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Energy and Built Environment

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Dimensionamiento, optimización, control y gestión energética

del sistema híbrido de energía renovable: una revisión
Chouaib Ammari a , Djamel Belatrache b, Batoul Touhami c, Salim Makhloufi a

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• Una revisión de los últimos estudios publicados en un sistema híbrido de energía

• Esta revisión se centra en el dimensionamiento, la optimización, el control y la

gestión energética.

• Los últimos métodos publicados se revisan y citan en este artículo.

• La comparación entre cada método se logra con ventajas e inconvenientes.

Para satisfacer la creciente demanda de energía, deben explotarse todas las fuentes de energía.
Las energías renovables son ilimitadas y limpias, pero el mayor problema con ellas es su aspecto
intermitente. Para superar este problema se realiza una mezcla de varias fuentes de energía para
obtener lo que se denomina sistema híbrido de energía renovable. Este artículo tiene como 1/45
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objetivo presentar y analizar una revisión profunda de la literatura del artículo reciente
publicado en el campo de las energías renovables híbridas. Esta revisión se centra en cuatro
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categorías esenciales de sistemas híbridos de energía renovable que son el dimensionamiento
(usando software o usando métodos tradicionales), optimización (métodos clásicos, artificiales e
híbridos), control (control centralizado, distribuido e híbrido) y gestión de energía (objetivo
técnico, objetivo económico y objetivo tecnoeconómico). Es más,

Gráficamente abstracto

Descargar: Descargar imagen a tamaño completo

Palabras clave
Energía renovable; Dimensionamiento; Mejoramiento; Control; Manejo de energía

1 . Introducción
Para satisfacer las crecientes necesidades energéticas del mundo, la industria sigue
consumiendo todos los recursos disponibles en un futuro próximo. En 2020, el consumo
mundial de energía disminuye un 5,9% en comparación con 2019 debido a la pandemia del virus
corona y el bloqueo total, en la energía eléctrica, el nuevo informe revela que el desarrollo
económico global redujo significativamente el consumo de electricidad mundial en un 3,8% en
comparación con el primer trimestre. de 2019 durante el primer trimestre de 2020 [1]

La demanda de energía renovable creció aproximadamente un 1,5% en el primer trimestre de

2020. Producción eólica y solar adicional de nuevos proyectos completados durante el último
año. A las energías renovables se les concede preferencia en la red y no se les exige que cambien
su producción para satisfacer la demanda para separarlas de las consecuencias de la reducción
de la demanda de energía [2] . Como se espera que Exxon Mobil en su pronóstico de energía
actual, La energía nuclear constituirá el 25 por ciento de la electricidad mundial que se utilizará
en 2040 [3] .

Con 2000 horas de energía solar al año en todo el país y 3900 horas en las tierras altas y el Sahara,
Argelia tiene uno de los mejores sistemas de energía solar del mundo. La irradiación horizontal 2/45
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global en el norte es de 3000Wh / m2 cada año y en el sur de Argelia (Sahara) es de más de

5000Wh / m 2 cada año. En el sur, Argelia también tiene un recurso eólico importante con
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velocidades del viento que oscilan entre 4 m / sa 8 m / s, y en toda la región, los recursos de
energía eólica se estiman en 35 TWh por año [4] . Sin embargo, Argelia es el último país en
utilizar energías renovables en todo el mundo con el 1,5% de la generación de electricidad
mundial (clasificado 131º mundial) [5], pero el gobierno ha establecido el plan de energías
renovables para 2011-2030, que implica la introducción de una política para satisfacer las
necesidades del mercado nacional de 22000 MW durante el período 2015-2030 [6] .

El Sistema Híbrido de Energía Renovable (HRES), que consta de una fuente renovable y más de
una fuente de energía, ha sido designado como sistema eléctrico. Estas fuentes pueden ser
tradicionales, sostenibles o mixtas, y el sistema puede utilizarse en la red (fuera de la red) o de
forma independiente [7] . Otra definición simple de Sistema Híbrido de Energía Renovable por
el profesor Herbert Girardet y Miguel Mendonça (Jefe de Investigación del World Future
Council) en su libro, "Un mundo renovable" cuando lo describieron en una sola oración
diciendo "Los sistemas híbridos típicos combinan dos o más tecnologías energéticas ” [8]. Se ha
encontrado que los diversos componentes del dispositivo de la planta híbrida de energía
renovable se pueden seleccionar utilizando diferentes parámetros de tamaño, además, se utilizan
muchos software comerciales para el dimensionamiento y la optimización, la mayoría de estos
software utilizan Windows como una plataforma de lenguaje de programación visual C ++ como
INSEL (lenguaje de entorno de simulación integrado), HOMER (modelo de optimización híbrida
para energías renovables eléctricas), iHOGA (optimización híbrida por algoritmo genético),
RETScreen y otros programas.

Khan y col. se centran en los últimos métodos publicados sobre el dimensionamiento de

sistemas híbridos de turbinas solares y fotovoltaicas. También se discute una descripción
general rápida de los avances en los métodos de optimización, técnicas de análisis de costos y
estrategias para construir un sistema de almacenamiento eficiente. [9]

En [10] , los autores escriben una revisión de la literatura con la ubicación (Omán). Además, el
documento aborda varios enfoques de optimización utilizados para comparar el costo de
extracción de energía y la eficiencia de los diversos sistemas híbridos utilizando técnicas de

Tamer Khatib y col. concéntrese en la configuración y los métodos utilizados para dimensionar
sistemas fotovoltaicos autónomos. Además, los autores investigan los últimos criterios y
métodos de evaluación utilizados en la optimización con el análisis de las complejidades y los
inconvenientes de las implementaciones independientes. [11]

Se puede implementar la optimización en cualquier etapa de las microrredes para lograr las
condiciones óptimas de operación donde se cumplan todos los criterios. Un enfoque tradicional
implementa procesos rigurosos, incluida la planificación lineal, mientras que los enfoques de
nueva generación utilizan herramientas como algoritmos genéticos, optimización de enjambres
de partículas, etc. 3/45
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Rajanna Siddaiah y Saini se enfocan en cuatro ejes esenciales; planificación, configuración,

modelado y optimización de sistema híbrido fuera de la red. Además, este artículo proporciona
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un estudio de numerosos modelos matemáticos de investigadores basados ​en funciones
objetivas, estudios económicos y de confiabilidad que involucran parámetros de diseño. [12]

Samir Dawoud y col. concentrarse en los nuevos métodos propuestos en la práctica energética de
fuente híbrida basados ​en modelado físico con varios procedimientos de optimización para las
redes híbridas [13] . Basado en un sistema de almacenamiento de hidrógeno, Vivas et al. análisis
de la última revisión de la literatura sobre sistemas híbridos de energía renovable fuera de la red
[14] , Tezer et al. investigar la evolución de los enfoques de optimización multiobjetivo del coste
y la fiabilidad del sistema en los últimos 20 años [15] .

Las fuentes de energía renovables híbridas deben controlarse adecuadamente en modo

autónomo y conectado a la red mediante un convertidor de energía específico para realizar el
voltaje, la regulación de la energía y la calidad de la energía. Vikas Khare et al discuten el análisis
de prefactibilidad, el dimensionamiento óptimo, la simulación, los aspectos de control y los
problemas de confiabilidad, además, esta revisión proporcionó la implementación de
tecnologías de desarrollo y teoría de juegos en sistemas híbridos de energía renovable [16] .

Para garantizar el funcionamiento adecuado de los sistemas híbridos basados ​en energías
renovables y garantizar la demanda y aumentar el rendimiento del sistema, es necesario utilizar
técnicas de gestión de la energía. Una sólida estrategia de gestión de la energía permite que el
sistema satisfaga la demanda, aumente la vida útil de los componentes, aumente los costos
operativos y, para garantizar el máximo uso de fuentes renovables, reduzca los costos de
producción de energía, proteja los componentes contra daños por sobrecarga y mejore la
confiabilidad de el sistema de energía como resultado, para optimizar el rendimiento del

Yanfeng Liu y col. examinó la demanda de electricidad y las estrategias de aprovisionamiento de

energía renovable (ER), los modelos de energía, la aplicación de la energía renovable híbrida
(HRES) y la gestión de la preparación de energía. Además, las configuraciones de energía solar
fotovoltaica, turbina eólica, generador diésel y batería han demostrado ser más eficientes. [17]

This paper present global summary of the latest research published on four essential axes in
hybrid renewable energy system which is; sizing (using commercial tools or conventional
methods), optimization (traditional methods, artificial methods and hybrid methods),
controlling the hybrid renewable energy System (centered, dispersed, hybrid and traditional
methods) and managing its energy systems (technical purpose policy, economic strategy and
technoeconomic strategy). Also, this paper focuses on the newest methods published and
founded in hybrid system associated with the generators used in these methods. In the end of
the section, a full comparison between algorithms uses allied with the advantages and the

This paper is divided on five sections; the first section focuses on different load profile possible
can be uses in hybrid system, second section show most sizing methods based on commercial
software or traditional methods, the advantages and drawbacks of each method has been 4/45
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accomplished, in section three, the optimization methods using classical, artificial or hybrid
methods have been discussed on details. The control and energy management (technical,
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economic and techno-economic strategies) of hybrid renewables energy systems has been
reviewed in the four and five section.

2. Load profile
Generally, most renewable energy systems are used to cover consumption of isolated area (off
grid) or connected to the grid to supply the global network demand (residential sector, industry,
building), in this section will focus on most load profile integrated in hybrid renewable energy
system [18], [19], [20].

2.1. Isolated area

The load profile in this type can be island, small village in Sahara or mountain or limited
number of building off grid, this type of load characterizes by low energy consumption and
small business or manufacturing

Chouaib et al. size hybrid system based on solar photovoltaic, wind turbine, diesel generator and
storage system for feeding rural village in southwest Algeria, the simulation and optimization
was obtained using HOMER PRO software, the results show the best hybrid system is 2.5 MW
solar photovoltaic, two wind turbine, 1.4 MW diesel generator and 2.4 MW Lithium-Ion battery,
this hybrid system covers consumption of the rural village without unmet load, the investment
cost equal 14.4 million euro with 0.2€/kWh [21]

2.2. Residential sector

This type of load based on the place of resident (poor or rich country) and number of appliances
installed, generally, residential building characterizes by low energy consumption and most
hybrid systems are used solar energy (photovoltaic or concentrator solar parabolic), diesel engine
and storage system.

Kharrich et al. focus on optimization of many hybrid system using five algorithms to reach the
best reliable and economic system in Egypt, the results indicate that the Quasi-Oppositional
Bonobo Optimizer (QOBO) algorithms function effectively to overcome the hybrid micro-grid
power systems' optimum economic architecture issue [22].

2.3. Industry
This type is rarely investigated by the researcher in their studies due to technical and
economical limitation like the requirement of large place, the continuity of energy production,
quality of energy, necessity of high investment fund.

The aquaculture industry sector characterize by high energy consumption, Nhut Tien Nguyen
and Ryuji Matsuhashi propose hybrid renewable energy system to cover energy consumption
using wind turbine, solar photovoltaic and fuel cell battery to cover electrical and oxygen
consumption, optimal findings and sensitivity analyzes have demonstrated that the renewable 5/45
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hybrid power system grid-connected which has such desirable characteristics that it
View PDF pure oxygen on-site and utilizes hydrogen to produce back-up power could
provide farmers with significant benefits due to a substantial reduction in system costs [23].

2.4. Building
Many essential buildings can be implanted with hybrid renewable energy systems to cover
electrical consumption like using roof of building to integrate photovoltaic panels, CSP,
savonius wind turbine or fuel cell. This type of building can be a market, a university, a
laboratory an administration, or education building…etc., characterized by low consumption
(few kilowatts) and connected to the grid, the hybrid system will size to minimize the electricity
bill and improve environment impact.

Abu Yahya et al. uses HOMER PRO software to size and optimize hybrid system based on solar
photovoltaic, wind turbine, the grid, diesel generator and battery to cover consumption of
educational institution in Jordan, authors compare between three hybrid systems combination
to find the optimum technical and economic system, the results show that the PV/grid system is
best system with 10.5 million USD investment cost and 0.0331 USD/kWh as levelized cost, this
system reduces 66% of CO2 emission compared to other conventional system [24].

Hybrid renewable energy system can also integrate in ship to generate green energy, minimize
fuel consumption and use renewable potential available to generate free energy and cover
electrical consumption. Yuan et al. investigate experimentally hybrid system using photovoltaic
panels, diesel generator and lithium-ion battery to generate electrical power on commercial ship
in china, according to an experimental data analysis, it can be found that the use of hybrid solar
power can potentially minimize fuel consumption by 4.02 percent and carbon dioxide (CO2)
emissions by 8.55 percent each year. [25]

In transport section, many methods were proposed to integrate hybrid renewable energy system,
Wang et al. use wind turbine, the grid with battery and flywheel as storage system to feed ship
onshore, the authors propose a two-stage optimal framework to solve the optimal design
problem [26], Bogdanov et al. propose another method uses hybrid system to generate electrical
power than produce synthetic fuel to feed transportation sector and go to 100% renewable
energy electrification, the findings show that electrifying and market convergence offers extra
stability, leading to more productive networks and lower energy prices [27]. Moura CHS et al.
focus techno-economic-environment study of hydrogen vehicle using wind turbine, solar
photovoltaic and biogas generator, the results indicate that the hybrid systems generate an
average of 78,110 kWh/month for a single bus and an installed capacity of 1101,905 kW,
generated by the electrical method of 1209.90 kgH2/month from water with levelized cost
between 1.13$/kWh to 0.123$/kWh. [28]

3. Sizing methods of hybrid renewable energy system

Sizing of the hybrid system is an important step to define the capacity of the generators.
Without an appropriate sizing there is a risk of under-sizing or over-sizing the system. The most
difficulties encountered are the evaluation of real load and step time to accurately take 6/45
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fluctuations in consideration. However, most researchers take average hours, days or months as
data samples.
View PDF[29]

There are two categories of sizing method; the first one is by using software and the second one
is by using traditional methods (figure 1).

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Figure 1. Sizing methods of hybrid system

3.1. Sizing hybrid renewable energy system using software

Many commercial applications are available for sizing hybrid systems, and most of these
applications use Windows as computer platform with the programming language visual C++ like
RET Screen, iHOGA (Hybrid Optimization by Genetic Algorithm), INSEL (Integrated Simulation
Environment Language), HOMER (Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable) and
other software [30]

Baneshi et al. use HOMER software for sizing hybrid system based on diesel generator,
photovoltaic generator and wind turbine with storage system (battery) in Shiraz (Iran) for large
supply. The purpose of this study is to use a hybrid system with minimum cost and less dioxide
carbon. After simulation, the best economic result is the system levilized cost between 9,3 to 12,6
c/kWh with 43,9% from global production and renewable resource. [31]

Using iHOGA software, Fadaeenejad et al. sized hybrid system use formed by two renewable
generators (photovoltaic generator and wind turbine) and two conventional generators (diesel
generator and battery) in Kampung Opar in Malaysia for supplying a rural village. [32] The table
below characterize the input and the output of each sizing software:

Hybrid2 software is developed by Renewable Energy Research Laboratory (RERL) of the

University of Massachusetts, USA with support from National Renewable Energy Laboratory [30].
Mills et al. use this software for sizing solar/wind/fuel cell hybrid system in Chicago (USA), 7/45
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simulation shows sufficient renewable resource to cover load profile with possibility of omitting
fuel cell. [33]
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In 1998, the Ministry of Natural Resources in Canada developed a software for energy systems
sizing and optimization called “RET Screen” that simulate systems under different aspects;
technical, financial, environmental analysis, power efficiency…etc [11]. Liqun et al. simulate their
system using Canadian software for photovoltaic generator, wind turbine, diesel generator and a
battery hybrid system in Shanghai (China). The results show a reduction in greenhouse gas
emission because the hybrid system is basically based on Renewable energy (more than 99%)

The University of Wisconsin in Madison (USA) developed “TRNSYS” software, it is mainly used
for simulating thermic systems [11]. This software has been used to model and simulate
photovoltaic and thermic hybrid system in [35]; results show that hybrid system is technically
and economically better than a solar photovoltaic system.

According to table 2, the comparison between this software show different characteristics and
limitations for each one and the most important notes select the best software based on system
uses and degree of optimization for sizing, that mean HOMER and RET Screen can size any
system but uses simple optimization equation, iHOGA size any system with 10 kW limit,
Hybrid2 have some internal problems and TRNSYS cannot size all generators without any
optimization. After this comparison, we can say that HOMER and RET Screen is the best
software for sizing hybrid renewable energy system.

3.2. Sizing hybrid renewable energy system using traditional methods

There are four essential traditional sizing methods:
• Analytical method

• Iterative approach

• Probabilistic method

• Artificial intelligence methods

3.2.1. Analytical method

This approach considers the hybrid system as a means of a numerical model and defines the size
of the hybrid system as a function of viability. [36]. Amos Madhlopa et al. published in 2015, a
study for a hybrid system using analytical method, where the components of the hybrid system
are photovoltaic generator and a wind turbine in South Africa. The objective is investigating
water efficiency optimization of the hybrid system. The obtained results show that hybrid
central generates 100000 MWh every year,0,97€/kWh and 75000 m3 of water yearly [37].

3.2.2. Iterative approach

This method is an algorithm program based on recursive process, ending when the optimum
system design is attained [9,11]. Camargo et al. used this method for sizing stand-alone hybrid 8/45
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system based on solar photovoltaic, wind power with batteries for supply to a rural village in
Brazil. The objective of this study is to produce a system with minimum cost and high
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reliability. After simulation, the optimum configuration for hybrid system is 0,5 kW of solar
photovoltaic, 3 wind turbines (0,6 kW for each one) and 5 batteries (each one has 1,2 kWh). The
total cost of this system is 25672.01R$ (Brazilian real is the official currency of Brazil) with
levilized cost1.044 R$ /kWh [38].

3.2.3. Probabilistic method

The probabilistic approaches to size of an integrated system take into account the impact of
wind speed isolation and adjustments in the system design [11]. This method is one of the
simplest used sizing methods but results show that it may not be appropriate to find the best
possible solution [9].

Wen Hui Liu et al. uses an algorithm for sizing solar photovoltaic/wind turbine/biomass and
battery using Probability-Power Pinch Analysis (P-PoPA) method. The result shows
maximization in energy storage capacity and power rating of the storage system with
minimization in outsourced energy [39].

3.2.4. Artificial intelligence methods

Subho Upadhyay defined artificial intelligence in his review article “A review on configurations,
control and sizing methodologies of hybrid power systems” and wrote: “Artificial intelligence is
a term that in its broadest sense would mean the ability of a machine or artifact to perform
similar kinds of functions that characterize human thought” [9].

Several types of algorithm are used by researchers to find optimum sizing for hybrid system like
genetic algorithm [40], multi-objective self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm (MOSaDE)
[41], non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) [42], mine blast algorithm (MBA) [43],
Particle swarm optimization (PSO) [44], multi-objective line-up competition algorithm (MLUCA)
[45], Ant colony optimization (ACO) [46], and preference inspired coevolutionary algorithm
(PICEA) [47]. biogeography based on optimization (BBO) [48], cuckoo search (CS) [49], discrete
harmony search (DHS) [50], and simulated annealing-chaotic search [51], Artificial bee swarm
algorithm [52], Improved fruit fly algorithm (IFFA) [53], A-Strong [54], bacterial food algorithm
[55], Artificial neural network (ANN) [56], fuzzy logic [57]. Next table summarize sizing methods
with system components and objective functions of each one:

3.3. Comparison between sizing methods

Traditional methods characterize by simplicity and rapidity, these advantages make these
methods limited in performance and analysis. This drawback can ignore by using artificial
intelligence approach because this method uses multi objective function to solve complex

Based on simple numerical model, analytical method size hybrid system quickly with low
flexibility, this problem can solve using iterative approach when this method is based on simple
algorithm use recursive process to achieve the best size system, the inconvenient of this 9/45
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approach is ignore some important parameters. Comparing to previous methods (analytical and
iterative), artificial intelligence is the best solution for all complex methods, without limitation
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and present good results again other methods, the most difficult of this problem is the
complexity codes uses in this algorithm.

4. Optimization methods used for hybrid renewable energy system [15,29,12]

There are many objectives in a hybrid system that needs optimization like sizing, control,
management …etc. In this part, a note is taken for the most optimization methods used in the
last years. Optimization methods are classified in three categories; classical methods, artificial
methods and hybrid methods (figure 2).

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Figure 2. Optimization methods of hybrid system

4.1. Classical methods

The classical method is described as the method using differential calculation in such way to
achieve optimum solution [12, 59]. Due to their limited space optimization, these techniques
were rarely used by researcher. However, there are many classical optimization methods like
linear programming model (LPM) [60], multi choice goal programming [61], multi-objective
evolutionary algorithms (MOEA) [62], Mixed integer linear programming (MILP) [63], dynamic
programming (DP) [64] and nonlinear programming (NLP) [65].

4.2. Artificial methods

Most artificial methods,previously mentioned in sizing review, are used for optimization but
concentration, in this part, is made just on methods generally and recently used by researchers.

4.2.1. Genetic Algorithm

Genetic algorithm (GA) is a search process (computer programs) that simulates the process of
natural selection (biological evolution) like inheritance, mutation, selection and crossover.
Today, the term "genetic algorithm" is used to describe something very far from the creator of
the genetic algorithm (John Holland) [66], [67], [68]. 10/45
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Bilal BO et al. used a genetic algorithm to design and optimize hybrid system containing
View PDFgenerator, wind turbine, diesel generator and storage system (battery) for supplying
isolated areas in Senegal. This study has two objectives: economic and environmental. The first
objective is minimizing levelized cost of the system and the second is reducing dioxide carbon
emission. The results show an inverse relation between levilized cost and CO2 emission, that
means that when levilized cost increases from 1,22€/kWh to 2,05€/kWh, the dioxide carbon
decreases from 762.08kg/year to 11.89kg/year [69].

4.2.2. Fuzzy logic

Fuzzy logic is a mathematical theory of fuzzy set [70], [71], [72], Suganthi et al. define fuzzy logic
in a simple sentence and wrote: “Fuzzy logic deals with reality and it is a form of much valued
logic” [13].

For Michael and Warne; the authors of “Electrical Engineering Reference Book”, fuzzy logic is an
important way to represent the experience of humanity on the digital processor; they wrote: “It
is essentially a method of readily representing human expert knowledge on a digital processor
in particular where mathematical or rule-based expert systems experience difficulty”. [73].

Derrouazin et al. used fuzzy logic multi input-output to manage the energy flux of hybrid system
with solar photovoltaic, wind turbine and battery. The obtained results show the signals of the
electronic switches track successfully and instantly the imposed input power states of the hybrid
power system [74].

It is noted that there are many types of fuzzy logic algorithm such as adaptive neuro-fuzzy
inference system (ANFIS) [75], fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) [76], ANP [77], fuzzy
clustering [78], fuzzy genetical algorithm [79], fuzzy TOPSIS [80], fuzzy particle swarm
optimization [81], fuzzy honey bee optimization [82], Quantum behaved Particle Swarm
Optimization [83]…etc.

4.2.3. Neural Network Algorithm

Michael and Warne described neural network algorithm generally like the structure of the
human brain, but many researchers agree that the similarity is quite superficial. Technically,
authors explain the importance of algorithm neural network is the training for performing an
essential action and wrote; “In engineering terms, what is important is that the ANNs can be
trained to perform' a required action” [73]. There are many ways to use ANN in optimization.
Amirtharaj et al. use ANN to find optimal utilization and reduced switching loss in the system,
the authors proposed combination between ANN and adaptive grasshopper optimization
algorithm (AGOA) and called AGONN strategy [84]. The results show that the proposed
technique exhibit better performance in terms of current, voltage and power signal compared to
grasshopper optimization algorithm (GOA), combined modified bat Search algorithm-artificial
neural network (CMBSNN) and whale optimization-artificial neural network (WOANN).

4.2.4. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) 11/45
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This approach depends on birds or fish movement and simultaneously uses this movement with
View PDFchanging positions and speeds in a three-dimensional space, where each particle
(or animal) represents a possible solution [85,86]. Hongtao et al. used this algorithm with genetic
algorithm to optimize hybrid system based on solar and concentrator solar photovoltaic with
battery, the obtained results show optimization in economic (levilized cost with 16.33 ¢/kWh)
and technic (10.92% stationarity performance and 305.94 GWh power output) parameters
compared with other systems and strategies [87].

4.3. Hybrid methods

A hybrid method is every method combining two or more algorithms, that allows exploiting the
advantages of these methods to overcome single algorithm drawbacks [29]. In recent years, a lot
of hybrid methods are developed to optimize hybrid system like simulated Annealing and
Chaotic Search (SA-CS) [88], chaotic search-harmony search-simulated annealing (CSHSSA),
improved harmony search-based chaotic simulated annealing (IHSCSA) [89], harmony search-
based simulated annealing (HSSA) [90].

In addition, there are a combination between Monte Carlo simulation and multi energy-
balance/financial equations [91], genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization (GAPSO)
[92], multi objective crow search algorithm (MOCSA) [93], Group Method of Data Handling
neural network and modified fruit fly optimization algorithm (GMDHMFOA) [94] and many
other hybrid methods. Next table summarizes previous methods:

4.4. Comparison between optimization methods

Optimization methods characterize by high performance, solve complex methods and capability
to use multi objective function, the most common drawback of all optimization methods is
taking too much time and complex.

Classical methods are the most approach useful in economic optimization but this method have
limit space in optimization parameters. The artificial method requires high hardware
performance to work due to complex process and codes used, the advantages of this methods is
present high efficiency and speed with good accuracy. The combination between classical and
artificial methods show us approach characterize by high speed and robustness but also need
complex design and hard to generate the right code. Table 6 summarizes Advantages and
drawbacks of each optimization method:

5. Control methods used in hybrid renewable energy system

Generally, the parameters that should be controlled in every hybrid system are [95], [96], [97], [98]:
1 Stability: this means the voltage and frequency of the system

2 Protection: observing of power flow

3 Power balance: optimal load distribution. 12/45
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Some authors, like Vivas et al. in [14], classified secondary control of hybrid systems in three
essential categories; centralized (figure 3.a), distributed (figure 3.b) and decentralized control
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(figure 3.c). Moreover, there is another classification made by Chong L.W et al., classifying
control methods in two types; classical control and intelligent control [99].

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Figure 3. Concept of hybrid system control [36]

For wind turbine, there are a lot of control methods in literature like using MPPT (Maximum
power point tracking) based on practical swarm optimization (PSO) [100], selection of voltage
vectors on the rotor side converter based on direct power control (DPC) [101], pitch control
using robust sliding mode approach [102]…etc.

For solar photovoltaic, many control methods were applied to optimize performance of solar
panel like MPPT based on general regression neural network (GRNN) [103], deep learning neural
network for forecasting power photovoltaic [104], using MPPT under partially shaded condition

For diesel generator, major researches have been focused on voltage control [106], frequency
control [107] and reactive power [108].

However, there are a lot of other methods controlling hybrid renewable power systems like
centralized control [109], distributed control [110], hybrid control [111] and so also classical
control methods (figure 4) such as rule-based control (RBC) [112], proportional-integral control
[113]. The classical methods are intelligent methods like neural network algorithm [114], fuzzy 13/45
7/8/2021 Dimensionamiento, optimización, control y gestión energética del sistema híbrido de energía renovable: una revisión - ScienceDirect

logic controller [115], multi-objective particle swarm optimization (PSO) [116], and adaptive
View PDFinference system (ANFIS) [117].

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Figure 4. Control methods of hybrid system

Most hybrid system use distributed or hybrid control because these types characterize by
efficiency in decentralize control, minimize failure of the system, offer uses different types of
control in one hybrid system, the only limit of these types of control is complexity in connection
and processing codes.

The centralize control show high effectiveness, improve performance and simplicity in
configuration when this mode of control used in small scale of hybrid renewable energy system,
also, the cost of centralize control is attractive compare to distributed or hybrid control. until
this, they are high possibility to shut down the system completely in case problem in generators
or schedule a maintenance. Next table summarizes the essential categories of control:

6. Management methods of hybrid renewable energy system

Management of hybrid system ensures high system efficiency and high reliability with least cost
to enable system supply throughout the year [14], an increase of lifetime of the elements,
reduction of the economic parameter (global cost, levilized cost …etc) and as a result, maximize
system performance (figure 5) [36]. 14/45
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Figure 5. Intelligent energy flow management [36]

Management methods are classified in three categories due to objective strategy (figure 6) [36]:
• Technical objective strategy

• Economic objective strategy

• Techno-economic strategy objective

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Figure 6. . Control methods of hybrid system

6.1. Technical objective strategy

The main objective of this strategy is to take into account the technical parameter of the hybrid
system to cover the demand of load [119], increase equipment lifetime [120], increase
performance [121], system stability [122], increase lifetime of storage system (battery, fuel cell,
super capacity…etc) [123] and many other parameters characterizing every hybrid system 15/45
7/8/2021 Dimensionamiento, optimización, control y gestión energética del sistema híbrido de energía renovable: una revisión - ScienceDirect

generators (figure 7). These parameters are managed using different algorithms like predictive
control [124], PSO [125], real-time optimization [126], neural network [127], HOMER software
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Figure 7. Main characteristics of technical objectives strategies [10]

6.2. Economic objective strategy

The economic objective strategy is every strategy taking into account some parameters
influencing the economic state of the system regardless of the technical situation of it (stability,
the performance of system…etc) (figure 8) [36]. Major published studies in economic strategy
include two main objectives; coverage of demand and reduction of system cost, through
different algorithm as generic algorithm [129], differential evolution algorithm [130], model
predictive control [124], mixed-integer linear programming [131], fuzzy logic [132], interior
search algorithm [133] and also commercial software like HOMER [134]…etc.

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Figure 8. Main characteristics of economic objectives strategies [10]

6.3. Techno-economic objective strategy

This strategy is based on nonlinear optimization to solve multi objectives function and includes
the technical and economic parameters. The advantage of this strategy is to increase the 16/45
7/8/2021 Dimensionamiento, optimización, control y gestión energética del sistema híbrido de energía renovable: una revisión - ScienceDirect

technical parameters like performance and lifetime of the component through the decrease of
economic parameter like global cost (figure 9) [25]. The main used methods in this strategy are
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based on algorithms such as fuzzy logic [135] and particle swarm optimization (PSO) [136].
However, many other methods are used in this strategy like flow chart [137], artificial electric
field algorithm [138] and HOMER software [139].

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Figure 9. Main characteristics of techno-economic objectives strategies [10]

7. Conclusion
Hybrid systems are known as a feasible grid supply option. Dimensioning and optimization
strategies must effectively look for an appropriate combination of critically evaluating
parameters such as system cost, system efficiency because it found that over-sizing creating an
improvement in system costs and inadequate power supply under sizing.

Analysis of resent paper published in sizing of hybrid renewable energy system show the
researcher uses two essential methods; commercial software and traditional methods, the
comparison between two methods show that commercial software characterizes by easy to use,
flexibility in simulation and don't need much time but this method limited by using simple
optimization equation. The traditional methods can optimize sizing field better than
commercial software, quickly results and solve multi objective problem, the most drawback of
this method is complex and low flexibility.

In optimization field, literature review shows the researchers were focus on three methods;
classical, artificial and hybrid method. Classical methods characterize by rapidity, efficiency in
techno-economic analysis and the drawback of this method is the space of optimization is

The artificial methods are the most methods used in optimization according to their higher
efficiency, good accuracy and speedily convergence, the inconvenient of this method is necessity
of complex processing program.

Using the efficiency and rapidity of classical methods and accuracy and speedily of artificial
methods, the hybrid methods uses the advantages of each methods in way maximize the 17/45
7/8/2021 Dimensionamiento, optimización, control y gestión energética del sistema híbrido de energía renovable: una revisión - ScienceDirect

performance and minimize time of processing of optimization. until all this advantages, the
View PDFin designing and difficulty to provide code is the most drawbacks of hybrid methods.

Generally, control of hybrid system is based on centralize, distributed or hybrid control, the
most type uses is distributed and hybrid control due to their efficiency in control of each
generator alone, decrease possibility of system failure, increase lifetime of system and possibility
to applied latest control methods for each component alone. However, the complexity in
connection inside system or in program processing is the most inconvenient of this control.

The management methods used in hybrid system is based on objective of each study, mostly
researcher is focus on techno-economic objective because this type guarantee technical (increase
lifetime, cover consumption, improve performance) and economical (minimize cost of system,
improve saving cost, reduce energy cost) analysis of hybrid renewable energy system. to achieve
the optimum configuration. Also, many algorithms like fuzzy logic, particle swarm optimization,
neural network or commercial software like HOMER are uses to supervised hybrid renewable
energy system elements.

Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, Table 4, Table 5, Table 6, Table 7, Table 8

Table 1. The input and output of sizing software

Input Software


Load demand X X

Resources data X X X X X

Component data X X X

Constraints X X

System control X

Emission data X

Economic data X

Financial data X

Project database X

Product database X

Models from own library X


Sizing optimization X X 18/45
7/8/2021 Dimensionamiento, optimización, control y gestión energética del sistema híbrido de energía renovable: una revisión - ScienceDirect

Input Software
View PDF

Technical analysis X X X

Financial evaluation X X X

Environmental analysis X X

Multi objective optimization X

Life cycle emission X

Probability analysis X

Sensitivity and risk analysis X

Dynamic simulation behavior of thermal and X

electrical energy system

Table 2. Comparison between different software [30,11]

Software Advantages Drawbacks

HOMER - Plot results in efficiency graph - Uses first degree linear equations

- Easy to understand - Cannot import time series data

iHOGA - Uses multi or mono objective - Absence of sensitivity and probability analysis
- Limited daily load (10 kWh)
- Low simulation step time.

Hybrid2 - Much electrical load options - Take long time for simulation

- Detailed dispatching option - While project is written successfully, some simulation

errors are shown

RET - Best meteorological database - Less data input

- Excel based tool - Cannot import time series data 19/45
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Software Advantages Drawbacks

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TRNSYS - Flexibility in simulation - Cannot simulate some generators like hydropower.

- Great precision with graphics - Absence of optimization option

Table 3. A summary of recent optimal sizing studies

Sizing methods System Objective functions Ref.


Analytical method PV/WT Levelized cost of energy (LCOE) 37

Iterative approach PV/WT/Battery Loss of power supply probability (LPSP) 38

Probabilistic method PV/WT/ Biomass/ Probability-Power Pinch Analysis 39


Generic algorithm PV/CSP Minimize LCOE and total initial 40

investment, optimize capacity factor

Multi-objective self-adaptive PV/WT/DG/Battery Minimize Cost of Electricity (COE) and 41

differential evolution algorithm Loss of Power Supply Probability (LPSP)

Non-dominated sorting genetic PV/WT/Battery Minimize total cost (TC) and deficiency in 42
algorithm (NSGA-II) power supply probability (DPSP)

Mine blast algorithm (MBA) PV/WT/DG/FC/ Minimize annual total cost (TAC) 43
hydrogen tank

Particle swarm optimization (PSO) PV/WT/Battery Minimize LCC 44

Multi-objective line-up competition PV/WT/DG/Battery Minimize TAC and greenhouse gasses 45

algorithm (MLUCA) (GHG) emissions

Ant colony optimization (ACO) PV/WT/DG/Battery Minimize TAC 46

Preference inspired co-evolutionary PV/WT/DG/Battery Minimize ACS, LPSP and fuel emissions 47
algorithm (PICEA)

Biogeography based on optimization PV/WT/DG/Battery Minimize the total cost 48


Cuckoo search (CS) PV/WT/Battery Minimize the TC 49 20/45
7/8/2021 Dimensionamiento, optimización, control y gestión energética del sistema híbrido de energía renovable: una revisión - ScienceDirect

Sizing methods System Objective functions Ref.

View PDF components

Discrete harmony search (DHS) PV/WT/biodiesel Minimize Life cycle cost (LCC) 50

Simulated annealing-chaotic search PV/WT/Battery Minimize total life cycle cost (TLCC) 51

Artificial bee swarm algorithm PV/WT/FC Minimize the cost and LPSP 52

Improved fruit fly algorithm (IFFA) PV/WT/DG/Battery Cost and emissions 53

A-Strong PV/WT/Battery Cost and reliability 54

Bacterial food algorithm - Cost and emissions 55

Artificial neural network (ANN) PV/WT/hydrogen Minimize total life cycle cost (TLCC) 56

Fuzzy logic PV/WT/Battery Minimize annualized cost of system (ACS) 57

Table 4. Comparison between different sizing methods used in hybrid system [9,29,58]

Method Advantages Drawbacks

Analytical method Rapidly Low flexibility

Iterative approach Easy to use Ignored some important parameters like higher wind
turbine or slope angle of solar photovoltaic

Probabilistic Easy to uses Can't present a dynamic performance of hybrid system


Artificial Solve complex and multi Complex method

intelligence objective problem

Table 5. A summary of recent optimization methods

Methods System components Objective of study Ref.

Genetic algorithm PV/WT/DG/Battery Minimized LCE and the CO2 emission 69

Fuzzy logic PV/WT//Battery Control production of hybrid system 74

Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference PV/WT/FC/Battery Control voltage abd current battery 75

system (ANFIS) charge 21/45
7/8/2021 Dimensionamiento, optimización, control y gestión energética del sistema híbrido de energía renovable: una revisión - ScienceDirect

Methods System components Objective of study Ref.

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Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process PV/WT/hydropower Capture the spatial and temporal 76
(AHP) dynamics of wind and PV power and
minimize operation cost

Fuzzy analytic network process Renewable energies, Developing a new framework for 77
(ANP) natural gas, coal, fuel oil, assessing the mix of energy sources
nuclear and gas oil

Fuzzy clustering PV/WT/FC Minimize power losses voltage, cost and 78


Fuzzy genetical algorithm WT/PV/micro Minimizing the annualized cost of the 79

turbine/Battery system

Maximum energy captured from the

wind turbine/solar array

Fuzzy TOPSIS PV/WT/DG//Battery Optimal design and configur-ation of 80


Fuzzy particle swarm PV/WT/Tidal Minimize total net present cost (TNPC) 81
optimization turbine/Battery

Fuzzy honey bee optimization PV/WT/Battery Cover the load, ensure the reliability 82
and minimize life cycle cost

Quantum behaved particle swarm PV/FC//Battery Optimize performance of the hybrid 83

optimization system

Algorithm neural network PV/WT/battery Solve technical problem (reduced 84

switching loss in DC-DC converter
integration and maximum power point

Particle swarm optimization PV/CSP/thermal storage Find optimal sizing and minimize 87
(PSO) levelized cost of energy (LCOE)

Simulated annealing and Chaotic PV/WT/Battery Minimize life cycle cost 88

Search (SA-CS)

Chaotic search-harmony search- PV/WT/hydrogen Minimize the total life cycle cost and 89
simulated annealing (CSHSSA) improve the reliability of the system

Improved harmony search-based

chaotic simulated annealing

Harmony search-based simulated PV/WT/hydrogen/Battery Minimize life cycle cost 90

annealing (HSSA) 22/45
7/8/2021 Dimensionamiento, optimización, control y gestión energética del sistema híbrido de energía renovable: una revisión - ScienceDirect

Methods System components Objective of study Ref.

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Monte Carlo simulation and PV/T Minimize levelized cost of energy 91
multi energy-balance/financial (LCOE), net present value (NPV), and
equations payback period

Genetic algorithm particle swarm PV/WT/Battery Minimizing the total present cost 92
optimization (GAPSO) including initial cost, operation and
maintenance cost, and replacement cost
with satisfying the load demand

Multi objective crow search PV/DG/FC Find optimal design of system 93

algorithm (MOCSA) components and minimize total net
present cost (TNPC) and loss of power
supply probability (LPSP)

Group Method of Data Handling PV/WT Predict solar irradiance, wind speed and 94
neural network and modified energy consu-mption
fruit fly optimization algorithm

Table 6. Advantages and drawbacks of each optimization method [12,29]

Method Advantages Drawbacks

Classical Enable solution for multi objective Limited space optimization

method problem
Linearity in the relation to variables

Useful for investment decision

Method needs discrete and continuous
Requires less time probability

Artificial Maximum efficiency level

Complex solving process

method Good calculation accuracy

Required long term memory space

High convergence speed Several changes are required.

Hybrid method Require less time

Complexity in designing the system.

Most robustness
Extended solutions

Quick convergence Difficulty to provide code

Table 7. Comparison of each methods used in control methods [9,11,34] 23/45
7/8/2021 Dimensionamiento, optimización, control y gestión energética del sistema híbrido de energía renovable: una revisión - ScienceDirect

Method of Advantage Drawback

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Centralize Minimization of power costs

Use system based on one central control
Can achieve global optimization.

Distributed Low possibility of system failure

Complex connection inside system

Achieve low and medium use Mostly suboptimal solutions

Hybrid Local optimization is achieved through Complex control

centralized control
Complex potential in connection inside
Low use in local controllers system

Table 8. Management methods review

System components Optimization objective Algorithm uses Ref.

Technical objective

PV/DG Ensure system safety

Second order cone 119
Minimize system losses programming (SOCP)

PV/DG//WT/ Battery Ensure demand

Receding horizon 120
Increase the penetration rate of optimization
renewable energy

Direct current renewable Ensure demand

Direct current electric 121
resources/utility grid Making the micro grids autonomous springs (DCES)

PV/ Battery Eliminate overcharging and excess Power flow 122


Robust control

PV/WT/Battery/utility grid Improve renewable energy uses

Closed feedback loop 123
Improve lifetime

PV/WT/FC/Battery Ensure demand

Predictive control 124
Improve system reliability

PV/WT/FC/Battery Minimize Loss of Power Supply PSO 125

Probability (LPSP)

Improve safety factor (SF)

PV/WT/utility grid Ensure demand

Real-time optimization 126
Ensure the quality of service (QoS) 24/45
7/8/2021 Dimensionamiento, optimización, control y gestión energética del sistema híbrido de energía renovable: una revisión - ScienceDirect

System components Optimization objective Algorithm uses Ref.

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PV/WT/ Battery/utility grid Ensure electrical and water demand
Neural network 127
Reduce the potential loss of power
supply proba-bility (PLPSP)

PV/WT/ DG/Battery Ensure electrical and water demand

HOMER software 128
Improve renewable resources

Economic objective

PV/WT/utility grid Minimize operating costs Generic algorithm 129

PV/T Minimize total cost rate Differential evolution 130


PV/WT/FC/Battery Reduction of the operation costs and Model Predictive Control 124
investment cost

FC/Battery/ utility grid Reduce energy costs Mixed-Integer Linear 131


PV/WT/FC/Battery Ensure demand

Fuzzy logic 132

Cost reduction

PV/WT/FC Ensure demand

Interior Search Algorithm 133
Cost reduction

PV/WT/DG/Battery/ Minimize levelized cost HOMER 134


Techno-economic objective

PV/WT Reduce line loss

Fuzzy logic 135
Improve reliability

Reduce loss cost and improve saving cost

PV/WT/FC/Battery Ensure demand

Particle swarm 136
Cost reduction
optimization (PSO)
Increase Lifetime

Increase Performance

PV/WT/FC/Battery Ensure demand

Flow Chart 137
Cost reduction

Increase Lifetime

Increase Performance

PV/WT/DG/Battery Ensure demand

Artificial Electric Field 138
Cost reduction
Increase Lifetime 25/45
7/8/2021 Dimensionamiento, optimización, control y gestión energética del sistema híbrido de energía renovable: una revisión - ScienceDirect

System components Optimization objective Algorithm uses Ref.

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PV/DG/Battery Ensures a reliable power supply
Improve battery lifetime

Minimize cost of electr-icity (COE) and

net present cost (NPC)

In this paper, the important role of the hybrid renewable energy system for electrification of
isolated area, feeding main grid, energy saving, emission reduction and reduce levelized energy
cost was analyzed. Moreover, the advantages and drawbacks of each methods was discussed, and
the main methods of each axes (sizing, optimization, control and energy management) were
discussed in-depth. The main conclusions are as follows:

Uncited References:
• Hybrid renewable energy system can effectively cover energy consumption in isolated area
when optimized technically (attached with storage system, diesel generator or fuel cell) and
economically (minimize investments cost or levelized cost) using artificial methods or
commercial software.

• Optimization of HRES mostly is reached using artificial methods or commercial software,

the artificial methods uses are based on fuzzy logic, genetic algorithm or artificial neural
network. HOMER PRO and RETScreen is the most commercial software uses in

• MPPT is the most method uses in control to ensure stability, protection and power balance
of the system, this method are frequently based on practical swarm optimization, neural
network and fuzzy logic.

• In order to manage hybrid renewable system energy system, it is necessary to establish the
objective of the study, the algorithm used are based on machine learning, commercial
software and neural network.

• For further work, it is necessary to use many methods in each study to reach the optimum
results in sizing, control and energy management, the comparison between many methods
ensure best performance of the system and realize the objective aims of the study.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal
relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

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