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 El uso del condicional significa que una acción depende de otra. Los condicionales
se utilizan para hablar sobre situaciones reales o irreales. En general, las frases
condicionales llevan la palabra “if” (si).
 Ten en cuenta que no existe un tiempo verbal para el condicional en inglés como
existe en español. A la vez, se usa el verbo auxiliar “would” para formar el
condicional en inglés.
 Hay cuatro tipos de frases condicionales y el uso de uno u otro refleja la
probabilidad de la acción.


I. Zero Conditional: Se usa este tipo de condicional cuando la condición y el

resultado siempre es verdad, como por ejemplo los hechos científicos.

[If + presente simple] + [Presente simple]

 Examples:

a) If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils. (Si calientas agua a 100 grados,
b) If public transport is efficient, people stop using their cars. (Si el transporte
público es eficiente, la gente deja de usar sus autos)
c) If you cross the line, you are in our country. (Si cruzas la línea, estás en nuestro
d) If children study, then their parents are happy. (Si los niños estudian, sus padres
son felices)
e) Plants die if they don’t get enough water. (Las plantas mueren si obtienen
suficiente agua)

II. First Conditional: Este tipo de condicional se utiliza para el futuro y en los
casos en que es muy probable que la condición pasará.

[if + presente simple] + [Futuro simple (will)]


 Examples:

A. Si no termino mi tarea, no iré a la fiesta - If I do not finish my homework, I will not


B. Si él no estudia, no pasara el examen - If not study, do not pass the exam

C. Si tengo tiempo, visitare a mi abuela - If I have time, visit my grandmother

D. Si te sientes enfermo, debes ir al doctor - If you feel sick, you go to the doctor

E. Si ellos no vienen aquí, tendremos que ir a su casa - If they do not come here,

we'll have to go home

III. Second Conditional: Se utiliza el tipo 2 para expresar una posibilidad irreal en
el presente, como un deseo o un sueño, o para una acción en el futuro no tan

[if + pasado simple] + [condicional simple (would)] (Duda)

 Examples:

a) If I were taller, she would like me. (Si fuera más alto, le gustaría.)
b) If I won the lottery, I would buy my dream house. (Si ganara la lotería, compraría
la casa de mis sueños.)
c) If she lost weight, the dress would fit. (Si perdiera peso, el vestido le quedaría
d) If we lived in France we learned French very fast. (Si viviéramos en Francia
aprenderíamos francés muy rápido.)
e) If they were in our place, they would do the same thing. (Si estuvieran en nuestro
lugar, harían lo mismo.)

IV. Third Conditional: A diferencia a los tipos 1 y 2, se utiliza el tercer tipo de

condicional cuando hablamos de una condición en el pasado que no ha

[if + pasado perfecto simple] + [Condicional perfecto (would have+participio)


 Examples:

a) What you would have done if you had been in my shoes? – ¿Qué hubieras hecho si
te hubiera ocurrido a ti?
b) Yesterday she played the lottery and she did not win. If she had won the lottery, she
would have booked holidays in the Caribbean. – Ayer ella jugó a la lotería y no
ganó. Si ella hubiera ganado la lotería, hubiera reservado unas vacaciones en el
c) If he had studied medicine he would have been a very good doctor. – Si él hubiera
estudiado medicina, hubiera sido un gran doctor.

Tipo de Uso Tiempo verbal de Tiempo verbal de la

oración la proposición proposición
condicional "if" principal

Tipo 0 Hechos generales Simple present Simple present

Tipo 1 Una condición posible y Simple present Simple future

su resultado probable

Tipo 2 Una condición Simple past Present conditional o

hipotética y su Present continuous
resultado probable conditional

Tipo 3 Una condición no real Past perfect Perfect conditional

del pasado y su
resultado probable en
el pasado


A. First conditional. Complete the following sentences.

1. If it (rain) rains we (stay) will stay at home.

2. If you (know/not) __________ the way, I (pick) ________ you up.
3. My mum (bake) ___________ a cake if you (come) ________ to see us.

B. Second conditional. Complete the following sentences.

1. If you (study) studied harder, you (get) would get better marks in your tests.
2. If I (be) ___________ rich, I (travel) __________ around the world.
3. She (come) __________ to the market with us if she (have/not) ___________ to

C. Third conditional. Complete the following sentences.

1. If you (help) had helped us, we (finish) would have finished the work in next to
no time.
2. I (call) ____________ you earlier if I (lose/not) __________ your phone number.
3. They (go/not) ______________ to the theatre by car if the
weather (be) _________________ better.


1. Complete the following sentences with the correct type of conditional:

a) If I _________________ (know) the truth I wouldn’t have said those stupid words.

b) If I _________________ (have) more money I would buy a new house.

c) John _________________ (come) if Mary calls him.

d) If I __________________ (be) you, I would visit Ann.

e) You ____________________ (not arrive) on time unless you hurry up.

f) If I ____________________ (study) harder I will pass my two exams tomorrow.

g) Rose ___________________ (come) if you hadn’t been so stupid with her.

h) If you heat the water, it _________________ (boil).

i) Maria’s baby _______________________ (sleep) if you kept silence.

j) Vanessa _____________________ (pass) her exams if she feels confident.

2. Complete the following conditional sentences using the correct structure:

1. If the house hadn't burned I ____________________it. It was big and beautiful.

2. I would have chosen exam B if I ____________________it was much easier.

3. If Sarah ______________________I would be happier than ever.

4. If you draw well you ____________________a great architect.

5. I _______________________better if you teach me well.

6. I would drink a beer if I _____________________it. I prefer fizzy drinks.

7. If she ______________________I would laugh very much.

8. I would have felt better if she _________________to me. But she didn't do it.

3. check the option that completes the sentence correctly

If I were rich, I ____ a new house (Si fuera rico, compraría una casa nueva).
Would buy
Would have bought
Will buy

If you call me, I ____ (Si me llamas, vendré).

Will come

If you ____, you will pass (Si has estudiado, aprobarás).

Had studied
Have studied

If she had come, she ____ you (Si hubiera venido, te habría visto).
Would has seen
Would have see
Would have seen

If you shout, she ____ you off (Si gritas, te va a regañar).

Will tell
Would tell
Will told

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