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fin iflppmilir.

Inn it is a good thing to give thanks unto the Loan, and to sing
praises unto Thy Name, 0 Most High: to shew forth Thy
loving kindness in the morning, and Thy faithfulness every
night.—PsA1.M xcii. 1,).

Praise Him with stringed instruments and organs.—

‘ PSALM cl. 4. ‘

Aflirma’bant autem, lumc fuixsc summam uel culpae suae vel

errorix, quad assent soliti state die ante lucem convenire;
carmenque CHRISTO, quasi nEO, di0ers secum im~icem.
C. PLINH Ensr. X. xcvii.



I. Dedication. ,
II. Preface.
III. Index of Psalms & Hymns for the Ecclesiastl.
IV. BooK o!‘ PSALMS, . . 1—49 & 291
V. Hymns on Sel. Script. Passages, 51—10481341
VI. Hymns for particular Seasons, 105—161&344
1. Moming, . . . . . 105 8r
ow‘ocwcnouaum .
Evening, . . . . . 10"
. The Lord’! Day, . 109-112 8; 1
. Advent, . . . 152-154 1(
. Nativity of Christ, . . 117-123 1*
. End of the Year, at“ _. . 112 &
. New Year, . Q?- QR ; ‘-2 . 115 &
. Epiphany, . . . 123 &
- Lent, . . . .
‘‘ . Good Friday, . €~¥4~ 125-132 &
11. Easter-day, . “loimw. 132-136 a
12. Ascension, . . . 136-142 &
13. Whit-Sunday, . . 142-149 8: 363—
14._ Trinity Sunday, . . . 150 8: I
15. Baptism, . . . . . 154-8.: l
16. The Iiord’s-suppen. . 156~159 8: 367-1
17. Ordination, . . . ;
18. Institution of a Minister, . . i
19. Visitation, . . . . 1
20. Consecration of a Chm‘ . . 1
21. Sunday Schools, . . . 372-1‘!
22. Confirmation, . . . . 155153
23‘. Marriage, . . . . 3
24. Family Worship, . . 160 8c 3
25. Burial Service, . . . 3
26. Saint’s Day, . . . 381—3
27. Queen’s Accession, . .. - 159 8: 2
28. Day of Public Humiliation, .
29. Day of Public Thanksgiving, .
30. Charitable Collection, . . 5E9)?»
31. Triumphs of the Gospel, . .
32. End of Divine Service, . . 163 81. 41
VII. Missionary Hymns, . . . 386-31
VIII. Miscellaneous Hymns, . 164—290 84 389-41
IX. Index of Subjects, . . . . 41
X. Index of Scripture Texts, . . 42
XI. Index of First Lines, . . . 43
P‘ sip‘

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, 1
3n 5 _ [Chiefly Selected,]
“Haiti; w mfiminh

385 5
385 R. B. BOSWELL,
3& Minister of St. James’ Chm-ch, Calcutm
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‘ Tue highest authority can he produced for that

part of our Divine Worship—that part of the
Communion of Saiuts-Fwhich consists in the
singing of the praises ofGon.
Not only has the Jewish Temple, but the Chris
tian Church in all ages,resounded with the melody
of the children of’ Zion, when joyful in their King.
Our blessed SAvxoun gave this practice the
sanction of His personal example, in the upper
chamber at Jerusalem. It was not till they “ had
sung an Hymn," says the Evangelist (Matt. xxvi.
30), that the Lord and His disciples, after the
solemnity ofthe Last Supper, went to the Mount
of Olives and the Garden of Gethsemane.
in a remarkable passage of one of the Epistles
of Pliny- the Younger, addressed to the Emperor
‘l’rajuu, and written about A. D. 106, we have an
uucxceptionable witness to its being a practice in
the Christian assemblies ofAsia .vlinor, to sing
Hymns to Christ, with an explicit acknowledg
ment of His glorious Godhead. The passage will
be found on our title page. How wonderful, that
the Bithynian Proconsul should have raised a pillar‘
with such an acknowledgment to the Deity of
Cantsr, and the faith and joys of His people !

When Christianity, after a long and settled

night of ignorance, again rose on the world with
healing hczuns in the sixteenth century, we find
this part of divine worship restored to its purity
and simplicity.
The following is amongst the “ Instructions to
the Clergy," in England, in Queen Elizabeth’s
reign, 1559, published in Sparrow’s Coll. Art.
Con. 1684. “ It has been further permitted, that
there nuly be sung a Hymn, or such like aong to
the praise ofAlmighty God, in the best method
and music that may be conveniently devised, had
ing respect that the sentence (sense) ofthe Hymn
may be understood and perceived."
The practice has been continued in the Churches,
to the present day; and will be continued, no
doubt, to the end of time, whilst the Saviour has
a Church upon the earth. Nor is it unknown in
a better world. There, where all things are per
fect, this holy exercise of joy is found in its per
fection. As the old couplet from Waller, quoted
in one of Lady Rachel Russell’s letters, speaks;
We know not what they do above,
But that they sing, and that they love.
What nearer representation can be found upon
earth to those harps and hymns of the Book ofthe
Revelation, than an assembly of the Loan’s people,
vocally and cordially uniting in His praise within
His courts upon earth!
The power of music upon the feelings is too well
known to need illustration. It has been said that
one may determine the character of a people by
the character of their national airs. How impor
taut then may be the help rendered by such an aid
to_the cause of Religion, when rightly directed to
the promotion of truly devotional feelings—~wheu

ttled the music is made subservient to the words, and

with not the words to the music—when we “ sing with
find the spirit and with the understanding also" (1 Cor.
Jrity xiv.)—when the object is, not to gratify the ear,
but to exercise the affections of the heart and the
is to powers of the understanding. and all the sympa
:th 3 thies of the soul, in the worship of Gon our SAVI
Art. OUR. .
Illa! As the Israelites turned the landof Canaan and
7 £0 much that belonged to the enemies of God therein,
‘Izod to consecrated use—so the Church of Cums’!
imi turns the often desecruted powers of music to her
ymn own hallowed purposes. We may thus innocently
take our instrumental music from Jubal (Gen. iv.)
hes, as well as our morning and evening Hymns frolr
no Paradise. ‘
has God‘s word contains some remarkable illustra
1 in tions of the power of sacred minstrelsy. Both it
>er the Old and New Testaments we find a witnes:
Ier to its soothing and inspiring effects.
ted In 2 Sam. xvi. ‘23, we have an instance of thi:
sort.-“ It came to pass," says the sacred pcnman
_“ when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul
that David took an harp, and played with hi
hand ; so that Saul was refreshed and was well
and the evil spirit departedfrom him." To how
many have the strains of the son of Jesse, thr
sweet Psalmist of lsrael, “ charming so wisely"—
even in the wisdom of the Spirit of God—prover
an antidote, and in a better sort, to evil thought
and cold affections!
Another remarkable instance of the power c
music to tranquillize the mind occurs in 2 King
iii. 15. The Prophet Elisha, greatly moved witl
holy indignation at the presence and the wicked
ness of the King of Israel, yet prompted to revea

the mind of God to Jehoshaphat the King of

Judah, sought to bring his own mind in frame for
the divine communications of the blessed Spirit of
all peace, by this soothing power—“ Bring me a
minstrel ; and it came to pass, when the minstrel
played, that the hand of the Lord came upon him."
How did Paul and Silas seek to comfort their
hearts in the prison at Philippi, and whilst snfi‘er
ing so much bodily pain from the “ many stripes"
_ they had received ? We are told in Acts xvi. 25,
“ At midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sung
praises unto God ; and the prisoners heard
To come to later times--what was the experi'
ence of that noble army of Reformers by whom
God effected such wonderful changes three cen
turies ago ? We know that, like the first Founders
of the Christian Church, they had many troubles,
and needed all the help of every means of grace.
They have not only strongly commended sacred
minstrelsy to us, but themselves richly experienc
ed its benefits. When Melancthon once came in
great despondency to Luther, “ Come Philip,"
said his stronger brother-“ Come, let us sing the
Forty Sixth Psalm, and let earth and hell do their
The New Testament Scriptures seem to make
mention of different kinds of singing—and the
inspired Book of Psalms corresponds with this
1. There is the Hymn of pure praise to God,
into which nothing but thanksgiving enters. Of
this we have a specimen in the 150th Psalm, and
some others of the Psalms at the end of the Book, of
which Bishop Horne says,that they seem intended
rather for the devotions of the Church Triumphant

than of the Church Militant. The Hymn of Paul

and Silas was perhaps of this character---“ They
sang God’s praises ;”-and such are the Hymns
in the Book of the Revelation.
2. There is the Hymn of mingled Prayer,
Confession and Praise. Of this also we have
examples in the Book of Psalms. It was the
custom at the conclusion of the Paschal feast
amongst the Jews, to sing the 113th, 114th, 115th,
116th, 117th and 118th Psalms, and it has been
supposed, that these,_at least in part, were the
Hymn alluded to in Matt. xxvi. 30. They are an
example of this varied description of Hymn.
3. There is the Hymn for private use. In
Ephesians v.19, we meet with the exhortation.
“ Be filled with the Spirit ; speaking to yourselves
in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, singing
and making melody in your hearts to the Lord."
The 42d and 103d Psalms will afford examples of
this kind of HymnJ-where the believer argues
with himself, and animates himself to God’s praise.
Under this head also comes the exhortation of St.
James, speaking of private experience (v. 13.)
“ Is any merry—let him sing psalms."
4. There is the Hymn of mutual exhortation.
This is, as it were, the martial music of the
Church ; by which her embattled hosts encourage
and animate each other in their holy warfare,
whilst they sing the praises of their common
Leader. Thus St. Paul writes in Coloss. iii. 16.
“ Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all
wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another
in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs; singing
with race in your hearts to the Lord.” The
34th salm may be mentioned as an instance of
this sort of Hymn.

May the great H end of the Church acknowledge

and bless this attempt to promote His glory .and
the happiness of His beloved people ! May it
serve to alleviate their sorrows, and increase their
joy in the Low !

Calcutta, 1st December, 1842.

- --- -..-_.-_.

‘ Monsme- Evsmrw.

131 Sun in Advent 11 416 P 98 W196 H 406 H 200

2nd . . . . ‘P 65 H 356 P 106 P 89(2) 352
3rd . . . . 1021 69 H 227 H 61 P 130
4111‘. . . . H‘ 73‘ T 393 : 255 197 H 198
Christmas nay . . 128 136 _ 57 141‘ 72
1st Sun after Xmas ‘ 138‘_ 4261 , 119 P 90 121
Circumcision‘ . . ! 122I 127‘ ‘ 124‘
2d Sun after Xmas 2‘- 27 j 53 95 P 73(2)
Epiphany ._ . ,‘ 139‘ P 67‘ i 27 H 28 57(2)
131 Sun after‘Epiph 294‘ H123’ I 45 P 100‘ H 125
2nd“. . . . P_136 329‘ 380 H 305 44‘
3rd . . . H226 282 422 P 34- 328 ‘
4th . . . . P 33 2’2 288 H 282 296’
5111 . . . H230 457 100 184‘ 330‘
61h . . . . 1’ 43 245 199 P 91(2) 271
Sepmagesima . . 8 14 55 92 15
Sexagesima . . 40 248 412 H 112‘ 240
Quinqu esima. . H; 50 297 431 P 125 281
Ash ‘W nesday . P 51 386 16
1s1 Sunday in Lent.‘ 32 235 456 11 116 P 121
9,, :_ ,. , , 25 435 350 211 H 312
am . . . 3 277 301 P 4 274
41:11 . . . . 6 P 28 365 23‘ 343
am . . . 42 H ‘284 376 H 272 326
Sun next b‘ef Easter L 110 389 as 316 465
Mon‘ before Easter‘ P‘42(2) 67
’l‘ues_before Easter H 31(2) 13
Wed before Easter P 11 466
Thur before Easter H 88 74
Good-Friday . . 147 78 145 151 146
Easter¢Even‘ . . 251 159
Easter-nay ‘ . 155 161 . 162‘ 94 158
Mon‘in Easter-week‘ 157 95
TuesinEaster-week-fi P 22*‘ 84 ’



w‘i‘ga‘gg-I-s - I Momvmo. EVENING

\fl‘y‘‘f - r "

141: Sun aft Easter P 18(2) P 105121.11 295 246 399

2nd . , , 106(2)}! 19 385 397 460
3&3 ,3‘ . , _ 84 883 43 3’0 313 395
4 ~-‘._-" . . , H 244 310 353 146 298
, , 273 402 77 76 361
“ion nay . 36 P 21 174
Sun aft Ascen Day P 68 H 99 164 252 91
Whit-Sunday . . H 186 - 181 177 185 183
MoninWhitsun-wk 187 - 965
Tu. in Whitsun-wk 189 188
Trinity Sunday , 193 195 192 104 258
lst Sun aft‘l‘rinity 391 _ 261 970 P 71 437
2nd . . , 362 256 154 108 452
. , P‘ 122 c, 340 266 11 259 341
_. ‘118 62 434 336 436
." 63 -‘. 333 327 398 231
. ‘-. " 5 R394 80 21 420
. , H 29 .- 847 262 P 87 470
. , 266 276 410 1-1 ‘49 304
. , 47 ‘228 440 299 64
. ‘ , 58 419 469 P 27 221
. . 102 411 338 H 92 401
‘ . . P 46 75 401 109 3
.T . , H 103 ‘ 90 292 114 280
'x' .1-‘
-f":- Q
n 3‘-
111 1 317 33
29 229

, 293 ‘ .: 375 246 117 461

- . . 302 319 382 P 31 60
. , 348 - 278 263 H 148 283
. . 349 414 233 152 237
. 359 287 _ Q. 4 225 445
. . 366 _254 ' . 368 239 397
. 369 ‘ ‘ 291 463_ 403 344
1 . 433 T1257 1 331 335 324
" . . . " 191 5_367 ‘ 300 32 353
25th" . .- 871 ‘[468 374 51 130
26th T.‘‘ii . . P1506) 56 63 438 260
n This Index-is exclusive of the Psalms and Hymns in the

PSALM in. c. M.
The Church represents her sorrows ; and expresses her trust
‘in the salvation of the Loan.
’ WHEN to the Loan I told my grief,
His car He ever lent ;
And from His holy hill relief
He quickly to me sent.-
I laid me down, and I was kept
Until the morning broke,
For 1 through Thee securely slept,
Through Thee in safety woke.
Ten thousand may beset me round,
1 will not yield to fear;
Ten thousand shall be weakness found,
It‘ Thou my Gon art near.
Thou art SALVATION to our race,
The one enduring rest ;
Thy people all shall know Thy grace,
And evermore be bless’d.
The Church prays for help to Goo—reasons with the
wnrld—-and claims the Lonn’s favour us her portion
and huppiness.
O HEAR, Gon of my righteousness,
And mercy have on me ;
For when my soul was in distress,
It was enlarg’d by Thee.

Norm—For Psalms l. and ll. vide Hymns ll, l2, l3.

and AI‘DENnIx- . .
‘ 3
2 PSALMS v. ANn vi.

To Gon in grateful sacrifice

Bring what is good and just;
And to Jssovsu turn your eyes,
And make Hm all your trust.
While many say, “ Oh ! who will shew,
Some still more wealthy place ?”
Loan, lift on us—Jtis joy to know
The brightness'of Thy face.
Prayers for gra0s and help in time of need; and Trust ‘in
the Lonn’s mercies.
IN Thine own Righteousness instruct
My soul, O Loan, that knows
The path to bliss, if Thou conduct
To conquest o’er my foes.
Loan, let all those whose trust Thou art
In Thee rejoice, and make
All those to shout for joy, whose heart
Thy NAME for aid shall take.
For Thou unto the righteous wilt,
O Loan, Thy blessing yield,
And guard the hope upon Tums built
With grace as with a shield.
The Church expresses a godly sorrow which worketh true
repentance,- and by faith triumphs over all enemies.
RETURN and save my soul, O Loan,
And set my conscience free ;
Think of the mercies of Thy word;
For their sake succour me.
For none can think on Thee in death,
If here unknown Thy ways;
And in the grave what human breath
Can learn to speak Thy praise?

Norm—For another version of Psalm V. v. Arrssmx.


All ye in evil who rejoice,

Away! from me depart!
The Loan has given my tears a voice,
And heal’d my broken heart.

The original glory of the human nature in thafirst Adam,
and its recovered glory in the Lone JESUS Cums-r.
‘ O Loan our Gon, how excellent
In all the earth Thy name !
Thy glory fills the firmament,
And far outshines its frame 1
2 Thou givest to the infant tongue
A more than human skill;
And taught by Thee the child is strong
Thy raging foe to still.
8 When I regard Thy heavens high,
Wrought by Thy skilful hand—
The moon—the stars that gem the sky—
All in Thy wisdom plann’d ;
4 O what is man that he should be
‘ The subject of Thy thought ?
And what the son of man that he
Should never be forgot ?
5 Lower at first than angels plac’d
Thyself he entertains
Then with a crown of glory grac’d,
The height of honour gains.
6 Thou givest him dominion great
O’er all which Thou hast made;
And at his feet all creatures wait,—
His will like Thine obey’d.
7 The fold, the stall, the forest, yield
Their tenants to his sway;

Norm—For a version of Psalm VI. v. Arrmmrx

B 2
4 - PSALMS 111. ANn 111.

The fish that roams the ocean field

And birds on wing obey.
8 O Loan our Gon, how excellent
In all the earth Thy name!
Thy glory fills the firmament,
And far outshines its frame !
The past and future victories of the Church over all her
enemies through her (ion and Rl--nsnman.
Loan, in the fulness of my heart
Thy praise I will proclaim ;
Thy wondrous works shall joy impart,
Whilst I shew forth Thy name.
JenovsH will a refuge be
For those who are oppress’d—
A refuge in their troubles He,
Where no one can molest.
And they, O Loan, who know Thy name,
Shall still on Thee rely;
For Thou hast never put to shame
Those who to Thee draw nigh.
O praises to the Loan ascribe
In Zion His abode;
Proclaim His deeds, till every tribe
Confess no other Gon.
The‘Church exercisesfuith in (ion amidst many troubles.
JenoVAH will my succonr bring
And all my hope fulfil;
Why bid my soul on timid wing
To fly to yonder hill ?
Fear not ;-the Loan His temple keeps ;
Unmov’d His throne remains ;
I trust His eye that never sleeps,
And high in heav’n He reigns.
Norm—For Psalms X11. and X111. 11. Aerssmx.
PSALMS XIV. ANn xv. 5 ‘

The righteous Loan delights in those

Who know His saving grace ;
And to the upright will disclose
The brightness of His face.
Corruption of human nature; and the hope of its
THEY are corrupt; none doeth good l—
The Loan from heav’n looked down,
To see if any understood, ‘
Sought Gon and feared His frown.
But man’s whole race is gone aside;
With sin they all are stain’d;
None will in doing good abide ;
Not one with Gon remain’d.
O that to Israel would come
Relief from Zion’s hill !—
The Loan will bring His captives home,
And Jacob’s joy fulfil.
The Church vindicates her faith as no compromise with
sin ,- declaring that_ without holiness nu 1mm shultsee
the LORn
Loan, who in Thine abode below
A happy rest shall surely know ? -
Who in Thy holy place above,
Shall dwell with Thee in perfect love ?
2 ’Tis he that walks in upright ways,
Does good, and means whate’er he says ;
No slander is upon his tongue,
Nor will he do his neighbour wrong.
3 The speech that wounds 21 neighbour’s fame
He will not blow to further flame;
He views the wicked as abhorr’d,
But honours them who fear the Loan
No-rm—For a version of Psalm XlY. u. APPENmx.
6 rssmus XVI- !mn xvu.

4 He promises and changes not

When truth will hurt his earthly lot ;
He dreads his talents to abuse
And gain illegal will refuse.
5 The proffer’d bribe will he reject
And helpless innocence protect :—
The man that doeth things like these
Shall stand before all enemies.
The erperiente of the divine Mediator, and of the believ
ing members of His body as one with CHRIST‘
O Gon, I trust Thee ; to mine aid
Preserving succour bring:
O thou my soul, hast thou not made
The Loan, thy Lord and King?
My goodness reaches not to Thee,
Yet finds Thy saints below ;
The excellent are dear to me,
No other friends I know.
He fills my cup—maintains my lot;
Thy hand, Loan, I can tell:
How pleasant is the chosen spot,
Where Thou with me wilt dwell l
The path to life Thou wilt disclose;
Near Thee all joys abound;
And endless pleasures and repose
At Thy right hand are found.
The Church prays to be upheld in righteousness, and e:
presses a joyful hope of at last possessing her Lonn’s
perfect likeness.
HOLn up my goings in Thy ways
From falling and from fear ;

Noun—For versions of Psalms XVI. and XVII. 1:.

Hymn 452, and APPENnIx.
rssnm xvnr. 7

0 Gon, to Thee Thy servant prays

Thou hast an ear to hear.
0 Thou who with Thine own right hand
Deliverest all those
Who trust in Thee, when round them stand
Innumerable foes;
Thy servant in his troubles shield,
Like apple of the eye ;
_ Beneath Thy shelt’ring wings conceal’d,
Let me in safety lie.
On me in righteousness arrayed,
Thy face in light shall break;
And with Thy likeness perfect made,
In bliss shall I awake.

The rejoicing of the Church.
THEE will I love, O Loan my might,
When foes around me flock;
The Loan’s my fortress on the height,
My house upon the rock.
Jsnovsa my great SAVIOUR is,
My .Gon, my strength, my shield;
In Him I trust; salvation’s His,
And He will shelter yield.
Upon JeKOVAH I will call,
And He shall have my praise;
So shall my foes before me fall
And I new anthems raise.
O but Gon’s way most perfect is!
J nnovAH’s word is prov’d ;
Those who trust Him He shields as His,
And they shall not be mov’d.

Norm—For a version of I_’salm XVIII. v. Arrsnmx.

8 PSALM! xvm. ANn xxr.

Versimi Second.
THE LoBn descended from above
And how’d the heav’ns most high,
And underneath His feet He east
The darkness of the sky :
2 On cherub and on chernbim
Full royally He rode,
And on the wings of mighty winds
Came flying all abroad.
3 He brought me forth in open place,
That so I might be free;
And kept me safe because He had
A favour unto me.
4 Unspotted are the ways of Gon,
His word is purely tried;
He is a sure defence to such
As in His faith abide.
5 For who is Gon except the Loae?
For other there is none :
And who is there omnipotent,
Except our Gon alone?
6 He sat serene upon the floods,
Their fury to restrain ;
And He as sovereign Loan and KING
For evermore shall reign.

The Church rejoices in the resurrection, thejoy, and the
triumphs of her L0no‘ and KING.
THE KING, Loan, in Thy strength exults;
For Thy salvation glad,
Grateful He sees the blest results
His heart’s desires have had.
Norm—Fur Psalms xxx. and xx. vsdtrlylilfi,
15, 16, and H, also Arrmwtx.

PSALM xxn. 9

Thou settest on His royal head

A crown of purest ore;
He asked life—“ Raised from the dead,"
- Thou saidst, “ Live evermore."
For Thou hast fill’d His soul with grace ;
His blessings ne’er decay ;
On Him exceeding glad, Thy face
Pours its eternal day.
Be Thou, O Loan,‘ exalted still!
In Thine own strength arise;
So in Thy pow’r exult we will,
And praise Thee in the skies.

The vow: of gratitude and blessed hopes that spring
from the Cnoss.

I WILL amidst Thy people, Loan,

The praises of Thy name record.
Ye who JenoVAH fear, praise bring;
All Jacob’s seed, His glory sing.
2 Jrxnovsn hath not bid His face,
But when I cried He heard my case ;
Thy gathered saints my praise shall hear,
My vows be paid where reigns Thy fear.
3 The meek shall live and eat and feel
Jenovsn’s pow’r all grief to heal:
Their heart for ever lives who seek
Thy name—Thy praise they ever speak.
4 Earth’s utmost bounds shall all be bless’d,
Be taught to seek the Lorm their rest:
The kindred nations to Thee bow
And Thy forgotten claims allow.

Norm—For a version ofPsalm XXII. v. Aressmx.

10 PSALM xxm.

The good Shepherd; the happy portion of Hi: sheep in
I life and death and a future world.
Tan Loan’s my Shepherd; from all want
He guards my lot below:
The Loan will still green pastures grant
Where quiet waters flow.
2 He lays me down—He leads me on
My soul restores and feeds ;
And for His great name’s sake alone
In righteous paths He leads.
3 Through all my life whate’er betide
Yet I will fear no ill;
Though walkingwhere death’s shadows glide
There THou art with me still.
4 In death’s dark valley when I feel -
Thy staff and chast'ning rod—
They both Thy presence shall reveal
And comfort me, my Gon. ‘
5 A table for me hast Thou spread
In sight of all my foes;
With oil anointest Thou my head;
My cup with good o’erflows.
6 Through all my life Thy bounteous grace
Shal surely track my way;
And in Jenovsn’s dwelling-place
Shall I for ever stay.
Version Second.
Tan Loan’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want ;
He makes me down to lie
In pastures green ; He leadeth me
The quiet waters by.

19,Norm—Fo1‘ versions of Psalm XXIII. v . H ymna. la’

and Arrsnmx.
PSALM xxnr. 11

2 My soul He doth restore again,

And me to walk doth make
Within the paths of righteousness,
Ev’n for His own name’s sake.
3 Yea, though I walk in death’s dark vale
Yet will I fear none ill;
For Thou art with me; and Thy rod
And staff me comfort still.
4 My table Thou hast furnished
In presence of my foes ;
My head Thou dost with oil anoint
And my cup overflows.
5 Goodness and mercy all my life
Shall surely follow me ;
And in Gon’s house for evermore
My dwelling-place shall be.

Version Third.
THE Loan Himself, the mighty Loan,
Vouchsafes to be my guide—
The Shepherd by whose constant care
My wants are all supplied.
2 He does my wandering soul reclaim,
And to His endless praise,
Instructs me graciously to walk
In His most righteous ways.
8 I pass the gloomy vale of death
From fear and danger free,
For there His aiding rod and staff
Defend and comfort me.
4 Since Gon doth thus His wond’rous love
Through all my life extend,
That life to Him I will devote
And in His temple spend.
12 PSALMS xxv. ANn xxvii.

Supplicatinns to (ion the SAVIOUR for Hisfm‘giving and
restoring grace, with, ascriptions of glory to His name.
THY loving kindnesses recall—
Renew them, Gon of truth;
Remember not my sins, nor all
The follies of my youth.
In all Jenovsn’s paths below
Mercy and truth they trace,
Who keep His statutes and who know _
His covenant of grace.
O guard my soul and rescue send;
Be Thou upon my side :
O Loan, bid all my troubles end,
For I in Thee confide.
I wait on Thee ; may truth’s pure beam
Preserve my peace within !
And Israel, O G0n, redeem
From all the woes of sin.
The Church in irouhlous time: seeks help of Go0 and
assures herself of His succour, erhorting all to wait
upon Him.
Tun Loan’s my light, my saving aid ;
Whom have I cause to fear ?
He keeps my life ; and undismayed
I see all dangers near.
“ Seek ye my face”_-I hear Thee say ;
My heart to this replies--~
Thy face I’ll seek ; O Loan, display
Thy glory to mine eyes.
Wait on the Loan ; be of good cheer ;
His strength shall never fail : ’
Norm—Fir Psalm XiTViivide H mn I62
versions of Psalms XXV. and XXVLyv. Arnrzniiiiil for
PSALMS xxvnl. ANn xxrx. 13

Wait on the Loan, I say ; nor fear ;

Wait—and thou shalt prevail.

Entreaiies, with thnnhsgivings and intercession:
To Thee, O Loan, I cry,
My rock when foes assail;
O send an answer from on high
Nor let Thy succour fail.
My supplications hear—
My troubled soul set free,
When I before Thy shrine appear
And lift my hands to Thee.
My heart exulting moves
- My tongue to speak His praise ;
The Lortn to His anointed proves
Salvation all their days.
O save ’l‘hy7 people, Lolm ;
Thine heritage defend ;
O bless and feed them with Thy word ;
Exalt them without end.

The Goo of all might the only Author of His people":
strength and peace.
LET all the mighty glory give
To HIM who makes them strong :
To Gon the Life of all who live,
Glory and strength belong.
J enovAH’s voice is full of might,
From heaven to earth it sounds;
Jenovsn’s voice when heard aright
In majesty abounds.
Jenovsn’s throne is over all;
The flood His throne sustains ;

Norm—For a version of Psalm XXVII. 11. Autumn:


Jenovxn’s kingdom knows no fall;

The Loan for ever reigns.
J EnoVAH will all strength impart
To those who own His sway :
The Loan will fill His people’s heart
With peace from day to day.
Praise for the past and hope for the future.
Tuee in my songs will I extol;
My cry to Thee I raised;
And Thou hast made Thy servant whole :
The Loan my Gon be praised!
Thou hast, O Loan, as from the grave
Brought out my soul to light,
Preserv’d my life, and yet wilt save
From everlasting night.
Sing to the Loan, ye saints of His;
Sing with a joyful sound;
Contemplating His holiness,
O let your thanks abound.
Version Second.
To Gon’s own courts, ye chosen flock,
With songs of praise repair;
With me commemorate His truth
And providential care.
His wrath has but a moment’s reign,
His favour no decay;
Your night of grief is recompens’d
With joy’s returning day.
Hear us, O Loan, in mercy hear;
Thy wonted aid extend;
Do Tnou send help, on whom alone
We can for help depend.
.‘No-rL—Foi-Av-ersions of’Psalms XXX. and XX XI. 0

PSALM xxxr. 15

Resignation, with faith in GOn and prayer for His help.
To Taes the Gon of truth,
My life and all that’s mine
(For Thou preserv’dst me from my youth,)
I willingly resign.
2 For still my stedfast trust
I on Thy help repose;
That Thou, my Gon, art good and just,
My soul with comfort knows.
3 Whate’er events betide,
Thy wisdom times them all;
Then, Loan, Thy servants safely hide
From those that seek their fall.
4 Ye that on Gon rely,
Courageously proceed;
For He will still your hearts supply
With strength in time of need.

Version Second
Loan, bow Thine ear down unto me
And rescue me with speed;
Be Thou my rock, my fortress sure,
To save in time of need.
2 For Thou, Loan, art my rock of might ;
Thee my strong place I make :
Lead me and guide me, therefore, still,
For Thine own great name’s sake.
3 My spirit I to Thee commend
--In Thy hand safe to be;
O Thou the only Gon of truth,
Who hast redeemed me.
4 And as for me, I all my trust
On Thee, 0 Loan, will stay;
16 PSALMS xxxn. ANn xxxnr.

And I to Thee, “ Thou art my Gon !"

Will confidently say:
5 Thy gracious countenance to shine
Upon Thy servant make;
And save me out of all distress,
For Thine own niercy’s sake.
The blessedness of those to whom the Lonn imputeth right
eousness. and whose sine He forgives.
O GREATLY bless’d is he to whom
Is granted pardon free
Of all the trepass he hath done—
Whose sins all cover’d be.
Bless’d is that man l—JeHOVAH doth
Impute to him no sin;
And in his spirit is no guile,
Nor fraud conceal’d therein.
‘The wicked many sorrows have ;- -
But still with mercy free,
He who doth in JenoVAH trust,
Encompass’d round shall be.
The happiness and hope ofthose who know the Loan.‘
How happy they to whom the Loan
For their own Gon is known;
Whom He from all the world besides
Has chosen for His own.
Behold ! on those that do Him fear
The Loan doth set His eye—
Ev’n those who on His mercy do
With confidence rely.
Our soul on Gon with patience waits ;
Our help and shield the Lom) l
Norm—Fora version of Psalm XXXII. side Arreumx
PSALM xxxlv. l7

0 Gon, let still our hearts rejoice,

‘ Because we trust Thy word.

G0n a source afconfidcnce and joy to His people imall
Tnnouorr all the cha ging scenes of life,
In trouble and in jo ,
The praises of my Gon shall still
My heart and tongue employ.
2 Of His deliv’rance I will boast,
Till all that are distress’d
From my example comfort take,
And charm their griefs to rest.
3 O magnify the Loan with me,
ith me exalt His name;
When in distress to Him I call’d,
He to my rescue came.
4 The hosts of Gon encamp around
The dwellings of the just;
Deliv’rance He affords to all
Who on His succour trust.
5 O make but trial of His love,
Experience will decide
How bless’d are they, and only they,
‘Who in His truth confide.
6 Fear Him, ye saints, and you will then
Have nothing else to fear;
Make you His service your delight,
He’ll make your wants His care.
7 While hungry lions lack their prey,
The Loan will food provide
For such as put their trust in Him,
And see their need supplied.

Nora—For a version ofPsalm XXXIII. v. Arvmmx -

n 3

18 PSALMS xxxvi. Ann xxxvn.

The praise of Gon’s mercy, truth, ordinances and grave ,
with a prayer for the continuance and extension of His
THY mercy, Loan, is in the heav’ns ;
Thy truth doth reach the clouds;
Thy Justice is like mountains great ;
Thy judgments deep as floods :
2 Loan, Thou preservest man and beast;
How precious is Thy grace!
Therefore in shadow of Thy wings
Men’s sons their trust shall place.
3 They with the fulness of Thy house
Shall be well satisfied;
From rivers of Thy pleasures Thou
Wilt drink to them provide.
4 Because of life the fountain pure
Remains alone with Thee ;
And in that purest light of Thine
We clearly light shall see.
5 Thy loving-kindness still vouchsafe
Where Thou art known below;
And still on men of upright heart
Thy righteousness bestow.
They who have made Gon their trust, and righteousness
their pursuit, may cast their burden on the LORn.
THn Loan the just man’s steps doth guide,
And all his ways doth bless ;
To ev’ry thing he takes in hand,
He giveth good success.
Mark and behold the upright man,
How Gon doth him increase;
The righteous man shall have in death
Unutterable peace.
XXXVll. versions of Psal Kns XXXV. X XX v1 . and
v. Arrssmx.
PSALMS 111.. ANn 21i.i1. 19

The great salvation of the just

Doth come from Gon above,
Who in their trouble sends them aid
Of His free grace and love.
Praise on a review of past dangers and mercies.
. I wsrren patient for the Loan,
He bow’d to hear my cry ;
He saw me resting on His word,
And brought salvation nigh.
Firm on a rock He made me stand,
And taught my cheerful tongue
To praise the wonders of His hand,
In a new thankful song.
I’ll spread His works of grace abroad;
The saints with joy shall hear;
And sinners learn to make my Go]:
Their only hope and fear.
Gracious desires after Gob—Faith reasons against unhelief
--the memnry nfpust experience—Hoping against hope.
As pants the hart for cooling streams,
When heated in the chase,—
So longs my soul, O GMi, for Thee
And Thy refreshing grace.
2 For Thee, my Gon, the living Gon,
My thirsty soul doth ine ;
O when shall I behold Thy face,
Thou Majesty divine?
3 Why restless, why cast down, my soul P
Trust Gon, who will employ
His aid for thee, and change thy sighs
To thankful hymns of joy.
4 My soul’s cast down, O GOn, but thinks '
On Thee and Zion still’
Nora—For versions of Psalms XX XVIII. XXXIX.
XL. and XLl. v. Arrasmx.
20 PSALMS XLII. ANn xmn. "'1
On Jordan’s banks and llermon’s heights
And Mizar’s pleasant hill.
5 And when Thy presence, Loan oflife,
Has once dispcll’d this ‘storm,
To Thee I’ll midnight anthems sing,
And all my vows perform.

PSALM XLII, P. M. 7’8.’

Version Sernnd.

As the hurt with eager looks

Panteth for the water-brooks,
So my soul, athirst for Thee,
Pants the living Gon to see :
When, 0 when with filial fear,
Loan, shall I to Thee draw near?
Why art thou cast down my soul?
Gon thy Gon shall make thee whole :
Why art thou disqnieted ?
’Gon shall lift thy fallen head;
And His countenance benign
Be the saving health of thine.
Divine guidance implored, with anticipations of the happy
O smm ’l‘hy light forth and Thy truth ;
Let them be guides to me,
And bring me to Thy holy hill,
Ev’n where Thy dwellings be.
Then will I to Glon’s altar go—
’l‘o Goti my chiefest joy ;
Yea, Gon, my Gon, Thy name to praise
My harp I will employ.
Why art thou then cast down, my soul ?
What should discourage thee ?
And why with vexing thoughts art thou
Disquieted in me ?

Still trust in Gon; for Him to praise

Good cause I yet shall have ;
He of my count’nance is the health,—
My Gon that doth me save.
The Church’s KING- He fills His Church with grace,
“ and attracts the world to Himself
Tnr royal seat, O Loan,
For ever shall remain,
Because the sceptre of Thy‘ realm
Doth righteousness maintain.
Because Thou lov’d’st the right
And didst the ill detest,
Therefore hath Gon anointed Thee
With joy above the rest.
The daughter of the King .
Unto Him shall be brought;
All glorious within is she ; ’
With gold her raiment wrought.
Wherefore ’l‘hy holy name
All ages shall record ;
The people shall give thanks to Thee
For evermore, 0 Loan.
Strong confidence in the grace and power of Israel’s Goo,
that He will never forsake those who trust in Him.
Gon is our refuge and our strength,
In straits a present aid;
Although the earth then be remov’d,
We will not be afraid :
A river flows, whose streams make glad
The city of our GOn—
The holy place, the dwellings where
The HIGHEST hath abode.
Norm—For versions of Psalms XLlV. and XLV. v
22 PSALM!) xLvm. ANn M.

Goo dwelleth in the midst of her,

And nothing shall her move;
To her at dawning of the mom
Gon shall a helper prove.
The Loan of hosts Himself it is
Who is upon our side !
The Gon of Jacob ever will
Our refuge sure abide!
Goo’s glory seen in the ezcellencies of Zion. There is none
like Zion‘s Goo.
THE Loan the only Go1i is great,
And greatly to be prais’d
In Zion, on whose happy mount
His sacred throne 15 rais’d.
2 In Zion we have seen perform’d
A work that was foretold,
In pledge that GOn, for times to come,
‘ His city will uphold.
3 Let Zion’s mount with joy resound,
Her daughters all be taught
ln songs His judgments to extol,
Who this deliv’rance wrought.
4 This Gon is our’s, and will be our’s,
Whilst we in Him confide ;
Who, as He has preserv’d us oft,
To death will be our Guide.
The language of true repentance in the review and can
fessiml of past sin. ‘
AFTER Thy loving-kindness, Loan,
Have mercy upon me ;
For Thy compassions great blot out
All mine iniquity :
Norm—For versions of Psalms XLVll. L. and Ll.
v. Hymn so, and Arrssmx.
rssuus LVII. ANn Lxm. 23

2 Do Thou with hyssop sprinkle me;

I shall be cleansed so ;
Yea wash Thou me, and then shall I
Be whiter than the snow :
3 Then will I teach Thy ways to those
Who now transgressors be;
And they that sinners are shall then
Be turned unto Thee.
4 Shew kindness and do good, O LoRn,
To Zion Thine own hill;
The walls of Thy Jerusalem
Build up of Thy good will.

Gratitude fm- Gon’s mercy and truth.
Be Thou, O Loan, exalted high!
And as Thy glory fills the sky,
So let it be on earth display’d,
Till Thou art here as there obey’d.
O Gon, my heart is fiid, ’tis bent
Its thankful tribute to present,
And with my heart my voice I’ll raise
To Thee, my Gon, in songs of praise.
Thy praises, Loan, I will resound
To all the list’ning nations round 1
Thy mercy highest heav’n transcends,
Thy truth beyond the clouds extends;
Past ea‘perience of Goo’s grace and pnwer in His ordin
amces, makes the snulto desire His renewed mercies.’
Loan, Thee my Gon I’ll early seek;
My soul doth thirst for Thee;
My flesh longs in a dry parch’d land,
Wherein no waters be ;—
That I Thy power may behold
And brightness of Thy face,
24 PSALMS LXV. ANn Lxvn.

As I have seen Thee heretofore

Within Thy holy place.
Since better is Thy love than life,
My lips Thee praise shall give:
I in Thy game will lift my hands
And bless Thee while I live.

Gon’s glory known in Zion and throughout the earth. The
happiness ofserving and worshipping the Loan.
PRuse waits for Thee in Zion, Loan ;
To Thee vows paid shall be :
O Thou that Hearer art of pray’r,
All flesh shall come to Thee.
Bless’d is the man whom Thou dost choose,
And mak’st approach to Thee,
That he within Thy courts, O Lorm,
May still a dweller be.
We surely shall be satisfied
With Thy flaundant grace,
And with the goodness of Thy house
Ev’n of Thy holy place.
The Church invokes the mercy‘nf Goo, that so the whole
world may be renewed and brought home to Gon.
Loan, bless and pity us;
Shine on us with Thy face,
That earth Thy way and nations all
, May know Thy saving grace.
Let people praise Thee, LoRp;
Let peoples all ’l‘hee‘ praise;
O let the nations all be glad,
1n songs their voices raise.

Non-..--For versions of Psalms LXlll. and‘LXVl.

u. Ar-x‘esmx.

Thou’lt justly people judge,

On earth rule nations all ;
Let people praise Thee, Loan ; let them
Praise Thee, both great and small.
The earth her fruit shall yield;
Our Gon shall blessing send;
Gon will us bless ; men shall Him fear
Unto earth’s utmost end.
Version. Second .
To bless Thy chosen race
In mercy, Loan, incline ;
And cause the brightness of Thy face
On all Thy saints to shine .
That so Thy wondrous way
May through the world be known,
Whilst distant lands their tribute pay
And Thy salvation own.
Let difl’ring nations join
To celebrate Thy fame ;'
Let all the world, O Loan, combine
To praise Thy glorious name.
O let them shout and sing
With joy and pious mirth; ’
For Thou, the righteous Judge and King,
Shalt govern all the earth.
(‘nmsr‘s ascension and prevailing intercession.
T11o0 hast, O Loan most glorious,
Ascended up on high ;
And Thou triumphantly hast led
Captive captivity :
Thou hast received gifts for men,
For such as did rebel;
Yea ev’n for them—that Gon the Loan
In midst of them might dwell.
C -
2G ‘PSALMS Lxxi. ANn 1.xxm.

Bless’d be the Loan, who is to us

Of our salvation Gon ;
Who daily with His benefits
Us plenteously doth load.
He of salvation is the Gon,
Who is our Gon most strong;
And unto Gon the Loan from death
The issues do belong.
The Church rejoices in heing ahle to say, In the Lonii have
1 righteousness and strength.
IN Thee I put my steadfast trust,
Defend me, Loan, from shame;
Incline Thine ear and save my soul,
For righteous is Thy name.
While Gon vouchsafes me His support,
I’ll in His strength go on;
All other righteousness disclaim,
And mention His alone.
Then joy shall fill my mouth, and songs
Employ my cheerful voice ;
My grateful soul, by Thee redeem’d,
Shall in Thy strength rejoice.
Goa the supreme object of desire and complacency—a sum.
j‘ying portion here and hereafter.
Gon’s presence comfort has supplied,
He has upheld, and will not leave ;
Tnou here shalt with Thy counsel guide,
And then to glory me receive.
Whom then in heav’n but Thee alone
Have 1, whose favour I require?
Throughout the spacious earth there’s none
That I besides Thee can desire.
vide Psalms
Arrasmx and LXIX.
Hymns LXXII.
22 and 23. and-LX XIII .
PSALHS Lxxx. ANn Lxxxiv. 27

My trembling flesh and aching heart

May often fail to succour me;
But Gon shall inward strength impart,
_ And my eternal portion bc.
Supplications for converting grace. The mediation of
Cnmsr the hope of the Church.
HEAR, Israel’s ‘Shepherd ;—like a flock
Thou that dost Joseph guide;
Shine forth, O Thou that dost between
The cherubim abide.
2 Turn us again, O Loan our Gon,
And upon us vouchsafe
To make Thy countenance to shine,
And so we shall be safe.
3 Do Thou convert us, Loan; do Thou
Thy shining face display;
And all the ills we suffer now
Like clouds shall pass away.
4 O let Thy hand be still upon
The Man of Thy right hand—
The Son of man whom for Thyself
Thou madest strong to stand.
5 So henceforth we will not go back,
Nor turn from Thee at all:
O do Thou quicken ns, and we
Upon Thy name will call.
The happiness and security of Gon’s service.
O Loan of hosts, the mighty Loan,
How lovely is the place
Where Thou enthron’d in glory show’st
The brightness of Thy face!
Norm—For Psalms LXXlV. LXXVI. LXXVll.
LXXX. and LXXXI. vide Arrsxmx and Hymns 24
and ‘25.
c 2

2 O Loan of hosts, my King and Gov,

- How highly bless’d are they
Who in Thy temple always dwell,
And there Thy praise display!
3 Thrice happy they whose choice has Thee
Their sure protection made,
Who long to tread the holy ways
That to Thy dwelling lead.
4 Thus they proceed from strength to strength,
And still approach more near,
Till all on Zion’s holy mount
Before their Gon appear.
5 Loan, in Thy courts one single day
‘Tis better to attend,
Than any where on earth besides
A thousand days to spend.
6 The Loan who‘is our sun and shield
Will grace and glory give,
And no good thing will He withhold
From them that godly live.
7 Thou Gon whom heav’nly hosts obey
How highly bless’d is he
Whose hope and trust, securely plac’d,
Are still repos’d on Thee!
The gift of the SAVIOUR a pledge ofnH blessings.
Tnv gracious favour, Loan, display,
Which we have long implor’d ;
And for Thy wondrous mercy’s sake
Thy wonted aid afford.
2 To all that fear His holy name
Gon’s great salvation’s near;
And in their former happy state
His people shall appear :
Norm—FOP versions of Psalms LliXXlV. and ‘
PSALMS Lxxxvlr. ANn Lxxxrx. 29

3 For mercy now with truth is join’d,

And righteousness with peace ;
They meet in harmony, agreed
To publish our release.
4 Truth from the earth shall spring, and heav’n
Shall streams of mercy pour ;
And Gon from whom all goodness flows
Shall endless plenty show’r.
The praise of Gon’s public ordinances. Out of the Divine
fulness comes all Israet’s grace.
Gon loves His house, the public place
To which His gathered flock repair;
In Zion’s gates, not Jacob’s tents,
That flock His richest mercies share.
2 Founded by Gon it stands secure
With holy hills encircled round :‘
O city of our Gon, thy gates
With glorious wonders still abound.
3 To Zion’s praise it shall be said
How many found new life in her;
And Gon Himself shall build her up-
The HIGHEST be her Comforter.
4 Here shall the voice of gladness rise,
And hearts and tongues united be
To tell, O Loan, Thy constant praise :
O Loan, my springs are all in Thee.
6on the object of adoring reverence and complacency.
GREAT fear in meeting of the saints
Is due unto the Loan ;.
And He of all about Him should
With rev’rence be ador’d.
O greatly bless’d the people are
The joyful sound that know!
Norm—For Psalms LXXXVI. and LXXXVII. aids
30 PSALM xc.
In brightness of Thy face, O Loan,
They ever on shall go.
They in Thy name shall all the day
Rejoice exceedingly;
And in Thy righteousness shall they
Exalted be on high.
For Gon is our defence; and He
To us doth safety bring:
The holy One of Israel
Is our Almighty King.
Goo the eternalllwelling-pluce of His Church. The right
use and enjoyment of our days upon earth implored.
O Loan the SAVIOUB and defence
Of us Thy chosen race, ‘
From age to age Thou still hast been
Our sure abiding-place.
Before Thou brought’st the mountains forth,
Or earth and heav’n did’st frame,
Thou always wert the mighty Gon
And ever art the same.
So teach us, Loan, th’ uncertain sum
Of our short days to mind,
That to true wisdom all our hearts
May ever be inclin’d.
Let‘Thy bright rays upon us shine;
Give Thou our work success;
The glorious work we have in hand
Do Thou vouchsafe to bless.
Version Second.
“ Thepromise is to you, and to yuur children.” Acts ii. 39.
O WITH Thy tender mercies, Loan,
Us early satisfy ;
Nona—For versions of Psalm LXXXIX. vida H ymn
‘244, and Aressmx.
PSALM xcr. 31

So we rejoice shall all our days,-

Rejoice in Thee, most High.
2 According as the days have been
Wherein we grief have had,
And years wherein we ill have seen,—
So do Thou make us glad.
3 O let Thy work and pow’r appear
Thy servants’ face before;
And show unto their children dear
Thy glory everm‘ore :
4 And let‘the beauty of the Loan
()ur GOn be us upon;
Our daily works establish Thou ;—
Establish them each one.

Goo the safety of_the Church’s Head and of all His
‘ members.
CALL JEHOVAH thy salvation ;
Rest beneath the ALMIGHTY’S shade;
In His secret habitation
Dwell, nor ever be dismay’d.
2 Thee, though winds and waves be swelling,
Gon thine hope shall bear through all;
Plague shall not come nigh thy dwelling;
Thee no evil shall befall.
3 He shall charge l‘lis legion angels
Watch and ward o’er thee to keep,
Though thou walk through hostile regions,
Though in desert wilds thou sleep.
4 Thou shalt call to Him in trouble,
He will hearken, He will save ;
Here for grief reward thee double,
Crown with life beyond the grave.‘
Norm—For Psalms XE and X01. vide Hymn 122,
and Arresmx.
-‘ \

The Church rejoice: in Gob, and declares lmw \they flou
rish that wuit continually upon His ordinances.
To render thanks unto the Loan,
It is a comely thing ; ‘
And to Thy name, () Thou most High,
Due praise aloud to sing.
2 Those that within the house of Gon
Are planted by His grace,—
They shall grow up and flourish all
In our Gon’s holy place. -
3 And in old age when others fade
They fruit still forth shall bring,
See no decay, and full of sap
Be ever flourishing :
4 To shew that upright is the Loan;
He is a rock to me;
And He from all unrighteousness
Is altogether free.
The kingdom of Cunrsr in its triumphs, serurity, pea0;
and holiness.
‘ THE Loan is King; upon His throne
. He sits with garments glorious;
Or girds for war His armour on,
In every field victorious .
The world came forth at His command ;
Built on His word its pillars stand,
They never can be shaken.
Thy testimonies, Loan, are sure,
Thy realm fears no commotion
Firm as the earth whose shores endure
The eternaltoil of ocean: -
And Thou with perfect peace wilt bless
Th faithful flock : true holiness
comes Thine house for ever.
Norm—Fo!‘ a Egon of Psalm XClI. v. Hymn H4.
I’SALMS xcv. ANn xcvnr. 33

The- Church rejoices in G on her Maker and Saviour.
O cOMa ‘and sing we to the Loan,
Come let us ev’ry one
A joyful noise make to the Rock
Of our salvation.
2 Let us before His presence come
With praise and thankful voice ;
Let us sing psalms to Him with grace
And make a joyful noise :
3 For Gon a great Gon and great King—
Above all gods He is;
Depths of the earth are in His hands,
The strength of hills is His.
4 O come and let us worship Him,
Let us bow down withal,‘
And on our knees before the Loan
Our Maker let us fall.
Praise for Gon’s mercies to Israel, and salvation made
known to all.
0 sue a new song to the Loan,
For wonders He hath done;
His right hand and His holy arm
The victory hath won.
He mindful of His grace and truth
To Israel’s house hath been;
And the salvation of our Gon
All ends of earth have seen.
With harp, with harp and voice of psalms
Unto JenoVAH sing;
And let the trumpet gladly sound
Before the Loan the King.
No-na— For versions of Psalms XCIV. XCV. -XCVI.
XCVII. XCVllI. and XCIX. vide llymns ‘26,27,533’
29, and Arrnnmx.


A song ofpraise for the whale redeemed world.
Wrrn one consent let all the earth
To Gon their cheerful voices raise,
Glad homage pay with awful mirth
And sing before Him songs of praise.
Convinc’d that He is Gon alone,
From whom both we and all proceed—
We whom He chooses for His own—
The flock that He vouchsafes to feed.
O enter then His temple gate,
Thence to His courts devoutly press,
And still your grateful hymns repeat,
And still His name with praises bless.
4 For He’s the Loan supremely good,
His mercy is for ever sure; _
His truth which always firmly stood
To endless ages shall endure.

PSALM c. ‘ L. M.
-Version Second.

ALL people that on earth do dwell

Sing‘ to the Loan with cheerful voice ;
Him serve ‘with mirth, His praise forth tell;
Come ye before Him and rejoice.
Know that the. Loan is Gon indeed ;
Without our aid He did us make;
We are His flock, He doth us feed,
And for His sheep He doth us take.
3 0 enter then His gates with praise,
Approach with joy His courts unto ;
Praise, laud and bless His name always,
For it is seemly so to do.
‘ TSALMS 0ii. ANn cv. 35

4 For why ? the Loan our Gun is good,

His mercy is for ever sure ;
His truth at all times firmly stood
And shall from age to age endure.
Mercy ‘to Zion and future triumphs oflhe Church.
THou shalt arise, and mercy yet
Thou to mount Zion shalt extend:
Her time for favour which was set,
‘ Behold! is now come to an end.
2 Gon in His glory shall appear,
When Zion He builds and repairs,
He shall regard and lend His ear
Unto the needy’s humble pray’rs.
3 Th’ afilicted’s pray’r He will not scorn ;-
All times shall He this truth record :
And generations yet unborn
Shall praise and magnify the Loan.
A cull‘tu plead and praise the Lonn’s Name.
O BENnEB. thanks and bless the Lonb,
Invoke His sacred name ;
Acquaint the nations with His deeds—
His matchless deeds proclaim.
‘2 Rejoice in His Almighty name
Alone to be ador’d;
And let their hearts o’erflow with joy
That humbly seek the Loan.‘
3 Seek ye the Loan; His saving strength
Devoutly still implore ;
And where He’s ever present seek
His face for evermore.
Norm—For versions of Psalms CI. CH. 0111. and
ClV- ville llymns 30,31, 32, 33, 34, and Ansnmx.


Praises and desires to partake of the Lonn’s mercies 10
0 RENnER thanks to Gon above—
‘The Fountain of eternal love;
Whose mercy firm through ages past
Has stood, and shall for ever last.
2 Extend to me that favour, Loan,
’l‘hou ‘to ’l‘hy chosen dost afford ;
When Thou return’st to set them free,
Let Thy salvation visit me.
3 Still save us, Loan ; and Israel’s bands
Together bring from heathen lands;
So to Thy name our thanks we’ll raise,
And ever triumph in Thy praise.
4 Let Israel’s Gon be ever bless’d,
His name eternally confess’d;
Let all His saints with full accord
Sing loud Amens. Praise ye the Loan.

Version Second.
GIVE praise and thanks unto the Loan,
For bountiful is ‘He ;
His tender mercy shall endure
Unto eternity.
2 Gon’s mighty works who can express ?
Or show forth all His praise?
Blessed are they that judgment keep
And justly do always. _
3 Remember me, Loan, with that love
Which Thou to ’l‘hine dost bear ;
With Thy salvation, O my Gon,
To visit me draw near :
PSALMS cvm. ANIl cxvr. 37
4 That I Thy chosen’s good may see
And in their joy rejoice,
And may with Thine inheritance
Lift up my cheerful voice.
The Church renouncing human help looks to Goo alone,
Be Thou, O Gon, exalted high
Above the starry frame,
And let the world with one consent
Confess Thy glorious‘name.
2 That all Thy chosen people Thee
Their SAVIOUB. may declare—
Let Thy right hand protect me still
And answer Thou my pray’r.
3 O to Thy servants in distress
Thy speedy succour send;
For vain it is on human help
For safety to depend.
4 Then valiant acts shall we perform
If ‘l‘hou ’l‘hy pow’r disclose;
For Gon it is and Gon alone
That treads down all our foes.
Gratitude for mercies in answer to prayer.
I'LL of salvation take the cup,
On Gon’s name will I call,
I’ll pay my vows now. to the Loan
Before His people all.
2 Dear in Gon’s sight is His saints’ death;
Thy servant, Loan, am I—
Thy servant sure, ’l‘hine handmaid’s son
My bonds Thou didst untie.
3 Thank oif’rings I to Thee will give
And on Gon’s name will call;
Norm—For Psalms CVIl. CIX. CX. CXI. CXll.
CXIII. CXlV. and CXV. ville Hymns 33, 36, 37, 33,
and Arrssmx. _
38 PSALMS ‘cxvn. ANn cxvnr.
I’ll pay my vows_ now to the Loan
.Before His people all
4 Within the courts of Gon’s own house,—
Within the midst of thee,
O city of Jerusalem:
Praise to the Loan give ye.
PSALM CXVII. P. M. 7’ s.
The whnle ‘earth called to praise Gou‘s merry and truth.
Panse the Loan with voice of gladness;
All ye nations to Him sing :
Join your voices, ye His people,
Magnify your. Gon and KING.
For His truth that never faileth
Rev’rently your Go1i adore;
For His love to us unbounded,
Thank and praise Him evermore.
No deliverer like the Loan oflhe Sublmlh.
O PRAISE the Loan for He is good—
His mercies ne’er decay ;
That His kind favours ever last
Let thankful Israel say.
2 Far better ’tis to trust in Gon,
And have the Loan our friend,
Than on the greatest human pow’r
For safety to depend.
3 Then open wide the temple gates
To which the just repair,
That I may enter in and praise
My great deliv’rer there.
4 This day is Gou’s, let all the land
Exalt their cheerful voice ;
. Loan, we beseech Thee, save us now
And make us still rejoice.
‘ Norm—For other versions of P~alms CXVI. CXVII.
and CXVllI. vide Hymns 116, 279, and Arraxmx.
PSALM cxrx. 39


The saving knowledge (fGon’s Wm-d implored;--The bene

fit ofafliclinn as teaching its value.
Wrrn me Thy servant Thou hast dealt
Most graciously, O Loan;
Repeated benefits bestow’d
According to Thy word.
2 Thou art, O Loan, supremely good,
And all Thou dost is so; _
On me Thy statutes to discern
’l‘hy saving skill bestow.
3 ‘Tis good for me that I have felt
Afliiction’s chastening rod,
That I migh; duly learn and keep
The statutes of my Gon.
4 The law which from Thy mouth proceeds
Of more esteem I hold,
Than untouch’d mines, than thousand mines,
Of silver and of gold.

The practical knowledge of Goo’s Ward desired.
THE very entrance to Thy‘word
Celestial light displays,
And knowledge of true happiness
To simplest minds conveys.
2 With favour, Loan, look down on me
Who Thy relief implore,
As Thou art wont to visit those
Who Thy bless’d name adore. '
Nona—For other Parts of Psalm CXlX. vide Hymns
39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, and Aprssmx.

3 Directed by Thy heav’nly word

Let all my footsteps be,
Nor wickedness of any kind
Dominion have o’er me.
4 On me devoted to Thy fear,
Loan, make Thy face to shine ;
Thy statutes both to know and keep
My heart with zeal incline.
The happy portion of all who trust in Israel’: Goo.
’l‘o Zion’s hill I lift mine eyes,
From thence expecting aid—
From Zion’s hill and Zion’s Go1i
Who heav’n and earth hath made.
2 Then thou, my soul, in safety rest,
Thy guardian will not ‘sleep;
His watchful eye that Israel guards
Will Israel safely keep.
3 Shelter’d beneath th’ ALMlGnrY’s wings
Thou shalt securely rest,
Where neither sun nor moon shall thee
By day or night molest.
4 At home, abroad, in peace, in war,
‘l‘hy Gon shall thee defend,
Conduct thee through life’s pilgrimage
Safe to thy journey’s end.

Good-will to Zion.
O "rwAs a joyful sound to hear
Our tribes devoutly say,—
‘ “ Up, Israel ! to the temple haste,
To keep our festal day."
Norm—41 or other versions ol' Psalms CXXI. and
CXXll. vide Hymn 45 and Hymn 12 in Arrssmx.
PSALMS cxxv. um cxxvr. 4-1

2 'Tis thither by divine command

The tribes of Gon repair,
Within His house to celebrate
His name with praise and pray’r.
3 O pray we then for Salem’s peace,
or they shall prosp’rous be,
Thou holy city of our Gon,
Who bear true love to thee.
4 May peace within thy sacred walls, ‘
A constant guest be found !
With plenty and prosperity
’l‘hy palaces be crown’d!

The Church’s reliance.
Wno place on Zion’s Gon their trust
Like Zion’s rock shall stand ;
Like her immovably be fix’d
By His Almighty hand.
Look how the hills on ev’ry side ‘
Jerusalem enclose ;
So stands the Loan around His saints,
To guard them from their foes.
But such as turn from holy ways
The Loan will soon destroy;
Whilst His own Israel He will crown
With lasting peace and joy.

The Church’s past mercies and future hopes.
WHEN Zion’s bondage Gon turn’d back,
As men that dream’d were we ;
Then find with laughter was our mouth,
Our tongue with melody :
Norm—For Psalm CXXlV. vidc Arranmx.
c 3
42 PSALMS cxxx. ANn cxxxur.
2 The heathen then confess’d,—“ The Loan
Great things for them hath wrought !”
The Loaa hath done great things for us,
Whence joy to us is brought.
3 As streams of water in the south
Our bondage, Loan, recall :—
Who sow in tears a reaping time
Of joy enjoy they shall.
4 That man who bearing precious seed
In going forth doth mourn—
He doubtless, bringing back his sheaves,
Rejoicing shall return.
Israel waits on Goo her Redeemer.
Mr soul with patience waits
For Thee, the living Loan;
My hopes are on Thy promise built,
Thy never failing word.
2 My longing eyes look out
_ For Thy enliv’ning ray,
More duly than the morning watch
To spy the dawning day;
3 Let Israel trust in Gon;
No bounds His mercy knows
The plenteous source and spring from whence
Eternal succour flows;
4 Whose friendly streams to us
Supplies in want convey ;—
A healing spring, a spring to cleanse .
And wash our guilt away,
“ See how these Christians love one another."
O "us a joyful thing to see,
When like the Church above,
forNorm—For Psalm and
Psalms CXXXI. CXXVll. aide
CXXXII. H iggiisnmmAnd
oide 46.— 1
PSALM cxxxrv. 43

We live like brethren and declare

In unity our love.
"l‘is like refreshing dew which does
From Hermon’s top distil,
Or like the early drops that fall
On Zion’s fruitfill hill.
For Zion is the chosen seat
Where the Almighty King _
The promis’d blessing has ordain’d
And life’s eternal spring.
The sacred and blessed employment of Goo’s people.
Bnndnn and have regard,
Ye servants of the Loan,
Who in his house by night do watch;
Praise Him with one accord.
Lift up your hands on high
Unto His holy- place;
And give the Loan His praises due,
His benefits embrace. ‘
For why ? The Loan our Gon,
Who heav’n and earth did frame,
Doth Zion bless and will preserve
The children of the same.
Version Second.
Bness the Loan, all ye His servants,
Thanks and praises to Him bring,
Who by night within His temple
Wait with free will offering.
Lift your hearts and lift your voices,
In His courts extol His name :
Out of Zion send Thy blessing,
‘l‘hou who heav’n and earth didst frame.
Norm—For Psalm CXXXlll. vide Hymns 47,48, and
44 PSALMS cxxxvr. snn cxxxlx.

Gon’s might and faithful mercy.
’l‘o Gon the mighty Loan
Your joyful thanks repeat;
To Him due praise afford,
As good as He is great:
For Gon does prove
Our constant Friend;
His boundless love
Shall never end.
2 He in our depth of woes
On us with favour thought,
And from our cruel foes _
In peace and safety brought :
For Gon does prove, &c.
3 He does the food supply
On which all creatures live;
To Go‘n who reigns on high
Eternal praises give :
For Gon will prove
Our constant Friend ;
His boundless love
Shall never end.
Gon’s all-seeing eye and all-pervading presence.
Tnou, Loan, by strictest search hast known
My rising up and lying down;
My secret thoughts are known to Thee,—
Known long before conceiv’d by me.
2 Thine ey‘e my bed and path surveys,
My pub 'c haunts and private ways;
’l‘hou know’st what ’tis my lips would vent
My yet unutter’d words‘ intent.
3 To Gon the Father, Gon the Son
And Gon the Spirit, Three in One !—
No-rn.--For another version of Psalm CXXXVI. -"d
Hymn 284, and for Psalm CXXXVIll . vide Arrnxiiixf
PSALMS cxur. ANn cxLm. 45

Be honour, praise and glory giv’n

By all on earth and all in heav’n .
Goo a refuge when other help is gone.
Wmane‘nB. I find no friend
To own me in distress—
If refuge fails and none vouchsafes
His pity or redress
2 To GoD at last I pray ;
Thou, Loan, my refuge art
My portion in the land of life,
Till life itself depart.
3 Reduc’d to greatest straits,
To Thee I make my moan ;
O save me from oppressing foes
And claim me for Thine own.
4 That I may praise Thy Name
My soul from prison bring ;
Then of Thy mercy unto me
Assembled saints shall sing.
Prayers for guidance and grace.
Lolm, hear my pray‘r and to my cry
Thy wonted audience lend;
In ’l‘hy accustom’d faithfulness
A gracious answer send.
2 Thy kindness early let me hear,
Whose trust on Thee depends;
Teach me the way where I should go—
My soul to Thee ascends.
3 Thou art my Gon; Thy righteous will
Instruct me to obey ;
Let Thy good SPIRIT lead and keep
My soul in Thy right way.
Norm—For Psalm CXLI. and another version o1‘
Psalm CXLllI. vide Hymn 49, and APPENnIx.
46 rssmus cxuv. ANn cxLvr.

The LoRn the Author of all national prosperity.
A new song will I sing, O Gon,
To Thee the Loan of all most high ;
’l‘hy praises I will spread abroad
Both here below and in the sky.
2 For Gon alone it is that gives
Deliverance to mighty kings ;
Through Him His servant David lives,
Safe shielded by Almighty wings.
3 Loaa, let our sons before Thee grow
Like plants in some well watered place ;
Let Zion’s daughters all Thee know—
Like polished shafts Thy temple grace.
4 Thrice happy is that people’s case
To whom the Loan will grace afford ;
Yea blessed is that chosen race
Who for their Gon have Israel’s Loan.

The Loan I1 graciaus,faithj'ul and all-suflicient Protector.
O rasrsr; the Loan ; and thou my soul
For ever bless His Name ;
His wond’rous love while life shall last
My constant praise shall claim.
2 On kings the greatest sons of men
Let none for aid rely ;
They cannot save in dang’rous times,
Nor timely aid supply.
3 Thrice happy he who Jacob’s Gon
For his protector takes;
Who still with well-plac’d hope the Loan
His constant refuge makes.
Nona—For versions of Psalms CXLlV- CXLV. and
CXLVI. vide Hymns 50, 51, and 277.

4 The Loan who made both heaven and earth

And all that they contain,
Will never quit His stedfast truth
Nor make His promise vain.
5 The Gon that does in Zion dwell
Is our eternal King ;
From age to age His reign endures:
Let all His praises sing.
Gon’s peculiar favour to Israel.
PRAISE ye the Loan ;for it is good
Praise to our Gon to sing;
For it is pleasant, and to praise
It is a comely thing.
2 . Gon doth build up Jerusalem ;
And He it is alone
Who the dispers’d of Israel
Doth gather into one.
3 Those that are broken in their heart,
And grieved in their minds,
He healeth ; and their painful wounds
He tenderly upbinds.
4 He counts the number of the stars—
He names them ev’ry one :
Great is our Loan and ofgreat pow’r ;
His wisdom search can none.
5 But in all those that do Him fear
The Loan doth pleasure take—
In those that to His mercy do
With hope themselves betake.
Heanen and earth called to praise the Loan.
YE boundless realms ofjoy,
Exalt your Maker’s fame :
In praise your songs employ
Above the starry frame :
Nora—Fora version ofPsalm CXLVII. 0. APPENnIx
48 PSALM cxux.

Your voices raise,

Ye cherubim
And seraphim,
To sing His praise.
2 Let them adore the Loan
And praise His holy name,
By whose Almighty word
They all from nothing came ;
And all shall last
From changes free :
His firm decree .
Stands ever fast.
3 His chosen saints to grace
He sets them up on high,
And favours Israel’s race
Who still to Him draw nigh:
O therefore raise
Your grateful voice ;
And still rejoice
The Loan to praise.
4 To G0n—the Father, Son
And S irit—ever bless’d,
Eternal hree in One,
All worship be address’d;
As heretofore
It was, it is,
And shall be so
For evermore.
A call to praise the Loan.
O PRAISE ye the Loan, prepare yqir glad voice
His praise in the great assembly to sing;
In our great Creator let Israel rejoice
And children of Zion be glad in their King.
By angels in heaven of every degree
And saints upon earth all praise be address‘d,
’l‘o Gon-three in person—one Gon ever bless‘d ;
As it has been, now is and always shall be.
PSAL-MS cxLrx. ANn CL. 49

Version Second.
Panse ye the LoRD; unto Him sing
A new song, and His praise
In the assembly of His saints
In sweet psalms do ye raise.
Let Israel in his Maker joy
And to Him praises sing;
Let all that Zion’s children are
Be joyful in their King.
For God doth pleasure take in those
That His own people be;
And He with His salvation
The meek will beautify.
Goo worthy of praise from. all tongues and instruments.
O nurse the Loan in that blessld place
From whence His goodness largely flows;
Praise Him in heav’n where He His face
Unveil’d in perfect glory shows.
Praise Him for all the mighty acts
Which He in our behalf hath done;
His kindness this return exacts,
With which our praise should equal run.
Let all that vital breath enjoy—
The breath He does to them afford,
In just returns of praise employ :
Let ev’ry creature praise the Loan.
To FATHER, Son and HOLY GnoST—
The Gon whom earth-and heav’n adore,
Be glory as it was of old,
Is now, and shall be evermore.

No‘rr..—-For versions of Psalms CXLIX. and CL.

vide Hymn 52, and APPENnIx.

ipmns on eel“! Qcripturz passages.


“ And Gov su-w every thing that He had made,’ drc
Gen. i. 31.
LET heav’n arise, let earth appear,
Said the Almighty Loan :
The heav’n arose, the earth appear’d,
At His creating word.
Thick darkness brooded o’er the deep ;
Gon said, “ Let there be light :"
The light shone forth with smiling ray,
And scatter’d ancient night.
Then chief o’er all His works below
At last was Adam made ;
His Maker’s image bless’d his soul,
And glory crown’d his head.
Fair in th’ Almighty Maker’s eye
The whole creation stood :
He view’d the fabric He had rais’d—
His word pronounc’d it good.
“ The Loan shizll be my Goo.” Gen. xxviii, 21.
O Gon of Bethel, by whose hand
Thy people still are fed;
Who through this weary pilgrimage
Hast all our fathers led :
o 2
T '


Our vows, our pray’rs, we now present

Before Thy throne of grace :
Goo of our fathers, be the Gon
Of their succeeding race.
O spread Thy cov’ring wings around,
Till all our wand’rings cease ;
And at our Father’s lov’d abode
Our souls arrive in peace.
Such blessings from Thy gracious hand
Our humble pray’rs implore;
And Thou shalt be our chosen Gon,
And portion evermore.

“ Come thou with us and we will do thee good."
Num. 1:. 29.
O cOMm: with us—we’re travelling on
A happier land to_ seek :
O come with us; the race we run
Is promised to the weak !
2 O come with us; the desert drear
Shall yield us heavenly food :
O come with us—no danger fear;
And we will do you good.
3 Perplexing doubts and trials too
May meet us on the road:
The cloud that shades our onward view,
But marks a present Gon !
4 The barren sand.with plenty teems,
While He directs our feet ;
And dark afiliction’s bitter streams,
When touched by Him,-grow sweet.
5 And_ soon shall rise upon our sight
Fair Canaan’s happy shore,
And we shall pass with calm delight
The stream He passed before.

6 O if ‘tis joy to bear the cross

That weighed His body down—
To share with Him reproach and loss—
O what will be the crown?
‘7 Then come with us—our journeyings share,
And share our heavenly food ;
And He that hears and answers prayer—
Our Gon—Will do you good.
“ Faint yet pursuing.” Judges viii. 4.
FAINT yet pursuing Gideon went,
And with his host pass’d on— -
The Gon of battle succour sent,
When other might was gone.
Faint yet pursuing—so may we
Encounter Israel’s foes,—
Nor till their host before us flee
Ere dream we of repose.
Faint yet pursuing—on we go,
Strong in Immanuel’s might;
His blood-red banner streams to show
That He will for us fight.
Faint yet pursuing—we embrace
The Cross in all its pain;
Nor will we seek a resting place,
Till Zion’s height we gain.

‘ ‘ And Jal'ez called on the 6o0 of Israel,” dye. 1 Chron
iv. 9, )0.
Jesus who bought us with His blood,
And makes our souls His care,
Was known of old as Israel’s Gon,
And answer’d Jabez' pray’r.
Teach us, O Loan, like him to plead
For mercies from above ;

O come and bless our souls indeed,

With light andjoy and love.
Help us on Thee to cast our care,
And on Thy word to rest,
That Israel’s Gon who heareth pray’r
Will grant us our request.
“ And Goo granted him that which he requested," 8ye.
1 Chron. iv.9, 10.
“ On! that Thou would’st me bless indeed,
“ And that Thou would’st enlarge my bound,
“ And let Thy hand in ev’ry need
“ A guide and help he with me found;
“ That Thou would’st cause that evil be
“ No cause of pain and grief to me."
This pray’r so long ago preferr’d,
Is left on sacred record thus ;
And this good pray’r by Gon was heard,
And kindly handed down to us.
Thus Jabez pray’d (for that’s his name)—
Let all believers pray the same.
“ And David longed and said,” dy0- 1 Chron. xi. 17.
Mom: precious was the life bestowed
By which alone we live—
More precious blood from Calv’ry flowed-~
Than David’s chiefs could give.
There is a river spreading wide
From Bethlehem all abroad,
Whose waters shall for ever glide,
Pure from the throne of Gon.
’Tis free to all, though error’s night
Conceal this heavenly well—
’Tis free to all. O may the light
Each gathering cloud dispel—
scarrrune rssssees. 55

Until we see that open fount

Which David long’d to see ;
Which Jesus open’d on the Mount
For David and for me.

" And the LORn sent an Angel,” 8w. 2 Chron. xxxii. 21.
THE Assyrian came down like a wolf on the fold,
And his cohorts were gleaming in purple and gold;
And the sheen of their spears was like stars on the
When the blue wave rolls nightly on deep Galilee.
Like the leaves of the forest when summer is
That host with their banners at sunset were seen;
Like the leaves of the forest when autumn hath
That host on the morrow lay withered and strewn.

“ The Loan gave and the Loan hath taken away,”8;c.
Job i. 21.
Wns‘rn’aa we fondly call our own
Belongs to heav’n s great Loan;
The blessings lent us for a day
Are soon to he restor’d.
’Tis Gon that lifts our comforts high,
Or sinks them in the grave ;
He gives, and when He takes away
He takes but what He gave.
Then ever blessed be His name!
His goodness swell’d our store; -
His justice but resumes its own;
’Tis ours still to adore.
“"i l

“ Although ufliiclion cumeth uotforth. 0f the dust," 8yc.
Job v. 6-12. -
THoueu trouble springs not from the dust,
Nor sorrow from the ground;
Yet ills on ills, by Heav’n’s decree,
In man’s estate are found.
As sparks in close succession rise,
So man the child of woe
Is doom’d to cndles’s cares and toils
Through all his life below.
But with my Gon I leave my cause;
From Him I seek relief;
To Him in confidence of pray’r
Unbosom all my grief.
Unnumber’d are His wondrous works,
Unsearchable His ways;
‘Tis His the mourning soul to cheer,
The bowed down to raise.

Psalm i.
Tim blessing, Loan, I would implore,
To walk by vain advice no more;
The way of wicked men to shun,
Nor mock what Thou hast said or done.
But let me from Jeuovsn’s law
My richest earthly comforts draw ;
There let me pass the early day ;
There let me pass my nights away.
Then while Thy foes are swept at last
. Like chaff before the stormy blast—
My hope, by sov’reign grace made sure,
Eternally shall still endure.
scan-rum: PASSAGES. 57

Thou art my Guide—to grace I owe

The way of endless life below ;
And whilst ten thousand round me die,
Tbut grace shall lead me to the sky.
Psalm ii.
TnoUGH Jews deride, and heathen rage,
Nor Gon‘s Anomrnn know;
Though kings and rulers conflict wage
With Gon the Loan below ;
Let us unite and be the Loan’s,
And counsel let us take,
That stronger still may be the cords
We wear for Cnaisr’s dear sake.
For He is set on Zion’s hill,
The tribes of earth to gain ;
And He (such is the Fsrnsn’s will)
From pole to pole shall reign.
And soon, how soon His foes shall fall,
Beneath His iron rod !
For this shall be the fate of all,
Who will not serve our Gon.
Then to the Son now let us flee—
(Oh welcome be His voice !)
In Him repose our trust—and we
Shall evermore rejoice.
HYMN XIII. P. M. 7’s.
Psalm ii.
Vvneanroan do the heathen wage
War against the King of kings?
Whence the people’s madd’ning rage,
Fraught with vain imaginings ?
Haughty chiefs and rulers proud
Forth in banded fury run,
Braving with defiance loud,
Gon and His anointed Sou!

Son of Gon, with Gon the same,

Enter Thine imperial dome ;
Lo! the shaking heavens proclaim,
Mightiest Loan! Thy kingdom come.
Pomp or state dost Thou demand?
In Thy Father’s glory shine :
Dost Thou ask for high command ?
Lol the universe is Thine.
Ye who spurn His righteous sway,
Yet, oh yet, He spares your breath;
Yet His hand, averse to slay,
Balances the bolt of death.
Ere .that dreadful bolt descends,
Haste before His feet to fall;
Kiss the sceptre He extends,
And adore Him Loan of all.

Psalm xix. 1—6.
Tne spacious firmament on high,
With all the blue ethereal sky
And spangled heav’ns, a shining frame,
Their great Original proclaim.
Th’ unwearied sun from day to day
Does his Creator’s pow’r display,
And publishes to ev’ry land
The work of an Almighty hand.
Soon as the ev’ning shades prevail,
The moon takes up the wondrous tale,
And nightly to the list’ning earth,
Repeats the story of her birth ;
While all the stars that round her burn,
And all the planets in their turn,
Confirm the tidings as they roll,
And spread the truth from pole to pole.
scmm-mm rssssoes. 59

Vl’hat though in solemn silence all

Move round the dark terrestrial ball-
What though no real voice nor sound
Amidst their radiant orbs be found—
In wisdom’s ear they all rejoice,
And utter forth a glorious voice;
For ever singing as they shine,
“ The Hand that made us is divine."
Psalm xix.
Tun heav’ns declare Thy glory, Loan ;
In ev’ry star Thy wisdom shines;
But when our eyes behold Thy word,
We read Thy name in fairer lines.
The rolling sun, the changing light,
And nights and days, Thy pow’r confess;
But the blest volume Thou hast writ,
Reveals Thy justice- and Thy grace.
Nor shall Thy spreading gospel rest,
Till through the world Thy truth has run ;
Till Cumsr has all the nations bless’d,
That see the light or feel the sun.
Thy noblest wonders here we view,
In souls renew’d and sins forgiv’n:
Lord, cleanse my sins, my soul renew;
And make Thy word my guide to heav’n.
Psalm xix.
How perfect is Thy word !
And all Thy judgments just;
For ever sure Thy promise, Loan l
And men securely trust.
I hear Thy word with love,
And I would fain obey :
Send Thy good Srrnrr from above,
To guide me lest I stray.

Warn me of every sin;

Forgive my secret faults;
And cleanse this guilty soul of mine,
Whose crimes exceed my thoughts.
While with my heart and tongue
I spread Thy praise abroad,
Accept the worship and the song,
My SAVIOUR and my Gon.
Psalm xix.
Tm: heavens declare His glory,—
Their Maker’s skill, the skies;
Each day repeats the story,
And night to night replies.
Their silent proclamation
Throughout the earth is heard—
The record of creation—
The page of nature’s word.
More pure, more soul-restoring,
Is truth’s diviner ray—
A brighter radiance pouring,
Than all the pomp of day :
The wanderer surely guiding,
It makes the simple wise;
And evermore abiding,
Unfailing joy supplies.
Psalm xxiii.
THE Lo‘lw my pasture shall prepare,
And feed me with a shepherd’s care ;
His presence shall my wants supply,
And guard me with a watchful eye :
My noon-day walks He shall attend,
And all my midnight hours defend.
When in the sultry glebe I faint,
Or on the thirsty mountain pant,
scmsrune PAsssui-Js. (H

To fertile vales and dewy meads,

My weary wand’ring steps He leads ;
Where peaceful rivers soft and slow
Amid the verdant landscape flow.
Though in the paths of death I tread,
With gloomy horrors overspread,
My stedfast heart shall fear no ill,
For Thou, O Loan, art with me still;
Thy friendly crook shall give me aid,‘
And guide me through the dreadful shade.
Psalm xxiii.
Jesus is the Loan my Shepherd,
Then let fear be far away !
From the lion and the leopard,
And from ev’ry beast of prey,
He will guard His helpless sheep ;
Jesus loves His own to keep.
When the foe desir’d to have me,
Jesus said, “ This sheep is mine ;"
And resign’d His life to save me;
Jesus! what a love is Thine!
All victorious in its course,
Nothing can withstand its force.
In the path of life He leads me,
By the stream that gently flows;
In the verdant pasture feeds me,
Where no plant injurious grows;
There I hear my Shepherd’s voice ;
There He bids my soul rejoice.
Psalm 1.
Lo! the mighty Gon appearing ! ‘
From on high Jeuovsn speaks !
Eastern lands the ‘summons hearing :
6’2 nrmxs oN seucer

O’er the west His thunder breaks :

Earth beholds Him!
Universal nature shakes!
He who offers grateful praises,
Best exalts JenovAH’s name;
He whose mind His law embraces,
Will aright his conduct frame :
Gon’s salvation,
Shall believing sinners claim.

Psalm lxii.
MY Saviour, my Almighty Friend,
When I begin Thy praise,
Where will the growing numbers end
The numbers of Thy grace?
My feet shall travel all the-length
Of the celestial road,
And march with courage in Thy strength
To see my Father, Gon.
How will my lips rejoice to tell
The vict’ries of my King !
My soul redeem’d from sin and hell
Shall Thy salvation sing.
Psalm lxxii. i
Jesus shall reign where’er the sun
Does his successive journies run :
His kingdom stretch from shore to shore,
Till moons shall wax and wane no more.
2 Where He diplays His healing pow’r,
Death and the curse are known no more ;
In Him the tribes of Adam boast
More blessings than their father lost.
scmrruar: PASSAGES. 63

3 The saints shall flourish in His days,

Dress’d in the robes of joy and praise;
Peace like a river from His throne
Shall flow to nations yet unknown.
4 Let ev’ry creature rise and bring
Peculiar honours to our King;
Angels descend with songs again,
And earth repeat the loud Amen.
HYMN XXIII. P. M. 7 ‘s.
Psalm lxxili. 25.
Loan of earth ! Thy bounteous hand
Well this glorious frame hath planned—
Trees that wave, and hills that tower,
Ocean rolling in his power;
Yet amid this scene so fair,
Should Thy smile be wanting there;
What were all its joys to me—
Whom have I on earth but Thee ?
Loan of heaven! beyond our sight
Rolls a world of purer light ;
There in love’s unclouded reign
Parted hands shall clasp again.
Oh! that scene is passing fair
Yet should’st Thou be absent there ;
‘What were all its charms to me—
Whom have I in heaven but Thee ?
Loan of earth and heaven ! my breast
Seeks in Thee its only rest ;
I was lost; Thy accents mild
Homeward lured Thy wandering child.
Oh, should e’er Thy smile divine,
Cease upon my soul to shine;
What were heaven or earth to me-_
‘Whom have I in both but Thee?
m‘mss os sensor
Psalm lxxvii.
Hsra Gon cast off for ever?
Can time His truth impair?
His tender mercy never
Shall I presume to share ?
Hath He His loving-kindness
Shut up in endless wrath ?
No ;—this is mine own blindness,
That cannot see His path.
I call to recollection
The years of His right hand 1
And strong in His protection,
Again through faith I stand.
Thy deeds, O Loan, are wonder ;
Holy are all Thy ways;
The secret place of thunder
Shall utter forth Thy praise.
Thy way is in great waters,
Thy footsteps are not known;
Let Adam’s sons and daughters
Confide in Thee alone.
_ Through the wide sea Thou leddest
Thy chosen flock of yore;
Still on the waves Thou treadest,
And Thy redeem’d pass o’er.


Psalm lxxx.
O SHEPHERn of Israel! give ear,
And forth from the cherubim shine ;
O stir up Thy strength, and appear
The faithful defender of Thine ;
To the tribes of Thy people, 0 Loan,
Thy power Almighty display,
And speak the Omnipotent word,
Which shall drive all our terrors away.

O bless Thy Messiah, Thine arm

Made mighty Thy glory to show;
In Him we are shelter’d from harm,
And safely shall flourish and grow.
No more shall we wonder from Thee,
A people by folly deprav’d;
O turn us, shine on us; and we,
Secure in Thy love, shall be sav’d.

Psalm xcv.
O coins. let us sing to the Loan,
In Gon our salvation rejoice;
In psalms of thanksgiving record
Ilis praise with one spirit, one voice:
’l‘o-day, let us hearken to-day,
To the voice that yet speaks from above,
And all His commandments obey,
For all His commandments are love.

Psalm xcvii.
JenoVAH reigns; with sounds ofjoy
Let earth approach the Loan;
And distant isles their songs employ,
His honours to record. _
Darkness and clouds around liim wait;
His ways are all unknown;
Yet truth and grace support His seat,
And justice is His throne.
Zion with holy triumph hears ;
The church proclaims her joys;
ller SAVIOUR tor her aid appears,
And praise her lips employs.

Psalm xcviii.
Jor to the earth—the SAVIOUR reigns;
Let men their songs employ,
While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains
Repeat the sounding joy.
No more let sins and sorrows grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground;
Ilc comes to make His blessings flow,
Far as the curse is found.
Psalm xcix.
THE Gon JeuovAH reigns,
Let all the nations fear ;
Let sinners tremble at His throne,
And saints be humble there.
Jesus the SAVroca reigns,
Let earth adore its Loan ;
Bright cherubs His attendants stand,
Swift to fulfil His word.
llow holy is His name!
How terrible His praise !
Justice and truth and judgment join
In all His works of grace.
Psalm ci,
Menor and judgment I will sing;
I sing, O Loan, to Thee;
0 when wilt Thou descend and bring
Thy light and life to me?
A perfect way, by wisdom trod,
A perfect heart at home ;
A way, a heart, a house, O G0n,
1 seek, where Thou wilt come.
scairruaa PASSAGES. 67

From lies, from slander, and deceit,

My dwelling shall be free ;
So shall it be a dwelling meet,
Most righteous Loan, for Thee.
Psalm ci.
Swanr were the sounds that reach’d our ears,
When mercy rais’d her heav’nly voice;
"l'was mercy that dispell’d our fears, ’
And made our souls in hope rejoice.
2 All other sounds discordant seem,
Compar’d with mercy’s heav’nly song;
So sweet and joyful is the theme,
It bears our willing souls along.
3 0 may we never cease to hear
The voice that gives our conscience rest,
That dissipates our guilty fear,
And tells us we are truly bless’d!
4 May mercy still remove our fear,
And bind our souls with cords of love L
Mercy that soothes our sorrows here,
And gives us hope ofjoys above.
Psalm ciii.
MY soul repeat His praise,
Whose mercies are so great;
Whose anger is so slow to raise,
So ready to abate.
High as the heav’ns are rais’d
Above the ground we tread,
So far the riches of His grace
Our highest thoughts exceed. I
His pow’r subdues our sins;
And His forgiving love,
Far as the east is from the west,
Doth all our guilt remove.

Psalm civ.
Mr soul, praise the Loan,
Of Him be Thy song;
For praises to Thee,
Jsnovsn, belong:
In all the creation
Thy glory is shown;
And honour and majesty
Circle Thy throne.
Thy will and Thy word
Give all creatures breath;
Consum’d by Thy blast,
They shrink into death ;
Restor’d at Thy pleasure,
New beings repair
To people the waters,
The earth, and the air.
Psalm civ.
O woasmr the King, all glorious above,
O gratefully sing His power and His love,
Our shield and defender, the Ancient of days—
Pavilion’d in splendour, and girded with praise.
Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail,
In Thee do we trust, nor find Thee to fail ;
Thy mercies how tender, how sure to the end!
Our Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend.

HYMN XXXV. P. M. 7 ’s.

Psalm cvii.
THANK and praise Jenovsn’s name ;
For His mercies firm and sure,
From eternity the same,
To eternity endure.

Let the ransom’d thus rejoice,

Gather’d out of ev’ry land,
As the people of His choice,
Pluck’d from the destroyer’s hand.
O that men would praise the Loan,
For His goodness to their race ;
For the wonders of His word,
And the riches of His grace.
Whoso wisely marks His will,
Thus evolving bliss from woe,
Shall, redeem’d from every ill,
All His loving-kindness know.
Psalm cx.
JenoVAH spake the word,
Heaven hears the high command ;
He calls to Cmusr the Loan,
“ Ascend to my right hand."
There sit supreme, Thy foes submit,
Till at thy feet And hail Thy name.
At Thy right hand, my Gon,
1 see the SAvroun rise;
He spreads His pow’r abroad ;
Who dares oppose Him dies:
The gentile lands And kings obey
Shall own llis sway, His high commands.

Psalm cxiii.
Y1: saints and servants of the Loan,
The triumphs of His Name record,
His sacred Name for ever bless :
Where’er the circling sun displays
His rising beams, or setting rays,
Due praise to His great Name address.

Gon through the world extends llis sway,

The regions of eternal day
llut shadows of His glory are:
With Him, whose majesty excels,
‘Who made the heav’ns in which He dwells,
Let no created pow’r compare.
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
The Gon, whom heav’n’s triumphant host,
And sufi’ring saints on earth adore,
Be glory, as in ages past,
As now it is, and so shall last,
When time itself shall be no more.
Psalm cxiii.
YE servants of Gon,
Let your symphonies raise‘
For ever and ever
Jenovsn’s high praise:
From the rise of the sun,
To his bed in the west,
By all people and tongues
Let Jenovsn be bless’d.
2 For who like the Loan
Hath his dwelling on high?
And who like JenoVAH
Descends from the sky,
To comfort the wretched,
To succour the weak,
To answer the pray’r
Of the humble and meek?
Psalm cxix. Part Sixth
Bi: Thou through all the earth proclaim’d
The sovereign Lonn, whom all should fear;
O may we never be ashamed
To let our love of Thee appear,

Ashamed of Thee !—did not ’l‘hy power

First raise us from the senseless clod ?
And d‘ost Thou not each moment shower
New blessings on us, O our Gon ?
For all our mercies are we not
Dependant on Thy thought alone?
And yet must these be all forgot
And thankless man his Gon disown ?
0 Loan ! may all who hope to dwell
In heaven, and there Thy presence see,
To all around Thy goodness tell,
_ And never be ashamed of Thee.
Psalm cxix. Part Eighth.
I WOULn desire to stand apart
From all who will not honour Thee ;
Nor dwell with those who in their heart
Seek after lies and vanity.
My friendships shall be form’d with those
Who are the children of the day ‘;
My Maker’s foes shall be my foes,
Yet I will daily for them pray.
O Loan! through Thine Almighty power,
May they Thy saving grace receive !
Teach them the worth of life’s brief hour,
And may they turn to Thee, and live!
Psalm cxix. Purt Ninth.
FoB. all Thy benefits, O Loan,
I would each moment grateful feel;
I praise Thee for Thy holy word,
‘Which can a wounded conscience heal.
But I would praise Thee most of all
For past afiiictions, past distress:
These in Thine auger seem’d to fall,
But led my heart to righteousness.

I would, O Loan, Thy praises sound;

With all the_cares to me decreed,
Mercy was mix’d; and I have found
The sweet, the bitter far exceed.
I praise Thee for Thy chastening rod,
For past afllictions, past distress ;
These led me nearer to my Gon,
The Fountain of all blessedness!

Psalm cxix. Pa’rl Fourteenth.
To Gon the Loan, in every strait,
As to a faithful Friend I flee ;
I ask not to be rich or great,
But to be taught, 0 Loan, of Thee.
Do Thou restrain my wandering feet,
Whene’er they aim to go astray ;
May every cross which here I meet,
Prepare me for eternal day !

Psalm cxix. Part Nineteenth.
I LOVE, O Loan, to meditate
Upon Thy laws, upon Thy ways;
I love within Thy courts to wait,
To hear Thy word, and sing Thy praise.
Help me to walk in fear of Thee,
To trust Thy promise day by day;
Enable me all sin to flee,
And keep me in the better way.
May I derive my chief delight
From joys beyond this lower sky;
Be with me, Source of life and light!
Both while I live, and when I die.
some'runn PASSAGES. 73

Psalm cxix. Part Twentieth.
ALL things Thy mercies, Loan, display ;
I witness them, above, beneath ;
I see them in the light of day,
I feel them in the air I breathe.
Thy loving-kindnesses appear,
Where’er I cast my ruptured sight ;
I view them in the rolling year,
And in returning day and night.
Thee may my grateful heart adore,
And of Thy matchless glories sing!
And may my spirit never more
Be turned to any evil thing !
Psalm cxxi.
“ L0 to the hills I lift mine eyes—
The hills that guard my Father‘s throne;
Thence, only thence, my hopes arise,
My courage dwells with Gon alone."
Oh glorious hope, oh trust divine!
Yes! fearless tempt the desert drear;
Gon the Creator, Gon is thine ;—
Thy steps are firm, thy path is clear.
His sleepless eye shall on thee wait;
That pitying beam can never fail ;
The eye that watches Israel’s fate,
No shades can dim, no slumbers veil.
What though the pestilential noon
On all the dreary desert glare ;
What though the cold and sickly moon
Diffuse unhallowed influence there ;—
Lo! the refreshing cloud extends
Cool shadows round thy steps by day ;
And warm the oillared fire descends,
To guide and cheer thy midnight way.
3 .

Safe in His love, through countless ills

Thus shalt thou pass triumphant on ;
And reach at length the eternal hills,
And worship at thy Father’s throne.
Psalm exxvii.
In vain we build, unless the Loan
The fabric still sustain;
Unless the LoRn the city keep,
The watchman wakes in vain.
'Tis Gon that competence and wealth
Upon His saints bestows;
He crowns their labours with success,
Their nights with sweet repose.
Psalm cxxxiii.
AR.ISE, O Loan, and now possess
Thy constant place of rest;
Be this not only with Thy name,
But with Thy presence bless’d!
Clothe Thou Thy priests with righteousness :
Make ’l‘hou Thy saints rejoice;
And for our great Redeemer’s sake
Hear Thou Thy suppliants’ voice.
Psalm cxxxiii.
Wi-nLn earth-born strifes are swelling,
How cheerful to behold
Peace, love, and joy still dwelling
In Gon’s own gather’d fold!
Though climes or names may sever,
Though wide the pasture spread,
That flock is one—one ever,
In its immortal Head.
scarrruas PASSAGES. 70

As blooms the lowly flower

On Hermon’s mighty side,
And drinks the dew’s soft shower,
‘l‘o distant plains denied—
Bloom they; a home possessing
Where Zion‘s summits soar;
For there, there rests the blessing,—
E’en life for evermore.
Psalm cxli.
Loan, let my pray’r like incense rise ;
And when I lift my hands to Thee,
As on the evening sacrifice,
Look down from heav’n, well pleas’d on me.
Redeem me, Loan, from all the snares,
With which the world surrounds my feet ;
Its riches, vanities, and cares,
Its love, its hatred, its deceit.
' HYMN L. C. M.
Psalm cxlv.
SWEET is the mem’ry of Thy grace,
My Gon, my heavenly King;
Let age to age Thy righteousness
In hymns of glory sing.
Gon reigns on high, but not confines
His goodness to the skies;
Through the whole earth His bounty shines,
And every want supplies.
How kind are Thy compassions, LoB-n!
How slow Thy terrors move !
How swift to send Thy pard’ning word,
And cheer us with Thy love!
Creatures with all their endless race
Thy power and praise proclaim ;
May we who taste Thy richest grace,
Delight to bless Thy name !
B 2
76 ‘ HYMNS or: sewer

Psalm cxlvi.
HAPPY the man, whose hopes rely
0n lsrael’s Gon, who made the sky,
And earth, and seas, with all‘their train:
He saves th’ oppressed; He feeds the poor;
His truth for ever stands secure ;
And none shall find His promise vain.
The Loan gives eye-sight to the blind;
The Loan relieves the guilty mind;
The Loan vouchsafes the mourner peace;
He helps the stranger in distress,
The widow and the fatherless;
And grants the pris’ner sweet release.
We’ll praise Him, while He gives us breath-
And when our voice is lost in death,
Praise shall employ our nobler pow’rs :
Our day of praise shall ne’er be past,
While life and thought and being last,
Or immortality endures.

Psalm cl.
Pause the Loan who reigns above,
And keeps His courts below ;
Praise the holy Gon of love,
And all His greatness show.
Praise Him for His nobler deeds,
Praise Him for His matchless power ;
Him, from whom all good proceeds,
Let earth and heaven adore.
2 Publish, spread to all around,
The great Immanuel’s name :
Let the trumpet’s martial sound
_ llim Loan ofhosts proclaim :
scnrr‘rmn: PASSAGES- 77

Praise Him, ev’ry tuneful string,

All the reach of heavenly art ;
All the powers ofmusic bring—
The music of the heart.
3 Him in whom they move and live,
Let every creature sing ;
Glory to their Maker give,
And homage to their King.
Hallow’d be His name beneath,‘
As in heaven on earth adored!
Praise the Loan in every breath :
Let all things praise the Loan.
“ Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, 8ye."
Prov. iii. 13-17.
0 HAPPY is the man who hears
Instruction’s warning voice,
And who celestial wisdom makes
His early only choice.
For she has treasures greater far
’l‘han east or west unfold;
And her rewards more precious are
Than all their stores of gold.
She guides the young with innocence
In pleasure’s paths to tread;
A crown of glory she bestows
Upon the hoary head.
According as her labours rise,
So her rewards increase :
Her ways are ways of pleasantness,
And all her paths are peace.

“ It is better to go to the house of mourning, 8w,"
Eccles. vii. 2—6.
Wnme others crowd the house of mirth,
And haunt the gaudy show,
78 HYMNS on seucer

Let such as would with wisdom dwell,

Frequent the house of woe.
Better to weep with those who weep,
And share th’ ‘afllicted’s smart,
Than mix with fools in giddy joys,
That cheat and wound the heart.
When gracious sorrow clouds the face,
And tears bedim the eye,
The soul is led to solemn thought,
And waited to the sky.
“ To all the living there is hope, are."
Eccles. ix. 4, 5, 6, 10.
As long-as life its term extends,
Hope’s blest dominion never ends;
For while the lamp holds on to burn,
The greatest sinner may return.
Life is the season Gon hath giv’n
To fly from hell, and rise to heav’n :
That day of grace fleets fast away,
And none its rapid course can stay.
Then what thy thoughts design to do
Still let thy hands with might pursue ; ‘
Since no device nor work is found,
Nor wisdom, underneath the ground.
" The mountain of the LORn’s house shall be established,
dyc." Isaiah ii. 2-6.
Barron) ! the mountain of the Loan
In latter days shall rise
On mountain tops above ‘the hills,
And draw the wond’ring eyes.
To this the joyful nations round—
All tribes and tongues shall flow ;
Up to the hill of Gon, they’ll say,
And to His house we’ll go.
scarrrune PASSAGES. 79

The beam that shines from Zion’s hill

Shall lighten ev’ry land ;
The King who reigns in Salem’s tow’rs
Shall all the world command.
No longer hosts encount’ring hosts,
Shall crowds of slain deplore ;
They hang the trumpet in the hall,
And study war no more.
Come then, O house of Jacob come, .
To worship at His shrine ;
And walking in the light of Gon
With holy beauties shine.
“ The people that walked in darkness have seen a great
light, Am." Isaiah ix. 2-8.
Tran race that long in darkness pin’d,
Have seen a glorious light ;
The people dwell in day, who dwelt
In death’s surrounding night.
To hail Thy rise, Thou better Sun,
The gath’ring nations come ;
Joyous as when the reapers hear
The harvest treasures home.
To us a Child of hope is born ;
To us a Son is giv’n;
Him shall the tribes of earth obey,
Him all the hosts of heav’n.
His name shall be the Prince of peace,
For evermore ador’d,
The Wonderful, the Counsellor,
The great and mighty Loan.
“ We have 41 strong city, dye.” Isaiah xxvi. l-7.
How glorious Zion’s courts appear,
The city of our Gon!
His throne He hath establish’d here,—
Here fix’d His lov’d abode.
80 nrmns 0N SELECT ’

Here shall ye taste unmingled joys,

And dwell in perfect peace,—
Ye who have known Jenovsu’s name,
And trusted in His grace.
Trust in the Loam—for ever trust ;
And banish all your fears ;
Strength in the Loan Jsnovsn dwells,
Eternal as His years.
“ Hear ye that arefar of, dye.” Isaiah xxxiii. 13-18.
ATTENn ye tribes that dwell remote,
Ye tribes at hand give ear;
Th’ upright in heart alone have hope,
The false in heart have fear.
2 The man who walks with Gon in truth,
And ev’ry guile disdains,
Who hates to lift oppression’s rod,
And scorns its shameful gains—
3 Whose soul abhors the impious bribe
That tempts from truth to stray,
And from th’ enticing snares of vice
Who turns his eyes away ;—
4 His dwelling, midst the strength of rocks
Shall ever stand secure ;
His Father will provide his bread,—
His water shall be sure.
5 For him the kingdom of the just
Afar doth glorious shine;
And he the King of kings shall see
In majesty divine.
" They that wait upon the LORn shall renew their
strength, 8,1.” Isaiah x1. 27.
SUPREME in wisdom a in pow’r,
The Rock of ages stands ;
Though Him thou canst not see, nor trace
The working of His hands,
SCBIPTUBE rssssces. 81

2 He gives the conquest to the weak,

Supports the fainting heart ;
And courage in the evil hour,
His heav’nly aids impart.
3 Mere human pow’r shall fast decay,
And youthful vigour cease ;
But they who wait upon the Loan,
In strength shall still increase.
4 They with unwearied feet shall tread
The path of life divine ;
With growing ardour onward move,
With growing brightness shine.
5 On eagles’ wings they mount, they soar;
Their wings are faith and love ;-
Till past the cloudy regions here,
They rise to heav’n above.
" Behold the former thirigs are come to pass, dgc." Isaiah
X H — u .
Lo! former scenes predicted oncc
Conspicuous rise to view;
And future scenes predicted now
Shall be accomplish’d too.
Sing to the Loan in joyful strains;
Let earth His praise resound ,—
Ye who upon the ocean dwell,
And fill the isles around.
O city of the Loan, begin
The universal song;
And let the scatter’d villages
The cheerful notes prolong.
Let Kedar’s wilderness afar
Lift up its lonely voice ;
And let the tenants of the rock
With accents rude rejoice.

Till midst the streams of distant lands

The islands sound His praise ;
And all combin’d, with one accord
JenovAu’s glories raise.
“ Sing 0 heavens, andrba joyfué O earth, dye." lsniah
X lX- — -

Ya heav’ns, send forth your song of praise ;

Earth, raise your voice below;
Let hills and mountains join the hymn,
And joy through nature flow.
2 Behold, how gracious is our Gon !
Hear the consoling strains,
In which He cheers our drooping hearts,
And mitigates our pains.
3 Can the fond mother e’er forget
The infant whom she bore ?
And can its plaintive cries be heard,
Nor move compassion more ?
4 She may forget; nature may fail
A parent’s heart to move ;
But Zion on my heart shall dwell
In everlasting love.
“ l4 ha hath believed our report, are." Isaiah liii.
THE Saviour comes ! no outward pomp ‘
Bespeaks His presence nigh ; ‘
No earthly beauty shines in Him,
To draw the carnal eye.
Fair as a beauteous tender flow’r
Amidst the desert grows,
So, slighted by a rebel race,
The heav’nly Saviour rose.
Yet all the griefs He felt were our’s,
Our’s were the woes He bore ;
Pangs not His own His spotless soul
With bitter anguish tore.

scmrrunn PASSAGES. 83

His sacred blood hath wash’d our souls

From sin’s polluted stain ;
His stripes have heal’d us; and His death
Reviv’d our souls again.
His soul rejoicing shall behold
The purchase of His pain ;
And all the guilty whom He sav’d
Shall bless MessrAH’s reign.
" Ho! every one that thirsteth, Sye."
Isaiah lv.
Ho! ye that thirst, approach the spring
Where living waters flow;
Free to that sacred fountain, all
Without a price may go.
How long to streams of false delight
Will ye in crowds repair ?
How long your strength and substance waste
On trifles light as air 9
My stores afford those rich supplies
That health and pleasure give :
Incline your ear, and come to me ;—
The soul that hears shall live.
With ‘you a cov’nant I will make,
That ever shall endure :
The hope which gladden’d David’s heart,
My mercy hath made sure.
Seek ye the Loan, while yet His ear
Is open to your call ;
While offer’d mercy still is near,
Before His footstool fall.
Let sinners quit their evil ways,
Their evil thoughts forego;
And Gon, when they to Him return,
Returning grace will show.
He pardons with o’erflowing love;
For hear the voice divine ;_
84 HYMNS on seLncr

My nature is not like to yours,

Nor like your ways are mine : _
But far as heav’n’s resplendent orbs
Beyond earth’s spot extend;
As far my thoughts, as far my ways,
Your ways and thoughts transcend.
“ I dwell with him that is ofu humble spirit, 8ye."
Isaiahlvii. 15, 16
Tnus speaks the high and lofty One ;—
Ye tribes of earth, give ear;
The words of your Almighty King
With sacred rev’rence hear :
Amid the majesty of heav’n
My throne is fix’d on high;
And through eternity I hear
The praises of the sky:
Yet looking down I visit oft
The humble, hallow’d cell ;
And with the penitent who mourn
’Tis my delight to dwell:
With me dwells no relentless wrath
Against the human race ; ,
The souls which I have form’d still find
A refuge in my grace.
“ For Zimi’s sake I will not hold my peace, dye.”
Isaiah lxii. l.
Foa Zion’s sake I will not rest ;
I will not hold my peace,
Until Jerusalem be bless’d,
And Judah dwell at ease :—
2 Until her righteousness return
As day-break after night ;—
The lamp of her salvation burn
With everlasting light.
scan-runs rssssoes. 85

3 The Gentiles shall her glory see,

And kings declare her fame :
Appointed unto her shall be,
A new and holy name.
4 The Loan upholds her with His hand,
And claims her for His own,
The diadem of Judah’s land
The glory of His crown.
HYMN LXVII. P. M. 7’s.
“ Who is this that cometh from Edam .7 age."
Isaiah lxiii. 1.
W11o is this that comes from Edom,
All His raiment stain’d with blood ?
To the slave proclaiming freedom,
Bringing and bestowing good:
Glorious in thegarb He wears,
Glorious in the spoils He bears ?
"Tis the SAVIOUR,—HOW victorious,
Trav’lling onward in His might;
’Tis the SAVIOUR,—O how glorious
To His people is the sight!
Jesus now is strong to save,
Mighty to redeem the slave.
Mighty Victor, reign for ever;
Wear the crown so dearly won;
Never shall Thy people, never
Cease to sing what Thou hast done :
Thou hast fought Thy people’s foes :
’l‘hou wilt heal Thy people’s woes.
" Who is he that saith, and it t‘nmeth in pass, 851i."
Lament. iii. 37-40.
Amnsr the mighty where is He
Who saith, and it is done ?
Each varying scene of changeful life
Is from the Loan alone.

2 He gives in gladsome bow’rs to dwell,

Or clothes in sorrow’s shroud :
llis hand hath form’d the light; His hand
Hath form’d the dark’ning cloud.
3 Why should a living man complain
Beneath the chast’ning rod ?
Our sins afilict us ; and the Cross
Must bring us back to Gon.
4 O sons of men, with earnest care
Your hearts and ways explore :
Return from paths of vice to Gon :
Return,—and sin no more.
" Come and let us return unto the Loan, Eyc."
Hos. vi. 1-4.
CoME let us to the Loan our Gon
With contrite hearts return ;
Our Gon is gracious, nor will leave
The desolate to mourn.
‘2 His voice commands the tempest forth,
And stills the stormy wave ;
And though His arm be strong to smite,
’Tis also strong to save.
3 Long bath the night of sorrow reign’d;
The dawn shall bring us light;
Gon shall appear, and we shall rise
With gladness in His sight.
4 Our hearts, if Gon we seek to know,
Shall know Him and rejoice ;
His coming like the morn shall be,
Like morning songs His voice.
The Loan’s Prayer. Matt. vi. 9-14.
Fsrnsn of all ! we bow to Thee,
Who dwell’st in heav’n ador’d ;
But_present still through all ’l‘hy works,
1 he universal Loan.
scmm-uan PASSAGES. 87

2 For ever hallow’d be Thy name

By all beneath the skies !
And may Thy kingdom still advance,
Till grace to glory rise !
3 A grateful homage may we yield,
With hearts resign’d to Thee ;
And as in heav’n Thv will is done,
On earth so let it be.
4 From day to day we humbly own
The hand that feeds us still :
Give us our bread, and teach to rest
Contented in Thy will.
5 Our sins before Thee we confess ;
O may they be forgiv’n 1
As we to others mercy show,
We mercy beg from Heav’n.
6 Still let Thy grace our life direct ;
From evil guard our way ;
And in temptation’s fatal path
Permit us not to stray.
7 For Thine the pow’r, the kingdom Thine;
All glory’s due to Thee !
Thine from eternity they were,
And Thine shall ever be!
" Jssns took bread, d3‘s." Matt. xxvi. 26——29.
'TwAs on that night, when doom’d to know
The eager rage of ev’r foe ;-
That night in which e was betray’d,
The Saviour of the world took bread :
2 And after thanks and glory giv’n
To Him that rules in earth and heav’n,
That symbol of His flesh He broke,
And thus to His disciples spoke :
3 My broken body thus I give
For you, for all; take, eat, and live;

And oft the sacred rite renew,

That brings my wond’rous love to view.
4 Then in His hands the cup He rais’d,
And Gon anew He thank’d and prais’d ;
While kindness in His bosom glow’d,
And from His lips salvation flow’d :
5 My blood I thus pour forth, He cries,
To cleanse the soul in sin that lies ;
In this the covenant is seal’d,
And Heav’n’s eternal grace reveal’d.
“ There were in the same country shepherds, d312."
Luke ii. 8—15.
WHILE humble shepherds watch’d their flocks
In Bethlehem’s plains by night,
An angel sent from heav’n appear’d,
And fill’d the plains with light.
Fear not, he said, (for sudden dread
Had seiz’d their troubled mind) ;
Glad tidings of great joy I bring
To you and all mankind.
Thus spake the seraph ; and forthwith
Appear’d a shinin throng
Of angels praising (1o1), who thus
Address’d their joyful song :
All glory be to Gon on high,
And to the earth be peace !
Good-will is shewn by Heav’n to men,
And never more shall cease.

“ The Spnm- of the Lonn is upon me, #0."
Luke iv. 18, 19.
HsaK the glad sound ! the SAvroun comes—
The SAVIOUB promis’d long;
Let ev’ry heart exult with joy,
And ev’ry voice be song.

He comes the pris‘ners to relieve,

In Satan’s bondage held :
The gates of brass before Him burst,
The iron fetters yield.
He comes from dark’ning scales of vice
To clear the inward sight ;
And on the eye-balls of the blind
To pour celestial light.
He comes the broken hearts to bind ;
The bleeding souls to cure ;
And with the treasures of His grace
T’ enrich the humble poor.
Our glad hosannahs, Prince of peace,
Thy welcome shall proclaim ;
And heav’n’s exalted arches ring
With Thy beloved name.
" As Moses lifted up the serpent, &c."‘ John iii. 14-19.
As when the Hebrew prophet rais’d
The brazen serpent high,
The wounded look’d and straight were cord,—
The people ceas’d to die ;
So from the SAVIOUR on the Cross
A healing virtue flows:
Who looks to Him with lively faith,
Is sav’d from endless woes.
For Gon gave up His Son‘ to death,
So gcn’rous was His love,
That all the faithful might enjoy
Eternal life above.
He came to raise our fallen state,
And our lost hopes restore :
Faith leads us to the mercy-seat,
And bids us fear no more.
90 HYMNS on samacr

" Never mun spake like this Man, 2Xc." John vii. 46.
No man nor angel can compare
With our Almighty Loan:
To speak like Him what seraph dare,
Or imitate His word?
Jesus for me fulfill’d the law,
And justice satisfied :
My guilt and misery He saw,
And for my ransom died. _
Love such as “is can ne’er be found ;
His grace is rich indeed;
No words like His in might abound ;
None does as Jesus did.
“ Let not your heart be troubled, dye.” John xiv. 1—7.
Ler not your hearts with anxious thoughts
Be troubled or dismay’d;
But trust in Gon the mighty Loan,
And trust a SAvIoUn’s aid.
2 I to my Father’s house return;
There num’rous mansions stand,
And glory manifold abounds
Through all the happy land.
3 I go your entrance to secure,
And your abode prepare;
Regions unknown are afe to you,
When I your Friend am there.
4 Thence shall I come when ages close,
To take you home with me ;
There we shall meet to part no more,
And still together he.
5 I am the Way, the Truth, the Life;
No son of human race,
But such as I conduct and guide,
Shall see my Father’s face.

“ These things have I spoken unto you, liye.”
John xiv. 25-28.
You now must hear my voice no more ;
My Father calls me home ;
But soon from heav’n the HOLY Gnosr
Your COMFoaTER shall come.
2 That heav’nly ’l’eacher sent from Gon
Shall your whole soul inspire ;
Your minds shall fill with sacred truth,
. Your hearts with sacred fire.
3 Peace is the gift I leave with you,
My peace to. you bequeath,--.
Peace that shall comfort you through life,
And cheer your souls in death.
4 I give not as the world bestows,
With promise falsgand vain ;
Nor cares nor fears shall wound the heart
In which my words remain.
“ It is finished.” John xix, 30.
‘T15 finish’d—was His latest voice ;
These sacred accents o’er,
He bow’d His head, gave up the ghost,
And suffer’d pain no more.
"1‘is finish’d—the MESSIAH dies
For sins, but not His own :
The great redemption is complete,
And Satan’s pow’r o’erthrown.
"l‘is finish’d—all His groans are past ;
His blood, His pain, and toils,
Have fully vanquished all our foes,
And crown’d Him with their spoils.
"l‘is finish’d—legal worship ends,
And gospel ages run;
All old things now are pass’d away,
A nd a new world begun.
92 nuns on seuzcr 1

John xix. 30.
‘Tls finish’d ! the ETERNAL cried
When on the Cross HE bowed and died :
"l‘is finish’d! highest heaven resounds—
Th’ ETEnNAL’s mercy knows no bounds.
Then let us still with thankful voice
In Jesus’ finish’d work rejoice :
‘Tis finish’d! let our hearts proclaim
Eternal thanks to Gon’s great name!
“ By the deeds of the law there Shall nn flesh be justified,
dm." Rom. iii‘ l9—22.
vAlN are the hopes the sons of men
Upon their works have built;
Their hearts b nature are unclean, 1
Their action full of guilt.
2 Silent let Jew and Gentile stand,
Without one vaunting word;
And humbled low confess their guilt
Before heav’n’s righteous Loan.
3 No hope can on the law be built
Of justifying grace ;
The law that him
Condemns shows
to the sinner’s guilt
his face.

4 Jesus! how glorious is Thy grace!

When in Thy name we trust,
Our faith receives a righteousness
That makes the sinner just.
“ How shall we that are (bad to sin, live any longer
therein 7 d4c." Rom. vi, 1-7.
Ann shall we then go on to sin,
That grace may more abound?
Great Gon, forbid that such a thought
Should in our breast be found.

2 When to the sacred fount we came‘,

Did not the rite proclaim,
That wash’d from sin and all its stains,
New creatures we became ?
3 With Ciuusr the Loan we died to sin;
With Him to life we rise,—
To life which now begun on earth
Is perfect in the skies.
4 Too long enthrall’d to Satan’s sway,
We now are slaves no more ;
For Cums!‘ hath vanquish’d death and sin,
Our freedom to restore.
" If Gon be for us,who can be against us .7"
Rom. viii. 31.
L51- Christian faith and hope disp‘el
‘l‘he fears of guilt- and woe;
The Loan Almighty is our Friend,
And who can prove a foe ?
He who His Son mos‘t dear and lov’d
Gave up for us to die,
Shall He not all things freely give
That goodness can supply P
Behold the best the greatest gift
Of everlasting love !
Behold the pledge of peace below
And perfect bliss above!
The SAVIOUR died, but rose again
Triumphant from the grave;
And pleads our cause at Gon’s right hand,
Omnipotent to save.
Nor death, nor life, nor earth, nor hell,
Nor time’s destroying sway,
Can e’er efi‘ace us from His heart,
Or make His love decay.
94 nvgms on SELECT

That love each future scene will bless,

As it has bless’d the past:
He lov’d us from the first of time,—
He loves us to the last.
“ Charity never faileth." 1 Cor. xiii. 8.
Love still shall hold an endless reign
In earth and heav’n above,
When tongues shall cease and prophets fail,
And ev’ry gift but love.
Now dark and dim as through a glass
Are Gon and truth beheld ;
Then shall we see as face to face,
And Gon shall be unveil’d.
Faith, Hope and Love now dwell on earth,
And earth by them is bless’d ;
But Faith and Hope must yield to Love,—
Of all the graces best.
Hope shall to full fruition rise,
And Faith be sight above:
These are the means—but this the end ;
For saints for ever love. \
“ 0 death, where is thy sting? Ograve, where is thy
victory ?" 1 Cor. xv. 55.

LET faith exalt her joyful voice,

And thus begin to sing;
O grave, where is thy triumph now ‘3
And where, O death, thy sting ?
Thy sting was sin, and conscious guilt ;
‘Twas this that arm’d thy dart ;
The law gave sin its strength and force
To pierce the sinner’s heart :
scmrruna PASSAGES. 95

But Gon, whose name be ever bless’d !

Disarms that foe we dread,
And makes us conqu’rors when we die,
Through Cums’r our living Head.
Then stedfast let us still remain,
Though dangers rise around;
And in the work prescrib’d by Gon
Yet more and more abound.

“ We know that if 0hr eai‘lhly house, &c." 20o1‘. v.
I— 1. ,
WE know that when the soul uncloth’d
Shall from this body fly,
‘Twill animate a purer frame
With life that cannot die.
Such are the hopes that cheer the just ;
These hopes their Gon hath giv’n ;
His Spirit is the earnest now,
And seals their souls for heav’n.
We walk by faith ofjoys to come—
Faith grounded on His word;
But while this body is our home,
We mourn an absent Loan.
But still, or here or going hence,
To this our labours tend,
That in His service spent our life
May in His favour end.
“ Let this mind he in you. uhich was also in Cums-r
Jesus, 8m." Phil. ii. 6-12.‘
Ye who the name of Jesus bear,
His sacred steps pursue ;
And let that mind which was in Him
Be also found in you.

2 Though in the form of Gon He was—

His only Son declar’d;
And ever equally ador’d,
His highest glory shared ;
3 His greatness He for us abas’d,
For us His glory veil’d;
In human likeness dwelt on earth,
His majesty conceal’d :
4 Nor only as a man appears,
But stoops a servant low;
Submits to death, nay bears the Cross
In all its shame and woe.
5 Hence Gon this en’ro‘us love to men
With honours JllSl’. hath crown’d,
And rais’d the name of Jesus far
Above all names renown’d.

“ Them also which sleep in Js'ls‘us will Goo bring with
Him." 1‘ Thes‘s. iv. 14.‘
THE time draws nigh when from the clouds
Cmusr shall with shouts descend ;
And the last trumpet’s awful sound
The heav’ns and earth shall rend.
Then they who live shall changed be,
And they who sleep shall wake ;
The graves shall yield their ancient charge,
And earth’s foundations shake.
The saints of Gon, from death set free,
With joy shall mount on high ;
The heav’nly hosts with praises loud
Shall meet them in the sky.
To ether to their Father’s house
ith joyful hearts they go ;
And dwell for ever with the LoRn.
Beyond the reach of woe.

A few short days of evil past,

We reach the happy shore,
Where death-divided friends at last
Shall meet to part no more.


“ I know whom I have believed, liye.” 2 Tim. i. 12.
PM not asham’d to own my Loan,
Or to defend His cause,
Maintain the glory of His Cross,
And honour all His laws.
2 JEsuS my Loan—I know His name ;-~
His name is all ‘my boast ;
Nor will He put my soul to shame

Nor let my hope be lost.
3 I know that safe with Him remains,
Protected by His pow’r,
hat I’ve committed to His trust,
Till the decisive hour.
4 Then will He own His servant’s name
Before His Father’s face,
And in the New Jerusalem
Appoint my soul a place.

t The Loan shall deliver mefrom every evil work, 8yc."
2 Tim. iv. 18.
IMMOVEABLE Thy promise stands,
My Loan, my hope, my trust;
IfI am found in Jesus’ hands,
My soul can ne’er be lost.
Jesus the Loan shall guard me safe
From every ill design;
And to His heav’nly kingdom keep
This helpless soul of mine.
F .
93 mums oN sELec‘I

" Not by work; of righteuusness which we have done, 8w."
‘l‘it. in. 3—9.
Vsns and presumptuous is the trust
Which in our works we place ;
Salvation from a higher source
Flows to the human race.
‘Tia from the mercy of our Goo
That all our hopes begin;
His mercy sav’d our souls from death,
And wash’d our souls from sin. _
His Srmrr through the SAVIOUR shed,
His sacred fire imparts,
Refines our dross, and love divine
Rekindles in our hearts.
Thence rais’d from death we live anew,
And justified by grace
We hope in glory to appear,
And see our Father’s face.
" The High Priest of our profession. Cnmsr Jesus."
Heb. lll- l.
'Wrrrms high the heav’nly temple stands—
The house of Gon not made with hands,
A great High Priest our nature wears,
The Guardian of mankind appears.
2 He who for men their Surety stood,
And pour‘d on earth His precious blood,
Pursues in heav’n His mighty plan,
The Saviour and the Friend of man.
8 Though now ascended up on high,
He bends on earth a brother’s eye ;
Partaker of the human name,
He knows the frailty of our frame.
W‘ .


4 Our fellow-suff’rer yet retains

A fellow-feeling of our pains;
And still remembers in the skies,
His tears, His agonies and cries.
5 In ev’ry pang that rends the heart,
The man of sorrows had a part ;
He sympathizes with our grief,
And to the sufi"rer sends relief.
6 With boldness therefore at the throne
Let us make all our sorrows known,
And ask the aids of heav’nly pow’r
To help us in the evil hour.
“ Behold what manner of love. 6r0." 1 John iii. 1—4.
Bauonii th’ amazing gift of love
The Father hath bestow’d
On us the sinful sons of men,
To call us sons of Gon.
1Conceal’d as yet this honour lies,
By this dark world unknown,—
A world that knew not when He came,—
Ev’n Gon’s eternal Son.
Our souls we know, when He appears,
Shall bear His image bright,
For all His glory full disclos’d
Shall open to our sight.
A hope so great and so divine,
May trials well endure,
And purge the soul from sense and sin,
As Crmisr Himself is pure.
‘“ We which have believed do enter into rest.” Heb. iv. 3.
A ass!‘ for Gon’s people—saycan they inherit
Repose, while abiding in mansions like these ?
‘0 yes! ’tis the language of Gon’s Holy Spirit,
They do enter rest e’en on life‘s changing seas.
r 2
' "" l
100 HYMsS on sensor i

A rest for Gon’s people-'tis surely intended,

Though conscience still warns them to worship
And in fear;
their hearts are by seasons of sorrow defended
From making an idol of aught they love here.
A rest for Gon’s people—that moment is basting,
When sin shall not grieve, and no tear dim their
eyes -
For mortaility’s embers are rapidly wasting,
And they, thron’d with Jesus, shall rest in the
“ Now the Gon ofpeace, dye." Heb. xiii. ‘20, 21,
Fsraea of peace and Gon of love !
We own Thy pow’r to save,—
That pow’r by which our Shepherd rose l
Victorious o’er the grave.
2 Him from the dead Thou brought’st again,
. When by His sacred blood
Confirm’d and seal’d for evermore,
Th’ eternal covenant stood.
3 O may Thy Srnur seal our souls,
‘ And mould them to Thy will ;
That our weak hearts no more may stray,
But keep Thy precepts still;
4 That to perfection’s sacred height
We nearer still may rise,
And all we think and all we do
Be pleasing in Thine eyes.
“ Blessed be the GOn and father, dye.” 1 Pet. i. 3-—5.
Bmass’n be the everlasting Goti,
The Father of our Loan!
Be His abounding mercy prais’d,
His majesty ador’d!
scalrrune rssssoes. 101

2 When from the dead He rais’d His\Son,

And call’d Him to the sky,
He gave our souls a lively hope
That they should never die.
3 To an inheritance divine
.He taught our hearts to rise :
"I‘is uncorrupted, undefil’d,
Unfading in the skies.
4 Saints by the pow’r of Gon are kept
Till the salvation come:
We walk by faith as strangers here;
But Cnmsr shall call us home.
" Unto Him that loved us, Jye.” Rev. i. 5-9.
To HIM that lov’d the souls of men,
And wash’d us in His blood,
To royal honours rais’d our head,
And made us priests to Gon :—
To Him let ev’ry tongue be praise,
And ev’ry heart be love !
All grateful honours paid on earth,
And nobler songs above !
I‘ There was a rainbow round about the throne." Rev. iv. 3.
BnmnvnB., lift thine eyes on high,
Behold yon arch that spans the sky ;
It shines to fill thy soul with praise
To Him whose promise ne’er decays.
As unto earth’s remotest ends
The how of providence extends,—
As free the Gospel bow,--as wide ;
For ’neath its shelter all may hide.
And as that radiant arch we view
Is ever varied in its hue ;
As various are the gifts of grace,—
All form’d for their appointed place. _
102 uvmss on suscr

Christian, when thou that type shalt see,

Then think of Him who died for thee ;
For love and peace exist alone,
Beneath the rainbow round the throne.

Rev. iv. 3.
Bsnonn the bright bow in the sky ;
How vivid the colours are seen !
Its glories extended on high,
Are now what they ever have been.
But oh ! with what heighten’d delight
In heaven the bright object I trace,
When by faith I contemplate the sight,
As the sign of a cov’nant of grace. }
Though the heavens all on fire be dissolv’d,
The elements melting with heat,
The earth in the flames be involv’d‘,
Unmov’d I these terrors can meet.
That emerald bow round the throne,
The pledge of Gon’s favour I see;
Be welcome, O Loan, to ‘l‘hine own!
I long to be ever with Thee.

" Lo ! in the midst of the throne stood a Lama, the."
Rev. v. 6, Sec.
Benonn the glories of the LAMB
Amidst His Father’s throne!
Prepare new honours for His name,
And songs before unknown.
Lo ! elders worship at His feet;
The church adores around,
W ith vials full of odours rich,
And harps of sweetest sound.

These odours are the pray’rs of saints,

These sounds the hymns they raise;
Gon bends His ear to their requests;
He loves to hear their praise.
Hark how th’ adoring hosts above
With songs surround the throne !
Ten thousand thousand are their tongues;
But all their hearts are one.
Thou hast redeem’d us with Thy blood,
And set the pris'ners free;
Thou mad’st us kings and priests to Gon,
And we shall reign with Thee.
“ What‘ are these which are array’tl in white robes? dye."
Rev. vii. 13, etc.
How bright these glorious spirits shine!
Whence all their white array?
Ilow came they to the blissful seats
Ofeverlastiug day ?
2 Lo! these are they from sui’f’rings great
Who came to realms of light,
And in the blood of CnmsT have wash’d.
‘l‘hose robes which shine so bright.
3 Now with triumphal palms they stand
Before the throne on high,
And serve the Gon they love amidst
’l’he glories of the sky.
4 His presence fills each heart with joy,
Tunes ev’ry mouth to sing;
By day, by night, the sacred courts
With glad hosannahs ring.
.5 Hunger and thirst are felt no more,
Nor suns with scorching ray;
God is their sun, whose cheering beams
Diffuse eternal day.
104 scmr‘rmur assums.

6 The LAMB who dwells amidst the throne

Shall o‘er them still preside—
Feed them with nourishment divine,
And all their footsteps guide.
7 To pastures green He’ll lead His flock,
Where livin streams appear;
And Gon the £oBn from ev’ry eye
Shall wipe off ev’ry tear.
HYMN CI. cl M.
“ Behold I make all things new, #c." Rev. xxi. 5,
BEnoLn I change all human things !
Saith He whose words are true;
Lo ! what was old is pass’d away,
And all things are made new.
Ho ye that thirst! to you my grace
Shall hidden streams disclose,
And open full the sacred spring,
Whence life for ever flows.
Bless’d is the man that overcomes,
I’ll own him for a son ;
A rich inheritance rewards
The conquest he hath won.
O may we stand before the Lamb,
When earth and seas are fled,
And hear the Judge pronounce our name,
With blessings on our head!

filming! for iBartiwIar Qzasons.


“ Be Thou our Arm every morning." Isai. xxxiii. 2.
AWAKE, my soul, and with the sun
Thy daily stage of duty run ;
Shake of!‘ dull sloth, and joyful rise
To pay thy morning sacrifice.
2 Thy precious time mispent, redeem;
Each present day thy last esteem;
Improve thy talent with due care;
For the great day thyself prepare.
3 In conversation be sincere ;
Keep conscience as the noon-tide clear ;
Think how th’ all-seeing Gon thy ways,
And all thy secret thoughts surveys.
4 All praise to Thee, who safe hast kept,
And hast refresh’d me, whilst i slept :
Grant, Loan, when I from death shall wake,
I may of endless life partake.
5 Direct, control, suggest this day,
All I design, or do, or say ;
That all my pow’rs, with all their might,
In Thy sole glory may unite.

It The cloud was taken up in the morning.” Num. ix. 21.
O Gon of mercies. let that pow’r
Which gracious o’er me watch’d by night,
Protect and shield me through this day,
And let me live as in Thy sight. ‘
‘ ‘q l
106 11mins to;

That while Thy much long-sufl"ring grace

My life in this vain world shall spare,
My soul may soar to heav’n and Thee,
_ And have her ‘conversation there :—
There view the LAMB who once was slain—
’l‘here join the throng around the throne —
There learn to sing the eternal praise
Of Him who worthy is alone.

" The hand of the Lona was upon me in the evening."
Ezek. x‘xxlll. 22.
GLORY to Thee, my Gon, this night,
For all the blessings of the light:
Keep me, O keep me, King of kings,
Beneath Thine own Almighty wings.
Forgive me, Loan, for Thy dear Son,
The ill that I this day have done;
That with the world, myself, and Thee,
I, ere I sleep, at peace may be.
’I‘each me to live, that I may dread
The grave as little as my bed;
Teach me to die, that so I may
With joy behold the judgment day.
When in the night I sleepless lie,
My soul with heavenly thoughts supply;
Let no ill dreams disturb‘my rest,
No powers of darkness me molest. ‘
Praise Gon, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host ;
Praise Fsrm-:3, Son, and llou GHOST‘

“ -The night cometh when no man can work." John ix. 4.
WE bless Thee, Lonn, that yet we live
To close another day;
Our many trespasses forgive,
And keep us in the way.
2 When we shall close our eyes in sleep,
Preserve us safe from harm;
From nightly foes our dwelling keep,
And guard us with Thine arm.
3 And should we sleep to wake no more
Till the last trumpet sound,
May we in that decisive hour
Among Thy sheep be found.
" Even the night shall be light about me."
Psalm cxxxix. ll.
PERPETUAL blessings from above,
Encompass us around;
But O how few returns of love
Hath our Creator found!
Loan, with this evil heart of mine
’l‘o Thy dear Cross I flee,
And to Thy grace my soul resign,
To be renew’d by Thee.
HYMN CVII. P. M. 7‘s.
“ Let ylly prayer be as the evening sacrifice."
Psalm cxli. 2.
Trmouon the day Thy love has spar‘d us,
Now we lay us down to rest,
Through the silent watches guard us,
Let no foe our peace molest:
Jesus, Thou our guardian be!
Sweet it is to trust in Thee.
108 HYMNS roa
2 Pilgrims here on earth, and strangers,
Dwelling in the midst of foes,
Us and ours preserve from dangers;
In Thine arms may we repose!
And when life’s sad day is past,
Rest with Thee in heaven at last.
" Are they not all ministering spirits .7" Heb. i. 14.
Insrmaa and Hearer of prayer,
Thou Shepherd and Guardian of Thine ;
My all to Thy covenant care,
I sleeping and waking resign.
If Thou art my shield and my sun,
The night is no darkness to me;
And fast as my moments roll on \
They bring me but nearer to Thee.
Thy minist’ring spirits descend,
To watch while Thy saints are asleep;
By day and by night they attend,
The heirs of salvation to keep.
I too at the season ordain’d
Their chorus for ever shall join;
And love and adore without end
Their faithful Creator, and mine.

fflnrning or Sfifiming. ,
“ The Mr Gon,
dew lay all how
nightendless is Thy love
on my branch.” l
Job xxix. 19.

Thy gifts are ev’ry morning new;

And ev’ning mercies from above
Gently distil, like early dew.
I yield my pow’rs to Thy command;
To Thee I consecrate my days :
Perpetual blessings from Thy hand
Demand perpetual songs of praise.
PARTICULAR snssoss. 1‘09

“ Lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day."
lsaiah x_xvii. 3.
ON Thee each morning, O my Gon!
My waking thoughts attend;
In Thee are founded all my hopes,
In Thee my wishes end.
My spirit, in Thy hand secure,
Fears no approaching ill;
For whether waking or asleep,
Thou, Loan, art with me still.

llill): itnr‘fl’s %ap.

" l was 1’11 the Srmn- on the Loao’s day." Rev. i. 10.
Trus is the day, the Loan’s own day,
A day of holy rest :
Let not our souls to evil stray :
That Sabbath is the best.
How welcome, Loan, though here we weep,
Is Thy most holy day !
But what a Sabbath shall we keep,
With all our tears away !
We come, we wait, we hear, we pray ;
Thy footsteps, Loan, we trace;
We joy to think, this is the way
To see our Ssvioua’s face.
These are our preparation days,
‘ And when our souls are dress’d,
These Sabbaths we shall leave in praise
For our eternal rest.
110 mimns roa‘

HYMN cxn. L‘. M.

" Call the Sabbath a delight." Isaiah lviii. 13.
Tulsa earthly Sabbaths, Loan, we love,
But there’s a nobler rest above;
To that our lab’ring souls aspire
With ardent hope and strong desire.
No more fatigue, no more distress,
Nor sin, nor death, shall reach the place ;
No tears shall mingle with the songs,
There warbled by immortal tongues.
“ The Sabbath was made fnr‘man." Mark ii. 27.‘
WELCOME sweet day of rest!
The brightest and the best !
Thou precious boon to weary pilgrims giv‘n :
Now from this wandering heart,
May earth-born cares depart,
And upward tend my every thought to heav’n.
O Loan, be all my days
Devoted to Thy praise !
Then may I say, when Thou shalt summon me,
Farewell sweet day of rest,
The brightest and the best—
Where Sabbaths never end, my home shall be.
" The rest of the holy Sabbath." Exod. xvi. ‘23.
Swear is the work, my Gon, my King,
To praise Thy name, give thanks, and sing;
To show Thy love by morning light,
And talk of all Thy truth at night.
2 Sweet is the day of sacred rest ;
No earthly cares shall vex my breast;
Oh i. may my heart in tune be found,
Like David‘s harp of solemn sound.
r-.. PARTICULAR sessons. 111

3 My heart shall triumph in the Loan,

And bless His works, and bless His word:
His works of grace, how bright they shine!
How deep His counsels! how divine!
4 And I shall share a glorious part,
When grace has purified my heart :
My inward foes shall all he slain,
Nor Satan break my peace again.

“ There remainsth a rest tn the people of Gon."
Heb. iv. 9.
O swsrzrasr day of all the seven,
Emblem and earnest of that heav’n,
Where saints are truly blest 2
For thee I look, for thee I sigh,
I count the days till thou art nigh,
Sweet day of sacred rest.
2 But oft with sorrow I confess
My privilege my burden is,
Nojoy alas have I :
When I would take my harp and sing,
I find it oft without a string.
And lay it coldly by.
3 But while I thus confess my shame,
'Tis right that I should praise His name,
Who makes me sometimes sing,
Yes, Loan, I speak it to Thy praise,
My cheerful song I sometimes raise,
And triumph in my King.
4 0 let my heart be always so,
My song no interruption know,
Till death shall seal my tongue 1
In heaven a nobler strain I’ll raise ;
There cease from every thing but praise
And everlasting song.
- ‘gr-1

Hvmns Eon

“ The Son or MAN

HYMNis Loan
also of the Sabbath."

Mark ii. 28.

THIS is the day the Loan hath made;
He calls the hours His own ;
Let heav’n rejoice, let earth be glad,
And praise surround the throne.
To-day He rose and left the dead,
_ And Satan’s empire fell;
’l‘o-day the saints His triumph spread,
And all His wonders tell.
Hosannah to th’ anointed King,
To David’s holy Son!
Help us, O Loan; descend and bring
Salvation from Thy throne. ‘
“ Thefirst day of the week.” Acts xx. 7.
FATHER, Thy quick’ning Spirit send
From heaven in Jesus’ name,
To make our waiting minds attend,
And put our souls in frame.
May we receive the word we hear,
Each in an honest heart ;
Hoard up the precious treasure there,
And‘never with it part.
Revive the parch’d with heav’nly show’rs,
The cold with warmth divine ;
And as the benefit is ours,
Be all the glory Thine.

51m £ap of the ficat.

“ We spend our years, Sfc.” Psalm x0. 9.
Then we adore, Eternal Name,
And humbly own to Thee,

How feeble is our mortal frame,

What dying worms are we!
Infinite joy or endless woe
Attends on ev’ry breath ;
And yet how unconcern’d we go
Upon the brink of death! _
Waken, O LoRn, our drowsy sense,
To walk this dang’rous road;
And when our souls are summon’d hence,
May they be found with Gon!
“ Hithesto hath the Loan helped us." 1 Sam. vii. 12.
MY helper Gon! I bless His name;
The same His pow’r, His grace the same;
The tokens of His friendly care
Open, and crown, and close the year.
2 I ’midst ten thousand dangers stand,
Supported by His guardian hand,
And see, when I survey my ways,
Ten thousand monuments of praise.
3 Thus far His arm has led me on;
Thus far I make His mercy known;
And, while I tread this desert land,
New mercies shall new songs demand.
4 My grateful soul on Jordan’s shore
Shall raise one sacred pillar more:
Then bear in His bright courts above
Inscriptions of immortal love. ‘
“ Ask now of the days that are past." Deut. iv. 32.
THE Loan, our salvation and light,
The guide and the strength of our days,
Has brought us together to-night,
To raise a new song to His praise.
114 HYMNS Foa

llis gospel throughout the long year,

From Sabbath to Sabbath He gave :
How oft has He met with us here,
And shewn Himself mighty to save ?
To Jesus who sits on the throne
Our best hallelujahs we bring :
To Thee it is owing alone
That we are permitted to sing.
Assist us, we pray, to lament
The sins of the year that is past;
And grant that the next may be spent
Far more to Thy praise than the last.

ifizgimting or 35ml! of a fieat.

HYMN CXXI. P. M. 7‘s,

o Lacked ye any thing? And they said, nothing."
Luke xxii. 35.
SPAR’n through grace another year,
Good it is to praise the Loan ;
Good to meet our SAVIOUR here,
Good His mercies to record.
When our foes we greatly fear‘d,
When we seem’d an easy prey;
Then it \vas_the Loan appcar’d,
Then He drove our foes away.
Then He seem’d to ask us why,
When the foe appcar‘d in view‘ ‘
We should fear, and He so nigh,- ‘
“"e should doubt, and lie so true ?
SAVIOUR, all our sins forgive,
Make us what we ought to be;
Let us by Thy mercy live,
And in heav‘n Thy glory see.
PARTICULAR. smsons. 115

" Loan, Thou hast been our dwelling-plum" Psalm xc. l.
O Gon, our help in ages past,
our hope for years to come ;
Our shelter from the stormy blast,
And our eternal home 1
2 Under the shadow of’ Thy throne,
’l‘hy saints have dwelt secure ;
Snfiicient is Thine arm alone,
And our defence is sure.
3 Through ev’ry scene of life and death,
’l‘hy promise is our trust;
And this shall be our children’s song,
When we are cold in dust.
4 0 Gun, our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come ;
Be thou our guard while life shall last,
And our eternal home !

£1 £22111 fizar.

HYMN CXXlll. L. M.
" In whom we trust that He will yet deliver us."
2 Cor. i. 10.
GREAT Goo, we sing that mighty hand,
By which supported still we stand :
The op‘ning year Thy mercy shows ;—
Let mercy crown it, till it close. .
With grateful hearts the past we own;
The future, all to us unknown
We to Thy guardian care commit,
And peaceful leave before ‘l‘hy feet.
In scenes exalted or depress’d,
Be Thou our joy, and Thou our rest;
:fhy goodness all our hopes shall raise,
Ador’d through all our changing days.
116 urmss ror:

" Revive thy work in the midst of the years." Hah. iii. 2‘.
RAPIn my days and months run on,
How soon another year is gone ! ‘
How swift my golden moments roll,
How much neglected by my soul!
Give me, great Gon, a heart to pray;
Let all old things be done away ;
Give me, new strength to conquer sin,
And plant new holiness within.
1 ask new wisdom for this year,
New fitness for my trials here ;
Of every grace a richer store,
My Goti to love and honour more.
This year, O sheathe war’s direful sword ;
Let every nation serve the Loan:
Visit Thy church, and may she bear
Much glorious fruit this blessed year.
“ Whether we live or die. we are the Loso’s."
Rom. xiv. 8.
Now through the year our Gon has giv’n
Let us extend our view ;
Mercics were multiplied from Heav’n,
Fast as the moments flew;
Pardon, O pardon, Loan, our faults;
And let the Saviour’s blood,
In worth transcending all our thoughts,
Secure our peace with Gon :
Nor pard’ning love vouchsafe alone,
But purify the heart ;
There, there erect ’l‘hy lasting throne,
And there Thy grace impart.
Then let this
or stop thig car new breathfiy’
fleeting life sn 1

To Goi) we live, to Gon we die,

And welcome life or death.
w" \ ,
PARTICULAR sessons. 117

" Goo sent His only begotten Son into the world that we
‘ might live through Him,drc.” I John iv. 9.
He lives who lives to God, alone;
And all are dead beside ;
For other source than Gon is none,
\Nhence life can be supplied.
To live to GOn, is to requite
His love as best we may ;
To make llis precepts our delight,
His promises our stay.
But life, within a narrow ring
()f giddy joys compris’d,
Is falsely nam’d, and no such thing,
But rather death disguis’d.
“ And when eight days were accomplished, 8ye.”
Luke ii. 2I.
THE year begins with Thee;
And Thou beginn’st with woe,
To let the world of sinners see
That blood for sin must flow.
Thine infant cries, O Loan,
Thy tears upon the breast
Are not enough—the legal sword
Must do its stern behest.
By blood and water too
Gon’s mark is set on Thee,
That in Thee every faithful‘view
Both covenants might see.

fiatihitp of (Christ.
" Unto you. is born this day, dw.” Luke ii. 2.
HAF-K l the herald angels sing,‘
Glory to the new born King 1
118 urnns roa

Peace on earth, and mercy mild,

G0n and sinners reconcil’d :
Joyful all ye nations rise,
Join the triumph of the skies,
With th’ angelic host proclaim,
Chirst is born in Bethlehem.
Hark, the herald angels sing.
Glory to the new born King.
Hail the heav’n born Prince of peace !
Hail the Sun of righteousness !
Light and life to all He brings,
Ris’n with healing in His wings:
Mild He lays His glory by,
Born that man no more may die ;
Born to raise the sons ofearth;
Born to give them second birth.
Hark, the herald, Src.

“ Glory to Go» in the highest, d50." Luke ii. l4.
MoaTALs, awake ; with angels join,
And chant the solemn lay;
Love, joy and gratitude combine
To hail the auspicious day.
2 In heav’n the rapt’rous song began,
And sweet seraphic fire
Through all the shining legions ran,
And swept the sounding lyre.
3 The theme, the song, the joy was new
To each angelic tongue;
Swift through the realms of light it flew,
And loud the echo rung.
4 Down through the portals of the sky
The pealing anthem ran,
And angels flew with eager joy
To hear the news to man.

5 Hark! the cherubic armies shout,

And glory leads the song;
Peace and salvation swell the note
Of all the heav’nly throng.
6 With joy the chorus we’ll repeat,
“ Glory to Gon on high,
“ Good-will and peace are now complete,—
JesuS was born to die.”
7 ll ail, Prince of life, for ever hail !
Redeemer, Brother, Friend!
Though earth and time and life should fail,
’l‘hy praise shall never end.

" Peal-e upmz earth, good will Inwal‘ds men.” Luke ii. 14.
Lnr us all with grateful praises
Celebrate the happy day,
When the blessed, loving Jesus
First partook of human clay :
When the heavenly host assembled,
Gaz’d with wonder from the sky ,
Angels joy’d. and Satan trembled—
Neither fully knowing why.
“ Praise on high to Gon be given !
“ Praise Him in the highest strain !
“ Peace on earth, proclaiin’d by Heaven,
“ Peace and great good will to men 1"
Thus they sang with rapture, kindling
In the shepherds’ hearts a flame;
Joy and wonder sweetly mingling :
All believers feel the same.
Lo! bless’d Babe, we fall before Thee ;
Jesus! Thee we all adore:
To ’l‘hee, kingdom, power and glory,
We ascribe for evermore.
120 nurse to:

Glory to our GOn be given !

We echo back the song again—
Pence on earth brought down_from heaven,—
Peace and great good will to men !
“ 1n thy Seed shall all the nuiions oflhc earth be blessed."
Gen xxii. 18.
Now let us bless the Loan,
Our cov’nant Gon and KING ;
His grace let us record,
And His salvation sing :
Let ev’ry tribe
In grateful lays
Perpetual praise
To Him ascribe.
Our GoD has well fulfill‘d
The promise He has giv’n,
Divinely stamp’d and seal’d
By the great oath of Heav’n :
ln days ofold
Abram believ’cl,
Abr’ham received
The grace foretold.
“ My spirit hath rejoiced in Go1) my SAVIOUR."
Luke i. 47.
SWEETER sounds than music knows,
Charm me in Immanuel’s name ;
All her hopes my spirit owes
To his birth and cross and shame.
Did the Loan a man become,
That He might the law fulfil,
Bleed and suffer in my room ?-
And cans’t thou, my tongue, be still?
0 my Saviour, Shield and Sun,
Loan and Master, Brother, Friend,
Ev’ry precious name in one—
May I love Thee to the end!
PARTICULAR sessons. 12I

HYMN CXXXIlI. P. M. 7’8.

“ And they came with haste and foundjyc." Luke ii. 16.
Go ye forth and tell the story
Of the mighty Saviour’s birth ;
Say ye that the Loan of glory
Leaves His throne, and comes to earth.
He before whom angels bow,
Takes the form of man below.
Hither come, and view the stranger;
View the infant lately born ;
See He lies in yonder manger,
By the world cast out in scorn.
Mark Him well; for this is He
Born to set His people free.
“ The Messenger of the Covenant.” Mal. iii. I.
I‘ll; whom the boundless heav’n adores,
Whom angels love to see,
Quitted with joy those blissful shores,
Ambassador to me ;
To me who never sought His grace,
And cared not for His word,
Who never knew or lov’d His face,
But all His will abhorr’d :
Yet this redeeming Angel came
So vile a worm to bless :
He took with gladness all my blame,
And gave His righteousness.
O that my languid heart might glow
With ardour all divine !
And for more love than seraphs know,
In praise like seraphs shine!
“ Let us now go even unto Bethlehem." Luke ii. 15.
Coma ye redeemed of the Loun,
Your grateful tribute bring;
122 nrmns FoB.

And celebrate with one accord

The birth-day of our King.
Let us with humble hearts repair,
(Faith will point out the road)
To Judah’s Bethlehem, and there
Adore our infant Gon.
“ The desire of alt nations shall come.” Hag. ii. 7.
COME, Thou long expected Jesus,
Born to set Thy people free ;
From our fears and sins release us;
Let us find our rest in Thee : ‘ ‘ '
Israel’s strength and consolation,
Hope of all the saints Thou art,
Dear desire of ev’ry nation,
Joy of ev’ry longing heart.
Born Thy people to deliver—
Born a child and yet taking,—
Born to reign in us for ever ;—
Now Thy gracious kingdom bring :
By Thine own eternal Spirit
Rule in all our hearts alone ;
By Thine all-sufficient merit,
Raise us to Thy glorious throne.

“ The ‘NorrD was made flesh and dwelt amongst us.’ ’
ohn i. 14
O SAVIOUR, whom this holy morn
Gave to our world below;
To ‘wand’ring and to danger born,
To weakness, toil and woe ;-—
Incarnate Won), by ‘ev’ry grief,
By each temptation tried;
Who llv’d to yield our ills relief,
And to redeem us, died :—

Through this world’s fickle varied scene,

From sin preserve us free;
Like us Thou hast a mourner been ;
May we rejoice with Thee!
“ I’Ve havefaund Him ofwhlml Moses in ihe Ian‘ and the
prophets did write.” John i. 45.
Jor to the world ! the LoRn is come
Let earth receive her King;
Let ev’ry heart prepare Him room,—
Let ev’ry creature sing.
‘He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness,
And wonders of His love.

“ The mystery—that the Gentiles should he fellow-heirs,
Zfi‘c.” Eph. iii. 3. 6.
HAIL Thou source of every blessing,
Sovereign Father of mankind !
Gentiles now Thy grace possessing,
In Thy courts admission find;
Now revealed to eastern sages,
See the Star of mercy shine;
Mystery hid from former ages—
Mystery great oflove divine.
Hail Thou universal SAVIOUB. !
Gentiles now their offerings bring,_
In Thy temple seek ’l‘hy favour,
Jesus Cnmsr, our Lord and King.
6 2
124 HYMNS roB.

May we—body, soul and spirit,

Live devoted to Thy praise !
Glorious realms of bliss inherit,
Grateful anthems ever raise!

“ When they had opened their treasures. they presented
untu Him gifts.1$‘r." Mat. ii. ll.
Bmonresr and best of the sons of the morning,
Dawn on our darkness, and lend us Thine aid;
Star of the east the horizon adorning, \
Guide where our infant Rnnnnmnn is laid.
2 Cold on His cradle the dew-drops are shining;
Low lies His head with the beasts of the stall;
Angels adore Him in slumber reclining,
MAKER and MoNAncrt and SAvroun. of all!
3 Say shall we yield Him in costly devotion,
Odours of Edom and ofi”rings divine,
Gems of the mountain and pearls of the ocean,
Myrrh from the forest, and gold from the mine ? ‘
4 Vainly we offer each ample oblation,
Vainly with gold would His favour secure;
Richer by far is the heart’s adoration,—
Dearer to Gon are the pray’rs of the poor.
“ A light in a dark place, whereuntg ya do well that ye
take heed.” ‘2 Peter 1. 19.
WHEN marshall’d on the nightly plain,
The glitt’ring host bestud the sky ;
One star alone of all the train,
Can fix the sinner’s wandering eye.
Hark! hark ! to Gon the chorus breaks,
From every host, from every gem ;
But one alone the Saviour speaks,‘
It is the Star of Bethlehem.
PARTICULAR sessons. 125

It was my guide, my light, my all ;

It bade my dark foreboding cease;
And through the storm, and danger’s thrall,
It led me to the port of peace.
Now safely moor‘d—my perils o’er,
I’ll sing, first in night’s diadem,
For ever and for evermore,
The Star l-—-the Star of Bethlehem !

@0a11 gli’rihap.
“ It isfinished.” John xix. 30.
HARK! the voice of love and mercy
Sounds aloud from Calvary !
See! it reads the rocks asunder,
Shakes the earth, and veils the sky!
“ It is finish’d !”
Hear the dying Saviour cry.
Finish’d all the types and shadows
Of the ceremonial law ;
Finish’d all that Gon had promis’d;
Death and hell no more shall awe.
“ It is finiéh’d !"
Saints, from hence your comfort draw.
Tune your harps anew, ye seraphs,
Join to sing the pleasing theme ;
All in earth and all in heav’n,
Join to praise_lmmanuel’s name.
Hallelujah l
Glory to the bleeding Lamb l
Behold the LAMB ofGon, dye." John i. 29.
LAMB of Gon, whose bleeding love
We now recall to mind;
Send Thine answer from above,
And let us mercy find :
126 nnms FOR

Let ourev’ry burden’d
cry ascend soul release ;~
to Thee,

Oh! remember Calvary,

And bid us go in peace.
2 By ’l‘hiue agonizing pain,
And bloody sweat, we pray;
By Thy dying love to man,
Take all our sins away :
Burst our bonds and set us free,
From all iniquity release ;
Oh ! remember Calvary,
And bid us go in peace.
3 Through Thy blood, by faith applied,
Let sinners pardon feel :
Speak us freely justified,
And all our sickness heal :
By Thy passion on the tree, .
Let all our griefs and troubles cease ;
Oh! remember Calvary,
And bid us go in peace.

“ I have power In lay down my life, 80:." John x. 18.
MYSTERY of grace ! The Imvrom‘u. dies 1
Who can explore the vast design ?
In vain the highest seraph tries
To sound the depths of love divine.
Angels, archangels, join your praise ;
In this blest theme your songs employ ;
And saints on earth their anthems raise
In humble symphonies of joy.
Soon shall the triumph be complete,
Our hearts with perfect love o‘erflow;
And lost in wonder at His feet,
Our praise no interval shall know.

“ Gon forbid that I should glory, dfc." (jal, vi, 14_
WHEN I survey the wondrous Cross,
On which the Prince of glory died,
My richest gain I count but loss,
And pour contempt on all my pride.
2 Forbid it, Loan, that I should boast,
Save in the death of Cunisr my Gon ;
All the vain things that charm me most,
I sacrifice them to His blood.
3 See! from His head, His hands and feet,
Sorrow and love flow mingled down!
Did e’er such love and sorrow meet.
Or thorns compose so rich a crown ?
4‘ Were the whole realm of nature mine,
That were a tribute far too small ;
_ Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all.
“ Greater love hath no man than this, Etc.” John xv. 133.
Tnou Lamb of Gon, that on the tree
Our bitter burdens bore,
And lov’d to death a worm like me—
1 how, admire, adore.
2 That head the crown of thorns that wears,
With brightest radiance glows ;
That visage, marr’d with blood and tears,
Transeendant beauty shows.
3 Those wounded hands, stretch’d out so wide
Proclaim the sinner’s Friend ;
And issuing from ’l‘hy pierced side
Life-giving streams descend.
4 By men despis’d, rejected, scorn’d,
No beauty they can see,
“’here shines, with glory all adorn’d,
The loveliest form to me.
128 HYMNS roB

“ The sun was darkened, and the veil nflhe temple was
rent in the midst.” Luke xxiii. 45.
ALAs! and did my SAVIOUR bleed ?
And did my Sov’reign die ?
. Would He devote that sacred head
For such a worm as I?
2 Was it for crimes that I had done
He groan’d upon the tree?
Amazing pity ! grace unknown !
And love beyond degree !
3 Well might the sun in darkness hide
And shut his glories in,
When Gon the mighty Maker died,
For man the creature’s sin.
4 Thus might I hide my blushing face,
While His dread Cross appears :—
Dissolve my heart in thankfulness,
And melt my eyes to tears.
5 But drops of grief can ne’er repay
The debt of love I owe ;
Here, Loan, I give myself away :
’Tis all that 1 can do.
“ I sat down under His shadow with great delight, 55c."
Song of Sol. ii. 3.
CHILnREN of Israel, see what shade
The Cross doth us afford!
It was for weary sinners made :
We thank Thee for it, Loan!
Gethsemane can witness still,
How meekly there He cried ;
So can the brow of Calv’ry’s hill,
W here our great Master died.
PARTICULAR sessons. 129

We sing Thy righteousness and blood,

And agonizing pain ;
We sing Thy griefs, Thou dying Gon,
Thou Lamb-for sinners slain !
We are Thy living witnesses,
And testify that Thou
Art all our righteousness and peace ;
For we have prov’d Thee so.
“ Cmusr loved the Church and gave Himselffor it.”
Eph. v. 25."
BEHOLn the amazing sight—
The SAVIOUR lifted high !
Behold the Son of Gonts delight
Expire in agony !
For love of us He bled,
For us in torture died ;
Love bowed His pale and fainting head,—
Love pierced His streaming side.
Loan, help me to adore,
In sympathy of love ;
And rais’d by Thy all quick’ning pow’r,
Oh let me soar above.
Nor be it mine to stay,
And weep Thy pangs alone ;
But from ’l‘hy Cross to wing my way
To Thy triumphant throne.
“Cmusr hath once sufl‘ered for sins, the Jusr for the
unjust; that He might bring us In Gun." 1 Pet. iii. 18.
GLoaY be to Gon on high,—Hallelujah !
Who hath brought the guilty nigh,—Hallelujah !
Through the true atoning blood,— Hallelujah 1
Of the precious Lamb of Gon—Hallelujah!

180 m‘nms rnR

Now the law’s demands are paid,— Hallelujah .'

All its precepts Cnmsr obey’d c—Hallelujah !
Glory to redeeming grace—Hallelujah !
Shining in Immanuel’s face—Hallelujah !
" He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death,
even the death oflhe cross." Phil. ii. 8.
Sen, Loan, Thy willing subjects bow,
Adoring low before Thy throne;
Accept our humble, cheerful vow :
Thou art our Sov’reign, Thou‘ alone.
Amazing love! that stoop’d so low,
To view with pity’s melting eye
Vile men deservin endless woe ;~
Amazing love !—d1d Jesus die ?
He died! to raise to life and joy
The vile, the guilty, the undone;
O let His praise each hour employé
Till hours no more their circles run !
He died l—ye seraphs, tune your songs,
Resound, resound the Smvroun’s name :
For nought below immortal tongues
Can ever reach the wond’rous theme.
“ Behold! now is the day of Salvation.” 2 Cor. vi. 2.
SALVATION! O the joyful soundl
What pleasure to our ears!
A sov’reign balm for ev’ry wound,
A cordial for our fears.
Salvation! let the echo fly
The spacious earth around;
While all the armies of the sky
Conspire to raise the sound.
Salvation ! O thou bleeding Lamb,
To Thee the praise belongs;
Salvation shall inspire our hearts,
And dwell upon our tongues.
PARTICULAR sessons. 131

“ It is Cnuls‘r that died—~uhoa/sn mnketh intercession for
us.” Rom. viii. 34.
THEY who to Thee themselves approve,
Must take the path Thy word hath show’d,
Justice pursue, and mercy love,
And humbly walk by faith in Gon.
But though my life henceforth be Thine,
Present for past can ne’er atone ;
Though I to Thee the whole resign,
I only give Thee back Thine own.
What have I then wherein to trust ?
I nothing have ;—I nothing am ;
Excluded is my every boast,
My glory swallowed up in shame.
Guilty before Thy face I stand,—
But Jesus died upon the tree ;
Spare then the judgments of Thy hand ;
And let His blood now plead for me.

“ I, if lam lifted up, shall draw all men unto me."
John xii. 32.
ComE, ye guilty heirs of Adam,
Stay not for another hour;
Jesus waiting stands to save you,
Full of pity, full of pow’r:
He is able,
He is willing : doubt no more.
2 Let not conscience make you linger,
Nor of fitness fondly dream ;
All the fitness He requireth
Is to feel your need of Him ;
This He gives you :
"l‘is His Spirit’s rising beam.
132 HYMN! FoB.

3 Agonizing in the garden,

On the ground Messiah lies :
— On the awful tree behold him !
Hear Him cry before He dies,
“ It is finish’d !"
Sinner, will not this suflice ?
4 Lo! our mighty Gon ascended,
Pleads the merit of His blood :
Venture on Him, venture wholly,
Let no other trust intrude :
None but Jesus
Can do helpless sinners good.

QEastzr iBap.
“ The Loan is risen indeed.” Luke xxiv. 34.
Jesus Cmusr is risen today—Hallelujah !
Our triumphant holy day‘l—‘Hallelujah!
Who so freely on the cross—Hallelujah !
Suffered to redeem our loss—Hallelujah !
Sinners! see your ransom paid,—Hallelujnh !
Peace with Go1) for ever 1nade,—Hallelujah !
With your risen SAVlOUR rise ;—Hullelujah 1
Claim with Him the purchas’d skies—Hallelujah !
By the pains which He endured—Hallelujah !
Our salvation He secured—Hallelujah !
Now He reigns above the sky~Hallelujalz !
Where the angels ever cry—Hallelujah !
“ This Jesus hath Gon raised up, whereof we all are
witnesses.” Acts ii. 32.
Bnesr morning! whose first dawning rays
Beheld‘the Son or Gon
Arise triumphant from the grave,
And leave His dark abode.
PARTICULAR srzssons. 133

2 Wrapt in the silence of the tomb

The great Redeemer lay,
Till the revolving skies had brought
The third, th’ appointed day.
*3 Hell and the grave combin’d their force
To hold our Loan in vain ;
Sudden the Conqueror arose,
And burst their feeble chain.
4 To Thy great name, Almighty Loan,
We sacred honours pay ;
And loud hosannahs shall proclaim
The triumphs of the day.
“ Come see the place where the Loan lay." Mat. xxviii. 6.
COME, ye saints, look here and wonder;
See the place where Jesus lay :
He has burst His bands asunder ;
He has borne our sins away.
Joyful tidings !
Yes, the Loan is ris’n to-day.
JeSUS triumphs! countless legions
Come from heav’n to meet their King !
Soon in yonder blessed regions
They shall join His praise to sing.
Songs eternal,
Shall through heav’n’s high arches ring.
“ As Cnmsr was raised up,d;c.” Rom. vi. 4.
Camsr the Loan is ris'n to-day, Hal.
Sons of men and angels say:
Raise your songs and triumphs high ;
Sing ye heavens, and earth reply.
Soar we now where Cmusr hath led,
After our exalted Head:
Made like Him, like Him we rise;
Our’s the cross, the grave, the skies.
134 infants roe

King of glory, source of bliss,

Everlasting life is this,—
Thee to know, Tby pow’r to prove,
Thee to praise, and Thee to love.
“ Behold the place where they laid Him." Mark xvi. 6.
Ye humble souls that seek the Loan,
Chase all your fears away;
And bow with pleasure down to see
The place where Jesus lay.
2 Thus low the Loan of life was brought ;
Such wonders love can do !
Thus cold in death that bosom lay ;
Which throbb’d and bled for you.
3 High o’er th’ angelic bands He rears
His once dishonour’d head ;
And through unnumber’d years He reigns,—
Who dwelt among the dead.
4 With joy like His shall every saint
His empty tomb survey ;
Then rise with his ascending Loan
To realms of endless day.
“ Reckan yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive unta
Gon, dye." Rom vi. 11.
He that is dead feels no desires
To sublunary toys ;
Alike to ev’ry sin should die
Our wishes and our joys.
Thus from iniquity set free
Henceforth we live to Heav’n,
Love, honour and obey our Gon,
Accepted and forgiv’n.
To aid us in this life divine
On Jesus we rely:
Th’ ‘unbounded fulness of His grace
Vlill all our wants supply.

He is our great Example too,

To lead our souls to Gon :
O let us live as He has liv’d,
And trace the paths He trod.
“ Now is CHRIST risen from the dead, 8w." 1 Cor. xv. 20.
U PRISING from the darksome tomb,
See the victorious Jesus come !
Th’ Almighty Pris’ner quits the pris’n :
And angels tell the Loan is ris’n.
Angels, angels, angels, angels, angels, tell the Lord
1s ris i1.
Your Surety, thus releas’d by Gon,
Pleads the rich ransom of His blood ;
No new demand, no bar remains ;
But mercy now triumphant reigns.
Mercy, mercy, &c.
Believers, hail your rising Head ;
The first begotten from the dead:
Your resurrection’s sure through His,
To endless life and boundless bliss.
Endless, endless, &c.
" The Loan or GLoRY.” 1 Cor, ii. 8 5 and Psalm :utiv~
OUR Loan is risen from the dead:
Our Jesus is gone up on high :
The pow’rs ofhell are captive led,
Dragg’d to the portals of the sky.
2 There His triumphal chariot waits,
And angels chant the solemn lay ;—
“ Lift up your heads, ye heav’nly gates,
Ye everlasting doors, give way.”
3 Loose all your bars of massy light,
And wide unfold th’ ethereal scene ;
He claims these mansions as His right ;—
Receive the King of glory in.
136 mmns roa

4 “ Who is the King ofglory,—who ?"

The Loan that all His foes o’ercame ;
The world, sin, death and hell o’erthrew ;
And JEsuS is the Conqu’ror’s name.
5 Lo! His triuinphal chariot waits,
And angels chant the solemn lay ;—
“ Lift up your heads, ye heav’nly gates,
Ye everlasting doors give way.”
6 “ Who is the King of glory,—who ‘.P"
The Loan of glorious pow’r posess’d,
The King of saints and angels too,-
Gon over all, for ever blest !

fisunsion Eap.
“ Thou -has! ascended on high, dye." Psalm lxviii. 18.
Jesus, our triumphant head, Hal.
Ris’n victorious from the dead,
To the realms of glor ’s gone,
To ascend His rightful throne.
Hail, Thou great, Thou worthy Loan;
Holy Lamb, incarnate Word!
Hail, Thou sufFring Son of Gon !
Take the trophies of Thy blood.
" We see Jesus crowned with gln-ry and homun- !"
Heb. ii. 9.
Wnnnce those unusual bursts of joy,
Whose sound through heaven rings?
They welcome Jesus to the sky,
And crown Him—King of kings.
2 At sight of Him, yon serapbs bright
V ‘ Exulting clap their wings ;
lhey hail their LoRn with new delight,
And crown Him—King of kings.
PARTICI‘LAR sessons. 137 '

3 Look up ye saints ; and while ye gaze,

Forget all earthly things;
Unite to sing the SAvroun’s praise,
And crown Him—King of kings.
4 Vi’hile here, He bore our sin and shame;
From this our comfort springs ;
"l‘is meet we should exalt His name,
And crown Him—King of kings.
5 We hope, ere long, beyond these clouds
To tune celestial strings,
And join with heaven’s exulting crowds
To crown Him—King of kings.

" He was parted from them and carried up into heaven."
Luke xxiv. 51.
"AIL the day that saw Him rise,—- Hallelujah I
Glorious to His native skies z—Hallelujah!
Cnnrsr, awhile to mortals giv’n—Hallelujah !
Enters now the highest heav’n :—Hallelujah !
O! though parted from our sight,—Hallelujah !
Far above yon azure height,—Hallelujah !
Grant our hearts may thither rise—Hallelujah!
Seeking Thee above the skies—Hallelujah !

" Thou hast led captivity captive.” Psalm lxviii- l8.
Hossnns to the Prince oflight
That cloth’d Himself in clay,
Enter’d the iron gates of death,
And tore the bars away !
2 Death is no more the king‘ of dread,
Since our Immanuel rose ;
He took the tyrant’s sting away,
And spoil’d His people’s foes.
138 HYMNS ron

3 See how the Conqu’ror mounts aloft,

And to his Father flies,
With wounds of glory in His flesh,
And triumph in His eyes.
4 Raise your devotion, mortal tongues,
To reach His hlest abode :
Sweet be the accents of our songs
To our incarnate Gon !
" Goo hath highly exalted Him, dm.” Phil. ii. 9.
GLORY, glory to our King!
Crowns unfading wreathe His head !
Jesus is the name we sing—
JEsus risen from the dead ;
Jesus, Victor o’er the grave ;
Jesus in His might to save.
Now behold Him high enthron’d!
Glory beaming from His face !
By adoring angels own’d
Gon of holiness and grace !
O for hearts and tongues to sing
Glory, glory to our King!
" A cloud received Him out of their sight.” Acts i. 9.
Tan heavens their wide portals unfold,
The Saviour ascends to the throne :
Him seated in glory behold!
The kingdoms He claims for His own :
His followers with joy and surprise,
All eagerness—gaze on His flight
In a cloud, as He mounts to the skies,
Till hid with eti‘ulgence of light.
Forerunner, now enter’d for me,
The mansions of bliss to prepare,
R3186 up my affections to Thee.
Take me to ’l‘hy keeping and care :
mn’ncumn smsons. 139

Prepare me for this blest abode,

Still looking to Thee as I run;
"reach my feet to ascend the bright road :
And finish what thou hast begun.

“ Whither the Forerunner isfm‘ It3 entered, dYc."
Heb. vi. 20.
T ma SAVIOUR to glory is gone ;
His sufferings and sorrows are past ;
‘His work is completed and done,
And shall to eternity last.
Expecting from Him to receive
All fulness of glory and grace;
Rcjoicing in hope we believe,—
liis promises thankful embrace.
Our KING shall protect us from harm,
Our AnVOCATE make our plea good,
()ur SHEPHEan will bear in His arm
The sheep which He bought with His blood.
Our Pnommr will point out the way
Which leads to the mansions above ;
Our PRws: all our ransom shall pay,—
Our Fmenn of unchangeable love.
“ He is able to save unto ’the uttermnst—seeing He ever
tiveth. Ike.” Heb. vii. ‘2,5.
HAIL Son o1‘ Gon! the op’ning grave
Proclaims ’l‘hy power divine ;
Thou to the uttennost can’st save,
We know ;-for we are Thine.
Rescued by Thee from wrath to come,
The ransom Thou hast paid :
The battle fought, the victory won ;
On Thee our help is laid.
140 nnms roa

“ I go to prepare a place for you." John xiv. 2.-
REJOICE ye shining worlds on high !
Behold the King of glo nigh l
Who can this King of g ory be ?—
The mighty Loan, the SAVIOUB H e.
Rais’d from the dead He goes before,
He opens heaven’s eternal door,
To give His saints a bless’d abode
Near their Redeemer and their Gon.
" Sit Tlwu at my right hand until, dye.” Psalm ex. 1.
Lo! the Loan, the mighty SAvroun,
Quits the grave, the throne to claim ;
Object of His endless favour,
Gon o’er all exalts His name :
Those who hate llim
Cloth’d with everlasting shame.
Gon, His Servant lifts to glory,
Bids him all His honours share ;
Now, JenoVAH, we adore Thee,
And Thy righteousness declare :
Endless praises
Shall His ransom’d church prepare.
“ CHRIST is entered into heaven itself, dye." Heb. ix. 24.
To heavenly mansions bright and fair,
Thou, Loan, art risen before ;
A home, a rest, Thou wilt prepare,
And we shall faint no more.
How bright, O Thou that hearest pray’r,
How mild Thy mercies shine !
A brother’s love, a father’s care,
But ill resemble Thine.
I ‘ PARTICULAR sessons. 141


“ If Idepart, I will send Him unto you.” John xvi. 7.
Jesus is gone up on high,
But His promise still is here,
“ I will‘all your wants supply ;
I will send the Comforter."
2 Let us now His promise plead,
Let us to His throne draw nigh;
JEsuS knows His people’s need,—
JEsuS hears llis people’s cry.
3 Who can boast a lot like their’s,
Whom the Loan vouchsafes to own ?
Jesus listens to their prayers ;
What they ask in faith is done.
4 SAVIOUB, this is our request,
On us make Thy face to shine ;
Grant us this,—and for the rest,
All is ours, when we are Thine.
5 Send us, Loan, the Comforter,
Pledge and witness of Thy love,
Dwelling with Thy people here,
Leading them to joys above.
6 Till we reach the promis’d rest,
Till Thy face unveil’d we see,
Of this blessed hope possess’d,— ‘
Teach us, Loan, to live to Thee.

" I overcame, and am set down _with my Father in His
throne." Kev. Ill. 2i.
Now for a tune of lofty praise
To great JsaovAH’s equal Son !
Awake, my voice, in heav’nly lays;
Tell the loud wonders He hath done.
142 uYMns Foa

2 Sing how He left the worlds of light, ’

And the bright robes He wore above
How swift. and joyful was His flight,
On wings of everlasting love.
3 Deep in the shades of gloomy death
Th’ Almighty Captive pris’ner lay:—
Th’ Almighty Captive left the earth,
And rose to everlasting day.
4 Amongsta thousand harps and songs
J esus the Gon exalted reigns ;
His sacred name fills all their tongues,
And echoes through the heav’nly plains l

“ When the Comronrea is come, whom- I will send unto
you from the Father, liye." Jo‘hn xv. 16.

COME, HOLY Guosr, eternal Gon,

Proceeding from above,
Both from the FATHER. and the Son,
The Gon of peace and love.
Thou art the very Comforter
In grief and all distress—
The heavenly gift of Gon most high,
Which no tongue can express.
Grant us, O Loan, through ’l‘hee to know
The Father of all might,—
‘That of His dear beloved Son
We may attain the sight ;—
And that we may with perfect faith
Ever acknowledge Thee,
The Spirit of them both,-alway
Ona Gon in Persons three.

" (lame, O Breath and breathe upon these slain."
Ezek. xxxvii. 9.
O SPIRIT of the living Gon l
In all Thy plenitude of grace,
Where’er the foot of man hath trod,
Descend upon our fallen race.
2 Give tongues of fire and hearts of love,
To preach the reconciling word ;
Give pow’r and unction from above,
Where’er the joyful sound is heard.
3 O Spirit of the Loan, prepare
All this lost world her Gon to meet ;
Breathe Thou abroad, like morning air,
Till hearts of stone begin to beat.
4 Baptize the nations :—Far and high
The triumphs of the Cross record :
The name of JEsuS glorify ;
Till every kindred call Him Loan.

“ Awake O nnrth wind, 8ye.” Song of So1. iv. 16.
COME, gracious Spirit, heav’nly Dove,
With light and comfort from above ;
Be Thou our guardian, Thou our guide ;
O’er ev’ry thought and step preside.
Lead us to holiness, the road
That we must take to dwell with Go!i ;
Lead us to Christ, the living way ;
Nor let us from His pastures stray.
Lead us to Gon our final rest,
In His enjoyment to be bless’d;
Lead us to heav’n the seat of bliss,
Where pleasure in perfection is.
144 IIYMNS ron

" Come thou south wiml ; blow upnn my gardelhdgc."
Song of Sol. iv. l6.
COME, Thou soul-transforming Spirit,
Bless the sower and the seed;
Lct each heart Thy grace inherit,
Raise the weak, the hungry feed !
From the Gospel
Now supply Thy people’s need.
0 may all enjoy the blessing
Which Thy word’s design’d to give !
Let us all, Thy love possessing,
Joyfully the truth receive ;
And for ever
To Thy praise and glory live.
" GOn hath not given us the Spirit offeur, but of power
und nf love and. nfn sound mind." 2 Tim i. 7.
Corvus, HOLY Gnosr, our souls inspire,
And warm with uncreated fire !
Thou the anointing Spirit art,
Who dost Thy sevenfold gifts impart :
Thy blessed unction from above,
Is comfort, life, and fire oflove.
“ The [one of Gon is shed abroad in our hearts by the
Houl Guosr." Rom. v. 5.
COME, Holy Spirit, heav’nly Dove,
With all Thy quick’ning pow’rs:
Kindle a flame of sacred love
In these cold hearts of our‘s.
2 Look how we linger here below,
Fond of these earthly toys :
Our souls—how heavily they go,
To reach eternal joys.
PARTICULAR smsons. . 145

I 3 And shall we, LoRn, for ever live

At this poor dying rate?
Our love so faint, so cold to Thee ?
And Thine to us so great ?
4 Come, Holy Spirit, heav’nly Dove,
With all Thy quick‘ning powers :
Come shed abroad a Saviour’s love,—
And that shall kindle our’s.

“ Led by the Spirit.” Gal. v. 18.
Srmir of purity and love,
Descend with comfort from above ;
Be Thou our guardian, Thou our guide; _
O’er ev’ry thought and wish preside.
2 Lead us to own the pleasing sway
Of charity’s benignant ray ;
Lead us the wounds of life to heal,
And all another’s wrongs to feel.
3 Lead us to heav’n, those realms of peace,
Where all the heart pangs soon shall cease ;
Lead us to Cnmsr, our final rest,
In His enjoyment to be bless’d.

“ Where the Srmrr of the LORn is, there is liberty."
2 Cor. iii. 17.
Conn: Holy Spirit, come !
Let Thy bright beams arise;
Dispel the sorrow from our minds,
The darkness from our eyes.
2 Convince us all of sin;
Then lead us‘ to the LoRn;
And to our wondering view reveal
The mercies of Thy word.
146 - m'mns roi:

3 Revive our drooping faith,

Our doubts and fears remove ;
And kindle in our breasts the flame
Of never-dying love.
4 Dwell Thou within our hearts;
Our minds from bondage free ;
So shall we know and praise and love
The FATHER, Son, and Tues.
“ The preparation ofthe heart in man is from the Loan.”
Prov. xvi. I.
COME Holy Spirit, calm my mind,
And fit me to approach my Gon;
Remove each vain, each worldly thought,
And lead me to Thy bless’d abode.
2 Impress upon my wand’ring heart
The love that CHRIST for sinners bore;
And give a new, a contrite heart,
A heart the SAVIOUR to adore.
3 A brighter faith and hope impart,
And let me now the SAVIOUR see;
Oh ! soothe and cheer my burden’d heart,
And bid my spirit rest in Thee. ’
“ He shall glorify me." John xvi. 14.
Smart of Gon and glory, send
Thine influence from above;
Reveal in us the sinner’s Friend,
And shed abroad His love.
2 Direct our hearts with pow’r divine,
To know His Father’s grace ;
And open all His great design
To save our wretched race.
3 Of things unseen the witness give ;
Rejoicing in Thy light,
May we in hope’s assurance live,
By faith, and not by sight :

4 To suffer, or to serve our Loan,

With patience persevere :
Till we, according to His word,
With Him in heav’n appear.
" I will pour out my Srmzr upon nllflesh." Joel ii. 28.
A FEW from ev’ry land
At first to Salem came ;
And saw the wonders of Thy hand,
And saw the tongues of flame.
2 From thence Thy heralds ran
To earth’s remotest bound;
And made Thy glorious mercy known,
And spread the joyful sound.
3 Yet still we wait the end,
The coming of our Loan—
The full accomplishment attend,
Of Tby prophetic word.
4 Thy promise deeper lies
In unexhausted grace; .
And new discover’d worlds arise
To sing their Saviour’s praise.
“ In those days will Ipour out my Spun-r." Joel ii. 29.
En’nmon’n on high, Almighty Loan,
Thy Holy Ghost send down ;
Fulfil in us Thy faithful word,
And all Thy mercies crown.
2 Spirit of life and light and love,
Thy heavenly influence give,
Quicken our souls, born from above,
In Cnmsr that we may live.
3 To our benighted minds reveal
The glories of His grace,
And bring us where no clouds conceal
The brightness of His face.
a 2
148 means Fon

" Of His fulneu have all we received, and ‘grace for
grace." John i. 16.

Foun’mm of comfort and of love,

Thy streams,--how free they flow !
Whilst wat‘ring all the world above,
They visit us below!
2 From Cnnisr the Head what grace descends
To cherish ev’ry part!
He shares His joys with all His friends,
For all have shar’d His heart.
3 What though the sorrows here they feel
Are manifold and great,— -
He brings new consolations still,
As various and as sweet.
4 He shews our num’rous sins forgiv’n,
And shews our cov’nant Gon ;
He witnesseth our right to heav’n—
The purchase of Cmnsr’s blood.
“ He will convince the world of sin and of righteousness,
8gc.” John xvi. 8.
ETERNAL Spirit! we confess,
And sing the wonders of Thy grace :
\ Thy pow’r conveys our blessings down
From Gon the Father and the Son.
2 Enlighten’d by Thine heav’nly ray,
Our shades and darkness turn to day ;
’I‘hiue inward teachings make us know
Our danger, and our refuge too.
3 The troubled conscience knows Thy voice ;
Thy cheering words awake our joys :
Thy words allay the stormy wind,
And calm the surges of the mind.

“ The love of the Srnur." Rom. xv. 30.
THE love of the Spirit we sing
By whom is redemption applied ;
Who sinners to Jesus- can bring,
And make them His mystical bride.
He opens the eyes of the blind,
The beauty of Jesus to view;
He changes the bent of the mind,
The glory of Gon to pursue.
Impressing the image divine,
The soul to redemption He seals;
And each with the SAVIOUB. shall shine,
When glory complete He reveals.
How constant Thy love we believe,
Which stedt‘ast endures to the end :—
Then never, our souls, may we grieve
So loving—so holy a Friend.

“Born of the SPIRIT.” John iii. 5.
How helpless guilty nature lies,
Unconscious of its load!
The heart‘unchang’d can never rise
To happiness and Gon. ‘
2 Can anght beneath a power divine,
The stubborn will subdue ?
’Tis Thine, eternal Spirit, Thine,
To form the heart anew—
3 To chase the shades of night away,
And bid the sinner live:
A beam of heaven, a vital ray,
"l‘is Thine alone to give.

150 mums ron

firim’tp 51i11111111.
‘ HYMN CXCII. P. M. 7’s.
“ There are three that bear record in heaven, and then three
are one.” I John v. 7.
Fsrm-m, Son, and Holy Ghost,
One in Three, and Three in One;
As by the celestial host,
Let Thy will on earth be done;
Praise by all to Thee be giv’n,
Glorious Loan of earth and heaven.
2 If so poor a worm as I
May to Thy great glory live,
All mine actions sanctify,
All_ my thoughts and words receive ;
Claim me for ’I‘hy service—claim
All I have, and all I am.
3 Take my soul and body’s powers,
Take my memory, mind and will,
All my goods, and all my hours,
All I know, and all I feel,
All I think, and speak, and do ;
Take my heart,—and make it new.
" What is His name, and what is His Son’: name .7"
Prov. xxx. 4.
BLI-zss’n be the FATHER and His love!
To whose celestial source we owe
Rivers of endless joys above,
And rills of comfort here below.
2 Glory to Thee, great Son or Gon !
Forth from whose wounded body rolls
A precious stream of vital blood—
Pardon and life for dying souls.
3 We give the sacred SPIRIT praise,
Who in our hearts of sin and woe,
Makes living streams of grace arise,
And into boundless glory flow.
PARTICULAR sessons. 151

" The Name of the FATHER andofthe Son and nfthe HOLY
Gnosr ‘.” Matt, xxVlll. 19.
O FATHER of heav’n ! be ever ador’d !
Thy mercy we find, in sending our Loan,
To ransom and bless us; Thy goodness we praise,
For sending in Jesus salvation by grace.
2 O Son of His love ! who deigned’st to die,
Our curse to remove, our pardon to buy,
Accept our thanksgivings, Almighty to save !
Who openest heaven to all that believe.
3 O Spirit of love, of health, and of pow’r !
Thy working we prove, Thy grace we adore ;
Whose inward revealing applies our Loan’s blood,
Attesting and sealing us children of Gon.
“ Through HIM we both have access by one SPIRIT unto the
Fn‘usn." Eph. ii. 18.
FATHER, to Thee my soul I lift ;
My soul on Thee depends ;
Convinc’d that ev’ry perfect gift ‘
From Thee alone descends.
Mercy and grace are Thine alone,
And pow’r and wisdom too ;
Without the Spirit of Thy Son
We nothing good can do.
From Thee through JEsuS we receive
Power on Thee to call :
In Thee we are and move and live ;
Our Go]: is all in all !
The meritorious cause I see—
That precious blood divine ; _
And I, since Jesus died for me,
Would live for ever Thine.
152 “nuns FOB

Sllhbmt 9unhag.
“ The Son OF MAN shall come in His glory, fiye."
Matt. xxv. 3l.
Gansr Gon, what do I see and hear l
The end of things created !
The Judge of mankind doth appear,
On clouds of glory seated !
The trumpet sounds, the graves restore
The dead, which they contained before :
Prepare, my soul, to meet Him.‘
The dead in Christ shall first arise
‘ At the last trumpet’s sounding;
Caught up to meet Him in the skies,
With joy their Loan surrounding :
No gloomy fears their souls dismay ;
His presence sheds eternal day
O11 those prepar’d to meet Him.
Great Gon, what do I see and hear!
The end of things created!
The Judge of mankind doth appear,
On clouds of glory seated!
Low at His Cross, I view the day,
When heaven and earth shall pass away,
And thus prepare to meet Him.
“ The Loan Himself shall des‘cend from heaven with n
‘ shout, dye.” l’l‘hess- iv. l6.
Lo! He comes, with clouds descending,
Once for favour’d sinners slain ;
Thousand thousand saints attending,
Swell the triumph of His train‘:
Hallelujah! Gon appears, on earth to reign.
Now redemption, long expected,
See 1n all its pow’r appear!

All His saints, by man rejected,

Now shall meet Him in the air : -_
Hallelujah ! See the day of Gon appear.
The dear tokens of His passion,
Still His dazzling body bears;
Cause of endless exultation
To His ransom‘d worshippers: [scarsl
With what rapture, gaze we on those glorious
V“ The kingdoms of this world are became the kingdoms of
our Loan, 8;‘0.” Rev. :11. 15,
HALLELUJAH l—hark! the sound,
From the depths unto the skies,
Wakes above, beneath, around,
All creation’s harmonies :—
See Jehovah’s banner furl‘d,
Sheath’d His sword:--He speaks—’tis done.
And the kingdoms of this world
Are the kingdoms of His Son.
2 He shall reign from pole to pole,
With illimitable sway;
He shall reign, when like a scroll
Yonder heavens have passed away :
Then the end z—beneath l-lis rod,
Man’s last enemy shall fall;
Hallelujah ! CnnIST in Gon,
G0n in_CnRisr is all in all.
HYMN CXCIX. _P. M. 7’s.
“ So shall we ever be with the Loan.” 1 These. iv. 17.
l‘lsaK ! that shout of rapt’rous- joy,
Bursting forth from yonder cl0’ud :
J EsuS comes, and through the ‘sky,
. Angels tell their joy aloud :
See ! the Loan appears in view;
Heav’n and earth before Him fly :
Rise, ye saints ; He comes for you :
Rise to meet Him in the sky.
I54 _ nnms FOB

Go and dwell with Him above,

Where no foe can e’er molest ;
Happy in the SAvroun’s love!
Blessing and for ever bless’d !
" Prepare to meet thy Goo.” Amos iv. 12.
PREPARE me, gracious Gon,
To stand before Thy face ;
Thy Spirit must the work perform,
For it is all of grace.
2 In CanisT’s obedience clothe,
And wash me in His blood :
So shall I lift my head with joy
Among the sons of Gon.
3 Do Thou my sins subdue,
Thy sov’reign love make known ;
The spirit of my mind renew,
And save me in T h)‘ Son.
4 Let me attest Thy pow’r,
Let me Thy goodness prove;
And on my thirsting spirit show’r
Thy grace and peace and love.

H YMN CCI. P. M. 7’s.
“ The promisf is unto you, and to your childrem"
Acts 11. 39.
FATHER, SAVIOUB, Brother, Friend!
(Every tender name in one)—
Holy Jesus, now descend;
Perfect what Thou hast begun .;
PARTICULAR sessons. 155

Whom we now devote to G0n,

At a parent‘s hand receive ;
With the purifying flood,
Now the Holy Spirit give.
While on this dear infant’s head,
Falls the consecrated stream ;
On the rite Thy blessing shed,
With Thy blood the soul redeem !
Seal file grace upon the heart,
By baptismal water shewn : _ ’
While the symbol we impart,
May the saving work be done 1

“ Come let us join ourselves to the Loan in “perpetual
Covenant.” Jer. l. 0
Loo1: down, O Loan, and on our youth
Bestow Thy gifts of heavenly grace ;
And let the seed of sacred truth
Find in each mind a fruitful place.
2. Soon to appear before Thy sight,
Their vow and promise to renew ;
Prepare them for the solemn rite ;
Bid each his heart andlife review.
3 Lorin! teach them to remember Thee
Their great Creator, from their youth,
Advancing to maturity,
In years, in knowledge, grace and truth.
4 Now in the strength of power divine,
O may they all, with glad accord,
In holy covenant combine,
And join themselves to’Christ the Loan!
156 HYMNS roll

5 Thy sons and daughters may they be

Confirm’d and strengthen’d by Thy grace ;
And safe through life preserv’d by Thee,
In heaven behold Thee face to face !

Earh’s éuppzr.
HYMN com. 0 L. ‘M.
“ This cup is the New Testament in my blood, which is
shed for you.” Luke xxii. 20.
MY GOn, and is Thy table spread,
And doth Thy cup with love o’erflow ?
Thither be all Thy children led! ‘
And let them all ’l‘hy goodness know.
2 O let Thy table honour’d be,
And furnish’d well with joyful guests ;
May ev’ry soul salvation see,
Who here its sacred pledges tastes !
3 Revive Thy languid churches, Loan !
Bid all our drooping graces live ;
More of that energy afford
A SAVroun’s blood alone can give.

“ As often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do
shew the Loan’s death till he come." 1 (Jor. xi. 26.
In Jesus we live, in Jesus we rest,
And thankful receive His dying bequest ;
The cup of salvation His mercy bestows ;
And from His deep passion our happiness flows.
With mystical wine He comforts us here,
And gladly we join, till J EsuS appear,
:W1th hearty thanksgiving His death to record :—
l‘he living, the living should sing of the Lord.
PARTICULAR sessons. 157

“ Cams-r our Passover is sacrificed for us." I Cor. v. 7.
' THE truth of Israel’s Paschal lamb,
The spotless Lamb of Gon is slain :
The truth of that great mystic feast
To all Gon’s Israel doth remain.
Secure within our Refuge, Cunrsr,
And sprinkled with His precious blood, ‘
Let us in faith now feast on Him,
The great Psssover! of our Gon.
From leav’n free, let’s keep the feast,
Our eyes towards the promised land—
Loins girt, feet shod, and staff prepared,
In haste to move at Gon’s command—
On wings to leave this weary world—
From sin and sorrow to go free—
To follow Jssus into rest-—
For ever with the Loan to be.
There we shall ever sing the praise
Of Him whose blood our foes o’ercame;
And shout with all the ransom’d throng
Salvation to Immanuel’s name!
“ Discerning the Lono’s Body.” I Cor. xi. 29.
Tnrs is the day the Loan has made :
Rejoice, our souls, to see
. A royal table richly spread—
Prepared for such as we.
2 Come, and with princely robes be clad,—
The righteousness of Cums-‘r;
Come all unworthy and be made,
Each one a king and priest.
3 Welcome each mourner, welcome here :
Leave all thy cares behind;
Dismiss .thy doubts, cast off thy fear,
And consolation find.
158 mums roa

4 Believe thy Gon: believe His word,

His Spirit and His Son;
Only believe thy dying Loan,
And all the work is done.
" He shall take of mine rmd shall show it unto you."
John xvi. l5.
CoME, Holy Ghost! Thine influence shed,
And realize the sign;
Thy life infuse into the bread,
Thy pow’r into the wine.
2 Effectual let Thy tokens prove;
And made by heavenly art,
Fit channels prove, to shed ’l‘hy love
In each believing heart.
" This do in remembrance of me." Luke xxii. 19.
HAIL, Thou Bridegroom bruis’d to death !
Who hast the wine-press trod
Of th’ Almighty’s burning wrath :
Hail, slaughter’d Lamb of Goo!
Melt our hearts with love like Thine,
While we behold :I‘hee on the tree;
Sweetly mourning o’er each sign,
In memory of Thee.
2 Break, O break these hearts of stone,
By some endearing word;
Jesus, come : may ev‘ry one
Behold his suff‘ring Loan.
Th’ HOLY Gnosr into us breathe,
Help us to take, from doubtings free,
These dear tokens of Thy death,
In memory of Thee.
3 Thou, our great Melchisedec,
Bring’st forth Thy bread and wine ;
Thou hast wrought out for our sake,
A righteousness divine!

PARTICULAR smsoxs. 159

Send Thy blessing from above,

When worms partake, such worms as we,
These rich pledges of Thy love
In memory of Thee.
" Upon the first day of the week, the disciples came toge
ther to break bread.” Acts xx. 7.
GLoaY to Gon on high !
‘ Our peace is made with Heav’n :
The Son of Gon came down to die,
That sin might be forgiv’n.
Approach His royal board,
In His rich garments clad :
Join ev’ry tongue to praise the Loan;
And ev’ry heart be glad.
The Father gives the Son ;
The Son His flesh and blood;
The Spirit seals—and faith puts on
The righteousness of Gon.

QBueen’s fictzssicmf
" 1 elhOL‘t that first of all suppliuatious be made for
kings, éfc.” 1 Tim. ii. I, ‘2.

SOVEREIGN of all, whose will ordains

The powers on earth that be ;
By whom our Queen her throne maintains
Subject to none but Thee.
2 Lo ! in the arms of faith and prayer,
We hear her to ’l‘hy throne :
Make her ‘l‘hine own peculiar care,—
The Loan’s anointed one.

" NO‘I‘Er—V. also Hymn 346.

160 HYMN roa

3 Still let us pray and never cease,—

Defend her Loan, defend ;—
Stablish her throne in glorious peace,
And save her to the end.

50ml worship.

“ Where two or three are gathered together in my Name
there am I in the midst of them." Matt. xviii. 20.
Jesus, where’er Thy people meet,
There they behold Thy mercy seat;
Where‘er they seek Thee, Thou art found,
And ev’ry place is hallow’d ground.
Great Shepherd of Thy chosen few,
Thy former mercies here renew ;
Here to our waiting hearts proclaim
The glories of Thy saving name.
Here may we prove the power of prayer,
To strengthen faith, and sweeten care,—
To teach our faint desires to rise,
And bring all heaven before our eyes.

“ Then they that feared the Loan spake often one to
another, 8m." M al. iii. 16.
MAY He, by whose kind care we meet,
Send His good Spirit from above,
Make our communications sweet,
And cause our hearts to burn with love .'
Forgotten be each ‘worldly theme,
,hen Christians see each other thus !
Vt-e only wish to speak of Him
Who lived and died and reigns for us.
PARTICULAR sessons. 161

We’ll talk of all He did and said,

And suffer’d for us here below,
The path He mark’d for us to tread,
And what He’s doing for us now.
Thus, as the moments pass away,
We’ll love and wonder and adore,
And hasten on the glorious day,
When we shall meet to part no more.
V H YMN CCXIII. P. M. 7’ .
“ None shall make them afraid." Zep. iii. 13.
WELCOME, brethren, welcome hither,
In our SAvioun’s name we meet;
While we now remain together;
May our fellowship be sweet !
‘We will speak of things above :—
All our theme a SAvroun’s love.
Thanks to Him by whose permission
We can meet without alarm;
Free from human opposition,
Sav’d from ev’ry hostile arm :
Though our foes are all around,
Jesus makes our peace abound.
“ They are not of the world even as I am not of the world."
John xvii. 16. .
Swser and solemn be the season,
When the friends of Jesus meet !
Let the worldling boast his reason,
When he fills the scorner’s seat :
Heav’nly wisdom
Sends us to the SAvioua’s feet.
Time is precious; we’ll improve it ;
Worldliugs talk of worldl things—
Leave the world to those who love it,
’Tis not thence our comfort springs :
‘Jesus claims us:
Jesus is the King of kings.
n 3
16’2 nvmss FOR

Eltiumpbg of tljc @ospel.

"‘He hath done marvellous things." Psalm xcviii. l.
Jov to all the friends of Zion !
Joy to thousands, joy to us ! .
He whose promise we rely on,
Wondrous is, and wonders does ;
Praise our SAvroun !
Who revives His people thus.
Still the same, and doing wonders;
In the whirlwind—in the flame
In the storms and in the thunders,
In the still small voice the same ;
Sing with gladness :
Hallow’d be our SAvroun’s name !
What His arm has wrought already,
Shows us what His pow’r can do ;
Zealous in His cause and steady,
Let His people onward go;
Greater wonders yet will show.

“ His right hand and His hol arm hath gotten Him the
victory.” Psa m xcviii. l.
HARK! the sounds of gladness, -
From a distant shore ;
Like relief from sadness,—
Sadness, now no more :
‘Tis the Loan has done it,
He has won the day ;—
His own arm has won it,
Joyful, let us‘say.

Long the foe resisted,

Loath to yield his prey;
Ev’ry pow’r enlisted,
And maintain’d the day;
But his arm is shatter’d, ’
And the slaves are free;
All his force is scatter’d ;—
Glory, Loan, to Thee!

315111! of £iin‘ue 52141112.

“ Do all in the name of the Lono Jesus." Col. iii. 17.
ONCE Inore, before we part,
our song of praise shall flow ;
We met in JesuS’ name,
In Jesus’ name we’ll go.
Still on His holy word
We’ll live and feed and grow,
Goon to seek the Loan,
And practise what we know.
“ If Thy presence go not with us, take us not up hence.”
Exod. xxxiii. 15.
Loan, dismiss us with Thy blessing,
Fill our hearts withjoy and peace;
Let us, each Thy love possessing,
Triumph in redeeming grace ;
O refresh us,
Trav’lling through this wilderness,
2 Thanks we give and adoration
For Thy Gospel’s joythl sound;
Mayqthe fruits of Thy salvation
In our hearts and lives abound!
Ever faithful _
‘1‘o the truth may we be found!

3 So, whene’er the signal’s given

Us from earth to call away,
Borne on angels‘ wings to heaven,
Glad the summons to obey—
May we ever
Reign with Crnusr in endless day !
“ When they had sung an hymn they went out."
Man. xxvi. 30.
MAY the grace of Cnnrsr our SAVIOUR,
And the Fsrnsn’s boundless love,
With the HoLY Srmir’s favour,
Rest upon us from above !
Thus may we abide in union
With each other and the Loan ;
And possess, in sweet communion,
Joys, which earth cannot afford.

{Miscellaneous iépmus.
“ He will ever be mindful of His covenant." Psalm cxi. 5.
A neuroa to mercy alone,
Of covenant mercy I sing;
Nor fear, with Thy righteousness on,
My person and off ’rings to bring :
The terrors of law and of Gon
With me now have nothing to do;
My Saviour’s obedience and blood
Hide all my transgressions from view.
My name from the palms of His hands
Eternity will not erase;
lmpress‘d on His heart it remains,
In marks of indelible grace :

Yes! I to the end shall endure,

As sure as the earnest is giv’n ;
More happy, but not more secure,
The glorified spirits in heav’u.
“ I meditate on The: in the night watches."
Psalm lxiii. 6.
Arrucrron is a stormy deep,
. Where wave succeeds to wave;
Though o’er my head the billows roll;
I know the Loan can save.
2 The hand that now withholds my joys
Can yet restore my peace;
And He who bids the tempest roar,
Can bid the tempest cease.
3 In the dark watches of the night,
I’ll count His mercies o’er;
I’ll praise Him for ten thousand past,
And humbly beg for more.
4 On Hm I rest and build my hopes,
Nor murmur at His rod:
He’s more than all the world to me,—
My SAVIOUB. and my Gon.

“ The veil shall be taken away." 2 Cor. iii. 16.
An! who shall see the glorious day,
When thron’d on Zion’s brow,
The LoRn shall rend that veil away,
Which hides His glories now ?
When earth no more beneath the fear
Of His rebuke shall lie;
When pain shall cease, and every tear
Be wip’d from e'very eye.

Then, Judah, thou no more shalt mourn,

Beneath the heathen‘s chain;
Thy days of splendour shall return ;
And all be new again.
“ The grass withereth—but the Ward of the Loan en
(Iitreth for ever.” 1 Pet. i. 24_ ‘25.
ALL flesh as the grass is, o’er which the wind passes;
As a flow’r all man’s glory soon withers away :
But the Word faileth never; Gmfs glory lasts ever,
And the flow’r of His Gospel shall never decay.
O blessed are they,‘who this Word make their stay,
Who on Cnmsr’s everlasting blest Gospel de
pend; ‘
As a rock they stand sure, and shall ever endure,
For His Word like Himself conveys joy without
" Let all the angels of Goo worship Him." Heb. i. 6.
Am. glory belongs to Jesus alone,—
To Jesus, the Saviour, who sits on the Throne,—
To JEsuS whom angels and seraphs adore,—
To Jesus salvation ascribe evermore.‘
All wisdom and honour to Jesus belongs,—
Let Cnmsr have the plaudits of ten thousand
Yea, infinite numbers with joy shall proclaim
Through ages eternal His excellent name.
“ He is Lono or ALL." Acts x. 36.
Au. ‘hail the pow’r of Jesus name ! angels prostrate fall ;
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown Him Loan or 4i.1..

Ye chosen seed of Israel’s race,

lldeem’d from Satan‘s thrall ; _
Hail Him who saves you by His grace,
And crown llim Loan or ALL.
Let ev’ry kindred, ev’ry tribe,
On this terrestrial ball,
To Him all majesty ascribe,
And crown Him Loan or ALL
O that. with yonder sacred throng
We at His feet may fall !
We’ll join the everlasting song,
And crown Him Loan or ALL.
" I will take the stony heart out of their flesh."
Ezek. xi. l9. -
ALMIGHTY Gon of truth and love,
In me Thy power exert,
The mountain from my soul remove,
The hardness from my heart :
-My most obdurate heart subdue
In honour of Thy Son,
And now Thy gracious wonders shew,
And turn to flesh the stone.
~ I want a principle within
Of jealous, godly fear—
A sensibility of sin—
A pain to feel it near.
From Thee that I no more may part,
No more Thy goodness grieve,—
The filial awe, the contrite heart,
The tender conscience give.
" Life from the dead.” Rom. xi. l5.
ARM of the Loan, awake, awake!
Put on Thy strength; the nations shake ;
And let the world adoring see
Wonders of mercy wrought by Thee.

Let Zion’s time of favour come:

Q bring the tribes of Israel home : .‘
And let our wond’ring eyes behold
Gentiles and Jews in Jesus’ fold.
Almighty Gon, Thy grace proclaim
In every clirhe of every name ;
Let adverse pow’rs before Thee fall,
_ And crown the SAVIOUR Loan of all.

“ Look unto me and be ye saved, dye.” Isai. xlv. 22.
As the serpent rais’d by Moses
Heal’d the burning serpent’s bite ;
Jesus thus Himself discloses ‘
‘ To the wounded sinner’s sight:
Hear His gracious invitation,
“ I have life and peace to give,
I have wrought out full salvation !
Sinner, look to me and live.”
Blessed SAVIOUB, we adore Thee
For Thy precious life and death;
Melt each stubborn heart before Thee; _
Give us all the eye of faith.
From the law’s condemning sentence,
To Thy mercy we appeal:
Thou alone canst give repentance—
Thou alone our souls canst heal.

“ The rerompence of the reward.” Heb. xi. 26.
As when the weary trav’ller gains
The height of some o’erlooking hill,
His heart revives, if ’cross the plains
He eyes his home, though distant still.

2 Thus when the Christian pilgrim views

By faith, his mansion in the skies,
The sight his fainting strength renews,
And wings his speed to reach the prize.
3 ’Tis there, he says, I am to dwell
With Jesus in the realms of day ;
Then I shall bid my cares farewell;
And He shall wipe my tears away.
4 Jesus! on Thee our hope depends,
To lead us on to Thine abode ;
Assur’d our home will make amends
For all our toil while on the road.
“ Your Father knoweth what things ye have need of."
Matt. vi. 8.
Aurnoa of good ! we rest on Thee;
Thine ever watchful eye
Alone our real wants can see-—
Thy hand alone supply.
Oh ! let thy fear within us dwell—
Thy love our footsteps guide ;
That love, shall vainer loves expel,—
That fear, all fears beside.
Not what we wish, but what we want,
Let mercy still supply:
The good, nnask’d, let mercy grant ;-
The ill, though ask’d, deny.
“ They sing the song of Moses and the song of the
LAMB.” Rev. xv. 3.
AWAKE, and sing the song
Of Moses and the LAMB :
Wake ev’ry heart and ev’ry tongue,
To sing the SAvroon’s name.

170 mscnnnsnzous HYMNS.

Sing of His dying love ;

Sing of His rising pow’r ;
Sing how He intercedes above
For those whose sins He bore.
Sing till we feel our hearts
Ascending with our tongues;
Sing till the love of sin departs,
And grace inspires our songs. -
Soon shall we hear Him say,
“ Ye blessed children, come ;"
Soon shall He call us hence away,
And take His waud’rers home.

“ Cums-r is the end of the law for righteousness, d31;.”
Romans x. 4.
AWAKE my heart; arise my tongue;
Prepare a tuneful voice ;
In Gon, the life of all my joys,
Aloud will I rejoice.
For lest the shadow of a spot
Should on m soul be found,
He took the ro e the SAvroun wrought,
And cast it all around.
The Spirit wakes my faith and love,
And hope and every grace ;
But Jesus spent His life to work
The robe of righteousness.
" The loving kindness of the Loan." Psalm cvii. 43.
AWAKE, my soul, in joyful lays,
To sing thy great Redeemer’s praise;
He justly claims a song from me,—
His loving kindness, O how free!
mscsnunnous HYMNS. 171

Often I feel my sinful heart

Prone foam my SAVIOUR. to depart ;
But though I have Him oft forgot,—
His loving kindness changes not.
Soon shall I pass the gloomy vale;
Soon all my mortal powers must fail :
O may my last expiring breath,
His loving kindness sing in death !
Then let me mount and soar away,
To the bright world of endless day ;
And sing with rapture and surprise,
His loving kindness in the skies.
"' Ye have the pnor with you always; and whensocver ye
will, ye may do them good." Mark xiv. 7.
AWAKE my zeal, awake my love,
To serve my SAVIOUR here below,
In works which perfect saints above,
And holy angels cannot do.
2 Awake my charity, to feed
The hungry soul, and clothe the poor;
In heaven there are no sons of need,—
There, all these duties are no more.
3 Let ev’ry passing hour confess,
I gain the gospel fresh renown ;
And when my life and labour cease,
May I obtain the blood-bought crown !
“ Arwnke than that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and
Cams-r shall give thee light." Ephes. v. 14.
AWAKE, O sleeper! rise from death,
And Cmusr shall give thee light ;
Awake! arise ! and hear His voice,—
Or sleep in endless night !
i 2
172 Mrsceu.snnous uums.

2 Awake us, Loan, from death to life,

That we may hear Cumsr’s voice,
And that our ransomed souls in Him
May evermore rejoice.
3 Though in ourselves we guilty are,
All worthless and undone,
Yet O look reconcil’d on us
In Thy beloved Son.
4 Let that true Orb of righteousness
Shine on us with His rays—
Irradiate our benighted souls,
And lighten all our ways.
" Thou art my hiding place." Psalm xxxii. 7.
AWAKE, sweet harp of Judah, wake !
Retune thy strings for J Esus’ sake ;
We sing the SAVIOUR of our race,
The LAMB, our shield and hiding place.
2 "l‘is He, the LAMB, to whom we fly
While the dread tempest passes by;
Gon sees His well Beloved’s face,
And spares us in our hiding place.
3 Thus whilst we dwell on earth, we build
Our hope upon the LAMB our shield:
To Him though guilty, still we run ;
And Gon still spares us for His Son.
“ Mypresence shqlt go with thee." Exod. xxxiii. 14.
BE with me, Loan, where’er I go ;
Teach me what Thou would’st have me do ;.
Suggest whate’er I think or say ;
Direct me in the narrow way.
Prevent me lest I harbour pride,
Lest I in mine own strength confide ;
Shew me my weakness ; let me see
I have my power, my all, from Thee.

Enrich me ever with Thy love;

My kind protector always prove ;
Thy signet put upon my breast;
And let Thy Spirit on me rest.
0 may I never do my will,
But Thine, and only Thine fulfil!
Let all my time, and all my ways,
Be spent and ended to Thy praise l
_ “ Our light nflliction which is butfor a moment, dye."
Cor. iv. 17.
BecomE, unbelief; my SAvroua is near,
And for my relief will surely ap ear ;
By pray’r let me wrestle, and life will perform;
With Christ in the vessel, I smile at the storm.
How bitter that cup, no heart can conceive,
Which He drank quite up that sinners might live :
His way was much rougher and darker than mine ;
Did Jesus thus suffer, and shall I repine ?
Since all that I meet shall work for my good,—
The bitter is sweet, the med‘cine is food ;
Though painful at present, ‘twill cease before
And then, oh 1 how pleasant the conqueror’s song!
“ Ifye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye slwll
ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.”
John xv. 7.
Beuonn the throne of grace!
The promise calls me near ;
There Jesus shews a smiling face,
And waits to answer pray’r.
That rich atoning blood,
Which sprinkled round I see,
Provides for those who come to Gon,
An all-prevailing plea.

My soul, ask what thou wilt,

Thou canst not be too bold ;
Since His own blood for thee He spilt,
What else can He withhold ? .
Thine image, Loan, bestow,
Thy presence and ‘l‘hy love;
I ask to serve Thee here below,
And reign with Thee above.
Teach me to live by faith,
Conform my will to Thine ;
Let me victorious be in death,
And then in glory shine.
“ I will never leave thee mn- forsake thee." Heb. xiii. 5.
Beser with snares on ev’ry hand,
In life’s uncertain path we stand :
SAVIOUR divine, dilfu‘se Thy light,
To guide our doubtful footsteps right.
2 Engage each weak and erring heart,
Early to choose the better part-—
To yield the trifles ofa day,
For joys that never fade away
3 Then, should the wildest storms arise,
And tempests mingle earth and skies,
No fatal shipwreck shall we fear,
But all our treasures with us hear.
4 If Thou, our SAVroua, still art nigh,
Cheerful we live, and cheerful die;
Secure, when human comforts flee,
To find ten thousand worlds in Thee l-
" He that trusteth in his own heart is u fool."
Prov. xxviii. 26.
Bswsnn of Peter’s word,
Nor confidently say,
“ 1 never will deny Thee, Loan,"
But “ Grant I never may.”
Mrscsuhmsous HYMNS. 175

Mania wisdom is to seek

His strength in Gon alone ;
And e’en an angel would be weak,
Who trusted in his own.
“ All my springs are in Thee.” Psalm lxxxvii. 7.
BLESS the Loan, my soul, and raise
A glad and grateful song
To the great Redeemer’s praise;
For I to Him belong.
Thou reviv’st me by Thy death ;
’l‘hy blood from guilt has set me free;
My fresh springs o hope and faith
And love, are all in Thee.
" Blessed are the poor in spirit, d(c.” Matt. v. 3-10.
BLess’n are the men of broken heart,
Who mourn for sin with inward smart;
The blood of CHRIST divinely flows,
A healing balm for all their woes.
Bless’d are the souls that thirst for grace,
Hunger and long for righteousness; ‘
They shall be well supplied, and fed
With living streams and living bread.
Bless’d are the men of peaceful life,
Who quench the coals of growing strife ;
They shall be_ call’d the heirs of bliss,
The sons of Gon—the Gon of peace.
Bless’d are the sulf’rers who partake
Of pain and shame for Jusus’ sake;
Their souls shall triumph in the Loan;
Glory and joy are their reward.
“ Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound."
‘ Psalm lxxxix. l5.
Bness’n are the souls that hear and know
The gospel’s joyful sound ;

Peace shall attend the paths they go,

And light their steps surround.
Their joy shall bear their spirits up,
Through their Redeemer’s name ;
His righteousness exalts their hope ;
Nor Satan dares condemn.
The Loan, our glory and defence,
Strength and salvation gives ;
Israel, Thy King for ever reigns,—
Thy Gon for ever lives.
HYMN CCXLV. P. M. 7’s.
“ Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed
upon us, that we should be called the sons of GOD."
I John iii. I.
BLESSEn are the sons of G0i) !
They are bought with Jesu’s blood;
They are ransom’d from the grave;
Life eternal they shall have :
With them number’d may we be,
Now, and through eternity !
They are justified by grace;
They enjoy a solid peace ;
. All their sins are wash’d away ;
They shall stand in Gon’s great day :
With them, 81c.
They produce the fruits of grace
Inthe works of righteousness;
Born of Gon, they hate allsin,
And resist the foe within :
With them, 820.
“ Goo so loved the world that He gave his only-begotten
Son, d3t.” John iii. 16.
BLess’n be the wisdom and the pow’r,
The justice and the grace,
Thal- loin’d in council to restore,
And save our ruin‘d race !

Bless’d be the Loan that sent His Son

To take our flesh and blood!
He for our lives gave up His own,
To make our peace with Gon.
He honour’d all His Father’s laws,
Which we have disobey’d;
He bore our sins upon the cross,
And our full ransom paid.
_ " He giveth to all life and hreath and all things.” Acts
xvu. 25.
BLESSEn be Thy name for ever!
Thou of life the guard and giver;
Thou canst guard Thy creatures sleeping—
Heal the heart long broke with weeping.
Gon ofstillness and ofmotion,
Of the desert and the ocean,
Of the mountain, rock, and river,—
Blessed be Thy name for ever !
“ A light to lighten the Gentiles.” Luke ii. 32.
Bounnnsss glory, Loan, be Thine !
Thou hast made the darkness shine ;
Thou hast sent a cheering ray;
Thou hast turn’d our night to day.
Guide us, Ssvroua, through the road ;
’l‘ill we reach Thy blest abode—
rl‘ill we see Thee thron’d above,
As Thou art,_the Gon o1‘ LOVE.
“ Mine eyes fail for Thy word, saying, when wilt Thou.
comfort me?” Psalm cxix. 82.
BREATHE from the gentle south, O LoRn,
And cheer me from the north;
Blow on the treasures of Thy word,
And call the spices forth !


I seem forsaken and alone,—

I hear the lion roar;
And ev’ry door is shut but one,
And that is mercy’s door.
There, till the great Deliv’rer come,
I’ll wait with humble pray’r ;
And when He calls His exile home,
The LoRn shall find me there.
HYMN CCL. P. M. 7’s.
“ He was carried up into heaven, and they worshipped
Him." Luke xxiv. til, 52.
Bimrnrmn, let us join to bless
JEsuS Cmusr, our joy and peace;
Let our praise to Him be giv’n,
High at Gon’s right hand in heav’n.
We Thy ransomed flock adore
’l‘hee the Loan for evermore :
Ever to us show Thy love,
’l‘ill we join ’l‘hy hosts above.
HYMN CCLI. P. M. 7’s.
“ Spare ’l‘hy people, dye." Joel ii. 17.
BY Thy birth and early years;
By Thy griefs and sighs and tears ;
By Thy fasting and distress
In the lonely wilderness ;
By Thy conquest in the hour
Ofthe subtle tempter’s power;
Jesus, look with pitying eye,—
Hear and spare us when we cry.
By Thy passion,- cross, and cries ;
By Thy perfect sacrifice;
By ‘l‘hy power from death to save ;
By Thy triumph o’er the grave ;
Jesus, Ssvrous. of the lost,
Giver of the Holy Ghost,
Look on us with pitying eye,—
Hear and spare us when we cry.

HYMN CCLII. P. M. 7’e.

" We shall be saved by His life.” Rom. v. 10.
BY the blood that from the side
Flowed of Thee the Crucified;
By the vaultwhose dark abode
Held in vain the rising Gon ;
O ! from earth to heaven restored,
Mighty, re-ascended Loam—
Listen, listen to the cry
Of our solemn litany.
HYMN CCLlII. P. M. 7’;
" Increase our faith.” Luke xvii- 5
CALMER of my troubled heart,
Bid my unbelief depart ;
Speak, and all my sorrows cease,—
Speak, and all my soul is peaee.
Comfort me whene’er I mourn,
With the hope of Thy return ;
And till I Thy glory see,
Bid me still believe in Thee.
“ Arise 0 Gon, plead Thine own cause." Psalm lxxiv. 22
CAPTAIN of Thine enlisted host,
Display Thy glorious banner high ;
The summons send from coast to coast,
And call a num’rous army nigh.
2 A solemn jubilee proclaim;
Proclaim the great sabbatic day;
Assert the glories of Thy name ;
Spoil Satan of his wish‘d-for prey.
3 Bid,-bid ’l‘hy heralds publish loud
The peaceful blessings of Thy reign ;
And when they speak of sprinkling blood,
The myst’ry to the heart explain.
180 MrscELLANsous IIYMNS.

4 Plead Thine own cause, and for us fight ;

The travail of Thy soul regain;
Before the blind make darkness light,
And crooked paths do Thou make plain.
“ Cnsusr is all.” Col. iii. ]1.
Come, heav’nly love, inspire my song
With thine immortal flame;
And teach my heart and teach my tongue
The SAviouB’s precious Name.
The Ssvroun! O what endless charms
Dwell in the blissful sound!
Its influence ev’ry fear disarms,
And spreads sweet comfort round.
O the rich depths of love divine !
O bliss in boundless store 1
Jesus my Loan, if Thou art mine,—
I cannot wish for more.
On Thee alone my hope relies,
Beneath Thy Cross I fall;
My Loan, my life, my sacrifice,
My SAVIOUR, and my all.
“ Worthy is the LAMB that was slain.” Rev. v. l2.
COMa let us join our cheerful songs
With angels round the throne ;
Ten thousand thousand are their tongues,—
But all their joys are one.
Worthy the LAMB that died, they cry,
To be exalted thus:
Worthy the LAMB, our lips reply,
For He was slain for us.
Jesus is worthy to receive
Honour and pow’r divine;
And blessings more than we can give,
Be» Loan, for ever thine !

The whole creation join in one,

To bless the sacred name
Of Him that sits upon the throne,
And to adore the LAMB.
" The whole family in heaven and earth." Eph. iii. 15.
LET saints below in concert sing
With those to glory gone;
For all the servants of our King
In heav’n and earth are one.
One family, we dwell in Him—
One church above, beneath;
Though now divided by the stream—
The narrow stream of death.
One army of the living Gon,
To His command we bow ;
Part of the host have cross’d the flood,
And part are crossing now.
O Jesus, be our constant Guide!
Then, when the word is giv’n,
Bid Jordan’s narrow stream divide,
And land us safe in heav’n.
“ Thou hast avouched the Loan this day to be thy Gon !"
Deut. xxvi. l7, 18.
Come, let us use the grace divine,
And all with one accord,
In a perpetual covenant join
Our hearts to Cnmsr the Loan—
2 Give up ourselves, through J ssus’ pow’r,
His name to glorify :
And promise in this sacred hour
For Gon to live and die.
3 Thee, FATHER, Son, and Hon! Guosr,
Let all our hearts receive!
Ador’d by the celestial host,
Thy Church on earth relieve !

4 To each the Covenant blood apply,

Which takes our sins away ;
And register our names on high,
And keep us to that day !
HYMN CCLIX. P. M. 7’s.
“ Let the KING hear us when we call." Psalm xx. 9.
COME, my soul, thy suit prepare,
J EsuS loves to answer prayer;
He Himself has bid thee pray,
Therefore will not say thee nay.
Thou art coming to a King;
Large petitions with thee bring ;
For His grace and pow’r are such,
None can ever ask too much.
3 With my burden I begin,—
Loan, remove this load of sin!
Let Thy blood, for sinners spilt,
Set my conscience free from guilt.
4 Loan, I come to Thee for rest ;
Take possession of my breast;
There Thy blood-bought right maintain,
And without a rival reign.
5 While I am a pilgrim here,
Let Thy love my spirit cheer ;
As my Guide, my Guard, my Friend,
Lead me to my journey’s end.
6 Show me what I have to do,
Ev’ry hour my strength renew ;
Let me live a life of faith,
Let me die ’l‘hy people’s death.
" I will mention the loving-kindnesses of the Loan, dye."
Isaiah lxiii. 7.
Com: Thou Fount of ev’ry blessing,
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace ;
Streams of mercy never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise :

Teach me those melodious measures,

Sung by flaming tongues above :
Let me tell the countless treasures
Of my Gon’s unchanging love.
Here I raise mine Ebenezer,
Hither by Thy help I’m come ;
And I hope, by Thy good pleasure,
Safely to arrive at home:
JESUS sought me when a stranger
Wand’ring from the fold of Gon ;
He to save my soul from danger
Interpos’d His precious blood.
O! to grace how great a debtor
Daily I’m constrain’d to be !
Let that grace, Loan, like a fetter
Bind my wand’ring heart to Thee!
Prone to wander, Loan, I feel it ;
Prone to leave the Gon I love :
H ere’s my heart, Loan, take and seal it,—
Seal it from Thy courts above.


“ Goo is love." 1 John iv. 16.

Coins, ye that know and fear the Loan,
And lift your souls above ;
Let every heart and voice accord,
‘l‘o sing that Gon is love.
This precious truth His word declares,
And all His mercies prove ;
Jesus, the gift of gifts, appears,
To show that Gon is love.
In all His doctrines and commands,
His counsels and designs—
In ev’ry work His hands have fram’d,
l'lis love supremely shines.

Angels and men the news proclaim,

Through earth and heaven above,--_
The joyful and transporting news,
That Gon, the Loan, is LOVE.
“ One thing is needful.” Luke x. 42.
CoMPAn‘n with Cnnrsr, in all beside
No comeliness I see ;
The one thing needful, blessed Loan,
ls to be one with Thee.
2 The sense of Thine expiring love
Into my soul convey ;
Thyself bestow,—for Thee alone,
My all in all, 1 pray.
3 Less than Thyself will not suflice
My comfort to restore ;
More than Thyself I cannot crave;
And Thou canst give no more.
4 Whate’er consists not with Thy love
0 teach me to resign :
l’m rich to all th’ intents of bliss
lf Thou, O Gon, art mine.
“ Afar more exceeding and eternal weight of glory."
2 Cor. iv. 17.
Commoe, my soul ! behold the prize
The Ssvroun’s love provides;
Eternal life beyond the skies
For-all whom here He guides.
The wicked cease from troubling there,
The weary are at rest,
Sorrow and sin and pain and care
No more approach the blest.
Then why, my soul, complain or fear ?
The crown .of glory see :
The more I toil and suffer here,
’1 he sweeter rest will be.
mscnunwnous nvMNs. 185

" The lrumpet shall sound. and the dead shall be mind,
syn." I Cor. xv. 52. ‘
DAY ofjudgment, day of wonders!
Hark the trumpet’s awful sound,
Louder than a thousand thunders,
Shakes the vast creation round !
How the summons
Will the sinner‘s heart confound!
2 See the Judge our nature wearing,
Cloth’d in majesty divine !
You who long for His appearing,
‘l‘hen shall say, “ ‘l‘his Gon is mine!"
Gracious Savxoun,
Own me in that day for Thine!
3 Under sorrows and reproaches
May this thought our courage raise l
Swiftly Gon’s great day approaches,
b‘ighs shall then be chang’d to praise :
May we triumph,
When the world is in a blaze !
" They shall mount up with wings as eagles."
Isaiah 1:1. 31.
Descnnn from heav’n, immortal Dove;
Stoop down and take us on ’l‘hy wings;
And hear our spirits far above
The reach ofearth’s inferior things !
2 O for a sight—a pleasing sight
Of our Almighty Father‘s throne !
’I‘here sits our Ssvwua, crown’d with light,
Cloth’d with a body like our own.
8 The saints adore iRedemption‘s plan,
And angel pow’rs befi‘re l-lim (‘all ;
The Gun shines gracious through the man,
And sheds sweet ‘glories on them all.
1 3

4 O may we reach that blessed place

Where Ciuusr will all His- love unfold!
Where we shall see llim face to face,
And sing His name to harps of gold !
HYMN CCLXVl. P. M. 7’s.
“ In Cnlus1 Jesus ye who IL‘e‘I‘0fal‘ of are made nigh."
Eph. ii. l6.
DIsrANT, Loan, from Thine abode,
Still we claim Thee as our Gun;
Now and then we breathe a sigh
Upward to our native sky:
Oh for one celestial ray
From the shining seats of day l
Sun of Righteousness, arise ;
Warm our hearts, make glad our eyes.
Melt our chains with heavenly fire ;
Love and joy and praise inspire ;
Make us feel Thy grace within ;
Free us from the power of sin.
Give, O give us wings to rise
In affection to the skies ;
Liberty and joy divine,
Sun ofrighteonsness, are Thine.
“ Loves! thuume P John xxi. 16.
Do not I love Thee. O my Loan ‘1’
Behold my heart and see .;
And turn each hated idol out.
That dares to rival Thee.
Is not Thy name melodious still
To mine attentive ear?
Doth not each pulse with pleasure bound
My SAvioun’s voice to hear?
Hast ’l‘hon a lamb in all Thy flock
I would disdain to feed ?
Ilas‘t hou a foe before whose face
1 d tear Thy cause to plead ?

Thou know’st I love thee, blessed Loan;

But 0! llong to soar
Far from the sphere of mortal joys,
And learn to love Thee more.
" Not as the wm‘ldyiteth give [ unto you.” John xiv. ‘27.
Emmi-2min as far distant landscapes,
lllum’d by the radiant sun,
So seem life’s enchanting bright prospects,
When youthful minds after them run :
But e’er to those scenes they have travelled,
Which seem’d so bewitchiugly gay,
The sun with a cloud is o’ershadow‘d,
Those glories have all pass’d away.
2 Not such is the Christian’s bright prospect,
Which first like dark morn may appear,
But more and more clears up and brightens,
As day dawn and full day draw near :
Then glorious scenes to view open,
‘l‘rne joys that shall never be done ;
All clouds there for ever have vanished—
Eternally shines forth the sun.
" Gun is greatly to he feared in the assembly ofthe mints."
Psalm lxxxix. 7.
ETERNAL power! whose high abode
Becomes the grandeur ofa Gon,
infinite lengths beyond tne hounds
Where stars revolve their little rounds.
2 ’l‘hee, while the first archangel sings,
lle hides his face beneath his wings,
And ranks ofshrning thrones around
Fall worshipping, and spread the ground.
3 Lonn, what shall earth and ashes do ?
We would adore our Maker too—
From sin and dust look up on. high--.
And to Thy mercy-seat draw nigh.

“ In Thy lishl slmll we sunlight." Psalm xxxvi. 9.
ETERNAL Sun of righteousness,
Display Thy beams divine;
And cause Thy truth my heart to bless,
And on my path to shine.
2 Light in Thy light oh may 1 see !
‘l‘hy grace and mercy prove!
Reviv’d and cheer‘d and bless’d by Thee,
The Gun of pard’ning love.
8 Lifi up ‘l‘h‘y countenance serene;
And let ‘l‘hy happy child
Behold, without acloud between,
The Godhead reconcil d.
4 Thine all comprising grace bestow
On me, through grace forgiv‘u—
The joys of holiness below,
And then the joys ufheaven.
" Them which had believed through grace." Acts xviii. 27.
Fun! is a precious grace ;
Where’er it is bestow’d,
it boasts ofa celestial birth,
And is the gift of Gon.
2 Jesus it owns as King, -
An all-atoning Priest ;
it claims no merit ofits own,
But looks for all in CHnIsr.
3 To Him it leads the soul
When fill’d with deep distress,
Flies to the fountain of His blood,
And trusts His righteousness.
4 Since ‘tis Thy work alone,
And that divinely free,
Loan, send the Spirit of Thy Sou,
To work this faith in me.

" I have seen Thee in the Summary." Psalm lxxxiii. 2.
Fsn from our thoughts, vain world, be gone !
Let our religious hours alone ;
Fain would our eyes our SAVIOUR see l
We wait a visit, Loan, from Thee.
2 When we can say that we are Thine,
When we can feel ’l‘hy glories shine ;
We tread the earth beneath our feet,
And all the world calls good or great.
3 Send comforts down from Thy right hand,
While we pass through this barren land ;
And in Thy temple let us see
A glimpse of heav’n—a glimpse ‘of Thee.
4 Hail great lMMANUrL, all divine!
ln Thee Thy Fsrnanls glories shine ;-—
Thou brightest and most holy One,
That eyes have seen, or angels known.
“ Let us labour there/‘me to ruler into that rest."
Heb. iv. ll.
FAR from these narrow scenes of night,
Unbounded glories rise ;—
And realms of infinite delight,
Unknown to mortal eyes.
No cloud those blissful regions know,—
Realms ever bright and fair ;
For sin, the source of mortal woe,
(fan never enter there.
O may the heav‘nly prospect fire
Our hearts with ardent love !
’l‘ill wings of’ faith and strong desire
Bear every thought above.
Prepare us, Lonn, by grace divine,
For Thy bright courts on high;
Then bid our spirits rise and join
The chorus of the sky.

“ Thy statutes have heen my songs." Psalm cxix. 54
Flvrnsn of mercies, in ’l‘hy word
What endless glory shines!
For ever be ‘l‘hy name ador’d
For these celestial lines!
2 Here the Redecmer’s welcome voice
Spreads heav’nly peace around ;
And life and everlasting joys
Attend the blissful sound.
3 0 may these heav’nly pages be
My ever dear delight ;
And still new beauties may I see,
And still increasing light !
4 Divine Instructor, gracious Loan,
Be Thou for ever near ;
Teach me to love ‘l‘hy sacred word,
And view my SAVioun there.
" See that ye abound in [his grave am." ‘2 Cor. viii. 7.
FATHER of mercies, send Thy grace
All-pow’rful from above,
To form in our obedient souls
The image of Thy love.
2 O may our sympathising breast
’l‘hat gen’rous pleasure know,
Freely to share in others' joy,
And weep for others’ woe.
3 VVheYc’er the helpless sons ot‘grief
In low distress are laid,
Soft be our hearts their pains to feel,
And swift our hands to aid.
4 So Jesus looked on dying men, _
Emhroncd shove the skies;
And when He saw their lost estate,
Felt llis compassion rise.

5 Since Cmusr, to save our guilty souls,

On wings of mercy flew;
We whom the SAvioun thus hath lov’d
Should love each other too.
“ Be mutant with sun]: things 6s50 have ,‘ for He hath
suid 1 will never leave thee, 53‘0." Heb. xiii. 5.
FATHER, whate’er of earthly bliss
‘l‘hy sov’reign will denies,
Accepted at Thy throne of grace
Let this petition rise :—
2 Give me a calm and thankful heart,
From ev’ry murmur free :
The blessings of Thy grace impart,
And let me live to Thee.
3 Let the sweet hope that Thou art mine,
My life and death attend—
Thy presence through my journey shine,
And crown my journey‘s end.

“ Goo is faithful, who will nut sufl‘er you to be tempted
"have that :I/fll‘ we able. 8m" 1 l‘or. x. 13.

Foa ever blessed be the Loni),

My SAVYOUR and my Shield!
He sends His Spirit with His Word,
To arm me for the field.
2 When sin and hell their force unite,
He makes my soul His care;
Instructs me in the heav’nly light,
And guards me through the war.
3 A Friend and Helper so divine
Does my weak courage raise ;
He makes the glorious vict’ry mine,
And His shall be the praise.

“ H hut shall Irender unto the LonoJkc." Psalm ex vi.12
Foa mercies countless as the sands,
Which daily receive
From Jrsus my Redeemer’s hands,
My soul, what canst thou give?
‘2 The best return for one like me,
So worthless and so poor,
Is from His gifts to draw a plea,
Aud ask Him still for more.
3 I cannot serve Him as I ought ;
No works have Ito boast :
Yet would I glory in the thought,
That 1 shall owe Him most.
" The earth shalt he full of the knowledge of the Loan."
lsal. xi. 9.
FROM all that dwell below the skies
Let the Creator’s praise arise;
Let the Redeemer‘s name be sung,
Through ev’ry land, by ev’ry tongue!
2 Eternal are ‘l‘hy mercies, Loan;
Eternal truth attends Thy word :
Thy praise shull sound from shore to shore,
Till suns shall rise and set no more.
“ Now they desire a lmte" rnuntly, that is, an heuven/y_"
Heb xi. !0.
Fnom Egypt’s bondage come,
Where death and darkness reign,
We seek our new, our better home,
Where we shall rest obtain :
Hallelujah ! we are on our way to Gon.
To Canaan‘s sacred ground
_With joyful songs we haste,
“here light and love and peace abound,
And everlasting rest. Hal.

There, in celestial strains,

Enraptur’d myriads sing ;
And love in ev’ry bosom reigns,
For Gon Himself is King. Hal.
We soon shall join the throng;
Their pleasures we shall share;
And sing the everlasting song,
With all the ransom’d there. Hal.
“ In every thing- - - let yourrequesls be made known mm:
Goo, dye.” Phil. iv. 6. _
FROM ev’ry stormy wind that blows,
From ev’ry swelling tide of woes,
There is a calm and safe retreat,—
’Tis found beneath the Manor-Sasr.
2 There is a place where Jesus sheds
The oil of gladness on our heads,
A place than all beside more sweet,—
lt is the blood bought MERCY-SEAT.
3 There is a spot where spirits blend,
And friend holds fellowship with friend;
Though sundered far—by faith they meet
Around one common MERCY-SEAT.
4 Ah! whither comd we flee for aid,
When tempted, desolate, dismay’d—
Or how the hosts of hell defeat,
Had suffering saints no MERCY-SEAT ?
5 There, there, on eagles’ wings we soar,
And time and sense seem all no more,
And Heaven comes down our souls to greet,
And glory crowns the NIERCY-SBAT.
" Come over and help us." Acts xvi. 9.
Fnoiu Greenlaud’s icy mountains,
From India’s coral strands,
1 94 mscmmsneous HYMNS.

Where Afric’s sunny fountains

Roll down their golden sands-
From many an ancient river,
From many a palmy plain,
They call us to deliver
’l‘heir land from error’s chain.
Shall we whose souls are lighted
With wisdom from on high,—
Shall we to man benighted
The lamp of life deny ?
Salvation, oh salvation! .
The joyful sound proclaim,
Till each remotest nation
Has learn’d Msssmn’s name.
" In Thy presence is fulness ofjay ! At Thy right hand
there are pleasm‘esfor evermore." Psalm xvi. ] 1.
FROM Thee, my Gon, my joys shall rise,
And run eternal rounds,
Beyond the limits of the skies,
And all created bounds.
2 There, where the blessed J ESUS reigns
ln heav’n’s unmeasured space,
l’ll spend a long etern’ty
ln pleasure and in praise.
3 O Jesus, every smile of Thine
Shall fresh endearments bring :
There my unwearied pow’rs shall be
For ever on the wing.
“ His mercy endureth for ever.” Psalm cxxxvi.
GIVE to our Gon immortal praise!
Mercy and truth are all His ways:
Wonders of grace to G0n belong,
Repeat His mercies in your song.

2 He sent His Son with pow’r to save

From guilt and darkness and the grave ;
Wonders of grace to Gon belong,
Repeat His mercies in your song.
3 Through this vain world He guides our feet,
And leads us to llis heav’nly seat;
His mercies ever shall endure,
When this vain world shall be no more.

“ Glorious things are spoken of thee, 0 city of Goo."
Psalm lxxxvii. 3.
GLOBIOUS things of thee are spoken,
Zion, city of our Go1i ;
He whose word cannot be broken
Form’d thee for His own abode :
On the Rock ofages founded,
Who can shake thy sure repose ?
With salvation’s walls surrounded,
Thou may’st smile at all thy foes.
See ! the streams of living waters,
springing from eternal love, V
Well supply Gon’s sons and daughters,
And all fear of want remove.
Round each habitation hov’ring,
See the cloud and fire appear,
For a glory and a cov’ring,
Shewing that the Loan is near.
Ssvroun, if of Zion’s city
I through grace a member am,—
Let the world deride or pity,
I will glory in Thy name :
Fading is the worldling’s pleasure,
All his boasted pomp and show :
Solid joys and lasting treasure
None but Zion’s children know.
K 2


“ We have an Advocate with the Fatlier, 6w.”
1 John ii. 1, 2.
GLoaY be to Gon on high—
Gon, whose glory fills the sky !
Peace on earth, and man forgiven
Man, the well beloved of heav’n !
2 Cnmsr our Loan and Gon we own,
Canrsr the Father’s only Son
Lamb of Gon for sinners slain,
SAvroua of offending man !
3 Bow Thine ear, in mercy bow, I
Hear,-the world’s Atonement Thou ! ‘_
J asus! in Thy name we pray ;
Take—O take our sins away.
4 Powerful Advocate with Gon,
Justify us by Thy blood;
Bow Thine ear, in mercy bow ;
llear,—the world’s Atonement Thou !

“ T1ie earnes t upigoiznipzltiiry:
l t’ 19f—
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‘ uaitet
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‘ ."

Gon of hope and consolation,

Sweeten ev’ry bitter cup ;
Thine a great, a free salvation,
Thou canst hold Thy people up.
Great Thou art in operation,
Thou art rich in grace and love ;
O fulfil our expectation,
Lead us safe to joys above.
2 Never can we taste enjoyment
Ppre and full, till Thou appear;
Praise, Thy people’s blest employment
Praise, that day, unmix’d with fear.

When Thou comest, Lom), what gladness

Will be felt by all Thy friends!
Then they bid adieu to sadness,
Then their night of trouble ends.
3 Through a world of sorrow going,
Keep us from the evil, Lonn;
‘Tis Thine arm we trust to, knowing
Nought but this can hope afford :
When the sharpest trials prove us,
Be Thou near, and hold us fast;
Keep us, Lom), that nought may move us,
Till the stormy day is past. '
4 Then Thy people sorrow never,—
Then the storm is heard no more ;
Peace and joy are ours for ever,
When we land on yonder shore :
Fear and hope alike are banish’d,
And Thy saints are fully blest;
All that caus’d them fear, has vanish’d—
All they hop’d for, is possess’d.
“ What I do than Imnwest not now, but thou shall know
hereafter.” John xiii. 7.
Gon moves in a mysterious way,
His wonders to perform;
He plants His footsteps in the sea,
And rides upon the storm.
2 Deep in unfathomable mines
Of never failing skill,
lie treasures up His bright designs,
And works His sov’reign will.
3 Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take,
The clouds ye so much dread
Are stored with mercy, and shall break
In blessings on your head.

4 Judge not the Loan by feeble sense,

But trust Him for His grace;
Behind a frowning providence
He hides a smiling face.
5 Blind unbelief is sure to err,
And scan His work in vain ;
Gon is His own interpreter,
And He will make it plain.
“ I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not.”
Luke xxii. 32.
Gon of my life, to Thee I call,
Afl'licted at Thy feet I fall;
When the great water-floods prevail,
Leave not my trembling heart to fail.
2 Did ever mourner plead with Thee,
And Thou refuse that mourner’s plea ?
Does not the word still fix’d remain,
That none shall seek Thy face in vain ?
3 Poor though 1 am, despis’d, forgot,
Yet Gon, my Gon, forgets me not;
And he is safe and must succeed,
For whom the Loan vouchsafes to plead.
“ He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.”
Mal. iii. 3.
‘Gon’s furnace doth in Zion stand,
But Zion’s Gon stands by,
As the refiner views his gold
With an observant eye.
His thoughts are high, His love is wise,
His wounds a cure intend;
And though He doth not always smile,
He loves unto the end.

“ The exceeding riches uf His grace." Eph. ii. 7.
Gases ! ‘tis ajoyful sound,
Harmonious to mine car;
Heav’n with the echo shall rebound,
And all the earth shall hear.
2 Grace first contriv’d a way
_ To save rebellious man;
And all the steps that grace display,
Which drew the wond’rous plan.
3 Grace taught my wand’ring feet
To tread the heav’nly road ;
And new supplies each hour I meet,
While pressing on to Gon.
4 Grace all the work shall crown,
Through everlasting days ;
It lays in heav’n the topmost stone,
And well deserves the praise.
“ He will abundantly pardon." Isai. lv. 7.
GREAT Gon of wonders! all ’l’hy ways
Are matchless, Godlike, and divine;
But the fair glories of Thy ‘grace
More Godlike and unrivall’d shine;
Who is a pard’ning Gon like Thee .9
Or who has grace so rich and free ?
2 Angels and men, resign your claim.
To pity, mercy, love and grace ;
These glories crown Jenovsu’s name
With an incomparable blaze :
Who is a pard‘ning Gon like ’l‘hee ?
or who has grace so rich and free i‘
3 In wonder lost, with trembling joy,
We take the pardon of our Gon ;
Pardon for crimes of deepest dye,

A pardon seal’d with Jesu’s blood :

Who is a pard’ning Gon like Thee ?
Or who has grace so rich and free ?
" Hear Thou in 1heaven
Kings Th1
vii/i. dwellin
30. gp lacs, 8; c."

GREAT Shepherd of Thy people, hear ;

Thy presence now display ;
As Thou hast given a place for prayer,
O give us hearts to pray.
2 Show us some token of Thy love,
Our feeble hope to raise ;
And pour Thy blessing from above,
That we may render praise,
3 Within these-walls let holy peace
And love and concord dwell;
Here give the troubled conscience ease,
The wounded spirit heal. ‘
4 The hearing ear, the watchful eye,
The contri‘te heart bestow;
And shine upon us from on high,
‘ To make our graces grow.
“ Guide me with Thy rnunsel and afterward receive me to
_ glory.” Psalm lxxiii. 24.
Gums me, O Thou great JenoVAH !
Pilgrim through this barren land ;
I am weak, but Thou art mighty;
Hold me with Thy powerful hand ;
Bread of heaven,
Feed me now, and evermore,
2 Open Thou the crystal fountain,
Whence the healing streams do flow ;
Let the fiery cloudy pillar
Lead me all my journey through:
Strong Deliv’rerl
Be Thou still my strength and shield.

3 When I tread the verge of Jordan,

Bid my anxious fears subside :
Death of deaths ! and hell’s destruction!
Land me safe on Canaan’s side:
Songs of praises
I will ever give to Thee.
"He humbled Himself-where are Gon hath highly exalted
Him, ac." hi1. ii. a-n.
HAIL, Thou once-despised Jesus !
Hail, Thou Galilean King!
Thou didst suffer to release us;
Thou didst free salvation bring :
Hail Thou agonizing SAvroun,
Bearer of our sin and shame l
By Thy merits we find favour;
Life is given through Thy name.
2 Paschal Lamb, by Gon appointed !
All our sins on Thee were laid :
By Almighty love anointed,
Thou hast full atonement made;
All Thy people are forgiven
Through the virtue of Thy blood :
Open’d is the gate of heaven ;
Peace is made ’twixt man and Gon.
3 Jesus, hail ! enthron’d in glory,
There for ever to abide ;
All the heavenly hosts adore Thee,
Seated at Thy Father’s side.
There for sinners Thou art pleading ;
There Thou dost our place prepare,
Ever for us interceding,
Till in glory we appear. -
4 Worship, honour, power, and blessing
Thou are worthy to receive ;
Loudest praises, without ceasing,
Meet it is for us to give :

Help, ye bright angelic spirits;

Bring your sweetest, noblest, lays ;
Help to sing our SAvroun’s merits,
Help to chant lMMANunL’s praise.
“ To me to live is Cnnrsr ! and to die is gain.” Phil. i. 2I.
OBJECT of my chief desire,
J esus, crucified for me,
All to happiness aspire,
Only to be found in Thee :
Thee to praise, and Thee to know,
Constitute our bliss below ;
’l‘hee to see, and Thee to love,
Constitute our bliss above.
While I feel Thy love to me,
Every object teems with joy ;
Here, O may I walk with Thee ;
Then into ’l‘hy presence die !
Let me but Thyself possess,—
This shall be my happiness;
Real bliss I then shall prove,
Heaven below, and heaven above.
“ The greatest of these is charity.” 1 Cor. xiii. l3.
HAPPY the heart where graces reign,
Where love inspires the breast !
Love is the brightest of the train,
And strengthens all the rest.
2 Knowledge, alas, ’tis all in vain,
And all in vain our fear ;
Our stubborn sins will fight and reign,
If love be absent there.
3 This is the grace that lives and sings,
‘ _VVhen faith and hope shall cease;
Tis this shall strike ourjoyful strings
In the sweet realms of bliss.

4 When join’d to that harmonious throng

That fills the choirs above,
With golden harps we’ll join their song,
And every note be love:
" Ye are come unto Mount Zion, &c.” Heb. xii. 2’2—24.
HAPPY the souls to Jesus join’d,
And sav’d by grace alone !
Walking in all His ways, they find
Their heav’n on earth begun.
2 The church triumphant praise Thy love—
Their holy joys we know ;
They sing the LAMB in hymns above,
_And we in hymns below.
3 Thee in Thy glorious realm they praise,
And bow before Thy throne :
We in the kingdom of Thy grace ;—
The kingdoms are but one.
4 The holy to the holiest leads ;
From thence our spirits rise;
And he that in Thy statutes treads,
Shall meet Thee in the skies.
“ ’ow is the accepted time.” 2 Cor. vi. 2.
HAsreN, O sinner, to be wise,
And stay not for the morrow’s sun;
The longer wisdom you despise,
The harder is she to be won.
Oh hasten mercy to implore,
And stay not for the morrow’s sun,
For fear thy season should be o’er
Before this evening’s course be run.
Hasten, O sinner, to be bless’d,
And stay not for the morrow’s sun,
For fear God’s judgments thee arrest,
Before the morrow is begun.

“ A man shallbeus an hiding place, 8w." Isai. xxxii. 2.
He who on earth as man was known,
And bore our sins and pains,
Now seated on th’ eternal throne,
The Gon of glory, reigns.
2 His righteousness, to faith reveal’d,
Wrought out for guilty worms,
Affords a hiding place and shield
From enemies and storms.
3 When troubles like a burning sun
Beat heavy on their head,
To this Almighty Rock they run,
And find a pleasing shade.
4 How glorious Hel how happy they
In such a glorious Friend!
Whose love secures them all the way,
And crowns them at the end.
“ Snrrowing yet always rejoicing.” 2 Cor. vi. 10.
HEAn of the church triumphant!
We joyfully adore Thee ;
Till Thou appear, Thy members here
Shall sing like those in glory :
We lift our hearts and voices,
With blest anticipation,
And cry aloud, and give to Gon
The praise of our salvation.
Thou dost conduct Thy people
Through torrents of temptation ;
Nor will we fearflvhile Thou art near,
The fire of tribulation :
The world, with sin and Satan,
In vain our march opposes,
By ’l’hee we shall break through them all
And sing the song of Moses.

By faith we see the glory

To which Thou shalt restore us,
The shame despise for that high prize,
Which Thou hast set before us.
And if Thou count us worthy,
We each, with dying Stephen,
Shall see Thee stand at Gon’s right hand,
To call us up to heaven.
I willfill this house with glory." Haggai ii. 7.
HERE when Thy people seek Thy face,
And dying sinners pray to live;
Hear Thou in heav’n ‘l‘hy dwelling-place,
And when Thou hearest, O forgivel‘
2 Here, when Thy messengers proclaim
The blessed Gospel of Thy Son,
Still by the pow’rof His great name
Be mighty signs and wonders done.
3 But will, indeed, JenoVAH deign
Here to abide,—no transient guest ?
Here will the world’s REnEEMER reign?
And here the HoLY Srmir rest?
4 That glory never hence depart!
Yet choose not, Loai), this house alone ;
Thy kingdom come to every heart !
1n ev’ry bosom fix Thy throne l
“ Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage‘fvr ever, dye.”
Psalm cxix. lll. _
HOLY Bible, Book divine !
Precious treasure! Thou art mine :
Mine, to tell me whence I came;
Mine, to teach me what I am :—
2 Mine, to chide me when I rove;
Mine, to show a SAvioun‘s love :
Mine art thou, to guide my feet;
Mine, to judge, condemn, acquit:
3 Mine, to comfort in distress,
lfthe Holy Spirit bless:
Mine to show, by living faith
Man can triumph over death !
" All things are yours." 1 Cor. iii. 2i.
HoLY Gnosr! inspire our praises,
Touch our hearts, and tune our tongues;
While we land the name of Jesus,
lleav’n will gladly share our songs.
Raise we then our cheerful voices
To our Gon, who, full of grace,
In our happiness rejoices,
And delights to hear us praise.
Happy soull that hears and follows
Jesus speaking in His word :
Paul and Uephas and Apollos
All are his in CHRIST the Loan.
Whoso lives upon His promise,
Eats His fish and drinks His blood;
All that’s past, and all to come, is
For that sonl’s eternal good.
Ev’ry state, howe’er distressing,
Shall be profit in the end;
Ev’ry ordinance a blessing,
Ev’ry providence a friend.
All things for our good are given,
Comforts, crosses, staffs, or rods:
All is ours in earth and heaven—
We are Cnmsr’s, and Camsr is Gon’s.
“ No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper.”
Isaiah liv.- 17.
How are Thy servants bless’d, O Loan! ‘
How sure is their defence!
Eternal Wisdom is their guide,
’1 heir help,—Omnipotence.

In foreign realms and lands remote

Supported by Thy care,
Through burning climes they pass unhurt,
And breathe in tainted air.
The storm is laid, the winds retire,
Obedient to Thy will:
The sea that roars at Thy command,
At Thy command is still.
In midst of dangers, fears and deaths,
’l‘hy goodness we’ll adore;
We’ll praise Thee for Thy mercies past,
And humbly hope for more.
“ Whereas I was blind, mrw Isee." John ix. 25.
How bless’d Thy creature is, O Gon,
When with a single eye
He views the lustre of’l‘hy word—
The day-spring from on high!
2 Through all the storms that veil the skies,
And frown on earthly things,
The Sun of righteousness he eyes,
With healing on His wings.
3 The soul, a dreary province once
Of Satan’s dark domain,
Feels a new empire form’d within,
And owns a heav’nly reign.
“ It is a good thing that the heart be established with
grace.” Heb. xiii. 9.
How good and how blessed it is,
That the heart be established with grace!
To walk in the light of the Loan,
Enjoying the beams of His face !
2 Convinced that by Jesus the Loan
The ransom for sinners is paid,
The heart like Mount Zion is fix’d,
And nothing can make it afraid.

3 Though Satan may threaten the soul,

Though death and though judgment appear,
Yet nothing can take away peace,
It‘ Jesus our Shepherd be near.
" Goo commendeth Hislave towards us, d:c." Rom. v. 8.
How freely does the grace of God
To guilty mortals shine!
How high surpassing all man’s thought
His sov’reign love divine!
He gave His Son, His only Son,
His well Beloved, to die!
That dying sinners such as we
Might live eternally.
When joys and griefs long shared, have twin’d
Two hearts in friendship’s tie,—
In such a case—for such a friend,
A man perhaps might die.
But herein Gon commends His love,
In dying for His foes,
For such as did with enmity
His richest grace oppose.

“ Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are
peace.” Prov. iii. 17.
How happy is the Christian’s state!
His sins are all forgiv’n ;
A cheering ray confirms the grace,
And lifts his hopes to heaven.
2 Though in the rugged path of life
lie heaves the pensive sigh,
Yet trusting in his Gon he finds
Deliv’ring grace is nigh.
3 If to prevent his wand’ring steps,
He feels the chast’ning rod,

The gentle stroke shall bring him back

To his forgiving Go0.
4 And when the welcome message comes,
To call his soul away.
His soul in raptures shall ascend
To everlasting day.
“ The light of the glorious Gospel." 2 Cor. iv. 4.
How precious is the book divine
By inspiration given!
Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine,
To guide our souls to heav’n.
2 It sweetly cheers our drooping hearts
in this dark vale of tears ;
Life, light and joy, it still imparts,
And quells our rising fears.
3 This lamp through all the tedious night
Of life shall guide our way,
Till we behold the clearer light
Of an eternal day.
“ Rich in mercy." Eph. ii. 4.
How rich is the grace of our Gon !
0 what thanks do we ‘owe to His Name!
For His grace shall for ever endure,
And His mercy is ever the same.
Sing aloud of His infinite grace ;
O resound it again and again;
We can never, oh never enough
Speak the worth of the LAMB that was slain.
" A name whith is above every name." Phil. ii. 9.
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
In a believer’s ear! ‘
It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds,
And drives away his fear.
it 3

Dear Name, the rock on which I build,

My shield and hiding place,
My never failing treas’ry, fill’d
With boundless stores of grace !
Jesus, my Shepherd, Loan, and Friend,
My Prophet, Priest, and King—
My Gon, my Life, my Way, my End,
Accept the praise I bring.
Week is the effort of my heart,
And cold my warmest thought ;
But when I see Thee as Thou art
I’ll praise Thee as I ought.
Till then 1 would Thy love proclaim
With ev’ry fleeting breath ;
And may the music of Thy name
Refresh my soul in death!
" It is good for ‘us to be here.” Mat. xvii. 5.
How sweet to leave the world awhile,
And seek the presence of our Loan !
Now, SAVIOU a, on Thy eople smile,
And come according to Thy word.
From busy scenes we would retreat,
That we may here converse with Thee;
Ah ! Loan, behold us at Thy feet l—
Let this the gate of heaven be.
Chief of ten thousand! now appear,
That we by faith may see Thy face !
O speak, that we Thy voice may hear,
Aud‘let Thy presence fill this place!
Loan, let Thy people’s views be clear,
And let their hearts be fill’d with love;
0 may their light to all appear,
And prove their doctrine from above!
mscnnum-zous unms. 211

“ Thou hidest Thy face—they are troubled."
Psalm civ. 29.
How tedious and tasteless the hours
When Jesus no longer I see !
Sweetprospects, sweet birds,and sweet flow’rs,
Have lost all their sweetness to me.
O Loan, if indeed I am Thine,
And Thou art my sun and my song—
Say why do I languish and pine,
And why are my winters so long ?
Oh, drive these dark clouds from the sky,
Thy soul-cheering presence restore ;
Or take me up to Thee on high,
Where winter and clouds are no more.
" Set your afl’ectian on things above." Col. iii. 2.
How vain this world, and all its joys!
Below a Christian’s care ;—
We breathe for higher, purer joys,
Which everlasting are.
To heav’n let our ambition soar,
Where endless pleasures reign,
Where sighs and sorrows are no more,
Nor death, nor tears, nor pain.
Though low in earth our heads may lie,
The Loan will soon appear;
A little while shall raise them high,—
For our redemption’s near.
The Loan will come ; He will fulfil
His never failing word:
Let us with one accord sa still
Amen! Come quickly, ouri !_
212 mscsrmsmous nnms.

“ You hath He quickened, who were dead in lrespasses and
sins.” Eph. ii. 1.
How various and how new, ‘
Are Thy compassions, Loan !
Each morning shall Thy mercy show,
Each night Thy truth record.
2 Thy goodness, like the sun,
Dawn’d on our early days,
E’er infant reason had begun
To form our lips to praise.
3 But pleasures more refin’d
Awaited that bless’d day,
When light arose upon our mind,
And chas’d our sins away.
4 How new Thy mercies then I
How sov’reign and how free !
_ Our souls that had been dead in sin,
Were made alive to Thee.
“ The Loan is my portion, saith. my soul, 8p."
Lam. iii. 24.
l rams-r, but not as once I did,
The vain delights of earth to share ;
’l‘hy wounds, IMMANUBL, all forbid,
That I should seek my pleasures there.
It was the sight of Thy dear Cross
First wean’d my soul from earthly things,
And taught me to esteem as dross
The worldling’s joys, the pomp of kings.
Blest fountain of delight unknown !
Source of all good and joy supreme !
Still on my thirsting soul pour down
A living and life-‘giving stream!
mscenmmsous HYMNS. 213


“ The Loan Jsnovn-l is my Strength and my Song ; He
also is became my Salvation." lsai. mi. 2.
I WILL praise Thee ev’ry day ;
Turn not Thou Thy face away !
Comfortable thoughts arise
From the bleeding sacrifice.
Jesus is become at length
My salvation and my strength;
And His praises shall prolong,
While I live, my pleasant song.
“ In the Loan have I righteousness and strength."
Isaiah xlv. 24.
In close to the Loan thou would’st cleave,
Depend on His promise alone :
His righteousness would’st thou receive ?
Then learn to renounce all thine own.
Poor comfort to mourners they give,
Who set us to labour in vain,
And strive, with a Do this and live,
To drive us to Egypt again.
2 This Gon is the Gon we adore,
Our faithful unchangeable Friend :
Whose love is as large as His pow’r,
And neither knows measure nor end.
’Tis J uses, the First and the Last,
Whose Spirit shall guide us safe home ;
We’ll praise Him for all that is past,
And trust Him for all that‘s to come.
" He loved them unto the end." John xiii. l.
I!‘ J ssus be onr’s, we have a true Friend,
Whose goodness-endures the same to the end ;
Our feelings may vary, our comforts decline;
We cannot unscarry-our aid is divine.

Then tune ev’ry string to Jesus’s name ! l

With angels we’ll sing the son of the LAMB!
Thee ev’ry believer shall joyfu y praise,
Thou bountiful Giver of glory and grace.
“ Cniusr suflered for aim, the h!r for the unjust,
that He might bring us to Gon." (1 Pet. iii. 18.
OUR- Gon is ever just!
He doth not, cannot lie ;
He saith—and it must ever stand—
“ The soul that sins shall die.”
2 But blessed be His Name !
Though our own strength is vain,
It still stands ever true, that Cumsr
Who died, is ris’n again.
3 It still stands true that He
Bare to the sacred tree
His guilty people’s many sins,
That they might all go free.
4 And He their sins could bear,
And blot out by His blood,
Because, though He was truly Man,
He yet was truly Gon.
5 Let all our hope then spring
From Cnmsr the Loan who died;
Let all our glorying ever be
In JEsuS crucified.
“ It is the Lard—let Him. do what seemeth Him good."
1 Sam. iii. 18.
IT is the Loim—enthron’d in light,
Whose claims are all divine ;
Who has an undisputed right
To govern me and mine.
It is the Loan—should I distrust,
Or contradict His will ?

Who cannot do but what is just,

And must be righteous still!
It is the Loan-whose matchless skill
Can from afllictions raise
Matter eternity to fill
With ever-growing praise.
It is the Loan—my cov’nant G0n,
Thrice blessed be His name !
Whose gracious promise, seal’d with blood,
Must ever be the same.
“ In the Lonn Jrmovur is everlasting strength.”
Isaiah xxvi. 4.
Jeuovsn! ’tis'a lorious name,
Still fragrant with delight ;
It scatters round a cheerful beam,
To gild the darkest night.
2 What though our mortal comforts fade,
And droop like with’ring flowers—
Nor time, nor death, can break that band
Which makes JenovAH our’s.
3 My cares, I give you to the wind,
And shake you of like dust:
Well may i trust my all to Him
With whom my soul I trust.
“ Jerusalem, which is above." Gal. iv. 26.
JERUSALEM, my happy home!
When shall I come to thee ?
When shall my labours have an end ’1’
Thy joys, when shall I see ?
Thy gates are richly set with pearls,
Most glorious to behold!
Thy walls are all of precious stones,
Thy streets are pav’d with gold.

Thy gardens and thy pleasant fruits

Continually are green ;
So sweet a sight by human eye
Has never yet been seen.
My own REnEEMER is above,
Him will I go to see;
And all my friends in Crmrsr below,
Shall soon come after me.
Jerusalem, my happy home I
O how I long for thee !
Then shall my labours have an end,
When once thy joys I see.
“ Hus God forgotten to be gracious .7” Psalm lxxvii. 9.
Jesus, full of all compassion,
Hear Thy humble suppliant’s cry;
Let me know Thy great salvation,
See, I languish, faint, and die.
On the word Thy blood hath sealed
Hangs my everlasting all;
Let Thine arm be now revealed,
Stay, O stay me, lest I fall!
In the world of endless ruin,
Let it never, Loan, be said,‘
“ Here’s a soul that perish’d, suing
“ For the boasted SAvioun’s aid !”
Sav’d !—the deed shall spread new glory
Through the shining realms above,
Angels sing the pleasing story,
All enraptur’d with Thy love!
“ Ln ! we have left all, undfnllowed Thee.” Mark x. 28.
Jesus, I my cross have taken,
All to leave, and follow Thee :
Destitute, despis’d, forsaken,
’1 hou from hence my all shalt be;

Perish ev’ry fond ambition !

All I’ve sought, or hop’d, or known ;
Yet how rich is my condition!
Gon and heaven are still mine own.
Man may trouble and distress me,
‘Twill but drive me to Thy breast ;
Life with trials hard may press me,
Heav’n will bring me sweeter rest:
Oh ! ’tis not in grief to harm me,
While Thy love is left to me ;
Oh ! ‘twere not in joy to charm me,
Were that joy unmix’d with Thee.
Soul, then know thy full salvation,
Rise o’er sin, and fear, and care
Jo to find in ev’ry station
‘omething still to do, or bear. _
Think what Spirit dwells within thee—
Think what Father’s smiles are thine
Think that JEsuS died to save thee;
Child of heaven, canst thou repine?
Haste thee on from grace to glory,
Arm’d by faith and wing’d by prayer,
Heaven’s eternal days before thee
Gon’s own hand shall guide thee there.
Soon shall close thine earthly mission,
Soon shall pass thy pilgrim days;
Ho e shall change to glad fruition—
I‘E’aith to sight, and pray’r to praise.

" Thy Name is at ointmentpouredfnrth." Song ofSol. i. 3.
Jesus! I love Thy hallow’d name;
‘Tismusic to mine ear;
Fain would I sound it out so loud,
That earth and heav’n should hear.
218 mscmmsneous mimns.

2 Yes, Thou art precious to my soul,

My transport and my trust :
Jewels to Thee are gaudy toys,
And gold is sordid dust.
3 All my capacious pow’rs can wish,
In Thee doth richly meet :
Nor to mine eyes is light so dear,
Nor friendship half so sweet.
4 Thy grace shall dwell upon my heart,
And shcd its fragrance there;
The noblest balm of all its wounds,
The cordial of its care.
5 I’ll speak the honours of Thy name
With my last lab’ring breath;
Then speechless clasp Thee in mine arms,—
The antidote of death !
-“ He must reign till He hath put all enemies under His
feet.” 1 Cor. xv. 25.
J esus, immortal King, arise !
Assert Thy sov’reign sway;
Till earth subdued its tribute bring,
And distant lands obey.
2 Send forth Thy word, and let it fly
The spacious earth around,
That ev’ry soul beneath the sun
May hear the joyful sound.
3‘ O may the great Redeemer’s name
Through ev’ry clime be known!
And heathen gods, like Dagon, fall,
And Jesus reign-alone !
4 From sea to sea, from shore to shore,
May J ESUS be adored!
Ancl earth with all her millions shout
Hosanuas to the Loan.

“ I am the true Vine—Abide in me.” John xv. l. 4.
Jesus, immutably the same !
The true and living Vine;
Around Thine all-supporting stem
My feeble arms I twine.
2 Quicken’d by Thee and kept alive,
I flourish and bear fruit;
My life I from Thy sap derive,
My vigour from Thy root.
3 I can do nothing without ’l‘hee;
My strength is wholly Thine:
Wither’d and barren should I be,
If sever’d from the Vine.
4 Upon my leaf, when parch’d with heat,
Refreshing dew shall drop:
The plant which Thy right-hand hath set, _
Shall ne’er be rooted up.
5 Each moment water’d by ’l'hy care,
And fenc’d with pow’r divine,
Fruit to eternal life shall hear
The feeblest branch of Thine.
" Looking unto JEsUs, the Author and Finisher of our
faith." Heb. xii- 2.
Jesus is our Go0 and SAVIOUR,
Guide and Counsellor and Friend,
Bearing all our misbehaviour,
Kind and loving to the end.
View Him now in heaven sitting,
lnterceding for us there;
Not a moment intermitting
His compassion and His care.
Nothing but ’l‘hy blood, O Jssus,
Can relieve us from our smart ;
Nothing else from guilt release us,
Nothing else can melt the heart.
L 2

Law and terrors do but harden,

All the while they work alone;
But a sense of blood-bought pardon
Soon dissolves a heart of stone.
Teach us, by Thy patient Spirit,
How to mourn and not despair;
Let us, leaning on Thy merit,
Wrestle hard with Gon in pray’r.
. Whatsoe’er afilictions seize us, _
They shall profit, if not please :
But defend—defend us, J ssus,
From security and ease.
“ Whom having not seen ye love, 8f0." 1 Peter i. 8.
J ssus is the chiefest good ;
He has sav’d us by His blood :
Let us value nought but Him;
Nothing else deserves esteem.
2 Jzsus, when stern justice said,
“ Man his life has forfeited,
Vengeance follows by decree,”
Cried-“ Inflict it all on me."
3 Jesus gives us life and peace,
Faith and love and holiness ; ‘
Every blessing, great or small, \
Jesus for us purchas’d all. y
4 Jesus therefore let us own ;
Jesus we’ll exalt alone;
Jesus has our sins forgiv’n ;
Jesus‘ blood has bought us heav’n.
“ There is mme holy as the Lord." l Samuel ii. 2.
Jesus, Lord of life and peace,
To Thee we lift our voice;
Teach us at Thy holiness
To tremble and rejoice.
we - - W.“


Sweet and terrible Thy word—

Thou and Thy word are both the same :
Holy, holy, holy Loan !
We love ’l‘hy holy name.
Saints, in whom Thy Spirit dwells,
Pour out their souls to Thee :
Each his tale in secret tells,
And sighs to be set free:
Cnmsr admir’d, themselves abhorr’d,
They cry with awe, delight and shame,
Holy, holy, holy Loan !
We love Thy holy name.
Just and righteous is our King !
Glorious in holiness:
Though we tremble, while we sing,
We would not wish it less.
Souls by whom the truth’s explor’d
Wonders of mercy best proclaim:
Holy, holy, holy Loan !
We love Thy holy name.

“ I am the way.” John xiv. 6.

Jesus, my all, to heav’n is gone

He whom I fix my hopes upon ;
His track I see, and H1 pursue
The narrow way, till Him I view.
Lo ! glad I come; and Thou, bless’d Lamb,
Shalt take me to Thee as I am ;
Nothing but sin I Thee can give;
Nothing but love shall I receive.
Then shall I tell to sinners round,
What a dear SAVIOUR I have found;
I’ll point to Thy redeeming blood,
And say, “ Behold the way to Gob."

“ In Thy favour is life." Psalm xxx. 5.
Jesus, my Loan, to Thee
In my distress l flee,
Hear thou my call;
Jesus, the name I love,
Jesus, all names above,
Jesus, whose grace I prove,
Jesus, my all.
Loan, let Thy favour be
Dearer than life to me !
Be Thy name dear!
When foes against me fight,
Then raise Thine arm of might,
Then save Thy worm from flight,
Save him from fear.

“ In the time of trouble He shallhide me." Psalm xxvii. 5.
Jesus, Refuge of my soul,
Let me to Thy bosom fly,
While the raging billows roll,
While the tempest still is nigh !
Hide me, O my SAVIOUB, hide,
Till the storm of life is past:
Safe into the haven guide ;
O receive my soul at last.
Other refuge have 1 none,
Hangs my helpless soul‘on Thec ;
Leave, ah ! leave me not alone, _
Still support and comfort me :
All my trust on Thce is stay’d,
All my help from Thee I bring ;
Cover my defenccless head
With the shadow of Thy wing.
_- —-—
mscnnunnous mums. 223

“ The pleasure of the Loan shall prosper in His hand.”
Isaiah liii. 10.
Jesus the Mediator stands
Supported by His Father’s pow’r;
His pleasure prospers in His hands,
And will till time shall be no more.
2 The empire of the Cross shall stretch
Through the dark world’s extensive bound;
Its servants shall its doctrine preach,
Wherever sinners can be found.
3 Nor can their labours be in vain,
While Gon ensures divine success;
Satan must fall, and Jesus reign
‘ O’er all the earth in righteousness.
4 Ride on and prosper, Prince Divine,
And make ’l‘hy saving mercy known ;
Perform Thy Father’s will and Thine,
And wear the universal crown.
“ The Loan nur Righteousness.” Jer. xxiii. 6.
JEsus, Thou art my righteousness,
For all my sins were Thine :
Thy death hath bought of Gon my peace,
Thy life hath made Him mine.
My dying SAVIOUR and my Gon,
Fountain for guilt and sin,
Sprinkle me ever with Thy blood,
And cleanse, and keep me clean.
Thy gifts, O Loan, cannot sufiiee,
Unless Thyself be giv’n :
Thy presence makes my paradise ;
Where’er Thou art is heav’n.

“ He hath clothed me with the garments ofsulvution."
lsaiah lxi. l0.
Jesus ! ’l‘hy blood and righteousness
My beauty are, my glorious dress l
’Midst flaming worlds, in these array’d,
With joy shall I lift up my head.
2 When from the dust of death I rise,
To claim in mansion in the skies,
E’en then s all this be all my plea,
“ Jesus hath liv’d and died for me.”
M Bold shall I stand at that great day;
For who aught to my charge shall lay ?
Fully through Thee absolvd I am
From sin and fear, from guilt and shame.
4 Thus Abraham, the friend of Gon,
Thus all the armies bought with blood,
SAVIOUR. of sinners Thee proclaim—
Sinners, of whom the chief I am.
5 This spotless robe the same appears
When ruin’d nature sinks in years;
No age can change its glorious hue :
The grace of Cnmsr is ever new.
6 O let the dead now hear Thy voice!
Now bid Thy banish’d ones rejoice!
Their beauty this—their glorious dress, ,
Jesus the Loan our Righteousness.
“ A place called Gethsemane.” Mat. xxvi. 36.
J ssus, while He dwelt below,
As divine historians say,
To a place would often go ;—
Near to Kedron’s brook it lay :
In this place He loved to be ;
And ’twas named Gethsemane.
MrscELLsneous HYMNS. 225

Hither, Loan, Thou didst resort

()ft-times with Thy little train;
Here wouldst keep ’l‘hy private court—
Oh! confer that grace again :
Loan, resort with worthless me
Oft—times to Gethsemane.
True, I can’t deserve to share
In a favour so divine,
But since sin first fixed Thee there,
None have greater sins than mine ;
And to this my woeful plea,
Witnes thou, Gethsemane!
Fsrnen, Son, and HoLY Gnosr,
One Almighty Gon of love,
Hymn’d by all the heav’nly host,
In Thy shining courts above—
We poor sinners, gracious Tunes: !
Bless Thee for Gethsemane.
“ Though He was rich yet for your sakes He became poor."
2 Cor. viii. 9.
“ KING of kings, and Loan of lords l”
These are great and awful words ;
‘Tis to Jesus they belong :
Let His people raise their song.
Rich in glory Thou didst stoop :
This is now Thy people’s hope :
Thou wast poor, that they might be
Rich in glory, Loan, with Thee.
When we think of love like this,
Joy and shame our hearts possess—
Joy, that Thou couldst pity thus
Shame, for such returns from us.
Yet we hope the day to see,
When we shall from earth be free ;
Borne aloft, to heav’n be brought—
There to praise Thee as we ought.


“ There is none other, dm.” Acts iv. 12.

LAMB of Gon, we fall before Thee,

Humbly trusting in Thy Cross :
That alone be all our glory—
All things else be counted dross !
Thee we own a perfect SAVIOUR,
Only source of all that’s good :
Every grace and every favour
Comes to us through Jesus’ blood.
Jesus gives us true repentance,
By His Spirit sent from heaven :
Jesus whispers this sweet sentence,
“ Son, .thy sins are all forgiv’n."
Faith He gives us to believe it;
Grateful hearts His love to prize :
Want we wisdom? He must give it ;
Hearing ears and seeing eyes.
Jesus gives us pure affections,
Wills to do what He requires—
Makes as follow His directions,
And what He commands, inspires.
All our prayers and all our praises,
Rightly offer’d in‘His name,—
He that dictates them is Jesus;
He that answers, is the same.
When we live on Jesus’ merit,
Then we worship Gon aright ;
Fnnen, Son and HOLY SPIRIT,
Then we savingly unite.
Hear the whole conclusion of it;
Great or good, whate’er we call,—
‘ Gon, or King, or Priest, or Prophet,—
Jesus Camsr is all in all.
mscannsnuous HYMNS. 227


Unto Him that lated us and washed us from our sins.”
Rev. 1. 5.
L111 us love and sing and wonder,
Let us praise the SAvioun’s name;
He has hush’d the law’s loud thunder,
He has quench’d mount Sinai’s flame :
He has wash’d us with His blood,—
He has brought us nigh to Gon.
Let us praise, and join the chorus
Of the saints enthron’d on high ;
Here they trusted Him before us;
Now their praises fill the sky :—
“ Thou hast wash’d us with Thy blood :
Thou art worthy, LAMB or Gon !"
Hark! the name of Jesus sounded
Loud from golden harps above !
Loan, we blush and are confounded,
Faint our praises, cold our love :
Wash our souls and songs with blood ;
For by Thee we come to Gon.
“ When I became a man I put away childish things.”
1 Cor. xiii. ll.
LET worldly minds the world pursue,
It has no charms for me ;
Once I admir’d its trifles too,
But grace has set me free.
Its pleasures now no longer please,
No more content afford ;
Far from my heart be joys like these l
Now 1 have seen the Loan.
As by the light of op‘ning day
The stars are all conceal’d ;
So earthly pleasures fade away,
When Jesus is reveal’d.

Now, Loan, I would be Thine alone,

And wholly live to Thee :
But may I hope that Thou wilt own
A worthless worm like me ?

Yes ! though of sinners I’m the worst,

I cannot doubt Thy will;
For if Thou badst not lov’d me first,
I had refus’d Thee still.
HYMN CCCXLIV. P. M. or 7 ’s.
"My soul u-aiteth for the Loan more than they that
watch for the morning.” Psalm cxxx. 6.
LIGHT of those whose dreary dwelling
Borders on the shades of death,
Come, and all Thy love revealing,
Dissipate the clouds beneath.
The new heaven’s and earth’s Creator,
In our deepest darkness rise ;
Scatt’ring all the night of nature,
Pouring day upon our eyes.
2 Still we wait for Thine appearing ;
Life and joy Thy beams impart;
Chasing all our fears, and cheering
Every poor benighted heart.
Come and manifest the favour
Thou hast for Thy ransom’d race;
Come, Thou kind and tender SAVIOUB,
Manifest Thy gospel grace.
3 Save us in Thy great compassion,
O Thou Prince of peace and love ;
Show us all Thy great salvation,
Raise our hearts to things above !
By Thine all-sufiicient merit
Ev’ry burden’d soul release;
By the influence of Thy Spirit
Guide us into perfect peace.
auscsrmsseous nrmns. 229

“ A crown was given unto Him.” Rev. vi. 2.
L00r; ye saints ! the sight is glorious!
See the Man of sorrows now
From the fight return’d victorious;
Ev’ry knee to Him shall bow:
Crown Him, crown Him !
Crowns become the Victor’s brow.
Crown the SAVIOUR ; angels, crown Him;
Rich the trophies Jssus brings;
In the seat of pow’r enthrone Him,
While the vault of heaven rings :
Crown Him, crown Him!
Crown the SAVIOUR. King of kings.
Hark those bursts of acclamation!
Hark those loud triumphant chords!
Jesus takes the highest station;
O what joy the sight al‘l‘ords !
Crown Him, crown Him!
KING of kings and Loan of lords.
“ Who Imuweth, whether than art come to the kingdomfor
such a time as this 7" Esther iv. 14.
Loan of heaven and earth and ocean,
Hear us from Thy bright abode ;
May our hearts with deep devotion
Own their great and gracious Gon!
Now with joy we come before Thee ;
O be now Thy mercy seen !
Loan of life and light and glory,
Guard Thy Church and guide our Queen 1
2 Health and ev’ry needful blessing
Are Thy bounteous gifts alone ;
Comforts undeserv’d possessing,
Here we bend before Thy throne :

Young and old are now before Thee

ln ’l‘hy Church adoring seen;
Loan of life and light and glory,
Shield our isle and save our Queen !
3 Thee, with humble adoration,
Loan, we praise for mercies past ;
Still to our most favour’d nation
May those mercies ever last !
Britons then shall still before Thee
Sing how gracious Thou hast been :
Loan of life and light and glory,
Bless Thy people, bless our Queen !
“ Ye cull me Master, and ye say well, for so 1 am.”
John xiii. 13.
Loan, I am Thine, entirely Thine;
.l’urchas’d and sav’d by blood divine :
With full consent Thine still I’d be ;
And own Thy sov’reign right in me.
’l‘hce my new Master now I call,
And consecrate to Thee my all :
Loan, let me live and die to Thee—
Be Thine through all eternity.
" Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest.”
l-leb. iv. 11.
Loan, I believe a rest remains,
To all Thy people known
A rest where pure enjoyment reigns,
And Thou art lov‘d alone.
2 Celestial Spirit, make me know
I'haé I shall enter in:
ow, svroun, now the power bestow
And wash mc from my sin. ’

3 Remove this hardness from my heart,

This unbelief remove ;
To me the rest of faith impart—
The sabbath of Thy love.
" The Lonn loveth the gates of Zion.” Psalm lxxxvii. 2.
Loan of hosts, how lovely fair,
E’en on earth, Thy temples are !
Here Thy waiting people see
Much of heav’n, and much of Thee.
Here we supplicate Thy throne—
Here thou mak’st Thy glories known;
Here we learn Thy righteous ways,
Taste Thy love, and sing Thy praise.
HYMN CCCL. P. M. 7’s.
" Our eyes are upon Thee.” 2 Chron. xx. 12.
Loan, we come before Thee now,
At Thy feet we humbly bow;
Ah ! do not our suit disdain—
Shall we seek Thee, Loan, in vain ?
2 In Thine own appointed way
Now we seek Thee—here we stay ;
Loan, from hence we would not go,
Till a blessing Thou bestow.
3 Send some message from Thy word
That may joy and peace afford;
Let Thy Spirit now impart
Full salvation to each heart.
4 Grant that all may seek and find
Thee a Goo supremely kind ;
Heal the sick—the captive free ;
Let us all rejoice in Thee.
“ In your patience possess ye your souls.” Luke xxi. 19
Lonn, who hast suffer’d all for me,
My peace and pardon to procure,
232 mseenmneous mmss.

The lighter cross I bear for Thee,

Help me with patience to endure.
Let me not hastily declare
No pain was ever sharp like mine;
Nor murmur at the cross I bear,
But rather weep, rememb’ring Thine.
HYMN CCCLII. P. M. or 7‘s.
“ Thu! Cmusr may dwell in ymn’ hearts by faith, 8,12."
Eph. ii. 17.
Love divine, all love excelling,
Joy of heav’n, to earth come down !
Fix in us Thy humble dwelling;
All Thy faithful mercies crown :
Jesus, Thou art all compassion;
Pure unbounded love Thou art ;
Visit us with Thy salvation,
Enter ev’ry trembling heart.
Come, Almighty to deliver, ‘
Let us all Thy life receive ;
Suddenly return, and never
Never more Thy temples leave :
Thee we would be always blessing_
Serve Thee as Thy hosts above—
Pray and praise Thee without ceasing,
Glory in ’l‘hy dying love.
Carry on Thy new creation ;
Pure and holy may we be .'
Let us see our whole salvation
Perfectly secur’d by Thee ;
Chang’d from glory into glory,
Till in heav’n we take our place—
Till we cast our crowns before Thee,
Lost in wonder, love, and praise.
" Llft Thuu up the light of Thy countenance upon us.”
Psalm iv. 6.
MAKE Thy face to shine upon us,
0 our SAVIOUB and our KING !

Then, though all should scorn and shun us,

We are blest, and we may sing:
From Thy favour
Life and hope and gladness spring.
Smile Thou then, O smile from heaven !
They are blest who wait on Thee ;
Let this grace to us be given
Thee to know, and Thine to be!
Here to serve Thee,
And in heav’n Thy face to see.
There to tell the wondrous story
()f the grace that made us Thine ;
There with all Thy saints in glory
As the stars of heav’n to shine ;
And for ever
In Thy praise with angels join.
" Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, dye."
Heb. vi. 19.
Mss like a flower at morn appears,
And 'blooms perhaps a few short years ;
The flatterer, hope, still leads him on, -
Pursuing pleasure, finding none ;
Or if he finds it for a day,
It soon takes wing and flies away.
A better hope the Christian cheers,
Which joylul through life’s gloom appears ;
Firm on a rock his hope he builds,
Which to no storm nor tempest yields ;
Let earth dissolve—he will not fear ;
For why? his hope is not fix’d here.
Though here afliictions may annoy,
()ur sorrows will be turned to joy :
Though trouble here the sigh may raise,
There’s nothing heard in heav’n but praise :
Joys past all utt’rance we shall share,
And face to face see Jesus there.
L 3

"Shani how great things Gon hath done unto thee."
Luke viii. 39. ‘
MIGHTY Gon, while angels bless Thee,
May a sinner praise Thy name ?
Loan of men, as well as angels,
Thou art ev’ry creature’s theme :
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Amen. ‘
Did archangels sing Thy coming?
Did the shepherds learn their lays ?
Shame would cover me ungrateful,
Should my tongue refuse to praise. Hal.
From the highest throne in glory
To the Cross of deepest woe,
All to ransom guilty captives—
Flow, my praise, for ever flow. Hal.
Come, return, immortal Saviour!
Come, Lord Jesus, take Thy throne;
Quickly come, and reign for ever
Be the kingdom all Thine own ! Hal.

“ Ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be jull."
John xvi. 24.
Mom; of Thy presence, LoRn, impart ;
More of Thine image let me bear‘:
Erect Thy throne within my heart—
And reign without a rival there.
2 Give me to read my pardon seal‘d,
And thence derive my joy and strength;
To see Thy boundless love reveal’d
In all its height and breadth and length.
3 Grant these requests—I ask no more;
But to Thy care the rest resign:
Sick or in health, or rich or poor,
All shall be well, if Thou art mine.
‘w 1.


“ My Go0 shall supply all your need by Cmusr Jesus.”
Phil. iv. 19.
MY Gon—how cheerful is the sound 1
How pleasant to repeat!
Well may that heart with pleasurebound,
Where Gon hath fix’d His seat.
2 What want shall not our Gon supply
From His abounding stores ?
What streams of mercy from on high
An arm Almighty pours !
3 From CHRIST, the ever-living spring,
These ample blessings flow:
Prepare my lips His name to sing,
Whose heart hath lov’d us so.
4 Now to our Father and our Gon
Be endless glory giv’n,
Through all the realms of man’s abode,
And through the highest heav’n !
“ The Loan is my portion, saith my soul." Lam. iii. 24.
MY Gon, my portion is Thy love,
My everlasting all,
I‘ve none but Thee in heaven above,
Or on this earthly ball.
‘Vhat empty things are all the skies,
And this inferior clod l
There’s nothing here deserves my joys,
’l‘here’s nothing like my Gon.
To thee we owe our wealth and friends
And health and safe abode;
Thanks to Thy name for meaner things !
But they are not my Gon.
Were I possessor of the earth,
And call’d the stars my own,
Without Thy graces and Thyself,
I were a wretch undone.

“ How long shall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee .i’"
Jer. iv. 14.
MY Gon, permit me not to be
A stranger to myself and Thee;
Amidst a thousand thoughts I rove,
Forgetful of my highest love.
2 Call me away from flesh and sense;
One sov’reign word can draw me thence ;
I would obey the voice divine,
And all inferior joys resign.
3 Be earth with all her scenes withdrawn!
Let noise and vanity be gone !
In secret silence of the mind,
My heav’n, and there my GOn, I find.
“ Thou hast made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered
in all things and sure." 2 Sam. xxili. 5.
MY Gon, the covenant of Thy love
Abides for ever sure ;
And in its matchless grace I feel
My happiness secure.
2 What though my house he not with Thee
As nature could desire,
To nobler joys than nature gives,
Thy servant would aspire.
3 Since Thou, the everlasting GOn,
My Father art become,
J esvs my Guardian and my Friend,—
And heaven my final home ;—
4 I welcome all Thy sov’reign will,
For all that will is love;
And when I know not what ’l‘hou dost,
I wait the light above.

“ If 1 have not appointed the m-Jinmu‘es of heaven
and earth, dye." Jer. xxxiii. 25.
MY hiding place, my refuge, tower,
And shield, art Thou, O Lord;
I firmly anchor all my hopes
On Thine unerring word.
2 Engraved as in eternal brass,
The mighty promise shines ;
Nor can the powers of darkness raze
Those everlasting lines.
The sacred word of grace is strong
As that which built the skies ;
The voice which rolls the stars along,
Spoke all the promises.
My hiding place, my refuge, tower,
And shield art Thou, O Loan ;
My anchor in the trying hour,
Thy firm unerring word.

“ He is Lona of all." Acts x, 36.
MY song shall bless the Loan of- all,
My praise shall climb to His abode;
Thee, SAVIOUR, by that name 1 call,
The great Supreme, the mighty Gon.
Without beginning or decline,
Object of faith and not of sense ;
Eternal ages saw Him shine ;
He shines eternal ages hence.
A cheerful confidence I, feel,
My well plac’d hopes with joy I see ;
My bosom glows with heav’nly zeal
To worship Him who died for me.

" My time; are in ‘l‘hy hand." Psalm xxxi. 15.
MY times of sorrow and of joy,
Great Gon, are in Thy hand;
My choicest comforts come from Thee,
And go at Thy command.
2 If Thou should’st take them all away,
Yet would I not repine ;
Before they were possess’d by me,
They were entirely Thine.
3 Nor would I drop a murm’ring word,
Though the whole world were gone;
But seek enduring happiness
In Thee, and Thee alone.
“ My people shall be satisfied with my goodness, saith
the Loan.” Jer. xxxi. 14.
No longer far from rest I roam,
And search in vain for bliss ;
My soul is satisfied at home,—
The Loan my portion is.
2 Jesus, who on His glorious throne
Rules heaven and earth and sea,
Is pleas’d to claim me for His own,
And give Himself to me.
3 His person fixes all my love;
His blood removes my fear ;
And while He pleads for me above,
His arm preserves me here.
4 His word of promise is my food,
His Spirit is my guide:
Thus daily is my strength renew’d,
And all my wants supplied.
5 For Him I count as gain each loss,
Disgrace for Him, renown ;
Well may I glory in His Cross,
While He prepares my crown.

“ Grace and truth came_ by Jesus Cnsisr." John i. L‘.
No strength of nature can suffice
To serve the Lord aright ;
And what she has, she misapplies,
For want of clearer light.
How long beneath the law I lay,
In bondage and distress!
I toil’d the precept to obey,
But toil’d without success.
Then all my servile works were done
A righteousness to raise !
Now, freely chosen in the Son,
I freely choose His ways.
What shall I do, was then the word,
That I may worthier grow ?
What shall 1 render to the Lord ?
Is my enquiry now.
To see the law by Cumsr fulfill’d,
And hear His pard’ning voice,
Changes a slave into a child,
And duty into choice.

“ Eye hath not seen, 8(0." 1 Cor. ii. 9, 10.
Noa eye has seen, nor ear has heard,
Nor sense nor reason known,
What joys th’ Almighty has prepar’d
For those who love His Son.
2 But the good Spirit of the Loan
‘ Reveals a heav’n to come;
The beams of glory in His word,
‘ Allure and guide us home. a
3 Pure are the joys above the sky,
And all the region peace; ‘
No evil tongue, nor envious eye,
Can see or taste the bliss.

4 Those holy gates for ever bar

Pollution, sin, and shame;
None shall obtain admittance there,
But followers of the Lamb.
“ Thu blood of JEsUs Ci-mrs‘l‘ His Son, cleanseth us from
all sin." 1 John i. 7.
Now all the blood of beasts
On Jewish altars slain,
Could give the guilty conscience peace,
Or wash away the stain.
2 But Cumsr the heav’nly LAMB
’l‘akes all our sins away,
A sacrifice of nobler name,
And richer blood than they.
3 My soul looks back to see
The burden Thou didst bear,
When hanging on th’ accursed tree, -
And hopes her guilt was there.
4 My faith would lay her hand
On that dear head of Thine,
Whilst like a penitent I stand,
And there confess my sin.
5 Believing, we rejoice
To see the curse remove ;
We bless the LAMB with cheerful voice,
And sing His bleeding love.
HYMN CCCLXVllI. I’. M. 7’s.
" The love of Cumsr, dye.” 2 Cor. v. 14.
Now begin the heav‘nly theme,
Sing aloud in Jesus’ name;
Ye who His salvation prove,
Triumph in redeeming love.
Ye, who see the FArrmR’s grace,
‘Beaming in the SAvxoUn’s face,
As to Canaan on ye move,
Praise and bless redeeming love.
mscnnmnnou s HYMNS. 241

Welcome all by sin oppress’d !

Welcome to His sacred rest!
Nothing brought Him from above—
Nothing but redeeming love.
Hither, then, your music bring,
Strike aloud each cheerful string;
Mortals, join the hosts above—
Join to praise redeeming love.
“ The glory of Goo in thefaee of Jesus Cnmsr."
2 Cor. iv. 6.
Now to the Loan a noble song !
Awake my soul, awake my tongue;
Hosanna to the eternal Name !
And all His boundless love proclaim.
See where it shines in Jssus‘ face,
The brightest image of Gon’s grace ;
For in the person of His Son,
Gon has His mightiest works outdone.
O may I live to reach the place
Where He unveils His shining face,
And all His beauty there behold,
And sing His name to harps of gold.
“ This Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the
world.” Matt. xxiv. 14.
Now we trust the day is breaking,
Joyful times are near at hand;
Gon, the mighty Gon, is speaking
By llis word in ev’ry land :
When He pleases,
Darkness flies at llis command.
2 While the foe becomes more daring,
And would enter like a flood,
Gon the SAVIOUR is preparing
Means to spread His truth abroad ;

Every language
Soon shall tell the love of Gon.
3 Go0 of Jacob, high and glorious,
Let Thy people see Thy hand
Let the Gospel be victorious
Through the world, in ev’ry land;
And the idols
Perish, LoRn, at Thy command !
“ Joint heirs with Cnnrsr.” Rom. viii. 17.
O coma, Thou blessed LAMB of G0n!
Come wash us in Thy cleansing blood;
Give us to know Thy love; then pain
Is sweet, and life or death is gain.
How can it be, Thou heav’nly King,
That Thou should’st man to glory bring !-
Make slaves the partners of Thy throne,
Deck’d with a never fading crown !
Firstborn of many brethren Thou;
To Thee both earth and heav’n must bow:
Help us to Thee our all to give!
Thine may we die ! Thine may we livel
“ The vision is yet for an appointed time ;—though it
tarry, wuitfor it, die." Hab. ii. 3.
O’sn the gloomy hills of darkness,
Look, my soul; be still, and gaze;
All the promises do travail
With a glorious day ofgrace :
Blessed jubilee,
Let thy happy morning dawn !
2 Let the Indian, let the Negro,
Let the rude Barbarian see
That divine and matchless conquest
Once obtain’d on Calvary ;
Let the Gospel
Wide resound from pole to pole.

3 Kingdoms vast that sit in darkness,

Let them have the glorious light;
From the eastern coast to western
May the morning chase the night!
And redemption’s
Free bought blessings flow around.
“ Neither is there salvation in any other, Q‘0.”
Acts iv. 12.
O FATHER of mercies, and Gon of salvation!
Look on us in pity, else we are undone ;
To Thee would we cry in our deep tribulation,
For all other refuge is utterly gone.
Our consciences smite us,Thy judgments affright us,
Our sins now against us arise in array;
The joys of Thy favour no longer delight us,
Thy sweet consolations have vanish’d away.
O look then upon us in Him Thine Anointed ;
Behold Him, JEnoVAH, our Rock and our Shield !
The King in Mount Zion whom Thou hast ap
The rod of Thy strength—Thy salvation to wield.
For His sake have mercy, and heal and relieve ns ;
Restore Thy good Spirit, the light of Thy face :
In life never leave us, in death O receive us,
And monuments make us of infinite grace.
“ 1 will give you aheart, dye." Ezek. xxxvi. 26.
O roa a heart to praise my Gon,
A heart from sin set free—
A heart that’s sprinkled with the blood
So freely shed for me l
A heart resign’d, submissive, meek,
My great Redeemcr’s throne,
Where only Cnnrsr is heard to speak,
Where J esus reigns alone ;—
M 2

A heart in ev’ry thought renew’d,

And fill’d with love divine,
Perfect and right and pure and good,—
A copy, LoRn, of Thine.
Thy nature, gracious Loan, impart ;
Come quickly from above ;
Write Thy new name upon my heart—
Thy new best name of love.
" Rejoice in Cnnls’r Jesus.U Phil. iii. 3.
O Foa a thousand tongues, to sing
My great Redeemer’s praise—
The glories of my Gon and King,
The triumphs of His grace l
2 My gracious SAVIOUII. and my Gon,
Assist me to proclaim—
To spread through all the earth abroad
The honours of Thy Name.
3 Jesus—the name that charms our fears,
That bids our sorrows cease;
’Tis music in the sinner’s ears,—
’Tis life and health and peace.
4 He speaks, and list’ning to His voice,
New life the dead receive ;
The mournful, broken hearts, rejoice,
The humble poor believe.
" We love Him, because He first loved us.” 1 John iv. 19.
O Gon, of good the unfathom’d sea,
‘ Who would not give his heart to Thee ?
Who would not love Thec with his might ?
O Jesus, Lover of mankind,
Who would not his whole soul and mind,
With all his strength to Thee unite ? ’

Fountain of good! all blessing flows

From Thee : no want Thy fulness knows:
What but Thyself canst Thou desire?
Yes ; self-sufficient as Thou art,
Thou dost desire my worthless heart ;
This, only this, dost Thou require.
“ Camsr formed in you." Gal. iv. 19.
O Gon! Thy record I believe,
In Abraham’s footsteps tread :
And wait, expecting to receive
The Camsr, the promis’d Seed.
Faith, mighty faith, the promise sees,
And looks to that alone ;
Knows no impossibilities,
And cries, “ It shall be done!"
Obedient faith, that waits on Thee,
Thou never wilt reprove;
And thou wilt form Thy Son in me,
And perfect me in love.
“ Wilt thou not from this time cry unto me, My Father .7"
Jer. iii. 4.
O HAPPY day, that fix’d my choice
On Thee, my SAVIOUR and my Gon!
Well may this glowing heart rejoice,
And tell its raptures all abroad.
2 O happy bond, that seals my vows
To Him who merits all my love I
Let cheerful anthems fill His house,
While to that sacred shrine I move.
3 ’Tis done: the great transaction’s done :
I am my Loan’s, and He is mine:
He drew me, and I follow’d on,
Charm’d to confess the voice divine.

4 High heav’n, that heard the solemn vow,

That vow renew’d shall daily hear ;
Till in life’s latest hour I bow,
And bless in death a bond so dear.
“ They shall look on me whom they have pierced."
Zec. xii. 10.
O new so full of bruises,
So full of pain and scorn,
Midst other sore abuses
Mock’d with a crown of thorn!
O head ere now surrounded
With brightest majesty,
In death once bow’d and wounded,
Accursed on the tree.
We give Thee thanks unfeigued,
O Jesus, Friend in need!
For what Thy soul sustained
When Thou for us didst bleed!
Grant us to lean unshaken
Upon Thy faithfulness;
Until from hence we’re taken
To see Thee face to face.
“ Help Thou mine unbelief.” Mark ix. 24.
O HELP us, Loan! each hour of need
Thy heavenly succour give ;
Help us in thought and word and deed,
Each hour on earth we live.
2 O help us when our spirits bleed,
With contrite anguish tore ;
And when our hearts are cold and dead,
O help us, Loan, the more.
/ 3 0 help us through the prayer of faith
More firmly to believe;
For still the more Thy servant bath,
The more shall he receive.
msesnnsneous HYMNS. 247

4 O help us, Jesus ! from on high;

We know no help but Thee;
O help us so to live and die,
As Thine in heaven to be.
“ They that were in the ship came and worshipped Him,
8yc." Matt. xiv. 33.
O Jesus, Lord of earth and heaven!
To Thee we lift our eyes;
To Thee be praise and blessing given,
From all beneath the skies l
’Twas Thou of old did’st often stand,
And teach beside the sea ;
And Thou did’st choose Thy faithful band,
By the waves of Galilee.
Then hear us, Loan, and keegus now,
For unto Thee we pray‘;
Be Thou our guard—our pilot Thou,
Upon our stormy way.
“ Casting all your care on Him.” 1 Pet. v. 7.
O Loan, I would delight in Thee,
And on Thy care depend—
To Thee in ev’ry trouble flee,
My best, my only Friend.
When all created streams are dried,
Thy fulness is the same;
May I with this be satisfied,
And glory in Thy name l
No good in creatures can be found
But may be found in Thee;
I must have all things, and abound,
While Go1) is Gon to me.
O Loan, I cast my care on Thee ;
l triumph and adore :
Henceforth my great concern shall be,
To love and please Thee more.
248 mscsnnsnsous nrmvs.

“ Not my willbut Thine be done I" Luke xxii. 42.
O LoRn, my best desire fulfil,
And help me to resign
Life, health and comfort to Thy will,
And make Thy pleasure mine.
Thy favour, all my journey through,
Thou art engag’d to grant ;
What else I want, or think I do,—
’Tis better still to want.
Wisdom and mercy guide my way;
Shall I‘resist them both ?—
A poor blind creature of a day,
And crush’d before the moth!
But ah! my inward spirit cries,
Still bi‘ .me to Thy sway;
Else the next cloud that veils my skies,
Drives all these thoughts away.
" Cnnrsr is the end of the law for righteousness to every
one that believeth." Rom. x. 4.
O THANKS be to Gon for His infinite love,
His unmerited favour and grace—
For the mercy and judgment and justice and truth
That shine in the SAvroun’s face !
2 For the Gospel brings peace to the guiltiest
breast ’
By ever proclaiming, “ 'Ti5 nonn,” -
By assuring the conscience with power divine,
That Gon is well pleased in His Son.
“ Heal me, 0 Loan, and 1 shall be healed : save me. and I
shall be saved." Jer. xvii. 14.
O THAT my heart were right with Thee,
And loved Thee with a perfect love;
O that my Lorm would dwell in me,
And never from His seat remove!

J esus, apply Thy pardoning blood,

And make this bosom fit for Gon.
2 SAVIOUR, I dwell in awful night,
Until Thou in my heart appear:
Arise, propitious Sun, and light
An everlasting morning there:
Thy presence casts the shadows by;
If thou withdraw, how dark am I !
3 O let my prayer acceptance find,
And bring the mighty blessing down ;
Eye-sight impart, for I am blind ;
And seal me Thine adopted son.
A fallen, helpless creature take,
And heir of Thy salvation make.
“ Owretched man that I am, 8m.” Rom. vii. 24.
O THAT my load of sin were gone !
O Loan, I would at last submit
At Jasus’ feet to lay it down—
To lay my soul at Jesus’ feet.
Rest for my soul I long to find :
Saviour of all, if mine Thou art,
Give me Thy meek and lowly mind,
And stamp Thine image on my heart.
I would, but Thou must give the pow’r,
My heart from every sin release :
Bring near—bring near the joyful hour, ‘
And fill me with Thy perfect peace.
Come, Loan, the drooping sinner cheer,
Nor let Thy chariot wheels delay ;
Appear in my poor heart, appear!
O come, my Gon, and with me stay !
“ They shall enter into my rest." Heb. iv. 5.
0 THAT our thoughts and thanks may rise
As grateful incense to the skies !

And draw from heaven that sweet repose,

Which none but he who feels it knows.
2 This heavenly calm within the breast,
Is the blest pledge of glorious rest,
Which for the Church of Gon remains,—
The end of cares, the end of pains.
3 With joy, great Gon, Thy works we view,
In various scenes both old and new ;
With praise we think on mercies past,
With hope Thy saving mercies taste.
4 In holy duties let the day
In holy pleasures pass away !
How sweet a Sabbath thus to spend,
In hope of one that ne’er shall end !
“ With Goo nothing shall be impossible." Luke i. 37.
O ran Thou wouldst, the heavens rent,
In majesty come down—
Stretch out Thine arm, Omnipotent,
And seize me for Thine own.
What thou h I cannot break my chain,
Or e’er t row off my load ;
The things impossible to men
Are possible to Gon.
Lo ! to the hills I lift my eyes :
Thy promis’d aid I claim ;
Father of mercies, glorify
Thy favoured Jesus’ Name.
Thou canst o’ercome this heart of mine;
’l‘hou wilt victorious prove;
For everlasting strength is Thine,
And everlasting love.
“ Loan, remember me.” Luke xxiii. 42.
O Tnou, from whom all goodness flows—
I lift my soul to Thee ;

In all my sorrows, conflicts, woes,

Jxsus, remember me.
When on my aching, burden’d heart,
My sins lie heavily—
Thy pardon grant, new peace impart;
In love remember me.
When trials sore obstruct my way,
And ills I cannot flee ;
O let my strength be as my day :
For good remember me.
And when before Thy throne I stand,
And lift my soul to Thee ;
Then with the saints at Thy right hand,
Still, Loan, remember me.
“ Look upon thefaca ofThiue Anomran.”
Psalm lxxxiv. 9.
O THou, who dwell’st in the heavens high
Above yon stars, and within yon sky;
Where the dazzling fields never needed light,
Of the sun by day, nor the moon by night !
Though shining millions around Thee stand—
\ For the sake of One that’s at Thy right hand,
0 think of them that have cost Him dear,
Still chained in doubt and in darkness here.
“ My peace I give unto you.” John xiv. 27.
O Tnmms Gon! descend, and dwell
In this lone heart of mine,
That I may know a heaven on earth—
In sorrow, peace divine !
O give me to possess that hope
To which the world is dead
That dawning of celestial joy,
For which a SAvroun bled !

Shepherd of Israel ! lead me where

Thy verdant pastures grow,
And bid my soul drink deep and long,
Where Thy still waters flow I
When troubles rise on every side,
And earthly comforts fiee—
When all around is drear and dark,
I’ll rest secure in Thee !
“ The purchased possession." Eph. i. 14 .
O WHAT hath Jesus bought for me !
Before my raptured eyes
Rivers of life divine I see,
And trees of Paradise.
2 I see a world of spirits bright,
Who taste the pleasures there ;
They all are rob’d in radiant white,
And victors’ palms they bear !
3 Loan, what are all my sorrows here,
If thou but make me meet
With that triumphant host t’ appear,
And worship at Thy feet !
4 Give joy or grief—give ease or pain ;
Take what Thou wilt away ;
But let me find my losses gain,
In that eternal day.
“ The Loan—Heislan holy Gon.” Joslnxxiv. 19.
Sun the sutf’ring Son of Gon,
Weeping, groaning, bathed in blood !
Brethren, this had never been,
Had not Gon detested sin.
Be His mercy therefore sought
In the way Himself has taught !
There His clemency is such,
We can never trust too much.

He that better knows than we,

Bids us all to JesUs flee,
Humbly take Him at His word,
And your soul shall bless the Loan.
" Other lords besides Thee have had dominion over us."
Isai. xxvi. l3
ONCE to other lords we bow’d,
None were more enslav’d than we;
Once we join’d the thoughtless crowd ;
SAVIOUB! now we come to Thee.
Henceforth we desire to be
Thine alone, for ever Thine ;
Thou hast set the pris’ners free :
SAVIOU n, on thy people shine !
Let us walk with Thee below—
Thee, on whom our hopes depend;
Then with all Thy people go,
Thither where our conflicts end.
“ Thy love to me was wonderful.” 2 Sam. i. 26.
Om; there is, above all others,
Well deserves the name of Friend :
His is love beyond a brother’s,
Costly, free, and knows no end :
They who once His kindness prove
Find it everlasting love.
Which of all our friends to save us
Could or would have shed his blood ?
But our Jesus died to have us
Reconcil’d in Him to Gon :
This was boundless love indeed;
Jesus is a friend in need.
O for grace our hearts to soften !
Teach us, _Lorw, at length to love ;

We, alas! forget too often,

What a Friend we have above :
But when home our souls are brought,
We shall love Thee as we ought.
" Because ye are sons, 8ye.” Gal. iv. 6.
OuB. Father sits on yonder throne,
Amidst the hosts above;
He reigns throughout the world, alone
He reigns the Gon of love.
He knew us when we knew Him not—
Was with us, though unseen;
His favour came to us unsought—
His love has wond’rous been.
He gives us hope that we shall be
Ere long with Him above ;
That we shall all His glory see,
And celebrate His love.
Then let us, while we dwell below,
Obey our FATHEn’s voice;
To all His dispensations bow,
And in His name rejoice.
“ He is faithful that promised.” Heb. it. 23.
OUR Gon—how firm His promise stands,
Ev’n when He hides His face !
He trusts in our Redeemer’s hands
His glory and His grace.
Then why, my soul, these sad complaints,
Since CHRIST and we are one ?
Thy Gon is faithful to His saints—
Is faithful to His Son.
Beneath His smiles my heart has liv’d,
And part of heaven possess’d;
I pralse His name for grace received,
And trust Him for the rest.
mscnLLANnous HYMNS. ‘ 255

" I am the bright and morning star.” Rev. xxii. 16.
Oue Gon—the spring of all our joys,
The life of our delights,
The glory of our brightest days,
And comfort of our nights ;
2 In darkest shades, if He appear,
Our dawning is begun!
He is our soul’s sweet morning star,
And He our rising sun.
3 The op’ning heav’ns around us shine
With beams of sacred bliss,
While Jssus shews His love divine,
And whispers, we are His.
4 Draw us, O Gon, with sov’reign grace,
And lift our thoughts on high ;
That we may end this mortal race,
And see salvation nigh.
“ Peace be unto you.” Luke xxiv. 36.
PEACE be to this congregation !
Peace to ev’ry soul therein!
Peace, the foretaste of salvation—
Peace, the fruit of cancell’d sin:
Peace, that speaks its heav’nly Giver,
Peace, to sensual minds unknown,
Peace divine, that lasts for ever,
Here erect its glorious throne!
Loan, if now ’l‘hou passest by us,
Stand and call us unto Thee ;
Fully, freely justify us,
Give us eyes Thy love to see ;—
Love that brought thee down from heav’n —
Made our Gon a man of grief:
Let us know our sins forgiv’n ; -
Help, O help our unbelief. use‘


HYMN CCCC. P. M. 7’s.

“ Thy Gon shall be my Goo, 8ye." Ruth i.‘ 16, 17.
PEOPLE of the living Gon!
I have sought the world around,
Paths of sin and sorrow trod—
Peace and comfort nowhere found :
Now to you my spirit turns,
Turns,-a fugitive unblest ; ‘
Brethren ! where your altar burns, _ l
Oh, receive me into rest. ‘w
Lonely 1 no longer roam,
Like the cloud, the wind, the wave; ‘
Where you dwell shall be my home—
Where you die shall be my grave :
Mine the Gon whom you adore
Your Redeemer shall be mine:
Earth can fill my soul no more;
Every idol 1 resign.
HYMN CCCCI. P. M. 7’s.
“ Wherefore standest than without 5'" Gen. xxiv. 31,
PILGBIMs, burdened with your sin‘,
Come the way to Zion’s gate ;
There, till mercy speaks within,
Knock and weep and watch and wait.
Knock—He knows the sinner’s cry;
Weep—He loves the mourner’s tears;
Watch—for saving grace is nigh;
Wait—till heavenly light appears.
Hark! it is your Sevioun’s voice ! _
“ Welcome pilgrims to your rest :”
N ow within the gate rejoice;
Safe and owned and bought and bless’d :
Safe—from all the lures of vice ;
Owned—by joys the contrite know ;
Bought—by love and life the price ;
Bless’d—the mighty debt to owe.

“ This is my Friend." Song of Sol. v. 16.
PooR, weak, and worthless though I am,‘
I have a rich Almighty Friend:
Jesus the SAVIOUR is His name :
He freely loves, and without end.
2 He ransom’d me from hell with blood,
And by His power my foes controll’d;
He found me wand’ring far from Gon,
And brought me to His chosen fold.
3 He cheers my heart, my wants supplies,
And says that I shall shortly be
Enthron’d with Him above the skies :
0 what a Friend is Cumsr to me !

“ Where sin abou‘nded, grace did much more abound.”
Rom. v. 20.
Pause the Loan, who died to save us :
Praise His Name for ever dear;
Praise His blessed Name, who gave us
Eyes to see and ears to hear :
Praise the SAVIOUR!
Object of our love and fear.
2 Grace it was—‘twas grace abounding,
Brought Him down to save the lost ;
Ye above, His throne surrounding,
Praise Him ; praise Him all His host.
Saints adore Him !
Ye are they who owe Him most.
3 Ye, of all His hand created,
Objects are of grace alone ;
Aliens once, but reinstated :
Destin’d now to fill a throne :
Sing with wonder;
‘ Sing of what our Loan has done.
M 3

4 Praise His name who died to save us;

"l‘is by Him His people live;
And in Him the FATHER. gave us
All that boundless love could give.
Life eternal
In our SAVIOUB. we receive !
Thanks be to GOn which giueth ‘us the victory, 85‘0.”
1 Cor. xv, 57.

PRAISE the LoRn, for He is glorious;

Never shall His promise fail ;
Gon hath made His saints victorious;
Sin and death shall not prevail.
Praise the Gon of our salvation ;
Hosts on high His pow’r proclaim ;
.Heav’n and earth and all creation,
Land and magnify His name.
God——hath shined in our hearts.” 2 Cor. iv. 6.
PRAISE to the Lorm of boundless might,
With uncreated glories bright!
His presence gilds the worlds above-_
Th’ unchanging source of light and love.
Let there be light—JnnovAH said ;
And light o’er nature’s ‘face was spread :
The world, array’d in charms unknown,
Gay with its new-born lustre shone.
He sees the mind when lost it lies
In shades of ignorance and vice;
And darts from heav’n a vivid ray,
And changes midnight into day.
Shine, mighty Gon! through Jesus shine
On this benighted heart of mine;
And let Thy glories stand reveal’d,
.As in the Ssvrouxr’s face beheld.

" Hopetuthe end for the grace, 8(0.” 1 Peter i. 13-15.
RELIGION bears our spirits up,
While we expect that blessed hope,
The bright appearance of the Lonn ;
And faith stands leaning on His word.
So let our lips and lives express
The holy gospel we profess;
So let our works and virtues shine,
To prove the doctrine all divine.
Thus shall we best proclaim abroad
The honours of our SAVIOUR Gon;
-When the salvation reigns within,
And grace subdues the pow’r of sin.
“ Ye are not come untothe mount, 8m.” Heb. xii. 18.
REVEAL not Thyself, LoRn, in burnings and splen
As Thou didst on the mount to Thy people of old ;
But shew us those glories, bright, awful, but ten
Which Thy servants with joy in the gospel behold.
“ We have waited for Him." lsai. xxv. 9.
CEASE, ye pilgrims, cease to mourn,
Press onward to the prize ;
Soon the SAVIOUR will return
Triumphant in the skies ;
Yet a season, and you know
Happy entrance will be giv’n,
All our sorrows left below,
And earth exchang’d for heav’n.
“ How shall they hear without a preacher?” Rom x. 14
Rou. on, thou mighty ocean !
And as thy billows flow,

Bear messengers of mercy

To every land below.
2 Arise, ye gales, and waft them
Safe to the destin’d shore ;
That man may sit in darkness
And death’s dark shade no more.
3 O thou eternal Ruler!‘
Who holdest in Thine arm
The tempests of the ocean,
Protect them from all harm !
4 O be Thy presence with them,
Wherever they may be,
Though far from those who love them,—
Oh be they still with Thee !
HYMN CCCCX. P. M. 7’s.
“ Iwill put thee in a clift of the rock." Exod. xxxiii. 22.
Ro0r: of ages ! cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in Thee ;
Let the water and the blood,
From thy wounded side which flow’d,
Be of sin the double cure,
Cleanse me from its guilt and pow’r.‘
2 Not the labour of my hands
Can fulfil Thy law’s demands;
Could my‘zeal no respite know,—
Could my tears for ever flow,—
All for sin could not atone ;
Thou must save, and Thou alone.
3 Nothing in my hand I bring,
Simply to Thy cross I cling;
Come to Thee for righteousness,
Helpless, look to Thee for grace—
Sinful, to the fountain fly ;—
Wash me, SAVIOUR, or I die.
4 While I draw this fleeting breath,
When mine eye-strings break in death,

When I soar to worlds unknown,

See Thee on Thy judgment throne—
Rock of ages cleft for me !
Let me hide myself in Thee.
“ By the obedience of One shall ngmy be made righteous."
om. v. 1 .
SAVIOUB Divine! we know Thy Name,
And in that Name we trust;
Thou art the Loan OUR. Rrenreousnnss,
Thou art Thine Israel’s boast.
Guilty we plead before Thy throne,
And low in dust we lie,
Till Jesus stretch His gracious arm
To bring the ‘guilty nigh.
That spotless robe which He hath wrought
Shall deck us all around,
Nor by the piercing eye of Gon
One blemish then be found.
Pardon and peace and lively hope,
To sinners now are given:
Israel and Judah soon shall change
Their wilderness for heaven.
“ He shall come down like min on the mown grass.”
Psalm lxxii. 6.
SAvroun, visit Thy plantation:
Grant us, Loan, a gracious rain !
All will come to desolation,
Unless Thou return again.
Loan, revive us ;
All our help must come from Thee.
Let our mutual love be fervent,
Make as prevalent in pray’rs;
Let each one esteem’d Thy servant,
Shun the world’s bewitching snares.
Loan, revive us, 8w.

Break the tempter’s fatal power :

Turn the stony heart to flesh:
And begin from this good hour
To revive Thy work afresh.
Loini, revive us, &c.
" Iwill sing of mercy." Psalm ci. 1.
SeE, He comes upon the mountains,
Bringing news of heavenly birth !
Mercy opens all her fountains,
And directs the streams to earth ;
This is news to cheer the sad,
This is news to make us glad.
Mercy lightens all our crosses :
Mercy mitigates our pains ;
Makes amend for all our losses,
And gives worth to what remains :
All our joys from mercy spring ;
Let us then of mercy sing.
“ WM‘ a good warfare.” 1 Tim. i. 18.
Sommsas of Cnmsr, arise,
And put your armour on,
Strong in the strength which Gon supplies
Through His eternal Son :
Strong in the Loan of Hosts,
And in His mighty power;
Who in the strength ofJssus trusts,
Is more than conqueror.
Stand then in His great might,
With all His strength endued;
But take, to arm you for the fight,
The panoply of Gon;—
That having all things done,
And all your conflicts past,
Ye may o’ercome through CHRIST alone,
And stand entire at last.

" Although the jig-tree shall not blossom, dyc.”
Hab. iii. 17, 18.
SOMETIMES a light surprises
The Christian while he sings;
It is the Loan who rises
With healing in His wings;
When comforts are declining,
He grants the soul again
A season of clear shining,
To cheer it after rain.
Though vine nor fig-tree neither
Their wonted fruit shall bear ;—
Though all the field should wither,
Nor flocks nor herds be there :
Yet Gon the same abiding,
His praise shall tune my voice;
For, while in Him confiding,
I cannot but rejoice.

“ Preach the Gospel to every creature.” Mark xvi. 15.
SPEn on the wings of love ;
Jesus who reigns above,
Bids us to fly;
They who His message bear
Should neither doubt nor fear;
He will their Friend appear—
He will be nigh.
When on the mighty deep,
He will their spirits keep
Stay’d on His word ;
When in a foreign land,
No other friend at hand,
JEsuS will by them stand—
Jssus their Loan.

“ Then sang Moses and the children of Israel, dyc.”
Exod. xv. 1.
Sormn the loud timbrel o’er Egypt’s dark sea!
Jenovsu hath triumph’d—H is people are free ;
Sing, for the pride of the tyrant is broken ;
His chariots and horsemen, all splendid and
How vain was their boasting! the Loan hath
but spoken,
And chariots and horsemen are sunk in the wave.
Sound, &c.
2 Praise to the Conqueror! praise to the Loan !
His word was our arrow—His breath was our
Who shall return to tell Egypt the story
Of those she sent forth in the hour of her pride ?
TheLorm hath look’d out fromHis pillar ofglory,
And all her brave thousands are dash’d in the
tide. Sound, &c.
“My times are in Thy hand." Psalm xxxi. l5.
Sov’nnloN Ruler of the skies,
Ever gracious, ever wise !
All my times are in Thy hand
All events at Thy command.
Times of sickness, times of health ;,
Times of penury and wealth ;
Times of trial and of grief;
Times of triumph and relief.
Thee at all times will I bless ;
Having Thee, I all possess :
How can I bereaved be,
Since I cannot part with ’l‘hee ?

" Praise Goo in His sanctuary." Psalm cl. 1.
STANn up and bless the Loan,
Ye people of His choice :
Stand up and bless the Loan your Gon,
With heart and soul and voice.
() for the living flame
From His own altar brought,
To touch our lips, our minds inspire,
And wing to‘heaven our thought !
Gon is our strength and song,
And His salvation our’s;
Then be His love in Cnmsr proclaim’d
With all our ransom’d powers.

HYMN ccccxx. L. M.
“ Be strong in the grace that is in Cams-r JEsnsL”
2 Tim. ii. 1.
STANn up, my soul ; shake off thy fears;
And gird the gospel armour on :
March to the gates of endless joy,
Where thine Almighty Saviour‘s gone.
2 Hell and thy sins resist thy course ;
But hell and sin are vanquish’d foes;
For Jesus nail’d them to the Cross,
And sung the triumph when He rose.
3 Then let my soul march boldly on,—
Press forward to the heav‘nly gate ;
There peace and joy eternal reign,
And glitt’ring robes tor conqu’rors wait.
4 There shall I wear a starry crown,
And triumph in Almighty grace ;
While all the armies of the skies
Join in my glorious Leader’s praise.
i‘ Then they that feared the Loan spake often one 1o mm
ther." Mal. iii. 16.
SUBJECTS of the KING of heaven,
We can talk on glorious themes ;
Happy they to whom ’tis given
To despise the worldling’s dreams :
Subjects of the KING of Kings,
We can speak of real things.
Other thrones, however splendid,
Yield to time’s destructive pow’r ;
‘Human glory soon is ended,
Gon appoints its final hour;
But the throne at which we bow,
Time can never overthrow.
Good it is for us and pleasant,
To converse on themes like these ;
When with Gon His saints are present,
Then they see Him as He is ;
Till that day we’ll talk of Him—
Heav’n supplies no richer theme.
“ With His stripes we are healed.” Isa. liii. 5.
SWEET the moments, rich in blessing,
Which before the Cross I spend;
Life and health and peace possessing
From the sinner’s dying Friend :
Here I’ll sit for ever viewing
Mercy’s streams in streams of blood:
Precious drops my soul bedewing,
Plead and claim my peace with Gon.
Love and grief my heart dividing,
In His praise I’d spend my breath ;
Constant still in faith abiding,
Life deriving from llis death :

May I still enjoy this feeling,

In all need to Jesus go—
Prove His wounds each day more healing,
And the Loan more truly know !
“ According to His mercy He saved us.” Titus iii. 5.
SWEET, sweet is mercy,
That free to guilty man can flow;
Sweet, sweet is mercy
To the wretched sons of woe.
When hope was gone, then mercy shone,
Gon sent His well beloved Son,
And He for sin did -once atone,
And saved the sons of men.
Sweet, sweet is mercy,
Whose streams to us so freely flow;
Sweet, sweet is mercy
To the guilty sons of woe.
Let then our song for ever be
To Him who died upon the tree,
That He from endless misery
Might save the sons of men.
Sweet, sweet is mercy—
lts streams to guilty mortals flgw;
Oh how sweet is mercy,
To the wretched sons of woe !
" Thanks be unto Gonfor His unspeakable gift!”
2 Cor. ix. 15.
THANKS be unto Gon for the gift,
Th’ unspeakable gift of His love !
Come, sinners, let gratitude lift
Our joyful affections above :
This gift ev’ry other outweighs,
Its value we cannot conceive :
The gospel its riches displays,
And blessed are they that believe.
n ’2 ‘

" My presence shall go with thee." Exod. xxxiii. l4.
Tnxr man no guard nor weapon needs
The power of Jesus’ blood who knows ;
But safe may pass, when duty leads,
Through burning sands, or mountain snows.
Cnnrsr’s love possessing, he is bless’d—
Secure, whatever change may come ;
Whether he go to east or west,
With Cnmsr, he always is at home.
“ What is your life .7”¢Stc. Jam. iv. 14.
THAT solemn hour will soon appear,
Swift on the wings of time it files,
When all that pains or pleases here,
Will vanish from our closing eyes.
2 Think, O my soul, how much depends
On the short period of a day !
Shall time, which Heaven in mercy sends,
Be negligently thrown away ?
3 Thy remnant minutes strive to use ;
Awake l rouse every active power!
And not in dreams and trifles lose
' This little, this important hour !
4 LoRn of my life ! inspire my heart
With heav’nly ardour, grace divine ;
-Nor let Thy presence e’er depart;
For strength and life and death are Thine.
“ The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, hut mighty
through (ion to the pulling down of strongholds, Sye."
2 Cor. x. 4, 5.
Tae castle of the human heart,
Strong in its native sin,
Is guarded well in every part,
By him who dwells within.

For Satan there in arms resides,

And calls the place his own;
With care against assaults provides,
And rules as on a throne.
But J nsus, stronger far than he,
In His appointed hour,
Appears to set His people free
From the usurper’s pow’r.
In spite of unbelief and pride
And self and Satan’s art,
The gates of brass fly open wide,
And Jesus wins the heart !
“ Thou. art worthy." Rev. v. 9.
THE countless multitude on high,
Who tune their songs to Jesus’ Name,
All merit of their own deny,
And Jesus’ work alone proclaim.
Let us with joy adopt the strain
We hope to sing for ever there—
“ Worthy the LAMB for sinners slain l
Worthy alone the crown to wear 1"
“ This is my Name for ever, dye.” Exod. iii. 15.
Tue Gon of Abr’ham praise,
Who reigns enthron’d above,
Ancient of everlasting days,
And Gon of love.
Jenovsn, great I AM !
By earth and heav’n confess’d;
I bow and bless the sacred name,—
For ever bless’d.
The Gon of Abr’ham praise,
Whose all-sufficient grace
Shall guide me all my happy days,
In all my ways :

He calls a worm His friend !

He calls Himself my Gon !
And He shall save me to the end,
Through Jesus’ blood.
“ All are Thy servants." Psalm cxix. 91.
Tue Loan our Gon is full of might,
The winds obey His will ;
He speaks—and in his heavenly height
The rolling sun stands still.
Ye nations bend-in rev’rence bend;
Ye monarchs, wait His nod;
And bid the choral song ascend
To celebrate our Gon !
He smiles, we live !—He frowns, we die;—
We hang upon His word:
He rears His red right arm on high,
And ruin bares his sword.
He bids His blasts the fields deform-—
Then, when His thunders cease,
Sits as the Ruler of the storm,
And smiles the winds to peace.
“ He went before, 8ye.” Luke xix. 28.
Tee SAvrounl what a noble flame
Was kindled in llis breast ;
When basting to Jerusalem
He march’d before the rest !
Good-will to men and zeal for GoD
His ev’ry thought engross;
He longs to be baptiz’d with blood!
He pants to reach the Cross !
With all His sufi‘‘rings full in view,
And woes to us unknown,
Forth to the task His spirit flew,—
‘Twas love that urg’d Him on.

4 Loan, we return Thee what we can ;

Our hearts shall sound abroad,
Salvation to the dying Man 1
And to the rising Gon!
5 And while Thy bleeding glories here
Engage our wond’ring eyes,
We learn our lighter cross to bear,
And hasten to the skies.
“ Ye have not yet resisted unto blood." Heb. xii. 4.
Tan souls that would to Jesus press
Must fix this firm and sure ;
That tribulation, more or less,
- They must and shall endure.
The world opposes from without,
And unbelief within ;
We fear, we faint, we grieve, we doubt,
And feel the load of sin.
Though we are feeble, Cnmsr is strong ;
His promises are true;
We shall be conqu’rors all ere long;
And more than conqu’rors too.
“In Thy light shall we see light.” Psalm xxxvi. 9.
Tue SPIRIT breathes upon the word,
And brings the truth to sight ;
Precepts and promises afford
A sauctifying light.
A glory gilds the sacred page,
Majestic like the sun;
It gives a light to ev’ry age ;
It gives—but borrows none.
Let everlasting thanks be Thine
For such a bright display
As makes a world of darkness shine
With beams of heav’nly day l
272 mscsrmsnaous urmvs.


“ Set your ufl‘eetions on things above." Col. ill. 2.
T an world employs its various snares,
Of hopes and pleasures, pains and cares—
Oft chained to earth I lie;
When shall my fetter’d powers be free,
And leave these seats of vanity,
And upward learn to fly ?
2 Bright scenes of bliss, unclouded skies,
Invite my soul; O could I rise, ‘
Nor leave a thought below;
I’d bid farewell to anxious care,
And say to every tempting snare—
HEAVEN calls, and I must go !


“ Lord, Thou knuwest that I love Thee." John xxi. 15.
I THANK Thee, uncreated Sun,
That Thy bright beams on me have shin’d;
I thank ’l‘hee, who hast overthrown
My foes, and heal’d my wounded mind ;
I thank Thee, whose enlivening voice
Bids my freed heart in Thee rejoice.
Give to mine eyes refreshing tears ;
Give to my heart, chaste, hallow’d fires ;
Give to my‘soul, with filial fears,
The love that all heaven’s host inspires ;
That all my powers, with all their might,
In Thy sole glory may unite.
Thee will I love, my joy, my crown;
’l‘hee will I love, my Lorm, my Gon ;
Thee will I love, beneath Thy frown
Or smile, Thy sceptre or Thy rod :
What though my flesh and heart decay—
Thee shall I love in endless day !
mscmmmsous mums. 273

There shall be u fmmtuin opened." Zach. xiii. l.
THERE is a fountain fill’d with blood,
Drawn from ImMANuen’s veins ;
And sinners, plung’d beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stains.
2 The dying thief rejoic’d to see
That fountain in his day;
And there would I, as vile as he,
Wash all my sins away.
3 Bless’d dying Lamb, Thy precious blood
Shall never lose its pow’r,
Till all the ransom’d church of Gon
Be sav’d, to sin no more.
4 E’er since by faith I saw the stream
Thy flowing wounds supply,
Redeeming love has been my theme,
And shall be, till I die.
5 Then in a nobler, sweeter song,
l’ll sing Thy pow’r to save ;
When this poor lisping-stamm’ring tongue
Lies silent in the grave.
6 Loan, I believe Thou hast prepar’d
(Unworthy though I be)
For me a blood-bought free reward—
A golden harp for me!
7 ’Tis strung, and tun’d for endless years,
And form’d by pow’r divine,
To sound in Gon the FArnsn’s ears
No other name but Thine.

" The Loan shewed him all the land." Dent. xxxiv. l
Tumw is a land of pure delight,
Where saints immortal reign ;
Infinite day excludes the night,
And pleasures banish pain.

Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood

Stand dress’d in living green :
So to the Jews old Canaan stood,
While Jordan roll’d between.
0 ! could we make our doubts remove—
Those gloomy doubts that rise,
And see the Canaan that we love
With unbeclouded eyes!
Could we but climb where Moses stood,
And view the landscape o’er
Not Jordan’s stream, not death’s cold flood,
Should fright us from the shore.
“ Unto you, therefore. which believe, He is precious.”
I Peter ii. 7.
’l‘nou bless’d Redeemer, dying Lamb,
We love to hear of Thee ;
No music’s like Thy hallow’d name,
Nor half so sweet can be.
2 O let us ever hear Thy voice,
In mercy to us speak ;
And in our Priest we will rejoice,
Thou great Melchisedeel
3 Our Jesus shall be still our theme,
While in this world we stay;
We’ll sing our Jesus’ lovely name,
When all things else decay.
4 When we appear in yonder cloud,
With all Thy favour’d throng,
Then will we sing more sweet, more loud,
And Jesus be our song.
" I will get me honour." Exod. xiv. l7.
THou all-benignant Jesus,
Now magnify ’l‘hy worth,
And let ’l‘hy name be precious,
As ointment poured forth !
mscsnmneous HYMNs. 275

Unfold the Cros‘s’s banner

Before the eye of faith,
And get Thyself the honour,
Both in our life and death.
“ I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” John xiv. 6.
Tuou art the WAY ; to Thee alone
From sin and death we flee ;
And he who would the FATHER. seek,
Must seek llim, Loan, by Thee.
2 Thou art the TRUTH ; Thy word alone
True wisdom can impart;
Thou only canst inform the mind,
And purify the heart.
3 Thou art the LIFE ; the rending tomb
Proclaims Thy couqu’ring arm ;
And those who put their trust in Thee,
Nor death nor hell shall harm.
4 Thou art the WAY, the TRUTH, the LIFE ;
Grant us that WAY to know,
That Tnura to keep, that LIFE to win,
' Whose joys eternal flow.
“ The Angel of His presence saved them.” Isa- lxiii. 9.
Thou very Paschal Lamb,
Whose blood for us was shed,
Through whom we out of Egypt came ;
Thy ransom’d people lead.
2 Angel of gospel-grace!
Make Thou our pathway clear;
To guard and feed Thy chosen race,
In Israel’s camp appear.
3 Throughout the desert-way
Conduct us by Thy light;
Be Thou a cooling cloud by day,
A cheering fire by night!
276 mscsnmneous anus.

“ Who is he that will harm you 7" Ike. 1 Pet. iii. l3.
Tnouon others be sad,
Let Israel be glad,
For the shout of a King is among them ;
The Loan, whose they are,
Will make them His care ;
And who shall be able to wrong them ?
How happy are they,
Who truly can say,
The Loan is our portion for ever !
The Loan whom we trust,
A SAVIOUB, yet just
Of grace and of glory the Giver.
“ JErmvAn-Jmsu” (The Loan will provide.)
Gen. xxii. l4.
Tnouon troubles assail, and dangers affright,
Though friends should all fail, and foes all unite;
Yet one thing secures us, whatever betide,
The Scripture assures us, the Loan will provide.
His call we obey, like Abram of old,
Not knowing our way, but faith makes us hold;
For though we are strangers, we have a good Guide,
And trust in all dangers, the Loan will provide.
When life sinks apace, and death is in view,
This word of His grace shall comfort us through ;
No fearing or doubting, with Camsr on our side,
We hope to die shouting, the Loan will provide.
“ I trembled in myself, that I might rest in the day of
trouble." Hab. iii. 16.
Tnnoucn sorrow’s night and danger’s path,
Amid the deepening gloom,
We soldiers of an injured King
Are marching to the tomb. .

Our labours done, securely laid

In this our last retreat,
Unheeded o’er our-silent dust
The storms of life shall beat.
These ashes too—this little dust,
Our Father’s care shall keep,
Till the last angel rise and break
The long but hopeful sleep.
Then love’s soft dew o’er every eye
Shall shed its milder rays,
And the long silent dust shall rise
With shouts of endless praise.
“The Son or Gon who Ineed me and gave Himsclffar me."
ill. 20‘ am

To our Rnnesmsn’s glorious name‘ 51"“

2 O
left His
a love
His sacred
radiant and tongue
throne flame!)
on high— "

Left the bright realms of bliss,

And came to earth to bleed and die!
Was ever love like this I?
3 Bless’d Loan, while we adoring pay
Our humble thanks to Thee,
May ev’ry heart with rapture say,
“ The SAVIOUB died for me I”
" The Loan is at hand: Be L‘arefulfm‘nothing,‘ but in.
every thing," 81‘0- Phil. iv. 5, 6.
To Tuse our wants are known ;
From Thee are all our pow’rs;
Accept what is Thine own,
And pardon what is ours :
Our praises, Loan, and pray’rs receive,’
And on Thy word a blessing give.
278 nuscmmssaous HYMNS.

2 O grant that each of us,

Now met before Thee here,
May meet together thus,
When Thou and Thine appear ;
And follow Thee to heav’n our home—
Ev’n so, Amen ; Loan Jssus, come.
“ They are not of the world, even as Iam not of the
world." John xvii. 16.
VAIN delusive world, adieu,
With all of creature good!
Only J ssus I’d pursue, ‘
Who bought me with His blood;
All thy pleasures l’d forego,
Forsake thy wealth and pride ;
Only Jesus would I know,
And J ssus crucified.
“ He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness."
John viii. l2.
WALK in the light—so shalt thou know
Thut fellowship of love,
His‘Spirit only can bestow,
Who reigns in light above.
Vl’alk in the light—41nd sin abhorr’d
Shall ne’er defile again:
The blood of JEsuS Cnmsr our LoRn
Shall cleanse from every stain.
Walk in the light—and thou shalt find
. Thy heart made truly His, ‘
Who dwells in cloudless light enshrined—
In whom no darkness is.
Walk in the light—and e’en the tomb
No fearful shade shall wear;
Glory shall chase away its gloom,
For Cnnisr is.victor there.

Walk in the light—and thine shall be

A path, though thorny, bright;
For Gon by grace shall dwell in thee,
And Gon Himself is light.
" What ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the
housetops.” Matt. x. 27.
We have heard the joyful news,
Now let others hear it ;
Bear the tidings to the Jews,
To the nations bear it :
They who know the joyful sound,
Never should conceal it,
But to all the world around
Far and wide reveal it.
And may He, whose grace it is,
Give the word a blessing—
Make the conquer’d nations His,
Ev’ry ill redressing l
May He take the veil away
_ All the earth o’erspreading!
And His mighty pow’r display,
All our hopes exceeding!
“ They sung a new song.” Rev. v. 9.
WHAT a rapturous song,
When the glorified throng
In the spirit of harmony join !
Join all the glad choirs,
Hearts, voices, and lyres ;
And the burden is “ Mercy divine !”
Hallelujah! they cry,
To the King of the sky,
To the great everlasting I AM;
To the LAMB that was slain,
And liveth again!
Hallelujah to Gon and the LAMB! ‘
280 mscsnmnsous nnms.

" Gon was manifest in thejlesh." I Tim. iii. 16.
Wan hath Gon wrought! ’tis wondrous all—
"l‘is mercy all divine !
How grandly doth JEnoVAH here
In all His glory shine!
Behold Him manifest in flesh!
How full of truth and grace !
See! all the glory of our Gon
Shines full in J ssus’ face !
What strength, what dignity must dwell
In Him, who sole sustains
The fiercest flames of wrath divine—
Yet nnconsum’d remains !
Trav’lling in greatness of His strength~
His mighty power to save;
See Him in native glory rise
Triumphant from the grave !
" I shall be satisfied when I awake with Thy‘likeness."
Psalm xvii. 16.
WHAT sinners value we resign ;
Loan, ’tis enough that we are Thine ;
We shall behold Thy blissful face,
And stand complete in righteousness.
2 This life’s a dream, an empty show;
But the bright world to which we go,
Hath joys substantial and sincere;
When shall we wake and worship there P
3 O glorious hour! O bless’d abode ! \
We shall be near and‘like our Gon l
And flesh and sin no more control
‘ The sacred pleasures of the soul.
4 Our flesh shall slumber in the ground,
’1 ill the last trnmpet’s mighty sound;
Then burst the chains with sweet surprise;
And in our Ssvioun’s image rise.

“ Behold !-happy is the man whom God correclelh."
Job v. 17
\VHAT though, if need be, for a season,
Christ’s people afiliction sustain,
It is not without a wise reason
The heavenly FATHER gives pain.
Whom He loves, He also still ehastens,
And scourges each son he receives ;
But in chast’ning their true good He hastens,
And though He rebukes, never leaves.
By trials He humbles and proves them,
To make them conform to their King;
But He still to the end dearly loves them,
And to glory eternal will bring.
For though when temptations are grievous,
He may for a time seem to frown ;
Yet He’s faithful, and will not deceive us—
The cross is Cnmsr’s way to the crown.
“ ll‘ill ye also go away .7" John vi. G7.
WHEN any turn from Zion’s way,
(Alas! what numbers do!)
Methinks I hear my SAVIOUR say,
Wilt thou forsake me too ?
Ah, Loan! with such a heart as mine,
Unless ’l‘hou hold me fast,
I feel 1 must, I shall decline,
And prove like them at last.
The help of men and angels join’d
Could never reach my case;
Nor can I hope relief to find
But in Thy boundless grace.
No voice but Thine can give me rest,
And bid my fears depart ;
No love but Thine can make me blest,
And satisfy my heart.
is 3

“ Wherefore didst thou. doubt 4”’ Matt. xiv. 31.
WneN darkness long has veil’d my mind,
And smiling day once more appears ;
l‘hen, my Redeemer, then I find,
The folly of my doubts and fears.
Oh ! let me then at length be taught,
What I am still so slow to learn—
’l‘hat Gon is love, and changes not,
Nor knows the shadow of a turn.
Sweet truth, and easy to repeat !
But when my faith is sharply tried,
I find myself a learner yet,
Unskilful, weak, and apt to slide.
But, 0 my Loan, one look from Thee
Subdues the disobedient will—
Drives doubt and discontent away;
And Thy rebellious worm is still.
Such an High Priest became us.” Heb. vii. 26.
Warm gathering clouds around I view,
And days are dark, and friends are few,
On Him I lean, who not in vain ‘
Experienc’d every human pain;
He sees my griefs, allays my fears,
And counts and treasures up my tears.
If aught should tempt my soul to stray
From heav’nly wisdom’s narrow way,
To fly the good I would pursue,
Or do the thing 1 would not do—
Still He who felt temptation’s pow’r,
Shall guard me in that dang’rous hour.
‘ And oh! when I have safely past
Through every conflict but the last,
Still, still unchanging, watch beside
My painful bed,—for Thou hast died;

Then point to realms of cloudless day,

And wipe the latest tear away.
“ 1 press toward the mark," 851‘. Phil. iii. 14.
WHEN, my SAVIOUR, shall i be
Perfectly resign’d to Thee ?
Poor and vile in mine own eyes,
Only in Thy wisdom wise ?
Only Thee content to know,
ignorant of all below—
Only guided by Thy light—
Only mighty in Thy might ?
Fully in my life express
All the heights of holiness:
Sweetly let my spirit prove
All the depths of humble love !
“ lam the bright and morning star.” Rev. xxii. 16.
‘VHEN passing through the vale of tears,
Why should I yield to griet’s and fears ?
Behold a light the desert cheers
The bright and Morning Star.
2 And who is He amidst the gloom,
Who comes to take my guilty room—
Who dies, and glorifies the tomb ?
The bright and Morning Star.
8 O may my light be light from Him,
Until I join the seraphim,
When not a cloud shall ever dim-
The bright and Morning Star.
4 And when the waves of Jordan rise,
And my frail bark the tempest tries,
May lybehold, ’midst threat’ning skies,
That bright and Morning Star!
284 mrsceLLAssous uvmvs.

5 So when I gain the heav’nly shore,

The sun’s bright beams l’ll not deplore_
Gon is my light for evermore—
And CnnIST my Morning Star.
“ Thou shalt guide me with Thy counsel." Psalm lxxiii. 24.
\Vnsse’nn I make some sudden stop,
(For many such I make,)
And cannot see the cloud clear’d up,
Nor know which path to take ;
I to my Ssvroua speed my way,
To tell my dubious state ;
Then listen what the Loan will say,
And hope to follow that.
Of friends and counsellors bereft,
O may I hear him say,—
“ Decline not to the right or left,
Go on: 1o l here‘s the way.”
Weak in myself, in Him I’m strong;
llis Spirit’s voice I hear:
The way I walk cannot be wrong,
lf‘Jesus be but there.
" Feed thy people - _- - - as in the days of old," d-c.
Micah vn. 14.
WHEN Israel, of the Loan belov’d,
Out from the land of bondage came,
His father‘s Gon before him mov’d—
An awful Guide, in smoke and flame.
By day, along the astonish’d lands,
The cloudy pillar glided slow;
By night, Arabia’s crimson’d sands
Return’d the fiery column’s glow.
No portents now their foes amaze,
Forsaken Israel wanders lone ;-- ‘
Their fathers would not know Thy ways,
And Thou hast left them to their own.
mscnumeous unms. 285

But still we hope to see the day,

When they shall look on Jesus slain,
Cast all false hopes and sins away,
And weeping find their Gon again.
“ IrzflIithfulness Thou hast afllicted me.” Psalm cxix. 75.
W HEN the Loan rebukes His servant,
"[‘is to save. and not destroy,—
"l‘is to make my spirit fervent,—
’Tis to give me real joy,—
"l‘is to make me better know,
That my rest is not below.
Shall I murmur at His dealings?
Shall I not His kindness trust ?
Since He knows my frame and feelings,
And remembers I am dust;
Shall I not receive the rod,
And confess the hand of Gon?
Hear me, Loan, in my petition:
O sustain me, lest l faint:
Teach me patience and submission;
Keep Thy servant from complaint :
And in ev’ry trying hour,
Loan, uphold me by Thy pow’r.
“ The Egyptians whom ye have seen to-duy, ye shall see
them again no more for ever.” Exod. xiv. l3.
\VHEN We pass through yonder river,
When we reach the farther shore—
There’s an end of war for ever,
\Ve shall see our foes no more;
All our conflicts then shall cease,
Follow’d by eternal peace.
When we enter yonder regions,
\Vhen we touch the sacred shore,
Blessed thought! no hostile legions
Can alarm or trouble more ;

Far beyond the reach of foes,

We shall dwell in sweet repose.
When the sight of war alarms us,
Let us call to mind our Friend:
He who for the conflict arms us,
Will be with us to the end :
’Tis enough, the war is His ;
Gon our King and Leader is !
" In my Father’s house are many mansions." John xiv. 2.
WHEN we can read our title clear
To mansions in the skies,
We bid farewell to ev’ry fear,
And wipe our weeping eyes.
2 Should earth against our souls engage,
Or fiery darts be hurl’d,—
Then we can smile at Satan’s rage,
And face a frowning world.
3 Let cares like a wild deluge come,
And storms arise and fall—
May we but safely reach our home,
Our Gon, our heaven, our all!
4 There shall we bathe the weary soul
ln seas of heavenly rest,
And not a wave of trouble roll—
But all be truly blest.
“ Cmusr who is our life." Col. iii. 4.
Oon life is hid with Canrsr in Gon ;
\Vhen Gon our life appears—
His people He’ll with glory crown,
And wipe away their tears.
In this bless’d hope let this vain life
Evanish from our eyes :
Let solid, boundless, endless bliss,
Before our view arise.

And let us with one heart and soul

To Gon our voices raise:
By Him this grace was purchased !
To Him be all the praise!
HYMN CCCCLXV. P. M. or 7’s.
“ He will be our Guide even unto death.” Psalm xlviii. 14.
WITH Thy counsel Thou shalt guide me,
O Thou Shepherd of the flock !
Safe from every tempest hide me,
Fix’d upon the living Rock.
Poor and needy—oh I receive me ;
Be Thy rod my staff‘ and stay !
And that blessed portion give me,
Which no power can take away.
2 Whether love and mercy shining,
Cheer my path with sacred light,
Or my heavenly sun declining,
Spread around the shades ofnight,--_
Still my faith on Thee reposing,
Let ’l‘hine arm conduct me through,
Till in death the warfare closing,
I shall prove Thy promise true.
3 Never leave me nor forsake me ;
More and more reveal ‘l‘hy love,
Till Thou shalt a pillar make me
In the house of Gon above ;
There the song of grace abounding
Freely round Thy throne shall rise,
And Thy praise for ever sounding
Fill Thy temple in the skies.
HYMN CCCCLXVI. P. M. or 7’s.
“ Without shedding of blood is no remission.” Heb. ix. 22.
“ Wrruour blood is no remission"—
Thus the Loan proclaims from heaven : ‘
Blood must flow—on this condition,
This alone, is sin forgiven ;

Yes, a victim must be slain,

Else all hope of life is vain.
Gon Himself provides the victim l
Jesus is the LAMB of Gon :
Heaven and earth and hell afflict Him,
While He hears the sinner’s load.
‘Tis His blood—His blood alone,
Can for human guilt atone.
“ Joy shall be in heaven.” Luke xv. 7.
Yesl there was joy in heaven—when first the
voice of Gon
The elements created, and light shone forth abroad:
When on the mighty waters Gon’s Holy Spirit
stirred, ‘
And nature rose to being at His Almighty word.
There will be joy in heaven to hail Messisn’s
When He shall come to Zion with all His ancient
train ;
Creation and Redemption before His throne shall
To glorify JEnoVAH, eternal Loan of all.
“ Hnsanna la the Son OF DAVIn !" Matt. xxi. 9, 15.
Yes, we hope the day is nigh,
When many nations, long enslaved,
Shall break forth, and sing with joy,
“ Hosanna to the Son or DAVIn E"
2 Abraham’s seed, cast off so long,
Shall then appear among the saved-—
Shall arise, and join the song,
“ Hosanna to the Son or DAVIn!"
3 Jew and Gentile shall unite,
By Satan’s power no more enslaved,
And shall sing with great delight,
‘‘‘ Hosanna to the Son on 11AM")!H

4 But a brighter day is nigh,

When Jesus shall collect His saved ;
Men and angels then shall cry
“ Hosanna to the Son or Dsvin.”

“ I will never leave thee. nu1‘ forsake thee.” Heb. xiii. 5
ZION stands, by hills surrounded-—
Zion kept by power divine;
All her foes shall be confounded,
Though the world in arms combine :
Happy Zion!
What a favour’d lot is thine!
Every human tie may perish
Friend to friend unfaithful prove ;
Mothers cease their own to cherish;
Heaven and earth at last remove;
But no changes
Can attend Jenovsn’s love.
In the furnace Gon may prove thee,
Thence to bring thee forth more bright ;
But can never cease to love thee—
Thou art precious in His sight;
Gon is with thee—
Gon thine everlasting light.
“ All nations shall serve Him.” Psalm lxxii. ll.
Zion’s King shall reign victorious;
All the earth shall own His sway;
He will make His kingdom glorious;
He shall reign in endless day.
2 Nations, now from Gon estranged,
Thou shall see a glorious light ;
Night to day shall then be changed;
Heaven shall triumph in the sight.

3 Then shall Israel, long dispersed,

Mourning, seek their Loan and Gon,
Look on Him whom once they pierced,
Own and kiss the chast’ning rod.
4 Mighty King ! Thine arm revealing,
Now Thy glorious cause maintain;
Bring the nations help and healing ;
Make them Subject to Thy reign.


Difl‘erence between the righteous and wicked .
HAPPY the man whose cautious feet
Shun the broad way that sinners go,
Who hates the place where atheists meet,
And fears to talk as scoffers do.
He loves t’ employ his morning light
Among the statutes of the Loan;
And spend the wakeful‘ hours of night,
With pleasure pond’ring o’er His word.
l'le like a plant by gentle streams,
Shall flourish in immortal green;
And heav’n will shine with kindest beams
On ev’ry work his hands begin.
But sinners find their counsels cross’d;
As chaff before the tempest flies,
So shall their hopes be blown and lost,
When the last trumpet shakes the skies.
Cmus‘r rejected ofmen, and owned of Gon.
‘ WHY did the nations join to slay
The Losn’s anointed Son ?
Why did they cast His laws away,
And tread His gospel down ?
o 2
292 APP EN nix.

2 The Lot-tn that sits above the skies,

Derides their rage below ;
He speaks with vengeance in His eyes,
And strikes their spirits through.
3 ‘ I call Him my eternal Son,‘
And raise Him from the dead ;
I make my holy hill His throne,
And wide His kingdom spread.
4 ‘ Ask me, my Son, and then enjoy
The utmost heathen lands ;
Thy rod of iron shall destroy
The rebel that withstands.’

5 Be wise, ye rulers of the earth,

Obey th’ anointed Loan;
Adore the King of heav’nly birth,
And tremble at His word.
6 With humble love address His throne ;
For if He frown, ye die :
Those are secure, and those alone,
Who on His grace rely.
\ PSALM V. C. M~
For the morning of the Lonn’s DAY
Loan, in the morning Thou shalt hear
My voice ascending high ;
To Thee will 1 direct my prayer,
To Thee lift up mine eye.
2 Oft to Thy house will I resort,
To taste Thy mercies there;
I will frequent Thy holy court,
And worship in Thy fear.
3 Oh! may Thy Spirit guide my feet
In ways of righteousness,
Make every path of duty straight
‘ And plain before my face.
PSALMS. ‘ 293

4 The men that love and fear Thy name

Shall see their hopes fulfill’d;
The mighty Goo shall compass them
With favour as a shield.
Supplication for Divine mercy.
Loan, in Thy wrath reprove me not,
Though I deserve Thine ire ;
Nor yet correct me in Thy wrath,
O Loan, I Thee desire.
My soul is troubled very sore
And vex’d exceedingly :
But, LoRn, how long wilt Thou delay
To cure my misery ?
Loan, turn Thee to Thy wonted grace,
And pity on me take : >
O! save me—not for my deserts,
But for Thy mercies‘ sake.
Signs of the times.
Loan, when iniquities abound,
And blasphemy grows bold,
When faith is hardly to be found,
And love is waxing cold,—
‘2 Is not Thy chariot hastening on ?
Hast Thou not giv’n this sign I?
May we not trust and live upon
A promise so divine ?
3 ‘ Yes,’ saith the Loan, ‘now will I rise
And make the oppressors flee :
I shall appear to their surprise,
And set my servants free.’
4 Thy word, like silver seven times tried,
Through ages shall endure;
The men that in Thy truth confide
Shall find the promise sure.

The troubled seeking Gon.
How long, O Loan, shall I complain
Like‘ one that seeks his Gon in vain ‘P
Canst Thou Thy face for ever hide?
And I still pray, and be denied ?
2 Shall I for ever be forgot,
As one whom Thou regardest not ’1’
Still shall my soul Thine absence mourn,
And still despair of Thy return?
3 How long shall my poor troubled breast
Be with these anxious thoughts oppress’d,
And Satan, my malicious foe,
Rejoice to see me sunk so low ?
4 Hear, Loan, and grant me quick relief,
Before my death conclude my grief;
If Thou withhold ’l‘hy heavenly light,
I sleep in everlasting night.
5 How will the powers of darkness boast,
If but one praying soul be lost!
But I have trusted in ’l‘hy grace,
And shall again behold Thy face.
The universalily of human guilt.
FooLs in their hearts believe and say,
‘ That all religion’s vain,
There is no Gon that reigns on high,
O1‘ minds th’ affairs of men.’
2 From thoughts so dreadful and profane
Corrupt discourse proceeds ;
And in their impious hands are found
Abominable deeds.
3 The Loan from His celestial throne
Look’d down on things below,
To find the man that sought His grace,
Or did His justice know.

4 By nature all are gone astray,

Their practice all the same ;
There’s none that fears his Maker’s hand,
There’s none that loves His name.
5 Their ton nes are us’d to speak deceit,
Their s anders never cease;
How swift to mischief are their feet,
Nor know the paths of peace !
6 Such seeds of sin (that bitter root)
In every heart are found:
Nor can they bear diviner fruit,
Till grace refine the ground.
Gon’s people the best company.
PRessnvu me, Loan, in time of need ;
For succour to Thy throne I flee,
But have no merits there to plead
My goodness cannot reach to Thee.
2 Oft have my heart and tongue confess’d
How empty and how poor I am;
My praise can never make Thee bless’d
Nor add new glories to Thy name.
3 Yet, Loan, Thy saints on earth may reap
Some profit by the good I do;
These are the company I keep,
These are the choicest friends I know.
4 Let others choose the sons of mirth ;—
Be friends of wisdom friends of mine I
I love the men of heavenly birth,
Whose thoughts and language are divine.
PSALM XVI. Version Second. L. M.
A sure and certain hope in death.
WHEN Gon is nigh, my faith is strong;
His arm is my almighty prop :
Be glad, my heart ; rejoice, my tongue ;
My dying flesh shall rest in hope.

2 Though in the dust I lay my head,

Yet, gracious Gon, thou wilt not leave
My soul for ever with the dead,
Nor lose Thy children in the grave.
3 My flesh shall Thy first call obey,
Shake off the dust, and rise on high ;
Then shalt Thou lead the wond’rous way
Up to Thy throne above the sky.
4 There streams of endless pleasure flow ;
And full discoveries of Thy grace,
(Which we but tasted here below)
Spread heavenly joys through all the place.
The discipline and hopes of Gon’s true people.
Anrsn, my gracious Gon,
And make the wicked flee;
They are but Thy chastising rod,
To drive Thy saints to Thee.
I shall behold the face
Of my forgiving Gon,
And stand complete in righteousness,
Wash’d my Saviour’s blood.
There‘s a new heaven begun,
When I awake from death,
Dress’d in the likeness of Thy Son,
And draw immortal breath.
The Lonn giveth victory and national prosperity.
WHEN Gon our Leader shines in arms,
What mortal heart can hear
The thunder of His loud alarms ?—
’l‘he lightning of His spear?
2 He rides upon the winged wind;
And angels in array,
In millions wait to know His mind,
And swift as flames obey.

3 He speaks, and at His fierce rebuke

Whole armies are dismay’d;
His voice, His frown, His angry look,
Strike all their courage dead.
4 Oft has the Loan whole nations bless’d
For His own church’s sake;
The powers that give His people rest,
Shall of His care partake.
PSALM XVIII. Version Second. C. M.
“ The Loan wrought a great victory that day.”
2 Sam. xxiii. 10.
To Tums Almighty arm we owe
The triumph of the day :
Th terrors, Loan, confound the foe,
nd melt their strength away.
2 ‘Tis by Thine aid our troops prevail,
And break united powers,
Or burn their boasted fleets, or scale
The proudest of their towers.
3 How have we chas’d them through the field,
And trod them to the ground,
While Thy salvation was our shield, ‘
But they no shelter found!
4 In vain to idol gods they cry,
And perish in their blood ;
Where is a rock so great, so high,
So powerful as our Gon?
5 The Rock of Israel ever lives,
His name be ever bless’d !
’Tis His own arm the victory gives,
And gives His people rest.
6 On kings that reign as David did,
He pours His blessings down ;
Secures their honours to their seed,
. And well supports their crown. -

Excellency of Gon’s Word.
Gann- Gon, with wonder and with praise
On all Thy works we look ;
But still Thy wisdom, power and grace,
Shine brightest in Thy book. ,
2 Here are our choicest treasures hid,
Here our best comfort lies;
Here our desires are satisfied,
And hence our hopes arise.
3 Loun, make us understand Thy law,
Show what our faults have been;
And from Thy gospel let us draw
The hope of pardon’d sin.
“ Help from the Sanctuary."
Now ma the Gon of power and grace
Attend is people’s humble cry;
Jsnovsa hears when Israel prays,
And brings deliv’rance from on high.
The name ofJacob’s Gon defends
Better‘than shields or brazen walls:
He from His sanctuary sends
Succour and strength, when Zion calls.
Now save us, Loan, from slavish fear;
Now let our hopes be firm and strong,
Till Thy salvation shall appear,
And joy and triumph raise the song.
The Cnoss, and the glory that should follow.
Now let our mournful songs record
The dying sorrows of our LoR.n ;
When He complain’d in tears and blood,
As one forsaken of his Gon.

2 The Jews beheld Him thus forlorn,

And shake their heads, and laugh in scorn,
“ He rescued others from the grave;
Now let Him try Himself to save. ”
3 They wound His head, His hands, His feet,
Till streams of blood each other meet;
By lot His garments they divide,
And mock the pangs in which He died.
4 But Gon His Father heard His cry;
Rais’d from the dead He reigns on high ;
The nations learn His righteousness,
And humble sinners taste His grace.
‘ The good Shepherd.’
Tau Loan my Shepherd is;
I shall be well supplied;
Since He is mine an I am His,
What can I want beside ?
2 He leads me to the place
Where heavenly pasture grows,
Where living waters gently pass,
‘ And full salvation flows.
3 If e’er I go astray,
He doth my soul reclaim ;
And guides me in His own right way
For His most holy name.
4 While He affords ‘His aid,
I cannot yield to fear:
Tho’ I should walk thro’ death’s dark shade,
My Shepherd’s with me there.
5 In spite of all my foes,
Thou dost my table spread;
My cup with blessings overflows,
And joy exalts my head.
6 The bounties of Thy love
Shall crown my following days :
Nor from ’l‘hy house will I remove,
Nor cease to speak ’l‘hy praise.

Forgiving and restoring grace implored.
Mme eyes and my desire
Are ever to the Loan :
I love to plead His promises,
And rest upon His word.
2 Thy mercies and Thy love,
O Loap, recall to mind,
And graciously continue still,
As Thou wert ever kind.
3 Let all my youthful sins
Be blotted out by Thee;
And for Thy wondrous goodness’ sake,
In mercy think on me.
4 Oh! keep my soul from death,
Nor put my hope to shame,
For I have fix’d my only trust
In my Redeemer’s Name.‘
5 With humble faith I wait
To see Thy face again :
Of Israel it shall ne’er be said, 3
He sought the LoRn in vain.
Upright appeal to Gon. Trusting in the great sacrifice.
Love to Gon’s house
JUnGE, Loan ; the highway of the just
Has been the path I trod ; ‘
I cannot fail, who all my trust
Repose on Thee, my Gon.
I wash my hands in innocence,
And to Thine altar go;
My joy is all derived thence,
Where mercies freely flow.
My thanks I’ll publish, and declare
How Thy great name excels;
I love the habitation where
Thine honour ever dwells.
PSALMS. 301 _

Gon trusted in and His house desired.
WnOM should I fear, since Go]; to me
Is saving health and light ?
Since strongly He my life supports,
What can my soul affright ?
Within His heav’nly house to dwell,
I earnestly desire;
His wond’rous beauty there to view,
And His bless’d will inquire.
For there I shall with comfort rest,
From all my deep distress;
And safe as on a rock abide
In that secure recess.
While Gon o’er all my haughty foes,
My humble head shall raise;
And I my joyful offering bring,
And sing glad songs of praise.
Health, sickness and recovery.
FIRM was my health, my day was bright,
And I presum’d ’twould ne’er be night ;
Fondly I said within my heart,
‘ Pleasure and peace shall ne’er depart.’
But I forgot Thine arm was strong,
Which made my mountain stand so long;
Soon as Thy face began to hide,
My health was gone, my comforts died.
‘ Hear me, O Gon of grace,’ I said,
‘ And bring me from among the dead .-’
Thy word rebuk’d the pains I felt,
Thy pardoning love remov’d my guilt.
My tongue, the glory of my frame,
Shall ne’er be silent of Thy name ;
Thy praise shall sound through earth & heaven
For sickness heal’d and sins forgiven.

“ He is able to keep that which lhave committed unto
Him." 2Tim.i. l .
Isro Thy hands, L0mi, I commit
My soul, which is Thy due ;
Because Thou hast redeemed it,
0 Loan my Go!i most true. i
2 To me Thy servant, Loan, express
And shew Thy joyful face ;
And save me, Loan, for Thine own sake,
‘ Thy mercy and Thy grace.
3 Ye saints, love e the Loan alway,
The faithful e doth guide;
And to the proud He doth repay,
According to their pride.
4 Be of good courage, all ye just;
On Gon your souls depend;
And those in Him that put their trust,
H1»: ever will defend. ‘
Free Justification and its Fruits.
O BLESSEn souls are they
Whose sins are cover’d o’er l
Divinely bless’d—to whom the Loan
Imputes their guilt no more !
2 They mourn their follies past,
And keep their hearts with care ;
Their lips and lives, without deceit,
Shall prove their faith sincere.
3 While I couceal’d my guilt,
I felt the fest’ring wound,
Till I confess’d my sins to Thee,
And ready pardon found.
4 Let sinners learn to pray;
Let saints keep near the throne :
Our help in time of deep distress
15 found in Goa alone.

Creaiio‘n, Providence and Grace.
Rasorce, ye righteous, in the LoRn ;
This work belongs to you :
Sing of His name, His ways, His word,
How holy, just and true !
2 His mercy and His righteousness
Let heaven and earth proclaim;
His works of nature and of grace
Reveal His wondrous name.
3 His wisdom and Almighty word
The heavenly arches spread;
And by the Spirit of the Loan
Their shining hosts were made.
4 He bid the liquid waters flow
To their appointed deep—
The flowing seas their limits know,
And their own station keep.
5 Ye tenants of the spacious earth,
With fear ‘before Him stand;
He spake, and nature took its birth,
And rests on His command.
6 He scorns the angry nations’ rage,
And breaks their vain designs ;
His counsel stands through every age,
And in full glory shines.
7 Bless’d is the nation where the Loan
Hath fix’d His gracious throne !
Where He reveals His heavenly word,
And calls their tribes His own:
8 Loan, let our hearts in Thee rejoice;
And bless us from Thy throne ;
For we have made Thy word our choice,
And trust Thy grace alone.

“ Love your enemies.”
BEnoLn the love—the generous love,
That holy David shows :—
Hark, how His tender feelings move
To his afl‘licted foes !
When they are sick, his soul complains ;
And seems to feel the smart;
The spirit of the gospel reigns,
And melts his pious heart.
O glorious type of heavenly grace !
’l‘hus Cnmsr the Loan appears ;
While sinners curse, the Saviour prays;
And pities them with tears. |
He, the true David, Israel’s king,
Bless’d and belov’d of Gon,
To save us rebels dead in sin—
Paid His own dearest blood.
Man’s Sin, danger and safety.
WHEN man grows bold in sin,
My heart within me cries,
‘ He hath no faith of Gon within,
‘ Nor fear before his eyes.’
But there’s a dreadful Gon,
Though men renounce His fear;
His justice, hid behind the cloud,
Shall one great day appear.
His truth transcends the sky,
In heaven His mercies dwell,
Deep as the seas His judgments lie,
His anger burns to hell.
How excellent His love,
Whence all our safety springs !
O never let thy soul remove
From underneath llis wings.
rssmus. 305‘

The way and end of the righteous and the wicked.
MY Gon, the steps of pious men
Are order’d by Thy will ;
Though they should fall, they rise again ; —
Thy hand supports them still.
2 The Loan delights to see their ways,
Their virtue He approves ;
He’ll ne’er deprive them of His grace,
Nor leave the men He loves.
3 The heavenly heritage is thcir’s,
Their portion and their home ;
l-le feeds them now, and makes them heirs
Of blessings long to come.
4 The haughty sinner have I seen,
Not fearing man nor Gon,
Like a tall bay-tree fair and green,
Spreading his arms abroad.
5 And 1o! he vanish’d from the ground,
Destroy’d by hands unseen ;
Nor root, nor branch, nor leaf was found,
W here all that pride had been.
6 But mark the man of righteousness !
His several steps attend:
True pleasure runs through all his ways,
And peaceful is his end.
Deprecatingjudgment and pouring out the heart to GOn.
AMInST Thy wrath remember love;
Restore ‘l‘hy servant, Loan ;
Nor let a Father’s chast’niug prove
Like an avenger’s sword.
All my desire to Thee is known,
Thine eye counts ev’ry tear,
And cv’ry sigh and ev’ry groan
ls notic‘d by Thine ear.
o 3

Thou art my Gon, my only hope;

My Gon will hear my cry l
My Gon will bear my spirit up,
And give me victory.
For I’ll confess my guilt to Thee,
And grieve for all my sin ;
I’ll mourn how weak my graces be,
And beg support divine.
Government of the tongue. The fewness and vanity of
man’s days on earth.
Tnus I resolv’d before the Loan ;—
‘ Now will I watch my tongue,
Lest I let slip one sinful word,
Or do my neighbour wrong.’
2 And if I’m e’er constrain’d to stay
With men of lives profane,
I’ll set a double guard that day,
Nor let my talk he vain.
3 Teach me the measure of my days,
Thou Maker of my frame l
I would survey life’s narrow space,
And learn how frail I am.
4 A span is all that we can boast,
An inch or two of time ;
Man is but vanity and dust
In all his fiow’r and prime.
5 See the vain race of mortals move
Like shadows o’er the plain :
They rage and strive, desire and love,
But all the noise is vain.
6 Some walk in honour’s gaudy show,
Some dig for golden ore, -
They toil for heirs-they know not who ;-
And straight are seen‘no more.

7 What should I wish or wait for, then,

From creatures, earth and dust ?
They make our expectations vain,
And disappoint our trust.
8 Now I forbid my carnal hope,
My fond desires recall;
I give my mortal interest up,
And make my Gon my all.
Inejicacy of legal sacrifices. The sufliciency of the
LAMB or Gon.
Taou, gracious Loan, hast not desir’d
Otl"rings and sacrifice alone ;
Nor blood of guiltless beasts requir’d,
For man’s transgressions to atone.
2 Thy blessed Son came to fulfil
What Thine own oracles impart;
He gave Himself to do Thy will ;—
’l‘hy law was written in His heart.
3 Now those that humbly seek Thy face,
Through Him to joyfu hope are rais’d;
And all who prize redeeming grace,
Shall ever sing “ The Loan be prais’d !"
4 Who can Thy mercies, Loan, recount ?—
What wonders Thou for us hast wrought ?
The treasures of Thy love surmount
The power of numbers, speech and thought.
“ Abound in this grace also.”
HAPPY the man, whose tender care
Relieves the poor distress’d !
When He’s ‘_by trouble compass’d round,
.‘l‘he Loan shall give him rest.
2 If he in languishing estate
Oppress’d with sickness lie ;
The Loan will easy make his bed,
And inward strength supply.

3 The Loan his life with blessings crown’d

In safety shall prolong ;
And disappoint the will of those
Who seek to do him wrong.
4 Let therefore Israel’s Loan and Gon
From age to age be bless’d! —
And all the people’s glad applause
With loud Amens express’d !
“ Revive Thy work.” Hab. iii. 2.
Loan, we have heard Thy works of old,
Thy works of power and grace,
When to our ears our fathers told
The wonders of their days.
2 In Gon they boasted all the day,
And in a cheerful throng
Did thousands meet to praise and pray ;
And grace was all their song.
3 Awake, arise, almighty Loan,
Why sleeps Thy wonted grace ?
Why should we look like men abhorr’d,
Or banish’d from Thy face ?
4 Redeem us from perpetual shame,
Our Saviour and our Gon :
We plead the honours of Thy name
The merits of Thy blood.
“ The King of saints."
I’LL speak the honours of my King,
His form divinely fair ;
None of the sons of mortal race
May with the Loan compare. .
2 Sweet is Thy peech, and heavenly grace
Upon Thy lips is shed ;
T12; Gon with blessings infinite
ath crown‘d Thy sacred head.

3 Gird on Thy sword, -victorious Prince ;

Ride with majestic sway; .
Thy terrors shall strike through Thy foes,
And make the world obey.
4 Thy throne, O Gon, for ever stands ;
Thy word of grace shall rove
A peaceful sceptre in Thy ands,
To rule the saints by love,
5 Justice and truth attend Thee still;
But mercy is Thy choice;
And Gon, thy Gon, Thy soul shall fill
With most peculiar joys.
Cums‘r’s Ascension and Dominion.’
O for a about of sacred joy My
To Gon the sovereign King 1—
Let every tribe their tongues employ,
And hymns of triumph sing.
2 Jesus our Goo ascends on high ;
His heavenly guards around
Attend Him rising through the sky,
With trumpets’ joyful sound.
3 While angels shout and praise their King,
Let mortals learn their strains;
Let all the earth His honours sing,
O’er all the earth He reigns.
4 Rehearse His praise with awe profound;
Let knowledge lead the song,
Nor mock Him with a solemn sound
Upon a thoughtless tongue.
5 In Israel stood His ancient throne,
He lov’d that chosen race ;
But now He calls the world His own;
And heathens taste His grace.
6 The British empire is the Loan’s,
There Abraham’s Gon is known,

While powers and princes, shields & swords,

Submit before His throne.
Confessions and Supplications.
Snow pity, Lord; O Loan, forgive :
Let a repeuting sinner live :
Are not Thy mercies large and free ?
May not the guilty trust in Thee ?
2 My crimes, though great, do not surpass
The power and glory of Thy grace ;
Oh ! wash my soul from ev’ry sin,
And make my guilty conscience clean.
3 My lips with shame my sins confess,
Against Thy law, against Thy grace :
Loan, should Thy judgment grow severe,
I am condemn’d, but Thou art clear.
5 Yet save a trembling sinner, Loan,
Whose hope, still hov’ring round Thy word,
Would light on some sweet promise there,
Some sure support against despair.
Following on to know the Loan.
MY Gon, permit my tongue
This joy, to call‘Thee mine,
And let my early cries prevail
To taste Thy love divine.
2 My thirsty, fainting soul
Thy mercy doth implore :
Not travellers in desert lands
Can pant for water more.
3 Within Thy churches, Lord,
I long to find my place,
’Phy power and glory to behold,
And feel Thy quickening grace.
4 For life without Thy love
No relish can afford;

No joy can be compar’d with this,

To serve and please the Loan.
5 To Thee I‘ll lift my hands,
And praise ’l‘hee while I live :
Not the rich dainties of a feast
Such food or pleasure give.
6 In wakeful hours of night
I call my Gon to mind,
I think how wise Thy counsels are,
And all ‘l‘hy dealings kind.
7 Since Thou hast been my help,
To Thee my spirit flies :
And on Thy watchful providence
My cheerful hope relies.
8 The ‘shadow of Thy wings
My soul in safety keeps;
I follow where my Father leads,
And He supports my steps.
Gon conducting His people.
SING, all ye nations, to the Loan
Sing with a joyful noise;
With melody of sound record
His honours and your joys. I
Come, see the wonders of our Gon,—
How glorious are his ways !
In Moses’ hand He puts His rod,
And cleaves the frighted seas.
He made the ebbing channel dry,
While Israel pass’d the flood :
There did the church begin their joy,
And triumph in their Gon.
O bless our Gon and never cease ;
Ye saints, fulfil His praise ;
He keeps our life, maintains our peace,
And guides our doubtful ways.

Through wat’ry deeps and fiery ways

We march at Thy command,
Led to possess the promis’d place
By Thine unerring hand.
Praise for temporal blessings.
WE bless the Loan, the just, the good,
Who fills our heart with joy and food;
Who pours His blessings from the skies,
And loads our days with rich supplies.
’Tis to His care we owe our breath,
And all our near escapes from death :
Safety and health to Goli belong;
lie heals the weak, and guards the strong.
He makes the saint and sinner pi‘ove
The common blessings of His love ;
But the wide difference that remains
ls endless joy, or endless pains.
And His right hand His saints shall raise
From the deep earth or deeper seas :
And bring them to His courts above ;-
There shall they taste His special love.
The suflerings of CHRIST for our salratimt.
“ SAVE me O Gon; the swelling floods
Break in upon my soul ;
I sink, and sorrows o’er my head
Like mighty waters roll.”
Thus in the great Messna’s name,
The royal prophet mourns;
Thus he awakes our hearts to grief,
And give us joy by turns.
’Twas then He paid the dreadful debt
That men could never pay,
And gave those honours to Gon’s law
Which sinners took away.
rsnms. 313

"l‘was in a most accepted hour

His pray’r arose on high,
And for His sake the Loan will hear
The dying sinner’s cry.
PSALM LXIX. Second Version. C. M.
The Passion and Eraltutiun uf CHRIST.
Now let our lips with holy fear
And mournful pleasure sing
The sufl“rings of our great High Priest—
The sorrows of our King.
2 He sinks in floods of deep distress;
How high the waters rise !
While to His heav’nly Father’s ear
He sends perpetual cries.
3 Shine into my distressed soul,
Let Thy compassion save;
And though my flesh sink down to death,
Redeem it from the grave.
3 I shall arise to praise Thy name—
Shall reign in worlds unknown ;
And Thy salvation, O my GOn,
Shall seat me on Thy throne.
PSALM LXIX. Third Version. C. M.
Goo glorified and sinners saved.
FATHER, I sing Thy wondrous grace,
I bless my Saviour’s name;
He bought salvation for the poor,
And bore the sinner’s shame.
2 His deep distress has rais‘d us high:
His duty and His zeal
Fulfill‘d the law which mortals broke,
And finish’d all Thy will.
3 Let heaven and all that dwell .on high,
To Gon their voices raise ;
While lands and seas assist the sky, my;
And join t’ advance the praise. w "
814 sm’enmx.

4 Zion is Thine, most holy Gon;

Thy Son shall bless her gates ;
And glory purchas’d by His blood,
For Thine own Israel waits.
Gon our portion here and hereafter.
Wene I in heaven without my Gon,
’Twould be no joy to me;
And whilst this earth is my abode,
\ I long for none but Thee.
2 What if the springs of life were broke,
And flesh and heart should faint ?—
Gon is my soul’s eternal rock—
The strength of every saint‘
3 Behold the sinners that remove
Far from Thy presence die;
Not all the idol gods they love
Can save them when they cry.
4 But to draw near to Thee my Gon,
Shall be my sweet employ :
My tongue shall sound Thy works abroad,
And tell the world my joy.
The Church pleading with her Gon.
Term; of the tribes so dearly bought
With their Redeemer’s blood;
Nor let Thy Zion be forgot,
Where once Thy glory stood.
2 What strange deliverance hast Thou shown
In ages long before !
And now no other Gon we own—
No other Gon adore.
8 Thou didst divide the raging sea
By Thy resistless might,
To make Thy tribes a wondrous way,
And then secure their flight.
PSALMS. ‘316

4 Is not the world of nature Thine, :fli} ’

The darkness and the day ?
Didst not Thou bid the morning shine,
And mark the sun his way ?
5 Think on the cov’nant Thou hast made
And all Thy words of love ;
Nor let the birds of prey invade,
And vex Thy mourning dove.
6 Our foes would triumph in our blood,
And make our hope their jest ;
Plead Thine own cause, Almighty Gon!
And give Thy children rest.
Israel saved and her enemies destroyed.
IN Judah Gon of old was known;
His name in Israel’s great:
In Salem stood His holy throne,
And Zion was His seat.
2 From Zion went Hisdreadful word,
And broke the threat’ning spear,
The how, the arrow, and the sword,
And crush'd th’ Assyrians’ war.
3 At Thy rebuke, O Jacob’s Gon,
Both horse and chariot fell!
Who knows the terrors of Thy rod?
Thy vengeance who can tell?
4 When Gon in His own sov’reign ways
Comes down to save th’ oppress’d,
The wrath of man shall work His praise,
And He’ll restrain the rest.
Comfort derived from Gon’s works of old.
How awful is Thy chast’ning rod,
(May Thine own children say)
‘ The great, the wise, the dreadful Gon
How holy is His way !’
P 2

2 Will He for ever cast me oil‘,

His promise ever fail ?
Has He forgot His tender love P‘
Shall anger still prevail ?
3 But I forbid this hopeless thought,
This dark, despairing frame ;
Rememb’ring whatThy hand hath wrought :—
Thy hand is still the same.
4 I‘ll meditate His works of old,—
The King that reigns above ;
I’ll hear His ancient wonders told,
And learn to trust His love.
5 I‘ll think again of all Thy ways,
And talk Thy wonders o’er
Thy wonders of recov’ring grace,
When flesh could hope no more.
6 Grace dwells with justice on the throne;
And men that love Thy word,
Have in Thy sanctuary known
The counsels of the Loan.
7 Israel, His people and His sheep,
Must follow where He calls;
He bid them ‘venture through the deep,
And made the waves their walls.
8 The waters saw Thee, mighty God I
The waters saw Thee come :
Backwards they fled, and frighted stood,
To make Thine armies room.
9 Strange was Thy johrney through the sea ;
Thy footsteps, Loan, unknown; ‘ ‘
Terrors attend the wondrous way
That brings Thy mercies down.
The warnings of G0n to His people. Spiritual blessings
and punishments.
SING to the Lord aloud,
And make a joyful noise;

Gon is our strength, our Saviour Gon ;

Let Isr’el hear His voice.
2 “ From all idolatry
Preserve my worship clean ;
I am the Lord who set thee free
From slavery and sin.
3 “ Stretch thy desires abroad,
And l’ll supply them well;
But if ye will refuse your Gon,—
If lsr’el will rebel—
4 “ I’ll leave them (saith the Loan)
To their own lusts a prey,
And let them run the dang’rous road ;
Tis their own chosen way.
5 “ Yet O that all my saints
W‘ould hearken to my voice!
Soon I would ease their sore complaints,
And bid their hearts rejoice.
6 “ While I destroy’d their foes,
I’d richly feed my flock,
And they should taste the stream that flows
From their eternal Rock."
Delight in ordinances.
MY soul, how lovely is the place
To which thy Goi) resorts ;
’Tis heav’n to see His smiling face,
Though in His earthly courts.
2 There the great Monarch of the skies
His saving pow’r displays,
And light breaks in upon our eyes
With kind and quick’ning rays.
3 With His rich gifts the heav’nly Dove
Descends and fills the place;
While Crmrsr reveals His wondrous love,
And sheds abroad His grace.
318 APPENnIX. ‘

4 There, mighty Gon, Thy words declare

The secrets of Thy will ;
And still we seek Thy mercy there,
And sing Thy praises still.
5 My heart and flesh cry out for Thee,
While far from Thine abode ;
When shall I tread Thy courts, and see
My Saviour and my Gon?
6 The sparrow builds herself a nest,
And suffers no remove ;
0 make me like the sparrows blest,—
To dwell but where I love.
7 To sit one day beneath Thine eye
And hear Thy gracious voice,
Exceeds a whole eternity
Employ’d in carnal joys.
8 Lonn, at Thy threshold I would wait,
While Jesus is within;
Rather than fill a throne of state,
Or live in tents of sin._
9 Couldl command the spacious land,
And the more boundless sea,
For one blest hour at Thy right hand,
I’d give them both away.
Salvation by Cams-r.
Loan, Thou hast call’d Thy grace to mind,
Thou hast revers’d our heavy doom :
So Gon forgave when Isr’el sinn’d,
And brought His wand’ring captives home.
2 Thou hast begun to set us free,
And made Thy fiercest wrath abate ;
Now let our hearts be turn’d to Thee,
And Thy salvation be complete.
3 Revive our dying graces, Loan, I
And let Thy saints in Thee rejoice;

Make known Thy truth ; fulfil Thy word;

We wait for praise to tune our voice.
4 We wait to hear what Gon will say;
He‘ll speak, and give His people peace ;
But let them run no more astray,
Lest His returning wrath increase.
5 Salvation is for ever nigh
The souls that fear and trust the Loan ;
And grace descending from on high,
Fresh hopes of glory shall afford.
6 Mercy and truth on earth are met,
Since CHRIST the Loan came downt‘rom heav’n;
By His obedience so complete,
Justice is pleas’d, and peace is giv’n.
7 Now truth and honour shall abound,
Religion dwell on earth again,
And heav’nly influence bless the ground,
In our Redeemer’s gentle reign.
8 His righteousness is gone before,
To give us free access to Gon ;
Our wand’ring feet shall stray no more,
But mark His steps and keep the road.
Gon’s great deliverance implored and magnified.
AMONG the princes—earthly gods,
There’s none hath power divine :
Nor is their nature, mighty Loan,—
Nor are their works like Thine.
2 The nations Thou hast made shall bring
Their ofi"ring round Thy throne ;
For Thou alone dost wondrous things,—
For Thou art Gon alone.
3 Loan, I would walk with holy feet ;
Teach me Thy heavenly ways ;
And my poor scatter’d thoughts unite
In Gon my Father’s praise.

4 Great is ’l‘hy mercy, and my tongue

Shall those sweet wonders tell,
How by Thy grace my sinking soul
Rose from thc decps of hell.
Gon’s public ordinances.
Gon in His earthly temple lays
Foundations for His heavenly praise ;
He likes the tents of Jacob well,
But still in Zion loves to dwell.
2 His mercy visits every house
That pay their night and morning vows ;
But makes a more delightful stay,
Where churches meet to praise and pray.
3 What glories were describ’d of old,
What wonders are of Zion told! ‘
Thou city of our Gon below,
Thy fame shall Tyre and Egypt know.
4 Egypt and Tyre and Greek and Jew
Shall there begin their lives anew;
Angels and men shall join to sing
The hill where living waters spring.
5 When Gon makes up His last account,
Of dwellers in His holy mount;
‘Twill be an honour to appear
As one new-born or nourish’d there.
’l‘hefuithfulness of Goo.
M r never-ceasing song shall show
The mercies of the Loan,
And make succeeding ages know,
How faithful is His word.
2 The sacred truths His lips-pronounce,
Shall firm as heav’n endure ;
And if He speak a promise once,
Th’ eternal grace -is sure.
PSALIIS. 321’.‘

How long the race of David held sheath)

The promis’d Jewish throne! "e118
But there’s a nobler cov’nant seal’d WU
To David’s greater Son. ‘‘1
llis seed for ever shall possess 5
A throne above the skies ; ‘f,
The meanest subject of His grace _ _ x
Shall to that glory rise. Y - wi,l?‘
Loan Gon of hosts, Thy wdndrous ways
Are sung by saints above y-wg‘ ,I.18‘
And saints on earth their honours raise ‘
To Thine unchanging love.
PSALM.XCI. mg)‘ L. M.
He that
in public
His refuge-Gov,»
and dangers. ‘W
Shall find a most secure abode, Y’W
Shall walk all day beneath His shade, I‘
And there at night hall rest his head. “
Thrice happy man! thy Maker’s care
Shall keep thee from the fowler’s snare—
Satan the fowler—who betrays was‘...
Unguarded souls a thousand ways. at‘;
If burning beams of noon conspire .dW
To dart a pestilential fire, ‘M“-‘-‘£9§
Gun is their life, His wings are spread,
To shield them with a healthful shadeAi
If vapours with malignant breath
Rise thick, and scatter midnight death,
Isr’el ispure
Grows safe if; the poison’d
Isr’el’s .Gon air
be there. 7V
K" A-
What though a thousand at thy sides-w,
At thy right hand a thousand died, ;
Thy Gon His chosen people saves ?. a," .
Amongst the dead, amidst the graves.
So when He sent His angel down TA
To make His.wrath in Egypt known,

And slew their sons, His careful eye

Pass’d all the doors of Jacob by.
7 But if the fire or plague or sword
Receive commission from the Loan
To strike His saints among the rest,
Their very pains and deaths are bless,d.
8 The sword, the pestilence or fire,
Shall but fulfil their blest desire,—
From sins and sorrows set them free,
And bring Thy children, Loan, to Thee.

GoD a support and comfort.
HAD not the Loan, my rock, my help,
Sustain’d my fainting head,
My life had now in silence dwelt,
My soul amongst the dead.
2 Alas, my sliding feet ! I cried:
Thy promise was my prop ;
Thy grace stood constant at my side,
Thy Spirit bore me up.
3 While multitudes of mournful thoughts
‘ Within my bosom roll,
Th boundless love forgives my faults,—
hy comforts cheer my soul.
4 Powers of iniquity may rise,
And frame pernicious laws ;
But G0n my refuge rules the skies :—
He will defend my cause.
Thanksgiving and warnings.
Com: sound His praise abroad,
And hymns of glory sing;
Jenovsu is the sovereign Gon—
The universal King.

2 He form’d the deeps unknown;

He gave the seas their bound;
The wat’ry worlds are all His own,
And all the solid ground.
3 Come, worship at His throne ;
Come, bow before the Loan ;
We are His works and not our own,—
H e form’d us by His word.
4 Today attend His voice,
Nor dare provoke His rod;
Come, like the people of His choice,
And own your gracious Gon.
5 But if your ears refuse
The language of His grace,—
And hearts grow hard like stubborn Jews,—
That unbelieving race.
6 The Lord in vengeance drest,
_ Will lift His hand and swear,
‘ You that despise my promis’d rest,
Shall have no portion there.’
Cnmsr’s coming.
Snvo to the Loan, ye distant lands ;
Ye tribes of every tongue ;
His new discover’d grace demands
A new and nobler song.
2 Say to the nations—Jesus reigns,‘
Gon’s own Almighty Son;
His power the sinking world sustains,
And grace surrounds His throne.
3 Let heav’n proclaim the joyful day,“
Joy through the earth be seen ;
Let cities shine in bright array,
And fields in cheerful green.
4 Let an unusual joy surprise
The islands of the sea:

Ye mountains sink; ye valleys‘ rise,

Prepare the Loan His way.
5 Behold He comes, He comes to bless,
The nations, as their Gon;
To show the world His righteousness,
And send His truth abroad.
Crimsr’s incarnation.
THE‘Loan is come ! the heavens proclaim
His birth; the nations learn His name;
An unknown star directs the road
Of eastern sages to their Gon.
2 All ye bright armies of the skies,
Go, worship where the SAVIOUB. lies :
Angels and kings before Him bow,
Those gods on high, and gods below.
3 Let idols totter to the ground,
And their own worshippers confound ;
But Judah shout—but Zion sing,
And earth confess her sovereign King.
PSALM XCVII. Version Second. L. M.
Grace and Glary.>
Tn’ ALMIGHTY reigns, exalted high
O’er all the earth—o’er all the sky;
Though clouds and darkness veil His feet,
His dwelling is the mercy seat.
2 O ye that love His holy name,
Hate ev’ry work of sin and shame;
He guards the souls of all His friends,
And from the snares of hell defends.
3 Immortal light and joys unknown
Are for the saints in darkness sown;
Those glorious seeds shall spring and rise,
And the bright harvest bless our eyes.
4 Rejoice, ye righteous ;and record
The sacred honours of the Loan;

None but the soul that feels His grace

Can triumph in His holiness.
Praise for the gospel.
To our Almighty Maker Gon,
New honours be address’d;
His great salvation shines abroad,
And makes the nations _bless’d.
2 He spake the word to Abr’am first;
His truth fulfils the grace;
The Gentiles make His name their trust,
And learn His righteousness.
3 Let the whole earth His love proclaim
With all her diff’rent tongues ;
And spread the honours of His name
In melody and songs. ‘
A prayer for the afllicted.
HEAR me, O Gon, nor hide Thy face,
But answer lest I die; - -
Hast ’l‘hou not built a throne of grace,
To hear when sinners cry ?
2 Sense can afford no real joy _
To souls that feel Thy frown ;
Loan, ’twas Thy hand advanc’d me high ;——
Thy hand hath cast me down.
3 My looks like wither’d leaves appear,
And life’s declining light‘
Grows faint as evening shadows are, ‘
That vanish into night.
4 But Thou for ever art the same,
O my eternal Gon ! -
Ages to come shall know Thy name,
And spread Thy works abroad.
5 Thou wilt arise and shew ‘Thy face, ‘ ‘
Nor will my Loan delay ‘

Beyond th’ appointed hour of grace,—

That long expected day.
6 He hears His saints, He knows their cry,
And by mysterious ways
Redeems the prisoners doom’d to die,
And fills their tongues with praise.
PSALM CII. Second Version. C. M.
Prayer heard, and Zion restored.
Lsr Zion and her sons rejoice;
Behold the promis’d hour!
Her Gon hath heard her mourning voice ;
And comes t’ exalt His pow’r.
2 Her dust and ruins that remain
Are precious in our eyes ;
Those ruins shall be built again,
And all that dust shall rise.
3 The Loan will raise Jerusalem,
. And stand in glory there ;
Nations shall bow before His name,
And kings attend with fear.
4 He sits a Sov’reign on His throne,
With pity in His eyes;
He hears the dying pris’ners groan,
And sees their sighs arise.
5 He frees the souls condemn’d to death,
And when His saints complain,
It shan’t be said that praying breath
Was ever spent in vain.
6 This shall be known when we are dead, -
And left on long record,
That ages yet unborn may read,
And trust and praise the Loan.
Praise for spiritual and temporal mercies.
O Bness the Loan, my soul!
Let all within me join,
rssmus. 327

And aid my tongue to bless His name,

Whose favours are divine.
2 O bless the Loan, my soul;
Nor let His mercies lie
Forgotten in unthankfulness,
And without praises die.
3 ’Tis He forgives thy sins,
’Tis He relieves thy pain,
’Tis He that heals thy sicknesses,
And makes thee young again.
4 He crowns thy life with love,
When ransom’d from the grave;
He that redeem’d my soul from hell,
Hath sovereign power to save.
5 He fills the poor with good;
He gives the sufferers rest ;
The Loan hath judgment for the proud,
And justice for th’ oppress’d.
6 His wondrous works and ways
He made‘by Moses known;
But sent the world His truth and grace
By His beloved Son.
The manner of Gon’s loving-kindness.
FROM age to age exalt His name ;
Gon and His grace are still the same;
He fills the hungry soul with food,
And feeds the poor with every good.
2 But if their hearts rebel and rise
Against the Gon that rules the skies,—
Ifthey reject His heavenly word,
And slight the counsels of the Loan ;—
3 He’ll bring their spirits to the ground,
And no deliverer shall be found ;
Laden with grief they waste their breath
In darkness and the shades of death.

4 Then to the Loan they raise their cries ;-

He makes the dawning light arise,
And scatters all that dismal shade,
That hung so heavy round their head.
He cuts the bars of brass in two,
And lets the smiling prisoners through ;
Takes off the load of guilt and grief,
And gives the labouring soul relief.
O may the sons of men record
The wondrous goodness of the Loan !
How great His works! how kind His ways!
Let every tongue pronounce His praise.
Love to enemies. from Cunrsr’s example.
Gon of my mercy and my praise,
Thy glory is my song ;—
Though sinners speak against Thy grace
With a blaspheming tongue.
2 When in the form of mortal man
Thy Son on earth was found,
With cruel slanders false and vain
They compass’d Him around.
3 Their miseries His compassion move,
Their peace He still pursued;
They render hatred for His love,
And evil for His good.
4 Their malice rag’d without a cause,
Yet with His dying breath,
He pray’d for murderers on His cross,
And bless’d His foes in death.
5 Loan, shall Thy bright example shine
In vain before mine eyes ?
Give me a soul akin to Thine,
To love mine enemies.
6 The Loan shall on my side-engage ;
And in my Saviour’s name
rssnms. 329

I shall defeat their pride and rage,

Who slander and condemn.
Cnnrsr’s Kingdom and Priesthood.
JEsus our Lonn, ascend Thy throne,
And near the Father sit;
In Zion shall Thy power be known,
And make Thy foes submit.
2 What wonders shall Thy gospel do !
Thy converts shall surpass
The numerous drops of morning dew,
And own Thy sovereign grace.
3 Gon hath pronounc’d a firm decree,
Nor changes what He swore:
‘ Eternal shall Thy priesthood be,
When Aaron is no more.
4 ‘ Melchisedec, that wondrous priest,
That king of high degree,
That holy man who Abraham bless’d,—
Was but a type of Thee.’
2 Jssus our Priest for ever lives,
To plead for us above;
Jesus our King for ever gives
The blessings of His love.
6 Gon shall exalt His glorious head,
And His high throne maintain ;—
Shall strike the powers and princes dead,
Who dare oppose His reign.
Gon’s wisdom andfaithfulness in His works.
SONGS of immortal praise belong
To my Almighty Gon :
He has my heart, and He my tongue,
To spread His name abroad.
2 How great the works His hand has wrought !
How glorious in our sight!
r 3

And men in every age have sought

His wonders with delight.
3 _How most exact is nature’s frame!
How wise the eternal mind!
His counsels never change the scheme
That His first thoughts design’d. ‘
4 When He redeem’d His chosen sons,
He fix’d His covenant sure;
The orders that His lips pronounce,
‘l‘o endless years endure.
5 Nature and time and earth and skies,
Thy heavenly skill proclaim :
‘What shall we do to make us wise,
But learn to read Thy name ?
6 To fear Thy power, to trust Thy grace, ‘
Is our divinest skill;
And he’s the wisest of our race,
That best obeys Thy will.
The fear of Gon keeps the soul in peace and in all good

Tumor: happy man who fears the Loan—

Loves His command, and trusts His word !
Honour and peace his days attend,
And blessings to his seed descend.
2 When times grow dark, and tidings spread
That fill his neighbours round with dread,
His heart is arm’d against the fear,
For Gon with all His power is there.
3 His soul, well fix’d upon the Loan,
Draws heavenly courage from His word:
Amidst the darkness light shall rise,
To cheer his heart and bless his eyes.
4 He hath dispers’d his alms abroad,
His works are still before his Gon :
His name on earth shall long remain,
While envious sinners fret in vain.
PSALMS. ‘ 331

Wonders of Israel’s journey.
WHEN Isr’el, freed from Pharoah’s hand,
Left the proud tyrant and his land,
The tribes with cheerful homage own
Their King ; and Judah was His throne.
2 Across the deep their journey lay;
The deep divides to make them way :
Jordan beheld their march and fled
With backward current to his head.
3 What pow’r could make the deep divide ?
Make Jordan backward roll his tide ?
“Zhy did ye leap, ye little hills ?
And whence the fright that Sinai feels ?
4 Let ev’ry mountain, ev’ry flood,
Retire and know th’ approaching Gon !
The King of Isr’el l—see Him here!
Tremble, thou earth ; adore and fear.
5 He thunders, and all nature mourns ;
The rock to standing pools He turns,
Flints spring with fountains at His word,
And fires and seas confess the Loan.
All glory ascribed to Goo.
No1‘ to ourselves, who are but dust,—
Not to ourselves is glory due ;
Eternal Gon, ‘l‘hou only just,
Thou only gracious, wise and true.
2 The Gon we serve maintains His throne
Above the clouds, beyond the skies;
Through all the earth His will is done,
He knows our groans, He hears our cries.
3 But the vain idols they adore
Are senseless shapes of stone and wood ;
At best a mass of glitt’ring ore,
A silver saint, or golden god.
4 O Israel, make the Loan thy hope,
Thy help, thy refuge and thy rest!
The Loan shall build thy‘ ruins up, '
And bless the people and the priest.
5 The dead no more can speak Thy praise ;
They dwell in silence and the grave ;
But we shall live to sing Thy grace,
And tell the world Thy power to save.
Public thanks/’o1‘ private deliverance.
WHAT shall I render to my Gon
For all His kindness shown ?—
My feet shall visit ’l‘hine abode,—
My songs address Thy throne.
2 Among the saints that fill Thine house,
My offerings shall be paid:
There shall my zeal perform the vows
My soul in anguish made.
3 How much is mercy Thy delight,
Thou ever blessed Gon !
How dear Thy servants in Thy sight !
How precious is their blood!
4 How happy all Thy servants are !
How great Thy grace to me!
M life, which Thou hast made Thy care,
£01“i, I devote to Thee.
5 Now I am Thine, for ever Thine,
Nor shall my purpose move;
Thy hand hath loos’d my bonds of pain,
And bound me with Thy love.
6 Here in Thy courts I leave my vow,
And Thy rich grace record;
‘Witness, ye saints, who hear me now,
If 1 forsake the Loan.

PSALM CXVL- Version Second. C. M.

Praise for answers to prayer.
I Love the L0m), for He hath heard
My supplicating voice ;
I love the Loan, and in His love
Will evermore rejoice.
2 Now, O my soul, from all thy woes
Return to. Gon thy rest,
Who graciously hath dealt with thee,
And bountifully bless’d.
3 What shall I render to the Loan;—
Whose love is still the same ‘3
Salvation’s sacred cup I’ll take,
And call upon His name.
4 For all Thy benefits, O Loan,
To Thee I pay my vows,
Now in the presence of Thy saints,—
Here in Thy sacred house.
PSALM CXIX. Part Fourth. C. M.
Praise of Gon’s WMJ.
How shall the young secure their hearts,
And guard their lives from sin ?
Thy word the choicest rules imparts,
To keep the conscience clean.
2 When once it enters to the mind,
It spreads such light abroad,
The meanest souls instruction find,
And raise their thoughts to Gen.
3 ’Tis like the sun, a heavenly light,
That guides us all the day ;
And through the dangers of the night,
A lamp to lead our way.
4 The men that keep Thy law with care
And meditate Thy word,
Grow wiser than their teachers are,
And better know the Lon».

5 Thy precepts make me truly wise;

I hate the sinner’s road ;
I hate my own vain thoughts that rise, _
But love Thy law, my Go0.
6 The starry heavens Thy rule obey,
The earth maintains her place ;
And these Thy servants night and day
Thy skill and power express.
7 But still Thy law and gospel, Loan,
Have lessons more divine :
Not earth stands firmer than Thy word,
Nor stars so nobly shine.
8 Thy word is everlasting truth;
How pure is every page!
That holy book shall guide our youth,
And well support our age.
PSALM CXIX. Part Eleventh. C. M.
Thirsting after Sunctificution.
O THAT the LoRn would guide my ways
To keep His statutes still!
0 that my Gon would grant me grace
To know and do His will!
2 O send Thy Spirit down to write
Thy law upon my heart ;
Nor let my tongue indulge deceit,
Nor act the liar’s part.
3 From vanity turn of!‘ mine eyes :
Let no corrupt design,
Nor covetous desires arise ‘
Within this soul of mine.
4 Order my footsteps by Thy word,
And make my heart sincere ;
Let sin have‘no dominion, Loan;
But keep my conscience clear.
5 My soul hath gone too far astray, ‘
My feet toonften _slip ;
PsALMs.‘ 335

Yet since I’ve not forgot ’l‘hy way,

Restore ’l‘hy wandering sheep.
Make me to walk in Thy commands— ‘
’Tis a delightful road;
Nor let my head, nor heart, nor hands,
Offend against my Gon.
PSALM CXIX. Part Sixteenth. C. M.
Prayerfm‘ quickem‘ng grace.
MY soul lies cleaving to the dust;
LoRn, give me life divine :
From vain desires and every lust
Turn off these eyes of mine.
I need the influence of Thy grace
To speed me in Thy way,
Lest I should loiter in my race,
Or turn my feet astray.
When sore afiiictions press me down,
I need Thy quick‘ning powers ;
Thy word that I have rested on,
Shall rest my heaviest hours.
Are not Thy mercies sovereign still?
And Thou a faithful Gon ?
Wilt Thou not grant me warmer zeal
To run the heavenly road ?
Does not my heart Thy precepts love,
And long to see Thy face ?
And yet how slow my spirits move,
Without enlivening grace !
Then shall I love Thy gospel more,
And ne’er forget Thy word,
When I have felt its quick’ning power
To draw me near my Loan.
Praise for deliverance.
HAn not the Loan, may Israel say,
Been pleas’d to interpose ;

Had not His grace espoused our cause,

Against our mighty foes;
2 Their wrath had swallow’d us alive
And rag’d without control;
Sin, death, and hell’s united floods
Had quite o’erwhelm’d our soul. '
3 But praise to our eternal Loan,
Who rescued us that day,
And sav’d us from their fatal grasp,
Nor gave us up a prey !
4 Secure in His Almighty name
Our confidence remains ;—
Who, as He made both heav’n and earth,
Of both sole Monarch reigns.
_ Pardom‘ng Grace.
Our of the deeps of long distress—
The borders of despair,
I sent my cries to seek Thy grace,—
My groans to move Thine ear.
2 Great Gon, should Thy severer eye,
And Thine impartial hand,
Mark and revenge iniquity,
No mortal flesh could stand.
3 But there are pardons with my Gon
For crimes of high degree ;
Thy Son has bought them with His blood,
To draw us near to Thee.
4 Then in the Loan let *lsrael trust,—
Let Israel seek His face ;
The Lord is good as well as just ;
And plenteous is His grace.
5 There’s full redemption at His throne
For sinners long enslav’d;
The great Redeemer is His Son,
And Israel shall be sav’d. - ‘ -‘\
nsms. 337

Humility and Submission.
Is there ambition in my heart ?
Search, gracious Gon, and see :
Or do I act a haughty part?
Loan, 1 appeal to Thee.
2 I charge my thoughts, be humble still,
And all my carriage mild ;
Content, my Father, with Thy will,
And quiet as a child.
3 The patient soul, the lowly mind,
Shall have a large reward :
Let saints in sorrow lie resign’d,
And trust a faithful Loan.
Blessings implored on the Sanctuary.
ARISE, O King of grace, arise,
And enter to Thy rest !
Lo ! Thy church waits with longing eyes,
Thus to be own’d and bless’d.
2 Enter with all Thy glorious train,
Thy Spirit and Thy word ;
All that the ark did once contain
Could no such grace afford.
3 Here, mighty Gon, accept our vows,
H ere let Thy praise be spread;
Bless the provisions of Thy house,
And fill Thy poor with bread.
4 Here let the Son of David reign ;
Let Gon’s Anointed shine ;
Justice and truth His court maintain,
With love and pow’r divine.
5' Here let Him hold a lasting throne ; -w..‘
And as His kingdom grows, fin\"i
Fresh honours shall adorn llis crown, ‘
And shame confound llis foes.


Social unity and worship.
Burss’n are the sons of peace,
Whose hearts and hopes are one;
Whose kind designs to serve and please
Through all their actions run 1
2 Bless’d is the pious house
Where zeal and friendship meet!
Their songs of praise, their mingled vows,
Make their communion sweet.
3 Thus when on Aaron’s head
They pour’d the rich perfume,
The oil through all his raiment spread,
And pleasure fill’d the room.
4 Thus on the heavenly hills
The saints are bless’d aboye,
Where joy like morning-dew distils,
And all the air is love.
Praise for Gon‘s word and enduring grace.
Wrrn all my pow’rs of heart and tongue,
I’ll praise my Maker in my song;
Angels shall bear the notes I raise,
Approve the song, and join the praise.
2 P11 sing Thy truth and mercy, LORn;
I‘ll sing The wonders of Thy word;
Not all ‘l‘hy works and names below, _
So much Thy pow’r and glory show. ‘
3 Amidst a thousand snares I stand,
Upheld and guarded by Thy hand;
Thy words my fainting soul revive,
And keep ‘my dying faith alive.
4 Grace will complete what grace begins,- ’
To save from sorrows or from sins;
’l‘he workthat wisdom undertakes,
Eternal mercy ne’erforsakes.
rssms. 339

Seasons of the year.
Wrrn songs and honours sounding loud
Address the Loan on high ;
Over the heav’ns He spreads His cloud,
And waters veil the sky.
2 Ile sends His show’rs of blessings down,
To cheer the plains below ;
He makes the grass the mountains crown,
And corn in vallies grow.
3 He gives the grazing ox his meat;
He hears the ravens’ cry,
But man, who tastes His finest wheat,
Should raise His honours high.
4 The changing wind, the flying cloud,
Obey His mighty word:
With songs and honours sounding loud,
Praise ye the sov’reign Lonn.
The honours of the saints.
ALL ye that love the Loan rejoice,
And let your songs be new;
Amidst the church with cheerful voice
His latter wonders shew.
2 The Jews, the people of His grace,
Shall their Redeemer sing;
And Gentile nations join the praise,
While Zion owns her King.
3 The Loan takes pleasure in the just,
Whom sinners treat with scorn :
The meek that lie despis’d in dust ‘
Salvation shall adorn.
4 Saints should be joyful in their King,
Ev’n on a dying bed,
And like the souls in glory sing,
For Gon shall raise the dead.
Q 2

5 Then His high praise shall fill their tongues,

Their hands shall wield the sword;
And vengeance shall attend their songs’...
The vengeance of the Lorm.
6 When CHRIST His judgment-seat ascends,
And bids the world appear,
Thrones are prepar’d for all His friends,
Who humbly lov’d Him here.
7 Then shall they rule with iron rod
Nations that dar’d rebel;
And join the sentence of their Gon
On tyrants doom’d to hell.
8 The royal sinners bound in chains,
New triumphs shall afford ;
Such honour for the saints remains :
Praise ye and love the Loan.
A Song of Praise. ‘
IN Gon’s own house pronounce His praise ;
His grace He there reveals :
To heav’n your joy and wonder raise;
For there His glory dwells.
2 Let allyour sacred passions move,
While you rehearse His deeds;
But the great work of saving love
Your highest praise exceeds.
3 All that have motion, life and breath,
Proclaim your Maker blest ;
Yet when my voice expires in death,
My soul shall praise Him best.

fipums an Qzlzct fizriptfire iBassages.


“ Enoch walked with Gon!" Gen. v. 22.
0 Fo3 a closer walk with Gon,
A calm and heavenly frame,—
‘A light to shine upon the road
That leads me to the LAMB !
2 Return, O holy Dove! return,
Sweet messenger of rest ;
I hate the sins that made Thee mourn,
And drove Thce from my breast:
3 The dearest idol I have known,
Whate’er that idol be,
Help me to tear it from Thy throne,
And worship only Thee.
4 So shall my walk be close with Gon,
Calm and serene my frame;
So purer light shall mark the road
That leads me to the LAMB.
“ As thy days so shall thy strength be."
Dent. xxxiii. ‘25.
Arrucren saint! to Christ draw near;
Thy Savionr’s gracious promise hear:
His faithful word declares to thee,
That as thy day thy strength shall be.
WVhen called by Him to bear the cross,
Reproach, afliiction, pain and loss,

Or deep distress and poverty,

Still, as thy day thy strength shall be.
When death at length appears in view,
Christ’s presence shall all fear subdue;
He comes thy spirit to set free,
And as thy day thy strength shall be.
“ This is His‘namc whereby He shall be called. rnr. Loan
ona RlonreousNsssF‘ Jer. xxiii. 6.
I once was a stranger to grace and to Gon,
I knew not my danger and felt not my load,
Though friends spoke in rapture of Center on
the tree,
Janovsn-rsmKano was nothing to me. .
2 l oft read with pleasure to soothe or engage,
Isaiah’s wild measure and J obn’s simple page ;
But ev’n when they pictured the blood-sprinkled
Jsnovhn-rsmKeNu seemed nothing to me.
3 Like tears from the daughters of Zion that roll,
I wept when the waters went over His soul—
Yet thought not that my sins had nailed to the
JanoriAH-rsmimnu; ’twas nothing to me.
4 But when free grace awoke me by light from on
Then legal fears shook me, I trembled to die ;
No refuge, no safety in self could I see;
Jeaovsa-rsmKanu my Saviour must be.
5 My terrors all vanished before the sweet name;
My guilty fears banished, with boldness I came
To drink at the fountain s0 copious and free 1
JEnoVAH-TBInKIZNU was all things to me.
6 Janovsn-rsmKenu my treasure and boast !
J auovsa-rsmKenu ! I ne’er can be lost ;


muss. 343

In Thee I shall conquer by flood and by field!

My cable and anchor, my breastplate and shield.
7 Even treading the valley-the shadow of death,
This watchword shall rally my faltering breath ;
For while from life’s fever my Gon sets me free,
JEHOVAH-I‘SIDKENU my death-song shall be!
" Blessed are the pure in heart." ‘Matt. v. 8.
Bmrss’n are the pure in heart,
For they shall see our Gon;
The secret of the Loan is their’s ;
Their soul is Camsr’s abode.
Still to‘the lowly soul
He doth Himself impart,
And for His cradle and His throne
Chooseth the pure in heart.
“ The Loan turned and lvoked upon Peter, 8w."
Luke xxii. 61.
Ssvroun, Prince, enthron’d above,
Repentance to impart,
Give me through Thy dying love,
The humble, contrite heart ;—
Give, now earnestly implor’d,
A portion of Thy love unknown :
Turn and look upon me, Loan,
And break my heart of stone.
See me, Saviour, from above,
Nor suffer me to die; ‘
Life and happiness and love
Fall from Thy gracious eye :
Speak the reconciling word,
And let Thy mercy melt me down ;
Turn and look upon me Loan,
And break my heart of stone.
‘ §

“ Be in subjection to the Father of spirits, and live."
Heb. xii‘. 9. I

A FxmeB.’s voice with rev’renee we

On earth have often heard;
The Father of our spirits now
Demands the same regard.
2 Parents may err; but He is wise,
Nor lifts the rod in vain :
His chast‘nings serve to cure the soul,
By salutary pain.
3 Afiliction‘when it spreads around
May seem a field of woe ;
Yet there at last the happy fruits
Of righteousness shall grow.
4 Then let our hearts no more despond,
Our hands be weak no more;
Still let us trust our Father’s love,
His wisdom still adore.

fiymns for iBartiruIar ézasnns.

“ His mercies are new every morning." Lam. iii. 23.
NEw every morning is the love
Our wakening and uprising prove;
Through sleep and darkness safely brought;
Restored to life and power and thought.
uums, 345

2 New mercies each returning day,

Hover around us, while we pray;
New perils past, new sins forgiven,
New thoughts of Gon, new hopes of heaven.
And now, O Loan, in ’l‘hy free love,
Fit us for perfect rest above ;
And help us this and every day,
To live more nearly as we pray.

HYMN VlIl. L. M.
“ Abide with us,forit is toward evening." ‘
Luke xxiv. 29.
Sun of my soul l—Thou Saviour dear !
It is not night if Thou be near;
0 may no earth-born cloud arise
To hide Thee from Thy servant’s eyes!
Abide with me from morn till eve,
For without Thee I. cannot live :
Abide with me when night is nigh,
For without Thee I dare not die.
Watch by the sick : enrich the poor
With blessings from ’l‘hy boundless store;
Be present with us here this night,
And turn our darkness into light.

fill-h: iinrb’s Bap.

HYMN 1X. C. M.
“ The first day of the week." Acts xx. 7.
BLEss’d day of Gon! how calm, how bright !
A day ot’joy and praise ;
’l‘he lab’rer’s rest, the saint’s delight,
The first and best ofdays.
346 ‘ srmmmx.
2 This day believers doth enrich ;
May grace rest on them all !
It is their Pentecost, on which
‘The Holy Ghost doth fall.
3 As the first fruits an earnest prove
Of all the sheaves behind,
So they who do the sabbath love
A happy week shall find.
“ We which have believed do enter into rest." Heb. iv. 3.
ComE, ye who love the Loan,
And let your joys be known :
Join in a song with sweet accord,
While we surround the throne.
Let those refuse to sing
Who never knew our Gon;
But children of the heavenly King
May speak their joys abroad.
The bill of Zion yields
_ A thousand sacred sweets,
Before we reach the heavenly fields,
0I walk the golden streets.
Then let our songs abound,
And ev’ry tear be dry;
We’re marching through Immanuel’s ground,
To fairer worlds on high.
“ I have loned the habitation, &c." Psalm xxvi. 8.
Dean is to me the Sabbath morn ;
The sacred bell, the pastor‘s voice ;
These oft have found my heart forlorn,
And oft have bid that heart rejoice.
2 And dear to me the winged hour
Spent in Thy hallow’d courts, 0 Loan !—
To feel devotion’s soothing ower,
And catch the manna of T y word.
HYMNS. 347

3 Oh! when the world with iron hand

Would bind me in its six days’ chain,
’l‘hen burst, O Loan, the strong man’s band,
And let my spirit loose again.
HYMN XII. P. M. 7’s.
“ Honour Him; not doing, 5‘0.” Isa. lviii. l3.
Ev’nr thought should be directed
-; Heavenward through this hallow’d day ;
Worldly themes should be rejected,—
Themes that draw the soul away ;
‘Tis the day of sacred rest;
’Tis the day the Loan has bless’d.
2 Oh what glorious themes invite us,
When we look on mercy’s plan !
These are themes may well delight ns,-~
Themes ofjoy to guilty man ;—
Full of sweetness, full of grace,
Suited to the sinuer’s case.
3 Why should we grow weary, thinking
Of the Saviour’s grace and love ?
From these springs His people drinking,
Get a taste ofjoys above :
Oh ! ’tis good the Loan to know;
‘Tis our heaven begun below.
“ 0 send out Thy light!” Psalm xliii. 3.
FBEQUENT the day of Gon returns,
To shed its quick’ning beams ;
And yet how slow devotion burns !
How languid are its flames !
2 Accept our faint attempts to love ;
Our frailties, Loan, forgive ;
We would be like Th saints above,
And praise Thee w ile we live.
3 Increase, O Loan, our faith and hope,
And fit as to ascend

Where the assembly ne’er breaks up,

Where sabbaths never end—
4 Where we shall breathe in heavenly air,
With heavenly lustre shine,
Before the throne of Gon appear,
And feast on love divine.
" Loan, semi help from the Sanctuary.” Psalm xx_. 2.
Hun are they to whom the Loan
His gracious name makes known,
And by His Spirit and His word
Adopts them for His own!
2 He calls them to His mercy-seat
And hears their humble prayer;
And when within His house they meet,
They find His presence near.
3 The force of their united cries
No power can long withstand ;
For Jesus helps them from the skies,
By His almighty hand.
4 Then mountains sink at once to plains,
And light from darkness springs;
Each seeming loss improves their gains,
Each trouble comfort brings.
_5 Though men despise them or revile,
They count the trial small ;
Whoever frowns, if Jesus smile,
It makes amends for all.
HYMN XV. P. M. 7’s.
“ Lono teach us to pray." Luke xi. 1. >
H on’ Loan, our hearts prepare
For the solemn work of prayer;
Grant that when we bend the knee,
All our thoughts may turn to Thee,
And ’l‘hy presence may be found
Breathing peace and joy around.
HYMNS. 349

2 LORn, when we approach Thy throne,

Make Thy power and glory known ;
Thus may we be taught to call
Humbly on the Loan of all,
And with reverence and fear
At Thy footstool to appear.
Teach us, as we breathe our woes,
On Thy promise to repose,
All Thy tender love to trace
In the SAVioun’s work of grace,
And with confidence depend
On a gracious Gon and Friend.

“ I was glad, 8m." Psalm cxxii. 1.
How did my heart rejoice to hear
My friends dcvoutly say,
“ ln Zion let us all appear,
And keep the solemn day!”
Up to her courts with joys unknown
The holy tribes repair ;
.The Son of David holds His throne,
And sits in judgment there.
He hears our praises and complaints;
And while His awful voice
Divides the sinners from the saints,
We tremble and rejoice.
Peace be within this sacred place,
And joy a constant guest ;~
With holy gifts and heavenly grace
Be her attendants bless’d!
My soul shall pray for’ Zion still,
While life or breath remains ;
There my best friends, my kindred dwell,—
’1 here Gon my Saviour reigns.

HYMN XVII. P. M. 7’s.

" Save, Lorm ; let the King hear us.” Psalm xx. 9.
1n ‘Thy presence we appear!
Loan, we love to worship here,
When within the veil we meet
Thee upon Thy mercy-seat.
2 While to Thee our prayers ascend,
Let Thine ear in love attend;
Hear us, for Thy Spirit pleads ;
Hear ! for JESUS intercedes.
3 While Thy word is heard with awe,
And we tremble at Thy law,
Let Thy gospel’s wondrous love,
Every doubt and fear remove.
4 While Thy ministers proclaim
Peace and pardon through ‘l‘hy name,
In their voices let us own ‘
Jesus speaking from the‘ throne.
5 From ’l‘hy house when we return,
Let our hearts within us burn;
That at evening we may say,
“ We have walk’d with Gon to-day."
HYMN XVIII. P. M. 7’s.
“ Where two or three, 8m." Matt. xviii. 20.
Jesus, we ’l‘h y promise claim,
We are gather’d in Thy name;
In the midst do Thou appear,
Manifest Thy presence here.
Sanctify us, Loan, and bless;
Breathe Thy Spirit, give ’l‘hy peace ;
Come and dwell within each heart,
Light and life and joy impart.
Make us all in Thee complete,
Make us all for glory meet ;-
Meet t’ appear before Thy sight,
Partners with the saints in light.
Burns. 35 1

" Unto Thee do I lift up my soul.” Ps. lxxxvi, 4.
Loan, when we bend before Thy throne,
And our confessions pour,
Teach us to feel the sins we own,
And shun what we deplore.
2 Our fallen spirits pitying see,
True penitence impart;
And let a healing ray from Thee
Beam hope upon our heart.
3 Let faith each weak petition fill,
And waft it to the skies ;
And teach our hearts ’tis goodness still
That grants it, or denies.
HYMN XX. P. M. 7’s.
“ Now are we all here present before (3oD.” Acts x. 33.
Now may fervent prayer arise
Wing’d with faith, and pierce the skies :
Fervent prayer shall bring us down
Gracious answers from the throne.
2 Shepherd of Thy blood-bought sheep,
Teach the stony heart to weep ;
Clothe Thy word with power divine ;
Make us willing to be ‘l‘hine.
3 Let the minds of all our youth
Feel the force of sacred truth;
While the gospel call they hear,
May they learn to’love and fear !
4 Show them what their ways have been,
Show them the desert of sin!
’l‘hen ’l‘hy dying love reveal :
This shall melt a heart of steel.
5 Where Thou hast Thy work begun,
Give new strength the race to run ;
Scatter darkness, doubts and fears;
Wipe away the mourner‘s tears.

6 Bless us all, both old and young,

Call forth praise from every tongue;
Let the whole assembly prove
All Thy power and all Thy love.
" We have heard Him ourselves, dye" John iv. 42,
O happy they who know the Loan,
With whom He deigns to dwell!
He feeds and cheers them by His word,
His arm supports them well.
2 He help’d His saints in ancient days,
Who trusted in His name ;
And we can witness to His praise,
His love is still the same.
3 Oft in His house His glory shines
Before our wondering eyes;
We wish not then for golden mines
Or aught beneath the skies.
4 His presence sweetens all our cares,
And makes our ‘burdens light :
A word from Him dispels our fears,
And gilds the gloom of night.
5 Loan, let us then most highly prize
These tokens of Thy love,
Till Thou shalt bid our spirits rise,
To worship Thee above.

HYMN XXII. P. M. 7’s.

“ Where two or three ure gathered, Byc." Matt. xviii. 20.
SAVIOUR, at Thy feet we bow;
O vouchsafe to meet us now.’
At Thy people’s earnest cry,
Bring Thy loving mercies nigh.
2 Thou hast said, where two or three
In Thy worship shall agree,
That Thou wilt be present there,
swering their faithful prayer.
HYMNS. 353‘

3 Loan. we plead Thy promise here;

Let ’l‘hy presence now appear ;
On our souls Thy Spirit pour,
Light and life and peace restore.
4 Raise our thoughts from things below,
Faith’s discerning eye bestow ;
Let our hearts, from sin made free,
Hold sweet intercourse with Thee.
“ A day in Thy courts, dta." Ps. Ixxxiv. IO.
WELCOME, sweet day of rest,
’I‘hat saw the Loan arise!
Welcome to this reviving breast,
And these rejoicing eyes!
2 The King Himself comes near
And. feasts His saints to-day ;
And we by faith may see Him here,
And love and praise and pray.
3 One day within the place
Where Th0n, my Gon, art seen,
Is better than ten thousand days
Spent in the joys of sin.
4 My willing soul would stay
In such a frame as this;
And wait to bail a brighter day
Of everlasting bliss.
“ There remaineth u keeping ofa Sabbath.” Heb. iv. 9.
WHEN, O my SAVIOUR, when shall I
Behold ’I‘hee all serene?
Blest in perpetual sabbath day,
Without a veil between ?
Assist me while I wander here,
Amidst a world of cares; . ~
Incline my heart to pray with love,
And then accept my prayers.
Q_ 3
354 Anrznnix.

Thy Spirit, O my Father, give,

To be my Guide and Friend,‘
To light my path to ceaseless joys,—
’l‘o sabbaths without end.

" The night is far spent, #c." Rom. xiii. 12.
THE morning is dawning, we greet it ;
We hail the approach of the day ;
Our spirits go forward to ‘meet it ;
Come quickly. come quickly, we say.
The wheels of His chariot, why move they
So slowly, and why this‘ delay?
His people, while waiting, why love they
The things that are passing way ?
Forgive us, our Master, forgive us,—
To Thee it belongs to forgive :
From all this corruption relieve us,
’l‘hy people to glory receive.
"l‘is then we shall be where we would be,
Enjoying Thy presence above ;
"I‘is then we shall be what we should he,
Made perfect for ever in love.
Then welcome the dawn of the morning!
‘Tis thus that Thy people should say;
And earth with its vanities scorning,
Should hasten the wonderful day ;
When Then by Thine angels surrounded.
Shall come to relieve the oppressed ;
Thy foes will all then be confounded,—
’l‘hy people be perfectly blest.
HYMss. _ 355

fiatifiitp of {Christ
“ He eomelh into the world." Heb. x. 5.
AWAKE, awake the sacred song,
To our incarnate Loan!
Let ev’ry heart and ev’ry tongue
Adore the eternal Worm.
Jenovsri’s wisdom, pow’r and love,
Shone in their brightest forms,
When Jesus left His throne above
To dwell with sinful worms.
To dwell with mis’ry below
The SAVIOUR. left the skies, \
And sunk to wretchedness and woe,
That worthless man might rise.
Adoring angels tun’d their songs,
To hail the joyful day‘.
With rapture then, let mortal tongues
Their grateful homage pay.
“ He humble/I Himself.” Phil. ii. 8.
How blessed was the day,
When Cunrsr appear’d on earth !
Angels and men together join’d
To hail the SAvroua’s birth.
The stable was llis room,
The manger was H is bed,
The birth-place of the Kmo of kings
Was where the oxen fed.
“’e praise Thee, heav‘nly Prince!
We bow before Thy throne I
And as Thou gav’st Thyself for us—
0 make us all Thine own.

" Th e D ay ~sp ril‘gLuke
from on high79.
i. 78, hath visited us, ‘3‘c.”

Jesus ! Thou Day-spring from on high,

We bless Thy name for this—
That Thou, to bring the guilty nigh,
Should’st leave the seats of bliss.
Yes ! Thou hast visited our race,
And heav’n’s own light comeyed
To them that dwelt in darkest place—
In death’s most gloomy shade.
Jesus! Thou Day-spring from on high,
Upon our spirits shine ;
Then will our darkness swiftly fly
Before ‘l‘hy rays divine.
When now to praise Thee, Loan, we meet,
Our faith and love increase ;
And deign to guide our weary feet
lnto the way of peace.
HYMN xxix. s. M.
“ The 8os Or Goo is not come to destroy, a0."
Luke ix. 56.
RAISE your triumphant songs
To an_ immortal tune,
Let the wide earth resound the deeds
Celestial grace hath done.
2 Sing how eternal Love
His chief Beloved chose,
And bade Him raise our wretched race
From their abyss of woes.
3 His hand no thunder bears,
No terrors clothe His brow ;
No bolts to drive our guilty souls
’l‘o ficrccr flames below.
nvmls. 857

4 ’Twa‘s mercy fill’d the throne,

And wrath stood silent by,
When Cumsr was sent with pardons down
To rebels doom’d to die.

am of th: @mr.
“ Ye know not what shall be on the marrow.” James iv. 14.
To-Mormow, Loan, is Thine,
Lodg’d in Thy sov’reign hand ;
And ifits sun arise and shine,
It shines by Thy command.
2 The present moment flies,
And bears our life away;
Oh ! make Thy servants truly wise,
That they may live to-day.
3 Since on this winged hour
Eternity is hung, _
Awaken by Thy mighty power
The aged and the young.
4 One thing demands our care—
Be that one thing pursued !
Lest, slighted once, the season fair
Should never be renew’d.

fizin @car.
“ Oh that Thuu wauldst, 8m." )lsaiah lxiv. 1.
Now, gracious Loan, Thine arm reveal,
And make Thy glory known;
Now let us all Thy presence feel,
And soften hearts of stone.
From all the guilt of former sin
Let mercy set us free;

And let the year we now begin

Begin and end with ’I‘hee.
Send down Thy Spirit from above,
’l‘hat saints may love Thee more ;
And sinners now may learn to love,
Who never lov’d before.
And when before Thee we appear,
In our eternal home,
May growing numbers worship here,
And praise Thee in our room.
HYMN XXXII. P. M. 7’s.
" Breathe upon these slain, dye.” Ezekiel xxxvii. 9.
ComE, Thou mighty King of kings,
Rise with healing in ’l‘hy wings,
Bare Thine arm and ride on high,
Glorious in Thy majesty.
North and south and east and west,
All are waiting to be blest ;
Come and bless them, Prince of peace ;
Give their fetter’d souls release.
Thus shall earth’s extended frame
Swell the trophies of Thy name,
And redeemed souls confess
“ Jesus is our Righteousness."
Saviour, send Thy Spirit down,
By His work Thy pleasure crown;
If He breathe not on the slain,
All our efforts are in vain.
" Having no hope." Ephes. ii. I2.
Tru: heathen perish; day by day,
Thousands on thousands pass away;
_ ' Vide also Hymns I39, I40, 141 and Psalm mm.
In Appendix. _
nrmns. 359

O Christians ! to their rescue fly;

Preach J rzsus to them, ere they die.
2 Wealth, labour, talents, freely give,—
Yea life, if they may also live ;
What hath your Saviour done for you ?
And now your all to Him is due.
3 O Spirit of the Lord, go forth;
Call in the south, wake up the north ;
()t’ev’ry clime, from sun to sun,
Gather Gon’s children into one.

@eafinn of ientf


“ (5on be merciful to me a sinner." Luke xviii. l3.
.Tnou know’st, O Loan, what things be past,
And all the things that be;
Thou also know’st what is to come;
Nothing is bid from Thee.
We come, Loan, to Thy throne of grace,
Where mercy does abound,
Desiring mercy for our sin,
To heal our sin’s deep wound.
0 Loan, we need not to repeat
What we do beg and crave;
For ’l‘hou dost know before we ask
The thing which we would have.
Mercy, 0 Loan, mercy we ask ;
This is the total sum ;
For mercy, Loan, is all our prayer;
Oh let ’l‘hy mercy come !

' Vide also Psalms vi., xxxix. and li., and Hymn ecli

Qooh dfrihap.
HYMN XXXV. P. M. 7’s.
Bouzm upon the accursed tree,
Faint and bleeding,—who is He 1‘
By the flesh with scourges torn,
By the crown of twisted thorn,
By the side so deeply pierced,
By the baflied burning thirst,
By the lifeless body laid
In the chambers of the dead—
crucified! we know Thee now-
S0nor‘ MAN; ’tis Thou ! ’tis ’l‘hou !
Bound upon the accnrsed tree,
Dread and awful—who is He ?
By earth that trembles at His doom—
By yonder saints that burst their tomb
By Eden promised ere He died
To the felon at His side—
By the conquests lie has won,
By the rainbow round His throne ;
Loan! our suppliant knees we how—
SON or Gon!—’tis Thou! ’tis Thou !


Greater love hath no man tlum this." John xv. l3
Ler me dwell on Golgotha l—
Weep and love my life away ;
While i see Him on the tree,
Weep and bleed and die for me.
That dear blood for sinners spilt
Shows my sin in all its guilt :
Ah I my soul, He bore thy load,—
’l‘hou hast slain the Lamb of Gon.
Hark! His dying word, “ Forgive!
Father, let the sinner live :
anus. 361

Sinner, wipe thy tears away;

I thy ransom freely pay."
Farewell, world! thy gold is dross,
Now I see the bleeding cross ;
Jesus died to set me free
From the law and sin and thee.
“ The Cross of Cl-mrsr." 1 Cor. i. 17.
Tue Cross-the Cross ;--O that’s my gain !
Because on that the LAMB was slain:
’Twas there my Loan was crucified :—
’Twas there my SAVIOUR for me died.
The stony heart dissolves in tears,
When to our view the Cross appears :
Cunrsr’s dying love, when truly felt,
The adamantine heart can melt.
Here I behold as in a glass,
Gon’s glory with unveiled face ;
And by beholding I shall be
Made like to Him who died for me.
No flaming sword forbids the place;
The Cross of Cnmsr is all free grace :
And pilgrims who would glory win,
By Jesus‘ Cross must enter in.

“ Behold! I am alive.” Rev-i. 18.
I KNOW that my Redeemer lives ;
O the sweet joy this sentence gives!
He lives, He lives, who once was dead;
He lives, my everliving Head.

He lives to bless me with His love,

And still He pleads for me above ;
He lives to raise me from the grave,
And me eternally to save.
He lives—my kind, wise, constant Friend,
Who still will keep me to the end:
He lives ;-and while He lives, l’ll sing
J esus my Prophet, Priest and King.
He‘lives—my mansion to prepare,
And He will bring me safely there;
O :the sweet joy this sentence gives,—
1 know that my Redeemer lives!

flstmston £119.
" Goo hath highly exalted Him." Phil. ii. 9.
THE head that once was crowned with thorns,
ls crowned with glory now ;
A royal diadem adorns
The mighty Victor’s brow.
The highest place that heaven affords,
Is His by sovereign right :
The KING of kings and Loan of lords,
He reigns in glory bright.
The joy of all who dwell above,
The joy of all below,
To whom He manifests His love,
And grants His name to know.
To them the cross with all its shame
With all its grace is given;
Their name an everlasting name,
Their joy the joy of heaven.
mums. 363

whit Qunliag.
- “ Come, 0 breath and breathe, 8m.” Ezekiel xxxvii. 9.
CRAToa Spirit, by whose aid
The world’s foundations first were laid,
Come, visit ev’ry humble mind,
Come, pour Thy joys on all mankind ;
From sin and sorrow set us free,
And make us temples meet for Thee.
2 Thou strength of His Almighty hand
Whose power doth heaven andearth command,
Thrice holy fount 1 thrice holy fire !
Our hearts with heavenly love inspire :
Come, and Thy sacred unction bring,
To sanctify us while we sing.
3 Plenteous of grace, descend from high,
Rich in Thy seven-fold energy ;
Give us Thyself, that we may see
The Father and the Son by Thee ;
Make us eternal truths receive,
And practise all that we believe.
4 Immortal honour, endless fame,
Attend the Almighty Father’s name :
Let Gon the Son be glorified,
Who for lost man’s redemption died:
And equal adoration be,
Eternal Spirit, paid to Thee.

“ All these worketh that self-same Spirit.” 1 Cor. xii. ll.
ETERNAL Spirit, by whose power
Are burst the bands of death,
Be this for us a favour’d hour !
O give us living faith,
a 2

2 ’Tis Thine to cheer us when distress’d,

To raise us when we fall,
To calm the doubting troubled breast,
And aid when sinners call.
3 ’Tis Thine to bring Gon’s sacred word,
And write it on our .heart ;
There its reviving truths record,
And there its peace impart.
4 Almighty Spirit, visit thus
Our hearts, and guide our ways ;
Pour down ’l‘hy quick’ning grace on us,
And tune our lips to praise.
" Thefruit of the Spirit is loue,joy, 8c.” Gal. v. 22.
Hour Ghost, dispel our sadness;
Pierce the clouds of nature’s night;
Come, Thou source of joy and gladness,
Breathe Thy life and spread ’l‘hy light ;
Raise us sinners
From the power of sin and death.
2 Hear, oh! hear our supplication,
Blessed Spirit, Gon of peace;
Rest upon this congregation,
Great Distributor of grace:
May we ever
Feel and own Thy heavenly sway.
3 Author of our new creation,
Bid us all Thine influence prove ;
Make our souls Thy habitation ;
Shed abroad the Saviour’s love :
Heavenly Teacher,
Guide and bless us all our days.
“ Ye are not come, Ere.” Heb. xii. 18.
Warm Gon of old came down from heaven,
In power and wrath He came;
nYmss. 365

Before His feet the clouds were driven-—

Half darkness and half flame.
2 But when He came the second time,
He came in power and love—
And blessings sent to every elime
In that descending Dove.
3 The fires that rush’d on Sinai down
And fill’d Gon’s flock with dread,
Now gently light, a glorious crown
On every sainted head.
4 Like arrows went those lightnings forth
Wing’d with the sinner’s doom;
But these, like tongues o’er all the earth,
Proclaiming life to come.
5 Come, Loan! come, wisdom, love and power!
Open our ears to hear :
Let us not miss the accepted hour ;
Save, LoRn, by love or fear.
“ The earnest of the Spirit." 2 Cor. i. 22.
War should the children of a King
Go mourning all their days ?
Great Comforter, descend and bring
Some tokens of Thy grace.
2 Dost Thou not dwell in all the saints,
And seal the heirs of heaven ?
showThou banish
my sins my complaints
forgiven ? l
3 Assure my conscience of her part
In the Redeemer’s blood ;
And bear Thy witness with my heart,
That I am born of Gon.
4 Thou art the earnest of His love,
The pledge of joys to come ;
And Thy soft wings, celestial Dove,
Will safe convey m6_home.

. @Iirinitp Quntlag.
“ There the Loan commanded the blessing.” Psalm
cxxxiii. 3.
Comunn Thy blessing from above,
O Go0! on all assembled here ;
Behold us with a Father’s love,
While we look up with filial fear.
'O Command Thy blessing, Jesus, Loan !
May we Thy true disciples be !
Speak to each heart the mighty word ;
Say to the weakest, “ Follow me.”
3 Command Thy blessing, in this hour,
‘ Spirit of truth ! and fill this place
With humbling and exalting power,
With quick’ning and confirming grace.
4 O Thou, our Maker, Saviour, Guide—
One true eternal Gon confess’d I
May nought in life or death divide
The saints in Thy communion bless’d.
5 With Thee, and these, for ever bound,
May all who here in prayer unite,
With harps and songs Thy throne surround,
Rest in Thy love, and reign in light !

“ Sufl’er the little children, 8(0.” Mark x. 14.
Oue children, Loan, in faith and prayer
We now devote to Thee ;
Let them Thy cov’nant mercies share,
And Thy salvation see. >
2 Such helpless babes Thou didst embrace,
While dwellinyhere below :
HYMIB. _ 367

To us and ours, Q Gon of grace!

The same compassion show.
3 In early days their hearts secure
From worldly snares, we pray ;
And let them to the end endure
ln ev’ry righteous way.
4 Grant us before them, Loan, to live
In holy faith and fear;
And then to heaven our souls remove,
And bring our children there.

. El): Inrh’s 511mm‘.

“ This do in remembrance nf me, 6m." Luke xxii. 19.
Accoanme to Thy gracious word,
So full of love to me,
This will I do, my dying Loan;
I will remember Thee.
2 Thy body broken for my sake
My bread from heaven shall be ;
Thy testamental cup I take, ‘
And thus remember Thee.
8 Can I Gethsemane forget ?
Or there Thy conflict see,
Thine agony and bloody sweat,
And not remember Thee ?
4 When to the cross I turn mine eyes,
And rest on Calvary,
O Lamb of Gon, my sacrifice!
I must remember Thee.
5 Remember Thee, and all Thy pains,
And all Thy love to me !
Yes, while a pulse or breath remains,
Will I remember Thee. _

6 And when these failing lips grow dumb

And thought and mem ry flee,
When Thou shalt in Thy kingdom come,
J rsus, remember me.

“ They shall look on me, 83:." Zec. xii. 10.
How condescending and how kind
Was Gon’s eternal Son!
Our mis’ry reach’d His heavenly mind,
And pity brought Him down.
2 This was compassion like :1 Gon,
That when the Saviour knew
The price of pardon was His blood,
His pity ne’er withdrew.
3 Now, though He reigns exalted high,
His love is still as great ,’
Well He remembers Calvary,
Nor let His saints forget.
4 Here let our hearts begin to melt,
While we His death record,
And with our joy for pardon’d guilt,
Mourn that we pierc’d the Loan.

“ Cnmsr was once ofl'ered to_bear the sins of many, Q-c."
Heb. 1x. 28.
We sing Thy praise, exalted LAMB,
Who sitt’st upon the throne;
Ten thousand blessings on Thy name
Who worthy art alone.
2 Thy bruised broken body bore
Our sins upon the tree ;
And now Thou liv’st for evermore ;
And now we live through ’l‘hee.
mums. 369

3 Poor sinners, sing the Lamb that died ;

What theme can sound so sweet l’—
His drooping head, His streaming side,
His pierced hands and feet:
4 Sing all that scene of suff‘ring love
Which faith presents to view;
For now He lives and reigns above,
And lives and reigns for you.

" They watch for your souls, 8w." Heb. xiii. l7.
LET Zion’s watchmen all awake,
And take th’ alarm they give ;
Now let them from the mouth of Gon
Their awful charge receive.
2 ’Tis not a cause of small import
’l‘he pastor’s care demands ;
It occupies the Saviour’s heart ;
lt fills angelic minds.
3 They watch for souls, for which the Loan
Did heavenl bliss forego,—
For souls whic must for ever live,
In happiness or woe.
4 May they that Jesus whom they preach
Their own Redeemer see !
And watch, Loan, daily for their souls,
That they may watch for Thee.
" I will clothe herpriests with salvation."
Psalm cxxxii. 16.
Loan, cause Thy face on us to shine ;
Give us Thy peace, and seal us Thine ;
Teach us to prize the means of grace,
And love Thy earthly dwelling-place.
" Norm—Vide Hymns 176, 177, 180.
370 Arrmmrx.

l6May we in truth our sins confess,

Worship the Loan in holiness,
And all Thy power and glory see,
Within Thy hallow’d sanctuary.
3 Bless all whose voice salvation brings,
Who minister in holy things ;
Our bishops, priests and deacons bless;
Clothe them with zeal and righteousness :
4 Let many in the judgment day,
Turn’d from the error of their way,
Their hope, their joy, their crown appear:
Save those who preach and those who hear.

{institution of a flinistn".

“ Pray ye the Loss of the harvest, 8:0.” Matt. ix. 38.

Loan of the harvest, hear us now,

While at Thy feet we humbly bow;
All means, all hearts, Thy will controls,
Have mercy, Lom) ; and help our souls.
2 All power in heaven and earth is Thine,
Ohl cause Thy face on us to shine;
Send us a faithful lab’rer, Loan,
Who rightly may divide Thy word.
3 Chi may he nought regard beside
The Saviour, and Him crucified ;
And by his life our pattern prove,
In spirit, word, and faith, and love.
4 Oh! grant him large success, we pray;
Teach him on grace alone to stay;
‘ So in the last great day may he
Account with joy, not grief, to Thee.
HYMNS. 37 l

" Feed theflock, fire.” 1 Peter v. 2.
Cr-mar Shepherd of Thy chosen sheep,
From death and sin set free ;—
May ev’ry under-shepherd keep
His eye intent on Thee!
2 With plenteous grace their hearts prepare
To execute Thy will,—
Compassion, patience, love, and care,
And faithfulness, and skill.
3 Inflame their minds with holy zeal,
Their flocks to feed and teach ;
And let them live, and let them feel,
The sacred truths they preach.
“ Who is suflicient for these things .7" 2 Cor. ii. l6.
Poun out Thy Spirit from on high :
‘Loan, Thine assembled servants bless:
Graces and gifts to each supply,
And clothe Thy priests with righteousness.
2 Within Thy temple when we stand,
To teach the truth, as taught by Thee,
Saviour! like stars in Thy right hand,
The angels of the churches be !
3 Wisdom and zeal and faith impart,
Firmness with meekness, from above,
To hear Thy people on our heart,
And love the souls whom Thou dost love.
4 To watch and pray and never faint,
By day and night on guard to keep,
To warn the sinner, cheer the saint,
Nourish Thy lambs, and feed Thy sheep.

5 Then, when our work is finish’d here,

. Let us in hope our charge resign,
When the good Shepherd shall appear,
That they and we may all be Thine !

(Consultation of a Q'Ehurdfi.
HYMN LV. P. M. 7’s.
" This is none other but the House of Gon.” Gen. xxviii. 17.
Loan of hosts, to Thee we raise
Here a house of prayer and praise;
Thou Thy people’s hearts prepare
Here to meet for praise and prayer.
Here to Thee a temple stand—
While the sea shall gird the land I
Here reveal Thy mercy sure,
While the sun and moon endure.
Hallelujah! earth and sky
To the joyful sound reply:
Hallelujah ! hence ascend
Prayer and praise till time shall end!

@untlag 5rIJooIs’r.
HYMN LVI. P. M. 7’s.
“ He shall Carry the lambs in His bosom." Isa. Xl. ll.
Gsscrous Gon, our children see;
We commend them unto Thee ;
Slaves by birth of Satan’s reign,
Let them not his slaves remain.
2 Israel’s young ones when of old
Pharaoh‘threaten’d to withhold,
Then Thy messenger said “ No ;
Let the children also go."
“‘ Nors—Vide Hymn 302.
1~ No’rs.—Vide Hymn 303.
HYMNS. 373

3 When the angel of the Loan,

Drawing forth his dreadful sword,
Slew with an avenging hand
All the first-born of the land,
4 Then Thy people’s doors he pass’d,
Where the bloody sign was plac’d:—
Hear, oh ! hear us, gracious G0n,
Plead for these the Saviour’s blood.
5 Loan, we tremble ; for we know
How the fierce malicious foe,
Wheeling round his watchful flight,
Keeps them ever in his sight:
6 Spread ’l‘hy pinions, King of kings,
Hide them safe beneath ‘l‘hy wings,
Lest the rav’nous bird of prey
Stoop, and bear the brood away.
“ Out ofthe mouth of babes, 8p.” Psalm viii. 2.
How glorious is our heavenly King,
Who reigns above the sky!
How shall a child presume to sing
His dreadful majesty!
2 Not angels that stand round the Loan,
Can search His secret will;
But they perform His heavenly word,
And sing His praises still.
3 Then let me join this holy train,
And my first offerings bring ;
Th’ eternal Gon will not disdain
To hear an infant sing.
4 My heart
And resolves
angels shall my ton e obey s ,
To hear their mighty Maker’s praise
Sound from a feeble voice.
374 APPENnIX .

HYMN LVlll. L, M,
“ How amiable are Th1 , 8n.” Ps. lxxxiv. 1.
Loan, how delightful ’tis to see
A whole assembly worship Thee l
At once they sing, at once they pray;
They hear of heaven, and learn the way.
2 I have been there, and still would go; _
‘Tis like a little heaven below ;
Not all that careless sinners say
Shall tempt me to forget this day.
3 Oh ! write upon my mem’ry, Lord,
The texts and doctrines of Thy word,
That l may feel their saving power,
And learn to love Thee more and more.
4 With thoughts of Cnarsr and things divine
Fill u this foolish heart of mine,
That Ending pardon through His blood,
I may lie down and wake with Gon.

" Thou hast taught mefrom my youth, 8”." Ps. lxxi. 17.
Tim praises of my tongue
I offer to the Loan,
That I was taught and learn’d so young
To read His holy word.
2 O Loan, this book of Thine
Informs me where to go
For grace to pardon all my sin,
And make me holy too.
3 Ch! may Thy Spirit teach,
And make my heart receive
Those truths which all Thy servants preach,
And all Thy saints believe
4 Then shall I praise the Loan
In a more cheerful strain,
That I was taught to read His word,
And have not learn’d in vain.
Hvmns. 375

“ Those that seek me early shallfimi me." Prov. viii. l7.
Wnan children give their hearts to Gon,
"l‘is pleasing in His eyes!
A flower when offer’d in the bud
is no vain sacrifice.
2 ’Tis better far if we begin
To fear the Loan betimes,
For sinners who grow old in sin,
Are harden’d by their crimes.
3 It saves us from a thousand snares,—
To mind religion young;
Grace will preserve our following years,
And make our virtues strong.
4 To Thee, ALMIGHTY Gon, to Thee,
May we our hearts resign !
’Twill please us to look back and see
That our best days were Thine.

" I will pay ’my vows.” Ps. cxvi. 18.
L001: down, O Loan‘! and on our youth
Bestow Thy gifts of heavenly grace,
And let the word of sacred truth
Find in each mind a fruitful place.
2 Soon to appear before Thy sight,
Their vow and promise to renew,
Prepare them for the solemn rite,
Bid each his heart and life review.
' Nors.— Vide Hyr‘nn 378.

3 Now in the strength of power divine,

()h ! may they all with glad accord
ln holy covenant combine,
And join themselves to Camsr the Loan.
4 Thy sons and daughters may they be !
Confirm’d and strengthen’d by thy grace!
And safe through life preserv’d by Thee
In heaven behold Thee face to face !

" Both Jesus was called and His disciples. to the
marriage.” John ii. 2.
SINCE freely once Thou didst appear,
To grace a marriage feast
O Loan ! we ask Thy presence here :
Be Thou our glorious guest!
2 Upon Thy servants, Loan, look down,
Who now have plighted hands ;
Their union with Thy favour crown,
And bless their nuptial bands.
3 With gifts of grace their hearts endow,
Of all rich dowries best ;
Their substance bless and peace bestow
To sweeten all the rest.
4 In purest love their souls unite,
That they with Christian care
May make domestic burdens light,
By taking mutual share.
5 On every soul assembled here
O make Thy face to shine :—
Thy goodness more our hearts can cheer
Than richest food or wine.
nurse. 377

.; .famfly wnrsbip’l‘.
“ The ark remained in his house." 1 Chron. xiii. l4.
ALMIGHTY Loan of earth and skies,
supremely good, supremely wise,
Fix Thou the place of our abode ;
But may we still live near to GMi !
2 With faith and with devotion, Loan,
Teach us each day to hear Thy word ;
Grant us Thy light to learn Thy will,
Grant us Thy strength to do it still.
3 Give Thou the visits of Thy grace ;
Let all our household seek Thy face ;
Our circle with Thy presence bless;
Keep out each root of bitterness.
4 Thus, while we sojourn here below,
Let streams of mercy round us flow,
Till safe all see our Father’s face,
And in His mansions have a place.
“ Exhorting one another." Heb- x. 25.
WHILE in the world we still remain,
We only meet to part a ain ;
But when we reac the eav’nly shore,
We then shall meet to part no more.
2 The hope that we shall see that day,
Should chase our present griefs away :
A few short years of conflict past,
We meet around the throne at last.
3 Then let us'here improve our hours—
Improve them to a SAvroun’s praise;
To Him with zeal devote our pow’rs,
And run with joy in wisdom’s ways.
* Norm—Vida Psalm cxxxiii. and Hymns 211, 212,
213 and 214.
I 3

378 Arresnrx.

4 Whene’er required to part from those

With whom the truth unites us here,
We’ll call to mind the joyful close,
When Cnnrsr the SAVIOUR shall appear.

iBuriaI éerhin’“.
" The weary be at rest.” Job iii. 17.
BnorneB., thou art gone before us,
And thy saintly soul is flown
Where tears are wiped from every eye,
And sorrow is unknown;
From the burden of the flesh,
And from care and fear released,
Where the wicked cease from troubling,
And the weary are at rest.
2 The toilsome way thou’st travelled o’er,
And borne the heavy load ;
But Gnmsr hath taught thy languid feet
To reach His blest abode.
Thou’rt sleeping now, like Lazarus,
Upon his father’s breast,
Where the wicked cease from troubling,
And the weary are at rest.
3 Sin can never taint thee now,
Nor doubt thy faith assail,
Nor thy meek trust in Jesus Cnmsr
And the HOLY SPIRIT fail.
And there thou’rt sure to meet the good,
Whom on earth thou loved‘st best,
Where the wicked cease from troubling,
And the weary are at rest.
* Nora—Vida Psalms xxxix and xc.
mums. 379

4 And when the Loan shall summon us,

Whom thou hast left behind,
May we, untainted by the world,
As sure a welcome find I
May each, like thee, depart in peace,
To be a glorious guest,
Where the wicked cease from troubling,
And the weary are at rest.
HYMN LXVI. P. M. 7’s.
“ Made meet for the ‘inheritance ofthe saints in light.”
Col. 1. l2.
HAEK! a voice divides the sky—
Happy are the faithful dead
In the Loan who sweetly die l
They from all their toils are freed:
Them the Spirithath declar’d
Blest. unutterably blest:
J uses is their great reward—
Jesus is their endless rest.
3 Follow’d by their works they go,
Where their Head is gone before;
Reconcil’d by grace below,
Grace hath open’d mercy’s door:
Justified through faith alone,
Here they knew their sins forgiv’n;
Here they laid their burden down -
llallow’d and made meet for heav’n.
"Blessed are the dead, dn.” Rev. xiv. l3.
IMAGINATION vainly paints
The moment after death,—
The glories that surround the saints,
When they resign their breath.
Thus much (and this is all) we know,
They are supremely bless’d,
ll nve done with sin and care and woe,
And with their Saviour rest.


3 On harps of gold His name they praise,

His presence always view ;
And, if we here their footsteps trace,
Thane we shall praise llim too.
4 Their faith and patience, love and zeal,
Should make their mem’ry dear ;
And, Loan, do ’l‘hou the pray’rs fulfil,
They offer’d for us here.
5 While they have gain’d, we losers are ;
We miss them day by day ;
But Thou canst ev’ry loss repair,
And wipe our tears away.
6 We pray, as in Elisha’s case,
When great Elijah went—
May double portions of Thy ‘grace
To us who stay be sent!
“ Sorrow not even as others which have no hope."
1 Thess. iv. 13
Tnou art gone to the grave, but we will not
deplore thee, [tomb,
Though sorrows and darkness encompass the
The SAVIOUR has pass’d through its portals be
fore thee, [the gloom.
And the lamp of His love is thy guide through
2 Thou art gone to the grave—we no longer
behold thee, [thy side;
Nor tread the rough paths of the world by
But the wide arms of mercy are spread to enfold
thee, [died
And sinners may hope, since the Sinless has
3 Thou art gone to the grave, and its mansion for~
Perhaps thy tried spirit in doubt linger’d long;
But the sunshine of heav’n beam’d bright on thy
waking, [phim’s song.
And the song which thou heard’st was the sera
HYMNS- 381

4 Thou art gone to the grave,—but we will not

deplore thee, guide ;
When Gon was thy ransom, thy guardian and
He gave thee, He took thee, and He will restore
thee ;— [hath died.
For death has no sting, since the SAVIOUB

Qaint’s flap? _
“ Followers of them who through faith and patience in
herit the promises, liye." Heb. vi. 1?.
AUTHoa and Finisher of faith,
We praise Thee for the grace
Bestow’d on those who, ages past,
Did Thy great name confess.
2 They taught and practis’d truths divine,
And seal’d them with theirblood;
And so to us was handed down
The gospel of our G0n.
3 We bless Thee for that saving truth
Thy saints of old have taught :
We bless Thee for those holy works
Thy grace within them wrought.
4 May we and all mankind believe
Thy messages of love,
Follow the steps of saints below,
And dwell with them above !
" Compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses,
dye.” Heb. xii. I.
GIVE me the wings of faith to rise
Within the veil and see
The saints above ;—how great their joys—
How bright their glories be.
' Norm—Vide Hymn 100.

2 Once they were mourning here below,

And wet their couch with tears ;
They wrestled hard, as we do now,
With sins and doubts and fears.
3 It was by grace their vict’ries came ;
They with united breath
Ascribe their conquest to the Lamb,
Their triumphs to His death.
4 They mark’d the way our Saviour trod ;
His Spirit fill‘d their breast ;
And foll’wing their incarnate Gon,
They reach’d the promis’d rest.
5 Our glorious Leader we will praise
For His own pattern given;
And with the cloud of witnesses
We’ll walk the path to heaven.

“ Ye are not come unto the mount,6;c.” Heb. xii. 18—24.
Nor to the terrors of the Loan,
The tempest, fire and smoke ;-
Not to the thunder of that word
Which Gon on Sinai spoke :
2 But we are come to Zion’s hill,
The city of our Gon ;
Where words of grace declare His will
And spread His love abroad.
3 The saints on earth and those above
But one communion make;
All share the one Redeemer_’s love,
And all His grace partake.
4 In such a company as this,
And with such favour blest,
In that fair place where Jesus is,
May we for ever rest I
HYMNB. 388


“ Follow thou me." John xxi. 22.
THE Son of Gon goes forth to war,
A kingly crown to gain;
His blood-red banner streams afar—
Who follows in His train?
2 Who best can drink His cup of woe,—
Triumphant over pain; _
Who patient bears His cross below—
He follows in His train!
3 A glorious band, the chosen few
On whom the Spirit came,
Twelve valiant saints—their hope they knew,
And mocked the cross and flame :
4 They met the tyrant’s lirandishld steel,
The lion’s gory mane;
They bow’d their necks the death to feel—
Who follows in their train ?
5 A noble army, men zind boys,
The matron and the maid,
Around the SAvIouB’s throne rejoice, ‘
In robes of light arrayed
6 They climb’d the steep ascent to heaven
Through peril, toil and pain 1
‘ 0 Gon! to us may grace be given
To follow in their train!

fiap of fiublic ifiumiliatinw".

" Then they cried unto the Loan in their trouble, and He
delivered.” Psalm cvii. 6. 13. 19. 20
Lorm, look on all assembled here,
Who in thy presence stand,
To offer up united prayer
For this our sinful land.
" N 01 L—Vide Psalm xci.’ in Appendix,

Oh may we all with one consent

Fall low before Thy throne!
With tears the nation’s sins lament,
The Church’s and our own !
Or should the dread decree be past,
And we must feel the rod,
Let faith and patience hold us fast
To our correcting Gon.
“ 0 turn Thyself to us again." Psalm lx. l.
REPULs‘n, dispers’d, chastis’d by Thee ;_
0 grant us, Loan, Thy face to see;
And let ’l'hy People, once Thy care,
Again Thy fav’ring presence share.
How trembles this divided land
Beneath the terrors of Thy hand !
O Thou the Gon whom we adore,
Its breaches heal—its peace restore.
Our hopes in man repos’d in vain—
O let Thy strength, great Gon, sustain ;
And let us, on Thine aid reclin’d,
In Thee our sure protection find.
“ Turn ye even to me with all your heart, 8(0." Joel ii. 1’3.
Warm‘. through our guilty land, 0 Loan!
These awful judgments are abroad ;
Oh l whither shall the helpless fly ?
To whom but Thee direct their cry ?
See, we repent, we weep, we mourn ;
To our forsaken‘Gcn we turn :
()h ! spare our guilty country, spare
The_church which Thou hast planted here.
We plead Thy grace, indulgent Gon ;
We plead Thy Son’s atoning blo‘od ;
We plead ’l‘hy gracious promises ;
And are they unavailing pleas ?
HYMNS. 385

4 These pleas, presented at Thy throne,

Have brought ten thousand blessings down
On guilty lands in helpless woe :—
Let them prevail to save us too.

@119 at iBulJIic @Iba11k§gihing.*

" Ye shall praise the name of the Lonn your Gon, 8ye."
Joel ii. 26.
“BL? us, O Loan, with grateful minds
To bow before Thy throne,
And with united thanks to Thee
Thy tender mercies own.
2 May we, from fear’d destruction sav’d,
Our Ebenezer raise ;
And with our hearts and lives and tongues,
Proclaim Thy wondrous praise.
3 Hasten the glorious time, foretold
ln Thine unerring word,
When from the greatest to the least
All men shall serve the Loan.

diijaritahlz (Eolluttunflr
“ Bear ye one another’s burdens, dye." Gal. vi. 2.
Henr us to help each other, Loan,
Each other’s burdens bear;
Let each his friendly aid afford
To sooth his brother’s care.
Help us to build each other up ;
Help us ourselves to prove;
Increase our faith, confirm our hope,
And perfect us in love.
" No-rn.-—Vi_de Psalms cxxxvi. and cl.
1* Nora.-V1de l-lymns ccxxxxv. and cclxxv.

Complete at length Thy work of grace,

And take us to Thy rest,
Among the saints who see Thy face,
To be for ever blest.

fiilissinnarp flr‘mmsfi
" Arise, shine.jor Ihy,dfr." Isaiah lx. I.
ARISE, arise l with joy survey
The glory of the latter day ;
Already is the dawn begun
Which marks at hand a rising sun.
2 “ Behold the way !" ye heralds cry :
Spare not, but lift your voices high :
Convey the sound from pole to pole,—
“ Glad tidings" to the captive soul.
3 The north gives up; the south no more
Keeps back her consecrated store ;
From east to west the message runs,
And either India yields her sons.
4 Auspicious dawn ! thy rising ray
With joy we view, and hail the day:
Great Sun of righteousness, arise,
And fill the world with glad surprise.
“ Pray farm.” 1 Thess. v. ’25 ; 2 These. iii. I; and
Heb. xiii. 13.
FATHER of mercies ! bow Thine ear,
Attentive to our earnest prayer;
We pray for those who plead for Thee;
Successful servants may they be ! ‘
* Nnrs.—Vide also Psalms ii. and lxvii.and Hymns xv.
xxii. lvi. ccxv. ccxvi. ccxxvii. ccliv. cclxxxii. cccxxviii.
cccxxxvi. ccclxx. ccclxxvii. ccccix. cccexvi. ccccxlix.
cccclxviii. cccclxx.
Brass. 387

2 Clothe Thou with energy divine

Their words ;-and let those words be Thine :
To them Thy sacred truth reveal,
Dispel their fears, inflame their zeal.
3 Let list’ning multitudes around
Hear from their lips the joyful sound,
In humble strains Thy grace implore,
And feel Thy Spirit’s living power.
4 Let sinners break their cruel chains,
. Distressed souls forget their pains ;
Let light through distant realms be spread,
And Zion rear her drooping head.
“ The earth shall be filled, 8w." Hab. ii. l-l.
MARK’n as the purpose of the skies,
’l‘his promise meets our anxious eyes,
That heathen lands the Loan shall know,
And warm with faith each bosom glow.
2 E’en now the hallow’d scenes appear,
E’en now unfolds the promis’d year;
Lo! distant shores Thy heralds trace,
And swell the tidings of Thy grace.
3 ‘M id burning climes and frozen plains,
Where pagan darkness brooding reigns,
Oh! mark their steps, their fears subdue,
And nerve their arm, and clear their view.
4 O Loan! amid this gloomy night,
Appear to bless our aching sight;
Turn Thou our darkness into day;
Let ev’ry nation own Thy sway.
“ Where is the Loan, are." 2 Kings ii. l4.
O for that flame of living tire
Which shone so bright in saints of old,
Which bade their souls to heaven aspire,
Calm in distress, in danger bold !
s 2

2 Where is that Spirit, Loan, which dwelt

In Abra’am‘s breast, and seal‘d him ’l‘hine,
Which made Paul’s heart with sorrow melt,
And glow with energy divine I’—
3 Is not Thy grace as mighty now
As when Elijah felt its power,
When glory beam’d from Moses’ brow,
Or Job endur’d the trying hour?
4 Remember, Loan, the ancient days ;
Renew Thy work, Thy grace restore;
Warm our cold hearts to prayer and praise,
And teach us how to love ’l‘hee more.
“ Holdingforth the word." Phil. ii. 16.
O send Gon’s holy book where’er
Or winds can waft or waters bear;
Let India’s sons its page revere,
Let Afric’s land the blessing share.
2 Though scatter’d now from Zion’s hill,
And Jordan’s bank and Siloa’s rill,
’l‘o Israel be repaid their book!—
And pray that they to Cnnrsr may look,
3 May ev’ry suff'ring child of woe
Its truth believe, its comforts know .'
May error’s cloud away be roll’d.
And ev’ry hand the treasure hold !
4 O Holy Ghost, who gave the word,
With Thine own truth Thy light afi‘ord,
Give Thou the quick’ning, saving, power :
On all the earth ‘l‘hy blessings shower.
“ FreeIy ye have receired,freely give." Matt. x. 8.
WHEN first our bosom felt the power
Of our indwelling sin—
When first from Gon the healing shower
Of grace was poured within;
mums. 389

2 How did our souls with ardour glow

The joyous news to spread !—
That pagan lands might also know,
What rais’d us from the dead.
3 Come then, our SAvrouR’s love disclose
In this dark heathen land ;
Can sun or moon our way oppose,
Which shine at Gon’s command ?
4 Fearless of scorn or evil, raise
Salvation’s banners high;
And give your substance, give your days,
To those who round you die.

filiscellamous 589mm.
" Thou art with me.” Psalm xxiii. 4.
Am. scenes alike engaging prove
To souls impress’d with sacred love :
Where’er they dwell, they dwell in Thee—
ln heav’n, in earth, or on the sea.
2 To me remains nor place nor time;
My country is in ev’ry clime ;
I can be calm and free from care
On any shore, since Gon is there.
3 While place we seek or place we shun,
The soul finds happiness in none ;
But with my Gon to guide my way,
’Tis equal joy to go or stay.
4 Could I be cast where Thou art not
That were indeed a dreadful lot ;
But regions none remote l call,
Secure of finding Gon in all.

“ A pillar in the temple of my GOn.H Rev. iii. 1.2.
BEYONn the dearest joys of earth,
Thy courts. () Loan, I love ;
But still my fainting heart desires
So see Thy house above.
Mingled with all the shining band,
My soul would there adore;
A pillar in Thy temple fix’d,—
To be remov’d no more.
" He is our peace." Eph. ii. 14.
DELUSIVE world, farewell!
By grief and sin distress’d;
On one delightful thought I dwell,
That thou art not my rest. \
2 Once thou wert all l sought
To fill this anxious breast,
And it was then a mournful thought,
That thou wert not my rest.
3 Till hast’ning from above,
A self-irivited guest,
The SAvroun, with a smile oflove,
Proclaim‘d Himself my rest.
4 No longer canst thou fill,
False world, this peaceful breast ;
No more thy frowns my comforts kill,
Since Jesus is my rest !
5 Yes! I shall join the throng,
By His own voice confest,
And celebrate in ceaseless song
My Loan. my life, my rest !
“ Did not our hem-t burn within us 7" Luke Xxiv. 32.
Does the Loan of glory speak
To His creatures here below ?
HY MNS- 39 1

And may souls so frail and weak

All His gracious dealings know ?
Does the blessed Bible bring
Tidings from our heavenly King ?
Shall not he that humbly seeks,
All the light of truth discern?
Do we not, when J esus speaks,
Feel our hearts within us burn ?
For His soul-reviving voice
Bids the mourner to rejoice.
Lord, Thy teaching grace impart,
That we may not read in vain ;
Write Thy precepts on our heart,
Make Thy truths and doctrines plain:
Let the message of Thy love
Guide us to Thy rest above.
" Our eyes are upon Time.” 2 Chron. xx. 12.
FIX my heart and eyes on Thine ;
What are other objects worth?
But to see Thy glory shine,
Is a heaven begun on earth.
J r-zsus, source of happiness,
All Thy glorious love reveal;
Let me know Thy tender grace,
And its powerful influence feel.
Take my heart,—‘tis all Thine own ;
’l‘o ’l‘hy will my spirit frame;
Thou shalt reign, and Thou alone,
Over all I have or am.
Making thus the Loan my choice,
Ihave nothing more to choose,
But to listen to Thy voice,
And my will in Thine to lose;
Thus whatever may betide,
I shall safe and happy he,
Still content and satisfied,
Having all in having ’l‘hce.
" Lem-u of me." Matt. xi. 29.

Go to dark Gethsemane,
Ye that feel the tempter’s power;
Your Redeemer’s conflict see;
Watch with Him one bitter hour :
’l‘urn not from His griefs away ;-—
Learn of Jesus Cx-uusr to pray.
Follow to the judgment-hall,
View the Loan of life arraign’d ;
Oh the Wormwood and the gall !
()h the pangs llis soul sustain’d l
Shun not suffering, shame, or loss ;-
Learn of Him to bear the cross.
Calvary’s monrnful mountain climb ;
’l‘bere, adoring at His feet,
Mark that miracle of time,—.
God’s own sacrifice complete :‘
“ It is finish’d !" hear Him cry ;
Learn of Jesus Cmnsr to die.
Early hasten to the tomb,
Where they laid His breathless clay ;
All is solitude and gloom ;
Wuo hath taken Him away ?
(Tnnrsr is ris‘n :—He meets our eyes !
Saviour, teach us so to rise.
HYMN XC. P. M. 7’:.
“ Loves-t than me .7" John xxi. 15.
I‘IARK my soul ! it is the Loan ;
"l‘is thy Saviour ; hear His word ;
Jesus speaks, and speaks to thee ;
“ Say, poor sinner, lov’st thou Me ?
mimns. 393

2 “ I deliver’d thee when bound,

And, when wounded, heal’d thy wound,
Sought thee wand’ring, set thee right,
Turn’d thy darkness into light :
3 “ Can a woman’s tender care
Cease towards the child she bare ?
Yes, she may forgetful be ;—
Yet will 1 remember thee.
4 “ Mine is an unchanging love,
Higher than the heights above,
Deeper than the depths beneath,
Free and faithful, strong as death :
5 “ Thou shalt see my glory soon,
When the work of grace is done :
Partner of my throne shalt be:—
Say, poor sinner, lov’st thou Me i’"
6 Loan, it is my chief complaint
That my love is weak and faint :
Yet I love Thee, and adore :
Oh for grace to love ’l‘hee more ! ‘
HYMN XCI. P. M. 7‘s.
“ Let all the Angels of God worship Him." Heb. i. 6.
HABK, ten thousand harps and voices
Sound the note of praise above!
Jesus reigns, and heav’n rejoices ;
Jesus reigns,—the Gon of love :
See 1 He sits on yonder throne ;
Jssus rules the world alone.
2 Come, ye saints, unite your praises
With the angels round His throne;
Soon we hope our Loan will raise us
To the place where He is gone.
Meet it is that we should sing,
Glory, glory to our King.
3 Sing how Jesus came from heaven,
How He bore the cross below ;
Ag ‘M ,


How all ow’r to Him is given ;

How lge reigns in glory now :
‘Tis a great and endless theme :
O ’tis sweet to sing of Him !
4 Saviour, hasten Thine appearing;
Bring, O bring the glorious day,
When, the awful summons hearing,
[-leav’n and earth shall pass away :
Then with
“ Glory, golden
glory har lking."
to our s we’ll sing—

“ I am the Loan that healelh thee.” Exod. xv. 26.
ll EAL us, lmmanuel ; here we are,
Waiting Thy power to feel;
Deep-wounded souls to Thee repair,
That Thou their wounds may’st heal.
2 Our faith is feeble, we confess;
We faintly trust Thy word;
But wilt ’l‘hou pity us the less ?
Be that far from ‘l‘hee, Loan!
3 Remember him who once applied
With trembling for relief;
“ Loan, I believe," with tears he cried,
“ Help Thou mine unbelief."
4 She too who touch’d Thee in the press,
And healing virtue stole,
Was answer’d, “ Daughter, go in peace,
“ Thy faith hath made thee whole.”
5 Like her, with hopes and fears we come
To touch Thee if we may :
Oh ! send us not despairing home ;
Send none unheal’d away.
“ Whom not having seen ye love." 1 Peter i. 8.
1 LOVE the Loan who died for me;
1 love His grace divine and free,
HYMNS. 395

I love the scriptures ;—there I read

CnnIST lov’d me and for me did bleed.
2 I love to hear that He was slain,
I love His every grief and pain;
I love to meditate by faith
Upon llis meritorious death.
3 I love Mount Calvary, where His love
Stronger than death itself did prove ;
1 love to walk His dolorous way,
I love the grave where Jesus lay.
4 I love His people and their ways.
I love with them to pray and praise;
I love the Father and the Son,
I love the Spirit Christ sent down.
" Now we see through a glass." 1 Cor. xiii. 12.
I LOVE ’l‘hy sacred book, O Gon;
No other can its place supply;
It points me to the saints’ abode ;
It gives me wings and bids me fly.
2 In this sweet book, mine eyes discern
The image of my absent Loan:
From its instructive page I learn
The joys His presence will afford.
3 In it I read my title clear
’I‘o mansions that will ne’er decay ;—
My Loan, O when wilt ’l‘hou appear,
And bear Thy prisoner far away ?
" Moses wrote of Me." John v. 46.
ISRAEL in ancient days
Not only had a view
Of Sinai in a blaze,
But learn’d the gospel too-
In mystic types the Loan could trace,
And there behold a Saviour’s face.

2 The scape-goat on his head

The people’s trespass bore,
And, to the desert led,
Was to be seen no more ;
In him our Surety seem’d to say,
“ Behold I hear your sins away."
3 Dipp’d in his fellow’s blood,
The living bird went free ;
The type, well understood,
Express’d the sinner’s plea,—
Describ’d a soul from sin enlarg’d,
And by the death ofCnms’r discharg’d.
4 Jesus, [love to trace,
’l‘houghout the sacred page,
The footsteps of‘l‘hy grace,—
The same in every age :
Oh grant that I may faithful be
To clearer light vouchsaf’d to me !
“ Nevertheless I am not ashamed." 2 Tim. i. 12.
Jesus, and shall it ever be,
A mortal man asham’d of Thee ?
Ashaln’d of ‘l‘hee, whom angels praise
Whose glories shine through endless days !
2 Asham’d of J ESUS !=-that dear Friend
On whom my hopes of heaven depend !
No ; when 1 blush,‘be this my shame—
That I no more revere His name.
3 Ashamed ofJesus, did I say !
Who else can take my sin away,
Or calm my fears, save He who gave
His life my mined soul to save?
4 O then~nor is my boasting vain,
l‘ll glory in a SAVIOL‘B slain ;
A‘nd oh may this my portion be,
’I hat Cmusr is not ashamed of me !
nuns. 397

“ The law made nothing perfect, a0.” Heb. vii. 19—28.
J esus ! in Thee our eyes behold
A thousand glories more,
Than the rich gems and polish’d gold
The sons of Aaron wore.
2 Their priesthood ran through many hands,
For mortal was their race;
Thy never-changing office stands
Eternal as Thy days.
3 They first their own burnt-Ofi'rings brought,
‘l‘o purge themselves from sin :
Thy life was pure, without a spot,
And all Thy nature clean.
4 Fresh blood on each returning day
Was on their altar spilt ;
But Thy one off’ring takes away
For ever all our guilt.
5 Jesus the King of glory reigns
On Zion’s heavenly hill;
Looks as a lamb that has been slain,
And wears His priesthood still.
6 He ever lives to intercede
Before His Father’s face:
Give Him, my soul, thy cause to plead,
Nor doubt the Father’s grace.
" I will not let Thee go, except Thou bless me."
Gen. xxxii. 26.
Loan, 1 cannot let ’l‘hee go,
Till a blessing Thou bestow ;
Do not turn away ’l‘hy face,
Mine’s an urgent pressing case.
Thou hast help’d in ev’ry need ;
This cmboldens me to plead :

After so much mercy past,

Canst Thou let me sink at last ?
No—I must maintain my hold ;
"l‘is Thy goodness makes me bold ;
I can no denial take,
When I plead for Jesus‘ sake.
" What things were gain to me those I counted (ass for
Cunrsr.” PhiLiii. 7.
No more, my GOn, I boast no more
Of all the duties I have done;
I quit the hopes I held before,
To trust the merits of Thy Son.
Now for the love I bear His name,
What was my gain 1 count my loss,
My former pride l call my shame,
And nail my glory to His Cross.
Yes l and 1 must and will esteem
All things but loss for Jesu’s sake :
O! may my soul be found in Him !
And of His righteousness partake!
The best obedience of my hands
Dares not appear before Thy throne ;
But faith can answer Thy demands,
By pleading what my Loan has done.
“ I will take away the stony heart." Ezek. xi. 19.
O roa a glance of heav’nly day,
To take this stubborn stone away,
And thaw with beams of love divine,
This heart--this frozen heart of mine !
The rocks can rend, the earth can quake,
The seas can roar, the mountains shake:
Of feeling all things shew some sign,
But this unfeeling heart of mine.
HYMNS. 399

3 To hear the sorrows Thou hast felt,

O Loan, an adamant would melt;
But I can read each wondrous line,
And nothing move this heart of mine.
4 Eternal SPIRIT, mighty Gon !
Do Thou apply the SAvroun’s blood!
"l‘is His rich blood, and His alone,
Can move and melt this heart of stone.
" I will give you rest.” Matt. xi. 28. -
O mm Gon! we come to Thee:
Here let our hearts and tongues agree
’l‘hy name to praise, Thy aid to seek;
And be ’l‘hou strength unto the weak !
O give our hearts Thy grace to know ;—
Be Thou our Rest on earth below.
Lead us now to CnnIST the Loan,
And show us wonders in Thy word;
Cause us to look beyond the tomb ;
And dissipate in death its gloom ;
Upon our souls Thy Spirit show’r ;—
Be Thou our Rest in that dark hour.
Leave us not, but still abide
Our faithful, never-changing Guide;
And let the hope of glory lead
’l‘o holiness in heart and deed ;
And when we reach the world of love,—
Be Thou our Rest in heaven above.
HYMN Cll. L. M‘
" To him that overcometh, 8f0." Rev. ii. 8: iii.
O Tnou who hast at Thy command,
The hearts of all men in Thy hand ;
Our wayward erriug hearts incline
To have no other will but Thine.
2 Our wishes, our desires control;
Mould every purpose of the soul;

()’et all may we victorious be,

That stands between ourselves and Thee !
3 Twice bless’d will all our blessings be,
When we can look through them to Thee,—
When each glad heart its tribute pays
Of love and gratitude and praise.
4 And while we to Thy glory live,
May we to Thee all glory give !
Until the joyful summons come,
That calls Thy willing servants home.
“ Before they call I will answer, 831:.” Isai. lxv. 24.
Orr hast.Thou, Loan, in tender love
Prevented my request,
And sent Thy Spirit from above—
An unexpected guest.
2 Oft when my pray’r was scarce begun,
Thou didst ‘l‘hy fire impart,
And made ’l‘hy pardoning mercy known,
And seal’d it on my heart.
3 Why dost Thou to a sinner’s cry
Incline Thy pitying ear ?
Thou hear’st mine Advocate on high,
And wilt for ever hear.

HYMN CIV. P. M. 7’‘.

“ clothed in white robes, 8:0.” Rev. vii. 9 —l2.
PALMS of glory, raiment brightI
Crowns which never fade away,
Gird and deck the saints in light—
Priests and kings and conqn’rors they.
2 Yet the conqu’rors bring their palms
To the LAMB amidst the throne ;
And proclaim in joyful psalms
Vict’ry through His cross alone.
mmss. 401

3 Kings for harps their crowns resign,

Crying as they strike the chords,
“ Take the kingdom—it is ‘l‘hine !
King of kings and Lord of lords !"
4 Round the altar priests confess,—
If their robes are white as snow—
"1‘was their SAvioua’s righteousness
And His blood which made them so.
“ Who remembered us in our low estate."
Psalm cxxxvi. 23.
PnuNG’n in a gulf of dark despair
We wretched sinners lay,
Without one cheerful beam of hope,
Or spark of glimmering day.
2 With pitying eyes the Prince of grace
Beheld our helpless grief ;
lle saw-and oh amazing love!
H e ran to our relief.
3 Down from the shining seats above
With joyful haste He fled,
Enter’d the grave in mortal flesh,
And dwelt among the dead.
4 Oh for this love let rocks and hills
Their lasting silence break,
And all harmonious human tongues
The SAVIOUR’S praises speak.
5 Angels! assist our mighty joys;
Strike all your harps of gold ;
But when you raise your highest notes,
His love can ne’er be told.
" They made the holy garments for Aaron." Ex. xxxix. 2.
See Aaron, Gon’s anointed priest,
Within the veil appears,
s 3
402 Arranmx.

ln robes of mystic meaning drest,

Presenting Israel’s prayer.
2 The plate of gold which crowns his brows,
His holiness describes ;
His breast displays in shining rows
The names ‘of all the tribes.
3 With the atoning blood he stands
Before the mercy seat;
And clouds of incense from his hands
Arise with odour sweet.
4 Through him the eye of faith discerns
A greater priest than he;
Thus Jesus pleads above the skies,
For you, my friends, and me.
5 In Him my weary soul has rest,
Though I am weak and vile;
I read my name upon His breast,
And see the Fsrnsa smile.
HYMN CV11. P. M.
" See that ye refuse nut Him that speakelh." Heb.xii.25.
Smnaas, will you scorn the message,
Sent in mercy from above ?
Every sentence—Oh, how tender!
Every line is full of love ;
Listen to it—
Every line is full of love.
2 Hear the heralds of the gospel,
News from Zion’s King proclaim,
To each rebel sinner—“ Pardon,
“ Free forgiveness in His name."
How important 1
Free forgiveness in His name.
3 Tempted souls, they bring you succour;
Fearful hearts, they quell your fears;
And with news of consolation
nrmvs. 403

Chase away the falling tears :

Welcome heralds—
_ Chase away the falling tears.
HYMN CVIII. P. M. 7’s,
“ The sons of Goo shouted, Sye.” Job xxxviii. 7.
SONGS of praise the angels sang,
Heaven with hallelujahs rang,
When J snovsu’s work begun,
When He spake, and it was done.
2 Songs of praise awoke the morn
When the Prince of peace was born ;
Songs of praise arose when He
Captive led captivity.
3 Heaven and earth must pass away ;
Songs of praise shall crown that day 2
God will make new heavens and earth,
Songs of praise shall hail their birth.
4 And shall man alone be dumb
’l‘ill that glorious kingdom come?
No: the church delights to raise
Psalms and hymns and songs of praise.
" The name afJasus." Acts iv. 10.
Tar. name of Jesus (precious name 1)
Through every age is still the same ;
The people who His name do know
Will trust in Him while here below,
And with their lips and lives proclaim
What virtue flows from Jesus‘ name.
2 The name of J esus ! sinner’s Friend,
On Him the sinner may depend ;
His blood—it cleanses from all sin :
His Spirit purifies within ;
And prompt obedience will proclaim
What virtue flows from Jesus’ name.

3 The name of Jesus! precious sound 1

Oh, may it spread the world around,
From east to west, from south to north,
And be as ointment poured forth,
’l‘ill lips and lives of all proclaim,
What virtue flows from Jesu’s name!
" The Spirit against the/Iesh.” Gal- v. 17.
O Gon, mine inmost soul convert !
And deeply on my thoughtful heart
Eternal things impress ;
Give me to feel their solemn weight,
And tremble on the brink of fate,
And wake to righteousness.
2 Before me place in dread array
The pomp of that tremendous day,
When Th0n in clouds shalt come,
To judge the nations at ’l‘hy bar;
And tell me, Loan, shall l be there,
To meet a joyful doom ‘5'
3 Be this my one great business here,
With serious industry and fear,
Eternal bliss t‘ ensure-—
Thine utmost counsel to fulfil,
And suffer all ’l‘hy righteous will,
And to the end endure !
" They desire a better country." Heb. xi. 16.
Tucson in a foreign land,
We are not far from home _;
And nearer to our house above
We ev’ry moment come.
2 For grace shell to the end
Stronger and brighter shine ;
Nor present things, nor things to come,
Shall quench the spark divine.
BYMNS. 405

3 The time of love will come,

When we shall clearly see,
Not only that Cumsr shed His blood,
But each shall say, “ for me."
4 Bless’d is the man, O Go0 !
That stays himself on Thee ;
Who waits for Thy salvation, Loan,
Shall Thy salvation see.
HYMN CXII. C. M. L4_ _4 4
" Withoutfaith it is impossible to please Him." Heb. xi. 6.
"Yrs faith that changes all the heart ;
"l‘is faith that works by love,
That bids all sinful joys depart,
And lifts the thoughts above.
2 ’Tis faith that conquers earth and hell
By a celestial power;
This is the grace that shall prevail
In the decisive hour.
3 This faith obeys her Father’s will,
As well as trusts His grace;
A pard’ning Gon is jealous still
For His own holiness.
HYMN CXIII. P. M. 7‘s.
“ Whom the LoRn laveth, den.” Heb. xii. 6.
’Trs my happiness below
Not to live without the cross ;
But the SAvroua‘s power to know
Sanctifying every loss.
2 Trials must and will befal,
But with humble faith to see
Love inscrib‘d upon them all,—
This is happiness to me.
3 Trials make the promise sweet;
Trials give new life to prayer ;
Trials bring me to His feet,
Lay me low, and keep me there.

4 Did I meet no trials here,

No correction by the way,
Might I not with reason fear
I should prove a cast-away?
4 Others may escape the rod,
Sunk in earthly, vain, delight ;
But the true-born child of Gon
Must not, would not—if he might.
" The wages of sin is death ; but the gift ofGoo is eternal
life through Jesus Cmusr our Lorin." Rom vi.23
To Thee, my Saviour GOn, I bring
The offering of a guilty soul :
Myself before Thy cross I fling,
And cry to Thee to make me whole :
Thou canst ; for Thou didst bear for me
All sins upon the Atonement-tree.
2 My sin’s full wages must be paid,
Or mine must be death’s living grave ;
No brother-man can give me aid,
Man’s brother—Gon alone can save.
Help, save me, SAVIOUR ;—or I die !
’l‘hou wilt ; for’l’hou art Charity !
3 Then come the hour, or soon or late,
That takes me from my time of sin ;—
Faithful and patient let me wait
Till death shall end and life begin :
Be Thou but with me in my strife,
The Resurrection and the Life !
“ Here we have no continuing city, 5‘0.” Heb. xiii. H.
We’vr. no abiding city here :
This may distress the worldling’s mind ;
But should not cost the saint a tear,
Who hopes a better rest to find
a rmns. 407

's’) “ We’ve no abiding city here :"

Sad truth, were this to be our‘ home;
But let this thought our spirits cheer,
“ We seek a city yet to come."
3 “ We’ve no abiding city here :"
Then let us live as pilgrims do ;
Let not this world our rest appear ;
But let us haste from all below.
4 “ We’ve no abiding city here :"
We seek a city out of sight ;
Zion its name--“ The Loan is there ;"
It shines with everlasting light.
Zion l—Jenovsa is her strength,
Secure, she’sifreed from all her foes :
And weary travellers at length
Within her sacred walls repose.
“ Ask, and it shall be given you." Matt. vii. 7.
Wan various hindrances we meet,
ln coming to the mercy-seat !
Yet who that knows the worth of prayer
But wishes to he often there i
2 Prayer makes the darken’d cloud withdraw ;
Prayer climbs the ladder Jacob saw,
Gives exercise to faith and love,
Brings every blessing from above.
3 Restraining prayer, we cease to fight ;
Prayer keeps the Christian’s armour bright ;
And Satan trembles when he sees
The weakest saint upon his knees.
4 Were half the breath that’s vainly spent
To heaven in supplication sent,
Our cheerful songs would oft‘ner be,
“ Hear what the Loan has done for me!"

“ Forget not all His benefits.” Psalm ciii. 2.
Wnsn all Thy mercies, O my Gon,
My rising soul surveys,
Enraptured with the view, l’m lost
In wonder, love, and praise.
2 When worn with sickness, oft. hast Thou
With health renew’d my face;
And, when in sins and sorrow sunk,
Reviv’d my soul with grace.
3 Ten thousand thousand precious gifts
My daily thanks employ ;
Nor is the least a cheerful heart
’l‘hat tastes these gifts with joy.
4 Through ev’ry period of my life,
‘l‘hy goodness l’ll proclaim;
And after death, in distant worlds,
Resume the glorious theme.
5 When nature fails, and day and night
Divide ‘l‘hy works no more,
My ever grateful heart, 0 Loan,
‘l‘hy mercy shall adore.
“ They saw none save Jesus only.” Matt. xvii. 8.
War-m on the holy mount with awe
The three disciples wond’ring saw
That vision full of glory near,
J ssus drew nigh to quell their fear.
The vision bright had ceased to be,
And none but J esus did they see.
2 Faith loves to look to Him alone,
Who can transform the heart of stone ;
Vain all our works without His pow’r,
Vain other hopes in life’s last hour :
He grants the pardon sinners crave;
For none but Jesus Cmusr can save.
HYM‘SS. 409

3 When storms arise and cloud our view,

And earthly comforts are but few,
We still may cling unto that RocK,
Which can resist the tempest shock ;
For when the waves around assail,
Then none but Jesus can avail !
4 Ken when the Jordan is in sight,
Jesus can make its waters bright ;
And we shall long to reach the shore,
‘Vither the Loan is gone before :
When ev’ry earthly joy must flee,
Then none but J esus may we see !
“ It is I; be not afraid." Matt. xiv. 27.
War those fears ?--Behold, ’tis Jesus
Holds the helm, and guides the ship 1
Spread the sails and catch the breezes,
Sent to waft us through the deep
To the regions
Where the mourners cease to weep.
2 Led by Caarsr, we brave the ocean;
Led by Him, the storm defy ;
Calm amidst tumultuous motion,
Knowing that our Loan is nigh;
Waves obey Him
And the storms before Him fly.
3 Render’d safe by His protection,
We shall pass the wat’ry waste;
Trusting to His wise direction,
We shall gain the port at last;
And with wonder
Think on toils and dangers past.
4 Oh what pleasures there await us;
There the tempests cease to roar ;
There it is that those who hate us
Shall molest our peace no more;

Trouble ceases
()n that tranquil, happy shore.
“ We have such an High-priest." Heb. viii. 1.
WITH joy we meditate the grace
Of our High Priest above;
His heart o’erflows with tenderness,
And patient faithful love.
2 Touch’d with a sympathy within,
He knows our feeble frame ;
He knows what sore temptations mean,
For He has felt the same.
3 Hell never quench the smoking flax,
But raise it to a flame ;
The bruised reed He never breaks,
Nor scorns the meanest name.
4 Then let our humble faith address
His mercy and His power ;
‘We shall obtain deliv’ring grace
In each distressing hour.
HYMN CXXI. P. M. 7‘s.
“ Be ye reconciled to Gon.” 2 Cor. v. 20.
Ye who in His courts are found,
Listening to the joyful sound,
Lost and helpless as ye are,
Sons of sorrow, sin, and care;
Glorify the King of kings,
Take the peace the gospel brings.
Turn to Cnaisr your longing eyes,
View His bloody sacrifice;
See in Him your sins forgiven,
Pardon, holiness and heaven;
Glorify the King of kings,
Take the peace the gospel brings.
HYMNS. 411

351111 of iBihim 52min.

“ Gon gtUeZ/t the increase.” I Cor. iii. 7.
Pmuss we Him by whose kind favour
Heavenly truth has reach’d our ears ;
May its sweet reviving savour
Fill our hearts and quell our fears !
Truth—how sacred is the treasure !
Teach us, Loan, its worth to know;
Vain’s the hope and short the pleasure,
Which from other sources flow.
What of truth we’ve now been hearing,
Loan, to ev’ry heart apply ;
1n the day of Thine appearing,
May we share Thy people’s joy.
Till Thou take us hence for ever,
SAVIOUR, guide us with Thine eye ;
This our aim (oh! leave us never ;)
Thine to live, and Thine to die.
“ Go in pence.” Luke vii. 50.
SOME sweet savour of Thy favour
Shed abroad in every heart;
Heavenward as to Thee we go,
Leaving guilt and fear below.
Blessing, praising, without ceasing,
Bid us, Loan, depart.
JY 6i)
N. B.--Tlie numbers refer tat/I0 pages.

Aaron, 329, 338, 401 Aid in trouble, 99

Abiding city, 406 All my desire, 20‘]
Abram, 276 All trusted to God, 915
Abraham, 224, 245, 269 Almsgiving, 190. 307, 330
325 Ambition, 217, 337
Abraham, (God of) 269 Anchor hopes, 237
Absence, (Divine,) 294 Ancient of days, 68
Absent Lord, 95 Ancient wonders, 316
Acceptance, (Divine,) 253 Angels, 31, 63, 108, 166,
Accepted time, 78, 203 174, 180
Accession, (Queen’s,) 159, Anointed, 10, 21,57, 29:,
229 338
Adam, 3 Antidote of death, 218
Adam created, 51 Apollos, 206
Adam, (second) 3 Apostacy, 281
Adam’s sons, 64 Arabia, 284
Adam. (Tribes of) 62 Ark, 337
Adorning doctrine, 210 Ann of the Lord, 167
Adoption, 176, 254 Armour, (whole) 26?, 265
Advent, 33, 61, 66, 78, 79, Ascension, ’25, 69, 90, 98,
so, as. 96, 104,179, 195, 136—142, 178, 179, 229,
196, 211, 228, 234, >259, 309, 329, 362, 393
293. 323. 354, 394, 404 Ashamed of Christ, 396
Advent Sunday, 152—154 Assurance, 365
Advocate, 400 Assyrian, 55, 315
Aifections above, 185, 186 Atheists. 291, ‘194
Afilicted, 341 Atonement, 196, 260
Afiiicted’s Prayer, 325 Atonement-tree, 406
Afllictions, l, 52, 55, 56. Awaking to righteousness,
165,198, 215, e20, 281, 404
Aflliction, (Benefit of) 39 Backsliding, 281
Afiiictions, (Comfort in) 1, Balm of all wounds, 218
4, 5, 7, 9,10,19, 21 Baptism, 93, 154, 366
Afiiiction, (use of) 69 Baptism of blood, 270
Africa, 193 Barren soul, 219
Aid divine, 213 Bay-tree, 305
41-1 mnsx or SUBJECTS.

Beatitudes. 175 Captives, 326

Beloved, (The) 17? Captivity captive, 25
Benefits, (God‘s) 26 Catechising, vide Sunday
Bereavement, 236, 238, Schools.
247, 264 Celestial birth, 185
Bethel, (God of) 51 Celestial Spirit, 230
Bethesda, 42 Cephas, 206
Bethlehem’s well, 54 Chafi‘, 56, ‘291
Better country, 192 Charity, 94
Bible, 39, 205, 388 Charitable collection, 171,
Birth celestial, 188 190, 307, 385
Birth-day, 182 Cherubirn, 27, 64
Blasphemy, 293 Chief desire, 202
Blessing, (divine) 74 Chief good, 220
Blessings lent, 55 Chief of ten thousand, 210
Blind, 76, 89 Child of hope, 79
Blood, (atoning) 173, 182, Children, 3, 31, 46, 52,
18 3 115—117
Blood of beasts, 240 Children blessed. 330
Blood of Christ, 219 Child-like spirit, 337
Blood of Covenant, 182 Christ crucified, 214
Blood, (Redeeming) 101, Christ, end of the Law, 170
103, 221 Christ, God and man, 214
Bondage, (Legal) e13, 239 Christmas-day, 28, 79, 82,
Born of God, 176 88, 117—123
Brazen Serpent, 89, 168 Christmas. vide Nativity.
Bread, 80 ‘ Church favoured, 297
Bread of heaven, ‘200 Church pleading. 314
Breezes, 409 Church triumphant, ‘103.
British empire, 309 204
Broad way, 291 City of God, 21
Broken heart, 175 Clear views, 210
Brother’s love, 253 Cloud, 52
Bruised reed, 81, 410 Clouds, 197, ‘2.11, 324
Burial service, 233, 378-- Collection. (charitable) 171.
381 190, 307, 385
Burning bush, 280 Comfort in trouble, 31, 45,
so, 90, 165. 179, I84,
Calamities, (Public) 3)1 198, 204, 217, 247, 252,
Calling on the Lord, 328 263, 231, 282, 285, 316
Calvary, 126, 392, 395 Comforter, 91, side Holy
Calvary’s open fonnt, 55 Spirit
Canaan, 192, 201, 240, Communion of saints, 181,
274 203, 256
Cauaan’s shore, 52 Complacency in God. 314
Captain of salvation, 265 Condescension, (divine) 54

confessing the Lord, 70, Daily benefits, 26

71. 97 Daily strength, 341
Confession of sin, 5, 12, Dangers, 207
22,60,107,302, 306, 310, Darkness, (powers of) 294
334 David. 83, 30;, 321
Confirmation, 155, 181, David’s chiefs, 54
245, 375 David’s harp, 110
Conflict, 191 David‘s Son. 288, 321
Conflict with sin, 249 Dawn of morn, 22, 42
Conformity to Christ, 281 Day ofjndnment, 185
Conqueror, (more than) 262 Day of public humiliation,
Conqueror’s song, 173 383
Conscience, 2, 105, 248, Days numbered, 306
310 Dayspring, 207
Conscience, (Tender,) 167 Death, 2, 10, 106,181, 208
Conscience, (troubled) 200 Death, (Issues from) 26
Conscience wounded. 71 Death of deaths, 201
consecration of a Church, Death of righteous, 15, 18,
200, e05, 337. 372 37, 95, 182, 206, 209,
Consolations, (divine) 255 210, 218, 276, 282, 295,
Constant friend, 43 305. 339, 340, 342
Contrite, 84 Death, (victory in) 174
Conversation in heaven, Death divided friends, 97
106 Debt of gratitude, 192
Conversion, 167, 404 Defence in God, 322
Converting grace, 27 Deliverance, 22
Cooling streams, 19 Desire, (all my) 202
Counsellor, 79 Despair, 310, 336
Covenant, 83, 18l, 236, Dew, (morning) 329
315, 321, 332 Dominion, (sin having no)
Covenant, (Eternal) 100, 40
176 Doubts. 52. 64. 2B2
Covenant mercy, 164 Dove, (Holy) 341
Covenant of grace, 102 Dreams, 106
Covenant God, 215 Duty, 268
Creation, 51, 68, 303 Dying hour, 72
Creator, 76 Dying thief, 273
Creature good, 247
Cross. (The) 96, 127, 128 Earnest of Spirit, 95
I77, QSl, 298, 342 Easter, 8, 9, 100, 132—
Cross taken up, 216 l36, 292. 36l
Cross transforming, 212 Eastern sages, 324
Cross, (use of the) 72 Ebenezer, 183
Crown Him, 166 Edom, 85
Crown of thorns, 2,46 Egypt, 213, 264, 275, 294,
Cup of Salvation, 3? 32]
416 nmex or SUBJECTS.

Egypt. (march from) 311 97, 164, 954, 281, 285,

Egypt’s bondage, 192 320
Ember weeks, 369 Father, (Heavenly,) 86,
Ember weeks, 1:. Ordina 254, 34',
tion. Father’s rod, 251
End of divine service, 163, Father’s wisdom, 344
411 Fatherless, 76
End of the year, 268, 306, Feelings vary, 213
357 Figtree, 263
Endless joys, 312 Filial awe, 161
Endless pains, 312 Final sentence, 104
Enemies(all)under Christ’s Firmament, 3, 58
feet, 340 First and Last. 213
Enemies, (love to) 304, 328 First born in Egypt. 321
Enemies. (spiritual) 191 First born of many br. 242
Enlargement, 1 Flaming worlds, 224
Enoch, 341 Foreign land, 207, 404
Envions eye, e39 Forgiveness. 59, G7, 106,
Epiphany, 123-125, 324, 208, 226, 302, 327
353 Fount of blessing, 182
Established, 207 Fountain of blood, 188
Eternal things, 404 Fountain opened, 273
Evening, 75, 106, 107, 108, Freedom, 85, 93
345 Friend, (Almighty) 251
Evening shadows, 325 Friends, 295
Evening worship, 43 Friends in Christ, 216
Events, 264 Friendship. 193, 289
Everlasting strength, 250 Fulness of Christ, 235
Evil hour, 99 Fnlness ofjoy, 194
Exaltation of Christ, 204 Funeral, vide Burial Ser.
Exile, 178, 40. vice.
Eyes turned from vanity, Furnace, 289
334, 335 Furnace, (God’s) 198

Faith, 89, I79, 188, ‘240, Galilee, 55

245, 259, 267, 273, 405 Gate of heaven, 210
Faith and love, 81 Gates of brass, 89, 269
Faith, Hope and Love, 94 Gates of Zion, 320
Faith, (life of) 18’) Gaudy show, 77
Faith sanctifies, 92 Gentiles, 4, 325
Faith, (triumph of) 93, 206 Gethsemane, 224, 392
False delight, 83 Giddy joys, 78
Family of God. 181 Gideon, 53
Family worship, 66, 160, Gift unspeakable. 267
266. :20. 338, 377 Gifts for men, 25
Faithfulness, (divine) 32 Glimpse of heaven, 189
INnEX OF auswers. 417

Glorified spirits, 103, 165 Grace, (reviving) 408

Glorified throng, 279 Grace. (upholding) 67
Glory of God, (pursuing) Grace of love. 202
272 Grace, (season of) 78
Glory purchased, 3“ Grace, (wonders of) 194
Glory to God, 13, 331 Graces, 20-2
God all in all, 314 Grateful soul, 26
God and man, 214 Grave, 2, 31, 55, 78, 9‘
God is love, 183, 177, 282 96, 106. 277
God of love, 250 Great and small. 25
God of nature, 177 Greek and Jew, 3'20
God preferred to all, 63 Greenland, 193
God the true rest, 1, 399 Growth in grace, 81, 95,100
Godhead reconciled, 188 Guardian, (divine) 40
Godly fear, 167 Guidance, 15, 20, 26, 172,
Godly sorrow, 2, 78 171, 195, 200, 284, 287,
Gold, 218 3l I
Good and just, 15 Guide, (divine) 57
Good- Friday, 22, 82, 91, Guide to death, 22
92. 96, 101, 125-132, Guile. (spirit without) 16
195, 201, 213. 234, 246, Guilty mind, 76
266, 277, 298, 312, 313,
360, 361 Hardness of heart, 167
Good will to men, 270 931
Good works, 176 Harp (golden,) 273
Grace, 183, 199, 295 Harp of Judah, 172
Grace and justice, 316 H art, 19
Grace and truth, 327 Hasting to Jerusalem, 270
Grace of God, 1, 75, 84, Hate evil, 324
208, 209 Haughty, 305
Grace abounding, 257 Haven, 222
Grace abundant, 24 Healing, H, 394
Grace (all comprising,) 188 Healing (God,) 47
Grace, (converting) 19, 23, Healing spring, 42
27 Health, 301, 312
Grace, (delivering) 208 Hearer of prayer, ‘24
Grace faithful, 338 Hearing ear, 200
Grace, (justifying) 176 Heart, (human) 268
Grace, (ministerial) 186 Heart like Mount Zion, 207
Grace, (pardoning) 336 Heart of stone, 343, 398
Grace precious, 18 Heaven below, 202, 203
Grace,(quickening) 27, 212, Heaven holy, 240
335 Heavenly multitude, 103
Grace, (restoring) 10, 299, Heavenly rest, 6
300, 316 Heavenly ~worship, 103
Grace, (returning) 83 269
418 mnex or SUBJECTS.

Help implored, 246 Huugering and thirsting175

Helper, (divine) 191
Helpless, 222 111o1, 100. 186, 256, 34:
Hermon, 43, 75 idols, 242, 331
Hermon’: heights, 20 Idolatry. .317
Hiding place, 172, 204, Image of God, 23-1
2‘57, 261 _ Image of God restored, 7
High Priest, (Christ) 98 Immanuel, 76, 189, 202,
282. 410 212, 273
High Priest and King, 313 Immannel’smight, 53
Highest, (The) 29 Immortality, 95
Holiest, 203 Imputntion, 302
Holiness, 8o Imputation of sin, 16
Holiness essential, 5 Immutnbility, 282, 316
Holiness, (joys of) 188 Immutable, 219
Holiness of God, 14 Incarnation, I76, 280, 324
Holy, holy, holy Lord, 221 11146 Nativity,
Holy Spirit, 45, 59_ 91, 95, Incense, 75, 249
98. 100. 112, 170, 170, India, 193, 242, 386
177, 185 188. 205, 271, Indwelling sin, 271
r192, 303, 317, 322, 334, Infants, 3
3-H, 400 Inheritance divine, IOI
Home, 168 lnspirer of prayer. 108
Home, (happy) 215 Institution of a minister
Honours (worldly) 306 370
Hope in God, 2 Intercession of Christ, 196
Hope of glory, 1,6. 7, 9, Intercessor, 93, 198, 201
26, 52, 61, 72, 90, 95, 219
96,91-98,9°.10L 10& Interpreter, (God his own)
134, 187, 189, 193, 194 198
197, 205, 211, 215, 217, Iron ro11, 57, 292
2%,2m,%9,%2.%& Isninh, 3-12
273, 274.280, 2361 296, Israel and Judah, 261
318, 340 lsrael’s king. 176
Hope, (sanctifying) 99, 259 Israel’: march, 311
Hosanna, 288
House of God, 300 Jabez. 53. 54
House of mirt11,77 Jacob’s God, 22, 46, 298,
House of mourning, 78 315
House of the Lord, 292 Jacob’s tents, 29
Human corruption, 294 Jehovnh—jireb, 276
Human glory, 266 Jehovah’s name, 215
Human help vain, 37 Jchovah—Tsidkenn, 342
Human nature corrupt, 5 Jerusalem, 38, 41. 215
Humiliation of Christ, 95 Jesus‘ name, 166, 209, 217.
Humiliation, (public) 383 244, 403
Jewels. 218 Lamb worthy, 180
Jews, 5, 9, 35, 36, 47, 79, Lamp, Scripture a, 209,333
84, 165, 166, 167, 163, Lamp of life, 78
279, 284, 285. 288, 290 Languishing, (bed of) 307
31+, 326, 339 Large petitions, 182, 317
John, ($1.) 342 Last day of the year, 51,
Jordan, 181, 200, 274, 285, 73, 78, 112-114, 115,
331, 409 203, 268, 291
Jordan’s banks, 20 Last Trumpet, 96
Jordan’s shore, 113 Latter wonders, 339
Joseph. 27 Law, 94
Journey of Israel, 331 Law and Gospel, 298
Journey of life, 191. 200 Law. (deeds of the) 92
Joy in heaven, 238 Law‘s condemnation, 164,
Joyful sound, 175 168
Judah, 315 Lavfmagnified. 312
Judgment, 25, 185, 224, 261 Legal fears, 342
Judgement deprecated, 305 Legal sacrifices, 307
Judgement-seat, 340 Lent. 178, 325, 359
Judgements, 18, 270 Leprosy, 223
Justice, 65, 304 Levitical types, 395, 397,
Justice and peace, 319 401
Justice of God, 21-1 Life, (Fountain of) 18
Justifying Faith, 92 Life from the dead, 212
Jnstifying grace, 98 Life hid. 286
JustifyingRighteousness,2. Life, (God the) 13
26, 30, 90, 92, 164,170 Life, (new) 29
176. ‘304, 213, 224-, 239, Life, (shortness of) 30
260, 261, 319, 398, 401 Life’s pilgrimage, 40
Light created, 51
Kedar, 81 Light ofGod, 18
Kedron, 224 Light ofGod’s face, 2, s,
King of kings, 136, 225 7, 9,16, 23, 27, 30, 40,
King of saints, and
65, 66, lSB, 232
King, (The great) 32 Light sown, 324
King (Zion‘s) 182 Light out of darkness, 177
Kings and priests, 101,103, Light, (\va1kingin1278
Kingdom of Christ, 21 Litany, 179, 179
Kingdom of God within, Living—to praise, 332
207 Lord of all, 237
Kingdom ofthejust, 80 Lord oflords, 225
Knock, Mm, 256 Lord our Righteousness,
Knowledge. 202 223, 342
Lamb of God, 104, 106, Lord’s day, 38, 40, 109-—
125, 127, 172, 226, 227, 112, 132, 189. 230, ‘231
240-5242, 269, 341, 400 249, 250, 292, 345—354,
420 mnm: or SUBJECTS.

Lord‘s Prayer, 86 Moon, 58

Lord’s Supper, 20. 37, 87, Morning, 1, 105,108, 212,
156—159, 151, 206, 245, 292, 344
333, 367-369 Morning star, 255. 283
Love, 94, 202 Morning watch. 42
Love Divine, 232 Mosaic Ritual, 395, 397, 401
Love of God, 24 Moses, 311, 327
Love to enemies. 208 Moses and the Lamb, 169
Love unchanging, 321 Moses, (song of) 204
Love waxing cold, 293 Mother’s love, 62, 289
Loving kindness, 170, 171, Mountain of the Lord, 78
3271 337 Mourner, 76
Majesty of God, 8, 70, 187 Mourning, vide House.
Man like flower, 233 My God, 235
Man’s first estate, 3 Mysterious providence, 197
Mansion, (Heavenly) N9 Mystery of godliness, 2S0
Mansions, 286 Name of Jesus, 217, 274
Marriage, 376 Name’s sake, (God’s) 15,
Master, 230 16
Mediator, 223 Narrow way, 221, 282
Meek, 9 Nathaniel, 16
Meet for glory, 189 National Anthem, 229
Melchisedec. 274, 329 National prosperity, 45,296
Mercy, 67. 98,178, 262, 267 Nativity of Christ, 117-—
Mercy and truth, 12, 18, 123, 324, 355-357
23, 194, 319 Natural man, 5
Mercy and judgment, 66 Nature, 330
Mercy sent, 193, 407 New~born, 320
Mercies, 73, 192, 408 New creation, 59, 104, 232,
Message, 402 258
Messiah, 83, 194 New creatures, 93
Midnight anthems, 20 New Jerusalem, 97
Mighty, The) 13 New life, 320
Mind of ‘hrist, 95 New song, 279
Ministerial grace, 186 New year, 51, 73, 114115,
Miriam’s Song, 264 357
Miscellaneous Hymns,- 164, Night, (Hours of) 311
389 Noise and vanity, 236
Missionary, 9. 24, 38, 59, None but Jeans, 408
6-2, 81. 143, 166-~167, Ocean, 259
179, 1.92, 193, 218, 223, Oil, (anointed with) 10
241, 242. 259, 263, 279, Oil of gladness, 193
288‘, 239, 292, 323, 325, Ointment, 274
386 Old age. 32
Mizar, 20 omnipotence, 206, 250
Monarchs, 2.70 Omnipotent word, 61

Omniscience, 44 Plantation, 261

One thing needful, 184, 307 Poor, 76, 171, 190
Oppression, 80 Poor in spirit, 175
Oppressors, 293 Portion, 235, 238
Ordinances, 23, 24, 32, 34, Portion (the best), 2, 6, 26,
35, 40’ 74, 73, 79. 177, 27
189, 200, 205, 210, 231 Powers of darkness, 106
265, 277, 292, 317, 320, Praise m‘de Thanksgiving.
337,340, 345-354, 399 Prayer, 75, 169,173, 182,
Ordination, 143, 369 220, 326, 407
Palaces of Salem, 41 Prayer answered, 35
Palms, 400 Prayers of saints, 103
Panoply, 262, 265 Presence of God, 191
Paradise, 223, 252 Presence (Divine), 172, 234
Pardon, 16, 83, 234, 251 Preservation, 15, 18, 22,
Pardoning God, 199 73, 174
Parted hands, 63 Pride, 172, 305, 337
Paschal Lamb, 201, 275 Priest and King, 329
Patience, 16, 285 Prince of Peace, 79
Patience implored, 231, 232 Prince, (Godly) 297
Paul, Cephas and Apollos, Prisoner, 76
206 Prisoners, 326
Peace 14, 32, 91, 176, 255, Promise, 310, 320, 322
41] Promise (God’s) 42, 47, 72,
Peace in trouble, 330 76, 293, 341
Peace like a river, 63 Promise sealed, 215
Peace-makers, 175 Promises, 237, 300
Penitent, 84 Prophecy, 81
Perfection, 100 Prophet, Priest and King,
Persecuted, 175 226
Pestilence, 321 Prosperity, is, 291
Peter, 174, 343 Prosperity (National), 45,
Pharoah, 264, 331 296
Pilgrim, 169, 200 Protector, 173
Pilgrims, 192, 256, 404 Providence, 206, 264, 270,
Pilgrimage of life, 51 303 328, 330
Pillar of cloud, 73, 195, Providence, (frowning) 65,
200, 275, 284 197
Pillar in God’s house, 287, Providence, (particular) 15,
390 71
Pilot, 409 Public Humiliation. 383
Pious, 305 Public Thanksgiving, 318,
Place (Happiness not in), 385
389 Pure in heart. 313
Plague, 31 Queen, 159, 229
Plenteous Redemption, 336 Rain on grass, 261
422 nvnrx or SUBJECTS.

Robe of Christ. 224, 261

Rains, (The) 339 Robe of Righteousness,
Rainbow, 101, 102
Ransom, 177, 257
Ransomed souls, 172 Rock, 409
Rock of Ages, 80, 195, 260
Reapers, 79 Rock smitten, 331
Reconciled, 172
Reconciling Word, 343 Ro11, 203, 285. 296, 315
Recovery from sickness, Rod blessed, 72.
14, 301, 327, 332 Rod, (Futher’s), 344
Ruined race, 176
Red Sea, 64, 264, 285, 311,
314, 316, 331 Rulers. 29‘2
Redeemed by God, 26. 244 Sabbath, 230, 231 , vide
Lord’s Day.
Redeemer, 274, 277 Sacramentmide Lord’s Sup
Redeemer (God the), 15
Redeeming Love, 240
per and Baptism.
Redemption (Plenteous) 336 Sacrifice ofChrist, 213. vide
Good Friday.
Refiner, 198 Sacrifice, (evening,) ‘75
Refreshing tears, 272
Sacrifice, (gratefuL) 2
Refuge (God a), 45
Sacrifices, (1egal,) 307
Refuge of soul, 222
Register on high, 182 Safety, 312, 321
Saints, 16
Religion, 259
Religion (happiness of), 77, Saint’s Day, 381-383
Saint’s, (Honours of,) 340
208 Saints loved and honoured,
Repentunce,3, 83, 86. 203,
2931 310 5, 6
Saints on earth, 295
Repentance a gift, 168, 226,
Salem, 41, 315
343 Salem’s King, 79
Repentance (day of), 78
Reprobate mind, 317 Salvation, 130, 193
182, Salvation by grace, 98
Requests, 169, 174, Salvation from God, 1, 19,
234, 243, 253, 283
Resignation, 15, 169, 191, 26
Sanctification implored,
214, 236, 238, 248 335, ride Holy Spirit.
Rest, 99, 399 Sanctuary, 316
Rest (Heavenly), 230
Sanctuary loved, 301
Resurrection, 277, 280, 296,
Satan, 201, 207, 208, 269.
312, 339
Resurrection of Christ, 100, 286, 321
Saviour’s name, 180
ville Easter.
Revival sought, 308 scape-goat, 396
Rich or Poor, 234 Scoifers, 56, 291
Scriptures, (Ho1y,) 1901
Riches (worldly), 306
271, 298, 391, 395
Righteous, 305
Righteousness of Christ, Scriptures studied, 291
wide Justifying. -. Sea, 207
INnEX o1‘ sunn-zcrs. 423

Sea, (Hymn at.) 247, 259 Slave, 85

Sea giving up dead, 312 Slavery and sin, 317
Sea of good (nnfnthom’d), Slavish fear, 298
244 Sleep, 106
Seal of grace, 183 Sleepless hours, 311
Seasons, (Indian,) 339 Smoking flax, 410
Security and case, 220, vide Snares, 174y 324
Safety. Social Worship, 160, 161,
Select Scripture Passages, 210, 255
51 , 341 Society of the good, 295
Self-confidence, 174 Soldiers, 276
Self-dedication, 230 Soldiers of Christ, 262
Self-examination, 186 Son of David, 288
Self-knowledge, 235 Son of God, 57
Self- renunciation, 295 Son of Man, 27
Self-righteousness, 92, 98, Sons of God, 99, 176, 295,
213 403
Sennacherib, 315 Sorrows of righteous, 1
Separation from world, 56, Sorrows of wicked, 16
71, 283, 291 Soul cast down, 19
Shade. 204 Soul committed to God, 302
Shn5ne,(False,) vide Asham Sowing in tears, 42
e . Sparrow, 318
Sheaves, 42 Spirit and Word, 191
Shepherd, (Divine,) 299 Spirit, (The Holy,) 45
Shepherd, (Israel’s,) 27, 64 vide Whit-Sunday.
Shepherd, (Lord a,) 10 Spring of life, 104
Shipwreck, 174 Springs in God, ‘29, 175
Shout of a king, 276 Sprinkled blood, 119
Showers ofblessing, 261,262 Stars, 58, 233, 237
Sick or well, 234 Starry crown, 265
Sickness, 307, 408 Starry heavens, 334
Sickness, (Recovery from.) Stephen, 205
30l Stony heart, 343
Signet, 173 Storm of life, 222
Signs of times. 293 Stranger, 76
Silver, (word like pure,) 293 Strangers and pilgrims, 101
Sin. 189 Strength from God, 14,15,
Sin nbounding, 293 26, 27, 81, 262, 341
Sin and hell, 191 Strong man, 269
Sin, (Evil o1,) 252 Stubborn Jews, 323
Sin‘s dominion, 334 Submission, 285
Sins of youth, 300 . Sun, 58
Sinai, 227, 259, 395 Sun of righteousness, 172,
Sinners, 291 186, 188, 207
Slanders, 328 Sun, (scorching,) 103
424 mnex or‘ SUBJECTS.

Sun (uncreated) 272 Topmost stone, 199

Sunday Schools. 212, 300, Traveller, 168
310, 334, 372—375 Treasures, 174
Supplications, 211, 216, 222 Trials, 405
248, 249 251, 293, 305, Tribulation, 271
310, 314-. 325 Trinity, (Holy,) 44, 48, 49,
Support Divine 306 70. 106, 181, 225, 226,
Supreme good in God 314. 251, 395
Surety, (Diviue,) 98 Trinity Sunday, 150, 151,
Sword, 322 366
Sympathy of Christ, 98, Triumphs of the Gospel,
282, 410 162
Tainted air, 207 Trouble sanctified. 69, 71
Taking up Cross, 216 Troubled spirit, 294
Teacher, (Heavenly,) 91 Trust in Christ, 97
Tears, 3, 42, 104, 110, 169, Trust in the Lord, 8
272, 282 Truth and Grace, 327
Temporal blessings, 312 Truth and Mercy, 338
Temptation, 282 Truth of God, 76
Tents of Jacob, 320 Types, 395, 397, 401, 402
Thanksgiving, 4, 7, 8, 9, Tyre and Egypt, 320
14, 17, 23, 24, 33, 35, 36, Unbelief, 173, 179, 197,
44, 47, 4s, 49, 65. 68, 76. 231. 271, 323
248, 257,- 258, 265, 312, Unchanzeable friend, 213
322, 326, 327, 332, 333, Uncreated Sun, 972
336, 340 Unerring Word, 237
Thank Ofi’erings. 37 Unfathomed Sea, 244
Thanksgiving, (Public ) 385 Unity, 42, 43, 74, 338
’l'hirsting for God, 19 Universal holiness, 335
Thirsting for righteousness, Unspeakable gift, 93, 183,
212 267
Thorns, 66 Upright, 18
Thoughts, (multitude of,) Uprightness, 80
322 Vain delights. 212
Thoughts, (seattered,) 319 Vain thoughts, 334
Thoughts, (vain,) 334 Vain world, 195
Throne of Grace, 99, 173, Vanity, 334
182 Veil. 279
Time, 268 Veil taken away. 165
Time precious, 105 vicissitudes of life, 17, 85
Times, 264 287
To-day, 65, 7a, 83, 203, 268, Victory, 33, 37, 335, 336
323 Victory, (Spiritual,) 258
To-morrow, 203 Victory from God, 296,
Tongue, 295 297
Tongue bridled, 306, Villages, 81
Tongue, (Evil,) 239 Vine, (True,) 219

Visitation, 371 Works ofrighteousness, 176

Vows,20,38,246,333 World, 272, 390
Waiting on God, 12, 13, World forsaken, 278, 230
81 . World overcome, 189
Walk humbly, 131 World renounced, 216
Walk with Go11, 341 World vain, 211, 280
Wandering thoughts, 319 Worldliugs’joys, 212
War at an end, 79 Worldly minds, 227
Warfare, 2152; Worldly pleasures, 227
Water, 80 Worldly snares, 75
Water and Blood, 260 Worship, (Public,) 14, 27,
Way, truth and life, 90, 29, 4.0, 66, 72, 74, 210,
275 255, 265, 277, 992, 317,
Ways, (Diviue,) 84 330
Weaued from world. 212 Worship, ( P\1blic,) vide
Well of Bethlehem, 54 Lord‘s Day.
Well of life, 235 Wrath of God, 304
Whitsunday, 91, 142-149, Wrath of man, 315
906, 363.. 365 Young, 31, 77, 155, 186,
Wicked, 16 187, 310, 333
Wicked God’s band, 296 Youth, 81
Widow, 76 Youth, (sins of,) 12, 300
Winds, 270 Zeal, 53, 57, 81, 97, 171,
Wisdom, (Best,) 330 194, 260, 252, 265
Wisdom, (Heavenly,) 77 Zeal of the Lord, 84, 270
Wisdom, (True,) 30 Zion, 4, ‘22, 23, 195, 289
Without God, 235 Ziou’s bondage, 41
Wonderful, 79 Zion’s children, 49, 195
Word of God, 59, 60, 166, Ziou’s gate, 256
190, 291, 298, 333, 338 Zion’s gates, 29
Word, (Food of the,) 13 Ziou’s God, 40, 41
Word of God loved, 56 Zion’s hill, 40, 57
Word of God trusted, 17, Zion‘s King, 289
19 Zion’s Rock, 41
Works of God, 329 Ziou’s ruins, 326

Genesis Page Deuteronomy Page Job Page

1. 1 51 iv. se 113 i. 21 55
... 3 1 177 viii. 2 113 iii. 17 378
ess xxvi. 17.18 181 v. 6-12 56
w- 31 51 xxxiii. 25 li4l - 17 281
V. 22-2-1 341 xxxiv. 1 273 xix. 25 361
viii. m 339 Joshua xxix. 19 108
ix. 13, 101 xxiv. 15 245 xxxvii. 7 eos
102 — 19 252 Psalms
xvi. 13 44 Judges i. m 56
xxii. lat 276 53 - 1-6 esl
viii. 4
- 18 120 Ruth ii. 1-3, Sy 8, 9,
xxiv. 31 ess 1. 16,17 ess 12 57
zxviii. 15, 206 "_ l1 ex 7s si 91
1 Samuel
207 12 5
ii. m 220
— 17 372 iii. 18 am
- 1, ch 6, 8,
— 21 51 10-12 291
vii. m 113
xxxii. es 397 iii. 4-8 1
2 Samuel iv. 1, 5, 6 l
Exodus i. 26 253 —-
iii. 15 269 232
xxiii. 5 esti v. a, 11, m 2
x. 9 ave
-- 10 297 -- 3,7, 8, 12 2se
xiv. 13 285
1 Kings vi. l, 3, 4 293
— 17 iii. 5 asa —- ay 5, 8
xv. l 264 2
viii. 30 200 viii. 1-9 s
-- 26 z Kings
xvi. 23 110 -- a 313
401 ii. u 387 ix. 1, m 91 10.
xxix. 1
xx. 7 aul 11 ll
xxxiii. ul 172
ess l Chronicles xi. 1, ly 7 4
- 15 163 iv. 9, 10 53 xii. 1, 5,6, 7 ess
neo xi. 17 so xiii. 1-6 est
- m 106, xiii. l4 377 xiv. l. 2, 3, 7 5
xiii. 2 223 2 Chronicles — 1-4 est
xvi. 20, 21, 396 xx. 12 isl xv. 1-5 s
Numbers — 12 391 xvi. 1, m 3, 5,
vi. eit-es 255 xxxii. ex 55 6, 11
105 Esther —- 1-3 ess
ix. 21 295
x. 29 52 iv. m me _. 8-11

Psalm Page Psalm Page Psalm Page

xvi. ll 194 xxx. 1,2, 3, 4, xlv. 1, 2, 3, 4,
xvii. 5, 6, 7, 5, 10 14 , 308
s, 15 6 -- 2, 3, 6, 7, -- 6, 7, 13, 14,
— 13, 15 296 10-12 301 17 21
_- 15 280 - 5 222 xlvi.1, 2, 4, 5,
xviii.1,2,3,30 7 xxxi. 1, 2, 3, 7, ll 21
— 9, 10, 11, 5,14, 15, 24 15 xlvii. l, 5-9 309
19,30, 31 s — 5, 16, 23, xlviii. 1, 8,11.
— 3, 30, 35, 2-1 302 14. 22
40, so 296 -— 15 238 _10, 287
— 39-41, 46, - - 264 1. 1, 2, 3, 23 61
50 9 xxxií. 1, 2, 10 16 i. 1.7. l3, 18 22
xix. 1-6 58 —- 1, 2-5, 6 302 _11213142 71
_ 1, 2, 4-11 59 -- 7 172 8 310
- 1, 2. 7-11. 60 xxxiii. 12, 18, 1V11.5,7191 10 23
— 1, 7-13 298 20, 21, 22 16 lxi. 1 384
_ 7-H 59 — 1-1?, 22 303 Ixiii. 1, 2, 3, 23
xx. 1, 2, 7-9 298 xxxiv. 1-4, 7, —- 1-7 310
-- 2 343 8, 9, 10 17 — 2 189
— 9 182 xxxv. 11-14 304 — G 165
— — 350 xxxvi. 5, 6,7, lxv. 1, 2, 4, 24
xxi. 1-6, 13 8 8, 9, 10 18 lxvi. 1, 2, 5,
xxii. 1, 7, 8, - 1.5. 7 304 6, S, 12 311
16, 1s, 24, .— 9 188 lxvii. 1-7, 24
27 298 271 8: 25
- 22-27 xxxvii. 23, 37,
9 lxviii. 18, 19,
xxiii. 1-3 61 39, 40 18 20 25
— 1-4 60 -- 23, 24, 28, - 19, 20, 21,
-- 1-6, 1o, 11 29, 35, 36, 22 312
—— 299 37, 305 - 13, 136
xxiii. 4 3S9 xxxviii. l, 9, 15, 137
xxiv. 7-10, 135 18 ‘ 305 lxix. 1, &c. 31’2
xxv. 6, 7, 10, xxxix. l, 4, 5, — 14-18, 29,
2o, 21, 22 12 6, 7 306 30 313
-1,6, 7, 20, x1. 1, 2, 3 19 - 32-35 313
22 300 - 6,7,16, 5 307 1xx1. l, 2, 16,
xxvi. 1, 6, s 300 xli. 1, 2, 3, 23 26
-- 8 346 13 307 —1,15, 16,22 62
xxvii. 1, 8,14 12 x111.1, ‘Z, 5, 6,
— 1, 4,5, 6 301 8 lxxii. 5-8, 18,
-- 5 222 -_1, 2. 5 19 62
xxviíi. 1,2, 7, x1111. 3-5 — 6 251
9 13 -- 11 289
xxix. 1, 2, 4, 1xxiii. ’23, 24,
10, 11 13 A _ 25, 26 2s

Psalm Page Psalm Page Psalm - Page

lxxiii. 24 200 x01. 1, 4, 5, 6, cvii. 43 170
-- _ 284 11,12,15,16 30 cviii. 5, 6,12,
.. 25 63 -- 1,3-10, 15 321 13 37
. . 25-28 314 X011. 1, 13,14, 0111. 1-5 328
lxxiv. 2, 12.22 15 31 ex. 1, 5 69
314 xciii. 1-5 32 .. 329
.. 22 179 xciv-17-23 322 1 140
lxxvi. 1-10 315 xcv. 1, 2, 3, 4, cxi.1-4,9,10 329
lxxvii. 7-13,19, 6 33 cxi. 5 164
20 64 -- 1, 2. 7 65 cxii. 330
.. 3, 7-19 316 1-11 322 cxiii. 1-5 69
.. 9 216 xcvi. 323 .. 1-3, 5-8 70
lxxx. 1, 3, 7, xcvii. 1, 2, 8 65 cxiv. 331
17,18 27 " 6’9 cxv. 1, 3, 4, 9,
.. 1-3, 17,18, “I, 2,10-12 324 17, 18 331
19 64 xcviii. 4, 7, 8 65 cxvi. 1, 2, 7,
lxxxi. 1, 8-16 315 - 1,3,5,6 33 12,13,11 333
lxxxiv. 1, 3, 4, .. 1-4 325 12 192
5,7, 10,11, .. l ‘ 621 12,14-19 332
12 27 xcix. 1, 2, 3, 9 66 .. 13, 14, 15,
lxxxiv. 1, 2, 3, 0. 1-5 34 16.1718,19 37
10 31s ci. 1, 2, 7 66 .. 18 375
.. l 374 l 67 cxvii. ‘ 38
.. 9 251 .. I 262 cxviii. l. 2, 8,
.. 10 353 cfi.13,16, 17, 9,19, 24, 25, 38
lxxxv. 318 13 35 cxix. 5, 29, 36,
-- 7.9,10,11 23 1. 2, 10-13, 37, 133, 176
lxxxvi.4 351 17 325 334
-. 8-13 319 -. 13-28 .. 9. 91, 93,
lxxxvii. l, 2, ciii.1,11,12 67 104,105,113
31 516,7 29 .. 1-7 326 130,160 333
-- 320 .. 2 408 .. 2s, 37, 49,
.. 2 Q31 civ. 1. 29, 30 68 50,32,33 335
.. 3 195 --
" 1’29 2’ 211 .. 46 70
-- 7 175 .. 63 71
lxxxix. 7, 15, cvi’
cv‘ 1’
1! 31
21431 41 ‘. 65, 68’ 71’

16,18 29 72 39
.. 1,2-4,5 320 5 36 ..65,67,71 71
-- 7 187 .. 1, 4, 5, 47, .. 75 285
.. 15 175 48 36 .. 82 177
110. 1, 2, 12,17 30 cvii. 1, 2, 8, .. 91 270
.. l 115 43 68 .. 111‘ 72
.. 9 112 .. 6, 13, 19, .. 111 205
.. 14, 15,16, 28 383 .. 130, 132,
17 30 .. 8-15 327 133,135 30

Psalm Page Psalm Page Isaiah Page

cxix. 149, 148 72 cxlvii. 1. 7. 8, xxxiii. 13-18 60
.. 156 73 9.14,19. 20 339 xxxv. 5. 6 76
.. 190 cxlviii. 1, 2, 5, X1. 11 372
cxxi. 1-8 40 6. 13, 14 47
.. 1-8 73 cxlix. l, 2 48 xlii. 9-13
.. 81
cxxii. 1, 4,6, 7 40 .. 1, 2, 4 49
u l 349 .. 1, 2, 4-9 339 xlv. 21 214
cxxiv. 2-8 335 cl. 1, 2, 6 49 .. 22 168
cxxv. 1, 2, 5 41 .. 1-6 76 .. 24 213
cxxvi. 1-6 41 .. 1, 2, 6 340 xlix. 13-17 8‘2
cxxvii. 1, 2 74 .. l 265 liii. 1-12 82
cxxx. 1-4, 7, Proverbs .. 5 266
8 336 iii. 13-17 77 .. 10 223
.. 5-8 42 .. 17 208 11V. 17 206
.. 6 228 iv. 23 167 lv. 1-9 83
cxxxi. 337 viii. 17 375 .. 7 199
cxxxii. 8, 9 10 74 xvi. 1 146 lvii. 15-16 84
.. 8, 14, 15, xviii. 24 _ 253 lviii. 13 110
17, 18 337 xxiii. 26 243 .. 13 347
.. 16 369 xxviii. 26 174 I11. 1 386
cxxxiii. 338 xxx. 4 150 lxi. 10 224
.. 1, 3 42 Ecclesiastes lxii. 1 8+
.. 1.3 74 vii. 2-677 lxiii. 1 85
.. 3 366 ix. 4-6, 10
78 .. 7 182
cxxxiv. 1-3 43 . Song of Solomon .. 9 275
cxxxvi. \1, 23, 1. 3 217 lxiv. 1 357
25, 26 44 ii. 3 128 lxv. 24 400
.. 194 iv. 16 143 Jeremiah
.. 23 401 144 iii. 4 245
cxxxviii. 1-3, v. 16 257 iv. 14 236
7, 8 338 Isaiah xvii. 14 243
cxxxix. 1-4 44 ii. 2-6 78 xxiii. 6 223
.. 11 107 vi. 6, 7 265 .. 6 342
cxli. l, 2, 9 75 ix. 2-8 79 xxxi. 14 238
n 2 107 xi. 9 192 xxxiii. 25 237
cxlii. 4. 5, 6, 7 45 xii. 2 213 xxxv. 254
cxliii. 1, 7, 8, xxii. 2 204 and 344
10 45 xxv. 9 ‘ 259 l. 5 155
cxliv. 9, 10, xxvi. 1-7 79 Lamatations
12, 15 46 .. 4 215 iii. 23 344
cxlv. 1, 4, 9, .. 13 253 .. 24 212
16. 13, 19, 21 75 xxvii. 3 109 .. 24- 235
cxlvi. 1-6 10 46 xxx. 15 283 .. 37-40 85
.. 5-10 76 xxxii. 2 204 Ezekiel
cxlvii. 1-5, 11 47 xxxiii. 2 105 xi. 19 15

Ezekiel Page Matthew Page. Luke Page

X1. 19 398 v. 8 ses 1L 15 121
xviii. 4, 20 214 .. 44 301 .. 16 121
xxxvi. ea inis . 45 312 .. 21 117
xxxvii. 9 1 43 vi. 8 169 .. 32 177
.. 9 sss .. 9-14 86 . iv. 18, 19 88
.. 9 363 vii. 7 407 viii. 39 asa
1)aniel ix. 38 370 ix. 56 356
ii. eo 258 x. 8 388 x. n 184
.. 28 197 .. w 279 xi. 1 348
iii. 17 eu4 xi. ea 399 3V- 7 288
Hosea .. ’29 392 xvii. 5 ws
vi. 1-4 86 xiv. 27 409 xviii. 13 359
Joel .. 31 282 xix. 28 evo
ii. 12 384 .. 33 nnn xxL 19 esl
.. 17 178 xvii. 5 210 xxii. 19 158
.. 26 365 .. 8 408 .. .. 367
.. 28, 29 147 xviii. eo 160 .. 20 156
Amos .. 20 350 ..
o‘ 35 114
iv. 12 154 .. eo 352
fllicah xxi. 9, 15 288 ..
no 61 343
vii. 14 284 xxiv. u eu
_ Habakkuk xxv. 29 246 xxiii. 34 304,328
1l. 3 me .. 31 152 .. 42 250
.. 14 387 xxvi. 26-29 87 .. as 12a
iii. e l 16 .. 30 ma xxiv. 29 345
.. 2 308 . 36 224 .. se 390
.. 16 me xxvii. 54 filio .. 34 lae
.. 11.1S 263 xxviii. 6 133 .. 36 ess
Zephaniah .. 19 151 .. 51 137
iii. la 161 Mark .. 51,52 178
Haggai ii. 27 110 John
iiQ 7 ne ns 112 i. 14 m2
Q Q 7 205 ix. e4 246 .. 16 us
Zechariah x. 14 366 .. l7 2as
xii. 10 me .. 28 216 .. 29 ms
.. lo 368 xiv. 7 171 .. 45 ns
xiii. 1 273 xvi. 6 134 ii. 2 376
Malachi .. 15 263 iii. 5 149
iii. 1 121 Luke .. 14-19 89
.. 3 198 i. 37 250 .. 16 176
.. 16 160 .. 47 120 iv. m 352
.. 16 266 11.
ro 278’ 356 v. 46 395
Matthew 117 vi. 67 esl
ii. 11 li4l .. 8-15 as vii. 46 90
v. 3-10 175 .. 14,118 119 viii. 12 fls
(‘38? 1808 3801.8 ’XHGNI

“'("1‘ afivd may 2512‘; 1 suvgqguywo 26nd

‘I; v LnI ‘MIA! L6 88! ‘Ax Lg 895
" 92; 408 ‘xx L ZII 5 sunglpupmo
‘I 81 91! '’ L 69f ‘! OI I 9!
‘ll! 6-8 IEI " 1, 9M.‘ .. 53 99$
’!!!11 I HZ sumuog ‘I! 9! ILS
O. L L6! ‘m 85-6! 66 ‘I1! 9! 99!
“ 21 096 ‘A 9 HI " LI 9H
‘Ag! 2.‘! 06 ’‘ 8 808 ’1\! iv 608
. a OH " 01 6U .. ‘9 898
.. a 9825 " 6! I98 on L
.. 9 I88 " 08 .492; . LI MI
O‘ 9 9L5 ‘{A L-l 86 .. U 18!
" 88’92? I6 " iv SSI ‘A II‘! 96
.. L?’ L8! " II *SI " ‘H 0178
I95 " 86 909 ‘!A a 09!
‘A11 1,‘! 6IZ ‘“A *8 61-8 I. (I; 806
a. L SLI ‘up .'.I 6% " OI‘ 1-03
" 9t La! " 96-6r 96I ‘IRA 1- 06!
09?! “ IS 86 .. L L02
" 9I 5H " fit ISI .. 6 S58
‘gm: 4 !H ‘x t 0H ‘x! GI L95
.. 8 8H ’ 9 8W; ‘x 9‘? 895
" i-I 9H " H 695 SUDHDIDQ
" 9! SQI ’gx 9t L9I ‘I! 05 “.5
" *6 $98 ‘!!!x 8! +98 ‘A! 9 $95
‘HA! 9! !9! ‘AEx 8 9H .. {it 9M;
818 ‘Ax 08 6H " 98 5 9!
08‘xgx I6 86 1 sungqaupwg ‘A SI QfI
9‘6! ’! LI I98 OI LI 7’01?
‘RI 9! 8.46 ‘9 8 98f " 8-8 1'98
" st 868 " 0P6 626 ‘M 6 99E.‘
" zz £88 ‘1!! I6 908 " FI LEI
" 9! 98! ‘A L L9! suvgsaqdfq
810V ‘11 SI !6! ‘I ‘H 693
‘! 6 . QSI ’1! 95 99I ‘!! I 818
‘l! as‘ 59: “ 65 [BI .. v 505
" 68‘ vcl ‘fix II 898 I. L 66!
mm 20v ‘KW 9 *6 " BI 898
" 61 985 " II L58 " SI 98f
SH; “ 2.1 969 " ‘H 068
‘x as we " {:I 508 " LI 5%
" 99 99I ‘Ax 025 98! " 8t !9f
Lea " 98 8h’, ‘2!! 9‘8 eat?
1A1‘ 6 $261 " 69 98! .. gt !8!
‘m! 95 LL! " 99 $6 ‘A §! . !LI
scmrrune INnEX. 433

Ephesians Page _ _ Titus Page Hebrews Page

v. 25 129 111. 5 267 xiii‘ 17 369
Philippians Hebrew-S -- 18 386
i. 21 202 i. 6 166 .. 20-21 100
11. 6-12 95 -. 6 393 Jame;
.. 8-11 201 "14 108 1V-14 268
.. a 355 ii. 9 136 .. 14 357
.. 9 138 111.1 98 1 Peter
.. 9 209 1v.3 99 1. 3-5 100
.. 9 362 .. 3 346 .. s 220
5. 16 388 -. 5 249 .. 8 394,
iii. 3 244 -- 9 111 .. 13-15 259
.. 7 398 .. 9 353 .. 24-25 166
.. 14 283 .. 11 189 ii. 7 274
iv. 6 193 -. 11 230 iii. 13 275
..-5-6 277 vi. 12 381 .. 18 n9
.. 19 235 .. 19 233 .. 18 214
Colossians .. 20 139 v. 2 371
i. 12 379 vii. 19-28 397 .. 7 247
iii. 2 211 -. 25 139 2 Peter
.. 2 272 . 26 282 i. 19 124
., 4 286 111.22 287 1 John
.. 11 180 .. 24 1401. 7 140
.. 11 163 .. 28 368 11.1-2 195
1 Thessalonians :1. 5 355 iii. 1 175
iv. 13 380 .. 23 254 '. 1-4 99
00 14 96 .. 25 377 w. 9 117
.. 16 152 xi. 6 405 .. 16 133
u 17 153 -. 15 192 .. 19 244
v. 25 ass .. 16 4114 v. 7 15°
2 Thessalonians .. 26 168 .. 11 258
iii. 1 336 xii. 1 381 Revelation
1 Timothy .. 2 219 i. 5 227
i. 18 262 .. 4 271 -. 5-9 101
ii. 1-2 159 -. 6 405 .. 10 109
iii. 16 280 .. 9 344 .. 18 361
1 Timothy .. 18 259 ii. and 111. 399
i. 7 144 .. 18 354 iii. 12 390
.. 12 9'! .. 18-24 382 .. 21 14]
.. 12 302 .. 22-24 203 iv. 3 101,102
.. 12 396 .. 25 401 v. 6&0. 102
ii. 1 265 x111. 5 174 . 9 269
iv. 18 97 .. 5 191 .. 9 279
.. 18 338 .. 5 289 .. 12 180
Titus .- 9 207_ v1. 2 229
iii. 3-9 98 .. 14 406 vii. 9-12 400
434 scmPruR: mmzx.

Revelalian Page Revelation Page Revelation Page

vii. 13, 610. 103 xv. 3 169 xxii. 16 255
111. 15 153 .. 3 308 .. 16 253
xiv. 13 379 11:1. 5 104

Page Page
A debtor to mercy, p 1n 164 Awake and sing, sm 169
A Father’s voice, 0 m 344 Awake, awake the, c m 355
A few from every, : m 14‘! Awake my heart, 0m 170
A new song will, I m 46 Awake my soul, lm 105
A rest for God’s pm 99 Awake my soulin, lm 170
According to, c m 367 Awake my zeal, lm 171
Afl’licted saint, lm 341 Awake, O sleeper, c m 171
Afl‘liction is a, c m 165 Awake, sweet. I m 172
Alterthy_lovinz, c m 22 Be Thou O God, 0 m 37
Ah! who shall see, c m 165 Be Thou O Lord. lm 23
Alas! and didmy, c m 1'28 Be Thou through, £111. 70
All flesh as, pm 166 Be with me, Lord, lm 172
All glory belongs, p m 166 Begone unbeliet", p m 173
All hail the ow’r, c m 166 Behold and, s m 43
All people! at, Im 34 Behold I change. 0 m 104
All scenes alike, I m 389 Behold 111’ am., a m 99
All things Thy, lm 73 Behold the arr“, s m 129
All ye that love. cm 339 gehold the bright, p m 102
Almighty God of. cm 167 ehold the glories, c m 102
Almighty Lord of, lm 377 Behold the love, cm 304
Amidst the mighty. cm 85 Behold the mount. cm 78
Amidst thy wrath, c m 305 Behold the throne,sm 173
Among the prin., c m 3I9 Believer lift thine, l m 101
And shall we, 0 m 92 Beset with snares, I m I74
Arise, arise! lm 386 Bewareof Peter’s, s m 390
Arise, my gracious, s m 296 Beyond the dear, c m 390
Arise, 0 king of, c m 337 Bless the Lord all, 7‘s 43
Arise, O Lord, 0 m 74 Bless the Lord my, p m 175
Arm of the Lord, I m 167 Bless’d are the m, lm 175
As long as life, Im 78 Bless‘d are the p., s m 343
As pants the hart, c m 19 Bless’d are the s., s m 338
As the hart, 7’s 20 Bless’d are the sou. cm 175
As the serpent, p m 168 Bless‘d be the e., c m 100
As when the Heb., c m 89 Bless’d be the Fa., tm I50
As when the, lm 168 Bless’d be the wis., c m 176
Attend ye tribes, c m 80 Bless’d day of, cm 345
Author and, cm 381 Blessed are the, 7’s 176
Author of good! 0 m 169 Blessed be‘l‘hy, p m 177

Page Page
Blest morning, a m 132 Descend from hea. lm 185
Bound upon the, 7’s 360 Distant.Lord,from, 7’: 186
Boundless glory, 7’: 177 Donot Ilove Thee, cm 186
Breathe from the, c m 177 Does the Lord of, 7’s 390
Brethren let us, 7’s 175 Enamelled as far, p m 187
Brightest and, p m 124 Enthroned on high, 0 m 147
Brother thou art, p m 378 Eternal power, Im 187
By Thy birth, 7‘: 173 Eternal Spirit! we, tm 148
By the blood, 7’: 179 Eternal Spirit, 0m 363
Call Jehovah thy, p m 31 Eternal Sun, 0 m 188
Calmer of my, 7’s 179 Every thought, 7’s 347
Captain of thine, lm 179 Faint yet pursuing, c m 53
Cease ye pilgrims, p m 259 Faith is a precious, s m 188
_Chief shepherd, c m 371 Far from our, 1m 189
Children ot‘lsrael, c m 128 Far from these, 0 m 189
Christ the Lord is p m 133 Father, Ising‘l‘hy, 0 m 313
Come gracious, l m 143 Father ot‘all! cm 86
Come heavenly, c m 180 Father of mere., 0 m 386
Come Holy G., c m 142 Father ofmerc.,in, c m 190
Come, Holy G., p m 144 Father of merc., c m 190
Come Holy G., c m 158 Father of peace, 0 m 100
Come Holy 8., lm 146 Father, Saviour, 7’s 154
Come, Holy 8., s m 145 Father, Son, and, 7’: 150
Come, Holy 8., c m 144 Father, Thy qui., cm 119
Come let us join, 0 m 180 Father, to thee, cm 151
Come let us to, c m 36 Father, whate’er, cm 191
Come, let us use, 0 m 131 Firm was my, I m 301
Come, my soul. 7’s 182 Fix my heart, 7’s 391
Come sound His, 3 m 322 Fools in their, c 10 294
Come,Thou Fount, p m 182 For all Thy hem, l m 71
Come, Thou long, p m 122 For ever blessed, c m 191
Come, Thou mi., 7’: 358 For mercies, c m 192
Come, Thou. pm 144 For Zion’s sake, c m 84
Come, ye guilty, p m 131 Fountain of, c m 148
Come, ye red., 0m 121 Frequent the day, 0 m 347
Come, ye saints, p m 133 From age to age, (in 327
Come, ye that, cm 183 From all that, l m 192
Come, ye who, sm 346 From Egypt’s, pm 192
Command Thy, lm 366 From every stormy I m 193
Compared with C., c m 184 FromGreenland’s, p m 193
Courage my soul, 0 m 184 From Thee, my, c m 194
Creator Spirit, )1 m 363 Give me the wings, c m 381
Day ofjudgernent, p m 185 Give praise and. c m 36
Dear is to me. l m 346 Give to our God, lm 194
Delusive world, 0 m 390 Glorious things, p m 195
Page Page
Glory be to, p m I29 Harkthe sounds, p m 162
Glory be to God on, 7’s 196 Hark the voice, 11 m 125
Glory, glory, 7’s 138 Hasten, O sinner, lm 203
Glory to God on, s m I59 Hath God cast, p m 64
Glory to Thee, lm 106 He lives who, c m In
Go to dark Geth. Ts 392 He that hath, 1m 321
Go ye forth, 7’: l2l He that is dead, 0 m 134
God in His, 1 m 320 He who on earth, 0 m 204
God is our refuge, 0 m 21 He whom the, l‘ m 121
God loves his, Im 29 Head ol the, p m ‘204
God moves in a, c m 197 Heal us, lmmau., c m 394
God of hope. 11 m l96 Hear, Israel’s, c m ’27
God of my life, lm 198 Hear me, O God, 0 m 325
God ofmy mercy, (: m 328 Help us, 0 Lord, 0 m 385
God’s furnace, cm 198 Help us to help, 0 m 385
God’s presence, l m 26 Here when Thy, lm 205
Grace! ‘tis a, c m 199 Ho ye that thirst, c m 83
Gracious Godour, 7’s 372 Hold up my, 0 m 6
Great fear in, cm '29 Holy Bible, book, 7’s 205
Great God of, pm 199 Holy Ghost, pm 364
Great God, we, I m 115 Holy Ghost, 1) m 206
Great God, what, p m 152 Holy Lord, our, 7’s 348
Great God, with, c m 298 Hosanna tothe, c m 137
Great shepherd, c m 200 How are thy, cm 206
Guide me, O, pm 200 How awful is’l‘hy, c m 315
Had not the, cm 335 How bless’d ‘l‘hy, c m 207
Had,cm 322 How blessed was, s m 355
Hail, Son of God, 0 m 139 How bright these, 0 m 103
Hail the day that,pm 137 How condesc., cm 368
Hail, ‘l‘hou B., p m 158 How did my heart, ‘0 m 349
Hail, ’l‘hou once, p m 201 How freely does, 0 m 208
Hail Thou source. 11 m 123 How glorious is, c m 373
Hallelujah, Hark,p m 153 How glorious, cm 79
Happy are, cm 348 How good 8: how, 12 m 207
Happy the heart, 0 m 202 How happy is the, cm 208
Happy the man, lm 291 How happy they, 0 m 16
Happy the man, p m 76 How helpless, c m 149
Happy the man, 0m 307 How long,O Lord,l m ‘294
Happy the souls, cm 203 How perfect is, s m 59
Hark a voice. 7’s 379 How precious is, c m 209
Hark my soul, 7‘s 392 How rich is the, p m ‘109
Hark, ten thous., 7’s 393 How shall the, c m 333
Hark ! that shout, 7’s l53 How sweet the, c m 209
Hark the glad, 0 m 88 How sweet to, l In no
Harltl the herald,p m H7 How tedious, p m 211

Page Page
How vain this, 0 m 211 Jesusin Thee our, 0 m 397
How various, s m 212 Jesus is gone up, 7’s :41
I know that my, Im 361 Jesus is our God, p m 219
I love, 0 Lord, I m 72 Jesus is the, 7’s 220
I love the Lord, 0 m 333 Jesus is the Lord, 1: m 61
1 love the Lord, lm 394 Jesus,Lord oflife,p m 220
I love thy sacred, l m 395 Jesus, my all, lm 22l
I once was a, p m 342 Jesus, my Lord, p m 222
1 thank Thee, p m 272 Jesus our Lord, c m 329
I thirst, but not, I m 212 Jesus our triump.,p m 136
I waited patient, cm 19 Jesus, Refuge, p m 222
lwill amidstThy, lm 9 Jesus shall reign, l m 62
I will raise Thee, 7’s. 213 Jesus the, l m 223
1 won (1 desire, lm 71 Jesus, Thou art, 0 m 223
Ifclose to the, p m 213 Jesus, Thou, cm 356
It‘ Jesus be our’s, p m 213 Jesus, Thy blood, I m 224
1’" of salvation, c m 37 Jesus, we Thy, 7’: 350
I’ll speak the. c m 308 Jesus, where’er, l m 160
I‘m not ashamed, c m 97 Jesus while He, 7’s 224
Imagination cm 379 Jesus who bought, 0 m 53
Immoveable Thy, c m 97 Joy to all the, p m 162
In God‘s own, 0 m 340 Joy to the earth, 0 m 66
In Jesus we live, p m 156 Joy to the world, 0 m 123
In Judah God of, c m 315 Judge, Lord; the, c m 300
In Thee I put my, c m 26 King of kings, 7’s 225
In Thine own, 0 m 2 Lamb of God, 7’s 226
In Thy presence, 7’s 350 Lamb of God, p m T25
In vain we build, 0 m 74 Let all the mighty,0 m 13
1nspirer& Hearenp m 108 Let Christian, cm 3
Into Thy hands, 0 m 302 Let faith exalt her, 0 m 94
Is there ambition, c m 337 Let heav’n arise, c m 51
Israel in ancient, p m 395 Let me dwell on, 7’s. 360
It is the Lord, 0 m 214 Let not your, c m 90
Jehovah reigns, c m 65 Let saints below, c m 181
Jehovah spake, p m 69 Let us all with, p m 119
Jehovah! ’tis a, t‘ m 215 Let us love, T5 227
Jehovah will my, cm 4 Let worldly, c m ‘227
Jerusalem! my, cm 215 Let Zion and her, 0 m 326
Jesus, and shallit, Im 396 Let Zion‘s watch, 0 m 369
Jesus Christ is, pm 132 Light of those, 11 m 2‘28
Jesus, full of, pm 216 Lo former scenes, 0 m 81
Jesus, 1 love, 0m 217 Lo He comes, p m 152
Jesus, I my cross, p m 216 Lo the Lord. 1) m 140
Jesus, immortal, c m 218 Lo the mighty, ;; m 61
Jesus, immutably, c m 219. L0 to the hills, l m 73

-. I’ _ _ __
Page Page
Look down, 0, 1111 375 My God, my, 0 m 235
Look ye saints, p m 229 My God, permit, I111 236
Lord, bless and, s m 24 My God permit, : m 310
Lord, bow Thine, c m 15 My God, the, c m 236
Lord, cause Thy, l m 369 My God. the. c m 305
Lord, dismiss us, p m 163 My helper God, 1111 113
Lord, hear my, 0 m 45 My hiding place, 0 m 237
Lord, how, lm 374 My never-ceasing, c m 320
Lord, 1 am Thine, l m 230 My Saviour, my, 0 m 62
Lord, I believe, c m 230 My song shall, 1111 237
Lord, I_cannot let, 7’s 397 My soul, 11ow, c m 317
Lord, 1n the, c m 4 My soul lies cle., c m 335
Lord, in the, 0 m 292 My soul, praise, p m 68
Lord, in ’l‘hy, cm 293 My soul, repeat, : m 67
Lord, let my, 1111 75 My soul with, s m 42
Lord, look on all, e m 383 My times o1‘, c m 238
Lord of earth, 7’s 63 Mystery of grace, 1 m 126
Lord of heaven, p m 229 New every morn., l m 344
Lord of hosts, 7’s 231 No longer far, c m 238
Lord of hosts to, 7’s 372 No man nor angel, 0 m 90
Lord of the, 1m 370 No more, my God, I m 398
Lord, Thee my, 0 m ‘23 No strength of, c m 239
Lord. Thou hast, l m 318 Nor eye has seen, 0 m 239
Lord, we come, 7’s 231 Not all the blood, s m 240
Lord, we have, 0 m 308 Not to ourselves, 1m 331
Lord, when we, 0 m 351 Not to the terrors, c m 382
Lord, when, 0 m 293 Now begin the, 7‘s 240
Lord. who hast, 1111 231 Now for atune of, 1111 141
Lord, who in, 1111 5 Now gracious, c m 357
Love divine, p m 232 Now let our lips t‘ m 313
Love still shall, 0m 94 Now let our. 1 m 298
Make Thy face, 11 m 232 Now let us bless, p m 120
Man like a. p m 233 Now may fervent, 7’s 351
Mark’d as the, 1111 387 Now may the God, ha 298
MayHe by whose, 1111 160 Now through the, c m 116
May the grace of, 7’s 164 Now to the Lord, 1 m 241
Mercy and, 0 m 66 Now we trust, p m 241
Mighty God. p m 234 O bless the Lord, 3 m 326
Mine eyes and my,s m 300 O blessed souls. s m 302
More of Thy, lm 234 0 come and sing, c m 33
More precious, c m 54 0 come, let us, p m 65
Mortals, awake, c m 118 0 come, Thou, l m 242
My God, and is, 1111 156 0 come with us, 0 m 52
My God, how, lm 108 0 Father of hea.. p m 151
My God, how, 0 m 235 O Fa1her of, p m 243

Page Page
0 for a closer, I_‘ m 341 0 that Thou, p m 54
0 for a glance, lm 398 O that Thou, c m 249
0 for a heart, 0m 243 0 Th0n, from, c m 250
O for a shout, c m 309 0 Thou who, p m 251
0 for a thousand, cm 244 0 Thou who hast, 1m 399
O for that flame, lot 387 O I‘nune God, 0 m 251
O God, 1 trust, 0 m 6 0 ’tis a joylul. c m 42
O God, mine in., p m 404
O God of Bethel, 0 m 51 0 what hath Jesus,c m 252
O God, of good, ,0 m 244 O with ‘l‘hy tend’r, c m 30
" O God o1 mercies, lm 105 0 worship the, p m 68
Object ofmy chief, 7‘s 202
U’er the gloomy, p m 242
0 greatly blessed, c m 16 Oh hast Thou, c m 400
0 happy day, lm 245 On Thee each, cm 109
0 happy is the, c m 77 Once more before,p m 163
0 happy they who, 0 m 352 Once to other, 7‘s 253
0 head so full, p m 246 Une there is, 7’s 253
U hear, God of, c m I Our children, 0 m 366
0 help us, Lord, 0m 246 Our Father sits, c m 254
0 Jesus. Lord of, cm 247 Our God—how, c m. 254
O Lord, I would‘ cm 247 Our God is ever, a m 214
O Lord, my best, e m 248 Our God—the, c m 255
O Lord of hosts, cm 27 Our life is hid, cm 286
O Lord our God. 0 m 3 our Lord is risen, Im 135
O Lord the Savi., c m 30 out of the deeps, c m 336
0 our God, we, p m 399 Palms of glory, 7’s 400
0 praise the Lord, 0 m 46 Peace be to this, 7‘s ‘255
O praise the Lord, 0 m 38 People of the. 7’s 256
O praise the Lord, I m 49 Perpetual bless. c m 107
0 praise ye the, p m 48 Pilgrims, burden, 7’s 256
O render thanks, 0 m 35 Plung’d ina gulf, c m 401
O render thanks lo,l m 36 Poor, weak, and, I m 257
O Saviour, whom, c m I22 Pour outThySpir. lm 371
0 send God’s holy, I m 388 Praise the Lord, 7‘s 258
0 send ‘1 by light, c m 20 Praise the Lord, 0 m 257
0 Shepherd of 64 Praise the Lord, 9 m 70’
O sing a new song, 0 m 33 Praise the Lord, 7’s 3B
O Spiritoftheliv., lm 143 Praise to the Lord, In 253
0 sweetest day of, p m 111 Praise waits for, c m 24
0 thanks be to Godp m 248 Praise we Him, 7‘s 411
O that my heart, p m 248 Praise yethe Lord,¢‘ m 24
0 that my load, I m 249 Praise ye the Lord,c m 49
O that our, 1»; 249 Prepare me, grac. s m 151
0 that the Lord, c m 334 Pieserveme, Lord,lm 295

Page Page
Raise your triump. s m 356 Sweet the’moments,7’s 266
Rapid my days, ha 116 Sweet is the work, lm 110
Rejoice, ye right. 0 m 303 Sweet, sweet is, p m 267
Rejoice, ye shin. l m 140 Sweet were the, l m 67
Religion bears, l m 259 Sweeter sounds, 7’: 120
Repuls’d, dispen, 1m 384 Thank and praise, 7’s 68
Return and save, 0 m 2 Thanks be unto, p m 267
Reveal not Thy., p m 259 That man no, lm 268
Rock ofages, 7’s 260 That solemn hour, ha 268
Roll on, thou, p m 259 The Almighty, 1 m 324
Salvation, 0 the. c m 130 The Assyrian came,pm 55
Save me, O God ; c m 312 The blessing, l m 56
Saviour, at Thy, 7’s 352 The castle of the, c m 268
Saviour Divine, c m 261 The countless, l m 269
Saviour, Prince, p m 243 The cross—the lm 361
Saviour, visit, 11 m 261 The God Jehov. s m 66
See Aaron, 0 m 401 The God of Abra. p m 269
See, he comes, 7’: 262 The Lord our, 0m 270
See, Lord, Thy, ha 130 The head that, cm 362
See the sufl'ering. 7’s 252 The heathen per. 1 m 358
Show pity, Lord ; lm 310 The heavens decl. p m 60
Since freely once, u m 376 The heavens deal. I m 59
Sing all ye nations, cm 311 The heavens their, )2 m 138
Sing to the Lord, : m 316 The King Lord, 0 m 9
Sing to the Lord, 0 m 323 The Lord des. cm 8
Sinners, will you, p m 402 The Lord Himself, 0 m 11
Soldiers ofChrist, s m 262 The Lord is come, lm 324
Some sweet, 1: m 411 The Lord is king, 11 m 32
Sometimesalight, p m 263 The Lord my, p m 60
Songs ofimmortal, c m 329 The Lord my, s m 299
Songs of praise, 7’s 403 The Lord, our, 11 m 113
Sound the loud, p m 264 The Lord thejust, c m 18
Sovereign of all, 0 m 159 The Lord the only, 0 m 22
Sovereign Ruler, 7’: 264 The Lord‘s my, 0 m 12
Spared through, 7’s 114 The Lord’s my, 0 m 10
Speed on the, p m 263 The Lord’s my. 0 m 10
Spirit 01‘ God and, c m 146 The love of the Sp.p m 149
Spirit of purity, l m 146 The morning is, p m 354
Stand up andbless, s m 265 The name of, p m 403
Stand up, my soul, I m 265 The praises of my, s m 374
Subjects of the, 7‘s 266 The race that long,c m 79
Sun of my soul, 1 m 345 The Saviour, c m 82
Supreme in wis. cm 80 The Saviour to, p m 189
Sweet and solemn,p m 161 The Saviour ! c m 270
Sweet is the, 0 "I 75 The Son of God, 0 In 333

Pa ge P1198
The souls that c m 271 Thy royal seat, 3 m 21
The spacious. 1 m 58 ’Tis faith that, c m 405
The Spirit breathes cm 271 ’Tis finished, the l m 9’)
The time draws, c m 96 Ti: finished. was 0 1n 91
The truth of Isr. l m 157 ’Tis my happiness, 7’s 405
The veryentrauce,c m 39 To bless Thy, s m 25
The world, p m 272 To God the Lord, I m 72
The year begins. a 1n 117 To God the, p m 64
Thee in my songs, 0 m 14 To God’s own, 0 m 14
Thee we adore, cm 112 To heavenly, ,: m 140
Thee will 1 love, c 111 7 To Him that, c m 101
There is a foun. c m 273 To our Almighty, c m 325
There is a land, c m 273 To our Redeemer,c m 277
They are corrupt, c 111 5 To render thanks, c m 39
They who to Thee, l m 131 To Thee, my Sav. p m 406
Thine earthly Sab. l m 110 To Thee, O Lord, s m 13
Think of the 0 m 314 To Thee our, 1: m 277
This is the day, 0 m 112 To Thee the God, .9 m 15
This is the day, 0 m 109 To Thine Almigh. 0 m 297
This is the day. 0 m 157 To Zion’s hill, 0 m 40
Thou all—being p m 274 To-morrow, Lord, : m 357
Thou art gone, p 1» 380 ‘Twas on that, l m 87
Thou art the way, 0 m ’275 Uprising from, p m 135
Thou blessed, 0 m 274 Vain and presump.c m 98
Thou, gracious, l m 307 Vain are the, c m 92
Thou hast, c m 25 Vain delusive. p m 278
Thou knowest, 0 359 Walk in the light, c m 278
Thou Lamb of, 1-27 We bless the, Iin 312
Thou Lord, by. 44 We bless Thee, 0 m 107
Thou shalt arise, We have heard, p m
35 279
Thou very, 275 We know that, c m 95
Though in 11. 404 We sing Thy, c m 368
Though Jews L‘ m 57 Welcome, bre. 7’s 161
Though others be, p m 276 Welcome sweet, p m 110
Though trouble, 0 m 56 Welcome sweet, s m 353
Though troubles, p m 276 Were l in heaven, 1‘ m 316
Thrice happy man,l m 330 We’ve no abiding, l m 406
Through all the, c m 17 What a rapturous, p m 279
Through sor, c m 276 What hath God, 0 m 2110
Through the day, 7’s 107 What shall I, cm 33?
Thus 1 resolved, 0 111 306 What sinners, l m 28n
Thus speaks the 0 m 84 What though, if, p m 281
Thy gracious fav. 0 m 28 What various, 1 m 407
Thy loving, c m 12 Whate‘er we, 0 m 55
Thy mercy, Lord, 0 m 18 When all Thy, c m 408

_ M
Page Page
When any turn, 0 m 28] Whilein the world, Im 377
When children, t‘ m 375 While others. 0m 77
When darkness, l m 282 While through, lm 384
When first our, c m 388 Who is this that, 7’3 85
When gathering, p m 282 Who place on, cm 41
When God is nigh, l m 295 Whom should I, e m 301
When God of old, 0 m 364 Why did the, e m 291
When God our, cm 296 Why should the, c m 365
When I survey, lm 127 Why those fears, p m 409
When Israel, of, lm 284 With all my, lm 338
When Israel, lm 331 With joy we medi. t; m 410
When man grows, s in 304 With me Thy, cm 39
When marshalled, lm 124 With one consent, 1 m 34
‘When, my Saviour, 7‘s 283 With songs and, c m 339
When, 0 my Sav. c m 353 With Thy coun. p m 287
When on the holy,p m 408 Without blood is, 7’s 287
When passing. p m 283 Ye boundless, p m 47
When the Lord, 7‘s 285 Ye heavens, send, 0 m 82
When to the Lord, 0 m 1 Ye humble souls, c m 134
When we can, 0 "I 286 Ye saints and, p m 69
When we pass, 7’3 285 Ye servants of, p m 70
When Zion’s bond.c m 41 Ye who in His, 7’s 410
Whence those, c m 136 Ye who the name, 0 m 95
Whene’er I find, s m 45 Yes there was, p m 288
Whene’erl make, 0 m 284 Yes, we hope, p m 288
Where high the, lm 98 You now must, 0 m 91
Wherefore do the, 7’s 57 Zion’s king shall, p m 289
While earth-born, p m 74 Zion stands, by, p m 289
While humble, cm 88
w _W 60
- -\=

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