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 Tell me about yourself.

 What is your greatest strength?

 What is your greatest weakness?
 Why should we hire you?
 Why do you want to work for us?
 Why are you leaving your job?
 Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

0. Small talk
Una parte que a menudo olvidamos preparar y que sin embargo
es de vital importancia es la pequeña conversación de
cortesía anterior a una entrevista, o “small talk”. Son varias las
frases con las que puedes romper el hielo y establecer un tono
amigable con el entrevistador:

“Thanks for inviting me to interview”

“I’m pleased to meet you!”

“Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today.”

“I’m good, thanks. I’ve been looking forward to this interview for a
while, so I’m happy to be here.”

1. Tell me about yourself

La pregunta del millón de dólares y la manera predilecta de los
reclutadores para dar el pistoletazo de salida en una entrevista
de trabajo en inglés. En algo menos de 60 segundos deberás
exponer tu experiencia, habilidades, logros, objetivos y
cualidades personales.
Una fórmula que siempre funciona para construir la respuesta
de manera interesante es la de “presente – pasado – futuro”:

“I currently work as a Sales Manager at Company Inc., where I

manage a team of sales executives in the retail business department.

Before that, I was with Company Inc. as a buyer on the fashion

section. I managed to double sales on the first year.

Now, I’m hoping to move into a senior management position, where I

can use my sales and leadership experience to help an international
company grow to its full potential.”

2. What is your greatest strength?

Ya en un terreno más personal, el entrevistador esperará
escuchar cómo tus mejores cualidades se acoplan perfectamente
a sus necesidades. Para ello, cíñete a la descripción del puesto y
resalta aquellas habilidades que concuerden con sus requisitos.

“I have very strong communication skills and I´m definitely a creative

thinker. Having worked as a graphic designer for seven years, I have
strong attention to detail when it comes to designing. I have also
created art for a variety of companies, so I know how to balance
artistic integrity with audience appeal.”

3. What is your greatest weakness?

Todavía más importante que tus fortalezas, tus puntos
débiles darán buena cuenta de quién eres como profesional. Haz
todo lo posible por evitar clichés manidos como el
perfeccionismo. Y, sobre todo, arroja una luz de positividad
sobre tus flaquezas.

“I used to wait until the last minute to complete the less important
tasks, but I realized that smaller and insignificant activities are also
important for the bigger picture. I’m now much more proactive. And
even though I continue prioritizing tasks, I now know that throwing
something together last minute is never as good as having the time
to review it a couple of times.”

4. Why should we hire you?

La falta de preparación, la modestia, las generalidades y una
respuesta demasiado larga son los principales enemigos de esta
pregunta. Expón de manera clara y concisa por qué eres el
mejor candidato para ese puesto en concreto.

“Based on the research I’ve done, this company is expanding into the
European market in the upcoming years.

With my background in international business, I know I can help

make that transition successful. I´m an effective Sales Manager who
is skilled in strategic planning, negotiating and setting a vision for the
whole team. I’d  love to bring my diverse skill set to your company.”

5. Why do you want to work for us?

A pesar de que pueda parecer que esta pregunta va sobre ti, la
respuesta solo deberá tener a la empresa en mente. O, lo que
es lo mismo, lo que tú quieres deberá coincidir con lo que ellos

“I really believe in the value of customer care and so when I saw a

position with your company to join your Customer Service
department I had to make sure my application was put in.  I believe
strongly in working with attentiveness towards the goal of customer
retention and I know the skills I bring will not only make an impact in
the department but in the wellbeing of your clients as well.”

6. Why are you leaving your job?

No es éste un espacio para la negatividad. Aunque la experiencia
en tu empleo actual esté resultando nefasta, deberás
siempre centrarte en tu habilidad para salir adelante de la
manera más profesional. Recuerda reflejar en las preguntas de la
entrevista de trabajo en inglés lo que están buscando en su
candidato ideal.

“While overall my experience at the Company Inc. was a positive and

rewarding journey, after several years I feel I have hit a plateau in
terms of growth and new challenges. I’m now looking for a company
where I can contribute with my costumer care skills and grow in a
team-oriented environment.” 

7. Where do you see yourself in 5

Una pregunta que parece perfectamente simple pero que
revelará las capas más profundas de tus anhelos profesionales.
Son varias las preguntas implícitas: ¿Te interesa este empleo en
concreto o cualquier empleo? Si te contratamos, ¿te irás pronto
en busca de otros retos? ¿Eres consciente de lo que este puesto

La opción más segura es demostrar un interés  en desarrollar tu

carrera a largo plazo en la compañía:

“While my main focus is on the position we are discussing today, I’m

hopeful that I’ll be able to grow within this position to take on more
exciting projects in the company.

It’s common knowledge that your company has the highest

programming standards and the best systems analysts in the
industry, so I hope I’ll be working here in 5 years’ time.”

8. How do you handle stress and

El estrés es un compañero de viaje inevitable prácticamente en
cualquier empleo. El entrevistador lo sabe, por lo que lo mejor
será exponer con naturalidad cómo nos enfrentamos a él de
una manera que nos permita convertirnos en mejores

“I actually work better under pressure. Good pressure, such as an

upcoming deadline, helps me to stay motivated and productive. If
stress gets to a breaking point, then I cope with practices such as
prioritizing tasks, delegating, deep breathing, exercise… But overall I
feel I thrive under quick deadlines and multiple projects.”
9. Describe a difficult work situation
and what you did to overcome it…
Dentro de las llamadas preguntas de comportamiento, ésta es
sin duda una de las más comunes. Prepararte la respuesta con
mimo puede arrojar una luz muy favorecedora sobre tu
candidatura. Recuerda orecer siempre ejemplos que se ciñan a lo
que la empresa está buscando.

“I can remember a difficult situation during my time as Marketing

Director at Company Inc., where two members of my team were at
each other’s throats as a result of a campaign not getting the sales
we expected. I think I really was able to showcase one of my biggest
strengths, my leadership skills, when I lead mediation between the
two colleagues. When that happened, I’d try to be an example of
integrity and led with kindness. They ended up solving their issues
and performing excellent teamwork.”

10. What are your salary

Sugerir una cantidad demasiado baja puede hacer que te sientas
realmente desmotivado en el puesto. Una cantidad demasiado
alta, en cambio, puede cortar de raíz tus probabilidades de ser el
elegido. La clave está en encontrar un punto intermedio.

“I am open to discussing what you believe to be a fair salary for the

position. Based on my research, similar positions in this industry are
currently paying between X€ and Y€. Is this also the range for which
you’ve budgeted for this position?”

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