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1. Usted debe mantener una conversación de 2-3 minutos con uno de sus compañeros
escogidos al azar utilizando uno de los tres escenarios que se presentan después de
estas instrucciones. Evite pausas.

2. Los ´Phrase Banks´ son ayudas para que su conversación sea más organizada y
concreta, pero usted necesita completarlos con más estructuras y vocabulario para
cumplir con el tiempo requerido. Revise las presentaciones de la clase, los recursos
en Blackboard y el material extra trabajado durante clase para este fin.

3. Es obligatorio preparar los tres escenarios con anticipación. Recuerde que al

momento de su examen cualquiera de dichos escenarios y roles A y B serán
escogidos al azar.

4. Este examen tiene un valor de 10 puntos oro.

5. Durante la evaluación oral es obligatorio habilitar su cámara de vídeo y


6. Los aspectos a tener en cuenta al momento de evaluar su participación serán:

• Fluidez: Habilidad de producir la lengua en tiempo real y hablar por periodos

largos (apropiados a su nivel) sin vacilación.

• Interacción: Habilidad de interactuar y mantener una conversación. Esto

requiere comprensión tanto para responder como para hacer una pregunta de
seguimiento que es apropiada para el comentario del interlocutor.

• Rango Gramatical y Exactitud: Uso apropiado de las estructuras

gramaticales, elección de tiempo gramatical necesario para el contexto o
situación, orden correcto de las palabras en la estructura gramatical.

• Recurso Léxico: Rango de palabras y frases usadas de manera apropiada.

• Pronunciación y entonación: Inteligibilidad, ritmo, melodía del habla.

Role-Play #1: At a Party- Getting to know each other

Student A
You are at a birthday party, but you do not know anyone. Introduce yourself to Student B,
ask questions about personal information and daily routines. Answer the questions Student
B asks you.
You can use the following phrases to complete your questions and ideas.
Phrase Bank:

Hello, I am… Are you single?

What’s your name? Do you have any siblings?

How are you? When do you start work?

Nice to meet you too When do you…?

How old are you? What do you…?

Where do you study/work?

Student B
You are at a birthday party and Student A starts a conversation with you. Answer Student
A’s questions and follow up the conversation by asking him/her questions about personal
information and daily routines
You can use the following phrases to complete your questions and ideas.
Phrase Bank:

Hi, nice to meet you I am single/married

I am fine/great/good Do you have any siblings? I have… siblings / I don’t have…

I am… years old I… at…

I am from… What’s your phone number?

I am a…

I study/work at…
Role-Play #2: Buying at the supermarket

Student A - Customer
You are at PRICESMART buying food for the week. You need help finding the items, ask the
assistant (Student B) to help you and then pay for the items. Use the supermarket list
chosen by your teacher.
You can use the following phrases to complete your questions and ideas.
Phrase Bank:

Excuse me, can you help me?

Where is the...?

Where are the…?

How much is the…?

How much are the…?

Cash/Credit card…
Thank you

Student B – Sales Assistant

You are a sales assistant/cashier at PRICESMART. A customer (Student A) asks for help,
answer his/her questions about the items’ location and prices.
You can use the following phrases to complete your questions and ideas.
Phrase Bank:

It’s over there / They are over there

It’s / They are next to the/ behind/in front of/ on / in….

No problem

Let me show you

That’s …. Lps.

Cash or credit card?

Here’s your change

Have a nice day!

Your teacher will assign one of the lists. Make sure to ask for all the items on the list.
Role-Play #3: Family Pictures and Occupations
*You need a family picture for this role-play

Student A
Introduce your family members (at least 3 members) to Student B. Say their names,
occupations, and ages. Talk about their daily activities and answer Student B’s questions
about them. Then, listen to Student B tell you about his/her family, and ask three questions
about his/her (Student B’s) routine.
You can use the following phrases to complete your questions and ideas.
Phrase Bank:

This is… She/he gets up at…

She/he is ____ years old. She/he as breakfast at…

She/he is from _______. She/he starts work at…

She/he is a/an (occupation) When do you…?

She/he works at… What do you…?

Where do you…?

Student B
Student A will introduce his/her family members to you. Listen to Student A and then ask
her/him three questions about her/his daily routine. Then, introduce your family members
to Student A (at least 3 members). Say their names, occupations, and ages. Answer Student
A’s questions.
You can use the following phrases to complete your questions and ideas.
Phrase Bank:

When do you…? She/he gets up at…

What do you…? She/he as breakfast at…

Where do you…? She/he works at…

This is… She/he starts work at…

She/he is ____ years old.

She/he is from _______.

She/he is a/an (occupation)

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