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Escuchamos un grito proveniente de afuera, nos levantamos y nos dirigimos a la puerta

para investigar de dónde salía el grito, pero está estaba siendo bloqueada del otro lado. Mis
amigos y yo subimos las escaleras de la planta alta, en las paredes había telarañas y polvo
por todos lados, además de que no se podía ver nada a parte de la luz proveniente de
nuestras linternas. Arriba había dos habitaciones y dos baños. Nos encerramos en la
habitación principal y nos acercamos a la ventana para observar el exterior, lo único que
vimos fueron unas gruesas gotas deslizándose por el cristal. Luego de un rato todos
estábamos llenos de comer tantos dulces, nos reímos mucho de los chistes que
contábamos. Escuché un sonido que provenía de la planta baja y uno de mis amigos bajo a
revisar de que se trataba pasaron 15 minutos y no volvía así que bajamos todos pero no lo
encontramos; fue entonces cuando uno por uno, mis amigos empezaron a desaparecer,
hasta el punto en el que solo quedábamos Hazel y yo, nos preocupamos mucho por
nuestros amigos y los buscamos por todas partes, pero, al llegar al pasillo vi una luz
pequeña, que parecía brotar del reflejo de un cuchillo, intentamos ver aquello que se
escondía en la oscuridad pero, quedamos paralizados al ver que cargaba a uno de nuestros
amigos. Corrimos hacia una de las habitaciones y bloqueamos la puerta, Hazel se escondió
debajo de la cama y yo en un viejo armario. Debieron haber pasado varias horas ya que la
luz del amanecer se colaba por una de las ventanas de la habitación y en un acto de
valentía salimos corriendo de aquella casa.

Nunca volvimos a esa casa, nunca encontramos a nuestros amigos y nunca supimos quien
era esa terrorífica persona.


We heard a scream coming from outside, we got up and went to the door to investigate
where the scream was coming from, but it was being blocked from the other side. My friends
and I climbed the stairs to the top floor, there were cobwebs and dust everywhere on the
walls, and we couldn't see anything apart from the light coming from our torches. Upstairs
there were two bedrooms and two bathrooms. We locked ourselves in the main room and
went to the window to look outside, all we could see were thick droplets sliding down the
glass. After a while we were all full from eating so many sweets, we laughed a lot at the
jokes we told. I heard a sound coming from downstairs and one of my friends went
downstairs to check what it was about, 15 minutes went by and he didn't come back so we
all went downstairs but we couldn't find him; It was then when one by one, my friends started
to disappear, until the point where only Hazel and I were left, we were very worried about our
friends and we looked for them everywhere, but, when we got to the corridor I saw a small
light, which seemed to come from the reflection of a knife, we tried to see what was hiding in
the darkness but, we were paralyzed when we saw that it was carrying one of our friends.
We ran into one of the rooms and locked the door, Hazel hid under the bed and I hid in an
old wardrobe. Several hours must have passed as the light of dawn was streaming through
one of the windows of the room and in an act of bravery we ran out of that house.

We never went back to that house, we never found our friends and we never knew who this
terrifying person was.

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