURS Hours of attendance: 04

Hours at distance: 16

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nnatec’s student should know the basic rules of the English language,
looking forward his/her ability to hold a simple English conversation
referring to ongoing activities in the past. He/she will also learn
how to express actions that have happened in the past.

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3.1 Objective

3.2 Vocabulary. Some activities

To Wait in the stations

To Cook some vegetables
To Drive home from work
To Wearing a cap
To Take a bath
To Go home
To Leave the apartment store
To Listen to a concert
To Eat meat
To Cut grass
To Knock the door
To Use his Iphone
To Talk on the phone
To Travel in train
To Fly in a plane
To Buy a ticket
To Scare of elevator
To Hit the ball
To Eat nails
To Sleep on a bag
To understand the questions
To talk to the manager
To write a letter
To listen to music

3.3 Grammar: Past Progressive Tense

The Past Progressive or past continuous is a tense that is used to talk about the
ongoing actions in the past. It is also used to refer to actions occurring simultaneously
in the past and to express an action that took place when another one interrupted it.

The present progressive is formed by the combination of the verb “to be” in past + main
verb + ing. Some different forms when adding “ing” should be taken into account (E.g.
studying, sitting, dancing, sleeping, etc).

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3.3.1 Affirmative statements

When forming affirmative statements in the past progressive tense, the variables
below should be taken into a count:
Rest of the sentence
Noun or pronoun Verb to be
(The information given
(Person, animal or in past
Main Verb or simultaneous action
thing who performs (Auxiliary) occurring in the simple
(The action)
the action) (Was/were) past)



3.3.2 Negative statements

When forming negative statements in the past progressive tense, the variables below
should be taken into a count:
Rest of the sentence
Noun or pronoun Verb to be
(The information given
(Person, animal or in past
Main Verb or simultaneous action
thing who performs (Auxiliary) occurring in the simple
(The action)
the action) (Was/were) past)

Was not = wasn´t
were not = weren´t


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3.3.3 Questions: Yes / No questions - Information questions

There are two types of questions:

e) Yes/no Question: The type of question in which answer is whether “yes” or “No”.
When forming “yes/no question” in the past progressive tense, the variables below
should be taken into a count:
Rest of the sentence
Verb to be Noun or pronoun (The information given
in past (Person, animal or Main Verb or simultaneous action
(Auxiliary) thing who performs occurring in the simple
(The action)
(Was/were) the action) past)



Short answers:

Yes, he was
No, he wasn´t

f) Information question: The type of question that pursue informative response. It

responds to the question words (what, where, which, who, how, when, etc.). When
forming ¨information question¨ in the past progressive tense, the variables below
should be taken into a count:
Rest of the
Question sentence
Word (QW) Noun or
(The information
What = thing pronoun
given or
Where = place (Person,
Who = person simultaneous
animal or action occurring
When = time
thing who Main Verb
Which = thing in the simple
perform the (The action) past)
How (different Auxiliary
uses) action)



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3.4 Grammar: Present Perfect Tense.

The Present Perfect is a tense that is used to express the idea that something has
happened in the past and that are still related in the present. The exact time is not

This tense is formed with the auxiliary “have/has + past participle of verb. The past
participle is formed by taking into consideration weather the verbs are regulars or

˃ For regular verbs, add –ed, ied to the base form of the verb
e.g. to talk-talked; to study-studied.

E.g. to talk-talked; to study-studied.

˃ For irregular verbs, they have different forms of writing and pronunciation that
might be memorized.

E.g. to be-been; to have-had, to go-gone

3.4.1 List of some Regular and Irregular verbs

Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs

To study - studied To be - been

To play - played To come - come
To wash - washed To do - done
To work - worked To drink - drunk
To talk - talked To eat - eaten
To like - liked To give - given
To jog - jogged To leave - left
To practice - practiced To make - made
to want - wanted To see - seen
to need - needed To take - taken
to invite - invited To write - written
to play - played to wear - worn
to create - created to run - run
to check - checked to sit - sat
to interest - interested to read - read
to wait - waited to find - found
to use - used to know - known
to spend - spent

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3.4.2 Affirmative statements

When forming affirmative statements in the present perfect tense, the variables below
should be taken into a count:
Noun or pronoun Verb to be
Auxiliary in past
(Person, animal or Rest of the sentence
Verb Participle (The information
thing who performs
(The action) (The action) given)
the action)


3.4.3 Negative statements

When forming negative statements in the present perfect tense, the variables below
should be taken into a count:
Noun or
pronoun NOT Main Verb Rest of the
(Person, Contraction in Past sentence
animal or Have not
Auxiliary Participle (The information
thing who = haven´t
Verb (The action) given)
perform the has not =
action) (have/has)


3.4.4 Questions: Yes / No questions - Information questions

There are two types of questions:

g) Yes/no Question: The type of question in which answer is whether “yes” or “No”.
When forming “yes/no question” in present perfect tense, the variables below should
be taken into a count:
Noun or pronoun Verb to be
Auxiliary in past
(Person, animal or Rest of the sentence
Verb Participle (The information
thing who performs
(have/has) (The action) given)
the action)


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Short answers:

Yes, they have

No, they haven´t

h) Information question: The type of question that pursue informative response. It

responds to the question wo rds (what, where, which, who, how, when, etc.). When
forming ¨information question¨ in the present perfect tense, the variables below should
be taken into a count:
Word (QW) Noun or
What = thing
Where = place
pronoun Main Verb Rest of the
Who = person (Person, in Past sentence
When = time Auxiliary animal or Participle (The information
Which = thing Verb thing who (The action) given)
How (different
(have/has) performs the


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Names and Last Names: ______________________________________________________

Registration Number: _________________

Professor: __________________________________________________________

Main Theme: Ongoing Past Activities. Expressing that Something Has Happened.

I- Scramble the words and make the correct form of the past continuous

a. I/Cook some vegetables/not


b. Mary and I/drive home from work


c. Peter and Joanna/ Wear a cap


d. He/ Take a bath/not


e. They/ Go home

f. Marie/Leave the apartment store /not


g. She/Listen to a concert

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h. The children/Eat meat/not


i. The students/understand the questions/not


j. The girl/talk to the manager


II- Put the verbs into the correct form (past progressive).

a. When the train arrived, they _________________________(wait) in the train station

b. I phoned Liza, she ____________________ (talk) to the manager
c. Yesterday at six I ______________________(cook) vegetables.
d. He _____________________ (drive) home when it suddenly began to rain.
e. While Aaron ______________(talk) in the phone, Jane _________________(write) a letter.
f. We _____________________ (not / sleep) on a bag all day
g. I tried to tell them the truth but they _____________________(talk) on the phone
h. Michael _________________________ (wear) a cap to the past Halloween party
i. When the teacher started to ask for the exam back, she (understand) the questions.
j. Most of the time we ________________________(travel) in train.

III- Scramble the words and make the correct form of the present perfect tense

a. I/Cook some vegetables/not


b. Mary and I/drive home from work


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c. Peter and Joanna/ Wear a cap


d. He/ Take a bath/not


e. They/ Go home

f. Marie/Leave the apartment store /not


g. She/Listen to a concert

h. The children/Eat meat/not


i. The students/understand the questions/not


j. The girl/talk to the manager


Instructional Guide | English 4 Page | 57

IV- Change each case according to the information with a parenthesis. Use
present perfect tense

a. She has never gone to Disney World (yes/no question)

b. Luious has visited her grandfather since 1992 (negative)

c. They have played football before (information question)

d. Stephanie has interviewed famous people (negative)

e. I have gone to China (yes/no question)

f. Monalisa and Rox have climbed a mountain (information question)

g. I have been to Colombia before (negative)

h. Didda has felt like this before (yes/no question)

i. The girls have written letters.

j. I have traveled in train

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V- Answer the questions below. Use Spanish language if necessary. Give long

1. What is the auxiliary that you use to form negative and questions statement with the
past progressive?

2. How do you form the present perfect tense?

3. When do you use the present perfect tense?

4. How do you form the past progressive?

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