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Agosto de 2007

DVS - DEUTSCHER VERBAND Soldadura de termoplásticos

Soldadura de herramientas calentada de
FÜR SCHWEISSEN UND tuberías, tubería Código Técnico
VERWANDTE VERFAHREN E.V. componentes y hojas de PE-HD DVS 2207-1

Traducción de la versión alemana de septiembre de 2005

Contenido: 2 Requisitos generales

1 Alcance La calidad de las juntas soldadas depende de la calificación del

2 Requisitos generales soldador, la idoneidad del equipo y los dispositivos utilizados,
3 Medidas antes de soldar así como del cumplimiento de las normas de soldadura. La
3. 1 Requisitos para la soldadura junta soldada puede probarse mediante métodos no
3. 2 Limpieza destructivos y/o destructivos.
3. 2.1 Agentes de limpieza
3. 2.2 Limpieza de herramientas calentadas El trabajo de soldadura debe ser supervisado. El tipo y la gama
3. 2.3 Limpieza de las zonas de unión de supervisión deben ser acordados entre los socios
4 Soldadura a tope con herramientas calentadas contractuales. Se recomienda registrar los datos de soldadura
en protocolos de soldadura (véase el apéndice) o en soportes
4.1 Soldadura a tope de tubos, componentes de tuberías, accesorios de datos.
y chapas
4.1.1 Descripción del proceso En el marco de la garantía de calidad se recomienda producir y probar
Reimpresión y copia, incluso en forma de extractos, sólo con el consentimiento del editor

4.1.2 Preparación de la soldadura muestras de juntas antes y durante la soldadura.

4.1.3 Procedimiento de soldadura
4.2 Soldadura de herramientas calentada de tees de roscado Cada soldador tiene que ser entrenado y tiene que estar en
4.2.1 Descripción del proceso posesión de un certificado de calificación válido. El rango de
4.2.2 Preparación de la soldadura
aplicación previsto puede ser decisivo para el tipo de
cualificación. El código técnico DVS 2212-1 es válido tanto para
4.2.3 Procedimiento de soldadura la soldadura a tope de chapas como para la construcción de
5 Soldadura por enchufe eléctrico tuberías industriales. La especificación GW 330 de DVGW se
5.1 Descripción del proceso aplica de forma análoga como prueba de calificación para la
5.2 Dispositivo de soldadura soldadura a tope de herramientas calentadas y a zócalo de
5.3 Preparación de la soldadura herramientas calentadas en la construcción de sistemas de
5.4 Procedimiento de soldadura suministro de gas y agua. La soldadura de plásticos para
6 Soldadura con toma de herramientas calentada interiores se describe en los códigos técnicos DVS 1905-1 y -2.
6. 1 Descripción del proceso
6. 2 Dispositivos de soldadura Los equipos y dispositivos utilizados para la soldadura deberán cumplir los
requisitos del DVS 2208-1.
6. 3 Preparación de la soldadura
6. 4 Procedimiento de soldadura
7 Ensayo de juntas soldadas 3 Medidas antes de soldar
8 Normas y directivas
9 Explicaciones 3.1 Requisitos para la soldadura
Instrucciones de procesamiento (versiones cortas) La zona de soldadura debe estar protegida contra las
Ensayo de juntas soldadas influencias meteorológicas adversas (p. ej., viento, humedad).
Protocolos de soldadura Si se garantiza mediante las medidas adecuadas (p. ej.,
precalentamiento, tienda, calefacción) que las condiciones son
adecuadas para la soldadura, el trabajo puede realizarse a
1 Alcance cualquier temperatura exterior en la medida en que el soldador
no se vea obstaculizado en su manipulación (véase la
Este código técnico se aplica a la soldadura a tope de las explicación). En caso necesario, deberá aportarse una prueba
chapas según la norma DIN EN ISO 14632 y a la culata de las adicional efectuando soldaduras de muestra en las condiciones
herramientas calentadas, a la toma de corriente calentada y a mencionadas (punto 7).
la soldadura por electroenchufe de las tuberías, accesorios y
) según las normas DIN 8074 y
camisetas de rosca de PE-HD1 Si el producto semiacabado se calienta de forma irregular bajo la
8075, DIN 16 963, DIN 3543-4 y DIN 3544-1, utilizados para la influencia del sol, se puede alcanzar una compensación de
conducción de gases, fluidos y sólidos. temperatura en el área de la junta de soldadura mediante
recubrimiento. Debe evitarse el enfriamiento durante el proceso de
soldadura por ventilación. Durante la soldadura, los extremos de la
Por lo que se refiere a las siguientes instrucciones, puede tubería deben cerrarse adicionalmente.
la idoneidad dentro de los caudales de fusión MFR2)
190/5 de 0,3 hasta 1,7 g/10 min o 0,2 hasta 0,7 g/10 min Los tubos PE-HD de las bobinas son ovalados y doblados
respectivamente. Para la soldadura a tope de la herramienta inmediatamente después del desenrollado. El extremo de la
tubería deberá prepararse antes de la soldadura, p. ej.,
calentada se debe asistir a las restricciones de las camisetas calentándose cuidadosamente con un equipo de aire caliente
de roscado de acuerdo con la sección 4.2. y/o utilizando una res de sujeción adecuada. dispositivo de
La desviación de los valores MFR requiere una prueba adicional mediante
ensayos de resistencia a la tracción según DVS 2203-4 o suplemento 1. Las zonas de unión de los componentes que vayan a soldarse
no deberán sufrir daños y deberán estar libres de
contaminación (p. ej., suciedad, grasa, virutas).

La indicación del material es la especificación del grupo de termoplásticos e incluye los tipos PE 63, PE 80 y PE 100. La inf ormación cumple con los estándares
antigua indicación IFM = índice de flujo de fusión

Esta publicación ha sido elaborada por un grupo de especialistas experimentados que trabajan a título honorario y se recomienda considerarla una importante fuente de
información. El usuario siempre debe comprobar en qué medida los contenidos son aplicables a su caso particular y si la versión disponible sigue siendo válida. La
Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e.V., así como los participantes en la elaboración del documento, no pueden aceptar ninguna responsabilidad.

DVS, Comité Técnico, Grupo de Trabajo Unión de Plásticos

Pedidos a: DVS-Verlag GmbH, P. O. Box 10 19 65, D-40010 Düsseldorf, Alemania, Teléfono: + 49(0)211/1591- 0, Telefax: + 49(0)211/1591-150

Página 2 a DVS 2207-1

3.2 Limpieza 4.1.2 Preparación de la soldadura

Para la producción de juntas soldadas perfectas es muy Antes del inicio del proceso de soldadura, debe comprobarse la
importante que las áreas de unión, así como las herramientas temperatura de soldadura de la herramienta calentada. Esto se hace,
y herramientas calentadas estén limpias y libres de grasa. p. ej., mediante un dispositivo de medición de indicación rápida con
una superficie de contacto de 10
3.2.1 Agentes de limpieza mm para medir la temperatura de la superficie. La medición de
control debe hacerse dentro de la zona de la herramienta
Los agentes de limpieza o paños ya humedecidos en una caja calentada que corresponde al producto semiacabado. Para
de plástico de cierre deberán consistir en un disolvente ajustar una balanza térmica, la herramienta calentada podrá
vaporizador al 100 %, p. ej., 99 partes de etanol con un grado insertarse como muy pronto 10 minutos después de alcanzar la
de pureza del 99,8 % y una parte de MEK (metiletilcetona, temperatura establecida.
desnaturalización). Los agentes probados según DVGW 603
cumplen con este requisito. El uso de alcohol etílico podría Para garantizar una conexión óptima de soldadura, la
resultar en una reducción de la calidad debido al agua herramienta calentada debe limpiarse de acuerdo con el punto
contenida. 3.2.2 antes de cada operación de soldadura. El revestimiento o
revestimiento antiadherente de la herramienta calentada
El papel para la limpieza debe estar limpio, sin usar, absorbente, no uzzy deberá estar libre de daños en la zona de trabajo.
y no coloreado. Agota el aire después.
Las fuerzas y presiones de unión deberán especificarse para
3.2.2 Limpieza de herramientas calentadas las máquinas que vayan a utilizarse. Estos pueden basarse en,
p. ej., información del fabricante, valores calculados o medidos.
Las herramientas calentadas deben limpiarse con papel antes Además, en la soldadura de tuberías, la pieza de trabajo fuerza
de cada proceso de soldadura. No pueden quedar residuos de móvil res. la presión móvil se toma del indicador de la máquina
agentes de limpieza o papel en la herramienta calentada. de soldadura durante el lento desplazamiento de la pieza que
se va a soldar y se añade a la fuerza de unión previamente
3.2.3 Limpieza de las zonas de unión determinada res. presión de unión. Se prefiere el equipo
controlado electrónicamente, si es posible con el registro.
Antes de mecanizar las zonas de unión es necesario asegurarse de
que las herramientas y componentes utilizados estén limpios y libres El espesor nominal de la pared de las piezas soldadas deberá coincidir en
de grasa incluso fuera de las zonas de soldadura, si es necesario la zona de unión.
utilizar un agente limpiador.

El tratamiento de las zonas de unión debe hacerse directamente antes de Las tuberías y accesorios deben alinearse en dirección axial en
que comience el proceso de soldadura. la máquina de soldadura antes de la sujeción. El fácil
movimiento axial de la pieza a soldar se puede garantizar, p.
ej., por medio de muñecos o suspensión oscilante.
Las virutas deben eliminarse sin entrar en contacto con las zonas de unión.

Las zonas de unión deben cepillarse con una herramienta

En caso de contaminación de la superficie después del limpia y libre de grasa directamente antes de la soldadura para
mecanizado, p. ej., por contacto con las manos, las zonas de que sean coplanares en condiciones de sujeción. Anchura de
unión deben tratarse con un agente limpiador si es imposible hueco admisible bajo presión de alineación, véase el cuadro 1.
un mecanizado posterior.

Cuadro 1. Anchura máxima entre las zonas de soldadura tratadas.

4 Soldadura a tope con herramientas calentadas
Diámetro exterior del tubo Ancho del
d hueco Sheet width
4.1 Soldadura a tope de tubos, componentes de tuberías, accesorios mm mm mm
y chapas
≤ 355 0,5
4.1.1 Descripción del proceso
400 ... < 630 1,0 ≤ 1500
Con el proceso de soldadura a tope de la herramienta 630 ... < 800 1,3 > 1500 ≤ 2000
calentada, las zonas de unión de los componentes a soldar se
alinean bajo presión sobre la herramienta calentada 800 ... ≤ 1000 1,5 > 2000 ≤ 2300
(alineación), se calientan hasta la temperatura de soldadura
con presión reducida (calentamiento) y se unen bajo presión > 1000 2,0 > 2300 ≤ 3000
(unión) después de retirar la herramienta calentada (cambio).
La figura 1 muestra el principio de este procedimiento.

Ambos, el ancho de la brecha y la desalineación tienen que ser

controlados. La desalineación de las zonas de unión en el
exterior de la tubería o en la lámina, respectivamente, no podrá
superar el tamaño admisible de 0,1 x espesor de pared. Una
reducción de la calidad surge en caso de desalineación mayor
que limita la resistencia de la articulación. En este caso, la
evaluación de acuerdo con DVS 2202-1 bajo consideración de
los requisitos de la junta se puede hacer.

Las zonas de soldadura tratadas no deben ensuciarse ni tocarse a

mano, ya que entonces sería necesario un recauchutado. Una
limpieza adicional no es necesaria y no significa ninguna mejora de
la calidad. Las virutas caídas en la tubería tienen que ser removidas.

4.1.3 Procedimiento de soldadura

Con la soldadura a tope de la herramienta calentada, las áreas de

unión se calientan hasta la temperatura de soldadura por medio de
la herramienta calentada y se unen bajo presión después de quitar
la herramienta calentada. La temperatura de la herramienta
calentada es de 200 a 220 °C. En principio, el límite superior de
temperatura debe aspirarse para un espesor de pared más pequeño,
Figura 1. Principio de la soldadura a tope de la herramienta calentada el límite inferior de temperatura para los más grandes (ver figura 2).
de una tubería. La temperatura superior también debe elegirse para el PE 100. Las
diferentes etapas del proceso de soldadura se ilustran en la figura 3.
Página 3 a DVS 2207-

cuando las alturas del talón hayan alcanzado los valores

mencionados en la tabla 2, columna 2 sobre la circunferencia
total de la tubería o la superficie total de la hoja,
respectivamente. Los tamaños de los granos son un índice para
un contacto completo de las áreas de unión en la herramienta

Para el calentamiento, las zonas de unión deben entrar en

contacto con la herramienta calentada a baja presión. La
presión se reduce a casi cero ( 0,01 N/mm2). Durante el
calentamiento, el calor penetra en las zonas de unión y se
alcanza la temperatura de soldadura. Los tiempos de
calentamiento se indican en la columna 3 del cuadro 2.

Después del calentamiento, las zonas de unión deben

separarse de la herramienta calentada. La herramienta
Figura 2. Valores recomendados para las temperaturas de la herramienta
calentadas en función del espesor de la pared. calentada debe retirarse sin daños ni contaminación de las
zonas de unión calentadas. Las áreas de unión deben unirse
rápidamente hasta que casi tengan contacto. El tiempo de
transición debe ser lo más corto posible (véase la tabla 2,
columna 4), de lo contrario las zonas plastificadas se enfriarán.
La calidad de la junta de soldadura se vería afectada

Las áreas a soldar deben cumplir con una velocidad de casi

cero. La presión de unión exigida se construye posiblemente
lineal. Los tiempos requeridos se muestran en la tabla 2,
columna 5. La presión de unión es 0,15 0,01 N/mm2.
Las cargas mecánicas elevadas durante o directamente
después de la descamación sólo se permiten después de la
refrigeración terminada. La presión de unión debe mantenerse
completamente durante el tiempo de refrigeración a
temperatura ambiente (véase el cuadro 2, columna 5).

La reducción del tiempo de refrigeración hasta el 50 %, es decir, la

Figura 3. Pasos de proceso de soldadura a tope de herramientas liberación de la presión de unión y la retirada de la pieza soldada del
calentadas. equipo de soldadura, se permite con arreglo a los siguientes
Alineación - la soldadura se realiza en condiciones de taller
Las áreas de unión de los componentes de soldadura se presionan - la retirada del equipo de soldadura y el almacenamiento temporal sólo
a la herramienta calentada hasta que todas las áreas se coplanar en causan pequeñas cargas en la junta
la herramienta calentada. Este hecho es visible en la formación de
cuentas. La alineación ha terminado - se refiere a componentes con un espesor de pared de 15 mm.

Solo se permite un tratamiento adicional con plena carga mecánica de la

junta después de un enfriamiento completo de acuerdo con la columna 5
del cuadro 2.

Cuadro 2. Valores recomendados para la soldadura a tope de tubos, accesorios y chapas de PE-HD a una temperatura exterior de aprox. 20 °C y flujo de aire
moderado (los valores intermedios deben interpolarse).

1 2 3 4 5
Pared nominal Alineación Calentamiento Cambio ación
espesores s
Temperatura calentada de la herramienta, véase la figura
2 Tiempo de transición Presión de unión Tiempo de enfriamiento
tiempo de
(Tiempo máximo) preparación bajo presión de unión
Altura de la cuenta en Tiempo de calentamiento
(valores mínimos)
herramienta calentada =10 x pared p = 0,15 N/mm ± 0,01
al final del espesor
tiempo de
alineación p= 0,01 N/mm2)
(alineación p =
0,15 N/mm )
mm mm s s s min
hasta el 4,5 0,5 hasta el 45 5 5 6
4,5 ... 7 1,0 45 ... 70 5 ... 6 5 ... 6 6 ... 10
7 ... 12 1,5 70 ... 120 6 ... 8 6 ... 8 10 ... 16
12 ... 19 2,0 120 ... 190 8 ... 10 8 ... 11 16 ... 24
19 ... 26 2,5 190 ... 260 10 ... 12 11 ... 14 24 ... 32
26 ... 37 3,0 260 ... 370 12 ... 16 14 ... 19 32 ... 45
37 ... 50 3,5 370 ... 500 16 ... 20 19 ... 25 45 ... 60
50 ... 70 4,0 500 ... 700 20 ... 25 25 ... 35 60 ... 80
Página 4 a DVS 2207-1

Después de la unión, debe aparecer un doble abalorio uniforme. El heating-up is reduced to ≤ 0,01 N/mm during the now starting
tamaño de la cuenta muestra la regularidad de las soldaduras. heating-up time. The heating time depends on data provided by
Diferentes cuentas podrían ser causadas por diferentes the manufacturer of the fitting. When the heating time has
comportamientos de flujo de fusión de los materiales unidos. Sobre elapsed the shaped heating tool is to be withdrawn without
la base de la experiencia con productos semiacabados comerciales damaging and contamination of the joining area. The
hechos de PE 80 y PE 100 con la gama MFR mencionada, la changeover time should be as short as possible (maximum
soldabilidad se puede suponer, incluso si resulta en perlas de value see table 3, line 3). The joining areas should be joined
soldadura asimétricas. K debe ser siempre > 0 (véase la figura 4). together promptly afterwards.
After complete cooling the welding device may be removed.

Table 3. Recommended values for the heated tool butt welding of tapping
tees made of PE-HD at outside temperature of 20 °C and
moderate air flow.

1 Alignment under p = 0,15 N/mm
Bead heights on heated tool
at the end of the alignment time
Min. value [mm] 1,0
2 Heating-up under p ≤ 0,01 N/mm acc. to
Heating-up time [s] manufacturer
Figura 4. La formación de la cuenta a la soldadura a tope calentada de la data
herramienta (principio) del tubo.
3 Changeover Max. time [s] 10
En el apéndice figura una versión breve de las instrucciones 4 Joining pressure build-up time 5
de procesamiento.
Cooling time under joining
4.2 Soldadura a tope de herramientas calentadas de tees de pressure
5 p = 0,15 N/mm
La soldadura a tope de herramientas calentadas de camisetas de Min. value [min] 15
rosca es aplicable con tuberías PE-HD de acuerdo con DIN 8075 de
los valores índice de flujo de fusión de 0,7 hasta 1,3 g/10 min. Para
componentes del sistema de tuberías de PE-HD con valores MFI de Short version of processing instructions see appendix.
0,2 hasta 0,7 g/10 min el proceso de soldadura es aplicable sólo en
conjunción con un refuerzo que abraza la tubería. Esta última
condición también es válida si, especialmente en el caso de los 5 Electro-socket welding
accesorios que se fijen en una fase posterior, no es posible una
atribución dentro del ámbito de aplicación de esta norma. 5.1 Description of the process

Las soldaduras a tope de herramientas calentadas de tees de roscado The joining areas (pipe surface and inside of the fitting) are
deben realizarse mediante dispositivos de soldadura. overlapped and welded by resistance wires inside the fitting
(heating coils) which are heated up by electrical energy (see
4.2.1 Description of the process figure 5).

The connection zones of pipe and tapping tee are aligned and
heated up by means of a shaped heated tool under alignment
pressure. After removal of the shaped heated tool the joining
faces are joined under joining pressure.
4.2.2 Preparation of welding

Prior to the start of the welding process, the welding

temperature set on the heated tool is to be checked according
to section 4.1.2.

To ensure an optimum welding connection the heated tool has

to be cleaned according to section 3.2.2 before every welding
operation. The anti-adhesive coating of the heated tool must be
free of damages in the working zone.
Figure 5. Electro-socket welding (principle).
Prior to clamping into the welding equipment the joining surface of
the pipe has to be scraped with a trimming blade or another suitable 5.2 Welding equipment
tool. Shavings have to be removed without contacting the joining
area. The treated welding areas should be neither dirtied nor touched Only welding equipment adjusted to the parts to be welded may be
by hand, otherwise cleaning of the joining areas according to section used. Automatic welding equipment is preferred – possibly with
3.2.2 is necessary. The tapping tee always has to be cleaned recording. The welding equipment must supply the required welding
according to section 3.2.3. parameters for the fitting to be welded such as welding time, current
and voltage. The device must switch off as soon as the necessary
The roundness of the pipe is to be ensured by the clamps of the quantity of heat has been fed to the welding zone.
welding equipment or special re-rounding devices. The fit of the
tapping tee face is to be controlled.
5.3 Preparation of welding
Prior to welding the required forces for alignment and joining
have to be determined from the table provided with the Clean surfaces and a stress free installation are very important
equipment. for the fabrication of perfect welded joints. With the choice of
pipes with limited diameter tolerance according to DIN 8074 the
4.2.3 Welding procedure installation of fittings is easier.

The shaped heated tool, heated to the welding temperature (200 up

to 220 °C) is introduced between the welding components. The
alignment pressure is 0,15 N/mm . After beads have formed
according to table 3, column 1, the specific set pressure for
Page 5 to DVS 2207-1

For axial pipe connections the pipes have to be cut rectangular welding process it runs automatically. The welding time is
by means of a suitable device. In case of a bevelled shrinkage usually shown on the welding equipment. It has to be
of the pipe cut edge the un-treated pipe has to show the nominal transferred to the welding protocol as well as other data from
diameter d (figure 6) at the designated insert depth minimum in the welding machine, if no data recording is done.
the area of the heated socket. If necessary the pipe end should
be shortened immediately before welding. Consider error message! If there should be any interruption to
the power supply in the early part of the welding process, the
welding may be repeated as long as no visible defects on the
fitting or error messages with the welding equipment have
appeared, and the fitting manufacturer has given his permission
for re-welding to take place.
The joining area (pipe and fitting) must be cooled down completely before
the welding process is started again.

The cables can be removed after switching off the equipment.

Check the welding indicators if available on the fitting. The
connection may be moved only after cooling down. The fitting
or mounting manufacturer supplies corresponding information.
The drilling of tapping tees may be done only after finished
cooling time.
Details from the manufacturer about additional cooling times, e.g.
till the pressure test, have to be considered.
Short version of handling instructions see appendix.

6 Heated tool socket welding

Figure 6. Bevelled shrink of the pipe end.
6.1 Description of the process

The ovality of the pipe may not exceed 1,5 % of the outside At heated tool socket welding (see figure 7), pipe and pipeline
diameter, max. 3 mm. If necessary, re-rounding devices can be components are welded in overlapped condition. Pipe end and
used. fitting are heated up to welding temperature by a socket or
spigot-shaped heated tool and subsequently joined together.
The surface of the pipe or fitting in the welding zone has to be
completely machined. A scraping tool with a constant wall Heated tools and fittings are dimensionally adapted so that on
thickness removal of approx. 0,2 mm should be used. Take care joining a joining pressure will be built-up. Heated tool socket
for a small annular gap! welding can be performed manually up to 50 mm pipe diameter.
At diameters as from 63 mm, a welding device is required
The pipe end has to be deburred inside and outside, shavings have to be because of the higher joining force.
removed without contacting the joining areas.

The fitting may only be removed from the protective package immediately
before the installation.

In case of contamination of the pipe surface after machining it

must be cleaned according to section 3.2.3. It has to be
considered that no contamination is rubbed into to the welding
zone. The joining area of the fitting or tapping tee respectively
has to be cleaned according to section 3.2.3.

The insert depth of the pipe has to be controllable by an added

mark or suitable device. The fitting may neither be tilted nor
pushed onto the pipe end with force (low stress installation). The
tapping fitting has to be clamped on the pipe by means of a
suitable device under consideration of the manufacturer’s

The contact socket for the connection of the welding cable must be easy

Fitting and pipe have to show the same temperature level before
the welding process. Concerning welding equipment with
automatic temperature compensation, take care that the
measured environmental temperature corresponds to the
conditions of the welding location. If necessary the welding Figure 7. Heated tool socket welding (principle).
equipment as well as the pipe and fitting have to be protected
e.g. against direct sun radiation. 6.2 Welding device
5.4 Welding procedure The heated tools are heated electrically and are coated anti-adhesively.

The correct insert depth has to be controlled by means of the

mark. The components to be welded should be secured against 6.3 Preparation of welding
The fitting has to be cleaned inside and outside according to
The welding equipment is connected by a cable with the part to be section 3.2.3. The treatment of the joining areas of the welding
welded. The welding cable has to be placed without weight loaded. components should take place immediately before welding is
The contact areas must be clean. The required data of the fitting or started. The pipe end has to be bevelled according to figure 8
tapping tee for the welding process are taken automatically from the and table 4. The joining area of the pipe is to be treated
welding equipment by scanning the specific component barcode. The according to the manufacturers guidelines. Concerning manual
shown data (e.g. dimension) have to comply with the component welds the insert depth is to be marked on the pipe with distance
data. After starting the I according to table 4.

Page 6 to DVS 2207-1

Before welding starts the welding temperature (250 to 270 °C)

set on the heated tool has to be controlled according to section

Heating socket and heating spigot must be free of contaminations

and should be cleaned before welding according to section 3.2.2. The
anti-adhesive coating of the heating spigot and heating socket must
be free of damages in the welding area.

6.4 Welding procedure

For the purpose of heating, fitting and pipe are pushed swiftly
and axially onto the devices fitted on the heated tool and held
until the stop at machine welding or until the mark at manual
welding. It has to be absolutely avoided that the pipe is pushed
onto the end of the heating socket. Afterwards the heating-up
time starts according to the time values in table 5, column 2.
Figure 8. Bevelling of the pipe end. After the heating time has elapsed, the fitting and pipe should
be withdrawn sharply from the heated tool and pushed together
immediately without any twisting until the stop or mark
Table 4. Values for pipe chamfer and insert depth. (maximum adjusting time see table 5, column 3).

Pipe outside diameter Pipe chamfer Insert depth At manual welding the joined components have to be kept fixed
d [mm] b [mm] l [mm] according to the time mentioned in table 5, column 4. The
connection may be loaded by further installation works only after
16 13 cooling time is over (table 5, column 5).
20 14 Short version of handling instructions see appendix.

25 16
2 7 Testing of welded joints
32 18
40 20
Various tests can be used to test the quality of individual welding
50 23 processes. Differentiation is made between destructive and
nondestructive tests. For details see table 6. Tests and
63 27 sampling can be carried out prior to or during welding work
according to agreement.
75 31
90 3 35
110 41
125 46

Table 5. Recommended values for the heated tool socket welding of pipes and pipeline components made of PE-HD at outside temperature of 20 °C and moderate air

1 2 3 4 5
Pipe outside Heating-up Changeover Cooling
diameter d
Heated tool temperature 250 up to 270 °C
Heating up time for Heating up time for Changeover time Cooling time
2) 2)
SDR 11, SDR 7,4, SDR 6 SDR 17, SDR 17,6 (Maximum time)
fixed total

mm s s s s min
5 6
20 4 2
25 7
32 8
40 12 6 4
50 18
63 24
75 30 18 8 6
90 40 26 40
110 50 36 50
10 8
125 60 42 60
Due to the low wall thickness this welding method is not recommended.
Standard Dimension Ratio ~ d/s (ratio outside diameter / wall thickness).

Page 7 to DVS 2207-1

Table 6. Test methods for weld joints.

Test method Heated tool butt welding Electro socket welding Heated tool socket welding
Sheets, pipes, fittings Tapping tees Fittings Tapping tees Pipes, fittings
DVS 2202-1 Smooth welding joint on DVS 2202-1 DVS 2202-1 DVS 2202-1
Table 1 the complete Table 3 Table 3 Table 2
Visual test circumference
Mechanical treatment of pipe surface has to be visible also
outside of the welding area.
applicable. Statement about e.g. voids is possible, but not about the quality.
and X-ray test

DVS 2203-2;
Short-term welding
Tensile test non applicable
DVS 2203-1, Suppl. 1
DVS 2203-4;
Tensile creep tensile creep welding
DVS 2203-4, Suppl. 1
test factor
DVS 2203-1, Suppl. 2
DVS 2203-5.
Minimum bending
angle acc. to
DVS 2203-1, Suppl. 3,
Figures 1 and 2 non applicable
bending test
Minimum bending
distance acc. to
DVS 2203-1, Suppl. 3,
Figures 7 and 8
DIN 16963-5, section,
Internal Length of each pipe DIN 3544-1,
DIN 16963-5,
pressure piece DIN 3544-1, sections 2.3 sections 2.3 DIN 16963-5,
creep rupture acc. to table 6. and 3.2 at 80 °C and 3.2 section
test Non meaningful for at 80 °C
long-term welding
factor > 0,5
Torsion shear
non applicable see appendix. Also applicable as site test for pipe wall thickness ≥ 4 mm.

non applicable see appendix. Also applicable as site test for pipe wall thickness ≥ 4 mm.
peeling test

non applicable DIN EN 12814-4, section 8. Also applicable as site test.

Peeling test non applicable DIN EN 12814-4, section 7 non applicable

8 Standards and technical codes DIN EN ISO Thermoplastic piping systems for industrial
15494 applications; Polybutene (PB), Polyethylene
DIN 3543-4 Tapping tee fittings made from rigid PE for (PE), Polypropylene (PP); Requirements to
pipes made from rigid PE; dimensions pipeline components and to the piping system;
DIN 3544-1 Fittings made from rigid PE, type 1 and 2, Metric sizes
requirements and testing of tapping tee fittings DIN 16 963 Pipe joints and pipeline components for pres-
DIN 8074 Pipes made from polyethylene (PE); PE 63, sure pipelines made from polyethylene high
PE 80, PE 100, PE-HD; dimensions density (PE-HD)
DIN 8075 Pipes made from polyethylene (PE); PE 63, DIN 19537 Pipes and fittings made from polyethylene high
PE 80, PE 100, PE-HD; General quality requi- density (PE-HD) for sewage channels and
rements, testing pipelines ;
DIN EN ISO Thermoplastics; Polyethylene (PE)-moulding -1 –, dimensions
1872-1 materials; designation systems and basics for -2 –, technical delivery conditions
DVGW GW 330 Welding of pipes and pipeline components
DIN EN 12814-4 Testing of welding joints made from thermoplastics; Part made from polyethylene (PE80, PE 100 and
4: Peeling test PE-Xa) for gas- and water system welders;
DIN EN ISO Extruded sheets made from polyethylene (PE- Training and testing scheme
14632 HD); Requirements and test methods
DVGW GW 331 Supervisor for welding of pipelines made from
PE-HD for gas and water supply; Training and
testing scheme

Page 8 to DVS 2207-1

DVGW VP 603 Preliminary test basis for cleaning agents and 6. Take off the planing tool at the pipe welding machine.
their tanks for the preparation of welding joints
on polyethylene pipes 7. Remove shavings from the welding area without touching the joining
DVS 2202-1 Failures on welded joints of thermoplastics;
features, description, evaluation 8. Check the coplanarity by moving the joining areas together
(maximum gap width according table 1).
DVS 2203-1 Testing of welded joints on sheets and pipes of
thermoplastics; testing methods – requirements 9. Check the misalignment (maximum 0,1 x wall thickness).
Suppl. 1 Requirements for tensile test
10. Check the heated tool temperature subject to the wall thickness (see
Suppl. 2 Requirements for tensile creep test figure 2).

Suppl. 3 Requirements for technological bending test, 11. Clean the heated tool with a cleaning agent according
bending angle/bending distance sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 with unused, absorbent, non-fuzzy
and non-coloured paper and exhaust it.
-2 –, tensile test
-4 –, tensile creep test 12. Determine the moving pressure res. moving force before each
welding and record it in the welding protocol.
-4 Suppl. 1 –, tensile creep test; testing of socket welding
connections on pipes 13. Determine the values for aligning, heating-up and joining pressure.
-5 Technological bending test
DVS 2208-1 Welding of thermoplastics; Machines and 14. Set the reference values according to table 2.
equipment for the heated tool welding of pipes, 15. Bring the heated tool to the welding position.
pipeline components and sheets
DVS 2212-1 Testing of plastic welders; Test group I and II 16. Align the welding areas to the heated tool until a bead is formed
(according to table 2, column 2).
Betr.Sich.V Regulation of industrial safety 2
17. Heating-up with reduced pressure ≤ 0,01 N/mm , heating-up time
according to table 2, column 3.

9 Explanation 18. After heating-up is finished, withdraw the joining areas from the
heated tool and remove it from the welding position.
This technical code has been adjusted according to the state-
of-the-art with regard to improved cleaning agents and the 19. The joining areas should be joined together quickly within
development of larger pipeline components. The non-contact the changeover time (table 2, column 4) until they almost
heated tool welding is explained in DVS 2207-6. touch. At contacting, they have to meet with a speed of
nearly zero. Build up a linear joining pressure (table 2,
column 5) immediately afterwards.
The welding of thermoplastics at environmental temperatures below
5 °C is generally problematic. This concerns less the material specific 2
20. After joining with a pressure of 0,15 N/mm a bead must exist.
properties of the thermoplastics but the limited manual skill of the According figure 5, K has to be > 0 on every section.
welder. Welding outside at any temperature requires an environment
which enables the welding staff to perform the individual work steps 21. Cooling down under joining pressure according to table 2, column 5.
without quality reducing influences. The parts to be welded must have
the same temperature level. Test welds have to be performed and
tested. 22. Declamping of the welded parts after cooling time. For shop works
see joining in section 4.1.3.
Regarding the pipe end condition it has to be considered that 23. Complete the welding protocol.
the welding preparations include also the remove of frost, ice
and moisture from the joining area (≥ 0,5 x fitting length) by
means of heat (e.g. hot gas device). Fittings and tapping tees Ad 4.2 Heated tool butt welding of tapping tees
must be stored in closed, frost-free rooms and provided / used
for welding only in the required quantity.
Processing instruction (short version)
The quality evaluation of socket welding joints by the internal 1. Establish acceptable working conditions, e.g. welding tent
pressure creep test is only insufficiently possible. In
combination with the tensile creep test a first sign is contained 2. Control the function of the welding equipment.
in DVS 2207-1, suppl. 1 (draft), table 1.
3. Ensure the roundness of the pipe by the clamps of the welding
equipment or corresponding re-rounding devices.
Appendix: Processing instructions (short versions) 4. Adjust and clamp the parts to be welded, e.g. by dollies.

Ad 4.1 Heated tool butt welding of pipes, pipeline components, 5. Clean the joining areas even outside of the welding zone
fittings and sheets by means of cleaning agents according to sections 3.2.1
and 3.2.3 with unused, absorbent, non-fuzzy and non-
Processing instruction (short version) coloured paper. Machine the pipe surface.

1. Establish acceptable working conditions, e.g. welding tent 6. Remove shavings from the welding area without touching the joining
2. Connect the welding equipment to the mains or alternating current 7. Control the surface fit of the tapping tee.
generator and control the function.
8. Fix the welding equipment onto the pipe.
3. Adjust and clamp the parts to be welded, e.g. by dollies.
9. Clamp and adjust the tapping tee.
4. Close the pipe ends against air movement.
10. Choose the correctly shaped heated tool.
5. Clean the joining areas even outside of the welding zone
by means of cleaning agents according to sections 3.2.1 11. Clean the connection surfaces –if contaminated – and the
and 3.2.3 with unused, absorbent, non-fuzzy and non- heated tool according to sections 3.2.1, 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 by
coloured paper. means of unused and absorbent, non-fuzzy and non-
Machine the joining zones, at pipes e.g. with planing tool. coloured paper and exhaust it.

Page 9 to DVS 2207-1

Ad 6 Heated tool socket welding

12. Determine forces for alignment and joining (table of manufacturer).
Processing instruction (short version)
13. Check the welding temperature (200 up to 220 °C).
1. Establish acceptable working conditions, e.g. welding tent.
14. Set the heated tool to the welding position.
2. Connect the welding equipment to the mains or alternating current
15. Align the welding areas to the heated tool until a bead of 1 mm generator and control the function.
3. Clean the heating tools by means of a cleaning agent
2 according to sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 with unused,
16. Heating-up with reduced pressure ≤ 0,01 N/mm , heating-up time
according to manufacturers data. absorbent, non-fuzzy and non-coloured paper.
4. Check the welding temperature (250 up to 270 °C).
17. Withdraw the connection areas to be welded from the
heated tool after heating-up time is finished and bring them 5. Clean all non-treated joining areas with a cleaning agent
into welding position. according to sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.3 with unused,
absorbent, non-fuzzy and non-coloured paper and exhaust
18. The joining areas should be joined together within the changeover it.
time of maximum 10 seconds.
6. Machine the rectangular cut pipe end according to figure 8
19. Build-up joining pressure speedy and smooth within 5 seconds. and table 4 or according to the fitting manufacturer
instruction. If necessary mark the insert depth.
20. Cooling down under joining pressure, minimum 15 minutes.
7. Insert the fitting and pipe simultaneously into the heating
21. Declamping of the welded parts after cooling time. spigot / the heating socket till the stop / mark. The pipe end
may not contact the end of the heating socket.
22. Complete the welding protocol. 8. Observe the heating-up time according to table 5, column 2.

9. Pull off the fitting and pipe and push them swiftly and axially
Ad 5.3 Electro-socket welding of fittings and tapping tees together to the stop / mark (maximum changeover time see
table 5, column 3) and fix this position (see table 5, column
Processing instruction (short version)
1. Establish acceptable working conditions, e.g. welding tent. 10. Cool down the connection. Mechanical load of the
connection only after finished cooling time according to
table 5, column 5.
2. Connect the welding unit to the mains or the alternating current
generator and check function. 11. Complete the welding protocol.

3. Deburr the outside of the rectangular cut pipe end. Shorten

the pipe in case of too much pipe end shrinkage. See figure Ad 7 Testing of welded joints

4. Ensure that pipe ends are round using re-rounding clamps, The torsion shear test and radial peeling test are applicable for
permitted ovality up to ≤ 1,5 %, max. 3 mm. a quick check of the welding quality of PE-HD pipe connections.
The wall thickness of the pipe should be ≥ 4 mm.
5. Clean the joining areas even outside of the welding zone
by means of cleaning agents according to sections 3.2.1
and 3.2.3 with unused, absorbent, non-fuzzy and non-
coloured paper. Machine the pipe surface in the welding
area if possible with a scraping tool and wall thickness
removal of approx. 0,2 mm. Remove the shavings without
touching the pipe surface.

6. Clean the treated pipe surface – if contaminated and if

necessary, according to manufacturers instructions, also
the inside of the fitting – with a cleaning agent according to
sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.3 with unused, absorbent, non-fuzzy
and non-coloured paper and exhaust it.

7. Insert the pipes into the fitting and control the insert depth
by means of the mark or suitable device. Fix the tapping
tee on the pipe. Take care for low stress installation.
Secure the pipe against dislocation.
8. Connect cable to fitting. Cable must be free of weight load.
Figure 9. Test sample from electro-socket or heated socket welding joint.
9. Enter welding data e.g. by means of barcode scanner,
check the displayed data on the equipment and start the
welding process. Four test specimen are evenly removed from the whole
circumference by longitudinal spacing. The contact sockets have to
10. Control the correct welding procedure on the welding be omitted at electro-socket welding. The dimensions are:
equipment e.g. by control of the display information and if Test specimen length = socket length + 2 x 200 mm pipe length
available with the welding indicators. Consider error
messages. Test sample length = socket length + 2 x ≈ 10 mm pipe length
11. Disconnect cable from fitting. Test sample width b = 3 up to 6 mm at pipe wall thickness
≤ 10 mm
12. Declamping of the welded parts after cooling time. Remove fixing b = 5 up to 6 mm at pipe wall thickness
device. > 10 mm
13. Complete the welding protocol form if no automatic protocol is Torsion shear test: The torsion shear test is used for the evaluation of the
made. fracture behaviour and the fracture appearance

Page 10 to DVS 2207-1

of the welding joint. For this purpose the test sample (see figure Evaluation is done according to table 7.
9) is fixed completely in a bench vice with one part e.g. socket
cross section. The other part e.g. pipe cross section, is caught Radial peeling test: For this test the pipe cross section of the test
with a suitable tool and twisted for 90° in the welding section sample (see figure 9) which is fixed by the socket cross section in the
winch vice by means of a suitable pliers or another clamping device
(see figure 10). The pitch rate is very low in order to widely is radially peeled at possibly low speed (see figure 11).
exclude the fracture behaviour of the test sample. The clamping
areas should be slightly undercut in order to insert the twisting Evaluation is done according to table 7.
moment directed to the welding joint section.

Figure 10. Application of force during torsion shear test.

Figure 11. Application of force during radial peeling test.

Table 7. Evaluation criteria for torsion shear and radial peeling test.

Fracture behaviour Type, characteristic Evaluation

High release forces, ductile fracture, > 80 % Very structured fracture appearance with plastic and No resp. minor faults
of the welding zone ductile yield
Welding zone is partly or completely melt, but Isolated delaminations, contaminations, insufficient sur- Unacceptable faults
only spot-welded face peeling
Brittle fracture Release zone is large-pored, fine structured, intersper-
sed with a lot of voids, partly burnt, overheated welding
Pipe surface is not melt, welding joint too cold, too large
welding gap

Protocol form for the Heated tool butt welding of pipes laid overground Material Sheet of
and pipelines components laid underground
Customer Executive company Welding equipment: Weather Preventive measures

1 = sunny 1 = none

Name of order Name of welder Identifi- Label: 2 = dry 2 = umbrella

cation No.
Type: 3 = rain or snow 3 = tent

No. of order Name and company of the welding Machine No.: 4 = windy 4 = heating
Year of construction: Order as above in case of multiple nominations
(e. g. 34 = rain and wind)

Weld Date pipe checked workpiece Joining Set values heating-up Joining Change- Cooling Environmental Code-No. Notes
No. dimensions heated tool movin pressure time pressure over time time under temperature
øds temperature pressure (data of heating up alignment build-up joining Weather Preventive
manufacturer) joining time pressure measures
mm C min/max bar bar bar bar s s s s C

Welder signature: Date and signature of welding supervisor:

From periodic interval, frequency according to 4.1.2.

According to data of equipment manufacturer resp. welding equipment test plus workpiece moving pressure.
Enter measured values.

Protocol form for the Heated tool butt welding of sheets Material Sheet of

Customer Executive company Welding equipment:

Name of order Name of welder Identification Label:


No. of order Name and company of the welding Machine No.
Year of construction

Weid Date Sheet checked Set values heating-up Joining Changeover Cooling time Environmental Notes
No. thickness heated tool time pressure time under joining temperature
temperature alignment heating up joining build-up time pressure
mm C min/max bar bar bar s s s s C

Welder signature: Date and signature of welding supervisor:

From periodic interval, frequency according to 4.1.2.

According to data of equipment manufacturer resp. welding equipment test plus workpiece moving pressure.
Enter measured values.
Protocol form for the Electrofusion welding of pipes laid overground Material Sheet of
and pipeline components laid underground
Customer Executive company Welding equipment: Weather Preventive measures

1 = sonny 1 = none

Name of order Name of welder Identifi- Label: 2 = dry 2 = umbrella

cation No.
Type: 3 = rain or snow 3 = tent

No. of order Name and company of the welding Machine No.: 4 = windy 4 = heating
Year of construction: Order as above in case of multiple nominations
(e. g. 34 = rain and wind)

Weld Date pipe Fitting data Unit setting Resistance Secondary Welding times Environmental Code-No. Operating mode
No. dimension of the fitting voltage temperature
øds Un B Serial No. manual automatic joining Cooling Weather Preventive Mains Gene-
mm Ohm Volt s s C measures rator

Welding signature: Date and signature of welding supervisor:

Enter where applicable according to system used. A = Manufacturer’s code 1 = Coupler 2 = Angle 3 = T-piece 4 = Reduction
Enter measured values. B = Fitting code 5 = Saddle 6 = Cap 7 = Connecting piece 8 = Fitting

Protocol form for the Heated tool socket welding of laid overground Material Sheet of
pipes and pipeline components

o laid underground

Customer Executive company Welding equipment: Weather Preventive measures

1 = sonny 1 = none

Name of order Name of welder Identification Label: 2 = dry 2 = umbrella

Type: 3 = rain or snow 3 = tent

No. of order Name and company of the welding Machine No.: 4 = windy 4 = heating
Year of construction: Order as above in case of multiple nominations
(e. g. 34 = rain and wind)

Weld Date pipe Fitting data checked tem- heating up Change- Cooling Environmental Code-No. Notes
No. dimensions perature on time over time temperature
øds Un B Batch-No. heated spigot Cooling time Colling Weather Preventive
and socket (pie and time measures
coupler fixed) (total)
mm C s s s min C

Welder signature: Date and signature of welding supervisor:

These data is to be completed by agreement. A = Manufacturer’s code 1 = Coupler 2 = Angle 3 = T-piece 4 = Reduction
Enter measured values. B = Fitting code 5 = Cap 6 = Connecting piece 7 = Fitting
Erstellungsdatum: 20.07.2007
Letzte Änderung: 20.07.2007
File-Name: D:\Eigene Dateien\Kunden\DVS\Ri+Me\2207\englisch\

Oktober 2007

DVS – DEUTSCHER VERBAND Welding of thermoplastics

FÜR SCHWEISSEN UND Heated tool welding of pipes made of PE-Xa Technical Code
VERWANDTE VERFAHREN E.V. with pipeline components made of PE-HD DVS 2207-1
Supplement 1

Translation of the German version from December 2005

Contents: recommended to record the welding data in welding protocols (sample see
appendix) or on data carriers.
1 Scope
2 General requirements Within the framework of the quality assurance it is
3 Measures before welding recommended to produce and test samples of joints before and
4 Electro-socket welding during the welding works.
4. 1 Description of method
4. 2 Welding device Every welder has to be trained and has to be in possession of a
4. 3 Preparation of welding
valid qualification certificate. The intended application range
may be decisive for the kind of qualification.
4. 4 Welding procedure
5 Testing of welded joints
7 Other applicable standards and technical codes The DVGW-specification GW 330 applies analogously as
qualification proof for heated tool socket welding at the
8 Explanations
Reprinting and copying, even in the form of excerpts, only with the consent of the publisher

construction of gas and water supply systems. The specification

Appendix: can in turn be used as a proof of qualification for welding plastics
Brief instructions for welding for indoor applications.
Testing of welded joints
Welding record sheets The equipment and devices which are used for welding must correspond to
the requirements in DVS 2208-1.

1 Scope
3 Measures before welding
This technical code applies for the electro socket-welding of
fittings and tapping tees made of PE-HD according to DIN The welding zone must be protected against bad weather
16963, DIN 3543-4 and DIN 3544-1 with pipes made of PE-Xa influences (e.g. wind, moisture). If it is ensured by suitable
(degree of cross-linking 75% to 90%) and PE-Xc (degree of measures (e.g. preheating, tent, heating) that the conditions are
cross-linking 60% to 75%) according to DIN 16892/93, that are suitable for welding, work may be carried out at any outside
being used for the conduction of gas, fluids and solids.
temperature insofar as the welder is not hindered in his handling
The electro socket-welding of PE-HD fittings with pipes made of (see explanation). If necessary, an additional proof must be
PE-Xa or PE-Xc requires an additional proof by tensile creep provided by carrying out sample welds under the mentioned
tests according to DVS 2203-4 Supplement 1. conditions (section 7).

The maximum load of joints made with fittings of PE 80 and PE If the semi-finished product is heated up unevenly under
100 corresponds with the allowed operating pressure according influence of sunshine, a temperature compensation in the area
to tables 8 to 13 in DIN 8074 and DIN 16893. of the welding joint can be reached by covering. A cooling down
during the welding process by ventilation has to be avoided by
closing the pipe-ends during welding. During the welding the
2 General requirements pipe ends have to be closed additionally.

The quality of welding joints depends on the qualification of the PE-HD-pipes from coils are oval and bent immediately after
welder, the suitability of the utilized equipment and devices as uncoiling. The pipe end must be prepared before welding, e.g.
well as on compliance with the welding standards. The welded by careful heating up with a hot-air equipment and/or use of a
joint can be tested by means of non-destructive and/or suitable clamping or re-rounding device.
destructive methods.
The joining zones of the components to be welded must be
The welding work must be monitored. Type and range of supervising has undamaged and have to be free of contaminations (e.g. dirt,
to be agreed between the contract partners. It is grease, shavings).

The material indication is the specification of thermoplastics group and includes the types PE 63, PE 80 and PE 100. The info rmation complies to the current

This publication has been drawn up by a group of experienced specialists working in an honorary capacity and its consideratio n as an important source of information is
recommended. The user should always check to what extent the contents are applicable to his particular case and whether the version on hand is still valid. No liability can
be accepted by the Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e.V., and those participating in the drawing up of the document.

DVS, Technical Committee, Working Group ″Joining of Plastics″

Orders to: DVS-Verlag GmbH, P. O. Box 10 19 65, D-40010 Düsseldorf, Germany, Phone: + 49(0)211/1591- 0, Telefax: + 49(0)211/1591-150

Page 2 to DVS 2207-1 Supplement 1

4 Electro-socket welding

4.1 Description of method

The joining areas (pipe surface and inside of the fitting) are
overlapped and welded by resistance wires inside the fitting
(heating coils) which are heated up by electric energy (see
figure 1and 2).

Figure 3. Bevelled shrink of the pipe end.

The ovality of the pipe may exceed 1,5% of the outside diameter, max. 3
mm. If necessary, re-rounding devices can be used.

The surface of the pipe or fitting in the welding zone has to be

completely machined. A scraping tool with a constant wall
thickness removal of approx. 0,2 mm must be used. Take care
Figure 1. Electro-socket welding of a coupler (principle). for a small annular gap!
The pipe end has to be deburred inside and outside, shavings have to be
removed without contacting the joining areas.

The fitting may only be removed from the protective package immediately
before the installation.

The treatment of the joining areas has to be done immediately before the
welding process starts.

In case of contamination of the pipe surface after machining it must

be cleaned. It has to be considered that no contamination is rubbed
to the welding zone. The cleaning agents or already moistened cloths
in a lock-up plastic box have to consist of a 100% vaporizing solvent,
e.g. 99 parts ethanol with a purity grade of 99,8% and 1 part MEK
(methylethylketone, denaturation). Agents tested according to
DVGW 603 comply with this requirement. The use of ethyl alcohol
could result in a reduction of quality because of the contained water.

The paper for cleaning has to be clean, unused, absorbent, non-fuzzy and
non-coloured. Exhaust the air afterwards.

The joining area of the fitting or tapping tee has to be cleaned similar to the

The correct insert depth of the pipe has to be controlled by

means of a mark or suitable device. The fitting may neither be
tilted nor pushed onto the pipe end with force (low stress
Figure 2. Electro-socket welding of a tapping tee (principle). installation). The tapping fitting has to be clamped on the pipe
by means of a suitable device under consideration of the
4.2 Welding equipment manufacturer’s instructions.
The contact socket for the connection of the welding cable must be easy
Only welding equipment adjusted to the parts to be welded may be reachable.
used. Automatic welding equipment is preferred – possibly with
recording. The welding equipment must supply the required welding Fitting and pipe have to show the same temperature level before
parameters for the fitting to be welded such as welding time, current the welding process. Concerning welding equipment with
and voltage. The device must switch off as soon as the necessary automatic temperature compensation take care that the
quantity of heat has been fed to the welding zone. measured environmental temperature corresponds to the
conditions of the welding location. If necessary the welding
4.3 Preparation of welding equipment as well as the pipe and fitting have to be protected
e.g. against direct sun radiation.
Clean surfaces and a stress free installation are very important
for the fabrication of perfect welding joints. With the choice of
pipes with limited diameter tolerance according to DIN 16893 5 Testing of welding joints
the installation of fittings is easier.

For axial pipe connections the pipes have to be cut rectangular Various tests can be used to test the quality of individual welding
by means of a suitable device. In case of a bevelled shrinkage processes. Differentiation is made between destructive and
of the pipe cut edge the untreated pipe has to show the nominal nondestructive tests. For details see table 1. Tests and
diameter d (figure 3) at the designated insert depth minimum in sampling can be carried out prior to or during welding work
the area of the heated socket. If necessary the pipe end should according to agreement.
be shortened immediately before welding.

Page 3 to DVS 2207-1 Supplement 1

Table 1. Test method for welding joints.

Test method Electro socket welding

Fittings Tapping tees
Visual test DVS 2202-1, Table 3 DVS 2202-1, Table 3
Mechanical treatment of pipe surface has to be visible even outside of the welding area.
Tensile creep test DVS 2203-4, Suppl. 1
Fitting material stress rupture life part of fracture in the
[h] heating wire plane 2)
PE 80 40 min. 75%
PE 80 400 evaluation omitted
PE 100 120 min. 75% non applicable
PE 100 1200 evaluation omitted
Testing temperature ϑ=80°C
Testing load σ=3 N/mm²
average of 6 circumferential specimens
average of all 6 specimens
Internal pressure creep rupture test In combination with Tensile creep test acc. to DIN 3544-1,
acc. to DIN 16963-5, section and 4.2, sections 2.3 and 3.2
PE 80: σ=4,6 N/mm², Testing time ≥ 165 h
PE 100: σ=5,5 N/mm², Testing time ≥ 165 h
alternatively σ=5,0 N/mm², Testing time ≥ 1000 h
Testing temperature 80°C
Torsion shear test see appendix DVS 2207-1. Also applicable as site test.
Radial peeling test see appendix DVS 2207-1. Also applicable as site test.
Compression test DIN EN 12814-4, section 8.
Peeling test DIN EN 12814-4, section 7

6 standards and technical codes DVS 2207-1 Welding of thermoplastics – Heated tool
welding of pipes, pipeline components and sheets
DIN EN 12201-3 Plastics piping systems for water supply - Polyethylene made of PE-HD
(PE); Fittings DVS 2208-1 Welding of thermoplastics; Machines and
DIN EN 12814-4 Testing of welding joints made of thermoplastics; equipment for the heated tool welding of pipes,
Peeling test pipeline components and sheets
DVS 2212-1 Testing of plastic welders; Test group I and II
DIN 3543-4 Tapping tee fittings made of rigid PE for pipes made
of rigid PE; dimensions DVGW GW 330 Welding of pipes and pipeline components
made of polyethylene (PE80, PE 100 and PE-
DIN 3544-1 Fittings made of rigid PE, type 1 and 2, requirements
Xa) for gas- and water system welders;
and testing of tapping tee fittings
Training and testing scheme
DIN 8074 Polyethylene (PE) - Pipes PE 63, PE 80, PE 100, PE- DVGW GW 331 Supervisor for welding of pipelines made of
HD – Dimensions
PE-HD for gas and water supply; Training and
DIN 16892 Pipes made of cross linked polyethylene of testing scheme
high density (PE-X); General quality DVGW VP 603 Preliminary test basis for cleaning agents and
requirements, testing
their tanks for the preparation of welding joints
DIN 16893 Pipes made of cross linked polyethylene of high on polyethylene pipes
density (PE-X); dimensions
Betr.Sich.V Regulation of industrial safety (Betriebssicher-
DIN 16963 Pipe joints and pipeline components for heitsverordnung)
pressure pipelines made of polyethylene of
high density (PE-HD)
Part 5 – General quality requirements, testing Part 7 7 Explanation
– Electro-socket fitting, dimensions

DVS 2202-1 Failures on welded joints of thermoplastics; features, Note: A Research program of the DVGW in connection with tests by
description, evaluation
DVS showed, that fittings and tapping tees made of PE-HD can be
DVS 2203-1 Testing of welded joints on sheets and pipes welded to pipes made of PE-Xa, using electro socket welding. An
of thermoplastics; testing methods – independent test-institute analysed the same welding method with
requirements pipe made of polyethylene crosslinked by electron-beam (PE-Xc).
DVS 2203-4 Testing of welded joints on sheets and pipes The fracture pattern is similar to PE-HD/ PE-HD and consulted as an
assessment criterion.
Suppl. 1 of thermoplastics – tensile creep test; testing of
socket welding connections on pipes The welding of thermoplastics at environment temperatures below
5°C is generally problematic. This concerns less the material specific
properties of the thermoplastics but the limited

Page 4 to DVS 2207-1 Supplement 1

manual skill of the welder. Welding outside at any temperature 6. Clean the treated pipe surface – if contaminated and if
requires an environment which enables the welding staff to necessary, according to manufacturers instructions also the
perform the individual work steps without quality reducing inside of the fitting – with a cleaning agent according to
influences. Manufacturer’s notes and the dew point curve have section 4.3 with unused, absorbent, non-fuzzy and non-
to be taken in account. coloured paper and exhaust it.
The parts to be welded must have the same temperature level. 7. Insert the pipes into the fitting and control the insert depth
Test welds have to be produced and tested. by means of the mark or suitable device. Fix the tapping tee
on the pipe. Take care for low stress installation. Secure the
pipe against dislocation.
Appendix:Processing instructions (short versions) 8. Connect cable to fitting. Cable must be free of weight load.

Ad 4 Electro-socket welding of fittings and tapping tees 9. Enter welding data e.g. by means of barcode scanner,
check the displayed data on the equipment and start the
Processing instruction (short version) welding process.
1. Establish acceptable working conditions, e.g. welding tent.
10. Control the correct welding procedure on the welding equipment
e.g. by control of the display information and if available with the
2. Connect the welding unit to the mains or the alternating current welding indicators. Consider error messages.
generator and check function.
11. Disconnect cable from fitting.
3. Deburr the outside of the the rectangular cut pipe end. Shorten the
pipe in case of too much pipe end shrinkage. 12. Declamping of the welded parts after cooling time. Remove fixing
4. Ensure that pipe ends are round using re-rounding clamps, permitted
ovality up to ≤1,5%, max. 3 mm. 13. Complete the welding protocol form as far as no automatic protocol is
5. Clean the joining areas even outside of the welding zone by
means of cleaning agents according to section 4.3 with unused,
absorbent, non-fuzzy and non-coloured paper. Machine the pipe
surface in the welding area with a scrapping tool and wall
thickness removal of approx. 0,2 mm. Remove the shavings
without contacting the pipe surface.


Protocol for electro-socket welding laid overground Material Sheet of

of pipeline components laid underground

Customer Executive company Welding equipment: Weather Preventive measures

1 = sunny 1 = none

Name of order Name of welder Identifica- Product: 2 = dry 2 = umbrella

Type: 3 = rain or snow 3 = tent

No. of order Name and company of welding Machine no.: 4 = wind 4 = heating
Year of construction: in case of multiple nominations arrange numbers as above
(e.g. 34 = rain and wind)

Joint Date Pipe Fitting data Unit setting Fitting Secondary Welding times Environment Code-no. Operation mode
No. dimension resistance voltage temperature
Øds Un B Batch no. manual automatic heating cooling Weather Preventive Mains Gene-
[mm] [Ohm] [Volt] [s] [min] [ C] measures rator

Signature of the welder: Date and signature of the welding supervisor:

Enter where applicable according to the used system. A = Manufacturer’s code 1 = Coupler 2 = Elbow 3 = Tee 4 = Reducer
Enter measured values. B = Fitting code 5 = Saddle 6 = Cap 7 = Transition fitting

Draft January 2013


Heated tool butt welding of Technical Code
VERWANDTE VERFAHREN E.V. large-diameter pipes made of PE 100 DVS 2207-1
Supplement 2

Objections by April 30, 2013

This draft is being submitted to the public for examination and comments. Supplement or amendment suggestions are requested
to DVS, P.O. Box 101965, 40010 Düsseldorf.

Contents: ing) ensure the existence of conditions permissible for the

welding, the work may be carried out at any outdoor
1 Scope of application temperature – provided that the dexterity of the welder is not
2 General requirements hindered. If necessary, additional evidence must be provided by
3 Measures before the welding manufacturing trial welds in the specified conditions.
4 Indications about the process
If the semi-finished product is heated non-uniformly due to solar
sequence 4.1 Temperature checking
radiation, the temperatures must be equalised by covering the
4.2 Minimise the misalignment of the joining faces
4.3 Handling of the pipe trains area of the welding point in good time. It is necessary to avoid
any draught-induced non-uniform cooling during the welding
4.4 Removal of the welding bead
Reprinting and copying, even in the form of excerpts, only with the consent of the publisher

operation, e.g. by closing the pipe ends.

1 Scope of application
4 Indications about the process sequence
This technical code applies to the heated tool butt welding of
When thick-walled pipes are welded, it is necessary to pay
large-diameter pipes made of PE 100 according to DIN 8074 /
explicit attention to the points described below:
DIN 8075 with wall thicknesses > 30 mm.
The process sequences basically correspond to the procedure 4.1 Temperature checking
described in the DVS 2207-1 technical code. The recommendations In order to be certain to achieve a suitable welding temperature, a
described below constitute additional indications. heated tool temperature of 220°C (± 10°C) is stipulated for thick-
walled piping. The uniform temperature of the heated tool must be
2 General requirements checked in the welding area at a minimum of eight measuring points
evenly distributed around the circumference. Calibrated thermal-
The quality of the welded joints is dependent on the qualification of contact measuring devices must be used for the measurement
the welders, on the suitability of the utilised machines and jigs as well (according to the DVS 2208-1 technical code).
as on the compliance with the technical codes for welding. 4.2 Minimise the misalignment of the joining faces
The welding work must be monitored by a welding supervisor
According to the DVS 2207-1 and DVS 2202 technical codes,
qualified according to the DVS 2213 or DVGW GW 331 guideline. The
contracting parties must reach agreement on the type and scope of
the maximum permissible misalignment is 10 % of the wall
the monitoring. The process data must be documented on welding
thickness (max. 5 mm).
record sheets or on data carriers. In this respect, preference should – The misalignment must be minimised in order to avoid any
be given to electronic data acquisition. notch effect or stress concentrations.
Within the framework of the quality assurance, it is recommended to – As compensation for any fabrication-induced tolerances in the wall
manufacture and test trial welds in the given working conditions thickness or in the ovality, orientation to the marking is recommended
before commencing and during the welding work. during the alignment of the pipes in order to minimise the misalignment.
Every welder must be trained and must possess a valid For this purpose, it is recommended to join the pipes according to the
qualification test certificate according to the DVS 2212-1 or GW production sequence (metering).
330 guideline. The planned area of application determines the – Since different pipe end sagging may be a cause of impermissible
type of the qualification. misalignment, the pipe end sagging must be checked according
The machines and jigs used for the welding must satisfy the to the DVS 2206-5 technical code. In order to mini-mise the
misalignment, it is recommended to carry out planing (if
requirements according to the DVS 2208-1 technical code.
necessary, also on one side only) or to shorten the pipe end.
– Welds between pipes and fittings require particular attention
3 Measures before the welding because the fitting was manufactured from a different pipe
batch, was injection-moulded or was subjected to chip-
The immediate welding area must be protected from unfavourable producing machining. If the ovality of a pipe end leads to a
weathering influences (e.g. wind or the action of moisture). If suitable non-tolerable misalignment, this must be compensated for
measures (e.g. preheating, enclosing with tents or heat- with suitable aids (e.g. hydraulic tool).

This publication has been drawn up by a group of experienced specialists working in an honorary capacity and its consideration as an important s ource of information is
recommended. The user should always check to what extent the contents are applicable to his particular case and whether the version on hand is still valid. No liability can
be accepted by the Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e.V., and those participating in the drawing up of the document.

DVS, Technical Committee, Working Group "Joining of Plastics"

Orders to: DVS Media GmbH, P. O. Box 10 19 65, 40010 Düsseldorf, Germany, Phone: + 49(0)211/1591- 0, Telefax: + 49(0)211/1591-150

Page 2 to DVS 2207-1 Supplement 2

4.3 Handling of the pipe trains 4.4 Removal of the welding bead
Particular diligence is imperative when handling thick-walled As a rule, it is not necessary to remove the welding bead for reasons
components. relating to the hydraulic flow resistance or the strength. Moreover, the
– The outer fibre strains must be minimised in order to avoid removal of the welding bead makes it more difficult to evaluate the
any stress peaks on the welds. Therefore, it is weld and does not improve the quality of the weld.
recommended to carefully observe the following bending Special applications (e.g. relining processes) demand the removal of
radii in relation to the outside diameter (OD) in question: the external and/or internal welding bead on butt-welded piping. With
regard to the tools used for this purpose (bead removers), it must be
20°C 30 x OD ensured that, during the removal of the bead, the pipe is not damaged
(notches) and the wall thickness of the pipe in the area of the weld is
10°C 52.5 x OD
not lower than the nominal wall thickness of the pipe. This can only
0°C 75 x OD be guaranteed with suitable devices specially developed for this
Applies to pipe series SDR 26 and smaller purpose. The indications from the device manufacturer must be
– In order to avoid having to unnecessarily apply any force for
the movement of the pipes, the friction of the pipe train to be
moved must be reduced by taking suitable measures (e.g.
dollies). It is preferable to move the shorter pipe train.
– Since the pipe trains consisting of thick-walled pipes naturally
exhibit a higher weight, it must be ensured that the utilised
welding machines can produce enough force reserves for the
application of the tractive force necessary in order to achieve the
stipulated changeover time. (Remark: The tractive force required
during the quick changeover is higher than the movement force to
be established for the joining process.)
– Any bending in the welding machine must be avoided during
the alignment of the pipe trains.

Erstellungsdatum: 12.06.2007
Letzte Änderung: 09.07.2007
File-Name: D:\Eigene Dateien\Kunden\DVS\Ri+Me\2207\englisch\

September 2007

Welding of thermoplastics
DVS – DEUTSCHER VERBAND Hot-gas string-bead welding and hot-gas welding
with torch separate from filler rod of pipes, pipe Technical Code
VERWANDTE VERFAHREN E.V. components and sheets – Methods, requirements DVS 2207-3

Translation of the German version from April 2005

welding of semi-finished thermoplastic products in tank, process
1 Applicability equipment and pipeline manufacture. It describes the various
methods, shows the method limitations and defines the quality
2 Materials assurance requirements.
3 General description of the method
3.1 Hot-gas welding with torch separate from filler rod (WF)
Hot gas welding is mainly used for welding material thicknesses
3.2 Hot-gas string-bead welding (WZ) between 2 and 10 mm. Larger thicknesses are generally hot-gas
4 Device types extrusion welded according to DVS 2207-4. Special
5 Constructional design, weld shapes and weld structure applications, such as welding of waterproof sheeting, are
6 Requirements described in DVS 2225-1 and 2225-4; welding of PE pipe jackets
6.1 Requirements for the materials and their weldability is described in DVS 2207-5.
6.2 Quality requirements for welding joints
6.3 Requirements for welding tools and accessories
6.4 Requirements for welders 2 Materials
Reprinting and copying, even in the form of excerpts, only with the consent of the publisher

7 Commissioning welding equipment and setting the welding

8 Preparation for welding This technical code applies for the materials stated in DVS 2207-
8.1 Equipment 3 Supplement 1. The technical code can be applied in principle
to other materials and material modifications (e.g. electrically
8.2 Protection against environmental influences conducting). Supplementary notes from the semi-finished
9 Welding products manufacturer are to be observed.
9.1 Preparing the joining surfaces and the welding filler
9.2 Tacking
9.3 Hot-gas welding with torch separate from filler rod (WF) 3 General description of the method
9.4 Hot-gas string-bead welding (WZ)
9.5 Mechanical reworking of the weld
9.6 Thermal reworking A welding filler (for example round or section rod) is used in hot-
9.7 Welding record sheet gas string-bead welding and hot-gas welding with torch separate
10 Testing the welded joints from filler rod. The joining surfaces of the base material and the
11 Safety instructions welding filler are plasticized with hot gas, usually air
(requirements – see DVS 2207-3 Supplement 2), and joined
12 Other applicable standards and technical under pressure.
codes Appendix 1: Brief instructions for welding
Appendix 2: Welding record sheet
3.1 Hot-gas welding with torch separate from filler rod (WF)
1 Applicability
The base material and the welding filler are heated with a stream
of hot gas directed to the joining surfaces by means of the round
This technical code applies for hot-gas welding with torch separate from nozzle fitted on the welding tool, Figure 1.
filler rod (WF) and hot-gas string-bead (WZ)

Figure 1. Hot-gas welding with torch separate from filler rod.

This publication has been drawn up by a group of experienced specialists working in an honorary capacity and its consideration as an important source of information is
recommended. The user should always check to what extent the contents are applicable to his particular case and whether the version on hand is still valid. No liability can
be accepted by the Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e.V., and those participating in the drawing up of the document.

DVS, Technical Committee, Working Group ″Joining of Plastics″

Orders to: DVS-Verlag GmbH, P. O. Box 10 19 65, D-40010 Düsseldorf, Germany, Phone: + 49(0)211/1591- 0, Telefax: + 49(0)211/1591-150

Page 2 to DVS 2207-3

Figure 2. Hot-gas string-bead (rod) welding.

The welding tool is passed along the welding joint in continuous

motion. The plasticized welding rod, positioned by hand is placed in
the welding joint with the application of joining pressure. The m ain
areas of application are hard to access places, as well as the weld
root, especially in the case of PVC.
3.2 Hot-gas string-bead welding (WZ)

In this method, the welding filler is fed through a channel located

in the nozzle into the joining zone. The nozzle channel must
match the shape of the welding filler.

The welding filler and the base material are evenly pre-heated
and plasticized by directing the stream of hot gas and as a result b)
of the shape of the draw nozzle. The required joining pressure
is applied via a beak shaped tip on the end of the nozzle (nozzle Figure 3. Hot gas welding torch;
shoe). When handled correctly, welding is more continuous, a) Torch with external gas supply,
even and faster than with hot-gas welding with torch separate b) Torch with internal blower.
from filler rod.

Hot-gas string-bead welding is therefore preferable to hot-gas 5 Constructional design, weld shapes and weld structure
welding with torch separate from filler rod. However, it is not
always practicable in inaccessible places. DVS 2205 applies to the construction of the components.

The constructional design and dimensioning of the welds is

4 Device types subject to DVS 2205-3. The terminology, drawing and symbolic
representation of the welds is subject to DIN EN 22553.
Special attention should be paid that:
Welding tools (torches) consist of an electrical lead, welding gas
supply, handle, heating element including regulator or controller, as – Crossing welds must be avoided.
well as replaceable nozzle. The welding gas is usually heated with
an electrical resistance heater. Torches are distinguished between – The separation of welds must be approx. 3x the width of the covering
layer, however at least 30 mm.
those with an external welding gas supply and those with an
integrated blower, as well as between electronically regulated and – The different thicknesses of the connection ends for butt
electronically controlled torches. joints must be matched with the thickness of the workpiece
(DVS 2205).
– Torches with an external welding gas supply require an additional
blower, compressed gas bottles or a compressed air connection – In the case of accessibility from only one side only, a weld shape
for their gas supply. This also enables the use of gases other should be chosen which ensures that the cross-section of the
than air (for example nitrogen in the case of oxidation-sensitive respective thinner joining part can be completely connected (for
materials). They are better suited for prolonged use on account of example for a T-butt with single-bevel weld).
their lightweight construction, Fig. 3 a.
– It must be ensured that the joining surfaces allow for proper handling of
the welding torch.
– As a result of their high weight, torches with integrated
blowers are mostly used for brief welding jobs, for example The most important seam geometries are V butt, double-V butt, single-
on-site welding, Fig. 3 b. bevel, double-bevel weld.

– Regulated torches include incorporated welding gas temperature Welding fillers can be round or profile rods according to DVS
measurement with regulating electronics integrated into the tool. 2211. Round rods are usually multi-layer welded depending on
The tools allow a highly consistent welding gas temperature the weld cross-section. Profile rods are usually processed in a
irrespective of environmental influences, fluctuation in air flow single layer. This requires adaptation of the seam geometry to
rates and changes in voltage. This is normally indicated on a the section in accordance with the welding filler manufacturer’s
display with target and actual values. specifications.

– Controlled torches do not include internal temperature Table 1 shows the common materials and seam opening angles
compensation. The actual temperature is subject to for V and double-V welds. The angles 45° and 90° are common
fluctuations of the air flow applied and of the supply voltage. for fillet welds, Fig. 4.

Page 3 to DVS 2207-3

0 – 2 mm
0 – 2 mm

a) V-weld on butt joint – b) V-weld on butt joint – c) Double V-weld

without backing with backing at a butt joint
0 – 2 mm

d) Single-bevel weld with e) Double-bevel weld at T-joint f) Double fillet weld

fillet weld at T-Joint
Figure 4. Common welding geometries.

Table 1. Materials and seam opening angles for V and double-V welds .
Material Weld opening angle α
(1) (2)
PE- HD , PP , PVC, PVC- C, PVDF, E/CTFE 60°-70°
MFA, FEP, PFA 0°-30° (dependent on material thickness)
PE 63, PE 80, PE 100 ; (2) PP- H, PP- B, PP- R

Table 2. Examples for the weld structure dependent upon the material thickness with an opening angle of 60°.

Base material thickness Welding rod (round)

in mm Number x diameter [mm]
V-weld 2 1x4
3 3x3
4 1x3+2x4
5 6x3
if possible, additionally with
backing (7) in each case

4 per side: 1 x 4
5 per side: 3 x 3
6 per side: 3 x 3
8 per side: 1 x 3 + 2 x 4
10 per side: 6 x 3 or
per side: 1 x 3 + 3 x 4

Page 4 to DVS 2207-3

The nature and scope of testing are to be agreed upon. Relevant references
are given in technical codes DVS 2203-1 and 2201-2.

6.2 Quality requirements for welding joints

If the welds are produced according to this technical code, the

minimum weld quality requirements specified in DVS 2203-1
(welding factors, bending angle/distance) should be safely

The contractor and manufacturer should agree upon and define the
specifications for the component and the welding joints in respect of
the statutory requirements for the respective application (Federal
welded root finished weld Water Management Act (WHG), European Pressure Equipment
Directive) and the required dimensioning.
Figure 5. Weld structure with a V-weld (without backing).
References and criteria for the definition of quality are included in DVS
The layer structure is usually produced according to Table 2 and
Fig. 5. The layer structure is to be adapted for other opening The required quality should be verified on test welds if
angles and weld geometries. If section rods or welding tapes necessary. This particularly applies for materials for which no
are used, the seam geometry and welding nozzles must be specifications are stated in the aforementioned technical codes
adapted to the geometry of the welding filler. (for example PFA, FEP, MFA, PVC-C etc.).
The weld must be filled completely and free of occlusions and 6.3 Requirements for welding torches and accessories
must show a weld protrusion according to DVS 2202-1. The
numbering of the individual rods in the table shows the
recommended welding sequence. Welding torches must be CE compliant, safe, functional and
suitable for the welding task. This also applies for accessories,
such as nozzles, temperature probes etc.
6 Requirements Special requirements for the equipment are described in Supplement 2 of
this technical code.
6.1 Requirements for the materials and their weldability
6.4 Requirements for welders
Semi-finished products and welding fillers must be suitable for
hot gas welding. For welding joints to be compliant with DVS Hot gas welding is a welding technique demanding extensive
2203, a welding filler should be used which is the same as the knowledge of the materials to be welded and the operation of
base material, or at least of the same type. equipment, as well as a high level of workmanship skills.

The melt index is used as a characteristic parameter for The welder must have passed an examination corresponding to
weldability in the case of partially crystalline materials, such as DVS 2212-1 and be in possession of a valid examination
PE, PP, and PVDF. If the melt index values (MFR values) of the
welding components lie within the permissible meld index range Welding of special materials (for instance FEP, PFA, MFA, E/
of DVS 2207-1, -11, -15, weldability can generally be assumed. CTFE...) is subject to requirements equivalent to or proof of
If two semi-finished products of different MFR groups from this suitability along the technical codes of DVS 2212.
range are to be welded together, a welding filler is to be selected
whose MFR value lies between those of the semi-finished
products combination. In the case of PE-HD, PP and PVDF, the
instructions from the applicable technical codes DVS 2207-1, 7 Set-up of welding equipment and setting the welding parameters
2207-11 and 2207-15 are to be observed. If the melt index lies
outside the permissible range in the stated technical codes,
weldability is to be ascertained with tensile creep testing Set-up and setting takes place according to the operating instructions
according to DVS 2203-4. of the equipment manufacturer in association with the welding
parameter recommendations specified in Supplement 1 and possibly
For amorphous materials (such as PVC): Only semi-finished products of with the specifications from the raw material or semi-finished
the same moulding compound are weldable. products manufacturer. On the draw nozzles, the nozzle shoe and
the air- and material channels are to be cleaned, for example with a
The semi-finished products and welding fillers must be labelled brass brush prior to use or when the welding filler is changed and
accordingly and unambiguously (on the packaging for welding possibly when welding is interrupted. The nozzle surfaces must not
be damaged.
Only semi-finished products with defined quality specifications
should be welded (for example, test report in accordance with The temperature of the hot gas is to be checked before starting
EN 10204). welding. The measurement is made with a suitable quick display
temperature meter (with a thermo-element of 1 – 1.5 mm diameter)
The welding fillers must comply with the specifications of DVS 2211 as well approx. 5 mm inside the nozzle, in the centre for round nozzles, at
as EN 12943. the main nozzle aperture for draw nozzles. Air flow measurement is
performed at the point of entry into the welding equipment using a
The base and filling materials must be in perfect condition for processing, flow meter (see Supplement 2).
dry and clean.
The welding torch should be in operation at least 15 min. prior to
If there is any doubt as to the homogeneity of the semi-finished commencing welding and checking the parameters.
products and/or the welding filler, for example, the absence of
labelling or if material changes are of a concern as a result of Repeated checks are recommended in the case of prolonged welding jobs
– improper storage, or after interruption of work.
– low joining component temperatures,
– soiling The welder must establish the appropriate welding speed and
pressure with practice, and carry out regular checks. The
– aging, welding pressure required can, for example, be checked by test
– operational influences (media, temperatures) welding on a platform balance.
the welding compatibility is to be ascertained with testing on sample All measurements must be carried out regularly with calibrated and tested
welds. measuring equipment according to Supplement 2 and

Page 5 to DVS 2207-3

must be documented (Appendix 2). The temperature meters Especially in the case of joining parts subject to prolonged
used should have a maximum deviation in their working range exposure to UV or media, the damaged layer can be so deep
of ±3K. that it is necessary, after mechanical processing, to check the
residual wall thickness taking into account the static
8 Preparation for welding
For the materials PVC, PP, PE and PVDF, the welding filler must
be mechanically treated (scraped) with suitable tools prior to
The weld edges of the joining surfaces are prepared according to welding.
Section 5. It must be ensured that adequate accessibility to the
welding equipment to the joining surfaces is achieved. Problems Should the joining surfaces need to be cleaned, non-fat cleaners should be
experienced by the welder as a result of the welding force applied by used.
the welder should be avoided or minimised. The welder should not
be hindered in the necessary advancement of the connection cables, 9.2 Tacking
hoses, and the welding filler.
Tacking serves to fix the joining parts together in their intended
8.1 Equipment position to avoid displacement of the joining parts during welding.
Tacking is often carried out by melting the joining surfaces with a
special tacking nozzle or an equivalent nozzle attachment.
The following equipment represents the minimum requirement for carrying
out professional welding:
9.3 Hot-gas welding with torch separate from filler rod (WF)
– Hot gas device in accordance with this technical code and Supplement
In hot-gas welding with torch separate from filler rod, the joining
– Flowmeter for welding gas pressure is applied by hand via the welding filler. The welding
– Fast display, digital temperature meter filler should be stretched, compressed or twisted as little as
possible in this process to minimize the occurrence of residual
– Suitable measuring equipment to check displacement / diameter /
stress in the weld.
At the beginning of a welding pass, it is recommended to slightly bevel the
– Suitable equipment storage facilities tip of the welding filler.

– Scraper, retractable blade, nozzle brush, wire cutting pliers or similar The nozzle aperture should be directed into the welding zone at
an angle of approx. 45° to the base material. The base material
and the welding filler are plasticized with triangular fanning
– Table of welding parameter acc. to Supplement 1 and/or instructions motion in the direction of welding. The bevelled welding filler is
from the semi-finished products manufacturer
then pressed onto the desired point and the fanning motion
– Welding record sheet acc. to Appendix 2 continued in the welding direction.
– Personal protective equipment The joining pressure is applied by hand on the welding filler such that it then
forms a welding string.
– Dust protection for welding filler
– Adequate illumination During welding, a bow wave of plasticized material spreading in
front of the welding filler must be observed, as well as a welding
– Protection against weather as required seam in the form of a uniform double bead on both sides of the
weld string-bead.
– Special cleaner as required (non-swelling, dissolving or containing fat),
lint-free cloths The welding parameters – joining pressure, temperature and the
heat penetration time resulting from the welding speed and the
8.2 Protection against environmental influences material thickness – are to be balanced against each other
(welding parameters – see Supplement 1).
The environmental conditions can have a significant effect on
the welding process and therefore the quality of the joint. The When commencing on a welding string already made or in the
following points should therefore be observed: case of round welds, proceed according to the representation in
Fig. 6. At the end of welding, the welding rod should not be
– The welding area should be protected against the weather twisted off or torn off, but, for example, removed with a knife or
conditions (e.g. moisture, wind, draughts and temperatures cutting pliers. After each welding pass the weld should be
below + 5 °C). reworked without scoring using a suitable scraper.
– If the appropriate measures (for example preheating,
enclosure in a tent, heating) ensure that an adequate
temperature of the semi-finished products can be
maintained for welding, welding can be carried out at any
outside temperature provided the welder’s manual skill is
not impaired. It may be required to produce test welds under Commencing at the beginning of
the prevailing conditions as additional verification. a weld

– If the joining parts are of an uneven temperature, for example due

to sunshine incident on one side, different storage conditions
etc., the temperature must be equilibrated prior to welding.

9 Welding

9.1 Preparing the joining surfaces and the welding filler

The joining surfaces must not be damaged, oxidized or soiled.

They and the adjacent edges must therefore be mechanically
treated prior to welding.

Mechanical cutting tools, such as scrapers, retractable blades,

mills and drills are suitable for removal. Grinding tools are only Commencing within the weld
permissible if soiling, through the use of grinding equipment and
overheating of the surface, can be avoided. Figure 6. Welding rod positioning.

Page 6 to DVS 2207-3

9.4 Hot-gas string-bead welding (WZ) 9.6 Thermal reworking

Residual stress within the weld can be reduced by tempering.

In hot-gas string-bead welding, the welding filler is pressed via The temperature conditions depend on the material and
the nozzle shoe at the end of the draw nozzle into the joining component. The specifications from the semi-finished products
zone. At the start and finish of welds, the same procedure is to manufacturer are to be observed.
be followed as in WF welding, Fig. 2.
9.7 Welding record sheet
The base material is preheated at the beginning of the actual
welding process with the stream of air from main nozzle The welding record sheet also documents the welding
aperture in a fanning motion. The welding filler is then fed into conditions and the welding parameters. It forms the basis for the
the nozzle and is also preheated. As soon as the surfaces of the assessment of the weld quality by the welding inspector (cf.
DVS 2213 and the sample record sheet in Appendix 2).
joining parts are plasticized, the filler is pressed into the
prepared welding joint with the tacking tip and the welding
machine is passed along the welding joint under uniform
application of joining pressure. 10 Testing the welded joints

Destructive and non-destructive tests are distinguished. They are shown in

To avoid stretching of the welding filler through friction in the Table 3 “Possible test procedures”
nozzle, it may be necessary to feed the welding filler by hand.
The drawing motion along the welding joint takes place while Visual inspection takes place according to DVS 2202-1 and
observing the emerging bow wave, the welding seam (double particularly concerns the weld shape, score-free surfaces and
bead) and the surface of the welding filler introduced. Scoring edges, optimal weld filling, continuous welding of the root and
of the base material arising from improper handling of the draw displacement of the joining parts.
nozzle (tacking tip) should be avoided.
Defects inside the welds can be determined non-destructively
with ultrasound and x-ray testing (see DVS 2206). These
After each welding pass, the weld should be reworked without techniques alone cannot however provide an adequate
scoring using a suitable scraper, as with hot-gas welding with indication of the quality of the welded joint. The possibilities of
torch separate from filler rod.
applying these test methods is also limited in regard to the weld
geometry and thickness.
9.5 Mechanical reworking of the weld
The nature and scope of the tests to be undertaken in the individual case
are to be defined.
It is normally not necessary to rework the weld. If the weld is General material specific tests can be found in DVS 2201-1 and DVS
mechanically reworked, care should be taken to avoid scoring. 2206.
Reworking may only take place once the weld has cooled

Table 3. Possible testing methods for hot-gas welds.

Non-destructive testing
Visual inspection of the intact weld Visual inspection according to DVS 2202-1 and 2206
(external findings) The evaluation group is to be defined on a case-by-case basis
Seal test with vacuum Using a vacuum bell jar and foaming liquid; the test conditions are to be defined on a
case-by-case basis. Usual testing pressure -0.4 to -0.5 bar.
Seal test with high voltage The type of test equipment (with or without counter pole) and test voltage are to be
defined on a case-by-case basis. Testing methods according to DVS 2206, para.
Radiation transmission testing Applicability: Evidence with the number, position, shape and size of pores, shrink
holes and similar defects possible. Testing method according to DVS 2206, Section
Ultrasound testing Applicable with PE-HD, restricted with PP (evidence of hollow sites, not of quality)
Testing method according to DVS 2206, Section 3.4
Pressure testing Typical application for pipelines; Testing conditions according to the German
Pressure Tank Ordinance / Pressure Equipment Directive. Test performed according
to DVS 2219-1 Supplement 2 and DIN 4279
Evidence: Sealing quality, experimental evidence for operational safety
Destructive testing
Visual inspection of the weld cross-section Form of the weld cross-section (weld geometry), inner findings according to DVS
2202-1 Tab. 4 and 5. Fracture surface of the weld destroyed by tensile testing or
technological bending trials.
Tensile testing Execution according to DVS 2203-2. Rapid tension-weld factor; DVS 2203-4 tensile
creep weld factor; Minimum requirements according to DVS 2203-1
Testing not applicable for fillet and bevel welds.
Technological bending test Minimum requirements (bending angle/distance) according to DVS 2203-1
Testing not applicable for fillet and bevel welds.

Page 7 to DVS 2207-3

11 Safety instructions DVS 2205 Calculation of thermoplastic tanks and

Part 3 Welded joints
Some materials develop hazardous decomposition products
and poisonous vapours if overheated (for example PVC, PVDF Part 4 Flanged joints
and E-CTFE), others even when welded (for example FEP, Part 5 Rectangular tanks
MFA, PFA, PTFE). In accordance with Article 20 of the German
Hazardous Substances Ordinance (GefStoffV) or according DVS 2206 Testing of components and constructions
national regulations, the company owner must produce made of thermoplastic materials
operating instructions based on the manufacturer’s safety DVS 2207-1 Welding of thermoplastics – electro fusion
datasheets, which show all potential hazards and protective welding of pipes made of PE-X with
measures required. Other specific protective measures are to pipeline components and sheets made of
be defined on a case-by-case basis. PE-HD
DVS 2207-3 Hot-gas welding of thermoplastics – hot-
The applicable safety regulations pertaining to welding in EX Supplement 1 gas welding with torch separate from filler
protected areas are to be observed and the necessary and string-bead welding of pipes, pipeline
measures are to be agreed with the safety office responsible; components and sheets – welding
see the German Workplace Safety Ordinance (BetrSichV) or
according national regulations in this regard. parameters
DVS 2207-3 Hot-gas welding of thermoplastics – hot-
Supplement 2 gas welding with torch separate from filler
and string-bead welding of pipes, pipeline
12 Other applicable standards and technical codes components and sheets – welding
equipment requirements
DIN 1910-3 Welding of plastics, processes
DVS 2207-3 Hot-gas welding of thermoplastics – hotgas
DIN 4279 Testing of pressure pipelines for water by Supplement 3 welding with torch separate from filler and
internal pressure – Low density PE-LD (in preparation) string-bead welding of pipes, pipeline
polyethylene pressure pipelines, high components and sheets – welding of fluor
density PE-HD (PE 80 and PE 100) plastics
polyethylene pressure pipelines, Cross-
linked PE-X polyethylene pressure DVS 2207-4 Welding of thermoplastics; extrusion
pipelines, unplasticized polyvinyl chloride welding of pipes, pipe components and
PVC-U pressure pipelines. sheets – Welding processes, requirements
DIN 16960-1 Welding of thermoplastics – principles DVS 2207-5 Welding of thermoplastics; Welding of PE -
pipe jacktets – pipes and pipe components
DIN 32502 Imperfections in plastic welded joints;
classification, terminology, Explanations DVS 2207-11 Welding of thermoplastics – heated tool
welding of pipes, pipeline components and
DIN EN 10204 Metallic products – Types of inspection sheets made of PP
DVS 2207-15 Welding of thermoplastics – heated tool
DIN EN 12943 Filler materials for thermoplastics welding of pipes, pipeline components and
DIN EN 22553 Welded, brazed and soldered joints – sheets made of PVDF
Symbolic representation on drawings DVS 2210-1 Industrial pipelines made of thermoplastics
DIN EN ISO 1043-1 Plastics – symbols and abbreviated terms – planning and execution – above-ground
DVS 2201-2 Testing of semi-finished products of pipe systems
thermoplastics, weldability, test methods – DVS 2211 Filler Materials for thermoplastics – scope,
requirements designation, requirements and tests
DVS 2202-1 Imperfections in thermoplastic welding DVS 2212-1 Examination of plastic welders: Examina-
joints; tion groups I and II
Features, descriptions, evaluation DVS 2213 Plastic welding specialist – Examination
DVS 2203 Testing of welded joints of thermoplastics DVS 2225 Joining of lining membranes made of
Part 1 Test methods – requirements polymer materials in geotechnical and
hydraulic engineering
Part 2 Tensile test
Part 4 Tensile creep test DIN standards may be obtained from Beuth Verlag, Berlin, DVS
Part 5 Technological bending test technical codes from Verlag für Schweißen und verwandte
Verfahren DVS-Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf.

Page 8 to DVS 2207-3

Appendix 1: Brief instructions for welding

4. Commissioning welding equipment and setting parameters (Section 7)

1. Compile welding equipment (Section 8.1)

– Check supply lines (electricity, air) for any possible interruption of the
– Valid welding certificate in accordance with DVS 2212-1 welding process.

– Hot-gas welding equipment with operating instructions – Connect and switch on the welding equipment according to the
operating instructions
– Welding nozzles suitable for the welding job and the welding filler
– Select and fit hot-gas nozzle; set hot-gas flow rate and temperature
and check (Supplement 1)
– Flowmeter for welding gas
– Temperature meter with probe to measure the hot-gas and the semi- 5. Prepare the weld and joining surfaces (Section 5.8)
finished product temperature.
– Check weld geometry and shape, define and produce as required
– Suitable measuring equipment to check displacement, diameter,
– Equipment storage facilities – Mechanically remove the oxide layer from the joining surfaces with
abrasion immediately prior to welding
– Scraper, retractable blade
– Personal protective equipment 6. Tacking the joining surfaces (Section 9.2)
– Dust protection for welding filler – Partial or continuous tacking with tack nozzle
– Cleaning agent
7. Welding (Sections 9.3, 9.4)
– Supplement 1 Welding parameters
– Monitor the welding speed and check uniformity
– Appendix 2 Welding record sheet
– Special welding instructions, as required – Continuously check the handling of the welding filler and the draw
nozzle and perform necessary corrections
– Bevel the weld end before commencing afresh
2. Check working conditions and plan measures
(Section 8.2)
– Scrape the weld seam of each weld zone before applying further
– Accessibility weld

– Adequate illumination – Protect the welding filler from soiling

– Protective tent
8. Reworking the welds (Section 9.7)
– Heating
– Allow the welded parts to cool down sufficiently before un-clamping
– Measurement of the semi-finished product temperature and and loading
introduce measures, as required
– Mechanically process weld scoring and the welding seam on the
weld flanks
3. Check welding suitability (Section 6.1)
– Check the manufacturer’s specifications on the semi-finished 9. Complete the welding record sheet (Section 9.6)
products and welding filler for compatibility
– Complete the welding record sheet (Appendix 2) and carry out visual
– Check the identity, condition and cleanliness of the joining parts and inspection according to DVS 2202- 1
clean as required

– Check the weldability of the joining parts with contract welding

according to DVS 2201- 2 or test welding

Appendix 2: Welding record sheet

Hot-gas welding of sheets and pipes Company logo

Welding record sheet

Project name: Project no.: Weather Protective
Drawing no.: Base material (manufacturer, type, batch, date) form: 1 = sunny 1 = none

Welder: Welding filler (manufacturer, type, batch, date): 2 = dry 2 = screen

Welding certificate no.: / valid until, issued by: Welding equipment (make, type): 3 = precipi- 3 = tent
3 = tation
Welding inspector (2): Nozzle(s): 4 = wind 4 = heating

Date Construction Weld Joining Weld Process Air flow (1) Hot-gas Ambient Semi-finished Weather Protective Visual
detail no. part shape WF, WZ l/min temperature temperature product temp. (code no.) measures assessment
thickness (symbol) °C °C °C (code no.)

(1) Measured in the middle of the nozzle exit aperture, 5 mm inside

the nozzle Remarks, e.g. adverse conditions
(2) e.g. plastic welding specialist as defined in DVS 2213

Date / welder signature Date / welding inspector signature

Page 9 to DVS 2207-3

Redactar Mayo de 2009
Soldadura de termoplásticos
Soldadura de gas caliente de alta velocidad y
DVS - DEUTSCHER VERBAND soldadura de gas caliente
con la antorcha separada de la varilla de llenado de
FÜR SCHWEISSEN UND los tubos, Código Técnico
VERWANDTE VERFAHREN E.V. piezas y paneles de tuberías DVS 2207-3
Parámetros de soldadura Suplemento 1

Comentarios hasta el 31 de agosto

de 2009

Prevista como sustitución para la edición de

abril de 2005

Este proyecto se presenta al público para su examen y comentarios. Las propuestas de adiciones o modificaciones deben enviarse
a DVS e. V., P. O. Box 10 19 65, D-40010 Düsseldorf, Alemania, antes de la fecha mencionada anteriormente.

Este suplemento al código técnico DVS 2207-3 incluye valores guía para los parámetros para la soldadura de gas caliente de alta
velocidad y para la soldadura de gas caliente con la antorcha separada de la varilla de llenado. Se aplican a la soldadura manual
con los dispositivos descritos en el código técnico DVS 2207-3, suplemento 2 y con los materiales enumerados en la tabla. Los
valores guía para los parámetros de los fluoroplásticos termoplásticos se incluyen en el código técnico DVS 2207-3, suplemento 3.
Además, antes de la aplicación de los parámetros, también debe prestarse atención a la información de los fabricantes de los
productos semiacabados.
Al coordinar la temperatura del aire caliente, el volumen del aire y los parámetros de velocidad de soldadura, debe garantizarse
Reimpresión y copia, incluso en forma de extractos, sólo con el consentimiento del editor

que las piezas de unión se plastifiquen en la junta hasta una profundidad mínima. 0,3 mm.






Materiales Abbreviations Gas caliente Volumen de gas caliente Velocidad de soldadura Fuerza de soldadura (N)

1) 2)
temperatura flujo alambre
°C l/min mm/min 3 mm 4 mm


300 … 320 70…90


Alta densidad PE- HD

m th e fi l
w e ldi n
gw i th t

le rrod
he fro

Tipos 1, 2 y 3 PP-H; PP-B; PP-R 305 … 315 60…85
polyvinyl chloride PVC-C 340 … 360 55…85 20…25
No deseado
PVC-U 330 … 350 110 … 170 8…10
polyvinyl chloride
Clorado 40…50

Polyvinylidene PVDF 350 … 370 45…50 15…20 25…30



Alta densidad

PE-HD 300 … 340

PP-H; PP-B; PP-R 300 … 340 250 … 350 15…20 25…35
Tipos 1, 2 y 3

No deseado
polyvinyl chloride PVC-U 350 … 370 45…55


PVC-C 370 … 390 180 … 220

polyvinyl chloride 20…25 30…35


PVDF 365 … 385 200 … 250

Medida de 5 mm en la boquilla, en el centro de la abertura de la boquilla.
2) Volumen de aire frío arrastrado a la presión ambiente.
Dependiendo del diámetro del material de soldadura y de la geometría del surco de soldadura.
PE 63, PE 80 y PE 100.

Esta publicación ha sido elaborada por un grupo de especialistas experimentados que trabajan a título honorario y se recomienda co nsiderarla una importante fuente de
información. El usuario siempre debe comprobar en qué medida los contenidos son aplicables a su caso particular y si la versión disponible sigue siendo válida. La
Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e.V., así como los participantes en la elaboración del documento, no pueden aceptar ninguna responsabilidad.

DVS, Comité Técnico, Grupo de Trabajo "Unión de Plásticos"

Pedidos a: DVS Media GmbH, P. O. Box 10 19 65, 40010 Düsseldorf, Alemania, Teléfono: + 49 (0) 211/1591- 0, Telefax: + 49 (0) 211/1591- 150
Erstellungsdatum: 15.06.2007
Letzte Änderung: 09.07.2007
Nombre de
archivo: D:\Eigene Dateien\Kunden\DVS\Ri+Me\2207\englisch\

Septiembre de 2007

Soldadura de termoplásticos
Soldadura con cordón de gas caliente y soldadura
DVS - DEUTSCHER VERBAND con gas caliente
con antorcha separada de la varilla de llenado de
FÜR SCHWEISSEN UND tuberías, tubería Código Técnico
VERWANDTE VERFAHREN E.V. componentes y hojas - Requisitos para DVS 2207-3
equipos de soldadura y accesorios Suplemento 2

Traducción de la versión alemana de abril de 2005

- las boquillas utilizadas son también fáciles de quitar y caben en estado
1 Applicability
2 Requisitos
2.2 Requisitos de seguridad - se alcanza una temperatura de soldadura constante después de un
máximo de 15 minutos,
2.3 Etiquetado y documentación
2.4 Suministro de gas caliente - los mandos de mando estén protegidos contra desplazamientos
2.5 Boquillas involuntarios.
2.6 Caudalímetros
3 Otras normas y códigos técnicos aplicables
2.2 Requisitos de seguridad

1 Applicability El equipo utilizado de manera adecuada debe proporcionar al

usuario protección contra lesiones de cualquier naturaleza. En
Reimpresión y copia, incluso en forma de extractos, sólo con el consentimiento del editor

particular, deben respetarse las normas legales aplicables a la

Este suplemento del código técnico DVS 2207-3 describe, en utilización de equipos. (Véase también la sección 3)
términos generales, los requisitos cualitativos y de seguridad Aplicable además:
aplicables a los equipos de soldadura y los accesorios
necesarios para la soldadura de gas caliente en cadena y gas - Las piezas próximas a las manos no deberán exceder de + 40°C en
caliente con soplete separado de la varilla de llenado (WZ, WF) condiciones de funcionamiento incluso después de un uso prolongado.
de termoplásticos.
- Las superficies de los equipos que presenten un riesgo de quemaduras
Se aplica a los tipos de equipos descritos en el código técnico se mantendrán lo más pequeñas posible, o se aislarán y etiquetarán
2207-3, con y sin suministro de gas caliente incorporado, así según sea necesario.
como controlado o regulado, y sirve para garantizar que se
logra la calidad de soldadura requerida siempre que el equipo - Deberá instalarse una protección contra el exceso de
se opere y maneje correctamente. temperatura para evitar el sobrecalentamiento o la
destrucción de los equipos o elementos individuales (por
ejemplo, debido a la escasez de aire).
Los dispositivos especiales para aplicaciones especiales no están incluidos
en el ámbito de aplicación de este suplemento. - Deben evitarse los bordes afilados de los equipos y accesorios.

2.3 Etiquetado y documentación

2 Requisitos
Todos los equipos deberán mostrar en todo momento:
2.1 Requisitos generales - especificaciones del fabricante y del modelo,
El equipo deberá garantizar que
- especificaciones sobre alimentación, consumo y frecuencia,
- se garantiza la funcionalidad segura dentro del rango de aplicación de
temperatura previsto (- 5 a + 60 °C),
- número de identificación,
- el almacenamiento en un intervalo de temperatura de - 5 a + 60°C no - marca CE y clase de protección.
causa daños,
Todos los equipos deberán incluir instrucciones de funcionamiento y
mantenimiento que contengan al menos:
- no se produzcan fallos ni daños como consecuencia de la tensión
mecánica producida durante el transporte y funcionamiento - descripción funcional e instrucciones de funcionamiento,
- especificaciones sobre los ámbitos de aplicación,
- existe una protección anticorrosiva adecuada contra la entrada de
humedad desde el exterior, - programa de mantenimiento que especifique los intervalos de
- los elementos del equipo estén diseñados ergonómicamente
de acuerdo con su uso previsto, sean lo más ligeros posible - direcciones de servicio.
y puedan utilizarse con facilidad y seguridad,
Se recomienda una compilación de posibles fallas funcionales, incluyendo
- el mango no tiene una dirección preferente en relación con las líneas de posibles causas e información sobre la rectificación.
alimentación y la boquilla puede fijarse en cualquier posición,
2.4 Suministro de gas caliente
- que los elementos funcionales sean fácilmente accesibles
para un funcionamiento adecuado y para la limpieza y el
mantenimiento necesarios, y que las piezas fungibles sean Independientemente de la construcción del equipo, el suministro de gas
fáciles de sustituir, de soldadura debe garantizar que
- el gas de soldadura esté exento de polvo, agua y aceite,
- las mangueras y los cables de alimentación pueden ser extendidos por
el soldador con el mínimo esfuerzo y no se doblan ni se tuercen en un
funcionamiento adecuado, - el volumen de gas permanece constante durante la
soldadura y se proporciona un flujo de aire adaptado al
- pueden almacenarse de forma segura al finalizar los trabajos de trabajo de soldadura según DVS 2207-3 Suplemento 1,
soldadura o durante las interrupciones, incluso si varias herramientas de soldadura están en
funcionamiento continuo,

Esta publicación ha sido elaborada por un grupo de especialistas experimentados que trabajan a título honorario y se recomienda considerarla una importante fuente de
información. El usuario siempre debe comprobar en qué medida los contenidos son aplicables a su caso particular y si la versi ón disponible sigue siendo válida. La
Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e.V., así como los participantes en la elaboración del documento, no pueden aceptar ninguna responsabilidad.

DVS, Comité Técnico, Grupo de Trabajo Unión de Plásticos

Pedidos a: DVS-Verlag GmbH, P. O. Box 10 19 65, D-40010 Düsseldorf, Alemania, Teléfono: + 49(0)211/1591- 0, Telefax: + 49(0)211/1591-150

Página 2 a DVS 2207-3 Suplemento 2

- el caudal de aire requerido es ajustable para cada herramienta de 3 Otras normas y códigos técnicos aplicables
soldadura y se muestra con una precisión de 5 l/min,
EN 55014-1 Ensayos de CEM: emisiones
- las fluctuaciones de temperatura en la boquilla no superen EN 55014-2 Pruebas de CEM: inmisión
los 5 K, independientemente de las fluctuaciones de tensión
o de flujo de aire, de la geometría de la boquilla y de las DIN EN Equipo eléctrico de máquinas industriales
diferencias de temperatura ambiente, 60204- 1
- el ajuste de la temperatura de soldadura es fácil y sensible y no puede
Compatibilidad electromagnética (CEM) Parte
desplazarse inadvertidamente, EN 61000-3-2 3-2:
Valores límite - valores límite de la corriente
- los volúmenes de gas de salida fluctúan en un rango máximo armónica
del 5% desde el valor establecido, independientemente de Emisiones de CO2 (corrientes de entrada de
las fluctuaciones de contrapresión relacionadas con el equipos
proceso (por ejemplo, la posición desfavorable de la
boquilla). fase)
Compatibilidad electromagnética (CEM) Parte
Para las antorchas de soldadura con suministro de aire integrado debe EN 61000-3-3 3-3:
garantizarse que Límites: Limitación de cambios de tensión,
- las aberturas de aspiración de aire estén instaladas de fluctuaciones y parpadeo en la baja tensión
manera que permitan una entrada de aire suficiente en todo pública
momento para un uso adecuado del equipo (por ejemplo, sistemas de alimentación, para equipos con
sin revestimiento con las manos), capacidad nominal
- el elemento de filtro es fácil de cambiar. alquiler 16 A por fase y no sujeto a
En el caso de un suministro externo de gas de soldadura, la temperatura conexión internacional.
del gas procedente del suministro central no deberá exceder de 50°C
EN 60335-1 Seguridad del hogar y electricidad similar
2.5 Boquillas Aparatos - Parte 1: Requisitos generales
Para boquillas de soldadura con cordón de gas caliente: EN 60335-2.45 Seguridad del hogar y electricidad similar
Aparatos - Parte 2-45: Requisitos especiales
- Las boquillas deberán ajustarse a la sección transversal de la VDE 0875 Supresión de interferencias radioeléctricas
embutidora de soldadura que vaya a utilizarse y permitir dispositivos y sistemas para frecuencias
también el paso suave de la embutidora de soldadura
teniendo en cuenta su expansión de volumen. nominales de 0
a 10 kHz
- La superficie de ataque de la zapata de boquilla debe estar Medición de caudal de gases técnicos para
pulida. DVS 0801 soldadura
procedimientos de corte, corte y
- El material de la boquilla deberá ser resistente a la oxidación y a la procedimientos relacionados
corrosión. Soldadura a gas caliente de termoplásticos -
DVS 2207-3 gas caliente
- La zapata de boquilla deberá estar formada de manera que sus bordes Soldadura de gas caliente con antorcha
no marquen el material base.
separado de varilla de llenado de tuberías,
Estas declaraciones se aplican en principio también a los rodillos a presión com-tubería
para soldar materiales blandos (p. ej., PVC blando). ponents y hojas - métodos, requisitos
Soldadura a gas caliente de termoplásticos -
2.6 Caudalímetros DVS 2207-3 Gas caliente
Supl. 1 soldadura con soplete separado de la carga y
Los caudalímetros para medir y regular el flujo de gas caliente soldadura por cordón de tuberías, compo-
no deberán superar una desviación máxima del 3,0% del valor tubería
máximo de la escala. Normalmente deben diseñarse para 100
l/min en condiciones normales a 20°C y presión media de nentes y hojas - parámetros de soldadura
trabajo del equipo conectado. Los caudalímetros de carrocería
suspendida o de orificio calibrados con indicador de pre presión
en litros estándar han demostrado su eficacia.
Archivo: D:\Eigene Dateien\Kunden\DVS\Ri+Me\2207\2207-4\englisch\Jan_08\
Erstellt am: 18.01.2005
Zuletzt geändert am: 29.01.2008

Marzo de 2008

DVS - DEUTSCHER VERBAND Soldadura de termoplásticos Extrusión

soldadura de tuberías, piezas de tubería y
FÜR SCHWEISSEN UND paneles Código Técnico
VERWANDTE VERFAHREN E.V. Procesos y requisitos DVS 2207-4

Traducción de la versión alemana de abril de 2005

Contenido: El código técnico se puede aplicar correspondientemente a otros

modificaciones de materiales y materiales (p. ej., conductores eléctricos).
1 Ámbito de aplicación Es necesario prestar atención a las instrucciones suplementarias
2 Materiales de los fabricantes de los productos semiacabados.
3 Descripción general del proceso
3. 1 Proceso de soldadura continua
3.2 Proceso de soldadura discontinua 3 Descripción general del proceso
4 Variantes de la máquina
4.1 Variante de máquina I La soldadura por extrusión es un proceso de soldadura manual
o semiautomática
4.2 Variante de máquina II ess. Se realiza con un relleno de soldadura que consiste en
alambre o
4.3 Variante de máquina III se funde y plastifica en un sistema plastificante (ex
Diseño estructural, formas de soldadura y estructura de truder). Un zapato de soldadura en forma de acuerdo con la
5 soldadura
geometría de la soldadura
Reimpresión y copia, incluso en forma de extractos, sólo con el consentimiento del editor

6 Requisitos sirve para presionar el relleno de soldadura en la soldadura del

material base
6.1 Requisitos de las máquinas y dispositivos de soldadura ranura que, por regla general, se plastifica con aire caliente.
Otras fuentes de calor
6.2 Requisitos de los zapatos de soldadura es o portadores pueden ser, por ejemplo, un rayo de luz o gases
inertes. El
6.3 Requisitos relativos al precalentamiento la capacidad de salida del material de las máquinas o
dispositivos determina
6.4 Requisitos sobre los materiales y su soldabilidad las dimensiones máximas de la soldadura e soldadu
la influye en el ra
6.5 Requisitos de los soldadores velocidad. Se genera la presión de unión necesaria por la
6.6 Requisitos sobre la calidad de las juntas soldadas material emergente y la contrafuerza del soldador.
Puesta en marcha de las máquinas de soldadura y ajuste de la
7 soldadura
parámetros Se distingue entre los siguientes procesos:
8 Preparación de la soldadura - proceso de soldadura continua
8.1 Equipo
- soldadura discontinua
8.2 Medidas de protección contra las influencias ambientales
9 Soldadura
9.1 Preparación de las caras de unión 3.1 Proceso de soldadura continua
9.2 Viraje El relleno de soldadura plastificado que emerge del manual o
9.3 Ejecución de una soldadura el dispositivo o la máquina guiados mecánicamente se presiona
9.4 Acabado de mecanizado de las soldaduras en la ranura de soldadura también plastificada por una zapata de
soldadura, Figs. 1,
9.5 Postratamiento térmico de las soldaduras 3 y 4.
9.6 Hoja de registro de soldadura
10 Ensayo de las juntas soldadas
11 Instrucciones de seguridad
12 Normas y códigos técnicos también aplicables Apéndice 1:
Instrucciones breves para la soldadura
Apéndice 2: Hoja de registro de soldadura para la soldadura por extrusión

1 Ámbito de aplicación

Este código técnico se aplica a la soldadura por extrusión de

gas caliente (en lo sucesivo, soldadura por extrusión) de
tuberías y paneles en la construcción de tanques, aparatos y
tuberías, así como durante la fabricación de productosel apoyo
de las cacerolas colectoras y de los sellos sobre las estructuras
de hormigón con los termoplásticos. Describe los diferentes
procesos, indica los límites del proceso y establece los
requisitos para la garantía de calidad.

En los códigos técnicos DVS 2225-1 y DVS 2225-4 se incluyen

instrucciones especiales para la soldadura por extrusión de
hojas de sellado en la construcción de tierras y la ingeniería de
agua. Las instrucciones para la soldadura por extrusión de
tuberías de la carcasa se pueden encontrar en el código técnico
DVS 2207-5.

2 Materiales

Este código técnico se aplica a los materiales especificados en el

Código técnico DVS 2207-4, suplemento 1. Figura 1. Diagrama para la soldadura continua con la variante de máquina I.
E de información. El usuario siempre debe comprobar en qué medida los contenidos son aplicables a su caso particular y si la ve rsión disponible sigue siendo válida. La
s Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e.V., así como los participantes en la elaboración del documento, no pueden aceptar ninguna responsabilidad.
u DVS, Comité Técnico, Grupo de Trabajo "Unión de Plásticos"
a Pedidos a: DVS-Verlag GmbH, P. O. Box 10 19 65, 40010 Düsseldorf, Alemania, Teléfono: + 49(0)211/1591- 0, Telefax: + 49(0)211/1591-150
Página 2 a DVS 2207-4

En el caso de la soldadura manual, la velocidad de avance es This process is predominantly used where confined space-
el resultado del volumen del flujo de material emergente y de la related conditions or certain structural details exclude
sección transversal de la soldadura que debe llenarse. In the continuous welding.
case of welding with a feed system, the welding speed must be
adjusted to the material output.
4 Machine variants
The welding zone is preheated by a hot gas fan attached to the welding
The machines or devices consist of:
3.2 Discontinuous welding process
– the plastifying system (extruder) for the plastification of the input welding
For the welding, the plastified welding filler is extracted from the
extruder section by section with a corresponding quiver, is inserted
into welding groove plastified with a hot gas device and is pressed in, – the preheating system for the heating of the joining faces (as a rule, hot
shaped and smoothed with a press-on tool (Fig. 2).
– the welding head in order to accommodate the welding shoe and the
preheating system

– the welding shoe in order to input the extrudate into the

welding groove and to shape the surface (alternative to the
quiver and the press-on tool in the case of discontinuous

4.1 Machine Variant I

Machine or device type in which all the device components form one
unit. As a rule, the welding filler is supplied to the device as round
wire or, in the case of larger devices, also as granules, Fig. 1.

4.2 Machine Variant II

The extruder and the welding head are structurally separate in

the case of this machine type. For continuous welding, both
machine parts are connected with each other by a heated hose
for the welding filler, Fig. 3. For discontinuous welding, the
extrudate is extracted directly from the extruder using
replaceable material nozzles, Fig. 2.

The machines of this type have a high output capacity but are
primarily used in stationary operation due to their size. The
welding filler is usually supplied to the device in granule form.

4.3 Machine Variant III

The machines or devices consist of the welding wire intake station,

the plastifying unit and the preheating system. The welding filler in
wire form is transported into the heating chamber by the wire feed
unit which inputs the plastified welding filler into the joining zone via
the welding shoe, Fig. 4. As a rule, the devices are smaller and easier
to handle than Machine Variants I and II but also have a lower output
Figure 2. Diagram for discontinuous welding with Machine Variant II.

Figure 3.
Diagram for continuous welding with
Machine Variant II.

Page 3 to DVS 2207-4

For materials others than those listed in Appendix 1, it may be

necessary to choose different weld shapes and weld preparation

Desination Sheme Symbol


(Kseam-butt) (K-

Figure 4. Diagram for continuous welding with Machine Variant III.

5 Structural design, weld shapes and weld structure

The DVS 2205 ff. technical codes apply to the structure of the
components and the DVS 2205-3 technical code to the design
of the welds (the supplements to the respective technical codes Figure 5. Examples of weld shapes and weld symbols.
are also applicable). In particular, attention must be paid to the

– Crossing welds must be in a staggered arrangement.


V- and double V-seams

Depth of seams

– The distance between the welds should be about three times the width
of the top layer but min. 50 mm.

– In the case of butt joints, it is necessary to match the

workpiece thicknesses of connecting ends with different
thicknesses (DVS 2205).

– A weld shape which guarantees that the cross-section of the

thinner joining part in each case can be connected
completely (e.g. T-joint with a single-bevel butt weld) should Angle of seam opering (’’)
be chosen in the case of accessibility from one side only.
a) Continuous welding
DIN EN 22553 applies to the designation and graphical and symbolic
representation of the welds.
s (mm)

The most important weld shapes are single-V, double-V, single-bevel and
double-bevel butt welds as well as fillet welds.
HV-seam V- and double V-seams

Examples of the execution of welds as well as their symbolic representation

Depth of seams

on fabrication drawings are shown on Fig. 5.

As a rule, the welds are manufactured in a single layer or, in special cases,
in multiple layers.

In order to reduce the weld volume and because of the more

uniform distribution of the residual welding stresses, the welds
should, if at all possible, be executed on both sides or with a Angle of seam (’’)
backing layer (double-V butt weld, fillet weld and double-bevel
butt weld). b) Descontinuous welding

The material input into the welding grooves should be minimised

because of the shrinkage stresses arising during the cooling of the Figure 6. Recommended weld preparation angles for PE-HD and PP in the
welds. It is therefore recommendable to change the weld preparation case of single-V and single-bevel butt welds depending on the
angle according to the joining part thickness, Fig. 6. weld depth and the welding process (for other materials, it may
be necessary to choose different weld preparation angles).
The residual root opening should be max. 1 mm and full-penetration
welding must be ensured.
6 Requirements
The root gap should not exceed 2 mm in the continuous welding
process and 4 mm in the discontinuous welding process. If the 6.1 Requirements on the welding machines and devices
root gap width cannot be complied with for structural or design-
related reasons, appropriate measures must be taken (e.g. The welding machines and the welding devices must be in a functioning
using a backing strip). condition. Their condition and good working order

Page 4 to DVS 2207-4

must be checked regularly (e.g. by means of monitoring by the The weld overlap ∆b should be more than or equal to 0.2 times the joining
manufacturers). part thickness but it should be min. 3 mm.

The output quantity and the preheating capacity must be adjusted to the The weld reinforcement ∆s should be 0.1 - 0.2 times the joining part
welding job. thickness.

Special requirements on the welding machines and the welding devices are The "nose" located on the front part prevents the material from
described in Supplement 2 to this technical code.
flowing ahead, is a prerequisite for the generation of the
necessary joining pressure and supports the forward movement
6.2 Requirements on the welding shoes of the welding device. It must correspond to the welding groove
shape but must not touch the welding groove faces during the
The joining pressure necessary for the welding is applied to the welding.
joining faces with the welding shoe via the welding filler. At the
same time, the welding shoe shapes and smooths the weld The gap between the nose and the weld sidewalls should be 1 - 3 mm
surface. depending on the weld thickness.

Therefore, the welding shoes must correspond to the welding job, The undercut on the contact surfaces prevents molten base material from
must be structurally adjusted to the respective weld shapes and being pushed away.
thicknesses (Fig. 7), must have smooth, anti-adhesive surfaces and
must be sufficiently temperature-resistant. When press-on tools are used for discontinuous welding, the above
stipulations are applicable correspondingly.

Table 1. Guide values for welding shoe dimensions.

a) Welding shoe for

single-V welds

Seam depth s for V-seams s Pressing length LA

(mm) (mm)
to 15 35
> 15 to 20 45
> 20 to 30 55

6.3 Requirements on the preheating

b) Welding shoe for
fillet welds The preheating must guarantee that the joining faces and the
areas of the weld overlap, Fig. 8, are sufficiently plastified even
when the welding groove geometry changes. The welding
shoes and the preheating (nozzle geometry, air volume and hot
gas temperature) must be coordinated.

6.4 Requirements on the materials and their weldability

Semi-finished products and welding fillers (wire and granules)

must be suitable for extrusion welding. One prerequisite for
welded joints which should meet the requirements according to
DVS 2203 is the use of a welding filler of the same type as the
base material but at least of a similar type.

For the semi-crystalline materials (such as PE, PP and PVDF),

reference is made to the melt index as a characteristic
parameter for the weldability. If the melt index (MFR) values of
the welding partners are within the permissible melt index
ranges in DVS 2207-1, -11 and -15, weldability may be
assumed in general. If two semi-finished products in different
MFR groups from these ranges are to be welded with each
Figure 7. Representations of welding shoe designs. other, it is necessary to choose a welding filler whose MFR
value is between that of the combination of semi-finished
As a rule, they are made of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). This products. For PE-HD, PP and PVDF, attention must be paid to
material possesses the specified properties and is easy to the instructions in the scope of application of the DVS 2207-1,
machine. 2207-11 and 2207-15 technical codes. If the melt index is
outside the authorised ranges in the specified technical codes,
The lengths of the press-on zone and the smoothing surface the welding evidence according to DVS 2203-4 must be
should not be less than the minimum lengths specified in Table provided in the tensile creep test.
1. This ensures that the joining pressure acts during a minimum
time and that the necessary bond can thus be produced The following applies to amorphous materials such as PVC:
throughout the joining area (especially the weld root and the "Only semi-finished products of the same moulding material
weld sidewalls). type are weldable."

Page 5 to DVS 2207-4

The semi-finished products and the welding fillers must be If the material is changed, it must be ensured, by means of
marked correspondingly and unmistakably (in the case of cleaning or extruding-out, that all the material in the welding
welding fillers, on the packaging). extruder is replaced. If necessary, the nozzles must be
changed. In the case of Machine Variant II, the hose must
Only semi-finished products with stipulated quality requirements always be changed as well. It is recommended not to use the
should be welded (e.g. works certificate according to DIN EN same extruder for different materials in practice.
The welding fillers must meet the requirements according to the DVS 2211 The welding filler must be dry. If necessary, it must be dried
technical code and DIN EN 12943. before use (e.g. several hours in an exhaust air oven at
temperatures of approx. 60 - 80°C). Attention must be paid to
The base and filler materials must be available in a flawless processing the information from the welding filler manufacturer.
condition and must be dry and clean.
While the machine is running, the required material temperature
If there are any doubts that the semi-finished products and/or is checked directly at the material outlet in the middle of the
the welding filler are similar (e.g. due to a lack of labelling) or if strand using the prick sensor of a quick-display temperature
any material changes are to be feared due to: gauge.
– improper storage The control measurement of the hot air temperature is taken in
– low joining part temperatures - the hot air nozzle between the nozzle outlet plane and a depth
soiling of 5 mm using a precision probe with a diameter of approx. 1
– ageing mm (see the instructions in DVS 2207-4, Supplement 2).
– operating influences (media or temperatures)
The stipulated air volume must be checked in the case of
it is necessary to establish the weldability by means of tests on devices with an external air supply. It is necessary to ensure the
flawless function of devices with an internal air supply.
trial welds. Agreement must be reached with regard to the type
and scope of the tests. Instructions about this are given in the
DVS 2203-1 and 2201-2 technical codes. The material and hot gas temperatures must be checked
immediately before the beginning of the welding. Repeat checks
are recommendable in the case of a welding job lasting a longer
6.5 Requirements on the welders time or after interruptions in the work.
Hot gas extrusion welding is a welding process for which not All the measurements must be taken with regularly checked
only comprehensive knowledge with regard to the materials to measuring instruments (according to DVS 2207-4, Supplement
be welded and to the handling of the machines and devices but 2) and must be documented (Appendix 2).
also high skills in the execution are prerequisites.

The welder must have passed a qualification test according to 8 Welding preparation
the DVS 2212-1 technical code, Qualification Test Group II, and
must possess a valid test certificate.
The welding grooves of the joining parts are prepared according to Section
6.6 Requirements on the quality of the welded joints 5.

If the welds are executed properly according to this technical It must be guaranteed that the welding head of the machine or
code, those minimum requirements on the quality of the welds device has sufficient accessibility to the joining faces. Welding
which are specified in the DVS 2203-1 technical code (welding out of position should be avoided or minimised because of the
required counterpressure to be applied by the welder. It must
factors and bending angles) are sure to be met. With regard to be ensured that the welder is not hindered during the welding
the application in question, to statutory stipulations if needed as a result of the necessary readjustment of the connecting
(Water Management Act, Pressure Device Directive etc.) and to cables and hoses as well as of the welding filler.
the necessary dimensioning, the customer and the
manufacturer should agree on the corresponding requirements
8.1 Equipment
on the component and on the welded joints and should stipulate
these. Instructions and criteria for stipulating the quality are The following equipment constitutes the minimum requirements for the
described in the DVS 2202-1 technical code. The inclusion of proper execution of the welded joints:
the weld quality in the component calculation is described in the
DVS 2205-1 to -5 technical codes. – hot gas extrusion welding device according to the welding job and this
technical code
If necessary, the evidence of the demanded quality may be – welding shoes according to the welding job
provided within the framework of establishing its suitability on
trial welds with reference to DVS 2212-1. This applies especially – flow meter for welding gas
to materials for which no requirements have yet been stipulated –- temperature gauge according to DVS 2207-4, Supplement 2
in the specified technical codes (e.g. PVC-C).
– suitable measuring instruments for checking the misalignment, the
diameter and the thickness
7 Start-up of the welding machines and setting of the welding – suitable storage space for the devices
– scraper and scraper blade
The start-up is carried out according to the operating instructions from the – personal protective equipment
machine manufacturer.
– dust protection for the welding wire
Extrudate residues in the extruder, at the outlet opening as well – sufficient lighting
as, if applicable, in the transport hose must be melted
completely before the extrusion drive is switched on.
– protective measures against weathering influences (see Section 8.2)
In order to avoid the use of thermally predamaged welding filler, the
reheated melt should be extruded out completely before the – special cleaning agent (not swelling, dissolving or containing greasy)
beginning of the welding. This also applies to longer interruptions in and non-fraying rags
the work. The maximum dwell times are dependent on the material
in question (in the case of PE-HD and PP, approx. 5 min). In the case – welding parameters according to DVS 2207-4, Supplement 1
of thermally sensitive materials such as PVC and PVDF, it is to be
and/or instructions from the manufacturers of the semi-
finished products
recommended to keep the extruder running during the interruption in
the welding. – welding record sheet according to Appendix 2

Page 6 to DVS 2207-4

8.2 Protective measures against environmental influences The welder must ensure that the molten base material at the weld sidewalls
is not pushed off by the welding shoe nose.
The ambient conditions may exert a fundamental influence on
the welding operation and thus on the quality of the joint. In the case of restarts and at the end of circumferential welds, it
Therefore, attention must be paid to the following: is necessary to diagonally machine off the already executed
ends of the weld.
– The welding area must be protected from unfavourable
weathering influences (such as moisture, formation of
condensation water, wind, draughts and temperatures below
+ 5°C).

– If it is ensured, by taking suitable measures (e.g. preheating,

tenting or heating), that a semi-finished product temperature
sufficient for the welding can be complied with, the welding
may be carried out at any outdoor temperature – provided
that the dexterity of the welder is not hindered. If necessary,
additional evidence must be provided by manufacturing and
testing trial welds in the existing conditions.
– In the case of non-uniformly tempered joining parts (e.g. due
to solar radiation on one side, in the case of different storage
conditions etc.), the temperatures must be equalised before
the welding.

9 Welding
Figure 8. Example of a single-V butt weld with representation of the melting
9.1 Preparation of the joining faces zones and the weld overlap.

The joining faces must not be damaged, oxidised or soiled. In order to avoid the excessively rapid cooling of the top layer
Therefore, they and the adjacent weld overlap areas must be and the resulting formation of shrinkage cavities, it is
subjected to chip-producing machining immediately before the recommended to cover the extrusion weld immediately after the
welding. welding.
Chip-producing tools such as scrapers, scraper blades, milling If multi-layer welds are necessary, the cooled weld sidewalls
cutters and saws are suitable. Grinding tools are only and surfaces of the already welded layers must be subjected to
permissible if it is possible to exclude the soiling caused by chip-producing machining.
inputting abrasives and the overheating of the surfaces.
Design-induced modifications to the weld geometry in the weld
Especially in the case of joining parts which have been exposed to path (e.g. in the case of segment bends and branches) demand
the influence of UV or media for a long time, the damaged layer may particularly careful guidance of the welding shoe. If necessary,
be so deep that the residual wall thickness, including the static the welding shoe must be changed.
requirements, must be checked after the machining-off.
If the joining faces must be cleaned, it is necessary to use special cleaning In the case of semi-automatic and fully automatic systems and
agents which do not contain any grease. facilities for extrusion welding, the welding parameters (the
material output, the preheating and the welding speed) must be
9.2 Tacking coordinated and must be set correspondingly.
It is recommended to manufacture trial welds.
Tacking serves to fix the joining parts in their planned positions
in relation to each other in order to exclude any changes in the In the case of discontinuous welding, the welding filler is
positions of the joining parts during the welding. Tacking is extracted from the extruder with the quiver and is inserted into
usually carried out by means of the partial or continuous high- the plastified welding groove section by section. The joining
speed hot gas welding of a root layer with a welding filler wire. pressure is applied with the press-on tool across all the cross-
sectional areas of the weld (central and edge areas) in several
9.3 Execution of a weld operations and the weld surface is shaped at the same time.

Before the beginning of the welding operation, the welding shoe 9.4 Finish machining of the welds
must be heated up (e.g. using a baffle plate) since welding with
a cold welding shoe results in a rough and uneven weld surface. Subject to corresponding welding shoe formation and machine
This also applies to press-on tools in the case of discontinuous guidance during the welding, finish machining of the welds is
welding. not necessary (in this respect, see also DVS 2202-1, Table 5).

The start of the weld is preheated and completely melted with It is imperative to remove the lateral flow which may be pressed
hot air. Immediately before the welding shoe is placed on the through under the contact surfaces of the welding shoe.
welding groove, the welding filler which has already emerged is Reinforced weld beads and reinforced weld roots must be
removed from the welding shoe opening. After the filling of the machined off correspondingly without any notches.
groove, the material pressure builds up due to the The weld may only be machined off after sufficient cooling.
counterpressure generated by the welder and the forward
movement of the welding shoe begins.
9.5 Thermal after-treatment of the welds
In the case of manual welding, the welding speed is determined
by the material output of the extruder and the size of the weld Residual welding stresses can be reduced by means of
cross-section. tempering. The tempering conditions depend on the material
and the component. Attention must be paid to the information
The preheating of the joining parts must be adjusted to the from the manufacturers of the semi-finished products.
welding speed in such a way that the base material is plastified
down to a depth of 0.5 - 1 mm. 9.6 Welding record sheet
The plastification zone must be wider than the weld width. Guide The completely filled-in welding record sheet documents the
value: weld width + 2 • (0.2 • joining part thickness s) (see Fig. 8). welding conditions and parameters amongst other details. It is
The melting depth is checked directly in front of the welding shoe. the foundation for the evaluation of the weld quality by the
This may be carried out with a thin, blunt tool. welding supervisor (compare DVS 2213, specimen record sheet
in Appendix 2).

Page 7 to DVS 2207-4

10 Testing of the welded joints

A distinction is made between non-destructive and destructive

test procedures. They are listed in Table 2 "Possible test
procedures" for the most frequent weld shapes.

Table 2. Usual test procedures for extrusion welds, applicability and requirements.

Non-destructive tests
Visual inspection of Visual inspection, according to DVS 2202-1 and 2206. The evaluation group must be stipulated in each
the undestroyed weld individual case.
(external findings)
Leak test with a partial Using suitable vacuum bell jars and a foaming liquid; the test conditions must be stipulated in each
vacuum individual case. Usual test pressure: -0.4 bar to -0.6 bar.

Leak test with electric The type of test device (with or without an antipole) and the test voltage must be stipulated in each
high voltage individual case. Test technique according to DVS 2206, Section

Radiographic test Applicable; statement with the number, positions, shapes and sizes of pores, shrinkage cavities and
comparable defects possible. Test technique according to DVS 2206, Section 3.5.
Ultrasonic test Applicable to PE-HD, with restrictions to PP (statement about voids, not about quality). Test technique
according to DVS 2206, Section 3.4.

Pressure test Application usually for pipelines; test conditions according to the Pressure Device Directive. Test execution
according to DVS 2210-1, Supplement 2 and DIN 4279-7. Meaningfulness: leak tightness, experimental
evidence of the operational safety.
Destructive tests
Visual inspection of Formation of the executed weld cross-section (weld geometry), internal findings according to DVS 2202 -1,
the weld cross-section Tables 4 and 5. Fracture pattern of the weld destroyed in the tensile test or in the technological bending
Tensile test Execution according to DVS 2203-2: short-time tensile welding factor; DVS 2203-4: creep rupture welding
factor; minimum requirements according to DVS 2203 -1. Test not applicable to fillet and single-bevel butt
Technological bending Execution according to DVS 2203-5, minimum requirements (bending angle) according to DVS 2203-1.
test Test not applicable to fillet and single-bevel butt welds.

The visual inspection concentrates, in particular, on the weld In explosion-protected areas, attention must be paid to the valid
shape, the notch-free surfaces and peripheral zones, the safety regulations with regard to the welding work and any
optimum weld filling, the full weld penetration on the root side measures which may be necessary must be agreed on with the
and the joining part misalignment. safety officer responsible; in this respect, see the Operational
Safety Ordinance (BetrSichV).
With ultrasonic and X-ray testing (see the DVS 2206 technical
code), flaws can be detected in the interior of the welds without
any destruction. However, on their own, they do not provide a
sufficient indication of the quality of the welded joint. Moreover, 12 Standards and technical codes which are also
the utilisation possibilities of these test procedures are limited
with regard to the weld geometry and the weld thickness. DIN 1910-3 Welding of plastics – Processes
For the designation and evaluation of defects, reference is made to the DVS DIN V 4279-7 Internal pressure testing of pressure piping for
2202-1 technical code. (preliminary water – Pressure pipes made of low-density
standard) polyethylene PE-LD, pressure pipes made of
It is necessary to stipulate the type and scope of the tests to be performed high-density polyethylene PE-HD (PE 80 and
in each individual case.
PE 100), pressure pipes made of cross-linked
polyethylene PE-X and pressure pipes made of
Material-specific tests are indicated in DVS 2201-1 and general
tests such as dimensional accuracy or surface assessment in unplasticised polyvinyl chloride PVC-U
DVS 2206. DIN 16960-1 Welding of thermoplastics – Principles
DIN 32502 Defects in welded joints made of plastics –
Classification, designations and explanations
11 Safety instructions
DIN EN 12943 Welding fillers for thermoplastics – Scope of
application, marking, requirements and testing
Hazardous decomposition products and health-endangering
DIN EN ISO Plastics – Code letters and codes – Part 1: Base
fumes result from the overheating of some materials (such as.
PVC, PVDF and E-CTFE) or already develop during the welding 1043-1 polymers and their particular properties
of other materials (such as FEP, MFA, PFA and PTFE). On the DVS 2201-2 Testing of semi-finished products made of
basis of the DIN safety data sheets to be submitted by the thermoplastics – Weldability – Test procedures
manufacturer, the contractor must elaborate operating – Requirements
instructions which comply with Section 20 of the Hazardous
DVS 2202-1 Defects in welded joints between thermoplastics
Substances Ordinance (GefStoffV) and indicate all the potential
hazards and necessary protective measures. It may be – Characteristics, description and evaluation
necessary to take further specific protective measures in each DVS 2203 Testing of welded joints between panels and
individual case. pipes made of thermoplastics

Page 8 to DVS 2207-4

-1 Test procedures – Requirements DVS 2207-4, Welding of thermoplastics – Extrusion welding

-2 Tensile test Supplement 2 of pipes, piping parts and panels –
Requirements on the welding machines and
-4 Tensile creep test welding devices
-5 Technological bending test
DVS 2207-11 Welding of thermoplastics – Heated tool welding of
DVS 2205 Calculation of tanks and apparatus made of pipes, piping parts and panels made of PP
DVS 2207-15 Welding of thermoplastics – Heated tool welding of
-3 Welded joints pipes, piping parts and panels made of PVDF
-4 Flanged joints
DVS 2210-1 Industrial piping made of thermoplastics –
-5 Rectangular tanks Planning and execution – Overground pipe
DVS 2206 Testing of components and structures made of systems
thermoplastics DVS 2211 Welding of thermoplastics – Welding fillers – Marking,
DVS 2207-1 Welding of thermoplastics – Heated tool welding requirements and tests
of pipes, piping parts and panels made of
PE-HD DVS 2212-1 Qualification testing of plastics welders –
Qualification Test Groups I and II – Hot gas
DVS 2207-3, Welding of thermoplastics – High-speed hot gas welding with the torch separate from the filler
Supplement 1 welding and hot gas welding with the torch rod, high-speed hot gas welding, heated tool
separate from the filler rod of pipes, piping parts butt welding, sleeve welding with an
and panels – Welding parameters incorporated electric heating element, heated
tool sleeve welding and hot gas extrusion
DVS 2207-3, Welding of thermoplastics – High-speed hot gas welding
Supplement 2 welding and hot gas welding with the torch
separate from the filler rod of pipes, piping parts and panels – DVS 2225 Joining of sealing sheets made of polymer
Requirements on the welding materials in earthwork construction and water
devices and accessories engineering

DVS 2207-4, Welding of thermoplastics – Extrusion welding Supplement 1 DIN standards can be obtained from Beuth Verlag, Berlin and
of pipes, piping parts and panels – Welding DVS technical codes from Verlag für Schweißen und verwandte
parameters Verfahren DVS-Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf.

Page 9 to DVS 2207-4

Appendix 1: Brief instructions for the welding 4. Prepare the welds and the joining faces (Section 9.1)

1. Put together the welding equipment (Section 8.1) – check, stipulate and manufacture the weld geometry and the weld shape
– valid welder's certificate
– remove the oxide layer from the joining faces by means of chip-
– hot gas extrusion welding device corresponding to the welding job, producing machining
including the operating instructions
5. Tack the joining parts (Section 9.2)
– possibly hot gas welding device for tacking the joining parts
– welding shoes according to the weld shape – execute a partial or continuous root layer with a hot gas welding device

– flow meter for welding gas 6. Start up and prepare the welding extruder (Section 7)
– temperature gauge with sensors for measuring the hot gas – check the supply lines (electricity and air) for any possible hindrances to
and the extrudate as well as the temperature of the semi- the welding operation
finished products
– connect and start the extruder according to the operating instructions
– suitable measuring instruments for checking the misalignment, the
diameter and the thickness
– storage space for the devices – select, adjust and assemble the welding shoe and the hot gas nozzle
according to the weld geometry and the weld shape
– scraper and scraper blade
– extrude the reheated welding filler out of the cylinder
– personal protective equipment
– set and check the parameters (Appendix 1)
– dust protection for the welding wire
– preheat the welding shoe
– cleaning agent
7. Welding (Section 9.3)
– Supplement 1: Welding parameters
– Appendix 2: Welding record sheet –- check that the base material is sufficiently plastified (e.g. by pricking it
with a blunt tool)
– special welding instructions
– check the welding speed and monitor the uniformity
2. Check the working conditions and plan the measures (Section
8.2) – continuously check the guidance of the welding extruder and make any
corrections needed
– accessibility
– if necessary, prevent any excessively rapid cooling of the weld surface
– sufficient lighting by covering it
– protective tent – bevel the ends of the welds before restarts
– heating – protect the welding filler from contaminations
3. Check the weldability (Section 6.4) 8. Finish-machine the weld (Section 9.4)
– on the semi-finished products and welding fillers, check that the
information from the manufacturers is correct – let welded parts cool down sufficiently before unclamping them and
subjecting them to loads
– check the condition and cleanness of the joining partners and possibly – machine off the lateral weld flow and the weld reinforcements
clean them
9. Compile the welding record sheet (Section 9.6)
– if necessary, check the weldability of the joining partners by
means of build-up welding according to DVS 2201-2 or trial –- fill in the welding record sheet (Appendix 2) and carry out the visual
welds inspection according to DVS 2202-1


Page 10 to DVS 2207-4

Extrusion welding of panels and pipes Company logo

Project: Project no.: Protective

Weathering measures
Dra win g n o.: Base m ateri al (m an ufactur er, type, b atch, dat e):

1 = Sunny 1 = None

Welder: Welding filler (manufacturer, type, batch, date):
2 = Dry 2 = Screen

Welding certificate no.: / valid untel Welding machine, make, tpye:

3 = Precipita- 3 = Tent

Welding supervisor (3): Year of construction / last machine examination: Process variant according to DVS 2207-4:
4 = Wind 4 = Heating

Date Weld no. Joining part Weld shape Welding Air volume Material Hot gas Welding Ambient tem- Semi-finis- Weathering Protective Visual
thickness (symbol) shoe no. temperature temperature speed perature hed product (code no.) measures evaluation
temperature (code no.)
mm l/min C (1) C (2) cm/min C C

(1) Measured with a pricking thermometer at the extrudate outlet of the welding machine / welding device Remarks: e.g. less favourable conditions
(2) Measured in the middle of the nozzle outlet opening, 5 mm in the nozzle
(3) E.g. specialist for plastics welding according to DVS 2213

Date / signature of the welder Date / signature of the welding supervisor

Draft May 2009

Welding of thermoplastics
Extrusion welding of pipes, Technical Code
VERWANDTE VERFAHREN E.V. piping parts and panels DVS 2207- 4
Welding parameters Supplement 1

Comments until August 31, 2009

Planned as replacement for June 2006 edition

This draft is presented to the public for examination and comments. Proposals for additions or modifications should be sent to DVS
e. V., P. O. Box 10 19 65, D-40010 Düsseldorf, Germany, before the date mentioned above.

This supplement to the DVS 2207-4 technical code includes guide values for the parameters for hot gas extrusion welding. They
apply to manual welding with the machines and devices specified in the DVS 2207-4 technical code, Supplement 1, and to the
materials listed in the table.
If necessary, other parameters may also be used for the welding with automatic welding machines (see Section 9.3).
By coordinating the hot air temperature, air volume and welding speed parameters, it must be guaranteed that the joining parts are
plasticised at the joint and down to a depth of 0.5 - 1 mm beyond the weld width (see Section 9.3).

1) 2) 3)
Materials Abbreviations Material temperature Hot gas temperature Hot gas quantity
°C °C l/min
Reprinting and copying, even in the form of excerpts, only with the consent of the publisher

High-density polyethylene PE-HD 210 … 230 210 … 300 300
Polypropylene, Types 1, 2 and 3 PP-H; PP-B; PP-R 210 … 240 210 … 300 300
Unplasticised polyvinyl chloride PVC-U 190 … 200 330 … 360 300
Impact-resistant polyvinyl chloride PVC-HI 170 … 180 280 … 340 300
Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride PVC-C 195 … 205 300 … 360 300
Polyvinylidene fluoride PVDF 240 … 260 280 … 350 300

Measured with an insert thermometer at the extrudate outlet of the welding machine.
2) Measured 5 mm in the nozzle, in the centre of the nozzle opening.
Drawn-in cold air volume at the ambient pressure.
PE 63, PE 80 and PE 100.

This publication has been drawn up by a group of experienced specialists working in an honorary capacity and its consideratio n as an important source of information is
recommended. The user should always check to what extent the contents are applicable to his particular case and whether the version on hand is still valid. No liability can
be accepted by the Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e.V., and those participating in the drawing up of the document.

DVS, Technical Committee, Working Group “Joining of Plastics”

Orders to: DVS Media GmbH, P. O. Box 10 19 65, 40010 Düsseldorf, Germany, Phone: + 49(0)211/1591- 0, Telefax: + 49(0)211/1591-150

File: D:\Eigene Dateien\Kunden\DVS\Ri+Me\2207\2207-4\englisch\Jan_08\
Erstellt am: 17.01.2008
Zuletzt geändert am: 29.01.2008

March 2008

Welding of thermoplastics
Extrusion welding
of pipes, piping parts and panels DVS 2207-4
VERWANDTE VERFAHREN E.V. Requirements on the welding machines and welding devices Supplement 2

Translation of the German version from april 2005

Contents: - the preheating of cooled extrudate at the outlet of the material

nozzle is ensured by suitable devices, e.g. baffle nozzle for the
1 Scope of application hot gas flow
2 Requirements
- they can be put down in a stable position at the end of the
2.1 General requirements
welding work or during interruptions in the work
2.2 Marking and documentation
2.3 Safety requirements
2.4 Plastifying system 2.2 Marking and documentation

2.5 Preheating system The following information must be permanently displayed on the
2.6 Welding shoes machines and devices:
2.7 Accessories for discontinuous welding
3Standards and technical codes which are also applicable – information about the manufacturer and the type
4 Literature – information about the electricity supply, the power input and
the frequency
1 Scope of application – identification number
– CE symbol and protection class
Reprinting and copying, even in the form of excerpts, only with the consent of the publisher

This supplement to the DVS 2207-4 technical code describes

general, qualitative and safety-relevant requirements on machines All the machines and devices are provided with operating and
and devices for the extrusion welding of thermoplastics. maintenance instructions which, at least, must include the
It applies to the Machine Variants I, II and III specified in the – functional description with operating instructions
DVS 2207-4 technical code and should ensure that the quality
of the welds which is demanded in the technical code is – information about the application range (power range)
achieved when the devices and machines are operated and
handled properly. – maintenance schedule with information about the test cycles
– service addresses
2 Requirements It is recommendable to compile a list of any possible
malfunctions, including any possible causes of defects and
2.1 General requirements information about how to rectify them.
The machines and devices must guarantee that:
2.3 Safety requirements
– the functioning capacity is ensured within the intended temperature
utilisation range from - 5°C to + 60°C The machines and devices must not involve any risk of injury whatsoever
for the user when they are utilised properly.
– the storage within a temperature range from - 20°C to + 80°C does not
cause any damage In particular, the following is applicable:

– the mechanical stresses occurring during proper transport and operation – any surfaces which become hot must be kept as small as possible and,
do not lead to any disturbances or damage wherever technically possible, insulated

–- the internal surfaces and the screw have sufficient corrosion – any parts close to the welder's hands must not exceed
protection against externally effective humidity as well as operationally induced temperatures of 40°C, even in the
against the planned welding filler or its constituents case of lengthy utilisation
– the machine and device elements are ergonomically –- sharp edges on the machines, devices and accessories are not
designed according to their intended application and permissible
handling and can be operated easily and safely
The machines and devices must comply with the applicable regulations
– all the components and functional elements must be easily and technical codes.
accessible for the intended operation as well as for the
necessary cleaning and maintenance 2.4 Plastifying system
– the required joining pressure can be applied in the planned The following requirements must be met:
welding positions using corresponding holding jigs and
handles Uniform welding filler supply adapted to the screw speed in all the planned
welding positions.
– the design of the supply hoses and cables is flexible and
force-saving for the welder so that it neither kinks nor twists In order to interrupt the granule supply, a suitable barrier must be provided
during proper operation in the corresponding machines or devices.

This publication has been drawn up by a group of experienced specialists working in an honorary capacity and its consideration as an important source of information is
recommended. The user should always check to what extent the contents are applicable to his particular case and whether the version on hand is still valid. No liability can
be accepted by the Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e.V., and those participating in the drawing up of the document.

DVS, Technical Committee, Working Group “Joining of Plastics”

Orders to: DVS-Verlag GmbH, P. O. Box 10 19 65, 40010 Düsseldorf, Germany, Phone: + 49(0)211/1591- 0, Telefax: + 49(0)211/1591-150

Page 2 to DVS 2207-4 Supplement 2

If the material temperature and, wherever integrated by means Table 1. Examples of the welding nozzle geometry and the air outlet cross-sections
for weld widths up to 40 mm.
of appliance engineering, the hot gas temperature move above
or below the stipulated tolerance limits, an automatic drive cut- Shape of nozzle Seam Dimensions
off and overtemperature protection must take effect.
(air outlet opening) width x of nozzle
The material output above 1.5 kg/h should be infinitely adjustable on (mm) (mm)

the machine or device with the aid of the screw speed. Constant u
speeds are permissible in the case of machines and devices which n b
are used exclusively for discontinuous welding.
Up to 15 8 18
A drive cut-off must be effective for the heating-up time of the
welding filler which has cooled in the extruder and in the supply 16 ... 20 10 23
21 ... 30 12 34
The interruption switch (on/off) for the plastifying system must be 31 ... 40 15 50
arranged in such a way that it can be operated by the welder at any
time. This also applies to the material temperature controller.

The extrudate must be plastified in a completely homogeneous maximum welding groove width
form and must emerge with a constant material output at a
stable temperature.
2.6 Welding shoes
The material temperature at the material outlet must be displayed.
The welding shoes must comply with the stipulations in the DVS 2207-4
technical code, Section 6.2.
The temperature fluctuation of the material must not exceed
± 3 K (measured in the centre of the material) in continuous operation and The safe and secure coupling as well as the easy replacement
with an unchanged controller setting. of the welding shoe must be guaranteed (this does not apply to
devices which are used exclusively for discontinuous welding).
The deviation between the temperature set on the controller and the
actual outlet temperature must not exceed ± 10 K.
2.7 Accessories for discontinuous welding
The following applies to machines and devices which are used exclusively
for discontinuous welding:
The press-on tools used for discontinuous welding must
– The material nozzles must be easy to replace. guarantee the most uniform possible input and pressing-on of
the extrudate. The radius of the press-on surface with a bend
– The nozzle cross-section must correspond to the weld volume to be length of 120 - 130 mm is approx. 100 mm. The width of the
filled in each case. press-on surface corresponds to the weld width. The edges of
the press-on surface must be rounded. If necessary, special
2.5 Preheating system press-on tools are necessary for particular weld geometries.

The preheating system must guarantee that the weld sidewalls, the The quiver consists of a PTFE pipe with a handle which closes
weld overlap and the weld root are plastified sufficiently. This may be the pipe on one side. The inside diameter of the pipe is adapted
achieved with various systems, e.g. by hot gas heat or radiant heat. to the welding filler to be accommodated.
Because of the practical application, only the preheating by means of
hot gas is dealt with below.
3 Standards and technical codes which are also applicable
– The hot gas temperature is infinitely adjustable, according to the
material to be welded, and is displayed. The temperature
fluctuation at an unchanged controller setting must not exceed DIN EN ISO 12100-1 Safety of machines – Basic terms and
± 10 K. The welding gas temperature must be reached after max. 15 general guiding principles for design –
min. Part 1: Fundamental terminology and
– The hot gas nozzles must be provided with a test borehole
which permits reproducible measurements of the DIN EN ISO 12100-2 Safety of machines – Basic terms and
temperature according to DVS 2207-4. The transferability of general guiding principles for design –
Part 2: Technical guiding principles
the measured temperature values to the stipulations in the
DVS 2207-4 technical code, Supplement 1 must be
DIN EN 55014-1 Electromagnetic compatibility –
guaranteed – if necessary, by means of conversion tables. Requirements on household appliances,
power tools and similar electrical appliances
– The volume flow must be min. 300 I/min (cold air volume – Part 1: Interference emission
intake at the ambient pressure) and must be kept constant
during the welding operation.
DIN EN 55014-2 Electromagnetic compatibility –
Requirements on household appliances,
– The heating unit is firmly installed on the welding head or on the power tools and similar electrical appliances
plastifying system. In the case of machines and devices which – Part 2: Interference immunity
are used exclusively for discontinuous welding, the heating unit is
guided independently of the plastifying system. DIN EN 60204-1 Safety of machines – Electrical
equipment of machines – Part 1:
– The hot gas nozzle must guarantee the intensive and uniform General requirements
preheating (plastification) of the base material across the entire
weld width – at the lowest possible hot gas temperature. DIN EN 61000-3-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –
Part 3-2: Limiting values – Limiting
Table 1 shows an example of a nozzle geometry. The nozzle values for harmonic currents (appliance
cross-sections specified in the table guarantee the reliable input current: 16 A per conductor)
overlapping of the different weld geometries and weld widths
[1]. In the case of larger welding groove widths, the existing DIN EN 61000-3-3 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –
basic geometry must be correspondingly enlarged to scale. Part 3-3: Limiting values – Limitation of
voltage changes, voltage fluctuations
In the case of machines and devices which are used for discontinuous and flickers in public low-voltage supply
welding, the nozzle must be easy to change.
grids for appliances which have a rated
current of 16 A per conductor and are
not subject to any special connecting

Page 3 to DVS 2207-4 Supplement 2

DIN EN 60335-1 Safety of electrical appliances for domes-

tic use and similar purposes – Part 1:
General requirements
DIN EN 60335-2-45 Safety of electrical appliances for domes-
tic use and similar purposes – Part 2-45:
Particular requirements on non-station-
ary electrical heating tools and similar
DVS 2207-4 Welding of thermoplastics – Extrusion
welding of pipes, piping parts and panels
– Processes and requirements
DVS 2207-4, Welding of thermoplastics – Extrusion
Supplement 1 welding of pipes, piping parts and panels
– Welding parameters
EC Machine Directive 89/392; 2nd Amendment of 91/368
EEC; 3rd Amendment of 93/44 EEC
VBG 22 Working machines in the chemical, rub-
ber and plastics industries (now only
applicable to stocks of old machines)

4 Literature

[1] Gehde, M.: About the extrusion welding of polypropylene. Doctoral

dissertation, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, 1993.

Erstellungsdatum: 04.11.1999
Letzte Änderung: 13.02.2002
File-Name: C:\DVS Merkblätter\2207\2207-05\englisch\

DVS – DEUTSCHER VERBAND Welding of Thermoplastics – Directive D

FÜR SCHWEISSEN UND Welding of PE Casing Pipes, DVS 2207-5 V
VERWANDTE VERFAHREN E.V. Tubes and Tubular Components (Februar 1993) S

Contents: – Permanent mechanical joint under thermal load resulting from

the temperature of the medium under simultaneous external
1 Scope and internal mechanical load.
2 General requirements imposed on welded joints
– Permanent watertight joint of the PE-HD casing in all operating
3 Material
conditions and load cases.
4 Types of execution of welded joints on PE-HD casing pipes
4.1 Casing pipe/Sleeve joints – Transition of the forces acting on the sleeve into the casing
4.2 Welds on fittings pipe, caused for example by the increased resistance of the
5 Carrying out the welding process soil pressure in the sliding region. The increased soil
5.1 Heated plate welding (HS) resistance results from the thermal expansion of the moving
5.2 Hot gas extrusion welding (WE) long distance heating piping, when the largest sleeve diameter
5.3 Electrofusion (HM) exceeds the diameter of the casing pipe.
5.4 Indirect heated tool sleeve welding (-)
5.5 Hot gas welding (W)
6 Testing the welded joints 3 Material
Reprinting and copying, even in the form of excerpts, only with the consent of the publisher

6.1 Tensile test

6.2 Technological bend test The material to be used for the casing pipe, for sleeves and
6.3 Manual peel test fittings and if necessary the welding filler is PE-HD DIN 8075 –
6.4 Tensile creep test with the strength properties in terms of creep behaviour
6.5 Imperviousness test corresponding to the State of the Art (as dealt with in Section 8.3
7 Requirements imposed on welded joints of this Directive). In order to ensure weldability, the parts to be
welded and if necessary the welding filler materials used must
7.1 Visual examination 1)
correspond to the melt index groups 005 and/or 010 to DIN
7.2 Mechanical-technological tests in the short-term test
7.3 Tensile creep test 16776 Part 1.
7.4 Imperviousness test
8 Quality Assurance
4 Design versions of welded joints on PE-HD casing pipes
8.1 Quality Assurance for casing pipes and fittings in the Manu-
facturer's Works Forms of application of welded joints are found as tube/sleeve
8.2 Proofs of Quality for casing pipes and fittings joints and in the manufacture of fittings. The tube/sleeve joints
8.3 Quality Assurance of the welding work are welded on site, welds on fittings are produced both on site
9 Standards, Directives and also in the works.
9.1 Standards
9.2 Directives 4.1 Tube/Sleeve joints
Annex 1 Report Form (Proposal) for electrofusion methods
Annex 2 Report Form (Proposal) for heated plate welding 4.1.1 Heated plate welding (HS)
Annex 3 Report Form (Proposal) for extrusion welding Heated plate welding is used in the works for producing fittings.
Annex 4 Report Form (Proposal) for imperviousness test
For reasons of design this method is not customary for tube/
Annex 5 Test content and implementing internal and external
monitoring sleeve joints.
Annex 6 Determination of the time factor and a fictitious joining
4.1.2 Extrusion welding (WE)
factor for a welded joint
Annex 7 Stressing of KMR welded sleeves In extrusion welding the two weld shapes V-weld and fillet weld
are produced. Extrusion welding is customary both for the
manufacture of fittings in the works and for tube/sleeve joints.
1 Scope Butt weld with V-weld, Fig. 1.
The Directive applies to all PE-HD welds on components of
plastic casing pipe systems. These include in particular the joints The sleeve tube, which has the same outside diameter as the
of the PE casing pipes and elbows, T-pieces, reducers and casing pipe, is placed slotted in the longitudinal direction over the
special parts with sleeves. The guideline is applicable both to casing pipe. The sleeve tube is fitted with saw cuts on both sides
welds made in the works and for welds which are carried out on and the butt bevel preparation made. Then the circular seams
site. are welded and finally the longitudinal seam. The welding of the
circular seams is done by extrusion welding with a trolley which is
rotated around the tube on a special strap. Particular care must
2 General requirements imposed on welded joints be taken when making the butt region between the circular
seams and the longitudinal seam. Suitable welding shoe shapes
The following general requirements are imposed on the welded for V- welds, matched to the seam shape, must be used (see Fig.
joint: 1).

Melt index group 005 = MFI 190/5 = above 0.4 to 0.7 g/10 min. Melt index group 010 = MFI 190/5 = above 0.7 to 1.3 g/10 min.
2) Formerly called "Spiegelschweißen" ("mirror welding")

This publication was prepared by a group of experienced specialists working together in an honorary capacity, and it is recommended that it should be respected as an
important source of knowledge. The user must at all times check the extent to which the contents apply to his or her special case and whether the version available to him
or her is still current. Any liability on the part of the German Welding Society and of those participating in the preparatio n of this document is excluded.

DVS, Technischer Ausschuß, Arbeitsgruppe "Fügen von Kunststoffen" in common with Arbeitsgruppe "Schweißen von PE-
Mantelrohren" der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fernwärme – AGFW – e.V. bei der Vereinigung deutscher Elektrizitätswerke

Orders to: DVS-Verlag GmbH, P. O. Box 10 19 65, 40010 Düsseldorf, Germany, Phone: + 49(0)211/1591- 0, Telefax: + 49(0)211/1591-150

Page 2 to DVS 2207-5

Detail “X” accordance with the seam shape is to be used (see Fig. 5b).
V-weld, extrusion
welding with filler 4.1.3 Electrofusion

"X" In the application electrofusion is used with integrated heating

conductors. Sleeve tube/Plate with built-in heating conductors for

longitudinal and circumferential welds, Fig. 3
With this method the sleeve tube is made in the works from a
sleeve tube/plate provided with heating conductors. For the
longitudinal seam a supporting element is incorporated. Then
the tube or the plate is placed around the prepared ends of the
casing pipes and secured with external clamping rings. At the
same time the clamping rings serve to apply the compressive
Figure 1. Basic design of a fitted sleeve with V-welds. forces during electrical heating, which are necessary for the
welding. Lap welds are used for the circumferential and
longitudinal seams.
Detail “X” Fillet welds, extrusion
welding with filler Sleeve band with built-in heating conductors for longitudinal
and circumferential seams, Fig. 4
A longitudinally slit sleeve tube is fitted between the ends of the
casing pipes with the same diameter. Over the joint grooves in
the circular butt joint region and on the longitudinal butt joint a
Profile ring "X" band provided with heating conductors is placed and fitted to an
external clamping device during the heating.

Detail “X” Band with heating conductor

Spacer/pressure support

Figure 2. Basic design of a slip-on sleeve with fillet weld. "X" Lapp joint with fillet weld, Fig. 2.
In this case the sleeve tube is not divided. There is no
longitudinal seam. The circular seams are executed as fillet
welds as described under For fixing and centering the
sleeve and for forming a reliable root a profile ring rounded
towards the seam (for example of plywood or plastic) is inserted.
For seam shape see DVS 2209, Fig. 10, or Fig. 5b). Care must
be taken to ensure adequate overlap of the ends of the casing
pipes (make markings).
The execution of the extrusion welding takes place as described
under A welding shoe for this fillet weld design shaped in Figure 4. Basic design of a welding sleeve with sleeve band.

Detail “X” Sleeve tube/plate

Heating conductor

Casing pipe


Figure 3. Basic design of a welding sleeve with a longitudinally slit sleeve tube or a sleeve plate.

Page 3 to DVS 2207-5 Slip-on sleeve with built-in heating grids – The manufacturer's documentation must include detailed
For this variant, basically the same welding principle is used as for working instructions for the welding method used and in
the variants with heating conductors built into the sleeve tube parts particular indicate the welding parameters (guide value tables).
in the works, as described above. The essential difference is that the – The welding area must be protected against environmental
surface areas of casing pipe and sleeve must be prepared and the conditions, such as moisture, wind and dust, strong solar
heating conductor band only applied and fixed in the sleeve joint on radiation and temperatures below + 5°C. The formation of
site. Furthermore, the diameter difference existing between the frost and moisture film must be prevented.If welding work
casing pipe and the sleeve must be formed by hot forming before the has to be carried out under unfavourable conditions, suitable
welding process. Sleeve and butt joint shape as in Fig. 3, but without protective measures must be taken in good time, such as for
longitudinal seam. example covering, preheating of the pipe joints and sleeve
parts, erection of a protective tent, if necessary with heating.
4.1.4 Indirect heated tool welding
– An even temperature must be maintained in all parts to be welded
In this welding process the heat energy necessary for the
and also around the tube circumference (∆ T < 20 °C).
welding is supplied through the tube joint to the welding plane
by conduction from a heating band placed on the outside of the – The welding areas must be cleaned (in the case of traces of
sleeve joint and used as a ring clamping element. As a result oil and grease with suitable solvents, for example industrially
the diameter distance existing between the casing pipe and the pure spirit), and the surface oxidized by the oxygen of the air
sleeve tube is overcome during the welding process by shaping must be removed, for example by planing, scraping, milling.
the sleeve on to the casing pipe when the material is in the If wire brushes or emery cloth are used care must be taken
thermoplastic state. to ensure that even removal of the surface layer around the
circumference is achieved, no dirt particles are "rubbed in"
4.2 Welds on fittings and abraded residues are thoroughly removed (blowing,
Basically the various designs of bends and T-pieces used are mainly brushing clean etc.). The tools used must be kept clean and
manufactured or prepared in the works. Making fittings on site is to free of grease and must be checked and if necessary
be avoided, because the conditions are less favourable. cleaned before use.
– Sleeve parts with incorporated heating conductors must be
4.2.1 Bends
supplied to the welding site in their packing and before Finished bends welding the surfaces to be welded must be cleaned, for
example with industrially pure spirit.
The PE casing pipe of the bend is manufactured from tube segments
in the manufacturer's works by heated plate welding. – The cleaning and machining of the welding planes or welding
surfaces must take place immediately before the welding. Assembly bends The machined surfaces must be protected against further
In order to equip bends on site with the PE-casing outside the contamination and may not be picked up again. Otherwise
prefabricated angle range also, prefabricated assembly bends repeated machining is necessary.
are used. For this the PE segment bends are longitudinally split – Adequate working space must be made around the welding
on the site, so that the part can be placed around the steel site, so that the particular welding process can be carried out
piping. The longitudinal cut is welded in the site trench. For this reliably.
purpose extrusion welding should be used.
– The tube joints, fittings, sleeve parts, etc., must be supported,
4.2.2 T-pieces aligned and fixed securely in the intended position.
Branches for connecting lines from the main piping are called – The welding work must be carried out and monitored by
T-pieces. The diameter ratios D1 to D2 are usually different. qualified welders (see Section 8.3). It is recommended that
meaningful work reports be prepared concerning the welded
Both T-piece designs with "outward necking" and heated plate
joints (for report form suggestions see Annex) and the joints
butt welding and designs which are produced by extrusion
permanently marked.
welding are usual. Similarly, combined applications of these
welding processes are customary. In special cases the work – The welded joints may only be subjected to load after cooling
also takes place on site, as described under to ambient temperature.
4.2.3 Valves The preparations and conditions specific to each welding process and
the execution of the welding processes are described below.
PE casing pipe constructions of the most varied kind are
necessary for valves to be used in the soil, such as ball valves, 5.1 Heated plate welding (HS)
slide valves, butterfly valves or compensators. These
components are made in the works. The welding methods used This welding method is used in the case of PE casing pipe
for installing them are heated plate butt welding and extrusion exclusively for manufacturing tube bends and other
welding. prefabricated fittings in the works. The preparation and
execution of the method and the requirements imposed on the
4.2.4 Special fittings welding machines used are governed by the stipulations in the
For the PE casing pipe constructions of anchor points, reducers, Directives DVS 2207 Part 2 and DVS 2208 Part 1.
end caps and other parts, as far as possible components
5.2 Hot gas extrusion welding (WE)
prefabricated in the works by extrusion welding or heated plate
welding should be used. Of the process variants described in Directive DVS 2209,
Variants II and V are mostly used in modified, partially
mechanized versions.
5 Carrying out the welding process
With process variant II, using a hand instrument, longitudinal
In the PE casing pipe field of applications joints must be made seams on fitted sleeves are welded. Also in the case of repair
both by producing fittings in the works and also in the course of work, if sleeves tubes have to be installed later, i.e. they must
the pipelaying work under site conditions – usually in trenches. be previously split longitudinally for fitting and welded in the
In order to achieve high quality welded joints, in addition to the installation position by butt welding with a V-seam. Furthermore,
special preparations necessary for the individual working these manual process variants are used for auxiliary welds in
methods the following conditions must be created, regions near to fittings and the like which cannot or can only with
independently of the method: difficulty be reached by machines.

Page 4 to DVS 2207-5

For welding sleeve circumferential welds as per Variant II circumferential welds in the region at the beginning of the weld)
partially mechanized equipment is used. To reduce the and after welding over with the welding unit tilted forwards the
necessary working space the welding machine is arranged in a material being welded must be held with a hand plunger.
narrow angular position with respect to the tube axis and
equipped with a suitably matched angular welding shoe – and – Ejected accumulations must be removed down to "healthy"
is carried in a manually operated trolley running on rollers in an weld (notch-free rounded shaving).
orbital frame around the tube circumference. To ensure reliable
guidance and better matching of the equipment speed of
advance to the other welding conditions, steplessly controllable
motor drives must be provided. The welding filler is fed in in wire
form, for example 4 mm diameter, from the supply unit Welding shoe
(encapsulated roll stands, if possible with preheating and drying
system). Melt channel

The heating of the welding zone is done by hot air. Adequate

plastication of the PE material beyond the side wall edges and
in the weld root region requires optimum adjustment of the hot
air nozzle to the joint to be welded (V or fillet welds, curvature
of the weld paths, joint width). The parameters, such as air
volume/ temperature and welding speed, must be matched to
the filler-ejection power of the equipment.
The equipment Variant V in the version for casing pipe welding
differs only in the machine side plastication for the welding filler. o
a) Welding shoe for V-seam: joint opening approx. 60
This works on the piston principle, in which the filler wire o
introduced – driven in the infeed region – acts as a consumable (smaller wall thickness to 80 (greater wall thickness)).
piston to bring about the ejection of the plasticized filler in the x = 0, i. e. without gap, if welding is done without backing.
heated cylinder. All other conditions and functions are as x = 1 – 2 mm, if welding is done with backing.
described above.
In both process variants the plasticized welding filler is brought into
the joint groove by extrusion through the shaping "welding shoe". In
Melt channel Welding shoe
order to achieve adequate welding, i.e. adequate melt pressure in the
welding filler in the critical areas of the seam (root and upper runoff
edge), the welding shoe must have a front "shoe tip" matched to the
joint and adequate overlap length (Fig. 5). For the usual weld
thickness in the range of applications up to approximately 10 mm
tube wall thickness an overlap/holding length of 40mm after the
runner is necessary.
The shoe shapes must be matched to the joint shapes
depending on the type of weld (overlapping butt-fillet weld) and
the curvatures to the necessary degree. The lateral sealing
surfaces together with the front "shoe tip" form the clamping for
the welding filler introduced by the extrusion and thus the
condition for the necessary pressure build-up in the weld
material. These sealing surfaces should be approximately 5 mm Profile ring
wide. All transitions and edges must be carefully rounded, so
b) Welding shoe for overlapping butt fillet weld:
that during welding no plasticized compound is "shaved off" the The upper edge must also be bevelled with a negative
joint side walls causing defects. For extrusion welding see DVS o
angle of up to 15 .
Directive 2207 Part 4.
The edges must always be rounded!
For the carrying out of the welding the following are necessary:
– A visible positioning and fixing of the parts to be welded
(casing pipe and tubular sleeve) in the intended butt weld Feed direction
shape; if necessary short tack welds in the weld root.
– Precise centering and adjustment of the orbital frame over
the course of the joint groove; therefore the machining of the
joint surfaces with tool systems must take place in the same Welding shoe
frame setting as the welding.
Melt channel
– Control and tracking systems for continuous adjustment of
the welding unit (direction and position of the welding shoe) Tip of welding shoe
and the hot air nozzle position (central in the median line of
the joint opening).
– Stepless speed adjustment of the welding carriage and
control by intensive observation of the welding point and/or
the melt delivery.
Butt weld side wall of a
– Monitoring of adequate joint heating directly in front of the V-seam in the tube joint
welding unit by penetration tests with blunt tools (thin
screwdriver). c) Welding shoe for V-seam in the middle of the
seam (lingitudinal cut)
– Correct execution of the end regions to be overlapped in the
case of circumferential welds and longitudinal welds. The Figure 5. Schematic drawings for executing weld sheos for extrusion
groove must be adequately bevelled (in the case of welding for V-seams and overlapping butt fillet welds.

Page 5 to DVS 2207-5

) - Starting up and monitoring the welding process.

5.3 Electrofusion * (HM)
The process variants used in practice are based on sleeves or – Removing the welding pressure only after the welding zone
sleeve plates with heating conductors with 3-sided conductor has cooled down sufficiently to approximately + 90 °C;
arrangement incorporated in the works (additionally for the indications of the time for this must be taken from the
longitudinal seam), or use for the particular size inlaid heating process instructions of the manufacturer.
grids prepared in the works, which are mounted and fixed in the
lap joint on the casing pipe. 5.3.2 Slip-on sleeve with inlaid heating grid
(cf. also Section
The requirements imposed on the welder in all process variants
essentially relate to careful execution under site conditions. As far as the equipment is concerned, basically for this process
These are in particular: variant the same principles as described under 5.3.1 apply. In
the execution basically the following process-specific jobs must
– The preparation of the casing pipe joints, also be carried out:
– The correct assembly and fixing of the welding sleeves – Determining and marking the welding regions in the joint.
including the clamping and holding systems and – Cleaning and machining both surfaces in the welding regions
– The making of the electrical connections to the welding (casing pipe and tubular sleeve).
equipment. – Adapting the heating grid strip to the tube circumference by
With modern equipment the welding process itself is automatically appropriate stretching, positioning of the strip and fixing
controlled on the basis of previous automated actual value sensing according to the manufacturer's instructions; take note of the
of the critical initial values (such as resistance as a measure of the allocation marking of the heating grid strips!
sleeve nominal diameter, ambient and component temperature) and – Assembling the tubular sleeves in the predetermined position.
automatically controlled as it progresses on the basis of power – Adapting the slip-on sleeves to the diameter of the casing
consumption measurements. After the equipment has been basically pipe by hot forming. The sleeve ends are heated evenly to
set the welder has only a supervisory function during the welding the forming temperature over an adequate width in the
process. region of the heating strips and clamping elements (approx.
As far as equipment is concerned, with these methods the + 100 °C). (Take care when using naked flame; use "soft"
systems must be equipped with measurement value sensing liquefied gas flame). The adapting of the diameter is done by
and digital recording systems, so that each sleeve joint can be fixing the clamping members and applying the pressure
documented with conclusive parameter and parameter change without delay. The latter is used after starting the welding
reports. process for applying the joining force.
The other functions and operations are the same as in the works
5.3.1 Tubular sleeves/sleeve plates with built-in heating conductors
(cf. y sequence previously described.

In respect of the introduction of energy into the joint is concerned, the 5.4 Indirect heated tool sleeve welding (–)
prescribed welding parameters must be matched in particular to the (cf. Section 4.1.4)
wall thicknesses, the semi-finished product and ambient temperaures The heat input necessary for the welding of the lap joint on the
and the material melting characteristics. The process must then be sleeve connection takes place indirectly by heat conduction
controlled with the pressure generating unit for the welding pressure through the wall of the sleeve to the welding plane. The metal
in system coupling. The welder on the site cannot control the welding heating strip applied to the outside of the sleeve joint is also
process, because with this weld shape in the lap joint and with the used through a hydraulic clamping system as an orbital
superstructure formed by the pressure generating devices he cannot clamping element for applying the joining force for the welding.
look into the welding plane and therefore any controlling influence
According to the system the temperature profile across the sleeve
over the welding process is out of the question.
wall on the outside of the sleeve has a higher temperature than the
welding point on the inside; the profile of the melt viscosity runs in the
For reproducible reliable production of high quality welded joints same way. Because the clamping ring presses the sleeve joint over
according to these process variants welding units with preset the entire plasticized sleeve wall the heating strip is pressed into the
parameters and process controls optimized for the particular tube wall, i. e. a "notch" is produced by wall thickness reduction in the
application are necessary. For the quality of the welded joints welding region.
the welding and supervisory personnel must correctly and
carefully create the external preconditions on the basis of the During the welding process at the same time the annular gap
stipulations of the process instructions. These are in particular existing between the casing pipe and the sleeve tube is closed
the following steps: by the clamping of the heating strip ring which causes
thermoelastic/ plastic material deformation. The external step
– Dimensionally correct marking of the sleeve position and/or formation under the heating strip position and the wall thickness
the welding regions. reduction of the sleeve in the weld region are forced to increase
– Trimming of the tube joints and fitting supporting sections for with the size of the sleeve annular gap. For this reason the use
the longitudinal welds. of this process variant is limited to small casing pipe diameters
(at the moment up to maximum 400 mm).
– Machining of the tube surfaces in the weld regions, taking
care to avoid recontamination when the sleeve is To what extent this "notch formation" which weakens the weld
subsequently assembled (clean slip-on sleeves and casing start region is acceptable from a strength point of view must be
pipes inside and outside beforehand). demonstrated for the particular application.
The energy supply of the welding equipment must be
– Positioning and fixing of the tubular sleeves or sleeve plates
programmed to the tube size and to the semi-finished product
- in the predetermined position with rigid straps.
and ambient temperatures. As far as the application of pressure
– Setting up the pressure generating devices and clamps. is concerned, the annular clamping system must be
– Making the electrical connections, and the pressure synchronized with the heating process. The corresponding
connections and control connections, followed by information must be taken from the process instructions of the
examination to avoid confusion, and function monitoring of system manufacturer.
the welding machine. The weld preparation and the other operations are subject to the

* DIN 1910 Part 3: “Sleeve welding with incorporated electric heating element”

Page 6 to DVS 2207-5

Joining weld Joining weld

Specimen Shape 1
(Strip specimen) Specimen Shape 2
(Shoulder specimen)

Figure 6. Specimen shapes for the tensile tests.

same basic stipulations and operational steps as described for short term strength the specimens are pulled at constant test
the process in Section 5.3. speed. For PE-HD the test speed is 50 mm/min.
The force at the moment the specimen tears must be recorded. If the
5.5 Hot gas welding (W)
specimen should neck, this yield stress is the reference stress (F B).
The method is described in Directive DVS 2207 Part 3. With the Tests during which the specimens tear in the clamping region should
method of hot gas welding with filler, for example hot gas string-bead be disregarded and must be repeated.
welding with welding wire – generally lower long- term weld strengths
are achieved than with the welding methods described above. This is 6.1.2 Evaluation
all the more so, if the welding work has to be carried out under difficult For the welded specimens FV and the unwelded specimens
conditions; on sites and mostly in trenches in the case of
(reference specimens) FB the short term joining factor fz =
circumferential welds.
FV/FB is determined from the mean values of the tearing force,
For these reasons hot gas welding should not be used on lines in the case of different specimen dimensions, from the stresses
with PE-casing pipes. referred to the specimen cross-section.
If because of local circumstances this method cannot be avoided
6.2 Technological bending test
in exceptional cases, particular care must be taken during
execution. The requirements of DVS 2203 Part 1 must be For assessing the execution of the weld the technological
fulfilled. bending test in combination with other tests can be used. The
bending angle and the fracture photomicrograph give an
indication of the deformability of the joint and thus of the quality
6 Testing the welded joints of the execution.

For the testing of welded joints the test methods described in the The bending test is carried out on the basis of the Directive DVS
following can be used, taking into account the requirements 2203 Part 5 and/or DIN 50 121. The bead is machined away in
imposed and/or the conclusions required. the region where the bending punch is applied. The edges on
the tensile stressed side must be broken. Six welded specimens
The results of the short term tests however can only be are tested. The tensile stress is applied both to the root and to
transferred to the long term behaviour of the welded fabrication the overlay of the welded joint (3 specimens each).
to a limited extent. Specific demonstrations of the long term
behaviour are only possible by means of long term tests. Information about the shape and the dimensions of the
specimens and the test arrangements is contained in Table 2.
Generally the specimens must be manufactured by sawing,
milling or water jet cutting (not stamping).
Table 2. Dimensions for the test arrangement for the technological
6.1 Tensile test bending test (from DVS 2203 Part 5).

The tensile test is carried out in accordance with DIN 53 455 or Specimen Supporting Bending beam
DVS 2203 Parts and 1 and 2. The welded joints are tested in Thickness Width Length width thickness
accordance with the actual execution, i.e. with or without bead. LS
h d
The joint lies in the middle of the specimen. At least 6 welded
3< h 5 20 150 80 4
and 6 unwelded specimens (reference specimens) are tested.
5< h 10 20 200 90 8
If the strip specimens of Shape 1 to Fig.6 tear in the clamping 10 < h 15 30 200 100 12,5
region, specimens of Shape 2 must be used. The dimensions of 15 < h 20 40 250 120 16
the particular specimen shape should be taken from Table 1. 20 < h 30 50 300 160 25

Table 1. Dimensions of the specimens for the tensile test. On smaller tubes if necessary a smaller specimen diameter
In the case of lap welded joints the dimensions L and L f must should be chosen. However, 15 mm should be the minimum.
be increased by the welded overlap length.
6.2.1 Execution
Thickness Specimen Shape 1 Specimen Shape 2
h Unless agreed otherwise, this test is carried out at room temperature
b Lf L b Lf L être (+ 23 °C 2 °C) . The specimens of PE-HD are bent in the test rig at
< 10 15 120 ≥ 170 10 115 ≥ 170 20 a test speed of 50m m/min until fracture/incipient tearing. The
> 10 30 120 ≥ 300 30 115 ≥ 300 40 arrangement of the bending beam should be taken from Fig. 7 for the
> 20 1,5 h 200 ≥ 400 1,5 h 200 ≥ 400 80 various design versions of the joints.
The bending angle reached on incipient tearing or fracture is
6.1.1 Execution measured. Complete bending of the specimen, without tearing
Unless agreed otherwise, the test is carried out to DVS 2203 Part 2 or fracture, corresponds to a bending angle of 160° and is to be
at room temperature (+ 23 °C ± 2 °C). For determining the evaluated as > 160°.

Page 7 to DVS 2207-5

Fig. 8 until fracture or until the free ends of the specimen come
into contact with the bar.



Figure 8. Diagrammatic representation of the manual test.

6.3 Manual peel test
The manual peel test is a simple, indicative workshop test
carried out by hand, which can also be carried out on site. This
test is intended in particular for lap welded joints, for example
c) electrofusion-welds, which cannot be directly tested using the
technological bending test as per Section 6.2.

6.3.1 Execution
The execution can only take place after adequate cooling of the
joint to room temperature (approx. + 23 °C). 5 strip specimens
of 15 to 20 mm width – taken at intervals over the weld length –
d) are tested.
Here the end of the sleeve is clamped in the vice and the non-
welded end of the plastic casing pipe projecting into the sleeve
Detail “X” is bent away from the sleeve until it can be gripped by a pair of
pliers. Then an attempt is made to peel off the joint, see Fig.9.
Groove 1 mm deep,
The free leg is bent until it kinks.
4 mm wide


Figure 7. Diagrammatic representation of the mechanical test and the

planes of action in the technological bending test (examples):
a) V-weld, root as tension side a) b)
b) V-weld, rear of weld under tension; during the test at a Plastic jacket pipe
bending angle of approximately 90 ,
Figure 9. Illustration of the specimens for the manual peel test;
c) and d) die arrangement for the lap welded joint with fillet
a) strip specimen before the test
weld (WE). 3 specimens each with the weld root (c) and
b) joint ends bent upwards for the peel test.
the joint side wall edges (d) under tension.

6.2.2 Evaluation 6.3.2 Evaluation

The technological bending test does not supply mathematical The joining surfaces should not separate.
values for the design calculations. On the basis of the
deformation behaviour determined and the fracture 6.4 Tensile creep test
photomicrograph the results however allow a general qualitative The long-term behaviour under the required forms of stress is
assessment of the joint to be made. the most important proof of quality in relation to the suitability for
For a general good/bad assessment the minimum requirements use of load carrying components made of thermoplastic
indicated in Fig. 14, Section 7, of Directive DVS 2203 Part 1 can polymers. In the case of pressure loaded structures, such as
be taken as the basis. pipes and fittings, carrying out the long-term internal pressure
test has been the proven state of the art for a long time. For
For max. 2 specimens, which do not fulfill the requirements, 2 pipes of larger dimensions, however, these tests are
replacement specimens each from the same part can be tested. increasingly expensive in cost terms, so that this test is only
No value should lie below the required minimum value. seldom used in testing practice.
6.2.3 Manual test To assess the execution of the weld the long-term tensile test in
combination with other tests has proved itself. The tests are carried
This version of the technological bending test is a simple 2
out at + 80 °C. The applied stresses are 4 and 3 N/mm . If no brittle
indicative workshop test. Because of the force required this fracture should occur during the execution of the test, lower stresses
method is limited to small thickness specimens. must be chosen. In order to shorten the time-to-failure (acceleration
The specimen is bent with the machined side of the weld over a 3)
effect), a 2% aqueous wetting solution (for example Arkopal N 100
rounded, 6 mm thick bar with powerful application of force as per ) should be used as the test medium.

(R) Messrs Hoechst AG. Extensive testing experience is available for this test medium, which facilitates comparison of the results and the determination of
requirements. If other products on the same basis are used, compare the number of ethylene oxide molecules in the polyglycol ether chain.

Page 8 to DVS 2207-5

The required joining factors (fs) in the tensile creep test (Table 6.4.2 Evaluation
4, Section 7) and the fracture photomicrograph give an 4)
For determining the long-term joining factor (fs) the creep curve of
indication of the quality of the weld execution.
the welded and unwelded specimens must be determined, the
gradient of the straight lines being particularly important. The tensile
6.4.1 Execution
creep joining factor – referred to a particular stress on the reference
The tensile creep test is carried out in accordance with DVS curve B – is calculated from the curve obtained for the welded
2203 Part 4 or DIN 53 444 (Fig.10). The welded joints are tested specimen: see examples in Fig.11.
in accordance with the actual execution. Alternatively, the ong-term joining factor can be referred to one
test stress on the reference specimen. The joining factor
determined must then be identified, with indication of this test
dial gauge stress (for example σ4(B)), see Fig.12.
Simplified method for minimum proof of a required long-term
joining factor
To reduce the complexity of the test the proof can be limited to
one stress level in each case using the following method, see
For example:
– Test stress for the basic material (reference
specimens) σB = 4 N/mm
– Test stress for the weld specimens with for example fs =
2 2
test medium 0.8 σS = fs ∙ σB = 0.8 ∙ 4 N/mm = 3.2 N/mm .
tank If the weld specimens reach at least the same mean time-to-
test weight
failure as the base material, at least the required long-term
joining factor is demonstrated (yes/no statement).
With this test no conclusion about the stress-related strength
behaviour is possible.

6.5 Imperviousness test

Figure 10. Test set-up for the tensile creep test (on the basis of DVS 2203 Normally a positive pressure test with compressed air at approx
Part 4). 0.2 to 0.3 bar is carried out. After a test duration of at least 10
minutes after coating the welds with a harmless foaming
For the shapes and dimensions of the specimens the specimen aqueous solution (for example a modern biologically degradable
shapes (Fig.6) indicated in Section 6.1 "Tensile Test" with Table household detergent in the lowest concentration) no leaks must
1 are applicable. For this test the use of the same specimens is be visible (bubble formation).
recommended. The joint position lies in the middle of the
specimen, the longitudinal axis of which must lie in the direction
of the tensile force. 7 Requirements imposed on welded joints
The specimen must be made without notches and if necessary
retouched after visual examination (for example grinding in the The welded joints on PE-HD casing pipes and fittings must – just
longitudinal direction). In the tensile creep test the duration until like the tubes – reliably withstand the stresses occurring in
fracture of the specimen and, if necessary, the increase in operation over the design duration of stress.
elongation with time are determined. As a rule welded joints on PE-tubes do not achieve the same
material strength as the unwelded casing pipe. The piping
The specimens are stressed at constant temperature ( 1°C)
planning and design must indicate the weld qualities achievable
with uniformly steady tensile force ( 1%) and constant ambient with the welding methods used. The required weld qualities must
conditions. be guaranteed by suitable measures and test methods.
In order to ensure even concentration of the wetting agent, it Therefore corresponding requirements must be imposed on the
must be circulated continuously in the test bath. The bath welded joints.
concentration of the test medium must be monitored by control In the Directive DVS 2203 Part 1 requirements imposed on plastic
measurements – in its spatial distribution also – (for example by welded joints are described for certain moulding compounds and
residue determination by evaporation). Evaporated water must welding methods, as are applied mainly in tank, vessel and piping
be topped up by adding demineralized water (deionate) construction. In these fields of application the plane butt joint without
continuously (level control). transition is used and welded.
After reaching the bath temperature the specimens are In the case of lines with PE-casing pipes the multiple lap joint is
vigourously stressed with the test force but without impact in the also often used in special process variants, however from a test
test bath, the force being maintained constant during the test. point of view and also in respect of the requirements imposed it
The duration of loading is calculated from the moment the test cannot be immediately treated and assessed. Otherwise the
force is reached and recorded by built-in dial gauges. requirements of the Directive quoted apply.
In order to determine the gradient of the creep curve (straight
lines in double logarithmic form), the tests are carried out under 7.1 Visual test
2 In the visual test the defect-free execution of the welded joint
at least 2 stresses (for example 4 and 3 N/mm ). At least 6
welded and 6 unwelded specimens are tested for each stress. must be demonstrated by visual examination. In combination
The mean value is calculated as the geometric mean of the with destructive tests the weld cross-section and fracture
individual values. surfaces must also be assessed. Typical test features are:

On the basis of the shape and nature of the lap welded joints involved here with superimposed types of stress in the joints in the tensile test, the long-
term joining factor is defined here, as a departure from DVS 2203 Part 4.

Page 9 to DVS 2207-5

– a process-specific, correct weld/weld edge formation (root – homogeneity of the material being welded; weld surface
and edge welding) – weld flash, weld shoe guidance (WE)
– presence of notches, cavities, lack of fusion, etc – bulge/double bulge formation (HS, WZ)
– the effect of heat, fusion zones, overheating, etc Defect descriptions and evaluation references are also given in
– shape and uniformity of the weld formation DIN 32 502 and DVS 2202 Part 1.
Stress (N/mm2)

S = weld specimen
B = reference specimen

Time-to-failure (h)

Figure 11. Diagramatic representation for defining the joining factor in the tensile creep test.
Stress (N/mm 2)

S = weld specimen; σ4 and σ3

B = reference specimen; σ4

Time-to-failure (h)

Figure 12. Diagram for defining the joining factor in the tensile creep test in the case of only one test stress on the refrence specime n.

7.2 Mechanical-technological tests in the short-term test proposed as an alternative for these joint shapes the surfaces to
In principle, in the short-term tests described (tensile and be joined must not separate.
technological bending tests) the requirements of DVS 2203 Part With this form of joint the technological bending test cannot be
1 must be satisfied; see Table 3 and Fig.14. carried out easily. Likewise, essentially only the weld edge
regions are covered by the test.
In the case of lap welded joints with flat welding in the joint the
result of the tensile stress is primarily determined by the weld The results of these tests have less informative value for lap
edge execution; the welding itself is covered to a lesser extent in welded joints, in particular for flat welds in the lap joint, than for
this tensile/shear test. During the manual peel test to Section 6.3 plane butt joints.

Page 10 to DVS 2207-5

Stress (N/mm2)

S = weld specimen
B = reference specimen

Time-to-failure (h)

Figure 13. Simplified method for minimum proof of a required long-term joining factor.

Table 4. Requirements for the joining factor in the tensile creep test
for the reference stress σ = 4 N/mm (on the basis of DVS
2203 Part 1).

Welding method Tensile creep

joining factor fs
Heated plate welding 0.8
V-weld extrusion welding 0.6
Extrusion welding on the lap joint with fillet
weld 0.5*)
Bending angle

Electrofusion in the lap joint

*) At present values from approximately f s = 0.4 are accepted. This low
value is permitted in order to take into account the falsification of the
tensile test due to the superimposed bending stresses, increased
inherent stresses and notch effects, etc.

7.3 Tensile creep test

In the tests as per Section 6.4, for correctly executed joints on

casing pipes at least the long-term joining factors "fs" required
in Table 4 must be demonstrated.
For the tubular semi-finished products (casing pipe and tubular
sleeves), under the same test conditions as in Section 6.4 for
the test stress 4.0 N/mm , a minimum time-to-failure of 1500
hours is required for the geometric mean value from at least 6
individual specimen results, see Draft Standard DIN EN 253.
Specimen thickness
This single-point requirement in the creep diagram (+ 80 °C)
HS = Heated plate welding applies subject to the condition that the tube moulding material
LE = Light beam welding by extrusion of filler material basically satisfies at least the creep requirements in the internal
WE = Hot gas welding by extrusion of filler material
WF = Hot gas welding with torch separate from filler rod pressure test according to the creep diagram used as the basis
WZ = Hot gas string-bead welding for DIN 8075.

Figure 14. Requirements for the technological bending test (from DVS In accordance with the current quality standard, here the inclined load
2203 Part 1). range of the curves is shifted in such a way along the time axis that
the test point (4.0 N/mm /+ 80 °C) lies at 1000 hours.
Table 3. Joining factor requirements in the shoert-term tensile test In comparative tests it has been shown that in the case of the
(on the basis of DVS 2203 Part 1). lap welded joints the deformations in the test specimens (strips
Welding method Short-term tensile or shoulder specimens) have no influence on the test result
joining factor fz (pairs of forces).
Heated plate welding 0.9
V-weld extrusion welding 0.8
7.4 Imperviousness test
Extrusion welding on the lap joint with fillet
weld 0.8 During the imperviousness test (as per 6.5) no leaks, atypical
Electrofusion in the lap joint 0.8 deformations or other impermissible changes may occur.

Page 11 to DVS 2207-5

8 Quality Assurance 5)
The welders used must demonstrate adequate training in the
material science of PE- HD, having passed the welder
Because the quality of plastic welded joints for specific 6)
examination . These must be carried out and certified as per
applications can in the last analysis only be demonstrated by Directive DVS 2212 or in rational application for the particular
destructive long term tests, the quality assurance must be method. For the methods WZ and HS DVS 2212 Part 1 and Part
based on indices, identity and reproducibility proofs. 2 apply to extrusion welding.
Therefore, for the quality assurance of welding work in the case The execution of the welding work in the manufacturer's works
of joints in PE-HD casing pipe and fittings, in addition to the use (prefabrication of fittings) and – in particular – on the site under
of moulding compounds and tube products with fixed indications difficult conditions in pipe trenches, must be supervised by a
of product qualities, qualification requirements must be imposed qualified responsible welding inspector of the manufacturer's
on the skilled welding personnel and minimum requirements on works.
the equipment and workplace arrangements of the contracting The welding inspector must supervise in particular
– The use of suitable welding equipment and accessories in a
8.1 Quality assurance for casing pipes and fittings in the functionally reliable condition,
manufacturer's works – The correct arrangement and preparation of the joints
The measures for quality assurance in the manufacturer's works – The qualified execution of the welding processes in accordance
are normally divided into two. According to DIN 18 200, a with the particular prescribed methods (Manufacturer's
distinction is made between internal and outside supervision: instructions, DVS Directives, etc.) if necessary using suitable
– Internal supervision protective measures (protection against weather, etc),
Tests by professionals of the manufacturer's works based – Adequate recording of the welds (for suggested report forms see
on established test and work instructions. Annex) with welder identification and documentation of the joints
– Outside supervision in accordance with what is stated in the manufacturer's
These are used to permit the regular checking of the equipment specifications and DVS Directives relating to the method.
and operations of the internal works inspectors, their Finally, he carries out
documentation and test procedures by outside supervisors. For
the application described here, as a rule the outside supervision is – The visual examination of the finished welded joints for
carried out and administered by suitable independent plastics test defect-free execution and
centres and experts as per DIN 18 200. As a rule outside – The imperviousness test
supervision dates are observed and certified twice per year. The
and prepares a test report on these.
results of the supervision inspections must be documented and the
test reports of the outside inspector included in the manufacturer's The welding inspector is responsible to and reports to the
documentation. Employer/the Site Management.
For the execution of the welding work done by the Employer,
8.2 Proof of quality for casing pipes and fittings
outside supervision is recommended on a random basis.
For the casing pipes and fittings used tests must be carried out
in accordance with the basic standards, moulding compound
and moulding guidelines already in existence for the products 9 Standards, Directives
or according to a product-specific test and supervision program.
The test results obtained must be specified and documented, 9.1 Standards
contrasted with the established requirements. DIN EN 253 Preinsulated bonded pipe systems for underground
The content of the test must be based on: (Draft) hot water networks – Pipe assembly of steel
service pipes, polyurethane thermal insulation and
– DIN EN 253, 448, 488 and 489 for PE-HD casing pipe outer casing of high density polyethylene.
materials DIN EN 448 Preinsulated bonded pipe systems for underground
– DIN 8074/75 applied rationally, in particular in respect of the (Draft) hot water networks – Fitting assemblies of steel
long-term tests. In the case of the larger tube diameters with service pipes, polyurethane thermal insulation and
smaller wall thicknesses tensile creep tests are preferable to outer casing of high density polyethylene.
the otherwise customary long-term internal pressure tests in DIN EN 488 Preinsulated bonded pipe systems for underground
this respect. For the minimum time-to-time failure rates the (Draft) hot water networks – Steel valve assembly of steel
requirements under Section 7.3 apply. service pipes, polyurethane thermal insulation and
The proofs of quality must be produced by the manufacturing outer casing of high density polyethylene.
works at least in the form of "Works Certificates" as per 2.2, DIN DIN EN 489 Preinsulated bonded pipe systems for underground
50049. For the content of the tests and the application of internal (Draft) hot water networks – Joint assembly steel service
or outside supervision, see Annex 5. pipes, polyurethane thermal insulation and outer
casing of high density polyethylene.
8.3 Quality assurance of the welding work
DIN 1910 Welding, Welding of plastics, methods
Process tests must be demonstrated by the contracting companies Part 3
and skilled workers for the welding method applied (proof by the DIN 8074 Tubes of high density polyethylene (PE-HD),
manufacturing company that it is in a position, with its skilled dimensions
personnel and the physical equipment of the company, to execute
DIN 8075 Tubes of high density polyethylene (PE-HD),
the welding work correctly and reproducibly in accordance with the
high requirements imposed.
general quality requirements, testing

Training centres for PE welders:
– Süddeutsches Kunststoff-Zentrum, Frankfurter Straße 15-17, D-97082 Würzburg
– Training centres under supervision of the Institut für Kunststoffverarbeitung at Aachen
University of Technology, Pontstraße 49, D-52056 Aachen
6) Examination centres:
- the Training Centres mentioned under and
- the TÜV Plastic Test Centres; for information: Association of the Technical Supervision Societies, Kurfürstenstrasse 56, D-45038 Essen.

Page 12 to DVS 2207-5

DIN 16 776 Polyethylene (PE) moulding compounds DVS 2205 Design of containers ans appaartus made from
Part 1 – Classification and description thermoplastics
Part 2 – Manufacturing the test specimens and Part 1 Characteristic values
determining the properties Part 3 Welded joints
DIN 16 963 Pipe connections and piping components for high DVS 2206 Testing of components and constructions made of
Part 5 pressure pipelines of high density polyethylene thermoplastic materials
(PE-HD); general quality requirements, testing DVS 2207 Welding of thermoplastics, PE-HD (high density
DIN 18 200 Supervision (quality monitoring) of building Part 1 polyethylene) Pipes and pipeline components for
materials, components and structures, general gas and water mains
principles Part 2 Heated plate welding – pipes and pipelines for
DIN 32 502 Effects on welded joints in plastics, classification, sewerage pipes and lines
designation, explanations Part 3 with Annex Hot gas welding of thermoplastics –
DIN 50 049 Certificates for material tests sheets and pipes, welding parameters)
DIN 53 444 Testing of plastics, tensile creep test Part 4 Welding of thermoplastic polymers, panels and
DIN 53 455 Testing of plastics, tensile test pipes – extrusion welding
DIN 53 479 Testing of plastics and elastomers; determining the DVS 2208 Machines and equipment for welding of
density thermoplastics
DIN 53 735 Testing of plastics; determining the melt flow index Part 1 – heated tool welding
of thermal plastics Part 2 – hot-gas welding (not extrusion welding)
ISO Plastics; determination of the melt flow index (MFR) DVS 2209 Welding of thermoplastics – extrusion welding,
1133:1991 and the volume flow index (MVR) of thermal Part 1 methods – features
plastics DVS 2211 Filler materials of thermoplatics, scope,
ISO Plastic pipes for conveying liquids; determination of designation, requirements, tests
1167:1973 the resistance to internal pressure DVS 2212 Testing of welders for welding plastics,
ISO Plastics; methods for determining the density and Part 1 Test group I (hot gas string bead welding and
1183:1987 relative density of non-expanded plastics heated plate welding)
ISO/DIS Tubes of polyethylene (PE); Part 1: Determination Part 2 Test group II; Hot gas extrusion welding (WE)
6259-1:1985 of the properties in the tensile test
GKR- Casing pipes for the manufacture of sleeves and
ISO/TR Determination of the thermal stability of Guideline fittings of PE-HD (high density polyethylene) for
10 837:1991 polyethylene (PE) for gas piping and fittings R 9.3.17 preinsulated bonded pipe systems for underground hot
water networks with the quality symbol of the Plastic
9.2 Directives Pipes Quality Association e.V., Bonn
DVS 2201 Testing of semifinished products of thermoplastics "Building of district heating networks" – Technical Guidelines of
Part 1 – fundamentals, references the AGFW
DVS 2202 Imperfections in thermoplastic welded joints – AGFW membbers information "Plastic jacket pipes for district
Part 1 features, description, evaluation heating lines".
DVS 2203 Testing of welded joints og thermoplastics
Part 1 Test methods – requirements
Part 2 Tensile test
Part 4 Tensile creep test
Part 5 Technological bending test

Page 13 to DVS 2207-5

Annex 1: Report form (proposal) for the electrofusion method

This Annex is only for information and is not a binding part of this Directive.



… Generator


… Mains
Welding machine No.:

Power source:

) o Sleeve initial temperature (


Replacement welds











Un B
Section No.: of:


Order No.:


Sleeve No.


Page 14 to DVS 2207-5

Report form for heated plate welding of tubular

por(propuesta)formReport2:Anex heated weldingplate

Laid above ground Material

components Laid underground Sheet of

Employer Contracting company Welding machine Weather conditions Protective measures

Make: 1 = sunny 1 = none

2 = dry 2 = screen
Order title Name of the welder Identy No. Type: 3 = rain or snowfall 3 = tent
4 = wind 4 = hetating
Maschine No.:

Order No. Name and company of the welding Year of manufacture: In the case of multiple designations follow the sequence of the figures as above
inspector (e. g. 34 = rain and wind)

o anotis ofpartbinding .Directivethis

Weld Date Input data Adjustment/measurement values : theoretical/acutal information Ambient conditions Remarks
Pipe size Movement Heating Equalizing Heating up Joining Heating Adaption Time to Cooling Ambient Weathe- Code No.
2) 2)
Ød t pressure, element temperature up time time complete time under temperature ring of the
n measured, temperature’ joining joining code No. protective
P pressure presión2 measures
bar oC bar bar bar s s s s oC

Example: (10,5+10,7) (10,5+0,7) (10,5+10,7)

1 25.5.92 160Ø14,6 10,5 220±5 21,2/ 11,2/ 21,2/ 130/ <10/8 ≈ 10/12 >20/20 ≈ 20 24 2 None

Signature of welder: Date and signature of the welding inspector:

The settings are the sum of the movement pressure and the indications of the manufacturer of the welding machine concerning equalization and joining pressure.
2) The measured values must be entered.
Page 15 to DVS 2207-5

Annex 3: Report form (proposal) for extrusion welding

This Annex is only for information and is not a binding part of this Directive.

Welding Report
for the extrusion welding of panels and tubes

General Information

Order No.: Drawing No.:

Contracting Company:

Welder (Name, Reference):


Process variants: Welding shoe No.:

Welding equipment (make):

Weld shape (e. g. DVS 2205):


Material to be welded:

Semi-finished product shape, thickness (mm):

Welding filler:

Welding Conditions

Hot air temperature (°C): Air volume (l/min):

Cylinder heating (°C): Compound temperature (°C):

Hose heating: Welding speed (mm/min):


Date/signature Date/signature
Welder Welding supervisor

Page 16 to DVS 2207-5

Annex 4: Report form (proposal) for imperviousness test

This Annex is only for information and is not a binding part of this Directive.

Imperviousness Test
Acceptance Order No.


Building section/line section No.:

Sleeve No. Positive pressure Welder Tested and accepted Date

VL RL 0.2 bar Name Signature


Page 17 to DVS 2207-5

Annex 5: Content of test and organization of internal and outside supervision

This Annex is only for information and is not a binding part of this Directive.

This Annex to the Directive contains the content of the test for – DIN 8075 (05/87)
the Quality Assurance of PE casing pipe and tubular sleeves
– DIN 16 963 Part 5 (10/89)
and corresponding sleeve plates, Table A5-1. The content of
the test for the Quality Assurance of welded joints in fittings and – GKR Guideline R 9.3.17 (05/92)
sleeve joints (welding in the works and on site) is also specified;
Table A5-2. It isbased on the requirements of the official product In Tables A5-1 and A5-2 recommendations for a Quality Assurance
standards and guidelines: Certificate are given. In the list of obligations of the contractual
– DIN EN 253 (4th draft revision; issued on 1.11.1991 in the partners special stipulations can be imposed concerning the tests to
TC 107) be carried out, the scope and frequency.
– DIN EN 448 (pr EN; issued on 1.11.1991 in the TC 107)


Page 18 to DVS 2207-5

Table A5-1. Monitoring tests on semi-finished products (casing pipes and tubular sleeves and sleeve plates); FM = moulding compound, HZ = semi-finished product.

Serial Application Tests Execution as per Requirements as per/ Test/frequency

Item standard, Section values
No. in:
DIN EN DVS Type of tests On On suitability internal outside
253 2207-5 FM HZ test supervision supervision
1 – Technological tests
1.1 5.2.1 – Density of the tube material × DIN 53 479 DIN EN 253, Section
E.g. Method A GKR Guideline R 9.3.17
ISO 1183:1987 "A" or "D" > 0,944 g/cm
1.2 5.2.1 – Melt index, × × DIN 653 735 DVS 2207-5, Section 3
"MFI 190/5" (g/10 minutes) ISO 1133:1981 DIN EN 253, Section
GKR Guideline R 9.3.17
Execution of the
For moulding compounds: Execution of the In general twice
tests described tests described per year
a) 0.4. ... 1.3 on each delivery
a) (classes 005 and 010
a) DIN 16 776 T1)
For welded joints:
a) ∆ MFI ≤ 0.5
b) MFI(HZ) ≤ MFI (FM) + 0.2
1.3 – Oxidation stability (OIT) × () ISO/TR 10 837 DIN EN 253, Section Manufacturer's
GKR Guideline R 9.3.17 certificate per
200°C/> 20 minutes batch

1.4 – if necessary dry loss × GKR Guideline R 9.3.17 GKR Guideline R 9.3.17
Execution of the
>0.1% Execution of the tests described In general twice
1.5 – if necessary homogeneity × × GKR Guideline R 9.3.17 GKR Guideline R 9.3.17 tests described on each delivery per year
Non-homogeneities < 0.02 mm
Table A5-1. Continuation.

Serial Application Tests Execution as per Requirements as per/ Test/frequency

Item standard, Section values
No. in:
DIN EN DVS Type of tests On On suitability internal outside
253 2207-5 FM HZ test supervision supervision
2 Condition and dimensions
2.1 5.2.3 – Surface condition × DIN 8075 DIN 8075
DIN EN 253 DIN EN 253, Section
GKR-Guideline R 9.3.17 GKR-Guideline R 9.3.17
Unacceptable features Continuous
inspection during
2.2 5.2.2 – Dimensional stability × DIN EN 253 DIN EN 253, Section
GKR-Guideline R 9.3.17 Execution of the production In general twice
see permissible limits of tests described per year
2.3 5.2.4 – Hot storage × DIN EN 253 DIN EN 253, Section Once per week
GKR-Guideline R 9.3.17 GKR-Guideline R 9.3.17
Deformation ≤ 3%
3 Mechanical tests
3.1 – Elongation at tear in the × DVS 2203-2 DIN EN 253, Section Once per week Generally twice
tensile test ISO/DIS 6259, Section 1.2 GKR Guideline R 9.3.17 per year
DIN 53 455 ≤ 350%
Test speed = 100 mm/min
3.2 5.2.5 – Long-term internal ×3) ( ) DIN 8075 DIN EN 253, Section Once per week, Generally twice
pressure test ISO 1167 if stipulated in per year, if
Execution of the
detail stipulated in
tests described detalle1
3.3 5.2.6 6.4 Tensile creep test in the × × DVS 2203-4 DIN EN 253, Section Four times per Generally twice
wetting agent bath (ISO/DIS 6259 Section GKR-Guideline R 9.3.17 year per year
1.2) > 1500 h in the water bath with
2% wetting agent at 80°C;
= 4,0 N/mm
Inspection of the execution and the indications of the internal supervision; if necessary taking of samples for laboratory tests
HZ = result on the semi-finished product. FM = result on the moulding compound (pellets)
As type test on the extruded specimen tube and as alternative to the tensile creep test in product supervision.

x Execution of the test described.

Page 19 to DVS 2207-5

(X) Execution, if stipulated in detail
a Per machine, dimension, type of compound, or per per production run
b At least per type of compound, machine and group diameter once per year.

Page 20 to DVS 2207-5

Table A5-2. Monitoring tests on welded joints (works and site welds)

Consecutive Application standard, Type of tests Execution as per Requirements Test/frequency

item No. Section in: as per Process Workshop welds Site welds
DIN EN DVS 2207-5 tests welding outside welding outside
253 (448) supervisor supervision supervisor supervision
1 – 7.1 Visual examination Visual inspection DVS 2207-5, 100% 100%
Section 7.1
2 – 6.1 Short-term tensile test DVS 2203-2 DVS 2207-5,
DN 53 455 Section 7.2 As part of the As part of the
3 – 6.2 Technological bending DIN 2203-5 DVS 2207-5, welder and welder and
test DIN 2207-5, Section 6.2.1 Section 7.2 work In general work In general
b) b)
4 – 6.3 anual peel test DIN 2207-5, Section 6.3.1 DVS 2207-5, of the examinations twice per examinations twice per
) )
(alternative to Item 3) Section 6.3.2 tests año1 año1
5 – 6.4 Tensile creep test in DVS 2203-4 DVS 2207-5, Four times per
wetting agent bath DVS 2207-5, Section 6.4 Section 7.3 year
DIN 53 444
6 – 6.5 Imperviousness test DVS 2207-5, Section 6.5 DVS 2207-5, 10 ... 20% 100%
Section 7.4
1) a)
Inspection of the execution and the indications of the internal supervision; if necessary taking of samples for laboratory tests At least for
each compound type, machine and diameter group once per year
Per method, type of material and welding machine Welder
examinations based on DVS 2212
Project-related work tests at the beginning of work; at least half yearly
Page 21 to DVS 2207-5

Annex 6: Determination of the time factor and a fictitious joining factor for a welded joint
This Annex is only for information and is not a binding part of this Directive.

If creep tests are only carried out under one test stress (for 2. The slope of the curve of the single-axis tensile creep test cor-
example where σ = 4.0 N/mm ), from the results for the base responds in its slope to the curves of the multi-axis long-term
material and the welding specimens only the ratio of the internal pressure tests to DIN 8075; shift of position only on
evaluated times-to-failure (geometrical mean value "XG") can be the time axis.
formed and as the time factor
x 3. The slope of the curves of welded specimens corresponds to
f G(S) the slope of the base material specimens (parallel trend). Ex-
s(t) = -----------
x G(B) perience has shown that this is only applicable to high quality
butt joints!
be specified.
In the example in Fig.A6-1 the fictitious joining factor is
This time factor is not identical with the joint factor (f s) calculated
from the significance ratio of the stresses. f
s( σ) = 2,0/4,0 = 0,5
If nevertheless – in the absence of basic curves for the tube
material from tensile creep tests – a comparison factor is formed The time factor from the results of the tensile creep test works out
by including known long-term internal pressure curves (for at
example the minimum value curves from DIN 8075) for PE-HD
tubes, this is based on the following assumed conditions: fs t = 67/1500 = 0,045
1. The long-term internal pressure curves of the casing pipes
correspond in their slope to the minimum curves of DIN 8075. This fictitious joining factor cannot be used as a calculation value.
long-term internal pressure test

in the tests s R
Applied stress

e f s


p e
t n
o c

n e


e e
l c
d i
i m
n c
g e

s n




e -
i S

m Z
e V
c 8
u 0o
v )

Time-to-failure in years

Time-to-failure in hours
Figure A6-1. Formation of a fictitious joining factor fσ from test results of the tensile creep test (Z-S-Z-V) for only one test stress; for example
s( 
σ = 4,0 N/mm2.

Page 22 to DVS 2207-5

Annex 7: Stressing of welding sleeves in plastic jacket pipes

This Annex is only for information and is not a binding part of this Directive.

Like the PE-casing pipes, the welding sleeves are exposed to The calculations have been carried out taking into account the
mechanical loads. The stresses are caused by relaxation with temperature, using values of E (σ = 0.75 N/mm
and 1 N/mm²).
– friction in the subsoil
The following conclusions should be drawn:
– possible drag of the sleeve and
– With the usual plastic jacket pipes applications axial stresses
– restricted elongation due to temperature. 2
of max 2 N/mm are to be expected in the sleeve wall.
Because the level of the mechanical stresses has a critical 2
– In extreme cases stresses of up to 4.5 N/mm are also
influence on the working life of the joint, the stresses occurring possible.
are estimated for 3 different cases of loading . The significant
loads are in each case the stresses in the axial direction. – The effect of the drag on the axial stress is small.
-– In the case of the traffic loads, the "parking SLW 60" load
Estimates: – sheath friction σR = p represents the most unfavourable stress. Because of the
σ dispersion of the load coming from the wheel loads with
– drag St
– restricted elongation due depth, this load represents the critical load for the sleeve joint
when there is little cover above it. The probability that an SLW
– to temperature σT = αT T E
60 will park over a sleeve is however very remote, because
Calculation assumptions: DN 250, Da = 400mm, t = 6 mm the axle load of an SLW 60 is twice the maximum possible
Case 1: Fitted welding sleeve without drag, according to the Road Traffic Authorization Order.
hü = 60 cm in the expansion buffer, = 0.25 – Expansion pads reduce both the sheath friction and the drag
Case 2: Welding sleeve with high drag, loads and increase the stress due to restricted thermal
expansion. In all, however, the stress-relieving effect
hü = 60 cm in the sand bed, = 0.5 predominates. This occurs in particular with high mechanical
Case 3: High drag, parking heavy truck with 60 t stress (for example depth of cover or traffic loads).
(called: SLW 60),
This information is at present under discussion in the specialist
hü = 1.5 m in the sand bed, = 0.5. circles. The calculations based on other hypotheses and
The results of the guide calculations should be taken from assumptions lead to different results, but are of the same order
Table A7-1. of magnitude.

Table A7-1. Axial stresses in the sleeve wall.

σ σ
σR ST σT res
2 2 2 2
[N/mm ] [N/mm ] [N/mm ] [N/mm ]
Case 1  = 0.25 0.3 0 approx 1 1.3
σ = 1 N/mm
T = + 25 C
E = 120 N/mm
Case 2  = 0.5 0.6 0.2 approx 0.8 1.6
σ = 0,75 N/mm2
T = + 30 C
E = 180 N/mm
Case 3  = 0.5 2.7 0.7 approx 0.8 4.2
σ = 0,75 N/mm2
T = + 30 C
E = 180 N/mm

Erstellungsdatum: 12.02.2002
Letzte Änderung: 18.02.2002
File-Name: C:\DVS Merkblätter\2207\2207-05\BEIBL1\

DVS – DEUTSCHER VERBAND Welding of Thermoplastics Directive D

FÜR SCHWEISSEN UND Welding of PE Casing Pipes DVS 2207-5 V
– Fittings and Isolating Valves – (July 1997) S

Content: 2 Material and semi-finished products

1 Scope PE-HD in accordance with paragraph 4.2 of DIN EN 253 must

2 Material and semi-finished products be used as a material for fittings to be made by welded joints.
3 Carrying out the welding process
3.1 Preparation and requirements for carrying out the process In order to ensure suitability for welding, the mass flow rate of
3.1.1 Inspection of the condition of the heating tools and air the materials to be welded must satisfy the requirements of DIN
supply EN 253, paragraph This means that the mass flow rate
3.1.2 Operating test of the equipment and machines used (MFR 190/5) of the materials to be welded may not differ by
3.1.3 Work and workplace more than 0.5 g/10 minutes.
3.2 Heated plate welding (HS) PE-HD in accordance with DIN 8075 must be used as welding
3.2.1 Equipment requirements filler under paragraph 7.3 of DVS 2207-5, with state of the art
3.2.2 Preparation of the welded material / joint sub-faces strength properties in respect of its creep behaviour, depending
3.2.3 Welding process
Reprinting and copying, even in the form of excerpts, only with the consent of the publisher

upon the welding method used.

3.3 Hot gas extrusion welding (WE)
3.3.1 Equipment requirements Only qualifying tubes with appropriate, informative test
3.3.2 Preparation of the welded material / joint sub-faces certificates under or on the basis of DIN EN 253, or moulding
3.3.3 Welding process materials in accordance with DVS 2207-5, may be used as
3.4 Hot gas string bead welding (WZ) semi-finished products.
4. Testing welded joints
4.1 Non-destructive testing methods – visual inspection
4.2 Destructive testing methods 3 Carrying out the welding process
4.2.1 Tensile test
4.2.2 Technological bend test The following welding processes are used for producing PE
4.2.3 Tensile creep test casing pipe fittings:
4.3 Imperviousness test
5 Requirements on the welded joints In the factory:
5. 1 Visual inspection – Heated plate welding (HS) for segmental construction or in
5. 1.1 Indications of good HS welded joints conjunction with “outward necked” pipes;
5. 1.2 Indications of good WE welded joints
5. 1.3 Indications of good WZ welded joints – Continuous and intermittent hot gas extrusion welding
5. 2 Requirements for the tensile test (WE) (DVS 2209-1), possibly with a root pass produced by
5. 3 Requirements for the technological bend test hot-gas string-bead welding (WZ), if necessary.
5. 4 Requirements for the tensile creep test
5. 5 Requirements for the imperviousness test If production on site is necessary, e.g. for modifications,
6 Quality assurance repairs, etc:
7 Standards and directives – Hot gas extrusion welding and
– Under exceptional circumstances – restricted access, etc –
1 Scope hot gas string-bead welding.

This Supplement to Directive DVS 2207-5 applies to all PE-HD In addition to the process stipulations, characteristics and
factory and site casing pipe welded joints on segmental bonded requirements in Directive DVS 2207-5 for welding PE casing
prefabricated fittings (elbows, T-pieces, adapters and anchor points) pipes, predominantly in site production, the following
in accordance with DIN EN 448 and underground isolating valves stipulations must be observed in the production of fittings.
within the scope of plastic casing pipe systems for district heating Only suitable, calibrated and regularly-maintained machines
networks in accordance with DIN EN 488. and equipment may be used to execute welds. The appropriate
The HS (heated plate) welding method must be used for factory working instructions – process and parameter stipulations –
casing pipe joints and the WE (hot gas extrusion) method in must be available at the workplace: see also DVS 2208-1 and
exceptional and special cases. DVS 2209-2.
Site casing pipe joints must be made using the WE method and Welds must only be made by qualified welders certificated for
the WZ (hot gas string-bead) method in exceptional and special the process under Directive DVS 2212.

This publication was prepared by a group of experienced specialists working together in an honorary capacity, and it is recommended that it should be respected as an
important source of knowledge. The user must at all times check the extent to which the contents apply to his or her special case and whether the version available to him
or her is still current. Any liability on the part of the German Welding Society and of those participating in the preparation of this document is excluded.

A working out of the common DVS-/AGFW-working group “Schweißen von PE-Mantelrohren”

Orders to: DVS-Verlag GmbH, P. O. Box 10 19 65, 40010 Düsseldorf, Germany, Phone: + 49(0)211/1591- 0, Telefax: + 49(0)211/1591-150

Página 2 a DVS 2207-5 Suplemento 1

3.1 Preparación y requisitos para la realización del proceso - Una facilidad de ajuste fácil de usar para alinear el trabajo en
Las pruebas de funcionamiento del equipo y las el punto de soldadura (para minimizar el desplazamiento de
comprobaciones de los parámetros deberán realizarse antes la cara).
del inicio de las obras, y deberán garantizarse las condiciones
siguientes. Cuadro 1. Anchos y desviaciones admisibles del paralelismo plano
de las caras de tubería mecanizadas y sujetas
3.1.1 Inspección del estado de las herramientas de calefacción y (a) Doblando y encorvando las guías y las plantillas del
suministro de aire
(b) Desviaciones del paralelismo plano de las caras
Deberá comprobarse el buen estado de las herramientas de mecanizadas cuando se sujetan con una presión de
calefacción y de los medios energéticos a intervalos adecuados antes contacto mínima entre los extremos de las tuberías
y durante el trabajo. empujadas juntas.
- estado superficial (revestimiento de PTFE) de las placas Anchura de hueco Diámetro nominal del tubo exterior de
calentadas; admisible la carcasa
- regulación del calor, mantenimiento de la temperatura, [mm] [mm]
mantenimiento de los ajustes;
- suministro de aire sin agua ni aceite para procesos de ≤ 0.5 ≤ 355
extrusión y gas caliente; unidades de mantenimiento para el ≤ 1.0 400 ≤ 560
suministro de aire comprimido estacionario;
≤ 1.3 630 ≤ 800
- Correcta asignación y dimensiones de los chorros de gas
caliente (WZ y WE) y herramientas de soldadura (zapatos ≤ 1.5 > 800
de soldadura para WE) para los tipos de soldadura a
completar. - una producción suficiente de placas calentadas y un flujo de
calor uniforme - también en el caso de placas calentadas
3.1.2 Pruebas de funcionamiento de los equipos y máquinas divididas - en las zonas de soldadura; no hay marcas
residuales de separación en la soldadura y el cordón;
La seguridad de funcionamiento de las máquinas y equipos
utilizados deberá comprobarse: - desviación de la temperatura global admisible tanto en los
puntos opuestos de la placa calentada como en toda la
- Comparación objetivo/real de los parámetros fijados para un superficie de trabajo (incluida la desviación típica de la
tiempo de trabajo suficiente/tiempo de precalentamiento con
máquina); TTotal 10 ( 355 mm) hasta 20 °C ( 800 mm)2)
equipos de medición y sondas adecuados. La condición de
estado estacionario debe ser alcanzada. (depende del diámetro)
- Una soldadura de ensayo y al menos una muestra del ciclo - paralelismo plano de la placa calentada - placas calentadas
de ralentí de ensayo para componentes más grandes. divididas proporcionalmente dimensionalmente estables y
firmemente montadas; desviación admisible del paralelismo
3.1.3 Trabajo y lugar de trabajo plano dentro de la superficie efectiva de conformidad con el
cuadro 2.
La secuencia de trabajo y la ejecución deberán garantizar:
- Instalaciones de control/regulación fiables para la aplicación
- una zona de trabajo independiente y limpia, sin interferencias de parámetros de soldadura reproducibles dentro de los
de otras zonas de trabajo, corrientes de aire o invasión por límites de la aplicación permisible.
polvo, suciedad, humedad o similares;
- Una instalación de registro de datos que muestre el gráfico
- El suministro de piezas limpias y no formadas. Si la prefabricación
presión-(camino)-tiempo es ventajosa
tiene lugar fuera del área de soldadura, las diferencias de
temperatura internas y externas no deben diferir en más de
aproximadamente T 5 °C entre sí y el lugar de trabajo; Cuadro 2. Desviaciones permisibles del paralelismo plano de las
placas calentadas, incluidos los elementos divididos,
- Procesos de limpieza únicamente con limpiadores sin grasa y dentro de la superficie efectiva.
tiempo de ventilación suficiente. Los procesos de limpieza o
mecanizado superficial de las caras de las juntas deberán Tubería de carcasa externa
repetirse en el lugar de soldadura, si es necesario, en el Desviación permisible de nominal
caso de segmentos prefabricados y caras de las juntas. paralelismo plano diamètre
Deberán cumplirse los requisitos del punto 5 del DVS 2207-5. [mm] [mm]

3.2 Soldadura con placa calentada ≤ 0.4 ≤ 355

≤ 0.5 400 ≤ 560
3.2.1 Necesidades de equipo
Las máquinas y equipos utilizados deben garantizar un proceso ≤ 0.8 630 ≤ 800
seguro y reproducible con parámetros de soldadura ≤ 1.2 > 800
suficientemente constantes, c.f. DVS 2208-1. Para ello es
3.2.2 Preparación del material soldado/de las subpartes de las juntas
- sujeción segura (fijación y alineación) y control del trabajo
con transmisión uniforme de fuerzas de compresión sobre Antes de comenzar el proceso de soldadura, se comprobarán
toda la superficie de soldadura/circunferencia del tubo (a); los siguientes puntos para las piezas de trabajo fijadas en la
anchos de separación admisibles en función del diámetro máquina:
mediante flexión y mecanizado de las desviaciones del - Alineación de las sub-caras de las juntas con un
paralelismo plano de acuerdo con el cuadro 1; véase desplazamiento mínimo, para garantizar los requisitos de la
también DVS 2208-1, punto 4.1.2; soldadura terminada;
- plantillas adaptadas que envuelvan el tubo, que no causen - Deberá garantizarse un contacto suficiente de las superficies de
ningún repujado/muesca inadmisible de su superficie; soldadura alrededor de toda la circunferencia de la tubería. Si es
- Sujeción/sujeción del trabajo cerca del plano de soldadura, necesario, las piezas prefabricadas deben mecanizarse mientras
con plantillas con la forma adecuada en el caso de se sujetan a la máquina (mediante un plano integral a la
soldaduras segmentarías con inglete; máquina). La anchura/desviación admisible del paralelismo plano

Los extremos de tubería sujetados, cuidadosamente mecanizados planos, se utilizan para la medición. En el eje de la tubería s e colocan dos probetas
de referencia (espaciadores) paralelas al plano del larguero de guía/potencia y los extremos de la tubería se ponen en contacto entre sí a la presión de
junta aplicable a la tubería. La diferencia de anchuras de separación medida, sin presurizar y bajo presión de las juntas no deberá superar un margen
de tolerancia de 0,25 mm.
Medido en la posición de trabajo en un entorno sin corrientes de aire con la temperatura de la placa calentada fijada en 210°C
Página 3 a DVS 2207-5 Suplemento 1

cumplir los requisitos del cuadro 1, letra (b) del presente La variante "intermitente" I se utiliza para piezas en T con
suplemento. tuberías de descarga montadas y para formas especiales de
soldadura cuando se producen accesorios de tuberías de
- Deberá verificarse la limpieza de las caras de soldadura
carcasa de PE. En particular, se utiliza si la geometría de la cara
(piezas de trabajo) (véase también el punto 3.1.3).
se carga en el curso de la soldadura, que no se puede lograr de
3.2.3 Proceso de soldadura
forma fiable utilizando las formas de calzado de soldadura
invariable de la variante de proceso "continuo" II.
El proceso de soldadura con placa calentada y los ajustes de guía
para los parámetros del proceso se describen en DVS 2207-1.
Deben observarse los parámetros especificados para la ejecución Presión de alineación Presión articular
del proceso (temperatura de la placa calentada, incrementos de
presión y tiempo). El rango de temperatura de la placa de
calentamiento está entre 200 y 220 °C.

Notas sobre las etapas del proceso mostradas en forma
diagramática en Presión de
Fig. 1: Incorpora
Alineación Tiempo de ción Tiempo de Tiem
calentamiento tiem enfriamiento po
- Alineación: tiempo po

Fusión inicial de las superficies de soldadura hasta que las Tiempo de transición
piezas a soldar estén en pleno contacto con la placa Figura 1. Representación diagramática de las etapas en el proceso de
calentada (pequeño cordón fundido) alrededor de toda la soldadura de placas calentadas (basado en DVS 2207-1).
circunferencia (interior y exterior).
El tiempo de alineación (tAG) emerge de la necesaria 3.3.1 Necesidades de equipo
profundidad de combustión.
El equipo utilizado debe garantizar un precalentamiento uniforme
Presión de alineación = presión de unión: pAG 0.15 N/mm2 (fusión inicial) de las caras de las juntas y una alimentación continua
de la embutidora de soldadura homogéneneamente plastificada en la
- Proceso de calentamiento/fusión: ranura de soldadura (soldadura en V o en filetes) con el ejercicio de
La profundidad de fusión de las juntas necesarias para la la presión de soldadura suficiente a través de la zapata de soldadura/
soldadura se crea a presión reducida (solo presión de la pieza a soldar en el depósito de soldadura. Esto requiere
fijación). principalmente lo siguiente:

Guía para tAS - dependiendo del grosor de la pared - de - ajuste/alineación del chorro de gas caliente con la forma y
acuerdo con las instrucciones de trabajo o DVS 2207-1. trayectoria de la soldadura;

Presión de calentamiento pAW 0.01 N/mm2 - Una instalación de reajuste simple de la unidad de soldadura
para el soporte de cierre de la zapata de soldadura
(herramienta) en la circunferencia de la tubería y guía
- Tiempo de transición (tU):
longitudinal centrada a través de la trayectoria de la
El tiempo entre el levantamiento de la placa calentada y las soldadura;
caras de soldadura que se encuentran para la unión/
soldadura debe ser lo más corto posible. - Conformado adecuado y zapata de soldadura adaptada a las
dimensiones de la soldadura (ancho de cobertura de la
Configuración de la guía según las instrucciones de trabajo junta, comba de soldadura, longitud de contacto, la "punta
o DVS 2207-1. de zapata" delantera que cierra la junta, redondeo del borde
(El tiempo de cambio debe ser tU 5 8 segundos, dependiendo y encastramiento), de acuerdo con la directiva de procesos
del espesor de la pared, donde el espesor de la pared de la e instrucciones de trabajo;
tubería es de 3 - 15 mm. - PTFE o émbolo equivalente para una conformación
- Unión adecuada (forma y anchura de la soldadura) para la presión
La presión de unión (pF) se establece rápidamente con la manual sobre el depósito de soldadura en los extremos, etc.
formación de cuentas durante el período de unión (tF). y para la ejecución intermitente del proceso.
tF aproximadamente de 5 a 15 segundos - dependiendo del
grosor de la pared. 3.3.2 Preparación de las partes a soldar/las subpartes de las juntas
El tiempo de enfriamiento (tK) para la unión/sección - Los parámetros específicos de soldadura del material de
transversal de la soldadura sigue, manteniendo la presión de moldeo de PE deben coincidir. El caudal de fusión (MFR
unión (pF) hasta aproximadamente 70 °C. 190/5) de las piezas de trabajo y de las cargas no deberá
Configuración de la guía para tK y pF de acuerdo con la desviarse más de 0,5 g/10 minutos con arreglo a la norma
instrucción de trabajo o DVS 2207-1. DIN EN 253. En caso necesario, se tomarán medidas de
Las tensiones mecánicas en la junta soldada deberán control.
excluirse hasta que se haya enfriado cerca de la - Se mecanizarán las superficies que vayan a soldarse (caras
temperatura de la tubería. de las juntas y superficies próximas a los bordes de la
junta); véase también DVS 2207-5, apartado 5.
3.3 Soldadura por extrusión de gas caliente
- Debe garantizarse el anclaje seguro de la pieza de trabajo y el
La soldadura por extrusión de gas caliente se describe en las mantenimiento de la forma de la junta y de la hendidura de la raíz
Directivas DVS 2207-4 y su Suplemento (parámetros) y DVS específica del proceso de acuerdo con las instrucciones de
2207-5. A continuación se exponen los principales requisitos y trabajo y la directiva de proceso DVS 2207-4. En caso necesario,
especificaciones, junto con el DVS 2207-5, punto 5.2. deberán preverse soldaduras de adherencia o un paso de la raíz
Además de la variante de proceso II (de acuerdo con DVS WZ en el proceso intermitente.
2209), aplicada predominantemente a soldaduras - Deberá comprobarse la limpieza de las superficies de
longitudinales y circunferenciales en tuberías de revestimiento soldadura y del material de relleno de soldadura, véase
de PE, se utiliza la variante I, el proceso intermitente. La también el punto 3.1.3.
experiencia ha demostrado que las mayores demandas de
resistencia a largo plazo (factor de soldadura "fs") no se logran 3.3.3 Proceso de soldadura
mediante la variante de proceso I debido a la ejecución manual
con funciones separadas y la observancia de parámetros que Deberá garantizarse la observancia continua de los parámetros
pueden ser influenciados en un alto grado por el soldador, a de la temperatura del depósito de soldadura/soldadura, la
diferencia de las variantes de proceso mecanizadas y presión de soldadura en el depósito de soldadura y una
parcialmente mecanizadas de conformidad con DVS 2207-5, velocidad de soldadura adecuada. Para ello es necesario:
cuadro 4; véase DVS 2207-4, apartado 17.
- Guía de herramientas controlada y segura;
- Ensayos de penetración en las caras de las juntas en toda la
cara de soldadura inmediatamente delante de la
herramienta de soldadura. Profundidad necesaria de
fusión 0,5 mm.
Página 4 a DVS 2207-5, suplemento 1

- Observación continua del sitio de soldadura y cualquier 4.2 Métodos de ensayo destructivos
reajuste necesario de la unidad de soldadura (centrado y
rodamiento en el tubo) y ajuste del sistema de control de 4.2.1 Tensile test
avance. El ensayo de tracción se realizará de conformidad con el punto
- Prensado manual posterior del depósito de soldadura en los 6.1 de la Directiva DVS 2207-5.
extremos de la soldadura y otras áreas problemáticas con la Nota sobre el cuadro 1 de la Directiva 2207-5:
herramienta de soldadura, y con el émbolo de mano en
áreas insuficientemente accesibles. Si las dimensiones de la muestra de ensayo no pueden
mantenerse por razones de diseño, podrán seleccionarse
- En el proceso intermitente, el calentamiento facial debe realizarse dimensiones más pequeñas (longitud de la muestra), siempre
cuidadosamente e inspeccionarse (pruebas de penetración). El que se cumplan las especificaciones restantes. Deberá
material de relleno de soldadura debe introducirse directamente realizarse una conversión adecuada de la velocidad de la
en la zona de soldadura y presionarse con el émbolo durante un máquina a la misma velocidad de deformación de la muestra
período suficiente. (c.f. Fig. 2).
- Remachado de los bordes de la soldadura (eliminación de
destellos de soldadura), sin dañar las superficies de la Mitra externa
tubería y con profundidades de raspado mínimas de 0,1 x s,
pero 1 mm. Abutment plane
(borde superior)
Las instrucciones de trabajo y las directivas de proceso deben
ser respetadas.

3.4 Soldadura con cordón de gas caliente

El proceso se describe en la Directiva DVS 2207-3. En general, Interno

en el proceso de soldadura de gas caliente sólo se logran
fuerzas de soldadura a largo plazo más bajas con la
introducción de la soldadura de relleno, p. ej., soldadura de gas
caliente con una varilla de soldadura, que en el proceso descrito Figura 3. Localización para el muestreo de codos segmentados
anteriormente. Esto es tanto más aplicable si la soldadura tiene a) Muestra del plano de estribo para el ensayo de tracción
que llevarse a cabo en condiciones difíciles, p. ej., in situ y en b) Muestra de la mitra interna y externa para la prueba de
trincheras. curvatura tecnológica.

Por estas razones, la soldadura por gas caliente no debe En el caso de accesorios prefabricados segmentados, en
utilizarse para tuberías de revestimiento de PE o para la particular aquellos con un diámetro grande, se pueden tomar
producción de accesorios, o solo en circunstancias una (o, si es necesario, dos) probetas con bobinas de pierna
excepcionales. No obstante, en caso de que este proceso se razonables de la zona del estribo y en la diagonal de la
integre en la producción, p. ej., para pasos de raíces o en soldadura al eje de la probeta, c.f. Fig. 3.
posiciones de junta inaccesibles, deberán cumplirse los
requisitos del DVS 2207-3. 4.2.2 Ensayo de curvatura tecnológica
El ensayo de curvatura tecnológica se realizará de conformidad
con el punto 6.2 de la Directiva DVS 2207-5. Las dimensiones
4 Prueba de juntas soldadas del espécimen se seleccionarán de conformidad con el cuadro
2. Cuando se ensayen muestras de la mitra externa o interna
Los ensayos que se describen a continuación podrán utilizarse de un codo segmentario (véase la Fig. 2), el exceso de ángulo
para probar juntas soldadas, teniendo en cuenta los requisitos de deformación "α" alcanzado en el ensayo por encima del
existentes. La decisión sobre la aplicabilidad y el contenido ángulo existente de la muestra "β" debe considerarse el
informativo de los procedimientos de ensayo individuales o sus resultado.
combinaciones deberá tomarse sobre la base de las
circunstancias de cada caso concreto. En el caso de tubos de descarga montados con soldadura de
filete, las muestras se toman, se prueban y se analizan de
Se hace referencia al apartado 6 de la Directiva DVS 2207-5 en acuerdo con la Fig. 3.
lo que respecta al contenido informativo de los procedimientos
de ensayo individuales. 4.2.3 Ensayo de fluencia por tracción
El ensayo de fluencia por tracción se realizará y evaluará de
4.1 Métodos de ensayo no destructivos - Inspección visual
conformidad con el punto 6.4 de la Directiva 2207-5. La
En general, la inspección visual es la única prueba no geometría de la muestra es idéntica a la del ensayo de tracción.
destructiva aplicada a las tuberías de revestimiento de PE. La resistencia de los componentes de los accesorios también
Todas las juntas soldadas se inspeccionan para detectar puede verificarse en una prueba de fluencia de presión interna
errores visibles en la ejecución e indicaciones externas de en agua, análoga a las estipulaciones de la norma DIN 16963-
defectos internos en la ejecución. 5. Las aberturas en los accesorios deben entonces ser
Las radiografías y las pruebas de ultrasonido no son habituales
en el ámbito de aplicación de la presente Directiva. En caso de
que dichos procesos de ensayo se utilicen para los
correspondientes procesos de soldadura, formas de soldadura
y dimensiones de soldadura en circunstancias excepcionales, L
deberá consultarse la Directiva DVS 2206. fKurz
V = VNormal
Kurz 
fNormal = Specimen length in accordance with DVS 2203-2,
table 1
fKurz = Shortened specimen length
Normal = Machine feed for specimen length L f ;
Guide setting for PE-HD under DVS 2203-2, table 3
= 50 mm/min
Kurz = Machine speed for shortened specimen length
Figure 2. Example of a shortened specimen from a prefabricated fitting.
Page 5 to DVS 2207-5 Supplement 1

closed so that the resultant longitudinal and lateral forces are 5.1.2 Indications of good WE welded joints
completely removed from the fitting itself. A good WE welded joint displays the following crucial formation
characteristics (Fig. 5):
4.3 Imperviousness test
An imperviousness test must be carried out using compressed air at
approximately 0.2 to 0.3 bar. No leaks (bubbles) must be visible one
minute after coating the welds with a harmless foaming aqueous
solution (e.g. a modern biodegradable domestic washing-up liquid in
the lowest possible concentration).
Should there be any doubt or dispute, the pressure must be
maintained for ≥ 10 minutes. Figure 5. Extrusion weld with well-formed cap and good root penetration
(in accordance with DVS 2206).

5 Requirements imposed on welded joints – Even weld camber running centrally to the joint, joint edge
coverage by V-weld ≥ 2 mm (3 1 mm)
The requirements imposed on welded pipe joints in paragraph
– Smooth weld form, reflecting the shape of the welding shoe, with
7 of Directive DVS 2207-5 apply to fittings.
the weld surface not showing any signs of disintegration,
The requirements for welded joints to be inspected in accordance overheating, rising bubbles, inhomogeneity, inclusions, etc.
with paragraph 4 of this Supplement are set out below.
– Minimal face offset.
5.1 Visual inspection – Notch-free, penetrative weld root with slight root sag; root
concavity and lack of fusion at the edges of the weld
The subjects of visual inspection are:
(notches with sharp edges) are serious faults in production.
– Maintenance of the process-specific weld formation,
– Weld edge machining depth ≤ 10% of the pipe wall thickness
particularly in respect of the weld shape, dimensions,
and ≤ 1 mm
geometry and symmetry;
– Inspection of the surface characteristics for any damage to the 5.1.3 Indications of good WZ welded joints
surface of the pipe in the vicinity of the weld as a consequence of A good WZ welded joint has the following particular features
the handling of the fittings, clamping, the effects of temperature (Fig 6):
etc. during implementation of the process.
Welds (face shape, bead/weld formation, presence of blowholes,
large pores, accumulations of pores, root and edge notches, root
suck-backs and lack of side wall fusion in weld cross-sections) are
assessed in accordance with evaluation group 2 in DVS 2202-1.
Should deviations from the requirements occur in individual cases,
they must be specified in advance.
Increased face offset limits of ∆ s ≤ 0.2 s (s = thickness of the
thinner wall) are accepted for PE casing pipe fittings at the
relatively low wall thickness usual within the scope compared to
the pipe diameters on one hand and the difficult production
conditions of some structural forms with internal medium pipes
on the other, such as outward necked T-pieces in heated plate
welding. Under particularly difficult conditions for fittings – e.g.
the outward-necked T-piece – up to ∆ s ≤ 0.3 s is admissible, if
the associated greater weakness is observed in static testing.

5.1.1 Indications of good HS welded joints

Crucial features of good HS welded joints on visual inspection Figure 6. Hot-gas welded butt joint with diagram of welding filler
are (Fig. 4): principle
a) Well-filled weld without backing run (weld structure e.g.
one = 3 mm + one = 4 mm + twice = 4 mm)
b) Weld with inadmissible root gap notches – non-penetrative

– Even, slightly reinforced cap with straight passes;

– Flat transitions between the individual passes and
continuous joint edge coverage;
– Process-specific double bead on both sides, each pass
Figure 4. Good bead formation in heated plate welding. without indications of burning
– Minimal face offset
– Even formation of a double bead throughout the entire length
of the weld/circumference of the pipe (inside and outside); – Notch-free weld penetration with slight sag. Root suck-back
is inadmissible.
– Individual beads as symmetrical as possible, rounded shape,
not pressed into a peak by excessive joint pressure; – Similarly evident “heat delustering” on both sides of the weld
as an indication of the even application of heat.
– Root of the central groove outside the cross-section of the
pipe, double bead width in the approximate vicinity of the 5.2 Requirements for the tensile test
pipe wall;
The requirements of Directive DVS 2207-5, paragraph 7.2 and
– Minimum face offset. table 3, apply.

Page 6 to DVS 2207-5 Supplement 1

5.3 Requirements for the technological bend test 7 Standards and directives
The requirements of Directive DVS 2207-5, paragraph 7.2 and
DIN EN 253 Preinsulated bonded pipe systems for directly
Fig. 14, apply.
burried hot water networks – Pipe assembly for
5.4 Requirements for the tensile creep test steel service pipe, polyurethane thermal insulation
and outer casing of polyethylen.
The requirements of Directive DVS 2207-5, paragraph 7.3 and
DIN EN 448 Preinsulated bonded pipe systems for directly
table 4, apply, with the exception of the footnote.
burried hot water networks – Fitting assemblies for
5.5 Requirements for the imperviousness test steel service pipes, polyurethane thermal
insulation and outer casing of polyethylene.
The independent impervious test on factory mass-produced fittings
DIN EN 488 Preinsulated bonded pipe systems for directly burried
may be waived, if the following requirements are fulfilled:
hot water networks – Steel valve assembly for steel
– Use of certifiably qualified, quality-assured semi-finished products service pipes, polyurethane thermal insulation and
and similarly certificated welding fillers, if applicable; outer casing of polyurethane.
– Certified welding process with qualified, regularly-serviced DIN 8075 Polyethylene (PE) pipes – PE 63, PE 80, PE 100,
welding tools; PE-HD – General quality requirements, testing
– Use of qualified, certified welders under DVS 2212-1 and –2, DIN 16776-1 Polyethylene (PE) moulding components,
under similarly qualified, certified supervision (e.g. under classification and description
DVS 2213 and 2214); DIN 16963-5 Pipe joints and components of polyethylene (PE)
– Compliance with test certificates under Directive DVS 2207- for pipes under pressure, PE 80 and PE 100 – Part
5, table A 5-2, pos. 1 to 5. 5: General quality requirements, testing
In the case of individual production, particularly the production DVS 2202-1 Imperfections in thermoplastic welding joints –
of fittings or valve jacket casings on site, they must be subjected Features, description, evaluations
to an imperviousness test at excess air pressure in accordance DVS 2203-1 Testing of welded joints of thermoplastics – Test
with paragraph 4.3, after installation in the pipe system and prior methods, requirements
to filling with foam: see also Directive DVS 2207-5, paragraph DVS 2203-2 Testing of welded joints of thermoplastics – Tensile
6.5. No leaks, atypical deformation or other inadmissible
changes may take place.
DVS 2203-4 Testing of welded joints of thermoplastics plates
and tubes – Tensile creep test
6 Quality assurance DVS 2203-5 Testing of welded joints of thermoplastics plates
and tubes – Technological bend test
Directive DVS 2207-5, paragraph 6, must be applied DVS 2206 Testing of components and constructions made of
analogously to quality assurance.
thermoplastic materials
This particularly affects the following, if possible on the basis of DVS 2207-1 Welding of thermoplastics, Heated tool welding of
an ISO 9000 ff. quality assurance/quality management system: pipes, pipeline, components and sheets made
– Effective quality assurance measures for the factory from PE-HD
production of casing pipe fittings within the scope of factory DVS 2207-3 Hot gas welding of thermoplastic polymers; panels
production; and pipes
– The use of approved, regularly-maintained machines and DVS 2207-4 Welding of thermoplastics, Extrusion welding –
equipment subjected to certified regular operating tests panels and pipes
– The use of qualified welders with examination certificates in the DVS 2207-5 Welding of thermoplastics – Welding of PE casing
welding process used under DVS 2212-1 and –2, under pipes – Tubes and tubular components
qualified supervision (e.g. under DVS 2213 and DVS2214); DVS 2208-1 Welding of thermoplastics – Machines and devices
– Specimen tests after machine setting and at regular for the heated tool welding of pipes, pipeline
intervals during production under DVS 2207-5, Annex 5, components and sheets
table A 5-2. DVS 2209-1 Welding of thermoplastics – extrusion welding;
– Final testing/visual inspection of all the welded fittings. procedures, characteristics
– Quality certification of semi-finished products and welding DVS 2209-2 Welding of thermoplastics – Hot gas extrusion
filler materials welding – Requirements for welding machines and
– Documentation of certificates and test results for welding work.
DVS 2212-1 Examination of plastic welders – Group I – Hot gas
welding with torch separate from filler rod (WF),
hot gas string-bead welding (WZ), heated tool butt
welding (HS)
DVS 2212-2 Examination of plastic welders – Examination
group II – Hot gas extrusion welding (WE)
DVS 2213 Specialist for plastic welding – Examination
DVS 2214 Regulations for the examination of the specialist
for plastic welding

File: D:\Eigene Dateien\Kunden\DVS\Ri+Me\2207\2207-6\e2297-6\
Erstellt am: 16.11.2003
Zuletzt geändert am: 02.12.2003

September 2003

Welding of thermoplastics
Non-contact heated tool butt welding of
pipes, pipeline components and sheets
Technical Code
DVS 2207-6
Methods – Equipment – Parameters

Content: parallelism of the surfaces to be joined. The joining areas have to

be heated up without contacting the heating tool yet maintaining
1 Scope a defined distance in order to achieve a thermoplastic condition
2 General description of methods (heating up). After reaching a plasticised state the radiant heated
3 Requirements on welding equipment tool butt is removed (adjusting) and the components are joined
3.1 General under pressure (joining). The welding joint has to be cooled down
3.2 Special requirements for distance control whilst retaining the joining pressure in the finished joining
4 Radiant heated tools position.
4.1 Radiators
The following joining methods are distinguished at heated tool
4.1.1 Types of radiators
butt welding machines with radiant heating:
4.1.2 Temperature exactness
5 Welding, procedure and parameters – Welding with joining pressure control: the joining pressure is
5.1 General requirements adjusted and kept constant by the machine.
5.2 Measures before welding
– Welding with joining distance limitation: the joining distance is
5.2.1 Welding requirements
limited with adjustable distance bolts.
5.2.2 Cleaning
5.3 Preparation of the components to be welded – Welding with combined joining pressure control and joining
5.4 Welding procedure distance limitation: the joining distance is limited by machine
excerpts, only with the consent of the publisher

5.4.1 Start-up control and adjusted to the joining force control by a thermal
5.4.2. Heating up reduction after falling below a certain joining force.
5.4.3 Changeover
5.4.4 Joining
5.4.5 Cooling 3 Requirements on welding equipment
5.5 Safety indications
6 Testing of welded joints 3.1 General
7 Standards and Technical Codes
7.1 Standards The requirements on welding machines for the non -contact
7.2 Technical Codes heated tool butt welding method are mentioned in the Technical
8 Explanations Code DVS 2208-1. Further detailed requirements are listed in
Appendix: Indications and protocol for testing of equipment section 3.2.
Welding protocols
3.2 Special requirements for distance control

1 Scope Welding machines with an automatic joining process demand

Reprinting and copying, even in the form of

the adjustment for an exact distance control. With manual

controlled machines the position of the guiding devices must be
In this Technical Code the non-contact heated tool butt welding exactly adjustable by distance bolts.
and the requirements for devices and machines are described.
With the mentioned features the processor can check which With the application of mechanic distance limits (distance bolts)
devices or machines are most suitable for the safety realizable these have to be suitably protected so that dirt or falling in of
performance of his welding works appropriate to the materials shavings is absolutely avoided. The reproducible position
involved. exactness must be ± 0,05 mm.
This Technical Code relates to methods and the different types of
processes of heated tool butt welding where the heating up of the 4 Radiant heated tools
joining areas is done without any contact. Machines, devices and
their parameters for the welding of pipeline components, sheets and
other components out of PP (PP-H/PP-B/PP-R) and PVDF are Heated tool and machine are a unit. Therefore the machine has to be re-
described. Occasionally the system dependency according to the calibrated after exchange of the heated tool.
manufacturer’s instructions with material combinations of PP and
PVDF have to be considered. Concerning the welding suitability of The construction of the heated tool must guarantee a perfect
materials PP and PVDF see the topic “scope” in DVS 2207-11 and heating up of the joining areas to the welding temperature under
DVS 2207-15. working conditions. The handling of the heated tool must enable
keeping the adjustment time according to table 2.
With the welding of other plastics e. g. PFA, E-CTFE the The voltage supply in the heated tool area has to be protected
parameters have to be checked and possibly adjusted. The against thermal damages, just as the active surface of the
welding joint quality must be proved depending on the system heated tool against mechanical damages.
(machine, parameters, component).
The mounting and guidance of the heated tool must enable a plane parallel
position of heated tool to the joining areas.
2 General description of methods
The used heated tool must be plane parallel within its active
With the non-contact heated tool butt welding the joining areas of the parts surface and the maximum deviation must be lower than 0,2 mm.
to be welded have to be shaved in order to reach a plan The measurement is done at 23 ± 2 °C.

This publication has been drawn up by a group of experienced specialists working in an honorary capacity and its consideration as an important source of information is
recommended. The user should always check to what extent the contents are applicable to his particular case and whether the version on hand is still valid. No liability can
be accepted by the Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e.V., and those participating in the drawing up of the document.

DVS, Technical Committee, Working Group “Joining of Plastics”

Orders to: DVS-Verlag GmbH, P. O. Box 10 19 65, 40010 Düsseldorf, Germany, Phone: + 49(0)211/1591- 0, Telefax: + 49(0)211/1591-150

Page 2 to DVS 2207-6

4.1 Radiators
The welding works must be supervised. The type and scope of
supervision has to be agreed. It is recommended to record the
The heated tools for non-contact welding are radiant heated tools which procedure data in welding protocols (example see appendix) or
are classified depending on wave ranges.
data carriers.
4.1.1 Types of radiators Within the scope of the quality assurance it is recommended to
produce and test samples of joints before beginning and during
The following types of radiators are usual: the welding works.
– Short-wave or bright radiators (wave range up to 1,6 µm)
Every welder has to be trained. The intended application range
– Medium-wave radiators (wave range > 1,6 up to 3,5 µm) may be decisive for the kind of qualification. The welding exam
– Long-wave or dark radiator (wave range > 3,5 µm) certificate according to DVS 2212-1 in the groups I-4 res. I-8 in
conjunction with the complementing training certificate on non-
The general structure of radiators is that a filament is embedded contact heated tool butt welding issued by an authorized training
in a metallic or ceramic mass which can be heated up to a institute or by the particular machine manufacturer is valid as
temperature of 1000 °C with the wire. An infrared radiation (IR) qualification proof.
is created.
5.2 Measures before welding
4.1.2 Temperature exactness
5.2.1 Welding requirements
The temperature deviations measured on the heated tool
opposite to the temperature adjustment result from technically The welding zone must be protected against bad weather
limited inexactness (regulator deviation and temperature influences (e. g. moisture and temperatures below + 5 °C res.
distribution on the active surface), installation position of the tool higher than + 40 °C). If it is ensured by suitable measures (e. g.
(e. g. natural convection, shielding effects) and environmental preheating, tent, heating) that a component temperature
influences (e. g. draught). sufficient for welding can be kept – as far as the welder is not
hindered in his handling – work may be carried out at any
outside temperature. If necessary, an additional proof must be
Table 1. Maximum allowed technically limited temperature deviations. provided by carrying out sample welds under the mentioned
conditions, see section 6.
Heated tools for pipes Heated tools
and fittings for sheets If the semi-finished product is heated up unevenly under
influence of sunshine, a temperature compensation in the area
Active surface < 250 ≥ 250... ≤ 2000 independent of the welding joint can be reached by covering. A cooling down
[cm²] during the welding process by uncontrolled draught has to be
avoided. During the welding of pipes the pipe ends have to be
Regulator 3 3 3 closed.
deviation [°C]
The joining areas of the parts to be welded may not be damaged and have
Temperature 5 7 8 to be free of contaminations (e. g. dirt, oil, shavings).
distribution on
active surface [°C] The welding process may only be started with a stable heated tool
temperature according to manufacturer instructions. This has to be
Technically limited 8 10 11 guaranteed by adequate measures, e. g. timed lock, lock of menu
total deviation [°C] prompt, etc. In order to guarantee an exact temperature distribution
on the heated tool surface, the heated tool in neutral position should
be stored in a suitable protection device.
Since each heated tool has its own radiation characteristic the
tool and machine must be adjusted (calibrated) to each other. 5.2.2 Cleaning
This results in different heated tool surface temperatures with
the same input temperature adjusted on the machine. This has The surfaces to be joined should be clean and free of grease
to be considered during the measurement of the heated tool and only similarly clean tools and heated tools are to be utilised
temperature. if a perfect welding joint is to result.
The measurements are done at an ambient temperature of 23 Cleaning agents
± 2 °C and a reference temperature which is within the operating range of
the machine. The use of cleaning agents is mentioned in the manufacturer’s instructions.

Since the heated tools could have high temperatures, the The paper for cleaning must be clean, unused, absorbent, non-fraying and
measurement has to be done with an adequate measuring non-coloured.
device. With the use of non-contact measuring devices (dark
radiators), a measuring spot diameter of maximum 20 mm has Cleaning of the heated tool
to be kept.
The heated tool may not be cleaned in heated up condition
because of the high heated tool temperatures. Contaminations
5 Welding, procedure and parameters have to be removed from the cold heated tool whereby the
manufacturer’s instructions have to be considered.

With the heated tool butt welding method with radiator heating, Cleaning of joining areas
the welding parameters depend on the system. In the following
the method parameters and method indications for the welding Before shaving the joining areas it has to be ensured that the
with joining pressure and joining distance limitation are given. used tools and components are clean and free of grease in the
welding zone, if necessary cleaning agents should be used.
5.1 General requirements
5.3 Preparation of components to be welded
The quality of welding joints depends on the qualification of the
welders, suitability of the used machines, devices and The nominal wall thicknesses of the parts to be welded must correspond in
the joining area.
components as well as the compliance of welding guidelines.
The welding joint can be tested and inspected by destructive During clamping the components to be welded must be aligned in
and/or visual methods.

Page 3 to DVS 2207-6

Table 2. Start-up and changeover time.

the welding machine in a horizontal and vertical direction. The slight
longitudinal mobility of the part to be welded on has to be fixed e. g.
by adjustable roller blocks or oscillating suspension. Wall thickness Start-up time Changeover time
[mm] (maximum) [s] (maximum) [s]
The joining areas have to be planed with a clean and grease- up to 3,0 <3 <3
free tool directly before welding, so that they are plane parallel
in clamped condition. The maximum deviation of plan > 3,0 up to 7,0 3 3
parallelism of joining areas must be ≤ 0,3 mm.
> 7,0 up to 15,0 4 4
The misalignment has to be checked simultaneously with the
control of the gap width. The misalignment of joining areas has > 15,0 5 5
an essential influence to the strength of the welding joint. A
minimum misalignment should be reached. The allowed gap of
0,1 x wall thickness may not be exceeded. A larger
misalignment means a quality reduction.
Bead notch
The treated welding areas should be neither contaminated nor Pipe surface,
touched by hand. Any additional cleaning is not necessary and
means no quality improvement. Shavings which have fallen into outside
the welding areas have to be removed without contamination. If
contamination happens after treatment, e. g. by touch with K-size
hands, the welding areas can be treated with a cleaning agent
in the event that an additional shaving is technically impossible.

5.4 Welding procedure

5.4.1 Start-up

The start-up of the heated tool between the joining areas must Bild 1. Bead design at heated tool butt welding (principle on example pipe).
be done quickly (start-up time) as otherwise the additional
heating would be uneven and unregulated, see table 2. Pressure controlled joining
5.4.2 Heating up
Alignment is not done. With the joining pressure limitation, the joining pressure must be
kept until the end of the cooling time. The material specific
joining pressures are indicated by the manufacturer.
The heated tool is put in heating up position and the components to
be welded are brought together. The distance of the components to
be welded to the heated tool is usually adjusted with distance bolts. Distance controlled joining
A plasticised zone in the joining are is created during heating up. The
decisive influences are radiation source, radiator temperature,
component material, distance to component, start-up time (see table
The joining distance is calculated starting with the contact of the
parts to be welded. The material specific joining distances are
2), heating up time. indicated by the manufacturer.
The heating up parameters have to be chosen so that a
minimum plasticised zone depending from the material is Distance-/Pressure controlled joining
created without causing a thermal destruction on the surface.

General valid parameters cannot be indicated due to major The joining distance is calculated starting with the contact of the
differences in the reflecting behaviour of different heated tool surface
parts to be welded. After the joining distance is reached the
as well as the variety of influence factors and their combination with
joining pressure is measured. After falling below a limit value it
is changed to joining pressure and kept until the end of the
each other. Experiences have shown that plasticised zone cooling time.
thicknesses of 10 – 20 % result in good welding joint strengths of the
materials welded with this method.
5.4.5 Cooling
In general the welding parameters have to be chosen by the
manufacturer so that the requirements according to DVS 2203-
1 are fulfilled. The cooling process must be done completed whilst maintaining
the complete joining distance/joining pressure. The cooling
5.4.3 Changeover times depend on the wall thickness and are indicated by the
manufacturer. Increased mechanical loads during or directly
after re-clamping are only allowed after corresponding
After the heating up the heated tool is extended and the elongated cooling phase.
components to be welded are joined together quickly until
directly before the contact. The changeover time should be as
short as possible (see table 2) as otherwise the plasticised 5.5 Safety indications
zones would cool down and the welding joint quality would be
influenced negatively.
With the decomposition of fluorpolymers (PVDF, PFA, E-CTFE)
toxic vapours appear. This is the reason why the contact
5.4.4 Joining between the high tempered heated tool and the parts to be
The areas to be welded should meet with a speed of nearly zero. welded has to be avoided. This is also valid for shavings
incurred by planing.
Different bead sizes are created by heat convection and gravity
influence on the total circumference of pipes. In addition, melt
viscosity differences, e. g. existing between pipe and fitting, 6 Testing of welded joints
have an influence to the bead size.

The K-size (distance between the lowest point of the bead notch Non-destructive and destructive tests can be used for testing
(notch ground) and the surface of the component to be welded, welded joints. These methods are listed in table 3. Tests and
picture 1, must be higher than 0.
sampling should be done by spot checks during the welding
works – depending from agreement.

Page 4 to DVS 2207-6

Table 3. Possible test methods for welding connections. 7.2 Technical Codes
Test method Heated tool butt welding DVS 2202-1 Failures on welding connections out of
sheets, pipes, fittings thermoplastics; Features, description,
Visual test DVS 2202-1 DVS 2203 Testing of welded joints out of thermoplastics;
Radiation test Statement about e. g. holes, not about quality -1 – Test methods - Requirements
is possible -2 – Tensile test
Tensile test DVS 2203-2, short-term factor. Factors acc. to -4 – Long-term tensile test
DVS 2203-1, supplement 1, table 1 -5 – Technologic bending test
DVS 2203-4, long-term factor. Factors acc. to DVS 2207 Welding of thermoplastics;
DVS 2203-1, supplement 2, table 1 -11 – Heated tool welding of pipes, pipeline
Technologic DVS 2203-5. components and sheets out of PP
bending test Minimum bending angle acc. to DVS 2203-1, -15 – Heated tool welding of pipes, pipeline
supplement 3, pictures 2 to 4 components and sheets out of PVDF
Minimum bending angle acc. to DVS 2203-1, DVS 2208-1 Welding of thermoplastics; Machines and
supplement 3, pictures 8 to 10 devices for heated tool welding of pipes, pipe-
Long-term Length of each pipe piece acc. to DIN 16963, line components and sheets
internal table 6 DVS 2212-1 Exam of plastic welders; test group I-4 res. I-8
pressure test PVDF acc. to ISO 10931-2, section 7.2, table 5 draft
PP acc. to DIN 16 963-5, table 4, sections EG-machine Technical Code 89/392 (2. revision 91/368/EWG, 3.
revision 93/44) and 6.4
BGV A2 (VBG 4) Electric equipment and production facilities
Not meaningful for long-term welding factor VBG 5 Pressure operated engines
> 0,5 VBG 22 Engines of chemical industry, rubber and
plastics industry
Reliability regulation
7 Standards and Technical Codes

7.1 Standards 8 Explanations

DIN 8077 Pipes out of polypropylene (PP); PP-H
100, PP-B 80, PP-R 80; Dimensions The draft has been established according to the latest state-of-
the-art. It follows to the content of the Technical Codes DVS
DIN 8078 Pipes out of polypropylene (PP); PP-H 2208-1, DVS 2207-11 and 2207-15.
(Type 1), PP-B (Type 2), PP-R (type 3);
General quality requirements, Testing
DIN 16962-5 Pipe joints and pipeline components for Appendix: Indications for machine control
pressure pipelines out of polypropylene
(PP); PP-H (tipo 1), PP-B 80, PP-R 80; – Visual check regarding damages
General quality requirements, Testing
– Operating test
ISO 10931-2 Plastics piping system for industrial
applications – Polyvinylidene fluoride – Control of clamping device according to DVS 2208-1, sections 4.1 and
(PVDF); Pipes 4.2

DIN EN ISO 15013 Extruded sheets out of polypropylene – Control of guiding elements according to DVS 2208-1, sections 4.1 and
(PP); Requirements and test methods; 4.2
Sheet group 1.1 / 2.1 / 3.1
– Control of device for welding joint preparation regarding
DIN EN 292- 1 Safety of machines cutting performance and plane parallelism according to DVS
DIN EN 292- 2 Fundamental terms, general design 2208-1, section 4.1
– Control of heated tool regarding damages, plane parallelism,
DIN EN 60204- 1 Electric equipment of machines easy operation and floating suspension of positioning and
removing res. set down devices according to section 4 and
DIN EN 294 Safety distances against reaching of DVS 2208-1, sections 4.1 and 4.2
dangerous areas
DIN EN 418 Emergency stop – Control of heated tool regarding temperature exactness according to
DIN VDE 0100 Regulations for installation of power
sets with nominal voltages up to 1000 – Check of control and regulation equipment for pressure and
Volt time with minimum and maximum diameter res. with
minimum and maximum sheet thickness and joint length
DIN VDE 0105 Part 1 Regulations for the operation of power according to section 3
sets; General regulations
DIN VDE 281 Part 1 PVC-power lines – Check of scale and display indication with applied pressure on the
joining area by means of load cells at pressure controlled
DIN VDE 0551 Regulation for safety transformers machines. This is done at pipe machines on the smallest,
(German edition of EN 60742) average and largest diameter, each with the highest pressure
DIN VDE 0700 Part 1 Safety of electric equipment for the rating and at sheet machines on the smallest, average and
domestic use and similar purposes; largest sheet thickness and maximum joint length.
General requirements
– Check of the distance measuring system according to manufacturer’s
DIN VDE 0700 Part 30 Mobile electric heating tools indication for distance controlled machines
DIN VDE 0721 Regulations for industrial electro – Check of reliability according to DVS 2208-1, section 2.7
heating equipment – Record of results in the test protocol, see example

Page 5 to DVS 2207-6


Test protocol for heated tool butt welding machines (pipeline components)

Product/Manufacture Type
Machine/Serial number Dimension range*
Heated tool serial number * also valid for required heated tools

Date of last check

Personal safety and reliability Test result Evaluation

Current supply cable incl. plug
Tools and operating devices
Condition and density of the hydraulic system (if existing)
Visual and acoustic control devices
Emergency function (if not existing, input = 0)

Clamping device and guiding elements

Gap measuring Gap difference mm
Condition of clamping elements and surfaces
Condition of guiding elements
Condition of slides

Chip removing tools

Condition of cutting elements
Chip condition Chip thickness mm
Plan parallelism of joining areas after treatment
Condition of joining areas after treatment

Radiant heated tools Preset temperature °C

Plan parallelism Deviation* mm
Temperature distribution Deviation* °C
Temperature exactness Deviation* °C
Surface condition
Operational test (for the indicated dimension range)
Joining pressure control / Joining distance Deviation* %/mm
Reading accuracy joining pressure Deviation* %
(manometric pressure) (if applicable)

Joining pressure build-up time / Joining distance Deviation* %

* (deviation from reference value)

Reference values acc. to DVS

Operation manual (if missing, input = 0)

Evaluation of total condition (for comments about total condition please use supplementary sheet)

Evaluation key for tests and condition Evaluation key for measurements
1 = without claim 1 = within allowed tolerances
2 = minor claim 2 = deviation with minor influence
3 = claim which reduces the use 3 = deviation which reduces the use
4 = further use is not allowed 4 = unacceptable deviation

Date of check: Testing authority with stamp and signature:


Page 6 to DVS 2207-6

Test protocol for heated tool butt welding machines (sheets)

Product/Manufacture Type
Machine/Serial number Dimension range*
Heated tool serial number * also valid for required heated tools

Date of last check

Personal safety and reliability Test result Evaluation

Current supply cable incl. plug
Tools and operating devices
Condition and density of the hydraulic/pneumatic system (if existing)
Visual and acoustic control devices
Emergency function (if not existing, input = 0)

Clamping device and guiding elements

Condition of clamping elements and surfaces
Condition of guiding elements
Condition of slides
Table misalignment mm

Elevating spar
Plan parallelism
Straightness and alignment
Elevation adjustment

Radiant heated tools Preset temperature °C

Plan parallelism Deviation* mm
Elevation adjustment in working position
Temperature distribution Deviation* °C
Temperature exactness regarding set value Deviation* °C
Surface condition
Operational test (for the indicated dimension range)
Joining pressure control / Joining distance Deviation* %/mm
Reading accuracy joining pressure Deviation* %
(manometric pressure) (if applicable)

Joining pressure build-up time / Joining distance Deviation* %

* (deviation from reference value)

Reference values acc. to DVS

Operation manual (if missing, input = 0)

Evaluation of total condition (for comments about total condition please use supplementary sheet)

Evaluation key for tests and condition Evaluation key for measurements
1 = without claim 1 = within allowed tolerances
2 = minor claim 2 = deviation with minor influence
3 = claim which reduces the use 3 = deviation which reduces the use
4 = further use is not allowed 4 = unacceptable deviation

Date of check: Testing authority with stamp and signature:


Protocol form for non-contact heated tool butt welding of sheets Material
Sheet of

Customer Executive company Welding equipment:

Name of order Name of welder Identification no. Label:

Machine No.:
No. of order Name of company of the welding supervisor
Year of construction:
Weld no. Date Sheet Measured Joining Start-up Heating-up Changeover Joining Joining Cooling time Environ- Notes
thickness heated tool pressure time time time pressure distance under joining mental
temperature (machine build-up pressure temperature
table) time
mm C min/max N s s s s mm min C

Welder signature: Date and signature of welding supervisor:

1) controlled by the machine
2) pressure controlled machines: according to the indications of the manufacturer res. from machine tests plus movement press ure res. force

3) distance controlled machines: according to the indications of the manufacturer

4) the measured values have to be entered


Page 8 to DVS 2207-6

Protocol form for non-contact heated tool butt welding of pipes and pipeline aboveground Material Sheet of

components buri ed

Customer Executive company Welding machine: Weather: Precautions:

1 = sunny 1 = none
Label: 2 = dry 2 = umbrella
Name of order Name of welder Ident-no.
Type: 3 = rain or snow 3 = tent
Machine No.: 4 = wind 4 = heating
No. of order Name of company of the welding supervisor Year of construction:
Multiple selections: order as above (e.g. 3 4 = rain and wind)

Weld no. Date Pipe Measured Movement Joining Start-up Heating-up Changeover Joining Joining Cooling time Environ- Key no. Notes
dimension heated tool pressure pressure time time time pressure distance under joining mental
dxs temperature (machine build-up pressure temperature Weather Precautions
table) time
mm C min/max N N s s s s mm min C

Welder signature:: Date and signature of welding supervisor

1) controlled by the machine

2) pressure controlled machines: according to the indications of the manufacturer res. from machine tests plus movement press ure res. force
3) distance controlled machines: according to the indications of the manufacturer
4) the measured values have to be entered
File: D:\Eigene Dateien\Kunden\DVS\Ri+Me\2207\2207-11\englisch\
Erstellt am: 21.09.2008
Zuletzt geändert am: 09.10.2008

December 2008

DVS – DEUTSCHER VERBAND Welding of thermoplastics

FÜR SCHWEISSEN UND Heated tool welding of pipes, piping parts and Technical Code
VERWANDTE VERFAHREN E.V. panels made of PP DVS 2207-11

Translation of the German edition from August 2008

Contents: 2 General requirements

1 Scope of application The quality of the welded joints is dependent on the qualification
2 General requirements of the welders, on the suitability of the utilised machines and jigs
3 Measures before the welding as well as on the compliance with the technical codes for
welding. The weld can be tested using non-destructive and/or
3.1 Prerequisites for the welding
destructive procedures.
3.2 Cleaning
3.2.1 Cleaning agents The welding work must be monitored. The contracting parties
must reach agreement on the type and scope of the monitoring. It
3.2.2 Cleaning of the heated tools
is recommended to document the process data on welding
3.2.3 Cleaning of the joining faces
record sheets (for a specimen, see the appendix) or on data
4 Heated tool butt welding carriers.
4.1 Heated tool butt welding of pipes, piping parts, fittings and
panels Within the framework of the quality assurance, it is recommended
to manufacture and test trial welds in the given working
4.1.1 Process description
conditions before commencing and during the welding work.
the consent of the publisher

4.1.2 Preparation for the welding

4.1.3 Execution of the welding Every welder must be trained and must possess a valid
qualification certificate. The planned area of application may
5 Sleeve welding with an incorporated electric heating
determine the type of the qualification. DVS 2212-1 applies to the
heated tool butt welding of panels as well as to pipeline
5.1 Process description
5.2 Welding device
5.3 Preparation for the welding The machines and jigs used for the welding must comply with the
requirements in DVS 2208-1.
5.4 Execution of the welding

6 Heated tool sleeve welding

Reprinting and copying, even in the form of excerpts, only with

6. 1 Process description 3 Measures before the welding

6. 2 Welding jigs
6. 3 Preparation for the welding 3.1 Prerequisites for the welding
6. 4 Execution of the welding
7 Testing of the welded joints The immediate welding area must be protected from unfavourable
weathering influences (e. g. wind or the action of moisture). If suitable
8 Standards, technical codes and guidelines which are also measures (e. g. preheating, tenting or heating) ensure conditions
applicable permissible for the welding, the work may be carried out at any
9 Explanations outdoor temperature – provided that the dexterity of the welder is not
Appendix: hindered (see the explanations). If necessary, additional evidence
Processing instructions (short versions) must be provided by manufacturing trial welds in the specified
conditions (see Section 7).
Welding record sheets
If the semi-finished product is heated non-uniformly due to solar
radiation, the temperatures must be equalised by covering the area
1 Scope of application of the welding point in good time. It is necessary to avoid any draught-
induced cooling during the welding operation. When pipes are
welded, the pipe ends must be closed in addition.
This technical code applies to the heated tool butt welding of
panels according to DIN EN ISO 15013 and to the heated tool PP pipes from the ring coil are oval and curved immediately after
butt welding, heated tool sleeve welding and sleeve welding the unrolling. The pipe end to be welded must be straightened
with an incorporated electric heating element of pipes and before the welding, e. g. by means of careful heating-up with the
fittings which are made of PP-H, PP-B and PP-R aid of a hot gas device and/or using a suitable clamping or round
polypropylenes according to DIN 8077, DIN 8078 and DIN pressing jig.
16962 and serve to transport gases, liquids and solids.
The joining faces of the parts to be welded must not be damaged
Paying attention to the following instructions, it may be assumed that and must be free from contaminations (e. g. dirt, grease and
1) chips).
a melt flow rate MFR 190/5 of 0.4 - 1.0 g/10 min is suitable. This
range roughly corresponds to the melt flow rate MFR 230/ 2.16 of 0.2
- 0.6 g/10 min. 3.2 Cleaning

In the case of deviating melt flow rates, the proof of suitability For the manufacture of flawless welded joints, it is decisively
must be provided in the tensile creep test according to DVS important that not only the joining faces but also the tools and
2203-4 or Supplement 1. the heated tools are clean and free from grease.

old designation MFI = melt flow index

This publication has been drawn up by a group of experienced specialists working in an honorary capacity and its consideratio n as an important source of information is
recommended. The user should always check to what extent the contents are applicable to his particular case and whether the version on hand is still valid. No liability can
be accepted by the Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e.V., and those participating in the drawing up of the document.

DVS, Technical Committee, Working Group "Joining of Plastics"

Orders to: DVS Media GmbH, P. O. Box 10 19 65, 40010 Düsseldorf, Germany, Phone: + 49(0)211/1591- 0, Telefax: + 49(0)211/1591-150

Page 2 to DVS 2207-11

3.2.1 Cleaning agents 4.1.2 Preparation for the welding

The cleaning fluid or cloths which have already been moistened with The heated tool temperature necessary for the welding must be
it in the factory and are kept in a lockable plastic box must consist of checked before the beginning of the welding work. This is
a solvent with 100% vaporisation, e. g. of 99 parts ethanol with a carried out, for example, with a quick-display temperature
degree of purity of 99.8% and one part MEK (methyl ethyl ketone, gauge for surface measurements with a contact area > 10 mm.
denaturation). Agents tested according to DVGW VP 603 comply with The control measurement must be taken within the heated tool
this stipulation. The use of spirit may lead to a quality reduction area corresponding to the semi-finished product. So that a
because of the water contained in it. thermal equilibrium can occur, the heated tool may be used, at
the earliest, ten minutes after the nominal temperature has been
The paper for the cleaning must be clean, unused, absorbent, non-fraying reached.
and undyed. Ensure subsequent extraction.
For optimum welds, it is necessary to clean the heated tool
3.2.2 Cleaning of the heated tools according to Section 3.2.2 before every welding operation. The
anti-adhesive coating or covering of the heated tool must be
The heated tools must be cleaned with paper before every undamaged in the working area.
welding operation. No residues of cleaning agents or paper may
remain on the heated tool.
The respective joining forces or joining pressures must be
3.2.3 Cleaning of the joining faces stipulated for the machines to be used. These may refer, for
example, to information from the manufacturer or to calculated
Before the chip-producing machining of the joining faces, it must be or measured values. In the case of pipe welding, it is also
ensured that the utilised tools and the workpieces are clean and free necessary to read the movement force or movement pressure
from grease beyond the welding area. If necessary, the cleaning must arising during slow movement of the workpiece off the display
be carried out with a cleaning agent. instrument of the welding machine and to add this to the
previously determined joining force or to the joining pressure.
The joining faces must be machined immediately before the beginning of Preference should be given to electronically controlled
the welding. machines – if at all possible, with recording.
Any chips must be removed without touching the joining faces.
The nominal wall thicknesses of the parts to be welded must match in the
joining region.
If the surface is soiled after the chip-producing machining (e. g.
because of contact with the welder's hands), the welding faces
must be treated with a cleaning agent if an additional chip- Pipes and fittings must be aligned axially before they are
producing machining operation is not possible for process- clamped in the welding machine. The easy longitudinal mobility
of the part to be welded on must be ensured, for example, using
related reasons. adjustable dollies or a swinging suspension.

4 Heated tool butt welding Immediately before the welding, the faces to be joined must be
subjected to chip-producing machining with a clean and grease-
free tool so that they have parallel faces in the clamped
4.1 Heated tool butt welding of pipes, piping parts, fittings and panels condition. The permissible gap widths under the alignment
pressure are shown in Table 1.
4.1.1 Process description
Table 1. Maximum gap widths between the machined welding faces.
During heated tool butt welding, the joining faces of the parts to
be welded are aligned to the heated tool under pressure Pipe outside diameter d Gap width Panel width
(alignment), are subsequently heated up to the welding mm mm mm
temperature at a reduced pressure (heating-up) and, when the
heated tool has been removed (changeover), are joined ≤ 355 0.5
together under pressure (joining). Figure 1 shows the principle 400 ... < 630 1.0 ≤ 1,500
of the process.
630 ... < 800 1.3 > 1,500 ≤ 2,000
800 ... ≤ 1,000 1.5 > 2,000 ≤ 2,300
> 1,000 2.0 > 2,300 ≤ 3,000

The misalignment must be checked at the same time as the gap

width. The misalignment of the joining faces in relation to each
other must not exceed the permissible dimension of 0.1 x wall
pipe heated tool pipe thickness on the outside of the pipe or on the panel. A larger
misalignment results in a reduction in quality which restricts the
heating-up load-bearing capacity of the joint. In this case, an evaluation
may be carried out according to the DVS 2202-1 technical code
taking account of the requirements on the joint.

The machined welding faces must not be either soiled or

touched by the welder's hands since another chip-producing
machining operation would otherwise be necessary. An
additional cleaning operation is not required and does not give
rise to any improvement in quality. Any chips which have fallen
into the pipe must be removed.
welding joint
4.1.3 Execution of the welding

In the case of heated tool butt welding, the faces to be joined

are heated up to the welding temperature using a heated tool
and, when the heated tool has been removed, are joined
together under pressure. The heated tool temperature is 210 ±
10°C. In principle, it is necessary to strive for the upper
temperature with lower wall thicknesses and for the lower
Figure 1. Principle of heated tool butt welding using the example of pipes. temperature with higher wall thicknesses. The step-by-step
sequence of the welding operation is illustrated on Figure 2.

Page 3 to DVS 2207-11

pressure possible, with a linear rise. The times necessary for this purpose
are shown in Table 2, Column 5. The joining pressure is 0.10 ±
joining pressure 0.01 N/mm².
alignment pressure
A mechanical load on the joint is permissible, at the earliest,
after the end of the cooling process. For this purpose, the full
heating-up joining pressure must be maintained during the cooling time at
pressure the ambient temperature (see Table 2, Column 5).
Subject to the following prerequisites, it is permitted to shorten the

heating-up cooling time by as much as 50%, i. e. joining pressure relief and
time cooling time removal of the welded part from the welding machine:

alignment joining pressure build-up time – the joint is manufactured in workshop conditions,
total joining time
– the removal from the welding machine and the temporary storage cause
total welding time only a slight load on the joint and
– the joining parts have wall thicknesses ≥ 15 mm.
Figure 2. Process steps in heated tool butt welding.
Further processing with a full mechanical load on the joint may
Alignment only take place after complete cooling according to Table 2,
Column 5.
In this respect, the joining faces to be welded are pressed on to A uniform double bead must exist after the joining. The bead
the heated tool until the entire faces are in contact with the
formation provides orientation with regard to the uniformity of the
heated tool with parallel faces. This can be recognised by the welds with each other. Different bead formations may be caused by
formation of the beads. The alignment is finished when the bead the various types of flow behaviour of the joined materials. The
heights around the entire pipe circumference or on the entire top weldability may be assumed from the experience with the
side of the plate have reached the values specified in Table 2, commercially available semi-finished PP products in the specified
Column 2. The bead heights are regarded as an indicator that MFR range, even if this may lead to asymmetric welding beads. K
the whole area of the joining faces is in contact with the heated must always be > 0 (see Figure 3).
tool. The alignment pressure of 0.10 N/mm² is effective
throughout the alignment operation.

For the heating-up, the faces must be in contact with the heated
tool at a low pressure. To this end, the pressure is reduced to
nearly zero (≤ 0.01 N/mm²). During the heating-up, the heat
penetrates into the faces to be welded and heats these up to the
welding temperature. The heating-up times are shown in Table
2, Column 3.

After the heating-up, the joining faces must be detached from the
heated tool which must be taken out without damaging or soiling the
heated joining faces. The joining faces must then be moved together
quickly until they almost touch. The changeover time should be kept
as short as possible (see Table 2, Column 4) since the plastified faces
would otherwise cool down. This would exert a detrimental influence
on the weld quality. Figure 3. Bead formation in the case of heated tool butt welding (principle using
the example of a pipe).
The faces to be welded should come into contact at a speed of nearly For a short version of the processing instructions, see the appendix.
zero. The required joining pressure is applied, if at all

Table 2. Guide values for the heated tool butt welding of pipes, fittings and panels made of PP at an outdoor temperature of approx. 20°C with moderate air movement
(intermediate values must be interpolated).

1 2 3 4 5
Alignment Heating-up Changeover Joining
Heated tool temperature 210 ± 10°C
Nominal wall Changeover Joining Cooling time under
Bead height at the heated tool time pressure joining pressure
thickness s
at the end of the alignment time (Heating-up (maximum build-up (minimum values)
(minimum values) p = 0.01 N/mm2) time) time p = 0,10 0,01 N/mm²
(alineación p = 0,10 N/mm2)
mm mm s s s min
Up to 4.5 0.5 up to 135 5 6 6
4.5 ... 7 0.5 135 ... 175 5 ... 6 6 .. 7 6 ...12
7 ... 12 1.0 175 ... 245 6 ... 7 7 .. 11 12 ... 20
12 ... 19 1.0 245 ... 330 7 ... 9 11 ... 17 20 ... 30
19 ... 26 1.5 330 ... 400 9 ... 11 17 ... 22 30 ... 40
26 ... 37 2.0 400 ... 485 11 ... 14 22 ... 32 40 ... 55
37 ... 50 2.5 485 ... 560 14 ... 17 32 ... 43 55 ... 70

Page 4 to DVS 2207-11

5 Sleeve welding with an incorporated electric heating element The out-of-roundness of the pipe must not exceed 1.5% of the
outside diameter, max. 3 mm, in the welding area.
Corresponding round pressing clamps must be used if
5.1 Process description necessary.

The joining faces (i.e. the surface of the pipe and the inside of the In the area of the welding zone, the complete surface of the pipe or
fitting) overlap, are heated up to the welding temperature by electrical of the pipe spigot on the fitting must be subjected to chip-producing
energy with the aid of resistance wires positioned in the fitting (heater machining. A rotating peeling device with constant wall thickness
spiral) and are welded in this way (see Figure 4).
removal of approx. 0.2 mm should be used. Attention must be paid to
machined the formation of a small annular gap!
joining faces
The pipe end must be deburred on the inside and outside. Chips must be
removed without touching the joining face.

The fitting may only be removed from the protective packaging immediately
before the assembly.
fitting pipe
depth If the machined pipe surface is contaminated after the chip-
producing machining, this must be cleaned according to Section
3.2.3. In this respect, it must be ensured that no contamination
is rubbed into the welding zone. The joining face of the fitting
must be cleaned according to Section 3.2.3.

It must be possible to check the insert depth of the pipe either

with a mark to be applied or using a suitable jig. The fitting must
not be tilted or pushed on to the pipe end with force (low-stress
joining plane assembly). The saddle piece must be tightly clamped on the
pipe with the aid of a suitable jig according to the information
from the manufacturer.
Figure 4. Sleeve welding with an incorporated electric heating element
The contact bushes for the connection of the welding cable must be easily
5.2 Welding device

It is only allowed to use welding devices which are adapted to The fitting and the pipe must be at the same temperature level
the parts to be welded. Preference should be given to automatic before the welding. In the case of welding devices with
welding devices – if at all possible, with recording. The welding automatic temperature compensation, it must be ensured that
device must supply the welding parameters required for the the recorded ambient temperature corresponds to the conditions
fitting to be welded in each case, e. g. welding time, amperage at the location of the welding. If necessary, the welding device
and voltage. The device must be switched off automatically as as well as the pipe and the fitting must be protected from (for
example) direct solar radiation.
soon as the necessary heat quantity has been supplied to the
welding zone.
5.4 Execution of the welding
5.3 Preparation for the welding
The correct insert depth must be checked on the basis of the
For the manufacture of flawless welded joints, decisive mark. If necessary, suitable measures or jigs must be used in
significance is attached to clean surfaces and to stress-free order to prevent any changes in the positions of the components
installation. The assembly of fittings is facilitated by the to be welded.
selection of pipes with restricted diameter tolerances according
to DIN 8077.
Cables serve to connect the welding device with the fitting to be
For axial pipe joints, the pipes must, if necessary, be cut off at a right welded. The welding cables must be attached in a weight-relieved
angle with a suitable tool. In the case of conical collapsing of the cut form. The contact faces must be clean. As a rule, the welding device
edge of the pipe, the unmachined pipe must exhibit the nominal acquires the fitting data required for the welding by reading in a
diameter d at the planned insert depth, at least in the region of the component-specific bar code. The displayed data (e. g. dimensions)
heater spiral (Figure 5). If necessary, the pipe end must be shortened must coincide with the component data. After the welding operation
correspondingly immediately before the welding. has started, this proceeds automatically. The welding duration is
usually displayed by the welding device. Just like the other data
displayed by the device, it must also be indicated on the welding
record sheet unless the data is stored.

Pay attention to error messages! For example if the power supply is

interrupted, a prematurely terminated welding operation can be
repeated on one occasion in so far as there are no defects on the
fitting or on the welding device (error message) and the fitting
still allowed wrong manufacturer permits this. It is necessary to wait for the entire cooling
time before carrying out the welding once again.

The cables can be removed when the device has been switched off.
If there are any welding indicators on the fitting, these must be
checked. The joint may only be moved after the cooling. Information
about this is provided by the fitting manufacturer.

heater heater
If the manufacturer provides any information about additional
spiral spiral cooling times (e. g. until the pressure test), attention must be
zone zone paid to this.

For a short version of the processing instructions, see the appendix.

Figure 5. Conical collapsing of the pipe end.

Page 5 to DVS 2207-11

6 Heated tool sleeve welding

6.1 Process description

In the case of heated tool sleeve welding (see Figure 6), the pipe
and the fitting are welded in an overlap. The pipe end and the
fitting are heated up to the welding temperature with the aid of
sleeve-shaped and spigot-shaped heated tools and are
subsequently welded.

The heated tools and the fittings are dimensionally coordinated

in such a way that a joining pressures builds up during the
joining. Heated-tool-sleeve-welded joints with a pipe diameter
up to 50 mm can be executed manually. In the case of diameters
as from 63 mm, the level of the joining force necessitates the
use of a welding jig. Figure 7. Bevelling of the pipe end.
preparation heated tool
Table 3. Dimensions for the pipe bevel and the insert depth.

Pipe outside diameter d Pipe bevel b Insert depth l

[mm] [mm] [mm]
16 13
20 14
25 16
heated spigot 2
fitting heated sleeve pipe 32 18
40 20
50 23
63 27
75 31
90 3 35
110 41
welded joint
125 46

Before the beginning of the welding, the welding temperature of

250 - 270°C at the heated tools must be checked according to
Section 4.1.2.

The heated bush and the heated spigot must be free from
Figure 6. Heated tool sleeve welding (principle). contaminations and must be cleaned according to Section 3.2.2
before every welding operation. The anti-adhesive coating of
6.2 Welding jigs the heated spigot and the heated bush must be undamaged in
the welding area.
The heated tools are heated electrically and are coated anti-adhesively.
6.4 Execution of the welding
6.3 Preparation for the welding
For the heating-up, the fitting and the pipe are quickly and axially
pushed on to the tools attached to the heated tool as far as the stop
The fitting must be cleaned on the inside and the pipe on the outside in the case of machine welding or as far as the mark in the case of
according to Section 3.2. The joining faces of the parts to be welded manual welding and are fixed. It is imperative to prevent the front face
must be machined immediately before the beginning of the welding. of the pipe from bumping into the end of the heated bush. The
The pipe end must be bevelled according to Figure 7 and Table 3. heating-up time according to the time indicated in Table 4, Column 2
The joining face of the pipe must be machined according to the begins thereafter.
information from the fitting supplier. In the case of manual welds, the
insert depth must then be marked on the pipe end at the distance l
When the heating-up time has elapsed, the fitting and the pipe must
according to Table 3. be pulled off the heated tools with a jolt and must be pushed together
immediately as far as the stop or the mark without any twisting (max.
changeover time: see Table 4, Column 3).

In the case of manual welding, the joined parts must be kept in a fixed
position according to the time indicated in Table 4, Column
4. The joint may only be subjected to the stresses of the further
laying work when the cooling time (Table 4, Column 5) has

Page 6 to DVS 2207-11

Table 4. Guide values for the heated tool sleeve welding of pipes and fittings made of PP at an outdoor temperature of 20°C with moderate air movement.

1 2 3 4 5
Heating-up Changeover Cooling
Heated tool temperature 250 - 270°C
Pipe outside
Changeover time Cooling time
diameter d
Heating-up time for Heating-up time for
(maximum time)
SDR2) 11, SDR 7.4 and SDR 66 SDR2) 17 and SDR 17.6 Fixed Total
mm s s s s min
5 6
20 4 2
25 7
32 8
40 12 6 4
50 18
63 24 10
75 30 15 8 6
90 40 22 40
110 50 30 50
10 8
125 60 35 60
Because the wall thickness is too low, the welding process is not recommendable.
Standard Dimension Ratio ~ d/s (ratio of the outside diameter to the wall thickness).

For a short version of the processing instructions, see the appendix.

7 Testing of the welded joints

Various test procedures are applied for the individual welding

processes. A distinction is made between non-destructive and
destructive test procedures. They are listed in Table 5.
Depending on the agreement, checking and sampling operations
should be carried out on a random basis during the welding work.

Table 5. Test procedures for welded joints.

Sleeve welding with an incorpo-

Heated tool butt welding Heated tool sleeve welding
Test procedure rated electric heating element
Panels, pipes and fittings Pipes and fittings

DVS 2202-1 DVS 2202-1

DVS 2202-1 Table 3 Table 2
Visual inspecti on
Table 1 The machining of the pipe surface must be visible beyond the
welding area.
Radiographic and
Applicable. Statement possible, for example, about voids, not about quality.
ultrasonic tests

DVS 2203-2
Tensile test Short-time tensile welding factor Not applicable
DVS 2203-1, Supplement 1

DVS 2203-4
Tensile creep test Tensile creep welding factor DVS 2203-4, Supplement 1
DVS 2203-1, Supplement 2
DVS 2203-5
Minimum bending angle according to
Technological DVS 2203-1, Supplement 3, Figs. 2 and 3 Not applicable
bending test
Minimum bending path according to
DVS 2203-1, Supplement 3, Figs. 8 and 9
DIN 16962-5, Section
Length of each pipe piece according to
Internal pressure Table 5 DIN 16962-5, Sections and 4.2 at 95°C
creep test
Not meaningful for long-time welding
factor > 0.5.

Page 7 to DVS 2207-11

Sleeve welding with an incorpo-

Heated tool butt welding Heated tool sleeve welding
Test procedure rated electric heating element
Panels, pipes and fittings Pipes and fittings

DVS 2203-6, Supplement 1

Torsion shear test Not applicable
Also as a site test for pipe wall thicknesses ≥ 4 mm.

DVS 2203-6, Supplement 1

Radial peeling test Not applicable
Site test for pipe wall thicknesses ≥ 4 mm

DIN EN 12814-4, Section 8

Compression test Not applicable
Also suitable as a site test

Peel decohesion Not applicable

Not applicable DIN EN 12814-4, Section 7

8 Standards, technical codes and guidelines which are also 9 Explanations


DIN 8077 Pipes made of polypropylene (PP); PP-H, The technical code was adjusted to the state of the art with
regard to improved cleaning agents and to the development of
PP-B, PP-R and PP-RCT; dimensions larger piping parts. Non-contact heated tool welding is dealt with
DIN 8078 Pipes made of polypropylene (PP); PP-H, in DVS 2207-6.
PP-B, PP-R and PP-RCT; general quality
requirements and testing The welding of thermoplastics at ambient temperatures < 5°C is
generally considered to be problematical. This relates not so much to
DIN EN 12814-4 Testing of welded joints between thermo- the material-specific properties of the plastic but, to a greater extent,
plastics; Part 4: Peeling test to the restricted dexterity of the welder. Therefore, the prerequisite
DIN EN ISO 15013 Extruded panels made of polypropylene for open-air welding at any outdoor temperatures is an environment
(PP); requirements and test procedures which enables the welding personnel to perform the individual work
steps without any quality-reducing influences. In this respect, it is
DIN EN ISO15494 Plastic piping systems for industrial appli- necessary to pay attention to the information from the manufacturers
cations; polybutene (PB), polyethylene and to the dew point curve. The parts to be joined must exhibit an
(PE) and polypropylene (PP); requirements identical temperature level. Trial welds must be produced and tested.
on piping parts and on the piping system;
metric series With regard to the condition of the pipe end, it must be ensured
DIN 16962 Pipe joints and piping parts for pressure that, within the framework of the welding preparations, any white
piping made of polypropylene (PP) frost, ice and moisture are removed from the area of the joining
zone (≥ 0.5 x fitting length) by supplying heat (e. g. hot gas
DVGW VP 603 Test basis for cleaning agents and their re- device). Fittings must be stored in closed, frost-free rooms and
ceptacles for the preparation of welded may only be transported to the welding location in the number
joints between polyethylene pipes required in each case.
DVS 2202-1 Defects in welded joints between thermo-
plastics; characteristics, description and At present, a qualitative evaluation of sleeve-welded joints in the
internal pressure creep test is possible to an inadequate extent
evaluation only. In conjunction with the tensile creep test, an initial
DVS 2203-1 Testing of welded joints between thermo- approach is included in DVS 2203-6, Supplement 1 and in DVS
plastics; test procedures – requirements 2207-15, for explanations for Section 6.
Supplement 1 Requirements in the tensile test
Supplement 2 Requirements in the tensile creep test
Supplement 3 Requirements in the technological bending
test, bending angle / bending path
DVS 2203-2 -, tensile test
DVS 2203-4 -, tensile creep test
DVS 2203-4, -, tensile creep test; testing of sleeve-weld-
Supplement 1 ed joints between pipes
DVS 2203-5 Technological bending test
DVS 2203-6, Testing of joints between polymer materi-
Supplement 1 als; torsion shear and radial peeling tests
for joints manufactured by means of sleeve
welding with an incorporated electric heat-
ing element and heated tool sleeve welding
DVS 2208-1 Welding of thermoplastics; machines and
devices for the heated tool welding of
pipes, piping parts and panels
DVS 2212-1 Qualification testing of plastics welders;
Qualification Test Groups I and II
DVS 2207-15 Welding of thermoplastics; heated tool
welding of pipes, piping parts and panels
made of PVDF
Betr.Sich.V Operational Safety Ordinance

Page 8 to DVS 2207-11

Appendix: Processing instructions (short versions)

Re. 4.1 Heated tool butt welding of pipes, piping parts, 4. Guarantee the roundness of the pipes using round pressing clamps,
fittings and panels permissible out-of-roundness: ≤ 1.5%, max. 3 mm.
Processing instructions (short version) 5. Clean the joining faces beyond the welding area with a
1. Create permissible working conditions, e. g. welding tent. cleaning agent according to Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.3 with
unused, absorbent, non-fraying and non-dyed paper.
2. Connect the welding device to the mains or to the alternating current Machine the pipe surface in the welding area, if at all
generator and check its function. possible with a rotating peeling device and wall thickness
3. Align and clamp the parts to be welded, e. g. with dollies. removal of approx. 0.2 mm. Remove the chips without
touching the pipe surface.
4. Close the pipe ends against draughts.
6. Clean the machined pipe surface (in so far as it is
5. Clean the joining faces beyond the welding area with a contaminated subsequently) and, if necessary, also the
cleaning agent according to Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.3 with
unused, absorbent, non-fraying and non-dyed paper. inside of the fitting according to the information from the
manufacturer with a cleaning agent according to Sections
Machine the joining faces, in the case of pipes using a plane (for 3.2.1 and 3.2.3 with unused, absorbent, non-fraying and
example). non-dyed paper and ensure extraction.
6. Take out the plane in the case of a pipe welding machine.
7. Push the pipes into the fitting and check the insert depth
7. Remove the chips from the welding area without touching the joining with a mark or using a suitable jig. Prevent any change in
faces. the position of the pipe.
8. Check the plane parallelism by moving the joining faces together 8. Connect the cables to the fitting in a weight-relieved form.
(max. gap width according to Table 1).
9. Check the misalignment (max. 0.1 x wall thickness). 9. Input the welding data (e. g. using a bar code reading pen),
check the displays on the device and start the welding
10. Check the heated tool temperature (210 ± 10°C). process.

11. Clean the heated tool with a cleaning agent according to 10. Check the correct welding sequence on the welding device
Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 with unused, absorbent, non- (e. g. by checking the display and, if present, the welding
fraying and non-dyed paper and ensure extraction. indicators). Pay attention to error messages.
12. Determine the movement pressure or the movement force 11. Detach the cables from the fitting.
before every welding operation and make a note of it on the
welding record sheet. 12. Unclamping of the welded parts when the cooling time
according to the information from the manufacturer has
13. Determine the setting values for the alignment, heating-up and elapsed. Remove the utilised holding jigs.
joining pressures.
14. Stipulate the guide values according to Table 2. 13. Complete the welding record sheet unless there was any automatic
15. Move the heated tool into the welding position.
Re. 6 Heated tool sleeve welding
16. Align the faces to the heated tool until a bead arises (according to
Table 2, Column 2). Processing instructions (short version)
17. Heating-up at a reduced pressure ≤ 0.01 N/mm², heating-up time 1. Create permissible working conditions, e. g. welding tent.
according to Table 2, Column 3.
2. Connect the welding device to the mains or to the alternating current
18. At the end of the heating-up, detach the joining faces to be generator and check its function.
welded from the heated tool and move this out of the
welding position. 3. Clean the heated tools with a cleaning agent according to
Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.3 with unused, absorbent, non-
19. Within the changeover time (Table 2, Column 4), quickly move fraying and non-dyed paper.
together the faces to be welded until they almost touch. The 4. Check the welding temperature (250 - 270°C).
faces must come into contact at a speed of nearly zero.
Immediately afterwards, build up the joining pressure with a
linear rise in the build-up time (Table 2, Column 5). 5. Clean all the non-machined joining faces with a cleaning
agent according to Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.3 with unused,
20. A bead must exist after the joining at a pressure of absorbent, non-fraying and non-dyed paper and ensure
0.10 N/mm². According to Figure 4, K must be > 0 at every point.
6. Bevel the pipe end cut off at a right angle according to Figure 7
21. Cooling under the joining pressure according to Table 2, Column 5. and Table 3 or machine it according to the information from the
fitting manufacturer. If necessary, mark the insert depth.

22. Unclamping of the welded parts when the cooling time has 7. Simultaneously push the fitting and the pipe on to the heated
elapsed. In the case of workshop work, see the joining in spigot or into the heated bush as far as the stop or the mark. Do
Section 4.1.3. not bump the pipe end into the end of the heated bush.
23. Complete the welding record sheet.
8. Comply with the heating-up time according to Table 4, Column 2.

Re. 5 Sleeve welding with an incorporated electric

heating element 9. Pull the fitting and the pipe off the heated tools with a jolt,
immediately push them together as far as the mark or the
Processing instructions (short version) stop (for max. changeover time: see Table 4, Column 3) and
1. Create permissible working conditions, e. g. welding tent. fix them in this position (see Table 4, Column 4).

2. Connect the welding device to the mains or to the alternating current 10. Let the joint cool down. Only subject the welded joint to
generator and check its function. mechanical loads when the cooling time according to Table
4, Column 5 has elapsed.
3. Deburr the outside of the pipe end cut off at a right angle. 11. Complete the welding record sheet
In the case of excessively pronounced collapsing of the
pipe end, shorten the pipe. See Figure 5.

Welding record sheet for the heated tool welding above ground Material Page of

of pipes underground
Constructor Executing company Welding device: Weather conditions: Protection mesures:

1 = sun 1 = none

Order description Name of welder ID-No. Manufacturer: 2 = dry 2 = umbrella

Type: 3 = rain or snow 3 = tent

No. of Order Name and company of welding supervisor Machine-No.: 4 = wind 4 = heating

Year built: I several Conditions apply, order of numbers as above

(e. g. 34 = rain and wind)

Seam Date Pipe Measured heating- Moving Joining Parameters Heating-up Changeover Joining Cooling time Ambient Key-number
dim ens ion
No. temperature pressure pressure Alignment Heating up Joining time time pressure under joining temperature weather protection
øds (Mac hine t able ) built- up ti me press ure

min max
[mm] [ C] [ C] [bar] [bar] [bar] [bar] [bar] [s] [s] [s] [min] [ C]

Welder signature: Date and signature of welding supervisor:

Page 9 to DVS 2207-11

From control-interval, frequency see section 4.2.
Values from manufacturer of welding machine or from machine-check plus moving pressure.
Insert measured values.

Wel ding r ec ord sheet for heated tool butt wel ding of panels Material Sheet of

Building sponsor Executing company Welding device:

Order (description) Name of wel der ID-number Manufacturer:

Number of order Name and company of supervisor Number of machine:

Year of building:

Seam Date Thickness Measured Reference values Heating-up Changeover Joining Cooling time Temperature Comments
number of sheet heated tool time time pressure under joining of environment
temperature Alignment Heating-up Joining build-up time pressure
[mm] [ C] min/max [bar] [bar] [bar] [s] [s] [s] [s] [ C]

Signature of welder: Date and signature of supervisor:

From control-interval, frequence see chapt. 4.2.

Values from manufacturer of welding machine or from machine-check.
Measured values.
Welding record sheet for electrofusion welding above ground Material Page of
o underground
of pipes and fittings
Building sponsor Executing company Welding device: Weather conditions Protection

1 = sun 1 = none

Order (description) Name of welder ID-number Manufacturer: 2 = dry 2 = umbrella

Type: 3 = rain or snow 3 = tent

Number of order Name and company of supervisor Number of machine: 4 = wind 4 = heating

Year built: If more than one condition applies order of numbers as above
(e. g. 34 = rain and wind)

Seam Date Pipe Fitting data Adjustment of device Resistance Induced Welding time Temperature Key-number Operating conditions
number demension of fitting voltage of
øds Un B Serial manual automatic Joining Cooling environment Weather Protection Line- Gene-
[mm] number [Ohm] [Volt] [s] [s] [ C] powered rator

Signature of welder: Date and signature of supervisor:

Page 11 to DVS 2207-11

Values on agreement. A = Manufacturers sign B = Fitting identification
Measured values. 1 = Socket 2 = Elbow 3 = Tee 4 = Reducer
5 = Saddle 6 = Cap 7 = Transition piece

o above ground
Weld in g reco rd sh eet for h eate d too l sock et we ld ing Material Page of

o underground
of pipes and fittings

Building sponsor Executing company Welding device: Weather conditions Protection

1 = sun 1 = none

Order (description) Name of welder ID-number Manufacturer: 2 = dry 2 = umbrella

Type: 3 = rain or snow 3 = tent

Number of order Name and company of supervisor Number of machine: 4 = wind 4 = heating

Year built: If more than one condition applies order of number as above
(e. g. 34 = rain and wind)

Seam Date Pipe Fitting data Measured Heating Changeover Cooling time Temperature Key-number Comments
number dimension heated tool time time of
øds Un B Serial temperature fixed total environment Weather Protection
number (spigot/socket)
[mm] [ C] [s] [s] [s] [min] [ C]

Signature of welder: Date and signature of supervisor:

Values on agreement. A = Manufacturers sign B = Fitting identification

Measured values. 1 = Socket 2 = Elbow 3 = Tee 4 = Reducer
5 = Saddle 6 = Cap 7 = Transition piece
File: D:\Eigene Dateien\Kunden\DVS\Ri+Me\2207\2207-12\
Erstellt am: 15.10.2008
Zuletzt geändert am: 16.10.2008

January 2009

DVS – DEUTSCHER VERBAND Welding of thermoplastics

FÜR SCHWEISSEN UND Heated tool welding of pipes, piping parts Technical Code
VERWANDTE VERFAHREN E.V. and panels made of PVC-U DVS 2207-12

Translation of the German edition from December 2006

Contents: heated tool butt welding of panels as well as to pipeline

1 Scope of application
The machines and jigs used for the welding must comply with the
2 General requirements
requirements in DVS 2208-1.
3 Measures before the welding
3.1 Prerequisites for the welding
3.2 Cleaning 3 Measures before the welding
3.2.1 Cleaning agents
3.2.2 Cleaning of the heated tools 3.1 Prerequisites for the welding
3.2.3 Cleaning of the joining faces
4 Heated tool butt welding of pipes, piping parts, fittings and The immediate welding area must be protected from
panels unfavourable weathering influences (e. g. wind or the action of
4.1 Process description moisture). If suitable measures (e. g. preheating, tenting or
4.2 Preparation for the welding heating) ensure conditions permissible for the welding, the work
4.3 Execution of the welding may be carried out at any outdoor temperature – provided that
the dexterity of the welder is not hindered (see the explanations).
Reprinting and copying, even in the form of excerpts, only with the consent of the publisher

5 Testing of the welded joints

6 Standards, technical codes and guidelines which are also If necessary, additional evidence must be provided by manufacturing
applicable trial welds in the specified conditions (see Section 5).
7 Explanations If the semi-finished product is heated non-uniformly due to solar
Appendix: Processing instructions (short versions) radiation, the temperatures must be equalised by covering the
Welding record sheets area of the welding point in good time. It is necessary to avoid
any draught-induced cooling during the welding operation. When
1 Scope of application pipes are welded, the pipe ends must be closed in addition.
The joining faces of the parts to be welded must not be damaged
This technical code applies to the heated tool butt welding of and must be free from contaminations (e. g. dirt, grease and
panels according to DIN EN ISO 1163-1 for the fabrication of chips).
tanks and construction elements as well as of pipes and fittings
which are made of PVC-U and serve to transport gases, liquids 3.2 Cleaning
and solids.
For the manufacture of flawless welded joints, it is decisively
Paying attention to the following instructions and on the basis of important that not only the joining faces but also the tools and the
the practical experience, it may be assumed that panels heated tools are clean and free from grease.
according to ISO 11833-1, Group 2 and DIN 16927 as well as
pipes and fittings according to DIN 8061 and DIN 8062 are 3.2.1 Cleaning agents
suitable. If necessary, reference may be made to the data sheets
The cleaning fluid or cloths which have already been moistened
of the suppliers of the semi-finished products – in cases of doubt,
with it in the factory and are kept in a lockable plastic box must
Works Certificate 2.1 according to DIN EN 10204.
consist of a solvent with 100 % vaporisation, e. g. of 99 parts
ethanol with a degree of purity of 99.8 % and one part MEK
2 General requirements (methyl ethyl ketone, denaturation). Agents tested according to
DVGW VP 603 comply with this stipulation. The use of spirit may
The quality of the welded joints is dependent on the qualification lead to a quality reduction because of the water contained in it.
of the welders, on the suitability of the utilised machines and jigs
The paper for the cleaning must be clean, unused, absorbent,
as well as on the compliance with the technical codes for
non-fraying and undyed.
welding. The weld can be tested using non-destructive and/or
destructive procedures. 3.2.2 Cleaning of the heated tools
The welding work must be monitored. The contracting parties
The heated tools must be cleaned with a cleaning cloth or paper
must reach agreement on the type and scope of the monitoring. It
before every welding operation. No residues of cleaning agents
is recommended to document the process data on welding
or paper may remain on the heated tool. Ensure subsequent
record sheets (for a specimen, see the appendix) or on data

Within the framework of the quality assurance, it is recommended 3.2.3 Cleaning of the joining faces
to manufacture and test trial welds in the given working
Before the chip-producing machining of the joining faces, it must
conditions before commencing and during the welding work.
be ensured that the utilised tools and the workpieces are clean
Every welder must be trained and must possess a valid and free from grease beyond the welding area. If necessary, the
qualification certificate. The planned area of application may cleaning must be carried out with a cleaning agent. Ensure
determine the type of the qualification. DVS 2212-1 applies to the subsequent extraction.

This publication has been drawn up by a group of experienced specialists working in an honorary capacity and its consideratio n as an important source of information is
recommended. The user should always check to what extent the contents are applicable to his particular case and whether the version on hand is still valid. No liability can
be accepted by the Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e.V., and those participating in the drawing up of the document.

DVS, Technical Committee, Working Group "Joining of Plastics"

Orders to: DVS Media GmbH, P. O. Box 10 19 65, 40010 Düsseldorf, Germany, Phone: + 49(0)211/1591- 0, Telefax: + 49(0)211/1591-150

Page 2 to DVS 2207-12

The joining faces must be machined immediately before the beginning of given to electronically controlled machines – if at all possible, with recording.
the welding.
Any chips must be removed without touching the joining faces. The nominal wall thicknesses of the parts to be welded must match in the
joining region.

If the surface is soiled after the chip-producing machining (e. g. Pipes and fittings must be aligned axially before they are
because of contact with the welder's hands), the welding faces clamped in the welding machine. The easy longitudinal mobility
must be treated with a cleaning agent if an additional chip- of the part to be welded on must be ensured, for example, using
producing machining operation is not possible for process- adjustable dollies or a swinging suspension.
related reasons.
Immediately before the welding, the faces to be joined must be
subjected to chip-producing machining with a clean and grease-
4 Heated tool butt welding of pipes, piping parts, fittings and free tool so that they have parallel faces in the clamped
panels condition. The permissible gap widths under the alignment
pressure are shown in Table 1.
4.1 Process description
Table 1. TMaximum gap widths between the machined welding faces.
During heated tool butt welding, the faces of the parts to be welded
are aligned to the heated tool under pressure (alignment), are
subsequently heated up to the welding temperature at a reduced Pipe outside diameter d Gap width Panel width
pressure (heating-up) and, when the heated tool has been removed mm mm mm
(changeover), are joined together under pressure (joining). Figure 1
shows the principle of the process. ≤ 63 0.5 –
> 63 ... ≤ 110 1.0 ≤ 1,500
> 110 ... ≤ 225 1.3 > 1,500 ≤ 2,000
> 225 ... ≤ 400 1.5 > 2,000 ≤ 2,300
– 2.0 > 2,300 ≤ 3,000

pipe heated tool pipe The misalignment must be checked at the same time as the gap
width. The misalignment of the joining faces in relation to each
heating-up other must not exceed the permissible dimension of 0.1 x wall
thickness on the outside of the pipe or on the panel. The
objective must be a minimum misalignment. A larger
misalignment results in a reduction in quality which restricts the
load-bearing capacity of the joint. In this case, an evaluation may
be carried out according to the DVS 2202-1 technical code
taking account of the requirements on the joint.

The machined welding faces must not be either soiled or

welding joint touched by the welder's hands since another chip-producing
machining operation would otherwise be necessary. An
additional cleaning operation is not required and does not give
rise to any improvement in quality. Any chips which have fallen
into the pipe must be removed.

4.3 Execution of the welding

Figure 1. Principle of heated tool butt welding using the example of pipes. In the case of heated tool butt welding, the faces to be joined
are heated up to the welding temperature using a heated tool
and, when the heated tool has been removed, are joined
4.2 Preparation for the welding together under pressure. The heated tool temperature is 230 ±
8°C. The step-by-step sequence of the welding operation is
The heated tool temperature necessary for the welding must be illustrated on Figure 2.
checked before the beginning of the welding work. This is
carried out, for example, with a quick-display temperature
gauge for surface measurements with a contact area with an Pressure
edge length of approx. 10 mm. The control measurement must
be taken within the heated tool area corresponding to the semi- Joining pressure
Alignment pressure
finished product. So that a thermal equilibrium can occur, the 0.60
heated tool may be used, at the earliest, ten minutes after the
nominal temperature has been reached.
For optimum welds, it is necessary to clean the heated tool pressure
according to Section 3.2.2 before every welding operation. The Time
anti-adhesive coating or covering of the heated tool must be

undamaged in the working area.


Heating-up time Cooling time

The respective joining forces or joining pressures must be stipulated

Alignment Joining pressure build-up time

for the machines to be used. These may refer, for example, to time
Total joining time
information from the manufacturer or to calculated or measured
values. In the case of pipe welding, it is also necessary to read the Total welding time
movement force or movement pressure arising during slow
movement of the workpiece off the display instrument of the welding
machine and to add this to the previously determined joining force or Figure 2. Process steps in heated tool butt welding.
to the joining pressure. Preference should be

Page 3 to DVS 2207-12

A mechanical load on the joint is permissible, at the earliest,
after the end of the cooling process. For this purpose, the full
In this respect, the joining faces to be welded are pressed on to joining pressure must be maintained during the cooling time at
the heated tool until the entire faces are in contact with the the ambient temperature (see Table 2, Column 5).
heated tool with parallel faces. This can be recognised by the
formation of the beads. The alignment is finished when the bead A uniform double bead must exist after the joining. The bead
heights around the entire pipe circumference or on the entire top formation provides orientation with regard to the uniformity of the
side of the panel have reached the values specified in Table 2, welds with each other. Different bead formations may be caused by
Column 2. The bead heights are regarded as an indicator that the different types of flow behaviour of the joined materials. On the
the whole area of the joining faces is in contact with the heated basis of the experience with the commercially available semi-finished
tool. The alignment pressure of 0.60 N/mm² is effective PVC-U products according to the standards, it may be assumed that
throughout the alignment operation. these are weldable even if this may lead to asymmetric welding
beads. K must always be > 0 (see Figure 3).

For the heating-up, the faces must be in contact with the heated
tool at a low pressure. To this end, the pressure is reduced to
nearly zero (≤ 0.01 N/mm²). During the heating-up, the heat
penetrates into the faces to be welded and heats these up to the
welding temperature. The heating-up times are shown in Table
2, Column 3.

After the heating-up, the joining faces must be detached from the
heated tool which must be taken out without damaging or soiling the
heated joining faces. The joining faces must then be moved together
quickly until they almost touch. The changeover time should be kept
Figure 3. Bead formation in the case of heated tool butt welding (principle using
as short as possible (see Table 2, Column 4) since the plastified faces the example of a pipe).
would otherwise cool down. This would exert a detrimental influence
on the weld quality. For a short version of the processing instructions, see the appendix.

The faces to be welded should come into contact at a speed of 5 Testing of the welded joints
nearly zero. The required joining pressure is applied, if at all
possible, with a linear rise. The times necessary for this purpose Various test procedures are applied for the individual welding
are shown in Table 2, Column 5. The joining pressure is 0.60 ± processes. A distinction is made between non-destructive and
0.01 N/mm². The low melt viscosity demands exact control of destructive test procedures. They are listed in Table 3. Depending on
the joining pressure build-up in order to obtain a sufficient the agreement, checking and sampling operations should be carried
melting zone depth. out on a random basis during the welding work.

Table 2. Guide values for the heated tool butt welding of pipes, fittings and panels made of PVC-U at an outdoor temperature of approx. 20°C with moderate air
movement (intermediate values must be interpolated).

1 2 3 4 5
Nominal wall Alignment Heating-up Changeover Joining
Heated tool temperature 230 ± 8°C
Bead height at the Heating-up time Changeover time Joining Cooling time
heated tool at the = 15 x wall thickness (maximum time) pressure = 2 x wall thickness
end of the alignment (heating-up build-up time under joining pressure
time p 0.01 N/mm2) = 1+0.5 x wall p = 0,60 N/mm2 0,01
(minimum values) thickness (minimum values)
p = 0,60 N/mm2)
mm mm s s s min

1.9 28.5 2 4
3 0.5 45 6
4 60 8
6 90 4 12
8 1.0 120 5 16
10 150 6 20
12 180 7 24
15 225 9 30
20 300 11 40
25 375 14 50

Page 4 to DVS 2207-12

Table 3. Test procedures for welded joints. DIN 16963-5 Pipe joints and fittings for pressure piping made
of PE – General quality requirements and
Test Heated tool butt welding testing
procedure Panels, pipes and fittings
DVS 2202-1 Defects in welded joints between thermoplastics
Visual DVS 2202-1, Table 1 – Characteristics, description and evaluation
inspection DVS 2203-1 Testing of welded joints between thermo-
Radiographic DVS 2206 applicable; plastics; test procedures – requirements
and ultrasonic Supplement 1 Requirements in the tensile test
Statement possible, for example, about voids,
not about quality Supplement 2 Requirements in the tensile creep test
Tensile test DVS 2203-2; Supplement 3 Requirements in the technological bending test,
bending angle / bending path
Short-time tensile welding factor according to
DVS 2203-1, Supplement 1 DVS 2203-2 –, tensile test
DVS 2203-4 –, tensile creep test
Tensile creep DVS 2203-4;
test DVS 2203-5 –, technological bending test
Tensile creep welding factor according to
DVS 2206 Testing of components and structures made of
DVS 2203-1, Supplement 2
Technological DVS 2203-5; DVS 2208-1 Welding of thermoplastics – Machines and
bending test devices for the heated tool butt welding of
Minimum bending angle according to
DVS 2203-1, Supplement 3, Figs. 5 and 6 pipes, piping parts and panels
Minimum bending path according to DVS 2212-1 Qualification testing of plastics welders –
DVS 2203-1, Supplement 3, Figs. 11 and 12 Qualification Test Groups I and II

Internal With reference to DIN 16963-5, Section DVGW VP 603 Provisional test basis for cleaning agents and
pressure; length of each pipe piece according to their receptacles for the preparation of welded
joints between polyethylene pipes
creep test Table 6
Betr.Sich.V Operational Safety Ordinance
Testing temperature: 60°C, testing stress:
11.3 N/mm², creep rupture time: ≥ 200 hours
Not meaningful for long-time tensile welding 7 Explanations
factor > 0.5
The technical code was elaborated according to the state of the art.

6 Standards, technical codes and guidelines which are also

applicable The welding of thermoplastics at ambient temperatures below 5°C is
generally considered to be problematical. This relates not so much to
ISO 11833-1 Plastics – Panels made of unplasticised poly- the material-specific properties of the plastic but, to a greater extent,
vinyl chloride – Panels with a thickness greater to the restricted dexterity of the welder. Therefore, the prerequisite for
than 1 mm open-air welding at any outdoor temperatures is an environment
which enables the welding personnel to perform the individual work
DIN EN ISO Plastics – Unplasticised polyvinyl chloride steps without any quality-reducing influences. In this respect, it is
1163-1 (PVC-U) moulding materials – Designation necessary to pay attention to the information from the manufacturers
system and basis for specifications and to the dew point curve. The parts to be joined must exhibit an
DIN EN 10204 Metallic products – Types of test certificates identical temperature level. Trial welds must be produced and tested.
DIN 8061 Pipes made of unplasticised polyvinyl chloride –
General quality requirements With regard to the condition of the pipe ends, it must be ensured
that, within the framework of the welding preparations, any white
DIN 8062 Pipes made of unplasticised polyvinyl chloride – frost, ice and moisture are removed from the area of the joining
Dimensions zone (≥ 0.5 x fitting length) by supplying heat (e. g. hot gas
DIN 16927 Panels made of unplasticised polyvinyl chloride device). Fittings must be stored in closed, frost-free rooms and
may only be transported to the welding location in the number
– Technical terms of delivery required in each case.

Page 5 to DVS 2207-12

Appendix: Processing instructions (short versions) 14. Determine the setting values for the alignment, heating-up and
joining pressures.
Re. 4.1 Heated tool butt welding of pipes, piping parts,
fittings and panels 15. Stipulate the guide values according to Table 2.
Processing instructions (short version)
16. Move the heated tool into the welding position.
1. Create permissible working conditions, e. g. welding tent.

2. Connect the welding device to the mains or to the alternating current 17. Align the faces to the heated tool until a bead arises (according to
generator and check its function. Table 2, Column 2).

3. Align and clamp the parts to be welded, e. g. with dollies.

18. Heating-up at a reduced pressure ≤ 0.01 N/mm², heating-up time
4. Close the pipe ends against draughts. according to Table 2, Column 3.

5. Clean the joining faces beyond the welding area with a 19. At the end of the heating-up, detach the joining faces to be
cleaning agent according to Section 3.2.1 with unused, welded from the heated tool and move this out of the
absorbent, non-fraying and non-dyed paper. welding position.
6. Machine the joining faces, in the case of pipes using a plane (for
20. Within the changeover time (Table 2, Column 4), quickly
7. Take out the plane in the case of a pipe welding machine. move together the faces to be welded until they almost
touch. The faces must come into contact at a speed of
8. Remove the chips from the welding area without touching the joining nearly zero. Immediately afterwards, build up the joining
faces. pressure with a linear rise in the joining pressure build-up
time (Table 2, Column 5).
9. Check the plane parallelism by moving the joining faces together
(max. gap width according to Table 1).
21. A bead must exist after the joining at a pressure of 0.60 N/ mm².
10. Check the misalignment (max. 0.1 x wall thickness). According to Figure 3, K must be > 0 at every point.
11. Check the heated tool temperature (230 ± 8°C).
22. Cooling under the joining pressure according to Table 2, Column 5.
12. Clean the heated tool with a cleaning agent according to
Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 with unused, absorbent, non-
fraying and non-dyed paper and ensure extraction.
23. Unclamping of the welded parts when the cooling time has elapsed.
13. Determine the movement pressure or the movement force
before every welding operation and make a note of it on the
welding record sheet. 24. Complete the welding record sheet.

Página 5 a DVS 2207-12

Apéndice: Instrucciones de procesamiento (versiones cortas) 14. Determinar los valores de ajuste para las presiones de alineación,
calentamiento y unión.
Re. 4.1 Soldadura a tope de tubos, piezas de tubería,
accesorios y paneles 15. Especifíquense los valores guía de acuerdo con el cuadro 2.
Instrucciones de procesamiento (versión corta)
16. Mueva la herramienta calentada a la posición de soldadura.
1. Crear condiciones de trabajo permisibles, e. g. tienda de
17. Alinear las caras con la herramienta calentada hasta que aparezca
un cordón (según la tabla 2, columna 2).
2. Conecte el dispositivo de soldadura a la red o al generador de
corriente alterna y compruebe su función.
18. Calentamiento a presión reducida 0,01 N/mm², tiempo de
3. Alinear y sujetar las piezas a soldar, e. g. con muñecas. calentamiento según la columna 3 del cuadro 2.
4. Cierre los extremos de la tubería contra las corrientes de
aire. 19. Al final del calentamiento, separar las caras de unión para
soldarlas de la herramienta calentada y sacarlos de la
5. Limpiar las caras de unión más allá del área de soldadura posición de soldadura.
con un agente limpiador conforme a la sección 3.2.1 con
papel no usado, absorbente, no rayoso y no teñido.
20. Dentro del tiempo de cambio (Tabla 2, Columna 4), mover
6. Mecanizar las caras de unión, en el caso de tuberías utilizando un rápidamente juntos las caras para ser soldado hasta que
plano (por ejemplo). casi toque. Las caras deben entrar en contacto a una
7. Sacar el avión en el caso de una máquina de soldadura velocidad de casi cero. Inmediatamente después,
aumentar la presión de unión con un aumento lineal en el
de tubos. tiempo de acumulación de presión de unión (tabla 2,
columna 5).
8. Retire los chips del área de soldadura sin tocar las caras de unión.

9. Comprobar el paralelismo plano moviendo las caras de unión (máx. 21. Debe existir un cordón después de la unión a una presión de 0,60 N/
ancho del hueco según la tabla 1). mm². Según la figura 3, K debe ser > 0 en cada punto.
10. Comprobar la desalineación (máx. 0,1 x espesor de
pared). 22. Enfriamiento bajo la presión de unión de acuerdo con la columna 5
del cuadro 2.
11. Compruebe la temperatura de la herramienta calentada
(230 8°C).

12. Limpie la herramienta calentada con un agente limpiador 23. Desembalaje de las piezas soldadas cuando haya transcurrido el
conforme a los puntos 3.2.1 y 3.2.2 con papel no utilizado, tiempo de enfriamiento.
absorbente, no rayoso y no teñido y asegure la extracción.

13. Determinar la presión de movimiento o la fuerza de 24. Completar la hoja de registro de soldadura.
movimiento antes de cada operación de soldadura y
anotarla en la hoja de registro de soldadura.


Página 6 a DVS 2207-12

Hoja de registro de soldadura para la soldadura de herramientas calentadas de Material Paje de
Constructor Compañía ejecutora
Dispositivo de

Descripción del trabajo Nombre del soldador ID-No.
Número de la
No. de Nombre y empresa del supervisor de
trabajo soldadura
Año de

Calentamient Tiempo de
Costura Fecha Espesor del panel Calefacción medida- Parámetros o Cambio Presión de unión enfriamiento Ambient- Comentarios
temperatura de los elementos en proceso de
No. tiempo tiempo tiempo acumulado adhesión temperatura
Alineación Calentamiento Incorporación
min máx
[mm] [ C] [ C] [bar] [bar] [bar] [s] [s] [s] [min] [ C]

Firma del soldador: Fecha y firma del supervisor de soldadura:

A partir del intervalo de control, véase la frecuencia en el punto 4.2.

Valores del fabricante de la máquina de soldadura o de la máquina de verificación.
Insertar valores medidos.
Hoja de registro de soldadura para la soldadura de herramientas calentadas por encima del suelo Material Paje de

de tuberías underground
Dispositivo de
Constructor Compañía ejecutora soldadura: Condiciones meteorológicas: Medidas de protección:

1 = sol 1 = ninguno

Descripción del
pedido Nombre del soldador ID-No. Fabricante: 2 = seco 2 = umbrella

Tipo: 3 = lluvia o nieve 3 = tienda

Nombre y empresa del supervisor de Número de la

No. de la Orden soldadura máquina: 4 = viento 4 = calefacción

Año de
construcció Si se aplican varias condiciones, orden de números como el
n: anterior
(e. g. 34 = lluvia y viento)

Calentamient Tiempo de
Costura Fecha Pipa Calefacción medida- Mudanza Incorporación Parámetros o Cambio Incorporación enfriamiento Ambiente Número de llave
dim ens ion
de los Calentamie Incorpor climatolo
en proceso de
No. elementos presión presión Alineación nto ación tiempo tiempo presión adhesión temperatura gía protección
øds (Mes a de la m áqui na) tiempo ac umul ado presi ón

min máx
[mm] [ C] [ C] [bar] [bar] [bar] [bar] [bar] [s] [s] [s] [min] [ C]

Firma del
soldador: Fecha y firma del supervisor de soldadura:

A partir del intervalo de control, véase la frecuencia en


el punto 4.2.
Valores del fabricante de la máquina de soldadura o de la máquina de verificación más
presión móvil.

Insertar valores medidos.

Noviembre 2012

DVS - DEUTSCHER VERBAND Soldadura de termoplásticos -

Soldadura de tubos con herramientas
FÜR SCHWEISSEN UND calentadas Código Técnico
VERWANDTE VERFAHREN E.V. y paneles de PVC-C DVS 2207-13

Contenido: El trabajo de soldadura debe ser supervisado. Las partes

contratantes deben llegar a un acuerdo sobre el tipo y el alcance de
1 Ámbito de aplicación la vigilancia. Se recomienda documentar los datos del proceso en las
2 Requisitos generales hojas de registro de soldadura (para las muestras, véase el
3 Medidas antes de la soldadura apéndice) o en los soportes de datos.
3.1 Requisitos previos para la
En el marco de la garantía de calidad, se recomienda fabricar y
3.2 Limpieza probar soldaduras de prueba en las condiciones de trabajo dadas
3.2.1 Agentes de limpieza antes de comenzar y durante el trabajo de soldadura.
3.2.2 Limpieza de las herramientas calentadas Cada soldador debe estar entrenado y poseer un certificado de
3.2.3 Limpieza de las caras de unión calificación válido de acuerdo con la directriz DVS 2212-1 para
4 Soldadura a tope con herramientas calentadas PVC-U en los procesos WZ y WF, así como, en la actualidad,
4.1 Descripción del proceso un proceso HS con otro material (los requisitos para PVC-C
4.2 Preparación para la soldadura están en preparación). El ámbito de aplicación previsto podrá
4.3 Ejecución de la soldadura determinar el tipo de cualificación.
4.3.1 Temperatura calentada de la herramienta
Reimpresión y copia, incluso en forma de extractos, sólo con el consentimiento del editor

4.3.2 Alineación
4.3.3 Calentamiento 3 Medidas antes de la soldadura
4.3.4 Transición
4.3.5 Tiempo de acumulación de la presión de unión 3.1 Requisitos previos para la soldadura
4.3.6 Adhesión La zona de soldadura debe protegerse de las influencias
5 Ensayo de las juntas soldadas climáticas desfavorables (p. ej., la acción de la humedad, las
6 Literatura grandes corrientes de aire y las temperaturas inferiores a +
7 Explicación 5°C). Si las medidas adecuadas (p. ej., precalentamiento o
Apéndice: Instrucciones de procesamiento (versión corta) calentamiento de las carpas de montaje) garantizan el
Hojas de registro de soldadura cumplimiento de una temperatura del producto semiacabado
suficiente para la soldadura, el trabajo podrá realizarse a
cualquier temperatura exterior - siempre que no se dificulte la
1 Ámbito de aplicación
manipulación del soldador. En cualquier caso, es
recomendable proporcionar pruebas adicionales mediante la
Este código técnico se aplica a la soldadura a tope de paneles,
fabricación de soldaduras de prueba en las condiciones de la
tuberías y piezas de tubería de PVC-C. medida de construcción (véase la sección 5).
Los paneles PVC-C se utilizan para la fabricación de tanques Si el producto semiacabado se calienta de forma no uniforme debido
de almacenamiento y proceso y elementos constructivos a la radiación solar, las temperaturas deberán igualarse cubriendo a
diversos mediante soldadura a tope de herramientas tiempo la zona del punto de soldadura. Es necesario evitar cualquier
calentadas. Estos componentes se utilizan predominantemente enfriamiento inducido por el calado o distribución de calor no
en el campo del almacenamiento de líquidos y sólidos, así como uniforme durante la operación de soldadura. Cuando las tuberías
en el campo de la química de procesos. están soldadas, se recomienda cerrar los extremos de la tubería
Los paneles y piezas de tubería de PVC-C deben cumplir con el además.
código técnico DVS 2205-1, suplemento 9 y suplemento 11, así como
Las caras de unión de las piezas a soldar no deberán dañarse
con las propiedades especificadas para los compuestos en ASTM D y no deberán contaminarse (p. ej., suciedad, grasa, depósitos,
1784-03, celda 23448. La temperatura de ablandamiento de Vicat astillas, etc.).
debe superar los 105°C.
Los accesorios de PVC -C deben exhibir las mismas 3.2 Limpieza
propiedades que las tuberías. Si estos no están disponibles, se Para la fabricación de juntas soldadas impecables, es muy
recomienda fabricarlos a partir de tuberías. Las tuberías y importante que no sólo las caras de unión, sino también las
accesorios sirven principalmente para transportar líquidos, herramientas y las herramientas calentadas estén limpias y
gases y sólidos. libres de grasa.

3.2.1 Agentes de limpieza

2 Requisitos generales El líquido limpiador o las telas que se han humedecido con
líquido de limpieza en la fábrica y se mantienen en una caja de plástico con cerradura
La calidad de las juntas soldadas depende de la calificación debe consistir en un disolvente con un 100 % o una vaporización
de los soldadores, sobre la idoneidad de las máquinas utilizadas y las plantillas Por ejemplo, el líquido de limpieza consta de
99 partes de etanol con un
así como sobre el cumplimiento de los códigos técnicos de soldadura. grado de pureza del 99,8 % y una parte de MEK
La soldadura se puede probar usando no destructivo y/o destructivo para la desnaturalización). Agentes probados según
procedures. cumplir con esta estipulación. Si está disponible comercialmente

Esta publicación ha sido elaborada por un grupo de especialistas experimentados que trabajan a título honorario y se recomienda considerarla una importante fuente de
información. El usuario siempre debe comprobar en qué medida los contenidos son aplicables a su caso particular y si la versión disponible sigue siendo válida. La
Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e.V., así como los participantes en la elaboración del documento, no pueden aceptar ninguna responsabilidad.

DVS, Comité Técnico, Grupo de Trabajo "Unión de Plásticos"

Pedidos a: DVS Media GmbH, P. O. Box 10 19 65, 40010 Düsseldorf, Alemania, Teléfono: + 49(0)211/1591 - 0, Telefax: + 49(0)211/1591-150

Página 2 a DVS 2207-13

tiene una pureza inferior y puede contener otros aditivos, lo que 4.2 Preparación para la soldadura
puede conducir a una reducción de la calidad debido al agua
La temperatura calentada de la herramienta necesaria para la
contenida en ella y a otras contaminaciones.
soldadura deberá comprobarse antes del inicio de los trabajos de
El papel para la limpieza deberá estar limpio, no utilizado, soldadura. Esto se lleva a cabo, por ejemplo, con un medidor de
absorbente, no rayoso y sin teñir. temperatura de visualización rápida para las mediciones de
superficie. La medición de control deberá efectuarse en la zona de
3.2.2 Limpieza de las herramientas calentadas trabajo de la herramienta calentada para el producto semiacabado
Las herramientas calentadas deben limpiarse con paños de correspondiente. Para que pueda producirse un equilibrio térmico, la
limpieza o papel antes de cada operación de soldadura. No herramienta calentada podrá utilizarse, como muy pronto, diez
podrán quedar residuos del agente de limpieza ni del papel en minutos después de haber alcanzado la temperatura nominal. Se
el instrumento calentado. Asegurar la extracción posterior. recomienda registrar la medición de la temperatura en varias
posiciones en el área de herramientas calentada utilizada para la
3.2.3 Limpieza de las caras de unión operación de soldadura en cuestión a fin de comprobar la
uniformidad de la distribución de la temperatura.
Antes del mecanizado de virutas de las caras de unión, debe
garantizarse que las herramientas y piezas utilizadas estén Con el fin de lograr soldaduras óptimas, es necesario limpiar la
limpias y libres de grasa más allá del área de soldadura. En herramienta calentada con papel absorbente, no rayón y no teñido
caso necesario, la limpieza deberá realizarse con un agente antes de cada operación de soldadura. El revestimiento o
limpiador. Asegurar la extracción posterior. revestimiento antiadherente de la herramienta calentada no deberá
Las caras de unión deben mecanizarse inmediatamente antes sufrir daños en la zona de trabajo.
del comienzo de la soldadura. Las fuerzas o presiones de unión respectivas deberán
Inmediatamente antes de la soldadura, las caras a unir deben ser estipularse para que las máquinas se utilicen. Podrán referirse,
sometidas a un mecanizado para la producción de virutas con una por ejemplo, a información del fabricante o a valores calculados
herramienta limpia y libre de grasa para que tengan caras paralelas o medidos. En el caso de la soldadura por tubería, también es
en la condición de sujeción. En el caso de cortes de sierra frescos, necesario leer la fuerza de movimiento o la presión de
no es necesario limpiar mecánicamente las caras de soldadura de movimiento que surge durante el lento movimiento de la pieza
los paneles. Se recomienda con urgencia no realizar ninguna de trabajo del instrumento de visualización de la máquina de
limpieza con agentes químicos o disolventes. soldadura y añadirlo a la fuerza de unión previamente
determinada o a la presión de unión.
Las fichas que puedan estar presentes deberán retirarse sin
tocar las caras de unión. En la zona de unión, los espesores nominales de pared de las
piezas soldadas deben estar dentro de las tolerancias DIN EN
ISO 15013 para placas y DIN 8079 o DIN EN ISO 15493 para
4 Soldadura a tope con herramientas calentadas tuberías.
4.1 Descripción del proceso Las tuberías y accesorios deberán alinearse axialmente antes
de sujetarse a la máquina de soldadura. La fácil movilidad
En el caso de la soldadura a tope de herramientas calentadas, longitudinal de la pieza a soldar debe garantizarse, por ejemplo,
las caras de unión de las piezas a soldar se alinean a la mediante muñecas ajustables o una suspensión oscilante.
herramienta calentada a presión (alineación), se calientan
En el cuadro 1 se muestran las anchuras admisibles de los
posteriormente a presión reducida (calentamiento) y, cuando la
espacios a de las partes que deben unirse antes de la
herramienta calentada se ha eliminado (cambio), se unen a
presión (unirse). La Fig. 1 muestra el principio del proceso.
Todas las soldaduras deben realizarse con máquinas y Tabla 1. Anchos máximos de separación entre las caras de soldadura
dispositivos que cumplan los requisitos según el código técnico mecanizadas.
DVS 2208-1.
Ancho del
Panel width Diámetro del tubo Da hueco
Preparación [mm] [mm] [mm]
–  63 0.25
 1,500 > 63 a 0.50
> 1.500 a > 110 a 0.70
Pipa Pipa
> 2.000 a > 225 a 0.80
Herramienta calentada
> 2.300 a 1.00

Calentamiento La desalineación debe comprobarse al mismo tiempo que la

anchura del hueco. La desalineación de las caras de unión
entre sí no deberá superar la dimensión admisible de 0,1 x
espesor de pared en el exterior del tubo o en el panel. Si la
desalineación es > 0,1 x s, esto da lugar a una clara reducción
Cuenta causada por el de la calidad que restringe sustancialmente la capacidad de
calentamiento carga de la junta soldada debido a la sensibilidad de muesca
del PVC-C. En este caso, una evaluación debe llevarse a cabo
de acuerdo con el DVS 2202-1 código técnico que tenga en
Junta soldada cuenta los requisitos de la junta soldada y de la estructura.
Las caras de soldadura mecanizadas no deberán ensuciarse ni
tocarse con las manos del soldador, ya que de lo contrario sería
necesario realizar otra operación de limpieza con arreglo al punto
Cordón de soldadura 3.2.3.

Figura 1. Principio de la soldadura a tope de la herramienta calentada

Si las piezas de tubería están soldadas, deberá garantizarse
usando el ejemplo de una soldadura de tubería.
que las virutas que hayan caído en la tubería se retiran después
de la operación de cepillado sin ensuciar las caras de

4.3 Ejecución de la soldadura

En el caso de la soldadura a tope de herramientas calentadas,
las caras a unir se calientan hasta la temperatura de soldadura
utilizando la herramienta calentada y, cuando la herramienta
calentada se ha eliminado, se unen a presión (Fig. 2).
Page 3 to DVS 2207-13

Alignment Joining
Pressure in N/mm²

Alignment time Heating-up time Cooling time

Changeover time Joining pressure build-up time

Figure 2. Process steps in the case of heated tool butt welding.

4.3.1 Heated tool temperature The alignment pressure of 0.50 ± 0.01 N/mm² is effective
For wall thicknesses up to 5 mm, the heated tool temperature is throughout the alignment operation.
230°C. Wall thicknesses > 5 mm are welded at a reduced 4.3.3 Heating-up
heated tool temperature according to Fig. 3.
For the heating-up, the faces must be in contact with the heated
The permissible temperature tolerance of the heated tool is ± 4
tool at a low pressure. To this end, the pressure is reduced to
K. The step-by-step sequence of the welding operation is
nearly zero (0.01 N/mm²). Here, it is recommended to enter a
illustrated on Fig. 3.
maximum value, e.g. 0.05 N/mm². During the heating-up, the
240 heat penetrates into the faces to be welded and heats these up

to the welding temperature. The heating-up times are shown in

235 Table 2, Column 3.
tem per

Upper limit
230 4.3.4 Changeover
225 After the heating-up, the joining faces must be detached from the
heated tool. The heated tool must be taken out without damaging or

Lower limit
220 soiling the heated joining faces. The joining faces must then be

moved together quickly until they almost touch. The changeover time

must be kept under two seconds (see Table 2, Column 4) since the
210 plastified areas would otherwise cool down. This would exert a
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 negative influence on the welding quality.
Wall thickness [mm] 4.3.5 Joining pressure build-up time
Figure 3. Heated tool temperatures as a function of the wall thickness. The joining pressure build-up time is four seconds, irrespective
of the wall thickness of the parts to be welded. In this case, the
4.3.2 Alignment pressure should have a linear rise.
During the alignment, the joining faces to be welded are pressed on
to the heated tool until the entire faces are in contact with the heated 4.3.6 Joining
tool with parallel faces. This can be recognised by the formation of The faces to be welded should come into contact at a speed of
the alignment beads. The alignment is finished when the bead nearly zero. The required joining pressure is applied without
heights around the entire pipe circumference or on the entire top side delay with a rise as linear as possible. The joining pressure is
of the plate have reached the values specified in Table 2, Column 2. 0.50 ± 0.01 N/mm².
The bead development on the heated tool is regarded as an indicator
that the whole area of the joining faces is in contact with the heated

Page 4 to DVS 2207-13

Table 2. Guide values for the heated tool butt welding of pipes, fittings and panels made of PVC-C at an outdoor temperature of 20°C with
moderate air movement (no draughts) – intermediate values must be interpolated.

1 2 3 4 5
Nominal wall Alignment Heating-up Changeover Joining
thickness s
Bead height Pressure nearly Joining pressure Cooling time
(at the heated tool at the end zero, build-up time = 2 x wall thickness
of the alignment time) p = 0,01 N/mm² under joining pressure
(minimum pressure for the p = 0,50 N/mm, 0,01 N/mm²
alignment: (minimum values)
p = 0,50 N/mm, 0,01 N/mm²)
[mm] [mm] [s] [s] [min]
2 28 4
3 0.5 42 6
4 56 8
6 86 12
8 1.0 122 16
 4
10 168 20
12 222 24
15 294 30
20 392 40
25 490 50

The joining pressure must be maintained during the cooling time Table 3. Possible test procedures for welded joints.
(see Table 2, Column 5). Increased mechanical stresses during
or immediately after the unclamping are only permissible after Test procedure Heated tool butt welding
prolonged cooling. Panels, pipes and fittings
The assembly or the further processing may only take place Visual inspection DVS 2202-1 technical code, Table 1
after the complete cooling of the weld. DVS 2206-1 technical code
After the joining, a double bead as uniform as possible must exist Tensile test DVS 2203-2 technical code
around the entire circumference. Different bead formations may be Short-time tensile welding factor
caused by the different types of flow behaviour of the joined materials. DVS 2203-1 technical code, Supplement 1
On the basis of the experience with the commercially available PVC- Tensile creep test DVS 2203-4 technical code
C parts until now, the following is applicable: If PVC-C pipes and Tensile creep welding factor
fittings comply with the DIN 8079/80, DIN EN ISO 15493 or DIN EN DVS 2203-1 technical code, Supplement 2
ISO 15877 standard and semi-finished PVC-C products correspond
Technological DVS 2203-5 technical code
to the properties with reference to DIN EN ISO 11833, it may be
bending test Minimum bending angle not yet stipulated
assumed that these are weldable even if this may lead to asymmetric
(the entered testing speed is for PVC-U and
welding beads. K must always be greater than 0 (see Fig. 4).
it is missing for PVC-C)
Internal pressure DIN 8080, according to Table 1
creep test 95°C, = 5.7 N/mm², service life: > 165 h

6 Literature

DIN EN Plastics – Panels made of unplasticised

ISO 11833 poly-vinyl chloride – Types, dimensions and
DIN EN Plastics – Extruded panels made of polypro-
ISO 15013 pylene (PP) – Requirements and testing
Figure 4. Bead formation in the case of heated tool butt welding, K must DIN EN Plastic piping systems for industrial
always be greater than zero (principle using the example of a ISO 15493 applications – Acrylonitrile butadiene
pipe weld). styrene (ABS), unplasticised polyvinyl
chloride (PVC-U) and chlorinated polyvinyl
chloride (PVC-C) – Requirements on piping
5 Testing of the welded joints parts and the piping system; metric series
DIN EN Plastic piping systems for hot and cold water
Various test procedures are applied for the individual welding plumbing – Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride
processes. A distinction is made between non-destructive and ISO 15877
destructive test procedures. They are listed in Table 3. Depending on
DIN 8079 Pipes made of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride
the agreement, testing and sampling operations should be carried out
(PVC-C) – Dimensions
on a random basis during the welding work.

Page 5 to DVS 2207-13

DIN 8080 Pipes made of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride Appendix: Processing instructions (short version)
(PVC-C) – General quality requirements and
testing 1. Create permissible working conditions, e.g. housing or tent.
ASTM D 1784-03 Standard specification for rigid poly(vinyl 2. Connect the welding device to the mains or to the alternating
chloride) (PVC) compounds and chlorinated current generator and check its function.
poly(vinyl chloride) (CPVC) compounds
3. Align and clamp the parts to be welded, e.g. with dollies.
DVS 2202-1 Defects in welded joints between
thermoplastics; characteristics, description 4. At the opposite pipe ends, close the pipes to be welded
technical code against draughts.
and evaluation
Testing of welded joints between 5. Machine the joining faces, in the case of pipes using a plane
DVS 2203-1
thermoplastics; test procedures – requirements
(for example). It is urgently advised not to use any chemical
technical code
cleaning agents or solvents.
DVS 2203-2 Testing of welded joints between
thermoplastics; tensile test 6. Take out the plane in the case of a pipe welding machine.
technical code
7. Remove the chips from the welding area without touching the
DVS 2203-4 Testing of welded joints between
welding faces (clean, grease-free brooms, paintbrushes, paper
technical code thermoplastics; tensile creep test
cloths or dry, oil-free compressed air).
DVS 2203-5 Testing of welded joints between
8. Check that the joining faces are parallel by moving them
technical code thermoplastics; technological bending test
together (max. gap width according to Table 1).
DVS 2205-1 Calculation of tanks and apparatus made of
9. Check the misalignment (max. 0.1 x wall thickness).
technical code, thermoplastics – Reduction coefficients A1
for moulding materials made of PVC-C 10. Check the heated tool temperature (e.g. 230 ± 4°C).
Supplement 9
Calculation of tanks and apparatus made of 11. Clean the heated tool with absorbent, non-fraying and non-
DVS 2205-1
thermoplastics – Creep curves for pipes dyed paper.
technical code,
made of PVC-C 12. Read the movement pressure or the movement force off the
Supplement 11
pipe welding machine and make a note of it on the welding
DVS 2206-1 Non-destructive testing of tanks, apparatus
and piping made of thermoplastics; record sheet.
technical code 13. Stipulate the setting values for the alignment, heating-up and
dimensional checking and visual inspection
Welding of thermoplastics – Machines and joining pressures.
DVS 2208-1
devices for the heated tool welding of pipes, 14. Calculate the guide values (heating-up and cooling times)
technical code
piping parts and panels according to Table 2.
DVS 2212- Qualification testing of plastics welders; 15. Move the heated tool into the welding position.
1 guideline Qualification Test Groups I and II 16. Align the faces to the heated tool at a pressure of 0.50 N/mm²
BetrSichV Operational safety ordinance until a bead arises (according to Table 2, Column 2).
DVGW VP 603 Cleaning agents for welded joints between 17. Heating-up at a reduced pressure < 0.01 N/mm², heating-up
PE pipes in the gas and water sectors time according to Table 2, Column 3.
18. At the end of the heating-up, detach the joining faces to be
welded from the heated tool and remove this from the
7 Explanation welding plane.
The technical code was elaborated according to the state of the art. 19. Within the changeover time (Table 2, Column 4), quickly
move together the faces to be welded until they almost
The welding of thermoplastics at ambient temperatures below 5°C is touch. They must come into contact at a speed of nearly
generally considered to be problematical. This relates not so much to zero. Immediately afterwards, build up the joining pressure
the material-specific properties of the plastic but, to a greater extent,
with a linear rise in max. 4 s.
to the restricted dexterity of the welder. Therefore, the prerequisite
for open-air welding at any outdoor temperatures is an environment 20. A bead must exist after the joining at a pressure of 0.50 N/mm².
which enables the welding personnel to perform the individual work According to Fig. 4, K must be > 0 at every point.
steps without any quality-reducing influences. In this respect, it is 21. Cooling under the joining pressure of 0.50 N/mm².
necessary to pay attention to the information from the manufacturers
22. Unclamping of the welded parts when the cooling time has
and to the dew point curve. The parts to be joined must exhibit an
identical temperature level. Trial welds must be produced and tested. elapsed.
With regard to the condition of the pipe ends, it must be ensured 23. Complete the welding record sheet.
that, within the framework of the welding preparations, any white
frost, ice or moisture is removed from the area of the joining
zones (> 0.5 x fitting length) by supplying heat (e.g. hot gas
device). Fittings must be stored in closed, frost- free rooms and
may only be supplied to the welding point in the number
required in each case.

6Pag t D
Record sheet for the heated tool butt welding Material Sheet of

e o V
of panels

Building owner Executing company Welding machine:

Title of the order Name of the welder Code no. Make:


No. of the order Name and company of the welding supervisor Machine no.:

Year of construction:
Weld Date Panel Measured heated tool Setting values Heating-up Changeover Joining pressure Cooling time Ambient Remarks
) 3) 3) 3)
no. thickness temperatura1 time time build-up time under joining temperature
min. max. Alignment Heating-up Joining
[mm] [°C] [°C] [bar] [bar] [bar] [s] [s] [s] [min] [°C]

Signature of the welder: Date and signature of the welding supervisor:

From the control interval, frequency according to Section 4.2.
According to information from the manufacturer of the welding machine or from the machine test.
The measured values must be entered.

Record sheet for the heated tool butt welding  Overground Material Sheet of

of piping parts  Underground

Building owner Executing company Welding machine: Weather Protective measures

1 = sunny 1 = none

Title of the order Name of the welder Code no. Make: 2 = dry 2 = screen

Type: 3 = rain or snowfall 3 = tent

No. of the order Name and company of the welding Machine no.: 4 = wind 4 = heating
Year of construction: In the case of multiple designations, sequence of the numbers as above
(e.g. 34 = rain and wind)
2) 3)
Weld Date Pipe data Measured heated Movement Joining pressure Setting values Heating-up Changeover Joining Cooling time Ambient Code no.
1) 3) 3) )
no. ds tool temperature pressure (machine table) time time pressure under joining temperatura3
min. max. Alignment Heating-up Joining build-up time pressure Weather Protection
[mm] [°C] [°C] [bar] [bar] [bar] [bar] [bar] [s] [s] [s] [min] [°C]

Signature of the welder: Date and signature of the welding supervisor:

From the control interval, frequency according to Section 4.2.

According to information from the manufacturer of the welding machine or from the machine test plus the movement pressure or force.
The measured values must be entered.

April 2009

DVS – DEUTSCHER VERBAND Welding of thermoplastics –

FÜR SCHWEISSEN UND Welding by bending using a heated tool Technical Code
VERWANDTE VERFAHREN E.V. for panels made of PP and PE DVS 2207-14

Contents: panel to be folded at an angle is put on a flat, thermally

insulating support and the wedge-shaped heated tool is placed
1 Scope of application on the folding position (see Fig. 1).
2Process description
3General requirements Heated tool
4Measures before the welding
4.1 Prerequisites for the welding
4.2 Cleaning
4.2.1 Cleaning agents
4.2.2 Cleaning of the heated tool
4.2.3 Cleaning of the folding zone
4.3 Checking of the heated tool temperature
5Execution of the welding
5.1 Alignment
5.2 Heating-up
5.3 Changeover and joining
Figure 1. Welding by bending using a heated tool with heating on one
5.4 Cooling
Reprinting and copying, even in the form of excerpts, only with the consent of the publisher

side (principle).
6 Testing of the welded
joints 6.1 Specimen preparation In the case of panels with s > 6 mm, a flat heated tool which
6.2 Execution of the testing heats up the rear side of the panel is arranged on the underside
6.3 Evaluation of the machine (see Fig. 2). This serves to prevent any
7 Literature nonuniform stretching (tapering) in the folding zone and to
8 Explanations achieve a reduction in the stresses.
Appendix: Welding record sheet
heated tool
1 Scope of application

This technical code applies to welding by bending using a

heated tool for panels made of polypropylene (PP-H, PP-B
and PP-R) according to DIN EN ISO 15013 and for panels made
of PE according to DIN EN ISO 14632.
Paying attention to the instructions in this technical code,
weldability may be assumed within the melt flow rates MFR
190/5 named below:
1 0.4 –1.0 g/10 min (PP) – approximately corresponds to the
melt flow rate MFR 230/2.16 of 0.2 – 0.6 g/10 min
2 0,3 -1,7 g/10 min o 0,2 - 0,7 g/10 min (PE)
The main areas of application for welding by bending using a Lower
heated tool are in tank and apparatus construction as well as in heated tool
ventilation and air conditioning technology. DVS 2207-1 and
DVS 2207-11 are technical codes which are also applicable. Figure 2. Welding by bending using a heated tool with heating on both
sides (principle).

2 Process description The wedge faces of the upper heated tool have a bevel angle adapted to
the folding [α]. The heated tool is pressed in by approx. 75 % of the panel
Welding by bending using a heated tool, also called folding welding, is a thickness under the effect of heat and is subsequently withdrawn.
mixed form of forming and heated tool butt welding and is carried out on Thereafter, the panel is folded according to the bevel angle. In this respect,
stationary machines, predominantly in the workshop area. In the case of the plastified joining faces are joined with each other under joining pressure.
panel thicknesses of s ≤ 6 mm, the In order

The material designation should be understood as a generic term for the group of thermoplastics and includes the PE 63, PE 80 and PE 100 types.
The information corresponds to the current status of the standardisation.
MFR = melt flow rate (old designation: MFI = melt flow index)

This publication has been drawn up by a group of experienced specialists working in an honorary capacity and its consideratio n as an important source of information is
recommended. The user should always check to what extent the contents are applicable to his particular case and whether the version on hand is still valid. No liability can
be accepted by the Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e.V., and those participating in the drawing up of the document.

DVS, Technical Committee, Working Group "Joining of Plastics"

Orders to: DVS Media GmbH, P. O. Box 10 19 65, 40010 Düsseldorf, Germany, Phone: + 49(0)211/1591- 0, Telefax: + 49(0)211/1591-150

Page 2 to DVS 2207-14

to shorten the heating-up time, panels with s ≥ 15 mm can be (methyl ethyl ketone, denaturation). Cleaning agents tested
provided with a groove milled in a wedge shape (depth: approx. according to DVGW 603 comply with this stipulation.
0.5 x wall thickness) on the top side of the panel into which the The cleaning fluid may be used in the form of cloths which have
heated tool is pressed. been moistened in the factory and must be kept in a lockable
In order to be able to apply the joining pressure, the bevel angle of the receptacle (e.g. plastic box). In so far as paper is utilised for the
heated tool must be smaller than the folding angle. A bevel angle of α = cleaning, this must be clean, unused, absorbent, non-fraying
87° 1° is recommended for rectangular folds and and undyed. Ensure subsequent extraction.
α = 57° 1° for folds of 60°. After the folding, the panel must The use of spirit may lead to a quality reduction in the welded
be fixed for the duration of the cooling time. joint because of the water contained in it.
The process can be applied accordingly to the PVDF material.
Panels made of PVC-U and PVC-C are predominantly heated 4.2.2 Cleaning of the heated tool
and bent without any contact. For optimum fold welds, it is necessary to clean the heated tool
according to Section 4.2.1 before every welding operation,
particularly if the material is changed. No residues of cleaning
3 General requirements agents or paper may remain on the heated tool. The anti-
adhesive coating or covering of the heated tool must be
The quality of the welds is influenced by the qualification of the undamaged in the working area.
welder, by the suitability of the utilised machines and jigs as well
as by the process parameters. The quality of welds executed by 4.2.3 Cleaning of the folding zone
bending using a heated tool can be investigated with the aid of
destructive test procedures. The folding zone must be cleaned immediately before the
welding. The cleaning must be carried out beyond the welding
The welding work must be monitored. The contracting parties area with a cleaning agent according to Section 4.2.1. If the
must reach agreement on the type and scope of the monitoring. folding zone is soiled once again (e.g. because of contact with
Within the framework of the quality assurance, it is appropriate the welder's hands), the area concerned must be recleaned.
to have trial welds manufactured before the beginning and
during the welding work and to test these. The process data of 4.3 Checking of the heated tool temperature
the welding work must be entered on welding record sheets
without delay (for a specimen, see the appendix) or must be The heated tool temperature necessary for the welding must be checked
documented on data carriers. before the beginning of the welding work. This is carried out, for example,
with a quick -display temperature gauge for surface measurements whose
The welders must be trained and must possess a valid sensor exhibits a contact area
qualification certificate. The type and scope of the qualification > 10 mm. The control measurement must be taken at the bevels
are determined by the area of application in which the welder is in the case of the upper heated tool and on the front face of the
active. Welding by bending using a heated tool is assigned to lower heated tool. So that a thermal equilibrium can occur, the
the heated tool butt welding of panels to which the plastics heated tool may be used, at the earliest, ten minutes after the
welder qualification test according to DVS 2212-1 applies. nominal temperature has been reached.
The machines and jigs used for the welding must comply with
the requirements in DVS 2208-1. Requirements extending Table 1. Heated tool temperature.
beyond these are described in this technical code.
4 Measures before the welding 1)
Upper heated tool 210 °C
4.1 Prerequisites for the welding Lower heated tool 130 °C 140 °C
The folding area must be undamaged and must be protected from 1) In the case of low wall thicknesses and PE 100, choose the higher
unfavourable ambient influences such as cold, draughts, the action of temperature.
2) Dependent on the design of the machine. Preliminary tests are
moisture and similar influences. If suitable measures (e.g. protected
advisable. It must be possible to bend the panel without any great
workplace and drying of the folding zone) ensure conditions permissible for
the welding, the work may be carried out at any ambient temperature –
provided that the dexterity of the welder is not hindered. If necessary,
additional evidence must be provided by manufacturing trial welds under
5 Execution of the welding
the ambient influences to be expected (see Section 8).
5.1 Alignment
If the panel to be folded was heated non-uniformly due to solar
At the beginning of the welding operation, the folding zone is heated up to
radiation, the temperatures must be equalised in the area of the
the welding temperature using the upper heated tool in the case of heating
folding zone in good time before the welding. It is necessary to
on one side or using two heated tools in the case of heating on both sides.
avoid any abrupt cooling during the welding operation, e.g. due
Pressure or the dead weight of the upper heated tool results in a wedge-
to draughts.
shaped recess in the panel. This is designated as alignment. The alignment
4.2 Cleaning operation is concluded when the heated tool has penetrated into the panel
by 0.7 x wall thickness (see Fig. 1 and Fig. 2).
For the manufacture of flawless welded joints, it is essentially
important that not only the folding zone but also the tools and
the heated tools are clean and free from grease. Wherever 5.2 Heating-up
necessary, the zones affected by soiling must be cleaned using
When the penetration depth has been reached, the joining zone
a suitable cleaning agent.
is heated up on both sides of the heated tool in order to plastify
4.2.1 Cleaning agents the joining faces. Guide values for the heating-up times,
depending on the nominal wall thickness of the panel, are
The cleaning agent, a cleaning fluid is most suitable, must included in DVS 2207-1, Table 2, Column 3 for PE and in DVS
consist of a solvent with 100 % vaporisation, e.g. of 99 parts 2207-11, Table 2, Column 3 for PP. Optimum results are
ethanol with a degree of purity of 99.8 % and one part MEK obtained when these heating-up times are shortened by 20 %.

Page 3 to DVS 2207-14

5.3 Changeover and joining

After the heating-up, the heated tool must be taken or swivelled out without
damaging or soiling the plastified joining faces. The folding operation must
be carried out immediately thereafter since the plastified joining faces may Clamp
otherwise cool down.

The changeover time (the time between the detachment of the

heated tool from the joining faces and the end of the folding
operation) influences the quality and load-bearing capacity of
the welded joint. Guide values for the changeover times are
included in DVS 2207-1, Table 2, Column 4 for PE and in DVS Steel T section
2207-11, Table 2, Column 4 for PP.

5.4 Cooling
The bent panel remains clamped during the cooling phase. The
cooling time is included in DVS 2207-1, Table 2, Column 5 for Steel plate
PE and in DVS 2207- 11, Table 2, Column 5 for PP. No with polished
mechanical loads on the joint are permissible before the end of surface
the cooling time.
After the folding and the joining, the weld executed by bending using a
heated tool must exhibit a uniform double bead. K must always be > 0 (see
Fig. 3). Non-uniform bead formations are an indication that the execution of
the welding was not optimum. Edges broken
with a scraper

Figure 4. Testing of welds executed by bending using a heated tool


6.3 Evaluation

The fracture pattern, the position of the fracture plane, the

degree of deformation as well as the type and scope of
inhomogeneities serve as the evaluation criteria. Fractures in
the joining plane (in so far as these are not of a ductile kind) or
fracture faces with pronounced shrinkage cavity points (air
Figure 3. Bead formation in the case of welding by bending using a inclusions or voids) provide initial indications of mistakes during
heated tool (representation of the principle). the execution of the welding.
The evaluation may only be made by correspondingly trained
6 Testing of the welded joints specialist personnel. The results must be summarised in a test
report. If the test results are diffuse, the test must be repeated.
If necessary, additional test procedures must be used.
No special test procedures are available for the testing of welds executed
by bending using a heated tool. It is therefore recommended to perform the
testing with reference to DVS 2207-25. Depending on the agreement,
checking and sampling operations should be carried out on a random basis
7 Literature
during the welding work.
DIN EN ISO 1872-1 Polyethylene moulding materials, designa-
tion systems and basis for specifications
6.1 Specimen preparation
DIN EN ISO 14632 Extruded panels made of polyethylene
At least six uniformly distributed specimens must be taken from (PE-HD); requirements and test proce-
a weld executed by bending using a heated tool and must be dures
prepared according to the information on Fig. 4. The legs of the DIN EN ISO 15013 Extruded panels made of polypropylene
angular test specimen are trimmed to a length of 7 x wall (PP); requirements and test procedures
thickness with a suitable tool and the edges are broken with a
DVGW VP 603 Test basis for cleaning agents and their
scraper (see Fig. 4). The width of the specimens [b] should
receptacles for the preparation of welded
comply with DVS 2203-5, Table 1.
joints between polyethylene pipes
6.2 Execution of the testing DVS 2202-1 Defects in welded joints between thermo-
plastics; characteristics, description and
A jig according to Fig. 4 must be used for executing the test. assessment
The testing speeds are 50 mm/min for specimens made of PE DVS 2203-5 Testing of welded joints between panels
and PP-R and 20 mm/min for specimens made of PP-H and PP and pipes made of thermoplastics; techno-
-B. The tests relate to the deformation behaviour of the joint until logical bending test
an incipient crack or a fracture arises in the joining plane. If
necessary, the specimen can be deformed until the bead comes DVS 2207-1 Welding of thermoplastics; heated tool
into contact with the support (polished steel plate) without the welding of pipes, piping parts and panels
occurrence of any incipient cracks or fractures. made of PE-HD
DVS 2207-11 Welding of thermoplastics; heated tool
welding of pipes, piping parts and panels
made of PP

Page 4 to DVS 2207-14

DVS 2207-25 Welding of thermoplastics; heated tool 8 Explanations

welding of window sections made of PVC-U
DVS 2208-1 Welding of thermoplastics; machines and The technical code corresponds to the current state of the art.
devices for the heated tool welding of The recommendations must be varied according to the machine
pipes, piping parts and panels design.
DVS 2212-1 Qualification testing of plastics welders; The welding of thermoplastics at ambient temperatures < 5°C is
Qualification Test Groups I and II generally considered to be problematical. This relates not so
much to the material- specific properties of the plastic but, to a
Betr.Sich.V Operational Safety Ordinance greater extent, to the restricted dexterity of the welder. In this
respect, it is necessary to pay attention to the information from
the manufacturers and to the dew point curve. Trial welds must
be produced and tested if necessary.

Record sheet for welding by bending using a heated tool for panels Material Sheet of

Building owner Executing company Welding machine

Title of the order Name of the welder Code no. Make


No. of the order Name and company of the welding supervisor Machine no.
Year of construction
Weld no. Date Panel Measured heated tool temperature Angle Melt Heating-up Cooling Ambient Angle Remarks
3) 3) )
thickness Upper heated tool Lower heated tool of the upper penetration time time temperatura3 after
2) 3) 4) )
min. max. min. max. heated tool depth plegamiento3
o o o o o o
[mm] [ C] [ C] [ C] [ C] [ ] [mm] [s] [min] [ C] o

Signature of the welder: Date and signature of the welding supervisor:

Page 5 to DVS 2207-14

1) From the control interval
2) According to information from the manufacturer of the welding machine or from the machine test
3) The measured values must be entered
4) Not possible with all machines
File: D:\Eigene Dateien\Kunden\DVS\Ri+Me\2207\2207-15\englisch\Jan_08\
Erstellt am: 14.01.2008
Zuletzt geändert am: 29.01.2008

March 2008

DVS – DEUTSCHER VERBAND Welding of thermoplastics

FÜR SCHWEISSEN UND Heated tool welding of pipes, Technical Code
VERWANDTE VERFAHREN E.V. piping parts and panels made of PVDF DVS 2207-15

Translation of the German version from december 2005

Contents: is recommended to document the process data in welding record

sheets (for specimen, see appendix) or on data carriers.
1 Scope of application
Within the framework of the quality assurance, it is recommended
2 General requirements
to manufacture and test trial welds in the given working
3 Measures before the welding
conditions before commencing and during the welding work.
3.1 Prerequisites for the welding
3.2 Cleaning Every welder must be trained and must possess a valid
3.2.1 Cleaning agents qualification certificate. The planned area of application may
3.2.2 Cleaning of the heated tools determine the type of the qualification. DVS 2212-1 applies to the
3.2.3 Cleaning of the joining faces heated tool butt welding of panels as well as to pipeline
4 Heated tool butt welding of pipes, piping parts, fittings and construction. A supplementary certificate of proficiency must be
panels provided for pipes with an outside diameter > 225 mm as well as
4.1 Process description for heated tool sleeve welding.
4.2 Preparation for the welding The machines and jigs used for the welding must comply with the
of excerpts, only with the consent of the publisher

4.3 Execution of the welding requirements in DVS 2208-1.

5 Heated tool sleeve welding
5. 1 Process description
5.2 Welding jigs 3 Measures before the welding
5.3 Preparation for the welding
5.4 Execution of the welding 3.1 Prerequisites for the welding
6 Testing of the welded joints
7 Standards and technical codes which are also applicable The immediate welding area must be protected from unfavour-
8 Explanations able weathering influences (e. g. wind or the action of moisture).
Appendix: If suitable measures (e. g. preheating, tenting or heating) ensure
Processing instructions (short versions) conditions permissible for the welding, the work may be carried
Testing of the welded joints out at any outdoor temperature – provided that the dexterity of
Welding record sheets the welder is not hindered (see explanations). If necessary, addi-
tional evidence must be provided by manufacturing trial welds in
the specified conditions (see Section 6).
1 Scope of application If the semi-finished product is heated non-uniformly due to solar
Reprinting and copying, even in the form

radiation, the temperatures must be equalised by covering the area

This technical code applies to the heated tool butt welding of of the welding point in good time. It is necessary to avoid any draught-
panels and to the heated tool butt and sleeve welding of pipes induced cooling during the welding operation. When pipes are
and fittings which are made of PVDF and serve to transport welded, the pipe ends must be closed in addition.
gases, liquids and solids.
The joining faces of the parts to be welded must not be damaged and must
be free from soiling (e. g. dirt, grease and chips).
Paying attention to the following instructions and on the basis of
the practical experience, it may be assumed that melt flow rates
1) 3.2 Cleaning
MFR 230/5 of 1.0 - 25 g/10 min are suitable for densities of
1.70 - 1.80 g/cm³. For this purpose, reference must be made to For the manufacture of flawless welded joints, it is decisively
the data sheets from the suppliers of the semi-finished products important that not only the joining faces but also the tools and
– in cases of doubt, Works Certificate 2.1 according to DIN EN the heated tools are clean and free from grease.
3.2.1 Cleaning agents
2 General requirements
The cleaning fluid or cloths which have already been moistened with
it in the factory and are kept in a lockable plastic box must consist of
The quality of the welded joints is dependent on the qualification a solvent with 100 % vaporisation, e. g. of 99 parts ethanol with a
of the welders, on the suitability of the utilised machines and jigs degree of purity of 99.8 % and one part MEK (methyl ethyl ketone,
as well as on the compliance with the technical codes for denaturation). Agents tested according to DVGW VP 603 comply with
welding. The weld can be tested using non-destructive and/or this stipulation. The use of spirit may lead to a quality reduction
destructive procedures. because of the water contained in it.

The welding work must be monitored. The contracting parties must reach The paper for the cleaning must be clean, unused, absorbent, non-fraying
agreement on the type and scope of the monitoring. It and undyed. Ensure subsequent extraction.

old designation for melt index: MFI = melt flow index

This publication has been drawn up by a group of experienced specialists working in an honorary capacity and its consideratio n as an important source of information is
recommended. The user should always check to what extent the contents are applicable to his particular case and whether the version on hand is still valid. No liability can
be accepted by the Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e.V., and those participating in the drawing up of the document.

DVS, Technical Committee, Working Group “Joining of Plastics”

Orders to: DVS-Verlag GmbH, P. O. Box 10 19 65, 40010 Düsseldorf, Germany, Phone: + 49(0)211/1591- 0, Telefax: + 49(0)211/1591-150

Page 2 to DVS 2207-15

3.2.2 Cleaning of the heated tools The nominal wall thicknesses of the parts to be welded must match in the
joining region.
The heated tools must be cleaned with paper before every
welding operation. No residues of cleaning agents or paper may Pipes and fittings must be aligned axially before they are
remain on the heated tool. clamped in the welding machine. The easy longitudinal mobility
of the part to be welded on must be ensured, for example, using
3.2.3 Cleaning of the joining faces adjustable dollies or a swinging suspension.
Before the chip-producing machining of the joining faces, it must be Immediately before the welding, the faces to be joined must be
ensured that the utilised tools and the workpieces are clean and free subjected to chip-producing machining with a clean and grease-
from grease beyond the welding area. If necessary, the cleaning must free tool so that they have parallel faces in the clamped
be carried out with a cleaning agent. condition. The permissible gap widths under the alignment
pressure are shown in Table 1.
The joining faces must be machined immediately before the beginning of
the welding.
Any chips must be removed without touching the joining faces. Table 1. Maximum gap widths between the machined welding faces.

Pipe outside diameter d Gap width Panel width

If the surface is soiled after the chip-producing machining (e. g.
because of contact with the welder's hands), the welding faces [mm] [mm] [mm]
must be treated with a cleaning agent if an additional chip- ≤ 355 0.5 -
producing machining operation is not possible for process-
related reasons. 400 ... < 630 1.0 ≤ 1500
- 1.3 > 1500 ≤ 2000
4 Heated tool butt welding of pipes, piping parts, fittings and
panels - 1.5 > 2000 ≤ 2300
4.1 Process description - 2.0 > 2300 ≤ 3000
During heated tool butt welding, the faces of the parts to be welded
are aligned to the heated tool under pressure (alignment), are
subsequently heated up to the welding temperature at a reduced The misalignment must be checked at the same time as the gap
pressure (heating-up) and, when the heated tool has been removed width. The misalignment of the joining faces in relation to each
(changeover), are joined together under pressure (joining). Fig. 1 other must not exceed the permissible dimension of 0.1 x wall
shows the principle of the process. thickness on the outside of the pipe or on the panel. The
objective must be a minimum misalignment. A larger
misalignment results in a reduction in quality which restricts the
load-bearing capacity of the joint. In this case, an evaluation
may be carried out according to the DVS 2202-1 technical code
taking account of the requirements on the joint.

The machined welding faces must not be either soiled or

touched by the welder's hands since another chip-producing
machining operation would otherwise be necessary. An
additional cleaning operation is not required and does not give
rise to any improvement in quality. Any chips which have fallen
into the pipe must be removed.

4.3 Execution of the welding

Figure 1.
Principle of heated tool In the case of heated tool butt welding, the faces to be joined
butt welding using the are heated up to the welding temperature using a heated tool
example of pipes. and, when the heated tool has been removed, are joined
together under pressure. The heated tool temperature is 240
4.2 Preparation for the welding 8°C. The step-by-step sequence of the welding operation is
illustrated on Fig. 2.
The heated tool temperature necessary for the welding must be
checked before the beginning of the welding work. This is
carried out, for example, with a quick-display temperature gauge
for surface measurements with a contact area of approx. 10 mm.
The control measurement must be taken within the heated tool
area corresponding to the semi-finished product. So that a
thermal equilibrium can occur, the heated tool may be used, at
the earliest, ten minutes after the nominal temperature has been

For optimum welds, it is necessary to clean the heated tool

according to Section 3.2.2 before every welding operation. The
anti-adhesive coating or covering of the heated tool must be
undamaged in the working area.

The respective joining forces or joining pressures must be

stipulated for the machines to be used. These may refer, for
example, to information from the manufacturer or to calculated
or measured values. In the case of pipe welding, it is also
necessary to read the movement force or movement pressure Figure 2. Process steps in heated tool butt welding.
arising during slow movement of the workpiece off the display
instrument of the welding machine and to add this to the Alignment
previously determined joining force or to the joining pressure.
Preference should be given to electronically controlled In this respect, the joining faces to be welded are pressed on to the heated
machines – if at all possible, with recording. tool until the entire faces are in contact with the

Page 3 to DVS 2207-15

heated tool with parallel faces. This can be recognised by the

formation of the beads. The alignment is finished when the bead
heights around the entire pipe circumference or on the entire
top side of the panel have reached the values specified in Table
2, Column 2. The bead heights are regarded as an indicator that
the whole area of the joining faces is in contact with the heated
tool. The alignment pressure of 0.10 N/mm² is effective
throughout the alignment operation.

For the heating-up, the faces must be in contact with the heated
tool at a low pressure. To this end, the pressure is reduced to
nearly zero (≤ 0.01 N/mm²). During the heating-up, the heat
penetrates into the faces to be welded and heats these up to
the welding temperature. The heating-up times are shown in
Table 2, Column 3. Figure 3. Bead formation in the case of heated tool butt welding (principle using the
example of a pipe).

After the heating-up, the joining faces must be detached from the 5 Heated tool sleeve welding
heated tool which must be taken out without damaging or soiling the
heated joining faces. The joining faces must then be moved together
quickly until they almost touch. The changeover time should be kept 5.1 Process description
as short as possible (see Table 2, Column 4) since the plastified
faces would otherwise cool down. This would exert a detrimental In the case of heated tool sleeve welding (see Fig. 4), the pipe
influence on the weld quality. and the fitting are welded in an overlap. The pipe end and the
fitting are heated up to the welding temperature with the aid of
Joining sleeve-shaped and spigot-shaped heated tools and are
subsequently welded.
The faces to be welded should come into contact at a speed of
nearly zero. The required joining pressure is applied, if at all
possible, with a linear rise. The times necessary for this purpose
are shown in Table 2, Column 5. The joining pressure is 0.10 ±
0.01 N/mm². The low melt viscosity demands exact control of
the joining pressure build-up in order to obtain a sufficient
melting zone depth.

A mechanical load on the joint is permissible, at the earliest,

after the end of the cooling process. For this purpose, the full
joining pressure must be maintained during the cooling time at
the ambient temperature (see Table 2, Column 5).

A uniform double bead must exist after the joining. The bead
formation gives an orientation about the uniformity of the welds in
relation to each other. Different bead formations may be caused by
various types of flow behaviour of the joined materials. The
weldability may be assumed from the experience with the
commercially available semi-finished PVDF products in the specified
MFR range, even if this may lead to asymmetric welding beads. K
must always be > 0 (see Fig. 3).

For a short version of the processing instructions, see the appendix.

Figure 4. Heated tool sleeve welding (principle).

Table 2. Guide values for the heated tool butt welding of pipes, fittings and panels made of PVDF at an outdoor temperature of approx. 20°C with moderate air movement
(intermediate values must be interpolated).

1 2 3 4 5
Nominal wall Alignment Heating-up Changeover Joining
thickness s
Heated tool temperature 240 ± 8°C Changeover time Joining pressure Cooling time under
(maximum time) build-up time joining pressure
Bead height at the Heating-up time p = 0,10 0,01 N/mm²
heated tool at the end ≈ 10 x wall thickness t ≈ 1.2 x wall thickness
of the alignment time + 40 s (heating-up + 2 min
(minimum values) p 0,01 N/mm²) (minimum values)
p = 0,10 N/mm²)
[mm] [mm] [s] [s] [s] [min]
1.9 … 3.5 0.5 59…75 3 3…4 5…6

3.5 ... 5.5 0.5 75 ... 95 3 4...5 6 ... 8.5

5.5 ... 10.0 0.5 … 1.0 95 ... 140 4 5...7 8.5 ... 14

10.0 ... 15.0 1.0 … 1.3 140 ... 190 4 7...9 14 ... 19

15.0 ... 20.0 1.3 … 1.7 190 ... 240 5 9 ... 11 19 ... 25

20.0 ... 25.0 1.7 … 2.0 240 ... 290 5 11 ... 13 25 ... 32

Page 4 to DVS 2207-15

5.4 Execution of the welding

The heated tools and the fittings are dimensionally coordinated
in such a way that a joining pressure builds up during the joining.
Heated-tool-sleeve-welded joints with a pipe diameter up to 40 For the heating-up, the fitting and the pipe are quickly and axially
mm can be executed manually. In the case of diameters as from pushed on to the tools attached to the heated tool as far as the set
50 mm, the level of the joining force necessitates the use of a stop in the case of machine welding or as far as the mark in the case
welding jig. of manual welding and are fixed. It is imperative to prevent the front
face of the pipe from bumping into the end of the heated bush. The
heating-up time according to the time indicated in Table 4, Column 3
5.2 Welding jigs begins thereafter.
The heated tools are heated electrically and are coated anti-adhesively.
When the heating-up time has elapsed, the fitting and the pipe must
be pulled off the heated tools with a jolt and must be pushed together
immediately as far as the stop or the mark without any twisting (max.
5.3 Preparation for the welding changeover time: see Table 4, Column 4).

The fitting must be cleaned on the inside and the pipe on the outside In the case of manual welding, the joined parts must be kept in a fixed
according to Section 3.2. The joining faces of the parts to be welded position according to the time indicated in Table 4, Column
must be machined immediately before the beginning of the welding. 5. The joint may only be subjected to the stresses of the further
The pipe end must be bevelled according to Fig. 5 and Table 3. The laying work when the cooling time (Table 4, Column 6) has
joining face of the pipe must be machined according to the information elapsed.
from the fitting supplier. In the case of manual welds, the insert depth
must then be marked on the pipe end at the distance I according to For a short version of the processing instructions, see the appendix.
Table 3.

6 Testing of the welded joints

Various test procedures are applied for the individual welding

processes. A distinction is made between non-destructive and
destructive test procedures. They are listed in Table 5. Depending on
the agreement, checking and sampling operations should be carried
out on a random basis during the welding work.

7 Standards and technical codes which are also applicable

ISO 10931 Plastics piping systems for industrial applica-

tions – Polyvinylidene fluorides (PVDF)
Figure 5. Bevelling of the pipe end. DIN EN 10931, Plastics piping systems for industrial applica-
draft tions – Polyvinylidene fluorides – Require-
Table 3. Dimensions for the pipe bevel and the insert depth. ments on piping parts and the piping system
DIN EN 10204 Metallic products – Types of test certificates
Pipe outside diameter d Pipe bevel b Insert depth l
[mm] [mm] [mm] DIN EN 12814-4 Testing of welded joints between thermoplastics –
Part 4: Peeling test
16 13
DVS 2202-1 Defects in welded joints between thermoplas-
20 14 tics- Characteristics, description and evalua-
25 16
2 DVS 2203-1 Testing of welded joints between panels and
32 18 pipes made of thermoplastics – Test proce-
dures – Requirements
40 20
Supplement 1 Requirements in the tensile test
50 23
Supplement 2 Requirements in the tensile creep test
63 27 Supplement 3 Requirements in the technological bending
75 31 test – Bending angle / bending path
3 -2 - Tensile test
90 35
-4 - Tensile creep test
110 41 -4, - Tensile creep test – Testing of sleeve-weld-
Supplement 1 ed joints between pipes
-5 Technological bending test
Before the beginning of the welding, the welding temperature of
250 - 270°C at the heated tools must be checked according to DVS 2208-1 Welding of thermoplastics – Machines and
Section 4.2. devices for the heated tool butt welding of
pipes, piping parts and panels
The heated bush and the heated spigot must be free from
contaminations and must be cleaned according to Section 3.2.2 DVS 2212-1 Qualification testing of plastics welders –
before every welding operation. The anti-adhesive coating of the Qualification Test Groups I and II
heated spigot and the heated bush must be undamaged in the DVGW VP 603 Provisional test basis for cleaning agents and
welding area. their receptacles for the preparation of welded
joints between polyethylene pipes
BetrSichV Operational Safety Ordinance

Page 5 to DVS 2207-15

Table 4. Guide values for the heated tool sleeve welding of pipes and piping parts made of PVDF at an outdoor temperature of 20°C with moderate air movement.

1 2 3 4 5 6
Pipe outside Pipe wall Heating-up Changeover Cooling
diameter d thickness min. Heated tool temperature 250 - 270°C Changeover time Cooling time
Heating-up time (maximum time)
Fixed Total
[s] [min]
[mm] [mm] [s] [s]

16 1.5 4
20 6 6 2
25 8
32 10
40 12 12 4
50 18
63 20
75 3 22 18 6
90 25
110 30 24 8

Table 5. Test procedures for welded joints.

Test procedure Heated tool butt welding Heated tool sleeve welding
Panels, pipes and fittings Pipes and fittings
Visual inspection DVS 2202-1, Table 1 DVS 2202-1, Table 2

Radiographic Applicable
and ultrasonic tests Statement possible, for example, about voids, not about quality

Tensile test DVS 2203-2 Not applicable

Short-time tensile welding factor
DVS 2203-1, Supplement 1
Tensile creep test DVS 2203-4 DVS 2203-4, Supplement 1
Tensile creep rupture
welding factor
DVS 2203-1, Supplement 2

Technological DVS 2203-5 Not applicable

bending test Minimum bending angle according
to DVS 2203-1, Supplement 3, Fig. 4
Minimum bending path according
to DVS 2203-1, Supplement 3, Fig. 10
Internal pressure ISO 10931-3. Test temperature 95°C, test pressure 11.5 N/mm²,
creep test creep rupture time ≥ 200 hours
Not meaningful for long-time welding factor > 0.5
Torsion shear test Not applicable See appendix
Also as a site test for pipe wall thicknesses ≥ 3 mm

Radial Not applicable See appendix

peeling test Also as a site test for pipe wall thicknesses ≥ 3 mm

ompression test Not applicable DIN EN 12814-4, Section 8

Also suitable as a site test

8 Explanations Trial welds must be produced and tested.

The technical code was revised editorially and was adjusted to With regard to the condition of the pipe end, it must be ensured that,
the state of the art with regard to improved cleaning agents. within the framework of the welding preparations, any white frost, ice
Possibilities for the testing of sleeve-welded joints were and moisture are removed from the area of the joining zone (≥ 0.5 x
incorporated. Non-contact heated tool welding is dealt with in fitting length) by supplying heat (e. g. hot gas device). In principle,
DVS 2207-6. this must be carried out before the machining of the pipe surface.
Fittings must be stored in closed, frost-free rooms and may only be
The welding of thermoplastics at ambient temperatures below 5°C is transported to the welding location in the number required in each
generally considered to be problematical. This relates not so much to case.
the material-specific properties of the plastic but, to a greater extent,
to the restricted dexterity of the welder. Therefore, the prerequisite
for open-air welding at any outdoor temperatures is an environment Appendix: Processing instructions (short versions)
which enables the welding personnel to perform the individual work
steps without any quality-reducing influences. In this respect, it is
necessary to pay attention to the information from the manufacturers Re. 4.1 Heated tool butt welding of pipes, piping parts, fittings
and panels
and to the dew point curve. The parts to be joined must exhibit an
identical temperature level. Processing instructions (short version)

Page 6 to DVS 2207-15

1. Create permissible working conditions, e. g. welding tent.

7. Simultaneously push the fitting and the pipe on to the heated
spigot or into the heated bush as far as the stop or the mark. Do
2. Connect the welding device to the mains or to the alternating current not bump the pipe end into the end of the heated bush.
generator and check its function.
3. Align and clamp the parts to be welded, e. g. with dollies. 8. Comply with the heating-up time according to Table 4, Column 3.
4. Close the pipe ends against draughts.

5. Clean the joining faces beyond the welding area with a 9. Pull the fitting and the pipe off the heated tools with a jolt,
cleaning agent according to Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.3 with immediately push them together as far as the mark or the
unused, absorbent, non-fraying and non-dyed paper. stop (for max. changeover time: see Table 4, Column 4)
and fix them in this position (see Table 4, Column 5).
6. Machine the joining faces, in the case of pipes using a plane (for
10. Let the joint cool down. Only subject the welded joint to
7. Take out the plane in the case of a pipe welding machine. mechanical loads when the cooling time according to Table
4, Column 6 has elapsed.
8. Remove the chips from the welding area without touching the joining
faces. 11. Complete the welding record sheet.
9. Check the plane parallelism by moving the joining faces together
(max. gap width according to Table 1). Re. 6 Testing of the welded joints
10. Check the misalignment (max. 0.1 x wall thickness).
The torsion shear test and the radial peeling test are suitable for quick
11. Check the heated tool temperature (240 8°C). checking of the welding quality of PVDF pipe joints.

12. Clean the heated tool with a cleaning agent according to The wall thickness of the pipe should be ≥ 3 mm.
Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 with unused, absorbent, non-
fraying and non-dyed paper and ensure extraction.
13. Determine the movement pressure or the movement force
before every welding operation and make a note of it on the
welding record sheet.
14. Determine the setting values for the alignment, heating-up and
joining pressures.
15. Stipulate the guide values according to Table 2.
16. Move the heated tool into the welding position.
17. Align the faces to the heated tool until a bead arises according to
Table 2, Column 2.

18. Heating-up at a reduced pressure ≤ 0.01 N/mm², heating-up time

according to Table 2, Column 3.

19. At the end of the heating-up, detach the joining faces to be

welded from the heated tool and move this out of the
welding position.
Figure 6. Preparation of a test specimen from a heated-tool-butt-welded joint.
20. Within the changeover time (Table 2, Column 4), quickly
move together the faces to be welded until they almost
touch. The faces must come into contact at a speed of
Four test pieces are removed by means of slitting, uniformly distributed
nearly zero. Immediately afterwards, build up the joining around the circumference. The dimensions are:
pressure with a linear rise in the build-up time (Table 2,
Column 5). Test piece length
= sleeve length + 2 x 200 mm pipe length
21. A bead must exist after the joining at a pressure of 0.10 N/ mm².
According to Fig. 3, K must be > 0 at every point. Test specimen length
22. Cooling under the joining pressure according to Table 2, Column 5.
= sleeve length + 2 x approx. 10 mm pipe length
Test specimen width
23. Unclamping of the welded parts when the cooling time has elapsed. b = 3 - 6 mm with a pipe wall thickness ≤ 10 mm b = 5 -
6 mm with a pipe wall thickness > 10 mm
24. Complete the welding record sheet.
Torsion shear test: The torsion shear test serves to evaluate the
Re. 5 Heated tool sleeve welding fracture behaviour and the fracture pattern of the weld. For this
Processing instructions (short version) purpose, one part (e. g. the sleeve cross-section) of the test
specimen (see Fig. 6) is completely clamped in a vice. The other part
1. Create permissible working conditions, e. g. welding tent. (e. g. the pipe cross-section) is gripped with a suitable tool and is then
2. Connect the welding device to the mains or to the alternating current twisted by 90° in the welding plane (see Fig. 7). The rotating speed
generator and check its function. is very low in order to largely exclude its influence on the fracture
behaviour of the test specimen. The clamping faces should have a
3. Clean the heated tools with a cleaning agent according to slight undercut in order to be able to input the torsional moment into
Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 with unused, absorbent, non- the weld plane in a targeted way.
fraying and non-dyed paper.
4. Check the welding temperature (250 - 270°C).

5. Clean all the non-machined joining faces with a cleaning

agent according to Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.3 with unused,
absorbent, non-fraying and non-dyed paper and ensure
extraction. Figure 7.
Force introduction during the
6. Bevel the pipe end cut off as a rectangle according to Fig. 5 and torsion shear test.
Table 3 or machine it according to the information from the fitting
manufacturer. If necessary, mark the insert depth. The evaluation is made according to Table 6.

Page 7 to DVS 2207-15

Table 6. Evaluation criteria for the torsion shear and radial peeling tests.

Separation behaviour Appearance and characteristics Evaluation

High separating forces, tough fracture, over 80 % Extremely structured fracture pattern with plastic deformation and stretching No or slight defects
of the welding face (ductile)

Welding face melted partially or totally but welded Isolated detachments, soiling and insufficient surface removal Impermissible defects
together at certain points only
Separating point with coarse pores, finely structured, interspersed with a lot of
Brittle fracture small shrinkage cavities, partially burnt and overheating of the weld

Pipe surface not melted, weld too cold and welding gap too wide

Radial peeling test: In the case of this test, the pipe cross-section
of the test specimen (see Fig. 6) which is clamped in a vice with
the sleeve cross-section is peeled radially at the lowest possible
speed with the aid of suitable pliers or another clamping jig (see
Fig. 8).
The evaluation is made according to Table 6.

Figure 8. Force introduction during the radial peeling test.

Page 8 to DVS 2207-15
Record sheet for the heated tool butt welding Material Sheet Of
of panels
Building owner Executing company Welding machine:

Title of the order Name of the welder Code no. Make:


No. of the order Name and company of the welding supervisor Machine no.:

Year of construction:

Weld no. Date Panel Measured heated tool Setting values Heating-up Change- Joining Cooling time Ambient Remarks
thickness temperature time over time pressure under joining temperature
build-up time pressure
min. max. Alignment Heating-up Joining

[mm] [ C] [ C] [bar] [bar] [bar] [s] [s] [s] [min] [ C]

Signature of the welder: Date and signature of the welding supervisor:

From the control interval, frequency according to Section.

According to information from the manufacture of the welding machine or from the machine test.
The measured values must be entered.
Record sheet for the heated tool butt welding Overground Material Sheet Of
of piping parts


Building owner Executing company Welding machine:

Weathering: Protective measures:

1 = Sunny 1 = None
Title of the order Name of the welder Code no. Make:

2 = Dry 2 = Screen
3 = Rain or snowfall 3 = Tent
No. of the order Name and company of the welding super- Machine no.:
visor 4 = Wind 4 = Heating
Year of construction:
In the case of multiple designations, sequence of the numbers as above

(e. g. 34 = rain and wind)

Weld no. Date Pipe data Measured heated Movement Joining pressure Setting values Heating-up Change- Joining Cooling Ambient Code-no.
dxs tool temperature pressure (machine table) time over time pressure time under temperature
build-up time joining

min. max. Alignment Heating-up Joining pressure Weathering Protection

[mm] [ C] [ C] [bar] [bar] [bar] [bar] [bar] [s] [s] [s] [min] [ C]

Signature of the welder: Date and signature of the welding supervisor:

From the control interval, frequency according to Section.

220 7 D V
According to information from the manufacture of the welding machine or from the machine test plus movement pressure or force .

S to9 P a

The measured values must be entered.
Recor d s heet for the heated tool sleeve Overground Material Sheet Of

welding of piping parts Underground

Building owner Executing company Welding machine:

Weathering: Protective measures:

1 = Sunny 1 = None

Title of the order Name of the welder Code no. Make:
2 = Dry 2 = Screen
3 = Rain or snowfall 3 = Tent
No. of the order Name and company of the welding Machine no.:
supervisor 4 = Wind 4 = Heating
Year of construction:
In the case of multiple designations, sequence of the numbers as above

(e. g. 34 = rain and wind)

Weld no. Date Pipe data Fitting data Measured temperature Heated-up Change- Cooling time Ambient Code no. Remarks
dxs time over time temperature
Un B Serial no. Heated spigot Heated bush Fixed Total Weathering Protection

[mm] [ C] [ C] [s] [s] [s] [min] [ C]

Signature of the welder: Date and signature of the welding supervisor:

If necessary, entries according to the utilised system A = Manufacturer’s code 1 = Sleeve 2 = Angle 3 = T-piece 4 = Reducer

The measured values must be entered B = Fitting code no. 5 = Saddle 6 = Cap 7 = Transition piece
July 2010

DVS – DEUTSCHER VERBAND Welding of thermoplastics

FÜR SCHWEISSEN UND Heated tool welding of pipes and piping parts Technical Code
VERWANDTE VERFAHREN E.V. made of Polyamide 12 DVS 2207-16

Every welder must be trained and must possess a valid
qualification certificate. The planned area of application may
1 Scope of application determine the type of the qualification. DVS 2212-1 applies to
2 General requirements heated tool butt welding and sleeve welding with an
3 Measures before the welding incorporated heating element in pipeline construction.
3. 1Prerequisites for the welding
3. 2Cleaning
The machines and jigs used for the welding must comply with
3. 2.1 Cleaning agents the requirements in DVS 2208-1.
3. 2.2 Cleaning of the heated tools
3. 2.3 Cleaning of the joining faces
4 Heated tool butt welding
4.1 Heated tool butt welding of pipes, piping parts and fittings
3 Measures before the welding
4.1.1 Process description
4.1.2 Preparation for the welding 3.1 Prerequisites for the welding
4.1.3 Execution of the welding
5 Sleeve welding with an incorporated heating element The immediate welding area must be protected from unfavourable
5. 1Process description weathering influences (e. g. wind or the action of moisture). If suitable
Reprinting and copying, even in the form of excerpts, only with the consent of the publisher

5. 2Welding device measures (e. g. preheating, tenting or heating) ensure conditions

5. 3Preparation for the welding permissible for the welding, the work may be carried out at any
5. 4Execution of the welding outdoor temperature – provided that the dexterity of the welder is not
6 Testing of the welded joints hindered (see the explanations). If necessary, additional evidence
must be provided by manufacturing trial welds in the specified
7 Standards, technical codes and guidelines which are also conditions (see Table 2).
8 Explanations
Appendix: If the semi-finished product is heated non-uniformly due to solar
Processing instructions (short versions) radiation, the temperatures must be equalised by covering the
Welding record sheets area of the welding point in good time. It is necessary to avoid
any cooling during the welding operation, e. g. due to draughts.
When pipes are welded, the pipe ends must be closed in
1 Scope of application
PA 12 pipes from the ring coil are oval and curved immediately after
This technical code applies to the heated tool butt welding and sleeve the unrolling. The pipe end to be welded must be straightened before
welding with an incorporated heating element of pipes and fittings the welding, e. g. by means of careful heating-up and/or using a
which are made of Polyamide 12 (PA 12) according to ISO 22621-5 suitable clamping or round pressing jig.
(under preparation) with a density of 1,000 -1,040 kg/m and serve
to transport gases, liquids and solids.
The joining faces of the parts to be welded must not be damaged
and must be free from contaminations (e. g. dirt, grease and
In normal storage conditions, the semi-finished product absorbs chips).
up to max. 0.8% moisture. The weldability up to this moisture
content has been proven on the basis of tests.
3.2 Cleaning

2 General requirements For the manufacture of flawless welded joints, it is decisively

important that not only the joining faces but also the tools and
the heated tools are clean and free from grease.
The quality of the welded joints is dependent on the qualification of
the welders, on the suitability of the utilised machines and jigs as well
as on the compliance with the technical codes and the guidelines for 3.2.1 Cleaning agents
the welding. The weld can be tested using nondestructive and/or
destructive procedures.
The cleaning fluid or cloths which have already been moistened with
it in the factory and are kept in a lockable plastic box must consist of
The welding work must be monitored. The contracting parties a solvent with 100% vaporisation, e. g. of 99 parts ethanol with a
must reach agreement on the type and scope of the monitoring. degree of purity of 99.8% and one part MEK (methyl ethyl ketone,
It is recommended to document the process data on welding denaturation). Agents tested according to DVGW VP 603 comply with
record sheets (for a specimen, see the appendix) or on data
carriers. this stipulation. The use of spirit leads to a quality reduction because
of the water contained in it.
Within the framework of the quality assurance, it is recommended to
manufacture and test trial welds in the given working conditions The paper for the cleaning must be clean, unused, absorbent, non-fraying
before commencing and during the welding work. and undyed. Ensure subsequent extraction.

This publication has been drawn up by a group of experienced specialists working in an honorary capacity and its consideratio n as an important source of information is
recommended. The user should always check to what extent the contents are applicable to his particular case and whether the version on hand is still va lid. No liability can
be accepted by the Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e.V., and those participating in the drawing up of the document.

DVS, Technical Committee, Working Group “Fügen von Kunststoffen”

Orders to: DVS Media GmbH, P. O. Box 10 19 65, 40010 Düsseldorf, Germany, Phone: + 49(0)211/1591- 0, Telefax: + 49(0)211/1591-150

Page 2 to DVS 2207-16

3.2.2 Cleaning of the heated tools

read the movement force or movement pressure arising during
slow movement of the workpiece off the display instrument of
The heated tools must be cleaned with paper before every the welding machine and to add this to the previously
welding operation. No residues of plastic, cleaning agent or
paper may remain on the heated tool. determined joining force or to the joining pressure. Preference
should be given to electronically controlled machines – if at all
3.2.3 Cleaning of the joining faces possible, with recording.
The nominal wall thicknesses of the parts to be welded must match in the
Before the chip-producing machining of the joining faces, it must be joining area.
ensured that the utilised tools and the workpieces are clean and free
from grease beyond the welding area. If necessary, the cleaning must Pipes and fittings must be aligned axially before they are
be carried out with a cleaning agent. clamped in the welding machine. The easy longitudinal mobility
of the part to be welded on must be ensured, for example, using
The joining faces must be machined immediately before the beginning of adjustable dollies or a swinging suspension.
the welding.
Any chips must be removed without touching the joining faces. Immediately before the welding, the faces to be joined must be
subjected to chip-producing machining with a clean and grease-free
If the surface is soiled after the chip-producing machining (e. g. tool so that they have parallel faces in the clamped condition. The
because of contact with the welder's hands), the welding areas permissible gap width under the alignment pressure is 0.5 mm.
must be treated with a cleaning agent if an additional chip-
producing machining operation is not possible for process- The misalignment must be checked at the same time as the gap
related reasons. width. The misalignment of the joining faces in relation to each
other must not exceed the permissible dimension of 0.1 x wall
thickness on the outside of the pipe. A larger misalignment
4 Heated tool butt welding results in a reduction in quality which restricts the load-bearing
capacity of the joint. In this case, an evaluation may be carried
out according to the DVS 2202-1 technical code taking account
4.1 Heated tool butt welding of pipes, piping parts and fittings of the requirements on the joint.

The machined welding areas must not be either soiled or

4.1.1 Process description touched by the welder's hands since another chip-producing
machining operation would otherwise be necessary. An
In the case of heated tool butt welding, the joining faces of the parts additional cleaning operation is not required and does not give
to be welded are aligned at the heated tool under pressure rise to any improvement in quality. Any chips which have fallen
(alignment), are subsequently heated up to the welding temperature into the pipe must be removed.
at a reduced pressure (heating-up) and, when the heated tool has
been removed (changeover), are joined together under pressure 4.1.3 Execution of the welding
(joining). Fig. 1 shows the principle of the process.

Preparation In the case of heated tool butt welding, the faces to be joined
are heated up to the welding temperature using a heated tool
and, when the heated tool has been removed, are joined
together under pressure. The heated tool temperature is 230 ±
10°C. The step-by-step sequence of the welding operation is
illustrated on Fig. 2.
Pipe Pipe
Heated tool
Joining pressure
Alignment pressure

Heating-up pressure
Finished joint

Heating-up time
Cooling time

Figure 1. Principle of heated tool butt welding using the example of pipes. Alignment Joining pressure build-up
time Total joining time time
4.1.2 Preparation for the welding
Total welding time
The heated tool temperature necessary for the welding must be
checked before the beginning of the welding work. This is Figure 2. Process steps in the case of heated tool butt welding.
carried out, for example, with a quick-display temperature gauge
for surface measurements with a contact area covering a
diameter of approx. 10 mm. The control measurement must be Alignment
taken within the heated tool area corresponding to the semi-
In this respect, the joining faces to be welded are pressed on to the
finished product. So that a thermal equilibrium can occur, the
heated tool until the entire joining faces are in contact with the heated
heated tool may be used, at the earliest, ten minutes after the
tool with parallel faces. This can be recognised by the formation of
nominal temperature has been reached.
the beads. The alignment is finished when the bead heights around
the entire pipe circumference have reached the values specified in
For optimum welds, it is necessary to clean the heated tool Table 1, Column 2. The bead heights are regarded as an indicator
according to Section 3.2.2 before every welding operation. The
anti-adhesive coating of the heated tool must be undamaged in that the whole area of the joining faces is in contact with the heated
the working area. 2
tool. The alignment pressure of 0.25 N/mm is effective throughout
the alignment operation.
The respective joining forces or joining pressures must be stipulated Heating-up
for the machines to be used. These may refer, for example, to
information from the manufacturer or to calculated or measured For the heating-up, the faces must be in contact with the heated tool at a
values. In the case of pipe welding, it is also necessary to low pressure. To this end, the pressure is reduced to

Page 3 to DVS 2207-16

2 5 Sleeve welding with an incorporated heating element

nearly zero (≤ 0.01 N/mm ). During the heating-up, the heat
penetrates into the faces to be welded and heats these up to
the welding temperature. The heating-up times are shown in 5.1 Process description
Table 1, Column 3.
Changeover The joining faces (i. e. the surface of the pipe and the inside of the
fitting) overlap, are heated up to the welding temperature by electrical
After the heating-up, the joining faces must be detached from the energy with the aid of resistance wires positioned in the fitting (heater
heated tool which must be taken out without damaging or soiling the spiral) and are welded in this way (see Fig. 4).
heated joining faces. The joining faces must then be moved together
quickly until they almost touch. The changeover time should be kept Joining face Chip-producing machining
as short as possible (see Table 1, Column 4) since the plastified
faces would otherwise cool down. This would exert a detrimental
influence on the weld quality.
The faces to be welded should come into contact at a speed of Fitting Insert
nearly zero. The required joining pressure is applied, if at all depth Pipe

possible, with a linear rise. The joining pressure build-up time

necessary for this purpose is shown in Table 1, Column 5. The
joining pressure is 0.25 ± 0.05 N/mm .
A mechanical load on the joint is permissible, at the earliest,
after the end of the cooling process. For this purpose, the full Joining plane
joining pressure must be maintained during the cooling time at
the ambient temperature (see Table 1, Column 5). Figure 4. Sleeve welding with an incorporated heating element (principle).

An uniform double bead must exist after the joining. The bead 5.2 Welding device
formation provides orientation with regard to the uniformity of
the welds with each other. Different bead formations may be
caused by the various types of flow behaviour of the joined It is only allowed to use welding devices which are adapted to
materials. K must always be > 0 (see Fig. 3). A rough uneven the parts to be welded. Preference should be given to automatic
surface of the bead is permissible. welding devices – if at all possible, with recording. The welding
device must supply the welding parameters required for the
Pipe wall surface Bead notch fitting to be welded in each case, e. g. welding time, amperage
on the outside and voltage. The device must be switched off automatically as
soon as the necessary heat quantity has been supplied to the
welding zone.
5.3 Preparation for the welding

For the manufacture of flawless welded joints, decisive significance is

attached to clean surfaces and to stress-free installation.

For axial pipe joints, the pipe ends must, if necessary, be cut off at a
Figure 3. Bead formation in the case of heated tool butt welding right angle with a suitable tool. In the case of conical collapsing of the
(principle using the example of a pipe). cut edge of the pipe, the unmachined pipe must exhibit the nominal
diameter d at the planned insert depth, at least in the area of the
heater spiral (Fig. 5). If necessary, the pipe end must be shortened
For a short version of the processing instructions, see the appendix. correspondingly immediately before the welding.

Table 1. Guide values for the heated tool butt welding of pipes and fittings made of PA 12 at an outdoor temperature of approx. 20°C with moderate air movement
(intermediate values must be interpolated).

1 2 3 4 5
Nominal wall Alignment Heating-up Changeover Joining
Joining Cooling time under
s Heated tool temperature 230 ± 10°C Changeover time
pressure joining pressure
build-up time
Bead height at (Heating-up time (maximum time) (minimum values)
the heated tool at the end p 0.01 N/mm2) p = 0,25 N/mm ± 0.05
of the alignment time 12 x wall thick-
(minimum values) ness s
p = 0,25 N/mm2)
[mm] [mm] [s] [s] [s] [min]
up to 4.5 0.5 up to 54 5 5 6
4.5 ... 7 1.0 54 ... 84 5...6 5...6 6 ...10
7 ... 12 1.5 84 ... 144 6...8 6...8 10 ...16
12 ... 19 2.0 144 ... 228 8 ... 10 8 ... 11 16 ... 24

Page 4 to DVS 2207-16

The fitting and the pipe must be at the same temperature level
before the welding. In the case of welding devices with
automatic temperature compensation, it must be ensured that
the recorded ambient temperature corresponds to the
conditions at the location of the welding. If necessary, the
welding device as well as the pipe and the fitting must be
protected from (for example) direct solar radiation.
Still permissible Wrong
5.4 Execution of the welding

The correct insert depth must be checked on the basis of the

mark. If necessary, suitable measures or jigs must be used in
order to prevent any changes in the positions of the components
to be welded.

spiral spiral
zo n e

Heater Heater Cables serve to connect the welding device with the fitting to be
welded. The welding cables must be attached in a weight-relieved

zone zone form. The contact faces must be clean. As a rule, the welding device

acquires the fitting data required for the welding by reading in a
component-specific bar code. The displayed data (e. g. dimensions)
must coincide with the component data. After the welding operation
Figure 5. Conical collapsing of the pipe end or insufficient pipe insertion before has started, this proceeds automatically. The welding duration is
the welding (principle).
usually displayed by the welding device. Just like the other data
displayed by the device, it must also be indicated on the welding
The out-of-roundness of the pipe must not exceed 1.5% of the outside record sheet unless the data is stored.
diameter, max. 3 mm, in the welding zone. Corresponding round
pressing clamps must be used if necessary.
Pay attention to error messages! For example if the power
supply is interrupted, a prematurely terminated welding
Beyond the area of the insert depth or the length of the saddle operation can be repeated on one occasion in so far as there
fitting, the complete surface of the pipe or of the pipe spigot on
the fitting must be subjected to chip-producing machining. A are no defects on the fitting or on the welding device (error
rotating peeling device with constant wall thickness removal of message) and the fitting manufacturer permits this. It is
approx. 0.2 mm must be used. Attention must be paid to the necessary to wait for the entire cooling time before carrying out
formation of a small annular gap! the welding once again (fire hazard).

The pipe end must be deburred on the inside and outside. Chips must be The cables can be removed when the device has been switched off.
removed without touching the joining face. If there are any welding indicators on the fitting, these must be
checked. The joint may only be moved after the cooling. Information
The fitting may only be removed from the protective packaging immediately about this is provided by the fitting manufacturer.
before the assembly.
If the manufacturer provides any information about additional
If the machined pipe surface is contaminated after the chip- cooling times (e. g. until the pressure test), attention must be
producing machining, it must be cleaned according to Section paid to this.
3.2.3. In this respect, it must be ensured that no contamination
is introduced into the welding zone. The joining face of the fitting For a short version of the processing instructions, see the appendix.
must be cleaned according to Section 3.2.3.

It must be possible to check the insert depth of the pipe either

on the basis of a mark to be applied or using a suitable jig. The 6 Testing of the welded joints
fitting must not be tilted or pushed on to the pipe end with force
(low-stress assembly). The saddle piece must be tightly
clamped on the pipe with the aid of a suitable jig according to Various test procedures are applied for the individual welding
the information from the manufacturer. processes. A distinction is made between non-destructive and
destructive test procedures. They are listed in Table 2. Depending on
The contact bushes for the connection of the welding cable must be easily the agreement, checking and sampling operations should be carried
accessible. out on a random basis during the welding work.

Table 2. Test procedures for welded joints.

Test procedure Heated tool butt welding Sleeve welding with an incorporated heating element
Pipes and fittings Fittings and saddle fittings
Visual inspection DVS 2202-1, Table 1 DVS 2202-1, Table 3
The machining of the pipe surface must be visible beyond
the welding area; check the insert depth on the basis of
the mark.
Radiographic and DVS 2206 applicable to a limited extent
ultrasonic tests
Statements possible, for example, about voids and the position of the heater spiral, not about the quality.

Tensile test DVS 2203-2; Not applicable

Short-time tensile welding factor ≥ 0.9
DVS 2203-1, Supplement 1
Tensile creep test DVS 2203-4; With reference to DVS 2203-4, Supplement 1
Tensile creep welding factor ≥ 0.8 The test parameters must be determined in preliminary
DVS 2203-1, Supplement 2 tests.

Page 5 to DVS 2207-16

Table 2. Continuation.

Test procedure Heated tool butt welding Sleeve welding with an incorporated heating element
Pipes and fittings Fittings and saddle fittings
Technological bending DVS 2203-5; Not applicable
test Minimum bending angle according to
DVS 2203-1, Supplement 3, Figs. 2 and 3
Minimum bending path according to
DVS 2203-1, Supplement 3, Figs. 8 and 9
Internal pressure creep Test parameters according to ISO 22621; not meaningful for long-time welding factor > 0.5
Torsion shear test Not applicable DVS 2203-6, Supplement 1
Also as a site test for pipe wall thicknesses ≥ 4 mm
Radial peeling test Not applicable DVS 2203-6, Supplement 1
Site test for pipe wall thicknesses ≥ 4 mm
Compression test Not applicable DIN EN 12814-4, Section 8
Also suitable as a site test
Peeling decohesion Not applicable DIN EN 12814-4, Section 7

7 Standards, technical codes and guidelines which are also DVS 2208-1 Welding of thermoplastics; machines and
applicable devices for the heated tool welding of pipes,
piping parts and panels
ISO 22621-5 Plastic piping systems for gas supply for a
(under maximum permissible operating pressure of Supplement 1 –, requirements on tools and devices (under
preparation) 2 MPa (20 bar) – Polyamide (PA) preparation)

DIN EN ISO Plastics; determination of the water content, DVS 2212-1 Qualification testing of plastics welders; Quali-
15512 Method B fication Test Groups I and II
Betr.Sich.V Operational Safety Ordinance
DIN EN 12814-4 Testing of welded joints between thermoplastics; Part 4:
Peeling test

DVGW VP 603 Test basis for cleaning agents and their 8 Explanations
receptacles for the preparation of welded
joints between polyethylene pipes
The welding of thermoplastics at ambient temperatures < 5°C is
DVS 2202-1 Defects in welded joints between thermoplastics; generally considered to be problematical. This relates not so
characteristics, description and evaluation
much to the material-specific properties of the plastic but, to a
DVS 2203-1 Testing of welded joints between thermoplastics; test greater extent, to the restricted dexterity of the welder.
procedures – requirements Therefore, the prerequisite for open-air welding at any outdoor
temperatures is an environment which enables the welding
Supplement 1 Requirements in the tensile test personnel to perform the individual work steps without any
Supplement 2 Requirements in the tensile creep test quality-reducing influences. In this respect, it is necessary to pay
attention to the information from the manufacturers and to the
Supplement 3 Requirements in the technological bending test, dew point curve (formation of moisture on the workpiece). The
bending angle / bending path
parts to be joined must exhibit an identical temperature level.
Supplement 4 Requirements on shear and peeling tests for Trial welds must be produced and tested.
sleeve welding with an incorporated heating
element (HM) and heated tool sleeve welding It must be ensured that, within the framework of the welding
(HD) on pipes and fittings preparations, any white frost, ice and moisture are removed from
the welding area by supplying heat (e. g. a hot gas device but
DVS 2203-2 Testing of welded joints between thermoplastics; not a naked flame). Any damage must be avoided.
test procedures – tensile test
Fittings must be stored in closed, frost-free and dry rooms and
DVS 2203-4 Testing of welded joints between thermoplastics; test may only be transported to the welding location in the number
procedures – tensile creep test required in each case.
Supplement 1 Testing of sleeve-welded joints between
pipes In the event of water storage over a lengthy period, the semi-
finished product may absorb up to max. 1.5% moisture
Supplement 3 Testing of the resistance to slow crack growth in the (measured according to DIN EN ISO 15512, Method B).
full-notch creep test (FNCT)
Attention must be paid to this, for example, in the case of repairs to
DVS 2203-5 Testing of welded joints between thermoplastics; test piping which has been used for a lengthy period. If necessary, trial
procedures – technological bending test welds must be produced in order to ensure the weldability.

DVS 2203-6 Testing of welded joints between

thermoplastics; test procedures – testing of
joints between polymeric materials
Supplement 1 Torsion shear and radial peeling tests for
joints manufactured by means of sleeve
welding with an incorporated heating element
and heated tool sleeve welding

Page 6 to DVS 2207-16

Appendix: Processing instructions (short versions)

Re. 4.1 Re. 5

Heated tool butt welding of pipes, piping parts and fittings Sleeve welding with an incorporated heating element

Processing instructions (short version) Processing instructions (short version)

1. Create permissible working conditions, e. g. welding tent. 1. Create permissible working conditions, e. g. welding tent.

2. Connect the welding device to the mains or to the alternating current 2. Connect the welding device to the mains or to the alternating current
generator and check its function. generator and check its function.

3. Align and clamp the parts to be welded, e. g. with dollies. 3. Deburr the outside of the pipe cut off at a right angle. In the
case of excessively pronounced collapsing of the pipe end,
4. Close the pipe ends against draughts. shorten the pipe. See Fig. 5.
5. Clean the joining faces beyond the welding area with a 4. Guarantee the roundness of the pipes using round pressing clamps,
cleaning agent according to Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.3 with permissible out-of-roundness: ≤ 1.5%, max. 3 mm.
unused, absorbent, non-fraying and non-dyed paper.
Machine the joining faces, in the case of pipes using a plane 5. Clean the joining faces beyond the welding area with a cleaning
(for example). agent according to Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.3 with unused,
absorbent, non-fraying and non-dyed paper. Machine the pipe
6. Take out the plane in the case of a pipe welding machine. surface in the welding area, if at all possible with a rotating
peeling device and wall thickness removal of approx. 0.2 mm.
7. Remove the chips from the welding area without touching the joining Remove the chips without touching the pipe surface.

8. Check the plane parallelism by moving the joining faces together

6. Clean the machined pipe surface (in so far as it is
(max. gap width according to Table 1). contaminated subsequently) and, if necessary, also the
inside of the fitting according to the information from the
9. Check the misalignment (max. 0.1 x wall thickness). manufacturer with a cleaning agent according to Sections
10. Check the heated tool temperature (230 ± 10°C). 3.2.1 and 3.2.3 with unused, absorbent, non-fraying and
non-dyed paper and ensure extraction.
11. Clean the heated tool with a cleaning agent according to 7. Push the pipes into the fitting and check the insert depth on
Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 with unused, absorbent, non-
fraying and non-dyed paper and ensure extraction. the basis of a previously applied mark. Fasten the saddle
fitting to the pipe. Pay attention to low-stress assembly.
12. Determine the movement pressure or the movement force Prevent any change in the position of the pipe, if necessary
before every welding operation and make a note of it on the with a holding jig.
welding record sheet. 8. Connect the cables to the fitting in a weight-relieved form.
13. Determine the setting values for the alignment, heating-up and joining 9. Input the welding data (e. g. using a bar code reading pen),
pressures. check the displays on the device and start the welding
14. Stipulate the guide values according to Table 1. process.
15. Move the heated tool into the welding position. 10. Check the correct welding sequence on the welding device
(e. g. by checking the display and, if present, the welding
16. Align the faces to the heated tool until a bead arises (according to indicators). Pay attention to error messages!
Table 1, Column 2).
11. Detach the cables from the fitting.
17. Heating-up at a reduced pressure ≤ 0.01 N/mm , heating-up time
according to Table 1, Column 3. 12. Unclamping of the welded parts when the cooling time
according to the information from the manufacturer has
18. At the end of the heating-up, detach the joining faces to be elapsed. Remove the utilised holding jigs.
welded from the heated tool and move this out of the welding
position. 13. Complete the welding record sheet unless there was any automatic

19. Within the changeover time (Table 1, Column 4), quickly move
together the faces to be welded until they almost touch. The faces
must come into contact at a speed of nearly zero. Immediately
afterwards, build up the joining pressure with a linear rise in the
build-up time (Table 1, Column 5).

20. A bead must exist after the joining at a pressure of 0.25 ± 0.05
N/mm . According to Fig. 4, K must be > 0 at every point.

21. Cooling under the joining pressure according to Table 1,

Column 5.

22. Unclamping of the welded parts when the cooling time has elapsed.

23. Complete the welding record sheet.

Record sheet for the heated tool butt welding Overground Material Sheet of
of piping parts Underground

Building owner Executing company Welding machine:

Weather: Protective measures:

Title of the order Name of the welder Code no. Make: 1 = sunny 1 = none

Type: 2 = dry 2 = screen

No. of the order Name and company of welding supervisor Machine no.: 3 = rain or snowfall 3 = tent

Year of construction: 4 = wind 4 = heating

In the case of multiple designations, sequence of the numbers as above

(e.g. 34 = rain and wind)

Weld Date Pipe data Measured heated tool Movement Joining Setting values Heating-up Changeover Joining pres- Cooling time Ambient Code no.
) 3) 3) 3
no. dxs temperatura1 pressure pressure (ma- Alignment Heating-up Joining time time sure build- under joining temperatura Weather Protec-
3) )
min. max. chine table) up time presión3 tion
[mm] [°C] [°C] [bar] [bar] [bar] [bar] [bar] [s] [s] [s] [min] [°C]

Signature of the welder: Date and signature of the welding supervisor:

1) From the control interval, frequency according to Section 4.1.2.

2) According to information from the manufacturer of the welding machine or from the machine test plus the movement pressure or force.

3) The measured values must be entered.

Page 8 to DVS 2207-16
Record sheet for the sleeve welding of piping parts Overground Material Sheet of
with an incorporated heating element Underground

Building owner Executing company Welding machine:

Weather: Protective measures:

Title of the order Name of the welder Code no. Make: 1 = sunny 1 = none

Type: 2 = dry 2 = screen

No. of the order Name and company of welding supervisor Machine no.: 3 = rain or snowfall 3 = tent

Year of construction: 4 = wind 4 = heating

In the case of multiple designations, sequence of the numbers as above

(e.g. 34 = rain and wind)

Weld Date Pipe data Fitting data Device setting Fitting Secondary Welding times 2) Ambient Code no. Operating mode
no. dxs Un B Serial no. Manual Automatic resistencia 1) voltage 1) Heating Cooling temperatura 2 Weather Protective Mains Gener-
[mm] [ohm] [voltio] [s] [min] [°C] measures ator

Signature of the welder: Date and signature of the welding supervisor:

1) If necessary, entries according to the system used. A = manufacturer's code 1 = sleeve 2 = angle 3 = T-piece 4 = reducer
2) The measured values must be entered. B = fitting code no. 5 = saddle 6 = cap 7 = adapter
Erstellungsdatum: 17.07.2000
Letzte Änderung: 05.02.2002
File-Name: C:\DVS Merkblätter\2207\2207-25\

DVS – DEUTSCHER VERBAND Welding of Thermoplastics Directive D

FÜR SCHWEISSEN UND Heated Tool Butt Welding DVS 2207-25 V
VERWANDTE VERFAHREN E.V. Welding of Casements sections made from PVC-U (October 1989) S

Contents: 3 General requirements

1 Range of application The sections to be joined together are to be conditioned of at

2 Terminology least 24 hours until the temperature reaches at last 15 °C over
3 General requirements the entire section.
4 Welding processes
5 Welding machines During this time, the sections should be stored in such a way
6 Preparing the machine that no impermissible deformation takes place.
7 Preparing the components to be jointed The sections must be dry and their surfaces must be clean. In
8 Producing welded joints connection with this, it is advisable to open the packaging at the front
9 After-treatment of welded joints faces or, if necessary, to remove it completely. Any moisture which
10 Testing welded joints may be adhering to the sections must be removed by means of
11 Other standards and directives applying suitable measures (for example using an air jet).
12 Clarifications
13 Appendix: Operating symbols for welding machines The connecting surfaces of the sections to be welded must not
be damaged and must be free from impurities (for example dirt,
Reprinting and copying, even in the form of excerpts, only with the consent of the publisher

14 Appendix: Guidelines on safety at work and accident

grease, swarf) and moisture (condensation of water vapour due
to variations in temperature).
The working area, and the welding area in particular, should be
1 Range of application protected against the effects of draughts, moisture and
impurities. Before the welding operation commences, the set-
These directives apply to the production of joints on extruded up should be checked to make sure that it coincides with the
sections, made from unplasticised polyvinyl. chloride (PVC- pre- set welding parameters. If necessary, some test pieces
1) should be welded and the results checked. Test corners welded
U ), for the manufacture of windows, doors, frames and other
structural elements, by heated tool butt welding, for example may not undershoot the minimum breaking loads laid down in
casement sections made from PVC-U (predominantly PVC HI) the section manufacturer's system description (see Section 10,
in accordance with RAL-RG 716/1. 'Testing Welded Joints').
The directives also apply to extruded sections made from PVC- Welding operations should be carried out by specialist personnel who
U with coated surfaces, where the coating may consist of other 2)
thermoplastic plastics. are familiar with the work and have adequate experience .

4 Welding processes
2 Terminology
The welded joints made from extruded PVC-U sections covered
Matching Section 4 and Fig. 1 by these directives, are produced by means of heated tool butt
Matching time Fig. 1 welding. Welding machines, as per Section 5 of these
Heating cycle Fig. 1 directives, are to be used for this. The connecting surfaces of
Heating time Fig. 1 the sections to be welded are matched on the heated tool under
Heating pressure Fig. 1 and Section 5.5.1 pressure (matching) until their entire surfaces are in contact.
Working pressure Section 5.2. This has been achieved if a clearly visible bead has formed over
Adjustment plates Section 5.2. the entire periphery of the section.
Jointing Section 4 and Fig 1
Matching is completed by a stop or by control of the working table
Components to be jointed Section 7
movement, and passes directly into the heating process. Here the
Jointing path Section 4 and Fig 1 connecting surfaces are heated to the welding temperature and a
Jointing time Section 4 and Fig 1 sufficiently deep molten layer is formed. The heating process is
Jointing pressure Section 4 and Fig 1 controlled on a time basis, and the pressure in the joint surface
Heated tool butt welding (HS) Sections 4 and 8 corresponding to Fig, 1 must be reduced to the heating pressure,
Bead limitation Section 5.3. PAW . When the warning-up time is over, the sections are released
Burn-off Section 7
by the heated tool and the heated tool is removed from the welding
Gap width Section 5.3. plane (repositioning).
Clamping pressure Section 5.2.
Repositioning Section 4 and Fig 1 Directly after this, the two welding surfaces of the section are joined
Repositioning time Section 4, Fig. 1 and under the jointing pressure (jointing). The jointing path is limited by a
Section 5.5.2. stop or by control of the working table movement.

The internationally used term PVC-U, standing for 'unplasticised polyvinyl chloride' corresponds to the term 'rigid PVC' formerly in use.
Training courses on machining plastic casement sections are provided by the Plastics Processing Institute at the Aachen University of Technology (tel.:
+49 241/80 38 12), and in the associated course workshops, and by the South German Plastics Centre in Würzburg (tel.: +94 931 /4104-0).

This publication was prepared by a group of experienced specialists working together in an honorary capacity, and it is recommended that it should be res pected as an
important source of knowledge. The user must at all times check the extent to which the contents apply to his or her s pecial case and whether the version available to him
or her is still current. Any liability on the part of the German Welding Society and of those participating in the preparatio n of this document is excluded.

DVS, Technical Committee, Working Group W 4 "Plastics, Welding and Adhesive Bonding"
and Plastic Casement Section Quality Group of Plastics Products Quality Association

Orders to: DVS-Verlag GmbH, P. O. Box 10 19 65, 40010 Düsseldorf, Germany, Phone: + 49(0)211/1591- 0, Telefax: + 49(0)211/1591-150

Page 2 to DVS 2207-25

The jointing time should be selected in such a way that the joint b) It must. be possible to set. the clamping pressure, matching
weld is sufficiently cooled. The jointing pressure should be pressure and jointing pressure separately and externally,
selected in such a way that the stop is not reached until the and the settings must be repeatable and easily read off
second half of the jointing time (0.3 to 0.7 N/mm²) and the fusion 3)
viscosity of the material and the jointing surface of the section c) The control and display elements must be clearly indicated
should be taken into account. When the stop has been reached, d) Rapid clamping devices must be stable, adjustable and
the jointing pressure in the jointing area is reduced. The jointing replaceable
pressure then decreases further as a result of the cooling e) The clamping elements must open sufficiently widely for the
process. Fig. 1 gives a schematic outline of the individual stages workpiece to be removed without difficulty
in the process.
f) Clamping devices should be designed in such a way that
injury to the operators is avoided
g) The sequence of operations for the welding process must be
extensively mechanised, in order to guarantee good
h) It must not be possible to bring the heated tool into the
operating position unless the clamping table is in the initial
i) The welding slides must be guided without any play but so that
they move easily, in order to obtain good reproduceability
j) Unintentional activation of the operating process must be
prevented by a safety device
k) An interruption in the power supply must not trigger any
uncontrolled phenomena of movement
l) The exhaust air from the pneumatic valves must not be
directed onto the heated tool.
5.2 Removal of workpiece and clamping device
High standards are set for the surface quality of the components
to be welded. The seats and clamping devices must therefore
be designed in such a way that they
– fix the sections securely
– transmit the forces required for welding without damaging or
deforming the section surface
– avoid any impermissible mismatch in the weld.
The sections should be supported in the vicinity of the jointing
Figure 1. Sequence of operations for heated tool butt welding of sections zone, in such a way that deflection and deformation during
with jointing path limitation – path-time and pressure-time warning-up and jointing are avoided. Depending on the type of
diagrams (schematic). section in question, 'adjustment plates' are to be provided to
s support the sections, so that the working pressures or clamping
AG Matching path tF Jointing time pressures required for welding can be accepted by the sections
sF Jointing path tS Welding time (total) without any deformation. The clamping elements must exercise
sS Welding path (overlength) PAG Matching pressure
tAG PAW a uniform pressure on the clamping surface, in order to clamp
Matching time Warming-up pressure the section securely and without deformation.
tAW Warming-up time PF Jointing pressure
t 5.3 Bead limitation
U Repositioning time
Should the thickness of the bead be limited by a heated device, its
temperature in the jointing area must be controllable to within
5 Welding machines
± 5 °C. (The usual temperatures for bead limitation lie in the
range between 45 and 50 °C.). The range of the limitation
Section welding machines are intended exclusively for stationary influences the strength of the welded joint. Reducing the gap
workshop operation. They must meet the safety regulations width reduces the strength.
applicable. They are used for welding sections, for example window
and door profiles, to frames, T-connections, double junctions or 5.4 Heated tool design
various angles can also be welded, depending on the construction
The mounting brackets and guidance of the heated tool must be
and equipment of the welding machines.
designed in such a way that it can be matched to the joint
The welding machine must be set up in a dry area on a level surfaces or can be centred, and can easily be moved. The
load-bearing base support. It must also be in a place free from release and removal of the heated tool from the joint surfaces
draughts. after the heating process must take place as quickly as possible,
so that the permissible repositioning time of max. 2 s is not
5.1 Structure of machine and safety in use. exceeded. Special measures are usually adopted to make it
easier to release the heated tool from the plasticised joint
To meet the requirements for design and construction, the surfaces (for example PTFE covering).
following points should be. taken Into account in the structure of
the machine: 5.5 Control and adjustment for pressure. time and path
a) The structure must be stable and the table construction The control and adjustment of the welding machine must be
torsion-proof designed in such a way that the welding parameters are

See Appendix, Section 13: Operating Symbols for Welding Machines.

Page 3 to DVS 2207-25

maintained, the strength and viscosity of the welds meet the Table 2. Permissible angular deflection on V-form heated tools.
requirements, and the pre-set dimensions of the window are
Length of a side mm permissible deflection mm
maintained. Fig. 1 gives schematic diagrams for the pressure-time
progression and the path-time progression. It must be possible to
l un
calibrate the control and adjustment equipment, and it must be tested ≤ 100 0.3
at regular intervals and readjusted if necessary. > 100 ... 150 0.4
> 150 ... 200 0.6
5.5.1 Pressure control > 200 0.8
The matching pressure, heating pressure and jointing pressure must
be separately adjustable. The heating pressure must be close to 0 The useful area here is taken as being the part of the heated
(see Fig. 1). Pressure gauges of accuracy class ≤ 1.6, as per DIN 16 tool in which the temperature and the amount of heat delivered
005 and 16 063 must be provided for the matching pressure and can be adjusted over the required range. The manufacturer
jointing pressure, and the graduation of scale used must be 0.2 bar. must display the dimensions of the useful area on the heated
The minimum and maximum machine pressure which can be set, tool in permanent form.
together with the effective piston surface of the main cylinder, must
5.6.2 Surface finish
be stated in the machine documents. The pressure in the welding
surface can be calculated from these data and from the cross-section The surface finish of heated tools in the useful area must be such as
of the profile. to avoid any plastic material residues remaining behind. It must be
possible to clean heated tools without damaging them.
5.5.2 Time-control
Coatings or coverings, for example PTFE, are recommended to
The heating time and jointing time must be separately make it easier to keep the surface clean and to reduce the
adjustable in stages. The repeatability of the heating and adhesion when the components being jointed are removed.
jointing time must be within an accuracy of 0.5 s. The Coverings must remain in contact with the heated tool at the
repositioning time is specified by the equipment. It must not welding temperature.
exceed 2 s and must be repeatable within ≤ 0,2 s.
PTFE spray acts as a parting agent and must not be used
since it is removed from the heated tool along with the
5.5.3 Path control
jointed components and transferred into the weld!
Path control must ensure that the pre-set dimensions of the Heated tools newly covered or newly coated with PTFE must be
window are maintained. In conjunction with the placing stop, the heated for at least 0.5 hours to a temperature of 280 °C, when
matching path and the jointing path must display a repeatability first put into operation.
of ≤ 0.1 mm.
The roughness depth value, Rt, (the roughness class as per
5.6 Heated tool DIN/ ISO 1302 is given in brackets) is as follows, depending on
the version of heated tool used:
– Heated tool with indirect heat release through a heat
– With PTFE covering or coating, Rt ≤ 16m (17). Usual
conductor (DVS 2208, Part 1) –
coating depths are 30 to 50m, and PTFE/fibreglass tissues
The heat is transmitted from embedded electrical heaters to the in thicknesses of 100 to 300m.
surface of the heated tool through a material which is a good
conductor and resistant to corrosion. Cast heated tools must be The covering or coating material must withstand a temperature
free of shrinkholes. stress of 300 °C for an hour without any significant change in its
anti-adhesive properties or its adhesive strength. In continuous
5.6.1 Design use the temperature should not exceed 270 °C.
Heated tools must be suitable for the jointing surfaces in terms 5.6.3 Useful area of heated tool
of form and dimensions. If laminar heated tools are used on both
The external dimensions of a heated tool should exceed the
sides, they must be plane parallel within their useful areas. length of the sides of the useful area by at least 5% all the way
Permissible deviations from plane parallelism are given in Table
round. The useful area AN is then obtained from the external
1 and are based on room temperature.
dimensions of the heated tool, aH and bH, for example as in Fig.
Table 1. Plane parallelism of laminar heated tools.
AN = aN x bN en cm², donde aN = 0. 9 aH, bN = 0.9 bH
Useful area cm² Permissible deviation mm
Plane paralellism Heated tool thickness
≤ 250 ≤ 0.2  0.1
> 250 ... 400 ≤ 0.4  0.15
> 400 ≤ 0.5  0.2

The data in Table 2 apply to the permissible angular deflections

on V-form heated tools (Fig. 2).

Figure 3. Example for the position of the useful area.

The entire welding surface must lie within the useful area.

5.6.4 Minimum heated tool power

The minimum heated tool power is dependent on the conditions
of use and the type of model. The electrical power, based on
Figure 2. Representation of angular deflection on V-form heated tools. the heater area (aH, bH,), must be at least 2 W/cm².

Page 4 to DVS 2207-25

5.6.5 Minimum temperature range are to be set or checked. The heated tool temperature in the
The heated tool must be continuously adjustable over the useful area should be measured using a suitable gauge (see
required temperature range within the useful area, at least Section 5.6.7). The average standard interval should not
between 200 °C and 300 °C. deviate from the nominal value by more than the amounts listed
in Table 3.
5.6.6 Temperature precision
6.3 Commissioning the welding machine
The temperature precision should correspond to the welding
temperature differences listed in Table 3. These welding Good welded joints can not be obtained unless the welding
temperature differences correspond to the temperature machine has reached a constant operating condition. It takes
variations: about 0.5 hours to achieve this because of the heating of the
heated tool and the clamping devices. The welding machine
a) over. the useful area must therefore be switched on at least 0.5 hours before
b) through the standard interval production starts.
c) on the two sides.
Table 3 shows the resulting maximum permissible total 6.4 Functional testing
temperature differences in the effective area. The effective area Before production starts, and after any long interruptions, a functional
is the surface within the periphery of the profile section. test is to be carried out. At least one welded joint is to be produced
for this. Apart from the maintaining of the welding parameters, special
Table 3. Maximum permissible temperature differences. attention is to be paid to satisfactory clamping of the section and the
useful area area of temperature differences °C regular formation of the bead.
cm² un b c total
7 Preparation of components for jointing
≤ 150 4 2 2 6
> 150 ... 250 5 3 3 8 The profile sections which are intended to weld should be
> 250 ... 400 7 3 3 10 checked with regard to their geometric form and usability before
> 400 9 3 3 12 being cut to size. In the case of main profiles special attention
should be paid to mismatch and to the flatness of the surfaces
These values are to be maintained after a build- up time of app. which are visible after jointing.
30 min., at room temperature, in an environment protected from
The burn-off – the difference between the component cut to size
draughts, in the working position, within the useful area and at a
for jointing in the unwelded condition and the finished size in the
reference temperature of 250 °C.
welded condition – is to be taken into account when cutting to
5.6.7 Temperature control size takes place. It comes about in connection with the
formation of a bead of plasticised material during matching,
The temperature control must guarantee the characteristic heating and jointing. (The burn-off was also previously known
temperature values required under Sections 5.6.5 and 5.6.6. as the 'consumption'.)
From the initial contact of the jointed surfaces to repositioning,
the temperature must not fall by more than 4 °C. The heated tool The cutting equipment used (preferably circular saws) must be
temperature must return to the nominal value during the jointing manufactured in such a way that the jointing surfaces do not
time of the welded component. deviate from the nominal values by more than 0.5 mm.
An additional check on the heated tool surface temperature is Deviation includes
required. Suitable equipment for this consists of (for example) – angular deflection
rapid-indicating contacting electrical surface temperature – flatness
gauges with appropriate mass-impregnated and drained probes – roughness of jointing surface.
or contactless radiation meters . The cutting tools must be manufactured in such a way that the jointing
surfaces can be produced without difficulty and without impermissible
6 Preparation of machine heating, Swarf which impedes the jointing process should be
removed (for example by suction or blow-off).
6.1 Visual assessment of function capability of welding machine The jointing surfaces must be kept free from damage and
The functional capability of the welding machine is to be impurities (for example dust, grease, hand sweat, protective foil,
evaluated before commissioning. The welding machine and the etc.). Moreover, the components cut to size for jointing are to be
leads must be in a condition allowing for a satisfactory sequence stored in a constant climate.
of operations. The machine's service units must be inspected
and maintained at the intervals laid down by the machine 8 Production of welded joints
The condition of the heated tool surface is of special importance. – Place the jointing components to be welded, cut askew (on
In the welding area, the surface coating of the heated tool must the median) to size, into the machine.
be clean, free from faults and free of damage (for example,
pimples, cracks, etc,). No residues must be present. A stretched – Press the sections against the stops and the adjustment
PTFE/fibreglass tissue must be in uniform contact with the plates unless this part of the work has been taken over by
heated tool at the welding temperature. the machine.
When a new PTFE/fibreglass tissue has been fitted, the heated – Hold the jointing components in this position and release the
tool should be operated for 0,5 hours at 280 °C, in order to clamping devices.
harden the surface. The first three welded joints produced using – Activate the welding process.
this new PTFE/ fibreglass tissue are of inferior strength and
should therefore not be used. – The welding of the jointing components is carried out by the
welding machine automatically in accordance with the
6.2 Setting welding parameters welding parameters to which the welding machine is set.
The welding parameters laid down for the section to be welded – – The welding process is completed when the clamping device
working pressures, temperatures, times and bead limitations – opens.

Information can be obtained from the Casement Sections Quality Group, 2, Dyroffstraße, 5300 Bonn 1, W.Germany (tel. 02 28/22 35 7M.).

Page 5 to DVS 2207-25

– Do not release the welded jointing components from the The maximum force values for corner welds depend on the
clamping devices and remove them from the machine until profile geometry and the test rig. The maximum corner weld
the welded joints have cooled down sufficiently. values measured, F, must not be less than the calculated
– Since the weld has not yet cooled completely, as little stress limiting values for the breaking force, Fsoll. Fsoll is calculated
as possible must be put on the joint. as follows, with a failure stress of σ = 35 N/mm²:
Fsoll = ------------------
-a- -a-a-a
9 After-treatment of welded joints 2

The welding bead should be taken off as soon as possible, once σ = -F-------h
enough cooling has taken place, so as to avoid any impairment 2W
of the weld strength and appearance. Accelerated cooling, for l
example using compressed air, is not permissible and can lead e
to stress cracking.
h = -a- ---
Welding beads should be removed manually or mechanically
using suitable means. The process can have a significant
2 2
influence on the strength of the welded joint.
Some examples of factors which can reduce the strength are:
– notches in inside corner
– grooves in the visible surfaces
– streaking of surfaces.
Using polishing and cleansing agents which dissolve PVC is not
permissible, as can lead to stress cracks and discolouration.
Consult the profile manufacturer's instructions for the after-
treatment of welded joints Involving co-extruded surfaces,
coated surfaces, or surfaces laminated with foil.

10 Testing welded joints

The welded joints are tested using corner samples of (90 ± 1)° Figure 5. Representation of parameters for calculation of Fsoll.
or T-connections from which one side of the continuous section
is out off. The welding bead should not be removed. In this context is:
The sides of the corner under test are cut to length, at an angle F Maximum force
of (45 ± 1)°, in such a way that the neutral fibres (approximately Fsoll Breaking force limiting value
at the centre of the main chamber of the section) lie above the I Axial angular impulse
axis of rotation of the test chassis. W Section modulus in direction of stress (inside corner)
The side lengths on the internal sides (Li) can be derived from σFailure stress (see DIN 16 830, Part 2 (at present draft)
the lengths of the neutral fibres (Ln = 283 mm), minus twice the aDistance between axes of rotation; a = (400 2) mm
distance of the section's internal sides from the neutral fibre (e): eDistance between critical fibre and neutral fibre
Li therefore equals 283 mm – 2e. Ln Length of neutral fibre; Ln = 283 mm.
For corners from sections with articulated asymmetrical external Li Side length on internal side; Li = 283 mm - 2 e
sides, the pressure stamp is to be adjusted to impose a uniform h Lever arm
stress on the profile section of the form of the external section
flank at the point of the corner (using adjustment plates as well,
for example).

Figure 4. Test rig with movable supporting (a = 400 mm).

In a suitable test rig, as in Fig. 4, which has movable supporting

chassis which can rotate around the transverse axis, the corners are
deformed in a pressure test, with a testing speed of (50 ± 5) mm/min
at room temperature (18 to 28 °C) without jolting, until they break, and Figure 6. Example of a minimum failure curve F soll as a function of the
the maximum forces arising are measured. 2
section modulus with e = 40 mm and σ = 35 N/mm .

Page 6 to DVS 2207-25

11 Standards and directives also applying

DIN 1910, Welding; welding plastics, processes
Part 3
DIN 7728, Plastics; Code letters and abbreviations for
Release, normal position
Part 1 polymers and their special properties
DIN 16 005 Excess pressure gauges with flexible error detector
for general use, requirements and testing Setting up
DIN 16 063 Excess pressure gauges with bourdon tube,
housing diameters 40, 50 and 63 mm, precision
class 1.6, 2.5 and 4.0 – dimensions and Indicating Clamping off
DIN 16 830, Draft Casement sections made from polyvinyl
Part 1 chloride of high impact strength (PVC-HI) – Test Clamping, clamping pressure
DIN 16 830, Draft Casement sections made from polyvinyl
Part 2 chloride of high impact strength (PVC-HI) – Brake
DIN 32 502 Faults in welded joints made from plastics;
classification, terms, clarifications Matching pressure
DVS 2206 Testing of structural elements and structures made
from thermoplastic plastics
Heating-up time
DVS 2208, Machines and equipment for welding thermoplastic
Part 1 plastics – Heated tool welding
RAL-RG Plastic windows, quality assessment. (Quality and Jointing pressure
716/1 test regulations for plastic windows)
VDE 0100 Regulations for the erection of power plants with
rated voltages of up to 1,000 Volts Jointing time
VDE 0105, Regulations for the operation of power plants –
Part 1 General regulations
Check machine settings (weld strength risk)
VDE 0250 Regulations for insulated power lines
VDE 0551 Regulations for safety transformers
VDE 0612 Regulations for power distribution on building sites Temperature monitoring on
for rated voltages of up to 380 Volts AC and
currents of up to 630 A
VDE 0720 Regulations for electrical heating units for domestic Heated tool
use and similar purposes (apply by analogy)

Heated tool cleaning

12 Clarifications

These directives were drawn up by the GWEA/PCSQG Joint

Working Party. This consists of members of GWEA Working 14 Appendix: Guidelines on safety at work and accident
Party W4, representatives of the Plastic Casement Section prevention
Quality Group, and representatives of manufacturers of welding
machines for casement sections. The directives are intended to The 'Law on Technical Means of Operation' (Equipment Safety
allow window producers to optimise welded joints in window Law) of 24th June, 1968 lays down that technical. means of
manufacture and to keep them constant, and thus to ensure operation may be brought into use only if they correspond to the
welded joints of uniform quality. generally recognised rules of the art, as well as to the guidelines
on safety at work and accident prevention.
The results of long years of practical experience from the
manufacturers of profile sections and welding machines have gone Consequently, the generally accepted rules of the art, for
into these directives, together with the most recent developments in example the relevant VDE guidelines, together with the
machine technology. Special attention has been paid to the results of guidelines on safety at work and accident prevention, are to be
the research projects 'Welding PVC casement sections' and 'Welding respected during the construction of plastic welding machines.
corner joints on PVC casement sections' of the South German
Plastics Centre in Würzburg. 14.1 Electrical equipment
The following guidelines, in particular, apply as regards to the
construction and operation of welding equipment:
13 Appendix: Operating symbols for welding machines
VDE 0100 Regulations for the erection of power plants with
rated voltages of up to 1,000 V
On VDE 0105 Regulations for the operation of power plants –
Part 1 General regulations
VDE 0250 Regulations for insulated power lines
VDE 0551 Regulations for safety transformers
VDE 0612 Regulations for power distribution on building rites
for rated voltages of up to 380 V AC and for
Placing, preparation currents, of up to 630 A

Page 7 to DVS 2207-25

VDE 0720 Regulations for electrical heating units for domestic

use and similar purposes (apply by analogy)

14.2 Constructions and handling

General guidelines on safety at work and accident prevention
should be respected in the manufacture, handling and
maintenance of welding machines. Particular attention should be
paid to the chapter on 'Welding Machines and Welding
Equipment' in the guidelines of the Chemical Industry
Professional Trade Association on machines for processing and
converting plastics.


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