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Nancy: Hola mi nombre es Nancy

Jack: Hola Nancy. Mi nombre es Jack. Es un gusto conocerte.
Nancy: También es un gusto conocerte. ¿De dónde eres?
Jack: Soy de Australia. ¿De dónde eres tú?
Nancy: De Perú. Soy peruana. ¿A qué te dedicas?
Jack: Soy estudiante de inglés.
Nancy: ¿Dónde estudias?
Jack: En el centro de idiomas de la UTEA.
Nancy: También yo.
Jack: ¿Dónde vives?
Nancy: En la Av. Elías número 200. ¿Dónde vives tú?
Jack: En Tamburco.
Nancy: Me tengo que ir. Te veo más tarde.


Escribe un texto en inglés. El texto debe tener dos párrafos de 5 líneas en letra arial
tamaño 12 (cada párrafo puede tener más de 5 líneas, pero no menos).

En el primer párrafo habla de ti. Tu nombre, edad, donde vives, a qué te dedicas, tu
familia lo que te gusta y disgusta, etc.

En el segundo párrafo describe tu ciudad o lugar de residencia y a algunos miembros de

tu familia o personas cercanas de las que quieras hablar.


 Presenta en un archivo Word. (los dos párrafos)

 Usa traductores y grammarly a la hora de redactar, estas aplicaciones te ayudarán
 Se puntual al entregar tu trabajo. Empieza a hacerlo con días de anticipación. ¡No lo
hagas a última hora!

 Fecha límite de entrega domingo 07 de febrero.

practice number one
Good evening, my name is Cesar Gaspar pozo, I am twenty-three years old, I am from the city
of Andahuaylas, from the district of talavera I currently live with my mother, I have four
younger sisters, I am working in an accounting firm as an accounting assistant, I like to do
sports such as playing soccer, volleyball and, I also love traveling to see new places and
customs, the region that. I travel the most often is Ayacucho, to visit my father, also for its
tourist attractions, as well as for its typical foods.

Talavera is one of the district of the province of andahuaylas, the people are very friendly,
talavera is known for its square where you can see the clock tower, it is an impressive district,
for its mid climate, for its mild climate, for its costumbrista festivals such as the carnival.

In Andahuaylas, there are many places to visit and discover, such as archaeological sites and
ruins, it also has its museum, soccer stadium, sona food, drinks such as chicha

from ccora and handicrafts.

Andahuaylas is a city with plenty of vegetation, fauna and agriculture.

You can go to its tourist places in combis, taxis or motorcycles. In the center of the city of
Andahuaylas is the colonial San Pedro temple, likewise you can see a bronze bell in honor of
the Virgin of Loreto, it also has many incredible places such as the Pacucha lagoon, Sondor,
Sotoccmachay, parks, and entertainment centers, discos. Here the day dawns with a cold in
winter and in the afternoons we can appreciate the beautiful Andalusian clouds. One of the
highlights of staying here in Andahuaylas is visiting the viewpoint, the parks of Jose Maria
Arguedas and the park of Campesino.

you can go to many cafes and fast foods.

The best time to visit Andahuaylas is in summer since it is not very cold, and likewise the best
time to visit nearby towns is in summer, since at this time you can enjoy the best weather,
parties, festivals, and you will be able to better assess culture and places.

since in those festivities we can appreciate the dances of the negrillos, incachas.

¡Come and meet the Chanka culture!

we are the poluco aguilar family that we are five conforming, my two older brothers are
administrators and I am an accounting graduate, we are a very united and very adventurous
family, we like to play sports.

thanks for your attention.

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