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1. INTRODUCCION.....................................................................................................................3
2. DIAGNOSTICO DEL MANEJO DE CONFLICTOS................................................................4
3. CASO MILKS INC....................................................................................................................6
4. CONCLUSIONES.....................................................................................................................9


La gestión del manejo de conflictos es importante en cualquier organización, a

través de ella logramos identificar fuentes y causas de los problemas los cuales permiten
hacer un plan de mejora y tomar acciones que apunten al logro de metas y objetivos.

A parte de ello, saber identificar las habilidades que cada persona debe tener y el rol
que puede llegar a desempeñar es fundamental en un equipo de trabajo, de esta manera la
retroalimentación frente a la crítica se hace constructiva mejorando el clima laboral.

Esta guía, nos muestra una serie de habilidades en contextos distintos

comprendiendo la importancia del manejo de conflictos evitando así reprocesos e
incumplimientos de la productividad empresarial.


Desarrolle el cuestionario de diagnóstico para manejar conflictos del libro guía.

El formulario lo encuentra en el siguiente vínculo Encuesta de manejo de conflictos.
Responda el cuestionario y consigne los resultados en la columna Evaluación Previa
del archivo clave de resultados las siguientes preguntas que encuentra en el siguiente
vínculo Clave de Resultados Manejo Conflicto.

Se desarrolló el cuestionario de diagnóstico en el formato establecido, se adjunta a esta

guía archive de Excel.

Write down two paragrapsh explaining two aspects or insights of this skill that
are most important to you. Might be areas of weakness, the area’s most want to
improve, or the most relevant areas for a problem that is facing at this time. El
objeto de aprendizaje titulado “Managing interpersonal conflict”.

One of the main skills that every person should have and more a leader within the
organization is the proper management of conflicts, finding the right way to create
conditions that encourage a constructive confrontation of the conflict. For me the three
aspects that are: when someone needs to correct themselves, when someone complains
about something that I have done and when I am the mediator between two people, it is
very important to know how to manage them, they are aspects that every person must learn
to manage to contribute to An adequate work environment.

As boss I am very strict in terms of the execution of tasks and tasks, therefore I am
calling to know how to teach and correct, my temperament does not help much, since it is a
little strong, but he knows how to handle it to be able to guide my work team , know how to
give the instructions to have the expected result and thus not offend or make the person feel

People with strong temperament are often difficult to take corrections in the best
way, however experience has taught me that it is better to listen and think before speaking,
open the heart and let in the good criticisms and corrections of my act, both Personally and

One of my greatest skills is mediation, a weight of having a strong temperament, a

characteristic and more than that, what I would call as a principle, is knowing how to put
myself in the place of the other, knowing their weaknesses, concerns, strengths and
knowing how to understand to a certain extent his behavior without losing the north and the
objective, this, to be able to evaluate and know how to guide the work and in the occasions
that a conflict or problem warrants, in order to have a positive change that contributes to a
good working environment .

Identify the scenario or situation where to apply this skill. Set performance
plan, indicating a description of the situation. Who else is involved? When will?
Where it will be held?

As a quality coordinator in a school, I was appointed by the rectory to mediate

between two teachers from the same area that came to a conflict at a point of elevation to
the labor coexistence committee, such as workplace harassment.

To begin with the process, first inquire with the coordination of human talent about
all written and verbal complaints about the problem, this in order to be able to find out
everything and thus be able to have more arguments to get to the cause and root and
Evaluate the best solution to the conflict.

Then quote the two teachers in the boardroom of the school, in order to learn from
each other the problem that was generating the disagreement. One of them expresses that
she was harassed by the other teacher because she criticized all the work (planning, mesh,
classes, etc.) in a negative way, to the point of feeling ignorant, followed by the atmosphere
of the other teachers, generating rumors of hallway. Another teacher expressed that at no
time had she done what she had, which she simply suggested how things were done
according to her experience and thinking about the needs of the students.

After a heated dialogue, make a list of the causes, placing it in consensus, as well as
the positive aspects of the one and the other, as well as the perception of each of the front of
the work they had to do, this to achieve find the best solution without harming the school,
the students or themselves. One concludes first of the misunderstanding of what one of the
teachers wanted to decide by apologizing for the inconvenience generated and the other
teacher also requested excuses for bringing this situation to that point. The responsibilities
and roles of each one were clarified so that they did not lose the north and the limits of each
one's work.

How do you know if your performance was effective? Please explain what are
the indicators of success to measure your performance?

The performance that I had as a role of medication or effective fuel, since at the end
of the meeting the teachers managed to understand the mistakes that each one had and for
which a bad work environment was generated, they identified the weaknesses and strengths
of each in order for everyone to understand what he did wrong and what he should correct.

It was a successful meeting, since it was possible to identify with the pedagogical
coordinator that after this mediation, the teachers delivered a good year-end analysis of
each of their areas, working together, being able to identify that there was a good attitude
and response Facing the problem and willingness to change.


You are Mr. Smith, Sales Director at Milks Inc. The company has an average
performance for a rapidly growing market. The new CEO, Mario Savala, is making a
lot of pressure on you to increase sales. You feel the main obstacle is the company´s
credit policy. Miryam, the head of the credit department, insists that all new
customers must fill out an extensive credit application. Credit risk should be low; the
terms of borrowing and collection procedures are inflexible. You are capable to

understand their point of view, but you consider it is unrealistic. Competitors are
much more lenient in their credit analysis; they extend credit to higher risks; Credit
terms are more favorable, and are more flexible in the collection of overdue payments.
Your sales staff often complain that they are not "playing on equal terms" against the
competors. When you communicated this concern to Mario, he said he wanted you
and Miryam talk about this issue. His instructions did not give many clues about your
priorities on this issue. He said: “Sure, we need to increase sales, but we have to be
careful not to make bad lending decisions." Now, you decide it is time to have a
serious conversation with Miryam.

What are the salient situational factors? Justify your answer.

The situational factors of the case are:

• The pressure exerted for the increase in sales of its credit products due to the high
competition of the sector and the average performance presented by the company.

• The unfavorable and restrictive internal credit policies which do not allow access to
products by all people causing market loss.

• An environment of pressure and stress due to the pressure of bosses to increase sales,
generating conflicts between sales and credit people, generating a loss of the north and non-
fulfillment of objectives.

• The attitude of evasion of the manager regarding not giving clear instructions, not making
decisions that lead to increased sales and restructuring of credit policies, this case to the
sales director without any support.

Please respond what is the strategy most appropriate way to conflicts? Justify
your answer.

For this case, I believe that the best strategy is the method of resolving conflicts of
commitment, an intermediate point between assertiveness and cooperation, the commitment
on the part of the manager to provide the appropriate guidelines for achieving the
objectives, which in this case It is the increase in sales and the commitment on the part of

the sales and credit directors to propose improvements to the processes that contribute to
this achievement of objectives.

This achieves a teamwork united by the fulfillment of a common goal: the

organizational one.


El desarrollo de esta guía fue muy útil aportando herramientas para saber manejar
un conflicto desde distintos roles, es inevitable que en un ambiente laboral se presenten
inconvenientes que opaquen las buenas relaciones, es por esto importante poder prevenirlos
sabiendo escoger muy bien al personal y entrenándolo para fortalecer esas habilidades que
mejoren un trabajo en equipo.

Finalmente es importante que todo el personal de una organización conozcan muy

bien los métodos para resolver conflictos, que las personas se identifiquen en cada uno de
ellos y sepan identificar la fuente o raíz para de esta manera saber tomar las mejores
decisiones para el logro de logro de metas y objetivos.

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