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TEMA: Culture and customes


Elaboración de un video en inglés contestando en inglés la siguiente pregunta HOW TO PROMOTE

CULTURE AND CUSTOMS INTO THE CLASSROOM? (Cómo promover la cultura y sanas
costumbres en el aula de clase). La respuestas debe ser a manera de un pequeño discurso
expositivo donde se involucre los conectores y exresiones de estar de acuerdo, en desacuerdo o
parcialmente en acuerdo (estos temas se explican en las actividades a desarrollar).
Indicaciones para el video:
 El video debe ser de mínimo 60 y máximo 90 segundos.
 Debes asegurarte de que tenga buena luz y buen audio.
 El video debe ser de medio cuerpo; de la cintura hacia la cabeza.
 El trabajo oral debe comenzar saludando y presentándose diciendo el nombre y apellido,
proceden a desarrollar oralmente el tema el cual debe de tener una introducción, cuerpo y
desarrollo; y finalizan dando las gracias y despidiéndose. Ej. Good morning. My name is
________. Today, I´m going to talk about culture and customs into the classroom….(el trabajo
oral que se les pidió). Thank you very much for you attention, if you have any question don´t
hesitate to ask. Have a nice day.

Exercises to practice (Ejercicios para practicar)

Complete the sentences with the connectors in the chart (completa las oraciones con los conectores
del cuadro según el contexto)

also although since

furthermore however because
On the other hand As a result

1. Although it was raining, we still went to the park.

2. The restaurant has a good reputation. However, the food was terrible.

3. Although the restaurant has a good reputation, the food was terrible.

4. Since reporters invade people’s lives, people don’t trust the press
5. I’m not going out because I’ve got a terrible cold.

6. Well, all right, it is a very expensive electric car. But, On the other hand, eventually you will save
money on fuel.

7. Today I have a lot of homework, an English exposition and Furthermore a math exam.

8. He is perfect for the job; also, he is the only applicant.

9. The poor parents could not support the baby. As a result, they sent him to an orphanage.

10. A tornado blew the roof off the house, and As a result, the family had to find another place to


Primero, responde a cada pregunta escribiendo una oración o frase sobre su tema. Luego califique
cada elemento, en el cuadro provisto, del 1 al 8 (1 es el más importante) de acuerdo con el valor que
cree que tiene este tema en su cultura).

3 What language(s) do you speak?

R//: The language I mainly speak is Spanish

2 What is your family’s religious or non-religious belief system and practice?

R//:the religious belief system that my family has is catholic we believe in God and that there is
something more than death

7 What music do you listen to?

R//:the music I usually listen to is pop in Spanish and also in English, I also like reggaeton and
electronic music
5 What dances do you know?

R//: I don't know so many dances but, I know some like salsa, bachata, cumbia, merengue and tango

6 What foods do you eat most often at home?

R//: The foods that I consume the most in my house are rice, eggs, beans, spaghetti and coffee.

8 What do you wear on special occasions?

R//: I wear formal but comfortable clothes I really like to be comfortable with the clothes I wear but on
special occasions I go more formal

4 What holidays, celebrations and ceremonies do you participate in with your family?

R//:on birthdays and Christmas and some occasions I participate with my family and we all get
together to celebrate

1 Who are the members in your family?

R//: The members of my family are made up of my parents my uncles my cousins and my
grandparents, my family is very respectful
acurdo, en desacuerdo o parcialmente de acuerdo).
Escribe en tu cuaderno el cuadro para que estudies todas estas expresiones. Te puedes ayudar con
el traductor de google para su pronunciación.



That’s right! (Eso es correcto) I don’t agree! (No estoy de I agree up to a point,
Absolutely! (absolutamente) acuerdo) but ...
Exactly! (Exactamente) I totally disagree! (Estoy de acuerdo en un
Me too! (También yo) (Totalmente en desacuerdo) punto, pero…)
Yes, I agree! (Sí, de acuerdo) Absolutely not! I see your point, but ...
I totally agree! (Totalmente de (Absolutamente no) (Veo tu punto, pero…)
acuerdo) That’s not right! That’s partly true,
I couldn’t agree more! (No podía (Eso no es correcto) but ...
estar másE de acuerdo) I’m not sure about that. (No (Eso es parcialmente
cierto, pero…)
I see exactly what you mean! (Veo estoy seguro de eso)
exactamente lo que quieres decir)
You're right. That's a good point.
(Tienes razón. Ese es un buen punto)

En este link puedes ver también la explicacion de conectores
Exercises to practice.

A continuación vas a encontrar una serie de premisas sobre la cultura y costumbres. A cada premisa
o enunciado vas a escribirle 4 expresiones diferentes del cuadro para estar de acuerdo (agree), en
desacuerdo (disagree) o parcialmente en acuerdo (partially agree).

a. Each of us learns a set of behaviors, beliefs, and customs from our families — and we share those
directly and indirectly with others in our communities.

Agree: I totally agree! And I think people learn their beliefs and customs from their family

Disagree: I do not agree! why people can change beliefs and customs can even create new

partially agree: I see your point, but over time people can change their customs, even culture.

b. Culture does not play a role in shaping our lives and communities.
Agree: exactly! The culture does not play an important role in our lives or in the decisions we make
Disagree: I totally disagree! because culture is very important in our lives and influences in one way or another
in our decisions and in the community.
Partially agree: I see your point, but I think culture can also be important in our lives and in the community

c. People share their own unique talents, abilities and interests to help create a diverse community.
Agree: I see exactly what you mean! people share their interests and create new ones to create a diverse and
more interesting community
Disagree: I'm not sure about that, because some people feel sorry for showing their talents and interests to
others for fear of criticism for this there is not such a diverse community
Partially agree: That is partially true, but some people are afraid to show their talents because they feel they
will be criticized.

d. No one is exactly like me.  I have many things in common with the members of my family and
community.  Every person in the world needs some of the same things I need.
Agree: That’s a good point, there are some people who don’t have as many things and I think people do need
some things that you have.
Disagree: I do not agree because there are some people who have more than you, so not all people need your

IV. HABLEMOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN. Puedes responder en español.

¿Es posible trabajar la cultura u otros temas acudiendo a la investigación?

R//: si es posible por qué podemos investigar nuestra cultura y descubrir cosas que no sabíamos de
ella la investigación nos ayuda a descubrir nuestra cultura

¿pero qué es la investigación?

R//:la investigación es interesarse por un tema, generar una pregunta y tratar de dar respuesta a esa

¿Se puede hacer investigación en la escuela?

R//: si se puede hacer investigación en la escuela por qué podemos investigar en la biblioteca de la
escuela o en la sala de informática sobre un tema en específico al que le queremos dar respuesta.

¿Qué es una pregunta problematizadora en investigación?

R//:Una pregunta problematizadora o pregunta de investigación es una pregunta que surge después
de una duda que tenemos sobre un tema.

Escribe 5 ejemplos de preguntas problematizadoras en investigación que desearías trabajar

1 ¿Porque las personas talan los árboles sabiendo que eso es malo para el planeta?
2¿Porque algunas empresas tiran sus desechos al océano conociendo mas formas de tirar los
3¿Como podríamos detener de manera inmediata el calentamiento global conociendo a algunas
personas ignorantes que se niegan a ser amigables con el planeta?
4¿Cuando se verán los resultados de las malas decisiones de los humanos con el cuidado del planeta
5¿En donde los humanos podríamos resguardarnos si por alguna razón se acaba nuestro planeta?

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