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CASO CLÍNICO 1 Cambiar el ácido acetilsalicílico por el clopidogrel

Continuar con ácido acetilsalicílico

Hombre de 45 años de edad, diestro, es traído a
urgencias por presentar hemiparesia derecha con
afasia global. El cuadro inició hace 6 horas con CASO CLÍNICO 2
déficit neurológico. Se le encuentra con una TA de
210/120 mmHg, glucemia capilar de 110 mg/dL y Un hombre de 58 años de edad, diestro, es
en muy poco tiempo se presenta estuporoso. llevado a Urgencias por presentar un síndrome
Antecedentes personales patológicos de caracterizado por disartria y hemiparesia
insuficiencia renal crónica, osteodistrofia renal, izquierda de 30 min de duración. Al llegar a
hipertensión arterial y diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Urgencias se le encuentra asintomático, con TA de
140/80mmHg y glucemia capilar de 130 mg/dL.
1. ¿Qué forma de enfermedad vascular Familiar refiere antecedente de bypass coronario,
cerebral aguda es más probable que tabaquismo, hipertensión e insuficiencia de
padezca? miembros pélvicos.
Infarto cerebral
Hemorragia intracerebral 6. ¿Qué forma de enfermedad vascular
Hemorragia subaracnoidea cerebral aguda es más probable que
Trombosis venosa cerebral padezca?
Ataque isquémico transitorio
Infarto cerebral
2. ¿Qué mecanismo etiológico pudo originar Hemorragia intracerebral
este padecimiento? Hemorragia subaracnoidea
Enfermedad de pequeño vaso
Hipertensión arterial 7. ¿Cuál es la conducta a seguir en este
Disección carotidea caso?
Dar de alta, pues se ha recuperado ad integrum
Estratificar el riesgo de recurrencia y hospitalizar en
3. ¿Cuál sería la terapéutica ideal en este consecuencia
caso? Observar en Urgencias por 6 horas y dar de alta si no
Colocación de endoprótesis (stent) urgente hay recurrencia
Drenaje del hematoma con craniectomía abierta si Bajar la presión arterial con hipotensores
cumpliera criterios sublinguales
Trombolisis intravenosa con alteplase si cumpliera
Está fuera del periodo de ventana de beneficio del 8. ¿Qué escala para estratificación de riesgo
uso de trombolisis usaría en este caso?
4. ¿Qué porcentaje de mortalidad está ICH score
asociada a este padecimiento? CHADS2
Entre 10-20%
Entre 30-40%
Superior a 60% 9. ¿Qué magnitud de riesgo le corresponde
Superior a 80% a este paciente?
5. ¿Cuál es el tratamiento de prevención Alto
secundaria (prevención de recurrencia) No es posible calcular el riesgo
ideal para este caso?
Control estricto de la presión arterial
Agregar clopidogrel
10.¿Qué complicación debe evitarse en este Disautonomía
caso? Neuritis óptica
Hemorragia intracerebral Encefalopatía y crisis convulsivas
Rotura aneurismática
Recurrencia en la forma de infarto cerebral
Trombosis venosa 14. ¿Qué complicación crónica (riesgo) se
puede presentar en este caso?
Neuritis óptica
Neuropatía craneal múltiple
Una mujer de 41 años de edad, diestra, acude a
Urgencias por presentar paraparesia y retención
de orina. Ella tiene el diagnóstico de lupus
15. ¿Qué marcador serológico es un indicador
eritematoso generalizado aparentemente inactivo
de este riesgo a largo plazo?
desde hace 8 años sin antecedentes de trastornos
Anticuerpos antineuronales
visuales. En la exploración la encuentras con una
Anticuerpos anti-acuaporina 4
agudeza visual en ambos ojos de 20/20, sin
Anticuerpos SSA y SSB
trastornos con la percepción de colores ni
Anticuerpos anti-gliadina
contrastes, cuadriparesia, hiperreflexia,
Hoffmann, Trömner y Babinski, con un nivel de
hipoestesia a todas las modalidades sensitivas a
partir del dermatoma C4.
Hombre de 35 años de edad, diestro, es llevado a
11.¿Qué diagnóstico es más probable en este
Urgencias por presentar paraparesia y trastorno de
la marcha. Padeció un cuadro diarreico hace 1.5
Síndrome de neuromielitis óptica
semanas, con resolución espontánea. Al examen
Encefalomielitis diseminada aguda
físico se le encuentra con cuadriparesia, con mayor
Mielopatía / mielitis transversa
debilidad (0/5) en miembros pélvicos, en
Esclerosis concéntrica de Baló
comparación (1/5) con miembros torácicos, no eleva
las extremidades superiores, ni los hombros, tiene
hiporreflexia generalizada, la respuesta plantar es
12.Usted solicita resonancia magnética
normal y sin trastornos sensitivos.
cervical con resultados de una extensa
zona de desmielinización que abarca los
16. ¿Qué diagnóstico es más probable en este
segmentos C1-C6 y que afecta
discretamente la parte inferior de la
Mielopatía inflamatoria aguda
médula oblonga. También se solicitan la
Síndrome de Guillain-Barré
cuantificación de anticuerpos anti-
Síndrome de Millard-Gubler
acuaporina 4 en plasma, los que se
Síndrome de Foster-Kennedy
informan positivos. Los potenciales
evocados visuales son normales. En este
punto, ¿qué diagnóstico parece más
17. ¿Qué complicación aguda está en riesgo de
presentar este paciente?
Enfermedad de Devic
Falla ventilatoria
Mielitis del espectro neuromielitis óptica (NMO)
Esclerosis múltiple
Síndrome de Foix-Alajouanine

13.¿Qué complicación aguda se puede

18. ¿Qué alteración en el análisis del líquido
presentar en este caso?
cerebroespinal se evidencia típicamente en
Falla ventilatoria
estos pacientes?
Bandas oligoclonales positivas Magnetic resonance imaging
Anticuerpos antiacuaporina-4 positivos Angio-CT of the head
Pleocitosis marcada Lumbar puncture
Disociación proteíno-citológica

23.What is the next step after your suspicion

19.¿Qué otro estudio de extensión solicitaría is confirmed?
en este caso? Magnetic resonance imaging
Resonancia magnética de columna Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound
Estudio de electroconducción nerviosa Electroencephalogram
Electromiografía Cerebral angiography
Potenciales evocados somatosensoriales

24.I n c a s e o f a n e g a t i v e r e s u l t o n
20.De los siguientes, ¿qué tratamiento noncontrast head CT for your initial
propondría en este caso? suspicion, but with a higher probability
Ciclofosfamida intravenosa en bolo that your suspicion is true, what would
Plasmaféresis seguida de inmunoglobulina be the next best step?
Inmunoglobulina seguida de plasmaféresis Lumbar puncture
Plasmaféresis o inmunoglobulina intravenosa Magnetic resonance imaging
Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound

A 50-year-old female is brought to the emergency 25.What is the name of the first headache
center after she experienced sudden onset of episode (the one before the current) the
severe headache which is associated with patient suffered 2 weeks ago?
vomiting, neck stiffness, and left-sided weakness. Migraneous hemorrhage
Her sister noted that she complained about the Sentinel headache
worst headache of her life before she became Jabs and jolts headache
progressively confused. Two weeks ago when she Prognostic headache
returned from jogging she had a moderate
headache beside nausea and photophobia. On the
examination, her temperature is 37.6°C; heart CLINICAL CASE 6
rate 120 bpm; respiration rate 32 bpm, and blood
pressure 180/90 mmHg. She is stuporous and A 30-year-old female presents a 1-month history
moans incoherently. Her right pupil is dilated of intermittent ptosis and fatigue. She has been
with papilledema and ipsilateral ptosis, and she working on a very exigent project in her work and
vomits when a light shines in her eyes. She has she considers that this ptosis is a manifestation of
her left lower droopy face and doesn’t retire her her fatigue. However she became concerned when
left arm and leg to pain as fast as her right side. she developed ptosis acutely at night a month
Her neck is rigid. She has a history of ago. Her 6-year old twins have pointed out to her
hypertension and tobacco use. that she can’t keep up with them when they ride
their bicycles. She has experienced three more
21.What is the most likely diagnosis? ptosis episodes in the past month. All of them
Intracerebral hemorrhage have occurred while she has been working at
Subarachnoid hemorrhage night and she has improved by the morning. She
Transient ischemic attack was healthy until now. Her cranial nerve
Cerebral venous thrombosis examination reveals bilateral ptosis in the
primary gaze, which it gets worse when she holds
an upward gaze for 90 seconds. Her muscular
22.What is the next diagnostic step? strength is normal with the exception in the
Non-contrast CT of the head deltoid muscles bilaterally (4/5). In repetitive
tests, fatigability of right iliopsoas muscle is coma scale. She is admitted to the intensive care
elicited, which improves after 2 minutes of rest. unit.

26.What is the most likely diagnosis? 31.What is the most likely diagnosis?
Myasthenia gravis Subdural hematoma
Guillain-Barré syndrome Epidural hematoma
Devic’s disease Intracerebral hemorrhage
Bell’s palsy Diffuse axonal damage

27.What is the best test to confirm the 32.What is the best test to confirm the
diagnosis? diagnosis?
Anti-aquaporin 4 antibodies Non-contrast CT of the head
Anti-acetylcholine receptor antibodies Magnetic resonance imaging
Electroconduction of the nerves Angio-CT of the head
Antineural antibodies To watch in the Emergency Department for 6 hours

28.What is the next step in therapy? 33.What is the next step in therapy?
Plasmapheresis Craniotomy, duraplasty and evacuation of hematoma
IV steroids Open craniotomy only
IV ciclofosfamide Intranenous thrombolysis
Pyridostigmine and immunosuppression Ventricular derivation

29.In case of a negative result in serological 34.What acute complication should be

tests, what would be the next action to suspected based on her anisocoria?
prove your suspicion? Subfalcine herniation
Lumbar puncture Uncal herniation
Electromyography with Jolly test (repetitive Hydrocephalus
stimulation) Re-bleeding
Electroconduction of the nerves
35.Based on the GCS score, what is the
30.What neoplasm is associated with this Excellent with complete regain of all motor
disorder? functions
Hamartoma Excellent with partial regain of all motor functions
Thymoma Bad, with high mortality or functional complications
Neuroblastoma if she survives
Small cell lung cancer Very bad, without chances to survive


An 18-year-old girl who was riding on the back of A 21-year-old female arrives to the emergency
her boyfriend’s motorcycle without a helmet is department with the complaint of right-hand
admitted on emergency room because she has a weakness. She is taking oral steroids at high doses
left frontal skull fracture and multiple other (1 mg/kg) because she has active systemic lupus
fractures. Her left pupil is abnormally dilated and erythematosus, which was associated with fasting
it has no response. She has 4 points in the Glasgow hyperglycemia and carbohydrate intolerance. On
her clinical examination you notice a left foot
drop and an ipsilateral steppage gait. On sensory
examination you detect allodynia in right upper 41.What would you suggest at this moment?
and left lower extremity. No rash is noted. Try an overlap with valproate and a drug with no
teratogenic profile, but wait the pregnancy
36.What is the most likely diagnosis? Withdraw antiepileptic drugs during pregnancy
Guillain-Barré syndrome and restart after delivery
Combined radiculopathy Pregnancy is contraindicated, thus, contraception
Immune-mediated polyneuropathy should be emphasized
Mononeuritis multiplex Reduce valproate doses but to assure that
minimum therapeutic concentrations are at rate
of 50-70 mcg/mL
37.What is the next step to prove the
Electroconduction studies 42.If this woman is already pregnant and
Magnetic resonance asks for your advice, what would be the
Electromyography best option?
Urgent nerve biopsy Change valproate for another antiepileptic drug
with less teratogenicity
Withdraw antiepileptic drugs during pregnancy
38.What is the appropriate treatment at this and restarting after delivery
point? Pregnancy is contraindicated
Steroids Continue valproate but alert the woman that
IV immunoglobulin seizures could reappear and the teratogenic effect
Alpha interferon in fetus are high
Beta interferon

43.If the patient is planning to get pregnant,

39.What is the best test to confirm the what is the best decision about
diagnosis? supplementation with folic acid?
Electroconduction studies Supplement with 0.4 mg folic acid per oral
Magnetic resonance imaging Supplement with 40 mg folic acid per oral
Electromyography Supplement with 8 mg folic acid per oral
Nerve biopsy Supplement with 4 mg folic acid intravenous

40.What is the main mediating pathogenic 44.If the patient is already pregnant), what
mechanism in this diagnosis? is the best decision with respect to folic
A vasculitic neuropathy acid supplementation?
Immune-mediated axonal loss Supplement with 0.4 mg folic acid daily per oral
Immune-mediated peripheral nerve demyelination Supplement with 4 mg folic acid daily per oral
Toxic peripheral nerve demyelination Supplement with 8 mg folic acid daily per oral
Supplement with 40 mg folic acid daily per oral

45.Beside folic acid, what other vitaminic
A 27-year-old female was diagnosed with juvenile supplementation should be indicated in
myoclonic epilepsy (Janz epilepsy) since the age this patient in case she continues with
of 17 years and she is on valproate therapy, with valproate before and during pregnancy?
optimal control (last seizure 7 years ago). She Vitamin K, 10-20 mg per oral daily
married 2 years ago, now she is planning a Vitamin D, 100 mcg per oral daily
pregnancy, but she hasn’t got pregnant yet. She is Vitamin E, 100 IU per oral daily
concerned about the teratogenicity associated Vitamin E, 400 IU per oral daily
with her antiepileptic therapy.

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