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ICFES TASK 6. Virtual 2.
Mg. Luwi Steve Ortega Rosero Subject: English Course: Tenth A. Date: 20th May 2020.
Full Name: Score:
► Después de la práctica diaria en la prueba TOTAL del ICFES, resolver las

actividades de la siguiente manera:

➢ Recuerde que para su prueba tiene 90 Minutos, desde las 11. 00 am hasta 12.30

pm de Hoy 20 de Mayo de 2020.

➢ Si puede Imprimir, Hágalo y responda tal como se hacía en clase presencial

utilizando diferentes COLORES para JUSTIFICAR sus respuestas. Si no se

evidencia justificación, NO se tiene en cuenta la respuesta.

➢ Si no puede Imprimir, responda en su CUADERNO enumerando las preguntas y

en frente de ellas la opción de respuesta correcta (A, B, C o D) con sus respectivas


➢ En la PARTE 6, Use UNA estrategia de las explicadas en clase presencial y

reforzadas en el video explicativo, ES PARTE DE LA NOTA.

➢ Evite copiar sus ejercicios, hágalo solo y con su esfuerzo individual, recuerde

usted está en proceso de formación y preparación para las pruebas ICFES por lo

tanto está adquiriendo las herramientas necesarias para poder resolver la prueba

sin dificultades y con criterios claros.

➢ Tómele fotos claras y escriba con letra legible sus ejercicios y envíelas en un

SOLO archivo de PDF, así como se les explicó en el video orientador que se envió

cuando se creó el grupo de WhatsApp. Evite enviar fotos sueltas ya que estas

no serán motivo de evaluación.

➢ Su trabajo SOLO se recibe por el GRUPO de WHATSAPP “English 10 – A”, hasta

las 12.30 pm de Hoy 20 de Mayo de 2020; lo que se envíe por fuera de él, no será

tenido en cuenta.

➢ Envíe el trabajo en PDF tal cual se explicó en el video que se envió, con su

nombre en el archivo que enviará.

ICFES TASK 5. Virtual 2.
Mg. Luwi Steve Ortega Rosero Subject: English Course: Tenth A. Date: 20th May 2020.
Full Name: Score:
► PART 1. Questions 1 – 5. Where can you find these ADs? For questions 1 – 5 choose the right answer A, B, or C according to the situation:
A In an office. A In a store.
B In a gym. B In a hall.
C In a garden. C On a pencil case.

A In the forest. A In a bank.

B In a building. B In a hospital.
C In a park. C In the forest.
A In a school.
B In a garden.
C In an office.
► PART 2: Questions 6 – 10. MATCHING: you will find some descriptions about Several Topics. Choose the correct word which is best described in
the text, for questions 6 – 10 match a letter A – H according with numbers 6 – 10.
A. Raincoat.
6. People who like swimming in the sea often go here. ( ) B. Umbrella.
7. You go to this place to study. ( ) C. Phone.
8. A coat that protects people against rain. ( ) D. Beach.
9. If you enjoy taking photographs, you will need this. ( ) E. Shoes.
10. One of a pair of coverings for your feet, usually made of a strong material. ( ) F. lake.
G. College.
H. Camera.
► PART 3: Questions 11 – 17. Complete the conversations. For questions 11 – 17 choose the right answer A, B or C.
11. How long are you going to stay in Bangkok? A. for another 3 weeks B. for the last 3 weeks C. It took 3 weeks
12. I forgot to bring some money A. I don’t remember B. it doesn’t matter C. I hope so
13. Whose phone is that? A It’s not there. B Wasn’t it? C I’m not sure.
14. Did you enjoy doing the school quiz? A. Of course, I will. B. What's the matter? C. It was lots of fun!
15. See you tomorrow A. that’s all right B. I can’t see C. don’t be late!
16. We're from London. A Not at all. B Yes, please. C How interesting.
17. Is it still raining? A. I think so B. it might do C. never mind
► PART 4: Read the article and answer the questions, for questions 18 – 25 choose A, B or C according to the circumstances.

Long ago, Chinese people didn't say, “HOW are you?” when they met each other or saw their friends. They said, 18) __ you eaten
your rice today?' Eating rice 19) __ such an important part of daily life in China! Rice is one of the 20) __ important kinds of food in
the modern world. Nearly half the people that live on our planet eat 21) __ every day and in some countries, an adult eats more 22)
__ 100 kilos of rice each year. We think that people first 23) __ rice in India. In China, people began eating rice about 5,000 years
ago. Rice wasn't eaten in North America until 24) __ 17th century, but many Americans prefer to eat pasta these days 25) ___ only
eat about 2 kilos of rice per year.

18. A. Did B. Have C. Were 22. A. than B. with C. by

19. A. been B. was C. be 23. A. grew B. grown C. grow
20. A. most B. both C. much 24. A. a B. the C. this
21. A. one B. them C. it 25. A. if B. because C. and
► PART 4B: Read the article and answer the questions, for questions 26 – 33 choose A, B or C according to the circumstances.

Jahan Begum was born on a farm in the hills. She lived there with her family (26) … thirteen years. The family grew their own food
and (27) … Animals. But then, one year it didn’t rain so they decided to move to (28) … Country. The journey (29) … the mountains
were long and difficult. (30) … first home in the new country was a tent. Then Jahan’s brothers made a house with Wood and
stones so the family had somewhere better to live. Now, (31) … Day Jahan makes things like hats and socks out of wool. She
sells (32) … In the market to get money for food. She is happy with her home and her work, but she (33) … hopes to return to her
farm in the hills one day.
26. A. for B. after C. since 30. A. their B. its C. his
27. A. keep B. keeping C. kept 31. A. some B. each C. this
28. A. any B. another C. that 32. A. they B. it C. them
29. A. against B. through C. at 33. A. yet B. ever C. still
► PART 5: Read the article and answer the questions, for questions 34 – 40 choose A, B or C according to the circumstances.
“Something is very wrong,” says the detective. “I know!” says Ms. Gervis. “It is wrong that someone has stolen from me!” The
detective looks around Ms. Gervis’ apartment. “That is not what I am talking about Ma’am. What is wrong is that I do not understand
how the robber got in and out.” Ms. Gervis and the detective stand in silence. Ms. Gervis is upset. “The robber did not come through
the window,” says the detective. “These windows have not been open or shut in months.” The detective looks at the fireplace. “The
robber did not squeeze down here.” The detective walks to the front door. He examines the latch. “And the robber definitely did not
use the front door.” “I have no idea how he did it,” says a bothered Ms. Gervis. “It is a big mystery.” “And you say the robber stole
nothing else?” asks the detective. “¿No money, no jewelry, no crystal?” “That’s right, detective. He took only what was important to
me,” Ms. Gervis says with a sigh. “There is only one thing I can do now.” “And what is that?” the detective asks with surprise. “I will
stop baking cakes,” Ms. Gervis says. “They are mine to give away. They are not for someone to steal.” “You can’t do that!” says the
detective with alarm. “Who will bake those delicious cakes?” “I am sorry. I do not know,” says Ms. Gervis. “I must solve this case
immediately!” says the detective.
34. Where does this story take place? A. In a bakery. B. At the police station. C. In Ms. Gervis' apartment.
35. How does Ms. Gervis look? A. She might smile a lot. B. Her clothes might be dirty. C. Confused.
36. What else was stolen from the apartment? A. Crystal. B. Jewelry. C. Nothing.
37. If something is said with alarm, how is it said? A. With smiles and laughter. B. With fear and panic. C. With friends.
38. What does Ms. Gervis do with her cakes? A. Gives them away. B. Sells them. C. Eats them.
39. What makes the detective sure that the robber did not come through the window? A. The windows are locked. B. The window
faces the police station. C. The windows have not been used in months.
40. "And the robber definitely did not use the front door." Choose the best way to rewrite this sentence: A. "And the robber may not have
used the front door." B. "And the robber probably did not use the front door." C. "And the robber certainly did not use the front door.”
► PART 6: read the text and the questions in this part, for questions 41 – 45 choose A, B or C according to the circumstances.

Imagine if everyone in your street suddenly came out into the road one day and started singing together. Singing teacher Ruth
Black believes it would make everyone so friendly that they would never walk past each other again without saying hello. Singing
helps people live in peace together, she says. All over the world people have always sung together and in most places, they still
do, but in England it is no longer traditional. Nowadays, says Ruth, people only sing together in churches and football grounds,
although it could be done anywhere. Everyone is able to sing, she says, but most of us either think we can't or have forgotten
what we learned as children. However, as with everything musical, you need to practice and the same applies to your voice. Ruth
believes that singing itself brings other benefits. It encourages good breathing, for example. Through singing, people often become
more confident and also learn to control stress. But more than anything, it brings people together. When Ruth first started singing,
there was little opportunity to sing with others. Then, through a friend, she discovered an excellent singing class and became so
keen that she started running her own classes. These are held twice a month for all singers, whatever their level, and are now
enormously successful.

41. What is the writer trying to do in this article? A. Explain why singing has become less popular everywhere. B. Describe a
teacher's ideas about the importance of singing. C. Advertise a teacher's singing classes. D. Encourage children to
learn to sing.
42. What can the reader find out from the article? A. How singing is something anyone can do B. Where the best places to
learn to sing are. C. Why traditional singing has disappeared. D. How to improve your voice.
43. How does Ruth think singing with other people can help you? A. You learn to breathe more easily. B. You are able to
improve your speaking. C. You can get to know other people. D. You become a confident musician.
44. What made Ruth start her own class? A. She couldn't find a suitable class. B. She was asked to teach people she knew.
C. She wanted to improve her own teaching. D. She enjoyed going to a singing class herself.
45. Which is the best advertisement for Ruth's singing classes?
Want an opportunity to sing with Our class wants individual Can you sing? Try our 'Singing
others? We need professional singers singers for a neighborhood street for Everyone' class every week
to join our group. Come along. concert. Come and join us. and find out! Make new friends.

Think you can't sing? See how you improve
with practice! Our popular class is for
singers, both with and without experience.

► PART 7: in this part, read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each space.
My name's Hannah and I'm twenty years old. I've got a daughter (46) __Nicole. She's (47) __ three now. I live in a small flat (48) __
the city centre. It isn't a nice place to live. It's very noisy and dirty and there is (49) __ for Nicole to play. I want to move out of the city
and live in the countryside. But it's very expensive to live there. I will need to earn (50) __ money to buy a house. There aren't (51)
__ flats for sale in the small villages near here. I will need to buy a car (52) __, that’s why I study at college. I'm (53) __ Business.
While I am at college, my mum looks (54) __ her! my mum really likes spending time with her. In the evening, I work as a cleaner. I
clean people's houses. Nicole comes with me. She plays (55) __ with her toys.

46. A. calls B. called C. named D. names

47. A. nearly B. quiet C. yet D. far away
48. A. in B. on C. at D. into
49. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. where
50. A. any B. this C. every D. enough
51. A. much B. lot C. many D. too much
52. A. too B. also C. then D. so
53. A. studying B. study C. studied D. studies
54. A. for B. to C. down D. after
55. A. quiet B. quieter C. quietly D. quietest

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